#and he’d write lots of poems about his garden
shewhoeatssand · 7 months
☼ and ∇ for 'neki?
☀︎: appearance headcanon!
I think after Yamori’s torture, Kaneki would have some scars looking similar to rings across all his fingers and toes. Since they were shown to be cut most often, they started healing with scar tissue where they were cut, and underneath them there’s some small pockets of rc tissue instead of regular layers of skin. There’s also some lighter scars across the rest of his body from the torture, but none of them are as prominent as the one he got from surgery because of his improved regeneration.
▽: old age headcanon!
Kaneki as an old guy isn’t too much different to when he was younger - his clothes are exactly the same and he uses most of his time after retiring reading, maybe he takes up knitting so he can make his own sweaters, maybe some word puzzles. The only legit difference is that he sleeps more and has a lot of stories from his youth. He basically spent his entire life preparing to be the most stereotypical grandpa ever :)
After a couple years his hair turns black again, and he gains a teeny bit of weight as he gets older. Most of his exercise now is walking and riding his bike. For a while he tried to maintain his physique so he could hunt investigators and occasionally other ghouls if they really bothered him, but when his body started failing harder (mostly joints and spine issues from sleeping like a pill bug) he went after suicide victims again. Then when harvesting the bodies became too taxing, I doubt he’d live too long. Sometimes the younger employees at Touka’s cafe would bring him meat but he’d feel very guilty about not being able to get it himself. As compensation, he might tutor the employees who’re in uni or high school.
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pix3lplays · 11 months
Hiiiiii!!! I love your writing🥰 Could you do some Jing Yuan headcanons with his wife?
Hiiii!! Thanks so much, I can absolutely do this! Have a few headcanons!
-Jing Yuan and wife!reader hcs-
Jing Yuan would be the type to spoil his wife, but would pretend he doesn’t, denies it even, haha.
He loves your eyes. They’re his favorite feature of yours.
You need to like Yanqing. He loves how you became a sort of mother figure to him, especially considering he’s a father figure to the kid.
He teases you quite a bit, but it’s always in good fun.
He’s not afraid of PDA. It feels good for him to touch you in public. It’s his way of showing that you’re his while he expresses his love for you at the same time, so win win. He likes being affectionate toward you in front of people, as long as it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.
Jing Yuan would love to have children, but he would respect you and your wishes first and foremost.
His love languages are words of affirmation and quality time. He loves nothing more than to spend time with you, whether that be in the gardens playing board games, or staying up in bed just talking with you.
The General writes you the most beautiful poetry you’ve ever read in your life. He doesn’t write a lot, unfortunately, but he always gifts you an amazing poem every anniversary, along with some sort of extravagant gift.
He loves it when you’re the one to do his hair.
He’s got lots of scars on his body, considering he’s a warrior, and he appreciates it a lot when you delicately trace his scars with your gentle fingers. Not that he’s necessarily insecure about his scars, but you make them seem beautiful…
He’s not quick to jealousy, but when he does get jealous he gets very clingy. It would take a LOT for him to get insecure in your relationship though.
He’s terrible about sleeping in. You always have to be the one to wake him up in the morning or you Swear he’d be late to work every single day.
He always tries to get you to sleep in with him. Sometimes you can’t help but give in, cuddling in his arms is so comfortable…
One of his favorite ways to show you affection is to hug you from behind and kiss your shoulder. It’s all very romantic.
Jing Yuan takes anniversaries very seriously. He always throws a huge party, and publicly declares his love for you, just in case anyone forgot he loved his wife.
Which is basically impossible. He talks about you a LOT at work. Yanqing knows a lot of random facts about you that he doesn’t know what to do with.
Jing Yuan is very cuddly at night. And he’s also massive. You feel very safe when he cuddles you at night.
He’s actually a very light sleeper though. If you wake up, he’s waking up too.
You typically bring him lunch, so the two of you can see each other and spend just a little bit of time together while he’s busy at work.
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
Thinking Of You
Tumblr media
eddie munson x fem!reader
inspired by "Thinking Of You" by Katy Perry
word count: [14.6k]
warnings: no use of y/n, angst (a lot of it), yearning for one another, cursing, a tiny bit of physical violence at the end (like two bits), fluff ending (i don't do sad ending here...i'm not sane enough, sorry).
summary: breakups were never easy, especially when you knew that eddie was your soulmate. even when you get a new boyfriend you can't help but think about eddie every time you're with him. so you write a song dedicated to eddie, based on flashbacks comparing your relationships, but not realizing he's there listening...along with your current boyfriend.
“Thank you, everyone!” 
The youthful girl's squeaky voice pitching through the exceedingly powerful microphone and its speakers jerking you out of your blank stare at the stage.
Hands naturally clapping as did everyone else who watched her wave and exit the stage through the back, then come down and take her seat somewhere in the front row. 
This afternoon was Hawkins High’s annual song contest. Few participated due to the particular criteria that the board of administrators created, but those who did had a chance at winning a five hundred dollar scholarship to use towards any college tuition. 
Something you needed. Especially knowing that you wanted to get into a music art school out of state. 
But just thinking about where you found your passion for music and the reason why you were here made your heartbreak a little. Or more like a lot. 
Eddie Munson. 
The metal head with agile fingers striking over the guitar strings and its frets to Metallica or Ozzy was the whole reason you were here in the first place.
He was the one who helped turn your love of writing into music. 
“You could make this into a song you know?” He had said to you, passing back your peer reviewed poem to you with his red markings on the page. 
But really, they were all just compliments in the margins. Commending your use of metaphors and imagery, writing devices he knew made a good writing and even better songwriter. 
Somehow that afternoon, after creative writing class you two found yourself in the drama room, him teaching you how to pick at the strings on the acoustic guitar and coming up with notes and melodies that matched your poem. 
It was love, instantly.  
The way he’s fawned while you played the guitar and sung out the pure lyrics to him that came to you out of now where throughout the day, every afternoon. 
In his bedroom.
In your garden. 
In the drama room. 
Over the phone. 
Your music had no confines and his joy for listening to you, became joy for talking to you, laughing with you, stuttering over notes with you, to being with you wholeheartedly, and thinking of you constantly.
And so it wasn’t unforeseen when he asked you to be his girl by writing you a song. Lyrics laced with pledges of forever and how he’d write songs with you for the rest of his life if it meant spending restless mornings and nights trying to come up with a catchy song together. 
You wanted nothing more than that. Finding comfort in doing the simplest things with him, even if it was just scribbling lyrics into a mangled up journal and fumbling around guitar stings until your fingertips bled. 
But just like every other love story, there always seemed to be something that would spoil the love that you thought you’d never lose. 
“Hey honey.” You shivered, fingers gripping the arm rests when you shifted your head around and spotted the eyes of your current boyfriend Don along with some of his friends who were sitting nearby in empty seats in the small auditorium. 
“What are you doing here?” You quietly hissed harsher than called for, palpable disturbance covering the looks of his friends and specifically your boyfriend, who tilted his head at your remark. 
“To support you! That’s what a good boyfriend is supposed to do, right?” He claimed, as if that would make you feel any better and forget about the agreement you made them make, which was now broken. 
You hadn’t wanted any of them to show up and especially not Don, because the original song you had written for the contest was far from nice towards him. 
In fact, it did nothing but smear his name with the notion that he was second best and was always going to be in your eyes. 
Disenchantment spread on your face, narrowing your eyes at him, “You promised me, Don—you all promised me.” 
“I came all this way to support you and now you’re acting out.” He tried to look even more hurt than you, but you knew it wasn’t right for him to lie and break the one thing he was supposed to keep. 
You were going to counter, to snap back and tell him you didn’t want his support and nor did you ask for it, but your name being announced interrupted you. 
Only giving him a stern look before you stood up, your voice telling him no lies, “Leave before you get your feelings hurt.” 
Eddie sat in the far corner of the auditorium with his legs hiked up on his chair. A hat covering his head and for once his distinct leather jacket in the middle of summer now traded in for a flannel he had borrowed from Wayne—trying to blend into the rest of the audience who were watching in on the open event. 
Before the two of you had separated last summer, you went on to tell him about how during your senior year you were going to take part in the song contest so that you could use the money towards your tuition if you had gotten accepted into your dream school. Sure, it wasn’t no Juilliard, but it was something…something you could afford even if you didn’t end up winning the song contest. 
“Well, that didn’t look too good.” Max muttered faintly, separating her eyes away from you and Don on the other side of the room where you looked rather agitated.
Her best friend El bowed wistfully and propped her cheek on Max’s shoulder, peeking over at Eddie, who looked tense. Following you walk up the stage with your guitar in hand. 
The one and only guitar you had owned.
The one Eddie had gifted to you with your name carved on the back along with butterflies and flowers. The mahogany wood he could never mistake and especially the bright colors of your guitar strap that you had picked up with him at a garage sale. The leather material seeping with nature’s creatures, bumblebees, fireflies, and a whole species of different bugs. 
“M-maybe we should leave.” Eddie considered, swinging his head at the thought of him throwing you off your game if you had caught him here, not knowing if it was ok for him to even be here even if it was a public event. 
He was about to stand up, try his very best to secretly leave without making any large movements or sounds, but El and Max, both reached out and placed a hand on top of his that rested on torn up velour upholstery, “Stay.” 
Eddie gulped, seeing you finally take the stage, settling onto the stool and adjusting the mic stand to your height, “O-okay.” 
You cleared your throat, beaming mildly at the three judges who sat in a row with clipboards and pens in their hands. The women who seemed like the less intimidating one, returned a smile after she had written your name on her piece of paper and reached for her mic sitting on the table. 
“Thank you for participating, dear…why don’t you tell us a little about your song?”
Feeling less nervous than before, you tried to organize a mental outline of what you would say, despite realizing that your boyfriend was going to hear just a smidge of what the song actually meant. 
“I wrote this song actually, just a few days ago…y’know breakups are hard and it’s even more difficult when we know that we lost someone who we couldn’t imagine life without. And, umm, I guess, we kinda all have that one person that we’re never really over, and they’re never really over us too, because there’s always going to be something between you guys.” 
Eddie felt his heart spur, the murmurs of El and Max’s voices dying on his deaf ears as he proceeded to listen to you speak. 
“Holy shit, she’s talking about you.” Max pinched Eddie’s side, but he never tore his eyes away from you, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“No…no she isn’t, she’s not.” 
El groaned, giving Max a roll of her eyes towards Eddie who didn’t seem to catch it, as he was too busy listening. You swallowed, pursing your lips and shaking your head to yourself, a habit that you did when you were having trouble trying to find the right words. 
He knew you only needed a few seconds. 
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. 
“An—and you’re always thinking of them, no matter who you’re with…romantically or platonically. It’s like this pain and reminder that never goes away and no one can ever take away, because you—you just know that they’re the only one for you…and sometimes it’s better to be alone just thinking of them instead of being with someone else who you know will never be them…you’re kinda just holding out this hope that the one you’re thinking of will find their way back to you.” 
You were rambling at this point and maybe even over sharing, but the judges seemed to like the vulnerability, nodding their heads as they looked down and wrote…good things, hopefully. 
For the first time since you took the stage, did you meet eyes with Don, his friends murmuring to themselves behind him where he sat, hands intertwined together and resting in his lap. Not sure what he was thinking. Perhaps a mixture of confusion and discomfort…but you tried to warn him. 
“…anyway, umm, yeah, this is my song, “thinking of you.”
Comparisons are easily made once you’ve had a taste of perfection. 
Two knocks bellowed against the wooden door, your head turning to see who it was, “Busy?” 
You nodded apologetically, but gestured him in, planting your guitar off to the side when he came close and pressed a kiss to your lips, “How’s writing going?” 
“Still nothing. My brain must be racked or something.” You replied tiredly, drawing open your notebook and handing it over to him. 
The pages filled with sentences, and words that had been crossed off and scribbled over. A case of writer’s block that wasn’t new but absolutely troubling when the song contest was only a week away. 
“Maybe I can help?” He offered with a gracious grin, picking up a pen, tapping the butt of it against his chin, thinking.
“You can write about me and how great of a boyfriend I am?”
Maybe Don was joking, and you were taking it out of context, but he was far from the greatest boyfriend you’ve ever had. 
You knew deep down who that title belonged to and how if he were here right now, he’d offer to take you on a crusade around town to get your mind off of writing. 
Eddie knew you the way Don didn’t.
“Hey, c’mon don’t worry, it’ll come to you in no time…let’s just take a break and go for a ride. No music. Just the two of us talking with the windows down, yeah?”
Eddie was excellent at just knowing what you needed without every trying to pry or offer resolutions that would only leave you feeling more perplexed and frustrated. 
How he could just tell what gears were turning in your head as he stole glances at you throughout the car ride. How you’d stare at the lump of grey clouds and stars in the sky, making himself to slow down so you could build a mental picture to look back on and write about by the time you got back home. 
It was something so special that Don could never achieve. Not the level of perfection that Eddie ever was to you. No matter how generous or thoughtful Don thought he was being, it would never measure up to Eddie. 
Like an apple hanging from a tree, I picked the ripest one. I still got the seed. 
It wasn’t like you weren’t attracted to Don the first time you had saw him or even when you started dating. But it was never entirely about looks when it came to you. 
Don attracted many women in Roane county and here in Hawkins when he started coming for you, but you were never affected by the adoring eyes that swept over him. Strangers coming up to tell you how lucky you were to have such a good-looking man all to yourself. That you had picked the most perfect boy and that they would die to have him like you did. 
You never understood that logic because while yes, Don was a handsome man, it didn’t mean you were satisfied being with him. Instead, it only endorsed the conclusion that you had picked the most perfect boy in the eyes of the others, yet you ended everyday feeling empty and alone.
Nothing but a pit of loneliness. 
And the pathetic part about recognizing this was knowing that no matter who you chose, whether it would be after Eddie or before him, that there was no one in this town, this state, and even in the entire universe that could fill that pit of uncomfortable solitude. 
You said move on, where do I go?
You and Eddie weren’t perfect by any means. You’d both argue; shout a little too loudly at each other or just not talk at all. But that was life and it was normal for couples to go through minor bumps like this—if anything every fight made you and Eddie stronger. 
But it was only a matter of time before strength became weakness. 
“So that’s it?” You stood in front of him with your hands held out, practically gesturing for him to give you something. 
His face was buried in his palms, his back hunched where he sat at the foot of his bed with a million thoughts spiraling in his head. 
“I-I don’t know…I don’t know, alright!” He exclaimed, mopping his dry hands across his face and turning his eyes back up at you. 
Yours were bloodshot from the crying, and you looked a wreck. Tears staining the collar and sleeves of your shirt that you had used as a tissue and exhaustion in your limbs when you felt like sinking to your knees and bawling on the trailer floor until you had to be carried out. 
“How can you not know? I—I don’t even know where this is all coming from…I thought that you said we were going to figure things out when the time came and—and now you just change your mind out of nowhere.” 
Eddie wasn’t a stranger to your aspirations. Dream of which were bigger than this small town, passions that were far too massive to ever stay bound in this state. He knew that were dead-set on moving out of Hawkins as soon as you had that diploma in your hands and an acceptance letter from Cleveland. 
You promised him that you two were going to figure out plans. If Eddie could stay with you a couple months out of the semester and you two could head back to Hawkins to stay with Wayne and Eddie when you had a breaks. You weren’t going to just leave Eddie behind in the dust. There was no way you could do that to him, and you never wanted your heart to go through that type of suffering. 
Eddie stood up, prompting you to step back and give him space, “Figuring it out later isn’t realistic….we need to figure it out now!” 
You furrowed your brows, stepping back into his space. “And who said that? Who made the rules, Eddie?” 
“I did, alright! I did because I know that you’re going to hold yourself back if you stay with me any longer.” He shouted, brushing past you and leaving his room. 
You followed right behind him, tugging at your scalp, trying to get through to him, “Who said anything about me holding myself back? The only person who can make that decision is me!” 
Wayne rose up from his place on the couch where he was watching television on his only day off that week, just to be disturbed by the sudden invasion of his nephew and you, “Hey, hey, come on now…settle down, you two.” 
He got between the both of you, looking at Eddie calmly telling him to cool down, “You tell her that! She doesn’t understand where I’m coming from!” 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, tugging on Wayne’s arm so you could get a clear view of Eddie, “You’re right! I don’t understand because if you loved me, then this isn’t how you would get about the situation.” 
Tears began rushing down your cheeks while the yelling and argument persisted through the turmoil. Wayne did not know the full story, yet trying his best to diffuse the situation, draping his arms around you in a hug, seeing as though you were hysterical, not hearing any of Eddie’s comments. 
“Stay inside, Eddie!” Wayne hollered, leading the both of you out of the trailer door and onto the porch where you cried into his shoulder, his uncle rubbing your back comfortingly. 
“I—I just don’t…don’t understand.” You told him through harsh sobs, throwing your head against his shoulder where you were sure his shirt was now soaked with tears. 
Wayne didn’t speak for a few minutes, tuning in to your cries in one ear then Eddie’s frustrated shouts from the inside of the trailer. 
“What…what am I s-supposed to do? Where do I go from h-here?” 
You couldn’t move on. Not this easily and not this abruptly. 
But you knew Eddie. He was headstrong. When he made up his mind about something, there was a tough time trying to change it. So you forced yourself to leave without ever going back inside and talking to Eddie one last time. 
I guess second best is all I will know
Days were lonely without Eddie. Months were even more brutal knowing you couldn’t pick up the phone and call him to save your gloom. But the new record store that opened in town seemed to fix some issues you’d been having. Killing most of your time there browsing through vinyls and looking for new records to add to your collection that Eddie had started for you. 
ABBA, Bon Jovi, and even a few Metallica records he picked up for your birthday a few months prior. All of them now sitting on a shelf with dust collecting on the outer sleeves, as you couldn’t find it in yourself to enjoy those records that you and he used to play together. 
It hurt too much to listen to. 
“Is this band any good?” 
“Huh?” You peered up and across from you was the boy whom you picked to be your next boyfriend, Don, holding up the new KISS record that was released early that year…you hadn’t had the chance to listen to it yet, but you knew it must have been good if Eddie liked the band. 
You smiled apologetically and nodded, reaching for the same record and reviewing the tracklist on the back of the cover, “Oh, yeah, KISS is great…my ex boy—an old friend of mine really likes that band.” 
Catching yourself already bringing Eddie up, you cursed silently to yourself, placing the record back on the shelf and stepping away from the metal section of music that you had mindlessly found yourself in for the last twenty minutes. 
Don was intrigued by you, leaving the KISS vinyl behind and following you into the next shelves into a different genre of music, “I wasn’t actually interested in KISS…I just needed an excuse to talk to you.” 
Looking over your shoulder, there the man was, stiffly holding himself up against the racks with a sheepish smile on his face. He was far off from a metal head. He actually looked quite preppy, sporting khaki slacks with sneakers that definitely didn’t match his outfit, nor were dinged up from wearing them for so long, and an oversized sweatshirt with the bright geometric shapes stamped across the material. 
You laughed, “Well, it’s nice to meet you…stranger?” holding out your hand for him to shake and so he did, keeping your hands together for a few more seconds before he finally let his hand fall back to his side. 
“Don, you can call me Don.” He finally told you his name, urging you to do the same. Him making a corny joke about how it was such a coincidence that a pretty girl like you would have a pretty name to fit. 
Such a typical flirt. 
“So are you from Hawkins?” He asked you, eyeing the green and orange lanyard hanging around your neck where your keys and small collections of charms dangled. 
You followed his eyes down your chest and nodded, drawing up the jumbled mess and rattling it. “Yeah, I’m going to be a senior next school year. Are you from here too? I’ve never seen you around school before.” 
Maybe it was a fucked up thing to do, but you practically knew every person at Hawkins High because you and Eddie would make fun of all the stuck up and preppy students who stuck their noses up at you two. Surely Don looked to be a part of that crowd, yet you never saw his face in the halls or in the yearbook. 
He shook his head, pointing out the window of the store where his car was parked with some of his friends lingering around chatting, “Me and my friends drove up from Roane. Wanted to check out the store since I saw the grand opening ad in the paper last week.” 
“Oh, cool! Well, it was umm, nice to meet you, but I’ve actually got to head out so—“
You gestured your thumbs behind you where the exit door was, not really up for anymore conversation and actually needing to go run errands for the rest of the day, “Maybe you’d like to go out sometime?” 
Gulping you stopped mid-sentence getting cut off by his sudden proposition and hesitated for a bit, “I actually just got out…of a really long-term relationship so maybe not—I don’t think right now is a good time.” 
He looked disappointed, but still confident, “We don’t have to go out go out…we could just like, see each other casually? If you’re up for that.”
A hookup basically. 
You groaned, pursing your lips and shaking your head no, “Nope, not interested…goodbye.” 
Turning on your heel, you were striding out of there as hurriedly as possible, having a sense that he was still trailing behind you by the sounds of the footsteps, “Ok, I’m sorry! That came out weird…I swear I’m not a tool!” 
You rolled your eyes, not answering him as you pushed the door open and walked to your car, parked a few stalls away from where he pointed at his. Fingers instantly clicking the unlock button on your key fob, almost nearing your vehicle when you felt a hand reach out and seize your shoulder, ordering you to turn around and push Don with full force, nearly knocking him over. 
“Look, I don’t know who you think you are, but don’t put your fucking hands on me!” You shouted furiously, with your finger pointed at him sharply. 
He held his hands up in defense, looking around to see if anyone had noticed the commotion, and thankfully bystanders were too immersed up in their own lives and conversations to notice the slight disturbance. 
“I’m sorry! Sorry! I just—I didn’t mean to insinuate that we could hook up. God, that was stupid of me to say in there,” He shut his eyes rigidly, opening them back up to your still livid face, “Really, I’m really sorry…I’m an asshole and I should’ve just passed you my number then this could have been avoided.” 
You furrowed your brows, shaking your own head, following his hands that went into his pocket and pulled out a yellow post-it note with blue ink scribbled down on it. He fiddled with it between his fingers before holding it out to you. 
Sighing, you took it, unfolding the paper and reading the ten digits that were written, “It’s my number…if you’d ever like to give me a call, and maybe I could make it up to you or something—again, I’m sorry…for saying dumb shit in there and grabbing you.” 
You looked up at him for a second, raising one of your brows highly as you examined his remorseful expression, before crumpling the paper in your palm, “Yeah…whatever, goodbye, Don.” 
He slumped his shoulders, watching you get into your car and drive off without batting another glance at him. Leaving him behind in the parking lot to thinking about how he just possibly screwed up on the girl who caught his eye. 
Eddie would never do such a thing like that to you even if he was interested. 
If you had told him no, it meant for him to back off and let you be. He was always great at respecting your boundaries that you created and he knew it wasn’t anything personal, it just was something that you established because you wanted to get to know him first. 
So Eddie didn’t go into guitar lessons with you with any gleam of hope that he would be yours and you would be his. When he offered to help you get better at songwriting and playing the guitar, he did it because he knew you were something special. 
It was just that simple. 
He never pushed the idea of a relationship towards you, nor did he ever make a move on you until you both were on the same page that a relationship was something that you wanted. And to be quite honest, the connection that you and Eddie shared was deep-rooted—you had spent time with him, each talking about your lives and your friends before even plunging into the relationship thing headfirst. 
You liked it that way because it gave you a reason to really appreciate Eddie for not only a man that you were beginning to fall in love with, but just on that human level where vulnerability and empathy was laid out for the both of you to notice. 
There was never a guy like that out there for you anymore, so for some reason you settled for Don. You called Don on that same day, later in the night, accepting that there was no man out there willing to show you his true colors like Eddie did. And definitely no man stronger enough than Eddie to hold the weight of your deepest fears and insecurities. 
‘Cause when I’m with him, I am thinking of you
You tried to not look so uptight in the candlelit restaurant where classical music played softly in the background while waiters in suits walked around with large silver platters in their hands—but this wasn’t something you usually did on a Friday night. 
“Do you like the food?” 
Your fork twirling the pasta around the tongs, while you seemed rather distant worried Don. But only momentarily as you snapped out of the uncomfortable stare of your dish and looked up at him with a small grin, bending your head convincedly, “Y-yeah, sorry, just didn’t expect you to take me here.” 
He frowned, setting his fork down and resting a hand against your wrist that laid flat against the white tablecloth, “Hey, you deserve the best. If I have to take you to a fancy restaurant every weekend to show you how much you’re worth it, then I will.” 
You did your best to smile, nodding your head and mouthing a thank you before you two proceeded to eat the pricey food that didn’t nearly fill up like the burgers and fries at Benny’s did. 
Eddie would have known not to bring you to a place like this for a date. He knew how much you hated all things formal.
For Valentines one year he tried to take you to Enzo’s after hearing how much all the girls loved getting taken out for a date there to spend the 14th of February. He caught on right away when you kept fidgeting in your seat, apologizing for brushing the fork and knife too roughly against the porcelain dishes making a high-pitched scratching noise that echoed throughout the restaurant, and how you, like the night you and Don went to that upscale restaurant, barely spoke a word to him. 
“Are you sure you like your food?” Eddie confided, leaning closer towards you as you exhaled, giving him a sorrowful look and shaking your head. 
Eddie’s expression fell, dropping his hands under the table to hold your hands where you had been fiddling with the stupid lace of the table runner. His thumbs smoothing across your knuckles, “You can have mine if you want, baby…or you can order something new. Whatever you want, sweets. Not gonna force you to eat something you don’t like.” 
It was an encouraging and comforting smile he sent your way, never making you feel bad for not liking what you had ordered or worrying about what you two would be charged at the end of the night. He just wanted you to have a good time. 
“It’s not the food, Eds.” You told him, squeezing his hands as you relaxed your eyes and skimmed around, assuming he was following, “I feel weird…like I don’t belong—don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful in here, but I just, I feel like I’m fucking up this whole night—“ 
He shushed you lightly, shaking his head with a relatively affectionate expression laid out right in front of you, “Let’s get the rest to go then, we can even get a slice of cake or something, then we can eat the rest at Lover’s Lake.” 
You laughed gently, a relaxed sigh leaving you, noticing his hands squeeze yours now, “I wish you would’ve told me sooner…don’t want to make you stay when you feel uncomfortable.” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” You apologized, slanting forward the rest of the way to peck his lips kindly, “I just knew that this probably took a lot for you to plan out and everything and I just didn’t want to throw all that out because I’m in a mood.” 
He pecked you again, an “uh uh,” crooned out on your lips before he drew away and smiled, “You’re not in a mood, baby. And don’t you dare feel bad—as long as we’re both together having a good time, I don’t care where we are, alright?” 
“Alright.” You assured him, smiling as he let go of your hands and called the waiter to your table, asking for the check, take out boxes, and a slice of their famous berry cake with mascarpone and extra whipped cream on the side. 
You shouldn’t have been thinking of your ex-boyfriend as you sat across from your current one, but in hindsight you’d had to accept the fact that Eddie would never leave your mind. He was always the top tier, exemplary, example of the expectations you were looking for in a relationship. His ability to read you like the back of his hand and express a profound semblance of understanding that could never be replicated. 
You were always thinking of Eddie when you were with Don. 
What you would do if you were the one who was spending the night?
Lover’s Lake wasn’t as nearly a popular hook up spot as Skull Rock was but there was no doubt that there were going to be couples having more than enough fun in the back of their cars on this valentines day night. But nevertheless, Eddie drove round and round and round until he found an empty spot, parking his van and helping you out of the passenger seat.
The two of you finished the rest of your dinner in the back of his van, giggling as the ducks in the lake quacked noisily, demanding more of Eddie’s garlic bread that he had been tearing and tossing into the water. Feeding them despite the sign that was posted that highly discouraged the act. 
“But what if their duck family doesn’t have any food to eat!” Eddie questioned, still throwing what was left of the baked dough into the pond until he had no more left to give. 
You giggled, at how ludicrous yet understandable Eddie’s argument was, his genuine care of nature and their creatures you found something so attractive. 
“Should we stay here or do you want to head over to mine and you could spend the night?” 
Eddie had never spent the night at your house. It wasn’t because your parents were strict or anything; it was just the fact that you both preferred the privacy of Eddie’s trailer knowing that Wayne wasn’t home to tell you two that it was too late to be up cooking a whole meal or bugging you both about being careful…but Eddie and you had both gotten that talk already. 
He scooted closer to you, covering you up in his arms while he pushed kisses in random sequences across your shoulder and arms. “I’ve never spent the night at yours before.” 
“Yeah,” You nodded knowingly, snaking your hands up to push his curly hair back behind his ear, giving you ample space to kiss his cheeks, “I figured you’d want to come over ‘cause my parents aren’t home, but we can go to yours too, but like, we don’t even have to do anything…sexual y’know, that’s not the reason why I want us to go to mine because—“ 
He scrunched his face, brushing nose against yours. An abrupt laugh coming from him, making you feel relieved that he wasn’t weirded out by your ramble, “Baby, you know I don’t expect you to spend the night or ask me to spend the night just for sex, right? I want to be with you because I enjoy being around you…I feel like I’ve told you this before.” 
Eddie squeezed his arms tighter around you, pushing his face in the crook of your neck, causing you to snicker, “Mmmm Eddie! You’re gonna squish me!” 
“Squish you with love and kisses,” He added, slacking his arms giving you enough room to pull him away from where he was hiding and press your forehead together. “What a way to die, huh? Make sure you put that on my death certificate.” 
He closed his eyes, basking in the feeling of you so close to him, “Shut up, you’re not dying anytime soon, dummy—If anything I demand that I go first!”
You laughed harder, finally connecting your lips in a kiss. His hands covering your back, pulling you into him closer, wanting nothing more than to stay in this moment forever like this, even if it meant the stupid metal part from his trunk poking into his side. 
But he knew eventually he’d have to pull away, longing to breathe you, memorize how the moon shone against your skin and take a mental picture to look back on every night before he went to bed with or without you laying next to him. Though he definitely preferred when you spent the night as opposed to going home and waiting until the next morning to feel you again. 
He loved passing the late hours doing anything with you.
Watching reruns of sitcoms that were definitely more of a sleep aid than a laugh fest. Looking through your childhood photo albums and making fun of the missing teeth little you. Strumming the guitar while you read him lyrics. Hell, he wasn’t going to lie…sex with you was amazing, the best he ever had and the only one he wanted for the rest of his life. But his all-time favorite was just the purity of you laying your head on his chest while he watched you sleep.  
The two of you finally began the drive back to your house, the soft engine roaring from the outside of the car. You watched pedestrians cross the streets every time you came to a red light, yearning to know if what they were going through in their lives. If somehow by chance, anyone of these innocent passersby felt the same way you were feeling and lived their lives the way you were. 
Quietness wasn’t necessarily a bad thing on this drive home, and you were pleased that it was. It gave you time to reflect, think about something other than what was happening in your life, especially when you could never seem to do that. 
And so when your house came into view, you were relived, craving nothing more than to get into bed and dream the night away, “Here we are.” 
He announced with a merry tone, parking outside your home where the porch light was flickering yellow with a few moths swarming around its candescent, hoping to ward off any predators that maybe tracking them. 
You unbuckled your belt, nodding your head towards the driver’s side with a look of sincerity, “Yeah…thanks for tonight, again.” 
“Of course. I can’t wait to see you again.” He said, resting his forearms on the steering wheel, leaning forward with flushed cheeks when he turned your way. 
“M-me too,” you agreed less assuringly, hand reaching over for the door handle so you could exit, but the hand coming down to squeeze your knee told you otherwise. 
“Mind if I came in?” 
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes, swallowing and finally finding it in yourself to shift back towards him. When you opened them, he was already staring at you, an intense and subdued gaze coating his eyes. 
You shook your head, peering back at the living room window where light waded through the curtains and blinds, “My parents are home…so probably not.” 
“Oh,” He said saddened, nodding his head understandingly, “Well, next time maybe?” 
You only shrugged, bottom lip cover the top, as you weren’t sure if you ever wanted him to spend the night with you, “G’night, Don.” 
Giving him no time to even ask or try to kiss you, you opened the door, flinging it shut and rushing to find the keys in your bag to unlock the door. Not even glancing back at him to wave him goodnight, just walking through into the four walls and slamming the heavy wooden door shut. 
Spending that night, and every other night alone, wondering what could have been. 
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your eyes.
Maybe it was your way of trying to not let the uneasiness and shame bleed into your soul while you were up on that stage, focusing on two things; singing and strumming the guitar.
But your eyes had avoided two spots in the crowd…the judges’ table and where Don was sitting. 
You just couldn’t help yourself, nor avoid it, while your eyes sailed over to different people. It was obvious the Don was realizing what you were singing about, his face hidden in his hands while one of his buds took a seat beside him, lying a hand on his shoulder, buzzing something in his ear that you were too busy to make out. 
The judges’ table actually was less daunting than you had expected. When you stole a glance at them during the pre-chorus, they had smiles on their faces, even one of them tapping their foot to the beat of the song. 
At least you felt like something was going right. 
And so now with a quarter of the student body sitting the crowd, you had many people to let your eyes drift over for what was left of the song, knowing that all of them were complete strangers you’d never see again after you graduated, so they didn’t really make you any more nervous that you already were. 
But blindsided you were when you saw that familiar face in the left corner of the crowd, wholly staring at you. Actually, there in front of your eyes, hearing the song that you had written about him. 
He was all face. His hair pulled back into a bun with a hat onto of his head. He wasn’t wearing anything from his wardrobe it looked like—and if you weren’t looking hard enough, you probably would never be able to tell it was him. 
But you’d never mistake Eddie and those captivating eyes that were burnt images that you saw every time you closed yours. 
Yet now it wasn’t imaginary.  
Eddie swallowed, quietly clearing his dry throat when he knew he had been found by you. The way that your eyes remained on him a little too long and stared too passionately. How he could literally see your feet, pressing into the support legs of the stool, trying to keep your cool. 
He was supposed to be subtle, keeping his hat low to conceal his face, but he couldn’t. Not when you were here singing to him and he knew it. You wanted to break the eye contact, to dart your eyes to the other side of the crowd where one of the students were nearly falling asleep, hoping maybe it would make you forget that Eddie was here.
Deep down, you were terrified that Eddie would’ve gotten up and left the second he got spotted, and you prayed on everything that he didn’t. All that you ever wished was to look into his eyes once again, and so you kept them there.
Not only singing about him, but singing to him. 
He didn’t leave, and he never broke eyes with you, only you doing so every so often to look at the frets you were changing over before quickly finding him again. 
Signing to him everything that you remembered about him that you could never bear to forget. 
You’re like an Indian summer in the middle of winter...Like a hard candy with a surprise center.
When you had first met Eddie, you knew that he was a bit of a guarded individual, for good and personal reasons that you respected, of course. He always claimed that life was better, having no friends at all if it meant that no one he let into his life was making him feel like shit, and you understood that. 
Eddie didn’t have friends…he had family, or at least one that he claimed as his own. 
Hellfire, the little group that caused a lot of talks in the halls were essentially Eddie’s close circle of people. All the upperclassmen in his club were a part of his band, Corroded Coffin, one that you saw being advertised on flyers taped on road signs and restaurant windows. He also took the freshman in his club, as well as their friends under his wing, offering them a seat at his lunch table when it seemed like no one else would. 
Eddie just had this extraordinarily welcoming quality to him, that only a few would know if they dared to step into his life. So many people perceived the wrong things about Eddie based on what he enjoyed and what he dressed like. These attitudes spoiling everyone’s opportunity to have an actual conversation with him to learn how pleasant and imaginative he actually was. 
That the strange boy covered in patchwork tattoos, leather jackets, and ripped denim wasn’t all mean and scary like everyone had thought. Beneath that, he was like a teddy bear with actual capabilities of making you feel like being different wasn’t such a bad thing, because it wasn’t. 
“Why’re you shaking?” Eddie inquired, contemplating your bouncing knee that braced on the chair in the drama room. 
You stopped your leg’s movement, peering over at him where he sat on his throne, organizing the papers in his binder before his attention was captured on you, “Nothing…just a habit.” You waved off with what you attempted to be a convincing smile. 
“Hey, c’mon.” He spoke gingerly, setting his binder down on the table in front of him, and leaning over to wrap his ringed fingers around the leg of your chair, dragging you closer to him, “What’s going on in that head of yours, babe?” 
“I don’t know,” you replied, picking at the underside of your nails and flicking the debris off, only to feel Eddie reach for your arm and guiding you up and into his lap. 
Your legs slung over his thighs, getting comfortable with your side dipping into the left side of his body. You could feel his breathing now fanning over your face when he nudged your chin to meet his, “You ought to know, sweets…just lay it on me, don’t be shy.” 
Flinging your hands back into your lap defeatedly you groaned, “I just hope they like me, I mean they mean a lot to you, and just by the way you talk to me about them, I know that they really look up to you and everything like that and so I just hope I make a good impression.” 
His alleviating palm traveling up and down your arm, along with his chuckle let you know that you more than ok, and you were just too much in your head about it, “Baby, they’re gonna love you…and if they don’t they can suck it.” 
That’s all that you needed to know and hear that made you feel like everything was going to be ok. He always had that weirdly insane intuitive way about him—how even in your most uncertain moments, he was able to make you feel certain. He was always sincere and comforting, that homey feeling that could insulate your worrying your little heart and thoughts, attacking off the chill. 
You poked his side, muttering into his neck where you found yourself slotted comfortably once again, “Where are they? Didn’t you said it starts at three?” 
As if his friends had impeccable timing, before Eddie could glance down at his wristwatch, the door to the drama room bursted open with a group of people that you knew were Eddie’s friends. They were wearing thick jackets and boots to fight the winter cold and teeny flecks of white dredged on their shoulders and hair. 
Pulling yourself away from where your face was buried, you and Eddie both sat up, your arms swathed around his neck and his arms caging your body still close to him. 
“It’s snowing!” Dustin Henderson the curly-headed boy quipped, approaching you and Eddie with a palm full of snow in his hands. 
You screeched, forgetting that this was your first time meeting them all, and absolutely fascinated by the ice crystals, moving out to touch it, “Oh my gosh!” 
Another boy stepped forward, Lucas Sinclair, who was bundled up from head to toe, “Max and El are outside. That’s why we were late, they dragged up to help them make snowmen and angels.” 
“There’s gotta be like twelve inches of snow out there! No one can drive or bike, so we all walked here.” Will Byers animatedly spoke, bringing his hands up and down to estimate the amount that had accumulated.  
Another excited squeal left you, shaking Eddie’s upper half with eagerness. “We’ve got to go and see the snow Eds!” 
He let out a bogus fuss, “We see snow all the time.” 
Eddie was undoubtedly right, it snowed like hell during the winter, but most times all the white fluff either melted away before anyone could jump around and freeze their asses off having fun in it or it just became pure ice that was too hard to sculpt. 
“But this snow snow! Like actual snow, c’mon, pleaseeee.” Your doe eyed pleading expression along with your hands clasped together with your bottom lip jutted out was just for theatrics. You both knew that Eddie wasn’t going to turn this down. 
“Yeah Eddie,” Mike Wheeler snorted, making kissy faces towards the both of you, altering your attention to him where you giggled and Eddie flipped him off, patting your thigh, “Shut up Wheeler…everyone meet my girl.” 
You stood up, smoothing your hands down the front of your pants, before sticking your hand out to meet theirs. “Nice to meet you all by the way…sorry for the PDA you walked into.” 
Dustin dropped the snow at his feet, realizing for your hand first, the frosty cool skin brushing yours making you flinch a bit before laughing, “Eddie tells us great things about you…we almost thought you weren’t real until he showed us a photo of you two!” 
As you continued meeting them, along with hearing why the upperclassmen weren’t present because they didn’t want to trudge through the snow on a Saturday—Eddie had swept the snow that the little shit Dustin dropped, not wanting to hear it from the drama teacher who graciously gave him the keys to the classroom for weekend campaigns even if it was prohibited. 
Now he had somehow found himself sifting through the trunk of clothes used in past plays, searching for the thickets jackets to cover you up with, realizing that the sweater you had on now wouldn’t keep you from freezing to death. 
He found one, a fuzzy army green zip up, many many sizes too big for you, but it would work, “Put this on, please.” 
You paused your conversation with Will, peeking back over your shoulder to where Eddie was holding the jacket out for you. Your limbs extending themselves as he fitted the garment over your body and reached forward to zip it up for you. 
“If any of you catch hypothermia, I’m not responsible.” He joked, grasping your hand as you all made your way out of the classroom and out the double glass doors of Hawkins High where you could see two figures in the distance, throwing snow up in the air and jumping. 
The brisk air roused over your face, much crisper than hours ago when you and Eddie walked through the same parking lot, thought then, only a few inches of snow were already beginning to melt on the sidewalk. Now there were piles and piles of it. Eddie’s van sprinkled with the white flecks, probably going to be an inconvenience later on, but right now Eddie wasn’t focused on that. 
“Eddie look!” The ginger yelled out as you all got closer, her finger pointing to the right where a snowman stood unbalanced, but still a snowman nevertheless. 
Eddie snickered, nodding his head and squeezing your hand. “Red! Brunette! This is my girlfriend.” 
With your freehand you shook theirs, beaming at their rosy flushed snouts and cheeks, plus their deep breaths that were fogging in the air. 
“Nice to meet you!” You shook hands enthusiastically. 
The dark-haired girl who Eddie had described to you as timid but clever smiled broadly, then looking up at your boyfriend, “She’s beautiful. How did you get her?” 
You stifled your laugh, swaying your head, as Eddie, El, and Max bantered like brother and sisters for a bit, no malice in their words but only pure laughter as the three poked fun at each other. 
“Here,” Eddie stated, sticking his hand into his pocket where he had crammed two beanies he found in the classroom. He held it out for the girls, asking them to put them on, “You’ll freeze your brains if you don’t cover up.” 
You didn’t have much time to stare at admiration for his thoughtfulness, as he had bent down to pick up a wad of snow, chucking it delicately into your abdomen, making you whoop. 
A snowball fight ensued. You, him, and his friends, racing around the parking lot like lunatics, trying not to get hit by the snowy spheres hurling your way. The campaign was now long forgotten by everyone, just basking in the Indiana sleet, and glee that sweltered through the frosty air. 
Eddie stuck by your side, trucing his promise that he wouldn’t throw anymore snowballs at you, just wanting to stay close and near. To feel your breathing and to have your voice hit his ears in proximity like it was the sacred sounds of his favorite song. You were his favorite song, his favorite voice, his favorite type of laughter—his favorite everything. Even if meant being yanked through the cold or the midsummer heat, he’d happily follow wherever you strayed. 
How do I get better once I’ve had the best?
Eventually, you all were convinced, by Eddie of course, to head over to Mike’s house to spend the rest of the afternoon drinking hot cocoa and warming up. The campaign would have to wait until tomorrow or at least until the snow stopped, and he’d come by the put back to borrowed garments and retrieve his van. 
“Mike, are sure your parents won’t mind?” You proposed again for the millionth time during the walk over to his home. 
You had just met the kid, and you didn’t want to seem like you were invading his space just because your were the girlfriend of his friend, but nevertheless he responded, politely, “I’m sure dude…Nancy’s friends are over too, maybe you know them.” 
Steve. Robin. And her boyfriend Jonathan. 
You knew about them because Eddie was also friends with them, plus you had shared a few classes with Nancy and Robin but had yet to have an actual conversation with them. The other two, Steve and Jonathan, you hadn’t met yet, only hearing stories from Eddie about them from time to time. 
When the young boy unlocked the door, hailing out to his parents that his friends were staying over for a while, he led you to his basement, everyone already knowing that’s where they were going. And the noises of the rickety wooden stairs leading you down, notified the older teens who were sitting on the couch watching an old VHS. 
“Oh, geez, come on here, take this blanket.” His older sister, the one that you knew got up immediately, flinging the blanket off of herself and enveloping it over your body that was attached to Eddie’s side. 
“Guys, this is my girlfriend—“ 
The boy sitting beside Robin with gelled hair spoke, “The one you won’t shut up about?” 
“Who else you dingus!” Robin and who you assumed was Jonathan smacked his arm, a repentant look on their face when they turned to you, “Sorry about him, he was dropped many times as a baby.” 
She was more than delighted to greet you, rising and sweeping past Eddie to give you a hug, one that you weren’t expecting, but gratefully returned. 
“Come sit. Jonathan and I will get some more blankets upstairs.” Nancy suggested, caressing your shoulder as she pulled her boyfriend off the couch and jogged back up the stairs. 
The kids had settled on the floor, instantly ejecting the VHS tape despite Steve’s protests and plugging in their gaming console where they all fought for a turn. Eventually, Steve had properly introduced himself to you, apologizing for his joke at the beginning, which you never really took with animosity, just assuring him that it was all jokes and fun. 
When Nancy and Jonathan returned with a handful of blankets and warm cups of cocoa in their hands, you were already getting to know more about Eddie’s friends. Robin reminding her friend about the class that you three all shared together back in sophomore year before any of you knew who you were. Jonathan and Steve, pulling Eddie into their own conversation, something about his next performance at the Hideout and if he would be able to get them free drinks throughout the night. 
Soon enough, it was just you and the girls, plus the kids who were still busy with the game left in the basement. Eddie and the two other guys headed out with shovels and mittens in hand, hoping to get Eddie’s van out of the school parking lot before any staff would get suspicious of the lonely vehicle parked there or worse, towed. 
You beamed when Nancy, refreshed your cup with the rich liquid, toasting up your hands when Eddie wasn’t here to warm them up himself, “Eddie really loves you, you know…he literally doesn’t shut up about you.” she smirked cheekily, observing the way your eyes twinkled at the mention of his name. 
“I’m just as head over heels in love with him as he is with me…he’s the best.” 
The two girls met eyes with each other, smiling giddily at hearing that admission. They knew that Eddie was truly content with you, like a sudden wave just washed up over him once the two of you started dating. He became softer, not in a whipped way, which he totally was for you anyway, but he was just different. A more peaceful and together version of himself. 
He talked highly of you before he introduced you to them. Telling them all about this mystery girl, who was in fact real, and enjoyed the time you had spent together. Talking about the many songs you had written, so enthralled by your ability to paint a picture with just a few words and how the guitar was just an accessory to what you were singing.
They were happy for their friend, even more so happy for you for meeting someone you knew was the best person who you deserved. 
But that was before you had lost the best you’d ever know. 
You said, there’s tons of fish in the water, so the waters I will test.
Robin’s hand reached for your shoulder, shaking it mildly. “Are you ok?” she asked with troubled eyes at your quietness.
You snapped out of the memory, blinking slowly as you found yourself standing in front of a rack of clothes in The Gap store, while Nancy and Robin conversated among themselves before noting your absent state. Now the both of them standing on either of your sides, watching you slowly come back with a heavy sigh brewing in your chest. 
“Y-yeah…sorry, just thinking.” You waved off, shaking your head, and raking back over the hangers, not at all interested in the clothes that were displayed there. 
Nancy looked over at Robin, her eyes quietly indicating worry while you were too busy trying to act like you were fine. Her delicate hand coming to stop your movement, pulling your eyes to hers again. “You know you can talk to us right? Even though we’re Eddie’s friends, we’re also your friends…we care about you.” 
It had been months since you and Eddie had officially broken up. You had already begun seeing Don, and you had fully expected that Eddie’s friends would stop speaking to you even casually if they had found out. After all, they were all Eddie’s friends before they were yours. Despite how close you got to them throughout you and Eddie’s relationship, their loyalty laid first with Eddie—you understood and respected that. 
However, they had other plans, continuing to call and check up on you after hearing the news from Eddie himself. Robin and Nancy were specifically supportive, always taking you up on the opportunity to go out to get your mind off of things and to keep up with what was going on in your life now that you didn’t spend every weekend in the Wheeler basement just hanging around. 
It was harder on the younger kids. Max and Dustin liked to joke and say, “We’re children of divorce,” knowing that their favorite couple had split suddenly in the middle of the year. They did their best to hang out with you too, tagging along with Robin and Nance when they’d say they were heading over to your place or over to Benny’s meeting you for lunch. 
Clearing your throat, you ground your lips together and peeped at Nance and Robin, “H-how is he? Eddie, I mean.. Has he been taking care of himself?” 
They each took a deep breath, side eyeing one another, then nodding at you. This was the first time in a long time that you had asked about Eddie. He was a sensitive topic that no one brought up if you were in listening distance, knowing it could trigger you. You didn’t want to seem bitter, to act as if you didn’t care about Eddie anymore, because quite honestly that wasn’t possible for you to ever feel. 
You loved Eddie with your whole existence, but you just couldn’t face the fact that you were living life without knowing it wasn’t beside him anymore. And you definitely didn’t want to hear if he had another woman already taking your place…even if that made you a hypocrite. 
“He’s umm, he’s good actually…on track to graduate, thank god.” Nancy told you freely, giving you a thumbs up that you accepted with a nod. 
Eddie wasn’t dumb, far from it. He just didn’t have a lot of discipline when it came to school. You had helped him through that, encouraging him to find more time to study and take notes so that he could take tests and pass with flying colors.
It worked.
Somehow he learned to enjoy sitting with you in the library, a comforting silence between you two as you read your textbooks and he would look over notes from class. You’d do anything if it meant helping Eddie get out of this hellhole of a school where he was trapped in for far too long. 
Robin spoke next, bouncing on the heels of her foot up and down, while she bit her lip, “He heard that you’re going out with Don now. He’s happy for you.” 
You knew Eddie was bound to find out sooner or late. It wasn’t hard to spot the preppy car and pretty boy to match it, coming into Hawkins more and more the longer you two started seeing each other. 
“Oh…” your heart shook, forehead wrinkled up as you learned about Eddie’s new knowledge about your life and how he still wished you well. 
Nance tilted her head to the side, seeking to detect what you were feeling—a mix between confusion and discontent, she supposed. 
“But—but you know, he also said that he umm, that he wants you to search the whole pond.” She inadequately tried to explain, nudging Robin for help. 
You looked up at them plainly perplexed at what the older girl was trying to explain. Thankfully, Robin stepped forward, “Yeah the pond! You know…there’s so many guys out there, and he wants you to really search it and find someone you deserve!” 
Deep down, you didn’t even want to dip your toes in that stupid pond they and Eddie were talking about.
To you it wasn’t about searching because it was useless to do so. There couldn’t possibly be anyone out there that could have been more perfect for you than Eddie. You didn’t care about money, status, or looks…any of that materialistic and superficial bullshit that everyone wanted for notoriety. 
You wanted Eddie, but you settled…you barely even searched that pond before testing out the second best you found. 
He kissed my lips, I taste your mouth
Nancy and Robin tugged you out of The Gap store, the three of you visiting a few more shops that were on the second floor before taking the escalator back down to visiting the food court. With summer approaching, the shopping center was packed with students getting a head start on basking in on the freedom and fun that came with the semester coming to a close. So it wasn’t surprising to find Max and El sitting at a table all by themselves, talking amongst one another. 
“Heeey chicas!” Robin singsonged, knocking her fist on the metal table, grabbing the young girl’s attention causing them to smile and stand up. 
Immediately they went to hug you three, urging you to take the empty seats beside them, “We missed you!” They both directed it to you specifically, resting their chins on their fists. 
You nodded, rolling your eyes as you caught up with them, “School and life are just a lot right now—I’m telling you, don’t take freshman year for granted because upperclass will kick your ass.” 
They laughed, while the older two girls agreed with you, noting how much grades and extracurricular meant to your record, which would ultimately decide if you were going to get into college or not 
“Where’s Lucas and Mike?” Nancy sought, looking around and not seeing them anywhere in sight. 
El giggled, shrugging her shoulder, while Max smirked, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked up the figure behind you, ignoring the question. 
“A strawberry snow-cone for the prettiest girl in Hawkins?” 
Hands were now covering your eyes, feeling the cold rings resting on the bridge of your nose and the high points of your cheeks. The laughter surrounded you and the voice who spoke made it obvious who it was, “Eddie, you dork!”
“Awww you caught me sweets!” He bubbled, withdrawing his hands from your eyes and you immediately tilted your head back, seeing an upside-down version of him. 
He was wearing the same t-shirt that you saw him in before you left his trailer that morning. And now he traded his basketball shorts for the classic black denim that he said matched everything in his closet. 
The smell of yesterday’s blunt still lingering on him from where you cuddled into his side, and kept him company while he smoked and you freely wrote in your journal, outside on the porch chair. 
You felt his hand guide your neck back up slowly. The chair beside you being dragged out where he sat and placed down the sweet treat in front of you, “I thought you had a campaign today?” 
You stuck the spoon into the red painted snow, taking a bite as you watched him watch you eat, “Yeah, but these dweebs wouldn’t stop bugging me about the mall.” 
He ruffled the hair on Max and El’s heads, causing them to scowl, hitting his hand away jokingly as they fixed it back into place. 
“Well, shit Mr. Charming, you got her a snow-cone but not us?” Robin tsked playfully, rolling her eyes along with the other girls for dramatics. 
You giggled at their antics, watching Eddie cackled and reach into his pocket, tossing them a $10, producing a round of ovations to erupt from the four girls who gave up on their act. 
Robin instantly palmed it, mouthing a thank you to Eddie who pretended to roll his eyes, shooing them away to give you two privacy.  
“C’mere.” He grinned, repeating your favorite simple action of him pulling your chair closer to his, knees just about hitting each other now and shoulders pressed together. 
You blushed, hiding your cheek in his shoulder, pushing the bowl and spoon towards him to take a bite, which he happily did. 
“When did you find me here?” You proposed, eyelashes flutter up at him, watching him chew the icy snow and swallow before responding to you. 
He intertwined your hands together and then spoke, “I was gonna get a corn dog, but then I noticed the girls talk to some people and I saw you and I wanted to surprise ya!” 
You melted, aweing up at his sweet gesture, kissing the skin below his jaw, “Well, consider me surprised.” You told him, wringing his hands appreciatively. 
“Can I get a proper kiss?” He radiated, eyes clouded over with longing, knowing it had been hours since he last got to kiss you. 
Your eyes drifted up, bluffing to think for a few moments, a silly game you liked to play with him to keep him on his toes, though he always knew it was just a facade too, “I suppose you do deserve a kiss.” 
Eddie crinkled his nose, a content, “yes!” spewing from him as if you’d ever decline him a smooch.
“Lay it on me, pretty.” He puckered his lips, making you giggled, wanting to pinch him and tell him to kiss you right, but any kiss from Eddie was good enough from you. 
Your lips planting against his slightly chapped ones that you had tried to coat in your chapstick, yet he hated the feel of the product, unless it was transferred from yours to his. You could still smell the blunt he had been smoking before you left—a hint of earthy. Yet notes of sweetness, the artificial kind from the strawberry syrup that coated the shaved ice and his mouth. But every kiss was swarming with Eddie—just him. The way you wanted every kiss to feel and taste like. 
But this kiss wasn’t Eddie. 
“Oookaay, wow, hello!” 
You pushed at the chest in front of you, breaking your lips apart embarrassingly quick and seeing Nancy and Robin holding the snow cone you had asked them to order for you while you took a breather and sat down alone at the table. 
But that was before Don had taken it upon himself to surprise you, greeting you with a too loud of a hello and laying an unexpected kiss on your mouth before you had gotten the chance to say hi. 
You stood up, pushing your chair out, “I’m sorry! Guys umm…this is Don. Don, these are my friends Robin and Nancy.” 
Stiffly you gestured between them, your two friends, passing him a half smile that didn’t look at all convincing to anyone, but Don was too caught up to think otherwise. 
“Cool…here’s your, uh, strawberry cone.” Nancy handed over your small bowl, keeping her eye on you and never towards Don. 
“Thanks.” You muttered, before you all took a seat, waiting to see who was going to speak first. 
It was Don. It was obviously going to be him. 
They tried, they really really tried to like him for the sake of you. But it was blatantly obvious how different Don was from you and how he made you feel. You were reserved when you were with him. You barely put a word into the conversation, instead you kept your eyes on your snow cone, not wanting to feel the eyes of your friends silently asking you what you saw in him.  
The comparisons they were making between Don and Eddie were coursing through their heads, and you could feel that. You knew that you weren’t the only one who would do such a thing. It might have been wrong to hold that expectation over Don’s head, but it wasn’t something that you were ready to compromise with. 
You weren’t sure if you were ever going to be able to live seeing and feeling everything that Don wasn’t when you were with him because you’d only ever want Eddie. 
He pulled me in, I was disgusted with myself
Uncomfortably, the conversation between your new boyfriend and your friends went on for a while—mostly from Don’s side. Him telling the girls about his life in Roane county, asking if any of them wanted to meet his friends in hopes of snagging themselves a boyfriend like you had…as if Nancy and Robin didn’t already have someone special in their lives. 
It was obvious that you were entirely done for the day, not having much more social battery left in you to shop in anymore stores or talk about life. You just really wanted a break from life if you were being honest with yourself. 
“You guys wouldn’t mind if I headed home early, right?” You asked them gently, pushing aside your now finished treat and looking across the table at them. 
Nancy and Robin both shook their heads, smiling tightly at you, “No, yeah, that’s fine…are you ok?” 
You genuinely smiled when Robin and Nance both placed a hand onto yours at the same time, obviously concerned, “Yeah, I just feel a little tired and I actually need to work on the song contest thing.” 
“Don, do you think you could give me a ride home?” You peered over at him and he nodded, smirking and already standing up. 
You shimmied your hands from under your friends, now placing yours onto of theirs and giving them a consoling squeeze, “Have fun you two, I’ll see you later.” 
With that, you stood up, grabbing the two shopping bags you had and looping them over your wrists. They waved goodbye to you, watching as you and Don walked side by side towards the exit of the mall, not a single reach of your hand trying to find his, but only his arm draping over your shoulders by the time you had walked through the double glass doors. 
A small crowd of people sitting on the concrete benches next to the bike rack caught your eye. And for obvious reason, because you knew it was the kids. Their bicycles were never hard to miss with the plethora of stickers that were stuck onto the metal tubes and they’re even more bright colored clothes that they sported. 
You felt like you were in a movie; the scene happening in slow motion while they followed you pass by with a guy that was not Eddie hanging over your shoulder. The man you were thinking about sat between Dustin and Will, the cigarette that was hanging from his fingertips, dropping to the floor where his foot immediately stomped it out.
Eddie went pale, despite the slight tan he had developed from being dragged outside by his friends these days. The curses and whispers coming from the young teens echoing in his ear, as he monitored your figure. Watching the way you twisted your head to try to avoid him, something he was going to do as well, to pretend he didn’t see you, possibly make up a lie and say that it wasn’t you. 
Maybe your doppelgänger. 
But he could never mistake the way your hair fell over your back, and how you took each step from heel to toe like some sort of model…a joke he like to make because it made you blush every time he brought it up. 
And most importantly, he knew your face from every angle. Having woken up beside you every morning and falling asleep next to you every night. To having you staring him deeply in the eyes right in front of him, and you throwing your head back to look at him with a dopey smile upside down. 
He knew it was you no matter what illusions his brain was trying to make up, his eyes did not deceive him. 
They sure as hell didn’t deceive the way that Don pulled you into him closer, saying something funny that made himself laugh before you, then kissing your lips. 
God, you felt sick.
It was horrible enough that this was the way that you and Eddie had to finally see each other after doing so well at dodging one another at school. But this was a whole other feeling of disgust. Revulsion at yourself for being in this situation and having the guts to walk around with a man you knew didn’t deserve you. How could you be so naïve to think that the feeling would go away? Like you’d wake up one morning and forget everything that you and Eddie had…now that truly made you sick. 
And yes, I do regret how I could let myself let you go
Subtleness was never your forte. If anything, you prided yourself on being easy to ready, especially by Eddie. So it was no surprise when you were singing on the stage that you had gradually been breaking down with each verse. Your eyes welling with salty tears that traveled across your cheeks every time you wrung them shut, looking back on memories of you and Eddie that brought you here. 
Part of Eddie wondered what would have happened if you would’ve just stayed at the trailer a little longer that afternoon. Or if he called you and asked to speak about what had happened. Or just maybe if he would’ve gone about the situation differently. To tell you, he was terrified at the fact that you were so sure of hightailing it out of Hawkins after graduation. 
That he didn’t know if he was bold enough to follow you. If he’d drag you down or hold you back from your big dreams. That maybe Hawkins was really all he had to give his life to, afraid of what else the world had to offer. If outside of this town that he was already accustomed to scrutinizing him, would be the only one he could ever get used to. 
That maybe, just maybe, if you could at least be happy without him with only your dreams in sight, that he would be able to live the rest of his life soundly, in this town forever, knowing at least you made it out and did something for yourself. 
At the end of the day, it was selfish—a selfish decision that led to so much heartache and longing for one another. Never being able to keep your sights off of one another, just hoping that either one of you would burst through the door and take all the pain away. No more mistakes or being apart. That’s all you both ever dreamed of at the end of the day. 
Now, now the lesson’s learned, I touched it, I was burned.
You could have accepted everything for what it was, all that surface level shit that went down between you and Eddie. And you had tried your very best to forget him. To clear your slate, and start from scratch when it came time for Don to enter your life, but that just wasn’t practical nor realistic.
You had spent every waking moment thinking about Eddie, comparing Don to Eddie, dreaming about Eddie, crying about Eddie, damn near dying over the fact that you didn’t have Eddie anymore. 
You tried, and it hurt. It hurt too much to ever think that Eddie was just some random boy you fell in love with one day and could forget in a snap of your fingers. Eddie was this burning everlasting light that would never be blown out, not by you, not by Don, and not by any other man. 
Oh, I think you should know…
By now, you could tell you were a mess. You could sense the tears crashing on thighs where they fell from your eyes, rolled down your cheeks, and dripped off your jaw and chin. The crowd watching was now more awake than ever, sitting forward to legitimately listen in on what you were saying and how passionately you were singing the words. Thinking that it was just because it was a really meaningful song for you, but they didn’t quite understand that the meaning was sitting in the room with you. 
When I’m with him, I am thinking of you
Finally, you looked at Don. He was impassive, hands covering his mouth as he glared at you, but only before your eyes went back to Eddie’s. 
The words dripping off your tongue, when he knew that you were really trying to talk to him in this moment. To make him understand all the things you had been feeling for him and never stopped feeling for him since the day you broke up.
You’d been a constant thought in his head throughout those grueling months, yet he was too scared to ever talk to you, let alone write you a song, but here you were, doing it. 
Cause in your eyes, I’d like to stay.
The strumming of your guitar deliberately died with your last whisper like word. Eyes never threatening to shut, even with the cloudiness of tears that obscured the sight of Eddie standing up and being the first person to clap his hands together, followed by the rest of the crowd who did the same. Don and his friends were the only ones still seated in the crowd, but you didn’t care, not anymore. 
Wiping your hands across your cheeks, you stood, lowering your head in gratefulness by the kind gesture of these stranger and most notably the person who the song was about. The judges also clapped, but tried to be unbiased, not standing up and instead, letting the same woman who greeted you speak. 
“Thank you dear…that was beautiful, really. Thank you.”
You nodded your head at the judges as everyone began to settle and sit back in their chairs, while you walked off the stage and back up the ramp where you unwrapped your guitar from across your body, placing it on your chair. Don’s hand didn’t waste anytime, snatching at your wrist, and hauling you outside of the auditorium where all shit was going to hit the fan. 
Your back was against the rugged wall, watching Don pace back and forth in front of you. His hands pulling at one another, huffing obscenities under his breath that you knew were directed towards you. He eventually ceased, keeping his distance from you on the other side of the wall, looking into your eyes. 
“I don’t understand…wha—what does Eddie have that I don’t?” 
You felt almost sorry for him, the fact that he was questioning his worth rather than just understanding that it had nothing to do with him and entirely everything to do with the person you wanted. 
“Everything.” You swallowed thickly, sniffling softly and tearing your eyes away from his serious gaze, know you shouldn’t even be looking at him after the cruel words you had sung his way. 
He tried to approach you, his arms held out, like he wanted to give you a hug or something, but you stepped aside, moving against the wall, adjacent towards the auditorium doors, “Stop it, Don…you already know what this means.” 
You and him were over.
There was no way that Don could still possibly want to be with you after you had just publicly broken his heart and confessed your undying love for your ex-boyfriend that he didn’t even know was in the crowd watching. 
“But I just—I thought you said you liked me!” He lost it, roaring it out vulgarly, forcing you flinch with every word that emerged. 
Not loved. 
Not the way you love still loved Eddie. 
Your arms bound around yourself, demanding the guarantee to feel like you were going to be ok, when he turned and punched the bulletin board on the wall in front of you, “I don’t get it!” 
“I—I never stopped loving Eddie, Don! I’m sorry, but I can’t help the way I feel…the things I feel for Eddie, the only person who made me feel that way—Ow! Stop it! Let me go!” 
The next performance hadn’t even started yet.
The auditorium was dead silent, faces turned towards the door where they could hear the screaming match happening between you and Don, though nobody knew that except his friends, Eddie, El, and Max. The judges weren’t even quite sure if there should be another performance after the one you had put on—no one showed as much emotion and vulnerability when it came to their original song like you did. 
Nevertheless, they sat, a little guilty eavesdropping, as the man’s shouts were more clearly discernible than your muffled replies. Not before you were screaming in pain, that is. 
On instinct, Eddie had shot out of his chair the moment he hard you say “ow!” Not caring if he was stepping on other people’s toes and feet when he stumbled his way through the cramped rows, and rushing up the slender ramp to thrust the door open. Looking right and left… to only seeing Don holding your arms against the brick wall. Based on the way his muscle bulged while he had his hands on you, let him know that Don was being more than rough with you. 
“Get your fucking hands off of her!” His feet took him directly beside the two of you, shoving at Don’s arm, forcing him to release the forceful grip he had on your wrists. 
You found yourself behind Eddie, fingers twisting the material of his flannel, wanting nothing bad to happen to him, “I see,” Don snorted numbly, clenching hos jaw, “Of course he’s fucking here to save you…did you guys plan this or something?” 
“Leave.” Eddie spoke seriously, pointing out the door when he knew that getting into a fight with this boy wasn’t something he was looking for at all. It was making sure that you were ok and not hurt.
Don just grunted, trying to look past Eddie’s figure to see you, but he didn’t allow it, not even a shred of you to be seen or touched by him ever again. Using his arms to create a barrier between you and the guy, you felt safe knowing that Eddie wasn’t going to let anything happen to you. 
The poor guy just huffed out an even heavier breath than before when his friends finally walked through the doors with him. Never looking back at you and Eddie. 
Once you two were in the clear, he turned around, bending to your level to see your face clearly, “H-hey, are you ok?” 
He was hesitant to put his hands on you.
To hold your cheeks in his hands like he did many times in the past when you were feeling too sad. Or even just giving you a hug. He didn’t know if he was allowed to do any of those things anymore, not if he didn’t know if you wanted him to. 
So when your arms instantly reached out to wrap around his body and your face buried in his chest, he knew that everything was going to be ok. His arms tucked around your body, securely holding you close, feeling your tears seep through the fabric of his shirt and press into the bare skin underneath. Your breaths warming the skin where you breathed into him. His heart thumping against your ear, the only heartbeat you were longing to feel for so long this close again. 
You two weren’t just thinking of each other anymore. 
“I missed you…s-so much.” Your voice broke finally splitting away from his chest and looking into his eyes.
He smiled, a sad yet hopeful smile, nodding his head, “I missed you too…I’m sorry for everything.” 
You closed your eyes, letting the tears run again, relishing in the feeling when he finally moved his hand away from your back to brush the drops aside with his thumbs. A peaceful smile on your face despite the contrast of your crying…fortunate that you were here with Eddie even if it meant crying pathetically like this. 
“Can—can we talk about what h-happened?” 
You hoped he would say yes, to finally work things out and maybe rekindle everything that you two still had. 
He hummed, “Yes,” with a sniffle, thumbs still working the waterworks falling until you opened your eyes.
Looking straight into him with distractions around anymore. 
His orbs were like freshly melted chocolate with pebbles from Lover’s Lake surrounding the iris. 
His cheeks flushed the same berry red as the snow day you shared together a few Decembers ago. 
His warmth that radiated off onto your body like the summer he was to your winter. 
His gentleness with you never faltering like you never had spent time apart at all. 
The pit in your stomach slowly dying from where you had thought you were to be stuck with the second best who could never amount to the perfection that Eddie was. 
And when his lips finally came down to yours, the disgust you’d been punishing yourself with leaving the moment you tasted your favorite after smoke of a blunt, combination of phoney strawberry—and Eddie. 
The lost time you had spent away thinking about one another now replaced with the reality that you no longer had to solely daydream or spend the hours reminiscing about each other and your love. It was now about making it right, standing here and not taking a damn second for granted ever again. 
You both pulled away, lips swollen and cheeks just as flushed, still staring with no words spoken, not before the auditorium doors freed with El and Max standing there with a smile, “You won!” 
Now you just needed to win someone.
A/N: all credits to katy perry for writing this beautifully heartbreaking song. I shed a few tears writing this...maybe this was a bit of a projection thing, but I was able to write this in two days without stopping. craaaazy right. anyways, please let me know what you guys think...i hope the flashbacks weren't too confusing, but if it is just inbox me and i'll be more than happy to explain!!
taglist (if you would like to be added just leave a comment!): @translatemunson @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @tvserie-s-world
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sweetiecutie · 8 months
love your writing!!! I’m so super new to fanfics and stuff like that and whatnot and I mean I’m 22 - where have I been hiding??? this is my first time like asking / writing to someone so plz don’t hate me I just really love your writing style and English also isn’t my first language (that’s when you know the fic is gonna slappp).
please feed my sinful soul with more slasher!könig. if you want to, of course.
I was thinking of so many different scenarios this could pan out …
imagine his idiosyncrasy’s at each murder now shifting to leaving tokens of love and obsession and hidden messages to Y/N. like flowers scattered around the body or discarded poems written and placed on the body, but he never does anything to compromise their safety by directly referring to Y/N. and how he sort of turns into Y/N’s super stalker, super overprotective. like he’d somehow figure out that oh they need new shoes - bam, new shoes would randomly appear in their home and it’s exactly their size and just to their liking (especially if they lived alone because then he might turn into perv/stalker-slasher by placing little cameras everywhere tee hee hee…)
AND PLOT TWIST THAT HE MIGHT BE A VERY VERY PROMINENT MAN IN THE COMMUNITY?! Very trusted and loved. Like a well-established family doctor? Or the mayor? Or something? Not like he owns one of the largest farms in the area, like the richest farmer in the area - not like an animal farm or whatever … something romantic - a vineyard
And I mean just so that Y/N can get over the death of their BF quicker - maybe Slasher!König targeted him because he was cheating or something that could hurt Y/N?
Sorry for this long message. I don’t even know why I’m sending this thing I just want to discuss it and I don’t know how. There’s so many different ways this can go
Also. Is writing fanfic also as fun as reading it? Do you get the same kick? Because I wanna start writing …
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Danke und tschüss!
First of all - how DARE you expose half of my amazing plans for these series?!?!? Girl, you read my intentions like an open fucking book😭
But still I want to keep a bit of an intrigue over this✨
You’re definitely right, I see König as more of a psycho-stalker one, completely fucked in his head, and a fact that no one can tell just because he’s so good at keeping straight face, wearing a mask of a friendly neighbour? Absolutely delicious. A pretty girl will smile and joke with this gentle giant, batting her long eyelashes up at him with a subtle blush dusting her cheeks, noting soft quirk of man’s lips, hoping that König may like her back. The next night this dainty neck of hers will be snapped in few places from vicious grip of huge hand, her stomach sliced opened, bright blood painting everything red. Among all mushed up insides her womb is missing - König taking it, since this whore was offering it to him so openly a day before.
And idea with wine garden is so freaking good, I haven’t thought about it even (omg I know abt these sm, since I live in wine region of Germany😶‍🌫️) So I will definitely think abt incorporating this into the story, thank you dearly for suggesting it!
Overall, I’m really happy you enjoyed it, and hope you’re looking forward for new writings, that means a lot🩷🩷 Never be afraid to send in submissions or texts, they make me super happy!
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scented-morker · 1 year
Love Surpasses
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Since the day Jay met you, no scribing would make him as happy as writing sonnets describing your heavenly beauty. When you end up betrothed to another and marriages between the classes become outlawed, you’re sure it’s over. But Jay is determined and luckily there’s some Saint guy marrying people anyway— inspired by the story of Saint valentines as a valentines gift bc jay is everyone’s official husband 🤷🏻‍♀️ this is a historical au even if Saint Valentine was in Rome and this is set as imperial Korea… just don’t question it
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The first time Jay had ever laid eyes on you was during the sixth hour of his meeting with the imperial commanders. It was a summer day, and the castle had just welcomed fifty new apprentices into its gates to handle the never-ending work that needed to be done for the imperial family.
This included four new scribes-in-training, including Jay. They were currently listening to the current scribe, a nearly eighty year old man drone on about the importance of writing as an art form and their sacred duty to the emperor if they were skilled enough to be chosen as the main scribe after him. Before this, they had listened to the imperial messenger, the imperial gardener, and the imperial conductor.
The room they were in was large, but not large enough to fit almost all fifty of the apprentices. All of the young boys were now starting to blink back sleep, and Jay himself was barely awake by the time the door opened, and the warm sunlight peeking through onto his face might have been the only thing keeping him from regretting every life choice he’d ever made.
“Jihoon Oppa, I would like to officially present my new waiting ladies in training.”
It’s one of the main noble ladies of the castle, Sojin, and she bows deeply before promenading her line of young girls into the room.
The other apprentices immediately start chattering, seeing the girls being the first exciting thing to happen to them since walking into the large main room.
In comes about ten girls, all dressed in their formal attire and looking just as beautiful as expected.
In fact, Jay doesn’t blink an eye until he sees you at the end of the line.
Your cheeks are flushed and your hair isn’t nearly as neat as the others, a pesky curl dangling into your eye. You try to move it discreetly with a tilt of your head and a breath aimed up.
When it flutters back down next to your eye this time, Jay swears he’s never seen anything more beautiful. The bashful smile on your face when you notice his staring, and the way you bow respectfully to all of the apprentices, not just the trainers.
Screw important events and treaties, Jay thinks he’ll spend the rest of his life writing sickly sweet love poems about the girl with the pesky hair and glimmering smile. In fact, he thinks about writing sonnets for you until the day his hands can no longer hold a pencil.
He kept that thought in his head for the entire rest of the meeting, when the leaders said that the apprentices would be seeing you ladies around the castle a lot but it was very frowned upon to fraternize together. Jay didn’t care, because even if he were never allowed to speak to you, he would be happy with a lifetime of admiring.
It was two weeks before he saw you again, and three months until he found himself welcoming the disapproving looks of his elders in order to speak to you.
Now, a year later, Jay is one step away from becoming the imperial scribe.
The man who’d given that speech so long ago had passed on, and now the apprentices who’d survived this long were up for his official position.
Jay was a shoo-in.
He’d excelled in all of his training, shadowed Jihoon on multiple occasions, and had an overall spotless reputation.
“Jay, you can’t be here!” You whisper, scolding him even if there’s a smile on your face.
“Why? Are you not happy to see me?”
You hurry him into your small home area, swiveling your head once more out the door to make sure no one saw.
“Of course I’m happy to see you, but you’re an idiot! You’re supposed to be keeping a distance from me! What if the elders see?”
Ever since he’d seen you, it’s been hard to draw Jay away from your presence— a fact the elders were aware of.
“And I’m a betrothed woman! People will get the wrong idea if they see you in here with me alone!”
He grins, pulling you by your hips towards himself to wrap both arms around your waist.
“Then I guess I’ll have no choice but to marry you to save your purity.”
You roll your eyes.
“Jay, you literally wrote the new law. You know we’ll never be allowed to marry.”
He hears the tears in your voice even if he can’t see them from where it’s tucked into his chest.
“You’re the only woman I’d ever want to marry. I would take a stoning if it meant I get to die as your husband.”
You smack him with all the strength you can muster.
“You can’t just throw words around like that!”
He pulls back momentarily to glance down at your shining eyes and pink nose.
“I’m being serious. I heard about a Saint guy— Valentine. He’s been traveling from town to town marrying anyone who wants it before the law goes into effect. He’s going to be in Daegu from tomorrow until Saturday.”
He’s holding your cheeks, and your tears roll over his thumbs.
“Are you being serious? What about the scribe position? You could be a high noble.”
He wipes your eyes, kissing both eyelids as they flutter shut at his soft touch.
“I don’t care. I don’t want to be anything more than I want to be your husband.”
At that you’re crashing your lips into his, and he welcomes the affection wholeheartedly, wrapping his arms tight around your waist and dipping you down.
“Practicing for the wedding already?” He questions giddily when the two of you pull away, and you flash him the same blinding smile he originally fell in love with.
The two of you make a deal that night— to leave on Thursday night for Daegu, using the most indiscreet chariot in the imperial fleet (thank goodness Jay had become friends with the apprentice who took over that job), be married by Friday night and outside of the territory by Saturday.
You had enough gifts of jewelry and expensive silk from the men who’d tried to court you to have money for a shelter and food until Jay could get a job.
And the first painting on your wall, bought with the money from his first paycheck, was a snippet of Jay's vows— “no stones can break us when my love for you is greater than the earthly confines.”
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firstdivisiongirl · 9 months
hi! could i get romantic male matchup for one piece?
my pronouns are she/her
i'm enfp 7w8, leo
i'm 6'0 and have amber eyes, long gold blond curly hair and hourglass figure
i'm positive and upbeat person, i try to see the bright side in most situations
i'm friendly, energetic, confident, sarcastic, responsible, maybe a bit chaotic, cheerful and bubbly
i care about my friends and family a lot, and go out of my way to show it
i enjoy having fun and living life to the fullest
i'm very competitive and passionate person
i really like puzzles, riddles and crosswords
i love making people smile
i have morbid, dark sense of humor
sometimes i randomly say a weird obscure fact in the middle of conversation
i can play on violin, cello, piano, guitar, saxophone, harp and drums, i'm currently learning how to play on trumpet
i like poetry and sometimes i write a poem or two, also i'm writing my book
i'm ballet dancer since i was a kid and i love performing
i'm working on my own cartoon
i never quite grew out of the fantasy phase, and i'm still enamored with tales of changelings and witches
i work as illustrator for fantasy books and books for kids
i'm kinda struggling with taking rest, doing nothing, because there is always something to do, something new to learn, etc.
i'm afraid of stagnation
i overuse this kind of emojis→(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
my style is something between whimsigothic and cryptidcore
i love: collecting things, astronomy, tea, making and watching movies, forests, making jewelry, cooking, baking, d&d, horrors, animals, plants, gardening, traveling, art, history, world mythologies, learning new things, psychology, handicraft
sorry if it's too chaotic (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
have a fantastic and wonderful day (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
Hi. Oh goodness. I literally read this and knew right away. Sorry it took so long. I just wanted to find how to explain it well other than a gut feeling.
You got Sabo!!!! (I just loved this pick too much so I bring you kid Sabo having a mental breakdown)
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You both would definitely write a book together. Like an amazing fantasy! I’d read it!
He’d love your sense of humor and your crazy facts
I feel like your dates would be crazy and random. You two would try anything and everything!
After a long day, Sabo would love to hear you play music. It would just relax him.
Your aesthetics would just go perfectly together!
Sabo can be a little focus and serious. With your happiness and charm, you’d not only balance the chief of staff out, you’d also bring him back to earth.
I hope you like it!
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
i could request a post-war smut where draco and the reader have talked about having babys and are ready, then they just fuck with breeding kink. only if you feel comfortable and have a good day / night 💘
Hi Anon, I hope your day/night was been good.
Although I write a lot of smut, this is my very first venture into writing about breeding kink. This is soooo bad but I tried. I’m sorry anon. 😭
Lots of love x.
Sonnets, Summer & Sandcastles (D.M.) -NSFW, 18+
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A/n: omg what have I written….I feel this need to go take a cold shower and pray. Also sorry for my constant spam today. Lol bye—
Word count: 1709
Warnings: smut, mature language, mature themes, nsfw, 18+, penetrative sex, filth, breeding kink, reader discretion is advised. 
“So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
   So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” 
You read the final rhyming couplet from Sonnet 18 to your husband who was lying next to you. 
Long lazy summer afternoons were usually spent lying beneath the shade of tall limbering trees on a picnic blanket at the manor garden. Some days you’d read to him, and some days you’d both stare up at the denim blue sky and just talk—past, present, future. 
“So essentially, this Shakespeare bloke is saying that his beloved’s beauty will live on?” Draco tilted to his side to look at you. Tiny flickering specks of sunlight that managed to seep through the canopy of leaves created golden freckles on his otherwise alabaster skin.
"Yes Draco, his beloved’s beauty will live on in this poem." You elaborated before closing the book shut and turning to face him. You had your head supported with your hand and your hair tumbled and cascaded down your head and pooled around the blanket. 
He kept taking a few short moments to take this in. He wanted to remember this moment. He wanted to memorise this feeling by heart.
He didn’t think he’d make it out of the war. He never even dared to picture his life beyond the war—he thought he’d be giving himself false hope if he did. 
But the war was over and He’d made it. He’d make it with you by his side. 
Just looking at his beautiful wife beaming at him made him feel like he’d stirred a spoonful of sugar into his tea. 
It was like someone had replaced the denim blue colour of the sky with a rosy pink shade and the atmosphere was suddenly saturated with a sickly sweet smell—laced with fairy floss or burnt sugar. 
The simple and free flowing white dress you were wearing wasn’t helping much either. The gauzy and see through fabric gave a clear view of your breasts and your nipples. 
He began to wonder how your breasts would look when you’d be carrying his babies. He found himself getting hard just by the thought of your body changing, your belly swelling up with his seed. 
“Hm?” He said quickly as he tried not to drift into his daydream again. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
Draco slowly looked up and met your eyes. 
You had the kind of eyes that reeled a person in without even trying. You had the kind of eyes that would make you fall in love if you looked long enough. 
He found himself wondering if your kids would have your eyes—filled with warmth, kindness and all things good. 
He wouldn’t turn out to be a father like Lucius was he?—and what if he did? What if he was just the same? 
“Nothing.” Draco finally murmured, laying flat on his back and closing his eyes. “Just wondering if we should continue living in the manor.” 
“Why what’s wrong?” You asked. His lips were curved upwards in a small smile but you could feel like he was hiding his melancholia in his closed eyes. 
“There’s just too much history you know.” He said quietly with his eyes still closed. “Too much has happened over here” 
“Then let’s go, disappear anywhere in this world. It’ll just be us.” You said as you lay down next to him. 
With one swift movement he got up on his feet and offered you his hand. “Let’s do it then. We can make it if we leave now.” 
“Are you serious?” You looked at him all wide eyed before reaching for his hand. 
“Yes. Of course.” He chuckled, lifting you up in his arms just the way he did when he carried you across the threshold the night of your wedding a few months ago. “We could live anywhere y/n..we could start all over again.” 
“Yeah.” You smiled wistfully as Draco swayed you in his sturdy arms, his hair falling to his eyes, the summer breeze and the distant noise of cicadas—the moment was nothing short of being perfect. “We could live by the beach or near a lake.” 
“The kids could go swimming at the lake.” He blurted, turning his porcelain cheeks a peachy shade. 
You always knew how much Draco wanted a family of his own. You also knew how much he feared becoming another version of Lucius Malfoy.
“You want kids?” You asked softly as gently put you down.
“Don’t you y/n?” Draco tried to sound as laid back and casual as he could. He didn’t know why he did it. Maybe he was afraid you wouldn’t want kids with an ex death eater. 
“I want two.” You said taking a step towards him. You used your hands to caress his cheeks. “Maybe a boy and a girl.” 
“You do? With me?” Draco asked, blinking continuously as if he couldn’t believe those very words were leaving your lips. 
“Of course I do, you absolute idiot.” You leaned in as you closed your eyes, and stretched all the way to the tip of your toes. 
His eyes still remained open as you began kissing his lips. He was still processing what you’d just said, so naturally, almost carelessly. As if you’d thought about it too. 
And then it hit him. 
When it did,  he let his natural instincts guide him. 
At first, he moved his lips gently against yours as he took you in his arms again, carrying you towards the picnic blanket. 
And then, he laid you down and claimed your lips. You kissed him back eagerly, weaving your fingertips into his hair and pulling his face closer. 
He pushed his tongue inside of your mouth and started to explore hungrily as you slowly began writhing underneath him.
 Your lips kept moving in perfectly synchronised and timed movements as if your tongues had been doing this celestial and cosmic tango since the very beginning of time. 
Every movement, every sigh, every breathy whisper and the way his erection felt pressing up against your clothed core when you spread your legs and wrapped it around his torso felt like it was meant to be. 
After getting rid of all your clothes, he dipped his head low and started to suckle your left nipple while his hand kneaded your right. 
Your breasts always felt so supple and soft in his hands and he couldn’t help but think about your breasts growing and becoming heavier and fuller after he got you pregnant. 
At this thought, his cock was desperate to come out of his trousers. He desperately wanted to line himself up against your entrance and fuck you till you were spilling with his come. 
You tugged on his shirt indicating you wanted it off and you fiddled with his belt till his trousers were finally off. 
He groaned when he felt you wrap your hands around his stiff cock. You began stroking him, pumping up and down to the point where you could feel your own wetness along your inner thighs. 
Propped up on his elbows with your legs still wrapped securely around his torso, Draco lined himself up against your slick pussy lips. He pushed himself inside you with a single push and you cried out at the feeling of being full and whole again. 
Once you got comfortable with the sensation, Draco began to thrust. 
Each thrust accompanied by his fingers playing with your needy and aching clit. 
Each thrust accompanied by him groaning and telling you how good your pussy felt, whispering how much he desired to fill you up with his seed. 
“Harder Draco…” you whined arching, wrapping your legs tighter around him, securing him inside of you. “Please..fuck me harder..I need it..” 
Just hearing your desperate pleas made him feel like he was going to come. 
“You want me to fill you up darling?” He grunted as he increased his pace—forehead glistening with sweat, hair sticking to his face. 
“Please…” you moaned, his words pushing you closer and closer to your climax . “I want it so bad..”
“Fuck y/n..” He murmured breathlessly into your ears. “You are going to look so fucking sexy.. heavy with my seed—Just thinking about doing that to you makes me wanna fucking come…” 
“Draco..” you sighed as you felt your high wash all over you and he soon followed—releasing himself deep inside of you. 
As you both came down from your highs, Draco stayed inside of you wanting to ensure that you stayed full. 
“I love you y/n.” He whispered, placing a gentle kiss on your temple. 
~~~~~~~flash forward~~~~~~
You had woken up mid-day and walked bare feet towards the shore—the waves tickling your toes ever so gently. 
You could hear the seagulls, the waves colliding with rocks and the distant laughter of children running at the beach with their little shovels and buckets. 
“I knew I’d find you here.” Draco said softly as he walked up behind you with scorpius holding his index finger.  
“It’s a beautiful afternoon.” You sighed as you sank down and got comfortable next to your husband while your son ran off a little further and started to build his own little sand castle. 
Draco placed a protective hand on your stomach and watched the ocean with you—Both of you were dead sure it was a baby girl this time. 
“Mommy look!” Baby Scorp called out, clapping his little hands in glee. “I made a sand castle.” 
Scorpius was a spitting image of his Draco, but the little gestures he did, the brightness inside of his eyes resembled you and this made Draco’s heart swell with happiness. 
As he watched you build sandcastles with your son, he thought about that summer’s day in the garden. He thought about Sonnet 18 and he knew. 
He knew your beauty would live on in the way scorpius smiled. 
“So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
  So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” - Sonnet 18, William Shakespeare
Draco Taglist: 
(Forgive me is I missed anyone. My brain has turned into mulch)
@maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @desiredmalfoy @badslytherin @dlmmdl @trainintersection @lilsubbyx @fa-me @dracoswhore007 @paulina1998 @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @quacksonsssandtea @letoof @rvaldez7569 @loloo22 @emma67 @berriemalfoy @thegaudess @itchywitch33 @louweasleymalfoy @badslytherin @lunar0se10 @savagelysarcasticslytherin @fleursbabe @teawineaddict @thebitchybeatle @malfoyxxdraco23 @fantasyfairysworld @trashyvicks @h0ggyw0ggyh0gwarts @l0vely-lupin @linasylveon @axdxis @justreadingficsdontmindme @amwitherspoon @thetipsysaquatch @haroldpotterson @laceycallisto @lolo2bougie @riddleswh0r3crux @belladaises @supermisunderstoodoceans @lalunemoonstone @sycathorn-slush @dracomalfoyisindahouse @dracomalfoys-wh0re
Join my tag list here . Alternatively, you can message me if you’d like to be added or removed from my list.
Read my other stories here.
Lots of love as always,
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This is a random thought but what would GE Saeran do if his MC invites him to visit her old high school? As far as I remember, Saeran never went to proper school so maybe it'll be a new experience for him. They could go during school holidays since there is no one (or maybe a few students) there so it's not overwhelming for him. MC could show him the classrooms, library, or even their school garden (mine was so beautiful and carefully tend to so I think Saeran would love it). They can even do high school couple roleplays if he wants to lol.  What do you think?
GE Saeran longs and craves a normal life. He wanted to experience those things that he wasn't allowed to have when he was a kid. There's a lot of things that he wants to do in life, and frankly, he doesn't know where to start. You could have a lot of conversations with him about the way that you grew up so that he has a base value to go from. As a matter of fact, it's very likely that he's going to ask you about the things that you did because he would like to try them out with you. 
He understands that everybody has a different experience growing up and that  has a one-size-fits-all situation, though. Everyone across the world experiences the world in their own way. I can imagine him talking with the RFA about their life sometimes to get a better idea of things, too. He wants to hear anything that his friends are willing to share with him. He wants to know the good and the bad, it helps him understand what it would be like to close his eyes and think about the idea of doing those things, too. 
Not only does he want to experience those things that he could never have before, he wants to share those moments with you because it's inherently special to him. It’s like he’s able to make peace with what he didn’t have by smiling and laughing through it now. 
I'm sure there's things that he would like to do with his brother as well, but there's things that he can do with you that are just as important. It’s a bit silly, he thinks, but when he gets to have fun with you, he knows that he’s safe to explore things. Imagine the first time you go with him to a toy store, that man is in Heaven because there’s so many nice textures to feel, for example. This isn’t that different! 
It's something that he's thought about before. He wonders what high school could’ve been like with you and the people he cares about.  He's not going to lie about it. He has nothing to hide when it comes to his shame.  He thought about what it would be like to meet you in high school… and if you’ve been his friend or if he would have a crush on you from afar. 
The silly thing is that he’s spent a bit of time trying to learn about the world through media online and on television, and he's been watching too many kdramas lately. He would pause and think of ways to sweep you off your feet in a cliché way. 
Saeran would jokingly sit down at a desk in a classroom and ask you to join him just so that he could hold your hand and think about that. It’s cheeky, but kind of an innocent daydream that Ray once had. He would sit back and tell you about all the things he would have done if you went to school together. 
He would write you cheesy poems and slide them across your desk. He’d carry your books for you to your classes and he’d even make sure that he made you lunch everyday for school! He does most of these things now, but it’s the thought that counts, is that right? 
Humor him. 
He really gets into it if you let him. 
Now, he would enjoy attending your reunion if you wanted him to go! Don’t worry about that one.
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daisiesandshakes · 3 years
Could you please do "fatherly" headcanons for Leonardo, Shakespeare, Isaac and leComte with their child with the MC?
Sorry it took so long dear anon, I'm back on work now with doing different shifts... I hope you like it💖
Fatherhood headcanons for Leonardo, Shakespeare, Isaac and le Comte
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Would be always around MC and his baby with the brightest grin you can imagine. He loves and adores the sight of his beloved wife with their child in her arms.
Takes the baby often from MC so that she can get some rest. To be honest, he is the one who holds the baby most of the time, MC has to beg for giving the child back.
Helps MC with her daily tasks much as possible, making sure she doesn't overwork herself
At day he takes his naps now with his child on his broad chest and at night he sings lullabies when the child cries / can't sleep
Paints a lot of pictures of MC with their child
Toddler (and child age):
Lots of tickles, Leonardo LOVES the laugh and giggle, loves to play "this little piggy" with their toes
Would make snacks, style the hair of his child and fix stuff at the same time
Will do everything to make his child happy, after rain he'd be the one who jumps with the little one into a big puddle or you will find Leonardo playing with his child in the mud.
Daily (for hours): say daaa-dyyy... daaaaaad-dyyyyyyyyy...
Cries tears of joy as the first word comes out of this adorable, little mouth
Would raise his kid multilingual. Leonardo would be very reliable and supporting father, encouraging the child in drawing and scribbling, to be honest in everything they show interest
Loves to play statues with his family and residents in the garden
At first the thought to be a father frightens him, afraid to do something wrong
As he sees his baby after birth for the first time, he's in love. Head over heels. The view of his MC holding their newborn child causes tears of joy.
Loves to rock the baby into sleep, breathing soft kisses on their face, quoting poems with his sing-sang-voice
Will sit sometimes at the cradle for hours, just watch this tiny miracle. How is it even possible HE was involved to create this beautiful and perfect little being?
Loves to join his little family in their naps, nuzzling his nose at the head of his child, inhaling the sweet scent.
Toddler (and child age)
Very protective, would make sure their not freezing or overheating
Admires the view of MC with the child on her hips, doing her daily tasks
Tailors cute costumes for his little treasure and would create mini-stage-plays. Vincent, MC and Shakespeare are the protagonists
Reads bed time stories, is the one who gets up at night for calming down when the child had a bad dream
Very supportive and proud, would always tell cute stories to anybody about his child who didn't ask
Would write poems about his kid and his domestic bliss.
Also a lot of worries at first, frightened to hold the baby, fears to hurt it
After a clumpsy start he refuses to give his little star back, stares into the tiny face with shiny eyes
Holds and rocks it at every possible moment, whispering sweet future promises, even does the night feed so that MC gets some rest
Would create a baby back pack to take his little star every where with him, even to university
Loves to kiss the tiny adorable toes, rubs his nose at the soft foot soles
Toddler (and child age)
Would blow raspberries on their cheeks to hear the lovely giggle
As his little star manages the first steps on their own, Isaac goes down on his knees, embraces his child crying (proud and love level 1000%)
Builds castles from pillows and blankets for playing, asks Leonardo to paint the night sky on a part of the ceiling in their room
Takes his child at night out for stargazing, his heart bursting with bliss
Loves to teach his child, is very patient and encouraging. Long walks exploring the nature together
Le Comte:
A dream came true!
When Comte holds his baby for the first time he barely manages to stop himself from crying
Is not afraid to help around the mansion to relieve MC, offers her always help when her hands are full
asks Mozart to play soothing lullabies on the piano when the baby cries
Loves it when the baby holds his finger, smiles then brightly and lovesick. Kisses lovingly every single tiny finger over and over
Toddler (and child age)
Loves to blow raspberries on the tummy, nuzzles their nose every morning and every night
Builds a wooden castle in the garden with Leonardo and a sandbox. Comte is the one who sits in the sandbox with his precious, tasting the sand cake with a straight face
Would fulfil every wish this little heart desires, MC has to cut him off more than a couple times, also overprotective sometimes, he worries so much about his little precious angel
Kisses his child every night goodnight on the forehead after reading bedtime stories, plays even the violine to calm the child down for sleep
Loves to take his kid to carnivals or a museum, watching the exitement in their eyes with a loving smile, carries the child on his shoulders for a better view (and this way nothing can harm his little treasure)
Comte is SO proud to have a beautiful wife and a beautiful child, would be such a calm and loving father
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it 💝
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zuko-with-a-mullet · 2 years
- Fire Nation Royalty Dragon Shifters AU Headcanons - Hoards 💎🐉 - 
A popular trope today that originated from Germanic Mythology with western Dragon behavior was the hoarding of valuables like Gold mainly, and jewels, precious metals and at the time, livestock like cattle and sheep.
I also see a lot of AUs with Fire Nation Royalty being dragons or shifters that can switch between human and dragon forms which I love! And the mixing of dragon and human behavior is charming, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything about what they’d hoard as dragons. Here are my thoughts.
 Zuko - Fairly common hoard type, the dragon part of him likes to collect weapons. Swords, spears, daggers etc. He favors sharp weapons over blunt ones but won’t pass up a nice war hammer if he’s offered one. He also likes the art of dueling and wielding of weapons and one might find him thoughtfully engaged in watching someone perform with a weapon rather than bending. Might explain his attraction to a certain sharp projectile-wielding lady. His hoard is quite disorganized, weapons laying about all around his dwelling but never carelessly, just where he’d thought they’d look nice, where he could see them, and at least out of the way so you wouldn’t accidentally step on one. He had to downsize considerably when he was banished. On his ship in his cabin, his hoard was contained in a spare sea chest. Yes... He probably tries to steal Sokka’s space sword...
More Royals below!
 Iroh - His human and dragon sides both adore tea and anything having to do with tea. Aside from being the Dragon of the West, he was the Dragon of Tea or even ‘The Jasmine Dragon’. He was just as famous for his tea blends as he was for his military conquests. He had many gardens growing the ingredients for tea across the fire nation, and a lot of them were used by the public as in his eyes, the best tea is free tea. But for every public garden, there were three more private and hidden gardens, tucked away in inaccessible locations. Unreachable mountain tops and valleys that only a dragon could fly to, deserted islands and hidden caves where he’d grow and experiment with the most bizarre and unique ingredients to brew into tea. These gardens are his hoards, he hoards tea, but he also likes to share it, because he feels that everyone should have access to the wondrous beverage. A side note, you don’t have to look hard for tea pots or kettles if you’re in the same room as The Dragon of the West.
 Azula - She likes collecting ‘broken’ or ‘destroyed’ things. Objects, tools, toys.. Anything that can’t quite serve its function anymore or was damaged and altered from its original state. A lock that doesn’t lock, a water skin with a hole in it. Mirrors with no reflections, usually shattered. The doll that her uncle Iroh sent her that she set on fire.. She keeps it because now it’s deformed with a half-melted head. Water-damaged books where the ink has smeared and blotched making them unreadable. She’ll even take completely functional objects and ‘break’ ‘destroy’ or dismantle’ them herself. It makes her feel like she has more ‘claim’ over the item, just don’t expect her to repair or put those items back together. Her hoard is actually fairly small, she gets bored of the objects and usually disposes of them and moves onto the next thing that grabs her interest.
 Ozai - Everybody’s left shoe. His hoard consists of anything written. Books, scrolls, poems, historical documents, flyers, wanted posters, maps, manuals. The rarer the better. The more illegal, the better. Stored away in his jealously guarded library, there are pre-100-year war writings, forbidden by Sozin a century prior. History and traditions that were supposed to be burned and forgotten. Like the writings he hoards, Ozai also keeps the secrets of the past to himself, not sharing them with anyone which is quite the opposite attitude of his brother Iroh. As a younger dragon prince, Ozai had the chance to explore Wan Shi Tong’s library with genuinely curious intentions. The only reason he might have gotten a pass into the library was because of the fact that he was a dragon and not an ordinary human. He and the spirit of knowledge actually got along rather well and liked to pick each other’s brains but eventually their relationship fell apart because Wan Shi Tong found out Ozai was stealing pieces from the library to add to his own hoard. A fight would break out between the angered owl spirit and the dragon prince and Ozai would narrowly escape the library, never to return himself. He did send a few expeditionary parties in later years to recover some more documents for him, but ultimately the expeditions would prove too risky and dangerous.
 Ursa - While not a royal dragon herself, her dragon heritage comes from Avatar Roku’s line, one of the last remaining line of dragons outside of the royals. Any dragons outside of the royal family, especially Roku’s family after his death are in hiding unless they pledge themselves completely to the royal family. Though not an obvious clue to the presence of dragons, Ursa was able to gently indulge in a hoarding behavior. She collected masks, theater masks, opera masks, military masks... Just masks! The fact that she liked participating in theater and acting productions in her home town made her obsession less suspicious. When she married into the royal family, she was allowed to collect all the masks she wanted, it wasn’t too difficult with her new status either. She even got to design her own, which noble artisans would take those designs and make them into a reality. She proudly displayed her favorite masks wherever she could.
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swissmissficrecs · 3 years
Favorite Sherlock Holmes fics from 2020
Usually I put a bunch of explanations and disclaimers on these lists but you know what, it was a weird year and I’m not going to try to justify or apologize for what I read or didn’t read so here are my favorites that were completed last year, in descending order of length:
and your very flesh shall be a great poem by CaitlinFairchild (151K, E, Johnlock) After a tragic confrontation with terrible consequences, Sherlock and John follow Mary as she flees to America.
Drawn to Stars by Silvergirl (107K, E, Johnlock, Sherlock/OMC) After the Culverton Smith case Sherlock is clean, working, and looking for a romantic partner—since John has told him that’s what he needs. Shame John didn’t mention he was interested in that role himself, before Sherlock went off to Rome with a gorgeous Italian copper to try to fall in love and become a complete human being. (This one is very slightly cheating because it was finished on 30 Dec 2019, but it didn't make it onto my 2019 list because I didn't read it until after I'd made the list. And it deserves to be on a Best Of list, so here it is.)
Thermocline by J_Baillier (83K, M, Johnlock) John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
Do No Harm by Calais_Reno (79K, T, Johnlock) In 1923, Dr John Watson is on trial for the murder of his lover, Mary Morstan, a writer of popular mysteries. If convicted, he will hang. Sherlock Holmes sets out to prove his innocence, but finds himself more and more infatuated with the handsome doctor, and deeper and deeper inside the bohemian world of London's painters, playwrights, and poets. Will he uncover the evidence needed to acquit him in time?
To Be Human by ohlooktheresabee (78K, NR, Johnlock) There is a serial killer on the loose with a penchant for collecting the brains of his victims. Sherlock, John and Scotland Yard are on the case, but something about the chosen victims has Sherlock on edge. While they piece together the clues that will lead to the killer, John begins to realize that the way his best friend thinks may sometimes be more a hindrance than a help….
immediate and inglorious by simplyclockwork (72K, E, Johnlock) Bodies are showing up in back alleys, with no sign of a struggle, no trace of drugs. If not for the strangulation bruises on their necks and the scythe carved into their left shoulders, they could have died peacefully, in their sleep. With New Scotland Yard dumbfounded by the Grim Reaper Killer case, Sherlock is called in to consult. The more he investigates, the deeper Sherlock finds himself drawn into the work of London's newest serial killer. As his views of good and bad begin to blur, he risks losing himself to a darkness he never imagined. And, even more pressing: where does John Watson, grieving ex-boyfriend of the Grim Reaper's latest victim, fit into all of this?
Curtain Rising by tiger_in_the_flightdeck (61K, E, Johnlock) A disgraced television star is the target of a series of death threats just after a theatre production’s adaptation of The Sound of Music is announced with her as the lead. The suspect list is a mile long and growing, Rosie Watson is in the spotlight, and Sherlock might be getting too fond of his time on stage to focus on the case. With opening night approaching, can he and John figure out who wants their client dead before her final curtain rises?
The Fire Finds a Home by fearfully_beautifully_made (61K, E, Johnlock) After Sherlock and John decide to give having a relationship a go, this is how their relationship starts to develop. There a little bit of plot, if you squint, but it was mostly an excuse to write John and Sherlock having sex in a lot of different ways and learning to love each other.
Borrowed Ghosts by DiscordantWords (57K, M, Johnlock) In the aftermath of the Culverton Smith case, John spent one painfully stilted afternoon hanging out with Sherlock. He counted the minutes, finished his tea, and left for home without ever clearing the air between them. And once he'd left, he found it very hard to go back.
You Might Just as Well Be Blind by ArwaMachine (56K, E, Johnlock) When a serial killer starts targeting couples, Sherlock and John must do what they have to do in order to get to the bottom of things. Unfortunately, John already has a girlfriend. Surely pretending to be in a relationship with Sherlock won't pose any problems with his relationship, will it?
The Broken Tether by J_Baillier (54K, M, Johnlock) Maybe he thinks that you only enjoy his company because of the Work, because of the way his dazzling intellect shines when he's in his element, but the truth is this: it is when he is at his most human, most bare, that you feel closest to him.
how the light gets in by subtext-is-my-division (Quill_A)  (54K, E, Johnlock) Red wine always makes him tipsier than usual and he finds himself saying, the words slurring a bit. “You know, I’ve got to ask. Do you always shoot cabbies for people you barely you know?” John meets his gaze over the rim of his glass, and there’s something there that Sherlock can’t pin down. “Not for everyone,” he says, meaningfully, pointedly, his smile all teeth.
Erosion by saintscully (53K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock’s father falls ill, leaving the surviving family members broken and rudderless. James Sholto shows up in London unexpectedly, his intentions unclear. John has to navigate the consequences of crime, illness and death and their impact on his frayed relationship with Sherlock.
Hold You Like a Weapon by MissDavis (52K, E, Johnlock) Eurus shows up at 221B Baker Street in labour. Things go downhill from there.
Chances Are by Berty (51K, M, Johnlock) Sherlock is spending some time in his mind palace - so far, so normal. But why is John there, why do things keep changing and why are there only two exits from the sitting room at 221B, neither of which seem to go anywhere useful? It's a case like no other for Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
Sine Nomine by SilentAuror (45K, E, Johnlock) As Mycroft reviews the footage from Culverton Smith's morgue, he revisits his original question: whether John Watson would be the making of his brother, or make him worse than ever. He's come to a conclusion, but decides to give John one last chance. So he gives him a choice.
Cockaigne by HollyShadow88 (38K, E, Johnlock) When John’s contacted by an old uni friend about problems in his new art exhibition, he doesn’t think it will be worth Sherlock’s time. After a glance of the crime scene, however, they’re both pulled into the project in ways John didn’t expect. Will a week of erotic performance art finally be enough to bring them together in the way they both secretly hope? (Spoiler: it’s a tropey fic, of course it will)
Written in Ashes by 88thParallel (37K, M, Johnlock) Sherlock becomes the prime suspect in a homicide case, and recently unearthed memories of his childhood are complicating matters. It's up to John to track down answers — can he help Sherlock before it's too late?
A Desperate Indulgence by LollipopCop (34K, M, Johnlock) John thinks it's 2012 after waking up with amnesia, having no memory of Mary. Sherlock, exhausted from years of tension and hiding his love, pretends they got married instead.
Inhale With Ease by Vulpesmellifera (25K, E, Johnlock) In the years after Vivian Norbury's capture, life seems to work out just as John planned. He's got that respectable job at the surgery and goes home to his wife and child. He joins Sherlock on cases a couple times per week. It's a rhythm he can live with - just enough adrenaline highs to balance out the drudgery of a normal bloke's life. Until a pandemic, and Victor Trevor, arrive in London.
The House on Rue des Boulangers by Berty (24K, M, Johnlock) After being invalided out of the army and without any other prospects, John Watson has relocated to a small town in northern France. Now he has to decide what to do for the rest of his life. One morning there's a mad stranger in his garden chasing a swarm of bees, and it seems John's decision is made.
High Mountain Tea Leaves by disfictional (23K, E, Johnlock) A mountaintop robbery on a Japanese-occupation-era train where the only item stolen was a small case of mysterious tea leaves in a backpack? An ideal Christmas gift, two days late. Sherlock convinces John to travel for tea.
Detours by saintscully (22K, M, Johnlock, Sherlock/OMC) During the better part of the first year following Mary's death and the events at Sherrinford, Sherlock and John are slowly rebuilding their lives and their friendship. All seems (relatively) well and John takes comfort in once again being a father, a doctor and a friend. An unexplained shift in Sherlock's behaviour catches John by surprise, and he begins to worry about his place in his friend's life. John has to examine everything he thought he knew about Sherlock, himself and their relationship in order to win his rightful place yet again.
hands full of matter by simplyclockwork (21K, E, Johnlock) When Sherlock is captured in Serbia, Mycroft cannot afford to involve the British government in his rescue. Instead, he sends John. After two years spent thinking Sherlock was dead, John finds himself navigating not only Sherlock’s rescue but their fractured friendship as well.
The Victim Experience by J_Baillier (16K, T, Gen) A case takes Sherlock and John deep into the seedy underbelly of the haunted attractions industry. With audiences craving more and more intense experiences, is a real murder the next logical step?
On the Fence by BeautifulFiction (13K, T, Johnlock) The murder of the King's College fencing champion leads to revelations about Sherlock's past. Will it be the point that tips them from friends to lovers, or will they remain on the fence?
Plus bonus ACD era:
"Baker Street: The Sleep of Reason": A Memoir by John H. Watson, M.D. by Gaedhal (98K, M, Johnlock, Johniarty) This is a Victorian Era story in the "Sherlock Holmes" (2009) Ritchie-verse. The main characters are Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson and is from the doctor's memoirs. It was written before "A Game of Shadows" so there are differences in this story and film canon, mainly in the person and backstory of one particular character.
The Taste of Truth by sanguinity (25K, T, Johnlock) Two and a half years after Reichenbach, John Watson discovers the magical tree that caused Holmes to fake his death.
The Adventure of the Vatican Cameos by Garonne (18K, E, Johnlock) How should one behave when waking for the first time in the bed of one's dearest friend? Holmes and Watson solve a case in Catholic London while navigating the turbid waters of their new relationship.
Hot Water by wordybirdy (13K, E, Johnlock, Watson/Gregson) Dr. John Watson's libidinous affair with a respected Scotland Yard inspector abruptly judders to a halt when the former meets a certain Mr. Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective, for the very first time. The attraction between the two is strongly mutual, but misunderstandings only multiply and tensions abound, as all three men attempt to deal with the new situation.
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It’s Twosday, Innit?? 2/22/22 (no, not anymore but we’re doing it anyway)
Share your two favorite lines, verses, paragraphs… whatever, of something you’ve written. It can be a WIP or something you’ve already posted. Go!
Thanks for tagging me @exuberantocean :)))
[So I've been meaning to share some bits of my Ted Lasso fic, go figure, so good chance to do that! Here's two times that Trent read poems for Ted!]
1. [Trent reading Audre Lorde's "Sowing"]
The domesticity appeals to a homebody like him. He’s always imagined himself as the narrator, digging deep into the sun-warmed earth, surrounded by the love of a family, his family.
He imagined himself as the gardener when he was with his first boyfriend, with Terrance and now… he closes his eyes.
“And sun full on my skin
with my head thick as honey
the tips of my fingers are stinging
from the rich earth
but more so from the lack of your body…”
Ted. He thinks of Ted. He thinks about the heat warming the back of his neck, a figure coming to stand over him, shadow shielding him as soon as the sun turned a touch too harsh.
Maybe a little grin would play out on Ted’s face, maybe he’d reach out and adjust the bucket hat on his head and maybe, just maybe, he’d lean down and press a little kiss on Trent’s forehead before retreating indoors.
2. [Trent reading Audre Lorde's "Recreation"]
Here he breaks off a bit, emotion coating his nerves. He finishes off the rest of his tea, letting the liquid swish around his mouth and seep in. It soothes, but the warmth of his tea feels overbearing. He swallows and speaks again.
“… but as your body moves
under my hands
charged and waiting
we cut the leash …”
He trembles. He pants. He shakes and shatters.
“… you create me against your thighs
hilly with images
moving through our word countries
my body
writes into your flesh
the poem
you make of me.”
He craves. Craves affection so badly. But not just from anyone, only from Ted. It’s the same reflection from the parking lot. The same need for Ted’s sunlight, warming him forever.
well I hope u enjoyed <33
Tagging a few folks if y'all wanna do it!
@viceversawrites @feuillytheflorist @willasferreyra @s3e13 @tomwambsgirl (and anyone else too <33)
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
the poets and their first summer jobs
i’ve seen some discourse about how rich all the boys/their families are, and of course there would be like very little reason for them to work, but i couldn’t help wondering who would do what for their first jobs (summer jobs bc they couldn’t work while they’re at school). andddd that led me to writing this lol
neil: so neil would have like absolutely zero time for a job between all his normal coursework/extracurriculars and his summer classes (”you know me, always taking on too much”), but i guarantee you he would still take the time to get a job and have his own money to do with whatever he chose. mr. perry wouldn’t care much because it showed neil “taking initiative” or whatever. neil would likely work at a diner as either a bus boy or a waiter. he’s super personable, so he’d always strike up conversations with people sitting at the counter, and he’d get loads of tips bc he’s cute (: he’d bring his summer school work with him to do during lulls in business, which his boss didn’t mind because it’s neil and everyone knows how responsible he is. the poets would come visit him pretty much every day (to eat, see neil, and escape the heat in the air conditioning), likely taking up a whole booth, and making an absolute mess of the area. charlie would be making spitballs, aiming at cameron and knox every time (earning a “charlie, knock it off, i told you three times already! so mature of you, really.” from cameron) and meeks/pitts would try to see how many straws they could connect to make “ultra straw.” todd would come hang out at the counter when neil was closing, admiring his pretty bf as he worked (’: neil would always make todd a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and rainbow jimmies on the house, claiming, “we have to empty out the ice cream machine anyway” (but really he’d take the cost out of his paycheck, just wanting to make todd happy). his boss would hire him back every summer, loving how much business neil drove in (even if the poets made a mess every time they hung out and ate) and absolutely adoring how much effort neil put into what anyone else would seemingly call a “meaningless” job.
todd: you can’t tell me that todd wouldn’t look forward to working. especially during the summers, it would get him out of the house and away from his parents judging his every move. being the shy introvert he is, he’d likely do things like mowing lawns or gardening for people around his neighborhood. minimal interactions, but still decent pay (as all the people in his neighborhood were likely super rich and could afford to pay him well). the poets’ parents would hire him, after much convincing from their sons (”todd’s just trying to make some money, dad. please?”) and todd would appreciate this more than they ever knew. he’d become super familiar with flower types and he’d become a lot more nurturing after taking care of plants and grass for multiple summers. he’d keep a little journal or notebook with drawings or sketches of the flowers he’d taken care of, complete with descriptions and magazine/newspaper clippings from his mom’s better homes and garden subscription (a lot of his poetry would become nature-related as well). it would be his late night project, or something he’d do if he couldn't sleep (which was pretty common for todd). he’d call neil on the phone some nights and just gush about all kinds of flowers or tell neil how he accidentally got stung by a bee and cried about it because he knew the bee would die (all the while, neil would be listening so intently, taking note about which flowers were todd’s favorites for future use (’: the calls would have to be pretty planned, bc if neil wasn’t working, he was doing school work, or his parents were keeping an annoyingly close watch on him. but sometimes neil would call him impromptu and that made todd just the happiest little camper ever). todd’s nails would be really short (he’d cut them really often because he doesn’t like the feeling of dirt under his nails), which means he couldn’t bite his nails anymore, causing him to pick up a new anxious habit of biting the inside of his bottom lip ): overall, though, todd would like his job, and even find pleasure in being surrounded by little flowers all day. also if/when neil ever got the chance, he’d absolutely tag along to see his sweaty boyfriend in action (come on, neil would go absolutely nuts for todd in a cutoff shirt, 5″ inseam shorts, and converse mowing a lawn looking all manly and tough). 
charlie: obviously, charlie wouldn’t need to work because of his financial situation, but his mom would 110% make him get a job just so he wouldn’t be around the house causing trouble/bothering his siblings for fun (”i’m hosting a lot of book club meetings for the country club this summer, i can’t have you putting spiders in the ladies’ hats again, charles”). similar to neil, mr. charlie dalton would work his summers at an ice cream/custard stand. he’d have to wear a white, short sleeve button up, a red and white striped apron, and one of those white, rectangular hats (his least favorite part HAHA, stating, “my hair is one of my best features and this just takes it all away. it’s unfair.”). the poets would visit often, both for ice cream, but primarily to give him a hard time about his uniform (”i’ll give you twenty bucks to wear this on our first day of classes” meeks would tease, completely gobsmacked when charlie showed up to their first chemistry class in his uniform, earning lots of demerits, but also twenty dollars). charlie would hate it at first, but obviously he’d adjust, being the extroverted/personable person, not taking himself too seriously and being one of the best ice cream slingers anyone had ever seen. he’d give the cute girls (and boys) extra scoops of ice cream for free, winking as he handed them their orders. like neil’s boss, charlie’s boss was even more thankful for charlie’s presence because they’d likely be raking in at least triple the income they would in a summer without him. he’d become a sundae expert, spending many dead poets meeting making them for his friends while they read poems and stories. that being said, he’d come to hate eating ice cream, publishing an article in welton’s honor demanding that they remove ice cream from their dessert menu (yes, almost exactly like the “girls at welton” prank, but he’d make the call collect this time. mr. nolan would be fed up to the point where he wouldn’t even punish charlie physically, just suspend him from rowing [which charlie wouldn’t mind at all HAHA]).
meeks & pitts: after their hi-fi success and the fact that they are seemingly inseparable, they both sought out jobs at the local radio station where they were hired as interns/assistants, running errands and picking up coffee or lunch for the station. but sometimes, when they worked pretty late, the night shift dj would let them pick the records and show them how everything worked (: after nights like that, meeks and pitts would go to one of their houses and add modifications to their hi-fi radio, staying up all night modifying and researching (by the end of the summer, they had made another hi-fi (portable) and their og hi-fi would have been morphed into a huge nationally reaching radio that they keep in the cave (since it would be disallowed in their room at welton). another job that the two of them would have would be answering calls for the station about song requests. with this knowledge, charlie and the other poets would hang out at someone’s house, calling and requesting the same songs over and over and over again. their biggest task for the summer would be organizing the shelves with all the records into alphabetical order (”duh, we should go by first name, meeks. which other way would it be” pitts would argue, only to find out that after they had spent about three weeks alphabetizing by first name, they were supposed to go by last name. “now who’s the idiot?” meeks would jeer, beginning to pull the records off the shelves). they’d also learn a lot about music from their night shift coworker, which would help in their quest to woo some ladies the following school year.
cameron: cameron liked spending his summers doing research projects for fun and just reading a whole lot, so you can imagine his displeasure at when his parents asked him to get a job (presumably to help with paying for his schooling). while upset about it, he wouldn’t complain, and took it on the chin, understanding the reasoning. he’d apply to a couple places, but ultimately end up as a grocery store cashier/stock boy. much like charlie, he’d have the same kind of uniform, but with a green apron instead. he’d spend most of his shift ringing people up at the register, being friendly and personable (something no one ever really realized about him !!). the poets’ moms would always see him and choose his register on purpose, using it as a chance to catch up or tell him to tell his parents that “the overstreets say hello!” or “mrs. anderson says hi!” pitts, meeks, and charlie would utilize cameron’s position at the supermarket to buy nudie magazines unembarrassed/slightly illegally HAHA (”come on, cameron! it’s not like you won’t be included in seeing them next year, too. we bring them to the meetings, you know that!” charlie would say, leaving cameron at a loss, reluctantly scanning the magazines and bagging them as pitts and meeks sniggered). charlie would wave, blow him a kiss, and wink as they left, “love you, richardddd.” sure enough, the magazines would make an appearance during the following school year and cameron was glad he had decided to let them buy the magazines lol. 
knox: out of all the poets, i feel like our knoxious would be the least inclined to work (yes, even less inclined than charlie). his parents wouldn’t even make him get a job because he simply didn’t need to, but to everyone’s surprise, he would volunteer at the animal shelter. the poets would later find out that it was a great way to meet girls (which is why he did it lmfao so they endlessly goaded him about it). charlie would visit often, and even took a rescue puppy home, much to charlie’s younger sister’s delight. charlie even wanted to start volunteering at the shelter to also meet girls, but he was too busy at the ice cream stand (plus, he had really grown to like it there so he didn’t want to leave). another effect of volunteering made knox super interested in zoology and animals, which brought out a newer, more nurturing/caring side to him, and who knows, maybe he’d go vegetarian somehow. he’d want to pursue a career in animal science or becoming a veterinarian, but mr. overstreet was hellbent on knox taking over the firm, so it seemed like a pipe dream. knox would continue to volunteer at the animal shelter, well into his career as a lawyer, and would even go to veterinary school in his 30s (when he was a nationally famous, established lawyer) to get certification to work with animals in a broader way (: 
hope you guys liked these. it was pretty fun to write, and i'd pay such good money to see neil, charlie, and cameron in their uniforms (and todd, but that’s neither here nor there). happy thursday !! let me know what you guys think of these <3(:
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Happy Anniversary! Didn’t I Mention That?
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Obey me Brothers x Reader
Summary: It’s been one year since you’ve been together ~! Wanting to surprise your lover. You decide to do the sneaky, sneak. Unknowingly causing them slight unease.
Author’s Note: This took a lot longer than I thought. Respect to all the writers who regularly write headcannons! Any who ~ I hope you enjoy this little flower patch.
- He trusts you wholeheartedly. At least that’s what he wants to believe. Your eyes are only on him, correct? Then why are you talking to his brothers more? Why are you always excusing yourself when he tries to invite you out? Is there someone else? If so, he’d like to talk to them.
- Lucifer being the avatar of pride, will not approach you first. Surely you have your reasons for your behaviour or your guilt will make you come to him.
- Relief washes over him as you wrap your arms around him, planting a kiss on the crown of his head. He’d never admit it but without you around, work has been more stressful.
- A rare smile graces his lips as you lead him to the house gardens and show him a candle lit dinner. Adorned on the table was a simple white table cloth, followed by his favourite meal and a cake that read ‘Happy Anniversary!’
- He should’ve known it was some human tradition that you were planning. That night, he holds you close whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You should’ve told him you were planning something. Now he’s gonna repay you tenfold.
Mammon - When he doesn’t see you around. Your phone is blowing up with text messages! Text him back that you’re busy and he’ll simply spam you with crying emojis. How can you do that to your first and your boyfriend!?
- Every time he catches a glimpse of you in the House of Lamentation, he’s always crossed whether he should approach you head on or play it off as if it was nothing. He’d hate to admit it but he was starting to miss his favourite human. Why weren’t they hanging around the great Mammon? 
- By the time it’s your anniversary. This boy is crying in your arms, simply enjoying the fact that you’re talking to him again. Not that he’ll admit it.
- He’d be embarrassed at the simple celebration, claiming he knew what you were planning all along. The snow haired male promises that next year it’ll be him spoiling you instead.
- Poor boy wasn’t surprised when you started avoiding him. He knew it was too good to be true that a useless otaku like him would ever get a girlfriend. Though that doesn’t mean he won’t be jealous. He is the avatar of Envy after all.
- If he sees you sneaking around, he’ll jump to the conclusion that you enjoy spending more time with his brothers than him. He’ll be noticeably more irritable and most likely start avoiding you back.
- Old habits die hard though. He’ll catch himself turning to empty air when asking where he possibly put something or he’ll call out your name in his room to get your opinion. He never realized how much you too really hung around together. Maybe this was part of his character development.
- Like Mammon, he’s almost in tears when you slip a letter under his door wishing him a happy anniversary. Scratch that. He was in tears and he couldn’t help but compare it to one of the scenes from his favourite anime.
“This is just like that scene from ‘I Don’t Understand What My Human is Doing!”
- Everything looked fine on the outside. Key word looked. Wherever the male walked you could practically feel the anger radiating off him. Of course, he’d hide it under his signature smile. Satan wants to be the best boyfriend he could be. So, he should be able to trust you, right?
- There’s no way you would be seeing someone else. He’d smell the new demon right away and get rid of them, have a nice chat with them. The blonde didn’t want to resort to stalking you. So, instead he buried himself in his books.
- Satan is as red as a rose when you present him with a book he was looking for, along with a happy anniversary card. He felt foolish for letting his feelings get ahead of him and sang nothing but praises for you.
- A few days later you receive a 9 page poem about all the reasons why he loves you. <3 
- No one has ever captured his heart the way you had. You two were together for almost a whole year and now you’re avoiding him!
Oh ~ - Asmos catches on the fastest among all his brothers. There’s no need to worry since the avatar of Lust owns your heart and you own his.
- He’d start making his own plans. He’ll order more beauty care products, so you two can have a night in. He’ll look up famous romance movies from the human world and try to sneak them into devildom.
- On the day of your anniversary. He’s the first to pounce with his bag of goodies and showers you with kisses. Of course his love gets to choose what they get to do first. You get to handle part 1 of the anniversary and when night falls it’ll be his turn ~!
- Not having you around as much actually killed his appetite.
- He’ll try to approach you and ask what’s wrong. Only to get shut down, being told he ‘shouldn’t worry about it’. Hearing that just makes his heart ache. Beel just wants to help out his S/O. He can’t do that if he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
- Beel would try his best to give you the space you need. Even going to Belphie to ask what’s possibly going on with you. The younger twin would simply smile and pat his back reassuringly. Get your plans sorted out faster or he’ll kill you again.
- When you show him the feast that is your anniversary dinner. He was just a ball of sunshine. Beel would stuff his mouth. Only to stop and make sure that you got to try some of the food as well. This truly was worth the wait. 
- He doesn’t even try to beat around the bush. Belphie corners you and asks you why you’re avoiding him. If you still insist on not telling him. He simply sighs, not blaming you.
- After the way he tricked and treated you. He’s honestly surprised that your relationship lasted this long.
- That doesn’t mean he isn’t ticked off whenever he sees you be close to any of his brothers but at the same time. He feels he has no right to step in. It’s your life and you should do what makes you happy.
- When he gets to the attic and just sees a giant blanket fort, he’s so confused. The boy’s heart leaped when you crawled out and yelled ‘happy anniversary!’ He ended up laughing so hard, tears pricked his eyes.
- Even though he was a demon now. He felt blessed to have you as his S/O
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karumashadowchicken · 3 years
Arcana Y/N Birthday Reactions
Arcana Y/N's Birthday 'birthday reaction'
-Nadia- Nadia would go all out for yourbirthday. She would get you your favorite book for you, chocolate, a giant teddy bear, and maybe some jewlery. She would be suprizing you with gift after gift. Nadia would get you a new silk robe, a massage, and a great bubble bath too. She trully would try and make you as happy as possible on your birthday. If you don't usually celebrate your birthday she will simply just get youa few gifts, and a nice dinner. Although, if you like parties, she would through you a ball, and slow dance with you. She'd have a nice big cake, and lots of gifts.
-Asra- Asra would probley plan a day in the market, you two would stop and get your favourite bread. By the end of they day you two would have, gotten your favourite bread, danced around the town square, went shopping, and to  end the day off? He would give you a beautiful necklace and you two would spend the rest of the day cuddling. You would have fun, and it would be great.
-Julian- Julian would absolutly take you too see a play. He would totally dramatically join th play, pulling you on stage. Dramatically having fun together. When you two are done there he'd probley run off with you too the Rowdey Raven. Jules would pay for the drinks, claming that there discusting, only to order another Salty Bitter one minute later. He would end the day off by the water. You two sitting on a dock, and you punch him lightly in the shoulder, " You better not be trying to ditch me again!" You say, you and Jules both lauhing.
-Muriel- He would probley take you on a picknick, with Asra. You, Muriel and Asra. If muriel knows you well, then he might just have a picknick with you. After you two would probley feed the chickens together, and maybe go berry hunting with eachother. Muriel would have a simple time, and maybe just hang out, like nice quality time. If your important to him, and have already gained his trust, he might make you one of those carved wooden animals! It would probley be of your favourite animal.
-Pasha- Pasha would reach like julian, exept more cute, She'd take you to the Rowdy Raven, and have a picknick with you too. She'd alsodo some baking with you. You two might pick some vegetables from her garden, and she would introduce you to Pepi.
-Lucio- Lucio would through you a grand party, just to show you off. You'd be in a beautiful outfit, one that probley matches his. He would throuh a ball too, there'd be nice music, lots of food, lots of peopleand really fun. Really fun, if you like being shown off like an object, and if you don't have social anxiety. Either way he'd through you a party, weather you'd like it or not. He'd get you lots of gifts to make up for it though, gold necklaces, new outfits, notebooks, and oil painting of you, and of course him too. He'd have an over the top reaction.
-The Devil- The Devil woulden't really care, maybe if your lucky he'll et you a gift. If you are even luckier, you might get quality time together. You and the Devil might get to spend a bit of time hanging out, but thats it, he might even make you lunch.
-Valdemar- Valdemar woulden't care honestly, human things are quite odd to them. Although, they do care about you. Menaing that they will get you a gift, nothing fantastic. Just something that proves that they care. They might even let you watch them operate on someone. They might go outside and find a flower for you or somethng, maybe they'll sit down and write you some edgy sadistic poem. They'd even force you to eat breakfast that day, just to make sure your healthy. They'd also get the cooks to make you a cake, hen they's watch you eat the cake in the dungone, because they'd wanna spend time with you.
-Volta- Volta and you would bake some food together, cookies, cakes and all that. It'd be a great way to spend quality time. To be far Volta probley ate like half the batch of cookie doe, and like half the cake mix,but you to just made more. When you two were done, Volta ate the food, and then ate lunch? She just keeps eating andd eating. You two spend the day hanging out, you two probley also had a picknick after, honesly it was just a day full of eating.
Thanks for reading, if you’d like you could suggest a writing idea, again writing is free, and I love it. I’ll write anything honestly.
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et-dah · 4 years
The Demon Brothers: Creative Outlets Headcanons
they are all immortals and when you've lived longer than you can remember, you're bound to find a creative outlet to destress, alleviate boredom, or you know, to just have fun!
He’s a busy demon. If he’s not working, he's sleeping, or cleaning up one of his brother’s messes, so he doesn't have that much time to just relax and explore his creative sides. 
That said though, it doesn’t mean he has no hobbies at all.
He plays the piano. He used to play it every morning, back when he’s still in the Celestial Realm, when he’d taught Lilith how to play the piano every morning and she’d sat besides him as his fingers moved across the keys slower so she could copy him. 
Nowadays, playing the piano feels very nostalgic and bittersweet, but you’ll hear soft, bittersweet melodies drift from the music room once in a while.
He also composes his own music, but that's an even rarer occurrence. The last time he created a new music piece was centuries ago. 
(Ever since MC came to Devildom though, he's been itching to write music for them.)
Practices calligraphy for fun. He has a whole set of brushes and ink and lettering pens. His handwriting is already beautiful but his calligraphy is even more amazing.
Another thing he does is gardening. He's got a great eye for landscape architecture, he's the reason why the house's backyard is pretty. 
He plants decorative plants and likes to cross breed flowers so the House of Lamentation's backyard is full of pretty shrubs and unfamiliar flowers. 
He is usually joined by Beel as he is the other brother that finds gardening very relaxing.
He definitely shows his creativity by coming up with the most absurdly brilliant, out-of-the-box, original schemes to make money.
Mammon can draw, like really good. His drawings are very realistic. He prefers to use traditional media: charcoal pencils, graphite sticks, blenders, erasers, drawing pens, brushes, and maybe some watercolors.
He usually does architecture sketches.
But if you check his drawers, you’ll find several sketchbooks of his brothers in different candid poses. MC alone has taken up three whole sketchbooks. Mammon makes sure MC doesn’t see those sketches though.
Crashes Asmo’s Art Day regularly, claiming that if Levi’s invited then the Great Mammon should be too. Asmo and Levi always complains but they let him stay anyway.
Mammon also has a natural talent on jewelry making and metalwork. He makes jewelry from buttons, beads, pearls, diamonds, and crystals. From small pendants to elaborate neckpieces, simple anklets to ornate hairpins. 
Mammon has made metal bookmarks for Satan because the book lover always misplaces his bookmarks or destroys them in fits of rage when he doesn't like a book's ending.
He sculpts wood. It takes him months to finish one small piece because he only does it when he's really, really bored, he prefers to make his much more profitable jewelry. 
He keeps all of his sculptures in his room, small and detailed pieces of wood engraving of Devildom native animals lining up on one of the shelves.
This is canon but he draws! He doesn't think he's very good at it, but he really enjoys it. 
Unlike Mammon who likes to draw with his charcoal pencils and drawing pens, Levi prefers to draw digitally. He still switch to traditional media now and then though.
Has a monthly scheduled “Art Day” where he and Asmo hang out together, Levi draws with his sketchbook or his drawing tablet and Asmo paints. They basically just gossip and hype each other’s art.
Dabbles in making short animations but feels like it’s just not something for him. He makes short comics though.
He wants to be able to make his own video game someday though. Maybe after he learns programming.
He makes the most detailed cosplay outfits for his own cosplays. He sews really good and patches his brothers clothes when they ask. Where do you think Asmo learns how to sew his own clothes from?
Really good at dancing and he really likes it too. He's a natural at it. From the most intricate traditional Devildom dances to freestyle dancing. He can make new moves on the spot and can copy any moves from one look.
He’s a shy baby though, you’ll rarely see him dance when he’s sober.
Except when he’s playing DDR (Demons Dance Revolution). Then, it’s like he’s the most confident demon in Devildom.
Satan writes poetry when inspiration strikes him. He has also written short stories but he always comes back to creating beautiful poems. He’s got a way with words.
Photography is something he has only recently taken interest in but he has a great eye for taking breathtaking shots. 
Has become the family’s go-to photographer.
“Satan, take a picture of me and Mammon!” “Satan, take our picture, quick!” “Satan, help me get a picture for my Devilgram!”
He’s the reason Asmo’s Devilgram pictures always look like they’re taken professionally in a photo studio or something.
Satan loves art, likes to stroll through museums and stare at paintings for hours, but has little talent in creating them. Even so, he still likes to paint even if he's not good at it. 
Sometimes he just wants to slap paint on a canvas and make a colorful mess. It's fun. 
He joins Art Day every other month.
Another thing he does is knitting! It relaxes him. It gives him something to focus at when he's angry (um, angrier than usual), just to give his hands something to do that doesn't involve breaking anything. The simple patterns he makes are easy enough that they don't frustrate him. 
Rarely ever finishes his knitting though, you'll just find this 5 meters long knitted fabric in one corner of his room with the ends coming undone because he calms himself down enough to stop knitting.
Regularly designs, cut, and sew his own clothes. 
Has a lot of sketchbooks full of drawings of flowy dresses and stylish coats and many aesthetically pleasing shirts. 
He has started his own clothing line and sometimes collaborate with Majolish. 
But for the most part, he designs clothes for himself and himself only, he doesn't want anyone else to wear clothes as fabolous as his.
Nail art? Nail art. 
Asmo paints all of the brothers nails and sometimes he'll persuade one of them to let him do a complete manicure, with glitter polish and shiny studs and all. 
Yes, even Lucifer. You just never see the results because Lucifer wears his gloves almost all the time.
Asmo creates beautiful makeup art. He doesn't really like a lot of makeup on his own face though, so his brothers' faces are his canvases.
He also has a great eye for interior decorating and flower arranging. He restyles his room every month.
Not many people know it but he paints. And he's very good at it. He has done a painting of each brother, the paintings can be seen on the walls of the House of Lamentation's hallways. 
Art Day with Levi (and sometimes Satan or Belphie) is spent with him in front of canvases, chatting with his brothers, paint splatters on his hands. It's the only day that he doesn't mind looking a little messy.
He cooks, of course!  And bakes too!
It's one of the times he’s willing to wait to eat because cooking the ingredients first rather than just straight up eating them will make the foods taste better. 
Half of the food in the kitchen are his creations. Anything he can make on his own from scratch, he will; jams, ice cream, sauces, juices, bread, chips, etc. 
Likes to experiment and always do something different than the original recipes. 
He garnishes his cooking like it’s something you order from a five star restaurant.
Beel is another demon who has a green thumb. He likes taking care of plants and doesn't mind getting a bit dirty doing it so gardening is another hobby of his. 
If Lucifer plants ornamental plants, Beel grows useful plants like herbs and vegetables and small fruits. He's also good at topiary.
Always has an idea for a DIY project. 
His creations is scattered all over the House of Lamentation. Belphie's drawer divider is made out of yogurt cups. Broken drawer knobs recycled into Asmo's jewelry organizer. The coat rack. The bathroom towel holder. 
Even Lucifer's hanging Demonus rack is handmade by Beel when he's bored one weekend, with Mammon's help for the engraving decorations along the sides of the rack. Beel's got a bit of Bob the Builder in him.
He is very good at singing. His voice is clear and he has a broad vocal range. Has been caught unconsciously humming in class many times.
Has definitely sang Belphie to sleep.
Does his pranks counts as a creative outlet though?😂 Between him and Satan, Belphie's ideas are the most creative and out of the box, resulting on some of the best pranks they did.
Belphie does origami. It's relaxing, easy enough to learn, and doesn't take much effort and energy to do it. 
Has stacks of origami papers in his room: standard origami paper, foil paper, traditional Washi ones, the leather-like Momigami paper, all kinds of paper. 
He especially loves to make little origami stars and keeps them in glass jars in his room.
Belphie also has adult coloring books. 
And kids coloring books.
Coloring is relaxing to him. It's very calming to just lay down and fills a page with pretty colors for a while. It's not a tiring way to destress, he can color without moving from his bed, and it feels satisfying when he finishes a whole page. 
He sometimes joins Art Day if he's not too lazy to move. Still prefers to color alone where it's quiet though.
He also journals. It's another thing he can do that is inexpensive and not energy consuming. He writes about anything that comes to his mind, his thoughts, his ideas, memories. 
Definitely keeps a dream journal.
Also I headcanon that as the Avatar of Sloth, sleep and dreams are some of the things he can manipulate. He enjoys creating dreams; the worldbuilding, the story, the details. He can be really creative when it comes to making them, spinning the most vivid and imaginative dreams. 
They’re not necessarily good dreams though. After all, he is still a demon, his dreams will most likely mess up your mind than make you smile in your sleep.
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