#and he would be a Electric gym leader
boraxquinn · 1 year
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Tsuki: Lixie and me💛⚡️💗🌸
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vaugarde · 5 months
i know i said before that the show insisting that there’s this ideological divide between battling and catching pokemon was really dumb, but man i do think they had something with goh being so put off by battles. he’s an introverted guy who prefers isolation, and he’s never properly done a trainer battle, he’s got fresh new pokemon who didn’t fight much- and his new friend entered him in this big shot tournament, surrounded by thousands of people, without his knowledge or consent, and so he gets swept by someone with a lot more experience, and so he gets completely and utterly humiliated. you can clearly see how upset he is later on and i think it does make sense for him to resist battling where he can cause he’s afraid of that same humiliation. if he battled in a more private setting with someone on his level, i don’t think he’d have been so resistant after this. and it was interesting to see this part of him clash with scorbunny later on, who got more interested in battling but wasnt allowed to do it as much.
it’s too bad the writers forgot about that though lol
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emmetrain · 1 year
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Emmet Type Affinity (because oh boy, here we go);;
Fire/Steel (Reshiram/Dialga influence)
Dragon ("" but Dragon is weaker. His stubborn personality comes from here :3c)
Bug/ Electric (I mean. His upbeat personality and how he is just a family-oriented small guy both connects him with these types. ANd why he is so good with Joltiks :3c )
Poison (Secret past lore aside, Emmet has experience with poison more than he will admit. Though, safety with poison-types is not forte.)
Fighting (This boy is stubborn. Also, verrrry active. He may not know much or have interest in martial arts, but he is all about other branches of sports and wellness.)
Rock (Rock Slide is his life. Archeops and Emmet syncs thanks to Emmet's affinity with Rock Type. However, his connection to Rock is not as strong as the ones above, since he is fire in his core.)
Fairy/ Ghost (Verrry far from him, but there are possible futures where he ended up being a Ghost Type / Fairy Type Gym Leaders. Fairy's love/friendship aspect align with him, but the fae/tricky parts are very difficult for him to relate to. And he is deadly afraid of anything macabre, so ghost and death are just not good for him to think about. He loves both types however, since Chandelure is one of his favorite Pokemon.)
Grass / Dark (Neutral. He does not have much to add, and does not have much to take. Loves gardening only to help the local bug population, and he is just a little bug guy to relate with Dark much.)
Ice/ Normal (Does not connect with him. He is a fire/steel dragon, so ice and normal is just outside of his perspective.(
Psychic / Flying / Ground / Water (Too clashing with Psychic types due to being a little bug guy, and too arrogant to fully connect with flying types.) (Ground and Water do not go well with his Fiery personality. Help him.)
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lonlonranching · 1 year
guys reigen would LOVE quaxly
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t4tboblin · 2 months
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feeling crazy 🤪 thinking about bb pokemon au. here are bob, linda, tina, gene, and louise's teams, in that order. explanations under the cut :) feedback is welcome id love to hear yalls thoughts
Bob in my head, he never really did any battling or anything, pokemon are just sort of a thing that exists around him. so i tried to reflect that with his "team"
camerupt: his "starter"-basically a gift from his dad when he started the restaurant. its absolutely ancient and lives in the restaurant kitchen; it gets up in the morning and plods over to help heat up the grill and lies there all day, then in the evening gets back up and goes to lie in its bed. too old to go upstairs. same vibe as your 10 year old laptop that you only use for one specific thing but by god are you using it. subsists on grease. bob has offered it other food. it jsut likes grease.
vanillish: aka the ice cream maker. linda suggested they get a working pokemon for the restaurant and this was the result. pokemon make bob nervous a little bit but he was like. the dad who says you cant get a pet and then ends up obsessed with the pet. hes an objectmon lover at heart :') he doesnt really consider it "his pokemon" but hes definitely the closest to being its trainer. it sleeps in the walkin and seems to love it, so.
klefki: object mon. symbolizes his love of object mons. i think maybe his keys got haunted one day and he just went. well. this might as well happen. its very chill
applin: the most "pet-like" of any of bob's mons, applin snuck into their produce one day and instantly won bob over. it sits on his shoulder or on the counter while hes working. also come on. he has to have a food mon on his team.
pidove: bob doesnt HAVE a pidove but theres one that always hangs around near the restaurant and he likes looking at em
tandemaus: Tandemaus
Linda she actually started a Pokemon Journey TM as a kid but ended up going home after getting her first badge. she loved the experience though!
emolga: her starter. likes to perch on bobs head. he likes to complain about it. but shes a cuddly sweetheart so its hard NOT to love her
scrafty: one of the mons linda caught on her journey. frequent accomplice when she was hellraising as a child. surprisingly good at keeping the kids out of trouble now
morpeko: she actually got it from trading her shinx back during her journey ("ha! sucker! those things are a dime a dozen") but the shinx was shiny :') but morpeko is a perfect fit for her (gets mad when it doesnt eat vs "mom has to eat every 15 minutes or she turns into a monster"). first of her pokemon that bob managed to win over
oricorio: a gift from her parents when she was in high school, long after shed come home from her journey. shes never changed its form and may or may not know she can even do that
zigzagoon: she doesnt actually have one, but theres a colony in the alley that she loves watching. theres a few galarian zigzagoon in there too, but in my mind The King is hoenian
tandemaus: Tandemaus
Tina by far the trickiest one for me. she doesnt want to be a trainer, but she does think contests are kinda cool
Munna: her first mon. bob and linda got her to help with her night terrors. also helps her remember good dreams so she can write about them in her diary/eff
Mudbray: i think tina starts volunteering at a pokemon daycare and this is one of the eggs that pops up. the trainer lets her keep it, but it has to live at the daycare ("for now!") because a Horse is not fitting in their apartment
Ponyta: tina's dream partner pokemon is a galarian rapidash. as much as i would love to see her dream come true im not convinced it will. however i can say with confidence that she'll have her very own ponyta one day :)
Hitmontop: reference to her capoeira era (rhyme unintended) also i like the idea of tina getting into martial arts in general
ralts: she wanted to catch a Dance-related pokemon to impress jimmy jr buuuuut she couldnt find a kirlia so. ralts. itll evolve someday! and then be really cool! but she kinda likes how awkward it is. its sweet. no shes not projecting. leave her alone
Drifloon: i like the idea of her zombie-fixation carrying over to ghost types. she found drifloon down by the pier and thinks its cute. bob thinks its definitely killed children before. but its very well behaved so the balloon stays
Gene definitely not a trainer either LOL if anything he wants to do pokemon musicals. all his mons are pretty much just performance partners
Loudred: his first mon, gifted to him as a whismur. bob and linda regret it significantly more now that its. not that. basically a standin for his megaphone
(Shiny) Eevee: aka Ken. he finds him walking home from school one day and hides him in his room for... longer than youd expect. by the time bob and linda found out it was way too late to kick ken out. something something trans-coded trainers having eevees
Spoink: also gets brought in off the street; gene just has a way of befriending stray mons. its a great match for his energy
his other three mons (Squawkabilly, Kricketune, and Chatot) he meets when hes older. i imagine grown-up him would have a whole flock of chatot living outside his apartment. linda hates kricketune though
Louise shes gonna be. the very best. like NO ONE ever was. fairy is the perfect type for her-cute, kinda weird, ridiculously strong
Igglybuff: as a wee one she saw wigglytuff and was obsessed and begged and begged her parents for one. she was significantly less impressed when she saw its first form but thats ok, theyre still buddies. and once her DUMB PARENTS will let her battle, shes gonna evolve that sucker into the wigglytuff of her dreams
Mimikyu: not her first pokemon, but definitely her partner. she finds it creeping around the apartment and demands to keep it. come on its cute creepy and powerful, shes eating that up
Ribombee: she gets him "second hand" and sneaks him into school with her. louise likes that hes a weird bug.
Togepi: a gift from her family on her 10th b-day-or at least the egg is. she watches that thing like a hawk and when it hatches she is DELIGHTED ("this must be what childbirth feels like!" "mm. yeah. pretty much the same.")
Morgrem: she catches this sucker in high school and they get into all kinds of mischief
Tinkatink: come on, shes just a little guy. look at her. louise cant just leave her out in the cold. no of course she isnt going to let her hit rocks at people or whack her parents toes. she'll be a perfect saint, honest.
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yamujiburo · 6 months
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Ketchum vs. Ketchum! Showdown in Cerulean City!
Woo! Finale time! I wanted to make this final battle feel special and give it more substance than I could do with just a comic. So! I got the help of @cyberwulf to write out this ending in fanfic form! Check it out here on AO3 if you prefer! If not, the journey continues below the cut~
prev / END
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / [X]
James Sidestory / Meowth Sidestory
A lot has happened since our Poké Moms began their journey. After a rocky start…
…they’ve managed to catch some new Pokémon…
“Run! Run! Run!”
…in their own way.
“What a cute baby! You know, I have a son, too!”
With their month on the road almost up, Delia had just one more thing she wanted to do…
“I want to beat the Cerulean City Gym!”
But little did Delia know, there was a surprise waiting for her in Cerulean City!
“MOM??? JESSIE???”
“Let’s have a double battle! You and Ash versus Jessie and I!”
“You’re on! But I’m not going easy on you just cuz you’re family!”
“…What’s going on?”
Poké Mom Adventures
Ketchum vs Ketchum! Showdown in Cerulean City!
The water of the Cerulean gym battlefield glistened in the sunshine streaming through its crystal glass roof. Both teams gazed at each other with steely determination (and some lingering confusion, in Misty’s case) as above them, the Drone Rotom announced the rules.
“This will be a double battle between Gym Leader Misty and Champion Ash, and the challengers Delia and Jessie.” It projected a holographic image of both teams. “For today’s battle, each trainer may use two Pokémon. The battle is over when all of one team’s Pokémon can no longer battle.”
“All right!” Misty declared. “This is an official League battle for the Cascade badge!”
“And bragging rights!” Jessie added with a smirk.
“We’ll see about that!” Ash retorted. Misty glanced at him, taking in his clenched fists and gritted teeth. She’d seen Ash determined before, but… there was something here that she was missing. However, with the Drone Rotom hovering expectantly overhead, finding out what that something was would have to wait.
“Come out – Corsola!”
The Coral Pokémon landed on the rock in front of her, eagerly crying its name.
“This is a water-themed gym, so I’ll go with a Water-Type,” Ash remarked. “Oshawott, I choose you!”
“That’s the spirit, Ash!” Misty exclaimed. “It’s the job of a Gym Leader to help trainers learn type advantage and weaknesses by specialising in one kind of Pokémon, and around here that’s Water-Types!”
“Water, huh?” Jessie frowned as she considered the three Pokémon she had on hand. “Well, I don’t want my delicate little Ziggy to get her fur wet.” With a flourish, she tossed a Pokéball high in the air. “Go, Venomoth!”
The Poison Moth Pokémon emerged, hovering over the water.
“It’s a shame we don’t have any Grass or Electric-types,” Delia mused. “I guess we’ll just have to do our best with what we have.” Pushing her bangs out of her face, she called, “I choose you!”
Ash and Misty’s jaws dropped as the light from Delia’s Pokéball coalesced into a very large, very stern-looking Kangaskhan.
“I didn’t know your mom had such a strong Pokémon,” Misty whispered.
“Neither did I,” Ash whispered back. Movement at the corner of his eye caught his attention and he looked down at his starter Pokémon. “Something wrong, Pikachu?”
Pikachu gazed across the water at Kangaskhan, ears and tail up, alert to… something. But before anyone could figure out what had caught his attention, there was a small cry.
The baby squirmed, spooked by the glistening water lapping all around the rock. She buried her face in her mother’s belly and cried again. Cradling her young protectively, Kangaskhan gave Delia an apologetic look.
“Oh, of course!” Delia exclaimed. “I’m so sorry. Kangaskhan, return.” Cupping her hands around her mouth, she called across the battlefield. “That doesn’t count as one of my Pokémon, does it?”
“Of course not, Ms. Ketchum!” Misty shouted back. “Please choose another Pokémon!”
“If she’s got one,” Ash said with a confident smirk. “I’m betting she’ll send out Mimey.”
“I choose you… Clefairy!”
“Looks like you bet wrong, Ash,” Misty laughed as Ash stared in surprise at the Fairy Pokémon.
Above them, the Drone Rotom moved into position.
“All right, Oshawott!” Ash called out. “Open up with an Aqua Jet!”
With a determined cry, Oshawott blasted a jet of water across the field, hitting Clefairy square in the belly and knocking the Fairy Pokémon off the rock and into the water.
“Ash Ketchum!” Delia exclaimed reproachfully. “That wasn’t very nice!”
Thrown off-guard, Ash gulped. “S-sorry!” (Oh man - I can’t believe I’m actually battling my mom!)
On the opposite side of the battlefield, a wet and bedraggled Clefairy clambered back up on the rock ridge, scowling at her attacker.
“Shake it off, Clefairy!” Delia urged as her Pokémon did just that, sending a fine shower of water droplets flying from her pink fur. “Use Disarming Voice!”
With a deep breath, Clefairy shot a vortex of pink hearts towards Oshawott, taking the Sea Otter Pokémon by surprise and knocking him into the water.
“Good work, Deerling!” Jessie shouted triumphantly. “Now it’s my turn!” She pointed at Corsola. “Venomoth, use Poison Sting!”
Venomoth hovered uncertainly for a few moments, then looked back at her.
“It doesn’t look like Venomoth knows that move, honey,” Delia remarked.
“Well, Dustox knew that move!” Jessie protested. “Venomoth should know it too, aren’t they both Bug-types?”
Venomoth just blinked at her.
“You really don’t know what moves your Pokémon knows?” Misty asked incredulously.
“Of course I do, just – just let me think!” Jessie spluttered, clenching her fists. “All right, Venomoth – use Gust!”
Venomoth didn’t move.
“Whirlwind!” Jessie tried. “Psybeam! …Tackle?”
Venomoth looked back and forth between Jessie and the battlefield as it fluttered about agitatedly, utterly confused by the barrage of unfamiliar orders.
“This is just sad,” Misty muttered, getting a nod of agreement from Ash. Raising her voice, she called out, “Corsola! Use Spike Cannon!”
Corsola glowed, and a split second later a shower of glowing white spikes slammed into Venomoth, driving it backwards towards the trainer box.
“Oh, no!” Delia groaned in dismay, wringing her hands. “Maybe we should’ve practiced with our new Pokémon before coming here!”
“We’re not giving up!” Jessie snarled, clenching her fists. “Venomoth! Get back out there!”
With a trill, Venomoth shook off the spikes, and floated towards its opponents again.
“Corsola!” Misty called. “Hit it with another Spike Cannon!”
Corsola began to glow.
“Well don’t just hover there!” Jessie barked out. “It’s about to attack again!” Venomoth looked back at her, and Jessie gestured angrily towards the battlefield. “Just do something! Anything!”
Once more, glowing white spikes shot towards Venomoth. This time, however, Venomoth dove towards the attack, sweeping its wings in front of itself at the last minute. Blue blades of light cut through the barrage of spikes, one hitting Corsola and driving it back.
“That’s Air Slash!” Ash exclaimed.
“Air Slash, eh?” Jessie shot her opponents a triumphant smirk. “Venomoth! Use Air Slash on that pitiful pink Pokémon again!”
“Hang in there, Corsola!” Misty called as her Pokémon was driven back for a second time. “Use Recover!”
“Don’t let it recover, Venomoth!” Jessie yelled. “Air Slash again!”
As her Pokémon geared up for another attack, she noticed Delia gazing at her in rapture.
“You’re so ferocious when you battle, Smoochum,” Delia remarked dreamily. She lowered her voice, waggling her eyebrows. “It’s kinda hot.”
Jessie blushed and giggled. “Baaabe, not in front of the twerps.”
Misty wrinkled her nose in disgust. “…Smoochum?”
“Freak out later, Misty!” Ash yelled. Venomoth was bearing down on Corsola, and the Coral Pokémon didn’t have much left. “Oshawott! Use Hydro Pump on Venomoth to protect Corsola!”
Leaping high into the air, Oshawott sent a powerful jet of water directly at Jessie’s Venomoth. With a cry, the Poison Moth hit the floor between Jessie and Delia, bounced once, and fainted.
“Hey, no fair!” Jessie bellowed, stamping her foot. “I was distracted!” She recalled Venomoth with a scowl. “I ought to ground you for making me look bad!”
“This is really weird,” Misty mumbled.
“You have no idea,” Ash sighed wearily.
“All right, you big blue blob,” Jessie growled to her faithful Patient Pokémon, “get out there and let’s win this thing!”
Saluting, Wobbuffet waddled forward, straight into the water. Jessie pinched the bridge of her nose as Wobbuffet awkwardly clambered up onto the protruding rock.
“Wobbles can’t attack unless he’s attacked first,” Delia murmured to herself. “Oshawott is strong, and Corsola can use Recover to gain back health. That means I’ve got to make this next move count!” She looked to Clefairy, wet and winded but not out of the battle. It was risky, but…
“Clefairy! Use Metronome!”
“Metronome?!” Misty exclaimed as Clefairy began to move her fingers hypnotically back and forth. “Now anything can happen!”
“Hold tight, everybody!” Ash called, just as the Fairy Pokémon’s fingers turned white.
Razor-sharp leaves whipped through the air, striking Oshawott and Corsola. The Grass-Type move was too much for the dual Rock/Water Type, and Corsola collapsed into the water, fainted. Oshawott was driven back against the rock ridge, and Ash held his breath, but the Drone Rotom only counted Corsola out.
“Oshawott! You hanging in there, buddy?”
With a grimace, the Sea Otter Pokémon gave him a determined nod. “Osha!”
“Ha!” Jessie cried triumphantly. “Now we’re even!” She clenched her fists, calling tauntingly across the battlefield. “Who’s next, twerpette? Togepi? Psyduck?”
“She sure is cocky for being down to just Wobbuffet,” Ash muttered.
“Not for long,” Misty replied with a smirk. She plucked her second Pokéball from her hip.
“Go – Gyarados!”
Delia’s eyes widened and Jessie took several steps back as the gigantic Pokémon appeared in the water. It glowered down at both trainers, making Delia swallow hard.
(Now’s not the time to lose my nerve! Gyarados is just a Pokémon like any other. All I have to do is-)
“Hey!” Jessie exclaimed angrily. “No fair using such a powerful Pokémon! What, are Staryu and Starmie at the Pokémon Centre or something?!”
Taken aback, Misty gaped at the former Team Rocket member in disbelief. “Since when do you care about playing fair?”
“Since you decided to use that monstrosity on a first-time trainer!” Jessie retorted with a shake of her fist. “That’s cheating!”
Misty paused, almost second-guessing her choice of Pokémon, when she remembered who she was dealing with. Squaring her shoulders, she shot back, “You’re not a first-time trainer!”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Ash muttered.
“I heard that!” Jessie bawled.
“It’s okay, honey,” Delia murmured, placing her hand on Jessie’s shoulder. “We can beat them. We just need to use strategy!”
“Gyarados!” Misty called out. Jessie may not have been the best trainer, and her track record with him was hit or miss, but Wobbuffet could reflect almost any attack. It might just have been luck, but Clefairy’s Metronome had taken out Corsola and left Oshawott just barely hanging on. There was only one choice of target.
“Use Hurricane on Clefairy, now!”
Rearing back, Gyarados shot a powerful blast of air directly at the Fairy Pokémon, sending her flying back to the trainer box.
“Oh no!” Delia cried. She knelt by her stricken Pokémon’s side, but it was obvious even without Drone Rotom saying so that Clefairy couldn’t continue. “You did a wonderful job, Clefairy.” Recalling her Pokémon, she rose, pushed her bangs out of her eyes, and called her second Pokémon.
“Mimey, I choose you!”
Ash clenched his fists. No more surprises – he knew what Mimey was capable of. Oshawott was tough, but he’d taken a lot of damage. If the Sea Otter Pokémon only had one move left, then Ash had to make it count.
“Oshawott! Hit Mimey with Aqua Jet!”
“Mimey, dodge it!” Delia cried out.
The Barrier Pokémon leapt high in the air, leaving Ash to watch, powerless, as Aqua Jet splashed harmlessly on the ground between his mother and Jessie. But before he could call out another attack –
“Now, Mimey, Focus Punch on Oshawott!”
There was no time for Oshawott to get out of the way. Mimey dove straight down, fist outstretched, and scored a direct hit. Both Pokémon vanished underwater. All four trainers held their breath. After a few seconds, Mimey burst out of the water, effortlessly leaping onto the rock. A moment later Oshawott floated to the surface, fainted.
“Good work, Oshawott,” Ash murmured as he recalled his Pokémon. He turned to Pikachu. “Looks like my mom’s a tougher trainer than I thought. You ready, Pikachu?”
The yellow mouse nodded, one tiny fist raised. “Pika!”
“You be nice to us now, Pikachu!” Delia cheered brightly.
Jessie was less optimistic.
“Babe, this isn’t looking good,” she murmured urgently. “I’ve been beaten by that Pikachu a zillion times! And that Gyarados looks strong. And mean! I don’t know if…”
She trailed off as the other woman took her hands.
“Now you listen to me, Jessie Ketchum.” Delia gazed into her eyes, a look of fierce determination on her face. “A zillion battles. A zillion losses. Against that very Pikachu. And you never gave up. So you’re not gonna give up now! Okay?”
Jessie stared back at her. Time seemed to stand still. Delia’s fingers were warm on her own as her words of encouragement hung in the air.
“Jessie… Ketchum?”
With the briefest of nods, Delia turned to face their opponents.
“Ash honey, don’t you hold back just because I’m your mom!” she called. “We’re going to give it our all, even if we lose!”
“She’s a lot like you, Ash,” Misty laughed. As Ash tugged the brim of his hat down to hide his blush, she raised her voice and called to the challengers. “You’re doing great, Ms. Ketchum! I’m really impressed by your abilities as a trainer. Now show me you’re worthy of the Cascade badge!”
“Hey!” Jessie yelled indignantly. “What am I, chopped liver?! My Venomoth pushed your Corsola to the brink!”
Misty grimaced. This was all still too strange – Jessie was a good guy? Jessie and Ash’s mom were… partners? She struggled for something positive to say about Jessie’s performance so far.
“Uh – yeah!” she managed. “It was, uh, really great how you figured out that one move.”
Jessie put her hands on her hips. “Ugh, could you sound any more insincere?!”
With a growl of impatience, Ash cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled across the battlefield. “Hey! Are we gonna battle or what?”
“Oh, we’re battling, twerp,” Jessie shot back. “And we’re gonna win!”
Ash grinned. “You ready, Pikachu?” The yellow Pokémon turned to look at his trainer. Ash pointed. “Quick attack!”
“Ha!” Jessie scoffed as Pikachu zigzagged along the rock ridge. “Wobbuffet, use Counter!”
Pikachu leaped forward…
“On Mimey!”
Delia and Jessie gasped as Pikachu pivoted and went straight for the Barrier Pokémon. Taken by surprise, he took the full brunt of the attack, losing his balance and hitting the water.
“A fake out!” Delia exclaimed. She beamed at her son with pride. “That was so smart of you, honey! You had us completely fooled!”
“Baaabe!” Jessie hissed. “I get that you care about him – I do too – but right now he’s the enemy!”
Delia tapped her fist against her head, grinning nervously. “Oh, right!”
“This is hurting my brain,” Misty groaned.
“How do you think I feel?” Ash grumbled.
Delia took a moment to centre herself and assess the situation. Pikachu didn’t have a Type advantage, but his Electric attacks were powerful – not to mention that Mimey was still wet. Of course, using them ran the risk of electrifying the entire battlefield, including Gyarados, but only one Pokémon needed to be left standing in order for that Pokémon’s team to win.
“Mimey!” she commanded. “Use Psychic on Pikachu!”
“Mr Mime!”
Mimey fixed Pikachu with an intense stare, his eyes and hands glowing blue. Blue light enveloped the yellow mouse as he was lifted into the air. Pikachu strained and struggled, but couldn’t break free.
Ash groaned in exasperation.
“Misty, go for Mimey!” he called. “If you weaken him, maybe Pikachu can break free. Plus, he’s a lot stronger than Wobbuffet!”
Misty nodded. “Right!”
“Hey!” Jessie objected. “Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you have to say it!” She shook her fist at them. “I raised you better than that, Ash Ketchum!”
“Wha – ” Ash took a step back, flabbergasted. “You didn’t raise me at all!”
“The heck I didn’t!” Jessie retorted. “Who kept an eye on you while you twerped your way through eight regions, huh?!”
Misty rubbed her temples. The whole situation was giving her a headache.
The Atrocious Pokémon stirred itself and looked her way.
“Use Crunch on Mr. Mime, now!”
“Oh no, not Crunch!” Delia fretted, as Gyarados reared back, a sinister purple aura swirling around its fangs. “That’s a Dark-Type move!”
“Wobbuffet!” Jessie barked. “Get between Mimey and Gyarados and use Counter!”
Saluting, Wobbuffet leaped in front of Mimey, his body outlined in orange light. Crunch hit, hard, and bounced back twice as hard. Both Gyarados and Wobbuffet recoiled from the damage.
“Wobbles!” Delia cried out, as Mimey caught Wobbuffet in his arms.
“Don’t you quit on me now, Wobbuffet!” Jessie shouted.
Wobbuffet saluted weakly as Mimey pushed him back onto his paws. The distraction worked, and Pikachu dropped back to the rock, freed from Psychic.
“Keep the pressure on, Pikachu!” Ash yelled. “Use Iron Tail on Mimey, now!”
“Quick, Mimey!” Delia shouted as Pikachu somersaulted through the air, tail glowing white. “Use Reflect!”
Pikachu hit the invisible barrier and flew backwards, landing in the water.
“Gyarados!” Misty commanded. “Use Crunch again!”
“Mimey, keep using Reflect!” Delia shouted. “Don’t let them in!” She had to think. Poor Wobbles, he didn’t have much left – one more shot from that big Gyarados and that would be it. Not to mention that if Crunch hit Mimey, the battle would be over! She’d completely forgotten Gyarados could learn that move! Oh, maybe she should’ve used Zaggy instead…
Mimey obediently continued to use Reflect as Gyarados and Pikachu attacked from either side. Slowly the invisible barriers began to box them in, till Mimey and Wobbuffet were crowded together on the rock.
“Babe!” Jessie urged. “We have to do something or we’re gonna lose!”
“I know!” Delia groaned. “I just…” She cupped her face in her hands, pulling down on her cheeks. “…I don’t know!”
“Ms Ketchum!”
Delia lifted her head.
“You can’t let us back you into a corner!” Misty called. “Use your environment to find a way out!”
Ash shot her a glare. “Hey, whose side are you on?!”
“It’s my job as a Gym leader to help trainers to learn,” Misty explained with a smile. “Did you forget?”
“You didn’t help me when I battled you for the first time!” Ash replied indignantly, poking his thumb into his chest.
Misty glowered at him.
“That’s because you still owed me a new bike, Ash Ketchum!”
“Aaagh!” Ash placed both hands on his head, tugging his hat down. “Can’t you let that go already? It got repaired, didn’t it?”
While their opponents bickered, Delia had taken Misty’s words to heart.
“Use the environment…” she mused. There was only one place Mimey and Wobbles could go – but first they had to do something about the double attacks coming their way.
“Jessie!” she hissed, beckoning her partner to come closer. “Can you have Wobbles use Counter?”
Jessie looked at Wobbuffet, sweating nervously as he stood behind Mimey. She nodded.
“Okay,” Delia replied. She whispered quickly in the other woman’s ear. Jessie grinned, then straightened up.
“Wobbuffet! Use Counter on both those attacks!”
Without any hesitation, Wobbuffet moved in front of Mimey, body once more enveloped in an orange glow. Crunch and Iron Tail came back double on Gyarados and Pikachu, sending the two flying backwards. Both Pokémon landed hard on the rock, Gyarados almost wrapping around it with the force of the blow.
“On your feet, Pikachu!” Ash called. “It’s not over yet! …Huh?”
He blinked at the empty battlefield. Mimey and Wobbuffet had both disappeared. Ash tensed as he scoured the water for any sign of the enemy Pokémon, but the surface was still settling from the last bout of attacks. The sunlight streaming through the roof didn’t help either – it made the rippling water glitter.
Misty spotted movement a second too late.
“Look out-”
In tandem, Mimey and Wobbuffet burst through the surface, taking up positions either side of Gyarados and Pikachu, trapping their opponents between them.
“Good work, you two!” Delia cheered. She pointed dramatically. “Now, Mimey – use Psychic on both of them!”
Once more, Mimey’s eyes and hands glowed. Both Gyarados and Pikachu rose into the air, enveloped in blue light.
“Great strategy, Ms. Ketchum!” Misty called, earning a dirty look from Ash which she ignored. “There’s no point going for Wobbuffet – he’ll just Counter our attacks again.”
“Right,” Ash agreed. “We’ve gotta take out Mimey!” He raised his voice. “Pikachu!”
Misty did likewise. “Gyarados!”
Delia grinned. “Just as I thought.” She looked at her partner. “Get ready with Mirror Coat!”
Jessie blinked in confusion. “…Huh?”
“Thunderbolt –”
“Hydro Pump –”
“On Mimey!” both young trainers yelled in unison.
“Mimey!” Delia called, just as both Pokémon charged their attacks. “Drop them, use Light Screen and aim at Wobbles!”
“Aim at WHO?!” Jessie exclaimed.
There was no time to explain. Everything turned on a split second. Pikachu and Gyarados began to fall through the air. Several volts of electricity and a powerful torrent of water hit Mimey’s Light Screen and barrelled towards Wobbuffet.
The diabolical beauty of Delia’s devious plan suddenly caught up with Jessie. That pair of pathetic Pokémon were in for a –
“Now, honey!”
Jessie almost fumbled the command.
“M-Mirror Coat!”
Wobbuffet glowed, shrouded in a reflective aura. Everything seemed to slow down. The attacks hit. They bounced back at Mimey. Pikachu and Gyarados fell. Ash’s mouth opened in a silent noooo.
The timing was perfect.
Gyarados and Pikachu fell in front of Mimey, taking the full brunt of Thunderbolt and Hydro Pump, doubled by Mirror Coat. The sheer force of the attacks drove them along the surface of the water, causing huge plumes of water to rise into the air either side of them. The battlefield disappeared in a shroud of surf and spray.
“Pikachu!” Ash cried out.
All four trainers held their breath as the mist began to clear.
Jessie cried out in dismay on seeing Wobbuffet floating belly-up in the water. Ash groaned on spotting Pikachu doing likewise. Draped over the rock, Gyarados lifted its head weakly, then dropped it again.
Delia scanned the water, a smile spreading across her face as Mimey swam to the rock and clambered up, standing tall with a cry of, “Mr. Mime!”
“Wobbuffet, Pikachu, and Gyarados are unable to battle,” the Drone Rotom declared, as Ash sank to his knees. “The winners are the challengers, Delia and Jessie!”
“I… I can’t believe this…” Ash moaned.
“We…” Jessie couldn’t stop staring at the battlefield, Drone Rotom’s words ringing in her ears. “…we won?” She looked to Delia, and the joyful look on her face confirmed it. “We WON!!!”
Delia shrieked as Jessie caught hold of her and lifted her high in the air, doing a twirl before setting her back on her feet and peppering her face with kisses. “Hahahaha!” She turned to their opponents, pulling down on one eyelid while sticking her tongue out. “Suck it, twe – I mean, Ash and Misty! I knew this day would come sooner or later!”
“Jessica, I know you’re happy, but don’t be a bad winner,” Delia chided gently. “Magnanimity in victory goes a long way.”
“But baaaabe!” Jessie whined. “I’ve never had a victory this magnificent before!”
Delia just smiled and gave her a peck on the lips. “I think poor Wobbles wants you,” she remarked, nodding to the battlefield. “We’ll need to get him to a Pokémon Centre with Venomoth and Clefairy.”
Jessie nodded and went to haul Wobbuffet out of the water.
“Come on, you,” she grunted as she dragged the Patient Pokémon back onto dry land. Briefly she removed her cap and wiped the sweat from her brow. Fine, so she couldn’t taunt the twerps any more. Victory still tasted pretty sweet.
In her arms, Wobbuffet stirred and smiled weakly up at her. Jessie couldn’t help but smile back.
“How about that?” she murmured to him. “You’re a winner, Wobbuffet. I bet you can’t wait to tell the others.”
He managed a salute and a quiet “Wobba…” before Jessie recalled him to his Pokéball.
Ash, meanwhile, remained on his knees in the trainer box. “I can’t believe we lost to my mom.”
“You gotta admit, that last strategy was a thing of beauty,” Misty replied with a smile. She’d made her way out to the rock and was cradling Gyarados’s head, absently rubbing its crest. The big Pokémon opened its eyes and let out a quiet rumble. “I guess now we know where you get your battling skills from, champ!”
Stepping out of her sneakers, Delia carefully negotiated the slippery rock and fished Pikachu out of the water. A couple of vigorous rubs from his head to his tail, and the Electric Mouse Pokémon opened his eyes.
“You were great, Pikachu,” Delia murmured. She tickled him under his chin, getting a weak “Chaaa” in response. She made her way back to the side of the battlefield to find Ash, Misty and Jessie waiting. “You were great too, honey.”
Ash managed a smile as she handed Pikachu to him. “Thanks, Mom.” He gasped as he was pulled into a hug.
“That was such a fun battle!” Delia exclaimed. She loosened her hold just enough to look at him. “I can see why you like this so much.”
“Watch out, Ash,” Misty teased. “You might just have a new rival on your hands!”
Ash let out a distressed yelp.
“Oh no, I don’t have time for that,” Delia assured him with a wave of her hand. As Ash sighed with relief, she cupped his cheek and tilted his head up to look at him. “But travelling around this past month and battling with you today… it’s made me feel a little bit closer to you.”
Ash blushed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Aw, Mom,” he mumbled with a grin.
Ash and Delia turned to see Misty holding out a Cascade badge.
“This is yours, Ms. Ketchum,” the Gym Leader declared. “You made the battlefield, your Pokémon and their moves work to your advantage. I’m impressed!”
“Oh, you’re too kind, really,” Delia replied, blushing as she accepted the badge. Its blue surface seemed to glitter in the sunlight streaming in from the roof. “I’ll treasure this, always. Thank you.”
“That’s how you win a badge fair and square,” Misty teased, shooting a wink Ash’s way.
The Champion rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
All three turned to see Jessie holding out her hand.
“What about me?” she demanded. “The perfect Pokémon battle partner? Trainer of vicious Venomoth and wild Wobbuffet? Where’s my badge?”
Misty sighed. Jessie had been on the winning team, and she had won a badge fair and square, but the whole situation was still bizarre.
“I’ll give you a badge if you explain what all…” She waved her hand between Jessie and Delia. “…this is about.”
“Delia and I dating,” Jessie scoffed with a shrug. “It’s not that complicated.”
“I got that part,” Misty shot back irritatedly, “I just…” She looked from Jessie, standing with her arms crossed, to Ms. Ketchum, who had one hand on Jessie’s hip, to Ash, who looked like he was hoping the floor would open up and swallow him. “…you know what, never mind.” Reaching into her pocket, she took out a second Cascade badge.
“I can’t believe this is happening, but… you earned this!”
Jessie let out a little cry of joy as Misty put the badge into her hand.
“Oh, Deerling, look how pretty it is!” she gushed. “Do you think maybe we could just get the prettiest Gym badges?”
“I don’t see why not,” Delia replied. “With James to run the restaurant, I can take vacations more often!”
“James is –” Misty glared at Ash, who pulled the brim of his cap down and giggled nervously. “We’re going to the Pokémon Centre and then you’re telling me what’s been going on, Ash Ketchum!”
“Let’s all go to the Pokémon Centre,” Delia suggested. “Our Pokémon battled hard today, they deserve a good rest.”
It wasn’t long before Nurse Joy’s tender care had Venomoth, Corsola, Oshawott, Clefairy, Wobbuffet, Gyarados and Pikachu feeling like their old selves again. Delia squeezed Jessie’s hand, murmuring “that’ll be you one day, Smoochum” as they watched Joy work.
“Well, we should get going,” Delia declared once they had their Pokémon back.
“We were going to stay and have dinner, Ms. Ketchum,” Misty said. She eyed Jessie reluctantly, but made the offer anyway. “…You’re welcome to join us.”
“That’s sweet of you, Misty, but we’ve been away long enough,” Delia replied, to both kids’ relief. “It’s time we headed home. Thank you both so much for such an amazing battle.” She hugged Ash tightly. “Don’t stay away too long, honey.”
“You know I won’t, Mom,” Ash replied, blushing. He shot Misty a grin. “I’ll be home right after I kick Misty’s butt in our rematch!”
“Then I’ll see you soon,” Delia murmured. She let go of her son and gave Misty a quick hug and a wink. “Try not to beat him too badly!”
“Hey!” Ash exclaimed indignantly.
Delia stepped back, joining her girlfriend near the door of the Pokémon Centre. She gave her a look and nodded to both kids. With a sigh, Jessie trudged up to Ash and gave him a stiff hug.
“See you at home, kid,” she mumbled. Letting go, she turned to Misty. “Thanks for the battle and the badge, I guess...?”
The two gazed at each other for a few awkward moments, then Jessie took a step closer, slowly lifting her arms.
“Aah!” Misty hurriedly moved back, holding her hands up in front of her. “I don’t think I’m there yet.”
Jessie dropped her arms with a huge sigh of relief. “Great! Me neither.” She offered her hand instead, and the Gym Leader shook it.
Ash and Misty stepped outside the Pokémon Centre to see them off, their goodbyes ringing in the air as Delia and Jessie got on the road. Jessie slung her arm around her girlfriend’s shoulder.
“Happy, babe?”
“Yes and no,” Delia sighed. “I’m sad my journey’s over, but I couldn’t be happier about how it went. I made three wonderful new friends, foiled a nasty poacher, and that battle today –” She clenched her fists in front of her. “ – I never felt so alive! I can’t wait to tell Professor Oak and James and Meowth all about it!” She slipped an arm around Jessie’s waist. “I’m so glad you talked me into this.”
Jessie preened. “Oh it was nothing, babe, I –”
She broke off as Delia took hold of her hands.
“Thank you for making my dreams come true,” the other woman whispered. Jessie’s heart caught in her throat as she saw tears shining in Delia’s eyes. “Not just today, but every day we’re together.”
Jessie smiled, warmth blooming in her chest.
“It’s the least I could do,” she replied. Delia deserved more, so much more, for putting up with her, believing in her, loving her. Not to mention all she’d done for James and Meowth too. Maybe one day –
- but before Jessie could continue the thought, Delia leaned up and pulled her into a tender kiss.
“Oh, I can’t wait to get home to our nice comfy bed!”
“Ugh, me too. I hate sleeping on the ground.”
“…who said anything about sleeping?”
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critterbitter · 5 months
Do you think you'll draw the nimbasa trio catching their first Pokemon that's not their starter on their journey?
Definitely! It’s just a matter of getting there, haha. I am but one vaguely man shaped blob with a hyperfixation. Mortal needs like sleep and hand pains stop me from vomiting every brain idea I have.
I actually got this question multiple times, so to answer! I am not going to be drawing the nimbasa trio getting another pokemon until their late teens unless a brainworm strikes. (So no new pokemon during the current snapshot series haha.)
From a canon perspective, well:
Most npc trainers you meet on route have 2-4 pokemon, so I’m gonna try to keep within that amount until the trio settles in Nimbasa and have the revenue/space to upkeep a full pokemon team.
From a meta perspective, wellllll:
Another caught pokemon means character development, and I, ah... right now, I just wanna draw a candle, a zebra, and an eel. I love painting. But fitting seven or more characters on a canvas is, er… Make me draw more guys and I’ll melt like a vanniluxe on a summer day.
If people are curious for some pokemon headcannons though (note that this is not canon— pokemon gave me a puddle of information, so I’m taking the shovel to dig an ocean.)
- ingo saw a colony of dwebble collecting rocks while in the desert, and he’s been enamored ever since. He’s been trying to convince a dwebble to join his team for a while. Unfortunately, Ingo’s very excited and dwebble are naturally shy. (It doesn’t help that litwick can get mean when jealous.)
- emmet loves double battles and teams up with a lot of wild pokemon— but he doesn’t click with anybody until much further in the future. Me thinks his expectations are a tad too high from having such a good start with tynamo. He’s worked with multiple growlithes and thinks Helping Hand is the coolest shit ever.
- emmet’s first “caught” pokemon would be archen. More like “lab grown” and “lovingly hatched”, but it’s the thought that counts. Thinking once again about squab archen…
- elesa found her two emolga in the trash. She was going to release them after fostering, but got attached.
For future plans:
(The pokemon the twins live with and are officially part of the team (named at what stage the twins meet them! Note that everybody becomes fully evolved at somepoint.)
Ingo— litwick, dwebble, drillbur, and axew.
Emmet— tynamo, archen(lint roller), joltik, and durant.
They also have pokemon coworkers that don’t live with them, but agree to help in battles for exp and wages— kliklank twins, garbadore, shelmet and karablast, boldore (atlas), and gurdur)
And for our favorite electric gym leader:
Elesa— blitzle, the emolga twins (em and molga), stunfisk, mareep
(She has pokemon coworkers Eelektross (eela), zebrastrika (motorbreak), and Galvulanta (Lanta) who have a similar set up to the twins— the pokemon agree to work with Elesa for exp and wages, but otherwise have their own lives.)
(Fun headcanon: pokemon who are raised by humans tend to keep human nicknames. It’s not always the case, but it’s a common enough trend for research studies.)
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pajarinwrites · 8 months
Seventeen Recs
directory | svt masterlist | general masterlist
✨ favourites
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ice-cold, cabin fever (2) ft. mingyu ✨ @smileysuh 25.8k you're skiing with your new step siblings JiHan (Shua + Han that is such a stupid ship name) and their bffs Cheol and Gyu. Cheol pretends he doesn't like you and Gyu is a softie. slow burn. smut. all the best shit. i love smileysuh's writing style!
inflection point ft. jeonghan ✨ @lovelyhan 21.6k (three parts) your boss jeonghan asks you to become the third party in an exclusive relationship, turns out his loving boyfriend is your terrible ex. but, surprise surprise, turns out he's not all that terrible.
obvious @leejungchans 0.9k short little cute thingie, baker!cheol, we're at a wedding
what a bore ft. chan @hwanghyunjinenthusiast 12.3k a night out with your co-workers leads to chan, cheol, and you having to book a hotel room
anything for you ft. seokmin @/hwanghyunjinenthusiast 0.8k short but sweet, your loving boyfriend seokmin would do literally anything for you, even if it means letting his leader split you open while seokmin himself merely gets to watch hehehehehe
babymaker @onlyseokmins 7.9k i felt crazy, unhinged, and depraved reading this, i am scared to recommend this, but i'm not about to deprive anyone else of this ff's version of cheol, lord have mercy
let me... @seungkwansphd 1.2k the concept of this has been flying around in my own brain for so long but i never considered writing it down and it's good, too, because it never could've gotten close to this masterpiece, this is my favourite smut in a while, i read this at work yesterday when my boss wasn't looking because i couldn't wait
have my baby @seokgyuu 4.3k pwp, rich!reader, PT!cheol, breeding kink go brrrrrrrrr
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inflection point ft. cheol ✨ @lovelyhan 21.6k (three parts) your boss jeonghan asks you to become the third party in an exclusive relationship, turns out his loving boyfriend is your terrible ex. but, surprise surprise, turns out he's not all that terrible.
electric @/miraclewoozi 6.3k this was kinda cute, particular highlight to me was the characterisation of hannie, felt very on brand, i just wished the smut would have been longer TT
3,2,1... and we're live @strawberryya 1.7k obsessed with news anchor hannie, i wish this was longer
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virgin killer @wonusite 7.2k college! virgin!josh, you're a popular cheerleader with your sights set on nerd!josh, this is literally just smut, it's like 500 words plot and 6.7k words smut; don't read this if you're in the mood for a story, read this if you're horny
burnin' up @miraclewoozi 3.1k no plot just smut, big dick!josh, i live for big dick!josh agenda, anyway, y'all are at the pool and you decide to tease gentleman josh a little, turns out he has a mean mode hihihi
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after dark @onlyhuis 2k somnophilia, established relationship, one time you're needy in the middle of the night, and two times jun can't wait to get himself off
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audio ✨ @smileysuh 2.9k hoshi sends you a voice msg from the gym, v nice
be sweet @heartkyeom 18.7k arranged marriage! royalty! hoshi is being a playboy menace but not really and suddenly he's in love with you hehe
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game over ft. gyu ✨ @lovelyhan 41.6k (three parts, ongoing) enemies to lovers with wonwoo, and later his bestie gyu gets to join in on the fun; maybe my all time fave
meet-cute of the century ✨ @lovelyhan 25.4k wonwoo has a crush on you, a stranger, which we only find out at the end; you meet at a cat-shelter, he's a simp, he's shy, he's adorable, he has a motorcycle <33333
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between glitz and glamour ✨ @himbocoups 15k crying, screaming, throwing up over this; 20s!au, jihoon runs a speakeasy and you're an aspiring actress who can't take his no for an answer, you fall in love, things happen, smut, angst, i can't do this anymore, pls
don't sweat it ✨ @miraclewoozi 18k strangers to lovers, gym-themed; this is literally so good i can't even (woops, the millenial jumped out, sorry) woozi is so hot and SUCH A SIMP! just how i like my men, srsly do yourself a favour read this right now, this is my new favourite TT
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DK / Dokyeom
sweet, sweeter, seokmin's kisses @seokgyuu 1.4k frat!dk, you go to a SVT frat party, DK gets dared to kiss you, this gem of a sentence is said: "It didn’t matter that he was in a bitchless fraternity. From now on you could be his bitch."
anything for you ft. cheol @/hwanghyunjinenthusiast 0.8k short but sweet, your loving boyfriend seokmin would do literally anything for you, even if it means letting his leader split you open while seokmin himself merely gets to watch hehehehehe
yuck! [pt.2] @/himbocoups i read this before and loved it and forgot about it and then i stumbled across it again last night, i have never been more excited to read something and never happier to have read something, seokmin's characterisation in this is just *chef's kiss*
hands of a god @/seokgyuu 2.6k what can i say? the title is true. and very relevant for the plot. i love seokmin's fingers.
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ice-cold, cabin fever (2) ft. cheol ✨ @smileysuh 25.8k you're skiing with your new step siblings JiHan (Shua + Han that is such a stupid ship name) and their bffs Cheol and Gyu. Cheol pretends he doesn't like you and Gyu is a softie. slow burn. smut. all the best shit. i love smileysuh's writing style!
again and again ✨ @lovelyhan 15.7k idol!gyu, exes to fake dating to lovers, you're visiting your fam over the holidays and you haven't told them yet that you and mingyu broke up bc they loved him. so he helps you out. smut. honestly just read anything and everything by lovelyhan TT
game over ft. wonwoo ✨ @lovelyhan 41.6k (three parts, ongoing) enemies to lovers with wonwoo, and later his bestie gyu gets to join in on the fun; maybe my all time fave
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glacial pace @wonusite 5.3k fake dating! bff2l! idiots2lovers!, minghao needs you to pretend to be his girlfriend for the holidays hahahah yey, smut
fixer-upper @/seungkwansphd 9.5k ahhh finally i found another good minghao fic, the premise of this was so good, the execution was incredible, i loved this, i think my favourite was actually the entire lead-up, idiots to lovers adjacent, so it obviously tickles my brain, i wanna re-read it kind of immediately, minghao is so perfect in this
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voice @cheolism 2.3k seungkwan's away for work and he calls you while you're busy thinking about his fingers in places
how flowers bloom ✨ @cheolism 3.2k gods!, the change of seasons is battled out each year by the seasonal lords, you've defeated the lord of the spring for the past few weeks, but Seungkwan's had enough, smutsmutsmutsmutsmut (apparently if you want good seungkwan content you have to go to cheolism, ma'am (gender-neutral) i'm on my knees in awe)
drabble @hannieehaee 1.6k softdom!kwan, semi-public, i love softdom kwannie indescribably much, he's so cute in this TTT
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you get me so high @cheolhub 6.2k you get high with best friend vernon on his birthday and things lead to things, dubcon
can't get you out of my head @/onlyhuis finally an outstanding vernon fic!! i've been waiting for this for all my life! the relationship and its development are so perfect, the smut is one of the best i have ever read, this has been sent by the gods to bring peace to human kind
new boyfriend ✨ @/hannieehaee 1.8k new bf!vernon, the others don't believe you two until dino walks in on a rather... compromising positon, i'm always looking for new vernon fics, there is never enough vernon
love and lacrosse jackets @junrenjun 3k teacher!vernon and teacher!reader, this is so cuuuuute, no students would behave like this irl, but i'm still completely here for it
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promise ring ✨ @lovelyhan 21k fantasy!au childhood best friend chan, yearning, both of you are idiots, you are betrothed to prince joshua for quite a bit before you stop being idiots too
what a bore ft. cheol @hwanghyunjinenthusiast 12.3k a night out with your co-workers leads to chan, cheol, and you having to book a hotel room
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secondhand-sonder · 4 months
lol what if i made a fakepost for my depot agent oc
#nah that would be cringe
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💟 subway-fay Follow
I walk into the breakroom. Gym Leader Elesa is there. I start reheating my lunch. Gym Leader Elesa asks me what I've got there. I tell her leftover rice. She says okay. I finish reheating my lunch. I walk out of the breakroom.
#she was just kinda chilling there? at this point I don't ask questions anymore #breakroom saga #gym leader elesa
104 notes
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💟 subway-fay Follow
I thought that this pic of my team after a battle was super cute!
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#petal the wigglytuff #jeremy the reuniclus #abigail the stunfisk #sadly neil is not there as i was only on singles today
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💟 subway-fay Follow
I'm so glad I got electricity resistant shoes. I just stepped on Abigail again and the relief I felt when I didn't get shocked
🫧 tymplas Follow
psa! "Abigail" is a Joltik, which are easily damaged by human clumsiness such as this and can take months to heal from such injuries. op deserves to get shocked at a bare minimum, and needs her trainer license revoked and to go to jail.
💟 subway-fay Follow
can i help you?
239 notes
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💟 subway-fay Follow
I walk into the breakroom. Boss Emmet hands me a Joltik and tells me that "Michael needs to sightsee" and then leaves without elaborating. I reheat my lunch. I walk out of the breakroom (with Michael).
#i was scheduled to fill in at the multi line after lunch anyway so michael just hung out on the windowpane #i assume he had a wonderful time #breakroom saga
51 notes
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💟 subway-fay Follow
Current counter of how many passing comments I've heard from passengers calling the bosses hot (as of February 3rd)
Ingo: 87 (+3)
Emmet: 63 (+1)
#comment counter
13 notes
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💟 subway-fay Follow
this passenger is tryna fistfight me but the most i'm allowed to do to a passenger is pokemon battle them to make them leave. i need to show this guy that i spent three years homeless in nimbasa city which has rendered me fully capable of just obliterating him
🚇 gear-station-official
Hi there, @subway-fay! As a reminder, the Depot Agent Code of Conduct only applies to a Depot Agent while they are on the job. Furthermore, a Depot Agent is not considered on the job while they are on their regionally-mandated 45 minute break.
Follow the rules and drive safely, subway-fay!
💟 subway-fay Follow
thank you, jackie
476 notes
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💟 subway-fay Follow
I walk into the breakroom. I begin my regionally-mandated 45 minute break. I walk out of the breakroom.
#breakroom saga
389 notes
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92 notes · View notes
kyushiblast · 5 months
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⤷ 〝 don’t fret. 〞
➞ pairing : grusha x gn! reader
➞ summary : you’re a pro electric guitar player and grusha just so happens to catch you playing one of your songs to his cetoddle.
➞ genre : fluff
➞ cw / other : nothing
➞ a/n : small idea
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you’d beat your last gym with flying colors, the snow in the air flurrying around as if makeshift confetti for your win.
grusha was a little cold with his words. but that didn’t stop you from befriending him and inviting him to hangouts even before you’d decided to battle him.
“feel free to stop by again …if you don’t mind the cold, that is.” grusha had offered before walking away, his cetoddle in tow. or so you both thought.
once you’d finished waving goodbye and had calmed down a bit, you went over to the pokemon center close by. the warm aura of the lights and healing presence felt enveloping in the frigid air of the glaseado mountain.
you set down your guitar case, the weight making you stretch as it was lifted off.
a noise caught you off guard from behind you. when you turned around, you came to realize that a stray cetoddle had followed you, reminding you of the one that grusha owned as his companion.
actually, it was his. but neither you nor him knew that yet.
you collected your pokeballs from the attendant, tucking them into the inside pockets of your jacket. you’d noticed the pokemon in front of you hopping around, seemingly interested in your instrument case being hefted back onto your back.
“curious, are we?” you chuckled. “eh, guess i’ll let you come with us, at least for a bit …” the cetoddle chirped back in reply, trodding behind you.
you got an idea as you headed down the small downhill back near the gym battle grounds. “you know, i’ve got an amp, wanna hear me play something?” you asked the pokemon, even if it did seem a little silly. it seemed to say yes, so you went to go look for a place to sit and set up a picnic.
you found a perfect spot, a plain of white and the gym still in sight, but far enough so that you wouldn’t disturb anyone.
sending out your pokemon, you attached the amp and started checking the tuning as they rolled and rampaged on the snow with the cetoddle as a visiting playmate.
strumming a short tune, the wild pokemon around started turning towards your starting performance. the cetoddle sat down with your other pokemon who were busy making sure the other outsiders didn’t threaten to be a possible attacker.
playing the first few lengthened out notes, you gave into the performance and started delivering some sweet music. your audience started dancing along to it, just like how people would bob their heads to a good rhythm.
and when you picked your final chord, you looked up and saw amongst the crowd of pokemon the one and only gym leader you’d just beat. grusha.
“hey, long time no see.” he stated. you smiled a bit at his words.
the cetoddle ran up to him, happily cheering. “there you are! i should really start putting a tracking device on you or something …” grusha looked over at you. “ …it followed you here, eh? figured. it seemed interested in you when you arrived.”
“yeah. thought it was a wild pokemon.” you started to put away your guitar, the pokemon around you cheering once more before playing with your own.
grusha lifted up his scarf. “nice performance, by the way.”
“oh, thanks! when did you arrive?”
“about halfway through. you know …if you keep your dream up, you’ll probably be able to play abroad …not just here in paldea.” grusha turned around. “anyways, it’s a bit of a long journey back down. my home’s pretty close, you can stop by if you’d like.”
“ … oh, really? sure, i’ll take the offer,” you smiled. grusha could feel his face heat up a bit. “as long as you have a heater in there. it is freezing out here.”
“of course i do, now come on, before it starts snowing.”
you collected your pokemon and followed behind, thinking that it was sweet that he cared.
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work of kyushiblast , please do not translate , copy , or repost here or on any other platform !!
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asgore-mp3 · 3 months
Pokemon au's popping up just as I regained a Pokemon hyperfixation, fantastic!
1st gym - Ghost - Badboyhalo
He's a strong trainer, his gym just happens to be the first many go to. Some say he can even speak to the spirits beyond simply pokemon.
2nd gym - Water - Foolish
The gossip among the region. He's incredibly popular for many things, varying from architecture skills or babysitting, yet he's always had a soft spot for a certain elite four member.
3rd gym - Normal - Cellbit
While normal may not have been the route many would go for, The lead detective of the police department seems it's a fine type if used correctly, due to the simple fact of only having one weakness.
4th gym - Electric - Tazercraft
Pac and Mike, Better known as Tazercraft, lead production for many of the big-city if the region's power (Sorta like Anime Clemont in X and Y) They give the doubles challenge to trainers.
5th gym - Fighting - Fit
Coming from many years in the shadows, documenting events from past wars throughout history, Fit now acts as gym leader, both for trainers and like.. actual use. Some have seen his and Tazercraft's, particularly Pac's, closeness in recent months and wonder what may be happening.
6th gym - Psychic - Antoine
A mysterious guy who walks the towns, yet friendly in conversation. He used to DJ at large parties, apparently.
7th gym - Ice - Nihachu
The sweetest baker around, she works to make both warm delicacies and chill treats for people and pokemon alike.
8th gym - Dragon - Ironmouse
Her dragons are her little babies... even if they're thrice her size <33 She's known for her energetic personality, bring a social media personality is hard but she keeps her appearance up while being as true as she can!!
(debating how to write her CVID if I make this a bigger thing)
Elite Four
Rock - Vegetta
Recently he's been away for buisness trips... Running things like that are hard! More often then not now, They have to bring a replacement for him :/
Steel - Tubbo
A great inventor with grand factories, he may be the youngest of any high-ranking trainers but he climbed to the top quickly through his skill. He serves as Vegetta's replacement, yet he recognized as an official member.
Flying - Phil
A simple family man, He always seemed to become friends with strong trainers, and for good reason! In large tournaments, he almost always won. Except in one, Where a kid with green hair and a few ghost types won. That's how he really got known in the first place...
Poison - Bagi
A private detective, working to solve what her brother couldn't, She only recently joined the Elite Four after their previous member, Maximus, passed away due to unknown reasons.
Dark - Roier
Just a guy, a very silly guy. Idrk how to describe him just a very funky guy. He's shown to be one of few people who could even DEFEAT the champion, even thpugh everyone thought he wasn't as strong as he was. Sometimes thats the best strategy?
Champion - Étoiles
Known as 'The Kalosian Beast' (that sounds so bad...) He's climbed up since the day he arrived to the region, defeating people one by one and now sitting on top. Despite the fame this may bring, he's actually a pretty casual guy! Talking to people and watching gym battles are some things outside of battling he enjoys.
Idk. The urges hit me as I pulled out my 3ds
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aeroblossom · 6 months
i know we're one archon off just enough to make the eight gym leaders in a pokemon au, but consider another approach: the archons as champions ft. some story ideas, i put a concerning amount of thought into this --
mondstadt champion venti (flying • fairy) is fought in secret, since no one can guess he's the champion. the mondstadt elite four are eula (ice • dark), klee (fire • fairy), jean (flying • grass) and finally diluc (fire • flying). venti is friends with celebi - as is nahida - and istaroth manifests as dialga. albedo is kind of like the professor for mondstadt, sucrose gives you your pokedex :] durin is yveltal. dvalin is rayquaza. no one knows about it, but kaeya is friends with articuno.
rhinedottir explores the abyss which is basically the genshin equivalent of the distortion world headed by giratina, aided by her signature hydreigon. dragonspine is our mt silver lol. alice has a delphox (klee has a fennekin) and mismagius. barbeloth, of the hexenzirkel, has a xatu. albedo has a garchomp. for some reason, i picture nicole with hatterene. mona has a cosmog!
zhongli is similar (rock • dragon). the order is hu tao (fire • ghost), yelan (water • dark), ganyu (ice • fairy) and finally xiao (flying • dark). childe boss, but he has like three typings - (water • dark)/(electric • dark)/(electric • water). he has a wailord and probably attempts to fight kyogre with his bare hands in fontaine. oh and his foul legacy is from palkia. the adepti are like pokemon rangers btw! and guizhong, after her death, appears also as a cosmog maybe? xiao has an absol, ganyu has suicune, hu tao has trevenant and spiritomb. azhdaha is groudon guys i'm sorry. ningguang is our professor archetype for liyue, and the pokedex is delivered by keqing on the orders of ningguang.
inazuma has two champions - one as the raiden shogun puppet (electric • steel), and one as ei herself (electric • fighting). ayaka (ice • steel), then kazuha (flying • steel) - but he gets exiled, and is replaced by ayato (water • steel). followed by kokomi (water • dragon), and finally yae miko (electric • fairy). yae miko has ninetales and zoroark, kokomi has milotic and nihilego! yes i know that's an ultra beast shhh. professor trope is yae miko, and you have to smuggle your confiscated pokedex with yoimiya and sayu's help.
sumeru champion nahida (grass • psychic), who is heeded by wanderer (flying • dark) as her deputy. wanderer is like n from pkmnbw, you fight him instead of the champion, the pseudo-champion. btw his signature would be a mega evolving banette. the first elite four member is dehya (fighting • fire), followed by cyno (electric • dark), then nilou (water • grass) who was recently appointed! and finally alhaitham (grass • flying). nilou's position used to be tighnari's (grass • poison) but since he left the akademiya, nilou took it. dehya has a female pyroar, nilou has lilligant. nahida and venti are familiars to celebi and the two formes of shaymin! rukkhadevata manifests as xerneas. apep is zygarde lol. token professor looks to be tighnari, but is really just nahida, and collei gives it to you.
for fontaine, i imagine furina (water • fairy) as the champion who sacrifices her position - and her life - so there's no seat of champion left. she later adopts the (water • dark) typing. the fontaine elite four is fought in this order: navia (rock • dark), wriothesley (ice • fighting), clorinde (electric • steel), and finally neuvillette himself (water • dragon OBVIOUSLY). alternatively, neuvillette assumes champion position and his seat as last member of elite four is supplanted by arlecchino (fire • dark)! neuvillette has a dragonair and is a familiar to kyogre, furina has lapras and manaphy/phione, arlecchino has a houndoom. additionally, lyney (fire • dark), lynette (flying • dark) and freminet (ice • steel) fight for arlecchino. ooh but imagine if they get ahold of latios and latias somehow, and use those to fight you! their signatures are gardevoir (lyney) and gallade (lynette) other than a pair of meowstic, and freminet has an empoleon as well as an espurr. sigewinne has a signature azumarill, and she's the professor! the pokedex you were meant to receive falls in the water, so freminet fishes it out for you.
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kaguyass-houraisan · 1 month
PART 2 OF THIS POST: (still open to ideas and suggestions !!) https://www.tumblr.com/kaguyass-houraisan/748807356547268608/tom?source=share
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Kristal literally called him boring and Aiden is literally Normal like he's surrounded by crazy ass mfs so naturally I gave him a normal type. He deserves and gets one Pokémon that he showers w affection and that's a Pidove. Like his shirt reminds me of a bird so... also it's half flying type and let's not forget the end of season 2 now 😹😹 and I wanted him to give protag vibes and like he's just fooling around Unova all the time... i was told in a greeting he said he got James into Pokémon BW and idk if this is true but Aiden is a unovan... i believe it so hard... he's here to vibe not a single thought in those glass eyes... he's a grown man ready to explore !!
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THE ELEGANT ELECTRONIC ELECTRIC TYPE GYM LEADER !! Definitely gave Elesa Raihan and Iono a run for their money, he's a star BITCH. He's vlogging and doing tiktoks during battle and posing for every picture ever. He's electrifying and dazzling and I imagine his partner is an oricorio or like. Something similar. I was fond of him having a chatot but idk... I like to think he's from Alola originally bc Paldea doesn't count for Brazil seeing as Pokémon like quaxly are foreign to there... so I think originally from Alola works ! He might also have steel types or mixes between the types... idk really I'm still working... but as you can see he was inspired by oricorio in his design and the hourglass motif in his og design... I wanted him in heels..
I llike the idea of him being the Nimbasa gym leader, but that's if I don't create a fan region like the Tipiskaw Region... in that case he's the 8th gym leader or 7th, bc I believe Miriam would have been the fairy type gym leader prior to Jake so we will see. I also hc Riya as a gym leader too but we will see what I shit out...
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the-sprog · 2 months
I think if Danny existed in the same universe as Ash Ketchum, he'd be a fan.
This got really long so I'm just gonna
I'm a believer in "Ash is God[1]'s favorite idiot (positive...?) and so is eternally 10" and also anti the level reset propaganda. I think tales of the kid who went head-to-head with several legendaries[2] and won would probably get around. Maybe they wouldn't know his name, but a general description would make the rounds. A black-haired, dark-eyed kid who is always, always accompanied by a Pikachu. Often seen with some kind of red hat.
I think Danny "God's favorite idiot (Time God[3] edition)" would start looking for this elusive child who seems to be under a similar predicament to him (Hisuian Zorua[4]!Danny anyone? C'mon, this is the Pokédex entry "A once-departed soul, returned to life in Hisui. Derives power from resentment, which rises as energy atop its head and takes on the forms of foes. In this way, Zorua vents lingering malice[5]". He would be the specialest one, though. Because he'd be a green shiny instead of blue. Maybe that would be because he's half dead, not completely so? Or maybe because he'd be artificial, kinda like Type: Null[6]? (I know it isn't the first artificial Pokémon, but he's the first I thought of because of the design being like it's a Frankenstein of other Pokémon). Imagine though. Hisuian Zorua is extinct, right? Because it's from before Sinnoh was called Sinnoh[7]. So he's already a rare Pokémon, but he's not even shiny. He's truly a one of a kind.), though Ash, contrary to popular belief, isn't a Pokémon. Just un-aging.
Here, Danny's parents would be science-y people -maybe even some lower importance Pokémon professors- who don't believe in psychics even though the Pokémon world has people that can do telekinesis, and don't believe that Ghost types were once human, as most of them are said to be, anyway. They therefore believe that all Ghost types are malicious because they prey on people's grief and loss. They'd be the people to find out that Dark types are supereffective against Ghost types[8]. They'd have mostly Dark types with some Normal types as well.
Jazz would be a scholar probably, researching the myths and history around all the legendaries, but especially around Ghost types. She'd become an expert in behaviors from Pokémon like Litwick[9].
Sam would be on the front line, protecting the Ghost types from them. Hiding, harboring, etc all that she can think of. For her own Pokémon that she catches or at least takes care of (maybe she'd be more of an N type of trainer) she'd go more for the aesthetic or for rescued Pokémon (like Ash does quite often) more than their type or their abilities, but I also think she'd vibe with Fighting types a lot. I can see her wanting to be a Pokémon Ranger[10].
Tucker would be your classic inventor wannabe Electric type gym leader, but he'd be one of those hardcore competitive trainers. He'd be excellent at type advantages and IVs grinding, but I also think he'd struggle like Ash did with Charizard and some others. He would sometimes over level them and they'd stop listening to him, get an attitude when they evolve. Stuff like that. He's gotta learn that there's more to Pokémon battles than statistics and the theoretical. I think Ash is gonna end up being the one to teach him this. Also imagining his mom as a Nurse Joy.
However, when the Fentons find a... shiny? Zorua? In their house, posing as their son? They freak out a bit. They know it's not their son because the eyes are the wrong color, even if it speaks with Danny's voice and makes expressions with Danny's face. But they're in Unova. They recognize the Pokémon once it transforms.
Zoruas are known to play tricks on parents. They're Dark types with a mischievous side. They just gotta look for its mama and hope that it has taken Danny by mistake. They decide to take care of it in the meantime, even consider keeping it in case it doesn't have a mama and was using Danny's disappearance to keep itself safe.
Danny doesn't know what to do. At first he thinks about coming clean, but he knows. He knows that whatever invention of theirs blew up in his face didn't just turn him into a Zorua. People don't just turn into any kind of Pokémon. So he doesn't say anything, and plays along. He practices his illusions to try and get his looks as close as he can to before the accident, but it doesn't work for his eyes. No matter what he does, they're green, just like his fur markings when he's tranformed.
But then... Then they realize that it's not an Unovan Zorua.
This Zorus is a Ghost type.
A Ghost type taking Danny's form.
Their baby is dead. It killed him and this… this monster had the audacity to try and, what, replace him?
They start calling him Phantom.
Danny has to run.
It's easier to fake being a kid on a Pokémon journey than a rare version of a rare version of an extinct Pokémon. The only problem is that he's lacking the documents for it. Sam helps out with funding and supplies for the journey, enough to get to Professor Juniper and get a Pokédex, and with that a trainer license. At least until she and Tucker can join him.
They convince their parents to let them go on a journey, somehow. Sam's parents aren't thrilled by their daughter wanting to take part in the fights, they'd much prefer it if she joined Pokémon Contests, but perhaps her grannie Ida used to be a Gym leader of some kind and manages to turn them in Sam's favor. Meanwhile, Tucker's parents knew he wanted to become a Gym leader, so they were prepared and aware he'd one day go and leave the nest, but they'd always assumed Danny would be the one accompanying him, not Sam. They aren't surprised, however, that the kids want to get out after what -supposedly- happened to their friend.
The first few months are absolutely miserable all around. Danny is all alone, he has no Pokémon to defend himself, and he's still figuring out how his own powers work. What's his move set? His ability? And Sam and Tucker aren't fairing much better. They're like Misty and Ash at the very start, or even Iris and Ash. They're making good progress in terms of getting to Danny quickly, but they're not doing good on the Pokémon training part of their Pokémon journey.
Professor Juniper sends the Starters in the mail in the first Gen V game, while in the second Belle is the one to give them to you. I still think Prof. Juniper just. Shipped the Pokéballs over, and I imagine Sam wouldn't be too happy about it. I think she'd choose Tepig (as I said, I think Fighting types and her would vibe), and Tucker for Snivy (his first struggle. Snivys are snarky and a little self centered. if it doesn't want to listen to Tucker, it won't. Tucker gotta earn its respect). They leave Oshawott with Jazz, who promises to help them derail her parents whenver possible and uses Oshawott to sabotage them.
They end up in a kind of "Ash and Team Rocket"-like situation, where Team Phantom gets chased through Unova -and then Alola or whichever other region they decide to escape to- while the Fentons try to catch the Pokémon they're convinced killed their son.
Danny-as-Phantom would get a reputation because of his looks and the general mayhem his parents cause with their chase. Some people would get very curious about this Pokémon, especially Team Rocket. so maybe that's how meeting Ash happens.
Phantom gets separated from Sam and Tucker, maybe they got captured, or are busy distracting the Fentons. Ash ends up trying to console a scared little Zorua, one he's never seen anything like before, before Team Rocket shows up. He puts the little Zorua down behind him and goes:
"When are you going to give up?! I won't let you have Pikachu!"
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, twerp. We're not here for Pikachu this time. We're here for that little Zorua behind you."
"Oh. Well, we're not letting you get it, either!"
Cue Pokémon battle.
At this point I imagine Team Phantom got to Alola, so we can also have a Tucker+Sophocles meeting. I'm still not over that kid's name btw.
Ash would be starry-eyed at Tucker. Boy liked tech. Maybe Tuck gets himself a particularly stubborn Pichu during their travels and causes Ash to get flashbacks.
He'd be Phantom's rights n1 protector. Starts batting away all the pokeballs people try to throw at him, like physically getting in the way.
Ooh what if the Thermos is a Ghost type specific MasterBall? It has a 100% catch rate but only with Ghost types. It didn't used to work, but then Danny charged it with one of his moves and -since Ghost moves are supereffective on Ghost types- it charged it perfectly. Danny uses it to catch rowdy Ghost types, of whom he's slowly becoming the King without realizing. Arceus started this whole thing that he couldn't stand Danny, but Dialga really liked the guy so he let him meet Ash to see how it would go and damn. Ash likes him. I mean, it's hard for Ash to hate truly hate someone, so it's not that surprising, but now Arceus finds Itself incapable of taking Danny away from Dialga. Sure! It can keep the kid! Whatever! They all want to be like It nowadays >:( copycats.
Danny is close to becoming a mystical pokémon due to all he does and the myths he's causing during his journey, but Arceus isn't convinced it's a good idea for him to have that status. First of all, because Darkrai might riot, second of all because it hasn't been that long and Danny is still, at the very least partially, a human child.
Shut up, It's not being hypocritical >:( it's fine when It does it.
But also Danny can now communicate with all pokémon with ease. He's not a Ditto, so he still can't fully comprehend some specific pokémon languages, like Electric types communicating via electric currents, but he gets around.
He doesn't like playing translator, though, and Pikachu learns that pretty quickly when pi starts to try and pester him to convince him to tell pi's trainer all about their journey from the beginning from pi's perspective. Danny makes it to the bike stealing before he uses an illusion to vanish.
Pikachu just has a lot of feelings about it all, ok? Pi loves Ash so much and pi wants him to know! Wants to talk about Ash-Greninja, about the Kalos Crisis, about Latias, about Delia, about N, about all the pokémon they left behind, about the pokeballs, about evolution.
Pi also wants more ketchup, but it's low on pi's list of priorities.
Danny isn't up for playing mediator, however. Though he might mention the ketchup stuff. Just to piss pi off.
@jadenoryuu hope you don't mind the tag, I thought you might have ideas or just like this one lol no pressure.
Husuian Zorua can learn some Ice type moves, I'm imagining Lillie's Alola Vulpix learning with him.
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I'm reviving the pokemon au
Kuai Liang is the current ice type gym leader with a: Regice, Frosslass, Glaceon, Sneasel, Lapras, and Aurorus
The Regice was originally his mother's and the Froslass was one he caught while stranded on the top of a mountain during a blizzard, whom he privately believes to be his dead sister, Lian, and has named accordingly, as she died on that same mountain and it is believed that Froslass are born from the souls of women who die in the snow. Lian the Froslass saved his life by fighting off the pokemon who wanted to kill him and guiding him back down the mountain.
Frost is training under Kuai Liang and acts as a kind of mini-boss to challengers with a team of: Alolan Vulpix, Sneasel, Frosmoth, Cubchoo, Glalie and Cloyster
Her Sneasel, named Crimson, was a gift to her by Kuai Liang when he found her outside his gym one night, having run away from home. It was her first pokemon and still obviously her favorite, though she denies it to anyone who asks.
Bi-Han used to be the ice type gym leader, but after an accident that left his pokemon team dead, he abandoned the gym and vanished for years. When he resurfaced, he was the dark type gym leader with a team of: Weavile, Mandibuzz, Absol, Zorua, Umbreon, and Murkrow
The Absol, named Snow, was the first pokemon he caught after the incident and he maintains to this day that Snow caught him, not the other way around. He was originally never going to train pokemon again, but Snow pushed him
Hanzo is the dragon type gym leader with a: Dragapult, Drampa, Vibrava, Kommo-o, Noivern, and Dragonair
He is a descendant of the Draconid people and is one of the few who still maintains their traditions to this day, teaching anyone who wants to learn if they agree to join his gym as trainers.
Takeda acts as Hanzo's mini-boss, with a: Goomy, Gible, Deino, Bagon, Axew, and Applin
Kenshi left him in Hanzo's care when he was asked to join the Elite four by Raiden, fearing that the league was no place to raise a child and since Suchin had been a Draconid too and a member of Hanzo's gym, it was a way for Takeda to stay connect to her, even after her passing
The Fire Type gym leader is Liu Kang: Blaziken, Cinderace, Infernape, Armarouge, Hisuian Arcanine, and Talonflame
He was originally asked by Raiden to be the champion, but declined as he felt that such a position should be earned and not granted, instead working his way up to be leader of the gym.
Raiden is the electric type gym leader and runs the league with a team of: Morpeko, Elekid, Alolan Raichu, Magneton, Jolteon and Ampharos
He refounded the league after it had fallen out of use as he wanted trainers to be prepared for the dangers to come
Mileena is the Fairy type gym leader with a team of: Mawile, Mimikyu, Grimmsnarl, Granbull, Hattterene, and Sylveon
Sick of living in her sister, Kitana's shadow, Mileena founded her own gym and became one of the strongest trainers out there, with many trainers complaining that her gym is the hardest to beat. The sylveon evolved from an Eevee Kitana had caught her when they were kids (before The Incident where they fell out) and as Sylveons evolve into that form due to how much they love their trainer, the Sylveon is her favorite as it is proof that she can be loved
Jax and Sonya are the Joint fighting type trainers with Jax's team being: Hawlucha, Gallade, Sawk, Lucario, Hitmonlee, Machamp. and Sonya's being: Throh, Hitmonchan, Sneasler, Toxicroak, Primape, and Poliwrath
Sonya originally wanted to be the water type gym leader but as there were already 8 gyms, she instead joined Jax at his, working her way up to be his co-leader and training all their underlings to be even stronger
Jacqui is their miniboss with a team of: Breloom, Conkledurr, Scrafty, Heracross, Crabominable, and Falinks
She doesn't want to be a fighting type gym leader or trainer though, she would much prefer to be a normal trainer doing her gym challenge but Jax is overprotective and won't let her go until she's "Strong enough" Despite the fact that he has gone three months without a battle bc she kept defeating every trainer to challenge them
Kitana is the flying type gym leader with: Skarmory, Sensu Form Oricorio, Swanna, Aerodactyl, Swellow, and a blue Minior
She inherited the gym from her mother and is doing her best to uphold the late leader's legacy although some of the things she is discovering about Sindel are unsettling
Jade acts as one of Kitana's trainers, fighting with a Tropius and a Tropius only, though she is still hard to beat
Of the Elite Four we have:
Nightwolf, the rock type, who has three Lycanorocs, one of each form, a Terrakion, Rhydon, and Regirock
Kung Lao, who is determined to be the next champion and uses steel type: Bisharp, Aegislash, Aggron, Metagross, Bronzong and Tinkaton
Kenshi, psychic type: Reuniclus, Oranguru, Hypno, Alakazam, Delphox, and Espeon
And Jade, the grass type: Tropius, Rillaboom, Venusaur, Torterra, Meganium, and Serperior
The current champion:
Cassie Cage, with a team of: Hitmontop, Beedrill, Golurk, Cyclizar, Toxtricity, and Gyarados
Rain is trying to create his own gym, water type, but as it is unofficial nobody counts his badge as meaningful though many trainers do fight his gym just to prove they can.
His team is: Milotic, Relicanth, Kingdra, Lumineon, Vaporeon, and Slowking
Johnny runs a pokemon rescue/pokemon nursery and was once a famous pokemon trainer and actor though he has since settled down. He doesn't have a full team anymore, just a Cinccino from his movie days and a Sableye that keeps breaking into his house to eat his jewelry
Shao Khan runs Team Hammer (I couldn't think of a better name) and seeks to turn the league into his own personal army by becoming champion and disposing of any gym leaders who won't fall in line. Shang Tsung, Skarlet, and Kano + Kano's black dragon goons all work for him and cause havoc wherever they can
lemme know if y'all want more of this AU, bc I can do more, also, feel free to add on or use this idea as you please
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