#and being classified as a gifted child
whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
In the 2nd century CE, as Christianity was in the process of becoming an independent religion, a body of literature emerged that scholars classify as apocrypha and pseudepigrapha. Apocrypha (Greek: apokryptein, "to hide away") are those books considered outside the canon, meaning that they were not included when the New Testament became official after Constantine’s conversion to Christianity.
Pseudepigrapha ("false writing") were bluntly forgeries. They were written or pretended to be written in the name of a past famous person to provide credibility. Jews utilized this literary device, in their apocalyptic texts that pretend to be written by Enoch, Moses, and Abraham. Because they were in heaven, they were sources of both traditional and hidden secrets.
Christian religious expression encompassed ecstatic behavior, such as "speaking in tongues," spirit possession resulting in prophecy, and developed rules and regulations on uses of the body. Christian behavior was framed with the concepts of celibacy (no marriage contract) and chastity (no sexual intercourse) as ideal behavior. Charis ("gifts") were understood as gifts from the spirit of God. Scholars describe this literature as a particular point of view known as 'charismatic Christianity.' In these stories, the concept of charismatic gifts provided the background for the performance of miracles, healings, and conversions. All of the Christian characters remain chaste and celibate.
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
People wanted to know more details about the movement. Only Matthew and Luke provided the birth story of Jesus of Nazareth, but then they moved directly to the ministry. What was Jesus like as a child? Did he know from the beginning that he was the messiah? The Infancy Gospel of Thomas answered those questions. The writer of this text remains unknown, but it was assigned to an early missionary named Thomas. For many modern Christians, the child Jesus is not what they expect; this is a portrait of what we would now deem a super-brat.
In the ancient world as well as the modern, people believed that great men must have had an unusual birth and childhood, where they showed early signs of being a prodigy. This was the case with the young Jesus. The text opens with Jesus playing in the mud (like all children). He fashioned the mud into birds which flew, but when Jesus played with the other boys on the street, he got mad and struck one dead. The parents came to Mary and Joseph with a plea to control their child, and so they tried to find him a tutor, but of course, Jesus was smarter than all of them.
One day a neighbor boy fell off a roof and died. Everyone blamed Jesus, so he then resurrected the boy from the dead (a preview of his later activity as an adult). This text does have a happy ending; Jesus went back and resurrected the first boy he struck down. The overall purpose of the text is to show the young Jesus (who has great power) learning eventually to control his gifts to be used for the salvation of humankind only and not his own interests.
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sehtoast · 2 months
No Time Like the Present [For a Present] - (parentified!OC, Ryan Butcher)
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mild s4e7 spoilers, ben gives ryan a present, ben being the cool parent, ben x homelander, spidersona oc | Fic Directory
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It’s a soft, breathy laugh that gives him away.
Ryan whirls around, picture frame held tight to his chest.  He’s like a child protecting a toy he knows he shouldn’t have.
“Relax, buddy.”  Ben says with a sympathetic smile.  “I ain’t gonna take it from you.”
“I don’t–”
“And I’m not gonna tell your dad either.  I’m not the Grinch, y’know.”
It’s a Christmas miracle in and of itself to see the boy’s eyes light up and a joyful grin settle into place.  A real smile, not the ones he fakes for cameras these days.
Ben reaches out and ruffles Ryan’s hair.  “He’s out anyway.  Lemme see ‘em?”  
Ryan tilts the frame his way and he takes in the full sight.  Butcher, before becoming, well… Butcher, and Becca.  His heart tugs at the sight of her, remembering the times they’d spoken.  Back when he would help Ryan with his physics homework at the kitchen table while Homelander pouted over getting less of the boy’s attention.  Ben always felt so terrible for how on edge Becca was around Homelander, but somehow she never seemed to hold it against the bug for being involved with him. Kind, caring, genuine…  
Just like her son.
“You’re a good kid, y’know that?”  Ben murmurs.  His eyes sting and he looks up to find Ryan’s lined with tears as well.
For as much as the world has tried to rip it out of his chest, Ryan’s heart was practically made of sunshine.  Ben’s already sworn up and down to whatever cosmic forces may be that he’ll preserve that light in the dark as best he can.
He sniffles and swats at his own fallen tears.  “Man, Christmas is somethin’ else.  I got one for you too.”  He scans the mountain of gift boxes and fan packages, shooting a web at one in particular wrapped as if someone gave tape and paper to a jackass who’d never wrapped a present a day in his life.  “Sorry about the outside.  The day I figure out wrapping paper is probably the day the planet explodes.”  He gestures for Ryan to sit, then hands it off.
As soon as he lifts the flaps on the box, Ryan goes silent.
Benjamin just waits while he processes it.  It was no easy feat, and finding someone talented enough to both sculpt and paint it perfectly without anything more than a few satellite images and classified Vought records had been… well.  The look on his face is all the bug needs to know it was worth it.
Ryan lifts it out and sets it on his lap, fingers running over the edge of the roof.  He seems almost baffled at the intricacy of detail, right down to the mailbox at the edge of the lawn.  “S’my old house…”  He murmurs, thumbing gently over the front door step.  “I almost forgot what it looked like.”
“Mm, well we can’t have you doing that.”  The bug’s voice cracks with emotion.  “I just– I figured you still do your legos and you could, y’know…”
By the time Ben’s gaze rises, Ryan’s already thrown himself into a hug, squeezing so tight the bug practically can’t breathe.  Except he can, because he’s learned how to weather those embraces.  It’s the same way Homelander hugs him when it’s all too much or when he needs a rock to cling to lest he become a castaway in his own sea of miseries.
“Sorry,” the boy mumbles as he pulls back.  The shame on his face is the worst part.  Watching him apologize every time he forgets his strength, becoming stronger with every passing day while the world remains unchanged, has been nothing short of heart wrenching.  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“Get back in here.” With a huffed laugh and a roll of his eyes, Ben pulls Ryan in for another hug.  “You didn’t, and I know you never would.”  
They spent some time chatting after Ryan hides the photo in his room.  The clickety clack of VS5 controllers fill the air while they duel in Tournament of Heroes, and Ben groans as he loses for a fifth time.  Things like this used to be his forte as a kid, but he’s probably in for another loss anyway. 
But that was fine.  Homelander would be back soon and the three of them could spend Christmas Eve together as a family.  Even though that family is small and just a liiiittle bit messy, it’s still good.
“That makes six!”  The boy hoots, rising to his feet with a beaming grin and excitement in his eyes.  “I don’t think you’re cut out to play as dad’s character.”  He teases.
Nevertheless, Ben picks him again.
Yeah.  Still good.
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spooklies · 10 months
# Resident Evil - Platonic Yandere Leon S. Kennedy (PROFILE)
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Type of Yandere: The type of yandere Leon would classify as depends on the type of relationship you have with him but if we were to generalize then I'd say in all versions he'd be the clingy and overprotective type. He's someone that would constantly worry about his child, sibling, or best friend if he didn't know where they were or what they were doing. Leon will spam your phone until you reply and then freak out if you take too long and assume the worst has happened. He's the very definition of dramatic but all of that stems from his constant state of paranoia.
Love Language: His love language would be gift giving and words of affirmation. He enjoys seeing the way your face lights up whenever he gives you something you wanted which in turn makes you very spoiled since he's always gifting you stuff. As for words of affirmation it doesn't take much for him to praise you. Oh, you finally fixed your sleep schedule? Leon is happier about that than you are! You passed a spelling test in school with only having missed one word? He'll celebrate with a movie night with all of your favorite snacks! Sometimes it gets overbearing but Leon is pretty good at calculating boundaries.
Their Biggest Fear: Your health is his biggest concern. He'll always ask how you're doing and if you've been eating alright. So if he ever finds out your health is declining in any way then he'll immediately jump to the worst scenario possible and fret over your well-being until you're well again. That goes for physical and mental health. If you decline your health for too long then Leon will take things into his hands and force that caretaker role onto himself without your say on the matter.
Kidnapping: If this is an adopting scenario then I see this as a possibility but other than that I don't see him kidnapping anybody. Maybe you were in a bad situation at your current home so he went ahead and "adopted" you without your biological parents's consent or perhaps even yours.
How Easy is it to Escape?: If we're talking about the forced adoption scenario then escaping from that situation is nearing impossible. He'll make sure to keep tabs on you at all times and if you try to "run away from home" then he'll ground you.
Punishment(s): Just as I mentioned above this one of his punishments would consist of grounding you (keeping you in the house and possibly even restricting your access to the T.V. or your phone) if you were to act out. If he was your best friend and the two of you had gotten in an argument then expect him to be petty for the following days until either of you apologize and make up. As your brother then the worst I see him doing is being passive-aggressive until he's gotten his point across.
Difference to Other Yanderes: Leon is a powerful man with plenty of connections to people with more influence than him. He has his ways of getting what he wants so nine times out of ten he'll get what he wants even if that means getting his hands red.
Additional Notes: Overall a platonic yandere Leon is very caring and selfless when it comes to the person he's doting on. He wouldn't want to lay a hand on them and would not hesitate to kill anybody that does.
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Worried by Florida’s history standards? Check out its new dictionary!
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As always, Alexandra Petri is spot on in satirizing the right-wing censorship and educational nonsense happening in Florida. This is a gift 🎁 link, so you can read the entire column, even if you don't subscribe to The Washington Post.
Below are some excerpts 😂:
Well, it’s a week with a Thursday in it, and Florida is, once again, revising its educational standards in alarming ways. Not content with removing books from shelves, or demanding that the College Board water down its AP African American studies curriculum, the state’s newest history standards include lessons suggesting that enslaved people “developed skills” for “personal benefit.” This trend appears likely to continue. What follows is a preview of the latest edition of the dictionary to be approved in Florida. Aah: (exclamation) Normal thing to say when you enter the water at the beach, which is over 100 degrees. Abolitionists: (noun) Some people in the 19th century who were inexplicably upset about a wonderful free surprise job training program. Today they want to end prisons for equally unclear reasons. Abortion: (noun) Something that male state legislators (the foremost experts on this subject) believe no one ever wants under any circumstances, probably; decision that people beg the state to make for them and about which doctors beg for as little involvement as possible. American history: (noun) A branch of learning that concerns a ceaseless parade of triumphs and contains nothing to feel bad about. Barbie: (noun) Feminist demon enemy of the state. Biden, Joe: (figure) Illegitimate president. Black history: (entry not found) Blacksmith: (noun) A great job and one that enslaved people might have had. Example sentence from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R): “They’re probably going to show that some of the folks that eventually parlayed, you know, being a blacksmith into doing things later in life.” Book ban: (noun) Effective way of making sure people never have certain sorts of ideas. Censorship: (noun) When other people get mad about something you’ve said. Not to be confused with when you remove books from libraries or the state tells colleges what can and can’t be said in classrooms (both fine). Child: (noun) Useful laborer with tiny hands; alternatively, someone whose reading cannot be censored enough. [...]
[See more select "definitions" below the cut]
Classified: (adjective) The government’s way of saying a paper is especially interesting and you ought to have it in your house. Climate change: (noun) Conspiracy by scientists to change all the thermometers, fill the air with smoke and then blame us. [...] Constitution: (noun) A document that can be interpreted only by Trump-appointed and/or Federalist Society judges. If the Constitution appears to prohibit something that you want to do, take the judge on a boat and try again. [...] DeSantis, Ron: (figure) Governor who represents the ideal human being. Pronunciation varies. Disney: (noun) A corporation, but not the good kind. [...] Election: (noun) Binding if Republicans win; otherwise, needs help from election officials who will figure out where the fraud was that prevented the election from reflecting the will of the people (that Republicans win). [...] Emancipation Proclamation: (noun) Classic example of government overreach. Firearm: (noun) Wonderful, beautiful object that every person ought to have six of, except Hunter Biden. [...] FOX: News. Free speech: (noun) When you shut up and I talk. Gun violence: (noun) Simple, unalterable fact of life, like death but unlike taxes. [...]
Jan. 6: (noun) A day when some beautiful, beloved people took a nice, uneventful tour of the U.S. Capitol. King Jr., Martin Luther: (figure) A man who, as far as we can discern, uttered only one famous quotation ever and it was about how actually anytime you tried to suggest that people were being treated differently based on skin color you were the real racist. Sample sentence: “Dr. King would be enraged at the existence of Black History Month.” Liberty: (noun) My freedom to choose what you can read (see Moms for Liberty). Moms for Liberty: (noun) Censors, but the good kind. [...] Pregnant (adjective): The state of being a vessel containing a Future Citizen; do not say “pregnant person”; no one who is a real person can get pregnant. Queer: (entry not found) Refugee: (noun) Someone who should have stayed put and waited for help to come. Slavery: (noun) We didn’t invent it, or it wasn’t that bad, or it was a free job training program. Supreme Court: (noun) Wonderful group of mostly men without whom no journey by private plane or yacht is complete. Trans: (entry not found) United States: (noun) Perfect place, no notes. [emphasis added to defined words]
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azuresky-agere · 5 months
This part will go into all the nations and their stance on classifications, ect.
Mondstadt, the nation of Freedom.
Mondstadt has a good view on classification. If you want to have a job as a little, you must take at least one day off a week to regress. This is shared by the fact that every new regressor among the Knights will get a Caregiver/Babysitter assigned to them among joining (as long as they don't have one when signing up) who will act as someone to guide you through the ranks, make sure you're working good, help you regress, ect.
Regarding Venti in specific, Venti thought of himself as a neutral, but got classified as a little, and he didn't take it too well. He thought he could not regress, and it didn't really go well.
Liyue, the nation of Contracts
Liyue is sometimes a mixed bag. With classification being a new term, most of the older residents are rather...negative. The more older people tend to not regress anymore due the hormones in their brain telling them that they're too old, and they don't need to do it anymore. So, with the classification being new, and the older people not needing to/understanding it, they can be rather annoyed.
Regarding work, it's the same as Mondstadt. If one wishes to be among the Millelith, they must be accompanied by a babysitter/caregiver at all times, as well as the weekends off.
As for Zhongli? He's a flip. Sometimes he'll regress due to stress at the parlour/PTSD from the archon war, and sometimes he'll care for Xiao.
Inazuma, the nation of Eternity.
Classification is seen as something special in Inazuma. It's seen as being eternally youthful. Littles are often heavily loved in Inazuma, given gifts and such. If you want to become a member of the army, soldier, what have you- you must also be be accompanied by a caregiver/little. To prevent misclassification, you will be reclassified upon your first day. However, members of the personal Shogun's bodyguards must either be neutrals, or Caregivers.
[Because Ei is a regressor hehe...]
Sumeru, the Nation of Wisdom
No littles are allowed to be scribes/be in the Akademiya. Reclassification is done at least once a month, and anybody found to be a little will be kicked out, there and then. However, upon any public event for the Akademiya [trial days for the people who want to become students or teacher's interviews], you will be checked, and reclassified without question. No littles are even allowed on Akademiya grounds without this, and people use this as a way to get reclassified for free.
Nahida is a caregiver for Scaramouche. Despite scaramouche being unable to get tested, Nahida has made an alternative test, and so- he is a little.]
Fontaine, the nation of Justice.
If a little is found breaking a law, then a caregiver must be present during all of the court case. Aside from that, caregivers are mostly optional in Fontaine, and there is no real consequence for not having one.
[Furina is a regressor, Neuvillette is a flip, too. Wriothesley is a little.]
In the fortress of meropide, however...there is a small nursery on the bottom floor for regressors to relax in, and when regressing/"crashing", Wriothesley makes sure that all the littles and their cg's are given adequate time to regress before working- and they will be paid for how many hours they've missed.
The Fatui / House of the Hearth.
Littles are allowed in the House of the Hearth, and while Caregivers and Neutrals are permitted to take rather dangerous- and almost lethal missions, littles are not. if permitted to go on a mission, the only "mission" the littles have are intelligence gathering.
The fatui only have one little, Childe. He was adamant that he was a caregiver, but due to his trauma from the abyss/recent fontaine archon quest, the trauma made him re-classify once he returned back from fontaine. He's constantly taking suppressants in order to not regress and "prove his worth", but Dottore, Pantalone, Columbina, Arlecchino and Sandrone are all very well-trained caregivers. Although they don't particularly agree with the lifestyle Childe has, they make him take breaks, and even send him on less-dangerous missions.
The Tsaritsa is a Caregiver.
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moodymisty · 1 year
Hi, if you're still taking requests for warhammer, would you be willing to write an x Reader with peterturbo or knorad?
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Author's Note: Ok, so I decided to go with Perturabo, simply because as fun as it would be for me to write a Konrad fic because I enjoy writing horrible bloody angst, I didn't know if you'd be comfortable with that damage, anon. But then again... You did request him. (I also have no right to diss tastes in primarchs I love Angron lmao)
Anyways, ✨ Perturabo ✨. Enjoy. He's a raging cunt. But I love him uwu
Summary: Peturabo learns of Dorn's ascendancy to Praetorian of Terra, and you attempt to flee the boiling rage.
Relationships: Perturabo/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Perturabo's shit fucking attitude, Romance mixed with toxicity, Yandere!Perty if you squint real hard, General 40kness aka mentions of war and death, This would probably classify as an abusive/toxic relationship lmao, Witnessing Peturabo's slow descent into chaos IRL
Word Count: 1095
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The library aboard the Iron Blood is monstrous. Any library you perused as a child has always paled to such a degree, that you need not even bring it up in comparison. Shelves tower over you that even looking fully upward doesn't show their full height, and behind them massive stained glass windows showing the unforgiving void of space. Stars glitter in the distance, or the occasional planet. Be it inhabited or not.
Little servo-skulls buzz overhead, most of them holding some form of parchment as they go about their secular duties. There's a Tech Priest fiddling away with their business that looks in your direction for a moment, before going back to their work. You can hear the faintest humming coming from them- mumbling in what you can only guess is machine language.
You could get lost in it all. Which is partly the goal.
You're avoiding him.
You had the moment you heard it, mumbled by Astartes having just felt their Primarch's own wrath.
Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, has been cast to construct the Imperial palace of Terra.
The moment you'd heard that news coming from the lips of a battered Iron Warrior, rattled physically in his armor to such a degree that he seems to have some form of brain damage, you knew you'd hear it from Perturabo's own booming voice if you didn't run. To be at the end of a Primarch's own barely contained rage, not even considering the idea of physical violence, is enough to make you scatter to hide from him. There's no amount of love that could smother that primal fear.
In the shadowed alley between shelves and shelves of tomes, your eyes cast towards the floor.
You remember one night when he was listless, he had knelt at your bedside and took your hand in his own- speaking of his plans to build a palace so obscenely grand all else would pale in comparison. Bath houses, amphitheaters, training arenas, it was like he was there himself, in the vast ambition of his own mind. Denied ambitions for Olympia mixing with his endless ambition for the future.
He promised you some of them that night; Saying things so grandiose you found yourself nearly crushed underneath the weight of them. He was promising you so, so much, gifting you a gilded future with a stern, far off look in his eyes and his fingers now tight around your jawline. Your own fingers had gently laid against his hand, so much smaller and softer than his own.
To have that dream shattered, so suddenly and so wretchedly by the man who's been Perturabo's similar in a way that infuriates him to no conceivable end; You know just as well as anyone else aboard the Iron Blood that he was to be avoided.
As when Perturabo is angry, there’s almost always a layer of bitterness underneath. A gripe, vile taste in his mouth, defeat from once again being assigned a role he seems hateful of. Or a role he's been denied.
The book bindings feel cold against your fingertips. These are largely battle logs, transcripts of recent battles created by the Tech Priests aboard. Most knowledge about the Iron Warriors history is stored much more safely in the chapter's Librarium. It's not to say these aren't interesting however; As someone who's duty is to the collecting of this information, you find the whole thing to be intriguing. But perhaps now isn't the time to take such interest in it.
You hear footsteps. Far too heavy to be any rank and file Astartes, and they hammer down with a level of anger that has your head shrinking into your neck.
You barely have time to pull your hand away from the tome binding you'd just been fondling, before you see him. You're instantly in his shadow, the light between these massive isles far dimmer than what is in the central area. And unless you were to try and dart right between his legs, you've nowhere to run. It's not as if you want to run from him, you love him, but you know how he can lose himself at times.
"You are avoiding me." You can see the barely contained anger on his face. You don't know if it's at Dorn, or at you.
"Why." You hold your voice firm so it doesn't crack, refusing to allow it to.
"I thought you would want your space." His brow furrows. The scars across his face shift, the one across his lip most so. You can always feel that one in the rare moments you kiss him.
"So you know." How couldn't you? The entire Imperium is privy, something this significant has spread over vox and every other form of communication at disposal. They all know Dorn is the Praetorian of Terra, not Perturabo.
Damn them to the Warp. He doesn’t need any of it. All he needs are the plans in his head, and you.
He kneels before you, and it takes everything within you to not do a back step. But when he reaches a hand out towards you, you gently take it. Your feet move of their own accord as he pulls you closer to him, until his armored shin is nearly touching you. Peturabo has always been massive- he's a primarch, but his armor adds so much bulk that it makes him nearly inhuman.
"I will give you all of that which I promised you."
Your eyes catch his, pools of brown looking down at you. His warmth is in there somewhere, you think; Can you find it? Or is it already gone?
You try to whisper his name, whisper Bo- but it comes out so quiet that your voice doesn't even sound out, your lips just forming the silent word as a fruitless, pathetic effort. His hand is tight around your own, it almost begins to hurt. You doubt you'd be able to yank it from his grip if you'd even wanted to.
"No matter how many planets I have to level, or how much blood I need to spill,"
This isn't for you; This is for his own endless ambition, his own need to prove he's everything that he says he is and so, so much more. His hand finally lets go of yours and cups your jaw- but the metal is cold and unforgiving like iron, so unlike the rough, scarred but warm skin underneath. He's promising you the future but you don't want it, you just want him.
"You will have it."
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
Is Solomon more of a warlock as warlocks create "pacts" with powerful creatures to harness their innate magical gifts. While sorcerers are more to with having an innate gift with magic, as well as having mystical or magical ancestry.
But then he could be called warlock or a wizard but sorcerer solomon has a nice ring to it
Actually, there are are many words for magic users, which can vary a lot on exact definitions/distinctions between different canons and fictional worlds: archmage, mage, magus, magician, spellcaster, sorcerer/sorceress, warlock, witch, wizard, etc. But these are distinctions that vary in fiction! If you look at, for example, the Merriam-Webster definition of "warlock," however, it technically doesn't mention anything about pacts/creatures, and in fact defines it as the same or interchangeable with sorcerer!
: a man practicing the black arts : SORCERER compare WITCH
From what you're describing, it sounds like you may be thinking of more of a D&D distinction, where they have "warlocks," "sorcerers," and "wizards" all as separate categories. In that (and perhaps others, D&D is just what comes immediately to mind), warlocks more specifically receive their powers from pacts with "patrons" which are some kind of magical being, where demons are one of the options.
However, in OM's case, there's really no such thing as a "warlock" ever mentioned. We only hear of two kinds of magic users: sorcerers and witches. We've examined the canonical distinctions in a bit more detail in a previous headcanons post, but essentially, OM splits them in an entirely different way which instead boils more down to Celestial Realm vs Devildom, or order vs chaos. That is, if you look at how the two interact canonically in OM, witches primarily interact with demons and aren't particularly following a ruling authority, whereas sorcerers must be licensed by the Sorcerers' Society and are tested on the Seven Heavenly Virtues, which are traditionally opposite to the Seven Deadly Sins. So Solomon is a "sorcerer" in OM because that's just what he's more aligned with, between the two.
Also, a clarifying note about Solomon's magic --
(spoilers for Nightbringer Lesson 14)
It has actually been confirmed in Nightbringer that Solomon did not originally get his powers from either the Ring of Wisdom he got from Michael or the demons he has pacts with! In Lesson 14, he describes how, even as a child, he had always had magic. His pacts, as well as the ring, have certainly increased his magical power and given him more of it, but he's not powerless without them! So, even by the distinction that you asked about, Solomon should actually still be classified as a sorcerer, because he has always had magic inherent in him.
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gnosticinitiation · 2 months
Chapter: The Antichrist
Dazzling intellectualism, as the manifested functionalism of the psychological "I," is without a doubt the Antichrist.
Those who suppose that the Antichrist is a strange personage born somewhere on the Earth or coming from this or that country are certainly completely mistaken.
We have emphatically stated that the Antichrist is definitely not a particular person, but all people.
Obviously, the Antichrist itself exists deep within each person and expresses itself in many ways.
Intellect which is placed in the service of the Spirit is useful; intellect which is divorced from the Spirit becomes useless.
Villains arise from intellectualism without spirituality: a vivid manifestation of the Antichrist. Obviously, the villain, in and for itself, is the Antichrist.
Unfortunately, the world today with all its tragedies and miseries is governed by the Antichrist. The state of chaos in which modern humanity finds itself is undoubtedly due to the Antichrist.
The iniquitous one, of which Paul of Tarsus spoke in his Epistles, is certainly the harsh reality of our times. The iniquitous one is already here. It manifests itself everywhere; it certainly has the gift of ubiquity.
It argues in cafes, negotiates at the United Nations, sits comfortably in Geneva, conducts experiments in laboratories, invents atomic bombs, remote-controlled missiles, asphyxiating gases, bacteriological bombs, etc., etc., etc.
The Antichrist, fascinated by its own intellectualism, which is absolutely exclusive to know-it-alls, believes that it knows all of the phenomena of Nature.
The Antichrist, believing itself to be omniscient, is trapped in the decay of its own theories. It directly rejects anything resembling God, or that which is worshipped. The self-sufficiency, pride and arrogance of the Antichrist are unbearable. The Antichrist mortally hates the Christian virtues of faith, patience and humility.
Everyone bows before the Antichrist. Obviously, it has invented ultrasonic aircraft, wonderful ships, splendid cars, amazing medicines, etc. Under such conditions, who can doubt the Antichrist?
In this day and age, anyone who dares to speak against all the miracles and wonders of the Son of Perdition condemns himself to everyone's ridicule, sarcasm and irony; he condemns himself to be classified as stupid and ignorant.
It is hard to make serious and studious people understand the former statements. They in and on themselves react and offer resistance.
Clearly, the intellectual animal mistakenly called human being is a robot, programmed at kindergarten, primary and secondary school, college and the university, etc. No one can deny that a programmed robot functions according to its programming. In no way could it function if the program were removed. The Antichrist has produced the program with which the humanoid robots of these decadent times are programmed.
Making these clarifications, emphasizing what I am saying, is frightfully difficult, as this is not in the program. No humanoid robot would admit things that are not in the program. The absorption of the mind is so tremendous and serious a matter that a humanoid robot will never even remotely suspect that the program is useless; he has been organized according to that program and to doubt it seems like heresy, something incongruous and absurd. For a robot to doubt its own program is absurd, an absolute impossibility, because its very existence depends upon that program.
Unfortunately, things are not as humanoid robots think they are. There is another science, another wisdom, which they find unacceptable. The humanoid robot reacts, and rightly so, as it is not programmed to deal with another science or another culture, or anything else that differs from its well-known program.
The Antichrist has prepared the programs of the humanoid robot and the robot humbly prostrates itself before its master. How could a robot possibly doubt the wisdom of its master?
A child is born innocent and pure. The Essence expressing itself through each child is exceedingly precious. Without a doubt, Nature deposits in the brain of newborns all the wild, natural, sylvan, cosmic and spontaneous information indispensable for the capture or comprehension of truths. These are contained in any natural phenomena perceivable by the senses. This means that a new born baby can discover by itself the reality of each natural phenomenon. Regrettably, the Antichrist's program interferes with it, and the marvelous qualities placed by Nature in the brains of the newborns are soon destroyed. The Antichrist prohibits different ways of thinking; all babies that are born must be programmed by order of the Antichrist.
There is no doubt that the Antichrist mortally hates that precious sense of the Being known as the 'faculty of instinctive perception of cosmic truths.'
Pure science, different from the decaying university theories which exist here, there and everywhere, is something inadmissible for the Antichrist's robots.
Many wars, famines and diseases have been propagated by the Antichrist throughout the world, and no doubt they will continue to be propagated before the arrival of the final catastrophe. Unfortunately, the hour of the great apostasy has arrived (that time announced by all the prophets), and no human being will dare to rise up against the Antichrist.
-Samael Aun Weor from his book, "The Great Rebellion: The Only Remedy for Suffering"
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gear-project · 25 days
Annon-Guy: Continuation of Artificial Life Discussion.
How would you classify A.B.A., Ramlethal, Noel and Es than? (Ram and Es' stories especially move me and touches a lot as they develop their emotions and humanity, being more human than Ariels and Unomaru could ever be.)
Ram, Noel and Es get treated badly by antagonists as I said and that's despicable in my honest opinion, which is nice that Sin, Ragna and Touya accepted them. Even Sol had to admit he was wrong about Ramlethal, Elphelt and Jack-O' not having real emotions.
Even though A.B.A didn't face such prejudice and considers herself superior, she still is alive like anyone, learning as life goes on.
It may just be me looking on the bright side of things, me wanting to accept people regardless of race/species or just being a brave reckless fool, but that's ultimately how I roll as I like to think that way. Such a thing is even brought up with robots from Mega Man Archie compared to artificial life forms like a certain black hedgehog that Sonic respects.
That's how I'd feel if anything like a Valentine, Homunculus, Prime Field or Embryo Storage. Of they did evil, I'd stand against them, but of they're a good person, I'd be their friend.
It'd be no different from anyone of our own race. I understand if you feel different, but that's how I feel.
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Following up on your previous ask (had to take a break from last time):
A.B.A. already states that she is not Human, and that is of no concern to her, mostly because Humans are little more than a trifle in her eyes.
It's not necessarily that she ENTIRELY looks down on Humans, so much that she has beliefs and confidence in herself that trancends that concern.
Fitting in with Humans isn't as important to her as making an impact on existence on her own merits would be, in other words.
Moving right along, we'll mention Ramlethal and Elphelt here… Bedman goes out of his way to state that despite how Ramlethal was raised, she is just a normal human girl. And even Slayer says that Ramlethal was a mere child blessed with unnatural gifts that the world barely has any right to judge. The same could be said of Elphelt.
Also it is not that any of them didn't face prejudice… all of them did, even if it wasn't obvious or apparent.
Humans are very quick to fear what they don't understand… A.B.A. included.
Now, to touch on characters like Es, Noel, and even The Origin… a lot of their story isn't entirely told, but the parts that are tell us that they did what they could to live as Human as they possibly could.
Noel enjoyed living among Humans, even had a family, a mother and a father… and both parents still loved Noel and trusted in her to make the right choices in life.
That's called unconditional love. And it reflects Noel's determination to save everyone around her who suffers from their situations.
All the more reason why Mu-12 felt so betrayed when she fell in to Izanami's trap in Central Fiction's events. It took Ragna himself to rescue her from that fate, and Ragna wasn't even aiming for Mu-12 as his final goal on a list of people he wanted to save!
Of all the distorted feelings they faced, only Ragna truly understood the situation more than anyone else… forgoing his own wishes, forgoing his own feelings, he sought to save everyone, even if it meant denying everyone of their dreams (at first).
Es's situation was bound by an indeterminate possibility, one that she could not foresee until Ragna fulfilled his purpose. It took Ragna and Naoto Kurogane's actions to fix Es's future to a degree as well.
Setting all that aside for a moment, understand that Boundary Contact Mediums weren't INTENDED to be Human at the outset… and yet, because they observed aspects of the Boundary, BECAME HUMAN… whether Humans wanted to admit that or not!
Embryo Storage (ES) was part of that fate… even if she had an artificial beginning… she became Human after all was said and done.
The same was true of Valentines, as well as a certain MERCILESS APOCALYPSE…even Ariels "became" Human!
What makes people Human isn't necessarily their biochemistry, genetics, gender, or their family heritages… it's the fact they develop a Heart, a Will, a Spirit, and a Mind of their own that is meant to be respected and acknowledged.
Perhaps it is true that the previous generation of Humans have a limited understanding of what it MEANS to be Human… but that's true of anyone who hasn't studied the Human Heart or Human Spirit.
You have to make contact with other people to even begin to understand them.
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stephaniebrownslover · 5 months
Tali // @clockeyedtoy
Tobin // @necroromantics
Sorry for lack of non-OC creepypasta content lately.
But I wanted make a gift for my bros because of all the deal going around lately and it's Tobin's birthday, so I wrote something little for their OC's.
Really hope they enjoy<33
❝Sleeping death will come and lead me out of the sunlight❞
↺Both of them is a child who didn't have a chance to experience a true childhood. They had to grow up, and they had to grow up fast because of the brutalness they faced in their life.
↺But the thing is, they were fine with it. They were fine with not fitting in nor not being able to do things classified as normal kid things. They were fine with all the hate they had. They were fine with being all alone in the whole world. Because that is how life has always been for them. And it was okay.
↺Until it started to be not okay.
↺Somehow, every single thing started to felt worse than ever. Whenever Tobin did something, he could feel the claws of the emptiness squeezing his heart. While Tali was busy with something, she could sense the creeping presence of all of the wrong things with everything and nothing.
↺And this was not usual for either of them. Their hurt souls were angrier compared to before, they were more stray than before, they were more violent than ever. However, the worst part of this was their ever so growing loneliness.
↺Fortunately, this whole thing precisely happened before the time when both of their obstacle filled roads in life collide.
❝Shadows pulling me to lie with you❞
↺Tali hated Tobin to the bones. He was annoying, loud and stupid. He was a literal image of everything she hated and maybe that was the reason why she could stand to him.
↺Tobin liked Tali to the deep down of her soul. She was funny, caring and charming. She was the picture everything he actually liked and most probably that's why he never wanted to leave her side.
↺Tobin didn't care about feelings and emotions. He didn't know how to react to them, so he chose to ignore all completely. So Tali was a complete mystery waiting for someone to unlock to him. A girl showed no real emotions and as harsh as a rock. What could she possibly hide under that almost perfect mask?
↺Tali had no interest in talking to Tobin as she only perceived him as a energetic and noisy dog. She was a human, after all, and she had nothing to do with wild animals. Taming a beast was not one of her countless duties and she was already too busy with the pace of her own life.
↺But when Tobin and Tali decided to give a chance to study together, something's changed for both of them. It could be mutual understanding of two scarred person with no control in their life, or perhaps it could be the surprisingly fun time they had. But whatever that was, it changed something for them. Something is changed for the good.
↺After that study session, Tobin stole a chocolate for her and picked up a rose from a random garden. Unfortunately, he didn't know the rose would die after spending non-careful hours in an dirty bag, squized by the weight of books.
↺But Tali liked the dead and deformed rose more than the expensive chocolate. She found funny how dumb he was to not consider such a fact. She wouldn't like a normal rose anyway.
↺Tobin wasn't expecting Tali to offer him a cigarette. He accepted it and they smoke without talking. It was one of the most peaceful moments they had lived after the torture Tobin and Tali had gone through days after days.
↺They were truly made for each other and the real strange thing for the beginning of their friendship was how come they didn't meet sometime earlier.
❝The darkness brings me back to die with you❞
↺Although Tali was annoyed with him most of the time, she kind of liked not being alone always like normal times of her. She liked his stupid jokes and she almost enjoyed the trouble he dragged himself in even though she had to save his stupid ass.
↺Tali was new to human interaction which doesn't hurt, so this whole thing was just new to her. New but not bad, somehow.
↺Tobin had always been around other people, but no one was special for him to care about more than a few days. He would forget them and weeks later, he wouldn't even remember their name. But something was wrong with Tali.
↺Something was really, really wrong with Tali. He couldn't put his fingers on it exactly, however, he could say he didn't want to leave her side.
↺He liked when Tali joked about how dumb his hair was, he liked when Tali talked about a band she discovered, he liked when Tali acted like she's the strongest gırl in the world despite her scars.
↺She liked when Tobin constantly talked about new events in his life, she liked when Tobin kept drag her into interesting places, she liked when Tobin didn't care about anything in his past and kept moving forward.
↺They spend more and more time together day by day. And with this, they learned to tolerate each other. Or at least that was what they supposed.
↺Tobin thought this whole weird feeling would pass by time, just like what normally happens, but it didn't. In fact, it grew bigger. It grew into something more strange, it grew into something better.
↺It grew into love.
❝All I see is you❞
↺Their relationship hadn't changed much when they started to date. Because neither of them needed anything fancy or new in their messed up life. All they needed was the comforting feeling of their lover's presence.
↺They cared about each other so much. No one could dare to say anything about them because they learned that they would protect each other for even the slightest things.
↺They didn't say anything about their past mistakes. Because the only thing they cared about was how much improvement their partner made. And they knew there was no use in digging their dark graves.
↺Tobin was there when Tali needed him, and Tali was here when Tobin needed her. That was the only thing that mattered.
↺And all in all, Tobin and Tali complete each other in a way no one else could and they know this.
↺They're not only their partners in crime but their partners in life.
↺That's how things have been for an unforgettable period of time and they could not ask for more.
↺Because nothing was more important and unreplaceable for them considered to their eternal bound.
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anithenerd · 5 months
if you ever thought "why does Uta's hair look like that?", worry not, for I, a beginner-ish Japanese learner, have found the answer!
you see, there is a really popular TV program in Japan called Kōhaku Uta Gassen which basically translates to "red and white song battle" and by popular I mean "was once the most-watched show on Japanese television of the year" according to Wikipedia. so her hair is red and white!
(unfortunately I kept thinking about Uta so there is more post)
if you combine that with the fact that Uta was two when she was stolen from her home (according to this (thank you @fuc370 )), which is probably old enough to remember her own name and not just be called Uta by the Red-haired Pirates because she likes music, she was literally born to be a musician ("uta" means "song").
assigned musician by birth parents and genetics, if you will.
(no I don't care that they don't have Kōhaku in One Piece so it can't be a reference in-world)
if uta-uta no mi had any will of its own, it probably decided it just had to be hers (is there any evidence that paramecias don't have a will at all or is it possible it's just usually weaker? or is it a misclassified zoan? how does one classify devil fruits (in-world), aside from the obvious? also we're still doing the "devil fruit classifications are a human invention and that's why some fruits don't cleanly fall into just one category" theory, right? I'm not fully caught up, please tell me if I'm wrong).
also in the thing linked above it says that Uta was already really interested in creating her own perfect "dream world" before meeting Luffy but did that begin before or after eating her fruit? because that is either an incredible coincidence or being influenced by a devil fruit.
...now that I think about it, it could be just a very small child being offered a solution by their devil fruit after being left alone while their adults went out to fight. whatever. I still think my "Uta's fruit is partially sentient" theory is probable with how young she found and ate it. ...ooor it could have been Shanks finding out about the fruit and deciding it would be the perfect gift. fuck. I have to stop thinking.
anyway that is the end of today's episode of "One Piece characters that are actually just a series of puns and references that non-Japanese (and sometimes younger Japanese) people don't get". if you want more there are some in the SBS.
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professor-walten · 6 months
just a seventeen year old forced to save the world, again, you know how it is.
he/him only, don't let the tits fool you ✨
Lee's my real dad lol. If I ever say "dad" I mean Lee.
Owner of Motostoke's one and only Hop Walten Labs. Ireland's Pokémon researcher, rescuer, rehabilitator, and releaser. Giving every Pokémon a chance is my job and passion. I am a Pokémon rights activist and I believe in league abolition. You would know if you read my book. Nobody in Galar really has. Legally classified as a "shiny hunter," but it's just conservation efforts
Callaghan Psychics know all of the known universe. Not other universes, I guess. That's kind of why I'm here? The multiverse kinda needs us atm
DID system. There are ten of us here if that matters to you. If you want to ask questions about it take this guide. Not being specific on ages because like none of us are normal humans lol
🌨️ - Tori, she/her, adult | 🌌 - Janus, thon/thonself (they/them if that's difficult), adult | 🐐 - Tobey, he/they, teen | ⚾ - Marcello, he/him, teen(adult) | 🪙 - Auryn, he/him, adult | 🍀 - Ryan, he/him, adult | 🔥 - Rin, he/she/they, adult | 🐉 - Zabi(maru), she/he, teen(adult) | 👻 - Aoife, she/her, child
And me of course -(🐏)
The fate rests in the balance of a bunch of mentally unstable children. It always has, huh? My work is important to me, and so is understanding the multiverse, so you can always give asks about either. Cool 👍
[ooc under the cut :3]
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pfp is a gift from bunnyhasaknife on instagram
disclaimer banner art is commissioned from littlebumblebe9
account banner is just dubwool from the anime
EDIT FOR CLARITY: The start of PULT takes place 3 and 1/2 years after the events of Pokémon Sword and Shield. Everything about the games is history. Leon isn't the champion, Hop is a professor, etc etc. Keep it in mind
EDIT 2: this will generally be lighthearted but the lore for hop in PULT is quite serious to certain topics like drugs miiiight end up being brought up. I'll tag each post with (tw __" so you can block it if you need to
HI, I'M HOP! Yes, my actual name is Hop too. He/him for admin as well. I've been wanting to make one of these for ages but only just now got the balls lolz. A little rotomblr/rotumblr based on my characterization of Hop for my Pokémon AU I've been working really hard to write, Pokémon Unown Legends Tale!! Read about it on my main @irlkisukeurahara I have a tag for it. I don't want to post it officially until the Unova book is done so I can provide weekly updates, so for now I wanted to make a little RP thing for it to kinda get people interested I guess
This blog 100% will spoil some aspects of it but I mean whaddya gonna do. I won't spoil major plot beats.
This is mostly just shitposting and talking about my character lore because I'm really attached to it. Having roleplays with stakes is fine but for the most part this is just silly behavior
Since the multiverse is canon in PULT I love the idea of other Hops/professor Hops/literally anyone interacting here and whatnot!! Who gives a shit about doubles I'm here to be silly
No explicit NSFW, sexual or self sexualizing jokes r fine but propositions or shit like that are obviously not
Hop has a bunch of ships in this universe (polyamory not a gay harem anime) - two OCs + two canons + one of his alters. Feel free to ask about em lol
The ships: Bede, Arven, Miles, Nico, Marcello
Feel free to ask DID questions here in or out of character, I just make Hop like this because I have DID too lol
I might say "fag" once or twice but otherwise no slurs plzplzplz but swearing is obviously fine because I will do it A LOTTT
If this gets any traction I'll make Leon and Arven accounts too
Pokémon teams: (some characters share Pokémon)
✨ = shiny
Doesn't have a full team because he isn't a trainer but his 3 main Pokémon are
Dubwool ♂️, elderly Pokémon he got from Leon as a birthday gift at 3, can use Electro Ball like a god
Azumarill ♀️, a chipper girl who saved his life
[✨] Saakash/Spoons (Alakazam) ♂️, reincarnated dead 7 year old boy with a major attitude problem, Hop's half brother (yeah.)
[✨] Kurama (Alolan Ninetales) ♂️
[✨] Toshiro (Glaceon) ♀️
[✨] Ryu (Kommo-o) ♂️
[✨] Ravenmore (Umbreon) ♀️
[✨] Saakash (Spoons) ♂️
[✨] Yukina (Froslass) ♀️
Cruinne (Cosmalenia) [Fakemon] ♀️
Supernova (Metagross) ♂️
[✨] Saakash (Alakazam) ♂️
[✨] Ravenmore (Umbreon) ♀️
[✨] Cosmo (Espeon) ♀️
Rukia (Clefable) ♀️
Bucky (Crobat) ♂️
Doomshell (Cloyster) ♂️
Thunderstrike (Electrode) ♂️
Furyblade (Scizor) ♂️
Kickzilla (Hitmonlee) ♂️
Velvet Vogue (Lopunny) ♂️
[✨] Goldbricker (Steelix) ♂️
Crypto (Gholdengo)
Ponzi (Corviknight) ♂️
[nickname incoming] (Alolan Raticate) ♂️
[nickname incoming] (Scrafty) ♂️
[nickname incoming] (Honchcrow) ♂️
[✨] Kagome (Clefable) ♀️
Hawkeye (Decidueye) ♂️
Luffy (Infernape) ♂️
Aizen (Malamar) ♂️
[nickname incoming] (Weavile) ♂️
[✨] Kisuke (Mimikyu) ♂️
Sesshomaru (Houndoom) ♂️
[✨] Shippo (Ninetales) ♂️
Hashira (Blaziken) ♂️
[✨] Val (Delphox) ♀️
[half shiny] Usagi (Cinderace) ♀️
Helios (Volcarona) ♂️
Hihiou (Vaporeon) ♀️
Nozarashi (Haxorus) ♀️
[✨] Hiei (Hydriegon) ♂️
Kommo-o ♂️
Harley (Garchomp) ♀️
[✨]Shenron (Dragonite) ♂️
[✨] Kisuke (Mimikyu) ♂️
[✨] Seanchaí (Spiritomb) ♂️
Fomorian (Golurk)
Shadow (Hisuian Typhlosion) ♂️
Morrigan (Gengar) ♀️
Caelum (Cursola) ♀️
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sadviko-off · 6 months
Many people were probably interested in the plot of this universe, well. Perhaps I’ll tell you about the squads, the names of these squads, the participants and their brief descriptions, their relationships and families. The story will follow 48 heroes in the squad, as well as 13 villains. This will be a long but interesting story.
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First, we'll start with history.
The development of the story begins with the revival of Sad Viko and his conclusion of a deal with the angels and the Goddess, he was given a second chance, the terms of the agreement were as follows:
«you will receive wings, the magic of rebirth and almost immortality, a new look and a new destiny... However, in return you must protect civilians, fight for faith and truth, not let evil win... You must create your own squad of innocently convicted, killed and unfortunate warriors This detachment must be hired, but just... You must not let heaven and higher powers down, you are a child of darkness and light... a fallen angel, the last hope of many on earth... Think wisely and use my gift wisely...»
After that, SV’s heart left his body forever, now there is emptiness there, now his heart is a crystal sphere with a small star and a lily inside, but it is well hidden from prying eyes, traitors should not know about it….
After this, SV and his brother IL find an island on which in a couple of years he rebuilds a city, there are 2 zones there. One is warm, forest. Ordinary people live in it, not knowing that there is a secret base on the other side of the island. The second part of the island is snowy, it is divided into 2 parts, the smaller part is given to ordinary residents for snow resorts, like in a rabbit village. The other part is hidden by a dense impenetrable forest. You can get to the snow zone by underground metro, but one of the metro lines is hidden from view, it leads to a huge mercenary base that SV and IL built with the very first members of his squad.
I'll name those you know:
• Eragon
• Magnesia (Juniper)
• Gorgon
• Fluffy
• Sinbihan
• Burdock
(I will mention the rest in the list, I will say that the first participants were only 15).
As time passed, the mercenary organization developed and became known as TORHCS-J2.
• Information about FH
The team was gradually replenished with new members, trained new mercenaries and continued to work little by little for different organizations. SV learns from its intelligence officers that an attack by villains is being prepared on FH. SV is preparing his team for battle on the FH and the assistance of this army, this is the main object that he promised to protect at all costs. But alas, a mistake occurred that changed half the lives of other residents...
• Butterfly squad
While walking through the forest, SV comes across a recently destroyed base. Seeing the corpses and still surviving soldiers, he decides to call his squad to help save some. There are also children at the base who deeply touch the soul of the SV because one of the dead soldiers is their father. Several surviving members of the squad were taken to the base, there were 18 of them. After 2 days, he learns that this squad was called Butterfly, this is a secret squad that previously helped FH. Unfortunately, their base was attacked earlier than FH.
The soldiers themselves are refugees from a secret research and experimental base whose name is classified, but has the number 64972.
The soldiers were experimental subjects at this base and suffered a lot, they managed to arrange an escape and set fire to that base, they helped only those who deserved it and were kind to get out in secret from the base authorities.
A little later, one of the new guys tells SV that there was a call from one of the FH spies and he desperately needs help. SV drops the mug, which shatters into pieces, with horror he realizes that he did not keep one of the promises made to the angels... He forgot about the attack on FH. FH fell due to the inattention of the highest envoy of the Army... The detachment urgently moves to FH and to the aid of the unknown spy of FH, who turned out to be Geumsaegi…
This is how the new name appears for the TORHCS-J2 detachment; to cover they use the name – White Lily Army, in honor of the island on which they live.
• Fall in FH
The action takes place after episode 32 of SaH, Geumsaegi, fearing for the lives of the children, takes a desperate step and reveals his identity. Alas, his radio and communication point are immediately destroyed, and Bamsaegi, Undochi and Murori are poisoned with poisonous gas. Geumsaegi made a promise to Mulangae, Rodia and Scout Goseumdochi that he would protect their brothers, since he was unable to save his friends from death earlier. Unfortunately, while saving other people's brothers, he loses his own, Bamsaegi does not survive, but Geumsaegi cannot leave his brother's body to his enemies. He hides with the younger ones in the forest, waiting for help. Geumsaegi was in a panic as he did not know what to expect, how soon help would arrive or whether it would arrive at all. Has anyone received his messages asking for help? How can he now look into the eyes of other soldiers knowing that his brother died because of his mistake? All he could do was mourn his brother and beloved FH, he saw how his native country was being torn apart by shelling and bombs, he did not have time to warn them. Soon he notices the soldiers and orders the younger ones to hide, a small fight ensues, in which he learns that some of the residents of the FH were saved, and the one with whom he is fighting is the marshal of the detachment, saving him and the cadets from death. Unfortunately, the enemy notices this fuss and a battle ensues, Geumsaegi and the exhausted cadets are wounded and they fall from powerlessness. SV tries to save the guys from death and takes them in his arms, at this moment he is attacked by Mulmancho and Oegwipali, and one of the soldiers tries to protect SV. The mice partially break the masks of both warriors and see only the guys' eyes. With horror, they realize that both warriors have Aekku eyes, they remember this moment forever, the squad manages to leave and seem to fall through the ground.
• The emergence of new participants
Three days later, the soldiers rescued from the FH regain consciousness. Among them are CD and CG, SV introduces FH to its base and army, unfortunately, FH has fallen according to the enemies and will have to be rebuilt. The SV invites them to unite under the command of him and the commanders of the FH, receiving the consent of the SV begins to help the guys rehabilitate, wield new weapons, and also gives new names and appearances. From now on, a mercenary organization has embarked on the warpath, ready to avenge the loss of their families, comrades, lives and beloved home. Anyone who stands in the way of their path to a better life will fail. Know that they are always watching you, they know your every move, they will continue to hide, you will never know which of them is a secret agent and which is a simple soldier.
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bostrichidae · 1 year
i took the concept of ghosts in ninjago, applied some basic knowledge from middle school science class, and came out with this. this also discusses some headcanons about master yang and the ninjago lore in general.
So basically, we know that Ninjago as a realm has a strong connection to the departed realm. The departed realm is fundamentally different than Ninjago, therefore it would have elements unknown to other realms. When the departed realm was created and the connection was forged, a certain element started seeping into Ninjago. It went unnoticed for centuries until it finally reached a high enough concentration for certain powerful spirits to possess the molecules (two of the element’s atoms) of it and freely control it to their will. The state of the ghosts you see in the show is somewhere in between gas and liquid, which allows them to be somewhat visible. In this state, they are able to take any shape they please. but they aren’t dense enough to affect solids. That’s where the concept of concentration comes in. In Possession, we saw how Cole had to concentrate in order to touch anything. What’s happening here is that the spirit is able to completely change certain elements found in the air, mainly oxygen and carbon. They can temporarily transform the atoms into the element and increase their own density to the point where they basically become solid. However, as I said before, the transformation is temporary and also causes great strain on the spirit. Something similar occurs when they possess an object. Usually, when a ghost possesses something or someone, the appearance changes. This is because atoms of the ghost element are latching on the the molecules and basically acting as puppeteers; not transforming, simply controlling. But there’s a huge problem. The ghost element (or the GE) can transform oxygen, carbon, and other various gases as I mentioned earlier- but only as gases. Any denser than that and the GE is overwhelmed and begins to break apart, causing the spirit to lose control over it. You may notice that I seem to be describing the GE as a living thing, but it’s just an element. Just a very strange element from a very strange realm. The GE only shows some of the seven characteristics required to be classified as a living thing.
But that’s enough about that; let’s discuss a couple canon events (and a character who’s associated with both of them); That of course being Sensei Yang. He was able to harness the power of the connection between the realms and permanently make more GE out of anything he wishes. But why? Well, I have an idea. And it has to do with the whole yin yang thing in Day of the Departed and the Yin Blade. I haven’t watched DOTD in like a year, so I apologize if I remembered something incorrectly. Ninjago as a show is constantly talking about balance, so wouldn’t it make sense for two deeply connected realms to have agents to maintain that balance? That’s where I present to you: a spirit named Yin, a child of the Departed Realm, and a mortal named Yang, a citizen of Ninjago. They didn’t know they were connected, seeing as they were unaware of the other’s existence, but always thought that there was something missing. But eventually, they found out. How they found out was lost to time. But Yang wanted to reach his brother, and so did Yin. Yang spent years studying the world of Ninjago, which lead him to discovering Spinjitsu and making his own variant of the art. He learned the secrets of the GE, and using that knowledge, created an artificial vessel for Yin to cross over into Ninjago (any guesses as to what that might have been? It's kind of obvious). But he was disturbing the balance. Destiny cursed him by turning him immortal, and by making sure that he and Yin could never be united in their immortal lives. It bound him to the temple, and separated him from the blade and his brother. But that’s all kinda unrelated. Sensei Yang was an agent of balance, and was gifted tremendous power in order to carry out his duty. By the time Destiny realized his misuse of this power, it was too late to take them away from the former mortal.
this is kinda badly written and its from a couple months ago but i still stand by this concept as one of the best ideas to come out of my brain (at least compared to all the bad ideas).
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buttercuparry · 2 years
I wonder if those who outrage against "masculinized" female characters ever stop to consider that the more our society is progressing, we are moving further away from the concept of gender roles. And that what you are into and what you do is actually a personal quirk and not something that classifies you.
I mean the manliest heterosexual cis man to have ever manned can find embroidery soothing. Like his love language can be gifting his friends pretty embroidered things. It is not a question of his capacity to be "feminine"...it is a question of talent and passion.
I think when fandom characterizes Arya as this masculine coded violent girl- they just can't fathom that a young girl can ever have any other interests than those who came before her. But if it is all about aesthetics, how come Arya cooing over babies, her collecting flowers, her scrubbing floors, prepping meals etc are not considered part of it?
Here is the thing though, gushing over babies is not something that's limited to the female. Samwell ( I know I use him as an example a lot) sang lullabies to his baby brother. He loved this particular nightly ritual till his father thought it "soft" and put an end to it. Soothing babies is not being soft, it's providing them with the emotional care they need. And the only reason it seemed freakish to Randyll Tarly is because this care was being provided by his son. And that's bullshit.
I also think the matter of this supposed criticism resides in part with stereotypes of sexuality. I mean the most tradfem of the characters is headcanoned to have one hundred and one children. While a mother who lost her son in womb is deemed to forever remain infertile. Like I know Dany was cursed by Mirri Maz Duur but this is a fantasy series! Anything can happen. And even if one claims this to be a personal view on the text, linking infertility to her supposed madness is not it.
I feel like there was this checklist going on where they have stuff like: do male characters lust after these women, do these characters dress up prettily, are they attracted to men- if so then they are the definition of feminine. When unfortunately Dany passed all of these ( even the one with many gross male characters almost wanting to prey on her)- they went with the infertility- madness thing.
They can't do this with Brienne because I think Grrm has made it impossible to do so with her. She actively tried to participate in the role subscribed to her but was made fun of by those around her. So she took to knighthood. It has been abundantly made clear that she loved Renly and there is this weird push and pull between her and Jaime. And it's weird how much the scale of femininity lies not with the characters, but in the kind of association this character has with a man. And Jaime is one of the most "desireable" man of Asoiaf. Brienne not being in the way of the one who they think is embodiment of the feminine helps too I guess.
I think this is what stumps them about Arya. It doesn't matter how much she says: the woman is important too. How much she whines when people call her a boy. To them it is all about aesthetics. They go: is she wearing pretty dresses? And they answer is: her dresses are muddy because she runs around in it just as a child would do. They go: okay does she like wearing them- the answer is she never complained before. Only perhaps during her whole riverland arc because she thinks it is impractical. And to them these immediately translate into- but! But!! Sansa was said to be a lady at three. She never thought to go against that which was prescribed to her!! Demureness and subservience is what is feminine!! And also dresses, songs, dancing, embroidery are absolutely hated by Arya because these represent traditional femininity and she has internalized misogyny so she would rather fence and horse ride and wear pants as they symbolize her affinity to the masculine.
They are so so obsessed with a particular kind of beauty and if it is all soft and demure. And of course how it appeals to the male gaze ( all those edits about how beautifully sansa suffers) . Arya is targeted because she in the text is set up against someone who can be whitewashed into their idea of the feminine. Which is why there is this repeated conjecture and criticism of fancasts because how can Arya look like that ? She is afterall called horsefaced (doesn't matter if it's done by bullies) and there is nothing feminine about her ( she is too rebellious)!
This again brings in the case of Lyanna. Right now the fandom is fawning over Elia but there was a time when the most common theory was Arya inherited Lyanna's willfulness while Sansa has her aunt's beauty and femininity. Even now in bits and pieces I get to see this take because how can someone fight over one who looks like Arya.
And what does Arya look like? A pre-pubescent child. Because she is one. And with all the trying to stay alive while disguised as a boy: yeah I think personal grooming wasn't the first thing that was on her mind back then. But all these somehow reinforces her masculinity. Her having no option and turning up to the HoBaW and having to play by their rules somehow does the same. And I think last of all this is what forms the crux of it.
Arya's storyline is her own. She hasn't yet been to a place where her themes can get intertwined with a male character. Up until now her story provides a commentary that is purely her own, independent of any man. And I say this because I know how GoT was written, I see what is happening with Rhaenyra and Alicent in HoTD. I feel like in asoiaf fandom the trend is that themes discussed about women characters often end up being more about their male ship partners. Or they are completely removed from any significant action- and moved as passive pieces across the storyboard in a way that would best glorify or vilify a man.
So here is a female character who is on a journey that is solely her own. It cannot be twisted into anything relating to any man. And I think this at a subconscious level feels peculiar to them. Which is why show!Arya got butchered because to D&d Arya's rebellion got translated into " I want to be one of the boys".
And I think this is why there is also this urge to headcanon her as someone who won't be interested in romance. They don't see her admiring Gendry when he is working, the sensuality of her interaction with Jaqen in the bath house ( i know it's creepy. Grrm at times makes me want to side eye him), that Jon literally compares Ygritte to Arya. Romance to them looks unnatural on anyone who is not playing by "norms".
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calliesinn · 11 days
One of the best sex toys there is and you didn't know about it?! Oh you innocent child haha I've always wanted one so when I finally met someone who is into overstimulation to use on them, that or a Hitachi wand. I do want both but I really want the sybian.
I've considered telling my best friend about you but I'm not sure if we are just having some playful banter and I'm getting into my head or this is one of those few moments on tumblr where it brings people together. I overthink things a lot. It's one reason why I love water polo I can overthink all about it and have all the different options I need to overcome most things in the water. I tell the kids I coach that having options is a great thing and you just have to be aware of them.
But with people, you , overthinking just makes it hard because I know what I would want but people are never on the same page let alone the same hemisphere as I am. I really enjoy talking with you and it's helping me get out of my shell that I've self-imposed on myself. I won't lie it would hurt if this is just for fun, not that I don't like fun but if I wanted fun I'd be playing water polo. I've always been a bit too serious when it comes to relationships.
I want to be the only reason you grind on that pillow. I want to be that thought that creeps into your head when you slowly begin to touch yourself. Thinking of my words and if I'm pleasuring myself to the thought of you as well. And trust me the only person I have fantasized about in the last three weeks has been you.
And if you were just a sweet innocent girl putting up a show on here to explore yourself. Oh I would have the most fun in the world corrupting you into my perfect toy. Breaking you down just to build you to my exact specifications so I'd never need to bother with anyone else again. That would be the dream.
call me an innocent child again and i will melt, sir.
clearly there's a connection, and i care for you as a person absolutely. i also am a hopeless romantic who so often romanticizes every little thing so first and foremost, know that i completely understand where you're coming from. with that said, that has gotten me absolutely torn tf apart. i have no doubt that it has also caused you a lot of pain as well. i agree with your sentiment of while yes there is more pain being this way, there is so much more love, too. with that said, while we have shared some vulnerable tidbits, that i'm forever grateful for, i don't know you as a person enough to classify this as anything more than two people who have a connection - a beautiful, sexy, playful, fun connection. i think that having options and knowing your options is a wonderful thing, and this thing we're doing has lots of options and i like it that way.
here's a little fun fact for you. i got my very first sex toy last year and it was actually gifted to me by a tumblr follower from the original callie sinn blog - the sweetest little cuck who has actually become very near and dear to me who i still talk to to this very day. (i only say this to show you that while tumblr is a rather unserious and just for fun platform for the most part, i have forged real connections through this app and i'm open to those if that's how we mesh) but yes, i actually don't touch myself because that's for disgusting, filthy little whores. those are forbidden parts that i'm not allowed to touch. even with the toy, i honestly rarely use it and when i do, i really just grind my little clit against it. after looking at the sybian that makes me so excited. i really get off on the stimulation and that looks like the perfect toy for me. i want one now sooo desperately. i think if i did get one though, i would end up running it out within a month. i'd use it constantly, too much. i work from home and i just could so easily me getting frustrated at work and bringing it down to put on my office chair.... fuck, i really need one...
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