#and casey is going to be in the writing department
lily-s-world · 5 months
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zegrasdrysdale · 23 days
wyatt johnston x hughes sister
she brings wyatt home with her to the lake house for the summer and her brothers really getting to see the two’s relationship
[ michigan summer ] w. johnston
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part of the “falling for a hughes” au
paring : Wyatt Johnston x hughes!sister
summary : once Dallas gets eliminated from the playoffs, Lizzy brings Wyatt up to Michigan to spend the summer with her at the lake house with Quinn, Jack, Luke, and some friends
warning(s) : making out, slightly nsfw (nothing too bad), implied sex
author’s note : finally got healthy enough to actually sit down and write something. this isn’t my best work but i didn’t wanna leave y’all hanging. there is a lil something that i added in memory of johnny gaudreau in this fic bc it felt like i needed to do a lil something for him. fly high johnny & matthew gaudreau 🤍 (this is not gonna be the only fic in this universe that takes place at the lake house btw)
au masterlist
She didn't mind staying in Dallas while the Stars were playing in the playoffs. The Pavelski's opened their house to her so she didn't have to stay in a hotel until either they got eliminated or won the whole thing. It could have been two weeks or it could have been two months. Lizzy is forever grateful for The Pavelski family and everything they've done for her and Wyatt, especially knowing that Joe is most likely retiring now that the season is over.
Now though? She's excited to go to Michigan like she does every summer. This summer is a bit different in that she gets to bring her boyfriend with her. Spending time with her brothers and some of their friends is her favorite thing to do in the offseason.
They depart Dallas about three days after Wyatt cleans out his locker and does his exit interview. There's an extensive and very emotional goodbye between Wyatt and Joe at the airport. There isn't a dry eye between her and Sarah as they watch their boys say goodbye. Lizzy thanks Sarah for the both of them before she and Wyatt make their way through security to get on their plane.
The plane to Michigan is filled with naps and laughing with Wyatt until it lands in Ann Arbor. Quinn waits for them with a car outside the airport. Jack sits in the passenger seat. Lizzy and Wyatt hop in the back once their things are loaded in the trunk.
"What's up, Sling Boy?" Lizzy asks as she slides in behind Jack. "How is your shoulder? Ready to get back on the ice?"
Jack turns and looks at her. "It's healing fine," he tells her. "You know I would get on the ice tomorrow if I could, but doc says I'm not allowed to skate until I'm cleared."
She smiles and scoots as close as she can to Wyatt. Quinn glances at the two of them in the rearview mirror and says, "No funny business in my backseat. You two hear me?"
"Aye, aye captain," Lizzy replies with a salute. She rests her head on Wyatt's shoulder and closes her eyes.
Quinn drives off with the windows down and she feels the Michigan air on her face. She feels like she’s finally home after a long season by being surrounded by all the people she loves in the place she loves.
The drive is about a half an hour long. Luke waits for the group on the back deck along with Seamus Casey, Ethan Edwards, and Mark Estapa. He greets his little sister with a hug. Lizzy says hi to his friends as she grabs her things from the car.
They walk into the house and Luke body blocks the stairs as he looks between his sister and Wyatt. “I want you to know that the walls are very thin and I am the room right next door to you two,” he tells them, his eyes more on Wyatt than her. “I don’t wanna be woken up at three in the morning because of the two of you. Got it?”
Lizzy’s cheeks get hot like all the blood from her body shoots to her face. “Luke, please,” she pleads. “This is so embarrassing.”
“You didn’t hear the conversation Pavs had with me after you went home after I introduced you to the team as my girlfriend,” Wyatt tells her. “That was embarrassing. This is just your big brother looking out for his sanity.”
Luke moves to the side. “It’s not a warning,” he says. “It was just a heads up that the walls are thin. I’ll sit you down later with Jack and Quinn to have The Talk.”
“Oh my God,” she gasps as she runs up the stairs. Wyatt laughs behind her as she runs into her usual bedroom. The door shuts when Wyatt is inside.
She opens the window to let the cool air into the room. It's a crisp 75 degrees with a breeze on the lake right now, which is a lot cooler than the weather she was faced with in Dallas the last few weeks. She sits on the bed and watches Wyatt look around her room.
The room is slightly bigger than her brother's rooms. Quinn has a room on the first floor, Jack and Luke share a room next door to her, and her parents' room is down the hallway. There are two guest bedrooms that Ethan, Seamus, and Mark are splitting.
She's updated her room over the last few years so it doesn't look like a childhood bedroom and has a more "adult" look, but she couldn't bring herself to pull down the One Direction posters that have been on her walls for ten years. The walls are still light pink from when she was 12 and she asked her father to paint them because she loved the color pink.
As she grabs her suitcase to unpack her things, Wyatt laughs. "Cute room," he comments. "Didn't know you were such a fan of pink."
"I was twelve, you asshole," she laughs. "I was obsessed with Barbie too. My whole room was pink at one point. Sheets, blankets, lamp. I had pink fairy lights around the mirror. All I wore was pink. It was really bad.”
Wyatt comes up from behind her and drapes his arms around her waist. “I would’ve loved to see that,” he tells her. She rolls her eyes with a smile on her lips while she continues to unpack her things.
“You would’ve thought I was a nerd or something if you knew me back then,” Lizzy explains. “We wouldn’t have been friends, Wyatt.”
“I like to think we would’ve been friends, or more, no matter how old we were or in any universe,” Wyatt mumbles next to her ear. Lizzy turns her head and looks up at her boyfriend. “I don’t think anything would stop me from knowing you.”
She lays out a shirt on top of the already forming pike and turns in Wyatt’s arms. He leaves his arms where they are as she drapes her arms around his neck. “Sap,” she teases.
The pair share a laugh before Lizzy pulls him down to her level as an urge to be close to him suddenly overwhelms her. She gently claims his lips in a kiss that starts soft. It doesn’t take very long for the soft, gentle kiss into a heated, needy kiss.
Hands begin to roam over and under clothes as the kiss grows hotter. Wyatt pushes her onto her back on the mattress and he follows her as he climbs over her. She pushes his hair out of his eyes and decides that he’s not allowed to get anything more than a trim because she’s grown used to his longer playoff hair. She was already upset when he shaved.
Lizzy wraps his legs around his waist to keep him where he is as Wyatt’s lips leave hers to attach to her jaw. She bites her lip to keep herself from making any kind of noise. “Wyatt,” she sighs. “Gotta unpack.”
“This is more fun,” he tells her, lips brushing the sensitive skin on her jaw under her ear. Wyatt pulls back and meets her eyes. “Please? I spent all my time after we lost moping or packing my things or at the arena to clean out my gear. I rarely got to see you.”
He isn’t wrong. The first day after they lost, he moped in his room despite her, Joe, and Sarah trying to get him to come out. The second day he packed up his room. The third day he did his exit interview and was at the arena to clear out his gear. Then it was back to packing and looking for a new place to rent for next season with Logan. She rarely did get to see him.
That’s the only reason she says, “One round. Quick before my brothers come looking for us.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
A half an hour later, they can barely keep their hands off each other while they finish unpacking. Lizzy gives him half of the closet and one drawer for his things. She lets him take as much of the bathroom counter space as he needs since he doesn’t need much, and he does what he can with the space that’s left in the shower for his supplies.
It takes them an hour longer to unpack than it normally would because they get so caught up in each other. There was a five or ten minute interval where they stood in her bathroom making out. Lizzy called it a “much needed break” to justify it.
The pair leaves her room about two hours after they get to the house. Lizzy’s hand is in Wyatt’s as they walk down the steps to find her brothers, Ethan, Seamus, and Mark. The six of them sit around the living room when she and Wyatt walk in. Luke and Quinn have controllers in their hands and Chel is on the television.
“Predictable,” she comments as she leads Wyatt to one of the chairs adjacent to the couch that isn’t in use. Her boyfriend sits in the chair and she makes herself comfortable on his lap. “Do you guys play anything else besides hockey?”
Jack looks over to her. “Do you do anything besides your boyfriend?” he retorts. “I mean, two hours to unpack? We got bored waiting for you two to get done.”
She rolls her eyes as Wyatt drapes his arm over her thighs and she wraps an arm around his neck. “I had a lot of things,” she lies. “Sorry.”
Her older brother hums a “mhm” and turns his attention back to the game that’s being played. Luke is playing as Columbus and Quinn is playing as Calgary. Quinn has a tight two-to-one lead over his youngest brother. Being Luke’s twin, Lizzy takes his side and roots for him to win the game.
Wyatt and Jack play a round after Luke sneaks into the lead and wins three-to-two after scoring two goals late in the third period. Some good old fashioned Devils versus Stars in Newark. Lizzy turns on her brother and roots for Wyatt. Jack gives her a look every time Wyatt score and she cheers.
At the same time, Wyatt sees and experiences firsthand how competitive the Hughes siblings are because Jack begins to play dirty despite his shoulder being in a sling. Lizzy fights for Wyatt so he can focus on beating Jack.
"That all you got, Johnston?" Jack asks when Wyatt hits one of the Devils players -- she's pretty sure it was Jack his player hit -- and he goes down.
"Focus on your game, Hughes," Wyatt retorts instead of Lizzy. "Maybe you wouldn't be losing right now if you scored instead of trying to psych me out when you’re already at a disadvantage because of your shoulder."
Lizzy's jaw drops at his comeback, Quinn and Luke burst out laughing, and the Michigan boys smile. Jack sends him a glare and tries the Michigan goal with himself, and fails.
At the next stoppage, she leans into Wyatt’s ear and whispers, "That was kinda hot." He smiles and scores another goal to make it four-to-two going into the third period.
When Jack loses, he starts claiming that Wyatt cheated. “Lizzy was definitely helping him!” he accuses. “I mean, come on!”
Quinn claps his younger brother on the good shoulder and says, “I hate to break it to you, but Wyatt won fair and square.”
“I want a rematch.”
“And I want to go on the boat before it gets too dark or cold out,” Lizzy tells the group. “Wyatt’s never been on the boat either. I don’t know how to drive the boat so someone has to come out with me. Dad never taught me how.”
Her boyfriend puts his controller down on the table and taps Lizzy’s thigh so she moves. Lizzy stands up and looks around the room before she turns to walk out of the room. Quinn follows first, then Luke. The Michigan boys are next. Jack wallows in his loss.
When she gets to her room, she grabs one of the one piece suits that she packed. She’s not going to waste a bikini on a mid-70 degree late afternoon when she’s here all summer long. It’s a solid black piece with a very low cut neck that shows off a lot more cleavage than her brothers would probably like. Wyatt doesn’t seem to mind when she wears this bathing suit. He matches her with a pair of black swim shorts and one of his Stars hockey shirts with a 53 on his chest. She throws one of the shirts she stole borrowed from Wyatt before leaving the room.
The boys are down on the dock by the time she and Wyatt get outside. Quinn is in the driver’s seat and the rest of the group is scattered in the back. She and Wyatt find a place to sit next to each other, then they’re off.
Lizzy laces her fingers with Wyatt’s and rests her head on his shoulder while her boyfriend converses with her twin brother. Her eyes are closed and she listens to the two of them talk about the playoffs and how great Wyatt’s performance was.
“We couldn’t stop cheering for you guys,” Luke tells him. “Especially you. You were a point machine, Wyatt. Gave playoff McDavid a run for his money. You most likely would’ve passed him had you guys moved on to the Cup finals.”
A small smile forms on her lips as she hears her brothers all compliment Wyatt. She knows what their words mean to him. Not only are they coming from a Calder nominee, a top forward, and a top defenseman in the NHL, but they’re coming from his girlfriend’s brothers. Their words mean a lot to Wyatt, and he’s told her that nearly a dozen times since February.
The cool late afternoon Michigan air feels good on her skin after being in the humid 90 degrees in Dallas for the past month and a half. The breeze coming off the lake whips through her hair. Lizzy feels herself begin to relax as the boat bobs up and down with the waves. Quinn steers the boat into deeper lake water before they anchor so they can swim.
Luke immediately is in the water when Quinn drops anchor. Ethan and Mark are right behind him. Jack sits on the boat with his feet in the water since he’s still not cleared. Wyatt jumps in with Quinn and Lizzy sits beside her older brother. Seamus sits on his phone behind them.
She looks over at Jack and asks, “How are you really? I feel like I haven’t asked you that enough since you ended your season early to get surgery.”
With a shrug and a sigh, Jack replies, “Frustrated that I can’t do much until I get cleared. Hopefully that’s in two weeks or else the cover shoot is gonna be jeopardized in July. I need to be able to fully skate, take passes, shoot the puck. Do all that in full gear and uniform. I feel good but I’m frustrated that I feel good and can’t do anything.”
“I’m sorry, Jacky,” she says with a frown. “I will say that I am glad you’re taking the doctor’s advice to rest and do your physical therapy without pushing yourself. I know you want to get back on the ice with our brothers but I am glad you’re not pushing yourself to get there.”
He looks over at Lizzy. “I want to have a healthy season,” he explains. “I haven’t hit the one hundred point mark yet because of injuries. I could’ve hit it in the 22-23 season, but I was out with injury for a handful of games. Then last year I was on pace for it then was out for nearly twenty games. It’s incredibly frustrating to be so close but so far, you know?”
She nods but in reality, she doesn’t know. Lizzy played hockey and she’s good, but not good like her brothers. She wasn’t going to the PWHL, but she’s occasionally been on the US national women’s team. There was never any pressure on her like there are on her brothers and her boyfriend. Yes, her last name is Hughes, but she’s never been under that pressure of being a Hughes since she’s decided to go into college and temporarily suspend her hockey career.
The boys splash in the lake and Quinn is trying to drown Luke, but Lizzy’s full attention is on Jack right now. She drapes an arm around her middle brother’s neck and pulls him into a gentle side hug. “Love you, Jacky,” she tells him. “No matter what.”
Jack rests an arm around her waist and his head on her shoulder. The pair of siblings stay like that for a few moments, watching their brothers and friends in the lake.
She watches Wyatt swim up to the boat. He treads water in front of her and asks, “You coming in on your own or do I have to drag you in here?”
“Don’t you dare touch me, Wyatt Johnston,” she warns him as she lets her brother go. “I swear to God, you won’t like it if you pull me in the water.”
A mischievous smirk forms on his lips. Wyatt glances over at Jack. Lizzy looks over at her brother as he shoves her into the lake with his good arm.
She gasps and holds her breath as she goes under the cold water. Her head breaks through the surface and she looks up at Jack in the boat. “You’re so lucky that you’re hurt or I’d be pulling your ass into the water,” she tells him.
Jack sticks his tongue out at her. “That’s what you get for helping Wyatt beat me at Chel,” he retorts. “Enjoy the water, baby sister.”
A pair of arms wraps around her waist and she spins. Lizzy is face to face with Wyatt. He kicks them away from the boat and she wraps her legs around his waist as he kicks but drops them as soon as he stops. She wraps her arms around his neck.
Water droplets roll down his face from his hair. His blue eyes are brighter as the sun reflects off the water. Lizzy can’t help but smile at the sight.
“Is it bad at that I think it’s hot that you’re soaking wet in my t-shirt?” he questions. “Because all I can think about is how it’s going to hug your body when you get onto the boat and I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you.”
She smiles and plays with the wet hair on the back of his neck. “Only you would find me hot in a wet t-shirt,” she teases. Wyatt laughs and pushes a wet strand of hair out of her face. “I mean, come on, Wyatt.”
He pulls her closer to him by her waist until their noses touch. Her chest is flush against his. “Sorry that I find my girlfriend hot,” he mumbles.
Lizzy barely rolls her eyes before Wyatt captures her lips in a tame kiss. She reciprocates with the same gentleness as Wyatt had. Her hands slide to his jaw and she cups his face.
One of Wyatt’s hands slide into her hair and he cups the back of her neck. The kiss deepens very slightly when she tests the waters and licks across Wyatt’s bottom lip. Wyatt grants her full access and she takes advantage. A quiet hum bubbles from Wyatt’s throat. It’s only loud enough for her to hear.
Wyatt’s free hand slides up the shirt she’s wearing and rests it on her ass. She giggles into the kiss that follows.
“Ayo!” Luke shouts from twenty feet away. “Keep it PG! We don’t wanna see you trying to eat our sister’s face, Wyatt!”
She waves him off without breaking the kiss. Wyatt just laughs against her lips before he pulls back. “Are they going to say something every time I touch you?” he asks.
“Probably,” she admits with a soft smile. “I don’t think they’re used to the fact that their baby sister has a serious boyfriend. This is the first time you’re spending more than a day or two with them.”
Wyatt smiles. “Guess I’ll just have to keep it PG then,” he teases.
“It’s okay to push it to PG-13 sometimes,” she tells him. “They’ll get used to it.”
“Hope so,” Wyatt says. His voice lowers for a second as he continues talking. “Because I like touching you like I am right now with my hand on your ass.”
He gives her butt a little squeeze and she laughs. “I can’t stand you,” she lies.
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getlostsquidward · 4 months
a shot in the darkest dark
pairing: emily prentiss x reader; emily prentiss x andrew mendoza
a/n: pls excuse the rusty writing. it's been almost 2 years since I've written something andddd this is my first time writing for emily teehee :D
warnings: angst, hurt/(a bit of) comfort, canon-typical violence (plot is set between events of 14x15 to 15x2 with some plot changes for self-indulgent purposes), gun violence, gunshot wounds, blood and injury
summary: to save the lives at stake in the hands of an unsub, you dared yourself to reveal your deepest, darkest truth.
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Everyone is tensed as the unsub, Casey Pinkner, is forcing Melissa to kill the store manager, eager to prove that she’s just as capable of hurting other people as anybody is. Casey hands Melissa the gun, reminding her that her daughter will be dead if she doesn’t follow.
JJ intervenes. “Come on. She’s got nothing to do with this, okay? Just let her go. She’s not a part of this. You have no reason to hurt her. Just let her go.”
Casey smirks, a new idea seemingly brews in his head. He grabs the gun from Melissa, walks over to JJ, and grabs her hair. “I wasn’t talking to you.”
You and Spencer stay still and silent as you let things unfurl, that is until the unsub pushes the poor store manager away and shoots her.
“Do not move!”
Casey then hands the gun to Melissa again, which she accepts easily this time. “New deal. Now you need to kill one of these three.”
She’s shaking but aims the gun in your direction still.  “Who’s it gonna be?”
Melissa looks the three of you in the eye and pleads, “Please, I don’t want to do this.” 
Looking at your peripheral vision, you know that JJ and Spence have something up their sleeve to avoid having Melissa shoot one of you. Spencer never wavers with his eye contact with Melissa, while JJ looks ahead with a determined look on her face.
“Judge, you’ve got to decide. That’s what you do, right? Decide life or death with a flick of your gavel.”
The judge trembles while aiming the gun at each of you until the shrill ring of the telephone makes all of you jump. Finally, they’ve opened a line of communication with Casey, and you were just hoping that he at least take the call even though you know that he has what he wants and most likely won’t negotiate. 
He lets it ring, contemplating if he should pick it up. Reid encourages him. “Answer it, Casey.”
Casey tells Reid to shut up, further confirming your feeling that he won’t talk to somebody from the outside. He turns to Melissa. “Pull the trigger.”
By this time, Melissa’s gun is aimed at the ground, and you’re currently steeling yourself to what might happen next — until Casey does the unexpected. 
He lets the phone off the receiver but doesn’t pick it up to speak with your team outside. He just…let it in the open, letting everyone hear what’s happening inside.
He turns his focus back on Melissa. “Pull the trigger.”
You share a look with JJ and Reid, and before any of them can speak up. You kneeled from your position. “Casey. If Melissa won’t play, I will.”
JJ and Spence looked at you as you tried to settle with the unsub, the blonde shaking her head. You knew JJ was planning to do it as well but you beat her to it.
“Truth or dare. That’s your game, right?” You asked, standing slowly. Casey hesitates but aims his gun at you nonetheless. “I’ll play.”
On the other hand, your team outside has finally accessed the security feed, all the while listening to you. The good thing was even though the camera wasn’t capable of audio, the unsub let them listen through the phone.
“All right, looks like Reid, Y/L/N, and JJ are tied up, and it’s the shop manager that was shot. Right? Look. She’s still moving.”
Simmons studies the feed, and points at the door caught by the camera. By now they’re delegating the police with their positions and Tara asks Garcia to route the video and sound feed to the local police department where Emily is.
“Melissa, the weapon, now!”
“Casey, I know what it’s like, to be wrongly accused, sent to prison for a crime you didn’t commit,” Reid says, trying to empathize with the unsub.
As expected, Casey didn’t buy it even if it was the truth. He then turned his attention to you. “Okay, agent…” 
“Agent Y/L/N. Truth or dare.”
Without hesitation, you responded. “Truth.”
“If I think you’re lying or stretching the truth in the slightest, I’ll kill these two.”
When you nodded, Casey continued. “You ever shoot anybody before?”
“Yes, I have.”
“You enjoy it?”
“No, no, no. I’m not lying. I had no choice when I shot those people. But I did not enjoy it. I didn’t.” He seems to accept your answer somehow, and when doesn’t follow up, you do. “Okay, you asked, and I told the truth, okay? It’s the truth. So now it’s my turn, right? That’s how this game is played. We take turns. Truth or dare.”
“What’s it gonna take for all of us to walk out of here alive, for this to end peacefully?” You know it’s a long shot, but it never hurt to try when yours and four other lives are at stake. Casey shatters your hope with his response.
“I ain’t going back to prison. My turn. Truth or dare?”
You still picked truth, knowing that if you chose the other option, he most likely would dare you to kill JJ or Spencer or one of the civilian hostages—or yourself.
“I want you to say something you’re afraid to say, that you’d never tell anybody. And you better make it good, because if it’s not, it’s gonna be the last thing you ever say.”
You nod in understanding, wracking your brain for anything that you can use to say. You gasped as he shot Melissa, cutting you off as he viewed what you said as boring. “Next!”
Your chest is heaving as you think carefully about what to say next, nerves getting the best of you. Knowing very well that time is of the essence, your throat then decides to close up as if it’s physically hurting you to say the words that will come out of your mouth. Casey was having none of it as he dragged you back on your knees. “Last chance. Something you would never say aloud, not even to your partners here. Your deepest, darkest secret. Impress me, or I kill them both.”
You’re so close to hyperventilating as you look at your two teammates with tears in your eyes, and before you pass out and drop the chance to save everyone, you rush the words without thinking anymore.
“Um...I'm seeing someone, a lovely woman, but I'm... still hung up on Emily. My boss,” you chuckled sadly. Looking up as the unsub reaches out for the phone, assuming that he wanted to let your team outside hear what you have to say, you continued. “She and I uh, we kind of had a...I'm not even sure what to call it. We had a thing before she left for London. Of course, we still had communication, but we never got to talk about that. Talk about us, and now the rest is history.”
Back at the station, Emily gulped when her name was mentioned, feeling Luke’s curious eyes on her as he got ready to go to rescue Melissa’s daughter. Her jaw clenched as she kept her features schooled, she could not let her emotions take over her right now. There's a nothing-to-lose unsub with two civilian and three federal agents hostage in closed quarters. An erratic unsub whose gun is pointed at your head, for god's sake. She can deal with that later.
“I thought I'd get over it, you know. But what's that saying? Distance makes the heart grow fonder. That's when I realized that I...” you trailed off, shaking your head. The unsub is having none of it when he reminds you of the gun on your head. “When she came back to the BAU I was prepared to take this feeling down to the grave.”
“Go on, say it. Don't hold back.”
Your eyes darted to the ceiling, searching for any CCTV that could capture your face. There was none, you figured it was placed somewhere out of your line of sight. Relieved that none of the team could see your face, you took a big breath as you finally revealed your deepest secret to everyone. To her.
“I'm in love with you, Emily Prentiss. I always have, and I always will. I was fine without you knowing this, but god I think about what could've been, every waking moment of my life.”
It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your chest as you finally confronted your feelings. You know that you've been in love with Emily for a long time now but you didn't have it in you to put it in words. Confronting your feelings for her made you scared, so much so that you waited for Emily to say something first until case after case passed…until she eventually left to work in Interpol, words left unsaid. Years have passed and you didn't hear a peep about it from the woman, which left you hanging on to your feelings for the BAU Unit Chief. You knew that you should’ve moved on a long time ago, but you just…couldn’t.
“Hot damn,” Casey chuckles. “That’s what I’m talking about. Now those are some last words right there, but not good enough to save your life.”
The relief in saying it out loud almost made you overlook the unsub’s finger onto the trigger until Spencer shot him in the gut. You and JJ turned to him, noticing the gun holster in his ankle. As if on cue, the police then bursts out the door. You let JJ them about the wounded, allowing yourself to ruminate on what just happened.
Once outside, you let the cool night’s air hit your face, hoping that no one talks to you about what happened tonight—though knowing that you’ll have to deal with this confession sooner or later once you return home.
Perhaps it can wait until after Dave and Krystall’s wedding.
The world seems to have given you its grace as Emily didn’t bring Mendoza with her…but you know full well that grace can be and will be recalled anytime as your plus one chat with Penelope, Spencer, and Tara at the bar. 
While Penelope keeps them busy, you give in on doing what you deprived yourself of the past couple of hours—indulging at the sight of Emily, how her off-shoulder dress allows you to drink in the skin of her neck and shoulders, and how you used to—
Nope. Don’t.
Before you can’t help but go down the rabbit hole that is Emily Prentiss, you turn your attention back to the bar. “Pen, can I have double of your fancy drinks?”
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Sophie asks, her hand on your back. 
“Hmm? Nothing, just wanted to feel the bite of ‘The Rossi’,” you smile, and before she can comment on it, you let the drink burn through your throat until there’s nothing left on the glass. 
Emily goes to put her gift on the side, standing next to JJ as she subtly looks around the room to search for you. She spots you at the bar, shaking your head as you set your glass down. Emily makes a mental note to ask for one of those later, knowing that she needs to have liquid courage if she has to watch you with your date all night. She’ll need all the help she can get to talk to you.
She’s yet to speak her side about your confession, deliberately separating yourself from her as you got into the other SUV on the way to the airport that night. As she expected, you’d also kept your distance from her on the jet.
The ceremony was short and simple, but the love between the wedding couple made it so much special. You can’t keep the smile off your face as you watch your friend and father figure to get his second chance with the love of his life.
“Their marriage was in the stars…”
You find yourself mustering all of your resolve to not look at Emily as she gives her toast, so you let her voice lull you back to that rabbit hole again. With your feelings for her out in the open, it was hard not to fall back to the routine where you’ll think back to the nights of passion and words of ardor whispered to each other’s ears only, and soft smiles are exchanged. Moments which you hold very dear to your heart.
“...Twin flames, two souls that are always meant to be together.”
You keep your tears at bay on how beautiful Emily’s toast speech is, and how you can’t help but think that maybe…you wish that there’s a part of her that thinks of you while she utters those words. You wish those words were meant for you, too, because right now, she’s all you can think of. 
“Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it takes a parallel universe or something, but the thing about twin flames is that nothing can keep them apart…”
A sad smile appears on your face. Maybe, in a parallel universe, Emily Prentiss is in love with you too.
“To David and Krystall.”
The crowd’s cheer rouses you out of your deep thoughts, raising your glass to make a toast. You had the full intention of avoiding Emily physically tonight, but alas, the world has had enough of you running away as you find Emily’s dark eyes on you—like you’re the only person in the room.
Emily felt like her heart restarted again when you finally returned her gaze—and kept it. It made her burn inside. So when she spotted you walking to the bar alone, she kept that fire blazing and started up a conversation.
Emily knew you’d already seen her coming and was glad you didn’t try to escape. “Hey, you,” you replied, a ghost of a smile appearing on your lips. It was fast, but Emily caught it still. She’s thinking carefully about what to say next when you speak again.
“Look, what I said back there, I needed to say something that would get his attention, and I needed to get to say something that would get everyone’s attention, you know, so I uh- I just needed to throw him off balance,” there was a slight waver in your voice which you played off with a nervous chuckle.
Emily knows that…but she needed to confirm something that’s been at the forefront of her mind lately. She needs to hear it, to see it. “Y/N… Truth or dare.”
Her eyes, at this close distance and with the lighting, offer its lucky spectator with the gold specks within her brown eyes. Before you could get yourself lost in it again, you answered. “Truth.”
“Did you mean it?”
You tried your best to convey it with your eyes, though you know she needs to hear it too—but then someone bursts the bubble you and Emily are in, effectively cutting off your trance. “Guys, they’re about to cut the cake," Sophie says, before kissing your cheek and interlacing her fingers with yours. She then turns to Emily. “Can I steal her for a second?” 
Emily nods, letting her whisk you away. Although baby steps were made today, she’s afraid that she might have to live with never hearing your answer.
The wedding allowed everyone to take a short reprieve from the horrors of your job, but the Everett Lynch case has been giving everyone a migraine (Rossi in particular) that sometimes you just want to bash your head in your desk in frustration. You feel for the man and his commitment to catching Lynch, which is why you’re now flooring the pedal on the way to the US Attorney’s Office to make sure Everett doesn’t break his daughter Grace out.
You can’t wait for backup any longer so you, JJ, and Reid split off to cover the underground garages where you can cut Lynch and Grace off. Reid and JJ ran off to the parking in Piedmont and 10th, while you now entered the parking in Trade Plaza as you spotted the father and daughter were about to get into a van. 
“Everett Lynch! FBI! Stop! Drop your weapon and place your hands on your head. Now!”
Lynch slowly puts his gun on the ground and kicks it over, so you order to do the same with her backpack. 
You've been in the same positions enough to know not to take your eyes off the suspects, even for a split second, but you guessed you’re not always lucky as you didn’t anticipate Grace shooting you down. 
It wasn’t in her profile. Like father, like daughter, you mused.
And well, your luck must have run out already, because in all places to have been shot, it’s in a place that’s not covered by your vest. You’re lying on the pool of your blood as the tires of their getaway car squeal out of the parking lot. You try to reach out for your gun in an attempt to shoot it down, but your vision is already blurring at the sides. 
You could faintly hear Spencer’s voice on your earpiece, but you can’t find the strength to answer it as you’re holding on to what remaining energy you have from succumbing to the darkness.
Eventually, you did, and the last thing you know is unfamiliar faces hovering over you, and the harsh lights of the hospital. 
Your heart stopped.
Emily’s might as well do, too. 
“If I’d believe you, maybe-”
“No. There’s only one person to blame for this. Everett Lynch. He’s the one who shot Y/N, and he’s the one that we’ll move heaven and earth to bring to justice.”
Rossi reminded Emily that none of this is her fault, but she can’t help her mind going haywire over the thought of you getting hurt. She lets a few tears escape her eyes, before taking a deep breath and joining the others at the round table.
“Y/N’s gotta be okay, right? But what if she’s not okay? What if she’s—”
“Y/N’s strong, and she’s in good hands.”
Emily placed her hands at the back of the chair to keep her grounded, but her trembling hands hadn’t gone unnoticed by the rest of the team. “Spence is staying at the hospital. He’s gonna keep us updated. In the meantime, the best thing we can do for Y/N-” her voice falters at your name, but she also has to keep her head in the game as the unit chief. “-Is to find Everett and Grace before they go deep underground.” 
She reads Spencer’s update to the team that you’re now in surgery, and then her heart stutters over the next text she gets.
It’s going to be a while. She’s gonna want to see you too when she wakes up, Emily.
The sun has long been set when Emily couldn’t hold herself back anymore and asks Rossi to take charge in the meantime. The unit chief arrives just in time as the doctor tells Reid that you're out of surgery. “Is she gonna be okay?” She asked with bated breath.
“She’s lost a lot of blood, but she’s currently stable.”
“Can we see her right now?”
The doctor nods and leads the two to your room. Emily lets out the breath that she's been holding as soon as she hears the steady beeping of the monitor. She couldn't help herself as she approached your still sleeping figure, her hand cupping your face, thumb softly caressing the apple of your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were missing sooner,” Spencer whispered.
“You haven't talked with her yet.” He continued, but it’s no longer directed at you.
It's not a question, everybody knows the tension that's been up with the two of you ever since the confession. No one attempted to bring it up—not when the two of you are present, anyway.
You, nor Emily didn’t bring it up anymore after the wedding, either, as both of you didn’t know how to talk about it. Now you’re back to walking on eggshells around each other.
How do you even go back to how you were before?
Emily retracted her hand. “Unless it's about a case, no.”
“Have you ever talked to anyone about it?”
Sad would be an understatement for Emily. She's been oceans apart from the team, from you, when she was in London but right now, you've never felt so far. Emily desperately wanted to reach out to you, but she didn't know what to say. There's also the fact that you're keeping her at arm's length, and that drives the two of you even further away from one another.
“You should, right now. The doctor said it’s unlikely that she can hear us, but it’ll be good for you to let it out.” Spencer pats her shoulder as an offer of consolation. “I’ll be right out.”
Unlike before, Emily didn’t bother to collect her thoughts anymore, letting her heart speak instead. “I know things between the two of us have been kind of weird lately…ever since you said you’re in love with me.”
It has been playing in her head since that moment…then there was one night when she’d hit rock bottom, and asked Penelope to get the audio file of your confession sent to her phone. It was the closest thing to ‘bringing it up’ with anyone from the team, but even then when Garcia asked Emily about it when her head was clearer, she shrugged the technical analyst off.
“I heard it, and it’s yet to leave my head, but the truth is I don’t know what to do with that. I mean I know why you said it, but what I’m itching to know is…if you meant it. But now, all of a sudden none of that matters. What matters is that you wake up. Come back to me, so I get to have more time with you.”
Emily sits at the edge of your bed and takes your hand in hers. The feeling of your soft and gentle touches against her skin now felt like a fever dream, something that she was not sure if it had happened with how long ago it was. “I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Y/N. Please don’t leave me.”
She lets out a breath that she’s been holding, taking in the features of your face. How your lashes kiss your skin, the way your brow furrows together as you read case reports, or how your nose scrunches up when you smile.
Emily dreams of you that night.
She only hums in response.
“Emily Prentiss,” you tried again, but she only groaned. “Em.” This time, you take your free hand to her head, because she’s taken your other hand hostage.
Finally, she stirs awake at your touch. “Did you sleep here all night?”
You chuckled at her groggy features. She’s adorable. “How are you more out of it than I am?”
Emily only laughs softly in return, letting go of your hand as she sputters apologies.
“I’m glad you’re here, Em.”
“You’re my best friend. Where else would I be?”
…Right. I’m your best friend.
When you didn’t answer, Emily stood up. “I should go and let you get some rest.” 
“No. No, not yet,” you racking your brain on what to say next, to prevent Emily from leaving. “I…I’ve missed you.” You’ll just blame it later on the drugs they put you in.
“Me too.”
“It’s my fault that things have been weird between the two of us.” Emily tensed up at that, so you went on. “Yeah, I heard you…Um, we do need to talk about what I said.”
“No, we don’t-”
You grasped Emily’s hand in yours to stop her. She lets you continue. “I needed to say something real, and that’s what came out, and I’m so sorry. I didn’t—I never meant to do that to you…or her, to Sophie. I was prepared to take that secret to the grave, but now it’s out. And I can’t…lie to you and say I didn’t mean it. Because I do. I’m deeply in love with you. I know that’s not fair, springing this onto you when I know you love Andrew, and I want you to be happy…and I just want us to be okay.”
“We are,” Emily smiles, genuinely for the first time in days, also while keeping her tears at bay. She squeezes your hand in assurance.
You’re the first one to let go of her touch, already missing her hand that you think perfectly fits with yours.
Baby steps. 
But this time, maybe, you can let Emily go the same way you’ve always loved her. Silently.
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chestnutninny · 17 days
"I'm Yours"
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Asked: Could you please write a Casey Novak x Reader, where Casey gets jealous and possessive? Maybe of Olivia or a defence attorney, could be smut or fluff or whatever.
I've also merged this with another request that I received because I am up to my neck in drafts, and it kind of fitted with what I was writing.
Warning: Smut, fingering (reader receiving), female x female sex, use of dildo, (both Casey and reader receiving), oral (reader receiving), swearing, not proofread.
You had been a detective at the Manhattan Special Victims Unit for 3 years now. You had grown close to everyone who worked there, but you had become best friends with Olivia Benson, who had become your partner after Stabler's departure from the unit. You always had each other's back and you couldn't ask for a better partner to work with at you time in the precinct.
A few months into your job, you had the pleasure of meeting Senior ADA Casey Novak and you couldn't fault how amazing she was at her jobs, bringing the majority of your victims to justice due to her high success rate. Her passion for the job was what drew you to her at first, however over time it was something that you had began to admire about her. Before you knew it, you were falling for Casey and your feelings for her grew more and more very time that you spoke or joked around.
One night after closing a stressful case and Casey putting the disgusting man behind bars for 25 years to life, the team all decided to go out for drinks to their local bar that was a few blocks from the precinct. You were invited yet you wasn't completely settled on the thought, however after some persuasion from Liv you reluctantly agreed. You all made your way to the bar and entered it, finding the largest table you could find in order for you all be able to sit together.
The only remaining seat was a space squeezed between Olivia and Casey, which you were happy to take considering you were sat next to your two favourite people on the team. You shuffled your way onto the leather bench, your right thigh flush with Olivia's, your left thigh left bare as you were waiting for Casey to sit in her space. You looked over to the bar and saw Casey just leaving it, a drink in either of her hands.
She set down your favourite drink down in front of you before sitting her drink down in front of herself. You thanked her as you locked eyes with her and she sent a wink your way, which made a blush creep up onto your cheeks. You reached forward to grab your drink and made a toast to the team winning the case, your glass clinking with the others surrounding the table.
You and Olivia fell into easy conversation, bursting into fits of giggles and flirtatious banter, her hand resting on your thigh. She would occasionally whisper in your ear and her words made you giggle and blush, burying your head in your hands. Casey couldn't help the boiling rage that had started to set in as she saw the reaction you had to Olivia, and she just wished that it was her who would be making you blush.
However, unknown to Casey, Liv was teasing you about your feelings for Casey and trying to persuade you to ask her out, the thought making you nervous. You took notice of the way Casey's jaw tensed, her teeth clenched together and you shot her a confused glance as her eyes met yours briefly. She averted her gaze, which was something that Casey never did and that unnerved you slightly.
Everyone had started to make their exit out of the bar, most of them drunk and stumbling their way into taxis. It was just you, Liv and Casey remaining at the table. You and Olivia had continued your conversation, your laughs ringing out through the nearly empty bar.
You were silenced as Casey abruptly stood up and gathered her belongings, before leaving some money on the table and departing from your presence. Your eyes followed her out of the bar and when you turned to look at Liv with a confused expression, you were met with a smirk that she tried to hide behind the rim off her glass. You huffed, crossing your arms defensively over your chest.
"You know, I think you should go after her. It's late and she's not exactly sober." She reminded you and you couldn't help but think of the bad things that could possibly happen if Casey were to go home by herself, and how you wouldn't be able to live with the guilt if anything happened.
"You're right. Thank Liv, goodnight." You rushed out before tracing Casey's previous footsteps towards the front entrance.
As you got outside, you pulled your jacket around you tighter due to a gust of wind that swept towards you. You caught sight of Casey leaning against a near-by wall, her eyes glued to the lit-up screen before her. You made your way over to her, stumbling a few times along the way.
"Hey." You greeted as you stood in front of her now.
"Hi." She replied coldly, her head not even bothering to look up from her phone.
"It's really late and dark, I'm not too comfortable with the idea of you getting in a taxi by yourself."
"I don't think that that's your call, do you? I'm a big girl, I can fend for myself." She remarked.
"I didn't mean it like that! I just..." You were taken back with her bitter tone.
"You just what, Y/N?"
"What has gotten into you, Case?" You questioned, curious to where this outburst has come from.
"Nothing, it doesn't matter to you. You didn't seem too interested in me when your head was up Benson's ass." She shook her head, looking away from your soldering gaze.
"I don't understand your issue, but you don't get to choose who I can talk to you." You barked, turning on your heel, walking away from her.
"My issue is that your flirting with her when I want you to be mine!" She admitted.
Her hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you back to face her. Her hands found your hips and pulled you flush against her slim frame. Your arms hung over her shoulders as you pulled her in for a kiss, your lips colliding for the first time.
Casey was a bit stiff at the contact at first, but soon her lips moved against with just as much passion. Her fingers pushed into your hips as her tongue swiped against your bottom lips asking for access, which you eagerly granted. She suddenly pulled away from you, leaving you gasping for air and she waved her arm out for the taxi that was driving down the road towards you.
"You're coming home with me." She almost growled into your ear, the husk of her voice sending shivers down your spine.
You both slipped into the backseat of the cab, before Casey gave the driver the address to her apartment. The whole journey there, one of Casey's hands remained on your thigh, her thumb rubbing circles on the exposed skin, whereas her other hand was fumbling change out of her purse. You placed your hand over the one that resided on your thigh, linking your fingers together in a tight embrace.
Once the taxi pulled up outside Casey's home, she practically threw the money to the poor man before swinging open the doors to flee to her front door, you in tow behind her. As soon as you closed her apartment behind you, she had you pushed up against it, her lips reattaching themselves to yours. She trailed her kisses down to your neck as your fingers laced into her strawberry coloured hair pulling on it slightly as her teeth bit into a sensitive bit of your skin, which elicited a moan from Casey's preoccupied lips.
"Fuck, Case. Are you sure you want to do this?" You questioned, however you couldn't hide the excitement in your voice.
"I've never been so sure of anything in my life." She confirmed, sealing it with a gentle kiss on your lips.
She pulled off your jacket and gestured for you to remove your shoes, before dragging you towards her bedroom, you assumed. Once inside her room, her lips found yours again and your fingers found the hem of her top, tugging on it slightly. She pulled away long enough for you to pull the fabric over her head, before returning to close the distance between you both.
You took notice of the green lace that clad to her perky breasts, which made your mouth water at the gorgeous sight. Your admiring was cut short as she pulled your top over your head, exposing your bare chest to her. She threw your t-shirt somewhere in the room, followed by her discarded trousers.
She wrapped her plump lips around your left nipple, sucking on it gently, where as her right hand came up the roll your other nipple between her pointer finger and thumb. You moaned audibly and arched your chest further into her mouth, which made her give your nipple a tug with her teeth. You hips ground down on her thigh in order to gain some sort of friction from where you needed her the most.
"Fuck, Casey. Please...just touch me." You pleaded.
"Where do you want me to touch you, baby?" You responded, a smug grin on her face as she did.
"You know where." You tried.
"I want to hear you say it."
"I...I want you to fuck me! I want to feel your fingers in me, please Casey." You begged, panting out the syllables.
Her hands moved down to your thighs, spending them before settling in between them. She pulled your soaked panties down your legs before discarding them on her bedroom floor. She then reached down between your legs and ran her fingers through your folds, spreading your wetness from your entrance up to your sensitive clit.
You moaned at the slight contact, feeling her her fingers applied your pressure the louder you were. Suddenly, her fingers plunged into your entrance, stretching you out tightly around her long digits. Her fingers set a relentless pace, pounded in and out of you, the sound of your wetness echoing off the walls in her bedroom.
You were embarrassed at how quickly you could feel your orgasm approaching and you knew that Casey could feel your orgasm, feeling the way your walls clenched around her fingers. Before you could reach your peak, Casey's fingers were pulled from your body, pulling a pitiful whine from your ajar mouth. She tutted at your bratty behaviour, swatting at the outside of your thigh.
"I don't know if you deserve to come, especially after that little show you put on in the bar." She signed, mockingly.
"Please, Case. I promise it won't happen again." You tried to plead, but she only shook her head.
"That's not good enough, baby. I need to hear you tell me who you belong to."
"Fuck, I'm yours! I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm yours." You chanted, the mantra falling from your lips even more perfect than Casey had imagined.
You gasped as her fingers plunged back inside you, followed by a loud moan as her fingers pushed repeatedly into your G-spot, edging you closer to your long awaited orgasm. Yet, a groan of disapproval left your mouth as her fingers were removed once again. You closed your eyes in defeat as she moved away your heaving body, reaching for something in her nightstand.
As you opened your eyes, you were faced with a large double-ended dildo that was held in Casey's hand, her other hand pumping lube across its rippled surface. You jaw dropped as she slid one end into your already dripping entrance, moaning as it stretched you out even more than what Casey's fingers did. Your pleasure was amplified by the moan that Casey emitted as she settled herself down on the other end of the large appendage, her face contorting with pleasure.
After you had both adjusted to the size of the dildo, Casey started to move her hips, grinding them into yours, causing the tip of the dildo to brush against all the best spots in both of you. As her hips got closer to yours, you could feel her wet clit rubbing against your own, bringing you even closer to your orgasm. You both grinded against each other with determination, chasing your orgasms that were becoming evidently closer.
A mix of both of your moans echoed throughout the room as you both reached your peak, Casey's juices mixing with your own as you both came. You both lazily humped at each other as you came down from your high, panting as you tried to regain your breath. Casey pulled the dildo out of you both, which emitted a small whine from your end at the loss of contact and also the sensitivity you were now feeling.
"God, that was amazing." You sighed, blissfully.
"It was." You laughed as you caught sight of the lob-sided grin that her face sported.
"Hey, can you help me grab my things? I'll get out of your hair now." You asked, as you sat up from her very comfortable bed.
"No way! You're staying with me tonight, I have to make it up to you for edging you so much." She argued.
"You've already made it up to me. By letting me be yours." You flirted.
"Fuck, baby. How about you lay back down, and I'll clean you up?" She questioned, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
You did as you were told and settled yourself back on her soft mattress, you legs parted slightly as you awaited the towel that would dry your dampened thighs. Instead you were met with Casey's warm tongue running through your wet folds, her moans vibrating through your core. Your back arched as your fingers moved to lace into her hair, tugging slightly at the strands.
"Fuck, baby. You taste so good." She mumbled from between your legs, the compliment making you moan louder and push her head impossibly closer to your pussy.
"This pussy is mine, All Mine."
Taglist- @borinxnovakxprentiss @lolololalalala @zolofts @chloeelou02x @ultramoderndyke @moonlightjxuregui @juanitoluna03 (join my taglist here)
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sunkendreams · 8 months
I haven’t seen any billy loomis content on your blog ,,, would love to see some smut of him! nothing specific, I know you’ll write something good!
devil in disguise.
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➾ pairing ; billy loomis x fem!reader.
in which billy decides to visit you once your father leaves for his shift — but there’s an additional element.
FORMAT: one-shot — requested.
WARNINGS: SMUT (mdni), loss of virginity, rough sex, unprotected sex, p in v sex, multiple positions, multiple orgasms, sex during a storm, dirty talk, fingering (f!receiving), cunnilingus, oral sex (f!receiving), heavy knifeplay, billy is a little deranged in this, begging, creampie, cumplay, bloodplay, tiddy sucking, mild body worship, biting, hickeys/marking, choking, hair-pulling, finger sucking
AUTHOR’S NOTE: not gonna lie, I was suffering from billy brainrot and this emerged from my brain. I love him so much !!! I do want to write some more mickey & ethan landry content too, but I do need to tell y’all about my new influx of blorbos lately LOL! love you all so much and thanks for your continued support! Means the world to me!
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Whenever it rained in California, you considered it to be a once-in-a-lifetime occasion — wisps of black clouds fluttered overhead, accompanied by the haze of an overcast sky. Even for the evening, the skies were unnaturally dark, making it seem like nighttime altogether. The scent of encroaching dewdrops drifted through your bedroom.
“Honey?” Your father gently tapped his knuckles against the white pane of your door, dressed in his police uniform. “Mind if we talk?” He asked, clearing his throat. The badge of the Woodsboro Sheriff’s Department glistened on his ironed shirt.
With the recent killings of Casey Becker and Steven Orth plaguing your school, your father had reason to be concerned. He was the Chief, after all — he was cleaning up mess after mess, investigating these murders without any leads. Stress shimmered upon his features, showing up as heavy bags underneath his eyes.
You swiveled around within your seat, busying yourself with homework for the evening. Books were strewn across your desk, accompanied by a computer that barely ran nowadays anyway.
“Sure,” You cleared your throat, awkwardly shuffling away from your chair to the edge of your bed. “What’s up?” The relationship with your father was somewhat tenuous — being the daughter of a police chief came with unwanted attention and his constant overprotective nature.
“You know about the murders,” He began, looming in the doorway of your bedroom. His countenance glistened with a thinly-veiled anxiousness, but also a bit of fear. You rarely saw your father show anything remotely close to terror, but here he was. “About your classmates.”
“Yeah,” Your brows furrowed together — where was he going with this? “You don’t want me to leave the house anymore, do you?” An exasperated sigh escaped you, but he immediately shook his head.
“No, no. I just think …” He clicked his tongue. “No visitors for a while, not until we clear everyone at the school as a suspect.” A sinking feeling pooled within the pit of your stomach, accompanied by disappointment. It meant that your boyfriend couldn’t come over — indefinitely.
Billy Loomis was a mysterious boy, cunning and charming with a silver tongue — he constantly wrapped you up in it, time and time again. He’d broken up with Sidney Prescott last year, not long after her mother had passed away. He was more than good to you, but your father wasn’t convinced.
His suspicion of Billy wasn’t subtle whatsoever, and it irked you at times. You’d gotten into several arguments about the morality and character of your paramour, and your father had inevitably relented, letting you date him — but there was always protest involved.
“I think you want to say Billy, Dad.” You uttered, lips curling into a sour frown as you stomped back to your chair with an indignant huff. “You’ve always disliked him. This isn’t about anyone else I hang out with — it’s about him.” Your tone became clipped and volatile, prompting you to return to studying.
Chief Burke let out a deep sigh, knowing he’d upset you with this news. “We’ll talk about that later,” He murmured, checking his watch with a thin-lipped expression. “I have to get going to the station.” Your father stepped forward, attempting to press a kiss against the top of your head — but you’d flinched away.
Gritting your teeth together, you attempted to maintain a shred of kindness towards your father. You wanted to explode, but it wasn’t a good time. He was under a lot of stress. “Love you.” You sighed, grabbing your pencil as you returned to writing something down in your notebook.
“I’ll see you in the morning.”
From behind the curve of your shoulder, you watched as your father retreated from your bedroom, shutting the door behind him in the process. A twinge of guilt flickered through you, and you couldn’t help but feel like the villain. Your mother was out on work-related business, and your father was drowning away in work.
Oftentimes, you were left to your own devices, absorbed in school, hanging out with your friends, or spending time with Billy — but that was all on an eternal hiatus, it seemed. You pressed your tongue against the inside of your cheek, stepping toward your door. The house was eerily silent, just you and the encroaching thunderstorm.
A clap of thunder rattled the skies, causing you to nearly jump out of your own skin. Goosebumps formed along the column of your spine as you crept down the stairs, traipsing towards your kitchen. Being home alone had a plethora of perks — the alcohol being one of them. If your father knew about all of the underage drinking, he’d likely have a heart attack.
There were so many things that he didn’t know about.
A brief flash of lightning illuminated your surroundings, casting the kitchen in a quick burst of white. You opened up the refrigerator, carefully removing one of your dad’s Abita’s from the side door. After rattling around in the cupboards, you found the bottle opener, popping open the amber lager as a stream of vapor emerged from the top.
You were swift to retreat back upstairs, latching your bedroom door in the process. You placed the beverage along the edge of your desk, listening to the atmospheric deluge of rain pattering outside, falling against the rooftops. You left your window open, lulled into a sense of comfort from the stormy evening.
A sharp thump reverberated against the side paneling of your house, prompting you to rock forward. Normally, you wouldn’t have given it much thought, but considering that someone was killing your classmates, it filled you with a pang of dread.
Hesitant, you crept toward the window, and through the haze of rain and darkness, you noticed a figure moving against the tall wall of lattice that climbed around the back of your home. You squinted, head canting to one side as you realized who was sneaking around.
Billy’s soaked frame appeared before you within an instant, still scaring you as a strangled gasp escaped your lips. “Billy!” You squeaked, lips parted as you noticed his hair, slick and plastered to his skull. The blue-and-white flannel he wore atop a white t-shirt remained stuck to him like a second skin.
“Hey,” He greeted cooly, flashing you one of those little smiles that made butterflies erupt within your stomach. Those warm, earthen-colored hues shamelessly flickered across your attire, finding some sort of attraction in the long-sleeved nightgown you wore. “Cold?”
“Not really,” You mused, nibbling along your lower lip as he ogled the still-icy beer sitting atop your desk. A bemused chuckle left him as he sauntered forward, head cocked to one side. “You’re soaked. Did you walk all the way here?”
“Thought I’d walk, but I wasn’t expecting the rain,” Billy murmured, taking a hold of your drink. “A little brazen, don’t you think? Aren’t you worried that your father might arrest you for underage drinking?” He teased, mouth curling into a playful grin as he took a swig of lager.
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” You chimed, nose wrinkling in amusement as he passed the bottle to you. With a brief exhale, you took a drink of lager, feeling the bitter twang of alcohol swarm your mouth as you swallowed. “Do you need me to throw anything in the dryer?” For someone soaked to the bone, Billy remained unphased.
He shook his head in dismissal, clicking his tongue soon afterwards. “No,” Billy’s brows furrowed together for a moment, and then he peered toward the door. “Your old man not around tonight?” Normally, he was always quiet for your sake — and you were often a ball of nerves, but you seemed so carefree tonight.
“He’s gone until the morning.” It was a declaration and a not-so-subtle hint — you could stay. Your relationship with Billy was still somewhat new and flourishing, but you were hoping that it would only continue to intensify. You hadn’t really done much of anything outside of making out and touching. He was patient with you, too.
Billy hummed, gaze surveying your bedroom with a sheen of curiosity. He often searched for new details or anything he found intriguing. His fingertips grazed across your quilted bedspread, and then toward the open window. “Do you like thunderstorms?” He asked. “Or do you keep the window open for me?”
“Would it make you feel better if I said both?” A bubbly burst of laughter escaped you as you tidied up your desk, putting your studying aside for the time being. You enjoyed the lightheartedness of it all despite the dour weather and less-than-savory conversation you’d had with your father twenty minutes prior.
His footsteps were light across the carpeted floor until he approached you, palm cupping your jaw with a certain level of care. At the very beginning, he asked you for everything — for a touch, for a kiss. You didn’t want him to ask nowadays, careening into the warmth of his hand as he brought you in for a kiss.
This bout of shyness always rippled through you whenever he was near — his presence was so enigmatic and overwhelming in the best of ways. He smelled like a smoky cologne, accompanied by the scent of dewdrops. You shivered when his arm crept to your hips, lightly massaging at your waist over the cotton of your nightgown.
Billy was an incredible kisser — always walking a fine line of soft and voracious. You wondered what it would be like for him to really give in. It was a fantasy that had crossed your mind more than you could count. His head tilted slightly, thumb tracing over your chin before he withdrew, stare bleeding with a thinly-veiled desire.
“You’re beautiful,” He uttered reverently, idly dragging the pad of his thumb across your lower lip. “Prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Billy’s voice was husky, an alluring drawl that was barely above a whisper. It sent a shudder of delight cascading down your spine, anticipation pooling within the pit of your stomach.
A brief sigh left you, trapped within your throat as you tilted inward, hands pressed against his chest. The material was damp underneath your palms, not that you cared. He had snuck through your bedroom window countless times — but it felt so much heavier this time around, given your father’s stark statement of not wanting you to see him.
You ducked your head, heat crawling across your body as you chewed at your lower lip. Billy knew that you were smitten, and he devoured every scrap that he could, but something felt off, as if you had something to tell him, dancing upon the tip of your tongue. “Hey,” He murmured, titling your chin up to meet his gaze. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just …” You couldn’t lie to him. Billy had this radar for bullshit, able to see right through you, pierce your armor with ease. “It’s my dad, that’s all.” Admittedly, you were hesitant to reveal the truth, considering that Billy sometimes had a strong reaction to things.
Billy had a feeling that your father had it out for him — an intelligent man, to be certain. Of course, such suspicions were true, but he wasn’t about to make that known. A huff of laughter escaped him, followed by another debonair grin. “What, does he want to arrest me?” He mused, pressing a string of soft kisses along your jaw.
“Something like that,” You mumbled, burying your face into the crook of his neck. He smelled incredible, like a dusky night, drawing you in with his magnetizing pull. “He doesn’t want me to see you right now because of all of the killings and stuff.” The confession felt like a weight within your chest, but oddly enough, Billy didn’t seem too angered by this.
“Does he think I’m a suspect?” Billy questioned, point-blank. His tone became rather blunt, but still held that little shred of amusement. In the grand scheme of things, he was on the right track — unbeknownst to you, of course. It would stay that way.
“I don’t think so. He’s just skeptical, I guess. It’s his job.” You hesitated, drawing away just enough to get a look at your boyfriend’s handsome visage. “I just don’t want you to feel threatened or feel like you can’t come around. I don’t care what he says — I want to be with you.” You murmured, brows furrowing together.
His jaw tensed, gaze incendiary and oozing with a lasciviousness as he pressed a lingering kiss to your mouth, fingers idly stroking aside some of your hair. Billy had grown very fond of you, but with that, there was always some twisted desire to corrupt — the obsession that blossomed with it all.
“You have me,” Billy exhaled, body pressed against yours, hands pinning you close. “This all feels a little defiant, doesn’t it?” His tone had dropped an octave, akin to a delicate purr as he brushed his mouth against yours. You leaned in this time, pressing your lips against his as you chased after that sensation with a fervor.
“Yeah,” You whispered, feeling a newfound thrill churn within your stomach, coupled with exhilaration. “Can you stay tonight?” You asked, fingers gently weaving themselves into his mousy tresses, tugging at the hair around the nape of his neck.
His head cocked to one side as he arched an eyebrow. “I thought I couldn’t,” Staying implied one thing — sex. You had never propositioned it until now, let alone entertained the thought. “Unless you’ve changed your mind.” He didn’t want to rush anything or pressure you into something that you weren’t prepared for.
The constant feeling of doom hung over you — religion and saving yourself had always been a point of contention in your family. You were worried that Billy would leave you if he had you, but you knew that wouldn’t be the case. You were ready to have your first time and have it be with him.
Your head began to bob in a little nod, heat creeping across your body as it blossomed within your cheeks with a burning sensation. “I want you,” You whispered, breath hitching within your throat. “I — I need you, really. I don’t want you to go, Billy.” You mumbled, nearly gasping when his hand began to caress along the curve of your thigh.
“Are you sure?” Billy asked, brows knitting together in a moment of concern. “We don’t have to do anything intense,” He reassured, pressing another kiss against your jaw, and then to your neck. “I don’t want you to feel rushed.” Admittedly, he wanted nothing more than to touch you, to take your virginity, make you feel good, but it needed to be on your terms.
It felt good — the spark of retaliation and rebellion against your father, seeing Billy again in such a secretive fashion. You knew that if anyone found out, namely your parents, you’d be in a world of trouble. Fortunately, it was just the two of you and an empty house.
“You’ve been really patient with me,” You murmured, a soft sigh drifting from your lips as you sank forward into his embrace. “I want this.” Billy’s constant chase for consent and ensuring your comfort was beyond attractive, and you were thankful for it, but this was long overdue.
A soft laugh burst forth from his chest as Billy stroked at your cheek, calloused fingertips traveling across the delicate plane of your visage. “I would wait for as long as you wanted me to.” He uttered, gaze shifting from affectionate to incendiary, simmering with an unmistakable sensuality.
He was so good to you — your ex-boyfriend paled in comparison to Billy Loomis in more ways than one. “I know,” You sighed, lips twitching into a smitten smile as your digits plucked at the damp fabric of his shirt. You pressed another chaste kiss against his mouth. “Should I shut the window?”
Billy clicked his tongue, mouth twitching into a faint smirk. “No,” He swept strands of hair behind your ear, cradling your cheek within his warm palm. “You’ll have to be quiet. You think you can handle that?” The little evocation of a challenge was prevalent — your insides turned to metaphorical mush as you shivered.
“I can’t promise anything.” Your voice was wrought with excitement, barely above a whisper. The blood was rushing to your head and heart, hot and fervent as Billy gently guided you toward your bed. His smirk morphed into a wolfish grin, unable to tear his eyes away from you.
As he placed you down against the mattress, atop your quilted bedspread, he crawled in between your legs, lips hungrily returning to kiss you. He tasted like a lick of amber lager, intertwined with breath mints and the hint of cigarettes. Your heart began to beat faster as Billy’s hand rubbed along your thigh, digits flicking at the hem of your panties.
The ambiance of the thunderstorm outside provided a rather atmospheric setting, on top of the dim lighting throughout your bedroom. Rain noisily pounded against rooftops and the surrounding neighborhood, as if masking the salaciousness of your actions. Your hands pushed at his flannel, and he took it off, along with his white t-shirt.
“May I?” You whispered, eyes wide and mesmerized as Billy let out a brief chuckle. He was so painfully handsome, especially when he smiled — it only served to make you squirm, goosebumps erupting underneath his wandering touch.
“You’re sweet,” Billy murmured, voice deliciously husky as he pressed a kiss against your mouth, teeth playfully snagging your lower lip. The sheepish, stupefied reaction you had was well worth it, prompting him to grab one of your wrists, steering your hand to wherever you wanted it to go. “I want to see you.”
His composure was beginning to crumble, foundation being chipped away at. You were so infectious, like a fever, and Billy only wanted more. He had to restrain himself from being rough, watching with lustful eyes as you sat up a little bit.
You shivered when his hands slipped underneath your nightgown, curling into the hem as he helped you take off the lengthy, frilled garment. Billy licked at his lower lip, hooded stare eating you alive once you were stripped of that coverage. The pastel brassiere and panties you wore were just in the way.
“Lay down.” Billy husked, presence exuding a domineering edge without even trying. You silently obeyed, breath hitching within your throat as he covered your body with his, all sinewy muscle and tan skin. His mouth clashed with yours, voracious and all-consuming as he kept himself propped up with one arm.
Curious, needy digits found their way to your chest, groping and kneading at your chest over the material of your bra. “Billy.” You sighed, moaning into his mouth when he bit at your lip again. It was sharp and somewhat painful, but admittedly, you found that minuscule prick of discomfort to be exciting.
With a brusque tug, Billy’s palm circled around your bare breast, massaging at the sensitive flesh as he tugged at your nipple. Your hands flew to the nape of his neck, dragging through his hair as his mouth tore away from yours, only to find their purchase against the slender column of your throat.
Your flesh was velveteen underneath him, warm to the touch as he began to suckle against the sensitive flesh of your jugular. Teeth and lips created a series of marks — some were more obvious than others. A clap of thunder caused you to jump, a soft gasp escaping you as your body clashed with Billy’s.
His grin was tangible, like an imprint seared into your collarbone as he peered at you with those shimmering brown hues. “Scared?” He murmured, flashing those pearlescent teeth in a brief grin. Billy felt your skin erupt with goosebumps, creeping like a wildfire across your body.
“No,” You protested, tongue absentmindedly swiping across your lower lip. You gently tugged on his hair, hands wandering about until you were cupping his narrow face within your palms. “You’re so perfect.” A soft, enthralled sigh escaped you as he stared down at you.
That calculating, searing gaze would have burned right through you if it were possible — you could feel the desire that oozed from eyes alone. Billy turned his head, planting a kiss against your palm as he grabbed your wrist, fingers tangling with yours.
“You’re beautiful,” His voice dipped into a low, lascivious purr, a delicious octave that made you shudder. “You’re mine.” Billy uttered, and for a moment, there was something dark and innately possessive within his voice, something that you hadn’t heard before. While some might’ve found it strange and obsessive, you were hooked.
You swallowed the growing lump within your throat, feeling his lips press against yours again with a vigor and urgency. Silence drifted between the two of you, but the intensity and desire only seemed to amplify. His kisses were ravenous and passionate, accompanied by teeth and tongue.
“Take this off,” Billy murmured in between kisses, tugging on your brassiere for emphasis. His digits deftly felt along your body, ending up between your legs as he began to touch you. You were barely able to unclasp your bra without squirming and wriggling, hips jolting forward. “Hold still for me, baby.”
Inclined to obey, you ceased your movements, breath hitching within the back of your throat as his hand dipped beneath the waistband of your panties. You felt absolutely pathetic, already wet from just the tension and kissing alone. With this discovery, Billy grinned, letting out a soft laugh as his digits ghosted along your cunt.
“You’re wet for me and I haven’t even touched you yet,” Billy crooned, pressing a heated, sloppy kiss against your collarbone. His other hand torturously tugged and caressed at your breast. “So sweet.” He uttered, nipping at the soft flesh of your chest.
You moaned, body set ablaze as he dragged two digits along your cunt, allowing them to sink inward as he briefly touched your clit with his thumb. “Billy,” You whimpered, legs parting for him as he settled between them, reveling in your pleasured expression. “Please, please don’t stop.” You wanted to cry.
A low hum emerged from his chest, mouth pressing gentle, lasting kisses around your breast. “You’re so pretty.” He mumbled, taking your hardened peak into his maw as he sucked at your nipple. Those experienced, quick fingers developed a rhythm as he stroked along your slit, thumb lazily circling your clit.
Billy could only imagine what you’d be like if he were rough with you — if he had a knife in his hand, licking the blood from your swollen mouth. The thought alone made his cock throb within his jeans, but he would save it for another time.
As he bent you to his will, making you submit with his fingers alone, your body viscerally reacted to his ministrations, back beginning to arch. “B—Billy,” You sighed with passion, goosebumps beginning to coalesce along your spine. “God, feels so good.”
Innocent — that’s what you were. Vulnerable and pious, something to covet. Billy wanted to possess you, breathe you in, control you.
Akin to a canary trapped within the talons of a predator, you squirmed with delight, desperate for his embrace. His digits dipped toward your warm entrance, teasing you with gentle prod. “I’ll try to be gentle,” He crooned. “You make it so hard for me. Just relax.” Billy mumbled, teeth grazing your nipple as he licked at your sternum.
You nodded, stomach churning with molten heat as you felt some pressure. Your fingers dug into the nape of his neck, leaving behind crimson crescents as he kissed along your stomach. His digits sunk into you with some resistance, pushing into your tight cunt. A wanton moan escaped you, mouth agape.
It was a foreign sensation, but you savored every second, cunt clenching pathetically around his fingers as he began to find a sluggish rhythm. Billy kissed his way toward the heat between your thighs, tongue raking liquid heat over your aching core.
A spasm ran through you as a choked whine escaped your mouth, countenance rippling with surprise. “O—Oh,” You croaked, awash with delight as his mouth carefully roamed over your slick cunt. He began to lick and lap at your core — slower, at first — more exploratory. “Billy!” You squeaked.
The myriad of sensations you were experiencing were excruciatingly pleasant. It was pure bliss, feeling his lips caress your slit, digits steadily pumping their way in and out of you as he toyed with your clit. Every mewl and moan only spurred him on.
Something dark and alluring danced within his eyes, and when you lazily rolled your head to look down, his stare could’ve burned right through you. A flash of lightning only contributed to his sinister countenance, lips twitching into a smirk as he lapped at your cunt.
Billy ate you out like a man starved, touching you in places that you’d only dreamed of. His tongue was hot, raking hot embers over your slit as he showered you in endless attention. A strangled gasp escaped you as his fingers stilled, nose bumping against your clit.
His palm splayed out along the meat of your thigh, nails digging in, fingers pressing down hard enough to leave behind bruises. You clawed at his hair, hips lurching forward, but he pinned you down without hesitation, shivering at the sound of your sweet, innocuous moans.
Part of you wanted him to be rough, to really show you how much he desired you. Every fiber of your being ached for him in a way that made you itch, heat crawling across your supple flesh. “You can be rough,” You whispered, feeling the subtle hitch in his throat, tongue stilling atop your clit. “Billy.”
Billy’s jaw tensed, gaze dancing with a subtle malevolence, intermingled with obsession. His darker side often festered under the skin, but when you asked him to be rough, he knew he needed to be careful. He didn’t want to hurt you or scare you away with his potential antics.
“You want me to be rough?” His tone emerged as a low purr, murmured into the pliant meat of your inner thigh. Billy’s teeth suddenly nicked flesh before he licked at your cunt again, grazing your clit in an effort to tease you. “You don’t know what you’re asking for.” It was more of a warning than anything else.
Maybe he was right — you hadn’t the slightest clue of where this could lead.
Whatever darkness you saw, part of you viewed it as an act, as a facade for the sake of intimacy. Nonetheless, you still wanted him to be a little more forceful with you. As much as you savored his gentle streak, you wanted the intensity and the heat of the moment.
He wanted to let you stew on it for a little while, lips greedily pursing around your clit as he began to suck a the sensitive clutch of nerves. Billy’s fingers pushed themselves inside of you again, evoking a barrage of pleasured whines and moans from you. It very nearly derailed your train of thought.
With quivering digits, you reached for his hair again, raking through his tresses with a fervor. Billy felt you tug and pull, which only served to spur him on as he finger-fucked you into a blissful oblivion. It was intermingled with delicate licks to your clit, causing you to writhe in-place.
“I’m close,” You whined, hoping that he would keep going or be rough. Part of you wondered why he was so hesitant, but you didn’t want to push the matter. “Billy, please don’t stop!” With a shrill cry, his ministrations only intensified, fingers pistoning in and out of your cunt.
Billy gazed at you with eyes that almost appeared black, simmering with an unrestrained desire. “Yeah?” He purred, lips dutifully returning to suck and lap at your clit. The sensations were mind-numbing, nearly overwhelming as your stomach surged with a churning heat.
He curled his digits inside of you, letting you simmer on that sensation alone before he stopped. Billy finger-fucked you, accompanied by the tantalizing movements of his mouth. He couldn’t get enough of you, delighted to lap at your sweet cunt.
You nodded several times over, bucking toward his mouth as he continued to kiss and suck at your clit. Billy led you into the white-hot abyss of your orgasm, digits drenched in your slick as he withdrew, licking at his lower lip.
The pleasure was almost blinding, body hot and borderline feverish as you attempted to regain your composure. Your chest rose and fell with quick pants, mouth dry as Billy crawled up, covering your body with his as he placed two fingers against your lower lip.
“Open,” It wasn’t a question — it was a demand. Billy’s countenance had become shadowed, jaw tense as he watched you sheepishly open your mouth. You felt filthy for doing something like this, visibly flustered as his digits landed upon your tongue. “Only right if you have a taste.”
You shivered, a noise stirring within your throat as you began to suck, able to taste yourself in the process. He seemed delighted, lips twitching into a subtle smirk as he made you continue to his satisfaction.
“You sure you want this?”
His question was sharp and succinct, annunciated with something penetrating. Billy knew that if he went to his roots, to become something close to who he really was, he ran the risk of scaring you away. Brown eyes bored into you, hawkish and calculating as you withdrew his fingers from your mouth.
“Yes,” You replied, wondering what exactly he had in-mind in terms of being rough. “I trust you.”
A big mistake — your naïveté was laid bare, stretched out along your sleeve. Billy was untrustworthy, a sinister force with the means for destruction, but you were none the wiser. He liked your innocuous nature, the sweetness that oozed from every pore.
“Stay here.” Billy murmured, slipping off of your bed as he made for your bedroom door. You very nearly questioned him, wanting to know where he was going, but a rancorous clap of thunder effectively silenced you as you sank down into your mattress.
You counted — Billy was only gone for three minutes.
When he emerged through your bedroom door, it almost didn’t feel like the same person — not your charming, debonair brown-eyed boyfriend. He seemed possessed, as if something else had grabbed ahold of him. The glint of silver sparkled within his right hand, and that’s when you saw the large kitchen knife.
Something heavy swirled within the pit of your stomach — exhilaration intermingled with fear and uncertainty. You knew that he wouldn’t hurt you, but being rough was a different matter entirely. You gulped, throat thick as Billy moved toward the edge of your bed, available hand grabbing your thigh.
He dragged you close, looming over you with a shimmer in his eyes that told you he was still mostly himself. Even then, that pang of terror gripped you as he prodded the tip of the knife into your thigh.
“Billy,” You exhaled, goosebumps forming underneath the knife’s sharp blade. He continued to trace it across your supple flesh, moving it along your hip bone until he let it ghost above your stomach. “Want you t—to fuck me.” You stammered.
“You want me to fuck you?” Billy murmured, leaning inward, knife in-hand. You felt the blade jut into the swell of your breast, causing you to shudder from the icy chill of the steel. “Maybe I’ll gut you with this, instead.” He stated, though his voice held some modicum of playfulness to it, just enough to ease your nerves.
The doe-eyed look you wore made him frenzied — he wanted nothing more than to see you like this all the time. Billy hastily reached down, unbuckling his jeans with a sudden haste as he crawled on top of you, sticking the tip of the knife into your ribcage.
You gasped, and when you attempted to lean away from the knife, he simply pinned you there. The tip of his cock was oozing with precum, erection desperately grinding along your slit. “Billy!” You whimpered, afraid that he would accidentally dig the knife a little too far.
“Gotta stay still, pretty girl. You don’t want my hand to slip.” He warned, pressing a hot, incendiary kiss to your lips. You reciprocated, cunt throbbing from the added thrill of the blade as he began to ease himself inside of you.
The sudden intrusion made you cry out — you hadn’t done this before or gone this far, and Billy knew that. A myriad of breathy moans escaped you as you attempted to adjust, feeling his leg nudge you apart, spreading you open for him.
He pressed a series of kisses against your face in an effort to soothe you, teeth nicking the soft flesh of your jawline. Billy hesitated, waiting for you to have some time to adjust, heart pounding erratically, akin to the beating of a drum. You reached for his neck, hands tangling together at the nape.
“Still want it rough?” Billy murmured into your ear, hot breath fanning out across the side of your cheek. The blade of the knife prodded into your abdomen, as if it were issuing a stark warning — to turn back, or to proceed. You wanted him more than anything else — rough or not.
You couldn’t deny the excitement and sick thrill you gained from this, as if it had suddenly unlocked unfamiliar territory for you. Billy’s gaze danced with a lustful fire, tongue swiping across his lower lip.
After enough deliberation, you nodded, nearly shying away underneath his shadowed stare. “Yeah, I do.” You whispered, throat becoming thick as he thrust his hips forward, cock burying itself deep into your tight cunt. The feeling was intense, but his eyes were worse.
Billy grinned, throat erupting with a sardonic chuckle as he clicked his tongue. “That’s my girl.” He kept the knife against your stomach, threatening to dig into skin as he began to fuck you. The friction was delicious, breathing heavy, chest to chest, silvery blade prodding at your belly.
“Billy,” You moaned, back arching into the brutality of his thrusts, legs rattling like leaves. His hand grabbed at your leg, hitching it around his waist for better leverage, hips rutting forward in a series of sharp thrusts. “A—Ah! Please don’t stop!”
His teeth brazenly snagged across your lower lip, biting down hard enough to draw blood. He kissed you then — vitriolic copper intermingling between mouths, breath hot and labored as he fucked you in some frenzied state. Your poor cunt clenched around him, drawing him right in.
With a brief adjustment, he moved onto his knees, cock still pounding away at you as he used the grip on your leg as a crutch. Billy dragged the knife along your body, digging the tip into your sternum, letting it ghost above your breasts. He wanted to lick the fear in your eyes — drink it right from the source.
“Look so pretty like this,” He purred, using the cold flat of the knife to press into your chest. It caused you to moan, eyes rolling into the back of your skull as he continued to fuck you at a rather brutal pace. “You like this, don’t you?” Billy huffed, noticing the way your flesh prickled with a barrage of goosebumps.
You nodded, somewhat reluctant to admit to enjoying the roughness of it all. You felt the tip of the knife press just underneath your jaw, causing you to shudder, hips pushing forward as he met you halfway.
Every fiber of your being felt feverishly hot, like a live wire, coursing with raw electricity. The fire that burned bright within your belly demanded to be extinguished, cunt clenching around his cock as Billy continued to fuck you. He very nearly pulled out before ramming himself right back into your tight heat.
Billy momentarily abandoned the knife, grabbing at your hips as he turned you over, manhandling you onto your stomach. You gasped, letting out a series of moans and whimpers as his fingers roamed through your hair, tugging fistfuls of it as he rutted into you.
It was hot and quick, as if he didn’t have any time left at all. “Billy!” You cried out, feeling somewhat abashed as his cock slapped into your cunt, body pressed to yours. Once he’d gotten himself going, you felt the intrusive chill of the knife again, scraping back and forth along your spine.
“I—I’m close,” You panted, hands clawing at the quilt beneath you, nails threatening to pluck the strings and fabric away. Billy didn’t stop for anything, fucking you at a very erratic, feral speed, yanking on your hair. The knife added an element of danger, liquid heat coalescing between your thighs. “Don’t stop.”
“Yeah?” He purred, gritting his teeth together as his cock throbbed with an urgency. Billy groaned — a deep, unrestrained noise, and you yelped when the blade had cut too deep. He didn’t intend to cut you — it was a shallow, superficial wound, but it only drove him crazy. “Fuck, you’re perfect.”
The cut on your back oozed with rivulets of blood, not nearly enough to warrant any concern. You moaned, huffing and writhing atop the quilt as Billy pushed into you once more, cumming inside of you without a second thought.
He pulled out midway through, leaving behind a sticky mess of his seed along your cunt and inner thighs, intermingled with your arousal. Your body twitched and spasmed, awash with a sense of relief.
“Shit,” Billy murmured, clamoring away to find you a towel. He pressed it against your back, hoping to wash away some of the blood, even if it wasn’t very much at all. “I’m sorry, baby. I got carried away — I didn’t even think.” He sighed, watching as you attempted to clean yourself up.
“It’s fine, Billy. I know you didn’t mean to,” A soft exhale escaped you as you attempted to regain your composure, hoping to seize another towel as you sheepishly wiped his cum off of your body. You were sensitive and hot to the touch in the aftermath of it all. “I did enjoy it.”
Billy appeared perplexed, neglecting to comment for now. He wanted to take care of you as any dutiful boyfriend would do, retrieving your panties and nightgown as he helped you get dressed again. Outside, the thunderstorm continued to rage on.
“You did?” You shouldn’t have said anything — Billy’s thoughts went somewhere dark and salacious. Now, he wanted to fuck you with the knife all the time. If he were lucky, you’d bear more than one scar. It was a possessive mark, a reminder that you belonged to him.
“Yeah,” You confessed, laying down on your bed. Billy hastily zipped his jeans up, declining to put his shirt back on, given that it was still soaking-wet from the rain. “That was amazing. I’m glad I got to do it with you.”
As he laid down beside you, his gaze became dark and shadowed once again. His finger idly traced across the newly-formed cut on your back, lips pressing themselves all over your neck. “Maybe we could try something different next time.” He proposed.
“Like what?” You asked, admittedly curious as you snuggled against him. His digits idly roamed throughout your hair, mouth briefly pressing against yours before he withdrew altogether.
There was a sly, indiscernible look within his eyes — you didn’t know if you should’ve been worried or not.
“Maybe a costume next time.” Billy murmured, and despite the bemused grin on your face and his subtle smirk, you were entirely oblivious to the multifaceted meaning of his words.
Fortunately for you, you were safe — for now.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
A mini headcannon please for Severide and Caaey dating a British girl?
Kelly/Matt- Polyamorous Relationship Headcannon
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YN was the newest detective at PD, Jay's newest partner since he and Hailey started dating. YN moved from the UK to New York originally, but once Voight got word that New York had one of the best detectives he knew he needed her on his team. So he put a transfer offer in and she agreed.
After a tuff case Jay invited YN to join him and the others to go to the bar Mollys or pub as YN would call it. That's where she met Kelly Severide trying to chat up a woman while nursing a beer. When the woman walks away from Kelly that's when YN and Kelly start talking.
It started off as just friendly, YN met everyone at the firehouse and quickly became friends with everybody,but the one probably that YN had was she had gained feelings for not only Kelly but Matt Casey as well. Little did she know at the time both of them also gained feelings for her.
It took a while for them to all reveal their feelings, but when they did YN never felt more confused. She didn't know what to do at first thinking she had to choose, but Matt and Kelly reassured her that she didn't need to choose between either of them, they just wanted to be with her.
It was new for all of them, being in a 3 way relationship so while they were getting used to this they kept their romance a secret. That is until YN let it slip to Jay that she was stressed about what people would think. Jay at first was shocked, but supported his partner and friend.
6 months into their relationship they decided to tell their friends which they all were worried about, but they really didn't need to be. Their friends were supportive of them, although it may get some used to for everyone but YN, Matt and Kelly weren’t treated any differently.
They’re often seen at Mollys having a couple beers, YN sat in the middle of Matt and Kelly. Kelly’s arm is usually round her shoulder while Matts hand is often on her thigh. This is one of the ways that Matt and Kelly let everyone know that she’s taken.
Matt and Kelly are both very protective of YN, but she can be just as protective. Like when a woman was hitting on Kelly at Mollys, YN walked over and sat on Kelly’s lap giving the woman a overly sweet smile. Or when YN had been called on to a job helping the fire department during an active shooting in a burning building. YN would keep Matt behind her at all times with her gun raised.
After they decided it was the right time to move I together they fell into a pattern and certain roles. Kelly is often the one the cook for the three of them while Matt often washes up after dinner and YN will clean down the surfaces. When YN is off she will usually strip the bed and do all of the washing, while when Kelly and Matt are off they will clean the house. This doesn’t mean that every now and then they will creep on to each other’s roles or just help one another.
Being in a relationship with someone who’s British Kelly and Matt had to get used to her sayings. Like the time YN was writing something down in pencil and she makes a mistake. She asks Kelly “can you pass me a rubber”. Of course Kelly was super confused to why YN wanted a condom, but went and found her one anyway. When he gave her the condom YN frowns looking at him “why have you given me a condom? We’re not having sex right now”. “But you asked for a rubber?” he replied also frowning. “Yeah to rub out what I wrote”. “Ohhh an eraser” he would come to the realisation.
Or when YN and Matt has gone shopping and YN asked Matt to pick up an aubergine “a what now?” Matt would ask confused. “Oh god is this another thing with a different name”. “Must be. What’s it look like?”. “It’s the errm, the dick emoji” YN would whisper. “Ahhh eggplant”.
A few years into their relationship they decided to have a baby. Well the plan was shed have a baby with Kelly first then in a years time she would have a baby with Matt. That way they would both have a biological baby, not that they were overly bothered, but since they could they thought why not.
When YN fell pregnant she had certain cravings that neither Matt or Kelly could find since they were specifically British snacks. Crumpets and quavers. Kelly learnt how to make crumpets from scratch while Matt would phone YNs family to ask them to send quavers to them.
YN, Matt and Kelly work well together. It may have not been what any of them thought their lives would look like, but you can’t help who you fall for.
Crumpets are a type of bread with holes that a toasted and often served with butter. I actually like them with no butter and soft cheese.
Quavers are a type of crisp/chip that are cheese flavoured. They are my absolute favourite crisp.
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translatemunson · 2 months
Effie! I’ve been thinking… Since I know you love Taylor Swift and if you have requests open, can I request Brains and Buck + …Ready For It? 😊😆
casey! omg my first the tortured firefighters department request (and also my first writing request on tumblr!). i took a few days to elaborate this idea, and i really hope you like it!
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touch me and you'll never be alone • ttfd
a blurb from the universe of the tortured firefighters department
| check the masterlist |
cw: i fear you might need to read chapter six of the series so you can better understand what's happening here, pov changes, fem!reader, afab!reader, no descriptions of reader, two oblivious idiots, mentions of drinking, mentions of going on a date, feelings talk, not proofread (lmk if i forgot something)
One day, Buck would come home and finally have the guts to ask Brains out. For a firefighter, it was odd to see him afraid of doing something. Rescuing people in tall buildings, walking through fire to make sure everyone was out of danger, putting himself in any danger just to get people safe and sound. But he insisted on tiptoeing around the girl he had a crush on.
He very briefly mentioned it to Maddie, and it was enough to have his big sister telling him he should go for it. Even though he didn’t mention Brains when he brought the subject up, she said that if he really felt something, he should risk it. Maddie believed the feelings were mutual — or maybe she knew something he didn’t.
Anyway, it was almost three weeks ago, just a few days shy from when Buck helped Brains during a crisis. His courage to ask her out was shying away, and he didn’t think a good opportunity would come up soon.
Buck inserted the key on his door and took one glance at Brain’s apartment. Her door unlocked and he held his breath. She ditched her usual clothes, and was wearing the same green dress she wore to that dinner at Maddie and Chim’s.
“Hey, Buck!” She waved. “Leaving for a shift?”
“Coming home, actually. Going somewhere, Brains?”
“Yeah, I’m,” she fixed her dress, “going on a date.”
Buck had to hold his reaction quickly, blurting a “He must be a catch if you’re switching your books for him.”
“We can talk about my books, so I think it’s a win-win situation,” she said, putting her keys inside her purse and walking to the elevator. “See ya, Buck. Have a nice rest.”
“Have fun, Brains!” He almost ran to get inside his apartment.
Fuck. He missed his chance.
You dropped down on one of the beach chairs someone left on the rooftop — and never came back to retrieve them. You should’ve gone straight to bed, but you needed a moment alone, without the books and ghosts.
Stephen was a nice study buddy and the time would fly when you were sharing a table and notes in the library. You couldn’t say the same about the two hours you’ve spent together with him. Not that he wasn’t a nice company or only talked about statistics during the date, actually he was a pretty good storyteller and very polite. He just didn’t bring a spark in you during the date.
What actually really happened was that you couldn’t stop thinking about someone else. You sat down for two hours and had to force yourself to look at Stephen and imagine him as someone you would spend more than just study sessions together. And you couldn’t do it. Stephen’s face would never be the one on the dozens of scenarios that crossed your mind. Someone else had already claimed that spot.
“Date went well?”
Buck plopped down on the chair next to yours. He wore his lounger clothes, and you were surprised he wasn’t deep asleep by now.
“Wouldn’t say I’ll be going for a second one,” you admit, the taste of wine getting a little bitter in your tongue. “But it’s fine, tho, I wasn’t expecting much.”
“Do you need me, Chim and Eddie to give the guy a lesson?”
“Not necessary, but thanks for the offer.”
“So, do we know him?” You looked at him, pushing yourself to believe he was asking you about it. “Or her. I don’t judge,” he added, once your silence became too much.
“No, he’s someone from my classes. It’s just, yeah, no, nice classmate, I’ll give him that. But I felt nothing during the date. Not even that small pinch to jump head first, damn the consequences,” you explained.
“You’re really an adrenaline junkie,” he made fun of one of the very first things you talked about, months ago now. “No, but I think it’s fair because if there’s no spark, why commit at all?”
“Right? I mean, some relationships take the slow burn road, just like the books and movies, you know, but I only believe in that if the people involved have known each other for like months. Or maybe years. There’s a true bond in like being a friend first, lover second.”
“And you did that for your relationships? Because I didn’t.”
“Maybe the guy I dated after highschool, because we were friends, but after that I didn’t had much time to have a slow burn.” You played with the hem of your dress, pushing it further to protect your legs from the night breeze. “And also that brief relationship with Alex was a nightmare.”
“Oh yeah, Alex,” Buck laughed, the memory still fresh. “So maybe you’re not ready for a relationship right now?”
“No, I,” you measured your words, “I think I have someone else in mind, but it’s not like… nevermind, the wine is making me think too much about stupid things.”
“What do you mean by stupid things?”
“My feelings, I guess.” You kept shoving everything aside, trying to focus on your main goals. It wasn’t a crime to have you mind wandering a never taken road, but it was tough. “Sorry, I think it’s past my bedtime.”
That was a stupid excuse, and you both knew that. Buck gave you a puzzled look. Oh no, you were reaching a dangerous zone. As soon as you anchored your arms to get up from the seat, he reached out and stopped you. You were caught in the headlights — and the stupid siren lights down the street.
“I once had this idea that I’d have to be ready for a relationship, so I thought avoiding real connections was a solution.” He referenced his own addition, something he happily left behind. “But for the months I’ve known you, Brains, I can definitely tell you’re gonna find the relationship you’re looking for when you least expect it. Or maybe you already found it. Anyway, your feelings are not stupid, and I hope you understand it.”
“Thanks, Buck.” You smiled. He let go of your arms and you finally got up. “You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met. And I know we were talking about me, but I hope you found someone who will love you as much as you deserve it. I’ll see you later, ok? Right now I really need to sleep.”
You squeezed his shoulder and left the rooftop, taking the stairs as fast as possible and locking yourself in your apartment. Your feelings creeping under your skin, making you feel like you were gonna be tortured by them for longer than you expected.
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(i hate it here so) i will go to secret gardens in my mind
by coffeecatsme He’s distracted enough that he doesn’t notice, until he goes to throw out the plastic cup, that there’s more than his name scribbled on it. Be careful, it writes in chickenscratch that takes him a few seconds to decipher. Don’t want to ruin that beautiful face of yours. Henry walks around in a daze the rest of the day. He keeps the cup. Or, Alex makes it a habit of writing little notes to Henry on the cups of tea he orders. Henry keeps them all. Words: 7074, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 8 of the tortured poets department (rwrb edition) Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Shaan Srivastava Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - College/University, Writer Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Law Student Alex Claremont-Diaz, Fluff, Humor, Getting Together, Song: I Hate It Here (Taylor Swift) via https://ift.tt/zxSbske
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trashlama · 2 years
Heyyyy-oooo it's me your guys favorite friendly pervy neighborhood consumer! Back with some more fics!
Oh yeah I can totally sense your guys' excitement.
So this idea wasn't mine. I was lurking through the ROTTMNT fandom since recently I was too busy being dragged down the Record of Ragnarok fandom pit. It's like Hetalia all over again.
Anyways— I was lurking and came across one of my favorite creators ( @yanteetle ) that got a request for a fic. And like the idea was too good not to write a one-shot for it.
Like there was already a fic for it out there but, I thought I'd try my hand.
I really enjoyed writing this, I'll probably do another part except with the second idea with young Leo being little brother blocked by Casey Jr. cause Casey knows how Leo is with his future relationship with (y/n).
And maybe another one that has a different take on the first idea. But with a ✨ Age Gap✨. Cause man do I love myself a DILF.
Like brah there is no way you can't tell me future Leo isn't a DILF.
Enjoy the fic!
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Rushing water flooded the ancient channels that you were trudging through. The bottoms of your cargo pants were drenched despite being tucked into the openings of your pleather boots. Frigid rosey digits clung to the insides of the pockets to your cobalt colored coat. A shiver shot down your spine. Not from the chill of the down pour above you but rather, the ghost that didn't seem to want to leave you alone. Even now you were quite sure. Somewhere amongst the ruins of New York's sewer system, he was lurking. Never too far behind but, still too close for comfort.
You've been here for two years and five months in a few days according to the calendar that hung in your shared quarters. However you weren't planning on staying for the anniversary.
A brown satchel that hung from your shoulders carried all that you had for the perceived future until you could wrangle up some more scraps of rations from orphaned establishments on the road.
You weren't going back to the base. You refuse.
Onwards you marched. According to the directions Casey had given you it was just a little further until you reached a small opening that you would need to crawl through to get to the connecting manhole that would lead you straight out of the safe haven of the sewers and into the fry-pan of NYC city boundries. The teen even went as far as described an outpost just a couple miles Northwest towards New Jersey. Having scrambliled together a poorly drawn map of the terrain to gift you on your journey.
You and Casey both knew of the dangers there were trying to escape this place. Mutant or not. Though it didn't mean it was going to stop them from at least trying to free you from your gilded cage.
You had thanked the boy who had felt like a kid brother during your encampment at the base. Both shedding a tear for one another as you departed ways. Wishing the other luck as the world slowly continues to crumble around them. Unsure of the others fate.
The flashback helped to revitalize your will, spurring the need to flee as your pace began to pick up. Heart beat and foot falls mirroring another.
You didn't know how much longer you had before he caught up with you....
Speaking of the Devil.
A random splash not too far off sent you rocketing forward. Feet pounded through the stream of water lapping at your ankles. Unrelenting like the hunter that was behind you.
You didn't even want to look back. You feared if you did your knees would buckle at the very sight of his domineering form lunging for you.
Tokyo Drifting the corner, you spun to the left, a skirt of water splashing your legs once again, in further indirect efforts of creating a swimming pool in your boots.
He was fucking with you. You could tell.
If Leo was really being serious he would've captured you in his hold the moment he originally found you. Most likely had woken up due to the lack of your warm presence next to him in the cot you shared.
If you knew the red eared slider, which you felt at this point you did.
You knew he had been on your tail since the minute you left. Stepping foot outside the main body of the base.
"(Y/n)....? Honey...." Leo groaned half awake. It was the middle of the night and his body had suddenly woken him from the bliss of his dreams.
Tired olive hands searched the sheets for your figure...only to find the lack of it.
Dark eyes flew open.
You. Weren't. Here.
Out of the bed he sprung, eyes stabbed through the dark. Only to find the lack of you and your belongings that had been here when the two of you had gone to bed.
His mind flew into chaos at the realization however, unlike his adolescent self he was able to control his panic. He calmed his ragging breath remembering his father's sage advice to not let his feelings get the better of him. That it was unbecoming for a ninja and a leader.
Honestly Leo should've seen it coming.
He wasn't any genuis-boy Donnie by any means but, didn't mean Leo was a fool.
He had saw the signs for a while now.
Eagerly you'd volunteer for any job if it meant being at odd schedules with him. It didn't matter if it was patrol or scavenging, if it got you away from him, even for a little while, you did it.
When approached about it, you simply claimed that you wanted to be useful for The Resistance. Reassuring Leo that your desire for work came from your feelings of being needed rather than the lumbering turtle's overbearing presence being the cause behind your disappearing acts.
Leo being ever so observant would notice how your close comrades and Casey Jr. would also actively participate in these same runs with you.
Tigers gnawed at his stomach lining and baboons pounded in his chest when he thought about what they could be discussing. What they could be doing.
In the beginning you and Leo had been soooo close.
Since teenagers. He had known you even before you knew him.
He had saved you.
He was seventeen and feeling free. The Krrang hadn't attacked yet, he still had his arm, and Ralph wasn't dead.
You had been just another girl he came upon on a nightly patrol.
Beforehand he and Raph had gotten into another disagreement. Something stupid about him not being a team player and not listening to his comrades.
Whatever. Leo didn't care.
Leo was his own one-man show— he liked to believe. Although when the going got tough, he knew he had his brothers to fall back on. They relied on one another even if they didn't like to admit it all the time. They were children after all.
Squeaky sneakers and labored breaths filled the illuminated basketball court. Within the fenced primiters was a single girl shooting hoops. And not too badly for the self-proclaimed professional's standards if he did say so himself.
She kept herself grounded but, still agile. Launching the basketball from all the points lines, even the ones that have long since been faded by eroding weather and age. (h/l) (h/c) hair pulled back into a high poney tail that whipped around with her movements.
She was like a basketball ballerina dancing a Lebron James Swan Lake. It was ethereal.
Time passed like rain droplets down car windows. Before he knew it the similarly aged female was packing up getting ready to go. Obvious signs being the (2f/c)towel around her neck and the (f/c) sports jacket she threw on over her fitted tank top.
Alas Leo didn't have the right mojo to go pursue her. Nor the right disguise.
For the next few weeks(at least how long he felt it had been emotionally. He wasn't keeping track.) Leo would return to that same basketball court, eager to see the basketball ballerina again.
Sometimes she was there, sometimes not. When she was it typically was late, at least for human standards. And always alone. Leo felt for her but, didn't particularly mind since that meant there was no one to disturb the skilled performance.
The (y/c) haired girl would show up. Shoot some hoops for a while before walking away into the night.
Her (e/c) eyes always looked absent when she shot her baskets. Emotions didn't voice themselves on her neutral complexion. The only real thing that was direct about her was that she was focused with the task at hand. Which was shooting hoops.
Leo wasn't a hundred percent sure what led her to the rundown court almost every night but, he was grateful for the occurrence.
Until one night he wasn't.
Like the last few nights, the red eared slider teen came to the court to spectate his favorite four pointer dancer. Only to find a lack of her usual performance. Instead sat the empty eroding court.
It was two in the morning and his brothers would start wondering where he is soon.(Not that they weren't already curious where their blue bandana brother was going.) A light sprinkle had started to pick up overhead that pushed the olive turtle to call it night.
Standing up from the ledge the turtle was about to leap from his position but, only froze upon hearing laughter. Down below underneath the iridescent fluorescent lamps was you.
The obvious lack of your usual athletic attire suggested you weren't here to play basketball. Instead of a tank top with a pair of shorts; dark jeans hugged your hips complimented by a (2f/c) Lou Jitsu t-shirt and (f/c) sport jacket.
With said jacket you shielded yourself from the drizzle. The lighting made you look like you were glowing, the uncharacteristic smile on your face added to the image.
What broke the breath-taking view was by whom he assumed were your friends. The two of them ran after you into the court with their own grins plastered on their complexions.
The scene of the trio caused the red eared slider's stomach to bumble with jealousy. He wanted to be down there with you. The sound of your guys' conjoined laughter would make together would simply be the best. Leo didn't have a doubt about it.
If only.
For the next two hours the three humans ran through the city streets. Asphalt turned into water slides as they slid and skid. None of them aware of the mutant turtle following them from the rooftops.
By four, the other two humans who he learned names were Jonathan and Melissa(I know so unique) departed for the night.
(Y/n), as he overheard from your comrades, left to go your own way home.
Leo knew he shouldn't continue being out this late by himself. Especially without telling his brothers where. But, Leo couldn't pass up the chance to see where you lived.
By the time you got back to your apartment complex it was pushing five in the morning. Leo could make out from his spot hidden in the fire escape that you were an only child.
Apparent by the lack of anything in the unit. The only things that pointed towards any form of life were the pictures that hung on the plain beige walls.
Inside the cramped dingy apartment you procured yourself some top ramen before sitting on the old futon in the main room to watch some TV. Switching to a channel that played older movies.
Zapped onto the screen was an old Lou Jitsu film. The sight of the movie excited the red eared slider, hopeful thoughts of having similar interests made the monkey in his rib cage pound harder.
Before Leo knew it you were passed out with the remote in hand with the sun peeking out over the Manhattan bay.
Giving one last look towards you before retreating back into the sewers.
The following weeks passed by and Leo grew to like you more. Even if it's from a distance. Always excited when you appear whether it's on the court or in his dreams.
His heart was always so elated when he watched you perform. And the one time he's late of course some dumb delinquents want to mess up his usual date.
Upon arrival he could tell something was wrong right away. Your (f/c) bag sat on alone on the bench left halfway unzipped and abandoned. The ball you brought with you every time you came to the court was flattened and punctured.
Something was very wrong.
"Back off Creeps!"
It was your voice.
Leo not giving a moment's thought to the possibility of being seen by the public eye. Leapt from his perch down to the court.
Hidden off in the alleyway was you and a pair of petty thieves. One a mutant rooster the other just a normal ass-hat both dressed in stereotypical black attire.
"Shadap! If you'd just given us yer stupid wallet and phone from the start then we would've been gone already!" The rooster barked. His beak set in a displeased frown that matched his human accomplice's equally displeased sner.
Both were armed.
The human with a baseball bat, and the rooster with a small pocket knife.
Observing the scene, Leo quickly determined this would be a rather easy take down as long as he did it right.
"Stop the stallin' and give us yer cash!"
The rooster's feathers acting like fingers reached out for you. Instantly the rooster's right wing received a sudden shave.
"WTF!?" The avian mutant screeched using his left wing to clutch his clipped one to his chest.
Quick to defend from the unforeseen attack the human whipped around to swing his bat; .... only to find an empty space.
"What in the name of..."
"Aaghkk!" Straight in the face you had punched the rooster.
Leo swore his chest grew warmer at the action.
While Leo was temporarily distracted by your fists of fury, the ass-hat had swung at the olive-green turtle. Quickly the red eared slider dodged the attack to only return with his own. Easily slicing the bat into small unusable chunks.
Whilst Leo dealt with the ass-hat you fought the retaliating mutant chicken.
It was a somewhat fair fight considering the difference in DNA and physical capabilities.
You would've won too, had you not underestimated how strong a mutant chicken's punches were.
Next thing you knew you were K.O.ed. Your (H/c) head in a tizzy from bouncing your brain around in your cranium.
The blue bandana wearing turtle was not pleased by this.
The rooster gulped at the obvious displeasure emanating off the red eared slider. Not even having a chance to escape Leo swiftly knocked the chicken out before tying him up with his accomplice.
"Oh (Y/n).... I'm sorry I was late for the performance.." Leo apologized under his tired breath. Adoration gleamed in dark pools as he stared down at the object that plauged his dreams for last month.
Even with three digits per hand the sturdy turtle held you against his plastron securely as he returned you to your apartment.
The cold air whipped around the two of you as he sprinted across rooftops of Manhattan.
He was the happiest turtle alive having you in his arms. He never wanted to let you go.
But he did.
And how Leo missed you so dearly for the years that followed.
Not until he was pushing forty did he find you again.
New recruits weren't too much of an uncommon occurrence. However as leader it was his job to familiarize himself with his team to the best of his ability.
And when it came time to welcome in the greenhorns, there you were.
Despite the years that have added on your complexion you were still that beautiful basketball ballerina he found all those years ago.
His heart swelled.
Leo did his best to protect you better this time.
Even if, it meant keeping you here with him against your wishes.
Very quickly it was known amongst The Resistance how much you meant to the Commander.
Within six months he had you transferred under his supervision despite your skills aligning with General April's or even General Donnie's precincts.
It didn't matter.
Leo wanted you. And that was that.
There was no room to argue when it came to the leader's order.
Within the year, you were sharing quarters with the adult red eared slider and in the following months, his cot.
The few freedoms you found away from Leo were doing patrols or hanging with deceased General Cassandra's son.
Even then the interactions were limited.
It's hard to say no when the world around you is dying and you have no other choice in survival.
Which brings us back to the current present.
Racing like a bat out of hell you fleed your pursuer who was hot on your trail.
The basketball bunny runing from the hunter with a shell.
Oh God please! Please let me make this!
It was right in front of you.
Approximately two turns up ahead laid a small tunnel. It was a tight squeeze even for your stature but, if you could crawl far enough into there before Leo reached you. You'd make it.
You threw yourself into the stone wall. The rough texture scraped your palms but you didn't care. You kept running.
"(Y/n) please come back!" Leo hollered.
His voice was not far behind. He had to be literally on your tail.
This would be a miracle if you made this.
"(Y/n) wait! You can't leave!" Anger could be heard in his deep voice. The same tone he used when displeased with your behavior when socializing amongst your fellow comrades.
There it was!
Right there!
Not even thinking about it—
You dove for the small tunnel. Knees instantly bowed to the floor as you began crawling into the opening. The hole was disgusting but, you didn't mind that as you shuffled your body forwards.
" NO! " Leo growled.
A yelp escaped your throat. Clawing hands clasping around your ankle before attempting pull you back. Despite scraping at the edges of the rusted entrance. All it took was a single tug from the adult red eared slider to dragged you out of the small hideaway. Sadness and anger quick to take over his desperate senses.
"Why!? Why did you try to leave me!?" The mutant demanded.
You didn't know what to do. You were frozen. He caught you. You didn't plan for this. You hadn't really thought—
You really had hoped—
"(Y/n)! Answer me!"
"Is everything I do for you and your kind not enough? Why can't I have you?" Leo cried.
His aged but charming features stared you down with so much hurt. He loves you so much. Too much. So why would you go?
"I've always been there for you (Y/n)... my basketball ballerina...don't I...deserve you?" Leo reasoned. His voice displayed the hurt he felt as he reasoned with you.
Well more like manipulated.
"I love you so much.... I just can't lose you again."
Muscular arms pressed you against his plastron. Underneath it you could hear the bird fluttering in his ribs.
Your mind was running a mile a minute, terrified, flustered, unsure what comes next.
" I love you (y/n)...". Was the last thing your brain registered before feeling a pinch to the bundle of nerves in your neck. Falling limp like a ragdoll in the Commander's arms.
Releasing a sigh the tired adult red eared slider held you in the one-sided embrace for just a little longer. Relishing in the warmth from your body that wasn't accompanied by the small trembles from you.
The hug didn't last long before the mutant readjusted his hold on you so that you laid in his arms. Leo didn't mind doing this every once in awhile when the anniversary of your arrival came up. As long as you don't do it again for another year.
He would have to disperse that support group of yours....
Once back in the safe confinements of Resistance HQ; Leo made a B-line to your guys shared room. There he stripped you of your drenched coat and boots before tucking you back into the shared bed. In your spot next to him.
The blue bandana wearing turtle let out a tired yawn as he closed the door before crawling inside the sheets to lay besides you.
Leo was aware he was being selfish but, he just couldn't live without you. Not again. And certainly not in this cruel world that just wants to take away everything he holds dear.
Dark pools stared down at your resting face. His prosthetic hand lovingly caressed the soft skin of your face. Soothing both you and himself in the process.
Slipping away into the land of rest. Even while dreaming the Resistance Commander held on dearly to you.
Not allowing you the same chance to escape his embrace twice.
¶¶ Creator's Notes¶¶
Thank you for reading!
If you liked this part please enjoy part 2!
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filmmakerdreamst · 1 year
“Life with Derek” is Back Again!
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Life with Luca is a hour and a half spin-off movie based on the 2000’s Canadian Sitcom Life with Derek, set eighteen years after its predecessor. The story follows two step-siblings, Casey McDonald (Ashley Leggat), now a court lawyer and mother of three. And Derek Venturi (Michael Seater), now a successful musician in Paris and a single dad. As history repeats itself, they both have rebellious fourteen year old teenagers, pushing their buttons. So in order to get a break, they both have the idea of dropping them off with their grandparents for their anniversary, and to their surprise, they end up meeting each other instead. With help, they figure out how to co-parent their kids together for a weekend, and hijinks naturally ensue.
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The original show Life with Derek was all about a blended family. In which two teenage step-siblings, Casey and Derek (the eldest children in the household and equally self absorbed), clash; fighting each other to take control of the house, their younger siblings, their school and their world.
The episodes consisted of simple, domestic family antics, containing smart jokes that would make adults and children alike laugh. The storylines were mature enough for teenagers to be interested but not so mature that it would put children off from watching.
Life with Derek was a show that prided itself in being character driven and more realistic than some of the family shows that was airing around that time, especially on networks such as Disney Channel.
However, it became well known and successful to this day for the slow burning subtextual “love affair” between the two step-siblings, Casey and Derek which undoubtedly acted as the backbone of the series. And the reason why it got picked up for a reboot fifteen years after the final episode aired.
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When I first read the premise of Life with Luca (when the announcement came out that they were going to make a Life with Derek reboot in 2020), I was immediately judgemental as often reboots can erase character growth. It just seemed like another manufactured money making remake (a copy for the next generation) rather than an actual continuation of the original show.
And while the movie does have alot of tropes repeated from the original i.e. Casey and Derek’s kids Skyler and Luca clash from the beginning, two families not really knowing each other previously merging for the first time etc. The writers had the ability to make these tropes most importantly character driven and natural so the audience didn’t notice the similarities so much. And when they did, it’s treated as a familiar nod rather than a direct copy.
Luca and Skyler
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Part of the fun of the original was the ongoing romantic tension between Casey and Derek, and I was worried we were going to have a repeat of that with their kids, Luca and Skyler but thankfully the casting and writing department was alot more thorough. And while they do clash at the beginning, its presented more of a culture clash because of how they were raised, and it evolved into a familial relationship quite quickly. I loved watching their bonding moments.
They managed to keep the core message from the original ‘of family and building a family even when you hate your situation at the beginning’. I felt they did a good job of mirroring that message with Luca and Skyler.
Out of the two, I felt like Skyler was the more fleshed out. The casting for her was amazing, she looks just like Derek’s daughter. I loved how, even though she was clearly meant to be the ‘Casey character’ — organised and dramatic — she still had her own vibe. She had the carefree attitude and style from Derek’s parenting, but still was able to be responsible as she essentially raised herself.
Luca, (the ‘Derek’ character) the more rebellious counterpart, is suggested to be acting out due to his chaotic home life, rather than that’s just “how he is” unlike Derek who was labelled as the bad guy from the start. He’s still very much Casey’s son as he doesn’t have some of the toxic masculinity that Derek possessed in the original show. And he has a few neurotic tendencies from her style of parenting as well. But I almost feel we didn’t get enough of him.
If and when Life with Luca does get picked up as a TV Series later on, it would be nice to flesh out his character alot more (and hers), because there was clearly alot of conflict that the two of them both had, his dad working overseas and her mum having a bran new family, that can’t really be fleshed out thoroughly in a hour and a half film.
George and Nora
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George and Nora’s plot was by far the most ridiculous (hint, jewel thief car chase), but I loved seeing them on screen again. It was nice to see how their relationship was still going strong after all this time. Along with their cameo, there were some other great ones such as Sam and Mr Lassiter. It was a shame we didn’t get to see the rest of the blended family such as Edwin and Lizzie and Marti, even for a second at the anniversary party at the end. But I understand the screenwriters wanted to save that for a TV Series later on, so they could be fully explored more.
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Simon, the youngest of the McDonald-Venturi’s (that was a storyline for the last two episodes of the original) was by far my favourite addition to the film. This was surprising, since that storyline in Life with Derek wasn’t exactly my favourite around the time of watching because I don’t necessarily agree that the step-family gaining a shared child made them “a proper family”. Thankfully, Life with Luca proved me wrong as he was so lovable. I loved how he was a perfect mix of both of the McDonalds and the Venturi’s, but mostly the Venturi’s as he was so clumsy.
Casey and Derek
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As always, the strongest parts of the movie, were when they were focusing on Casey and Derek, individually and together. I loved how they went with careers that naturally meshed with their personalities. Casey being a married lawyer in Toronto and Derek being a travelling musician in Paris with his daughter as a best friend. Watching Derek be a parent was amazing, especially since he was shown to be really good with kids in the original.
When the two finally meet up again, the audience can see that their friendship has definitely progressed; they have finally learnt to respect one another even though they haven’t spoken one on one for a long time. But they still maintained their comedic banter. It was refreshing to see that character growth. It was nice that it hadn’t backtracked in typical reboot fashion for the sake of drama/entertainment since that relationship was the core of why the original worked.
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Now in the original show, Life with Derek, it was never confirmed that Casey and Derek had romantic feelings for each other, but there was alot of speculation by the fans, because of all the subtext going on throughout the series.
The actors, Michael Seater and Ashley Leggat, put a rest to some of the speculation in 2016 and confirmed in a article by MTV that because ‘the fans were so into Casey and Derek being a couple, [they] would find subtext in their lines to give the fans what they desire’
Life with Derek was primarily about the first four years that they [Casey and Derek] lived together. Their relationship mostly consisted of an antagonistic push and pull/tug of war even though at the end of the day, they were always there for each other when it really counted. Even though Casey and Derek claimed to dislike each other, it was very clear that the two had developed a deep bond over the course of the series.
However, Casey and Derek’s relationship in Life with Luca is interesting in a way that they’re no longer in a “sibling dynamic” in which they were previously forced into. Mostly because they’re no longer teenagers and the fact that they’ve barely interacted or lived together in eighteen years since life both took them in very different directions. Which creates a paradox in itself.
It’s this incredibly grey area throughout the movie where they’re adjusting to each other again, slipping into their old bickering, confiding in each other about parenthood, all while transitioning into a mum and dad dynamic while they’re co-parenting the children they had with other people.
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Before the movie came out, I was positive, because of the criticisms and hype surrounding the show and the pairing, that the writers were going to diminish the potential of a romance between the characters in fear of backlash. For example, have Casey in a happy marriage, Derek dating around and eventually gain a love interest at the end of the film. Also, trying to make their relationship as “Sibling- Esque” as possible.
Even though I knew from the premise of the reboot, that they were going to move in together, and there would be a few romantic undertones scattered in for the fans, I’d thought they’d play it off more as an “aunt and uncle babysitting the kids”.
But the opposite ended up happening. Casey has an absent husband who continuously leaves her and her kids alone while he plays hockey over seas — breaking his promises that he was going to retire before their kids were teenagers. Derek supposedly hasn’t dated anyone in fourteen years nor mentions flirting with other women. He even has a distant relationship with his daughters mum.
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The moment Derek comes, he almost takes ‘the role of her husband’ as he sees Casey isn’t doing so well. He does the cooking for their kids — Casey even mentions that her husband does all the cooking while Derek is preparing dinner — babysits her little ones, attempts to calm Casey down when she’s getting too stressed, helps arrange an anniversary party for their parents so she’s able to get on with her work. And even though, they are referred as “Aunt” and “Uncle” in the movie, it’s also made apparent that they’re essentially “Mum and Dad” to their children as well.
One of Casey’s little ones, Molly even makes a “catch it or you’ll miss it” comment to Derek’s kid in one scene “I wish we were cousins AND sisters.”
Their last scene together at the end of the movie, Casey comes up to Derek saying ‘You’re gonna come home again soon, before the kids go to university?’ in which Derek heavily implies that he wants to move into her guest house to potentially raise their kids together, making a direct parallel to her husband not retiring from hockey and coming home from Europe, even after their kids grew up.
That moment is possibly why I came out from watching the movie thinking ‘If Casey and Derek don’t get together after this; then it’s bad writing’ because their scenes in the reboot didn’t feel like random “fanservice moments” like in the original; it felt like a genuine setup for a romance. Even if it can’t be written explicitly, due to the network, it is the most logical ending for their characters and the movie just made that ending seem even more inevitable.
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Despite my enjoyment of Life with Luca, and overall it being a Great Comeback of a 2000’s Classic — it’s not a movie that can really work on its own. Finishing it left me feeling unsatisfied and wanting more. It felt very much like an introduction than a complete product. Its very apparent they made this movie so it could be picked up as a TV series later on, since there is alot of plot threads that are unexplored, unfinished or left open.
Life with Luca is not a reunion movie. It’s only page one.
“Life with Derek” is Back Again! by Ellie Hersey
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merpiko · 10 months
tva tumblr dashboard simulator (limbo of after s1 but before the big events of s2)
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✳️ childoflizardwizards Follow
Can L1130 stop throwing infinity stones at me while I review his mission report
✳️ childoflizardwizards Follow
I told him I was gonna snitch to Mobius and he stopped
#X-5 was right #he literally deflated the moment I told him how much power does Mobius hold over this guy
239 notes
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🔆 hunter-a-9 Follow
just learned theres a department called repairs & advancements and its run by just one guy?? so thats how my tempad gets fixed
🐍 ouroboros-rna Follow
hello! (-‿◦☀)
🐌 deskslug Follow
wait. ouroboros? did you write the tva official handbook
🐍 ouroboros-rna Follow
yes :D
🐌 deskslug Follow
🐍 ouroboros-rna Follow
sure! just come down to r&a ^_^
4,289 notes
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? deactivated23040130
do you ever think about your l̵̝̦̝̻̹̹̿̌̔̓͒̎̃̇͠ͅi̷̙̿̋̃̕f̸̬̘̙̀ͅe̷̦͍͎̮̎̔͑̐̀̿̾̓̎̋ ̵̢̭̺̹̈ó̵̘̫̣̹͖̜̞̫͍͘ǹ̴̠̩̼̩͔̈́̇̀͒̈́̓̽͝ ̶̛͇̒̅͋͛̉̓̄t̶̡̼͎̟̀͌̿͒̕h̴̛͓̣͍̓̊̈́̈́͑e̶̟̩͑̈ ̸̫̱̥̉̅̓̓̚t̷̗̲̲̞̺̞̣͍̮̐̾͊̀̎̚̚i̷̻͑̉̐̊̆̾̽̽̃̚ḿ̷͉̻̩̝̗̉ḛ̴̡̘̣̖͖̮́l̴̡̞͓̪̹̦͚̟̑̂̉̅̏̍͐í̵̘̪́̽̿̿̈́ͅn̴̯̬̫̭̮͉̝͐̒̂̒̽͆͜͝ȩ̶̤͈̪͓̠̝̮̳̔͘
🃏 probablygambledinapastlife Follow
#fishy #i thought it wasn't possible for weird fonts besides the tva standard ones #it is now! #MISS MINUTES???
391 notes
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📜 judge-gamble Follow
did i just see renslayer open the sims 4 on her tempad
#so much for the rule of not jailbreaking them
30,106 notes
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📌 acoolusername Follow
blonde woman stepped through a time door and is currently making me type this as she holds a dagger to my throat, so does anyone know where mobius and the variant are
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
probably making out
✏️ grammarwarriorattheoffice Follow
They're in the auto-mat.
📌 acoolusername Follow
thanks you guys suck -syl
📞 notastandout Follow
@alligatorwithacrown-inmourning i was across from op and her, she looked hella pissed when she saw your rb
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
they would make a good couple tho
✏️ grammarwarriorattheoffice Follow
Our job is to manage the timeline, not speculate on relationships.
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
do you think her and the variant were exes
📞 notastandout Follow
do you ever shut up
#annoying cubicle neighbors
18,223 notes
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🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
📞 notastandout Follow
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
im pretty sure that the blonde woman was the variant's ex
🚨 casey-prisoner Follow
I'm going to gut you like a fish!
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
🚨 casey-prisoner Follow
The variant taught me that one! And go back to work, Emilia is going to start lashing out on me if you keep posting :)
📞 notastandout Follow
damn right casey
7,458 notes
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🧶 weavingitallup Follow
can someone prune the variant (aka loki (of many), aka L1130, aka mobius's pet) hes going to destroy the tva if he keeps teaching casey these things
#i miss when fish didnt exist yet
5,100 notes
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? XXXXX Follow
Hi y'all, this post has received a warning and will be deleted soon! Please carry on.
??? notes
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💤 snoozingtilltheendoftime Follow
do you think anyone has ever gotten freaky with this
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🏖️ howtoretireatajobyouweremadefor Follow
op what the hell is wrong with you
💤 snoozingtilltheendoftime Follow
i sit at a desk for eons
🍴 thesaladinthecafeteria-isspoiled Follow
miss minutes please do your job and delete this post
4 notes
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🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
Why is there a poll discussing my relationship with the variant?
📞 notastandout Follow
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
keep up the great work people
🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
He took my TemPad, sorry.
🗡️ sylvie Follow
loki we need to talk the next time you come over
📞 notastandout Follow
wait weren't you the girl that almost killed my coworker
🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
i can come over now is it an emergency
🗡️ sylvie Follow
not for me but for you
🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
im not coming over
📌 acoolusername Follow
🗡️ sylvie Follow
2,023 notes
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the-peak-tmnt · 9 months
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Hey everyone, just wanted to hop on here real quick and say that I’m sorry for the delay on the next chapter of Reciprocity.
I am the head of two departments at [redacted major tourist attraction], and the weeks leading up to and immediately following Christmas are our busiest time of the year. We work all summer just to prepare for this stretch of insanity. We just had 3 record breaking attendance days in a row and I am running on coffee, the little candy dish on my desk, and thoughts of turtles.
I usually work on this the fic in between emails and other office work, but I’ve barely even been in my office. My watch says I walked 8 miles at work yesterday lol.
We’re almost over the hump and hopefully I’ll get a day off next week, which I will spend writing (while laying in bed all day lol). I know everyone is anxious to know what's going on with Leo, and for more Raph & Casey friendship content, and I'm sorry to leave you hanging!
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 10 months
When life has other plans (2/16)
Deal with the devil
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Casey Valentine.
Word count: 2575
Category: Smut
Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: sexual content, language
Summary: The competition continues and Casey keeps Ethan’s secret. Casey takes over the top spot and earns a trip to Miami but all is not as it seems.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Authors note: How I love writing Miami and how I love adding into an AU where things can be different. Enjoy another smutty Miami fic.
The competition was still running and Casey was on the improve. So much so that she found herself with some more difficult cases and just as difficult patients. She wanted to confront Ethan about one but she had not spoken to him outside of assisting him secretly with Naveen and if Casey was being honest, she felt that a showdown would be more to do with the kiss they had shared and she did not want that to be hospital gossip. So she persisted, copped the patient's criticisms. She was exhausted that even Kyra, her patient now friend, had become concerned. She was taken to a local ice cream parlour. She had the death by chocolate and it was delicious. Casey appreciated the break. Kyra then stated there must be twelve things wrong with you if you turn down ice cream. That switched a lightbulb and Casey’s brain. There was multiple things wrong with the patient. He was not happy as he was told he would be having surgery then to Casey’s surprise the patient got a dressing down from Ethan. When he was gone Ethan came upto her.
“Congratulations on solving the case, there is plenty to learn from all patients, not just the pleasant and easy ones. That is why I assigned him to you.”
Ethan did not want to tell her because he had been accused by Harper, no less that he was showing favouritism towards Casey. He did not appreciate the insinuation and there was no telling her otherwise. Casey thanked Ethan for the feedback and continued on with her day.
The Medical Symposium was fast approaching. With how bad Naveen was, he was reluctant to go but he was frustrated with the lack of progress from dealing with the research and development department of Panacea. They had been doing some research into treatments for Sepsis and he wanted more than anything for more information so he could try the treatments on Naveen. He had no response and this now meant drastic measures, and that was to deal with an individual he would rather not deal with in Declan Nash but now it appeared that his hand was to be forced. Casey was certainly the most improved intern but her well earnt rise to top position thankfully coincided with the Symposium. He needed Casey there, he knew that taking her would raise several eye brows, some of the lower ranked interns had speculated if she is getting special treatment among other things, they were wrong of course, it was senior resident and other attending feedback that influenced the rankings, he only collated the data and posted the final results. Ranking release day came, and all the interns were abuzz with the news that Aurora Emery was not in top spot. He announced at morning announcements that he would be taking her to the symposium. Harper was stunned, he stated that it would be a good opportunity for Casey to get valuable insight to the industry. Harper did agree but she was skeptical. She had seen Dr Valentine and Dr Ramsey together often in conversation. She had seen an arm squeeze which looked more than congratulatory but Ethan had said to her that he was not playing favourites and she chose to believe him.
Meanwhile, Landry was fuming. He presumed that Aurora was on top spot as there would be people wanting to be on Harper’s good side but he could not believe Casey was on top. Sure she had a good solve rate but to him, the cases seemed lackluster. He had also seen Dr Ramsey conversing with Casey numerous times, especially late at night. He was convinced that her being top of the rankings was because she was sleeping with him. He knew that some of the lowly ranked interns suspected something was afoot but rumour was clearly not enough, he needed to sabotage her but how to do so and to get away with it, well that was going to provide extra planning.
The next day came and Casey made her way to Logan Airport. She just made it in time. They board, and settle down into first class. It was a pleasant flight, they mainly discuss Casey’s career ambitions. They arrive at the hotel and Casey is sent to check them in. Needless to say Casey was mortified that they were to be sharing a room, with it being a conference she knew there was no chance that it would be able to be changed. Casey advises Ethan and he is annoyed. They make their way up to the room, discussing who will be taking the couch.
They make their way down to the floor and Casey is blown away by all the innovation at first then realized that it will be swallowed up by the profit driven agenda of the very broken system that they work within. They wander the floor then they find themselves at the Panacea booth. Casey could sense Ethan’s apprehension and annoyance.
“That is Declan Nash.” He said “Panacea have been doing research into sepsis treatments and he had contacted the research department but was getting nowhere but I do not want to deal with Declan. He has had it out for me since I punched him at another conference.”
Casey is stunned.
“Am I truly on top this week Ethan or did you doctor the rankings so I was on top?”
Ethan was annoyed at the insinuation but could see how it looked.
“You being on top is genuine, even if you were not you certainly have been the most improved so I would have found a way to bring you regardless,” stated Ethan, “ This research could really help Naveen, I need to know more.”
“Ok,” says Casey as she places a hand on his arm. “I will try to get the information, for Naveen’s sake.”
Ethan nodded. Casey made her way to where Declan was gloating and waited to make her self known. He started talking about the research into immune responses. Casey segued her way into the spiel, by lying about her position and wanting to know what the laboratory that she worked for needed to be kept abreast of. Declan however, saw through her ruse, yes there has been an interest in some of our research by a doctor of some repute, Hello Ethan, since when do you let your latest follower do your dirty work?”
Ethan was furious, this was his only hope to get the information and it was being held hostage by this man’s ego. He wanted to punch him again but left, Casey followed, apologizing for not being able to get the information.
“It is not your fault rookie, he has been humiliated by me before and holds a grudge. There is not much I can do except drown my sorrows at the conference gala.” They arrived back at the room to get ready. Ethan went to shower while Casey got changed. She was thankful that she had brought this gown. It was midnight blue, strapless and hugged all the right curves. Perfect for a gala. Casey was admiring herself in the mirror when Ethan came out of the shower.
All the thoughts of impropriety went through his head, how he did not act right then and there he does not know.
“You look… hmm… appropriate.” Said Ethan, struggling to find words that described how Casey looked but would not show how lustful his thoughts were.
Casey chuckled. “You should have been a poet, Dr Ramsey.”
Ethan blushes and gets ready in the dressing room.
They head down together, Casey wishing that he did not look so god damn handsome and absolutely fuckable in a tuxedo. They separate after the first glass of champagne. They both wander and Casey finds herself at the poker tables. Declan Nash is there. Casey decides then and there to make a play for the information. She joins the game. Declan is surprised she is playing, he makes a quip about not being able to afford it. Casey ignores him and they play. Casey wins the first hand. This gives her some confidence so she starts to lay down some terms to get the information that she was unable to get earlier.
“And what if I win?” Asked Declan, eyeing the curves of her dress. “You are an intern, what possible thing could you have to offer, although, I am sure you would be willing to do whatever it takes…”
Just then Ethan walks by. He is pleased to see Casey using her initiative but then he hears the intention laced way he was speaking. His blood began to boil. He knew that Casey was a grown woman and was more than able to make her own decisions about her body, he certainly did not own her but the thought of Declan Nash wanting to touch her in that way was infuriating to put mildly. He wanted to punch him again but managed to contain that urge. In that moment he knew that drastic times called for drastic measures.
“How about I give you what you always wanted, using the team as a vehicle to identify people for drug trials.” Said Ethan.
Declan was very interested all of a sudden. He had been trying for ages to get into Edenbrook but had been blocked many times, mainly by Naveen and Ethan.
“You are on, Dr Ramsey.”
Ethan sits where Casey is. The game is close and finally it was time to reveal his cards. Casey could see that Ethan was torn for a split second before he said that he folds. Declan looked so smug because he won. Declan came over to thank him for the game and gave him the information he so desperately wanted. Ethan was astounded at how easily he gave it then Declan said, “Consider it a sign of good faith going forward.” As he walked away.
“Thanks for the save Ethan but why do the deal with Panacea, I know how hard you have worked to keep them out.”
“If there is a way to keep them out there will be one.” Said Ethan as he stands up to go to the bar. Casey comes with him. They both get a drink. Ethan takes a sip, and looks at Casey and how stunning she looks. “In all honesty, the thought of him with you was infuriating. I know you are capable of making your own decisions, as am I.”
He leans in and kisses her hungrily.
“Ethan” says Casey breathlessly before returning the kiss. They decide to then go to their room. Once they are in the lift he kissed her again, running her hands along her curves. “Fuck you are gorgeous” he whispers in her ear as he kisses down her neck. They make their way to the hotel room. They enter and he guides Casey to the door. He kisses her again and hoists her around her waist. He runs his hands up her thighs to her centre and she is drenched. Casey moans as she undoes his belt and let’s his penis free. Ethan is impatient and he enters her.
“Fuck Ethan” moans Casey as he sets an arduous pace from the get to.
“You’re so fucking tight” says Ethan. He goes harder and Casey moans. It does not take him long to get close but Casey is close also. He hungrily kisses her again and thrusts in hard. He comes hard and it triggers Casey’s climax. He gently eases Casey down and they make their way to the bed. He unzips her dress and she disrobes him fully.
“Gosh you are beautiful” he says huskily, “let me enjoy all of you.” He kisses her again. Casey lays down on the bed and Ethan lays down on top of her. He kisses her gently on the mouth then he kissed her neck and starts to massage her left breast. He can feel how fast her heart is beating. He squeezes her breast before starting to kiss her breasts. He continued down her body to her glistening centre. He runs his tongue around her clit, causing Casey to shudder and moan. He teases her clit before running his tongue through her folds and entering her, causing Casey to arch her hips up off the bed. Ethan can not believe how sweet she tastes. He then goes back to pay attention to her clit. He grasps her waist, holding her to the mattress and his tongue enters her again. Casey wants to arch again but she can not and it arouses her more. She feels close again and Ethan knows it to. He goes harder and Casey again comes, he laps her up as she comes down from her high. He comes up and kisses her, she can taste herself on him and it is intoxicating. She rolls Ethan over so that she is on top. She runs her centre along his throbbing length. He hisses in anticipation. Casey then slowly eases her way down. When Ethan is fully sheathed in her once again she starts to rock her hips. Ethan groans and Casey speeds up. He hits the spot with even more vigour from when he had her against the door. He starts to massage both her breasts, gently pinching the nipples, causing Casey to moan. They go faster and faster and Casey is close, she clenches him, harder and harder until at last she succumbs to her climax screaming. Ethan grunts as he empties himself inside her. She eases herself off and lays down in his arms.
“WOW….just wow” says Casey.
“Indeed,” said Ethan, “definitely a good way of celebrating of getting the information to treat Naveen.”
Casey nods. “It will be great if the treatment works but is a celebration all this is?”
“No, I never could use you for a one night stand but a relationship will have its own complications.”
“I know but if I drop out of the competition now, it will only fuel the rumours, some of the lower ranked participants already think I am sleeping with you.”
“Well the mill would be now correct but it will not affect the rankings.”
“So what do we do?”
“I do not want to treat you like a dirty little secret, but being open and your standing…”
“How about an arrangement? Not a relationship in a strict sense but you are not having to keep it secret.”
“It would take pressure off and I see you outside of work enough already.”
“Precisely, so an arrangement then?” Asks Casey.
Ethan kisses her deeply. “Shall we partake in the arrangement?” He asks before kissing her again.
“Most definitely” whispers Casey before being kissed again.
They enjoy the rest of the conference. Hopeful of an improvement and maybe a breakthrough with Naveen and more importantly a clear sense of where they stood with each other.
Meanwhile, in the halls of Edenbrook, Landry was looking at the pager system. He found Casey’s and noted that she had hers currently switched off but was due to be switched back on automatically at 6.00am on the Monday, two hours before her shift started. Landry turned the auto switch off, leaving Casey off in the system.
“Let’s see you keep top spot with no one able to page you” he said under his breath with a slight chuckle. He then continued with his rounds
Authors note: some of my changes also involve Landry and the locker scene where he is confronted. He always felt that Casey benefitted from some type of favouritism however I do not put it past him to have assumed that MC was sleeping with Ethan.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @cariantha @tessa-liam @zealouscanonindeer @alj4890 @trappedinfanfiction @youlookappropriate @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @socalwriterbee @binny1985 @schnitzelbutterfingers
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
If there is anyone I missed or you wish to be added please let me know, this goes for removal also
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one-annon · 2 months
Can you write a Stu/Sidney story? The actors that played them dated for 3 years in real life.
oohh!!! i actually didnt know that!! as a guy who loves behind the scenes stuff that's so cool! did you know that black christmas (1974) inspired scream and halloween?
I've never heard of stu/sydney but I think it's quite interesting..thank you for your request!
I imagine this is placed before stu and casey dated...maybe an au where billy hasn't joined the gang yet? I imagine stu is a better student overall before billy - he's able to keep his violent thoughts to himself! sydney keeps him well behaved dw
I know this one is a little all over the place..I had an idea and lost it
Stu/Sydney drabble
stuart was a rather well put together student. he may have been loud and obnoxious but that's just because he's a theater kid. he's always been taught to "project his voice".
he was still shy though. he had a very tight circle of friends. three girls and one other boy. casey, tatum, randy, and sidney. beautiful sydney. sidney who helped him with his math homework. sidney who patiently listened to his horror movie rambles.
he was really lucky to be dating a girl like her. tatum always said he could get any girl he wanted just from his money alone. and she was right. he's had a few girls ask him out. he's always politely declined..aka he pulled sidney right to his side and said "sorry, ive got a super cool girlfriend!"
he meant it too. stu was utterly in love with the brunette. usually he preferred blondes but..god, he couldn't help himself. she kept him under control. calm. she kept his..meaner thoughts at bay. she helped him feel normal.
of course he still couldn't get the thoughts of gutting someone out of his head. that's why everytime he felt the need to totally ruin someone's life via head bashing he would invite his partner over for a movie night.
which is how they ended up cuddling on stus couch. sidney had herself sprawled out over stus long body, one leg hanging off of the couch. the taller had his arms wrapped around sidneys waist, holding her as close as he could. he always enjoyed their cuddling sessions. her long hair gave him something to play with.
currently the duo was watching hellraiser - one of stus favorite movies. he was trying to get his mind clear and sid was trying to mentally clear her mind for the copious amounts of studying she's gotta do for her math exam when she's home. unfortunately, stu being the clingy bastard he is, is most likely going to keep her deep into the late night hours. he always tried to keep her over as long as he could. tried his best to spend as much time as he could with her.
sidney was grateful for how hard stuart tried for her. he brought her flowers, chocolates, matching socks..he was a goofy guy. she had always hoped for someone a little goofy to balance out her serious nature. someone she could be a little weird with.
sure, stuey got plenty of heart eye looks and sidney got a few glares from girls but it was just a good bragging factor. how many people can say they dated the stuart macher (aka the richest kid in the neighborhood) junior year of highschool? not many.
sidney was spoiled rotten by her boy. whether it be a cute gift, a kiss or three, parallel play (stu LOVED watching a movie while she studied), acts of service, or just simply spending quality time with her like this. they would try their best to meet up for movie nights every week or so.
this week though, they've been too busy with their own things to have a movie night. stus been handling rehearsals, helping with costumes, and balancing signing up for jobs. his parents wouldn't handle his money forever. plus he was bored just sitting around! he needed shit to do! sid on the other hand, had been studying for various exams, not to mention helping stu and the rest of the theater department with makeup.
they were a great duo with theater. makeup and costumes. not to mention them both being actors. usually sid would take the smaller roles but occasionally she got a larger character to play.
they always would talk about the costumes and makeup in horror movies. how "those pins must've taken hours to get in" or "that costumes looks like it would be in the bdsm section of spencers". whatever it was they were watching they always had something to say. especially stu.
there wasn't a movie they didn't watch where that boy didn't say some sort of fact about it. "did you know gunner hansen had only dyed shirt for leatherface the entire time they filmed?" was a very popular one. they've watched that stupid movie so many times that sidney has personal beef with the victims.
she always comments about how stupid all of the victims in any horror movie are and stu replies with the same line. "it's a horror movie! what fun would it be without stupid people?"
even if they banter back and forth about it, they always end with a laugh and a kiss. there was truly no reason to fight over something so idiotic.
just like any night, stu would fall asleep on the couch under the weight of his princess. she was just perfect to be his personal weighted blanket and he loved it. usually stu would have trouble sleeping but his nights with sidney were always full of restful sleeping.
thankfully he needed the rest tonight. they both did. stu was a perfect pillow for sidney. he may not have womanly chest pillows (as he called them) but he did have some gut in his stomach. just the right amount for a comfortable sleep.
would they wake up to their alarm tomorrow morning? no, probably not. but that's okay. sidneys internal alarm will wake them up. well..her up. stu would wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs.
he was always a breakfast kinda guy. usually he had a sandwich for lunch and some extravagant meal for dinner but he didn't have to worry about that now. sidney would make him breakfast. it's not like they would get in trouble, his parents were out and sidneys dad trusted him. they were happy, a good couple. man I really hope a guy who probably hasn't showered in 3 years with a middle part and mommy issues doesn't come along to ruin it all. that sure would be quite a shame. would make a great movie though.
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misteria247 · 2 years
Pet peeves for tmnt?
Any vers
One pet peeve of mine about the tmnt franchise is a lot of the time Leo is the one who gets the hell beaten out of him. Like don't get me wrong, I love Leonardo angst and seeing him struggle to grow as both a leader and a person, it's one of my favorite things not only to watch but also to write about but at the same time like.........
We've got several other characters who can go through some traumatic angsty situations too. Like bro give me some Casey, April, Raph, Donnie and Mikey angst. Hell give me Splinter angst! Give me a bit more variety in the angst department and let them get beaten up, let them struggle a bit and grow as a person from it!
Like I know they all have moments of angst but compared to Leo they literally get a slap on the wrist in the angst department.
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
Oh gods not me waking up at 3AM and not being able to go back to sleep cuz my brain keeps thinking about the aftermath of Turtles Forever…
Cuz, y’all… the 03 fam had another home Destroyed. And it’s likely a very bitter thing cuz they never really got a chance to settle? What, with being kidnapped by the Ninja Tribunal and being gone for months, then being zapped to the future and being gone for a Year, then finally making their way back and upgrading it all in a frenzy to spend Months searching for pieces of Splinter and probably not having even a year after the Wedding before the 87 turtles showed up…
How far did that Unmaking get? It probably started in New York and Kept Going even after the turtles teleportaled to the 87 verse. The turtles are probably gonna have to answer a LOT of questions after this, lol
Ugh, uhh, here, a snippet from my brain of a fic I may or may not write:
The messages and calls come in almost as soon as they return to their universe.
There’s the obvious relief and congratulations from April and Casey. A lighthearted text from Angel that reads “what did u guys DO this time???” followed by a string of emojis that Don doesn’t have the brainpower to translate. Mikey’s Justice Force communicator goes off, and he gives a very confusing account of the past few hours and promises to visit soon to spill more details cuz - no - he hasn’t forgotten his next shift as the Turtle Titan is fast approaching (he’d Never forget that even in the midst of a multi-universal apocalypse).
At some point, Karai has a conversation off to the side with Leo and Master Splinter. She bows deep, regrets on regrets weighing her shoulders down and a firm promise that she will aid them by any means necessary to make up for her “error in judgement.” A nice sentiment, for sure. It leaves a sour taste on Donnie’s tongue as he watches this exchange while half-listening to the Professor’s ramble over his shell cell once he’s given a cursory explanation of events. He hangs up not long after, not their friend’s fault, just the fault of this whole situation. The headache that had been simmering since the start of this mess has bloomed into a migraine.
The last call they get is from Leatherhead, confused and concerned. Their crocodilian friend experienced the… Unmaking… alone and had rushed to their lair only to find it trashed and - oh Gods - that’s another big BIG thing to deal with and Donnie just wants to take a Nap.
Mikey interrupts with a shriek, sending Don reeling a bit as his brother snatches his cell to ask Leatherhead if he’s seen Klunk. And oh, yeah, understandable. The cat had gone out hunting at some point today and probably came back to a concerning amount of rubble with no turtles to comfort him.
It’s then that Karai departs, offering better communication in the days to come, and help in… relocating. Raph cuts in that there’s no way they’re trusting her with the location of their potential new home. “Not now. Maybe not Ever.” A statement that Don silently agrees with. She takes the admission with grace and vanishes.
Home. Gone and given then taken and destroyed thrice over at this point. Donnie sighs as he massages his head and closes his eyes. Lucky them. He already has a few places in mind, but - yeah no - they all need sleep and food and some semblance of safety before they can consider any of that.
Thankfully, Leatherhead offers his abode, having found Klunk and willing to meet with the turtles there after grabbing what essentials he can from their (now former) Lair. Mikey, bless his chipper heart, starts planning a slumber party of sorts, hugging Don’s cell between his head and shoulder while rapidly texting April and Casey for supplies. Raph snatches His cell from him to ask for actual useful things that aren’t just junk food. Leo hesitantly joins in, saying he could text Angel to swing by with pizza, which Mikey enthusiastically agrees to.
Donnie huffs at that, glad at the very least, to know they’re all okay. They can bounce back from this, like they always do. He feels a furry palm on his arm, steadying the sway in his stance he hadn’t known he’d gained. Master Splinter smiles at him, an assurance and a promise that only their dad can exude to make them feel better.
Yeah, they’ll be okay.
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