#and did you guys think Macaque is a cat person?
askblueandviolet · 6 months
Dogs or Cats?
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quixotical-lymbo · 2 months
hiii could I request a tiny fluff/crack fic of just Macaque x Waking x gn!reader going to couple therapy (Sandy could be the therapist if you want cause it's silly) cause they have a bickering problem (reader has a hot temperament too)
and basically the three of them try to work it out even if they keep throwing snarky comments and everything
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Pairing: Wukong x Macaque x gn!Reader Rating: SFW Summary: Mixing monkeys and therapy isn't a good idea.  Warnings/Tags: Silly banter, Sandy trying his best, Mo cameo, canon typical violence, therapy, Sandy is NOT licensed, and crack. Word Count: 600+ words
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It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. 
Sandy's eyes flicked between all three of his 'clients' and sipped his tea. Clearing his throat caught the attention of two of the monkeys sitting beside each other. 
"So, uhhh, does anyone want to start us off with a 'I feel' statement?" Sandy smiled.
"I feel like this is a waste of time." 
"I feel like someone should have thought about that before being the reason we're here in the first place." 
"I feel like I want to strangle someone." 
"...great…great start everyone!" Sandy weakly applauded. 
"Look, Sandy, as much as we appreciate this, I don't think we-" 
"-Nonsense! If MK entrusted me to help you three through your issues, then I am more than happy to help!" Sandy's eyes shimmered. "I wouldn't wanna let my little buddy down!" 
"...right," Wukong deflated as he realized there wasn't any way of getting out of this without feeling guilty. Sandy nodded and turned to you, who was sitting with their arms crossed over their chest and their eyes studying the decorations on the walls of his ship. 
"How about you tell me what brings you all here with me today?" Sandy called out your name as he reached for his cup of tea again. Macaque, who sat in the middle of both of his partners, tensed as he tapped his sharp nails along his arm. Wukong, much to his nonchalant attitude, looked carefree but he was nibbling on his bottom lip as his brow furrowed proved otherwise. 
"Where to fucking start," You glanced at the blue gentle giant, who's smile did nothing to ease the flames of anger that began to rise. In fact, you rose from your seat and began pacing around the room. "Let me begin, those two always arguing like an old married couple for every single decision we have to make as a throuple-" 
"Hey! We don't bicker every time."
"-and do you know how infuriating it is to argue over what we should eat every.single.night?" You sent a mean look at Wukong who stuck his tongue out at you.
"I think that's a bit of a stretch." Macaque met your dirty look with his own shit-eating grin/scowl. 
"Don't get me started on how long it takes for us to fuc-" 
"-OOOOKAY!" Sandy jumped up from his seat and held a hand to stop you from continuing. "I think I have an idea on what we should do to help you guys!" 
"Oh really?" You sat back down, arms crossed, and one leg over the other. Your glare didn't relax until you felt something soft cuddle into your bicep. You peered out of the corner of your eye to see Mo rubbing his cheek against your arm. Despite your contorted face, you grabbed the kitty cat and placed him on your lap to pet. 
"Yep! It's simple really," Sandy pulled out a chart from behind the couch. "You guys can take alternating turns on who chooses what for that day!" 
Sandy pointed to a purple square on a random Tuesday. "Here, Macaque gets to choose what you guys eat for dinner, where you'll go on dates, and all of that good stuff!" 
Sandy pointed to a (f/c) square, "And then you'll choose, and vice versa for monkey king!" 
"Why am I last?" 
"Don't complain." 
 "I am not-" 
"If you two don't shut up and listen to Sandy, I'll make you shut the fuck up." 
Both monkeys winced before following your command. 
"...right," Sandy continued. "If anyone has any complaints or starts a fight over something that could've been communicated properly, then they lose a day and it's given to the next person who's supposed to choose next." 
"Alright, sounds good," You rubbed under Mo's chin and felt yourself relax as the cat purred. "We'll try that, thank you, Sandy." 
"Yeah, thanks!"
"Great! I'll see you guys next week then! Keep me updated, you silly gooses!" Sandy took Mo from you before ushering you all out of his boat. He closed the door and slid onto the floor while sighing. 
"They're gonna fight again, aren't they?"
Mo shrugged. 
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🍜 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. sparkle banner(s) by @adornedwithlight !!
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yingjiaoyue · 4 months
“Scars from the past.”
A side fanfic about Jiao Yue encountering Syaoran while being in a defenseless moment. But in midway, Macaque and Mayor arrives. How will they react and handle the situation?…
TW: Violence, Harassment, Toxic Ex coming back!!
(First-Person POV: Jiao Yue)
7:30 at night. It’s been four hours since I’ve felt this burning heat inside me. For all I know, I always took my meds. I’ve always had a proper diet and I don’t eat that much of salty and sweet foods. Why do I have this fever? This is not really usual for me.
This doesn’t feel normal. I feel hot all over my body, but I’m not entirely feeling sick or nauseous. I tried to stand up but everytime I do, I feel weak on my knees. I can’t stand for any longer than a minute. I’m thinking of the reasons how could this happened. For sure, I already kicked out Macaque twice today and he probably won’t come back until the next morning or something. And that one creepy guy that I apparently don't know his name, but he told me to call him "The Mayor", I only meet him outside my apartment. I don’t think he even knows where’s my room. Great. I’m stuck in this feverish-heat on my own. Alone.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself somehow. I slowly stand up, starting to make my way to my bedroom to get proper rest. But I was interrupted when I heard a sudden knock from my front door. “Huh?… I didn’t ordered anything… nor called anyone to my place…” , I mumbled to myself, but I gathered my remaining strength to check it either way. I rub my face, trying to not make the blush on my face too noticeable. Walking towards the front door, I opened it and to my surprise, it was him. “… you…” I gasped.
“Oh, you look surprise to see me, darling?”, Syaoran’s voice starts to give me a sense of fear and hatred. “Hm? Is it just me or… you’re looking pretty red tonight…?”, Syaoran says but his tone isn’t filled with concern, but rather a twisted amusement and almost like he had a dark intention. I couldn’t say a word back. I don’t know why, maybe I was too shock? Too scared? Too enraged?… I couldn’t speak. Out of frantic, I shut the door close, the outside surface of the door hitting his nose when it crashed to his face. I could hear his pained and angered scream from outside. God, why did he had to appear now.
I quickly rushed towards my room, but this heat remains and oh gosh, it’s making everything more worse. I locked my door, this feels similar to the past where he would try to chase me down and start to hit me. I don’t want to experience it. I don’t want to feel the same pain again.
As everything went almost silent, I heard a loud crash from outside. Fuck. He broke in. I covered my mouth, my hands trembling and the tears start to swell in my eyes. I could hear his voice.
“Jiao Yue, darling… you still haven’t change, huh…”
Please go away.
“Still the same scaredy-cat and crybaby. Always running and hiding away from me.”
Please… don’t come near me.
“You really love to test my patience, huh?” Syaoran lets out a low, dark chuckle. I tried my best not to make a sound, covering my mouth with both hands in desperation and fear. As the silence continues, he suddenly snaps. “FUCK. COME OUT NOW, BITCH. I’VE HAD ENOUGH WITH YOUR GAMES.”
I nearly choke. He sounds the same as when he yells at me years ago. Rage, dominant, and terrifying as I could remember. Please, don’t let him come near me… please, please, please-
“There you are.”
I hear his voice from the other side of my bedroom door. My heart skips a beat as I feel the fear and terror wash over me. In a second, he suddenly kicks the door open, and I stumble to the ground. I land on my stomach as I grunt in pain. My ears start to ring as I nearly cry.
“It’s so funny how you think you could hide from me. You’re still as vulnerable and naive as ever, Jiao Yue.” He says with a smooth tone, in contrast of his aggressiveness when he crouches down and grabs a handful of my hair, pulling it so I could hear him better. “P-please.. don’t…” I cried breathlessly. The fear and the heat starting to overwhelm me. I can’t think straight. Why is this happening to me…
He takes his time to lean close, his nose taking in my scent. He inhales so close to my neck that it sends shivers to my spine. "Well, perfect timing... It seems like you're ready." His words make me want to gag. "... w-what are you talking about–"
I feel his grip loosening on my hair, but then he quickly moves my body and makes me lay on my back, suddenly pinning me down. "Don't you know you're in heat?", I nearly choke from his words. Heat? Like those period of time that cats experience when— oh... oh god. No. No, this can't be happening.
"I- no.. You're mistaken—"
"Do you think I'm dumb enough to not notice that? It's so clearer than glass. Look at how you look... how you speak... how you smell..."
"Stop it!", I suddenly slapped him out of panic when his head got closer. Anger flashes from his eyes and I gulped in fear. "You dare hit me? You think you can do whatever you want now?! That you're in control?!.... hah.... let me show you who's in control."
My eyes widen as he suddenly presses his lips against mine. I squirmed underneath him as he held me down with both arms, his kiss feeling cold and forceful. I can't do this. Tears start to flow down from my eyes, my body weakening and feeling more warmer as seconds pass. He pulls back for a brief second just to see my expression. I closed my eyes shut, but I swear I noticed that dark smirk coming from him. I cried. I can't stop crying. Why is this happening...
I hear his soft moans as his hand holds both of my arms above me. His other hand starts going down and tracing my thighs. No, no, no, no. I quietly prayed, I don't want to be here anymore. My breaths turned shaky and unsteady as my crying continued. His lips start to move towards my jaw, down to my neck and to my shoulder. I want to run away, but I feel defenseless and weak. I hate this. I suddenly gasped when his free hand started to roam towards my inner thighs. "So... warm..." he mumbles close to my ear. I feel the fear and terror overwhelming me despite feeling warm all over my body. "Syaoran- stop this.. please.."
My cries fall into deaf ears as he only continues to take advantage of me. I want to cry until I could no longer cry. I want to kill myself right now than go through this again. I want to die.
Before I almost felt numb from this physical and emotional torture, I could suddenly hear footsteps approaching... running... then-*CRASH*
... Macaque?
His ears perked up as they glowed in the dark. His fists clench so hard that I almost notice it trembling from anger. Macaque proceeds to grab Syaoran by his collar and then throws him against the wall and makes a huge crack from the force. "Can you stand, dear? Hold on...", another voice speaks from my other side. It was the Mayor, he removed his coat and covered it on my exposed body. "..." I couldn't say anything at the moment, I was still feeling somewhat overwhelmed and my body felt weak. The Mayor didn't thought twice and proceeds to carry me in a bridal style. As much as I hate when anyone touches me, I felt rather... safe... in his arms. I curled myself, my sobs calming down at the moment. From the distance, he carried me outside of my bedroom and gently placed me down to the couch. He straightens himself and when he was about to leave, I suddenly reached out for his arm. My hand somewhat holding onto his arm tight... almost desperate. "Stay... please.." I muttered with shaky breaths. His eyes widen a bit, and a look of concern flashes through his face before it softens than his usual cold, unhinged look. He slowly wrapped his arms around me, slowly to see if I'd have any triggered reactions from his touch. I let myself feel vulnerable now. I just wanted someone to hold me and keep me safe.. Before I even noticed, my eyelids closed on its own. My head resting on his chest as he slowly rubs my head.
(Third-Person POV)
After couple minutes of Macaque dealing with Syaoran, Macaque finally comes out of the room. His face half-beaten up as his claws were stained with blood. "Good Buddha, what happened to you?", The Mayor says bluntly, but is still holding onto the sleeping Jiao Yue.
"Fuck, who knew that bitch was a fucking werewolf? I did manage to beat the shit out of that guy, threw him to the walls couple times, punched his creepy-ass face, gave him a scar on his torso. But he got away." Macaque groans in annoyance, adjusting his red scarf and wiping the blood off from his claws with his sleeve. "... How is she doing?"
"She's asleep." The Mayor sighs and looks at her, feeling almost angry for what happened. "Why didn't you joined me to beat him? He couldn't have got away if you did."
"I tried, but she asked me to stay. Plus, I thought you could handle it on your own." "I- Of course, I could! I just didn't knew he was a descendant of Kui Mulang y'know."
"Right... whatever. I suggest you also fix and clean up her room. After all, you did a lot of damage." "Oh shit- how do you repair a whole room?"
The end.
Maaan this took a while, probably like a good 5 hours to make lol. I already had the idea but kinda wanted to make it more dramatic and all but I'm not good in writing. Some grammar in the context are also off cuz english isn't my first language too, sorry- but yeh.. finally done!
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
OOOHOOO!!! Cómo va a reaccionar Azure a que no solo el sucesor del amor de su vida no solo es su sucesor si no que es su hijo. Y como van a reaccionar el Camel Rigde que ahora el "eslabón débil" es capas de hacerlos tapetes con la mirada y que se quedó con su traidor líder, y no solo eso sí no que tienen tres adorable hijitos que es capaz de partir montañas, usuario del caos y una medio demonio gato que posiblemente puede hacer una era del hielo
Translated via google:
"OOOHOOO!!! How is Azure going to react to the fact that not only is the successor of the love of her life not only her successor but also her son. And how are Camel Rigde going to react that now the "weak link" is capable of making them look at each other and that he stayed with his traitor leader, and not only that but that they have three adorable little children who are capable of breaking mountains, chaos user and a cat half-demon who can possibly make an ice age"
I can imagine Azure is a little... shocked.
The release of the Scroll of Memory happens at the same time as Shadowpeach's wedding reception on Flower Fruit Mountain, meaning that most of the guests are dragged into it. Azure showed up "just at the right time" to stop the Curse from spreading.
His plans are a lot more calculated this time round, gaining support and endearing himself more to the gang before dropping the bombshell that he intends on keeping SWK and Mac in the scroll until the Brotherhood's plans are completed.
Azure: "It's surprising to me that Sun Wukong has appointed a successor after all this time. He wasn't exactly a mentor type in our Brotherhood days. Then again he was always parental towards his fellow monkey yao." MK: "Probably helps that I'm his kid too so..." Azure: "Kid??" Bai He (cat demon) & Chenxiang (human?): "Us too!" Azure: "Excuse me???" Mei (dragon) & Nezha (diguised demon): "He's kinda our dad too." Azure, finally noticing the destroyed wedding reception: "...Was there a wedding going on?"
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It takes Azure Lion a while to ask about the kids' other parent, he just assumes SWK slept around during the last 1000 years. Eventually he pokes around Flower Fruit Mountain enough to find some baby photos of all the kids together (you know Wukong is the type to hoard his kids drawings and photos) with SWK + a monkey yao he isn't sure if he recognises.
Azure, astral projecting during the kids' mission through the scroll: "I would like to ask a personal question; has Sun Wukong ever... settled down before? With a life partner, I mean." MK: "Yeah! With our mom!" Azure, disappointed: "Oh. Are they a monkey yao like you? Or are they something else?" Bai He, proudly: "Our mom is The Six Eared Macaque! That wedding we were at was theres!" Azure, astral form glitching: "WHAT?" *so shocked he stops projecting* Chenxiang, the most paranoid of the situation: "...guys I think he had a crush on dad." MK, in denial: "Nah! He said they were just bros back in the day! He was probably just caught off guard by mom and dad being together after so long!" Mei: "MK, he def had the hots for Monkey King." Chenxiang: "And he did not seem happy about who mom is..." MK, desperately: "No... thats so gross..." Nezha: "I agree with Mei and Chen. Although the Azure Lion has been on good behavior for the bodhisattvas since the Camel Ridge incident, he has turned his back on the Celestial Realm before. His appearance at the wedding was no mere concidence. I would keep our wits about us until we find and release the others."
*Later, after Azure releases them and the reincarnation gang, but refuses to release SWK and Mac*
Chenxiang: "...Told you he had the hots for dad." MK: "Leave me alone, I'm still grossed out about it." Nezha: "That's what you're upset about?! There's a group of former rebels running around, trying to restart their cause, and forming a whole coup, Mr Tang is gravelly injured, and that's what you're upset about!?" MK: "Mom and dad just got married ok! I didn't want today to go wrong for them!" Bai He: "But now mom and dad are stuck in that magic scroll Uncle Lion has." :'( Mei: "Oh man... Momcaque is gonna kill that fake-uncle Lion when we get him out!" Chenxiang, shuffling nervously and muttering: "I mean... whats so wrong about getting back at the Celestial Realm? I've done it before."
The Brotherhood's coup certainly doesn't go as planned... but not failed per say...
Especially since the kids find out that someone important on the Celestial side has been holding a candle for Azure for all these years, in the same way Azure has been for Sun Wukong.
And love fixes everything right?
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sourle · 1 year
Oops, I accidentally did a writing ask in the wrong account. My bad!!! You can ignore it!!
But if you are still open to the idea can I have a romantic MK, Mei, Redson, Wukong, and Macaque (Separate if you can) with a werewolf reader (who can go by any gender) who is afraid of love?
Like they were hurt so many times by family and friends that they don’t trust love? And the lmk person wants to help them but also falls in love with them at the same time?
Hope this wasn’t confusing!! And have fun with it!!
~ 🐺 Anon
Oop sorry if this like months late, was taking off time on Tumblr writing because motivation died.
This man feels bad when he founds out you tell him and the rest of the crew with your problem. Being one to grow in a loving environment. He couldn't really understand it but tries to help.
He's there when you needed someone and listen to your problems and help you with it.
Often spending time with you after work! And most of it is just you both stargazing on the roof or from your house backyard.
He shows affections in a physical way, i guess you could say he's one to love touches from people. He often pats you on your head or behind your ear, that's if you're comfortable with it. If not then just a back pat.
Loves to hold your hand because Man! Look at those paws! And look at those adorable paw beans!
With being longer and hanging out around you often he slowly falls for you and your antics. He adores you from afar and been thinking to confess but he knows that you're still not yet ready and afraid you might reject.
One day you guys were hanging out and you confess to him, after all those time and years spending time together and MK trying to make you open up. You're finally comfortable to start loving again, he gleefully accepted it and a cuddle session was held back at his apartment:)
Being one to have some slight parents issues and relationship with them aren't that stable, she understands your problem the moment you told her. Being one to stand her ground she helped you with it and get it through with you.
She usually shows affections the same as MK but a mixed with words. She compliment you before patting your head or grabbing you hand to kiss it just to tease you. But if you're uncomfortable with physical touch, she still can compliment you and show how beautiful you are to anyone she encountered.
She spends time with you when she got nothing to do or when being bored. Usually at the Anti-gravity arcade or at sandy place to enjoy tea with him or play with the cats and help sandy takes care of them.
You being a werewolf doesn't really bother her, it might shook her the first time she saw you in your werewolf form but she just thinks it's cute afterwards and compliment you on how soft and beautiful your fur are!
The moment she realizes she has fallen for you she immediately confesses to you. At first it was a hesitant answers from you, but when you accepted it and told her that you're ready to have hope on love again thanks to her. She was really happy and celebrate by eating at Pigsy's noodle shop, going to the arcade, and to the mall and at the end of the day and cuddle session in your house!
Red son
Being one to have lack of love from his parents himself, he understands how it is to have nobody to love or depends on.
He got much to say but helped you by spending time with you, with him asking for your help with fixing his car and other stuff.
When you're having a thug time, he's there to helped you and cover for you. He shows love by physical touch so most of the time he just pats your back.
Now on you being a werewolf. He was amazed to say the least, being a demon himself having another demon as an 'aly' was great. He doesn't mind much if he hears you howls at night.
You probably live with him or something sincerely he insisted on you living with him and his parents, since your company will definitely help the atmosphere around. Definitely not nother reason.
When he found out he has fallen for you, he was hesitant. Thinking you might not feel the same and reject him when he confess, so he decided to just keep it to himself.
After a year or so, it became too much and started to be obvious. Both his parents notice it and encourage him to confess to you if you are really who he loves the most and wants. You being oblivious doesn't notice.
With him asking for your help on fixing his car yet again, both you and him confesses at the same time. Now you both are pretty much a couple. He loves to pat you more often now or snuggle onto your neck, for comfort or just to give you love and affection.
Sun Wukong
Ok, this man have no idea how to help. I mean it's sun Wukong we're talking about, the man who avoided responsibility. He will definitely just shrug off your problem like a B he is.
Hear me out! You cannot tell me this dude will definitely intertwined both you and his tail when he wants attention.
He will definitely wrapped around his tail around your neck to tease.
He's one to love with words. So expect alot of flirt, compliment, and such from this man! That's just how he shows his affection!
Being the sage he is, he just a lay back monkey with nothing to do than train MK and probably organized the room that's filled with many stuff he stole during his journey.
Will spends time with you watching the sunrise and sunset from the mountain in flower fruit mountain or his cloud.
The moment he realizes he has fallen for you, he denies it at first. You're just a friend, right? You think of him just a friend to be with.. nothing else.
He keeps on trying to convince himself that he doesn't like you, he doesn't love you. But your smile and your adorable purr and beautiful smile makes his heart go `Badup Badup.'
After a few months of being silent, he finally accepts it and confessed to you. You stand there and stare at him with wide eye unmoving makes him nervous and having some second thoughts before you hugs him and admitting that you love him too.
He doesn't care you're a werewolf or not, he's glad that your his and he is yours. Glad that he kinda get you out of your comfort zone and tried to love again because of him.
Ok this man has experience things and F one. He understands why you stop having hope on finding love or anyone to trust. Making you distance with your family and locking yourself, he understands those in a degree.
He comes at your house at night once a day to comfort and talk to you. He may not be the best to gave advice but he's there to listen to your rant.
This man has been lonely his whole life after the 'incident'.. so he might be the most touch starved out of the one in this list!
So he show comfort by putting a hand on your shoulder, rubbing your back, and maybe patting you with your consent.
You both loves the night, so that's the time you both spend together the most. Hopping from rooftop to another top of a building, watching the star and moon dancing in the sky, enjoying the night breeze, and all that stuff! Maybe even having night picnic at a Mountain!
Macaque doesn't have any opinions on you being a werewolf, you're just being you and he accepts that. He just adore your ear and how they twitch once in a while.
Loves to boop your nose as a tease! Try to bite him and it'll became a tag game!
He fallen in love with you after you telling him you finally opened up and start to have faith in love again. And tell him how he helped you to escape and to see the light.
He kept the feelings well hidden and until then, when you confessed to him he didn't expected that! I mean you also good at hiding your feelings and the moment he heard you love him he was flustered and stunned.
He accepted you and hugs you before smothering you with some kisses before you both went back at your place to cuddle the rest of the night.
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
Macaque Book Club AU
He’s the only one asides from Tang probably who has read JTTW. So in his little book club because let’s be honest, between the theatre and the graffiti lego set, he seems like the kind to have a couple modern day hobbies in the arts like your grandma who has a bunch of friends to gossip with at the knitting meet or the greenhouse. He’s the only monkey actually using his human disguise actively so, I imagine they get together at the local library, someone brings refreshments Macky is allergic to by virtue of being a monkey but they get him addicted to (insert snack/drink of your choice) and he gets into fandom discourse at the book club with someone whose like “the 6EM from the book was a one off villain who died ages ago, get over it” but to him, on the worst nights it all comes back. (And maybe this is recently right after Shadow Play so.) oh wait pff, we’re going to need a new recent trigger I forgot he gets kidnapped right after 😭 okay so maybe this person is what pushes him to write the play. I hope you know the exact like of fandom discourse I’m talking about bc I’m really pulling from people who are like??? why are you hyperfixated on this one thing? And maybe Tang eventually puts the pieces together about who this guy is. I also can’t help but start thinking about how lonely Macky might actually be, because you’d THINK he’d be the anti social one but Wukong is the one isolating himself for a thousand years with 13 cats, I mean a bunch of baby monkeys. Meanwhile, Macranberry is out there in Six Earred Hearing Hell in the city and super chatty whenever we see him. He wasn’t as chatty around the Brotherhood. Only with Wukong as needed who was full out dancing on the tables lol, things change eh? Even defeating the smoke monster feels like an attempt at catching up to your friend who got a real job while you’re just starting college. (Aka when Wukong and his shiny new hero legend status sealed the Bull King.) He says there was nobody who could stop the two of them in the Celestial Realm or on earth but we know that 1) Macky doesn’t like the Celestial Realm. 2) They definitely weren’t spending all day there back then with the overthrowing plotting and also got defeated hard. 3) They weren’t actually vigilante heroing back then if Wukong picked up his demon defeating status after the journey. 4) Would Macky ever do that on his own or was it always with Wukong until he tried it out post-resurrection like everything else presumably new about him. He probably meant “nobody could stop Wukong’s mischief that I helped him out with but he mostly did all the big things like immortal peach stealing and the book of the dead himself and I was there for uh, moral support. And baffled that he did that. But I’m going to pretend to MK that we were a cool team and equals and this wasn’t just a precursor to our eventual fall out. Sorry Mr. “yeah you always did have a sidekick kinda vibe.”
careful, anon, he could hear you 👀
but lmao i love this au!!!! also, since Tang is in the same book club as Macky (and i kinda want them to always get into “scholarly” debates when it comes to jttw because it’s Tang’s favorite book and….well, Macky has a monkey problem…..), Tang is invited by Macky to the shadowplay, so end of 2x07 is basically
and then you’ll just have Tang screaming at Macky throughout s3 about how he must answer for his “crimes” of withholding valuable academic information (3x08 is just them arguing about the content in jttw but it’s not actually about jttw rather about Macky himself and his blind anger obscuring his memories. they just use the book as a cover for the true conversation)
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silvergolddraco28 · 1 year
Open Roleplay - Shadow of the Golden Sun
Yandere/Dark Macaque x Sun Wukong
Cannon Divergent timeline. Starts right after Mk meets Macaque and begins training with the Shadow Monkey.
A brown-eyed teenager dressed in a mostly plain white shirt, red jeans, black sneakers, and a bright orange jacket with a smiling monkey logo on the back stood on a rooftop holding a red and gold staff in his hands with mild confusion and wonder spreading across his face. He blinked as he looked over the black furred, amber eyed, tanned skinned, seven foot tall humanoid monkey dressed in a half yellow shirt that left his right side bare, paired with an armored skirt and maroon pants with a pair of black boots. “You're not Monkey King.” The teen stated blinking at the crouching simian effortlessly balanced on a round pipe with his tail swaying like a cat’s.
The simian chuckled with amusement on his face. “Yeah, I get confused for him a lot. Not many monkey demons especially when none have seen the Great Sage in person. Monkie Kid I’d assume?” The simian asked standing to his full height while crossing his arms in a relaxed pose.
The teen gave a sheepish look at the taller simian. ‘Dang, this guy must be at least a foot taller than Monkey King. Why does every demon I meet gotta be taller than me?!’ the teen mentally laminated. “Yeah, Mk is fine though.” the teen replied.
The black monkey chuckled again with a smirk on his face. “Macaque, Six Earred Macaque.” The simian, Macaque, introduced himself to the teen. “With that out of the way I better get going, see you around Kid.”
Macaque turned letting the scarf-like cape wrapped around his shoulders flutter behind him before the ten reached out to grab the edge of the cape. “Wait! Can you show me how you did that move to send that kaiju away?!” the teen asked immediately letting go of the scarf-like cape as the hard gaze directed towards him. ‘Okay, he doesn't like his scarf being touched.’ Mk noted as the hard gaze relaxed.
“I don’t know there Bud. You already have one teacher, you really need another that’s probably not as good as the Great Sage himself?” Macaque questioned the teen hands behind his back as he watched the teen think.
Mk nodded without hesitation. “He might be ‘teaching’ me but it's all just useless junk and a complete waste of time. I want to learn how to fight and how to master my powers not swing a hammer all day long into a wall!” Mk ranted about the crappy method the Great Sage was using to teach Mk.
Macaque smirked and for a moment purple and blue power shined in his eyes. “If you think you can keep up Kid I have no complaints but I've been told I'm a hard taskmaster to please.” He held out a hand to the young teen. “I’ll teach you until you can effectively hold your own against the Great Sage. Does that sound like a deal?”
Mk grinned and grasped the hand that was held out. “You got a deal.” Mk spoke before a ‘sinister’ feeling of power crawled up his arm from Macaque holding his hand. He felt power unlike Monkey King’s enter his body and slowly *twist* both his body and mind. Macaque simply watched the teen still holding his hand in a firm grip react to his magic flooding the teen’s body which began to shrink and change. By the end of the little show, a small dark chocolate-brown humanoid monkey cub sat in a pool of clothes waving twin tails while blinking large golden eyes up at Macaque before looking around in pure wonder showing off six lotus petal ears colored a deep blue with specks of white and gold.
A wicked grin spread on the black simian’s face. “So… you see him as our cub, Peaches?” Macaque hummed picking up the curious cub. Mk chirped instinctively grasping the simian’s tunic and fur wagging his little twin tails while imprinting the black simian as a parent.
And that's all I have so far… I'm much better at writing Wukong and Mk then I am Macaque.
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What do you think of azure lion and his friends since I really don't like him very much, azure is a little hypocritical for me? I don't know
As it is literally "oh, that evil sun wukong and his fellow pilgrims attacked my house in the name of the heavenly court "it is not as if they did not do it first and why he is surprised that heaven retaliates for it, also it seems he blames sun wukong as if the only culprit for his defeat when enralidad they all lost was not just sun wukong (in memory they were all rounded up)
It also bothers me about the different treatment given by the fandom azure lion
Azure lion who is the same villain archetype as lady bone demon but have different deals
Example azure does questionable things for good reason, the fandom treats him oh poor cat man just wants to help the needy"
Lady bone demon does questionable things for a good reason: what an evil and manipulative monster
I don't think I don't know all the bad things lady bone demon did, because if she did bad things, although that's the point, she was a villain (an amazing villain)
But it bothers me what azure lion, in the series we still don't show much of him but I really don't want the series to start trying to justify and throw under the rug all the things he's done as they did with a certain character (look at macaque)
Sorry if it's not understood try to put my thoughts in order as best I could maybe not understood but anyway 🤷
So you think of him
ah wonderful! It has been a age now then to address the fandom thing regarding the treatment of azure and LBD respectively it is
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Fandoms have a lot of it guy villains are seen as more tolerable then a female villain case in point check the genshin fandom they riot whenever a woman is even slightly mean much less evil may the heavens restrain me when arlecchino is released it will be hell and also lmk with Macaque and LBD the former being somehow worse then the latter thanks to the special which altered our bone lady so macaque is legitimately a worse person…make of that what you will we have probably incurred the wrath of the macaque Stan’s in the mentions tbh now anyway regarding Azure
this blue fluffy kitty
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He’s a bit tone deaf which is to be expected he did the wukong brain tendenrizer scroll edition so he’s a bit not caught up with things as evident by his interaction with DBK our resident and earliest defanged villain and his complete and utter disdain for PIF(reading that as a word never fails to make us laugh hahah oh god we are getting into hotd discourse later) now the thing is that Azure is very much the type to blame others for shit going wrong such as the wukong scroll cut incident tbh tho he had a point but he’s very much a how to say this…a earlier version of LBD that’s more relatable because he hasn’t gone “the world needs to be perfected” yet like she has so he’s a bit more relatable also helps that his season is a better season 3 and gives us significantly more time with him then we did with LBD as she only got bits of other seasons with other characters being focused on and then got robbed of her focus so she never got any real insight other then the special which was VERY much rushed now as to our opinion of Azure as a character…
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We like him he’s a bit foolish and a poor substitute for the villain that came before him but he actually does what the rushed change with her intended better he’s overall kinda neat nice design good voice a fucked up personality and the first thing he decided to do was 1v1 god all around good character and he’s most likely going to get the macaque treatment so prepare for the fics butchering him as the show regulates him to background fodder at best and that’s if he doesn’t die which tbh is a 50/50 chance also funny how the mayor hasn’t shown up at all thanks for your ask cami and even we struggle with putting our thoughts into words so there’s that now time to suffer the hell that is the hotd fandom
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icy-watch · 5 months
LBD really likes to change people's clothes to be symmetrical. She went and gave Wukong a blue makeover too. And I like how everyone gets ready for war, Pigsy with the ping pong paddle of doom and Macky is all "ew no, I'm not wearing her clothes for this" she even swapped his scarf/cape thing for a darker version. I think someone mentioned Macky might have ripped his new cape at the ends in a moment of fashion rebellion bc LBD would have wanted to keep him pristine and clean. Also the HORROR when MK is all "Here comes Monkie..." "King." "Don't use the flame, Mei. Be the flame." "You don't use a weapon. You are a weapon." Ey, parallels. Also Red Son hanging with his besties all ep and being a good turnip and Porty MK vibing we love to see it all. I got so giddy hearing LBD say "Six-eared" bc eyyy we haven't forgotten yet. There's a couple hints to Macky's super hearing sometimes so I'll take whatever crumbs we get until we ever see them out right. ALSO NOTE: the way Macaque spins MK is exactly how Wukong did it in some earlier episode. This is amusing because it means either they are just that alike, he's seen Wukong do it to someone before, or Wukong did it to him. I wonder what Mr. Projecty Monkey went with. Lmao, oh MK. Sometimes you need an introverted theatre kid to do the talking for you. "I'm kind of on this whole living streak right now." oh goshhh. this is like a nicer version of The Winning Side on explaining why he's doing this. We all need Macaque's fake nonchalance in talking to our evil ex bosses or something lmao. His face always makes an evil resting version of >:3 its so silly. cat faced with multiple knives meme face right there. When Macky and Wukong fight, the explosions create an eclipse XD and there we go, finally showing some fear towards fighting The Most OP Guy Ever. thank goodness for fast reflexes because HELLO LASER EYES. thanks for being out here during the universe's trying times despite your cowardly streak of running away. not that I blame ya not wanting to get roughed up but the Cool Monkie Club Gang stays and fights. honestly the fact they gave all of these personality traits to a villain is an interesting psychological allegory to mental illness and the coping mindset we see in some series that they use to design villains but that's a whole other thing to unpack. those series don't really give traits like these. and that's why its easy to catch because for once those flaws aren't a tragedy to push a villain further into the deep end, but to help get them out of it. like any normal struggling person before they further screw themselves over. that's why I prefer to help rather than villainize Macaque for his complacency and cowardice. there's a 101 situations real life people would exhibit those traits re: personal struggles.
Lady Bone Demon is just helping people with their fashion. That's all lol
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1. If you play sounds from a video, they all come over and will tilt there heads trying to figure out where the sound is coming from
2. anyone who visits the mountain, gets groomed before they can enter the cave.
3. They purr and chirp at you for attention and if you don't they'll hand you a piece of moss or something
4. They randomly gift people things that reminds them of that person like they'd hand wukong a rock because he came from one.
5. If you're sad, they can feel it and will come over to cuddle with you or. They'll hunt that person on the mountain down to make them feel better.
6. The monkeys share fruit with you because they don't want you to go hungry so if you've been there and there eating they will force feed you .
7. They understand and will try to keep you on the mountain if they know you well enough.
8. They will chirp responses to you if you're talking to them or they'll chirp along with a song.
9. If you give them a gift or bring food for them they think that means you love them too.
10. Will steal your things to get you to play
- do you know when you play a sound only a cat can hear, so they look around? That's them.
- monkeys aren't too fond of strangers, but if they recognize the guy, unless they are bald, they get GROOMED.
- they specifically got that from sun wukong constantly chirping and purring at everyone questions as an answer, so they said "let's copy him while trying to ask for attention!" And it worked, so.
- oh they definitely would, like to say "hey! It's you!"
- also got it from the king.
- they think humans are kinda incompetent, as they always have to get others to hunt, they can't do it alone and such. So they babysit them.
- they did that to macaque.
- also because the king used to do that.
- they will steal in general.
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winterpower98 · 2 years
i feel like we need more ffm kids moments!
So I'm there to propose some!
- the crew exploring flower fruit mountain, and they find different artifacts, and now they are stuck on a small adventure of some kind.
- i genuinely want wukong to feel better, so why not do it in the worst possible way? Him snapping and accidentally hurting seriously a demon. (Not his friends! Just a demon. His immense strength did not help.)
- dude. Wukong finding some old eyeliner and he tries it, sees that he gets prettier with it and he just hands it to Macaque to help Mac boost his little self esteem.
- just the little guys sleeping together, maybe doing a sleepover to someone house.
- fuck gender roles, the guys in the group going around with dresses and the girls going around with a suit. Just being cool y'know. And Wukong with make-up of course.
- Ma and wukong are the ones who can pick up everyone with no problem, if macaque tries to lift up someone he dies. If Ba tries she can do it but barely, if Beng does it, his limit is wukong.
- guys.
Each monkey. Each personal angst.
Ma not feeling like she's doing a good job at protecting her friends,
Macaque low self esteem making him think he's a bad friend (because be keeps getting the "spotlight" by being "weak" and always needing a bodyguard)
Beng feeling like he's not good enough, in general, not good enough to beat wukong in a play fight, not good enough to win Ba heart, not good enough to be a good bodyguard for Mac. Or being a good friend.
Wukong has many problems, he was a kid who got put under a lot of pressure and had to become mature earlier.
Not only his struggles with ADHD,
But him having some kind of identity crisis because he doesn't know what he is. Is he a monkey? Is he a demon? Is he something else?
or simply sun wukong feeling like he can't be himself. He can't show his emotions, he can't cry or he can't show that he's angry because he's the oldest. He's supposed to be mature and wise. But he's neither of those. He's overwhelmed and confused.
trans wukong and his gender dysphoria—
Ba feeling left out. Somehow she feels left out.
because she never gets that much attention maybe, maybe because she doesn't talk as much? Maybe because she needs to be more loud? she just feels left out.
I want the kids to explore FFM and meet the OG monkeys in some places, so they can give them explanations of what was there and the memories tied to them. And I want other places to be so painfully evident of what they mean (like Ma's grave) that the kids feel like they have just overstepped someone's boundary
Someone hurt one of his kids and Wukong went ape shit. Did the demon mean to hurt the kid? Irrelevant
Wukong handing make-up to Macaque like "You look horrible, cover that up"
MK is the king of sleepovers. He decided that they should all do a sleepover on the mountain and Wukong had no idea how to tell him no
Ok, this one fits perfectly with my headcanon that Wukong just has a fuckton of clothes in all possible genders in a big-ass wardrobe. So sleepover night becomes fashion night too
Wukong gloats that no one can pick him up and then Ma holds him up like a cat
Yes. Just yes at all the angst
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
@skellebonez Happy Birthday!!! i have written this fic for you, please enjoy.
'In hindsight, maybe this hadn't been such a good idea.' Was what Macaque thought, as he sat on MK's windowsill, disguised as a cat-
With Wukong, in bird form, standing directly across from him.
Originally, Macaque had decided to hang out around MK's apartment as a cat, purely for recon purposes. Or, well, at least, that's what he told himself. In reality, he was just really concerned about him. But, of course, Macaque wasn't just going to let MK know about that, so the next logical course of action was obviously to spy on him as a cat. Nothing could go wrong with this plan, nothing at all, there would be no unnecessary panic cause by this.
(He ignored how panicked he'd felt when MK had actually opened up his window and let him come in for the first time. Or when MK had started rambling about his day to him. Or when MK had started calling him 'Shadow'. Or when-)
Now though, staring down Wukong, Macaque had to admit, that maybe he hadn't exactly thought this through.
Wukong hopped a bit closer, ruffling his wings a bit, and Macaque lifted one paw to step back, fur bristling as he hissed, which made Wukong pause, head tilting in something akin to amusement.
And then MK opened the window.
"Shadow, what are you hissing at- oh hey Monkey King!" He said, leaning out the window and picking Macaque up, before leaning back to make space for Wukong to change back to normal and enter through the window. Macaque let himself be lifted into the apartment, but sent an intense glare at Wukong as the monkey shifted back to normal, now very obviously looking amused.
"So this is the cat you've been talking about, bud?" He asked, not fully entering the room, instead choosing to sit on the windowsill. "You've been showing up late to practice because you've been distracted talking to this guy?"
"Yeah, why do you ask?" MK set Macaque down on the ground, the shadow monkey quickly moving to put some distance between himself and the other two. "What, are you jealous of a cat?"
"No." Wukong denied, seemingly struggling for a proper response. Macaque watched as the other monkey's eyes lit up with an idea, and oh, Macaque had a feeling he wasn't going to like this. "Just, well, it's a stray cat right?"
"Yeah? Where are you going with this?" MK asked, narrowing his eyes at his mentor in suspicion.
"Well, why don't you just let it live with you?" Wukong asked, and Macaque went still. "I mean, how do you know that it's been eating okay? You should probably get some food for it and all that."
Macaque was right, he hated this idea.
At least MK wouldn't agree to it, he did live above a restaurant after all, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to keep a cat around.
Or at least, that's what Macaque had thought, before he watched with growing horror as MK actually pondered the idea, before eventually-
"Y'know what, that's not that bad of an idea." MK said, and Macaque felt pure terror in his veins.
Within a few hours, Macaque found himself with a rather difficult choice to make.
Option one, admit that he was, in fact, not actually a cat. Change back to his normal self, face whatever consequences would definitely come, and then leave.
His other option, was to suck it up and eat the cat food MK had just placed in front of him.
For a few minutes, Macaque just sat there, switching between staring down at the cat food, and staring up at MK's innocent smile.
(Wukong had long since left, a fact that Macaque was very grateful for. He'd rather not have Wukong witness him being treated like an actual cat while full well knowing that he was not.
That said though, the look Wukong had given him as he left did not promise good things.)
Back to the point, the cat food.
If Macaque was being honest (for once), he absolutely did not want to go with the option of eating the cat food.
If he revealed himself, what then? Would he get attacked? Kicked out?
Well, it's not like he had actually been staying here to begin with, but just kinda hanging around was.....nice, almost.
He wasn't so sure he was ready to lose it. (And wasn't that a thought he would have to unpack later....)
Decision made, he leaned over and nibbled a little bit of the cat food.
And almost immediately spat it back out again. Fuck, that was horrible, how could cats actually eat that stuff-
"What's the matter, is your sense of taste too refined for this?" MK asked, and Macaque looked up, seeing the smile on his face and how he was barely holding back laughter, amusement twinkling in his eyes and- oh.
Oh that little shi-
Glaring, Macaque stood up, shapeshifting back to normal.
"You." He said, threateningly pointing at MK. "You've known all along, haven't you."
That seemed to be MK's last straw, as he broke into laughter, leaning up against the counter to keep himself from collapsing completely as he folded over in mirth. (And oh, now Macaque was really glad Wukong had left, he thinks he'd actually die if the other monkey had witnessed all of this.)
"Yeah yeah, laugh it up." Macaque said, crossing his arms and tapping his foot on the floor, his tail lashing back and forth in irritation. "Y'know, I did not expect you to be the kind of person to play the long con."
"And I didn't expect you to be the kind of person that eats cat food!" MK wheezed.
Macaque, seeing no better response, hissed at him, and MK fell to the ground in hysterics.
"So was that time with the laser pointer just you getting super into your role of being a cat or-"
"Kid, if you don't forget that happened right now, I will personally introduce you to the concept of amnesia."
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skellebonez · 3 years
Why Worry At All?
I had so much trouble writing certain parts of this out for some reason, which makes no sense to me because I chose to write this on my own without a prompt. But I finally nailed out the in between parts that were giving me trouble! So... Billy Kametz can sing, huh?
Xiaotian knew what they were hearing. They knew it!
They'd heard Xiaojiao before and she wasn't that deep. They'd never heard Sandy but he had to sound much deeper if he could. Tang and Pigsy were out of the question, Tang couldn’t hold a tune to save his life and Pigsy never did more than hum at a much different octave. It couldn't have been Wukong, he'd still been asleep from overexerting himself in their last fight.
So that only left Macaque as the one who could have been singing outside the med bay door.
“But then I guess we know there’s blame to share... and none of it seems to matter anymore...”
It was such a soft tune, something that Xiaotian barely recognized from a video online he watched long ago. Maybe something Xiaojiao had shown him. Something soft and gentle, which made no sense given the possible culprit. Or the fact he heard it being sing just outside his mentor’s room while he was checking on him. But he was hearing it through the door nonetheless. Almost whisper like in how soft it was, it was too weak to have been heard belted from a distance, and muttered almost a bit off tune. That only left it being from someone right outside the door. But why not just come inside?
Unless the singer, who again Xiaotian was certain was Macaque, didn’t want anyone- even Sun Wukong- to know it was them who was singing and they didn’t realize that anyone was in the room with the power drained immortal.
So, like anyone who heard a mysterious singing voice would do, they pulled out their phone and started recording.
The song only lasted for another few seconds before silence, and then the almost deafening in comparison sound of running footsteps.
And as Xiaotian looked down at the recording on the phone, less than even 20 seconds in length, they were struck by a realization.
“... I can use this.”
“Well well well,” Macaque said with a chuckle, turning to face the person who joined him on the deck of the self piloting drone ship. Just where they knew he would be at this hour of the morning. “Didn’t take you for a morning person, kid.”
“I’m not,” Xiaotian grumbled, hair down and unkempt and clearly barely brushed just to keep it out of their face. "But I wanted to check on Wukong after what happened yesterday.”
This made the other’s fur stand up and his tail tense, though whether this was because he realized what Xiaotian meant or of it brought his mind back to the fight of the day prior they couldn’t tell. The fight that, for some reason, Macaque left himself vulnerable during. That left him wiped out and barely able to move out of the way of an oncoming attack. That make Sun Wukong rush in and save him much to the surprise of everyone involved, Macaque himself included.
The fight that Xiaotian was beginning to think was going to change a lot more than just knowing the de-powered duo’s limits.
“You’re going to be honest with me for once.” they proposed, joining the immortal monkey at the guard railing he casually leaned against.
“What makes you think I’m going tell you anything?” Macaque asked, chuckling boastfully and smirking that damn smug smirk he’d been wearing almost every minute since he had been taken onto the ship.
The longer Xiaotian saw it the faker it seemed to be.
“Oh, I dunno... maybe this?” They rebutted, pulling out their phone and hitting play on the open audio file they had pulled up long before the conversation, and they watched with their own smirk as a look of surprise and then horror and then something akin to “resigned but impressed” flashed on the ancient demon’s face.
After hearing the other speak there was no doubt that the two voices were identical now.
“Qi Xiaotian,” Macaque said, an almost cat like smirk gracing his face. This one seemed slightly more honest than the last one. “I didn’t take you for a blackmailer. Maybe I did have an influence on you after all.”
“Why were you singing this outside Wukong’s room?” Xiaotian asked, not in the mood for playing the other’s games this early in the morning. “Why were you trying to hide it? Why did you not realize I was in there? And...” He gestured to his phone, the soft gentle sounds of an almost uncharacteristically sweet song playing through his speakers. “What the hell is this song!?”
“Alright alright,” Macaque said, holding up his hands before he leaned forward on the railing. “No need to give the the third degree, great hero. It’s just a song I heard online.”
“You know how to use the internet?”
Turning his head, Macaque leveled the other with a very over exaggerated wilting gaze of disbelief. “I am honestly offended you’d think I wouldn’t learn how to.”
The tone of voice he had did not give the impression that Macaque even gave a shit, but Xiaotian muttered an apology regardless, to which the other simply laughed at.
“There’s this guy... Bill something? Kinds sounds like me, you know. Found him by chance one day and just kinda looked for all his songs and memorized them a long time ago out of boredom.” He shrugged, a distant far off look on his face. “Almost considered just being a copy cat voice for him once, way before I found out where our great King was, but I never followed through with that. Shame, though, knowing I’m on par with Broadway. Probably could have snagged a pretty decent amount of yuan from desperate fans. Don’t really have much use for money, though so eh.”
He shrugged, and for once he sounded... honest. Just honest.
“I wasn’t really trying to hide it, not from you anyway. Just... didn’t wanna deal with Wukong waking up and hearing me sing for the first time after. Ya know.” He waved his hand with another shrug. “History and all that. It was just a moment I had with myself, nothing more.”
Xiaotian took particular note that he avoided one particular question.
“You’re awful open about all this stuff,” the Monkie Kid mused, the two of them watching the horizon slowly move under the drone ship as the sun rise continued. Everyone else would be getting up soon enough. “Even for blackmail.”
“It’s not really effective blackmail,” Macaque admitted after a moment, tail lazily swishing behind him. “Not content wise, anyway. I was bound to be heard eventually no matter how much I hid. Think of this as more a... reward for you being able to catch me unaware. Take a lot of skill to do that with my ears.”
“I know most of your powers are gone too,” Xiaotian said bluntly, dropping the real piece of information he was here to hold over the other’s head out in the open, and that got Macaque to freeze instantly. “Not like ours are but... I dunno. I didn’t really think that far ahead. But if you still had most of them we wouldn’t be talking right now. You ran away instead of just whooshing into the shadows I know were in the hall. You’ve been wearing earplugs since we let you stay, I saw Sandy give them to you and you’re even wearing them right now, but even with your hearing dulled you would have been able to know I was in that room. You’ve been walking through doors instead of just vanishing. I don’t think I’d seem you walk through one except for at the shadow play before last week, and that was obviously to get my attention. I don’t think I’ve seen you make a clone or transform either, or manipulate a single shadow. Why not flaunt your powers over us, knowing we don’t have ours since you’ve made a point to annoy us about our lost abilities, unless you don’t have yours too?”
The elder said nothing, only growled and glowered out at the horizon before letting out a deep sigh.
“You really are a good kid,” he said with a humorless chuckle. “Smart, too, when actually you put your mind to stuff. But you’re only half right.”
“What do you mean?” Xiaotian asked in shock, amazed that the other was even still admitting to anything point blank at this point.
“I still have all my powers, it’s just... Not a good idea for me to use them too much,” he said vaguely, shrugging his shoulders and turning to walk away from the young man in a way that clearly indicated this line of conversation was over with. “I know you can keep a secret, kid, so do me a favor. Keep quiet about this.”
That same humorless chuckle, the one the young man now realized was more common from the demon’s mouth than not, sounded as he stepped into the forming shadows of the driver’s post from the rising sun and seemed to fall and melt into the floor in an instant.
Xiaotian couldn’t help the flinch that ran through their body at the implications of that final sentence. His training of Xiaotian. The second meeting. The Calabash.
The White Bone Spirit...
“Asshole,” Xiaotian muttered under their breathe, taking the door instead.
The very first thing Xiaotian was greeted with when they entered the communal kitchen was low and muttered but still the less than whispered tune of a song by a pop punk bank from overseas.
“Why do we worry at aaaaall,” Macaque sang just loud enough for everyone around him to hear, the baffled and in some cased impressed faces of everyone (barring the presumably still resting Wukong) looking in his direction as he seemingly ignored them to prepare his own fruit based breakfast. “Why, just tell me why do we worry? When worries never happen tell me why, why worry at all?”
When Macaque turned to look at Xiaotian he smirked almost playfully, winking at him.
And the only thing that ran through Xiaotian’s head was “there goes half of my blackmail... asshole.”
Though... when he looked closer...
Macaque seemed oddly tired.
Did he have the dark bags under his eyes during their conversation before?
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
LMK/JTTW gender headcanons & how they respond when asked about their identities:
Im he/they myself so some of these may be self-projecting. A lot are joking, but some are legit examinations. I also hc that gender is a lot more accepted as fluid amongst demons than in a lot of celestials. pls respond with your own thoughts:
Sun Wukong: "Oh I was born under the kun trigram, but I'm a guy a lot of the time." Has personally stolen every form of gender expression he's ever found like peaches from the royal orchard. Transmasc + Genderfluid, He/Him.
Macaque: "I was born under the Xùn trigram, so I guess I don't fall into mortal norms. I just take whatever role I can get really." Gender as fluid as the shadows he controls. Doesnt care what label is put on them. Happily takes feminine titles/roles as long as they are seen as equal to their male counterparts. Intersex + Nonbinary, He/She/They
MK: "I was born afab but I indentify as he/they. I first thought I was a really masc girl, but then a customer called me "A Fine Young Man" once and it changed my whole life. I have it all documented right here in my journal and-" *infodumps his whole journey of personal gender identity for the next three hours* Transmasc He/They
Mei: "I'm a ♡Girl♡. But like, mostly for the aesthetic." (✿◠‿◠) Wears her identity and orientation proudly on her sleeves. Transfem She/They/Neopronouns
Red Son: "Who dares limit the heir of the great Demon Bull Family to one gender!? I will personally claim each and every title for my own! Prince and Princess? Both mine! Go get your own gender, peasant!" Secretly has internal crisis on wanting to be seen as his father's heir/son, but also not wanting to just be seen as Male? Give her a minute to process. Any pronouns.
Bai He/LBD's Host: "Ummm... I dunno yet." *gets distracted by a cat* She/Her for now.
Pigsy: "Uh...?" *checks smudged handwriting on palm* "Mam-male? I guess? Stop distracting me while I'm cooking." Chubby transmasc swag (self-projection ahoy), He/Him.
Tang: "Demiboy. I live for the fear in people's eyes as they panic to refer to me by a gendered title. A student panicked once and called me Professor and it's stuck since." Has a catalog/dictionary of every gender identity in the world, mortal and demonic. He/They
Sandy: "What ever you can be! Your gender can be a huge part of your identity and how you interact with the world- Oh wait, you're asking for my pronouns? Sorry I got distracted. He/Him please." Like almost embarassingly supportive of gender expression and exploring one's identity. He/Him
Princess Iron Fan: "I grew up with so many sisters and I feared that I was never feminine enough to match up to the court's standards that I- I'm a woman, you idiot." It's complicated. She/Her
DBK: "I dunno man I just got here." Is aggressively supportive no matter what. Called Red his daughter once and panicked when Red started crying with joy, thinking he'd misgendered his son. Doesn't care for masculine norms. He/Him
Nezha: "What, are you a cop? I just like pink." Developed thoughts about his gender identity after his revival and has started to shift away from being aggressively masculine in behaviour just to appease the Jade court. Genderfluid, He/They
Lady Bone Demon/LBD: "Whatever I identity as will be insignificant once I've completed my goals." She/They
The Mayor: "Mayor." He/It pronouns
Spider gang:
Spider Queen: "What part of Queen did you not hear!?" Wukong was the first person to ever recognise her as a girl back in the day and it makes her thoughts on him really complicated. Transfem, She/Her
Hunstman: "What part of Huntsman did you not hear?" Violently protects the others when they get misgendered. Transmasc, He/Him
Strong Spider/Goliath: "Whatever can protect my friends better!" Is the one to de-escalate when Huntsman violently jumps to protect them. Any pronouns.
Syntax: "Syntax Error: Missing/Unmatched Parentheses." *laughs in math nerd* He/They
Spindrax: "Whatever kind of girl Mei is, I think. But like... a different aesthetics." She/They/neopronouns
Demon Gang:
Jin & Yin: "You blind, mate?" "We're clearly both-" (talking over one another) "Lasses!/Blokes! Wuh?! You're?! Oh bruv/sis I didn't know! Forgive me!" *both hug eachother in support* Both trans She/Her & He/Him.
Lin/Demon Accountant: "In this economy? I'm lucky to afford Me's and I's!" She/They/It/Neopronouns
Scorpion Queen: "GIRL!!! Oh, sorry! I'm a little new to this and I get a little overexcited. Tang calls it Gender Euphoria. I like it!" Transfem, She/Her
Tudi: "*indescernable, but delighted to answer*" He/They
The Brotherhood:
Azure Lion: "I am male, obviously. Why do you think I grow out my beautiful mane?" Transmasc; JttW accidentally outed him and he never forgave the author. Guanyin tried to cover for him by saying he was a "gelded lion" (canon), but he's still mad about it. He/Him.
Peng: "You do not know who I am? I am the great Golden-Winged Peng of Camel Ridge!" Canonically non-binary. They/Them
Yellowtusk: *just nods and returns to cup of tea* Any pronouns.
OG Pilgrims:
Tripitaka: "...It is impolite to inquire such things." Has a really complicated gender identity journey tied to their upbringing as a monk + their aroace orientation. Always thought there was something "broken" about them since they could not see themselves as either binary genders, but experienced euphoria when Wukong introduced them to non-binary identities. Agender, They/Them
Zhu Bajie: "Isn't gender one of those things Wukong stole from Heaven?" Has no idea what anyone's talking about, but trans and demi-women means more women for him no matter their body type. Cis, He/Him
Sha Wujing: "Yeah." *doesnt elaborate further* He/They
Ao Lie: "I'm a horse." :3 Any pronouns.
The Four Stalwarts:
Marshal Ma: "Girl, but only to tormet Wukong as his big sister." She/They
General Ba: "Just call me Granny, dear." She/Her
Marshal Liu: "Vengance." Is whom Macaque inherited their non-binary swag from. They/Them
General Beng: "Ah? What I am? Well... I'd consider myself... one with every model of gender life can provide. What were we talking about again?" Any pronouns
Bonus round! Au characters:
Ao Bing: "I'm like Nezha, but with light blue." Intersex + Genderfluid, He/They.
Chenxiang: "I did not go through a whole journey of finding my internal manhood to be misgendered." He/Him
Yinghuo/Fire Star/SWK's Lawyer: "I only include gendered titles and pronouns in my paperwork at the request of the cilent. My own should not interfere with these proceedings." Dislikes the automatic masculine association with Mars. Any pronouns.
Rumble & Savage: *chirp?" *chirp?" They are babies after all. He/Him & She/Her for now.
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diverging-tides · 2 years
I saw you already did what Hunter thinks of the Traffic Light Trio, but what does the Traffic Light Trio think of Hunter?
Great question, I have a little “bible” on this AU and update relationships as the story progresses, and what their end goals are, alongside the storyboard for the overarching narrative
Currently, the Traffic Light Trios opinions on Hunter are as follows:
Mei: (who’s currently serving hard time in the family archives writing a report on the members of her family who vanished and turned up dead later for scaring the shit out of her parents, and probably isn’t showing up again until the end of Gold) Thinks Hunter is a goddamn riot. A clearly traumatized riot, but a riot nonetheless. She sees him as a silly scruffy cat who needs a friend, and is suspicious that he’s gay and in denial about it (which… is actually true. Her gaydar is on point)
Red: Hunter is an enigma wrapped in trauma. To him, Hunter has a bit of an… off vibe, similar to Macaques in that he can tell death is involved, but he’s not sure if Hunter himself has died before or it’s… something else. Aside from that, he feels like he’s too intense of a person to try and get closer to the witch boy, but genuinely cares for his well-being, and has a secret desire to bring him into his workshop and show him his magic-based inventive advancements to impress him. More than anything else, though, Red wants a nerd buddy to discuss practical/scientific applications of magic, and he can tell Hunter is the kind of guy who’d love that, but again, he fears he’s too intense of a person for Hunter to be comfortable with him, like, ever, so he tries to tread carefully so he at least won’t hate him.
Adult MK: Hunter is someone he’s felt an intense kinship with even before he became Macaques successor. He could tell the witchlet had been abused, but was horrified by the extent, and because of this, wants nothing more than to protect his little bro at all costs, even from his own inner demons. Nothing makes him happier than when Hunter shows that this brotherly love is reciprocated, but jokes it off sometimes so Hunter feels less awkward about letting his feelings be known
Chibi MK: Hunter was the port on the storm that has been there since he woke up with no idea where he was, surrounded by scary adults, and even helped him when he was freaking out. To his eight year old brain, Hunter’s “growth spurt” did not change anything, he just has a bigger support to latch on to when he’s scared, and knows Hunter wouldn’t let anyone hurt him if he could help it
Nezha: Hunter is his new magic nerd buddy, he was forcefully called back to the celestial realm shortly before Macaque, Hunter, and MK headed to the archives, but Hunter gave him a copy of his notes on glyphs for him to experiment with until they can talk again when he’s free. He’s looks forward to the next time they… “hang out, is that what mortals call it these days?” So they can compare notes and talk more about magical processes and properties from each of their worlds. Hunter was the breath of fresh air he hadn’t realized he needed, to the point he legit forgot he was talking to someone who appeared physically six when they first interacted, post Hunter calling him a moron, of course, lol
Hunters thoughts on Nezha?
Cool magic lotus dude, he can’t wait until they can talk again
Hope this was satisfactory! I was waiting for someone to ask the reverse eventually, and I’m happy to share
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 10
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black-furred monkey put out a hand towards him
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 10: Do You See That?
MK moaned as he stumbled down to the restaurant.
“Still can’t find it,” Mei acquiesced as she saw him flop down on the counter.
She got a groan in response.
“Yikes, are you sure you check everywhere?”
“Yes! I looked everywhere!” He lifted his head to meet hers and began to rant. “I checked in my drawer, my nightstand, my closet, all of my pockets, under my bed, under the nightstand, under the floorboards, and I even tried to see if Bobo had it!”
“You tried to see if your stuffed monkey had it,” she raised her eyebrow.
“Have you seen what goes on in this city? You never doubt the unexpected! For I all know, Bobo could suddenly turn into a real monkey overnight!”
“Point, well have you retraced your steps?”
“Yes, and I even called all the places we’ve been to, but they found nothing.”
“You lost the skeleton key?” Pigsy deadpanned as he tossed the apron to MK.
“I didn’t mean to! I thought I'd put it in my room, but now I can’t find it!” He groaned as he put on his apron
“Hopefully it’ll come up eventually, I mean it’s for sure to make it to the news if any criminals decide to steal something from a tightly locked place and when that happens we’ll nab them like the dirtbags they are,” she pounded her fist together.
“Yeahh, I guess you're right,” he sighed as he got behind the counter, “speaking of, have you seen Red Son recently?”
“No,” she shook her head, “last time I saw him was when we were at that arcade trying to beat his score.” Let it be known that all three trio had at least one high score in a game at the arcade. For Mei it was the combat games, MK proudly took his dancing games, and for Red Son it was the shooting ones.
“Same, I hope he’s alright,” he said worriedly.
“If he isn’t, we'll bust him out,” Mei said as she got her food, “never liked his family and the whole taking over the city didn’t really help.”
“Count me in,” his eyes darken a bit, “I still don’t like the both of them.”
“You and me both, now time to get to work, noodle boy,” she teased him.
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes as he helped with some of the prep.
The boat was in a comfortable silence as two demons were calmly drinking tea, or at least one of them as the other was nervously petting one of the very fat cats.
He opened his mouth to talk, but shut it right quick as he instead took a sip of his steaming tea.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Sandy comforted him when he said his actions, “we can just sit here and relax.”
“I know,” Red Son muttered as he held the tea in hand. “You always preach patience and confidentiality.”
“And I still do, remember if you don’t want to share something, you are under no obligation to say a word. This is your choice and your choice only,” he smiled as he took another sip.
“Yeah,” he put down his cup as he brought the car back to his lap, “I…I did something really bad, not in a physically harmful way, but I still feel ashamed of myself that I had to do it to someone I care-to someone I know,” he quickly said.
Sandy nodded his head as he continued to listen.
“I know I didn’t hurt them, but I still feel gross that I did that to them and they still don’t know it was me. They have even been asking about me and if I’m well and I don’t like this feeling, hell I don’t even know what I’m feeling, but it feels like a bunch of snakes slithering all through my stomach and trying to escape out of my throat,” he stilled his hands as it began to shake.
“Do you care for them?” He asked.
“No!” He yelled at first, but then he settled down as he silently nodded. He may have known Mei and MK for only a couple of months, but he cares fiercely about the two of them. He doesn’t know why he even does, but there is something about them that just makes him want to never let go.
“I think it’s that you feel that you took their trust for advantage,” the blue giant calmly said.
Red Son's eyes widened as that clicked in his head. He abused the trust in him and he feels utterly disgusted with himself. “What have I done,” he whispered out as his whole body dropped.
“That doesn’t mean that it’s the end,” Sandy quickly said. “All types of relationships go through this kind of struggle, it’s easy to just give in and think that it's all over, but it's not. It’s not over, after all, it doesn’t take one person to communicate, after all, you need someone else to talk to rather than you and your doubts, so why don’t you try to talk to them and explain why-”
“But I can’t,” he fiercely whispered out. “I had to do it! I had to.”
“…do you mind if I ask why you think you had to do it?”
“I had to!” He shot up, almost knocking down the cat in his lap, who just gave him a side glance before settling down next to him. “I had to! I can’t disappoint them even more than I am! I was a failure all those centuries ago and I am one now! I need to show them that I can be successful, I can help them when they need it, that I can be useful!”
Sandy’s lips pursed, he already had a good idea who Red Son was referring to and least to say that he doesn’t really have that high of an opinion on his parents and instead, he asked, “But did you want to do it?”
He froze as he looked at the blue demon, “What?”
“Did you want to do it?” He calmly asked once more as he could see the turmoils running all through his mind.
The Bull prince wanted to open his mouth and agree that he wanted to steal from his friend's home, that he wanted to abandon his friends for his family, that he wanted to betray his friends, but he couldn’t even force it open as it would just taste vile coming from his lips. So instead he sinks back down to his seat and tightly gripped his head as he shook his head in denial as his eyes were tightly squeezed shut.
He never wanted to do this in the first place.
The ship was in somber silence as two demons were silently sitting across from each other until the giant demon went to the other side and began to rub the smaller demon back as the fat cat climbed on back to the demon lap and began to purr.
There are no words that can be said at the moment, nothing that can be done or said that can magically make it all better. But there is that comfort that someone knows of his vile actions and still doesn’t harbor hate towards him.
And he can’t help, no matter how much he knows he doesn’t deserve this kind of warmth, but be fucking grateful for this.
“But wouldn’t it be best if I added the components before the pot settles,” MK asked as he held up the vials in his hand.
“Why is that?” Macaque hummed as he was scrunched his nose at the package he had received and was currently opening the note.
“It just wouldn’t make sense if I had to add the mixture after it has cooled down, I mean I know for some recipes it would be fine, but doesn’t this one account for the melting process later on? So it would be better to mix them while it’s still steaming right now so that they can be melded in properly,” he deduced.
“And you would be correct, nice job thinking ahead shooting star,” he smiled as he tossed both note and package in the trash.
“Thanks!” He perked up then he blinked as he looked to his dad, “you were testing me weren’t you.”
“Oh yeah,” he unashamedly said.
“And what would happen if I got it wrong?”
“Well I always did think that failure was the best way to learn from your mistakes,” he teased, “but I would have told you to add it in, I would rather not waste my products.”
“Ha Ha Ha,” he deadpanned as he poured the vials in and mixed the pot, “you’re hilarious.”
“I try to be.”
He rolled his eyes as he put the timer on, took off his gloves, and washed his hands. He couldn’t help but look towards the monkey's traditional methods as he continued to grind down the herbs. “So I’m curious, you have been alive for centuries and obviously kept up somewhat to the times, so why are you still using old methods for medications?” He was always a bit curious over this, but never really thought to ask until now.
The monkey just shrugged his shoulder, “honestly it’s both a habit at this point and relaxing. When Ping first taught me this, I couldn’t help but be frustrated at all the little details and accuracy you must have in order to correctly make the right dose, but now that is almost background noise as it comes almost instinctual.”
MK hummed as he sat on his stool, “so can you tell me more about Ping? Like, I know why you continue to go back to your friend and all and how he taught you how to make medicine, but you never did talk more about him.”
“Didn’t I say Ping was a normal ass bastard who was just way too chill about basically everything,” he smirked as he began to place the bright herbs into another pot.
“You did, but I’m still curiousss,” he whined. “You must have some more stories about him.”
“You must be bored.”
He raised his eyebrow.
“Okay fine a little, but I am curious,” he huffed.
“Fine fine,” he gave in as he continued to mix his pot, “did I ever tell you the first time I ever found out that Ní was a fox?”
“No!” He eagerly exclaimed.
“Well it was the same day I found out that Kappa was an adrenaline junkie.”
MK didn’t twitch at the Shui Gui name given by his Dad as he listened to the story with open ears.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Macaque couldn’t help but yell out as he swung from tree to tree, hoping to outrun the enraged spirit, with crinkled gray skin and a long red tongue, chasing after them. “I’m going to kill you once this is over!” He yelled out.
“How was I supposed to know not to piss off their feeding!” Kappa yelled back as he clung onto the demon's back.
“That’s fucking common sense!”
“Spirits don’t even need to eat, so I don’t know why the hell they are so mad?!”
“Apparently this one does!”
They both yelled as they felt a fireball whizz by their faces.
“It even knows fire magic?!” The Shui Gui blanched as much as an already pale spirit could. “Now you're just showing off!”
“Less talking more thinking of a way out of this,” the monkey growled out as he had to jump up higher to the next branch of the tree to see if Kappa could get a better look of where they were going.
“Can’t you use your shadow magic?”
“Oh geez, I wonder why I haven’t thought of that? Oh right! You fucking fed me Mandrakes and now I can barely see shit let alone use my magic!” He snarled out. “Do you want me to send us down under to Yama's home cause that can happen if I happen to even try to go into my shadows?! Or do you want to be smothered by your own shadow cause that can also happen you stupid fuck!”
“Sorry! I really didn’t think that this would happen!” He did wince, he was trying to play a prank on his friend and it was funny at first at how he stumbled throughout the place, but now it has gotten less funny.
“Your very fucking lucky that I have great fucking hearing to manage to run this far without running into anything,” his lips curled up, but then he stopped as promptly jumped all the way down to the floor as a large fireball was aimed directly towards them.
Macaque stumbled for a bit as he couldn’t exactly see the tree branches as he was falling thus the two of them separated during the fall and were now lying on the ground.
“Fuuucckk,” the monkey groaned as he got up, “I am so killing you again when this is all done.”
“That’s fair,” Kappa moaned out.
The spirit let out a warning hiss as it drew closer to the both of them, their long tongue licking their lips as they couldn’t wait to drain their soul for their meal. They haven’t eaten in so long and they would take anything at this point, even if it means coming from something as dirty as a demon.
“I ain’t nobody meal,” Macaque growled out as he got into position, he may not be able to use his powers, but he can still kick ass without it.
He tensed as he heard the creature leap for him, but before it could even go near him a large plume of fire directly hit the crazed spirit.
“HIISSSSS!” They screamed out as the fire burned their skin, but no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t get it out until they were burned away into ashes.
“Uhhh what just happened?” The demon questioned as he tried to hear out on who did that cause all he can see was a blurry form and a large orange flame if he is correct judging by the smell.
“Ní you beautiful bastard!” Kappa threw his hands in the air. “You have amazing timing!”
“I wouldn’t if you would not run into danger every week,” they scoffed as they walked towards the tensed monkey. “I’m just gonna go out on a limb and say you still can’t see?”
“Not for shit,” he grumbled. “Also, when can you do fire magic?” He tried to see the best he could in the small bunny form, but for some reason, it was a very large form. “…are you not a fucking bunny?”
“Nope,” this time it was Ping's voice that said that as he handed him a jar filled with orange liquid. “Drink that, it should help.”
“Thanks,” he nodded as he wrinkled his nose as he chugged down the entire vial. “This is still the nastiest thing I have ever tasted.”
“If it tastes bad then you know it works,” he chuckled as he watched the monkey blink his eyes.
“I’ll give you that, I can finally see shit again,” he agreed as everything became much clearer, but he couldn’t help but rub his eyes as he saw that what he assumed was Ní was instead a large, brown, nine-tailed fox looking down at him. “You’re a Huli Jing?”
“Took you long enough,” they smirked.
“I’m sorry if I thought you were a regular damn bunny demon,” he snarked out as he rubbed his eyes.
“Apology accepted.”
He rolled his eyes and instead look towards Ping, “and you fucking knew about this?”
“Course, been living with them long enough to know that wasn’t no damn bunny with the way they eat,” he let out a toothy grin.
“And you just don’t care.”
“Nope,” the human chuckled at Macaque's twitching eye.
“Course you don’t, next thing you’ll tell me is that you routinely have a deity visiting you every day.”
“Well, not every day, but every once in a while.”
He whipped his head towards him, “what.”
“Probably once every few months,” he calculated as he began to walk back to his home.
“Hold on now! You can’t just say that and walk away!” The six eared demon quickly began to follow, “like what the hell do you mean you get visits from a fucking deity?!”
“One of the top pups in the Heavenly Realm at that,” Kappa grinned wider at his friend's befuddled look.
“What the fuck?! How in the fuck?! What?” He couldn’t comprehend how Ping, the most basic ass human who he ever met, knows so many creatures, demons, and now a celestial deity that apparently have a high ass position in one of the most sought out places, and still stays in this place. “I can’t even right now.”
“Awww is it too much for your brain to comprehend,” the spirit mocked as he then let out a yelp as he quickly began to run away from the ticked off monkey.
“I still haven’t forgotten what you did! Get back here and face vengeance you slimy bitch!” Macaque yelled out as he chased him.
“I have no regrets!”
“You will soon!”
“I didn’t think it could get more lively,” Ping chuckled as he watched those two run around. “It’s nice to see Shi Shi make a friend.”
“Pretty sure his friend is gonna kill him,” Ní snorted as they silently followed behind.
“That would be interesting to see and I bet even Shi Shi would enjoy it.”
“…you're not wrong.”
“Whoa, wait how does one person who stays in the same area get to know so many mythical beings?” MK tilted his head.
“You're asking the wrong monkey,” he shrugged, “but the deity still comes around every once in a while.”
“Yeah, he may have a long life, but he still remembers Ping,” he had a somber smile on his face, “he even likes to visit his old home sometimes.”
The human couldn’t help but remember an old shack deep within the forest that he found when he was thirteen. He shook his head to get rid of the memory and instead asked, “So that's why you built the forest here, Ping home was like your first ever home?”
Macaque stilled his body then he shook his head, “technically second.”
“Second? Then what was your first? I thought you were a traveler before this?” The boy asked, while his Dad never really got into his own backstory, he can still safely assume that he was not born and raised in a warm and safe environment with kind and loving parents.
“Flower Fruit Mountain,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yeahh, that was my first ever home for a bit.”
MK leaned forward as much as he could on the stool. “Tell me everything.”
“Well, aren't you nosy today.”
“I’m hungry for knowledge about your past that you never speak of unless it has to do with others, so talk.”
“I have raised such a snarky child,” he mumbled.
“And you still love me for it, now talk.”
“Fine, fine,” he threw his hands up, “so I was currently enjoying my free time when Wukong decided to drag me over to his mountain.”
“Can I at least know why I’m being carried to your home instead of walking?” Macaque questioned why Wukong was currently carrying him while flying on his cloud.
“Cause this is the fastest way to get there!” He grinned.
“You could have just asked.”
“Yeah, but it was fun surprising you like this,” he won’t admit that he kinda likes having his friend close to him like this. He has an image to keep up after all.
“I literally can't escape dumbass, just let me go,” he groaned as he didn’t even attempt to break free of his grasp. He knew damn well how strong sunshine can be, he as seen him lift an entire fucking mountain for god’s sake.
“Alright,” he jumped down and when his feet reached the bottom he let go.
“…go fuck yourself,” Macaque couldn’t stop the low growl in his voice as he picked himself off the ground.
“Fuck me yourself,” he smiled as he earned a nice view of six ears flaring up in a fierce red.
“Wha-shut the fuck up dumbass!” The shadow demon shouted out as he stomped towards him.
“It was a joke, a joke,” he grinned as he began to run away.
“I’ll show you a joke.”
“Oooh?” They both paused their actions as they saw a few monkeys climb up the tree and pop their heads from the bushes of trees and hanging from the branches.
“Friends of yours,” the black furred demon muttered as he saw that more came to join.
“Yep,” he then said a little louder to the tribe of simians, “everyone this is Macaque!”
This got a reaction out of them as some of them began to chatter a bit louder and a few even hopped off their tree.
“Don’t worry, he only looks like an angst ridden demon, but that’s just his normal look.”
“I will tear out your tongue,” he side eyed him.
“But you love me too much~”
“You overestimate my fondness and patience I have for you,” he deadpanned as he still kept an eye out for one of the monkeys who was getting closer to him. He nervously shifted as he was about to take a step back, but he was stopped as Wukong wrapped his arm around his shoulder.”
“Take it easy moonshine, they just want to get to know you,” he comforted him as one of them stared up at Mac.
Said demon said nothing as he looked back down to the monkey as well. It was a weird standoff between the two monkeys, well it was until the smallest one seemed to decide something as he began to climb up the demon.
“Wha-hey?!” Macaque flinched at the actions but managed to not accidentally shake the monkey off thanks to Sun’s arms keeping him in place.
“It’s okay,” he softly whispered in his ears as the small simian made his way to the black furred head and began to groom him. “See, he just wanted to groom you.”
“Wow I couldn’t tell,” he snarked back and slowly began to feel his body ease up at the touch. He wasn’t use to anyone grooming him other than Wukong, so it was a new experience for him. “I guess it’s not so bad.”
“Great, cause here comes the rest,” he pointed out a few more making their way to them.
And soon enough many were crowding around the two demons and some were even brave enough to climb on the Six Eared demon.
“I don’t think I've ever seen them take a liking to anyone so fast,” Wukong smiled as he watched his friends climb all over him.
“Probably helps cause I’m a monkey,” he said and couldn’t help but smile as one of them that was hanging from his neck began to nuzzle him.
“Nah, they basically adopted you at this point,” he teased as he saw the interaction, “they practically are welcoming you home.”
“Heh…wait what?” He was startled by that last word, “Home?”
The brown furred monkey sucked in a breath as he facepalms. “Shit I knew I forgot something.”
“Forgot what?”
“Sooo, do you want to live here?” He grinned widely trying to hide his nerves.
“Huh?!” Macaque was not at all following the impulsive monkey train of thought.
“It’s just that I don’t think I've ever seen you have a house before and I know you usually spend your nights out on the streets or in the wild when you want to snooze. So I was just thinking that, hey I have a big ass mountain that has plenty of space and it would be awesome if we could just, you know, stay together here.” He didn’t know why he was going on a tangent right now, but he felt like he just needed to explain himself.
“…couldn’t you have asked instead of kidnaping me here then?” He raised an eyebrow as he tried to follow his friend's mindset.
“Kinda forgot that part and went straight here,” he grinned.
“Of course you did,” Macaque fondly rolled his eyes.
“So, what do you say?”
“Well,” the demon monkey looked down to one of the monkeys who was staring up at him and once they made eye contact he lifted his arms. He could tell that this was one of the younger ones so, with a small smile, he picked up the infant and held it close to his chest as he felt him begin to purr. “I wouldn’t mind living here, it's not so bad if they can deal with you.”
Wukong couldn’t think of a retort back as he watched his moonlight hold the infant close in an almost motherly way. He was treating the little one as if it was their own with the way his nimble hands slowly caress the infant head, how his sleek arms were supporting his body, how his beautiful golden eyes lovingly look down at him, how his lips…he stopped that train of thought as he felt his face flush up in a bright red.
“So how bout I take you to all my favorite spots later,” he accidentally shouted out as he quickly got rid of his thoughts.
“Favorite spots?”
“Best places to hide, best view, best fruit tree, you know the awesome stuff!”
“Oh right, how could I forget,” he smirked.
“Don’t worry, that’s why you have me here,” he puffed out his chest.
“Well then I can’t wait to see them,” Macaque said with a smile.
The Monkey King smiled back then he grabbed one of the monkeys that were about to jump off his shoulder. “You need to do better than that to steal from me,” he joked.
The hanging monkey just grinned as he tossed a bag filled with nuts to his other accomplices and they quickly began to run off.
“Hey! Get back here!” He yelled out as he began to chase his friends.
“Nice to see someone can keep him on his toes,” the black furred monkey grinned as he watches his friend, unsuccessfully, try to get his snack back.
“Ooh oo,” the small one in his arms chirped as it grabbed his nose.
“Yeah,” he chuckled and rubbed his head, “I think I’m gonna like it here.”
“I met some of those monkeys when I first cra-I mean landed on Flower Fruit Mountain,” MK abruptly changed his wording. He rather his monkey Dad not try to smother him again. “A few even like to torment me or climb on me too whenever I take a break during training.”
“How are they doing?” He curiously asked as he got up to check the mixture
“They seem fine, they tried to rob me a few times, but fine.” He had to stay on guard each time, but after the fifth time, it has sorta been a game between them all now. He even playfully stole a few fruits from them and they began to chase him as well.
“That’s good,” the six eared demon may have left the mountain, but that didn’t mean he didn’t care for the rest of the tribe that he had to leave behind.
“But I’m curious,” MK said after a few moments of silence.
“…did…did you add the solution before the mixture or after?” He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t ask his original question. He couldn’t ask if he missed living with the Monkey King, he thinks he may already know the answer.
“After it would be much more malleable to combine that way and speaking of herbs, I’m running out of some of them, specifically the ones used for pain relief.” He eyed the almost empty jars, he has been restocking his supplies back up ever since the hospital demands have cooled down, this was one of the last things he needed. “I’ll have to grab some by the mountain later on in the week.”
“Ooh, can I come!” He excitedly asked, he hasn’t been herb gathering with his Dad in ages.
“Always comet,” he smirked as he watched his son squirm happily in his seat.
“Yes! Yes! Uh Huh! Oh yeah!-wait, my pot!” He immediately stopped and checked over his medicine.
“Still have nine minutes on the timer,” Macaque pointed out to the still ticking timer.
“Oh right,” he actually forgot he set it.
“I worry about you sometimes.”
“Psshh, my memory is not that bad.”
“Do I need to remind you of the vase incident?” The monkey deadpanned.
“Okay to be fair I wasn’t paying any attention to the history of it, so how was I supposed to know that it was a curse. Besides, Mei was playing with it as well.”
“And this is why the two of you were stuck at the hip, literally. You should just be lucky that Ahmed was around else you really would have been stuck together for a much longer time,” he bluntly said.
“I still think that curse was stupid,” MK mumbled.
“Just be glad that it was stupid and not deadly.”
Wukong silently watched his successor spar against one of his clones as he sat still on his cloud. He had to admit that while MK still tends to have his own burst of impulsiveness, a mild reckless streak, and a curiosity that could even rival his own, he can certainly still find new ways to surprise him.
Like right now, he used a fake out move as when he swung high, only to go low instead while making sure to grab hold of his tail. It didn’t get the clone in time, but it was still a shock to see that he can be sneaky when he wants to be and this was just with the staff in hand.
He had a hand to hand session with him, in the beginning, to see what he was dealing with and he was very surprised to find that, while he couldn’t keep up with him, he can almost match his own pace, which is no easy feat.
So it really piqued his curiosity on just who his Dad was. After all, he could count a handful of demons and deities on both hands that could rival him in speed and it wasn’t that many.
He still was silently watching his protege when one of the monkeys, one of the immortal ones, hopped onto his cloud and watched with him. He did give a slight grin and scratched the back of his friend's head, they were the reason why he hasn’t gotten insane with isolation for all those years.
“Not feeling like playing,” he said.
The monkey shook her head, she liked playing with her tribe, don’t get her wrong, but even she needs some time away from them.
“I feel ya, lazing about is truly the best,” he stretched on his cloud. “We’ll almost, I still have to watch over my student after all.”
She looked to where he was pointing to and she cooed excitedly as she saw the familiar scent infant. She and the rest of the tribe absolutely loved playing with him whenever he was. He was really nice with sharing his food with them and they couldn’t help, but share their own games and food with him as well. It does help that he knows how to groom them, his fingers feel really nice.
“Familiar scent?” He questioned her words, he knew that the tribe had been hanging around MK, but what did they mean by the familiar scent? “What does it remind you of?”
“Ooh! Oohooh!” She told him as she watched the infant jump away from the strike.
“Like ginseng, earth, and…mango?” He paused at that last one, but he shook his head, “no it couldn’t, not after all this time.”
His eyes widened as he watched MK pop up from the ground and grappled the clone from the back as he wrapped his arms around the neck and his legs around one of his clone legs. It didn’t work as the clone easily broke free and counterattack, but that grapple has been used countless times on him before, but not by MK.
His eyes became golden as he activated his eyes of truth and it wasn’t obvious at first, he still had the same bright golden aura tinted with a reddish-orange glow, but when he looked closer past the obvious glow he saw it. Right there flowing through his meridians and underneath the eye-catching colors, was a subtle violet aura gently coursing through.
He could feel his heartbeat fiercely in his ears and his body froze in time as he couldn’t stop staring at the familiar aura that was almost intertwined with MK.
What is Macaque doing with his student?
“Why are there so many mountains around this city?!” MK groaned as they trekked up the mountain carrying his own satchel of stored up plants. “Like one I can get, but we have so many that it’s spewed around like it’s nobody's business.
“I’m pretty sure that this was the aftermath of some deity and demons fighting, after all, we also have an ocean to one side, a forest on the other, a volcano between, and a desert just a ways past.” He said as he eyed his surroundings, never really clarified on why it was like this too, he has seen some areas like this, but to have so many different biomes all encircling this one area was more than a bit weird. All he knew about it was that there was some big battle with the city, before it was a city, being the center point of it all. Someone wanted something from the city, he didn’t know if it was the deity or demon, and the other party made sure to prevent the other from grabbing it. No one knew which side won as there was simply destruction one moment and a bleak silence the next.
“That is weird, I wonder what kind of beings would have that kind of power to make a whole new area,” he mused as he hopped over to another rock.
“Quite a few actually, maybe the library will help,” he said while his ears twitched.
“Or Ahmed and Tang.”
“Or Ahmed and Tang,” that lion is almost as big of a book nerd as the historian, the big lug even likes debating with him over what’s true and what’s fake. It’s sorta hilarious, Pigsy has to be the one to hold Tang back when he really gets into the debate and stops him from practically climbing Ahmed. “Now try going for that section over there and see if you can find any Lichens in your area.”
“Alrighty, but I still say it would be easier just growing it in the forest, I think you have just enough space,” he teased.
Macaque rolled his eyes, “You already know damn well that even I can’t forcibly grow certain plants.”
“So you're saying you can’t do it.”
“You can’t grow a goddamn plant that has adapted to the mountain to just grow in a forest.”
“You can’t do it~” His mischievous grin grew wider.
“Come here you,” the monkey began to chase after his child, who quickly began to run away from him.
“I think you’re getting slow in your age, old man,” he jumped from rock to rock until he landed on flat land.
“Me old?” MK suddenly felt an impact hit his back as he felt his head go into a headlock. “I’ll show you old,” the demon said as he began to roughly ruffle his head.
“I give! I give!” He laughed as clutched onto the furry arm.
“You better,” he was about to let go when he suddenly tightened his grasp and threw his son away from him.
There were few times where his hearing was a shortcoming compared to his other senses. His ears are the epitome of who he is, his whole name revolves around his six ears. But right now, even when he knew something didn’t sit quite right, it was the feeling that saved him as he felt a threatening aura press down upon him as he managed to leap away from that spot and-
-safely avoid the crater that was dead center to where he was.
“What do you think you're doing with my student Macaque?” An oh so familiar voice hissed out at him as the dust settled.
This time his ears didn’t fail him as even before he spoke, he remembered the sound of his heartbeat echoing all throughout his mind. He first memorized it when they were far from immortality after he had come back to their meeting point broken and bruised. He had picked the wrong fight with a demon who had a gang backing behind him, he barely managed to win against them all and dragged his fractured body to him. Macaque had watched over him all night and, even when he knew he had advanced healing, couldn’t help but listen closely to the sound of his heart pulsing in his chest.
He didn’t want to wake up to his friend's lifeless corpse.
But luckily that didn’t happen, when that morning hit the impulsive idiot popped back up as if he just took a nap and complained that he was starving. Obviously, he smacked him upside the head before throwing his pile of stolen fruits in his face. Then the two ducked out of that area as soon as possible with wild grins on their faces as they went off to find their adventure. The two of them really did go through too much and seen so much together that he didn’t believe it would end.
But that was then and this now.
So, he put on his best theater grin and the most mocking voice he could muster up as he locked down that fragile piece in his head that held his fondness of the monkey glaring at him. He began to talk as he went into a defensive position.
“Sun Wukong! It’s good to see you bud!”
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