#and he deserves better
escespace · 1 month
Are we sure this fic isn't actually a discarded script from the show? Because I feel this is very canon-y, EVERYONE LOVES MERLIN
Seriously speaking, Thoughts so sober that it is surprising how easy it is to read between the lines. It is admirable how the writer of this fic manages to say something within another something. The What ifs on canon leave a lot to reflect on through the actions or decisions that characters make, in this case, Arthur who sometimes feels like in this fic, saying one thing but Hinting at something else
It is truly a read that touches the reader's sensitive fibers. It satisfies and at the same time leaves you wanting more and more and more.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Hunith (Merlin), Will (Merlin) Additional Tags: Canon Era, King Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Everybody Lives, Everyone Loves Merlin (Merlin), Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon Finds Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Morgana Knows about Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Fluff, Merlin's Neckerchief (Merlin) Summary:
Five times Arthur watches everyone be in love with Merlin and the one time he realises that he isn’t the exception.
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papertowness · 8 months
me gazing at wilson : his sad big brown puppy eyes and his fucked up need to know someone needs him to the point where he tears himself apart to give those pieces to whoever asks him to over and over again as long as they stay have absolutely captivated me
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zukkaart · 9 months
Don’t mind me just thinking about how the line “always an angel never a god” belongs to Sokka, and I fully believe he would get it tattooed on the back of his shoulder
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blametheeditor · 18 days
Help Unwanted
Fazbear employees are expected to wear many hats. If you're a night guard, you will be a day guard as needed, as well as a mechanic. And because this is Fazbear's, training is trail by fire.
Content Warning: Cursing. Mentions of death and murder.
Jeremy deserves a raise
One more night. Just one more night and I have the day off tomorrow.
Jeremy forces himself to take a deep shuttering breath. Flinches when the clock strikes midnight, grey eyes snapping open with terror as he stares down the long, eerie hallway. Can already hear the haunting sounds of servos unlocking and the heavy thumping of mechanical footsteps. 
For a terrifying second, he’s completely frozen as blinding terror grips his heart. Leaves him shaking uncontrollably. Every breath taken too shallow and quick. 
Suddenly, the phone rings, earning a fearful squeak as he jumps. His heart thumps a mile a minute painfully against his chest, but the trance was broken. 
Sitting down in the chair, Jeremy grabs the tablet to check through the cameras. Quickly switches over to the prize corner and winds the music box as much as it will allow. Flips through all the areas to find ToyBonnie and ToyChica already off the stage. Looks away from the cameras to pick up his flashlight and shine it down the hallway. 
After working as Fazbear’s Pizzeria for an entire month, he’s gotten good at guessing where everyone is depending on what day it is, and despite the fact he is genuinely terrified, he’s proud at correctly guessing ToyChica’s standing by one of the party rooms. 
Before Jeremy turns off his flashlight, the animatronic chicken gives a friendly wave. He doesn’t hesitate to wave back before looking through the cameras again. 
Wind the music box, check the kid’s corner, check the vents.
He leans over to turn on the light for the right vent. Grabs the hollow Freddy head without looking to put it over his head with a wince. Waves as ToyBonnie crawls out of the vent’s opening, the bunny rolling his eyes before stomping out of the office back toward the stage. 
Jeremy scrambles to take off the head, grabbing his flashlight to shine just in time to see the bright blue animatronic about to walk straight back into a party room. Specifically the one that has another opening to the vent he just crawled through only seconds ago. 
“Cheater!” manages to freeze the towering animatronic in place. 
“I’m not cheating,” Bon glares as he turns toward Jeremy. “I’m just being resourceful.” 
“It’s ch-cheating,” the night guard declares. “You can’t go for the v-v-vent again until you’re o-out of the hallway!” 
“You can’t tell me what I can and can’t do!” 
“You are cheating, though,” ToyChica pipes up as she leans out the doorway to another party room. 
“No one asked you.” 
“No one asked you to give Jeremy a free night!” 
Jeremy takes that as his cue to check the cameras again for the others. As long as CC and Bon are arguing, he has a few minutes where he doesn’t have to worry about the two. Meaning he can focus on winding the music box before seeing ToyFoxy moved to the game area to join BalloonBoy. 
When he sees the stage is completely empty, the tablet is quickly set down to shine his flashlight down the hallway again. 
“F-Fredrick’s coming,” the night guard announces, stopping the argument steadily growing louder in its tracks. With a huff, Bon stomps down the hallway instead of ducking into the party room. CC grins before disappearing out of sight, just in time for ToyFreddy to appear. 
The flashlight is set down in order to wind the music box as an annoyed voice echos. “What were they fighting about this time?” 
“Ch-Cheating,” is all Jeremy offers as he leans over to press the light for the left vent. Squeaks in fear at the sight of CC’s beak missing as he shakily shoves the Freddy head over his own. “CC!” 
“I least I wasn’t cheating!” 
“I heard that!” 
“We all heard it,” announces ToyFoxy made it into the hallway. The moment CC’s out of the office, Jeremy yanks the head off before flashing his light repeatedly. “Surprised ye haven’t annoyed Mari enough.” 
“They’ve certainly annoyed me,” the rosy cheek bear grumbles as he marches down the hallway, stopping just in front of the threshold into the office, completely unaffected by the strobing light. It works on Mangle, though, the pink and white fox crawling across the ceiling back the way the way she came. 
Jeremy picks the tablet back up, sending fearful glances toward the dark hallway as he winds the music box again. Checks on BalloonBoy, sees Bon switch rooms, winds the music box for just a moment before shoving the tablet away in order to grab the Freddy head as Fredrick steps into the office. 
The bear leaves quickly, the night guard enjoying the moment of calm. Up until he hears a very distinct laugh, slamming the head back on to watch BalloonBoy race out of the office. 
“Did you guys get q-q-quicker?” Jeremy demands as he puts the head down to flash his light down the hallway. “This is the worst S-S-Saturday I’ve e-ever had.” 
“Would’ve been worse if Bon cheated.” 
"No one asked for your opinion, BB!” 
“Aye, we are,” Mangle’s static filled voice reveals. Frantic flashing keeps her at the end of the hallway. For now. “Some new lass been doing maintenance. Flipped a few switches he shouldn’t have.” 
It takes a moment for the information to sink in. But when it does, Jeremy can’t help feeling almost betrayed. “B-But I didn’t flip them!” 
“No, but you’re in the chair,” Bon sings. 
“That’s not f-f-fair!” 
“Life isn’t fair!” Fredrick responds. And that means none of them are going to slow down. Despite the fact it isn’t fair. Jeremy wouldn’t be pushing the limits of how fast he can multitask if someone hadn’t done something they weren’t supposed to! 
...then again, the animatronics try to kill him every night because someone else also did something they weren’t supposed to. His point still stands! 
“But isn’t this ch-cheating!” 
“You could ask Scott if you can do maintenance next time,” CC says as she ducks into a party room, refusing to go easier on him despite this clearly being unfair! 
“If he survives tonight,” doesn’t help Jeremy’s nerves. 
He can’t let this get to him. With it being Saturday and all of them being a lot quicker than usual, he needs to concentrate. Not let his nerves get the best of him. If he does, then he’s dead. 
Forcing himself to focus, the night guard goes through his tried and true list. Checking the rooms, the vents, winding the- 
His mind seems to halt when, despite pressing the button to wind the music box, nothing happens. Instead of the half circle steadily growing bigger, it continues to get smaller. No matter how hard or lightly he presses, no matter what angle, even after clicking on another camera before going back, the music box doesn’t wind. 
An overwhelming sense of panic grips Jeremy. It almost feels like the breath got knocked out of him, his lungs refusing to cooperate. And honestly, he doesn’t blame them. If he can’t wind the music box, then Marionette will come for him, and nothing can stop the puppet once he’s out. 
Sugar honey iced tea.
“Jeremy? You okay?” 
“Better check the vents, idiot.” 
The two familiar voices of genuine concern and an underlying threat don’t make whatever snake is wrapped around his chest loosen it’s hold, but it does break him out of his terror. Enough to at the very least tell the others that something’s wrong. Something the animatronics have to admit is more than just unfair. 
“T-T-Time out!” 
“...Jeremy,” Bon begins as he leans out of the right vent where he can be seen without the light, looking a mixture of impressed and annoyed. “You do know this isn’t hide and seek, right?” 
“Shut up.” 
“Something b-broke!” Jeremy exclaims, trying his hardest to get the words out. Tries not to think about the fact he isn’t looking down the hallway, or flipping through the cameras, or winding the music box. His entire body is trembling as it becomes clear he might lose. Even though it wouldn’t have been a mistake he made. 
They won’t stuff him because something broke...will they? They’re all about fairness, and when one of the animatronics didn’t listen to the rules previously, Jeremy was given a free night where he didn’t have to worry about being killed. 
But they also hadn’t thought someone else’s mistake didn’t need to be corrected when it came to them being a lot faster. So what if they say this is allowed to be used against him too? What if this is how he loses? All because his tablet is no longer working? 
“Something broke?” CC asks as she leans out of the left vent so her confusion is visible. 
Jeremy’s mouth refuses to open as he imagines her taking it as permission to grab him right here and now. To drag him through the hallway to parts and service where a shell is waiting for him to be shoved inside mercilessly. 
“We won’t bite, Jeremy,” Bon smirks, sending a chill up the night guard’s spine. “What did you break?” 
“I-I-I didn’t,” comes out in a whisper. “Th-The, the music box. I-It won’t, I c-c-can't-” 
“Oh shit the music box won’t wind?” the bunny asks. And then the animatronic is climbing out of the vent. Begins to approach Jeremy. 
Jeremy, who’s completely vulnerable, with very few options for escape if they are in fact coming closer to kill him. 
“Language!” the chicken berates as she too stands up before walking over. 
He doesn’t know if they’re going to help him it doesn’t seem like they are. It doesn’t help that they tower. That they have the capability of crushing his bones to dust considering the powerful endoskeletons they all possess. That they have made it blatantly clear they want nothing more than to silence him forever even though he’s never done anything to them. 
He’s not Jeremy to them. He’s just a night guard, someone who deserves a long and painful death. And without a way to wind the music box, it’s only a matter of time for the puppet to come after him. 
It’s game over. 
Before Jeremy can jump out of the chair and sprint away, to make a break for it, to at least try and get to the restaurant doors to escape the most horrifying death imaginable, the tablet is suddenly ripped away from his hands. 
He can’t even squeak. He’s petrified as CC stands directly to his left as Bon glares down at the screen looking tiny in his...hands? Paws? Whatever they are he shouldn’t be thinking about semantics if they’re about to kill him! 
“Yep, it’s busted.” 
“Let me see,” earns CC a turn with the tablet. Taps on it a few times as a scowl slowly forms. “It’s making the sound like it is winding. Maybe something got unplugged?” 
Bon rolls his eyes. “I bet that idiot tripped over something while checking around Mari’s box.” 
“Possibly.” Jeremy’s suddenly given a smile. “Want to come with us to check it?” 
There’s no reach for him. No ominous threat of what they’re going to do to him the moment he steps foot outside of the office. Not even a half hearted and slightly sarcastic ‘nice knowing you’. They won’t actually kill him. Right now at least. 
The night guard’s heart nearly stops at the thought of wondering around the restaurant before 6am. At the same time, he nearly goes limp with relief. “Y-You won’t k-k-kill me?” 
“Can’t,” almost has Jeremy faint from terror as Fredrick storms into the office, the bear the tallest and biggest of all the animatronics, not including Marionette. No one can beat Marionette, though. “Not when these two decided to throw away our best chance at stuffing you.” 
Instead of being reassured, Jeremy feels his heart beat even quicker than before. 
It doesn’t help when Bon snaps back. “Sorry for thinking stuffing him when the stupid tablet broke would’ve been a bit cruel.” 
The bear opens his mouth before hesitating. “It broke?” 
CC hands the device over. “The music box won’t wind, so we’re going to go check it real quick!” 
There’s no time for Jeremy to ask if he’s part of the ‘we’. Not when a hand? grabs his arm. Suddenly yanks him up and out of the chair. Pulls him forward as he trips over his own feet. 
Instead of his shoulder coming out of its socket, or the grip being so tight it fractures the bone into multiple pieces, the night guard finds himself being helped until he gets his footing back. And once he’s standing, a gentle push from behind leads him down the pitch black hallway. 
What just happened?
It’s both helpful not being able to see anything as CC guides him, as well as terrifying. Because even though he can’t see if there’s any animatronics about to leap out at him, he can’t see any animatronics about to leap out at him. It only gets worse as he distinctly hears each and every one of them moving around. Mangle’s soft static trailing after them, along with her claws scrapping against the beams along the ceiling. BB’s ‘hello’ that nearly makes him heart leap out of his chest. 
Heavy footsteps that are too quick to be from someone walking, the sound getting louder and louder the closer they get. 
“Hey dumbass, he can’t see without a flashlight.” 
The sound of Bon’s voice being so close has Jeremy flinching away, genuinely afraid of the bunny reaching out to grab him. Or maybe it’s the bunny currently pushing him from behind and directing him toward parts and service instead of the prize corner. 
He is grabbed, but it’s only to put something in his hand, the flashlight all too familiar not to recognize it despite not even being able to see a single inch in front of his eyes. 
“He doesn’t need to see,” the chicken says as Jeremy quickly flicks it on. Doesn’t comment on his involuntary and breathless squeak when he sees Mangle hanging so low she could swing over and bite him, only getting a gentle but firm push to make him continue walking. “I can see.” 
“How is he supposed to help check if he can’t check it?” 
“He’s not even supposed to be helping,” Fredrick growls somewhere behind them. There’s a cautious sweep of the floor with the flashlight just to see where the bear is, and then the flashlight is aimed toward the rapidly approaching prize corner. 
One where the large present that houses the puppet is already open, the music box long since having stopped playing, an unimpressed glare aimed toward the four. 
Jeremy can’t help but feel the anger’s specifically directed toward him only. 
“Why the hell are we letting him run loose?” 
“The tablet broke,” CC explains. Jeremy takes a shuddering breath as her hands leave his shoulders, letting him stop a safe distance away from a very upset Mari. Although, the puppet is well known for being able to jump impressive distances. Any night guard within a mile radius will never truly be safe. “We think a wire got disconnected.” 
“You mean the absolute idiot that just got hired tripped over something?” 
“CC suggested Jeremy get trained for maintenance,” Bon begins, earning a fearful jump from said person as pinprick eyes focus land on him. 
Instead of Mari starting a tirade about how that’d be the worst idea imaginable, the puppet smiles. “That sounds like an excellent idea.” 
Everyone freezes as the entire restaurant grows so quiet, the sound of the AA batteries in Jeremy’s flashlight can be heard rattling due to his trembling. 
“It does?” Fredrick demands when no explanation is given. And even though Jeremy feels like he should be offended, he can’t help but agree. There’s a reason why he was hired as the night guard instead of the mechanic. Though, it’s also hard to imagine why Scott picked him of all people to hire for a security job. His lanky stature wouldn’t be able to stop anyone from robbing the restaurant if someone tried to. 
The point is Jeremy doesn’t have any experience for protecting the stars of Fazbear’s Pizzeria, meaning he certainly wouldn’t know how to fix or even configure such advanced animatronics. Sentient ones he might add. 
“We want to give the person we’re trying to kill completely unsupervised opportunities to fuck us up?” Bon questions. 
That...actually never crossed Jeremy’s mind. They have been trying to kill him, for several weeks now, but he’d never want to take advantage of them. Maybe turn down their settings back to the speed they were previously at but never would he intentionally mess with very sensitive and expensive systems! That wouldn’t be fair, and it wouldn’t be moral! 
Not to mention it would guaranteed get him fired. 
“He’d be better than our current ‘mechanic’,” Mari shrugs, smirking down at the shaking night guard who’s wishing he was back in his office being hunted down like every other night. “And he wouldn’t dare mess with us.” 
“No offense to the lad,” Mangle pipes up somewhere in the darkness. “He doesn’t seem like he’d know the first thing about robotics.” 
“Neither does the new hire.” 
“I-I-I-I don’t think it’d b-be a good idea,” Jeremy whispers. His hands tighten their grip on the flashlight as four murderous animatronics turn their attention onto him. The way they leer over him make him feel like he’s two inches tall. It doesn't help when it makes him curl into himself. “I w-wouldn’t mess with you. But I-I-I'm not a mechanic!” 
“You also weren’t a guard before,” BB joins in. 
CC sends a glare toward the short animatronic before offering Jeremy a smile. “I heard Mike does repairs on the gang all the time. If he can do it, how hard can it be!” 
...Mike does what? 
“Hold on Mike does what?” 
“Wait, how hard can it be if that asshole can repair the others without permanently shutting them off?” 
“Only proves the new hire is incompetent if Mike can do it,” Mari grumbles. 
As much as Jeremy would like to defend the man who trained him to become a Fazbear night guard, he is genuinely surprised Mike would be trusted to do something like repairs on the animatronics at the location he guards. Not that Mike’s someone to take advantage of such an opportunity! He just never came off as a techy kind of guy. Not when he doesn’t even own a cell phone and can only be reached by calling the restaurant's landline. 
“Well then go on, Jeremy,” is said with a push that sends him stumbling closer to Mari. He only barely manages to check himself before earning himself a death sentence by running into the puppet’s present. “Fix the music box!” 
“I’m not t-t-t-trained!” the night guard exclaims as he sweeps his light over the line of animatronics, trying to figure out who shoved him. 
“Again, Mike can do it,” Bon grins. Waves his hands as if to shoo Jeremy away.  “How hard can it be?” 
“Break it, and I break your spine,” Mari promises. 
Jeremy stands there for a moment with his mouth open, because this is far from fair. Just because Mike can do it doesn’t mean he can! What if the veteran guard was trained extensively before being allowed to go anywhere near sensitive hardware? Or what if he had gone to school for engineering and only told Scott about it so he got permission to do specific repairs? 
None of them try to reassure him that even if he accidentally messes something up, they won’t let Mari kill him. Not even CC tries to help, the chicken only giving a shoo herself, though this one much more encouraging. 
This isn’t going to end well. 
Jeremy shakes uncontrollably as he slowly turns toward Mari’s box, glad the puppet hasn’t decided to come out, yet it’s still unnerving to be watched so intensely. Never did he think he’d ever get this close to the animatronic unless he was about to be killed. 
There’s a chance I might be.
The beam of light is shaky as Jeremy shines it around the prize corner, trying to find the music box he’s never actually seen, just a button on a screen that can be used to wind it. Admittedly he hadn’t even thought about what it might look like. Now that he is, he’s expecting something with a dancing ballerina. 
There’s nothing like that sitting on any of the shelves, but there is a small wooden box. One with a crank that he gently, carefully winds in order to hear a few notes of ‘Grandfather’s Clock’. 
In his opinion, this is a great start. He found the music box and proved that it itself isn’t broken, just whatever connects it to the tablet. Which thank goodness because he would never have been able to fix a music box without instructions. That still leaves him not knowing what exactly is wrong. 
Jeremy gingerly moves the music box until he can see the back of it, squeaking in surprise when something seems to disconnect, a soft ‘thump’ telling him whatever it was fell to the floor. For a moment, he lets himself catch his breath. And then he remembers he has an audience. 
Whirling around, the night guard’s light frantically lights up each animatronic one by one, making sure they’re all accounted for with no one being too close for comfort. Except for Mari who’s allowed to be an exception. Being close enough to grab him is better than being loomed over by the eight foot tall puppet. 
“A bit jumpy, lad?” Mangle teases. 
“Like Bon w-w-wouldn't sneak up on me,” Jeremy counters as he carefully positions himself so he can look at the music box and be able to flash his light toward the rest of the room. 
It’s unnerving as the shadows seem to swallow the animatronics whole as he turns back to the task he was forced to take. But he continues with his investigation, ignoring the indignant ‘Hey!’ as he kneels down. Grabs a thin cord. One with exposed wires as the end of the piece looks like it’ll fall off any second now. 
“I think I f-f-found the p-problem?” 
There’s no stopping the terrified flinch as the cord is ripped out of his grasp. It takes a moment of floundering, but he manages to shine his light to see Fredrick inspecting it before waving Mangle over. Jeremy backs away to give the fox a respectful amount of space, watching as she examines it before nodding and disappearing into the ceiling. He tries not to think about someone who’s blood thirsty and capable of killing him within seconds crawling inside the walls, instead focusing on everyone who’s still left. 
For some reason, they’re all looking at him. He doesn’t know if it’s good or bad for them to look impressed yet disappointed. “Wh-Wh-What?” 
“I really wanted you to get stuffed,” Bon huffs. 
“See, you were a great mechanic!” CC praises. 
That, that was it? That’s all he needed to do? He thought it’d be a lot more complicated than that! 
“Don’t get cocky,” Fredrick growls, making Jeremy shrink into himself. “If the music box was busted, or Mari’s box was broken, Scott would be looking for a new night guard.” 
“And he still might,” the puppet muses. “We’ll see if only the wire needed a replacement.” 
Mangle appears again, this time swinging down almost directly next to Jeremy, a completely metal hand without the shells every other animatronic has offering a new wire. It’s a miracle he isn’t too petrified, managing to accept it without needing to be snapped at. 
Terrified this won’t be an easy fix, the night guard trembles as he plugs the cord into the music box. Turns to where Fredrick stands with the broken one. Feels the blood drain from his face when his light follows the other half behind Mari’s box. 
The bear doesn’t offer any help. Jeremy can only hold his breath as he slowly approaches the puppet, doesn’t dare look up as he follows the broken wire, careful to unplug the correct one and replace it with the one in hand. 
There’s not even a chance for him to gain a bit of distance in case he somehow managed to make the situation worse. The moment he’s finished, the old cord is yanked away so quickly it nearly whacks him in the face with how he’s crouched and wedged in behind the box. And then the familiar sound of the music box winding echos through the room. 
After a heart dropping minute of complete silence once it’s fully winded, music begins to fill the air. Jeremy takes as deep as a breath as possible with what limited space his lungs currently have to expand. 
“No wonder Mike can repair the gang.” 
“Congratulations, Jeremy. You get to live another day.” 
Despite the praise, it sounded more like a threat than anything. But he takes it as confirmation he won’t be killed tonight. 
Not wanting to hit any other wires on accident to cause something else to break, he slowly wriggles his way out from behind the box, sneezing as dust comes with him. Ruffles his hair with a sigh at the realization his precious curls are most likely as covered in grime as the rest of him is. 
“This is so exciting!” CC cheers as Jeremy picks himself off the floor, silently planning the best way to get back to the office to wait out the rest of the night. “Now we can ask you to fix things!” 
It takes too long to realize what that means. Sends a horrified look over at Bon’s smirk and Fredrick’s thoughtful expression. Mari gives a dark laugh as he closes his box. “For your sake, you better hope Scott trains you for repairs and not Mike.” 
Not a yay, not a yay! 
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strmpt · 1 year
i think the treatment jake english got at the end of homestuck and beyond was really unjust and awful
like sure maybe he was a bit of a selfish ass but i dont think it was really his fault? i think he’s just like. autistic
like yeah he was neglecting his friendship with jane and only going on and on about his issues with dirk but like. jane never tried to talk to him about it until she snapped. like she encouraged him to get with dirk in the first place and he had no way of knowing that she didnt actually feel that way and she went along with every single one of jake’s one-sided conversations
maybe im just projecting but honestly to me it just seems like he’s not great with social cues and jane shouldve communicated better. i know they’re teenagers but likw. goddamn
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938! Episode 10!
At this point, I have started asking myself whyy? Why do I even watch this show? To torture myself by watching the one character I love get wrecked miserably every single week. Like what is the point. I really don't know.
They made a 2nd season so that every Rang fan who was hurt and broken after last season's ending could become even more miserable after watching him become even more broken in the 2nd one! Yayy! Good job guys! It was not enough that he got abandoned by his mother, father and his beloved brother. It was not enough that he got left behind for dead by Yeon (Yeon might not have wanted him dead but we all know he would have died if he would not have been saved by that asshole) and then had to serve a freaking douchebag for the remaining years because of a life debt. It was not enough that after he finally reconciled with said brother and found a family and some peace, he had to go ahead and give up his life to save the same brother. It was not enough.
We go back in the past, we make him feel shitty enough that he wants to die but then we give him a reason to live. We give him a girl he loves, a brother who actually cares and then when he finally has some peace again, we snatch it all away. I know that yeo hee most probably survives the zombie bite today but well, they will just kill her in the next one. Wow. The writers seem to love our boy. Here, I was hoping for them to fix the season 1 ending. And what I get is him being miserable even in 1938 😂 At this point, I am just a clown 🤡
I don't know what they have planned for the final two episodes. I don't know if they plan to set anything straight or not. With so much left to do, I don't know how they plan to wrap it up in the last 2 episodes. I don't think Yeon is going back anytime soon with how things seem to be.
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Made it this far! Will most probably end up watching the last 2 episodes as well where they break both my heart and Rang's heart beyond repair. 💔
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amadaans · 7 months
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alex is in need of a new home. we have had him since 2020, since he was about 8 months old. he was a tnr that refused to go back outside, so we adopted him from a friend of a friend of a friend.
unfortunately, he doesn't really get along with many of our cats now, and has grown less sociable around other cats and more prone to fearfulness of them. we also have one cat in particular who attacks him. he's often scared to hang out with because she hangs out with us too. he does territorially pee, but we have every confidence in the world that this will stop once he's in a new home and more comfortable.
ideally, we would like him to have a quiet home, with one or two low energy and preferably male cats. he isn't thriving in our female-dominated / high-energy household and he deserves better than what we're currently able to give him. he will not thrive in a more-than-three-cat-including-him household, we're positive of this.
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he's extremely lovey, super cuddly, and loves spending time with his humans. he loves to meow at you for food, loves cuddling on laps or next to you, enjoys soft blankets and sun spots. and he goes absolutely crazy for butt spanks and being brushed.
he does have a cataract / cloudy section in his one eye but it doesn't seem to affect him in any way.
we are unsure how he is around children or dogs, as he's never been around either.
he is free to a good, loving home. we are in the lehigh valley of pennsylvania and willing to travel within a couple hours but we do prefer a meet and greet before parting with him. he will come with a carrier, litter, food (dry and wet), and scratchers and toys!
if you are unable to adopt, please share this post! we want him safe and happy and as comfortable as he can be! he deserves a quieter and more lowkey home than we're able to give him at this time.
if you are potentially interested or have any questions, please ask me off-anon (any anons regarding this post will not be answered), on discord ( moiranic ) or on fb messenger.
facebook post to share
adoptapet link to apply / share
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abushelandablog · 2 years
This has no right making me this sad
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apples-of-apples · 1 year
I think currently my favorite digimon design of all time is Astamon
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I love his 1920’s gangster design that does not connect at all to belphemon.
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pinkchocolatesims · 2 years
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Grisha meets his sister, Maria, at a theme park in Windenburg for his niece's 2nd birthday.
Some of you may remember that Grisha is much closer to his sister than his parents but there is still a decent age gap between them. He normally avoids family gatherings (choosing to spend time with his niece one on one) but his sister could only do one big celebration and begged him to come along.
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For Nicolette, Grisha would agree to anything but a whole day with his parents...pray for him.
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ricky-olson · 2 years
as ceo of jonathan byers with the canon jonathan-byers url i think we should stab the duffers in honor of jonathan byers
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justylittletragey · 2 years
hot take of the evening: everyone should be able to consume media for pure enjoyment but not everyone should uncritically consume media and then participate in media discussions with their unreflected opinions
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enbycrip · 2 months
I will genuinely never forgive anyone involved in making The Imitation Game for their absolute travesty of Alan Turing’s story.
He was intensely autistic, and gay, and *kind*.
He mentored people below him in the programme - including women, who pretty much everyone else was crappy to.
He had terrible allergies and went cycling in a gas mask in the country to avoid then, and when he got overstimulated at parties he pulled incredibly daft elaborate “walking into a cupboard” leaving gags to handle them that left everyone screaming on the floor despite the silliness.
He got on really well with kids and never talked down to them. He gave his neighbours his sugar rations on their kids’ birthdays so she could always make them birthday cakes - even when he was being persecuted after the war, even when he was suffering horrible side effects from the tortures they put him through.
He was such an utterly, genuinely lovely human being, and he deserved so much damn better, and at the very *least* he deserved to be portrayed as who he was in the 21st fucking century instead of falling into a whole slew of horrifically harmful stereotypes that erased the fucking gift he was to us all over again.
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suzakus-canon-wife · 4 months
Why won't he come home man
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FNAF Into the pit? More like into the daddy issues
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mangozic · 5 months
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michael shelley I would die for you
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