#and drive everyone away. literally all i'm good at is sitting in my room and being delusional and ik everyone of this website is like that
i'm well aware i'm the pathetic one and i need to get over it but i don't know what else to do i honestly have almost nothing in my entire life worth living for i just have my delusions and the people i love and when they're gone i will only be here to imagine that people still love me
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 1
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally as a happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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The episode starts with Jimin showing up right before JKs GMA performance and interview, July 14th 2023.
Them meeting up and talking about how he has his performance in NY on GMA later. Jimin saying that he hadn't seen him in a while, their schedules kept them SO BUSY 😭😭 this trip was so good for them. And the way he caressed JKs throat and told him to rest his voice and take care of it since it had been hurting. 🥺 So many soft touches too as soon as they were able to see each other again. And we didn't even get to see their actual reunion.
JK packing up his hotel room and talking about how he never traveled so freely before. They are so sweet and so busy and I'm so glad they were able to carve out even just a few weekends for time to themselves. And the way when the staff was talking to them about plans and who would drive etc, JK said he would drive and was just sitting there talking about traffic while they were holding hands interlocked resting in Jimins lap 😭 that's so??!!
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Then fighting over the AC in the car in efforts to take care of the other is so cute. Jimin wanting to make sure JKs throat stayed okay, JK not wanting Jimin to get sick. They baby the heck out of each other. And Jimin watching his GMA performance on his phone 🥰 JKs cute smile while Jimin was jamming out to his music 🥺
"JungJi" new ship name alert?! Lmao!
JK ordering for the table 💜
The absolute bickering over who is a bad driver/bad at parking. The get out. Lmao the way they absolutely irritate each other on purpose is amazing and soooo best friends/might as well be married behavior 😂🤣
When they went shopping together and JK said they should buy the same shorts together 😍🥰 matchy matchy always!!
And an ARMY recognized them and saying hello and they were so cutely excited about it. "We've still got it." 😍🥺🥰
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JK ordering for them again at the brewery 🥰 and I love that they went to an LGBTQ friendly brewery for one of their first hang out spots. Some ARMYs went and talked to the people working and said they everyone said Jikook were super polite, no one had recognized them and they kept to themselves a bit and just had some phones/go pros for recording.
The way that they also started talking about how this was their trip before military service. And how JK started bonking Jimin over the head with his camera when he mentioned it. Jimin was giggling but you KNOW that they was emotional from it too. This was when they were thinking there was still a chance they would be separated for 2 years. I know they were anxious to get to cherish this time spent together. I know it meant SO much to them both and probably so much to JK that Jimin traveled all this way and made it happen.
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The way that JKs kayak tipped over immediately and Jimin just was cackling as he continued to paddle away and the staff were fishing JK out of the lake 🤣🤣🤣 just for JK to furiously row up on him and be like "you have your phone?? Tip over!!" 🤣🤣 They are so funny and cute! And Jimin taking a photo of his baby 💜 the way Jimin spent the whole time on the water just laughing and smiling fondly at everything JK would do. It's so freaking sweet. They just really had so much fun together being silly and goofy.
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Not Jimin giving JK the "you come here often?" Pick up line and the immediate roleplay they both get into 😅🤣😂 they really can't go too long without at least a little bit of flirting lol
We know there was a getaway cabin with a 2 bed option but Jikook picked the one with just one bed. Lmfao good for them. Hey BH, we know you have no issues with filming the members while they sleep, even while they share the bed. How come we got zero footage of Jikook sharing the bed? 😂😂
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Jimin being like "JK, you are a good cook 🥺" and Jungkook just immediately getting to work on cooking them dinner 🥺💜 although when Jimin asked for a taste, why did JK feed him from his FINGER?! Lmfao and what the hell was the noise he made when Jimin licked his finger 😂🤣 half moan, half laugh? I don't even know lmao
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And the way he ran to go feed Jimin a piece of the chicken because he was proud of how his cooking was turning out. Sooo cute. Jimin accidentally dropped a piece of chicken and acted like he committed a great offence 😭😂 the way they spilt dinner duties though was so cutely domestic.
JK speaking directly to the camera to speak to the viewers. Man has done too many hours long live streams. Lmao he is too used to just chatting with ARMYs 🤣😂 that was adorable and Jimin thought so too. And the way Jimin goes "I miss V" and JK immediately is like "let's call him!" Anything to make Jimin smile! But they clearly cut so much of that convo, BH, give me my members loving each other istg I miss them too much. And don't even get me started on the yoonminkook conversation. I genuinely almost teared up. I miss BTS so much 😭 their laughter is healing
Jimin getting a stomach bug 😭😭 my poor baby. And the screen just going black while Jikook cuddle?? The give us minimal Audio and a black screen and then they cut away entirely and we KNOW they are cuddling. Lmfao TF BH!! We know they cuddle, where is my fanservice?! And JK turned over at some point and elbowed Jimin in the nose. You KNOW they were all up in each other's business on that bed for that to happen 😂😂😂
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And my poor Jimmie... He feels so bad 😭😭 JK is taking such sweet care of him though.
JK outside stacking rocks while Jimin rests is giving me Yumi vibes. Lmfao I love him (and her!) SO MUCH! The way he prayed after too for a good trip with Jimin. The rock tower is also (correct me here if needed) a way to pray for someone's health and well-being. My poor sick Jiminie. Yumi also used the rock towers as ways to pray and communicate with her Gods.
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Wrap up thoughts?
Not much I haven't already said honestly. Lol but just more emphasis on how special this trip is, both to Jikook themselves and for us to have it shared with us. This IS comfort TV. They bring each other such peace and happiness. They both banter and tease and have such fun. They both baby the heck out of the other. JK taking care of a sick Jimin was soooo nice seeing. The way Jimin wasn't feeling good, but rallied in order to have a good time for their weekend away.
It's also interesting that so much of this is honestly filmed from GoPro. They have some staff and crew there, but from what I've seen it's a smaller number than normally goes to film these shows and they are left alone with just installed cameras fairly often. That's extra nice for them. 💜
I am and forever will be salty about all the cuts. The Tae face time was cut short, the cuddling was cut, so much was cut. Which duh, I get why. But I still want more 😂 looking forward to the behinds to see if we get anything more. That black screen cut from them cuddling though was 👀👀😂😂
JK was such a good leader and took charge so much so far this trip. It was cool to see, Jimin ALSO thought so! The way he was speak for both of them, drove them around, ordered food and drinks for them, gave dinner prep instructions. Gave Jimin his medicine.... I'm not saying it's hyung behavior.... But... Lol also I did notice that there was a pretty even split of address between him calling Jimin hyung, or just by his name. Along with all the little random bits of flirting sprinkled through the episode lol so cute..
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Hope you guys enjoyed it!! And thanks for reading all my random thoughts! Onto episode 2!
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princessmaybank · 2 months
🍒 cherry red !
6 and 9 (dirty number not intended) with jj ! 💋
Finally, the last request from my celebration! I'm so sorry it took this long, I hope you enjoy it my love!
Come Crawling Back
Pairings: Rafe x Fem!Reader, JJ x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Oral (Fem. receiving), Edging, Fingering, etc.
Summary: Rafe can't satisfy you, so JJ will.
Author's Note: This one was kinda quick with smut, but I hope you all like it nonetheless!
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"Oh fuck...oh fuck... FUCK-" I grunt after I feel Rafe pull away. His tongue perfectly swirled around my hole and his teeth bit at my clit with the most pleasurable pain. But he had to fucking PULL AWAY.
I huffed as he sat there, chuckling to himself. "It's called edging baby." He spoke. "It's called bullshit Rafe." I said standing up and pulling up my panties. My skirt followed as I fixed my hair and shirt. "Hey where ya goin? I'm not done with you!" He yelled as I walked out. This must have been the thousandth time this man has tried this whole 'edging' thing and the thousandth and one time I've told him I'm not into it. "To JJ's! At least I know he'll give me a good orgasm!" I yell out the door and walk to my car. JJ and I haven't done anything in a long time, but Rafe didn't need to know that. "Don't come crawling back to me bitch!" He slammed the door. I think Rafe and I just broke up..
Not literally cause we were just hooking up, but damn it's been a few months. I mean I have been looking for a reason to break it off, but I didn't expect it to be over this, and this soon. As I was driving to the chateau, I realized last time I talked to JJ, he wasn't thrilled about my 'adventures' with Rafe. I only told him about it last weekend when we had a small party at the chateau. I was drunk and I guess I felt like I was at confessional. JJ hasn't talked to me much since. It definitely made things a bit more awkward between us.
JJ and I used to have a friends-with-benefits relationship. It was great until one day he decided to end things because he felt like he might catch feelings and ruin our friendship. I told him nothing could ruin us, but he wasn't swayed, so we ended things. We were awkward for the first week or so but then we were the best of friends. Well until last weekend.
I pulled up to the chateau and realized I had no plan. What the fuck was I going to do? Just say that I haven't been able to cum and I need help from my best friend that is upset with me at the moment? No. I don't think so.
I walked into the chateau and was greeted by my friends. They were all sitting around the living room, watching a movie. Everyone shouted their own 'hello's' and 'how the hell are ya's'. I respond to all of them before they tell me to watch it with them.
"There's room next to JJ on the couch babe!" Kie yelled from the floor. Of course that's where I get to sit. I made my way to the couch and was getting ready to sit but JJ moved. Not away from me, he moved away from the arm of the couch so I could have that spot. He knows that's my favorite place to sit. I gave him a small smile and I got one back before sitting down.
JJ offered me his blanket but I didn't want him to get cold so I said I was fine. He clearly saw me shivering and he shared the blanket with me. Maybe I didn't have to think of what to say to him. We were okay. There's a slight tension but we are headed in the right direction which is all that matters.
I was still on edge from my rendezvous with Rafe earlier. I couldn't sit still and JJ seemed to notice. "Can you sit still please?" He whispered in my ear. "I'm trying.." I whined into his ear by accident. I immediately blushed and he adjusted next to me while clearing his throat.
"What's up with you?" He asked. I shook my head 'no' trying to put my attention back on the movie. JJ scooted closer to me and whispered in my ear. "I've fucked you multiple times, Y/N..I know when you're horny." His hand found my thigh under the blanket and slowly rubbed up and down. "I-I'm not." I don't look at him. His hand starts to get closer to my heat before I jump up. "I have to go! Xena needs to be let out!" I used my dog as a cover up. I walked outside and not too long after, JJ came out too. "I'll see you later Jay.." I walk to my car and open the door before it's slammed shut and I'm spun around and pinned against my door. "W-what-" I was cut off by JJ's lips.
He pulled back before opening the back door and helping me in there. He got on his knees in front of me and pulled my skirt, along with my panties, down my legs and threw them in the trunk. JJ spread my legs and licked his lips when he noticed how wet I was.
"Who did this to you?" He teased.
"R-Rafe, he's been liking to edge me recently... actually called it off because I was getting sick of it." I huffed. "Poor girl.. he wouldn't let you cum?" He teased as he rubbed the inside of my thigh. I shook my head no. "Well I'm feeling nice today, I'd love to help you out." He pulls my hips forward and lowers his tongue to my heat. "oh- shit.." I gasp and throw my head back. I feel his lips leave mine before he speaks.
"Ah ah ah, eyes on me babygirl." JJ looks me in the eyes as he pulls my chin down. He pressed his mouth against my cunt again, swirling different symbols with his tongue. "Mmmm shit-" I start to lay my head back before I feel a sharp pain on my clit. "Ow!" He bit me. "Said eyes on me sweetheart." He says before continuing to eat me out.
I do as he says and try my hardest to watch him. His eyes never left mine, even as he pushed his fingers into me. "Fuck Jay- don't stop..." He giggled against my clit. If he wasn't busy I could hear him saying something like 'wasn't plannin' on it darlin'. His tongue and his fingers sped up while my mouth was spewing moans and curses, occasionally slipping JJ's name in there. "F-fuck Jay- m'gonna c-cum.." I whine before releasing on his fingers. He pulls out with a groan and slips his fingers into his mouth.
"Good girl..." He praised and rubbed my thigh as I came down from my high.
"Feel better now?" I shook my head and smiled at him. "Thought you'd never do that for me ever again." I giggle. "Well I did miss it, and the fact that I got you off and Rafe didn't, even if it was on purpose, is giving me a complex." He laughs which makes me giggle in return. "Well thank you for your help Jay..I needed that." I smile at him. "Any time sweetheart, anytime." He smirks and winks at me before giving me a kiss. "Next time you'll have to help me out."
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chlix · 2 months
hello christ? i'm 'bout to sin again
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vampire! chan x fem! reader: you're a blood donor for wealthy vampires in need of willing victims. it's possible you like your job a little too much
genre: fluff, smut (MDNI)
word count: 6.4k
warnings/tags: oral sex (fem receiving), blood drinking, unsafe sex, seriously like don't do this it's so unsanitary
a/n: i've literally never written smut so i was hesitant to post this, but i liked the idea and i had fun writing it so here it is anyway. i used the name "hyunji" bc this fic only made sense in my brain in third person, but feel free to substitute that name for your own!
Hyunji steels herself as the car she’s in pulls up to the restaurant. It’s an upscale place, with tall glass windows and expertly pruned landscaping on the circle drive. Small light fixtures are placed along edges and curves that make the already tall building exterior look even taller in the evening light. Hyunji has been to some upscale places, but nothing like this. Then again, she’s never had a client exactly like this either. She needs to be on her best behavior.
"He's a bit particular," the woman at the agency told her earlier on the phone. "He's been through a handful of our donors this month alone. I’ve received no complaints from any of them, any everyone was paid well above our rates, but none were asked for a second appointment. I can't give you any pointers for what they did wrong."
If the only consequence of the night going wrong is that Hyunji goes home with a fat paycheck and continues her job search, she’ll consider the evening a success. Sometimes donors are stiffed of their pay entirely or treated like walking bags of meat rather than people offering a service. Sometimes girls don’t come back at all.
That’s the way it goes when you’re dealing with vampires.
But Hyunji loves a challenge, and she'd already signed a liability waiver when she was put on the registry, so she'd accepted the details of the meeting and started getting ready. She’s wearing a black long-sleeved dress with a slit high enough to reveal a good amount of thigh even when she stands. The neckline is low, and the collar frames her collarbone enticingly. No necklaces, no earrings, but a single silver bracelet. She wants to look inviting; not so much done up as...put together. Polished. She doesn’t want to look like an easy meal. Hyunji knows from experience that vampires also like challenge more often than not.
She exits the car and tips the driver in cash and walks up to the restuarant with her coat wrapped around herself and her purse in hand. She approaches the maître d’ with a practiced smile on her face, and he greets her with a polite bow.
"Hello," she greets. "Reservation for Bang?"
The maître d’ calls over another attendant, who leads her to a small room off from the main dining room. A private area. Inside are a few tables spaced far enough apart that they fade away in the low lighting. In the far corner, a man sits staring at the wall, tapping idly at his plate. He has dark hair that’s gelled away from his face, and pink, plush lips. He’s wearing a suit, but Hyunji can tell that there’s muscles under it just from the way he holds his body. His eyes are a bright, unnatural blue. Even at first glance, in this dim room, Hyunji can see that he’s breathtakingly handsome. Of course, that's nothing new. Most vampires are. It’s kind of the whole point.
"Mr. Bang," the attendant says quietly. "Your guest has arrived."
The man turns to look at them, sitting up properly as he does. He gave the attendant a staged smile of his own. "Thank you very much, Sohyeon. We'll call when we're ready."
The attendant- Seohyeon- bows and leaves.
"Please, take a seat” he says, and Hyunji removes her coat and sets it on the chair, then sits down herself.
"I hope you aren't too nervous," he says. "But I thought it might be better for us to discuss these things in relative privacy."
"I'm not nervous. I appreciate the consideration."
He nods. "I'm Bang Chan. Though I suppose you already know that."
Hyunji had suspected, but it's not as if vampires are keen on photography. He could be Chan's assistant, or his errand boy. It isn’t uncommon for initial meetings like this, especially with vampires of such high stature.
"I'm Son Hyunji," she says. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."
"Can I say, I'm a bit surprised you came in person?"
Chan's smile turns a bit wry. "Well, I prefer to make my own decisions about these sorts of things. It's not that I don't trust the other members of my coven. It's just that matters like this are a bit...personal. You understand."
"I do."
"I'm sure they gave you the rundown of my history with your agency. I hope being a frequent user isn’t a mark against me."
Chan doesn’t seem to be overly invested in the theatrics of all this, so Hyunji decides to be frank.
"They didn't give me many details. I was only told that all the girls were sent home unharmed. In this business, that's a victory."
"That's a generous outlook."
"Of course I'm generous. I'm offering my blood."
Chan cracks a smile, and some of the severity in the places of his face eked away. "That you are. I assume you came prepared today ready to be bitten?"
"If the negotiations go well, then yes, I'm prepared."
"Well, then I'll be on my best behavior," Chan said. "And I should probably get you something to eat."
He must press some button under his table, because Seohyeon reappears, ready to assist.
"Do you mind if I order for you?" he asks.
"Not at all." It isn’t uncommon. Diet has an impact on the taste of the blood, and every client has a preference. For her last position, Hyunji had found herself eating much more meat than she normally did and had to pick up running as a hobby to help with indigestion. At another job, she'd been overfed sugar, as if being fattened by a witch. Both of those had been a pain; it had been difficult to maintain her figure when she was practically being force-fed.
Chan, however, orders her a simple vegetable dish and a glass of water, along with a platter of cut exotic fruits.
"You'll need carbohydrates," he says simply. Hyunji simply nods. She can handle being grass-fed. It might even help her cholesterol levels.
Seohyeon leaves to submit their orders and returns later with a single crystalline glass. She doesn’t even attempt to set a glass or plate in front of Chan.
"You have meetings like this here often, then?" she asks.
"I do. I have high regard for their discretion."
"And here I thought I was special," Hyunji jokes, hoping to see that small smile again and being gratified when she receives it.
"Somehow I can tell that you are, regardless of my behavior."
Hyunji sips her drink for a moment, and they sit in amicable silence. Her weakness when it comes to meetings like this is her urge to fill space. She tends to talk when she's nervous, trying too hard to sell herself. She knows better than most that vampires are not a monolith, but generally speaking, they have a much higher tolerance for discomfort that most humans. They value solitude and caution. Hyunji tries to mirror this as best she can, to appear thoughtful, controlled. This too is also a test of her resolve. She can't seem like she would be easy to take advantage of. It’s a matter of life and death.
"Do you have any questions for me?" she finally asks. "You must have some harsh requirements, if no other girls have lasted more than a day."
Chan shrugs. "Sometimes people are incompatible."
"So cryptic. Is decoding your words part of the test?"
"I don't try to be cryptic. It might be hard to believe, but I'm not naturally inclined towards this sort of thing. I find these meetings awkward and artificial."
That's interesting. Hyunji sets her glass of water down. "Artificial, huh? I don't seem genuine to you?"
"It's not you, it's... all of this. The agency, the meeting, the negotiations. It just...gives me a bit of a headache."
"Would you rather chase me as I run screaming down the street?" she asks. "It wouldn't be the strangest thing asked of me."
Chan's eyes widen, caught off guard. "Someone's asked you for that?"
"Yes. I said no, of course."
Chan shakes himself out of his disbelief. "Good. I mean, not good that someone asked you that, but good that you refused. That's horrible."
Hyunji hums. "Part of the job."
"I've heard a bit about it..." he murmurs, then looks directly at Hyunji, voice resolved, focused. "I should have said this when you came in, but you're under no obligation to stay here. At any point in the night you can leave. You won't be harmed, and you'll be compensated for your time. I never want you to feel like you're trapped here with me, whether that be literally, socially, or financially." He seems to want to stop speaking, but continues, "This is what I mean by artificial. If you're in my employ, I feel as if I rob you of safety. It's not a position I enjoy being in."
This is such an unexpected turn of events. Hyunji had always assumed having power over their donors, even if it was just for show, was part of the fun. Yes, her official job is "blood donor," but in practice, she supposes most of her jobs boil down to "consensual victim." She shows up at a designated location after eating and drinking what she’s told, wearing what she’s told to wear, and is bitten. She tells nobody what she’s doing, and her clients often leave as soon as they are finished with her. But Chan says that all those things make him uncomfortable. He only wants her blood.
It’s fascinating. And too good of an opportunity to pass up.
"Is that why you switch donors so frequently?" she asks. "You feel as if you're taking advantage of them?"
Chan's lips twitch. "A futile attempt at damage control, I'll admit."
"It's noble," she says, and she truly means it. "It means a lot to me to hear you say that." She’s silent for another moment, debating. "I doubt this will ease your worries, but I don't do this job as a primary source of income. I'm actually quite well-off. And I didn't get roped into this young and have some traumatic past tied to it. I'd never even met one of your kind until I took my first client, after I graduated college. If you think I'm bluffing, I can show you my bank statements. So being your regular donor wouldn't be you taking advantage of me. I could quit any time I wanted without a second thought."
"I did think you'd done this a few times. Back in your home country?”
"And a few here and there before you. Nothing permanent. I didn't like how they talked to me, so I quit. I would give their names, but y'know. Donor-client privilege."
"Then why do you do this job, if not for the money?"
She smiles. "Because I love it. Didn't I say I was generous?"
"Venom junkie," Chan says in a resigned tone.
"I'm semi-immune, actually," Hyunji corrects. "And I'm not sugarcoating it. I love helping people. I make new blood all the time, so it's not really a loss for me. And even when my clients aren't as wealthy as you seem to be, I still get to have new experiences and try new things. I'm a foreigner, y'know. It's hard to make friends in South Korea." She grins as she leans forward on the table, looking Chan very pointedly up and down. "Also, not to be crass, but getting my blood sucked is so fucking hot. It gets me going every single time."
Chan looks at her, face drawn in surprise but in a different way than before. He’s so hard to read, too practiced and trained at impassivity, but he isn’t leaning away from her, so it's possible she hasn’t made any errors so large she couldn't correct them later in the night. He'd wanted her to be genuine? Well, this is as genuine as she can get.
Seohyeon returns then, carrying Hyunji's meal and a pitcher of water to refill her glass.
"Leave the pitcher, Seohyeon," Chan says, eyes still fixed on Hyunji. "I don't want to bother you too much. We'll be a while."
Hyunji allows a cheshire grin to overtake her features. She picks up her fork and pops a kumquat into her mouth with obvious glee, relishing the way Chan watches the slide of it all the way down her dark, exposed throat.
They continue their conversation as Hyunji finishes eating. He's not as closed off as he was initially, and Hyunji finds that he's a fairly good conversationalist. His voice is calm and rich, and when he's not trying to fit into the role of "mysterious vampire" he's fairly straightforward about his account of events and memories. As a plus, he seems genuinely interested in her life, or at least the limited parts she tells him. He keeps eye contact with her and asks clarifying questions. When she politely declines to elaborate, he doesn't pry. It's a pleasant change of pace from her usual first meetings, and she has a feeling it is for him too, if his body language is anything to judge by.
The topics stray away from the topic of their meeting, talking more about the facts of their lives and relations, but the charged environment from Hyunji's declaration doesn't dissipate. If anything, it only gets stronger as the night wears on, and Hyunji notices Chan become a bit twitchier, glancing more often at the door behind Hyunji, or at the watch on his wrist. As soon as she’s finished the last bite of her food, Seohyeon reappears, summoned by that elusive button once again. She's already holding the check in hand, and Chan signs it without even looking at it and hands it back to her.
"Shall we go?" he asks. Hyunji nods.
"Thank you very much, Seohyeon. You were great tonight as always."
Seohyun bows politely, but when her eyes meet Hyunji's, she winks. It catches Hyunji off-guard, but quickly enough she's able to return with a genuine smile and a bow of her own. Seohyeon must be the attendant who always serves Chan at meetings like this. It's nice to know that she doesn't think less of Hyunji for being here, or perhaps that she's even rooting for Hyunji to catch him for good. From her high spirits, Chan must also be a good tipper, which is a point in his favor. She finds that she really is starting to like the guy. She already suspected he was decent enough for paying his donors well, but she's pleasantly surprised to find he seems to be an all-around stand-up guy, which is good. Hyunji doesn't like to overstate her importance to her clients, but she does sometimes have qualms about aiding in the continued existence of assholes.
Hyunji gets up, puts her coat back on, and grabs her purse. Chan extends his elbow to her, and she wraps her hand around his arm, jolting a bit when she feels the breadth of muscle hidden under his suit jacket. He leads her out of the room and out to the front, where he calls the valet to bring his car around.
"No driver?" she asks, half-joking, but all Chan says is, "He has the night off."
Money money. It's even more impressive than the private seating.
The drive is short but quiet. Hyunji lets the water settle in her stomach and lets Chan focus on driving. She isn't trying too hard to memorize the route. She doubts he's going to take her to some wizened alley and drink her dry. And if he does, well, at least she’s had a good night before she goes.
They arrive at an upscale hotel after only a few minutes. The car is valeted again, and she once again holds on to his elbow as they walk to the front desk and Chan asks for a room. The fact that he didn't set this room up beforehand is even more gratifying to her. It feels like winning. She's going to get dinner and a show. It's her ideal evening.
Chan hands her one the key cards and they go to the elevator. His hand resting on hers is heavy, and not particularly cold. Up close, she can see the pink of his lips and cheeks is not makeup, which means he's nowhere close to starving. He just wanted to have her that bad.
This is what she loves about it, truly. The power over the vamps who dine on her. The juxaposition almost has her feeling heady.
When they get to the room, Hyunji excuses herself immediately to the bathroom, as the water she drank has finally caught up with her. When she's finished, she looks at herself in the mirror as she washes and dries her hands, making sure everything about her is still in place. It's not that she thinks Chan would care, persay. But she's sure he'll get more satisfaction from ruining her himself.
She exits the bathroom and closes the door behind herself, so she's standing before Chan, shoes and coat gone. He's sitting on the bed, and his suit jacket is discarded, giving her a clear view of his broad shoulders and large chest. He eyes her hungrily, looking her up and down with no apology, and Hyunji doesn't even care if he's thirsty for her blood or for her flesh. She'd be happy with either.
Vampires being hot is a part of the gag, true, but that doesn't mean she can't enjoy it while she's here.
"So," she asks, still standing a respectful distance away from him. "Feeling thirsty?"
Chan lets out a little laugh. "Honestly? You have no idea."
A little thrill goes through her at the rasp in his voice.
Still, honorable as he is, he offers her one last out. "If you don't want to do this, I can leave right now. I'll give you your pay and you can stay in the room. I don't expect anything out of you."
"I know," Hyunji says. "And again, I appreciate the out. But I want this. I consent to donating to you tonight."
Chan lets out a long breath and beckons her closer. She follows, walking slowly, and when she meets the bed, she crawls onto it so that she's on her knees in front of him.
"Where would you like me to take from?" he asks.
"Wherever you want," she says. "If you're uncomfortable, you can take from my wrist. But I wore this dress for easy access. Both to my neck and my thigh."
"You really weren't kidding about thinking this is sexy," he says, breathless, like he can't believe it.
"Do you live on planet earth? Everyone thinks vampires are sexy. A lot of people are just also cowards. But I'm not. And I don't think you're going to bleed my dry and leave my husk in this hotel room, are you?"
Chan shakes his head no.
"Then what's to be scared of? Is it a crime to enjoy my job?"
Chan lets out a low breath, almost like a laugh. "You're something else, aren't you?"
"I guess I am." She leans back a little, pulling herself back into her composure. "But as I said, this is meant to be enjoyable for us both. If you'd like to just drink from my wrist and leave, that's completely fine. It's not like I go around fucking all my clients. I'm capable of being professional."
"I feel like we crossed the line from professional a while ago," Chan says. "Which is my fault as much as it's yours."
Good. She was worried she'd been coming on far too strong.
"So what's the plan?" she asks again. "How do you want me?"
Chan's fingers twitched again as he scanned her up and down. "Can I touch you?" he asks.
In an instant, Hyunji is flat on her back, and Chan is above her, boring down on her. Her heart rate goes crazy, seeing those eyes in the shadows, the eyes of a predator. They look electric blue, hypnotic.
"I'm going to hold you right here, and you're not going to look at anyone except me," he says, his voice lower than before. "I'm going to suck your blood. And then I'm going to eat you out." His hands tighten around her wrists, and she sees the veins in his neck pop and oh god, oh god-
He's waiting for an answer, ever the gentleman. She swallows harshly and says. "Be my guest, Mr. Bang."
Chan leans down and connects their lips.
Just like she'd gathered from his hands, he's warm. Over the years, she'd gotten used to the colder body temperature of vampires, about the uncanniness of how they feel against her. She associates it now with being part of the experience, and can look past it, especially when her client is this good-looking. But here it's barely an issue. Their lips press together, and it's almost like kissing a human. As long as she doesn't think about the fact that she can't feel a heartbeat even though he's less than an inch away from her.
He licks into her mouth, and she lets him, opening her mouth wide and swallowing her gasps. Heat is spreading through her, arousal swelling all her blood vessels, and she knows the moment he smells it from how his grip tightens even further, from the growl deep in his throat. His lips trail down from her mouth to her neck, and she leans her head back to expose it more fully. She's sure he can see her heartbeat in her carotid from the way her blood rushes in her ears.
"You smell...so fucking good," he says in between heavy breaths. "Even in the restuarant...you were driving me crazy."
He sucks at Hyunji's neck, and she moans, hands straining as she tries to arch up. One of his hands releases hers and comes to grip her jaw, pushing her head to the side as he zeroes in on her neck. She can hear a deep rumbling in his chest, like a cat gearing up to pounce. She can't see his eyes, but she knows they must be dilated to black pools.
"Last chance to back out," he murmurs, lips millimeters from Hyunji's skin.
"Bite me," she says.
She sucks in a breath as his lips graze her skin. Then he bites down.
Hyunji knows that she's semi-immune to venom. She has the doctor's notes to prove it, and the experience with vampires to believe them. But there might be some truth to Chan saying she's a venom junkie anyway, because the initial bite alone is orgasmic. Her mouth drops open, her body stiffening and arching under him as she sucks in a quick breath. The smell of her own blood fills her senses, the familiar ochre and iron wafting around them hypnotically, and her thoughts zero in on the feeling of Chan pressed to her neck, of his large mouthfuls, the iron grip he has on her, as if she would even dare struggle.
She knows she tastes better when she's aroused, but it also feels better when she's willing. And oh, god is she willing. For a moment it feels like she's never wanted anything more.
Chan drinks greedily, completely at odds with the composure he's been maintaining the whole evening. It's so satisfying she thinks she might just cum again from the way he's pulling at her, the way he obviously wants her so badly it's taking all his self-control not to rip her apart. And what a way to go, really. The epitome of dying happy.
The lightheadedness is only barely setting in when he pulls off her, releasing both her hands and her head. His lips are stained red, and his cheeks are flushed. She can see, even with his blown pupils, how hazy his eyes eyes are. His grip on her wrists hasn't faltered for a second.
"Fuck," he says, but even that is far away. "Are you okay?"
"Never better," she says. "Come here."
She grips his jaw and pulls him down, and he goes easily, connecting their lips in a messy swirl of blood and drool and venom. She can feel the tang of it still as his fangs are still prominent in his mouth. They're large, and she feels the tip of one cut her own lip, blood pooling between her teeth. Chan pulls away with a moan.
"You taste so good," he murmurs, licking his lips, absolutely blood-drunk. "Fuck. Want you so bad."
"And you're fucking gorgeous," she says. "So in-control. You gonna take care of me, Chan? You gonna make me feel good?"
That rumbling starts in his chest again, and Chan is on her again, his full weight pressing down on her, stealing the breath from her lungs. Vampires always weigh more than you think they would, and Chan is heavy with her blood. His skin is burning, almost feverish. It's so monstrous. It's so fucking sexy.
"Gonna eat you out so good," he murmurs against her lips. "Gonna make you scream."
"God, please," she whines. "Please. Want your mouth. Wanna cum so bad."
Chan abandons her lips and shuffles down the bed to the curve of her hips. He doesn't have to push her dress up that far to have access, and he doesn't even bother to actually remove her panties, instead pushing them aside and diving in. His fangs are still extended, and the slick feeling of bone against her labia sends a thrill of fear down her spine. What if he cuts her down there? Will he start drinking from that too? Her juices and blood mixing together for him? The fear only makes it more attractive, and she pushes down into his mouth, wanting more, wanting him deeper. His tongue is so wet, so rough, his fingers on her thighs are gouging holes into her skin, they must be, but she doesn't make him stop, she just heaves in haggard breaths, begs him to keep going.
His tongue swirls around the head of her clit and then takes it into his mouth and sucks. The twine in Hyunji's stomach snaps, eyes rolling back, and her breath pushed harshly out of her lungs in what is, admittedly, closer to a scream than she thought she'd get. Her vision is hazy for a moment, head full of roaring and fog as she recovers from both the blood loss and the intensity of the orgasm. Chan pulls away from her as her body goes lax, and she can hear him breathing in deep lungfuls of air. It doesn't occur to her for another few seconds that he doesn't even need to breathe. It's cute. She loves it when they still have vestigial impulses.
Time is murky for a while. Hyunji doesn't feel Chan get off the bed and step away and is only dimly aware of hands on her neck, something cooling brushed under her skin. Her head is a mess, she doesn't know which way is up. She's no stranger to this feeling, though, even though it's rarely so strong. She just breathes through it, and lets her body do what it must, and slowly, everything begins to settle back into focus.
When she opens her eyes, she's still lying on the bed. There's no one with her, but she can feel eyes on her. After another minute, she feels alright to sit up, and is proud that the dizziness doesn't seem too bad. Apparently, he hadn't taken as much blood as she'd thought.
Chan is sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. He'd been looking out the window before, but his eyes snap over to her when she moves, and in a second he's by her side, arm around her back so he can help her into a sitting position against the headboard.
"How are you feeling?" he asks. His hair has gone astray from it's perfect placement, and his cheeks are still flushed, but his eyes are back to normal now, present and assessing and nearly human in its clear concern.
"I'm fine," she says. It feels like a gross understatement considering what’s just transpired.
"I didn't mean to take so much," he says apologetically. "I didn't think I'd lose control so quickly."
If this is what Chan calls losing control, then Hyunji pales at the thought of what he'd say if she explained some of the encounters she's endured.
"You stopped yourself even before I would've," she assures him. "I'm barely dizzy at all. And my shakiness is just as much from the orgasm as the donation."
"You're sure?" he asks. The 180-degree shift from his earlier persona is as surprising as it is pleasant. His concern is adorable, and it seems so genuine. She finds herself smiling genuinely herself.
"I'm sure. I'm completely alright. I should, ah, probably eat something though."
"Yes. Of course."
Chan jumps up to grab the hotel phone and call for someone, and Hyunji takes stock of her body. There's a bandage over her neck and some form of antiseptic has been put on her lip. She can taste the medicinal tang. The area between her legs also feels wiped down where it's now covered with the drapings of her skirt.
Probably to clean up the blood, she thinks, remembering the frenzied state Chan had been in when he went down on her. God, she really was crazy. She hated being treated like fresh meat, but she loved it when they pretended like she was.
As her strength returns, she sits up properly, with her legs curled beside her. Chan goes to the door to get the food when it's delivered, and Hyunji accepts the small platter gratefully.
"I'm surprised the kitchen is still open," she comments.
"This is Josun Palace. The kitchen is always open."
Hyunji shrugs and eats her offered food. Chan still seems anxious about her state, but as she converses with him nonchalantly, he seems to believe in her good health, and the nervous energy fades.
Finally, after Hyunji has again finished her food and water, Chan says, "I should be off."
The disappointment hits Hyunji like a freight train. Maybe she'd been imagining it, but she thought that this had been going well. She had good blood and a good body, and he'd seemed to think her pleasant enough. She's old enough now that she shouldn't still be surprised when she reads vampires incorrectly, but this one stings, not just for the loss of a job, but for the loss of Chan, who she'd started to genuinely like at some point during the evening.
"If you must," she said, trying not to sound too put out. "I know you must be busy."
Chan looks a little torn. "Would you prefer I stayed?"
"I don't expect you to do things you're not comfortable with," Hyunji parroted. "If you've finished with me, you have every right to go."
"Hyunji, I didn't mean..." Chan sighs, takes a breath. "I just don't want you to feel as though you're trapped here with me. You've done your job as well. You can ask me to leave at any time."
"I'm not trapped with you. Like I said, I do this because I like it. And I know you're not going to hurt me, unless you're playing a really long game." Hyunji looks him right in the eyes when she says. "You're really nice, Chan. Don't tell my regulars back home, but this has been my best night, maybe ever. I won't hold you here, because you don't owe me anything, but I'm not uncomfortable with you at all."
Chan examines her closely, perhaps to divine if she's lying or not, but Hyunji means what she said. It might be one of the easiest jobs of her entire life, and one of her best hook-ups. No part of her feels like a cornered animal.
"I'll stay until you sleep," Chan offers. "So I can make sure you're okay."
"And then I'll never see you again?"
On this topic, Chan doesn't budge. "We'll see."
Well, if it's the best she's going to get, she'll take it. She sets the tray aside and gets up to use the bathroom, pleased to find her feet aren't the least bit wobbly. She doesn't wash her makeup off, but she does take her contacts out and change out of her dress into one of the hanging gowns by the shower. She'd actually wash herself clean if it wasn't so much effort.
Chan is sitting on the bed when she comes back out, and she's pleased to see he doesn't move as she approaches, just scoots away so she can climb back in under the covers and curl up. Gentle hands come to pull at her chin, exposing the bite in her flesh.
"It doesn't hurt," she murmurs. "And I don't scar easy."
"Junkie," he says, but this time it's affectionate instead of accusatory.
"I’m a professional," she rebuffs, eyes drifting closed. She falls asleep with his thumb still caressing her cheek.
Hyunji wakes up the next morning to find sunlight coming from the bottom of the blinds and Chan nowhere to be found. She groans as she wakes up and identifies the throb in her neck as the minimal venom effect finally wears off, leaving only the pain of the puncture.
She stumbles to the bathroom to remove her makeup and shower and drags back on the same dress and shoes she had the day before. There's a good chance the workers downstairs won't recognize her, and anyway, she's long past feeling shame for reappearing in the same clothes she'd left in. Everyone's done it, and she's not embarrassed of her slutty tendencies when they're so much of a part of her by now.
On the table next to her purse is a wad of cash. She can't begin to estimate how much. It was one of the things they hadn't discussed beforehand, was exactly how much she'd be paid. She assumed something approaching the going rate for her agency, but this appears to be much more. Tucked under the rubber band at the top of the stack is a note from Chan that says, Drink water when you wake up. You were shivering in your sleep.
Cute. Cullen-level creepy, but still cute. Hyunji puts the cash in her purse, checks the room over again, and leaves.
It isn't until the uber drops her off at her home and she's changed into comfortable clothes that she gets a call from Kimiya at the agency again. She runs through a similar debrief as the other girls before had given, that Chan was cordial and polite, that he took her blood and paid her well, and she has nothing more to say on the matter. Kimiya seems frustrated again, but promises to e-mail over the paperwork for their records and tells her to look after her heath. When Hyunji hangs up the phone, she sets it down and folds herself into her living room couch.
Chan hadn't given her his phone number, or any other means of contacting him. She supposes she could easily look him up, but that's against the rules of her contract, and at any rate, it's best not to go looking for vampires when they don't want to be found. Hyunji knows that at least well enough.
"Another notch on his belt," she says to herself. "It's what I expected going in."
She tells herself the lingering disappointment she's feeling is just the venom still in her system and goes to the kitchen to make herself breakfast.
Hyunji gets caught up in her life in the following days. She has "kind of" a job that she "kind of" has to go to, and "kind of" meetings that she "kind of" has to attend. It's nothing serious, and mostly for appearances, but she has nothing better to do with her time, so she goes anyway. By the middle of the week, her night with Chan is at the back of her mind, filed away with all her other patrons.
It doesn't exactly leave her, though. She wishes it would, because it's getting kind of embarrassing, but for some reason the feelings are hard to shake. Maybe it was because she liked Chan, not just as a respectful client, but as a person. Under different circumstances, she thought they would have gotten along well. That's where the loss might be coming from, in truth, not of him as a client, but him as a potential friend.
But vampires don't keep humans around like that. At least, not outside cheesy romance novels and dramas. They stick to their own, and humans stick to their own. Hyunji knows that. Which means she's got to get a grip.
'Getting a grip' lasts two weeks, when Kimiya gives her another call late Thursday morning. This is in line with the usual timeframe. Hyunji doesn't take any medications she needs to detox from, so she's a prime candidate for people who need last-minute donations. The minimum time between two donations is two weeks, so this is the earliest that Hyunji could potentially take any requests.
"Hello, Kimiya," she says, answering the phone cheerfully. "What do you need?"
"I have news," Kimiya says, deviating from the script. Hyunji stops short.
"Bang Chan wants to request you again."
Hyunji's heart leaps into her throat. "He does?"
"Yes. He wouldn't give much more information than that, but he did specify that this would be in a more casual setting, and that he did not anticipate feeding from you at this time. Of course, this means you also wouldn't be paid for attending the meeting."
Hyunji has a feeling that whether she gave blood had nothing to do with her potential financial gain.
"I'll do it," Hyunji says. "When's the meeting?"
"Tomorrow, Friday, at eight pm. I'll send you the address."
"Perfect." She’s sure she can’t keep the excitement out of her voice. "Thank you, Kimiya."
"Of course," Kimiya says. Then, "What did you do with him? He and his coven have been running through our girls like water."
Hyunji presses a finger against her neck, relishing the feel of the blood rushing under her skin. "Oh, you know. The best strategy is just to have fun and be yourself.”
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izuku midoryia’s type in women PLEASEEEE🙏🙏
OFCC!! Sorry for taking so long, in my last post I explained why I've been on an unofficial hiatus but yeah 😭 I got u!!
IZUKU MIDORIYA - type in women
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bro DOES NYYYAT care, literally at all. I think everyone has their preferences, him too ofc, but he's him guys. The ratio from hips to waist is NOT what bros laying attention to, but ofc I'll still give you my opinion.
SUN KISSED BADDIES you got that like sunburn across your cheeks? he's going crazy. like legitimately. I don't think he would be able to handle his feelings. he'd probably pass out from a blood pressure spike.
He likes them brown haired girls 😔 and brown eyed girls 😭 (song reference) He honestly doesn't care Abt details like that, he'd date anyone, but he def compares his love life to shoujo series and he stays seeing those dark haired baddies.
ass tits thighs personality ✅ he's fs a personality man but let's bffr, every guy has there thing....height, hips, and arms. He likes his girls shorter than him 🙂 (around 5'2? not too short tho cuz then he gets weirded out) He LOVES dem hips. Yk whenever a girl has that natural dip in her hips, it kinda looks like those donut stack toys babies play with? (random comparison I js can't think of anything) HE LOVES THAT SH!!T. He's def secretly crazy for thick hips, like when u got some fat around them. Loves it 100%
okay...so the whole arms thing...he likes girls who have thicker arms...and not rly a muscle kinda thick, more like an auntie thick when you got that little folded skin hanging over the elbow. Bros specific, and bros a lil weird Abt it. He would NEVER admit it out loud, but it's like a creepy fetish for him. He would js never actually be creepy Abt it tho cuz yk, HE HAS COMMON DECENCY. (Unlike some guys 🙄)
When I say he's not picky, I MEAN he is not picky. It's giving very much Yuji Itadori and that one girl that he was like "yeah it would be her" (very mindful, very sweet, very wholesome, very demure) Slim, Thick, Skinny, Midsize, Plus size, All size, Morphing Size (idfk im running out of sizes and you never know with those quirks man)
if ur a mean ass bitch you can get TFFF OUUUTTT bro does NOT stand for that sh!t 🙅‍♀️ tbh i dont think he'd be picky when it comes to personality but he doesn't stand for someone who has room for hate in their heart, even after everything hes been through. I'm not gonna sit here and be like "oh he's a sweet cinnamon roll 🥺" like bffr, but he won't even look in your direction if you're a "hater"
He generally wants someone sweet, or just nice in general. like ochaco (no I'm not shipping them, she's just really nice and the best charcter to describe his preferred personality to)(did you see her with toga? shes a sapphic queen guys bffr) He wants someone who cares TREMENDOUSLY, like he does. Kindness is what gets his attention, being a good soul and good spirit, someone he can match wave lengths with mentally.
A strong mind and determination. (bkdk reference) (I'm joking) He knows exactly where he wants to be in life, even if his idea of that is a little messy, so he likes whenever someone has the same drive he does, natural will to be good. He wants someone mentally tough and ready to face the world for what they believe, as long as they know in their heart it's what they want/believe. (all might reference)
He rly likes girls who can draw 😭 He thinks it's the coolest thing ever and it makes it so easy for his partner to get him gifts bc he'd melt if he got a personalized drawing of him and his fav heros 😭
LOVE LANGUAGE - physical touch
he's not huge on pda (he gets rly embarrassed, not in a embarrassed of you way, more of a, im shy and feel like my face is going to explode, kinda way) but he loves sweet little acts of physical touch. Whenever he's stressed or really anxious holding hands melts all his worries away.
LOVE LANGUAGE -quality time
bro fr js wants to be next you. he loves little cheesy dates (amusement park and sharing crepes)(manga reference) but yeah, just cheesy things like that.
Really likes nerdy girls (very big on matching energy if you can't already tell) like js geek out with bro and he'd die for u istg.
Play a damn board game with this kid, Jeezus Chrysler. Whip out monopoly and you'll have his attention till he rots in fictional jail. He actually REALLY sucks at board games but refuses to ever stop playing them. Jenga? He can't even set the blocks up without knocking them over. Uno? He forgot what the word uno was. I mean literally say there stuttering trying to remember what word he's supposed to say.
BUY THIS KID SHOES. He doesn't know why...but it's one of his favorite gifts to receive. He loves trying them on and showing them off to you. He also gets rly geeked out over custom fan shoes. (think like those Hercules sandals from the Hercules movie) He knows it's cringe. He doesn't care. He has display racks for all of them on his wall.
OMG I FINISHED WRITING IT HOLY SH!T I DIDNT THINK I WOULD I js pulled all of these he out MY BEHIND BRO it's midnight I'm dead ASF, I have that convention in 2 days, shizzz wild rn. Pls lemme know what u think!! I've never been a HUUGHERE Deku fan, I kinda js appreciate his character, but I think this is pretty cutesy, how tf do u spell that. Anyways, yeah. This was fun. BYEYYEYEYEHEHEHEHEHEYYTEYRYTRYYR
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generalkenobee · 10 months
hello! do you have anymore ted logan headcanons you'd be up for sharing? or possibly evil robot ted? im currently experiencing ted logan brainrot because I recently watched the first 2 films for the first time and I have the PHATTEST crush on ted lol it's embarrassing
Warnings: contains both SFW and NSFW
🎸cutie patootie! Ted
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- oh my gosh he loves you
- he'll do anything you ask.. anything!
- once in history looked at Bill and said "dude I'm totally a president!" After learning about teddy Roosevelt
-smells you...like a lot
-gives the best hugs ever like actually
-youre the first to get your license in the relationship so you drive him to school every morning while he plays music
-lets you paint his nails and put makeup on him
-always holding hands
-definition of a gentle giant
-his hands are about twice the size of yours
-likes to be the little spoon
-Ted Theodore Logan can not cook.
-please play with his hair
-the first time you complained about your period his dead ass response was "what's that?" 💀
-his dad doesn't really like you but he doesn't really like anyone so it's ok
-him sneaking in your room in the middle of the night while everyone is asleep>>>
-sub/ gentle dom
-you'll never forget the noise he said when he first slid in it was like "wait wait wait oh my- I augh.. please no.. it's too much please i-" and it was only half his length-
-sososososoo pussy whipped
-lazy sex
-gently jerky him while he sits on his bed and tells you about his day
-literally taking peaks down your blouse all the time
-lovesss to suck on your boobs while you run your fingers through his hair, holding him close to you
-wont tell anyone what you do together because it's such an intimate moment
-other than Bill...
-bursts into the room while holding your hand pulling you along " BILL BILL BILL GUESS WHAT WE JUST DID!!"
-doesn't realize how horny you get when you see him play
-hes also clueless so..this is how that plays out
"Ted you're so good at guitar.." you said biting your lip looking him up and down "your fingers just move so fast baby" your sweet boyfriend looked up at you from his instrument smiling "thanks babe!" After he said that he quickly looked back down working on his music. You say there looking him in the eye rubbing your thighs together while literally telling him how much you loved his fingers and he just looked away
-hes a massive pervert but he's clueless at the same time yk?
-does not know how to please you the first time so just be patient and tell him what you like
-first time he ate you out was like a dog trying to get peanut butter out of one of those toys..
-I feel like he would excel at fingering you..I mean have you seen the guys hands? And he plays guitar?
-sneaking in just to finger you>>
-lord please moan his name while he's rutting up into you..
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tenderlyrenjun · 1 year
7Dream and bouts of some relationship insecurity
I don't really know how to title this, but yeah ...
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includes ... making out, suggestive/implied sexual content, light swearing, references to fist fights, alcohol mentions, food mentions, jealousy/insecurity, vague choking; Juyeon cameo, hey babe ... also, I got carried away with one of these because I originally had it as part of a fic but I just deleted the fic instead so, yeah, sorry, you can ... really tell which one it is ._. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. YOU GET BLOCKED AND REPORTED.
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Mark Lee
"Hey, man, come on. That's my girl."
The single sentence took less than a minute, but the conversation ended with Mark's fist through the guy's jaw and with security escorting all five of you - you, Mark, Jaemin, Renjun, and Yeein - out the back door. Everyone else opted to head home, since the entrance fee was, like, ₩50,000 to account for weekend tax.
Mark barely managed a quick good-bye over the driver's door before you slammed your own door shut. You probably should have driven, since his knuckles continuously cracked along the steering wheel, but driving relaxes him, something he needed, especially after that incident. Some guy kept chatting you up, standing way too close, borderline touching your ass, even though you redirected away from him, several times. And Mark knows, and trusts, that you would never leave him, much less cheat on him; he has the upmost faith in you, if his constant words of affirmation are anything to believe, but that does not mean he has to trust everyone else, epsecially when alcohol comes into the mix, heightening emotions too much. And he didn't blame you - doesn't blame you. You look hot, something on which he commented ... very enthusiastically before even going to the bar, with your satin mini-dress, a small (literally) article he bought while thinking about you on a work trip.
But as he sped down to your apartment, you - his passenger princess - pointed your knees at the window, just generally looking away from him. He cramped his fingers on the steering wheel that time, flooring the gas pedal. Then, you, silently, guided him into your apartment, sitting him down in the bathroom, where you, now, wrap his knuckles.
Mark watches you take a salve, applying it via cotton swab over the dried blood, accidentally reopening the would, much to his grimace. Though, he says nothing. The frown embedded between your brows and the heavy breathing in the room prevents him from opening his mouth. So, he lets you paw at his hand, only letting out soft grunts when you overextend his thumb (it got caught on the guy's jaw after Mark went in for a third punch). Eventually, you finish with the salve, wiping away the excess with toilet paper, and you get up, walking out the small half-bathroom.
"I'm sorry," Mark calls softly. He half hopes you don't hear him, over the blaring air vent, because you still have yet to even look at him, in the eye, since you got in his shiny, red car. But, still, you return; eyes trained on the ground though, waving a beige roll of adhesive tape. And he repeats it, even gentler, saying your name this time, "Babe?"
"I said I'm sorry."
You stare at him, for awhile. He sees your eyes scan his face, probably lingering at the one or two cuts from when that guy landed a blow, and your fingers slip, accidentally fastening the bandage around his abductor muscle. And Mark resets his jaw, with his prettier hand, just thinking about the bar incident all over again. But then, your face drops, into your lap, and his face drops.
"No, yeah, I heard," you return, sighing, then unwrap his hand to fix your mistake. "I," you swallow thickly, licking your lips, refocusing on his fingers. Gingerly you turn them over in your polished hands, grazing his purpling skin comfortingly. "You don't have to be sorry," you say softly, "I just ... I didn't ..." You pause, dropping his hand back in his thigh, and kneel between his legs. "I didn't know you could be that kind of hot," you confess, smile fighting its way onto your face. You let out a breathless chuckle, cutting it short when you bite your lip. So, Mark pulls it from your teeth, palm brushing into your cheek. "You ... were really ... sexy." You run your hand up and down his inner thigh, and his knee twitches. "Normally, you, um, you use your words." You look up at him through your lases, teetering on your knees, still wearing that short, satin dress he bought, the loose neckline swaying teasingly. "And you're really good with your words."
Mark bites his lip this time, shifting his hips down the toilet seat on where he sits. "Gotta - Gotta defend my girl, yanno?"
You stand on your knees, taller, and Mark gets even closer, the two of you a magazine-width apart. His palm lowers down your cheek, down your jaw, settling above your collarbone. He presses, gently, at first, then squeezes around your neck, entire upper body shuddering. You breathe upward, on his lips, seam of your mouth breaking with each gasp, then move first, straddling his legs, drawing closer - yet so far - to his face.
"Well, you got your girl," you whisper. And his hand squeezes again, holding you at a distance to hear what you say, even though he keeps tilting his head across your pretty collar. "What are you gonna do now?"
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Huang Renjun
You take off your couple bracelet, leaving it in the key dish by the door, before heading to work, and Renjun found it, an hour later, when he was running late to the office. He said nothing, that night, collapsing in bed before you even finished your evening skincare routine. Then, you changed your phone case to some new otterbox, replacing his matching universe one, as you both went out to dinner with Juyeon and Jun. Still, Renjun said nothing, holding the elevator door open for you and a few older ladies. The following weekend, he plucked up the courage, before a brunch date, to bring up another couple accessory before you could show him its absence:
"Are you going to wear your ring today?"
You pause, in front of the vanity mirror, steel makeup spatula a hair away from your cheek, and look at him through his reflection. Renjun gnaws inside his bottom lip. He stands at the foot of your shared bed, his coat strewn over the neatly pleated duvet. Oppositely - as oppositely has you have been from him this week - you sit across the room, at the small dressing table, still wearing your bathroom, hair wet in the front where you have yet to blow dry. Eventually, after an eternity, you turn to face him, placing the spatula, elevated, on the open foundation cap.
"I don't know," you confess slowly. "Should I?"
Renjun inhales sharply. "It's your choice," he emphasizes. But he shows you his silver ring on his right hand, the accessory pinched before his pinky. "I'm wearing mine."
You turn back to the mirror and finish applying the sunscreen, simply nodding at him, acknowledging his statement - neither confirming nor denying your own end. He thinks you might continue like that - passive aggressive - for the rest of the day, through the entire date even, but you surprise him, rotating again. You sigh, once, breaking the seam between your lips, then close them again, tongue cleaning your teeth, obviously. He waits another second, giving you the space to organize your thoughts. And you finally speak.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, staring at the ground. You swallow thickly, just once, then look at him, repeating, "I'm sorry, Junjun." You swallow again, blinking more rapidly, and Renjun crosses the room to hug you, your hands instantly climbing around his waist as he cradles your head against his stomach, your tears ruining his button-up shirt. "I know that I've been impossible lately," you confess, "I just ... Seeing someone else hit on you last week didn't ... It didn't feel good."
"I didn't know," Renjun admits, "that you felt that way."
"I didn't want you to know," you muffle, pawing his shirt.
"But you have to tell me," he says, "when I do something that makes you feel bad, especially if I don't catch on in the moment. I love you, only you." He kisses the top of your head. The hostess, at dinner last week, hit on him when she thought he came alone, but he was just reserving the table for you two; then, she persisted through the dinner, only stopping 30-minutes later, after you and he stayed later than her shift. But still, she left her number for him, much to both your annoyances. Though, it seems as though his annoyance wasn't evident enough. "Next time, I'll stop it sooner, I promise." He detaches your face from his shirt and cups your cheeks, thumbs brushing away loose tears. "Do you still want to go to brunch?"
You shake your head, no, and apologize, "Not really. Sorry."
"Don't apologize," he whispers, pecking you quickly. "I'll order us some fried rice from the restaurant across town and make it up to you in bed."
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Lee Jeno
It happened a couple days ago, last weekend, but Jeno has been ruminating - through all the car rides to work, all the mundane chores around the apartment, all the lonesome meals he has to eat while you work from your office - about that barista who asked for your number.
You didn't hand it out, obviously, only shooting a raised eyebrow until you got your card back. And Jeno ... he kinda just clung to you the rest of the date - making you sit in his lap, head on your shoulder, arms tight around your waist, which had you asking to use the bathroom. He knows that his behavior persisted home, over, essentially, the week, creating this ... this distance between the two of you - during drama marathons when you would otherwise cuddle; during dinners alone together in your apartment, during sex, but he can't help it: he got in his own head about it. Not even rebuilding his LEGO bonsai tree could mediate his thoughts.
And he tried.
Jeno ended up going through the motions, blindly attaching turntables to tyres, while he stared more at the coffee table than pieces. Then, you came home, as he finished assembling the cherry blossom stems (he did the green foliage, too, not yet having a preference for either), and sat on the floor with him, leaning your cheek on his shoulder, nuzzling into his hoodie.
"I missed you."
Jeno shrugs, not enough to shove you off though because your cheek rolls a little further on his chest, immobilizing his left arm. "You saw me this morning."
"Yeah, but -" You slide into his lap, resting your head over his thighs. He lifts his elbows a little higher, as you squirm around, nudging your face toward the ceiling, though you stare at him, only him. It gives him some comfort, and his hand moves automatically, coming down to caress your face. "- I don't know," you confess, "I guess I just felt a little ..." You scrunch your nose, and he rubs away the lines in your cheeks, making you grab his wrist, dragging him onto your stomach, twiddling with his long, nimble fingers. "... insecure? Lonely? Maybe?"
"Is that a question?"
"No," you shake your head. You turn on your side, burying your face in his abdomen. Jeno drops the remaining LEGO pieces and threads his free hand in your hair, matting it backwards. You sigh, deeply, "I guess I might just need some extra support, or something, right now. I love you, you know."
"Mmhmm," he nods, because he does know, that you love him. "I love you, too." It's just that Jeno doesn't like the idea of someone occupying your time the way he should. So, he lays down on the ground, too, scooting back a bit until you're face-to-face, albeit upside down, like a Spider-Man kiss. And he blinks up from your lips to eyes, seeing you watch him. "I'm sorry," he apologizes first.
You offer him a small smile. "You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault." Tentatively, you stutter a hand toward his hair, only digging your fingers in his scalp after he nods an okay, though he also confirms that he thinks it's his fault, from how much he has been pulling away this week. "I just need some extra support, if you're able."
"And if I'm not?"
You tilt your head to the side, and Jeno frowns.
"If I'm not enough?" he clarifies.
"Then," you kiss him quickly before he can respond, elongating it for another moment, "we can support each other." You hold his chin still, staring him in the eyes. "But you are," you enunciate, "enough, more than enough."
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Lee Haechan
You should have stayed home.
Haechan didn't even want to go out, didn't even want to come to the restaurant. He was content staying at home, drinking wine from tumblers rather than these elongated goblets; he already bought you flowers. You don't need to hold a glass stem and drink wine over an unreasonably exorbitant dinner. He has the same wine at home(!), the exact same Boudreaux you ordered, and he can make a steak just as well.
Okay, maybe not, but he can have Jaemin make a steak for you just as well as the chef at this restaurant, or he could order it to home. Or you could eat the really good lobster that his mom made him take yesterday. And you could pop open the rosé, over rose-scented candles, instead of the cheap taper candle - a single one - decorating your current tablecloth. There are people, too, sitting so much closer than he would like, preventing him from having an actual conversation with you.
Oh, and it got worse when the waiter started flirting with you.
At first, neither of you noticed, focused more on the menu, debating between steak or mushroom bruschetta to pair with the Boudreaux you love. Then, you laughed at some stupid joke, politely, probably, if Haechan were more level-headed, less peeved, and the waiter started flirting more enthusiastically.
"Hmm?" You tilt your chin at him, still swirling your wine, reading off the drinks list.
"Baby," he tries again, whining the last syllable further. And you toss him a short glance, smile extending longer than your gaze. "Baby," he sighs, "can't you pay attention to me?"
"I am," you answer, and finally put down the small menu, but you stay there, far away from him. So, Haechan stands up, halfway, pulling your chair next to his until he sits down with his arm behind your shoulders. Haechan touches his forehead on yours, making you maintain eye contact, noses brushing together. "What's wrong, my love?" you ask him, rubbing his free arm.
In lieu of an answer, he drops his hand down your knee, curling under your skirt.
"My love?" you try again.
And he stops moving his hand up your dress, stopping as far as your thighs separate, fingers itching toward your underwear. He exhales once, twice, breath shaking, then looks at you through his glasses. "I like it when you call me that."
"What? My love?"
Haechan nods. "Makes me feel like I'm yours," he mumbles.
You giggle at him, patting his arm. "Because you are, dummy." You peck his lips, falling back into your chair before he has the chance to deepen the kiss. He feels like he lost you again tonight, or like he has the potential to lose you, so he tenses his fingers between your thigh, opposite hand incidently rocking your chair up so high that you slide into his lap. "My love," your breath hitches again.
And Haechan nods, kissing your neck a little longer, tongue tracing his name in your skin.
"Yours." ♡
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Na Jaemin
Honestly, he shouldn't be staring. But Jaemin could burn a hole in your head, or obliterate that guy you're with - Juyeon, or Juhyon, or something.
It was a coincidence that Jaemin even sees you here, at this nightclub, with an absurd ₩70,000 entrance fee. Mark only convinced him to go after promising to do his scut for the weekend.
That, and Jaemin may or may not have been stalking your Instagram; especially after you removed him from your close friends story - he knows, because Renjun is still on your list. You pushed him onto some other list with more people he couldn't see, not that he knew anyone on your following; you're not even really friends, just met through Renjun at some hookup party. And you do hookup with him, whenever he calls, which isn't as often as he thought, evidently, he considers now, since he apparently doesn't know what you do the other days of the week.
Like wear that black mini-dress while dancing on Juyeon, of all people.
Jaemin rolls his eyes and sips his beer, wincing in the same second when it touches his lips (Haechan is a liar, and he is not taking beer recommendations ever again). He has been waiting for about 15 or 20 minutes, for you to notice him, just acknowledge that he is here, in the same space as you, but you remain oblivious, sliding your arms in the air, shimming in front of Juyeon, who keeps trying to bring your waist close. It takes another ten minutes before he slams his empty glass on the bar, spinning around to trudge the dance floor.
Except, as he spins around, narrowly missing a line of Kamikaze shots placed a little too close to the edge, he bumps into you, literally. His arm swerves over your head, and he takes a step back to avoid making the both of you fall down. And you catch his waist, with both hands, a short leg stepping between his, for balance, his spinning head tells him.
"Jaemin?" you call, standing on your toes to whisper in his ear. Instinctively, he steadies your waist, toppling your heels down to the ground, leaning his ear to your lips. "Did you hear me?"
The Jaemin in question pulls back, slightly, his nose grazing yours. He flickers his eyes up and finds you staring at him, granted less intense than he had been, breath hitched at the back of your mouth, slowly scanning his entire face. Jaemin brushes your hair behind your ear, needlessly, most of it tied up. The glitter stickers highlight the actual makeup high on your cheekbones, under the blue false lashes mixed in with brown ones. His hand lingers over your face, wrist tilting head back, chin up, long fingers making you stand still, gaze dipping back and forth between your lips and eyes. And fortunately, all the other couples - whether they came together or hooked up - blend you two with the rest of the crowd, little bubbles of intimacy keeping everyone separated. You all ignore each other, per atmosphere, so Jaemin takes the opportunity to kiss you.
"No," he confesses, pecking you quickly, once, twice, three times, dragging your neck along with every move he does to deepen it. "I wasn't listening." Jaemin breaks first, squeezing your waist tighter, because you might have to get back to Juyeon on the dance floor. And he closes his eyes, leaning in again, lips ghosting a breath over yours. "Come home with me," he asks, and he squeezes again. "Just ... come home with me."
"Jaemin ..." you start, but he kisses his name off your lips, even quicker, replacing it with a soft moan. He bumps you against the bar, his knuckles taking most of the blunt force, against the wood, holding you steady as he waddles impossibly close. You seem to respond, fingers dipping into his bicep, puckering back. Then, you shake your head, knocking him away. "Jaemin, I'm here with someone else."
"Don't be. Come home with me." Jaemin's voice cracks, "Please? Just be with me, not him." He squeezes you again, stuttering down your lips, slotting his leg between your knees. Jaemin peeks both his eyes open, just a crack, and finds you nodding at him.
"Okay, let's go."
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Zhong Chenle
"Your shirt looks so nice," the girl at his left compliments, fawning over the empty seat, even though she probably can't see the full Go, Go, Power-Rangers logo under both his bomber jacket and the dim club lights. The sole light source comes from the shelves behind the bar on which Chenle leans, only his brown hair shining obviously as he nods, slowly, eyes trained on the path to the bathroom. "I'd love to see it more," she tries, leaning even closer, almost touching his arm.
Then, he raises his hand, sliding further down the bar.
And you walk toward him, waving, "Hey," all the way until you take the stool he saved for you on his right. You also grab the glass of wine he kept not-so-subtly hidden behind his elbow and eye the meniscus without looking at him. "Have you been drinking my wine?"
Chenle just smiles at you. His arm snakes under your arms, high on your torso, as he nuzzles into your neck, chest prepped to laugh, but you smack him.
"You can order your own!"
He kisses your jugular, just once, briefly, giggling more animatedly than he had been talking to the girl, who is still there (!) by the way.
"I did," Chenle answers, "but I think the bartender likes you more. He didn't pay any attention to me while you were gone those whole ten minutes," he pouts.
"Umm," the girl interrupts, "Excuse me?"
"Mmm," you swallow the remaining ounce of wine and put it back behind Chenle on the table, tapping the rim twice at one of the bartenders for a refill. You extend your arm for a handshake, across your boyfriend's chest, but she just stares at it, at your fingers, at the matching, dainty watch adorning your wrist, until you retract, both hands now resting on Chenle's shoulder. "Did you want to drink with us? We're just waiting for our table." You lean in closer, like giving away a secret, and Chenle laughs into the air, catching your waist before you fall off the stool. "We got here early for the cucumber martinis because they stop serving them at 7, and this one -" You point at Chenle. "- can't mix a drink for shit."
"Hey!" He pulls you upright, standing full in front of you, back toward the girl as he fixes the straps of your dress. "I spike your lemonades just fine." The bartender, who ignored him earlier, gives him a suspicious look, to which Chenle tries to wave off, showing that you are his girlfriend who frequents his home and has sex with him willingly. And he brings you down the stool, under his wing, incidentally flashing his inappropriate-for-a-Michelin-restaurant Power Rangers t-shirt. "Plus, I don't have to mix the Sauvignon Blanc when I cook you dinner."
"No," you crinkle your nose, pushing his face away, laughing at his pout. "You just make me wash the dishes." In the minute beat, you look back, over his shoulder, and see the girl finally gone, then you settle back onto the stool, pulling Chenle, by his open jacket, between your legs. "Oh, no," you feign, pouting and running your hands down his sides, "Your new friend left. Do you think it was my fault?"
Chenle kisses the top of your head, giggling into your hair. "Were you jealous?" he teases. You don't answer; you just bite your lip and trap him tighter, heels almost making him plié before you, fists wrinkling his shirt. "You don't have anything to worry about, princess," he whispers and pecks you quickly. "You're my one and only. I wouldn't do anything to create a misunderstanding like that." He kisses you deeper, attaching his hands down your waist, rubbing circles with his thumbs, as you wrap your arms around his neck, half standing off the chair to kiss him better, the sweet red wine taste staining your tongue. "With anyone," he clarifies, palm caressing your cheek, to stop you from jumping his bones in this very public bar-restaurant. "You know you're my girl."
He kisses you again, pressing your back into the bar, folding your neck 90-degrees against your spine. Your chin rolls around, letting out a silent open-mouthed moan, and Chenle slips his tongue down your throat, dissipating that sweet, dry flavor off your lips, gently breathing life back into your mouth. He rubs the hair in front of your ear, thumb growing outward to draw his three-letter initials on your cheeks. You kick your leg up, inner thigh resting on his outer one. He feels your dress slip up, shorter, over his pants, and whimpers a small praise about your soft lips.
Then, the bartender who shows you a little too much favoritism comes back, tapping your cup on the counter, and Chenle, panting, shields you away from the new glass of wine, frowning at all five ounces.
"On second thought, maybe we should just go home."
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Park Jisung
Jisung pulls you into his chest, around your shoulders, spinning you until your back faces that bartender, the one at whom he glares.
"How's your drink, baby?" he asks through shaky breath, teeth gritted. Jisung puffs out his chest too, while you finish another sip, nearly moaning, and pushes his thumb into his pocket, readjusting the front of his leather pants that you hide.
"Mmm, fresh,." you answer, obliviously, wiping the corner of your mouth with your index finger, platinum couple ring shining a few digits down under the colorful changing lights. You smack your painted pink lips together, loud enough for him to hear above the club music. "Can't even taste the vodka, really, and -" You raise the small glass to his lips, prompting him to sample your free drink, too, which he does, tongue pushing back on the rip before you spill all over his white shirt. "- the cucumbers are still crisp."
Jisung nods, a slice hitting his top lip. He has to hold your wrist still when you start trembling, splashing a drop of alcohol on his chest. You do nothing about it, simply curling into his torso, an arm belting behind his waist, feet waddling around his, resting your cheek between his open jacket zippers.
"Better be," he mumbles, chest vibrating.
"What was that?" you ask, almost innocently, staring at him through your eyelashes, cucumber martini glass finding your hand behind his back. And he wonders whether you looked at that guy - the bartender - like this, wide-eyed and pouting, tongue poking through the seam of your lips, when you got this free drink, never mind tonight's sample offer over the experimental martini. "Ji...sung," you hiccup between his name, placing a hand over his chest, his heart.
But he frowns, even deeper, and takes down your hand. A little too forcefully, given the way you step back, on your own, wobbling backwards over your heels. You tilt your head to the side, not-so-subtly checking him out, and raise an eyebrow. Jisung doesn't bother to look at you, simply inhaling, raising his broad shoulders taller. He rolls his eyes to the right, incidentally at the bar, with the bartender. And he glares again.
Jisung tightens his arm around your waist. And he knows - he knows how this looks: possessive, possibly overbearing, protective, which is what he half-wants. He also knows that he indirectly tells you not to touch, despite holding you closer, his fingers clenching into a fist that pushes you deeper into his wide chest. You hand balances over his pec to keep you both balanced upright without anything behind him to catch either of you from falling.
But he mumbles, "Don't touch," teeth nearly scraping each other, individually, and, again, he takes your hand down, making you frown as equally deep, though your brows furrow as high as your gaze. You wrap all your fingers around your cup, and he curls his hands into your dress, digging toward the hem, incidentally pulling the material up, just below your underwear. "I don't like you flirting with other guys," he confesses, eyes fluttering shut.
Jisung's hands grab you simultaneously, in the same way, one at your waist and the other at your neck; your own hands bracing your cup against his chest. He sighs, dropping his chin down your cheek, pressing a kiss behind your ear. Your drink is still an inconvenience. So, Jisung takes it, placing it on a random table, then drags you into a private room and jostles you against the door, accidentally increasing the distance. He just moved too fast, and you still comply, not touching him. In the wait, you lick your lips, chest heaving high. And he pushes you backwards again, slower this time, by your hips, guiding you onto a firm surface as he descends. He stops halfway, drawing back a millimeter on his next breath, flickering his eyes at yours. They're already closed. So, he leans in.
"You should only be flirting with me."
And he almost closes his eyes, too, pausing halfway again to watch you anticipate his kiss, teetering on your toes, fingers twitching toward him. The urge to blink forces him to look away before he sees you pout, equally. But he feels it.
Jisung feels the way you roll around your head as he opens his mouth wide, searching for the best angle to kiss you. He puckers his lips sideways, simply pressing on your mouth, almost cutting off your response (if you were going to say anything). And when you gasp, silently, letting him sneak his bottom lip between your teeth, he cracks open his eyes, only slightly, enough to make sure that you're enjoying this, enjoying him, only him. You bite him on a close, barely using your teeth to keep him from leaving again, and he runs his thumb along the side of your face, outside your ear, long fingers supporting your head when you falter.
But you don't pull away.
Instead, you fist his shirt, incidentally pulling it from his pants. And he drives you into the wall, changing the slope of his nose, reflecting it over yours on the other side, brows falling further. Jisung catches you right as you lick your lips and sucks your tongue in his mouth. You mewl, breathless, something audible - although incoherent - finally escaping. And he returns it, moaning an mmmh. His hand at your waist, hits the wall, bracing himself from going too far, moving too fast. You drag him closer, one thigh between your legs, fingers touching his Adonis belt.
And he has to pull away first.
"I don't like you flirting with other guys," he repeats, more winded this time.
"You're the only guy I want to flirt with, Jisung."
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could u do a smut where Chris is just constantly playfully teasing the reader (ruffling her hair, humping the air if she bends over, calling her names) and the whole time she’s trying to get his attention and seduce him but he doesn’t get it until she gets annoyed and has to explain herself
Chris x reader
TW: smut, uhhhh language ig, angst?
We're filming a video for the guys' Friday post. Well, we were. Now, we're just sitting in the car and talking about random shit. Chris is in the front with Matt. I'm in the back with Nick and their friend Kaitlyn. Apparently, they had just recently gotten close with her and wanted her to have fun with the Friday video too.
Honestly, I don't see how they like her. I don't. Normally, I'm a girl's girl. The whole time, she was pushing me away though. The angle is hard to get right in the car when it's more than just the guys. Everyone knows that. Nick is in his usual spot, Kaitlyn took the middle, so I'm sitting behind Chris's seat. Normally, I wouldn't mind because it's not a big deal. I can just peak around his seat to be in frame. Except, Kaitlyn talks with her hands which gives me into the back corner hidden by Chris.
At one point, she literally pushed my head back. Nick, Chris, and Matt were so involved in arguing that they didn't notice though. Kaitlyn, of course, was right in the middle with all the typical pick me lines. 'Guys, this isn't you 🥺' It's so fucking annoying.
Plus, she's all up on Chris and Matt. She's touching their arms, twirling and flicking her hair. It's so stupid. She's so stupid. A pang of guilt strikes me as I think it.
"We should go back to your place." Kaitlyn drags her hand down Chris's arm. "Wouldn't that be fun?" She turns to Matt. "We can drop little miss hermit back here off." Never fucking mind. I'm glad I thought she was stupid. And a bitch.
"No, we're having a sleepover? The fuck?" Nick intervenes. I love him. He's a good friend.
"Oh. Whatever. Me, Chris, and Matt will have fun." I roll my eyes and grab my phone. I text Nick.
| tf is her problem.
| I have no fucking clue- she's getting on my nerves though
| 🤭🤭🤭
Kaitlyn tries to peer at mine and Nick's phone screens. I'm glad we invested in the privacy screen protectors.
| I'm going to text the GC to see if there's any chance of shaking her.
I give Nick a subtle thumbs up. After a minute, Nick frowns. Matt starts the car and begins pulling out of the driveway. Shit.
| I'm guessing Chris and Matt are oblivious as fuck?
| 100%
I frown, closing my messages and turning my phone off. Come on guys, see what a dick she is. I turn to look out the window and wait for this awful ride to be over. Kaitlyn non stop flirts the whole time. It's ridiculous. And since Matt is driving, pretty much all of her attention is on Chris.
It's driving me crazy. It's not fair. I was so sure Chris had feelings for me too. I had planned on telling him about my feelings soon, but now, with this girl, I don't know. Maybe he was just being nice to me.
We get to the house and before the car has stopped, I'm flinging open my car door and jumping out. I slam the door closed, stomping up to the front of the house. I grab the extra key from under the potted plant and let myself in. It's ridiculous.
I fly up the stairs to Nick's room. I know he'll be up in a minute so I'm satisfied with just waiting right here. I think about all the times Chris cuddled up against me during movie nights. Or how he would pick up a chunk of my hair and start playing with it, wrapping it around his finger only to let it fall back. Or the many times I would bend over to pick something up and he would place his hands on my hips, acting as though he was fucking me. Friends don't do that shit, right?
I express all of this to Nick when he comes up to his room, locking his door behind him. "I just- I'm so mad."
"I understand, sort of." Nick lays on his bed. "Chris does like you, I'm sure of it. I don't know why he's acting like this though."
"What was the witch doing when you came up?" I ask, not sure if I really want to know.
"Oh, Chrissy poo! Matty poo! Let's watch a movie!" Nick does his best impression of Kaitlyn. I laugh hard.
"Let's go bake something." I suggest. Nick oooo's at the idea but suggests changing clothes first. He changes into just a T-shirt and shorts. I get an evil little idea. "Nick, can I borrow one of your shirts? But like, one that Chris and Matt haven't really seen?"
"Sure," he grabs one out of the very back of his closet. "An ex got it for me as a gag gift." He explains. It's a light pink shirt that says 'daddy's girl' in a ridiculous flowy font. I giggle.
"Do you think Chris would die over this?" I ask.
"He'd get a kick out of the shirt alone, if you wear that one pair of shorts you have though-" I know exactly what pair he means. The pair I've had since the 8th grade, the pair that I wore to band camp. They stick to me like glue, and barely go down three inches. I left them here one night. I pull them from a drawer and force them on. The shirt covers my ass, unless I bend over or lift my arms. Perfect.
"Do I look good?" I ask.
"You look perfect." Nick assures me. We head downstairs. "Should we make cupcakes?"
"I'm down for whatever!" I bounce down the stairs. These shorts bring back memories of baking out in the high noon heat in July for hours. They fill me with the confidence of a 16 year old girl that's just perfected rifle turns.
"Hey! Where'd you two go?" Chris's head pops up off of the couch.
"Oh, just to change, we're about to make cupcakes!" I say before Nick can. He goes into the kitchen, probably to get the stuff out.
"Oooo, cupcakes!!" Mat claps his hands together. I smile, and turn around to walk into the kitchen. I let my hips swing a little more than they usually would.
Chris, Matt, and Kaitlyn end up following me into the kitchen. They don't really do much. I get Nick the things he needs, and he does all the mixing. It's a good process.
"Shit." He drops a spoon.
"It's fine! I got it!" I bend over to pick it up. I feel hands on my hips, and for the first time ever, something hard brushes against me. There's a gasp and heavy stomps.
"How dare you! I've been trying all night!" Kaitlyn stomps out of the room, Matt following her. I stand up. Nick puts the cupcakes into the oven.
"I'm going to make sure Matt gets rid of her. Watch the cupcakes." Then, he leaves the room. Now, it's just me and Chris.
I hop up onto the counter. Chris strikes to ruffle my hair but I dodge him. "Hey-" he says sadly.
"No. Don't do that sad shit. You should have thought about this before you let her practically suck your dick the whole night." I say it without thinking. "You don't get to have her and me."
"I don't want her." I roll my eyes at him. "I'm serious. I was just being nice." He fits himself between my legs. "I should have told you. I want you."
"Yeah, you should have." I cross my arms.
"You're so pretty, you know that? Your sweet face, perfect body, great personality." He trails off. "Can I make it up to you?"
"You could fuck me." I say jokingly.
"Okay." He unzips his jeans, the rare time he actually wore them. "I'll fuck you so good."
"I was kidding. Just cause I've been trying to get in your pants doesn't mean I'm going to take advantage like this."
"You've been what." It doesn't sound like a question.
"I've been trying to seduce you, one could say."
"Fuck, please let me fuck you." He leans his head against mine. "Been wanting you, didn't think you wanted me back. Please, let me fuck you over the counter, right here. Right now." The heat in the bottom of my stomach makes me give in to what I want.
"Okay, gotta be quick. Before Nick gets back." He nods and kisses me. I'm surprised but I kiss back. Quickly, the kiss is over and he's bending me over the counter, face down. He merely pushes the shorts to the side to allow himself access to slip in.
He does. God, he's big. His dick feels huge inside me, his hands feeling goat trailing my body. I feel like he's crowding me with his size.
"Move, please move." I plead with him. He moves slowly at first, pulling back a few inches before fucking that back in. "Please, Chris. Fuck me." He pulls out, leaving just the top inside before sinking all the way in. From there, he's fucking me into the counter. He leans down, changing the angle and talking in my ear.
"Fuck, princess. You feel so good. Perfectly taking my dick. My good girl." He wraps his hand around to thumb at my clit. "Daddy's good girl." It isn't long before I'm squeezing around him in the height of my orgasm. It isn't too terribly long before he's pulling out to finish across my thighs.
"Fuck." He steps away, coming back and wiping my legs with a paper towel.
"You took me so good. M so proud of you." He picks me up, hugging me tightly. He presses kisses all across my face.
122 notes · View notes
baby-yongbok · 8 months
Han Jisung x Fem!Reader
-`♡´- Genre: Angst? Fluff? Both? Yeah... both. [Supernatural themes]
-`♡´- Summary: Jisung is all that you have and you're all that he wants.
-`♡´- Word Count: 6k
-`♡´- Warnings: Mentions of Blood (Like, a lot, though no one ever bleeds), Supernatural themes (Jisung and Reader have supernatural abilities), Violence (Not the physical type), Mentions of smoking weed (While driving/ do not do this please) and drinking (Not while driving), Speeding (Please don't so that, drive safely.), It gets a bit suggestive for a second, Interaction with law enforcement. [I think that's all.]
-`♡´- A/N: So, I'm a perfectionist and I get nervous when I can't write or post when I want to. I just started a new job and I'm applying to new colleges so ya girl is stressed out. To top it all off I got sick with the worst Hay Fever I've ever had today and I can't breathe (Love that for me). Soooo I had to reach into my vault and see what I haven't posted yet and I found this! This story is something that I wasn't sure that anyone would actually like 😭. I wanted to take a shot at writing something supernatural so here it is! I hope that you don't think that it sucks!+ the reader is depicted as chubby/plus size and is a POC ♡. All feedback is appreciated! Thanks for reading! 💗
-`♡´- Note - Hemokinesis or Blood Manipulation is the ability to control and manipulate blood.
-`♡´- Masterlist -`♡´-
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We should have never met but the fact that we did means that chaos is a naturally occurring thing in this world. Why do I say that? Let’s just say that Jisung and I are not the type of people that you want around. We’re the exact opposite. Degenerates. The evil in a good situation, and we whole heartedly don’t give a fuck about the damage we cause because the only thing that matters is the fact that we have each other. We’ll always have each other. Now, what could we possibly do that’s so bad? We manipulate, but not in the way that you’d expect.
“Hey, bubs?” Turning to face Jisung from my spot in front of my closet I feel my legs weaken beneath me as I stumble backwards a bit, using the door frame behind me to keep me up. The feeling is gone just as fast as it came and I take a second to ground myself before flashing a well deserved middle finger in Jisung’s direction.
“Fuck you with the iron manipulation.” He erupts into a fit of laughter as I abandon the task of trying to locate the bag that he lent me that I’m more than sure is buried in my closet. I was going to be nice and finally return it but after that stunt I think that I’ll keep it for a bit longer. “You think you’re so funny.” I sit on the edge of my bed, glaring at my best friend as his laughs intertwine with the music playing from my speakers. He always gets a kick out of using his abilities on me, he’s had his fun now I’ll have mine. I lift my hand towards Jisung and his laughter stops instantly. 
“Yeah?” With a grin Jisung looks around aimlessly. “Gonna take my sight away? You’re playing dirty now.” 
“Oh am I? Come get me, Ji.” Standing and backing away from my bed a bit, I keep my control over his sight as he reaches out in front of him, swatting his hand in an attempt to hit me. I mimic his earlier laughter as he struggles to navigate the newfound darkness. 
“Ya know, the good thing about my abilities is that, if I want them to, they apply to everyone in the room no matter if I can see you or not.” He clenches his fist and my body stiffens. “So now, you’re locked in place and I definitely can find you.” Standing carefully from the bed he holds his hands out to keep from banging into anything. I try to speak but the blood in my body is literally frozen under Jisung’s control, don’t ask me how I’m even still alive with one of the most important units of my life force frozen inside of me, I don’t know the answer. Nobody does. That’s why Jisung’s ability is so dangerous, it doesn’t make any sense. The only thing that I do know is that if I try to retaliate even a little I’ll be on Jesus’s doorstep. 
“Mmm, I can hear you breathing.” He chuckles a bit as he takes his final step before bumping right into me. Unclenching his fist and freeing my blood from his bind he catches me as my body gives out from the sudden blood rush. His sight restores itself as I release my bind on his vision. 
“Got ya” Looking up at him with angry eyes we both can’t help but to erupt into laughter. This is what we do, we use our powers to mess with each other and get what we want. There’s only a select few of us who can do the things we do, why would we want to waste it by doing what society wants us to? I understand that we can be troublesome from time to time like when we crash parties… or cars, but this isn’t our fault I swear.
If people didn’t think that we were monsters maybe we’d behave differently. If people didn’t think that Jisung was a criminal then maybe he’d be more willing to calm down. But no, because he is the only living person with hemokinesis in this city that we know of, he’s labeled as high risk and everyone is constantly on his back the moment he steps outside. There’s never been anyone willing to get to know him until he met me during our freshmen year of university. People aren’t too fond of me either, I guess having the ability to manipulate bodily function is scary? Seems pretty mundane to me. We were outcasts so naturally we gravitated towards each other and before we knew it we were best friends, partners in crime that promised to protect each other from everyone's nasty comments and condescending stares. That was short lived though because we both dropped out of university a month after we met. 
The sound of The Neighborhood playing blares through my room and cuts through our laughter as we start to dance a bit as I regain my composure and even out my breathing. He sways me as we dance hand in hand through my dim bedroom before pushing me back onto the mattress and plopping down next to me. 
“You know what would make this Friday night a real win?” He asks and I look over at him. “Weed and a couple of beers.” 
“Then what are we still doing here? You’re driving.” Sitting up and grabbing my sweater next to my bed I stand with Jisung as we put our shoes on and grab our stuff. We leave my bedroom and cut through the kitchen to avoid my brother and father in the living room. The worst thing about dropping out of college is having to still live with the little bit of family I have left. Rent costs an arm and a leg around here so right now my minimum wage job won’t cut it. 
“Going out.” I call to them.
We hear quick footsteps approach as I reach for the doorknob, before I can turn it completely my father appears to the left of us catching our attention. “Where are you headed?” He only wants to know so that he can listen out for any gossip later. He knows that Jisung and I will be the talk of the town if we do anything too extreme. I’ve learned that what everyone else finds to be extreme is very different from what we think. Death is extreme to us, a fire or a house crumbling to the ground, those are extreme events. To everyone else, either of us breathing is enough to get the damn president to send out the troops. 
“Not sure yet, gonna drive around a bit.” I notice my step-brother standing behind my dad glaring at Jisung from over his shoulder. “Oh, Ji didn’t you want to head by that store?” 
I take Jisung’s hand in mine and interlock our fingers. Both my father and brother’s eyes lock in on the gesture and they both seem to try and stop themselves from having a visceral reaction, they failed.  Jisung catches on quickly and joins in on my little game. “Yeah, I did, they have a huge parking lot and it’s always busy. I thought we could go and put on a show.” 
Jisung nudges me suggestively and I genuinely chuckle in response. What makes me laugh harder is my brother, San’s clenched jaw and my dads disgusted yet furious gaze locked on Jisung. I can tell that he’s praying that it’s a joke, praying that he and I aren’t really dating or fucking or anything like that. I’m sure that he would rather be stoned to death than hear me say that Jisung and I are dating. He’s so lucky that we’re not.
“Relax, I’m joking.”  Jisung says before opening the front door and placing his hand on the small of my back. “It’s always empty so it’ll be a private show.” 
I can’t help the laughter that escapes me as Jisung leads me out of the front door, swiftly closing it behind us. My dad calls after me but we just hurry over to his car like we didn’t hear him. “I’ll take good care of her.” Jisung yells back towards the house before sliding into the front seat and slamming the door closed. 
“You’re horrible.” I scoff as I buckle myself in.
“You started it.” He shrugs as he starts his horribly old pick up truck and pulls out of the driveway.
As funny as that was, I know that I’m going to hear an earful later, especially from San, he’d kill Jisung if he could and I know that for a fact. San despises anyone with abilities but he has a special hate for Jisung, he’s gone on endless rants over the years hoping that one day I’d suddenly agree that he’s right and that Jisung is a monster, that day hasn’t come and it never will. 
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“You grab the beer, I’ll stock up on snacks.”  Jisung says as he shuts his car off and steps into the gas station parking lot. 
“Roger that.” I coughed a bit before ashing the tip of the blunt we were sharing. I’d be lying if I said that the weed we’ve been smoking for the past fifteen minutes wasn’t starting to get to me. I have a much lower tolerance than Jisung but you would never be able to tell since I’ve mastered the art of hiding it. Doing recreational drugs isn’t exactly welcomed at my house with my father being a part of the city government. Oh, did I forget to mention that my dad is the city attorney? How else do you think that Jisung and I are still walking free after all of the shit we get into. My dad might hate the guy but he’s saved us both more times than I can count.
We waltz into the store and go our separate ways to complete our mission. I head right over to the fridge housing our desired golden liquid and grab two cases, one of my favorite brand and one of Jisung’s. As I’m walking up to the front of the store I hear what sounds like aggravated voices going back and forth, when did that start? It was silent a second ago. As I get closer I realize that it’s the store clerk ranting at a now very aggravated Jisung. Seriously? We just left the house. 
“All the stores in the area and this kid had to pick mine. We don’t serve the likes of you here.”  Jisung hasn’t said more than two words to the guy since I’ve been standing here. He just lets him go on and on since we’re very used to this type of thing happening. They complain, take our money, complain some more and then we leave. 
“If you’d let me pay I can leave.” Jisung states matter of factly as he slaps a twenty on the counter. “ I’ll take those cases too.” 
I walk up next to him and place the cases on the counter. “I got this” I slip in front of Jisung and smile at the man behind the counter. He’s pissing me off but he doesn’t have to know that. I often try to intervene before things get too out of hand, especially when Jisung is high. He already has a fairly short temper and for some reason it’s way worse when he’s under the influence. 
“This is all, sir.” I say to the clerk as I pick up the twenty and extend my arm towards him.
“You’re with that degenerate? Aren’t you Choi’s daughter?” Closing my eyes tightly I sigh keeping my arm extended towards him. Of course he recognises me, just wonderful. One of the downsides to being the city attorney’s daughter is that almost everyone knows your face. This is why I stopped going to those Godforsaken press conferences. “You’re gonna get yourself killed hanging with him.”
“No, it’s you that’s going to get yourself killed.” Jisung protests as he lifts his hand in that insufferable man’s direction. 
“Ji, come on” The clerk behind the counter instantly starts to moan in pain so I assume that he is using his Thermovariance, in other words, he’s boiling his fucking blood. Not enough to kill him, just enough to nearly get a steam rolling. 
“Han, seriously, let's just go.” He’s a sucker for me calling him Han, I never understood why but I don’t care as long as it gets me what I want.
He sighs, dropping his hand and rolling his eyes at me. He’s pissed off and I understand that but I’m not trying to build a criminal record at this age, maybe in my late twenties but not now. “Leave the cash, let's go before I empty him.” Placing the money down on the counter I grab some of the snacks and one of the cases of beer and leave the rest for Jisung to grab.
“Have a good night” I called over to the disoriented clerk before getting back into the car. 
“I’m way too high for this shit.”  Jisung groans as he lights a new blunt before starting the car. He takes a long drag before passing it to me and driving off. We get some ways down the road in comfortable silence before he breaks the barrier.
 “Why do you still hang out with me?” I can barely hear his question over the music but he looks at me expectantly anyway. I shrug as I stare forward and focus on the passing streetlights.
“To piss off my dad obviously.” Jisung scoffs, snatching the blunt from me and bringing it to his lips.
“I always knew you were using me.” He shakes his head as he blows a thick stream of smoke through his nose in a deep exhale. “Such a bitch.”
Neither of us can contain our laughter as we fan at the cloud of smoke surrounding us. He may have asked a serious question but he knew that I wouldn’t give him a serious answer. We save the serious stuff for when we’re so stoned that we can hear colors and taste sounds, this is only the beginning. 
“If I can’t use you for sex then I might as well use you for something.” 
“And why can’t you use me for sex?” He quips back with a light chuckle. My red eyes meet his for a split second before looking down at the blunt that he’s passing me. 
“Well first of all that’s disgusting and second of all I’m not trying to have my brother actually kill you. The only reason he hasn’t is because he knows that we’re just playing around.” I lean forward to ash the blunt on the dashboard and open the window to air out the car, the smoke mixed with the obvious sexual tension in here is suffocating. 
There wasn’t an ounce of truth to me saying that fucking Jisung would be disgusting and he knows that, we’ve talked about this more than once. He thinks I’m hot which I find hard to believe since I’m not really a reflection of the girls that he likes to date. I’m thick, a lot thicker than anyone he’s ever slept with but he’s gone on several rants about just how much he loves my body so I have no reason to doubt the validity of his statement. Jisung on the other hand is exactly my type, honey skin and soft brown hair with a beautifully toned body and an impossibly tiny waist. He’s unreal and he knows it. Despite his social status there are a slew of women who are dying to piss off their families by having him dick them down in the backseat of his car on any given tuesday. They use him as revenge bait and he knows it but he doesn’t care as long as he gets to nut. 
We’ve talked about things that friends normally discuss like when we lost our virginity or how many times we’ve touched ourselves thinking about each other, it’s all water under the bridge for us… I think. The tension between us always builds a bit higher on nights like this, I mean who doesn’t get horny when they’re high right? But on a serious note I can’t fuck Jisung no matter how attracted to him I might be because that would complicate things and he’s the only uncomplicated thing in my life. My dad and step-brother haven’t been the same since we lost my mom five years ago and then a week after that my sister fell to the same fate. My only remaining blood sibling wants nothing to do with any of us and San and I have an intricate relationship to say the least. Sleeping with my best friend would be like setting myself up for failure. 
“First of all, that’s rude and second of all your brother loves me.” The teasing tone in his voice fades into a chuckle that prompts an eye roll from me. 
“Do you want to kill everyone that you love?” He shrugs and hums lightly before glancing over at me with his eyebrows raised and his lips pulled into a thin line. “Fuck you, Ji.”
He laughs, eyes focused on the nearly empty street in front of him as we stop at a light. “I hope you know that I'd kill him before he kills me.” Jisung glances over at me, his features are cold and serious. I stare back at him, mirroring his expression the best I can before cracking a small smile. “I know where we can hide the body.”
“Fucking maniac.” He scoffs with a smile and I laugh with him. He turns onto the highway and I turn the radio up to a deafening volume. 
“Speed up, what’re ya scared?” I reach up and open the sunroof and Jisung watches me as he bops his head to the music. He lets down all of the windows as I stand on my seat and stick my upper half out of the sunroof just as he speeds up. He’s probably going ten over the limit right now but I don’t see any cops around and there are barely any cars on the road. He starts racing imaginary cars, weaving between lanes and effectively throwing me side to side as I try to enjoy the night breeze. This has been my thing since I was a kid, my mom would let me stand in the car as my dad sped down the highway, she’d let me climb onto the middle console and stick my arms up out of the sunroof while she held me in place. It was dangerous but it was so much fun, so freeing.
The vibration of the bass shook the car as it glided down the highway. My skirt blew in the wind rushing through the window as Jisung sped up bit by bit. Suddenly, I feel warmth on my thigh and all of my concentration goes to that spot. Jisung’s fingers trail up my leg and caress the skin peaking out in the diamonds of my fishnet stockings. Though he and I agree that we could never fuck each other the bond that we foster isn’t exactly conventional. We like to touch each other, he’ll rub my thigh or hold me from behind casually and I reciprocate his actions on a regular basis. This is our normal, the part that’s new to me is the slow trail that his hand is making towards my heat. I can hear him singing the song on the radio as he speeds up just a bit more, probably hitting 85 in the 60 by now. His hand continues up my thigh, moving to the side to trace the curve of my hip. 
“Fuck.” I hear him exasperate as I process the sound of police sirens behind us. I crawl back down into my seat and put my seatbelt on. We turn down the music completely and pull over to the shoulder of the highway. I reach into the glove compartment and hand Jisung his registration and we both take our licenses and ability identification cards and place them on the dashboard along with our open hands. When you get pulled over with an abilities like ours, some officers like to try and get a reaction out of you. The last time we got pulled over I was the only thing stopping Jisung from literally killing the officer that decided to get handsy with him.
The officer approaches the window like a snail crossing the street and we both sigh. We exchange knowing looks and I start silently praying to myself, please don’t let this man be an asshole. Once he reaches the window he looks us both over before silently reaching into the car to grab Jisung’s identification and registration “How are you doing tonight, kids.” He checks the registration then his License and lastly his ability card. Jisung and I opt to stay quiet and offer no more than a meek nod in his direction.
“What are you two doing out tonight?” The officer asks as he shines his flashlight in Jisung’s face. His eyes trail up and down Ji’s frame, sizing him up. 
“We’re going on a date.” Jisung shrugs as he makes eye contact with the officer. 
“A date, huh? Where to?”
“Well, sir, I’m trying to surprise my lovely girlfriend here so if it’s alright with you, I'll keep that to myself.” He smiles up at the officer teasingly. The less he knows the better.
“I see.”
“May I ask why we were stopped? Are we getting a ticket?” 
“You were going twenty over the speed limit, I’ll let you love birds off with a warning this time.” The officer pauses before looking over at me. “ I’ll warn you especially ma’am, be careful with this kid he’s dangerous.”
Satisfied with himself, the officer smiles down at the irritated man in the driver's seat. “You two be careful alright? There was some commotion over at the gas station some ways from here. You two wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would ya?” the officer drops all of the collected information into Ji’s lap as he looks between us. 
“Not at all, if we hear anything we’ll be sure to call the station.” I didn’t plan on lying to a cop tonight but I guess this is fine. He looks between us clearly trying to spook us but we’re unfazed, it’s gonna take a lot more than staring behind some black out shades to intimidate us.
“Alright, well then I’ll let you kids go, have a good night.” He starts to walk away but doubles back suddenly, bending down to the window. “And try to sober up a bit before heading home.”
He stalks away again, quicker than when he came and Jisung and I do our best not to laugh. “That was fucking close, is it that obvious that we’re stoned?”
I can’t help the laugh that erupts from my throat as I stuff my ID back into my wallet. Jisung stares at me in confusion as he mimics my actions.
“Dude, we have two cases of beer in the backseat and we literally hot boxed your car a couple of minutes ago. We smell like a dispensary and your eyes are glowing red.” He hurriedly looks into the rearview mirror and examines his appearance.
“ Fuck, you’re right.” He fixes the mirror and sighs, we sit in silence for a bit before he speaks up. “Can you pass me the eyedrops out of the glove compartment?”
“Yeah, sure.” I start searching through the glove compartment but I stop when a waft of smoke floats in my direction. I side eye Jisung as he takes a small drag of the blunt and blows it out of the window.
“Want a hit?” He offers me the blunt with raised brows and I scoff before continuing my search. 
“You’re an idiot.”
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“Which one is your favorite?” I ask Jisung as I raise my beer bottle to my lips. After some more aimless driving we ended up going to our favorite spot in some woods just outside of town. It’s the perfect spot for us to be left alone with our antics. We turn the car radio up and rotate between laying in the pick up bed of his car and sitting on a huge rock that we’ve claimed as our own. Right now the blankets spread out in the back of his pick up are way too cozy and inviting to pass up on since it’s gotten a bit chilly out.
“Which what?”
“Which part of your ability?” He looks over at me with a slight blush creeping up his neck and onto his cheeks. He takes a swig of his beer and swiftly follows with a drag of our third shared blunt. I suggested that we stop a long time ago but Jisung insisted on pushing the limits tonight. I’m pretty fucked up from the cross fade of weed and alcohol but I’ll never admit that and I wont have to because the rosy blush on my caramel skin is a dead giveaway.
“Why do you want to know?” A shy laugh slips from his lips and I shrug, it’s just a question why is he getting shy?
“Curious, If you tell me yours I’ll tell you mine.”
“I like that I can control blood flow, it comes in handy.” With furrowed brows I take a swig of my drink while racking my brain trying to figure out how such a thing could be useful. 
“How so?” 
“Ahh.. that, my dear, is something I’d have to show you and I don’t think you want me to show you what I use that for.” He explains turning to me slightly. I mimic his movements turning my body to him and giving him my full attention. 
“Show me.”
“Seriously, I don’t think - “
“What’re ya scared? I thought the Amazing- Bloodbending- Han Jisung wasn’t scared of anything?” My teasing seemed to get to him just a bit, so naturally I continued. “The Jisung that I’m always hearing about is some confident, daring and dangerous man who isn't scared of anything.”
“Fuck it.” He grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to him so that he can put his arm around me. He moves to put his beer down and free his other hand while I watch him in confusion. 
“What are you-” He rolls his eyes, turning back to face me.
“You begged for it and now you want to back out? What’re ya scared?” He mocks my previous question and now it’s my turn to roll my eyes.
“Shut up, I’m just confused.” 
“Trust me, bubs.” He looks me over slowly, too slowly. What's going on here? “Have I ever hurt you before? Okay, wait, don't answer that. Have I ever hurt you on purpose?” With a slight laugh I shake my head. 
“Then relax and let me know if you get uncomfortable.” Without another word from either of us and some rock indie rock song blasting on the radio Jisung takes a deep breath and rubs his fingers together. He then lightly touches my knee and guides my legs apart. I furrow my brows again before he places the palm of his hand over my pelvic bone and I start to feel a euphoric rush in my stomach and legs. The feeling works its way up and down to fill every inch of my body. My core starts to pulse and drip as Jisung watches me closely with his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
“W- what are you -” 
“I increased blood flow to your… you know. It’s like an instant turn on.” The air around me feels thick and I find myself fighting the urge to whine at the building pressure, am I about to… no way, I can’t cum from this. Impossible. “This is my favorite part of my ability.” A shy smile crosses his blushed lips and I can’t help but to stare at them. I always stare but never when he can catch me, I always wonder how they’d feel against my lips and skin. I’ve always wanted to taste them. Woah, what the fuck? No, I can’t think things like that, not about him.
“Okay, cool you c-can stop now.” His eyes stare down at me with a heated gaze, boring holes into my skin. His eyes switch focus between my eyes and my lips as he reluctantly moves his hand. I sigh in relief as I feel my body start to cool down but it’s not enough, I still feel the blistering heat of need crawling under my skin. Fuck, why did he have to show me that? It’s bad enough that we’re out here ten minutes to midnight while I’m in a skimpy skirt and he’s in a tight black tank top. He let me borrow his jacket when the wind picked up and now I want nothing more than to give it back to maybe extinguish these hot and disgusting thoughts running through my head.
“Remember our deal about not fucking?” I stare up at him, wide eyed and feeling vulnerable. “What does that apply to?” 
“What do you… what do you mean?” Suddenly it feels like he never even moved his hand. My body feels hot all over again and I can feel myself clench around nothing desperately.
“I mean I just... Fuck.” He pauses as he takes a second to help me sit up and he picks up his drink and takes a long swig. That was definitely a courage shot, what the hell is he about to say? “I mean.. you have no idea how much I think about just… corrupting you. Manipulating your body, I’ve wanted to do that trick to you since I discovered it.” 
A small chuckle escapes him as he looks over at me trying to gauge my reaction.
“Ji, you know why we agreed to that. Sex leads to complicated relationships or dating or whatever and I can’t do that with you. I can’t risk losing you too.” 
“You wouldn’t.” Jisung's response is nearly a whisper, a desperate plea that came out weaker than he expected. “If we’re together then you’ve got me for life, bubs. You’re my best friend, nothing could ever change that. You’re the only person who doesn’t see me as a monster.”
Now it’s my turn to take a courage shot. I down the rest of my drink, avoiding eye contact like it could kill me. “I get it, you wanna fuck me, you don’t have to butter me up to get in my pants.”
“Hey hey hey, this is about way more than that. I don’t just want to fuck you, you’re so much more than a stupid notch in my belt. I want to be with you. I’ve wanted that for so long and you’ve wanted it too. I know you do. I see the way you look at me all the time, when I stay over at your place and we’re sleeping together and when I’m driving and you think that I don’t notice. You stare at me just like I stare at you, you have that same longing in your eyes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t lie to me.” He’s serious now, his tone is firm and it adds an extra beat to my already hammering heart. How does he know all of that? How long has it been since he’s noticed?
“Jisung, I don't have feelings for you. You’re hot, that's it.” I’m lying. I’m lying through my fucking teeth and he knows it. I’m a shit liar when I’m faded.
“Then let me kiss you.” He finishes his drink and puts his bottle to the side all while looking straight at me. “If I’m nothing more than your hot best friend, let me kiss you. If you pull away then you’re telling the truth but if you don’t then you feel the same way that I do.”
“I’m not doing that.” My eyes fall to his converse and I take a shaky inhale. There’s no way that this is happening, what is he thinking?
“You are.” He sounds like he’s pleading again, his words are careful but he means them, oh gosh. He leans forward, placing the bend of his pointer finger under my chin and lifting my head until my gaze meets his. “I’m sick of us pretending” He whispers, his voice full of emotion. I can’t look away, my heart is pounding in my chest and I take a deep breath. His other hand reaches for mine, taking it and pressing chaste kisses to my knuckles. His eyes squeeze shut with each kiss and I can’t help but to take in the sight of him, his features softened by emotion, his emotions for me. I let out a shaky breath and whisper back. 
"Han, we shouldn’t."
“Why not?” His eyes are still closed and he squeezes my hand as his lips move against the back of it. “I know you better than anyone on this earth. I love you more than anyone in this universe, you love me too, I know you do. What are you afraid of?”
“I told you, I can’t lose you.” My voice sounds more strained than I anticipated but I ignore it, it’s a reflection of how I feel. A verbal representation of the hurricane in my chest.
“If you’re so afraid to lose me then why won’t you be mine? Why won’t you let me have you?”
“Ji, stop it.” He drops the hand that he was kissing and moves his other hand to completely cup my cheek. We’re so close that his exhales are my inhales and I swear I can hear his heart pounding from here or maybe that’s mine.
“Let me kiss you.”
“Jisung” His name is merely a whisper as I exhale.
“Let me.” He whispers back and the sweet sound of his voice rings in my ears.
“Han.” I inhale the scent of him but it’s not the same, it's desperate, but it’s sweet. Much sweeter than usual.
“I’m going to kiss you.” He closes the gap between us and I hold my breath. His lips touch mine and the heat that I was feeling earlier multiplies with a spark of burning desire. He’s kissing me. My best friend is kissing me and only one word comes to mind. Perfect, this moment is perfect, he is perfect and I desperately don’t want him to be. His lips move against mine slowly, passionately, and I almost feel like I’m floating. I thought that I’d feel panic. I thought that I’d be scared but I’m not, he was right. Fuck it.
I sigh into the kiss as I melt into his touch, his fingers caress my cheek softly as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. His other hand rests on my hip, squeezing lightly and guiding me forward to straddle his lap. I climb onto him as I savor his taste. There's hints of beer and the blunt we shared but there’s a sweetness to it, it’s something that I can only describe as being him. It’s Jisung that I taste and he’s flooding my senses. 
“I knew it.” He whispers against my lips before pressing me back into a hungry kiss. Our lips abuse each other relentlessly as they move in tandem. I can’t seem to control the small whines that escape me but I don’t mind because each one of my whines is matched with a desperate groan from Jisung. 
“Be mine.” He whispers into my mouth and I sigh, content at the sound of it. He wants me, he wants to be with me… but what if I lose him?
“Ji.” I whisper back, trying my best to pull away but he holds me there. His hand on my cheek kept my lips on his. “Jisung” I lightly push at his chest, I can’t do this. We can’t do this. What if everything goes wrong? What if I lose him too? “Han.”
He stops, pulling away with heavy breath and dilated pupils. His blushed lips are more red than usual and he dips his tongue out to lick them quickly as he stares up at me. 
“I can’t…” There’s a hoarse scratch to my voice as I stare back at him. “I can’t lose… we can’t do this.”
“We just did.”
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buckleydiazmp4 · 4 months
please give me buddie and/or bucktommy and or/ buddietommy headcanons i just think you have good takes uhhh runs away
ohhhh hi hello i love this ask
well listen the buddie headcanons are endless but like. one that i think would be pretty much the thesis statement of their relationship (or at least how i'd love for it to go) is that once they're past the whole discovering the new romantic side to their partnership they just pretty much go back to their default dynamic which is just them being sickeningly, obnoxiously joined at the hip.
when they have breakfast at the 118's table buck pulls eddie's chair as close to his as physically possible. everyone rolls their eyes but they don't care. if they're not sitting side by side in the engine then they're facing each other and playing footsies the whole ride. buck will drive the jeep to eddie's house and eddie has to be touching him somewhere every single second. hand on his shoulder or neck. when buck grabs the gear shift eddie puts his hand on top so they're moving it together. i'm talking behavior that no one can stare at for more than a minute without wanting to haul themselves out a window.
when buck moves in? oh my god it's insane. their closet basically becomes one big unit until they don't know who owns what. sometimes they end up wearing each other's underwear because they don't even bother to separate the laundry anymore and their clothes just end up all scrambled in the same drawer.
it's terrible. at first most of the fam finds it adorable but then they can't be in the same room with them without getting nauseous for a few weeks but then they eventually learn to tune it out. it's an acquired skill.
they refuse to nap in separate cots so they almost always end up on the couch with eddie literally sprawled over buck like he's a human mattress. also because eddie's a furnace he acts like a blanket for buck. it's like a symbiotic relationship.
they take turns carrying each other to bed because hey why not use their skills to carry the weight of fully grown humans for personal benefit as well. when they sleep they can start on opposite sides of the bed but five minutes later they've drifted to the middle.
they hook their pinkies together at the supermarket while one of them pushes the cart one-handed. it's not very practical but again. they do not care
they're pretty much a single-celled organism and it's like. so so weird because it's not a honeymoon phase. it doesn't die out. when they need their space they'll go for like a thirty minute run or the very few occasions when they don't share shifts or when one of them stays with chris while the other runs house errands. otherwise they are almost literally stuck to each other. it's almost unnatural. and they've never been happier in their lives
(anyways. there can be a buddietommy side to this if you so desire but maybe send me another ask bc i don't want to make this one a mile long sorry!!)
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stomach-bugg09 · 2 years
omg thank you for doing my request!!! i absolutely adored it, dw im from the east coast myself (new york specifically). if it’s okay, i’d like to request more modern day sullys and fali? i just love your take on them.
a/n: ahh !! thank you so much. ( east coast gang rising up !! ) anyway , yes i actually think the modern au is just so simple but so cute and fun to write , which is also why i'm publishing this request before some of the older ones. i want to be able to keep feeding you all while i develop ideas and fics for the other ones. hope you enjoy !! reblogs + feedback is always appreciated !!
tags: @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @wxnderingthoughts @pinkhotdogsfr
modern au headcanons for the sullys + fali
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one of the most chaotic families out there
trust me when i say this
when any of the kids have friends over, the guests are always shocked to find out that they ever manage to get anything done
there's always someone being a problem ( lo'ak )
tuk is the "do it all" child
like soccer, lacrosse, dance, school plays + musicals
she totally ate as an oompa loompa in charlie and the chocolate factory jr.
the older siblings all took a picture with her while she was in costume
[y/n] has an epic 0.5x picture of her from that night and is saving it for her graduation
[y/n] has the most baby pictures and "baby's first christmas" ornaments / type stuff just because she was the first child
neteyam has a good bit, so does kiri, but lo'ak and tuk have barely any
you can tell that they gave up on parenting tuk because she's such a menace
the whole entire family is banned from pizza hut
they refuse to speak on the topic
after neteyam and lo'ak played jv basketball together, kiri and [y/n] worked together to rewatch all the film and make a compilation of all their funny moments
tbt to when lo'ak completely missed the basket during a free throw
to present it, they gathered the entire family into the living room and pretended it was serious
but as soon as the video started, the two girls could not hold up the act and ended up on the ground in tears as they laughed at the entire thing
lo'ak and neteyam were not amused
jake was totally losing his mind
he loves making fun of his kids ( affectionately )
you can always tell neytiri's mood based on what she's listening to when she cooks dinner
a podcast means she's feeling good, feeling productive - sad music means she's, well... sad - classical music means you must stay far away from her
kiri, [y/n], and neytiri have their periods sinked up
it's complete hell for everyone else
once jake came home from work late and saw them sobbing on the couch to an episode of how i met your mother
sometimes the siblings will all sit down and have tuk paint their nails as she just talks the most amount of shit about every kid in her class
it's literally the funniest thing
she has some serious issues
kiri and [y/n] both like reading but the difference between the two is that kiri actually reads and [y/n] has five different books sitting on her bedside table
when she does have a random burst of energy to read, they always swap books
the head boys lacrosse coach is the biology teacher and he loves the sully family
he also teaches forensic science
not only is [y/n] dating his star player, but she manages the team
plus neteyam is on his team
sometimes, during their lunch period, fali and [y/n] just roll up to his class ( the same period that lo'ak and tsireya have bio )
ao'nung also plays basketball, so him and lo'ak were literally always beefing until they randomly just became friends
and then it was chill!
[y/n] and fali also drive tsireya and ao'nung around quite a bit, but they don't mind
everybody trusts fali and [y/n]
they're the type of people that you call if you need anything ever
kiri and neteyam have definitely called their sister or fali during a party after realizing they needed to get home
once neteyam's old friends left him there with no ride and he was... not all that sober
fali was at the same party because lacrosse team!
this boy did not hesitate to leave with neteyam and bring him back to his house
neteyam called his parents and pretended he was sleeping over with ao'nung ( who helped cover for him ) and ended up sleeping in fali's guest bedroom
every day kiri collects random ideas for her future speech as [y/n]'s maid of honor at her and fali's wedding
[y/n] still doesn't know
neteyam has an entire shoebox full of memories with his big sister that he plans to give her before she moves out
panic ensues the household when they reach june / graduating month
they do not want to think about their first baby leaving the nest!
neytiri is such a sad frantic mama
just wants everything to be perfect for her baby
jake ensures her that it will be
moving on to more happy stuff!
neytiri is totally a swiftie
like a very serious very loyal swift or that knows every single song and every single album and every single word
owns her ugly merch but it's okay because it makes her happy
tsireya's favorite candy would be watermelon jolly ranchers and she always has them in her backpack and stuff
lo'ak started to also keep watermelon flavored things in his backpack when he first started crushing on her
he would give her some during bio
her smile was always worth it
[y/n] and fali have the cheesiest and cutest way of reminding each other that they love each other
and that would be by giving each other their last piece of something
like they would give each other their last oreo, their last piece of gum, their last hershey kiss, his last name
it's just a silent exchange of their infatuation for each other
everybody else watches as they contemplate leaving because of how lonely they make them feel
kiri makes the silliest birthday posts
like she absolutely exposes every single one of her siblings by posting their ugly pictures on her instagram story
and she isn't even nice enough to keep it on close friends
lo'ak and [y/n] have a super long streak on snap chat of like 600+ days
and they are constantly scared of losing it
tuk takeover happens on a rare occasion in which, every few months, one of her older siblings allows her to do their streaks
she usually manages to post something stupid on their stories or something, but all of their friends have learned to look forward to it
fali and [y/n] were friends for a year before dating, but half of that year was spent with them absolutely crushing on each other
their first kiss story is so embarrassing and they refuse to tell anyone about it
fali wears bracelets that [y/n] makes for him
he always wears the bracelets that tuk makes for him and they're the cutest things because it's just a random assortment of beads
fali probably has a like single piercing on one of his ears after losing a bet with his friends
but he's grown to love it
he always has to take it out for lacrosse because the helmet is a pain
[y/n] buys him cute little earrings that he refuses to wear because they're always silly
like, "no, [y/n] i'm not wearing a singular waffle earring."
the only earring from her that he wears is the earring that matches the ring he gave her on their one year anniversary
she gave him that earring for his birthday
he almost cried
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gazsluckyhat · 15 days
Sarah's House *TW*
Five - Shiny Things
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I'm so sorry it's took me this long. I had a horrible reaction to a antibiotic I was on due to complications from my surgery. But I'm feeling a lot better now so updates should be regular now.
This one also isn't as long as the others but I had something happen every time I sat down to write. Literally. But I hope you enjoy it. A tad bit of domestic fluff before we get into the good shit. Shit is also getting darker so just be prepared
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Price knew he shouldn't take the mission. The outcome seemed obvious, or so he thought. Until he wasn't anymore.
Like calls to like. Or something of the sort.
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Sarah's watching. Eyes flitting around the room, not really focusing on anything particular. Everyone is doing something, but her. Price and her father are doing legal paperwork for something she doesn't know, there's a nurse talking to Ghost and Gaz, with the latter making a list of stuff they needed to get for her. Everything feels surreal, almost dream like. The voices are still there, yelling at her, telling her things that make her chest ache. But she pushes it down, away from her front, because Soap, she liked it, is coming to sit beside her. All pretty blue eyes and light stubble. She gives him what she hopes it a reassuring smile. I'm totally okay and not thinking about jumping out that window. Not at all. It doesn't work though, she forgets they are one of the best SAS teams in Europe. They read lies for a living.
"We're gonna go to Price's place. It's out past town, beautiful backyard. Quiet, think ''ya will like it." His thumb is rubbing her hand and its nice. The touch. The feeling of his skin on hers. Feels good to not be afraid of it, of any of them. They've had plenty of time to do anything they wanted to her and never did. Ghost had seen her naked, held her body to him and not once looked at or touched her wrong in any way. She'd expected that, had prepared herself for it. But then they talked to her, actually spoke to her like a human rather than a animal. She'd wanted to cry, to honest to god cry. It had felt so nice. To be human. They'd given her that.
"Ay' where'd you go?" Johnny was still petting her hand, speaking to only her, concern in his voice. Sarah looked at him, really looked for the first time. He really was handsome. There was a scar on his chin, she left her fingers ghost over it. Had smile lines, which she had expected, he was always smiling or laughing. She ran her hands over his lips, then his eye brows. Using her free hand she tapped him a message. ... --- / .... .- -. -.. ... --- -- . So handsome  Soap blused, she found him cuter like that. Cheeks all red and eyes suddenly bashful.
"Don't lie lassie." But she was shaking her head. -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -....- / -- .- -.- . / -- . / ..-. . . .-.. / .... ..- -- .- -. You are - Make me feel human His heart is stuttering, head begging his blood to quit rushing. Her sudden attention making the fluttery feeling he felt around her wild.
"You are. Deserve to be treated as such. Pretty bonnie thing like you? Deserve the world an' more." She's looking away, feeling suddenly lightheaded. "Get ya' home, away from this and let ya' heal. Show them that 'u're stronger than it." Sarah doesn't know why she does it, just that the urge is overpowering and it's either his mouth or his cheek but she needs the contact. And she kissing his cheek, burying her head in his neck while she squeezes him.
"T-t-th-a-nk y--u S -o-ap." It's breathy and takes her a few minutes to get out, but it is tattooed on his heart, her body conforming to fit in his arms, heartbeat steady for the first time in two years. And that's when Johnny realizes he's fucked.
 Two hours later she's once again in oversized clothes and sitting beside her dad while Price drives them to his place. Soap typing on his phone, eyes watching her every little bit. It's away from town. Away from the loud noises and wild smells. She thinks she likes it. But she's not sure. The place itself it gorgeous. Reminds her of a childhood trip to the mountains. The cabin they stayed in had been a little like this, but way smaller. It fit what she knew of Price. She could picture him on the balcony with a cup of coffee, or tea, and maybe even a paper.
"S'not much but it's home. And you're welcome to it." Sarah nods and smiles. She follows the boys up the stairs and into the main room, which she has to hold in her shock. It's beautiful. Decorated for comfort. The couch is cozy and plush and she knows she will be using it for naps. A large fireplace was agaisnt one wall with T.V on the one beside it. The size causing her to look at Price with one eyebrow up.
"Enjoy a good rugby match." He's rubbing the back of his neck and blushing, and Sarah giggles. Actually giggles. It's the sweetest sound they've ever heard in their lives. It's rough around the edges but warms their hearts. Because she's healing. The kitchen is next, just as beautiful as the rest.
"There's three rooms upstairs and two down here. I'm giving you the master Sarah" She’s shaking her head, trying to refuse. It’s not fair. She’s always a burden in her mind and she refuses to kick him out of his own space. She wasn’t raised like that. She’s pointing at him, yours. She's more than insisting it, she can't feel like this. This problem that everyone has to bow down to. No, she isn't that. She's Sarah. Sarah who got her teeth way to early. Sarah who knows all the words to any Stevie Nicks song. Sarah who hates blood now. Sarah who can't look in the mirror without gagging. Sarah who wants to peel her own skin off. Sarah who wants to di…
She's hyperventilating, Price kneeling below her, hands holding on to her red cheeks. His eyes are a cool blue she realizes. Different then Johnny's bright ones. Price's are pools. Calm pools she feels safe in. Home in. She takes her own hands and grabs his shoulders, squeezing to make sure he's real. Not the phantoms that've been haunting her since she woke.
"The room is bigger, has a attached bathroom, space for you to retreat when we become to  much. Do you understand? You're not puttin' me out, lovie. I'm a easy man, give me a chance and I'll sleep anywhere." He's giving her that smile that makes her knees feel funny. All she can do is nod as her heart rate slows and air stops feeling short.
"Do ya' wanna go see it?" She nodding and taking his hand, it smaller than his, comically small. He leads her up the stairs and to the left. Once he opens the door she freezes. It's beautiful. The bed is in the middle, most are right? She can't remember. The sheets and bed cover are dark blue and suddenly she feels exhausted. There's a door to the right of the entrance that leads to a just as beautiful bathroom with a soaking tub and a walk in shower that makes her want to puke. She doesn't step foot any there. On the opposite wall is a walk in closet that's not even half full of clothes, most of them are on the floor. They're all Price's and she can smell them from here, makes her chest all warm. There's a floor to ceiling window on the other side of the closet that she reveals when she moves the giant curtains. The view causing her jaw to drop. Her knees almost give out when she sees the mountains, the way the trees look around the yard. There's a shed and, is that a 4 wheeler? Price was right. This would be her kingdom. She tells him by throwing her body at him, catches him off guard. But she weighs like five pounds soaking wet so he steadies himself easily.
They spend the next couple hours talking and doing laundry. Well the boys do. Her dad went to sleep early, jet lag he said. Sarah trying to help fold but is swatted away, told to relax. Which is not happening because the voices are screaming at her, her skin is crawling and for the love of God she has to pee but there's a mirror in the bathroom and she refuses to see herself again. So she sits pretty, listens and pretends to not see the shadow in the corner. Price and Johnny are talking about some past mission when Ghost and Gaz finally walk through the door, both carrying more shopping bags then seems physically possible. She gapes, she knows she does. Because where did they go? She's only seen this in movies.
"Oi, you two. Wanna help, huh?" Ghost is setting them at her feet. Then bending down to press a clothed kiss to her head. "Got you a surprise Flower." Then he's out the door following the other two. Gaz setting his bags in the kitchen. She can hear him moving around and unloading things so she joins him. She's always been nosy.
"Hey pretty, come to join me?" She nods and walks to the bags on the counter, fingers pulling so she can peek in the bags. "Open them up, yeah? Point at anything you like." And so she does. The first bag is simple just some basic cooking stuff. Garlic, mint, thyme and a couple more herbs. The next one makes her smile. It's filled with chips and snacks. She points at a few she wants to try before handing them to Gaz who tells her his favorite. The next is fruit and she points at almost every single piece, which makes Gaz happy because maybe she'll eat a lot and gain some weight. She almost drops the next one, the sight startling her. It's meat, ground beef she thinks, but its bloody and reminds her of the prisoner in the cell beside hers. The one they took a meat cleaver to, his hea… And she’s gagging, running to the trash bin to dry heave and puke up stomach acid.
"Sarah!" There's a hand pulling her hair back, the other rubbing down her spine. She shakes that one off, not because she doesn't want him touching her (God does she want him touching her) but because the Russians had laughed at her when she'd puked. Pointed and laughed. Made her fucking eat it. Some of them would fuck her through it. Shove their fucking prick dicks in her mouth until she vomits again, moaning words she wished she didn't understand. When she's done she stand up and faces Gaz, shame covering her features.
"I'm sorry. I should've put it away before, didn't think." And he's hugging her and handing her a bottle of, apple juice? Fucking apple juice. And she cries. Because she fucking loves apple juice and hasn’t had it in two years. Fucking Russians only gave her stagnate fucking water. She's cursing too much. Her mom wouldn't be happy. "You want water instead, I'll…" She shaking her head. Smiling and pulling it to her chest hoping he gets it. "You're favorite?” She nods. "I'll buy more then." And he unpacks the rest of the stuff. Including the other thirty bags Johnny sets down when he comes back in, stealing a juice as well and leading her back to the living room. Where Price and Ghost have at least one hundred bags waiting. Okay, maybe not that many but still, it's a lot.
"Come sit down, want you to see these." She sits on the couch, just as soft as she thought, and gets comfy. Or what she hopes looks like comfy. Her skin is crawling still. She swears there has to be mites under there.
"We know you have no clothes or anythin' really so we got it for ya'." Ghost says shoving a box at her. She's wide eyed. They…bought her things? With their money? She's pushing the box back and trying to get up. Shaking her head no while trying not to cry. Her head is spinning. She doesn't deserve this.
"Ay' stop, sit down. It's okay." Johnny is pulling her to sit beside him, his thigh pressing into hers. "Breath lassie." His lips are right above her ear, pressing soft kisses there. Her fingers are moving before she understands. -.. --- -. - / -.. . ... . .-. ...- . Don't deserve Johnny wants to scream. "Of course you do." -. --- / .... .- ...- . / -. --- - .... .. -. --. / - --- / --- ..-. ..-. . .-. No nothing to offer How can he get her to understand that he would give her the heads of anyone she wanted if it meant she would be happy?
"You don't 'ave to offer anythin' for people to care." Johnny wants to shake her. But he knows she's had her worth beaten into her, literally.
"You can't go around naked. Open the gifts." Price isn't giving her a choice, plucking a bag up and setting it in her lap. She stares at it before shakily opening it. A shirt, multiple actually, in some of the prettiest colors she's seen. She can feel tears on her cheeks.  They’re soft. So damn soft. She doesn’t have proper time to process and get emotional because Ghost is handing her another bag. Which was the whole point. This one has sweats, basic colors that she could pair with anything.
“Didn’t know your jean size and I thought you seemed like a sweats kinda gal.” She giggling at Ghost and nodding. Because he’s one hundred percent correct. The next bags are more shirts and bottoms. The pajamas being the softest things she’s ever touched. Gaz picked out the pink fluffy slippers she instantly put on and fell in love with, the tennis shoes Ghost got fit like a dream. There's so much stuff, and it's all new and expensive. She may have been hidden in a basement for two years but she knows Nike is a top seller. There's only a couple bags left, Johnny easily organizing what is what and where it goes. God she's grateful for that. Her eyes catch a box, it's closed with the flaps tucked into each other. She cocks her head to the side and points.
"Gaz picked that out." It's clearly heavy, Ghost gives a grunt when he sets it down. He pulls the flaps open and, her hands grab the very first one on top. Twilight Her heart seems to have stopped. It's used, clearly, but she couldn't give a rats ass. It reminds her of her youth, the days spent wrapped in a blanket and devouring each book. Of her mom taking her to the theater to watch each one when it came out. The second book is next, then the third, fourth. It's the whole collection. She's looking up and catching his brown eyes.
"There's more, underneath them. Want help?" Please. She nods. And he's handing her some of her favorites. Books. One of her favorite things that she had accepted to never having, touching, or seeing ever again. She puts them down and throws her arms around him. Actually holding on. "Your dad said you enjoyed 'em. So I thought I'd try and find a few."  And she could combust with the emotions she's feeling. The fact someone actually cared enough to get her something. Matter of fact, the fact someone cared was enough to send her over the edge. She'd known nothing but hate and anger for so long she forgot what it felt like to be cared for. To be loved. Her nails are digging in, chest heaving and her whole body shakes. She buries her face deeper into Gaz's neck, wanting to capture this feeling forever.
"Than-k y-o-u." It's broken and rushed but nothing sounds sweeter to Gaz, the words setting a fire in his chest. He's gently pulling her back, wiping tears as she sniffles.
"You're welcome. If there's anymore you want, just ask." Pushing hair out of her face he turns her around, where Ghost is patiently waiting with bag in his hand. She eyes it, its not branded.
"Open it." And she does. It's a necklace, silver and thin. Expensive she's sure. The pendant takes her breath away. It's small, size of a dime. But it's a raven. Blood red gem for it's eye. Her call sign. "Sargent Raven, pretty badass callsign. Deserves to be shown off too." Her partner in crime had come up with it. Said she always had a eye for the enemy, like a raven to something shiny. Her heart ached. Her team, she'd thought about them constantly in the beginning. What had happened to them, if they were looking for her. She'd had the thoughts beat out of her in the end. Lifting it up she beckoned to put it on. Thick fingers brushed agasint bruised skin. The chain fit perfectly around her neck, the raven sitting comfortably at the start of her chest bone. Her fingers dance across the pendent, it's smooth and brings a sense of calm instantly to her mind. No one had called her Raven in so long, she'd missed it.
Johnny and Price had cleaned and re-organized his closet one she'd opened everything. Price taking his clothes to the bedroom down the hall. He didn't have many and so it made sense to move them anyway. Turns out Johnny had a knack for organization. Sarah sat on the bench and watched the men work. Johnny pointing and talking while Price listened. They hung her shirts up and folded her pants to put in the drawers, her shoes going in the opened faced shelves. Johnny mentioning she needed more.
"She's got more. A lot more." Her dad is leaning in the doorway, watching. The sight making his worries fade. "She and my wife are one in the same about shoes." Her cheeks turn red as he talks.
"I think all women like shoes." Price smiles her way. He likes a woman in pretty shoes too.
"I can ship her things back here when I get home." Sarah scrunches up her brows, but Johnny beats her to the punch.
"That's gonna cost a pretty penny ya' know." Johnny waves a black clothes hanger for emphasis. Her father nods, waves his hand.
"She's worth every penny. Spend every dime I had if it meant she'd be happy." Sarah feels weird. A mixture of happy and, guilt, maybe? Happy to have her dad here and the boys who really seem to care, but guilty for having to put them through it. Her dad who spent two years being told she was dead. Left to imagine the worst for her, terror griping him at every turn. Forced to face every parents worst nightmare day after day. All because of her. Because she couldn't do her job right. She was the sniper, the lookout. The Raven. She failed. Failed her mission, her teammates, herself. She should have seen the signs they were there. Heard their footsteps. Maybe if she had cased the area beforehand? Or maybe if she had chosen a different spot, one closer to where her team was supposed to converge? Should have screamed louder, fought harder, used her teeth more. She was the Raven, there was no reason they should have overpowered her that easy, she trained every day for missions twice as hard. Should have slit her thro… Price is pulling at her hand, yanking her to her feet. He squeezes her shoulders a little to get rid of that glassy daze in her eyes.
"Tell the boys we'll be down in a second, will ya' lovie?" Waits until she looks him in his eyes and nods, smiles at him. Then sends her on her way, her dad walking with her.
"Whatdya' think she thinks 'bout when she gets lost?" Price isn't sure. Well, he thinks he knows but doesn't wanna be right. He shakes his head, eyes catching Johnny's.
"Russia." He leaves it at that.
17 notes · View notes
system-of-a-feather · 8 months
You know, I honestly do think people would greatly benefit from taking some time to deeply reflect on the known idea that "one of the key point ways to radicalize into a dangerous, harmful, bigotted, and sometimes fascist (NOT CLAIMING THAT IT IS INHERENTLY, JUST THAT WE KNOW IT PLAYS A ROLE IN RADICALIZING FASCISM I DO NOT PISS ON THE POOR) is to create an 'us' vs 'them' way of thinking." Like this is tumblr dot com, yeah there are some people who don't know that and/or disagree with that, but I'd like to think the sensible majority of us who are on the trans gaysex website have heard that be said and have at least mostly agreed with it.
And yet, even then, we have some of the most pointless discourse that is fundamentally built on this "us vs them" ideology. The same "they are ACTUALLY [emotionally and morally charged claim] and are DANGEROUS to live and let be". "[Insert Group] is ACTUALLY a [insert claim that generates fear] because [semi plausible claim and/or over generalization of a few people]." "[Insert Group] wants us dead / gone / silenced and will not stop until this or that and can not be trusted when they say otherwise"
Like, I'm pretty sure this is in queercourse / LGBT discourse, proship related stuff, and all that general way too online internet discourse, but the one I'm most familiar with is syscourse so I'm going to use that as a reference and talk specifically to that audience.
If you are reading this and go "Oh you are vagueing XYZ of [this group] because they literally say those things", I'm sorry to tell you this literally had at least half of the regular syscourser names in my mind - from BOTH sides.
Honestly, I feel if we just really stopped using labels to put OURSELVES into us-vs-them categories that people can immediately box us one place or another, it'd do everyone a lot better in having productive conversations cause you'd actually kind of need to, ya know, talk to a person before you inherently decide that they are the "enemy who wants to take things away from you and silence you."
Nine out of ten times, people just want to live, want to be able to exist and have human decency, and are just generally scared. I'm sure there are some bad apples out there that explicitly do want to actively cause harm to other people for no good reason other than its funny, cause yeah, they obviously exist - but I've come to find most people, even the most aggressive and vocal people, are scared and often isolated and thus trapped in this cycle of discourse.
There is a lot of benefit to be found by taking time to sit, pull off all the assumptions you've made about a person, and just genuinely give space and time to have a genuine, best faith, private discussion about what matters and drives them. If there are people who you think you know their opinions, thoughts, and reasons for doing and saying what they do from just their online public presence, you are honestly probably humorously wrong.
And that isn't to say I'm exempt from it, cause I liberally block at the slightest annoyance which - while minimizing negativity on my dash also happens to shut down any room for any deeper understanding of a person - is good because no one is entitled to you going out of the way to understand them and their perspective, especially when they are actively putting things out that make you feel stressed, annoyed, and/or concerned.
It also isn't to say there is any reason or internal dialogue that fully excuses toxic behavior on it's own. No one is entitled to your forgiveness either, especially if they don't make amends on their own effort.
It's all just to say that I think people would benefit a lot from sitting down and spending some time thinking to themselves what it means, why it is, and how it appears chronically in social communities the "us vs them" mentality and how that ends up causing unhealthy and toxic behavior.
23 notes · View notes
klm-zoflorr · 10 months
Incorrect quotes..... Parthogenesis
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: This revenge shit is very unrewarding it turns out. I have lost all my friends and am devoid of the sweet sweet burn of anger now that I've accomplished my goal. Everybody hates me. I'm not allowed less than 50 meters from a government building. Help.
Eren: Well, good for you!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: *driving down the road*
Hange, driving up the same road: *yelling out the window as she passes him* PIG!
Commander Magath: *yelling back at Hange* BITCH!
Commander Magath: *rounding next curb, he crashes into a hug pig in the middle of the road and dies*
Ymir Fritz, watching on: Ah, if men would just listen
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: "sex" literally isn't real. "ohhh i just had sex" you "had" sex? where did it go? did it grow legs and run away?? idiot
Marcoco: Stop saying sex when what you mean is gender!!
Connie: I had gender with your mom
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Are you sure this is legal?
Annie: Why, are you taping this?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: God I do not like a single thing about you
Zeke: Tell me more
Hange: This isn't sexting
Zeke: It's better than sexting tbh
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Mikasa getting ready for her date with Eren*
Levi: Tell him if he breaks your heart, I'll nail gun his.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: Your future self is talking shit about you right now.
Annie: Joke's on her. I'll ruin her fucking life.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jean: Connie, Sasha! How could you possibly have gotten into this much trouble in one day?!
Connie: It... It didn't take us the whole day...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: The bad news is you've lost a lot of blood
Sasha: What's the good news?
Hange: Well we've found most of it!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Grisha: *Calling the doctor* My wife is going into labor what do I do I have forgotten all of my medical training
Doctor on the other end of the call: Is this her first child?
Grisha: No this is her husband
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kuchel: You are so incredibly full of issues, you should do something about it! Go see a shrink, I don't know!
Kenny Ackerman: Oh yes!
Kenny: I've always been a big fan of head shrinking!
Kuchel: That's not-... That's not what it means...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: Why is "dark" spelled with a K and not a C?
Zofia: Why not?
Falco: Because you can't "C" in the dark...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kenny, at the therapist: Well, that is disappointing
Therapist: What is?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi, at Mikasa's funeral: I need a moment with her... Alone. Please.
Everyone: Of course. *They leave*
Levi, leaning over Mikasa′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I'm not fooled by your cadaver palor and unnatural stillness. I know you’re not dead.
Mikasa: Yeah, no shit.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: Me and Annie, we get along fine in my beat up honda civic. We just don't have room to disagree.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: It's been hard not having Ymir around. I never thought I'd miss being waterboarded so much.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Annie and Porco on their first day as coast guards*
Boss: 7 people died on your watch today
Annie, looking off into the distance: Yes but the coast is fine
Porco: They were all very mean and refused to tip. So, we just threw them back in the water.
Annie: Also you only found seven. We killed a lot more.
Porco: Yeah, but you didn't have to mention that tho
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Therapist: Kenny, you have a problem verbalising your emotions
Kenny: Can't say I'm surprised
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: Love the train so much.... ...... I sit... ..... It goes........ ........ We arrive!!!!!
Connie: I understand that, but it still doesn't explain why we get to carry all the rails in 40 degree* weather while you sit in the shade and drink a monster energy on the rocks
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Carla: Can I have a private talk with you?
Grisha: Sure, as long as it’s not about tampons, because I just don’t understand them.
Hannes, wearing tampons as earplugs: How? It's so obvious what they're used for!
Carla: I asked for a PRIVATE talk with him!
Grisha: Oh, you just can't separate me and Hannes. We're a package deal!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: Don't you think you're being a little dramatic about me letting your cactus die?
Floch: Dramatic? Perhaps a little.
Floch: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to look out the window with a grimly satisfied expression.
Floch: I paid this skywriter a lot of money to write “Eren likes pineapple on pizza” in the clouds.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: The sexual tension between me and self-destruction
Kenny: Nothing has sexual tension with you, kid
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: You can diffuse any situation by saying, "are we about to kiss, right now?"
Historia: Eren, not only is that completely false and a ridiculous concept, but it's also not appropriate at all, we are at your trial for global genocide for fuck's sake-
Eren, leaning towards her: Are we about to kiss, right now?
Historia, beet red: Nevermind.
Gabi: Can we PLEASE find another judge for this?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jean: I've got a joke for you. What's "Ereh" short for?
Armin: What for?
Jean: He's got little legs
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: Im a lesbiab
Annie: Lesbiam
Annie: Less bien
Mikasa: Its okay take ur time
Annie: Girls
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Annie and me buried the hatchet, figured you could try doing the same?
Ymir: I don't bury hatchets
Ymir: I sharpen them.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: I don't like being an adult
Carla: Yup I told you
Eren: You remember how you told me you put me in this world and you can take me out?
Eren: Take me out.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: So, you want to be the Sun in my life?
Jean: Yes.
Mikasa: Good, then stay 92,935,700 miles away from me
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Eren, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power!
Eren: Well of course I have.
Eren: Have you ever tried going mad without power?
Eren: It's boring.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ymir: Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. One for your foe, one for yourself.
Zeke: What a stupid fucking quote. I'm killing way more than two people idiot
Eren: Don't even bury them. Let them rot.
Zeke: Plus it's not like I'm gonna bury myself anyways? Why would I provide free cleaning labor like that
Eren: Maybe you're supposed to die in the grave?
Zeke: I'm not gonna dig myself a grave so someone can push me in and I can die as the biggest idiot that ever walked this Earth
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Udo, watching Gabi: If you were religious, that would be straight-to-hell behavior...
Gabi, putting scorpions in Zeke's dresser after he called her a shitty little kid: I don't believe in heaven or hell, but I do believe in Revenge
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Armin, about Eren: If karma doesn't hit you real quick, I fucking will.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: You know how in greek myths the people that die tragically sometimes get placed among the stars by the gods?
Colt: Yeah?
Falco: Call that a constellation prize.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha, taking care of Reiner after he got injured: It's okay Braus, stay calm, stay calm
Reiner: My name isn't Braus, it's Braun
Sasha: I know, I'm talking to myself.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Pieck sliding $5 to the zookeeper*
Pieck: Maybe one of those penguins ends up in my car?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Fun fact: Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color
Armin: Starfruit
Historia: So close! That's a shape <33
Mikasa: Orange
Historia: Try again! <3 The color orange is named after the fruit.
Connie: Grape! "Gra" for gray! 🍇🤲😊
Jean: You also forgot blackberries
Sasha: You idiot, black isn't a color.
Gabi: What about raspberries
Ymir: Green beans?
Falco: Lemons!! ♥️🥰☺️
Reiner: Wait aren't berries not fruit?
Historia: You all are so fucking stupid.
Zeke: What about dragon fruit
Historia: I am going to stone you
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Are oranges named orange because oranges are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
Connie: Which came first, the orange or the orange?
Historia: Orange was first used to refer to the fruit 1280 years ago but was not used as a color until around 1000 years ago.
Eren: What was the color called before then?
Sasha: There was no color, duh! Everything was black and white!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hitch: "I'm kind of in a weird mental place right now" I say, as if there are times when I am not in a weird mental place
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin, bleary eyed at 7am: Why are you opening all the windows?
Levi: We have to let air in
Erwin: But it's raining!
Levi: You're not made out of sugar, are you?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Eren getting into Mikasa's car*
Eren: Let's go
Mikasa: Uh... Uh... Hi? Nice to see you too?
*Armin getting into the backseat*
Armin: Wait, she's our Uber driver?
Mikasa: Uber driver? I thought we were going on a date, Eren!
Armin: I thought this was a guy's night out!
Eren: There's been a change of plans.
Mikasa: You could have just asked?? You didn't have to trick us?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Porco: I'm not a 🚩 i'm more like a ⚠️ cause I do warn you, you just don't be listening
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: I'm not a 🚩 I'm a 🏁 cause you winnin' over there
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: I don’t know the first thing about fashion. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it’s clothes or not. This titan? Not clothes.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Thru the phone*
Erwin: Hey, I need your help, can you come back?
Hange: Uh, I can't, I'm buying clothes.
Erwin: Alright, well hurry up and come back to base.
Hange: I can't find them.
Erwin: What do you mean you can't find them?
Hange: I can't find them, there's only soup.
Erwin: What do you mean there's only soup?
Hange: It means there's only soup!
Erwin: Well then get out of the soup aisle!
Hange: Alright you don't have to shout at me!
Hange: There's more soup!
Erwin: What do you mean there's more soup?
Hange: There's just more soup!
Erwin: Go into the next aisle!
Hange: There's still soup!
Erwin: Where are you right now?
Hange: I'm at soup!
Erwin: What do you mean you're "at soup?"
Hange: I mean I'm at soup!
Erwin: What store are you in?
Hange: I'm at the soup store!
Erwin: Why are you buying clothes at the soup store?!
Hange: Fuck you!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: And then we'll be transported to the Paths dimension, and we'll meet Ymir Fritz, that's our long-dead ancestor...
Eren: I can barely tolerate the living, why would I want to commute with the dead?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Armin: Does necromancy only work on animals? What do you do if you accidentally necromancy a fence and then it starts growing branches?
Armin: What if I accidentally necromancy a vaccine and then someone gets an armful of very live pathogen?
Annie: Armin.
Annie: are u ok
Armin: NO
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Colt's contributions to meetings: What about the impact on civilian populations? Do we have enough ammunition, provisions in storage to not rely on outside help?
Falco's contributions to meetings: Do you think stars have feelings?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Grisha: It's been ten year since my beloved son Zeke died...
Zeke: I was never your beloved son! And quit telling people I'm dead!
Grisha: Sometimes it feels like I can still hear his voice...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: *wearing a shirt reading "cunt era"*
Eren: *wearing a shirt reading "I'm high as fuck and have a gun in my backpack"*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Grisha: The bad news is that you have a really rare disease
Rod Reiss: Oh, no. What's the good news?
Grisha: Well, you get to name it!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: What's a good starter vice for someone who wants to get into ruining their life?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi: Smarties
Yelena: Heroin and mass murder
Levi: You're both at very different ends of the spectrum yet I don't think either of you understood the question
Levi: The real answer is Erwin Smith
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke, getting up in the middle of a meeting: Pieck and I are not longer dating
Pieck: Zeke, that's a horrible way to tell people that we got married
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: My mother and I spent some quality time together. Got our hands dirty.
Pieck: Gardening?
Zeke: Grave-digging.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Food trucks but instead of food, it's therapy and they're called automofeels
Rod Reiss: I know you're my last living descendant but with that kind of suggestions, I feel like I'd be better off picking a manged rat off the street
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Floch: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're impressed.
Yelena: But you do know better.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: I wanna be a reverse tooth fairy where I rob people and then scatter human teeth on their bed
Sasha: a dentist
Eren: I don't know what your dentist is doing to you but I think you need to go to the police
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Pieck is coming back with McDonalds*
Zeke, reaching for his happy meal: Sorry, but there's no "we" in "fries"
Pieck: But there is an "I" *she steals all of his fries*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jean: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: The feminine urge to be ominous & terrifying...
Hange: Mood
Mikasa: You are like if a moth was wearing clown shoes.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: A fun fact about me is i have never forgiven anyone for anything
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bertholt: Have you ever been told you can be a bit intimidating?
Annie: Yes, every day of my life since kindergarten.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: Being alive is great because there are so many different great vegetables you can sauté. But then there are also The Horrors
Falco: So true
Falco: Actually no. This is weird.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Uri Reiss: What is a sex drive where is the sex going does it even have a licence
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi, to Erwin: You're gay because you like men
Levi: I'm gay because I hate women just a tiny bit more than I hate men. We are not the same.
Hange: Yaoi vs shounen
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: What’s it like being tall?
Historia: Is it nice?
Armin: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Reiner: I live in constant fear of the short people, who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: I don't know whether to bail you out, Mikasa, you've been in jail three times.
Zeke: Dad, Eren is cheating.
Grisha: Calm down, son.
Zeke: You are supporting him just because he bought you a hotel on Park Place
Eren: Someone has to take care of him in his old age? Who is going to do it but me? You?
Mikasa: *slyly knocks the Monopoly board off the table😼*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: Hey girl ive been yearning for you the normal amount
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Grisha: Great. Here comes the woke mob to cancel me for killing and eating several people.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The 104th, Hange, Erwin, Levi, Grisha, Carla, Hannes wearing party hats, popping confetti cannons and cheering: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Eren: Uh. Thanks I guess?
Historia: You don't like being celebrated?
Eren: I prefer to be villified, my name invoking fear over a great cloud of darkness...
Carla: Muffins, Overlord?
Eren: Thamk you
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: I like you lets go to hell together
Sasha: Hell? More like HELL P!! Ahah
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Rod Reiss: We need back-up with the military police!! Are you free?
Kenny: No actually, I am very expensive.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: Since when are drapes flammable?
Historia: Since always, Connie! Drapes have ALWAYS BEEN FLAMMABLE!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Parental figure: Don't go into the forest, it's full of lemon-stealing whores!
Teenage Hange: Ooh, spooky!
Teenhange: What specific parts of the woods are they in, so I can avoid them extra hard?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner, in front of Sasha's grave: Rip i was always into you
Sasha, popping out from behind a tree: ? Worst confession ever
Reiner: You're not dead??
Reiner: I lied
Reiner: You are nothing to me
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Gabi and Falco looking over the bones of Rod Reiss*
Falco: What happened to him?
Historia: Ah well, he tried to outpizza the Hut
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: I heard it's supposed to rain
Colt: Oh, yeah? But look at this sun!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: Brr, getting a bit cold, uh?
Gabi: Yeah, it's supposed to rain later
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Zeke passing through next to Magath adressing the kids*
Commander Magath: We're not gonna do the lesson outside today, it's supposed to rain
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: Galliard, mind helping me set up the tables outside for my mind reading scam?
Porco: Don't start this now, it's supposed to rain this afternoon!
Zeke: I heard it's never going to rain again.
Porco: What is the fucking matter with you
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: I decided I'm actually not gonna break up with you over your corny jokes, Porco convinced me otherwise.
Zeke: What a re-LEAF. I should get you flowers. I know it STEMS from a place of love, now our relationship can BURGEON out of bounds.
Pieck: I changed my mind.
Zeke: Ok, but Porco avocated for me?? Really?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: Zeke? What was that message you sent me?
*Shows him the phone, with a garbled texting mess on it that reads as follows: pleusr bereing qi 2 auffce chabi goht pik 🏹. shi went hair glleiteur pin. kiuk houry aim worrded*
Zeke: "Please bring the key to the office back, Gabi is threatening Pieck at gunpoint, she wants her glitter pen back and I seem to be the only one worried about it."
Annie: I read serial killer diaries with better punctuation than this
Zeke: But do you have the keys?
Annie: No.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: What about the bow emoji?
Zeke: They censored the gun on my phone
Annie: No, look there's the little water gun...
Zeke: It doesn't convey the urgency of the situation
Annie: Nothing in your message conveys the urgency of the situation since you need a degree in foreign languages to understand it
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Do you have any children?
Dina Fritz: Yes, I have one that's just under two.
Commander Magath: I know how many one is
Commander Magath: Is he big enough to man a cannon yet
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yelena: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: Be myself?? The person who got me into this mess???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ymir: Will I find a purpose?
Annie, posing as a fortune teller: No.
Ymir: u didn't do the thing with the cards
Annie: *flips one card, maintaining eye contact* No.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: *unbuttoning shirt* Oh my god, it's hot as hell in here.
Yelena: Yes, but why are you unbuttoning my shirt?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: You into cars?
Ymir: Yes, it truly was a masterpiece of a film
Connie: No i mean are you a cars person
Ymir: I'm a human.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: I tried making my own Red Bull with crushed up caffeine pills, twenty-one shots of expresso, carbonated licorice water and gummy vitamins. The doctor said I'm lucky to be alive.
Connie, 24 hours before: I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and am fighting my own soul. I'm winning by the way.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: i am at a loss for words to describe how absolutely stupid this plan was!
Sasha, narrating: Despite being at a loss for words, the Captain yelled at us for the next thirty minutes.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Hange getting ready to go on an expedition in the titan forest*
Hange: If you hear me screaming bloody murder, there's a good chance I'm enjoying myself.
Levi: ...figured that one out
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa, when Eren leaves for Zeke's side: You're leaving me? I'm coming with you.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi: What's the difference between Reiner and a magnet?
Gabi: A magnet has a positive side!
Reiner: Ah-Ah. Very funny.
Falco: A magnet would have laughed at this quality joke!
Reiner: I wish I were an household item
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: You know, you look pretty fit yourself. What do you play?
Erwin: Anybody that gets close enough.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mr. Xaver: I'm sorry Zeke, your dad was pronounced dead
Zeke: *tearing up*
Zeke: I've been pronouncing it wrong this whole time??!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: I tried your "salad" thing today, and Ew. I only ate one of those red and white nasty apple things, and I couldn't handle it after.
Pieck: Radishes, Historia
Historia: Mini dirt apples
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kenny the Boomer, looking at his dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Floch, lovingly, to Eren: You inspire me to be so much worse
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Floch, interviewing people: What do you want for Christmas?
Annie: Uhhh... for me to be alive
Levi: You know those microfibers cloths they have at big stores?
Historia: I just want Captain Levi to have a great time. Cause, he's been really really sad and angry lately. And you know, that's all I really need, more happiness in the world.
Connie: I'll say I want a big booty hoe, sitting on my face right now. Blrrr!
Sasha: Free weed!
Eren: Uhhhh.... World peace
Mikasa: Dick
Hange: *Pouring everyone a big glass of her special cocktail* Mental stabilityyyy baby!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jean: I'd roast you, but my mom says you can't burn trash.
Jean: *moon-walks out of the room*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded dilapidated training camps, taught by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yelena: I've tried some eyeliner, thoughts?
Floch: Sorry but someone already has swag in this enimity and it's ME
Yelena: You? Cool? You are like if a moth was wearing clown shoes.
Floch: Where did you even hear that expression
Yelena: Idk
Floch: Well you look like you could stab someone with these anyways
Yelena: The clown shoes?
Floch: The eyeliner.
Yelena: That's the goal
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke organising a play about his life: Porco, I think you should play the role of my father.
Porco: I don't want to be your father??
Zeke: That's perfect, you already know your lines!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Marcel: I don’t know why I do the things I do. Never did. I’m a damn mystery to myself. It makes my existence... Exciting, you know. You never know what's gonna happen. Am I going to jail, am I getting a medal for bravery? Am I driving on the highway at three in the morning to ruin my life and everybody in this town's again??
Ymir: Are you gonna get caught, cooked and eaten by a random girl in the woods?? Who the hell knows.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Porco, in his jock attire, yelling at the tv*
Bertholt: You're yelling like the players are actually gonna listen to you
Porco: You're in love with a girl who doesn't even know you exist
Bertholt: Never talk to me again
*Bertholt goes to his room to try and glue back the shattered remains of his ego*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: I think my dad never loved me.
Zeke: HA! Loser. I always KNEW my dad never loved me.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha, leaving the Training Corps in s2 to go save her family: There I go side questing again!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on the plane?
Armin: Yes, but I'm not that kind of...
Flight attendant: The pilots are debating the merits of the terminologies of "the dark ages" vs. "late antiquity" vs. "the early middle ages".
Armin: Okay. I'm here.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bertholt: Annie... I need to tell you something.
Annie: Alright?
Bertholt: You're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in and you're out, you're up then you're down, you're right when it's wrong, you... I guess what I want to say is you're incredible and I care about you. You're so good... At everything. I deeply admire you. I could get lost in the blue of your eyes, I feel like I'm flying when I look at you. Your hair is a golden crown, which you deserve because you are a queen. Your laugh is rare and dry like an oasis in the desert, it's the only thing in the world that can quench my thirst. What I'm trying to say is... I love you.
Annie: Alright.
Annie: Thanks. You... Uh... You always fill a room with your presence... Like a stately sequoia tree.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: *sees a ghost* omg are you dead
Ghost Gabi: Of corpse
Ghost Gabi: The other ghosts said they'll beat my ass because of this joke. Grave mistake.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: Oh yes, my uncle is out of town, said something about tying up loose ends?
Uri Reiss:
Kenny: *tying up the ends of a black bag filled with a dead body*
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Gabi: I don't think you know what this sentence means
Gabi: But yes, it's a gun.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Connie: Are you alright?
Historia: I'm fine.
Connie: No, but really?
Historia: I mean yeah i carry around an immense sadness that destroys my will to live more and more everyday but like im fine
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin: I rarely find cocaine jokes funny.
Erwin: But occasionally, an one-liner makes me snort.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: We have an issue. Most of your bleeding is internal.
Marcel: Well, isn't that good news?! That's where the blood is supposed to be anyways!
Pieck: I don't think it's in the benefit of humanity as a whole to try to save him...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: I act as if I don't care if people dislike me. But deep down? I secretly enjoy it.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yes, do believe good cop/bad cop is the essence of the MikAnnie dynamic
Yes, I know titans aren't supposed to leave bones behind. I'm gonna need you to get allll the way off my back about this!
Yes, I did watch the Wednesday series recently. It's a good show, innit? Full of punchy one-liners!
Yes, this end note is getting entirely too repetitive.
Yes, there's more?
*: 104° F for you eagle people
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bhaalble · 10 months
I've dug around Act 3 enough times that I think I'm prepared to put in my wishlist for whenever ultimate edition releases. Understand these are all elements that may be present in mild degrees in Act 3 as it currently exists, but I need it expanded on drastically.
-More breakup reactivity in Act 3. I understand keeping it a bit on the minimal side in the early acts since you can flag those on accident/it can be pretty casual in nature. But by Act 3, you've locked in to a committed relationship. That's the kind of thing thats going to impact your dynamic severely if you end things. Having Gale sniffle a little and then immediately jump to Besties dialogue was WILD.
-I get the impulse to keep the team together in Act 3 because by that point there's a lot of story content you could potentially miss out on but I really do wish they'd been a little bolder in what choices let you drive companions away. Karlach, Laezel, Astarion and Wyll especially all have things they REALLY should ditch the player for, or at least require persuasion to stick around (allying with Gortash for Karlach, taking the astral touched tadpole/sleeping with the Emperor for Laezel, fighting Cazador without him for Astarion and hooking up with Mizora for Wyll). The hirelings system ensures the player won't be left mechanically shorthanded, and all of these are choices the player has to know would alienate their companions.
-A GODDAMN TAVERN SCENE. AN INN ROOM SCENE. SOMETHING. Let me party with these people!!! The tiefling party is so goddamn good I need more moments like that in the story!!!
-More content for allying with Gortash/Orin. I'd even accept this as a Durge exclusive, for right now allying with either of them just sort of feels meaningless. Gortash gets a good cutscene or two but it doesn't really feel like a partnership so much as him sitting there waiting for you to do what you were gonna do anyways. A reality where Orin or Gortash offer meaningful aid and interaction with you to help you take down the other would've been so interesting, especially for a Durge, because it can be another avenue through which to understand your dynamic with Bhaal's cult if Orin thinks you're arriving penitent and ready to submit to her authority
-Much as it is a fun surprise to run into the tieflings throughout the city I'd love a quest where if you find Alfira she'll invite a bunch of them over to the Elfsong for a "made it to the city" celebration. Again we really needed more moments of just. Being. in this act.
-Everyone and their mother has said this but Gortash's coronation needed so much more hype and build up around it. Why is the coronation of an Archduke being treated with all the import of just. Electing a new Senator. Why is Gortash just interrupting the proceedings to explain the Evil Plan to you while all the patriars wait in polite silence. Why is the only real pushback on entry you get just a lone Steel Watcher going hey. Dont kill anything >: (. Also considering the implications is that Gortash murdered literally all these people shortly after. Why were there zero consequences to this and zero comment for anyone in the outside world.
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butterflyintochains · 4 months
Getting The Talk
Just a little TangerKarlsson thing, set roughly after 'Those Small Details' and 'Finding Out'. The team are incredibly protective over Tanger after all he's been through, so, upon learning of this supposed long term relationship he's been in. There is a step Erik must be put through before everyone moves forward.
Erik is confused as hell right now, to put it lightly. He has no idea what Sid wanted him down at Cranberry for a day after the season ended. Things didn't go entirely to plan, but Erik has Kris, and that's all that matters. Kris, however, is probably in bed still, sleeping peacefully without him. Kris did briefly laugh and wish him luck when the text came, though. Still, Erik wanted to sleep in with his partner this morning, not have to drive down to the training rink for no good reason. He parks, huffs out an irritated breath, and heads inside. He first heads to the team's now cleared out dressing room. Dreading whatever is inside, he opens the doors, and enters the room, seeing basically half the team sitting at their stalls. ''Hi, guys, what can I do for you today?'' He asks happily.
Sid seems to be in business mode today, because all he says is. ''Take a seat, Erik.'' Oh, first names, this is serious. Erik could inquire further, but thinks better of it, and sits down at his stall. ''Okay, I'm sat, can I know why I've been pulled out of a warm bed at nine in the morning?''
Geno bluntly asks him. ''When did all this with Kris start?'' Okay... what the hell? Erik simply says. ''I've told you, Geno, the 2011 All Star Game, we agreed to be exclusive the following year. Why? Why is this important?''
Rusty asks, arms crossed over his chest. ''What about after our 2017 cup run? He was miserable, for a long time, too. What was that about?'' Ah, yes, his biggest sin in life, the 2017 fuck up of the millennium. ''I'm not proud of it, Rusty. I was angry we lost, took it out on the man I love, and we broke up. I hate myself for it still, I was a fucking idiot for it.''
PO, all but a son to them in spirit, asks. ''When did you two get back together, then?''
Erik allows himself a small smile, nostalgia for that night flooding in. ''Funny enough, the 2019 All Star game in San Jose. I guess the love was too strong, and we just... agreed to give things another go.'' Sid suddenly sits up straighter, looking thunderstruck. ''Wait, 2019? I was there! And, I found out about you two in january this year! How the hell did that slip by me?''
Erik chuckles, risking a jab at his new captain and brother-in-law. ''That's not our fault, Sid. We literally kissed in the bar that night, you were too busy talking to Flower and Nate to notice.'' Jeff asks, humoured by Sid's obliviousness. ''How did Flower know about you two so early?''
Geno remarks, examining his nails. ''Flower knows everything, Carts.'' That much is true, he is a goalie after all, and Kris' confidant. He's surprised Flower isn't here to grill him as well. Tristan pipes up, asking him. ''How serious is this thing between you and Kris?'' Erik furrows his brows. ''Tristan, we live together, we've been together longer than you've been in the NHL.''
Sid asks the big question, looking Erik in the eyes. ''What are your intentions towards Kris? Do you love him?''
Erik states, because this is as much a fact as grass being green. ''I love Kris more than anything in this world. I intend to make him happy, to support him, to stand by his side forever. I don't entirely know if I deserve him, but I love Kris. And, he loves me.'' Geno asks further. ''Would you ever hurt him again like you did back then?''
Erik shakes his head. ''No, I'd rather die than hurt him, Geno. I pushed him away once, I'm never doing that again.''
Sid nods. ''Good, he means the world to us, Erik. If anything happens to him, this entire thing falls apart. He's my brother, and I'll see no harm come to him.''
Erik swallows, throat dry from talking. ''He means the world to me too, Sid. Like I say, I'd rather die than do anything to hurt him.'' Finally, Marcus speaks up, asking. ''Has anyone ever tried to pull you away from him?''
Erik nods, that's not been exactly fun to navigate the last decade and a bit. ''Yeah, lots of people in this league. They tried, all of them failed. I'm his, he's mine, end of story.''
Sid remarks, chuckling a bit. ''Kris used to deal with that too, used to piss him off. He'd complain about being flirted with, always said he was taken, I never once thought he was taken by you.'' Well, who wouldn't flirt with Kris? Good to know most hockey players are switched on at least. ''That doesn't surprise me. I mean, look at him, y'know?''
A french-canadian voice from the doorway chimes in. ''Likewise, mon amour.'' The entire room looks to Kris, leaning against the doorway, hand on his hip, a massive smile on his face. Kris strides in, and sits at his stall next to Erik. It's only now that everyone can feel how powerful they are together, how deep this love runs. ''How did this all come to be, Kris?'' Rusty asks.
Kris shrugs, running his index finger down his nose. ''We were in practice, saw each other across the ice, and the rest is history.'' Erik laughs, nudging Kris on the shoulder. ''Then, this idiot does fastest skater backwards to impress me.''
Kris jokes, a very slight flush rising on his cheeks. ''You liked it, don't lie to me. Made Keith look stupid, I still won.''
Jeff asks them both. ''I still don't get it, why keep this a secret for so long?''
Kris says, indicating to Sid and Geno. ''They are why. We saw the media attention that Sid and Geno get, how public it all was, and we wanted none of that. We wanted to be Kris and Erik: the men. Not Letang and Karlsson: the players.''
Erik adds. ''That's what we still want, really, I'd have hated to live this last decade in a fishbowl.''
Geno nods, and agrees with them. ''The media hasn't been fun, that's for sure. I love you, Sid, but the press are dumb.'' Sid nods, they've got a point there. ''Yeah, I feel that too, G.''
Marcus asks Kris. ''How long had you been standing there?'' Kris says, grinning. ''Long enough. Kinda funny hearing you guys try to be intimidating, to be honest.''
Sid looks incredulous at the notion he isn't as intimidating as he'd like to be. ''What? You think I'm not intimidating enough?'' Kris cocks an eyebrow at his brother. ''Sid, last I looked, I lead us in penalty minutes this year.'' Everyone bursts out laughing.
Kris addresses the room as a whole. ''Look, boys, I know you love me. But, Erik and I are very happy together, we've been through a lot, long distance included. We're okay, we're settled, we're excited for what's to come.''
Geno asks, smiling when Erik takes Kris' hand in his own, and Kris rests his head on Erik's shoulder. ''Are you sure?'' Erik nods, and says, body now completely relaxed. ''We're sure.'' Sid looks at his best friend, usually so stoic, his body soft with comfort. They do fit together so well, and look so content together. ''Do you speak each other's languages?'' Sid asks, his Russian leaves a lot to be desired to be put lightly.
Erik nods. ''Yeah, I had Kris and Flower teach me french, I think I'm pretty good at it.''
Kris assures him. ''Your french is great, amour, trust me. Erik and Horny have taught me all the swedish I know.'' Erik says, lovingly praising him. ''You're the best student I've had, hjartat.''
Rusty asks, seeming a bit confused by that. ''Why? You two speak perfect english to each other.''
Kris simply states, lifting his head back up. ''That's what you do for the one you love, Rusty. Besides, we live between Montreal and Sweden in summer, so we need both.''
Geno asks Kris. ''So, that's why you and Horny stayed late after training all that time? He was teaching you swedish for Karl?'' Kris nods, smiling brightly. ''Wow.'' Geno says.
To make things even more surreal, Sully walks in, he must've known this meeting was happening today, because he just laughs. He's known the core for a decade now, and is deeply in tune with all their weird quirks. But, as if he's a father interrogating his child's significant other, he asks Erik and Kris. ''So, this is you two, then? I have two power couples to coach now?''
Kris nods, and says. ''Yeah, pretty much.'' Sully nods, and adds something to his phone. ''Good to know.'' He leaves after that.
After the little meeting is over, the assembled Penguins head to Kris and Erik's place for lunch together. They eat outside so as to enjoy the beautiful spring day. Kris is deep in conversation with Tristan, PO, Rusty, and Carts. Sid says to Erik. ''You know, grilling aside, I could not be happier for you two, you know? I've known Kris for so long, but I've never seen him more at peace.''
Erik smiles, and looks over to Kris again, they share a look. ''Thank you, Sid. It's not been easy for us, but here we are.'' Geno says, backing Sid up. ''You deserve each other, Karl.'' Erik nods, he doesn't say anything, just gives his concerned partner an assuring nod. They'll be okay, and now they know they've got the entire team behind them.
That night, Erik slumps down in bed next to Kris, and says. ''Y'know, that might just have been the weirdest day of my life since I got here.'' Kris laughs, plugging his phone in for the night, and taking one of his night time blood thinners. ''Wondered when that was coming, I was hoping for earlier in the year, but now was as good a time as any, I suppose.''
Erik shuts his bedside light off, and lies down, still pondering what the hell happened today. ''Was it like that when Sid and Geno got together?''
Kris lies down himself. ''Kinda, Mario took Geno aside for a talk, and Gonch did the same with Sid. It wasn't the whole team, though. All I remember was them both coming back looking exactly as you do now.''
Erik chuckles, wishing he was around for that, but it would've been before he was drafted if his math is correct. ''Good to know this is a family thing. Might get Hedman to give you the talk, actually.'' Kris laughs, and kisses Erik on the lips, running his fingers through Erik's growing hair. ''I look forward to that.''
They finally get to sleep together, one of the strangest days of their relationship finally over.
Just something short and sweet for this plot bunny that's been living in my head for a week or so now. With some slight references to some past events, and plenty of found family dynamics involved. My TangerKarlsson magnum opus will forever be 'Rival Captains In Love' but, i think this has been fun to write in a different way.
Anyway, enjoy!
necessary tag: @tylerpitlicktruther
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