#and go on a walk or watch a fun dance video and follow along
mcnuggyy · 4 months
vent oopsie <3
been crazy depressed lately and haven’t been able to do much asides from sit on the living room couch, clean some dishes, and wallow as I draw a single line on a commission before taking a 2 hour nap every day… I feel so overwhelmed and under motivated and I don’t know what to do or how to help myself… I can’t clean or cook or draw or read or walk or play games… I just sit and sleep and sit ugh
i don’t know how to get back into my old routine or start fresh or give that first push towards at least cleaning one corner of the living room. Erghhh
I feel like a failure and I have so many things I want to do but all I can think about is how helpless and broke I feel lmao
also hate my art lots and lots teehee <3
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littletism · 4 months
🎀🧁 little rules and chores to give yourself when you don’t have/want a caregiver! 🧁🎀
- firstly, make a sticker chart for yourself! every time you follow a rule or complete a chore, give yourself a sticker! and be honest! give yourself a big reward at the end of the week, like a toy from the store!
- no swearing! every time you swear, mark it down in a journal and reflect on that at the end of the week. did you swear too much? think about how you can do better next week. did you not swear at all? reward yourself!
- set a “clean up alarm” on your phone! ideally this would be about an hour before your bedtime. when it goes off, it’s time to put everything away!
- set your bedtime alarm! when the alarm goes off, it’s lights out! make sure you’re getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep! for instance, my bedtime alarm is at 10:30 on weekdays, and i wake up at 6 for work! no screens during bedtime unless it’s to help you sleep.
- portion your food properly! make sure it’s the proper, healthy amount! nothing to little or too much. i have a binge eating problem, so this rule greatly helps me portion better!
- put your dishes in the sink when you’re done, throw away your garbage, and recycle your plastics and cans!
- do the dishes, if you’re able! put on your favorite song and sing along to it while you clean your dishes to make it go by faster. and make it more fun!
- don’t be rude or a meanie! practice kindness with your toys or stuffies if you struggle with attitude problems. there’s no shame in having an attitude problem, i struggle with it sometimes too! practicing manners can really help.
- do some worksheets! there’s so many you can find on tumblr using the agere classroom tag! download them (or print them out) and get to work! set a goal for yourself, and reward accordingly. (ex: 3 completed worksheets = 1 sticker on your chart)
- do something active at least once a day, if you are able! go for a walk, go swimming, play a sport, do yoga, play an active video game like wii sports or just dance, do jumping jacks, etc! if you can’t, that’s okay! i’m physically disabled and can’t be active for long periods of time, so i get it!
- limit your screen and social media time! when your screen time is up, go play with your toys instead!
- if you have a job or go to school, reward yourself for doing well! if you accomplished a lot of work, give yourself a sticker. if you didn’t, give yourself a sticker anyway for trying your hardest!
- read something once a day! if you’re a baby/toddler, read one picture book a day. if you’re a kiddo/middle, read one chapter of your favorite book a day!
- try to do something educational at least once a day! google facts about your favorite animal and write it down, play math games online, watch an educational children’s show, etc!
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andy-wm · 2 months
Back to WHO : the MV
This is a continuation of the earlier post that discusses the song WHO, by Jimin. That post was a first impression focused on the lyrics - while this one looks more closely at the MV.
(Remember this is my interpretation, not an official statement by Hybe)
The more times I watched the music video, the more I wanted to yell, because look...
And again, kudos to Jimin's team because it's the most obvious thing in the world ever but only if you ALREADY KNOW what's going on.
Here's a summary:
The music video loosely represents Jimin's attraction/sexuality/love life as a timeline.
New colours - a new spectrum shall we say - filter into his life even though he's trying so hard to 'keep to the program'.
He searches high and low for a girl to love, but alas, nobody makes the fireworks happen for him. Then Billboard Boy crashes into his life, threatening to destroy everything. Jimin has to weather the storm and figure out where his place is because Billboard Boy is a major disruptor - a tornado in fact. In the end, the fireworks are popping and the chaos is happening, and Jimin has to just go with it and finds his place again. His colours have been getting brighter and louder as he goes along and in the end he's prepared to walk away from everything in order to be the spectrum he is.
<<I'm not saying it's literally a count of how many girls or boys or enbys he's kissed. I hope his kissed all of them and then some, frankly, but that's none of my business.>>
A few things to pay special attention to:
Burning cars > cars = masculinity. fire = hot. 1+1=2.
Dancers > people he's interacting with
Rough weather, as represented by the wind-whipped papers and eventually even cars being tossed about the set > His attraction to men (and dare I say it, culminating in a focus on one man in particular)
Colour flares, machine text, and marks on the tape (horizontal lines etc)
Are you ready? Let's go...
Jimin enters the scene looking like sex on legs (no surprises) and strolls casually onto the road. Immediately our view of hm is blocked by a pop-art style poster blowing across the screen. It's immediately followed by a car coming around the corner onto the road. The car is on fire. Jimin watches it pass by and follows it.
He follows the burning car.... and so it begins.
The narrative starts from before BTS even exists. Jimin encounters several female dancers who he has brief and sexy interludes with. In fact i don't think there's a single woman in this MV who he doesn't at least look at. He really does try everything (and everyone) in his efforts to find HER.
BUT WAIT.... rewind...
Let's go back to the poster... it depicts a street scene much like the one we see here, with the words:
Note: those are exclamation points not question marks.
It's not a question. This is telling us UP FRONT IN BIG LETTERS that 'WHO' is tornado of love.
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I could probably stop here and just say 'ok go watch it again' but it's too much fun to go through all the details.
So let's continue...
Jimin has a little more steamy choreo with the female dancers before the lyrics tell us he has so many people to see and places to go, and he leaves them and joins 6 other men in what looks like a work environment....
Hello we are BTS!
Yes you guessed it... like Yoongi did in Haegum, Jimin has his members represented here. (Fan chant going off in my head...) and more delicious choreography follows.
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Notice that while Jimin was dancing with the girls, the only signs of rough weather were a few glittery specs floating through the air, barely noticable. Those bits of glitter multiply when he joins the 6 men, and instead of a sprinkling of glitter, it starts looking like a light snowfall.
That's all about to change....
The first moment of reckonning:
At the end of this section of choreo, as Jimin sings 'who is my heart waiting for' and moves into the next phase we have a barely visible flash of light across the screen and rainbow colours bleed into the footage (at 1.14).
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This is also the moment the significant rough weather starts. I'd say this is where Jimin starts noticing how he feels, and the turmoil begins, because this is also where he makes eye contact with the camera (1.23).
He sees us watching.
Fuck. I had a moment here. There's a look on his face as he walks past the camera and stares right into it.
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As another millisecond flash of light and rainbow colours seep into the footage, The machine text 'AUTO CALLIBRATION' appear on the screen and flash there for a couple of seconds.
CALLIBRATE: To standardise... by determinning the deviation from a standard so as to ascertain the proper correction factors (Meriam-Webster definition).
"Get a hold of yourself, Jimin. Reset (your behaviour and desires) to correspond with expectations"
Jimin makes a very determined bee-line for the nearest girl and dances with her, ignoring the burning car in the foreground.
This brings us to the next phase of the narrative, and the next location - the performance space in front of the OASIS cinema.
(Do you see the doors of the cinema - BTS referenced again).
As he dances with this girl, the camera zooms out and we see that a crowd has gathered outside the cinema, watching them, but the crowd does not seem friendly and the dance seems performative - the movements are exagerated and obvious. The girl has Jimin in a headlock at one point and then she pushes him away and leaves. All in all it's an unpleasant event.
At this point the BTS members return (Although now there's one missing) and they dance with and around a number of female dancers. flashes go off in the crowd as the choreo is performed.
As they dance the wind picks up quickly and papers and cans are blown about. Even when Jimin is obviously interacting with female dancers the weather continues to pick up. Dancing with the girls isn't helping.
The camera pulls back and we see the same car as before, still on fire.
This is the moment when the penny (or billboard) drops.
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All the other dancers scatter, dissapearing in a matter of seconds as the billboard comes crashing down. The billboard blocks his path. Wherever he had been planning to go - or whatever course of action he had planned to take - this man on the billboard forces a new decision. Jimin has to rethink his plans.
Jimin turns and goes in the opposite direction to everyone else. (A similar scene occured in Like Crazy, Jimin going the other way, rejecting the norm, going against the tide).
The machine text flashes "REWIND ... REWIND" on the screen and we see Jimin heading back to where all this started... where the original car on fire was seen.
He's travelling his own path now, but as he walks, alone in what seems to be the wrong direction, we see the store lights brighter, reflecting off cars and filling the space around him.
He's going through the motions with the girls he passes but the interactions are brief and in one case he actually dodges the girl completetly.
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He retraces his steps amidst the chaos, and the weather really goes nuts. Now there are cars being thrown through the air, streetlamps exploding. The storm is almost upon him.
As Jimin steps into that original street again, the one with the neon letters spelling BLISS, the machine text reads PLAY. It's almost ike he's having a redo, where he accepts who he is from the start and allows the chaos to happen. And the chaos DOES happen, because the tornado has arrived.
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There's a flash and the whole screen is flooded with colours, blanking out the footage.
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Jimin can no longer dance in step with everyone else at this point. He's doubled over, belting those high notes at the climax of the song while the chaos rages in the background. Without the music to give his actions context, it almost looks like hes in agony.
Sparks fly, lights flash, even the film itself is affected...
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He eventually gets it together and rejoins the choreography, picking up his life so to speak. But his callibration is forever changed. the colours that bled into his life are there for good now, and and as he walks away after the music stops, we see that those colours are not just for the performance, they exist outside of that.
A note about the light flares we see throughout the MV:
It was really hard to catch these, some of them were literal milliseconds. I had to slow the MV down to play at .25 original speed and even then they were fleeting - well hidden.
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Only the one at the very end was really visible.
In this one, the word PAUSE appears, as the MV ends. I wonder if that relates to their military service?
The flares of light and colour, those rainbow flashes, aren't always easy to find. Youvhave to be prepared to seek them out.
We will find them if we look for them, but i think Jimin won't show his true colours until after the lights go down and the performance is over.
I respect his decision (if that's what that is) and i will continue to meet him here his stands. I'll support everything he does knowing what I know and I'll continue to search for and uncover the hidden messages he sends us.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
BBY YES. I’m a curvy girl too and MY GAWD boxer daddy dom losing a match or having a rough match and taking it out on the reader is just *chefs kiss* boxer Steve has NO issue lifting us plus size girlies and taking us against a wall 🤤 I just love your writing and I think you doing boxer Steve would be AMAZING
In Your Corner (Boxer Steve X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: Boxer Steve invaded my dreams and now consumes my waking life. Fuck I need him. Lol.
I hope I did your ask justice!
Warnings: Daddy Dom Boxer Steve and Plus Size Sub Reader and all that implies (I regret nothing!), SMUT and angst, hella dirty talk, degradation (slightly), spanking, choking, pinching, rough play for sure, there's no details of the fight but there are mentions of the aftermath, slight bullying at the beginning with Steve's friends. I think that's it.
Word Count: 4449
Steve’s eyes focused on his coach in front of him as he danced around the man preparing to swing. You absolutely loved watching him train right before a fight. He was always dedicated to the craft but he became more determined right before and the passion drove you wild. 
When you both attended high school together, he always seemed like a douchebag with his “King Steve” status. You ran in a different circle, which was mostly any circle that wasn’t the popular kids. They always found ways of making fun of you because you had a little more meat on your bones than they did. You did take note at the time that Steve never taunted you with them but he never stopped them either. 
“Fuck off, Steve Harrington.”
“Hey, would you just relax?! I just wanted to come apologize for Tommy and them. You’re not a pig and you’re definitely not ugly.”
“Wow, thanks for that. Now I can die happy. If you will excuse me, I have to go find my journal and put our initials together in hearts.”
As you turned to walk away, his hand shot out to grip your arm, tugging you back towards the concrete wall. 
“Would you wait a minute! I’m…I’m trying to tell you something here. I…I’m not like them. I want to get to know you better.”
Your sarcastic laugh lights a fire in his eyes that you would later come to fall in love with. 
“Steven, whether you like it or not, you are exactly like them. You laugh along with them and don’t stop them from being mean to people. You hang out with them and give them your time like they matter. I imagine your dad is the same with colleagues; pretending that he cares about stupid, menial bullshit just to fit in.”
His head ticked to the side at your comparison to his father as you stepped closer to his towering frame. 
“You want to get to know me better? Become a real man and stand up for yourself. BE yourself.”
After that moment, he completely changed, disconnecting from his friends, and focusing on other things. You found him in the library a few times scanning certain books or at the computer looking up videos. After graduation, he disappeared before finally resurfacing a year later at a party one of your old high school friends was hosting. 
At the time, you had a date on your arm but as soon as Steve entered the room it was like no one was there except for you and him. His smile was brighter and he had a lot more muscle than you remember him having especially in his arms. When his beautiful brown irises met yours, you knew it was all over. You’d do anything for him, all he had to do was ask. You tried playing coy, you really did; smirking salaciously in his direction or crossing and uncrossing your legs a bit wider than normal to display the red silk panties underneath. 
When all he would do in return is tilt his head and grin at you, it riled you up, huffing as you stomped away to the bathroom. Before you could do anything about it, Steve followed you in, attaching his lips to yours as he quite literally ripped your panties of your body. You marveled at his strength as he lifted you onto the bathroom counter and sunk his admittedly large cock into your cunt. 
“Oh my god, Steve. So—f-fuck—so deep.”
“Fuck, baby. Your pussy is just making a mess, you’re so wet.” He grabbed your hair and forced you look between your bodies. “Look at how you just fucking coat my dick.” Once he felt like you had gotten a good enough look, he pressed your face into his shoulder as he thrust his hips faster into yours. “That’s right, honey. Fucking—mmm—fucking hold on to Daddy while I make you cum.”
Your pussy clenched tighter around him at the name and he grunted at the feeling. 
“Yeah? You like that, pretty girl? God, you feel so fucking good. Cum on Daddy’s cock, Y/N.”
Your nails dug into the shirt on his back as the coil snapped and you whimpered into his chest. 
“That’s it, baby. Good girl. Such a good girl coming hard like that.”, he murmured. One of his palms landed flat beside you as the other clung to your lower back as rolled his hips. “Fuck—I’m gonna cum inside you.”
Steve wasn’t asking; he was telling you what he was about to do and at that moment you really didn’t care. The hand on the counter flew up to grip your throat, pushing you back against the mirror as he roughly pumped his seed into your body.
When he released you from his hold and helped clean you up, you half expected him to leave you there alone in the bathroom, walking back out into the party as a satisfied man. Instead, he took your hand and guided you towards his BMW offering to buy you dinner. 
That night he told you where he had been and what he had been up to. Steve left Hawkins to train and study boxing. You couldn’t help but giggle, knowing this was the same kid who lost almost every fight in school. He smirked in your direction as if he could read your mind and invited you to his next fight which was just outside of town. 
Watching him up there as he fought was a unique experience to be sure. He changed before your eyes into this more confident, determined man as he focused on his opponent and swung his arms. After winning, you brought him back to your apartment where you two barely even made it in the door before you were climbing on top of him.
“Can I ask you something?”, you asked and he answered with a soft but exhausted hm. “What triggered this? What made you say, ‘I’m going to leave Hawkins and get hit in the face for a living’?”
Steve rolled onto his side to face you as he reached out to brush some stray hair out of your face. 
“Short answer…you.”
“And the long answer?”
“When you compared me to my dad and talked about me trying to impress those other assholes, it triggered something in me. I definitely don’t want to become my dad and I hated the way you looked at me when you said I was just like those other kids. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I did some research and came across boxing. Y/N, you have no idea how liberating it was for me when I threw that first punch and hit the bag in front of me.”
Your fingers tenderly caressed his face as his own hand slid down your back to bring you closer to him. 
“I always thought about you. I told myself whenever I came back here my first goal was to find you and FINALLY get to know you better.”, he chuckled.
You smiled as you blushed as his words. “What if I had been with someone!?”
“Pfft. Then I would fight him.” Steve leaned back and pretended to box the air making you laugh.
“Or what if I saw you and I was like ‘Ew. Look at the god-awful Steve Harrington! With the muscles and the pretty hair. Ugh!” His lips cut you off mid-cackled as he rolled his body on top of yours. 
“Then I’d fight for you. You’re mine, pretty girl.” The way his eyes were penetrating yours had you shiver at the intensity. His face hovered as his nose grazed the tip of your own. “Can you say it for me, honey?”, he whispered, your eyes fluttering closed as he trailed kisses down to your neck. 
“I belong to you.”, you moaned as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Mmm…you belong to who, baby girl?”
“I belong to Daddy.”
Three years had passed since then and you couldn’t be happier or prouder of everything Steve had accomplished. Next Friday was supposed to be a big fight. If he won, it would lead to more eyes on him which in turn would lead to more revenue. 
“Hey, Y/N. How are you doing today, angel.”
“I’m good, Jimmy. How are you?”, you beam at his coach. 
“Oh, never better, baby. Never better.” As you climb up the ropes to hang over the ring, Steve hastily runs over to you as he pulls off one of his gloves and helps you into the area. “Do you want some gloves, missy? Give Steve here some real competition.”
You giggle as your boyfriend tilts your head up for a kiss. “God, no. He’d knock me out in a second.”
“What’s the matter, honey? Scared?”, Steve teases. 
You playfully glare at him as Jimmy brings you some gloves that are your size and places you across from him. You both do the gloved fist bump you’ve seen him do with opponents numerous times and take your stance. 
Steve smirks as you circle around each other and after a few moments you take your first swing that he swiftly blocks. Both your moves at each other are light and joking, not in any way meant to harm. 
“That’s good, baby girl. You have to twist your arm a bit more.” You concentrate as he shows you the move and once you follow through, he claps his gloves together making you smile with pride. “That’s my girl!”
You grin as you fall into his chest and he pretends to fall over bringing you down with him. 
“Let’s hope you do better than that on Friday, yeah?”, Jimmy asks as Steve nods. “Alright, I’m out of here. Harrington, I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon for our last training session and talk strategy for the fight, alright?”
“Thanks, Jim!”
“You are…disgustingly sweaty.”
Steve turns his attention back to you as you lean forward to grab his wrists and remove his gloves. 
“Yet you’re still on top of me.”
“I’m doing it to hide the gigantic erection in your shorts right now.”, you whisper.
“Hey, it’s not my fault when you walk into the room, I get all hot and bothered.” Once his hands are free, he rests one on your thigh as the other comes up to caress your cheek. “Did you have a good day today?”
“I did. My boss was only half an idiot today.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to talk to him?”
“Yes, Daddy. I’m sure.” You grin leaning down so your lips are just above his own. “I can handle one stupid, ignorant man.”
“I know you can, sweetheart. I just hate the way he talks to you. He better hope he doesn’t say any bullshit in front of me.”
“Oh, big tough Daddy. I like it.” 
Steve smiles as his hand glides to the back of your neck and roughly brings your face closer to his. “You know you love when Daddy takes care of you.”
You bite your bottom lip as he begins grinding hips up against your own. 
“Do you wanna take care of Daddy while he takes a shower? Say it.”, he commands when you nod your head.
“I want to take care of you. Please, Daddy. Let me help you relax.”
His grin grows as you both rise to your feet and he helps you down from the ring. As soon as his feet touch the floor, he lifts you into his arms, and you giggle as he carries you into the empty locker room. 
The night of the fight came and Steve was more than ready. You stayed by his side until exactly an hour before he was meant to exit to the ring, kissing his lips before hugging him tightly to you. 
“Good luck, baby. You got this.”
He curtly nodded as you gave him one last comforting smile. You understood he had a process and this was usually how he was before a fight. He was zoned in and prepared, ready to take on the world. 
As the ushers walked you to your seat in the front, you froze when you saw who was sitting beside you. 
“Hey, Y/N! How are you, sweetheart?”, Mrs. Harrington cooed as she got to her feet to give you a hug. 
“I’m…I’m good. What are you two doing here?”
“This is a big fight, right? I don’t know why my son didn’t invite us. ‘You can watch it on TV he says.’”, Mr. Harrington rolls his eyes.
As the announcer began to speak, you panickily looked around, trying to figure out what you should do. He never had his phone on him on nights like this and the match was about to start so you couldn’t go back to the locker room. 
Please don’t let him notice them.
Steve entered the ring with his usual bout of confidence that made you swoon. You continued to pray as you watched them introduce him and rattle off some of his stats. His eyes found yours for a moment before he looked beside you. Your heart shattered into a million pieces when you watched this version of him and the high school version have their own fight within his beautiful, brown orbs as they noticed his father. 
When his focus shifted back to you, you silently mouthed that you loved him, and again he nodded before the match finally began. 
Steve angrily stalked into the apartment you two shared and headed for the kitchen, grabbing a glass, and filling it with the hardest liquor there was. Your eyes carefully watched him as he moved about, finally stomping outside onto the patio, and lighting a cigarette. 
Nights after a lost match were always the worst, you never knew how he was going to behave. Sometimes he would do like he had just done and sit outside for hours smoking and drinking till he passed out on the furniture. Other times, he would take that anger out on you and you allowed it. You allowed him to be rough with you in bed till you both were fully spent. Even when he was upset, he needed to make you feel good to. 
More than anything you just hated how hard he was on himself. He always gave 110% in everything he did but it wasn’t enough for him. If he lost at something he was a failure and there was nothing you could say or do to make him feel otherwise. 
Normally, you left him to his thoughts but you couldn’t do that tonight. You knew he was in a lot of pain, not just physically but emotionally as well. Slowly, you stepped outside and tiptoed to the other chair that was next to him. 
Steve was leaning back lazily with his legs stretched all the way out as he held the cold glass to the bandage just above his eye. Occasionally, he brought the cigarette to his busted lip before dangling it back over the arm of the patio chair. 
“Go away, Y/N.”
You heavily exhale as you try again. “Sweetheart, you did really well. Don’t let your dad or anyone else make you feel like you didn’t do a good job.” As you spoke, he casually got up, tossing his cigarette, and walked back inside. “There will be other fights like this one.”
“Y/N, I’m only going to say it one more time. Get…away…from…me.”
“No.” His head leaned to the side at your answer. “Baby, everything’s going to be okay.”
Steve sarcastically chuckled, taking another sip of his drink before abruptly raising his arm and violently throwing his glass against the adjacent wall. 
“You wanna play, baby girl. Let’s play. First off, fuck you. Don’t stand there and pretend like you understand anything when it comes to boxing or my job, alright? You are my girlfriend not my coach or my manager. Your job is to stand by my side and shut the fuck up while I do what I need to do.”
Oh, that’s how he wants to play tonight? He had just entered another ring and you were the challenger. He needed to spar with you and he knew you were a worthy opponent. You knew how to challenge him and you didn’t take his attitude or temper lying down. He needed you to put him in his place so he could properly put you in yours. 
“Secondly, we needed this fucking win tonight. You like this apartment, the pool, that fucking outfit you’re wearing? All of that cost money, Y/N.”
“I see…so this is all my fault? I’m the one that wants expensive things apparently? I’m not some gold-digging trophy wife, Steve. I work and I help pay for things around here. I have never once asked you to buy me anything extravagant because I don’t fucking need it. And yes, I am your girlfriend but I actually fucking listen to you when you talk. You will have more fights. If you wanted a girl who would be silent and just swipe your credit card, you should have looked somewhere else!”
He fumed as you yelled at him, his fists clenching by his side as he listened and his angry eyes never leaving yours. You pointed your finger in his face as you stepped closer to him. 
“You can blame me all you want, Steve Harrington, but you needed to win that fight for you and your fucking ego.”
“Take off your dress.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said…take off your dress. You don’t need these nice things anymore? That’s fine. I can return that and the other fancy things I bought you. Tomorrow when I wake up, I can go look for one of those studio apartments for you so you can move in there.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I don’t need you to help me look. I can find a new Daddy on my own who won’t act like a fucking baby.”
There it is. That particular look in his eyes that tells you he’s in the right headspace. He may not look like he’s in control to any outsider looking in but you’ve been in love with his man for three years. You knew. 
You two stared at each other for a few seconds before you turned and bolted to the bedroom. You could hear him hot on your tail before he practically tackled you onto the bed. Your hands tried to push against him but he was too strong, straddling your waist as he pinned your wrists to the mattress. 
“You want to find a new Daddy? HUH?!”, he screamed in your face. “You think someone else can take care of you as well as I have?” Steve shifted your hands so he could hold them with one of his own he climbed off you and reached under your dress to bring down your panties. A couple of his fingers roughly slid into your core as he set a brutal pace. 
“Little girl always talks a big game but when we get down to it, you’re always still so fucking wet for me.” Your eyes squeezed shut as you moaned, still trying to fight against hold but not wanting him to let go. You buck your hips but it just pushes him to be rougher as he curls his fingers inside of you. “There you go, baby. That’s the spot right there, right? Daddy knows. I know every fucking inch of your body and how to please you. You think anyone else can make you cum like I do?”
His palm released your wrists and quickly slid down your throat, gripping it just so between his thick fingers as he watched your eyes roll back. Your hands feebly reach for anything they can, settling on taking hold of his knee. Steve always made sure to have some part of his body near you that way if you couldn’t speak but felt like you needed to tap out you could. 
Just like with his boxing, he had rules and regimens in bed. He always wanted you to feel safe and gave you strict guidelines for how to get his attention should you need to. Three taps meant stop but right now all you were doing was grounding yourself as you focused on your own high. 
You whimpered, digging your nails into his skin as you came. While you laid there panting, he climbed over your limp frame and yanked off your dress. With hooded eyes you watched as he removed his clothes before tugging you to the edge of the mattress like a ragdoll and flipping you onto your stomach. 
His strength always amazed (and intimated) you. Being a bigger woman, you weren’t exactly light and all the men in your past never even bothered to try lifting you into their arms. When Steve did it that first night you were together, you were awe struck. More than anything, you swooned at the fact that he didn’t even hesitate; he just did it knowing he could.
The first time you questioned him about it he looked at you like you were speaking gibberish. 
“Honey, you’re not heavy.”
“Uh oh, I think you’ve been hit one too many times. You’re going blind.”, you giggle.
Steve grinned slightly before his face got serious. “Y/N, just because past relationships couldn’t handle a beautiful woman like you doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.”
“I know. I just…no one’s ever even bothered to try and lift me let alone everything else we do.”
He stepped forward and lifted your chin with his fingers. “You have a real man now, baby. You and your curves don’t scare me.”
You smile, lifting up on your toes to kiss his lips. “You don’t scare me either.”
His rough, calloused hands lifted your hips and spread your ass cheeks apart before his palm came down hard as he spanked you. You moaned when you felt him spit into your cunt before aggressively breaching your entrance with his cock. 
Steve’s arm came into view beside you as you felt him hover over you and begin rolling his hips. 
“You want to act like a fucking brat, I can…I can treat you like one.”, he grunted. “No more fucking dinners, fa-fancy clothes, fucking nothing! You—f-fuck—can just be Daddy’s toy. Huh? At least until you find your new Daddy who’s not a fucking baby.”
His fingers gripped your hair as he stood up and thrust into you so hard the bed shook underneath you.
Your eyes fluttered closed as he continually hit all the right places inside of you, overwhelming your senses. Tears began streaking your face as you felt the warmth build in your tummy again. He really was the only man that knew how to satisfy you. 
He noticed your lips moving but couldn’t hear what you were saying. Steve’s palm smacked your ass as he yanked you to your knees till your back was against his now sweaty chest. 
“What’s the rule?”, he growled “If you’re talking I…I need to fucking hear you. What were you saying?” When you don’t answer, he stops pumping into you before reaching down to pinch your clit between his fingers making you whine and try to pull away from him. “Answer me, little girl.”
Your head lazily falls back on his shoulder as you continue to cry. The hand that was in your hair loops around to your chin, turning your lips to his as he softly placed a kiss on them. 
“I love…you… Just want…you.”, you panted out as best you could. 
Steve released your nub from his grasp and wrapped his arm around you stomach as he began thrusting into you again. 
“Cum, baby. Cum for Daddy.” You laid your arms over his own, clinging to him as your body spasmed and you did as he commanded. “That’s my girl. Fuck… my beautiful girl.”
As he chased his high, you continued to try and whisper things in his ear. 
“MY…Daddy. No one could…make me…feel this good. I’m…oh my god… so proud of you, baby. Please…cum, Daddy. I need…need it.”
His hips began to sputter and he grips you tightly as he roughly pumps his release inside of you. You both were still like that for a while, trying to catch your breath as he held you. 
“I’m going to pull out now, ok?”, he whispered.
“Okay, Daddy.”
You winced as he cooed softly, placing feathery light kisses on your skin as he praised you. He detached from you for moment; long enough for you to hear the shower turn on before he was back by your side and lifting you into his arms. 
Steve wasted no time taking care of you as he cleaned your body and washed your hair. 
“I DO listen to you when you talk. One of the things I love about you is how passionate you about boxing. I remember in school you always seemed like, I don’t know, you were coasting by. On our first date, you told me about the maneuvers and explained things to me.”, you smile as you continued. “Your hands were moving a mile a minute and your eyes lit up. It was amazing.”
His fingers lightly gripped your shoulders as he turned you to face him. “I may not know everything about it, Steve, but I know you. I know there will be another fight and I know you’re going to win because you are the most dedicated man I’ve ever met. You’re not going to stop until you get where you want to be.”
He pulled you into his arms, pressing your cheek to his chest as he kissed the top of your head.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you and said all that stuff. I don’t really feel that way. I was just upset.”
“I know, baby.”
After turning off the water, he quickly grabs a towel, drying you both and guiding you back to bed. Steve grabs his boxers and throws one of his big, baggy shirts over your head making you laugh. 
“I love that you speak your mind and challenge me. Hell, if you hadn’t done that in school, I never would have gotten into boxing.”
“I’m so proud of you, Steve. I really am. Whether you win or lose, buy me fancy things or give me gifts from the dollar store…” Your smile grows as he laughs and kneels down in front of you, laying his head on your thighs as you gently pet his head. “I’m always going to be in your corner.”
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dreamauri · 1 year
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♪ — 𝗦𝗔𝗬 𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗘𝗦𝗘 max verstappen x fem! videographer! reader x charles leclerc (fluff) “. . . charles and max fall in love with you.”
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( main master list ) ( tag list | requests )
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"Who's that, with Lando." Charles nudged Max's arm, nodding towards the girl following a laughing Lando with a camera. "I'm not sure." There was something about you that both boys couldn't quiet put a finger on. You seemed different from the others. The way your smile was brighter than the sun itself and out did the beauty of the moon. There was something about you.
The warm Italian sun kissed your cheeks as you stood in the paddock, filming your best friend and his teammate, Oscar, getting ready for the race. Little did you know, your camera caught the attention of Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen, who were watching you from a distance.
Hours and days went by and the two boys found themselves looking around for you, gravitated to you. "What are you doing?" Max asked first, accidentally jump scaring you. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you—" You broke out laughing face palming. "It's ok, It's ok." You assured him.
Music, all he could hear was music. Your voice, your laugh. Max thought he must've been in heaven. How could one person induce this much dopamine? "I'm Y/N." You shook his hand. Max felt his heart melt at how smooth your hand was, how delicate your skin must be against his rough ones. He was quick to pull his hand away, screen to tain your beautiful hands with his driving worn ones.
"Max." He introduced, a smile ad blush covering his cheeks.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"I am so sorry." Charles felt like it was the end of the world. He's accidentally turned into you and spilled all of his coffee into you. You could only giggle and shake your head. "That's alright. I forgive you." Pulling out a napkin, you gently wiped the liquid dry from his shirt.
"It's almost qualifying, I understand how stressful it must feel for you as a driver." You patted his chest gently. "I can go get you another one. I know you must be busy." You are an angel. Charles felt his heart flutter and stutter with each syllable that spilled from your mouth.
"Y—you must be busy too, I can'y—" "I have some free time." You smiled, shrugging it off. "How do you take your coffee?" If you asked, charles would get on his knees and kiss every inch of your skin.
The way you smiled, the look in your eyes, the way you giggled. He was convinced you were an angel.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Tada!" You held up the screen to your tablet showing the two drivers who watched the way you captured the city of Monte Carlo with beauty and art. "I took the videos on Wednesday and and edited them last night."
You've quickly become best friends with Max and Charles, showing them the art that you've constructed with each trip and race. "You're very talented." Charles complimented, watching your soft eyes examine your work. "You think so?" You smiled shyly. "Think? I want to hire you." Max chuckled taking a sip of his Redbull.
"Can we share?" Charles asked, making Max shrug. "It's up to her." You looked between both boys in disbelief. "Hire? I don't know? I— I've never thought of this as a job really." You stuttered feeling yourself shrink.
"Who said anything about a job? It's art. You can just tag along with us, and continue to have fun." "Think of it asss . . . a paid internship." Max snapped his fingers at Charles nodding. "What do you say?"
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
You could feel yourself laugh as both boys walked into the camera frame making weird faces. The motion sickness from the Yacht had begun to wear out as soon as you begun filming moments shared around the boat, Charles steering in the cock pit, Max dancing to the music that played, the beautiful waves and the view of the Mediterranean sea and setting sun.
As soon as the two boys heard about you wanting to film in water, they didn't hesitate getting you on Charles yacht and going sailing for a few hours.
Needless to say, you created beautiful and permeant memories, dancing with the boys and learning how to steer a million dollar vehicle. You also taught the boys how to use your camera, which endded up with them taking videos of you running and dancing around.
You could feel your heart jumping out of your chest as Charles picked you up and ran over board with you. You could only laugh as you held onto his shoulders while he treaded. Max was laughing his ass of on deck, as he watched you climb back on board, shivering like a puppy.
beautiful meamories.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
As the champagne sprayed and the celebrations ensued, you found yourself drawn to a quiet corner of the paddock, lost in your thoughts. To your surprise, Charles appeared beside you, his expression earnest.
"I can see that something's bothering you." He said gently. "And I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what."
You took a deep breath, the words spilling out before you could stop them. "I . . . I care about you, Charles. And Max too. I don't know what to do. And not like care care. Like . . . like love you. Both."
He didn't look surprised by your confession. Instead, he reached out and took your hand in his kissing each otf them softly. "I understand," he said softly, "But let's not rush into anything. We'll figure it out together, okay?"
And just like that, a weight lifted off your shoulders. With Charles and Max by your side, you knew that no matter what the future held, you had two extraordinary men who cared deeply for you. And as the sun set over the paddock, you allowed yourself to be present in the moment, sharing your first kiss with Charles.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Say cheese." Both boys looked back surprised as you snapped a photo. They raised both of their trophies happily for the second photo, bright smiles and laughs covering their faces. A memory you framed in your home.
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voice notes 🔊 . . . ( felt creepy with the camera? ANYWAYS would you all like a P2 with that good mfking smut (rough or love making? i honestly cant decide between cause they both have good pros) because who wouldn't want two hot men on top of them? )
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hearts4golbach · 8 months
specifically colby brock smut with like a breeding kink and daddy kink
Colby Brock x Fem!Reader.
"colby! we're going to be late!" I called up the stairs, only slightly annoyed at his bad perception of time.
"Sorry, love. I'm coming." he responded, pounding down the stairs before stopping to admire my dress.
it was an emerald green dress that went all the way down to my ankles.  I paired it with black heels. I didn't bother spending time on jewelry, seeing as we were about to be late.
Colby may as well have been drooling, admiring every part of my body. My face heated up as i looked away.
"so fuckin' beautiful." colby muttered before pecking my lips. "Don't forget a jacket, it's freezing outside."
"I know, colbs." I smiled softly. I grabbed my simple black zip up. "So, why are we going to a fancy restaurant again?"
"Sam wants to talk about business shit, but we've also been planning to try this place for a really long time." Colby shrugged, opening the front door for me. I thanked him and walked out to the car.
Colbys hand rested on my thigh, his fingers forming dark shadows on the fabric. he gently massaged my thigh, squeezing me before letting go and running his thumb over me gently. I crossed my legs and looked out the window, earning a smirk from colby, but he didn't comment.
the restaurant was overwhelming. the exterior designs looked like something you'd see whilst learning about the Roman empire. Needless to say, it was gorgeous. no wonder they had wanted to come here for so long, but there was no doubt in my mind it'd be expensive.
colby jogged to the other side of the car and opened the door for me, gently grabbing my hand to help me out. I thanked him and kissed his cheek. he intertwined his fingers with mine as we walked inside the restaurant.
the waiter led us to the table that Sam had reserved, which he was already sitting at waiting for us. whenever he saw us, he stood up to hug me and Colby. He pulled Sam in, placing a "manly" slap on his back before Sam turned to me and enveloped me in a warm hug.
we took our seats, and they got straight to work, planning out the next videos they wanted to record and how exactly they were going to do that. I zoned out, staring at colbys veiny hands. my fingers fondled with my dress, gathering it gently.
Colby gently grabbed my thigh, drawing my attention towards him. "y/n, you okay?" I glanced around, noticing Sam was ordering his food.
"yeah, I'm good!" I reassured with a smile. "my mind was just wandering, I guess."
he smirked, "wandering, huh?"
I rolled my eyes as I felt my face heat up, "shut up."
he smiled before kissing my cheek and ordering his food. the waiter eventually got to me and I ordered mine.
he kept his hand rested on my thigh, only moving it to gesture towards Sam. I sipped my drink, listening as they planned.
"hey, y/n," sam turned towards me, "what do you think about tagging along next video?"
my face flushed, "I, uh, I'm not very good on camera." I admitted.
"come on! it'll be fun!" Colby squeezed my thigh lightly.
I pondered for a moment before sighing. "fine."
I walked inside, tossing my purse on the counter before walking up the stairs to me and colbys shared bedroom. he followed behind me, rambling about how excited he was for me to be in a video. Social media knew about me, but they've never really met me, so I was getting excited too. I loved it when he rambled, i loved hearing his voice.
"I know colbs, I'm excited too." I smiled, opening the bedroom door. I sat on the bed and sighed.
colby pressed a kiss to my forehead before kneeling down in front of me.
"hi?" I say, confused. I watch as he takes off my heels for me, making my face heat up as I giggled. "thank you, babe."
"of course," he stands up, standing in between my legs and placing his hands on either side of the bed. he leaned down and kisses my lips gently.
I kissed him back, opening my mouth slightly, allowing entrance. his tongue danced with mine as his hands moved up to my hips. I placed a hand on my chest as he leaned me back onto the bed, crawling on top of me. I began to take off his shirt, trying my best not to break the kiss. He assists me before smashing his lips on mine again as his hands find his way down to my ass. they grip lightly into the fabric, letting a soft moan escape from my lips. his hands slide up to my waist. the fabric dragged up my legs, bunching around my upper thighs.
"Colbs," I mutter, pressing up into him. he growled against my lips, he trembled with desire.
Colbys hands slipped behind me and began to slowly unzip the dress. I kissed his tattoo before leaving light hickeys across his toned chest. "God, you're so perfect." he kissed me hard, claiming me more than he already had.
"please, colby." I breathe out, gripping my nails into his shoulder blades.
"please, what?" he smirked against my lips before pulling away. his hand gently grabbed my jaw, caressing my face. he pulled my lower lip down before letting it back up with a pop. "that's not my name, hon. you know that."
"please fuck me, daddy." I stuttered, staring up at him with wide, lust filled eyes.
he smirked, "flip over for me, babe." I did as told, "you know what to do, bend over."
my face flushed as I felt my panties get increasingly wet. I bent over the bed, glancing back at colby. he bunched up my dress around my waist, revealing my lacy panties. he gripped my ass before lightly slapping it. I jumped slightly, biting my lip to avoid letting out a low moan.
I heard his belt unbuckling and his jeans hit the floor. his hand snaked around me before putting his fingers in front of my mouth. "spit, baby."
I licked over his middle and pointer finger, sucking them gently before giving in and spitting. he hummed in approval.
he used my spit as lube, stroking his hard cock before teasing my entrance. I tried to push back onto him, but he placed one hand on my hip to keep me still. his finger tips gripped into my skin, I knew there were going to be bruises in the morning. "colbs-" I moan softly, turning my head to make eye contact with him.
his eyes were dark with lust. his tip pushed slowly into my entrance, making me let out a quiet moan as I felt him begin to fill me up. "oh, fuck, baby. you're so wet."
he forced his cock in the rest of the way, making my jaw drop. I dug my fingers into the black sheets on the bed. "oh, fuck.."
"you're so good for daddy, huh?" he muttered, speeding up his pace slightly. I felt his cock pump in and out of me, making my eyes squeeze shut. "I want you to have my baby someday, yeah?"
I nodded eagerly. "oh, shit- please, daddy. give it to me." I felt one hand slide up my back while the other stayed on my hip. he pushed me down, making me arch so he had a better angle.
"jesus, look at that pretty pussy." he cooed. I pushed back, grinding myself on him. he let out a low moan, gripping tighter onto me. "fuck, you're so good for me." he quickened his pace, wet sounds filled the room. "you'd be such a good mama, huh?" he pondered aloud.
a string of curses flowed out of my mouth as my walls kept clenching around him tightly. "oh my- just like that."
"you want more, babe?" He said breathlessly, letting out a small whimper. "what do you say?"
"fuck, daddy, please! give me all of you." I moan loudly, resting my head onto the sheets.
he simply nodded, gripping onto me tightly as he thusted into me fast. I felt his dick begin to twitch ever so often as my stomach began to knot.
"How close are you, ma?" he asked, pulling my hair back so I made eye contact with him.
"'m so close, don't stop." I said breathlessly, feeling sweat forming on my forehead.
"Where do you want me?" he asked, continuing his pace.
"Inside," I mutter out before moaning again.
"Really? oh, fuck- our babies are going to be so pretty, just like you." his voice shook slightly.
he quickened his pace, feeling my walls convulsing around him. "I'm gonna cum, colbs."
"cum for me, baby." he said, thrusting into me one last time before releasing inside of me.
the feeling of his warm liquid filling me up sent me over the edge, my orgasm hitting me hard.
he collapsed next to me, placing a kiss on my forehead before pulling me in.
he hummed, "I love you."
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fluttershyflores2 · 6 months
Me, jealous? Of course not part 1
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Mk: I hope you're ready (Y/n)! - pointing at her - because you're going to love this! - excited -.
They were both at The Anti-Gravity Arcade; he wanted to show her the place where he always hung out with Mei, eagerly awaiting her response.
(Y/n): Um, why are we here? - scratching her head -.
Mk: You said you've never played a game before - smiling - so I brought you here to give it a try! Isn't that awesome?
(Y/n): You know video games aren't my thing, right - confesses -.
Mk: Yeah, I know that very well, but it's worth a shot - clarifies - I figured physical games might be more your style, you know, because of your strength - thoughtfully -.
(Y/n): And where did you get that idea from? - raising an eyebrow -.
Mk: I thought about it after, you know, you broke the controller on my console - mutters -.
(Y/n) puts on a poker face at the comment.
Mk: Let's stop talking and go inside already - enthusiastically -.
Taking her hand, he pulls her into the building.
Entering the building, the flashing lights blinded (Y/n) for a moment. After her eyes adjusted, she looked around and saw people playing or running around, heaps of arcade games. However, the guardian felt uncomfortable with the crowd.
Mk: Welcome to the most amazing place in Megapolis! - excited -.
(Y/n): Um, Mk, this is...
Mk: Isn't this awesome!! - happy -.
(Y/n):... - looks around, then at him - Yeah, it's great - forces a smile -.
Mk jumps with excitement and obviously takes her hand, leading her towards some games. What he doesn't know is that his friend feels insecure around so many people, but she's not used to crowds, and she doesn't want to tell Mk and dampen his enthusiasm. It's clear he loves this place, and it's not her problem if she doesn't like it.
Mk: You're going to love the games, but I have one specific for you - approaching a Dance game - and it's right here, oh...
Upon looking at where the game was, they only saw a group of people lining up to play.
Mk: Um, it seems busy - glances at (Y/n), who just furrows her brow - we can go later, there are more games around here! Let's go!
The boy rushes towards other games without noticing his friend, who simply follows along, walking.
And so they spend their time playing every game, each machine to earn tickets or trying to beat a high score. Mk was the only one having fun, except for the guardian. It's not because she's a killjoy or hates video games, it's just that... she doesn't feel comfortable. Everything is too flashy and modern for her to fully grasp; she's tried playing, but she always ends up breaking things, almost getting into trouble. Mk just looks at her, smiling from ear to ear, saying it doesn't matter, claiming they're "old," but she doesn't even believe him.
After everything that happened, Mk was playing a virtual reality fighting game, jumping and punching in the air, while (Y/n) watched bored. What else could she do? Play? She tried that and ended up breaking another machine. Watching him intently, she realizes he's really focused. She doesn't think he'll even notice if she leaves. Walking towards the entrance, she looks back at Mk one last time. He'll be fine; she'll come back later, she thought, passing through the crowd and finally making it outside.
Leaning against the wall, she sighs. It's not something she thinks about often, but... this isn't her thing. It's too crowded and overwhelming inside, and everything is too technological for her to understand! She shakes her head; she doesn't have to exaggerate; she can endure this, she's just doing it for Mk.
Redson: Spear girl?
Startled, she summons her lance and goes on the defensive, looking agitated until she sees it's just Redson.
(Y/n): Fire boy? - confused, she dispels her lance - What are you doing here?
Redson: I could ask you the same - raising an eyebrow - What are you doing here? It's weird not seeing you with your country bumpkin.
(Y/n): Mk? - tiredly sighs - He's inside the building playing.
Redson: And he left you alone, huh, how rude - exclaims -.
(Y/n): It's not that, I chose to be outside - explains - there are too many people, and well...
Redson: It makes you feel trapped, doesn't it? - he asks -.
The young woman leans more against the wall.
(Y/n): Yeah - she answers -.
Seeing the situation, Redson nervously scratches his neck.
Redson: Um... well... the truth is, I was looking for you - confesses -.
(Y/n): Really? - raises an eyebrow, confused - Is there a reason?
Redson clears his throat and looks away.
Redson: I... uh... well, I'm preparing a new recipe with a very spicy sauce, and I want you to try it.
(Y/n): - just looks at him -.
Redson: Grrr... - grumbles - What I mean is, if you want to come to my place and give your opinion on my new recipe! - blushing - You're one of the few people I know who can handle spicy food.
(Y/n): Hmm... look, Redson, I wouldn't refuse your offer, but I don't want to leave Mk alone without telling him.
Such a response angers the fire demon.
Redson: Why do you care about him? He doesn't even know you're here - he clarifies - he's more focused on his games than on you.
(Y/n) narrows her eyes and grimaces at his words.
(Y/n): Don't talk about Mk like that; just let me ask him.
Redson: Hmph... FINE! - arms crossed -.
The girl turns around and heads back into the building, leaving Redson alone.
Redson: I'll be waiting here!
The young woman nods before leaving.
Entering the building again, (Y/n) takes a deep breath and walks through the crowd, reaching where Mk was still playing.
(Y/n): Oh, he's still playing - approaching - Hey Mk, can I talk to you?
Mk: Wait, I'm almost done! I'm about to defeat the final boss! - excited -.
(Y/n): Seriously, Mk, I just need to tell you something.
Seeing that he wasn't going to listen, she does the unthinkable and takes off his glasses, preventing him from playing.
Mk: Awww... I was about to win - pouts -.
(Y/n): Um, yeah, sorry, but I really need to ask you something.
Mk: Oh, sure, what's up?
(Y/n): Would you mind if I go somewhere else?
Mk: Oh, sure, I don't mind at all - smiling - I'm glad you're having fun - he grabs the glasses from (Y/n) and puts them back on.
(Y/n): Uh... are you sure? - questions -.
Mk: Yep, no problem at all - still smiling -.
(Y/n): Okay, don't wait up for me; I'll be at Redson's house - walking away -.
Before he could start playing again, Mk's eyes widen in shock. She said she'll be at Redson's house!
Mk: (Y/n) WAIT!!!
Hurriedly, he takes off the glasses, letting them fall to the ground without a care, and runs after the guardian.
Part 2
(Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, like I said, I speak Spanish and I'm still studying to learn English, let me know if there are any mistakes, thank you)
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annavrse · 1 year
letitia is the type of girlfriend…headcanons
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ー letitia wright x black!reader
ー no smut of course, no sexual content whatsoever, all fluff, a little drama, tish being protective, tish being in love
summary : what it’d be like to date letitia wright. headcanons + small plot
even though the media tries to portray her as a player, tish is definitely a lovergirl at heart.
ー☆ this is very interactive! i’ve included links, photos, and a video! click and watch as you read along. the links are optional but i think it adds to the reading experience. it’s more entertaining cus it’s actual proof of tish doing these things lol.
ー☆ note : i still have that twin fic in a ziplock bag. (truth be told im writing another fic that’s got a real bad hold on me and might come out first) i just wanted to give y’all something while you wait! i had so much fun writing this. don’t take this too seriously or let it determine my true writing abilities. i haven’t given y’all anything to go off of, but trust that i am at least a decent writer and that these hcs are just for fun!
also im sorry for any typos or mistakes i didn’t catch. i hope you enjoy <33
tags : @venusdraco @naomis-daydream @marsolgy @shurislover @inmyheadimobsessed @dominiquesheart @stvrrversee ☆ just tagging some of my mutuals until i create a taglist!
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• her love languages are gift giving, words of affirmation, physical touch and quality time.
• she bought the two of you matching bracelets. she has a habit of playing with hers during interviews and she sometimes kisses it when you’re not with her.
• she buys you flowers of your favorite color so it feels more personal.
• always reassuring and reminding you how much she loves you.
“i prayed for you”
“i love you so much”
“you mean the world to me”
• you’re her personal travel buddy. whether it’s for work or leisure, she takes you everywhere she goes.
• she takes you to court side basketball games.
• you’re always her plus one at events. especially award shows. you reassure her when she loses, and you’re the first one she hugs when she wins.
• loves when you visit her on set.
• loves going to concerts with you.
• she loves taking you to her home country, guyana. and where she grew up in london.
• she thinks it’s cute when you mock her british accent. she does the same with your american one.
• she calls you baby and babygirl.
• she loves it when you call her by her middle name.
• loves to dance with you at parties and she especially loves it when you dance on her.
• she never tells you about the movies or the shows she’s filming. no matter how much you want her to.
“the suspense is killing me.”
“well if i spoil it for you, you’ll kill me. so stop asking.” she said, laughing. “you’ll have to wait just like everybody else.”
“but im not like everybody else.”
“that you are not.” she grabbed your chin and pecked your lips.
“pleaseeee just give me a little something. nothing too important.”
“you’re the one who made me promise not to tell you anything, even if you beg.”
“i know but-”
she walked away from you, shaking her head.
“your words not mine.” she yelled over her shoulder.
“michelleeee.” you whined, chasing after her.
• she’s such a cliche when it comes to romance. she likes taking long walks on the beach, especially when the sun is setting. she likes candlelit dinners. she makes you breakfast in bed. you feel like you’re living in a rom com.
• you’re not use to the huge crowds and people following your every move. she knows that this makes you anxious and does everything in her power to make sure that you feel as comfortable as possible with this new life she’s brought you into.
• if you want to leave an event or a party, she escorts you herself if she can. if not, she has her driver bring you home or back to the hotel.
“i don’t wanna leave you though.”
“it’s okay, im fine. seriously if you’re not feeling it, i can bring you home. i don’t want you feeling uncomfortable for my benefit.”
• most of the time she ends staying with you. you two undress, shower, throw on your pajamas and fall asleep watching a movie. she’d much rather lie in bed with you, than mingle at a party you’re not attending.
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social media
•she’s your designated photographer. she takes most, if not all of your photos for social media. and she makes sure to get her pic creds in the comments.
• she’s you’re loudest supporter. her fandom has nicknamed her instagram “y/n’s fan account” she posts you more than she does herself. especially on her story. with captions like :
“all mine” with the song playing in the background
“she’s insaneee”
• she even has a highlight for you, titled “LOVE ❤️”
• always posts your accomplishments. “so proud of this one 🥹”
• you’re slowly gaining fame/attention from being her girlfriend. some of her fans have started making edits of you, and you two together. you sometimes catch her binge watching them on tiktok. her search bar is full of :
- y/n and letitia
- y/n edits
- y/n y/l/n
- letitia wrights’s girlfriend
she’s hopeless.
• but unfortunately, not all of her fans are okay with your relationship. after you two launched as a couple, you received a ton of hate. it went as far as receiving death threats from jealous fans. she quickly took the situation to social media.
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and of course the shaderoom got a hold of it.
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theshaderoom : #LetitiaWright defends girlfriend #Y/N from internet trolls who have been sending her “hateful messages and death threats” 🫢
user : it sounded like she’s threatening us 😭💀
user : she said she’ll whoop y’all ass behind her girlfriend in the nicest way possible lmaooo
user : it’s the “im telling you” for me 😮‍💨
user : why can’t y’all just let this woman be happy and leave her gf tf alone 🤦🏾‍♀️
user : not her threatening y’all 🫣
user : oh she don’t play bout ha 🗣️🗣️🗣️
• she went as far as offering you your own personal bodyguard. in which you declined. you felt like it was unnecessary. though you appreciated the offer and how much she cares.
after her post, the hate started to die down. some of the trolls even apologized to you for the things they’ve said. but you ended up blocking them anyway because why send hate in the first place?
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• she always finds a way to bring you into the topic of conversation.
interviewer : filming this movie must’ve took a lot out of you. the hours. the training. the stunts. and i mean the storyline itself is darker than what we normally see you do. what made you take on this role?
letitia : ooo. wow, that is a great question. uhmm. i mean…yea this role was something i never would’ve imagined myself playing. like when i was offered to be apart of this film, my immediate response was “no, absolutely not.” but my girlfriend, y/n, she reminded me that i needed to stop playing it safe. i tend to stay in my comfort zone because i know that it works best for me and it’s what im used to. but me and her talked about this year being the year of trying new things. so if it wasn’t for her, i mean…i probably wouldn’t have accepted the role and uh i would’ve missed out on being apart of this amazing film. so it’s all thanks to her. she’s my number one supporter.
interviewer : wow. that’s beautiful. i’m happy that you found someone who pushes you to be your best self.
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interviewer : recently you’ve been rocking some new looks, that i myself am a huge fan of. where are you getting your style inspiration?
letitia : oof i was afraid someone was going to ask me this question.
interviewer : what, why? you’re not ready to give up your source?
letitia : yea i just wanna gatekeep her a little longer—nah im joking uhm, i just don’t have time to hear her mouth ya know? her head is big enough as it is and if tell the world that she’s behind these fits, my god, i’d never hear the end of it.
interviewer : oou is it a snooty designer or—or a bougie stylist of some sort?
letitia : oh she’s definitely a bougie stylist. uhm it’s y/n, my girlfriend.
interviewer : oh reallyyy?
letitia : yeaa, i don’t know what it is. it’s just something about about her closet man. i just find myself going through her things and taking pieces here and there. and she thinks it’s cute cause apparently im *air quotes* “jocking her style”
interviewer : that’s hilarious. so she doesn’t mind you wearing her clothes?
letitia : no not at all. she actually dressed me today. oou im just feeding her ego aren’t i? but yea she has, in my opinion, the best fashion sense. but of course, im biased so—uhm yea i just love her style and i love her.
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interviewer : i heard you mention that you and your girlfriend made some vision boards to ring in the new year.
letitia : yea we did.
interviewer : what is the number one goal on that list?
interviewer : ooouu look at you over there blushing. wow, that’s so exciting. is this something that you two have talked about?
letitia : yea we’ve uhm, we’ve been talking about our future and building a life together. ya know, marriage, kids—the whole thing. i think we’re both ready to start heading in that direction. it’s one of my top priorities right now.
interviewer : wow that’s amazing. i am so happy for you two. is it safe to say that the next time you come on the show, you might be engaged?
letitia : that’s crazy to even think about. but uhm yea, yea that’s the plan.
interviewer : and who knows, maybe you’ll even have a little one on the way. a mini letitia running around. you ready for that?
letitia : ooh absolutely. the real question is, is y/n ready? cus i was a little troublemaker when i was younger. so he or she will definitely be a handful. i just know it. we’ll need her mini me to balance out the crazy for sure.
she said laughing.
interviewer : just for balance?
letitia : for balance, exactly.
interview : it sounded like you were trying to sneak in the fact that you want two children.
letitia : aww man you caught onto that? uhm…yea i definitely want two children. preferably a boy and girl. ya know, best of both worlds.
interviewer : well i hope that happens for you, truly.
letitia : thank you. i really appreciate that.
interviewer : of course. and thank you for being so open, you’re hands down one of my favorite guests. next time you stop by, i hope your lovely girlfriend can join us. i’m very excited for you two and i hope that everything works out.
letitia : aww, seriously thank you so much. i’ll definitely try and bring her on for sure. it was nice to come on here and share my goals. i like to think of it as speaking them into existence. im so excited for this next chapter. im ready to be a wife. im ready to be a mom. im just uhm…grateful, is the best way to describe it. i used to pray for love like this. i asked god to send me my soulmate and that’s exactly what he did. i couldn’t be happier. so to be able to even have these types of conversations, is a dream come true. thank you for having me.
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theworstkindofkinnie · 2 months
I see a lot of people here struggling to get 10k steps in or exercise much, so here's some advice!
Bed exercises! While you're doom scrolling do clams. You don't even need to lift your legs, just doing the motion laying down is SOMETHING. Shake your leg in the shower or do some stretches while watching a movie. ANYTHING is SOMETHING and SOMETHING is PROGRESS
For those who do want to start walking more, you don't need a treadmill or to go outside. Walk around your house while doing something else. Set a timer for 5 minutes and add another 5 minutes every week, work your way up to 60 minutes and more if you're comfortable. That's more than enough steps.
Exercise videos! People on here have tons of recommendations, I'd suggest just looking for something that fits you. If you want a thigh gap look of leg slimming exercises, etc. Even just "easy exercises". There's tons of them on youtube, a lot of them don't require much intensity, and you can take a break whenever you want.
Dance! It's a lot more fun than normal workouts. Make a playlist of your favorite songs and make up some dances for them. They don't need to be good, you don't need to do it in front of anybody. You dont even need to stand up. Just have fun! There's dance videos on YouTube you can follow along to if you'd prefer that too.
And for anybody who already runs consistently/any other workout, watch a show while doing it! I've found that it's really easy to let time fly when I'm entertained. Pull up a video you like or watch a show or movie, keep yourself focused on something other than the clock.
Just generally keep in mind, exercise is NOT required to have an ed. You shouldn't feel pressure to do it if you don't want to, and you can still make plenty of progress regardless. If you can't or won't workout, no problem.
If you do want to start, eat protein in anything and everything you eat and drink. It turns fat into muscle and muscle is better than fat. And CHUG WATER. I've found drinking as much water as possible makes my heart rate calmer, so you won't pass out and you'll feel fuller without any calories at all.
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 2 months
joel miller x f! wife reader
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It was a quiet evening at the Miller household, with the world outside forgotten as the family settled into their routine. Sarah and Ellie had been pestering Y/N for hours to make a TikTok with them. At first, Y/N had resisted, but the girls’ enthusiasm was infectious, and she eventually relented, agreeing to give it a shot.
The living room was transformed into a mini dance studio, with Sarah and Ellie setting up their phones and clearing some space for their dance routine. Joel, lounging on the couch watching football he could already sense the impending chaos.
“Alright, Mom, you ready?” Sarah asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Y/N sighed, a mixture of determination and reluctance in her eyes. “Let’s get this over with.”
The girls demonstrated the dance routine, their movements swift and fluid. Y/N watched with a look of bewilderment as they moved through the steps. “Okay, okay, slow down a bit,” she requested.
“No way, Mom! You’ve got to keep up!” Ellie said, giggling as she set the phone’s camera to record.
Joel couldn’t hold back a chuckle as he watched Y/N try to mimic the girls’ intricate steps. Her rhythm was more of a casual shuffle, and her attempts to match the girls' fast-paced moves were both endearing and comical.
Y/N’s face turned red as she stumbled through the steps. “You’re going too fast! I can’t keep up!”
“Mom, you’re supposed to follow us!” Sarah shouted, laughing.
Joel was doubled over on the couch, unable to contain his laughter as he saw Y/N trying her best to match the choreography. Each misstep was met with more giggles from the girls and more laughter from Joel.
“I’m trying my best here!” Y/N protested, glaring at Joel who was laughing harder than ever.
The dance ended with Y/N completely out of sync, her arms flailing while Sarah and Ellie finished the routine with perfect precision. The girls were breathless from laughter, while Y/N stood in the middle of the living room, hands on her hips, looking both frustrated and amused.
“I swear, I’m getting a dance coach,” Y/N said, shaking her head with a smirk. “Maybe next time I’ll have better luck.”
Joel finally managed to compose himself, wiping away tears of laughter. “That was something else,” he said, still chuckling. “You sure know how to make a night memorable.”
Sarah and Ellie hugged their mom, their laughter mixing with her exasperation. “You did great, Mom! We had so much fun!”
As the family gathered for a cozy movie night afterward, Joel couldn’t resist teasing Y/N a bit more. “You know, you might want to practice a bit before the next TikTok.”
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, but her smile betrayed her enjoyment of the evening. It was moments like these, filled with laughter and love, that made everything worthwhile.
The next day, the Miller household was abuzz with the aftermath of the previous evening’s TikTok adventure. Sarah and Ellie, their enthusiasm undimmed, had set their sights on a new target: Joel. They were determined to get him to join them in a dance routine for their next video.
“Come on, Dad! It’ll be fun!” Sarah coaxed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Joel was sitting at the kitchen table, a mug of coffee in hand. He looked up, caught between amusement and reluctance. “I don’t know, girls. I’m not much of a dancer.”
“Don’t be a party pooper, Dad!” Ellie chimed in. “Just one dance. We promise it’ll be quick.”
Joel, never one to back down from a challenge, finally gave in. “Alright, alright. But only because I’m outnumbered here.”
Sarah and Ellie were thrilled. They set up the phone again, showing Joel the routine they had practiced and trying their best to explain the steps. Joel, with his usual laid-back demeanor, watched with a raised eyebrow as the girls demonstrated.
Y/N walked in from work just as Joel was attempting to follow along. Her bag was in one hand, and she was tired from the day’s work. But as soon as she saw the scene unfolding before her, she couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
Joel, in all his rugged glory, was attempting to follow the fast-paced dance steps with an impressive lack of coordination. He was trying his best, but his version of the routine was more like a series of awkward arm flails and stiff leg movements. The girls, meanwhile, were dancing with exuberance and precision, trying to guide him through the steps.
“Come on, Dad! You’ve got this!” Ellie encouraged, her laughter mixing with Joel’s own chuckles.
Y/N leaned against the door frame, her laughter echoing through the house. “Well, this is a sight to see,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes. “I never thought I’d see Joel Miller busting a move like this.”
Joel glanced over his shoulder, catching Y/N’s eye. He couldn’t help but grin, even though he was clearly out of his element. “Hey, at least I’m giving it a shot.”
The dance ended with Joel completely out of sync, but his attempts had been entertaining enough to make the girls laugh even harder. Sarah and Ellie cheered, their faces flushed with excitement.
“Well, you did better than I did,” Y/N said, finally managing to control her laughter. “That’s something.”
Joel shrugged, his pride intact despite the hilarious display. “Maybe I’ll stick to the sidelines from now on.”
The family gathered for a quick snack afterward, with Joel and Y/N exchanging amused glances. Later that night, the Miller family was winding down from their day of laughter and dancing. Joel was sitting on the couch, stretching his back with a pained grimace. Y/N, having finished tidying up, noticed his discomfort.
“Something wrong?” she asked, raising an eyebrow as she walked over.
“My back’s been killing me since that dance routine,” Joel replied, attempting to relieve the stiffness.
Y/N chuckled softly, reaching out to gently rub his shoulders. “That’s what happens when we try to keep up with our energetic teenagers. I guess we’re getting old.”
Joel gave her a skeptical look, wincing as he adjusted his position. “We’re only 38, you know.”
“Speak for yourself,” Y/N teased, her fingers working to ease the tension. “I’m feeling every bit of those dance moves.”
Joel sighed, enjoying the soothing touch. “Yeah, well, I didn’t expect dancing to be such a workout.”
“It’s not just the dancing, it’s the age,” Y/N said playfully. “We’re at that point where we have to take it easy.”
Joel grinned, despite his discomfort. “You’re probably right. But you know what? I wouldn’t trade these moments for anything.”
Y/N smiled, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Me neither. It’s these little things that make life worth it.”
As they sat together, the room filled with a comfortable quiet, the day’s events and laughter lingering in their hearts. Despite the aches and pains of getting older, the love and warmth of their family made every moment feel just right.
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regulus-books · 11 months
wc: 1k+
warnings: alcohol, cussing, smut, recording a porn video, slight degrading (blink and you'll miss it), teasing, almost caught, nicknames (love, sweetheart, sweetie, pretty little slut, big boy, sweet boy, pretty puppy, baby etc??), tell me if you find more
There Regulus stands with a drink in his hand, watching his boyfriend's tan body move around the dance floor with ease, his hips sway and grind on other guys, his small shorts hiking up his thick thighs. Regulus knows he's smirking when his brother asks him why he has such a smug look on his face, to which he doesn't respond, instead he puts down his drink and walks onto the dance floor, now his hips swaying to a beat he had only heard once before. James sees him and smiles, running his hands up his ass and lifting his shirt on the way back up. Regulus rolls his eyes playfully and walks over to the taller man.
"Having fun I see?" Regulus gestures to the guy behind him, who is clearly getting an eye full of James. Who could resist? Certainly not Regulus.
"Having more now that you're here to claim me." James winks, wrapping his meaty arms around Regulus' slim waist.
"I'll do much more than claim you, Potter." Regulus leans in and bites James' earlobe, who makes a cute whimpering noise in response. Regulus moves down to his neck and bites it gently, just enough to leave a small purple mark. Then, he pulls back, and starts to walk away. "Gonna follow me, pretty puppy?" James seems to melt under Regulus' gaze, his words clearly doing something right.
"Fuck." James whispers to himself before following Regulus back to the bar, where he picks his drink back up, leaning on the counter when he sips from it. "You don't know what you're doing to me, love." James presses their bodies together, resting his hands on Regulus' ass, the bulge in his shorts brushing up against Reg's thigh. Regulus tilts his head back, tossing all of the alcohol mindlessly down his throat.
"Oh, but I do, sweet boy." Regulus leans up and kisses James' jawline. "Let me relish in it for a second, then I'll take care of you, hm?"
"I can't fucking wait another second, Reg, I need you. Now." James' hands wander up to Regulus' waistband, tugging at it and letting it snap back into place. "God, please, Reg." Regulus grabs his face.
"You want me, big boy?" James nods, and Regulus' mouth turns up into a smile. "I want you too, baby." Regulus doesn't let go of his squeezed cheeks when he leans up to kiss him. James moans quietly into Regulus' mouth.
"God, you're so beautiful." Regulus simply let's go of his face, grabs his hand and silently leads him to the restroom.
In the bathroom, Regulus pushed James up to the wall and locks the door, attacking him with rough, wet kisses to his mouth. James runs his fingers through Regulus' curly black hair, his other hand grips Regulus' ass cheek with force, as if he'd die if he let go. Regulus takes his time on James' mouth, kissing, biting and sucking on his lips gently, swelling them more than usual. James thrusts his hips up gently at Regulus' hip, groaning at the sensation. Regulus palms James through his little shorts, taking out his phone.
"Is this okay with you, sweetheart?" Regulus pulls away, showing James himself on the camera app. James nods, and Regulus tsks. "Words, baby, words." Regulus' hand cups underneath James' chin, his thumb playing with James' bottom lip, pulling down just to watch it spring back into place.
"Yes. I want the whole world to know I'm yours." James manages to rasp out, grabbing the phone himself and propping it up on the sink, so the camera can see as Regulus drops to his knees. He wants to roll his eyes and tell James that not the whole world is subscribed to their onlyfans, but he knows James will reply something along the lines of ‘they don't know what their missing out on.’
Regulus kisses James' lower stomach through his shirt, slowly untying the strings that are keeping James' shorts up. He kisses every bit of exposed skin as he works James out of his tiny shorts. Regulus pushes down James' boxers and his dick springs out, hard and pink. He spits on his hand and wraps it around James gently, giving him a stroke and then letting go. "So beautiful, honey." James' body jerks at the sensation, he tries to thrust more into Regulus' palm, but before he can, Regulus let's go, much to James' dismay.
Regulus leans forward and flatly licks James' red tip. James rests one hand on the back of Regulus' head (having to lean forward a tad), and his other he uses to pushes Regulus' fringe back, exposing his sweaty forehead. Regulus teases and kisses at James, who can practically feel his own heartbeat in his cock. Regulus smirks everytime James slips out a pathetic whine, and fists him.
"Tell me, baby. Tell me how much you want me to suck you off." James whines again, but doesn't say anything, so wordlessly, Regulus let's go of James' cock, and stands up, leaning against the wall opposite to James. The camera can no longer see Regulus, it can only see James taking deep breaths, his stomach falling up and down.
The second Regulus comes off of James, he lets out a string of whines, "Please come back, baby." James wraps his own hand around his cock, tugging slowly as he watches Regulus insert his fingers into his mouth, making a slurping sound and hollowing out his cheeks. James groans and throws his head back, trying to imagine how good Regulus' tongue feels wrapped around him.
"All you have to do is ask, sweetheart," Regulus pushes his fingers out of his mouth, slick with his own spit, he leads them under his shirt and around his nipples. James watches intently, never looking away. Regulus lets out a fake, whiney moan that has James harder than ever before.
"Please, Reg." Regulus tilts his head, pretending not to know what James means.
"Please, what, Jamie?" Regulus taunts.
"Please suck me off, I need to feel your pretty mouth wrapped around me." James whines, his eyebrows knitting together.
"God, look at you. Such a pretty little slut for the camera," Regulus pulls his hands out of his shirt, walking over to James, and kneeling again. This time Regulus doesn't waste any time before swallowing James down, his happy trail tickling Regulus' nose. James let's out a low groan, just as someone knocks on the door.
"Anyone in there?" Regulus recognizes the voice immediately as Sirius'. He pulls off quietly.
"Answer him, Jamie." Regulus whispers, peppering James' cock in kisses, then goes back to deep throating him.
"Uh," James pushes back a groan and let's out a deep breath in replacement, "Yeah, sorry, mate." He whines, as quietly as he can. Regulus hollows out his cheeks, staring up at James through his dark eyelashes that are painted with mascara. "M'not feeling very well, Reg's just rubbing my b-" He groans, "back."
"Yeah, sounds like it." Regulus grins and swirls his tongue around James' dick as Sirius walks away. Regulus pulls off again, wrapping both of his hands around James, kissing and licking at his tip, making sure he gets as much attention as he needs.
"Been such a bad boy, Jamie." Regulus juts his bottom lip out, pretend pouting. James' eyes roll back, and he whines again. "Are you gonna come for me, sweetie?" James nods, a knotting feeling in his stomach. "Come for me, baby, I need it so bad." Regulus wraps his lips around James once more, just to feel him come warmly down Regulus' throat.
The video goes up later that night.
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kiiyunz · 6 days
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posted⠀by⠀junjiie⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀1Oth May,⠀2O24.
Alright, alright, I know it’s a little late. I got distracted! A human error. From a human. But anyway, I’m back with the promised rundown of KIHYUN’s NCT U eras—but I’m ditching the rankings this time around, as the majority (up until UNIVERSE in 2021) took place in and around KIHYUN’s BAD eras. Everything else is the same, though, so.. Have fun!
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RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC just over a week after his seventeenth birthday, the first whole NCT album was both a somewhat-old (he’d been promoting for a good two years by then, after all) but still refreshing experience for Kihyun. Participating in BLACK ON BLACK, GO, and BOSS, the vocalist threw every part of himself into it as usual—and maybe even a little more so, reinvigorated by the fact he was collaborating with members from the other unit (and ones from an upcoming one) that he’d only ever trained with in the past. He enjoyed the more mature feel of the teasers for GO, as well as the music video and the song itself—it was during this era (although it would only really become more apparent during WE GO UP promotions in September of that same year, and during EMPATHY he kept this thought mainly to himself) that he was starting to feel like the whole childish concept was something he wanted to be rid of, that he wanted to trade in for something different; and GO fit that vision perfectly. He had a notable amount of fun on the set of the music video, and slated filming it as the ‘best thing he’d get to do all year,’ despite the fact they were only three months into said year.
Due to the would-be unspoken rule of Kihyun only making an effort to have any sort of online presence when he wasn’t the biggest fan of an album’s concept or music, he was fairly offline during this era—the only actual content fans ended up getting was in the official music videos & the behind-the-scenes and dance practices for said videos. They made the most of what they were given, choosing firstly to poke fun at what they’d styled him in—one of his outfits included a horrendous rip-off Gucci jacket that was noticeable from a mile away—and secondly to enjoy the interactions he had with the members of 127 (the EMPATHY era showcased his bond with members like Johnny, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo to the public for the first time) and members like Ten and Kun, who hadn’t yet found their place in a permanent unit—although it wasn’t long in the making, as would be proved by WayV’s debut the next year. This was most prevalent with the behind-the-scenes of the BOSS music video in particular, a clip of Kihyun and Jaehyun chasing each other around dangerously close to the literal circle of fire featured in one of the later scenes while Mark watched on on the obvious verge of panic going quite viral online.
Kihyun getting a little too ambitious while balancing on the metal of the train tracks and nearly falling flat on his face, much to the delight of Chenle and horror of Jeno—who ran over to see if he was alright, and then proceeded to nearly trip himself up also. The nearly-fall didn’t deter him in the slightest and he continued to walk down the line, Jeno stepping up behind to follow along (he noticeably wobbled more than a few times, but still stuck with it if only to give Kihyun some company). Chenle got bored of watching—or, as Haechan called it, “got FOMO,” and it didn’t take long of observing the other two before he was running over and trying it out for himself also. Him and Kihyun were walking on parallel sides, with Jeno in the middle after having given up on the whole balancing shtick; watching as the two in front of him reached out to hold on another’s hands and intercepting so they were both grabbing hold of one of his instead. Mark cooed, Haechan pretended to throw up in his mouth.
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IN THE MIDDLE OF running around and getting up to many a scandal with someone that was, really, doing him more harm than good, NCT came back together as a full group to release RESONANCE PT 1. For the album he traded his newfound clubhopping hobby for what’s considered by some fans as one of his best (although criminally short, what with him only participating in VOLCANO and DÉJÀ VU—something that many suspect was a sort of punishment for the bad press he’d been bringing to both Dream and, by proxy, the group as a whole by that time) performances in the entirety of his career thus far. During VOLCANO he gave listeners a few seconds of rap lines, a skill of his that had previously been rarely utilised, Kihyun’s voice taking on a raspier edge that he later mentioned off-handedly as being his “Taeyong impression,” which was met with both positive and negative reactions—as is the same with most things any idol says or does while they mention another. DÉJÀ VU saw him back to his standard vocalist position, but many slated his lines as being their favourite, or his tone standing out amongst the rest in a certain moment. Altogether, despite his public image still not being anywhere close to being fully repaired, at least he wasn’t being accused of being talentless to add fuel to the fire.
What was adding fuel to it, however, were the leaked photos of him with a shiny silver flask halfway to his mouth on the way to a taxi. It was after hours, hardly being able to be accused of drinking on the job (but with a job like being an idol, it would be a little difficult to blame him for doing so), but it still sent a few people into an outrage—and Kihyun’s response didn’t help matters either, the simple ‘whoops’ he sent on Bubble enough to prompt some into showing their truce stance on Kihyun and his situation as of late (that being, of course, that they hated him). Most took it in good humour and laughed along with him, seeing as those photos and content put out by the company were all they got to see of him for the whole era. Even his moments in things such as behind-the-scenes videos were frighteningly scarce, only appearing for a scant second or two before he was being whisked off by another member or the camera had decided to abruptly cut away in the middle of his screentime where in the past it most likely would’ve lingered a little longer. It was sort of a tug of war between the good and the bad things throughout the whole promotion period.
It was almost like a miracle, the day Hendery logged into the NCT account and decided to start a live—and with Kihyun, no less. They were a little drunk, and didn’t care if the people watching realised that. In fact, them being tipsy probably played a part in the decision to go live, so maybe it was really something they should be thankful for. The majority of the time on live was spent by the pair taking turns scrolling through the filters and laughing themselves into hysterics, so much so they could barely get a word out between their fits. When they’d finished filter sampling they held an impromptu karaoke session, despite the fact their voices were cracking a minimum of twice for every line they belted out into the empty company room they’d holed themselves up in (and, when Hendery tilted the phone to show viewers their set up, it almost looked like they were camping for the night—there were a few pillows and a blanket they’d hoarded from somewhere, snacks galore, bags and a few empty bottles and one singular shoe). Beggars couldn’t be choosers in the Kihyun-content regard for this era, but it just so happened that the one thing they did get (or rather, most of them got, as some missed the notification and had to watch clips elsewhere) was something they could hold dear.
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STILL RUNNING AROUND, still not the fan favourite he once was, most were expecting much of the same treatment during RESONANCE PT 2 as Kihyun got during PT 1. However, to the surprise of all of them, he actually received a little more screentime this promotion period around—most likely because of his involvement in the tracks 90’S LOVE and WORK IT, where there was far more extra content to go alongside just the music (as well as RAISE THE ROOF, although that didn’t receive a music video like the former two), but most fans decided to take it as the plus it undoubtedly was. He looked happier than he had in months skating around with Mark and Jeno, catching up with Ten, cracking easy jokes with both Shotaro and Sungchan in his attempts to get to know them better despite the slump he’d been in for most of the year thus far, and of course messing around to his heart’s content with Johnny and Hendery on the WORK IT set. His normal full-of-energy self was back—not that it had ever left, but he’d seemed far more tired, almost lifeless, in the months running up to the dual albums—and to see him so sunny again seemed to brighten the mood of a few of the members he was particularly close to in tandem. 
As was beginning to become the (unfortunate) norm, hardly any extra content atop what the company gave the fans came from Kihyun himself—no lives, no posts, barely any messages on Bubble, the list only went on. Some said he was simply following his own tradition of staying quiet if he liked the music making up the album he was in the middle of promoting, but most people were still under the impression that it was due to the scandals and articles and countless rumours that had completely taken over his public image with fans—decidedly for the worse, seeing as it ended up getting so bad once that people were left wondering if he was going to be kicked out of NCT on the whole. The mood was beginning to dip again, fans taking his complete lack of presence that wasn’t company-mandated to mean that they were going to be seeing even less of him in the future. Until—a post from Kihyun, a simple selca on their Twitter account of him in his 48 hockey jersey from the 90’S LOVE music video, the two simple words ‘lucky number’ as his only caption. You’d think he’d just dropped a movie-length vlog from the amount of people celebrating his (brief) return, the words ‘HE’S BACK’ trending for a few hours or so as most of his fanbase frantically changed their profile picture to the aforementioned selca.
No one was happier to see Kihyun than Johnny, and that fact was apparent from a mile away. They were attached at the hip the second the cameras stopped rolling, always visible in the background glued to each other’s sides even if they didn’t get much time talking to the camera for the BTS video. When it was finally their turn to give their small interview (or rather, when it was Johnny’s turn, and he dragged Kihyun along with him by the arm) Johnny was resting his head atop Kihyun’s and buttoning and unbuttoning the blazer he was wearing for that scene while he spoke. Kihyun even cracked a smile or two at the jokes that had obviously only been told for the sake of his reaction, and contributed a few words here and there. Another moment from the video widely loved was from the scene on the wide open field, where he was captured sprinting away from Jungwoo giving chase, Jaemin and Johnny close behind, wide grins on all of their faces and the faint sound of laughter being picked up. Jisung was standing and watching with a small smile, with the rest making bets on who was going to trip over their very-much-not-made-for-running shoes first.
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WELL ON THE WAY to being fully back to his normal self again (despite it being a couple years in the making), UNIVERSE saw Kihyun far happier than the previous two promotion periods, almost reaching his mood during the EMPATHY era. Participating in songs UNIVERSE (LET’S PLAY BALL), OK!, BIRTHDAY PARTY, and of course BEAUTIFUL, it wasn’t as if he was at a loss for things to do. He admitted it was tiring, but also that it was fun—because with the more songs he got to work on, the more time he was given the chance to spend with members not in his unit (namely Hendery, Xiaojun, Johnny, and Jungwoo—although he did talk a little more with Shotaro and Sungchan also, stating proudly to the camera on one occasion that they’d been thinking about going out for dinner one night in the future). He also found it fun because he enjoyed every track on the album, even if he didn’t make an appearance on most of them. Despite the hate some of them got from the fanbase (BIRTHDAY PARTY in particular) he held firm and even sent a few Bubble messages defending them in earnest, complete with angry kaomojis and one (not really) accidental swear. Kihyun saw UNIVERSE as his chance to prove he was ready to be a proper representative of the neos after his nearly-two-year-long slump, and was truly giving it his all.
Like the mood maker he’d always been, this dramatic change for the better in his demeanour affected everyone’s around him also. A few member’s smiles always seemed a little wider now that Kihyun was nearly back to normal, after they felt far more confident in the hope he’d bounce back stronger than ever, and benefit all of them—Dream members in particular, of course—while doing so. UNIVERSE was also an era in which Kihyun put his extrovert nature to work and gave fans interactions with members they’d barely been allowed to see him share one word with—the main ones being Doyoung, Kun, and the most surprising to a fairly large amount of fans, Winwin. Despite only appearing with the latter on BEAUTIFUL (as it was a whole-group song), once things like the jacket BTS began to be released, they were made witness to the bond the two of them shared; far closer than apparently most had ever dreamed of them being. Kihyun was as affectionate with the Wayv member as any other person in the group, but as he only did with a few of them, Winwin was reciprocating—a returned hug here, tolerating a little handholding there. He wasn’t exactly matching the boundless enthusiasm the acts of affection were performed with, but no one was really expecting that anyway. It just went to show that Kihyun could pull most people into his orbit, even if it was just for a moment or two.
Placed into a group with Johnny, Hendery, and Shotaro, Kihyun was having the time of his life. He went to lengths to include the newer member in all of his conversations, light-heartedly prodding at him like he’d known him for years, and even making an effort to slow down his usual break-neck pace of speaking so that Shotaro would have a better chance of understanding him fully—the ribbing could’ve gone a lot worse if the latter thought Kihyun was actually poking fun at him, but thankfully Shotaro took it well and even gave it right back on a couple of occasions, which made all four of them burst into laughter. For his pulls, Kihyun received a Kun photocard (he couldn’t have ripped off his phone case fast enough, with enough force that he nearly sent both it and the HOT SAUCE era Jeno that was still inside flying across the room), a Johnny poster (which the 127 member was delighted about, and demanded to have a picture sent to him later of said poster tacked up on Kihyun’s wall), a Jaemin postcard, and a Mark sticker—which Kihyun immediately stuck on his phone case also.
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HAVING MOVED FAR PAST all that was weighing on his mind during previous whole-group slbums, Kihyun went above and beyond for GOLDEN AGE. Featuring in INTERLUDE: OASIS, THE BAT, ALLEY OOP, and obviously GOLDEN AGE, he made sure to throw more than he’d ever thrown before into recording. He was fully aware that the past years hadn’t been his best, and despite already making amends during UNIVERSE, he still wanted to prove his worth all over again. Everything was fully behind him, and it showed in the sparkle in his eyes and brightness of his laughter that came alongside every appearance of his in any piece of behind-the-scenes content. Always smiling, always energetic, always wanting to make whoever he was laugh, even if it was just for a second. Although he did stick to his usual (and very obviously favourite) members—Mark, Jeno, Chenle, Johnny, Hendery, Niko—he did make sure to wrap all of them in a too-tight hug and hang off of them while they talking to other members or giving mini interviews to cameras at some point or another. ‘Spreading the love,’ he called it, to which Chenle beside him, through poorly contained snickers, quipped that he was also probably ‘spreading diseases,’ which earned him a punch in the stomach.
Kihyun even made an effort to show up (often unannounced) to sets of the track videos he wasn’t involved in—namely PADO and KANGAROO. There he enjoyed himself thoroughly, poking at Jaehyun’s hair, dragging Donghyuck off to who-knows where, and making fun of Hendery’s outfit on one set, and latching onto Renjun’s back, avoiding small talk with Yangyang at all costs with red ears, and cooing obnoxiously loudly at Jisung on the other. He opened his copy of the album on a live with Jungwoo and Mark, and pulled a Xiaojun photocard which, as per, he immediately stuck over the face of ISTJ Renjun and patted with horribly contained smugness (he then remarked to the camera that he barely pulled Xiaojun in any of his WayV albums, and so it was practically a miracle). And apart from the live, he was very online in general—once again breaking his rule of staying quiet if he was happy with it all. He posted on his Instagram, he was sending messages on Bubble at least once every week instead of monthly at best, he was going live with just about every member of the group (there was a lot of karaoke, a lot of giggling of stupid filters, and a lot of radio hours mish-mashed with fit checks mish-mashed with impromptu fashion shows). Overall—a very happy time for Kihyun, and everyone around him.
He’d never made any attempt to hide his love for Mark (like most of the group, really) but during GOLDEN AGE it felt like he was turning it up to eleven. During the fit checks and fashion shows on live, sometimes Kihyun would be decked out in full Polo Ralph Lauren—laughing all the while he showed it off, but wearing it all the same; no doubt because of a certain someone’s connection to it. He even bought a flat cap, and had great delight in showing it off to anyone who wanted to see it. Mark’s music taste also looked like it was rubbing off on him. Suddenly he was sharing Justin Bieber songs (mid 2010’s era Justin in particular—the PURPOSE album if you want to be extra specific), doing dance covers, almost to the point where it felt like he was trying out a new era of being a mini-Mark—which, when brought up to him on a fancall, set Kihyun off into uncontrollable laughter for so long his and the fan’s time nearly ran out because of it. It was there, quickly trying to cram all of his explanation in before he was made to hung up, that he told them that it was his penalty that came out of a bet with Chenle that Kihyun had evidently lost. What the bet was had yet to be determined, but all inquiries after that were met with a secretive smile and a finger to his lips. Mark did appreciate the fanboying, though, despite it not being entirely genuine—he posted a selfie on Bubble of him and Kihyun in their matching caps and argyle sweaters with an abundance of hearts coming afterwards.
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saturnzskyzz · 11 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒏𝒂𝒆
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・ brief Jungkook & Yoongi
・brief Namjoon & Jimin
・w/ Hoseok
BTS were given missions to accomplish in less than 30 minutes. Easy right?
・ Tickling
This fanfiction is solely inspired by this video. The dialogue I have for this fanfic has nothing to do with what they originally said and done in the video. I couldn’t find it from BangtanTV, so my deepest apologies!!
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BTS were given missions that they needed to complete before the time that was announced was up. Could they all complete their missions? Who knew. But as far as the maknae knew, he wanted to be a menace to his members.
He was given a mission; but in order for him to complete it is that he needed to be extra careful, or things could go terribly wrong. He knew he could do it!
With his power of being the youngest, and the most chaotic of the bunch, he knew just the thing to win this challenge, and that was by interrupting and annoying the ever living hell out of his members.
He bumped into Namjoon, seeing that he was peacefully setting up Domino’s next to a piano.
“Heyy, Namjoon! What have you got here?" Jungkook asked, pointing at the obvious stacks of Domino pieces lined up.
"It's nothing, jk! Ihi'm just setting something up for.. Someone.!" Namjoon said quickly, watching his every move. He knew what Jungkook was up to, and he was not in the mood for it.
"Aww, but You look like you're having fun. Lemme help!" Jungkook said. He walked closer to Namjoon, getting ready to crouch down to reach for the domino piece that was already up.
"Oh NO you dohon't! Leave me alone!" Namjoon turned away from his objective, and pushed Jungkook by the chest, watching him fall backwards and onto the ground.
Jungkook caught himself in time before fully smacking his bottom on the ground. He then put his hand over his chest to empathize the dramatic gasp that came out of his mouth.
"You did NOT just do that!" Jungkook said sarcastically. He was about to crawl up to Namjoon and just push him into the set of domino's, but then he got another idea.
"I'll show you!" Jungkook said while getting up. He stormed out of the hallway, and into the main room where Taehyung and Yoongi were at. He saw Taehyung dancing to what appeared to be Dynamite. He also saw Yoongi sitting peacefully at the furthest corner of the main room, having his eyes closed and his arms crossed infront of him.
He decided that Tae was gonna be his minion. He had already assumed that Yoongi's mission was to stay quiet the entire thirty minutes, so he ran up to Tae to stop him from dancing.
"No!! Lehet me dance!" Taehyung said, now acting small with Jungkook behind him with his arms around his torso.
"Let's take an egg from Jin, Hyung!" Jungkook said as he pulled Taehyung along.
Taehyung silently followed suit, following Jungkook to where Seokjin was sitting. The oldest was pealing the egg shells carefully to place them in a seperate bowl.
"Heyy Jin! We would like to borrow an egg, if that's okay with you!" Jungkook said non-convincingly. He showed Seokjin his signature bunny smile, hoping that the oldest would give in almost immediately.
"No way! I need these eggs. Go find yourself something else." Seokjin said, going back to pealing the egg that was in his hand.
Jungkook swung his head slightly from side to side while blurting out an exaggerated 'tsk' at his hyung. He then gave Tae a look that was filled with mischief. Taehyung knew what he was planning, and he was all up for it!
Knowing what Jungkook was up to, Taehyung quickly walked over to Seokjin with the oldest's back facing in front, and swiftly put his arms under Seokjin's underarms and pulled him away from the bowl.
"WHA-?! Hey! Taehyung! Let me peel these eggs in peace!- JUNGKOOK?! Give me bahack my eggs!! Where are you taking those?!" Seokjin was in disbelief when he saw the youngest run away with his bowl of eggs. How could they do this to their Hyung?!
"TAEHYUNG! HOLD HIM THERE UNTIL I GET BACK!" Jungkook yelled. He ran into the main room and placed the eggs behind a set of curtains closest to Yoongi who was being petrinized by Jimin.
"Come ON Suga, why don't you just talk already??" Jimin said. He was behind his hyung, giving him a back hug, swaying from left to right. Jungkook only glanced at them, wanting to join in but he had other duties he needed to get to, so he ran back to where Taehyung and Seokjin were at.
When Jungkook arrived back to the two, he placed himself infront his hyung, innocently smiling at him.
"Hi Jin! It was so nice of you to give us your eggs! You looked so lonely and sad when peeling them, I thought that taking them off of your hands would make you feel SO much better!" Jungkook put his hands together while talking to empathize his playful mood.
"Whahat are you two planning?! I didn't give you an invitation to raid me and my space! Tae, lehet go of mehe!" Seokjin was not having it. He twisted from side to side to try and dislodge the younger, but to no avail.
"Awe man! I really thought you would be in a better mood.. But I guess some help with making you laugh would do the trick, right V?" Jungkook looked at Tae, waiting for him to give him the go-ahead.
"W-wait! I didn't ask for this! What's your mission anyway?!" Seokjin twisted harder now, not wanting to give in on their little act.
Jungkook placed his hands on Seokjin's sides without moving his fingers yet. This caused the oldest to flinch and bite back a giggle.
"My mission? Well Hyung.. It's to tickle you, of course!" Jungkook lied about his mission, and went ahead to scribble his evil fingers into Seokjin's sides lightly.
"AAH!-Aahahaha! Yohohohu lihihihiahahr! Whehehe can't sahahay ohohour missions AHANYwahahay!- AH! Stahahap!" Seokjin threw his head back onto Taeyhung's chest and slightly kicked his legs due to the feeling of his sides being attacked by Jungkook's fast and determined fingers.
"How DARE you accuse me of lying about my mission?! I'll have you know that I was rather excited to tickle my faaaavorite hyung into oblivion. Plus! Your laugh is super cute and contagious!" Jungkook said, moving his hands up to Seokjin's lower set of ribs now.
Seokjin's neck and ears began to grow a tint of red at that compliment. He did everything he could to get out of the two Maknae's grasp. He swayed side to side, tried to get out of Tae's surprisingly strong grip. He even tried turning on his front, but it only caused him to get his back tickled, and he would go straight back to revealing the front of him to Jungkook again.
"PLWHEHahase! Ihihihi nehhehehed to doho this mihihission! Lehehet mehe gOHO-!AHAahahoho, Nohohoho!!" Seokjin suddenly felt hands squeezing a part of his shoulders that was close to his collarbones and his neck. You could say that this was a melt spot of his.
"You thought I wouldn't go for the melt spot, didn't you, hyung?" Jungkook cooed. He enlightened the room with his famous bunny smile to Seokjin because of how contagious his bubbly laughter was with this spot.
"Whihihihihy?! Ihihihi cahahan't tahahake ihihihit!! Ihihihit tihihihihckles tohohohoho muhuhuhuch!" as if his ears wouldn't become more red than it already was, you were wrong. He could literally feel the heat coming off of his own ears by how embarrassing his predicament was.
"Awe! Jk, look! His ears are like two ripe tomatoes!" Tae said, using his strength to reach for one of his ears to flick at. When he realized he couldn't reach just about, he decided to just blow on one of them instead to enlight the redness that was already casting on Seokjin's skin.
"Stohop stop stahahap!! Tahahae, nohohoho!! Yohohou're literally thehehe wohohorst!" Seokjin moved his head from side to side to try to get away from Tae's blowing.
"Awe, but you with ticklish ears is so adorable, hyung! We barely tickle your ears anyway." Taehyung sarcastically moped on about Seokjin's comment, but he stopped blowing at his ears to save the embarrassment.
Jungkook however, did not release his attack on Seokjin's shoulders. Infact, he motioned Taehyung to sneak up on one of Seokjin's shoulders.
Tae knew what he was implying, and decided he wanted to go for the kill at the right time. Jungkook took off one of his hands away from Seokjin's shoulders, leaving the other tormenting his other shoulder. Using his free hand, he struck at Seokjin's stomach, poking rapidly near his navel.
"AHAahaha!! *squeak* NOHOHOHO! JuhungkOHOOHOK, PLEHEHEAAHAHA!" Surprisingly, this took a toll on Seokjin. Right as he layed his head back for the second time due to Jungkook's hand jabbing away at his stomach, he didn't even realize that Jungkook retreated the hand that caused the tortuous feeling to his stomach the second the maknae saw Tae leaning down to blow a sneaky raspberry on his shoulder that Jungkook was attacking earlier. This caused a BIG reaction from the oldest.
"AAH!- AHAHA.. STAHAHAAHAH- IHIHIHI-EHEHEhahaahah! *Hiccup* TAHAHAEHEHE! GEHEHEHAHA- GET OHOHOHOFF MEHEHEHAHAHAHA!" as if energy wasn't built inside him from earliers attack, Tae's raspberry kick started Seokjin to thrash around with new found determination. He had never felt this tingly feeling before. It's a surprise that Seokjin hadn't passed out yet.
Unfortunately for Seokjin, his screaming caused a big scene for Yoongi, Jimin, and even Hoseok to stop whatever they were doing to look at their Hyung with worried faces.
"My goodness! Is everything okay over there?" Hoseok said. He knew about the situation before hand, but it wasn't this chaotic until it got up to this point.
"Yeah! Just Jin being stupidly ticklish! It's my mission after all!" Jungkook said that last bit with squeezing harder on the shoulder that he went back to, making Seokjin scrunch up his shoulder and tilting his head near it.
"AAH-Ahahaehehe-!" Is all Hoseok heard after watching Jungkook squeezing harder on Seokjin's shoulder. He almost cooed at the situation, but he kept his cool as being the "responsible" hyung during this exact moment.
"Well dohon't kill him! He needs to breath, you know!" Hoseok said, pointing to emphasize what he meant, and went back to cooking his kimchi.
Tae finally left his shoulder alone, allowing Jungkook to go back to tormenting the shoulder with just his hand again, making Seokjin flinch and enlight more giggles that seemed to be impossible for the two Maknae's to hear.
"Nohohohoho! Ahahehe.. Nohoho mohohoreehahaha! Yohohohu can take ahahahan egg! Juhuhust staahahahp!" Seokjin pleaded with mercy. He decided to melt in Taehyung's hold to show his defeat in trying to escape the two.
"You're really something, hyung!" Jungkook said, finally releasing Seokjin's shoulders. Taehyung saw this, and decided to let go of him, letting the oldest slump into Tae more now that the younger isn't holding him hostage any longer.
"Youohou twohoho.. Are the wohohorst!" Seokjin finally said after taking in a few deep breathes. He didn't even feel like getting up to go get his eggs back after knowing that they have little time left said by their producer.
"Does this mean that I can get an egg from your bowl now, hyung?" Jungkook asked innocently.
"Yes! You can get an egg, you brat!" Seokjin said, sitting up now.
"YAY! thanks hyung! You're a huge help, you know that?" Jungkook said while getting up. He decided he wanted to be more of a brat and went over to Seokjin for a "hug" only to retract his arms from being out and attack his shoulders.
"AHAHA- YOUOHOU.. STAHAHAHahahap!! Seheherously!! Plehehease!" Seokjin grabbed the attacking hands, pulling them off his shoulders to push Jungkook away from him.
Jungkook saw Seokjin's irritated look, and decided to leave it at that. He ran for the eggs to grab one and ran out of the main room, and back to where Namjoon was peacefully setting up his domino's.
Namjoon heard quick footsteps and decided to look up to see who it was. After realizing it was Jungkook, he sarcastically sighed with a smile.
"I heard Jin-hyung laughing up a storm in there, is he okay? - oh no.. Why do you have an egg?" Namjoon cut himself off after noticing the egg that was proudly presented in front of his face before it was moved up in the air.
"Oh you know, I tickled Jin to get this egg so I can mess up your proudly set of lined up domino's- looks good by the way! How many did you set up already?" Jungkook explained, giving the leader a bright smile.
"I set up 256.. I’m so close to 300 Jungkook-Aah, please let me finish!" Namjoon decided to plead his way into finishing his mission.
"Dang! That's a lot of domino's.. It would be ashamed if I were to..." Jungkook started to say before he was abruptly cut off by the person he admired.
"W-W-WAIT! Dohon't you even THINK ABOUT- NO!!!" Namjoon was cut off yet again by the egg being thrown at his set of domino's that got perfectly knocked down one by one.
"Ehehaha!" all that Jungkook could do was to laugh before having to run out of the hallway from being chased by his leader.
"I'M GONNA MAKE YOU REGRET THAT YOU LITTLE PRICK!" Namjoon joked, running at the speed of light just to catch up to the Maknae.
Jungkook's mischievous acts was shortly cut off in the end after Namjoon caught him in the main room.
Namjoon managed to hold the youngest down on the ground by sitting on his waist.
"AAH! WAHAHAIT NAMJOON, PLEHEHAHAHA!" Jungkook yelled by the hands of Namjoon's digging into his sides mercilessly.
"Dang, history really does repeat itself, doesn't it Suga?" Jimin said, looking upon the scene that unfolded. When he didn't get a response, he decided that he wanted to experiment this sort of repeating events and poked Yoongi in the side a few times. This caused Yoongi to flinch, but successfully bit back a laugh that crept up in his chest. Yoongi gave Jimin the side-eye as a way to tell him, 'don't you even think about it'
Jimin saw this, and took his opportunity to fully jump at Yoongi to fully attack his ribs.
Oh boy.. This episode is gonna be a long one..
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22 notes · View notes
ghost-orca · 5 months
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Channeling Your Love; Chapter 1
Mind you, this is video game Joel, everything that happens in this story means the pandemic started in 2013 so all the songs are "canon" until after September of 2013, IM SORRY PEDRO PASCAL FANS!!!
Description; You're a music radio show host for Jackson with a hidden past in the apocalypse. What more can I say?
Warnings: Future smut, for now its just meet cute fluff; PTSD for future chapters: it gets real dark guys, this is my first time writing Fanfic so bare with me....
“Alriiight Jackson, it's time to rise and shine! How about we start our day with some positive energy and a good old classic, Conga by Gloria Estefan!” The music playing loudly through the living room, Joel was immediately irritated. “Christ” he mumbled
“Ellie! Turn the radio off!”
“Why?” she yelled back 
“I hate this song, it's too damn loud.” He replied
“Then leave! I'm having fun!”
“Ellie, plea-” 
“Nope! Get grumpy somewhere else, old man.”
Joel sits for a minute, shaking his head “I have had enough of this” he decides, picking up his jacket making his way to the door.
“Where are you going? I was just joking when I said to leave and the song is almost over y’know!” Ellie yells out shaking her body along with the music
“I’m going to that damn radio station, gonna tell them how I feel about their early morning music choices and hopefully change their mind”
Ellie scoffed “good luck ruining everyone's fun dinosaur.” continuing to dance along to the music
Joel scoffed back at her and exited their shared home
After a five minute long uphill walk, Joel spots the radio station Tommy had told him about, stomping upwards to have a word with the radio show host. He knocked loudly on the front door before entering, trying to appear polite at least to have the upper hand, but after a minute of no answer he decided to let himself in, walking up a narrow staircase, following the sound of music, not caring what song was playing even if it was something he liked 
“You can ring my beeellllllll” Was heard reverberating through the walls walking up, finally entering the studio apartment that connected to the radio station room with a glass wall to suppress noise from the outside world. The first thing he sees is you, shaking your hips and ass along to the song, eyes closed never noticing him there. Looking at you he recognized seeing you around town, thinking you were surprisingly fit for someone who doesn't go on patrols, realizing why you were as he watched you. He couldn't help but focus his attention on your ass, the way your hips moved along with the rhythm. 
“Shit” he mumbled to himself, lost in thought looking at you as you swayed by yourself, like no one was watching. 
You open your eyes for a moment noticing the man standing in your studio apartment, immediately freezing in your tracks. “How long has he been standing there?” you thought to yourself, chest heaving, making unbroken eye contact with your stranger. Oh god, he's handsome too you thought, cheeks reddening. 
Joel sees you see him, witnessing you completely stop what you were doing, and gulps.
“Keep going.” He says, feeling rude for interrupting you, but mostly embarrassed, thinking you’d caught him in the act of leering
“W-what?” You respond, having trouble hearing through the glass panel separating the two of you and loud music, gesturing to the glass and record player so he could understand.
Joel understood, and got all the more embarrassed, huffing towards the ground to gain some courage 
“Keep dancing.” He says louder now, and does an awkward little shimmy before pointing to you to make his message more clear. His cheeks start growing red from further embarrassment. “The hell did I do that for?” he questioned himself quietly, rubbing the back of his neck.
You understand him, but the song was almost over at this point, and it's your cue to go back to the live recorder and continue onto the next song. You jolt over to the mic as the final note fades out “Well, ha, that was Ring My Bell from the one hit wonder, Anita Ward everybody! I hope you guys had fun with that one!” You say into the mic, hiding exasperation in your voice. “Up next is-” You look down at your handwritten list of songs scheduled for the day “Last Night by The Strokes!” you announce with fake excitement. You didn't hate the song, but you had just heard it too many times before. Still, it was important for the future to hear as much music as possible as you thought.
Joel is still watching you at this point, impressed by how quick you can turn your heel. You exit the room, into your own studio apartment, facing the man before you, straightening your back and raising your head to meet his hazel green eyes. “Can I help you with something sir?”
“Uh yeah, I um…” Joel felt completely lost, he came here to complain, take out his anger on you, maybe even teach you a thing or two about ‘the real world’, but all those thoughts he had racing up the hill to confront you had muddled after actually seeing you. He didn't know what to say.
“Ash?” you both hear from downstairs, you sighed in relief, recognizing the voice “What's up Eugene?” you yelled down, starting to feel wary of this strange quiet man in your presence. 
“Was just checking if you were okay, I saw the door was open so,” 
“That's my fault, sorry” Joel yelled down in admission, recognizing Eugene's voice as well, Tommy had introduced the two and grew to respect the old man on patrols with him. 
Hearing footsteps up the stairs Eugene enters the room, “Oh hey Joel, didn't know you were a fan of Ash’s station” 
“Um, no I'm not, I mean…” Joel pauses, trying to find the right words, “So your name is Ash?” he dodges the question retorting back to you 
“No” you respond bluntly “Only Eugene calls me that.”
Eugene looks between the two of you, feeling the uncomfortable energy in the air. 
“What do I call you then?” Joel asks, slight frustration he can't control in his voice, trying to stay civil.
“Call me whatever you want, host, radio person, I don't really care” You responded honestly, sensing his frustration, feeling like pushing his buttons. “Why are you here, Joel?” 
“Well” he starts “If I’m being honest, I find your music to be obnoxious.”
“It's not ‘my music’, Joel, it's just music, and if you don't like it you can just turn off the radio or cover your ears if your missus appreciates it more than you do.” You have a smug grin on your face, knowing you have the upper hand “Besides” You start  “No one else in Jackson has complained to my face about what I decide to play, the first exception being you.” You cross your arms. 
Before Joel can say anything, Eugene interrupts “Alright you two, how about I let you just sort this out amongst yourselves. Ash, if you need anything, just gimme a holler. Joel.” he looks at Joel giving him a respectful nod, getting out of there before he can get involved “Thanks Eugene, sorry to worry you.” You wave him goodbye as he books it downstairs out the front door waving back. You're left alone standing with your new ‘acquaintance’ feeling ready for whatever he might throw at you. Joel sighs. “Alright look, first of all I don’t gotta ‘missus’ like you call it, just a very annoying 14 year old who does whatever the hell she wants if it can’t be helped. So you can imagine the strain of dealing with that alone every morning, and then I have to hear the damn Conga song at 9 in the morning trying to enjoy my coffee in peace because it's the only point in the day I can get some time to myself. So forgive me if my much wanted peace and quiet interrupts whatever you have going on here.” You stare at Joel, appreciating his honesty 
“What's her name?” you ask. He looks at you in surprise for a second, breaking his avoidance towards you.
“Ellie, uh, her name’s Ellie” He responds
“Pretty” you say, fully taking her name in to get an image of her in your mind. “Why don’t you send her up here sometime so I can take her off your hands in the morning? I’ve been meaning to find a young apprentice who's passionate about helping me with the work I do around here. If she’s got a lot of energy I think this would be perfect for her.” 
Joel’s still holding eye contact as you see his eyes widening, taking in the idea. “You don-You don't have to do that really. I love the kid to death but- she can be a real handful honestly.” Joel’s embarrassed at this point, surprised at your compassion to help. 
“She sounds like a great kid” you confess, “I can promise you with the work I do she’ll be tuckered out by the time she comes home to you. Plus, with my schedule she’ll be too busy to bother you in the mornings, so you can start enjoying your coffee in peace.” 
Joel thinks on it, starting to consider the pros and cons of the idea. “I’ll have to ask her if she’d even want to first.” he replies, it would be nice if she had something productive to keep herself busy he thinks to himself.
“That’s alright, if she wants to she can just stop by whenever she likes. Today even, I’d be happy to start showing her the ropes, whenever she’s ready.” You smile at him, realizing you might’ve just solved the problem between you two, wanting to start things off civilly with this gruff but shy handsome man you were meeting for the first time. “Okay” He agrees, scratching his beard after making his decision. “Great!” You respond “Tell her she can stop by anytime after 9 am and before 9 pm. I’m excited to meet her!” 
Joel chuckles, “You don't even know if she’s gonna say yes to this whole thing. Don't get too excited.” he explains.
“Well, based on your description of her, and the fact that she’s 14, I’m guessing she’s feeling pretty bored without much to do around Jackson. Besides helping the community, I'm sure she’d be excited at the idea of a creative outlet.” You say in confidence, smile almost giddy remembering how you felt around the same age. “You got a point there.” he responds, smiling back, blushing at the thought of how cute you look when you're excited.“I’m uh, I’m glad we could talk this out. I’ll go and see her right now.” he starts making his way down the stairs to the doorway. 
“Hey Joel!” You speak out, stopping him in his tracks to look up at you, “Don’t be a stranger, stop by sometime to tell me what music I should play for your morning coffee. Or any music, really.” Joel starts to blush again, surprised by you reaching out to him for company. 
“I’ll think about it.” he says, knowing he will come back again just to see you dance again when he works up the courage. He waves you goodbye. “Nice meeting you!” You reply “Yeah, You too.” looking up at your pretty little face one more time before leaving. Making his way straight to Ellie to tell her the news.
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enamation · 2 years
Literally help me. I got an ask by an anon for a Tsukasa x Reader who also has a passion for music and bc i am EXTREMELY active on tumblr i started writing as soon as i got it and saved it to my drafts so i could finish it later right... its been a few hrs since then and i ACCIDENTALLY POSTED IT LIKE A SECOND AGO AND IVE NEVER EVER CLICKED DELETE SO QUICKLY. So for the lovely lil anon that asked for this, this is for you .
also im this close to calling my anons anonoculi... bye i need to log off genshin
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Type: Headcannons × Short Story
Warnings: None !!
Proofread?: Uhm no im doing this instead of schoolwork . . .
Ten-message: i dont know if this is slightly ooc or not . . .
❥ TSUKASA TENMA x Reader: My Muse
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- You and him LOVE to talk about musicals and music videos and how he can improve W×S' performances, and hes really happy to be able to talk to someone who understands
- Definitely has multiple shared playlists w you focused on different genres (just incase ur in the mood for sum different)
- Yes, you will be featured sometimes on wxs performances. If you dont like performing infront of people, you all have fun singing backstage like no one is watching
- Sharing earbuds !! When you guys are sharing earbuds and youre doing something, he likes to come up to you and hug you from behind and sway as we whispers along to the song
- Always ends up with you two slow dancing somehow
You had come over to Tsukasa's house for the evening, wanting to show him a new artist you had found. You excitedly sat on his bed grasping your phone as he closed the room door and glanced over at you with a smile filled with love, before walking over and sitting next to you.
You quickly typed on your phone, searching for the artist to have him listen to a few songs. This artists' inspiration is also for people to smile, so you thought he would like this artist since they have the same goal in mind. As Tsukasa listens to the songs, he is quiet for the first minute or two, listening carefully. You can't help the cheesy grin that soon appears on your face as he sways along, eventually getting up and dancing.
He pulls you up with him and you guys move and dance along to the beat. Soon enough, everything seems to fade out except him, both of your laughs, and the music in the background. You really enjoyed these moments with him as you both could bond and laugh and sing and not give a care about anything else in the world temporarily. You both fall in unison on the bed, chests rising and falling quickly as you try to catch your breath. He still can't help but giggle at the redness of both of your cheeks, and the happy sounds of your laughter.
❝ Moments like these are amazing to share with you. Thank you for being here, my muse. ❞
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List five things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you, get to know your mutuals and your followers!
hi ana <3 how have you been? thank you for sending me this even making this list made me so happy 🥹
1. gmmtv shows make me really happy lmao. ok listen i would say just shows but then i remember there are literally so many shows airing rn that i don't watch for literally no reason? it's like a mental block for some reason ooooof
2. tumblr (& discord groups i joined through tumblr) because i see beautiful edits and unhinged text posts and read amazing fics and talk to amazing people they always make me so happy. its like my third place
3. driving (alone)! it gives me such peace and i put my music on and sing along and it's just precious me time
4. this is very generic but my mom & my friends. (for ex right now my 2 work friends with whom i trash talk my co workers and every week we try to go and do something fun after work like last week we went to a bird sanctuary which had 0 birds and 5kms long walking trail along the river)
5. taylor swift. her tour videos and her music brings me so much joy! like i've been a little down these past few days and i've been listening to folklore and evermore on repeat but it still brings me so much joy!
bonus: these two specific dance choreographies (x) (x) have brought me so much joy today im continuously amazed! like idk how to judge dance or tell when it's good or bad but i love these!
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