#and certain times she would talk normal and then start saying something and then switch to the John green voice
Does anyone else do the thing where if they watch too much of a tv show or YouTube channel in one sitting they pick up the speech patterns of a person and are stuck talking like them for a few hours or days?
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besuggestion · 11 months
(for anon 🥰)
One day, a girl notices her chest starts growing, and it won't stop - it seems the temporary solution is to milk herself every night, to get back to normal. Of course, she goes to the doctor to get it checked. The doctor is very confused, and requests a bottle of the milk in order to study it further.
So, that night she milks herself, pouring her milk into a bottle to save for the doctor. When she's done, she puts it in the fridge.
The next day, it's not there. When she asks her mom -
"Your sister took it with her as part of her lunch. Why?"
The girl is much too embarrassed to explain why, and simply decides to try again that night to get some of that milk to the doctor.
During her lunch break, the sister tries a little of the milk.
"This tastes weird. Do you think it's gone bad?"
One of her friends grabs the bottle.
"Let me try some. Huh. I don't know. It doesn't taste sour...?"
"What do you mean? Lemme have a taste!"
A group of five girls passes the bottle around, all of them tasting a little bit of the milk - except for one girl, who watches quietly. The girls notice, and shove the bottle towards her.
"Here, you try it, too!"
In the end, they decide to throw it away...but it was too late for that.
They get back to work, settle into their desks, but...
The sister realizes first. Something wasn't right. She felt a little hazy, and something warm was spreading from her stomach. She shrugs it off, but an hour later, the feeling is too intense for her to ignore. And...she now could say for certain that her chest was getting bigger. It was getting tight, and the buttons on her shirt were barely holding it in. And yet, it kept growing, getting slowly bigger, and bigger...
The last button was barely holding on. Before she could be exposed in front of everyone, the sister makes a dash for the restroom - only to see that all of her friends were already there.
"You, too?!" one asks, surprised. It seems as though all of them - well, it was obvious enough to tell that all of them had much bigger chests than before.
"It's...it's getting so big!" another whines, trying to press her tits back into the shirt. It stays for a moment, before popping out with more force than she anticipated, and a button pops off.
All of them go silent. They had never seen their friend like this before, but with her fat, juicy tits sticking out like this, and that cute, flustered expression on her face...
"Mmn!" the same girl moans, and they all watch as her chest grows, getting bigger, the nipples no longer being held back by the bra...
One girl, the one who usually didn't talk much, moves towards the exposed girl, wasting no time before grabbing her tits.
"Hyaa!" she moans, and...milk starts dribbling out.
"Oh, that looks tasty." the woman murmurs, before leaning in to suck on the woman's tits, drinking as much as she can.
The other girls don't know how to react. Their heads were spinning. Could something like this happen? Did that mean...milk would come from their breasts, too?
One girl takes off her shirt and starts milking herself, immediately loosing herself to pleasure. She moans, and the milk drips down, creating a puddle on the floor.
At that, it was like a switch had been flipped. All the girls start touching each other, pressing their milky breasts against other milky breasts, until their bodies were covered with milk, and their heads were filled with nothing but milk...
"Oh, there's another bottle of milk."
The next morning, the girl's mom noticed that they still had a bit more milk.
"Wonderful! This is just enough for me to make that cake for my book club!"
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justkending · 4 months
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt (Chapter 5/7)
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Mini-Series Summary: Two of the most stubborn people in the group partnered together for an undercover mission are also the two people with the most hatred for each other, so what could go wrong? Or is it, what COULDN’T go wrong?…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger Reader (Enemies to Lovers) (Fake Marriage Trope)
A/N: I think we are staying on track for this to wrap up within two more chapters, but again, we are both in the dark if that's the case😂 Thank you guys for the love! If you are wanting to be tagged, please send me an ask. It's a lot easier for me to keep track of who's been added and who hasn't :)
Y/N’s POV:
Okay, so maybe I blew up a little more than necessary, but I tried to chill out before he started chasing me, ordering that I didn’t walk away and talk to him. Let a girl try to get a hold of her emotions for a second big guy.
I’ve been anxious all day, waiting to talk to him about some deep seeded trauma, and then he comes and screws up all of it with a simple exception to an invitation. I know he didn’t mean harm by it, but he’s a trained professional. That was not a trained professional response. Plus, stepping out of my normal routine of being a bitch to him to keep him at a distance wasn’t just a switch I could flip.
Again, I could have handled that better, but now my brain is in mission mode, trying to reprogram what this night has set up for us. Considering the invitation was for tonight, it gave me little to no time to prepare.
“What time did she say dinner was?” I shouted from my bedroom, where I was going through our small, hidden arsenal of gadgets Tony had made for us.
“Six,” Bucky replied from his room down the hall.
Great, that was forty-five minutes from now… “Ok, I can do this.” Deciding it was best to keep some bugs on hand in case we could plant them in the house, and we would be planting them, I needed to consider sizes and placements.
“Should we bring over some wine or something?” Bucky’s voice was now in the doorway to my room, but I kept my back to him as I sifted through our tools.
“I made a pie earlier today. We can take that,” I answered absentmindedly.
“Why’d you make a pie?”
“Felt like it,” I shrugged and walked out of the closet with three small wires/ bugs in hand. When I looked up, I saw he had changed into a nicer button-up and was tightening a tie around his collar he hadn't been wearing earlier. “Why are you wearing a tie?” I examined him.
“Same reason you’re wearing a nicer dress. I want to make a good impression,” he shrugged, straightening pieces of his outfit.
“I’m wearing this because we were going to our ‘anniversary dinner,’” I made sure to put the lie in hand quotes. “I had a story that went with it, but this can pass as casual, too,” I motioned to my dress and moved toward him, placing the wires on the bed. “This looks like you’re about to give a sales pitch.”
Without thinking, I pop his collar up and loosen the tie to get rid of it. The whole time I’m focusing on untying it, I ramble about what the plan is for the night.
“I’m going to give you a wire to put wherever you see fit, and I’ll do the other two. I’ll excuse myself to use the bathroom and sneak it where it’s needed. I feel it’s important we look for cameras already in the house in case it’s a setup. We don’t need them having hard proof that we bugged their place. We want to come off as simple yet good assets if we want them to bring us on board for their work,” I struggle with a certain spot on the tie he somehow fixed in an efficient way I’d never seen. “Jesus, were you a sailor in another life? Might as well have knotted it.”
He doesn’t respond, but I get it off in the next two seconds and look at him to see he had been studying me intently as I invaded his space. I see my slip-up, push the tie into his chest, and take a step back.
“No problem,” he answers rather calmly, and I look at his eyes, seeing patience there. Always that damn patience. How did he still have it with me even with how I’ve treated him? “Listen-”
“About last night,” I say at the same time, and he seems shocked but gives a single nod to tell me to continue. “I want to say I’m sorry for being all over the place recently. From last night to thirty minutes ago.”
He seems frozen by my apology, and I became anxious enough that I start to word vomit.
“I took some time to think after last night and spent the day stressing, thinking how I was going to talk to you about it because I do want to. I want to get what I can out on the table if you’d be ok with that,” I look up through my lashes, and I see the most subtle turn of his lip as he watches me attentively.
“Are you hinting that there’s a chance I’ll get to see the side of you others are lucky enough to see?” he retorts, grin growing and taking a step closer to me.
His use of the word ‘lucky’ shortcircuits my brain, and all I can do is nod once, slowly, as my answer. He takes another step, and I match it with one back. I feel more vulnrable than I was expecting to.
“You can understand now why having our plans for the night changed made me slightly temperamental.”
“I think slightly may be an understatement.”
“I think you still should choose your words carefully,” I say, tightening my smile. However, it doesn’t shut him down like normal. Instead, he laughs under his breath, and the doorbell rings.
Both of our heads shoot toward the noise, and solemnity takes over the room.
“You don’t think that’s,” Bucky pauses as he turns back to me.
“How often am I wrong?” I take a deep breath in and smooth my dress out as I walk over, pausing beside him. “Hide the wires. I already did a sweep of the house while you were getting ready to make sure we didn’t have anything out of place. I’ll tell them you’re getting ready.”
I don’t need to open the door to know who it is, but when I do, the urge to yell, “I told you so!” in Bucky’s face is strong.
“Bethanne!” I smile kindly and immediately notice the dish in her hand. Reggie is behind her, holding two others, looking like he just got off work and had been dragged over here. “Did Beau tell me wrong? Are we not eating at y’all’s house tonight?”
She scrunches her face in a practiced motion and lifts the ceramic bowl up as she explains.
“I hate to ask this of you, but our oven is still the old rickety one. The new one had some faulty design, and we had to ship it back. Needless to say, it decided to give out on us today of all days,” she raised her shoulders. “I know we sprung the dinner on you suddenly, but would you two be willing to host if we provide the food?”
Not on the money of what I guessed, but pretty fucking close to the money if you ask me.
“Who is it, Doll?” Bucky’s voice carries from the hallway he’s now emerging from. The first three buttons on his dress shirt are undone, and he’s messing with the cuffs on the sleeves. “Hey, Bauers,” he smiles yet still holds shock in his features by the neighbor's appearance. “Did we get the time wrong?” he asks, looking at his watch before coming to my side, where I've now moved and am letting themselves in.
“No, no, no,” Bethanne shakes her head and hands off one of the pots to me as she takes one from Reggie, who looks more bothered to be here than happy. Long day human trafficking, asshole? “We had some appliance issues thanks to some of the renovations we were doing. I was just asking your wife if we can use your house as tonight's setting and possibly use your oven while here.”
Without hesitance, Bucky takes the dish from my hands and the dish Bethanne had swapped for and nods for Reggie to follow him.
“No problem at all. Let me help you ladies with that. Char," A nickname he had never used for my character before, but it seemed to work fluently. "Would you like to get some wine for the two of you while I get this organized in the kitchen?” he asks me, placing a kiss on the side of my head while his hands are full as he walks towards the other room.
I don’t know how he’s learned to play his role so well, but it’s convincing, even to me.
“Uh, yeah,” I almost stutter in my response as I motion for Bethanne to follow me to the wine cooler out in the garage. “Red or white with tonight's dish?”
"Do you have any more husbands like that in the back I can steal? What a gentleman," she coos, shoulder-bumping me.
Half an hour of baking the food and getting it plated, and our conversation continued with questions mostly strictly about us, which would have been fine if not for the reason behind such invasive intentions.
They started off simple. How’d you guys meet? Who made the first move? What did we love about the town so far? What kind of hobbies and adventures did we take on before moving here? All questions we had prepared for, and if not, could easily improvise.
So far. No slip-ups. If anything, we sold the scheme far better than I’d imagined we would even when they became more personal. And our discussion on being the ‘prude couple’ last night seemed to affect Bucky’s actions a lot more than I was expecting.
An obvious hand on my thigh under the table and an arm thrown over my seat in a slightly possessive manner seemed to catch the eye of Reggie, who mimicked some of the moves as if it were a competition.
In addition, Bucky kept making small compliments about how I looked and how smart I was when they asked about my job. Dropping little comments about things I did (not my character) that he loved and appreciated.
“She’s always doing things like that. I almost never have to worry about making coffee in the morning because she has it all set up just to hit a button and go.”
“You should ask Charlotte about that! She’s the reason our house looks like a home. I’m sure she could give some advice on the kitchen backsplash.”
“She may not know how to boil an egg correctly, but her baking skills are unmatched. I've put on a few pounds now that we have a nice kitchen to spend time in."
I did my best not to act shocked every time he dropped a compliment, but the fact he could have made shit up for my character and used those details as conversation pieces, yet he went the honest way (although more convincing, of course), shocked me.
“Speaking of baking skills,” Reggie nodded his head back to the kitchen counter behind us and smiled at me. “I spied a pie on the counter. Any chance we can have that to finish off this dinner?”
I was still staring at Bucky from his last form of appreciation when I blinked out of my distraction and returned to our neighbor.
“Oh, of course! I was just about to offer,” I smiled, standing up, and Bucky quickly stood next to me, pulling my chair out. “Thank you.” I smiled at him and placed a hand on his arm as I moved around to the counter.
“How sweet. Oh, Charlotte, would you mind telling me where the bathroom is?” Bethanne asked, standing and giving her husband a look for not showing the same chivalry as Bucky.
I watched her, knowing that I would have used the same excuse to do what we planned to at their house. But I was two steps ahead of her.
“Of course! Beau, do me a favor and get some plates out for dessert. I’m going to show Beth-”
“Oh, I’m sure I can find it,” she waved off, coming around the table and moving to the hall promptly.
Yeah… Not without a chauffeur, honey.
“No problem,” I waved off, moving with her casually. “I need to grab some floss from my bathroom before dessert. I’ll show you to it.”
I can see the most subtle glaze of annoyance at my insistence, but she smiles and walks a step ahead of me.
I show her to the bathroom and make it seem I’m going into the master down the hall while she’s in there. And I do, but I keep an eye to make sure she isn’t snooping in any other room besides the one. We’ll have to survey it after they leave, but better that and the dining room than the whole house.
Once we’re back with the boys, no wandering to be done, Bucky helps me plate a slice of chocolate pie for each of us, and I offer to move the conversation to the porch. Any kind of redirection from the comfort of the inside of our home is welcome.
“I love how you’ve decorated your porch. It’s so cozy,” Bethanne notices, pointing out the colorful decorative pillows, hanging swing the size of a daybed, and loads of plants and decor that make the space more intimate. She and Reggie are sat on the two rocking chairs facing the front yard, and Bucky and I are sat close together on the swing, where he’s controlling the tempo we sway in.
“I always wanted a spot outside to escape. We didn’t really have that at our last home, and it was important for me to have this time around,” I replied.
My answer is actually very true. I loved being outside, especially when it was something as simple as sitting in the backyard or swinging on a porch. I had one requirement about this mission, one I’m not even sure Bucky knew about. But I asked Tony to supply a nice budget for the porch.
Call it cheesy, but growing up in such an unnatural and dehumanizing way, you crave a small part of that normalcy you see on the movie screens. For some reason, a porch I could escape on but still be within the comfort of my own home was a dream. And because it was, I thought I’d make this situation a little more bearable by granting that small wish I always had.
“Well, I may have to start budgeting for a new kind of renovation,” she patted Reggie’s back, and he gave her a tight-lip smile. "What do you say, Reg? Do you think we can get a swing like that one?” She smiled over at us just as Bucky pulled me into his side, his arm going around my waist and his hand resting on my hip bone.
“I have a feeling we might as well have built a home from scratch by the time you’re happy with the renovations we’ve taken on,” Reggie answered with a nod before taking a swig from his beer. “Get that recipe for the pie from Charlotte, and I’ll consider buying you a new porch,” he winked my way and turned back to the front of our lawn.
I instantly found Bucky’s hand tightening, and his thumb started rubbing in an up-and-down pattern along my hip. When I turned to him slightly, his gaze stayed on Reggie.
Before finishing cleaning up for the night, we said goodbye to our guests, and just when we thought we hadn’t made any headway in our conversation about work (mind you, we had dropped hints and notices about it all night, but neither of the two seemed to take the bait), Reggie stopped on the last step to our porch and turned to Bucky.
“You mentioned working in transportation, and by the sounds of your new job up here, if you’re interested in a more innovative place, I may have some ins for you,” he shook Bucky’s hand. “I have some coworkers around the states that could use some employees like you on their route.”
“I may take you up on that offer. It all depends on how this week rolls out,” Bucky answered perfectly. The Bauers said their goodbyes, and we watched them walk home before turning to each other.
In a silent celebration, we grinned at the invitation and then sent wordless glances to tread carefully when we got in before scoping the place for bugs…
Bucky’s POV:
I’m not surprised that the blonde sole cycle instructor of a neighbor was able to get a wire in our bathroom, but neither Y/N nor I were in the mood to remove it right away and give away our knowledge of it, so we each grabbed another drink for the night and debriefed subtly on the porch where the only bugs we had to mind were the crickets chirping their music for the night.
Bethanne was right. Our porch was nicely done, and I hadn’t even noticed Y/N had hung lights out here until she plugged them in.
“I feel like this spot is more put together than the rest of the house.” I noticed the details when we were out here earlier. Now, we both have taken up spots in the rocking chairs our neighbors had vacated.
“I may have focused more of my attention on this spot than the others,” she smiled as she brought a tumbler glass up to her lips. She had drank wine while Bethanne was here, but as soon as they were gone, the whiskey I had made a glass for myself was stolen out of my hand before I could take a sip. Now, we had each of our own.
“Was what you said about the porch a real thing? I mean, we have balconies at the compound,” I looked at her as I sat my drink on the small table between us.
“Balconies and porches aren’t the same. At least in my head, they aren’t,” she nodded, taking a deep sigh and resting her glass in her lap. “Did you mean what you said when you were complimenting me all night?” She lulled her head to the side to look at me.
I had been making compliments. It felt easier to use the ones I had picked up on than the ones I made up. Yet again, I think anyone should get the recognition they deserve when they excel in something. Y/N just tended to excel in more than I think she was aware of. And I was learning she didn’t seem to be used to people taking note of those things.
“Why lie?” I shrugged, starting to rock in a steady pattern.
“Because that’s this whole gig. A lie,” she answered, taking another pull of the hard liquor.
I considered her perspective and shook my head, looking out to the lights on the other side of the street. “I guess it gets tiring at points. Don’t really feel like doing it if the truth can be just as usable.”
She didn’t answer for quite a few seconds, and when I turned back to her, she was staring at me like she was waiting for another shoe to drop.
“How are you so patient? Seriously, is it a drug Tony made you before you had to deal with me on this mission? I don’t get it,” she laughs, but I can hear the genuine confusion in it as she sits forward and turns her body to me.
Honesty. I’m in a mood to be 100% honest.
“Want me to be real with you?” I asked, turning my own body.
“It’d be preferred,” she nods and rests both her arms on the armrest.
“I don’t know anything about your past, but I know most people have a reason for acting the way they do. It took years and a ton of patience before I felt like I was even close to who I used to be. I still struggle to come to terms with the fact I’ll never be who I was before the train incident,” I sigh and rest my head back against the chair as I look at her. “I guess I have understanding more than patience. I understand that you have a history of your own that I don’t know, and I can’t blame you for a lot of the things you do.”
“But you should. I’m an asshole to you,” she says, and the admission is kinda nice to hear, even if it is sad.
“Yeah, and I was hoping you’d be willing to share why that is,” I reply calmly.
She tenses some and sits back in her chair, pulling her legs under her to sit crisscrossed, the chair rocking with her movement and her dress overflowing past her knees.
“I guess now is as good a time as ever…” She looked at me sidelong before finding comfort in the view in front of her instead. “I didn’t really have a chance to develop a personality of my own because of my time in this lifestyle,” she motions around her, “started as soon as I could walk. So I had no identity to fall back on since I had to find it after I escaped.”
I had questions, but I found it best just to listen. Clearly, what she was talking about wasn’t something she brought up lightly, and being an ear to listen was what she needed right now.
“I was left behind by whichever no-good parent gave me up, and Adonis Hummel took me as his own and decided he’d try to recreate the famous assassin, The Winter Solider, from birth practically.”
The name drop came quickly and struck home. I didn’t know her whole story, but I had enough imagination and experience to believe where she was going.
“Wait, Hummel?” I started because the name sounded familiar, but…
“He was a low-level scientist who worked for Hydra when they were still using you under Pierce. He thought he had the brains and resources to create his own version of you. A version that would be more undetectable as a woman and a version he could tweak however he wanted,” she rolled her shoulders. “Lucky for him, I didn’t have to be brainwashed since I knew nothing besides the life of abuse, experimentation, and a shit ton of conditioning... " 
"To clarify, I say that for context, not sympathy,” she straightened, and I could see her shifting back to her unbothered disposition, but the truth was shining through the cracks. She may not have wanted sympathy, but something about the vulnerability seemed to lighten the load on her shoulders.
“As for why I may have built a wall around you, an unhealthy and senile wall, I felt as though…” She gulped as if the next part was harder for her to say than the abuse of her past. “I felt as though you had been my competition my whole life, and a part of me, a young and in-need-of-therapy part of me, thought it was best to keep you as far away as possible and hold onto that anger instead of work through it. It felt easier than facing the fear that I didn’t actually equate to you in any way. So that’s another reason why I felt everything with you was to prove a point.” She lets out a short breath after using all the air in her lungs in one swift swoop.
It’s a lot to take in…
She doesn’t move her head back towards me after her confession, and I can’t seem to break my stare from her.
“This is where you say something like, ‘Well, it’s your lucky day. I’m actually an asshole either way, so we can go on hating each other for completely understandable reasons!’ or I don’t know? Anything but silence would be preferred, though…”
Her hand is gripping the arm rest unconsciously like an anchor keeping her on earth.
On instinct, I reach across and pull her hand into mine, keeping my stare heavy, enticing her to look at me.
She closes her eyes at first and takes another short breath before turning.
“I’m sorry if I ever made you feel unworthy of being on the team.” I feel like I personally am the reason for her suffering, even if I had no correlation with her before I joined the team. "You are more than an asset to the team and are your own kind of weapon. It's incomparable."
“Ugh,” she sniffles and rubs an eye with the heel of her free hand as if to disguise a possible tear as allergies. “This would be so much easier if you were a piece of shit misogynistic asshole, but you're part of the few good ones out there. Steve, Sam, and Clint included, not Tony,” she noted.
I smiled, thinking about how I’d make a team like that even if she had me believe otherwise for so long.
“What I’m trying to get at, B, is you’re not the one I should be blaming for my past. You’re just as much a victim as I am, but I took the easy way out of making it more manageable for me, and I only made it harder for us both in the end. And for that,” she turned and stared into my eyes fully, the hand she held squeezing my own. “I’m sorry. You don’t deserve an ounce of the kind of cruelness I tried to bury you in. You are the opposite of what they tried to make you, and you’re genuine in proving that to anyone who meets you. I've been envious of the strength you have, and I can say confidently that I deeply regret ever blaming you for that.”
I once again have to process yet another collection of words I’d never thought I hear. From her. Ever. A part of me believed this was a dream, but the part that Y/N had a grip on was practically pinching me into reality.
Without hesitating, I stood up, pulled her arm up with me, and yanked her into my body in a crushing hug.
She froze at first… The motion was quick and surprising, but slowly, she unhooked our hands, brought both of hers tightly around my waist, and laid into me. I rested my head on top of hers and pulled her shoulders in with my arms, wrapping both of my own tightly around her.
I wasn’t going to let go until she did, and by the looks of it… She wasn’t letting go anytime soon.
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies Forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @billyseye @hallecarey1​​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Series:
@jackiehollanderr @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @theroyalmanatee @wintrsoldrluvr @alexakeyloveloki @learisa @bxckybxrnes24 @lillianacristina @selella @heletsmelovehim @lovelybaka @heletsmelovehim @bubblegumbeautyqueen @mostlymarvelgirl @that-d-bitch @rabbitrabbit12321
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goldfades · 5 months
Paige 100% sends those pictures of two inanimate object and goes “us if we were___”
Like two soap bottles touching tips “us if we were soap”
Paige def just scrolls through your phone gallery, looking at your pictures. Staring fondly and going “my wife’s so pretty.” and “Why didn’t you send me this????” (I just thought of a whole fic on this idea oml i’m getting Hot)
Anytime you send a photo to Paige honestly, she’s going off on Imessage just hyping you up.
OMG THEY HAVE A SHARED PHOTO ALBUM. BUT BUT BUT it’s not just photos of themselves, it’s also like “I saw this and was thought of you.” Photos like OSXBUDHANA
Loves listening to you talk so she brings up things she knows you love talking about.
Also that motherfucker definitely makes the manager mad on purpose cuz she thinks it’s cute when the managers angry. (The manager being furious is a whole different situation.) And it doesn’t help that Paige is taller.
Manager will just be ranting at paige whilst paige is just smiling the whole time.
The manager notices and goes “and you’re just smiling like shits funny, ain’t nothin funny-“ “you’re just so cute princess”
that shut her up real quick
“Paige’s get the fuck outta my office.” but like she’s all flustered and Paige can tell
I think you touched on this, but when they get together and yk, have to keep it on the low for a multitude of reasons.
One one hand it sucks cuz yk, Paige can’t brag like she wants to yet. But on the other hand Paige is a cocky little shit and will take the opportunity to be handsy and flirty (to a certain degree) knowing that the girls aren’t gonna think too much of it cuz paige has always been like that, But Paige and the manager both know there’s more reason to it now.
BUT NEVER FRETE our manager can play the same game Paige, don’t start stuff you can’t finish. Then it lowkey become just a personal game for them of who could fluster the other more without the team getting suspicious.
Contrary to popular belief I think the Manager and Paige made a bet on how long with would take the team to figure out they were together. So they didn’t tell them outright, but just went along letting them figure it out themselves.
I also feel like people started noticing the dynamic change. Like don’t get me wrong the managers job comes first so Paige isn’t getting any extreme special treatment, but the girls and fans start noticing the managers tone switch when she’s talking to Paige.
Her tone just gets a bit softer and more gentle.
Like there’s this clip of manager talking to Caroline normally, then Paige calls her and manager turns and goes “yes baby?” so softly AND LIKE the “baby” isn’t what gets people cuz again, manager calls everyone by pet names. It’s HOW quickly her tone changes as soon as she started talking to Paige.
And we already know Paige’s eye contact game goes crazy and she has a STARRING PROBLEM, if I had a nickel for how many times Paige was caught staring at the manager I would be buying everyone on this blog canes oml.
Manager doesn’t really strike me as a person who shies away from eye contact most of the time, which is evident cuz there’s clips of them just starting at each other and you can FEEL THE TENSION.
But when manager does shy away from it, Paige either grabs her chin and turns her face back to her, or if she can’t Paige moves her head to try and stay in the managers eye sight.
Or let’s say Paige is talking and manager gets distracted by something. Paige is grabbing her cheeks gently with both hands, saying “Hey, I’m right here pretty girl.” while gently rubbing her cheeks with her thumbs, then drops her hands from her face and just goes back to talking.
(girl request that fic idea i wanna hear it now) THIS ENTIRE ASK IS GOLD I AM PUTTING IT IN THE MASTERLIST ASAPPPPP!!!!!
the shared photo album is soooo real!!!!! and paige is the one who puts the most pictures cus baby girl is a sentimental person she wants to take pics of EVERYTHING!
i feel like paige wants to think she's the winner every time yall play that "who can make the other flustered without the team noticing" game but honestly, why is the manager lowkey a rizzler????? likeeeeeee paige would pretend not to blush but its super obvious
AND THE TONE CHANGE IS SOOOO SO REAL, ur so right!!!!!! and its kinda obvious but the girls don't wanna say anything yet but they'll def tease them.
the whole eye contact thing made me melttttt goodnight!!!!
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bobacupcake · 1 year
For the shader thing, I was curious about what you think of the fake volumetric ground fog in TotK. I couldn't find a screenshot of it, but it's very prominent in the ancestor cutscenes, I'm sure you're familiar with it
you are so right that i am familliar with them i fixated on them every time i got this cutscene aghjfbgjh
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im not sure!!! i have a few guesses though but nothing is super pointing me towards them
for starters, i imagine the thing driving it is some kind of noise/cloud heightmap texture, along with something masking out areas where they should be and shouldnt be (both of these textures are moving & distorting)
but as for how theyre actually doing it.. houghh.. there is definitely a Height to it, if you look at their legs you can see that much, so its not just a really cleverly lit plane.......
mario odyssey has a kind of similar thing in cap kingdom, but im not 100% convinced these are using the same technique
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talked with @krisp-xyz about this and she pointed out the mario one definitely seems more mesh-based, with the alpha being set based on how far objects in back of it are (so if the fog is right in front of a solid surface, its very transparent, but if its further away, its more solid!!)
another thing that i'm not 100% sure about, but the fog in totk seems lower resolution, compared to everything else? so my two guesses are either its just a very fancy mesh-based approach, with the general "shape" of the clouds being blocked out and pushed around by the textures, and then the textures & normal maps being used to give it convincing lighting + transparency (along with what theyre doing in mario odyssey, transparency based on the depth of the objects behind it). and then on top of that it definitely seems like it would be blurred a little bit with a post-processing effect to hide the fact that its a mesh even further, and placed onto the scene based on the depth information. this is kind of similar to what the clouds in sea of thieves do. if this explanation sounds kind of vague thats because it is it looks soo good if theyre doing it like this i cant begin to imagine the specific calculations theyre doing to get it looking so natural from different angles
which is why my second theory is from, and its that, they are doing raymarching??? it LOOKS raymarched, but i didnt jump to it because, raymarching is expensive!! essentially when you hit a mesh, you then start taking little tiny steps through it, and after a certain number of steps, you add all the values you got together, and divide it by the number of steps, and thats the average for that point ! you can also do a lighting calculation for each point but the more things you add onto a raymarched shader the performance very quickly adds up, since if say your step count is 64, every operation you do on a pixel will be done 64 times
here's a very old gif of me messing around with it .. in like ..... 2017......
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but again i hesitate on this because, its a switch!! and raymarching is expensive!! though like i said it does look like its scaled up and possibly blurred, so if they were doing the raymarching calculations at like 4x the screen size, and only needed a few steps because it is only taking up a little bit of the ground and they can blur it, and also marking the areas where they Dont have to do raymarching by the mask texture. then maybe????? unless someone has access to the rendering frames for this though i would not be able to say for sure. but those are my two theories!!!
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jj411 · 4 months
My analysis on Bumblebee (Yang x Blake)
To analyze BB we need to look at both Blake and Yang separately at their different arcs. Also we will need to look at Sun for a bit.
I've seen some people say that BB was love at first sight, or it came out of nowhere, or any other thing. I don't agree with those. Let's start by looking at V2.
During the early parts of V2, before the dance, Blake and Yang seem to just be normal friends and combat partners. Which I like. I prefer to see a relationship start as friends and grow deeper over time rather than instant romance at first sight. After a certain point Blake starts to overwork herself which causes everybody to worry about her. Then Sun shows up and was hoping he could invite her to the dance. Sun is very obvious in his attraction to Blake. Yang decides to help out and we get the scene where Yang explains about her mom and how everybody needs a break or they will burn out. She then says she will save Blake a dance and givers her a wink.
Now here is where I think Yang is showing that she is also attracted to Blake. Doesn't really mean love yet, but she is dropping hints of her attraction. Problem is Blake is still too wound up and distracted from White Fang activity so she doesn't seem to pick up on the hints. She goes to the dance and enjoys herself.
We then have that little campfire scene at Mt. Glenn where Yang tries to lift Blake's spirits about her always running away. I don't see this romantic. To me this was just Yang being a good friend and partner.
Now in V3 we don't get a lot until the end. We do get a Blake blushing at Sun early on though. Which shows mutual attraction between the two. But to me this feels more like puppy love, no pun intended. Basically like a high school crush. There is an attraction, but it never went all that deep.
Now we get to the fall of Beacon. Adam attacks Blake and says I will destroy everything you love. Blake hears Yang and sees her; and looks terrified. Adam see's her reaction and says 'Starting with her.'
Now I could be reading too much into, but here is what I think happened with Blake here since she never really showed any romantic thoughts towards Yang before. In this moment, Blake is beginning to realize that she does care about Yang on a deeper level. She just never would have thought about it before because her romantic thought's were on Sun before and she could never imagine her past coming back to attack Yang specifically. These feelings made Blake more aware of what she actually thought of Yang. I could be over analyzing that part.
The fall happens and Yang loses her arm defending Blake. Blake then runs back home with Sun tailing her. After the event Blake's romance towards Sun is basically gone, which to me just supports it was a high school romance type thing. No real depth was there. Now through out V4 and V5 we see Blake think about Yang from time to time. Even Sun brings her up. But Blake's feelings towards Yang is now mixed with a lot of guilt. We know Blake things of Yang on a deeper level, but guilt is now mixed in with that. So it's hard to say just how deep those feelings would really go.
Switching over to Yang, we see her think of Blake from time to time (when she looks at the pile of books). But Yang doesn't dwell on those thoughts too much in V4 as she has to deal with her own PTSD from loosing her arm. We don't get a lot of thoughts on what she thinks of Blake until V5 when she talks to Weiss. Yang makes it clear that she cares deeply for Blake, but Blake really hurt her by running. At this point they both stop thinking about each other as other arcs of the story needs their attention. (Haven and the White Fang attack)
Now we get to V6. The team is back and Blake is ready to jump at a moments notice when it seems like Yang needs something. Yang tells Blake it will be fine, but they will have to get used to things before they hopefully go back to normal. Blake is wanting to help Yang out of guilt and Yang is trying to keep Blake at arms length.
We see that a lot during V6. It especially comes to a head at the Apathy farm where Blake says she will protect Yang, which pisses her off. We learned in V4 that Yang does not like feeling inept. She can still be plenty capable, arm or no arm. To me it seemed like Yang wished Blake would have understood that about her. But they couldn't really talk about as they were on creepy death farm. It wasn't until they both killed Adam where it seemed like they were finally on the same page. Blake wasn't doing things out of guilt anymore and remembers to trust that Yang can handle herself. And Yang felt that trust from Blake.
In V7 we get to the awkward part of their relationship. I feel they each know they like each other but none of them want to really say it out loud. So they do the awkward flirt stuff. V8 had some strong moments and even stronger moments of pining. Then we get to V9 where there were more signs of physical touches until we get to the moment where they both declare that they both love each other.
So where Black Sun felt more shallow and like a high school crush. BB has far more depth to it because of it's buildup and realization from Blake. It's the fact that the relationship came back after Blake ran which is what adds the depth to their feelings towards each other. They were all able to forgive.
This is all just my analysis and I skimmed over some things and may have forgotten other things. But this is just my synopsis on BB's relationship. You may not agree with me, and that's fine. But this is how it looks to me and how I see how it happened. Ramble over.
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thelyingjoke · 4 months
mashed my 2 favorite games together because from that mere passing reference i made to the other one last week i could Not stop thinking about it. so here. danganronpa v3 crossover with dialtown: phone dating sim :)
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the premise of dialtown is that everyone has an object head, with default Men having Phones and Women having Typewriters, but they can also be swapped out for any other object if someone wants to for whatever reason, like for identity purposes, disability accomodations, jobs, etc. i Highly recommend it!!! it's a very lovable and bizarre game (and i mean it when i say bizarre. just look at the description on steam) and it's only 8 dollars, as well as also having a free demo that has hours of content in it to see if you'd like it!!!!! (also a fun webquiz i got karen tell me who you got in the comments below /j) anyway advertisement over below is a lot of thoughts and art about how i think the v3 characters would fit into the world :)
the things i will do for dialtown (render a drawing)...disclaimer the characters do not Actually have faces. i just think they're cute and like drawing them :) anyway!
For Kaede, as pictured above, I think she'd have a piano keyboard head! She still plays normal piano (she's gotta get her fingers moving), but now she can play on the go! And she plays almost all the time. You can typically hear her before you see her. The music she plays often reflects her mood, and if something surprises or shocks her or something similar she plays a silly little key-slamming noise. I think that, when she had a typewriter head, she would have often been typing too, just as a fidgeting thing—but the constant dings and clicking of the keys would have been too loud and annoying to others, and it would waste a lot of paper. So she got a piano head instead! It suited her a lot more and was more bearable to be around! Not only that, but now she can also play piano duets by herself (though she sometimes thinks it feels lonely and wrong to be the only one playing a song meant for two).
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i started to get tired after that drawing so i didn't do many others, and rantaro was the only other one i shaded, so i will talk about him next!
Rantaro changed his head to a GPS shortly after his first couple of sisters went missing and he dedicated himself to adventuring in order to find them. I think his old head was a smartphone, since his family is rich it would be a status symbol, but while it did have more functions and would certainly house a GPS within itself, it would also be much harder to repair, thus where the status symbol part comes in. He could afford the healthcare fees required to repair it if it ever got damaged, certainly, but if he were ever caught in a tough bind he wouldn't necessarily be able to get to any medical professional skilled enough to handle it. So he switched it out for an older model of a GPS, to make any repairs that would need to be done much easier, and maybe even possible to do on himself if he had to. Some of his sisters would put stickers on his head. Most of them are faded and breaking away now, but he won't ever take them off.
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i was running out of energy at this point so this and one other thing are the last things i drew (though i still have lots to talk about!)
Let's talk about the silly goober on the right first :) It's The Guy!!! D.l.C.E. in this universe stands for Dialtown league of Clown Enthusiasts (the I is secretly a lowercase L). They are a secret group of people that believe in clowns and plan to bring them back from extinction by participating in clown activities themselves. Their current mission is obtaining enough money ($4) in order to hopefully summon Frongles the Clown to them (by calling him on the phone). Nobody believes them yet, but Kokichi is certain that they will soon. He would love to masquerade as an evil supreme leader and cause mischief all around town, which he does, but unfortunately for him those roles are already both fulfilled by two other people (Mayor Mingus and Little Billy), and no one likes a copycat. His main concern right now, aside from the clown thing, is simply to entertain people in the best ways he can. Pretty much anyone who lives in Dialtown would need that. If he can make people smile (metaphorically), that's the greatest success he can hope for.
And now for the fella on the left! That is Gonta! His head is a candlestick telephone, like Abel—similar to Rantaro, it's a status symbol, though in a different way. But Gonta gets a slightly fancier one that Abel, because he is much cooler. I think in the Dialtown universe, it would be possible for reptites to exist. However, I think it's funner to imagine Gonta being raised instead by one of the cryptids in-game. I think Bigfoot would be the best one to do so. He lives deep in the woods and isn't believed to be real by most people, fitting with how the reptites are, and is just caring enough that I could see him actually manage to raise a child. For an explanation to that drawing: Bigfoot's name has been put down as the primary shareholder for a local restaurant business ('bear.', a reference to the developer's FNAF fangame series, Dayshift at Freddy's, which I also love hehe) because the owner doesn't believe he's real, and wants to collect the money himself. However, Bigfoot has somehow figured this out, and now regularly goes to the bank to collect his shares (which are given to him in the form of bananas). I think Gonta would sometimes accompany him on these trips :) I think he would get along great with Karen! They'd be besties! I think that every time Gonta goes with Bigfoot to collect bananas, he and Karen would exchange one (1) cool bug and horse fact each (if only there weren't a line, then they'd talk for ages). The power of two people with animal special interests... They'd also both appreciate each other being so honest (Gonta wouldn't have to lie to her about Bigfoot like he would with other people) and talking to Gonta is so much easier than most people for Karen. She doesn't have to watch out for sarcasm or worry about missing idioms, because Gonta doesn't use either. And he is always so respectful. And he gives her cool bug facts. What's not to enjoy?
I have considered, however, Gonta being raised by the other local Dialtown cryptid: Phonegingi. Realistically, I don't think this could happen; Phonegingi lives too close to the town, and has a lifestyle that no human could survive. However. The idea is VERY funny. I think if Phonegingi found Gonta, and decided to adopt him instead of kicking him or using him for child labor, and it somehow managed to keep him alive for 10 years, Gonta would be much weirder. That was the other thing I drew:
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He'd still be Gonta, but, you know...being raised by the protagonist of Dialtown would mess anyone up.
those are all the things i drew for, but i still have thoughts about the other characters:
I think Kaito would be a Motorola StarTAC. Haha get it because Star. He also just seems like a flip phone kinda guy. I think Kokichi likes to terrorize him as a clown. Kaito would be scared shitless screaming "CLOWNS AREN'T REAL! STOP IT!!!" and Kokichi would simply say "Honk honk", leading to Kaito crying, even though he has no eyes. He would also, of course, get along amazingly with Norm. He'd be starstruck to meet not just any astronaut, but the only one who's ever been through a wormhole, and Norm would greatly admire Kaito's strong will and desire to do what's right.
And someone else who I think would have a fascination with Norm is Kirumi! Her interest in the Victorian era lends itself to having an interest in pre-Dialup heads, and Norm being the only person with one left would intrigue her, though she probably wouldn't say so out loud. As for her head...I feel like she could have something that relates to her job as a maid, considering how devoted she is to it, but I struggle to come up with something. I think it would have to be something practical, because I don't think she'd get her head changed unless it meant she could perform her duties better, but I don't really know what that would be. Another thought I have is keeping her as a typewriter head, but have it be the same model as whatever Marla Crown's was. Since she was the woman the typewriter heads were modeled after, with her and Callum being the sort of "Adam & Eve" of the Dialup world, it would be an example of how Kirumi is the "model woman", so to speak.
Maki would have a typewriter head, since her job is supposed to be inconspicuous, but she might have a hidden compartment to keep weapons, or something like that.
Tsumugi I think would have a small flat screen TV head. And she's the One who I think in-universe would have a face that shows up onscreen. It's a little funny—she says she's plain but has possibly the least plain head out of anyone in the group.
Korekiyo would have a hybrid head. The top, visible part would be a phone, and underneath the mask would be typewriter keys.
Miu would definitely have one of her own inventions as a head. Maybe the one that lets you work while you sleep? She gave herself the surgery, for sure.
Angie's an interesting one, because God does actually exist in Dialtown, and he is nowhere near impressive. Angie wouldn't be from Dialtown though, so she wouldn't know that. I feel like she would have a special head, but I don't really know what it is. Possibly one of her artworks? But then, people would keep passing out whenever they see her... It would be interesting to see her interact with Dialtown's God, though. Seeing his absolute apathy. Would she care? Would she deny that he's actually God, like Norm? I honestly have no idea, but it's a fun idea! I think she would creep God out. He doesn't exactly have much desire to be worshipped, especially to that level. The freaky knowledge she does have would scare him, too. Where did you learn those people's family members?!?! ...Maybe she's a void-gazer. Maybe the one she calls "God" is a different thing entirely.
Everyone else I don't have much thoughts on, I think they'd have default heads.
And one last thing—how I think Kokichi would get along with Dialtown's main characters, because of course I have to give him more relevance:
Phonegingi: It would go feral if Kokichi brought up his clown schtick in front of it. Potentially to the point of violence. It refuses to believe in a world where clowns could exist. (My personal thought is that Phonegingi is biologically a clown, and is in denial about this, blocking out all the memories. Kokichi would not be spared its wrath.)
Randy: He would be terrified of Kokichi. He would think "oh fuck, this is it, this is how I die, at the hands of a clown—" when Kokichi so much as approaches him. If Kokichi was not in clown getup, he would still be terrified, it would just take until Kokichi said a word to him, if Kokichi used his usual attitude. I think it would be like a Mikan in UTDP situation though—once he realizes how much of a wet puppy Randy is, Kokichi would actually be kind to him because he's so sad and his life is such a mess, it's not fair to kick him while he's already down. He'd try to get Randy to stand up for himself more often.
Oliver: He would think Kokichi's a blast! They'd have fun being silly little guys with each other! Kokichi would go off on a tirade about his secret evil organization, and how he's a liar, and Oliver would go "Groovy!" They're both a bit freaky. Oliver's also an orphan, who is not at all bothered by the fact that he is an orphan because he has such a swag found family, and I think they could find common ground in that. I think they have a likelihood to be best friends.
Karen: She would find him confusing and annoying at first. You can't get close to her without being honest, and I mean, lying's his whole thing. But I think, also, once she realizes he's joking most of the time, she'd actually find him quite funny, because of her secret love of absurdist comedy. And I think she'd actually notice that despite lying being his whole thing, he is actually very honest, in his own way. Because of her inability to read subtle emotive cues she's constantly putting everything she hears under scrutiny to see if it lines up with everything, and so she can actually detect lies quite easily. If something doesn't make sense, she will point it out and analyze it, and find the things that do make sense. Along with Kokichi's own willingness to admit he's a liar upfront before anything else, I think she'd actually start to almost appreciate this in a way, and be able to tell when he's lying pretty accurately. #Autism. I think this would kind of unnerve Kokichi in a way.
Bigfoot: Even as a clown-believer, Kokichi is still a Bigfoot-denier. This is one of his biggest mistakes and will be his downfall.
Norm: Kokichi wouldn't last long in a conversation with Norm before he threatens to shoot. Kokichi, not wanting to die, would run.
Mingus: Kokichi would be pretty insignificant to her. She thinks that this "DICE" organization is just some teens pranking everyone. Clowns went extinct years ago—no one would actually try to bring them back, right...? Kokichi knows better than to ever approach her, though he wishes to one day overthrow her. He really, really hates people like her.
Tango: Tango is nowhere near a main character, but I wanted to include him anyway. I think he'd be an enigma to Kokichi. Tango is just so incredibly positive and it baffles Kokichi because he means every bit of it. There's no lies. No hidden resentment, not even towards the people who would absolutely deserve it. Tango never has anything bad to say about anyone, and none of that is fake. If this was his DSaF counterpart, at least there's the explanation of how his programming won't allow him to be negative, but Dialtown Tango? He's just Like That! Kokichi can't believe that someone could be that optimistic, so he assumes he must just be really good at lying. Which disturbs Kokichi, because he has no idea what could be going on underneath that cheerful, empathetic, gullible facade. But he will never find out, because there is no facade. Scary stuff!
ANYWAY. that's all the thoughts i have right now. play dialtown
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gwenandy · 5 months
DISCLAIMER: these are MY headcanons and let alone MY AU of the death note verse. So there will be additional OC’s and ships some of you guys might kill me for
SHIPS MENTIONED: Mellodramattic, Misyu (OC X MISA) and uh yeah that’s about it….
TW: Slight suggestive mentions (No. not smut. HELL NO. just slight inappropriate mentions)
- Mello, Matt, and Miyu are all 19, Miyu is just a few months younger compared to the both of them
- Mello and Miyu have decent/great sense of fashion (I mean… obviously on mello), Miyu likes leopard prints and flashy hot pink outfits meanwhile matt just stands there looking like a hobo or a copy of Adam Sandler
- They live in a small apartment in the rusty parts of NYC, it was basically Matt’s apartment before the two just decided to invite themselves in (Mello specifically)
- Miyu normally lived in spacious and rich surroundings, so she sometimes complained about the state of the apartment — before eventually getting used to it and stopping
- Matt and Miyu absolutely love ‘Panic! At the Disco’ and other bands. Mello eventually got into it too
- Matt and Miyu love screaming ‘New Perspective’ by PATD and Mello just stopped trying to shut them up
- Mello and Miyu are basically clean freaks, they sometimes tidy and clean some part around the apartment, and matt just makes more careless messes. The two don’t bother to scold matt either way
- Matt plays electric guitar— and is in a band with a few close friends: Helix (Drummer), Kal (Lead singer & bassist). Their band is called ‘Till’ Dawn’
- Matt sometimes plays the guitar in front of Miyu and Mello. And Miyu notices Mello’s gaze against matt, and a smirk can’t help but crook up her face
- Miyu’s attraction towards Misa started way before Mello asked her to work for him. She was a massive fan of her and was so happy when she was able to collab with her
- Miyu and Misa are basically best friends, but they rarely talk— given the fact that they are working on opposite teams on the Kira case
- Miyu sometimes shows the two the outfits she’s going to wear for modeling. During the first time they saw her show them an outfit, they couldn’t help but stare for a few seconds before mumbling their honest opinon
- They eventually got used to it overtime and didn’t really care that Miyu wore what she wore. She’d just wear, show, and they would give their opinion before she goes out
- Miyu got them “Big ego, big d!!ck” and “d!!ck sucker” shirts— meanwhile she got a “pu$sy gobbler” shirt because she thought it was funny. She’d only notice Mello wearing his own when Matt was wearing his
- Miyu sits in the back seat, Mello and Matt switch between driving and the co pilot seat
- Once Miyu and Matt start laughing, they can never stop. Mello wonders all the time at what certain thing they are laughing at, they show it to him and sometimes he laughs as well. Guess these two know how to bring out that side of him easily.
- Miyu sometimes gets tired of the outfits they wear at times— rarely mello but especially Matt. She gives him fashionable clothing and forces him to wear it.
- And when that happens, Mello can’t help but stare
- Mello is the tallest in the trio, matt is slightly shorter and Miyu is just short
- Miyu goes out partying for hours at night, at times she brings mello and Matt with her.
- she stopped bringing them after one time they got super drunk and did crazy shit😕
- never again she says.
- Miyu basically taught them both how to make perfect ramen.
- Mello only tolerates Matt having his chocolate. Whenever Miyu tries, he glares at her before she slowly backs away. She only gets some whenever she does something valuable
- Mello somehow arranges collabs for Miyu and Misa so Miyu could get close and gain information from Misa during their photoshoot. Normally it was just about Light.
- Miyu has never thanked Mello so much for giving her the opportunity to even stand next to Misa
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sharklemonss · 2 years
Hello lmk fandom, i bring you food! A fanfic i spent the entirety of a month writing for your enjoyment (my collection of tears) at your disposal :3
It's spicynoodles and it's got mutual pining, angst, fluff, everything you could want in a oneshot!
The link:
And here's a little peek at the story itself!
The night starts with a phone call through blurry tears.
Needless to say, Mk was in pretty rough shape after the past year or so of horrible, near world-ending events, and that followed him in his sleep. They started out few and far between, just a change in tone of a normal dream, and he'd wake up and fall right back asleep after. Slowly but surely, though, the nightmares got worse, and sometimes he needed some support before getting back to sleep again.
Mei was his go to. She was always up at absurd hours of the night, and sometimes she'd even drag him into a phone call to soothe his nerves by distracting him. She was an awesome friend- a much better one than he was, at least. She always had his back, no matter what, even when things looked too difficult or when Mk made an odd choice that would probably lead to their failure. She trusted him with everything. So, in turn, Mk extended that unconditional trust to her as well, and when Mk says "no matter what", he means it.
And then Red Son joined their group and made things a little more complicated.
It was nice to have their duo turn into a trio- Mk was actually very happy to drag him along to their hangouts, especially after they'd gotten closer due to the whole Lady Bone Demon mess. Red Son was hesitant at first, but over time, the trio was basically inseparable, much to the dismay of the demon parents that kind of wanted Mk dead. After saving their respective lives multiple times, though, they let Mk and Mei slide and be friends with their son.
Thankfully. Mk really didn't want to fight the two of them anymore.
One night, however, on one of his and Mei's late night distraction calls, Mk says something he'll probably regret. The thing in question isn't the problem, no, Mei is just horrible at keeping secrets. Also for the fact that saying it out loud makes it real, and he's been trying to keep this thing in particular at the back of his mind with the rest of his troublesome emotions. He should really learn to hold his tongue, but Mei gives him these puppy eyes as she begs him to tell her, and he just can't say no.
"I think I like Red Son," Mk says, like it's his biggest secret in the world, but Mei doesn't really seem to get it.
Her head tilts to the side. She's got her camera on, and she's been carefully painting her nails (and repainting them, because she cannot decide on a colour for the life of her) for the past hour or so. "I mean, I would hope you like him? He is our friend," she says casually, and Mk does a mental facepalm.
"No, like," he groans, hating that he has to explain all these gross feelings and not just say it normally, "like him in a non -friend way."
Mei is silent for a moment. There are a few seconds where Mk thinks she understands, and then she goes, "I'm not following, Mk, you're gonna have to say it to me straight." Before he's even opened his mouth, Mei speaks again. " Don't make a gay joke, you know what I mean!" 
He laughs for a bit, and he knows she'd do the exact same thing if their positions were switched at all. "Okay, okay, fine," he takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the reaction he was bound to get, "like him in… a crush kind of way?" Silence follows his words, just as expected, but Mei's voice breaks it in a very level tone. 
"If my parents weren't asleep right now I would be screaming into my speaker," Mei responds in the calmest voice he has ever heard from her during talks like these. "Dude, when did this happen ? Like was there a certain moment, or, like, did you just go poof ! Feelings for the fire demon that insults me everyday! You gotta explain everything -"
She rants like this for at least thirty minutes before Mk is able to get another word in.
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deanstudies101 · 4 months
4x10, Heaven and Hell
[mid-season finale]
Critical theory: Doubt, disobedience. Fathers. Secrets and confessions pt. 2 [Dean]. The handprint <3 Perfectly normal reactions. 
Discussion point/question(s): What do we think about the heaven/hell positioning of Sam and Dean? 
Key quotes: Dean, “How I feel… This… inside me… I wish I couldn’t feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing.” 
Further reading: 
Perfectly normal reaction to seeing your buddy kiss a girl (@bloodydeanwinchester)
[I love the one perfect tear as much as the next man, but. Damn I love to see Dean sobbing.]
John is God confirmed. 
Dean wants to be an angel—Anna says angels can’t feel anything. She wants to be human, to feel. He wishes he couldn’t feel anything. 
Dean/Anna, the handprint, destiel. Iga, “This is just a loaf of bread.” Me, “Buddy, this is nothing. We’re just preheating the oven.”* 
[I looked up when Cas was supposed to leave.] [They gave a lot of Anna’s stuff to Cas. Dean and Anna just fucked on screen. So.] So obviously Dean and Anna would’ve had significant romance. And they took her out of the show and replaced her with Cas. And then… Well. [I think certain plotlines, ie. the finale, would’ve been less impactful if it had been Anna. We’ll discuss.] Did Jensen have a say in this character switch, was it partially because of their chemistry? 
[We’ve discussed that demons are camp. I mentioned in the episode that angels are homophobic.] It’s giving disney villain. Was flamboyant demons an acting or writing choice? Was homophobic angels a response to this? Iga, always imagined demons as very emotional, very chaotic (Vampire Diaries vampires, bpd), and angels as stoic, not giving a shit about humans etc. And this… is kinda that? [I’m talking about Paradise Lost, of course. Lucifer is emotional, emotionally driven, persuasive etc. He convinced a whole chunk of the host of heaven to fall.] They have to be like that for it to make sense! 
We’re seeing how humans become demons. They get tortured until they break and start to torture, and we can assume that leads them to becoming demons… so what happened with Lucifer? Did he fall, become human, and then go through this process? Or did he go straight to hell, and go insane because he was alone? [I just read them Paradise Lost Book 1 242-263 aka my favourite bit.] 
Ruby is a real one. She literally put herself through torture for that plan. They love the alliance, the relationship between her and Dean. A lot of feelings
Ruby understands Dean in a way that Sam doesn't. They exchange looks that Sam doesn’t get. He doesn’t feel the need to put up the protective wall, to protect her. He doesn’t need to parent her. And she sees him. And maybe Dean sees her in a way Sam doesn’t, they’ve both had the hell experience, and maybe he respects the fact that she would’ve been in hell much longer than he was. Iga, “Sam doesn’t see Dean and never will, because Dean is his mummy.” And this isn’t an attack on Sam, he’s religious and has a lot of guilt about himself and him and Ruby, and now he knows the angels kinda sucks maybe he’s looking for something to fight for. He sees demons as evil—he trusts her and doesn’t consciously see her as evil—but he does see demons this way, so he has a lot of shame. 
Re: the sex scene. Dean is intimate and soft and… always on the bottom. 
Julio, maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, but if Sam is the antichrist, Dean is the new Jesus. He’s destined to go to heaven. He masks it in his dedication to his job, but he is sad at the state of the world, and mourns what is going on. Ying to Sam’s yang, which makes him the new Jesus, which is why he has to be kept alive, because that is his purpose. Kai’s addition, Jesus doesn’t have a good time on earth. He suffers. He dies on a cross because God told him to. Deancore. Julio again, Dean has all the elements to be Jesus. 
Anna, even as a two-year old human, was terrified of God. She was convinced he would kill her—and eventually the angel’s orders were to kill her. The demons love Lucifer, they’re excited for him to rise, they worship him in a “chill Christian kinda way.” That’s embarrassing for the angels actually. How is God the good guy? He’s not. He’s a dick. Even outside of the ~they just obey, they follow orders, kill humans, kill their own kind. This child was so scared of her father. [I would like to add, though. A lot of demons didn’t believe Lucifer really existed, he was ~just a story told in demon Sunday school. Whereas the angels truly believe all their orders are coming from God. Does that change things? Is it not easier to love something whose presence you don’t feel as much?] If you know someone better, you see their flaws more.  If Lucifer is just an ideal in their minds, they can project on him. However, it seems like Lilith knows Lucifer in some way? And she’s terrifying. So. Not a good reflection on Lucifer.
Re: heaven/hell positioning. Kind of on the nose. Can’t infer much from it literally, Sam having demon blood, Dean saved from hell, Dena is Sam’s guardian, he fucked an angel. Julio, “angels have an affinity for Dean.” Demons have plans for Sam, angels have plans for Dean. But, before the angels and demons got this involved, Sam was the pious one, Dean was the ‘sinful’ one. So a nice reverse. 
[Cas is autistic. He just stands there like (does the Kubrick stare)] Julio, I feel like he’s not really looking in the eyes though. [The thing is, often when he’s talking to people he’s like. Looking around. But with Dean it’s. Full on intense eye contact. Obsessed.]
Mid-season finale—finale predictions. Iga, Angels will be in the finale. Something about Dean’s time in hell, losing touch with his humanity, he doesn’t want to feel anything, he was transitioning into a demon. Kai, Big clash between heaven and hell. Lucifer is gonna get out, and now God is back too. Lucifer and God have some kind of face off. Julio, Sam and Dean need some time apart, they’re going in different directions. Kai, ohh, maybe Sam and Dean fight each other. Iga, Sam, or someone, comes up with a plan to make both sides fight each other again. Maybe Dean has to choose between his brother and someone else to save. Kai, Dean 1v1 Lucifer. Iga, Ruby gets in a predicament, and they have to sacrifice something to save her. Kai, maybe Dean has to die again… following the Jesus route. Iga, no, it’s Sam’s turn, he’s demon Jesus, and he gets reborn slightly more demon. But we’ve already done ‘came back wrong’. 
Star student: Julio, antichrist/Jesus analysis. Also commented mid-episode that maybe Sam’s powers come from drinking Ruby’s blood. This was ignored by everyone. Good job king. [Iga is annoyed by this because apaprently she knew but didn't say it because it felt too obvious.]
Notes: Visiting student Julio. 
*the trail of breadcrumbs is just entire loaves of bread / "the bread we made on supernatural" post (@tiktaalic), which I reference almost daily with lines such as "there's no such thing as bread" and "wouldn't it be crazy if bread was real" etc. etc. a very common tag on my main
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yandere-monoma · 9 months
They haven’t gotten any real focus yet and John Strider hasn’t even appeared in a fic yet but it’s notable how you write the prospit kids as being more resistant to Strider bullshit. Like, they come off as normal almost? Is that a good thing or not? Only time (and new fic updates) will tell
:3c indeed!!! is being resistant a good thing or a bad thing? is it better to adapt to your surroundings or try and resist and fight every inch of the way in the hopes of finally gaining something suitable for yourself? is there a 'better' tactic to cope with abuse or neglect?
it's so super fun to explore that give and take. rose strider ending up (debatably) the most mentally unhealthy of the strider kids but also becoming (debatably) the strongest of them all as a result. does this make her more successful than dave, since she can absolutely fight better than he is and thus is better 'suited' to play the hero? or is dave, who manages to regain his individuality and break through his (co)dependency on his brother faster, better than her? can they even be compared??? oh the traumalympics of it all...
or, another example, using a different set of messed up kids: rose lalonde vs jade lalonde.
the latter doesn't immerse herself completely in her mother's antics, which has actually heightened the sense of competition between them, even if there is no active 'war' between them like rose and her mom. rose and mom create a 'loving' '''rivalry''' of their dynamic, which gives rose an outlet and gives her a way to express her frustration towards her guardian, even if it's not translating right. jade does not. she makes a habit of venting to her friend(s) but she otherwise does not feel heard when trying to confront mom on her terms and she doesn't feel like she can do much to retaliate otherwise, because she doesn't want to play the same game her mom does. and since she isn't playing along, she's actually formed twice as many insecurities linked to her that rose has.
another really fun aspect of all this is the fact that... MAN!! i have so many thoughts just always about the way homestuck is told mostly through dialogue and pictures, so you're only able to infer so much about characters. there's a characterization tip i learned in college that everything people say (or at least most of it) is twice removed from their actual thoughts, at the very least. like, people say things that perhaps they've been thinking for days, weeks, years before the fact. and that's if they're even willing to be honest with themselves and their emotions to the people around them. something that is so great about homestuck is that people lie, they deflect, they manipulate the perspectives around them so successfully that readers don't even catch on unless it gets spelled out for them... if it gets spelled out
(jake is such a great example of this i could talk about jake forever)
switching from a comic book medium to one that uses narrative prose is so interesting because of that, because we suddenly get a window into the direct thoughts of the characters, we suddenly get the full picture that all of their dialogue leaves out.
i say this because it is a very very deliberate choice that certain killswitch characters and their arcs are only implied in dialogue vs others who have their entire psyches written out. we know rose is batshit because we spend 9+ chapters of prose in her head, reading her thoughts. we don't actually get to see how messed up dave is inside until way later when he expresses it. the jades are all jumbled up inside, but we keep missing out on it because they have such a good handle on their personalities and making themselves sound stable even when they aren't, and who knows when we'll actually get a peek inside of their heads. and like... DAMN it's so fun to think of what kym would have been liked if it started off like the other killswitch fics, where you're just subjected to dialogue that gets parsed out later. like rose strider talks like a 4channer and it's fun to imagine a world where that was in the forefront and she got a chance to seem just as normal as jade and dave strider get to at the beginning of their journeys. alas i need everyone to know she's insane... 😌🥰
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greypetrel · 1 year
Hey hey! 7, 23, 65 for the writer asks? c:
Hey there! :D
Here you go, thanks for asking!
I'm gonna put a cut because... Because the first two questions tackles in the perilous field of "Arja majored in literature and every time she has to discuss storytelling meta she's like this":
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Tis the prompt list.
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
I think of who could give the most interesting insight over the same event, and choose according to that. It all depends on what I'm trying to achieve with that piece of writing and the vibe I want to give: in the end a dramatic event stays dramatic, the pov just changes the flavour.
Example: In the Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts chapter, I switch the POV a couple of times accordingly. In the first scene, it's Aisling because she's the only one to exactly hear what dear Gaspard has to tell her. It must be her POV to avoid a long explanation of how she felt in that moment... That she wouldn't want to give, because the second POV is Cullen and knowing he's not faring well, she would never, at this point, go into many details about how bad she felt. You can see in the second scene what would have happened if the POV started with Cullen right away. Yes, you get what happened... I think, tho, that seeing it first-hand could give a nice other side. It changes again for the mission because I wanted a little "Why the heck is she explaining us her plan?" moment, and to start introducing that there are other people working behind the ballroom. And the last scene, with the final duel with the assassin (censoring who is it because a friend who reads me hasn't played Inquisition and if she hasn't read that chapter I don't want to spoil her GREIS DON'T CLICK) which I kept even if SOMEHOW Aisling in game won Belle of the Balle (don't ask me why, Josie drugged her)... I switched back to Cullen, because him not knowing exactly what the Science Bros had planned added a sense of uncertainty and urgency that made the pace quicker and more surprising... Which fitted, I wanted a super quick scene.
Hope it made sense xD
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
EDITED because the former one was more for Original writing and meh I thought of something better.
Originality is overrated.
And by which I mean: looking and actively pursuing something truely original at all costs will only stress you out. It goes in original and fanfiction writing. Stories got told all the time, and if you didn't start writing out of a bubble without ever consuming any work of fiction, you'll get influenced by stuff you liked, whether you want it or not. It's normal, it's something you can see in big ass authors, in authors that you study as "big innovators".
Futurists, who prided themselves in being truely, 100% original by doing something entirely new... Still were influenced by what came before. Because to do the opposite of what came before you must know what did. You must know what you don't want to do if you want to do something different. And that's why Italian futurists were assholes and I hate them and you shouldn't praise them fuck you Marinetti. Russian futurism is something entirely, wildly different and the Russians HATED the Italians with a reason But I shan't start talking about futurists or we'll end up with an essay on that let me just kiss gently on the forehead mr Livshits I love you Benedikt Konstantinovich and your glorious autobiography.
All it matters is not what you write. Is HOW you write it. Give it your vision, give what matters to you, and even if the basic story is yet another fic of a pairing that got written by so many people... Nobody wrote your specific vision of it. And that's all that matters.
At the end of the day, in the hands of a good writer who believes and has something personal to say about a certain trope... The tropes I like the least on paper are something I enjoy from people that thought about it and that you can SEE loved that story. And it's great.
Edited from before because thinking about it better, it's true that genre should not be considered so fixed as I sometimes see them being... But I thought about it better and "mediocrity" shouldn't be so shunned. Write your story, I don't care if it's good. If it makes you happy writing it, if it makes you crack a smile and it doesn't offend people, go for it. Mediocrity is good, mediocrity shouldn't be demonized or looked upon with a frown. If it brings ONE smile to one person, that's a good book, no matter the originality of it. Which brings us to the point I edited this in.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Uh, currently? I can't wait to end Monster Fic to start with DadWolf x°D
Beside that, I got half an idea of expanding a little on the collection of prompts about Raina... And writing something about the duel with the Arishok. Peak drama, peak tragic hero moment. I need to structure it a little better in my head, maybe replay that mission to have a clearer mind (the last time I played it it was with Garrett, aka a mage... Raina is a rogue and after Leandra she'll kill herself before allowing him to go in her place. Really it would be a categoric "No you're not going. Not in a million years." Yes they'll have the fight of a lifetime afterwards.). But yeah.
Also since today I really want to write a snippet of Dark Lady AU in which Cullen makes it to Barad Dur in friendlier terms and notices that there are cats EVERYWHERE. And as every good dog person that doesn't really like cats all that much he'll be LOVED by all the cats. He'll go to sleep and wake up from the purring. Will get used to it pretty soon, he just never paid that much attention to cats. Nazgul flying from Barad Dur to Mordor with backpacks with portholes to bring their cats around.
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porta-decumana · 2 years
The Great Revampening!
Hi, it’s been a minute since a huge major big post regarding my characters.  I want to start this off by saying that most fics are gonna remain unchanged because a lot of these revamps are not things that will require much in the way of retconning!  There will be minor tweaks to And Love You Shall Find and MAYBE to Alea Iacta Est.  Everything else will remain the same.
The big two things are that Kaida and Lillian are being reworked slightly.  Unfortunately when I upgraded my PC, some things were lost and certain files got corrupted.  I had to rebuild Kaida and Lillian’s looks from scratch and due to certain things, some changes were made to their appearances.  And then I realized... I kind of like those changes.  
I also am in process of making a new probably secondary OC but I’ll post about that later when her design is finished.  I think much like Ifra and Y’aana, she may not necessarily have full fics dedicated to her but she’ll be a character that shows up in fics.  But that’ll go in a later post, time to talk about Kaida and Lillian!
Appearance Changes
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Kaida has a new set of scales.  Lillian has been given wavy hair and freckles. Both have new hairstyles for 6.3 onward.
Additionally, Kaida’s appearance in previous expansions will be getting slightly revised moving forward (mostly hairstyle changes and I’m going to come up with official “looks” for her for each expansion).
Further changes are under the cut because long.
Backstory Changes
The only characters receiving backstory changes at this time are Kaida and her Unsundered form, Euphrosyne.  I’ve been doing a lot of deep diving into Kaida’s character lately and I’m ready to reveal these new changes.
Euphrosyne (Euphie)
Formerly, Euphie was adopted into Hades’s family.  However, I’ve decided to switch the scenario so that Hades was adopted into Euphie’s family.  Euphrosyne also had two sisters (Aglaia and, tentatively, Thalia).
Kaida Asagiri
I have bumped back the time that Kaida was exiled from the Ruby Sea.  Rather than being exiled at age 16, she was exiled at age 19.  I chose to do this to give more time to explore her life in the Ruby Sea prior to her adventures as a Warrior of Light.
Kaida had a pet syldra during her time in the Ruby Sea.  These were not uncommon for richer clans to own.  The pet syldra was named Gin.  After her exile, Kousuke and Aika-- Kaida’s siblings-- took care of Gin.
While Kaida lived in the Ruby Sea, she had a long-distance relationship with Yugiri.  This relationship was kept mostly secret as Kaida knew that her parents would not approve of her dating someone outside the village.  At the time, Ao-no-Sato and Sui-no-Sato were still repairing their relationship after generations of political conflict.
Yugiri was Kaida’s first kiss.
Kaida’s curiosity of the outside world was influenced by Yugiri’s stories, especially the tale of her encounter with a young boy name Shun.  
Yugiri broke things off with Kaida when she departed the Ruby Sea to become a shinobi in Doma.  Yugiri explained to Kaida that she was doing this because she could not see a future in which the Garleans did not invade the Ruby Sea. Although Yugiri tried to convince Kaida to come with her, Kaida felt, at the time, Yugiri was too obsessed with this paranoia of the Garleans invading (a paranoia Kaida was too familiar with as it had caused her village to become even more reclusive than normal-- something she did not like).  Kaida refused and lost contact with Yugiri soon after, which broke her heart.
Rather than being part of a free company prior to the Calamity, Kaida worked in Gridania as part of the Conjurer’s Guild.  She trained under E-Sumi-Yan, who took an interest in her geomancy.  Because Kaida’s form of geomancy had more to do with water than the earth (given that she learned everything in an underwater village), she was tasked frequently with seeing to aetherial imbalances in the Shroud’s waters.  She helped tend to the wounded during the Calamity and afterwards, she was recruited by the Order of the Twin Adders.  She attained the rank of Serpeant Sergeant Third Class and mostly did Grand Company work for spare gil to cover living expenses.
During the events of rescuing Minfilia, Tataru, Urianger, etc from Castrum Centri in ARR, Kaida was captured by the XIVth Legion’s Livia sas Junius.  This is going to be a fic so please look forward to it, I guess.
When Kaida and Yugiri reunited in 2.2, they tried to make things work out.  However, they quickly discovered that they had simply become different people and after a month of trying, they decided to split things off permanently.  They remain friends, however.
During the events of the Naadam in Stormblood, Kaida did not fight for the Mol.  Instead, she fought for the Malaguld-- the tribe that her father hailed from.  Kaida met some of her extended family during this time including her grandfather Sükhbaatar, the khan of the tribe and an experienced warrior, and her cousin, Erhi.  Upon winning the Naadam, she gave her title of khagan to her grandfather as she felt it was not her place to hold that title.
Character Changes
Kaida’s Echo is now slightly altered.  Rather than simply seeing the past through another’s eyes, Kaida experiences them in a more vivid and emotional way.  The emotions sometimes cloud her mind post-vision to the point where she can fall into a state of delirium.  The delirium is born from a blend of lingering emotions from the vision (usually the emotions of another) and her own feelings, giving her a cooldown period where she’s more emotionally volatile.
Not entirely a change but more or less something I’ve been developing over time.  Kaida is pretty anti-piracy, specifically due to a bad past with the Confederacy, who has long harassed people from her village.  Because of this, certain scenes in Stormblood are a bit different, with Kaida likely being forbidden from dealing with Rasho due to her immense hatred towards him. I will probably write about these scenes later.  Kaida also has a civil but colder relationship with Merlwyb and does not particularly find Limsa to be a comfortable place. Characters such as Sicard, who lean into piracy a tad too comfortable, make Kaida wary and she is not comfortable around them.  There is a bit more to this but I will also save that for fics.
I think that about covers the major changes!  I plan to replay Stormblood when Trust support is added because I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to play through it as Kaida before!  So when that happens, I foresee many more headcanon posts.
I will be revising banners and profiles gradually over the next week!
Thank you for reading. 
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
Sneak Peak of Breaking the Cycle chp 4!
Picking up right where we left off and switching up the POV! Thank you all for your comments on the last chapter and sneak peek, and I hope you enjoy this one.
(Henry's point of view)
Something was wrong with Audrey, Henry could tell.
She was hesitant to speak to them, more than she was then she first arrived.
She hardly spoke to Sammy and Norman, and while she spoke more to Henry, it was measured.
It had to have been the day the Keepers took her and her alone. Something happened that day.
The question was, what could have happened to so violently throw her off-kilter?
It had made her distrusting of her friends, so it must have had something to do with her cellmates.
Then Henry remembered that in their earlier times with her, she mentioned that Wilson wanted something with her, so much that he specifically instructed her to seek him out and he ordered the citizens of the studio to hunt her down.
'Wilson must have called her to him,' Henry deduced. 'He did something.'
Now there was a new question; what did he do?
Did he show her sonething? Tell her something?
Whatever it was, it made her distrust and doubt her companions.
Then it hit Henry.
'Did he...tell her about what Sammy and Norman did before they were jailed?'
Getting THAT truth dropped on her would make Audrey distrust them. The thought that you were surrounded by murderers was a...frightening thought, indeed.
But what was Henry supposed to do if that was the case? Tell her Wilson lied to her? That would be a lie itself!
And he couldn't tell her that Sammy and Norman had changed for certain, she might not believe him due to how often the two screamed at each other, threatening death.
And what if he was wrong in assuming what had happened to her? She might be angry at him for assuming how she was feeling and clam up more.
It was obvious Audrey was anxious and upset about something, but Henry didn't know how to go about it, or how to help Audrey.
But it would be evident that something had to change, upon the next day.
It was a relatively normal day, Sammy and Norman were arguing, and it was to the point that to avoid discomfort, you had to cover your ears.
However, what Henry did not expect was for Audrey to start screaming.
Since this came out of nowhere, everyone in the room was in stunned silence for a second.
However, surprising Henry, Sammy was quick to see what was wrong.
"Little sheep, is something wrong-" "DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO ASK?! When is anything not wrong in this place?! Everything I know is a lie, the people around me are obsessed with killing, and I'm going to die here in a glass box!" Sammy started, but was cut off by Audrey's ranting.
"I am NOT obsessed with killing, little sheep! I only do it when it is necessary, in the name of my lord!"
"That's the problem! You kill off anyone who dares to so much as breathe in a way that you deem 'sacrilege'! All you care about is the Ink Demon!"
"Well, NEWSFLASH! He's not coming to save you, or anyone! We're all gonna rot in here!"
It was then that Henry decided that he had to do something to help her, here and now.
"...Audrey, look, something has clearly been bothering you for the past month, and bottling it up has led to you snapping, so can you just talk to us?" Henry asked.
Audrey sat in silence for a moment, pondering his question, before saying-
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tiikerikani · 1 month
All aboard the time machine
2024 Aug 18 – Utran Uittoareena, Joensuu
Funnily, 2 years ago, on this same mid-August weekend, I also saw Rautiainen on Friday and Vesterinen on Sunday. But that's not the only parallel, as you will soon find out...
The usual shore pic:
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I cut short my traditional listen-through of Sorni Nai because I heard music coming over from the theatre already at like 4:15. I went over to the yard there and sat on the usual steps facing the restaurant. Turns out the audio techs were setting up their stuff using tapes from previous performances, which ... really confused me at first.
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Regular Groupie drives through the yard at 4:25, followed immediately by Merch Table Guy and Merch Lady. Regular Groupie walks over to me a bit later to say hi (she'd ended up parking the car in the other lot outside). At this point (about 4:45) the band van shows up and the guests who had purchased the pre-show dinner go inside the restaurant.
When I went inside to get my usual mug of coffee, I noticed that there was a stack of paper tickets by the till. So they did exist, despite not having really needed to use them. Anyway, I found out on Friday that they do actually scan the ticket QR codes now (they might have switched to this last year, since my paper ticket then had a unique alphanumeric code printed on it), so I'd printed out the ticket email at the library the day before.
The same (I think) two fangirls who blocked me in the queue last year started the queue again this time, but I remembered from Friday that there would be a second lane so I took up position there instead. I was first to be let in at 5:55 (yay for QR code on paper) and casually jogged to my normal first row seat. The girls took the other side of the centre aisle.
It's also my tradition to read something sociology/philosophy-related while queuing/waiting.
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The woman and her husband on the other side of me were local. They weren't able to snag tickets last year but were on the ball this year. I think they must be newer fans because they didn't know about my cape. She was really excited to practise speaking English with me (it happens, I don't really mind). She'd recently lost a family member, so she was in tears the whole time. Not to trivialise her grief but certain songs trigger a grief-like mood in me as well and I also wanted to cry but sometimes I just can't. It makes these posts really hard to write.
Pictures part, I guess:
These people in the boat hung around a bit. There were also some people sitting on the dock on the other side of the river almost the whole time. Hey, free entertainment.
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People more proficient with their cameras or whatever can go ahead and take their portrait photos of his infectious happy face. I'll be in this corner trying to capture his other, less common, expressions. My pictures don't win any popularity contests and that's OK.
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Oh hey got a good picture of Markus and his grin again (he was not wearing fun socks)
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I tried to get a few more of these reaction shots but I need more practice with the iPhone:
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Why is he gesturing at me again after a [checks notes] 15-month break? (I'm not complaining but I thought he was over it.)
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The two fangirls hung around after and wanted the set list signed by whoever they were able to catch, such as Jukka-Pekka. Markus was talking with some couple, and the fangirls and I hovered trying to find a gap in the conversation. It just didn't feel like it was happening so when I did get a moment I just said "Thank you" and shook hands and went on my way.
Maybe it's because it was Sunday, but the place cleared out really quickly. Like all the guests had either disappeared into the bar or (more likely) gone away within at most 20 minutes. Even Regular Groupie had to jet because she had work the following morning and needed to drive like 6 hours to get home. (She's told me once but I don't remember where she's from.)
Merch update: In addition to the denim jackets with the back patch, they'd also printed the design on the backs of t-shirts. Which, in my opinion, is less fun because it isn't as self-referential that way. They were also selling the patch separately so people could sew it onto their own things, but they'd already sold all they'd brought with them this weekend. I'm not really sure where I'd sew it. Like it looks quite large but is it the same size as the big Nightwish patch on the bottom of my party overalls? It'd take up a huge chunk of the apron I got for Vappu this year, which I'd hoped would give me at least a couple years' worth of space...
Maailma palaa
Kohti sydänpeltoja
Samaan mutkaan kaatunut
Jamesin takki
Kolme hyvää vinkkiä
Ilman mua
Tummilla teillä
Turisti [intermission]
Valot eteiseen
Kiljut riemusta
Kanto (yes the guitar solo is improvised.)
Kukaan ei koskaan
Hetken ikuinen
// Arlandan portailla
[Concert write-up archive and master calendar]
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Update 6/26/24
+For Alderic's second event, if you play as the "female" player but choose to have they/them pronouns he'll use both she/her and they/them pronouns. (The messages would basically double up with the genders switched.) I fixed that.
+Started dating Alderic.
+Fixed up his post-dating event.
+Saw his post-dating event, which made me realize that there's no context for a certain thing unless you say the right thing in one of Jayce's events, so
+I made a third event for Alderic for contextual reasons. I didn't make one initially because Alderic extra events that the other candidates do not. (Also I didn't really know what to do for a third one until now.)
+Removed one line of dialogue from Alderic's date to prevent a future retcon.
+Made it so if you read the nameplate for a candidate who you are married to, it will say "FOR SALE" instead. (When applicable.)
+I stalked(?) Alderic's post-marriage schedule.
+I had babies with Alderic. (A couple months apart.)
For some reason Alderic's baby was a few days premature at first. I tried increasing the days it take for the baby to be formed by 1 and it went back to when it's supposed to be born. I decreased it again and it still worked as normal.
So if you try to have a baby with Alderic they might be premature. Their birthday won't change still. (It will always be on the 2nd.)
Glitches and Oversight(?) workarounds:
+Since nobody is helping me out with my debugging issue, you now get free 500 Max Repels during winter time.
+When having a second baby about two months apart from the first one (or one month apart. I lost count) the cutscene makes the game freeze. But for some reason you can name the baby if you just talk to the thing that has that script. So you won't be forced into a cutscene but you will be trapped in that room until you talk to your baby to name it.
Also it was either a day early or a day late no matter how many days I adjust it's birth for. What fucking ever.
I suppose this means that I can move on to the last two now.
+Got rid of that fucking letter that reminds you to take the fucking Pokedex. Kiana will just give it to you when you pick up your first Pokemon. (It will also be sitting on the desk for you to take. You'll have to be responsible for remembering to grab it.)
+Somebody found out that you could go into this... Void thing if you hold "down" while going into town from your farm. I have no idea what the hell that is. So I did something that should prevent that.
+Started the list of new oversights and glitches that I can't fix.
-Finally updated the banner from this to showing the updated sprites and the non-binary character.
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