#and being around people i don’t know at the pool today
harryseyebrows · 2 years
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rose-pearls · 4 months
The perils of love
Summary: being in love with Luke seemed to be a bad idea as you realise that he doesn't seem to be interested. But as you get ready to move on from love entirely your father decides to appear and two people fall for you.
Main Taglist : @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989 (open)
Part 2
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Luke Castellan, everyone knew him at camp either for his sword skills or just his kind smiles for every camper that walked into the Hermes cabin. You had fallen for him the moment you met him, sweet brown eyes and a kind smile had you into a puddle. 
You had been twelve, wandering around the Hermes cabin, waiting desperately for your parent to claim you but the days went by, and you still were there. The little girls crush however didn’t went by but grew stronger every day you saw the boy who slowly turned into a man that had all the girls going crazy over him.  
He had been kind to you but there was always a look that you couldn’t decipher, until today that was.
“So, where is your number one fan Luke?”, you hear Chris say in a teasing tone and after a moment you hear Chris say your name, as if to make it clear it was you. 
“I don’t know and frankly I don’t have the time to care right now,” Luke says after letting out a sigh, but you felt your chest tighten at the words. Chris snorts at the words and you don’t expect what he says next.
“You know that there is a betting pool as to when the both of you are going to date,” you don’t know how Luke reacts, as you are practically one with the wall, but you hear him snort.
“Please, she is a sweet girl, but I would never date her. I don’t know how to explain it but sometimes she can just be a little-”, he seems to be trying to find his words and as you wait for it you feel tears brimming in your eyes at his previous statement.
“Clingy? I mean she is practically everywhere you are.”, the words are like a bullet to your heart, particularly when you hear Luke agree.
“I know right, I mean I know that she is still part of the Hermes cabin as she hasn’t been claimed yet but still,” you try to blink the tears away, not willing to cry as you hear the words being said by the man you had always looked up to. 
“Maybe she will never be claimed, I mean after three years,” Chris says, and you can hear the grimace in his voice, he says it with such carelessness as if you haven’t been thinking about the same thing every night for the past three years, wondering what was wrong with you.
“We’ll see what happens I guess, but maybe it would be good for her to be in another cabin,” Luke says, he looks like he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, but Chris adds one last phrase to their conversation.
“Or better for you,” there is a quiet hum of agreement and that is the only thing you need before leaving the cabin quietly, the book that you had come for quickly forgotten.
You knew it was pitiful, the fact that they all seemed to know that you liked the Hermes boy and that they all pitied you for it. Because in the end the boy would never go for you, he had a hundred girls waiting for him and yet here you were hoping for the impossible.
Tears are brimming in your eyes, but you quickly brush them away, not wanting to cry after what had happened, you needed to be strong now. It was time for you to get over that stupid crush and get on with your life, maybe if you trained more your godly parent would finally recognize you and claim you.
“What are you doing here all alone?”, you suddenly hear someone say behind you and you turn around to find Annabeth looking at you with worried eyes.
“Thinking, the lake always seems to sooth me,” you say, the words coming a bit weaker than you intended them too. The girl simply nods at your words before sitting down next to you.
“What about you?”, you quietly ask her, and she lets out a sigh.
“Needed to get out a little bit, I can only strategise so much before going crazy,” she says with a small smile, and you can’t help but smile at her words.
“I’m sure your strategy will be incredible, as always,” you tell her and she simply nods, looking too far into her thoughts.
“Chiron is thinking of splitting up the Hermes cabin,” she suddenly says, and you turn to look at her in surprise.
“Really? How so?”, you can’t help but ask, wondering if this is maybe your chance to get a bit away from a certain Hermes boy.
“He thinks that the unclaimed children and children of minor gods should get the chance to chose in which team they want to be,” she looks conflicted, and you can understand why, this could mean less people for the blue team, her team.
“It seems like a kind gesture,” you can’t help but say and Annabeth nods in agreement.
“It is, although he could’ve said it sooner, now we all need to find a different strategy and we are going crazy with figuring out who will be on our team,” she seems overwhelmed, and you can’t help but put your hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down.
“Hey, calm down it will all be alright,” you tell her, and she takes a deep breath before slowly nodding in agreement.
“I know, I just don’t want to lose,” she says with a pout, and you can finally see the twelve-year-old she really is, that childlike excitement at the thought of capture the flag.
The both of you are deep in thought before her voice breaks the silence, her voice small as she talks.
“Which team are you choosing?”, it was probably a valid question to ask, you were unclaimed so you could technically choose which team to be on, but you just couldn’t get the previous conversation you had heard out of your head.
“The fact that you aren’t saying anything makes me think that you are going to go on the red team,” it seems like she is trying to tease you but there is some sort of hurt woven into her words.
“Don’t take it personally,” you can’t help but say, as much as you would’ve liked staying on the blue team you just couldn’t bear to be that close to Luke after what you had heard. You didn’t know what you would be doing tonight as you were sleeping in the same cabin as always, but he wouldn’t pay attention to you not unless you went to him.
“Did something happened with Luke?”, the carefully asked question makes you look at Annabeth with wide eyes, she had an understanding look in her eyes and you couldn’t help but curse the fact that she was Athena’s daughter.
“Nothing happened, I just realised that maybe I should get to know other people and that maybe it would get me out of my comfort zone,” there are a lot of things unsaid, Annabeth knows it too. Luckily, she doesn’t know of the conversation you had heard, or the fact that the words had cut you deeper than you could’ve ever thought they would. 
“You should probably tell Chiron and the red team, I heard that they were planning a strategy evening to talk about what they were going to do tomorrow,” you try to find anger in Annabeth’s eyes but there is only understanding and a lingering sadness that seems to disappear as you get up.
“Good idea, I will be doing that right now. Good luck on the strategy and don’t drive yourself crazy Annabeth you will do great,” you tell her, and a sweet smile appears on her lips as she nods slowly making you smile at her.
“Don’t be a stranger!”, she yells as you are about to leave, and you turn around to smile at her.
“I won’t!”, she looks reassured at the words before turning back to the water, leaving you to go towards Chiron office. 
“A little birdie told me you were on the red team,” you hear someone say and turn around to find Clarisse smirking at you.
“Would that little birdie be Chiron?”, you ask, feeling breathless after trying to stab the dummy about a hundredth time with your sword.
“I don’t reveal my sources princess,” she says with a smirk while you feel your cheeks heat up, you tell yourself it’s because of the work out you just did.
“We have a meeting tonight, after dinner at the Ares cabin,” she says while looking around the rink before picking up a sword.
“I’ll be there,” you tell her, expecting the girl to leave you alone but she just comes closer to you.
“After that there is a movie night and a sleepover, one of the Aphrodite kids managed to convince Chiron to allow it,” the words leave you confused for a moment, how would you even have a movie night with all these people.
“Only a few people are invited for that part,” she clarifies, and you feel breathless at the sight of her warm brown eyes, seemingly forgetting about other brown eyes.
“How come I am invited?”, you can’t help but ask, wondering why the Ares girl suddenly seemed sweet to you when she was practically attacking anyone else. 
“Don’t ask too many questions or you’ll be uninvited princess,” the nickname rolls of her tongue in a way that makes your cheeks go red, once again.
“Fine I’ll stop asking questions and just come with my pajama’s,” you tell her, and a satisfied grin makes his way on her lips.
“Good, now back to serious stuff you were holding your sword the wrong way,” she says like it’s a fact, as if she was pointing out that the sky was blue.
“No, I wasn’t!”, you can’t help but say looking at her with wide eyes.
“Yes, it is, let me help you fix it. I need the best people on my team after all,” you get ready to object but as you feel her get behind you putting her hand over yours on the sword to put your hand correctly you find yourself speechless.
The next hour is spent fighting against each other, but you can’t stop laughing as Clarisse tells you stories of her siblings to try and distract you, which ultimately works as you often end up on your ass. You don’t even seem to notice another pair of brown eyes looking at you, farther away, brows furrowed as he looks at the scene in front of him.
“Welcome to the exclusive sleepover,” you hear a soft voice say and you turn around to find Silena smiling kindly at you, two glasses in her hands before giving one to you.
“Thank you, guess they really were exclusive as I had never heard of them before,” you say, feeling a bit nervous as you look around the room only to find Clarisse in a heated discussion with another Aphrodite girl.
“Clarisse only invites people that she trusts or likes, which isn’t many, but she does cares for them,” Silena smiles at the Ares girl in front of you and you can’t help but do the same, Clarisse always seemed to be angry but in that moment, she seemed far more softer.
“I’m glad she trusts me,” you say, somehow missing the look Silena gives you, a look of confusion as you seem to have missed her clue on Clarisse liking you.
Clarisse had always been discrete about it, but Silena had caught her looking at you far too often to not know about it. Her fingers always seemed to itch when you were sword fighting, as if she was itching to get your posture right and to be able to touch you even for just a few seconds. You only had eyes for the Castellan boy, or it seemed that way until yesterday when Chiron told them that you would be on their team. Silena didn’t ask much of her mother but in that moment, she couldn’t help but ask her mother for help to get the both of you together. Clarisse deserved her happy ending and you deserved someone who would love you for who you were.
She gets woken from her thoughts as she hears Clarisse talking to you, there is a nervousness in her gestures as she pushes her hair behind her ear, but you don’t seem to realize it as you recount a story. Silena quietly gets up from her spot, and sends and encouraging look towards Clarisse, who seems a bit more at ease now. 
Capture the flag is a mess, more than the last time but you try not to let your mind wander too long. A boy that you think is from the Hephaestus cabin runs towards you and you sigh in annoyance before starting to fight against him, quickly ‘killing’ him and making him surrender. 
You had been tasked with trying to find the blue flag, but it seemed as if Annabeth had found a really good spot this time, and she had put more people in defense. After a while you wondered if you had the wrong hunch until you saw something blue flickering in the reflection of your sword. As you turned to look behind you, you saw the blue flag but weirdly there was no one around it.
“This feels like a trap,” you can’t help but whisper under your breath as you try to hide behind the bushes but a blade against your neck makes you stop in your steps.
“Sorry, but I need to do this,” you hear someone say and you turn around to find a sheepish Percy looking at you.
“Hi Percy,” you say with a kind smile and the boy smiles back, looking reassured that you aren’t mad or swinging your sword at him.
“How are you doing?”, you can’t help but ask, you hadn’t seen him since he had been claimed by Poseidon, but the boy seemed healthy.
“Good, well as good as you can when you learn that your father is one of the big three’s and that your life will be a hellhole,” he says with a roll of his eyes, and you can’t help but snort.
“Still as sarcastic I see,” you can’t help but say while laughing and a sheepish grin forms itself on his lips.
“Can’t help it,” he says while shrugging his shoulders.
“It’s a shame you aren’t on our team,” he says quietly, and you smile softly, the two of you had talked a lot when he had arrived, and you felt close to him.
“Maybe next time,” you tell him and the boy smiles at the answer before asking you a question and the two of you talk for a moment before you hear a battle cry and see the red team suddenly making their way in the clearing, the blue team also appearing.
Percy and you look at each other with wide eyes before you take out your sword.
“If you don’t say anything about this, I won’t say anything,” Percy nods quickly and the both of you break away from the tree you were behind before joining your team as Percy joins his.
An Apollo girl comes running towards you, but you quickly manage to disarm her, others following behind her, but you are in such a haze that you don’t realize how close you are getting to the flag. That is until you are met with a familiar blade, Luke’s. 
The boy is looking at you, slightly out of breath from the fighting just like you.
“You can always abandon now sweetheart,” he says and can’t help but blush slightly at the familiar nickname. 
“No chance Castellan, give me your worst,” this seems to make the boy laugh before he quickly wields his swords, yours clashing against his in familiar movements. You had fought many times against Luke as he had taught you how to fight but you had a new trick up your sleeve that Clarisse had taught you. She had told you that his left leg was his weakness, a bruise that had never really fully recovered. 
So, when the opportunity presents itself, you wield your sword against his left leg, making sure not to hurt him too much. But as you hit the spot Luke winces in pain and his sword leaves his hand. You don’t think at that point and simply continue straight to the flag, whispering a soft ‘sorry’ as you go to the Hermes boy.
You manage to take the flag before seeing Percy coming towards you with his sword, you expect the hit, but he seems transfixed, looking at something above you. There is a loud silence, on a battlefield that was filled with battle cries just a second ago.
Chiron’s voice suddenly comes up, suddenly saying your name.
“Daughter of Zeus, king of the gods,” the rest of his words are lost as you look up, only to see the symbol of Zeus above your head, your father’s symbol.
You didn’t know how to feel, you had been waiting for so long but now that it was happening you just felt lost. Why was he claiming you right now?
“Congratulations! Seems like we are cousins now,” you suddenly hear Percy say, he has a bright smile on his lips, but there is also sadness in his eyes. It takes you a few seconds to understand why, you were now a child of the big three, which meant your life was about to be a hellhole as Percy had said.
“Always though there was something familiar between the two of us,” you try to say in a teasing tone, but it falls flat, Percy nodding in understanding.
As you turn around to look at the rest of the camp you see Luke looking at you with wide brown eyes, as if he was seeing you for the first time. You turn your gaze towards Clarisse who is looking at you with a proud smile and something else that you can’t quite understand.
There was surely a lot of trouble coming but not the one you were expecting, it would be far more complicated than monsters or a father that decided to appear after fifteen years. Matters of the heart were after all the most complicated of all, particularly between a daughter of Zeus, a daughter of Ares and a son of Hermes. 
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saetoru · 10 months
contents. here is a lil prequel to this btw, basically this is suguru’s shower scene but if he actually had someone to take care of him, reverse comfort, aka my extremely self indulgent drabble of fixing suguru before he turns into a mass murderer <3
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it’s been a while—suguru has been in that shower for long enough that you’re starting to grow concerned. you contemplate for a bit, whether it’s a good idea or not to enter the boys shower, weighing the possibilities of being caught.
satoru’s not here, you reason, nanami and haibara are gone too, and yaga shouldn’t notice either—so, with a heavy sigh, you walk up to the door, opening it slowly. you can see him, standing as the water pours over his body, not even moving a little when you enter.
suguru is not the same—not after everything that’s happened. you can tell, you can see it under his eyes from the lack of sleep, you can see it in his cheekbones as they show a bit more from the lost weight, you can see it in the stiffness of his body when you’re around him. he’s not the same, and no one’s seem to have noticed, but you have. you always have.
you slowly strip from your clothing, walking up to him quietly until your arms circle his waist and your cheek rests against his bare back.
“baby,” you hum, “you’re turning into a prune. look at your skin,” you grab his hand, running a thumb over the tips of his fingers, wrinkly from the water.
he gives you an empty chuckle—you don’t think you’ve heard a real laugh from suguru since that day. “but aren’t i a handsome prune?” he mumbles.
“of course,” you kiss his shoulder, “the handsomest.”
“that’s a relief,” he says playfully—there’s nothing playful about his tone, though. it’s numb, automatic, like he’s trained himself to respond to you the way he always does. but you can feel it. he’s not the same.
“you’ve been in here a while. i got tired of waiting.”
“sorry,” he drops his hand from yours, falling limply to his side, “lost track of time, i guess.”
“suguru,” you say softly, “what’s wrong?”
he’s quiet, probably contemplating his answer. no one else might’ve noticed, but you have. you always do—he knows you always will. finally, he decides to answer, “are you really asking me that?”
“yes,” you say firmly, “i want to hear it. i want you to hear it. stop pushing it down.”
“i’m fine,” he mutters, “just tired.”
“i know,” you say softly, “i know you’re tired. what’s got you so tired?”
gently, your arms twist his body—he doesn’t put up a fight, just spins to face you until his face is digging into your neck on instinct. he can smell your body wash, can inhale the familiar scent of you from here. there are no curses to consume and no people to save at the risk of himself here, just the soft feeling of your skin and the warm press of your lips on his head.
riko would’ve liked you, he thinks. he can’t help it.
for a fleeting moment, when his hand was outstretched to her, he’d wondered if you’d like her too. he’d decided you would—you’re kind, you always have enough love for one more person. you’ll like riko, he’d thought. and then just like that, she’d been on the floor, dark pool of blood under her head.
you never got to meet her, and he never got to introduce you.
“what’s wrong, sugu?” you ask again, voice more delicate this time.
“everything,” he whispers.
he’s tired, so incredibly tired. suguru is exhausted. so for today, he’ll let you pick up the pieces. he doesn’t want to worry about you right now, doesn’t want to think about whether or not the edges will be sharp enough to slice your fingertips. suguru is exhausted—so for once, he lets you worry about him instead.
“i see,” you nod, letting your fingers trail to his head, stroking the wet strands gently as he trembles against your body, “everything is a lot. let’s start with just one, yeah?”
“i hate the taste of curses,” he spits, “it tastes like vomit.”
“that’s no good,” you agree, and then you’re pulling his head out of your neck—he wants to protest, wants to stay right where he is so he doesn’t have to face you, or anything. but you’re insistent, gentle as you are firm, cupping his cheeks as you force him to look at you. “can you still taste it?”
“yeah,” he nods. it’s true, he can’t forget the taste even if he tries. it’s like a phantom pain—but it resides on his tongue, haunting him long after it’s gone, even as he breathes and swallows and talks. “i hate it.”
your lips are on his after that, soft and sweet against his mouth. he can taste the strawberry of your chapstick, the familiar taste of you that he also could never forget. it washes down the vile taste of curses easily, so he leans in for more. and more. and more. he needs more.
“what about that?” you ask, stroking his cheek when you pull away, “how does that taste?”
“good,” he says shakily, “i…i like that.”
“i know you do,” you smile, pecking the corner of his mouth, “i can’t change how curses taste. but if i could, i’d make them strawberry flavored for you.”
he chuckles at that—it’s small, but it’s real. for the first time in a long time. it’s real.
suguru hates how curses taste, and you can’t change that, but you can help make swallowing become easier. he’ll take it—he’ll take anything you give.
“that might make the job easier,” he says, burying his face back into your neck, “they’d taste like you.”
“i’ll kiss you then,” you stroke his hair, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his head. his lips wobble, vision turning blurry. suguru is tired—he doesn’t want to hold it in anymore. “after every curse you swallow, i’ll kiss you. it’ll make it easier.”
“i don’t know if it will,” he admits, “this….what do we do it for? none of it is easy.”
he used to think it was. fighting curses was easy—satoru and him were the strongest. fighting curses was like stepping on ants as they walk on the concrete, crushing them before they can bite anyone. but he starts to wonder if people deserve to be bitten, if the people who kick at ant piles mindlessly for fun deserve to be saved from themselves.
you think for a bit, contemplating his question as the water runs over both of your bodies, slipping into the thin crevices between your skin and his.
“it’s not,” you agree, “it’s not easy. i would’ve loved to meet riko. i know you wanted me to. i’m sorry, suguru.”
somewhere along with the water on your shoulder mixes his tears, and his body shakes against yours. suguru is tired. he’s tired of swallowing curses and tasting bile. he’s tired of pretending the weak are innocent. he’s tired of carrying so much weight on his young, innocent shoulders. they deserve to be free.
“is it worth saving them?” he asks as he sniffles, “if they clap over people like us dying?”
“people like us aren’t always so different,” you point out.
people like us don’t need saving, he wants to argue—but you don’t give him a chance to, turning the water off behind him as you stand there holding him as he leans into you.
“there will always be someone who needs to be saved,” you murmur, “and there will always be something they need to be saved from. it’s not always as simple as curses and exorcisms, though.”
“that doesn’t make any sense,” he frowns, “that’s the whole point of jujutsu. to exorcise curses.”
“and if we exorcised them all? would that make everyone safe?”
“maybe not,” he furrows his eyebrows, “but at least we wouldn’t be dying for them.”
“you never know,” you reach for the towel, slowly pulling away and patting his skin gently as you dry his dripping skin, “maybe you’d die from something worse.”
“what could be worse?” he asks bitterly. he doesn’t understand. but you smile, pressing a kiss to his jaw as you brush his bangs from his face.
“i don’t know,” you shrug, “but i’m sure there’s something. there’s always something worse. but there’s always something better too.”
he still doesn’t completely understand. but the weight on his shoulder doesn’t feel as heavy when you lean and kiss it again—he feels like at least some of his youth is still his, still yours.
“you make no sense,” he grunts, scowling when you ruffle his hair obnoxiously with a giggle.
“well, maybe you’ll make sense of things after a nap,” you poke his chest accusingly, “you really need one. and then you’ll eat something. c’mon.”
“i don’t sleep with wet hair,” he reminds you as you tug him along, stopping where his clothes hang. you gesture at him to hold his arms up, grabbing his shirt. he rolls his eyes and indulges you, letting you dress him.
“i’ll dry it for you,” you chuckle, “my sugu is so high maintenance.”
and then, before you can turn to grab your own clothes, he tugs your wrist and pulls you in, kissing you hard, kissing you hungrily, kissing you like you’re all he has. just because he can. he can taste the last bits of your chapstick—he wants to keep tasting it forever. it’s strawberry, his favorite.
“i like strawberries,” he presses his forehead to yours, closing his eyes, “so don’t change the flavor.”
“okay,” you grin, cupping his cheeks, “i’ll always get strawberry for my sugu.”
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he just needed a few kissies and he would’ve been fine. i guess i’ll take one for the team and kiss him a few times 😔 i guess i can take the responsibility of loving him 😔 i’ll be fine guys no need to worry about me 😔
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satoruhour · 11 months
a/n: racer jjk men …….. mmgfnghgn..gg.f.. if u can tell i’ve never watched f&f, you would be correct. i only watched tokyo drift for research 😭 also im talking out of my ass by using random car terminology !!!! i don’t even know whether anything i said was possible so just close one eye please :3
warnings: essentially car sex & pet names & unprotected sex for everything, fingering, clit stimulation, praise, public sex, geto listens in on a call, riding, implied p → v penetration, implied creampie / breeding, implied threesome w/ stsg (gojo), clit stimulation, handjob, semi-public sex, p → v penetration, doggy, geto asks and then takes a pic of you, creampie / breeding (geto), praise, oral (f receiving), fingering, pleasure dom nanami, squirting, clit stimulation (nanami), age gap (reader’s early 20s, toji is forty), oral (m receiving) while driving, facefucking, semi-public sex, clit stimulation, daddy kink, implied p → v penetration (toji), n*sfw under the cut
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“my, my,” gojo smirks as he looks over to you in his 1999 Nissan Skyline R34 when your hand makes contact with his thigh, “couldn’t wait till we reached there?” on the way to the races that gojo loved to bring you to, it was a silent rule that gojo was one of the people that ruled the underground racing scene in tokyo — that means leaving his opponent sighing at the steering wheel and being the object of your kisses at the end of it.
gojo was talented, but he knew he wouldn’t sit well in the driver’s seat if he didn’t share the victory with you. the racer speeds at any opportunity, but today he takes the time to drive his baby just so he could have more time to fuck her.
sometimes gojo rubs off on you in terms of disposition, because you’ve become fairly good with composing yourself into times of tribulation with your constantly-horny boyfriend. your calmness could be commended, but your breaths still give off your aroused state, his fingers continuing to draw a faint line up your legs which are rubbing and squeezing against each other. even with the aircon on full blast, you still feel undeniably hot.
“so wet…” gojo hums as his hand feels the wet patch that’s pooling in your panties before slipping it to the side, driving unaffected while he keeps his eyes on the road. he’s fucked you so many times already, memorised the feel of your body that it doesn’t take him much to insert his fingers and find that sweet spot. you squeal, hands flying to grab at his forearm. your pussy clenches around his fingers, and it makes him hum, pushing him to adjust his pelvis in his seat. no doubt your cute sounds are affecting him.
“s-satoru! the race?” you panic and hope to distract his attention elsewhere, but gojo’s a master at multitasking.
“what’re you talking about? we’re on the way, princess.” he’s right, taking you through the familiar streets of shinjuku before switching to a lane that takes the car into an underground tunnel. it’s a route you can remember, but you hardly give a shit currently where you can feel your juices pool below you.
“sato—” you whine, your squeezing thighs doing nothing to deter him, “your s-seat’s getting soaked.”
“s’fine, i’ll clean it up later,” gojo grins, sparing you a quick glance where he likes you the most: lips parted with moans escaping, knuckles white from clutching onto the seat and your pussy leaking your juices all over his palm. “c’mon, you’re a good girl, aren’t you? don’t you want to cum?” gojo knows all of your habits, so he taunts you, teases you by slowing down his fingers just a little and plays with your clit. a ringtone doesn’t distract him, easily accepting the call from his phone on the dashboard.
there’s a soft on the way? from the caller, seemingly whispering into the phone like he was hiding from something and you’re struggling to keep from moaning too loud by keeping a hand to your mouth. you’re hyperfocused on your boyfriend’s fingers that you don’t exactly hear what they’re talking about, but you do faintly make it out to be geto on the other end. you’re so close that you might’ve left bruises on gojo’s forearm.
“satoru, you might wanna camp out in a nearby parking lot before comin’ over. officers are patrolling around the starting line.” it wasn’t weird for races to be pushed back, by engines malfunctioning, by police officers doing their nightly patrol but while the black-haired racer is just a little agitated at the delay, you’re surprised to see your boyfriend sporting a shit-eating smile.
“good, that just means i have more time,” gojo pauses to groan when you start to clench around his fingers. he knows you’re close and you want to fucking kill him when he easily reaches the spot that has you seeing stars, all the while having his best friend on the line, “to fuck my lovely girlfriend.”
“oh f-fuck… satoru! ’m cumming mmf…!” you don’t bother holding back on your mewls and whimpers, then, not exactly caring if geto hears cause he’s shared you with him before. gojo fingers you through your orgasm, your pupils blown wide and jaw dropping as you seek refuge in the hot pink seats gojo got for you while you continue to cry out his name.
within minutes, he’s pulling into an abandoned parking lot and swerving the car into a secluded spot before making use of the modification he made to his Skyline, reclining his driver’s seat (courtesy of your suggestion and he was driving off to the mechanic the next day) and beckoning you over with a smile.
you could only return his sly smile as he removes his pants, cock already hard and weeping from its tip from all the teasing he’s done to you, hard from knowing he’s the only one to get you moaning like a bitch in heat. and when you sink down easily, it’s like heaven on earth, the adrenaline giving the both of you a high.
it’s no surprise when gojo easily wins the race later, receiving you with open arms and a sloppy kiss, all while his cum’s leaking from your panties and your cunt still feels a little empty — so when you both receive a message from geto asking for a late-night drive with just the three of you, you’re quick to leave the scene to get stuffed full again.
“suguru!” you smile as you enter the garage that’s housed suguru’s cars since he was a high school student, the familiar gold and black accents spread throughout the large space. he was lucky to have a father who’s a manufacturer, and despite the many engines and parts he’s gone through, it was a wonder his dad hasn’t exactly uncovered his rising fame in the tokyo racing scene, even if he comes home with some cuts and a roughed up car to match.
“hey princess,” he calls out, still focused on the minute parts of the 13B-REW engine and switching out his outdated intercooler for the Blitz, something that he had to persuade his father with with good grades and exemplary behaviour in his after school activities. “just making some changes to the Mazda. how’s my baby doin’— oh wow.”
your immediate reaction is to grin at him, heat blooming throughout your face as you descend the steps to where his vehicles were, sporting a cute little miniskirt and knee high boots. it’s not that you haven’t dressed like this before, but every time you do, it manages to make his breath hitch. that’s not the main attractive point today, though, eyes dropping to the fat of your thigh where a new tattoo had found its home — a black widow weaving chinese knots and it looks so damn good on you that your boyfriend wastes no time in removing the hood strut and slamming the hood close.
you don’t usually sit on his 1997 Veilside Mazda RX-7 much, but geto is determined to change that when you’re propped up like a doll on the sleek black design of the car, wandering hands slipping under your skirt as you’re humming into the deepening kiss. the other groans against your lips when he finds your clit, rubbing languid circles into it and you spread your legs further to accommodate his fingers, exposing your neck for his lips to suck on while his free hand gets busy with your perky tits.
“you’re so… fuckin’ wet,” geto mumbles into your neck, stifling your moans with yet another kiss. the way he’s rubbing at your bundle of nerves is so distinct, you couldn’t even replicate it if you tried, usually left dissatisfied after cumming on your own fingers. “my pretty angel.”
“yeah? you like me on your Mazda?” you say with a lilt to your voice, and although the pet names bring another wave of shyness and fire to your cheeks, your hands speak otherwise as they trail down his torso to the trousers he’s got on. it’s you against him to see who makes the other break first — geto moans when you fish out his dick, already semi-hard from all the teasing and your hand’s warm like how your pussy usually feels, stroking him in a pace that matches the hand on your clit.
“fucking love you on it,” geto laughs breathlessly, hot breath fanning against your lips and hips bucking into your palm, “love your hands on my cock, too.”
“ditto, baby,” you reply in a breathy whimper, but geto mutters something else along the lines of too bad i need my cock in you now before a surprised yelp leaves you when you’re flipped over suddenly. with hands flat on the hood and a knee propped up, he’s careful not to bring any discomfort to your new tattoo. bit by bit, he’s sheathing himself into your dripping cunt, pleas and obscenities flooding the spacious garage as you beg him to move.
your boyfriend’s a racer, ’course he knows how to do that, but he takes pride in teasing you, letting you feel every last bit of his dick as he bottoms out. “suguru… fuck me, please.”
���planning on it — shit, you’re so tight — let me enjoy your cute lil pussy for a bit, princess.” geto has both hands move down the expanse of your back, appreciating your attractive arch, and then then down to your ass and folds where he’s filling you with his fat cock. and when he starts to move, your mewls become incomprehensible and your fingers grasp at anything, but you’re afraid of scratching the smooth finishing of his Mazda, settling for holding onto his forearms.
“suguruuu… oh my g-god!” you love the way your obscene noises fill the space, juices flowing freely down your thighs as the other finds a steady pace. “right there— f-fuck…”
geto is no different, hypnotised with how his length disappears into your heat that he doesn’t notice your twitching body, but he still knows you’re close by how your clamp around him like a vice, pussy tightening up to make sure he gives you all his cum. by this time, you’re delirious from the squelching noises of your cunt and the slap of his hips into yours that your orgasm comes unexpectedly.
“cumming, cumming, suguru—!” your thighs shake and shiver through the euphoric feeling, still riding the wave of the orgasm before geto wraps his arms tight around your middle, mumbling confessions into your ears until he’s spilling deep into you, too. geto cums so much, and you moan at the feeling of being filled up, body slumping forward. between geto’s help and an aching question, you’re content to lay on the stunning car as he snaps a photo of you before cleaning you up.
it’s not until later when you’re at getting pounded again by him when you see his phone screen light up — the screensaver photo being the one of you on his car with legs pried open and cum spilling out your pretty pussy — that you know you’ve got geto wrapped around your finger.
“mr. nanami?” your father calls out in the deserted shop, empty apart from the clang of metal against metal and the late night radio droning on about some love story sent in by a listener. despite how it’s almost 11 at night, your father was always happy to help with people’s cars due to a love for them since he was young.
even if that someone’s car was a 1968 Dodge Charger with a LS3 engine that he only knew the US had. when he comes around the back, he merely rubs his fingers together.
“this guy’s got money money,” you burst out laughing, landing a hit on your dad’s shoulder at his comment, but he wasn’t exactly wrong. looking out from the supply room, the man standing near the entrance of the shop looked exactly like the part: rich, tall, blonde, hot, and donning an annoyed look as he scolds someone named gojo who’s on the other line.
there’s a firm expression set into his features before he lunges forward at the sound of his surname and his pondering expression melts away to make way for a smile, and you swear you feel your knees buckle. but you have no time for daydreaming, also emerging from the room to collect money and complete the transaction like you usually do with clients.
“my daughter here will take your payment,” the older man nods his head toward you after explaining the changes he made to the engine, specifically the crankshaft which contained newer journals with older webs — this particular combination made the oil system faulty and rigid, and even for a tamer temper like nanami’s, it still irritated him to no end when the Dodge Charger wouldn’t start properly.
this would’ve been a piece of cake to solve, though, if it wasn’t for your dad’s japan-only parts, which function minutely different to american engines. so your dad had promised another day to fix nanami’s car after the parts had arrived, even refusing to accept nanami’s apologies and offers to pay for the america-based engine the first time he came to you guys.
it’s like the initial demeanour had faded, bowing profusely at the kind-hearted nature of your dad and he waves it off, passing it off as a passion that still burned strong within him; he only wrote a receipt for the repair of the engine, after all.
“collect the nice man’s payment and close up shop, okay?” your father places a kiss to your template and bids farewell to nanami as well who’s feeling still a little flustered, “i’ll head off to bed first.”
“thank you, truly,” nanami bowed again to you as he felt around for his card, producing a black card for you to process the transaction.
“it’s nothin’. dad’s usually like that, always so generous with his services and then blames it on his passion,” you laugh a little and nanami does too.
“i understand, tell him thank you again.”
you shoot him a thumbs up and a smile, handing him back his card with clammy palms and fidgety fingers. you both know you’re not exactly ready to say goodbye to this fine-ass man so you strike up conversation with a terribly stupid opener.
“so… you drive?”
“i would think so,” nanami chuckles as he makes his way over to his Dodge Charger, loving the way you almost want to dig yourself a hole from what you asked, “i race. actually.”
and you swear you can hear the pulse in your pussy quicken, swallowing a lump in your throat at the vision of being spread out on the hood of nanami’s car, blonde head of hair hidden between your legs.
you just didn’t know that vision would come true today; well — tomorrow, since one question led to a conversation past twelve, led to advances from the both of you and now you’re moaning out nanami’s name as your sensitive core is being devoured by the racer, kneeling at the front of his own car like the hood of his car is your throne.
you voice your concerns about being ate out so shamelessly with the garage door open, voice breaking as he eats and laps at your dripping cunt like a starved man, sucking hard on your clit as he plays with your hole, teasing his thick fingers around your entrance just enough for it to clench around nothing.
“it’s past 12, don’t worry your pretty little head about someone watching,” he reassures you, palms spread out against your stomach. “plus, you taste divine,” nanami groans from your core before he plunges a finger into you, causing you to jerk in shock at the intrusion — it’s so good you forget about your worries. “so tight too, shit.”
“nanami…” you drag out the last bits of his name in a whine, hips bucking up to take in more of his needy tongue and his replied hum sends vibrations throughout your body. you’re so wet that you’re able to take another finger. “just like that. oh my god, your t-tongue.” your hand naturally pulls at his blonde locks, pushing him deeper into your centre; he likes it, squeezing your ass in the process.
“can i cum, nanami?” you plead for it, the unexpected obedience has nanami reeling and he gives you the green light.
“’course you can, such a good girl, aren’t you?” the shop is filled with your moans and the dirty, sopping sounds of your pussy as he flicks his tongue, memorising the way your thighs clench around his head and how sweet you smell and taste. he’s definitely not letting this pussy go, “good girls get to cum.”
“i’m gonna— ooh shiitt…” nanami lets your hips go on their own accord and another groan from the racer is enough to have you cumming on his fingers and tongue, “fuuck, i’m cumming-!” he praises you like you’re his royalty while you gush all over him, squirting your release all over his face as he happily downs your juices like he’s done it before. he’s sure to do it again in the future.
“attagirl,” both the metal of his car and his affectionate names for you sends tremors throughout your body and legs, orgasming so hard you see white and it’s clear he enjoys giving head like his life depended on it.
you catch your breath briefly, brushing your fingers through his hair and admiring the sight before you until he returns to his intimidating and looming height, helping you to sit up and patting your thigh affectionately
“hope that’s enough payment for the parts. or would you prefer instalments instead?” he says the cheesy line with such a calm face you’d think he was in a business meeting, but the stoicism makes you stifle a giggle.
it’s not long before you’re returning your dad the money nanami had insisted on, but more importantly, being all dolled up in the passenger seat, his teasing hand on your thigh and a full pretty lace set underneath your miniskirt.
it’s not uncommon to find a veteran on the racing scene. fushiguro toji had his time of fame in the 80s, but now he’s back for more after fathering a whole child — something his close friends back then didn’t think he could do. it was an endearing sight, a large, burly man carrying something as precious as megumi but it didn’t halt his drifting trips on the mountains, taking his 1966 Chevrolet Corvette for a ride every time he needed to clear his mind; on a less safer note, megumi as a toddler was sometimes in the passenger seat.
megumi was already set to follow in his footsteps the moment he was born, showing a keen interest in cars more than robots or barbies (toji did buy one when megumi reached for a doll dressed in all black, though) and that only increased when he accompanied his dad on his drift trips, many times imagining himself in front of the wheel, gliding through the corners easily. even if the corvettes in the 60s weren’t exactly drifting material, he learned to do it perfect. plus, it still held memories for toji.
“who’s that?” your friend could hardly stop her jaw from hitting the floor after her comment, clearly a little flustered at seeing a forty year old stroll through the underground car parks like he owned the place. he did, 20 years ago, but his name seems to still precede him when hushed whispers and murmurs follow him. although he’s here to support his son’s first drifting race, he’s still fairly popular to be getting enquiries from curious mechanics and avid car enjoyers.
“megumi’s dad,” you grin with a hidden sense of satisfaction, because you didn’t just know him from afar. how his hips swayed when he walked or how he loved that stupid compression shirt, that was everyone’s perception of him, but you knew how his hips felt as it grinded against you. you always never fail to recall the raspiness of his voice against your ears as he mumbled the dirtiest things, only for you to hear. it’s why you revel in the way your friend’s jaw drop past the concrete into hell when the older man catches your eye (he always liked to look for you in crowds), and winks, prompting the gossip to only increase in volume.
“you’re in cahoots with megumi’s dad?” you didn’t care much if people suspected something going on between the two of you. even megumi didn’t exactly care, who was a few years younger than you in his last year of high school. he was content enough that his dad wasn’t alone after giving so much of him to raise megumi. anyway, you always had his trust fund to rely on and if anyone fucked you as good at toji did, you wouldn’t give two shits either way.
“hey doll,” toji’s grin matches yours, planting a sloppy kiss to your temple as you both wait at his Corvette, all roughed up from the race the day before. he hasn’t had time to fix it up, driving the familiar route to the mechanics before you sent him a text about how megumi’s got challenged to a race by some newbie at school — it was laughable so much so that it even prompted toji to use those emojis he hated so much.
it was a race worth seeing, especially if one of the contestants was the tokyo drifting king’s son. toji doesn’t need to say much, waving off megumi with a salute before the countdown begins like clockwork. the increasing revs of their engines draw you from your stupor, the newbie looking wrongfully excited despite the failure that’ll befall him in a few minutes. once go is signalled, they take off, giggling at you feel toji’s arm curl around your waist.
“he’ll win,” he’s as nonchalant as they come, but it rings true when he’s the one who had megumi going 15 rounds ’round the docks and mountains every week. with screeching tires, a RB26DETT engine and years of drifting lessons to back him up, megumi finishes the race first. he rolls his eyes when his friends and fans crowd his car like moths to a flame, but he can’t help shoot a wave to his father who smiles genuinely. it was unspoken that megumi was silently thanking him inside, before he drives off to celebrate the easy win.
“c’mon, baby. we’ve had our share. say goodbye like a good girl,” you pull your friend into a side hug who’s still barely able to wrap her head around the two of you, but she’s able to muster a brief goodbye before the rev of his Corvette draws eyes once again, speeding off into the night. it’s clear toji’s on a high from watching his son race and win, seeing it in the way he goes full throttle past shibuya square and down inokashira street with a laugh.
the fire in his eyes, the coy grin he’s got on reminds you of times you’ve experienced the feeling of toji deep in you, clutching onto the sheets on the tatami mats and face shoved into the pillow as he bullies his fat cock into you. the thoughts have you feeling up his thigh, and he doesn’t notice your wandering, needy hands until they come incredibly close to his cock. he shifts gears before grasping onto your wrist, shooting you a look of warning.
but you do anything but listen, rejoicing in your small victory when you feel the car slow down from his speeding spree so it’s safe for you. palming his bulge, you gasp at how hard he already is and he adjusts his lower half, clearly uncomfortable with his tightening pants.
“let me make you feel good, toji,” you mumble, hands fumbling with his belt and zipper before you pull his dick from his boxers, looking so pretty with its mushroom tip that leaks pre-cum. toji pulls lightly on your hair as a second warning before you’re able to twist your body to lean down, eyes flitting up to look at him in faux apology. “sorry, daddy.”
toji sighs once your mouth descends on his cock, eyebrows furrowed and hand squeezing your nape in pleasure. no matter how many times you get his length in his mouth, the size always catches you off guard and it causes you to choke when the car runs over a speedbump. you have to take a second to cough.
“sorry, babylove,” you wordlessly shake your head as a way to say it’s okay, because toji takes care of you without you needing to ask him; it’s only fair he deserves his own fair share of care too. “but your mouth— shit. feels so fuckin’ good on daddy’s cock.”
you suck in your cheeks and pump the places where your mouth can’t reach, sides already aching from the uncomfortable position but you continue to bob your head. toji’s groans and bucking hips has got you soaking your panties, spit and pre-cum dribbling down the sides of his length and you waste no time to lick a stripe to clean up, settling for circling your tongue around his tip.
toji moans out with a number of profanities and a fist tightly clenched around the steering wheel — your mouth is so soft and warm that he decides that he needs to pull over at a quiet parking lot behind a bar so he can focus on fucking your mouth and imagine it’s your tight pussy he’s plunging into, not that he has to imagine. your lips are still on him when the car halts and you feel more stable than ever, both hands pulling apart his thighs to take him deeper into your mouth.
“cock’s so big,” you babble and ramble like a little slut, slurping up your messy job with the help of your hands. just like your walls, the ridges along your mouth feel lovely and when his tip meets the back of your throat, he throws his head back. “need your cum down my throat…” 
“yeah?” toji breathes out, hands tangling themselves in your hair before tapping your skull, a discussed rule for the two of you: two taps on your head when he wants to facefuck you, and two taps on his thigh if you can’t breathe. “i’ll have ta fuck your little whore mouth first, can daddy do that?”
you nod lazily, steadying yourself on the compartment housing the stick shift before his hips lift off the seat and he starts a pace that even he can’t keep up for long. one look at your cute doe eyes has got him whining and mumbling about how pretty you look right now, clutching on your head so hard that it has his knuckle turning white.
toji’s thighs are flexing and contracting from the movement, but you can point out when he starts to fumble and tremble at the mercy of your mouth. his thrusts are getting sporadic, just like how you’re reaching your limit, too, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. “g’nna cum down your throat, baby, ya want that?”
you sound a hum of agreement before toji’s hips still and he shoots his load down your throat, thick blobs of cum that spill from his tip, “that’s it, doll, take it all like a good slut,” and you swallow at least twice to get it all down. you show him a small amount of cum left on your tongue before he brings you up to kiss you harshly, giving your ass a firm smack and then you’re plopping down onto the seat again, wiping the side of your mouth like a good meal well devoured.
the wind is immediately knocked out of you as he brings up the speed with a hand inching towards your core, and you’re so glad he’s switched out his 327 small-block for a 427 V8 engine, the lampposts speeding past you and his fingers playing with your cunt enough to give you an adrenaline high to last throughout the night, cause toji’s far from done with you.
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okay i digress. / pt. 2 here
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
He doesn’t talk to the Munsons much. (Doesn’t talk to anyone, really, aside from his mom and Robin and that one older woman who keeps renting and returning Gone With The Wind as an excuse to leave her house.) He keeps his head down and his nose clean, doesn’t care to make friends with the neighbors; just wants to get by.
One day Eddie approaches their door, waving a gas bill that got mixed up in their mail, and Steve greets him pleasantly enough.
“Stab anyone today?”
“Eat glass, Harrington.”
So it goes.
Steve watches the world pass and the weather turn, lets the hours bleed into weeks and squeezes his eyes shut against the flashbacks when they threaten to overwhelm.
Things with his mom are weird.
They don’t really speak, preferring to shrug their way past each other with careful, tight-lipped nods, and his mom takes these pills the doctor gave her that keep her perfectly pleasant and calm. Silent. Physically present but not really here.
And he can’t imagine how it feels to be her: Florence Harrington, ripped from the comforts of the upper crust and left to rot in a tin can seven miles across town. She spends most of her time letting out weary little sighs as she swans from room to room, drifting like a shade on the banks of the River Styx. (He can make that reference now because Robin won’t shut up about mythology. “It’s so gay, Steve. The Greeks were literally so gay.”)
Shit’s weird with the kids, too. He still drives them around — lets them loiter at Family Video when it’s slow; hangs around when they need a ride to the arcade or the movies or the skating rink; and he’s still on the hook for ‘ice cream. for. life,’ so…
It’s just not the same.
Like. Not to be dramatic, but who the fuck is Steve Harrington without the house and the pool and the free-for-all fridge? Just some kid with a car and a bat and a punchable face. And he can barely afford to keep the car now, anyway, so pretty soon they won’t need him for that, either. They’ll learn to drive; they’ll get their own jobs. Maybe Lucas builds enough muscle to take over as the party tank.
Maybe it’s better if he shelfs himself now before they realize he’s become obsolete.
“Oh, my god, you’re being pathetic,” he groans to himself. His voice is muffled where he’s lying face down on the couch. Ridiculous behavior, because everything is fine; Steve is fine. In the grand scheme of things where there are monsters and melted corpses and all kinds of crazy, horrible shit?
He’s being obnoxious. It’s a lovely sunny Saturday afternoon with just the right Autumn breeze going — gentle but cool; long sleeve polo weather; his favorite kind — and he’s sitting inside throwing himself a pity party.
Fucking absurd.
…Five more minutes.
Just five more minutes, then he’s getting off this couch.
He gets to a minute and a half when he hears the crunch of tires against the gravel, the clanging of a little bell from the handlebar of a bike, and then:
And that’ll be Dustin, trying to bang the door off the hinges and piss off the whole park at the same time. Kid’s nothing if not a multitasker. Steve lets another aggrieved groan loose into the couch cushion.
His mom’s out with the car; the lights are all off. Maybe he can just play dead ‘til Dustin leaves? He loves the kid, he really does, but his left ear is full of static, and he just wants to fucking sleep. Or sulk. Or both.
Jeeeeesus Christ. “Okay, chill,” Steve grumbles as he hauls himself upright and throws open the front door. His limbs feel like lead; there’s drool on his chin. “Wake the whole goddamn neighborhood, why don’t you?”
“It’s two in the afternoon.”
“Yeah, and half the people here work nights.”
“Oh-kayy,” Dustin drags out the word, “but you don’t.”
Ugh. Whatever. He’s not gonna be shamed by a toothless teenager for his depressing loser tendencies. “Did you need something?”
Steve scratches at his belly hair through his shirt, feels a muscle twinge in his shoulder and send a spark of nerve pain skittering up to the base of his skull.
Dustin either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care that Steve’s body is falling apart where he stands, because he just rolls his eyes and says, “Uh, yeah. I need to know why you’re avoiding everyone? Mom’s tried to invite you to dinner six times now.”
“I was working.”
“All six times?” Dustin glares. Steve feels a little pinned by it, feels guilt seeping through the cracks as he fidgets with his bad ear. This kid’s gonna be the scariest lawyer some day. “She’s worried.”
Guilt squeezes hard behind his ribs; he knows Dustin uses his mom as a mouthpiece for the feelings he can’t express. “I’m fine,” he sighs, letting his eyes and voice go soft. “Honest.”
Dustin holds firm, gaze fierce and fists clenched. “Bullshit,” he insists.
“Man, don’t—”
“Bull. Shit.”
Suddenly, their impromptu interrogation gets interrupted by a crashing drum fill, a shriek of electric guitar as Munson’s van squeals into the lot. He’s blasting some melodramatic metal shit about wizards or whatever; Steve doesn’t know. He only knows that the skitter of nerve pain he felt is ramping up to a fullblown migraine now because this guy has to listen to his racket at full fucking volume, apparently, and isn’t this all just “fucking great.”
part 5
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cherienymphe · 1 month
Teenage Dirtbag XV
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JJ Maybank x Reader x Rafe Cameron
Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, abusive relationship, domestic violence, mentions of violence (+ gun violence), gun kink, dacryphilia, attempted murder, blood, semi public sex,  jealousy, manipulation, infidelity, underage drinking, drug use, canon ages, kook!reader
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies | ➥ divider by @firefly-graphics
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➥ series masterlist
summary: You’re charmingly spoiled. You’re too kind for your own good. You’re the princess of Figure 8 …and you’re way out of JJ Maybank’s league, but when he realizes that Rafe Cameron’s pride and joy is actually a bruised and battered damsel, he’s determined to save you.
Your rescue just comes with a price.
“Mother, please…”
Your parents and Rafe found your exasperation amusing, your back vibrating from the feel of his soft chuckle as you leaned against him. The blond wrapped his arms around you as your mother quietly pleaded for ‘just one more’. Your father wasn’t on your side on today of all days, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“You know how she gets,” he told you. “Let her have this.”
“It’s just Midsummers,” you said to them. “We do this every year.”
You tried not to let your unenthusiastic thoughts slip through too much, but where there was once a time you loved Midsummers, you mostly just wanted to get the night over with now. It still brought you joy—this you wouldn’t deny—but it wasn’t the same as it used to be. You used to look forward to it, and while you enjoyed getting dolled up and seeing your parents’ friends as they asked about you, you didn’t enjoy smiling in everyone’s faces and gushing over how happy you were with Rafe.
You looked forward to the food and drinks and floating around in a beautiful dress, but you didn’t look forward to Rafe’s hand on your waist all night. You didn’t look forward to laughing along as countless people wondered when Rafe planned on popping the question. You didn’t look forward to posing for countless pictures.
…as you were currently doing.
“Mother,” you sighed.
“You should be used to this by now,” she softly laughed. “…and grateful because I’m going to be far worse than you could ever imagine on your wedding day.”
Your stomach twisted at that, and you swallowed down bile just as Rafe tightened his arms around you.
“Stop being such a brat and just let your mom take the picture.”
His voice was quiet as his lips grazed your ear, and you kept a smile on your face as he straightened again. The older woman made a noise of approval, and you felt no relief when she was finally done. You glanced at Rafe just as your mother turned to your father to discuss the best ones, face even as your boyfriend adjusted your necklace.
He’d just bought it.
“Just stop smiling,” he murmured. “You look like you’re being tortured.”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
Rafe paused, staring you down for a moment before a small smirk made its way onto his lips. Dropping one arm, the other hand moved towards your face, touching your red lips.
“We’ll meet you both there,” your father said over his shoulder as he walked your mother to his car. “…and please don’t forget to set the alarm. I think someone broke into our pool house.”
His words made your heart drop, and you whipped your head around to stare at the older man with wide eyes.
“What?” you said, voice uneven.
Your father made a gesture with his hand like he was scolding himself for forgetting to tell you that.
“Yeah, I went in there the other day looking for my golf clubs, and it just looked…off. Lived in,” he said, opening the car door. “I might install a camera or two, I don’t know.”
They bid you both goodbye, none the wiser to the internal turmoil he’d just caused, and you swallowed just as Rafe started to pull you back inside. You heard him scoff.
“Probably some Pogue looking to mooch,” he snidely commented, making his way to your father’s bar. “Typical.”
Clearing your throat, you grabbed your purse.
“It’s probably nothing,” you found yourself murmuring. “Besides, it’s a pool house, not exactly The Hilton.”
“Babe, your fucking basement would be like The Ritz to those people,” Rafe said with a shake of his head as he downed a quick drink. “You think too highly of them and their lack of standards.”
You really didn’t want Rafe of all people to preach to you about standards, and you huffed.
“Do you plan on driving there drunk or…?”
Rafe was in a lighter mood today, and so that actually brought a chuckle out of him. Pouring one more drink out of your father’s bottle, he made his way to you. When he kissed you, you could taste the alcohol on his lips, and you watched him pull away to empty the glass.
“I need something in my system if I’m going to be around my family and their friends all night. Especially Rose’s book club women,” he said with a shudder, guiding you out after setting the alarm.
You were almost to his truck when he stopped you, forcing you to face him. You felt nervous as you looked at the blond because you had no idea what he was thinking nor what was about to come out of his mouth. You rested your hands on his arms as he pulled you closer, his own hands comfortable at the small of your back. His blue gaze flitted between your own.
“Try to lose the pout, alright?” he said to you. “Your knee is much better, your nose is practically like new, and you look good enough to eat.”
Rafe leaned in, gently pressing his lips to your cheek.
“Things could always be worse,” was what he said to you when he pulled away, a hint of a threat in his voice as he stared into your eyes.
Yes, you supposed that was true, and you allowed him to walk you to the passenger door.
You didn’t know what Ward had said to him exactly, but you couldn’t ignore the restraint Rafe had practiced for weeks, now. You didn’t know if Ward had legitimately found something to scare him with or if it was a conversation that went more along the lines of ‘at least wait for her to fully recover’. You realized that your thoughts were bordering along something much worse than praising a fish for swimming, but it was relieving to not have to deal with Rafe’s violence and especially for this length of time.
The reprieve was almost enough to make you feel bad for seeing JJ behind his back.
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“I almost didn’t recognize you.”
The dark-haired girl turned to look at you, her confusion dying down as she placed the face to the voice. Kie weighed your words over in her mind, head slightly tilting from side to side before a small smile adorned her face.
“I know that’s meant as a compliment, so I’ll take it as one,” she said, taking her drink from the bartender. “I look like an uppity Kook princess…no offense.”
You didn’t take any offense to it.
“I know you wouldn’t dare be caught dead here willingly,” you commented, and Kie rolled her eyes over to her mom.
The woman was talking to your mom, a third woman with them that you didn’t recognize.
“It’s amazing how you know me so much better than my own mom,” she snidely replied, taking a sip of her punch. “She keeps waiting for me to ‘grow up’ as she puts it…”
You felt her eyes on you as the bartender finally gave you your own drink. You discreetly shook your head when he asked if you wanted anything else in it, the man no doubt familiar with how underage attendants got their way around here. At Kie’s surprised look, you spoke.
“I still take painkillers, so…”
The tan girl nodded at that, and a look passed over her features that looked a lot like concern.
“Sarah told me that your leg is much better.”
“It is, yeah,” you confirmed. “I can walk without a splint for the most part, but Rafe and my parents still want me to stay off of it if I can.”
She nodded, a soft ‘that’s good’ reaching your ears. Kie looked like she wanted to say more, and despite you two being friendly—with her eventually coming around to you—it was very clear in this moment that you were not friends. You blamed Rafe for that and was just about to go find him when she spoke again.
“It’s not my place…it’s really JJ’s to tell you the truth, but… He was really out of line that day in the hospital.”
Her words took you by surprise, her expression even more so because she looked genuinely embarrassed by what had occurred.
“Yeah, Rafe’s an asshole, and sure, sometimes he’s an asshole to you, and we’re probably the only ones who ever see that, but… JJ accusing him of that was really gross and uncalled for,” she continued.
You looked down at her words, unable to defend JJ in the way you wanted. Everyone thought he was just being a dick who hated Rafe, but in actuality he was right, and you took a sip of your drink.
“His feelings aren’t any excuse to accuse someone of something like that…”
You looked at her again at her words, expression inquiring.
“You know, about Rafe…and you,” she eventually added, albeit reluctantly.
She shrugged at the look on your face, her own expression softer than what you were used to.
“I think he likes you,” she said, shocking you. “Or…at the very least you surprised him. You’re just not what he expected.”
You struggled to respond to that, taking another sip.
“What makes you say that?” you wondered with a scoff.
“He brings you up sometimes. Just to me,” she added at the look on your face. “Nothing crazy. I just think he worries about you dating Rafe, and I keep telling him you’re with that guy for a reason.”
You swallowed, unsure of how to feel about JJ talking to Kie about you.
“There’s probably a whole other side to Rafe the rest of us will just never see…”
You thought to yourself if she only knew.
“That’s flattering,” you slowly said, attempting to steady your heart. “I didn’t even think JJ cared enough about me to talk about me to anyone. Especially to you.”
Sarah was always vocal about how tight-knit John B.’s friend group was before she came along. There’d been a few days where you absentmindedly listened to her talk about how she’d felt like she was intruding at first, only feeling welcomed by all after some time. You especially remembered a few comments on how protective Kie was over her boys, doubly so towards Sarah considering their history.
“I was surprised too,” the other girl agreed. “…but I guess he just wanted to talk to a girl about it.”
You only nodded at that, and you could feel her gaze on you, although it was hard to read when you looked at her.
“You know he’s here tonight…”
Even though your face didn’t move, your heart did skip a beat in your chest, and you sharply inhaled. You didn’t need her to confirm who she was talking about, but she did anyway, and you took another sip of your drink.
“He’s making some extra money,” she explained. “I didn’t get why he’d want to work Midsummers of all events, but…maybe now I do.”
Your gaze met hers at that, and before you could really study her expression, you were interrupted.
“You’re going to hang by the bar all night?” Rafe wondered, saddling up next to you as he flagged down the bartender.
He only just noticed Kie after a moment, throwing her a dismissive look before resting his blue eyes on you.
“Is she why I’ve had to entertain myself with Kelce and Topper despite coming with my beautiful girlfriend?”
You hated the way he talked about her like she wasn’t there, but before you could scold him on it, Kie made herself scarce with one last glance thrown your way. You forced it out of your mind, sighing at him.
“You three were discussing football. I figured that was your subtle way of excluding me…”
After being handed a drink he was just shy of being legal for, Rafe snaked his arm around your waist. He pressed his lips to yours, humming to himself.
“If I’d wanted you to go away, I would’ve said so,” he murmured into the kiss.
His lips made their way to your cheek, and that was the moment you took note of familiar blond hair over his shoulder. Just as Kie said, he was wearing a uniform, a serving tray in his hand, and you blinked. Was he really here just for you? It seemed like way too big of a risk to take, but you found yourself glad that he was.
You needed to tell him that he couldn’t sleep in the pool house for a while.
It was then that you heard Kelce call your boyfriend over, and you both turned to see the other guy waving him over. He and Topper and some of Rafe’s other friends were laughing down at someone’s phone, and Rafe squeezed your waist.
“Now I’m telling you to entertain yourself,” he chuckled. “I won’t be long.”
He left you to go and see what was so funny, and you tapped your finger against your glass a few times before stepping away. JJ’s blue gaze was already on you when you glanced over, and you looked back at Rafe one more time before stepping into the building. A few beats had passed before you heard footsteps mirroring yours.
Knowing this cursed place like the back of your hand, you were quick and discreet in slipping into a storage room. You swallowed down the rest of your drink as you slowly paced, telling yourself you were on a time crunch. It wasn’t too much longer before you had company, and you were quick to get your words out before JJ got the wrong idea.
“You can’t stay at the pool house tonight,” you told him, giving him pause. “Not for a while actually. Not until I can convince my father he doesn’t need to install cameras.”
You sighed.
“I might just tell him I’m the one who’s been in there.”
The blond nodded at that, and you watched him purse his lips.
“So…this isn’t what I thought it was going to be.”
You couldn’t hold back your smile at that, gently laughing to yourself.
“No, JJ,” you admonished. “Rafe is…right outside.”
You gestured towards the door.
“…and his friends will keep him occupied for a while sure, but definitely not long enough to…”
You trailed off, shrugging and dropping your arm. Your words made JJ’s eyebrows raise, and he gave you a look you were more than familiar with.
“That sounds like a challenge.”
You gave him a look.
“JJ…be serious…”
He slowly made his way to you, keeping his eyes on yours the entire time.
“I am,” he breathed, gaze finally dropping. “You look beautiful.”
Rafe had given you the same compliment, but it meant more coming from JJ’s lips, and your own lips parted. Your stomach always flipped when he said things like that to you, and you reminded yourself that you hadn’t met up with him for this. You said that, but the more you looked at him the more you thought how nice he looked in something akin to a suit.
JJ’s blond hair was just a tad neater, resembling Rafe’s almost, and you didn’t think you liked it. Too busy taking in his uncharacteristic appearance, you didn’t pay attention to how close he’d gotten until his hand was touching your necklace. It was a tennis one, the expensive piece of jewelry catching the light, and you focused in on JJ’s face just as he let out a low whistle.
“Rafe bought it,” you explained, noting how much it felt like a collar. “He insisted I wear it tonight.”
You glanced at the clock on the wall, telling yourself to leave, to tell JJ that you’d see him later. However, you couldn’t deny that you didn’t want to, hating that you were here with Rafe instead. You wanted to prolong your time with the other blond for as long as possible, and you knew that JJ was thinking the same thing by the way his hand rested on your cheek.
Your voice was low as he moved closer.
“Rafe isn’t going to be distracted forever.”
He looked between your eyes at that, his teeth sinking into his lip. He seemed to be contemplating it for a few moments before dropping to his knees. Your heart thudded in your chest as he reached under your dress, dragging your underwear down, and you didn’t stop him as your stomach flipped. You didn’t miss the way he slipped them into his pocket as he stood, lips immediately finding yours.
You couldn’t resist rubbing your thighs together in anticipation, feeling heat settle in the pit of your stomach. JJ tasted the inside of your mouth, and you could tell he’d had a drink or two earlier. He took his time in kissing you, mouth slowly moving against yours, and somewhere along the way he seemed to remember where you were…what you were not supposed to be doing…and who you had to get back to.
Resting between JJ and the wall, you helped him undo his pants, hand immediately wrapping around his cock the moment it was free. He hissed against your lips, and you couldn’t hold back your smile, kissing him harder and stroking him. He groaned into the kiss when you squeezed him, and reminding yourself of Rafe, you pushed your lower half against his.
One of JJ’s hands slid behind your thigh before hooking your leg against his waist. He rested between your legs as his lips traveled down your neck, and with your underwear in his pocket, you could feel the tip of him poking at your bare skin, a shudder passing through you as you wrapped your arms around him.
Guiding the tip of him between your folds, JJ pushed himself through his fist a few times before sliding into you with one quick thrust. You threw your head back, gasping at the tight fight and thinking you liked it a little better when you weren’t as wet. The slight burn made you buck your hips, and JJ’s hands were tight on you as he started to thrust into you.
You couldn’t swallow down your moan, reaching out to press your hand against the wall as JJ fucked you. Wrapping your other arm around his shoulder and neck, you pressed your face against him, teeth sinking into the nice shirt he had on. His hands were guiding your hips to meet him thrust for thrust, his cock stretching you out. You grew wetter with every movement, and it wasn’t long before each thrust was smoother and easier than the last.
For a few moments, you forgot all about Rafe and Midsummers and the fact that you had to go back out there and smile on your boyfriend’s arm. There was even a faint thought that he might be looking for you that you pushed out of your mind. All you could focus on was the feeling of JJ inside of you, chasing both of your climaxes. You wanted to keep fucking him for hours, but you knew that wouldn’t be possible, now.
You glanced at the clock again when JJ left open mouthed kisses against your throat, groaning against your skin as you squeezed him. You kept pushing your hips forward to meet his thrusts, dripping around his cock, and pulling at his uniform. Your other hand reached between you, dipping under your dress and circling your bundle of nerves. Your toes curled at the feel, and when you came, you came hard.
You swallowed down your moan as you tightened around JJ, and when your climax triggered his own, he pressed his face into the crook of your neck. You clung to each other as you came together and getting it in your head that you needed to go, you dropped your leg. You were going to help JJ get redressed, but he deterred you with a quick kiss.
“Go, go,” he urged, ushering you out of the room, and you hurried to make sure your hair and dress were fine as you sped away from the room.
You were down the hall when you felt JJ dripping down your thighs, and with a start, you realized he still had your underwear. You were contemplating turning back when you heard your name, the sound getting closer and closer until Rafe finally rounded the corner. Your eyes were wide as they met his angry ones, and you didn’t get a word out before his hand tightened on your arm.
“Where the hell have you been?”
“The bathroom,” was your quick answer, blinking before adding to it. “…and then the kitchens. I was trying to find a ginger-ale. My stomach felt weird.”
“I’ve been looking for you forever,” he spat, pulling you in the opposite direction of the party. “Sarah and my dad are being especially irritating, right now.”
When Rafe pulled you into an empty room, your heart sank.
…because you knew what he wanted.
“Rafe…not here…”
Your words actually gave him pause, and your boyfriend looked at you like you’d lost your mind. One of his hands pressed to the very door you were leaning against, and you watched him tilt his head at you. His hair wasn’t so neat now—a sign that he’d been running his hands through it—and you swallowed at the way he looked between your eyes.
“We’ve never not fucked at Midsummers,” he told you. “It’s practically a tradition, now.”
He softly laughed to himself, finding that funny.
“Can’t we just go? Let’s just go home and shower and-.”
“I’m not ready to go,” he cut you off, eyeing you. “My sister has been annoying me, and my dad is making me want to snort four lines of coke, and instead, I choose to fuck my girlfriend.”
The determination on his face made your nerves spike, and you were all too aware in this moment of the feel of JJ’s cum drying on the inside of your thighs. You didn’t think Rafe would even notice such a thing in his haste to be inside of you, but you knew you didn’t have the capacity to not feel icky fucking Rafe after just doing so with JJ.
“…but for whatever reason, she’s fighting me on that.”
Now, he looked angrier than he did before, and you looked towards the ceiling.
“I thought we were past this…”
When you looked at him again, his face was much closer.
“I thought we were on the same page about the least you could do in this relationship.”
You looked down at that, chest clenching painfully at the memory. The silence between you was thick with tension, and when he slowly reached up to touch your face, you let your eyes close.
“Are you going to fuck me, or do I need to give you another nose job?”
At his soft words, you looked into his eyes. Rafe was entirely serious, and with a shaky sigh, you reached for his belt. He didn’t say a word as you unbuckled it, and you shuddered when he leaned in to kiss your cheek, inhaling at the feel of you slipping your hand into his pants. His hand reached up to the back of your neck as you stroked him, fingers finding that stupid necklace and tightening it around your throat.
“Fuck,” he cursed against your skin.
Rafe moved you towards an empty table, hurried in pushing you onto it, and he didn’t hesitate in covering your frame and guiding himself into you. He groaned at the smooth entry, kissing you again and pushing his hips against yours.
“So wet for me already?” he hummed into the kiss.
He reached under you to lift your hips a bit, holding you right where he wanted you as he thrust into you. So eager to fuck you, Rafe didn’t even notice your lack of underwear. Or at least not enough to comment on it if he did, too preoccupied with taking out his frustrations on your body. You held onto him and his arm as you squeezed your eyes shut, fighting to convince yourself that you weren’t as horrible as you felt.
It wasn’t even twenty minutes ago when JJ was inside of you, fucking you in some storage room and fighting to make you come before you had to get back to Rafe. Now, here you were, once again in an empty room but having sex with someone entirely different. You shuddered as you recalled Rafe’s words, knowing that it wasn’t your arousal for him but instead a combination from both you and JJ after the other blond had come inside of you.
The thought made you want to shy away from the man on top of you, but there was nowhere to go. The table shook beneath his rough thrusts, and Rafe seemed to forget that you were there as he pounded into you. You flinched and squirmed beneath your boyfriend from both the rough treatment and the overstimulation, feeling torn between wanting to come again and pushing Rafe away.
When he fisted his hand into the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling your head back, you knew that you were in for a long night.
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Your chest was painfully tight as you stared at Rafe in horror. Your boyfriend looked nothing like the gentleman he pretended to be but instead like the monster he often was. Only this time, that violent gleam in his eyes wasn’t directed at you. It had set its sights on JJ.
“Rafe…come on, this is ridiculous, let’s just go,” you repeated for the umpteenth time.
It was only an hour ago that you were hanging onto him as he fucked you in some empty room, pent up and angry at both Sarah and Ward. Now—somehow—you’d found yourselves outside as his friends held JJ’s arms, your boyfriend gearing up to hit him again. It was unfair and disgusting and cruel.
“You’re being an asshole, and for what? Because he’s here?”
The party was still going on, and twenty minutes ago you’d thought you were leaving. Now, you were basically forced to watch Rafe hurt the guy you were sleeping with. He kept telling you to leave, that this wouldn’t take long and wouldn’t be much longer, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to abandon JJ so easily.
“Get in the damn truck,” he called over his shoulder.
He sounded exasperated with you, and his friends chuckled. You looked between them in disgust, most notably at Topper who clearly wasn’t enjoying this as much as the others but didn’t have the balls to actually say something. Disappointed in all of them, your eyes briefly met JJ’s, his practically pleading with you to just leave.
You huffed.
“Fuck this,” you spat, making your way back towards the building to find someone who worked here.
Your tone must have caught Rafe’s attention because he was quick to stop you, roughly grabbing you.
“Woah, woah, woah,” he chuckled, but it had an edge to it. “I thought I said to wait in the truck?”
He looked at you like you’d lost your mind.
“What, you’re-you were going to go tattle on me?”
“This is shitty, and I won’t stand by and let it happen,” you replied.
“Who gives a fuck? He’s a Pogue!”
“…and so that makes this okay? I want to go home, and you want to stand here beating on someone who can’t even fight back!”
Rafe looked between your eyes, and you hated the way he tilted his head.
“Why do you care so much about what happens to him?”
“You’re so stupid-! It could be anyone, Rafe,” you sneered. “This is childish and mean.”
Rafe stared you down for what felt like too long—too still—and your heart beat faster the longer it went on. Before you knew it, his hand had fisted into your hair, and he was dragging you over to his friends.
“See… This is why he’s always making googly eyes at you,” Rafe said, not sounding the least bit amused. “This is why he’s making comments and accusations about me and our relationship.”
Rafe maneuvered his arm around your neck, holding you close as he grinned at JJ.
“You’re too nice, baby. Too sympathetic,” he chuckled, gesturing to the other blond. “He’s got himself a little crush, I just know it.”
You attempted to move out of Rafe’s grip, but he wouldn’t budge. You hated the bruising that was already forming under JJ’s eyes and the blood on his lip too. You made a noise of protest when Rafe kissed you on the lips, sloppily and rough, before turning away.
“Hey, JJ,” your boyfriend softly said, tone mocking. “She’s just being nice…because that’s just who she is.”
“Don’t go getting any ideas.”
“You’re making a fool of yourself,” you spat at Rafe, knowing that he was doing so in more ways than one.
Rafe looked at you in mock outrage, shrugging.
“I’m just trying to help him out,” he told you. “It’s not my fault these Pogues always want what we have.”
“Rafe, stop this,” you hissed. “You’re being an asshole.”
The words had barely left your mouth when his hand roughly closed around your chin. You winced at the feel, and neither you nor Rafe missed the way JJ tried to break free. Rafe’s friends chuckled at the sight, but Rafe didn’t, merely staring at the other blond.
“Look at you,” he finally mused. “I don’t know whether I should feel flattered or offended that you feel so protective over my girlfriend.”
There wasn’t a hint of humor in his tone, and before you could quite marinate on that, you were harshly thrown to the ground. The mood seemed to shift at that, and you could tell that his friends hadn’t been expecting that. You didn’t know if Rafe was drunk or high or both, but he’d never been so public in his cavalier treatment of you.
“She’s my girlfriend, JJ, and I could do anything I want to her…”
You attempted to push yourself up when you felt the sole of his shoe on your knee…that knee.
“I could set her little healing journey back…”
You looked up at him with wide eyes, sure that he wouldn’t with so many witnesses, but also…not so sure. You glanced at JJ, but the other blond was staring at Rafe with wide eyes, and you couldn’t tell whether he was angry or scared. Probably both.
“I could rip her hair out right here…” he gestured to his friends. “…and do you think any of them would stop me?”
“Rafe,” Topper finally said, and your boyfriend’s gaze snapped to him.
“Would you?”
Topper just stared at him, but his silence spoke volumes, and you only attempted to stand again when your boyfriend finally moved his foot. He pointed around, his gaze resting on JJ again.
“None of them are going to do shit,” he said to him. “So, what makes you so special to think you have a say in how I treat my girlfriend?”
Your lips trembled as you finally stood to your feet.
“…because she was nice to you once? Because she doesn’t want me to kick your ass now?”
You looked between them, the faint sounds of the party reaching your ears.
“Truth be told, I should kick your face in for that stunt you pulled at the hospital,” your boyfriend sneered.
“Rafe, you’ve made your point!”
You hated this entire pissing contest he was doing, and at this point, you half expected Rafe to whip it out and mark his territory. He stared JJ down for what felt like too long, his friends equally uncomfortable now with the turn the night had taken. You could see it in his eyes that he wanted to slap you clear across the face—maybe even break your arm—all just to prove that he could do whatever he wanted to you, and there wasn’t a thing JJ could do about it.
Rafe, however, settled for harshly grabbing your face and spitting right into your mouth as you gasped.
Taken aback, you couldn’t hold in your coughing fit, forced to follow along as he roughly grabbed your arm.
“Like I said JJ. Anything I want,” he repeated.
Dragging you along, Rafe tossed his next words over his shoulder at his friends.
“That Pogue’s all yours.”
You felt riddled with disgust the whole way to his truck, humiliated and angry. You blinked back tears as you recalled the way his friends did nothing, didn’t even move a muscle as he threw you to the ground, and you didn’t know what you hated more—that or Topper’s cowardly attempt that he ultimately backed out of.
Once you were at his truck and away from prying eyes, the slap came harshly and swiftly.
It made your ears ring and your cheek sting, tears forming behind your eyes as Rafe leaned in. His nose grazed the burning cheek, and you could hear his labored breathing as his chest heaved against your arm. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes, and neither did you, just staring into the darkness as a few tears finally spilled over.
“That is the last time you defend that Pogue…especially around me,” he whispered. “Do you understand?”
You started to nod when his hand circled around your throat, making you sharply inhale.
“I want to hear you fucking say it.”
Pulling at his arm, you eventually gave up on that, forcing the word out.
“Yes,” you struggled to say.
Shoving you away from him, he opened the passenger door, telling you to get inside. Wiping your face, you did, settling in the seat with a newfound hatred for Midsummers.
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eternally-racing · 5 months
not private, not secret | oscar piastri
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wc: <1k (short n sweet 😌)
pairing: oscar piastri x reader
genre: fluff
pairing: oscar piastri x reader
summary: you and oscar have kept your relationship secret for this long, but oscar can't help but celebrate with you for his very first formula 1 win.
You were well accustomed to being a shadow in the McLaren garage. It’s the way you and Oscar had decided you liked it best.
There was no pressure from the media, no mean comments on social media, and the less prying eyes into your relationship, the better. Only a select few people on the team knew that you were Oscar’s girlfriend, the rest easily bought up the lie that you were the daughter of a very rich investor in the team who wanted to be at every race. It usually wasn’t that hard to keep quiet, but today was a big day and you could feel your heart pounding out of your chest at every turn. For the first time in his Formula 1 career your boyfriend was leading the race, and with only a few more laps to go you were praying that today would be the day that his dream came true. As you looked to the pit wall you could see Andrea’s foot nervously twitching against the foot rest of his chair, he felt it too. This would easily be the biggest moment of Oscar’s career if it comes true, and there are only a few more laps to go. 
It’s a moment you never want to forget as the checkered flag comes out for Oscar’s car. You can’t stop the tears leaking out from your eyes as you hear the jubilation on his voice through the radio. This is a moment that both of you imagined for so long, but the reality of the situation surpassed all of your expectations. It’s a full celebration with the team as everyone is thoroughly overjoyed. You’re swept up with thinking about Oscar that you don’t even notice the other papaya car cross the line after Oscar. It’s a 1-2 finish, there’s not much more a team could ever wish for in a race. McLaren hasn’t felt joy like this in years. There’s a full sea of papaya out in front of the podium to greet the race winner, and you’re not sure where you fit into things - you blend in easily with the crowd while simultaneously being swept up in it. You’ve made a couple of friends in the garage and stick closely to them as the party already seems to be beginning on the paddock. 
You’ve never seen Oscar like this before - he takes a minute in the car before getting out (you can only assume he was wiping his tears of joy, even if he is too stubborn to admit it). You have your phone out taking a couple of pictures yourself - you know that there’s 1000s of cameras around that are also pointed at your boyfriend, but you want to remember what it feels like to see this moment through your eyes. 
After hugging his engineer and the rest of the team members, you can see Oscar’s gaze start to wander around the paddock, and it’s only once he changes directions do you figure out that he’s looking for you. There’s cameras flashing and the live TV feed clearly following over his shoulder, but your eyes are only locked on each other as Oscar reaches out for you. He stays in your arms for long enough that people can probably get the hint that you’re someone special.
“I really couldn’t have done this without you love, thank you” Oscar says with tears pooling in his eyes. This is his “I made it moment”, and he wants nothing more than to share it with you. There’s so many words that you want to say, but you find yourself speechless as you stare into Oscar’s eyes. Instead, you go with the action that you’ve dreamt of doing ever since you started dating. It’s your first helmet kiss of what will be many more to follow. Oscar warned you that it wouldn’t taste very good, especially given the dusty race conditions of the day, but it brings such joy to your heart to be able to celebrate with him.
When Oscar’s up on the podium he points to you as he lifts the trophy up to the cheers of the crowd, mouthing an “I love you” to you down below that you know will make the rounds on social media. But you don’t care one bit about that anymore. People could throw all the hate in the world your way, but there was nothing like the pride of celebrating your boyfriend’s first f1 win.
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author's note: was in a bit of a writing slump working on pt.2s for a lot of my other fics so i just wanted to write something short and sweet! hope u all enjoyed it :) My ask box is still open as always if you have any requests. Until next time! - Em <3
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
Love your Fernando's fic about Finland Freeze. Could you do it but with Toto Wolff. Just them spending time together with their son, Jack with a hint of surprise at the end. Thanks!! :)))
Bahama Breeze - Toto Wolff x Wife Reader + Son
Plot: You go to the Bahamas during the winter break with Toto and your son and truly experience that VIP life.
Credit to onboardcamera for the GIF
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"Come on. It's our beach day today. Our munchkin is desperate to make sandcastles for his Queen" your husband Toto laughed from the edge of the bed he was leaning on. It was a nice fancy hotel bed that had those crisp white sheets.
You look up at him with your small sleepy eyes, the morning light coming in through the balcony window that was no longer covered by the large curtains, from up here you had an amazing view of the white sandy beach and the crystal clear waters.
There was multiple sounds coming in through the doors, the waves softly crashing, the birds flying around and the sounds of people darting their day down on the beach.
"Come on, get dressed into something for the beach! We'll meet you downstairs for breakfast." he smiles down at you before climbing off the bed, taking your son who was playing by the door with his bucket and spade. You take a few more seconds before starting to fully wake yourself up and get into a bikini and kaftan so you wouldn't burn when walking along the beach.
You brush you teeth and make sure your all clean before heading down to find your family, Toto said they'd meet you in the restaurant where there was a buffet style breakfast, where you both had gained weight at the promise of it being unlimited, but you were on holidays so you didn't care.
Breakfast was pretty quiet where it was later on in the morning and it wasn't too hard to find Toto and his loud voice.
A dad laugh. It rung through the restaurant like a chorus of bells. Nobody could miss it, it was like a load of plates falling where everyone turns to look at where they'd fallen from, but they were now looking at your husband and son.
You all happily ate breakfast together filling your hearts content before heading out and finding sunbeds down by the pool and beach.
As VIP of the hotel, you had premium beds that were right by the pool.
Eventually it was decided you’d go to the beach to try some of the water sports. You set up camp, laying on a towel on your front tanning the back half of your body. Your son obsessed with the sand and the way it felt so while you napped in the sun, he and Toto made sandcastles, Toto running back and forth with see water to help mould the sand better.
Eventually they both ended up just digging a really big hole. All through it you managed to bask in the rays of light shining down on you.
All of a sudden you heard little screams, in your haze of sleepiness you couldn’t tell if they were off distress.
You got up quickly rubbing the sand away from your hands as you looked around. Only to find Toto and your son, him yelling in delight as he stared to bury Toto in the sand pit they created.
As you neared them, your son opened his arms wide asking for a hug and to be lifted up. You however didn't fully slow to a stop as you were walking, and end up slipping off the edge into the small hole next to Toto who was calmly sat at the bottom, legs covered in sand.
"Offph, I know when i married you I signed up for this. But boy do I hate sand in all my crevices" you joke looking over him before helping him out if the sand and up from the beach hole he was in.
"Your the one who got me to come to the Bahamas with you! I would have happily spent my winter at home or in i don’t know Lapland!" He comments, pulling you into a hug. He loved the warm weather so he actually wouldn’t change this for the world.
The next few hours flew by, you and Toto had got your son onto a Lilo and both took him in the sea, showing him all the fishes that were in the crystal clear waters and explaining what they were to him and he had this look of fascination the whole time.
You watched on as Toto rented one of the JetSkis racing around the safe water sports area trying to look cool in front of you, his wife of course!
Then you guys got lunch on the beach bar having some drinks and making sure the little one stayed hydrated on water and juices, he’d become very fond of Dragon Fruit and Papaya on this holiday.
After a few more hours, your getting too hot, your forehead lined in sweat and not enjoying the rising temperatures and lack of wind to help cool you down. You say that you’ll go back to the hotel lobby to get a cocktail and cool down while Toto stays around the pool in the cool water with your son, who didn’t want to go inside and wasn’t suffering from the heat unlike you.
You get in, walking straight to the sports bar where that are showing some Premiere League Football on the TV, Aston Villa vs Burnley. You order your cocktail and go straight under the fan, your face immediately cooling down.
You watch the match, while playing one of those silly games on your phone that don’t take too much attention but use up time until you start to feel like you can head back out.
You stayed there for at least 45 minutes, where you had finally cooled down and felt like you could join your family back outside. You start to walk through the hotel again, noticing little things you hadn’t from when your first got here, like the fish tank behind the reception desk or the cafe off to the left serving coffees and hot chocolate in heat like this.
Eventually you found your sun beds again, Toto was calmly reading his book that he’d brought with him while your son was laying under the umbrella and under a towel where he slept soundly exhausted from all the morning activities.
Rather than going and laying on your own sun bed, you force Totos legs open and sit in between them grabbing your own book out. You were reading some riveting murder mystery where the main character was about to confront her boyfriend thinking he was the murderer when your child woke up, complaining he was hungry.
Toto places his book down and looks at his watch seeing it was around 3. Which means you guys should start to consider lunch before it’s too late.
You walk to the restaurant. Toto holding your hand in one and your sons in the other.
The waiter direct you to one of the more secluded tables in the VIP sections offering you drinks.
“Juice juice juice” your son changed at the Bahamian waitress who just giggled and nodded knowing exactly what your son wanted as she’d been very helpful to you and your family over the last few days.
“I suspect a Kalik Beer and a Tequila Sunrise?” She asks and you both nod thanking her for being so kind and welcoming.
“Come on baby let’s go grab you some grub” you smile down at the little boy, holding out your hand for him to take.
You grab multiple different food items, on two different plates one for you and one for your son. Toto always hated when he had to wait behind on the tables and watch as you and his son walked around hand in hand picking out which delicacy’s he wanted, which most days turned out to be plain kid like food, unlike you and Toto who were every adventurous on your travels, always trying local cuisine.
You set yourself back down in the gable, Toto helping the young boy into his hair so that he could start to enjoy his food and eat. Toto went up right after quickly finding himself somethings to eat before running back so he didn’t miss anything being said.
You guys talk about the holiday so far and if there was anything you really felt like you had to do before you left. Your son babbled to himself while you and Toto continued.
After lunch ended up spending the rest of the afternoon around the pool before you left at around 7pm, purely because the pool closed. No-one was in a rush to get to dinner.
You all spend your time getting ready, you doing your makeup out on the balcony while Toto and your son showered getting all the sand of their bodies.
You walk into the room, seeing your son pulling his Velcro shoes on by himself and Toto in nice fabriced dinner shorts and bare chest as he looked for a nice polo go wear to dinner.
He spotted your gaze and walked over to you, leaning down kissing your lips making you recoil away knowing that your lip gloss would transfer into his lips and leave yours meaning your makeup left ruined for the night.
"Whyyyyy?" he whined looking at you with a frowny and pouty expression that had you giggling.
"I can’t have you smudging all this work baby" you smirk, knowing he wouldn’t care if you went out with mascara streaming down your face.
"Hmmmm, can you choose me a top! Then I’ll be ready to go?" he exclaims before crossing back over to where the closet was in the fairly spacious hotel room.
“Mmmm i like the green but your a little red today baby, so maybe this Brown one” you say holding up the Brown Lacoste Polo.
“Good choice Liebling” he smiles pulling you in for a quick kiss, your son smiling happily and clapping his hands at the interaction making you do it one last time.
He looks in the mirror, trying to fix his wet hair before grabbing the hairdryer not wanting it to go puffy from the humidity here in the Bahamas, he made that mistake on the first night.
“Im so warm already I feel sticky” you complain as you guys step out of your air conditioned hotel room and into the hallways where the glass windows always remained open letting all the hot air inside.
“Yes I can feel it” he teases as he holds your hips swaying you from side to side as you all wait for the lift to come down from either the 12, 16th or up from the 2nd floor. Your son always loved predicting which one would get there first.
"Mmmmm no please!" you complain hating how his big hands that you usually love on you see just as sweaty as your body.
"I'm hurt Schatz! You won’t accept physical contract from me? Your husband?" he asks looking over you and you want to nod you really do but his expression makes you lean into his hold, and let him drape his arms around you while you both watch your son stand in front of the third lift, that being his prediction.
He was right and you all happily clambered into the lifts, Toto lifting him up as you direct him so you can take a picture of the three of you to put on your Instagram and send to your parents and your mother in law who wanted updates on your guys holiday. You’d begged her to come with you but she was a busy lady, promising she’d come next year.
“This is exactly what I needed” he sighs into your next as the lift continues it’s decent.
“Mmmm me too, it’s been a tough year for both of us”
“We earned this” he smiles kissing your neck just before the doors open exposing you to the lobby where your son runs out straight to the massive fish tank making you and Toto both laugh to one another.
What a way to have a break before the next intense season!
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inmyglenpowellera · 3 months
An Innocent Game | Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
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Request: requested by @kati-1997. Asked for best friends to lovers, everybody sees that they like each other but he admits it after someone flirts with the reader, the crew and Penny bet that they get together.
Word Count: 5949 words
Summary: Jake and the reader are best friends, however, the Dagger Squad and Penny can see they both want to be more than that. What started off as a bet of when the two will get together turns into a different game that leads to trouble.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, angst, cursing (I think, I can't remember for sure, kissing.
It started as a game. An innocent little game for the entire Dagger Squad to play, minus Maverick who was trying to be the responsible one out of the group. But honestly, the oldest member couldn’t blame the group for what they started. They had to do something to deal with Fightertown's most clueless couple.
What started as placing bets for when the two of you finally got together turned into a drinking game.
Take a drink when one of you calls the other a nickname or says something flirty.
Take two drinks if one of you kisses the other on the cheek, forehead, or head.
Take a shot when Hangman tries to show you how to properly play pool.
Take two shots if you hold hands.
Finish your drink if you guys end up dancing together.
Needless to say, the members of the Dagger Squad are more on track for liver failure rather than winning any money.
“I’m never playing that game ever again,” Rooster groaned out to the group the next morning, slumped down in his chair with his aviators placed over his closed eyes.
“Yeah, right. We all know we’ll be doing the same thing when we go out again,” Phoenix argued with him, her state being the same, except she’s leaned forward in her seat, head down and buried in her arms.
“I’ve never drunk so much in my entire life,” Bob groaned out from next to her, sunglasses placed on his nose instead of his usual spectacles for seeing properly.
“I think I’m still drunk,” Fanboy stated, Payback humming in agreement from his seat next to him.
“I’m honestly surprised Penny served us as much as she did last night,” Coyote spoke up.
“It’s because Penny understands the pain we are going through right now with watching the two of them together. I’m starting to seriously think we need to step in and do something about it. I don’t know if my liver can take another night like this,” Rooster told the group.
“What do you expect us to do, Rooster? It’s not like we can just come out and say-,” Coyote was cut off by Pheonix shushing him at the sound of whistling.
Jake Hangman Seresin immediately stopped in his tracks when he took in the sight of his fellow aviators. He couldn’t help but laugh at the hungover group as he slowly walked further into the room, grinning around his toothpick.
“Well, it looks like some people had a fun night,” He said with a chuckle, taking his usual seat at the front of the room.
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” Fanboy muttered, causing Payback to send an elbow into his side.
Hangman showed no sign of hearing his muttered phrase and pulled his phone out to reply to a text sent by you.
Darling: Phoenix hasn’t replied to me this morning. Should I be worried?
His smile widened across his face as he replied to you.
Cowboy: Don’t you worry, darling. It looks to me like she and the rest of the group had a long night last night.
Jake discreetly took a picture of the group sitting behind him with their glasses on and sent it to you. Jake then locked his phone back up and placed it into his pocket before turning to look back at everybody.
“Are any of you going to be up to standards today,” He asked curiously.
“We’ll be fine Hangman, don’t you worry about us,” Coyote told his best friend.
“I just hope Maverick won’t be too hard on us today. I think I might puke if we do any crazy maneuvers,” Bob groaned.
“That’s the price to pay for underage drinking Baby on Board,” Jake said smugly from the front of the room.
“You’re such an ass,” Bob whispered, and everybody was too hungover to comment on the unexpected cursing from the WSO.
Everybody remained silent as they heard the door to their room swing open. Maverick quietly stepped into the room and slowly walked to the front, taking in the state of his team. He shook his head in amusement and cursed his girlfriend for serving them as much as she did. He dropped his clipboard on the podium in the front with a bang, causing all of the aviators, minus the cause of the problem, to let out groans of pain.
“Please never do that again,” Rooster groaned out to his godfather.
“Good morning to you too,” Maverick said with amusement in his voice. “Judging by the look of everybody in this room, practicing flight maneuvers is out of the question and is going to have to be moved to a different day.”
A resounding groaned cheer of numerous “thank gods” and “yes, pleases” rang out from the group, causing Hangman to scoff at the group and shake his head.
“That being said, you guys still aren’t off the hook. I want you all down at the beach behind the Hard Deck and ready for dogfight football within the hour,” Maverick ordered the group, causing them to still groan out in disagreement.
“I’d honestly much rather fly a plane than constantly be tackled to the ground,” Rooster argued.
“That’s the point. I don’t want to hear complaints from the maintenance team about having to hose vomit out from your cockpits, but I can’t let you all off the hook. You’re punishment for drinking so much the night before work is dogfight football. See you all in an hour,” Maverick smirked, leaving the room and the aviators to pull themselves from their seats.
“They look like they’re struggling more than usual,” I commented about the sluggish group of aviators on the beach in front of me.
Penny hummed in acknowledgment and amusement before speaking. “All of them but your best friend.”
I followed her gaze to said aviator and blushed when I saw him, tanned skin glistening in the sun, muscles on show for anyone and everyone to see. I sighed wistfully at him as I continued admiring him, knowing full well Penny was also doing so with Maverick.
“They’re all hungover,” Penny reminded me with a smirk, going back to her work sitting in front of her.
“How are they so hungover? Did they keep drinking after Jake gave me a ride home,” I questioned her in disbelief.
“No, they stopped drinking when you left. You just didn’t realize how much they were drinking while you were here,” She explained. “Probably because you were so focused on a certain Lieutenant Seresin.” 
I removed my gaze from the group and glared over at her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Mhm, sure. Keep telling yourself that,” Penny nodded at me in amusement.
I rolled my eyes at her and looked back at the group to watch Jake do a double take towards our table. I grinned at him and raised my hand in a wave, seeing a wide grin also take over his face and wave back. After his actions, I watched as all of the aviators slowly looked over and had mixed reactions to my presence. Some groaned in what looked like exhaustion while some waved at me with a small smile.
“How long have they been at this,” I questioned Penny curiously.
“A little over an hour. Pete said it was punishment for getting so drunk when they knew they had work the next morning,” Penny told me with a proud grin at the thought of her boyfriend.
“He would punish them for having fun,” I poked at her, causing her to frown at me and kick me under the table. “I was joking. So, what do you think, maybe a little hair of the dog will help them get through it?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Penny argued with me, seeming to know something I don’t know.
“It’ll be fine, Pen,” I argued with her, pulling the back door of the Hard Deck open and making my way to behind the bar.
I began gathering beers together and placing them on top of the bar. I looked around across the bartop to see no bottle opener in sight. I sighed in frustration and began moving jars of garnishes to the side to locate the opener. When unsuccessful, I groaned and squatted down to locate the opener on one of the shelves underneath the bar and let out a small cheer when I saw one behind a glass jar. I pulled the jar out and reached for the opener, placing it up on the bartop. I went to place the jar back when I noticed a heart drawn on it. I furrowed my brows and held it farther away from my face to properly examine it.
I opened the container and looked inside to see rolls of cash shoved inside of it. 
“What the hell,” I murmured to myself in confusion.
I gripped the jar in my hand and walked towards the back door of the bar, pushing it open with my hip and walking towards the bartender.
“Penny, what the hell is a jar with a heart drawn on it stuffed full of cash doing underneath your bar,” I questioned her in confusion.
I could see the woman freeze briefly and some color drain from her face before she looked up at me wide-eyed. I stared at her expectantly and placed the jar on the table in front of her, watching her glance between the jar and myself a few times before speaking.
“It’s…,” She trailed off, causing me to raise my brows at her. “It’s some money I’ve been saving up for a trip for Pete and me. I’ve been hiding it underneath the bar so he doesn’t see it.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet. Well, I would love to contribute some, if that’s okay,” I started reaching for my purse, causing her to stop me and grab the jar from the table.
“No, that’s okay. That’s not necessary at all,” She shrugged.
“Are you sure,” I questioned her again.
“Positive,” She nodded at me tightly before looking back at the door. “Weren’t you getting drinks for everybody?”
My eyes widened at the reminder and walked back inside to grab the beers I had planned on acquiring previously. After opening all of them I gripped them in my arms and hands and began walking them out to the beach where the aviators continued their game.
“I heard that some of you could use a bit of help in your day,” I called out, gaining their attention.
I heard some sighs of relief and resounding “thank yous” as they all made their way towards me and began taking the beers off of my hands. Jake was the last one to greet me and the grin on his face caused mine to widen as well. He took the beer from my outstretched hand before gripping it and pulling me towards him.
“Thank you, darling,” he told me, leaning down to place a kiss on the top of my head.
“You’re welcome, hotshot,” I grinned at him.
I watched out of the corner of my eye as the rest of the group all shared looks before taking four long drinks of their beer in unison.
“Don’t overdo it again guys,” Maverick scolded them, taking a drink of his beer as well before sighing. “We can be done for the day. Get some rest and be ready for work on Monday.”
“Yes, sir,” Rang out around me as everybody sighed in relief at being done for the day.
I giggled at all of them in amusement as I moved closer to Jake and wrapped my arms around his waist. “How are all of you so hungover? Penny told me you stopped drinking after we left last night.”
Everybody stayed quiet at my question and continued drinking their beer, causing me to shrug and hug myself closer to Jake.
“Honey, I’m all sweaty and sandy, I’m sure you don’t want to be touching me right now,” Jake informed me with a grin, taking his sunglasses off and placing them on my face so I was no longer squinting up at him.
“I’m fine,” I reassured him, pressing my face into his chest and admiring his green eyes shining in the sunlight.
Everyone groaned simultaneously and took another long gulp of beer, causing me to squint at them in confusion.
“Is there something we’re missing here,” I questioned all of them curiously.
“Nope,” They all denied in unison.
“Uh-huh,” I nodded at them before looking back up at Jake. “Well, it’s Friday night, what are we doing tonight? Drinks at the Hard Deck again?”
“Sounds good to me. What about you guys,” Jake nodded at me before looking back at the rest of the Dagger Squad.
“Sounds great,” Rooster said after a moment of silence, everybody else hesitantly nodding in unison.
“Awesome. Well, I’m going to head home and get changed, let’s meet back here in an hour to an hour and a half,” I questioned the group, removing myself from Jake’s side and handing his sunglasses back to him.
Everybody nodded as Jake placed another kiss on my head. “Sounds good, darling. I’ll pick you up on my way again.”
I nodded at him in acknowledgment before beginning my trek off of the beach.
“Here, darlin’, you’re holding it wrong, let me help you out,” Jake murmured in my ear, placing his hands over my own and leaning over me.
“I think I know how to do it properly after the many times you’ve shown me before, cowboy,” I giggled out to him, lifting my head to look into his bright green eyes.
“Well, it never hurts to have a refresher,” He replies to me, causing me to nod sheepishly and look back at the task at hand.
“Shots, everybody,” Rooster called out, causing everybody to nod at him reluctantly.
I looked up from the pool table to nod at him as well. “I’ll take one, Roo. Can you also get me another (Y/D)?”
“Sure,” He nodded at me with a tight smile before turning and going to the bar.
Jake led me in my shot once again before we both stood from the table and watched the balls move around. Once my turn was over the next person went and I handed my pool stick to the next person. Jake leaned down towards my ear and told me he was going to help Rooster with the drinks before placing a kiss on my temple. I nodded at him with a bright grin and moved to sit at one of the high-top tables surrounding the pool table. As I sat observing the game in front of me, a very drunk Phoenix came and placed her head on my shoulder, causing me to giggle at her in amusement.
“Can I help you,” I questioned her.
“I’m so drunk,” She informed me, staring at the pool table with a blank expression.
“We’ve only been here two hours,” I said in disbelief. She remained silent and only shrugged in response. “Stop drinking then.”
“I can’t. I would lose the game if I did that, and I can’t lose. I already lost my money, I can’t lose this too. This is your fault by the way,” She groaned out to me, causing me to furrow my brows in confusion.
“What the hell are you talking about,” I questioned her.
Coyote stepped forward at that moment and placed his hands on the female aviator's shoulders, moving her away from me and towards her WSO Bob.
“Ignore Phoenix. She’s just had a little too much to drink. You know how she can be sometimes,” Coyote told me, placing his hand on my shoulder
“Uh…,” I trailed off, looking past him at my female friend with confusion still written across my face.
“Here you go, (Y/N),” Rooster said, gaining my attention.
I looked over at him to see him holding my drink up to me with a grin. I smiled at him thankfully and accepted my drink before looking behind him.
“Where’s Jake?”
“Bringing the rest of the shots,” He told me before downing a couple of gulps of his beer in his hand.
I nodded in understanding before looking back at the pool table in front of me. After a few seconds of waiting for Jake, (Y/F/S) began playing from the jukebox, causing my grin to widen and begin searching for the green-eyed aviator and finding him making his way towards me with a smug grin. I smiled at him brightly and downed my shot before standing from my seat.
“You wanna dance,” Jake questioned me smugly, holding his hand out.
My smile widened and I shook my head at him in disbelief. “You do this every time we come here.”
“Nothing wrong with having a routine,” He shrugged at me before gripping my hand tightly and pulling me over to the jukebox.
I couldn’t help but laugh as he began twirling me around in the jukebox lights before pulling me closer to him. I placed my head on his chest as his hands moved to my waist. The two of us swayed comfortably back and forth for the duration of the song, occasionally catching the gazes of the rest of the Dagger Squad who were looking over at us periodically.
“I feel like something is going on with our friends that they’re not telling us,” I murmured to Jake, questioning if he heard me or not.
“What do you mean,” Jake questioned me curiously.
“They’re acting weird,” I pointed out.
“Because the way they normally act is considered normal,” Jake said in amusement, shaking his head at me.
“To me it is,” I said shyly, looking up at him.
Jake shook his head at me again with a grin before speaking. “Alright, what are they doing that has you so concerned?”
I looked up at him in disbelief this time and scoffed. “You’re telling me you seriously can’t see it? The occasional groans when the two of us do anything, the hesitation in agreeing to come out with us tonight, the heavy drinking in our presence, Phoenix telling me that her being drunk is my fault.”
Jake stood and thought before saying his piece. “I think our friends are just weird and annoying.”
I scoffed at him and grinned before shaking my head. “Sure, Seresin. Let’s go with that.”
“Look, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I think it might just be me, okay? They have to spend all day with me at work and then the evening with me when we hang out. Being around the same people so much can cause some annoyance,” Jake tried to reassure me.
I sighed and shook my head before reluctantly agreeing. “Okay, I guess you’re right.”
“I know I’m right. I’m always right,” He grinned down at me.
“That is not true,” I giggled at him before he twirled and dipped me.
(Y/F/S) came to an end and the two of us began making our way back towards the group. I walked to the table that I left my drink on and frowned when I saw my glass empty. I looked around the group to see a guilty-looking Phoenix avoiding eye contact. I laughed in amusement and shook my head at her before looking up at Jake.
“I’m going to get another drink. It looks like a drunk Phoenix beat me to this one,” I informed him, gesturing between the female aviator and my cup.
Jake laughed as well and looked back down at me. “I can get you another one, darling.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m a big girl, I can handle it,” I reassured him, grabbing my glass to take to the bar for Penny. 
Jake threw his hands up in surrender and smirked at me as I rolled my eyes, reaching forward and gripping one of his hands to pull it back down to his side. Jake smiled at me in amusement and squeezed my hand briefly before letting it go, gently pushing me towards the bar. I looked back at him with a small smile before trekking over to Penny.
“Another one,” Penny questioned me in shock, looking at my empty glass.
“Yeah, I’m afraid Phoenix beat me to this one,” I said with a gentle laugh.
Penny shook her head before turning to make my drink. I chuckled in amusement and looked back at the group of aviators at the pool table. Jake looked up from his turn at the table to make eye contact with me. He winked at me before making his move, causing me to roll my eyes and move to turn back to the bar. However, I paused in my turn when I noticed a certain spectacled WSO making his way towards me at the bar.
“Hey, Bob. You doing okay,” I questioned him in concern.
Bob nodded at me with a bright grin, slightly swaying in his spot where he stopped next to me. “Yeah, I’m great.”
I nodded in agreement with him before looking over at Penny. “Hey, Pen? Water for the WSO, please.”
Penny nodded at me as Bob began to shake his head. “No, no. I don’t need any water. I’m fine.”
I nodded at his slurred words and laughed a little bit. “Bob, you’re a lightweight on your best day, I think some water would do you some good,” I told him, placing my hand on his shoulder.
Bob drunkenly stared up at me in a haze before he sighed and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. You’re totally right. (Y/N), you’re the best. You just care about all of us so much,” He told me, taking my hand on his shoulder in his own and moving it onto the bartop.
“Well somebody has to, Bob, when none of your family is here,” I argued with him, laughing again when he gently laid his head on my shoulder.
“You’re right, again. You're always right, and you’re so smart,” He said softly, nodding his head on my shoulder and causing his glasses to go lopsided from the action.
Penny walked over to the two of us and set my drink and the water on the bartop, causing me to give her a thankful look. I released my hand from Bob’s grip and began pushing the water toward his now free hand.
“Thank you,” He murmured, lifting his head and placing a kiss on my cheek.
I lightly blushed at his actions and shook my head at him. “Don’t thank me until tomorrow morning when your hangover isn’t as bad as it could be.
Bob gave a small giggle and nodded at me in agreement before he began chugging the water. I nodded at him in encouragement and rubbed his shoulder.
Jake watched his best friend walk away from him after gently nudging her in the direction of the bar. His smile was bright until his best friend Javy gained his attention.
“Hey, Hangman, you wanna join?”
Jake broke his gaze from the (Y/H/C) after he was sure she made it to the bar safely. “Yeah, sure.”
Coyote handed him a pool stick as Rooster and Payback racked the balls. He took continuous glances at his friend as he waited his turn, telling himself that he was just making sure she was safe.
“Hey, Hangman, how about you stop staring at your girlfriend and you pay attention to the game,” Natasha slurred from her spot next to Rooster.
Rooster nudged the female and gave her a small glare at her words, causing her to look up at him and shrug innocently.
“It’s not like that,” Jake argued with her.
“Oh, please. Do you honestly think we’re all stupid enough to believe that? There’s a reason we’re the best of the best,” Natasha argued back, rolling her eyes at him.
“I think that only applies to flying,” Fanboy spoke up while Coyote began scolding the woman.
“Natasha, knock it off,” Coyote said to her sternly, leaning back up from the pool table after taking his turn.
“Why? I’m just stating the obvious. You said it yourself, Jake’s in love with (Y/N) and she’s in love with him and neither of them wants to admit it,” She slurred out with a shrug.
“That’s not what’s going on. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jake argued with her again.
“Mhm, yeah sure. You’re delusional then,” Phoenix finished off before shrugging and moving to sit with Fanboy at his table.
Jake continued to stare at the woman in deep thought until Coyote placed his hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Hey, man, just ignore her. You know how she can be. She’s just busting your balls,” Coyote told him.
“Yeah, no, yeah, I know. It’s just… Phoenix being Phoenix,” Jake agreed with him quietly before looking back at the game at hand.
“But on a brighter note, you gotta admit that (Y/N) is looking pretty damn good tonight,” Coyote commented, causing Jake to follow his gaze and a mesmerized smile to take over his face.
“Yeah, she does,” He breathed out, taking in the woman across the room.
Coyote looked between the two people and shook his head in amusement before landing a smack to his chest. “Your turn.”
Jake nodded at him and turned towards the pool table to take his turn. He looked up from where he was leaning over to take his turn to check on his best friend again. A smile overcame his face at the sight of her already looking over at him. Jake couldn’t help but send her a wink before making his move, causing her to roll her eyes in amusement and turn back to the bar. Jake stood back up from his position and watched the next person take their turn until Fanboy spoke up from where he was sitting with Phoenix.
“Where’d Bob go?”
All he could see was red. He looked away from his best friend long enough to take another turn at 9-ball, and when he looked back up Phoenix’s nerdy WSO was putting drunken moves on (Y/N).
He watched as Bob grabbed your hand from his shoulder as you talked and gripped it in his own. He watched as the man placed his head on your shoulder and you laughed at something he said. However, the straw that broke the camel’s back was when he placed a kiss on your cheek. Jake had never asked Coyote to hold his beer and pool stick as fast as he did at that moment. The drunk aviator fumbled to hold the items and dropped the pool stick with a clang as Jake began to take quick strides across the Hard Deck towards the two individuals at the bar. His strides became even quicker at the site of his best friend rubbing Bob’s shoulder as he chugged a glass of water.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing Baby on Board,” Jake questioned the WSO darkly.
Jake watched you turn to him with a look of utter confusion at his tone out of the corner of his eye but refused to take his eyes off the man standing in front of him. Bob slowly lowered the glass of water back down to the bar and wiped his mouth before looking over at his fellow aviator.
“Just drinking some water,” Bob informed him with a bright grin before picking the cup back up.
“Jake,” you whispered to him, trying to gain his attention.
Jake didn't remove his eyes from Bob and straightened up, taking a step between the two of you. Your confusion was furthered when he made this move, looming over Bob with a threatening demeanor.
“Jake, what the hell are you doing,” You questioned him, placing your hand on his arm and pulling him away from the clueless aviator.
Jake still refused to look away from Bob, causing you to move around the side of him and step between the two. Jake finally removed his gaze from Bob long enough to look down at you. You raised your eyebrows at him in question and watched his face soften. You sighed in slight annoyance and shook your head at him before turning around to look at Bob.
“Hey, Bobby, how about you take your water and go join everybody else again, yeah,” I questioned him sweetly, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Okay,” Bob nodded at me with a smile, turning around and making his way back toward the group.
I watched and waited until he was greeting everybody else before turning back around and looking at Jake.
“What the hell was that,” I questioned him, looking up at him in shock and disbelief.
“What do you mean “what the hell was that?” Baby on Board was clearly making a move on you,” Jake defended looking at me in disbelief as well.
“That's not what was happening. He's drunk Jake. He doesn't know what he's doing,” I argued.
“So that's supposed to make it okay,” Jake threw at me.
“No-,” I started, only to be cut off.
“What do you have the hots for Bob or something,” he added.
“What? No,” I denied quickly, only having a second to shake off my disbelief at his words.
“So it would be completely fine if Rooster were to come over and do the same thing,” He questioned me quickly.
“Wha- Jake,” I scoffed out, shaking my head at him.
“Or Coyote, or Pheonix. Maybe even Payback or Fanboy,” he began listing off, causing my frustration with him to grow.
“Jake, seriously,” I slightly whimpered.
“So it's fine for anybody to just come on over and flirt with you and touch you,” Jake snapped back.
“That's not- this isn't-,” I stuttered out, my increasing frustration with the situation making it difficult to properly form a sentence.
“Then what is it, (Y/N)? Tell me what this is. Make this make sense for me,” Jake snapped out at me.
I glared up at him and felt tears beginning to brim in my eyes when I finally snapped “You tell me, Jake. You're the one who made it into something.” 
Jake finally snapped his mouth shut and took a step back from me. He remained quiet but wouldn't remove his eyes from my own.
“What, you have nothing to say now? Because you had plenty a few seconds ago,” I scoffed.
Jake continued to remain silent, now avoiding eye contact. All I could bring myself to do was nod and reach over to grab my drink from the bartop.
“Okay, well… come find me when you finally come up with an excuse for acting like a jealous boyfriend,” I told him, beginning to walk away.
However, I stopped when I felt him place his hand on my elbow.
“What if it were me,” he asked me quietly, causing me to turn and face him with obvious confusion on my face.
“What if it were me who was acting like that with you,” he repeated louder. I remained silent as I stared at him, and Jake spoke again at my silence. “What if I didn't just act like a jealous boyfriend and I was actually a jealous boyfriend? Or just a boyfriend in general?”
My confusion changed to shock at his question. I slowly moved back to my spot in front of him and placed my drink back on the bar. I looked down at his hand and watched as it slowly moved from my elbow and down my arm to intertwine with my hand.
“Then I would tell you there's no reason to be jealous because you're the only one I have eyes for,” I told him quietly, looking up from our hands to gaze into his eyes.
I could visibly see the tension turn into relief at my words. See his shoulders relax, his eyes soften slightly, his pinched lips release into a small smile. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something in response, but quickly shut it instead.
“You can kiss me now,” I said to him in encouragement.
“Oh, thank god,” Jake said in relief before releasing my hand to cup my face in both of his, placing his lips on my own.
I released a breath of relief myself at the feeling of his lips against my own, the feeling of his hands holding my face delicately, almost as if he were afraid that I would break. My hands raised to wrap around his wrists, gently gripping them in my own and rubbing my thumbs against the delicate skin. It was a gentle kiss that turned into one filled with passion. He released my lips briefly before moving in for one more. And then one more turned into two… three… until the sound of cheering echoed across the bar, causing the two of us to pull away and look towards the sound. A bright grin broke out across my face at the sight of the rest of the Dagger Squad looking over at us and cheering as if their home team just won a championship game. I began laughing in amusement at the group before looking up at Jake, seeing him have the same reaction as me before looking back down at me.
“I’m sorry to tell you this Darling, but I don’t think you’re ever going to be able to get rid of me,” Jake informed me with a faux smile of apology.
“That’s alright. I think I just might want to keep you around for a little while,” I smirked up at him before wrapping my hand around his neck to pull him into another breathtaking kiss.
Meanwhile, the Dagger Squad watched their two friends with smiles on their faces and relief in their bodies at the thought of no longer having to watch the two of them dance around each other.
“It’s about time,” Coyote said, resulting in everybody letting out different noises and statements of agreement.
“So, wanna bet on when they’ll get engaged,” Rooster questioned, causing everyone to start shouting out dates and timespans.
However, this lasted for a short time due to Phoenix speaking up from her spot next to a still-drunk Bob.
“Wait, who won the original bet,” She questioned.
The group all looked around at each other curiously before looking over at the Hard Deck owner who appeared at their side with her glass jar in her hand.
“Bob won,” She stated simply.
“What,” Was the resounding answer in disbelief.
She nodded at them in amusement before answering. “He won by two weeks. Predicted it would happen by (Y/N)’s birthday.”
The group looked over at a now passed-out Bob, his head slumped down on the table and Phoenix running her hand over his head gently.
“Did he technically cheat,” Fanboy questioned his friends, pointing over at Bob.
“There’s no way he was smart enough to do that when he’s that drunk. I think it was just a lucky break,” Payback argued with him, causing Rooster and Coyote to nod in agreement with the frontseater. 
Penny made her way over to the WSO and gently shook him, causing him to raise his head from the table in a haze, looking over at the bartender in confusion.
“Congratulations, Lieutenant,” She smirked at him, leaving the jar in front of him before walking off back to the bar.
Bob looked down at the jar in confusion before looking at all of the aviators in front of him who were looking at him in disbelief.
“Did I win?”
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fxrmuladaydreams · 5 months
the sensible decision (sv5) (dr3)
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pornstar!seb x camgirl/pornstar!reader , pornstar!daniel x camgirl/pornstar!reader
summary: although your heart is split between decisions, your mind finds the sensible one easily
notes: i promised you guys seb was going to have to grovel and grovel he will
prev part next part
You don’t know why you expected to wake up with a clear answer, with an obvious sign that told you who you should choose. You don’t want to look at your phone, afraid of a text from either of them asking about the other.
You do manage to avoid your phone for the most part of the morning. You make your breakfast, shower, get ready for the day, but the nagging in the back of your head is incessant. You groan when you finally do grab your phone and look at your messages.
From Seb
Last night was fun schatz. If you still want to do a livestream together I’d like that
You sigh and text him back.
To Seb
I don’t know if I’ll have the time, I’ve been spending so much time with Daniel lately
Yes, it’s a low blow, but you know it’s what he deserves. You leave your chat with Sebastian and open your chat with Daniel.
From Daniel
How is it possible that you made me miss you after only being gone for a few hours? And that livestream was pure torture sweetheart
You smile at his message, practically giggling.
To Daniel
Well I think the torture is just what you needed after what you did to me in our video
You see him typing, then his message pops up.
From Daniel
I’m pretty sure you asked for it sweetheart
You can practically hear his voice. His Australian accent with a teasing tone, it sends a thrill through you.
To Daniel
Wanna hang out today? I don’t have any plans, and if it’ll make you less lonely I’m willing to sacrifice my time for you 😉
His response is almost immediate.
From Daniel
Sure sweetheart. Come over to mine whenever. And bring a swimsuit
You find a cute bikini that you think Daniel will like and pack a bag for your day. You pack basic pool items, sunscreen, a book, a towel.
You drive over to Daniel’s house once you’re finished getting ready. He greets you at the door in a dark blue sweatshirt and green swim trunks. He gives you a toothy grin as he pulls you inside.
“Hungry?” He asks.
“No, I’m alright, thank you though.” You tell him, but your stomach grumbles in protest.
“I’ll make us some lunch.” He says.
You follow him to his kitchen and take a seat on a stool he’s got at his bar top. You watch as he gathers a few things, from his cupboards and fridge. He asks what kind of sandwich you’d like then gets to work putting it together for you. He passes you a glass of water with your food once he’s finished.
He slides onto the stool next to yours with a sandwich of his own.
You glance around his kitchen. It’s a good size, the bar top you’re sitting at is fairly large with a few seats down to the end. You know his living room is quite big as well.
“So what do you do with all this space? What do I have to do to get on the guest list for all the ragers I’m sure you throw here?” You nudge him with your elbow.
He laughs and shakes his head. “Trust me, there are no ragers.” He takes a sip from his glass. “I want to be able to have people over. I like the idea of being able to hang out, spend time with the people I care about.”
“That’s really nice. I’m sure they appreciate it.” You smile and nod.
He looks down at his lap as if he’s hiding from you. “Well I haven’t really found them yet, so…”
“What do you mean?”
“With our line of work it’s hard to figure out who actually cares about you, and who just wants something from you, you know?” He looks over at you.
You know that feeling all too well. “I do.”
He hums and takes a bite of his sandwich.
You lean closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder. “Well, then I’m happy to be the first one here.”
He smiles softly as his cheeks flush a soft pink.
Once you finish your lunch, Daniel guides you outside to his pool deck. You toss your bag on one of the lounge chairs and pull the dress you’re wearing over your head to reveal your swimsuit.
Daniel can’t take his eyes off of you. Sure he’d seen you in much more compromising positions, but this, with the lack of a camera, felt intimate.
“See something you like Ricciardo?” You ask him, winking.
Oh, two can play at that game. He thinks as he tugs his sweatshirt off, tossing it onto another lounge chair.
You can’t help but stare at his bare torso. The tanned skin becomes taut when he stretches his arms. His swim trunks riding up to reveal a gorgeous tattoo that had been peeking out on his thigh. You notice he’s got tattoos scattered everywhere. Some on his arms, his legs, even his hands.
You have to hold yourself back from stepping forward to run your fingers along the designs.
“See something you like sweetheart?” He smirks.
You scoff and dig around in your bag for your sunscreen. Pulling it out you turn back to Daniel. “Help me put this on?”
He takes the bottle from you and empties pours some into his hand. He massages it into the skin on your back and shoulders. You can feel just how big Daniel is as he stands behind you, practically looming over you. His hands cover a good portion of your back, and his thick fingers fiddle with the flimsy strings holding your bikini together. You remember just what those fingers can do as you let your eyes flutter shut.
He steps away from you once he’s finished, taking his warmth with him.
You finish applying the sunscreen on yourself and lay out on your lounge chair. You pull your book out of your bag and open it with the full intent to read, but you can’t stop yourself from watching Daniel in the pool.
The muscles in his back flex as he does laps around the pool, his arms look deliciously strong. He keeps swimming around and around for a while, before he groans and swims over to the edge of the pool.
“You know, I thought you’d actually end up in the pool with me.” He says.
You sigh. “I’ll sit on the edge, is that enough for you?” You ask giving him a teasing smile.
He lets you get comfortable on the lip of the pool as he stands next to you, looking up at you. The sun sits perfectly behind you, creating a glowing effect, giving you a halo.
“Happy now?” You ask.
He grins as he wraps his arms around your legs and pulls you down into the water. You both end up submerged, you cling to him as you struggle to regain your sense of balance. You gasp when you come up from the water, giving him a smack on the chest.
“What the hell Daniel?” You shout.
He’s laughing too hard to give you an actual response. You can’t tell if he’s got tears running down his face or if it’s just the water dripping from his hair.
“You should’ve seen the look on your face!” He manages to get out in between laughs.
“It’s not funny! I could’ve drowned and died!” You try to pull away from him, crossing your arms over your chest.
He quickly reaches out for you and grabs onto your thighs, easily pulling you up and wrapping them around his waist. Your arms wrap around his neck so you don’t fall backwards.
He bats his eyelashes at you and softly says “I promise I won’t let you drown and die sweetheart.”
You huff and roll your eyes. “Fine, you’re forgiven.”
When your eyes meet his you realize just how close you are. You can see all the little details of his face. The slight bump of his nose, the freckles that decorate his cheeks, the specs of gold in his eyes.
He seems to be doing the same to you, trying to commit your features to memory, then his eyes stop at your lips. He looks like he’s having an internal debate with himself.
“Can I- can I kiss you?” He asks, his eyes trailing back up your face to your eyes.
You don’t answer him, instead you lift a hand to the back of his head and press your lips against his.
689 notes · View notes
alwaysf0rev3r · 2 years
3 Weeks Waiting
pairing: dbf!bucky barnes x fem!reader
summary: you’ve been hooking up with your dad’s best friend for months, but you accidentally ghosted him during finals week. saying he’s desperate is an understatement.
warnings: needy!bucky (he needs a warning), m & f masturbation, face sitting, hand jobs, riding, desperate sex, slight sub/dom dynamic, m in f penetration, dirty talk, absolute filth, hair pulling, slight degrading, praise, creampie, age gap (buckys the age he is in the movies, and reader is in college, maybe in early/mid 20s?)
note: my requests are open!!!!! REQUEST STUFF FOR ME TO WRITEEEEE :)
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Tired. Annoyed. Slightly grossed out by all the old dudes around you.
That was the best way to describe how you felt in that moment. Your dad had brought over some friends and coworkers to celebrate the beginning of summer, he always found an excuse to throw a pool party.
Irritation flooded you as you got up from your beach chair, trying to subtly sneak through to go inside. You grabbed your towel to wrap it around yourself before walking through the door and into your home.
Before you could grab the chips from the kitchen island, a familiar frame stopped you. He stood tall on the other side of the kitchen island, a cup of rum in hand, “Hey, Bucky.”
Saying there was tension between the two of you was an understatement. His eyes were dark on you, a certain desperation lingering behind them, and you knew exactly why.
The two of you had been hooking up for months now, it just… Happened. But you hadn’t seen, called, or texted him in over 2 weeks because of college exams, and that was the longest the two of you had ever not spoken. Even when you went out of town, you two texted like preteens entering puberty.
And you had the audacity to sit there in front of him cluelessly.
He had to sit and just give you a small side hug greeting in front of your dad. He had to watch you tan on a beach chair in nothing but a small black bikini.
He was in pain.
“Don’t ‘Hey Bucky’ me,” he shook his head, watching you grab the cool ranch doritos on the counter and grab one.
“What?” You pretended to not know.
“I sent you like— 5 texts and called you a lot.”
“I was studying and taking exams, Buck, I warned you exam week was coming… I wasn’t even on my phone until today,” you giggled at his grump expression, not being able to hold in your own laughter. It was obvious he wasn’t truly mad, more just too stubborn to admit how much he missed you.
“Is it funny?” he scoffed lightly, matching your little giggles as he walked around the kitchen island. He stopped as he stood a foot away from you, and from afar, it’d look like the two of you were just having a normal conversation, “Do you know how hard I am right now? I can’t cum without you anymore.”
Your eyes widened at his words, and it was rare for you to get embarrassed or startled at all, “You can’t say things like that so randomly, Buck.”
“Why? Does it turn you on?” He mocked, walking closer and looking around to make sure no one looked. He slowly let the bulge in his pants touch your thigh as he breathed in relief. He didn’t grind, anxious that someone would walk in and see, even though you two were on the side of the island that covered everything below your waist, “Take the towel off.”
“You’re like a dog in heat, Jesus,” you tried to hold yourself back, wanting to come off as stronger. But when he slowly moved his hips, you swore you’d snap, “Oh my god, don’t do that— People are right th—“
“I don’t care,” he moaned a little louder than he should’ve, groaning in pain as you backed away. He watched the towel slightly open as you stood in front of him, shaking your head in shame. Your chest was revealed only slightly, but the sight was enough to make him feral, “I’m gonna cream my pants, fuck.”
“Bucky,” you scoffed, grabbing your towel and taking it off. You threw it as his chest and watched him catch it blindly, too distracted at the visual of your body, “It’s a bikini, don’t be so desperate.”
You walked past him and towards the stairs, knowing him well enough to know he was most likely staring at the view that was your ass. You turned around while you took a step on the 4th step, your eyebrows going up, “You coming or what?”
He sprinted.
He was a fucking track star.
He nearly fell over running to the stairs and following you, like a loyal puppy. You made sure to make it torturous and walk slowly, but your heart was telling you to sprint. You wanted this just as much as he did, if not more.
But you wanted him needy.
The minute you entered your room, he slammed the door behind you and lunged at you. Your lips intertwined with his as he gripped all parts of you, from your arms, to your chest, to your ass, to your back… all of you. But he swore he snapped when you pulled his hair just slightly, making him moan into your mouth.
God, did you miss that sound.
You pushed him on the bed, watching him sit and stare at you with lusted eyes, completely at his mercy for you. In that moment, he’d do— say— be anything for you. He needed you.
Which is why he said what he did next
“I want you to sit on my face.”
Your eyes widened at his confession, unsure of where this energy was coming from. He was always a begger, or even when he was in charge, he just asked. He never demanded or told. But there he stood, feet away from you on a bed, telling you what he needed.
You giggled and stepped closer, standing in front of his sitting body. You ran a hand over his face and took a minute to take him in, it had been too long. His sharp cheekbones, his scruff, the way his eyes were wide with needy— Beauty was not a good enough word for him, he was so much more than beautiful.
“Earn it,” you kissed his cheek in response, then moved down to his jaw. You kissed and sucked on every part of his neck while you slowly slipped your hand into his swim trunks, grabbing his bulge. His breath shortened as you gripped it tightly, rubbing up and down.
You were slow to grab the waistband of his swim trunks with your other hand and pull it down, but when you did, shock filled your face. You had never seen him so hard… It was bigger than usual, almost scary, “I haven’t cum in nearly 3 weeks.”
“Do you need me to tell you what masturbation is?” you joked, running your hand on his tip and using his precum to lubricate your hand.
“You can show me,” he joked back, throwing his head back while you started stroking faster, “I tried so hard to but— Fuck— I couldn’t c-cause it wasn’t warm like you.”
“That’s so pathetic it’s hot,” you chuckled, hearing his little laugh as well. You continued jerking him off, hoping you could get him to the edge faster, “I fucked myself a lot the past few weeks.”
“So you had time to jack off but not text me back,” he breathed out, joking with you. The sex with you two was always that— Free. No pressure, just you two.
“I guess you won’t want to hear about me cumming to a photo of you then,” you shrugged, stroking him continuously.
His eyes widened as he looked down at you, sweat covering his head, “Did you really?”
“Yes— That photo with your turtle neck… I was looking through my photos and found it in my favorites album,” you became focused on stroking, trying to ignore how wet you were, “You were so hot in it— I came twice just looking at it. Then the next day I came to that video you sent me of you jerking off a while back.”
“Jesus, you’re gonna kill me,” he moaned, which was motivation for you to slip your hand into your bikini bottoms, and subtly rub yourself while jacking him off. But when he looked down, the world was over for him, “Oh my god, you’re touching yourself.”
“It’s like there’s something wrong with me, Buck,” you moaned, removing your hand and shoving it into his mouth. He sucked all the juices of shamelessly, keeping your fingers in his mouth while he tasted you, “I’m always so wet. I cum, but it isn’t enough… I need you to fill me up, it’s the only thing that works.”
“Use me, take what you want— Fuck— I don’t care, just— Sit on my face or fuck me, please, just do whatever,” he moaned even though your hand was no longer touching him. Your words were enough to send him screaming.
“God, you are desperate,” you stared, straddling him and sitting on his bare dick. Your rubbed your clothed crotch on his exposed one, watching his mouth open, “You’re happy with whatever I give you, it’s sad. I could slap you and you’d probably thank me.”
He stayed quiet and grabbed your hips to encourage you to move more. There was something different about this time… You were in control. You had been very few times, but never so confidently, and it was driving him insane, “I could hump you for hours and you’d be okay with it, huh? You don’t even know what you want.”
“I want you to sit on my face,” he rebelled, ensuring you knew he knew exactly what he wanted.
You scoffed and put your hands on his shoulders. You dug your claws into them before moving them down and scratching hardly, watching red lines form as he moaned. You pressed your hands against his abs and pushed him down onto the bed to lay down.
He stared at you, no longer willing to make jokes. He watched you take your bikini bottoms off before shimming up and onto his abs. You stopped there and straddled his torso, humping his abs slowly, “I’ll let you taste me when I think you deserve it.”
“What did you drink?” He asked, swearing he could cum just watching you grind yourself on his abs, “Drink it more often cause you’re so fucking hot right now.”
“Shut up, I’m busy,” you moaned, grinding yourself on his abs and watching his eyebrows furrow, “I humped the pillow you’re laying on dozens of times while thinking of your cock filling me up— I even fucked myself with a dildo on it. Fuck, nothing makes me cum like you, it pisses me off.”
He moaned at the mere thought of it all, unsure if he could hold back any longer, “You can sit on my face on it too.”
You removed your body from his and moved up more, stopping as your crotch stood right over his face. He stared at your wetness, like a feral dog in training waiting for a treat… Waiting to get animalistic.
You decided to tease him a bit and put a finger inside of yourself, fingering yourself from only an inch above his eyes, “I bet those fingers don’t fill you like I do.”
“I’ll cum in front of your face and you can see how they get the job done, too,” you joked, moaning as you watched his hand go down to his own dick, jerking himself off.
“I can play this game too,” he moaned, stroking himself, “I could cum so fast just watching you… Fuck.”
Jealousy overwhelmed you as you removed your hand and sat down, holding back a bit of weight to let him breathe. He removed his hand from his own dick to push you off, making your eyebrows furrow in concern.
“Don’t do that stupid thing you do,” aggression leaked through his pores, “Sit on me— Like just… Put yourself on me. I want you to just stuff my mouth, not that stupid pussy shit where you pretend to be one pound. I don’t care about air, just sit.”
You chuckled before doing as he asked, sitting with all your weight. You groaned as he moaned right into your pussy, sending your back arching immediately. He moved his tongue so quickly you bent forward, gripping his hair and pulling it slightly. It was all overwhelming as you tested the waters, grinding yourself on his face and waiting to see if he’d ever ask for air.
But he didn’t.
Should you be concerned?
You lifted yourself up for a moment, watching him take a breath before shoving yourself on his face again, nearly coming at the sight of him being at your control. You grinded faster, using his face like a toy, “I can’t believe you want me to hump your face like a pillow— You’re so— Oh fuck.”
You couldn’t finish your sentence as you felt a knot in your stomach, a feeling which made you do the hardest thing you’d done in your entire life.
You lifted yourself up and got off of him.
He looked just as disappointed as his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, “I want to cum when you’re inside me.”
The disappointment faded into desire as he watched you straddle him again, this time putting your bare pussy on his dick, rubbing up and down, but not high enough to his tip, “You’re so wet.”
You kept grinding on the side of his cock, waiting for him to do something to earn him getting what you’ve both been waiting for, “Please let me fuck you— I’ll do anything, fuck— Please. This is so good, but I need to just be inside you, I’ll make you feel good, I promise.”
You took his begging as the final sign, taking it upon yourself to sit on his tip and slowly push down. You took your time, adjusting to what you’d spent too long without. When you were at the base, you moved your hips and circles, ignoring how stiff Bucky was. He was holding back, gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles turned white, “Bucky— Fuck me. Please. I can’t take it anymore, it hurts, just fuck me.”
He grabbed your waist and flipped the two of you over so you now stood underneath him, staring at his face. He looked down at himself entering you, knowing with that sight and the feeling of you pulling his hair, he could cum in seconds.
He relentlessly pounded into you, doing what he spent weeks penting up and thinking about doing. He rammed himself into you like a hammer hitting a nail, making your body twitch as you whined loudly. Everyone was outside at the pool, and you had all the freedom to scream.
“You’re so fucking good for me, taking me like a good girl, look at you,” he gripped your waist tighter and fucked you harder, “You’ve corrupted me— I can’t fuck anyone else, not even myself. God, I wish I could fuck you all the time. In public, in private, in cars, in every room and closet I see— Fuck.”
“Bucky, I’m gonna cum,” you yelped, closing your eyes and throwing your head back, “Do it with me.”
“I’m not wearing a condom, not tonight, baby,” he said through grunts.
“I’m on the pill, cum inside me,” you moaned, telling him exactly what he needed to hear. He spent months cumming in a condom, and very occasionally on your stomach after fucking you, “Fill me up.”
“Oh my god, you’re gonna give me a heart attack,” he groaned loudly, meeting your volume as he pounded faster, “You’re milking me so good— I’ll cum inside you, I promise.”
You both moaned as you pulled him closer, the both of you grabbing each other while you felt the other release. It felt like it lasted minutes, taking longer to cool down as he peeled himself off of you to give you space.
You sat up slowly and looked down at the cum leaking out of you, which you felt curious about. You brought a finger to your entrance and picked up all the white cream around your hole and shoved inside of you. Thrusting a few times to ensure it was deep into you. You inhaled sharply at the feeling of both of your liquids mixing to become one.
You brought the finger to your mouth and licked it clean, looking over at Bucky, who’s eyes were wide.
“Bend over, we’re doing Round 2.”
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sunarc · 8 months
After Hours
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𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 1
toji x reader
Synopsis: What happens when you meet someone willing to make all you naughty dreams come true?
CW: virginity loss, corruption kink, size kink, alcohol consumption, shy reader, toji is a player, cum eating, Shiu is being a daddy in this per usual, modern au, afab reader, bar owner toji, 5.1k words, please let me know if i missed anything
A/N:I’m so happy to present day 1 of Kinktober!!! I’m so excited for y’all to read please enjoy!
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You sipped your drink to the sound of rock music playing loudly from the speakers. You watched as hot sweaty bodies crowded around a pool table swinging money in the air while yelling out bets. The bar was lively, it was loud and there you sat, quietly at the end of the bar, watching everyone, enjoying the show. The bar had people from all walks of life come through. Some would come through and tell you stories you could never imagine, some telling you of where they were headed and some just a little sleezy looking for a quick fuck. You were never the type for hookups. You honestly couldn’t imagine being with a random stranger for one fun night. You enjoyed being in this space. It was fun to see so many different people and get to experience another’s life just for a few minutes.
“I can’t possibly imagine doing something so scary like that” you said, shocked listening to the story being told by the big figure sitting in front of you smoking a cigarette.
“You wouldn’t believe all of the crazy things I’ve done sweetheart” he pulled a long drag from his cigarette then turned to you.
“You got any stories?” he asked
“Who? Me? I- uh no I don’t really do much” you fumbled over your words suddenly becoming nervous by the question.
It was true, you didn’t really do much. You were honestly as innocent as they come. You didn’t drink, not because you thought it was bad but more so because the taste of alcohol was quite repulsive. You had never had a boyfriend before, hell you had never engaged in sex before. You just never found someone worth giving yourself away to. The idea was honestly scary. Having to get naked and show your body to another person was honestly scary yet something about it felt so intriguing. Something about sleeping with someone and having them take you in ways you wouldn’t dare speak about out loud was almost thrilling. You shook the thought away.
“I really mostly like to just hear about other people’s stories, I find them fascinating really.” You said, giving a shy smile.
He nodded his head silently taking in your words.
“Hm, I guess I could understand” he took a drag finishing his cigarette. “But what about living?”
You gave a confused look.
“What do you mean, I am living?” the question almost sounded silly
“No, you're listening to other people live. You’re basically living vicariously through other people.” He scoffed. “Why not enjoy the thrills of life yourself instead of hearing it from other people?”
The question left you speechless. You sat staring at the man's mouth slightly open unsure of what to say.
Why weren’t you living?
You went to work and came to this hole in the wall bar every night just to listen to stories and drink juice. When were you going to be the one telling the stories?
“You bothering my customers Shiu?” a loud voice interrupted your thoughts.
Toji, the bar owner, walked over to the two of you cleaning a glass with a smirk.
“Bothering? I could never. I think that might be your job.” he chuckled.
“How you doing pretty? Need another drink?” Toji asked, looking down at your almost empty glass.
“Hi Toji, I’m well today. I’d love another juice thankyou” you said smiling softly.
Ever since you first walked into the bar Toji had been as kind as ever. His smile was always inviting. He was tall, buff and handsome. He always left you feeling starstruck as he moved behind the counter muscles flexing in his tight shirt smiling handsomely at customers as they handed him large tips. He always gave you free drinks mostly because you only ordered juice. He was even nice enough to let you stay after closing and keep him company while he cleaned and told you stories of before he owned the bar.
“Your friend wasn’t bothering me” you said as he handed you a full glass. “I was probably bothering him,” you laughed.
Toji smiled and leaned forward on his elbows.
“I’m sure a pretty girl like you could never bother anyone.”
You looked down smiling at the remark. Toji was a big flirt with everyone. If a pretty girl walked in and looked like she had big pockets he would somehow always flirt his way into an unusually large tip.
“I was just offering a little advice,” Shiu said as he pulled out another cigarette, putting it between his lips.
“Last time you gave someone advice they died” Toji commented as he fixed a drink for a regular.
“They took it a little too literally, that isn’t my fault” he lit the cigarette pulling a long drag.
The two bantered back and forth arguing over his advice.
“He actually told me something really helpful” You interrupted.
“Oh yeah and what was it exactly?” Toji leaned over the counter dangerously close to you. He bit his lip as he stared at you waiting for you to answer. You shied away suddenly feeling nervous under his gaze.
“I- well it was just about me living life that’s all” you stumbled over your words.
Toji smirked at you
“Now why would he say such a thing doll?” he seemed intrigued as he sat up and poured a shot for himself and Shui.
“I guess , well , I’m just not living out my fantasies…” your voice died out towards the end of your sentence.
“Not living out your fantasies?” Toji rested his head in his hand with a smirk playing on his face.
“Tell me more about that” his voice was low as he asked for more. You sat in front of him watching his movements almost hypnotized by the way he spoke so smoothly. Toji was an intimidating guy. No matter how many nights you spent sitting chatting with him about any and everything you never failed to grow nervous under his dark gaze.
“I uh I shouldn’t talk too much about it” you let out a nervous chuckle.
Toji sat up letting out a small sigh.
“All right then, keep your secrets,” he laughed.
You gave a shy smile before sipping your drink. It would have been hard to admit in front of two obviously attractive men that you fantasized about losing your virginity. The topic seemed so taboo. You could imagine them pushing for more details. Why hadn’t you lost your virginity? What are you waiting for? Are you some kind of saint, too good for sex?None of the above. The right person just hasn’t come along yet, someone to send chills through your body just from their voice. You wanted someone who would make you feel something, someone worth it. You sat in silence stuck on the previous conversation. You hadn’t noticed the bar slowly emptying out. Drunk bodies stumbled out slurring words as they called their rides.
“You sticking with me, pretty girl?” Toji’s voice interrupted your thoughts.
You nodded your head with a small smile, it wouldn’t hurt having another late night conversation with Toji while he closed.You looked around noticing Shui pulling out his last cigarette before throwing back the rest of his drink.
“I’m leaving you, two have a good night” he turned to you “I meant what I said live a little, kid”
“Hey what about me Shiu got any advice for me ?” he teased
Shiu walked to the door before turning around
“Hm, actually yes, go to hell” he smirked and left without another word.
Toji scuffed as he wiped down the counter.
“Asshole,” he mumbled.
You laughed at the encounter and looked around at the now empty bar. It was nice to look at apart from the scattered beer and glasses. The bar had nice decor, it was one of the main factors that attracted you to the place.
“So any new stories for me?” you asked, watching as Toji came from behind the counter with a broom sweeping the place.
“You like my stories that much?” he asked, half his attention on you, half on cleaning.
“You spun around on the bar stool laughing to yourself at the childish action.
“I think you have fun things to say” you thinking to yourself for a moment “And well I guess I really like your voice” you mumbled the last part.
Toji chuckled, stopping his actions. He looked at you with a smirk.
“You like my voice huh?”
You looked away suddenly embarrassed by your confession.
“I mean well you- it” you stammered
“It’s okay doll” Toji walked closer to you lowering his voice in the process.
“I could talk all you want” he said “ But I’d more so like to hear something about you” he said as he came close standing between your legs as you sat facing him on the stool.
“Something about me?” you asked slightly confused.
“Yeah, I mean you sit with me while I clean all the time and you listen to me go on and on about stories for days yet, you never talk to me about yourself.” he said leaning closer to you.
Your breath hitched feeling the heat from his body as he closed the space between you two.
“For example I’d love to continue that conversation from earlier, you know the one about those fantasies of yours.”
He leaned down eye level to you just a breath away. His lips were only inches away from yours. You wanted to lean in just to see how soft his lips would be. Would he taste like alcohol or something sweeter? How soft would his lips be? You leaned into him only for him to reach behind you picking up the spray bottle and rag. He walked away with a smirk and began wiping down tables.
“Talk to me doll” he said “ I mean I’ve told you so many things before it's only fair you tell me a secret or two” his voice was sensual. It sent tingles through your body to your core. You crossed your legs squeezing tight at the sound.
“Well” you said contemplating if you should speak your thoughts.
Toji stopped his cleaning to look at you
“It's just us two here, you can tell me anything” he said softly.
You looked around as if you’d somehow find someone sitting in the corner listening in. To no surprise the room was empty apart from Toji’s large muscular body standing a few feet away from you.
“I guess I just fantasize about losing my virginity,” you said, voice fading away.
You felt embarrassed at your confession. You wanted to hide away. Lose your virgin, what a foolish fantasy. Why not something like travel the world or start a business, that’s a real fantasy but no there you sat legs crossed squeezed searching for friction. “I mean- well there's more but I well” your words seemed to scramble as you spoke. Toji stood in front of you smiling at your truth.
“I think that’s a cute fantasy.” he said
He leaned against the table and folded his arm.
“I’d love to hear more about this…” he bowed his head, hiding his smile, “fantasy,” he said finishing his sentence.
“What? More?” you almost yelled shocked by his words
He licked his lips while making eye contact.
“Yeah” he repeated “More”
He got up from the table and began to roam around the room with a sigh.
“I mean there’s gotta be something more to this little fantasy of yours”
He walked over to you fiddling with the edge of your skirt. His fingers brushed against your skin making you feel hot all over.
“What is it, do you have some fantasy of getting tied up for your first time?”
His fingers danced across your skin. He looked down concentrated on his hand movements.
“Or do you just want a nice big cock to stretch you out?”
His words went straight to your core. You were too shocked by the vulgarity of it all to say anything. No one had ever spoken to you like that before. No one’s words had ever made you throb the way his did.He chuckled at your silence. Toji stepped away and went back to cleaning. You almost had the urge to snatch his arm and drag him back to you. You could never see yourself being that brave though.
“Well what about you?” you muttered too shy to speak up.
“Hm? Me?” he asked looking up from his task.
“Oh well I’ve got a few fantasies I guess” He stood with a concentrated look thinking about his own fantasies.
Your mind was running a relay race imagining the lewd words that could possibly come from him. At the same time you wondered what he could possibly fantasize about? What had he not done? You leaned forward intrigued with what he would say.
“Tell me,” you said, eyes wide with interest.
He laughed at your eagerness
“You really wanna know?” he asked, leaning against the table.
You nodded your head, excitement coursing through you.
“I do,” you said in a hushed voice.
Toji walked to you leaving his rag behind. His footsteps seemed so loud in the empty room. He filled up so much space with confidence alone.
“I guess I have that same fantasy”
His finger traced your jawline while his eyes stared deep into yours.
“I’ve been thinking about it alot lately,” he said as he licked his lips. “I can't stop thinking about how good it would feel stretching out a fresh virgin hole. The thought of making someone so innocent beg for my cock while I fuck them dumb” his bit his lip and looked down towards your plump ones “That shit just drives me crazy doll”
Your breath hitched as he spoke. You couldn’t help the throbbing that went to your core. The thought of having someone like Toji give you everything you ever desired sent shivers through you. You knew he’d make you feel better than any toy you had could ever make you feel. The way his lips looked so wet and soft, the way his muscles strained against his shirt, how he always smelled good always made your heart beat so hard you were sure he could hear. You sat starstruck, unable to form the words you wanted to say. Hell, you didn’t even know what to say. Would you beg him to fuck you, to take your virginity right then and there? Would you tell him that's nice and try to change the subject? No you had to take chances,
Live a little kid
You heard Shiu’s words replay in your mind like a record.
Now was the time to live a little.
“You got something on your mind?” Toji asked as if he was just waiting for you to say the word.
“I can help” the words flew out your mouth at the speed of light.
You wanted to hide away after hearing yourself. Help what? Clean? You couldn't pull yourself together.
Toji hummed satisfied with your answer.
“You want to help?” he asked “Are you asking me to bend you over and fuck you in this bar?”
He leaned in to whisper the words in your ear. Hearing him say it out loud almost felt wrong.
“I do- I mean I am- wait I mean” you fumbled over your words too overcome with embarrassment to function.
Toji’s laughter caught you off guard. He grabbed you by the jaw and pulled you in for a kiss. The kiss was wet. He tasted so sweet even though he had been drinking. His lips were soft. So soft you felt yourself melting into him. Your hands gripped the side of the stool almost tearing at the leather. Toji’s hand moved down to your neck pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. His kiss was delicate yet was filled with hunger. His fingers danced up your skirt feeling the heat between your legs.
“No panties huh, you’re not as innocent as i thought” he smiled as he inched his fingers closer to your core feeling the way you were practically leaking.
“This can’t possibly be your first go around. You come in wearing these short skirts” he pressed a kiss to your neck and licked a long strip up to your jaw.
“You're wearing nothing underneath. I bet you were just begging for someone like me to peek and see that pretty little pussy dripping all over my seats.”
You were left in a daze from his fingers just barely brushing against where you needed him most to how he sucked your neck leaving your skin feeling raw. His scent filled your every waking being. He was all that you could feel, see, touch, smell. It was almost as if he had become the only person left in the world and all that you wanted was for him to touch you; to touch you in ways no one had ever done before. You needed him. Your mind was desperately pleading for him to slip his fingers inside of you, to feel your gummy walls and finally give you the pleasure that you were desperately clinging onto him for.
“Please touch me” you whimpered out.
Your voice felt so weak. You were so needy for him, your fingers dug into his arm pulling him closer.
“Such a needy little thing” he chuckled
His fingers moved along your legs teasing you with every touch.
“I need more than that love. Where do you need me” he voiced with his head still in the crook of your neck sucking and licking at your skin.
You grabbed his hand, dragging it up your thigh to place it between your folds. Words seemed to fail you so taking action was your only choice.
Toji smiled at your courage. His fingers maneuvered up and down your core feeling how wet you were. He rubbed soothing circles onto the bundle of nerves earning him a soft moan from you.
“Have you ever been stuffed with someone’s fingers?” he asked in a low voice
You shook your head while meeting his eyes.Toji free hand grabbed your jaw.
“Words Princess”
“No,” you whimpered.
Your answer seemed to have a strong effect on him. The thought of watching your innocence slip away from you at his hand was enough to have his cock straining against his pants.
“I’m gonna put a finger in and I’ll let you know each time I do just so you don’t get all shy on me when your pussy’s sucking my fingers in” he smiled.
His thumb kept a steady pace rubbing quick circles while he slipped his first finger into your hole.
“That’s it” he said, rocking his finger in and out of your eyes watching the way your mouth widened to an ‘o’ shape while moans spilled past your lips.
“You like that?” He placed a wet kiss on your lips.”Pussy feels so tight baby, I wonder how you’re gonna take my cock”
You let out a whine while your hips grinded down onto his hand.
“More please, I need more”
Toji’s eyes lit up at your words.
“Oh? My nasty girl wants more huh” He smirked “I’m putting in a second finger now dirty girl, I’ll give you what you want”
His second finger slipped in with ease. A gasp escaped your lips as he filled you up groaning at the way your hole squeezed around his fingers.
“So wet for me doll.” His breath ghosted against your lips as his fingers continued to fuck in and out of you making a mess below you. You let out weak moans and gasp. This feeling of his fingers massaging your gummy walls was something you had never experienced before. You felt the world revolving around you. Your heart was racing in your chest. Everything seemed so loud at that moment. The way his breaths sounded sharp as his fingers picked up speed. The drips of water from the sink he had left running after washing dishes, The cars speeding by not noticing how you were falling apart giving yourself away to him. If a car were to slow down just for a few seconds it would have been so easy to just peek into the window to see how your legs were spread open. Your hips were grinding down onto him. It would have been so easy just to see how much of a mess you were making for his fingers. That seemed to send a thrill through you, having some unknown stranger turn their head and watch you lose your virginity and take a cock for the first time.
“God, it feels so good” you let out a loud gasp unable to contain yourself.
The feeling of him dipping his fingers into you was so overwhelming you thought you might lose your mind. You had never touched yourself like this before. You always stayed away from fucking your self with you fingers to afraid to stick a finger in always preferring to massage your clit. Little did you know the desire and pleasure that would come with having someone shove their fingers deep into you, you were practically drooling from the feeling. You felt a pit forming in your stomach the feeling so foreign all you could do was moan and curse about how good he felt.
“Come on doll” Toji rasped out “ Give it to me, make me proud, show me how pretty you look making a mess on my fingers.”
His words were enough to send you spiraling. You let out loud unfiltered moans. This was new, something better than ever. You wanted- no craved more. This feeling of ecstasy felt like a drug taking over you. You let out heavy breathes as you came down from your high.
“Don’t think we’re done just yet doll, I want you to take your first cock” Toji said as he lifted you bringing you to the table he had just wiped down.
He pulled your shirt up exposing your breast and pulled a nipple into his mouth. You let out a long moan feeling his hot tongue swivel around your nipple. His mouth felt so warm. His hand squeezed and massaged your other breast as he let out a groan. He pulled your skirt off and threw it in a nearby corner.
“You won't be needing that” He said as he took your body in.
He pulled his cock free from his pants and your eyes went wide. Not only was he big, he was thick. You sat staring with a slack jaw fearful that his two fingers weren’t enough to make him fit. He stroked his cock as he rubbed circles on your clit.
“Look at what you do to me doll” he said, voice strained. “Got me so fucking hard I can’t wait to make your pussy cream”
He pushed you down so that your back was laying flat against the table. His arms wrapped around your thighs to pull you to the edge of the table. He rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit sending shivers through your body.
“Look at you, being so good for me, you ready to take your first cock” he licked his lips staring at your glistening cunt “You ready to make a real mess for me baby?”
The tip of his cock prodded at your hole just barely entering.
“It- It’s too big” you whimpered watching as he held his cock rubbing it through your folds.
“Don’t worry doll, I’ll make it fit” he said, eyes never leaving your hole.
He inched his cock into you achingly slowly watching how your pussy sucked him in taking all that he was giving you. Toji’s eyes rolled back, feeling how tight you were squeezing around him. He had known you'd be tight but never did he imagine you’d have him ready to cum just from sinking himself into you. He stilled inside of you just admiring the warmth and tightness of you. He took a deep breath to gather himself.
“Fuck you feel so good” he whispered the words and you almost didnt hear him.
“I’m gonna take it nice and slow for you princess”
He moved his hips in a slow motion watching the way your face moved from being scrunched up in pain to eyes rolling back enjoying the pleasure of being stuffed full.
“You like that shit” he asked as he rolled his hips into you slowly. His cock felt so delicious inside of you. You wanted this feeling forever. He filled you up so perfectly. You couldn’t fathom the idea of having anyone else fill you up like this. The way his hips rolled into yours meeting your hips with a soft slap left you gasping for air.
“Breathe baby breath” he rubbed soothing circles into your hips.
You sucked in a shaky breath not realizing you had been holding your breath focusing solely on the pleasure of him.
“Come on baby let me hear those moans, I want to hear how you sound taking your first cock” he squeezed your hips as he rocked into you. Toji was holding back. He bit his lip trying to contain himself. He didn’t want to destroy you for your first time. It was taking everything in him not to absolutely wreck you. He made a mental note to himself that the next time he stuffed his cock into you, he’d leaving you a drooling fucked out mess but for now he would be content with just watching the way you’d fall apart taking him your first time.
“Tell me how it feels” he leaned down to pepper wet kisses from your collar to your neck. “First time being so full, tell me where you feel me baby talk to me”
You could barely breathe properly and now you were trying to form sentences.
“So good ugh I feel it all in my tummy it's so big” you slurred.
Your moans were so loud any person walking by would have a perfect show to watch. You couldn’t find it in yourself to care about any lingering stares that could possibly be watching through the window. Your mind wandered off to thoughts of someone sneaking looks through the window, digging their hand in their pants and getting off to you creaming on your first cock. What a lewd thought. Your whimpers seemed to repeat like a broken record. You couldn’t help but moan and beg him for more.
“Faster please I need more” you whimpered, hardly able to contain yourself as you bucked your hips upwards into him.
“You sure doll, I don't think I’ll be able to stop if I do” his voice was gruff as he fucked you in a slow pace.
“Please” you begged “I need you so bad”
Toji bit his lip. He grabbed your legs pulling them up so your ankles could rest on his shoulder. He rubbed your stomach feeling where his cock was inside of you. His hands massaged your skin as he grabbed your calf kissing your ankle.
“Be a good girl and take everything I give you then, hm?”
His cocked slammed into you at a pace you did not expect. His hips met yours with a loud slap. Toji’s eyes scanned your body watching every movement. Your back arched off the table as you moaned so loud your voice echoed off the walls.
“Look so pretty taking cock” he groaned “ Mean to tell me I’m the first one to get to see you like this”
His thrust were relentless slamming into you “This sight is too pretty to share.” His thumb rubbed circles onto your clit as he rocked his hips into you.
“That’s it taking me so well doll” His words were going straight to your core.
You could barely form sentences, only strained moans and slurred versions of his name. Your body seemed to fall apart for him. The table under you rocked back and forth with his thrust. If you had half a mind you would be worried that it would break but all you could think of was how you were about to cum. You felt a warmth in your stomach as he fucked you.
“Come one Princess I want you to cum with me. I want to see how messy you get for the first time” his words had your eyes rolling back. You felt so weak barely able to do anything but cum on his cock. Your body didn’t feel like yours. You had never came so hard in your life. He was covered in your juices, soaked from all that you had to give him. Toji’s eyes were looking down focused on the way his cum mixed with yours covered his cock. His movements slowed as he fucked the cum inside of you.
“I don’t like being wasteful” he said as two fingers covered in cum moved between your lips. You sucked his fingers obediently without a second thought. You were in such a daze you would have done anything for him.
“You were so good for me” his voice was low as he leaned down placing kisses on your lips.
Toji felt his heart growing warm. He had never felt so soft for someone before.With any other girl who would have already been zipping up his pants and ordering them a ride but for you it felt different. He wanted to fulfill every fantasy you had. He wanted to be the only one watching you cum. It was either him or nothing at all. You were just too perfect to share. From the way your chest moved trying to catch your breath to the way your plump lips sat open wet from drool had his heart feeling like it might beat out of his chest.
“I want to make all those nasty fantasies of yours come true.” He whispered, kissing your skin cock still stuffed inside of you.
“I want to be the only one to get to see you like this”
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🏷️: @karazorel7 , @candyceedea , @fleurettiie , @pressuredtreasure , @plaxxxie , @cloud-lyy , @fictionalthirsting , @smuttyfantasyrecs , @enchantedcherie , @coyloves , @baldi-2 , @pickledwasp , @sanxuus , @fictionsimp , @ibby-miyoshi-nerd , @kiqqnii , @snazzyturtles , @sadlittle-girl , @faumpje , @nvvacanesworld , @no-f34r
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judeswhore · 1 year
yess just snuggling on the sun loungers even though it’s too warm and stealing little kisses when u think ur friends aren’t paying attention
i need to be his summer gf soooo bad, also this is kinda inspired by this post
the second you settled onto the lounger beside jude he was tugging your legs over his lap, the arm closest to you rising to rest against the back of the seat, his other lying heavily over your legs. he patted your hip once, eyes dropping to the drink you were holding and raised his eyebrows.
“that’s like the fifth cocktail i’ve seen you with.” he pointed out, an amused tilt to the corner of his lips. you could only shrug in reply and tipped the straw towards his mouth in an offering. while he sipped at the fruity drink you tried to press in closer to him, unbothered by the heat as you felt his bare skin against your own. you practically stuck against him but he looked so irresistible you couldn’t bring yourself to care about being uncomfortable.
jude had discarded his shirt, in fact you’d warn it for the most part of the day but now it was tucked away in your beach bag, the sun much too hot for any layers. his bare chest was sinfully inviting, already glowing from the sun, shoulders and biceps so broad and big you had found it difficult concentrating whenever you’d looked at him. pair that with the fact his shorts hung so low you could see the peak of his calvin’s and your mind was in overdrive, filthy thoughts filling your head every time you got a glimpse.
“it’s bottomless, i’m gonna drink them dry.” you told him as you took your own sip. he only hummed in light acknowledgment, the palm of his hand smoothing over the bare skin of your thigh. despite being surrounded by your friends and countless people who had been taking pictures all afternoon, jude had no qualms about touching you, his levels of pda only seeming to have increased.
“i’m gonna be mad if i have to carry you back to our room.”
“i’m too pretty for you to get mad at me.” you teased, attempting to hide your grin by sucking the straw back between your lips. jude cocked his head and raised his brows, slipped his hand a little further up your thigh. his fingers grazed the curve of your ass and goosebumps rose in their wake, heat pooling in your tummy.
“oh yeah?”
“uh huh and i’m wearing your favourite bikini. makes it even harder for you.” your words had jude’s eyes dropping down, gaze raking over your somewhat exposed boobs. you’d specifically chosen an overly small bikini with the intent of winding your boyfriend up, knowing full well he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself whenever he saw you. it had worked well so far. heat flickered behind his eyes and you felt his attention like soft fingers across your skin. you purposely pressed your chest out a little further and jude let out a soft laugh.
“it definitely makes something hard for me.” he gave a quick squeeze to your ass before letting his palm brush back down your thigh. knee to ass and back, a repeated motion that was both loving and teasing at once. the comment made you roll your eyes and his reply was a soft pinch to your hip. “don’t roll your eyes at me.”
“don’t be a perv then.”
“oh, you wanna play that game, babe?” he asked, a cocky edge to his voice.
jude’s lips tipped into a smirk and he pulled you closer until you were almost nose to nose. his eyes had that teasing glint and you were trying not to laugh before he’d even said anything. the arm he’d had over the back of the lounger falling to hook around your waist and settle on your hip furthest from his body.
“who’s the one that sat on the bathroom counter all morning to watch me shower? hm? and hid my clothes just so she could see me in a towel? and who’s the one that begged me to leave my shirt in the room so she could eye me like a piece of meat? oh and let’s not forget about how many times you’ve slapped my arse today.” you were giggling behind your straw, shrugging your shoulders innocently as his smile grew, a breathy laugh trickling from his own lips at your feigned innocence. “and don’t think i haven’t seen you staring at my dick all afternoon so don’t give me all that perv bullshit when you’re the biggest one i’ve ever met.”
“i can’t help that it’s always staring at me.” you mumbled, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. his smile got a little wider in response. “you should wear better shorts.” you kissed the other side, sliding your free hand over the warm skin of his shoulder and then down his bicep.
“and ruin your day? i’d be an awful boyfriend.” jude teased, hand skirting back up your thigh and over your ass. the tips of his fingers slipped beneath the tiny string of your bikini bottoms and he toyed with the material. “you’d die of deprivation after the first hour.” you were peppering kisses over his jaw and his words wavered a little when you sunk your teeth playfully into his skin, sucked a mark when you knew you really shouldn’t.
“i wouldn’t even last the hour.” jude laughed at that and turned his head to press his mouth firmly over yours. he kissed you soft and slow, a gentle caress of his lips over yours at first before he was tilting his head and deepening the kiss. you gave a quiet moan that he eagerly swallowed, his palm sliding halfway up your spine to hold you against him. his other hand was still resting on the curve of your ass and you knew he was itching to let it wander into more inappropriate places.
“fuck sake, d’you two have to keep doing that?” you’re not sure which of jude’s friends that had come from, their words mocking behind their groan. almost in sync, lips parting reluctantly, you and jude flipped your middle fingers at the group, your boyfriend easily catching the pillow that had been lobbed your way before it could hit you in the face.
there was an unamused glower on his face at being interrupted and so you kissed his cheek, pressed the straw of your cocktail against his lips. his gaze met yours again as he sucked and you cocked your head towards the ocean.
“y’wanna go for a swim?”
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sunlightmurdock · 7 months
My Future in You | 2.6 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: Bradley’s twenty-two years old and not where he’s supposed to be. Then, a hook up at a Halloween party changes his future even more than he could have imagined.
Warnings: accidental pregnancy, references to abortion in a few chapters, angst, will be fluff eventually, will be smut so 18+, enemies to lovers kinda thing, babies and fluff and more babies, bradley being a nervous first time daddy, wc: 3.8k
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“This… doesn’t look right.” Bradley pulls back and rests his hands against his hips, staring at the car seat with an unimpressed gaze frown.
“Sure it does.” You answer, peering around him to examine the situation in front of you. The straps are secure at the top of his chest, his plush cheek resting against the padded restraints.
“I don’t think so. He doesn’t look comfortable.” Bradley answers you with a shake of his head. This is his second practice of the day. He doesn’t want Tom to be in the car seat too long, but he knows that his most significant job in all of this is getting the two of you home safe.
He leans forwards and begins to fiddle with the straps again. Your newborn doesn’t seem fussed by his neurotic, worried dad anyways. Bradley hums. “Don’t worry, buddy, we’ll figure it out.”
“The Bradshaws! — How are we this morning?”
This, Thomas is fussed by. Over the last six days, the first six of his life, you’ve figured that your son has some pretty sharp reflexes. Even just blowing on his cheek makes him flinch. He jumps, arms and legs tensing at once, his still unfocused eyes blowing wide open as the doctor strolls into the room.
His lip begins to wobble and his nose scrunches up tight, his hands trembling under the confines of his mittens. You nudge Bradley out of the way and unclasp the straps right as Thomas begins to cry.
“Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to spook this little sweetheart.” The doctor is smiling and reaching out to tickle the infant’s back and on your end, everything is forgiven. Bradley, however, glares at her as he reaches his son.
You hadn’t been expecting the same guy who once jumped off of the roof of a neighbouring frat house and into their pool to be such a nervous nelly when it came to parenthood. Especially not the same guy who told you he wanted no part in any of this.
You roll your eyes, rocking softly, shushing the baby. These past six days have taught you a lot of things. That the birthmark on the bottom of Thomas’ back is kind of the shape of Italy. That even though he can’t see much yet, he likes to look around while he’s being fed. That Bradley is not fast enough at changing diapers yet to avoid getting peed on.
That somehow, you and Bradley might have just created the most perfect little boy in the entire world. With his thatches of brown hair and his tiny fingers and toes, his sloped nose and poured lips. Those funny, jumpy reflexes.
“I’m just here to do some tests, see if we can get you guys home today.” She tells you with a bright smile. From the way that your face changes, she can tell that this is the news that you’ve been waiting for. Six days of barely walking, hearing other people’s babies screaming — you’ve been ready to go home for a while.
“Today? — Nobody said today. They said tomorrow.” Bradley interjects loudly. You scowl across at him and he shuts up, but the nervous way he fidgets on his feet tells you everything you need to know.
“I know, I know. But he’s doing just fine so far, and I’m sure you two are eager to sleep in your own beds again.” The doctor coos softly, learning from her initial mistake as she takes the baby from your arms. She follows your pattern of soothing and rocking and Thomas seems to consider quietening down.
Bradley pushes his hands into the pockets of his sweat shorts and just leans back against the end of the hospital bed. He’s so focused on watching this stranger with your baby that he doesn’t even hear you move until you’re pressing in against his side.
“You’re doing fine.” You promise him, stretching your open palm against the fabric of his black t-shirt, stretching your neck to look at him. “Stop stressing.”
He doesn’t say anything, and that worried frown on his face doesn’t soften either. Bradley swallows, brushes a hand over his upper lip and reaches out for you. You close
Your eyes as he secures an arm around your waist and tugs you closer, leaning down and resting his mouth against the top of your head.
He inhales deeply, breathing in the scent of unfamiliar shampoo and hospital borrowed soap.
“She called you a Bradshaw, you know.” He whispers finally, just before he straightens back up. You scoff, jabbing the tip of your index finger into his side.
“Don’t get any ideas, Pops. It’s bad enough you talked me into letting Tommy take your name.” You’re joking, of course. The amusement in your voice makes his chest feel that little bit less tight. You’ll say yes, one day. He’ll make sure it’s special and you’re not giving birth next time, and you’ll say yes.
He pinches your side playfully and tugs you closer again. “Pops? — I thought we agreed on you calling me—“
He grunts as you jerk your elbow back into his stomach, just enough to make him jolt but not enough to actually hurt the idiot you’ve come to be so fond of. There it is, he grins behind you, his chest rumbling with a soft chuckle.
Minutes later, the doctor turns around to you and gives you the go-ahead. Suddenly, the little boy in the roomy onesie is all yours, and yours alone. Well, not that suddenly, there’s paperwork first. But sudden feels the only appropriate word when you’re walking out of the hospital, with no one to guide you.
Bradley’s knuckles are white around the handle of the car seat in his right hand, a slightly softer approach to the way that he’s holding your hand in his left.
“You’re sure you can walk? — They said you could have a chair, if you want a chair.” He checks, for the second time since you stepped out of the elevator.
“I’m fine.” You give his hand a soft squeeze and groan softly as you step out into the mid-summer suffocation of the Florida heat. “Now walk with purpose. It’s too hot for this.”
Settled into the backseat beside Thomas, sleeping in his car seat, you catch Bradley frowning worriedly back at the both of you before he turns the key in the ignition.
The drive home is slow, and uneventful. The baby is asleep. Bradley’s eyes are trained seriously on the road, his hands holding a steady ten and two position on the wheel. You don’t dare suggest that he turns on the radio.
There were plenty of things that you had prepared yourself for when you had decided to have your baby. Your body changing, fine. Your career plans changing, okay. The hormones and the responsibilities and the tiny human who would depend on you for probably the rest of your life, sure.
Some things about such a drastic lifestyle change simply cannot be planned for.
Nine hours ago, you brought your son home from the hospital. This is something that you would never admit out loud, but in those last few days of your pregnancy, the concern had flooded your mind that maybe your feelings for Bradley were purely hormonal. You were carrying his child, it makes sense that your body would want him around. It was the after that had concerned you.
But, you had watched today as Bradley had carried the car seat in one hand and secured you by his side with the other. He had buckled your son into the car, and he had driven home under the speed limit the entire way.
You exhale softly as you step out of the shower. That’s growing easier now, six days later, but your body is far from healed. Your legs still tremble when you try to stand too long, and your back aches in a way you’re starting to worry might be permanent.
It’s quiet in your apartment now. You listen out as you towel dry your body, trying to find the pitch of a sports narrator or some soft music — anything. It’s almost dead silent.
You wriggle into your pyjamas and wrap your wet hair, walking slow out of the bathroom and down the hall. You’re barely dry, your warm feet padding along the carpet, wrinkled fingers pushing open the door to the bedroom.
One of the things that none of the articles you had read seemed to mention, is what to do the first time that you see the father of your child at home with your baby.
Bradley’s sitting up against the pillows with Thomas nestled against his chest. His hand eclipses the infant’s torso as he pats his back softly. Thomas’ cheek is resting against Bradley’s pectoral, you can’t see from where you are but instinct and your son’s uncharacteristic stillness tells you that he’s sleeping.
Bradley’s singing. He’s patting the baby’s back gently and he’s singing softly, trying hard to push the usually deep rumble of his voice into lullaby territory.
Your mouth falls slack, cold feet becoming still against the soft floor. This tiny first apartment and its discernible wooden doors that creak at every opportunity give you away and he stops just as quickly as he is perceived.
His gaze flickers up and his lips twist softly into a small smile. You watch him take account of your matching maternity pyjamas which threaten to be too big without the stretch of your bump. Amusement floods the hint of the smile on his lips — he loves to laugh at these pyjamas.
His hand stills against Thomas’ back, those glittery brown eyes flicker up to study the look on your face.
“Hey, babe,” He hums, keeping his voice low so that he doesn’t startle the baby. “How was your shower?”
“I didn’t think I would miss our shitty water pressure, but I’m just so glad we’re not at the hospital anymore.” You pad across the carpet towards him and crawl into bed, pulling back the sheets and draping yourself across Bradley’s brawny thighs.
He looks down at you and secures the infant close to his chest, freeing one hand to brush tenderly across your cheek.
“What was that song were you singing him?” You ask. The ceiling fan whirs above you like a thrumming, excessively loud lullaby. The warmth of his thigh props up your cheek.
There’s something about it all that feels too much like a dream. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep. The NICU isn’t exactly a luxury retreat, despite its price point. Tonight is your first night home from the hospital. Your son is six days old and yesterday, he officially crossed the threshold into five pound territory. Tonight, he’s huddled against Bradley’s bare chest, wearing a diaper that had seemed too tiny for an actual human to wear and zipped into a onesie printed with little ducks on it. Geese, maybe, actually.
You lift your hand and reach out, watching your fingertip follow the soft cotton covering those wrinkled lines on the sole of Thomas’ foot that you’ve come to be so familiar with already.
The infant curls his toes and unclenches them again, scrunching his knees. Bradley watches, lips twisted into a smile that he couldn’t fight back if he tried.
There’s something about the steady, heavy thrum of Bradley’s heartbeat that puts the kid right to sleep. The warm bath and the ounce of milk that came before he was set on his dad’s stomach may have helped too. Bradley’s hand cups the back of Thomas’ neck, keeping the sleeping baby steady.
“Wildflowers by, uh— Tom Petty, I think?” Bradley shrugs. In truth, he knows the song inside and out — it was the first song he learned to play on piano. He’s used to playing that down. Girls find guitars hot, not his years of classical piano lessons.
You smile, lifting your head and pressing a gentle kiss to the sole of the baby’s foot, soft blue cottons
against your lips. Then, you lower your mouth and press it softly to Bradley’s stomach. Just once, before you drop your head back down and set it against his thigh.
“He’s so good, and I’m still exhausted.” You murmur, exhaling deeply. Behind heavy lids, you make a mental note to look into which ingredient in the smell of baby soap acts as such a good sleeping agent.
“You should sleep. He’ll be up again in a couple of hours.” Bradley reminds you, stroking damp hair back off of your forehead. Closing your eyes, you nod with him, but make no effort to move. He smiles. “Come on, I don’t need to sing the both of you to sleep, do I?”
You huff a soft sound of amusement, giving a small shake of your head. “Not tonight, Pops. Put him to bed, let’s get some sleep.”
Bradley chuckles, carefully shifting your son off of his stomach and instead laying him across his thighs as you sit up.
“Mom and Dad… isn’t that crazy?” He muses, stroking his thumb across the soft hair on the infant’s head. Thomas is still so small that Bradley’s palm makes him look even tinier. You lean into your boyfriend’s shoulder and stroke the baby’s cheek.
“I know.” You agree quietly.
Big, round cheeks and pursed lips, dark eyelashes and a soft little nose. His tiny hands balled into fists, his knees curled up to his middle. Blue clouds adorning his onesie. Half you, and half Bradley.
“Alright, we’ll see you in a couple hours, little man. Yell if you need something.” Bradley half jokes as he pushes himself up from the bed and turns to set the baby into the bassinet. With the lung capacity he has already impressed you with, you know that he’ll have no issues letting you know if he wants something.
He crawls back into bed beside you and flicks the beside lamp off, pulling the covers up around the two of you. Readily, you press yourself close to him and close your eyes. He smells like baby soap.
“Are you still hurting anywhere?” Bradley’s voice lowers to a whisper now, his breath fanning across the nape of your neck as he leans his head into the crook of your shoulder and cautiously rests a hand against your hip. Into the dark, your mouth twitches at a smile.
Your hips feel both squished and torn apart at the same time. Your back feels like it might never feel quite right ever again. But even with him a cautious distance from you, you can feel the perpetual warmth from his body.
“Everywhere. But I still want you to hold me.”
Slowly, he slides an arm under you and another over you. Draping his body around yours, he pulls you close and suddenly you get whatever it is that sends Thomas off to sleep so easily. The faint musky smell of his fading cologne. The steady, heavy thrum of his heartbeat. The long, deep pattern of his breathing.
Just when you think he has beat you to it, he reminds you that he’s still awake. A soft, chaste kiss presses to your throat, his voice low as he mumbles, “I love you.”
As much as Thomas is a good baby; he’s still a baby. A small one at that, with plenty of growing to do. Even now, he just about finishes an ounce of milk at a time — half of the time. That means a lot of wake ups. A lot of diaper changes with your eyes half open.
The first four days of parenthood pass you by before you’ve really come to terms with the reality of it all. Constant feeds through the night, surviving off of instant noodles and pizza — all of this doesn’t feel too far of a stretch from your recent college days.
But it’s harder now. The responsibilities are never ending. It’s hard to remain rational about any of it.
“If you could breastfeed, would you do it?”
From the other end of the couch, Bradley seems to startle awake. Brows drawing together in confusion, he stares across your dimly lit living room at you, then takes a second to look around him.
You’re at the end of the movie now, so he doesn’t have a clue how long he has been sleeping. Stretching his legs out, he sighs softly, “Yeah. I guess so.”
Your mouth twitches at the fact that he doesn’t even ask you why. He blinks softly and brings both hands up to rub at his eyes tiredly.
“What time is it?”
“Two, maybe.” You shrug, watching Thomas’ eyelids grow heavy. His hands remain balled and tucked in against his chest. He has spent these past four days stretching out occasionally, scrunching himself back into a tight ball frequently.
“No fucking way did I just sleep for four hours. The movie’s still playing.” Bradley protests, awkwardly fumbling to push himself upright and puckering his mouth into a deep frown. You just shrug across at him once more.
“I put the sequel on after you fell asleep.”
He hadn’t ever thought he would be able to have a regular conversation with a woman who had her breast out in front of him, but here he is. It doesn’t even cross his mind to check you out. The only thing he’s thinking about is the fact you’re running on maybe an hour of uninterrupted sleep and all you had wanted was to watch your movie with him. And he had fallen asleep.
He fumbles around, checking his pockets for his phone, finding it instead resting between his jaw and shoulder. You close your eyes for a moment as he checks the time. In the split second that your eyes are shut, Thomas makes a spluttering sound.
As quickly as you can lift and turn him, the has already spit the last mouthful of milk back against your skin and all down his chin.
“Oh, Tommy…” You groan, adjusting the strap of your nursing bra with one hand as you support him with the other.
“Here, I’ll take him.” Bradley offers, pushing himself up and starting to scoot towards you.
“We’re fine.” Maybe it comes out a little bit harsh, maybe your tone is a little colder than normal. Bradley frowns at you, sitting still at the opposite end of the sectional. “Just go back to sleep.”
“Hey, I didn’t mean to—“
“I know you didn’t.” You’re just doubling down at this point as you wipe at Thomas’ mouth with a muslin cloth. Bradley’s brows draw together a bit.
“So why are you mad at me? — Just let me help you.” He pushes forwards again and reaches for your son.
“I said we’re fine!” You bite back. The baby flinches and quickly starts to scream. You slam your eyes shut, darkness behind your lids and a dull ache drilling from your temples to the core of your brain.
Opposite you, Bradley sighs, dropping his head forward into his hands. You’re both silent. The sequel plays on. The baby keeps on screaming. Neither one of you look at each other.
This is what all new parents go through, you know that. It doesn’t make it any less sore in the moment.
“What should I do?” Bradley asks finally, pushing up from the sofa and squeezing against your side, wrapping an arm around your aching shoulders. It’s not worth dragging your eyes open for.
“Never get me pregnant again, for starters.” You mutter half-jokingly. Bradley chuckles at your side and turns his head to kiss at those sore temples, like he can feel where it hurts. Maybe those dad-senses are sharper than you give him credit for.
“Not even once more? — But look how cute the first one wa—“ He’s only joking of course, but he still has the good sense to shut up when you turn your head and glare at him. He grins, and he looks just like he did the first time you were stupid enough to melt for that pretty look.
“You hungry?” Bradley asks. He read somewhere that breastfeeding can cause stronger appetites.
“Dad’s got it. We’ll be right back.” Bradley promises you, dipping forwards and kissing your temple once more, stealing the baby in one fell swoop. “Come on, buddy.”
Bradley pads into the kitchen barefoot, bouncing the baby in his arms and you let your eyes fall shut once more. You’re only two weeks in. They don’t start sleeping through the night for another couple months at least — sometimes years. You don’t know how you could do another couple years of being this delirious.
Closing your eyes, it’s easy enough to imagine that you’re not here. That you’re still in school, or still in your parents’ house. Somewhere safer, where you could hide from the limited responsibilities that you had back then. It would be so easy to drift off into a dream about life being that easy again.
Instead, the sofa dips at your side and your boys are back. Bradley announces himself by kissing your cheek softly and pressing a spoon into your hand.
“All we have is Ice-Cream.” He tells you, settling Thomas into the crook of his elbow and passing the tub of ice cream off to you. You blink at the vanilla flavoured frozen treat in front of you, then look up to stare at him. “I’ll go to the store tomorrow. We’ll both go. You can stay here and sleep in.”
You look away for just a second, digging the tip of your spoon into the ice cream, and hear him continue.
“We can get whatever we want, Mommy won’t be there to tell us no.”
Despite your best efforts, a smile itches its way across your face. You turn your head and attempt to force at a scowl. All five of Thomas’ right-hand fingers are wrapped around Bradley’s little finger, they both seem to be looking at you.
“I don’t care what you come home with as long as there’s more of this stuff in there somewhere.” You decide, slipping a spoonful into your mouth and savouring the flavour on your tongue. Bradley shifts, leaning his head against yours.
“Share.” He demands, leaving his mouth open. You snuff your nose at him as you dig another spoonful from the tub and shovel it into his mouth. “That’s so good.”
“Probably not what we should be eating. We aren’t setting a very good example.” You hum, ignoring your own advice and gulping down another spoonful, kicking your feet up onto the coffee table.
If only your mother could see you now. She would lose her marbles if she saw your approach to motherhood.
“Eh, this kid pees himself all day long. We’ll start being good examples for him later on.” Bradley shrugs, leaning his weight into you, turning his attention back to the tv. “So can you explain to me what I missed?”
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Taglist: @chaoticweirdogeek @alanadetigy @itsmytimetoodream @oldnatgwenaccount @khaylin27 @bioodforbiood @luckyladycreator2 @mizzzpink @cherrycola27 @unordinare @heli991113 @ghxst-heart @momc95 @asteria33 @lilyevanswhore @diamond-3 @galaxy-moon @jostyriggslover96 @forgiveliv @shawnsblue @little-wiseone @lovemesomevesey @alm33 @averyhotchner @diorrfairy @thedroneranger @batdanceq @wkndwlff @himbos-on-ice @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @slutford @kmc1989 @swiftsgirlfriend
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luvstaymin · 12 days
diving records ᡣ𐭩 bang chan
⊹ series: recreation pursuits
⊹ genre: fluff, soft angst, slight suggestive
⊹ pairings: female reader x bang chan
⊹ word count: 7.4k
⊹ synopsis: Love sparks between the university's swim team captain and a journalism student assigned with covering the swim team's events. Their bond strengthens as they grow closer, but an incident drives them apart.
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The electronic buzzer pierces through the air as you push the heavy door open of the swim recreation building. Instantly, the sharp scent of chlorine and the echoes of splashing water bouncing off the walls envelopes you.
Swimmers darting back and forth in the lanes, their synchronized movements to the rhythmic beats. You, a journalism student, stand out-of-place, with a camera hanging over your neck, a notebook in your hand, and a heavy book bag on your back. Stepping cautiously, your eyes widen with overwhelming nervousness. Edging closer to the swimmers on the bench, the air is thick with the scent of chlorine and the echoes of water rippling against the pool's edge. With every stroke, the swimmers carve through the water, leaving behind trails of bubbles. You fumble with your camera, adjusting the lens to capture the fluid motions of the swimmers.
As you carefully navigate the crowded poolside, you bump into a particularly intimidating member of the swim team. He shoots you a glare that sends a shiver down your spine. You quickly apologize, attempting to retreat, but he blocks your path.
"What do you think you're doing?" he sneers, eyeing your camera with disdain. "Don’t tell me you are here trying to sneak in the locker rooms with that filthy camera of yours.”
Your heart races as you stammer out an explanation, trying to justify that you were here as part of a class assignment, but he scoffs at your excuses.
"I saw you taking pictures, huh?" he jeers, reaching out to grab your camera. "Let's see what you've got. Probably just trying to invade our privacy, aren't you?"
Panic surges through you as the tall slender man wrestles the camera from your grasp, which he successfully retrieved.
Frantically, you attempt to reason with him, pleading for him to return your camera, “Please give it back. That camera— is very expensive.”
But he continues to taunt you, waving it in front of your face and hovering it over the water. A crowd of the swim members begin to surround the both of you with whispers being exchanged.
Just as despair threatens to overwhelm you, someone intervenes, “KIM SEUNGMIN.”
Their authoritative voice cuts through the building and everyone whips their heads to the direction of the voice.
“What do you think you are doing Seungmin? Stop fooling around and go back practicing. You know your ranks have been dropping recently,” the male scolds him.
“Chan- listen- she is one of those people! Do you want photos of us being leaked again? You know what happened last tim—”
“She is our journalist for the team. We received a notice recently from their journalism class. Give back her camera and you— fifty laps before you leave today.”
“No fucking way am I doing fif—”
The man named Chan stares him down.
Reluctantly, the boy named Seungmin, hands back your camera and mutters under his breath in search of finding an opening lane to start his laps. Everyone else around you both disperse in fear of having to swim additional laps. You retrieve back your camera, relief flooding through you as you clutch it close to your chest.
“I am so sorry about that, please forgive me. Y/N right? The journalist for our swim team?” Chan spoke.
“Oh yes, and you are Chan?”
“My name is Chris, but you can call me Chan,” he gives you a smile and puts his hand in front of you.
‘Does he want my camera?’
You hesitantly give him your camera, leading him to let out a chuckle. You watch him move your camera to his left hand, and he grabs your right hand, shaking it.
“It seems like you forgot what a handshake is,” he laughs.
You become flustered, and your eyes drop down to his form. Staring at his toned abs and defined muscles.
“Oh..” you stare at the water droplets dripping down his skin.
“Am I distracting you too much?” he grins and wraps his body with a towel.
“I-I’m sorry, it’s just,” you trail off, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks.
“It’s alright, Y/N,” he lets out a honey-like laugh, “Let me give you a proper tour around since I believe you will be joining us during our training and competitions. Don’t want to get you lost, y’know?”
With that, Chan leads you around the pool area, pointing out various training equipment and introducing you to some of the other swimmers. As you walk alongside him, you can’t help but feel grateful for his kindness unlike the one boy, Seungmin, who is still going at it with his fifty laps.
“Since we still have a couple of hours left of training, if you would like to take a seat on the benches and observe, you are more welcome to do so,” Chan smiles, “or feel free to judge myself as well. I am always open to hearing feedback for improvement. Let me know if you would be comfortable with that. I know our previous journalist wasn’t, so I want to make sure to give you that option.”
“We shall see about that,” you laugh, “thank you, Chan, for the tour. I will most likely stick around and get started with my assignment so don’t worry too much about me.”
Finding a place to settle in, you move upwards to the top of the bleachers to provide yourself some back support for the remaining hours they have left for training. Situating down, you take out your notebook, jotting down some notes about what you have learnt so far from the tour with Chan. If you were honest, you had no clue about the swimming sports and ended up in the sports department for swimming as you were sick on the day the class decided to choose their topic assignment.
As training wrapped up, the pool area emptied out until it was only you and Chan remaining. You were too busy looking at your laptop you pulled aside, researching all the fundamentals of the sport. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you jumped at the touch.
“So, what did you think of our training session?” Chan asked with a playful glint in his eyes.
You smiled, “It was impressive! I honestly didn’t realize that swimming is something people would be serious about, but it definitely changed my mind.”
“It’s a lot of hard work, but moments like these make it all worth it,” Chan’s smile widened at your words with his gaze sweeping over the empty pool.
“Would you like to see what I have? I didn’t take any pictures yet since I was trying to grasp more about the sport. As you can tell, I am not quite a swimmer or even a sports fan. Don’t even question how I got here,” you let out a groan.
“I am sure you won’t regret it, Y/N,” he takes a seat next to you, not noticing the close distance between you and him.
As you continued to chat, the conversation flowed effortlessly between you, touching on everything from the intricacies of swimming techniques that they use to getting to know each other such as your favorite colors and hobbies.
Before you knew it, the evening had slipped away and you glanced at the clock realizing how late it had gotten.
Offering Chan an apologetic smile, “I should probably head out before I keep rambling all night,” you laugh, gathering your belongings, “I do not want to keep you hostage here.”
Chan nodded understandingly, wishing that you did not have to depart. There was something about you that he loved. The way your eyes crease into crescents of a moon when you get excited talking about things you love and how your facial expression becomes serious and intrigued when you listen to him talking about his swim stories or randomness of his friends.
“I don’t mind at all. It was great spending time with you, Y/N. You will be here tomorrow right? Again, you are more to stay however long you would like while we are training,” he said genuinely.
You returned with a warm smile, “Sure, I don’t have anything much planned for the next couple of weeks, so I will be here.”
Both of you walked down the bleachers and with a final wave, you made your way towards the exit.
With a spring in your step, you made your way to the swimming facility, feeling excited to see what the day had in store. As you swung open the doors, you couldn't help but grin at the thought of reuniting with Chan and the rest of the team. Making your way towards your newfound seat, you place your belongings down and unpack your camera from your bag.
Heading back down from the top of the bleachers, you began capturing photos of the swimmers in actions and jotting down observations in your notebook.
Lost in your own world, you didn’t notice a presence behind you, and they tapped on your shoulder.
Jumping in surprise, you spun on your feet and there was Chan standing in front of you with a warm smile on his face.
“Glad to see you so soon,” Chan greeted.
You looked up and returned a smile, “you act like you haven’t seen me for months,” you laughed, “practice going well?”
Chan shrugs, “Same old, same old. We have been working on some new techniques since there’s a big competition coming up next month. So yeah, things are heating up. What have you been up to?”
“Well, first off, I am wishing you and your team the best luck! Second, I have been taking photos and jotting notes here and there. I didn’t think these assignments would be harder than expected, but I will be around if you need me to capture anything specific.”
“I am glad you are settling in well, Y/N. Again, if you need me, let me know anytime,” he replies warmly.
“Until-” he glances at the clock on the wall, “three more hours, we should be finished up. You are welcome to stay as long as you want and leave anytime. I know I say this multiple times, but I want for you to be comfortable,” he adds with a playful wink.
“We shall see,” you smile, “Now shoo shoo, I feel like I’m distracting you from your practice routine.”
“I don’t mind at all,” he laughs, turning around and shaking his head before rejoining his teammates.
As the day progressed, you found yourself stealing glances at Chan whenever you thought he wasn’t looking. There was something about the way he moved through the water with effortless grace, the way he treats his teammates with care, and the way his eyes crinkled when he smiles. That left you feeling oddly captivated by a man you met in less than a couple of days.
Before you knew it, the hours passed, and the pool was once empty again with you and Chan.
“Hey Chan, would it be alright if I snap some of your solo shots? I feel like the lighting is just perfect now with the lesser number of people,” you observed through your camera.
Chan turns to you with a warm expression, “Of course, Y/N. I don’t mind at all. Which lane would you prefer me to be in?”
“I think lane number 8 would be perfect from where the lighting is at” you positioned yourself preparing to capture.
Chan nods his head and gracefully dives into water. Focusing on capturing every detail, every ripple of water, and every flex of his muscles; you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his powerful and fluid movements.
The sunlight peeking through the windows dances upon the surface of the pool, casting a golden glow that illuminates Chan’s form.
As you snapped photo after photo, you found yourself completely engrossed in the beauty of the man unfolding before you. You realized that this wasn’t just about completing an assignment anymore. Instead, it was about capturing a moment of raw beauty of his passion.
As Chan reaches the end of the lane and emerges from the water, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe. He looks towards you with a smile playing at the corners of his lips. Swimming back to where you were, he pulls himself up and briefly dries himself with his towel.
“Did you get some good shots?” Chan asked with his voice tinged with curiosity.
You nodded with a grin spreading across your face, “Want to take a look?”
“Sure,” his voice softens as he steps closer behind you, leaning his upper chest over your shoulder.
You fumble with your camera, trying to distract yourself from the sudden proximity. As you were showing him the photos, you couldn’t help but feel the warmth of his breath on your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
“These are amazing,” he murmurs with his gaze lingering on the image a moment longer than necessary.
You swallow hard, desperately trying to regain your composure.
“Th-thanks,” you stammered, hoping he didn’t notice the blush creeping up your cheeks.
Clearing your throat, you mention that the photos would turn out much better if you were able to get closer to the water.
Chan's eyebrows raised in surprise, "Why don't you just get closer then?" he asked genuinely with curiosity lacing his tone.
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you confessed, "Well, ironically enough. I don't know how to swim. I have that fear of being a bit afraid of deep water. I know- as much as it sounds crazy as I was assigned to this area.”
Chan's expression softened, and his eyes reflected understanding, "Well, it's never too late to learn," he reassures, "I could teach you, if you'd like. It's not as scary as it seems if you start from the basics.”
“Oh- as much as I would like that, I don't really think it’s a good idea for you to take your practicing time out to teach me,” you rub the back of your neck.
“Y/N, I am more than happy to teach you how to swim. Take it to advantage that the best swim captain will be teaching you,” he reassures you.
“If that is okay with you of course? Then I would like that,” you finally agreed with a small smile tugging up your lips.
Chan’s warm smile widens as he gently ruffles your hair, “We can start tomorrow since we don't have a long practice if you are up for it.”
“Yeah, tomorrow sounds perfect,” you reply, trying to conceal the nervous flutter in your stomach.
As the evening sun cast golden hues across the waters, you couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness of learning how to swim, especially with Chan, as thinking of being in close proximity with him makes you go insane.
As you made your way back to the swimming facility, anticipation bubbled within you. Today was different - today, Chan had offered to teach you how to swim.
With a mix of excitement and nervousness swirling in your stomach, you entered the pool area with your duffle bag and spotted Chan waiting for you with a patient smile on his face.
"Hey, Y/N! Ready to get started?" he called out, waving to you over, “Oh wait, you need to get changed. Unless you want to practice in your jeans and t-shirt~” he teases.
You reply back with a sheepish smile, “Sorry for keeping you waiting. My class went over time, and god- the professor would not let us go.” You huffed out, “Changing room is that way, right?” You pointed at the direction you last recalled.
“Mhm, I’ll walk you over there,” he smiled and led the way.
As you entered the changing room, with Chan waiting outside, you quickly slipped out of your clothes and slipped into your one-piece swimsuit. Feeling a nervous flutter in your stomach intensifying, you emerged from the changing room. Chan’s eyes fell on you, and for a moment, you caught a flicker of something in his expression. His gaze lingered on your figure, and you couldn’t help but notice a slight flush creeping up his cheeks.
“Alright, all set?” Chan asked, his voice sounding a bit more flustered than before.
You nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and self-consciousness at Chan’s lingering gaze as you walked beside him. You tried to push aside any doubts and focus on the lesson at hand.
“Yeah, ready as I’ll ever be,” you replied, trying to sound confident despite the butterflies in your stomach.
As you stood at the edge of the pool, Chan wasted no time in getting started. With a confident smile, he quickly shed off his top, revealing his toned physique, before effortlessly diving into the water.
You couldn't help but admire the way he moved, his movements fluid and powerful as he treaded water effortlessly. The sunlight danced upon the surface of the pool, casting a shimmering reflection on the water as Chan beckoned you to join him. Turning back towards you, Chan extended a hand, his expression warm and encouraging.
With a deep breath, you took a seat on the ledge and held on Chan's outstretched hand, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through you as you prepared to take the plunge. With his guidance, you pushed yourself gingerly into the water, feeling its cool embrace envelop you as you waded in. Chan was by your side in an instant, his hand steady on your waist and reassuring you as he guided you away from the ledge and to the middle of the pool.
"Relax, Y/N. You're doing great," Chan said, his voice gentle yet encouraging.
You took a hesitant look underneath you, the water stretching out beneath you, its depths unknown and daunting. A wave of panic threatened to overwhelm you, but Chan's reassuring presence grounded you, reminding you that you were not alone in this.
"Please don’t let go of me," you whispered, your voice barely above a murmur, your eyes tightly shut.
"Hey, look at me. I've got you, Y/N. I won't let anything happen to you," Chan replied, his tone filled with reassurance.
With his words echoing in your ears, you opened your eyes and felt the water lapping at your legs. Each movement was slow and deliberate, but with Chan's steady guidance, you soon found yourself floating in the middle of the pool, the water supporting you like a gentle embrace.
"Are you feeling comfortable, Y/N?" Chan asked, his voice filled with genuine concern as he glanced over at you, his hand still steadying your waist.
You nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Yeah, I think so. It's just... different, you know?"
Chan nods reassuringly, "I understand. Learning to swim can be a bit intimidating at first, but trust me, you're doing great. Just take it one step at a time, and soon enough, you'll feel right at home in the water."
With his encouragement spurring you on, you took a deep breath and tried to relax, allowing yourself to float in the water. Chan was patient and attentive, offering gentle guidance as he began to teach you the basics of swimming.
"Alright, let's start with something simple," Chan said, his voice calm and reassuring. "I want you to focus on your breathing. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Try to keep your breathing steady and relaxed."
Following Chan's instructions, you took a deep breath, the cool sensation of the water against your skin grounding you as you focused on your breathing. With each inhale and exhale, you felt yourself beginning to relax, the tension melting away as you settled into a rhythm.
"Good, now let's work on floating," Chan continued, his voice gentle yet firm. "I want you to lean back slightly and let your body relax. You can lean onto my chest first if you don’t feel comfortable to go all in yet. Trust the water to support you as you float on your back."
With Chan's guidance, you leaned back onto his chest first feeling his gentle buoyancy lifting you up. You tried not to think too much of it, but with Chan's reassuring presence by your side, you soon found yourself floating into the weightlessness on the surface of the water.
"See? You're doing great," Chan said, his voice filled with pride as he watched you float effortlessly on your back. "Just keep practicing, and soon enough, you'll be swimming like a pro."
"Alright, Y/N, I'm going to let go of you now," Chan said as he prepared to release his hold on your waist. "Just remember to keep breathing and stay relaxed. You've got this."
With a nod, you braced yourself from Chan's departure, trying to summon all the courage you could muster. As his hand gradually slipped away, you felt a surge of panic rising within you, the sensation of being adrift in the water suddenly overwhelming. For a moment, you tried to steady yourself, focusing on Chan's instructions and the rhythm of your breathing. But as the seconds ticked by, the panic threatened to consume you, and before you knew it, you were thrashing in the water, your movements frantic and desperate.
"Chan, help!" you cried out, your voice echoing across the pool as you struggled to keep your head above water.
In an instant, Chan was by your side, his strong arms wrapping around you as he pulled you close. "I've got you, Y/N. Just relax and breathe. You're safe with me."
With Chan's reassuring presence grounding you, you took a deep breath, the cool water lapping at your skin as you tried to steady yourself. Slowly but surely, the panic began to recede, replaced by a sense of calm and security in Chan's embrace.
"Take it easy, Y/N. There's no rush," Chan said, his voice soothing as he held you close. "We'll take things at your pace. Let’s try one more time, yeah?"
You nodded and took a deep breath in bracing yourself for another attempt at floating on your own. As Chan gently releases his hold on you, you feel a surge of anxiety welling up inside you. But this time, instead of letting it overwhelm you, you focused on Chan's reassuring words. With each passing moment, you felt yourself growing more comfortable, more at ease in the water. You floated effortlessly on the surface of the water. You glanced over at Chan, a wide smile spreading across his face, you knew that you had done it - you had conquered your fear and found peace in the water.
"See, Y/N? I knew you could do it," Chan said, his voice filled with pride as he watched you float serenely in the water, "You're a natural."
“Now how do I un-float?” You tried to lift up your head trying to keep your composure.
“First, don't panic. The pool is deep, so it may be a little harder since there are no shallow areas for you to do it on your own unless you know how to tread in the water, which you don’t, but the easiest way from your position is just moving your body from Point A to Point B,” Chan treads over next to you, “Second, move your hands in a backward circular motion and kick your feet up and down with pointed toes. Don’t kick too hard or it makes you feel rushed and you may lose your floating posture.”
“O-oh okay,” you followed his directions and slowly moved your hands in backward circular motion and kicked your feet, “Am I making progress?” you whispered.
“Slowly but surely. Again, don’t rush yourself. Take your time,” Chan says, swimming next to your side.
A couple of strokes later, you found your way to the end of the pool.
“Watch your head,” Chan places his hand between the concrete and your head, “Now, you can turn your body around and hold onto the ledge.”
Following his instructions, you flipped your body over and held onto the ledge with both of your hands pushing yourself up off the water.
“This is tiring. I don’t get how you do it,” you laugh and seated yourself, wiping the water off your face.
“You’ll get used to it the more you practice,” Chan lets out a cheeky grin and seats himself next to you.
You both sit in silence with yourself kicking the water until a loud rumbling noise releases from the man next to you.
“Sorry,” a blush crepts upon Chan’s cheeks.
“Want to grab dinner with me? A payment for teaching me today?”
“You don't have to. But if you insist~”
“Order anything you would like, it’s on me,” you both stand looking at the menu displayed at the top.
“Hmm, I don’t know what to get. Burger? Pizza? Steak also sounds good..”
“Never knew you were this indecisive~”
“I am not! Then what are you getting?”
“A pineapple burger,” you grinned widely.
“Chan!” You hushed his voice.
“Sorry- but who eats a burger with pineapple? I don’t even get why people like pineapple on pizza either but with a burger? You must be kidding me,” he scoffs looking over the menu with many options.
“Well, have you tried it?”
No response came out of him but silence.
“I thought so! No judging unless you try Channie~”
“Cute…” he mumbles.
“Hm?” you blinked back at him confused.
“Oh, nothing. Fine, I'll get a regular burger.”
“Pineapple juice.”
“You can drink pineapple juice, but not have a pineapple in a burger,” you shake your head in disapproval.
“They are two different things!”
“Yeah yeah, go find a seat, I’ll go order,” you shooed him away, stepping up in line to order.
Chan chuckles to himself shaking his head at the little debate the two of you were having. Finding an open booth seating, he slides himself onto one side and watches you from a distance ordering.
“Can I get two pineapple burger combos? One drink is pineapple juice and the other is apple juice. Thank you,” you swiped your card in and retrieved the number tag from the cashier.
Spinning around shoving the receipt in your bag, you spot Chan waving his hand over.
“Thanks for today again, Chan,” you seat yourself across from him.
“It's not a big deal. It’s like an exchange for your time being with the team.”
“Maybe one day, I’ll end up competing with professional Chan here,” you stick out your tongue.
“Impossible but possible,” he laughs, revealing his dimples.
“Your dimples are cute-” you said unconsciously, “I mean you should smile more often. I really lik- Oh wow the food is here, that’s fast!”
A blush crepts coupons Chan’s cheeks, and the server comes up with two trays setting one of each in front of you both.
“Thank you for the food, Y/N,” Chan smiles, lifting up his burger.
“You are welcome! Dig in, it looks so good!” You lift up your burger and bite into it, melting to taste the sweetness of the pineapple and the savory of the patty.
Chan does the same, lifting up his burger and taking a wide bite. His teeth sink into the burger, but he is immediately shocked by the distasteful burst of pineapple. He freezes, his eyes widening in horror.
"What the—" he mumbles through a mouthful, resisting to spit it out into a napkin and swallows it.
You burst into laughter, unable to contain your amusement at his reaction, "Gotcha!"
Chan glares at you, still trying to get the taste out of his mouth. "That was so not funny," he grumbles, reaching for his pineapple drink to wash away the lingering sweetness of the pineapple.
“Pretend the pineapple is like your juice. Drinking and eating the burger at the same time,” you laugh taking a second bite.
Chan rolls his eyes but can't help the small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Fine, you got me this time. But just wait, I'll get you back."
As you continue to eat, Chan can’t help but feel a bit wary, glancing suspiciously at his burger. He picks it apart, inspecting the pineapple, and takes another bite and chews at it slowly, “Oh, it’s actually not that bad.”
“See, I told you!” You grinned back at him triumphant.
Chan gradually relaxes, even starting to enjoy the unique combination of flavors. The conversation shifts to lighter topics, filled with jokes and shared stories. As the evening progresses, you notice Chan stealing glances at you, a soft smile playing on his lips.
The evening air cools, with Chan taking the initiative in walking you home, you feel a shiver run down your spine. Chan notices offering his jacket, “Here.”
You accept it, slipping into the warmth of his jacket, his scent enveloping you.
“Thanks,” you say softly, looking up at him.
Chan's eyes meet yours, and there’s a gentle warmth in his gaze that makes your heart flutter.
“You know,” he begins, his voice a bit more tender, “I’ve been thinking a lot lately. I feel really comfortable spending time with you. I haven't felt like myself in a while, and it feels really really nice.”
Your breath catches slightly, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, “Me too, Chan. I feel the same way.”
He smiles, a hint of shyness in his expression, “I’m glad to hear that. I know we only knew each other for less than a couple of weeks, and we got to hangout and tell your stories and mine.”
You nod, feeling your cheeks warm, “Yeah, it’s nice, isn’t it? I don’t really talk to anyone outside of my classes. It feels really nice to know that there is someone willing to be comfortable around me and on top of that similar interests too.”
You both walked together laughing and making fun of each other on the silliest of things. From scaring each other as if a bug fell on them or telling sarcastic jokes, the two of you fit right in such as pieces of puzzles connecting.
Arriving in front of your apartment complex, Chan shoves his hands in his pockets, tilts his head and smiles, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nod, “Tomorrow. Oh, your jacket-” you begin to take it off.
“You can keep it and return it whenever. It looks better on you,” he winks with a playful smile.
You blush, wrapping the jacket tighter around yourself, “Thanks, Chan. For everything tonight again. I had a great time.”
“Me too,” he replies, his eyes softening.
There’s a moment of silence, but it’s comfortable, filled with unspoken words and shared feelings. You both linger, neither wanting the night to end just yet.
“Well, I should go inside,” you say reluctantly.
Chan nods, taking a small step closer. “Yeah, I should get going too. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Chan,” you reply softly, turning around to enter your complex.
As you close the door behind, you slip off his jacket, hugging it to yourself for a moment before hanging it up. The scent of him still clings to it, a comforting reminder of the night. You head to bed, your mind buzzing with thoughts of Chan and the growing connection between you.
Weeks had passed since that evening, and every day seemed to draw you and Chan closer. Your routine had shifted from staying back from his swim practice to spending nearly every night together out with him. The days blended into a warm, comforting blur of shared meals, late-night talks, and walks.
One practice day, you were sitting on the bleachers, flipping through your notes. The sound of splashing water and echoing laughter filled the air as the team wrapped up their training session. Chan emerge from the pool, water dripping from his hair as making his way over to you.
“Hey,” he greeted, his smile warm and genuine, “Got a minute?”
“Of course,” you replied, closing your notebook and giving him your full attention.
He sat down beside you, his breath still slightly labored from the workout. “I wanted to thank you for all the coverage you’ve been giving the team. Our coach and the members appreciate a lot of the articles you made. It really helped us gain some recognition on campus.”
You felt a rush of pride at his words, “You guys work so hard, and I just want to showcase that to the rest of the school that swimming is just as good as any other sport.”
As you continued to talk, Chan suddenly looked at his watch and sighed, “The major competitions are coming closer, and Coach wants us to do some extra training,” he pouts and gets up from the bleacher, “No swim lessons for you today. I most likely can’t give you them until after the competitions are all over. Hopefully your skills aren’t rusty~”
You nodded understandingly, “Your competition is more important Chan. You’ve got this! Don’t mind me at all. I’m sure I can beat you in a race,” you stick your tongue out teasingly.
With a final wave, he jogged off to join his teammates, diving back into the pool.
As the days passed and the swim team became increasingly busy with smaller competitions, Chan's schedule grew more hectic. Despite his absence from the facility, you found yourself lingering around, drawn to the pool.
After finishing up your notes and edits, you decided to take a break and wander around the building. As you made your way to the pool area, you found yourself drawn to the edge of the pool, staring down into the crystal-clear water below. An urge to take a dip washed over you, despite the fact that you weren't much of a swimmer. You remembered the lessons Chan had given you a while ago, and the thought of waiting until after the competitions seems far too long for you. What if you forgot his tips and tricks? What if you lost the progress you had made? You didn't want to waste any more of Chan’s time.
With a determined sigh, you made your way to the locker rooms, changing into your swimsuit. As you stepped out onto the pool deck, you couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness creeping in.
Pushing aside your doubts, you took a deep breath and lowered yourself into the water. At first, everything seemed fine, but as you pushed yourself away from the edge, you felt a sense of panic rising within you. Your strokes felt clumsy and uncoordinated, and you struggled to keep your head above water.
Frantically, you tried to remember Chan's advice, but it seemed to slip through your mind. With each passing moment, the panic grew stronger, threatening to overwhelm you.
As you struggled in the water, you suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out, “Y/N!”
Without hesitation, he dove into the water and swam over to you, his movements swift and powerful.
As he reached you, he grabbed hold of your waist and guided you back out of the pool, “What were you thinking?" he scolded, his voice tinged with anger, "You could have drowned!"
You struggled to catch your breath, feeling a mixture of relief and embarrassment wash over you, "I-I'm sorry, Chan. I just wanted to try swimming on my own and practice-”
Chan's expression softened slightly, but the memory of you almost drowning ignites his anger back, "You could have seriously hurt yourself. You need to respect the water and know your limits."
You hung your head low, feeling ashamed of your recklessness, “I know, I know. I won't do it again."
Chan sighed heavily, "You could have put yourself in danger. What if I wasn't there to save you? Who would?”
You felt a pang of guilt at his words, and with a lump in your throat, “I'm sorry, Chan. I didn't mean to worry you."
With a heavy sigh, Chan turned and walked away, with his frustration still evident, "Fucking hell," he muttered, his voice tinged with exhaustion.
You watched him go, feeling a sense of regret wash over you. You knew that you had made a mistake and that he wouldn't forgive you anytime soon.
After the incident, the tension between you and Chan hasn't gone away. The guilt weighed heavily on your shoulders, and you found yourself withdrawing from him, convinced that you were nothing but a burden.
You noticed a distinct change in Chan's behavior towards you. What had once been warm smiles and friendly greetings now turned into cold glances. As days turned into weeks, and the once-close bond you shared with Chan began to fray. You stopped staying for swim practice, using the excuse of being busy with other assignments to avoid facing him. And even when you did see him around the facility, the awkwardness between you was too visible.
You found yourself replaying the events of that day over and over in your mind. Had you disappointed him so much that he couldn't even bear to be around you anymore? The thought filled you with a sense of regret weighing you down like a heavy anchor.
As time passed, you found yourself attending the swim practices less and less, avoiding the pool and the lingering tension with Chan. Instead, you threw yourself into your assignments and made excuses with your professor of why your reports are not as the best as it was previously.
Meanwhile, Chan's performance began to suffer. His times slowed, his movements became less fluid, and it was evident that something was weighing heavily on his mind. His attitude towards his teammates began to sour. He grew increasingly irritable and short-tempered, snapping at anyone who dared to question his methods or offer advice. It was clear that the guilt from lashing out in anger at you was eating him.
One day, news spread like wildfire throughout the swim team. Chan had dropped out of the upcoming major competition, citing personal reasons.
As you sat in the library unaware of the news, you were buried with a pile of textbooks and notes resting your head onto the table. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you looked up to see Hyunjin, another member of the swim team, standing beside you with a concerned expression on his face.
"Hey, you okay?" Hyunjin asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You nodded, forcing a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. I’m- Just buried under schoolwork."
Hyunjin frowned, sensing that you were covering it up, “I know about you and Chan. He talks a lot about you. I know things haven't been great between you two lately."
Your heart sank at the mention of Chan's name, the weight of your guilt crushing you. "I know," you murmured, unable to meet Hyunjin's gaze.
He reached out and gently squeezed your shoulder. "You know it’s not your fault. Chan has been struggling a lot lately," he continued, his voice filled with empathy, “he misses having you around."
You felt a surge of emotion at Hyunjin's words, a mixture of guilt and longing swirling inside you, “I miss him too. I just felt that I was a burden to him after that incident. An inconvenience,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Hyunjin nodded understandingly, "Maybe it's time you talked to him," he suggested, his eyes urging you to take action, "I think he could really use your support right now.”
“I don’t know,” you shake your head, “the last couple of times I saw him, it looks like he doesn't want me there anymore.”
“What do you know, Y/N? It’s completely the opposite. He cares for you. I have never seen him so happy ever since you joined us for practice and his performance was high too. His eyes were always heart-shaped when he was talking about you. I really mean it, Y/N.”
“He what?” Your eyes widened, “you’re telling lies. He doesn’t feel that way.”
“I’m being serious, Y/N.”
With a heavy heart, you nodded, feeling relieved welling up inside you, "Maybe you're right. Maybe you are wrong. But I can’t deal with this silence away from him. It’s hurting me too,"
As Hyunjin offered you a supportive smile, you knew that you couldn't continue to ignore the rift between you and Chan. It was time to confront the situation head-on and try to mend what had been broken. And with Hyunjin's encouragement, you felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, you could find a way to repair your relationship with Chan.
Pushing open the door, you stepped inside, spotting Chan sitting alone on the edge of the pool, with his shoulders slumped, and his gaze fixed on the rippling water below.
You made your way towards him, your heart pounding in your chest. Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you approached him slowly,
“Chan," you whispered softly.
He looked up with a surprise flicker in his eyes as he registered your presence. "What are you doing here?" he stands up and brings his feet to you with a guarded voice.
You swallowed hard, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. "I-I came to talk to you," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I know things haven't been great between us lately, and I wanted to apologize."
Chan stared at you in silence, his expression unreadable. You took a deep breath and launched into a rambling apology, the words tumbling out in a rush.
"I'm sorry for avoiding you and for not being there for you when you needed me," you said, your voice quivering with emotion. "I just...I didn't know how to face you after what happened at the pool, and I let my own insecurities get in the way. I didn't want to burden you any longer or become an inconvenience to you.”
You paused, tears streaming down your cheeks as you waited for Chan's response. To your surprise, he reached out and gently wiped away your tears, his touch warm and comforting.
"You don't have to apologize," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth. "I've been struggling too, and I realized that I haven't been fair to you either."
You looked up at him, surprise flickering in your eyes. "What do you mean?"
Chan took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving yours. "I've been so caught up in my own guilt and frustration that I didn't see how much I was hurting you too," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I miss you, and I'm sorry for pushing you away."
"I miss you too," you whispered, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders as you reached out to take his hand in yours.
Chan squeezed your hand gently, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "We can't change the past," he said softly, "but we can work on building a better future together."
You nodded, feeling a sense of hope welling up inside you. "I would like that," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
The tension between you slowly melted away, Chan wraps his arm around your waist pulling you closer. He leaned in with his gaze intense and full of longing. Without a word, he gently cupped your face in his hands.
Feeling the heat of his breath against your skin, you closed your eyes, your heart pounding in your chest as his lips met yours in a soft kiss. It was as if all the pent-up emotions and desires that had been simmering between you erupted in that moment, igniting a fire that burned hotter than ever before.
Chan's kiss became deep and fervent, his lips moving against yours with a hunger that sent shivers down your spine. You melted into his embrace, your hands tangling in his hair as you lost yourself in the intoxicating sensation of his touch.
As you finally pulled away, breathless and dizzy with longing, you met Chan's gaze, the intensity of his stare sending a shiver down your spine.
With a soft smile, Chan brushed his thumb across your cheek, his touch tender and affectionate. "I'm sorry for everything," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity, “I really like you, and it hurts to see you distance yourself. I really didn't want to lose you.”
You nodded, your heart swelling with emotion as you leaned in to press another gentle kiss to his lips, a silent promise of the future that lay ahead. And as you both stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, united by the unbreakable diving record of love.
a/n: the first recreational pursuits series have been released!! so sorry for the long wait, but it is finally here! thank you guys for the support, until the next!
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azzibuckets · 27 days
Paper Rings [Part 6/10 | Paige Bueckers]
paige bueckers x fem!reader
summary: the road to recovery
word count: 1.4k
masterlist w/ all parts
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You wrung your hair out with a towel, trying to get the chlorine out. You played for the club water polo team at UConn since they didn’t have an official, NCAA-organized team. You knew this sport didn’t hold much weight when you told others you were a student athlete, but water polo was what you loved, and you threw yourself into it, always being the first in the pool and the last to get out, swimming the extra laps, and bringing the energy to every game.
Ella, one of your teammates, snuck up from behind you and wrapped you in a hug. “Good job today,” she giggled, water from her hair dripping onto your shoulder.
Today had been the last tournament game of the season, and your last ever game with the seniors. Ella was one of your closest friends on the team and unfortunately one of those seniors, and you knew that you were going to miss her bad.
“Please don’t graduate,” you groaned, returning her hug. “Don’t leave me here.”
“As much as I’ve loved playing with you, I’m ready to leave college,” Ella admitted. “Once my finals are done, I’m out.”
Soon her family joined you two, congratulating you two on our big win. They adorned Ella with candy leis and stuffed bouquets of flowers in her arms, then squished the two of you in for a picture.
“So cute!” Ella’s grandma, Lily, gushed. She came over to squeeze your cheeks. “You’re such a darling. Where’s your family?”
You blushed at the attention. Lily was one of the sweetest women you’d ever met. “I’m not a senior, so I told them not to worry about coming out,” you explained.
“Oh?” Lily quirked her eyebrow. “That’s too bad! It’s still the last game of the season, which is pretty important. Good thing your friend came to cheer you on!”
You tilted your head quizzically. “What do you mean? My friends couldn’t make it.”
Lily looked taken aback. “Oh, I must’ve gotten things mixed up. She didn’t say she was your friend, but she’s been to several of your games, and she knows so much about you, I just assumed!”
“She?” you furrowed your eyebrows, not really understanding what Lily was saying.
The older lady nodded enthusiastically, wrapping her hands around yours. “I always forget her name, honey, but she’s a very nice girl, very tall with blonde hair. I recall her saying once that she plays basketball here!”
At that, Ella nudged you, a confused look in her eyes. “No way. Is she talking about Paige?” You blinked in disbelief before you swiveled back to her grandma.
“Wait, I’m sorry. You said she’s been to multiple of my games?”
“Well, she always comes a little late and leaves a little early, but she’s been to at least five games,” Lily responded. “I didnt talk to her until the third or fourth game, until I overheard her explaining to someone else about how the game worked. She talked about you, said you were amazing and worked so hard. She always knows how many goals you scored too!”
You froze, your mind a whirlwind of thoughts. You and Paige had talked last week for the first time in a year, but from what Lily was saying, she must’ve been at your games spanning across your season from the last few months. You weren’t sure what to do with this piece of information. Paige had been so dismissive of you that night you’d gotten into an argument, made it seem like she wanted nothing to do with you. And now she’s been attending your games? She obviously hadn’t wanted you to find out, which she had done a pretty good job of. You’d told her before that you don’t ever look at the audience in the stands during games; the people there made you nervous, and it was hard to see in the water anyways. So she’d taken advantage of that, coming in late and leaving early. So if she didn’t want you to know, why come?
As these thoughts plagued your mind, Ella gently laid a hand on your elbow. “I gotta go with my family now, but call me later, alright?” she said gently.
You nodded distractedly, rushing to gather my things and go home so you could process in peace.
“Where were you?” KK questioned as soon as Paige walked into the lounge. The shorter girl was sprawled out on the couch, a pillow supporting her chin as she scrolled through her Tiktoks.
“Are you ever not on Tiktok?” Paige teased, slapping her on the head before plopping down next to her.
KK guffawed. “I know you’re not talking. I might have to block you with all the thirst traps you’re posting. The edits are getting less and less cordial.”
Paige rolled her eyes, grabbing KK’s phone before throwing it to the end of the coach. KK shot her a menacing glare before crawling to retrieve her phone. “You didn’t answer my question, P Boogers.”
“I was just walking around campus,” Paige replied. It technically wasn’t a lie, because she had walked from the pool deck to Werth.
“Lies.” KK regarded her with a confident smirk as she wagged her phone. “I checked your location.”
Paige didn’t like where this was going.
“I checked your location,” KK repeated, “and you were at the pool!” She smiled triumphantly at that, as if she had just caught Paige red handed.
The blonde rolled her eyes. “Okay, so what? I was walking by and I saw a game going on, so I decided to watch. I watch basically every women’s sport on campus.” When KK continued to look at her with that infuriating smirk on her face, Paige started rambling. “I mean, it would be discrimination by not going to the game. You know I’m the biggest supporter of women in sports. Water polo is so underrated and-,”
“Okay, chill out,” KK interrupted, holding her hands up in surrender. “But you seem to be at the pool deck a lot. Like it’s getting borderline creepy.”
The taller girl shrugged. “It’s not like Y/N knows I go.“ She perked up, as if she just remembered something. “She played so good today, KK. She scored three goals, and one was from half, and it was a buzzer beater lob.”
KK shook her head. “Damn, P. This girl’s got you wrapped around her pinky, and you guys don’t even talk any more. Which kinda sucks.” KK flopped backwards, staring up at the ceiling. “We were just getting close when you guys broke up. She was really cool.”
Paige bit her bottom lip. She hated herself every day for how your friendship had ended, and she didn’t need her friends on her ass about it too. “We didn’t break up,” she corrected. “We never dated. And yeah, I know it sucks bro. I miss her too.”
“Why don’t you guys just talk it out? Like, you guys were best friends. I’m sure she misses you too,” KK advised, a hopeful look in her eyes. Paige felt a wave of guilt crash over her. She always thought about how the end of your friendship affected her, but she always forgot about how it impacted her teammates too. They had absolutely loved you, the way you showed up to all their games to support them and brought them freshly baked cookies to practice during hell week. You were funny and quick witted, and they truly saw you as one of them. And all of that Paige had ruined.
“I’m sorry, KK,” Paige apologized. “It’s just really fucking hard.”
KK nodded slowly. “Okay, good thing she’s coming to senior night then! You can talk to her then.”
“She’s what?” Paige lurched up, rigid.
“Nika said she wanted to go to senior night but tickets were all sold out, so she had to ask Nika if any of us had leftover family tickets. And I do,” KK gleefully informed Paige, pleased at her shocked reaction.
“You guys are actually gonna drive me insane,” Paige breathed out, slumping back in her seat. She could feel a migraine coming on.
“You better make a move or something at the game, Paige. I’m serious. We’re tired of you pining over her like this,” KK said.
Paige slowly exhaled. The thought of seeing you again filled her with a sort of nervous excitement, like a school girl counting down the minutes to see her hallway crush. But anxiety pooled in the pit of her stomach. You hated her, Paige was sure. She wasn’t used to rejection, and you gave it to her so easily last week. But Paige knew she’d have to suck it up if she’d want you back. And God, she wanted you.
Paige dribbled the ball between her legs. She closed her eyes, trying to relish the feeling of being here in Gampel on her senior night. She wasn’t too worried about the actual game; they were only playing Georgetown. But today she would be announcing her plans on returning next year. And today, there’d also be you.
As much as she wanted to see you, Paige hoped that the family ticket that KK gave you weren’t court side. She would have a difficult time focusing on the game if you were right there, studying her every move.
After the senior night ceremony wrapped up and the game began, Paige forced herself to block out all the noise in her mind. This was basketball, and she just needed to come out and do what she normally did. She remained focused while playing, and she only saw you towards the end of the third quarter when she got subbed out for a break. She almost lost her breath when she saw you, casually sitting court-side (damn you KK). You weren’t looking at her, but were focused on the game. You stood up and cheered in excitement when Aaliyah scored a layup, and Paige admired how naturally gorgeous you were, with your eyes sparkling and mouth turned up into a bright smile. Her fingers itched with the urge to touch you, to hold your cheek in her hand and dig her nose into your hair to smell your sweet vanilla conditioner and nip the sensitive skin right under your ear. She wanted to kiss away the smile on your lips, kiss you til neither of you could breathe. But she couldn’t.
Soon the game ended, but Paige didn’t head back to the locker room with the rest of the girls. Mustering up her courage, she tried to walk as confidently as she could to where you were packing up your things from your seat.
You froze at her voice. Pursing your lips, you looked up.
Paige stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. After you raised an eyebrow expectantly, she rushed to say, “You like the game?”
You smiled genuinely then. “Course I did. The team played great, as always. Aaliyah was killing it out there.”
Paige had always loved how you loved her teammates, but now she felt nothing but jealousy, that the only reason she could get you to smile was by talking about the team. Paige bit the inside of her cheek. “Thank you for coming.”
Irritation flooded your face. “I didn’t come for you.” That was a definite lie. You had wanted to come watch Paige on senior night. You knew how important this was to her, how much she loved playing for UConn. You wouldn’t have missed it for the world (and definitely not because you realized Paige had been silently supporting you at your games this entire time) which is why you had to awkwardly reach out to Nika to beg for tickets like a dog with scraps.
“No yeah, of course,” Paige stumbled over her words. “I was just saying, you know, thanks, in a broad sense from the entire team?”
You almost giggled as you observed Paige’s nervous behavior. But you didn’t want to give her any false hopes that you guys were okay, so you bit your lip to stop your laugh.
“Listen, I know we’re not…” Paige vaguely gestured between the two of them. “But the team’s really missed you, and I know they really want you to come to Nika’s tonight to celebrate. The coaches will be there, so there’s not gonna be any drinks or funny business.”
“Yeah, I know. Nika texted me,” you sighed, fiddling with the ends of your hair. “But it’s been a really long night.”
“You don’t have to stay for long,” Paige said. “And I’ll like, stay away on the complete opposite side of the room, if you want me to. But come for KK and Nika and the rest of the girls. Please.”
You melted under Paige’s hopeful look, and ducking your head, you said shyly, “Okay, yeah. I’ll be there.”
Out of reflex, Paige reached up to touch your elbow in gratitude, but you quickly dodged, lamely covering it up by swiftly gathering your hair and putting it in a ponytail. The light in Paige’s eyes dimmed, and she crossed her arms awkwardly. You cursed at yourself for making things so tense.
“Well, I gotta do some press then change. I’ll see you later maybe?” You only nodded in response, and Paige gave you a weak, half hearted smile before jogging off.
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