#and he always smiles at me when he gets to the backyard (bc we always have the drapes pulled back during the day)
somebody swept off all of the old birdseed on the back porch? and what’s left is in a neat little line near the swing?? i have no idea who it could be except for the guy who mows our grass who was here on Friday hmm
whoever u are mystery person, i hope u have a good day and find $20 on the ground today :3
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crypticminx · 5 months
i saw u were taking reqs for jacob elordi x reader so what about like cute, giggly morning sex if that makes sense
i’m so down bad for this man 🙏
Yessss ofcccc! Also making this husband and dad Jacob bc I need him so bad too :((( tysm lovey ~ also I didn’t do sex just him eating u out (sex w Jacob soon heheh)
⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹ ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹ ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹ ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹ ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹ ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹ ⊹₊。
You woke up to the feeling of budding hands caress your cheek, the softness of his hands were enough to make you doze back into your interrupted sleep. Gentle motions sent waves of comfort down your spine.
Up and down, they graciously glided until you resorted to opening your tired eyes. the sight laid before you left you irresistibly smiling while squinting as the sunlight poured its beam to light up your bedroom. Creating an abundance of bright hues.
Your husband, Jacob, pierced his eyes at you with an enchanting grin that washed over his face; highlighting the esscense of his beauty that reminded you of one of the many reasons he charmed his way into your heart.
Jacob’s hand slowly retracted away from you as you shifted your limp body into a somewhat sitting position, letting your arched back rest on the bed headboard behind you.
“Good morning,” he whispered with radiant eyes.
You let out an amused sigh, your hands rubbing the remainder of sleep that was left inside. “Mmm, what time is it?”
He glanced at the tiny clock on the night side table, “half past seven.”
You groaned in realization that you could get away with thirty more minutes of rest before enduring your daily routine. Shuffling back down to let your head rest on your silk pillow, you admitted, “it’s too early, love.”
He paused and blinked slowly for a slight minute, moving closer to allow his hand to comb through your undone hair.
“Just missed you…” he almost sounded sorry as his tone was full of remorse for not being able to spend intimate moments like this with you all the time.
You knew what he was referring to.
Jacob’s schedule with acting had been extremely busy the past few months. Leaving him to fly out for specific casting calls or meeting with certain producers who admired his talented work. You were proud of him and wanted nothing more for him to continue succeeding in the field of film, but every time he had a last minute flight to catch, your heart ached with a familiar homesick feeling.
One that wouldn’t exit your soul until you got to reunite with your husband. Having the privilege of feeling his warmth and love in physical form was enchanting.
However, you were never alone.
Your little daughter, Lilly, kept you occupied and was the best form of sweet company. The spitting image of her father with her large curious brown eyes and silky chestnut locks, she was always there to remind you of him.
The two of you would lounge around your secluded house, watching movies, making crafts to gift for daddy when he would return home and FaceTiming him whenever he had the rare moment of free time.
And of course, there was Jacob’s beloved angel of a dog, Layla, who was an adorable companion that would cuddle beside you anytime you’d relax on the sofa and played long rounds of fetch with Lily in your large backyard. It was obvious she missed her loving owner just as much as you did.
“We missed you too,” he smiled at your courteous words, leaning to kiss your soft lips, letting his tongue swirl with yours. Loving the taste of your sweet mouth no matter what time of the day.
With no hesitation, his touch starved hands glided down to your tank top, gently tugging the straps down to reveal your chest.
“Jacob!” You exclaimed, followed by a quiet laugh, completely aware your daughter was most likely still sleeping in the room beside yours.
His hands cupped perfectly around your boobs, your nipples growing hard at the smooth contact that was the palms of his hands.
“Come on, baby,” his thick brows raised with his slick charm, “you think all those pictures you sent me while I was away is better than having the real thing right in front of me?
You blushed with hot, red cheeks as he brought up all the little things you’d do for him while the distance between the two of you left him aching for you.
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Oh hush you,” you playfully rolled your eyes, feeling him squeeze a tad bit tighter at your breasts.
“Mmm,” he hummed moving down to latch his mouth on one of your exposed boobs. Your nails clutching deep into his hair as his head laid on your chest. You dug deeper as his tongue circled in brisk motions. Leaving Jacob to pause for a swift moment.
“Ow,” he exaggerated in a comical tone. You ruffled his shaggy hair down to his forehead as he licked his lips. “I wasn’t done.”
“My bad,” you winked, letting a tiny yawn escape you.
“Well,” he purred, moving his body down to your stomach as he moved the sheets to go gently over his head. “I’ll just continue down here.”
“Babe,” you pleaded with pouty eyes. “I don’t wanna make too much noise.”
Jacob was just too irresistible.
He perpetually longed for your body laid in front of him. He constantly missed you at all times you were forcefully apart. Having the long awaited freedom of getting to spend a relaxing morning with you was more than a luxury to him.
“Don’t worry,” he assured you, stroking your thigh with his nimble fingertips, “our little love sleeps like an angel. She won’t hear us.”
You pretended to stall, placing a finger on your soft lips for effect. You knew the answer though and you didn’t have to think twice. You needed this—you craved this.
Giving him the look was the green light for the hungry man. He inched himself further down until he was hidden beneath the sheets and placed perfectly in between your bent thighs. The amount of small stubble he had neglected to shave gently tickled you and having no urge to fight off the feeling it provided, you couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“When’s the last time you shaved?” You snickered with amusement, hearing him groan as you lifted the sheets only to not receive a response from him, but his face diving deep into your exposed parts.
He was smooth with his actions, he got straight to business and you could barely remember him taking off your panties.
A build up of heat and tingly vibrations inside of you began to stir your sex drive into motion. Having Jacob’s tongue wither it’s way into your partially wet lips was a luxurious feeling, he knew how to let your tension go by the ways of his mouth.
Your clit was caressed and it felt loving. It wasn’t rushed. It wasn’t sloppy. It was perfect because he did it with love.
“Taste so good, baby,” you heard a vacant mumble in between his swirls, he always made sure to praise you. After all, you were his main source of inspiration and the very thing that kept him striving for more.
You were his wife; the woman he vowed to spend the rest of his happy life with. You were the woman who gave him the best gift of all; his daughter. With everything he ever did to your body that pleasured you to no end, he always wanted to reassure you that you were more than a heavenly angel to him.
“Keep going, honey,” you tried your best to surpass a moan from exiting you, but failed miserably. Jacob’s mouth playfully tugged around the surface of your wet inner parts, something he knew you adored and always left you with insane build up.
Warm waves flowed down to your inner core, passion from Jacob’s mouth worked its magic into always providing you with a quick release.
You breathed heavily as his tongue surfaced deep into you, feeling so stimulated it reminded you of the old days when the two of you had a free house and could be as obnoxious as you pleased.
He made you feel warm. The pressure of his suctioning lips gave you sanctuary bliss.
You craved nothing more than the simple action of cuming on his face. Watching him suck all of your juices as you’d pour out your ecstasy was more rewarding than anything else in the heat of the moment.
As you could feel yourself letting go into a haze of vibrations there was a small, frail knock at the door.
“Shit,” you heard rumble from under the sheets as you slid up with the most energy you could gather while Jacob eagerly covered you back up with your undergarments.
You slid your tank top back to cover your chest, seeing Jacob mentally cursing at the interrupted moment, but smiling because he knew who was at the door waiting to be allowed entry.
Regaining composure and trying to wipe any of the remaining stamina left in the two of you, Jacob called out, “come in.”
Your daughter slowly opened the door, looking energetic as ever as she appeared to be ready to start the day. Her movement turned quick as her face lit up like a Christmas tree upon seeing her Father. She was thrilled that he was home and raced to his opened arms as she jumped on the bed.
“Daddy, I’m so glad you’re back,” she cried out with glee as Jacob smothered her with his large arms. She still seemed so tiny in comparison to him.
“Of course, angel,” he planted a kiss on her head, smooching loudly as she nuzzled deep into his bearing chest.
She looked up at him with doe eyes, revealing how much she missed her dad, “Layla and I missed you so so much.” It made him chuckle at how much she grew to adore that dog. She was nurturing just like her beautiful mother.
Your heart melted at the scene and Jacob grinned at you with a beaming smile before he turned to Lilly again. “Oh sweetheart, I can promise you daddy missed you more.”
“And what about me?” You poked the young girl, who in response, leaped onto your lap as you kissed her cheek.
“Good morning, my love,” you showered her with affection as she flung her arms around your neck. Slowly cradling her in a soothing rhythm before she left your embrace to sit in front of you and Jacob.
“Sweetie,” Jacob gestured her attention back to him as he began to slowly dress himself, throwing on a loose throwover you placed on the laundry basket next to his side of the bed. “Why don’t you go downstairs and feed Layla and then mummy and I will be right with you, okay?”
She nodded, the loose braids she slept in swayed with her motion. “Yes daddy,” she crawled off the bed as she happily ran out of your room and into the long corridors outside.
Jacob chuckled and shook his head, finding himself so relieved to be back home with his girls. He faced you as you slowly stretched your way out of bed and shuffled yourself to where he was slowly fixing himself up. You wrapped your arms around his waist as your head laid on his back. He shifted your arms around to where you could view his ecstatic face.
“Don’t worry,” he looked down at your twinkling eyes that never stopped sparkling, “I’m not finished with you yet, angel.”
You bit your lip, “I’m looking forward to it.”
What a beautiful morning it was turning out to be at the Elordi household.
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lnfours · 2 months
currently thinking about how lando would comfort the reader after he finds her crying on her birthday (totally not self indulgent or bc ive been crying about my birthday and how my mom called me to get upset at me and not to tell me happy birthday or anything)
:( i’m so sorry anon, i hope your day got better! also, happy birthday!! my dms are always open if you need anything!! i hope you enjoy this! ❤️❤️
cleaning out my inbox
you sat on the back deck of the house party, wiping away the tears with the back of your hand. you tried to forget what had happened, tried to not let it ruin your special day, but it was all you could think about. a sentence burned into your brain that just so happened to ruin your whole entire mood.
lando had gone around the party asking all your mutual friends where you had slipped off to. he was normally good at keeping an eye on you when you weren’t attached to the hip, but one conversation with alex and george and you had magically disappeared.
“think she’s outside, mate,” ethan said, “said something about getting a call from her mum earlier. haven’t seen her since, so good chance she’s still out there.”
lando sucked in a breath before smiling softly to his friend, “cheers, mate.”
he made his way through the sea of bodies that had somehow managed to pack themselves into max’s home. he reached the back door, heart resuming its normal rhythm as he saw you sitting on the steps. you spun to look at who was behind the door opening, letting out a sigh of relief at the sight of your curly haired boyfriend.
“baby, you okay?”
you shook your head as he joined you on the step, digging the heels of your palms into your eye sockets to keep yourself from crying even harder. he felt his heart drop, sinking to the lower step to be face to face with you.
“hey, hey, hey,” he said, pulling your hands from your face, “what’s wrong baby? what happened?”
you shook your head, “she didn’t even tell me happy birthday,” you let out a soft sob, “she just yelled, about anything she could think of.”
he frowned, reaching up and wiping the tears from your face, “i’m sorry, love.”
you were used to it by now, and lando knew how things were with your family. a rocky relationship was an understatement.
"hey," he said softly, "how about we ditch this place and go get some food?"
your eyebrows raised in question, "you mean, like... leave the party?"
he placed his cup down, smiling as he offered you his hands, "only if you want to, we don't have to."
you twisted your lips in thought, knowing that if you went back inside you'd just be putting on a fake smile to all your friends, "can we go to that place with the fancy candles?"
"we can go wherever you want, baby. it's your birthday."
and that was that, you were placing your hands in his. he helped you up from off the step and led you through the backyard, slipping out through the gate and away from the booming music in the house.
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puck-luck · 19 days
give him six | trevor zegras
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warnings: extreme domination. EXTREME domination. daddy kink because i do what i want. edging. spanking. cockwarming. at the same time. don’t worry about it. i do what i want. HINTS of anal play but they don’t actually do it. derogatory language (name calling…). crying during sex. sorry! spit kink. had to be done. subspace! ugh need a man to put me in that BAD bad pairing: trevor zegras x fem!reader summary/request: “thinking about trevor zegras needing to fuck his gf roughly after a tough game to let out his frustration bc i can sooooo see him being into that. but he’d always be looking out for u too, saying to tell him if it hurts and checking in to ask if she’s ok, but as soon as she assures him she is he’s just going absolutely nuts not holding back 🫠” wc: 4109
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You don’t have to look at Trevor to see how angry he is. He lost a few weeks of hockey due to his broken ankle and now he was back– but he couldn’t make a fucking goal in a shootout to get the win for his team? The worst part was that his shot was denied not by the goalie, but by the post. By the fucking post. 
Trevor loves to flaunt his accuracy in the backyard, in the practice rink, even when tossing trash into the garbage bin, but the one time he doesn’t mean to hit the post, the puck does? It’s idiocracy. It’s humiliating. He’s better than this. He knows it, you know it, the whole world knows it. But St. Louis got to celebrate tonight, and maybe if he hadn’t hit the damn post, then he’d be celebrating with his teammates instead of stewing in your bed. 
His arms are crossed over his chest and the TV isn’t even on– you join him and want to laugh at the image of your pouty boyfriend wallowing in silence. You climb under the covers with Trevor. 
“You did really well, Trev,” you compliment, settling into the mattress.
“We should’ve won,” he replies.
You sigh. “You can’t win them all.”
Trevor scoffs. “Yeah, well, we could’ve won this one,” he snaps.
You stare at him for a moment while his tone really sets in. “You don’t have to talk to me like that,” you say, your voice growing cold. “I wasn’t out on the ice with you.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” He, at least, sounds the part. He covers his face with his hands, the heels of his palms pressed against his eyes. “I just– I’m so mad.”
You take a deep breath. You don’t have to be at work until 9 and it’s about five minutes away if you leave on time. You have to do the laundry tomorrow afternoon anyway. Trevor would feel better if you did this. You really wanted to sleep after the game tonight, but it would be a lie if you said you didn’t want to make him feel better. Another deep breath.
“Why don’t you take it out on me?” You ask.
Trevor looks over at you, surprise written all over his features. “Really?” He asks, like a child who was just told that he could have another candy before bed. “Like last time?”
Last time. You practically start salivating, thinking about how Trevor brought you to the edge and ripped you away from the cliff time after time, until you were sobbing and screaming and begging for a release. 
“Yeah, like last time,” you agree, already a little absent. Trevor notices, of course he does, he’s more in tune with your body than you are at this rate.
A smile tugs on the corner of Trevor’s lips, but he ignores it.
“Hands and knees,” Trevor says. “Right in front of me.”
You position yourself accordingly.
Trevor smooths a hand over your behind, your shirt riding up and exposing your skin due to the position you’re in. You hadn’t worn anything else to bed– why would you? You and Trevor had been together for ages and you weren’t exactly new to his… post-loss coping mechanisms. 
“Elbows,” Trevor corrects. His cock twitches when you immediately drop to your elbows, no hesitation in your movements. You’re silent, like he wants when you play like this, and you’ll do anything he says. You’re gorgeous like this, all spread out and listening to him with your head forward like a good girl, waiting for your next instruction.
You hear his voice over the thumping of your heart, although you’re not sure how. You’re always finding Trevor in the mess of everything. 
“Bite the sheets,” Trevor commands, shimmying out of his boxers. You can hear him moving and you take the bedsheets in your mouth, the fabric almost immediately saturating with your saliva. “Close your eyes.” You slide your eyes shut and wait, your shaky breath filling the room and heating your face.
Something warm probes at your entrance and for a moment, you can’t tell if it’s Trevor’s fingers or his cock. The answer comes to you via a sharp spank on your left cheek, with Trevor’s left hand. He always fingers you with his left hand so that he can keep his right around your neck– the hand that’s currently kneading your other cheek. 
He pushes his cock into you slowly, the movement more like he’s pulling you back than pushing you forward. 
“Six shots,” Trevor muses, watching his cock disappear into you. “Six shots, and I didn’t make one.”
You bite back the reassurance, swallowing it. Trevor doesn’t want to hear it.
“Do you know how that feels?”
You don’t answer. He still doesn’t want to hear it.
“I’ll show you,” Trevor promises, his voice deceptively soft. His hand rests against your skin, heavy and present. 
You get lost in the feeling easily, your mouth full of the comforter and your fingers twisted in the top sheet. Your eyes stay closed, the red-tinged darkness grounding you. 
“Yeah, I’ll show you,” he repeats, his voice darker this time. “You’re going to understand exactly what it feels like to come so close six times, just for all of that to be taken away from you.”
Your eyes open at his words and you pale. You spit the covers out and break your silence. “Six times?” You ask, incredulous. “Trev.”
“Daddy,” Trevor corrects with a spank. “Unless that’s… not what we’re doing tonight?”
You clench down on his length at the contact and the name, your eyes rolling into the back of your head at the sound of his voice. Trevor is playing with you, teasing you. His fingers are walking all over you– the small of your back, your cheeks, down your crack all the way to where he’s buried inside of you… and it’s distracting.
You find yourself nodding. “It is.”
“Good,” Trevor says. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll make the second and third ones quick, okay?”
His voice is full of condescension, like he knows you’re going to lose track of everything as soon as he starts hitting you. He’s right, but that’s neither here nor there.
For as long as you’d been dating Trevor, you’d never seen him tap into the mindset that he has on the ice off the ice. However, when he’s bringing his hand down on your ass, he gets pretty damn close.
His spanks are precise and powerful. He’s leaving pink handprints all over your skin, from the fleshy parts of your ass to the top of your thighs, even a few falls over the hole that he’s not occupying. Each flash of his hand leaves your skin burning and your hips inching upwards, begging for more. All of this, and he’s still inside you– the torture of the spanking is that he isn’t moving, and you’re not supposed to.
You lose track of the count, feeling your stomach flip with each slap. What starts as stinging pain turns into aching pleasure, and the sensations aren’t lost on Trevor.
He feels you jolt each time he brings his hand down on your skin, the clench of your pussy around his cock, the pounding of your pulse from inside of you. Trevor smirks and shifts his hips forward as he brings his hand down, his hand making contact with your asshole just as his tip nudges against your g-spot.
You wail, lurching under Trevor’s watchful eye. You fuck back on his cock once, only managing the movement one measly time, before Trevor stills you with a hand and slides out of you.
“No,” you breathe out, voice muffled by your makeshift gag. 
“Yes,” Trevor replies, smug. “Isn’t it frustrating?”
You glare at him, turning so he can see the look on your face.
All it does is make him laugh. “Well, now I have to really punish you, don’t I?” He asks. “I can’t have my baby making angry faces at me.”
Trevor taps your hip, wordlessly telling you to move. You resume your original position next to him, expecting Trevor to tell you to put your “pretty little hand” on his cock and jerk him until he comes all over your freshly manicured fingers. 
You don’t expect him to slide under the covers and hike up your shirt until your breasts are exposed. Trevor hooks a leg around yours, his mouth exhaling warm air onto your nipple. His fingers tap at your skin, one hand on your side and the other on your mound, making its way south. 
“We’re going to do four like this,” Trevor tells you. His voice is merely a whisper, crawling over in your skin and raising goosebumps in its wake. “Just like this. I’m gonna take one,” he breathes, catching your nipple between his teeth for a split second before continuing. “Right here. Gimme one, baby, just from me licking your tits. I know you can.”
He dives in, tongue first. Your jaw drops as Trevor’s eyes close, the same way you know they do when you kiss him. It’s surreal, seeing him kiss and lick over your skin the way he normally does over your lips. His eyelashes flutter, the long, dark pieces of hair stealing your train of thought. 
Trevor surprises you with how quickly he brings you to the edge again. He promised that the second and third would be quick, but you didn’t know just how quick he meant.
You let out a strangled gasp and your hand flies to Trevor’s hair when he opens his eyes and lets his adoring gaze fix on your face. You pull him off your chest, heaving breaths filling your lungs. 
Trevor smirks, but it never quite reaches his eyes. The same look burns you, makes you shy under his gaze. You blush and look away, one of your hands covering the redness on your cheeks.
“Good,” Trevor remarks, a mere observation. “You got close, didn’t you, baby?”
You nod, still breathing heavily.
Trevor waits, expectant. He tilts his head down and blinks.
“Yes, Daddy,” you concede. “I was close.”
“Honest girl,” Trevor praises. His fingers dance over your slit. “Love you.”
“Love you,” you parrot back to him. 
Trevor rewards you by pushing one finger into your heat, pumping it in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace. 
Your breath stays shaky, your eyes never leaving Trevor’s. His finger drags along your walls, petting the inside of you with its pad, and you swear you can feel the ridges of his fingerprint inside of you if you focus enough. 
It’s hard to focus on that when Trevor’s got his scrutinizing eyes on yours, though.
“What finger is it?” Trevor asks.
“What?” You stammer, finally blinking and breaking the trance. 
Trevor’s other hand flies up to steady your chin before you can look down and ruin his game. “Which finger–” Trevor asks, curling it inside you. “–am I fucking you with?”
Your brain stalls. It’s a no-brainer, really, you should know each of Trevor’s fingers by feel alone with how often they make their way inside of you. However, you’ve been denied two orgasms already and Trevor is close to taking a third from you with just his smug stare.
“Come on,” Trevor goads. “You know which finger this is, baby. The faster you tell me, the faster I get you to your orgasm.”
“Yeah, the faster you take it away,” you reply. 
Trevor’s eyes cloud over and he jams his finger inside you, increasing his pace. “Don’t be a bitch.”
You open your mouth to retort, but Trevor twists his finger inside of you.
“Unless you want me to fuck you like one,” he teases. 
You clench down on Trevor’s finger, his middle finger you realize, when he utters those words.
“You like that?” Trevor asks, unnecessarily. He can feel how you feel about it. “You like the idea of me getting my cock in you and fucking you like a damn animal? What is it, baby? Is it the primal instinct of it all or just the fact that I’m disciplining you like you’re worth less than I am?”
You moan at his words, logical responses and formed sentences too far from you to grasp.
“Tell me.” Trevor nudges your g-spot and you arch your back, your hips grinding against his finger… just for him to draw it out of you. “Not so fast. We’ve still got three more to go.”
“I was close,” you complain.
“So was I,” Trevor counters. “Hurts, doesn’t it? When things don’t work out the way you want them to?” 
“Trevor!” You frown, put off by his game.
“Well, now you’ve really done it,” Trevor growls, shoving two fingers inside of you and resting his thumb on your clit. “You know better than to call me by my name.”
You’re drenched in sweat and slick, so Trevor’s movements aren’t hindered in the slightest, not even when you squeeze your thighs shut. All Trevor does is push them open, trap your thigh under his bony knee. Somehow, even though you just had your legs spread, Trevor seems to push in further and rub your clit faster, hitting every right spot in alternating movements: clit, then g-spot, clit, then g-spot again. And over and over.
You don’t warn him this time, you don’t pull away. You try not to clench down, you try not to rock your hips, you try anything that might get you real relief from a real orgasm without Trevor noticing.
But it’s also a futile effort because your boyfriend knows you that well.
He withdraws his fingers just as your legs, the traitors, begin to tremble.
“Oh, baby, you didn’t think you’d get away with that, did you?” Trevor teases.
“Please,” you beg. “Please, Daddy.”
Trevor’s eyes flash with approval and he teases your entrance again, this time with a third finger. “Don’t worry,” he coos. “We’ve only got two more. Then I’ll let you come.”
You choke on your own spit when Trevor buries his three fingers inside of you, all in one motion. He doesn’t dawdle or stall for time. He doesn’t take advantage of the situation at hand– that you were already shaking for him and a pump of his fingers would give you away to the pleasure just on the other side of your approaching peak.
No, he doesn’t pump his fingers. He just wiggles them as deep as he can get them and smirks before dropping a kiss on your lips. He lowers himself then and blows cool air on your clit, spreading your folds with his other hand so the full bundle of nerves is revealed to him. He leans in and captures it with his tongue, lightly sucking on the bundle. It’s not the most friction he’s ever given you, but it’s consistent. He builds you up on his tongue, slowly, so slowly. 
And when your thighs close around his head, he stops. You’re aching for a release, tears building along your waterline. Your refractory period is shrinking with each near-orgasm, your babbles begging for Trevor to do something.
“I need it,” you beg, but the words feel more like a scream with how heavy they sit on your chest. 
“Oh, I know you need it,” Trevor replies, tone mocking. “You need it so bad, you’re acting up. Talking back, not using my name, not answering my questions, trying to trick me so that you can get an orgasm. I ought to leave you like this, really show you what it’s like to be left frustrated after a disappointing performance.”
“No,” you whimper. “No, Trevor, that’s too much.”
It’s not your word, it’s not a cry of pain, but it still gives Trevor pause. 
“Need me to be sweet to you?” Trevor asks, his eyes genuine and his hair wild from your wandering grasp.
You whine, arching your back. Trevor smiles fondly, but bats you away. When your back makes contact with the mattress again, Trevor’s deft fingers pinch your nipple and cause you to arch up a second time. He pushes you back down.
“Slut,” Trevor chastises. “Think you can distract me with your tits? This isn’t amateur hour, baby. I’ve still got to steal one orgasm from you.”
You blanch at that, your eyes wide. You take in every detail of his face, panting. There isn’t anything you could say that could stop him, except your word, but you’d rather curl into a ball and die than stop this right now. The words don’t come to you to tell him to continue, though.
“I’m going to get you so close,” Trevor whispers, his face close to yours. He leans down and kisses your neck. You arch into him, your once-useless hands finding his sides. You feel over the muscle there, his lean waist and strong chest. “You’re going to be right there, baby, and then I’m going to take it all away.”
“Please,” you repeat, but it’s indecipherable whether you’re begging Trevor to let you come or begging Trevor to leave you wanting more.
“Yeah,” Trevor agrees, sliding his three fingers back into your wet cunt. 
You moan sharply at the intrusion, pumping deep into you this time and dragging along your walls in a torturous way. It feels so good, it has you seeing white specks when you manage to open your eyes and look at Trevor. His eyes are trained on your cunt, watching your wetness seep all over his fingers. When you push his hair out of his face, his eyes lift to meet yours. 
His pupils are blown wide with lust and he’s got a snarl rumbling from deep in his chest. It is primal, you realize, the way he’s bullying his fingers into your cunt without a thought about what you can or can’t handle. He’s taking you, the way that you’ll only ever allow him to do.
“Gonna come?” Trevor asks, the evil smirk overtaking his face again.
“Please,” you beg again.
“‘Please,’” Trevor mocks. “Is that the only word you know?”
He pulses his hand, his fingers bouncing off your walls and causing you to jolt and scramble to find something to hold onto. That something ends up being Trevor’s hair and the pillow to your side. Your chest is heaving again, your nipples taut and pointed and begging to be touched. 
As Trevor’s eyes trail down your body at a snail’s pace, you can feel your orgasm approaching. You yank his hair and he winces, bringing his hand to your neck and squeezing in retaliation.
“Daddy,” you wheeze, the edge of your vision growing fuzzy and dark. It’s the only warning you can give Trevor as the cliff starts to crumble below you, as you start to fall away into the orgasm that was denied from you for so long.
And when Trevor pulls his fingers out of you, he yanks you back onto solid ground.
And, unsurprisingly, you start to cry.
It’s not pretty, either. It’s not a tear here and there when you’re deepthroating your boyfriend, or the beautiful running of mascara as he fucks your face at some hockey event. No, this is full-on sobbing, gut-wrenching cries that have Trevor taking inventory of all the things he did to you, wondering if he pushed you too far. He rubs your thighs with both of his hands in a soothing motion, ignoring the glistening precum that he’s inadvertently rubbing into your skin. 
“Baby,” Trevor murmurs. 
You sob and raise your arms, needing him to hold you. Trevor’s face softens immediately and he pulls you into his chest, turning so he’s sitting with his back against the headboard and you’re awkwardly dangling half on his lap, half off. You keen into his neck, burying your face in his soft, tan skin.
“My girl,” Trevor whispers, rubbing your arms now and pulling you closer to him, comforting you with his warmth. “You’re perfect.”
“Daddy,” you whisper into his neck. “Please.”
Trevor tilts your head back and looks into your eyes. His gaze looks sad, meeting your own, red and puffy. “Please what, baby?”
“I need your cock,” You plead, petting over his stomach with a hand that feels like its made of static. “I need you to make me come, Daddy.”
Trevor groans, sounding pained. He twitches beneath you. “Like this?” He asks.
You nod, losing your words again. It’s a timid but vehement nod, needing Trevor to press inside you more than anything, but not knowing if you could handle another ruined orgasm.
“Please, let me come this time,” you say, trying to look as pathetic and needy as you can. With big doe eyes like this, Trevor has always been bad at denying you the things you want. 
“Yeah, I think I’ve tortured you enough,” Trevor agrees, reaching under you and pressing his cockhead against your entrance. “Give me a bounce, baby. Wanna see your tits jump in front of my face, yeah?”
Trevor snakes his hands around to grab your bottom, his fingers tight against the skin. He uses his leverage to bounce you for him, knowing that you don’t have control over your movements as fucked out as you are, and he’d hate to see you cry more because you’re mad at yourself for not moving the way he wanted you to.
He lifts you up and down, snapping his hips up to meet yours when they fall. His eyes flicker between your boobs and your face, the teartracks drying over your cheeks as you allow yourself to be consumed by ecstasy. One of Trevor’s hands flies upward, tracing over your skin until he threads it between the strands of your hair. Once his whole hand is enveloped in your roots, he tugs and your mouth falls open.
Trevor leans forward and directs a glob of spit down your throat, his forceful hawk causing his spit to find the back of your throat. 
You convulse on top of him, trembling under his watchful gaze and his warm cock. “Daddy,” you pant, feeling like you’re burning and drowning in your desire for him. Trevor slips his thumb into your mouth as you come and you suck on it like a child, grinding against him through your aftershocks.
You’re floating on air by the time your aftershocks cease and Trevor pulls out of you gently, grasping his cock in his fist. He’s watching you and you’re watching him. Never breaking eye contact, you open your mouth and stick your tongue out.
Trevor presses his tip to your tongue and strokes his cock, squeezing on the downstroke and groaning curses with each turn of his hand. He comes just seconds later, his white ropes of come gracing your tastebuds. He pulls away after only a few drops intersect with your tongue, continuing to come in spurts over your cheeks, lips, and nose. A bit of come drips down the tip of your nose and you poke your tongue out again to try and catch it, which makes Trevor laugh.
Still lost in your post-orgasm haze, you barely notice when Trevor leaves the bed and comes back with a moist towel. He wipes your face, then your thighs and pussy, dropping a kiss on your lower belly after he’s finished. You let out a breath at that, not knowing that you were holding it, astounded by the fragility and intimacy of the moment.
“Daddy,” you say out loud, mostly just to yourself. Mostly just to feel the word on your tongue, feel it take its shape in your mouth. It sounds like awe.
Trevor deposits the towel in the hamper across the room with a toss, proving yet again that his precision and accuracy are off the charts most of the time. He crowds your space, tracing your features with his delicate pinky. “Did Daddy make you feel good, baby?” Trevor asks. “You made Daddy feel good.”
You whine at that and almost want to cry again at the praise. All the time you spent wondering if you were good enough, if you’d ever get a boyfriend who loved you and stayed with you was worth it when you found Trevor. He always said the right things, made you feel things you’d never felt before. 
“I love you,” you say.
Trevor slips his thumb into your mouth, watching your eyes close in bliss as he presses it against your tongue. You can still taste where he was rubbing your pussy with this digit.
“I love you,” he replies, voice soft. His voice sounds like awe, too.
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note: small town girl chapter 1 next! (hopefully)
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fhatbhabiee · 1 month
Cuz I Loved You
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DBF!Joel Miller x Reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: light smut (nothing too crazy), touch of angst, heartbreak, Joel being a dick, plot twist ending, blue text is flashback from Joel's pov, pink text is flashback from readers pov
note: yes- this is based off the new Joel pic along w alittle help from @/corrodedcorpze on twitter who had the idea and yes i asked to write this before i did bc we don't steal ideas in this house
part 2
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Music was playing, people were talking and enjoying themselves, and your dad was having the night of his life. He never really liked celebrating birthdays but your mom convinced him otherwise.
You were running late as usual, stopping and getting the few things that had already run out at the party. As soon as you pulled into the driveway of your parents house you saw his truck. You felt your heart drop to your asshole. It had been months since you last saw or even spoke to Joel. Why did he have to be here?
You walked through the house, leaving the supplies in the kitchen before walking to the backyard. You spotted your parents and walked over to them, completely ignoring everyone else.
If I don't see him I won't have to talk to him.
Joel's laughter quickly died down as he looked over Tommy's shoulder and saw you. His eyes quickly roamed your body- you had on your favorite red sweater- the same red sweater Joel had got you for your birthday and a pair of black leggings. You looked beautiful as ever.
“Joel.” you gasped, pulling the knitted fabric out of the bag.
“It's the one you pointed out in that window in town.”
“Oh honey thank you so much. It's beautiful.”
“Cmon try it on. Wanna see how it looks.”
“Okay.” you smiled, standing up from the couch and replacing your t-shirt with the sweater. It fit you perfectly. It was a bit baggy but by the look on your face, Joel knew you still loved it.
“Beautiful.” he smiled, gently pressing his lips against yours. “But I think it'll look better on my floor.” he smirked, hands sliding up your sides under the sweater.
“Well let's try it out.”
“Joel.” Tommy called out, pulling Joel's head out of the clouds.
“Sorry what were we talking about?”
You got up from the table your parents were sitting at and glanced over, making eye contact with Joel. His heart sank as he saw your smile disappear because of him.
He looked good- so good that it hurt. He grew his hair along with his beard- covering the patches of skin you kissed all the time. You could tell he aged some but really he looked like the same man you fell in love with.
“What's all this?” Joel asked, eyes glancing over the dining room table.
“Well you told me you were working late so I'd thought you'd enjoy a hot meal.” you said as you poured a glass of whiskey and handed it to him. “Plus since we can't do date night this weekend I thought tonight was good.”
“I coulda put Tommy in charge.”
You let out a laugh. “Joel Miller don't make me laugh. You know good and well leaving Tommy in charge is the reason why you have more gray hairs then brown.”
He chuckled and kissed you softly. He pulled away and looked into your eyes for a moment, smile still spread across his lips.
“I love you.” he whispered. You were surprised. You were always the one to say the L word first in relationships but Joel beat you to the punch.
“I love you too.”
“Sweetie?” your mom called out, making you look over at her. “Oh sweetie…” she whispered, reaching up and wiping the tear that rolled down your cheek with the pad of her thumb.
When did you start crying?
“Come on. Let's go inside for a minute.” she grabbed your hand and walked you into the house.
“Mom it's fine. Just my allergies acting up.”
She laughed. “I wasn't born yesterday.” she handed you a glass of water. “Seeing him must be hard huh?”
You felt the heat go to the tip of your ears. “H-How did-”
“A mother knows. And after you two broke it off you stopped coming around and Joel was nothing but a mess. Sarah was calling your dad left and right because she couldn't get ahold of him.”
You couldn't lie to yourself, hearing Joel was a mess was oddly comforting. The sounds of his footsteps approaching the kitchen made your mom go quiet. She looked up at Joel and then back over at you.
“Do you want me to stay?” your mom whispered.
“No it's fine…”
“Okay… I'll be outside if you need anything.” she said to you, giving her a quick nod before she walked out of the house, leaving you and Joel alone for the first time in months.
“How have you been?” he muttered, finally breaking the silence after about 5 minutes.
“Fine. You?”
“Fine.” he replied.
“That's all you're gonna say?” he scoffed.
“Well you had a mouth full to say the last time I saw you.” you crossed your arms over your chest, digging your nails into the palms of your hands and repeating yourself not to cry in front of him.
He opened his mouth, about to say something, when the sliding back door opened and people walked in.
“Can we go somewhere private?” you gave him a small nod and led the way upstairs to your old bedroom, closing the door behind both of you.
“Look I'm sorry…”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “If 'I'm sorry’ is all you have to say I think I'll be on my way now.”
“Would you let me finish a sentence?”
“No Joel I will not! You don't deserve my time, you don't deserve to even be standing in front of me, speaking to me.” you yelled.
“I don't deserve it?” he yelled back. “You're fucking joking right?”
“Does it look like I'm laughing? You broke up with me, Joel Miller. You were the one that said it was too much. You were the one that wanted out. Not me.”
“Because you wanted all this life I couldn't give you! Do you not understand that I'm more than twice your age? I don't want to start over!”
You faced away from him, quickly wiping your eyes with your fingers.
“Don't cry…” he said in a soft tone.
“I am crying Joel. I'm crying cause I loved you and I hate you for that.” He walked over, gently placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I'm sorry.”
“Fuck you and your sorry.” you walked towards the door but he grabbed your wrist, spinning you around to face him.
“Fuck you Joel! Let me go.” you placed your hands flat on his chest and tried pushing him back but he wouldn't budge. “Fuck you.” you tried pushing him off again but no movement. You stopped for a moment, staring into his eyes- those dark brown eyes that you loved so much. He leaned down, just one move away from pressing his lips onto yours.
“Fuck me.” you whispered. He didn't hesitate. He pressed his lips onto yours, his hands sliding down your curves and around to the small of your back, pulling your body closer to his. You reached up and tangled your fingers in his curls at the nape of his neck.
God you missed this but you knew this was a bad idea. There were nights where all you dreamed about was this. But no matter how much of a bad idea it was- you didn't wanna stop.
You both stripped down to nothing and he picked you up by the backs of your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist. It took him no time to bottom out inside of you, both of you groaning at the feeling.
“Fuck I forgot how much you felt like heaven baby.” he groaned, bouncing you up and down on his cock while thrusting up into you.
“God I missed you so much Joel.” you moaned, digging your nails into his shoulders.
“I missed you so much more baby girl.”
It was like you had stepped into a time machine and went back. The sweet praises he whispered, the way his massive hands roamed your body as his thrusts became sloppy. The way you moaned his name on repeat, the way you always had to be touching or kissing him while he put you in this euphoric state.
It had been so long for both of you, you both came before either one of you wanted it to be over. You stayed in his arms for a moment, trying to catch your breath and gather your thoughts over what just happened.
“I umm… Gotta get going.” you said as you dropped your legs from his waist and got redressed.
“Yeah me too. Got a meeting in the morning.”
Before you walked out of the room he grabbed your hand again.
“Are you free this weekend?” he asked. You let out a small sigh and shook your head.
“Joel I'll never stop loving you but it took me everything in my power to get over you. I'm sorry but it's best that we don't speak again unless we have to.”
“I'm sorry.” with that you walked out of the room, leaning Joel alone.
— • —
Weeks had gone by since you last seen Joel and you've never felt better. That is until you got a stomach bug. Your head had been in the toilet for the last few days and the smell of food just made you even more nauseous.
You were laying on the cool tile floor of your bathroom, not having the energy to get up and go to your bedroom, when your eyes caught a glimpse of the unopened tampon box sticking out from under the sink.
3 minutes. 3 very long agonizing minutes. Once the timer on your phone went off you looked on the bathroom counter to see what your future would hold.
“Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me.”
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beta'd: @clawdee @nerdieforpedro @iron-strangers @dancingtotuyo thank you all ily <3
divider: @saradika-graphics
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smoshyourheadin · 2 months
Maybe u could do a Spencer besties to lovers? Like they've known each other a long time yk
Thankssss no pressure if ur busy ofc <3
It’s Always Been You
cw: reader has a boyf who she breaks up w bc he’s an alchaholic!! don’t read if you aren’t comfortable, i’ll catch you another time ml 💛
a/n: EEK IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT ANON 🫶🫶💛💛 also im taking this as smosh spence not cm spence so feel free to re-request if you’d like <33 ps, ive written that he listens to pink floyd here so thats who syd barrett is if you don’t know :))
requests r open!!
pairing: spencer agnew x fem!reader
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florida, 2002
you and spencer were scurrying around in the freshly mown grass of his backyard, playing tag.
“you didn’t get me, you cheated!” you exclaim, ducking as he reaches out to get you again, tumbling to the floor.
“did too!” spencer retorts, his grazed knees dropping to the floor so he can lean over you. he meets your eyes, pulls a tongue, and hoists himself back up to run to his tyre swing.
all 11 years you’d known, you’d known them with spencer. your moms had been great friends since way before you were born, being in the same book club. or was it an art night? you didn’t exactly know, but you did know that because your moms were best friends, so were you and spencer.
as you sprung back up to your feet, your moms watched your antics through the kitchen window.
“whoever can swing the other the highest gets to have the last red popsicle!” he yelled as you ran over
“oh you’re so on!”
your hands gripped the tyre and you pushed like your life depended on it.
“y’know,” your mom said “one day, they’re going to end up together.”
his mom looked over at yours and smiled,
“i’d be surprised if they didnt honestly.”
los angeles, 2024
you walk through the door of your apartment, and you kick the door closed behind you. your bag slides off your shoulder, and you throw your keys onto the dresser next to the door. you only manage a long groan before flopping onto the couch.
“heya, charlie!” you scrunch your face up as you feel your dog’s cold, wet nose press against your cheek, as he gently wags his tail
“i missed you too boy, work was so tiring today.” you work at smosh with spencer, and have done for the past seven years after you left your job at another channel to join him. it was basically the best decision you’d ever made, every day filled with laughs; practically just a 24/7 hangout. you work with spencer on smosh games, but rarely ever go on camera, even if spencer’s there. you enjoy it anyway though.
you sit up and scratch behind his ears. he wiggles his body contently at your fondness. and then your stomach growls. it made sense, it was currently 6:43pm, and you last ate at noon, so you get up and drag yourself to make some mac n cheese.
as the pasta boils your phone starts ringing.
it’s james.
rubbing your hands over your face, you answer the dreaded call from your boyfriend james.
“heyyy~ sweetheart, y’doin okay? you were hic bein’ a bit of a bitch today, didnt answer my calls, what, you hate me or sumn?” he rambles, most of his words just slurring off.
“james, are you drinking again?” your voice is agitated, hearing the chattering and the low bass of a bar in the background.
you know he has a problem, and you’ve tried to get him to stop so many times. but you just can’t. he just won’t take your help.
“wha- i mean- well- no- but um- well y’r just gonna be mad at me like y’allways are” he stammers, not wanting to tell you the truth.
“no, i’m done with this. you say all this to me when you’re drunk, and then act like everything is fine! i’m sick of it! you spend so much time at the bar, and its the only place we ever go on dates, and i just end up babysitting you! so yeah i am mad! but for the last time! fuck you james.”
you hang up.
you start to tear up, the knot in your chest tight as your emotions come rushing to you, face heating up as tears begin to fall. the hissing of something behind you snaps you out of it.
“shit!” you rush over to to your stove, where the water from your pasta spills over the sides, the flames licking at the bottom of the pan.you take it off the heat and turn it off. it looks done anyway. you add some butter, and, of course, cheese. stirring gently, you sob.
james was so nice to you, always showering you with gifts and praise and love. but it was all for nothing. he just didn’t love you like he loved drinking in the end.
pouring the mac n cheese into a bowl, you call spencer.
“hey lemon! how’s my favourite person this fine evening?” you smile at the nickname.
florida, 2007
“spencer, you’re a boy. why are you so complicated? i mean, its just annoying!” you walk into his bedroom after his mom let you in, clearly pissed off. being 16 isn’t fun, especially when boys you like are rude to you.
“what did he do?” spencer doesn’t look up from his computer, just slightly turn his head.
“he said that i must eat lemons because of how bitter i am. i mean come on!” you lie on his bed and watch him play runescape.
“lemon… hmph” he just smiles and continues whatever he was doing on his game.
“what? nothing to say? ugh! you suuuuuck!”
los angeles, 2024
“yeah, i mean, no. i broke up with james.” you sniffle, and eat a forkfull of your food, elbows resting on the cold marble of the kitchen island.
“i mean- um- yeah thats horrible…” he says
“you’re allowed to celebrate, i know you hated him. and so did everyone. but still. im fragile right now!” you giggle through your gentle tears
“well, i mean, honestly? glad he’s gone. he sucked dude. not sure why you didn’t do it sooner. well, one positive to come of this, your pillows won’t stink of beer next time i nap at yours!” he replies, clearly happy for you.
“yeah,” you chuckle at the memory of spencer falling asleep on your bed, then completing his hair smelt like budweiser “that is true.”
“all seriousness though, are you okay?” his voice is genuine this time, filled with concern.
“no, not really. it’s just… different i guess. but, not much has changed y’know? like, it already felt like he wasn’t my boyfriend anymore…” you begin to ramble for at least 20 minutes, only to be met with the occasional ‘mhmn’ and ‘yeah’ from spencer. mid sentence, there’s a knock at your door.
“oh one sec, someone’s here.” you get up from your table and swing the door open to see a very sympathetic looking spencer, two target bags in his hands.
your jaw is on the floor. you were just crying to him over the phone, and he’d stayed whilst going out to get what you can only assume is things like sour patch kids and vanilla ice cream, which you could see at the top of the bag. your favourites.
“girls night?” he smirked and raised the bags at his sides.
all you can do is smile ear to ear, and wrap him in a tight hug. he leaned into you, basking in your sweet citrusy perfume.
“you’re my favourite, spencie.” you say into his shoulder.
as you both walk inside, charlie comes bounding over to spencer, his favourite person.
“who’s a good boy! charlie is!” spencer was now crouchedby your kitchen island, fussing over your dog as you walked to put on something more comfortable. you slid on some track pants and an old atari hoodie. walking back into your kitchen, spencer has unpacked the bags, and is creating his favourite conconction, The Agnew Sundae. basically the most sickeningly sweet ice cream ever. his dad made it for you both in the summer, and it consisted of:
vanilla ice cream
chocolate syrup
caramel sauce
whipped cream
mini marshmallows
chocolate chips
and some crushed oreos to finish.
god, you know you’re going to regret this later, but boy was it a good way to cheer you up.
also strewn on the counter was his switch and copy of animal crossing, a few of his dvd’s for you to watch, and his mom’s chocolate chip cookies.
“spencer, how on earth did you get these? your mom lives across the country!” you hold up the baggie, and raise an eyebrow.
he looks up from his ice cream assembly station, and smirks.
“a magician never- ow!”
you cut him off by lightly jabbing his arm
“okay okay, she visited not to long ago - when she took you to the mall? and she gave me these to freeze and keep for an important event. i think she’d agree this is important.” you cant help but smile at his remark. you missed you moms.
“i’ll have to ring her later to thank her.” you say.
the night goes on, and you and spencer sit on the couch under a blanket watching barbie princess charm school. because what else are you going to watch?
as the movie goes on, and the effects of the agnew sundae kick in; you were dozing off on his shoulder. towards the end of the movie, so does he. he drifts off, comforted by your soft hair occasionally brushing against his face.
you stir awake, the sun beaming into your eyes through your semi-open blinds, and you’re hit by a wave of memory. everything that happened last night comes flooding back.
james’ call.
spencer’s call.
spencer showing up for you.
at the latter, you smile slightly. you prop yourself up on the sofa, and notice the absence of spencer’s warmth by you. frowning slightly, you walk into the kitchen.
“morning sleepyhead” his sweet voice rings through the room
“hey. i thought you’d’ve gone home”
“no, im not that mean! who do you take me for?” he retorts, his attention turning back to the pancakes on the stove.
“pancakes? what time is it?” you come up behind him, putting your chin on his shoulder.
“yeah, and it’s about 10:30.” he leant his head on yours, flipping one. you had to admit, they look pretty good.
“10:30!?” you lift you head in surprise, looking at your phone “shouldn’t we be in work?”
“nope, i called us in sick. said my mom was having surgery. which she is, but i made it sound dramatic so we could stay off.” he looks at you, and smiles slightly.
“well, send her my love! i think i’ll go get dressed now.” he hummed, and you left the room.
opening your closet, you pick out a yellow baggy t-shirt and some grey sweatpants. you pull on some fluffy socks, and slip on a zip up hoodie. walking back out into the living room, spencer walks in with two plates piled high with pancakes, drenched in syrup and strawberries
“so,” you say, a fork full of pancakes in your mouth. “whats the plan for today?”
he looks over at you, and shrugs slightly. “not sure, we could go to the book store you like?”
“ah, you know the way to a girl’s heart“ you put a hand over your chest and giggle a bit.
a few hours later, you walk into the store, door creaking just a bit as a small brass bell chimes overhead. the air is filled with a comforting mix of old paper, leather bindings, and a hint of freshly brewed coffee from the corner cafe that you and spencer like to get tea from. you breathe it in deeply, a sense of calm washing over you. as you walk over the creaky wooden floorboards beneath you, soft warm light filters down from antique lamps, and cast a gentle glow over the rows of books. you ghost your fingertips over the cloth spines while the quiet murmur of whispered conversations and the occasional rustling of pages create a soothing background noise, almost like a lullaby. through spencer’s airpods, syd barrett serenades you both, and his voice blends seamlessly with the ambiance of the store.
“anything good today lemon?” spencer says as he shimmies up next to you in the aisle of towering book shelves, his voice like honey rolling off his tongue. his hair was unruly as always, but he looked so pretty in this light. his face was littered with freckles that you wish you could kiss. he’s smiling at you, and it snaps you back to reality, and reminds you of the fact you’re staring at him
“uh, yeah, i think i’ll get this one” you smile back, holding up a copy of memoirs of a geisha by arthur golden
“cool, shayne likes that one i think. but he likes every book so…” he smiles at his own remark “um, you want me to grab our normal seats in the cafe while you pay for that?”
“yes, please!” you reply eagerly, smiling as he walked off.
you walk up to the cashier, an older lady who always gives you a bookmark.
“thank you m’darlin’, have a lovely day!”
“you too mrs bryson!” you reply, heading over to spencer who’s sat in some plush leather armchairs. as you sit in comfortable silence with him, time seems to slow down, and for a moment, it's just you, spencer, the books, and the comforting atmosphere of this charming bookstore.
“i got you your sweet tea.” he says, handing you a plastic cup filled with your favourite tea.
he remembered.
you were in love with spencer agnew, and it took you him handing you your favourite tea to realise it.
“thanks spence.” you say, still grasping the feelings in your chest.
while you read you book and drink your tea, you feel your attention drifting to him. you can't help but glance up from the pages every now and then, watching him as he sits across from you, his focus on his own book. his fingers absently tracing the rim of his coffee mug, his brow furrowing as he reads. the way the sunlight filters through the small window, casting a warm glow across his hair, highlighting the subtle streaks of lighter brown among his dark curls. you find yourself smiling at the sight of him, wondering when these small, mundane moments began to mean so much to you. the bookstore is quiet, aside for the murmur of others reading or talking in hushed tones. yet, with spencer sitting just a few feet away, the world feels like it's faded to the background. it's just you and him, sharing this space, this moment. you watch the way his lips move slightly as he reads, how he occasionally tilts his head in concentration, and the way his eyes light up when he finds something particularly interesting. as he looks up and catches you watching him, you feel a rush of warmth spreading through your chest. he smiles at you, a slow, easy smile that makes your heart skip a beat. he raises an eyebrow, and you quickly look back down at your book, feeling your cheeks flush. but you can't help it; your gaze finds its way back to him, like he's the most interesting story in the room. he seems to notice the shift in the air between you. he closes his book and leans forward slightly, his elbows resting on his knees.
“everything okay?” he asks, his voice gentle, his eyes filled with genuine curiosity.
“yeah,” you reply, trying to sound casual, though your heart is racing. “just... glad to be here with you.”
he nods, his smile growing a bit wider. “me too.”
as he settles back into his chair, you realize that this simple exchange has changed something. the air feels lighter, the connection between you stronger. you may have come here to read and relax, but now, sitting across from spencer, you know you've found something else entirely - something you never want to let go of.
as you leave the store, you’re panicking slightly as you realise you don’t know what to do. so instead you make up an excuse.
“i forgot my keys ," you blurt out, looking back at the bookstore. it's a thin excuse, but spencer doesn't seem to notice. he simply nods, a hint of concern in his eyes.
"do you want me to wait for you?" he asks, already reaching for his phone to check the time.
"no, it's fine," you reply quickly. "you can go ahead. i’ll just be a minute."
spencer seems reluctant to leave, but he nods, offering a warm smile before stepping out onto the street. you watch him walk away, his figure blending into the crowd as he heads toward the main crossing. your heart sinks a little as he disappears from view, and you take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing pulse.
the bookstore feels different now. the warm glow and soft murmurs are still there, but without spencer, it's like the color has faded a bit. you stand by the door, uncertain of what to do next. you could go back outside, catch up with him, and just say it. tell him how you feel. but the words seem stuck in your throat, and the thought of laying your feelings bare feels like too much, too soon.
you step back inside, pretending to look for something you might have left behind. the stacks of books seem to stretch endlessly in front of you, a maze of comforting distractions. you wander through the aisles, hoping to calm your racing thoughts, but all you can think about is spencer - his smile, the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs, the warmth of his voice.
eventually, you find a quiet corner and sit down, closing your eyes for a moment. you know you have to do something. you can't just let him walk away without knowing how much he means to you. but the fear of rejection, of changing everything, feels overwhelming.
you realize you need time to sort through your feelings, to figure out the best way to approach this. with a heavy heart, you decide to make your way home, hoping the familiar surroundings will bring clarity. as you step out onto the street, the cool breeze brushes against your skin, and you take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside you.
on the journey home, you replay the moments with spencer in your mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of how much he means to you. you know you can't keep hiding your feelings, but you also know you need to approach this with caution. as you unlock the door to your apartment, you make a silent promise to yourself—to take the time you need, to listen to your heart, and to find the courage to follow where it leads, even if it means risking everything for him.
when you get home, spencer tries calling you as he paces around his bedroom, his phone pressed against his ear. the ringing continues, but there's no answer. he frowns, feeling an uneasy twist in his stomach. maybe you're still in the bookstore. maybe your phone is on silent, or maybe you're just busy. he tells himself there's a reasonable explanation, but the doubt lingers.
as he walks to his kitchen, he dials again. this time, the call goes straight to voicemail. his instincts tell him something isn't right. the keys excuse felt odd, and your hurried departure only amplifies his worry. he takes a moment to think, then leaves his apartment, jumps in his car, starts the engine, and drives toward your apartment.
the streets pass in a blur as he navigates through the evening traffic, his mind racing with possibilities. he finds a parking spot near your building and heads to your door. the hallway is quiet, save for the distant sound of a tv from a neighbouring apartment. he takes a deep breath and knocks.
he knocks again, this time a little louder. the knot in his stomach tightens. what if something's wrong? what if he's too late? he knocks a third time, and this time, he hears a faint rustling from inside. the door opens slowly, and there you are, standing in the doorway with a look of surprise and confusion.
"spence?" you say, blinking at him as if he's the last person you expected to see.
"i - i was worried," he stammers, rubbing the back of his neck. "you didn't answer your phone, and i - i didn't know if you were okay."
you tilt your head, trying to process why he's here. his eyes search yours, and you can tell he's anxious, almost desperate to explain himself. "i'm fine," you say, "just had some stuff to think about."
he nods, but you can see he's not entirely convinced. there's something else, something deeper. he takes a step back, as if he's about to leave, but then he hesitates. "i - i have to tell you something," he blurts out, his words coming out in a rush. "i like you. like a lot. like i think i love you? and i know it might be weird, and i don't want to mess things up, but I just had to say it - because i couldn't keep it to myself anymore.”
he looks at you, his eyes full of emotions you can't quite decipher yet. you nod, urging him to continue, even though your own heart is racing. there's something in his gaze that makes you realize this isn't just any confession - this is something that's been building for a long time.
"i've liked you since we were kids," he says, almost breathlessly. "i mean, you were always the coolest person I knew. you didn't care what anyone else thought. you were smart and funny and just... so genuinely kind. i remember when we used to ride our bikes around the neighbourhood, and you'd always be the first one to try something new. like, remember when you climbed that huge tree in mr lawson's yard just because you wanted to see the view from the top? i thought you were so brave."
he chuckles softly, his gaze softening as he reminisces. "and then, when we got older, you were always there for me. when my parents split up, and i felt like everything was falling apart, you were the one who came over with a pizza and just listened. you didn't try to fix it; you just let me talk. that's something i've always loved about you. you're a great listener, and you care about people. like, really care."
he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, his eyes locking with yours. "it's not just that, though. It's the little things, too. the way you laugh at the dumbest of angela’s jokes, the way you get excited about your favorite books, and how you always know the right thing to say when I'm feeling down. you make everything feel... lighter, you know? like, even when things are tough, you find a way to make it better."
spencer pauses, his voice growing more earnest. "so yeah, i've um, been holding onto this for a while, and i just, couldn't keep pretending that i didn't feel this way. i like you - a lot. and i don't know if you feel the same way, but i just couldn't not tell you anymore."
he takes a step back, the tension in his shoulders indicating that he's prepared to leave if needed. "i don't want to make things weird between us. if you don't feel the same, that's okay. i just had to say it, because you're the best thing in my life, and i can't keep acting like you aren't."
his confession takes you by surprise, but as he speaks, you feel a surge of warmth in your chest. the words you were struggling to say are suddenly so clear, so obvious. you watch as he starts to turn away, his shoulders slumping in resignation. before he can take another step, you grab his arm and pull him back, your lips pressing against his in a gentle, yet desperate kiss.
he freezes for a moment, stunned by your sudden action, then his arms wrap around you, pulling you close. when you finally break the kiss, you look into his eyes, and there's no doubt, no hesitation.
"it's always been you," you whisper, your voice soft but sure. "you're my person, spencer."
he hugs you tightly, his grip firm and comforting, as if he's afraid you'll disappear if he lets go. you rest your head on his shoulder, feeling the steady beat of his heart against your cheek. it's a perfect moment, one that feels like the beginning of something new, something beautiful.
and as you stand there in each other's embrace, you know that everything's going to be okay, because you have each other. and that's all that matters.
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wonusite · 2 years
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pairing: mingyu x reader
summary: mingyu knows it’s wrong to lust after his fiancé’s daughter, but when he finds out you feel the same way, he no longer feels the need to hold himself back.
warnings: infidelity, age gap (reader is in her 20s and mingyu is in his 30s), daddy kink, voyeurism, fingering, masturbation (f & m), unprotected sex, oral sex (f & m receiving), 69, talking on the phone during sex, riding, backshots, creampie, pussydrunk!mingyu, overstimulation
read part one and two and three
a/n: this prequel to spoiled and worship and addicted was written bc daddy!mingyu has a hold over me like no other. minors dni!!
Mingyu remembers the first time he met you.
After almost a year of not even knowing about your existence, you unexpectedly showed up at your mom’s house on a cool summer night with your bags in hand. It was uncomfortable for him to witness his fiancé’s lack of enthusiasm at seeing her own daughter, especially when he saw how kind and beautiful you were. Mingyu had felt an instant pang of regret after you directed your pretty smile at him.
If he only had met you first...
According to your mother, you seldom came home. She briefly told him about how you always spent your winter and spring breaks with friends rather than at home. Apparently she was surprised that you had come home right when the school year was over since you usually went on a trip with your friends right after.
It didn’t surprise him, especially with the way she talked about you afterwards—coldly and bordering on disdain. To this day, he doesn’t know why you came home instead of escaping the hell that was your home, but he thanks the heavens every day that you did.
The allure you possessed was intoxicating. Mingyu was certain that you weren’t even aware of the affect you had on people, especially him.
He’s not sure why he doesn’t do more to put a distance between you two when he knows he’s extremely attracted to you. Maybe it’s because deep down, he hopes you feel the same way. It’s sick for him to feel the way that he does, but that was the thing about feelings. They were out of any one person’s control.
“You don't have to stay here with her.” His fiancé rolled her eyes as she clipped her earrings on and grabbed her purse. “She’ll probably be in her room all day.”
“It’s fine. We haven’t spent a lot of time together, so this will be a good thing.”
Your mother smiled a bit before she let out a deep sigh. “That’s sweet, honey. Really, it is. But you know she won’t be around a lot after we get married, right? Y/N will probably get a job in another city and start her own life.”
All the more reason to spend as much time with you as he could.
“She’s still your daughter, and I want to get to know her.”
“Fine, but don’t be surprised if she wants nothing to do with you. That’s how she is.” She tells him as she heads for the front door. “I’ll be back late.”
Mingyu stands in the same spot until he hears her car pull out of the driveway. He lets out a deep breath, feeling his chest fill with excitement at the thought of spending time with you. This was a good thing, he was sure of it. Mingyu slowly makes his way out to the backyard where you were laying by the pool. When he sees you, he thinks that maybe he should’ve listened to your mother and left.
You look over when you hear the sliding glass door open, heart speeding up when you see that it’s your mom’s hot fiancé.
Mingyu feels like his heart might spontaneously implode when you smile and greet him by his name. You look so good in your bikini that seems way too tiny for you. It leaves practically nothing to the imagination, and he has to maintain eye contact with you so his thoughts don’t run wild.
When you beckon him over, it’s like his feet are on autopilot. He sits so that he's facing you, and he’s careful to keep his eyes on your face. If he looks at your body one more time he’s pretty sure he'll get hard.
“Did my mom leave already?” You wondered as you sat up slightly.
“Yeah.” Mingyu swallows thickly. “You just missed her.”
You hummed, eyes raking over his muscular form. Even though he’s wearing a stupid polo shirt and ugly shorts, he still looks extremely good. It’s a true shame you could never have him for yourself. He’s so big, and judging from the prominent imprint you saw last time when he came out of the bathroom in a towel, you know he’s big everywhere.
“You don’t have to stay.” You say as you lay back down and close your eyes. “I promise I won’t throw a party or invite anyone over.”
It’s cute the way you sound completely serious, but also like you’re teasing him. Mingyu doesn’t care if you invite people over since you’re an adult. He knows you won’t destroy the house even if he doesn’t stay, but he enjoys spending time with you.
“I’m sure you won’t.”
You peek one eye open before letting out a small laugh. It’s the cutest Mingyu has ever heard, and he thinks he might actually lose his mind.
“What do you like about my mom?”
Your sudden question throws him off, only because he swears like there’s a whiny undertone to it.
When he doesn’t immediately answer, you peel your eyes open and find him staring at you with an odd look on his face. You raise an eyebrow, finding it very interesting how he couldn’t seem to think of one thing. It’s not right to feel such a deep sense of satisfaction, but you do.
It’s never been a hard question to answer before he met you, but now he couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Your expression doesn’t change even as you sit up fully and shrug your shoulders. “Never mind if you can’t tell me.”
You turn away to reach for the bottle of sunscreen sitting beside your chair, barely containing your smirk. Turning back, you hold out the bottle with an innocent smile. “Do you mind?”
Instead of waiting for his answer, you go to lay on your stomach. A wicked smirk stretches your lips when you hear his sharp intake of breath.
Mingyu grits his teeth because you’re wearing a fucking bikini thong. Your pretty ass is on full display for him, and he’s pretty sure if he was a more unhinged, immoral man he would fuck you senseless right now. The temptation is almost too much.
He slowly gets up and does as he’s told. Mingyu thinks rubbing your tender body might be a bad idea when his hands come into contact with your soft skin. It gets worse when you untie the thin strap of your top, humming about tan lines. By this point, he can feel his cock straining against his pants, and he’s thankful that you’re resting your head on your arms with your eyes closed because otherwise you would see exactly how good you look to him.
Just as he thinks he can maybe get through this without going completely crazy, you start letting out the prettiest sounds he’s ever heard. You’re letting out soft sighs and quiet moans of pleasure as he’s massaging the sunscreen into your skin. He bites his lip as he imagines what you’d sound like if he was splitting you open on his cock.
Mingyu stops at your lower back, feeling like his face was on fire. When he looks up from your body, his heart stutters after he sees you looking back at him. “Why’d you stop?”
It’s crazy the way you seemed genuinely confused as to why he wouldn’t rub sunscreen on your bare ass. Almost like you want him to grope it.
“You didn’t put some on my legs.” You said plainly, enjoying the way a blush rises to his cheeks.
Again, Mingyu does as you ask, unable to believe that he thought you actually meant you wanted his hands on your ass. What he doesn’t realize is that you do. Badly. The way he gently glides his hands over the back of your thighs makes you imagine how those long fingers of his would feel shoved inside of you. It takes all your will power to not rub your thighs together as you picture how good it would feel.
When he’s done, you only offer him a grateful smile. “Thanks.”
You watch him walk away, not missing the huge bulge in his pants.
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Mingyu thinks he might be going crazy. Every time you come around, it’s like he can’t focus on anything other than you. Sometimes he feels like you’re trying to tempt him in purpose, but when you turn those unsuspecting eyes on him, he thinks you could never.
Maybe it is all in his head. When you come down for breakfast in your sleep shorts and thin tank top, he can’t exactly say you’re doing anything on purpose because it is your house after all. And when you come home from a night out with your friends dressed in your flimsy tops, short dresses and skirts, he can’t think anything more of it either.
It’s crazy because sometimes he wishes that you were teasing him on purpose.
You weren’t too sure how this game of yours started, but now you were enjoying yourself too much to stop. Mingyu is so damn nice that he didn’t ever say anything to you or your mom. Not when you accidentally brush your ass against his crotch when you squeeze by him to get to the fridge, not when you find the smallest towel to walk around in after you shower, and not even when you play footsies with him at the dinner table.
It’s cute the way he tries to pretend it’s not happening, but it’s also so fucking hot the way he clenches his jaw and flexes his forearms in restraint. Part of you wonders if you can push him far enough to snap while the other person of you wonders if he’ll just spend the rest of his life pretending to be oblivious.
One night after you come home from the club, you find Mingyu in the kitchen. You smirk, feeling especially daring because of the liquor in your veins. Somehow, you felt like he was so close to snapping, and you wanted to see what exactly he would do when he did. You greet him casually, loving the way his eyes are glued to your body.
“Can’t sleep?” You ask as you lift yourself up onto the counter.
Mingyu shook his head, afraid that if he verbally answered you, his voice would give away how much he loved your outfit. Because he’s averting his eyes, he misses the way you smirk.
“Maybe it’s because you’re sex deprived.”
It’s hilarious how his eyes big out. Mingyu snaps his incredulous gaze to you, and it seems like a mixture of offense and something else you can’t place. You know he’s so close to snapping. All you do is push him a little further.
“Don’t be embarrassed.” You said sympathetically. “A lot of couples go through it. Usually, it has to do with stress and things like that. One person will always have performance issues, particularly the man—”
You’re suddenly cut off when Mingyu steps between your legs and pulls you flush against his body. Because of your position on the counter, his hard cock is pressing right against your clothed pussy. His eyes are completely dark as he glares down at you. It takes everything in you not to whimper as the arousal starts to gather between your legs.
“Believe me when I say that I have no trouble performing, sweetheart.”
Maybe Mingyu has lost his mind, but at this point he doesn’t fucking care. He can handle all your teasing, but if you’re only doing it because you think of him as some old man who can’t get it up anymore—
Your mother’s distant voice startles you both. Mingyu looks towards the stairs before he looks back at you. To his surprise, you offer him an amused grin as you gently push at his chest. He reluctantly releases you from his strong grasp. You slowly slide off the counter.
“I believe you.” You tell him in a singsong voice. “Sleep well.”
And just like that, you scamper off. Leaving him with the most painful erection he’s ever had in his life.
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It’s winter when Mingyu sees you again. After that night, you came downstairs in the morning and announced that you were going to move into the dorms. If you hadn’t acted completely normal, then Mingyu might’ve thought you were leaving because of him. But no. You hadn’t mentioned it again and still treated him kindly like you always did.
On the night of his engagement party, Mingyu finds out that his fiancé didn’t tell you about the event. He’s livid and in disbelief. Your mom insists that you want nothing to do with the event, but he doesn’t believe it. As he’s leaving his penthouse, he texts her some vague excuse about being late because of work and promises to be at the venue soon. She only texts him to hurry because the guests are wondering where he’s at.
Mingyu arrives to your house in record time. He probably seems crazy, but that’s the least of his worries. All he wants is to make sure that you were okay with not being at your own mother’s engagement party. He lets himself in and immediately goes upstairs.
Your door is slightly ajar, and just as he approaches it to knock, a soft sound makes him stop. He waits a moment before he hears the sound again, only louder this time. With a thick swallow, Mingyu quietly stepped forward and peeked into your room.
It took less than a second for his dick to get hard.
Directly in his line of sight was you, laying on your bed completely naked with your fingers stuffed into your pretty little pussy. The sight makes his mouth water and his mind go blank.
It’s frustrating to you, the way your fingers are circling your clit in desperate, needy movements. A cute pout settles on your lips when you realize it's not enough. What you really want is Mingyu’s large hands on you. Lately, he's been the object of your fantasies. You often think about him fucking you dumb and filling you up with his hot cum. Fuck. You could tell that he fucked like a mad man, and you wished he would rail you like you knew he could.
And so you let out a frustrated whimper, picturing how his way his long fingers would glide over your cunt, calculated strokes stimulating the puffy bud. A quiet sigh tumbles past your lips as your fingers roll your clit before you sink them into your walls. Soft moans sound through your room while you imagine the touch being Mingyu’s.
It doesn’t matter that it’s wrong for him to watch you like this. Mingyu is already reaching for his zipper before letting his thick cock spring free through it. He grips it, quietly moving his hand up and down to the sight of you fucking your fingers into yourself.
“Fuck.” Your moan was loud compared to the sounds you were making before. “Mingyu!”
His hand stills, and his blood runs cold. For a fleeting second he thinks you’ve seen him from where he was standing, but it doesn’t take long for him to realize that you’re calling his name in pleasure. He sees the way your eyes are screwed shut in pleasure, all while getting yourself off to the thought of him.
Mingyu swallows thickly, feeling his dick twitch in his hand. So, he wasn’t crazy. This entire time you had wanted him as badly as he wanted you. Fuck it. If you wanted him too, then he would gladly give you what you were both yearning for.
Your eyes fly open when you hear your door being pushed open. At the sight of Mingyu, your cunt involuntarily clenches around your fingers. You can only stare, wide-eyed as he stands there, with the biggest cock you’ve ever seen sticking out of his pants. You feel yourself get wetter when you realize he was watching you the entire time.
At this point, you don’t care if him standing in your room with his cock out is a figment of your imagination or a reality. You’re going to get him to fuck you no matter what. The thought makes you lick your lips in anticipation.
“Don't stop on my account, baby.” Mingyu says from the doorway, dark eyes drinking in the sight of you spread out on the bed.
It feels like it takes forever for him to approach you. He’s already discarded his suit jacket and unbuttoning his nice shirt as he walks over to the bed, finally letting you see the glorious form you know he’s been hiding under his clothes. His pants are off by the time you feel the mattress dip under his weight. Mingyu looms over you, eyes searching yours for any sign of doubt or hesitation. He’s only met with your lust-blown pupils.
His broad, meaty chest is pressed against your own until you’re basically pinned under his weight. All it takes is for you to tip your head up slightly for him to smash his lips against yours. Mingyu moans into your mouth as one of his big hands smooth along the back of your neck to pull you close while the other one trails between your thighs, rubbing your hot cunt.
You let out a wanton cry when his large hand comes down and swiftly delivers a hard slap to your wet pussy. He pulls back and smirks when he sees your expression. Mingyu repeats the action. “You’ve been such a bad girl, baby. Teasing me like you have.”
He loves how you look beneath him, grinding into his hand until he’s sinking two fingers into your wet cave. The sound he lets out when he feels how tight your cunt feels is almost animalistic. It’s so tight that he feels some resistance from the intrusion. Mingyu kisses you again and works to push you to your orgasm. He rolls your swollen clit with his thumb, swallowing all your whimpers and moans.
Mingyu’s pupils are blown wide with lust as he pulls away from you. His chest vibrates with a growl at the sight of your bliss-covered face. “You should’ve just asked for my help, princess.” He tells you as he starts pumping his fingers faster. “You have to know that I’ll do anything for you.”
Maybe it sounds crazy for him to admit that you already have him on his knees, but you seemed to like it because you clamp down tighter on his fingers. Your arousal is already leaking out of you and on to your sheets. It’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
Fuck. Mingyu looks so hot like this, and his words sound so—
“Daddy!” You moan out before you could stop yourself.
Mingyu groans loudly before he yanks his fingers out of you. He starts kissing down your body, eager to get a taste of your sweet cunt. Just as he’s about to latch his mouth on to the place that’s aching for him the most, you stop him. The shy look you give him when he meets your eyes almost has him blowing his load.
“I... I want to taste you too.”
His cock twitches at your words, and Mingyu feels more turned on than he ever has in his life. He quickly gets on his back before yanking you towards him and positioning you until your facing his cock and your wet cunt is right above his face. He blows a bit of air against you, loving the sight of your pussy clenching around nothing. Mingyu licks his lips before he grips your ass and pulls you down on his mouth.
You both let out loud moans when his tongue enters you. With pleasure overwhelming your senses, you lick at his veiny cock, dragging your tongue up and down the length of it. Mingyu has the prettiest dick you’ve ever seen. So big and veiny and deserving of being worshiped. You wrap your lips around his throbbing length swirling your tongue around his fat tip.
The loud moan Mingyu lets out against your pussy drags a moan out of your own mouth. He laps at your juices, not believing he went this long without tasting you. That’s why he can’t help that he’s messy and eager in the way he eats you out, letting out low grunts and moans against your dripping cunt. Your tight even on his tongue, and he can’t wait until your hot walls are gripping his dick.
“Fuck, baby girl.” Mingyu groans, gripping your ass tighter, grinding your cunt into his mouth. “Such a sweet pussy.”
You hollow your cheeks at his words, bobbing your head up and down. Focused on making Mingyu feel good, one of your hands moves to fondle his balls, massaging them gently against your palm. You smirk around his cock when he pulls back from your pussy to let out a loud moan. Feeling proud that you could make a man as beautiful as he was let out such a noise, you continue on your quest to make him come, running your tongue over the vein on the underside of his cock.
Mingyu grunts into your sopping pussy, working his tongue over your puffy clit with strong licks. The squelching sound of your mouth on his cock paired with the sound of him fucking you with his tongue makes him moan into your heat softly. He relishes in the way your squirm against him, loving the feeling of your whimpers on his aching cock.
“You’re sucking daddy’s cock so good, baby.” Mingyu groans. “Such a good girl for me.”
When you suddenly come undone on his tongue, Mingyu drinks up your juices, moaning at the taste of your orgasm. In the back of his mind, he tucks away the fact that you love being praised. Apparently as much as he loves indulging you.
“Guh-Gonna come, baby.” Mingyu manages to choke out.
You bob your head up and down his length faster, swallowing around him a few more times before he thrusts into your mouth with a loud he whine. Thick spurts of cum paint your mouth white, and you swallow every last drop.
“Fuck, sweetheart!”
Mingyu’s voice cracks as his orgasm rips through him. With a few more ropes of his cum, you finally release his cock with a loud pop.
The sight of your clenching pussy is enough to make his cock twitch again. You notice this and get wetter when you see his big dick is still hard. Placing a small kiss on his bulbous tip, you get off of him and lay on your back, needing him to finally stick his cock in you.
“Fuck me, daddy.” You moaned as one of your hands trailed down your body to spread your swollen lips.
Mingyu wastes no time in positioning himself in front of you, the tip of his cock teasing your entrance. He grips your thighs and tugs you closer to him, the fat head poking at your lips and nudging them apart. You both moan, and Mingyu thinks he could come right then and there when you grind yourself against him.
Licking his lips, Mingyu grips his cock and starts rubbing the fat head of his cock against your wet folds. He smirks when he hears you aroused whimpers.
“Ah! Da-Daddy, please!”
“Please what, angel?” Mingyu demands, needing to hear you say you want him as much as he wants you. He slaps his cock against your quivering pussy with a low growl. “Tell daddy what you want.”
You feel like you’re inebriated with the way he slowly moves his hips back and forth, fucking himself between your puffy folds. Mingyu groans when he hears the soft mewls you let out at the feeling of his hard cock rubbing against your wet pussy.
“Say it.” Mingyu coaxed as he latched his hot mouth on your neck, licking and sucking at your skin until he leaves a mark. “Tell daddy that you want his cock.”
“I...” You babble, to lost in your pleasure to answer coherently.
“What’s that, baby?” Mingyu's voice is sweet yet demanding all at the same time.
Desperate to see you beg for his cock, Mingyu starts to push his tip against your hole, threatening to push in deeper.
“Daddy!” You whined wantonly. “Need your cock inside me.”
“Fuck, baby. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.” Mingyu groans as his cock throbs against your hot cunt.
He goes to kiss you again as he rolls his hips, slowly pushing his dick inside you. He groans against your lips, feeling dizzy at the constant clenching from your warm, tight pussy.
You moan out loudly. “Fuck me, daddy!”
The delicious stretch of his monstrous cock splitting you apart had you crying out when he finally fits his huge dick inside you, balls deep and pressed against you. It’s better than anything you ever imagined.
“You want me to fuck you, angel? Want daddy’s cock to stretch your tight little cunt open?”
At your loud whimper, Mingyu lets out a deep laugh. He trails his lips down to your neck, kissing different parts of your skin.
It’s almost embarrassing how fast and how hard you nod, but you no longer care, having already given in fully to your lust. “Please, daddy!” You beg cutely against his ear.
Mingyu can’t believe his wildest desire was coming true. After weeks of stripping his cock raw to the thought of you, he finally—finally—has you underneath him. Fuck. He’s going to ruin you.
You feel large hands grip your hips before Mingyu is suddenly fucking his cock deeper into you. “Look at you, taking my cock so well. Such a good girl for me.” Mingyu groans as he rolls his hips into you.
Fuck. He hadn’t even made you finish and you already knew this was going to be the best sex of your life.
Mingyu slows the roll of his hips and lifts a hand to cradle your face gently. He smirks when you stare at him with pleading, eager eyes. “Do you like having my cock stuffed inside you, baby girl?”
His thumb brushes over you bottom lip gently, and you can only answer him in a whimper as he pushes it past your lips. Mingyu groans when you suck on his thumb, loving how pliant and eager you were. It makes him want to spoil you and give you the world. His cock twitches when you release his finger.
“You feel good, daddy?” Your question comes out breathy.
Mingyu nods, driving his cock deeper inside you. “So good, angel.”
You moan out when his thrust become harsher and faster. The bulbous tip of his dick his ramming against your sweet spot repeatedly, making you feel like you’ve gone stupid from the euphoric feeling. Mingyu moans out when you beg him to go harder.
Going faster, harder, he relishes at how tight you get with each thrust. There’s a faint buzzing he hears, vaguely registering it as his phone. But he doesn’t fucking care. Mingyu knows it’s his fiancé calling to ask him where he was. He doesn’t even feel guilty that he’s balls deep in her daughter. You feel so good that it’s all he can think about.
“Your cock is so big, daddy!” You whine out as you grind your hips up to meet his thrusts.
With his ego inflated, Mingyu reaches down to rub his thumb over your swollen clit. He stimulates the puffy bud until your convulsing around his dick in a way that makes him go crazy. The hot smirk on his face grows wider when he feels your cunt get wetter. Loud, messy squelches fill the room as he fucks you harder.
“You love daddy’s cock, don’t you, baby?” He can’t get enough of you.
Somehow, you manage to nod as his cock reaches deeper now. Your eyes roll back and your mouth hanging open. Mingyu thinks he might come from the sight alone. The loud sound of your pretty moans make his cock throb wildly.
“Oh, fuck!” You cry out, feeling the coil in your stomach finally snap.
Your legs shake and tremble against Mingyu when he keeps fucking you. None of your partners ever overstimulated you, but it felt so deliciously good.
“Gonna fill up this little pussy of yours so that everyone knows that you’re mine.” Mingyu growls as he snaps his hips into you.
You moan loudly and clamp down on him tighter. It only takes a few more thrusts until he’s spilling his hot cum into your aching cunt. Mingyu gives you a few more shallow thrusts before he pulls out. His thick cum slowly drips out of your pussy and stains the sheets beneath you.
Mingyu looks so hot hovering above you, face flushed from his orgasm. You look down to see that he’s still hard, and it's enough to turn you on all over again. With your bottom lip caught between your teeth, you wrap your legs around his hips and use all of your strength to flip the two of you over. His surprised face makes you laugh.
“I want to make you feel good, daddy.”
His groan is so sexy that you don't hesitate to run your pussy along the length of his cock, lubricating it with your arousal. The lewd squelch of your folds spreading against his dick makes the heat in your stomach coil.
Mingyu grips your waist as you reach down to push the head of his dick against your soaking cunt. You watch his chest heave as the grip on your waist tightens. He watches with hooded eyes as you sink down on his cock, right walls gripping him just right.
He bucks his hips up into you impatiently, and you let out a prolonged moan at the feeling of his tip hitting you at a new angle. You lift yourself up and slam back down, loving the way he throws his head back with a string of curses. It spurs you on to keep up your fast pace, wanting him to come inside you again.
The sight of you bouncing on his cock makes Mingyu feel like he’s died and gone to heaven. Because that’s what your pussy feels like. Absolute heaven.
“That’s it, baby girl. Keep fucking yourself on daddy’s cock.”
You whine when he places a hand on your lower back and the other on your ass. He starts guiding you up and down his dick. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he slams into the spongy spot inside you with ease. Fuck. No one had ever gone as deep as he had, and you mentally curse yourself for not fucking Mingyu sooner.
When you suddenly come on Mingyu’s cock, it triggers his own orgasm. He slowly fucks up into you, loving your fucked out expression.
Mingyu lifts you up off his dick and settles you into a new position so easily like you weigh nothing. Now he has you face down and ass up into the air, exposing your dripping cunt to him. The sight of your pretty pussy oozing with his seed makes something snap inside him.
You cry out loudly when he shoved the entire length of his veiny cock inside you with no warning. Broken whimpers and moms tumble out of your lips as he starts fucking into you like a madman. Mingyu’s hands are on your hips, keeping you steady as your ass bounces back on his pelvis. Fuck. You’re so fucking pretty for him. He knows after having you he won’t ever be able to let you go.
The loud ringing of your phone doesn’t make him stop, but he smirks when he sees your mother’s contact lighting up the screen of your phone. Somehow, he’s able to reach for the nightstand where your phone is and grab it without slowing the unrelenting pace of his hips. You’re barely lucid as he tosses the phone beside your head.
“Answer it.”
He must be crazy. You think. And yet, his words make your walls tighten around his hot cock. Mingyu groans and gives your ass a hard slap. The rough movement has you moaning and causes you to buck up against his cock. His fat tip brushes against your sweet spot and makes your cunt flutter around him.
“Do it now.”
His demanding tone turns you on, and you immediately obey him despite barely able to contain your moans. “Hey m-mom. What… What’s up?”
You don’t have to look back at Mingyu to know he has a wicked smirk on his face. Clearly, he loves how you can barely form a cohesive sentence while he fucks you.
“Have you heard from Mingyu? He’s still not here.”
As you’re about to answer her, you feel one of Mingyu’s large hands reach around your body to rub circles on your sensitive clit. The feeling of his hand on your puffy bud makes you let out a stifled whimper. Fuck.
“I- ah!” You squeal at a particularly sharp thrust.
“What happened? What’s going on?”
“I stubbed my toe.” You manage to whimper out.
Mingyu smirks as he watches you bite back your moans. He keeps fucking into you, loving how your pussy keeps fluttering around him. “Cute.” He coos, voice dripping with rapacious desire.
“I haven’t heard from him.” You manage to tell her as her fiancé keeps fucking his huge cock into your weeping hole. “You… you always s-say how busy he is. May-Maybe suh-something at work came up.”
You don’t hear what she says because with another particularly hard thrust, you’re gushing all over Mingyu’s dick. He grips your ass and spreads your cheeks to see how your sweet cream coats every ridge and vein on his cock. Mingyu groans lowly before he slaps your ass. He reaches over to pick up the phone, barely catching your mom say to call her if you heard anything from her fiancé before he abruptly ends the call.
Mingyu loves how you cry out as he keep drilling his cock into your tight hole continuously and unapologetically. All it takes is for you to clench around him one last time for him to come inside you, filling you up with his thick cum once again.
Just when you think he’s done, Mingyu flips you over so you’re facing him. You love the way he looks at you like you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. Which you are.
The entire time he kept his cock buried inside you, using it as a plug to keep his cum inside you. Slowly, he starts fucking it into you, loving the carnal sound how your wet juices and his cum being fucked back into you. Mingyu shoves his face into the crook of your neck. He licks and bites at your tender skin, wanting to mark up the tender flesh.
“Fuck, baby.” He breathes against your neck. “So fucking tight.”
Your arms had wrapped around him, keeping him as close to you as possible. The sound of his whimpers make you clench around him involuntarily. They’re soft and almost shy, like he can’t fathom the euphoric feeling that’s taken over his senses.
Mingyu’s grip on your hips is bruising as he starts plunging his throbbing cock into your warm, wet cunt. It’s dizzying how his fat tip hits your cervix every time. He lifts his head and smashes his lips against yours in a messy kiss. You swallow his groan as he quickens his pace, snapping his hips into you.
“Fuck, daddy!” You moan in between kisses. “Right there!”
He thrusts one more time before you two come together. Your release mixes with his and slowly drips out of your cunt despite him not pulling out. Mingyu doesn’t move, instead he places gentle kisses all over your face while praising you for being so good for him.
Finally, he rolls you over so you’re on top of him. His cock slips out of you, and you mewl at the feeling of his cum leaking out of you.
Mingyu presses a gentle kiss to your forehead as his hands slowly rubs down you’re back. “I meant it when I said you can come to me when you need help.”
You don’t have the strength to lift your head to look at him, but he can feel your smile against his chest.
“I might just take you up on that, daddy.”
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002
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kooktrash · 1 year
OMGGG YES YES YES TO POWDER BLUE BIKINI DRABBLE!! Maybe in a rough yet intimate “I HAVE to have you right this second because if not I’ll die” quicky because they need to rush bc jieun should be coming home soon all for her to end up leaving soon after because she’s staying at Yoongi’s ?? So now they have all the time in the world🫠
GUYS MY AGE | dilf jeon jungkook drabble
literally just a little continuation and obv outside smut [unedited]
warnings: unprotected smüt. doggy. poolside sęx.
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It was hot. It was so damn hot in this house and this entire city—country even! The worst part of the summer is the damn scorching Sun so yes, you will forever stay in a bikini because IT’S HOT.
“I thought you were gonna swim,” Jieun says as she sits next to your chair, “Instead you’re just sitting out here in this heat.”
“I’m trying to tan, if I can anyway,” you said with a shrug lowering your sunglasses, “And what else is there to do?”
“You can come with me and pick up Yoongi because that dumbass told me he didn’t need a ride after dropping his car off at the shop and now he does. That’s a 20 minute drive.” Jieun said with a hopeful smile but you just stared at her. “No.”
“Why!?” “Because I’m sweaty and in a bad mood!” You said jokingly and Jieun knew you were only being dramatic, “So leave me here to die of a heatstroke and go pick up your boyfriend.”
“Fine, you suck…bitch,” with that she smacked the side of your head making you whine as she left with a laugh. You turned back toward the glistening pool debating if you should just drown yourself in cold water. Jungkook had been busy all day, Namjoon was over to deal with some court case for this big company at the moment. Literally the most boring thing ever and to make things worse you’ve been sitting outside in this cute powder blue bikini that he couldn’t even properly enjoy the sight of because Jieun was home.
Don’t ask him where things stand between you and him because he does not know. You haven’t questioned him about your relationship so he assumes right now you two are just fine. That doesn’t mean he’s fine not being able to touch you whenever because he’s not. So the second Jieun came in complaining about the forty minutes drive and back it’d be to pick up Yoongi, Jungkook was already getting excited.
“Alright Namjoon, pack it up, I’ll work on this later.” “Huh?” “Yeah, safe drive.”
Jungkook had never ran to the backyard so fast in his life. You lay there with your eyes shut watching them Orange hues on your eyelids fade to dark making you open them. Jungkook stood over you making you smile, “Hi stranger.” He took a seat on the edge of your laying pool chair, “No one’s home.”
“Is that so?” You asked already sitting up for him to get close to. You wore a powder blue bikini now, small breast cups and very tiny shorts. The fabric was shimmery and the sides were tied together with flimsy strings that could easily come undone with his fingertips. Seeing you every morning lounging by his pool in his house, that he worked so hard for, sitting there looking pretty just does things to him. What’s he going to do when you and Jieun go back to school? You cleared your throat, taking your sunglasses off, “So what do you want to do with me now that we’re the only ones home? We have like thirty minutes.”
“Everything.” With that he pressed his lips against yours roughly, “I have to have you right now because if I don’t I think I’ll die.”
You giggled at that as he trailed his kisses down your neck, hands coming around your chest making you gasp. His fingers slid the small triangles of fabric off your tits, sliding them down the string to expose your nipples as he squeezed them between his fingers. Your body always reacted so quickly to his touch, so eager. He doesn’t think he’s felt this in a long time and your eagerness just makes him that much harder.
You let out a soft moan as Jungkook wrapped his arms around your lower back tightly so he could lift you and put you closer to the end of the chair while he was toward the back, “Ugh what are you going to do when I go? Are you gonna forget about me, Mr. Jeon.”
Goddamn you were so damn dirty. You never called him Mr. Jeon in front of Jieun, only when his mouth was devouring yours. Jungkook held in a breath as you began to grind your cunt against his lap. There was absolutely no concern of being seen outside at his poolside by his neighbors. All he’s thinking about is the way your bottoms worked as a very small barrier between your pushy and his shorts. You both were so eager, so ready to just get on with it—or get it on.
He licked his dry lips, “How can I forget if you send me all those pretty pictures of you?”
It’s been days since the first time and last time you slept together which happened to have all three rounds in one night. It would have been enough for him after three years but now he can’t stop thinking about you now. He came to seriously get annoyed whenever Jieun was home all day, did that make him a bad dad? That he didn’t want his 20 year old daughter home so he could fuck her best friend? And fuck you, he will.
“We haven’t done it like this yet,” you said in a sultry voice as you turned your back to him suddenly and laid down on your elbows and knees. Jungkook’s jaw slipped open at the sight of your rounded ass up for him, your spine arched and your shoulder blade protruding from the bend. Your hair was on one side of your head and you just presented yourself ready to be fucked from behind. Jungkook couldn’t help but to press his hips against yours despite still being fully dressed. He was just amazed by how he fit perfectly between your ass and you made sure to give a small wiggle making him groan.
Neither one of you had the patience to take things slow and with Jieun coming back soon with Yoongi nonetheless, you rushed through things more. Jungkook was nearly fully hard just at the sight of you and kissing so he pulled down the zipper of his pants, slipping them down with his briefs as he pulled his member out. He barely had time to look around and make sure no neighbor was by a window or anything as he pulled your bottoms to one side exposing your wet pussy. Jungkook guided his tip toward your entrance making sure to coat his head with your slick. You were already withering beneath him and he couldn’t stop the smirk on his face.
Just imagine everyone around him knowing he’s about to fuck one of the tightest pussies he’s ever had. You released an impatient sigh, “I thought you needed to have me now! I thought you would die if you weren’t in m—ngh.”
Your words caught in your throat as Jungkook pressed his cock into your folds making you try and relax your body to welcome the strength. Jungkook took pleasure in the way your back seemed to arch like a kitten’s at being touched. He pressed a hand down on your spine keeping you arched for him as his other hand was on your ass backing you into him. He gave you a breathy scoff at your submission, “Don’t raise your voice at me, baby, I don’t like that.”
You groaned in frustration and pleasure as he began to pull his cock out giving you a small thrust back in as you adjusted. Jungkook licked his lips at the sight below him and he couldn’t help but reach for your skid over bottoms, hooking a finger on it, lifting, and letting go. Your body jumped, pussy constricting around his length making him groan as he did it again. Once again you reacted the same, hands stretching out before you on the chair, “Mm, you’re so dirty Mr. Jeon.”
He released a low grunt as you began a steady pace of fucking back on his length and he brought his hands away to watch you fuck yourself using him so eagerly. He stood straighter, hands going to his hair to brush it back as you continued to shake your ass on his dick, soft little moans leaving your lips. He licked his lips as he looked down at the view, hand sneaking down your back to your hair, making only so your hips could move as he gave you a small tug. You forced yourself up as a hand came around your stomach and the other around your throat until your back was arched nearly touching his chest. He slid the hand on your stomach down to your pelvis, keeping you in place as he fucked you deeply, face in your neck as his other hand left your throat and traveled to your exposed tits. You smiled at the way he groped your body while fucking you so dirty, “Look at you, you can’t even control yourself.”
“It’s all because of you,” he growled into your throat, sucking on your neck, marking you, “You drive me so fucking crazy.”
You smiled, hand going over the one he had on your breasts forcing his fingers to grope more roughly, “Fuck, you feel so good.”
He couldn’t help but smile as he lifted your hips enough to grind you down on his member, “So you gonna cum? Jieun could get here any second.”
And you were so close. So close that when he pressed his finger against your folds, finding your clit and softly running over it, your thighs shook. And he enjoyed every second of the way your body was always so quick to react to him that he wasn’t even surprised when you released a loud whine as you came. Jungkook’s lips parted in a low groan at the way your pussy flooded his member with release and though he tried holding you through it, you pushed away from him. Jungkook’s hands tried adjusting your bathing suit back into a soft caress as you tried tearing yourself away from him. Jungkook let you go watching you turn, making him go to kiss you when you dropped down onto your stomach, hand coming around his cock and placing your lips around it.
The action alone was enough to make Jungkook drop down onto his hinds, mouth opening in a low moan as he came down your throat, watching you lick up his and your release at once.
In his back pocket, a buzz was felt and as he reached for his phone feeling you lick him clean, he checked the notification.
jieun: we’re getting dinner and going back to his place. pls let y/n know :)
He couldn’t help the small chuckle that left his lips as you finally got up, tucking him back into his jeans and just like that, his hand was holding your chin bringing your lips to his own, “We have all night now. So wash up for dinner, then we’ll see how the night goes.”
You smiled kissing him softly, “Yes, Mr. Jeon, but I’m going to need help getting clean.”
“So needy.”
“But you love it.”
“‘Maybe.” He likes feeling wanted.
personal taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt @nikkiordonez12 @asking4-sanity @thvlover7 @saweetspoiled @uwu2rawr @shaybts-blog @babycandy111 @tearyjjeon @joons-uparupa
collab taglist: @blueberrysoda a @cupidguk @weirdorathexplora @purpleguk @exactlygreatcoffee @minnie-mouser22 @bangtans-momma @royallyjjk @iceykoo @tae-hibiscus s @happygolucky7777 @taeslarityy y @jeonzll @errewaythings @kmadelin @bloopkook @anjcrbnll @literaturenutz @absolutelyjeons @strawberrysweetness @jungkookminthairwhen @sincerelyflora @twilight-loveer @heartjiminie @outro-kook @blueberrysungie @r0ttenbeans @koo-kz @allfryou @takochelle @kookies-n-spice @bighitbabie e @jjkreblog @queenmasterxx
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isackwhy · 1 month
still high but cooking. I SHARE COOK
isaacwhy x chubby! reader hc’s sfw
(small mentions of ED)
gym rats love us
as much as we want to deny it bc of insecurities they love us
so pls don’t be worried about that w him. i get it but he’ll reassure u each time that it doesn’t matter to him
plus i’m pretty sure yumi was talking about the new gamersupps girl who was chubby like the new design or whatever and that isaac liked it. which he didn’t deny
i need to re-find that podcast if anyone knows LMK
if ur a content creator and get the occasional hate on ur body and it gets to it isaac is immediately distracting you
telling u it’s bullshit
“some days they get me. other days they don’t.”
“yeah? fuck them. you’re hot.”
the first few times he asks if u want to go to the gym u say no out of fear and bc in ur head he was saying u needed to go
he assured u that’s not what he meant and that he just wanted to spend time w u anywhere :)
if u guys were bffs beforehand he knows every little warning sign that ur getting insecure about ur body
even if u aren’t he learns quickly
he notices how ur suddenly counting calories or eating less or staying in pjs and not wanting to be intimate
u feel bad. feeling like it might just be repetitive at this point for him
“you always help me when i feel like shit, right? everytime i stress about a video or feel like it’ll be shit you help me. and that’s kinda often. why wouldn’t i help you?” is what he says everytime u feel bad
obsessed w ur thighs
always grabbing onto them, laying them across his legs
love handles? he puts them to use 👍🏻 ykyk
if ur like me u don’t like whoever ur dating to touch ur tummy while ur cuddling. like it’ll remind them it’s there
this man will kiss ur stomach the first time it happens and honest to god u kinda hate it but he’s whispering such sweet things u can’t stop him
“you’re so pretty. so so pretty.”
“alright alright stop please.”
“not till you believe me.”
u hate when u smile bc of ur double chin that always makes an appearance but isaac has a whole folder labeled “y/n’s smile” so pls take a breath
“i’d look better in that if i was someone else,” u point to the somewhat fitting dress on ur screen
“if u don’t buy that right now i might have a stroke, babe.”
u buy it. well. he buys it. it comes in the mail and u we’re not leaving the house that day
ur known to his community and when rumors start to swirl that u guys might be dated, there was also hate that came w it
“isaac would never date someone like that.” a comment reads
that’s a fear of urs ofc but….he’s currently laying next to u and not some other random person so
soft launching until u just give in and hard launch
u guys were already all over each others stories and social medias but after u guys start dating and want to slowly reveal it u guys post a picture of each other every month on the date of ur anniversary w out any context
it’s fun lowkey
will always back u up
the boys and him make sure they don’t fat jokes around u
u told them it’s fine bc it’s a thing between them but isaac could see how uncomfy u got w then sometimes
when he can tell ur mental state is affecting how u see how u look he won’t talk about the gym around u and makes sure the boys don’t either
just the little things
he tried to give u hoodies but u refuse bc ur scared they won’t fit u
he has oversized hoodies and looks at u like ur crazy
“this will fit you babe,” he shakes the black hoodie in front of u as u shiver from the breeze in his backyard
“no. no. i’m fine.”
“lifts ur arms up—“
u comply. the hoodie fits.
“told u.”
nsfw >:)
u didn’t wanna show him ur body the first time around
u left ur oversized hoodie on, isaacs hands snaked under it to hold ur boobs
body worship bruh
kisses every part of u, leaving marks and little bites along ur thighs
u also made him leave the lights off until recently
“i wanna see you properly baby,” he says between the kisses of a heavy makeout
you pout, “isy—“
“you’re gorgeous. you’re amazing and i want to see all of it,” he says, attacking your neck in kisses
how could u not give in honestly
at this point the hoodie is gone everything and u try and use ur arms to cover urself but he won’t let you nope nope nope
fucks u in front of a mirror everytime u feel like shit
“look how pretty, hm? u can’t see what i see? i’ll make sure you do. don’t worry, hun.”
he said that while holding eye contact w u and u nearly lost it there
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kenlvry · 1 year
omg i just read the “getting caught making out” and was wondering if you could do it with craig’s gang aswell🙈
craigs gang getting caught making out
an: HELLOO!! i am back from vegas, my brother wasted 300 on gambling and i have never been so motivated to kill someone, also i tried wine and.... yeah idk how to feel oh also i am not making jimmy bc like i said idk how to potray him im so sorry :( also like always 16-17
hes so mad at you rn, how could you!! while he was out in the field sweating his ass off you were on the bleachers talking so gently to a boy.
he looked over to you and the boy had his arm wrapped around you while you laughed at his joke. but thanks to you he played well, out of jealousy and anger. after the game that they won, cheers could be heard and only then did you realize you literally missed your boyfriend's game. so now here you two were beside the bleachers making out, after the game he sulked and you reassured him with a kiss but one thing lead to another and you two are making out.
your back pressed against the metals while his hand hold your head so you don't feel the metal, his other hand cupping your face holding you close, it was slow and wet, he kissed so well you loved it when you maked out with him or kissed him he was always so experienced.
since you two were on the side bleachers that was far away from everything nobody could really see, stan and craig was searching for him because coach wanted to take a team photo for him to display, searching everywhere and giving up sitting on one of the bleacers. "dude where the heck is he" stan groaned leaning backwards on his seat. then they heard small pants
they looked at each other in somewhat shocked "are they doing what i think their doing?" craig said and peeked thinking it was some perv doing nasty shit but it was his dear friend making out with his girlfriend "clyde?" stan called out and you two jumped staring at the other two, stan looked annoyed and sighed loudly "just say yr jealous stan" clyde winked tilting his head to stan "celebrations can wait, coach needs you" craig said and went down pulling him by his clothing basically dragging him "call me babe!" you laughed lightly knowing if you dont call he'd show up infront of your house
you loved this moment right here, you and tolkien making out without a care in the world. it started with him asking you to come over, thinking he wanted to play games or something but when you arrived he wasn't there, checking every corner still no tolkien. then you checked the backyard and there he was in a suit standing while holding flowers and behind him a table for two people.
you laughed at the sudden surprise, him coming to you grabbed your hand and kissed it "mlady" you laughed again at the fancy name he gave you. walking to the table "if i knew we were having a dinner date I would've worn something more fancy" , he wanted to go somewhere more fancy but this town is far from fancy so he resorted to the next best thing. he pulled your chair and you sat while he slowly pushed it.
it was the cutest thing ever, you two had a nice time and before you know it you two were making out , it was so romantic his kisses were delicate. he held your waist gently and the other holding your back so you don't fall over from him leaning you downwards trying to be romantic, your hands held his face not breaking the contact. he holds you so dear and making out with him makes you feel like you two are a married couple growing old tgt
but before you could feed onto your delusions even more, you could hear a familiar voice calling out on tolkiens voice, it was his mom and dad. you both quickly broke the kiss and greeted them, tolkien said they weren't gonna come home until tmr but they stopped by to grab something and you thought you were going to be bribed 10 million dollars to break up with him but you saw them converse with smiles on their face.
leaving the house with a "invite her for dinner next time sweetie" you blushed a little "now where did we left off?" he said and pulled you for another kiss
boy oh boy does he look stressed rn, he is a cash register, waiter and the one making the coffee at the same time . every minute his twitching worsened, you laughed at how cute he was from the glass door, entering with a ding caused by the bell, tweek shouted "welcome to t-tweek bros!" from the counter while making coffee and when he saw who came he smiled so brightly
keeping professional and trying his best to not hug you tightly while crying about the shitty customers he just smiled while waiting for you to order. "just a water babe, dont wanna stress you out more" you smiled and he smiled back making the water and giving it to your table "how long til your shift ends?" you question while drinking your water "ngghh five minutes!" you hummed at the answer and he walked away
his shift finally ended so now here you two were making out in the break rooms, it was suppose to be him complaining abt the customers today but i guess he had other plans, it was sloppy, it seem as though he didnt even want to kiss you. you smiled at how rushed he was and pulled away, your current position is being pinned onto his locker while he cups your face, your hand on his shoulders pushing him. he looked slightly confused on why you pushed him but you flipped him over so he was pinned against the locker you being shorter grabbed his face and tip toeing to kiss him and he just hold your waist not knowing were else to place his hands
when it seemed like it was getting steady and he wasn't twitching as much the doors opened with a bitchy voice followed "tweek your shift ended right? lets pl- the fuck" tweek jumped at the sudden intrusion " argh! this isn't what it looks like! i mean it is! i mean!" you placed your hand on his shoulders and the rest of the boys walked in "damn tweek i didn't know you were kinky like that" kenny said making the others laugh "shut up!" tweek said as you all walked out, they continued to tease tweek abt this for a couple of days (by they i mean cartman and sometimes jimmy) until you forced them to stop, tweek always kiss at home now, specifically your house, hes too nervous someone will disturb you two.
you dont know how it lead to this but uh here you two are in his kitchen making out... i know how though. you came over to hang out with him......maybe you shouldve come a little later bc rn red racer is on and he refuses to talk to you until after red racer is over. that show is sooooooooo boring to you, you can't say that though.
and damn how long is this show on?? its been 20 minutes now and you two are halfway through the episode. attempting to talk to him again he shushes you and says "wait until red racer is over" for the 100th time you sigh knowing you have to wait even though craig knew impatience is one of your strong personalities.
you decide to go to the kitchen to relieve your thrist, opening the fridge literally eyeing it for a drink and opening and closing it hoping a drink will appear. finally you see water right infront of your fucking eyes,you drink some then put it back, closing the fridge and when your about to turn around someone hugged you. the smell of the cologne was easy to identify, craigs dad.
jk its craig , he wouldn't let go even if you tried, "craig." you said sternly in defeat "sorry, red racer is over now what did you want to talk about?" laying his head in your shoulder, his breath on your neck. you sighed and just when you were about to run he flipped you over to the counter, he picked you up by your thighs and placed you on the counter his hand trapping you in "my parents aren't coming home for awhile" he winked "so?" you said in confusion and he just kissed you so yeah now you two are making out
his kisses was lovingly, and sensual... although he doesn't seem experienced he's good at kissing, you put your hand on his shoulders and his hands now on you waist one of them travelling further down to your thigh. as you two were enjoying the moment the door opened, quietly though. you two of course didn't hear it and kept making out and you hear something drop. you two looked over at the door to see almost every boy in the 4thgrade (the relevant ones ofc) butters has dropped his book and was in shock he ran home muttering smthn abt we can only kiss after marriage.
everyone just stood there staring at each other "so are you js gonna stand there?" craig broke the silence "do you want us to come to you then?" cartman said in a sarcastic tone which made craig flip him off "leave" and they left, wow. "isn't that too rude? poor them" you said pitifully looking back at the door. "forget them, your focus is me, where were we hm?" he said as his hands gently pulled you to look in his direction.
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veespee · 3 months
Alex Koval HCs
bc i love him with all my heart
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-He will often, especially when he tries to sleep, massage or pet himself. Like petting his hair, or massaging the back of his shoulders, and he will close his eyes, imagining it's his mother's hands instead of his. He also has a habit of acting like his parents were still alive to cope. (i'm pretty sure that's canon, since when Jeff asked him if he wanted to go somewhere with him, Alex said: “let me go ask mom real quick”, which,,, got me sobbing)
-He was an EARLY Alex G fan. Race was released in January 1st 2010, so that's the first album Alex got to know. Probably from friends or something, but that would be his inspiration to create his own music. I just feel like he'd love indie and midwest emo. (also HC that his favorite Alex G song is Kicker and/or Animals)
-He doesn't like throwing away objects he has from his childhood. Plushies, pillows, notebooks, anything that has memories attached to it, he'll never throw away. I feel like he'd have lots of plushies of dogs especially, and one that looked like sparky. That's the plushie he’s most attached to, and he keeps it next to his pillow. He's too attached, and even feels sympathy for the objects. (also i feel like he'd be the type of person to bump into a table or something and apologize)
-He's a nail biter. Jeff tells him to stop, although Jeff is also guilty of biting his nails sometimes. I think that Alex's hands would be super warm, even in the cold, as he's too awkward and doesn't know where to put his hands, so they're always in his pockets. He'd also probably bite the flesh around his nails, maybe making it bleed sometimes.
-I have this specific scenario in mind for him, like a memory he has stuck in his mind from his childhood (i just wanted to have my writer moment tbh so here you go): When he was young, maybe around 7-8, he was out in his backyard. It had snowed, and he was just walking around and stomping on the powdery snow that covered the grass. That's when he stumbles upon a small brown bird, a laying in the snow, unmoving. He picks it up, holding it gently in his palms. The bird was unfortunately dead, but young Alex didn't understand. He pet it's head, but it was still frozen. Alex frowned, and decided to take it back to the house to show his mother. He steps inside, his mother was cooking some soup in the kitchen, and it smelled great. Alex walks into the kitchen, the frozen little bird in his palms. He tugs at his mother's shirt to get her attention, and asks her why the bird isn't flying. His mother looks down at him and smiles, kneeling down a bit to get to his level. “Oh sweetie,” she starts, “The birdie is asleep. But it's going to be asleep for a long time.” she softly says, not wanting to upset the boy. She pets his hair gently, seeing that he looks quite sad. “Don't worry Al, we can leave the birdie in the backyard. His family members will find him, and they'll have a happy reunion.” she says, and she can see Alex smile. She smiles back and gently caresses Alex's cheek with her thumb. “See? Now go put the birdie back where you found it.” she ends as she turns back to pot of soup she was making. Alex nods happily and puts the bird back in the corner of the backyard.
When Alex comes back the next day, he goes back to his backyard. He remembers the little bird and smiles, going to check if it's family had found it. Sadly, when he walked towards the corner of the fence of his backyard, he saw a red liquid mixed with the powdery snow. He panicked and searched for the bird, which was unfortunately found by a fox, and looked mauled. Alex pets the bird's head, but it was clear it wasn't responding. He sobbed quietly, not wanting to be too loud and worry his parents and Jeff. So he wiped his tears, and went back inside. He looked devastated that an innocent, small animal could have such an end.
(this mightt be a metaphor for Alex's death… but it's up to the interpretation of the reader :)
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thank you for reading! 🖤
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bumblinv · 1 year
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---  omaticayan (house) cats ☆゚.*・。゚
feauturing neteyam, kiri, lo’ak, tuk
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headcanons of them as literal house cats bc the entire omaticaya clan are just 3-meters-tall, walking, blue forests cats with bows. change. my. mind.
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: ̗̀➛ tuk ; tabby kitten
“what breed is she?” 
“just a little girl”
you don’t know her exact breed
no one can blame you tho, she was jus a baby left by her mother in your backyard, that you took in
could be a mix of all sort of breeds, but to you, tuk was your little girl 
the moment you took her in, she was severely malnourished. so you feed her with your own hands, bathe her, sleep with her each night
she was like your own child
and you’re ready to fight every single person in this planet if someone dare to lift a finger againts her
the bravest little kitten you’ve ever know
but the silliest too, 
her entire body went wet as she got in, headfirst, into her bowl when she first learned to eat wet food
and one time she jumped into your aquarium to ‘catch’ the fishes
she would snatch pieces of wings from your plate and holds on it for her dear life when you tried to take it away from her </3
you would crochet matching hats for you and her
overall, the best lil girl ever
: ̗̀➛ lo’ak ; bengal cat
do i need to say more
he’d run all over the house, pouncing at every moving thing in sight, playing with his toys for hours, and getting to high places you never knew he could reach
one time he somehow got to the house’s roof. it freaked you out
you were convinced that this little bundle of energy is literally a cheerful puppy in cat’s clothing
with his adorable little coat, that took some time to put on, you take him to the park each morning. this is mandatory, or else he’s too energize to sleep at night and would start knocking things over at 3am (wich you learned the hard way)
at the park, his curious self would sniff everything and anything. a tree, a man’s leg, until he got too curious to a little winged fella, that a pigeon once pecked him on the head
he befriended every single dog and cat around the park, but would get a little salty if new people tried to touch him
at night, when finally, his energy went to 0%, he got cuddly. really cuddly, he sticks to you like glue
and i know he would sleep on your chest and suffocates you in your sleep
: ̗̀➛ kiri ; persian cat
she so bougie ngl
and a little moody too
you wont need an alaram clock, cause every morning, at the exact same time, she would sit on your face and starts screaming for food
i hope your wallet thick as hell cause i know she would only eat whole foods, like those healthy (and super fucking pricy) food rich cat persons feed their cats
kiri right there eating salmon and chicken breasts, and you’re left slurping your sad instant ramen 
things we do for our cats ammirite
half of your life savings went to her
from grooming money, for buying her expensive foods and vitamins, to all her essentials like her high tech self cleaning litter box(?)
she spoiled as hell
but i know she still has the audacity to scratch your hand and legs
don’t get me wrong, she loves you. the two things she dislikes the least was you and the big blue fish living in your pond (it was rotxo) 
: ̗̀➛ neteyam ; golden retriever
but none of yall could deny
even as a person, he got that golden retriever personality 
always have a smile on his face, tail wagging every time
calm and loving, 
would befriend every other animal you foster, you sometimes find them all cuddled up together
have i mention that he loves cuddling? 
but remember he’s huge
would crush you every time he cuddles into your lap
but you never minded, cause he’s the sweetest, most gentle giant 
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reasonsmandy · 7 months
Your daughter’s father
Camila Dunne x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Not sure whether ur taking requests buttt could you do a camila dunne fic where the reader and camila are secret lovers but after while in bed reader tells camila that is has to stop bc she wants something real and full of love or smth. smut, angst plssss
✧.* summary — you met Camila at the most troubled moment of her life so far, and during that time, you bonded with each other, creating a strong and cherished relationship. Until Billy returns from rehab ruining what was building between you.
✧.* warnings — Smut, MINORS DNI, sad ending.
✧.* word count — 1.4k
✧.* 🫀— Camila's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — Hello everyone! How are you doing? I hope everything is amazing, I'm traveling this week so I'll be writing just a little... But! As always, please, feel free to ask me anything :)
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You watched your neighbors' backyard from the window of your house, little by little boxes were being packed and there was a lump in your throat. You try to ignore it, but ever since Billy came back things had been like that, distant, as if you were observing something that was so close to you now as paintings in a museum.
Warren leaves through the front door towards his van, he and Eddie had already told you that they were going out to the cinema that afternoon, a while later Graham's girlfriend arrived and with them Karen joined them to the beach. The last person you see leave the door some time later is Billy, you couldn't tell where he was going and honestly you didn't want to know, all that mattered was that he was finally gone.
You left your house as quickly as you could, knocking on the door three times hoping that Camila would open it soon. When her figure appears you don't take long to kiss her, surprised she gasps and after a few seconds she reasons and kisses you back urgently.
“Have you gotten tired of me since your hubby arrived, huh? You whisper against her neck, trailing your kisses down her jaw and neck. You had missed the sighs it caused the brunette in front of you.
“No…” She murmurs, letting out a heavy sigh then, holding your hair. “I just, fuck, I -”
You smile against her skin, pulling away to find her dilated pupils showing her need for you. She feels herself falling apart under your gaze, knowing that you could hold her, needing your hold.
“You just what?” You question, whispering.
“He didn’t leave the house.” She justifies herself, and you smile sarcastically.
You get closer to her, touching your noses, still looking deeply at her, she could feel your breathing and it made her feel unsteady. She wraps her arms around your neck, wanting you closer and closer.
“Jules is sleeping, you know?” She whispers, stroking the strands of her hair. “Don’t you want to enjoy this time with me?”
“Do we have the house to ourselves?” you ask, wanting to confirm. Camila nods.
You place her against the wall, kissing her even more intensely, her hands urgently pulling your hair with desire and longing. You squeeze her waist, showing that you want her closer and closer, guiding her to the couch where he made her lie down so you could admire her.
“Take your clothes off.” You ask as you sit on the floor to observe her figure better.
You watch her take off her dress little by little, and you knew this was something she did to tease you. When she was completely naked and the day's wind hit her skin making her shiver, you decided to give her other reasons to shiver. You spread her legs and touch her gently, receiving moans and whimpers asking you for more.
Your smile reveals how much you enjoy every minute, and when her body explodes with pleasure you continue to stimulate her until she scratches your arms with pleasure. You get up to kiss her lips tenderly, she wraps you in her arms as she feels your lips against hers for a few seconds.
“Can we go upstairs?” She asks, pulling away from your kiss.
Your heart flutters with each step on the way to your room, you've been there before but now something is different. Billy's return from rehab had been a turning point in your relationship. You met her when you moved in next door and slowly couldn't help but fall in love with her kind and unique soul.
She had been very accepting since your move, you were together every day since her friends and her husband were on tour. She felt very abandoned and alone, you gradually got closer and gave each other this support, gradually it became something more like affection here and there, silly hands and at the end passionate kisses. You surrendered to this relationship little by little and with everything you had, you were falling in love.
The room where you used to spend early mornings and afternoons taking care of each other and, after Julia was born, taking care of the baby. It had become the place where Billy gradually became part of the life of the woman you loved, She pulls you out of your thoughts by throwing your body against your bed and kissing you once again.
“I missed us.” She says, taking off your blouse, and kissing your entire neck, making you gasp against her mouth.
“Are you sure about this?” You say comically, making her look up into your eyes.
“Do you want me to prove it to you?” She says taking your kisses lower and lower, you can't help but moan.
She slowly opens your legs wanting more access so she can taste you, she works magic with her mouth and tongue making you tighten the sheets while rolling your eyes.You really missed being by her side, both sexually and on your days off laughing and having fun, when you let out a louder moan letting your body relax with pleasure she looks up into your eyes and licks her lips making the butterflies in your stomach dance.
She lies next to you while you put on your clothes, and observe the woody ceiling that you often observed together. But instead of her snuggling into your chest like usual, she lays down a little further away, you frown and let the air out of your lungs.
She looks at you and perhaps notices your shy figure, You try not to look back because you know you would want to pull her close and tell her you love her.
“Are you okay Y/N?” She asks, sitting up. “Something happened? I did something?”
You just deny it, sitting and watching Júlia's crib next to you.
“How are you holding up?” You ask, your voice low. “I mean, you weren’t okay with all of this and Billy’s return either.”
“We are rebuilding our relationship. I think, he seems to be wanting to change.” You let out a disbelieving laugh, she looks at you trying to understand.
“I’m sorry Cami, I just…” You shrug, looking at her finally. “I thought he would be part of Julia's life.”
“Of course he will, he’s her father.” Camila agrees with you.
“No Cami, I thought he would be just that, your daughter’s father.” You let go at once, leaving her surprised.
She stays silent, you let out a sad and heavy sigh. Getting ready to get up, she holds your waist.
“Where are you going?” Her voice was now choked, you shrugged.
“What is my role here? Look, I don't want to be your lover while you have a happy life with that guy.” You let out, trying to hold your tears.
“I don't want you to feel this way.” she says, stroking her fingers. “You know you’re important to me.”
You let her speak, watching her with your teary eyes.
“Just me, Billy and I have a history.” Camila says looking down. “Of course, it had its obstacles, you know that, but I feel like we can make it happen. That he and I can improve so we can have the family we dream of and-”
“Camila, he left you in labor alone!” you say in disbelief.
“He was going through sobriety issues, come on, you know-”
“What I know is that he left you completely helpless during your pregnancy, cheated on you while you were carrying your daughter and even left you while you were giving birth!” Little by little your voice became more indignant.
“You wouldn't understand...” she says and that's when you let your tears fall, feeling trapped in a nightmare. “You don't stop loving someone when things get hard, at least I can't…”
“I wouldn't understand? You being serious right now?” You say with a choked voice. “I love you, I was with you here from the beginning even with everything falling apart. And I don't understand?”
She doesn't answer you, you agree with her silent statement.
“Honeys, I'm home!” Warren's voice emanates from downstairs.
“I can't do this, I'm sorry.” You say, adjusting your clothes as you wipe away your tears. “I love you too much to see you unhappy, and if that's what you want. I will leave you to it.”
“Hey, we can talk about this…” Camila begs, you deny with your head, opening the bedroom door.
“If you change your mind, I’ll be next door.” You say before disappearing through the door.
She watches you leave with a tightness in her chest, which unfortunately wasn't big enough to make her ask you to turn around. Days later, you watch her leave the house alongside her husband and daughter with boxes, momentarily your eyes connect and you feel your heart give up with the smile that indicated goodbye.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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oh-surprise-its-me · 9 months
So, everyone knows that Bradley is basically like a son to the one and only Maverick. Man's pretty much a legend, the Daggers are excited to have him as an instructor and all. Jake, on the other hand, is anonymous. Well, he got a reputation for himself, sure, but other than that? No Seresin in the Navy. He's nobody. Until, uh oh...they find out that he's not as anonymous as they think. As you called him, he's basically royalty! And knows more high officers, commanders, admirals, and a couple of retired guys too, well. Perhaps even a bit too much well. DEFINITELY, too well, how did Mav miss a whole damn kid being passed around through the whole 86 class and instructors like that?!???
Leave.it to you how they find out, or why~
Oh my god yay okay.
Threesome au bc goose is alive in that one
They decided to host a reunion at Ron’s house. They told Jake to invite the daggers. They’d really get to meet people this way.
Jake bounces down the stairs in a sweatshirt and jean shorts. He opens the door to Mav, Bradley and Goose. Carole is standing a few feet away on the phone, she waves at Jake. “Hey y’all!” Mav tilts his head he still can’t believe Tom and Ron have a kid and a husband together. Bradley pulls Jake into a hug. He gets a grin in response.
“Y’all aren’t actually the first here. Uncle Rick and Uncle Henry got here first. Same with pops actually.”
Goose and Mav blink at each other. Rick and Henry? As in Wolfman and Hollywood??
Carole sweeps into the house she presses a kiss to Jake’s head and keeps on going. “Ronnie! I need a notepad!” Jake smiles after her. Bradley tilts his head. “Lookin a lot like a rooster there Brad.” Jake gets punched in the arm.
They make their way to the backyard where Chris and Tom are on a couch together. Ron and Carole are talking on the side.
Mav blinks at the group of people. Fucking Viper is here. His evil fucking wife is too. She tried to medically discharged him so many times. Goose coughs. Mav can tell he’s trying not to laugh.
“Maverick.” Maverick straightens and shakes the hand that’s offered. “Sir. Didn’t realize you’d be here.” Viper grins at him. “Had to see my grandson.”
Chris snorts from where he’s leaned against Tom. “Please you wanted to cause issues. Scare some kids.” Viper shrugs. “A perk.” Ron comes back and passes Viper a beer, “need anything pops?” Viper shakes his head. Laura takes the blanket Ron passes to her. She tucks it’s around her and her husband.
Mav thinks maybe he’s actually lost it this time.
He catches sight of Jake being caught in a hug by Wolfman. Hollywood is watching them like this is normal.
What the hell.
There’s more voices from the house. “Javy we can’t just walk in??” Theres a laugh that’s distinctly Javy’s. “Girl when there’s this many photos of me in this house I say we can. Come on I wanna drink some of Vipers killer whiskey before Chris and Jake drink it all.”
Mav’s mouth is officially dropped open.
He puts his hands up as the rest of the daggers walk out. “How long have you all known Jake is Ron and Tom’s kid?” Chris makes a small noise of annoyance at being left out of the list but lets it pass.
Wolf speaks up first. “Years. Met him after top gun. Chris and I got along quite well cause of the Texas thing. Got stationed out there when Jake was about two. Took care of him some weekends.” Holly nods and sticks his hand in Wolf’s back pocket. “This kid loves Batman more then you’ll ever know.”
Jake flushes red. Bradley pokes his side with a head tilt.
Mav points at Javy. “You two grew up together? You knew how famous his dads are?” Javy shrugs. “They were always just Jakes dads until I went into the navy.”
Bob raises his hand. “I knew Ron had a kid but didn’t know it was Jake?” Phoenix blinks at the two of them. “What the hell Jake.”
Jake shrugs. “In my defense I almost didn’t go navy so like it only means something cause I’m a pilot. Also pops wanted me to get a degree before joining.”
Viper nods from where he’s sitting. “Sports medicine. Good kid.”
Goose finally speaks up from where he’s been watching. “Carole did you know. You seem very calm.” She shrugs. “Didn’t know but I do know how Facebook works. Y’all could know too.”
Jake snorts from where his slipped under Bradley’s arm. “She’s right you know.” Goose points at Viper. “You’re his pops?”
Viper shakes his head. “Jake as a baby didn’t quite understand DADT he called Ron papa and Chris dada right in front of me. Called Tom tata I just didn’t know what it meant. They freaked but they were two of the best pilots. I didn’t care if they loved each other. They can still fly.”
Laura pats his hand and nods. “Our daughter has an incredible wife. They have an organic farm.”
Mav blinks at the beer bottle that appeared in front of him. “Drink Mav. You’re gonna need it.” Bradley passes one over to goose as well.
“How was this kept a secret from us the entire time?” Everyone looks around guilty at least. It’s Tom who answers this. “Wasn’t intentional Mav. Just kept it quiet. A lot of people didn’t know. Still don’t sometimes. Wasn’t always sure I could trust you.”
Mav winces yeah okay that hurts. Goose blinks at the two wingmen. “You two kept a whole secret husband and kid I’m impressed.” Chris laughs. “They kinda sucked at it back in Texas. Got lucky we stayed in a small town who needed firefighters more then homophobia.”
Jake laughs. “Bit of an understatement dad.”
Mav nods. What else can he do besides nod. He sits in the chair closest to him. It puts him directly next to Viper. “You look good old man.” Viper grins at him. “I am good. Too good to be true.”
All of the daggers mouths drop open they can’t believe Jake stole that from his grandpa.
They all latch onto the respective 1986 pilots. Asking so many questions. Mav decides to interview Wolfman about knowing Jake for so long. Shockingly it sounds like Jake was an incredible kid.
Goose looks around a sees Bradley and Jake talking on the couch. Cute. Reminds him of him and Ron. They’ll work though. Jake flies solo. Bradley flies better then goose ever did.
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wheelcr · 2 years
anyways I remember when I shifted to my stranger things season 3 dr, this happened I think four days before dustin arrived home from science camp, so mike and i were biking over to lucas's house to go pick him and will up to go hang out at the arcade. It was like half past four in the afternoon and out of nowhere this idiot decides to race me to lucas house knowing damn well I can't bike that fast because of my asthma and I remember he said "if I beat you to sinclairs you owe me 20 bucks" AND HE STARTED TO SPEED OFF AND I'M PEDDLING AS FAST AS I CAN, NEARLY RUNNING OUT OF BREATH LIKE "mike, fuck I can't breathe WAIT UP !" and I lost him but like eventually found him a minute later in Lucas backyard, waiting for me. And lucas and will to finish whatever they're doing, so he was standing in front of the trash bin leaning his back against it, so I lazily walk over to him trying to catch my breath while trying to get myself up on the bin because I desperately need to sit and he starts poking fun at me being a tease and says "you got to work on that asthma" as he lifts me up and helps me sit down on the bin while trying to keep his laugh in. So I tell him quite annoyed "I'm not giving you $20, you cheated" and his like "I did not" and then lays his head on my lap on top of his crossed arms. And I say "I hate you michael" like joking around with him and he says "oh you love me" and makes some weird funny expression and I playfully push him away and say "gross, don't do that" with a tiny smile, he then slowly leans in and kisses me and ask "am I still disgusting to you" WITH A SMIRK, so I reply back in a sarcastic tone saying "all the time" and was about to kiss him back but then the back door flew open with erica holding a trash bag with the most disgusted face on her look and she's like "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING" causing me and mike to get a fright that I literally push him off me making him fall on the ground and he says "uh-we are uh WAITING FOR LUCAS AND WILL" like a idiot 😭
damn this ain't even my experience but i'm giggling and kicking my feet reading this shit 🤕 YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE JKSANSD the whole laying head on lap on crossed arms thing is so boyfriend wow also something i realized why is it always erica that interrupts shit like this?? 😭 she's like a universal thirdwheel bc she did the exact same thing in my dr when me n mikey were having a soft lil moment
also "you gotta work on that asthma" HOW DID U NOT PUNCH HIM i barely hold back when this mf pulls shit regarding my colorblindness even tho it's not that bad
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katsukikitten · 2 years
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UwU on the weekends I meal prep katsuki’s lunches for the week. Each day I try to give him a taste of a different culture’s food. Japanese one day, American the next, Korean after that, Mexican and so on. I do it for the sake of practicing making new things but also to give him something interesting in case nothing else about his work day is doing anything good for him. A little extra lmao but he loves me for it. Normally I prep his lunches on Saturday. He’ll prep mine in Sunday. Normally what he makes me are just different variations of bentos, maybe with a little American pack lunch twist sometimes. He takes a lot of care to make or add those like aesthetically pleasing or cute things too! Because he knows they would make me smile uwu. He makes sure within a month of lunches he packs for me I never have the same thing twice (unless I ask uwu). He’s such a sweetie pie and I love him úwù 💖💖💖.
The times he has multiple days off we’ll binge movie series we like. Action and Sci-fi especially. Transformers, Underworld, Fast and the Furious. (Always memeing for days after Fast and the Furious lmao. Whenever he asks me why I did something I’m like “Family” 😂😂😂 and doing a stupid cryptid pose lmao.) Sometimes horror movies too. Even when he’s working tho, we try to get in a few episodes of anime a week, read the manga in our downtime.
UGH the way I get bricked up seeing him just sitting all sexy in his glasses while turning the page of a manga volume PLEASE. He sees me looking at him and just raises a brow. And I’m like, “You wanna make a hentai doujin with me bro?” And he just sighs wondering why I’m such a dork, but bookmarks the volume and gets up to join me in bed anyways ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and is like “You better not complain about me being a couple chapters behind you.”
In the summer he doesn’t have to take me to water bc we have a pool in our backyard uwu. I help sometimes but he does most of the work and takes really good care of it owo. I’ll keep him company and sometimes play music while he puts chemicals in the pool, drains it and fills it back up, puts new chlorine tablets in the floaty bois, etc. Sometimes I’ll sweep it while he’s doing other yard work. Though trips to the beach ever once and a while don’t hurt either uwu. Stay a couple days just to enjoy the sea and the sky. Each beach food. Y’know :3.
After a long day of doing the yard, tending to flowers, washing cars together and stuff we doing go out lol. Too tired. We just shower then spend the rest of the day chillin. I mean, go out and get food if not have ur delivered to the house, but not like go and sit somewhere ya feel? Just wanna vibe in our own company and also prolly not cook lmao.
Fank u for letting me spout some domestic brainrot/goals hskshskshsks
I love you and I hope you’re well kitten :3 💜💜💜
Hope you're well too bb!
Haha yes I get the wanting to be in each other's company but not with anyone else around too 😂
Living my dream life with the pool in the back yard bb! Ugh I'd DIE for a pool in my back yard 😭
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