#and get increasingly annoyed
katatonicimpression · 6 months
Two entirely unrelated lukewarm takes:
I don't personally vibe with kid fics, headcanons about a ship's offspring or any of that barefoot and pregnant twee fantasy stuff. Not my cup of tea. And that's my business, no one else's. But I do kind of resent how every m/f ship gets so much of this stuff. Even when it feels at odds with the characters. Like, shocking I know, but marriage and pregnancy aren't inherently the happy ending for a female character. Idk broaden your minds that's all.
Slightly warmer take: whether or not you think Steve was ooc in endgame for leaving the way he did (personally I'm middling about it), the thing I genuinely could never see him doing is hanging around in the modern day, in his young super powered body, and still passing on the mantle to Sam. For a start, I don't think it would occur to him to give it to Sam in that scenario, even if he quit independently. And secondly, Steve ain't that nice. His motivation for giving the shield to Sam was partly the fact that he didn't want it anymore and he felt that Sam should be pleased and grateful for it. He loves Sam, and thinks that he's more than capable of doing it, but this gesture isn't entirely respectful either. Anyway, I just fully do not see it. Any of these scenarios people write where Steve is around and young and chilling and Sam is still cap just read as unconvincing. Also, guys, say it with me. Its OK if people are old. A character no longer seeming fuckable to you is fine. That's not a thing you need to fix.
In the comics, Steve's motivation to give Sam the shield is that his body rapidly aged and he literally couldn't do it anymore. Again, it wasn't just spontaneously quitting and giving it to Sam because Steve wouldn't do that - it's not what he's like. It's out of character.
When Steve gets young again he's briefly technically a different guy but OK when they get rid of hydra!Steve, he does go back to being Cap eventually at a time where Sam has already quit over the whole "my ex partner is a secret nazi wtf is happening" thing. Now sam is cap again, but they both are. They're officially sharing the mantle. Steve doesn't acknowledge Sam when he's not there. They barely work together. As far as most people in universe and most marvel comics writers are concerned, Steve is cap, and Sam is also there. This is kind of a terrible scenario for a few reasons, but I do think it's in character for Steve.
He's possessive over the title, it's absolutely the main thing in his life, even if that's lame of him. I don't think he would ever hand over the reins and elevate Sam over him as the captain America unless he was quitting super stuff entirely, and he wouldn't quit super stuff unless he was too old to do it.
And maybe it sucks that there's this in built antagonism, or competitiveness with the two caps. That they're not truly on even footing in the audiences eyes, or the characters themselves. That what they're doing with Steve is taking away from Sam. That's a shit scenario. But I will say, this isn't spiderverse. This isn't a "we're all the same superhero with our own unique twist and we coexist". That silly mini series about all the gimmicky cap characters aside, no most of the time it's this dynamic between these two men who aren't as good friends as they used to be.
And that's a downer but yeah that's my thought.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny runs for Mayor
Simple Prompt: Danny runs for the Gotham Mayor position
Extended Prompt: Danny is an absolute little shit throughout his entire campaign but still manages to win because he is legitimately one of the best candidates around
Just imagine the crack that could come from this!
Reporter: What is your stance on Vigilantism? Danny: Well I agree that Vigilantes are helpful for the communities that need them, and they should work with the police at every opportunity, I feel like the idea will always be a city where Vigilantes are not needed. Also I fail to see the relevancy of the question, there are no vigilantes in Gotham Reporter: What do you mean? What about the Bat-Family? Danny: No, Batman isn’t a Vigilante. Batman is a Crime Lord.
Danny: As mayor, I promise that I will not be infected by corruption. Not because of my moral standings, but because I absolutely fucking hate clowns and I will never accept a bribe as long as that guy is still alive. Yes this is me putting a hit out on the Joker. Crime Bosses, if you want to try and bribe me, you gotta kill him first or I won’t even consider it!
Batman: Why is a Meta-Human running for Gotham Office? You know this city doesn’t have a very good track record with people like you. Even the Signal had a rough start. Danny: Well, I just had a strong compulsion to help this city reach the peak of it’s potential *looks over Batman’s shoulder to see Lady Gotham holding up Cue Cards telling him what to say. She promised to help with his paperwork for the next 50 years if he became Mayor and helped fix her city* Danny: Such a strong compulsion...
Penguin: Look kid, I don’t care if you have enough power to destroy me at the subatomic level, I have enough money to ruin you, your sister, your parents, even your uncle! Danny: Oh really? I could get the souls of every person you have ever killed to get confessions out of them. Or I could give them the power to rip you apart. Or I could even just possess you and donate all your money to charity.
Danny: Oh god dammit! Vlad: Hello Badger! Glad to see you followed in my footsteps instead of your fathers! Danny: This wasn’t because of you! Lady Gotham asked for help! Vlad: A WIN IS A WIN!
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cliveguy · 2 years
i don't think people outside the uk / people who don't keep up with the situation for trans people in the uk actually understand how dire it is or how much influence jk rowling actually has over here. trans hate crimes have noticeably and substantially increased since she "came out" as a terf and there isn't a single mainstream news source that doesn't favour transphobia in "the trans debate." even our most left wing political party has outspoken transphobes, and the party actually in power is even worse. so seeing people bring up how much of an ally they are for knowing how to use 123movies whenever someone brings up not wanting anything to do with harry potter is more than irritating atp.
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months
to be honest i will neverrrrrrrr stop being bitter about all the people who got swept up in that post-7x05 delirium and started accusing everyone of being homophobic/entrenched in purity culture/whatever for pointing out buck's hamster wheel. like at what point will we stop throwing real problems at the wall and hoping something sticks just because we don't like someone's interpretation of something
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
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Guys, please learn to reblog and change your goddamn icon. Add a bio!
Rn we're in a Purge of Bots, a lot of them are reverting back to this format to avoid being detected again. I am just gonna block and report you for spam everytime this happens :T
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seriousbrat · 6 months
Okay I'm sorry to break it to the people who can't understand books meant for children, but the simple fact of it is that Lily is important in the story of Harry Potter because she's his mother. Like that is quite literally her role in the story. She's important because she's a mother.... because she happens to be the MOTHER of the protagonist. The same way James is important because he's a father because he is the father of the protagonist. If they were just random people with no relation to Harry, they would not be important to the story.
This does not mean that the character of Lily is ONLY a mother. If you think that a woman being a mother and her motherhood being important means that there is nothing else to her as a person, that's on you. That says more about how you view mothers (INCLUDING trans mothers. For whom motherhood is also important. God. Can we think critically about this for second??) and women in general than anything else.
If you believe that there is a ~serious problem~ with Lily fans claiming Lily is a mother and nothing else, literally prove it. Point to one single scrap of evidence of this happening. Prove that the people who actually spend time writing about Lily are focusing with any sort of exclusivity or even frequency on her motherhood.
I've probably written tens of thousands of words of fanfiction about Lily. And not a single one was about Lily being a mother. Go on Ao3 right now and see how many James/Lily fics are about her being a mother vs, idk for example her years at Hogwarts.
This "problem" of Lily fans reducing her to motherhood does not exist. You know what does? Certain corners of fandom where Lily is used narratively as a surrogate and nothing else. The call is perhaps coming from inside the house.
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crimeronan · 3 months
currently feeling desperately sad about some real life bullshit i cannot fix & i find it incredibly vexing to be sad/weepy about things i have no control over, so i'm going "nope. we're moving on" and hanging out with friends and having a nice time and being completely totally normal with a completely totally normal emotional balance. then as soon as the hangout is over i'm batting the sadness back with a broom like "NOT FUCKING TODAY, SATAN" while rafi, who has a tendency to absorb my emotions like a sponge, is like "i suddenly feel.... emotionally devastated.....? inexplicably....? out of Nowhere....? what could this possibly mean"
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tomatotales · 3 months
Patrick gets stuck in a time loop the day before his match with Art
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cloudcountry · 3 months
🎃 -- halloween . . . terror is trending !
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the witch of ramshackle, the guardian of diasomnia's longs...auburn.
this card is an sr. (vignette 1) (vignette 2)
summon: i wish malleus and lilia would have though to ask me if they could use my residency as their halloween set-up...
groovification: did you see diasomnia's set-up!? i can't believe they built all of that so fast!
set to home screen: let's go see everyone else's displays! i know they put lots of effort into them.
home transition 1: grim no, you can't eat that--! ugh, thank you for reigning him in. he doesn't know when to stop sometimes.
home transition 2: you know, i thought it would be kind of hard to take this seriously since it's a bunch of teenage boys, but they actually pulled this off.
home transition 3: i saved up some money and bought some candy for my friends. i put extra in some of the bags...hey, don't guess who those bags are for!
home after login: i'm not good with horror! these boys get way too rowdy during this season...i need to have a girl's night with on my own to recharge...
home transition (groovy): which display was the scariest..? give me some time to think it over!
tap home 1: you know...this purple is kinda cool! i think it looks good on me, hehe.
tap home 2: you want me to take your picture? oh, of course! what kind of angle do you want?
tap home 3: your costume is so cute! it really clicks with your dorm's theme, ehehe.
tap home 4: i don't know how our housewardens do it...they're kind of amazing. i think i would get overwhelmed with all of this. eh!? what do you mean i'm technically a housewarden too!?
tap home 5: if you want to find me tonight, don't look into the library. i've avoiding idia shroud like the plague.
tap home (groovy): those degenerates who only care about their magicam accounts have gotten on my last nerve...don't tell anyone i said this but i hope malleus zaps them.
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
the good thing is that I think I finally found the final focus for my thesis. the bad thing is that it’s 2AM and I got so much adrenaline from that that I will never sleep
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azulashengrottospiano · 3 months
🎃 -- halloween . . . terror is trending !
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
the witch of ramshackle, the guardian of diasomnia's longs...auburn.
this card is an sr. (vignette 1) (vignette 2)
summon: i wish malleus and lilia would have though to ask me if they could use my residency as their halloween set-up...
groovification: did you see diasomnia's set-up!? i can't believe they built all of that so fast!
set to home screen: let's go see everyone else's displays! i know they put lots of effort into them.
home transition 1: grim no, you can't eat that--! ugh, thank you for reigning him in. he doesn't know when to stop sometimes.
home transition 2: you know, i thought it would be kind of hard to take this seriously since it's a bunch of teenage boys, but they actually pulled this off.
home transition 3: i saved up some money and bought some candy for my friends. i put extra in some of the bags...hey, don't guess who those bags are for!
home after login: i'm not good with horror! these boys get way too rowdy during this season...i need to have a girl's night with on my own to recharge...
home transition (groovy): which display was the scariest..? give me some time to think it over!
tap home 1: you know...this purple is kinda cool! i think it looks good on me, hehe.
tap home 2: you want me to take your picture? oh, of course! what kind of angle do you want?
tap home 3: your costume is so cute! it really clicks with your dorm's theme, ehehe.
tap home 4: i don't know how our housewardens do it...they're kind of amazing. i think i would get overwhelmed with all of this. eh!? what do you mean i'm technically a housewarden too!?
tap home 5: if you want to find me tonight, don't look into the library. i've avoiding idia shroud like the plague.
tap home (groovy): those degenerates who only care about their magicam accounts have gotten on my last nerve...don't tell anyone i said this but i hope malleus zaps them.
duo magic: malleus, we have to protect ramshackle! || i assume that mean you're giving me permission, yes?
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reflectionsofacreator · 2 months
The weird level of moralizing that some people do when they talk about Elden Ring… literally every demigod is horrible and done some indefensible actions, there isn’t a right or wrong side to the Shattering because it was a civil war from which no victor arose. Yes, even that demigod! Especially that one!!
We all know that this game is full of horrible people so quit trying to say one is better than the other and instead talk about why this one or that one thinks that their cause is righteous and just. You’ll get so much more entertainment that way!
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Everyone being like "like we didn't already know?" about Noah Schnapp are being so massively unsupportive it's making me want to tear my hair out.
How many posts have we reblogged saying that's the wrong response to someone coming out? And yet here so many people are despite of it.
This boy is a child actor. He has the media all over him due to the massive success of Stranger Things. He's been under a insurmountable amount of pressure from the media, and has even stated he was terrified to come out.
We treat child stars like shit. Media and society. We package children up in neat little boxes. Have them play characters for us, and when they don't fit the mold of our expectations, we let them rot.
Of course he was terrified to come out. He had no idea how people would react. He also probably had publisists all over him telling him what to do. This was a big deal for him. Don't make light of it regardless if you thought he was or wasn't gay.
We should know and do better than that.
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moon-pepper · 3 months
Nintendo explicitly saying multiple times "we aren't going to talk about the Switch successor yet" is great for me because I'm almost definitely tapping out once they move on from the Switch
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rahabs · 9 months
The Tudors ran so Wulf Hall could shuffle awkwardly around reiterating the same tired old Tudor stereotypes while claiming to be something new.
#It's so funny but as a historian I will genuinely defend 'The Tudors' to the death even with all its problems#Because it did was so few other Tudor shows/movies/media have ever done#And that is: it focused on things BEYOND just Henry and his wives.#Yes Henry was the focal point which makes SENSE but that's just it:#HENRY was the focal point. Most other Tudor media pieces have one of the wives (usually Catherine/Anne) as the focus and doesn't delve muc#Into the history or what was happening in England beyond the King's Great Matter.#The Tudors went ALL out. Yes they didn't get everything right but the fact that they tried and spotlighted so many other#Historical characters and events? The Pilgrimage of Grace? Actually LOOKING at the religious issues even if they weren't always accurate?#(Like with Aske for example. BUT AT LEAST THEY INCLUDED ROBERT ASKE like good lord it's like other Tudor media forgets everything else)#Focusing on Cromwell but also the Seymour brothers? The politics behind Henry? Even Brandon as annoying as his storylines could get.#Even smaller characters like Tallis and Gardiner and other Reformation and Counter-Reformation figures.#The fact that they featured the Reformation and Counter-Reformation AT ALL let alone tried to dive into the complexities of England's#religious crises. The burning of Anne Askew even? People having to navigate England's increasingly unstable religious situations?#The series hit its peak after the CoA/Anne stuff was over imho. Yes Cranmer and Norfolk annoyingly vanished despite being major figures in#the R/CR and they combined Mary and Margaret but god the Tudors did SO MUCH that NO OTHER PIECE OF TUDORS MEDIA has EVER DONE.#It looked BEYOND Henry BEYOND his wives and tried to paint a comprehensive pictur of a deeply troubling and divisive time in English histor#And it did so without demonising one side and it was just so good for so many reasons that I forgive its errors because damn did they TRY.#Tried in a way no one else ever has (no Wulf Hall did not I'm sorry)#(Wulf Hall was just the same old stereotypes rehashed and branded as something 'original' because it was from Cromwell's POV but again.#Same old stereotypes. Nothing actually original about anything else.)#The Tudors is so underrated for what it tried to do and what it achieved and I am reaching the tag limit but UGH god. Amazing.#Not even getting into how wonderful they were with Mary Tudor/Mary I herself and showing figures around her#Because that would be another tag essay considering the subject of my thesis.#Flawed but wonderful.#text#chey.txt
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cwritesfiction · 5 months
WIP Excerpt Tag Game
Tagged by @words-after-midnight to share an excerpt!
A little bit I just added to It's in the Cards: Elliott wants to listen to Adrian talk; Adrian, in turn, talks about shooting down a perfectly good idea:
“Do you want me to talk about something else?” Adrian asked. Yes, because Elliott wasn't eager to get back into their too-hot car, only to sit in their apartment alone with their thoughts again. “What about the band?” “If that’s what you really want.” “Yes, god, please. Tell me about…I don’t know. How you came up with the name Versatile Lemon.” He smiled. “It was the name of a cookbook.” “Seriously?” “At Reggie’s parents’ house. We came here for spring break and were trying to pick a name…Veronica wanted us to call ourselves Polycule, as if that wouldn’t have been super fucking misleading.”
Interested? @revenantlore @byjillianmaria @magnus-sm-writes
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