#and gave birth to a daughter
bluerosefox · 1 year
Daughter of Phantom, Lady Gotham.
I love Lady Gotham stuff in the DCxDP stories, like a lot, so what if, hear me out (Long post is long, I rambled again)
Lady Gotham is Danny's daughter.
How? How about Danny is hurt (his parents? GIW? Vlad?), like badly, to the point even his core is damaged and the time needed to heal would take years, like a lot of years. Like it was bad that even his Rogues were shocked and shaken. They eventually get him to the Realms but are unsure what to do next. So they're scrambling trying to figure out how to save him.
So when CW appeared he asked to handed the Core because he knows what to do, where to hide him so he can heal they don't question it, everyone in the Realms know CW, the Ancient of Time itself, has a soft spot for Phantom. He opens a portal to a different world, not Danny's he can't run the risk of GIW finding him, to a just beginning world, the new world will help speed up his healing, and with Frostbite's help they set up a healing chamber deep, deep in the ground. Once they made sure everything is set up and safe, they place his core inside the healing pod and return every so often to check on him.
Over time though, above on the surface of that world it's timeline starts. Animals, creatures, humans, aliens, magic users, etc etc begin and with it, because even as a half healing core, Danny's power and ectoplasm starts effecting the area he's resting in (Ghost King Danny? Young/New Ancient/Eldritch Being? Or just an OP Danny?) (Clockwork and even Frostbite showing up every so often doesn't help either, it explains why Gotham is so cold sometimes or why time seems... off)
Anyways due to Danny's power (along with bits of Clockwork and Frostbite), magic of this world, and people beginning to build a small town on top of the land it gives birth to the namesake of the town.
CW foresaw her 'birth' and finds her sitting in front of Danny's healing pod. He always knew Gotham would eventually form, the belief/love her people have in her would had given her a form eventually he just wasn't expecting her to form so soon (this is why Danny remains his favorite person, he always did something CW never really see's to often) nor was he expecting her to become Danny's daughter. Gotham looks a bit like Danny, dark hair, blue eyes, pointed ears, sharp teeth, glowing star like freckles, but she also reflects her people, the ones that call Gotham home so her image shifts sometimes. But he can see small hints of maybe himself and Frostbite in the shifts.
She is 100% Danny's daughter via spirit/ectoplasm. If anything CW and Frostbite are like many times removed family members when it comes down to ectoplasm.
She's silent for a moment before she asks if "You and the other come here often to see him... The one sleeping is he my father?" Which CW does confirm, he explains why Danny is healing and who he and Frostbite are and why they show up to make sure he is doing better. How his healing will take many, many years. She goes silent again before saying "Teach me how to protect him. I am new and young compared to others... and yet I already know if anyone desires him for the power he gives, they will stop at nothing. He is my father and I am his daughter, I need to keep him safe just how I know he would keep me safe. This much I know."
CW agrees.
She learns, from her father's allies (CW, Frostbite, Pandora, etc etc) how to defend and fight. How to protect what she loves. She watches over her father and fights off demon's, monsters, sometimes an alien that senses the slumbering power, evil magic users. Etc. She watches over the town and people who named her as well, falls in love with the humans who call her home as well and defends them as well.
She even gets the blunt force of a curse a powerful old entity that tired to place it on her father after she had just banished it from her lands. It's an old powerful curse that CW or Frostbite can't rid of because it would weaken her far to much that they run the risk of her fading, the only way to get rid of it is if she had a family member feeding her ectoplasim to help sustain her. (Her aunts can't because Jazz isn't ghostly enough and Danielle can't because hers is limited due to being a clone (like she has enough for herself but does need to visit the Infinite Realms during her travels to get more ectoplasim to filter in and out). Danny is their only chance because he's constantly filtering ectoplasim in and out and even creating it because of how he died with a portal opening up at the same time)
The curse slowly starts eating away at Gotham, makes it hard for her to have a solid corporeal form because pain (when she has to use this form to fight off others she has to bare through the pain), her appearance starts changing (eyes turn from sharp ice blue to glowing yellow, skin turns deathly sickly pale, her star freckles slowly blinking in and out, hands become inked claws, her dark hair is unkempt and spills like an oil sludge down her body and face) and because Danny is still healing himself he can't help her and she can't see him all too often anymore because she doesn't want to run the risk of the curse effecting his healing core, she does get updates from the other ghosts that visit him and then her. She still defends him though, outside of his healing chambers should on the rare chance something finds it way down to him.
Eventually due to Danny's and Gotham's natural ectoplasim filtering on the lands, visiting and powerful ghosts, Gotham fighting off powerful beings trying to use her father for power, and the curse on Gotham herself, the town that had been built on the ground above by humans becomes the very city we all know.
Its a whole mixed bag do to so many factors, that's why Gotham is the way it is.
Gotham does her best to keep her people safe from well... everything but due to the curse and the fighting off another person/entity/demon/magic user/etc coming for her father's power, she can't always do much by the time one crisis is over and a new one pops up, she's slowly breaking down the longer it takes.
That's why she has a soft spot for her Dark Knight and his family and allies, they help her from the pain from the curse by trying as both the Wayne's and as the Batclan to fix up her city self, its not enough to really fix her fully but it helps with the pain that eats at her.
She does her best to give them tiny blessings though, but due to her duty of protecting her father she can't always do much (she wept when news of Jason, her second Robin, her rough around the edges bookworm, had died came to her. She couldn't protect him because he was out of her reach. Its why when Joker returned she made it very hard for him to really gain his foothold in her again but had to stop because CW told her if she kept making it too hard for the clown he'd go running off to 'play' with a different hero and that... that timeline would lead the world to ruin. She begrudgingly stopped but when Joker had taken her third Robin, her tiny Tim the one she loved watching shadow her knights, she did everything she could to keep him sane from the pain he had been put in, and lead Batman to the warehouse to save him. Also it turns out her heartbreak over Jason's death, her curse acting up, and her ectoplasim sparking off at the same time it helped bring him back from his grave not fully but somewhat, she was so shocked that she didn't have time to send hints to Bruce to get him when he was taken by Talia and once again out of her reach. She tried hinting it to Bruce that Talia had taken him but by the time he would check on the League, Talia would had moved him)
Gotham, depsite being young in the eyes of many other powerful beings and entities has held her own and kept those that wanted to use her father for power packing. Despite being cursed that is slowly eating her alive she still holds onto the hope her father will awaken and she will finally get to meet him. (She hopes she made him proud, he is a protector spirit core after all and she had been steadfast with keeping him safe all these years).
Things however take a turn for the worse when Gotham awakens from some sort of powerful slumber (she doesn't know what happened?! Did something knock her out?! When did she fall asleep?! Was it magic? Did the curse do it? Did someone or something-) And discovers someone or something had managed to steal her father slumbering core. (So close to healing, so close to awakening according to Frostbite, just a few more days he says. Just. A. Few. More. Days)
She tries to go find him but is suddenly hurting more, her curse has progressed even worse, she can barely stand, let alone fight whoever had her father. And she knows her father's friends won't be back to see her until far later.
And then all of Gotham shakes and shudders when her rage, panic, and terror are felt that early morning.
Deep in the Batcave, Batman and the others are searching for whatever caused that strange almost magical but not (ectoplasm) shudder that morning.
They were expecting a full scale attack. Magical, alien, maybe even all the Rogues in Gotham working together. An all scaled war. They were looking for any signs of it, maybe to by some miracle stop it before it becomes to late.
They however weren't expecting a strange sick looking woman with yellow glowing eyes, oil ink like hair covering her face and body, clawed hands like they had dipped in ink as well, star like freckles blinking in and out on her body and face, sharp ears, breathing heavily and coughing every so often to appear in the cave. Like she had sunk out from the shadows in pure silence. (Even Cass did not hear her)
Nor were they expecting her not to even flinch when they trained their weapons onto her. Instead all she did was laugh, a raspy low laugh, but it held warmth and mirth.
"Now, now my knights... No need for that. I come needing help and you are the only ones I will ever trust with this mission..." her voice was soft but harsh, talking seemed to hurt her though for she had to take deep breaths and suppress a cough. Her eyes trailed across them all, despite her sickly look her eyes gleamed with a motherly warmth in a strange sense, something all of them could feel "I can not hold this corporal form for long. Long story short I am cursed, have been for a very long time and whatever happened to me earlier this morning has aggravated it even more and thus I can not stay in the world of the 'living' to do much. My father, the one I have been protecting since my creation from all sorts of terrible and dangerous things, for should they get a hold of him it could spell the end of life itself for he is that powerful, has been taken from his healing chamber. I do not know who or where but I know he still remains in the city, that much I can sense."
She coughed and took a shuddering breath "But alas I can not go to his aid as I once has been able to, this is where you all come in. I need you to find my father, find his core. Bring him to safety. I had fought so many to keep him safe, to make sure he heals in peace for so long, and he... So close. Just a few more days he needed... then I could had finally had met him."
She lightly muttered those last few words, eyes looking lost for a moment before coughing hard.
"Who are you." Batman, Bruce Wayne, stonely demanded but for some reason he couldn't help but feel like he knows her, like from a foggy memory, and by the looks of his family they all could sense the same thing.
The woman, or whatever she was, merely smiled, sharp teeth bared in it as she looked him right in the eyes and said.
"Gotham, my dear Dark Knight. I am Lady Gotham herself. Its wonderful to finally meet you despite the circumstances."
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theantlercouncil · 8 months
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Mental breakdowns are clearly hereditary
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octojuiceyuri · 12 days
Combat Engineer Lieutenant Frogman Replika 'Pelikan'
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theladyofbloodshed · 3 months
You search Ember Quinlan on Reddit and you’ll be flooded with posts about not being able to stand her and how overbearing she is to Bryce… you know what this is why I left any subreddit relating to sjm
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
It’s odd when people go out of their way in fanfiction to make Daemon have a (white) daughter that he dotes and openly loves and has a good relationship with, but then turn around and either erase Baela and Rhaena or never have Daemon or their OC acknowledge their (black/blackish) siblings/daughters. Especially when you take into consideration that he’s a sh!t father to said (black/blackish) daughters in the show which is what most of them base their fanfiction off of 🤷🏾‍♀️
I really have no words for their behavior. The fact that they’ll go out of their way to create so many white OCs that way Daemon has a daughter “that’s like him” all while pretending Baela who’s his carbon copy in female form (and Rhaena) doesn’t matter is really astounding to me.
The fact that they don’t see themselves or don’t care or say they aren’t racist(and will use the excuse that Baela and Rhaena are white in canon yet they hardly have any more content than they did prior to the show which definitely shouldn’t be the case) will never not be funny.
We should have a ton of heart-to-heart daddy-daughter scenes. We shouldn’t want another character only put in to serve as someone’s surrogate daughter when he already has two very much real and alive daughters.
Even outside of Daemon these girls should be talked about, praised, used in romantic pairings, etc. We should see way more than what we are seeing for them. It’s all so weird, but alas that’s fandom life in this crazy fandom(and in most fandoms cause unfortunately anti-Blackness always seeps in).
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 months
When Robin said he had thirty kids and Fanny said "sounds awful" after Julian called him a busy bunny, she wasn't talking about the sex, she was talking about the kids.
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cosmicbrowni3s · 1 month
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jahanmp4 · 25 days
Dragging Nikkie to court for creating the cutest NPC of all time I've been spinning Twig in my mind like a rotisserie chicken
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prettyymafia · 2 months
i think some of y'all are treading a very odd (and racist) territory with this year's women's olympics i fear...
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drakenathan · 2 months
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a new photo of leia just dropped and its the most precious thing in this world.
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ectonurites · 3 months
just saw space jam on the big screen as it was meant to be seen
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alicentflorent · 2 years
No one can blame Rhaenyra for wanting to go with Alicents terms. Her sons would be taken care of and as a mother who just tragically lost one child and hasn't even had a chance to let her body recover from Visenya’s stillbirth. Ff course she’s going to want to save her children over going after power. It did not make her weak or passive, she wanted to avoid war and the risk to her family and the realm and if anything it shows who she is as person and who she could have been as a queen but once she loses another child, in a horrible way at the hands of her brother all bets are off and she’s ready to go full ruthless Targaryen warrior.
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
“Warwick launched his final bid at kingmaking, this time in alliance with Margaret of Anjou to restore Henry VI. He and Clarence landed in Devon while the King was in Yorkshire. Elizabeth (Woodville)’s initial reaction was to prepare for a siege in the Tower of London where she had already retired in expectation of the imminent birth of another child. But on 1 October news reached the capital that the King was preparing to set sail from Bishop’s Lynn, abandoning his kingdom. With no hope of imminent rescue, Elizabeth moved swiftly into the Sanctuary of Westminster Abbey with her mother and her daughters. She sent Abbot Thomas Millyng to advise the Mayor and Aldermen that she was surrendering the Tower, and consequently Henry VI, into their custody.
- J.L Laynesmith,  “Elizabeth Woodville: The Knight’s Widow” in “Later Plantagenet and Wars of the Roses Consorts” / “The Last Medieval Queens, English Queenship 1445-1503″
"Elizabeth (Woodville) at first fortified the Tower of London against the approaching Lancastrians, but then decided instead to hand over custody of the Tower to the mayor and aldermen of London while she went into sanctuary at Westminster Abbey. It was a move which not only protected her daughters, who were with her, but also saved London from attack, which perhaps explains some of the praise she later received. The author of 'The Historic of the Arrival of Edward IV, who claimed to have witnessed much of what he recorded, stressed
the right great trowble, sorow, and hevines, whiche [the queen] sustayned with all manar pacience that belonged to eny creature, and as constantly as hathe bene sene at any tyme any of so highe estate to endure; in the whiche season natheles she had browght into this worldc, to the Kyngs grcatystc joy, a fayrc son.
...When Edward (IV) arrived, there was a scene of family bliss, in which the queen's vulnerability and domesticity could be contrasted with his heroism.  The king was thus presented in an unusually human guise, which might appeal to readers familiar with such partings themselves throughout the civil wars:
The king comfortid the quene, and other ladyes ckc;  His swete babis ful tendurly he did kys;  The yonge prynce he behelde, and in his armys did bere. Thus his bale turnyd hym to blis.
#historicwomendaily#elizabeth woodville#history#edward iv#mine#the wars of the roses#i have a major issue with the way this is viewed by the vast majority of people tbh#for one: so many people conveniently forget that she was the one who controlled and was apparently fortifying the ToL#(which included the captive Henry VI btw)#while she was literally 8 months pregnant#she only gave it up after she learned that edward iv was also fleeing. it's SO important and interesting#and yet most people either don't know about it or conveniently flash forward to when she entered sanctuary#and my second issue: SO MANY PEOPLE INCLUDING HISTORIANS tend to treat her flight to sanctuary as some kind of indication of her personalit#when the truth of the matter is that SHE HAD NO OTHER CHOICE#as david baldwin rightly pointed out -as an englishwoman of the gentry she did not have foreign resources shelter or support at her disposa#the way every queen before her (in theory for lots of them as it wasn't required) possessed#nor was elizabeth a valuable heiress (like anne Neville or her own daughter eoy)#not to mention the very obvious fact that she was heavily pregnant (and gave birth just a month later) with three very young daughters#like. literally what else was she supposed to do? where else was she supposes to go?#her vulnerability was unprecedentedly horrific and people & historians don't emphasize the comparative degree of it as much as they should#at that point elizabeth literally didn't have any other options other than sanctuary. it wasn't much of a choice#it's strange because elizabeth's status has been discussed a lot in theory but rarely discussed in terms of how it affected her in PRACTISE#and this is a key example of that#among many others
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celestialcreativity · 7 months
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Daughters of Fem!Levi Ackerman!
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kaurwreck · 16 hours
How to explain to my boss that yes, my several time sensitive projects are important, but no, I am not prepared for our coordination call. Because my eldest daughter approached me for post-brunch head scritches.
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actually, y'know what. I love women and girl characters that murder. Who manipulate. Who makes mistakes. Who say the wrong thing in a conversation when comforting someone. Who judges people prematurely. Who don't have all the facts and acts on them when felt cornered. Who rages against the machine. Who attacks the innocent who they deem guilty. Who are reckless. Who are angry. Who fight and kill for the sake of it. Who become a monster. Who are the beast they sought out to destroy. I love women's wrongs every god damn day. And she can slice me in half, whether or not she is a parallel to another man. Cause I find that awesome, hot, cool, fire, and pretty bombastic. Cause I love it.
And I wouldn't be writing such characters if I didn't love them that way with all my heart.
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