#and franziska made me feel a lot better about my own name
adozentothedawn · 5 months
I would like to congratulate Klavier Gavin for both the worst aa name and also being the first prosecuter with pretty much no dirt on him. I am impressed and will be adding him to my (slightly) sad boy collection.
also klapollo is better than writghworth
althought the ship name is terrible and i hate it
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snezfics-n-shit · 1 year
Sicktember Day 26: [Allergic] Conjunctivitis
Fandom: Ace Attorney Characters: Larry Butz, Franziska von Karma, Adrian Andrews Notes: The “[allergic]” part is my own addition because if you’re squeamish like me (no shame in that), what’s often called conjunctivitis or “pink eye” is kind of an uncomfortable image so I wanted that clarification out of the way. Allergic conjunctivitis is just the “official” name for allergy symptoms in the eyes. I lasted these many days, I think I should be allowed to bend the rules just a little as a treat. Larry gets his time in the spotlight because I love him. He’s staying at Franziska and Adrian’s house (believe it or not he doesn’t live there, though) and has managed to give Adrian quite the scare upon his return from running some errands. There’s established married Fradrian and set post-SoJ purely for timeline purposes, as always. If you like the things I write, I always appreciate reblogs and comments; they really make my day!
     The nearly ten years of friendship Larry and Franziska shared taught the two a lot about each other. There were important things, like Franziska and Adrian requiring the utmost privacy and quiet whenever either of the couple said even insinuated designating an evening as a Date Night, which Larry had accidentally neglected to respect when he needed help using the air fryer. There were also small things, like Larry’s vehement denial of having any interest in the celebrity ballroom dancing show that was frequently on the Andrews’ household TVs was merely a façade he would put on before secretly enjoying the show from the corner of the room. 
At this point, there was no sense in the friends hiding anything from each other. Various life details often found themselves sprinkled in when sharing embarrassing anecdotes involving Phoenix or Miles, too. That said, while hiding information was never a problem, there was always the rare instance of things that Larry would just forget. 
Over the past two weeks, Larry and Franziska had actually been in a sort of lightning round of sharing information vital to have on record for an upcoming collaborative project they had planned. Adrian contributed as well, but her role would have more of an impact later on. There were even some things Larry didn’t consider important to this at all, like his higher education transcripts, that made it into the almighty manilla folder Franziska had been filling with more papers than Larry thought possible to fit in there. 
This diligence on Franziska’s part was probably why Larry could feel his heart sink into his stomach as Adrian frantically led him into the living room as a visual aid for expressing her worries to her wife. 
“What in the world…!?” Franziska made a face perfectly blending confusion and disgust. 
Larry didn’t think he looked that bad, though.
“Do I need to disinfect everything?” Adrian wondered aloud, fretting. “I’ve never seen pink eye before, so…” 
So that’s what this was about. Thankfully, Larry knew well enough that pink eye was not the problem here, and he trusted Franziska to know the same.  Unfortunately, that still meant Adrian was drawing attention to the considerable swelling and visual irritation of Larry’s eyes, something he didn’t realize would be that easy to notice. 
“I don’t believe that to be the case, sweetie.” Franziska spoke calmly, soothing Adrian rather efficiently. She stood up to approach Larry to better assess the situation. “What were you doing to get yourself like that?” 
“Does it really batter?” Larry was about to rub his eyes, but was stopped by Franziska’s superior reflexes when she grabbed onto his hand at what felt like lightning speed. “It’s dot that big of a deal.” 
“It is a ‘big deal’ when you make Adrian worry like she’s doing now.” Franziska firmly lectured him. “You will not put my wife through any more of this and you will provide an explanation for the allergic response you have on full display.” 
“Allergic response?” Adrian repeated quietly. “It’s just allergies?”
“Yeah, like I said–” Larry started before being promptly interrupted.
“Yes.” Franziska nodded. “If you recall, Larry Butz, you were to inform me of every flaw in your health record. Considering the combined efforts of the three of us to keep this house impeccably clean and the gardens’ intentional lack of the flora you explicitly described as giving you trouble while living in France, I am of the firm belief that you are withholding valuable information from both me and Adrian.” 
When Franziska put it like that, it almost sounded like Larry was hiding something on purpose, but in his defense, the cause of his current symptoms was something he frequently allowed himself to forget. It was only just last year when his introduction to a litter of puppies born in the home of a fellow writer went awry, something he had never experienced before. Maybe there was a bit of denial, since the dogs Larry had met in recent years were just so friendly it would be hard to just stop welcoming all that love, but Larry could swear on his life that he would never purposely pretend he forgot about his newly developed allergies. If Franziska needed someone to blame, she should take things up with Larry’s subconscious. 
“Oh, I don’t think Larry would do this on purpose.” Adrian’s defense prompted a look of sincere gratitude from Larry; well, it was as sincerely grateful as he could manage in his face’s current state. 
“Yeah! What she said!” Larry agreed, punctuated by some sniffling. “You see, I was picki’g up food for Shoe like you asked for, and there were just the cutest puppies brought by the local dog shelter…” 
“Puppies did this to you?” Franziska sounded either puzzled or in shock of what she might have perceived as a great weakness on Larry’s part; Larry wasn’t actually sure of which. 
“Hey, dod’t put it that way! They’re just babies!” 
“That’s not–” Franziska stopped herself and pinched the bridge of her nose with a heavy sigh. “Just… Please explain why you waited for us to see you in this miserable state before you said anything.” 
“I’b dot biserable.” The congestion heavily affecting Larry’s voice did a poor job in supporting that claim, especially when followed by a thick sniffle. “I swear I just forgot.”
“Larry Butz, you are very lucky that Adrian and I have known you well enough for us to find that claim credible.”  Franziska finally let go of Larry’s hand and pulled out a pouch of pocket tissues from the pocket of her very comfortable loungewear sweatpants. The irony of the pouch having a puppy theme design was not lost on any of the three occupying the room. “Now, blow your nose, and most importantly: do not rub your eyes simply because your dominant hand is out of my grasp.” 
“Alright, alright.” Larry grumbled as he followed Franziska’s command. The tissues were really soft. Maybe if he used these tissues to tend to the lingering itch…
“Don’t even think about it!” Franziska scolded.
Was Larry that predictable? He looked at his left hand steadily lifted near his eye while holding onto a fresh tissue… Maybe he was. 
“I’m really sorry, guys. I’m completely honest when I say–... K'ttchshiun!! Ht'sshhiiu!! Kk'sshhnn!!” Those sneezes actually felt pretty good compared to the ones that plagued Larry at the pet store an hour ago. That last little bit of dander must have been on its way out, he figured.
The duet of barely stifled giggles from both Franziska and Adrian in response to Larry’s sneezes seemed to greatly lighten the mood. 
“Adorable.” Adrian let the word slip out.
“I told you about that, didn’t I?” Franziska didn’t even attempt to whisper to Adrian. 
“So, uh, I’m forgiven, right?” Larry hoped any unintentional interruption from asking that didn’t ruin his chances altogether.
“For this offense?” Franziska pretended to need a moment to think, struggling to suppress the amused smile on her face. “Yes. Especially given the improvement of Adrian’s mood.” She blew a kiss to her wife after saying that. “Now, I will fetch you a damp cloth and some antihistamines.”
“Aw, thanks, Franzy.”
“However,” Franziska added sternly, “should Adrian tell me you were rubbing your eyes again, I will use you to give my whip a proper send-off before its planned retirement!”
Larry knew then that he had better be careful from now on.
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amazingmsme · 3 years
Well if You Really Don’t Like Him...
AN: Here’s that fic about Godot flirting with Phoenix just to get at Edgeworth. This was seriously SO much fun to write! Ugh I love all these dorky ass lawyers, I need more content. So here you go, have some jealous Edgeworth, flustered Wright, & a very flirty Godot, all served to you on a silver platter!
Godot sat in the prosecutions office, reading over some old case transcripts. Detective Gumshoe was mulling about the room, browsing some of the books on the shelf. Godot snickered to himself, drawing Dick's attention.
"Something funny Prosecutor?" he asked with a curious smile. It was rare that he heard the other man laugh, so it warmed his heart to hear the sound.
"Yeah, actually. I can't help but notice... Is something going on between Edgeworth and Trite?" he asked, holding a page closer as he inspected the words. "I mean, it's hard to pick up a person's tone just from text, but I can't imagine another way to interpret this," he mused.
"Who? Oh you mean Wright! Yeah, we've all been wondering the same thing. He and Prosecutor Edgeworth have more chemistry than a chemical reaction!"
Godot smiled and shook his head. "Your analogy is weaker than decaf, but your point still stands."
"Hey!" Gumshoe shouted defensively, pouting at the other man's words.
"So I'm not crazy? Do they actually like each other? Because I can't possibly find any other meaning behind, "Court is no place for such fanciful stories. But if you drop by my office, I'd be more than willing to... indulge you?" Did Miles actually say this shit?" he asked, barely containing his laughter. One hand pressed against his forehead, fingers curling in the white locks as his shoulders shook with his chuckles.
"Heh, yeah I remember that. Poor Nick blushed redder than a ripe tomato!" he exclaimed, smiling at the memory.
"Hm, so Trite embarrasses easily? That's interesting," he hummed.
Detective Gumshoe shrugged. "Yeah, but he seems to get flustered a lot more when Edgeworth's involved," he explained. He found the book he'd been searching for, and bid him ado with a nod and quick wave. Diego was left pondering the new information, a sly smirk forming on his face.
The next day he strode into Edgeworth's office with even more swagger than usual. He sat on the corner of his desk, crossing one leg over the other. He slurped his coffee loudly to gain the other's attention. Miles sighed and glanced up at him.
"May I help you?"
"Who me? Nah, I just came in here to chat," he said, but the grin on his face told of an underlying motive.
"Please, you of all people are the last to want to chat while working. What's really going on?" he asked, cutting to the chase. Godot shrugged.
"A little birdie told me you might have feelings for Trite."
Miles stiffened, but other than that showed no outward emotions. "His name is Wright, and that's preposterous. I merely admire his skill in court and respect him as a peer. You would be wise to do the same."
"Really? 'Cause Dick sure thinks there's something more to it," Diego said. Edgeworth snorted out a puff of air in lieu of a laugh.
"And you believed him? Gumshoe is a well intentioned man, but he can let his imagination get the better of him."
"Transcripts don't lie bud. And I can smell the truth like a fresh pot of coffee." Miles rolled his eyes.
"Of course you can," he said sarcastically. "Now if you're done reciting your little fairytales, I'd love to get back to work," he said, opening a thick binder and smacking Godot's leg with the front half as he opened it. He stood, getting the hint.
"You know, that reminds me of something you said to Trite in court," he spoke as he began to pace the room. He piqued his interest, so he continued. "Something about fanciful stories, and him stopping by your office to "indulge" you," he said using air quotes.
Miles abruptly stood, slamming his hand on the desk. "That's out of context!"
Godot shrugged, swirling the coffee in his cup. "Trust me, the context doesn't make it sound any better. I'm surprised the two of you ever manage to reach a verdict, what with all the flirting going on."
"It's not flirting! It's merely playful bickering between childhood friends, nothing more," he reasoned.
"Is that what you call it?" he asked, cocking his head to the side and stuffing his free hand in his pocket. Edgeworth practically growled at him, shooting a harsh glare his way.
"What exactly are getting at Godot?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"So you really don't like Trite?"
"For the last time, his name is Phoenix Wright. The fact that you don't refer to him as such is wildly immature and petty."
Godot smirked in triumph. "You sure are defensive of him."
"Of course I am; he's my friend and a talented attorney who, might I remind you, proved my innocence and convicted my father's true murderer. So I won't stand idly by while you blatantly disrespect him," he snapped. He turned his back to him, busying himself with straightening stacks of paperwork.
"You misinterpret my intentions," he said, holding up his hand placatingly. Edgeworth looked over his shoulder, watching as he sipped his coffee.
"Then enlighten me."
"I admit I've been giving him a hard time. But most guys do that when they have a crush," he bluffed. Miles whipped around to face him.
"Ha! You're lying through your teeth, I know how much you despise him," he said, seeing right through the lie.
"Do you? Or was that just a front I put up to hide my feelings?" Edgeworth paused, considering the possibility.
"I don't know what your angle is, but you should stop while you're ahead. If you're only doing this to get at me, then I'm telling you right now it will all be in vein. But please, don't bring Phoenix into this if it's only a farce. He's had his heart broken before, and I won't allow you to needlessly toy with his emotions."
"Aw, how noble. Truly a knight in shining armor. But if you aren't in love with him, why should you care?"
Edgeworth recoiled, a pink tint coloring his cheeks at the L-word. "B-because he's my friend!"
Godot smiled softly, staring at his reflection in the dark liquid inside his cup. "I wondered what had happened to the hard ass prosecutor I knew. What made you go soft. But then I met Mr. Wright," he said, complying with his wishes and using his actual name.
"Don't act like I was someone to admire. I had lost myself and forgot what justice really meant. He merely opened my eyes," he explained.
"Now that's sounds like a love confession if I've ever heard one. You two go together like coffee and cream: he sweetened the dark bitterness you're known for and made you more palatable."
Edgeworth straightened to his full height, hair falling in front of his face. "Excuse me? I refuse to be insulted in my own office!"
"Well that was hardly an insult."
"You just called me bitter an insinuated that I was intolerable," he deadpanned.
"Heh, I did, didn't I? Well I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."
"Whatever. I request that you leave my office so that I may get back to work," he said, sitting back down at his desk.
Godot snorted in amusement. "That's the kindest way I've ever been told to get the hell out."
"Alright, alright." He turned to leave, but paused at the door. Miles sighed deeply.
"What now?"
"If you really don't like him, then you shouldn't mind if I flirt with him, right?" he asked smugly. Edgeworth's head snapped up with a gasp. He made to stand, a protest already on the tip of his tongue, but Diego shut the door before he could say anything.
Miles was left in his office, seething with a quiet rage. He couldn't go after him, that would only prove his point. So he did the only thing he could think to do. He pulled out his phone and texted Franziska.
be mean to Godot
A few minutes later, his phone dinged with her reply.
lol ok. Why?
because we're mad at him >:(
what did that fool do now?
He thought about his answer carefully before sending it.
he's going to break Wright's heart
No, he couldn't send that.
he accused me of being in love with Wright
He shook his head, deleting the message and starting over.
nothing. Just let him know you're angry
haha got it. I'll whip his mask clean off his face! >:)
He chuckled softly at his sister's antics.
maybe not that mean
By the next day, Miles had mostly forgotten about his conversation with Godot. That was until he walked into the courthouse and was greeted by his stupid smug face.
"There you are Edgey boy!" he greeted enthusiastically, coffee sloshing in its mug.
"Don't call me that."
"Right, only Phoenix can call you that," he teased. Miles allowed a smirk to grace his features.
"Or Larry. He was the one who came up with the nickname after all." Godot hummed as he walked beside him. For a moment, the only sound was their shoes clacking in unison on the linoleum tiles. Then they spotted Phoenix and Maya come out of a debriefing room. Miles shot Godot a glare.
"Don't you dare," he threatened.
"Oh I dare," he said, trotting away and over to his target. Phoenix spotted him coming his way and quickly turned around, grabbing Maya's arm and speed walking away. He kept his head down and eyes focused on the ground. Maya let out a small "ope" sound as he dragged her along. She looked over her shoulder to see what made Nick turn so abruptly down the hall.
"Uuuh Nick? Godot's jogging right towards us," she whispered.
"I know," he said, keeping his voice down.
"Well what did you do?" she asked before plastering on a wide smile to hide her confusion when the man approached suddenly. "Heeeey!" she waved, coming off as overly friendly in an attempt to hide the fact they were just talking about him.
"Hey Trite, whatcha been up to?" he asked, sidling up next to him. He slung his arm around his shoulders and pressed into his side. Phoenix made a small noise of shock, body going rigid.
"Umm, I was in a briefing," he said, casting a glance towards Maya. She merely shrugged.
"That's nice. So what's this case about?" he asked, letting genuine curiosity seep into his voice. Edgeworth was grumbling to himself as he stormed after him. He needed to intervene somehow.
Phoenix was slightly taken aback by the question. "Oh! It's nothing too exciting, just an assault charge."
Godot clicked his tongue, tipping his mug in his direction. "That's a real shame, your best work is on murder cases."
Wright blinked in surprise. "Really?" he asked skeptically. "I thought you said that I was a sloppy rookie who didn't deserve to be where I am today," he sassed, crossing his arms and looking him up and down.
He winced slightly, hearing his own words said back to him. He needed to try to smooth this over to seem sincere.
"Oooooo," Maya said in typical childish fashion, like when another student is called to the principal's office. She shut herself up when Godot shot her a look. A small, guilty smile was still on her face however.
Edgeworth had been able to hear most of the conversation and was eager to hear the prosecutor dig himself out of that one.
"My opinion of you is starting to change amigo," he said smoothly, taking a sip. Phoenix's eyes widened in surprise.
"I'm truly shocked to hear you admit that you've changed your mind," Miles spoke snidely. He purposefully stood closer to Phoenix, subtly separating the two. Godot noticed and smirked.
"What can I say? It's called growing as a person," he snarked back. Godot reached out and grabbed Edgeworth by the shoulder, then had the gall to shove him out of the way. He leaned into Wright's personal space, posture lax with one hand in his pocket. Phoenix had a nervous grin on his face, cheeks growing pink.
"Aaah I'm- glad for the personal development," he said, arching his back a bit to lean away. He gave a quick and confused glance towards Miles, as if to say "what the hell's going on?"
"Didn't anyone ever teach you about personal space? I'm sure he would prefer not to have to smell your coffee breath," he scolded, and this time it was Godot's turn to blush from embarrassment.
Maya snorted and giggled softly, and Phoenix had to plaster his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. His cheeks were puffed up with air as he struggled not to chuckle along. The sight was utterly adorable, and Miles felt pride in the fact that he made him laugh.
Godot's lip twitched in an angry sneer as he straightened his tie. "For your information, my breath is perfectly fine. I make sure to always have gum on me," he explained. Maya and Phoenix shared a look somewhere between amusement and annoyance at their exchange.
Godot looked over at Phoenix and flashed his most dazzling smile. "After all, you never know when you'll need fresh breath."
He let out a quiet gasp, eyes shifting down to his mouth for a split second. Godot pulled out his pack of gum, flicking it open with his thumb. "Care for a piece?"
"Oh! I-um- sure," he stuttered, reaching out and taking one.
"Sweet! Can I have some?" Maya asked, batting her eyes. Godot looked down at her, deflating slightly as he remembered she was there. "Oh, yeah I guess," his voice didn't have near the same tone as when he was addressing Phoenix. She either didn't notice or didn't care, snatching two pieces of gum. She offered one to Edgeworth, which he accepted with a soft smile.
"Thank you Maya. I think I'll save mine for later. Like you said, I never know when I'll need a fresh mouth," he said, looking at Phoenix as he finished the sentence.
He smiled and looked down at the floor as his cheeks got redder.
Maya didn't know what was going on exactly, but she could definitely sense the awkward tension between Edgeworth and Godot. And it was clear that Phoenix was caught in the middle of their exchange.
"Um, I'm just gonna pick Pearl up from the play room," she excused herself, heading to the courthouse's daycare.
"Oh good. Maybe Edgey would like to go with you," he volunteered the other to leave. Phoenix quirked a brow hearing the nickname leave Godot's mouth. "Since when did you start calling him that?" He only received a shrug and a crooked grin in return.
"No offense Maya but I would not. Wright and I have plans for lunch," he bluffed, making said plans up on the spot.
"We do?" Phoenix asked, brows furrowing. Then his eyes widened as he caught on. "Oh yeah we do!" He stood next to Edgeworth, his shoulders releasing visible tension as he did so.
"Oh really? Where are you eating?"
They responded in unison, but with different answers.
"Jack's Burger Shack."
"Sashimi Temple."
Godot smirked, catching them in their lie. "Well? Which is it?"
"We haven't decided," Wright said, looking at Miles for "confirmation."
"Right. I'm good with whatever you want," he said, smiling at Phoenix.
"How can you tell when he's agreeing with you and when he's just saying your name?" Godot teased. He couldn't help but giggle at the question.
"Heh, I don't know, I guess I've just learned how to tell the difference," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a half smile on his face and eyes squinted shut. Godot couldn't help but notice the strain on the fabric of his suit as he stretched his arm.
"Whoa, you been workin' out Trite?" he asked and before he could answer, he reached out and squeezed his bicep. His face flushed at the contact.
"Oh y-yeah, you noticed? Glad to see it's starting to pay off," he said, admiring his own arms. He flexed again, striking a new pose.
"Mind if I start calling you espresso? 'Cause you sure can pack a punch," Godot all but purred. Edgeworth couldn't believe that Phoenix was falling victim to his sleazy charm. Who was he kidding, if someone as attractive as Godot hit on him, he'd cave just as quickly. He had to refrain from sneering.
"Ha! If you want I guess you could. But don't start calling me short," he said pointedly, but with just enough playfulness to still be considered flirty. Miles's eyes were still transfixed on Wright's admittedly large biceps. Godot saw the opening and took the shot.
He snapped his fingers right in his face to gain his attention. H blinked and flinched, attention drawn to his smug face. "Earth to Edgeworth. You copy?" He scoffed and shoved the hand out of his face. Phoenix nudged him gently.
"If you wanted to feel them too you could've just said so," he teased.
"That's not-" but his denial died on his tongue when he was met with both of their knowing looks. He turned his head away but still reached out to feel his arm. There was no way he was passing up that opportunity.
"Hard as a rock, huh?" Phoenix asked and yes, he was totally fishing for compliments.
"I was going to say like sculpted marble," he said smoothly. Miles couldn't let Godot be the only one flirting with him. Said man only smirked wider, seeing as he was proven right. Regardless what Edgeworth said after this, it would be undeniable that he had feelings for the defense attorney.
"So, you got room for one more or are you dining at a table for two?" he questioned, subtly inviting himself. Edgeworth was ready to shoot down the request, but Wright beat him to it.
"Uh, sure you can join." Curse his kind nature.
"Sweet. Not as sweet as you, coffee creamer," he let his voice drop an octave, flashing another dazzling smile. Phoenix giggled and hid his face in one hand.
"Oho man, that was like, really stupid."
"Made you laugh, didn't I?" he teased, propping his elbow on his shoulder as they walked. Miles walked behind them and watched the prosecutor like a hawk, gritting his teeth all the while. He was relieved when they got to the parking lot.
"Wright, would you be a dear and ride with me? I'd like your opinion on this case I'm working on," he requested. He immediately perked up and walked over, leaving Diego's side.
"Sure, I'd love to! It'll be nice to give my legs a break from all the pedaling," he joked, walking over to his car and pulled the door handle. When it didn't open he frowned and tried again. And again. He kept pulling, making the annoying clicking noise each time it failed to open the door. "Miiiiiles," he whined.
He shook his head with a fond smile, chuckling softly. He unlocked the car just as Phoenix tugged again. He wasn't expecting that and stumbled a few steps backwards. Godot, never one to miss an opportunity, purposefully knocked his foot out from under him, just so he could catch him in a dip.
Edgeworth gasped as he saw him fall, clenching his fist as he watched Godot swiftly catch him like some kind of techno prince charming. Phoenix let out a small yelp as he fell, gripping onto his vest as he was caught.
His mouth was slightly agape as he stared up at Godot. He wore a sly yet heart-melting grin. Phoenix stuttered out a quiet thank you.
"It was no problem. Be sure to watch your footing next time though," he said, clicking his tongue. The ace attorney felt his heartbeat quicken and butterflies fluttered inside his stomach. Edgeworth's eye twitched in anger and he cleared his throat.
"If my eyes serve me well, which they do, it was you who tripped him," Miles called him out. Godot shrugged guiltily and helped steady him on his feet.
"What can I say? It was just too tempting, just like how you look in that suit," he went on to compliment him. Phoenix's eyes widen, cheeks flushed. He ran a hand through his hair nervously.
"M-me?" Godot nodded.
"Mhmm. It really brings out your eyes. Not to mention how nicely tailored it is." He bit his lip, looking him up and down. "You're about as enticing as a hot steaming cub o' joe," he flirted, laying it on thick. Wright's face turned beat red and he looked at the ground, flattered giggles leaving his lips. He tugged on the collar of his shirt. Edgeworth was by his side in an instant, ushering him closer to the car.
"Where you off to in such a hurry?" he taunted.
"Jack's Burgers," he practically growled, walking around the front of his car. He plopped in the driver's seat as Phoenix closed his door, waving at Godot as they drove off.
Edgeworth's jaw was set and he gripped the wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white. Phoenix placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and he relaxed slightly.
"Miles what's wrong? You've been in a bad mood since I've seen you. Is it the case? Is that why you've been so grumpy?" he asked, concern clearly written on his face.
He sighed deeply. He should probably be honest with him- or rather halfway honest. He couldn't possibly tell him the whole truth.
"Actually I lied about that. I simply wanted to get away from him." Phoenix snorted in amusement.
"What's this? The great Miles Edgeworth lying? This must be serious," he chuckled, bumping their shoulders together.
He seemed to relax now that it was just the two of them. "He was really starting to get on my nerves."
"Yeah I noticed. He seemed to be in a lot better mood today, especially towards me. I don't know, but I can't help but think he's after something," he pondered aloud. Miles glanced at him from the corner of his eye.
"He's a top prosecutor, he's always after something."
"You're not," Phoenix said gently. Edgeworth took a breath to steady himself.
"How do you know we're not after the same thing?" They reached a red light and he turned to look at him.
"I'd ask what it is, but I have a feeling you won't tell me," he smirked.
"You're right, as usual."
"Well it is my name after all," he joked. Miles chuckled and shook his head.
"That was awful. Why did I laugh?"
"Because you love me," he teased. Oh if only he knew how accurate that statement was.
"Heh, I suppose I do somewhat."
"Nah you adore me. Admit it, I'm your favorite person," he goaded, leaning into his personal space. He even went as far as to lay his head on his shoulder.
"You're tied with Franziska," he admits.
"Wow, that's high praise." He hummed in agreement.
When they arrived at the diner, Godot was already waiting for them. Miles rolled his eyes as  he spotted him leaning against the wall near the entrance. And where the hell did he find a toothpick? One leg was propped against the brick, arms folded across his chest and fuck he looked cool. If Edgeworth were a lesser man, he'd want to slap him.
"There you are! For a hot second there I thought you might've changed your mind and tried to ditch me," he taunted.
Miles wore a bored expression. "Don't tempt me."
"Hey, what happened to the Edgeworth that was in the car? All relaxed and smiley?" Phoenix asked, even poking his cheek to try and break the stern facade. He couldn't help but grin at the playful gesture.
"Ah, probably 'cause I'm here," Godot waved him off.
"Yes, that's precisely it," he answered with a rude smirk. Phoenix gasped.
"Miles!" he scolded.
"No no, it's completely my fault. I barged into his office and gave him a rude awakening of sorts. Please, allow me to make it up to you. Edgey."
He scoffed and Godot wrapped his arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. "Lunch, my treat." When Miles turned to look at him, they were practically nose to nose. And Godot was so smug, it was infuriatingly amusing. He cracked a smile and shook his head.
"I'd be a fool to pass up a free lunch."
"Atta boy!" he cheered, pulling Phoenix closer in the same manner.
They were seated at a booth in a corner. Godot motioned with a bow for Phoenix to sit first. He chuckled and slid into the seat. Before Miles could make it to the seat next to him, Godot sat down in the empty spot in one fluid movement. He shot Edgeworth a victorious smirk.
Wright picked up on the tension, drumming a rhythm on the table and whistling quietly. He tried to make small talk.
"Sooo Godot. Saying you like coffee would be an understatement. I'm curious, if you could make your own coffee, what would you call it?"
He perked up at the question, scratching the stubble on his chin. "I couldn't just make one coffee, I'd have a whole brand. It would be an assortment of the darkest roasts and combination blends out there. I think our signature brew would be called Laser Beans. Ya get it? Like laser beams but it's coffee beans," he rambled on about his imaginary coffee business.
"Please, you do not have to explain the elementary concept of your pun," Miles quipped. Just for that, Godot scooted closer to Wright.
"Another popular blend: number 162, the Phoenix. Strong and sweet, with an unexpected fiery kick that rises from the grounds. Just what you need on those long, rough days." Phoenix gulped, staring at the red lines of his mask. Godot cocked his head, looking over at a furious Edgeworth.
"Wouldn't you agree Miles?"
"Yes- I mean no- I mean- I'm not much of a coffee person," he fumbled over his words. He jerked his head to the side, focusing on a crack in the wall.
"I think he's just too embarrassed to admit it," he whispered loudly, making eye contact with Miles as he said it.
"Heh, yeah you got him good with that one," Phoenix agreed.
"Ngh- who's side are you on anyways?" he asked defensively.
"My side," he said, clearly proud of himself. Miles softened at those words, unable to stay annoyed at him.
"Of course you are."
The waiter came and took their drink orders before leaving them be.
"I'm surprised you got water. I was expecting coffee," Phoenix mused.
"It's important to stay adequately hydrated," he explained, browsing through the menu.
"With how much you drink it, I would've thought you'd drop dead asleep without it," Edgeworth teased, looking at his own menu.
"Nah, I could drink eight cups and go to sleep right after. I'm used to the caffeine," he said casually.
"Wait, then what do you do when you need to stay up? Drink a whole pot?" Phoenix asked, bumping their shoulders together. He turned to him with his most charming smile.
"Well, instead of coffee keeping me awake, I could just have you," he said in a sultry voice. Phoenix flushed a dark crimson with an embarrassed, lopsided grin on his face as his eyes shifted between Godot and Miles. He was rendered speechless, the only sound he was able to make was a drawn out "uuh."
Godot grunted in pain when Edgeworth swiftly kicked his shin.
"Quite forward, aren't we?" he growled.
"You know I am," he said, snapping his fingers at him.
"And has your vulgar cockiness ever gotten you far?" he countered.
"Sure it does. I always make it to home base," he teased. Miles was relieved when the waiter came to set their drinks down, disrupting the conversation. They asked if they were ready to order yet, but Godot had spent so much time flirting with Phoenix, that he'd barely looked at the menu. And Miles was so busy keeping him in line that he didn't know what to order either. So they asked for a few extra minutes.
"You should really consider using your time wisely," Edgeworth advised. Godot snorted and mumbled something about him doing the same.
"I think I'm gonna have the Jack classic, what about you?" Phoenix asked, looking across the table at Miles.
"I think I'll have the same," he said, offering a warm smile.
Godot's smirk grew. "I'm leaning more towards the thhhick patty," he said, drawing out the word. Phoenix arched a brow and chuckled.
"You really put a lot of emphasis on the word thick there," he teased.
"What can I say? I like a lot of meat on my buns," he leaned closer, placing a hand on Wright's knee and squeezed gently. Phoenix giggled and scooted away in the seat.
"Hey, watch it. I'm ticklish," he admitted. Godot grinned like a shark.
"Oh Trite, don't you know that's not something you admit?" he teased, repeating the motion. Phoenix barked out a laugh, pushing the hand away playfully. Miles was glaring daggers at them and grit his teeth. He was the picture of jealousy.
When Wright moved his hand away, Godot purposefully interlocked their fingers so that they were holding hands. Edgeworth let out an angry huff and held the menu up to block his view. Or maybe to prevent them from seeing the sneer on his face. The world is cruel however, and Godot is even crueler. Which is exactly why he grabbed the top of the menu and pulled it down to meet his eyes directly.
"Thought you said you knew what to order. Why're you hiding from us?" he asked, elbows propped on the table as he leaned forward.
"I... I'm not! I simply thought I saw someone I don't particularly like and didn't want them to see me. But looking at them now I realize my mistake," he easily lied.
"Yeah, you and I have made a lot of enemies," Godot agreed. He looked between Wright and Edgeworth. "At first I thought you two were. But now that I've gotten to know you both a little more, I realize that couldn't be farther from the truth." As much as he loved riling Miles up, his ultimate goal was to make him admit his feelings for the other.
They both flushed a pale pink, looking away. After the waiter took their orders, Phoenix excused himself to the bathroom. Godot was smiling smugly as he watched him leave.
"It's times like these that I'm grateful for my visor. It would be a real shame if I wasn't able to watch that ass leave, wouldn't you agree?" he asked, looking at him with a shit eating grin. Miles slammed a fist on the table in anger.
He spoke low so as to not cause a scene, but his jaw was still clenched. "I order you to stop this at once."
"What, the flirting? You said you didn't like him, so why should it bother you?" he asked innocently.
"You speak out of your ass, you use crude and childish humor, you're completely insincere, your pick up lines are cheesy and all coffee related, and you're invading his personal space constantly!" he scolded quietly. Godot shrugged.
"He sure doesn't seem to mind. Maybe he likes the attention. People tend to enjoy my company," he bragged.
"You have no intentions other than making me angry," he pointed out.
"And it's working," he boasted. Miles's mouth gaped open as he thought of a response.
"So what if it is? I could just as easily be angry due to the fact that he's my friend, and you're nothing more than some- some playboy who's trying to prove a point!"
"Aww you think I'm a playboy? That's my new favorite compliment," he said, resting his chin on his hands.
Edgeworth raised an unamused brow. "It really shouldn't be. You're classier than that, Diego."
He snorted in amusement. "Even after all those things you said about me?" Miles rolled his eyes fondly.
"Yes, even after all that. So be the bigger man and put an end to this," he reasoned.
"Depends. You got a crush on Wright?"
"I still don't see how that's any of your business."
He shrugged, halfway triumphant. "Hey, that's better than the harsh no I got earlier. You'll admit it sooner or later."
"Not to you I won't," he growled. Edgeworth fiddled with his napkin and laid it across his lap neatly.
"To be honest, I don't care if you admit it to me."
He cocked his head, looking at him skeptically. "You don't?"
Godot shook his head. "No. I just want you to admit it to Trite."
Edgeworth's eyes widened and he recoiled slightly at those words. "Are you insane? I can't possibly tell him that!"
"Tell me what?" Phoenix asked as he walked up. Miles stuttered out an answer.
"Oh! Um, I-I'll tell you later. Now isn't... a good time."
Phoenix gave him a look as he sat down next to him. "You sure you're okay? You're acting, I don't know, weird."
Edgeworth was going to come up with something to say to that, but Godot beat him to it. He held his hands up in surrender. "You got us. There's no reason to lie to him any more Edgey. Truth is, he's planning you a surprise party."
Phoenix's brows shot up. "Wow really? But it's not for another two months or so."
"Yeah well, you know him. Always so organized, and he thinks three steps ahead. Sorry about ruining the surprise," Godot apologized for wrecking the fake party.
Wright rubbed the back of his neck and offered a shy smile. "Don't be! Knowing me, I'll probably forget about it by then. So-"
He was cut off by Godot's phone ringing. "Sorry, one sec." He checked the caller ID, brows furrowing. "That's weird, it's Gumshoe. Hope everything's okay." He answered the call with a flick of his wrist, holding the phone up to his ear. "Hey Dick, everything cool?"
"IT MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT COOL!" Gumshoe screamed into the speaker. Godot winced and held the phone away from his ear. Edgeworth and Wright shared a look of slight concern.
"Is everything okay?" Phoenix asked quietly. Godot nodded and waved a hand as if to say "all good."
"Hey keep your voice down will you? You're about to burst my eardrum," he said with a small chuckle.
"NO I WILL NOT! JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GETTING BETWEEN PHOENIX AND EDGEWORTH LIKE THAT?" Both men in question went stiff as a board, faces turning red.
Godot paled as he was chewed out. "Uuh hey this really isn't the time-"
Godot offered them an embarrassed grin. "Uh, can you excuse me?" They both refused to meet his gaze and just hummed in agreement. The prosecutor slid out of the booth, holding the phone up to his ear, speaking in a hushed yet firm tone.
"Listen Dick, you got it all wrong. I was just-"
"No you listen to me pal! Maya told me the whole thing!"
Godot walked into the bathroom of the restaurant to have a more private conversation. "Look, it's not like that. I'm not trying to hook up with Trite or whatever you think is going on."
"... You're not?" Gumshoe asked, sounding skeptical.
"No. In fact, I'm trying to get them together." Gumshoe snorted.
"You sure got a funny way of showing it."
"I'm making Edgeworth jealous so that he'll admit his feelings," he explained, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Ooooh, that's smart!"
"Yeah, so don't go blabbering to Phoenix. I know you can't keep a secret."
"Hey I can totally keep secrets! I just don't want to very often!" he defended himself.
"Alright, are we done here? 'Cause we're out at lunch, and our food should be getting here soon."
"Okay yeah, sorry about the mix up. I'll let you get back to lunch," Dick said, hanging up. Godot heaved a sigh of relief, wiping a few beads of sweat from his forehead.
Meanwhile, Phoenix and Miles sat in an awkward silence as they watched Godot leave. Miles was sitting rigidly, staring at the napkin in his lap. Phoenix twirled the straw around in his glass.
"C-can you believe him? Heh, Gumshoe sure does have an active imagination," Wright said nervously, desperate to break the silence. Miles was quick to agree.
"Yes, he does," he allowed a soft smile to grace his features. "I suppose he's a romantic at heart," he reasoned.
"Uh, yeah. I guess he is," he agreed. The expression on his face was a mixture of nervousness, confusion, and a touch of sadness. Edgeworth took a deep breath. It was either now or never.
"But is he wrong?"
Phoenix whipped his head over to look at him. "What?" He tried to mask the hopefulness in his voice.
"While what he says may seem odd or far fetched at times, he's usually right." He spared a glance at Wright, trying to read him.
"Miles, a-are you saying-"
"I like you Phoenix. As a friend, yes, but... also more," he finally admitted.
Phoenix practically lit up. "Really? Wow that's- I mean- I've liked you since the third grade!" he blurted out, relieved to finally get this off his chest.
"I... also had a bit of a crush. And when we met in court that first time, all those feelings I thought I'd left behind came flooding back." Wright reached out, holding his hand. They stared at each other, warm smiles lighting up the room.
Miles started chuckling softly, and Phoenix cocked his head, an amused smirk on his face. "What's so funny?"
"Godot was doing all this to make me jealous, so that I'd admit my feelings. And it worked."
He nudged him with his elbow teasingly. "Well then, I guess a thank you's in order." Edgeworth groaned, though it was just for show.
"If I thank him then I'll never hear the end of it," he complained lightheartedly.
"Maybe that's not the worst thing. You're cute when you're annoyed and embarrassed," Phoenix cooed, propping his arm on the table to rest his chin in his hand. Miles blushed softly.
"S-stop it, that's supposed to be my line," he grumbled playfully, looking away. Phoenix smirked and pecked his cheek, relishing in the way his blush darkened considerably.
Godot was watching from around the corner of the hall, letting them have their moment. He wore a satisfied smirk as he walked up to their table. Both Wright and Edgeworth scooted away, acting as though nothing had happened.
"Don't play coy you two. I knew my plan would work. You're welcome by the way." They were both rendered flustered and speechless, even as the waiter set down their food.
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milkbaer · 3 years
love to hate you | part 3
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„Grateful about the invitation of the queen, they are however not so grateful about her plans.”
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• Pairing: Prince Friedrich x Reader (Princess of Bavaria) • Word count: 4.6k • Warnings: nothing, just the usual
• A/N: Because I’m a total idiot & couldn’t resists … I decided to switch up the collage every 2 chapters or so. C: Hopefully you all enjoy reading part 3 as much I did writing it lol
 • Small dictionary: Bärli – a cute nickname, kinda a cute way to say bear Wundervoll – wonderful, lovely, delightful etc. Mein Prinz – my prince Einfach himmlisch – (prob not the best translation) simply heavenly, wonderful, divine … something is just so good that it’s like smth divine
  Dear Readers,
You might have heard so already, yet another prince has set foot on English shore. Traveling from the Alps, Karl of Bavaria attended Lady Danbury’s latest soirée. As This Author has heard, they both know each other from the prince’s time at Cambridge. But I fear that I must disappoint all ambitious mamas, having made plans to snatch the other prince. Your Highness has arrived with his wife and daughter, Marie and Y/N of Bavaria. And This Author must admit that amongst the ladies of the ton, the young princess felt like a fresh breath of air. With her gown she truly looked like an edelweiss in the alps. I might say she is able to compete with our Incomparable. But do not fret all my ambitious mamas, I can assure you that the reason for the travels is not the prospect of marriage. There is no intention in looking for a gentleman on the princess’ side. All debutantes must be delighted at that, but I am sure that some gentlemen might not. But who can tell the future? Certainly not This Author, I fear.
– Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers
“I see you’ve left quite the impression, my dear,” spoke the queen, addressing you, but not looking up from the paper she held. It wasn’t the first time that you dined with a queen, but breakfast felt a bit more private and intimate than a banquet. Honestly, Queen Charlotte made you a bit nervous; you didn’t know her, and her palace was enormous and made you feel like you were in a different time. And she intimidated you, a lot. You only knew her for some hours and yet you could tell that she was the queen of giving looks.  You were unable to read the queen, maybe she was judging you for something or maybe not. You couldn’t tell.
“Yes? Who did I impress?” you asked, clueless, having no idea who she was referring to. Who could you have impressed that the queen was so delighted?
“Lady Whistledown.” Friedrich’s voice caught you off guard, he hadn’t spoken to you all morning, except for a curt ‘Good Morning’. Even now he wasn’t looking up from his plate. Instead, he shoved some scrambled egg into his mouth. “The paper my aunt is reading.”
Your eyes wandered back to the queen. Indeed, she was still focused on the small, white rectangle in her hand. You wouldn’t be too sure, but she hadn’t looked up from it once. Which means, that this paper must be really good. “Pardon, Your Majesty, but when you’re done reading Lady Whistledown could you lend it to me? I would love to read it too.”
For the first time Queen Charlotte’s eyes detached from the paper and with a quirked brow she looked at you. Was she sizing you up? Was she judging you? Had it been wrong from you to ask for it? To your relief her face turned into a small, amusing smile. “Of course, my dear. You can have it when I’m done.”
The queen was right, this paper was good! You couldn’t connect any of the names to a human being and yet you couldn’t stop reading it. Once you’d knew who this Lady Whistledown was referring to, it would be even better. But you already felt bad for the poor Miss Featherington.
Queen Charlotte watched with pursed lips how you soaked up the gossip of the ton. Solely by your wide, excited but nosy eyes could she, and honestly everyone else, see how much you enjoyed the rag. But the queen wasn’t much interesting in your reading habits. Her royal majesty couldn’t get the words, the praise of the anonymous writer out of her head.
I might say she is able to compete with our Incomparable.
She watched you precisely, examining you from head to toe – or since you were all sitting, your bust. Engrossed by the gossip rag you didn’t notice her sharp, hawk like gaze on you, watching you closely. Nor did anyone else at the table. Friedrich was too occupied by his breakfast, mostly a way to ignore you, and your parents were too engrossed by everything else, the breakfast, the interior.
The queen squinted her eyes, as if that allowed her to see sharp and more of you. She deeply disliked being in the wrong and she counted, she bet on Daphne. But whoever Lady Whistledown was, she was right. You could compete with Daphne, easily. You were a princess after all, nurtured to be flawless. Her sharp eyes moved to her nephew.
She chose Daphne.
You were a princess; you weren’t participating in this game.
She wished, no wanted Friedrich to find his match in Daphne.
The Queen was never wrong.
But …
Everyone likes an interesting season, don’t they?
“Say, how do you know each other?” she asked, leaning back into her chair.
“Oh, they know each other since childhood,” Marie answered. Neither you nor Friedrich were listening. You were too focused on people you didn’t know, and your own appearance, and Friedrich was too focused on ignoring you, blending out as much as possible.
The queen pursed her lips, brooding something under that massive wig of hers. “I see.”
While reading a column about yet another unknown girl, your eyes landed on Friedrich’s name. Curious on what this lady had to say about him, and the girl, you read every line precisely. But it was hardly about him, more about a girl named Daphne and that she has caught his attention. Bridgerton … Daphne … the names sounded familiar, but you couldn’t associate a face to them.
“Who is Miss Daphne Bridgerton?” you asked all sudden. At the mention of Daphne’s name Friedrich looked up, even though he swore he’d never react in any way to your voice again.
Friedrich stared at you in annoyance and disbelief. “Are you joking? You met her at the soirée.”
“Well, I met quite a few people. I can’t remember everyone.” He didn’t know why but your ignorance about Daphne irritated, no, angered him. How could you not know her?
“Oh, Bärli,” your mother Marie stated, knowing of your difficulties. “Reddish hair, blue dress. I think she was with this one duke.”
At the mention of a certainduke the queen and Friedrich frowned.
“Oh! The one with the bangs?” you asked, mimicking Daphne’s look with your index fingers. Marie nodded, it was exactly the one with the devil, or bee antenna, like bangs. Friedrich groaned in annoyance, he couldn’t cut off the feeling that you were purposely mocking her, and he couldn’t take it. He couldn’t let you mock poor Daphne. “Why are you even asking?”
“Oh, well.” You held up Lady Whistledown. “The lady is writing about her, the duke and you. Something about marriage. – I was just curious, that’s why I’m asking.”
“Lucky Daphne, being courted by a duke and a prince.” You sighed, maybe a bit too melodramatic.
They both frowned even more. Being maybe enamoured or well, , interested in Miss Bridgerton Friedrich didn’t like listening to stories about her and the duke. As a prince he could easily marry her, but he wasn’t one who used his title for love. And the queen disliked being in the wrong, even though she liked her season interesting.
After a moment of silence and peace, the topic of Lady Whistledown and Daphne long died down, Queen Charlotte approached you again. “Say, my dear. How do you like London so far?”
“Sadly, I haven’t seen much of it yet, your Majesty. But it is a wonderful city.”
Marie giggled. “Oh, I assure you, that’s not even all. She was thrilled when we arrived in London. Oh, you must have seen her when we reached Dover!”
Your mama could chatter for hours, especially when the topic were her children. Like so often, when she got caught in her flood of words, you tuned her out and focused on something else. No one seemed to listen to Marie’s rant, expect for the queen maybe, who nodded along with pursed lips. But she looked deeply in thought, like she was scheming something.
“Friedrich,” Queen Charlotte said, eying her nephew sharply. “Why don’t you show our guest around Town? Y/N hasn’t seen it yet and it would be a shame, if she left without seeing its splendour.”
Hearing her words, you couldn’t help yourself but stare at Friedrich in shock. He should be your tour guide? Him? Your papa knew London too, he could do the exact same job.
Friedrich didn’t look as appalled, but he wasn’t so fond of the idea either. His day could be spent with better activities, and people.
“That would be splendid, your Majesty,” you uttered. “But I am sure, that Friedrich’s schedule is filled to the brim.”
“No. – Actually, he has nothing planned,” she stated. “Or am I mistaken, Friedrich? As far as I know, Miss Bridgerton is not in town today.”
He gritted his teeth, wishing it was different. “No, you’re right, she is out with her family. – But I thought about riding …”
She turned back to you, a satisfied, even victorious, smile adorning her face. “Well, my nephew has nothing planned. He will gladly show you around London.”
“B-but what about a chaperone? I mean, even if we have guards accompany us, it would be unproper for us to go alone!” you spluttered, feeling like eight again, when Franziska and you had accidentally knocked over an old Meissen vase and tried to blame Maxi for it.
Sadly, all sucked up in the moment, you had forgotten that you were visiting London with your parents. “Bärli, mein Dummerchen, I will be your chaperone,” Marie chirped. “I, too, would like to see London.”
“Wundervoll…” Friedrich groaned under his breath, resisting the urge to ran his hands over his face and through his hair. His day was ruined.
“Wonderful!” exclaimed the queen, sounding very delighted, too delighted even. “Then it’s all settled.”
Standing in the hall all dressed up in a walking dress and matching pelisse, waiting for Friedrich and your mama to arrive, you were fuming. You couldn’t believe that your planless day had been ruined like that. No activity was pleasant as long god damn Friedrich of Prussia attended to it. And when he finally arrived, dressed in his usual boring Prussian-blue uniform, you glared at him.
You threw daggers at him.
Friedrich wasn’t excited either but never had he seen you in such a sour mood, not since your childhood. And when he saw you, all fuming and mad, glaring at him dangerously, he gulped. Never had he seen you look so threatening.
Stomping your way over to him, you jabbed your finger into his chest. “This is all your fault!”
Already fed up with your attitude Friedrich grabbed your finger, forcefully, and pulled you towards him, chests almost touching. He hadn’t been that close to you since your last dance. Under normal circumstances the small distance of our bodies would irritate you, but now, all filled with your anger and other unpleasant emotions you didn’t even noticed.
“It’s not and you know it,” he snarled angrily, tightening his grip on your wrist. He was so incredibly close that you could feel his breath faintly brushing the tip of your nose and cheeks..
Huffing in anger was all you did, not knowing what to retort to that. He was right and you knew it. But you never would admit it, you were far too mad at him and the whole situation. It was obvious that none of you liked the current situation and yet he did nothing to writhe you out of it.
In anger you managed to forcefully twist and pull your hand out of his grasp. Tumbling back, you gripped, and caressed your tormented wrist with a hiss. He was stronger than you remembered.
“You could have called it off,” you hissed, still rubbing your wrist. “You men always have something important to do, don’t you?”
“I can’t! I gave her my word!” He didn’t. But he was smart enough to not objecting a queen, especially if she was the sister of his mother. It was better to be done with it quickly. Who even said that he had to spend the whole day with you and your mother?
Again, you huffed, and he felt it was the only thing you did now, but it was amazingly annoying. “Of course, you did,” you scoffed, glaring at him.
Wanting to retort to that, saying anything to have the last word, Friedrich opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Yes, he always kept his words but now he was lost of them. He wanted to throw them against your head, coaxing out a reaction, another one of your vexed faces. But he couldn’t. And when his brain finally put some words together, he had to shut it because he could hear Princess Marie approaching. Friedrich had stood there like a fool, like a damn fool and giving by your haughty, mocking grin you knew. You enjoyed it, took pleasure in seeing him like that.
. . .
It was difficult to stroll around London, sharing a coach and sidewalk, pretending not to love the idea to throttle each other. Especially accompanied by a chaperone that was your mother, who not only smiled delightful at the sight of Mayfair, Belgravia and other districts but also at the enforced couple across her. Gladly you would have loved to kick his shins multiple times but not with your mama’s eyes on you.
Briefly Friedrich had shown you Hyde Park, well you drove past it and he told you it was, well, a large park, where people did different activities. He had told Marie, not you, that he sometimes rode through it. Then you stopped at a huge, impressive building called Somerset House. Having been told that inside was a huge art gallery, walls literally painted with art from the ceiling to the floor, Marie and you wanted to visit it immediately. But Friedrich had to disappoint you. It wasn’t like a public museum and only shared its extraordinary art collection with the ton on special dates. Of course he didn’t told you, that as members of royalty, and friends and guests of the queen, you didn’t have to wait for a special occasion to visit. Friedrich wasn’t stupid and certainly not keen to spending hours with you alone, ignoring chaperone and guards, between art hung walls. But he was nice enough to inform you, that Somerset House would open its doors soon enough to celebrate its new wing.
And now you were here, strolling through the streets of Mayfair, or another rich part of Town, accompanied by guards and your dear mama. If the members of the tons, and other pedestrians, haven’t noticed prince and princess by themselves, they sure would do now with their entourage.
Carefully your hand lingered on his arm, you weren’t keen on touching it. You had tried to make Friedrich stumble several times, without success, it was difficult to hit his heels when you had to walk beside him. “You can touch me, you know?” Friedrich grumbled, mentally groaning about his own words. But you looked absolutely ridiculous with your hand not touching him even the slightest.
“My uniform is freshly cleaned and you’re just making a fool out of yourself,” he whispered to you, clearly annoyed by your antics. Quickly he regretted his words, when your hand laid down on his arms, pressing your fingers in it with as much pressure as possible. His uniform sleeve was sturdy enough to caught much of your force and yet it felt uncomfortable enough.
“You’re ridiculous!” He gritted his teeth, cerulean eyes glaring at you.
You smiled innocently at him, fluttering your lashes, but he could see the scorn in your face. “Oh, why? I’m just holding onto you with my dear life, mein Prinz.”
Absolutely flabbergasted did he look at you. That was the most disgusting and confusing thing that has ever left your mouth. It had completely thrown him off the tracks. You were unable to call him your Highness but were now calling him your prince? Yours? He was shocked, to say at least, unable to form any words in response. His brain was wiped out. He felt like a fool and with his lips parted, but no words passing through, he also looked like one. And you were absolutely enjoying it. You were bathing in this moment, enjoying his response proudly.
“Oh, what’s this?” you pulled at his arm and nodded towards a whitewashed building. Gentlemen, young and old, were streaming in and out, but looking at the walls it told you nothing. Some young gentlemen, bachelors perhaps, looked rather dashing, you had to admit.
“Can we go in there?” You asked, your eyes following a charming young man with fluffy brunette curls. Having been annoyed by your constant pulling and asking Friedrich now stared at you like you had two heads. As if you were a maniac … but he wouldn’t be surprised if you truly were on.
“And why is that?”
Scoffing at your objection he rolled his eyes in annoyance. You were really testing him today. “Because my dear Y/N,” he stated, sounding like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and it was. “This is a Gentlemen’s club, and you are a woman.”
With wide eyes you starred at the white house. Well, this explained all the gentlemen, and no gentlewoman, swarming in and out of the building. “Oh.”
After the failed attempt of storming a gentlemen’s club, chasing mindless after a curly dandy, the tour around Town was a bit … uneventful. Friedrich showed you around Mayfair, mostly, briefly hinting at shops, cafés and market stalls. It wasn’t like London was boring, but Friedrich made sure to keep everything brief and quick. Not that you were keen on spending your day with him. But his rushed manners annoyed you, a lot. Since the club he was prone to end this as fast as possible.
“Oh! Is that a modiste?” Marie asked joyfully, like the guards she was a good distance behind you. Following her pointed finger, you too saw the small looking shop, all adorned in soft colours. Friedrich sighed, quickly reading the words on the signs above the door. Modiste. It was really a dressmaker…
“Yes, I think so,” was all he said, praying that you two wouldn’t want to go in there.
“Excellent!” Marie exclaimed. “Is she good? Do you know that Friedrich?”
Mentally he groaned, physically he only sighed. “Uh, pardon me.”
“Oh right! I forgot, men don’t go to the modiste,” she giggled.
“Explains why you are always wearing the same blue uniform,” you muttered, unable to hide your grin. You knew that men went to a tailor instead, but you couldn’t waste this opportunity.
He really held the desire to accidentally push you into a muddy puddle, like he did when he was eight or nine years of age. Instead of following his desire he smiled sweetly at Marie.
“Oh, I bet she’s good, but a princess like you surely doesn’t need to visit a local modiste..”
Clearly Friedrich had enough of playing escort for you and if you two would ever decide to visit the modiste he just hoped that you wouldn’t take him with you. Strolling around Town with you, and your death-like grip on his arm, was barely enough for him to handle. You were really testing him and his patience. But as long as Princess Marie was in reach, he was willing to keep up the last crumbles of his peaceful façade.
Almost desperately the prince wished for the day to end.
You, however, thought differently. While you were as much thrilled as he was about spending the day together, you did not like the way he treated you, dragging you around London like a child. Maybe he deserved some more time with you, and sometimes you had to make sacrifices yourself.
Rushing, yet again, through the streets, not listening to Friedrich’s curt explanations, your eyes fell on another whitewashed house. Its windows were rimmed white, and the door was lined with little trees cut into a ball. Different to the gentlemen’s club it had a very telling sign above its entrance.
“Oh! Is that a tea shop?” you asked him, despite already knowing what it was.
Friedrich nodded to that. “I see you can read.”
Feeling quite satisfied with his answer, at least you had rolled your eyes, he tugged you arm to move on. But you kept your feet rooted on the ground. Annoyed he pulled some more until your steal-like fingers left him. “Stop it,” you said. “I would like to go in there.”
Friedrich groaned annoyed, having some tea with you was the least thing he wanted to do. “Come on, we’ve to go.”
“We’re not drinking tea, stop making a fuss,” he hissed, not liking that more people stared at you when you rose your voice. As a prince he was used to the stares of civilians, people stopped and stared whenever a member of royalty walked among them. And they were hard not to see with guards following their every step. But being the centre of attention because of a dispute was different.
“I am not fussing!”
“Yes, you are.”
Huffing in anger, he had already surpassed your state of annoyance with his attitude, you were looking for you last straw. Friedrich might be a prince, but he wasn’t your papa, and you would certainly not let him patronise you. He couldn’t forbid you some cup of tea.
“Mama?” you turned to Marie, who’s interest was piqued immediately. “The whole Town tour is a bit long, isn’t it? Quite tiring I would say. A stop at the tea shop doesn’t sound so bad, don’t you think, Mama?”
Friedrich couldn’t believe his ears. You really had picked that card?
For mere seconds Marie seemed to consider your words if the points you made were valid enough for visiting a tea shop. However, you knew your mother the best. You knew when you’d point out the tea shop and refreshments your mama would agree. Marie never refused the chance of good pastries. “Yes, it is a bit tiring,” she nodded. “I have to admit, I do feel quite thirsty. And the shop looks quite lovely…”
“So do I, Mama.”
“Friedrich, don’t you wish for some tea? You must be exhausted too.” The way Marie smiled at him he would feel more than bad to decline her offer. Frustrated he bit his lips knowing his afternoon was sealed. Refusing you, and only you, wasn’t difficult. But refusing Princess Marie and you? He could hardly do it, especially since your mother hold a kind character. It wasn’t her fault that she gave birth to a malicious witch.
Having tea at a tea shop was different than he had expected, mostly because Friedrich and you weren’t sipping tea but eating ice and pastries instead. Well, scones and macarons surely weren’t surprising for having tea but flavoured ice? When he thought about it, he hadn’t had ice for ages. Maybe he should’ve gone to Gunter’s Tea Shop much, much earlier. He should take Daphne here, she’d love it.
“Mama, are you sure that you don’t want any? The ginger ice cream tastes amazing.”
Nipping at her cup of tea Marie smiled and shook slightly her head. “Thank you, Bärli. But I’m happy with tea and biscuits.”
To be fair, their pastries, especially the macarons were as good as the sorbet. Scooping up some more ginger sorbet you enjoyed its cool and sweet, and slight sour, taste with a delightful hum. It felt like eating angels’ dish. Adding a sweet raspberry macaron made it even better. Right now, you definitely were in heaven.
“Einfach himmlisch,” you sighed over a new scoop of ice cream. In Friedrich’s ears your overjoyed sounds were annoying but sadly also distracting. His plan was simply to ignore you until you three were done with your sweet break. But with every sound you made, and you made a lot, all gushing over Gunter’s sweets, his eyes shot to you. It was only brief, yet distracting and annoying.
Devouring delicious ice cream and pastries apparently made you so happy, you looked like a completely different person to him. More at ease, less pugnacious and … he hated to admit it, but you looked kind and lovely.
“Well, it’s good but not that good,” he grumbled, even though he thought of it as delicious as well, and immediately earned a light kick, with greetings from you. He hissed at the brief but sharp pain. Forget nice and lovely, your looks were some kind of ruse or trap to lure in the innocent to torture them with your wickedness.
But Friedrich made the mistake to look at you. It was meant as a glare, flashing you a grim look of anger, but when he saw you all innocent, and ravished by the simple taste of ice cream, he couldn’t stay mad with you. Usually, he’d love to kick you back or do anything else to repay you but now … all desire for revenge was gone.
Hm, that was really weird.
Must be the light and the whole café itself.
Foremost you sat at a very unfortunate spot, right at the window and near a shiny tray of petit fours, scones and macarons. The pastries didn’t do much to you, or him. But he had to admit that your pelisse worked perfectly well with the shop’s colours. You looked like you belonged here, which was only troubling him slightly. But the window … it must be the window. The noonday sun shone right at you, softened by the white curtains of Gunter’s. It made your hair shone bright and warm, as did your skin, especially your cheeks. You were glowing and blessed with the divine sweet taste of sherbet, looking scarily peaceful, content, and lovely, you looked like a painting that belonged to the national gallery. Daphne had been right you looked lovely.
Friedrich stopped. Had he just thought that you looked lovely? Did he just compare your looks to art? No, he couldn’t – he didn’t. You must have bewitched him with a wicked spell or something, or was this a ruse to confuse his poor mind and trick him? It must be. Knowing you the lady sitting in front of him wasn’t you, she was far too calm for that. You were two separate persons.
But your cheeks looked so warm and soft …
“Friedrich, is everything all right? Your ice is melting,” asked Marie, slightly worrying about the young prince. He hadn’t noticed that he was staring at you, very noticeable. For how long had he looked at you, admiring your changes in look?
Clearing his throat, he smiled at your mother, reassuring her that everything is alright, hoping that she didn’t noticed him starring at her daughter.
“Yes, I was just think– ,” Friedrich winced and whimpered faintly, but noticeable. With a pleased sly smile, you enjoyed another scoop. He needed some time to compose himself from your shoes, you had managed to hit the exact same spot as last time. “I was just thinking. Everything’s good.”
Except for the throbbing pain in his shin, everything was good. It was clearly that his eyes and mind had fooled him, because now he knew that you were not merely a wicked, malicious witch. Minutes ago, you had been a mermaid but you were a siren nonetheless, tricking him with your calmness into believed safety only to torment his leg yet again.
 taglist: @netflixton @onlymexsarah @awesomebooklover17 @verygardenerbanana @bxnnywatts  @freyagallileaevans​ @bicyhot1​
if you want to be tagged as well, let me know :)
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ezrisdax-archive · 4 years
Franmaya sickfic for the bingo prompts?
for my sapphic september bingo card and also over here on ao3
Franziska was awoken by the heavy thump at her door followed by a yelp and a scrambling noise that didn’t make sense to her muddled brain.
Determinedly with only the resolve a Von Karma could have she forced her bleary eyes open and made herself sit up. The room swayed as she did, making her wish to fall back into her pillows but the threat of an intruder loomed large.
Shuffling noises sounded down the hall and Franziska reached over for her phone, ready to call even Gumshoe if the situation deteriorated.
The door to her room creaked open and Franziska blinked at the sudden light, not noticing how dark her room had been until then.
“Oh! You are up!” A familiar voice said and Franziska kept blinking away the spots of light to focus until Maya Fey came into view. “Edgeworth said you were probably still sleeping, I was trying to be quiet just in case, guess I didn’t do a very good job hunh? Good thing I’m a spirit medium and not a ninja. All though…I could be a samurai I’ll bet…” Maya continued onwards, her blathering making Franziska’s head spin.
“Maya Fey.” Franziska bit out but it lacked any harshness with how raspy her voice was.
Maya winced at the noise and dug into the over large bag at her side.
“Here.” She said, pulling out a bottle of apple juice and handing it to Franziska.
When Franziska just stared at it Maya took it back and popped the lid off, handing it back.
“I am not an invalid.” Franziska bristled slightly.
“I didn’t think you were. But Edgeworth said you were feeling terrible. Guess we can’t recover from colds so fast like Nick does. All though he did say he wasn’t as good at it when he was my age.” Maya tilted her head up in thought. “Maybe we’ll get better at it then too.” She set the bag down at the door and then flopped onto the bed covers, nearly hitting Franziska’s leg in the process.
“What?” Franziska asked, taking a sip of the juice only because it was cold and soothing to her throat.
“You know, like we’ll develop a super immune system and be able to fall off bridges with only a cold.”
“I believe that is just a condition limited to Phoenix Wright.”
“He is special that way.” Maya admitted lightly, laughing.
“What are you doing here, Maya Fey?” Franziska asked after she remembered to, not because she’d been sidetracked by Maya laughing or anything ridiculous such as that.
“Oh! Well Edgeworth called our office to say you weren’t doing well, I guess spending all the time in a freezing cold temple trying to get me out wasn’t good for you after all.”
“It wasn’t even you.” Franziska muttered.
“But you thought it was me! And it’s the thought that counts!” Maya insisted. “I just wanted to return the favour so here I am, ready to help you get better! I got the key from Edgeworth, he said ‘tell Franziska not to do anything foolish’.”
Franziska scoffed. “Says the foolish fool himself.”
Maya laughed again. “He said you’d say something like that. I brought everything you need to feel better.” She stood up and walked over to her bag and began pulling things out. “Pearly made you chicken noodle soup and I brought over my Pink Princess DVDs so we can watch them together and here.” Maya pulled out a purple blanket. “My sis bought me this, it always makes me feel better.” She draped it over Franziska without another word.
It smelled vaguely like cedar and incense that Franziska suspected they burned at the temple Maya worked at, strong enough that it could get through even her clogged senses. Except it was making her sneeze.
A box of tissues was shoved in her face and Franziska took them with as much dignity she could muster.
“This isn’t necessary.” Franziska started but was waved off by Maya.
“Don’t be silly, you risked your life for me so it’s the least I can do. Besides, I hate being alone when I’m sick.”
“I am not sick.” Franziska finally denied. “It is merely…a foolish allergy.”
Maya stared at her.
Franziska stared back.
Or tried to which was hard because her eyelids felt to heavy and her head kept drooping .
“Okay…an allergy.” Maya said doubtfully. “Well, either way I’m here for you. Now where’s your TV?”
“I do not have a TV. They are for the foolish.” Franziska muttered.
“What?! You don’t have one?!” Maya groaned. “I guess I could ask Nick to bring me over his…” Maya muttered.
Whatever else she was going to say was lost as Franziska slumped back and sleep over took her again.
When she woke up it was to the sound of swords clinking together, or rather how television shows assumed swords sounded.
“That is incorrect.” Franziska said groggily.
“You’re awake!”
The noise paused as Maya hovered over her, beaming down at Franziska.
“What is that foolish racket?”
“Pink Princess: Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo, episode seven, Our Swords Clash with Thunder! It introduces her sidekick, Oyster.”
“Swords do not create thunder.” Franziska said, trying to focus on what made sense which was really none of it.
“Of course they don’t.” Maya agreed. “But they do clash!”
Franziska opened her mouth for a rebuttal but her stomach grumbled. Maya scrambled off the bed she’d been lying on next to Franziska and scurried off. Franziska watched her go with confusion, wondering if perhaps her brain had just imagined this. Like a terrible painting done by one of Wright’s friends.
The paused picture on the now installed TV before her bed suggested otherwise. The pink was making her a little nauseous and she turned her head to bury into the purple blanket still covering her, a much more elegant colour.
It didn’t feel like long before Maya was back in the room, balancing a tray in her hands that she set down in Franziska’s lap. On the tray was a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a bottle of medicine accompanied by a glass of water. Franziska took the water and medicine, ignoring the Cold Killer X printed on the bottle.
She stared at the soup a little suspiciously.
“Don’t worry, Pearly made it, she’s much better at this than I am.” Maya said, noticing her staring.
Franziska started, realizing she’d been a little rude and she could see Maya twitching a little. She kept smoothing down the sleeves of her acolyte clothes and glancing between Franziska and the soup.
With a little trepidation Franziska picked up the spoon and took a bite. To her relief it didn’t taste bad though that could have been her stuffed up nose allowing her not to notice.
“See.” Maya said when she noticed Franziska not spitting it out. “Not bad right? I still haven’t really mastered that but one thing at a time. After all, I’ve got to get spirit medium-ing down first.”
“I do not believe that is a word.”
“Well are you a spirit medium?” Maya asked, her voice teasing. “Because we have our own lingo. Just ask Pearly, or I can channel my sister…”
“Please don’t.”
“Aw you only need my company, I get it.” Maya flopped onto the bed again, bouncing lightly and making soup spill over the edges of the bowl. “Oops.” She made a face. “I guess I haven’t mastered taking care of someone when sick either.”
“You are not doing a terrible job.” Franziska said idly, eating more of her soup before she lost it to Maya trying something else.
“Coming from you that means a lot, Franzy.”
“You will refer to me as Franziska Von Karma.” Franziska said and glared but was certain it lost it’s effect when she sniffled.
“Nah, that’s too long and boring.”
Franziska sputtered, her defense of the Von Karma name at the tip of her tongue.
“Besides, friends call each other nicknames.”
Franziska stopped, taken aback. “We are friends?”
“You stayed up at a temple trying to rescue me and helped Edgeworth get the trial going for Nick, I’d say that makes us friends.” Maya was fiddling with her sleeves again, her face turned away and slightly and buried in a pillow. “I thought coming over here would solidify it.”
Franziska opened her mouth and shut it with a click. “Ah.” She picked up her water and took a sip. “Very well, it would be foolish to admit otherwise I see.” She purposefully avoided looking at Maya as she said it but it was hard not to notice the glee on Maya’s face when she shot up, completely spilling what was left over in the bowl.
“Oh no, sorry Franzy!” Maya rushed to mop it up, pulling at tissues at the box. “I’ll get you a fresh one.” She took the tray and slipped out of the room without another word.
Franziska stared at the glass of water still in her hand despite the commotion.
“Friends.” She repeated, arching an eyebrow at the water.
“Did that water do something to you, are you going to question it on the stand?” Maya asked as she came back in to see Franziska still looking at the water. She set a new bowl of soup down in front of Franziska with much more care than she had previously
“Perhaps. It would certainly be better than when Phoenix Wright questioned a parrot.”
“Oh you heard about that!” Maya giggled at the memory. “Yeah we certainly seem to get some strange things happened on the stand…”
“I’ve noticed.” Franziska said drily and took the spoon once more to finish her soup as fast as she could while still portraying perfection. Which she did of course, because she was a Von Karma.
“I think it makes things more interesting. You just gotta have some fun with some of these cases.” Maya swallowed hard. “The last one was…”
Franziska watched her from the corner of her eyes, seeing Maya’s shoulders fall, and cleared her throat. “I believe we were watching…what was it again… ‘Pink Princess: Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo’.”
Maya brightened again, a much better look on her, and clapped her hands. “That’s right, you haven’t seen a full episode still! I can rewind it, don’t worry, I don’t mind watching it again. It’s really one of the best episodes. I hope they end up doing a crossover with the Steel Samurai soon, it’ll be nice to see those characters again..” Maya continued on but Franziska couldn’t concentrate much on her words.
The TV started again and Maya took her seat next to Franziska on the bed.
Franziska set her spoon down in the bowl with a clink and finished her glass of water, letting Maya reach over to set the tray on the floor despite every fiber of her being insisting that it should go to the kitchen right away. She was feeling too tired to argue it, perhaps she was a little sick after all.
“Thank you, for coming here.” Franziska said after a few moments, looking away from the TV when the colours swam in her vision too much. “It is…nice. To have friends.”
Maya looked over, grinning widely, “I’ll be here whenever you’re in town. You can even come to the village. Just don’t arrest me for murder next time.”
Franziska’s cheeks burned which she blamed on her fever and not on how Maya’s shoulder brushed against her own as Maya laughed.
“I will endeavor not to do so. Though you do seem to be caught in these cases quite a bit, Maya Fey.”
“Just Maya. And just my luck. But it’s not all bad.” Maya hadn’t moved from where she was pressing against Franziska. “I got to meet Nick and Edgeworth and Gumshoe and you.”
Franziska hummed, “You are not so bad at this, perhaps you will master taking care of someone who is…”
“Having allergies?” Maya teased.
“Yes.” Franziska said quickly and then broke off into a yawn.
“Aw you’re gonna miss the rest of the episode.” Maya was saying but Franziska couldn’t see the pout she was certain Maya was wearing, her eyes had shut without much prompting.
“Another time then, Maya Fey.”
“Just Maya!”
Franziska hummed again and let sleep take her, her head resting against the warmth of Maya shoulder.
(Seven years later)
The door slammed opened making Franziska groan at the noise.
“Franzy!” Maya came in like she always did, a whirlwind of purple robes and ruckus. She stopped seeing Franziska resting on the couch and smiled softly, speaking quieter. “Well this brings back memories.”
Franziska sighed, sitting up on her propped pillows. “I am not sick, despite what Miles Edgeworth claims.”
“Uh hunh, I’ve heard that before too.” Maya came over, setting her bag down and Franziska was willing to bet there would be soup made by Pearl and Trucy in the bag.
“There had better not be any Pink Princess in that bag.” Franziska eyed it with suspicion.
“Don’t worry, this time I brought the Iron Infant: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo.”
“That foolish title still makes no sense.”
Maya was still snickering as she bent down to press a kiss to Franziska’s forehead.
“Maya Fey do not be so foolish yourself, you will get sick.” Franziska scolded.
“I thought you weren’t sick.” Maya shot back, ignoring Franziska’s spluttering to press another quick kiss to her cheek this time. “Besides, if I do I guess you’ll just have to take care of me.”
“If I must.” Franziska said but her tone was softened as she reached out to take Maya’s hand and squeeze it in thanks.
Maya beamed at her, a sight Franziska never tired of and then reluctantly pulled away to get set up.
She shut her eyes as Maya rambled on about the Kurain Village and Trucy’s latest magic tricks and a new defender that Phoenix had picked up. She let Maya’s voice lull her to sleep knowing Maya would still be there when she woke up.
“Hey Franzy,” Maya whispered, close enough again now that Franziska could pick up the sharp incense off her robes. “I love you.”
Von Karma’s did not mumbled so Franziska certainly didn’t as she said back, “I love you too, Maya.”
She didn’t have to open her eyes to know Maya was smiling again, as bright and happy as ever, but it did warm her to know she was the cause of it.
While she wasn’t sick and didn’t need the coddling perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if she was.
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“Franziska is not his friend. That much has been made very clear to Miles, as they both grow up and fight one another to be the best. No, it's not a sibling rivalry, what sort of idiot would think that? No, Miles is knocking on the nine-year-old's door because he needs a book, and she's not answering. Wonderful. He supposes there's nothing let to do but go in, now is there?”
Rating: G Warnings: none Characters: Franziska von Karma and Miles Edgeworth
A little drabble about my favourite siblings =). Read on Ao3 or under the cut!
 Knocking on Franziska’s door was not Miles’ idea of a good time. In general, he preferred to keep to himself in his room, and devote his time to studying as many law books as he could find. It was in pursuit of that, however, that he found himself here.
 While researching a particular case that had occurred a few odd years ago, Miles had found himself missing a few details. He was certain there was a book documenting the case somewhere in the house, though its size made it difficult to find.
 After asking around the various staff members of the house, Miles had learned that Franziska had taken the book for study only a few days prior.
 Left with no other options, Miles steeled himself to ask to borrow the book, or at least have her give it to him when she was finished.
Knock, knock.  
 To Miles’s surprise, there was no response. He waited a few seconds, feeling uncomfortable standing out in the hall. Taking a deep breath, he tried again.
Knock, knock, knock, knock.  
 Still nothing but silence.
 “Franziska?” He tried calling. “I’d like to borrow a book.”
 Doors rarely made for good conversation.
 Whether fueled by his annoyance at not being answered or devotion to study, Miles called again.
 “Franziska, I’m coming in to get that book. This is your last chance to tell me to leave.”
 And when a few more moments passed with no response, Miles made good on that statement.
 Slowly opening the door, just in case Franziska was trying to trick him, Miles stuck his head in the room.
 It was exactly as expected.
 Neat and not all too dissimilar to his own, although with a few more personal touches.
 A bed sat against the wall to his right, the same curtains framing it as his own, though with a notable increase in pillows. A few shelves and a cabinet sat against the walls, most filled to bursting with thick books, several in a language Miles couldn’t read. On the top of one particularly high shelf sat a doll resembling a cat in a fancy red dress and hat. The curtains were drawn back to reveal a nice view of the back garden. Or at least, he assumed it was the back garden. Miles could only make out the faint outlines of a few shrubs sitting under the window. The sun had just slipped below the horizon, the last of the colour draining from the sky to make room for the shimmering stars overhead, though only a few were visible beyond the clouds tonight.
 Despite the darkness outside, the room was washed in soft warm light from overhead.
 And there, in the far corner, sat Franziska at her desk. He couldn’t quite see her face from here, as piles of books obscured it from view.
 Stepping inside, Miles closed the door behind himself.
 “Just because you’re studying doesn’t mean you can ignore me.” Miles said, walking over to her. “It’s rude, you know.”
 Miles opened his mouth to make another comment about the common courtesy of opening doors when someone knocked, only to freeze when he got closer.
 Upon further inspection, it seemed as though sitting was not the best way to describe Franziska’s posture. She had slumped over in her seat, head resting on a notebook. She still held a pen loosely in her left hand.
 She had fallen asleep in the middle of studying. Her shoulders rose and fell gently in a soft rhythm.
 “Franziska?” Miles asked, gently nudging her shoulder. Franziska didn’t respond.
 Miles scanned the piles of books quickly. Law books, law books and more law books, with a few notebooks in-between. There, on top of a stack to the upper corner of the desk sat the book Miles had been searching for.
 It would be easy to take the book and leave. If she was asleep, she clearly didn’t need it.
 And yet it felt wrong to leave her there like that. Something, a stupid feeling, pulled at Miles. He couldn’t just leave her, passed out from exhaustion and overwork.
 With a sigh and hoping he wouldn’t regret it, Miles wrapped one arm around Franziska’s back and one underneath her knees.
 “Franziska, this is your last chance to wake up.”
 Miles told her sleeping form, though he knew he wouldn’t get a response.
 With a deep breath, Miles lifted Franziska out of her chair. She was a lot lighter than he was expecting. Her head nodded forward, sighing something in her sleep that Miles didn’t catch. For a moment, he just stood there, waiting for Franziska to start squirming or yelling or something, but she remained relatively motionless.
 “Alright, here we go.”
 Slower than necessary, Miles carried Franziska across the room and over to her bed. It was nearly identical to his own, though the blankets were blue instead of red.
 Ever so gently, Miles placed Franziska down on the bed, carefully making sure her head sat on one of the many pillows.
 Once he was sure she was in place and not going to wake up, Miles grabbed the blanket sitting on the end of the bed and draped it over Franziska.
 Still no movement from her.
 It was… strange… seeing her like this. In the first place, Miles hadn’t seen Franziska asleep in years, not since she had been much younger, insistent to stay up a little longer to wait for a father who would not return home until the next day.
 It was an odd sort of emotion he was feeling, looking at her like this, not one he was prepared to name.
 A little voice echoed in the back of his mind, saying something suspiciously close to “protectiveness”.
 Shaking his head, Miles turned back to the desk, grabbing the book he needed and heading out of the room. As he got to the door, his hand hesitated over the light switch for a split second.
 He turned the lights off, and whispered under his breath as he closed the door, confident Franziska wouldn’t hear.
 Out in the hall, book clutched in his arms, troublesome thoughts kept flashing through Miles’ head.
“Wouldn’t it be nice? To take care of her like that? Have a sister like that? You could support her. You could be close.”  
 Yet again, Miles shook his head. As she was so fond of reminding him, they could only ever be competitors, or better yet, strangers. Anything else would be foolish thinking.
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 2
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence.
Word Count:  5.1k
[Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Nine hours had passed since Mikkel’s disappearance. A man with an older looking suitcase overlooked the police canvassing. His dirty scruffy face bent down to scoop up a dead bird.
Jonas shot up from his bed. He looked next to him to see Annalise missing. He threw off his duvet. He guessed it must have all been a dream. Tinnitus ringing in his ear caused him to walk towards his mirror. He turned to check his ear to see black liquid flowing out of it. Jonas studied it on his fingers for a moment trying to figure out what exactly it was. It almost seemed like ink or like a waste product of some sort.
“Jonas,” a haunting familiar voice called to him. The boy used his mirror and turned it to be met with the face of his father covered in the black liquid dripping down from him.
Jonas shot up. His breathing was hard and unsteady. He swallowed his breath as he checked his ear to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming again. As he looked down at his hand, he realized there was the sound of soft breathing next to him. He turned quickly to see that Annalise was there. His terror slowly subsided as her gentle energy embraced him once more. His half-lidded blue eyes studied her. They must have fallen asleep not too long ago. As he made a move to carefully leave his bed, Jonas heard a faint whimper.
Magnus stood in the woods. He didn’t know exactly what he was doing there, but he felt like he needed to be there, for Mikkel. He just wanted his little brother back. His heart wounded from despair. He looked up hearing a noise to spy Franziska walking towards him.
Franziska just looked at the boy who stood in her way for a moment. This moment was unwieldy for her. What was she supposed to say to him? What did he want her to say? Those questions rushed around in her head. Instead of trying to dwell on it, she just tried to move past him.
Magnus quickly grabbed onto the smaller girl and pushed her against a tree. “What were you doing there,” he asked angrily. 
The girl complained, “Ouch! Are you crazy?” She studied Magnus’s face. It was full of turmoil. A face that was filled to the brim with emotions he didn’t know how to let out and where to properly put them.
“What were you doing,” He rephrased his question.
Franziska pursed her lips for a second getting more annoyed at his questioning. She stared at him and answered honestly, “I heard you guys talking at school. About the caves… And Erik’s drugs… So I thought… I don’t know what I thought.” She looked down at Magnus’s lips then back into his eyes. 
Magnus started to shake before he let her go. He just stared at her trying to understand his life.
“I’m sorry about Mikkel,” she said finally understanding the words she wanted to say to him. But in the end, Magnus just turned angrily to storm away leaving Franziska there to watch him go.
Annalise wept as she slept. She kept reliving losing Mikkel in between her fond memories with him. First, she woke up in her bed with Mikkel huddled next to her from the night before. The poor young boy had gotten scared from a horror movie the three teenagers had been watching. Mikkel, not wanting to get anyone in trouble, had tried his other siblings who both turned him away before Annalise had welcomed him into bed. She could still remember his squeaked, ‘Thank you, Lise.’ After watching him sleep gently, the scenery slowly changed around them to the two of them in the woods. Mikkel curled up in the dirt and leaves shivering and crying. He was in the red puffy coat and the silly skeleton outfit that he loved so much. Annalise tried to call for him, but her ears just filled with Mikkel’s cries. He never responded to her but just kept crying out for help. Annalise started to see dark liquid start to drain and puddle around him. His cries became more desperate. 
Jonas couldn’t take seeing her crying softly. He gently leaned over her. He rubbed her shoulder. “Annalise,” he whispered her name. He watched as her face contorted into more anguish. Jonas filled with panic. He gently shook her awake and in a harsh hushed voice demanded to her, “Annalise.”
Annalise slowly awakened by a force and voice. Her face was wet. She wiped her eyes and sat up. She looked to her side to realize just what had happened and how close she was to the sweet boy who took her in. She sniffled and scoot back, “sorry. I didn’t realize.”
“It’s okay,” Jonas soothed, “I had fallen asleep too.” His lips forced a small gentle smile, “I guess we both are having a rough time.”
Annalise forced a small giggle to escape her. Jonas noticed once more that she wasn’t just muted color like everyone else. Her sunset tones filled him with comfortability even as she teased, “Did you just imply that we wouldn’t?”
Jonas actually smiled and nodded, “Yeah. I guess I did.” He laughed at himself. There was nothing else they could have done, he told himself. They sat awkwardly for a moment. He looked her over again. He didn’t know how to feel when he remembered that Hannah had given the girl some of her own pajamas to borrow while there. They were rather baggy and big on the small-statured teen.
Martha stared at the pictures on the counter as she laid on the couch with her head in Katharina’s lap. “When Dad’s brother disappeared, how old was he,” she asked.
The picture of Mads and Ulrich they had given to Jana in 1986 for Mother’s day sat in between the pictures of the Nielsen’s and another with Annalise with the family for Halloween when they all matched costumes from ‘The Wizard of Oz’ for Mikkel. Mikkel had a cool trick to actually simulate the Wizard’s, Martha dressed as Dorothy, Magnus and Ulrich being the scarecrow and tin man in their respective order, Annalise dressed as the Lion seeming to be having a lot of fun, and Katharina as the Good Witch. They all seemed to be having a lot of fun. Mikkel was right in the center of all of them with a giant grin that he had gotten his family to do a giant group. Little did they know that it was going to be his last Halloween. 
Katharina stared at the pictures and said, “Your father was 15. Mads was three years younger.”
Martha looked up at her mother, “And he was never found?”
Katharina started to play with her daughter’s hair hoping to just let the question and the distressing conversation drop.
“We talked about Erik,” Martha continued, “In the forest. Mikkel thought that was the worst. When someone isn’t found.”
Katharina comforted her daughter and herself, “Mikkel’s coming back. Definitely.”
Annalise shifted uneasily under Jonas’s gaze. She asked, “Got a problem Kahnwald?”
Jonas nodded, “Yeah. Those clothes are too big for you.”
This caused the girl to blink. He was just so honest about it. She looked down at Hannah’s sleepwear and asked, “Is it really that bad?” She looked up at him, “I can go change.”
Jonas shook his head, “I think my mom said something about washing the clothes from last night.” He swallowed hard. His mind started to piece together how he was sounding. He blushed and shot up to walk to his wardrobe. He absentmindedly rambled as he looked for some clothes, “I think I have some old clothes that may fit you though. They are from before I went to the hospital so they are a bit too small for me now.”
“You were in the hospital,” Annalise questioned. She started to look around his room. It was messy as normal teenaged boys’ rooms were but something stood out to her. A pill bottle. She studied it for a second before turning her attention back to the blond.
Jonas replied back without thinking, “Yeah. My first day officially back was yesterday.” He finally found what he was looking for and stopped. He turned horrified now fully aware of his mistake.
Annalise blinked, “I thought Bartosz said you were in France.” Her brow furrowed as she tried to put the pieces together herself. It wasn’t long before she gasped and exclaimed, “That’s why you didn’t text Martha or talk to anyone! You couldn’t!” She shook her head then asked, “But, why didn’t you tell anyone?”
Jonas slid himself down to sit onto the floor, “Why would I want to?”
Annalise sat next to him. She sighed and rest her head against his shoulder, “I get it. I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”
Jonas nodded. He let his head fall back to look up at the ceiling, “Thanks.”
They sat there in silence for a little bit. Their breathing synchronized. Time stood still as the two teenagers just tried to process their life leading up to this moment. Being together alone with practically a stranger that was somehow closer than any other person in the world right at that moment.
Jonas spoke up first again, “Do you ever feel like you were just meant to meet someone?”
Annalise looked up at the ceiling with him and asked, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Jonas motioned with his hand at nothing, “Just someone that you meet and it changes your entire life. Better, worse… whatever. Just someone who changes you.”
Annalise looked up at the boy and took a deep breath, “My dad used to say, ‘We are lead to those who help us most grow if we allow them and we help them out too.’ So I guess I know the feeling.”
Jonas sighed, “He sounds like a wise man. You must miss him.”
“I’ve missed him every day for a while,” Annalise explained, “My dad died not too long ago too. Probably what drew me to come here.”
Jonas swallowed a breath. Tears started to fall from his eyes, “You think…”He couldn’t complete his sentence. It didn’t seem as though he needed to though.
Annalise nodded, “Yeah.” She turned and reached around to give the boy a hug. She buried her face in his shoulder to hide the fact she was starting to cry as well. She started to laugh though thinking about something Jonas had said the night before. She pulled away from him with a warm smile through tears, “What? Dead dad, bad topic?”
Jonas burst into laughter. His entire body shook with his entertainment. His eye squeezed close from the force of his smile. 
Hannah must have heard the laughing from downstairs because she called “How come I haven’t heard either one of you go clean yourselves up yet? I didn’t offer Annalise to stay here for you two to be joking around.” She puffed out her chest. She honestly had taken Annalise in knowing that Ulrich would come to check up on the teenager eventually. It just gave her even more of an excuse to be alone with the man.
Jonas rolled his eyes, “I’ll go first that way I can get the water warmed up for you.” He laughed then walked towards the direction of the bathroom.
Annalise called after him, “That sounds more like you are going to take all the warm water for yourself.”
Hannah looked up the stairs seeing the two teens playfully teasing each other. She rolled her eyes and called to Annalise, “Come here. We need to make a list of what we are going to need to pack from the Nielsen’s to get you moved here for a few days.”
Annalise nodded, “Yes ma’am.” She hurried down the stairs to do the activity Hannah had asked of her.
The cool water was just what Jonas needed to calm down. He closed his eyes and allowed his mind to focus on making sure he was clean. As the shower warmed though, he felt his heart start to race once more. Images of Martha and Annalise spun in his head. He could barely concentrate for long. He quickly turned the water off and panted as he looked at himself in the mirror. He quickly dried off, brushed his teeth, changed, and walked out. He called down towards where he heard Annalise’s voice and called, “Your turn! You need help?”
Hannah blushed. She called upstairs to her son, “What would Annalise need help with? It’s a shower! Not a group project.”
Annalise stifled a laugh. Her snort had caused both Kahnwald’s to look at her. Annalise lifted her hand, rushed past Jonas on the stairs, “Sorry. I’m going to go.”
Jonas watched as Annalise closed the door and argued, “To make sure she knew how to use our shower. Some people have different ones.”
“Oh, you think the Nielsen’s have a different shower,” Hannah replied flushed.
Jonas shook his head, “What are you talking about?” He rolled his eyes. The boy used this time to go into his father’s shop. Talking with Annalise finally made him feel ready to be there again. The boy wanted to have some time to himself just surrounded by Michael. He walked in and sat right in the middle of the room.
Warm water refreshed Annalise more than she could describe. She lathered her hair and body in shampoo and soap to get the grime off of her. The feeling of being clean intoxicated her. She hummed happily as the water washed away the forest from her. As the water started to cool, her brain started to fill with images of Jonas. Her heart raced. Her hand rushed to end the shower to stop those thoughts from happening. Her chest heaved as she tried to calm herself down. She wrapped her hair up and brushed her teeth. Then she got dressed into Jonas’s old clothes and walked out.
Across town, the bearded stranger walked out of the shower. His things scattered across Regina’s eighth hotel room. He dried off his hair as he kept the memory of his loved one close in his mind. She would have been getting out the shower about now right? He looked over to the time. He had timed it right. He hummed to himself pleased with the little luxury he was able to give himself. He threw the towel for his hair onto the bed then went to look at his charts and diagrams on the wall.
Jonas laid on the floor. His legs crossed. From above he was reminiscent of an angel. As the rain started, he decided to start to explore more of his late father’s workspace. He walked around. As he studied the closet, the boy noticed one of the boards slightly off kelter. He reached up to uncover its secrets to reveal a map of the Winden Caves.
As it started to rain, Katharina found herself outside. She was just standing there her mind wandered through possibilities hoping for her baby to come home to her. The rain had forced Magnus to also return home. Katharina turned hearing the noise of someone walking behind her to see the tormented face of her eldest son. She turned back to look out into the rain.
Magnus walked into his room to lament. He finally allowed himself to let out the agony he felt. He walked to his wall and just kept punching until he could feel something on the outside just as hurt as he felt on the inside.
Martha looked out of her window. She longed for Mikkel just to be there and walk past the view of her window again. She looked down at her phone and sent Bartosz’s call straight to voicemail.
When Annalise walked out, she realized she was completely alone. Jonas completely quiet and on his own somewhere in the house and it didn’t seem like Hannah was still there. The list they made was gone as well. Annalise made a face. She looked at her phone and figured now would be the best time to Face chat with her family. The girl holed herself into the room Hannah had put her in and started the call.
Freida answered quickly and scolded her daughter in their native English language, “What is going on over there?! I got an email from Katharina that you are staying with a family friend because her son Mikkel disappeared?! Please tell me you are okay. You weren’t there were you?”
“I’m fine Mom,” Annalise calmed her mother, “I-...” She looked off into the distance hearing shuffling inside of the house. “Hold on,” Annalise put her phone down and walked out to see what the noise was. 
Jonas was trying to scramble into his room without anyone noticing but he heard the door open near him. The boy looked then let out a breath relieved. He smiled, “Hey Lise.”
Annalise smiled, “Hey. I’m on the phone with my mom. Want to meet her? It’s only fair yeah?”
His ears turned red but he nodded, “Yeah. Let me put this in my room real quick then I’ll be right there.”
“I’ll leave the door open,” Annalise slipped her head back into the room. She did just as she said then settled into her bed. She lifted her phone back up. She took a second to remember to speak English again then said, “Sorry Mom. That was Jonas.”
“Oh, the cute one yeah,” Freida laughed forgetting what had panicked her for the moment, “He’s going to come to say hi right? I’ll go get Zayde so he can be here too.”
Annalise blushed, “Mom, really. There is no need.” She shook her head trying to convince her mother not to get her grandfather, “I only wanted him to meet you since it’s only fair because I know his mom and am staying here for a few days.” But it was no help, she had already gotten close to his chair for them to share the screen. 
Jonas smiled as he walked in. He laughed and settled in next to Lise leaning his back on the bed. “Hello,” Jonas tried his best to speak English, “My name is Jonas. It’s nice to meet you.”
David looked at the blue-eyed blond boy sitting next to his granddaughter and spoke in German, “Oh, you think I can’t speak my native language?! Fuck you.”
Freida tried to calm her father down and Annalise laughed. She looked at Jonas and said, “I should have warned you that my Zayde is from Winden, huh?”
Jonas laughed and nodded, “Yeah. Rather than the first words out of his mouth being fuck you. I can see why German terrified you.”
“We can hear you,” David replied. He spoke up again, “Anyway kid, this is my daughter Freida and that’s her daughter Annalise. I’m David. Don’t do anything to her. I know people in Winden.”
“Yes Sir,” Jonas laughed. He looked towards Annalise who was just shaking her head.
Annalise spoke up in English, “Anyway, we are safe. You know where I am and who I’m with. I’ll chat with all of you tomorrow. Bye Bye,” She waved.
Jonas stuck his face in once more to wave bye as well. He chuckled. Just as he was about to say something to Annalise her phone made a small text received tone. He didn’t really want to pry but he was right there. ‘He is cute’ Her mom had texted her. He couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.
Annalise’s face started to glow red she quickly texted back, ‘Mom, if he can speak English, what makes you think he can’t read?’ She looked at Jonas and apologized, “I’m sorry about that. She and I talk like every day so Martha had ended up talking to her at some point too and-”
“It’s okay,” Jonas shook his head. He looked at the girl nervously. They sat there awkwardly for a second before Jonas spoke up, “Martha called me cute?”
Annalise pushed him gently, “Go away, Jonas. God. Is that all you think about? Martha?”
Jonas stood up forcing a laugh, “Sure. Why not?” His plan had worked, now he could go investigate the map on his own without worrying too much about Annalise. He walked out of the room and went inside his own.
Hannah pulled up at the police station. She sighed and waited for Ulrich. He had to be back at his work sometime, she reasoned with herself. The woman walked to the waiting area and crossed her leg over the other. She watched the door.
Drenched, Ulrich walked into the station. He was walking to his office when he spotted her. He turned and asked, “What are you doing here?” His hands finding themselves in his jacket pockets.
“I wanted to see you. We have-” Hannah started.
“Come on.” The man interrupted the woman by grabbing her arm and pulling her down to the archives. Once inside he asked her, “What is this? Why are you here?”
Hannah shrugged a bit and replied, “I’m so sorry.” She stood for a second before she sighed. Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him close and kissed his jaw. She held him close for a second. She then moved to press their foreheads together. “Have you found out anything,” She asked.
Ulrich had wrapped his arms around her in momentary weakness. He really needed to be held close after everything going on. His youngest son, his Mikkel, was gone with no explanation and no trace. Ulrich simply shook his head and tried to hold back his sorrow. He pulled up his face in a moment of clarity. When he did though, Hannah took that as a sign to try and kiss him. As the woman tried to continue, Ulrich whispered against her lips, “Stop it, please.” He pleaded with her, “Please.” 
Hannah pulled her face away in slight annoyance. She took a step back from him and looked up a the tall man.
“I can’t do this,” Ulrich explained, “Not now.” He reached over to move some of the hair out of Hannah’s face. He watched her as she looked around feeling guilty about what had just transpired. His heart still aching, Ulrich reasoned, “I’ll call you, okay?” He pulled away completely and walked out of the room leaving Hannah just standing there.
Annalise used this time to try and text her friend. She really didn’t know what to say other than, ‘I love you. If you need me, I’m here.’ She stared at the picture of her and Martha in her contact picture. Annalise, then, went to the full photo to go and look through the pictures she had with the Nielsen’s. Seeing all of them happy, laughing, completely unaware of the future turmoil made Annalise start to cry again. She zoomed in on Mikkel. He was such a great kid. He had a popsicle stain all around his mouth and a big old cheesy toothy grin. Annalise then allowed more of the picture in the frame to see Magnus holding his little brother up in the air about to toss him back in the water at Martha who was, despite trying to look annoyed, had big sparkles in her eyes. Annalise laughed through her tears.
Jonas’s hands traced over the map he had found in his father’s studio. He carefully started to read all of the text written on it. It seemed as though his father was exploring and trying to make his way through the caves. Something seemed very off to him when he was studying it. His fingers went to the anomaly that read, ‘Where is the Crossing?’
Bartosz was getting frustrated. Martha wasn’t contacting him back. He looked around. The boy hated this feeling. He was alone. Completely alone. He looked at his phone deciding that desperate times meant to do desperate measures. He pressed Annalise’s name and tried to call her.
Annalise stared at the picture only to have a surprising thing happen. Why was Bartosz Tiedemann calling her, she questioned. She declined the call and texted him, ‘What do you want?’
Bartosz stared at his phone. Another straight to voicemail. He growled. He was just about to throw his phone when he saw her text. He walked back to his sofa and texted her, ‘Can you tell Martha to call me back?’
Annalise rolled her eyes. Of course, she thought. She texted the boy back, ‘She hasn’t talked to me either. I’m not there anyway. I’m at Jonas’s.’
Bartosz scrunched his nose. Why was she there, he thought to himself. He shook his head and decided to just investigate and get the answer himself, ‘Why?’
Annalise’s brow furrowed. Did he just, the girl questioned. She rolled her eyes again, ‘Why do you care?’
‘I am worried about my girlfriend, thank you,’ Bartosz replied.
Annalise texted back, ‘I think she needs her family right now. Not either of us. I really don’t think where I am makes a difference right now. Chill out. One of the things she asked us to do is be cordial towards each other so let’s just try to do that and wait for her to talk to us. She will come around eventually.’
Bartosz growled. That girl really knew how to push his buttons. He looked out the window. She’s right though, a tiny voice within him spoke. He shook his head and texted back, ‘Fine. If she texts you first, can you let me know how she’s doing? I’ll do the same for you.’
Hannah walked into the house to find both teenagers deathly quiet. She called up that she was home and started to make some food for herself. Footsteps started down the stairs. She turned to see her son standing there. He walked over to the counter and sat on it. Hannah pulled herself up and sat next to him to give him some company after lighting a few candles since the power wasn’t working again.
Jonas started first, “Do you think they’ll find him?”
“I hope so,” Hannah answered her son honestly. She stared at the refrigerator with her hands in her lap.
Jonas looked towards his mother for guidance. He sat in silence for a minute before asking, “Do you think he had a secret?” He thought back to the maps that he found in his father’s studio.
“Mikkel,” Hannah asked confused. She looked towards her son for his input. She wondered if he knew more than he let on.
“No, Dad,” Jonas replied quelling all of his mother’s questions instantly but now creating new ones. Jonas thought of how to ask his question then asked, “Do you think he was keeping something from us?”
“Why do you say that,” Hannah asked Jonas. She was growing more concerned for him. Maybe she had done too much or had him come back home a bit too early, she worried internally. 
Jonas sat trying to process everything going on. He let Hannah’s question drop to the floor then questioned, “Do you miss him?”
Hannah lightly sighed, “I think I miss the notion of him.” She didn’t want to lie to her son and tell him she missed someone she really didn’t know if she did. She shook her head and told Jonas, “I don’t know who he really was. Maybe we never know that, what a person is really like.”
Jonas looked at his mother, “Did you love him?” Right when he asked, the lights in the house illuminated once more. 
Hannah looked around noticing the lights then let out a small scoff at how ironic everything at this moment was. 
It wasn’t too long though before the lights of Winden started to flicker leaving most of the town confused. Birds started to fall from the sky once more. Dead instantly.
The Stranger pinned up the news article about Mikkel on his board. The headline read, ‘Where is Mikkel?’ He stared at it, then the boy in the photo. He reached over to scribble his own inscription. He crossed out the ‘Where’ and replaced it with ‘When.’ He stood back to admire the new headline reading, ‘When is Mikkel?’
Mikkel climbed his way through the caves he was trapped in. He limped his way out of the cave. The boy looked around. Something seemed different about it and it wasn’t just because it was the morning. Mikkel just couldn’t place his finger on it. He decided instead to try and run home. He knew everyone would be worried about him. When he finally arrived, he started to notice other strange things. Vehicles parked that he had never seen before. On his way into the house, he stopped to look at an older fashioned motorcycle. He shook his head. He figured it must have just been people who were there helping his family look for him. Mikkel just tried to continue his way inside. When he walked up and tried his keys, it didn’t work. His eyes furrowed. It wasn’t long before a teenaged boy opened the door. Mikkel looked up at him and asked, “Who are you?”
The teenager looked down at the strange boy with scrapes all over his face and chuckled a bit, “Why? Who are you?”
“Mikkel,” the younger boy answered just as confused as the older boy in all of this, “I live here.”
“Ulrich,” the teen laughed, “And I live here.” He watched as Mikkel swallowed hard, “You going to grow roots? You’re at the wrong house, fool.”
A girl’s voice called him outside. She stood in the driveway, “Hey Ulrich. Come on, we need to go.”
“Yes, Katharina, I’m coming,” Ulrich responded.
Mikkel and Katharina stared at each other. Both of them trying to understand why it felt like they knew each other.
Ulrich interrupted their staring content with, “Are you dense? You don’t live here.” He pushed past Mikkel and grabbed his bike.
Katharina looked at Ulrich and asked, “Who is that?”
Ulrich looked back and laughed. He turned to Katharina to tease, “The Grim Reaper. Can’t you tell?” Katharina gently popped Ulrich in the head causing him to complain, “Ouch! Katharina.”
Mikkel watched as the two drove off. Katharina still looking back at Mikkel every so often. The boy then looked at the newspaper on the doorstep. The headline read, ‘Chernobyl - Half a Year Later.’ Mikkel started to panic as he looked at the date of the paper that read, ‘5. November. 1986.’ His mind focused completely on the year, ‘1986.’
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nijiirorhyme · 4 years
NaruMitsu/WrightWorth Fic: Lights, Camera, Action! Chapter 3
NaruMitsu/WrightWorth Fic: Lights, Camera, Action!
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Ship: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma
Warnings: None
Tags:Alternate Universe - Actors, Other Additional Tags to be Added, More characters to be added
Description: Rookie actor Phoenix Wright can not believe his luck as he  scores his first major acting role in one of the most anticipated movies  of the year. But, what was better than starring in one of the most  anticipated films of the year? Starring in one of the most anticipated  films of this year with famous actor Miles Edgeworth.
A Wrightworth acting au where two dorks (eventually) fall in love!  
Chapter 3/?
Alternatively, it can be read here!
Text below cut!
 October 5th 1:05pm
Cafe Aroma  
It finally made sense to Phoenix. As he was staring at the two of them chatting in their own little world along with the light blush that appeared on Franziska’s face, the strings that Maya pulled were actually the heart strings of the young manager.
‘Who would have thought…’ Phoenix brought his hot cup of coffee to his mouth, gingerly taking a sip before setting it back down. Phoenix casted his gaze at the man that sat across from him. He wished that the two of them could talk as animatedly as the other pair did.
The cafe Maya chose for the four of them to meet at was one she often frequented, Cafe Aroma. In fact, she went there so often that the majority of the employees would recognize Maya’s vibrant voice the moment she walked through the door with the little jingle of the overhead bell. It was a short distance away from the studio-- about a ten minute walk from the front gate. And it was because of this distance that it would be no uncommon feat if one saw a celebrity here. The first thing one would notice when opening the door was the warm and rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. The entire cafe gave off a very intimate atmosphere, further accentuated by the warm, cozy array of colours that painted the entire place; the dark cocoa brown wooden panels that hugged the bottom portion of the walls paired with a lighter-- almost beige shade that filled in the space above it. Above each black stained table with the exception of the widow seats that faced outward towards the street, several abstract paintings aligned the walls, most of them too abstract for Phoenix to even tell what they were. From the dim lighting, to the warm comforting atmosphere, one could stay here for hours while listening to the soft piano they played over the speakers.
All of that was nice and all, but what really got Phoenix’s attention were their cinnamon sugar donuts. Seriously, paired with their signature blend, they were amazing.
Taking a bite of the fried pastry, Phoenix dusted his crumbs off on his pants before trying to engage in small talk with the man. “So,” he awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his head like he usually did when he was nervous. “This cafe’s nice, isn’t it?”
“Quite.” Edgeworth responded in a deadpanned tone, taking a sip from his own mug, one filled with tea instead of coffee.
Phoenix took another sip in hopes that it would dispel the awkward atmosphere from the two before attempting to strike up a conversation once more, “So… How long have you been acting?” He asked, which he instantly regretted right after because he already knew the answer. He inwardly cringed at himself, ‘Nice going, Phoenix. You just had to ask.’
Edgeworth paused momentarily, giving his answer a thought before he spoke. “I can’t quite remember, but I started sometime when I was six.”
Phoenix was pleasantly surprised at the honest response. It seemed that Edgeworth truly had a passion for the art that he put the majority of his life into. He couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes softened as it looked like he was reminiscing upon the several memories he had created throughout his career. Phoenix made a mental note, talking about acting was the way to get Edgeworth to speak to him. After all, they both had it in common seeing how it was both of their livelihoods (though one was more successful than the other).
“Wow, you must’ve acted in a lot of movies, huh…” Phoenix trailed off, when suddenly another question popped into his head. He wanted to keep the conversation going as much as he could, even if it meant he sounded a little bit like an interviewer. “What was your favourite movie to work on?”
A pause once more, followed by an answer. “There are several movies that I’ve enjoyed working on, but the one I particularly liked working on was The School of Dreams.”
“Oh! That’s one of my favourite movies! An oldie, but a classic. But funny you should say that because…”  Phoenix stroked his chin. “I don’t remember you being in it…”
Edgeworth paused mid-motion as he was taking a sip from his mug. He set it down, pointing his eyes into one of the glares he had shot at Phoenix the moment they first met. Phoenix seemed to have offended him. “I was one of the main characters, Wright.”
Suddenly, it all came back to him. The grey hair, those stone grey eyes… How did he blank on such an important detail? It was one of the first movies he ever remembered watching. In fact, he could even recall the exact time in his life he watched it…
It was a Saturday afternoon in his sophomore year of high school. A sleepy Phoenix who had not a single clue what he was going to do after high school found himself alone at home that day. Sitting on the couch as he cradled a bowl of cereal and milk with one arm and held the TV remote in his other hand, he flipped it to any random channel he found, stopping when he saw the title of the movie pop up on the screen. Sure, he missed the opening of the movie, but there was at least the rest of the movie to enjoy-- and enjoy he did. As a young Phoenix continued to watch, he couldn’t help but notice how phenomenal the actor who looked to be the same age as him was. His eyes gravitated towards him, as if the young man on the screen shined the brightest in the movie. He knew nothing about acting and once it was done, all he could do was remain awestruck.
This movie revolved around a delinquent—played by the young Miles Edgeworth—who continues to get mixed up with the wrong crowds at school. Without telling his parents anything, he continues to live a life where he receives blow by blow and delivers blow by blow to those who seek to challenge him until he is the most feared high schooler among his peers. One day, he meets a boy who transfers into his class and changes his life for the better. By the end of the movie, the two of them are the best friends and plan on attending the same university together. Not only did the transfer student teach the delinquent boy how warm it was to have a friend that understands you, but more importantly, the feeling of belonging he had always dreamed of having with someone. It was a beautiful and touching story of how the two helped each other grow individually, as well as together.
Phoenix recalled trying to blink the tears that pricked his eyes away. He had never felt so moved by a movie before. At that moment, something in his soul had ignited, as if he had finally found what he truly wanted to do. So, he wanted to follow the footsteps of the young man portraying the delinquent and become an actor of the same caliber.
‘Who would have thought that same actor that inspired you would become your co-worker…’ He was a bit shocked at how fate had a funny way of playing tricks on people.
It took a moment for him to recollect his thoughts before he spoke again, “Oh… That’s right that’s right-- heh, no pun intended. How could I have forgotten?” He let out an awkward chuckle to mask the heat he felt creeping up onto his face, dusting his cheeks a rosy pink. It would feel a bit embarrassing to admit that watching a movie that Edgeworth starred in when he was younger was the reason as to why he became an actor after that blunder, so he decided it was best to stay quiet on the matter.
He saw Edgeworth roll his eyes at the pun he made with his own last name. Get it, “right”, “Wright”? It was the oldest joke in Phoenix’s book. Usually, this elicited two reactions from the people he told it to: they either chuckled a little bit because the realization dawned upon them that they sounded the same, or they awkwardly chuckled alongside him in order not to make him feel bad at such a lousy pun. This man surely was neither of those people.
“Though honestly, I don’t know how you do it,” Phoenix looked down at the table at his hands clasped together. He was about to say something sort of embarrassing, but he might as well. It wasn’t like he didn’t make himself look out to be a fool already or anything. “You’ve brought so many characters to life over the years, but I’m still having trouble trying to figure out what I should do to make Ruth Liss believable.”
Edgeworth cleared his throat, “Well, it certainly isn’t an easy task, Wright. After all, there are a lot of eyes on us to make sure we do it right.”
“Yeah, there are.” Phoenix agreed. In the end, that was the goal for all actors once they picked up a script. It was their job to bring a character to life. But that was something he definitely needed to work on. Just then, an idea popped into his mind. What Phoenix was about to say was indeed, a long shot, but at least he could say he tried. “So… since you know all the ropes… I was wondering if you could, you know… give me some advice maybe? Or maybe we could practice together some time?”
Ever so slightly, Edgeworth’s eyes widened. He seemed taken aback, which made Phoenix nervous. Would he decline? Accept? The man looked as if he had the response on the tip of his tongue, when an oddly familiar ringtone sounded from across the table.
Maya gasped, “Is that the Steel Samurai opening?!”
Then, the most unexpected thing happened. He witnessed Edgeworth fish his phone out from his pants pocket, then after checking the caller id with a tsk, set the phone on the table, completely disregarding the call he received on his personal cell phone a few seconds ago. The ringtone went silent, leaving Maya’s voice to be the only thing ringing in Phoenix’s ears.
“Mr. Edgeworth, you’re a Steel Samurai fan too?!” Maya’s eyes were practically sparkling. One glimpse at her could tell Phoenix that she was ecstatic.  
‘Here we go again…’ Every time Maya happened to meet another fellow Steel Samurai fan, she would lock them into conversing with her about it. This was not a hard task though, as Maya was the one who tended to carry the conversation when speaking about her favourite show. Usually when this occurred, Phoenix would be waiting for at least half an hour.
“Perhaps a little…” Edgeworth mumbled. Was it Phoenix, or did he look slightly embarrassed?
“A little?!” Maya scooted her chair closer to Phoenix, their shoulders touching as she reached over to point at the dangling charm that was attached to his cellphone. “You even have the limited edition steel Steel Samurai phone strap?! How did you even get one of those?! I tried to have Nick get me one, but they sold out just as he was about to get to the front of the line.” She looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed and cheeks puffed up.
“Hey, it wasn’t my fault someone couldn’t leave the house on time.” Phoenix retaliated.
“Yeah, it was you!” Maya accused. “You couldn’t find where you put your house keys!”
Phoenix paused, that was right. He was the one at fault. “... Oh, you’re right. Sorry, Maya.”
She crossed her arms, “When they release the steeler Steel Samurai limited edition keychain, you owe me one.”
‘... How could something be “steeler than steel”?!’
Phoenix sighed, “Alright, alright, I do. Next time, I’ll just ask Will instead.” Since he was close enough to the man at this point, he could at least ask him to do him a solid.
“So, Mr. Edgeworth, you like the Steel Samurai too?” Maya turned the conversation back to him with absolute delight evident on her face.
“It’s not like that-”
“Indeed he does.” Franziska interjected, cutting Edgeworth off. Her usual smug smirk remained plastered on her face as she rested her chin in her hand, the index finger on her other hand wagging pointedly. “Let’s not forget about the Steel Samurai statue that you have in your office-”
“Enough, Franziska.” Edgeworth snapped back, his face gradually turning redder and redder as the conversation continued.
Taking this new information into account, an idea popped into Phoenix’s mind. If he knew Will Powers, the man who played the Steel Samurai himself, then perhaps he could strike a deal… “Edgeworth, if I got you a Steel Samurai autograph, would you practice together with me?”
Not a single second passed when, “I don’t suppose I have a reason to refuse such an offer.” He answered, a bit too eagerly. “Franziska and Ms. Maya can work out the details later, but I believe I should have some time next week.”
“Great, I’ll see you then,” Phoenix couldn’t help the smile that seeped out onto his face from the satisfaction of success he felt on the inside. He outstretched his hand again. This was the ticket, the way he could finally get some hands-on experience. With Edgeworth’s guidance, he was going to make Ruth Liss the most nefarious man to exist.
Much to Phoenix’s surprise, he felt a warm, but firm hand grasp his own. “I, as well.”
As the conversation concluded, Franziska pushed herself up from her chair, “Well, our business here is done. Come now, we have a photoshoot to attend to. That foolish fool will be here any minute with the car.”
“Aw, leaving so soon, Franny?” Maya pouted.
“Unfortunately, I must. But next time, I will try to stay longer.” Franziska gave the girl a small, but gentle smile. “Oh, and Phoenix Wright…”
Phoenix’s ears picked up on his name being called. “Hm? Ow! Ouch! What was that for?!” A cool, leather whip thrashed at him, causing the skin underneath his suit to sting. He had just gotten a thrashing from Franziska’s whip and for no reason he could think of, at that.
“Just because you sport the face of a fool who deserves it. Now, the two of us will be off.” Grabbing her binder off the table, the two took their leave, leaving a satisfied Phoenix, and a satisfied Maya to their own devices.
“Well, what did you think, Nick? Isn’t Franny just the nicest person in the world?” She asked, her voice as sweet as honey. Phoenix could practically see the hearts in her eyes; she seemed quite smitten with one Franziska von Karma.
‘Nicest?! She just whipped me!’ “She was… something to say the least.” He opted to say instead. He downed the rest of his coffee, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. For some reason, this conversation renewed his spirits, his motivation to get better replenishing by the second.
 ‘A week from now. I have a week to show him what I’ve got!’
 October 5th, 11:00pm
 Edgeworth’s Penthouse
Miles Edgeworth was something of a busy man. No matter how many times his schedule had been packed to the brim, the tiredness he would feel after a day’s work was something that he would never get used to.
He unlocked the door to his place, greeted by the energetic dog he had meticulously raised since he had found the time to do so.
“Pess, it’s late. Why aren’t you asleep? Were you waiting for me?” Looking down at the dog with loving affection softening all of his facial features, a tender smile graced his face as he reached down to pet the pomeranian nuzzling against his leg. Edgeworth’s heart practically melted when he heard him bark back in response.
He set down his keys and scooped him up in his arms, to which he took the opportunity to lap at his face. He chuckled, “What did I do to deserve such a loyal dog?”
Miles gently set Pess back onto the floor, who darted from the front door to the slightly ajar bedroom door. He turned to look back at Miles, which Miles perceived to be his dog’s own way of telling him, “come here”.
Miles’ smile widened, “Alright, alright. I guess it’s time to get ready for bed.”
Miles slipped off his slippers and settled into bed, pulling the covers up over his entire body. At night right before he fell asleep, this was the time his brain was the most alert. Most of the nights where he had trouble falling asleep, for he was afraid of the nightmares that would plague his dreams, he would reflect on the day’s events, this one being no exception. All in all, talking to the man wasn’t such a bad experience in itself. Surely, he was a bit clumsy and awkward and just a little bit of an idiot, but what today’s conversation showed Miles was how dedicated he was. It truly seemed as if Wright wanted to improve and it made him feel a bit guilty for treating him so coldly the first time he met him. It had been a while since he had interacted with someone as inexperienced as Phoenix. After all, he had been taught that people of his stature shouldn’t interact with people like him.
“You don’t need to talk to any of these nobodies; you are leagues above them. Friends? Forget about such a notion. In this industry, you can never trust a single soul.” The words of his late mentor echoed in his mind.
He exhaled at the memory. Hopefully in a week from now, Miles could bestow upon him the advice he had been given throughout his years of being an actor. Would Wright succeed with his help? Miles wasn’t so sure, but did he want that Steel Samurai autograph?
Of course.
Hopefully, just hopefully, next week will be a good one.
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rivalsforlife · 5 years
rank the prosecutor themes!!!
Okay!! I’ll do you one better and do all the main rival themes (meaning: I’m including Shi-Long Lang and Justine Courtney in here too. despite Lang probably being very displeased at being grouped in with prosecutors. sorry.) uuunfortunately I am going to get into spoilery territory with this one, but I’ll do this in reverse order, so you can skip the spoiler parts because they’re my favourite ones haha, and I will warn for them.
First, a disclaimer: All the prosecutor themes are fantastic. that is all.
12 - Great Revival - Franziska von Karma: I adore Franziska, but she needs her own leitmotif. This one is basically the same as Miles’ Great Revival, except higher and with a different intro, from what I could tell. and I’m not even sure if the sound gets revamped for the Investigation games…? I can’t quite remember. ANYWAYS, what really made this the lowest of the prosecutor themes for me is that they also use this theme for MANFRED VON KARMA in AAI2, because I guess they didn’t want to create a whole new theme for him when he only shows up for part of a flashback case. So they borrowed his daughter’s. This is a DISGRACE, because Miles Franziska and Manfred are all very different characters and deserve to have distinct leitmotifs. Especially since the whole idea of the Great Revival is that it’s them coming out from underneath Manfred’s shadow/unlearning his techniques, since this plays when Franziska comes in with the evidence to save everyone in Farewell, my Turnabout, I think. So having Manfred have the anti-MVK song is not good.
11- Zacharias Barnham - The Sword of Labyrinthia: things get difficult now because all the songs are good. I’m putting this one here for a couple of reasons, namely because I first listened to this song while going through PLvsAA on 2x speed on youtube because otherwise it would take too long, so I heard this song at 2x speed and now it just feels too slow to me. I said these rankings were going to be very subjective, right…? also it would have been great if they actually finished Barnham’s character arc, you know. Darklaw doesn’t really have a leitmotif so she’ll be missing from this list, by the way, I didn’t just forget that she existed.
10 - Nahyuta Sahdmadhi - The Last Rites Prosecutor: it’s a pretty song. I like how it actually uses what sounds like a human chorus in there, which is distinct from pretty much all AA music? I especially like the part near the end of the loop where it gets all kind of suspended in a sort of “floating in the void”-like feeling, at least to me. It’s down here though because I… don’t really get an “opponent” vibe from him. I don’t listen to this and think to myself “oh, this is the guy I’m going to fight”, you know what I mean? 
9 - Barok van Zieks - Grim Reaper of the Old Bailey: I like how ominous and haunting this song is, pretty fitting for a “Grim Reaper”. It’s nice to listen to, too. It just didn’t really stand out for me above all the rest, so it’s here.
8 - Simon Blackquill - Distorted Swordsmanship: similarly to van Zieks’ theme, this has a very ominous vibe to it. It’s pretty subtle for a lot of it, and it’s way less “in-your-face” than a lot of the other prosecutor themes. It suggests an opponent that isn’t going to face you head on but kind of work in the shadows and take you down without you even realizing it… which is fitting, considering Blackquill’s whole “twisted samurai” motif and the idea of psychological manipulation being his main thing. I like this one, like all of the prosecutor themes, and it’s only here because I… liked others more.
7- Miles Edgeworth - Great Revival: “Grace why did you say both Great Revivals are practically the same thing but put Miles five places above Franziska” OKAY LISTEN. There is only one “Franziska von Karma- Great Revival”. There are multiple “Miles Edgeworth - Great Revival”s, and this is about where I’d average them out. Great Revival 2002 would be ranked about the same as Franziska’s because, yeah, they’re practically the same thing. Great Revival 2013, however,  has an even prettier intro, is more orchestral and therefore sounds even more regal and fitting for DD-era Miles. I am seriously considering making this my alarm to wake up to in the mornings because… it’s so pretty? 
BUT I have to mention the actual orchestral versions of Great Revival, because they are phenomenal. There’s one for every Gyakuten Saiban Orchestra. The 2016 one is the first one I listened to, but it was tragically taken down… so listen to the 2019 one.  All the orchestral editions are pretty much the same… but the orchestral Great Revivals have a new part around 1:30 that is just GOREGOUS. I ADORE it. That would probably shoot this one up a few rankings if they were in the games. I gasped out loud in a dead silent library upon first hearing it, it was very embarrassing. Great Revival imo sounds much prettier the more genuinely an orchestra it is. I love this song? … moving on.
6 - Shi Long Lang- Speak up, Pup: I said that Blackquill’s theme was very subtle – this is the opposite, this is about as “in-your-face” as it gets. It also sounds very cool. It has a sort of… I’m hesitant to use this term, because of how people abused it when I was in junior high, but it definitely has a sort of swagger to it. It pretty well encapsulates Lang’s character and him just… barging onto the crime scene with all his people and making hasty arrests and taking bullets, like, all that stuff I can see coming from a person with this as their leitmotif. But I just like listening to it, it’s one of those songs that has a similar effect to caffeine on my brain. It’s just very loud and cool and I enjoy it.
5 - Justine Courtney - Goddess of Law: I also really love listening to this song. It’s very regal. This song is very good in contrast with Sebastian’s First Class Farewell… like, Sebastian spends most of the time as a bit of a joke, with his light and airy theme… and then Justine comes in with this theme and you kind of feel like “oh, crap, now things are serious.” I like the use of the organ, obviously, giving it kind of a churchy feel which makes sense as she is referring to and worshipping the Goddess of Law, but I also love the faster parts of it too. It shows off her quick wit and intelligence that makes her a pretty formidable opponent for Miles in AAI2. It’s the song of someone you definitely would not want to cross… and is very pretty. 
4 - Godot - The Fragrance of Dark Coffee: my feelings about Godot are… complicated and not entirely positive… but I adore his theme. He’s the first prosecutor to really have a proper leitmotif that’s all his own… and even though it’s not a “I’m so ready to fight this person” leitmotif or even a “this person’s particularly intimidating” leitmotif, it’s very laidback and relaxed. Honestly what gets this one so many points is, guess what, once again, the orchestral songs! Part of this is a lot of bias, because they replace the piano parts with the flute in the orchestral editions of this song and I played the flute for six years so I am partial towards it. But also it just… sounds extremely pretty? It’s very relaxing and… it just sounds gorgeous in the orchestra editions. I haven’t listened to the jazz version yet but I bet that would be gorgeous as well. Here’s the most recent 2019 orchestra version of this song, but the 2008 and 2016 ones are good too (my favourite being the 2016 one, which again got taken down bc copyright :( rip)
3 - Klavier Gavin - Guilty Love: out of the mainline games, AA4 has the best soundtrack imo, which is justifiable considering who the prosecutor is. Okay, this one is a huge contrast from Godot’s theme… it’s actually a huge contrast from all the prosecutor themes. The only one who comes close to this level of Rock is Lang’s theme. It’s fun, it’s upbeat, it’s soooo much fun to listen to. It really does set Klavier apart from all the other prosecutors - this isn’t the song of your enemy, this is a song of a person who’s here to find the truth and have a good time doing it. You go into the courtroom getting ready to face off against the dreaded Second Case Prosecutor, the most insufferable version of every prosecutor until now, and you get ROCK MUSIC. … literally, he apparently actually plays it in the game. which, pun intended, rocks.
This gets bonus points, of course, for being made into an actual song with lyrics that you could hypothetically sing, made by Shu Takumi. If you haven’t listened to this one yet you totally should, it’s a good time. listen to Klavier Gavin ditch his date to go to court. PARTICULARLY for the parts where Apollo’s theme gets in there. like, uh, Klavier. pining much?
– OKAY NOW SPOILER WARNING. I’m going to go into a bit of AAI2 spoilers here, nothing too major like the mastermind or anything, but if you don’t know what the deal is with Sebastian then I’d just recommend avoiding this for now. And then after that are major DGS2 spoilers, so if you haven’t played either of those games and don’t even want to look at anything remotely spoilery you can probably just skip out on the rest of this post.
2 - Sebastian Debeste’s Themes: okay, so. First Class Reasoning is just such a… light, airy, bouncy song. It sounds kind of absent, like it’s running off chasing butterflies instead of investigating a crime scene. It’s not the song of a formidable opponent (which makes the contrast with Justine Courtney’s leitmotif much better). This plays pretty notably in the one argument you have with him that’s so nonsensical it doesn’t even justify the traditional confrontation music, you have this instead.
And then in the final case you get First Class Farewell.
This sounds infinitely more mature than First Class Reasoning. The two instruments kind of do a… back and forth with each other. I think I read somewhere it’s like a tango? Whatever it is, it is something where you need to keep up with the argument and the logic, something Sebastian hasn’t been able to do… until now. It has him standing up to his father, standing on his own, and showing that he truly has the potential to be a great prosecutor. If we ever somehow see Sebastian as a prosecutor in future games, I want this to be his leitmotif. Individually these two songs wouldn’t take this spot, but put together and showcasing Sebastian’s character growth – and that First Class Farewell plays in one of the most emotional AAI2 scenes – is what brings it up here. It’s a really good use of leitmotifs.
Speaking of great use of leitmotifs…
1 - The Masked Disciple’s Leitmotif. I… cannot say anymore than this without spoiling the entirety of DGS2, so I’m actually going to put the rest under a “keep reading” if you’ve finished DGS2. So, uh, if you haven’t, just… when DGS2 is translated, play it, it’s really good. And this leitmotif might actually be my favourite song in the entire series, for reasons that are under the cut. I… really hope this works, if it doesn’t, scroll as fast as you can and don’t look back.
…….. so. Asougi, huh.
The Revived Prosecutor is! INCREDIBLE. At the time I’m writing this, the only way to really experience DGS2 as someone who does not know Japanese and only knows English is by watching these twitch streams, and you might notice that when this first starts playing the streamer actually pauses so we can listen to it. it’s that good.
It starts off as such an intimidating, imposing song. It’s a song of your enemy. It’s so strange, so different from the Asougi we’re used to, and you’ve really got to wonder if he’s the same person.
AND THEN SAMURAI WITH A MISSION KICKS IN. It felt like an actual, physical gut punch.
It has lacks that familiar, Japanese-y kind of feel to it, though. It’s Asougi, but it’s different. Asougi is the Samurai With A Mission, and he’s fulfilling his very murdery prosecute-y destructive mission, which is so different from the Asougi that Ryuunosuke idolized in DGS… and even though this person is so different from the Asougi we knew, it still is Asougi. It also has a few hints of the Professor’s Theme in there, which is also incredibly good considering… well.
Honestly, one of the reasons I’d want a remake of the original trilogy – like a full-on remake – is so that they’d do something like this with Miles’ themes. His “Great Revival” is good… but it doesn’t suit AA1 Miles. If we had an actual “Demon Prosecutor” theme, which was mostly replaced by DL-6 when talking about Miles’ trauma, and then get to something like Great Revival for his… well, Great Revival, that would be fantastic. That’s the one regret, that Miles came too early for ace attorney to get around to making proper leitmotifs like this.
Also again this song is just really fun to listen to. And that’s probably what’s most important here, right?
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badbookreviewclub · 4 years
Complete Review - The Rose Council: The Kaiser Mage
DISCLAIMER: This review will contain spoilers. If you plan to read the book, I will leave a mark for when I go more in-depth on the book, so continue at your own risk. If you want to purchase The Rose Council: The Kaiser Mage, you can get it here.
The Rose Council, as far as I can find, is the first book published by Mark Bullock. On the cover, it states that it is book 1, presumably in a series, though after some extensive searching, I can’t find any sequels despite the book having been published in 2010. The book was published through AuthorHouse, a self-publishing company. I have spoken very briefly with the author about his work, considering that my Dad actually happens to be friends with Bullock. However, I will do my utmost to be unbiased and as professional as these reviews get by keeping any personal feelings I hold towards Bullock out of my review and commentary. Bullock has stated that he had the editors at AuthorHouse review his book and edit it, however, after looking through reviews of AuthorHouse’s services and their FAQ (link their FAQ), AuthorHouse only offers suggestions for edits. It is entirely up to the author if they wish to accept these edits. I have reason to believe, through a multitude of spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, that this book never made it past chapter 3 of editing, if it was even edited at all. It gets worse as it goes, which seems to defy all logic. As an author writes a book, especially for their first time around, you would assume that the book would get better as it goes with their skill in writing improving over time. The exact opposite happens in this book, and it gets so much worse than it started as it goes. Bullock has also stated that he did not review the book very many times himself or have others go over it very many times as it can “cause the book to lose its story.” It doesn’t take very long to find that this statement is more than just a little wrong. Tony Smith, the author of Fukushima and the Coming Tokyo Earthquake stated that an author should go over their book “Enough times that if someone would plagiarize your work you would recognize it instantly (source).” Most authors tend to agree with Smith, and if any author begins to hate their work from reading it so much or the words start to blur together, they should have a good, qualified, and supportive editor behind them. Not their friends acting as an editor, but an actual editor who went to school and studied the language the author is writing it well enough that they know the ins and outs of how words work together and how stories flow. A good editor will catch plotholes and inconsistencies; they will point out when your story is starting to flounder and fall apart; they will point out things that need to be cut and things that need to be elaborated on. If Bullock truly did have an editor, they were not a good one because none of these things happened, and if they did, I would absolutely hate to be the one to read through the first manuscript because The Rose Council: The Kaiser Mage was absolutely horrendous to read through and I can barely imagine what it would be like to edit it. To combat the point that the “book will lose its story” it doesn’t take very many brain cells to figure out that if you are losing your story through the editing process, then perhaps it wasn’t a good story to begin with. I have rarely met an author who goes with the first storyboard or plot they laid out, let alone continuing on without making a few or many tweaks to the story itself as they go. To simply go with the first idea that you have and believe that it doesn’t need to be changed is arrogant and childish. In the words of the true Queen, Hannah Montana, “Nobody’s perfect” and this could not be more true for books. A book is never completely perfect, they can be absolutely amazing works of art, but most authors will still find something wrong or something that they wish they could change. “I hope you’re plagued with dissatisfaction your whole life, that way you’ll always strive to do better.” -Bob Ross Bob Ross may not be an author, but a book is still a work of art. Perhaps not a painting or even a drawing, but it is still a piece of artwork that many people hold dear to them. Never think that you can’t improve because you always can. We can always strive to be a better version of ourselves and to put out better work. To believe you have reached perfection, that your work simply can’t improve is incredibly arrogant and reflects poorly on yourself and your work. You can be happy with your work and love it and believe it is good, but we can always do better. On from the rant, we come to the book itself. Little known and little shared book, The Rose Council: The Kaiser Mage. This book has yet to blow up in the mainstream like Empress Theresa for how horrible it is, which isn’t surprising. It’s rather hard to find on Amazon or really any website without searching directly for the title. I don’t know if I’m pleased about that or not, because, on Amazon, it had three reviews before I posted my own. They were all rated five stars, one of them from Bullock’s friend, another from his wife, and another from an account I can only assume is fake with the review having been bought by Bullock or made by him. Either way, they were all 5-stars, and I felt immense satisfaction when my review brought it down to 3-stars. One of the reviews is written far more eloquently than the actual book is, and it’s the fake review, posted by Amazon user ‘F1.4toF32’. The sole review on this user’s account is for the book. If you look at Amazon.uk and other international Amazon pages, this user’s review doesn’t actually exist. Wonder why that is? Maybe because it’s… oh, I don’t know… fake? A purchased review so Bullock could promote his book and make it look better? *Gasp* This wasn’t a good start for The Rose Council: The Kaiser Mage. If you look at the reviews through Barnes & Noble and Goodreads, Bullock or his wife have reviewed the book and left it a 5-star review. I understand that Franzi is supporting her husband in his endeavor to be a writer, and the sentiment is sweet, but it’s enabling his terrible, terrible writing. Bullock rating the book himself though is just rather arrogant and comes off as a piss-poor attempt to try and boost his book to get more readers. Boosting his book to get more readers is definitely the last thing that Bullock needs, however. Actually, no. Bullock needs more people to read his book so he can have his massive ego stomped on and dragged through the mud. Pride is one thing, an ego is another (Sorry, my personal feelings leaked in a bit there. Though I’m choosing to keep it in).  
The Rose Council: The Kaiser Mage is a fantasy novel, supposedly the first in a series of 7 according to the fake review. It contains a pitiful attempt at a ‘sex-scene’, which safely moves it out of the young-adult audience and into the adult audience. As such, that gives me free rein to have a no-holds-barred review. This collection of words so horrendous it can barely be called a book was made for adults and therefore, has no excuse for its god-awful writing; in the story, characters, and in the grammar of the book, it is truly terrible to the extent of being painful.
The Summary: After 3000 years of peace since the banning of the Gods, a balance is about to be tipped. David, an apprentice and son to the King’s High Enchanter, struggles with the destiny he is to fulfill as the bringer to find the next Kaiser Mage. Unfortunately, the struggle of the delicate balance favors against David, who by himself has little to no power. Unexpectedly, David has discovered a new gift that he must master to find the truth about himself. After a terrible accident, Franziska, a fellow apprentice who conceals a strong love for David, finds herself trailing in David’s shadow to keep him safe. The prophecies handed down through the ages are ambiguous, however, leading some to believe that it is Franziska, not David, who is the true Bringer of the next Kaiser Mage. It is a race against time and fate to bring forth the Kaiser Mage. This summary is terrible in a lot of ways. To start, a good summary will: - Contain the main points and don’t go beyond them - Be as brief as possible (e.g. Don’t get specific with dates, numbers, details unless they are necessary) 
- Give the basic information to interest a reader in the story 
- Be concise
- Isn’t revealing of important plot points (specifically pertains to works of fiction)(Video source)
Bullock’s summary, on the other hand, is: 
- Revealing of plot points
- Exposing content of the book that isn’t actually there (It’s fucking lying to you about the content of the book) 
- Setting up relationships (which should be set up in the story, not in the summary) 
- Confusing; I still don’t know entirely what the fuck a Kaiser Mage is and I read the entire book
- Exposing plot twists
The Lies: In the summary, we actually get a few lies. First, Franziska never conceals her love for David. She is more than open about it through the entire book, and her entire reason for being and existing is solely for David and to ‘help’ him. 
Second, nothing seems to be against David except Jason, a whiny brat who thinks that he’s entitled to everything and doesn’t even show up until about half-way into the book. Even then, Jason holds absolutely no pull with anyone or anything. He couldn’t even tell a fucking fly to piss off. Third, David never struggles with his destiny. In fact, he seems more than eager throughout the entire book to achieve it. 
Fourth, Franziska never follows in David’s shadow to try and protect him. In fact, she is quite literally ahead of him the entire time. (Also this is a bit nitpicky for me, but it’s weird that David and Franzi are in love because David is the name of Bullock’s son and Franzi is his wife)
The Characters: David Saxton: The main character. Arrogant, a rebel, objectifies women, a complete Gary-Stu. He can do no wrong, is a strategic genius, and is overpowered as shit.
Franziska/Franzi: The main love interest. Scared, submissive, friendly, has occasional bursts of anger.
Rudolf: David’s father figure and mentor. Big, burly, deep voice. That’s seriously all I can think of when I think of Rudolf.
Cornelius: David’s grandfather (biological). The King’s Wizard (I didn’t know there was a difference between a mage and a wizard, but go for it I guess).
Adam Saxton: David’s actual dad. Wants the best for his son, I guess. He is a pretty good teacher, I guess. Fuck if I know how to describe him, he dies within the first three chapters.
Hans: A side character, the Fro-Drag (Frozen Dragon) Warrior. Big, buff, an asshole, emotionally stunted.
Shauna: Hans’ love interest. There is no reason for her to exist other than to give Hans a love interest. She does a few things that help the story, but other than that she serves no purpose to the story. 
Henrich: First Keeper (of a Rose Council tower, I think?). One of the bad guys, but not the Big Bad Evil Guy (BBEG). Idk…. he’s just… there. He doesn’t really have a personality.
Eve: Second Keeper (of the same tower). One of the bad guys, not the BBEG. Apparently she dresses super skimpy, but she’s proud and confident, but also cruel and evil? Zesterag: Third Keeper (same tower). David and Cornelius’s friend. Personality? He doesn’t have one. He is a major part of this book and yet I struggle to find words to describe who he is as a person, and I come up empty because he simply isn’t anything other than ‘David’s friend’ and the ‘Third Keeper’. 
Jason: The nephew to the King. Arrogant, prideful, incompetent, entitled. Not necessarily one of the bad guys, though he’s certainly painted to try and be David’s foil it just doesn’t work most of the time, if not all of the time. King Bertram Ingram: Obviously the king. Supposedly he’s the best king that the kingdom has ever seen. He’s easy-going and rather incompetent in the world of magic despite the fact that his kingdom heavily revolves around magic. 
Morgloth: The Demon god, the BBEG. You never meet him in this stupid fucking book.
If you haven’t figured out from this “short” list of characters, who they are, and their personalities, the characters in The Rose Council are bland and incredibly surface level. They never change from this starting state of who they are either. There is absolutely no character development from anyone and that makes them, as characters, feel fake and any emotion feels forced (and there certainly is a lot of ‘emotion’ that Bullock tries to push on the reader). 
The Problems: This book has… a lot of problems. This isn’t surprising at this point considering it most definitely falls under the category of a bad book. The plot itself is terrible and should have been completely different (which I will go into later). The characters are flat and never develop or gain anything more than a surface-level description. In fact, the descriptions are so surface level that often times, when Bullock describes some of the men, in particular, it comes off as incredibly homoerotic. “‘A complicated case for sure, but General Ekins’s choice in the bet political mind needed for the task was more than well chosen,’ the king replied, which surprisingly made Stark blush, more because it was coming from a man he well respected” (pg 216). Stark received a compliment from the king here and blushed. Now I know that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s gay, but it certainly has Big Gay Energy, especially with how the rest of the book is framed in its almost excessive descriptions of men in a manner that seems over over-indulgent. I was dead convinced that David was gay too until Franziska came into the picture sheerly on how he described Rudolf. “Rudolf smiled his glowing smile David loved very much” (pg 3). “David quickly flipped the dented sword in his hands and presented it to the large man hilt first, allowing his large, thick hands to grab it” (pg 3, 4). And there are so many more examples. Also, on the topic of hands, Bullock has a weird obsession with talking about hands. Rudolf’s thick and large hands and Fraziska’s small and delicate hands more specifically. They are mentioned far too many times and it has convinced me that Bullock has a kink for hands. I’m not going to kink shame anyone, but please, for the love of J.R.R Tolkein, please, stop talking about their hands. There are a lot of grammar and spelling errors as well. Several times throughout the book, and especially in the prologue, Bullock spells ‘Kaiser’ wrong, spelling it as ‘Kaser’. You would think that if the name is on the cover of the book that you could be fucked enough to go and find spelling errors to fix it. He also spells ‘colonel’ as ‘coronal’, which after the years that Bullock spent in the military, you would think he could get right, but I guess not. ‘Till’ instead of ‘Until’, which is the use of slang I guess, but it’s used in formal conversations which would lead me to believe it’s a spelling error. And the big cherry on top, ‘trader’ instead of ‘traitor’. These are the most reoccurring spelling errors throughout the book and while I’m more than certain there are others, these are really the only ones that I can think of at the moment. There’s also so problems with Bullock switching the names (especially towards the end of the book) which makes it a struggle to follow along. E.g. he occasionally switches the name ‘David’ and ‘Jason’, or ‘Franziska’ and ‘Shauna’. This wouldn’t be a huge problem if it didn’t happen as often as it did. In fact, it wouldn’t be a problem at all if Bulock had actually been fucked to edit his book or at the very least, have someone look over it to edit it. 
Bullock also steals most of his elements in the book from other fantasy things (mainly World of Warcraft). I understand that fantasy-based things often work off of the same system and borrow a lot from each other, but they still put their own unique twist on it to make the novel feel unique and not like a rehashing of other fantasy stories. Bullock doesn’t do this, and it makes his novel hard to read and understand. If you haven’t played World of Warcraft or Warhammer before (like me) then oftentimes, you don’t know what the fuck Bullock is talking about with a Bloodthirster as he never describes what it is, what it looks like, or anything relating to painting a picture for the reader to allow them to become involved in the story. Another element that was more than blatantly stolen, especially from World of Warcraft, was the Lich King. This was supposed to be another BBEG in the book as far as I was aware, though you never really see any interaction with him. Nothing serves as a threat in this fucking book and it’s annoying. There is nothing at all to ever challenge David and to push him to develop into a better person or a better character. Everyone enables his bad behavior and encourages him to cheat so long if he wins because fuck having honor and pride in what you have done so long as you win, right?
The Plot: The plot of this book is god-awful. What should have been the plot of the entire book is shoved into the last ⅕ and finished in about ten pages. It is genuinely painful to read and I fucking hate it. The entire book up until that point was fluff and exposition and all of it was poorly done. That’s not to say that the last ⅕ of the book was done amazingly, arguably it was done far worse than the rest of the book because of how much shit was crammed into it. It became more than obvious that Bullock was done with the book and just wanted to publish it and never look at it again. The story follows David, a battle mage who has been spoken about in one of Alexander’s prophecies. I’m not entirely sure what this prophecy is since we never learn it or hear anything about it. Alexander was the first Kaiser Mage, the one who pushed the Gods from the earth since I guess that they were just going to kill all living beings on it for their own perverse pleasure (I think. It’s never fully explained). David’s role is to bring the Kaiser Mage back to earth and into being so the Kaiser Mage can put an end to Morgloth before the demon god can terrorize the earth once more. However, Alexander’s prophecy specifically states that the Bringer [of the Kaiser Mage] will be a woman. As such, some people suspect that it is actually Fraziska who is the Bringer, especially after they discover that she essentially harnesses elven magic. This is never explained in the story as to why she has elven magic, she just does. Hans is the son of the recently deceased king of the Fro-Drag clan, determined to kill the great Frozen Dragon who killed his father and the handful of other warriors before his father. They are supposed to kill the baby Frozen Dragon every five-to-ten years, though Bullock flip-flops between the number so I’m not entirely sure. It has been 25 years since the dragon has been killed and no they stand little to no chance of facing off against it, especially since they are supposed to fight the dragon without weapons (big shocker, they don’t fight it without any weapons). Shauna is Hans’ beloved and the head of the Shamans in their clan. She will do her utmost to protect Hans and to see him through to the end of his journey. 
Jason is just an entitled prick who is there to make David look better. 
The Problems: What’s wrong with the plot? Everything. Everything is wrong with the story, from the pacing to the exposition to the entire worldbuilding. I’ll move through the book chronologically with you and lay it all out for you to see. There are 27 chapters in total plus a prologue, though two chapters are labeled ‘Chapter 26’. At the end of the explanation, I’ll showcase what I think would have been a better plot for this book, especially as the start of a series. 
Prologue: Alexander’s Bible To start, the entire thing is in italics. Not only is the word ‘Prologue’ written in bold at the top, but the entire section is in italics. It’s a bit nitpicky, but I hate reading a lot in italics because it can be incredibly difficult to read at times and is often unnecessary. This is one of those times where I really think that the italics were unnecessary. 
This section, though, aside from italics is incredibly poorly explained exposition of what a Kaiser Mage is, who the Gods are, and what games they were playing with the different races of Earth, forcing them to fight for their own pleasure. A Kaiser Mage is essentially akin to a God, with some power from all of the Gods as a Kaiser Mage is created to stand-off against the Demon God, Morgloth. The worst explained part of the prologue is a game called ‘Chock’. I’m still not entirely sure what Chock is because it was terribly explained throughout the entire book. If you’re not going to explain a game well, just don’t explain it at all. Better yet, just don’t have it in the fucking book if I can’t understand what it is because it only becomes more and more confusing as you devote entire fucking chapters to someone playing the games that you came up with. These games are completely and utterly pointless and add nothing to the book besides jacking off David’s ego even more and being like “look at how great David is? Don’t you love him yet?” No! I don’t love him. I fucking hate David and everything that he is in this book because he is by far one of the most annoying characters and clearly doesn’t understand how privileged he is most of the time because he’s “good and true” and “knows the right way in a world full of darkness.” I would have liked to see him evolve to become the rebel that he was, not just have him always be like that. Or better yet, have him be a rebel, a liar, a cheat, a thief in the beginning and teach him moral values and the lesson in having pride in what you do. Teach him what it’s like to stick to a code of honor and how being a good person improves your lives and the lives of everyone around you, even if you lose in a friendly game or two. It’s so fucking stupid that Bullock didn’t do this and it makes the book more than just pointless to read. I don’t know if I can even call it a book at this point it’s just a terrible smash together of words that have been bound and framed to be a book, but it’s not. 
I fucking hate The Rose Council: The Kaiser Mage more than any terrible book I have on my shelf at this point. 
Chapters 1-6
We start off the book by seeing David train with Rudolf, something I guess that he’s not supposed to be doing because his father doesn’t want him to train to be a soldier. Essentially, David is supposed to be training to take over as the next High Enchanter to the king, a role that his father currently fills. After the training session, David heads back to his house where his father and Franziska are already waiting for them. Adam, David’s father, has them recount the lesson that they just learned the previous day --- how to summon a golem. However, Adam specifically tells them that he doesn’t want them to summon golems because it could kill them, yet, he taught them the exact steps needed to summon one. Funny how that works, isn’t it? Surprise, surprise, as soon as Adam leaves to go and help some Elves and the two are left alone, David and Franziska summon a fucking golem. Before they summon the golem, Franziska helps David to find his magic by “reaching into herself” and “bringing forth her magic” and “putting it into David”. I honest to god hate the way that Bullock constantly describes how they “reach into themselves and bring forth their magic” to describe them using it. It’s annoying and honestly makes me deeply uncomfortable. After they summon the golem (which nearly kills them) the chapter ends and we are now introduced to Cornelius, Zesterag, and the King. We learn that Adam died while trying to fight Bloodthirster and ended up trapping the demon in his ring at the cost of his own life force. He gave the ring to the Elves to give to David. That’s the entire fucking chapter right there, explained better than it explained itself. It tries to push emotion onto the reader by having Cornelius cry over his son dying but I feel absolutely nothing when I read it because I have absolutely no reason to care about Cornelius or Adam. 
In the next chapter, we are introduced to Hans and the other warriors who are on their way to kill the Great Frozen Dragon. Bullock flips between calling the Frozen Dragon just that, the Frozen Dragon, or Fro-Drag, or a Fro-Dragon. The inconsistency is incredibly annoying, actually. We also meet Shauna, who is willing to break the rules of their ancestors in order to ensure that Hans can kill the dragon and live, even at the cost of her own life or the lives of her sisters. Yohanus is introduced, and he literally serves no other purpose than to give Hans and excuse as to why he can leave the clan after they kill the Fro-Drag, as Yohanus can take the mantle of King of the clans instead of Hans after the dragon has been killed. Hans also comes off as a massive asshole because he refuses to respond to his men so much that his men just accept that he just doesn’t respond sometimes or just won’t respond sometimes. I guess this was supposed to make Hans the “cool and mysterious” type and a total “badass”, but it just makes him look like an asshole. 
If you’re wondering, a Fro-Drag warrior is a warrior who successfully has killed the dragon and as such, has been blessed by the Dragon God with abilities beyond the normal human scope (incredibly enhanced speed, strength, reflexes, constitution, and endurance). They also become completely blue once they are turned into a Fro-Drag warrior. Apparently, nothing can beat one of these warriors, except, you know, a nearly fully grown dragon as Hans’ dead father would prove. 
After this, we discover that the elves have arrived to basically give David his father’s position, though Cornelius and Zesterag burst in, just in time, and declare that no, David will be going to study under the Rose Council to become a Rose Council Mage and Franziska will be taking the rank of the High Enchantress. So they do just that, David goes with Zesterag to study under the Rose Council and to hopefully become one of the members and Franzi goes to be the High Enchantress and fulfill everything that duty entails. 
Chapter 7-13
David, now at the Rose Council Tower and having met Eve, who he promptly decided was a disgusting whore because the dress she wore hugged her curves too tightly in his opinion, now has to read and memorize the book containing all of the rules of the Rose Council. In order to do this, David discovers that he has a “second mind” which allows him to piss off and do other things while his first mind takes in all of the information and commits it to memory. God, that would be so fucking handy when it came to school. Or just reading this book in general because it was so fucking painful and I would have rather liked to piss off and do other things instead of sitting here and reading through this garbage. In chapter 7, David also meets his servant while he is in the tower. He promptly invades her mind without her consent and finds out she was raped by another trainee in the Rose Council. Bullock uses this point to fuel why the Rose Council are all terrible people and I had to set the book down and leave it for a bit after reading that point. I can’t explain better myself why rape really shouldn’t be used as an arbitrary plot device thrown in to stir emotions than KrismonRogue does. If you want to hear him go in-depth in better words than I can use right now, please, watch his reasoning here. 
In chapter 8, Franzi cries because she has to leave her house and actually do things that a High Enchantress is supposed to do. She’s supposed to meet with the king and then go on whatever mission he designates. She cries even more because she’s terrified of the alter-rang golem (I have no idea what the fuck an alter-rang golem is, but I assume it’s big and made out of metal as the book describes) she and David summoned. As such, she’s struggling to control it. 
In chapter 9, after finishing the book of rules faster than any other mage has read it, David is introduced to the Gauntlet of Pain (edgy). Where the other mages will launch mental attacks on him and inflict him with unbearable pain. He must push through it in order to get to the end of the hallway (I think that’s what it is) where a statue of Alexander, the first and so far, the only Kaiser Mage is. Should he reach the statue, David will be granted into the life of a fully-fledged Rose Mage. He almost fucking does it on the first try because all he does is make his magic move his body while he just squirrels away in his second mind. He doesn’t stop until the First Keeper, Henrich, decides that it’s too soon for him to reach the statue and just fucking punches the lights out of David via magic. Also, apparently your hair can hurt in this fantasy world. I wasn’t aware that hair itself had nerve endings, but apparently it does. 
In chapter 10 Hans and Yohanus kill the Frozen Dragon after Shauna basically points out a crack in the magic shield that prevents any non-living object from entering. Yohanus is able to bring a spear in because of this and they kill the Frozen Dragon. The scene goes way too quickly and is incredibly muddled, which makes it super annoying and bland. The Dragon God shows up after they kill the dragon though and basically grants them both the powers of a Fro-Drag warrior. We learn that in the process of trying to help Hans and Yohanus, several of the Shamans ‘died’ because of their astral projection (though Bullock doesn’t call it astral projection). In truth, their souls were just lost from their bodies because they wandered too far from their bodies and I guess the Dragon God was willing to help the souls be guided back? I have no fucking idea though. The chapter where that’s talked about (chapter 14) is so muddled and hard to decipher. Hans is told that he is to be an assassin and needs to kill the Bringer (or the Kaiser Mage? Both?) before they use evil magic to bring Morgloth into the world and kill everyone. 
Chapter 11, Franziska has guards from the kingdom now. They’re called Marble Guards. The only one we know is Clouse and both her and Clouse have far more chemistry than David and she do. The existence of Clouse is entirely pointless however, aside from pointing out just how ‘devoted’ to David that Franzi is. We learn that the alter-rang golem, who is named Ugly, is powerful as shit and basically destroys a single building with its blast of magic lightning. We also meet Jason whose father, the Lord of the village, is then convinced needs to go and be part of the army so he has a better shot at becoming the king after the death of the current king. 
Chapter 12, David has an orgy in the showers despite the fact that he says he’s so devoted to Franzi. Actually, the orgy in the showers is completely against his own will and in fact, he has told the servant who brought this onto him that he didn’t want to have sex with her because he was so devoted to Franzi, yet, she pushes this onto him anyways and does it in public space too. If this was a good writer, this would have really fucked up David. However, Bullock is not a good writer, so I’m inclined to believe that this was written with the thought that David should be enjoying it. David gets attacked with magic per the orders of Henrich to attack David with magic whenever you saw him. He’s in the middle of the orgy when this happens and pretends to really be enjoying it while another mage, Teresina, basically funnels away the pain. Apparently convincing everybody he was a masochist was enough to deter them from ever causing him pain like that again out of the blue. It’s weird. 
David plays a shitty game with marbles called Defenders or something like that. It’s terribly explained and I’m not going to even bother trying lest I confuse myself more. That just brings me back to my previous statement of not including a game if you can’t explain it to the reader’s understanding. Of course, he fucking wins the game so hard that everyone is impressed and on his side now. He then goes through the Gauntlet of Pain again and actually succeeds this time. He’s told to repeat a phrase on the statue to finally become a Rose Mage. However this little shit, instead of repeating what the phrase is on the statue, he repeats the “actual” phrase (of which I still don’t know what it is, nor do I know what the fake phrase was). Henrich gets super pissed again because of this and says that David is disrespecting the council and Alexander and almost kills David because of it. I guess Zesterag interferes again and saves David’s life? Not too sure though. 
In chapter 13, we learn that Henrich is working for Morgloth, David attacks him because of this after freeing Zesterag’s brother, Delpapa (I think this addition was completely pointless). Zesterag and some of the guards from the castle smuggle David out of the tower and get him to safety while Zesterag pretends that he killed David so Henrich and Eve will lay off and not try to hunt him down to kill him. I’m really not interested in David’s safety at all, despite the fact that this is half-way through the book. I don’t care about anything or anyone in this story and there really isn’t a plot-line up until now. It’s just David doing whatever the fuck he wants and the rest of the crew trying to actually do their jobs. 
Chapter 14-26 (It’s actually chapter 27, but it’s labeled as 26, so fuck it) 
Hans and Yohanus return back to the village, Yohanus is declared as the king and Hans says that he’s going to go out to search for the Bringer so he can kill them before they kill the world. Shauna gets permission from Yohanus to follow after Hans. 
Chapter 15, it’s just Franziska, her guard Clouse, some soldiers, and her golem as they pass through a pass filled to the brim with Black Orcs. Supposedly these Black Orcs are super dangerous, but they don’t dare attack because the golem is so stupidly intimidating. They are on their way to the frontlines of the battlefield against the undead creature that would kill the entire land if the shield crystal isn’t recharged. Franziska’s job is to go and recharge these crystals. 
They arrive at a camp and go to meet the Sisters of Prophecy where Hans is. Hans joins the entourage (sans Shauna). Eve also joins the entourage to ‘protect’ Franziska and guide her, I guess. 
Chapter 16, It’s basically just David’s escape to the palace and then Zesterag convincing Henrich and Eve that he did, in fact, kill David. David dives into a home to hide from Eve and unbeknownst to him, there’s a naked old woman in the home. This is completely pointless to the story and I have no idea why it was included, it wasn’t even funny. We learn that Zesterag has been promoted to Second Keeper and Eve to First Keeper because Henrich has moved to be the Head of the Rose Council. Apparently it’s also a good thing that Henrich believes/does work for Morgloth because he’s their only inside to the way the demon works? This really doesn’t make sense to me, but alright, I guess. In chapter 17 David has arrived to the castle and is basically given the rank of Officer so he can hide from the Rose Council. He is to escort a bunch of new soldiers to the front lines with another officer, Jason, aka entitled brat boy. Oh yeah, for some reason Bullock decided to use a lot of military terminology and complicated names like Sergeant Major and Lord General and Field General, and as someone with no idea what ranking military people have with the titles and whatnot, this actually gets really confusing really quickly. It’s also weird to me that he’s using military terms in a fantasy world, especially because it is by no means a modern world and by no means has any other elements from real life in it. It’s rather jarring and it just doesn’t fit with the world. I understand that in fantasy an author can generally do whatever the fuck they want within reason and so long as it fits, but the military theme really just doesn’t feel like it fits in this story in any way. Bullock jumps between having guards and knights to having soldiers and officers and sergeants and lieutenants. It doesn’t work with the story and I think it needs to be removed entirely. Sure, a good majority of the story will go with it, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. The entire plot needs to be remade anyways. Especially considering that in this chapter, David gets a bracer. In this bracer, I guess that he needs to capture different types of magic in order to summon the Kaiser Mage. 
The bracer should have been given to him at the beginning of the story. Not the last ⅕. The bracer should have been the entire fucking story as he searched for the different types of magic in order to activate it so he could ‘summon’ the Kaiser Mage to their reality. It’s so fucking stupid that Bullock just throws it in during the last part of the book because now we finally have some kind of plot-line or purpose for David being out and about despite the Rose Council supposedly coming after him to kill him (although they think that he’s already dead). Here’s the real kick in the ass though: Mark ignores the entire fucking point of the bracer until about the last ten-ish pages. Everything in this godforsaken story is shoved into the last ten pages and I hate it. It was incredibly frustrating and I nearly tore the book in half down the spine I was so mad when reading it. 
Anyways, Jason is just a total brat, they get to pick Marble Guards to accompany them on their journey to the frontline. Because David just dazzled his superior with his genius so much when it came to picking his guards he gets to have four instead of two. After that, they arrive at the training grounds where the new guards are and *GASP* guess who is there???? Rudolf! David’s sugar daddy! David throws down with all of the new soldiers in a ring to prove to his daddy just how impressive his skills are now that he can use magic to help him! And his Daddy is very impressed by his skills. Then we meet KEVIN. THE MOST FUCKING BRILLIANT NAME FOR A FANTASY CHARACTER EVER. KEVIN.  F U C K I N G    K E V I N. Kevin is a half-leaderless (which I guess is a race?) and is described as such; “Kevin’s eyes were the giveaway, with the blue reddish tint in them and semi-browner skin. Almost as if Kevin had the best tan, but the leaderless people’s skin were naturally brown” (pg 174). Kevin wants to fight David because Kevin is just amazing with a blade, but David asks if they can wait until tomorrow because he’s so exhausted. 
Chapter 18 and Jason is even more of a brat and David is the star child I guess. David fights Kevin and uses his magic to cheat because otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to beat Kevin in the swordfight, meaning that Kevin is the superior fighter. However, instead of being chided for cheating and abandoning any honor in his fight, Daddy Rudolf instead praises David after he promises to never cheat again, and Daddy Rudolf tells him instead “Oh hell no, that is by far the wrong lesson to learn. There will be another time when something like this will happen, David, only it will be your life on the line. I expect you to cheat with everything got, to win, understand?” (pg 177) They do more training exercises and it’s generally pretty unnecessary other than to prove that David is just ‘one of the boys’ and that all of the soldiers love him. 
Chapter 19, Franzi has more chemistry with Hans and Clouse again than she ever did with David. Franzi makes ‘friends’ with Eve and threatens Eve that Ugly will kill her if she keeps trying to push her way into her mind. Franzi pretends she’s the Bringer to make Eve happy and Eve tells her that the Bringer is the Kaiser Mage. We already know that David is the Bringer at this point so dING DING DING FUCK YOU WE’RE GOING TO GIVE AWAY THE END OF THE BOOK RIGHT NOW. SURPRISE, BITCH, DAVID WAS THE NEW KAISER MAGE ALL ALONG. 
We also get a brief perspective from Shauna where for some fucking reason she’s in a desert. In this desert, she passes out but also befriends two Silverback Desert Hounds. She’s basically a fucking pointless character already and is just there for Hans. 
Chapter 20, Jason is more of an entitled brat. David is struggling to use his second mind for some fucking reason, even though this is literally the only point he struggles to use it. Jason is found to be a racist as he hates Captin Olek who I guess is a great captain. He just hates him because he’s black. Yay, more Jason terrible and David great content. Fucking pointless chapter. Oh yeah and somewhere in these chapters David’s ring, the one he got from his father, starts to burn him because the Bloodthirster that is trapped inside of it is pounding on the walls of the pocket dimension? And for some reason, that’s enough to cause the ring to start burning his skin. And for some reason, later on, Bullock loses all logic and insists that the ring burns him terribly enough that he starts to bleed. Despite the fact that you know, heat is used to cauterize wounds. 
Chapter 21, Jason bad, David good. Soldiers love David, hate Jason. David can talk in the language of the gods when talking to the Bloodthirster. He plays Chock again and it’s still terribly explained. It’s completely pointless other than proving that David is a very smart and very strategic boy. And that Daddy Rudolf is very impressed with him (not really because although Rudolf is there he juST IS LIKE A FUCKING CARDBOARD FIGURE IN THE BACKGROUND). 
Chapter 22, David good, Jason bad. They go through a dangerous canyon filled with Black Orc’s now that Franziska went through earlier. 
Chapter 23, Franziska meets with Dark Elves who know she’s not the Bringer and out her to Hans. For some reason, despite the fact that she’s saying she’s the Bringer and Hans is supposed to kill the Bringer, he hasn’t killed her yet. Franziska snaps and has Ugly almost kill Eve. Eve escapes in the nick of time. Franziska and Clouse still have more chemistry than David and Franziska and that is only proved further. 
Chapter 24, Shauna shows up. Franziska and Shauna bond almost immediately. David and co finally arrive at the frontlines without have lost a single man, which is supposed to be super impressive but it doesn’t feel that way. Jason bad, David good. All soldier’s love David. Oh nooo… Henrich is there and he knows that David is too. Henrich is big anger now because David is supposed to be dead. Henrich would attack David but whoops! Big wraith arrives and does it for him after Jason was left alone in the field and like a dumbass David rushed in to save Jason because he just has to be the bigger man in the situation. Wraith kidnaps David and Jason. Franziska finds out and cries more. 
Chapter 25, David wakes up in the place he was hidden after being kidnapped. Finds one of the green magics for his bracer. Yay! He runs while carrying Jason. Hans realizes David is the Bring and chase after him. Eve gets mad at Henrich and tells Ugly to kill him. Henrich is okay and fucking yeets Ugly a couple of yards away and into a mountain with magics. Eve assures Franziska that Henrich isn’t mad and takes her to a tent to “teach her things”. 
Chapter 26 part 1, David run lots while carrying Jason. Hans shows up and fucking deflects all of the magic with the magical resistance that was blessed onto him by the Dragon God when he became a Fro-Drag warrior. They fights lots. David cheats and releases the Bloodthirster from the ring because if you release the Bloodthirster he becomes your servant until you die. David realizes he fucked up. Hans knows he fucked up. Somehow David convinces Hans that he’s not even and when the Bloodthirster brags that he can never be sealed again, David fucking seals him in the stupid fucking magic bracer to get what I guess is the red life magic. Hans just so happens to be the blue life magic because “blue man must be part of blue circle hurhur.” He doesn’t absorb Hans into the bracer but somehow gets the magic? Fuck if I know. Apparently in the prophecy is also said that the Bringer would be evil and release evil magic upon the world, but that was just Alexander spouting bullshit and somehow that in itself was supposed to bring everyone together to do what needed to be done 
Chapter 26, part 2, David confronts Eve and Henrich. He fucking makes Eve his slave by brainwashing her with the bracer to make her want nothing more than to serve him. He absorbs Henrich into the bracer without any fight. He then declares himself the Kaiser mage and what a fucking surprise, he is. He then goes off to face the Lich King or Morgloth’s clone that he sent to terrorize the world because he couldn’t set foot on it himself???? Fuck if I know at this point, this book is such a fucking mess. Either way, the BBEG is Morgloth’s clone and instead of an epic fight, Kaiser Mage David just goes up and does the same fucking thing he does with Eve and brainwashes it without a challenge to be his servant. He then goes and commands it to go and kill Morgloth so like, guess there goes that fucking challenge. 
And the book is over. The book is finally fucking over. Aside from my rant about the plot issues and how the entire plot should have been centered around the Gauntlet, it has a lot of issues with formatting and phrasing and grammar. The Rose Council clearly never saw an editor a day’s worth of revision and it desperately needs to. Writing a book is hard and takes a lot of effort and research, none of these were put into The Rose Council and it shows. 
Overall, 0/10 stars. I fucking hated it. 
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qzwrites · 6 years
here you want some ridiculous ace attorney fic where edgeworth doesn’t realize he’s gay? because here you fucking go
am i confident in this characterization or this writing? no. but is this an incredibly funny concept with some lines i’m very very proud of? yes.
"Miles Edgeworth," Franziska said without so much as a hello the instant Miles picked up the phone, "tell me what L.A.'s gay culture is like."
"Good morning, Franziska," Edgeworth said. "How are you? I'm fine, thanks for asking. And what?"
"I require an insider's perspective," Franziska said. "You will provide it."
Baffled, Miles pulled up the relevant Wikipedia page, which hadn't been updated for two years, evidently, but he couldn't imagine it would be too wrong. Yes, the few things he knew seemed to match up with the website. "Well," he said, "centered in West Hollywood, for one thing."
"Fool! That is easily researchable information," Franziska chided. "I asked for a personal perspective."
"I don't have one," Miles said. "I don't exactly have a lot of time for socializing, as you should know."
Franziska sighed loudly. "You useless fool," she said. "I have recently determined I am a lesbian, or at the very least primarily attracted to women. I have a personal interest in the subject and you have no reason to keep this information from me."
"What?" Miles asked. At least that explained why she was asking, in a manner of speaking. "Good for you, congratulations, whatever, but I don't see why I would have any information about this, let alone keep it from you."
"Miles Edgeworth, are you telling me that in four years you have made no efforts at all to learn the culture of this city you were so intent on returning to?" She tsk'ed at him, which he could hear perfectly well through the phone, and thus imagine her wagging her finger at him almost as clearly.
"I understand the culture of Los Angeles just fine, thank you," Miles said. "I'm less acquainted with subcultures which have never proven relevant in a case, and in which I am not immersed."
"I am beginning to feel put upon, Miles Edgeworth," Franziska said. Great, three names in one short conversation. She had the temerity to be annoyed at him, when she was the one calling him at work to ask ridiculous personal questions. "If I ever find a reason to visit your incomprehensibly chosen home city, I do not wish to be lost or out of place. As such, I require this information and insist you stop evading my questions."
Miles put his hand to his face. "Franziska," he said. "I am not evading your questions. I have no information for you, and I am at work."
"Hmph. Very well," Franziska said. "But I will leave you with this observation, which you apparently require: you are never going to acquire a boyfriend with that attitude." The phone clicked and the call ended.
Miles stared at the screen. "Why would I..." That would explain why she thought he would have an insider's perspective on L.A.'s gay culture, he supposed. Though how she had reached this conclusion, when he had never indicated any such interests, he frankly had no idea. Franziska wasn't ordinarily one to jump to conclusions.
Well, he thought, she was still a teenager. Better that she make mistakes in her personal life and assumptions than in the courtroom, certainly. As long as she didn't mention it to her father.
"Someone oughta tell that old lady she's barking up the wrong tree," Gumshoe said, shaking his head.
"She is certainly optimistic," Miles said. "You'd think she would have better luck with men her own age." Gumshoe made a face. "What is it, Detective?"
"Uh, nothing, sir!" Gumshoe said.
"If it was nothing, you wouldn't concern yourself with it," Miles said. "Spit it out."
"Uh, it's just...Aren't you gay, sir?"
Miles stared at him. "Whatever gave you that idea?" he asked.
"Nothing, sir, no reason! Forget I said anything!" Gumshoe said, and immediately found a reason to inspect a different part of the crime scene.
Baffling. Perhaps someone was spreading rumors. He couldn't see the point, or that it made any difference, so he put it out of his mind.
While he was in Germany, a colleague invited him to a lunch meeting. The colleague in question was a clever forensic scientist who even Franziska acknowledged was "only occasionally foolish". Miles assumed they were going to discuss a case, or investigation techniques. His colleague was clearly under the impression it was a date. It hadn't occurred to him a lunch meeting with a colleague might be as much of a trap as an invitation to an event, and made what he feared were abrupt excuses.
Visiting another department for a celebration of some mundane goal, someone asking personal small talk questions asked if Miles had a boyfriend back in the States. Was this happening more frequently, or had he not noticed before? She didn't assume anyone else at the table was gay, he noticed. "I don't have time to date," he said, which was truthful, if misleading, but he barely knew anyone there and there was no point in making a scene. Even if she had made an assumption about him and no one else. Which felt quite personal.
There was still no way to disabuse anyone of the notion without looking like he was protesting too much, or homophobic. And he certainly wouldn't want to make things awkward for Franziska, even if she would never admit something like that bothered her.
Miles should have known better than to let Phoenix Wright choose and lead him to a restaurant. Wright got turned around and had to ask for directions, while Miles waited impatiently behind him.
"...And then we go straight," Wright said, and the small older woman he'd asked for directions nodded and shooed him away. He started walking the way the woman had told him, and Miles went along with him. Wright glanced over his shoulder at Miles, looking amused. "Well, that last part might be hard for us, but other than that I think we're golden."
"Excuse me?" Miles said.
Wright's smile flickered a little. "We--might have some trouble going straight," he said, as though Miles might have simply misheard him. His fault, really; he should have been more clear, since he knew Wright was easily misled. "I mean," Wright went on, "I know it's not a good joke, but I can't resist a set-up like that."
"I don't understand how it's a joke," Miles said. He generally avoided admitting that to people, but Wright was consistently and persistently friendly, so Miles wasn't especially concerned about him taking offense or thinking less of Miles. "You're the only one here getting turned around going to places you've been before."
"No, it's...it was a gay joke, Edgeworth," Wright said, no longer smiling at all. He looked confused, even, which made two of them. "I'm bi, you're gay, we can't just go straight?"
Well, this was getting ridiculous. "Why do you think that?" Miles demanded. "Who told you that?"
"No one told me," Wright said, holding a pacifying hand up. Maybe Miles had been a little strident with that demand. "Sorry, are you not?"
"Not that I'm aware of," Miles said. "Other people keep saying it, though, and I don't see why."
Wright frowned at him. "Really?" he asked. He shook his head. "No, I believe you, it's just...I was really sure this time." He scratched the back of his neck. "At least I'm not the only one making assumptions, I guess."
If it was just him, Miles wouldn't be so frustrated, but if it kept happening, he was obviously doing something to encourage this impression. Miles glanced at Wright, who looked a little deflated. Embarrassed, perhaps. Which made sense, Miles supposed; he hadn't ever heard anything about Wright being bisexual, which meant he just tried to come out to Miles in a casual way and had it go awkwardly.
According to the old woman, they were still half a mile away from their destination, which left plenty of conversation time to fill. "Wright," he said. Wright looked over at him. "Since you just made the same assumption, maybe you could tell me why this keeps happening."
Wright laughed, and immediately covered his smile with a hand. "Sorry," he said. "But...you really don't know?"
Crossly, Miles said, "I certainly wouldn't ask you if I did."
Wright groaned, but he was still smiling. "Okay," he said. "Uh. Where to start."
"Where to start"?
Wright must have seen the incredulity on his face, because he said, "Come on, you really don't know?" He waved a hand at Miles. "Your whole...thing. The way you dress, the way you act..."
"That's remarkably stereotypical," Miles said.
"Stereotypes are based on something," Wright said, looking bemused. "It's 2017 and you wear a cravat."
"It's a jabot, Wright."
Wright pointed at him. "That," he said. "That was so prissy. Come on."
Miles gritted his teeth. "If that sort of regressive thinking is the reason people keep thinking that," he said, "perhaps I shouldn't wonder about it."
"Oh, it's not just that," Wright said, matter-of-factly, like he didn't even have to think about it. "I mean, have you ever dated a woman? Or talked about finding a woman attractive? Or, you know, looked at a woman?"
Miles scoffed. "Some of us," he said, "are busy."
"No, all of us are busy," Wright said. "Most people find time to look. I mean, you work with lots of people. Aren't most of them dating or talking about dating, even when things are busy?"
"I've always assumed that's why I'm more efficient than anyone else," Miles said. "I'm not wasting time mooning over colleagues."
"Was Neil Marshall a good prosecutor?" Wright asked.
"Of course he was," Miles said. "He was an excellent prosecutor."
"Tell me, was he single when he died?" Wright asked, in the tone he used in court when he was confirming something he knew to be true. It was astonishing he ever managed to surprise anyone, let alone in every trial.
Miles sighed. "No, I don't think he was," he said. "I believe he and then-Detective Skye were involved for quite some time."
"And was she bad at her job?"
"Of course she wasn't, Wright," Miles said. "Though when she was Chief Prosecutor, she was too busy to date."
"Or was she grieving over her murdered boyfriend she thought her sister killed?" Wright said. "How could she date anyone under all that emotional stress? I don't think it was the workload, Edgeworth."
"Fine, I see your point," Miles said. "Though in that case, wouldn't it make more sense to assume I'm asexual?"
"Mmm," Wright said, which didn't sound like agreement. "That's definitely a possibility," he said, "and I guess if you're really not interested in men, either, that would be the case."
"Yet that's not what you assumed," Miles said. "Or anyone else, as far as I can tell."
"Like I said, there's the way you dress," Wright said. "And act. And you'd probably be more likely to keep quiet about boyfriends, or finding men attractive. Statistically, I mean, the general, hypothetical 'you'."
"Of course," Miles said drily. "And it's impossible to prove a negative. Thank you for confirming my lack of faith in the general population's reasoning ability, Wright."
Wright shrugged. "You asked," he said. "I mean, there's..." He shook his head. "Never mind."
"Don't never mind me," Miles said. "There's what?"
Wright looked over at him and grimaced. "I can't explain it, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you'll think it's stupid."
"That's been true of many things you couldn't explain," Miles said, "but I believe you usually get there in the end."
Wright shook his head. "I don't think so," he said. "Sorry. But, out of curiosity, who else said something about this to you?"
"I believe the first person was Franziska," Miles said. Then he frowned. "Though I suppose I might not have noticed before she drew my attention to it."
Wright scratched the back of his neck again. "And, uh, she's gay, right?"
"Yes," Miles said. "It was when she came out to me that she said something."
"Hmm," Wright said.
"I don't care for that 'hmm', Wright," Miles said.
"Well," Wright said. "She definitely never told me anything about being queer, or anything about her relationships."
"I don't see how it would come up," Miles said. "Or be any of your business."
"It wouldn't," Wright said. "But...I still knew."
"Well, she isn't exactly the subtlest person," Miles said, which was an understatement.
Wright laughed. "No, she isn't," he said. "But I don't think I ever even saw her outside of cases, or the precinct. I'm actually trying to explain the thing from before."
"I don't see how the two are connected," Miles said, because he didn't.
Wright sighed. "I'm sure you've heard of gaydar," he said.
"I have lived in this world slightly longer than you," Miles said. "It's come up."
"Okay, well, straight people have kind of turned it into a joke," Wright said. "But it's kind of real."
"Kind of real."
"I mean, it's not a perfect system," Wright said. "I don't know if there are rules or anything. But there's...God, this sounds so L.A...there's a vibe."
"A vibe," Miles said.
"I told you you'd think it was stupid," Wright said. "But it's totally real, and it's how I pretty much knew Franziska was queer, and it's why I absolutely would have sworn, until this conversation, that you were too."
"Because of a 'vibe'," Miles said, not bothering to hide his disbelief.
"Because of a vibe and because of the way you dress and because you have never even looked at a woman as far as I can tell," Wright said. "I'm really bad at it, I wouldn't have even said anything unless I was totally sure."
"And you think it's this...suggestive combination of circumstantial evidence," Miles said, "that leads people to this conclusion."
"Yeah," Wright said.
"That is preposterous," Miles muttered.
"You said it keeps happening," Wright said, "so it can't be that preposterous."
"Hmph," Miles said, and he didn't say anything else as they turned the corner indicated by the old woman, and went forward, since apparently Wright was incapable of "going straight".
The "totally legit" Polish deli Wright had finally led them to was reasonably accurate. It certainly smelled right. He shouldn't have trusted it was actually as close to his office as Wright claimed, but it did look worth a trip, if not the mile of walking in circles with Wright. It would have taken a fraction of the time to drive, though he supposed Wright was even less used to navigating from a car, and they could have gotten even more lost.
Wright seemed nervous as they got their food and sat down. At first Miles couldn't think of why. It certainly wasn't a pricey place to eat, and it hadn't been that long since his last case. Then Miles realized he had never actually said anything to Wright about his coming out. "You know," Miles said, dabbing grease from his mouth, "it doesn't matter to me if you're bisexual."
Wright laughed. "No," he said, "it wouldn't."
Miles frowned. Now what was that supposed to mean? "Wright," he said. "Were you...flirting with me?"
"Well, that would be kind of pathetic, wouldn't it?" Wright said. "I mean, look how it turned out."
Oh god, he had been. "Wright, I'm sorry," Miles said.
"You don't have to be," he said, shaking his head. "It really doesn't matter." He changed the subject by asking Miles for recommendations for cheeses they had in the attached shop. Which Miles was content to allow, because he had only so much patience for personal conversations, and he'd had enough of it for one day already.
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You know, when Franziska came into this case, I expected that she would end up heckling Miles something awful when she found out that he was in trouble with the PIC and basically about to lose his badge. I figured she’d react with scorn, and derision, “ha ha look what a fucking mess you are, compared to me, who is perfect, and would never end up in this kind of trouble.”
But when Judge Courtney threatens Miles’ badge, her first reaction is to demand “What has the PIC come to?” for threatening a prosecutor with loss of their badge to make them stop investigating a case. And then when Miles up and says “fuck it” and hands in his badge, she’s absolutely shocked, horrified:
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Miles responds:
“My only mission is to bring the truth to light. If it’s the prosecutors’ path to turn a blind eye to the truth... then that title is worth nothing to me!”
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Miles: “No matter what you say, I don’t intend to go back on my decision.”
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so who’s ready for a fucking disjointed incoherent discussion of their relationship in regards to this moment but also a lot of past events.
I feel like Franziska, back during JFA, would have been thrilled to see Miles in such deep shit that he gave up his badge because he was going to have it taken away anyway. That means he’s failed, which mean’s she’s better than him! She spends all of JFA hellbent on beating him by proxy - Phoenix beat him, so if she can beat Phoenix, she’s won against Miles as well - and then returns in T&T because Miles has given her the opportunity to go directly head-to-head with him.
But she’s not thrilled, she doesn’t comment on him having gotten into deep shit - she’s just furious that he’s giving up being a prosecutor. “You’re running away from Von Karma... from me?!”
When Miles first comes back in JFA, his first action is to berate Franziska for being dense and a perfectionist so in denial of being anything less than perfect that she blames every failure on someone else, rather than seeing if she may play a part in her own mistakes. Which, ouch, Miles, but there’s definitely an element of he’s trying to correct her where he too has already failed - he’s trying to teach her so that she won’t have the absolute life crisis and breakdown that he went through when he failed for the first few times. She doesn’t listen, but as a little sister I can’t fault her for that. Listening to your older brother try to give you advice is like, shut the fuck up I’m fine on my own.
Franziska in turn berates Miles over having failed, over not being perfect, over no longer being worthy of the von Karma name. In the end, she tells him “You are not worthy - and neither am I!” before she abandons her whip and runs off.
Miles and Fran are a lot alike. Fran gives off the impression that she’s spent her entire life competing with him - they became prosecutors at the same time but she was seven years younger than him, she was thirteen. How much do you think Von Karma set them against each other, made them compete for everything, made them feel like only one of them could be perfect, only one of them was the true heir? And Franziska is the one who is actually his daughter, actually has the von Karma name, but she was... two? when Von Karma took Miles as his protege. She’s spent her entire life with Miles around, older than her, and she’s trying to stay caught up with every accomplishment he makes. 
Their conversation at the airport at the end of JFA is really enlightening - she tells him she “won’t be in [his] shadow forever” and “you were always leaving me behind!” (which ties to above the screencap of her accusing him of leaving her behind again). She’s trying to beat him, certainly, but she also very much strikes me as just wanting to be his equal. To me she gives the impression that she wants him to respect her, admire her, be proud of her, notice her.
Because in the end, Franziska has nobody else. Miles was someone before he was Von Karma’s student. He had a different goal, he had a father he admired, he had friends. When he failed, when he started falling apart, realizing he couldn’t be who he thought he was, realizing he didn’t want to be who he thought he was, when the cracks started showing in the philosophy he tried to live with, he had something to fall back on. He didn’t do that very well, still - he faked his death and disappeared from everyone who knew him for a year. But he had something to return to - he can’t ever go back to who he was before DL-6, the person Phoenix remembers him as obviously isn’t a person that Miles can ever really be again, but that’s still more than Franziska has. Franziska has just been a Von Karma all her life, has been chasing after Miles all her life, has no one from the past to come to her and tell her she can be someone else. When she breaks down she hits the ground hard.
And it’s interesting, when they have that conversation at the airport - Miles had to come chasing after her. He, for once, followed her. And she’s still mad at him, still berating him for everything, but he gives her the whip back and that kind of tells her: you don’t need to cut ties with everyone and everything and vanish to resolve your crisis of identity like I did. There’s another way to solve that, and you don’t have to abandon everything that you were. You can figure out who you are, like I did. 
And they seem to be on slightly more even footing, have a more balanced dynamic, when they meet again in T&T. She’s still totally ready to kick his ass, totally wants to, but she doesn’t manage. And when she is along with Phoenix for their investigation, she seems on more even ground, too. She’s starting to figure out who she is. By the time we get to Investigations, her relationship with Miles feels a lot like it’s smoothed over. They’re both still stubborn, arrogant, self-righteous people who don’t do feelings well, who have a hell of a lot of baggage with their family, with their training and legacy as prosecutors, but they really do feel like an even functioning duo who work well together. Franziska has found her place working with Interpol, and Miles can do whatever, though she’s absolutely gleeful when Miles has to be her subordinate. Can’t blame her. It’s kind of the same thing like the way she referred to him as “little” brother.
But then we get here and there’s this sudden backslide. Miles giving up being a prosecutor is Miles abandoning her. And she’s still got no one else. She’s a Von Karma, and she’s a prosecutor, and Miles is her lifelong rival/fellow prosecutor. This is what their lives have always been. And he’s able, and willing, to give it all up. And she doesn’t know what the hell to do with that.
I don’t have a solid conclusion to this, or a solid point, but their relationship dynamic is fascinating to me and this moment kind of solidified for me a reading of them that I hadn’t realized I was thinking: she wants him to notice her, to respect her work, she seems to want a functioning friendship but they’re both such people that there’s no way either of them could manage to say that or admit that, so for all of the progress she’s made, and they’ve made, she still takes it personally when he walks away from the path that they’ve shared.
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askaceattorney · 6 years
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Sorry for your discomfort, but I'm not sure this falls under the category of incest, considering that Trucy didn’t know she’s referring to her own half-brother in that letter.  I’ll gladly delete it if enough people disagree with me, though.
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(Link in Letter) -- Pedophilia warning
Dear buddyfaith,
I feel like I explained everything I need to about those posts, but I guess I should also mention that I don’t find any enjoyment in pedophilia-related jokes.  The only thing I was laughing at in the letter to Athena was the idea of someone calling her a little girl (since she sort of looks like one).  Again, it was all a matter of me not noticing the problem until it was too late.
Dear buddyfaith,
I wasn’t in the blog at the time, unfortunately, or those asks would have been deleted, no exceptions. Pedophilia has never been an okay thing for people to joke about, and I have been extra careful in deleting very questionable asks in the inbox involving all sorts of things. You have our word that this won’t happen again.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Alex,
Sadly, the “old days” Mod is still absent, but I, too, have to commend him for his near-perfect foresight.
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(Video in Letter)
Dear Anthony,
I have now.  That was pretty well made, and I’d even say it was completely accurate except for the idea of someone willingly eating Gumshoe’s cooking.
Dear Anthony,
....Huh.... I have no words for this. It’s there. It exists. That is all.
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(Video in Letter)
Dear Kuro Majin,
I haven’t played the game myself, but I’ve seen a playthrough of it, and I have to agree that it’s...
Wait a minute...  Two “steamed hams” videos in a row!?  What are the chances of that happening?  Are you sure you’re not the same submitter from before using a different name?
Anyway, I have to give some serious props to Micnaxable for the amount of work and creativity that went into that video, whether it’s canon or not.
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Dear Asher Wright,
We haven’t made a tag for Franziska’s sister since she hasn’t made any in-game appearances (assuming she even is a sister and not a brother), and it’d probably take too long to go searching for all the letters that reference her by now.  Sorry.
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Dear Asher Wright again,
That’s...kind of depressing to think about, actually.  Getting caught in the act of lying is one thing, but a defendant getting accused and convicted of a crime they didn’t commit would probably result in a breakdown that’d be too sad to watch, even for Ace Attorney.  In fact, that’s probably why the courthouse doors close immediately after the trial ends.
I can at least make a guess as to what those (thankfully) non-canon endings look like.  Juniper would probably pull her braids so tight that they’d snap back into her face and knock her down (much like Nahyuta’s beads), Trucy would cry silently, trying her best to hide it from everyone’s sight, Edgeworth would attempt to keep a straight face and accept his fate, Sasha would inflate her water wings until they burst like Geiru’s balloons, and Larry would just shout nonstop with those sharp teeth of his.
Luckily, they'd all be able to appeal to a higher court in those scenarios, so...no need to grab any tissues.
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Dear jnv11,
Taken care of.  And thanks for deciding to use those tags.  They’re not really necessary, but they do help us discern mod letters from character letters.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear ajanisapprentice,
I’m all for Trucy getting more spotlight, too (and learning the truth about her “long-lost, big, little brother”), and I'd be fine with seeing that happen before Athena gets more attention.  So far, most of what we’ve seen of her is just her stage personality.  We’ve only had one glimpse of her showing her less peppy side in AJ, as well as a slightly more drawn-out one in SoJ:
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As touching as that was, I’m also curious what sort of thoughts she has when she’s not thinking about her magic acts or helping out in the courtroom (which I’d also love to see again, especially as Phoenix’s co-counsel).  What does she plan to do after graduating high school?  Does she ever wonder if she’d succeed as a lawyer?  Has she developed any romantic interests?  And how does she cope with the deep pain she feels, assuming she hasn’t already put it behind her?  There’s definitely a lot of room for development there.
I feel like Kristoph’s story was more or less resolved in AJ, though.  In my headcanon, his story is a lot like Manfred von Karma’s -- he became an expert in his field, gained a lot of prestige, and let it all go to his head until he could no longer accept being denied by anyone, and thus decided to take revenge on the ones he thought had wronged him.  I also imagine that his black Psyche-locks are just conscience being suppressed, but if there’s more to his backstory than that, I’d be happy to see that, too.
I haven’t written very much in terms of fan fiction (not much that I’d feel comfortable sharing, at least), but I have done some crossover roleplaying with a good friend of mine, using characters from Ace Attorney, Undertale, Ib, and others.  I’d share one of those here if I could, but it’s composed of a large number of separate posts that would take forever to compile.  I do, however, have a picture I made that depicts a small part of one.
I don’t do any shipping myself.  Even if there’s a chance that Phoenix and Maya could be a good fit for each other (emphasis on “if”), I’ll leave their respective fates up to Capcom and their expert writers.  And finally, I haven’t seen hide or hair of the Mod for months, but I’m also curious whether or not he plans to make a comeback.  It leaves me with a pleasant sort of suspense.
Dear ajanisapprentice,
I feel like leaving the thoughts on Trucy and such to Co-Mod, since he can express his feelings about this better than I can express mine. With the fanfic question though, I will admit, since I’ve stopped Role-Playing, I may start writing fanfictions. I have Ace Attorney OC’s (that I will hopefully learn to program a romhack case for one day) and I would love to write out the case I made around them in full, complete detail. Not to mention the other fandoms I’m in, like Professor Layton, Undertale, Oneshot, Earthbound... heh heh... you get the picture. If I knew other people wanted to read them, I’d totally write until I ran out of ideas.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear ajanisapprentice again,
Nah, I should be good.  After her little April Fool’s Day stunt, I’d say she and I are even now.
Yup, especially since I move that over-stuffed confetti canon...
-Modthorne and Co-Mod
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healing-hanyou · 6 years
Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Love Live for the ask meme
Ace Attorney:
Favorite Male Character: Miles Edgeworth. Shi-Long Lang is great as well. I also have a soft spot for Klavier, Sebastian and Apollo. And, naturally, my space son, Clay Terran.
Favorite Female Character: Kay Faraday!! Props also go to Mia Fey and Trucy Wright, as well as Athena and Jinxie.
Favorite Het Ship: Farabeste (Sebastian/Kay). Cykesquill as well, but I’m very specific about how and when I like it...like, ridiculously specific. Diego/Mia is good as well. For something more ridiculous that I think would be fun, Clay and Athena could have had a great dynamic. Maybe even Clay and Jinxie, if we go out and be totally wild.
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Klapollo, Langworth, Nahyuta/Simon. Vera/Trucy, lady Cykesquill, Robin/Myriam and Athena/Juniper for the ladies. 
Least Favorite Male Character: how to I condense the list of the bastards? Kristoph is evil, but I cannot deny he had charm as a character - he’s terrifying, but fascinating, so I cannot name him as my least favourite. I think I’ll go with either von Karma or Blaze Debeste. They’re responsible for so much misery, and they don’t have any tragic reasons for being the way they are.
Least Favorite Female Character: Ma//ya Fe//y. I know the reasons people have for liking her, and I can forgive some flaws in writing, but she simply has too many of them. I know she is a courageous girl who ultimately wishes to do good, but the way she acts, especially in the first two games... just make me go ‘hmmmm’. Honestly, my favourite games in the series are those where I don’t get to see her. Young Pearl is also very low down on the list, and she was my least favourite for a long while, but her teenage years made me soften up to her, she’s pretty great in DD.
Least Favorite Het Ship: anything that encourages abuse, like Grant/Lana? Why would you do this? Also, I’m not fond of Athena/Apollo or Juniper/Apollo. Apollo is far too gay in my eyes to ever be together with a girl. Phoenix/Maya is another one I dislike.
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): same rule as above applies. Aside from those, I... don’t have many slash ships I actively dislike, surprisingly? My main one would be Wri//ght//wor//th, since, in my opinion, it’s very overhyped, and I cannot turn around in this fandom without seeing it, but even that is mostly just...annoyance.
Dirty Little Secret: I haven’t forgotten about my dumbass theory. I’m just...really fucking slow.
Headcanon(s): this will need to be answered in its own separate asks. I have headcanons for everyone. For now, though - Jinxie Tenma is a Fey.
Unpopular Opinion(s): I like Gyakuten Kenji far more than the original games. In general, games with a protag that’s not Phoenix and newer games in the series I tend to like more. Not to imply that the original trilogy was bad or anything, but... Edgeworth is far more solid as a protagonist, not only because his side was relatively unexplored, but because his investigation methods were so much more sensible. Phoenix has this ‘wing it’ approach, which works fine, until you see past it. When you see past it, the tension build-up it tries to pull fails massively, and you just get annoyed by Phoenix never thinking ahead for anything, or being oblivious. With Edgeworth, when there are moments of tension, they appear because of something genuinely unexpected, or because Edgeworth made a miscalculation (which allows character growth). Even when Edgeworth has to pull dumb or crazy shit, it feels like it makes sense, because he thinks, even when he panics. Also, Phoenix is tied down by the worst accompanying duo of Maya and Pearl all the time, while Edgeworth acquires an absolutely amazing set of sidekicks (and he not only gets fun new ones, like Kay and Lang, but there’s so much detail in his interactions with Gumshoe, Franziska and Larry as well? It was great to see the Edgeworth/Larry dynamic of the friendship). Plus, I like the Logic Chess things, the soundtrack is my favourite (how exactly COULD you even attempt to top Shi-Long Lang’s theme???), at least if we’re not counting PLvsAA as a part of this universe, and I like the visuals of it much better. In short, everybody should play these fucking games right fucking now, and storm Capcom offices so they actually port GK2 for the Western market.
A lot of the same criteria apply for the newer games, too. While DD was a comeback for Phoenix, it was a game with mixed protagonists, and it was a new Phoenix as well. Apollo probably has my second favourite supporting character crew after Edgeworth, and, at the time, his Perceive mechanic was refreshing to see after being stuck to the same gimmick for 3 games. Same with Athena. She differs dractically from both Phoenix and Apollo, and brings a new mechanic and a new set of associated people. In other words? I’m happy this series is trying new things, and exploring extra protagonists where it can. It has improved a whole bunch as a result.
Favorite Male Character: Byakuya Togami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru. Nagisa Shingetsu. Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata, Kuzuryuu Fuyuhiko, Nagito Komaeda. Shuuichi Saihara, Ouma Kokichi, Rantarou Amami.
Favorite Female Character: Aoi Asahina, Celes, Touko Fukawa. Sonia Nevermind, Peko Pekoyama, Akane Owari, Ibuki Mioda. Angie Yonaga, Kirumi Toujou, Maki Harukawa, Tenko Chabashira. 
Favorite Het Ship: Togami/Asahina, Ishimaru/Asahina, Hinata/Ibuki, Tanaka/Pekoyama (I’m especially fond of this one, also titled Soft Animals Edge Duo). Sonia/Kuzuryuu is also great, though that is a platonic ship, as I headcanon Sonia as aro.
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Naegi/Ishimaru, Naegi/Togami. KomaNaegi is quite pure, but a friend also got me into KomaSouda as a complimentary ship to TanaPeko. A crackship, but still a favourite is Izuru/Ryouta. And, of course, the ultimate fave - Saiouma. (A nice shoutout also goes to Oumota and Amamota). As for the ladies, Kirizono and Celesgiri, and all gay Asahina ships are good, SoniAkane & Pekobuki. In V3, Tenko is mega gay, so there’s a chance for every gay ship, however, my favourite one is Tenko/Maki. If we’re talking non-Tenko ships, Angie/Maki sounds fun.
Least Favorite Male Character: in DR1, surprisingly, none. Well, Hagakure can get on my nerves, but I like just alright all of them. In SDR2, Nidai, in my opinion, didn’t have that great of a development, so I guess him. Though I also have plenty of issues with Souda. In V3, Gon//ta Go//ku//ha//ra.
Least Favorite Female Character: All DR1 girls are good, and even if they aren’t, they’re at least interesting or entertaining. But if I have to pick, Junko, if we’re judging morality. In SDR2, Mi//kan Tsu//mi//ki and Hi//yo//ko Sai//onji,in terms of morality and/or being dicks. In terms of rather poor writing (despite having a good idea), Chi//a//ki Na//na//mi. In V3, H//i//m//i//k//o Y//u//m//e//n//o and K//a//e//d//e A//k//a//m//a//t//s//u. The final one is also my least favourite in the entirety of the series as a whole.
Least Favorite Het Ship: Jun//ko//ma//e//da. In general, any Junko ship is not very good for plenty of reasons. Na//e//gi//ri. In SDR2, Souda/Sonia (she’s clearly not comfortable with him), Nidai/Akane, Hi//na//na//mi.. Not sure if should be mentioned here, but romantic Kuzupeko? Mostly because I cannot picture it as a thing. I do, however, like them platonically, they do care about each other a whole bunch. In V3, Sa//i//ma//tsu (never make me look at it). 
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Chi//hi//mon//do. Even if I do like Mondo okay, it’s not healthy. Ka//mu//ko//ma. Son//dam. Jun//ko//mi//kan? Mahiru/Peko for sure. Kiib//ou//ma, too.
And the one I guarantee I’ll receive anon hate over - Te//n//hi//mi.
Dirty Little Secret: this series somehow manages to combine the good with the ridiculous in such a way that I can accept.
Unpopular Opinion(s): I am the literal embodiment of unpopular opinions in this franchise. I think V3 is the best game of the series, and it had a brilliant twist (both the start one and the final one). I don’t really ship the most popular ships, the obvious exception being Saiouma (and, to an extent, SoniAkane? It’s a popular Akane ship, at least). I think Saihara is a far better protag choice than the other option that was presented, since the story and its structure was made to fit him. I’m the unpopular opinion and rarepair central in this fucking thing. (Please help me.)
Love Live!:
Favorite Male Character: yay for not having prominent males, which means I get to skip 2 more questions here.
Favorite Female Character: In Muse’s, my top 3 is Hanayo, Eli and Maki. In Aquors, my top 3 is You, Kanan and Dia (though Mari and Chika are also very lovable).
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Makipana! It’s very very cute. I also quite like HonoEli. HonoMaki is also quite nice. In Aquors, YouKanan or DiaKanan. 
Least Favorite Female Character: Not unpopular by any means, but Ni//co Ya//za//wa. In terms of singing voice, Kotori. In Aquors, R//i//k//o S//a//k//u//r//a//u//c//h//i. 
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Ni//co//ma//ki??? I will never understand why people like it. In Aquors, Chi//ka//ri//ko and You//ri//ko. 
Dirty Little Secret: I quite like A-RISE. Every song they’ve ever done is an absolute banger, as the youth says.
Unpopular Opinion(s): would you look at that. Another fandom where I’m the monarch of rarepairs.
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A New Friend
Well, it took me five months to finally start writing this out, but that’s far better than the three years and never actually getting any results to another AU from another fandom. So five months is a vast improvement over my awful laziness.
This is the very start of my Undertale AU that this blog is actually based around. 
It’s under a readmore because it’s over 3,000 words and to not would just be cruel.
     Frisk gave one more glance across her room. One last check to make sure she had everything ready. There were large bags of fertilizer in the far corner, a watering can, a large tub of dirt, a trowel and a few smaller flowerpots. Yeah. That should do it. Grabbing one of the pots and the trowel, Frisk placed them in a backpack before heading downstairs.
     “Mom, I’ll be back in a bit, just going to get a friend!” Frisk raced out of the house before her mother could even respond.
     The sun was beginning to dip below the trees, giving everything a slight orange hue.
     Sprinting down the road, Frisk only slowed when she finally reached the forest. Not wanting to trip and fall again, the girl made her way carefully through the twisting branches and vines, stopping only when she reached a familiar pit.
     This time she searched around the hole, finding a thick tree root sticking out of the dirt and descending into the darkness below. That must have been what she tripped on before. Frisk gave the root a tug. It seemed pretty stuck in there. She’d survived the fall unharmed before, sure, but climbing down would be better.
     Turning around, Frisk began to lower herself into the hole, holding onto the root until her knuckles whitened. As she descended, Frisk felt eyes watching her. That feeling was soon joined by a familiar high pitched and slightly distorted voice.
     “The root’s gunna end.”
     Huh? Sure enough, the root she was climbing down began getting too thin to support the girl’s weight.
     Sighing, Frisk glanced down over her shoulder. It wasn’t that far. Moving one hand to hold her glasses on, she let go with the other.
     Moments later, green vines shot up from the ground below, wrapping tightly around Frisk. She sucked in a small startled gasp, looking down to find the golden flower glaring up at her. “What kind of reckless freak are you?” His vines began to lower her down.
     She just smiled down at him. “Wow, thanks for the catch, Flowey!”
     When she was about a foot above the ground, the vines released her, and slithered back underground. She landed with a thud on her rear. Not the best but a lot better than the full fall.
     “It’s been a month, what are you doing down here again?”
     The smile dropped from her face as she stayed on the ground next to the flower, only shifting to a more comfortable position. “I’m sorry it took me so long. I meant to come back down sooner. It’s … not easy being ambassador for everyone.”
     Flowey rolled his eyes. “What’d you expect? You brought a bunch of monsters up to a place they’d been banished from.” He then narrowed his eyes. “And I don’t need your pity-visits. I’m fine here on my own! If you came for that, you wasted a trip!” After a moment, his irritated glare, shifted into a twisted and fanged grin. “Or wait, it’s too challenging isn’t it? ~ You came back down here to reset, didn’t you? ~”
     “No, I’m not resetting. “
     Flowey’s toothy smirk fell into a grimace. “Then you wasted your time, go away.”
     Frisk sighed, giving the blossom a tired smile, before shrugging off her backpack. “Actually, I – just hear me out ok? – I have a question for you.” Flowey blinked slowly with pure impatience, though he stayed quiet. “I didn’t come down just to visit you. I was hoping,” Frisk unzipped the bag and pulled out the flowerpot. “You’d come with me?”
     “No.” Flowey’s petals flattened, and reminded her of an angry cat. Frisk opened her mouth but Flowey beat her to it. “I said no! Didn’t you listen to what I said before or are you deaf as well as dumb? I said to just forget about me! I can’t be him anymore!” Sharp red thorns began protruding from Flowey’s stem, as well as the few vines Frisk suddenly felt wrapping around her. Tightly. “I will never be him again!” Frisk winced as the thorns pierced her skin. “I don’t have a soul! I had one! I had many!” Flowey continued to squeeze Frisk tighter with his vines. “I gave them up so everyone could see the stupid surface! I--”
     “I didn’t come down here for him!” Frisk finally shouted. Flowey’s crushing paused, though he didn’t loosen his grip or even withdraw his thorns. “I came down here for you, Flowey. The little flower that greeted me when I first fell down here!”
     “That was a trick to kill you and steal your soul.”
     “I know. But you were still the first one I met down here.” Ignoring the pain of thorns digging into her sides, Frisk smiled at the flower who clearly didn’t expect her to smile at a time like this. “While we’re being honest here, it was actually your motto of ‘it’s kill or be killed’ that made me want to find an ‘option c.’ And I did! – We did! Together! We freed everyone after so many years of being trapped underground!”
     The thorns finally retracted and the vines slinked back underground. Frisk couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.
     “…All of that was just because I told you it was kill or be killed?” He was staring at her hard, as if trying to read her face.
     Frisk nodded. “I was scared and didn’t really know what to do. That gave me something to focus on. It’s harder to be afraid when you have a goal to work towards.”
     Flowey turned away, falling silent. Frisk took this moment to peek inside her sweater to see how bad the thorn cuts were. There were little red dots across her chest, but luckily they weren’t leaking too much. The sound of a throat clearing caused Frisk to snap her head back up and let go of the top of her shirt.
     “Why do you want to bring me to the surface?”
     A wide grin spread over Frisk’s face. This was progress! “A couple reasons! For starters: if we can free an entire civilisation, imagine what other amazing things we can accomplish together!” Her grin faltered a little, but didn’t fall completely. “But also, you said I took the power to reset from you. So you know what it’s like: to die and be able to come back. It would be nice to have someone to talk to about that who gets it.”
     It was Flowey’s turn to sigh, but he didn’t deny it would be nice to talk to someone who understands. Frisk waited patiently until the flower finally spoke again. “There’s going to be some ground rules.” Frisk beamed and nodded. “No one finds out who I was. He’s dead. And it’s going to stay that way. As far as you’re aware I am and always have been just Flowey. I don’t have to spend time with anyone I don’t want to. If I need to be alone for a while, my privacy is respected. And …” Flowey turned away. “…Don’t be surprized when I mess up everyone’s happy ending.” A hand with the pinky extended moved into his line of vision. “What are you doing?”
     “It’s a pinky-promise. The strongest form of promising someone can make. Breaking it is the worst thing that can be done to someone.”
     Flowey let out a dry snort. “I think I can think of a few worse things.” He gave the human a side-glance. “Aren’t you going to set any ground rules for me?”
     Frisk blinked, keeping her pinky out. “I guess, don’t kill anyone, and just … be yourself.” She gave his stem a gentle poke with her pinky. “c’mooon.”
     Flowey’s small black eyes darted from her face to her hand and back up. Finally a vine slithered from the ground and wrapped around the finger. Frisk closed her pinky as best she could around his vine, giving a joyful giggle. “You’re so weird.” After a moment he pulled his vine back.
     “I know.” Frisk reached for the flowerpot she must have dropped at some point, but nearly jumped when her phone blasted to life, ringtone filling the small cavern. Fishing her phone out of her pocket she swiped to answer. “Hello?”
     The voice that came through was loud enough for both to hear and caused Frisk to pull the phone away from her ear. “Franziska! It’s after dark, where are you?!”
     Moving the phone back to her ear, Frisk responded. “I know mom, sorry, I’m heading back now. I’ll see you soon – yes, love you too, bye.” She hit the button to hang up. “Huh, I didn’t think the signal would reach down here.”
     “Franziska? I thought you said your name was Frisk.”
     She turned back to the flower who was tilting his head a little to the side. “It is. Well, it’s more of a favoured nickname since ‘Franziska’ sounds too … formal.” For what seemed like the hundredth time that night she grinned down at Flowey. “I guess we both have our preferred names.” He nodded in understanding at that. Another similarity. Frisk shoved her phone back in her pocket. “We should go before she organizes a search party. It turns out if your daughter goes missing for a few days and shows up with a large group of monsters rumoured to be dangerous it makes a mom worry. If there’s anything you want to bring with you, you can put it in here.” Frisk held open her knapsack. “Tomorrow I’ll get you a set of drawers you can keep your things in.”
     “I don’t have any… Wait. I do.” Flowey disappeared underground.
     Frisk stood and brushed the dirt from her legs and clothes while she waited for him to return, hoping that he would.
     A moment later he did. Frisk picked up her bag and held it open for him. Flowey shoved a rolled up green and yellow stripped sweater wrapped around something shiny into the bag.
     Setting the bag down, Frisk picked up the flowerpot. “I forgot how long your vines are, you might not actually fit in this.”
     Flowey snickered. “I make them larger with magic. Only can in dirt.” He paused. “But I’m not going into it. I’m not a houseplant.”
     Frisk raised an eyebrow. “But you are a flower, don’t you need dirt?”
     “I’m fine for a few hours out of it.” Grabbing the pot with a vine, he shoved it back into her bag.
     Zipping the bag closed, Frisk slung it back over her shoulders. “If you’re sure. Ready to go?” She fished her phone back out of her pocket.
     “How-Who are you calling?”
     “Sans, he can telepo-Hey!” A vine wrapped around her phone and shoved it back into her pocket before she could even finish the sentence. Before she could say anything else, more vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped around her middle. Frisk was lifted until she was able to grab the tree root from before. The vines then unwound and sunk back down into the soil. Frisk looked over her shoulder. “How are you going to get up?”
     Her question was answered as Flowey began digging his way up the wall. He climbed it like a ladder: digging his vines in, pulling himself up, and then reaching up to repeat the action. Once he reached the root, he climbed onto Frisk’s shoulder, carefully pulling his own roots free. Wrapping his now much smaller vines around her arm, Flowey glanced back down, and then turned to face her. “Alright, go.” He then fell silent, letting the girl focus on climbing out of the hole.
     Once out, Flowey looked around. “It’s dark. I think there’s more light in the ruins.”
     “It’s night.” Frisk pulled her phone out. “Don’t worry, not calling anyone.” Hitting a few buttons, the phone’s light flashed on. Using it, Frisk made her way slowly through the woods.
     Frisk side-glanced to the flower perched on her shoulder like an awkward parrot. “Yeah?”
     “I meant to ask before but… when did you get glasses?”
     She giggled softly, turning back to the woods ahead. “Pretty much my whole life. They broke the first time I fell. I had to squint to try and even make anyone out.”
     “That’s why you were making such a dumb face?! That must be why you were so bad at dodging.”
     “Yeah…” Frisk sighed. She chose to ignore the ‘dumb’ comment.
     Flowey snickered. “Staggering around like an idiot, blind as a bat!”
     Frisk didn’t respond, paying more attention to getting out of the woods rather than getting lost.
     After what felt like a week, Frisk finally found the road. Flowey had been making fun of her the entire time. She glanced up, and then smirked at the flower. Perfect! She knew a way to get him to quit teasing. “Hey Flowey, look up,” Frisk said, turning off the flashlight.
     “Why?” Though he did. Flowey’s little black eyes widened. It was a clear night and now that they were out from under all of those trees, a sea of stars could be seen, going on and on and on. Flowey could only stare, mouth open slightly.
     Frisk smirked. Yep, that got him to quit the rude comments. Frisk continued walking home while Flowey just kept staring up.
     “It’s like that room in Waterfall but … more. It’s like this every night?”
     “Sometimes it’s cloudy but on clear nights – like tonight – yeah.” Finally reaching and heading into her house, Flowey kept looking up until he was forced to stop once a roof was over his head. Flowey grumbled in annoyance, though he let his gaze wonder boredly around the house.
     Frisk called out. “Mom, I’m back, I brought my friend.”
     A blonde, blue-eyed woman in casual and yet still tailored, professional clothes, walked out of a side room. She smiled warmly. “Good. I’m sorry dear, after what happened I can’t help … but… worry.” Halfway through her sentence, her eyes fell on the sentient flower perched on her daughter’s shoulder. “Your …. friend?”
     Flowey’s eyes narrowed at the tone she used.
     Acting fast, Frisk forced a smile, and held the hand Flowey wasn’t wrapped around just under him. “This is Flowey!” Her hand moved to gesture to her mother. “Flowey, this is my mom, Luna.”
     “It’s a … plant.”
     Oh dear. Before Frisk could say anything Flowey shifted his face to something creepier: larger pure black eyes with little red pupils and fangs. He then hissed.
     Her mother’s eyes widened in alarm while Frisk did her best to hide Flowey’s sudden demonic face behind her hands. “Mom, he’s my friend – and also the reason I was able to come home! Please be nice.” Frisk began inching towards the stairs, before sprinting up them. As she darted into her room, she called down: “’Night mom, see you tomorrow!” Frisk shut the door with a sigh before glancing at the growling flower on her shoulder. “Easy there, Flowey.”
     Flowey glared at Frisk. “I’m not an it!”
      “I know, I’m sorry. She just needs time to get used to you. She’s still getting used to the others.” Frisk hesitated for a moment before reaching up to softly pat the flower just behind the petals. Flowey froze at the light touch before narrowing his eyes even further, however he didn’t yell at her to stop. “She’s …. iffy about monsters. She also calls the others ‘it’s. Once she gets to know you, she’ll warm up to you. I know she will.”
     Flowey’s face finally shifted back to normal. He still looked annoyed but at least the anger had subsided.  Turning his attention to the room, Flowey climbed down Frisk and began exploring and snooping around the room. Anything he could poke his vines into, he did.  
     Frisk took her bag off and walked over to the tub of dirt. Unzipping the bag she set it down next to it. Turning around, she caught sight of vines disappearing under her bed. Frisk giggled before full on laughing.
     A golden petal-framed face poked out from under the bed. He was raising an eyebrow. “What the heck’s so funny?”
     Frisk tried to wave her hand dismissively while she continued to erupt with bubbly giggles. Finally she managed “I-I’ve got a monster under my bed!”
     Flowey only blinked at her, not getting the apparent joke. “Humans are weird.” While Frisk attempted to regain her composure, Flowey crawled out from under the bed. Scuttling across the floor, the blossom investigated the tub of dirt. The container was large enough to hold ten of him, far better than that tiny flowerpot Frisk had shown him in the underground.
     Dipping one of his roots into it, Flowey’s face scrunched up. It felt nice and cool but there was something … off about it. Not enough to keep him from sinking the rest of his roots into, but still weird.
     By then Frisk’s giggles had finally died down, so she crouched next to the flower climbing into the dirt. “Everything ok?”
     “What kind of dirt is this?”
     “It’s fertilizer!” Frisk grabbed one of the bags to show him.
     Scanning the bag, Flowey let out a horrified gasp when he found the ingredients. “There’s poop in this?!”
     “It’s been treated!” Frisk said quickly. “It’s really good for plants! And look!” She pointed out some of the other ingredients. “All the vitamins growing boys need!” Flowey growled. “And I mean regular dirt is worm poop and that’s not even been treated, just straight worm poop!”
     Flowey’s face showed pure disgust. “Ew! You’re just saying that! That’s a lie!”
     “Nu-uh! It’s true!” Frisk sighed. “Alright how about this, it’s late now, so please put up with it for tonight and tomorrow we can go look for a type without that ingredient. They DO make pure chemical kinds, I just didn’t want that kind making you sick, and this really is healthy for plants. What if you woke up tomorrow 20 feet tall with leaves!”
     Flowey narrowed his eyes and bent down over the dirt. He sniffed it. “It doesn’t smell bad, just like regular dirt…” It was more a comment to himself than to Frisk. She watched him debate his options for a moment before a thought came to her.
     “Hey Flowey?” Frisk asked, causing the flower to look up at her. “Are you able to eat food?”
     Flowey nodded. “You better feed me while I’m up here.”
     Frisk beamed down at him. “Great! Tomorrow after we pick out better fertilizer for you I’m gunna get us some pizza!”
     Flowey raised an eyebrow, though didn’t bother asking. Instead he turned back down to the fertilizer he was in. He glared at it for a while before shutting his eyes and sighing. “Fine. I’ll stay here tonight.” Frisk smiled and reached down to softly pat the top of his head. A vine lifted from the soil and pushed her hand away. “Stop.”
     Frisk pulled her hand back. “Sorry. No more headpats.” Standing up, Frisk stretched her arms above her head. Heading to her closet she pulled out a light blue night-dress. “I’ll be back in a bit.” Leaving her room, Frisk went to go change and brush her teeth in the bathroom.
     Flowey shifted around in the soil, getting himself comfortable, before reaching a vine into the backpack. Leaving the locket, he pulled out the sweater and slithered into it popping his head out of the neck hole, letting the rest drape over him like a blanket. He then folded up the sleeves to make a pillow. Once satisfied he curled up in the dirt, resting his head on the makeshift pillow.
     Soon Frisk returned, dropping the clothes she had been wearing in her laundry basket. Glancing over at Flowey it took a lot of Determination to not comment on how adorable he looked snuggling into the sweater like a kitten.
     Closing the bedroom door and climbing into bed, Frisk looked over at the flower. “Goodnight, Flowey. Thanks for coming to the surface with me.”
     “Go to sleep, Frisk.”
     Smiling, and figuring that was the best she was going to get out of him, Frisk reached over to hit the light switch by her bed, flooding the room in darkness. She then snuggled into her own covers, falling asleep soon after.
     Flowey sighed, staring into the darkness for a moment before yawning. Closing his petals over his face, he was soon sleeping as well.
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earthdeep · 7 years
ok this is really starting to get on ludicrous levels but... can we quit with the aa5 hate a bit? like srsly? y’all are gettin waaaaay too aggressive abt ppl liking this game. half the time it’s shit over nothing! it’s not like ppl are out here praising this as a masterpiece of writing. srsly the only times I’ve seen what y’all are insisting stans are doing is for aa4 (usually guessing at what was intended for future sequels that actually continued on from it) and shipping (especially narumitsu shippers? some of u are REALLY invested in subtext like wow). 99% of the praise I’ve seen for aa5 is for the characters. which is more than fair! in case u forgot, aa5 introduced us to the entire blackquill/cykes group, in all their lovable glory! and fleshed out the universe with the wonder that is lawyer highschool (which, listen, if ur accepting 13 year olds are allowed to prosecute, this isn’t actually incompatible with the depths this fictional justice system will sink) that also managed to connect parts of aai2 into the timeline as well! ffs apollo’s single friend only exists in canon bc of aa5!
and u can say everything’s clumsily implemented all u like. but, uh, in case u hadn’t noticed, aa5 isn’t the first time it’s gone weird. have u seen t&t lately? dahlia and godot were soooo clumsily integrated. I’ve ranted on godot’s mary sue qualities before, but ugh. both have the same problem of “oh by the way did I ever mention that INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT ex of mine who is totally irrelevant btw haha oh wow they’re suddenly relevant how about that”. fucking jfa has the same issue with franziska aka “woah now there’s ANOTHER von karma? and she’s even MORE challenging than the last one?!” srsly let’s not pretend her sudden arrival made sense for a prodigy who is also next of kin to the most infamous prosecutor around. nick not knowing who manfred was was clumsy too. what I’m getting at is that the aa series does not in fact have the smoothest writing, to the point where nick and later apollo appear to live under rocks in order to lose out on what should be common knowledge in their situation. srsly apollo how did u never notice that there’s some frontman in a rock group pushed by the literal police who looks scarily like ur boss, has the same last name as ur boss, said band is literally called the GAVINners. like christ I’m not into music but I at least recognise the names of 1d members. in all honesty I am so glad athena did not end up like those two pebble-dwellers and had actually p good reasons for either not knowing shit (hello l’belle and his private company) or keeping quiet (hello the entire space station situation). athena is good at this. 
there’s other stuff I’ve seen too specifically abt the satire that started the series. yes, gyakuten saiban was created to satirise the unbalanced nature and unbelievably high prosecution rates of the japanese courts. gyakuten saiban 4 was written in reaction to the real life introduction of the jury. (srsly if u have time, go on a research trip. there’s a lot of interesting stuff surrounding the background of the series.) but, forgive me if I’m missing something, what the FUCK were 2 and 3 satirising? as far as I’m aware, takumi was asked to continue the series bc ppl liked it. and it made capcom money. takumi eventually got totally sick of it and left the main series but please don’t act like this is something new from capcom. not everything in the series is pure political commentary. some of it is just regular stories. this is true for almost any satirical series ever. it doesn’t make them unenjoyable. besides y’all are content to shit on soj anyway for being a cheesy take on of a corrupt government system so maybe u just don’t care and just have a hate on for anything tangentially related to aa5.
and on whether it’s unenjoyable? nah man aa5 is fun. monstrous turnabout was a bit slow I reckon, but everything else moved at a nice pace, had fun characters, had those good good friendship moments. it was a bit wobbly in places, but we sat through turnabout serenade and turnabout succession! would u like my list of plot holes in serenade alone? bc I have one. I had to make one to break down the damn thing enough to write an au version of it. and with aa5 and the phantom? apparently that’s largely on the localisation team deciding western audiences wouldn’t accept ‘yokai’ as the answer and then just... not... putting anything else in? literally could’ve been solved with one word being swapped out or jinxie mentioning said yokai in one of her lists which... yeah that one’s on the game. idk maybe in the distant future when the games are all remastered for the new new new nintendo 3dsi that’ll be fixed too. or maybe the miracle never happen. who knows.
like probably the only other thing I can’t argue with on criticism is the art style. yeah, I’m not keen on fuse’s faces. nuri suffers with a certain level of same face too, but (as shown in dgs) the other parts of his design are pretty and managed to shine through in 3d. but the colours are way better come soj now the main team is getting into the swing of it, and anyone who doesn’t think khura’in is pretty as hell can fight me.
but srsly there are actually a lot of good points to aa5. it is not the antichrist. personally it is far from my favourite game (with my own fave as aa4 bc dem characters tho... barring the perverts) but many of its flaws are not new to the series. and while it has lost potential in various parts such as several important characters being dead on arrival, let’s not forget it left behind some especially nasty parts of the series and appears to be CONTINUING to leave those behind. mmm just look at that lack of literal canon pedophiles we’re supposed to feel sorry for... sorry every time I remember aa3 I like it less and less. which is a shame, bc young!mia is still the most relatable protag ever.
anyway, let’s not become the dicks who shat on anyone who liked aa4 back in the day, yeah?
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