#my sister and I both do this but I haven’t really heard anyone else have it
Does anyone else do the thing where if they watch too much of a tv show or YouTube channel in one sitting they pick up the speech patterns of a person and are stuck talking like them for a few hours or days?
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reidmarieprentiss · 2 months
Second Chances and Serendipity
Summary: Y/N is Will's sister, she meets Spencer when Henry is born, but she is already seeing someone else.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: bisexual Y/N
Category: fluff
Word count: 4.1k
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The antiseptic smell of the hospital filled the air as Y/N made her way through the maze of corridors to the maternity ward. Her excitement bubbled over; her brother Will and his girlfriend JJ were about to welcome their first child into the world. The anticipation was electric, and she could hardly contain her enthusiasm.
As she approached the reception desk, Y/N's eyes scanned the area for any familiar faces. Not seeing anyone she recognized, she stepped up to the desk and smiled at the receptionist.
"Hi, I’m here for Will LaMontagne and Jennifer Jareau. My name is Y/N," she said, her voice a mix of excitement and nerves. "Do you know where I can find them?"
Before the receptionist could respond, a tall, lanky man with tousled brown hair and glasses stepped forward. He had been sitting in the waiting area, absorbed in a thick book, but Y/N's question had caught his attention.
"Excuse me," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Did you say you're here for Will and JJ?"
Y/N turned to face him, her eyes widening slightly. "Yes, I'm Will's sister, Y/N."
The young man smiled, "I’m Spencer Reid, one of JJ's colleagues and friends. Nice to meet you."
Y/N smiled back, feeling a warmth in his presence. "Nice to meet you too, Spencer. This is such an exciting day."
"It really is," Spencer agreed, his smile growing. "Would you like to sit with me while we wait? I can fill you in on what's been happening."
"That sounds great," Y/N replied, grateful for the company.
They walked over to the waiting area and took seats next to each other. Spencer closed his book, giving Y/N his full attention.
"So, how's everything going so far?" Y/N asked, settling into her chair.
"JJ and Will are doing well. JJ went into labor a few hours ago, so it shouldn’t be too much longer now," Spencer explained.
"That's good to hear," Y/N said, a sigh of relief escaping her. "I can’t wait to meet my nephew."
Spencer smiled warmly. "He’s going to have a lot of love in his life, that’s for sure."
As they waited, the conversation between them flowed effortlessly. Y/N was fascinated by Spencer’s work with the BAU and his impressive intellect. They talked about everything from books and movies to their favorite childhood memories.
"You know," Spencer said, leaning in slightly, "it's not often I meet someone who can keep up with my random facts."
Y/N laughed, her eyes twinkling. "Well, you haven’t heard all of mine yet. Did you know that octopuses have three hearts?"
"Really?" Spencer's eyebrows shot up. "That’s fascinating! One heart pumps blood through its organs, and the other two pump it through the gills."
"Exactly!" Y/N beamed, enjoying their playful exchange.
Time seemed to stand still as they delved deeper into their conversation, sharing stories and jokes as if they had known each other for years. The connection between them was undeniable, a magnetic pull that neither could resist.
Eventually, the door to the waiting room opened, and a nurse stepped in, her smile broad. "Will and JJ would like to introduce you to baby Henry."
Spencer and Y/N stood up, both feeling a little reluctant to end their conversation but equally eager to meet the newest addition to the family.
They entered the room, where Will and JJ were beaming with pride, baby Henry cradled in JJ’s arms. But even amidst the joy and celebration, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt for what she felt today with Spencer. The connection had been so strong, so immediate, that it felt almost surreal.
Will looked up, his face lighting up even more when he saw his sister. "Hey, Y/N! Did you and Spencer get a chance to meet?"
"Yes, we did," Y/N replied with a smile, glancing at Spencer who gave a small nod in agreement.
"Great," Will said, looking around. "So, where's Stephanie? I thought she was coming with you."
At the mention of her girlfriend, Y/N felt a slight tightening in her chest. She adored Stephanie, but today's encounter with Spencer had stirred unexpected feelings. "She couldn't make it," Y/N said, trying to keep her tone light. "She had to work late, but she sends her love and promises to visit soon."
Spencer's expression shifted almost imperceptibly, his smile faltering just a bit. He looked away, focusing on baby Henry, but Y/N noticed the change. The realization that she was already taken seemed to hit him harder than it should after one meeting.
"That's too bad," Will said, but he was quickly distracted by Henry's small movements. "Come on over, meet your nephew."
Y/N moved closer to the bed, her heart melting as she looked at the tiny baby in JJ's arms. "Oh, he's perfect," she whispered, gently touching Henry's hand.
JJ smiled up at her. "He’s stolen my heart already."
Spencer stood by the foot of the bed, his hands in his pockets. "He’s very lucky," he said softly.
Y/N glanced over at Spencer, feeling a mix of emotions. She couldn't deny the spark between them, but she also couldn't ignore her commitment to Stephanie. It was a confusing tangle of feelings that left her unsure of what to do next.
As the family cooed over Henry, Y/N found herself standing next to Spencer again. He seemed quieter now, more reserved, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.
"I'm really glad we met today, Spencer," she said softly, hoping to bridge the sudden gap between them.
"Me too," he replied, his voice gentle but distant. "Congratulations on becoming an aunt. Henry's very lucky to have you in his life."
"Thank you," Y/N said, wishing she could find the right words to explain the confusion in her heart. But with Will and JJ so happy and Spencer standing just out of reach, it didn't seem like the right time.
They stayed in the room a while longer, sharing the joy of Henry's arrival. But the undercurrent of unresolved feelings between Y/N and Spencer lingered, a quiet reminder of the unexpected connection they'd shared and the complicated emotions that now accompanied it.
Over the next few years, Y/N and Spencer didn't have another chance to meet. Their paths never crossed again, but Y/N frequently heard stories about Spencer from JJ, Will, and the women of the BAU. Each tale only deepened her admiration for him, painting a picture of a man who was not only brilliant but also kind, compassionate, and remarkably dedicated.
"Spencer is something else," JJ would often say with a smile, recounting another of his incredible feats in solving a case or his sweet gestures towards his friends. "He’s always the first to lend a hand, and he’s so good with Henry. You should see them together."
Y/N would listen intently, her heart aching with each story. She couldn't shake the memory of their brief yet intense connection at the hospital. It was a feeling that lingered, haunting her thoughts and dreams.
Meanwhile, her relationship with Stephanie was becoming increasingly strained. They had grown apart over the years, their once strong bond now fraying at the edges. Stephanie was often busy with work, and their interactions became more perfunctory than affectionate. Despite this, they had gotten engaged, a decision that felt more like a logical step rather than a joyous celebration of their love.
Y/N often found herself lost in thought, wondering what her life would have been like if she had pursued a different path. The memories of Spencer, the way he made her feel so seen and understood in those few short hours, kept resurfacing.
One evening, as she sat alone in the living room, Y/N stared at the engagement ring on her finger, feeling a heavy weight in her chest. Stephanie was working late again, and the apartment felt eerily quiet. The silence gave her too much time to think, to reflect on her feelings and the growing disconnect between her and her fiancée.
She picked up her phone, scrolling through old messages and photos, and paused on a picture of Spencer from Henry's first birthday party that JJ had sent the lady’s group chat. They were both smiling, caught in a candid moment of laughter. She remembered how her heart had fluttered whenever she was near him.
Her mind wandered back to the stories JJ had shared recently. Spencer had rescued a kidnapped child, his quick thinking and bravery saving the day once again. She could hear JJ's voice, full of pride and admiration for her friend.
"He’s one of a kind," JJ had said, her eyes sparkling. "We’re all lucky to have him."
Later that evening, when Stephanie returned from work, Y/N took a deep breath and sat down with her on the couch. The conversation was long and emotional, filled with tears and difficult truths.
They both acknowledged the changes in their relationship and the love they once shared that had slowly faded.
In the end, they decided to take a break, giving themselves the space to reevaluate their relationship and their future. It was a painful decision, but one that felt right for both of them.
The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the Rossi estate. It was the perfect evening for JJ and Will's backyard wedding, and the atmosphere was filled with love and celebration. Y/N arrived, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She had looked forward to this day for months, not just to celebrate her brother and JJ but also for the possibility of seeing Spencer again.
As she wandered through the beautifully decorated garden, Y/N’s heart raced with anticipation. She exchanged pleasantries with other guests, her eyes occasionally scanning the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man who had been on her mind for so long.
Finally, near a cluster of trees adorned with twinkling fairy lights, she saw him. Spencer stood slightly apart from the crowd, adjusting his tie and looking as endearing as ever. Her breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, she felt like that same girl in the hospital waiting room, her heart fluttering uncontrollably.
Gathering her courage, she made her way towards him. Spencer looked up as she approached, his eyes widening in surprise before a warm smile spread across his face.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice soft with a hint of disbelief. “Hi.”
“Hi, Spencer,” Y/N replied, her smile matching his. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah, it has,” he said, nervously tucking his hair behind his ears. “You look… you look amazing.”
Y/N felt a blush rise to her cheeks. “Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself.”
They both laughed, the awkwardness of the moment breaking the ice. The sound of music and laughter filled the air around them, but they seemed to be in a bubble of their own.
“So, how have you been?” Spencer asked, genuinely curious.
“I’ve been good, a lot has changed,” Y/N replied, thinking back to her recent breakup. “And you?”
“Busy with work, as usual,” Spencer said with a chuckle. “But it’s nice to take a break for something as special as this.”
“Absolutely,” Y/N agreed, feeling the old connection between them starting to resurface. “I’ve heard so much about you from JJ and Will. It’s like I’ve been keeping up with your life through them.”
Spencer’s smile turned a bit shy. “Yeah, I’ve heard a lot about you too. JJ’s quite the storyteller.”
They both laughed again, the nervousness ebbing away as they fell into a familiar rhythm. The conversation flowed, filled with giggles and shared memories, despite the years that had passed since their first meeting.
Spencer glanced down at his feet, then back up at Y/N, his expression more serious. “You know, I’ve thought about you a lot over the years.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. “I’ve thought about you too, Spencer.”
They shared a quiet moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them. Then, with a smile that was both nervous and excited, Spencer extended his hand.
“Would you like to dance?”
Y/N’s smile widened, her heart soaring. “I’d love to.”
They moved towards the makeshift dance floor, the music wrapping around them as they swayed together. The awkwardness melted away, replaced by a feeling of rightness, as if this was where they were always meant to be.
And as they danced under the twinkling lights, surrounded by the love and joy of JJ and Will’s wedding, Y/N felt a sense of happiness and hope that she hadn’t felt in a long time. The warmth of Spencer’s presence, the ease of their conversation, and the gentle rhythm of their dance all made the world outside disappear.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Spencer looked down at Y/N, his curiosity evident. “So, how’s Stephanie? I remember Will mentioning you two were engaged.”
Y/N felt a pang of guilt and hesitation. She had known this question would come up eventually, but it still caught her off guard. She took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. “Stephanie and I… well, we’re not together anymore.”
Spencer’s eyes widened slightly, and he looked at her with concern. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It’s okay,” Y/N said softly, her gaze lowering for a moment. “We grew apart over the years. It became clear that we were more like friends than partners. We tried to make it work, but in the end, we realized it was best to part ways.”
Spencer nodded, his expression thoughtful. “That must have been difficult.”
“It was,” Y/N admitted, meeting his eyes again. “But it was the right decision. We both needed to move on and find our own paths.”
He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad you were able to make that decision, even though it was hard. You deserve to be happy.”
Y/N felt a warmth spread through her at his words. “Thank you, Spencer. That means a lot.”
They continued to dance, the conversation flowing naturally once more. Y/N shared some of the challenges she had faced during the breakup and how she had focused on rediscovering herself. Spencer listened intently, offering support and understanding.
“You know,” Y/N said after a while, “hearing all those stories about you from JJ and the others… it always made me wonder what could have been if we had kept in touch.”
Spencer smiled, a hint of shyness in his eyes. “I’ve wondered the same thing. I thought about reaching out a few times, but I wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate.”
Y/N laughed softly. “Well, here we are now. Maybe it’s fate giving us another chance.”
“Maybe it is,” Spencer agreed, his smile growing. “I’d like to think so.”
As the song ended, they stopped dancing but remained close, neither wanting to break the connection they had rekindled. Spencer hesitated for a moment before speaking again.
“Y/N, would you like to go out for coffee sometime? I mean, to catch up and… see where things go?”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. “I’d love that, Spencer.”
They exchanged numbers, their fingers brushing slightly as they did. The rest of the evening passed in a blur of laughter, stories, and the comforting presence of each other.
When the night finally came to an end, and it was time to say goodbye, Y/N felt a sense of anticipation she hadn’t felt in years. As she walked away from the Rossi estate, she couldn’t help but smile, knowing that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in her life—one filled with hope, possibility, and the promise of something truly special with Spencer.
Y/N arrived at the cozy little café, a smile already tugging at her lips as she spotted Spencer sitting at a corner table, looking around nervously. The warm, inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, blending with the soft hum of conversation and the gentle clinking of cups and saucers.
As she approached, Spencer’s eyes lit up, and he stood to greet her. “Y/N, hi! It’s so good to see you.”
“Hi, Spencer,” she replied, her heart fluttering with excitement. “It’s great to see you too.”
They hugged briefly, the familiarity of his presence already bringing a sense of comfort. They both sat down, and Spencer pushed a menu towards her.
“I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I thought we could decide together,” he said, his smile shy but warm.
“Perfect,” Y/N said, glancing at the menu. “Do you have a favorite here?”
Spencer nodded. “The lavender latte is really good, and their pastries are amazing. I usually go for the almond croissant.”
“Lavender latte sounds interesting,” Y/N said, her curiosity piqued. “Let’s go with that and two almond croissants?”
“Great choice,” Spencer agreed, signaling the waiter.
Once their order was placed, they settled into an easy conversation. There was a lightness to their interaction, a mutual understanding that they didn’t want to waste any more time. The years apart had only intensified their appreciation for each other’s company.
“So, what have you been up to since the wedding?” Spencer asked, his eyes twinkling with genuine interest.
Y/N smiled, leaning in slightly. “I’ve been focusing on my career and spending a lot of time with my family. I’ve also picked up a few hobbies, like painting. It’s been really therapeutic.”
“Painting? That’s wonderful,” Spencer said, his admiration clear. “I’d love to see your work sometime.”
“I’d love to show you,” Y/N replied, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. “What about you? Any interesting cases lately?”
Spencer chuckled, shaking his head. “Every case is interesting in its own way, but some are definitely more challenging than others. It keeps me on my toes.”
“I can imagine,” Y/N said, her tone playful. “You’re always the hero, aren’t you?”
Spencer’s cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. “I wouldn’t say that, but I do my best.”
Their drinks and pastries arrived, and they took a moment to savor the first sip. The lavender latte was fragrant and soothing, and the croissants were buttery and flaky, just as Spencer had promised.
“This is amazing,” Y/N said, closing her eyes for a moment to enjoy the taste.
“I’m glad you like
it,” Spencer replied, his smile widening. “I’ve thought about this a lot, you know. Just being able to talk to you.”
“Me too,” Y/N said softly, her eyes meeting his. “It feels like we’ve been given a second chance, and I don’t want to waste it.”
“Neither do I,” Spencer said, his voice earnest.
They continued to talk, their conversation punctuated with laughter and shared memories. The flirtation was natural and effortless, each playful comment bringing them closer.
“You have a way of making even the most complicated things sound fascinating,” Y/N said, her eyes sparkling. “I could listen to you talk all day.”
Spencer chuckled, a hint of shyness in his demeanor. “And you have a way of making me feel like the most interesting person in the room.”
“You are,” Y/N said, her tone sincere. “At least to me.”
They finished their coffee, but neither made a move to leave. The connection between them was undeniable, and they both knew they wanted more.
“Y/N,” Spencer said, reaching across the table to take her hand, “I’m really happy we’re here together. It feels right.”
“It does,” Y/N agreed, her fingers intertwining with his. “I’ve thought about this moment so many times, and now that it’s here, it’s even better than I imagined.”
“Me too,” Spencer said, his voice filled with emotion. “I don’t want to rush things, but I also don’t want to let go of this feeling. Can we see each other again soon?”
“Absolutely,” Y/N replied without hesitation.
Y/N and Spencer left the café, their hands still intertwined, and strolled down the charming, tree-lined street. The morning air was cool and refreshing, and the bright sun cast a romantic glow on the cobblestone path.
As they walked, Y/N couldn’t help but steal glances at Spencer. There was something about the way his eyes sparkled and his smile turned shy that made her heart race. She decided to push the conversation into more playful, flirtatious territory.
“So, Dr. Reid,” she said, her voice light and teasing, “do you always sweep women off their feet with your extensive knowledge of, well, everything?”
Spencer chuckled, his cheeks flushing slightly. “I don’t know about that. I think you’re giving me too much credit.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her smile mischievous. “Oh, come on. You’ve got to have a few tricks up your sleeve. I bet you’ve got all sorts of interesting facts to impress the ladies.”
Spencer laughed, a sound that sent a pleasant shiver down Y/N’s spine. “Well, I do know a lot of facts, but I’m not sure how impressive they are. For example, did you know that kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute?”
Y/N stopped walking, turning to face him with a playful grin. “Is that so? And how exactly did you come across that piece of information?”
Spencer’s smile turned a bit sheepish. “Let’s just say I read a lot.”
She took a step closer, their bodies almost touching. “That’s quite an interesting fact. Do you have any others related to kissing?”
Spencer’s breath hitched slightly, his eyes locked onto hers. “Well, there’s also the fact that kissing releases dopamine, which can make you feel happy and relaxed.”
Y/N tilted her head, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Sounds like a pretty compelling argument for kissing.”
The tension between them was palpable, a magnetic pull drawing them closer. Spencer reached up, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, his touch sending sparks through her skin.
“Y/N,” he said softly, his voice filled with a mix of desire and nervousness. “I’ve thought about kissing you since the day we met.”
Y/N’s heart raced, her breath catching in her throat. “I’ve thought about it too, Spencer.”
They stood there, inches apart, the world around them fading away. Spencer’s hand cupped her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her skin. The anticipation was electric, every moment stretching out as they savored the closeness.
Finally, Spencer leaned in, his lips brushing hers in a tentative, tender kiss. It was soft at first, a gentle exploration, but the heat between them quickly intensified. Y/N responded eagerly, her hands slipping around his neck as she pressed herself against him.
Spencer’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer as the kiss deepened. Their lips moved in perfect sync, a dance of passion and longing that had been building for years. The world around them disappeared, leaving only the two of them, lost in the moment.
When they finally pulled apart, both were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other’s. Spencer’s eyes were dark with desire, and Y/N could feel her own pulse pounding in her ears.
“That was…” Spencer began, his voice husky.
“Amazing,” Y/N finished for him, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.
Spencer laughed softly, his hands still holding her close. “Yeah, amazing.”
They resumed walking, their hands clasped tightly together. The playful banter continued, but now there was an added layer of intimacy and sexual tension. Every touch, every glance carried the promise of more, a tantalizing hint of what was to come.
As they reached the end of the street, Y/N turned to Spencer with a playful glint in her eye. “So, Dr. Reid, are there any other fascinating facts you’d like to share with me?”
Spencer grinned, leaning in to whisper in her ear, lips brushing against it sensually. “I have plenty more where those came from. But maybe I should save some for our next date?”
Y/N laughed nervously, her heart racing with sudden arousal. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
They shared another lingering kiss under the shade of a tree, the promise of future dates and shared moments hanging in the air between them. In that moment, Y/N knew she had found something truly special with Spencer, and she couldn’t wait to see where their journey would take them. Her ring finger was feeling a little too light nowadays anyway.
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cvrsedslytherin · 9 days
Finding Comfort in You.
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x female!Reader
Summary: Sweet & protective Sebastian being a wholesome boyfriend to his girl, who’s not feeling well.
(Just a short fic. I randomly wrote this now while I’m secretly going through it again these last few days. Haven’t been online. Spent hours in a medical lab yesterday, killed me. Sorry if there’s any mistakes, haven’t slept in days. Needed some comfort though. I hope this comforts anyone else who may feel unwell 💕)
— ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ —
“Sweetheart, how are you holding up?” Came the gentle, low tone of her boyfriend, Sebastian Sallow.
The freckle-faced brunet saw his girlfriend curled up on a lounge chair in his dorm— luckily, just the two of them were in there now. She had gone through a lot in the past few days, not having felt well at all. Her body making it to a point of slight exhaustion now. Her whole, small & delicate frame was hugging the pillow, burying her face into it as she shook her head to answer his question. Other small shakes shown by her body, indicating how bad she felt.
A muffled, “not well” barely heard from the girl’s fragile voice. 
A huge part of him fretted and worried as she temporarily reminded him of his twin sister, Anne. Just for a short moment and that made him go straight to her. Wanting to pull her away from the pillow and into his arms instead. An overprotectiveness came over him, like a high tide. He hated seeing his girlfriend suffer too.
His girlfriend had a weak immune system; she was prone to easily collapsing at times when she’d catch something or even at random. And she constantly got upset at herself when it happened— feeling so meek and weak, which was not welcomed by her. 
Then again, nobody likes feeling that way. 
But Sebastian knew her well and wasn’t going to let her shy away from him now. Not after everything they’d been through. The feelings of weakness, he wouldn’t let her fight through that alone.
Carefully, he approached the chair and her backside— gently, he reached out with his strong hands, starting to rub it. 
“Love, come on… get in my bed. Let me help.” He always kept his voice soft at these moments but also with a slight firmness so she wouldn’t be stubborn about it.
However, being stubborn was in her nature; just as it was for him. She knew all he had gone through with Anne and watching her crumble apart— so she did not want to add another worry to Sebastian’s life. Especially when the boy was so fond of loved ones and would kill for them. Anne and her were his weak spots. She knew just how passionate Sebastian could be and how that often led him down a darker path. 
Though she felt feeble right now, she lifted her face off of the pillow a bit, to be heard and spoke out, “It’s fine… Seb. You were given… so many essays to do. Just focus on your studies, not me. I’ll… get through this.” She tried to sound convincing but her voice truly was strained and it didn’t help that a cough came out after all that. Plus it was a weak answer in general. 
Sebastian let out an unamused sigh, his hands still soothingly rubbing her back as he leaned closer to her. 
“Since when did I become a Ravenclaw? As if I care about that… especially right now. You’re my priority.”
She also let out a sigh of her own, knowing it was a stupid thing that she just said now. Sebastian cared more for her than the blasted schoolwork. He’d always be able to catch up on that anyway. That’s how he always got by. He was smart; even a bookworm— but preferred to not follow rules so much and do his own thing.
“Seb… really, don’t worr— eek!“ she started but he cut her off, making her squeak out. The hands rubbing her back had now snaked around and started lifting her off. For him, it was an easy feat— she was small compared to him and he liked using that to his advantage.
And she had been too weak to even wriggle out of that grasp; they both knew it. Her body had mostly gone limp from feeling sick these days. There was a nauseating feeling bothering her for hours lately, along with a headache plaguing her sometimes.
So there he had her in an instant— her back flush to his towering frame. He immediately took an arm and put it under the back side of her knees once he got them standing. Lifting her into a bridal style, knowing she wouldn’t be able to squirm her way out of it.
Once he had her in that position and saw her weary face along with that messy hair from clear stress, his brows furrowed and a deep frown etched onto him.
“You don’t have to do this alone… please. Just accept my help… I’m your boyfriend, aren’t I? I… don’t want you carrying your burdens on your own.” He calmed himself internally, speaking quietly. Usually, he could get hot-headed but seeing her look so unwell made his heart ache completely. 
His voice always had a way of soothing her— not just his touches. She could feel the care through his words and felt slightly guilty but she was usually like this. Not one to call for help due to past traumas. She’d try handling a lot alone until it got too much. She had those rare moments of breaking down & seeking him— he just wished, she’d seek him more; not only when it became extreme. 
Feeling too tired and even more of that guilt creep in, she leaned her head against him, mumbling. “I’m …sorry, baby. I just… don’t want to stress you.”
That pet name always made his heart burst a little. Honestly, any of them did. He adored being hers. The slightest twinge of a flush graced his handsome, freckled face. 
He huffed though, reaching his bed in that short distance and gently placing her on it. The covers had already been undone luckily and he made sure her head got placed tenderly onto his pillow. She always enjoyed his bed; it smelt of him. His scent always lingers on his pillows.
“Not stress. I worry… and maybe my emotions can get the best of me at times but I’m with you… I’m yours. You’re mine. I care a lot.” He paused, looking at her; starting to gently brush away hair from her face as she let out another cough. 
A slight wince followed after, indicating she felt some pain still. 
“We share these things. You’d never leave me alone if I’m going through it— through anything! So why would I leave you? We’re a couple and I’m not gonna let you get away with this anymore.”
That tone of his stayed soft but the firmness returned, a mild command rushing into those words and she knew, he was utterly serious. Her eyes stared at him… the way that perfectly sculpted hand brushed away her hair and then how those deep brown eyes, (that could melt into honey in the light) looked at her with nothing but devotion. A plethora of emotions hit her as if an ocean wave just rolled in. 
He caressed her face sweetly next, the worry still on him— especially upon feeling that she was of a very warm body temperature. 
“I’ll hold you when you need it most… I can’t stand seeing you suffer, just let me do it more.” Those words had been in the form of a plea now; his hand still lovingly caressing her face. He had gone from mildly commanding to begging a little— only for her. 
Closing her eyes to enjoy the touch of her boyfriend, she nodded slowly. “Okay, love… thank you.”
A small smile finally formed, “don’t thank me for that.”
With that said; of course— he got into the bed with her, pulling the covers over them. He meant it when he said he’d hold her— in the most literal sense. There was no letting go.
Plus it was his bed and it wouldn’t be like Sebastian to NOT get into the bed too. Perhaps that slight mischievous side… was slightly using the situation to his advantage but he meant it all genuinely.
So he cuddled up with her; making her bury her face into his chest while he rested his chin on the top of her head. Legs slightly tangling together; her strained but quiet breaths, touching the skin of his neck. The possessiveness in him wanting to escape out and almost cuff her to him so she could never leave his side. Those thoughts were always whirling in that mind of his. He had his hands wrapped around her; tightly, securely— making her know that she was safe with him. 
The security she felt with him was off the charts and she sighed contently; almost forgetting she was unwell for a split moment. As silent praise— she placed a little, quick but gentle kiss on his neck, making him shiver in sweet torment for a moment. His arms around her getting a bit tighter but not enough to harm— one hand lazily tracing mindless patterns on her back, through her clothes. 
“I love you, darling. Lean on me, rest… and get better soon.” He whispered with all the affection in the world and she replied with an “I love you too Sebastian,” before drifting off in his warm embrace. He would stay the whole time until she woke up. 
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satansapostle6 · 5 months
Kids | Rodrick Heffley
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Rodrick Heffley becomes obsessed when he finally meets his thirty-five year old band mate, Bill Walter’s, younger sister.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content.
“Black Hole Sun”
“This Night Has Opened My Eyes”
Rodrick hadn’t gone to school for almost a whole week. No one had even seen him apart from his father and brothers(he had been refusing to acknowledge his mother’s presence ever since the incident).
Susan had since apologized for what she’d said about and to Sara Walter, but Rodrick refused to accept her many apologies so long as they didn’t include an admission of guilt. Although Susan was sympathetic to his pain, she still did not quite apologize for her role in the re-traumatizing of Sara, who still hadn’t spoken to him since everything that had happened at the Heffley house.
There was a gentle knock on Rodrick Heffley’s bedroom door as his father entered the room with dinner, concerned.
“Rodrick,” Frank Heffley said, cautiously entering room.
“Go away,” Rodrick mumbled, hidden under blankets and pillows alike.
“I brought you some spaghetti, and garlic bread,” he attempted entice him. “Your mom made your favorite.”
“Tell her I’m not hungry,” Rodrick said emptily.
“Rodrick. You haven’t eaten since last night,” his father stated, concerned. “You need to eat something. I’m getting concerned.”
“I’m not hungry,” he repeated.
Frank sighed, sitting down at the edge of the bed. “This isn’t healthy… Is there something else you’re hungry for? Maybe I can go pick something up.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“I’ll get you Taco Bell. Or McDonald’s! How does a happy meal sound?” he asked hopefully.
But Rodrick didn’t seem very receptive.
“What am I, four?”
“It was worth a shot.”
Frank looked at the lump beneath the covers, fully aware Rodrick hadn’t showered in about two days, and was so upset he refused to even listen to music, any music: it just all reminded him too much of Sara.
“Look, I know Your mom’s really sorry about what happened the other day. She’s apologized multiple times now, you know,” he reminded him.
“No, she hasn’t,” Rodrick insisted. “Not really.”
Rodrick heard nothing as Frank remained in the room for another moment, setting the plate of food down on the floor before silently leaving. Rodrick thought he knew where his father was going; back downstairs, and eventually upstairs again for bed, but he was wrong.
“I’m stepping out,” Frank Heffley announced to his family, before grabbing his jacket and leaving.
“For what?” Susan Heffley questioned, not receiving an answer.
Frank knocked on the door, praying for an answer. After a few moments, the door opened, as he whispered a frantic thanks to whatever beings did or didn’t exist. But another obstacle was revealed.
“What do you want?” a voice said coldly.
“Bill,” Frank realized, immediately feeling incredibly guilty.
“That’s me,” Bill said stiffly.
Clearly, he’d heard everything, or at least enough.
“Bill, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he sighed, hanging his head in shame.
“Don’t tell me,” he responded laconically.
“See, that’s what I could use your help with,” Frank said, thrilled to be finally getting somewhere, “I want to tell your sister. Please.”
“Why should I let anyone in your family anywhere near her?” Bill demanded, his paternal instincts toward his younger sister kicking in. “All you Heffleys do is judge people, and hurt people. My sister’s barely left her room in a fucking week, and she won’t drink anything that’s not wine, or vodka.”
“Yes, I know,” Frank promised him humbly, “But I wanna fix that… Please. Just let me speak to her,” he begged Bill.
“Why? So you can just call us white trash again?” he asked expectantly.
“Words cannot express how awful I feel about that, Bill,” Frank breathed. “I know that Susan and I have both spoken ill about your family on multiple occasions… and I know that I’ve never made an effort to make you feel welcome in our home even though you’ve always been nothing but kind to us. It’s unfair, and I’m sorry,” he apologized.
Bill still had nothing to say as he studied him, wondering whether the apology was sincere.
“You and your sister have proven to be nothing but friends to our family, and we’ve spat in your faces every time,” Frank said guiltily. “I know I can’t make up for that kind of close-minded, immature behavior… But I wanna try. Please,” he begged.
Bill Walter stood there, silent, for a moment, considering his options before eventually opening the door out of kindness, despite the fact that he probably didn’t deserve it.
“Fine. If not for me, then for my sister.”
“Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!” Frank gasped, eagerly following him inside.
“Who’s this asshole?” Randy called from his armchair.
“He’s probably thinking the same thing!” Bill shouted back as he silently led Frank to Sara’s bedroom.
Frank looked back awkwardly at the unpleasant man, not quite sure what to think. Bill knocked on his younger sister’s door, waiting for a response. “Sara?”
“Yeah?” she called.
“…Mr. Heffley’s here to see you,” Bill informed her.
“Mr. Heffley’s here to see you,” he echoed. “He wants to apologize. He seems pretty serious about it…”
Sara quickly opened her bedroom door, seeming to have been laying on her bed, drawing. Frank couldn’t help notice with his keen father’s eyes that she looked awful; her hair was a mess, her makeup didn’t look like it was all applied today, and beneath her eyes, black smudges were married with dark circles.
“Does he?” she asked sharply, cold eyes fixed on Frank.
“Yes,” the man nodded earnestly, “He does.”
Sara studied him for a moment, before turning back to her brother. “Leave us.”
“Are you sure?” Bill asked skeptically.
“Yeah,” she nodded, eyes fixed on Frank as Bill just walked away, knowing better than to question his sister.
Sara opened the door wider as Frank gingerly stepped inside, not knowing how to go about this interaction. She shut the door, crossing her arms expectantly.
“How are you doing, Sara?” he asked kindly, genuinely worried after having seen the state of her.
“I haven’t slept in three days,” she remarked. “So. Let’s hear it,” she said, sounding less confrontational than Frank had anticipated, given that she was more than entitled to her feelings of rage.
“Sara, I… I want to apologize. For Susan, and for myself,” he said slowly as she just listened. “We were judgmental, and unwelcoming, and unfair.”
“‘We’?” Sara asked.
“I’m equally to blame,” Frank nodded earnestly. “I should’ve stepped in more whenever Susan got angry at you. You did nothing to deserve that.”
“You’re right,” she said softly.
“Listen… I don’t want you to think we haven’t noticed the difference you’ve made in Rodrick’s life lately,” he told her. “Because we do. I do. He’s happier, and calmer, and he cares more, about school, and his brothers…”
“Then why did Susan say I’m a bad influence?” Sara demanded, as Frank prepared himself for the question.
“Sara…” he was afraid he didn’t have the words in his vocabulary to explain why she had been made his family’s scapegoat. “Rodrick and his mother have always had a very complicated relationship. She wants the best for him, and he wants her to back off,” Frank said.
“You know I’m not the best,” Sara reminded him. “I’ll never be.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” he interjected logically.
Sara paused for a moment, taking in what he said.
“Look, I know about what you and Rodrick do; you’re kids; both of you. Of course you’re gonna do all that stuff,” he admitted.
“But, Sara, you’re a good kid,” Frank told her. “…My sons love you. All of them,” he expressed.
Sara’s gaze softened as she took in his point.
“Manny adores you; you’re one of the only people he still lets pick him up. And Greg thinks very highly of you,” he continued, “Greg’s thirteen; he doesn’t think highly of anything.”
“What’s your point?” she asked quietly.
“My point is, that we’ve taken you for granted,” Frank summarized. “Your influence on Rodrick, and our family, has only been positive, if anything.”
“And what do you want me to do?” she asked tearfully, a look of frustration in her bloodshot eyes. “Your wife hates me.”
“No, she doesn’t,” Frank insisted sympathetically, “She doesn’t know you.”
“She doesn’t want to,” Sara insisted. “She thinks I’m trash. End of story.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” Frank tried to convince her as she just stood there, a pained expression on her face. “Sara. Do you really want this to be the end of you and Rodrick?”
She was silent as she considered his question, her chest tightening.
“I’m not saying the two of you will definitely last forever,” Frank offered thoughtfully, trying to sound realistic, “But… is a little conflict gonna stop you from finding out for sure?” he asked, hopeful that she’d listen.
Sara looked up at Frank, a pain in the child’s eyes he wished he could heal.
“You can leave now,” she said with finality.
Frank tilted his head in confusion, unsure of what to make of her sudden conclusion of their conversation.
“You said your piece,” she stated, looking more tired than anything. “I heard what you have to say.”
He was strangely shocked by her response.
“If you want me to go, I’ll go,” he agreed reluctantly, respecting her wishes with his hand on the doorknob. “But, remember. If you break Rodrick’s heart, our whole family goes down with him. That’s the kind of family we are.”
Sara’s eyes followed him as he left the room, leaving her to her thoughts.
“This sucks,” Greg Heffley sighed, watching the edit of his and Rowley’s video of them on their bikes at the skatepark.
“Why can’t we get it right?” Rowley complained pitifully.
“Because. Sara always helps with these,” Greg reminded him as he flopped down onto his bed. “She always helps pick the clips, and the music.”
“We know good music,” Rowley insisted optimistically.
“No, we don’t,” Greg gave up. “Not like Sara. And even if we did, we still wouldn’t be able to use it as good as her.”
“What do we do to get her back?” his friend asked.
“Get a new mom?” Greg offered the only suggestion he could come up with.
He found he had meant that a bit too much.
“I miss Sara. Having you and Rodrick is like having brothers,” Rowley thought wistfully, “But having Sara is like having a sister.”
“Yeah,” Greg agreed, feeling the words deeply.
The two of them were sharing a rather melancholy moment, at least before their silence was drowned out by the increasing sounds of screaming coming from the garage. Rodrick and the guys had been practicing for their gig this weekend at a backyard party, and it seemed like they were reaching for peak of their song. Until it didn’t.
“What the fuck?!”
“-Some dumb ass fucking shit—!”
Greg looked around in confusion as he tried to rational the snippets that he was hearing coming from downstairs.
“Are they fighting?” he wondered out loud.
“They play metal,” Rowley reminded him.
“No, this is different from that,” Greg said, leaving to go check on his brother’s band.
Rowley followed him down to the garage, and it seemed he was right. Something was going on between Rodrick, Chris, and Ben, worse than anything that had happened in a while.
“Fuck you, you’re being a fucking asshole!” Ben shouted angrily.
“Should we be down here?” Rowley questioned anxiously.
Greg just ignored him as they watched from the doorway. The guys hadn’t even noticed them, they were so caught up in the drama.
“I’m not an asshole, you’re just a fucking dick, dude!” Rodrick shouted back, seeming genuinely upset.
“Whatever!” Ben cried. “Your set list is shit!”
“Guys, let’s all just chill! I think everything’s getting a little outta hand,” Bill reminded his band mates.
“Yeah, guys, let’s chill,” Chris agreed, also uncomfortable.
“Shut the fuck up, Chris!” Ben snapped.
“Hey, you shut the fuck up,” Rodrick demanded, suddenly threatening him with an abandoned drumstick, “Or I’m gonna fucking snap your neck—!”
Greg turned in horror to see his mother hurriedly rushing past him and Rowley.
“Hey, what is going on here?!” Susan questioned.
“Nothing, Mom, Ben’s just about to get rocked.”
“Rodrick Heffley, don’t you hit anyone in this house!” Susan scolded him.
“Right,” Rodrick nodded, not missing a beat, “Let’s take this outside, you little bitch!”
“Rodrick!” Susan Heffley shrieked.
“Everybody, let’s just take a fucking chill pill!” Bill exclaimed, extremely tense.
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down, this is my house!” Rodrick shouted over him.
“Actually, this is my house, and I will not tolerate violence, or frankly, any of the language that’s being used!” Susan interrupted.
Rodrick glared at Ben with a hatred that had been building up and simmering for years, chucking one of the drumsticks in his hand over Ben’s head.
“Rodrick!” Susan cried, horrified at his behavior. “Don’t throw things at people!”
Greg and Rowley watched, kind of scared, as the situation began to escalate.
“Yeah! Listen to your mommy, Rodrick!” Ben taunted. “Don’t throw things at people!”
“Fuck you, you fucking loser!” he boomed.
“Rodrick! Upstairs, now!” Susan yelled.
“Come on, Rod!” Ben jeered. “Be a good little bitch!”
“Ben, shut the fuck up!” Chris said impatiently.
“I’ll make you my bitch!” he fired back.
“Guys! Enough!” Bill began to lose his temper.
“All of you, there are other people in this house,” Susan reminded them, “If you can’t be respectful, then leave.”
“We’re really sorry, Mrs. Heffley,” Bill apologized hastily as he eyed all of his band mates, “We’ll stop bothering you guys. It won’t happen again.”
“Sorry, Mrs. Heffley,” Chris added courteously, “We’ll stop.”
“Yeah, we’ll be quiet, Mrs. Heffley,” Ben promised, completely full of shit.
She eyed the group of boys skeptically before deciding to take their word for it. “Okay. But one more disturbance, and none of you are welcome here ever again. Got it?” she asked the room.
“Got it,” Bill promised.
“Yes,” Chris assured her kindly.
“Got it,” Ben nodded.
“Okay. Thank you,” Susan said, slowly turning around as she wanted nothing to do with the group of boys.
Rodrick, who had been silent and plotting the entire time, glowered hatefully in Ben’s direction before making up his mind and chucking the one lone drumstick left in his hand straight at Ben’s head, which was met with an immediate hothead reaction.
“You fucking piece of shit!” Ben hollered as a fully fledged fight broke out.
Before anyone could do anything, Ben was charging Rodrick, who had decided to go all in and angrily leapt over the drum set at him and tackled him to the ground with a loud thrashing of the cymbals. Chris was in shock and Bill jumped in, almost dog piling on top of them to pull Rodrick off of Ben.
Susan screamed for her husband as Greg and Rowley froze, no clue as to what they were supposed to do. Rowley was spooked like a cat, and Greg found himself having a desire to go home despite already being there.
“I don’t like this!” Rowley wailed.
“Me neither,” Greg agreed, not having much else to offer.
But Rowley was completely distraught.
“Sara wouldn’t let this happen!”
“Losing My Religion”
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uhm zukka/zuko/sokka enjoyers would you guys be interested if I were potentially to start posting a fic (on Ao3) I’ve been chipping away at. asking here because I haven’t actually posted on Ao3 before and idk what it’s like over there.
anyway it’s a Zuko centric (but with much Sokka, and appearances from the Gaang (including Suki) and naturally Iroh) hero/villain/vigilante slash modern college au that follows the two boys when they accidentally end up roommates in the same dorm sometime in the equivalent of Season 2 Ba Sing Se and decide to go with it because they both think they can get information from the other. meanwhile in the wacky world of vigilantism Sokka ends up tailing a mysterious vigilante he’s heard is called The Blue Spirit because the guy seems to be active in the area, supposedly saved Aang’s life once, and if he’s a good guy, he could be a useful ally to take down Ozai, corrupt super-powered politician and secret lead of the city’s crime underworld.
Sokka has no powers/bending, Zuko swears up and down that he does (even if he can’t firebend, not like his sister or father or anyone else, even if he can’t really prove it right this second), and I’m working on a superpower system that is largely based on the Avatar spirit world. It’s a relatively slow burn, but we’ll get there, and I will be doing my best to give theatre kid Zuko justice. I’m working on main themes rn but I also hope to dip into sub-themes exploring disability, sexuality, and healing, and there will be an eclipse.
I have the plot outline and various details of the whole story, I’m most (probably?) of the way through Chapter 1 (4000 words and counting), and I’d probably start posting once I finished up the chapter and also decided on a title.
Kataang will also feature relatively canon compliantly :3 and also major character death. mostly temporary but i might change my mind
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curlsandsnakes · 4 months
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Courting Penelope Featherington
It’s raining the day he comes home.
Dark, moody weather that sets the tone wonderfully for the rather lackluster greeting he gets from his preoccupied siblings and absolutely rung dry mother. With two girls out in society, 1 pair of newly weds, 2 youngsters, and a Benedict, he can’t quite blame his mothers half hearted declarations and wandering eyes. He’s fully aware they’re happy to see him, Hyacinth even cries, but they all have their own dramas going on and have no time to entertain his stories of travel.
It doesn’t matter any, there really is only person he’s desperate to talk too, desperate to thrill with detailed accounts and sketched photographs.
It’s a shame Penelope Featherington wants absolutely nothing to do with him.
Eloise is the only sibling who never responded to a letter he sent. It’s clear she’s fully aware of the horrible things he’d spoken in a drunken haze nearly five months ago , and in true Eloise fashion she has no intention of betraying her best friend. She doesn’t even speak to him until he drops into the chaise beside her.
“Eloise. I missed you.”
Her bored expression never falters.
“Lovely to have you home, colin.” It’s so formal he nearly snorts at his rebellious little sister.
“I understand you are still displeased with me about my error last season.”
That does it.
“Error?! You call what you did an error?” Her body twists towards him and she fixes him with an outraged glare.
“Well yes, it’s was uncalled for and I…”
“Uncalled for?! I’ve never known you to be a fool but I find I do not know you at all. You nearly ruined her , Colin! She was wiped from the marriage market by your comments alone! If even her best friend couldn’t imagine being with her, why would anyone else? You have no idea what you accomplished!” Eloise pants, her face alarmingly red. “And then, when the damage was done you ran off to travel the world leaving Penelope to fix her reputation entirely on her own! And the audacity to write to her.”
Theres pain in his gut, crushing and turning everything in his stomach until he’s left nauseous and weak. What had he done? Was he truly that blind to see how fragile Pen was already? If anyone knew how desperately she wanted a husband, a family, it was him. And he had spoken so callously, degraded the one decent woman in the entirety of the ton.
“But you needn’t worry, penelope is no longer the Insipid wallflower you once knew. She has blossomed quite beautifully, I myself was astonished by her transformation.” Kate calls from her place at the head desk in the drawing room, a knowing sparkle in her eye.
“It’s true! She’s the prettiest one at all of the festivals.” Gregory is fussing with his gift while he speaks but makes sure to keep eye contact with Colin when he continues “and everyone says so.” It feels strangely like a warning from the 12 year old.
“Do we speak of Penelope?” Violet Bridgerton waltzes back into the room “I’ve heard from a reputable source that Lord Debling and Master Anderson both have plans to begin a courtship with our beautiful friend. I’m so intrigued to see who she will choose to marry.”
“Marry?!” His voice carry’s over the deafening crack of thunder “she can’t marry! She would need at-least a season of courting and this one’s nearly over. If they haven’t begun courting her yet, it would be wise to wait until next year to begin!” He feels hot, sweaty, his heart beating so fast it’s bound to give way to his mania any moment now.
“Not in Penelope’s case. This is her third season with no matches, she’s more than welcome to accept whomever she chooses at whatever time.” Violet is perched on Simons lap.
“I quite like Debling. I believe he would make a good addition to the family.” The duke tickles his wife’s ribs.
“As do I. We all get on quite well and since Penelope is essentially a sixth Bridgerton sister it will be nice to have someone we can all tolerate.” Anthony adds.
“She is not marrying Debling!” Colin’s voice is firm and slightly frantic, panic rising up the back of his neck. “She will not marry this season.”
“And who are you to decide what she does brother? Have you not done enough. Your opinion is inconsequential and it would do best for you to keep it to yourself, lest you scare any more suitors off.” Eloise has her hands on her hips and it’s almost intimidating enough for him to stop speaking but God himself could not save Colin Bridgerton now.
“There will be no more suitors and she will not be marrying any of these men!” He barks, firm and unmoving.
“Why do you keep saying that?!” Eloise shouts.
“Because she will marry me!” The words pour out of him in a roar, his chest heaves and his hands ball his neatly pressed pants. “She will marry me when I am done courting her, she deserves the full courting experience. I had intended to come home at the start of the Season so I could do it properly but my boat went down at a shipping port and I didn’t make it out of Greece for weeks.
Violet claps her hands, a watery smile on her lips
“These are your intentions, dear?”
He has never seen his mother so proud, joy shining in her eyes.
“Yes. They have been since I left All those months ago. I regret the words I spoke instantly and I needed to figure out why. It didn’t take me long to realize Penelope is the one I desire, I crave, I need her in every humanly way.” It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest
… until of course, Eloise speaks.
“We’ll best of luck on that journey, brother. Penelope Featherington absolutely loathes you.” She takes too much pleasure from his pain.
“All will work out as it should.” Violet pats his shoulder gently before walking back out.
He needs to fix this before someone else takes his place.
He needs to court Penelope Featherington, and he needs to court her right now.
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It's my party, and I'll write if I want to! From now until March 10 (my birthday 🥳), send in your blurb requests! Check out my masterlist for who I write for. (You can also try requesting someone new- no guarantees, but you never know!)
Requests close at 5 p.m. PST on Sunday, March 10
Prompt sources are linked
*Smutty prompts; 18+ only please
“I can’t believe you remembered.” 
"You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much."
"What makes you think I want to kiss you?"
"Don't mind me, just enjoying the view."*
"Show me how much you missed me."
"Come back to bed."
"Shut up and kiss me already."
“I like your costume, you look very cute.” “Are you making fun of me?”
“Aww, you’re blushing. I like that look on you.”
“Are you trying to flirt with me?” “Yes. Is it working?”
i'm in my bed, you're in your bed. one of us is in the wrong place.*
"My sister thinks we're dating."
“you’re going on a date?” “well yeah..it’s not like we’re exclusive or anything right?” “yeah..yes ofc not” “yeah”
"I don't know whether to slap you or kiss you."
"you look your cutest like this." "but i just woke up." "i know what i said."
"are you awake yet?" "no." "oh, okay sorry."
"tell me what you want, baby."*
“Are you actually blushing?” “No! Shut up.”
“Awww. Did I fluster you?”
"I had a very nice dream that started like this."*
"It's so hot when you talk like that."*
“I don’t really want to get up. I’m so comfortable right now.”
“That’s it, fuck, that’s a good girl/boy.”*
“Spread your legs baby, that’s it… Wider.”*
"why are you staring? is there something on my face?"
"you're so oblivious aren't you"
"I want to hear you beg."*
“hey - in case no-one else’s said it, you’ve been doing some really great work lately. i really apprec- i mean, all of us really appreciate it.”
“you remember how i take my coffee?”
“don’t tell anyone else, but i like working with you the best.”
“i figured you wouldn’t have the time, so i went and picked up lunch for you.”
“wow, someone’s looking good. who’re you trying to impress?”
“one date, that’s all i’m asking for. one night to let me show you how good we could be together.”
“i think people are starting to notice that you spend more time at my desk than you do at your own.”
"Stay with me tonight. please."
"You're all I think about."
"Let me hold your hand."
"if you're so worried that someone will snatch me up, why don't you just confess to me right now?"
"where do you see yourself in twenty years?" "with you."
“i heard you reminiscing about it the other day, so i called your mom and got the recipe.”
“i genuinely don’t know why my brain just goes blank when i look at you. i think i’m going a little crazy.”
“i think i love you…?” “….. think?” “let’s just say a ninety-nine percent chance.” “i’ll take it
“Our babies would be so cute.” “Oh, yeah?”
“I can’t wait to have a baby of our own.”
“can i hold your hand? is that weird to ask?”
“i think i deserve a kiss.”
“you’re so cute when you’re all flustered.”
“hey, have you seen my hoodie?… you’re wearing it, aren’t you.”
“so, uh… how’d your date go?”
“No need to rush—we have all night.”*
“If we weren’t in public right now…”*
“As soon as we’re both sober, we can do every dirty little thing you ever dreamed of.” (Flirty but not smutty)
“How about we continue this somewhere more private?”*
“I haven’t said that we’re done here already.”*
“Let’s get you out of those clothes.”*
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simslegacy5083 · 1 month
Not So Berry (Straud Descendants) Gen 9
Today's (8/23/2024) Episode: Gaming and Goodbyes
As everyone settled down for dinner after Skye aged up, Luigi snagged a seat across from Jade and wasted no time launching into 20 questions. 
"I'm one of the only sims around here who believes in The Watcher" he told her, "other than some real crackpots on the internet anyway." He shuddered. "So, what's it like for you, living under their direct influence? My Papa always said The Watcher could control just about anything but if that's true the one around here has a sick sense of humor!"
He then went on to describe some of the many misfortunes that had befallen him and Noemi in the past.
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"Oh…my…that's a lot " was all Jade could think to say when he'd finally wound down. Well, Isra did warn me… she thought before responding.
"I don't think our Watcher controls everything. For example, my mom's friend Summer died quite unexpectedly recently, it was really hard on her. Being a legacy family may mean The Watcher keeps a closer eye on us, but in general more crazy things happen when we're around, not less!" 
"Do you know the legacy family here?" she asked "Isra and Par haven’t heard of one, but I thought The Watcher had favorites in every nation.”
"Well, actually…" Luigi began, before Noemi cut him off. "No. We've never heard anyone even mention a legacy family." she said, glaring at him. 
Jade could tell she'd stepped in something with her question, though she wasn't sure what. Now more ready than ever to extract herself from the awkward conversation she rose "It was nice chatting with you, but I think I'm going to go inside and get out of this heat for awhile."
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"Hey! If we’re going inside, I’ll fire up the gaming console and start the real fun.” Rhys said. "Anyone else ready to join us?”
“You know that’s my jam." Luigi stood too, causing Jade to suppress a groan. At least if we’re playing he’ll stop talking so much! she thought.
“My foot has a prior appointment with Darth’s ass," Beau chimed in “Just give me a minute to visit the bathroom for the hundredth time today first." 
After a great session of gaming with the chatty e-sports pros Jade was almost sorry to see them off at the end of the night. “It was great to meet you, kid” Luigi told her. “Sorry about all that doom and gloom earlier. I have a tendency to get wrapped up in myself, but you were a trooper about it, and a pretty good video gamer to boot! If you decide to explore a career in E-Sports look me up, I can introduce you to some people.”
“I’ll do that” Jade fibbed, trying to be nice despite having no interest in becoming a professional nerd herself. “It was nice to meet you too.”
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“Luigi, I know you believe yourself to be a legacy heir the same as Jade's sister and mother do, but we both know that isn't a "thing" here." Noemi reminded him once they’d returned home. "I thought we agreed we were going to keep that little piece of Lawbourne lore to ourselves." 
Luigi sighed "I know. I just got so excited meeting someone from another legacy; I got carried away. Thank you for reining me in, as usual."
"Happy to do it" she chuckled “now, how about you get Skye to bed while I get started on my latest side project? This one wants all their phone icons updated to penguins! The things sims come up with to do with technology…"
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"Thank you again, so much, for having me. I had a blast!" Jade gushed the following morning. "I've got the pictures we took, the gifts you made for everyone, and your donation for Sims United in my inventory. I'm sure everyone will love them." 
"It was so wonderful to see you again" Wren smiled "I'll be stalking you on social media; I can't wait to see those graduation photos!"
Isra chimed in, “All Elyse wanted to talk about this morning was how much she loved hanging with "silly Auntie J!“, making Jade blush happily.
"I'll be sure to send along any fun kid appropriate memes I find for you to share with my little nieces and nephew.“ After one final hug and kiss she headed towards the teleporter that would take her home, her family watching her retreating back until she blinked out of sight.
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Once Jade had disappeared back to her homeland Isra’s quietly weeping par buried their face in her shoulder and whispered, “It was wonderful to see her, but so hard to watch her go.”
“I know” Isra agreed “You want to come home with me and give your grandbabies a snuggle?"
Wren nodded, grateful for Isra’s loving support as they stepped out into the warm paradise of a sunny Sulani day.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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shivunin · 2 years
At the Dead Drop
A letter in an elegant, curling hand which seems to have met with some incident in its sending; it is dotted with water spots and features several crossed-out sections:
16 Guardian, 9:37 Dragon
Checking in, as always. Will leave this letter in the usual manner; let me know if this is no longer the acceptable way to pass messages on. Or—flames—let me know anything at all. It’s been months since I’ve heard from you. Your big sister worries. 
The manor is fine. It’s held up against the snow after the repairs, and there was minor damage, really. None of your things were ruined, and Mother’s room remains in the same state. As for my own bedroom—a little water damage means little. All the important things are downstairs, after all. We did find an unused corner of the wine cellar, though—sold off the really fine stuff after I let the others peruse it for their choices. I’ve plenty of ideas for what to do with the money. 
I suppose there is one thing that I needed   that you should   Flames, I’ll just say it. Fenris and I are together. For good this time.
I am not seeking your approval. I know what you’re going to say. I know how many letters I sent you three years ago, and I know how much of a mess I was then. But—stop making that face right now—this is different. 
I’m not looking for your approval. But—I would like to have it anyway, Carver. You’re my only family left except for—Andraste’s elbow, I haven’t told you—Gamlen and his daughter. Yes; Charade is her name, if you can believe it. Entirely beside the point. I know you hardly ever get these letters, and then it’s all at once, so I’ll write another letter about that when I’m done with this one. 
Things are bad in Kirkwall at the moment. I know you can tell already from other things I’ve said. But Fenris is…he is the only good thing I can count on without reservation. Everyone else has other concerns and other loves. They aren’t wrong to—of course they aren’t. But I need someone who wants me, and not what I can do for them and who will choose me first.
Perhaps that’s selfish of me, or unfair to say. I cannot say I don’t know that. But Carver, maybe it’s time for me to be a little bit selfish. Selflessness didn’t save Bethany, and it didn’t save Mother either. I can carry them with me forever, along with the whole of Kirkwall, or I can live. I know now that I can’t do both.
Maker, how maudlin this is. Oh, well. I’ve heard that you Wardens love a good melodrama, or—maybe just the Ferelden ones. I hope this finds you well, regardless. 
Write back soon. I mean it. 
Your beloved, clever, self-absorbed sister, 
A scrap of paper torn from a larger piece; there is writing on one side and what appears to be a section of schematics on the other:
Since when have I given two figs about your relationship drama? You want my approval, you have it. Do what you want, M, you're a big girl and you don't owe anyone shit. Just don’t come crying to me if it goes tits-up again. I’m busy. 
P.S. Charade? Say you’re joking.
Another scrap of paper; the drawing on the other side lines up with the schematic on the first:
If you break my sister’s heart again, I’ll kill you myself. Fair warning.
A crisp-edged and carefully folded square of parchment, sealed thickly with charcoal-colored wax. The handwriting is meticulously neat:
If I break your sister’s heart, I will let you.
(For day 8 of @14daysdalovers: Approval.)
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hippolotamus · 1 year
Fuck it Friday
Thanks for the tags @spotsandsocks @achillesbuck @alyxmastershipper @ajunerose 🥰
Tagging @elvensorceress @fatedbuddie @buddierights @shortsighted-owl @alysiswriting @this-is-bwr
Earlier this week there was a fantastic post from @rose-buddie on a topic I think about quite a bit. So, for this Fuck it Friday I'm sharing some Eddie & his queer feelings* from my fic Whatever may come (your heart I will choose)
yes it's lengthy, but... context *Adding the usual caveats about this being my take on things. It's incredibly personal and everyone will have their own opinions. Enjoy and be nice to one another 💙
“When will you come to visit, Edmundo?” 
“Maybe when I’m sure you and Mom won’t try to trap me there,” Eddie retorts. He thinks he should feel bad about it, but he really doesn’t. He’s got a great life, with people who love him, right where he is. He’s tired of being made to feel guilty for not staying in El Paso. “You can come here, too.” 
“We’ve been there!” his mother protests.
Almost a year ago when I got my shield.  
“It doesn’t matter, we’re not talking about this now.” Eddie puts his phone on speaker so he can take his frustrations out on the dishes in his sink. Naturally, his parents move on to an equally grating topic.
“So,” Helena begins, “have you met anyone? A nice girlfriend you haven’t told us about?”
“Not really time to do that, Mom. Kinda busy with work and Christopher.” He scrubs at a plate coated with dried eggs and cheese instead of telling them that, yes, he has met someone and, no, they don’t need to know anything else. He knows better. One way or another they’ll break him down until he says more and that will only open the floodgates to an entirely different son they didn’t know they had. 
With hardly any effort on their part, it’s the thing that breaks him anyway. 
The ringing in his ears grows louder, drowning out whatever his mother and father are carrying on about. Maybe a neighbor, or one of his sisters? All he knows is the white noise and the constricting sensation building under his ribcage. It feels like it’s taking up too much room, crushing vital organs, and simultaneously hollowing him out.
Eddie doesn’t remember hanging up the phone, or dropping the plate. He remembers angrily scraping at globs of stuck on cheddar and coming back around on his kitchen floor next to shattered glass, hearing water still flowing from the faucet. 
He tentatively sits up, inspecting his palms and forearms for stray bits of debris and scratches. There’s nothing he can see, just the way his hands shake when he holds them up. His head doesn’t hurt, but his back is stiff. How long was he down and out?
Eddie inhales through his nose, and forcefully exhales through his mouth. Again, and once more before he feels like he’s really come back to himself. His watch tells him only five or so minutes have passed. Only when his phone buzzes on the counter does he finally make himself stand, brushing off his jeans to see it’s his parents calling. They’ve called six times and left three voicemails. He should pick up the phone and call them back, so they don’t worry. He should. He will. Just not yet. He needs a minute – maybe a lifetime – to sort through what the fuck just happened. To identify why continuing to hide what his parents already don’t know made… whatever that was occur. 
His phone buzzes again, only this time it’s his tiá, and he’s at least smart enough not to ignore her.
“Eddito, I just got a call from your Papá. What happened? He said they heard a crash and then nothing.” 
“I’m fine. Really,” he insists. “ Just trying to do too many things at once.”
She hums skeptically, and he’s sure if he could see her face she would be frowning. He probably would, too, if he were her. 
“You know you can tell me. You don’t have to keep it to yourself.”
He knows he could tell her. It’s not as if she and Abuela don’t already know about Buck. Hell, they probably knew before he did. Abuela and Pepa both cried and hugged him and, when they calmed down enough, demanded he bring Buck for dinner. They both understood that they were among the first to find out, other than Lena and Maddie, and vowed to keep quiet until he was ready. 
“I will,” Eddie promises. “I’m just still figuring some stuff out.”
“If you’re sure…”
“I’m sure. See you for Sunday dinner?”
“Of course. I’ll see you boys then.”
Eddie ends the call and leans back against the counter, crossing his arms like it’ll keep all these too-big feelings from escaping. He tries to dig into them a bit, sort through the fog and overwhelm. It only serves to make him more frustrated that he can’t put a name to what’s bothering him, to the cavernous ache that forms in his chest when he thinks about sharing Buck with the rest of his family. Eventually, defeated and irritable, he sighs, pushing off the counter to find the broom and dustpan. 
He doesn’t tell Buck about what happened with the phone call and the broken dish. Not at first. It isn’t until nearly two weeks later that he decides to say something. Because it inadvertently ends up being Buck who gives Eddie the push he needs. 
Eddie’s just gotten home from dropping Christopher at school and Buck is spending a few hours with Maddie. He intends to spend the time finalizing the grocery list, catching up on laundry, and changing the oil in the truck. He decides to start with the truck so he goes to the bedroom to put on some rattier clothes. When he tosses his henley to the bed, he spots the greenish-blue cover on Buck’s nightstand. Curious, he walks over to see what Buck’s reading now, expecting to find something on an ancient civilization or a biography on Nikola Tesla. Instead, it’s neither of those. Not even close. Eddie stares, a little dumbfounded, at the cartoonish pink lettering overlaying a drawing of two boys standing side by side, their backs to the viewer, and a scattering of pink leaves. 
He picks up the book – Heartstopper Volume 1 – intending to flip through the first few pages and get a feel for what it’s about. A graphic novel isn’t exactly what he expects, or anything he thinks Buck would be interested in. It looks too mature to be something Buck might have bought for Christopher. Eddie doesn’t think he’s read an actual book since he enlisted, much less anything like this. As a kid he enjoyed the comics in the Sunday newspaper, or borrowing copies of Captain America and X-Men from the library, but that was it. 
Instead of stopping, he continues reading, getting absorbed in Nick and Charlie’s story. Two teenage boys, riddled with insecurities, hiding themselves as much as their affection for each other. He carries it to the kitchen when he makes a sandwich for lunch, and then to the back porch when he’s full. It’s where Buck finds him hours later, sitting quietly on the steps with the closed book on his lap.
“Hey, Eds,” Buck says quietly, sitting next to him and bumping their shoulders together. “What, uh, what’s going on? I texted a few times while I was with Maddie. Guess you didn’t see any of those.”
Eddie wants to tell him that he must have forgotten his phone when he was getting changed, or that he’s sorry and hopes he didn’t miss anything urgent. Instead he stares blankly ahead and says, “I broke one of the salad plates.”
“Uh, okay. That’s- no big deal. It’s not like we have to replace the whole set or anything.”
He finally turns to look at Buck, noting the way his eyebrows are raised and he’s biting his bottom lip nervously. Underneath Buck’s anxious exterior, Eddie still sees what he’s always found there. You’re safe. I’ve got your back. You matter. So Eddie tells him about the phone call with his parents, the chasm in his chest when he thinks about telling them he’s not just friends with Buck – that they’re in a romantic, committed relationship.
“I didn’t know how to put words to it – this feeling – to define what it is. I’m not sure I know any better now, either. The thing is,” Eddie continues, “when I’m with you, I’m safe. When we’re out with Chris, holding hands and just… being together, it’s ordinary in the best fucking way. The three of us being a family is easier than breathing. There’s nothing to think about, it makes sense . I don’t feel any different. I’m not any different. I’m still me and yet with my parents I’m… not me? Like I’m continually locking a piece of myself away for their benefit and holding my breath until they’re gone. Does that make sense?”
“More than you know.” Buck doesn’t elaborate and Eddie doesn’t push for an explanation. Eddie knows he’ll say something when he’s ready. 
“It’s kinda why I bought the book,” Buck adds, nodding toward Eddie’s lap. “Maybe it’s not a great reason, but so many people were raving about it online, and talking about how they wished they had something similar as teenagers. It wasn’t, like, FOMO or anything. Just- I knew I had to.”
Christ, what Eddie would give to have had anything like it then. Maybe, reading about someone like Nick — the popular rugby player who struggles with his image and sexuality — would have made it easier to have hope. Instead, it was all stories following the AIDS crisis and celebrities being called “brave” for coming out publicly. Even those positive moments felt more like flickers, sparks lost in an endless night sky. Like Luke. 
After Buck’s accident, reading the letter and reliving memories of Luke was like examining artifacts left over from another time. A moment that happened to a long forgotten, shut away version of himself. Attempting to sift through them now, knowing what he knows, is akin to tiptoeing through a minefield. At the other end there’s a sixteen-year-old edition of Eddie asking – begging – permission to speak. Seeking answers for questions he didn’t know could be posed, and wanting to define feelings using words that didn’t exist yet. At least not in his world. Not in El Paso where, even if someone was some flavor of queer, it was kept in the shadows. There was an unspoken rule that it wasn’t discussed. It wasn’t a thing to be proud of. Or a way of life that Eddie ever saw as attainable for himself, even as coming out became more mainstream. After Shannon got pregnant, after Christopher was born, Eddie had his marching orders so to speak. He had a wife, and a son, and anything he desired before became irrelevant. Wiped away. Erased. 
“Grief again,” Eddie mutters, with a sudden clarity. 
Buck scrunches his eyebrows, understandably confused. “Uh, what did I miss?
Eddie checks his watch, they still have time before they have to get Chris. He quickly stands and holds his hand out to Buck. 
“Can I show you something?”
His hands shake the tiniest bit as he leads Buck back to his – their? – bedroom. “If you, uh, want to sit you can. I just need to get something from the safe.”
Eddie stands in front of the closet, his quivering fingers poised to open it. It shouldn’t be a big deal to pull a door open, but right now it feels damn near impossible. Buck lightly touches Eddie’s sides, alerting him to his presence so Eddie isn’t startled. He wraps his arms around Eddie’s waist and hooks his chin over Eddie’s shoulder, surrounds him. 
“Eds, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Buck’s voice is low and soothing in his ear. “Whatever it is.”
“No, it’s not that. I do want to.” Eddie tries to give himself permission to relax into Buck’s embrace, to let it settle him until the trembling stills and his heart doesn’t feel like it’s trying to escape his chest. “Um, there was an accident. A car accident.”
“You mean Shannon?” Buck asks when Eddie doesn’t say anything more for nearly a minute. 
He sighs and scrubs at his forehead, frustrated that speaking — one of the most basic human skills — is so complicated at times. Eddie wants to keep facing the wall, to stay hidden, but Buck deserves better than that. Buck’s hands land at Eddie’s waist once he’s turned around and they can see each other. 
“Um, not Shannon. Fuck, now that I’ve started talking out loud, this seems like… a terrible idea.” 
Buck‘s hands move to Eddie’s face, carefully cradling him, and sweeping his thumbs back and forth across his cheekbones. “Hey, remember what I said? All your baggage. Anything. Okay?” 
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie nods, taking a deep breath before he continues. “So, obviously Shannon and I were together for a long time. Since we were kids, basically. Like some great first love kinda deal. But she wasn’t that, not really. Not the first anyway.”
Eddie feels the impulse to run, to get as far from this conversation as possible. He knows what they said about having each other’s back, and taking on all their emotional “stuff”. That doesn’t make it any easier to say the words out loud. Even with Buck resting his hands on Eddie’s shoulders, patiently waiting for him to speak again. 
“His name was Luke,” Eddie finally says. “He started at my high school in the beginning of junior year. His family had just moved from Vermont to be closer to his aunt and cousins and all that. Anyway, we started hanging out, became best friends. And then- we were more than that.” Eddie pauses, trying not to get caught in the tangle of memories. If the lump in his throat is any indication, he’s pretty sure his efforts are failing. “It was, um, a very different time. A different place. We hid everything, from everyone. Our parents, friends, people in general.”
“That’s… awful. What happened?” Buck asks quietly. 
“A late 80’s pickup truck happened. Driving home from school and the other driver ran the red light. Died instantly. I never really thought about it before, but I guess that’s probably a big part of why I felt compelled to become an Army medic and always wanted to do something that helped people. I was reading that book today and it all just kinda hit me. I went to his memorial service, like all the other kids. Just another classmate paying their respects.” Eddie lets out an irritated huff, feeling the past resentment bubble up. “Funeral was for family only. I couldn’t mourn or grieve the way I wanted. The way I needed. Fuck, I couldn’t even talk to the stupid guidance counselor at school.”
“That must have been rough. How did you deal with it all?” 
“Same thing as always, I guess. Threw myself into schoolwork, asked for more hours at my job, kept busy. Basically I didn’t deal with it. Just told everyone I was fine and moved on.” 
“But you didn’t,” Buck says, more an observation than an accusation. “Move on, I mean.”
“No, not really.” 
Buck bites his bottom lip and pinches his eyebrows together, like he’s working through something. Gathering fragments of information and trying to stitch them together. “So, this happened to you not once, but twice?”
“Almost three,” Eddie confirms quietly. Buck pulls him closer, burying his face into the curve of Eddie’s neck, like he’s apologizing for nearly dying due to circumstances beyond his control. Eddie holds Buck in return, one hand resting against the small of his back, the other rubbing soothing circles, reassuring Buck he’s grateful they’re here now. 
Buck lifts his head to look at Eddie again. “Tell me what happened next?”
“There wasn’t much after that. Met Shannon and… well, you know the rest of that story. I guess it was more about the phone call with my parents the other week. Mom asked if I had a girlfriend I wasn’t telling them about, and I just got so angry. At first I thought it was just the usual pissed off about them prying where they don’t belong. And because I wanted to tell them about you. To be able to tell them about us. The more I think about it, what you said about how people wished they had something like Heartstopper when they were younger — I think that’s a big part of what’s bothering me. They assumed if I did have someone it would be a woman. I’m a grown man, with a kid, living in LA, and I still don’t feel comfortable telling them I have a boyfriend.” Eddie lets out an exasperated sigh, “I couldn’t do it then and I still can’t now. It’s like I’m sixteen all over again and having to hide who I am. There’s so much resentment built up because I never got to have this as a kid. I can’t go back in time, and I can’t get any do-overs. I just want to be able to have it all now. With you.”
Buck catches his eye again, looking serious. “Eddie, I- I wanna do everything with you. This is a conversation for another time, but, um, I know how it is to have to hide yourself — even as an adult. If you remember just one thing, I need you to know there’s no timeline here. Not with me. You can tell them or not tell them whenever you’re ready. I mean, I assume at some point they might come here and you’ll have some explaining to do.”
“I wouldn’t hold your breath on that,” Eddie mutters. 
“Either way,” Buck says, “I wanted you to know I’ll support whatever choice you make. When they call I can be your boyfriend or just the codependent best friend who’s constantly at your house hanging out with your super cool kid.”
“Thank you.” Eddie kisses him, chaste and soft. “For everything.”
“Anything,” Buck reassures him. They’re silent then, foreheads pressed together, until Eddie feels Buck shift like he’s furrowing his brow. 
“You said you never told anyone,” he says, the implication clearly beginning to register. “Does that mean-“
“It means you’re the first person I’ve ever told any of this to. About any of it.”
“Eds,” Buck’s voice is shaky and Eddie can see tears forming when he pulls back just enough to look at Buck properly. “I- thank you. For trusting me with that.”
I trust you with everything. My life, my heart, my son, my future.
“Anything. Everything,” Eddie says instead. 
“Can you- I mean, would you tell me more about him? About Luke?” 
“What do you want to know?”
“How about just start at the beginning and we’ll go from there?”
“I’d like that,” Eddie says, leading Buck to the bed so they can lay curled up together. 
Eddie tells him about the first day they met, and how he never expected Luke to want to even want to be friends with him. He fondly recalls lazy afternoons reading under the oak tree and how he never returned to the tree after the accident. He chose a new spot on a bench at the other side of the school. It had less shade, and wasn’t nearly as comfortable, but it didn’t hold as many bitter reminders. Not to mention Eddie’s classes and work took more of his time, so he wasn’t reading as much anyway. 
“Hey,” Buck begins, carding his fingers through Eddie’s hair. “You said earlier you wanted to show me something?”
“I mean- it’s not- It’s nothing really.” In the warmth of the sunny afternoon, after hours of being engrossed in something that made him feel so seen, it seemed like a reasonable idea to share a physical piece of his past with Buck. Now that Eddie’s flayed himself open, it seems less so. 
Unsurprisingly, Buck sees right past his flimsy objection, raising an eyebrow at him. “So insignificant you brought me back here, poured out years of grief, and told me things  that you’ve never told anyone else?”
“Eds, you don’t have to share anything you don’t want to. Ever. You know that. I’m just sensing that maybe this isn’t nothing.” 
“It’s not,” Eddie admits. “I just don’t want you to get freaked out by it. Like, I realize this might be a heavy thing now that we’re talking about it.”
“Heavier than telling me about your dead high school boyfriend?” Buck asks, eyebrow raised. 
“Right,” Eddie gives him a quick kiss on his forehead before sitting up and making his way to the closet. He inputs the safe combination, pulling the door open to retrieve the box. Eddie walks back to the bed where Buck is laying on his side, propped up on his elbow, curiously eyeing the wooden object. 
“This was the last thing he gave me. Well, only thing, really,” Eddie explains, tracing the outline of the puzzle box. “He left it in my truck at school as a surprise. But, it was the afternoon of the accident. So I never got to thank him or tell him what I thought about it. How much it meant to me even though I told him not to get me anything. I guess now I’m glad he didn’t listen.”
“Looks like he knew you pretty well. Have you ever thought of setting it out somewhere?”
“No? I mean it always felt too painful, and I never wanted to explain it. Besides, wouldn’t that be… awkward for you?”
Buck takes his hand, threading their fingers together. “It obviously means something that you held onto it. You don’t have to, but it won’t bother me if you do.”
Eddie leans down to press a kiss to their interwoven fingers, wondering what he did to deserve a partner like Buck. “I’ll think about it.”
Buck doesn’t say any words, but replies with his soft, only-for-Eddie smile, and manages to tell Eddie everything he needs to hear anyway. 
Talking with Buck helps ease the ache in Eddie’s chest. The one that still makes him feel locked up and like he’s not allowed – or supposed to even want – to have this life he’s living. Buck gives Eddie the freedom to voice his frustrations, listening patiently and holding him or letting Eddie pace like a caged animal if he needs. 
They rarely discuss Eddie’s time in the military. That’s still a piece of history Eddie’s not ready to poke at. It does come up during one of his venting sessions when Buck asks if Eddie had any similar feelings then. If Eddie ever felt out of place being in the army, or if he felt safe to be who he was even if he never said it out loud. At first, Eddie didn’t think it was an issue and tells Buck as much. It was war and death and trying to survive long enough to get home to his family. There was no room to think about who he was other than a soldier, a son, a father, a husband. 
Not even when you were laid up in Afghanistan? his mind supplies. The thought surprises him until he starts mentally reviewing his time in the medical tent. A memory comes to him, fuzzy and dim at first, until it becomes clearer. He remembers the crackling static of a television and hearing the news: Wedding bells are ringing across the country in places like Texas and Alabama and Georgia. Places that some people thought this day might never come… From the Stonewall Inn in New York to San Francisco’s city hall, celebrations decades in the making. But, perhaps, none as meaningful as these. Same sex marriage ceremonies in states where it was illegal before today… ‘The time has come that Texas has finally caught up with history. Love rules’… ‘You wouldn’t think something so basic could take so long’.
Eddie remembers the way his breath caught as he listened while trying to appear like he wasn’t. At the time, his first thought had been wondering what his life might have looked like if this had only come ten years earlier. Would he have gone through with marrying Shannon? Would it have been okay to be who he was? Would it have been any more acceptable or would people stay stuck in their ignorance? His question was immediately answered when someone turned off the broadcast, mumbling ‘is this what the fuck we’re dying for?’ He remembers the way the light, airy bubble of hope had burst, leaving an acidic trail in its wake. The way he dug his fingernails into the palm of his hand, and bit the inside of his cheek in an attempt to contain the tears threatening to spill over. He remembers how fucking alone he felt in that moment, and passed the time until he fell asleep reminding himself he had a wife and a son that needed him to forget who he was and get his shit together as a husband and father. 
Despite all his talks with Buck, there’s a piece Eddie can’t quite put his finger on. Like a speck of dust on his eyelashes that he can’t see, but can’t get rid of either. 
Bobby encourages Eddie to talk to one of the department therapists, but Eddie’s not so sure he’s really a therapy kind of guy. Even if he was more than willing to have Christopher see someone. Is a therapist really going to help with a situation like this when Eddie barely knows what this is? If he’s being honest, it takes so much effort for Eddie to open up to the people he does know — how’s he going to open up to a total stranger?
The universe, however, seems determined to pry Eddie open and make him spill out whatever poison has been left in his system. One morning in November, while he’s out checking off his to-do list, he runs into Michael Grant at the home improvement store. 
“Hey, Eddie,” Michael tries to wave around the armful of lightbulbs he’s carrying. “How are you?” 
“I’m good. Do you need a basket or something?”
“Oh, no. I’m fine. I was just about to check out actually. No Buck today?” 
Eddie can’t help his automatic smile at the sound of Buck’s name. “Nah, he was pretty wiped out from our shift. He’s at home, dead to the world.”
“At home, huh? Things are pretty serious then.”
“Well, I-” Eddie feels his cheeks flush, heat creeping up the back of his neck. “Yeah, it is.”
Michael gives him a knowing smile, nodding his head slowly. “Good for you. I’m happy for you two.”
“Uh, thanks for that. I am, too. Really happy.” Because Eddie’s never been one to talk about himself he tries switching the focus back to Michael. “What about you? Anything or anyone new?”
“Work is steady, people always want new buildings. Kind of a shame with all the existing architecture, but no one wants to spend the money to renovate those. As for people… just me and the kids for now. Which reminds me, Athena asked if I could take them this weekend.” Michael manages to pull his phone from his pocket, still juggling the lightbulbs, to type a note for himself. 
Eddie realizes he’s never talked to Michael much. Not just in general, but about the dynamic between him and Athena after their divorce. It’s not any of Eddie’s business, he knows that. He still has a nagging feeling that he wants to ask anyway. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“As long as it’s not to help break into a bank vault,” Michael teases. 
“No, I’ll leave that to Bobby. I was just wondering, um, what was it like… telling Athena?” Eddie doesn’t say the rest but he thinks Michael gets it from the way his expression softens.
“I don’t have anywhere to be. Do you have time to grab a coffee?”
There’s a few odds and ends to pick up for new shelving in Christopher’s room, nothing that can’t wait. “Yeah, I do.”
Eddie helps Michael take his armload of merchandise through check out and they agree to meet at a cafe a couple blocks away. They’re able to find a semi-secluded table near the back where they can talk without much interruption. 
“No use sugar coating anything,” Michael says, stirring his hot tea. “It was one of the best and worst days of my life. On one hand I felt so relieved to finally say the words out loud. But it came at an astronomical price. I had to break my best friend’s heart, and I don’t think I will ever get over that.”
“I can imagine. Telling Shannon I thought we should get a divorce was hard enough. That was without realizing any of the feelings I had for Buck. I mean, maybe they were there? I don’t know. It’s not like I feel… wrong about being with him – far from it. The thing is-” What? Eddie cuts himself off, because this is the part that trips him up and makes him feel like he’s fumbling in the dark. 
“You know who you are, but you’re not sure anyone else does anymore?”
“Kind of? I haven’t said anything to my parents or sisters yet. And I only kept it from my sisters so they didn’t accidentally tell our mom and dad. I guess I just know there’s going to be questions about Shannon, and did I always know or is it because I moved to LA? What am I teaching Christopher? Shit like that. It’s none of their business, but they’re not going to give up. Y’know?”
Michael purses his lips, nodding his head in understanding. “Oh, I do. First of all, you’re one hundred percent correct. It’s not any of their business how you conduct your life or raise your son. Christopher is loved, and well cared for, and that’s what matters. As for the other stuff… well, I wish there was a handbook, but, sadly, no one’s written one yet. There’s a whole lot of gray areas. You can plan your conversations, and your answers, to the letter. The truth is it will make you learn your boundaries and when to stand your ground. It’ll change from person to person and not everyone needs to know everything. It might not feel like it sometimes, but you’re the one holding all the cards, Eddie. You are the final decision of who has access to you and your family.”
“Huh, I never thought of it like that. Everyone at the 118 has been so amazing – my abuela and tía, too – I guess I just keep holding my breath, waiting for the fallout from my parents. They’ve never given me a reason to think it would be a problem, but they never gave me a reason not to either. Being raised in a Catholic household isn’t very conducive to saying ‘guess what? I’m gay’ or queer or whatever it is I am.”
Michael taps the table to get his attention. “You are Eddie Diaz, first and foremost. Got that? Second, labels are… a very personal thing. I’m a gay man. I feel comfortable labeling myself that way. For you, it might be something different or you might not want to pick a specific word at all. There’s no rule saying you have to choose one. And just because you love Buck now doesn’t mean it invalidates what you had with your wife. It doesn’t make it any less real. When Athena and I got married, I genuinely loved her. I still love her, it just looks different than before.”
Eddie sips at his coffee that could be classified as lukewarm at best, letting Michael’s words sink in. He turns them around in his mind and tries to match them with his own experiences. He did love Shannon, that was real. He loves Buck and he knows it’s not just because Buck is another man. Buck is obviously attractive, but he’s also kind, intelligent, and caring. He treats Eddie and Christopher well, and makes it clear every day how much he loves them both. He loves Buck because he is Buck and everything that includes.
“That all makes sense,” Eddie says. “You said the conversations look different for everyone, but how did you feel about yourself and how people might see you? Specifically what it was like after all those years of being married to a woman, and having kids.”
“Oh boy, that was a reality check. Deep down, for a lot of years, I knew who I was. By the time I was ready to take ownership of that, to share it with others… well, let’s just say I didn’t consider that not everyone had as much time to adjust to the idea as I did. For me, I was done living in the shadows, I wanted to tell the world. For Athena, Harry, May, my friends and in-laws, it was more complicated. Harry and May probably handled it the best, but that was still touch and go at first. I think Athena knew to a point, even before. It was still tough for her not to feel like she was lied to – and I get it. I made a promise to her, a vow. Who wouldn’t be hurt getting blindsided like that? Friends and coworkers’ reactions were all over the map. Some were supportive, others didn’t understand how I’d ever married Athena, and started a family, if I knew I liked men. Some were downright ignorant and we haven’t spoken since. I guess I spent so long knowing, it felt like finally being able to breathe. After I realized not everyone wanted – or needed – to know, I figured the rest would fall into place.”
“So, has it?” 
“Mostly,” Michael says. “It’s an ongoing process. By now the most important people in my life know, and we’ve worked through it. We’ll probably do it again if I ever meet someone new, and again if I want to make him a permanent part of my life.”
“You make it sound so simple,” Eddie says around a chuckle. 
“Uh huh, I wish. You’ll get there in your own time.” Michael gives him a warm smile that feels somewhat reassuring. “Say, have you considered finding any local groups? You can even find something online if you want. Don’t get me wrong, I am always here to talk if you want. In my experience you can never have too many resources. It might even be something for Buck to look into.”
“Maybe, I’ll mention it to him. Speaking of, I should probably get home and try to get a little sleep before it’s time to get Chris. Thanks, Michael, for being so open with me.”
“Of course! Here, let me give you my number if you ever need anything. Even if you want to text, we don’t have to talk.”
They exchange phones, adding their information before handing them back, and saying goodbye. Nothing is new except having a conversation, but Eddie does feel lighter, like he’s not quite so alone in his experience. 
On the drive home he mulls over Michael’s suggestion about finding a group. Eddie knows it isn’t the same, but it still seems an awful lot like therapy and dumping his baggage on strangers. Maybe Buck will be more comfortable with it. If he is, he’ll want Eddie to go, too, but he won’t push if Eddie says no or not yet. 
Any thoughts of therapy, or his parents, dissolve when Eddie gets home and climbs under the covers. Buck barely moves except to automatically snuggle against him to be Eddie’s little spoon. He tucks one arm over Buck’s side, molding them together as much as he can. Eddie manages to whisper I love you, pressing a kiss to Buck’s neck before sleep drags him under. 
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Chapter One: Daily
Moira was an enigma to Louis. Louis Valentine was the mailman well-known around Doe’s neighborhood due to his skillful and swift deliveries. Outside of his work- which is whenever 12 pm hits- he’s hardly ever seen again. Of course, this is because he made it his job to avoid everyone and anyone he knows at all costs after work- but no one really knows why.
He himself was an enigma to Moira’s neighborhood- but somehow, not to Moira herself. He didn’t know why or how, but out of all the people he runs into, Moira is the only one he happens to run into without being able to turn a corner and sprint away, as if he hadn’t heard her.
Somehow, it’s never too crowded for him to get away from her and it’s never dark enough for him to claim that she mistook him for someone else.
It’s not as if Moira was following him. He knew that for a fact because she simply didn’t have the time to. Which only left incredible coincidence. That or great or terrible luck- depending on who’s perspective you were looking at.
Every day he approaches Moira’s house, with the feeling of impending doom. Not because her house looked like something from a gothic horror or anything- and not even because Louis despised Moira. Just because whenever he approaches her little American Queen Anne style house- or what she quite literally named “Annie”- both she and that mop-shaped mutt of hers are always trotting out.
As per expected, the front door cracked open, and her komondor flew out of the door. Thankfully for him, Moira had a decent grip on the leash that prevented her dog from running over and snapping at the mailman’s ankles.
“Moira.” Louis smiled his “confrontation smile”- which he flashed whenever he ran into anyone at any point in time. He patiently waited after Moira gave a strained “hi…” for her to lock her door and reel Jester back to herself.
“Jester, if you bite the mailman I’m gonna eat your snacks in front of you.” She threatened with a smile that made Louis wonder if she was even trying to look like she meant it.
Hilariously enough, her dog snapped back with a groaned howl, but calmed down significantly at her threat. Moira fixed her posture before waving to Louis, who found himself having to rejuvenate his smile to make it look less worn out.
“Moira.” He greeted again. “Always a pleasure.”
“I’d ask if you said that to everyone, but that’d be pretty dumb of me to, right?” Moira chuckled. “You know, since the kids down the street made an entire ‘Where’s Waldo’ based game to find you, haha.”
Yes, that made his afternoon hobby of avoiding people significantly harder than usual. “Right.” Louis gave a light, closed-mouth chuckle that honestly didn’t look as if he was trying at all. He quickly brushed off that fact by pulling out a small rectangular package just slightly bigger than his hand. “I believe this is yours.”
“Oooh, this must be my sister’s next installation to her serieeees!” Moira hummed, immediately slicing the tape apart with her nail and opening it. “Mhm..” She hums, smiling happily at the cover.
Just as Louis smiles to get his usual ‘well, I oughtta get going’ out, Moira holds up the cover. “You’ve heard of her, right? My sister? Have you read any of her books?” She asked excitedly.
“I..no, I admit I’m not much of a reader.” Louis responds, tapping on his bag, “I don’t have time to do such things, anyway. I’m busy taking care of my family.” He explains briefly.
“Oh, is your family still visiting? They’ve been there for quite a while, haven’t they?” Moira asks, stepping back onto her porch to place the cardboard box down on her swinging bench. “I don’t think I could imagine spending so much time with my family in such a small house. I dunno how you do it.”
“We’re all fine. I don’t think my family is quite as big as yours, anyway.” Louis assures her, taking a step back to try to emphasize that he was attempting to leave.
“Yeah?” Thankfully, Moira seems to take the hint and smiles as she places her book in her bag. “Well, I guess that makes sense.” She hums, lifting the leash to her hand rather than the crook of her elbow. “Regardless, I’ve got errands to run! See you later, Louis!” Moira waves cheerfully, tugging Jester along the sidewalk.
“Hopefully not.” Louis sighs underneath his breath, going on his way as well.
As well known as Doe was known around the town, she didn’t have many friends outside of her dear Jester. Hence why she lives farther from her neighborhood. Rather than an apartment or regular house on a street, she had someone renovate the current house she was living in- just because she liked the look of it.
As it stands, Moira is often choosing her personal likes and petty items over socializing or making friends. Which is why those who are perceptive enough know just how strange of a person Doe is.
“Okay, despite how much I absolutely love my sister’s books…” Moira hummed, “I did promise Ai that I would let him get the first read.” She claims, mainly to herself, but she spoke out loud so that Jester would hear. “And the library is before the market, so you’re gonna have to sit outside for a while.”
Moira could swear Jester gave her a look, but ultimately just enjoyed the walk there. As they walked up to the library, he only stopped once in hopes that she would be too tired to drag him all the way to the doorway. It didn’t work, and he slumped down on the ground as Moira tied his leash around a nearby pole.
“Be good and I’ll go buy some more fatty treats when we get to the store, mkay?” Moira hummed with a smile, and although he didn’t pick his head up, his tail did flick around a bit at the word “treats”.
Moira was immediately welcomed by a cooler temperature when she walked inside the library. She pulled her long hair into a half-assed bun in an attempt to welcome some cool air onto the back of her neck.
“Moiraaa..” A soft voice called to her. At the desk was a black-haired young man with skin Moira admitted she envied a little.
“Watana-bae!” Moira cheered, immediately being hushed by Ai with a finger to his lips. His full name was “Ai Watanabe” but he allowed her to call him that amongst other things in return for the books she let him borrow. “Were you waiting for me?” She hummed in a lower volume, trotting over to the desk.
“Would you be upset if I said that I was waiting for her?” Ai asked, lifting his finger to the book, rather than Moira.
“Oh, my poor heart.” Moira scoffed, sliding him the book. She leaned down, resting her arms on the cool surface, now having to look up at Ai. “I’m sure my sister would be glad to hear that, though.” She hummed, smiling, “Whenever you bother contacting her.”
Ai chuckles, his gaze averting back up to Moira as she stands up straight again. “I can’t help but get nervous in front of good authors.” He claims, skimming the book.
“I can believe that.” Moira hums. Ai was more on the timid side unless he was completely comfortable with someone. Due to his sweet personality and calming occupation, he’s quite favored by many women. Older women specifically. Thanks to that, at least, he’s gotten dozens of raisin cookies.
“Also, Moira.” Ai smiles, “Make sure to get whatever book you’d like now or sometime soon. I’ll be closing up early today.”
“Yeah? For what?” Moira asks casually, digging into her bag for her library card.
Ai pauses, opening his mouth before closing it in thought. “I.. well, you could..” He sighs, furrowing his eyebrows at his inability to decide what he wanted to say.
Moira’s gaze flicks up to him, “How spooky. Are you killing people after working hours? How scandalous.” She jokes.
“Pff.” Is all Ai manages to huff out, although in the end he doesn’t say anything more about the topic. “Is there anything you’re interested in getting right now?”
“Do you have the Phantom of the Opera?” Moira asks immediately. As obvious as it was, she’d been thinking about the book for a while.
“Yes, but.. I only have the original copies.” Ai responds, “All in French.”
“I knoooow.” Moira hums, “I used to study French, like, religiously a while back. I’m sure I can get through it.” She said confidently.
“Well, if you say so.” Ai reaches down and places the book on the counter, temporarily exchanging it for Moira’s library card.
“Did you have it prepared?” Moira asked curiously. “I bet you wanted me out of here as quickly as possible.” She said, pouting in faux distress.
Ai scoffed. “We got a shipment in recently and no one’s gotten to putting them up.” He gives her back her card. “You have quite the imagination, don’t you?”
“I blame the books.” Moira shrugs. “And the movies. Speaking of, what’s your favorite movie?” She asked, tapping her fingers on the counter with a curious smile.
“Hm.. well.” Ai starts, but his attention is snagged by one of his co-workers loudly opening the staff door. He holds up a finger and his co-worker rolls his eyes before slipping back behind the door.
Ai bends down again, “One moment. It should be..” He hums, standing up and turning to the shelf behind him. “...here we are.” He picks up a VHS tape and its case, which is separate from the tape itself.
“..Attraction’s Fatality. Thriller and crime?” Moira smiles, tilting her head to the side. “What’s it about?”
“Hm..” Ai averts his gaze, lifting a hand to rub against his lip. “Well, this man- married, has a one-night stand. Doesn’t matter why or where- what matters is with who.” He explains. “A woman who he thinks is just about as regular as any one-night stand. The conflict arrives when she doesn’t stop calling.”
“So, she’s obsessive.” Moira nods.
“Sure. But to what extent?” Ai hums. Moira chuckles in interest. “Everything’s okay- until the wife finds out. As per the fling’s intentions. On top of the newfound heat between the cheater and the cheatee, one of his children is abducted by said woman.”
“And? What happens to the kid?” Moira asks, leaning on the counter in expectancy.
“Well, from what I remember..” Ai smacks his teeth in faux thought. “..there was like, this text on the screen. And a massive boom sound.”
“Don’t you dare say it said ‘To Be Continued’.”
“Nope.” Ai smiles, looking up to Moira. “It said ‘Watch The Movie Yourself’.” He winks, leaning over and slipping the tape into her bag.
“You. Are going to kill me.” Moira sighs, slumping away from the counter and his close proximity.
“One day.” Ai chuckles, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Omo-sha.” He hums as Moira struts out of the library.
“I dunno what that means but byyyye!” Moira flicks her wrist in a wave as she leaves.
Immediately, she’s made aware of the familiar barking coming from outside the library. As she steps outside, she sees an all-too familiar cupcake mascot. “CupKake?! What are you doing here?”
“Yo!” The CupKake mascot waved a hand to Moira as she walked over and shooed him away from Jester. The mascot itself was a yellow cupcake with white icing and primary-colored sprinkles. Moira herself made it, and despite the great fabric and coloring, along with the perfectly simple design, she herself considers it the worst thing she’s ever made.
“And why are you harassing my dog?! He hates your dance moves!” Moira hissed. “..aren’t you hot? It’s pretty stuffy.”
CupKake shrugged, his voice hardly muffled by the costume. “I mean, yeah. But I’m heading inside anyway.” He claims, pointing to the library. “And speaking of- Ai wanted me to do ‘im a favor, and in return he’s letting me move my office here. It’s cool. Big. Air-conditioned.”
“You’re gonna get heatstroke.” Moira huffs. “If you walked around without it no one would know the secret identity of ‘CupKake’. Soooo, why bother with the costume?”
“Obviously cuz I hate my face.” CupKake says, raising his arms with a sigh. “That’s what people do when they hate their face. They hide it.”
“And.. a cupcake is better than your face?” Moira asked.
“I personally like cupcakes better than people’s faces. Yours, too.” CupKake claimed, and Moira scoffed. “If I had the choice to date a cupcake or you, I’d definitely pick the cupcake. I’d marry it, too.”
“Yeah? Well, you’d probably be arrested for cannibalism.” Moira chuckles.
“Ha! Jokes on you- I don’t even like cupcakes!” CupKake reveals, before adding, “I don’t like eating them, anyway.”
Moira smacks her teeth. “Whatever. You’re a complete enigma to me, Sir Cakes.” She shrugs, taking Jester’s leash. The dog in question tried his best to stay as close to CupKake as he could in order to bite him.
“Hey, now, you don’t know that.” CupKake claims. He points a finger gun to Moira and makes a click sound, since she couldn’t actually see him wink. “Listen to my show tonight, though, yeah?”
“I’ll just leave the radio on and let Jester decide.” Moira shrugs, waving CupKake away as she went on with her day.
Once again, poor Jester had to be left outside while Moira ran into her regular stores to shop. “..dryer sheets…” She was lucky that the owner of this shop kept so many useful things for a fashion designer such as herself. “...base, base, base..” Moira fingered through a clothing rack of nothing but plain white dresses, before noticing that this particular rack wasn’t here before.
“Ooh, did you add this rack just for moi?” Moira called across the small shop, and heard the shop owner scoff.
“Gets you out of here quicker, doesn’t it?” Irene joked, spinning a pen around in her fingers as she looks down at a clipboard on the counter.
Moira rolled her eyes, putting her armful of dryer sheet boxes onto the counter. “Should I ask?” Irene sighs, crossing her arms.
“I’m gonna use these for a dress I’m working on.” Moira replied, tapping her fingers on the counter with a smile before returning to the clothing racks.
“Oooof course.” Irene hummed, neatly stacking the boxes of dryer sheets on the counter.
Moira browses the base dresses, thinking of the many different outfits she’ll have to make. There were several different characters, all with their own personalities, which means there has to be several different outfits that represents them to the smallest detail.
The only problem is that the outfits are meant to be based on their personalities only. So Moira plans on making the clothes not look much like their outfits in the original movie. Since the way she designed their outfits for the movie were meant to make them appear different then how they really are as characters, it shouldn’t be too hard.
As Moira nitpicks a good armful of white dresses and several other blank articles of clothing, Irene calls out to her. “So, you think that Stephen will be at this, uh, movie premiere of yours?”
Moira pauses, thinking for a moment before chuckling. “Yeah, probably.” She says, taking her armfuls of fabrics and clothes to the desk. “He seems to like looking at my clothes and creations.” She says.
“You mean judging them unnecessarily?” Irene sighs, checking the price for everything that Moira’s put on the counter. “I’m sure he only does it for attention- why else would he bother coming to every one of your shows?”
“Maybe he has a crush on me.” Moira smiles, in a way that makes it completely unclear to Irene if she’s joking or not.
“Don’t sexualize someone who’s clearly made himself known as someone who dislikes you.” Irene scoffs, pausing her actions to look up at Moira skeptically.
“I’m not sexualizing him.” Moira hums, looking away with a sheepish smile, “I’m just.. Guessing.” She says. She pauses for a moment, twirling a lock of hair around her finger in thought before adding, “He is hot, though.”
“Oh, my God.” Irene rolls her eyes, quickly putting Moira’s items in multiple bags before shoving them towards her. “Twenty-five.” She says, “And he is not that hot.”
“I like his hair. Every picture of him- black and white or not- stands out because of his hair alone.” Moira comments, digging around in her purse for a moment for three tens. “And yes he is that hot. I’d let him degrade me any day.” She says, and Irene once again finds herself wondering if that’s sarcasm.
“Get out of my shop, Moira.” Irene scoffs, waving her out. “And answer my damn calls!”
“Can’t answer them if I’m not hoooome!” Moira calls back, walking out of the store. She turned to wave to Irene, but thanks to that, she accidently walked into someone.
“Moron.” Irene sighs, before looking down at Moira on her knees and the man she’d just knocked down. “You two good?”
“Sorry, sorry!” Moira quickly stands up, helping the person she’d bumped into off of the ground. “Are you okay? I should’ve paid attention to where I was going.”
“I’m fine, yes, thank you.” The man stands up straight, dusting his clothes off as Moira picked up her bags. “I’m glad I ran into you, though.” He says, looking at her.
“Yeah? Are you a masochist?” Moira asks, tilting her head to the side in what the man hoped was a joke.
“What? I..” He pauses, deciding to not to answer that, “I am Detective Masashi Hideo, and I’ve been sent to ask you a few questions.” He pulls out an ID that secured his claim.
“Spooky.” Moira comments laxly, “I’m open to questions. Could I possibly finish my dog’s walk, though?”
The detective shakes his head. “This won’t take too long. Depending on your answers, you could continue your routine or come with me.” He says, pulling out a notepad from the pocket of his trench coat. Moira hummed in reply, more so wondering why exactly he was wearing such a warm article of clothing in already warm weather.
“Do be sure to reply honestly.” The detective said, clicking his pen. “Where were you twelve days ago? The 10th of June?” He asked.
Moira lifts a hand to her chin in thought. “That was, like..Sunday, right?” She asks, the detective nodding, “At home, then.”
“And three days before that?”
Moira counts back for a moment, before saying. “Also at home.”
The detective writes something into the notepad. “..when’s the last time you've been out outside of today?”
“Last week exactly. I don’t often leave the house outside of Thursdays to run errands.” Moira replies, “I have visitors over more often than I bother going to anyone else.”
“Right.” The detective writes something else down. “When are you free today?” He asks, placing his notepad into his pocket.
“Sometime during sundown.” Moira responds. “I..don’t ever have a watch on me, so I don’t go home depending on the time.”
“Would you feel comfortable with me coming over at that time?”
“If you want.” Moira shrugs, before pausing. “What would you do if I said no, though?”
The detective places his hands in his pockets, his face straight and serious as he looked up at Moira. “I’d likely have to get someone to issue a warrant from the judge. Do I need to?”
“No need.” The taller lady hums, “I’m gonna finish this walk, but we’ll be home later, detective. See you tonight!” Moira waves, leaving at the detective’s nod.
Once the detective was far enough, Moira looked down to Jester. “Ooh, they’re onto you for stealing those treats.” She joked, referencing an incident from when he was a pup.
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n0vadroid · 6 months
From Strangers to Soulmates
Gogo stood in front of the cafe with hoop earrings in her ears and half her hair in a ponytail while she waited for Robaire to appear. Soon, Gogo saw Robaire walking up to her.
“Hi, Gogo,” Robaire said as he approached her. 
“Hi, Robaire,” Gogo replied while looking at Robaire.
Robaire looked Gogo up and down with slight blush in his cheeks. “Y-you look nice.”
“Oh, um, thank you. Y-you do, too,” Gogo said. 
“Thanks.” Robaire scratched the back of his head. “So, should we get going?”
Gogo nodded and they both started walking side-by-side. The two kept stealing glances at each other as they walked.
“So about the surprise,” Gogo said, trying to break the ice. “Are you still going to keep it from me?”
Robaire chuckled. “Well, that’s the point of a surprise.”
“Well, you got a point. I’m just kind of excited, I guess. No one’s done this for me in a while,” Gogo said.
Robaire looked at her. “Really?”
“Don’t sound so surprised.” Gogo giggled. “I just haven’t dated anyone since-” Gogo stopped talking once she remembered some certain events.
Robaire saw this and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Gogo’s eyes widened and looked at Robaire’s hand. “I’m-I’m okay! I just…was thinking of something.”
“Oh, okay.” Robaire retracted his hand, but was still worrying about her.
“A-anyway, how far is this place?” Gogo asked.
“Uh,” Robaire looked up ahead, “Actually, we’re here.” 
The two stopped in front of a flower shop and Gogo admired it. “Robaire…is this the surprise?”
Robaire nodded. “I wanted to get you something nice, but I don’t know your favorite type of flowers. I…I wanted you to pick them out yourself in case I messed it up.”
Gogo smiled softly. “Aw, thank you.” Gogo then walked up to the door. “Let’s head inside.”
Inside, Robaire and Gogo looked around. Robaire followed Gogo as she looked for her favorite type of flower. 
“So, is there any that caught your eye?” Robaire asked.
Gogo bent over and looked at the white tulips. “I’m thinking of getting these white tulips. White’s my favorite color and tulips are my favorite flowers.”
Robaire looked at the flowers and then looked at Gogo. He thought that the flowers did suit her.
“Then you should get them,” Robaire suggested. 
“Well..” Gogo thought for a second and then grabbed the flowers. “I’ll get them.”
Gogo stood back up and held the flowers in her hand as they went to the cash register. After Robaire paid for the flowers, they left the shop.
“Thank you for buying these flowers for me.” Gogo looked at her bouquet of flowers. “They’re really nice.”
Robaire nodded. “You’re welcome. I just felt like I had to do something nice for you…since you helped me out.”
Gogo smiled with slight blush in her cheeks while Robaire stared and admired her beauty. The two walked in silence before Robaire broke the ice. 
“So,” Robaire asked, “have you always lived in L.A?”
“I have. Most of my family’s been living here forever, so I haven’t lived anywhere else,” Gogo replied. “What about you?”
“I lived here my whole life, but I do travel alot for work,” Robaire explained.
“Oh, really? What do you do for work?” Gogo asked.
“W-well..” Robaire looked at Gogo nervously before sighing. “I’m a singer. I’m actually…the lead singer of 4*TOWN.”
Gogo looked at Robaire surprised. Her sister was right. 
“I was wondering why you wear disguises all the time.” Gogo looked forward. “Though I’ve never heard of 4*TOWN, it sounds like a great band.”
“You’ve…never heard of us before?” Robaire asked, a bit shocked. 
“Possibly-” Gogo had a realization. “Do you have any songs called ‘Nobody Like You’?”
“Yeah, that’s our song. So you have heard of us?” Robaire smiled.
“I’ve heard it on the radio before. It’s a great song, by the way,” Gogo smiled too.
Robaire’s eyes practically had hearts in them as he looked at Gogo. “I’m glad you like it.”
Part 8
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mommymlkrs · 1 year
~ The Truth ~
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(I’ve had this saved as a draft for like ever and idk if I’m gonna write a part 2, sorry guys!😬)
~ Summary: Sam, Dean and Y/n find a new case in which the goddess of truth is looking for tributes. Dean and Y/n also investigate why Sam has been acting weird ever since he got back from hell while dealing with their own feelings.
~ Pairings: Dean Winchester x Fem Reader
~ Warnings: Swearing, mentions of suicide, fighting, angst, fluff.
Main characters include:
(Y/n) Reader
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
*Based off of season 6 episode 6* *spoilers*
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
“She said that? She really just told her sister to kill herself? Wow.” Y/n said with astonishment.
“Yep.” Both Dean and Y/n were sitting in the motel room trying to figure out this new found case they had. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Sam.
“There was another one.” Sam stated to the pair.
“Yeah? What?” Questioned Y/n as they both stood up from the bed.
“Dentist drilled a guy to death.”
“You mean the non-sexy kind of drilling. Right?” Dean poked in.
“Fifty bucks says he’s mixed up in all the crazy.” Sam continued ignoring Dean’s dumb question.
“You think?”
“Let’s go talk to him.” Sam gestured to the both of them.
“Why don’t you guys go ahead, I’ll catch up. I’m gonna do a little research.” Dean said to them.
“You sure?” Sam questioned suspiciously.
“Yeah, we gotta know what we’re up against. Right?”
“Yeah, yeah, good idea. Coming Y/n?”
“I’ll actually stick with Dean this time around, still gotta change my bandage. Meet you later?” Y/n replied wanting to know what’s up with Dean.
“Yeah, for sure.” Sam then walked out and shut the door. Dean turned away and rubbed his face.
“What’s up with you?” Questioned Y/n. Dean turned to face her.
“Dean.” He knew she wouldn’t give it up so he sat on the bed and sighed.
“My skin crawls being in the same room as him. He hasn’t been the same since, Y/n.”
“Who? Sam?”
“Who else?”
“He seems fine to me. Maybe he’s just you know, growing into himself.” Y/n tries to come up with an explanation.
“I think he’s far past puberty Y/n. And you haven’t known him for 27 years like I have. I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” Dean looks down at his lap and fiddles with his beer. Y/n walks over to him and sits on the bed beside him to comfort him.
“If you think somethings wrong, I believe you. We’ll figure this out Dean.” Y/n says and he turns his head to look into her eyes smiling. Dean perks up feeing tense.
“Want me to change that bandage?”
“Yeah actually. Thank you.” She smiles at him.
After Dean wrapped her wrist, the ring of his cellphone made them jump from the break of silence and Dean picked it up. Once Sam’s and his conversation was over, Dean ended the call.
“Looks like we’re going to the dentist sweetheart.”
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
After Y/n and Dean made their way to the dentist office they found some evidence of what the victims had in common. ‘Harry’s House of Horns.’ They found some names and went searching for answers.
“Jane and Dr. Conley. I heard, how awful. But what do I have to do with it?” Asked Harry.
“Honestly you’re the only thing they have in common.” Dean replied to the man.
“Did they say anything to you before they..” Y/n chimed in.
“Sorry, not really.” He said knowing what she was referring too.
“Okay. Thank you though.” She gave him a smile and Dean followed her out of the shop. Before they could leave the man hollered out.
“Hey, by the way. How about my horn?”
“Sorry?” Dean asked.
“Stolen horn?”
“Right. Yeah. We’re working on it.”
“Well I hope so. Things one in a billion.”
“What makes it one in a billion?” Y/n asked confused.
“It’s a museum piece. Near as anyone can tell, about a thousand years old.” Harry opened a book showing a picture and description of the ancient horn.
“Where’s it from?” Questioned Dean.
“No one knows.”
“When did it get swiped?”
“About two weeks ago. Same day Jane died.” He tried to recall. Both Y/n and Dean look at each other knowing somethings up.
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
Back at the motel, the pair researched the horn finding out it is an angelic weapon. Dean grabbed his glass and shut the laptop, tossing it on the bed.
“You hear that Cas? Angelic weapon, kind of your department.” Dean said to no one in particular trying to summon Castiel.
“Dean. He hasn’t answered our calls in days.” As soon as she said it Cas decided to swoop in.
“Hello Y/n. Hello Dean.”
“Are you kidding me? I have been on red alert about Sam, and you come for some stupid horn?” Dean raised his voice at him.
“You asked me to be here and I came.”
“We’ve been asking you to be here for days! You dick.”
“Dean. Don’t you think Cas would’ve come if he had answers about Sam?” Y/n stood beside Dean trying to get through to him.
“You wouldn’t just ignore us for no reason. Would you Cas?” Y/n asked Cas calmly, keeping her trust in him.
“I have nothing to offer about Sam.”
“Well that’s great. Because for all we know, he’s gift wrap for Lucifer.” Dean states, obviously still pissed.
“No. He’s not Lucifer.”
“And how do you know that?” Dean questioned.
“If Lucifer escaped the cage. We’d feel it.”
“Do you know what’s wrong with Sam, Cas?” Y/n stepped closer.
“I don’t know Y/n. I’m sorry.”
“What happened to you Cas? You used to be human, or at least like one.” Dean looked hurt.
“I’m at war.” Cas turned away from them and sighed.
“Certain regrettable things are now required of me.” Cas says.
“And Gabriel’s ‘Horn of Truth’? That’s a real thing?” Dean asked.
“Seen it?” Cas asked them facing them again.
“We think it’s in town.” Y/n replied and Cas disappeared.
“Well. Your welcome!” Dean said sarcastically.
“It isn’t the ‘Horn of Truth’.” A voice came from behind them. The pair turned around to find Cas once again.
“You were gone like two seconds. Where did you look?”
“Right. Well nice seeing you anyway.” Dean faced away from Cas.
“About Sam. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. But I do wanna help. I’ll make inquiries.” Cas faced Y/n but saying it to both of them.
“Thank you, Cas.” Y/n said sweetly and he disappeared once again. Y/n then faced Dean as he looked at the floor after putting his drink down. Y/n slowly walked over to Dean and put a hand on his cheek.
“Dean. He’s trying his best.” Dean raised his head and looked into her eyes. Dean looked at her lips and then her eyes again suddenly grabbing her face and kissing her. Y/n didn’t realize what was happening until a few moments later, she kissed him back for a split second before pulling away and putting her hands on his wrists.
“Dean. Dean. I- your drunk, your angry. You don’t know what you’re doing.” Y/n tried to reassure him.
“I know exactly what I’m doing Y/n. Something I should’ve done a long time ago.”
“Dean. I’m sorry but, no. I promise you, you’re not in your right mind right now. Can we just talk about this a different time?” Y/n felt bad for rejecting him. She has had a crush on Dean for what felt like forever but this was definitely not the time, and what if, with all the emotions going on in his head right now, he regrets it later? She wanted it to be at the right time.
“Uh yeah. Um I’m- I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” Dean turned around and poured himself another glass of liquor gulping it down.
“Dean. Don’t be mad. This just isn’t the right time for this.” Dean turned around at that.
“Why is everyone so scared of hurting my feelings lately? Is it so hard to ask for the freaking truth around here!?” Dean raised his voice at her.
“I’m sorry Dean. I- I’ve just been in love you for so long, I don’t wanna have this come up at such a shitty time, literally one of the worst times. Where Sam is acting like one of Lucifer’s spawns! And where you a- are being a piss angry dick drunk idiot!” Y/n started to yell at Dean not knowing where this came from. She definitely did not plan to tell him that, why did she even say that?
“Why’d I just say that? It’s definitely not like I daydream about you and your hands roaming my body every single day.” Y/n’s eyes go wide and so do Dean’s.
“Why did I just say that!?” Y/n slapped her hands over her mouth turning away from Dean, too embarrassed to face him.
“Uhm, great confession time Y/n.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean too.” She apologized.
“It’s alright. I think I know why you did.” Dean looked like a lightbulb went on in his head.
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
Y/n and Dean made their way to meet Sam but Dean asked her to stay in the car while he talked to Sam for a minute, he wanted to try out his new ‘truth serum’. After finding out Sammy was fine and had not lied to Dean they all went back to the motel.
“So this was the chick’s pet?” Dean asked.
“Well, she was obsessed.” Sam replied.
“I think you mean crazy.”
“Alright so, cat skull. Grains of paradise seed. Devils shoestring. Mix them well, and you got yourself a summoning spell.”
“So, demon?” Y/n chimed in asking Sam.
“God. Corey was so desperate for the truth about her boyfriend’s cheating heart. She went digging around. Nothing panned out, so she went looking for a different kind of help.” Sam moved the laptop screen so Y/n and Dean could take a good look at it.
“Opened a door she couldn’t close.” Said Y/n.
“Yeah, and now anyone in town who asks aloud for ‘the truth’. Invokes Veritas. And she doesn’t just give it to you, she slams you with it. Till you kill yourself, and she gets her tribute.” Sam explained.
“So, all that tribute vanishing from the morgue. What do you think? A Soylent Green situation?”
“God’s gotta eat too. Which means we gotta take her out, or you’re on the menu.” Sam refers to Dean.
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
Sam sat on one bed watching all the clips from a certain news lady with his earbuds in seeing if he could catch anything while Y/n sat on the other bed reading a book she had brought. Dean eventually hopped in the spot beside her making her put her book down.
“Listen, Y/n. About earlier.” Dean started.
“It’s fine Dean.” Y/n said not wanting to relive that embarrassing moment.
“No, it’s not. You were right, I was drunk and pissed at Sam and Cas. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
“Although, it seemed like you daydream about a little more than that.” Dean smirked and Y/n’s cheeks went pink, she put her hands on her face trying to hide her smile.
“Hey check this out.” Sam took out his earbuds rewinding the footage back. Y/n and Dean made their way over to Sam. He pressed play on the video which was a news lady being interrupted by a barking dog in the background.
“Wait, zoom in on that.” Y/n spotted something. Sam zoomed in and the woman’s eyes were a bright glowing blue, definitely not normal. The 3 of them looked at each other.
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
The 3 made their way inside the ‘news woman’s’ house, they were caught off guard by her and were roughly thrown across the room being knocked out.
After waking up with their wrists tied behind them to separate pillars, the woman in elegant clothing tore off the tongue of a dead man lying on the table beside her. She lifted the tongue to her face.
“The tongue is the tastiest part. It’s where the lies roll off.” She took a bite of it making satisfied sounds.
“I cannot wait to eat yours. I mean I’ve seen lies before, but you three? Gold standard.”
“Point of professional pride.” Dean said smiling.
“I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you, Dean. You know what happens when you base your life on lies, right? The truth comes along and..” She doesn’t finish her sentence walking around the room.
“So, while you’ve still got your tongue. God knows you’ve gotten an earful. I think it’s your turn to spill some.” She bent down talking to Dean.
“How about we play a little Truth or Truth? What should we ask Dean first, hmm? Something personal about one of you?” She says looking between Y/n and Sam.
“Hey Dean. I’m curious. What do you really feel about your brother?”
“Better now. As of yesterday I wanted to kill him in his sleep.” Sam gave Dean a confused look.
“I thought he was a monster. But now I think..”
“Now you think what?” The woman asks.
“He’s just acting like me.”
“What do you mean?” She pushes.
“It’s the gig. You’re covered in blood till you’re in your own blood. Half the time you’re about to die. Like right now. I told myself I wanted out. That I wanted a family.” Y/n looks down at her lap at Dean’s words.
“But you were lying.”
“No. But what I’m good at is slicing throats. I ain’t a father, I’m a killer. And there’s no changing that, I know that now.”
“Dean..” Y/n had tears in her eyes. The woman stood up and walked around.
“So Sam walking back into your life must have been a relief as well as Y/n entering it. Hm? And how do you feel about joining the band? Y/n?” She crouched down beside her.
“I- I can’t really complain. They’re the only family I have left.” Y/n said sniffling her tears back.
“And, your feelings towards Dean? They don’t compromise that?” Sam looks at Y/n.
“I’ve gotten this far, haven’t I?” After that, Sam suddenly cuts in.
“Look lady, what we do is hard. But we watch out for each other. And that’s what’s important. And that’s it, that’s the truth.” She looks at him in disbelief.
“No. No. It’s not.”
“You said yourself. I can’t lie.” Says Sam as she gets up.
“How are you doing that?! That’s not possible. You’re lying to me!”
“No, I’m not!”
“What are you? What is he?!” She looks at Y/n and Dean for answers.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sam replies.
“Really? I doubt that. I doubt anything that comes out of your mouth right now! You’re not human.” She says through gritted teeth.
“What?” Dean and Y/n say in unison.
“You guys didn’t know that? Now that I believe.” Suddenly Sam’s restraints snap and he lunges forward to punch her, they both fight as Dean and Y/n struggle to get their restraints off. Dean cuts his free with the knife given to him by Sam and goes to grab a weapon after he passed the knife to Y/n. As the woman is choking Sam, Dean hits her in the back but not well enough before Y/n stabs her in the chest after breaking free. Y/n twists the knife inside her and she falls the the ground. The 3 of them stand up out of breath but Dean brings his knife up in front of Sam.
“Dean? What’re you doing!?” Y/n asks.
“Dean, it’s me.” Sam reassures him after he ignored Y/n’s question.
“You are not my brother.”
“Just listen-“
“What are you?!” Dean yells.
“Dean stop!” Y/n tried to cut in.
“It’s me Dean!” Sam says as Dean steps closer to him.
“Look. Please. Just let me explain-“
“Why should I believe anything you say?”
“Okay okay, you want the truth? Here it is.” Dean slowly puts the knife down.
“She was right. There’s something wrong with me. Really wrong. I’ve known for awhile now. I’ve lied to you guys, yeah.. And I let you get turned by that vamp, because I knew there was a cure. And we needed in that nest! And I knew you could handle it!”
“Sam..” Y/n said his name with disappointment.
“Handle it?? I could have died!” Dean raged.
“And that should have stop me cold. But I- I just don’t feel it.”
“You what?”
“Ever since I came back. I am a better hunter than I have ever been! Nothing scared me anymore. Cause I can’t feel it- I don’t know.. What’s wrong with me. I think.. I need help.” Y/n looked at Sam with tears in her eyes. Dean just turned, put his knife down and turned back to Sam who let out a breath. Dean took a moment before lunging his fist at him making Sam fall the the floor until Dean picked him back up by his shirt punching him again and again and again.
“DEAN! STOP, PLEASE.” Y/n screamed at Dean scared he would go too far. After a few more punches Dean backed off leaving Sam’s face unrecognizable with all the blood and his lifeless body just lying there.
“Dean..” She looked at him with hurt in her eyes until she turned to aid to Sammy.
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shipcestuous · 1 year
This post is a collection of asks from the same anon. It seemed easier to post/answer this way. So these recommendations come from the anon and not from me. 
Call me~ Anon Sophie~, part 3/3 
Speaking of Content... Have you seen (if you haven't then.. this is a list of recs!):
The Films:
°Black Island (2021) https://www.netflix.com/title/81170838?preventIntent=true (Category: Aunt Nephew)
The plot was Completely Absurd at points
+he has no idea she's his aunt until much too late whilst she knows
but their chemistry was... Something Else.... makes the absurdity of the plot not even matter cuz ur like wow That Chemistry Tho.
ETA: I just realized the black island (2021) link I sent had a dubbed in english trailer.
I watched the subbed version&recommend that one to watch to anyone out there, just fyi.
Netflix dubs always sound slightly off to me.  Something about the emotion getting lost in translation...
°Map To The Stars(2014) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2172584/ (Category: Mainly Brother Sister but there's Some subtextual & a tiny bit of blatant textual Mom Daughter stuff going on with Havana)
Don't care what anyone says, Agatha & Benjie carry that film & are the reason I will love it to pieces for eternity. Their dynamic is so very trippy&sad&dark but amazing.
Sister My Sister (1994) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0111205/
Murderous Maids (2000) (aka Les blessures assassines) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0216578/
(Category: Sister Sister)
Both Films about the same tragic situation but I only recently heard about MM
so I watched it to see if it was better or worse then SMS & it turns out that I like both films equally for different reasons.
° Say That You Love Me (2011) short film (aka Powiedz, ze mnie kochasz https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2084080/   (Category: Brother Sister)
~english subtitles https://vimeo.com/46529127/description
No idea how I even came across it (it is funny to me tho that ever since I started really getting into these kind of films, tv shows etc I happen upon them without having to actively search for it nowadays, like they fell from the sky lol)
The First Hope (2013) short film https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2401394/  (Category: Brother Sister)
No clue how I found this one either but that one girl from Riverdale is in it, so it was pretty cool to see her.
Also this was kinda precious 😢
(bonus bonus round (ok last last ask for real.. Probably... For today anyway))
Oh! Also Have you seen:
°Amityville II: The Possession (1982) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0083550/ (Category: Brother Sister)
Just watched it today.  It was very interesting.... because he gets..  Capital P Possessed? But she at no point is-
which implied to me that she had a clear head the whole time about...  Certain Things,
(she also says something very key later in the film which also gave me that impression.. lol I'm trying to reveal.. without being truly spoilery if u haven't seen it&I don't think I've pulled it off in any of my asks 😥 sorry)
whilst his head was muddled so it makes everything that happens both tragic but also like it must have stemmed from somewhere,
well not the end (I think the end was pure ~he is possessed~ because I doubt there is any world in which non possessed him would ever do what he did)
but the middle/beginning of the film to me, was a mix of what I believe was possession+inner subconscious from him&pure subconscious moving into slightly conscious from her.
Some of these titles are brand new to me so I am really excited to be able to add some new things to my canon masterlists and have some new recs on the blog. As well as some additional commentary. Thank you so much for the links and the details! What a nice variety of different things, too. 
I apologize for taking so long to answer. I’ve been bad recently, only answering asks once a week. Ideally I like to do it at least twice a week. 
Call me ~Anon Blah at this point:
(Last one & then I'm putting myself in timeout))
Also also I don't know if ur a fan of or against ~Sailing the High Seas~ as it were
because I have .. links to places to watch all the stuff I just recced if you haven't seen it & have no place to view it
but some blogs are against those kinds of links so if ur okay with links then I'll send another ask but if ur not then lol ignore me mentioning it 😉
Yes high seas links are very welcome. Don’t worry about it for these ones, but in the future please feel free (and encouraged) to include. And I hope more incest movies and shorts will fall into your lap!
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drsteggy · 2 years
I’m sure this is too deep for what’s mostly a Zelda fan blog but I don’t have anywhere else I can really dump this.
I don’t speak to most of the people I’m related to but I did still talk to one brother. He has two daughters and while we were not super close, I thought I had a relationship. His politics are more conservative than mine and we do not talk about it to each other.
When 2020 was in full swing, I was constantly stressed out as work got really, really awful and there was almost no release valve for it, so I took to occasional yelling on FB. I only noticed in retrospect that brother and his family seemed quieter than usual and at some point they all vanished off FB (not shocking, I suspect they went to one of the conservative social media sites that were trying to get started)
I send them stuff at Christmas. I never heard from my brother or sister in law last year if they got it or not. My nieces both sent me texts thanking me for what I sent them and I had a nice conversation with one after. The other ghosted me after I asked how she was doing. I haven’t heard from anyone since.
At some point I found my sister in law is, actually, still on FB. She unfriended me, but is still friends with my spouse and, I don’t know but that stings. Like a lot.
I’d already decided last year that if no one can even send a text saying hey thanks I’m not going to send anything this year but I am unsure how to handle my nieces. They are both in college and if they are not interested in a relationship, I will respect that but I also don’t know how to go about saying hey, if you’re not comfortable with me that’s fine but have the gonads to say so in a way that doesn’t come off as pathetic or aggressive or whatever.
It’s healthier for me to not associate with most of the people I share DNA with and those bridges were appropriately burned. But I burned them with my brother and his family so I’m not sure exactly how I turned into the bad guy again. And I have a very good support system. My in laws are fantastic people. My spouse makes me feel loved every day. My friends are amazing.
But this still sucks. It still hurts.
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lyranova · 2 years
Children of the Future:
Chapter 36: The Final Battles
Hi everyone! I’m sorry this chapter took a while, I’ve been busy with some stuff 😅. This chapter kind of bounces around between all of the families and it shows them doing small battles, the next chapter with be the final battle with Noir and the outcome so I hope you all enjoy!
Taglist: @eme-eleff @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @simpingforthisonedeer @elysianluv @crazyclownthanos @flow3rbudz @bowandcurtsey @luminouslion @vwdxwnsk (if anyone else wants to be tagged please let me know!)
Word Count: 3,053
Warnings: Violence
Clashes and bangs could be heard all throughout the city. From North to South, East to West, battles raged. The magic knights were trying their best not to kill or injure anyone, but sometimes injuries were inevitable in order to stop them.
Each group was struggling against the mass of mages who were out of their minds with fear. But they wouldn’t give up, instead they fought harder and harder.
Because they had a future to save.
In the center, away from the fighting, stood Finral, Vanessa, and Ezio. Vaness and Finral were keeping an eye on their surroundings, while also watching as Ezio struggled to try and figure out how to use his newfound abilities.
“ Man,” Ezio sighed with a defeated sigh. “ I don’t think I’ll ever be able to figure this out.” He added.
“ What do you mean?” Finral asked as he walked over to his ‘son’. “ You’ve been doing good so far.”
“ Yeah, but not good enough.” Ezio said as he hung his head in defeat. “ I mean, how am I supposed to send someone somewhere I’ve never been to before? That goes against how my Spatial magic works.”
Vanessa and Finral looked at each other, he had a point, Spatial magic really only worked when you’ve been to that area before. But was that same limitation applied to Spatial Thread magic? Well, that was the question wasn’t it.
Vanessa patted Ezio gently on the shoulder, the pink haired boy raised his head and looked at his ‘mother’. She had a warm, gentle, and patient smile on her face.
“ You’ll figure it out Ezio, the Witch Queen wouldn’t have unlocked that true magic of yours if she didn’t think you could.” Vanessa told him kindly as she patted his back.
“ She’s right,” Finral started as he also patted Ezio on the shoulder. “ You’re a bright kid, you can figure this out, and we’re going to help you.” Finral added with an encouraging smile.
Ezio looked at both his parents with wide, teary eyes. Memories of how much his parents encouraged and supported him throughout his life suddenly flashed in his mind. They haven’t changed, not one bit, the only difference between them here in the past and in the future was that they were married.
Ezio turned around and immediately wrapped his arms around his parents in a tight hug. Which caught both Finral and Vanessa off guard a bit.
“ Thank you,” he cried into their shoulders. “ Thank you both so much!”
Finral and Vanessa looked at each other in slight confusion, all they did was try to give him a bit of a pep talk. It seemed their words had a greater effect on him than they thought. But the two just gave each other a small smile before they hugged Ezio back as well.
On the West Side of the City
“ Brielle!” Mizuki shouted as she sent a wave of water towards her elder sister, Brielle quickly used her sword to hit the spell, and angled it towards the group of people that were headed towards them.
The wave of water was now double what it was when Mizuki sent it, and much more powerful. It was able to knock all the people back a few feet.
“ Alright! Good job girls!” Asta shouted with a bright smile as he used his anti magic to get rid of some spells that were headed their way.
“ If we keep it up, we might be able to finish all of them off and go help the others!” Noelle said as she used her Valkyrie armor to quickly knock out some of the mages.
But Kaiyo stood there silently as she watched her family, they were all doing so well and so amazingly, that she couldn’t help but watch them in awe. But here she was, standing there, too afraid to do anything in case one of her spells might hit one of her family members.
“ I’m nothing but a burden,” she muttered to herself as tears of anger began to stream down her face. “ I can’t do anything but sit here and watch, I’m so pathetic.”
“ Kaiyo!” Noelle shouted as ran over to Kaiyo, a stern yet somewhat worried look out of her face. “ Snap out of it!”
“ But I-!” The girl started but Noelle wasn’t having it, instead she leaned down to the girl's height and placed her hand on her shoulders.
“ Listen, I’ve been where you are right now. I understand what it’s like to feel like you can’t help out, that you’re a burden because you can’t control your magic, but you’re not Kaiyo! You never were a burden, I know you’re helpful in different ways, and I’m certain that one day you’ll get control of your powers!” Noelle shouted. “ I’ll help you figure it out even if it kills me, so please snap out of it and help us now so we can help you in the future!”
Kaiyo blinked in surprise, this was the first time her ‘mother’ had ever shouted at her. When she looked around she noticed the rest of her family smiling at her and nodding in agreement, they would all help her get control of her magic.
The young girl nodded before she began to try and use her Mercury magic to help her family.
On the North Side of the City
Neva quickly ran through the crowd in her Effervescent armor, while it was completely made of Diamond, it was light and amplified her speed and agility. She paired it with her Diamond Daggers and effectively knocked everyone out.
“ This sides done, how’s everything going over there?” She shouted as she saw Yuno using his wind spells to knock out the mages on the other side.
“ Everythings fine over here,” Yuno said as he turned to look at her. “ Are you trying to show off with your armor?” He asked in a slight teasing tone, Neva chuckled.
“ Maybe, is it working?” She asked teasingly back, and Yuno just shook his head. The two then looked ahead as they saw more people coming towards them, the two let out a sigh before getting back to work.
As Miku used her Wind magic to send some of the mages flying, she turned to watch her parents. The way they worked as a team was a sight to behold, sometimes they would finish each other's sentences, sometimes they would give one a look and they would understand what they were trying to say, sometimes they wouldn’t say or do anything at all, they would understand.
It was an amazing thing to watch, especially considering the two really hadn’t changed much.
Suddenly Miku saw something bright out of the corner of her eye, as she turned she saw it was a bolt of lightning. There was nothing she could do, if she tried to react now with her wind magic it wouldn’t do anything.
‘I messed up, I should’ve sensed it like father taught me!’ She mentally scolded herself as she closed her eyes and waited for the bolt of lightning to hit her.
But it never did.
Instead she heard the lightning crash against something, when she opened her eyes she saw a wall made completely out of Diamonds in front of her, and she felt two arrows made of wind whizz past her and hit the lightning mage in the chest, knocking him out.
“ Miku!” She heard her ‘parents’ shout as they ran towards her, their usually serious faces were now etched with worry.
“ I’m sorry, I-.” She started but didn’t have time to finish as both Yuno and Neva knelt down and wrapped her in their arms.
“ You have no reason to apologize,” Yuno told her. “ None.”
The dark haired girl felt their grips around her tighten, and she hugged them back tightly.
On the East Side of the City
Gauche, holding Maelie in his arms, quickly used his mirror magic to attack the mages that were coming towards them, and Maelie did the same. The two were nearly identical in their spells, movements, and mannerisms when it came to fighting.
Behind them Grey and Aloys were using their transmutation magic to transform themselves, as well as the objects around them. They were just as good a team as Maelie and Gauche.
After a few minutes the four let out an almost collective sigh as it appeared they had gotten rid of all the mages in the area. Gauche put Maelie down and she quickly walked over to Grey.
“ I-Is that all of them?” Grey asked nervously as wrapped an arm around Maelie and looked around. Aloys nodded.
“ Looks that way.” Aloys said as he rubbed the back of his head and looked around as well.
“ Aloys move!” Gauche suddenly shouted as he ran and pushed Aloys out of the way, the boy looked over and saw his ‘old man’ use his body to block what appeared to be stone magic.
“ Dad!” Maelie shouted before she used her mirror magic to knock the stone mage out.
“ Gauche!” Grey also shouted as she ran over to him and Aloys.
“ D-Dad?” Aloys said, his voice barely above a whisper as the older man fell forward onto the ground with a thump. Aloys just stared at him in shock, disbelief, and anger.
But he quickly moved over towards Gauche, who let out a groan before sitting up.
“ Why the hell did you do that, old man?!” Aloys shouted as he grabbed Gauche by the collar of his shirt. “ You could’ve gotten killed! What the hell were you thinking?!” He added as tears of anger and fear streamed down his face, Gauche let out a sigh before he hit Aloys on top of head, much like Captain Yami would.
“ Because you’re my kid, you idiot!” Gauche shouted before he ruffled Aloys’s hair. “ And I’ll always protect my kids, even if it costs me my life.”
Aloys stared at Gauche with wide eyes, but the older man just blushed and looked away. Aloys had never heard his father say anything like that in the future, so maybe this Gauche was keeping his promise to try and do better with Aloys now and in the future?
Maelie and Grey both looked at each other, sighed, and shook their heads.
“ Men.”
On the South Side of the City
Zora and Josslyn both grinned like crazy as they set their traps up all around the area, they couldn’t wait to see the reactions of the unsuspecting mages as they accidentally set the traps off.
Of course it wouldn’t harm any of them, but they would get their blocks knocked off. They even set some of the traps up with Rainbow Stink bugs, because the smell of that alone would knock out the strongest mage.
On the other side Nebra used her Mist magic to make the mages become disoriented, while Ace used his Arrow magic to knock them out.
“ Looks like that’s all of them huh Ace?” Nebra asked as she looked around, Ace nodded as he walked up to her.
“ Looks like it, Mama!” He agreed with a firm nod, Nebra sighed. No matter how many times she told him not to call her that, he still continued to do so. Nebra suddenly saw a flash of light and quickly moved Ace out of the way, the Fire magic hit the wall behind them.
“ Ace!” Josslyn shouted as she and Zora quickly knocked the Fire Mage, the girl quickly ran over to her brother and picked him up. “ Are you okay?”
“ I’m fine, mama protected me just like always!” Ace told his sister happily, the pink haired girl sighed as she looked over at Nebra. The silver haired woman looked away, as did the pink haired girl.
“ You okay?” Zora asked Nebra as he walked towards her, Nebra nodded. Zora held out his hand to help her up, and she looked at it with a slight glare, before sighing and taking his hand.
“ Thanks, for saving Ace.” Josslyn grumbled as she held Ace in her arms, Nebra nodded.
“ No problem.” She grumbled as well as she wiped the dirt off her clothes. Zora and Ace looked at each other, sighed, and shook their heads.
“ Women.”
Back at Lumi Castle
Many of the walls inside the castle were broken and shattered as Nacht and Discordia fought, their spells strong and fierce as they both tried desperately to win.
“ I won’t let you take her Nacht! So it’s probably better if you give up now and go home!” She shouted as she used her Blood magic to try and bind Nacht and his devils, but of course they didn’t hold long.
“ Well I’m not leaving without her, so maybe it’s better if you give up first!” Nacht shouted, he used his Shadow magic to quickly dodge her spells as well as try to restrain her.
As much as the two disliked each other, they were both trying their best to avoid seriously injuring one another.
“ Please just leave Nacht!” Discordia shouted as she sent knives towards him, but Nacht blocked them instantly.
“ I can’t do that Discorida. I can’t stand being around the Black Bulls longer than I have to be, so I need to take Noir and send her away so those kids can go back to their time, and I can get away from the Black Bulls.” Nacht told her. Discordia sent more knives towards him before using her magic to try and bind him.
The two breathed heavily as their fight wore on, both refusing to give up and relent. At the rate they were both going they would either run out of mana or the castle would fall around them.
Suddenly, Nacht heard footsteps approaching, and by the sound they were of a young child. Both adults paused in their fighting as the person appeared out of the shadows.
It was Noir. But much younger. She appeared to be at least four or five years old.
“ Noir!” Discordia shouted before quickly moving to block the devil from Nacht’s sight.
“ Mama, who is he?” Noir asked as she tried to peer around Discordia’s legs, Nacht scoffed.
“ She even calls you ‘mama’? Geez, you really are that far gone aren’t you?” Nacht asked as he stared at them.
“ Shut up!” Discordia shouted at him before kneeling down and turning to face Noir. “ He’s no one, sweetie, just go back to your room.”
“ I’m your ‘mama’s cousin, and I’ve come to take you somewhere.” Nacht told her as he tried to put a smile on his face.
“ Where am I going?”
“ Nowhere! Don’t listen to him.” Discordia said as she wrapped her arms around Noir.
“ Actually you are, see there are some kids who are displaced because of you and they really want to go back home, but in order to do that you need to go away too.” Nacht told the girl, and he watched as tears streamed down Discordia’s cheeks.
“ Shut up Nacht!”
“ I tried to reason with you Discordia and you wouldn’t listen,” Nacht said, his voice dangerously low but the smile never left his face. “ So now I’m going to reason with your devil daughter.”
Back in the Center of the City
The five of them all panted as they finally stayed still on a rooftop. They had been running and jumping from building to building for a while, mostly chasing after Noir. Anytime they felt like she was trying to pull them away from the center one of the members in the group would use their magic to knock her right back.
“ Heh, I thought you were going to make me eat my words.” Yami said as he took a deep breath. “ But it looks like you’re the one who’s arrogant.” He added, and Noir began to laugh.
“ This body is more of a hindrance than a help these days.” Noir growled as she and the others took a small pause in their battle. “ If I wasn’t trapped in this body you wouldn’t be able to say that so lightly.”
“ Then Maybe you should have picked on someone your own size instead of an innocent kid!” Hikari told her as she sent another slashing spell towards Noir, but the devil dodged it and a wicked smile appeared on her face.
“ You know, I think you’re right. Maybe I should quit picking on an innocent kid.” Noir said with a chuckle, everyone's eyes widened.
William and Yami looked at each other as Charlotte and Hikari began to panic, they were hoping Noir would do this. But now they just needed an opening, even a small one where William could grab Kya and get her out.
“ Be careful what you wish for though.” Noir said as she chuckled, she then appeared in her true form behind Kya.
She had long dark hair, greyish colored skin, dark eyes, and a truly devilish grin.
“ Ah, that feels better.” She said as she rubbed her neck, Yami and William looked at each other before they nodded.
Yami quickly sent a few Dark slashes at her before running towards her, and Noir quickly dodged them. Charlotte and Hikari watched with a frown, but as they noticed William was using his tree magic to stealthily get Kya, they realized what they were doing.
But so did Noir.
“ What do you think you’re doing, Tree Boy?” Noir shouted as she sent a spell William’s way, but Charlotte quickly used her Briar magic to block it.
“ Get her out of here Vangeance!” Yami shouted as he and Hikari used their magic to try and divert Noir’s attention.
“ I leave the rest to you Yami!” William said as he quickly scooped Kya up with his tree magic and ran as far as he possibly could, he didn’t dare try to use his Yggdrasil spell here. Noir would do whatever she could to interrupt him, so he had no choice but to quickly go somewhere safe to perform the spell.
Yami, Hikari, and Charlotte quickly covered William’s escape, much to Noir’s annoyance and anger.
“ You three have really tested my patience. But luckily now I’m not hindered by that tiny little girl's body, so I can use 100% of my magical capabilities.” Noir said with a dangerous look. “ So come at me with everything you got!”
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰!
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