#like my sister one time watched a ton of crash course and started talking like John green
Does anyone else do the thing where if they watch too much of a tv show or YouTube channel in one sitting they pick up the speech patterns of a person and are stuck talking like them for a few hours or days?
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apomaro-mellow · 10 months
Steve had a puppy au from this ask
Elaine knew that her sister and her husband often left their son alone. And honestly, that just wasn't good for the boy. She had talked to her sister about it, it wasn't like she had to follow Richard around, but Margaret wasn't hearing it. So Elaine put it on herself to give young Steve a companion. In the form of a cavalier spaniel puppy. Twelve year old Steve had been over the moon when he met her for the first time.
Steve named her Lady. And she kept him company when his parents were out of town. Because they were gone so much, they didn't really mind at first. Barely noticed her. Steve wanted to prove himself, so he read a ton of books on caring for dogs. He learned to house train her, keep her from tearing into things, and even not to bark too loud. It helped that Lady was already so prim and proper to begin with.
She was a proper Harrington lass in Steve's eyes. And it was nice to have someone around when the sun went down and he was all alone in this big house. Whenever she laid her head on his leg or chest and gazed up at him, Steve felt like he was really being seen.
Eventually, there came a time when his parents were actually home for a decent stretch. Steve had had Lady for two years and had been using his allowance and birthday money to buy things for her. She had the fluffiest dog bed and a whole basket of toys.
"Lady!", Steve called out by the front door. "Time for a walk!"
Her little feet bounded against the floor, grating on Richard as he thought of a clumsy dog crashing into something in his house.
Lady would follow Steve to go and get the mail, barking happily to the postman, which annoyed Margaret to no end when she heard it day in and day out. Her shedding disgusted them. They didn't like how she roamed the house like she owned it.
Finally, Richard laid down the law. "Get rid of it", he ordered.
"Of what?", Steve asked, in the middle of figuring out some algebra homework. Eight grade was hard but Lady made it easier when she rested by his feet.
"Of the dog. She doesn't belong here."
"She does more than you", Steve glared.
"Watch your tone."
"I'm not getting rid of Lady", Steve said as he stood to his feet. Lady's head perked up.
Richard's hand went for her and Steve smacked it away. Sensing aggression, Lady got to her feet and started to growl. Before Richard could retaliate towards his own son, she lunged and bit into his hand. His scream prompted his wife to come into the room. Margaret stood between her husband and son, keeping Steve from going after his father as he held Lady by her scruff and took her away.
Steve watched from his window as Lady was driven away. Probably to the pound or out on the street, he didn't know which was worse. But he knew he'd never forgive his parents.
He missed Lady every time he thought about her, so he tried not to think that much. It got easier every time Hawkins was under attack. But with the defeat of Vecna, it felt like the closing of the final chapter. All loose ends had been tied. All that was left was healing and rebuilding.
Both physical and mental for one Eddie Munson, who found himself laid up at the hospital for several weeks. Luckily, he wasn't bored. He had a visitor nearly every day, the most surprising of which being Steve Harrington.
"Can't believe I get to hold court with the king nearly every day", Eddie said when Steve came in again.
"Of course you do, you're my court jester. I'm just here ahead of Wayne. He said he had a surprise and wanted me to warn you not to go over the top. Apparently he's sneaking someone in?"
Eddie could hear the apprehension in his voice and smiled to reassure him. "Worry not, Wayne's not breaking anyone out of prison."
True to Steve's word, Wayne came in, something bundled up in his arms. To anyone not paying any mind, especially in a hospital, it might appear to be a baby. But Eddie knew who it was and immediately smiled. Wayne closed the door and then let out a little whistle. The bundle heard the signal and began to move, poking their head out from the blanket wrap.
"Meatball!" Eddie reached his arms out to take the dog. Wayne handed them over and she licked all over his face, tail wagging excitedly.
"Meatball?", Steve's brow raised.
"Yeah, cause she looks like a lil meatball. And that's what I fed her when I first found her", Eddie beamed.
Steve shook his head. "She doesn't look like a meatball, she looks like-Lady?"
"From Lady and the Tramp? Yeah, she looks like that too", Eddie nodded, scratching her behind the ear.
"Lady?", Steve said again. And suddenly he had his own lap full of dog and her wet nose and tongue all over his face. "I can't believe-how long-Were you with Eddie this whole time?"
Lady let out a soft bark and then turned over in his lap for belly rubs.
"How do you know Meatball?", Eddie asked.
"Her name is Lady, and I've known her since she was a puppy", Steve explained while giving his best girl belly rubs. "My dad took her away, I never knew what happened to her."
"Eddie found her out in the woods", Wayne said. "Never seen a stray dog so polite. We could tell she'd been kept well, but she didn't have a collar."
Her being yours explains why she was such a little princess", Eddie teased.
"She's a proper lady, yes she is", Steve cooed.
"So, do we need to go to court for custody?", Eddie asked.
Steve put Lady onto Eddie's lap and petted the top of her head. "I'm sure we can come to an arrangement", Steve said. "We did with Dustin."
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For Science
A/N: Hello all, it’s been a hot fucking minute. Some things have changed in how I write/ When i write/ etc. So I have no idea when I’ll get the time to write. Which brings me to the reason for this fic. I started watching the originals, and was immediately obsessed. Personally, I’m an Elijah girl, but this popped into my head and I couldn’t get it out fast enough. Wrote this in two hours 😅 Hope it’s okay! It was my first time writing for the Mikaelsons.
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 1,587
Summary: It’s the Fourth of July, Klaus isn’t home, Rebekah is oddly silent and Elijah, Hayley and Y/N decide to conduct a scientific experiment.
Warnings: Some saucy implications, swearing, Klaus, innuendos
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Rebekah was up to something, a notion they could all agree on. Elijah, Hayley and Y/N sat on the couch in the living room of the Mansion, not hearing a sound despite knowing she was home. The one person who wasn’t present, was Klaus.
Thus, Rebekah was definitely up to something, but what it could be?
Lots of possibilities, with many different levels of peril, all designed specifically for one Niklaus Mikaelson. They knew they should probably get involved, especially Y/N, whose very boyfriend was the one at risk. But they also knew the outcome would be spectacular, so they all silently decided to do nothing. For now, Y/N would continue to write on her computer, and Hayley and Elijah would continue reading the same book together.
It may be a national holiday, but they had other things that required their attention at the moment.
A loud crash came from above them, followed by a curse only heard by the ones with supernatural hearing. They all looked up to the ceiling, right where they knew that Klaus and Y/N’s room was located. Simultaneously, they looked back to each other, one more silent conversation later, and they returned to their activities.
Hayley felt a buzz against her hip, and she knew it was Elijah’s. She reached between them to grab the phone, opening the notification.
“Klaus just texted saying he was on his way, based on the colorful vocabulary, I’d say the negotiation with Marcel didn’t go as planned,” Hayley said quietly to the group, not loud enough for Rebekah to hear as she showed the text to Elijah.
“He said he’ll be here in a few minutes. I wonder, should we tell her of her expedited deadline?” He muttered, thumbs poised working as he replied to his brother.
“Hell no,” Y/N laughed, and soon as it happened, the three paused, making sure Rebekah wasn’t listening into the conversation now. When nothing was heard yet, they all let out a collective breath.
“I want to see this play out, without interference” She said, softer this time as a wicked smirk came upon all of their faces.
“A scientific experiment, if you will,” Hayley said, suppressing the urge to laugh.
“Yes, for science.” Elijah said, and without another word, they all resumed what they were doing moments ago.
As promised, minutes later, Hayley and Elijah heard the faint hum of Niklaus’s vehicle. Apparently, Rebekah did as well, judging by the way they all heard another curse, followed by a frantic shuffling, and then she ran down the stairs and into the foyer.
She was slightly out of breath, and her eyes looked wild. The most damning piece of evidence was the lone feather sitting in her hair.
It didn’t take a conversation to know they would keep that information to themselves. Letting the cards fall where they may, in the name of knowledge. Rebekah smoothed out her shirt, letting out a breath as she walked over to sit next to Y/N on the adjoining couch. She picked up a random book as the car drew closer.
“I hope that I can trust you all to agree that I was here the whole time,” Rebekah said sweetly, an underlying threat laced in her words as she kept her gaze on the book.
“As long as my room isn’t destroyed,” Y/N said just as sweetly, and Rebekah paled slightly. Y/N may still be human, but she was still able to make Rebekah gulp.
“Rebekah…” She began to warn, right as they heard Klaus make it to the driveway. Only moments now.
“I will fix it myself but please say nothing,” She whispered, speaking fast, pleadingly, and before Y/N could agree or deny, Klaus sped into the mansion. His posture was tense, and his brow was furrowed. They all knew Hayley’s suspicion was correct.
“Marcellus Gerard is a conniving twit and I will be glad when we finally dethrone the treacherous bastard,” He huffed, as his gaze shifted to his girlfriend, and he softened in front of their eyes. He plopped down behind her, pulling her body closer to his chest. His hands traced down her arms as he whispered loud enough for only her to hear. Not that any of them would want to hear whatever it was. Based on their facial expressions, it wasn’t hard to guess what was being said.
“I rather think a long relaxing wash in my multi-headed shower sounds rather spectacular before the upcoming night of festivities” Klaus grinned into her skin. She shivered as she felt his warm breath on her neck, and she began to nod her head. But then she opened her eyes and gazed back upon Rebekah, with the damn feather in her hair.
She quickly thought of an excuse.
“I’ll be up in a moment, I have a couple more things I need to write down before I forget them.” She said, a little breathy. Both at the thought of what was promised, and her being put on the spot. Then another thought crossed her mind, as Klaus nodded, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
If she didn’t say anything, she would surely not get to experience whatever Klaus was cooking up in his gorgeous head. But if she told him. He might forgive Rebekah’s attempted prank in favor of private time with his girlfriend. She locked eyes with Rebekah, and saw that she knew what Y/N had on the line.
After a tense millisecond, Y/N rolled her eyes, and let Klaus get up without another word. Rebekah breathed out imperceptibly, and Hayley rested her mouth against Elijah’s shoulder to conceal her smile.
Right before he left, Klaus turned and looked at Rebekah.
“There’s a feather in your hair sister,” He said, before turning back around, as Rebekah frantically pulled the feather from her blonde curls.
Klaus finally left with a pleased smile on his face, and suddenly they all felt a bit guilty.
Only for a moment though, he had staked and tortured (except for Y/N and Hayley of course, though Hayley was not immune to his taunts and quips) them many times over the centuries.
“Thanks for telling me,” She growled quietly, and Elijah casually looked up at his sister.
“For the results to be as accurate as possible, we could not interfere” He said matter of factly, as Hayley nearly snorted, her hand gripping his button up shirt. He reached up to grab hers, and brought it to his lips.
Before Rebekah had the chance to ask what the hell he was talking about, they collectively heard Klaus open his door, and then a mechanical grinding. Something that sounded like a liquid fell to the floor as Klaus cried out in clear surprise. Moments later, and a loud wooshing sound was heard.
It was silent for a few moments, and everyone waited in bated breaths for what was to come next.
“REBEKAHHH!” Klaus screamed dramatically, and before the name was even finished, she was out of the door, running away like her life depended on it. Probably because it did.
The group busted out laughing, and Hayley and Y/N looked to each other. Another wooshing sound and there he was.
Covered in thick chocolate syrup and a shit ton of feathers stood a murderous Klaus Mikaelson. Even the stoic Elijah couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips at the clever prank.
“First, Marcellus turns down a perfectly good exchange of power, then my sister proverbially tars and feathers me, and now I begin to realize that my sweet Y/N let her devoted boyfriend walk right into a trap,” He said, continuing the dramatics as always.
“Happy American Independence Day brother” Elijah sighed, as fireworks started up outside. Hayley turned excitedly to the window, and his gaze turned to her, adoration clear on his face. Without another word, he stood up, Hayley cradled in his arms as she yelped at the sudden movement.
“If you’ll excuse us, I will be going to take my partner to watch the fireworks,” And he ran out of the room before Klaus had the chance to argue, Hayley’s giggle echoing in the wind.
Klaus huffed indignantly, getting himself all worked up again. Y/N lifted the laptop from her lap, setting it to the side so she could make her way to her whining boyfriend.
“I’m going to find Rebekah, and when I do I’ll…” He ranted, Y/N wrapping her arms around his neck, not caring about the sticky transfer of chocolate sauce and feathers onto her clothes. His arms wound around her waist as she quietly interrupted his threats.
“Pretend to laugh it off, to lull her into a false sense of security. Then you’ll come back to me to plan your revenge,” Her lips ghosted over the skin of his neck as she spoke, before her tongue darted up to lick a bit of the dark syrup.
“For now, I promised you a nice long shower,” She said as she pulled away, and met his signature smirk.
“You are truly wicked my dear,” He all but growled, pulling her harder against his body as she giggled. “I believe you are correct, I will most definitely be needing your assistance, love,” And as soon as the words left his lips, he picked her up and ran them to the washroom, the need for revenge forgotten for now.
A solid day's work in the name of Science.
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coffeecakefanfics · 3 years
A moments glance | B.B x Fem!Reader
Requests are open!!!!!
Summary: Bucky misses the feeling of human connection, both emotional and physical, so does Y/N. After a particularly brutal mission the two can deny their want any longer 
Warnings:  Language, angst? SMUT! (probably badly written but oh well)  This fic is a lot longer than I wanted but it’s worth it I promise.
Missions are normally pretty easy.  Luckily it was the dream team that got stuck on this mission together.  Sam, Bucky, and Y/n stood around a base layout, making a plan as to how to get this mission to sail smoothly. It was a simple job, repo a plane that had been stolen and return it to the owners, aka the fucking US Military. 
“So Y/n has pilot knowledge so if we can get through the fence and to it she can fly it back here to base, easy,” Sam explained the plan to the soldiers. 
“Sam and Bucky will go with me as my second hands and eyes, be my body guards,” Y/n nodded and looked up. “This is an easy job so it shouldn’t take long, maybe a couple hours, but stay on standby in case force is needed,” the woman stood straight and tapped her fingers on the table.  The crew split into the groups, taking their places.  Sam sat in the drivers seat of the car while Y/n sat in the front and Bucky was stuck in the back. 
“We’re here, everyone ready?” Sam asked and threw the car in park.
“Are we ever ready?” Bucky snarked and stepped out.  The three were greeted by a fence with barbed wire across the top. 
“Can we break it down?” Bucky looked between the two.
“That my dear would be destruction of property, a charge none of us can afford right now,” She huffed and opened the backseat, pulling the floor mat out. 
“What the hell are you doing with that?” Sam looked at the girl as if she was crazy.
“Throwing the mat over the wire?” she furrowed her brow and tossed the mat over the fence and scaled it. 
“Coming? or am I leaving you two dummies for the birds?” she smirked. 
“Ha ha very funny,” Sam snarked back. 
“This guy,” she smiled playfully at Bucky, who in return smiled back, a small one, but a smile. 
“There she is, look at this beauty,” Y/n motioned to the plane.  The three climbed in, starting the engine. 
“Bucky once we’re in the air I want you to contact the air force and tell them their plane is on it’s way,” she spoke calmly as she started down the runway. She was setting up controls when Bucky’s voice broke their silence. 
“Uh guys? I think we got company,” a black SUV sped down the runway, stopping before two guys stepped out wielding guns. 
“Pull up!” Sam yelled the girl.
“I’m trying,” she yelled back, the plane getting closer before finally taking off. The firing followed them up into the air. 
“Looks like we’re clear,” Y/n took a breath.
“There’s probably a reason they didn’t want us taking the plane,” Bucky commented.
“If I had to guess, drugs, I mean the air force tests flights so much that nobody bats an eye, especially at fort carson,” the woman nodded. “Sam can you check all of the compartments?” she looked back at him. 
“Yeah, of course,” he tipped his head and began opening the compartments lining the walls, bags of cocaine spilled out of an overhead bin.
“Oh shit, that’s thousands of dollars worth of hard drugs right there,” she peered back at the mess.
“yeah no shit, what do we do?” 
“Get on the comms and alert them of what’s happening”
“on it” 
The blaring sound took over their voices. 
“What the hell is going on?” Bucky asked
“We’re losing altitude, buckle in for a crash landing”
“I’m sorry what?!”
“Do it!” she barked “Sam jump and get to the base, let them know what happened, go now!” she was barking orders at them.  
“I’ll hurry back” Sam called and jumped, catching wind just in time.
“So what are we just going to die?”
“No, not if I can help it. But we are going to have to drop into the mountains, so hold on to something,” she gave him a sympathetic look.  The plane crashed down into the mountain, losing the wings in the process.  The two climbed out, seemingly unharmed. 
“So what are we just going to sit here and wait?” Bucky looked at the girl.
“I’m afraid so, we can’t risk moving, they won’t find us,” she huffed and slumped against an aspen tree.
“Great,” Bucky huffed and sat across from her, against a fallen pine log.  The two sat in silence for a few minutes, the ringing in their ears taking over. 
“Have you ever been this far west?” Y/n asked. Bucky peeked up at her. Sighing he tossed a rock to his left. 
“No, at least, not that I can recall,” he looked back at the dirt. 
“It’s pretty, Pikes peak is worth the view, if you ever get to go,” she cleared her throat, awkwardness settling in. 
“You been?”
“Yeah, I uh, I grew up here, in springs, that’s why I knew about the fort carson stuff.  They always test fly and they take kids for rides sometimes.  also teach kids how to pilot when they reach a certain age,” she trailed off. 
“Military brat?” 
“I never knew that,” he looked at her, really looked at her.  He noticed how she sat with her knees up, but her shoulders slumped.  Her she chewed on the inside of her lip.
“I never really told anyone,” she shrugged,”You know we have worked on the same team for I don’t know how many years and yet I feel like I hardly know you,” she remarked. Bucky swallowed the lump in his throat. 
“I don’t really open up to people, it’s not something I do,” it was his turn to chew on his lip.
“I get it, you up walls, try and protect yourself. . .”she trailed off, a soft rustling in the brush caught her attention. She held her finger to her lips and slowly stood, Bucky following her move.  The two crouched and ducked behind some bush.
“They couldn’t have gotten far, move,” a mans voice barked. Y/n looked at Bucky with wide eyes.  Bucky scanned the are before nodding to a path, they crept their way over, carful not to make too much noise. One they had gotten far enough away they stood straight and starting sprinting.  
“The guys that hijacked the plane?” She asked.
“That’s my guess,” he shrugged. 
“Bucky I need to stop,” she panted, trying to catch her breath.
“We’re probably far enough away,” he slowed to a stop.  
“I’m sorry,” she took a ragged breath
“It’s fine, not all of us are, what do you like to say? built different,” he cracked a smile.  Y/n smiled back at him before they broke off into laughter.
“You remembered that dumb saying?”
“I try to remember them all, I’m trying to make my place in this world, and if that means learning the lingo then I guess I have to”
“Must be hard,” she stood next to him, “trying to get used to this”
“you have no ide-” a gunshot and a scream of pain cut him off. His eyes shot in the direction of the shot before landing on the girl, crumpled on the forest floor. 
“Shit” he scooped her up and started sprinting west. 
“Shit shit shit, hey doll, if you can hear me keep  your eyes open you hear,” he peeked down at her. She was clutching her stomach.
“Tell me something, tell me about, tell me about your house of a kid,” he scrambled to find anything to talk about.  
“yellow,” she breathed,” it was yellow” He caught sight of a cave and ducked into it. 
“keep going”
“It had, two floors and an attic, the uh, the upstairs had a balcony,” she took deep breaths.  Bucky pulled out a knife and cut the bottom of his shirt, putting pressure on his wound. 
“Bucky?” she looked at him as close as she could
“What was your favorite part about the forties?”
He laughed. “The stupid dive bars, going dancing,” he thought for a second.
“Were you any good?” Y/n teased.
“Oh please, look at me, I was the best,” he said, jokingly cocky. The silence took over.  The only sound was a ragged breath every now and then.  Y/n Held her phone up. 
“Nothing,” she felt tears well up in her eyes.
“Bucky?” She got his attention.
“yeah Y/n? what’s up?”
“If i’m going to die today, can I at least get to know you before I go?” she asked
“Listen to me, and you listen to me good, you ain’t dying today got it?” he spoke sharply, but with concern laced and weaved in his voice. 
“In my jacket is a pack of matched, I saw some twigs and pinecones at the opening of the cave, grab them, make a fire, please, i’m freezing,” she pleaded.  Bucky didn’t say anything as he obliged.  The small fire illuminated the walls, but was small enough that they wouldn’t be spotted.  Bucky sat across from Y/n, he watched as she scanned the walls. 
“Mica,” she spoke plainly. 
“Yeah, ton of the shit too,” he kind of huffed, looking around.
“They used to make windows out of it, for cars and shit, also dry wall, but most importantly it used for stuff like spark plugs,and electronic components like compasses during world war 2 ” she stated, half heartedly. Bucky looked at the girl shocked.
“Yeah, thats- how’d you know that?”
“Grandpa fought in the war, told me all kinds of stories before he passed, also taught me about minerals and stuff before he passed too, he and dad used to take me camping, they’d teach me how to hunt, farm, fish, find and purify water, which berries and shrooms are good to eat, case I ever got lost,” she laughed and winced at the pain.  “I miss them,” she sighed.
“Those are good skills to have,” Bucky smiled at her. He went silent.  It had been a few hours, no sign of anyone.  He looked at Y/n, she didn’t look great, she was pale, she was growing tired. He didn’t want her to be miserable, or to die not knowing him. 
“My name is James Buchanan Barnes, I was born March 10th 1917, I have a younger sister named Rebecca, we called her Becca,” He spoke up.  Y/n looked at him with a smile and nodded him on to continue, “I’ve always wanted a cat, and if I could have kids i’d want a daughter, I’d name her Scarlett,” he stammers on. The young woman listens attentively.  Her breathing became slower, more strained. 
“no no no, don’t fucking die on me,” he jumped over to her, clutching her wound. “Please, I barley know you, I want to know more,” he pleaded.  She smiled at him and held her blood soaked hand to his cheek. 
“thank you,” she husked before her eyes rolled back. 
“No!” he yelled.
“Bucky?!” Sam, it was Sam, and the air force.  Bucky was pulled away as they loaded Y/n onto the chopper and raced her back to base.  Hot tears slipped down his face as the world seemed to slow down.  His connection, the one person he started to open up to was ripped from his arms, just as the walls came tumbling down. 
He sat pacing the hospital room, her body laid limp in the bed, unmoving, just as it had for the past two days.  The nurses tried to get him to go home, but after the third shift change and his protests to stay after visiting hours they gave up.  He stared out the window, looking to the mountains, they were still capped with snow.  He remembers her saying she was freezing, he recognizes that feeling now.  Cold, unmoving, dead.
“Hey champ,” a hoarse voice spoke in the room. He spun on his heels, Her eyes were opened, still droopy from the pain killer, but opened. 
“Thank god you’re okay,” he yanked a chair beside her and clutched her hand.
“I should’ve believed you,” she cracked a smile, Bucky felt his eyes well. Why? He still barely knew her. 
“My name is Y/n L/n I was born (your birthday), I have no siblings, I have always wanted a dog and if I had a kid i’d want a little boy named Matthew,” she squeezed his hand slightly.
“Good morning,” another womans voice broke the room with a knock. “I’m your nurse for this morning, my name is Sarah Good, yes like the book the crucible and i’ll take care of you till 7 tonight,” she smiled at the two brightly. “Todays agenda, always will be on the board, we want to get you to be able to be in a sitting position, and we want to start PT, or physicsl therapy if we can, We’re going to try and get you a real lunch today, and if we’re lucky you can get off those iv’s by tomorrow”
The last week was rough, But Bucky sat beside her through it all, they talked about life, about death, the world, every little thing they could think of.  When she was released it was Bucky who escorted her back across the country to home.  Sam met them at her apartment for diner and a toast to a job not so smooth for the dream team, now stronger that all three had a bond.  Sam had left about an hour ago, Bucky insisted on staying to help clean up. 
“Bucky, really this is too much to ask, it’s fine,”
“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s the least I can do”
“It’s late, do you want to stay? I mean I can take the couch and you can take my bed it-”
“I’m not taking your bed doll, I’ll take the couch if you really want me to stay but it’s not a problem for me to go home,” he smiled at her and set the last plate in the dish washer. 
“I kind of got used to you staying around,” she blushed. “We can watch a movie?” she offered.
“Sounds great”
They weren’t paying attention to the movie, well at least they pretended to,  Each watched the other out of the corner of their eyes. It was Y/n who made the first move, leaning her head on his shoulder, Bucky tucked his arm around the woman, inching her closer.  She felt her face get hot, she peered up at him to find him looking back, they ripped their eyes apart and both went flush. 
Y/n I-” they spoke at the same time, letting out a laugh. 
“Go first,” he insisted. 
“No, it’s fine,” she stammered. 
“Y/n I- I really like you, I’m glad I let down my walls for you,” he swallowed the lump in his throat.  She felt her breath hitch. 
“I was going to say the same thing,” she spoke, barely above a whisper.  It hadn’t occurred to the couple just how close they were to each other.  Y/n felt Bucky’s breath dance across her face. 
“Can I. . . can I kiss you?” he breathed out.  She sim-ply nodded and met his lips, soft and delicate at first before he set his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in.  Her  lips were intoxicating, he could get drunk on her. She let a moan slip as he pulled her into his lap gently. He felt his eyes roll at the sound. She ground into his lap, letting the feeling of his growing bulge tease her. She laced her fingers in his short hair, gently tugging where she could, causing a groan and for him to buck his hip to meet hers.  Y/n pulled back panting, trying to catch her breath before moving her lips to meet his neck.
“Y/n doll, I uh- it’s been a while,” he panted and fought the moans that threatened to leave his throat.
“It’s okay, let me take care of you?” she caught his eyes.  Her face was pure, innocent, but her words were laced with lust. He nodded and let his hands grip her hips.  She tugged his shirt off of his body, decorating his chest with kisses, working and inching her way to his hips.  She looked up at him, he was a mess, head laid back, breathing ragged.  She carefully undid his pants and slid them down his legs.  catching the skin above his hip bones she left a small purple mark on either side, claiming him as hers.  He had looked down at her now, catching her eyes.  She licked her lips before taking him into her mouth, The moan he let rip from vocal cords was ungodly. 
“Fuck, doll I -” he let his eyes meet hers, still laced with innocence, before groaning and throwing his head back.  He let his air out in puffs as she worked him over.  Her touch was delicate and sweet, he forgot how nice it felt, to be taken care of, to be treated with kindness. She let her fingers slip to cup his balls, gently playing with them as she let her pretty mouth suck his cock. The sight was straight out of a wet dream, 
“I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop,” he pleaded, grabbing her hair with his flesh hand, clutching the couch with the metal one.  The small breaths he let out only encouraged him further, she picked up her pace, daring him to cum down her throat.  A string of fucks and his hips tensing, and slowly relaxing followed soon after.  She caught his eyes, swallowing what he gave her and grinning at him.
“Yeah,” she smiled. 
“Let me return the favor baby,” he pulled her back into his lap.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Enough - George Weasley
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Title: Enough Pairing: George x Fem!Reader, Adrian Pucey x Fem!Reader Summary: Losing the girl of his dreams was never in George’s plan, and watching her marry someone else certainly wasn’t either. He can only hope that it’s not too late to make things right. Warning: mentions of vomiting, alcohol abuse and comments that can be references to child abuse, but nothing is specifically mentioned.  A/N: I combined two different requests for this one because they were pretty similar! So this is for the anons who wanted George crashing the wedding off the woman he loves! Feedback is always welcome!! Tags: @feltondarling​ @pandaxnienke​ @raerae27​ @thefifthweasley 
“There’s my girl,” George greets happily as Y/N skips towards him out of the Arithmancy classroom. He’s still slightly out of breath from running there from Herbology, but it doesn’t stop him from wrapping his arms around Y/N’s waist and lifting her up slightly.
“George!” Y/N giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck when he finally puts her back on the ground. “You can’t have missed me that much,” she teases, before pulling him down into a brief kiss. “You could have just waited for me in Transfiguration.”
George kisses Y/N again briefly before he grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers. They head towards McGonagall’s classroom slowly as the hall starts to fill with students heading towards the last lesson of the day. “I could have waited for you. But I wanted to walk you to class. I’m a gentleman after all, Y/N.”
“Mhm, sure you are,” Y/N teases, a pink flush on her cheeks.
George truly is her prince charming come to life. Despite the fact that they’ve been together for over three years, George is still finding ways to surprise Y/N and make her feel special. Every evening before a big test there’s a red rose and a bar of her favorite chocolate on her pillow, whenever she gets ready to leave school for a holiday break one of George’s jumpers ends up folded neatly in her trunk and most days George runs across the castle to make sure he can walk Y/N to class, even if it makes him late for his own.
“You break my heart, Y/N,” he jokes, using his grip on her hand to twirl her in a circle. He watches as a smile spreads across her cheeks, his heart pounding in his chest.
From the moment he first talked to Y/N his heart has beat for her and only her. George often feels like he gets lost in a sea of Weasleys, like he’s the one everyone glazes over. To George it seems like all of his siblings stand out in some way, Bill is the oldest, Charlie has his cool job with the dragons, Percy is the smart one, Fred is the loud charming one, Ron is the goofball who’s friends with Harry Potter and of course Ginny is the strong willed younger sister, while he’s just kind of there. He’s always felt like an extension of Fred, he’s George of Fred and George. And he loves being half of the dynamic duo that they are, he loves causing mischief and chaos with his brother. But sometimes he wants to be just George.
Y/N was the first person to just see him. He remembers the day it happened like it was yesterday. It was dinner time, and most of the people at the Gryffindor table were watching Fred recount their great escape from Filch after they charmed his broom to fly away every time he tried to grab it. Everyone seemed to be entranced by him, except for Y/N. She was sitting on George’s other side, completely oblivious to Fred’s antics. She had nudged him and asked what he thought of the transfiguration quiz they’d had the day before. Despite the fact that they were in the same year, George had never spoken to Y/N. She was pretty quiet and kept to herself, far away from the chaos George and Fred created.
But that night she had sought George out, and it made butterflies erupt in his stomach. It was an unfamiliar feeling, but he enjoyed it all the same. They had sat there and talked about which transfiguration spells they found most useful until dinner was over, and they had to head back to the common room. From then on just the sight of Y/N increased George’s heart rate and made butterflies appear in his stomach. Every time he felt himself getting lost in Fred’s shadow Y/N was there, usually with some kind of thought provoking question that would distract him.
When he finally got the courage to ask her on a date they had sat in the Three Broomsticks for hours, sharing shy glances and talking about anything that came to mind. George had asked Y/N how she knew transfiguration was his favorite class, and she revealed that she often watched him in the common room, and it was the only book he ever seemed to open. George had kissed her right there in the middle of the pub, his heart feeling like it was about to pound out of his chest. Y/N had seen him. Just him. And it made George feel like the most special person in the world. From that day on George didn’t care that most people only saw him as that Weasley boy. Or that he was only known to the masses as George of Fred and George. Because Y/N saw him as just George, and that was enough for him.
They reach the Transfiguration classroom then, and George pulls Y/N in for another brief kiss. “You’re my everything,” he breathes, holding her face in his hands.
“Everything okay, George?” Y/N asks, turning her head to press a kiss to his palm. While it’s normal for George to be affectionate, he usually saves such sentiments for when they’re alone and away from prying ears. Mostly Fred’s ears, but it’s unlike him to say something so meaningful while there’s students swirling around them.
Before George has a chance to answer McGonagall is sticking her head out of the classroom door and ushering them inside so class can begin.
“Next week? What do you mean we’re leaving next week?” George asks Fred incredulously.
Fred shushes George and looks to make sure no one heard before leaning in closer to his brother. “Yes, next week. I’m tired of dealing with mega bitch Umbridge and everything else is ready to go. The sooner we get into the space in Diagon Alley the sooner we can open up business and start taking over the world.”
George sighs and rubs his hands over his face. “I thought we would have more time. Leave closer to the end of the school year.”
“You’re not chickening out on me, are you, Georgie?” Fred jokes. When George doesn’t say anything Fred’s face drops. “Are you?” he asks again, his tone more serious.
“I wouldn’t say chickening out,” George mumbles.  
Fred slams his fist down on the table, causing George to jump. “We’ve talked about this, George. We’ve dreamed about this, for years. I can’t do it without you, you know that. How can you just abandon me?”
“Oh, stop being such a drama queen,” George responds with an eyeroll. “I’m all in, of course I am.” He bites his lip. “It’s Y/N that I’m worried about.”
“You’re such a fucking sap George, honestly,” Fred teases, ruffling George’s hair. “So, you’re dipping out of school a few months early? What’s the big deal? She’ll graduate, you guys will get married and make a fuck ton of ginger babies. You think she’s going to stop loving you because you don’t finish school or something?”
The thought of his future with Y/N spikes George’s heart rate, and he has to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down. “I don’t know. Something like that. What if she doesn’t think I’m good enough for her anymore? Or she forgets about me or something?”
“Now you’re being an idiot. Y/N is crazy in love with you, George. Like you’re the center of her universe sort of love. Mum and Dad kind of love.” Fred watches George for a moment, frowning when his brother refuses to meet his gaze. “Invite her to come with us if you’re so torn up about it, Georgie,” he suggests softly.
“What?” George asks, unable to believe what he’s hearing. Fred usually loves to tease George about how Y/N has him wrapped around her finger, and usually his remarks are accompanied by him pretending to crack a whip. George knows that it’s his way of showing his approval of their relationship, so it doesn’t bother him too much. But it doesn’t make it any less weird to hear Fred be so blatantly supportive of George and Y/N.
“Invite her along. Having an extra set of hands while we start everything up wouldn’t hurt, and Y/N is the perfect candidate. She’s way smarter than the two of us combined and she’s the perfect balance to all of our chaos. She’ll keep us grounded.” Fred rolls his eyes when George still doesn’t seem satisfied. “Okay, spill it. You clearly have been worrying about this for a while. What’s going on in that big ‘ol head of yours?”
George leans back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. His and Fred’s grand exit from school and how Y/N fits in to all of it has been weighing on his mind for weeks. The thought of bringing Y/N along crossed his mind ages ago, and as much as he wishes it was a viable option it’s not. For one, Y/N has always dreamed of being an Arithmancer. Arithmancy fascinates her to no end, and George has spent endless hours admiring her as she pours over different books, always making sure to listen to everything she tells him. He doesn’t want to take that away from her. She’ll need her NEWTS in order to work in the field, and if she comes to work at the joke shop now she’ll never be able to.
But mostly, he’s completely and utterly terrified of the joke shop failing. He and Fred have found success with their products within Hogwarts walls, but taking them out to the world at large is a huge risk. They’ve put every ounce of energy and what little money they have into it, and if it fails they’ll have nothing to fall back on. And George can’t subject Y/N to that. She deserves to have the world handed to her on a platter and even though George’s love for her reaches the end of the universe, that’s not enough to give her the life she deserves. They’ve talked about what they hope their future holds, and George wants to give Y/N everything her heart desires. But he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to do that, and his worst nightmare is letting her down.
“There’s a lot going on,” he admits honestly, choosing to ignore Fred’s tease. “I think I know what I have to do about Y/N and I’ve just been trying to deny it. But it’s the only option.”
“What’s that, George?” Fred asks, but he fears he might already know the answer.
George looks at Fred, a sullen look on his face. “I have to break up with her.”
“Tell me what’s wrong, Georgie. Please,” Y/N asks quietly, looking up at George.
It’s Saturday afternoon, and they’re laying together on George’s bed. It’s a Hogsmeade day, so they’re completely alone, just enjoying being together. George is laying on his back with Y/N cuddled on top of him, one of his hands is under her shirt, pressed against the small of her back while the other is holding one of her hands in his. He and Fred are leaving Monday afternoon, and George is trying to enjoy his last fleeting moments with Y/N.
“It’s nothing, baby. Just thinking about stuff,” he responds, his eyes refusing to leave the ceiling and meet hers.
Y/N presses a kiss to George’s bare chest before nuzzling the soft skin. “Thought we didn’t keep secrets from each other?” Ever since the day George walked with her to Transfiguration Y/N has been able to tell that something is off with him. Usually she can read him like an open book, and the fact that she can’t tell what’s going on in his head scares her.
George digs his fingers into the skin of Y/N’s back. He can feel her heartbeat against his chest, and he’s sure she can hear how loudly his heart is pounding in his. “Baby,” George coos, finally looking down at her. “Look at me, please.” When Y/N finally looks up at him George can see tears pooling in her eyes and it breaks his heart. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything in this world. You know that, right?”
“George,” Y/N breathes, squeezing his hand tightly. Normally George confessing his love for Y/N makes her feel dizzy, and makes her heart beat out of her chest. But this feels different to her. Like it’s the last time he’s ever going to say those things to her. “Don’t do this, George. Please.”
George swallow thickly. “I can’t be with you anymore, Y/N. I’m not. I’m not good enough for you. I don’t deserve you and I never have. You deserve the universe and try as I might I’m not the person who can give that to you. I’ve been telling myself I am, but I’m just not, Y/N.”
Tears stream down both of their faces and when Y/N surges forward to kiss George she can feel his tears mixing with hers on her cheeks. She kisses him hard, desperately trying to get him to return it. “Georgie please. I love you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything before.”
“I know you do,” George says sadly. “But I don’t deserve your love. I’m sorry, Y/N. But it’s over between us.” George watches as Y/N scrambles out of his bed before turning on his side so he doesn’t have to see the woman he loves walk out of his life for good. The sound of the door slamming shut behind Y/N punches a crater in George’s chest, and he finally lets himself sob into his pillow.
“Turn that frown upside down,” Y/N’s mother tuts as she enters Y/N’s bedroom. “Today is supposed to be a day to celebrate. You should be happy.”
Y/N is sitting in front of the vanity in her bedroom, and she locks eyes with her mother in the mirror. Today is her graduation party, a day Y/N had been looking forward to since her parents started planning it at the beginning of the school year. But then George Weasley shattered her heart to pieces two months ago and she’s failed to find the joy in anything since. Y/N is surprised that she even managed to make it through the rest of the school year. The last thing she wants to do is pretend to be hopeful about her future in front of a room full of people when the future she’s spent the last 3 years dreaming about no longer has any possibility of becoming a reality.
“I don’t want to be happy,” Y/N responds lamely. “And I don’t want to pretend to be happy either.”
Y/N’s mother’s expression turns cold. “Your father and I have put up with your dramatics long enough, Y/N and we will not tolerate you embarrassing us today. So get yourself together, get dressed and put a damn smile on your face. This party is happening whether you want it or not.”
“Ugh!” Y/N huffs once her mother is gone, knocking her brush off of her vanity. Of course, today isn’t about her. It’s about her parents showing her off to all of their pureblood friends. Not only had George been the love of Y/N’s life, but he’d been her salvation, her savior from the horrid life her parents had been grooming her for. Y/N’s parents had raised her traditionally, and from a young age it was clear to her that she was going to marry a pureblood boy whether she loved him or not. And even though the Weasley family doesn’t prescribe to many of the pureblood traditions Y/N’s family does, their blood is as pure as can be and her parents reluctantly approved of their relationship.
Y/N and George had talked about what their future would look like, and they both easily came to the conclusion that it would include getting as far away from Y/N’s family as possible. Y/N sparred George from the more intimate details of her childhood but told him enough to make it clear she didn’t want anything to do with her parents once she was an adult. They decided on a large house on a hill in the country, near where George grew up. So their kids could run around barefoot and free, causing all the chaos they want. As graduation had neared, Y/N figured along with it would come a ring on her finger. George had promised to whisk her away from her family as soon as he could, he promised that he would be her new family and it was all they would need. But George had also promised to love Y/N forever. And now all she has left of him are his broken promises to match her broken heart.
Of course, Y/N’s parents had been thrilled when she returned home from Hogwarts with the news that she and George had broken up. All they’ve ever wanted was for Y/N to marry a pureblood boy that would take care of her and give them perfect pureblood grandchildren to spoil. Y/N is their only child, and therefore the only hope of their family legacy continuing on. They had been okay with Y/N marrying George not because they wanted her to be happy, but because they thought giving her what she wanted would give them the opportunity to instill their values in her children, so their traditions could carry on. But now that Y/N and George are no longer together, her possible mates are endless, and they’ve spent much of the past week discussing which son of their friends is best suited to marry her.
Not wanting to face her mother’s wrath, Y/N complies with her wishes. She fixes her hair just right, and puts on enough makeup to accentuate her features, before she changes out of her pajamas and into the expensive silk ballgown her mother had custom made. Y/N is sure it costs more than what most wizards make in a month, and the feeling of the smooth fabric against her skin makes Y/N want to throw up.
“There’s my princess,” Y/N’s father greets as she comes down the stairs.
Every click of her heels against the marble floor makes her stomach lurch, and Y/N can see her hand shake as she reaches out to take the arm her father has offered her. Guests have started to arrive, so she plasters her best fake smile onto her face. “Hi Daddy,” she greets, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Y/N lets her father guide her around the room, shaking the hand of every person they meet and pretending to be interested in what they have to say to her. Y/N is great at pretending, she’s spent her whole life watching her parents pretend to love each other. They had been paired together in an arranged marriage and while they love to put on a show as the perfect couple for their friends, Y/N knows that they sleep in separate bedrooms and her father has had a string of mistress’ her whole life. Everything they do is for the sake of appearances. They don’t care about genuine happiness or pure love, as long as they give off the illusion that they hold those things. George had made Y/N feel both of those things, and now she’s not sure if she’ll ever get to experience them again.
After taking Y/N around the room to greet everyone, her father gets distracted in a conversation with Lucius Malfoy and Y/N takes the opportunity to get away. Her mother has strategically placed a few of their house elves near the staircase so Y/N can’t sneak back up to her room. Instead she finds an empty table as far away from everyone as possible and sulks over to it, sinking down in one of the chairs.
“Why the long face?” a familiar voice asks as they approach Y/N.
Y/N looks up, mustering up the best fake smile she can. “Oh, Adrian! How nice to see you!”
Adrian rolls his eyes as he takes a seat next to Y/N. “You don’t have to pull that crap with me. You know that, Y/N.”
Y/N sighs in relief, and lets her sullen expression take over again. Adrian grew up in the estate next door to Y/N, so Y/N spent a lot of time with him growing up. She spent time with the children of her parent’s other friends as well, but Adrian is the only one she truly considered a friend. He found many of the things his parents taught him utterly ridiculous as well, and it allowed them to grow closer. Their friendship had ultimately faded when they arrived at Hogwarts and Adrian was sorted into Slytherin and Y/N was sorted into Gryffindor, but Y/N still considers him a friend.
“Thanks. I think if I have to pretend to smile one more time my face will actually freeze that way,” she jokes.
“Yeah, I heard about that. About George. I’m sorry.” Adrian reaches out to give Y/N a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
Y/N rolls her eyes. “Pretty sure the whole fucking world has heard about it at this point. You should have seen how happy my parents were when they found out. Pretty sure it was the only time either of them has felt genuine joy.”
“Yeah, I heard your dad talking about it with mine the night after we got back from school,” Adrian says. “I see he went out and bought you that diamond bracelet,” he comments, gesturing towards the piece of jewelry on her wrist.
Y/N snorts in laughter. “Graduation present my fucking ass. Only my parents would give me a present to celebrate my heart getting stomped on. Fucking pricks.”
Adrian reaches out and puts his hand on top of Y/N’s, giving it a sympathetic squeeze. “I really am sorry, you know. I could tell how much you loved him.”
“He was my everything,” Y/N admits sadly. As weird as it sounds, it feels good to be talking about this with Adrian. Her parents clearly think one week is a sufficient amount of time to get over a three-year long relationship and she’s been dying to talk about her feelings with someone. “We had plans, you know? Turns out he had plans of his own.”
Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes has been the front-page story of the Daily Prophet since it’s opening last month. The store has been breaking records left and right and people can’t seem to get enough of it. The store was packed with people when Y/N went to Diagon Alley with her mother for a dress fitting earlier in the week and the sight of the store alone made her want to cry.
“You didn’t know? About the store?”
Y/N shakes her head. “I knew he and Fred wanted to start one. He had talked about it loads, it always made him so excited. I just didn’t know how close they were to making it a reality. Though I suppose that was on purpose, since he dumped me right before opening. I guess the future we talked about starting wasn’t good enough for him.”
“He’s a dick, Y/N. You’re amazing. He should have been on his knees praising you everywhere you went. Any guy would be tripping over themselves to give you anything and everything you could ever want,” Adrian comforts, squeezing her hand again.
Y/N smiles her first genuine smile in months, completely unaware that her mother is watching her intensely, a plan forming in her head.
Y/N wakes up the next morning to a soft knock at her door. She lets out a yawn and stretches before muttering a soft ‘come in.’ She figures it’s one of the house elves, so when Y/N’s mother enters her room with her father trailing behind her stomach lurches and she sits up. “What’s going on? Did Nan die?”
“Oh of course not, it’s nothing like that Y/N,” her mother assures with a laugh, sitting down on the edge of her bed.
“We just have something to talk to you about,” her father says from his spot in the doorway.
Y/N sighs a breath of relief. Ever since her grandfather passed away Y/N’s Nan has become much more vocal about her distaste for some pureblood traditions and she’s the only family member Y/N can even remotely tolerate. “Thank God. What do we need to talk about then?”
“Your father and I have been talking a lot since your graduation about the next steps in your life,” her mother starts. “Marriage, children, things like that.”
“And we know that you thought that Weasley boy was going to marry you but it’s time to be realistic about things,” her father says firmly.
Y/N rolls her eyes to keep from crying. “Do we really need to talk about this right now? I just woke up.”
“Yes, we do. Because I saw the way you were talking with Adrian Pucey yesterday, and told your father all about it so he could have a conversation with his father.”
Y/N’s stomach drops, and her chest starts to tighten. “No. No you didn’t. Tell me you didn’t.” The tears she’d tried to avoid a moment ago start to form in her eyes.
“I did,” her father confirms. “He agrees that you and Adrian would be a perfect match. Adrian already has a job in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry making good money, and his father has agreed to pay for your estate if your mother and I pay for the wedding.”
“No,” Y/N cries softly, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. Adrian isn’t a bad person, but Y/N always hoped she’d marry for love, not for connections.
“Oh quit the dramatics, Y/N. Adrian comes from a good family, you should be happy,” Y/N’s mother squeezes her leg a little too tightly to be comforting as she stands up. “Now get out of bed and get yourself ready. Adrian will be by with his family this afternoon to formally propose so that the announcement can be printed in tomorrow’s Daily Prophet.”
Once her parents have disappeared Y/N collapses back into bed and sobs.
“Will you at least act like you’ve touched a woman before, Adrian!” Adrian’s mother scolds from somewhere behind the camera.
Adrian sighs and gives Y/N an apologetic look before placing his hand on the small of her back. They’ve been trying to get the perfect photo to include with their engagement announcement for the past 20 minutes, and Y/N feels like a doll being played with. Her and Adrian are standing facing each other, and per her mother’s demands Y/N has her left hand on his bicep to show off the fat diamond sitting on her finger while her right hand rests on Adrian’s shoulder. One of Adrian’s hands is cupping her cheek, while the other rests on the small of her back. At least now it does, Adrian has spent the last five photos with it just hovering over her body.
“Okay, now look at each other like you’re in love,” Y/N’s mother demands. Y/N looks into Adrian’s eyes and plasters her best fake smile onto her face and she can hear her mother make a satisfied noise. “Now as the picture is taken Adrian I want you to lean in and kiss Y/N’s forehead.”
Adrian opens his mouth to protest, but Y/N gives him a look. “Just do it,” she murmurs between gritted teeth as she continues to smile. “I just wanna get this shit over with.”
When the photographer tells them to move they do, and the flash of the camera nearly blinds Y/N as Adrian kisses her on the forehead to complete the photo. Thankfully the photo seems to satisfy both their mothers, and Adrian and Y/N can finally break apart as they head into the other room with the photographer to write the announcement.
“I’m really sorry about all of this,” Adrian apologizes.
Y/N collapses onto the couch with a sigh. “It’s not your fault our parents are the way they are.”
“I know,” Adrian responds, sitting down next to her. “But you’re very obviously still in love with George. This can’t be easy.”
“It really fucking sucks,” Y/N admits with a sad laugh. “I always thought we’d skip all of this bullshit stuff and just get married in his parent’s backyard or something. I don’t care about all of this traditional crap. I mean who even reads those stupid engagement announcements? Why do people care who’s getting married?”
Adrian laughs. “I’m sure no one we know does. It’s just for them to show off to all of their friends. Your mum can show the picture off and brag about how big that stupid diamond is, and my dad can show it off and brag about how hot of a wife he found me.”
“Ew,” Y/N grimaces, a shiver running down her spine. “I really hope no one we know sees it. Not because you’re a bad person or anything, but just because of how embarrassing that photo is gonna be.” In reality, Y/N hopes that no one in George’s family ever sees that picture.
“Nice of you to finally join the living,” Fred comments as he watches George shuffle out of his bedroom. It’s Saturday, so the shop opens a bit later than usual and George has decided to take full advantage and sleep in. Fred puts the Daily Prophet down and pours his brother a cup of coffee as George sits across from him.
“Very funny,” he groans, grabbing the cup and taking a large gulp.
George should feel like he’s on top of the world. Their shop is a huge success, he and Fred are living on their own and they’re finally making some real money. But in reality he feels like shit. He hasn’t felt the same since he broke up with Y/N. His chest feels empty and hollow without her in his life, and he spends all day at the store pretending to be his usual jovial self only to lock himself in his room with a bottle of firewhiskey every night. He knows drinking is not the way to solve his problems, but the firewhiskey burns his throat as it goes down, and it’s the only time of day where he truly feels alive.
“You reek, George. How much did you drink last night?” Fred asks, his voice full of concern. Over the past two months Fred has watched George slowly become a shell of the person he once was. He fakes it quite well for everyone else, but Fred can see through all the bullshit. He feels absolutely helpless as he watches George destroy himself, and Fred’s starting to get desperate.
George shrugs, taking another sip. “I don’t know. Half a bottle, maybe more. Who cares?”
“I do,” Fred insists. “You can’t keep living like this George. I’m worried about you.” Fred pauses. “I know you still care about Y/N-“
“Don’t,“ George says harshly, cutting Fred off. “Don’t talk about her, don’t even say her name. She’s all I can fucking think about and it hurts too much to hear you say it.”
“Okay,” Fred says softly, picking the paper back up. He starts to flick through the pages mindlessly, just trying to seem occupied to give George some space. Fred wants to help him, but he also doesn’t want to push him deeper into his depression. He’s just turned the page to the engagement announcements when George clears his throat.
“You get to the engagement announcements yet?” George asks. When Fred looks up at him confused George rolls his eyes. “Lee and I have a bet going, to see how long it takes for someone from our class to show up in them. You know how those traditionalists are, they pair their kids off before the ink on their diplomas starts to dry.”
Fred laughs, and let’s his eyes scan the page for a moment. He’s about to hand the paper to George when his eye catches a rather large photo. He gasps and immediately crushes the paper up. “Nope. No one from our class yet.”
“You’re full of shit,” George chides, narrowing his eyes. “Come on, give it here. If there’s an announcement in there I win 10 galleons.”
Fred holds the paper just out of George’s reach. “I told you there’s nothing in there. No Galleons for you. Now drink your coffee and get ready so we can head down into the shop.”
George gets up as if he’s going to head towards the bathroom, but he ends up charging at Fred and grabbing the paper from him. “I don’t know what your problem is, did Lee promise you part of his winnings or something?” George opens the paper, letting his eyes scan the announcements. He’s not really paying attention to the photos, just trying to find a name that sounds familiar. “Ha! There it is! Adrian Pucey, who would have thought.” But as George continues to read the announcement bile comes up his throat and he throws the paper down so he can run to the bathroom and heave into the toilet.
Y/N strolls through Diagon Alley slowly, basking in the freedom. Ever since the engagement announcement appeared in the Daily Prophet her house has become wedding central. Gifts and cards from distant family members and acquaintances arrive in droves every day, and Y/N’s mother is driving her crazy with the plans. Every day from the moment she wakes up until the moment she goes to bed is filled with wedding decisions that she truly doesn’t give a shit about. She doesn’t care about the seating chart or the color scheme. The only thing she cares about is that she’s not marrying George Weasley, and no matter how many plans they make that fact will never change.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Y/N apologizes. She’d been so lost in thought she ran right into someone. She looks up at the man she bumped into and her heart stops beating when she looks into a pair of familiar brown eyes and spots a shock of fiery red hair. But a moment later she realizes it’s not who she thinks it is. “Oh. Fred.”
“That’s all you have to say?” Fred sneers, suddenly filling with rage. He knows what happened between Y/N and George is not her fault, but his resentment towards her has started to grow since the engagement announcement. George has stopped leaving his room at all, and the sound of his drunken sobs keep Fred up at night. It kills Fred to see his brother hurting, and he can’t help but blame Y/N for all of it.
“You saw it then?” Y/N asks, hanging her head in shame.
“Even if I didn’t that god-awful gaudy diamond on your hand is a dead giveaway.” Fred clears his throat. “George did too.”
Y/N’s head snaps up and she can feel tears forming in her eyes. “No, no, no. He wasn’t supposed to see that. Is he okay? How’s he doing?” Y/N watches as Fred’s jaw clenches. “Please, Fred. I need to know.”
“Why do you care?” he practically shouts. “So you can go and laugh about it with Adrian? I can’t believe you, Y/N. George gave you his all. You were his entire world. You were apart what? Two months? And now you’re about to get married to some other fuck head. Why? Because he has money? Because his family has a better status?”
Y/N wipes away some of the tears that have started to fall down her cheeks. “Fuck you, Fred. I don’t care about any of that, you know that. And do I need to remind you that George is the one who broke up with me? I trusted him with my heart, and he crushed it. All I ever wanted was George, all I still want is George.”
Fred takes a deep breath, needing to calm himself down. “Then why the hell are you marrying Adrian? George is beside himself. He doesn’t even come out of his room anymore.”
“You think I have a choice?” Y/N asks, her voice cracking under the weight of the emotions she’s feeling. “I’m not marrying Adrian because I love him, I’m marrying Adrian because my parents arranged it to be that way. My parents are vile, Fred. They don’t see me as their daughter, I’m a pawn for them to play with. It’s either submit or be punished and I’m not going to stand here and let you make me feel even worse than I already do.”
Fred grabs Y/N’s wrist as she turns to walk away, and he pulls her into a tight hug. “Y/N, I had no idea. George said your parents were traditionalists, but he never mentioned anything like that.”
“Because I never told him,” Y/N admits as she pulls away from Fred. She wipes away a few of the lingering tears as she looks up at him. “George is too innocent, too pure to know about the shit they put me through growing up. George is the only person who ever truly made me feel loved and without him I feel like I’m in a horrible nightmare that I can never wake up from.”
“You can’t marry Adrian, Y/N. You and George, you guys are soulmates,” Fred says quietly. “You have to be together.”
Y/N scoffs. “Tell your brother that, he’s the one who dumped me out of nowhere. Clearly he doesn’t feel the same away about me as I do him.”
“You can’t seriously believe that, Y/N. George is going crazy without you. He barely eats, he barely sleeps.” Fred swallows thickly. “He’s been drinking. A lot. Way more than anyone should. It’s scary. Every time I try and talk to him he shuts me out. He’s lost without you.”
The ache Y/N has felt in her chest since the day George ended things intensifies with Fred’s every word. It kills her to know that George is hurting just as much as she is. “I still love him, Fred. With every fiber of my being. But I don’t know if that’s enough anymore. Everything’s gotten so complicated.”
“Just promise me one thing. Promise me that you won’t walk down that aisle and marry Adrian until you talk to George.” Y/N opens her mouth to say something, but Fred puts his hand up to stop her. “I’ll take care of George. I’ll Stupefy him and drag him to you if I have to. Just promise me you won’t marry him until you see George.”
“I promise, Fred. The wedding is next week on Friday. I’ll wait for George until the moment I have to walk down the aisle. But if he doesn’t make it.” Y/N shakes her head. “It’ll be too late.”
When Fred gets back to their flat after his conversation with Y/N he’s filled with determination. George is the person he cares most about in the world and he’ll be damned if he lets him ruin is life. He goes straight to George’s bedroom door, using his wand to unlock it. He throws it open, flipping on the light switch.
“What do you want you fucking prick?” George groans, rolling over in his bed.
Fred carefully moves around the firewhiskey bottles strewn about on the floor and heads over to the window. He throws the curtains open, letting the sunlight shine on George for the first time in weeks. “Get your ass out of bed. You’re done wallowing in self-pity.”
“Fuck you,” George grumbles, opening his eyes to glare at Fred. “What’s the point in doing anything anymore? I ruined my chance with the only girl I’ve ever wanted. She’s supposed to marry me, Fred. Not that fucking moron Adrian. He doesn’t love her like I do, and he never will. But she doesn’t deserve me. Not anymore anyway.”
Fred sighs and sits down on the edge of George’s bed. “You’re right, he doesn’t love her like you do. And she doesn’t love him either.”
“Nice try, Fred. But I’m not getting out of this bed no matter how many lies you tell me,” George sighs, before turning over in bed.
“Her parents are making her marry Adrian, George,” Fred says firmly.
George turns back to face Fred and sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “I’m sorry what did you say?”
“I ran into Y/N, when I was down in Diagon Alley. I really let her have it, Georgie. I told her off for getting with Adrian so soon after you ended it with her, and she just broke down crying.” Fred reaches out and puts a comforting hand on George’s knee. “She’s in love with you, George. Not him. Her parents arranged their marriage, she doesn’t have a choice.”
George puts his head in his hands, letting Fred’s words sink in. Of course, it all makes sense to him now. Y/N had once briefly mentioned that her parents never loved each other, George had brushed it off at the time, but it’s all becoming clear. Arranged marriages between pureblood families is pretty commonplace, and he feels like an idiot for not realizing it sooner.
“I’m such a fucking idiot, Freddie,” George groans, looking up at his brother. “I never should have even dumped her in the first place. What the fuck was I thinking? I was scared of disappointing her when in reality I was being a big fat idiot.”
“Big fat idiot is right,” Fred teases, trying to get George to smile. “But the important part is that it’s not too late. I made her promise not to marry him until she talks to you again.”
“Why didn’t you start with that?” George asks, finally cracking a smile. “So what’s the plan then?”
Fred grins at George, his eyes alight with mischief. “We’ve got a wedding to crash.”
Y/N fidgets as she stands in the middle of her room, unable to keep herself from glancing at the clock. She’s standing there in her wedding dress, thirty minutes away from walking down the aisle and she’s yet to see George or hear from Fred. The possibility that George doesn’t want to see her ever again makes her want to throw up, but she has to hold out hope that he’s going to show up. She knows now more than ever that George is the person she’s supposed to end up with, and she prays that Fred made him realize that too.
“There’s my girl.”
At the sound of George’s voice Y/N turns around a smile spreading on her face. “George,” she greets. In the blink of an eye George is across the room and wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling Y/N into his chest. Y/N wraps her arms around George’s neck and presses their lips together in a desperate kiss.
“I love you,” George murmurs as they pull apart. “I have always loved you Y/N. Breaking up with you was the worst decision I made in my entire life.”
Y/N can feel the tears falling down her face, and she presses their foreheads together. “Why did you do it, George? You mean everything to me. I would walk to the ends of the earth to be with you. You have to know that.”
“I do baby, I do,” George whispers, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I was scared of letting you down. You are a Goddess, Y/N. You deserve to have the world handed to you on a silver platter and I wasn’t sure if I would ever be able to give that to you. You deserve the future we dreamed of having, and it killed me to think you’d never get that with me.”
“I don’t care about having any of that. All I care about is having you,” Y/N admits, kissing George briefly. “You made me feel safe, and happy and loved, and that’s all I need, George.”
George kisses Y/N again, needing to feel her lips on his. “I know that now. And I really hope it’s not too late to give that all to you, Y/N. You are the only person who has ever made me feel special, the only person who’s ever bothered to look at me. And if you let me I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you feel special too.”
“I love you, George. It’s always been you. It will always be you.” Y/N breathes in deeply as George kisses her again, finally feeling like she’s home.
“I love you so much and as much as I would love to stand here and kiss you forever we gotta go. Fred should be almost done setting things up by now. Get changed and grab some stuff, okay?”
Y/N nods and gets undressed, throwing on whatever clothes her hands reach first. She throws a few of her favorite things into her school trunk, which is still packed with her things from the end of the school year. “Good riddance,” Y/N mumbles as she yanks off her engagement ring and throws it onto her dresser.
“Ready to go?” George asks, grabbing Y/N’s trunk.
Just as her hand closes around her wand explosions start to go off and people downstairs start screaming. “What the hell is that?” she asks, hooking an arm around George’s.
George grins down at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “A new line of whizbangs we’re testing out. A little goodbye present for your parents and Adrian.”
“Well would you look at that,” George chuckles as he reads the paper.
Y/N presses a kiss to the side of his head as she sets his coffee down on the table, letting George pull her into his lap. “What’s that, love?”
George puts the paper down so he can rest one of his hands on Y/N’s ever-growing baby bump and the other can cup her cheek and pull their lips together. No matter how many years they’ve been together, kissing Y/N makes him just as giddy as the first time. “Adrian’s getting married.”
Y/N laughs and rests her hand on top of the one George has on her belly, intertwining their fingers. “Think we’ll get invited?”
“Considering the way we ruined his first wedding? Not a chance in hell.” George teases with a smile, pulling Y/N in for another kiss.
They might not have as much money as Adrian, or a big rolling estate to show off. But Y/N and George have each other and their growing family – and that’s enough for them.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
It’s A Love Story - Part 5
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Part 4
“Is everyone ready to go?” Gerard called to his bandmates as he closed the back of the van. It was the afternoon of the battle of the bands, and a nervous excitement was running through all of them.
“Let’s go!” Frank cheered as everyone started piling into the vehicle, but (YN) lingered back.
“Oh nooo, we have to sit together,” she smirked as Bob and Mikey got into the furthest back row of seats. Ray already riding shotgun, even though he was next to useless with a map.
“Damn,” he replied with a smile as they got into the middle row.
The van was an early Christmas/birthday/graduation present for Gerard from their grandparents. Even though they weren’t going to be at the battle of the bands, they fully supported their grandsons’ dreams, and after a few emphatic dinner table discussions, they agreed to buy the band something to get around in, on the condition that all of the boys get their high school diplomas.
“Do you know where we’re goin?” Bob shouted from the back after they’d been driving what felt like forever.
“We passed that sign like three times now,” Frank chimed in.
“Yea, we just gotta go north and then… wait, no! This is the exit! Take this exit!” Ray shouted as Gerard swerved to catch the exit ramp at the last possible second. Shouts and grumbles of annoyance came from all passengers as they held on for dear life.
“Oh shut up,” Gerard said, glancing back.
“Gee! Brake!” Ray shouted, pulling Gerard’s attention back to the traffic they were about to crash into.
Gerard slammed on the brakes just before he slammed into the station wagon ahead of them and Frank threw his arm out protectively in front of (YN). As Gerard sat rattled in the driver’s seat, Ray glanced back to check on the bandmates. That’s when (YN) realized that his eyes were transfixed on where Frank’s hand had ended up on her knee. She froze, not knowing what to do.
“Everybody good?” Ray asked, still seeming to be focused on the other guitarist.
“You guys good?” (YN) asked turning to Mikey and Bob behind them, in hopes it would pull Ray’s attention away from what Frank was doing. That’s when she caught Frank’s eye. She glanced down at his hand before nodding slightly toward Ray. Frank’s eyes went wide as he snatched his hand away.
“Close one,” (YN) whispered to Frank when they were back on their way.
“Sorry,” he winced.
“It’s fine,” she smiled.
When they finally arrived at the venue hosting the competition, they were given a schedule of when they’d go on, as well as a table where they could sell merch, meet the other bands, as well as any potential fans. (YN) set up the box of CDs that had been recorded in the garage, and arranged the shirts that she’d designed and felt her nerves starting to build. She hoped the competition would go well for the guys, which would drive people to look at the merch. If her shirts were liked well enough that fans would buy them, it would prove to the guys that she could be a help to My Chem and she could remain involved.
The guys were one of the first bands to perform that evening, and to say they crushed it would be an understatement. The crowd was in a frenzy, and as soon as they were done a ton of the spectators came over and bought merch. That’s when (YN) noticed the girls lingering off to the side, watching the guys talk to their new fans. Once the crowd dissipated, they swooped in.
“Hey,” the first girl purred, grinning at Gerard. “My name’s Veronica, and I just wanted to say you guys were really amazing up there.”
(YN) tried to keep from obviously rolling her eyes as the girls blatantly flirted with her brothers and friends. However, she was pulled from her thoughts when she heard one of the other girls ask if they’d ever consider dating a fan of the band.
Frank smirked and shot (YN) a glance. "Only if she'd been a fan from like day one, ya know? Like very clearly not just into me because of the band."
"Oh," the girl pouted.
"I mean, I'd be cool dating a fan!" Ray chimed in.
That's when an idea popped into (YN)'s head. "Hey Gee," she said, getting her brother's attention and pulling him away from the group.
"What’s up?" 
(YN) had to do her best not to start laughing at her evil idea. “I don’t think you should be talking to these girls.”
“Wait, why not?” He asked, clearly confused.
“I see the way they’re looking at you and I can imagine what they’re thinking and it’s gross. They’re just interested because they wanna get with a band member, they aren’t actually interested in you as a person, and I’d really hate for you to get a reputation in the scene,” she smirked.
Gerard opened and closed his mouth a few times, speechless. “Not fair!” He finally blurted out.
“I'm just looking out for you,” she grinned evilly before he rolled his eyes and marched off.
After the remaining bands played, the judges deliberated, and the MC eventually returned to the stage to announce the winners. The crowd didn't go as crazy for any band as they did for My Chem, so (YN) had a good feeling, but she was nervous anyway. The third, and then second place winners were announced and then MC called for a drumroll before announcing the winner.
"And in first place," the MC paused for dramatic effect and (YN) thought her heart was gonna pound out of her chest. "My Chemical Romance!"
(YN) screamed with delight as everyone started to hug each other in celebration. Frank turned to her and she wanted to grab him and kiss him, but she could only smile before they ran up on stage. The MC handed them a trophy as the other bands came up to congratulate them.
A few more people came up to buy what was left of their makeshift merch, and (YN) imagined what kind of real merch they’d be able to make with the prize money. When everything was gone, she picked up the empty boxes and followed the venue’s instructions on where to dump them out back. A few people were lingering around the back of the venue, smoking, talking, or loading up vans, but she didn't recognize anyone until Frank stepped out the backdoor. Letting out a squeal of delight, she ran over to him, unable to hold back any longer.
"Oh my god that was amazing!" She said, throwing her arms around his neck as he lifted her up in a hug. "I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks babe!" He grinned as he returned her to her feet and kissed her hard, the adrenaline of the show, and winning still coursing through him. (YN) leaned into the kiss without a second thought.
"What the fuck?!" The shout cut through the cold late autumn night.
(YN) and Frank immediately jumped apart, as Gerard stalked toward them from where he’d been loading the van, with Mikey close behind. The other people who had been lingering around all turned to watch the unfolding scene.
"Frank, I thought of all the guys in school I could trust not to go after my sister, it would be you!" Gerard snapped, his finger in Frank’s face.
(YN) felt her blood start to boil. "Gerard! Stop it!” She snapped, pushing his hand away from Frank and stepping in between them. "God, this is so stupid! I love Frank! We're together and he has been nothing but sweet and kind and respectful and if I wanna keep dating him, then I’m gonna! Besides, you know Frank, you know he’s a good guy who isn’t gonna take advantage of me, or spread rumors, or anything else you’re scared of happening. Like who else could you possibly want me to date?”
Both Mikey and Gerard seemed to soften at her words, as silence hung between them. “You’re right,” Mikey finally conceded with a shrug before turning to Frank. “I’ve known you forever, and trust you to be good to (YN).”
“Thanks man,” Frank replied, relief evident in his tone.
"You love him?" Gerard asked, still hesitant.
"Yep," she nodded, still defiant.
"And you really love (YN)?" Gerard asked Frank.
"More than you can imagine."
Gerard nodded, considering his words. “Fine. But if she tells us you ever do anything to upset or hurt her,” Gerard started, his finger back in Frank’s face.
“You’ll kick my ass, I know,” Frank nodded, his hands up in defense.
“No, I’ll help (YN) kick your ass,” Gerard smirked. “Come on, let’s go home.”
Mikey and Gerard made their way back toward the van, but (YN) and Frank lingered behind.
(YN) turned and grinned at Frank before burying her face against his neck. “Oh my god! It happened, it finally happened! Life just got so much easier,” she laughed. "I don't think I've ever felt so relieved!"
"I’m just so happy that I can tell everyone how much I love you,” he grinned when she pulled back.
Just then Ray came out the back door that they were standing next to, guitar case in hand. The look on his face when he saw Frank’s hands on (YN) waist made (YN) immediately start giggling. 
“Wha- what the hell is this?!” He asked, clearly confused.
“Remember that girlfriend that Tucker ratted me out for having a couple months ago?” Frank asked.
“Hi,” (YN) grinned as she waved at him.
“But Gerard said-”
“Doesn’t matter,” (YN) cut him off.
“No stupid rules could keep me from being in love with (YN),” Frank said, almost more to (YN) than to Ray, as he pulled her closer. 
She grinned at him, before leaning in and kissing him hard. She could have sworn she heard Ray muttering about being the last to know everything, but she didn’t care. Everything had finally turned around for her, and she didn’t have to hide her love for Frank ever again.
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stark-tony · 4 years
underrated irondad and spiderson fic recs part 2
part 1
Queer Eye for the Cacti by silentsaebyeok
summary: He bought one-hundred cacti on Amazon! Pepper was going to kill him!
What had possessed him to do such a thing? He never went on shopping sprees when drunk. That just wasn’t a Tony Stark type of thing to do. And in all honesty, he was astonished he even remembered the Amazon password.
Tony makes an interesting purchase while drunk. What he doesn’t expect is for said purchase to bite him in the ass in the worst possible way.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Tumblr Posts by Jen27ny
summary:   Literally what the title says. All the prompts and one-shots I post on tumblr.
pairings: pepperony, spideychelle
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, angst
It Lasts for Always by YellowDistress
summary:  Peter has never asked anyone to kill for him, especially not Tony.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Cursed Christmas by sahiya
summary: A series of unfortunate events befalls Tony, Pepper, Peter, and Morgan (and Happy and May) in the week leading up to Christmas.
It'd be kind of funny if it didn't totally suck. Fortunately, they've got good back-up.
pairings: pepperony
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Keeping your head up by frostysunflowers
summary: It’s been a while, a long while, since Tony felt this defenceless. He’s without a suit, the manacle around his ankle is solid steel, and he can’t see a single way out.
 He’s been here before, but back then there had been tools, resources, options.
Here, there’s just the walls, his missing kid and the water. 
The water.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, angst
warnings: kidnapping
Young, Dumb and Suffering by wordscorrupt
summary: In a moment of desperation, Peter decides to take Steve's pain medication to relieve a migraine.
Peter accidentally overdoses on pain medication.
pairings: none
Midnight Oil by JolinarJackson
summary:  After everything that has happened to Peter over the last year - or five, really - he shouldn’t be worried about something as mundane as the ACT. When he fails it, though it sends him into a spiral of self-doubt, which only gets worse when Peter realizes that he doesn’t seem to be able to fix whatever is broken.
pairings: spideychelle, pepperony
tags: hurt/comfort, angst
warnings: none
Love Will Remind Us Who We Are by blondsak
summary: There had been many times in Tony’s life when he’d known the piercing clarity that separated a Good Day from a Bad Day. Had known the ways in which, upon first waking, one’s soul would strike a balance between agony and relief either in your favor, or not.
But none of his earlier Good and Bad times had prepared him for his reality now.
Nine months after the Avengers defeated Thanos, Tony is still reckoning with the toll the final snap took on his body. Between grueling physical therapy, near-constant pain, and the inability to so much as tie his own shoes, well-- things aren’t exactly like Tony had imagined.
Luckily for him, there’s a certain kid from Queens who won’t let Tony give up so easily.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Summertime Sickness by Spideysickfics
summary: "Well, this is your lucky day, then!" Peter replied enthusiastically, putting his hands on his hips and puffing out his chest as he broke into a wide grin, "You're looking at a former Boy Scout!"
Tony let out a huff of air.
"No shit, a Boy Scout, huh? When did you quit?"
"First grade." Peter's grin didn’t waver. Tony rolled his eyes with a laugh.
"I'm sure you're very knowledgeable."
An Irondad camping trip and sickfic to soothe your soul
pairings: none
warnings: none
to break in these bones by searchingforstars
summary: “We’re gonna go play baseball? I’m not exactly a great shot, and you might have to let me out of these first,” Peter rattles his wrists around in the metal chains and they clink together, echoing around the sparse room, “but sounds like fun.
“We’re not playing baseball.”
“Shame, because I passed a park on my way here and I’m pretty sure that there’s only been like, six murders there this year so that could have been a fun spot.”
“I’m going to enjoy this, you fucked up little kid.”
“Hey, I’m not a little-” Peter starts, but he’s cut off by all the air being knocked out of his lungs as he sees the bat raised in front of him.
or, Peter doesn't listen to Tony, pisses off someone dangerous and ends up on the wrong end of a baseball bat.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
5 Times Peter Gave Tony Something by impravidus
summary:  and the 1 time Tony gave him something back
pairings:  none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
You'll Be Here (in My Heart) by seekrest
summary:  The morning that Tony’s life changed forever began as his days usually began now — shuffling into the kitchen half asleep, going through the motions as he searched for Pepper’s favorite coffee mug.
Tony stifled a yawn, grabbing the Black Panther novelty mug she adored while he grabbed one that Morgan had made them years ago - one that made her now cringe with embarrassment anytime she saw him use it, the childish scribbles that made him laugh.
  He sets Morgan’s creation down on the countertop as he reaches for the Black Panther mug, it being just barely out of reach for when Pepper has put it last.
“Damn thing.” Tony mutters to himself, fingers barely brushing against it before he grabs it - going to set it down on the counter only to be surprised when Pepper walks in from the bedroom, an unreadable expression on her face.
“Morning. You know, you and I need to have a talk about about your choice of mugs. I know T’Challa somehow perfected the cup warmer thing here but you could at least show a little—“
“Michelle’s in labor.”
pairings: spideychelle
tags: angst
warnings: none
the little things we don't say out loud by JBS_Forever
summary: “It's not funny,” Peter says, voice catching as he whines, “This is life or death, Ned. I'm actually dying.”
On the other end of the line, Ned sighs, amused and not at all concerned. “So you're Mr. Stark's secret Santa. It's not that bad.”
- - -
In which Peter is Tony's secret Santa, and it is, in fact, that bad.
pairings: none
tags: humor, fluff
warnings: none
Hiking Essentials: A backpack, plenty of water, and a Spider-kid by kiwifeather
summary:  Morgan, Peter, and Tony enjoy each other's company on a hike through the woods while Peter is staying with them for the weekend. Father-and-son bonding ensues
(Takes place after the snap but Tony survives because this is the good timeline and we know that Tony deserved a happy ending)
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
In Case of Emergency by Bowtiez
summary: Babysitting his little sister at the Stark's lakeside cabin seems like quite the gig for 17-year-old Peter. Of course he's got that covered- he's a mature individual and he can watch over a five-year-old for forty-eight hours.
On a totally unrelated note, did anyone know that super-healing doesn't really work on bacterial infections? It's a good thing Morgan knows what to do. Well... it's probably a good thing?
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Three Times Tony Stark Used Italian Nicknames and One Time He Received One by MCUsic_to_my_ears
summary:   Tony can't help but slip into his Italian when with his children.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
More Ancient Than Magic by ironfamjam
summary: Life isn't exactly normal when your Head of House is also kinda your father-figure and his daughter is kinda sorta your little sister.
It's also not normal when the bad guys your real-life-war-hero-not-actually-dad defeated in The Great War threaten to return and you're still just trying to finish your Charms essay.
But Professor Stark asked him to protect Morgan. And that's what he's going to do.
Even if it breaks him.
The mini Hogwarts AU
pairings: spideychelle, pepperony
tags: fluff, angst
warnings: torture
Peaches by peterparkr
summary: There’s no response, not even a faint twinge of muscle. Peter tries to listen for a heartbeat, but he can’t seem to focus enough to pinpoint it. Another bubble of thought starts to rise. This could be the reason his spidey-sense is going haywire. Tony could be—
He pushes the bubble down.
Peter and Tony find themselves stranded in the woods after an Avengers mission
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Snowflakes by Jen27ny
summary:  Tony just wants to see his kids happy - which means letting Morgan stick as many snowflakes to the window as she likes, and making Peter talk about his nightmares.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
I Sure Do Like Those Christmas Cookies by baloobird
summary: Tony is spending a fun afternoon baking cookies with his kids, but his older one isn't acting like himself.
Whatever the problem is, it's up to the now-retired hero to figure it out.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: bullying, acephobia
An MIT Halloween by bethy_277
summary: Coming to MIT had been difficult, having almost lost his mentor when he had snapped to save the entire universe, and Peter had really struggled. If it hadn’t been for Ned and Harley- who he had met shortly after he came back and become good friends with- he didn’t think he would have made it past the first few weeks at school. He had called both May and Tony that first week, hysterical and begging to come back to New York. May had been patient, Tony had been ready to get in his car to drive to him to help him through it, and Harley and Ned had been there and talked him down both times.  
** Peter is a college student at MIT and Tony brings Morgan up for some trick-or-treating.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Someone Take Me Home by GallagherHunter
summary:  More than a month since May's death Peter is having a less than stellar day at school in the hopes of making it through the day so he can get to the apartment where he's been living with Tony since his world came crashing around him. Meanwhile, Tony has been advised to adopt Peter to assure him he won't leave him.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: bullying
It’s Gonna Be Lit by Pawprinter
summary: What Christmas gift does one get for the man who seemingly has everything?
Peter is struggling to find out.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
I'll Be Home For Christmas by snarkymuch
summary:  May gets called away for work, and Tony steps in to make sure Peter isn't alone for Christmas. Harley, Morgan, and Peter being adorable kids, and Tony being a great dad.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
The power of makeup by SparrowFlight246
summary: Peter shows up to a prestigious awards ceremony with a black eye and a whole lot of regret.
Tony raids Pepper's purse and decides to improvise.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
if you'll be my star, i'll be your sky by ftmpeter
summary: There are two things Tony learns about Peter after Morgan is born.
The first thing is that when it comes to kids, he's a natural.
The second thing is that he's a self-sacrificing little shit.
(Tony already knew that. He has the gray hairs to prove it. But. Still.)
It isn't the kind of self-sacrificing that will get him killed or seriously injured - thank God - but it's just as annoying. Maybe even more, because while he can ground Peter from Spider-Man, he can't exactly ground him from staying up all night to make sure Morgan sleeps through it.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
give the cookies a miss by searchingforstars
summary: “Surprise!” Morgan exclaims as soon as they’re both in the room. She gestures excitedly towards a few slightly sad looking lumps of something drenched in icing and severed onto sticks. There are sprinkles as well, which look like they might have been a nice touch to cheer the entire thing up, had the majority of them not ended up scattered around the surrounding bench space.
“Daddy and I made cookie pops! Well, I made them, he just helped me use the big scary whisk-y thingy. They’re for Katie’s birthday party tomorrow because we all have to bring something yummy to eat, and Daddy wanted to do regular cookies but I told him that was boring. So we made these instead!”
or, Peter is poisoned by the ones he trusts most.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
i want to be with you 'til the whole world ends by searchingforstars
summary: The last thing he does as his eyes slip shut is wrap his arms tighter around Peter, as tight as he can manage when it feels like the life is draining from him.
Please, for the love of God, I'm sorry I couldn't do it, but please, please, someone look after this kid for me.
Tony would give anything to make sure that Peter Parker is safe.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t have much left to give. He’s about to have nothing left to give.
The world goes dark.
He drifts away.
Or, Peter and Tony nearly lose each other.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Of bright autumn days and things that go bump in the night by frostysunflowers
summary: Halloween/fall themed fics featuring plenty of fluff, feels and seasonal shenanigans!
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor, angst
warnings: none
Twelve Days of Terror: A Whumptober Collection by seekrest
pairings: spideychelle
106 notes · View notes
allthingsfangirl101 · 4 years
Wedding Rollercoaster–Zac Efron
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Tumblr request by @maximeefron​
They always say that planning the wedding is more stressful than the actual event. Well, it isn't any easier when your fiancé is filming a Netflix special in Iceland for two months before the wedding. I tried to call him about decisions but half the time I got his voicemail.
We tried to make a ton of the decisions when we were in the same time zone, but several things fell through so I had to change them at the last minute. Even though he told me that he was fine with whatever decisions I made while he was gone, I still wanted and tried to get his opinion.
Zac didn't come home until three days before the wedding. He almost missed the rehearsal dinner but caught an earlier flight at the last minute. Since the day he left, I've had this weird pit in my stomach. I told myself it was just planning anxiety but I still had it at the rehearsal dinner.
The night before the wedding, Zac snuck over to my parent's house. He climbed up the balcony and scared me.
"Zac!" I gasped as I clutched the robe I got for my bachelorette party to my body. "What are you doing here? I thought Dylan was crashing at our apartment with you."
"He is," he chuckled as he played with the tie of my robe. "I snuck out."
He smirked as he pulled me into his chest. He moved my robe off my shoulder and started kissing my shoulder.
"Zac," I moaned. "Baby, we're getting married tomorrow."
"Yes, we are," Zac said, practically growling against my skin.
"Honey," I sighed as I pushed him so he disconnected from me. "We have an early start to a long day tomorrow. We should really get some sleep."
He looked at me, the look in his eyes changing. He reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering. He opened his mouth to say something and then decided against it. Instead, Zac leaned in and pressed his lips to mine in a delicate kiss.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispered. "And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
                       * * * * *
The next morning, I woke to my sisters and friends excitedly screaming. As I got ready, that pit in my stomach got heavier.
"Y/N," my mom said as my sister did my hair. "Are you alright?"
"Having second thoughts?" Lily, my best friend, teasingly asked.
"No," I said, trying to laugh it off. "I'm not. . . I'm just. . . I woke up feeling kinda nauseous."
"Nauseous?" Rachel asked. "Are you pregnant?"
"No," I sighed. "I'm not pregnant. I think I'm just nervous."
"That's okay, sweetie," my mom said sweetly as she walked over and grabbed my hands.
"I know," I said, my voice suddenly dropping. "I just don't understand why I'm so nervous. I love Zac with everything I am and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. So, why am I so nervous?"
"Y/N," my mom said quickly. "Breathe, sweetheart. It's okay to be nervous. I was nervous the day I married your father. Nerves are just part of the wedding."
As my mom tried to calm me down, there was a knock at the door. Lily ran to get it while my mom and bridesmaids swarmed around me.
"Look who came by!" Lily cheered as she led someone into the bridal suite. I turned around to see Dylan, Zac's brother, walking in behind her.
"Hey, soon-to-be-sister." His smile fell when he saw the look on my face and the nervous bridesmaids surrounding me.
"Um, do you ladies mind letting me speak to my brother's bride?"
They agreed, each sending me nervous looks as they left. "Thank you," I said, letting out a sigh of relief. "They were. . . And it all just. . . I mean, it's not. . . I do love. . . But this is all. . ."
"Y/N," he sighed. He jogged over to me, pulled me to my feet, and wrapped me in his arms. He rubbed my back as I struggled to breathe.
"Zac wanted me to come in here and see how you were doing," he whispered. He pulled out of the hug and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as he added, "He wanted me to tell you that he loves you and will meet you at the end of the aisle."
"Thank you," I said, my smile returning.
"You know, it's okay to be nervous."
"I know," I said, not even convincing myself.
"In fact," Dylan said, clearing his throat, "Zac is nervous too."
"Really?" I asked, surprised that I was relieved.
"Of course he is, Y/N," he chuckled. "Getting married is a big deal. It's a big deal making a commitment to someone. You two would be crazy if you weren't nervous today."
"Thank you," I whispered. "You're going to be a great brother-in-law."
                       * * * * *
I held my breath, subconsciously smoothing out my dress as I waited for the ceremony to start. I looked over to see the large version of our wedding picture Zac and I put on our announcements by the chapel doors.
"You ready, pumpkin?" My dad asked. My eyes filled with tears as he held his arm out for me.
"I'm ready," I said, my voice breaking. He leaned over and kissed my cheek.
"I'm proud of you," he whispered. "Zac is a wonderful guy and he treats you right. I'm okay with him taking my little girl away because I know he'll take very good care of you."
I leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thanks, daddy."
I sucked in a breath as the ushers opened the doors. My dad looked at me with an excited smile. "You ready, pumpkin?"
"I'm ready."
As we got in position, my eyes instantly fell on Zac at the end of the aisle. I smiled, tears forming when I made eye contact with my soon-to-be-husband waiting for me at the altar.
                       * * * * *
I was in the middle of talking to my aunt when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I smiled as I looked over my shoulder to see Zac smiling sweetly at Aunt Sylvia.
"Hey, Aunt Sylv," he greeted. "Do you mind if I steal my wife away for a second? My wife and I are needed on the dance floor."
"Go right ahead," she giggled. Zac took my hand and led me onto the dance floor. Zac smirked as the DJ announced it was time for our first dance.
"Ladies and Gentlement, Mr. and Mrs. Efron will now share their first dance as a married couple."
"Are you going to tell me what song you chose for our first dance, yet?" I asked.
When we were planning the wedding, the main thing Zac wanted was to be able to pick out the song we had our first dance to. He wanted to keep it a secret so I had no idea what song he chose even as we stood on the dance floor.
"You know," I chuckled as we waited for the music to start, "I'm not sure if I should be worried or generally afraid of whatever song you chose."
"Trust me," he whispered as he pulled me into his chest.
When the music started, it took me a second to recognize the tune, but as soon as the words started, my eyes filled with tears.
"Take my hand, take a breath, Pull me close and take one step. Keep your eyes locked on mine And let the music be your guide."
I leaned back so I could see Zac's face. He was smiling at me, nothing but love in his eyes. I couldn't stop the tears that formed.
"But," I said, barely a whisper, "you hate listening to music from High School Musical."
"True," he shrugged, chuckling slightly. "But that doesn't make the words any less true."
Zac leaned in and pressed a delicate kiss to my lips. When he pulled away, he had a smirk on his face. "Besides," he added, "it's not like it's the High School Musical version. It's an acoustic cover I found on Youtube."
I rolled my eyes as I leaned my head back on his shoulder. We continued to sway to the music as our friends and families watched us. It was kind of funny to think that a few hours ago, I was terrified. And now, I knew that Zac would always love me. If I ever needed him, he'd be there in a heartbeat. I would never have to fear the fall because he would be there to catch me.
The tears finally started falling as Zac held me tightly and started silently singing along to the music so only I could hear him.
"It's like catching lightning The chances of finding someone like you. It's one in a million The chances of feelin' the way we do. And with every step together, We just keep on gettin' better."
As the song finished, I pressed my lips to his. We ignored our loved ones clapping as we kissed in the middle of the dance floor. Finally, Zac was the one to break the kiss.
"I love you, Y/N Efron," he whispered with watery eyes.
"I love you too, Zac."
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
Hey! I'd like to request a Harry x Gryffindor!reader where y/n is a member of the Golden trio (well now quartet) and is basically about her friendship with them and how her and harry eventually fall in love and end up together, like is a slow burn (it can be either a oneshot or headcanons, it's your choice) thank you! 💕
Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Muggleborn!Reader
Summary: You and Harry have been friends since first year, so how will you tell him that you have deeper feelings for him than just friendship?
Word Count: 6665
Warnings: mentions of scars, umbridge (which is a warning for obvious reasons), hints of depression, doing badly in school
Ok I know that this was supposed to be a small headcannon, but I kinda went overboard so now this is 6k... oops!
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so you both met on the train to hogwarts in first year
you physically ran into harry when you were trying to find a spot to sit before the train started moving
you kinda squashed him because, let’s admit it, harry was probably abnormally skinny for an eleven year old and could be pinned down by an aggravated squirrel
but it caused the two of you to have an inside joke and become friends, even before you got to hogwarts
you also became friends with ron weasley on the train ride
he was also a scrawny little twerp, and you felt like a mother looking after two idiotic children
there was also hermione granger, who immediately rubbed you the wrong way
she was bossy and seemed to be a know it all
at the sorting ceremony, harry, ron, and hermione had all gone before you
so you were kinda just chilling in the group of kids that you didn’t talk to on the train, secretly sending all your hopes into getting into gryffindor
thank godric that you did
you all sat together and ate
you also met ron’s brothers: fred, george, and percy, and apparently he had two more, bill and charlie, and a younger sister, ginny
wow his mother made a bold choice
but they were all kind
though fred and george seemed a bit too mischievous for their own good
and percy was kinda snarky
but everyone has their own flaws, and you should look past them
and you and hermione were roommates
(oh my god they were roommates)
so you tried to deal with hermione’s nagging and obsession with success
it’s firmly believed by all the girls in that dorm that if she wasn’t in gryffindor, she probably would have been in slytherin because she was so ambitious 
but school was fun
you all had classes together
because you’re first years and didn’t have electives yet
hermione, of course, was amazing at just about everything
ron and harry were decent at most things, of course they had to learn but they caught on quick
the only class you liked was the flying lessons, but it only happened once  every week
and astronomy
you just liked going out at night and staring at the stars
but who wouldn’t
so hermione tried to help you in class, but she talked far too fast and already knew everything
she was smart, but she wasn’t a good teacher
so you went to harry, because he was doing good in classes and wasn’t psycho-smart
he actually helped a ton more
you were actually passing your classes now
the both of you bonded over quidditch, as he became seeker and you longed to be a chaser for gryffindor
so you went to all his games and cheered him on
(you also tried out in second year and made it, to the shock of most people)
through your first year, things were relatively normal, right up until you discovered the locked room that housed a large, three headed dog
then harry decided it would be a grand idea for you all to go into a trap door underneath the dog
but of course you followed
as you entered, you got past the dog with relative ease, then hermione helped you all out of the devil’s snare
then you got on the broom and caught the key needed to get through the next door
then ron aided in beating the killer chess board
hermione had to carry him back to the main hallway, and up to madam pince
but you went with harry to find the sorcerer's stone
and when you walked into the room, you stopped at the top of the stairs, seeing quirrel
after a few moments of talking, when the fighting broke out, you were hit with a jinx that sent you flying across the room
which knocked you out
so when you woke up in the hospital wing with a few bruises
ron to your left, still asleep
harry to your right, also asleep
you could say that you were a bit confused at the goings-on of the night before
hermione showed up only a few moments later and explained everything from what she knew
when you all left after first year, it’s safe to say a tear may or may not have fallen at the idea of not seeing your friends for a whole three months
but that summer, you were invited to the burrow at the end of summer
and you went
after begging your parents for the entire month prior
but you got there
and you went along with, ron, fred, and george in their dad’s car to go rescue harry
and you almost fell out of the car while trying to pull him inside, away from his porky looking uncle
but you guys were fine
and when you got back to the house
mrs. weasley chewed you all out
except harry
but she gave you quite the talking to because you’d been there for the past few weeks and she was comfortable treating you like her own
which included a good scolding
but it was all ok
because you were all back together
at least you and the boys
but you would see hermione very soon
when you went to diagon alley
but there was a small hiccup in the day
when you ran into the malfoys
you slammed into draco’s back
very hard
and he fell over
and you fell on top of him
and his dad saw it all
and screamed at you in front of everyone in the bookshop
“you filthy, vile, little mudblood!”
he had his wand pulled in your face and everything
draco was smirking behind him
it was humiliating
the weasleys had your back
the twins came to help you stand up and were glaring at the malfoys
arthur began yelling at lucius
though you were embarrassed, you felt loved all the same
all the girls were obsessing over some gildy-guy
you didn’t find him all that appealing
he seemed too full of himself
but hogwarts was going good that year
besides the little thing with you, ron, and harry stealing a flying car and crashing it into the whomping willow
though it did give you all a bit of street cred given that...
ya know, three 12 year olds stole a flying car and drove it to hogwarts
as mentioned before, you made it onto the gryffindor quidditch team as chaser
you were also benched for half a game for trying to knock malfoy off his broom when he called hermione and you mudbloods while trying to smack talk harry
which didn’t make sense because the slytherins cheat every game and you try to assault one kid and suddenly you're benched
though malfoy doesn’t really say much to your group when your around now
you also got closer to the twins, helping them with pranks and diversions
after the malfoy/bookstore incident, they felt more protective of you
you became like an older sister to ginny
and she always felt like she could open up to you
but she had a weird little book she wouldn’t let you see
as she got worse through the year, you told hermione
but she suggested that you shouldn’t tell her brothers
because maybe she didn’t want anyone knowing
when it was revealed that harry was a parseltongue, you most definitely yelled at people who badmouthed him
you also punched one kid, but you didn’t get a detention for it because the kid was too scared to tell anyone
you and harry were even closer than before
between quidditch and you staying close to him everywhere because you were scared of being petrified
and when hermione got petrified you broke down in the middle of the common room
harry hugged you, a little awkwardly, but he was trying
then ginny got taken down to the chamber
and you felt more numb than anything
so when you, ron, and harry ventured down to the chamber of secrets to find ginny
with lockhart
who wasn’t much help
but ron and lockhart were stuck behind fallen rocks so you and harry went on
and you found ginny
and young voldemort
...or his ghost
either way
it was voldemort
and though you would never tell another soul, he was a lot more handsome when he had his face in tact and looked, well, human
but besides that, he was trying to kill you, harry, and ginny, so his appeal was pushed to the side when you considered that little factor
but as the basilisk chased harry around the chamber, tom riddle had you in a headlock
you were on your knees
and he was basically just forcing you to watch harry be chased by a killer snake
ginny was still passed out after harry defeated the basilisk with the sword of gryffindor, brought by the phoenix, fawkes
you still couldn’t catch your breath after tom riddle had let you go, given that he had been choking you slowly
you hugged harry and were gripping onto the backs of his robes as tight as possible, still feeling light headed and grateful that you actually survived
but you helped harry carry ginny out as quick as possible
ron and lockhart had cleared away most of the rubble, well mostly ron, lockhart was still crazy
when the end of the year came and hermione, among others, were no longer petrified, you enveloped her in the biggest hug imaginable
the train ride back was, once again, a bit sad, but you promised to come over to the burrow during the summer
you went to the leaky cauldron with hermione and her family, since yours didn’t exactly like that you were a witch
they loved you, but all this stuff was to dangerous for their taste
but you and hermione went to the leaky cauldron for a few nights
met the weasleys there for a day of shopping and such
also met harry there, since he was brought by the minister of magic for using magic underaged outside of school
which was kind of a stupid rule
but whatever
you got to spend more time with your friends
because the weasleys were in egypt visiting bill, ron’s older brother,
but you got your little (well, large, really) family back
you and harry talked about everything that the dursley’s had done to him, how he blew up his aunt, and how he was sick and tired of feeling alone during summers
you told him about how your parents were complaining about you leaving for most of the year and, all around, didn’t like magic, like his aunt and uncle
you also talked about how ron’s rat and hermione’s cat were going to kill each other, which meant that ron and hermione would end up killing each other
you never really realized how much you talked to harry until you didn’t get to everyday
on the train ride to hogwarts, you sat with the twins and their friend, lee jordan, and a few of the girls from the quidditch team that you’d known before
you were planning a big prank for the start of the year
harry, ron, and hermione, however, were stuck with an old, sleepy man in their compartment
harry was also moping because you were spending time with the twins
he missed you more than he thought he would and wanted to spend time with you, but he couldn’t just say that
they were your friends too
then the dementors came onto the train, which woke up the old man in their compartment and he was able to fend them off
and harry passed out
and then he woke up a few moments later
with chocolate being shoved in his face
(not a bad way to be woken up)
but the first thing he did was try and get up to look for you
which hermione offered to do so he could rest
in your compartment, you had fallen over, not passed out, but your knees had gone weak and you blacked out for a moment, still awake though
fred and george were on either side of you on the floor
they both had an arm over your shoulder, trying to warm you up
angelina johnson was giving you kind words
and then hermione walked in
your head shot up
“are you all alright?”
“harry passed out,”
there was a chuckle heard from outside the compartment
“potter passed out? some brave gryffindor he is!”
everyone just kinda rolled their eyes and continued to ignore him
“is harry ok?”
“should be, there was a man in there, i assume he was a teacher or something, he had it handled”
“you’re sure he’s alright?”
“yes, he’s perfectly ok, y/n,”
hermione definitely knew about your crush on harry now
she had her suspicions before
but it was just obvious now
hermione left, probably going back to harry and ron
“you wanna go see him?” one of the twins asked from your right in a concerned but also suggestive voice
you shook your head
“i’ll see him at dinner, fred,”
both the twins gasped, along with the others in the compartment
“you can tell us apart?” george asked
yes, that’s right, you had learned the difference between the twins and could tell them apart, something their best friend, lee, couldn’t even do
you were quite proud of yourself
“of course, what do you take me for? your mother?” you chuckled
both the twins knew, at that moment, they’d hit the jackpot
they knew you had a great sense for attention to detail in pranks, but this just showed how much you knew
“how do you know which is which?”
“fred has more freckles, george slouches more when he walks, fred also has a little scar right at the top of his hairline that you can just barely see, but it’s usually how i can tell. also you have sides when you go places together, george is left and fred is right, though i’m sure you’ll change it up from now on to trip me up,”
“ahhh, little y/n, you are a good best friend,” -fred
“lee, take notes,” -george
“fuck all of  you,” -lee
the rest of the ride was not as eventful after that, though the twins were still trying to make you slip up
they left to put their uniforms and asked you to guess who was who, you were correct, they were crybabies about it
when hermione went back to harry, he was a little sad to hear that fred and george were comforting you so closely
lupin kinda smirked because it reminded him of how james would get mad when lily was with other boys
then he wasn’t smirking because he was all sad
when the train got back to hogwarts, you met up with ron and hermione and harry
they told you all about cool professor lupin
third year was great
professor lupin was your favorite professor, which was a similar theme around school
you pranked more people with fred and george
you played quidditch, getting better at your skills when practicing with angelina and katie
lupin grew to love your little quartet
because you were like his friends
hermione reminded him of himself because of her good morals and need to excel in classes, even though she still had her own dark side
ron was like peter, one of the funniest, kindest friends he’d ever seen, while also being underspoken, letting his friends speak first in most situations
james and harry were practically the same person, with their entire personas mirroring the others, though harry was much more modest than james had ever been, but also seemed to have his mischievous side much more hidden than his father, who would boast about his accomplishments and pranks
you reminded him of sirius, with how you always found a way to make others laugh, and your chameleon-like personality that could fit in with multiple groups, you never seemed to be alone, along with the way that you could never seem to wear your uniform correctly: always choosing a t-shirt instead of the button down or regular trainers over the uncomfortable uniform shoes
he made sure to pay extra attention to harry and his friends through the year
you became more popular as you hug out with fred and george more
hermione and ron seemed to bicker more and more like an old married couple
harry was stressing over sirius black constantly, especially after finding out that he was his godfather
you and harry went to see lupin together to discuss what he knew of sirius black, along with just getting your minds cleared
he accepted you both into his office and you all chatted for hours
he also offered to teach you how to cast a patronus, like he had been doing with harry
you gleefully accepted
harry had been at his wits end with malfoy at this point, sick of the taunts and jokes tossed his way
so you and fred and george pranked him
turned his hair red and glittery
only lasted until you washed it out but it was very funny to see him freak out
as patronus practice went on with harry and lupin, you got closer and closer to casting a full patronus, only after your second lesson
during the third time you went, your patronus was cast fully, a mighty lioness that roared loudly as you, harry, and lupin laughed in pure delight at the sight of the mighty beast
you told fred and george what your patronus was and they were jealous, because you got the house mascot and they couldn’t even produce the charm
when the day came that you, harry, ron, and hermione all went down to hagrid’s for buckbeaks’ execution
then scabbers was pulled away by a large black dog
and you all went into the whomping willow
and found sirius black
who was being quite dramatic for a wanted killer
or maybe that was just how killers were
just murdering people but with ✨pizzazz✨
but when lupin turned up, and explained the situation, then ron’s rat turns into peter pettigrew, who was supposed to be dead, then snape showed up
god this was a really long night
once you had everything taken care of (ron was going to be taken to the hospital wing for his leg injury, peter pettigrew was in restraints, it was acknowledged that sirius was framed, and everyone knew lupin was a werewolf) you walked back up to the opening of the whomping willow
then the moon came out
lupin began transforming, everyone backed away slightly, but you were stunned to your spot
sirius and snape were protecting harry ron and hermione
but you were just standing there, watching
peter got away by transforming into a rat, again
lupin was now in full wolf form though, so that was the bigger problem
sirius approached him slowly before lupin turned around quickly, scratching your arm and hand as he ran off, sirius chasing after him in his dog form
but you were scratched by a werewolf
and it hurt
snape had to be a crutch for ron because his leg was messed up
and you were wobbling as you walked from the pain
but you both made it to the hospital wing
pomfrey attended to you first, and she explained, while she worked, that since it was only a scratch, you shouldn’t suffer any detrimental side effects aside from the scarring, which would never go away
it wasn’t too bad after she gave you a few medicines
you worried about hermione and harry, and while ron was being tended to, you glanced out of the windows looking for a peak at your friends
they ended up coming up to the hospital wing after seeing the dementors try to kill sirius, but then they disappeared again, leaving you and ron confused when, just seconds later, they walked through the doors into the hospital wing
but they told you that they saved sirius and buckbeak
school was pretty calm after that
you and harry went to see lupin when you heard that he was quitting
he explained that word got out about him being a werewolf
by snape
the bitch
and that he hurt a student
but he wasn’t aware of that part
until he saw your arm wrapped up
and asked what happened
and he looked like he was going to cry
but you assured him that it didn’t hurt
of course it hurt but you weren’t going to tell him that
for some reason you felt bad that he hurt you
because he was kind and gentle and didn’t deserve the prejudice he got
the scar was healing, but it was from your elbow to the back of your hand, and it was about an inch wide, so there wasn’t much hope of you covering it up or saying it was no big deal
lupin was worried though
how were you going to explain this to your parents?
they were muggles, wouldn’t they pull you out of school?
apparently not, because when, that summer, you were invited to the quidditch world cup with the weasleys and hermione and harry, they let you go
which was very out of character but you didn’t really mind
the quidditch cup was… interesting
you and hermione were pretty spooked afterwards because of the death eater symbol that hung over the crowd
along with the fact that you were muggleborn
but the beginning of the school year was sure to take your mind off of it
the triwizard tournament seemed interesting enough for the older teens to compete in
you couldn’t play quidditch but this was fine
it was a relaxing year to just chill
because you got two months of relative peace until harry’s name was pulled out of the cup and most of the school turned on him
you were still staying close to harry because you trusted him
and you knew that ron wasn’t so much mad at his friend as much as he was a mix of jealous and worried for harry’s safety
you also helped harry train for the first task once you found out what it was
fuckin dragons
you brought him out to the quidditch pitch a few days a week and made him run drills so that he’d be quicker on his feet
ya know
running from a dragon
and you made sure that he knew basic spells
you made hermione research dragons and common ways to get past them
after a little conversation with moody, you also practiced the summoning charm so he could get his broom
you still made sure he was doing running drills because he could always fall
but you included some flying practice
“i don’t care if you're the youngest seeker in a century, harry, this is a dragon!!!! it breathes fire!!!”
because you were helping harry so much
you kinda began slipping in class
just a little
ok maybe a lot
but you were also practicing spells with harry so you were learning like 6/7th year charms
though your teachers didn’t see it that way
so you had to ditch harry a few times due to detentions
mostly with mcgonnangal because she pitied you and how you were worried about your friend dying, which you prioritized over lessons
though snape was getting fed up with you
he was yelling at you more
but you were used to it at this point
the day of the first task you had been with harry in the tent for as long as you could stay there, worried for his safety
to be honest he was getting more nervous because of you
he wanted you to calm down
and you wanted him to live
so it was quite the stressful situation
especially when, while you were sitting on one of the hospital beds moved down there (for precaution) you rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and rita skeeter snapped a quick picture
but she got told off by krum
which was kinda refreshing
he was quiet, but he would stand up for what was right
you liked that about him
it reminded you of harry
harry did really well in the task, getting really high marks for his agility and skill on a broom
you gleamed with pride
a few days later, at breakfast, ron had a parcel delivered to him
dress robes
that were beyond hideous
then you heard all about the yule ball
where you had to dress up and converse with the other schools and such
it didn’t sound all that appealing to you
you loved hanging out with friends and such
but you weren’t exactly thrilled with the idea of dressing up for hours on christmas, the day of relaxation
and becuase you didn’t really think that you were gonna go, you gave ron the money your parents sent you for a dress so he could buy new, nice dress robes
he thanked you a million times
you were also helping harry with the egg
let's say that cedric found out about the egg and told harry a bit sooner
so you were trying to get him to swim in the black lake
he wasn’t pleased
but he needed to be quick in the water
he was mad at you for pushing him in one day
but he got over it
hermione was losing her mind because you and harry were basically flirting 
and touching one another with looks of affection
but harry wouldn’t man up and ask you out
and you didn’t believe he would actually like you
hermione about slapped you when you said that
you also told her that you didn’t really want to go because of the elegant air that wasn’t your style
so she made it her personal mission to get you and harry together
she wasn’t subtle
was she ever?
but nothing happene
one day at breakfast, while the boys were complaining about not having dates
fred, who was sitting next to you, asks angelina to the dance to show ron and harry that it was that easy
ron made some snarky comment about how hermione and you wouldn’t have dates
and hermione was mildly offended by ron and stormed off
but you knew he was right
nobody had even asked you
you thought about asking harry
multiple times
but you just knew he wouldn’t want to go with you
especially when he had practically every girl in hogwarts to choose from
so that night, in the common room, you asked george if he had a date
he didn’t
so you went as friends
because you thought of the twins as family
and didn’t like them that way
but you knew that they were a good option, and with george you would be able to joke all night and have a good time
you bought a cheap-ish, but nice, dress from money you’d already had in your trunk
harry was pissed
he knew you liked one of the twins
and he was mad at himself more than anything
but he went with one of the patil twins, ron taking the other
but when you came downstairs to george, looking more gorgeous than ever
with the help of hermione
you wore a dress with short sleeves, which made you slightly insecure because you still had the scar from professor lupin that was a few shades off from your normal skin tone
but hermione, fred, george, and angelina assured you that you were still beautiful
he couldn't take his eyes off you
“potter seems to be staring at you,” george teased
you rolled your eyes and didn’t bother to look back because you didn’t want to be disappointed
the ball was fun
you caught up with the twins since you hadn’t spent much time with them since you were helping harry
the next weeks you were still training with harry
he was still reluctant about getting in the black lake
but he lived
and when, the night before the task, you and hermione disappeared when he had a question, he felt more helpless than ever
he felt even more helpless when, during the task, he could make out your figure at the bottom of the lake, in between hermione and a little blonde girl
after he helped you and the little blonde girl, who turned out to be fleur’s little sister, you and harry were huddled together…. 
“warming up”
he got high marks again for rescuing both you and gabrielle, even though he took a long time to finish
he was tied for first place
you jumped up and hugged him so tight he could barely breathe
you loosened your grip and stared him in the eyes
your faces were so close together you could feel the other’s breath
then ron came up and grabbed harry
it was awkward between you and harry for about a day and a half until you were in the common room together and were joking like old times
after that, you waited until the month before the final task, when you found out it was a maze with creatures and spells
you made harry start running again
he said he was going to curse you
you laughed
but when the task came up, you felt a little weird about everything
things just seemed off
and when harry reappeared with a dead cedric and the triwizard cup and there was a deafning silence between everyone
cedric's father was screaming
you were trying to shove your way down the stands to harry
because he looked numb yet also going through so many emotions
when you finally got to harry he was pulled away by dumbledore, who told you to go back to your friends
you wanted to hit him
but you talked to harry the next day
well, you didn’t talk much
he collapsed, crying the tears he was holding in since the end of the third task
you held him, letting him sob
you started whispering kind words to him when his sobbing became slower and his breathing was more regular
“you don’t need to be, you shouldn’t be sorry, it’s nothing you did, i promise,”
over the summer, not very much happened
until, while you were at the weasleys, harry was attacked by dementors and was being put on trial for using magic outside of school
he came to sirius’ parents old house before his trial, then, after he was free to go back to school, spent the rest of the summer with you, ron, and hermione
you spent a good bit of time over the summer working on prank products with the twins
you got a lot of progress made on the extendable ears and a few of the skiving snackboxes products were almost perfect
while on your way back to school, while ron and hermione were at the prefects carriage, you caught up with harry and what you had been doing over the summer, talking about whatever you didn’t say while at grimmauld place
they talk about how harry is sick of the pity stares he's getting, and that’s just from getting on the train and sitting down
you talk about your adventures with the twins over the summer, how they tried to do side-by-side apparition with you and you puked
the rest of the train ride was mediocre at best, but the real fun started at the end of the first dinner
namely, a woman called delores umbridge, who was the defense teacher
nobody found her likeable, especially after she interrupted dumbledore
nobody interrupts dumbledore
but you wanted to give her a chance
that chance didn’t get you too far
you and the twins were planning to prank her by day 3
she yelled at harry and gave him a torture quill for his punishmet
nasty bitch
but by the end of the fourth day at school, her cat portraits had been let out around the school, milling around in other paintings and it took her a few days to finally put them all back
the best pranks are ones that linger, driving the person mad
she didn't know it was you three, of course she didn’t, she had only been there four days
but she started to catch on when you and the twins were seen whispering in the great hall, writing on a piece of paper that was shoved under a desk and whispering stopped as she walked by
she knew for a fact that it was you three when you had all used the same annoying phrase in class, multiple times, just to drive her mad
your first detention this year, though it was with fred and george, went unknown by your friends
you didn’t want them to worry, since you couldn’t get your hand to stop bleeding when you would stretch or scratch the healing skin, but you had no intentions of stopping your pursuit of pranking
it wasn’t until dumbledore’s army was having their first practice that harry noticed the scabbed writing on your hand, which was written over your werewolf-scratch scar from third year
‘i must respect my superiors’
he got kinda really mad at you when you’d told him that it was from the last 7 detentions with umbridge, though he didn’t know you even had one
quidditch practice was awkward, harry wouldn’t talk to you, unless it was to critique your playing, and the twins weren’t really there to mediate, since they had to practice too
though the awkwardness didn’t last for too long
umbridge had kicked you, harry, fred, and george off the team indefinitely
dumbledore’s army meetings were the only thing to look forward to
though, when you were working on patronus charms, yours was no longer the mighty lion, but a doe that pranced around with grace
hermione pointed out that harry’s was a stag, and yours was a doe, and then she wiggled her eyebrows
you were #confused
you continued getting detentions with umbridge, for speaking out in class or not doing the work
you finally understand a class but it's everything you already knew from first year… but easier
so you just don’t do it
grades can’t get worse
fred and george leave, so you don’t have many people to talk to, besides hermione
harry’s still a bit aggravated with you
but you're starting to get mad at him as well, he keeps talking to cho
and the worst part is that you completely understood
she was pretty and nice and going through something only harry understood at the moment
you talked to hermione about it
she said to confess your feelings
and you were
really you were
until harry came back and told you the good news
he kissed cho
congrats to you
you just avoided him
until he claimed that sirius black was being tortured by voldemort and you, along with select dumbledore’s army members, had to go save him
you were intercepted by the umbridge prats
you punched draco malfoy so hard his nose bled all over his face and robes
which felt like a win, even though you were still caught and brought to her office in a headlock by malfoy
though you all escaped and went off to the ministry of magic, where sirius was
except he wasn’t
but you know who was?
death eaters
totally not the same thing
but you all made it to this room with a huge archway, where you were then put back in a headlock, by a malfoy…. again
you were sick of this family
the order members showed up soon, however, and sirius was actually here this time
and he was standing next to you in front of the arch, fighting
until he was hit by a curse by bellatrix, which caused him to collapse into the veil
you heard harry scream, and he started to sprint towards the veil, but you collided with his body, pushing him away and wrapping your arms around him
you didn’t know what the veil thing was but you didn't think that it was something you came back from
harry was trying to get out of your arms to the veil
he was stronger than he looked, and you ended up pushing him to the floor so he would stop trying to run
the whole battle was a mess, harry had gotten possessed by voldemort, which entailed a lot of screaming and a creepy deep voice coming from harry
as you were all brought back to hogwarts, you were dragging harry’s body over yours, and he was heavier than he looked
but you knew he was tired and out of it, so you bared with it
that summer was the longest of all
harry and you didn’t talk much
neither would make the first move to send a letter
everyone knew voldemort was back
and harry was transported to the burrow by dumbledore
and even though you had been at the burrow most of the summer, including when harry was there the next morning
he still wouldn’t even look at you
you really didn’t know what you did
he was the one who flirted and kissed cho
sure you didn’t tell him about detentions and were kind of the reason that he didn’t chase after sirius to his death
but that didn’t seem like something he should be mad about
not for this long
fred and george opened their shop
and you were proud of them
so so proud because you helped with half the products there
but you couldn’t use the extent of your happiness because harry still wasn’t talking to you
and you felt like death
all the time
that year went relatively quick
you were studying a lot more, mostly to ignore harry, but also because you didn’t have fred and george to occupy your time and had nothing else to do
by the time christmas came around, you hadn’t talked to harry much
maybe a few times in classes that you were in together
but you weren’t in any newt classes with them
oh well i guess
you didn’t make other friends either
you just kinda closed off
didn’t sleep much because you kept thinking about harry
thinking about kissing him
thinking about holding his hand
about joking with him like you used to
about how he must be feeling about everything going on
about how you can’t lose him now
he can’t die because of some no-nose-supremacist
and you looked exactly how you felt, you were sluggish and lethargic, it took you awhile to react when people spoke to you, and your usual charisma wasn’t as prominent
during christmas, fred and george noticed your lack of energy
they tried to cheer you up but you just wanted harry to talk to you
so they did what they did best
smacked some sense into harry
hit him in the head and told him to talk to you
you both sat on the couch awkwardly, neither feeling the air of comfort that you used to have
it took about five minutes of silence before george opened the door and screamed at you both
not any words, just screamed
then shut the door
neither of you could hold in the snorts of laughter from the unsolicited screaming
you turned to face one another at last
“i’m sorry i ignored you”
“me too, i was worried about you and i felt like i couldn’t talk to you but i should have just written you a letter or something because i miss you so much, you don’t even know. after the twins left hogwarts, i always felt lonely and i wasn’t speaking to you for whatever reason and i’ve been doing really dreadful in class so i've been studying but i never retain anything or understand anything and--”
harry grabbed your hands and moved closer to you
“i think i’m in love with you”
“you’re kidding?”
“i think i love you too?”
“yeah, i have been for a while, then we fought, and i didn’t know how to talk to you anymore--”
beforehe could have another word, you crashed your lips to his
it was amazing
you’ve been waiting for this for literal years
the past few months were torture
but everything was alright
things were getting worse out there, with voldemort rising to power, but you could die happy because of this moment
because harry wasn’t just someone who was in love with you, he was your best friend in the world and the only person who made you feel comfortable in any situation
and he loved you back
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Hi can you do draco x hufflepuff reader where they met on the first day of hogwarts and became best friends then had crushes on one another??? It can be head cannons or like a story idc I just wanna feed my hufflepuff heart
Aye! A fellow hufflepuff! Hi there!
There you were. You had made it to hogwarts
You had been anxious that whole day.
See no one was really there to show you how to go about things, especially with that brick wall.
Your parents both were muggles, they had noooo fucking idea how any of this worked
All they knew is that you had a lot of weird moments as a kid
Mostly glass shattering during tantrums or things levitating on their own
Then they got this letter and woman showing up explaining "Look, your kid's a wizard."
So they were like "Ohhhh see that explains things!"
Sure, Mcgonagall helped your family when they had questions but Mcgonagall wasn't there now
But this one kid saw you wandering aimlessly.
"Hi." He said with a grumble after Narcissa recognized that lost look.
You turned around and Draco's heart was like "Oh... Oh no. Oh I'm feeling things for this person."
"Are you... Uhm... Here for... The platform?" You asked.
"Yes. Actually my mother sent me over here because you looked confused" he said.
"Oh! Oh thank God." You said with relief.
So he told you to run through it.
You thought he was joking until he ran through it.
So you followed.
Steam hit your face immediately and you were coughing.
"Wow that's brisk." You coughed.
Draco held back a snort.
You sat with him on the train and he finally introduced yourself.
"I'm Y/n by the way."
"Draco Malfoy." He said with a nod.
"That's... Kind of a cool name." You said.
Something in his gut told him "oh she's definitely not a Slytherin."
"What house are you hoping for?" He asked curiously.
"What?" You asked.
"Hogwarts house? The ones for the school?" He said.
"...There are houses for this?" You asked.
So he explained all of this to you.
He seemed to take great pride in Slytherin
You were just curious.
You stuck with Draco for the most part and some other kids who knew who he was.
"So. How do you not know anything about the wizarding world?" Draco finally asked.
"Neither of my parents are wizards"
Crabbe and Goyle nearly choked on air and Draco seemed to be having some sort of episode.
"What?" You asked.
"You're a mudblood?" He asked.
"It's not like I can control my genetics. And I know enough about the wizarding world to know that is offensive so could you not call me that!?" You said defensively.
That's when it clicked.
"She's a hufflepuff." He thought.
He didn't realize how right he was until you were sorted.
There was this one kid, she was spunky as fuck.
It was her last year there but she seemed to be excited to have someone new in the house.
Her name was Nymphadora but she loved "Tonks"
She was basically your big sister from this point on.
She showed you around with Cedric, she introduced you to new people, she even told you some secrets about the school.
That's when you noticed another group.
This one kid with glasses that NO ONE would shut the fuck up about.
You didn't officially talk to him until you ran into him
Literally. You ran into him after class one day.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going!" You said.
"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention either." He said reassuringly.
You introduced yourself and Ron introduced himself too.
Two new friends gained.
Course this pissed Draco off.
Because of course you thought Harry was cool.
Truth be told you had no fucking idea why he was famous.
But Draco decided to confront you while you studied.
"Hi draco." You said looking up.
"I see you're spending time with Potter." He said, his voice clearly annoyed.
"Yeah. So?" You asked.
"So? What are you trying to gain?" He asked.
"...Does unconditional friendship and support count?" You asked confused.
"I'm serious. Is it the fame?" He asked.
"... Harry's famous?" You asked.
"... You've got to be kidding me!"
So Draco told you what he knew.
But now you just felt bad.
"Wait so how am I a bad guy here?" You asked.
"What?" Draco asked.
"I've befriended a kid who's family is dead and his aunt and uncle are abusive. And I'm a bad guy because I just want him to feel safe?" You asked.
You did know about his Aunt and Uncle from Harry. You never even met these people and you hated them.
But shit. When you put it like that now Draco felt like an asshole.
You sighed and got up.
"Y/n." He called.
You turned around confused.
"...Can you introduce me to Harry?" He finally asked.
So you did.
Course Ron wasn't too thrilled about Draco hanging out with you guys.
But then the boys discovered that they had a lot in common and it was game over
Tonks really enjoyed seeing you get excited over it all.
Draco was more bearable too
You were like a friendship matchmaker though, especially after you met Hermione.
You both ended up studying together after all of the tables in the library had been occupied.
You thought "See she gets it!"
You both tended to study because it beat doing muggle homework.
Halloween rolled around and Ron said something mean about Hermione.
"Ron! Shut up!" You said after Hermione ran past you in tears.
You ran after her and calmed her down before uhm
Troll in the dungeon?
Draco's common room was in the dungeon so naturally Slytherin had to be moved.
He was walking with the boys when they all realized : "OH SHIT Y/N'S NOT WITH US"
so they all went looking for you when they found the troll.
You had your back against the wall and was of course panicked because you were face to face with a troll and you were eleven.
"Hermione." You whimpered.
"We're doomed." She said.
Draco ran in with the boys and saw the predicament
Well shit.
Thanks to Ron's spell the troll was handled
Course you all got in trouble because you were supposed to be in your common rooms.
Draco was just glad you were safe.
You and the boys celebrated Christmas together, your mom mailing you a polaroid camera to you.
The boys (except Harry) were mesmerized and took a ton of pictures together.
You had a ton of Tonks and Cedric
Then there was this whole thing with the Philosopher's stone and you and Draco were basically having to lie left and right.
"Mcgonagall wants to know if you know who froze Neville?"
"Waaahhhttt someone froze Neville that's wild guys. Really wild."
So other fun fact: Draco's a terrible liar.
When they all came back though oh boy.
The school year was coming to a close and you all agreed to write to each other.
Draco had this one really weird rule though.
If you were to spot him with his parents pretend like you don't know him.
According to Draco, his father wasn't a big fan of him hanging out with people outside of Slytherin.
So when summer started Tonks actually spent a lot of it with you, showing you and your parents the wizarding world.
You loved hanging out with her and she honestly did love you like a little sister.
When school started again though, you promised her you'd write to her about it all.
She was the one who dropped you off at King's Cross that year btw
The next year started and you all sat with each other on the train.
"I just don't see why you need a house elf! It seems barbaric!" Hermione said.
Draco immediately noticed you and smile, moving so you could sit next to him.
You did.
"What's a house elf?" You asked.
"A magical creature who assists wizards." Draco said.
"Unwillingly. They treat them like animals." Hermione griped.
"why are we talking about this?" You asked.
"Because our house elf apparently decided to pay Harry a visit." Draco said with a sigh.
"He said something big was happening this year." Harry admitted.
"If it's bigger than a troll, we might be screwed."
News flash: It was.
Things took a bad turn when Draco knew exactly what the chamber of secrets meant.
Oh God he was SO anxious that entire year.
It didn't help when you ended up petrified
Hermione was almost petrified but you managed to scream "RUN" before you were
He was not a fan of Gilderoy.
He actually called him a "pompous ass" when he acted like baby in the chamber of secrets
When you woke up you found out all about the insane adventure and was like "Dude. Next one, count me in"
The next summer rolled around and you again, spent it with Tonks.
Except this time you and Tonks went to the borrow.
Fred and George fucking LOVED Tonks.
You had these strange interactions with Ron's rat though.
It's like it could understand you.
You would sit at the breakfast table and read the paper right before the wonderful owl that delivered mail would come literally crashing through.
Poor uncoordinated bastard.
Draco was the first to alert the group "uh hey guys. There's kind of a convict on the loose."
None have you had seen Draco over the summer. his parents were great. Just fucking super.
So when you did see him again your heart nearly beat out of your chest.
He dropped the whole "hair slacked back" thing and went natural and it just made you very attracted to him.
Draco noticed a few new things about you
You were taller, and really fucking pretty.
The train ride was not a fun one, you being there crammed on the damn thing with some sleeping dude.
So instead of Harry being attacked by a dementor it was you.
You had a panic attack afterwards, freaking out as the now very much awake Remus talked you through it.
He gave you chocolate and automatically you were like "...this dude is gonna be awesome."
And boy were you right, because he was your favorite professor that year.
Harry seemed to be really paranoid about the dementors though.
A lot more than you were.
He didn't know why yet, but he knew that Sirius had to have some involvement with him.
So Buckbeak. You fucking loved this creature.
Draco however was an idiot.
He stumbled after Goyle pushed him forward into Buckbeak's personal space
Buckbeak almost attacked but you intervened and calmed him down immediately.
"Buckbeak! Eyes on me!" You called.
Buckbeak looked at you but still made attempts to stare at Draco.
"No. Eyes here! Now." You called.
"I'm a friend. See?" You said bowing.
Buckbeak bowed to you and Draco's heart did a whole ass backflip.
You all did notice hermione popping up when she most definitely wasn't there before though
"How does this even work--" "You carry the five" "CHRIST WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM!?"
Draco and you did spend a lot of time together.
Course he wasn't the biggest fan of Cedric being around when he was in the Hufflepuff common room.
But you honestly saw Cedric as your brother. And he saw you as a little sister. So. Ew.
Draco didn't know this though.
Then came the lesson on Boggarts and oh boy.
Your boggart was very strange but clearly affected you.
The boggart was you.
You quite honestly were afraid of what you were capable of.
When you were a child you would make things shatter around you, sometimes injuring your parents.
Sure the injuries were minor, but it didn't stop you from feeling guilty after you found out you were the cause.
You were terrified that if one day you snapped now that you were officially trained and more powerful, it'd be a whole lot more destructive.
So yes, you were terrified of yourself.
Remus handled it and Draco pulled you back asking if you were okay.
You kept to yourself for a while. The boggart brought up those anxieties all over again and you were paranoid you'd make something go wrong.
Draco was not having that though and confronted you about it.
You talked it through with him and he assured you that if something ever went wrong he'd make sure that it'd be okay
So from that point on you two were inseparable.
Hogsmeade was honestly the best
Snowball fights and piggyback rides
You laughing as Harry managed to sneak in on the trip, scaring the fuck out of Ron.
Draco giving you his scarf when you got cold.
The group going "Oh. Oh they're totally in love"
Then Harry found out that Sirius black was friends with his parents.
And the leading cause of death of his parents.
You basically vowed that if you ever came across this fucker you'd probably punch him.
Then Lucius found out about Buckbeak.
And oh boy.
That did not blow over well
You called Lucius an "Asshole". To his face.
Hermione came up with a plan and FINALLY revealed "Hey I have a time turner"
So you went on a rescue mission
It was an emotional rollercoaster
At one point you were convinced that Harry's dad was alive.
Just to find out that Harry could produce a bright ass patronus.
Then you're discovered your favorite professor was housing a convict.
Then you had a panic reaction and punched the convict.
Just to find out that he was innocent and that Ron's rat was actually guilty.
Then when the actual guilty party was revealed and tried to run you discovered that your favorite professor is a goddamn werewolf.
But hey, Harry now had a godfather!
The next summer came along and Tonks picked you up from King's Cross and met Remus
She couldn't stop staring and neither could Remus.
Immediately you knew something was going to happen there.
The summer was spent listening to Tonks go on and on about this guy who used to be your professor.
Which: you were used to listening to weird shit because there were some girls who did have a thing for Snape.
But you knew way too much about Remus to ever find anything attractive about him.
Anyways: SUMMER!!!
Which again was spent at the Burrow
This time you all ended up going to the World Quidditch game.
When you saw Draco there you had to hide excitement because Lucius was there and-- Holy shit did he get more terrifying-- HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!?
Draco still found ways to talk to you though
Cedric noticed the smiles and the glances at each other
The whole group noticed.
It was hard not to when you had that smile that could light up a fucking room on your face.
Fred and George would tease you relentlessly.
But Draco managed to sneak off to you guys and hung out after the game.
Y'know. Right before it went to shit
You all managed to escape but you got separated from Draco and was anxious the entire fucking time
Then he snuck out and went to the burrow and you hugged him
It was the first time you two ever really showed affection to each other.
Especially since Draco was giving you this kind of hug that made you melt into his arms
Molly and Arthur were like "They're in love." Immediately.
He stayed for dinner before having to leave
"So. How long have you had a crush on him?" Fred asked.
"What?" You asked.
"Come on. No one looks at someone that way and doesn't have a crush on them." George said.
The thought of you having a crush on him actually never crossed your mind.
But then they said that and now it was the only thing you could think about.
Which made the next time you saw Draco very... Jumpy.
"Hi." He said as you were reading on the train which scared you so bad your book was unintentionally launched at Harry's head.
Then at the feast he sat next to you and asked if you were okay after you blushed so intensely he thought you were running a fever.
You knocked over your drink.
We can begin to notice that you are a lot more clumsier than usual.
I mean yeah you were always clumsy but this is a whole new range of clumsy.
Then the schools were introduced and Draco whispered in your ear making you nearly scream.
Fred and George were watching these interactions on the verge of pissing themselves
They knew damn well that they were the cause of your nervousness.
Pt 2 coming soon.
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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23 Parents Describe Their Kids’ Creepy Imaginary Friends
1. He doesn’t have a face
“My son from the age of three always tells me about the ‘creeper man’ who lives in my mom and dad’s bedroom. He brings it up after he visits them. I made the mistake once of asking what he looks like. My son said ‘Oh, he doesn’t have a face.’”
2. “You’ll get used to killing”
“A parent of one of my students told us in a meeting that she was concerned because her son (7 years old) talked about an invisible ghost who would talk to him and play with him in his room. He said the ghost was called The Captain and was an old white guy with a beard. The kid would tell his mom that The Captain told him when he grows up his job will be to kill people, and The Captain would tell him who needed to be killed. The kid would cry and say he doesn’t want to kill when he grows up, but The Captain tells him he doesn’t have a choice and he’ll get used to killing after a while.”
3. Little girl ghost
“When my daughter was three she had an imaginary friend named Kelly who lived in her closet. Kelly sat in a little rocking chair while she slept, played with her, etc. Typical imaginary friend shit. Anyway, fast forward two years later, the wife and I are watching the new Amityville Horror (the one with Ryan Renolds) and our daughter walks out right when the dead girl goes all black eyed. Far from being disturbed she said ‘That looks like Kelly.’ ‘Kelly who?’ we say. ‘You know the dead girl that lived in my closet.’”
4. Bad rabbit
“My cousin, when she was 5, and I was 17, had a stuffed rabbit that she talked to and carried everywhere. One day she was asleep on the couch while I was watching her, and she woke up and started yelling at her rabbit for no reason. One minute she was knocked out, the next, she’s awake, glaring at her rabbit, yelling, ‘No! You can’t do that! That’s bad! Don’t do it!’ I asked her what was wrong, tried to get her to stop, but she wouldn’t listen. I finally just took the rabbit up to her room, and when I came back down she was asleep on the couch again. Fuck whatever that rabbit was planning on doing.”
5. Roger won’t be around anymore…
“My little brother’s imaginary friend, Roger, lived under our coffee table. Roger had a wife and nine kids. Roger and his family lived peacefully alongside us for three years. One day, my little brother announced that Roger wouldn’t be around anymore, since he shot and killed him and his whole family. I don’t know if he remembers any of this, but his genuine lack of remorse was very disturbing.”
6. A boy in the tree
“My folks’ farm surrounds a cemetery, and my dad and my niece were walking down there. My niece (4) looks up and says, ‘What’s that boy doing up in that tree?’ There was no boy, but she insisted there was and could describe him.”
7. The bunny man
“When I was 16, I babysat twins who were in the third grade at the time. They always spoke of a man in an Easter Bunny costume, and they were terrified of him. One day I was babysitting, and one twin was in the shower. His brother and I were sitting downstairs watching television when all of the sudden, he said, ‘You need to go check on Matt.’ Seconds later, Matt yelled, ‘He’s in here!!! He’s in here!!!’ I ran upstairs, and I had to check every room before he would calm down. I’m not sure which part of the experience freaked me out the most.”
8. Poor Shaggy
When my mom was younger she had an imaginary friend named Shaggy. When she was finished with Shaggy, she ‘chopped him up and put him in the fridge.’”
9. “Smash Daddy’s head”
“When my brother was just learning how to talk he grabbed one of those small toy hammers and crawled onto the sofa where my dad was sleeping. He then leant in close and whispered one of his first sentences… ‘Smash daddy’s head’ right into his ear.”
10. Dark angels
When my brother was little he acted like he had angels talking to him every second. One day my mom overheard him say, ‘I can’t kill him! He’s my only dad!’”
11. “That’s the man”
“My daughter used to tell me about a man who came into her room every night and put the sign of the cross on her forehead. I thought it was just a dream. Then my mother-in-law sent over some family photos. My daughter looked right at the picture of my husband’s father (who has been dead for 16 years) and said ‘That’s the man who comes into my room at night!’ My husband later told me his father would always do the sign of the cross on his forehead when he was young.”
12. Message from beyond
“My wife and I overheard my two-year-old daughter on the baby monitor wake up on Saturday morning and say, ‘What? OK I’ll tell her.’ She then got up, came into our bedroom, and told my wife, ‘Mary says you’re doing a good job.’ Mary was her grandmother that she was extremely close to that passed away.”
13. I called him Spooky Guy
“As a kid, I said that my imaginary friend was a ghost. I called him Spooky Guy and said he died in the garage of the house on the hill behind ours. I even came up with his death. He was a 16 year old who got in a car crash and walked to that house to ask to use their phone (died in the 70’s). The person lived there grabbed him and sexually abused him there and killed him. He was my imaginary friend as far back as I can remember. This scared my mom so much that she tried to look up records to see if that happened and got me a therapist.”
14. Icy wants me to tell you it will be tonight
“In high school one of my best friends had a little sister who was five or six years old. One day we stopped by his place, completely high, because he needed to get his Magic cards. While waiting for him to come downstairs his sister came up to me and said, ‘Icy told me to ask you if you know when you’re going to die.’”
I laughed nervously: morbid question, right? But I knew all about Icy, her imaginary friend. I even helped her draw a picture of him once. So I played along and said, ‘No, of course not! No one knows that. Hopefully when I’m very old.’
The girl shook her head sadly and said, ‘No, Icy wants me to tell you it’ll be tonight.’ And with that, she just walked away.”
15. It is the punishment
“I was seventeen and babysitting a friend of the family’s six-year-old boy. He’d been in bed a couple of hours and I just peeked in to check on him. He wasn’t in the bed and when I opened the door, I saw he was standing in the corner, facing the wall. creepiest fucking thing ever. I asked him what he was doing and all he did was turn around, smile, and put his finger to his lips as if to say ‘shhh.’ I asked him again what he was doing and all he says is, ‘Leave us. It is the punishment.’”
16. Keep kicking
“My grandfather had a camp on Lake Dering in New Hampshire when I was a kid. One day when I was 6 or so, I fell off of the dock and into the water. I couldn’t swim. While under, I distinctly remember seeing a little girl down there who told me to look up towards the sun and just keep kicking and I’d be fine. I swam to the surface just in time for my grandfather to swoop me up and pull me back on the dock.”
17. Nope
“When my boy was 4, his imaginary friend would sit in the corner of the room when you switched off the lights and light the room with red glowing eyes.”
18. They were both dead
“Kid I used to babysit had imaginary friends. They were dead. One had no head. One was an old lady. They were both bloody. The one with no head had insides sticking out of his neck.
I didn’t ask him questions about them because fuck that.”
19. Tracy
“When my niece was about 4 she had an imaginary friend, which I don’t remember the name of. She would blame things she did on this imaginary friend but also talked about how this friend would watch Scooby Doo with her. One day I thought, ‘Why don’t I find out more about this friend?’ So I asked her to tell me about her friend. And she said, ‘She’s a she and she’s dead.’ And I said, ‘Does she have a job?’ And she said, ‘She does what my daddy does!’ Which is that her imaginary friend was a cop. So then I said, ‘Where is your imaginary friend a police woman at?’ And she said, ‘Right next I to where my daddy is a policeman.’ But then she said, ‘I met her when I was in my mummy’s belly. She touched it when I was inside.’
A few months before my niece was born my cousin Tracy had died. She was hit by a train. She loved watching Scooby Doo and had a ton of memorabilia. She was also a cop. She was a cop in the town that is right next to the one my brother-in-law is a cop in, my niece’s ‘daddy.’ My niece’s imaginary friend was my dead cousin. There is no other way she could have known all that at the age of 4.”
20. “That’s why I don’t like water now”
“When my kid was 4, we were watching a documentary on the Titanic. The scene was a picture of the schematics of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right over the plans. He pointed at the TV and said, ‘That’s wrong. The boilers were on the other side. And I was right here.’ And he pointed to a small space in the boiler room. ‘That’s where I was. And that’s why I don’t like water now.’”
21. Emily
“When my sister was probably about 6 or 7, she had an imaginary friend named Emily. She told us Emily lived in her closet, wore an old black dress, and had long dark hair and she was the same age as my sister. My sister played with Emily constantly. My parents started noticing my sister acting weird. Just sitting in the middle of her room whispering to Emily quite a bit and acting a lot more distant towards them. I remember a very specific day, my brother was walking by her room and my sister was sitting in the middle of her room….but she turned around and hissed at him. He was scared shitless. He told me it didn’t even look like my sister. My parents ran up to her room and I could hear my sister just screaming and screaming.”
“I have no idea what happened in that room but I ran to the bottom of my stairs and the screaming stopped, I saw my parents holding my sister crying their eyes out, she was sobbing as well. I’ve asked her about it today. She’s 24 now. She told me that Emily used to tell her to do horrible things to herself. She actually used to wake up on the roof and not remember how she got there. I’m not kidding. Apparently Emily absolutely hated my parents so she turned my sister against them. She hates talking about it so I never brought up that specific night. This all happened at my old house. When we moved into a different house, Emily was gone. I’m not making any of this up. My sisters little friend was a really big deal to my family and messed things up for a long time. I’m just relieved we left that house.”
22. She floated above his bed at night
“When my younger brother was around 4, he had an imaginary friend named Victoria Meadowbrooke. He told us that she was the prettiest girl ever and she floated above his bed a night.”
23. “The Evil is coming”
“When my older daughter was two or three, she used to have a couple of imaginary friends, Dodo and DeeDee. They were typical imaginary friends. She would talk to them and play with them, and tell me about their lives.
Then one day, when she was about three, she was talking on her play phone when I walked into the room. She hung up her phone and said to me (with a completely flat voice and deadpan expression): ‘The Evil is coming.’”
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dlwritings · 4 years
Explode | Tom Holland
masterlist found here
pairing - roommate!Tom x reader word count - 2,771 warnings - language A/N - for the anon who requested x
summary - Things between you and Tom have been tense, and you can’t figure out why for the life of you. At an engagement party for your sister, emotions run a little too high, and one of you is bound to explode.
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You and Tom had been in a bad place lately. You weren’t sure what it was, but something was causing a serious strain in your relationship. Well, not relationship. Friendship. Roommateship. Whatever.
Tom had been abnormally snippy about everything. No matter what you did, you set him off. You guys lived together. You had for a long time, and you had been friends for even longer. All of a sudden, things changed. It was like one day he woke up in a shitty mood that never went away. Never in all your years together had his attitude been like this. All you wanted was for him to talk to you, but he wouldn’t open up, and you didn’t want to press.
In reality, you should’ve pressed. This was your best friend, for god’s sake. It wasn’t pressing to talk out a bump in your friendship. But you were a peacekeeper at heart, and the last thing you wanted to do was start a fight. Still, it was getting to be a little much, and you had no idea how to handle it. So you did what you always do. Ignored it and hoped it went away on your own.
You were at home when your sister FaceTimed you with her announcement. The ring on her finger was huge, and you couldn’t contain your squeal of excitement. “Oh my god!” you said. “It’s beautiful!”
“Thank you,” she gushed. You were sitting alone in bed with your headphones in so you could have some privacy while you chatted with her. “We’re having an engagement party on Saturday. You and Tom will come right?” At that, your face dropped a bit. You hoped she wouldn’t notice, but the two of you had always been close, so she could read you well. “What’s wrong?” You glanced at the door to your room -it was closed- then looked back at the screen. “He’s home?”
“Yeah,” you said.
“Alright,” she said. “I’ll try and ask yes or no questions.” You managed a smile and nodded. “Are you guys fighting?”
“I don’t know,” you said. “I think so?”
“For how long?”
“Ages now I feel like. But I have no idea why.” You wanted to dive into more detail, but you were scared Tom might overhear you. “Let me text you.” She agreed, so you hung up and opened your messages.
He’s been so pissy and I have no idea why
Have you tried talking to him?
I don’t know how! I don’t want to turn it all into a big thing
If he’s mad at you don’t you want to know why?
Yeah but what if he wants me to move out or something?
Wouldn’t you rather know than walk around him on eggshells?
Honestly I don’t know. If we’re like this I can pretend like we’re normal but if I find out he hates me our whole relationship will come crashing down
You’re still pretty crazy about him, huh?
I don’t want to talk about it
I’m sorry :( Is there anything I can do to help?
Nah. Just pretend like everything’s fine if we come on Saturday. Hopefully he’ll do the same. If he agrees
When you finished texting your sister, you decided to go talk to Tom about the party. He was sitting in the living room playing video games, and you felt yourself tense as soon as you saw him. You didn’t want to interrupt his game, knowing doing so would likely set him off. So, you sat on the other end of the couch and started scrolling through Instagram to occupy yourself until he was done.
“Damn it!” he shouted after a few minutes. He dropped the controller on his lap and ran a hand through his hair. You tentatively looked up at him to see his jaw clenched. Had his video game made him mad enough that he’d explode at you? God, everything made him mad these days. There was no guessing what would make him explode.
“Hey,” you said, clearing your throat awkwardly, “um, can I ask you something real quick? Or are you, if you have to start another game or whatever it can wait.”
“No, what’s up?” he asked with a heavy sigh, turning to look at you. He tucked one of his legs under himself and pulled his other up to his chest.
“I just got a call from my sister,” you said, “and she just got engaged.”
“Cool,” Tom said halfheartedly. He picked up his phone, clearly assuming the conversation was over. You felt that familiar pit in your stomach -the one you got every time you talked to him these days- but continued.
“She’s having a party on Saturday,” you said. “Do you want to, uh-” You cleared your throat. “Do you want to go with me?” Quickly, you added, “We don’t have to stay long. It’s just a big day for her and I told her I’d be there, and she asked if you’d go, and-”
“Fine,” he huffed. “Whatever. We can go.”
“Don’t sound so excited,” you mumbled.
“I’m not gonna pretend like I’m excited to socialize with people I don’t know while your sister flaunts her engagement,” he said.
“You don’t have to go,” you said. “I can go by myself.”
“What, so your sister can convince you I’m a shitty friend?” he said sarcastically.
“She wouldn’t do that,” you said, lowering your voice and hoping he might do the same.
“Your sister would gossip about a rock if she had the chance,” he said. You pressed your lips into a tight line and picked at your fingernails. “What time is it at?” he asked.
“I’m not sure,” you said. “I’ll keep you posted.”
The party on Saturday was at 7:00 in the evening. It was a cocktail party with all of your sister and fiance’s friends and family, and you knew you’d need at least two drinks to feel comfortable. You got dressed in a short red floral dress and a jean jacket and curled your hair. By the time you were satisfied, Tom had been ready for a few minutes already. He was sitting on the couch on his phone waiting for you. When you walked out of the room, you held onto this twinge of hope that he would compliment you. That he would at least look at you in a way that made you feel beautiful. Just like he used to. He was always your biggest hype man.
He didn’t.
The drive to the party was quiet conversation wise. The only sound was the hum of the radio and your occasional direction, telling him how to get to the rooftop terrace the party was being held at. When you got out of the car, you hoped he would hold your hand -you guys held hands a lot- but he didn’t. You glanced at him, but his eyes were trained ahead. Holding back a sigh, you pressed the button for the elevator, and the two of you headed up to the party.
There was a DJ, a bar, lights, and tons of people littering the roof. You locked eyes with your sister right away and she squealed and ran over to you. You held your arms out to embrace her in a hug. Her fiance wasn’t far behind. When you looked at Tom, he had his camera ready smile on. From the outside looking in, no one would know anything was wrong between the two of you. And that was the goal.
“Congratulations,” Tom said to your sister and her fiance.
“Thank you for coming,” your sister said to him.
“Of course,” he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Your sister eyed you curiously, but you wouldn’t meet her gaze.
You and Tom wandered around and socialized. Tom was an expert at pretending. He was an actor for a reason, after all.
“Attention, everybody!”
You turned to the direction of the DJ booth to find your sister holding a microphone. “We just want to thank you for coming out tonight,” she said. “Matt and I are so lucky to have so many amazing and supportive people in our lives.” Matt was standing in the crowd, smiling up at his fiance. He was so in love. You could see it in his eyes. “When I first met Matt, I just thought he was the biggest dork. Honestly, I didn’t see myself ever dating him, let alone marrying him. I mean at first, I didn’t even like him. But then, then I did. And then I started to love him. And now, I can’t see myself with anybody but him.”
You glanced at Tom but his eyes weren’t on you. He was watching your sister, so you couldn’t get a good read on how he was feeling or what he was thinking. You hated that.
“One of our favorite shows to watch together is Parks and Recreation,” your sister said. “And the two main characters have this thing where they say I love you and I like you. When I look at us, that’s what I think. I always think about how lucky I am to have found someone that I love and genuinely like. I like spending time with you. I like listening to you talk, even if it’s over the dumbest stuff. I like who you are, and I like who I am when I’m with you. I don’t just love you, Matt. I like you. I like you so much. And I think there’s so much weight in that.” She lifted her glass with teary eyes and a wide smile. “So here’s to spending forever with the person you love and like. Cheers.”
Everyone chorused back cheers, and your sister handed the microphone back to the DJ. He began to play a slow song, and you saw your sister’s fiance approach her with an extended hand. The two of them made their way to the dance floor along with a few other couples. You turned to Tom with a nervous smile.
When did being around your best friend make you this nervous? This uncomfortable?
“Do you want to dance?” you asked him. Tom looked at you for the first time since your sister started speaking, and all he did was shake his head and walk past you, making his way to the bar.
This is over, isn’t it?
You sat at a table by yourself and put your chin in your hand. You stared off at your sister with tears in your eyes. You were so happy for her, obviously, but your heart couldn’t help but feel broken. It didn’t take a genius to know that whatever was going on between you and Tom was leading to the end. Your friendship was falling apart, and there was no way to stop it. After tonight, you’d have to move out. There was no other option. Not if he was going to keep treating you like this.
Tom downed another sip of his drink and stared at the crowd of people on the dance floor. He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander over to you. You. His best friend. The love of his life. God, where had everything gone wrong?
Of course, he knew where it all went wrong. 
About two months ago, Tom came home from a day of working on the script he was writing with his brothers. It had been a long day, and he was ready to fall into bed. When he came home, he found you dancing in the kitchen making brownies. You were wearing one of his shirts, a pair of pajama shorts, and some fuzzy socks, and you were singing along to some One Direction that you had blasting through your bluetooth speaker.
He knew then that he was head over heels in love with you, and he probably had been for a long time.
And that just wouldn’t do.
Because there was no way he was going to fuck up your friendship like that. This was his fault. Sam, Harry, and Harrison all told him he’d fall in love with you if you moved in, but he assured them they were wrong. You had been friends for ages. There was no way your relationship would change, and if it did, he certainly wouldn’t be the one to change it. And yet, here he was. Watching you cry at your sister’s engagement party because he was too much of a pussy to tell you how he felt.
Tom got snapped out of his trance when he saw you stand up from where you were sitting and rush off to the exit. You weren’t out of his sight before you wiped your fingers under your eyes. Without any hesitation, he stood up and rushed after you.
You kept walking despite Tom calling after you. All you wanted was to go in the bathroom and compose yourself. You had to get through this party for your sister. And while you didn’t want to face Tom right then and there, he was faster than you, and he was able to catch up and grab your arm.
“What?” you asked, your voice cracking. “What do you want?”
“I just-” He hesitated. “Are you okay?”
You laughed.
You actually laughed, though it was full of sadness and made your stomach queasy.
“No, Tom,” you said. “I’m the exact opposite of okay. Because I, I don’t know what’s going on with you, and it’s killing me. For the past few months you have been, you’ve been blowing me off and yelling at me and ignoring me and, and I just don’t know what I did wrong. You’re my best friend, Tom. And it’s killing me that I don’t know what’s going on. Everyday I’m scared to be in the same room as you because I feel like you’re going to explode when I breathe. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure this out, and I can’t do it.” You laughed again, throwing your hands in the air. “So you have to talk to me! Because if you don’t, if you don’t tell me what’s going on, I’m going home, and I’m packing my shit, and I’m leaving.”
Tom opened his mouth and closed it again. He felt stuck. He was trapped. Tell you how he felt, or let you run away?
When you were sure he wasn’t going to say anything, you started to turn, but Tom stopped you. He grabbed your arm again, pulled you close to him, wrapped his arms around you, and kissed you. Immediately, you pushed him away. Tom felt his heart drop to his stomach as you searched his eyes for what was happening. He figured you must’ve found what you were looking for, because you stood on your tiptoes and kissed him back.
You didn’t know how long you were standing there, but eventually you pulled away. You stayed on your tiptoes, keeping your forehead pressed to his. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’ve been such a dick lately. It’s just-” He hesitated and closed his eyes, gaining the courage to speak. “I love you, (Y/N). And I’ve been really scared of ruining our friendship, so I thought I should just push you away instead.”
You scoffed. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. You should’ve just talked to me. Clearly I feel the same way.”
“Well it’s clear now,” he chuckled. “But it’s never been clear before.”
You sighed. “You still should’ve talked to me. I’ve been hurting for so long. I thought I did something wrong.”
“I know,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry.” He nuzzled his nose against yours, and you couldn’t help but giggle. “You really love me?”
“I know,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “I can’t believe it either.” Tom licked his lips, swallowed nervously, and closed his eyes.
“I need to hear you say it,” he said. You frowned and pulled back to stroke his cheek. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I just-”
“Hey,” you whispered, running your thumbs across his cheekbones. He glanced up at you with his puppy-dog eyes. “I love you, Tom. I really do.” He smiled softly, then sighed and hung his head.
“And I know I can’t fix all of this with a kiss and an I-love-you,” he said.
“No,” you whispered. “That’s true.”
“But I swear, (Y/N), I’ll make it up to you. Whatever it takes.”
You nodded and mirrored his nervous smile. “I just need some time,” you said. “And lots of cuddles,” you added.
He chuckled. “Like I said. Whatever it takes.”
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effieduan · 3 years
Dragon Pool Parties || SOLO
TIMING: July 22, 2006 - when Effie was 12-years-old.
LOCATION: The Duan’s old house in Portland.
PARTIES: @effieduan & a neighbor.
SUMMARY: All Scottish castles have dragons, and Effie is lonely.
CONTENT: brief mentions of heart attack. 12 year olds being 12 year olds.
Screams of laughter and splashing could be heard from over the tall fence. Effie sat on her on the back porch, facing away from the fence and her back pressed up against the railing. Her gloves - today a bright blue, like the sky - lay across her lap and her new lego set sat in front of her, only half-heartedly started.
Grandma was in town. Her mom’s mother, which meant she couldn’t spend all her time in her basement and had to go out and get ‘fresh air’ while her sisters, mom, and dad went to the pool party next door. Apparently, it wasn’t healthy for a 12-year-old to spend all their time in the basement tinkering with the ‘computer junk’, and she needed hobbies and interests beyond that.
That’s how the lego thing happened, and if she didn’t get this stupid castle built or at least substantially off the ground by the time Grandma tomorrow afternoon, she was going to be in trouble for being ‘ungrateful’ or ‘having a bad attitude’.
Effie heard a scream from over the fence, followed by a loud splash and laughter. She glanced over her shoulder, but couldn’t see anything over the tall fence. Technically, she had been invited to the pool party too, but she obviously couldn’t go. Effie didn’t remember what excuse her parents had used this time, but she hoped it wasn’t chickenpox again. It took ages for the Dugan boys to stop bawk-bawking at her every time she took a walk.
Grandma was supposed to be watching her play with her lego set - to spend time with her little darling granddaughter since “hardly got the chance”, but had wandered over to get some fun pictures of Ellie, Emme, Ed, and Eva in their new swimsuits. Her sister’s got new swimsuits and she got the lego set -- Effie still wondered what the hell her parents told Grandma to get her to go along with the gloves, and the homeschooling and whatever else. Her father had just gingerly patted her on the head and said “Don’t worry about it, we have it all taken care of.”
Effie ran her fingers along the smooth lego piece as she examined the problem in front of her. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the lego sets - or, well, okay, she didn’t despise them like she did the stupid easy-bake-oven Grandma had tried the last time. It was just the pieces were so small and all of them were the same color. This was a castle, sure, but did all the pieces have to be grey?!
“Is that an English or a Scottish castle?”
Effie jumped, disturbing the little board she had so the pieces didn’t fall in between the cracks in the porch. There was a pop somewhere in the house that told Effie she would have to reset the breaker again -- fine, she’d do it later. But she was more preoccupied with the boy that wandered over from the party on the other side of the fence. He had dirt on his nose, held a soccer ball, and wore a power rangers shirt with black swim trunks.  Effie gaped as the boy peered at the lego box she propped up as a reference
“Who the hell are you?!”
The boy took his gaze from the box to her, scandalized. “You can’t say hell,” he said.
“I can so!”
The boy looked like he hadn’t thought of that. “Oh.” He stared at her. “I’m Michael.” He went back to looking at the picture of what her lego castle was supposed to look like. She realized he was a kid from across the street - not one of the Dugan boys, but he was always playing soccer on the front lawn with his brothers.
Nervously, Effie put the lego piece back on the corkboard and quickly went to put her gloves back on. “I’m Effie,” she said. “I don’t know if that’s a Scottish Castle or an English Castle, I don’t know what the difference is.”
“There are differences,” the boy said, looking at her knowingly. She believed him but had no idea what he was talking about. “You don’t look like you have the chickenpox.”
Effie bit back a groan. “I don’t.”
“That’s what your mom said you had. That’s why you aren’t swimming with everyone else.”
“Yeah,” Effie said, giving a non-committal shrug. She couldn’t correct herself and saying she did have chickenpox actually because that would be a lie - she couldn’t do that.  She could figure out some fancy wording as her dad taught her, but she wasn’t exactly keen on the neighborhood children thinking she had chickenpox again.
“Are you sick or something?” The question was blunt enough to make her stop thinking about hawking prepubescent boys.
“Sick,” Michael said again. “Is that why you don’t go to school or come to parties or anything?”
Effie didn’t answer, and looked back at her lego set, reaching out for one of the larger pieces so she could keep her hands busy. It was harder with the thick rubber gloves around her fingers - it would be a nightmare trying to complete it with her gloves on.
“It’s just better like this,” Effie said, realizing that Michael hadn’t moved from the spot. More splashing and screaming from over the fence caught his attention.
“Why?” he asked, though he was craning his head to see if he could get a glimpse over the fence.
Annoyance crept into her. Why did he even come over here to bother her? “Can you go away?”
Michael looked back at her, surprised. “Why?” he asked. “You’re not contagious, are you?”
“No, I’m just trying to do my lego set.”
“You’re doing a bad job. You haven’t even started on the watchtowers, and you put the wrong pieces in for the draw bridge.”
Effie’s gaze snapped back to the set in front of her. “I did not!” Except there was a large possibility that they did. They all looked the same and were the same color. Whose bright idea was that? She frowned.
“You want to use the A-3467 parts, not those. I think my cousin has that set.”
Effie blinked, looking between Michael and the set. He was looking back over the fence again as someone turned the music up. Justin Timberlake grew louder. “Oh… So then is it a Scottish or an English castle?” Effie said.
Michael finally looked back at the box and looked like he was thinking very hard. Her dad would have joked that he could see the steam coming out of his ears. “English,” he decided, finally.
“Because it doesn’t have a dragon.”
Effie stared at him. “What?
“It doesn’t have a dragon. All Scottish castles have dragons.”
Effie didn’t know enough about English and Scottish castles to say otherwise, but she was pretty sure that wasn’t correct. Dragons didn’t exist… Right? She couldn’t say anything else though, because a bunch of boys was bellowing Michael’s name.
“Crap - I was supposed to get the ball,” Michael said, holding up the soccer ball. “See ya Effie, hope you’re not contagious for much longer!”
He was gone as fast as he came, running down the side of the house shouting to his friends, leaving Effie there alone with her lego set of a decidedly English castle.
She couldn’t explain why she started to cry, but she did. Something ached in her as she heard the party and the splashing and everything else on the other side of the fence. Effie wanted to play too. She wanted a new swimsuit and friends to yell at her because she took too long retrieving the soccer ball. No one should be able to stop her from having that. Effie could go march upstairs and dig through Emme’s dresser -- they were almost the same size, or so Emme said whenever she ‘borrowed’ her sweatshirts. She had tons of swimsuits. She could go. She should go.
Effie had half risen out of her little corner on the deck, wiping her eyes on her sleeve, when she realized what would happen if she waltzed over there ready to join in the fun. She couldn’t go swimming, but inevitably, she would be thrown in the pool and everyone in there would get electrocuted while she crash-coursed herself on learning to float.
Her neighbor with his eyes rolling back into his head as he fell, clutching his chest. The screaming from his wife and her mother’s iron grip around her shoulder as she pulled her into the house. What did you do? Everyone would know it was her this time.
Effie winced, and she sat back down, glowering at the lego set and the gloves that were still on her hands. She remembered the relief when her father put them on her. It was enough then to know that she wouldn’t kill anyone by shaking their hand. Effie checked three times to make sure she was still alone before she took off her gloves. She called it being thorough but knew she was just hoping Michael or some other kid would come back and talk to her.
A few minutes later, she was fiddling with the stupid directions again, trying to figure out how the drawbridge was actually supposed to look and trying not to think about how much more she wanted. Enough was all she needed, and she had better get used to it if she didn’t want a bigger body count. 
Now, if only she could find a dragon somewhere... 
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queenmylovely · 4 years
Wedding Party I
Summary: Ben hardy x fem!reader. Lucy and Rami’s wedding is coming up and you and Ben are both part of the wedding party, with one catch. 
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: cussing, fluff, some roasting of reader 
A/N: This is the third and final part of my 500 follower celebration!! Though you might be able to guess that this will have more than one part, so stay tuned! Thank you so much again to everyone who follows me, including the people that have since I hit 500, cause it’s been a minute, whoops. I’m hoping to post updates to this weekly until it’s done. (Side note, obviously not shaming reader and neither are any of her friends, including Lucy, she just doesn’t want any drama.) Any feedback is super appreciated but especially replies, messages, and asks are super helpful for my writing ‘cause I get to hear what you think!
Part II, Part III, Part IV, Mini i, Mini ii, Masterlist
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(hot hot hot gif by @mrbenhardys​)
Over the past couple years, you had found yourself attending no fewer than three weddings a year, and last year broke the record with six. It was always a bit of a to do but you enjoyed it nonetheless, happy to see your friends happy and to go to a party. You hadn’t always been so happy to go; originally you were a little cynical and bitter about being single while all of your school and university friends got married. But then, at the second wedding you had been to, you hooked up with the best man and your opinion had been changed. It was easy to be happy for the happy couple when you were having hot sex with friends of friends with no chance for strings or feelings.
As such, you had grown a bit of a reputation among your friends that had borne witness to this behavior. A few teased you about it, a couple were silent, and a few more cheered you on, but none tried to stop you. This was mainly because none of them had seen how it would negatively impact them. And it wasn’t like it was terrible, but on more than one occasion you and some other guest had been walked in on, sometimes only a heated making out, but sometimes in the act. You had apologized and even tried to make it till after the reception, but it was hard sometimes with all the free booze and romantic songs and pretty lights making you hornier than ever.
Maybe there had been some awkward happenings when it was a destination wedding and the wedding party had events the next day. While you were happy with the one and done, some of the men you had hooked up with would be miffed when you kicked them out after the deed and didn’t seem so interested the next morning. After a couple uncomfortable brunches where everyone could feel the tension in the air (and not the good kind), you had decided to stick with the guys that were just a bit douchey and wouldn’t be so pained at a one night stand. Not that they didn’t sometimes get butthurt when you dropped ‘em too.
But to you, that was the beauty of the thing: hot sex for one night and one night only. You and whoever else you were with would exist in a made-up wedding world for the ceremony, reception, a couple hours of fucking, and then it would all be over and you could go back to your real world without any consequences. Okay, so only a couple consequences.
You thought that you would be able to keep this up indefinitely; you had a ton of friends in relationships who would have plenty of eligible bachelors at their weddings. That is, until your best friend, Lucy, got engaged to Rami. When she had invited you over for brunch just the two of you and had told you the news, you were enthralled for her. Rami was an amazing guy and you had never seen Lucy as happy as when she was with him. And then you were enthralled for yourself when you thought about all Rami’s actor friends that would undoubtedly be there. You had already met a couple, Joe and Gwilym, and if they were any sign of what level of men would be there, you couldn’t wait.
Your daydreams all came crashing down around you when Lucy abruptly said, “You’re not allowed to fuck anyone at my wedding.”
The two of you had just separated from your happy hug so she put her hands on your shoulders to make sure you looked at her and were paying attention.
“I-I-- What?” you stumbled out, brought from your reverie that was running through a list of A-list celebrity names that might be at the wedding. You tried to look innocent but the fiery look in Lucy’s eyes stopped you. So instead you whined, “Why?”
Lucy just rolled her eyes, though fondly, and replied, “Sit down.”
The two of you sat down at the wonderful brunch she (probably with help from Rami who was quite the home cook) had made and plated a couple items, poured mimosas, and you took your first bite before she continued.
“Obviously, Rami and I are very private people. We don’t like our relationship broadcasted to the public, and Rami feels that way about most of his life in general. So we’ve decided to have a really small wedding. We want it to be intimate and to share our love with each person that attends. We don’t feel like we have to prove anything or live up to any crazy standard and invite hundreds of people, half of whom we’ve never even spoken to,” Lucy explained, and throughout her little speech you felt yourself get a little emotional because you could tell how truly and deeply she and Rami loved each other. Lucy’s voice cracked a little and you reached your hand over to hers to give it a gentle squeeze.
Lucy took a sip of her drink and then said with a more pointed tone, “So because we are close friends or family with every single person that will be there, we don’t want anybody… fraternizing with anybody else and causing… awkward circumstances for us or any of the guests.”
“‘We,’ Lucy? Rami told you he didn’t want me fucking anyone?” you asked sarcastically.
“Well, when I say we I mean me, mainly. But Rami does want a drama-free wedding, as do I,” Lucy conceded. As she finished her sentence, Rami walked in having returned from what looked like the gym.
“What about me? Hi Y/N, hi sweet,” Rami said, dropping a kiss to your cheek briefly and then giving Lucy a more substantial one on the lips.
“Oh we were just talking about the wedding, you know,” Lucy said and Rami grinned.
“Did you ask her?” he inquired.
“Ask me what?”
“Well you know that Emma and I have had a pact to have each other as our maids of honour since we were like two and three,” she started and you nodded, knowing the story because she and her sister had relayed it many times over the years you had known them. “But will you do me the honour of being one of my bridesmaids?” A big smile took over your face and you jumped up to hug her, practically yelling “yes!” into her ear. Then you brought Rami into the hug as well, all of you laughing and smiling.
When that was done, you all sat back down, Rami pulling up a chair and grabbing a plate. Then you turned to him and said, “So Rami, Luce was just about to tell me about all of your friends that are going to be there.”
You were just teasing, but as you saw Lucy’s miffed face, you couldn’t help yourself. “You know, I really liked meeting Joe and Gwilym, it’d be nice to see them again. And can’t forget about that Ben who you all talk so much about. ‘Haven’t met him yet, but I’m sure the wedding will fix that.”
So that Lucy couldn’t see, you winked at Rami to make sure he knew you were joking, mostly.
Before you could say another word, Lucy burst out, “No, do not fuck anyone. Okay? Do. Not. Fuck. Anyone. Especially Ben.”
Your ears perked up at that, “Ben? Why especially Ben?”
“Uhhhhhhh,” Lucy hesitated for a second, a look of panic taking over her face.
“Because you guys will be walking together and you’ll spend the most time together,” Rami saved her.
“Yeah, it would mess up the whole party’s dynamic. Just don’t okay?” Lucy asked with a pleading look in her eyes to make you feel guilty.
“Okay, geez, I won’t. You guys act like I’m some floozy who can’t keep it in her pants,” you half-pouted for a second, but then they both gave you a look. “Whatever, I won’t, I won’t!”
Unbeknownst to you, the reason they were so hell-bent on keeping your attention off Ben specifically was not because he was the groomsman to your bridesmaid (although that would’ve been reason enough). It was actually because Ben had the exact same reputation amongst his friends as you did yours.
After he had gotten out of a more serious relationship a couple years ago, he hadn’t settled down again. With plenty of friends getting married, his was the same fruitful situation as yours, and he used it to his benefit. The wedding scene was a lot more reliable than just hitting up any old bar or pub.
Ben had also gotten the no fucking speech, but from Rami when he asked him to be a groomsman. He had agreed to the rule with a begrudging nod. Ben was easier to convince since he was mutual friends with a lot of Lucy and Rami’s friends and would know most everyone at the wedding.
While you and Lucy had been best friends for years, you weren’t an actress and didn’t already know most of her actor friends. Because of Lucy’s filming schedules and locations, you relied on a lot of facetime to keep up with each other. You had only met Joe because you had tagged along on a Venice trip with Lucy and Rami. Gwilym you had got to know a bit more because whenever Lucy and Rami were in town for more than a week they liked to have dinner parties or game nights and both of you were frequently in attendance. Ben’s filming schedule or other priorities had always prevented him from joining in, at least for times you had gone.
Of course you had seen pictures of Ben on everyone’s instagram, and maybe had done some stalking of your own. Not to mention you watched Bohemian Rhapsody, obviously, and had caught a couple of other things he had been in just by happenstance. He seemed like a pretty good actor and a pretty great guy from what you could tell. Plus, you trusted the judgement of your friends about his character.
Lucy and Rami weren’t ones to do the more extravagant things that some engaged couples did. Instead of a big engagement party, they decided to have a dinner party with just their families and the wedding party.
The party started at 6:30pm, so you got there… at 6:50pm. You hadn’t meant to be late but you couldn’t decide between two dresses, worrying that the one you wanted to wear would be too dressy. You ended up going for it anyway, it was black with an opaque sweetheart neckline and a mesh and lace section that made it sleeveless and so it wasn’t actually strapless. It wasn’t bodycon but it hugged your curves nicely and had gold shimmery thread as part of the lace that caught the light. You had also done your makeup and hair quickly but thought that the overall effect was nice.
As you arrived at their door, you tried the handle, hoping it was open so you could slip in quietly, but no dice. So you knocked twice and stepped back to wait. No answer came so you knocked again louder and waited again. Just as you were about to raise your hand again, the door swung open and you saw Joe there.
He smiled when he recognized you; the two of you had become quick friends during those couple days in Venice.
But before he could say anything, you glanced past him and asked, “Dinner hasn’t started, right? I’m not that late?”
Joe laughed and shook his head, “No, everyone’s still getting drinks and stuff. You’re only like five minutes behind the last person to arrive. Nice to see you by the way.”
You laughed sheepishly and leaned in for the hug he offered, “Nice to see you too, Joe. How’s everything?”
The two of you headed further into the apartment as he told you, “Pretty good. I'm actually starting filming just outside London so I’ll be over here basically until right after the wedding. No trips back and forth for me.”
“That’s great! And that means you’ll be ‘round for game nights. I’ll have to warn you that Gwilym and I make a great team.”
Joe scoffed at that, “Gwil and I are a great team, thank you very much.”
“Funny, he hasn’t mentioned anything to me about your skills,” you shot back with a smirk.
“Guess we’ll just have to ask him.”
“Guess we will.”
Gwilym ended up being the first person the two of you saw as you entered the living room. He saw you walk in and headed over quickly with a big smile on his face.
“Ah Y/N, glad you made it!” he said, leaning down for a peck on the cheek and a quick hug.
“Yep, and only 20 fashionable minutes late,” you replied and the three of you laughed.
“Alright, alright, introductions are over. We have something to settle with you Gwil,” Joe said seriously.
“Oh?” Gwil asked, a little confused.
“That’s right. Joe and I wanted to know which one of us is the best game night partner,” you asked, pointing an accusatory finger as Joe squinted his eyes at him.
Gwil broke out in laughter, which only seemed slightly nervous. “Well you see… It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Y/N you’re better at trivia but Joe you’re really good at charades.”
Joe and you looked at each other and then back to Gwil.
“Seems like a bit of a cop-out to me,” Joe pointed out.
“Yeah, why don’t you just give us a real--”
“Y/N! There you are!” you heard Lucy calling out to you and you turned to see your best friend excusing herself from some of her family members. She half ran over to you and pulled you in for a tight hug.
“Hey you look nice,” you told her when you pulled back and could see her outfit. She was in a flowy cream colored dress with ruffles and gold ribbon sewn in.
“Thank you,” she replied. Then a cheeky smile took over her face and she told you, “You look a bit like a young widow attending her 80-year-old husband’s funeral after killing him in his sleep. All you’re missing is the black veil.”
“Shut up!”
“Don’t listen to her, Y/N, you look lovely,” Rami told you as he walked up.
As he kissed your cheek and you leaned in for a hug you told him while looking at Lucy, “Thank you, Rami, you truly are such a good friend.”
“I’m just telling it like it is,” Lucy shrugged to everyone’s amusement.
Everyone got to chatting and catching up, but when you were in the middle of a conversation with Gwil, Lucy pulled you away.
“Where did he get to?” Lucy wondered, looking around the room. “Who--?”
“Ah there he is,” Lucy told herself more than you and started pulling you over to the other side of the room.
You had no idea where she was leading you to until you noticed a man with blonde hair facing the other direction and talking to a couple you didn’t know. Realizing it must be Ben, your stomach dropped but whether it was out of anticipation, excitement, or anxiousness you couldn’t tell. Ben had been hyped up so much both by your friends and by the idea of him you had in your mind. Now it was even worse after that speech Lucy had given you a couple weeks ago. Even though she hadn’t meant to, she was putting all of your attention on Ben with the thought of sex in mind. Now you were just trying to stave it off so you didn’t make a fool of yourself upon meeting him.
Taking a deep breath in as Lucy tapped on his shoulder, you tried to ready yourself for anything that might happen. Ben looked quickly and saw that it was Lucy and politely excused himself from the conversation.
Even just hearing him say that made your eyes widen slightly; he had such a deep, rich voice that in any other case your mouth would practically be watering at the thought of what it would sound like in bed. Now, you had that thought but had to drop it quickly from your mind because it would lead places that weren’t allowed.
Ben finally turned around, smiling at Lucy and then his expression turned to interest when he saw you.
“Ben, I’d like you to meet my best friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Ben,” Lucy said and the two of you shook hands, smiling and exchanging pleasantries. “Okay so you both already know that you’ll be walking together so… get to know each other! Become, acquainted, better yet become friends!”
Both of you laughed lightly at Lucy’s words and then waved her off when someone started calling for her.
“So you’re the infamous Ben,” you said jokingly, looking him up and down as if you were studying him and not as if he was just incredibly good to look at.
“Infamous? Do I have that bad of a reputation?” Ben said back good-naturedly, though he was a little worried you had heard about his penchant for sleeping with people at weddings, especially with Rami confronting him about it.
“Well, maybe not bad, more I’ve just heard about you so much without meeting you that if it weren’t for your movies I wouldn’t have thought you really existed,” you amended with a smile.
“Oh my movies, huh? You’ve seen more than one?” Ben asked cheekily and your cheeks flushed for a moment.
“Well I’ve obviously seen borhap, as you would call it, and I saw X-Men before all that to keep up with the series, and my family’s very into action movies, so I caught 6 Underground with them,” you explained.
“Seems like you’re pretty familiar with my filmography,” he pointed out with a smile.
“If that’s what you wanna think…”
“I think that you’ve been here for about ten minutes and no one’s gotten you a drink. Can I fix that?” Ben asked, gesturing to your empty hands.
“Lead the way,” you replied, and he guided you over to where a little bar was set up. On the way, you had to remind yourself again of the rules and that though a handsome man was making you a drink, that was all that was happening.
“Alright, they’ve got the works so what would you like?” Ben said with an easy smile.
“Oh, um, I like Moscow mules,” you told him.
“Good choice, good choice,” Ben replied as he looked around at the different bottles. “A Moscow mule…”
“Do you know how to make a Moscow mule?” you asked because he had missed the ginger beer bottle about three times.
“What? Of course I… don’t,” he admitted sheepishly.
“It’s okay, I can just make it,” you suggested but Ben shook his head.
“No, I said I was going to get you a drink, and I’ll make it. If you could just tell me how?” he said with a small smile.
You laughed and nodded, “Okay, so just squeeze a lime wedge into the glass and go ahead and drop it in. Then a couple ice cubes, that’s good. And now two oz. of vodka, actually why don’t you do one and a half, I don’t need two right now. Now you just fill the rest with ginger beer and give it a stir!”
Ben stirred the drink and then garnished it with another lime wedge, “Ta-da, my first ever Moscow mule and all for you!”
Taking it from him, you waited until he grabbed his own drink again and then held yours up for a cheers. After taking a sip you said, “Mmm, very good, just like a real bartender. Do you want to try?”
“Sure,” he replied with a smile and you carefully exchanged drinks so he didn’t have to hold both while he did. Your hands brushed against each other a couple times and you had to keep your breath from catching at how warm his hands were and the way he looked at you when it happened. “Oh wow, yeah that’s very good. Maybe I’ll have to have these from now on.”
“And hey, if the acting thing ever stops working out, you could always fall back on being a bartender,” you joked, unable to stop your laughter.
Ben shook his head but laughed too, saying, “That’s cold, that’s cold.”
Then he took another gulp of your drink and you reached forward to get it from him, “Hey, that’s mine, make your own if you’re so good at it.”
“Just a repayment for you being so mean. There, have it back,” he said with a smirk, handing it back to you and grabbing his own drink from your hand.
“Hmph,” you held your drink close to you to keep him from getting it again and Ben laughed at your actions, about to say something else when Rami was heard over the chatter saying that dinner was ready.
For dinner you were sat in between Lucy and Joe with Ben across from you and Gwilym and Rami next to him. Talk and laughter interrupted the actual eating of the meal, but it was hard to mind because everyone was having so much fun. Lucy and Rami’s families were on the other side of them, so everyone got to hear funny stories about their childhood as well.
After dinner, you and Emma had volunteered to get the dessert ready after some others had helped put away the dishes. You took it as an opportunity to catch up a little.
“So, you and that Ben seem to be hitting it off,” Emma said in a teasing tone as she started grabbing little plates from a cupboard.
“Please, you’re not doing recon for Lucy are you?” you asked with a roll of your eyes and taking the cleaned forks from the dish rack.
Emma looked at you confusedly, “What do you mean?”
“She didn’t tell you what she told me?” you asked and she shook her head. You sighed, taking the cover off the homemade sheet cake as you told her, “She told me that I wasn’t allowed to fuck anyone. And especially Ben because we’re walking together.”
Emma broke out in laughter at the words you said and the dejected way in which you said them, accidentally dropping the cake server onto the counter with a clatter, “Oh my gosh, honestly I can’t blame her, you do kinda wreak havoc on weddings.”
“That’s not fair! There’s only been like two outright verbal fights because of me,” you defended, taking the cake server yourself and starting to cut squares of cake.
“Hey, don’t take your anger out on the cake,” she pointed to your first haphazard piece of cake. “Anyway, how many passive aggressive altercations have there been because of you?”
“I dunno,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders but Emma’s look made you add, “Fine, a lot.”
“Exactly, now Ben’s hot I’ll give you that,  but I think you can survive these next weeks without jumping his bones. It’s not like you’ll be seeing him all the time,” Emma told you.
“Yes, yes, I’ll be an adult, whatever. Lucy and Rami already covered this, you know,” you said with a bit of annoyance.
“Okay I’ll shut up. Let’s get this cake out there before there’s a riot,” she joked and you smiled, following her back into the living room with the pan of cake as she took the forks and plates.
Emma’s speech (you swore next it’ll be their mom telling you not to fuck Ben) did give you new resolve not to get too friendly with Ben, thinking it was better to interact with him in groups from now on.
That plan went well for most of the rest of the night as Joe, Gwilym, and Emma proved effective buffers. But then Gwilym had to leave because he had call time in the morning and Joe went with because he was staying with him. Then Emma went off to compare notes with Sami, Rami’s brother, about their respective maid of honor and best man responsibilities. You looked around and realized that because it was getting later and the families had gone home and Lucy and Rami were off doing who knows what in the kitchen, you were completely alone with Ben.
Not only that, but you were sitting right next to him on the couch and your knees were definitely touching. You tapped your fingers on your cup as you listened to Ben. He was telling you about shooting in Italy, which you had asked about because after going to Venice, you wanted to see more, but it was hard to pay attention. Your focus was being brought to his hands that he used to gesture as he talked. To his hair that he would absent-mindedly run his fingers through whenever a strand fell down onto his forehead. To his lips, oh fuck his full lips, that he licked whenever he smiled or laughed.
You could feel yourself leaning closer to him and if you weren’t wrong, his words were slowing down and he was getting closer to you too.
“So, yeah, I loved Florence, but um, Siena was something-- something special. It’s, it’s really-- really gorgeous,” Ben finished.
You looked up at him but found that he was looking at your lips and had tugged his own between his teeth. With the second drink in your system and the way you could feel Ben’s body heat radiating towards you and pulling you in, you were a second away from saying fuck it iand just kissing him.
“Are you done with your drink? Do you need another or?” Lucy’s voice asking you brought both of you out of whatever state you were in and you moved apart from each other, not so subtly.
You looked to Lucy and didn’t miss the pointed look she was giving you. “No, I should probably actually head out. I’ve got something in the morning, thanks though.”
Ben stood up when you did and you said goodbye with a strictly friendly hug. Then you said goodbye to Lucy, telling her quietly that she didn’t have to say anything. You found Rami with Emma and Sami and said goodbye to all of them.
As you were headed to the front door to let yourself out, Ben walked up behind you.
“Hold on a second,” he said and you turned around to him with a pleasant smile. “I, um, wanted to give you my number in case there’s ever anything that we need to discuss or whatever since we’re, you know, walking together.”
Ben was a little awkward getting that out, so you handed your phone to him with a bright, “Sure!” to reassure him.
He typed in his phone number and you were ready to walk away with a quick goodbye but Ben got a look in his eye. For a second you thought he was going to kiss you and your breath caught, and then he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. Although not the kiss you were expecting, it still had an effect on you. It was different to the ones you had gotten from say Gwilym or Rami. Though it was probably just as quick, it felt a lot longer and just that simple act made your whole body feel warm.
“Looking forward to seeing you soon,” Ben said softly, hardly waiting for your quiet, “you too” before walking back to the living room.
You reached your hand up to the spot on your cheek he had kissed and walked out the door. That warm feeling didn’t go away all night.
Permanent Taglist: @riseetothesun​ @caborhapch​ @drowseoftaylor​ @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @supersonicfreddie
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Supercorp Tik Tok HCs
So Kara for sure has a TikTok, right?
- She does an article for CatCo one day about changing media and watches a ton of videos “for research”
- Then she gets the idea that CatCo should have a TikTok channel to connect with more people and spread important news
- Snapper thinks it’s stupid but maybe it will get ponytail out of his hair for a while so he agrees
- Kara keeps up with the memes and actually delivers a lot of really useful information (think Washington Post TikTok style) and the channel becomes extremely popular (Nia often gets dragged along into Kara’s shenanigans)
- The DEO takes advantage and gets J’onn to pose as Supergirl in a video where he and Kara pose as dopplegangers
- She really wants to do more of the dance challenges so she creates her own personal channel which of course also blows up
- She posts eating challenges - including drinking and entire glass of gatorade through a paper towel tube
- Kara and Nia post secret handshake videos
- Alex makes many appearances as the disinterested older sister, her first being the “Yo, badass sister check!” video where Kara gets her in her full DEO uniform
- Lena makes her debut much the same in her “Famous best friend check!”
- Lena makes more appearances in Kara’s videos as time goes on, the most popular being -
- “When your best friend forgets to eats lunch” where Kara drops bags of food on Lena’s desk unexpectedly
- “Finally talked her into taking a road trip! (She has no idea where we’re going)” featuring Kara taking Lena to the science museum across the state
- “She didn’t know I could sing” where Kara randomly starts singing and captures Lena’s shocked face the moment when she hits the high note
- Of course Kara’s followers pick up on the chemistry between her and Lena almost immediately and start making suggestions that go right over Kara’s head at first
- She does the “My SO is playing video games and I climb into their lap” video while Lena’s working on her laptop (of course Lena immediately puts down her work and snuggles Kara
- “Whoa no, I think I’m catching feelings”, where Kara pans to Lena in her glasses and a messy bun; Lena just rolls her eyes, used to Kara’s antics
- Kara is kind of starting to catch on to her followers, especially when they suggest that she film a “I have feelings for my best friend but they don’t know so I kissed them” video
- At first she laughs because like of course she doesn’t have feelings for Lena
- But then . . . maybe she does?
- But she definitely can’t tell Lena about it.
- So she shows Lena a bunch of the videos and she’s pretty sure she sees longing (or is it heartbreak?) in Lena’s eyes so she decides to go for it
- She gets so nervous while filming the video, and it takes all day (it’s one of their rare but coveted “Kara and Lena watch movies all day” days)
- Finally Lena goes to the kitchen to get a snack refill and Kara shoots her shot
- She sets her phone up to film on the counter and walks up to Lena and turns her so they’re facing, you can’t hear what they’re saying because of the music but their lips are pretty to read
- “Can I kiss you?”    Lena’s eyes flick to the camera, she knows Kara’s been filming all day    “Wait, are you serious?”     Kara nods, reaching for Lena’s hips     “It’s not just for the video?”     Kara shakes her head and Lena barely pauses before pulling Kara’s face towards her and crashing their lips in a kiss
- The video fades to black there because, let’s face it, things got PG-13 pretty quickly, but it comes back with a “we’re dating now” update featuring Kara and Lena snuggled on the couch
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godlyborn · 3 years
will you be my breath through the deep, deep water? / beckett & hailey.
date: early april 2018 summary: beck’s addiction takes a toll on the twins. trigger warning: car accident, drunk driving, addiction
Beck wasn’t that sore, but he knew that he would feel everything tomorrow morning. Beck was pouting when the police made him take a breathalyzer, but did it anyway, knowing if he denied it, he’d get arrested anyway. Beck was slightly relieved when it came out just below the legal limit. Though he was nervous at how Hailey would react as her car was wrapped around a light pole, possibly totaled. The paramedics were checking him out now as he sat in the ambulance as they did so. He was mostly fine, probably from sheer luck, except for a nice seatbelt burn, a forming bruise on the same collarbone he busted going through a glass table when he was eighteen and wasted, and a cut on the side of his temple. The cut was what they were checking out mostly, to see if he needed to go to the hospital because of it or not. 
Beck felt numb, and he was sobering up pretty quickly from the adrenaline rush that he was feeling after the crash. He hated the sobering part, he always felt so hit with numbness than intense emotion and he wasn’t sure which part of that was worse. Beck watched as a car pulled up, and he knew instantly the police had called his twin. It was her car wrapped around that light pole anyway.
Hailey had started feeling numb when the unknown number first called her.  It seemed lucky that the call had come just as she walked into the locker room to change after her late night tai-chi class, but now that she was sitting in the car her co-worker was a saint to lend her, she wasn't really able to feel anything at all.  The police hadn't given her too many details, since they still needed to verify her identity when she arrived on the scene, but had laid out the basics.  There was crash that involved her car.  Instantly, her brain went to her tossing her keys to Beck before leaving for her class, and the panic was just barely able to be contained under her skin as she struggled not to press the gas down harder, praying that her brother was safe.
It felt like a year, but eventually Hailey arrived at the scene of the crash.  Almost instantly, the sight of her car wrapped around the pole made her want to vomit, though she assumed that was mainly the stress taking over.  Her attempts at locating Beck were delayed as she was stopped by two cops, checking her ID and making sure her information checked out before allowing her under the tape.   The first place her eyes darted to was the ambulance, praying that she wouldn't see Beckett laying on a stretcher, and she let out a sob when she saw him sitting instead.  "Beck!" Her feet moved faster then her head, and before she knew it, she was throwing her arms around her twins neck and pulling him into her arms.  At first, all that came out of her mouth was quiet "Thank you"'s towards the gods for keeping him safe, before she pulled back and cradled his face in her hands.  "Are you okay?  Are you hurt?"
Beck definitely smelled like alcohol, it was either from just himself or maybe it was from someone who spilled some of their drink on him, he wasn’t entirely sure. A lot happened that night, he was sure that he was okay to drive. Beck made a face when she cradled his face in her arms. “Hailey, it’s okay, l’m okay,” he insisted. The paramedics cleared him to go, telling him he was lucky to not have a broken nose from the airbags and they wanted to know if he would want to go to the hospital to make sure. Which in return he denied. He knew that he had some ambrosia at home that would make him feel better than anything the hospital would give him. “I’m sorry about your car,” he said. Beck’s eyes flashed over from Hailey to the car, his face flooding with fear, only for a second. It was weird, it was like he knew he had been in there, but at the same time felt like he hadn’t, like it was someone else.
Not caring about the face he made, Hailey kept her hands where they were, doing her own inspection of his face despite the paramedics having already done the same thing.  There was a slightly glazed look in his eyes that was clearing up, but that mixed with the smell of booze didn’t make it difficult to figure out what had happened.  He was drunk. Of course he was. 
Hailey could feel herself deflating as it processed in her brain and her hands slipped off of Beck’s face, her arms now moving to wrap around her torso, as if she needed help to support herself. “I don’t give a shit about the car, Beck.” She responded, stepping back as the paramedics moved back in to clear him. Her eyes moved once again to the car in question, wincing at how bad the damage was. It was definitely totaled. “Thank god for car insurance.” She mumbled, letting out an exhausted sigh before moving towards the wreck. Her feet felt like they weighed a ton each, but forced herself to keep going to see what she could salvage from the wreck.
It was like in sync, Beck shut down the minute Hailey deflated. He wanted to scream to her that he was scared, that he thought he was okay, to talk to him, say something to make him feel less alone, but no words came out. It was like a part of him was stopping him from stepping over that edge. That part would open the flood gates and he wasn’t sure if he could handle that, no he knew that he couldn’t handle that. “Hailey, I...” he started but trailed off. Then it was too late as she walked over to her car. Beck signed some papers, was granted a ticket from the police officer, and he followed his sister. He watched as the tow truck pulled up, and there was a glaze in his eyes, not from being impaired, but as he separated his emotions from himself. Hailey deflated and he needed to be okay, he already caused her enough pain tonight. “Hailey, the tow truck’s here,” he said.
It was a bit difficult to get the door open, but a few good tugs later and the metal bent in her favor, allowing Hailey access to her backseat. Crawling up and over the center console, she immediately reached for the keychain hanging from her rear view mirror - the same one that used to hang in their dad’s truck when they were younger, as well as the guardian angel pin their grandmother had given them before they were taken away from them.  A few more minor things, most of them Hailey wasn’t even fully aware of grabbing since it all just felt like an out of body experience. 
 Beck speaking pulled her back to herself and she glanced up at her brother before nodding and crawling back over the console. Looking back over where her rear windshield used to be she knew there was no chance of getting the trunk open and mentally made a note of having to get a new set of jumper cables at some point. She took another second to rest her head on the backseat, forcing back the tears threatening to explode out of her, before stepping out of her car, arms full of her salvaged belongings. “You can get in the car if you want, I left it unlocked.  I’m gonna make sure they don’t need anything else from us.”
Beck nodded at Hailey, getting into the passenger seat of her co-worker’s car.  Beck leaned his head against his hand, against the car window. He watched as Hailey approached the car, a frown on his face knowing that he was the reason she looked so upset. He wished it was anything but that, he wanted her to scream at him, something. He deserved it after all, he had probably deserved it for a while. The silence was deafening. When she opened the door, “Hailey, please say something,” he said.
The tow truck driver was nice enough to give Hailey a plastic bag for her small collection, which was now dangling from her arm as she walked back to the car.  She had been assured that they would get the report into her insurance company and hopefully some good news on getting a rental sooner rather than later.  She took one more glance at the car she knew she was never going to see again, let out another sigh, then popped open the driver's side door and climbed. 
Picking up on the tension between the two of them, Hailey said nothing as she started up the car, not sure what she was even suppose to say in a situation like this.  Just as she was about to put the car into drive, Beck had to request her voice.  Her hands clenched on the wheel, and she kept her eyes anywhere but focused on her brother.  "Please, don't." Her voice was small - something that she had always resented, because she was anything but meak.  But, she felt like there a weight pressing down on her body and she just wanted to get home and sob into a pillow for the rest of the night, rather then here in the car.  "I just wanna go home, okay?"
Beck obeyed, knowing immediately not to push, not now. He looked out the window, watching the horizon as they drove home. He hated the tension in the car, he hated what he done, and there were so many pieces of his brain that were struggling to put themselves together. Inside his head, all the emotions were starting to hit him, he was stoic on the outside, but on the inside it was like he was screaming, his mind was racing. He was exhausted, physically and mentally. 
The twins didn’t talk as they entered the threshold of their college apartment. He wondering if MIT would here about his ticket that day. He hoped Tyche would be on his side that night, though it seemed that she already had been. Beck stood, waiting for Hailey to say something when they got home, following her with his eyes. He didn’t dare speak again yet.
The longer the drive went on, the heavier the tension felt.  Hailey knew that she had to say something, but she just couldn't find the words, so the drive was spent in silence instead.  She couldn't quite remember the time between them leaving the scene of the crash and parking in front of their apartment, yet Hailey found herself shutting the front door and leaning her entire body weight against it, deflating once again.  She covered her face with her hands, mentally and physically drained just like her twin.
"Please stop staring at me." Most of the drive must have been spent trying to get herself put back together, as her voice was stronger once again.  Her hands fell away from her face as she looked over at Beck, hoping he couldn't see that her eyes were still glassy.  "What exactly do you want me to say?"
Beck leant against the wall across from the door. “I don’t know,” he told her, making a shrug gesture with his arms. “Anything. Cry, scream at me, anything. I just totaled the car like an idiot, and you’re not even calling me an idiot.” Beck sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, his head down. Beck could hear his heart beat in his ears. He felt sick. “Gods Hailey, I want you to be mad at me. I fucking deserve it.” He looked back at her with his own eyes, glassy. He sunk down the wall, before settling on the floor. Beck was unsteady, he was shaking, still trying to hold back everything he was feeling. God, he just wanted another drink. He wanted these emotions to go away, to get buried instead of them burying him. The anxiety finally was catching up to him after spending years of trying to avoid it. “Gods know if I could, I’d scream at myself. Hailey, I want you to tell my what you’re thinking.” Beck hated that he couldn’t read his sister’s face like usual. It was like everything that he had been doing lately has been tearing them apart and he didn’t know how to stop it, even though he wanted to. He couldn’t control it and it was tearing him apart.
Clearly, her twin had no idea how close she was to tears - something that would've been more shocking if her head was on right.  Normally, the two of them could read each other like a book - sometimes it was infuriating how well if she was being honest, but it was like there was a wall between them, rather than the totally open space of their apartment.  She watched him slide down to the floor and normally she would be walking over to hold his hand and reassure him, but tonight her feet didn't budge.
Hailey was beyond mad, that much she was aware of, but she was also stressed, tired and just done with this whole game they've been playing.  "Fuck, Beck. Of course I'm mad, I'm fucking pissed right now." She could feel her throat tightened as the words left, but she did her best to push past them.  "I'm so beyond pissed that you got behind that wheel, you have no idea.  But I don't give a shit about the car!"  Hailey's voice was slowly raising in volume and she could feel the tears burning behind her eyes.  "What I'm thinking is that I'm so fucking relived that you were able to walk away.  I thought I was going to show up and you were going to be seriously hurt, or worse."  She definitely did not want to elaborate on that thought, or how it would have been her worst nightmare coming true.
Beck felt himself flinch when Hailey’s voice grew louder. Beck looked at the ground, listening to Hailey’s word, and by the time he looked up, tears were streaming down his face. It was like something broke in him, something that was teetering on the edge of a countertop and someone just hit it over. “I thought I was okay,” Beck said, he wanted to add that he didn’t even blow the legal limit, but he couldn’t even say what really caused him to swerve on the road. He couldn’t piece together between leaving his friend’s and when the car was on the light pole. He shook his head, looking down again, letting the tears fall. Beck ran his hands over his face. “I thought I was okay,” he said, quieter this time. That time you could tell it meant more than just the car. He just didn’t know how to say it.
Hailey wanted to retort, say that clearly he wasn't okay, but she couldn't get the words to come out, especially as she watched Beckett break down on their floor.  They both knew that this was about something way bigger than the car and that mixed with how broken her brother's voice was caused the tears to break through and stream down her cheeks.
Forcing her feet to move, she crouched down in front of her twin and reached out to grab his hands, her grip almost too tight, but she couldn't tell.  "You have no idea how much it kills me inside that I can't protect you from this." Hailey has always been the type of person that couldn't comprehend how to deal with situations where she couldn't do anything physically.  She could do something about him being getting hurt, but this? It was a mental thing and there was nothing for her to get her hands on and force away but Beckett himself, leaving Hailey to feel useless and defeated as she sobbed.  "I thought there was a chance that I had lost you tonight and I have no idea what I would've done if I had. I can't lose you too, Beck, I can't do this without you."
Beck’s heart swelled at Hailey’s words. “I know, I know,” he replied. “I just,” Beck let out a sigh. “I don’t know what to do Hailey. I’m so scared.” Beck put his head in his hands, shaking it. Everything was coming out now. He couldn’t delay it anymore. “I’m so scared to deal with it all. I thought it made me feel better, that it was easier, but now I don’t know how to fix it. Everything is so messed up Hailey, and I’m scared.”
Suddenly, Beckett's hand were torn from her grasp and her hands fluttered around for a moment before resting on her knees.  "I'm scared too, Beck. I'm so fucking scared, but I'm not leaving you to deal with this alone, okay? I'm here, whatever you need.  We'll get through this." Fleeting thoughts of late nights spent in front of the computer, waking up on her desk with a blanket thrown over her shoulder came to her mind.  She was nervous about bringing it up, but they may not have much of a choice anymore.  "We'll get through this, Beck. I promise."
Beck looked up from his hands, his face tear stained, eyes red, and he was starting to get a migraine. There was a little blood on his hand from irritating the new cut on his head. “I thought I had it under control, Hailey, I really did. I didn’t mean to put you through all this. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said. He thought about when he really first sensed he had a problem, but he wasn’t ready to fix it, he wasn’t entirely ready to face everything sober. He couldn’t remember the last time he faced something fully sober. That scared him. He remembers trying to detox once, without telling Hailey, and he couldn’t get through it. It felt wrong, and it felt like something wasn’t right, he was so sick. Later he found out that it was really dangerous to detox from alcohol yourself sometimes. So he put it off out of fear, and anxiety to ask for help. It just spiraled more later, partly because he had the added stress of realizing his problem. He was then mostly drinking to keep himself from getting sick, going overboard on his more stressful days. 
“Do you remember that packet of rehabs that just so happened to appear on my desk one day?” he asked, knowing that Hailey had put it there, trying not to force him. He appreciated that she never forced him, he’d just push her away more. 
Beck took a shaky breath. “I don’t think this is something that we can do ourselves Hailey.” Beck said, vaguely. He didn’t want to admit it to Hailey how much he really drank to avoid getting sick.
Hailey's eyes fluttered up to the now bleeding cut on his head, as if she just noticed he had it. Her hand reached back out, gently wiping the blood off of her twin's face, dueling as her reassuring herself once again that he was in front of her.  Not exactly okay, but still with her.  It did wonders to soothe her heart and balm some of the anger and anxiety that remained.  "We'll get through it." She repeated in response to his apologies, letting her hand come off of his forehead and rested it back on his.
The question made her pause for a second, then she nodded.  "I do.  Remember all the times you found me passed out on the desk?"  The older they got, the better they knew the other then they knew themselves, which includes how to best introduce a difficult topic to the other.  She had let him see what she was up, but never forced him to look at it, letting him come to terms with everything for himself.  "I don't think we can either.  So we get help."
Beckett felt like he was a child all over again, with his mother fighting his monsters, comforting him when he was scared. When it wasn't his mom, it was his older sister. Beck knew, despite the struggles he often faced, it was Hailey who would come and help fight his demons, though unseen, though only being seventeen minutes older than him. The twins may have lost their parents, but they never lost someone who looked out for them. They always looked out for each other. Beck didn't know when he forgot that Hailey was there for him, he had spent so long feeling like he didn't have that person like he once had when he had nightmares as a kid, or people picked on him for his interests in school when they lost their mom. Beck was starting to really see that Hailey was that person. 
Beck leaned his head against Hailey's hand that rested on his, silent for a long moment. Beck let out a small laugh, and lifted his head. The adrenaline wearing off, and the slight pain starting to set in as he was really starting to sober up."Sorry, I just," he said. "I was just thinking, you're always there to catch me when I fall. I'm sorry I didn't realize until now. I'm sorry I haven't been a better brother. I just, I was really trying, Hailey. I just didn't want to worry you. It sounds ridiculous."
Hailey watched as Beckett seemed to stare right through her, eyebrows furrowing as she took in her brother's appearance.  She hadn't seem him look like so....so deflated since they lost their parents, but it made sense after everything they've been through tonight.  While she knew that she was older by a small degree, while they sat on the floor of their dimly lit apartment, the age difference between them seemed like years apart rather than a few minutes.  For the millionth time that night, she thanked the gods that they hadn't taken him from her as he seemed to focus back in and speak again. 
The tears were still dripping from her face, but Hailey gave him a small smile at his apology.  "What are sisters for?" She was still unsure how she was feeling from the night's events and knew that sleep wasn't going to come easy tonight, if at all, but she did her best to push it aside and stand up onto shaky legs.  Stretching her hands out, she offered them to her brother to help him to his feet as well.  "Come on, we have ambrosia hidden around here somewhere."  They'll take this one step at a time, but Hailey could already feel like things were changing, the wall between that had somehow gotten so big was starting to crack and she was more than ready to get her brother back.
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