#and from day one you seemed to be the favorite child. your parents adored you. your parents insisted you’d go far.
sammydem0n64 · 10 months
I love lingering when it comes to introducing oc story and lore because ohh oh ohhhhh it’s fun seeing reactions to plot points and discussing them and what not. But it’s also scary because I won’t like it if I’m judged for a story direction because people don’t like a character or smth. But also who caresssss I call it a jumpscare to see horrible people fully comprehend that they’re horrible and try to fix themselves and build themself from the ground up. I call it that fucked up people can realize their wrongs and change themselves for the better. I call it nuance. I call it look at these ocs boy
#I say this specifically because I have plots that I cannot share right now because the haters will sabotage /J#no but forreal listen to me#imagine you’re a piece of shit. and it’s largely because your parents installed their pompous and bigoted views onto you#and from day one you seemed to be the favorite child. your parents adored you. your parents insisted you’d go far.#they acted as if you acted just like them then you’d succeed. and you were succeeding. no one worth your time treated you badly#even though you treat most people badly. INCLUDING your own siblings. if anything you’re encouraged to treat your siblings like ass#so they strive for greatness. but you refuse to see them as anything but great. because THEYRE not YOU. they’re nothing like you#you’re special. you’re perfect. you deserve so much in life and you will go so far in life because of your parents#but then you follow your heart. you were given freedom in life so why not decide to try and date people not on your level#but your parents HATE this!! and when you get your heart broken they refuse to comfort you#they demean you. insult your intelligence. ask where they went wrong raising you. treat you like they treat your siblings.#You did nothing wrong objectively. you just did what you wanted which you had always done! but now it’s wrong!#and you realize... your siblings and other family members also weren’t doing anything wrong. we’re they?#because if this is enough to make your parents treat you like dirt underneath your feet then what did your siblings truly do wrong#are they truly different from you? we’re they truly worthless and deserved to be mistreated?#were you wrong this whole time?#Yes. You were. You fucking sucked!!!! you were horrible for no reason!!!!!!!#So how do you go about trying to make amends? to righting your wrongs?#when you only realized your mistakes through selfishness? because you only realized this when YOU finally got treated like shit?#oh yknow. fuck around and find out I guess
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sakkiichi · 11 months
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them as cat parents.
ft. Kaedehara Kazuha, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Xiao, Shikanoin Heizou, Albedo, Kaveh, Alhaitham, Childe x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, headcanons.
word count: 1.7k.
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— All cats adore him and he’s fond of them too, he’s the perfect cat parent.
— Kazuha is soft, warm and gentle, all attributes very appealing to the small felines that tend to follow him around everywhere he goes: from the streets of Inazuma City, to the docks of Ritou, to even during his trips to Liyue.
— Kazuha is a free spirit, wandering from one place to another, a fallen maple leaf, vibrant red in its trajectory across the sky. His desire to see the world makes it difficult for him to linger in one place only, so it is not likely he ends up adopting a cat of his own.
— However, always that he’s in Inazuma, the wandering samurai makes sure to visit his late friend’s gravestone. In those occasions, as much as he keeps his composure, Kazuha’s grip on your hand tightens, a reassurance to himself, that the heavens won’t part in thunderbolts and take you away too.
— These visits are heavy on his heart, but your company and the soft mewls of the white kitten his friend left behind manage to shine a little sunlight in his stormy memories.
— The small cat’s ears perk up when you two show up, its tail swishing as it leaps into Kazuha’s arms, eliciting soft giggles from the wandering poet.
— You could stare forever at the sight of your lover’s smile when the little one paws at his cheeks curiously, playing with the tips of Kazuha’s moonlit hair. You sigh dreamily, gaze soft. If a day comes when you’re too weary and old to travel anymore, you’re so taking in the kitty.
— He’s the cat.
— Seriously, now. Cats are drawn to him. And even if he denies it, he has to hold back a smile when the little creatures follow him around.
— The wanderer is secretly very, very soft on the cats.
— Oftentimes, he lets them hide under his hat, carrying them around when he goes for walks around Sumeru. He thinks, that way, his doll won’t be so lonely either (he definitely introduces it to his favorite cats he befriends but shh don’t tell him you saw that.)
— If you point out how the kittens seem to consider him one of them, Scara will blush deeply, frowning and spouting how you’re seeing things and that no, he’s not keeping any of them.
— Oh yeah, he totally went out to feed the kitties some scraps that night, it’s late and he wanted to sleep, you see? and the animals were being loud. (No, it’s definitely not because he feels guilty of saying he’s not keeping them).
— One time, you caught him rescuing a very small black cat on a thunderstorm, and to this day, you still believe that’s the most precious thing you have ever witnessed.
— The smile on your boyfriend’s face and his wide indigo eyes when he felt the warmth of the kitten’s small body against his hollow heart are definitely a treasure you want to keep forever.
— He’s the cat, number 2.
— Liyue’s cats have a favorite and that’s definitely none other than the mighty vigilant yaksha, the conqueror of demons, the bane of all evil.
— In truth, he’s just a blushing awkward mess around the kittens.
— One, he’s scared to hurt them. They’re so small and their mewls are so soft… such pure and innocent creatures… What if his karma were to taint them?
— Two, he’s clueless.
— Literally. One time you were playing with the stray cats around the streets of Liyue, Xiao showing up as you were rubbing a tabby one’s belly. When you put the small kitty in the adeptus’ arms, he didn’t know what to do.
— What if he accidentally drops it? Or holds it too tight?
— Please, reassure Xiao :( he really needs it.
— Wrapping your hands around his, your body against his, you petted the cat with Xiao, the small animal nuzzling into your boyfriend. His blushy face when the feline purred in pleasure was too adorable, you’ll have to make him hold cats more often ehe.
— Heizou wants to protect beautiful things, to keep them in the precious light of their safety.
— That, of course, includes cats.
— They’re so adorable, brightening his day when he’s away from you and the small animals follow him around on his way to work in the mornings.
— They look so cute, with their big shiny eyes, observing him curiously, that the detective starts to take them under his wing.
— As unexpected as it was, to hear “meow?” instead of “I’m home, sweetheart!” one day as the front door swung open, you can’t deny it was beyond adorable, the way your boyfriend walked into the living room with a small cat nestled on top of his head.
— Yes, you ended up keeping the little one.
— It now joins the detective gathering clues for the cases he solves; sometimes the small animal leads the way when it’s too dark to see the trails, or it gently scratches Heizou’s legs when it senses danger.
— And rest assured, that Heizou will keep the kitty safe too. No matter what. It reminds him of you, sometimes, when it stares up at him with a starry gaze. Something as precious needs to be cherished.
— He finds cats to be very interesting creatures.
— Independent, intelligent, able to fit in practically any space… he wonders if they’re actually liquid or if their structure has been alchemically altered to have such fascinating properties.
— When, after exhaustive observation, the chief alchemist finally concludes that cats are indeed just naturally like that, they become his favorite companions (after you, that is).
— Sometimes, when Albedo is around Mondstadt, the kittens there follow him to the alchemy bench, rubbing against his legs when he’s working.
— You and the cats become Albedo’s favorite models as well. He loves your giggles when the little ones paw at your lap, trying to climb on your shoulders.
— They also become his little helpers when he paints, handing him a brush when he needs it, even without him having to ask.
— If you’re lucky, you’ll get to see the chalk prince trying to converse with the kittens too.
— Something along the likes of “Hmm… which color do you think [Y/n] would like best here? This one?” The kreideprinz asks, dipping his brush into it. “You’re a smart one, aren’t you?” He coos as the cat, rubbing its chin.
— Now you wish you could sketch, to immortalize the moment. Luckily, you have your kamera with you.
— Oh sweet disney princess Kaveh, cats and pretty much all animals adore him.
— Neither you nor him know when the cats around Port Ormos started following him, but now they just won’t leave.
— No matter how many times he (halfheartedly) scolds the kitties, they are not fazed by the architect’s pouty expression.
— So your home becomes home for the cats milling about Sumeru.
— Your lover goes as far as to design a whole area for the little animals, building small houses for them to stay in with their own bowls of food, color coordinated and decorated, of course.
— You look happy helping him care for the cats too. However, when you offer to buy them food, your boyfriend can’t let you; he’ll take on extra commissions if he has to, but Kaveh just can’t allow you spending money on this little, albeit adorable, “problem.”
— There was one time one of the kitties sneaked inside your house, making it to your room. Let’s just say, the small feline found Kaveh’s face very entertaining and decided to nuzzle against it. The scene was so precious you couldn’t bring yourself to shoo the cat away, deciding to lay down with your partner and his new fan.
— Around the time he had to fill in the position of acting grand sage, the hours your boyfriend could spend with you were helplessly diminished, due to him having to cover overtime.
— You felt a little lonely, so well, can you exactly be blamed for adopting a baby cat from the local shelter?
— Turns out, your decision kind of “backfired” on you. For, in the hours he’s away, not only do you miss Alhaitham, but the latest addition to your household does too.
— The kitty has become very fond of your lover, often curling up beside him while he reads. One hand holding his book and the other caressing the kitten’s grey fur, the sight is rather candid, you think, smiling, as you curl up beside them.
— At your presence, the cat doesn’t hesitate to jump into your lap, swishing its tail and meowing for more petting from the scribe beside you.
— With a tender grin tugging at his lips, Alhaitham leaves a kiss to your temple, resuming his affections on the little one.
— No matter how brief, as long as you can have moments like this, everything will be alright, you muse, closing your eyes, heart warmed by your two boys.
— Repeat after me, Childe: no, you can’t train the cats to fight on the battlefield with you.
— Once you get past that, he’s good at caring for the kittens. Makes sure they always have food and toys, comfy beds and a space to play. Ajax is good at taking care of those he loves, as proved with his family.
— Speaking of which, his siblings would adore playing with the cats you and Childe adopt, especially Teucer! (he totally talks to them about mister cyclops, the animals staring up at him curiously, pawing at his figurine softly).
— As much as you’re against your cats joining your boyfriend in his battles, they love watching him as he practices, their large eyes following the movements of his dual blades or his bow.
— The harbinger always makes extra time for the adorable pets, playing with them after his training, no matter how tired he is.
— Those times, he doesn’t get scolded when he’s late for dinner (you’ve been secretly watching, smiling to yourself at how cute your lover is. Yes, you totally were staring too while he was shirtless, muscles taut as he wielded his hydro conjured spear).
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uranometrias · 2 months
hello aly! 🤎 i saw that you were receiving requests and it's okay if i ask for something about hotch? 🥺 perhaps him falling in love with jack's art teacher, i'm in the mood for something really fluffy because i need comfort haha take care pretty soul!
this is such a sweet ask. and yes that's more than okay, you never have to ask xx it's kind of short, i hope it's still okay, i focused mainly on their first meeting, but i am open to writing more works for this universe.
"Good morning, bud!" you don't have to fake excitement or enthusiasm as Jack Hotchner bounds into your classroom. You crouch, kneeling so that you're face to face with him, as he practically glows. His smile is so bright you fear you may have to squint as he's quick to jump into your arms, chubby little hands looping around your neck. You tried your best to make every single student that walked through your door feel welcome, but they all weren’t as agreeable as Jack Hotchner was.
The hug is comforting, sweet, and it reminds you why you got up every morning to work for less than you were worth. The joy you instilled in your kids made everything worthwhile. Jack pulls back after a moment, exclaiming that you were squeezing too tight. It makes you chuckle slightly as you brush a bit of stray lint off his shoulders. “Sorry, kiddo! You’re just too stinking cute.” You hum, and you enjoy this part of the job. You adored all of your students.
Hellos at the beginning of the day, and goodbyes as they poured out into the hallways to head to their next class. Specials at your school, which consisted of Art, Music, and Gym, happened on rotation. You had Jack’s class first period, four times out the week. His entire class though, had been angels. Through the year you'd only had about two incidents, and both included students fighting over who's turn it was on paint day. You finally let Jack go with one more squeeze.
He giggles, which is a tell that your hugs weren't all that bad. You're a bit startled when an unfamiliar man steps through the door behind him. He's wearing a collared button up, with jeans, and a matching belt. "Um, excuse me, Sir." you hold a hand up, quickly moving to usher Jack, and the other entering students away from the door. "You can't come in here." you affirm, and you look around to see if there was anything in your direct vicinity that could be used to attack.
You settle on a foam brush, clutching it by it's bristles, as you hold it out towards the man. "Stay back, or I'll-" you look down at the paint brush, and then back at the mystery assailant. "I'll use this, and you won't like it." you assert, and your students are giggling, seemingly amused by the situation. You don't see the humour in it. You'd met every single parent and guardian of your students, and this man had never been there. Which made him a flight risk, a danger.
"I think you've got the wrong idea." the man speaks, and his voice stands out. It's very stern, but not hostile. He has a commanding presence, and he seems to appraise you diligently. You take a look at your hand-print dress, and suddenly feel very childish. You loved your job, mostly because you could dress without much judgement. It wasn't like the kids were going to tell you that you looked childish.
"You can never be too careful." you retort sharply, and you readjust your grip on your paint brush. You hoped you looked a bit intimidating, but you wouldn't count on it. "And I don't see a visitor's badge." you add a second after. "Jack, come this way." you prompt, and he seems to stall. He looks from you to the man and back again. He was conflicted, for starters he had his father, his hero standing on one side. And you, his favorite teacher of all time on the other.
"Bye-bye, Daddy." and his choice is made, the small child waving his hand boldly before he's rushing off to his desk, and you're stuck. Aaron, is surprised. Eyes trailing after his son with that feeling every parent has when they realize their child is growing up. It forces a puff of air to escape him, as his eyes quickly flit back to you. His eyebrows raise, dark eyes swimming as realization sets in. Usually Jack was dropped off by his Aunt Jessica Brooks, she was a lovely lady.
She'd mentioned Jack's parental situation. How his mother had passed a few years back, and how his father had a demanding job. You'd given up on ever laying eyes on the man. "You're Mr..." you trail off as your voice cracks obnoxiously. "You're Jack's dad?" you ask, and he lets out a quiet laugh, one that's more a nose exhale than anything else. It's a fitting sort of laugh, you hardly expected the man to be the type to guffaw or even chuckle in an ugly sort of way.
"Not that you can tell by the way he took off." he retorts, and there's still an amusement that rests in his tone. "Aaron," he finally introduces. "Hotchner." he finishes, hand shooting out. It must have been habitual. You didn't know much about the FBI, but you did know that they were sticklers, stone serious. You'd done a project on greatest heroes, and Jack had managed a piece that consisted of a JJ, Prentiss, Garcia, Morgan, Rossi, and Reid. They'd been paired up with a piece that was solely his dad, his superhero. His favorite.
"I'm Jack's teacher." you introduce, as if that didn't go without saying. You reach forward with your free hand, allowing his palm to press against yours. His shake is firm, but you're surprised at how nice his hands feel. There's this spark, a feeling of lightning zigzagging from him to you, and it makes you leap back, paint brush clattering to the ground. The class seems to get lost in the mishap, watching with bated breath for what would possibly come next.
Aaron doesn't bat an eye as he bends down, crouching to pluck the brush up from the ground. He looks bemused, standing back to his full height as he holds your weapon of choice out towards you. "You should be more careful. It's a pretty dangerous weapon in the right hands." and he's making a joke. You find yourself gobsmacked, it was too much for him to be charismatic, and attractive. No, he had to pick one or the other. Still, you grab the brush, despite your fear of sparking again.
"You just got lucky you were vetted by the right kid." you offer your own sort of joke, and his smile makes you proud on the inside.
"I'm sorry for the late appearance." he changes the subject, but it doesn't feel forced or charged. "I meant to get here sooner so that I could lay eyes on Jack's favorite teacher..." you feel proud at the compliment. "You're all he talks about when his day is done." he adds, and you're turning to look at Jack. The kids were separated at their tables, multicolored smocks already on their bodies. They were more than ready for the day. "But as I'm sure you're aware, my job can sometimes keep that from happening." he says and you nod.
"Jess did mention you had a hectic schedule with your job, I understand." your hand waves tiredly, brushing off his apologies. You didn't need them, not when it was so clear that Jack adored his father. And it was more than clear that Jack was Aaron's world. "I'm just glad you finally got here." and you try not to sound as breathless as you feel. "It's important for teachers and parents to be on the same page." you prompt, and Aaron's head nods. You don't know if he really believes you or if it's all politics in a way.
"I couldn't have said it better myself." and he looks so sincere. He's staring at your face intently, and you feel self conscious, blinking too much to be normal. "You've got a little..." and he's motioning towards you. Mortification is the only thing you feel as you run through your morning routine. You'd scrubbed your tongue and teeth thrice before leaving the house. You'd cleaned out any evidence of sleep from your eyes, so what exactly could be out of order.
You swipe frantically at your face and nose, hoping it wasn't something that would make you look like a dunce or a fool in front of Aaron. He chuckles a bit as he extends a hand. "Uh, may I?" he asks, and you're nodding before you should be. It's almost instantaneous the way he's cupping your chin, tilting you head, and dragging his thumb over your cheek. He removes his hand a second later, you could almost pretend it didn't happen. That is, until he's swiping paint on his jeans. Damn, you were such an idiot.
You'd been prepping paint stations for your lesson on symbolism. You must have forgotten to clean up your face before the first bell rang signaling the day's beginning. "That's so embarrassing." you exclaim, and another student is entering the classroom, quickly hugging your side, as you offer an awkward wave to another parent. You squeeze the girl a bit, before she's bounding off to her seat.
"You know, I think it builds character." Aaron promises, and you snort. "Besides, it was kinda intimidating." he's lying, and you know it. He's trying to make you feel less shameful about it. "Anyone looking to mess with your class is in for it." and you're certain your face is visible exposing your humiliation, and subsequent embarrassment at the hands of one of your student's parent.
"Enough, enough." you plead, and here's where you get a full laugh. It's handsome just like everything else about him. "Your sarcasm's far from helpful." you huff, and you're dragging your hand over the same place he'd touched. It tingles as you drag your hands down, and you hope for your sanity Jess is back tomorrow. Garnering a foolish infatuation for your student was the last thing you wanted to happen.
"I'll do my best to keep that in mind for next time." he replies. The bell chirps overhead, a signal that class needed to begin. "Don't work too hard." he prompts, and your heart stutters in your chest. You feel like a fool, he was just being nice, a gentleman like his job required him to be.
"I'll try my best." you promise, and he smiles at you like he's pleased.
"I'll see you later, bud!" and he's addressing Jack, who ignores protocol. He bounds across the room to offer his dad a big hug, he squeezes him tight, Aaron hugging him back maybe tighter. It's sweet, but you feel like you're intruding.
"Say bye-bye to daddy, Miss L/N." Jack pleads, and you blink.
Bye daddy. And you scold your horrid mind. Jack's waiting expectantly, and it seems his father is as well.
"Goodbye, Mr. Hotchner." you huff out, and he's smirking.
"Goodbye, Miss L/N." he matches your exasperated tone. And then he's leaving, and you're heaving a sigh of relief. Jack's going back to his seat, face just as smug as it could be for someone his age. It takes you a second to float back to Earth, staring at the doorway like he'd come back, but he doesn't. You inhale sharply, good riddance. You shuffle slowly to the door, shutting it as you soon address your class.
"We're gonna talk about Symbolism today." you announce, and the kids who were far from listening finally take you in. "Does anyone want to take a guess as to what Symbolism is?" you question, and a flurry of hands shoot up in the air. There's one girl, little Mary, who looks like she's doing the pee pee dance as she tries to get you to choose her. So you do, "Go ahead and give it a shot, Mary."
"Miss L/N, are you gonna marry Jack's dad?"
Maybe today was the wrong day for paint and symbolism.
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fangirl-dot-com · 7 months
Head cannons/Quick facts about You! :) 
(most of these are going to be for the future, but a few are generalizations) 
You are 20 years old – making you the youngest on the grid 
Like almost ALL characters, you do not have a good relationship with your parents 
Christian and Gerri will step in :) 
Only child, but it doesn’t show much 
Fairly quiet
Especially in the first few weeks of being on the grid 
Everyone thinks that you might not like them, while you think that they might not like you 
Out of everyone, Logan is the first to get you to crack 
Then comes Oscar, because you know, codependency of Loscar is real 
And then Lando, because if someone can befriend Oscar, he can befriend you (you accidentally ran him over one time trying to get on an elevator before you actually met him for real)
And then Alex because of Logan (also you adored his animals) 
Max has surprisingly always liked you – being teammates and all 
It really started after the Christmas video posted by Red Bull that helped you two become friends 
He felt like he needed to look after you 
Charles always watched you from a distance 
You were his brother’s best friend…he felt a need to make sure you were ok 
Not a surprise, you and Fernando bonded over plants – you accidentally interrupted his quiet time on a roof before media day because you wanted to water the flowers (after that, you started calling him grandpa Nando – you’re the only one allowed to do that) 
Lewis’s and George’s friendship came at a weird time 
You had accidentally gotten locked out of your car one time late after the race had ended 
Coincidentally, you three were staying at the same hotel and they offered you a ride 
Let’s just say, mischief happened and you had a whining Lando the next day (since he missed out on the fun with his fellow Brits) 
The rest of the grid are just all really soft for you 
You claim to be Daniel’s favorite (which you are) 
He promises to take you to his farm the next time he goes 
You’ve always wanted to pet a kangaroo 
Yuki always brings you whatever food he’s recently cooked up 
But, You definitely laugh the most around Lando 
Because of his childlike nature and your more stone faced, shy personality, you took the role of the “older sibling” 
But, Lando puts on the big brother approach whenever someone bothers you (PSA – all of the drivers do) 
They get really jealous when Ollie or Arthur come to visit because suddenly all of your attention is on them and not the grid 
Now, the WAGS absolutely adore you 
They treat you like a little sister 
You need advice? They will help 
Need a dress for whatever reason? They will all pull up 
You really bond with Lily 
Lando likes to drag you to play gold with Carlos and Alex 
And most of the time, Alex will bring Lily 
So you definitely see her more than the rest 
Life is a Highway is your walkup song – there is none other
You and Lando start to take naps everywhere 
Christian often has to ask Max to go find you – since you seem to disappear when you go take a nap 
In true chaotic gen-z fashion, your first dnf was pretty bad 
Your left back wheel had gotten clipped on a curb and you went sliding, ultimately rolling over a couple of times 
You were fine, but the guys panicked 
All they knew was that a Red Bull had flipped, and Max was standing with them in the pit lane 
So using their amazing deductive skills, they knew it was you 
The next race, you showed up with them around you in a protective circle 
The boys joked in interviews that you’d have shown up in bubble wrap if you had let them
The first inkling they had that your relationship with your parents wasn’t the best was at the newly instituted Parent’s Day Dinner that the teams had set up 
Everyone was surrounded by their parents 
But, there were two empty seats around you 
You wanted to leave, but Max secretly had texted Christian and Geri 
You BEST know they showed up in best dress 
Tears might have been shed 
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @itsjustkhaos
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radioisntdead · 25 days
This is my first time requesting anything from you so I hope this idea is okay but would you be willing to write something where the reader is Alastor's child (I live for Dad Alastor) and they meet Susan? Maybe they get really attached to her so every time they visit Cannibal Town Alastor has to reluctantly take his kid to see 'Grandma Susan' and be civil around her?
Only if you're up for it though! I love your blog so MUCH and I live for both the platonic Alastor and Susan content you do
-TheAmberFist ♡
Good evening my dear! I did headcanons I hope that's alright, I adore your blog's content as well! I reread your "leave it all on the dance floor" series often! I positively adore how you write Alastor's and the readers friendship! Also thank you so much for requesting this because that gives me an excuse to bring back this header!
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Papa Alastor doesn't like Grandma Susan.
Alastor & child reader, Susan & adopted against Alastor's will grandchild reader.
Warnings: Cannibalism also reader is a fawn because deers.
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Much like my other Papa Alastor fics, he either picked you up off the streets, or you just straight up followed him home like a stray puppy.
He unwillingly became a father.
I imagine he was talking with your Auntie Rosie and You wandered off to explore Cannibal town!
Despite being in hell, it seems safe enough for children considering there were other children around.
Anywho you stumbled upon a cranky Susan and just immediately started going
"I like your dead rodent scarf!"
"It's a fox, what are you blind?"
Long story short she unwillingly became a grandmother that day because you would NOT LEAVE HER ALONE not that she minded
Alastor has to deal with you whining that you want to see Grandma Susan, dude does NOT want to call her your grandmother, in his eyes you only have one grandmother above that you will unfortunately never meet.
"I wanna see Grandma Susan!"
"She's not your grandmother, why in the devil's name would you want to see her?"
"Because she's my grandma,"
"No she's not."
"yes she is!"
Que a repeat of no's and yes until he eventually relents because you are NOT TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER.
I imagine Susan enjoys your company but also uses you to peeve off the embodiment of red-40 that is your parent.
Like Alastor leaves you with her for whatever reason and is just like
"Don't give them any candy, no more then two juice boxes anymore and they get rowdy."
Guess who got a little goodie bag of candies and had a whole box of CapriSuns?
Also I imagine you as a fawn, specifically one of these [no this totally isn't an excuse to show the deer pictures I have saved noooooo]
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Susan puts either a bow or bow tie on you, I imagine she breaks into the hotel sometimes when Alastor is out and is just like "I'm taking my grandchild out, fuck off!"
Vaggie tried to stop her once and nearly lost an arm, so far the only ones that are successful in getting Susan to not kidnap you is Angel dust [aka your favorite babysitter] ,Rosie, Alastor himself, for everyone else they have to risk losing limbs, Charlie could probably coax you away from Susan.
They banned her from the hotel, set up security measures.
She keeps getting in they don't know how, they're terrified.
Nothing stops Susan.
Alastor keeps cordial with Susan because he can't do anything to Susan because of Rosie and also because much to his displeasure you are attached to the ornery old bitch.
Alastor wants to take you on a father-child day? Torturing sinners, getting cannibal ice cream, getting souls,
He can't BECAUSE Susan snuck into the hotel and snatched you up!
On the flip side, Susan wants to take you shopping because the modern [1920's-1930's] clothing Alastor dresses you in is horrendous, Her words not mine
But no Alastor literally just picked you up and teleported away, how rude! How dare he keep her from her grandchild?? Ungrateful brat who raised him? [She's lucky Alastor did NOT HEAR THAT, just because he's dead and his ma is in heaven does NOT MEAN HE'S NOT STILL A MAMA'S BOY the good version ]
I imagine as a consequence Susan starts acting like Alastor's parent, like threatening to ground him, telling him to go in the corner and think about what he's done, chastising him for his awful haircut, then grabbing a bowl and scissors.
Alastor hid behind Rosie while Susan and you looked for him because she was definitely planning on giving him a bowl cut.
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Good evening folks! Oh how I've missed writing for Susan! I missed our grumpy grandma, I hope you enjoyed this! As per usual thank you for tuning in I hope to see you again soon!
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Imagine being a new member of the Red Hair pirates eleven years before the main plot
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Benn: This is Hongo, the ship's doctor
Hongo: And who is this ravishing creature?
Benn: down boy, this is the rookie that Shanks dragged home.
Hongo: Oh you poor thing.
You: Shanks picked me for my combat abilities
Hongo: you must be strong then.
You: admittedly my strength is nowhere near the boss's level, but I can go toe to toe with a rear admiral in a fight.
Hongo: I see
Uta: don't sell yourself short, I watched you spar with papa, and he was getting winded. *Makes those grabbie hands that signal she wants you to pick her up*
You: thank you, and who are you if I might ask. *Picks her up*
Shanks: that is Uta, my adorable daughter.
Uta: I'm papa's favorite, and don't you forget it, I'm also the ship's musician.
You: really, what instrument do you play?
Uta: *gestures to her throat* my voice box, I'm a singer.
You: I eagerly await your next performance then.
Uta: wait no longer, places everyone! *Claps her hands*
Hongo, Yassop, and Lucky Roux: *scamper around to clear a spot and set up a stage for her*
You: (ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ) ???
Benn: *scoops Uta out of your arms and carries her to the stage*
Uta: (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ a song for the newbie *starts to sing*
Yassop: *puts a chair under you and gently pushes you into it*
Shanks: *moves his chair next to yours and leans in* isn't she so cute?
You: yes, she has such a beautiful voice. Do you and your men usually allow yourselves to be controlled by the whims of a child?
Benn: ... Yes, but only because we want to
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After the song
Uta: *chilling in your lap* what'd you think?
You: you're an exceptionally talented singer, you must put a lot of work into it.
Uta: of course, practice makes perfect.
You: and you seem to have everyone here wrapped around your little finger. They must love you very much.
Uta: yes... I think they feel guilty, since my parents are dead.
Shanks: it's not that
Yassop: at least not entirely
You: I figured you were adopted.
Uta: what do you mean?
Shanks: how could you tell?
You: because she's talented,
The crew: (⁠(⁠(⁠;⁠ꏿ⁠_⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)⁠)⁠) ....
You: *quickly adds* at something besides fighting and debauchery.
The crew: *laughs*
Shanks: wow, already making cheap shots at your captain on your first day aboard. It's true, she's talented, she gets it from her mother. We do our best to make sure she's provided for, but there are still some areas we are lacking in.
Uta: yeah, like shopping
Benn: we take you shopping, literally every time we make port.
Uta: Yeah! But it is always to sleazy back alley joints where everything is second hand and not the designer shops that have cute new clothes. All because of papa's ugly mug has a bounty on it. Plus none of you have any sense of style, and can give me useful feedback on my outfits.
Shanks: well that's true, hey! You shouldn't call people, especially your poor father, ugly!
Benn: I have always wanted to take her to those shops too, our little girl would look so cute in those nice clothes.
You: I can take you, I don't have a bounty, and I know a little about fashion.
Uta: *looks over your outfit* your fashion sense, outwardly, appears to be less offensive to the eyes than papa's.
You: uh, thank you.
Shanks: Offensive? What about my outfit is offensive?
Uta: your shirt is wrinkly and stained, and your pants!... Don't even get me started on your pants.
Benn: allow me, they look like you made them out of someone's grandmother's couch.
Shanks: alright, thank you I get it.
You: *grumbles* Sandals are a little worse for wear as well.
Uta: *giggles*
Shanks: y'all are teaming up on me
Benn: yeah guys, he's only got one arm, it's downright unsporting.
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wave2tyun · 3 months
apple cider | ☆
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pairing: huening kai x reader
genre: fluff, childhood friends to lovers
summary: you were foolishly blind to the feelings you held for your best friend, huening kai, until one they, they started to bottle up like soda pop
warnings: slight injury?? nothing serious<3
word count: 3.5k
notes: apple cider by beabadoobee has been ON REPEAT!!!! these past few days!!!!1!1! which is why i believed it might be the perfect time to bring this fic back!!😋 i love love love writing things based on songs, and this is (obviously asbdsjha) where the inspo for this fic came from, as well as the studio ghibli movie 'from up on poppy hill'!! :D also, is it just me or do 24 hours in a day simply not feel like enough anymore......?😖
☆ = repost from my old blog!!
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huening kai was the definition of a sweetheart. grandmas loved him, animals adored him, he was the type of boy anybody's parents would be delighted to meet if you brought him home. and most importantly, he was your best friend.
you and kai met in kindergarten. your very first interaction happened when your parents were late to pick you up, so you, a sensitive child started crying a river. kai was even faster than the teacher to approach you, napkin in his hand and a sweet smile on his face. he patted your back until your parents arrived, sometimes cracking some pokemon impressions in an attempt to make you smile again like he saw you earlier that morning. during your arts and crafts session the next day, you made kai a sloppy drawing of his favorite pokemon character, which, to this day, he insists is the greatest gift he has ever received, the treasured piece of paper sitting in a frame on his nightstand to remain in pristine condition.
from that day on, you only ended up spending more and more time together. you switched seats so that you could sit next to each other during classes, played together during breaks and became lunch buddies, an unspoken promise which had been kept during primary school, middle school, and even now, as you were both high school students in your last year. kai grew up to be a piano prodigy, thus becoming the president of the school's music club. you, on the other hand, wasn't any interested in any extracurricular activities, preferring to stay in bed and sleep your day away on the days where your parents weren't attacking you with house chores. still, you and kai were stuck together like glue. you talked on the phone every day at midnight, rambling on about your day or about anything that crossed your mind; you tried your best to meet up outside of school whenever your schedules allowed, popping a cold bottle of your favorite sweet apple cider.
your eyes scanned the tables for kai once again. he told you to meet up at the outside dining area, but 15 minutes had passed and he was nowhere to be seen. you huffed, placing your tray down at a table where some of your classmates sat. ‘can’t believe he’d ditch me today’ you angrily pierced the straw through your milk carton.
the sound of a loud horn startled you, making you almost choke on your drink. the highest windows of the school were opened with a bang, paper scrolls coming out of them, followed by the heads of some students as they were peeking out.
“are those the club leaders?” someone at your table asked.
“yeah...seems like so” yunjin answered “what are they up to now?”
you shielded your eyes with your hand, squinting as you tried to read the words written on the papers.
‘lack of freedom kills the people’
“they’re protesting” you broke the silence, making everyone’s head turn towards you “the principal has been wanting to shut down the clubs”
some students gathered around the dining area, they moved in sync and with fast movements, taking out the grate that was placed over the water basin outside. you shrugged, going back to your meal. you weren’t exactly sure what they were going to achieve with this. not even a minute later, yunjin gave you a tap on the shoulder, pointing towards the roof.
“isn’t that-“ she stopped midway, unable to finish her sentence. your face was instantly drained of color at the sight.
it was huening kai.
“what the hell is he doing up there” you mumbled, frowning. you didn’t have a good feeling about this- whatever this was.
huening kai had a bright smile plastered on his face, the whole school’s attention being on him. he coughed then cleared his throat before loudly speaking.
“if our words weren’t enough to reach principal Jung, then that means that it is time for us to turn to actions” he inched closer towards the edge of the roof. his voice remained confident, but his hands betrayed him, shaking as he held the mic close to his chest.
you gulped. you felt nauseous, an empty feeling was taking over your stomach despite the distance between the roof and the ground not being that high.
“if you don’t want to respect us- we will make ourselves heard” huening kai turned his head, looking back at the boys behind him, who gave him a short nod. then, he put the mic down, taking a deep breath before diving into the air, aiming for the water basin.
the plan was easier said than done, and kai stumbled into a bush before landing down on his knees in the shallow water. the members of the photography club were quick to capture the moment, just like you were quick to jump out of your seat and approach the boy. “are you okay-“ you reached your hand out to help him stand up. kai’s smile never faltered away, and once he was back on his feet, he gave you a wink as he clasped your hands together. the bright flashes of the cameras surrounded you in an instant, the photographers pushing through to get “the best shot”.
your cheeks turned a bright shade of red, and you let go of his hands, mumbling as you went back to your seat “stupid- so stupid” you continued to stuff your face with the sandwich you had packed in your lunch bag. why was your face burning that much anyway- you shook your head, trying to ignore the thoughts invading your mind, as well as the hushed whispers coming from all around you. you couldn’t let such foolish actions disturb your day.
kai, as usual, still called you that night. you, however, loved being stubborn. when you saw his name coming up on the screen of your phone, you contemplated for a few minutes, before swiping to deny the call. ‘that should teach him’ you thought. barely a minute later, you were already regretting your decision. you were still mad at him, yet, for some reason, you still wanted to hear his voice, just like every other night. it never mattered to you whether it was a proper conversation. you didn’t care what kai would be talking about- you just wanted to feel like you had him, in some way, close to you, though your pride didn’t allow you to be the one to initiate another call. why was it that you wished to hear him so badly? after all, you didn’t even like him...right? or at least- you didn’t even like him that much- right?
you tossed and turned in your bed, unable to let your eyelids close.
dark circles adored your eyes as a result of the poor sleep you had last night. you wished you could skip the first period and remain in bed for just a few minutes more, but your mom wasn’t having any of that. she took the blanket off your bed and opened your window, forcing you to get up and get ready for the day.
you stood in the hallway, head buried in the school’s newspaper, which teased ‘a revolution’ as well as ‘an endearing romance’ with a big image of you and kai holding hands on the front page.
“is there any way i could make it up to you?” you heard a voice near you.
you closed your locker’s door, kai’s face coming into sight, grinning as always. you wanted to ignore him for the day, pretending to be mad at him for the embarrassment that he had put you through the day before. but kai knew you too well- he had already anticipated your reaction to his stunt, and he wasn’t going to let you get rid of him so easily.
“depends. do you have anything in mind?” you crossed your arms, leaning on your side against the locker.
“apple cider, 10 pm at the playground. sounds good?”
you bit your lip to fight back the smile that was threatening to take over your face. looking down at the floor, you chuckled.
“i guess that would suffice. we’ll see”
the bell rang, signaling the end of your break. kai took the chance to quickly ruffle your hair before sprinting to his class. ‘dork’ you snorted, putting it back into place before going your own way.
you were quick to prepare dinner that day. both of your parents were taken aback by the stark change in your attitude compared to how you behaved in the morning, the sudden surge in energy being questionable. they chose not to bring it up though, afraid that they might ruin your mood. you arrived at the playground at 10 pm sharp and sat on one of the swings there, protecting the other vacant one from the kids that still lingered around until kai came. and soon enough, there he was, apple cider bottles in his hands (just like he promised) as he approached you. you smiled at the sight.
“are you that happy to see me?”
“you wish- i’m just happy to receive the apple cider” you joked, lying through your teeth.
“ah- i’m hurt” hueningkai frowned, dramatically putting a hand over his heart. you laughed at his cute antics. he took his place on the swing, handing you one bottle.
“that jumper looks pretty on you, i like it”
“t-thanks” you stuttered, looking down, failing to see the tips of his ears turning pink. you took a sip from the bottle, the taste so refreshing and all too familiar.
“so- did you manage to convince the principal not to shut down the clubs?”
kai chuckled, reminiscing the events “yeah-“ he stood up, putting his hands on his hips and clearing his throat before speaking again with an exaggerated lower voice “never in my 40 years in this field have i ever seen such- such outrageous actions” pinching the bridge of his nose, he continued “whatever, just do whatever you want. at this point it’s less of a pain to let you continue than to cancel everything”
you burst into laughter at his silly act. kai always had his imitations spot on, and to you, it was much more entertaining than any kind of comedy movie.
“i’m glad it wasn’t all in vain” your smile died down upon noticing the bandages wrapped around his hand “is your hand okay though?”
“oh- yeah, don’t worry about it, it’s just a scratch” he replied quickly, stuffing it in the pocket of his jacket before sitting back down. you sat in silence for a while after that, kicking around the pebbles underneath your feet.
“i’m sorry” kai whispered softly.
“hm? sorry for what?” you frowned.
“sorry for getting you involved in this, it wasn’t supposed to be like that- i told the other members of the club to remove the picture from the article but they didn’t listen”
“hey- it’s okay” you reassured him “it was out of your control, it wasn’t like you knew this whole fiasco was going to unfold”
“but-“ he tried to argue,
“no buts” you interrupted him, laughing “whatever happened, happened. plus- i got to drink some apple cider. even better since it was with you- so, it’s all good”
kai returned your smile, he seemed to be a bit more at ease after hearing those words. you wished that you could have found the strength to get up and give him a hug too, but you were too afraid that your heart would burst if you did that now.
“i’m home” you shouted as you stepped inside the house. leaving your bag on the floor in the hallway, you dragged your feet to the kitchen and put on the apron to get started on your dinner. your parents never got off work before your classes ended, meaning that the responsibility of preparing food for everybody always fell on you. you opened the cabinet underneath the sink to get some potatoes, but your hand reached out into nothingness. confused, you crouched down to have a better look. your face dropped as you realised that there was nothing left inside. that one vegetable was the whole star of the dish, meaning that there was simply no way to substitute it.
‘shit shit shit-‘ you stormed out the door, wanting to slap yourself in the face as you recalled the moment your mother asked you to stop by the farmer’s market in the morning. maybe, just this once, the traffic would be jammed and your parents wouldn’t be so quick to return home from work. you struggled to put on your jumper as you also held a basket in your hand, wanting to be as quick as possible. just as you were about to make your way down, you someone called out from behind you:
“need a ride?” kai was riding his bike to his grandparents, but stopped in his tracks upon seeing you in such a hurried and panicked state.
“god- yes, please” you fumbled over your words. the timing couldn’t have been any more perfect; you were so grateful to see him there, you could almost see a ray of light shining on him and a halo on top of his head.
“have a seat then” he laughed.
you quickly sat down in the back of kai’s bicycle. looking down at the steep path in front of you, you gulped “are you sure it’s okay for us to ride together?”
“just hold on tight” kai took hold of your hands and wrapped them around his torso before pressing on one pedal with his foot. you couldn’t even brace yourself properly for the impact as you went down the hill of doom; your head instantly hit kai’s muscular back, and you found yourself holding his body tighter. you closed your eyes, trying to shift your focus from the citizens passing by you in a blur, to the sweet scent of his fruit-punch shampoo invading your senses. kai swiftly took a turn to the left, effortlessly avoiding all the possible obstacles in his path. thankfully, you both made it to the farmer’s market in one piece.
sighing in relief, you lifted yourself up and walked to the nearest vegetable stall around. kai remained right next to you, making a purchase of his own. he munched on a freshly fried hashbrown as you did the necessary shopping, holding a second piece in his other hand.
“all done” your shoulders slumped down, the whole thing had drained you both physically and mentally. you quirked an eyebrow as you looked at kai eating.
“what?” he asked, throwing the last piece of food in his mouth “i need energy to go back”
“right” you sighed “thank you so much. i might live to see another day because of you” you tried to joke. in reality, the thought of your parents scolding you alone was enough to make your heart start beating faster.
“don’t worry about it” he chuckled “here- take this” he handed you the hashbrown he had been holding. you took it reluctantly, not having expected to receive something like this.
“eat it- it’s good. plus, you need energy too” kai grabbed his bicycle again, positioning himself on the leather seat “i have to go now, you should probably hurry too.” he smiled “take care, y/n” kai sent you a little wave before setting off. you stood on the side of the road for one more moment, smiling at the hashbrown in your hand. you took the first bite as you started to go up the hill again, the worries that were clouding your head quickly disappearing.
somehow, soon enough, you found yourself in front of kai’s house. you wanted to thank him for his sweet gesture from a few days ago. if it weren’t for him, your parents would have probably kept you locked in the house. you didn’t know what you were going to say to him. staring at the box of cookies you brought with you, you tried to muster up the courage to knock on the door.
knock knock knock
you waited patiently, biting your lips.
‘maybe there’s still enough time to run-‘
“y/n- hi, come in” kai opened the door, greeting you.
“hi” you blurted out. stepping inside, you took off your shoes, then silently followed behind kai as he guided you towards his room. piano sheets were spread out everywhere- on the floor, on his desk, on his bed. you’ve never seen it look like such a mess.
“oh- sorry, were you practicing?”
“tried to- the music festival is just around the corner, but the song choices are killing me”
“can you show me?” you asked, it was always a pleasure to hear kai practicing, but this time, you were also using this as an excuse to organise your thoughts properly.
“yeah, come here” kai patted the empty space beside him on the piano bench. you hugged the cookie box close to your chest, the short distance between the two of you making you feel nervous.
kai’s fingers glided along the black and white tiles, wrist playfully flicking up as he changed up the speed with ease to create a flawless, harmonious symphony. it sounded perfect- it always did.
“that was great” you spoke softly as he finished up the piece.
“wanna try?” kai offered.
“s-sure” you stuttered, putting down the box. somehow, despite all those years that you’ve known each other, you had never given learning piano a try.
kai took hold of your right hand, placing it on the keys “you have to use the pad of your fingers” he put his hand over yours, gently pressing down to demonstrate. you prayed that he couldn’t hear the loud sound of your palpitating heart “then- move your wrist up before moving on to the next set of notes, then down, like a feather falling” you started to feel light-headed, the feeling of kai’s warm hands on yours making you unable to concentrate on the task at hand. you looked up at him, his face now much closer to you than when you first started practicing. kai’s hand stopped guiding yours, yet didn’t let go of it. he glanced at you, his gaze stopping on your plush, rosy lips.
“holding you closer right now- would that cross the line?” he spoke softly, in a daze.
“maybe i want you to cross the line” you whispered back.
kai stood still for a moment, letting your words sink in. then- with gentle movements, his hand came to rest on your jawline, thumb rubbing against your cheek. he seemed nervous- so nervous to not ruin all of your built-up relationship up until that point. but fuck it- you looked so pretty with that jumper he adored, sitting gingerly on his piano chair, inviting him to finally feel his lips on yours. how was he supposed to resist? and when kai closed the gap, his mouth meeting yours in a gentle peck, it felt so incredibly right, so good and sweet.
one more peck.
his body shifted even closer to you.
another one.
his hand came to rest on your lower back, yours grabbed hold of his soft black sweater.
and once more- but this time, you both let the touch last longer, melting into the feeling.
“can i kiss you more?” kai asked, voice barely above a whisper, his thumb was caressing your lips as he spoke. you nodded, eager to indulge yourself into the taste of his sweet kiss. you hummed as he pressed his lips on yours again, the butterflies in your heart unable to settle down. he grinned into the kiss at the sound, his heart felt warm knowing that you wanted this, and enjoyed this just as much as he did. you pulled away, giving the mole at the corner of his lips a kiss, then you left another on the one near his temple, ending with the one you adored most, the one on his nose. you cupped his face, the temperature of his cheeks rising against your fingertips. kai chuckled as you hid your face in the crook of his neck, the adoration you felt towards him becoming almost too much to handle.
“do you want to stay the night?” kai asked bashfully, his fingers playing with one of your sleeves “i have some apple cider left” he looked up at you, eyes gleaming with hope.
“of course i want to” you giggled, dipping down to leave another peck on his soft lips.
3 bottles of apple cider down, you and kai laid down on the bed, legs tangled with each other as he played with your hair and you braided his. you joked around, playing with the plushies on his bed, sometimes stealing kisses on the cheek from each other and falling into another fit of shy giggles yet again. and when you finally drifted off to sleep, hand in hand, you swore you had never felt your heart feel more at ease.
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@huekalover3000 @maybabe00 @sunoooism @boba-beom
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lieslab · 8 months
I love you, I love you, I love you
Summary: Chan realizes you're feeling insecure and tries to make you feel better.
Pairing: Chan X gn reader
Genre: Comfort/hurt & fluff
Word Count: 1.8K
_ _ _
The past tended to creep up at the most unexpected times. It dug its claws into your shoulders and loomed over you like a dark rain cloud. It didn’t matter if you threw yourself into work or your hobbies, it always seemed to catch up at the worst times. 
Today was no different. You and your boyfriend had the day off. It was rare for both of your schedules to line up perfectly, but today it had. It was one of the best days you had in a while. You woke up early and spent the day with Chan. 
Throughout the day, you found yourself sharing soft kisses, holding hands, touching, feeling, loving one another. He truly was your other half. You adored everything about him. From his cheesy pick-up lines to his sense of humor, the kindness he showed every stranger; the way he lit up every room he was in and made everyone comfortable. 
Not only did you adore him, but you looked up to him. You idolized your own boyfriend. You treated him like a child treated their favorite stuffed animal. You whispered words of affection with your forehead pressed against his. Out in public, you reached for the warm comfort of his hand. You wrapped your arms around him from behind and held him tightly. 
Whenever you showed up, his dimpled smile grew brighter. His eyes twinkled and his whole face lit up. In his eyes, you were as radiant as the sun, but you couldn’t see yourself the way he could. At times, you felt guilty about it. 
How were you supposed to love someone if you didn’t know how to love yourself? You tried and tried and tried, but your brain was against you. When you looked inside of yourself, all you could see was your flaws. 
You didn’t understand the twinkling in your own eyes when you saw your boyfriend. You didn’t get to see the way the sun lit up your face with its warm glow when you were outside in the summer. You didn’t see how much your contagious laughter made others laugh. You couldn’t grasp your own soft tender-heart. 
You couldn’t find one good thing about yourself. Of course you couldn’t, not when the people in your past pointed out every flaw. In your eyes, you were an unfortunate mistake. Often times, you talked yourself into believing the relationship you had with Chan was one formed out of pity. 
Chan wanted everyone to feel loved. Maybe, somehow, you caught his eye and maybe he had loved you, at one point, but how could he continue loving you? You weren’t anything special. When you looked at your life, there wasn’t any fancy achievement. 
You were ordinary and filled with flaws. They were all you could think about daily. After you went out with Chan today, they were on your mind again. Without meaning to, comments from your parents nagged at you. Especially, when the two of you accidentally stumbled into a pocket of paparazzi. 
You tried to stay off of social media because you knew what the fans were saying. Their venomous words were like knives to your heart. You were already being haunted with past comments from some old friends and your family members. The added peanut gallery discourse only caused your worries to balloon. 
When the two of you arrived back at your apartment, Chan insisted he was going to make dinner for the two of you. He asked you to go pick out a movie the two of you could watch afterwards. It was such a simple request and the domestic ambience of it all brought you comfort. 
However, when you came across an old movie you used to find comfort in as a child, you silently left the living room and made your way into the bedroom you shared with Chan. The thoughts from your past had been building and now the dam was beginning to crack. 
You quietly shut the door, made your way over to the bed, and sat down. You squeezed your eyes shut and forced yourself to listen to the soft pitter-patter of the drizzling rain. Much like your mood, the outdoors had been cloudy all day, but the skies finally let loose. 
Your nails dug into the skin of your thighs. The soft stinging sensation forced you to suck in a deep breath. You had to stop thinking about the past. It was over, there was no going back. You had to get over it, you needed to get over it, but you couldn’t. 
How were you supposed to forgive the people who were supposed to love you most? All those people you used to call friends, how were you supposed to drown out their words? That echo chamber of online fan discourse, how were you supposed to ignore it? 
You were trapped in a web of insecurity. You could squirm and wiggle and claw. Once a limb was free, another stuck to the web. The sticky cotton material gripped on and refused to let go. The familiar sensation of tears pricked in the back of your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. 
Chan could come in at any moment and you refused to let yourself ruin the day. Not when he mentioned this was the best day he had in the past month. You weren’t going to send his perfect house of cards crumbling. 
You’d suck it up and swallow your misery. You always did and you probably always would. You’d let it churn your stomach, curdle your blood, and rot your teeth. Your insecurities sat unspoken on your lips, but you never had the courage to voice them to anyone. 
Your boyfriend wasn’t stupid. He knew you had your issues. When he brought up mentions of your parents, you’d change the conversation. Mentions of old friends made your eyes widen. Whenever he complimented you, you’d shift uncomfortably and refuse to meet his eyes. His praise was met with an awkward dejection, but it never stopped him from continuing to try.
He’d do whatever it took to make you see yourself like he did. He’d go to the ends of the Earth to see your smile. He’d swim through the ocean and stumble through deserts. He’d do anything to make you happy. He wasn’t clueless about your behavior. 
He kept glancing at you from the kitchen while you were in the living room. Too absorbed in your actions, Chan knew something was bothering you. He didn’t mention it because he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but he knew something was there and breathing down your neck. 
When the two of you headed home, you started to become quiet. You were a terrible actor and were awful playing pretend. You acted like you were upbeat, but Chan knew better. When you disappeared into the bedroom for a few minutes, it didn’t take Chan long to pause his cooking and come find you. 
He knocked before he pushed the half-opened door open and found you staring at the window. Melancholy surrounded you while you watched the raindrops slide down the window. Misery was seeping out of every pore and it was obvious. 
“Hi, baby.” 
“Hi,” your voice was monotone. 
“Are you doing okay?” 
“Mmhm. Just taking a breather and watching the rain.” 
Chan frowned. He wanted to ask about your feelings, but he knew you were uncomfortable talking about them. In silence, he padded over to you until he stood in front of you. 
Sensing his presence, you turned to face him. You glanced up at him and forced a smile on your face. He knew it was fake, it never reached your eyes. 
“Do you want help with dinner?” 
He shook his head, “I just came to show you how much I love you.” 
A chuckle came out of you. A victorious smile grew across his face. “So what are you waiting for?” He asked. “Lean back.” You raised an eyebrow and he grinned in response. “Don’t you trust me?”
You shimmied back onto the bed. Without a word, he climbed onto the bed and straddled your waist. Before you could ask what he was planning on doing, his lips meant yours for a few moments. 
Beneath the comfort of your boyfriend, you instantly relaxed beneath him. Your body melted into the bed while your lips danced in sync. You had done this plenty of times before, but it continued to send jolts of electricity through your body. 
Chan pulled away and planted a fat kiss in the middle of your forehead. You blinked in shock. “Hey, what are you doi-” 
He pressed his finger to your lips to shush you. “Just let me love you, m’kay?” 
Another kiss followed on your cheek. Another on your other cheek. A few were painted along your jawline. He squished your cheeks together and planted another kiss on your lips and the tip of your nose. 
At some point, you began to giggle. Obnoxious kissing noises and dramatic ‘mwahs!’ left his lips. A soft kiss to the side of your neck. Another to your shoulder. A few speckled down your arms. He picked up your wrist with both hands and pressed his lips against your finger pads one by one. 
You tried to interrupt him again, “why are yo-” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too, but wh-” 
Another kiss was planted on the back of your hand. “I love you.” Another pressed against the bare skin of your thigh while you wore shorts. “I love you” Another on your knee. “I love you.” 
A blush filled your cheeks. He continued planting his lips randomly around your body. There was nothing sexual about it. Pure admiration filled his eyes. He repeated the words over and over again and showered you with his love hoping that the words would stick in your head. He silently prayed you’d absorb the words like a flower absorbed water. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” 
He finished with a final kiss to your lips before he pulled away. “Can you feel it?” 
“Feel what?” 
“My adoring love for you, silly!” 
A smile filled your face. “I can feel your love, yes.” Another laugh spilled from your lips and caused his heart to flutter. 
He pressed his face closer to yours again. You could feel his breath on your face. With his nose nearly pressed up to yours, he smiled and let out a squeaky laugh. “I love you so much. Please don’t ever change for anyone, darling.” 
Before you could respond, he collapsed himself on top of you and wrapped his arms around you tightly. He wiggled both of your bodies back and forth while he laughed. With a glance to your caught off-guard face, he laughed harder. 
When the two of you finally calmed down, you made eye contact. Another sincere smile filled your face as you glanced at your boyfriend. 
“I love you.” 
By some miracle, his grin stretched. 
For him, you’d try to face the world again, you always would. 
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Taglist: @fairytaleskiess Requests are open.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 9 months
Yesss I can finally request!!1!!!
Sorry I just wanted needed to know this 😔
Yan!Archons with a s/o who acts like a mother. Like with Zhongli, the s/o treats Xiao and Qiqi like their children. I feel like most of them would take advantage of it 💀💀
i'm pretty sure i've said it before but i don't particularly want kids but y'all give me awful baby fever D:<
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behaviors, uh honestly there isn't much in this one either, other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Venti thinks it’s cute, seeing the way you interact with the little kids around town. Diona and Klee adore you, loving that you always bring them snacks and treat them with such kindness. It especially warms his heart because he knows how absent their real parents are so he doesn’t mind letting you out of the house more often for their sake. He also won’t deny the absolute baby fever it gives him, the sudden urge to have children of your own taking over his mind entirely. 
Venti couldn’t help the smile on his face as he watched you play around with the two girls. They had insisted you help them with their hair, them having messed it up after playing tag in the city. He couldn’t deny the sudden urge to have a child of your own, a sweet little thing that was the perfect mix of the two of you. Archons couldn’t have children with humans though, so for now he was content to watch you interact with the local Mondstat kids, dreaming of the day you could have your own.
Yandere!Zhongli would find you parenting Xiao and QiQi to be quite humorous. He had spent many years trying to parent the angsty boy himself and yet you made much faster progress in a month. QiQi could also be quite the challenge and yet you had the patience of an Archon themself with her. A true gift to him and both the kids.
Zhongli watched as you scolded Xiao for getting hurt again, leaving QiQi to find him and bring him back to BuBu Pharmacy. It was quite funny to see the boy get so flustered, hands fiddling with his polearm. Zhongli had gotten on the boy's case many times about this and he never seemed to take it to heart, but you had a different effect on the male. Even QiQi seemed to naturally trust your judgment despite her forgetful nature. It warmed Zhongli’s heart to see you getting along so well with the two, loving her naturally you seemed to fall into the parental role. 
Yandere!Raiden doesn’t see any use in children, after everything with Kunikuzushi she simply has no desire to be in the parental role. She also believes it to be unnecessary for you as the two of you will never have children together. Despite this she will still allow you to interact with the local children, namely Sayu.
Raiden sighed as she saw you playing with the young girl in the courtyard, a lighthearted game of tag being played amongst the two of you. Sayu often came here to hide out from Kano Nana, enjoying the sunlight naps that you two would take or the fun, simple games you’d play. Tag was her favorite but she was also fond of hide and seek as well as eye spy. While Raiden would never outright tell you that she disapproved, she’d never join you either, making it known her opinion from across the way. Her subtle glare and cold shoulder all the proof you need. 
Yandere!Furina doesn’t like kids, she thinks that she should be the only one to get your undivided attention and that she’s plenty fun and entertaining. Why do you want to hang out with kids when she's already baby?
An annoyed huff left Furina’s as you continued to interact with the Melusines. You two were supposed to be out on a date together, not hanging out with the Melusines. It was Neuvillette’s job to look after them, not yours! You should be paying attention to her, giving her your love and time and focusing on what she has to say. She’s certainly going to throw a fit if it continues, and even more so if you just try to brush it off. You are Furina’s partner and you should be giving her all your love.
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lightlycareless · 6 months
I always wonder what naoya would act like if he had a new born baby? Would he be very soft towards his child? Akxjjzsbizzjj my heart needs y/n and naoya fluff😭😭😭😭
HI ANON YES THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK AAAAHGHAHAHAGH you've come to the right place!! Literally, the more asks I get of Naoya and Y/N with their newborn baby the more ideas I get I want to write (doing one already, xmas themed, idc if I'm late lol)
Anyways, here is the good stuff you asked for 😏 warnings: none. just fluff.
I hope it's to your liking! Happy reading ❤️
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Naoya is obsessed with the baby as soon as you tell him you’re pregnant, and soon, his days are filled with nothing but the pregnancy: from wanting to know if you’re alright, if you’ve had any nausea, if there were any specific cravings that needed to be satisfied, or his all-time favorite—if the baby was kicking.
You’d have to remind him that it’s too early for that, but when it’s finally time, his hands never leave your stomach, whether asleep or fully awake; he always must always be touching you, he needs to—as if he wasn’t already highly overprotective of you!
So, one can only imagine how this escalates when the baby finally arrives. (I’m still going with the idea that their first child is a girl)
When Naomi is born, all that Naoya desires is to stay by her side, her being the first thing he sees in the morning and the last in the night.
Naoya wants to be there as soon as the baby wakes up, hear her adorable coos and gurgles which he somehow always understands, as well as selecting her clothes for the day (they have to match. Non-negotiable) feed her (although that’s more like accompanying you while doing so.) and on and so forth.
And although there is nothing he loves more than being with his baby, his favorite thing in the world is seeing you bond with her.
Naoya just… melts when he sees you gush at their daughter, talk to her in that baby voice that always makes Naomi giggle, the occasional pinch of her chubby cheeks (which he likes to say she got from you—you, of course, deny it.) or how you seem to take her wherever you go, unable to peel away from her, not even a second! As if doing so would cause your immediate death!
I don't think I'll be able to convey just how overprotective the two are with Naomi.
Like, you and Naoya would be the type of parents to overdress her as soon as temperature drops the slightest for the simple fear that she’d get sick or something—obviously this didn’t last long because the doctor (alongside family members) would immediately remind them that being this way is only detrimental in the long term.
Rest assured, you and Naoya would find a way to compensate for that, specifically through toys, and outings when she's a bit older. Weekly trips to Tokyo Disneyland become the norm by that point (hell, if Naoya truly wanted to, he'd take Naomi to each worldwide Disney Park on a weekly basis, if only she didn't get crampy by flights—and if that wasn’t too much, of course.) which again, had to be stopped thanks to your dad advising both to take it easy, or she'll grow spoiled… the wrong way, that is.
I think out of the two, Naoya is the one that would struggle the hardest to not buy every single thing that reminds him of Naomi. But can we blame him? The nature of his work often keeps him away from you and the baby, which makes him very, very sad and resentful that it does.
He literally tried to get some time off so he’d be able to stay with you and the baby… but he wasn’t able to get much; so, he looks for all possible ways to make up for his absence, as well as reassure her that his career is not more important than her, or that he isn’t trying hard enough to be there.
Because of this, you make your best effort for Naomi's first word to be papa; it might not be much, but it’s your way to reassure him that he’s a good father and that she loves him very, very much. (The one deciding to name their children after him is your idea, because you want Naoya to feel included, loved. Like he deserves a family after all that he went through 🥺)
Going back to Naomi’s first word, this feat is easier said than done, but you do your best either way, and when it finally happens…. Oh my god is Naoya over the moon.
He literally died when Naomi cheerfully yelled “papa!” upon seeing him return one day from a mission, with that toothy grin he loves so much and those chubby little hands reaching out for him that immediately melt away all his stresses and anxieties away.
And we haven't even spoken of nicknames yet!!! He already had the habit of calling you all kinds of pet names, and that, alongside his tendency to pinch your cheeks, is something that Naomi will also inherit from him.
He'd call her all kinds of cute things, however, his favorite ones are the ones he associates with you, but adding a small differentiation, for example:
“Princess” and “little princess”
“Little mochi” and “littlest mochi”—this one you tell Naoya not to use just because of how silly it sounds, not that it works but hey, you tried.
“Pumpkin” and “little pumpkin”—this one was mostly used by your dad, which Naoya later adopted upon finding out about it—and if you already felt embarrassed by it, this sentiment just grew when Naoya began to endlessly tease you with it.
But now that it’s being used on Naomi, you finally began to appreciate it and subsequently, find it adorable!
So, yes. Naoya loves his baby very, very much, for Naomi represents a combination of all the things that make him happy: you, his love for you, and now, a family.
He'd go above and beyond to make them happy and keep them safe; when it comes to this, the sky is the limit.
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wow ngl. I want to write more. ajgajgjsaajgkja specifically the "Naoya placing his hands over your stomach to feel the baby kicking" or how he'd react to tiring nights where baby Naomi just can't sleep 🥺 if anyone wants to indulge me by sending in an ask of what you'd like me to write, you know where to find me 😏
thank you for this lovely ask!! Take care and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️
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Skz Habits When You're Pregnant | Skz Reaction
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Summary: the habits OT8 have when their partner gets pregnant/during pregnancy
Notes: just me wanting to have another baby again🤪
Warnings: just fluff
Chan: Hands on you
All the time. His little quirk is to just reach his hand and place it on your bump. While he drives, when you're on the couch, eating dinner--everywhere. To him, it's just a sweet reminder that you are carrying his baby and he will be a dad real soon! Chan's hands being on your bump is only with your consent. Obviously it won't bother you to have his touch, because it's always so gentle. But sometimes, when you don't want to be touched at all, that hand is the first thing to go.
Minho: Big spoon cuddles
His new favorite thing to do is spoon you from behind, legs entwined with your own and his hands on the bump. He likes the feeling of supporting you from behind, so please allow him to do the couples lift so he can help ease your discomfort. Your back against his chest as he wraps his arms around you just makes the perfect protection cocoon. But you will be teased if you ask for the cuddles first.
Changbin: Sharing his clothes
Changbin knows that growing out of your clothes makes you self conscious and uncomfortable quite often. He feels pride bubble in his chest seeing you wear his clothes, even if you did it prior to the pregnancy. His clothing was the most comfortable, though he tended to buy the best ones with you in his mind. If you'd prefer his sweatpants to go shopping in, then it's all yours. As long as you are happy, he is too.
Hyunjin: Painting your belly
This might seem a little cliche, but using finger paint on your stomach is so therapeutic for him. Genuinely. He can create something unique or simple on you, wiping it off after. You could either be watching him or playing on your phone, just enjoying his presence. It might tickle at first, but the more often he does it, the more you get use to his cold hands doodling on your bare skin. He tries to create the prettier designs for your milestones so you can keep pictures to look back on. Hyunjin adores the way the baby starts to react when he paints on you, giggling when he feels kicks.
Jisung: Attending parental classes
He's the type to want to attend every single class to prepare for his first baby. He knows that if he watches a birthing video, he'd pass out, so he avoids anything even close to those. Jisung just wants to be a well-rounded parent and the best partner for you. He'll even sign you up for yoga if you complain about pains, saying "google recommends sitting on the toilet and stretching forward to relieve tailbone pain", making sure you were the most comfortable you could be with his help. Jisung might become a little hard-headed after attending the classes, nagging you occasionally once he learned a new thing. Please forgive him, he's trying.
Felix: Laying on your belly
Felix adores your bump. He rests his head there every chance he gets, even when he no longer fits comfortably. He'll encourage you to play with his hair while he coos gently to your baby, talking about his day and the child's uncles. Felix likes to show you cute and funny tik tok videos, while he's laying on you like a soft pillow. Just being close to you and the baby settles any anxiety or negative feelings, so he often goes to you for comfort, immediately resting his head on the bump and tucking himself into you.
Seungmin: Taking pictures of you
He wants to document every step of your pregnancy in the softest way. Although he's not much of a photographer, he collects cute and domestic photos of you throughout the pregnancy to look back on when he's not there. Seungmin seems like the type to keep sentimental things in his wallet or the back of his phone. His babies. Always with him that way. Seungmin wants to be courteous of your comfort and the days you might not be as comfortable with your body or in general, so he just takes sneaky pics.
Jeongin: Feeding you
He always wants to give you good food because he love the look in your eyes when you eat. However, his new favorite thing is to buy/make the cravings you get while pregnant. Even though some might be strange, and he will definitely judge you for it, he gets excited to see the happy dance after pleasing you. Jeongin wants to make sure you are healthy and happy no matter what. He feels pride in making you the food he studied cooking videos for, knowing that it might be his child that made you crave it so randomly.
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 2 months
Solomon x Fem! Parent! Reader || It's Okay, I'm Right Here
Word Count: 3,081
Rating: Sfw, Mature matters
Includes: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff
Thank you for commissioning me! @eternallyanxiousandstressed I hope everything is to your liking and again I hope that the things going on right now that may be painful heal and get better but I wish you nothing but love and luck momma!
It's that day and to say the least you were hurting.
You knew it was happening, knew the time was coming but that didn't mean you ever enjoyed it..
You carefully watched as Solomon played with him, a chest of toys that the white haired man had even gotten for himself sat wide open as your son ran back and forth just to show off his favorite toys and things. You can see the look on his face, the smile you son gives him as he grins up at Solomon with that smile you've always loved.
Your heart is literally aching, feeling as though it's being torn apart.
Solomon was always so good with him. Ever since you both introduced the two your son had seemed interested in the man even if he was a little shy at first. You remembered the way Solomon smiled warmly at the boy who slightly hid his face and then with that flair that he always seemed to have… Solomon kneeled down on one knee to the child and with a short little chant and a sway of his fingers glitter and colorful swirls seem to form from his fingers before poof! A toy sat in his palm, one that he didn't exactly know the boy would enjoy but really hoped so.
Though Solomon isn't necessarily one who cares for the way people looked at him this was completely different. This was you and your son and after being with you for as long as he has now it only made the most since that he wanted to get along with the boy.
It seemed to have worked out quite well. You knew from the moment that Solomon had looked into your eyes that he was a good one, loving and understanding and when your son happily took the toy after a moment just to make sure it was actually alright to take. There's a moment where he looks up at Solomon, bright eyes twinkling at the sight of the gift and Solomon nods with a hum.
“It's alright, you can definitely have this.” Solomon reassured the boy, something else you had noticed the white haired male was quite good with over the timespan of your relationship.
You remembered looking at Solomon after, lifting a brow as if asking how he knew the young boy would like such a gift only to feel your cheeks warm up just a bit when he seemed to smile back knowingly.
Back then Solomon had given a little carefree shrug, a light chuckle coming from him thanks to that adorable look on your face that he always loved to see.
“He's a kid. There's not much else they usually enjoy aside from toys and candy last time I checked.”
He says with that smartass voice of his that you always seemed to love hearing and you huffed out a little laugh.
You smile carefully, looking at the scene just a few feet before you with so much love and affection whilst leaning against the doorframe. You loved catching them in these moments, seeing that carefree smile on your baby's face while he spent such important moments with Solomon who was basically the man that happily stepped up to help you raise the boy. You had caught them a few times in some rather cute moments; catching Solomon feeding the boy, guiding and teaching and correcting the boy whenever it seemed needed …like an actual father was supposed to…
Oh course you never wanted to stop your son from seeing his actual father but every time you looked at you child… his smiling little face that seemed to shined brighter than every other star in the sky, you couldn't help the clenching you felt in your heart. It wasn't that you necessarily hated or felt anything angry over your last partner and you knew that realistically your son should be allowed to see his father no matter what you and the man had gone through but as you watched these moments you couldn't help but simply wish it had been Solomon to actually be the boy's father. Though, you did love seeing that the white haired man treated your son like one anyway even without you having to ask or say anything.
Your baby deserved a father and you and Solomon had talked about it so many times, mainly because you couldn't help but feel scared… and just like the caring and adoring man he was, Solomon carefully reached his hands out to wrap around you and hold you close. Telling you that it'd be okay because whether the boy was his or not… he'd happily help take care and raise him. And that's exactly what Solomon has done since the two of you… three of you met.
The air of peace and tranquility pauses.
There's a knock at the door…
One that you all seem to notice at the very same time.
You're the closest to it and as the two look over at you, you let out a soft sigh before turning and going to the door. Solomon frowns a little, he simply can't help it because while he knows you had to do this didn't mean he had to be happy about it… He looks at your son before smiling softly and the boy seems to return the little look before Solomon gets to his feet.
“Stay right there okay?” Solomon says to the boy who shyly now seems to nod.
He follows you, your child hanging back for now, peeking around at the scene as you take your hand and unlock the knob before twisting it and just as expected he stood there… your past husband, the man you nor Solomon wanted to see but as you try to resist frowning Solomon takes his place at your side, reaching over to rub your shoulder in a way that seems to actually convince you to open the door.
You pull it open and there he stood, looking at you first as a little smile almost dares to taint his lips before falling completely at the sight of Solomon and your son who crept forward until he could grip at Solomon’s pants leg as if the sight of the boy clinging to the man was like pouring salt into an already infected wound.
There's a moment of silence and you can feel the weight of the air around you getting heavier. You were sure he was simply displeased at the sight of you raising your child with another man but Solomon stares him down, as if he's daring the other man to do something about it.
You managed to speak first, greeting the man who seems to huff in return before crossing his arms over his chest.
“I've come to pick up my son.” He says and it sends a spark of blistering rage through you because after everything the two of you have been through you thought he knew by now that if you could your son would be exactly just that, your son. You don't like that tone he uses either, the one he seemed to pull out as if he was better than you and had something to hold over your head and Solomon can practically taste the way it makes you feel.
He doesn't get angry often he'll admit but something about this ex-husband of yours could really pull Solomon into doing so. Especially when he can see that look on your face, the saddened expression that he dreaded seeing on your precious face. It's not just that either, as his eyes turn from you down to your son he can only feel more annoyed, upset at the fact that this man of all people has come just to ruin all of your day.
“Our son.” Solomon suddenly hums and the tension in the air suddenly seems to grow a lot heavier as if the air around you all had turned poisonous.
“You've come to pick up our son.” He says again and there's a moment where both you and your child perk up just from hearing Solomon say such a thing. It's not like he didn't say it often, with permission many months ago Solomon had spent hours holding you, kissing you until you cried and clung to him and felt comfortable with him being this close in your family and home and now as you savor the feeling of his hand gently squeezing your shoulder, you've never been more grateful. It calms you even while your ex seems to sneer at the man who calmly grins, smug in his stance. He knows he shouldn't pick a fight, you've told him not to before but oh does Solomon love seeing that stupid, angry look that washes over your ex's face.
If it weren't for the fact that Solomon was a sorcerer, a lesson that your ex husband was still stubbornly learning he probably would have never spent any time dealing with this man to begin with. Even resisting simply slamming the door in his face right now was rather difficult for Solomon…
You pat Solomon and without argument, without further distraction, he looks over and down at you and his smug grin falls quickly as he sees the look in your eyes, that saddened expression… it manages to shut him up for a moment all the while calming him even before Solomon allowed his own irritation over your ex to bring out the worst in himself.
“Ah, anyway..” Solomon says softly as he looks into your eyes with his own before slowly looking back at your ex who seemed even more annoyed at the sight than the blatant disrespect he was receiving. “I'll allow it, at least until I figure out just what to do with you exactly.” He finishes and there's meanings hidden behind those words, a threat spoken like the millions of spells Solomon's spoken before. All of the sudden the room feels colder, so much so that your ex seems to shiver even though he's not even standing in the house… the only one to shiver, matter of fact, considering Solomon only had the intent to affect him personally. Something else he's been working on for a while now.
“And..what's that supposed to mean?” Your ex asks now, his tone softer than he'd like it to be and Solomon smiles innocently.
“Oh nothing, just that I'm trusting you to be responsible so I don't have to correct you too harshly later on.” he hums and then silence falls over all of you, a few seconds passing just to let the words cook and simmer and then you let out a little laugh as if to lighten the overwhelming mood looking over to your son who moves closer to you, now hugging you leg as you gently run your hand through his hair. There's a soft smile that forms on his lips as he slowly looks up to you.
“He's just kidding, surely you're happy to spend time with your father right baby?” You ask softly, petting that head that you loved so much and while you do so the two men seem to glare harshly at each other, fists slowly balling up on each of them. You son looks over to his father who seems to huff lightly through his nose and Solomon follows the action in a much similar way before nodding carefully. Of course the boy always wanted to see his father. He just secretly wished… he could do so without these moments, without having to leave. Why couldn't the four of you just be together?
Sometimes he still didn't fully understand it all.
“Right, I'm only kidding.” Solomon repeats, giving another smile now as he keeps his eyes on the man before him to show that he actually wasn't ‘just kidding’, that the only reason he didn't strike him where he stood was because Solomon knew just how these things made you feel.
Silence falls over the four of you before you sigh and you say goodbye to your son, smiling at him and taking the time to kneel down and give him the biggest of hugs you could ever offer before he slowly pulls away even though it hurts both of you so much. He had to be a strong boy though, the brave and smart boy that you always found him to be. He seems to take a few steps forward to his father. The man looks at the boy before sighing, reaching out to offer his hand and your son slowly takes it, stepping out the door now.
It's a bittersweet moment, one that leaves an oily taste in your mouth as you look at your child one more time, waving bye as they go to leave but not without your baby returning the action, quickly waving his little hand like his life might have depended on it.
“Bye mommy! I'll see you and dada later, I love you!” He says like how he'd do if you were dropping him off at school or something, moments that always managed to feel like slow motion once they actually happened. Your son's words ring in your ears as you and Solomon wave goodbye though not without you yelling out to your ex to call or text if anything ever managed to happen in your absence. Begrudgingly he seems to accept your words, sighing again and you and Solomon watch at the door as the father of your child helps the young boy in before giving a wave to the both of you before pulling open the drivers door and climbing in.
The sound of the doors closing, the sound of the engine starting and gears revving makes you hurt even more and just like that, they pull off carefully before driving off.
You don't even realize the wetness in your eyes until Solomon carefully reaches out to you. As he gently cups your cheek you look at him and as your eyes connect with his own all you can see if his care for you, his undying love for you that you worried one day might disappear even though Solomon continuously corrected you each time because he was going nowhere without you being by his side. The two of you have already gone through so much and continue to do so but Solomon was happy being there with you to go through it together. The look in his eyes are genuine, focused and bright as if you were the only thing that existed in his field of sight, as if nothing else for now mattered.
Before you can stop yourself you sniffle before quickly turning into him.
You wrap your arms around his torso before pressing your face into his chest, the tears falling just being able to be close to him in a moment like this and of course Solomon returns your gesture by slowly closing the door with one hand while the other moves around you to hold you back. You arm wraps around your shoulders, his hand carefully moving and petting your hair before he moves his other arm to wrap gently around your waist. He pulls you closer as you seem to let it out. It's not like you got like this everytime, not always but you did get sad one way or another and as much as it hurts, like tearing your heart into pieces, Solomon is here… holding you, caressing you while your tears seem to wet his shirt.
“I know you always hate these days but I promise you my love that it's okay…” he hums softly, his voice like a light in the darkness that leads you to a bit of clarity.
“He'll be fine, he'll be okay.. I can promise you that.” He breathes, taking the time to lower his head and press his nose into your hair, taking a deep breath and savoring your scent that he simply loved so much. “I gave him a talisman. If anything unexpected happens we'll know. I promise.. please don't stress yourself out, it's not good for your skin.” He says with a light chuckle and it does calm you down, his words and the way he's holding you as if he worried that letting go might just break you. Even with his teasing tone you know he's serious, that his words are genuine and even though your heart was aching you felt… so, so much better knowing that Solomon had even taken the time to give your son a seal of protection just in case somehow, someway, something managed to cause any malicious harm to your baby.
Which wouldn't because Solomon had promised to always help you keep him safe.
You can't help but cry harder, so grateful to have him here with you, holding you close while telling you that you were okay.. that your son was okay with him around. He's so caring, so loving, patient… gentle, always holding you as if you were the most prized jewel in his world.
“Thank… you..” you say with a shaky tone, clinging to him because you know he doesn't mind not one bit.
He moves his hands to slowly trail up you body, over you curves and dips leaving shivers running over your skin up until he reaches your cheeks and with so much care, he holds you. He kisses the top of your head, then you cheek, then back up to your forehead until he's left peppering to sweetest kisses against your skin and like a cat getting scratched behind your ears you seem to fall completely in his hold.
“There's no need to thank me my love and you know that, you know I adore you and that boy more than I've ever adored anything else. You know I'll always be here, yes?” Solomon says softly, his eyes gentle as his voice fills your ears and you hold his arms, nuzzling his chest.
“Yes..Yes of course I know that my dear, I-I just love you so much… I'm so grateful you're here..” you breathe, calmed down as you press against him like he's a life support and he holds you like he feared you pulling away.
“I’ll never let go of you…either one of you for I love you both just as much.” He hums as he continues to hold you, taking in your scent, kissing you…loving you like you always craved to be loved.
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sugarmouchie · 8 months
First time doing any request!! How do you think Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma, Childe, Ayato, and Itto (plus whoever else) would react to their partner owning a reptile? I’m gonna be getting a bearded dragon soon <3
🪷 a/n. THATS SO CUTE yesyesyes and good for u!!
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— how they react when they see your pet reptile 🪽
🪷 warnings. mentions of alcohol on kaeya’s part, kaeya being a menace to diluc in diluc’s part, a lil self indulgent, lmk if i missed anything 🤍
- astonished. to say the least. his voice or face doesn’t prove it tho, but trust me he really loves it lol
- tbh, i think diluc would be the type to always want a pet reptile such as a bearded dragon because of their scales, yeah he seems like that type of person
- DEFINITELY tries to befriend it with his bird 😭😭
(it works btw)
- sometimes when he comes back to the winery, he sees your pet and his bird sitting together on a cushion near the windowsill and he texts you about it later on
- kaeya gets confused when he randomly sees your animal just unexpectedly sitting there on the table in the winery
- then diluc tells him it’s his significant other’s, which he is wide-eyed about and says “YOU CAN ACTUALLY PULL PEOPLE?” which you can hear from all the way upstairs 😕
- no diluc slander tho i love him, sorry got too carried away LOL
- but in conclusion, he would check up on your pet every day at a certain time period to see if it’s still sitting in the most random place ever
- “not surprised that you have another thing to love you” is what he instantly says when he notices you cuddling aside your pet on the bed
- your face instantly flushes red 😭
- he adores you sm, he also makes sure to take care of your reptile with you
- sometimes he randomly comes up behind you and whispers into your ear saying stuff like “is your little pet well taken care of?”
- he cares a little too much because he’s jealous of diluc having a pet so he always wanted one too LOL
- he calls the both of you parents of your pet
- he’s one to randomly come into your room in the middle of the night, check if your pet is right next to you, and steal it from your arms while you’re sleeping
- when you wake up you’re so confused, but then you go downstairs to see him giving your pet his favorite alcohol drink as a joke, he wouldn’t actually do that ofc
- when i tell you he loves it, he LOVES it.
- trust, when he first saw it, his eyes were quite literally glittery.
- despite being a dog person because of his dog, he’s one to care for every type of pet
- he’s literally a househusband, do you really expect for him to not care about your baby too?
- LOL other than that, he’s really cute when it comes to taking care of his pets, and yours ofc.
- one time he almost melted because when your reptile tried to bite him, he did NOT see it as a threat at all. the real reason he found it so cute was because the little bite your pet tried to perform failed 😭😭
- he felt so bad when he noticed a little, almost unnoticeable pout on your pet’s face
- has definitely made a little hut for your pet before in your shared bedroom :(( it’s so cute
- definitely treats it like his brother, teucer.
- no like, quite literally almost does the exact same things he does to teucer to your pet.
- it’s cute to watch tho
- one time, he was literally sitting down at the dinner table with your pet in his lap, leaning down a little to spoon feed it a little bit of food.
- exactly like he did with teucer, except they were right next to each other. he spoon fed teucer ALL the time, and now he’s doing it to your baby.
- that’s so cute to think about
- other than that, he’s quite childeish with it. (haha get it? childe-ish? ok that was embarrassing.. anyway..)
- ok but actually, he’s childish with it LMAO
- one time it scratched him, not even making a mark btw, and he came over to you with your reptile in his hand and yelled out
- “this b*tch scratched me!!”
- “lemme see”
- “it didn’t even make a mark, stop being dramatic.”
- he loves it very much tho :))
- “hm. fascinating.” his exact words when he first sees it.
- he acts like it isn’t that important, but one time when you came home from work, your reptile was resting in his luxury bed with your reptile’s required food, except it looked really expensive.
- you instantly assume it was ayato.
- you tell him and he’s like, “mhm?”
- “that’s normal, is it not?”
- he cares for it like he cares for ayaka, but you never catch him doing it
- except for the few times that he said he bought your pet its required food, except he had jars and jars of food in his hands.
- yeah, he cares a lot.
- he sometimes watches it squirm around in its habitat (that he built for it by the way, and despite not being an architect, his luxurious-self that he likes to brag about built it with some of the most finest materials) and listens to the soft sounds of whatever noises it makes.
- instantly tries to pair it up with his beetles.
- he LOVES to bring it to watch his little beetle fighting contests with him
- he records it ofc, then sends it to you while you’re at work, catching you completely off guard when you noticed your little pet right next to him watching the contest.
- has definitely placed it on top of his head and walked home with it constantly touching his horns
- he was giggling the entire time 😭 he’s such a man-baby it’s adorable
- definitely falls asleep with it in your shared bed with the tv playing your favorite song
- he thinks of you all the time when he’s hanging out with your baby :)
- every time you bring up the fact that he got scared when you introduced it to him, he says, “at least i took the fear like a boss!”
- but other than that, he quickly got used to it after you kept randomly jump scaring him with your pet behind his back.
- even one time, when he wasn’t used to it yet, it crawled/slithered up his back when he was asleep and he woke up and screamed for a second louder than the sound barrier which woke you up too 😭😭
@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost on other platforms 🪽
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teddywook · 1 month
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i miss my child 💔
seunghan the type of guy... you meet through mutual friends. he's shy at first, but turns incredibly funny and talkative when he becomes confident
seunghan the type of guy... who on the outside seems to be a badboy, but in reality is all sweetness and kindness
seunghan the type of guy... that everyone likes for real
seunghan the type of friend... who your parents have complete confidence when it comes to you. a late night movie premiere? you can go with him. a party at a totally unknown place? he is picking and dropping you off, no problem. it's late and he doesn't have a way to get home? sure, he can stay
seunghan the type of friend... that no matter what he has to do, he finds a way to cheer you up. he always manages to make you laugh with some joke or even being your personal jester
seunghan the type of friend... who is there for you in your worst moments. a broken heart? a low grade? your book didn't end well? no need to worry, he is provided with a good care kit for you that includes your favorite ice cream and snacks, a warm blanket, his special reserve of embarrassing anecdotes that you can laugh at and too many kilos of comforting hugs
seunghan the type of friend... who despite being your best friend and the person who understands you best. can be your biggest hater (in a loving way) too
seunghan the type of best friend... that imitates you exaggeratedly, when you laugh like a piggy
seunghan the type of best friend... who is your personal photographer. he takes, edits and saves all your photos. the good and the funny ones. of these latter, he has a special album that he uses when he wants to embarrass you a little
seunghan the type of best friend... who loves to see your red face, furrowed eyebrows and that adorable pout on your mouth. he can't help but squeeze your cheeks at how cute you are when you're upset
seunghan the type of best friend... who can be the most serious of all when you need his advice. listening carefully to what is bothering you and trying to give you a few options to resolve the whole situation
seunghan the type of best friend... which you end up falling in love with
seunghan the type of crush... who seems completely oblivious to your feelings for him, despite being extremely obvious to others
seunghan the type of crush... who can't believe when your mutual friends tell him that you like him
seunghan the type of crush... who ends up confessing his feelings for you accidentally, because his friends say things that only make him keep playing make believe about you two
seunghan the type of boyfriend... with whom everyone knew you would start a relationship (the tension between you guys was almost suffocating)
seunghan the type of boyfriend... that your parents love to show off, to family, friends, neighbors. they even take him to family trips just so they could say, "the charming and extremely handsome boy? oh yeah, he's our son" (nope, the 'in law' part wasn't necessary for them)
seunghan the type of boyfriend... which has a special calendar to remind him when your period is about to start. he already has everything you can and will need prepared. towels, tampons, hot pads, pain pills, chocolates and a warm refuge between pillows and his cuddles
seunghan the type of boyfriend... who is equally prepared for your other special days of the month
seunghan the type of boyfriend... who loves to give you what you want, when you want it and the way you want it. you want something a little more intimate and romantic? he will give you kisses all over your face while caressing your bare thighs surrounding his waist. are you in the mood for something nasty? he will treat you like his own little slut if you want it
seunghan the type of boyfriend... who enjoys rough sex sessions, because he knows that you enjoy it as much as he does
seunghan the type of boyfriend... who spanks you until he leaves red marks from his hands on your ass when you ask him to do it harder
seunghan the type of boyfriend... who has a lot of fun teasing you in public. hand on your inner thigh under the table. whispering on your ear the things that he would do to you when he can have you alone
seunghan the type of boyfriend... who talks to your cunt telling her how much he misses her before he eats you out
seunghan the type of boyfriend... that makes you cum at least 3 times. first in his mouth, the second on his fingers, the third around his cock. he keeps his cocky smile as he fucks you into the mattress, babbles coming out of your mouth because how good he's making you feel. your gummy walls painting white as he fills you full of his cum
seunghan the type of boyfriend... who tells you how much he loves you while your lying down cockwarming him
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herbalsingularitea · 1 year
Possessive Bernard the elf with a pregnant human!Reader Imagine
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- After Scott and Carol have their baby it makes Bernard start thinking
- You go on a date after seeing baby Buddy earlier that day and Bernard seems really lost in his thoughts
- With some gentle coaxing you get him to tell you that he’s been thinking about children
- At first you think he just means Buddy and you agree with him that the Claus’s baby is adorable
- He lets it go, just nodding and agreeing with you but you can tell there’s still something on his mind
- Later on during the date you two get into a snowball fight
- He sneak attacks your snow fort and tackles you into the snow where you guys wrestle around trying to shove snow in each others face
- Eventually it devolves into just rolling around making messy snow angels
- Once you get too tired and collapse in the snow, he rolls over top you to give you silly tickly kisses that make you both giggle
- He’s still laughing when “I want to put a baby in you so badly” slips out
- You both freeze and he looks so panicked that he said that out loud but you’re blushing like crazy and ask if he’s serious
- He says he thinks he is and you shyly say you want that too
- He’s never looked so happy in his life and the silly kisses return, slightly more saucy than before
- Fast forward to several months later and there’s been random bursts of magic in the workshop
- All the elves start giggling and whispering anytime it happens
- You ask what’s up and Judy explains that uncontrollable magic bursts like that mean that someone’s got an elfling on the way
- Elflings are rare so everyone is super excited for the new baby and are trying everything to figure out who’s pregnant
- You don’t think it could be you since you haven’t had any symptoms and it would be really early if you were
- As time passes and no one comes forward announcing they’re pregnant, everyone is confused
- The magic bursts get stronger and stronger as time goes on
- One day you’re walking through the workshop with Bernard and a whole line of rocking horses explodes in a familiar burst of sparkles
- Every elf freezes as they watch the sparkles settle and then they slowly look over at Bernard and you
- Since Bernard is Head Elf, he’s got the most powerful elf magic in the North Pole and would be the only one capable of doing magic like that
- In one wild display of magic, everyone knows it’s you who’s pregnant
- Judy makes you cocoa to calm you down while you and Bernard try to wrap your heads around becoming parents
- Bernard seems very much in shock and kind of distant with you while Judy, Curtis, and Scott congratulate you both
- You start to worry that he doesn’t want the baby after all because he can hardly look at you
- But all doubts leave you as soon as you get home
- Once the door is closed and you’re alone, he falls to his knees and nuzzles your stomach, giving you so many kisses and refusing to leave your side the rest of the night
- You swear you see him tear up a couple of times when he thinks you aren’t looking
- He makes all your favorite foods during your pregnancy and you happily soak up all the extra love and attention he gives you
- He thinks you look so unbelievably beautiful while carrying his child and takes every chance to tell you that
- As you grow, even elves from out of town immediately know your baby is his because his magic is nestled within you now and can be easily recognized by other magical creatures
- Mother Nature takes one look at you and gives you and Bernard a knowing look
- Cupid won’t quit waggling his eyebrows at Bernard
- He rolls his eyes but you know he secretly loves it
- You feel strange sometimes knowing that everyone sees you as his because of this but it makes him so happy
- You start to feel self conscious about how you look. “Ugh. I’m so out of shape and weird looking now.”
- But he’s always so quick to reassure you. “Hard disagree. I love seeing how your body grows to nurture our child. In fact,” he purrs, sidling up to wrap his arms around you, “if you weren’t already pregnant, I’d put another baby in you right now.”
- The more time goes on, the more obsessed he gets with touching your belly and talking to the baby
- He never misses saying good morning and good night to his precious little elfling
- He gets more and more possessive of people touching you and will glare and snap at anyone who moves too abruptly around you
- The only one he seems okay with is Carol, which you are so thankful for since she’s the only one who you can talk to about the difficulties of pregnancy
- Bernard gives you lots of belly rubs to soothe the aches and pains and one day while he’s doing that he feels the baby kicking
- He cries
- Sometimes when the baby is keeping you awake at night with kicks he’ll roll over and spoon you and put a hand on your belly and push his magic into you and you can feel the baby push their magic back. You don’t know exactly what it is that’s happening but it calms the baby down without fail plus it’s really warm so you always fall back asleep no problem
- On the last leg of your pregnancy, you struggle to fit into a dress you had made for a holiday party months ago
- You’re so mad that you wasted the money and won’t be able to wear it. “God, this is so frustrating!”
- You see him watching in the mirror with a little smirk
- You groan at his look. “Stop smiling. This is all your fault. You’re the one who did this to me in the first place, you jerk”
- His smirk just gets wider. “I sure did.”
- He’s got no shame, that asshole.
- Elves are much smaller than humans, so while the pregnancy lasts around 10 months, you only look about 6-7 months pregnant before you give birth
- The actual birth isn’t too hard, but Bernard is so incredibly proud of you
- He keeps going back and forth between kissing you and the baby
- And of course he cries then too
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Can you write a Daniela headcannon where reader has a 2yr old (other parent not involved) and after a bit of dating the child called Dani mama for the first time. And also Alcina, Bela, and Cass meeting the kid and hearing them the call Dani mama and absolutely freaking out and stuff and Alcina immediately calming them as her grandkid?
This is a really cute idea :D Let’s get into it!
Your life was completely shattered when your girlfriend abandoned you. It happened shortly after she had your daughter, Ana, and you couldn’t believe it. She said the situation was too much for her to handle and she had dreams of traveling to see the world outside of the village.
So, she just up and left.
She barely even said goodbye to the child she had carried for nine whole months. She hadn’t been particularly excited when she found out she was pregnant. You, however, were over the moon. You thought things might change when Ana was born, but they didn’t. How could someone who was supposed to love their child unconditionally just… Leave her? While it definitely crushed you personally, your girlfriend’s sudden departure made you absolutely sick for Ana.
But, as much as it hurt for your girlfriend to leave you and your daughter… It set the stage for you to meet the love of your life.
One afternoon at the village market, you were strolling through the vibrant stalls, Ana in tow, exploring the array of colors and scents that filled the air. Little did you know that this day would mark the start of something beautiful.
As you meandered through the market, Ana’s curious gaze and cute face caught the attention of none other than Daniela Dimitrescu.
The youngest Dimitrescu daughter was there to run errands for Alcina, but spotting Ana, as well as the good-looking person holding her (You), Made her decide to take a bit of a detour. Dani turns to complete mush around babies and kids. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she approached you and your little one.
“Well, hi there, cutie! Aren’t you the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen?” Dani said brightly to Ana, her enthusiasm infectious.
Ana, usually a bit shy with strangers, actually responded with a small smile. A very rare reaction from her around people she doesn’t know.
Dani effortlessly drew her into conversation, asking about her favorite toys and treating her as if she was the most important person in the world.
You watch, captivated by Dani’s affection and the way she quickly connects with your toddler. It’s as if she possesses a special talent for making others feel at ease.
As the conversation unfolds, you find yourself drawn to Dani’s warmth and kindness.
“I must say, your little one has stolen my heart,” Dani confesses, gently grasping Ana’s little hand.
“She seems pretty happy to meet you too,” You joke as Ana makes grabby hands, eagerly wanting Dani to hold her.
Dani giggles at this and excitedly holds her hands out for Ana. However, she suddenly stops, trying to be mindful of her manners. “Oh, would it be alright if I…?” She asks hopefully, pointing at your little girl.
This woman is adorable. “Of course,” You grin and hand Ana over. “This is Ana and I’m Y/N,” You introduce yourselves.
Dani snuggles Ana against her. “What a beautiful name. It fits you perfectly,” Dani gushes at the toddler before quirking a playful eyebrow at you. “Your name isn’t so bad either, Y/N,” Dani teases.
You laugh at this. You haven’t smiled this hard since your girlfriend walked out.
“My name is Daniela,” She says and holds out her hand to you.
You gently take it and place a quick kiss on her knuckles. “It’s a pleasure,” You wink.
Dani’s cheeks instantly heat up. How… Romantic. She is already quite taken with you.
The three of you end up spending the afternoon together, sampling treats from the market and sharing laughter. Dani’s joy is contagious, and her genuine interest in Ana melts your heart.
Damn. Ana needs someone like Daniela in her life… You wouldn’t be opposed to seeing more of her either, though.
Over the following weeks, your connection with Dani deepens and it soon becomes clear that Ana isn’t the only one who has formed a close bond with the gorgeous redhead. You think about Dani constantly and finally work up the courage to ask her out.
Dani eagerly agrees, but she also needs to tell you more about herself. She just hopes you will be able to accept her… Situation.
“Umm… Y/N? I need to talk to you about something before we go on that date,” She says softly after the two of you put Ana down for a nap and return to your living room.
You feel your heart drop at her tone. Oh, shit. Is she having second thoughts? Is she, like, seeing someone already? Wait, Is she married or something?! Your eyes shoot wide open. “Oh, uh, sure. Go for it, Dani,” You eventually stammer out. You try to act cool, but are failing miserably. You just can’t stand the thought of Dani not being available. You’ve already fallen for her, but haven’t been able to admit it. Not even to yourself.
The terror on your face catches Dani off guard. She hasn’t said anything that should have scared you… Yet. “Uh… Yeah. It’s about my mother?” She says, confused.
Your eyebrows furrow at this. Wait… What? Now you’re confused as hell too. You’re going to get whiplash at this rate. “Your mother?” You ask, trying to understand. “Wait, um, actually, just to clarify before we go any further, you’re not seeing anyone already are you? I mean, you don’t have a partner or something, right? No entanglements that would make this… Messy?”
Realization eventually flashes on Dani’s face. “Oh, definitely not!” She shakes her head, giggling at your mutual misunderstanding. “No, I’ve been single for a long time, I’m afraid,” She chuckles.
You feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you laugh breathlessly. Thank goodness she’s not taken. “Oh, okay. Sorry about that,” You wheeze out. “But, what did you want to tell me?” You ask, now intrigued more than ever.
Dani sighs and grits her teeth for second before she is able to answer. “It’s just that… My mother is… Alcina Dimitrescu,” She confesses.
The room is deathly quiet for a moment.
Dani nervously analyzes your face, but your expression is completely blank. You don’t say a word. She can’t read you like she usually can and it stresses her out. “Err… Y/N?” She asks.
“A-Alcina… Dimitrescu? As in, LADY Alcina Dimitrescu?” You question. “One of the four Lords?”
Dani can’t bear to look at you. She huffs and hides her face in her hands, nodding silently.
“Oh,” You say softly.
Silence once again takes over, but before Dani can look up or say anything else, she hears a loud thump. She jumps at the unexpected sound and quickly takes her hands away from her face… To see you, sprawled out and unconscious, on the floor.
She sits for a moment and wordlessly clasps her hands together before placing them in her lap. “That went… A lot better than I thought it would,” She whispers.
Note: Have to break this into another part, but I really enjoyed writing it! Dani’s so sweet T^T
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