#and even when I do pay attention I understand fuck all 😂
thechekhov · 8 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts: CH45
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Slumber party!
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Fair, but consider: She deserves a little murder. As a treat.
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Kabru be like "IS THAT MY BACKSTORY???"
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That sure is....a ship. With no one on it.
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Ah, shit the Americans are here.
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Two things: Toshiro being tended to like a pretty pretty princess is hilarious.
And also, the fact that they think the elves can kill Falin......... hmmm.... Pressing X to doubt.
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............... oh. Laios. 😂
But also like. How was he MEANT to keep it silent? Put a little something in it? I thought since it was a magic bell you could code it to only ring when it's shaken with INTENT?
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Fancy ass house.
Also, Namari...........are you hitting that yet? Both of that?
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Oh, it's backstory time.
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Okay one: that's fucking tragic, it sounds like the Elves are just forcing the dungeons closed with no regard for how the ecosystem compensates and what people suffer by being in close proximity......
And another thing: Kabru. Kabru, isn't that what YOU'RE after? Having all the power?
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Why is this so much like that one meme where the girls at the party are looking at you.
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It's the same picture.
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Kabru that's. That's maybe not the way to go about it. you're going to give them MORE reasons to go in.
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Nevermind the governor not being into this 'good boy, now sign' talk, Toshiro's kinda right. Ya fucked up Kabru.
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No matter how far Laios runs, he cannot escape other people trying to tell him how to live his life. Poor guy. But at the same time...
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Is this real? Or a red herring?
Laios' father and mother seemed to be living relatively pious lives. They clearly had a good house, but it didn't seem like they were extremely rich. Then again, perhaps he's just a cousin of royalty? Is that why his parents wanted him to have children?
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They want to.... halt the growth of the dungeon? Is this another part of the natural ecosystem of things? Dungeons growing seems to point even more towards the idea that it's a gigantic, fleshpit-like creature instead of simply a construct.
Then again, constructs CAN be creatures. Like the golems.
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Elves not understanding how old humans are continues to be hilarious because like.
As humans, we HAVE this same concept of variant aging. Like. Dogs. We understand that dogs live less than us, and mature a lot slower. But this is.... COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Most people do not make it into adulthood without understanding that dogs mature within 1-2 years of their birth.
The fact that elves, a species with FAR more time on their hands, who have lived alongside other races for AGES....... have STILL not got the general concept of aging down....means their education is atrocious. Or they're all not paying attention.
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.......this. THIS is the most fascinating concept in this chapter.
The fallen.... turned into MONSTERS.
We know that dying inside the dungeon doesn't mean permanent death. But dying above-ground does.
We know that dying in the dungeon doesn't mean your body turns into a monster (aside from ghosts and ghouls?) ..... but dying aboveground.... DOES......?
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If Kabru and Laios fused, they could almost make one functioning human being.
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Senshi just beginning to speak in the middle of his own internal monologue is so real.
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...... what's going on there with the expression, buddy?
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Bread.......are they STILL carrying around flour with them?! How are they getting bread?!
Also, it's awesome that the eggs are canonically hard to crack, because it makes sense that they don't break during their many fighting events.
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Izutsumi really said ◉_◉
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Don't tell me Laios, who is sensitive to ghosts has ALSO been seeing things?
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Not gonna lie, that's highkey terrifying.
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Props to that ghost that's been following Laios around, not ever giving up hope that it can bother him into acknowledging it.
And also - hey, it already saved them once! that means it's probably not evil!
That, or it's the king of the bloody dungeon. Wouldn't that be something!
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11queensupreme11 · 5 months
Hi,person from the "sweet fever" question!(I recommend u to do a quick read on the fan manga or see a resume so u can understand what I'm talking abt a bit better lol)
I was referring to a succubus womb tatto which can represent female power or something but can also represents other things depending on type of succubus womb tattoo (like one for cum addiction+other thing, one for slave I think,etc)
But I have another question,this situation would remind me of the Hades and Percy pollen situation, so how the yans react to Hades almost doing with Percy TWICE and in one Percy was high on sex pollen? I mean Hades didn't take her virginity but he was CLOSE☠️
omg wait so if character a got the "cum addiction" womb tattoo, they would be given a cum addiction?? and so forth??? omg 🤭 why didn't i learn of this sooner, now i know what kinda fics to search for tonight hehe
I wonder what would happen if Percy got a curse by that bc Aphrodite is TIRED of waiting for something more to happen so Percy's with an insane libido, fever, the temporary succubus womb tatto, etc. I wonder how yans would react and what would happen lol (Unrelated but I love how everyone uses the question things to talk u to just for the "anonymous" thing, I'm one of said followers😭)
(i found these on twitter btw, so im using these ideas for inspo hehe)
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so knowing aphrodite, she would pick a tattoo that SPECIFICALLY suits whatever yan she wants percy to end up with (actually, she'd probably switch it up every day so percy can be with ALL of them lmao, more entertainment for her)
beelzebub: COMMAND/REPROGRAM/TRIGGERED for sure 😭 lowkey, he'd be irked at first because he's already been conditioning her and he doesn't need the help of a stupid mark but eventually he starts to... enjoy it 😏 you know he's gonna order her to do the most lewdest things and video tape it so he can enjoy it in the future. and hey, since the mark's only temporary, he could even use the videos for future blackmail! 🤗
poseidon: LESSER. oh poseidon would LOVE this because finally percy starts to listen to him. he'll tell her that humans are awful and they all deserve to die, and she'll believe him. he'll tell her that it's perfectly okay to love your father, and she'll believe him. he'll tell her that it'd be SUCH a great idea for them to marry and have children and she'd believe him. no more needing to worry about his precious daughter getting corrupted by humanity's morals, she's now all his for the taking, yay!!!!
hades: LIBIDO/SWAY/GAZE. this man is horny for his niece so dont be surprised if he has dirty thoughts about her. imagine the horror percy'll feel when she hears her own uncle's impure thoughts about her?? and the horror she'll feel when she realizes she's actually getting TURNED ON by them??? she'll be so humiliated and confused when she suddenly starts touching herself, but its okay because her dear uncle's there to help her 🥺
apollo: CUMDICTION. aphrodite feels sooo bad that percy barely pays attention to him, so she curses her with a mark that makes her absolutely OBSESSED with him (tho to be more specific, his dick). apollo would be so ecstatic that the love of his life is finally reciprocating his love, that he won't even notice the womb mark when he's fucking her! true love 💖
loki: SUFFER/FORLORN. shocker, right lol 😂 he would totally enjoy this because he gets to do all kinds of sexual torture on her, BUT he's surprisingly also the first one who starts to hate the mark. her reactions aren't genuine, he wants the REAL percy, without this annoying mark! he wants percy to fight back and snap at him with her sassy words, not moan and be forced to submit!!!!
AND AS A BONUS: aphrodite would somehow manage to trick the yans into entering a room and throw percy in there with the pheromone mark! pheromone: any man within 30 meters will become aroused and attracted to her. the closer he is, the stronger it gets, and since these yans are already head over heels for her, the effects would be even STRONGER so rip percy's 🐱
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
could you do Nightmare!sans reacting to your S/o being pregnant with a girl?
Hello! I'm sorry for working on this request so late. I was just busy with school work and all that! Here it is, I hope you'll like it!
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Nightmare will be stunned when you finally reveal the news to him.
He genuinely didn't even know that a reproduction between monsters and humans was possible. 💀
You'll have to give him a little space for awhile, he really has to take the information in.
He wasn't considering the thought that you could end up pregnant when y'all were in the sheets, at all. 💀
After he finally processes everything, the king of negativity will be... for the first time in forever, truly..happy..
Happy is an understatement, he'll be overjoyed.
His darling, pregnant with his baby?? What better way is there to show everyone you're his?
He immediately goes back to you, and does a really shocking thing... He hugs you.
It's really out of character for Nightmare to be acting like this. And with everyone in the room.💀
He probably scared everyone with his joyful attitude 😂
I think that Nightmare would genuinely want a son. You know, to carry on his position. (Kinda like in medieval times) (Henry the eighth who? /j)
But after you both find out you're expecting a girl though.. he'll still be happy. Anything that will come out like you is the greatest achievement he could ever achieve. So he won't be disappointed. (That's the most nicest thing he told you)
He wants to help you the best of his abilities, but probably orders the others to help you out, because he's really busy :(
He probably orders Dust the most when it comes to this, since Dust is probably the most educated of the bunch.
He forbids Dust to smoke near you.
If you truly need him, just him and him alone, then he'll be up and ready to serve you. Whatever you need, he'll do it.
You could almost say... That Nightmares gotten soft with you. He treats you as if you were made from glass.
He pays close attention to your belly, and makes sure you don't accidentally bump it on something, or if someone won't bump it.
He couldn't bare it if you had a miscarriage. :(
Nightmare likes watching your belly grow. He takes pictures every week, to look back at your progress. :)
Cannot deal with mood swings. If you get angry, then he gets angry, and an angry Nightmare isn't really a good sign. 💀
Couldn't probably keep up with your random cravings. You want a chocolate, ok. Wait- now you want A TACO?? Where the fuck is he supposed to get a taco?!
Tries to be more understanding towards you, he understands that you're the one carrying his child, and you have a right to be needy, moody, or anything! He really tries to keep this in mind, and not snap at you. (Which sometimes proves to be really difficult)
I think that you'll be fairly surprised about the way his whole personality did 180 while you're pregnant. It's actually a fresh of new air for you. (Don't blame you though. Nightmare proves to be an asshole sometimes 🙄)
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lizzieislife94x · 9 months
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Special Guest (e.o)
Requested ❤️
 LizziexFem Reader
Legal age gap Lizzie is her normal age y/n is just say 22-23 This has bully reference incase anyone is effected. 
This is over 2.5k words I apologise if it makes no sense I was just typing and typing lmao and I'm hungover so you can't hold it against me if it sucks😂
Y/ns POV: 
"OK class we have a special guest arriving after lunch to help with bullying in schools so best behaviour" I hear the teacher yell I slouch and avoid eye contact with anyone I've been dealing with a few bullies recently mostly shoving and saying mean things I just don't understand why I let out a sigh keeping myself to myself as I feel a piece of paper hit my head I look down and open it "just drop out already no-one wants you here" don't let them get to you y/n I put my head down and pull my sleeves over my hands after 30 minutes the teacher leaves oh god please come back I can't help but think, it's the only time they don't bother me as much is when the teacher is here "y/n your such a freak leave just drop out" Sarah the popular girl says as she shoves my shoulder while her 3 friends surround me "can we not do this today why are you acting like a child just leave me alone please I don't bother you guys I keep to myself I've never said anything mean to you" I whisper as they laugh "you being here is bother me it's bothering us" she smirks I sniff and lower myself in my seat as the teacher and special speaker walk in but I don't realise neither do the popular girls "go back home freak go back to home schooling" she goes to lift her hand to hit me as we hear the teacher yelling "Sarah, Gail, Sophie, Danni" we all freeze I wait for my name to be shouted but it doesn't come "what do you 4 think your doing!! My office after class what did I say bulling is not tolerated here' I feel a tear leave my eye as I look up as I freeze instantly, is that Elizabeth fucking Olsen my mouth falls open in shock as I can't help but stare at her she's looking back at me with a concerned look.
Lizzies POV:
"No thank you for having me professor I'm looking forward to meeting the students and make them listen to me rant about the effects of bullying its a topic close to my heart" I say as we stand outside thedoor "are you ready miss olsen" she says with a smile as I nod and we walk in I take a second to look about and notice a crowd of girls I don't really pay attention until the professor starts yelling names I thought they where just messing about because the teacher was gone but this looks more serious I study the situation and see a young girl who quiet frankly looks scared I keep staring at her trying to work out if she's OK when she meets my eyes her eyes go wide and mouth falls open making me giggle a little I smile and wave at her making her shy away and give a slight wave back throughout my speech I keep making eye contact with the young woman who was being harassed by the group of girls she's drop dead gorgeous I can't help but steal glances once I'm done I walk over to the professor "hey the young woman that was being harassed by the girls can you ask her to stay behind so I can chat to her please" I whisper into the teachers ear as she smiles and nods "ok of course miss olsen ill tell her to stay behind while I go deal with the other girls" I smile as she walks away towards the young woman and watch her look at her with sympathy as she kneels to speech to her I sit against the desk my eyes never leaving her I have this urge to protect her and I don't even know her I've never spoke to her but something in me is screaming protect her. 
Y/ns POV:
I can't wait to get home and climb into bed and shut the world off I hate this place I start to gather my books as I go to put them in my bag I'm stopped by the professor kneeling infront of me with a look of sympathy "y/n I'm so sorry for the way they acted that should never have happened ill make sure they don't do it again and they receive some form of punishment, I'm going to go deal with them now but miss olsen would like a word with you so could you stay behind please" she says in a quiet tone I look at her confused "oh uh yeah sure of course" she smiles and stands up and leaves the classroom I look down and see Elizabeth leaning against the desk I'm still shook she's here but now she wants to speak to me what is happening I get up and walk down towards her as she beams me bright smile reaching her hand out "hey I'm Elizabeth but you can call me lizzie, what's your name" I look down and pull my jumper over my hands nervously as I avoid her eye contact "I'm y/n its a pleasure to meet you lizzie I'm a big fan" she holds onto my hand longer than needed and I know she's still staring I can feel her eyes on me "its amazing to meet you y/n so what happened today you don't have to say if you don't want to but I want to help" I rub the back of my neck as I sniff "they just pick on me sometimes because I've never been to a real school I was always home schooled till last year when I wanted to come to college" she steps closer and puts her hands on my shoulders rubbing gently "give me your phone I'm putting alot of trust into you right now" she says as I look at her confused handing my phone she gives it back a minute later "i gave you my number I want you to text me or call me later I'm trusting you to keep this number to yourself" I nod and look at her "I won't give it to anyone I promise" I say with a whisper "ok well ill look forward to it y/n" I say goodbye and walk out to my car completely confused as to what just happened I look at her contact name and smile a little when I see a heart next to her name I decide to text so she has my number 
Me: Hey its y/n I just thought I'd text so you have my number thank you for taking a little time to chat to me it made me feel a little better so thank you Elizabeth.
I put my phone down and drive home the drive home is a quick one after 10 minutes I pull up to my apartment and notice a message I unlock my phone and smile at her name on the screen why am I smiling she's just a nice person who doesn't want to see someone being brought down by others
Lizzie♥️: Omg hey y/n I'm so glad you text I wasn't sure if you would or not I hope your OK and I'm always here to talk hope you got home safe 
I think for a second before replying 
Me: I got home safe thank you I hope you get home safely I honestly wasn't sure about texting I don't wanna be a burden to you..but I appreciate you lizzie thank you 
Lizzie♥️: Don't be silly your not a burden text me your address we're going a long walk so we can chat about anything your comfortable with, see you soon 😉 
I look at my phone smiling like an idiot and text her my address.
2 weeks later
'I'm almost there put the popcorn out please' I laugh and shake my head "ok ok see you In a minute " I hang up lizzie has been almost glued to me for the last 2 weeks I've told her alot that's bothered me she's been amazing I don't even know why she wants to spend time with me but I swear my crush on her has doubled I'm snapped put of my thoughts with her bursting through the door "hey sexy lady" she says as she throws herself on the couch grabbing the remote control picking a movie as I walk over with popcorn "umm excuse me miss but do you think this is your house" I say with faked sass "actually yes" she says with the most adorable smile I throw a bit of popcorn at her as laugh as I sit beside her and she moves closer to cuddle up to me "please don't pick a horror lizzie you know I can't watch them ill spend the full time with my face hidden on you and you'll have to stay the night there's no way I'm staying alone if you pick a horror" I say with a pout she wiggles her eyebrows "to late honeypie" I groan as she plays the movie. 
Almost half way through the movie I'm practically wrapped around her with my head hiding in her neck as she gently tickels my back I'm not sure if she's aware she's doing it but her hand slide up my t-shirt 20 minutes ago and It feels nice and comforting so I'm not going to tell her to stop "is it done yet" I whisper against her neck as she continues to run her fingers up and down my back "almost babe should be done in 5 minutes or so" I nod and sure enough five minutes later she turns family guy on "there all done"I stay where I am enjoying our bodies pressed together and my face against her neck "ok" I whisper not making an attempt at moving she laughs and rests her hand half way up my back "you can get up now the movie is done" her hands drop my waist almost on my ass "don't want to I'm comfortable" I smile against her neck as she laughs "I have no problem with this position y/n so stay like that as long as you want" I move my lower body and stop as my eyes go wide as I realise I practically grinded on her and her sharp breath in tells me she had the same realisation I go to move off but she holds me in place making my pull away to look at her "you have no idea how hard it is for me to be around you and keep my cool I wanna do everything and be everything for you I look forward to things like this because we get so close .." I cut her off mid sentence smashing my lips against hers once air becomes an issue I sit up looking into her eyes biting my lip "I feel the same lizzie" I say as I lean my head against her head 'take me to bed please " I say biting my lip as i move to kiss her neck surprised when I hear her moaning before I know it she's gripping my ass walking to the bedroom as I such and bite on her neck making sure I leave marks she throws me onto the bed falling on top of me as she kisses my neck "clothes you're wearing to many"
I say moaning earning a groan from the blonde under me she stands up and starts to shred her clothes I follow her lead till we're both butt naked staring at one another I can't help but feel my arousal pool at the sight of her I finally look at her eyes and notice them dark with lust I lean back and smirk feeling a little confident "make me yours" she falls to her knees and pushes my legs open instantly moaning at the sight of my dripping cunt I lean my head back and moan as she attacks my clit with no mercy she's sucking like I'm her last meal I can't help but let out loud moans the thought I have this affect on her turning me on more "yes yes fuck me yes lizzie right there!!!!" I scream as she adds 2 fingers inside my tight cunt thrusting as she sucks my clit Igrip the sheets so hard my knuckles turn white I go to moan as she curls her fingers at the right spot hitting my gspot my mouth falls open as a silent scream leaves my body I feel the sensation run through my body I didn't mean to cum so fast "you could have warned me you where a squirter" she says with a giggle as she sits ontop of me biting her lip I look up breathing heavy my chest rising and falling fast "I.. I'm.. not..I never knew...I was" I pant out with a huge smile she leans down and kisses me passionately after a few seconds she opens my legs and positions her cunt onto mine making me look at her and moan "oh honey you didn't think I was done with you did you? I wanna hear more of those pretty sounds you make for me" She says with a smirk as my eyes roll she starts to grind her hips making our clits rub together perfectly both of us moaning 'fa...faster baby" I whimper as my nails scratch her thigh as she fucks me harder and faster she keeps her pace up for a few minutes before they become sloppy "so close baby....babygirl" she moans gripping onto my hand "me to...mommy please cum for me" I scream my words not even registering as she picks up her speed both of us screaming and panting sweat dripping from our bodies "right there right there right there" she screams as she cums all over my pussy sending my second orgasm crashing over me "yes yes fu....ck oh f..fu..ck" I pant as she collapses ontop of me both of us not moving for a few minutes until we regain our breath "that was amazing baby" she says rolling off me rubbing my cheek making me blush "yeah it was you're perfect lizzie" I say blushing like a fool we climb into bed and cuddle both our naked body's pressed against eachother she kisses my head as she whispers "goodnight beautiful " I whisper goodnight and fall asleep in her arms.
AN: this is long and might not make sense I'm super tired and hungover I had an amazing night last night the wedding was beautiful it was such a long day but so worth it, apologies for this chapter haha but I will start posting again and making them some what decent haha I hope you enjoy this feedback welcome and honestly comments would help distract from this hangover feeling � (its been just over a year since i wrote this originally!! my friends have been married over a year thats crazy!)
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i saw you mention it briefly in a previous post and wondered if you happen to have any examples of jimin acting jealous related to jk
i can’t think of even one instance of it happening jimin has such a good poker face
Finally!! Getting to this ask. Sorry i kept you waiting my dear. Lets get to it.
Disclaimer: My word is not law. I can only point out what I picked up. Its up to you to form your own opinions. You don't have to see what I see 😘
To start us off would be the most recent.
Army: I'm Taehyung's wife
Jimin: Hello Taehyung's wife
Army: Hi, I'm Jhope's wife
Jimin: Hello Jhope's wife.
Army: Hi, I'm Jungkook's wife.
Mans really said "no the fuck you're not. You can call yourself JK's wife but I'm the one who knows what he's doing not you." 😂😂😂 No, but this was funny.
Next we're gonna talk about HOME. But before we do that. Let's understand something. Jikook have these exclusive things they do to/for eo and they prefer if it stays that way. A good example would be Jimin touching JK's chin. It's a Jikook thing or rather used to be, because sometimes in the past u would catch Jimin side eyeing another member when they did it. He's always done it from the beginning and other members started doing it too. But I think Jimin is over it now. Doesn't care anymore. But it did used to bother him. Another example would be the boxing. It's a Jikook thing and they (mostly JK) prefers it that way. We've seen him refuse to play box with V. I even touched on him debunking V here when V said they box together. It's a Jikook thing. Alright? Which brings us to HOME.
As we all know there is that one part where Jikook usually sing to each other during HOME.
My favourite is this one 🥺🥺
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If you don't believe it's a Jikook thing, look at how JK reacted when Jimin sang to Army instead of singing to him. Here is an even better angle. He wasn't impressed. He was looking forward to it, only for Jimin to sing to Army 🤭
All duos have designated moments during songs. Here is angry Jin pulling Jimin away from a Taejin moment. (Sorry if u can't access tiktok. Tumblr only allows one video at a time) So this theory is not too far fetched.
Okay now let's get to the Jimin being annoyed part. Not jealous, annoyed. Its important we differentiate these 2 words. He wasn't jealous of V...he was just annoyed that it happened.
Okay. So first lets look at the Jikook moment. Which i love.
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And then we look at the Taekook moment.
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Why does V always look at members like they're a 5 course meal he's 2 seconds away from devouring? Damn. Anyway, I'd tell you to watch Jimin but that's not the best angle. You see his reaction better from the Jimin fancam.
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Yeah... he wasn't impressed either.
Next we're gonna go back to Army proposing to JK. The infamous "Jungkook marry me" I bet JK regretted bringing that up the moment he started getting grilled. Mans really got the 3rd degree 😂😂 And you can see the exact moment Jimin was like; wtf I'm i doing?
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Right before leaving to go off camera, looking all embarrassed. That shit was hysterical. Really 😂😂
Next we have JK calling RM sexy.
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Jimin rubbing his face like that read to me like "this again?" And I wouldn't have thought anything of it but then he went and repeated the word "sexy" when JK said it which had me 🤔🤔🤔
Next we have this Run Bts episode. I will share Cameron's dubbed version because why not? 😂😂😂😂 JK even tried to make Jimin feel better. Yes, he was doing his mission but why not kill 2 birds with one stone?
Then we have the Busan concert. He wasn't jealous. He wasn't even annoyed. But he was watching them. He took notice. Jimin does it often when it comes to Tkk. He doesn't react, but he pays attention. Idk how to explain it. But he watches them, if that makes sense.
Next one is actually quite popular anon. I'm surprised you've never seen people talk about it. Again I will share the dubbed version because I play too much.
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Aaah. Fine. Here is the original for the boring people 🙄 Watch Jimin's face when JK smiles at him. Then JK immediately lets go of V. Though he does it again, coz he can be a brat sometimes. But y'all get it.
These two Jinkook and Yoonkook moments are not even up for debate. It's pretty freaking clear. And yes. I will use the word jealousy for these ones.
This one is heartbreaking. I prefer when Jimin is angry. I do not like him sad. It's just... 😭😭😭
This one too. My heart breaks every single time.😪😪😪
You can watch this entire compilation if u feel like it. I find it mostly accurate. (Mostly. Not all) But watch this part. Jimin is watching Namkook on the viewfinder. Did you see him look away as soon as JK looked up? Why? Hmmm 🤭🤭
Now this one he was not just bothered but actually got angry. Like fucking pissed.
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Thanks @astutejiminie for coming through. This video is absolute gold. They start reacting at 36:24. It's where it all starts unfolding.
(Keep an eye on Jimin touching his nose. That's usually a sign with him)
So we have V caressing JK's hair for a long ass time. And we have Jimin hating it. We hear him clear his throat abnoxiously at some point which is when JK notices and tries to like sit up and pull away from V. But as usual V doesn't get the memo and continues to touch. Eventually when they finish, Jimin stands up so aggressively that his chair flies back and then storms off before they have even wrapped up. Idk what it was about this day but Jimin got proper angry about the touching.
Another time Jimin didn't like V touching JK was during this live. He even banged his cup on the floor.
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I recommend this analysis of that Dynamite BB hot 100 live/JK's birthday and what was really going on with JK staring at Jimin. Jimin had an issue with all the skinship on this day. That analysis does a good job of explaining why. Give it a go.
This here anon, is what I call the Holy grail. Jimin wanted to kill this army. Well, that's an exaggeration but still, if looks could kill, this Army would have gone up in smoke. So this girl goes to JK and calls his name in this cutesy tone. And watch Jimin. That, is some scary shit right there. 👀 I'd have ran and never come back 🙈
Damn this post got long and these aren't even all of them. I am too hungry to go get this link. So I will describe this moment and u see if it rings a bell or u can go search for it. Run BTS Canada. Jin sits next to JK and Jimin makes him move. He was like "That's my chair" and Jin immediately took off.
This cute winter package moment where Jimin slots himself between Jinkook. I don't think this is part of the list. I just like that moment 🤭🤭🤭
I gotta go eat. So this is all I have for now. Cheers! 🥂🥂
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secondhand-snow · 7 months
I have a request on mencken: what do you think of reader being his questionably young wife? (This is probably going to end in pwp but i dont mind lol) he likes to show her off and buy her expensive things from the money he pocketed 😂 she's practically his sugar baby but she has a side hustle of being the first lady too
your mind... im obsessed this is such a good dynamic
nsfw | jeryd mencken x f!reader (succession)
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The sugar baby comments don’t really get to you anymore. They’re pretty accurate, truth be told. But people don’t need to know that. 
Your relationship with Jeryd Mencken began in your late 20’s, back when you still had a bad dye job, student loans, and a shitty studio apartment. You were employed at a jewelry store, barely making minimum wage, working 9 hour shifts every day just to pay your rent. The first time he came into the store, you treated him like any other customer. Any other incredibly attractive, extremely charismatic, and undoubtedly rich customer. But all the same, when he made his purchase and you parted ways, you never expected to see him again. Until he came back to the store a second time. And a third time. And a fourth, fifth, and sixth time. When he finally asked you on a date his image had already been clouding your sexual fantasies for weeks.
And so started your incredibly complicated romance. Jeryd expected you to be submissive and compliant when you first started going out, basing his speculations on how you’d acted at your job. Let’s just say he was more than surprised when you talked back to him, not afraid to be a brat in public to get what you wanted. This revelation was more of a thrill than a shock. Not only did he get to fuck you so hard the neighbors complained on the noise, he also got to punish you when you acted out. And you acted out a lot. But more than the sex was the attention the pair of you got in public. He’d bring you to his business events, dressing you in expensive silks, showing you off to his colleagues. He loved how amazed his peers got when he arrived with a pretty little doll on his arm, how the women would envy you and the men would crave to be him. 
The gifts started as a reward of sorts. Everytime you accompanied Jeryd to one of these work benefits, everytime you made him look good in public, everytime you were especially well behaved in the open, a present would arrive at your door. Wrapped in gold wrapping paper, with a handwritten note on the top expressing his appreciation, and usually sporting a designer logo of some sort. It began as just a few times a month, but you reacted so happily each time you opened one that he started delivering them almost daily. Oh and he loved when you wore his presents out in public. Most outings with you wearing his gifts would end with him pulling you into a bathroom, car, or empty room, making you thank him for the present while he bent you over and fucked some gratitude into you. He started paying your rent when he convinced you to quit your job, saying that you're too pretty to have to work so hard. And when he sees your apartment for the first time, he immediately insists on finding you a new space. When you can’t find anything you like enough, Jeryd just moves you in with him.
When you finally get married, it’s more a formality than anything else. Your love goes beyond metal bands and a piece of paper. The 5 carat diamond ring does help, though. The wedding happens when Jeryd’s career starts really taking off, when his name starts to seriously come up in political discussions. You both knew he needed a loyal wife to further his traditionalist image, and you were more than capable to play the part. So what if your age gap was controversial, you would make sure every other aspect of your public personas was absolutely perfect. And you did! You wore the business casual skirt suits and attended the charity events. Shit, you even learned about government systems to understand his campaign better. But you can’t tame the perversion away, not completely, not forever. So when Jeryd finally wins the presidency and your lives become semi-private again, it’s a massive relief.
It’s only his first week in the White House when you can’t hold back anymore, sauntering into the Oval Office and kneeling underneath his desk as he works. 
“You missed me this much? Had to come in here while I’m working, couldn’t wait a few hours?” Jeryd’s hand is tangled in your air, slacks around his ankles as you sit on your knees in front of him. You kitten lick at his tip, already red and leaking from your touch as you stroke his shaft languidly. “Such a little slut, so desperate for my cock.”
Your only response is a little smile as you press a teasing kiss to his public bone. Then, you swallow his dick to the base in one movement. His hand tightens in your hair, his head falling back as soft sighs of pleasure leave his plump lips. You’ve done this more times than you can count, having his likes memorized to the point of instinct. You know to cup his balls as you suck his cock, to trace your tongue along that one vein on the underside of his shaft, to hum around his length as he’s fully sheathed in your throat. If you wanted to, you could bring him to release in a matter of minutes. But where’s the fun in that? 
You release him from your mouth with a pop, taking a few seconds to deviously lick the pre-cum on his tip before addressing your husband. 
“You haven’t given me attention in so long…” You lean forwards on your knees, face moving into a pout as you look up at Jeryd with the eyes of a sad puppy. “I’m starting to think you don’t like me anymore.”
He scoffs at that, but takes the bait enough to pull you into his lap, hand coming to your chin to force eye contact. “Don’t be a brat. Just say you want me to fuck you- without making bullshit excuses.”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“Good girl.” He captures your mouth in a kiss. 
It's all teeth and tongue, messy and sloppy and charged with passion. Before long he has you bouncing on his cock, face pushed into his shoulder to muffle your moans. You cum once as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head, then again when he bends you over his desk to fuck you from behind at a brutal pace. You're glad the building is less busy this time of day, since the sounds of wet skin and hushed groans would be unmistakable to anyone passing by. Jeryd finishes inside of you, like always. When he pulls out, he kneels behind you, your ass swaying temptingly side to side in front of him. He spends several minutes collecting any liquid that leaks out of you onto his fingers and fucking it back inside of you, making comments that his cum is too important to waste.
The next morning you wake up to a golden wrapped present on your night stand. Inside, a remote controlled vibrator, and a note with a promise to film next time.
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© secondhand-snow 2024
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btssavedmylifeblr · 1 year
Hey Bee how have you been?
Hahahahah sorry but I couldn’t help it, I explained the storyline of Void in detail to an ai and asked it what it thinks would/could happen on Yoongi’s first day with y/n cause i’m impatient and i’ll take any crumbs!! But it made Void!Yoongi an even bigger asshole 😂😂 I liked it though🫠 Dw, I know this is not gonna happen but I thought you might enjoy reading this !
Y/N took a deep breath and pushed open the door to Yoongi's workshop. It was nearing 10pm on Friday, and she hadn't seen him all day. She had spent most of the day thinking about him, wondering when he’d finally come to her and take the chance he’s been wanting for years but he seemed to be avoiding her.
She spotted Yoongi at the back of the room, hunched over his workbench, the one that he’s had her naked on a couple of times before. He didn't even glance up at her as she entered the room.
“There you are,” she said, walking closer to him.
“Hm,” Yoongi replied without looking at her, a faint smirk on his lips, like he knew she would come to him today one way or another.
Y/N's frustration started to build as she noticed he was still focused on his work, not paying her any attention. “There a reason you've been avoiding me all day?” she asked him, a hand on her hip.
“I wasn't. I’ve been busy,” Yoongi replied nonchalantly, his eyes fixed on his task.
Y/N couldn't help but feel a sudden sense of irritation towards him. She couldn't understand why he was acting so cold and indifferent towards her, especially when he had the chance to be with her now after begging her all those times. She took a step closer to him, her eyes burning with anger.
“Well... it's almost midnight,” she said pointedly.
“I'm aware,” Yoongi replied infuriatingly calm, still not looking up from whatever he was doing.
Y/N took a deep breath, trying to control her rising frustration. “So, you're also aware that once your day is over, it's over? You won't get the chance to touch me until next Friday, you know.”
“Says who?” Yoongi chuckled, rummaging through his box of tools.
Y/N raised her eyebrows, taken aback by his arrogant response. “Uhh... the contract we signed? Every man gets a one day in the week with me. You're not any different or special.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Y/N frowned. “Yo, what the fuck is your deal?” she snapped, her patience wearing thin.
Yoongi’s eyes shot at hers, finally looking at her. It sent a shiver down her spine, goosebumps on rising in her arms. His eyes were intense and he stared at her, almost like he was challenging her. “Don’t you get it?”
“What?” Y/N took a step back, confused.
Yoongi walked up to her, stopping just inches away. “No matter whose day it is, you belong to me. It’s always ‘my day’.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Y/N stammered as she felt her heart racing in her chest.
“Oh, my God. Quit acting so fucking clueless,” Yoongi scoffed. “Everyone - every man on this ship - always asks you what the deal is with me. If you're with them just to spite me. If you’re trying to make me jealous. It always circles back to me.”
“That's not tr-”
“I know what they say. I hear all of it,” Yoongi stepped closer, backing Y/N into the wall. His pretty brown eyes that always looked at her with such admiration and respect just looked dark and intense now, full of lust. “You think I don’t know that you only think about me when you’re with them? That I’m constantly on your mind whilst you’re getting fucked by them?”
Y/N stared at him in disbelief yet she was aroused, her mind racing. He was one hundred percent right, but she would never admit that. Especially not now. She wasn’t going to back down or be disrespected. Who did he think he was, speaking to her like that?
His eyes dropped down to her lips. For a split second, she thought he was going to kiss her and break their no-kissing-streak they’ve had going on for whatever reason. Instead, he licked his lips and looked back into her eyes.
“So in the end, it doesn't matter if it's my day to be with you or not. If it's Tuesday, Thursday, whatever it is,” Yoongi shrugs, “You belong to me. I own you,” his voice low and threatening.
“Excuse me?” is all Y/N can manage to say, her fists shaking in humiliation. She was usually not the one to be speechless in situations like these but unfortunately, she had no rebuttal because he was absolutely correct.
Yoongi ignored her pardon and looked over his shoulder at the clock on the wall. “Now, be a good girl and get the hell out of my workshop. I have work to do.”
He turned around and walked back to his workbench, continuing whatever he was doing before he spewed all of that shit at her.
Y/N was speechless, her mind reeling from his words. She slowly backed out of the workshop, her eyes locked on Yoongi's back. As soon as she was out of sight, she broke into a run, her heart pounding in her chest. She had never seen him like that. He was so intimidating and arrogant but what she hated the most is that he was right. She did only think about him. She did do a lot of things to piss him off, to make him jealous. What she might hate even more than that is that she was looking forward to this day specifically, only to get slapped in the face with rejection. Is this how he felt back then?
Hahaha!! I will admit in my worst moments of despair about how long it’s been without an update, I have wondered about just feeding the story into an AI and seeing what it comes up with. But I think this confirms that I’m going to have to write it myself! 😂 (plus AIs won’t write smut as far as I know and isn’t that the whole point?)
I laughed out loud at the “Yo, what the fuck is your deal?”. Though the line “No matter whose day it is, you belong to me” is admittedly pretty great.
I was so sad that they didn’t fuck though. I think my readers will revolt if we finally make it to the end of Yoongi’s day with no sex.
This Yoongi is way more confident about the OC’s feelings for him and way less desperate to get with her than my Yoongi.
I also love how the AI is super confused about why they haven’t kissed yet.
Thank you for sharing! Hopefully I can get you the real version soon!
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tachosnachos · 10 months
This is just for fun probably not gonna do this again. I’ve been watching a lot of kdrama series lately so I thought I’d rate them.
note: My ratings are mostly based on my attention span. If it’s a good show with good characters, I usually look past acting and stick to it. Also, I always finish a series I started because I’m just built that way.
above 5 means it’s watchable, less than 5 means it’s trash and I’m dying.
Some are on going, some finished, some I’m still finishing
1. Destined With You 7/10 (Finished)
Rowoon’s acting man, he keeps it nice and fresh. His chemistry with Jo Boah…chef’s kiss 🤌🏼 So cute. The story isn’t interesting enough for me to pay attention to tho, in fact it makes things confusing. Like do they like each other because they like each other, or because of their past lives, or because of the love spell. Up until the end, the book of spells things had no relevance to the story whatsoever.
2. Strong Girl Nam Soon 7/10 (finishing)
It’s hard not to compare it to strong do bong soon, which is like one of the staples of kdrama. Started out way too fast paced, it was giving me a whiplash and then it dragged in the middle. Namsoon and ML has barely any chemistry. It was like they just like each other, like it was already decided they were going to be together from the start. RYU FUCKING SHIO. Carried the fucking show. His little interactions with Namsoon, his back story, him blushing at her. Everything. 2 points just for him. They did him dirty. Why do writers keep doing this? Make us think he has a chance and kill him off at the end? like wtf
3. A Good Day to be A Dog 8/10
Airing once a week makes it hard to remember the story and because of that the recaps takes time off the actual episode. I read parts of the webtoon. The show is very similar except for the part in the past life. Light and funny, but that’s it. Idk in my head i’m comparing it to business proposal (another feel good show) and it just falters in comparison. Also, idk if this is an unpopular opinion but CEW acting isn’t as good as it was in true beauty. I understand the characters are similar but him in true beauty was much better or am i biased? here he seems more stoic and he does this poses in some scenes that feels like he knows he’s good looking and it’s funny to watch 😂 like yes sir you are good looking we get it. Who is directing him to do this.
4. Moon in the Day 7/10
Good but exhausting. Every episode there’s a new plot, new plot twist. It’s trying to be so many things at once and forcing all the pieces to fit in that the main leads are neglected. Tho there are a couple of scenes where they were so cute and adorable but not enough. Before you know it they’re professing love to each other like when did that happen? Is FL the same person she was in her past life or not? Is ML in love with her or because she looks like his wife. The curse thing is also so confusing. Over-explains itself.
5. The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract 6/10
Not enough episodes to have an opinion but with the recent ones, i just think it’s cute. It’s cute and fun. Nothing that makes me excited to watch it again. It’s always the last I watch on fridays and saturdays. I like the actors. But the ML feels like a miscast. I know he’s a good actor but he just feels way too boy next door-y. Which is so confusing because I could’ve sworn I’ve watched him in another show where he was a chaebol and he was fine. Idk if it was the director’s fault but he just doesn’t feel like a rich chaebol ceo yet. Hopefully he falls into the character more in the next episodes. FL is so freaking beautiful tho and her acting 📈
6. My Demon 9/10
Visual Couple, Funny story, amazing scene. Also props to the writers and directors like how they thought of tango/fighting scene is beyond me. It’s currently the only one i’m excited to keep watching. And the story isn’t too complicated that it’s confusing to understand and still feels logical, even though it’s fantasy. 100% recommend you jump into the bandwagon. could be 10/10 if happy ending but we’ll have to wait for that.
7. My man is cupid 8/10
Feels like my demon. I like it. I kinda like my demon more not sure why. I think my demon keeps us in out toes while this show is more of a slowburn. It just feels like any other fantasy show rn obviously it’s only been two episode but still interesting. Attractive actors. Nana is so freaking pretty. ML and SL is also good looking.
8. The Matchmakers 7/10
trying to focus while watching it. It’s very slow paced and I have the attention span of a fish. That being said there some funny scenes that made me topple over laughing but I think I’m going to wait until all episodes are out and finish it.
9. Castaway Diva 8/10 (finishing)
Just started but already the scenes are so pretty. PEB can literally make me watch anything of hers she’s such a good actress. Story is very fresh and easy to watch. Don’t know who ML is yet but I have a feeling it’s not my pick. Woo Hak just goes above and beyond for her, if he’s not Ki Ho (?) I’m going to be so angry. Does FL have to always end up with the childhood love?? To hell with star-crossed lovers.
10. Perfect Marriage Revenge 6/10
It started out good and then it was just exhausting to watch. Every problems have easy solutions that the antagonists don’t really feel like villains. Very telenovela-y. I did read the webtoon so the story wasn’t that much of a surprise. I do however have a bone to pick. I am very confident in Sung Hoon’s acting skills. I’ve watched his other series previously. So why…Why is he making his voice lower than it is 😂 It’s so obvious it’s funny. I try to ignore but in some scenes where he’s supposed to be angry, it sounds more like he’s growling. I can’t take him seriously at all.
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
Bossa Nova (Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x f!reader) - Five
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Four | Six
Summary: DMs, drinks and emojis. 
Word count: 3.235.
Warnings: Bad words, a pinch of flirting, a slight mention of a crime scene, alcohol consumption and uuuh... Yeah? I guess that’s it.
Author’s Note: This came by an idea I had a few days ago 😂 There’s a lot of dialogue through DMs so I hope it works.
Join my taglist! Don’t forget to reblog, comment and like! As always, I would love to know what you’re all thinking! ❤
Listen, it wasn’t like you were searching, okay?
Although Benny had caught your attention for more than obvious reasons, he was the type to do things around the edges, diligently, which you respected. There was a readiness to him, something that made him understand when to take certain actions, which included not invading your space or being a complete asshole. Again, you respected it. And even if he continued the discrete ploy of keeping aloof in the days that followed, you wouldn't mind creating a friendly relationship with him. Nothing else.
Thing is that Benny piqued your interest – more than you would like to. And if he already followed you on Instagram and you already followed him back was a pure friendly retribution, after all, you two worked together.
Like you, he had a few hundred followers – Benny with 547, you with 326. Maybe you took a look unpretentiously one day, but that wasn’t the point. Your virtual presence was pretty vague, so it was never important to you. There were some videos of karaoke nights, photos at events, old high school memories and a few pictures of your New Year’s Eve in Massachusetts; the only considerable time you’d spent with your college friends for celebrations. His social media followed the same pattern, but he seemed more reserved.
Was it a kind of modern approach, as the Buzzfeed articles said? Liking photos, comments, sending posts the person might like? This just didn't look like Benny's style, he seemed to be traditional enough or he was just older. You didn’t want to make assumptions.
What happened was that your brother invited you for a night of drinks, which you could deny for a variety of reasons, but he was going to pay and the gastritis phase was over. You posted a story of the outfit you chose: a slip satin dress, another one from the collection of pieces that were tucked away in the back of your wardrobe but felt the obligation to use after the divorce.
At best, it was short. At worst, too much. The heel highlighted her calf, thighs, ass. It was normal for it to draw attention considering the clothes you wore at work, which was the only place you saw each other.
“... Then I was like: are you out of your fucking mind?! Three hundred dollars for a fucking dog clothes?” Your brother was in the middle of a rant about a client, gesturing to the air and all.
The first buzz of the phone didn't catch your attention. In the notification, you saw that it was the regular people liking the story. You returned your focus to what was being discussed in an instant.
“I would also demand higher alimony from my ex if he did that.”
“Exactly! And when I tried to explain how…”
It was on the second buzz that you were completely distracted. The notification didn't signal a like or anything like that. You frowned, looked again, and this time your eyes fixed on the screen of the device.
@bennymagalon99 replied to your story: Lookin good, mama 🔥
You stared at the screen for a long time, picking up the phone with both hands and opening the message instantly because… Well, because it didn't make a lot of sense, right? He never-
“What was it?”
“Mm?” Your head turned to him, but your eyes were still fixed on the message.
“Don't tell me it's work.”
“... Mm? Oh no! No, I was just…” You blinked a few times, fumbling with the words like a stupid. “It’s nothing. Keep going.”
And despite his hesitance, he kept talking, and you left your phone on the table again as you shook your head at whatever it was he wanted to vent.
Benny didn't say anything else until you got home; he wasn't even online when you had time to sit on the couch with your feet up on the coffee table. You had taken off your heels, hugged a bottle of water, and opened Instagram.
The DM was still there. You decided to answer.  
You Thanks!
Kojak was still awake and you turned on the TV because as there was no chance of falling asleep with the effects of alcohol in your system, it looked like another night of napping on the couch watching the evening's programming.
It looked like. Didn't take long for it to change completely.
@bennymagalon99 Date night?
In a way, you didn't think he was teasing you, but Benny instigated an answer to the question he already knew. The next story was of a photo of you and your brother on the way out of the bar, taken with reddened faces and smirks from the drinks, so it seemed more like a conversation starter.
You didn't know how to react to it at first. Has alcohol slowed you down? Perhaps. Perhaps, because he could also just be curious given the 'closeness' they had been nurturing.
Your fingers hovered over the keyboard for a moment before answering.
You Is that how you start your topics with me? Asking if I have a date or if I’m good? But no Had some drinks with my brother
@bennymagalon99 My bad I guess Kinda new in starting topics with you 😬
He kept typing, then deleted it, then started typing again.
@bennymagalon99 It’s probably because you look really nice outside your work clothes
You Oh? So I don’t look nice in general?
Benny considered. He typed, deleted, typed, deleted again. You sipped more of the water and waited; alcohol was low, it wouldn't be enough to make you so anxious for an answer, right?
As if you wouldn’t be anxious in other circumstances.
@bennymagalon99 Course you do Can’t blame a man for appreciating a specific attire tho
Attire. You looked down at yourself again, at your bloated belly and bad posture. Good thing you could work on better in the pics.
You I can’t, you’re right
You groaned right after because damn if it wasn’t the most ridiculous thing to say.
You But like I don’t use it a lot I think it would be smart of you to think that You know?
Benny was faster than before.
@bennymagalon99 What did you drink? 😂😂
You I’m not drunk 😒😒😒
@bennymagalon99 No judging, ma You sound as cute as ever
Huh. You could blame your flushed cheeks on the drink too.
You Never get tired of showering me with compliments?
@bennymagalon99 Don’t like it? 😬
You I’ve never said that
@bennymagalon99 So you do
You Ugh, you want me to start being mean to you 🙄
@bennymagalon99 I was already getting worried that you wouldn’t start soon enough
Rolling your eyes was spontaneous at that moment – he sure had a smirk on his face.
You Bye 😒😴
@bennymagalon99 At least tell me what was the drink
You had already dropped your phone on the coffee table, taking another long sip of water before settling on the couch to watch (sleep).
He would really be talking to himself.
It wasn't a hangover, but you didn't want to risk that headache for something else, so you took an aspirin and had the luxury of eating a full breakfast – pancakes, eggs, even a mango smoothie your father had brought for you as a courtesy for the trip to the farmers market.
Kojak got a treat too. That food that the pet shop girl indicated seemed to make him have the most beautiful scales, but that could have been your hallucination. You couldn't really trust your mind in certain ways.
Despite that, you remembered everything that happened the night before, including the messages you exchanged with Benny. You didn't particularly know what to expect, after all, he could only be bored on a night shift and that came in handy. If he remembered (sic, if he wasn’t drunk), he wouldn't say a thing at work.
And in a way, he didn't.
You had the same routine as before, apart from the small episodes of approximation. That day you didn't even have any work involving Major Crimes – if there were two times when you crossed paths, it was a lot and still no one even looked at each other because you were busy. A 'good morning' maybe, but you’re kinda sure it was Connors. You had a lot in your basket with all the Travis and Desiree situation, so you didn’t give too much of a thought.
At the end of the day, Emma knocked on your lab door and said something about 'updating the case', which meant having to go to the briefing room for a meeting with them and the DEA team.
“I need to go?” You asked like a petulant child, even though you knew it wasn't a request. “I have a lot of work here.”
“They haven't done this in weeks. Just stay there, listen or not. We need to make sure no one will use your absence as an excuse to say we’re not collaborating.”
Everyone was there – O’Brien, Zapata, Henderson, Connors and Magalon. They sat in the back of the room like that bunch of troublemakers in high school, while Walsh and his team took the lead in running the meeting. You sat on the other side, alone, letting Emma go with Gina to the front row.
Everything had an atmosphere of forced, robotic education, as if everyone was suddenly walking on eggshells. Every now and then Mathias would give you glances, which he would recover from when he met eyes with Major Crimes or Emma or Gina, who always had more trouble containing her own discontent – which you didn't judge because you were exactly the same.
You decided it wasn't a discussion you wanted to add anything to. Despite your best efforts, you were already thinking about the things you left behind in the lab.
Then your phone buzzed.
@bennymagalon99     Gin and juice?
When you looked up, you couldn’t be sure if that was really him because Benny was still paying attention to the topic. You eyed the time the message was sent: 10:36 am. It wasn't a delayed message, it seemed, and you made sure no one was looking at you when you risked answering.
You I don’t drink gin and juice
You waited, watching to see what his reaction would be. By your position, Benny had sat in the row behind the others, which left him alone and more privacy to answer. He saw the message, scoffed and turned his face towards you.
“Really?” He mouthed with a slight smile. Instead of answering the same way, you got back to typing.
You For a detective, you don't do well with guesswork
@bennymagalon99 Ooooh there she is You don't know how long I've waited to be the target of your smart mouth
You As far as I remember, you asked me to go easy on you Looks like I made you wait a lot Are you a masochist or something?
@bennymagalon99 Would that be an impediment?
You For what?
@bennymagalon99 Friendship ☺️
Someone said something in a louder tone, which roused you from the conversation. Emma, ​​of course, who just got you with your head low looking at your phone, sending you a glare to pay fucking attention.
Your eyes roamed the space and for a while you just accessed the whole picture but didn’t quite listen to anyone in particular. When you dared to look in Benny's direction, he was already watching you. Curious, probably, gesturing discreetly with his phone, expecting an answer.
“Isn't that right?” Emma called your name.
You cleared your throat, nodded.
“... Indeed.”
If Benny hid a smile after that, you pretended you didn't see it.
You Why would you want to be my friend?
@bennymagalon99 Why not? You’re funny Btw you live in California and celebrate your parties in Massachusetts, which is interesting
You That’s not funny, that’s strategic Wouldn’t dare to show off in a bikini with so much competition in LA
He took a while to answer that. Nick spoke again about something aimed at the team.
@bennymagalon99 I’ve been in Cape Cod a time or two, so maybe you’re right Haven’t seen anyone as good in a bikini as you when I was there
You hoped he wasn't staring at you when he saw the message because you’d definitely be looking the most disconcerted. Like, coming from someone like him… You know? He could be a nice guy, but you weren't an idiot. Tara from Homicides had said countless times that he was her type, which meant any woman on planet Earth was out of the picture because she was a goddess. It wasn't something to just assume.
You You'll get me used to these compliments
@bennymagalon99 They won't extend to your holiday destination choices
You A friend has a house there, gimme a break
@bennymagalon99 And they gave you mojitos? 🍸
You Is it your second guess? Because you’ve never been so wrong, detective 🤭
@bennymagalon99 WHAT? NOOOOOO 😭😭😭
You You only have one more chance
But before you could get an answer to that, Emma was approaching with slow, unobtrusive steps. Your distraction didn't let you see that she'd been alerted to a break-in – she explained, guided and you jetted out of the room without looking back; work, after all.
It wasn't until you started driving and needed to warn the scene crew you were on the way that you saw what he responded. Luckily you were alone, because you didn't have to hide one of the widest, funniest smiles you've ever had without reservations, even if it was a really stupid thing because… Well.
@bennymagalon99 And what do I get if I get it right?
Again, the parking lot. It was after eleven at night and by that time, few people were walking around. That made the shriek that came out of your throat louder, as did the laugh Benny let out when he saw your startled face. Really, you guys haven't met this casually before.
“For Christ alive, man!” You put a hand on your chest. “Warn a girl, yeah?”
“Always getting scared that easily?”
“Only when people sneak up behind me.”
“I’m sorry,” He raised his hands in surrender. A considerable silence hovered between you two, fading the initial agitation.
“Another night's work?” You asked.
“No, I forgot my phone here.”
“And how was the case? Just break-in?”
“Yeah! Yeah, you know, robbery season in Beverly Hills.”
“Got it.”
Another silence, as if each unexpected meeting between the two of you was a struggle to keep from making everything awkward.
“I’ve been thinking what you said,” Benny offered after a beat.
“What I said?”
“Your drinking taste seems pretty specific.”
“Ah,” You giggled. “Do you already have that one last try, perhaps?”
“I plead the fifth. You still didn’t answer my question, I don't want to use all my cards without knowing the profits.”
“You guys are really on this bet stuff. I’m sure you all love going to Vegas.”
“Good for you it’s me on the other side and not Z, huh?” He crossed his arms over his chest. “So?”
You knew exactly where this was going, and really, at any other time in your life, with Theodore or not, you would have said no. When it came to the professional sphere, you had no problem filling yourself with complications, but you only did that because you didn't like to think too much about your personal life. You thought about this after the DM exchanges started: Benny exuded trouble. And, well, he was a hottie, but who's to say he wasn't just going down that path to get compensation for helping you with Walsh?
“... Is it negotiable?” You asked.
“Then tell me what it is you want.”
Benny was weighing the possibilities, as if he really wanted something impossible. You started to worry just a little bit, wondering what kind of favor he might ask, but after a while of looking you in the face, he ran his tongue over his lips, thumb brushing his goatee.
You may have watched the scene cautiously. You may.
“I admit I didn't expect this.”
“You shouldn't give people that much freedom.”
“I just like the challenge,” You didn’t, but you wanted to see where it would go.  
“Okay then,” He shrugged. “Friday we're going out. You and me.”
“... Mm?”
Did you hear right? He… Was that right? Good heavens, it sounded so unlikely that you thought you hadn't heard and were silent for a long time, at least long enough for him to start to get uncomfortable.
“But if you don’t want it, we can-”
“That’s not it,” Your voice came out cold, clipped. “You were there when Walsh said that stuff. Believe me, I didn’t think about the possibility of ever giving any of you guys a second glance in that aspect, but people talk. I shouldn’t worry but, you know, I just really care about my reputation. Professionally.”
“And you wouldn’t want to fill the gossip.”
“Yeah. Not that I don’t think you’re nice, because you are. I should’ve pay you dinner at that place for what you did, it’s just… precaution, I guess.”
“I get it.”
Those silences were starting to get more awkward and awkward as he continued them. You didn't know what to do with yourself, whether to wait for him to say the stupid thing or just say goodbye with an apology.
You frowned.
“Your drink. It was a Cosmopolitan.”
“How did you-”
“You have like four different pictures with one of these. Including when you were on Cape Cod.”
“... Really?” You asked with a weak and defeated smile.
“Yeah,” Benny mirrored your own expression before turning all serious again. “And you have your reasons to not accept this, really, but I’ve been doing this for a while now. I’m not known as the type to kiss and tell.”
He had a valid point. Despite their fears, everyone knew the reputation of each of the Major Crimes guys and there was already a pattern of the type of people in the Department they associated with… except for Benny. Whenever these conversations happened, he was always an unknown, a suspect (like Tara from Homicide), but never a certainty. This was a hell of a mistake for something long-term, but for casual outings it seemed more than ideal.
Still, you considered it judiciously, as always. You remembered that Benny wasn't in that room with Brixton, and that Lennon had a gleam in his eye that no one gave you when Walsh told you those things.
“... Okay.”
The answer was simple and straightforward. He raised his eyebrows, you raised yours because you said it so abruptly.
“Are you chickening out?” The defiant tone came out with some effort and he repeated his motion: lips licked, thumb brushing the goatee. It was probably a habit of his.
“I’m just making sure you want this. I don’t want to brag, but I’m not one to have people going out with me out of pity.”
“Good, because I don’t do that either.”
Your hint made him smile behind the tip of his fingers.
“You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Really,” Benny nodded. “Which makes me wonder if you'll give me your number so we can work out the details. I really hate chatting through DMs.”
Taglist (no pressure)
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eliahotchniss · 2 years
Angels and demons
Reid x BAU!femOC
Based off of the season nine two part season finale of criminal minds
I own nothing
This is my first fic/post to tumblr lemme know if I’m missing something
Thank you so much to @radiant-reid for doing some heavy duty editing😂 I never would’ve had the confidence to post this without your encouragement 😁
TW!! Violence consistent with the show, guns, non graphic descriptions of blood, language (idk if it’s a lot or not)
I just sit there: empty and so full of terror. I’m completely frozen, my brain screaming and my body heavy. Spencer got shot in the neck during the shootout with Reverend Mills.
I can’t hear anything. I’ve had a bomb go off next to me, but the ringing from this is worse. I can see JJ put her hand on my arm from my peripheral, but I don’t feel it. I’m too stiff to move my eyes or body. I feel so much numbness and agony at the same time.
It should’ve been me.
He pushed me out of the way. It’s my fault he got shot. If he dies, I’ll never be able to live with myself, and I know that.
JJ moves to sit in front of me. I don’t know if she’s talking to me or someone else, but she clearly wants my attention. Though I still can’t hear her, I can read her lips. She’s trying to comfort me.
“It should’ve been me,” I say without making eye contact.
“Don’t say that, Elena.”
“No, JJ, you don’t understand. It should’ve been me. Spencer pushed me out of the way that bullet was supposed to hit me! He shouldn’t have pushed me out of the way. He’s a fucking idiot!”
“Hey! Snap out of it! You would’ve done the same thing if the roles were reversed.”
“Of course, because, face it, we need him more than me on this team!”
I know I shouldn’t be screaming at JJ, but I’m so overwhelmed. I refuse to cry. I feel so broken inside. Just as I’m about to punch a wall, a nurse comes out to give us an update. She barely gets his room number out, and I take off with JJ obviously muttering apologizes to the nurse.
My eyes land on him. The sedatives haven’t worn off yet, so he’s still out. Thank God. I can’t imagine the pain he’s in. I post up in a chair beside his bed, staring like if I took my eye off him for a second: he’d disappear. I won’t leave, no matter what Hotch says. I’ll deal with the repercussions later.
I’m not leaving.
30 minutes pass and the team has been in and out. I hear JJ tell Hotch I haven’t left and probably won’t. Garcia put up some Doctor Who figurines, saying something about how happy he’ll be when he wakes up. I wasn’t really paying attention, but I faked a smile and nodded. She’s trying her best to be light that brightens the dark. I know If I opened my mouth, I’d break her. I wish I could be comforted by her, but I can’t, so I stay silent.
“You love him, don’t you?”
“Boy wonder, you love him? Not like the way we all love him, but like romantically, you’re in love with him, aren’t you?”
I know I’ve been in love with him since I met him, but I refused to say it out loud. Hell, I’ve never even told my own mother I loved her or my stepdad. Ever since my dad disappeared, I wouldn’t ever say it out loud because then it’s real, and it can be taken away. But this is Spencer.
Spencer Reid, who drinks 60% coffee and 40% sugar. Spencer Reid, who, even with lactose intolerance, still eats dairy. The same man who I could sit and listen to for hours and hours on end. I can feel the sharp burn of tears welling in my eyes. Garcia looks at me with pity, and I return her gaze and nod slightly.
That was it.
That broke me. I let go of my strong persona and just broke. Tears fall from my cheeks, and pitiful sobs escape my throat. Garcia rushes over to comfort me, and as much as I want to push her away, I can’t. I’m too tired to fight it anymore, so I sob harder. Between that and Garcia repeating words of comfort, we don’t hear Spence groan and open his eyes.
“Is that jello?” My heart stopped. I look at Spencer and sure enough, he’s trying to move his hands to get his jello cup. It takes everything in me not to lunge at him. Garcia runs to him and hugs him, being careful of his neck. She then goes to tell Hotch and the rest of the team that he’s awake.
As soon as she leaves and the door closes, Spencer cracks a joke. “So, when this heals, do you think the scar will make me attractive?” As much as I want to laugh, I still feel awful.
“Spencer, they call you pretty boy for a reason,” I say, kind of laughing but still kind of crying.
“Elena, come here.” I move towards him, and he grabs my hand. “Wow, I didn’t know you could cry.” He muses. Normally, I’d be mortified by this show of weakness, but I’m so relieved he’s alive that I don’t care. “C'mon, Elena, say something.”
“Spence, I-I thought I lost you.” My voice remains barely higher than a whisper. “Don’t you ever fucking pull that shit again, you dumb fuck mother bitch!” Spencer always said I have a weird way of swearing.
“Elena, I will always protect you.”
“I don’t need you to protect me. The team needs you more than me!” He wants to argue, but before he can say anything, I see Garcia's power walk, fear and determination in each step. I also see Deputy McGregor heading straight for us before Garcia closes the door. Dirty cops fuck.
I move to the other side of the bed, gun unholstered, instructing Garcia to get Spencer into a wheelchair. “Pull the fire alarm and get him out of here. I’ll distract him.” Before they can argue with me, I holster my gun and close the door behind me.
“Deputy!” He spins around. “Is there something I can help you with?” He gives some bullshit reason for wanting to speak with Spencer and see how he’s doing. I continue to distract him while, sure enough, Garcia and Spencer roll out of the room and sound the alarm. McGregor looks pissed, but before I can arrest him, he slams my head into the nearest wall and runs. Son of a bitch. I call Hotch to let him know he got away and made my way to Spencer.
After a while, they let us back into the hospital. I know someone is going to try to make another attempt, so I sent Garcia to the nurses' station to monitor anyone else from the force trying to make their way in.
Spencer and I pause our conversation about how tired he must be when a nurse comes in.
“He already had his meds,” I state. I’ve read his chart. I know when all of his medications and antibiotics were given. I know hospitals get busy, so I wanted to make sure he didn’t miss or double up on any doses.
“Post-op antibiotics.” The nurse says.
“He’s had those too.” My voice is even and polite until I saw the name of the antibiotics. “He has a severe allergy to beta-lactams. It’s in his chart.”
The nurse ignores me. At this point, I’m either going to punch him in the face or slap the drugs out of his hands. I chose the latter, and that’s when I see it. The gun. When he bent over to pick up the syringe, his scrub top lifted, revealing a black handgun. Spencer yells gun, and the “nurse” goes to grab it. In one fluid movement and without hesitation, I draw my weapon and put a bullet in his chest. He drops to the floor and bleeds out. Morgan rushes in and sees I’m still holding my weapon, aimed at the man slowly dying as if I’m daring him to get up. Morgan puts his gun away and slowly moves toward me
“Jones, he’s not gonna get back up. I need you to put the weapon down, okay?” I know he’s right, but I still hold my stance until Spencer reaches to grab my arm. Morgan grabs the gun from me, and Spencer pulls me into an embrace. Morgan calls Hotch to let him know what happened and leaves the room. I stay there hugging Spencer, not knowing if I can let go because of my own fears. My adrenaline slowly starts to come down when he turns to my ear and whispers, “Thank you, Elena.”
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jaimebluesq · 1 year
Not anonymous confession but a confession nonetheless: I completely understand preference for top and bottom and support everyone who has specific preference. At the same time, I have so many hcs that conflict because the ideas for my stories prevail/constantly changes my ideas for characters that it’s just so easier to make all my characters switches. I feel kinda the odd one out because if I talk about one character being a top then later about them being a bottom I’m asked “why I would change it suddenly” or if I “dislike the other dynamic now”. Also, sometimes my thoughts on it changes per ship. Maybe I like a character being dominant but if I put them with a different character then usual their dynamic in my mind changes. (Same with Dom and Sub. I want everyone to get a chance. I will say, though, If a character mostly doms in fanworks and has little sub content I tend to want the opposite 😂)
This! This! So much this! And for some people, it's more than a preference - they link it to the character so much as if it's an essential part of their personality and get upset when people don't portray them that way. I've even encountered some that think it should be mandatory to tag whether someone is top/bottom in AO3 (rather than something an author can do if they wish or think it's important to the story).
Let's say it again for all the people in the back: The ideas that one's personality/body type shape or height/profession/whether they like to wear pink or purple/etc are linked to their bedroom preferences are complete and utter BULLSHIT. The idea that people can't enjoy more than one dynamic in bed: BULLSHIT.
I'm not going to go on a rant about how heterosexist romantic/sexual dynamics affects all of our POVs even when we're not straight, and how such things require time, patience, and paying attention in order to unlearn. Even though it's fucking true.
So, in case it needs to be said: Unless it's important for the story (such as a BDSM context), I will not tag bedroom roles. My interpretations of characters extend beyond what roles they take in bed, and those may change according to the fic. That's it, all I have to say.
And thank you @kaz3313 for giving me an excuse to join the ranting :D
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kmp78 · 1 year
When was that dancy clip taken?? - It was taken right when it was posted aka Aug 16, 2021. When VK was finally able to leave the US after Rona. … after 1.5 years.
🤨🤔 Gee. Could have sworn I saw a pic of VK and Yawn nina 🥱 chillin’ (maybe moping and eating ice cream but my memory is foggy) at the Hamptons Fashion Week event which was Aug 6-7, 2021 but who knows… details, details and more details… you know, like “Russia actually finally opened its borders for US travel after Rona” on…. “ well no, actually…they were opened on July 25, 2021 and really before that if you bothered to read the fine print).
“Take a Direct Flight: All travelers are strongly advised to route their flights to Russia either directly from the US or from another currently “open” country – as listed in Decree 635…
Stop making up shit that fits your fantasy. VK understandably hung on all Summer and was still seen in NY in the Fall of 2021 because she wanted to be there and for no other K generated bs reason.
GEE YEAH MAYBE YOU SHOULD TAKE YOUR FOG SOMEWHERE ELSE cos here you're just embarrassing yourself. 🥱🥱🥱
That look like Yan to you?
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Literally all you had to do is LOOK IN THE FUCKING ARCHIVES, bitch. 🤦🏼‍♀️
You even knew the dates and you still didn't bother looking! 😂🙄🙄🙄
Well that's okay, I enjoy ridiculing and proving dumbfucks wrong so all good. 👌
And since we are all about details, details and more details here: Yan hadn't even been in the entire country of United States of Retardica for yeeeeeears. Like well well weeeeeeell before Rona even started.
How do I know?
And you really grapsing at semantics now? 😂
"Borders were actually opened on July 25" 😂
Yeah and VK & son landed in Cannes (not Russia 🙄) on Aug 13. 😂
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"Dear traveling I missed you"
And her sister's reaction to her FINALLY arriving?
Oh but yeah anyway those 2 WHOLE WEEKS she waited totes prove that ruthless hoe was sucking dicks left and right like 6 minutes after breaking up with your precious imaginary boyfriend. 🍆😱
And why did she wait 2 weeks? Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm in case you didn't pay attention (which of course you didn't but luckily I DID because I always do 🥱), she was working in the States all through that summer. 🙄
Like basically every 4-5 days from May to August she posted from a set and shoot of some sort. 📸
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Oh but yeah OF COOOOOURSE she should have flown to Cannes for 1 day the second those borders opened and then flown straight back for another Yankee photoshoot cos by not doing so she only proves what a conniving lil' shit she is! 🙄
And it's not like international travel was extremely iffy back then with borders re-opening and re-closing with barely 5 minutes warning so yeah she totes should have left the States immediately with a calendar filled with appointments and risk them all by getting stranded and not being able to get back cos did I stutter when I said that INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL WAS EXTREMELY IFFY BACK THEN? 🙄
And when she did actually leave the States, it's not like she moved her whole life to fucking Cannes or anyth-... OH WAIT!!! Actually yeah she did!!! 😱🙄
Yeah. 🙄
She MOVED there.
Not visit for the weekend, but MOVED.
And imagine MOVING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY AND CONTINENT but not doing it on a whim. 😱
Cos that's how we all roll, right?
Pack up our entire lives on a 2 day whim and book a flight 10000 km away.
Y'all don't do that? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Cos I sure do that like every other weekend! 🤷🏼‍♀️
And "she was seen in NYC in the fall of 2021"? 😂
How scandalous! She flew back to the States months (yes months) after moving Euroside to do photoshoots and met her Stateside friends for a few days?! 😱
How is this woman allowed to roam free?! She sure seems like a sociopath and a threat to humanity, amirite?! We should probably call immigration right now and have her blacklisted. 🤨🫣
Soooooooooo... yeah. 🙄
Fucking IDIOT. 🙄🙄🙄
But thanks once again for letting me do what I do best aka PROVE YOU WRONG WITH MAH RECEIPTS. 😂🧾✌️
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
btw it’s not taekookers who message you. it’s butthurt ex-jikookers who have decided whatever they had in their heads isn’t real and now they’re mad at jikook and they come to jikook blogs to be told they’re wrong because they still want jikook dating to be true so they are looking for you to tell them they’re wrong. that’s why they keep arguing. the only thing they want is attention. if you want them to get really mad don’t answer their asks.
I honestly didn't think of it this way. And I dont understand how one can even stop believing in Jikook in the first place. Not unless u become an anti or some shit. Like there is no reason to stop believing they're a couple.
The biggest reason we believe they're together is EXCLUSIVITY in behaviour (i.e certain things they do to/for each other and each other only) and CONSISTENCY!!!! They have always been consistent no matter what. All these years nothing has changed. Nothing.
JK still stares at Jimin like he hangs the fucking moon.
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Jimin still insists on letting us know HE is the closest member to JK. No one else. Him
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JK always carrying things for Jimin which BTW is such boyfriend behaviour. Hyung behaviour. Oppa JK 🤭 its the funniest shit. Look at their airport photos and see everyone has these huge ass luggage while Jimin has this tiny bag like bro, where's your shit???
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Oh. Thats where
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Don't even get me started on satellite and teleport Jikook. Don't get it twisted, they're both guilty of this. JK does it all the time and its obvious. But when JK doesn't go to Jimin, Jimin goes to him. Watch Jimin almost bulldoze Jhope in his rush to leave with JK. 😂
Consistent JK must be next to Jimin at all times. Mans won't even allow Mimi to sleep alone 👀
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JK's body automatically facing Jimin no matter what. And u know its legit because even when Jimin is on the other side, JK faces that way (took a pic of my TV forgive me) he hee. But u can see this isn't even their normal line up and JK's body is turned towards where Jimin is.
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He literally can't help it. Consistency people. Its been fucking years of the same behaviour just to highlight a few off the top of my head moments. Because we all know there is way way more. So I don't understand how once you believe in Jikook, u can just....stop. it's not possible. Not if you've been paying attention. Which leaves me with only one explanation, they were insecure Jikookers to begin with. See, this is why I can't stand them 😭😭
I'll take your advice anon. It ain't my job to make anyone believe in Jikook. You don't have to. Just enjoy BTS content and go to bed.
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katsigian · 2 years
1, 5, 9, 11 for all three of the Kinlaw kids? (Or either one of your choosing!) 🤗
Thank you, bestie 🤗 from this ask post
1. How does your OC feel about their full name?
Both Valen and Vesper were named by their dad, plus they have his last name. As most people know by now, Callen was an evil man who abused his sons. And yet, both boys have his name. Why? Because while their dad is nothing to be proud of, their bloodline is. The Kinlaw name is revered in many circles and both Valen and Vesper appreciate that. So they like their names.
Vega doesn't mind her first or middle names, she doesn't worry about them too much. But 'Flores' she picked herself and she does like it very much.
5. Do they have a “tell” for when they’re lying?
Vesper: he's probably a better liar than even Valen. Very hard to tell when he's lying unless you know him super well. But, he does tilt his head slightly - he'll lie, then inevitably tilt his head to the left, minutely. It's so small that his hair barely moves, if at all.
Valen: again, very good liar, hard to tell when he is. But he does usually have a very small tell - as he says a lie, he'll run the nail edge of his left middle finger over the pad of his left thumb. It's quick and minute, so pay attention to catch it or else it will look like a normal hand twitch.
Vega: bad liar, especially to those close to her. It isn't in her nature to lie, and she doesn't do it very often. More than likely she will try to lie if it's in the case of keeping a birthday party a secret, for example. But other than that, she tries not to. When she does have to lie, she gets fidgety - always moving her hands or fingers, or even bouncing her knee if she's sitting.
9. Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse?
Valen: Valen probably uses 'fuck' far too often 😂 that, or choosing to replace words with various sounds (not all the time, it's mostly with people he works with and people he doesn't know - he's chatty with loved ones) Rather than saying 'Okay', he goes 'Mhm'. Rather than saying 'I understand' he goes 'Mmm' with a small nod. Rather than saying 'No' he goes 'Mm-mm'. This tends to happen more often when he's in a bad mood. Which is...often. Though he does use Fuck an awful lot and that might be in first place.
"You fuckwit." / "Fuck out of here." / "Fuckin'--" / "Fucking hell." / you get the point 😂
Vesper: it's probably something like 'Christ' 😂 he gets expressive when he talks about things and does have a temper similar to Valen's. He doesn't swear an awful lot, but he does throw an exasperated or annoyed Christ around often.
"Christ, that's some bad luck." / "For the love of Christ." / "Jesus Christ."
Vega: much like her brothers, it's a type of swear/exclamation - "Heavens." She heard it from her clan members a lot growing up and just adopted it into her own lexicon. She uses it for almost everything and it can have many connotations, whether that's annoyed or surprised.
"For heaven's sake." / "What in the heavens?" / "Dumb as a bag of bricks, heavens."
11. What color do they look strikingly good in?
Valen: According to what others have said, that would be various shades of blue 😂 I've only put Valen in a few different blue items, but he does look pretty darn good in it. I think warmer toned blues match nicely with his skin tone and dark hair, I should probably put him in it more.
Vesper: he would look very nice in shades of red. Probably warmer reds, like garnet and cherry, though he might look bomb in a true red, too.
Vega: honestly, she looks very good in cool toned purples and blues. Her very dark hair looks nice against the cool colours and they brighten her up. Think things like periwinkle and lapis lazuli.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
I wish you would write a fic where...after crying in each other's arms over Nam Sang Bae in episode 10, Joo Won volunteers to take Dong Sik home (as a partner should, he reasons), but takes him to his apartment instead when he thinks about the empty Lee family home and the hole in the basement where Yu Yeon was found. Dong Sik is too distraught to complain, so Joo Won just takes him and puts him to bed. And while Joo Won observes the man sleeping in his bed, he wonders why he did it, why did he feel such a strong need to make sure Dong Sik wasn't alone...basically pining very hard but being very unaware of it at the same time 😂 there is something about your Joo Won that makes me think you could project that kind of oblivious but helpless longing really well!
I wish you would write a fic where... Hey anon, I did kiiiiind of write this already a long time ago! But I wrote it as Dong Sik looking after Joo Won (who's in shock and dealing with mild hyperthermia, as a result of being in the February-cold seawater). It's a chapter from my fic By Desire, and Dong Sik is trying so hard to keep it together but he's numb as fuck (and at one point, dry heaves into Joo Won's kitchen sink because he can't believe he's lost another person). Whereas Joo Won is a mess. He showers and after receiving a phone call from Hyuk, he falls apart as the gravity of the evening's events finally sink in. He expects Dong Sik to hate him, and keeps trying to get Dong Sik to answer why is he being so kind to him? He brings up some stuff that happened in the previous chapter but Dong Sik doesn't want him to talk about it, so he puts him to bed. He wraps him up and waits until Joo Won falls asleep before leaving his side of the bed. He thinks about Min Jeong and how - when she was a child and distressed - he would stroke her hair to calm her down. But he can't bring himself to do it for Joo Won; he's terrified of what will happen if he gives in to that feeling (wanting. needing. pining). He thinks about leaving but before he knows it, he's fallen asleep on the end of Joo Won's bed, only to wake up to a phone call from Jung Je. He leaves without Joo Won knowing he stayed.
Here's a super rough snippet. It's pretty different to my current writing style and I don't like it all that much, but I hope you enjoy it:
“Lee Dong Sik,” Joo Won’s eyes are tearful, forlorn, and so, so sorry. Dong Sik swallows the tightness in his throat, his eyes are burning, and gives the lost boy opposite him a piteous smile, or as close to a smile as he can muster. Joo Won’s features fall into fragments but that doesn’t stop the older man from nodding over to the bed, “at least sit down, Inspector Han. You might fall over.”
Joo Won’s lip quivers but he lets Dong Sik send him back to bed anyway. “I don’t understand,” he mumbles through tired breaths.
Dong Sik bends and pulls the covers away and without touching him, he guides Joo Won onto the mattress. “Good. Now get under the covers,” he coaxes gently.
Joo Won moves awkwardly, his face grimacing, making that injury to his ribs all the more real. He gasps, his eyes snapping shut as he rides out the pain. Breathe, Han Joo Won. “Why-?”
“Lift your arm,” Dong Sik says gently.
Joo Won lies on his side facing Dong Sik and the older man takes his place, sitting in the curve that Joo Won's body left behind. Regrettably, he's reminded of how yin and yang chase after one another, but he sighs that unhelpful thought away. He used to do this for Min Jeong when she wasn’t feeling well or had a bad day at school, or the many nights she didn’t want to go home. He would sit with her and let her talk, sometimes when she was inconsolable, he would run his fingers through her hair until the tears eased off. If only he had seen the signs- if he hadn’t been so blind- if he had actually been paying attention- if- no, don’t do that. Not now.
The young man eyes him and takes in the extra weight on the bed, the warmth of central heating, and the soft glow from the bathroom light and… starts to cry. Dong Sik wants nothing more than to run his fingers through his hair but they're ice cold, rigid and unable to move. He shouldn't, he won't, he can't. They can't.
Joo Won chokes on a cry. He must be exhausted if he’s allowing himself to be so openly vulnerable and Dong Sik can't stop the pickling ache in his chest: a feeling he has only reserved for a select few. When did Joo Won become someone he cared for? Fuck. This isn't fair. The young inspector continues to cry quietly and doesn’t even notice when Dong Sik has a moment of weakness and brushes a tear away from his cheek. 
“I still smell like it... When will it go away?” Dong Sik knows what he really means: when will this pain go away? Never. That’s the truth, but he can’t bring himself to say it. Han Joo Won will always feel this pain: the pain of being involved in another person’s murder, the pain of not being there on time, and the sickening pain of physically holding a dead body whilst trying to stay afloat in winter-cold water. He will never forget this pain. Nor should he. 
But Dong Sik can’t possibly say any of that to him, so, he just settles with the next best thing: “Take another shower in the morning. You’ll feel like yourself in no time.”
“I don’t want to be myself.”
Dong Sik’s eyes sting. What a heartbreaking thing to say- why would he want that? Joo Won covers his face and sobs like a child: foolhardy, fat tears shed with his whole heart. Dong Sik is a loving man, he can’t stand to see others in pain. So, despite it being a bad idea - one that he might regret - he places his hand on top of Joo Won’s. 
He expects him to recoil, to push Dong Sik away and it would be okay if he did. What he doesn’t expect him to do is to open up beautifully, twining their fingers together like daisies opening their petals to greet the sun. They stay like this and it’s awful but wonderful- everything he needs, everything he shouldn’t have.  His stomach flips and it takes more than it should not be pulled down in Joo Won's embrace.
Joo Won sniffles, his eye finding Dong Sik. There was something there, raw and askance: anger, confusion, greed. He pulls away with a frown, “I don’t understand.” This again. Dong Sik runs a hand over his face, he can still smell the salt. 
“I don’t understand,” Joo Won repeats, his voice heavy from exhaustion.
That was half of the problem, Joo Won doesn’t understand and he’s earnest when he says that. It’s an annoyance, no, it’s utterly disarming. Dong Sik knows how to work a room just as well as he can play a person. He’s a conductor of a band that is slowly building to a symphony in size. He sets the pace and leads the players through each movement. 
It’s almost genius how he’s able to fashion his emotions into layers by toying with other people’s assumptions, or their ideas of social norms; in times of strife or battle, his sincerity is artificial for the means of survival. Anyone who knows him is aware of this, they can see through it and even call out his bullshit if they have the huts. They know that Dong Sik shines a mirror and lets others see what they want. But Joo Won doesn’t seem to understand how mirrors work. Whenever Dong Sik holds it up to deflect him, the kid will just look past the frame and ask Dong Sik what he’s doing, completely dumbfounded. 
It wasn’t safe for Joo Won to come to his own conclusions. The boy had a creative imagination, one that will only cause issues for the whole orchestra. He’s a rogue konzertmeister, who fucks with the whole piece by modulating the key. How is Dong Sik expected to direct the way when his konzertmeister is leading himself astray?
“You don’t need to understand.”
- there is something about your Joo Won that makes me think you could project that kind of oblivious but helpless longing really well!- Thank you for saying this! I take that as a huge compliment because it is something I strive to convey whenever I write from Joo Won's pov. He's just so loving but he doesn't what love is, so the way he feels is more of a burden to him than something he can harness and use for good. Obviously, he learns and grows, but it can take him a long time to get there 😩 I hope this was of interest to you, anon!!! Thank you so much for sending me this ask. I absolutely loved it! It's a fantastic idea and I think this sequence of events would be so interesting to explore through Joo Won's funny brain, especially in a time of tragedy. Hope you have a great day! 😊
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meetmeatthecoda · 2 years
Okay Coda, don't be upset with me because I do believe in lizzington 100%... but I've been seeing some very convincing rederina theories.
The thing is, I think each writer has yanked our (the viewers) attention multiple directions except maybe Bokenkamp. He seems lizzington deep down. Anyway, while rederina could be plausible, I can't reconcile the romantic insinuations and comments from Red and even from Liz......... and Aram, and Ressler, and the knowing and LOUD expressions from Samar with her quiet lips. I think Cooper has had questions and thoughts... as have countless blacklisters.
Help Coda, I'm so confused 😕 I don't even watch the show anymore. I haven't gone past early/mid season 6 if that far.
Also, um, what ya been up to? 🙃 Not to discount your life away from Tumblr and ao3, but I'm excited about reading new content! 😄😁
Hi there, anon!! 😍 Awww, I could never be upset with you, my friend, not to worry!! Besides, I fully understand what it's like to feel conflicted over this show... I think we've definitely all been there!! 🤗 I'm very touched you're coming to me with these feelings & I'm happy to share my thoughts on the topic!! I hope maybe they can bring you a little bit of peace!! Also, I'm going to put them under a read more cause we all know how I get when asked about R*derina 😂 Okay, here we go:
So. These theories & whatnot that you're worried about don't bother me at all because, simply put? The writers lost all credibility when they killed Liz. And, if you ask me, the best part about not watching the show anymore? We don't have to pay attention to what they're doing now! And let's be real, they went off the reservation a long time ago. That's reason enough for me to not consider anything they say or do now to be canon, especially not in the context of the whole story, & especially given that they no longer have the original creator (Bokencamp, who - I agree with you - always seemed team Lizzington to me) or literally half of the original cast. And you're absolutely right, there's so much undeniable proof for - at the very least - a STRONG, STRONG case for Lizzington - I mean, everything you listed, the looks, the comments, the subtext, the filming, the FUCKING PILOT SCRIPT - that to me, the bottom line is: If they can turn their back on their original endgame, then we can turn our backs on the retconned one. And yeah, some people might say that I'm only ignoring the canon that I don't like & doesn't support my ship which is UnTrUe To ThE sHoW or AgAiNsT fAnDoM rULeS or some shit & hey, that may be. But you know what? I'm fine with that. Because it's all fictional media & media is meant for entertainment & escaping from real life. And the best part about escapism in the form of fictional media? If it doesn't spark joy, then you can throw it the fuck out!!! And R*derina don't spark no joy for Coda 🙃🙃🙃 So... fuck 'em, honestly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ But yeah, my strategy is simply "assume anything that doesn't check out with previous canon is a retcon & therefore inadmissible in the fandom court of shipping laws." I don't know if that helps at all, anon, but I hope it does, especially since you're not watching the show anymore, just like me & many of us surviving Lizzington shippers!! I would simply recommend not worrying about the crap they've spewed past season 8 7 6 3A - even if they try to confirm R*derina in the end - & instead enjoy the Lizzington proof & moments & beauty we were graced with while it lasted. Sometimes straight-up denial & sticking to your beliefs are the way to go 🥲🥲
Other that ^THAT^ lol, I've been quite well, thank you for asking, dear anon!! 🥰 And might I add that I so appreciate your respect for my #real life away from tumblr & AO3 bc - as irritating as it can be - I do have one LOL & it can get busy just like everyone else's, of course, & idk, I just really appreciated the way you worded that, so thank you so much 🥰🥰🥰 To answer your question in unspecific terms, I'm currently starting the process of going back to music school after a pandemic/personal health break to do some post-grad work. But, of course, a musician's life is not an easy one & the process takes time - especially after a break like I've had - so it's slow-going at the moment... But I'm chugging along with it & excited to get back to my passion of making music!! 😊 And, of course, I'm hoping to have more time to write in the coming days as I settle into a hopefully more productive real life routine, & bc I know I will need the stress relief of fic. I'm very excited to get down to work on Halcyon & hopefully bring you new content as soon as possible!! And of course I'm so flattered that you're looking forward to it!! Granted, it will be a while... I have just under 12k so far with just the beginning bits & my outline is only growing... sooo I think it's safe to say this will be my longest, most ambitious fic project to date. But I certainly hope it will be worth the wait - for both you & me!! 😂 Anyway, I think I've blabbed on for long enough, so the only thing left is to thank you so much for your kind & lovely ask!! I hope my response did something to help you feel a little better about things & I promise to have new Lizzington fic out as soon as I can!! Thank you again, sweet anon, & much, much love to you always, my friend!! 😍🥰❤️
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