#and for me at least obey me is a safe place
astarion-obsessions · 6 months
I think not enough people understand that Astarion doesn't want you to be his main or only source of blood. This even stands in direct contrast to what he really wants to achieve with biting Tav. Let me explain.
Why Astarion doesn't want you to be his blood bag
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Let me start with explaining how I approached this topic. First of all, when I triggered the bite scene in my playthrough, I obviously let Astarion drink from my Tav. But then I got curious. What happens when I don't stop him? He's said I could trust him just a moment ago, didn't he? So I did just that, I trusted him literally with my life. 
Aaaand... he killed me. Well. What did I expect from a vampire, really. But that he actually drained me dry broke my heart. I really wanted to trust him, to reach out and show him that I didn't judge him for what he was and so on. I was really disappointed in him and couldn't quite grasp why he would do this. Was it a conscious decision? Did he lose control? Surely he would apologise and explain everything to me once someone resurrected me, returning the trust I was giving him the night prior, right?... right?
Of course not. The dialogue after him killing Tav was... at least as disappointing as him killing Tav in the first place. He shows his usual attitude, apologises half-heartedly and then just keeps going on with talking about draining the occasional bandit. He even snaps when you mention the topic of him feeding after that with something like "I already apologised, what more do you want?".
There's no real regret, no emotions. He simply doesn't care.
We know that he didn't care in the beginning, he tells us as much when he confesses his unwanted, growing feelings towards Tav in act 2. But still the whole bite scene didn't sit right with me until…
The Nightmare 
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I randomly stumbled upon a clip of Astarion having a nightmare, so I researched about it and even started an Astarion run to experience it myself. So, if you play as Astarion, at the second long rest of act 1 he has a nightmare about Cazador, in which he recites the rules that defined how Astarion and the other spawn had to live:
First, thou shalt not drink of the blood of thinking creatures. 
Second, thou shalt obey me in all things. 
Third, thou shalt not leave my side unless directed. 
Fourth, thou shalt know that thou art mine. 
However Astarion reacts to this dream, he jolts awake afterwards and instinctively panics that he needs to find a way back to his master as soon as possible. His eyes set on his companions, who are sleeping / meditating peacefully around the fire, and then a thought passes his mind.
He could try to break one of Cazador's rules right then and there. He's able to stand in the sun, to bathe in running water, so maybe…
And that's why he decides to bite a companion. Astarion wakes up utterly terrified of what his master will do to him if he doesn't return to him in an instant - and he knows all too well what kind of horrors would await him if he so much as dares to think about rebelling again (read about that here) - so he is in desperate need of confirmation that he is now able to withstand and actively break the rules that have dominated his life for two centuries.
He needs to know that he is able to drink the blood of a thinking creature. And there they are. His clueless companions served on a silver platter. It's like an invitation to him, to test his boundaries. And who would be more fitting than the good hearted leader of the party Astarion wanted to (or already has) seduce(d) anyway?
This piece of information shed a whole new light on the bite scene. But let's look a bit closer at that. 
The Bite Night 
The very first thing Tav registers about what's going on with Astarion that night is him baring his fangs right above us, about to sink them into our flesh. He pulls back as soon as we open our eyes, retreating immediately until there's a safe distance between him and Tav. 
This may be the first time Tav gets to know that Astarion is a vampire, so he gets defensive and tells us that he's never killed a person for food, only animals. But then, instead of letting the idea of feeding on Tav go, he insists that animals aren't enough. 
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But it's not enough. Not if I have to fight. I feel so weak. 
If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better. Please. 
Then he goes on, literally pleading to get what he wants while putting on a sad expression in the end, even averting his gaze. 
And if we now have in mind that he just woke up from a nightmare about Cazador, feeling powerless and in desperate need of even a glimpse of hope that he might escape Cazador's cruel grip, his lines make a lot of sense. He's veiling the truth, of course, but not all of what he says is a lie. 
He indeed feels weak - powerless in fact - so drinking Tav's blood (the blood of a thinking creature) could prove that he may have regained a bit of power over himself, which had been exclusively reserved for Cazador the last 200 years. This would absolutely make him feel stronger, more confident than he's felt for a long, long time. 
And he indeed could think clearer after tasting Tav's blood, because this would bring clarity to the question if he is now able to break Cazador's rules on purpose and therefore give him information to work with when he needs to think about what to do next. 
Right after this, we get the chance to push into Astarion's mind, and if we do this, we can see what he thinks about. 
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His mind opens up, revealing cracked and quivering memories. At their heart, you see dark eyes, commanding you to feed. 
You open your mouth and bite down. Not into a tender neck, but in the twisting body of a rat - the only thing your master lets you eat. 
He recalls the memory of how his master used to force him to eat disgusting vermin. As his memory is told, we can clearly see how deeply this affects him, for he can't keep up his walls of defensiveness and detachment. They just crack, crumble and reveal his misery clearly for Tav to observe. When we ask him about it directly afterwards, he first seems to search for a way out - a witty remark, anything - but gives up almost immediately. And he looks and sounds just completely defeated and tired, confirming what Tav just saw in his mind. 
He goes on with talking about trust. I think here he's seeing a chance to gain Tav's sympathy. If he already reveals such delicate information about his past, he can as well make use of it. So he appeals to Tav's understanding, offering us that this past is the reason for him only trusting Tav slowly. But then he immediately adds that now he trusts Tav, and that in return Tav can trust him, too. 
What he does here is displaying himself as pitiful, gaining Tav's sympathy, then seemingly going out of his way and saying that despite all he does trust Tav, which puts Tav in the position to follow suit with returning the trust… which Astarion definitely lied about on his part. But that's what he does. Manipulating. 
If we then respond with "You tried to bite me. How can I trust you?" instead of assuring us of his trustworthiness with more manipulation, he gets frustrated. 
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Because we don't have a choice! Not if we're going to save ourselves from these worms. 
But he goes on with masking his reasons, even if he gave us a hint right in the beginning of act 1 when we picked him up, where he said that he would rather control the tadpole instead of removing it. If we play as Astarion, it gets clear pretty fast that he holds onto the tadpole, because it seems to be the only thing that had been able to "save" him from Cazador whilst no one and nothing else even attempted to help him for two centuries. Of course he would not want to get rid of the tadpole just like that. But he says so nonetheless to align with Tav's goals and display himself as useful. 
And then he does something interesting. 
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I need you alive. You need me strong. 
Please. Only be a taste, I swear. I'll be well, you'll be fine, and everything can go back to normal. 
In the beginning of this conversation he mentioned he needed the blood to fight better. Now he takes up on this by saying that Tav needs him strong, hinting on him getting stronger after having a taste of Tav's blood. And then he promises that after this "everything can go back to normal", which right now means Astarion feeding on animals again. 
A few things about this are odd. 
Firstly, "only be a taste". Everyone, literally everyone has heard about the insatiable hunger of vampires. So how is it supposed to work that Astarion gets stronger from just a taste of Tav's blood? For how long? A few hours? Not nearly long enough to pose a real advantage, eh? For me this makes no sense. And if we think about his true intentions - wanting to find out if he can break Cazador's rule - just a taste would be absolutely enough. (And after he bites Tav without killing them, he even says that he needs something more filling!) 
Secondly, if Astarion really wanted to become stronger with the help of Tav's blood, why would he promise to go back to normal afterwards? He just offered Tav a stronger companion but then immediately nullified this argument by literally saying that this will be a one time arrangement. 
Thirdly, he subtly offers a bargain. "You give me your blood, I will be a stronger fighter for you." He did so in the beginning as well, repeating it with different words. And it fits his character very well to do so, because for all he knows everything comes with a price. He almost gets beaten to death and Cazador mercifully comes to his rescue? The price is a never ending life of torment and abuse. Astarion helps a potential victim for Cazador to flee? The price is a year of starvation, locked up in a dusty and dark tomb without knowing if it will ever find an end. Mindflayers rescued him from Cazador, (passively) granting him to possibly be free of him at last? The price is becoming a tentacled monster in the end. 
If we then allow him to bite us, he's visibly surprised about our graciousness, but of course doesn't let this chance slip and suggests getting comfortable instantly. Then he finally gets to sink his teeth into Tav's neck. This part of the scene can more or less be viewed from both sides - Astarion's and Tav's. 
He begins to feed on Tav and after a bit we can decide to interrupt him, but have to pass an ability check first. This repeats a second time when playing Tav, and even if it's only one AC when we play Astarion and decide to bite a companion, it still aligns, showing that Astarion seemingly loses himself in the taste of Tav's blood - which is very likely because (as he later tells us) we were the first humanoid he's ever fed on, so it's imaginable that Tav's blood must be tasting almost divine to him. 
This theory is supported by his actions after we fail the first AC or just let him continue. He grabs the back of Tav's head to pull them towards himself, emphasising on how greedy he is sucking the blood out of Tav. The camera even uses the exact same angles before failing or skipping the first AC and after, so the comparison is easy and the difference is clear:
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If we then fail or skip the next AC, Astarion just drains us dry… And it gets even better after the bite night. 
The Morning After 
When Tav gets revived and then talks to Astarion, he is visibly surprised to see us, after he left the dead body of Tav behind with saying "Oh no, something terrible has happened". Sure Astarion, something… 
All of this happens when Astarion still doesn't care for Tav. He reacts with panic when we confront him with the fact that he literally killed us, and just manages to get his expression under control after a few seconds. I mean, just look at him:
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'Killed' feels like a strong word. Not many corpses have your vigour. 
He definitely knows what he's done, and that 'killed' is indeed the right word for it, he is just very very bad at coping with guilt (which is amazingly analysed by thelikesoffinn - definitely read this, you'll understand Astarion so much better after this). 
He instantly lays the focus on our codependency again, that we need each other and so on. If we question why we should keep him around, he answers with:
A strong, well-fed vampire? I'm a powerful weapon - you'd be a fool to toss me aside now. 
With mentioning this, he wants to make sure that Tav will let him stay by their side and therefore grant him protection. 
But more importantly he continues:
Anyway, last night was an aberration. It will never happen again. 
He doesn't even start with something like "Next time I'll be more careful" or anything similar. He straight up says that it will never happen again. Period. If we then ask who he will feed on next time he gets hungry, he presents the idea of feeding on villains and bandits "who need killing anyway". And this is exactly what he wants. This even shows in his reaction to Tav's response to his suggestion.
If we agree and therefore allow him to feed on our enemies ("Sounds good. Glad we could agree"), this is how he reacts:
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As am I. I'm starting to feel a little peckish already. 
This itself doesn't sound all too enthusiastic, but we get his approval up, which definitely shows that he very much likes that Tav agreed. 
On the contrary, if we suggest he can feed on Tav, ignoring his will wish to feed on villains ("Look, I'm not against you feeding on me, but only if we talk about it first"), this is his reaction:
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Of course! This sounds eminently reasonable. 
I shall wait patiently until you suggest we… dine together. 
Doesn't sound too bad either, eh? But we don't get his approval. He doesn't disapprove, of course, because this is still a thousand times better than what he had until then, but still not what he really wants… 
So, what does all of this mean for the initial question? 
The crucial point here is what it means for Astarion to feed on Tav. The only things he remembers since Cazador turned him, are being relentlessly dominated and horrifyingly abused. The things Astarion wants the most are to be safe and to finally have control over himself again. 
He bit Tav for the sole purpose of finding out if he can be free of Cazador's rules. So why would he jump right into being dependent on Tav? He suggests to feed on villains, because then he is free of anyone's mercy. He doesn't need to rely on Tav to graciously allow him to get a drop of blood. He can do this himself now. 
This is such an important step for his character growth, to find the way to his autonomy again, so if we only allow him to feed on Tav, it instantly sets him back into old habits of bowing to his masters words - or in this case Tav's. Because it's all hes been doing for the last two centuries of his life. 
So, as much as the thought of the self-sacrificing offer to be his personal blood bag may seem romantic or whatever, it's actually the exact opposite, trapping Astarion in what he desperately tries to escape from. The restrictions that come with someone dominating him mentally and physically. And as I mentioned earlier, he doesn't believe in the goodness of people. For him every "kind" act has a price and he likes to know what he has to pay, so he wouldn't even want to just drink Tav's blood without Tav getting anything out of it. He would most certainly expect Tav one day to come around with something he doesn't want to give or do, so he wants to control such situations beforehand. 
All he wants is to make his own decisions and be free in every way possible… 
So please just let him drain some bandits, will ya? 
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sincerelyneo · 23 days
mark doesn't know | n.jm
“but she’s under me and i’m not stopping”
💿now playing: scotty doesn’t know by lustra
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❯ summary: You don’t even remember how it started, but Jaemin does. He’s wanted to get his hands on you the minute he met you — and he’d be damned if he let something as silly as his friend get in the way of the thing he really wants. So alas, you’ve been fucking your boyfriend’s friend for the last two months.
❯ pairings: jaemin x fem!reader (brief mark x reader)
❯ genre: boyfriend’s friend! jaemin, smut, light angst, college!au.
❯ words: 3.1k
❯ tags: 18+ minors dni!, smut, cheating (boo), unprotected sex (don’t do this!), dirty talk, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, light chocking, hair pulling, begging, reader uses she/her pronouns, reader cheats on mark with jaemin.
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You don’t even remember the first time it happened; or more so, how it happened. 
"J-Jaem we really shouldn't be doing this,” you huff out as your boyfriend’s good friend sucks on the skin against your neck, right below your ear. 
His breath is hot, and his touch feels melting. 
"You say that every time, and yet, look where you are. Back with me again.”
Your next words are cut off by the feeling of Jaemin’s lips pressing against yours. You want to give in, but something's on your mind this time — guilt. 
Pushing him back, you try to move from the wall, but he keeps you there. "We can't, not again. Mark’s on his way-"
He covers your mouth with his hand. He fucking hates when you bring him up. He fucking hates that his friend is the one that gets to have you on his arm. And he certainly fucking hates the fact that he had been the one to introduce the two of you in the first place. 
You were Jaemin’s lab partner before you even knew of Mark’s name. One night when you were over at Jaemin’s house for an assignment, Mark just so happened to turn up. If Jaemin had it his own way, he would have never even planned to introduce you to his older friend — but he was the one who told you to answer the door that night. 
And God did he fucking regret it. 
The memory of you answering the door with an immediate blush and flutter of your eyelashes at Mark’s presence played on his mind every time he saw the two of you together. 
You never looked at him like that — well at least not back then anyway. 
In Jaemin’s mind, he had made it very clear that he had a thing for you. He’d made it obvious, hadn’t he? 
Well, that’s what he thought. So, when news hit that you were fucking the older boy and going on dates with him; it was safe to say that Jaemin was beyond pissed. 
And when you were the one to kiss Jaemin one late night of studying — he seized the opportunity because he’d be damned before he lost his shot with you again. And thus, the two of you fucked every Thursday night’s study session. 
"Don't. Don't say his name,” he growls, low and nasally enough to have your stomach fluttering. “Now, nod your head if you're gonna stop worrying and listen to me.” 
You nod your head almost instantly with wide eyes. You couldn’t help the way your pussy grows even more slick, threatening to pool in your underwear, at his dominant demands.
"Good girl,” he says when you obey him, finally removing his hand from your mouth.
He sinks to his knees in front of you, pushing the few dishevelled stands of his hair out of his face to look up at you.
“I’m gonna give you something else to think about." He spreads your legs apart, snaking his hand delicately around your thighs to reach under your dress and tease the waistline of your panties. 
You wordlessly look down at him. And although you're not saying no it’s not enough for him.
"Tell me gorgeous, can I have you for tonight, again?" His voice seems deeper and his tone thicker, eyes searching yours for confirmation.
You close your eyes as he starts to drag the lace down your thighs, "I need words, Y/N. Can I have a taste?" 
"Yes." You sigh out.
"Yes, who?"
"Yes Jaemin.” 
He has you lift up your feet, one at a time, so that he can remove your panties completley. Your eyes shoot open just in time to see him stuff them in his back pocket. Your body starts to throb at the sight — the sight of him being so smitten for you. 
He grabs one of your legs, hoisting it up so that it's over his shoulder, exposing your bare core to him. Jaemin wasn’t a man of withstanding, so he wastes no time working his tongue the only way he knows best — the way you like it.
He starts by licking a long stripe up your wet cunt, groaning at the taste. The sound sends ripples against your clit, making your body jolt forward further on his tongue. 
"Can't believe you wanted to deny me of this,” he mumbles, shaking his head.
He suctions his mouth on your clit, making your breath hitch in your throat. You're biting down on your lip, hard enough to draw blood, as he starts sucking and pulling on the bud. You're certain your legs would have given out immediately had he not offered his shoulder as support.
"Sorry, m'sorry.", you moan, hands coming to grip his hair but he stops you. 
"I didn't say you could touch me yet,” he smirks up at you. 
He continues licking your clit until he reaches his hand down to your cunt to join his tongue. He watches your eyes shut in pleasure; the way your hands are clenching into fists, resisting the urge to touch him, wanting to try your best to follow his orders.
The pads of his fingers go to your swollen nerves, starting to apply pressure with slow torturous circles and your head slumps back against the wall, mouth hung open as a deep moan floats out of you. He lets two of his fingers dip down to your hole, teasing you a bit before sinking them in with no resistance. 
You know you’re not going to last, and you’re too out of your mind to even feel slightly embarrassed about it. You could get down on both knees right now and praise god for those fingers of his.
"I've missed how you feel against my fingers baby, couldn't forget it, soaking wet for me just like last time,” he says, looking up at you with thick lashes. 
It has your skin tingling, and your heart thumping against your chest; so hard that it's rippling down to the throb between your legs that only worsens as he continues pushing. 
"Can feel you clenching on my fingers,” he further teases, voice like gravel as he continues to watch you in amazement. "But I bet you wish it wasn't just my fingers, hm?" 
You bite your lip to stop a moan, but then Jaemin stops the movement of his fingers, pulling a whine from you. 
"Answer me baby. You want my cock in this tight little cunt, don't you?" 
You can practically feel him smile when he nuzzles his face into your thigh, watching you struggle to respond. 
"Jaemin please just-", you choke on your words when he begins to finger you again. 
"Just what? Use your words, Y/N."
"Want you to fuck me, please, stop teasing me,” you whine frustratedly. 
"Y'know I just love to hear you beg. Gonna fuck you, promise, but I want you to cum on my fingers first,” his fingers begin to pick up pace, curling to hit the spongy spot inside to which you cry out. 
Your teeth clamp down on your lip again as you circle your hips against his hand mindlessly, earning hiss after hiss from him. 
"Yeah? Gonna make a mess of my fingers? Be my good girl?" 
You can only moan in response, your mouth dropping open with small pants coming out. You start clinging to his shoulders, trying to stay upright. The sensation of your muscles contracting, with each thrust of his fingers and the heel of his palm rubbing against your aching spot, has your legs trembling.
"So close, Jaem, I’m so close. Let me cum." 
Jaemin looks up, nodding against you in a silent confirmation that you can — and you swear you see stars. You can feel your walls deep inside cracking as he starts sending shockwaves through your body. Jaemin even has to hold you up as your leg almost collapses and your hold on his shoulder tightens.
He continues to soothe and flick over your clit even after you come down from your high, and you're too weak to push him away.
"Jaem- baby I'm sensitive,” you tell him and he finally draws back, grinning up at you with a sly smile. 
He sets your leg down, getting up from his knees to stand right in front of you, his hands cradling your face as he kisses you. 
It’s sloppy and harsh, like he needs this or he’ll die, like he doesn’t want you escaping him, ever. You can taste yourself on his tongue and you groan into the kiss, your hands fisting the bottom of his shirt.
"More- I need more,” you mumble against his lips before kissing him again. 
Jaemin brings his hands from your face, to the back of your neck, using all the power he has to —somewhat— forcefully pull you away from him. 
"You know how this works. You gotta tell me more than that," his voice is just above a whisper, a sadistic smirk on his face as he watches your eyes struggle to leave his lips.
"What do you want more of, hm? More of my mouth?" You shake your head no, and Jaemin pretends to sigh. He tightens his grip on your neck, making you look him in the eye. "If you can't use your words, I can't help you." 
Jaemin knows exactly what you want and how you want it. But he can’t help but love seeing you get all needy and frustrated. It’s his own personal reminder of how much you need him — or better yet — how much Mark isn’t satisfying you. Knowing he gives you something Mark can’t, never fails to make his cock ache. 
"I want you to fuck me,” you finally say, voice barely audible. 
"I couldn't hear you. Repeat that for me?” He taunts and it makes you want to stomp your foot in frustration. 
"Stop teasing me, please. I need you to fuck me.” 
Jaemin grins at this, wasting no time in releasing your neck so that he can pick you up and carry you to your bed — Mark’s bed.
You let out a small squeal, swatting at him to put you down. You hated the way he was always picking you up, but for him, having you wrap around his waist was his way of being as close as possible to you. He tosses you down on the bed, making you look up at him with a glare.
"Be careful dumbass." 
He raises an eyebrow, lips quirking up into that stupid smirk once again. "You've got quite the mouth all of a sudden."
Jaemin kneels down on the bed in front of you, parting your legs so that he can be in between them. 
"Just a few minutes ago it was ‘oh Jaem I’m gonna cum, don't stop please,” he mocks with a small laugh, causing you to bring your hands up to hide yourself. 
Jaemin stops you though, pinning your hands down beside your head. "Oh none of that. Where'd my bratty girl go, huh?"
The way that he barely has to use any of his strength to pin you down, plus his large and muscular frame boxing you in, has you practically drooling. 
He inches his face closer to yours, tricking you into thinking he's going to kiss you, but just as your lips graze his he turns to the side, making you kiss his cheek instead. 
"Jaemin," you whine. 
"Sorry sorry, you just looked so desperate for it, I couldn't resist,” Jaemin knows the effect his words have on you because your hips are bucking up into the air as the throbbing returns to your core.
"Want a proper kiss?" he asks, and you nod, staring up at him with pleading eyes. "Yeah? Beg." 
It's a simple command that usually would have had you scoffing, telling Jaemin to get over himself and stop teasing, but you're so needy for his touch that you give in. 
"Jaemin", you whine again — and oh does he love the way you say his name. "Baby please, kiss me, I- I need it." 
He knows that you can beg better than that, he's heard you do it plenty of times, but he takes mercy on you, partially because his own need is screaming just as loud as yours is. He lets his lips connect with yours and wastes no time ravishing your mouth. 
He growls into the kiss, bringing one of his hands to curl around your throat, adding a little pressure as his tongue explores your mouth like he's never kissed it before.
You two are a desperate mess now, as you start to work with each other until you’re both fully undressed. Breathy pants and soft moans fill the silence in the room. 
Jaemin’s towering over you, his knees poking in between your legs to probe them wider for him. You don’t resist, you don’t want to. One of his hands reaches down to fist the throbbing cock between his own legs as he rubs himself teasingly between your seeping folds. 
"Condom?" You ask, trying to think as clearly as possible.
Jaemin looks almost offended that you've asked, scoffing as he positions his tip at your entrance. 
"Since when have we ever used condoms?" 
"We haven’t. I just thought you might want to-"
You're cut off by a gasp as he begins to push into you, the familiar delicious stretch and slight burn settling in. You hear Jaemin swear under his breath, as his hips flush right against yours. 
"You just thought what?" he asks as his head dips down, nosing along your jawline before peppering wet kisses along your neck.
"I- uh,” you stutter, losing your train of thought from the feeling of him inside you; so deep and hard and rough.
You bite down on your lip. You only ever have Jaemin like this; and you can't explain the overwhelming feeling you get whenever you get to have him with no barriers, getting to be as close to him as possible — even if you didn’t deserve it. 
"It's because of him right? You're worried that he'll have to feel my cum deep in this pretty pussy of yours, aren't you?" 
And although his tone is somewhat playful, there's a bite to it. You know how Jaemin feels about having to sneak around; knew all about how he wishes you were his and his only. 
He doesn't allow you to respond though, knowing that's a conversation you'll have to have at a different time. Instead, his hips slowly begin to rut against yours, your mouth dropping open in a silent moan. 
"Fuck fuck fuck,” Jaemin groans against your ear.
Your hands are clawing at his back as his thrusts pick up pace. And as much as he loves you doing that, marking him as yours in your own special way, he redirects your hands to his hair. You immediately begin to tug at his locks, loving the way it feels between your fingers. 
He speeds up his pace. The sharp sting radiating through you, mixed with the sensation of his centre grinding against your own. His movements cause a crippling to all of your senses and creates an unbearable, but familiar, throb in the pit of your belly.
Jaemin is a mess of pants and grunts on top of you, mixed with the low moans that rumble inside of him when he circles his hips harder against you.
"I'd drag this out all night if I could, but my cock is aching for you," he grits through his teeth, snapping his hips against you one last time before pulling away.
He wets his lips, darting his eyes to yours before snapping his mouth from your neck to lean down and press an affectionate kiss against you. Both of you are inhaling sharply into the kiss when you feel him hit his cock in the deepest places, collecting the arousal there.
Your parted lips hover against each other, shallow breaths mixing together as he pulls out of you, and you whine. He starts slowly circling around your entrance like he's teasing himself as well as you. 
You gasp, when he inches forward again, going at a tortuously slow place. He had you so slick with excitement as always there's no resistance at all.  
His eyes squeeze closed as his jaw goes slack, letting out the most erotic moans. You can feel your muscles stretching out to accommodate him and it feels euphoric.
You wrap your legs around him tighter, needing to be closer, as he continues to draw his hips back and forth in fast powerful strokes, switching between kissing you harshly and whispering dirty nothings into the air between you.
You grip your fingers tighter on his hair, moving your lips to go to his neck, kissing and sucking on the skin, feeling his pulse thump harder as you do.
He hisses, clenching his teeth as his hand takes hold of your hip, digging his fingers in while his hips jolt forward, "Shit, if you keep doing that I'm not going to last.”
How needy and desperate he sounds spurs a fire in you, moaning against his skin as you push your hips back against him.
“Then don't last, I won't either, I just need you.”
You nip and suck at the heated skin on his neck, swirling your hips against him to spur him on, and he lets out a frustrated growl before he angles your hips up and draws back, snapping forward roughly. It makes your head roll back as you arch into him when he repeats the action again.
"Is this what you needed baby?" he grits, his jaw tenses as he thrusts into you abruptly.  "Wanted me to fuck into you harder? Wanted someone to fuck you properly? Wanted me to show you just how much better you feel clenched around me?"
You can't answer, only managing to gasp out short, strained moans in rhythm with his thrusts as he drives into you in sharp, deliberate motions, filling and hitting all of the places inside you that only he can.
The noises leaving Jaemin are borderline animalistic, the guttural and hoarse sound, vibrating through your whole body as he starts to fuck into you at a relentless pace.
You can feel yourself tightening and clenching around him, muscles pulling him in with each thrust as he knocks against all the right places that were already aching for him, urging you further into your orgasm.
"Shit- Jaemin, I think I'm gonna co-"
You're cut off once again, but not by Jaemin, by the sound of your front door opening. 
"Babe, are you home?"
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I remember that, when I first tried Obey Me, Lucifer, Satan, and Levi were all the ones that struck me as maybe-possibly-trustworthy. So can I ask about them with a reader who’s an anxious, paranoid mess about being a squishy human in Devildom and keeps hiding behind them? Like, might-not-even-notice-getting-kidnapped labels of clinginess, and thinking the demon in question is the one (1) safe spot.
Yandere Lucifer
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It wouldn't be difficult to see who would be the oldest and most responsible of the brothers.
Because of these qualities, you saw Lucifer as the safest of all.
And you wanted to spend all the time you could with him.
Being a human in the midst of demons would be really stressful.
Lucifer would enjoy this.
This would boost his pride.
Because yes you are right.
Devildom is a dangerous place.
Lucifer would make you a schedule to match his.
That way you could often be "safe" near him.
Only with him are you safe.
Lucifer would often tell you that the only way to be completely safe is to listen to him.
So when he wants to decide your affairs you don't oppose him.
You soon realize that Lucifer decides everything.
From your schedules to what you eat
And if you ever stood up to him?
Well Lucifer has ways of keeping you under control.
After all, he is the strongest of all…
And if you are afraid of a normal demon, he would certainly be more dangerous ;3
Yandere satan
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Satan would be really strong.
And most Devildom's demons already know that you shouldn't mess with him.
Because of this, he would feel safer than everyone else.
At first, Satan would not show much interest in you.
But he would let you be near him.
At least he was your first choice.
And not cursed Lucifer.
This would also be the main reason why he falls in love with you in the end.
Which would be your curse in a way.
Satan should spend time with you.
Because he would be the one to protect you.
And because he would start to have feelings for you.
Satan would also try to be much calmer around you.
Because he wouldn't want to scare you.
But it would indeed be difficult.
It would be likely that you will see Satan angry at some point.
Which would really scare you.
This would lead to you trying to distance yourself from him.
Which is too bad because Satan won't let that happen.
Satan certainly wouldn't lose you.
He would become much gentler and promise it wouldn't happen again…
Do you believe him?
Yandere Leviathan
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Leviathan would love this.
He really would.
You two have the same interests.
Because of this, you immediately perceive Leviathan as the safest.
And you would really cling to him.
Most of your time will be spent in Leviathan's room.
Leviathan certainly wouldn't complain.
Now he wouldn't have to come up with creative excuses to keep you there.
Leviathan enjoys when you make everything easier for him.
Leviathan doesn't really help your fears.
Instead, he would strengthen them…
Mainly by telling stories of what could happen if you touched Beel pudding or pissed off Satan.
It really doesn't help matters.
However, Leviathan forgets to tell about him in anger. He is your "best" friend.
And would have promised to protect you from everything.
If you grew braver…
Let's just say that Leviathan can arrange a situation where you are in danger.
And "by chance" he will save you then.
That would be enough to make you stay with him.
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alicewritez · 2 months
Heart to Heart - Aaron Hotchner
word count: 1202
summary: you disobey a direct order from hotch and now you’re injured
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
authors note: implied age gap but nothing too descriptive or explicit. again, i’m only just getting back into writing so bare with me while i get into the swing of things again. hope you enjoy regardless 💕
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You disrespected a direct order and got hurt on a case. After he found out you were going to be fine, he went straight to the silent treatment. No words, no glances exchanged on the ride to the hospital, nor on the jet, nor even on the ride back home.
Now, he's sat busy rewrapping your bandages, still maintaining the silence. You watch his hands carefully tend to your wounds before you decide to finally speak up and break the silence which, right now, felt even worse than him shouting.
"Say something at least," she pauses. "Shout at me.. storm out, I don't care just.. anything other than silence."
He finished rewrapping your bandages and looked up at you. "Don't be an idiot again."
"Is that it? Is that all you have to say?" You respond, expecting him to say more, but nothing came.
He sighs. "It's a miracle that you're sitting here talking to me after all, you know that?"
"A miracle?" You scoff. "Hotch, I had it under control, besides it's just a few scratches." You argue your point.
He raises a brow and looks at you incredulously. "A few scratches? Remind me again how many stitches you got?"
"It's not even that bad!" You argue again. "It's a few stitches, so what?"
"So what?! A few stitches? Have you lost your damn mind?! Is that all that’s left up there? You could have been killed, can’t you see that?”
“I was doing my job!” You raise your voice to match his own.
He raised his further, trying to prove his own point. “Your job is to obey when I say ‘pull back’!”
“If I had listened to you, those poor young women would have been murdered.” You state coldly to him, trying to get him to understand where you were coming from. “I was doing my job and yes I got injured but I’m fine.. and they’re safe.”
He sighs. “And you nearly joined them at the morgue.”
“What is it with you? What’s this all really about?!” You emphasise the second part of the sentence. You had never seen him get so wound up over something like this before. Usually it was a stern telling off and he’d let you go, but not today.
“It’s about you! Don’t you get it? I can’t afford to lose you.” And there it was. The whole reason he’d got so upset in the first place, it wasn’t just because you were one of his best profilers; there was something much deeper.
“Hotch..” you spoke gently, features softening. He sat back down and looked over at you. He was quiet for a minute before speaking up again.
“Do you think it’s easy for me to see you all beaten up?”
“I-I didn’t know you felt like that.” You stuttered out, choking back a sob. Your gaze was locked onto your hands in your lap, fiddling with a ring on your finger.
He stared at you for a moment before sighing softly. “I do. And I’m terrified. I don’t know what I’d do without you..” He held his arms out for a hug and waited for you to scoot closer to him, which didn’t take much prompting because no sooner had he opened his arms, you’d lunged right into them, burying your face into his chest.
He pulled you close and held you tight, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Thank goodness you’re alright, sweetheart. You have no idea how scared I was.”
You sigh, pulling away a little to look up at him but not wanting to let go completely. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.. I just wanted to save them.”
“I know, I know. I just don’t want to see you in any danger, that’s all.” He pulled you back to him, this time placing a soft kiss to your lips. When you pull away, you look up at him.
“I guess we’re not just ‘boss’ and ‘employee’ anymore..” This makes him chuckle, a smile forming on his lips, the first genuine smile you’d seen all night.
“Nope, we sure aren’t. I guess you’re not just ‘renegade agent who doesn’t listen and likes to make Hotch worry’ anymore either..” he smirks.
You give him a bemused look. “I’ve liked you for a long time, and the for the last time.. I was doing my job. You know you would have done the same thing if the roles had been reversed.”
He raises a brow at your statement but he couldn’t argue, knowing what you said had truth behind it. “I can’t say that you’re wrong. But I still don’t want you taking risks like that.”
“You nod your head slowly, knowing he was right. “It won’t happen again.”
“I know. Just think about my heart next time.” He sighed and brushed some hair out of your face. “That poor thing can only take so much.”
“I forgot you were old.” You pout playfully. “Well, not old but.. well- you’re older than me.” You start to ramble then stop. “I’ll just shut up.”
He smiled and chuckles softly. “Don’t you dare shut up.” He looks down at you, bringing a hand to brush stray strands of hair out of your eyes and tucking them behind your ear. “I love it when you ramble on and on about random stuff. That’s one of the things I love about you.. that and your beautiful smile. And your pretty eyes. And your amazing personality.. and your..”
“Yeah okay, okay, I get it.” You bury your face into his side, feeling your face heat up from embarrassment. He chuckles again and gently runs his fingers through your hair. “You have no idea how gorgeous you are.” He pauses for a few seconds, looking you in the eyes. “Even with a few bruises and some stitches.”
You wince as he traces his fingers over some of the cuts and bruises that littered your face; he realises the mistake he’s made when he sees you wince. “Oh.. I’m sorry.” He moves his hand away quickly and looks away, hating to see you in pain.
“It’s okay.” You smile softly, taking his hand into yours and leaning further into his side. “I love you.”
His face softens at the confession. “I love you too.” He kisses you on the forehead and lets go of your hand, much to your dismay, but quickly wraps his arms around your waist instead. Pulling you back into his chest for another hug.
“I could stay like this forever.” You sigh in content, making him chuckle. “I could too.”
He kisses you on the forehead once more before pulling you even closer to him and whispering in your ear. “You know I can’t stand it when you’re all hurt, right?”
“I know.. but at least I have you.” You smile at the thought. He kisses you softly on the temple. “You always will. I’ll always be right here you know that, right?”
“I know.” You smiled as your head rested against him, eyes closed in content at the feeling of being near him.
It was in this moment you knew, Aaron’s words had never been more true.
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Can I have daemon Targaryen x wife!reader. She’s pregnant and the dragon egg for the child hatched before the birth. The baby dragon stay with her the hole time, sitting on her belly. Otto thinks that it’s wrong and try make the king forbid the reader of walk around with a dragon. During a dinner the baby dragon attack the food on the table and daemon and wife just laughs .
White Knight
Request: Can I have daemon Targaryen x wife!reader. She’s pregnant and the dragon egg for the child hatched before the birth. The baby dragon stay with her the hole time, sitting on her belly. Otto thinks that it’s wrong and try make the king forbid the reader of walk around with a dragon. During a dinner the baby dragon attack the food on the table and daemon and wife just laughs.
Hi! Thank you for the request, this is a cute idea. I’ve never written for the pregnancy trope, so I hope this is ok. I’m still getting the hang of writing for Daemon, he’s a difficult character to write and stay true to the nature of. Writing fluff for him is a little difficult, but I hope you like it. Let me know what you think!
(Warnings: i don’t think there are any, let me know if i missed any)
Daemon had returned with his pick from a clutch of eggs during your last month of pregnancy. Not that anyone else besides you could tell, but he was clearly nervous about the child coming, and went to great lengths to keep you and the child safe. The dragon in him was pure instinct, and he was fiercely protective over you.
He knew you would be alright when Caraxes started guarding you whenever you were around him, sneering at anyone who passed by. It was actually how you found out you were pregnant in the first place, Caraxes knowing before either of you did. Daemon had the instinct to protect you, it was only natural for his dragon to do the same. Especially when you were with child.
What neither of you saw coming, was the egg hatching within a week of being in your child’s cradle. You had placed a blanket in the cradle, preparing the room for the baby, when the egg began to crack. You worriedly called for Daemon, who rushed in, only to find a little tail, peeking out from the shell. 
It was unheard of, at least in the past few decades, and you both were a bit bewildered about what to do with it. After all, it was supposed to be raised with your child, and connect to them, not you.
You knew it would be alright, though, when the dragon crawled out of its shell, scaling the side of the crib to rest on the perch at the top. 
He was completely white, a rare color for a dragon, with hints of red on his underbelly and tips of his wings. His eyes shone a bright green. He was beautiful.
You watched its eyes narrow at you, like it was listening for something, when it finally jumped down to the rail in front of you that was level with your stomach. You had held your breath, nervously watching it, Daemon close at your side. Finally, it leaned in close, let out a small huff, and rested its head on your stomach. 
You nearly melted at the sight, cooing at it, feeling Daemon’s chin rest on your shoulder. He smiled, letting a hand come down to rest on your stomach, when the dragon angrily lifted its head, sneering. 
Daemon laughed, raising his hands in surrender. “That’s right! Already a little guardian, aren’t you?”
“Timpa Azantys,” you replied, running a finger along the cheek of the dragon. 
White Knight.
“Azantys. That’s a good name,” Daemon said, grinning as the dragon traveled up to rest on your shoulder. 
You nodded. “Azantys. I like that.”
Azantys, perched on your shoulder, and locked eyes with Daemon, staring him down. Daemon, never one to relent, narrowed his eyes, his face hard as he stared back.
“Gods,” you rolled your eyes. “He’s minutes old and you’re already sizing each other up.”
Daemon didn’t answer, eyes still locked with the dragon. “Obey.”
After a few seconds, the dragon finally bowed its head, submitting. Daemon gave it a nod, before turning back to you. 
“You only have as much power as you take. A dragon is only dangerous if you let it be. If he’s going to be the protector of my wife and heir, he ought to know that young.”
You raised a brow. “I thought a dragon has no master? Are you telling me a mere man can get a beast like no other to submit to him?”
“I’m not a mere man. Targaryens have dragons blood running through their veins. With our child, as do you. He can sense that, and recognizes his place. That is why he must learn now, just as Caraxes did.”
You nodded, bewildered by the fact that your husband just told a dragon of all creatures to obey, and it actually listened. 
In the following days, you were quite a sight to be seen walking throughout the castle. Daemon wasn’t found at your side near as much as he was before, because now, you had a dragon, always on guard atop your shoulder. He may still be a baby, but he was growing every day, and people were wary around you, even the guards. 
You sat in on sessions at court, like Daemon asked you to. He advised you to pay attention, as your son would be the Lord of his own people one day, and he’d need his mother to guide him. You knew it was just an excuse, but you still obliged Daemon for his own peace of mind. The truth was, he didn’t like you being alone when he had his duties, and preferred you to be around people he trusted. 
Rhaenyra started joining you as well. She was to rule one day, and took the opportunity to learn how to command. She also enjoyed spending time with you, as well as Azantys, who had taken a liking to her. 
You walked into the throne room a half hour before it was supposed to start. As pregnant as you were, it took you a while to get places, and you liked to get comfortable before you had to pay attention. The only people in the throne room was the King, Otto Hightower, and a handful of guards and servants. 
King Viserys smiled fondly at you, nodding as you entered.
“Your Grace,” you curtsied, at least as well as your condition allowed, before taking a seat off to the side. Azantys curled up on your stomach, head facing where the crowds would be so he could keep watch.
Otto gave you a look of disdain, his face set into a scowl. You were amused as you watched him fight himself to say something, before he turned to the King. 
“Your Grace, I don’t think it’s appropriate for the Lady to be here.”
Viserys turned, narrowing his eyes at the Hand. “Whatever for? She’s come every week for months, and is entirely respectful. She’s a positive influence on Rhaenyra as well. You know she is here at my brother’s request, what reason would I have to turn her away?”
You smirked as Otto faked a smile, letting his hands join behind his back. “I meant no offense to the Lady, Your Grace. I have no qualms with her…it’s her dragon. We have the pits for a reason. It is a distraction to the court, and a danger at that.”
“It is only a danger if the Lady is vexed. The court knows well enough to leave her be.”
“But the dragon–”
“She is a Targaryen, now,” the King spoke sternly. “Targaryens have dragons. Neither have done or will do any harm, unless it comes to it, and you’ll be glad to have them against swords if the day does ever come. I will hear no more of this.”
“Your Grace,” Otto nodded, returning to his place beside the throne. He looked in your direction, and you smirked again, running a hand down Azantys’s back. 
The following evening was a feast, the first of many for the week, meant to celebrate welcoming your very soon to come child into the world. Lords and Ladies came from neighboring cities across the Kingdom to congratulate you and Daemon on the start of your family. 
You were sat next to Daemon, a few seats away from the King. Daemon kept one hand in yours, the other rested on the table as he held a conversation with a nearby Lord. Azantys, already almost too big to lay comfortably on your stomach or in your lap, was perched on the top of your chair. 
The servants brought food to the tables, setting places in front of you. You listened to the chattering of all the people, not paying attention to any one conversation in particular. You were zoned out, thinking of other things, when one of the trays was accidentally slid towards you, haphazardly jostling food your way.
Azantys let out a growl, swooping down from his perch to attack the tray in front of you, violently clawing at it to push it away. He opened his jaws, breathing a small flame onto the tray, charring it. 
The guests gasped at the heat and sudden movements, slightly leaning back in their chairs. 
It was quiet for a moment, before Daemon broke the silence with a chuckle. You swiftly followed, holding your stomach as you laughed, wiping under your eyes to clear the tears that had fallen from laughing so hard. 
“Good boy, Azantys,” Daemon smirked, gripping your hand in his. “You protected her from a stain.”
The other Lords and Ladies cautiously laughed, nervous to be in such close proximity with a dragon, albeit a small one, who had just tried to kill a tray for almost spilling on you. They uneasily went back to their conversations, and Daemon let out a low whistle, signaling for Azantys to go back to his perch. 
Azantys obeyed, returning to his guarding spot above you, resuming his watch.
“If he’s like this now, imagine what he’ll be like when the child is actually here. He’s a ferocious little thing,” you joked. 
Daemon squeezed your hand in return, nodding. “I’m counting on it, Darling.”
A/N - Hi! I hope you enjoyed this. To anyone who has sent me a request, I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get to it, I will eventually, thank you for sending them in. 
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harrystylesfan2686 · 2 months
Stay With Me Part 2
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: the aftermath of your fall.
Warning: Unedited.
A/N: I know I've got those dialogue fics to write and I will!! But I just couldn't resist giving these babies their happy ending.😭
Part 1 Masterlist
The first thing you feel as consciousness seeps into you is the warmth of laying on something soft. Then the pain came, not much but a dull ach felt from your abdomen. You try to open your eyes but the sunlight coming from the windows make you squint and turn your head to the side.
The light suddenly goes away and you a hear a rough voice, "You're awake." Your eyes finally open, slowing the darkness fadding into light as you look around and try you see where you are at. A room that looks like one you have comes into view and you look at the source of the voice.
Azriel stands near the window, curtains closed, signaling he shut them upon seeing your discomfort. Unsure of what to say, you try to sit up. Groaning where the ach in your stomach increases slightly. "Careful. You're still not completely healed." Az comes to your side, kneeling beside the bed and helps you lean on the bedrest.
He silently removes the cap from a glass of water beside you on the table and lifts if up to your mouth, quietly ordering you to drink it. You obey, taking small sips and hum when the strache in your throat eases. He puts the glass back to it's place when you finish and you use the time to observe him.
Something terrible must've happened because there are dark circles around his eyes and his pale skin implies he hasn't eaten well in days. His hair and clothes are touloused and you try to not stare at his distressed look. He's rarely ever not out of shape so seeing him like this shocks you a little.
You are still staring at him when he looks back to you and everything comes back to you. The storm, the fall, the trap and the blood. Your eyes widen as you remember everything and look down at yourself. Your shoots out to touch the place where your injury would've been, but when you feel nothing, your skin healed except for gaint holes scars lining up your body, you frown in confusion.
Surely a wound that bad wouldn't have healed in a night, how long were you asleep?
"It's mostly healed but you'll still feel discomfort and dizziness for a while." Azriel says, you feel his eyes on you.
"How long was I alseep?" You trace the scars lightly, feeling minor sensations, ignoring the fact that only a small piece of undergarment is covering your breasts and the rest of your upper body is bare.
"Three days." Your head snaps to look at him. "Three days?!" You eco, voice pitching high in shock.
"Madja said that the pikes of the trap had poison in them, prolonging your pain and preventing your body to heal itself. That's why you couldn't wake up and you will still feel the effects of it for days." His voice sounding strained.
"Oh." You sigh.
"Eris said that during Amarantha's rule, traps like the one we saw were made, to keep safe from the monsters she unleashed. Most of them were taken out but the there were some left, which couldn't be because people forgot where they were put. The one you fell into was one of them." He lifts his hand to hold yours, gently moving circles on the back of your arm with his thumb.
"Eris didn't seem at all guilty about not telling us, that bastard." His jaw clenched in anger.
"It's alright Az." Your try to calm him.
"No. It's not. Your could've bloody died. How can you forgive him so easily?" The look is his eyes promises death as he looks at you but you don't fear him knowing this time the anger isn't directed to you.
"I don't forgive him. But there was no way he could've known I'd fall into one."
"No but he could've at least warned us! You nearly died Y/N! Do you realize how I miserable I felt in that moment. When I saw you in It's hold, I felt a kind of panic I have never felt before. And the blood. I didn't know what do to. I would've done anything to save you then, even if I had to give my soul, I would've."
You can't seem to recall words as you look at him. He shakes his head and looks down, avoiding your eyes, glancing between your scares and his hand that's cluching onto yours.
"Darling, I-" Hearing the very nickname he often used to mock you with, now laced with fear for you makes your heart skip a beat. "The sight of you laying like that, defenseless in the pool of your own blood, barely breathing-" His face wholly crumbles. You don't say anything, letting him lay his heart bare for you.
"It has been haunting me. Since the second Rhysand got to us and Magda healed you. I have been dying to see your eyes again, see you frown at me and tuant me-" His voice cracks as tears start falling down his face. "I love you so much. Please don't ever leave me like that again. I'll die if you don't stay with me."
You hug him the second he finishes speaking, wrapping arm around his waist and the other to his neck, burying your fingers in his hair and his hugs you back, crushing his body to yours and hiding his face in the crook of your neck. Hearing soft cries, you cannot control your own. Each other's tears soaking you both as you bask in the others arms.
"I will never leave you, Azriel." After a moment you pull back, just a little to look into his eyes so that he can see the truth and love in them. "I love you so much. I will always stay with you, even if you tell me not too." He nods once whimpering out a small please, as if that's all he can say right now, and your heart breaks.
"I love you. So much." You kiss his forehead, moving down to his cheeks and nose, you're both hands now at the sides of his face and his can't seem to leave your waist. "My mate." You both smile, laughing a little and you look at him. Truly look at him, admiring his yellow onyx eyes that gloss from the tears pooling in them, loving the way he's watching you with so much love.
"I love you, Azriel." You kiss him, slowing resting your lips to his, pouring all your love into it and promising yourselves to the other forever.
Tagging: @that-one-little-soybean
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beelz-bub · 7 months
Hello again Prohibitedwish nation, got a part 2 for Ya :D
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Here's part 1 🫡
*it's SFW btw, nothing crazy
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"Bigger than it seems"
(The pair reach the Time room and assist someone with a wish. Prismo gets a new perspective of the place.)
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The stairway slides open, and the pair step inside the Time Room. The entrance slammed shut behind them when Prismo moved his hand commanding it to do so. "It's a lot more stairs when you aren't just gliding across the walls, haha-" Prismo said exasperatedly.
"You're at least tall enough to walk up them normally!" Scarab huffed, his bug legs can only bend at a certain angle.
An unfamiliar voice cut through their brief conversation. The stranger alarming Prismo, he assured Scarab no one would be there, and now he looks rather foolish. Prismo gasped, "Ah! Oh my glob I'm so sorry man, did you want a wish?" he asked, hurrying over to the stranger.
"Yes. Where is Prismo?" they gestured at the walls, "He fails to be here! I was promised a malevolent Wishmaster of great size and power, and arrive at this decrepit pit with no one here!" they shout, stamping their cane into the ground.
"Uh, well, you see," he fiddled with his hands, "I'm Prismo. I'll uh, grant your wish for you if you want,"
"Tsk," they laughed, "You're Prismo? What a disgrace!"
Normally Scarab would've laughed and agreed with the stranger, but he was oddly offended by this accurate statement. He pushed Prismo out of the way, "Did you want a wish, or not?" he looked down at the rude little pest, "Just spit out what you want and leave." he hissed, pure hatred filling his lungs.
Unnerved by Scarab's abrasive and cold attitude they obeyed, "Ah, w-well-" and stepped back, "I wish to increase my fortune by any means necessary!"
Prismo smiled, "Wish granted," he snapped his fingers, the creature fading out of the room into his wish-altered reality. Immediately the TV wall hissed with static, and the creature appeared, kneeling on the ground "My mansion! My beautiful house!" it cried, "All for this stupid card full of nothing!"
Scarab watched this all unfold, then turned to Prismo, "What did you do?"
He giggled, "They did say 'any means'~" Prismo picked up the remote, changing the channel to a cloudy sky, "They wanted to increase their wealth so I sold everything they had and put it all in the bank!"
"Could they just not buy it back?"
"I converted everything to money, everything is gone and he can't get it back. Also, the card is locked~"
"Huh," Scarab remarked, "Impressive." he nudged Prismo in the shoulder playfully, "Really working that malevolent wish magic huh?"
Prismo's gut felt fluttery at the compliment, "Heh, oh well it was nothing, just the usual~"
"You do good work for being as lazy as you are." Scarab stepped away, cracking his arms and back in some kind of odd means of stretching. It sounded like his bones were snapping, very disturbing.
"Ew," Prismo whispered to himself, "Hey, why don't you put that human disguise back on?" he walked in front of Scarab.
"Well, uh," he tried to think of some sort of justification, "I don't think you'd want to be seen hanging around me when I'm like this. Might get in trouble, so uh, just to be safe! Y'know?"
"Hm... That's some sound reasoning, very well." he did his thing, returning to that odd human form. It was different but nice. A lot softer than Scarab's usual bug-self. Not that Prismo hated it, but it was harder to read Scarab's emotions with that mask on. Scarab ran his fingers through his hair, pulling away after feeling how odd it was, "So what did you even want to do?"
"Oh! Uhm," Prismo squinted his eyes and looked around. Something about the place made him feel strange. The Time Room was a lot larger than it usually was. It was like Prismo shrunk down into a tiny little flea on the ground. The room seemed so much smaller in his usual form, "Huh, does this look weird to you too?" he asked, not really expecting a response. Just speaking out loud to himself.
"It looks the same as it always has."
"I dunno, everything feels so much bigger," he reached out his hand, "I mean look at the TV wall, it's huge! Like totally massive. Dude is this what you guys see all the time?"
"Yes?" Scarab stood beside him, "Finally witnessing what it's like to be small?"
"Yeah, man! This is crazy..." he spun around, taking in the size of the place. While he spun around, arms wide, he bumped into the jacuzzi, "Oof-"
"Ugh, what's wrong with you," Scarab mumbled, although internally, he did find Prismo rather funny. He wouldn't be caught dead laughing in front of him.
Prismo, however, began laughing hysterically, "Ah man, I really just did that!" he put his hands on the edge of the pool, "Hm... Hey Scarabby?"
"You wanna take a dip with me?" he asked, reaching around his robe to pull it off.
"Ugh, no." he crossed his arms, looking away.
"Suit yourself, heh." he tossed off his undershirt, "Suit~" he giggled at his stupid pun.
"You are honestly so childish-" he turned around to see a shirtless Prismo struggle to get into the spa without falling in. He was immediately hit with several emotions that shot him directly in the heart. His gut reaction was to laugh. Scarab let out the most exasperated laugh, then began to get angry with himself that he let that slip, "Why are you getting in the water while still wearing pants you moron!?" he yelled, his heart beating out of his chest. He was angry at himself, his attempts at getting into the jacuzzi while still wearing pants were so funny to him. Prismo didn't need to know that, he didn't need to know about any reciprocated feelings. He was the one in control here.
"It's called..." he plopped himself in the water successfully, "I'll just dry 'em after~" he giggled, resting his arms on the edge of the pool. Scarab stood there with his pale face redder than a tomato much to his chagrin. Prismo tilted his head, "You looking a little hot over there Scarabby, you need to cool off some-"
"What did you just say to me?!" he hissed, completely embarrassed.
"Cool off bud!" Prismo stood up and splashed some of the water on Scarab.
"Augh!" he dodged the attack, "Stop that!!"
"Common~ lighten up!" he laid back, resting on the side so he could still see Scarab, "Ahh man," he sighed, closing his eyes, "That's nice... I've never felt it like this before. I think I'm getting used to these feelings all over my body man. Before it was like, kaboom! Bunch of new sensations all over my bod, but now it's like, woah! So cool-" he chuckled, "You had me all nervous before, but I think I should be good now. Y'know, in case you wanna hold hands again!"
He snarled, "Wh- why would I want to do that-!?" Scarab was frozen in place, unable to reconcile with his emotions.
"Haha!" Prismo laughed, his little hand covering his mouth, "You're so cute Scarabby~"
"I gHH-" he slammed his mouth shut with a hiss of frustration. Scarab balled his hands up into a fist, stumbling over to the spa, gripping the edge tightly while pointing at Prismo, "STOP TALKING!" His hand shook, "I loathe you to my core! You PEST, you ROT! I will rip you apart piece by piece until you are nothing but pink shreds in my claws!"
Prismo smiled, swimming over to him, and looking at him directly in the face. Scarab had pulled away as he did so. He stared into the flustered bug's eyes, holding this for a painful 10 seconds before reaching over and pecking him on the cheek. He swam back to his original spot in the jacuzzi, watching Scarab's reaction with glee.
Scarab had completely ceased, taking a minute to even process what had just happened. The rage that filled his confused mess of a brain had pushed him to attack. How dare Prismo do such a thing, it was a violation of everything he was working towards. He growled, "I'LL KILL YOU!" pushing himself over the edge, and lunging at Prismo. His claws were ready to grab him by the throat and tear him apart.
Luckily, Prismo had swiftly moved out of the way, the poor bug splashing right into the water. He moved to the other end of the spa laughing, "Hey, now you can't make fun of me anymore, you're in here with your whole suit on!" he laughed.
Scarab stood up, his arms wide out to his sides while he dripped like a soaking wet cat, "Ugh," he gritted his teeth, "I really, really hate you."
"Hehe~" a grin stretched across his face, "Alright -- let's get outta here." he stood up, walked to the edge, getting out and dripping on the floor like a wet dish. He stood there immobile for a second, "Yeesh! What is this?" he shivered, holding himself close together, "It's like my body is being stabbed with a bunch of little knives. It's so strange, ugh, it like hurts!" he looked at Scarab with pleading eyes, "W-what is this?"
He stepped out in a similar fashion, except he didn't shiver like Prismo, who stood there shivering like a dog, "You're cold." the water cooled him off a lot, he was now calm and collected. This was mostly due to Prismo's pathetic shivering.
"C-c-cold?" he reached over to his robe, Scarab jumping out of his way. Prismo touched the warm robe, bundling himself up immediately, "I don't like being cold man, this sucks, like really bad." he sniffled, "Hey! Why aren't you cold?"
"I'm cold-blooded. I'm not affected by temperature like you are."
"Oh," he sniffled again, "Maybe I shouldn't have gone in without a towel or something."
"Yeah." Scarab lifted his soggy suit, "Ugh -- can you dry us off?"
"Oh, you're so right!" he lit up, snapping his fingers. The two were now nice and dry. Prismo felt a comfortable warmth return to his human flesh, "Ahh... Much better." he slipped his arms through the robe, "Wanna go on an adventure Scarabby?"
He sighed, "I suppose."
"Great!" the two had their forms separated into a bunch of multicolored rectangles, traveling throughout time and space to a location that only Prismo knew.
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(like and share and follow and hit that notification button for part 3 or else i'll delete my account)
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lovelybrooke · 3 months
I don’t remember everything I was thinking about yesterday but I’ll try to tell you based on what I do remember. (Still the idea person by the way I hope you recognize me)
So Val, now that I’ve shared how I think Vox might act with the reader and how he’d first start liking them it’s Val’s turn.
I think Val’s motivation isn’t just alastor and I’m sure everyone would agree he keeps an eye on alastor for Vox but his motivation is to control angel dust.
If angel dust isn’t behaving or properly isn’t following Val in the studio I’m sure Val would use whatever information he has on the reader to keep angel dust in line. Now I’m not saying he’d directly threaten to hurt the reader because god forbid alastor finds out but I think Angel would keep the details of his occupation from the reader, and when Val finds out he’d threaten to maybe tell them, even if he can’t. Angel doesn’t want the readers thoughts on him changing so he naturally continues to obey Val.
I think the vast majority of the people in the hotel kinda infantilizes the reader, knowingly or not, it’s hard not to when they’re a teen/young adult who obviously isn’t as immoral as most sinners. And I’m sure that’s where it starts for Val, he works with the most disgusting people in hell, and because of how messed up the people around him is his conception on a normal person changed. He knows objectively the people around him aren’t normal, but when you’re in hell sickos are normal, finding kind people is like finding a nail in a haystack, it’s so rare. I imagine him starting to be interested in the reader in a cosmetic sense, the same reason why people here want expensive or rare breeds of animal.
He doesn’t care for the reader, he just likes the idea of having something rare. But he also notices Vox, and to me Vox starts obsessing before Val. Val is clearly confused, usually they agree with most things, what makes the reader so different? And why doesn’t Vox like them for cosmetic reasons? Why is Vox so interested in the things they like?
Now I think you finished the season but for those who didn’t, spoilers for episode 6.
Let’s imagine the reader also ended up going to the party (assuming they’re at least 18 and the others didn’t prevent them/ the reader didn’t insist on staying in the hotel). They’re stuck with Husk for obvious reason, but they’re clearly tuned out, in their own little world. Even when the others interact with them they’re still not fully there. And it clicks, Vox must have figured out what’s going on in that brain of theirs, and it must be the reason why he was so drawn to them. And now he wants to figure out what it is. (I typed this way too fast and even when I re read it I’m dyslexic so I might have still made a typo. Thanks for reading)
This is exactly how I imagined Val, he doesn't seem like someone to care about anyone other than himself, so his obsession with reader doesn't come from a place of admiration more from a place of possessiveness. He sees reader as something to own, something to flaunt in front of the other Overlords.
Reading this reminded me of a scenario I had in mind where reader figures out what Angel does for work and Angel begs reader to stay away from Val. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if Val got to you, and it's even more angsty when he's already dealing with Val's threats. Because of this Angel gets incredible protective over reader, keeping an eye on them at all time. And while he doesn't want to be like Val, controlling and possessive, he wants to make sure you're safe.
So when Val starts showing an interest in reader, starts asking things about you, like what you do for fun and why you spend so much time at the hotel, it scares him, because out of everyone Angel knows what Val could do to you.
Val himself doesn't get why the other overlords, especially Vox care about you so much. Yeah you're not like the other beings in Hell, but who gives a shit about your hobbies, your wants or dreams. It would take him a while to understand why the other Vee's are so obsessed with you, and even then Val's obsession if never for the same reason.
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radio-writes · 2 months
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Your Place in the Eyes of a God
Synopsis: You thought yourself oh so lucky that the demon who owned your soul was charming and kind.
Most people just had monsters ordering them about, at least your owner Alastor saw you as a lovely companion.
Warnings: Implied abusive relationship, power imbalance
Tags: Relationship can be read in any way; Alastor x Reader; gn!reader
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Being under contract, you weren't exactly overjoyed at the fact that you didn't own your own soul, but at least your contractor wasn't a monster, right? At least he was sweet, and funny, and charming.
And oh was he charming.
That is how your soul ended up chained to his after all.
He was always so kind to you. He treated you as if you were a friend—a person.
He had taken you out for meals; showed you off from time to time. He had adored every single gift you ever gave him. He had always asked you to smile because he just found you oh so
"Lovely," He said.
And it filled your head with clouds every single time. His soft compliments never failed to make you forget where you actually stood. 
So, you never really expected things to change so quickly. So drastically.
You desperately slapped your hands over your mouth, clasped tight against your lips to silence even the smallest whimpers that threatened to slip out. You pressed against the wall, hiding, maybe if even hoping that it would open up and swallow you whole. Take you some place else—anywhere else—but here.
You watched with wide, teary eyes, unable to look away.
It was hard for you to connect the charming man you fell for with the nightmare of a creature you saw looming over Husk. 
That thing that threatened to rip the poor man's soul apart couldn't possibly be your Alastor, right? There was no way that was your sweet, funny, charming Alastor. 
But those hands that yanked at the chain were unmistakably the same ones that gently combed through you hair at night. 
That smile he held while he threatened the man was unmistakably the same one you woke up sweetly to almost every morning.
That voice, albeit distorted more than usual by static, promising wicked acts, was unmistakably the same voice that softly greeted you good morning, asking if you had a good rest.
There was no mistake. There was no denying it. 
"Understood," You barely hear Husk's frightened response.
"Lovely," Alastor praised before he left Husk shaking on the ground by his feet.
You felt your heart sink immediately. 
Lovely. The word echoed in your head, your blood now ran cold.
Lovely. The mockery, the disdain, the obvious threat to obey him or else. You didn't think such a simple word could hold so much malice. 
"I can't wait to wear that new necklace you got for me!"
"I got you this tie because it just seemed like it was your style!"
"Of course, I'm smiling! I'm with you, aren't I?"
You didn't notice when your knees finally gave away under you. You didn't notice when you started crying. Your body simply crumpled to the floor as you continued to press your hands against your mouth, silencing the sobs that ripped through you. 
Alastor had already left. You didn't need to hide around the corner anymore. You were safe now. 
No. Have you ever truly been safe?
Because what was his response? What did he say every time you followed his requests? Every time you excitedly handed him whatever trinket you thought he'd like? Every time you smiled for him?
Lovely. The word rang in your ears.
It wasn't a compliment, you realized.
It was never a compliment. It was a praise. A praise for being such a good, obedient pet.
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zsupika · 2 months
If you haven't done this request yet ,romantic headcanons to the brothers on how they act and behavior with their partner(MC) when drunk !
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Obey Me Brothers x Drunk!Reader
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Warnings: Mentioning of alcohol/being drunk
Including: Mammon, Lucifer, Leviathan, Belphegor
Mammon is so protective over you. He'd make sure nobody even dares to approach you in the wrong way. You'd assure him that it's fine but he doesn't really trust your judgement in your state. When he sees you talk with someone else in a (at least in his opinion) flirty way, he gets insanely jealous.
You bet he'll sprint right to you and make sure whoever you're talking to, keeps his distance.
He makes sure that you get home safely and sleep in his room, so that he can protect you and keep you from doing something stupid. When you're clingy when drunk, he'll get so flustered. Especially when you're in bed and snuggle against him or into his chest, he'll loose it.
And he will tease you about in the morning.
When Lucifer sees you drunk, he only has one mission and it's to bring you home immediately. Sighing, he's well aware that telling you to go home will be hard for you to accept. But he also knows you'll most likely do something stupid when drunk, so he makes sure to save you the embarrassment.
Once he finally brings you home, ignoring your whiny protests, he makes sure you're nicely tucked into bed. When he notices that you're finally asleep, he'll lay down next to you and pull you into his chest.
In the morning he gets woken up by your yelps about having a hangover. He tries his best to treat it, bringing you cold water, soup and whatever you desire. He won't judge you about it but he will give you a lecture about it.
If you're flirty when drunk, then Levi is probably the worst person to go to. Poor boy.
Levi is so overwhelmed with the sudden, extreme affection. Flustered, he tries to softly push you away from him. Even though he enjoys your closeness, he doesn't want to take advantage of you in any way. He tries his best to stay by your side to protect you from any dangerous demons.
When you two finally walk home together, he's still a blushing mess. When you're in bed, still clinging to him, he's trying hard to stay calm. Once you're finally asleep, he can finally breath and relax again. His thoughts keep drifting to everything you did and said, quickly making his cheeks heat up again. Noticing that you're in his arms, he tries to play it off and softly fall asleep
In the morning, he remembers everything that happened. Let's just say, he has a hard time looking into your eyes now.
Oh, Belphie is so over it. He'll most likely be annoyed by you and try to scold you. He claims that even coming to the party in the first place was a mistake. He gets home rather quickly and drags you along with him. He won't admit it but he's also very protective over you. He didn't actually mind the party but he'd much rather sleep, with you in his arms, sober. He prefers it because he feels like it's more safe for you to be by his side.
He's also very pleased when he sees that you fell asleep. He'll watch over you for the whole night and make sure to keep you safe.
In the morning he'll act like he did you the biggest favor ever but reality, he's just happy that nothing happened to you and that you trusted him enough to sleep so soundly in your drunk state. You'll even see him blush a little at the memory.
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lost-in-time-wanderer · 3 months
obey me characters (or just brothers if you don't want to do them all in one post) reacting to mc calling them "my [their name]" for the first time, so mc calling Lucifer "my Lucifer" and so on?
Hi hi hiiiiii! very sorry i finished this a very late (time management is a skill i’m severely lacking in) but all’s well that ends well, so don’t have any room to complain. Also for the life of me i couldn’t decide between a bullet point format or a more story-telling and flowing one, but i hope you enjoy nothenless!
Brothers Reacting to You Calling Them “My [Brothers Name]”
Older Brothers (You are here) • Younger Brothers
Lucifer was doing his student council duties in his office far into the early hours of morning again when you decide to check in on him.
You knock on the door to his office, but receiving no response, you decide to come in anyways, announcing your presence. When you walk in, you see the fire place in his room almost out; only glowing embers remained inside, causing the chilly weather from the cool night to seep in with nothing to stave it away.
The room’s owner was sitting at his desk, face almost completely obscured with large stacks of paperwork, no doubt recently dumped onto him by Diavolo. Who, now that you think about it, most likely fooled around instead of doing paperwork again, much to the chagrin on Barbatos, and had to rely on his trusty right hand to get the documents done on time.
One look at him shows you all you need to know. His hair is tousled from him running his hand through it multiple times, and his coat seemed to have been discarded haphazardly on the back of his chair, but must have fallen off sometime during the night without him noticing, and is now lying on the floor right behind his chair. His half-rimmed glasses are starting to slide off his nose, and multiple stray papers have ended up on the floor, but considering that he’s also yet to notice your presence, you assume that he’s too tired to resolve any of these issues.
You quickly devise a plan to get him to sleep, or at the very least rest some. Plead the Avatar of Pride, oldest brother of the 7 rulers of hell to take a break.
Yep, that’ll work. You’re a genius.
“My Lucifer, please rest. I know you need to finish these soon, but your health takes priority over some documents.”
Safe to say, you caught him off guard.
If you were looking closely (which of course you were) you could see him momentarily pause doing his paperwork, which was accompanied with the equally brief lull in the calming sound of his fountain pen scratching paper.
You can also see him slightly blushing- don’t or do mention that you saw it though, he’ll get even more embarrassed and might even throw you out of his room (worth it).
“So that’s how you’re going to do this, hmm? Very well, I shall indulge you this time, but do not expect this to work twice.”
You were in Mammons room, having been dragged in by him, who wanted to get you to join him in causing more mayhem and another headache for Lucifer.
At this point, you were starting to get a headache yourself, so you try to think of some way to get him to stop talking. You feel a little bit bad, especially because of how much his face lights up when he’s talking to you, but this is for the best. You feel like if he doesn’t stop talking soon, you might just snap.
The perfect plan is right at your fingertips- fluster your tsundere demon. Although, knowing Mammon… this could very well backfire.
You hope Lucifer doesn’t hang both of you from the ceiling for this.
“My Mammon, I don’t think that’s a good idea, especially because Lucifer would have both of our heads if we did that.”
He doesn’t process it at first, just continuing to talk excitedly about his new get-rich-quick scheme for a couple of seconds, but when he does… oh boy.
“Wha-What did ya just say, human?!!?! …of course you’d want me to be yours- I AM the Great Mammon, after all!”
“Whatever you say, my Mammon.”
“…just… don’t forget…”
“Sorry Mammon, i didn’t quite catch that?”
“…you’re MY human, got it?!!”
He may be trying and failing to act all cool and macho, but he’s nothing if not head over heels in love with you, and even more so after you pulled this little stunt on him.
You’re killing him.
No, really, you’re gonna be the death of him.
You were just hanging out in his room, watching him grind all of the daily rewards in one of his games while scrolling through DevilTok on your DDD.
This was one of his older games that he’s been playing for quite a while (which might just be longer than you’ve been alive, but you’d rather not dwell on that thought too much). Lately he’s become invested in becoming number one on the leaderboard, and hasn’t come out of his room, so you’re there to keep him company.
“MC, i finally finished with this game, could you hand me the one on the shelf next to you? It just got released, and i need to record a speed run for all of the people who rely on my streams and reviews!” You decided that this is the perfect opportunity to call him that. After all, what’s more fun than teasing your adorable easily-flustered otaku?
“Sure thing, my Leviathan.”
You see him go perfectly still and silent for a second, and then a beet red blush starts spreading from the tips to his ears to his face, and all the way down to his neck.
After getting over the sudden assault on your eardrums (and Levi’s astounding vocal capabilities), you simply stare at him with a raised eyebrow.
“T-th-that’s such a n-normie move of y-you!!!
… d-do you really mean that? Like, you aren’t pulling my leg or something?!? This isn’t some normie joke??!”
Congratulations, you have a very embarrassed snek on your hands now!
Check out my masterlist HERE?
Visit “#lost in time fanfics” and “#lost in time fanart” to see more stuff made by me :)
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augustghosts · 1 year
Wasting Water
Tangerine x fem!reader
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So uhh… I'm back! But, with something (someone) new! I watched Bullet Train recently and I just couldn’t help myself. I’m so obsessed with this man 🍊 also i’m a sucker for patching each other up after a mission trope so um, I hope someone enjoys this! lmao. I haven’t written in a few months and I'm a lil rusty so if this sucks… don’t even worry about it… also i didn’t proofread this so if you spot any mistakes, spelling or otherwise, let me know!!
Word Count: 2.4K
Warnings: Fem reader. Shower sex. Unprotected sex. Fingering, oral (f receiving), Slight choking but not really, PinV etc etc etc (so minors turn around and leave pls) Established relationship. Lots of pet names. Naughty language, obviously. Mentions of blood and fighting and that. Tangerine being soft with the reader (warning in and of itself.)
“Fuck me,” Tangerine’s deep voice practically bounces off the walls, way too loud for the early hours of the morning. Way too loud for the way her head is pounding right now. He doesn’t see her wince, he’s too busy messing with the cuffs of his shirt. She watches as he unbuttons the white sleeves and rolls the fabric up to his elbows. “That was a fuckin’ disaster.” He finishes,
He finally looks up at her, standing in front of the mirror scrubbing at her hands. The water swirling down the drain turns bright red as it descends. She looks just as disheveled as he does. Dried blood, both their own and otherwise, splashed on their skin and clothes. He feels a pang of guilt as he watches her, he knows she’s upset. The job going so wrong being partially his fault, the argument that ensued on the way back being about him not taking responsibility.
The hotel room is small - the only one left. He’s standing in the doorway of the bathroom, practically right behind her. She looks up at him and his heart twists inside his chest - she looks tired, and sad. He hates it. He opens his mouth to speak but she beats him to it.
“Can you get out?” She asks, turning to him. “I’m gonna get in the shower.”
That squeezing his chest hits him again, he tries to ignore it. He nods and sighs, turning to leave. As he does, the large slash on her cheek catches his eye. He stops in his tracks and turns his body fully towards her.
“When did you get that?” He asks, his hand comes up to cup her face. How did he not notice?
“It’s fine. It’s only small.” She sighs, she doesn’t have the energy to push him away.
“It’s fuckin’ not.” He says sternly. His opposite hand came up to her other cheek. Holding her head still so he can inspect her face. The cut looks deep, a bruise already forming around it. She watches him, his eyes soften as they dart across her face.
“You gotta clean that.” He says, turning to dig through her makeup bag which sat beside the sink. He pulls out a washcloth and starts to run it under the sink.
“I was gonna do it in the shower.” She mumbles. “But you won’t leave.”
He sighs again, a habit of his she’s always hated. He turns with the cloth and she steps back.
“Just get out so I can wash up.” She mumbles and tries to snatch the flannel from him. His free hand grasps her wrist, softly - but firmly enough to keep her still.
“Oi,” He holds the cloth out of her reach. “Let me help.”
It’s her turn to feel guilty this time. The pleading look in his eyes made her feel defeated.
“Up.” He points to the counter. She obeys and jumps up to sit on the cold marble. Allowing him to stand between her knees. He’s as gentle as ever, as he always is with her, as he dabs at the wound on her face. She studies him too. His messy curls and furrowed brow. The bags under his eyes. This job literally couldn’t have gone any worse, but at least they were both safe. Something she liked to tell herself when stuff like this happened. At least he was here, alive and breathing. His face inches from hers, his warm hands cradling her jaw. God, he looked good.
When he places the rag down in the sink, she doesn’t hesitate to throw her arms around his neck. He jolts, surprised for a few seconds - his hands squeeze her thighs as he tries to manoeuvre himself to reciprocate the hug, but she’s holding him too tightly. He chuckles, his chin resting on her shoulder as she cradles his head. They both know what this means- I’m sorry and I love you. They had never been the best at communicating with words, unless they were fighting that is. But moments like this they both understand.
“C’mon,” He mumbles into her neck. Placing a kiss there for good measure. “Let’s get in.”
He gestures to the shower. She sniffles into his shoulder and he pats her thighs before pulling away. He messes with the shower, swearing to himself as he tries to figure it out. She undresses behind him and slides past him into the cubicle when he finally gets the water flowing.
“I wanted to do that.” He jokes after he gets his own clothes off, stepping in beside her. “I love undressing you.” He whispers as he watches her. The hot water drips down her face from her hair, cascading down her body. He reaches
for her hips and pulls her in for a kiss. The first kiss in hours, but honestly, it feels like days. Her hands explored his broad chest and shoulders as they melted into each other. The steam that was filling the bathroom helped to cloud their minds, helping to push out the awful memories from the job.
“So gorgeous, darlin’.” He murmurs against her cheek, pressing kisses. His hands travel to her ass, a firm squeeze forcing a moan of his name from her lips. Her back is pressed up against the cold tile. It’s his turn to step under the hot water but he doesn’t really take it in, he’s too busy tickling the skin of her neck with his moustache. His lips travel south as his hands rise up to cup her chest. Another firm squeeze has her laughing breathlessly against his mouth. He kisses her one more time, slowly and deeply. His tongue brushes hers and his teeth latch onto her bottom lip, a small playful tug.
Within seconds he’s on his knees. Her strong, beautiful man is exactly where she wants him, on his knees in front of her. His lips swollen, cheeks flushed, his gorgeous curls soaking wet and sticking to his skin. His big blue eyes watch her as she pushes her fingers through them, pushing them out of his face. His hands knead her hips as he takes in the view in front of him. One hand curls around her knee, encouraging her to lift it and place it over his shoulder.
“Shit, baby.” He practically groans as her pussy is opened up for him. “I can never get enough of you.”
“It’s all yours.” She whispers above him, the shower almost drowning her out. “Please, Tan."
“God, Sweetheart. as much as I love hearing you beg for me. It’s not needed tonight.” He’s as desperate for her as she is for him. When is he not desperate for her? He couldn’t tell you. He groans into her heat as he has his first taste of the night. He uses his thumbs to open her up for him and dips his tongue in teasingly. The warm tip slowly circling her clit, softly applying the amount of pressure he knows she likes. Her knees almost buckle and a breathless moan of relief hits his ears. Fuck, he loves the sounds she makes. And he intends to drag them out of her all damn night. His tongue stays where it is, working her skilfully towards the edge whilst one of his fingers starts to circle her entrance. It pushes slowly inside and he smirks when he feels her clench around his single finger.
“More.” Her fingers pull at his hair as she whimpers. “Please.”
He obviously obliges, after the hard day they’ve had he isn’t in the mood to tease. His cock is rock hard already and the sensation of her warm, wet cunt squeezing the life out of his fingers has him moaning around her clit.
“Like that. Fuck, just like that.” She encourages him as he begins to work her with his fingers. He glances up at her, her head tilted back, her mouth open as she whispers to him. Ap fucking beautiful. “I’m close. Shit, that feels so good baby. Oh my god.”
It doesn’t take long for the world to crash down around her, his name becoming the only word she can remember. The feeling of his mouth and his fingers and his curls in her hands, quickly becoming overwhelming. He chuckles when she pushes at his head.
“Shit, baby.” She’s panting, the steam from the still running shower not helping. She pulls him in to kiss him messily. Her whole body is sensitive and on fire. Her hand wraps around his cock, he tenses and clenches his jaw and she can’t help but press her mouth to the sharp edge.
“You look so fuckin’ gorgeous when you come for me like that.” He says, his voice gravelly. He’s impatient as fuck, her soft hand twisting around his shaft is driving him nuts.
“We’re wasting so much water.” She giggles against his skin.
“Best get out then.” He says, reaching behind her to turn off the water. She opens her mouth to protest but he covers it with his hand before whispering: “I wanted to bend you over the sink anyway.”
She grins behind his hand, he mirrors it when he removes his palm and guides her out of the cubicle. Her still wet hands slide on the marble counter as she grips it. Tangerine stands behind her with a firm grip on her hip, his other hand holding his heavy cock. Positioning himself at her entrance.
“You ready for me, Sweetheart?” He groans as he rubs his head through her folds. She’s nodding desperately when he finally manages to take his eyes off her pussy and look up at her in the mirror.
“Please,” She knows exactly what he wants to hear. “Please fuck me. I need you.”
He smiles, almost wickedly, at how fucked out she already looked. He hadn’t even started yet. They both moan breathlessly as he pushes inside of her as slowly as he can muster. Holding back just so he can see that pleading look in her eye as she makes eye contact with him in the mirror, a whine leaving her lips.
“I know, baby.” He growls as he begins to thrust slowly. “Fuck you feel so good. So tight and so fucking wet for me.”
She loves when he’s talkative like this. He’s still gripping her hip, definitely enough to leave a bruise. A hand snakes around her body to grip one of her tits, he moans behind her as he squeezes her nipple between his fingers. She stretches her hand out behind her to reach for him and he knows exactly what she wants. After the day they had, she just wants to be close to him. He obliges and pulls her to his chest, both of his strong arms wrapping around her.
“You love it like this don’t you?” He asks, his lip’s right beside her ear as he watches her in the mirror. Her hands are gripping his firm forearms as he thrusts into her like it's the last time. Tangerine was nothing if not passionate, especially when they were alone. One of his hands rises to gently wrap around her throat, tilting her head up so he can sloppily kiss her. All tongue and moaning into each other's mouths - it’s glorious. The feeling of his hand squeezing her neck and the sensation of his moustache on her upper lip prompts that fire to begin to smolder in her belly.
“I’m close, Tan.” She whimpers. His grip impossibly tightens on her and he bites into her shoulder.
“Me too, darlin’.” He says against her skin. “Cum for me, gorgeous. I’ll right fucking behind you.”
One of her own hands travels downwards to her clit, Tangerine's eyes widen as he watches her touch herself in the mirror.
“Fuck that’s it. I love watching you like this.” He tilts her head up towards him again, his hand still cradling her jaw. “Cum for me, baby. I wanna see it.”
His words almost act like permission, her body reacting to him instantly. As usual. Her knees going weak and her grip on his arms tightening as she cums on his cock. Her pussy squeezing the life out of him and the feeling of her nails digging into his muscles sends him off as well. His teeth dig into her neck hard enough to definitely leave a mark as he spills inside of her. The sensation of him filling her up making her squeeze around him again. A breathless moan of his name as they both relax. His arms falling to the counter in front of her, his warm body pressed against her back - caging her in. His lips kissing her jaw and cheek, mumbled praises and affirmations. For the first time that day, she finally felt okay.
She almost ruins the moment for herself, thinking about how they will have to get up and do it all again tomorrow. But the sound of her lover's voice asking her what she wanted for dinner snapped her out of it.
“I’m so fuckin’ hungry.” He complained. Standing up straight and running a hand through his hair. Tomorrow didn’t matter, not when she had the most beautiful man in the world standing right here in front of her. She laughs at him and he laughs back, a rare sight reserved solely for her and a few others.
“I gotta take another shower after that.” She says.
Tangerine earns a smack to his chest when he asks: “Round two?”
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
Hi! Can you make a full writing about the little blurb you did about the pic harry posted for harry’s house 1 year bday? Xx
A/N: at first i didn't want to write more about it, but im so deep in the fluffy content that i ended up expanding the little scene i wrote. of course, original idea by @harrysblackcoat
SUMMARY: It's your annual trip to Italy with your boyfriend, but he is planning to make it special by asking you one important question.
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“Harry! Are you ready? We have to leave!”
 “I’m coming!”
Harry quickly takes the diamond ring out of the velvet box and slips it into his back pocket, praying to God he won’t lose it before the big moment. He drops the box back into his bag in a hurry, burying it underneath his shirts before walking out of the bedroom of the villa you’ve been sharing for the past week.
It’s your fourth year in a row when the two of you spend two weeks in Italy so it’s safe to say that it’s now a tradition. But this year will be different.
As Harry walks out to the hall he finds you standing by the front door in a white sundress and a straw hat, your totebag hanging from your shoulder and he catches you putting your polaroid camera inside. He got you the camera for last Christmas and you’ve snapped hundreds of pictures since then. Harry loves the excitement on your face when you’re waiting for the photo to develop.
Looking up a smile stretches across your face when you see him in his green and white striped t-shirt that’s tucked into a pair of nice jeans, his hair looks lush and soft, a pair of retro aviator sunglasses hanging from the neck of his shirt and then there’s the mustache… That mustache! You love it so much, even though you’ve never been a big fan of facial hair, but Harry proved you wrong.
“What took you so long? Were you styling the ‘stache?” you tease him as you wrap your arms around his waist and steal a quick kiss.
“Gotta take good care of it,” he smirks. “Alright, let’s go.”
After a thirty minute drive you leave the car at the bottom of the mountain before starting the hike that takes you up to the winery. You’ve been here last year and you enjoyed it so much you wanted to come back, but this time you decided to approach the place on foot. It’s a nice change, you haven’t been too active in the past week, well, outside of the bedroom, at least.
“Just one picture! Come on!” you urge him, pushing him in place, your polaroid camera all ready in your other hand to snap a picture of your boyfriend.
“You have a dozen pictures of me already, Love,” he chuckles but obeys and leans against the stone wall running along the trail you’ve been hiking up to the winery on top of the hill.
“Fuck, you look so good!” you groan as you snap the picture, enamored by the beauty if your lover.
“Not as good as you,” he compliments you back, his eyes slipping down on your body, amazed by the way the white sundress flows so effortlessly around your figure. You’re tinkering with your camera as he reaches into his back pocket, making sure the ring is still there. His fingers tap on the diamond and he exhales, glancing up at the top of the hill where the terracotta roof of the winery is already peeking out from behind the trees. He knows everything is all ready for your arrival, the staff has sent him a picture of the beautifully decorated pergola where he will ask the big question, but still, his pulse is starting to spike. He’s been planning this for over a year now, though if he is being honest, he’s known he would ask you to marry him the day he met you. He’s not sure how, but he just knew.
You walk hand in hand for the rest of the hike and you rave about how much you hope they will have a bottle of the same wine you drank last time, because you haven’t drunk anything like that since then. Little do you know, Harry requested fifty bottles to be delivered to your home when you get back.
“Hm, it looks… a bit different than last year,” you note as you finally reach the top and notice the decorations.
“Yeah, it does,” Harry smiles as he exchanges a look with the staff lined up in front of the building.
“Why was everyone waiting for us? And what’s with the smiles? I know people around here are nice but this is a bit too much,” you whisper to him, while trying your best to return the smiles.
“You’ll see.”
Harry pulls you over towards the pergola as you’re trying to put one and one together, but as soon as you see all the fairy lights and flowers that decorate the place, you finally realize what this is about.
“Harry!” you gasp as you finally stand in the middle of the pergola and Harry turns to face you, holding both your hands.
“Y/N,” he chuckles, but you notice the nervous shake in his voice. Your eyes are already tearing up and you need to hold yourself back to let him talk and give him the moment he planned out. He takes a deep breath and then speaks up.
“I have loved you since the day I met you. It’s cheesy, but it’s true. We bonded over liking the same kind of beer at the pub and I made Mitch promise to never tell you this, but on our way home I told him that if I were to marry anyone, it would be you.”
You let out a chuckle as tears stream down your face, drinking up his words.
“It’s been four years now and you taught me so many things. You taught me to be my best version, to see the beauty in everything and… I can’t imagine a day when you’re not with me in some kind of way. I see you in the clouds, because I remember when we watched them for hours on the roof of your old building. I see you in my coffee, because it reminds me of the time you brought me a cup to bed in the morning and spilled it all over me.”
He laughs and you do the same, letting go of his hand just to wipe your cheeks quickly and then you grab his hands again.
“Even when you’re not with me, you still are. And I want this to stay the same for the rest of my life.”
He gets down on one knee and reaches into his back pocket, grabbing the ring and then holding it up as you gasp again, as if you didn’t know this was coming.
“I love you, Y/N, and I can’t imagine a day when I won’t, because it’s impossible. I will always love you. And I want to celebrate the love I have for you the most sacred way possible. Will you marry me?”
“Yes! Yes! Oh my God of course I will!” you burst out, throwing yourself at him sobbing and laughing at the same time. You almost both fall to the ground, he hugs you tighter than ever.
When you finally pull back you’re kneeling, just like him and he takes your shaky hand, putting the ring on your finger finally and of course, it fits perfectly.
You’re not noticing the soft music playing in the background and how the staff is cheering on you, you tuned it all out the moment you realized what Harry was about to do.
Harry stands up and helps you up as well, circling his arms around you right away.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do this,” he smiles down at you. You exhale, turning into jelly in his arms as you reach up and take his face in your hands.
“I love you,” you softly tell him.
“I love you too,” he replies and presses his lips to yours, the first kiss you share as an engaged couple.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 6 months
Obey Me! Beelzebub's & Belphegor's reaction to: Mc & the strange noise.
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Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
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Imagine Mc is up late at night doing whatever. Mc hears a really strange noise, so they pull out their D.D.D and text the HoL group chat. "Hey did you guys hear that noise??" Mc waits a few minutes after hearing the noise a second time, Mc decides to message the group chat again. "Helllloooo?? Guys??" Mc sits in their room anxiously waiting for at least one of the brothers to respond. Why were they not responding? What could the noise be? What if its something bad? The longer Mc waits the more anxious Mc gets. When Mc hears the noise for a third time they decide they'll deal with the noise themselves. Mc sends one last message to the group chat "Fine ignore me, I'll go check out the noise myself." With the message sent Mc goes to leave their room. With an uneasy feeling Mc decides they need a weapon, they either grab one or decide to get one along the way. The brothers arent answering better safe than sorry right? Mc finally heads out into the dark hallways of HoL, in search of finding the source of the noise. What will happen next??
Mc was up late trying to finish an essay for one of their classes. The noise threw off their thought process causing them to not be able to work on the essay. The brothers not responding in the group chat made Mc feel annoyed but also uneasy. Mc looked around their room for a weapon only to decide they couldn't find one. With a nervous sigh Mc ventures into the dark hallway unarmed, using their D.D.D as a light to guide them.
Mc didn't know where the noise came from, so they stand around until they hear the noise again. When they hear the noise again Mc shakes their head with a smile, the noise is coming from the kitchen its probably just Beel. Mc knows Beel gets Midnight snacks sometimes. When he clears the entire fridge out. Mc decides to go to the kitchen, they could use a break from writing their essay. Mc walks towards the kitchen feeling comfortable. It had to be Beel in the kitchen, what else could be in there? Mc thinks they are just being paranoid, until they get closer to the kitchen. Mc realizes the kitchen light isn't on which makes them stop in their tracks for a moment. When the strange noise is heard coming from the dark kitchen again, Mc physically jumps in suprise. Mc's heart pounds against their chest, so loud and rapid they swear they can hear/feel their heartbeat in their ears. Mc takes a deep breath, clutches their D.D.D tightly, and walks forward. Mc peaks around the corner of the kitchen doorway, shining their D.D.D flashlight into the kitchen with a shaky hand. They shine the light around the dark kitchen just to see..... Mc lets out a relieved laugh, there sat a cat on the kitchen counter, the cat was stuck in a bag, probably having tried to get the food that was left in the bag. When Mc realizes the cat is stuck they quickly switch on the kitchen light and rush over to help the cat, once the cat is safe and free, they place the cat on the floor and watch it scurry off. Mc shakes their head with a smile, knowing Satan will be scolded when the cat is found by Lucifer. Mc feels realived but also still incredibly uneasy, they found out what the sound was, why were they still on edge?? Mc sighed and decided to get a bottle of water, figuring hydrating would help ease their thoughts. As they pull the water out of the fridge a sound is heard behind them, and out of panic and suprise Mc whips around and throws the bottle at the source of the sound....
(This is meant to be read as if its happening at the same time as that ^^ its basically Beelzebub's POV) Beel had been being a good boy like always such a sweet baby and had gone to bed at a reasonable time, well reasonable for a demon. Beel however woke up in the middle of the night needing food, his stomach was growling so loud it woke him and the pain his empty stomach cause him to feel was enough to make him sit up. Beel went to get up and go to the kitchen when he saw his D.D.D blinking, signalling he had a message. Confused, tired and hungry, Beel picked his D.D.D up and ate it checked what the message was. When he saw what Mc had sent the group chat he suddenly felt less hungry, still hungry just now mpre focused on being worried. What if Mc got hurt checking it out alone. Beel couldn't allow that, he immediately left his and Belphie's room in search of Mc. I feel like Beel or Asmo has the best sight out of all of the brothers. Beel had no problem seeing in the dark, he listened carefully and when he heard soft footsteps he followed them determinedly. He had to make sure Mc was safe.
As Beel follows the footsteps he doesn't even realize they are entering the kitchen, to worried about Mc to focus on his own hunger. When Beel finally gets close to the kitchen he sees the light on and puts some pep in his step. Beel watches a cat fly past him and run off towards Satan's room, Beel pays no mind. He quickly walks to the kitchen doorway and to his relief, finds Mc getting a drink from the fridge. With Beel now calm and content with Mc's safety his attention focuses back on his hunger, before he can even say anything to Mc a loud almost animalistic growl leaves his stomach as it cries out for food. The Avatar of Gluttony watches as Mc fearfully whips around and chucks a water bottle at him, Beel doesnt even realize he opens his mouth and catches the water bottle skillfully in his mouth instead of hitting him. Beel isn't aware he caught the water bottle until he hears the loud crunch of the plastic bottle and the water in his mouth.
(Back to Mc's POV?!??) Mc immediately starts apologizing to the gentle giant, quickly explaining how they were on edge and he startled them, Beel however seemed to pay no mind as he happily ate the thrown water bottle. Once Beel was done munching on the plastic bottle he waundered over to the fridge for a midnight snack, kindly offering to share some with Mc. "What kind of midnight snack do you want Mc? I'll let you have first pick."
Once Beel gathered his mountain of food for his "midnight snack" sir thats a midnight meal- mc and Beel went to Mc's room. Beel didn't want to wake Belphie up by eating, and Mc still had an essay to finish. Beel being sweet boy he is offered to stay up and keep Mc company while they wrote the last couple of paragraphs for the essay. When Mc finally finishes the essay they stretch and look to find Beel sitting on the floor close by, looking at them like a puppy looks at its owner. Mc yawns and thanks Beel for keeping them company while they finished their school work, as a thank you Mc offers for Beel to sleep in their bed. Beel may not be his still he happily accepts the offer. Mc and Beel cuddle up on Mc's bed, Mc falls asleep first. Beel keeps his arms secure around them, he may be a man of few words, but he understands Mc was scared earlier even if he didnt mention it. He didn't want Mc to feel embarrassed or to make them feel scared again. As Mc slept peacefully in his arms Beel swore to them- "I will always protect you Mc." Beel eventually fell back to sleep holding Mc close.
Mc had made the mistake of letting Belphie drag them into a mid day "5 minute" nap. The nap had lasted all day, they got woken up by Beel for dinner, so they weren't tired when bedtime came. They were laying in their bed playing a random game on their D.D.D when they heard the noise. Mc wasnt suprised Belphie didn't respond in the group chat, but the other brothers not responding made them nervous, yeah it was late at night but one of the brothers always seemed to be up. Mc looked around their room but they couldn't seem to find a hood weapon. So with nothing other than their D.D.D they are using as a flashlight, they venture into the dark hallway, in search of the strange noise. The noise seemed to come from the library, Mc thought it might be Satan or Lucifer, but since neither had responded in the group chat Mc wasn't so sure.
Mc nervously heads towards the hallway, shining their flashlight at shoulder height, not even thinking to look down at the floor. The strange sound can still be heard coming from the library, the sound is constant and sounds almost like a bag being ruffled or moved around. Mc's heart pounds in their chest, their eyebrows are furrowed as they try and figure out what would be making that kind of a sound. Mc gets a little bit between their room and the library, focusing more on the confusing sound than where their walking, they suddenly trip over something. Mc crashes to the ground, it hurts but its not that bad, just ending up with a scrapped elebow or knee, and most likely a bumped head. Mc groans as they rub their head, their D.D.D had flown out of their hands when they fell. Mc was so focused on their own pain that when they groaned in pain they didnt hear the person they tripped over groaning in pain too.
(This is meant to be read as if its happening at the same time as that ^^ its basically Belphegor's POV) Belphie had been a little upset when him and Mc were woken up for dinner, but he got up and ate anyways. What really upset him was that Mc went to their room after dinner instead of going to take a nap in the attic with him again. Mc claimed 'they weren't tired after sleeping all day', because Mc wouldn't take a nap with him Belphie had wandered off to nap somehwere on his own. When Belphie woke up again it seemed kind of late, Belphie looked around his random nap spot for Mc. When he didn't see them he got up, Belphie went walking towards Mc's room clutching his cow pillow, still half asleep and grumbling incoherent things. Belphie however only made it half way to Mc's room before he crumbled tiredly to the floor and fell asleep on the ground cuddling his cow pillow, deciding to just dream of Mc.
Belphie did just that, he was having a wonderful dream with Mc and Beel in it when he was woke up by getting kicked in the gut, then stepped on, when he heard someone land on the ground next to him he assumed they tripped over them. Belphie didn't open his eyes, move or care until he heard Mc's voise groaning in pain, realizing Mc tripped over him, Belphie opened his eyes and turned over so he could face Mc, Mc's D.D.D's flashlight was shining their way, so he could see that Mc's eyes where closed while they rubbed their body in pain. Belphie being the little shit he is Belphie decided to reach his hand out and touch Mc hoping to catch them by suprise. What he didn't expect was for Mc to kick out at whatever had touched them. He watched as Mc's leg shot out and kicked him in the shoulder chest area, as their eyes shot open in suprise and fear, after Mc kicked him they scooted away from him in fear until they realized it was him. It didn't hurt Belphie but by the suprise and how horrified Mc looked that they accidently hit him, Belphie obviously had to tease them- "Damn Mc, you hurt me tripping over me and yet I was nice enough to try and check on you, and you hit me some more? Last time ill ever check on you." Belphie has that teasing playing smirk on his face as he teases them.
(Mc's POV again) Mc apologizes and tells Belphie about the strange noise, which can still be heard coming from the library. Belphie teases them for being freaked out over something like that while still being a brat and teasing them for hitting him on accident over some "strange noise", Belphie snickers when Mc tells him that he should come with them to investigate the noise. "Alright scaredy cat I'll come with you, only if you let me sleep in you're room with you after this" Belphie swings his arm lazily towards the library where the sound continues to come from, giving Mc his usual lazy smirk. Lets be honest hes sleeping in Mc's room with them no matter what, so Mc takes his deal and drags him towards the library with them. Mc shines their D.D.D as a light and walks slightly in the lead, Belphie is lazily attached to their side and walking a little behind them. When they reach the library, Mc takes a shaky breath before leading Belphie into the library behind them. Mc turns on the library light to see..... A cat with a chip bag on its head, the cat is running around the library in a panic, everytime it runs the bag ruffles making the sound Mc had been hearing. Belphie laughs when he sees what's been making the sound that was scarying Mc. Mc rushea over and helps the cat get the bag off its head, once the cat is free it darts out of the library, presumably headed towards Satan's room.
Belphie continues to laugh at Mc until he recieves a teasing 'shut up' smack from Mc. Belphie continues to tease Mc as they turn off the library light and head for their room. Belphie sticks close behind them no matter their pace, like a puppy following their owner, the only difference is Belphie is a teasing brat. Mc and Belphie eventually make it to Mc's room, Belphie immediately crawls into Mc's bed making himself at home. Mc watches Belphie close his eyes and assumes he fell asleep already. Mc wasnt ready for bed yet, so they walk quietly around their room doing their nightly routine. It wasn't until Mc heard a tired grumpy voice that they realized Belphie wasnt asleep- "Can you hurry up already, I deserve to cuddle and sleep, since you decided to beat me up" the teasing tone in Belphie's voice makes Mc know that he's smirking, even though his face is burried under their blankets. Mc rolls their eyes and shushes him, once Mc is done getting ready for bed, they crawl into their bed and cuddle up to Belphie. They kiss his forehead muttering a quiet apology again for accidently hitting him earlier, Belphie's arms wrap around Mc's body and he snuggles against their chest. The sloth demon falls asleep rather quickly, but not until Mc started petting his hair. Mc eventually falls asleep as well, how could they not fall asleep when they were so warm and safely cuddled up with Belphie?
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Sorry this part took so long! More content is coming soon so Stay tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Sassy Loves! ‹𝟹
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
I don't know if someone has already requested this but here we go! I was thinking that Maybe Mando was a Yandere of Grogu, but grogu got out of his sight and is suddenly in the hands of the reader. He is about to kill the reader when he sees how caring she is to him and he also realizes that she is homeless. So he invites her on his ship and his obsession over her begins to grow. I hope that isn't to much! Have a lovely day and keep doing what you are doing!
New Attachment
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He never had much in his life, mainly just pain and surviving.
But, when he’d found Grogu he found himself getting attached very quickly.
He knew he would never ever let him out of his sight, and never let anyone near him.
But, he’s two worst fears had just come true.
Grogu was missing and Din felt like he was going to go insane.
He ran around the strange planet they had landed on, it was covered in lush forests which made it even harder.
He eventually found Grogu, in the arms of someone causing his anger to grow even more.
He stepped out and readied his blaster, you heard the noise and looked up in fear.
“We mean no harm! Please, please don’t shoot. I’m not armed.” You muttered, still cradling Grogu in your arms.
Din noticed how happy he looked.
“What are you doing with him?” He growled as Grogu held onto you.
“I found him wandering around, so we started playing games. I’m sorry, I just didn’t want him to get hurt out here on his own.” You said, fear evident in your voice.
“And what are you doing out here on your own?” Din muttered, slowly coming forward.
“This is where I live, sir.” You relied as the Mandalorian studied you.
You definitely were harmless and unarmed.
He came close enough that he could take Grogu from you.
“You kept him safe, the least I can do is offer you some warmth and food.” He replied as you looked up at him with hope.
“A-And I wouldn’t have to do anything else?” You whispered, looking away from him.
He couldn't imagine what you’d been through.
“Nothing else, you have my word.”
Din had gotten you wrapped up in a blanket with some hot food in your hands.
You sat there happily eating as the Mandalorian watched you.
“How have you survived so long?” He asked as you looked up at him and swallowed your food.
“If anyone came through I was usually just climbed into the trees, there’s plenty of fresh water and a lot of foliage for me to eat.” You explained as he nodded a little.
“I don’t think Grogu is too keen on seeing you leave. I can offer you shelter and food.” He offered as you looked at him in shock.
“Why would you do that?” You whispered as he slowly came closer.
“Because I don’t think I could live with myself if I left you back out there. You wouldn’t need to offer me anything.” He explained as you nodded a little.
“I could clean your ship for you when you needed!” You suggested making him chuckle.
“That would be lovely.”
It had been a while since you’d been with the Mandalorian now, who you now knew as Din.
You’d explored so many places, you’d never even been off your planet before.
You noticed how attached he was to Grogu, and now you were realising how attached he was to you.
But, maybe you didn’t mind. You never had anyone even care about you, so having some obsess over you was somehow nice.
And maybe having someone around who could actually talk and obey him made Din happy as well.
He came back from a mission and climbed into the razor crest to see you in his seat with Grogu cuddled to your chest, you were both fast asleep.
He chuckled and slowly took off his helmet before kissing you on the forehead softly.
“Sleep well, little ones.”
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randomprose · 8 months
“Tian, come on. You’ve been in your office the whole day.” Guan Shan appears by the doorway with a frown on his face. “I’m leaving for work and you’re still cooped up in here.”
“Cheng wants these documents tonight. I need to finish this.” He Tian runs his fingers through his temple, massaging the pain that’s been pulsating in his head for the past couple of hours. “Don’t worry about me, alright? Take care and drive safe. I’ll probably still be here when you get back,” he mumbles the last part.
“At least turn on the lights here. You’re gonna wreck your eyes working in the dark.”
“Don’t. It’s fine. I work better in the dark.”
“You’re having a headache because you’ve been staring in the screen the whole day in the dark. Why are you—”
“I said I’m fine!” He Tian shouts, head whirling to glare at Guan Shan poised to switch on the lights. The pain has now traveled to the back of his eyes. “Jesus, Guan Shan. I’ll finish sooner if you stop bugging me. Go to work already and leave me to finish mine peace.”
Guan Shan doesn’t say anything but He Tian does catch him working his jaw and the tick of his eyebrow. Telltale signs that he’s pissed. He hears more than sees him leave and on any other time, He Tian would follow him with apologies already falling out of his lips. But this is an important assignment and the sooner he finish it, the sooner he can make up to Guan Shan for being an asshole. He knows he’s only looking out for him and He Tian already feels like a massive cunt for throwing that on his face considering how rare he shows worry.
He Tian waits for the sound of the front door slamming but it never comes. Instead, Guan Shan comes back to He Tian’s office and enters it instead of just lingering in the doorway like earlier. 
“Get up,” Guan Shan says, tone harsh. “Get the fuck up.”
He Tian turns to look at him, half sorry but still pissed at being interrupted. He glares, dark eyes hard like granite as he growls, “Mo Guan Shan, I swear to god— 
“I said get the fuck up.” 
Tonight, Guan Shan has decided he will be the one doing the coaxing. 
Guan Shan hauls He Tian up by the arms and he only has time to suck in a sudden breath before next thing he knows he’s being dragged across the hallway and into the living room.
“Momo, I—”
“Shut up,” he snaps and something in his eyes flashes that makes He Tian do just that. He Tian watches as he sits on the corner of the couch, legs crossed, and fluffs one of the throw cushions. Guan Shan places it on his lap and pats it. “Sit.”
He Tian sighs. “Momo, I really don’t think—”
“Will you just do as I say?”
He Tian does and obediently obeys when Guan Shan motions for him to lie his head on his lap. 
Guan Shan successfully drags He Tian on their couch, comfortable now after years of use, easily giving and molding into their weight, no longer stiff and hard as when they first bought it.
The moment his head hits the pillow, He Tian lets out a long exhausted groan. A hand automatically comes up to clutch at his head but Guan Shan gently pushes it away and replaces it with his hands instead.
“Headache turning you into a bitch and killing you?”
“Slaughtering me more like,” He Tian sighs as he feels Mo Guan Shang’s fingers carding gently through his hair, massaging his scalp. “I think it’s fully morphed into a migraine now.”
“You want some meds?”
“No, no. I—Tch. The pain is still manageable. I don’t wanna be immune to them when it gets really bad.”
Guan Shan hums and in the next second, He Tian’s nose is assaulted by the smell of mint and camphor as Vicks is rubbed on his aching head. The smell of it relaxes him enough that he doesn’t mind the sticky substance getting in his hair. Not to mention the magic Guan Shan’s fingers are currently performing that’s chasing away his migraine.
“How come you always know what to do?” He Tian rasps, eyes closing amidst Guan Shan’s ministrations.
“I don’t,” Guan Shan scoffs. “This is just simple home remedy shit.”
“You know the important things,” He Tian’s voice has quiet to a mumble, the smell of camphor and the feel of Guan Shan’s fingers slowly but surely lulling him to sleep. “You know how to handle me. You know when not to back down.”
“I’ve had years of practice with your shittiness.”
“I’m sorry for yelling at you by the way. I didn’t mean to. It’s just…this assignment Cheng sent me it’s…it’s driving me insane.”
“It’s fine. I know. The migraine is already punishment enough for you.”
“You—” He Tian groans and it peters out to a moan when Guan Shan’s hand travels down, thumbs digging at the base of his skull, down his neck, and spreading out to the top of his shoulders. “You could say that again.”
“You want me to do your back too?”
“No, no. This is fine. I really don’t wanna get up right now. I’m really comfortable.” Another sigh as Guan Shan continues to work out the knots on his shoulders before going back to his temples. “But rain check on that back massage.”
They fall into silence as Guan Shan continues his ministrations, sticking to He Tian’s temples, his neck, and whatever of his shoulders he can reach with him lying down. He Tian slips in and out of consciousness and Guan Shan just lets him. He’s effectively turned He Tian into goo at this point.
“Thanks.” He Tian groggily reaches up and holds one of Guan Shan’s wrists. “You always know how to make me feel better.”
“Like I said,“ Mo Guan Shan leans down to plant a kiss on the top of He Tian’s nose, mindful of the Vicks on his forehead. “I’ve had a lot of practice.”
He Tian wakes up to the low hum of the TV and Guan Shan’s fingers still gently carding through his hair. The apartment is dark save for the TV and the city lights reflecting from outside. The annoying pulsing pain between his eyes have dispersed. His headache is completely gone.
He smiles to himself as he indulges in Guan Shan’s nimble fingers still scratching at his scalp. Fucking miracle worker.
“I see you’re awake,” Guan Shan says, voice low matching the quietness of the living room. “How’s your head?”
“Fine now.”
Guan Shan is eating chocolate chip cookies straight out of the jar. He Tian opens his mouth for one.
“What time is it?”
“A little past 11 PM.”
“Shit!” He Tian hisses as he sits up. “Cheng’s documents. I—”
“It’s fine, doofus,” Guan Shan says shoving another cookie at He Tian’s mouth “I answered Cheng-ge’s call earlier. Told him you were knocked out. He wants the papers tomorrow by noon.”
“Fuck. How did you manage that?” The initial deadline was tonight.
Guan Shan just shrugs. “Sent him a picture of your sleeping face.”
Guan Shan pulls his phone and shows He Tian the picture he took of him sleeping on his lap. His mouth is hanging open and it looks like he’s even—
“Fucking hell.” Cheng is gonna use that as ammo against him for at least months. “I’m gonna get you for that.”
“Bring it on, drooly,” Guan Shan smirks muching on another cookie.
“Wait. Aren’t you supposed to go to work? What about that VIP that’s coming tonight? Shit. I’m so sorry, babe. I completely forgot. I was too—”
“Ah, come off it. It’s fine. The restaurant is used to receiving VIPs. They can handle tonight without me.” He rubs his hands and wipes the cookie crumbs off on his sweatpants. “Besides, I don’t even like that guest.”
Guan Shan fixes the pillow on his lap and He Tian takes that as an invitation to unceremoniously slump back into it.
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