#and he’s upset we didn’t have this movie ready for him to screen but. what movie. where did you ever send it to us or provide it
dyketennant · 11 months
i’ve literally never wanted to stay home and do laundry soooo bad before but nooooo i have to go to this workshop/screening event for work because we need more attendance and my coworker said they’d feel better if i was there. life is so hard being your job’s emotional support goth
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hazyspiderwebs · 1 year
Just checking in
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JJ suddenly getting distant wasn’t unusual in your relationship. At first you were really confused and upset but gradually you realized there was a pattern. It was usually an indication that his emotions were too big for even him to understand. You wanted to respect his need for space but you desperately wanted him to know that you cared.
JJ opened the text that lit up his screen. “Hey Babe! I’m just checking in to tell you I love you and I’m proud of the man that you are. And I have your favorite snacks waiting for a movie marathon whenever you’re ready.”
His heart fluttered as he read your words. A stray tear dropped onto his phone screen. He wiped his phone screen and rushed over to your place. In his excitement he tripped over a bush in your yard. He was oblivious to the blood dripping down his face as he approached your door.
You jumped at hearing a knock on your door. You weren’t expecting JJ to come this early. Your smile faltered as you answered the door and saw the blood. “JJ what happened?” You asked as you reached up to the source of the blood. JJ’s eyes widened when he saw the blood on your hand. “I did trip on the way here but I didn’t feel pain or anything.”
You rushed him inside and led him to the bathroom. JJ watched as you got your medical kit out. “This may hurt a little bit.” You warned before spraying the medicine. “Pfft that’s no match for- ahh.” You tried to stifle your laugh since he was in pain. You stuck a bandaid on and ruffled his hair over the bandaid.
“I don’t deserve you.” He spoke above a whisper while looking down. You gently lifted his chin and looked into his eyes “baby we deserve each other. You are deserving of love especially my love.” JJ smiled at the end of your sentence. “I just feel like I don’t contribute enough to our relationship.” “JJ you contribute so much more than you know. You’re the one person I feel safest with. And you contribute greatly to my happiness. I love being able to call you my man. And no relationship is ever going to be 50/50 and that’s okay. I love you and I love our relationship.”
“Thank you. I love you too.” He got up and hugged you. A content sigh escaped his lips as he steadied his breathing to match yours absentmindedly. “Of course. Now let’s go start our movie marathon I may have started eating some of the snacks already.” JJ gasped dramatically and put his hand over his heart. “You traitor! How could you?”
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begebege28 · 4 months
My thoughts. Please don’t come for me.
Ever since that man is has been introduced back on our screens, and is now kissing Buck, it’s like we aren’t allowed to view Eddie anything other than, straight? It’s so interesting because we all over the years whether or not people shipped buddie, people viewed them as queer coded. Therefore, queer individuals identified and connect to their story. Now, we can’t because…… NOW it matters what’s canon in show? NOW, it matters what the actors say? REALLY NOW? Did we forget throughout the seasons, the SR and Oliver when discussing buck, classified him as straight… because at that time, he was. To buck and BuckTommy fans, you NEVER viewed buck as bi or queer coded DURING his previous relationships when he was CANONICALLY straight or when Oliver and co said he was straight in interviews? how he talked about his relationship with Natalia pre s7. Bi buck wasn’t even supposed to happen this season. So now they are tying to use Ryan’s comments as a “gotcha”…. They love to throw out the term “actual representation”.. but it’s like, you talk about “actual representation” but bi buck was simply a LAST MINUTE decision. They were gonna continue with buck and Natalia. But due to scheduling it fell though. Then it was gonna be buck and Lucy (same thing). Then Eddie and Tommy. AND THEN WE GET to buck and Tommy. They think Tim is master and this “great love story” but if that was the case, they would have planned them from the start. Not a last minute decision as Oliver admitted. Why have these scenes if you want the audience root for them. For example, their first date. Why include Eddie? Why make it awkward for buck. Why did Tommy leave buck stranded on the sidewalk looking like an idiot. It’s NOT Tommy didn’t have a right to leave. What we are saying is the “joke” wasn’t funny. Why even say it? Especially since Tommy is “so confident” Second, if Tommy knew he wasn’t ready, why continue with the date after buck made the “hot chicks” comment. He clearly saw and realized, and buck TELLING HIM. “THIS IS MY FIRST DATE WITH A DUDE, and IM AN ALLY”. Like…. It’s not rocket science. He led him on. Why not show the continuation of the date? They could have easily done that. But they mirror bucks and Natalias where they only showed like 5 minutes. Buck thought they were continuing with the date to go to the movie. Tommy couldn’t give him the benefit of the doubt. Especially he KNOWS what buck is going through… Tommy immediately, seconds after coming outside of the restaurant ordered the Uber and WAITED until he opened the door of the car to tell him. That’s fucked up and fuck him for that. Then they had buck apologize because he wasn’t ready to come out? LIKE HUH? Or Tommy’s continuation comments of being jealous of buck, the 118, and the way he belittles buck. “Enjoys while it lasts” after earning his medal? Like do you have to be a POS. WHY WHY for the life of me, have his LI say that if you have the audience to like him. The “daddy joke”. Really? In ANY other context, awesome! But there? I simply can’t. The way I have been watching since s1 and have never seen this much pushback to like a character or couple. None of bucks previous LI had this many “defenders”… AND HE ONLY HAS LIKE 15 minutes of SCREEN TIME. It’s weird.
Now, the plot hole that is 7x04 What stopped buck from reaching out to Tommy after the air hanger. NOTHING? He never called or texted… also, idk if anyone realized buck Tommy knew he was goi he to hang out with Eddie, and YET CONTINUED to invite buck… why show us the last maybe minute before they begin to talk about Eddie and where Eddie is NOW in the frame. Why didn’t they show the beginning where buck comes and meets Tommy? Buck getting upset at Eddie circling the basketball game? Buck grilling Christopher on his thoughts about Tommy? When did he care about Christophers thoughts before about his dads girlfriends or friends? Accusing Tommy of lying to get bonus points with Chris. You think he truly cared which movie is better? Why does he try to make him a bad guy to Maddie? He really didn’t have the time to talk to Eddie to go to the basketball game? Really? You mean to tell he HAD to wait until the gym scene? Or hell… even ask Tommy. When he does talk to Maddie after hurting Eddie, he says “i felt left out”. So that tells me something, he felt left out over not being able to do things with Eddie. the fact that buck didn’t know they were hanging out for 2 weeks? Not that he was trying to get Tommy’s attention
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they forgot ~ corpse husband
word count: 2022
request?: yes!
“Corpse husband asks his S/O why they are upset two days before their birthday and they reply, "I just got a text from my parents saying to have a happy birthday today." ”
description: in which an early birthday text sends her mood on a downward spiral just days before her actual birthday
pairing: corpse husband x female!reader
warnings: swearing, shitty parents, some self hatred/insecurities due to shitty parents
masterlist (one, two, three)
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I never liked my birthday. Cliché, I know. That’s how every sad story with a happy birthday ending starts.
I was a cliché from my high school days, too. I only had two friends, so “birthday parties” were always just the three of us in my basement watching the same movies. I tried to have an actual birthday party once for my Sweet 16. Only because my mother insisted upon it. Made me send out invitations to my entire class and decorated our house before leaving for the night so we could “have a real good time”.
No one showed up besides the usual two friends, and we ended up in the basement watching movies yet again.
That was another issue: my parents.
I know they loved me...in their own way, anyways. Most years we didn’t celebrate my birthday. Not how I would want to celebrate it, anyways. If it were up to me, we’d go out on the night of my birthday to one of my favorite restaurants and maybe have a board game night or something. Just be together as a family for my day. But that’s never how it went. My parents were always “busy” the day of my birthday. Mom made the mistake of telling me once that she forgot it was even my birthday and booked a day out with her friends. She didn’t ask if I wanted to come with them. If we ever did anything, it was usually whatever they decided with very little input from me.
I thought I was weird for disliking my birthday, until I met Corpse.
Corpse didn’t like his birthday either. When it came around the first time when we started dating, I didn’t make a big deal over it as he asked. I got him a gift and a cupcake with a candle in it, but that was it. He did the same for me - small gestures as to not make such a big deal over my birthday.
But, as time went on, Corpse started making a little bit of a bigger deal about my birthday. He’d order in take out form my favorite restaurant, make me dinner (once he also tried to make a cake for dessert), invited over a few of our friends once just to hang out for my birthday. I didn’t notice at first, and by the time I realized what he was doing, I was too happy to be upset. I was finally enjoying my birthday for the first time in...well...almost ever.
Until my parents dragged me back down to Earth.
I was getting ready for work when my phone chimed signaling I had gotten a text. I ignored it at first, figuring I’d answer whenever I finished getting ready. But when it went off a second time, just moments after the first, I figured it was important. I picked up my phone and the screen lit up, displaying two unread texts from my parents.
“Happy Birthday sweetheart. We hope you have a wonderful day.”
“We love you very much and we are so proud of you.”
It would’ve been a really sweet series of messages if it weren’t for the fact that my birthday wasn’t for another two days.
I sat down on the edge of mine and Corpse’s bed. I kept re-reading the texts until they burned into my eyeballs, the words “Happy Birthday sweetheart” standing out every time I blinked, until welling tears washed the image away.
I thought things were different. I thought I was actually becoming someone worth celebrating, or at least worst remembering my fucking birthday. But if my own parents couldn’t even be bothered to remember when their only child was born, how could anyone else be bothered to remember or care about me?
“I thought you had work.”
I jumped at the sound of the deep voice I usually loved so much. I hadn’t heard Corpse come out of his editing room. It had been another night of Corpse’s fucked up sleep schedule keeping him up from sun down to sun up. I had gotten used to our sleep schedules often conflicted, especially when my work required me to wake up semi-early in the morning. I guess I had momentarily forgotten he wasn’t in our bed while I was getting ready for work.
I quickly wiped my eyes and shoved my phone into my pocket. “Yeah, I do. I got distracted, I guess.”
I stood and made my way out of our bedroom, pausing only to give Corpse a quick kiss. I mumbled a “Goodbye, love you” as I exited our apartment, leaving before he could notice I was upset.
The day passed in a blur. I couldn’t stop thinking about the text. I hadn’t responded, which didn’t trouble my parents too much. Part of me hoped they would realize their mistake if I didn’t respond and would apologize for mixing up the dates. But that never happened. They didn’t text me back at all. Didn’t even acknowledge that I hadn’t responded. They probably hadn’t even noticed.
I couldn’t wait to get home and crawl into bed and end this shitty day. If I was lucky, Corpse also would’ve forgotten my birthday and we wouldn’t do anything to celebrate the day I was once again dreading the most.
Corpse was laying in our bed, re-watching Death Note for the hundredth time. I kicked off my shoes and shrugged off my jacket before getting into bed with him.
“I can’t believe you started without me,” I teased, trying not to let my upset show in front of him.
“There was nothing else to watch,” he responded.
“We have Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu, but there was nothing to watch?”
Corpse put a hand over my mouth and shushed me. I giggled and rested my head against his chest. I was starting to feel somewhat better after the day I had had.
He moved his hand from my mouth to my back and started running his fingertips up and down my spine. “How was work?”
I made a grunt sound in response. “It was okay, I guess.”
“Only okay?”
I shrugged. “Nothing especially good or bad happened. It was just a day.”
His hand ran from my back to my hair. I shivered from the cool feeling of his metal rings against my skin, leaving a tingling feeling in their wake. His fingers tangled through my hair as he started to play with it.
“What’s on your mind, honey?” he asked.
“Nothing,” I responded, although it didn’t come out very convincingly.
“You’ve seemed upset since before you went to work. Did something happen this morning?”
Tears started to prick my eyes again. Corpse always knew when something was wrong. It was like he had a sixth sense about when I was upset, and he wouldn’t let up until I talked about it even a little bit. It could be annoying since I was so used to just dealing with my upset and sadness myself, but it did always help me to feel better when I talked to him.
Corpse paused the show and moved so he could face me. He wiped away the fresh falling tears with his thumbs. “What happened, baby?”
“M-My parents,” I sniffled.
That was really all he needed to hear. Corpse knew about the relationship I had with my parents. He had only met them once and decided that was one too many times for him. His once soft gaze at my sad face immediately darkened when I told him. “What did they do?”
“They...they sent me a text this morning,” I said. “Two, actually. Wishing my a happy birthday and telling me they love me and they’re proud of me.”
His brows furrowed in confusion. “But...your birthday is...”
He trailed off as I started to nod. The dam officially broke within me and I began to sob. Corpse quickly pulled me to him, burying my head in his chest and allowing me to cry into his shirt. At least he loved wearing black clothing so it wasn’t like I was staining the material with my sadness.
“Th-They couldn’t even be bothered to remember,” I said. “All these years I thought...I thought I was finally becoming important enough for other people to even...remember the day I was fucking born.”
“Of course you’re important enough.”
I shook my head. “Not important enough for my own parents to remember my birthday. My own fucking parents, Corpse! They were fucking there when I was born! You’d think, of all people, the person who popped me out of her fucking vagina would remember what day she did that. But she doesn’t, and she’s never given enough of a fuck to remember that day and make it special for me. Never! So why would anyone else care that much about me when my own parents can’t?”
Corpse pulled me away from his chest and looked down at me. He wiped the tears from my face again, gently running his thumbs under my eyes and down my face to catch the tears.
“I care,” he said. “I have since the very first day that I met you. If you hadn’t told me that you didn’t like your birthday, I may have thrown you the best party I possibly could just to celebrate you.”
I couldn’t help but let out a shaky chuckle. “You hate people.”
“I love you, though. And if you wanted a party, I’d try to give you a party.”
I shook my head. “Everything you’ve done for me since we got together is more than enough.”
“You say that, but to me it feels like it’s far from being enough. Your birthday is one of very few days that I actually want to celebrate throughout the year because you are something I want to celebrate. I don’t know what I’d do if I never met you.”
“Probably be doing the same thing you’re doing now: watching Death Note all night until you fall asleep at 5am.”
He chuckled. “Okay, yes, but I wouldn’t have someone to do that with me. And that’s what means the most to me. Since I met you, I haven’t felt as alone as I once did. You make me feel so happy, (Y/N). More than I think you could ever know.”
I could feel my eyes welling up again, but this time it was happy tears. I leaned forward to kiss Corpse, before pulling away to wipe my face again. Kissing someone while you’re crying, or while your face is still wet from crying, can be slightly awkward. Not that I thought Corpse would’ve minded at all.
“You make me happy, too,” I told him. “I’m glad I found you, and that we’re building this life together and starting our own family. Well...our found family.”
“One day it’ll be a real family. Whenever I start feeling better.”
I took his hands in mine and kissed them. “I can wait. As long as I have you.”
He eventually coaxed me to lie down with him again and pressed play on the show. I tried to stay awake to watch it with him, but after working most of the day and having cried a number of times, my eyes were feeling very heavy. I had to fight against my eyelids to keep them open, but it was a losing battle. At one point I had even managed to drift off to sleep for a few seconds before a sound on the TV caused me to jolt awake.
Corpse chuckled. “Do you want me to turn it off so you can sleep?”
I shook my head. “No, that’s okay. I don’t mind listening to it while I fall asleep.”
“Falling asleep to Death Note. And I thought I was fucking weird.”
If I had the energy I would’ve playfully hit his chest. Instead, I just grunted and turned into him more.
I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled again. “Goodnight, baby. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” I mumbled before finally drifting off to sleep.
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
Broken Glass
After your confession to your best friend Jimin gets rejected he tells you he’s just not ready for a relationship. However, you’re not ready when you find out a few weeks later that he’s seeing someone else.
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Sitting on the couch next to Jimin, your best friend and roommate, he slowly slipped his hand into yours. You couldn’t look up to make eye contact worried that once you did you wouldn’t be able to hold back the tears any longer. “Y/N trust me. It’s not that I don’t care about you. You just don’t want to be with me.” he said.
You had just confessed your feelings to him and the worst case scenario happened, he rejected you. Jimin seeing that you were still upset he started to rub your back, “It’s not you Y/N. It’s me.” You couldn’t stop the sarcastic chuckle and eye roll that followed, “Really? Don’t lie to me. You can tell me whats wrong with me. I think I deserve better than some cliché response. I just ruined our friendship by confessing my feelings and it was all for nothing.”
You could feel the tears start to spill. Jimin reached up and wiped them away with his thumb, “You didn’t ruin our friendship. Nothing is going to change. I promise. I still care deeply about you Y/N. I just don’t think this is what we need right now. It has nothing to do with you. I think you’re amazing in every way. I’m just not in the place for a relationship right now.” He pulled you in for a hug and you hated to admit how comforting it was. You hated even more that he was still comforting you as a friend.
As the next few weeks went on you were surprised at how closely things had returned to normal between you and him. He still had breakfast waiting for you every morning and every evening he made sure to tell you goodnight. The two of you still hosted movie night once a week for your friends. He still pulled you close to him on the couch making sure you were warm and comfy. You were silently watching the movie when you heard Jungkook start to speak, “So Jimin, are you going to see that girl again?” You looked up and saw Jimins cheeks start to redden. “I have no idea who you’re talking about. Maybe it was one of the other guys you’re thinking of.”, he said trying to pass it off. Jungkook shook his head, “No it was definitely you. Remember that trainee you were talking to? You said you were taking her on a date. How did it go?” The rest of your friends all looked over inquisitively waiting for a response.
There was an immediate tension in the room. At least he didn’t tell everyone else about what happened between you too. You were a mix of hurt and anger even though you knew you had no control over what he did in his life. He turned you down and that’s his right, but you couldn’t help the hurt you felt. Jimin finally cleared his throat, “Umm yeah she’s really nice. I’ll probably see her again.” You were so happy when out of the corner of your eye you saw the credits rolling on the screen signaling the movie had ended. Normally you’d try to convince the guys to stay longer not wanting the fun to end but today you couldn’t wait for everyone to leave so you could make your way to bed and be to yourself. You quickly started cleaning up the dishes hoping everyone would get the hint.
Thankfully it didn’t take long for Namjoon to announce he had to head home and soon everyone else followed. While standing at the kitchen sink you could feel Jimins eyes staring at you. He walked over and started drying the plates you had just washed, “Y/N please don’t be upset with me. I never wanted to hurt you.” Taking a deep breath you turned to look at him, “I’m not upset. You made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with me. You can date anyone that you want. I’m happy for you.” With that you threw the rag in the sink hoping to get to your room before the tears started falling.
You could hear Jimin chasing after you calling your name. He grabbed your hand just before you could get your door open. “If you’re so happy for me then why are you acting like this? I never said I didn’t want anything to do with you. You’re still my best friend.”, he said. You scoffed, “You also said that you just weren’t in the right place for a relationship right now but three weeks later you’re dating some trainee? And you said it wasn’t me. Well clearly there has to be something that you don’t like about me.”
Jimin was becoming angrier with each word you said. Quickly he ran his hands through his hair, “God Y/N, why cant you just accept my answer and leave it at that. I told you it had nothing to do with you and I meant it. They asked me to help this trainee with her dancing. After a while I knew she liked me so I thought I’d ask her out. It’s not like I’m gonna marry her.”
“Oh so you’re just using the poor girl?”, you scoffed. He shook his head, “ No you’re twisting my words. Do you think acting like a spoiled brat is going to want to make me date you? It’s none of your business what I do in my personal life or who I do it with.” You wiped the few tears that had trickled down your cheek, “You’re right. It’s none of my business. But just please answer one question for me. What do you like about her?” You hated this side of you. This jealous side that wanted to compare yourself to some girl you didn’t even know. Frustrated and fed up Jimin looked at you biting his lip, “You want to know the truth Y/N. I like her because she’s not you.”
Nodding in acceptance you turned into your room and slammed the door shut behind you before falling onto your bed finally releasing the flood of tears you had been holding for so long. Not long after you heard the front door open and close and you knew that Jimin had left the apartment. You cried until you felt like you couldn’t cry any more. He liked another girl simply because she wasn’t you. You knew there was probably more to it but that was enough for you to hear.
Laying in your bed you didn’t know why you ever confessed to begin with. You had a good friendship. He was always there for you when you needed him. He took care of you when you were sick. He always tried to cheer you up and be there when you were down. A small smile formed when you thought back to the time he came walking into the living room in a silly costume trying to make you laugh after you came home inconsolable after your boyfriend suddenly dumped you on your birthday three years ago. You remembered how Jimin held you and listed every great thing about you. Maybe it was all those actions that caused you to think he had also fallen for you too but you were clearly mistaken.
After having fallen asleep you were woken up by a loud crash coming from the living room. You quickly ran out of your bedroom finding a very drunk Jimin laying in a pile of glass on the floor. He had lost his balance falling right onto the glass coffee table the two of you picked out when you bought the apartment. Thankfully he was wearing long pants and long sleeves so he didn’t appear to be injured. Normally taking care of a drunk Jimin was something you wouldn’t think twice about. You’d almost enjoy it because drunk Jimin was always happy and giggly and touchy Jimin. Now the thought of him touching you made your stomach turn but you knew you couldn’t leave him there. You put on some shoes to protect your feet and tiptoed around as much of the glass as you could. Carefully you helped Jimin up and laid him on the couch begging him to stay so you could go get the broom. When you returned he was thankfully still in the same spot but he was no longer the laughing giggly mess he was when you found him on the floor. He looked somber, like he could cry at any moment.
You began sweeping up the glass checking on Jimin every minute or so. It was when you made eye contact with him that he finally spoke, “Y/N, what would you do if I told you I loved you?” Not wanting to go through this right now you pretended you didn’t hear him and took him to get him ready for bed. He’s drunk anyways. He’ll forget all about this in the morning. Once he was tucked in you turned to leave but he grabbed your hand pulling you onto the bed. He wrapped himself around you and squeezed you tight.
As much as you wanted to stay there and take it all in you pushed yourself away from him, “You have a girlfriend Jimin. I shouldn’t be in bed with you.” He shook his head, “I don’t have a girlfriend. I told her that I wasn’t interested and that I was sorry for leading her on. You were right. I was using her. I was hoping if I was with her I could forget about you.” You stared down at him shaking your head, “You’re drunk. You have no idea what you’re saying.” Not wanting to hear any more you left his room and went to finish cleaning up the rest of the glass.
The following morning you woke up and decided the first thing you needed was a hot shower. After getting cleaned up and changed you made your way out to the kitchen but stopped when you found Jimin on the couch. You didn’t expect him to be awake this early. He looks just how you’d expect someone with a major hangover to look. “I just ordered us a new table. It should be here next week.”, he said. You simply nodded and continued talking to the kitchen. Surprisingly your breakfast was already waiting for you, like always. “We’re out of cheese so your eggs don’t have any today. I’m sorry.”, Jimin said while standing in the doorway. Silently you sat down and began to eat. He sat next to you and sipped his coffee. The two of you sat in silence until he finally spoke up, “Y/N you never answered me last night.” You looked at him confused. “I asked you what would you do if I told you I loved you and you never gave me an answer.” This is not what you want to deal with right now. You sighed, “Why does it matter at this point? I confessed, you rejected me, and you moved on. I don’t want to keep going on this rollercoaster.”
You felt his hand settle on your thigh. “Y/N I’m sorry about the last few weeks. When you confessed I got scared. I’ve been wanting to confess to you too but I don’t think I’d be a good boyfriend. I need a lot of reassurance and attention. I work a lot and I leave for months at a time. We can’t have a normal relationship. I didn’t want to put that burden on you. I thought I was protecting you.” “You didn’t want to put that burden on me so you started dating someone else instead?”, was all you could respond with. He closed he eyes trying to prevent the tears threatening to fall, “No, I knew she really liked me and I was feeling so awful that I rejected you. I was hoping that maybe I could force myself to fall in love with her instead. I never had feelings for her. All I could think about was loosing you forever. I’m just an idiot who handled this all wrong.”
You sat there silently just taking all this information in. “You are an idiot. That’s for sure.”, you said getting a smile for the first time in awhile. “I can’t believe you thought you’d be a burden. I’ve seen you at your best and I’ve seen you as your worst and I’ve been there with you through it all. I always would be.”, you said before kissing his cheek.
“Do you feel as bad as you look?”, you asked with a chuckle. He rested his head in hands, “You have no idea. I’m never drinking that much again.” “I feel like I’ve heard that before,” you said which brought a laugh in both of you. “You know I heard that cuddling with your girlfriend in bed all day is one of the fastest ways to cure a hangover.”, he said eyeing you for a reaction. “Well too bad you just broke up with your girlfriend then. Looks like you’ll have to stick to water and some pain killers.”, you responded. He pouted and opened his mouth to protest but you stopped him. “I’m kidding. Let’s go cuddle until you feel better.”, you said while grabbing his bad and pulling him to the bedroom.
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pro-mammonologist · 2 years
Congrats on 500 ♥
For the event: I think about Mammon who is very horny, but feels guilty about it because MC looks too innocent. Some kind of hurt/comfort? Then it turns out that MC is pretty horny too ~
Mammon really struggled to stop himself sometimes. At least when it came to his urges, whether it was his greed or something else. Throughout knowing you, he’d always find himself feeling so strongly for you, the urge to touch you and make you his, but he knew he must wait for you to let him. So he’d take to touching himself, rubbing out one every chance he could.
It wasn’t until you two were together that he finally felt comfy with expressing himself around you but there was one thing that he could never tell you. His thumb would hover over send each time he wanted to send you something dirty but he would always delete the message. When you were nuzzling into him mid-cuddle and your bottom would brush against him, he’d tell himself not to say anything and wait.
After all, humans like you were so innocent! He remembers back when he last went to the human world, sex was so taboo! It was all missionary and in the dark under the blankets. Sure, he knows things have changed, he’s watched plenty of human movies, and listens to human music… but that’s not you. Everybody is different right? He’d be… defiling you, almost. Plus, no human can compare to a demon’s horniness!
You, on the other hand, thought completely different from him. Society is changing and so is the view on sex, so is the view on how much sex and how kinky the sex is. You wanted him, really, really bad. It was so hard to tell him, especially since each time you’d get ready to make a move, he’d shy away and avoid it. Did he not find you sexually appealing? You definitely found him sexy! You wanted to ask him outright what the issue was, but what if he just confirmed your assumption?
You’d brush your bottom against his crotch, waiting for a response, just for him to reposition and not respond. You’d start a conversation around sex and he’d be quiet or completely miss the point. It had gotten to the point that you were just desperate. And now that you’re situated on top of him, tongue in his mouth feeling him up and down, you know exactly what he’s going to do.
“Mammon, I want you.” You huffed as your mouths separated.
“Mm.” He continued to kiss you, his only response a grunt.
You pushed him away. “Do you want me?” You looked at him, his eyes wide and flitting away.
“Yeah.” His response was quiet.
You felt your stomach sink and you looked down trying to hide the tears forming in your eyes. He looked back at you and saw the change in demeanor.
“What’s wrong?” You looked away from him, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. His heart was beating like crazy. “Mc?”
You nodded. “I’m fine.” Rushing the words out as fast as possible. “It’s okay, I just need to get up.” You left his lap and rushed to your room, leaving Mammon alone on his couch. He watched you leave, wondering if he should follow you.
You settled in your room and sat with your back against the door, holding your knees against your chest. You didn’t know if you wanted to cry or not, to let all the emotions fly. Your phone dinged.
Mammon: did I do something? Whatever I did I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you please Mc.
You looked at the message and tried to think of what to say.
Mammon: I’m really sorry.
Mammon: can ya say something?
You tentatively moved your thumbs over your screen.
Mc: am I not attractive to you?
Mammon really couldn’t believe his eyes when he received the message. Are you kidding?
Mammon: ain’t no way that’s the problem. You’re more than beautiful. Might as well take Asmo’s place as the prettiest in the Devildom.
You felt flattered but that wasn’t what you wanted to hear.
Mc: why do we only ever just make out?
Mammon: wdym?
Mc: I want to know why don’t you touch me or you know
Mammon’s heart skipped a beat, he stood up from the couch and started to walk your way, still texting.
Mammon: I do want to touch you. But I never think you do.
You felt your lip quiver.
Mc: I always want you.
Mammon knocked on your door. “Can I come in?” You stood up in front of the door hesitated before letting him in. He came face to face with you, little tears coating your face complemented by your puffy eyes and strained face. “Mc, I’m sorry I make you feel that way.” You wrapped your arms around him, both so he couldn’t see the tears in your eyes and to also get that comfort you desired.
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. You shouldn’t ever feel unwanted. Or undesirable or whatever.” He kissed your neck, not in a sexual way but in an ‘I love you’ way. “I’m obsessed with ya, in every way. Yer friggin’ perfect.”
You continued to hold him, not wanting to pull away. You tried to calm your emotions and let the tears remain in so you could talk to him.
He could tell you were trying to calm down. “I’m sorry I never do anything. I always think that—that you—well, I dunno how to explain.” He was struggling to find a way to explain your assumed innocence. “You seem so innocent. So humanly.” He settled on that. You found yourself confused by his words.
Humans! Innocent!!??? Does he know anything about humanity?
You actually laughed a little, confusing him. “Why’re ya laughin’?”
“Humans are so not innocent.” You couldn’t help back let go to get a look at his face, which was was just the way you expected it. Dumbfounded. “Jeez, you demons and your assumptions about humans. I don’t know a single innocent human. Do you just think we are a bunch of Lukes running around?” You were now really laughing especially with his newfound face. He looked almost like a… fish?
“No! I just… okay.” He sighed and breathed in sharply. “Let me just get it out. I didn’t think you were as horny as me. I still don’t. Demons and temptation, ya know.”
“Mammon, that makes no sense. The average human has a sexual thought every few minutes or seconds or something like that. We literally have 100 year lifespans we sorta are inclined to always think about sex. And you demons, millennia long lifespans. You don’t have to have babies 24/7.” You weren’t crying at all anymore and now Mammon was absolutely in shock.
“Every few seconds!!! No way!! Uh uh.”
“Let’s look it up.”
Mammon shuffled through his ddd and then plastered his phone in your face. “Told ya. It’s 19 times a day.”
“Uh, Mammon, it ranges from like 19 to 388.”
“Only in men!”
“Well I probably think about sex with you about 388 times a day.”
“Pssh. Then I’m probably in the thousands.”
“No, Mammon you don’t think enough for that.”
He wanted to say something but he ended up just looking at you. You could tell all that tension from earlier was already making a return at least for him.
“You okay, now?” You nodded. “Let’s go back to my room.” You nodded again and took his hand. When you got to his room, he got red and stopped in his tracks. “You wanna have sex now?”
“Mammon, didn’t we just talk about this? If you reject me now, I’m never looking at you again.”
He grinned and licked his lips, pulling you into his room by the waist. “Clearly, we have no choice!”
Note: this is canon. Change my mind.
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emgavi · 2 years
Losing you slowly (Gavi x reader)
I made a really fluffy fic the last time and i wanted to try angst soooooo here we go. hehe. 2,625 words ____________
This wasn’t the first time nor the second time that Gavi has forgotten about our date night. Recently after being promoted to the senior teams for both his club and national, he’s hardly made time for the both of you.
It’s either something involving the team or an event that he has to attend. While you understand and are very proud of him for living his dream as a football player, you can’t help but think that he at least makes time for you and your relationship more. More effort. 
You love him with your whole heart, dating since you both were 16 now you're 19. Tonight was just going to be a simple dinner at your place and then a movie afterwards but he didn’t show up on time. 
Sighing blowing out the candles that you had on the dinner table, you started to put the uneaten food in containers for another day. Afterwards you decided to watch some TV on your couch and after 2 hours had passed, you heard keys twist the door open. 
In walked Gavi, looking very tired but also holding his head down. You looked over your shoulder to see him standing there, but you wanted him to know you were upset so you turned your head back towards the screen. 
He sighed and walked over to you, mi amor, i’m so sorry, after practice the team wanted to go out then we lost pedri’s car keys and had to look for them at the bar. I lost track of time and when i finally realized my mistake i immetteily came home, please forgive me hermosa” he said now sitting next to you, reaching to grab your hand. Which you let him because you couldn’t help but cave in to him and his excuse. 
“I just wished you’d texted or called to let me know and not go through all this work to get dinner ready for us, and this isn’t the first time Gavi since you’ve done this” i told him, finally looking into his eyes. They looked filled with regret, that told you at least he was telling the truth but you still wanted to let him know how hurt you are. 
“I know, yo se, y perdona me, I’m stupid and let my mind forget things when i shouldn’t. I should've texted you to let you know. I promise this won’t happen again.” He said holding your hands tight. 
I sighed and closed my eyes, “you’ve said that before but you still do the same thing Gavi, I love you but it feels sometimes like you don’t love me enough the way I do for you” I told him honestly what i’ve been feeling. 
He looked a little hurt by my response but then he switched to a look of determination. 
“I promise mi amor I won’t let it happen again, and I will try to show you more how much I love you because I do, I really do.  He held his hand up to my face and caressed my cheek.
“I love you too” I told him softly, he then leaned in and gave me a soft passionate kiss. 
Fast forward Gavi did not leave you hanging for the first few weeks after that conversation but once he left for the national team and came back he started to do it again. Missing our dates and coming home late at night. You almost walked out of your house to go sleep at his sister's place but he pleaded to you how very sorry he was yet again. 
“Please mi amor, i wasn’t thinking, I promise we will have our date night. In fact, let me take you out on the weekend when you don’t have work, I’ll take you to that fancy restaurant that you’ve been wanting to check out, then we can go get some ice cream at your favorite place, si?
You caved in yet again and agreed, forgiving him another time, you were getting tired of having the same argument again with him but you love him, but you can’t help but feel like if he forgot again you would finally call it. You hated the thought and can’t even think of how your life would be without Gavi in it. Where would you go in Spain that doesn’t remind you of him if you were?
Shaking that ugly thought from your head you continued to do your work. The big date was still in two days. Working on your computer , you saw a notification pop in your email. Clicking it, your eyes go wide. The head of the company just told me I got a promotion, wanting me to move to the headquarters in New York City. 
Your jaw dropped at this, you going to New York City, working at headquarters? But what about Barcelona , what about Gavi? As much as you wanted to accept the offer then and there you stepped back wanting to talk to your family and especially Gavi. This was a huge deal to your career, equivalent almost to Gavi being promoted to the senior team at barcelona. 
Feeling stuck you decided to call someone who would understand both perspectives well on the decision, dialing her number on your phone. After a few seconds, it finally was answered
“y/n hi how are you? Is everything good?” Aurora said cheerfully 
‘Hola Aurora , yes actually I need to talk to you and get your opinion on something huge” 
“Vale, what is it?”
“Well , i just found out that I got a promotion from work, advancing me to headquarters” 
“OMG Y/N that’s so great news! Congrats!” 
“Si si but wheres the issue, headquarters is at New York City, meaning I would have to leave Barcelona”
Her line went quiet for a moment.
“Oh… have you talked to Gavi about it?”  she asked
“No , not yet , I wanted to call you first because you know both of us since we were young and you understand how much this means to me but you also know how much being with Gavi means to me, I need your help A, my mind is killing me”  you told her desperate to find an answer to this situation 
“Well i wouldn’t want you to leave and move away, i would miss you too much, but on the other hand this is a huge opportunity for you. You and Gavi are still young and certainly love each other alot, i see the way he looks at you, Your both going on your paths but it doesn’t mean that your relationship has to end”
I nodded to what she said, even when she couldn’t see me. 
“I think you should talk to Gavi, it wouldn’t hurt to get his opinion, he knows how important your career is to you.”
“Yeah…but he is too.Why is this so hard A?” i told her, putting my hand to my head 
She laughed a little on the line, “love is hard sometimes, but you can still fight for it to stay.”
It's been two days since I found out the news of my promotion and I haven't told Gavi yet. I kept getting scared at his reaction so I decided to tell him at our date when hopefully things will be light.
My work sent me more emails about my promotion and said that whenever I could go they would still give it to me, basically it was up to me and I hated that in a way. 
Shaking my head from the thoughts, I continued to get ready for me and Gavi’s big date. He texted me the address this morning with a heart, making my decision telling him of whether moving is difficult. Putting the last touches on my makeup, I headed down to start driving to the restaurant. I was going to meet Gavi there since he had a late practice for champions league. 
Making it to the restaurant, i told the man the reservation name under Gavi and he lead me to a table. Sitting there I ordered water and waited for Gavi to show. I was 3 minutes early but I was really excited to have this date with him as he promised. 
When my water came it was now pass 5 minutes from the arranged time, no biggie, he was never one to be exactly at the dot on time. 
Then 15 minutes passed, practice could’ve ended later than he expected, i thought 
30 minutes passed, getting a little concerned. I texted him, thinking probably he was stuck in traffic if practice ended late. 
45 minutes passed, no response yet from Gavi, so I sent another text asking him if he was okay.
1 hour passed, then 1 hour and 30 minutes, finally 2 hours had passed and by now the ice in your water had melted and the waiter's sympathetic looks started to anger you more. You probably sent 10 messages to Gavi and tried to call him twice but it was complete radio silence. 
Sighing to yourself, feeling like you were about to burst into tears at the restaurant, you quickly left a big tip as if you did order food and left the restaurant. 
Driving back to your apartment all you could think was why he would do this again? Did he not love you like he claimed? He sure wasn’t acting like it. The fact that this wasn’t the last time too hurt even more especially since he promised and gave you hope. You told yourself back that if he did it again, you would be done. 
When you closed the door behind you, tears started to fall from your face, all of the hurt and your feelings overwhelming you. You couldn’t do this again, feeling neglected by the one you love with your whole heart. While crying on your bed your phone buzzed, thinking it was Gavi you quickly got yout phone. 
Instead it was your company, reminding you of your promotion and that they would give you a free flight to New York City the next that you have you there. Feeling hurt was overpowering your thoughts, how could you stay with someone who isn’t respecting you? 
So you replied back, “i accept the promotion” 
They quickly emailed your plane ticket and all the information to have your stuff shipped later. Showing how eager they wanted you.
Wiping your tears, you pulled out your suitcase and started to pack some clothes and necessities. Pausing your packing when you pass the photo of you and gavi. Smiling dumbly at each other. More tears started to well up in your eyes thinking this was the end to your relationship. Gavi made it clear your place in his life, second , possibly third. 
Your phone started ringing under the clothes, again you thought it was finally Gavi calling to apologize but no it was Aurora. Answering the phone you said
“Yes?” trying to sound like you weren’t crying 
“y/n i’m sorry to interrupt you and Gavi’s date but i  - wait are you crying? Que paso???”  she asked 
“Um - well you didn’t interrupt anything because Gavi stood me up again and now i’m home packing my stuff for New York.”  you said tearfully. Shocked by the news 
“Que?? That little brat , when i get my hands on him i swear, y/n/n im so sorry my brother is an idiot. Are you really leaving for new york now?”
“Si, tomorrow morning,  i can’t do this anymore Aurora, all of this heartbreak, i love him but i - i need this change of scenery, im sorry”
“I understand… i hate that you are feeling that way, I want you to know that you will forever be my sister from another mister, I love you y/n/n” she said sadly 
“I love you too,A”  i said tearfully.
It was now the morning of my flight, I got my stuff in my car and my brother came to drive me to the airport. Gavi never came home last night, which hurt you more the fact that he didn’t even show his face to you after standing you up last night. It also solidified your decision on moving to New York. 
Leaving a note for Gavi on the kitchen counter and your keys you left the once happy apartment heading to the airport. 
Meanwhile …
Gavi was passed out in Pedri’s apartment along with a bunch of the other players from barcelona.The night practice did take longer than expected but when he finished he fully intended to text y/n but then the guys distracted him before he could press send, plus the celebration and video games distracted him even more.
 Till he now noticed it was the next morning…. Meaning he missed your date. Quickly he looked for his phone underneath the blankets on the floor and saw he had many missed messages from you and calls from his sister and 1 from his mom, which concerned him more. 
Right as he was about to call you, his phone lit up with his sister’s name. He quickly answered her call and right when he put the phone to his ear he heard screaming. 
“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!!?, i’ve been trying to call you all night, y’n’s had been trying to call you, why did you not show up last night??!!” Aurora yelled.
Knowing his sister knew and had tried to contact him knew this time he really screwed up, this was bad. 
“I - i lost track of time and passed out at Pedri’s place, I couldn’t find my phone until know, where is y/n ?, have you talked to her?” He said concerned for his girlfriend, he knew how she’s been feeling about him not telling her about where he was. 
“You are so irresponsible, of course I talked to her and for the record she’s on her way to get on a plane to New York because your idiototic mind couldn’t take the time for your girlfriend last night.” she said disappointment / mad 
When Gavi heard that you were leaving, especially out of the country, he panicked. 
“What? Why? How? Why is she leaving for New York??? She never told me anything about this?” 
Aurora sighed on the other end, “if you would’ve shown up last night to your date that you planned, you would’ve known that she got a huge promotion at her job, that gave her a chance to work at headquarters which is in New York, she was thinking of giving it up FOR YOU but you went and did this” she said mad again
Gavi was frozen in place hearing this and hit his head with the palm of his hand, closing his eyes in frustration. Screaming out, waking up the rest of the guys in the home.
“Do you know when her plane takes off?” he said rushing to get his keys, while pedri came up to him trying to calm him down and ask what’s wrong, but Gavi shoved him away. 
“Last I heard she was on her way to the airport and that was 30 minutes ago” his sister said. 
“I don’t think you can make it over there, Gavi, she never told me her flight time” she added, knowing what her brother was thinking. 
“No i have to try, i can’t lose her, im so so so stupid but i can’t live without her.” he said storming out of the house and towards his car. 
“Gavi….I think it might be too late hermanito” she said  Feeling the tears start to well up in his eyes as he turns on the ignition, “i can’t lose her” he said.
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vanfleeter · 1 year
Mean Daddy // JTK
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Characters: Jake x reader, twin boys Warning: All Dad!Jake. Author's Note: Once again I was inspired by Full House to create this small piece.
Summary: The time has come for Jake to put his foot down.
“No, no, no!” You hear Jake shout downstairs.
Quickly jumping off the floor of the twin’s bedroom, where you’ve been folding their laundry to put away, you quickly run downstairs to find Jake in the kitchen and holding each boy underneath his arms. They were covered in flour and laughing hysterically. Some of the flour even got onto Jake’s face and bits of his hair.
“Oh honey..” You say, stifling a giggle.
“This isn’t funny..” Jake huffs. “I thought we had the pantry door locked?”
You shake your head. “You insisted that they wouldn’t–couldn’t–figure out how to get the door open so we never installed a lock.”
“Well I was wrong..” Jake sighs. “There’s flour everywhere.”
“Babe, don’t you think now would be a good time to start..you know.”
Jake shakes his head. “They’re just toddlers, they’ll grow out of it. Like Josh and I did.”
“Jake.. They’re literally destroying everything they get their hands on.” You say as you take one of the boys from Jake. “Yesterday they broke Josh’s salt lamp, how was that even possible? Last week they busted Danny’s snare by stabbing drumsticks through the top, now they made a mess with the flour, what’s next? Terrorize Rosie?”
“Fuck.. Sam would have a meltdown.”
“I think it’s time, Jake. We can’t keep hoping that they’ll learn on their own. You have to put your foot down and punish them.” You say as the two of you carry the twins upstairs and into the bathroom.
“Do I have to?” Jake says as he sets one twin on the ground and kneels in front of him.
“Yes, Jake.” You say as you set the other twin on the edge of the sink and pull his shirt up over his head. “You can’t be a pushover anymore. When they do something wrong, they have to be punished.”
“Punished how?” Jake questions as he pulls the shirt off of the other twin. “I’ve never done that before.”
“It’s not hard, Jake. You put them into a timeout in their rooms. No toys, nothing fun. They can lay in their beds or on the floor but they’re not allowed to play.”
“That’s just cruel.” Jake says.
“It’s not supposed to be good.” You say as you carry the one twin over to the tub and sets him inside before running the water.
“What if they hate me?” He says.
“Jake, they’re two. They’ll be upset, sure but they won’t hate you.” You say as you take the other twin from Jake and put him into the tub. Jake sits on top of the toilet as he watches you fill a cup with water and pour it into each kids’ head. Each one giggles which brings a smile to your face. “They will learn that when they do something wrong, they will be disciplined for their actions. It’s all a part of growing up and learning how to be human.”
After bathtime, you two get the twins dressed in their PJs. Jake takes them downstairs to the living room to begin their bedtime routine. One movie of their choice. But that choice always happens to be the same movie since the first time you had shown it to them.
Peter Pan.
Jake didn’t mind. He loved it just as much as they did.
Once all of their clothes were put away, you got their beds ready before heading downstairs to the kitchen to make a couple bottles of warm milk. Going into the living room, you take one twin from Jake and hand a bottle to the other. Each one cuddles into your bodies as the beginning credits appear on the tv screen.
It doesn’t take long for the boys to fall asleep. You look over at Jake who looks like he’s nearly falling asleep himself. You smile and lean over, careful not to wake the tot in your arm, and gently shake Jake.
He hums and opens his eyes. “I’m awake.”
You stand up from the couch, cradling the twin in your arms. “Come on babe, let’s get the boys into bed.” –
“I’m so glad you could make it to dinner tonight.” Karen says as she sets a bowl of fresh bread on the table. “It’s been a while since we’ve been able to get everyone together.”
All the boys grimace but everyone laughs.
Jake looks over at the boys who are holding their bowls over top of their heads. “Hey, put your bowls back down on the table.” You speak up.
“Come on boys, listen to your mother.” Jake warns as he shoots a look at the boys.
Just as quickly, both acquire a bold smirk and look at each other.
“Tommy, don’t you dare.” Jake says. “Put your bowls down.”
Tommy looks back at Jude and giggles. Jude smiles and drops his bowl behind his head. It clatters to the floor and spills the contents of green beans and sausage onto the floor.
“I’m so sorry..” You sheepishly apologize.
Karen smiles. “It’s no big deal, the boys did it all the time.”
Jake huffs. “No, it is a big deal.” He says before getting out of his chair. “Terrible twos feel more like torturous twos.” He removes Tommy’s bowl from his hands and sets it on the table. “Come on boys,” He pulls them out of their chairs. “We told you twice to stop.” They giggle as he holds them underneath his arms. “I’ll be back.”
He carries them upstairs to his and Josh’s old room and sets them on the floor. “Do you know what a time out is?” He says as he kneels down in front of the boys. Both of them shake their heads. “Of course, you don’t.. Okay.. A timeout is when mommy or myself put you alone in your room–or in this case–my old room, for you to think about your actions. Now what you did tonight was not a good choice and when mommy or myself tell you not to do something, you have to listen.” He leans back on his knees and rests his hands on his thighs. “So, you two will sit here in timeout until I come back for you.”
“Papa, play?” Tommy says looking up at Jake.
Jake shakes his head. “No playing. No fun. You two will sit here and learn that what you did was bad.”
Jude crosses his arms over his chest. Tommy sees and follows in suit.
“Mean daddy..” Jude huffs.
“Yeah, mean daddy.” Tommy says.
“Now boys..”
“We no like you daddy..” Tommy says.
“Yeah, you mean..” Jude chimes in. “Mean daddy..”
Jake closes his eyes and leans his head back. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He says before rising to his feet before leaving the room.
“So how’d it go?” You ask when he comes to sit back down at the table.
He shrugs his shoulders. “Could have been better.” He says.
You sympathetically rub his back and lean over to kiss his cheek.
But he sits there for most of dinner, pushing the green beans around his plate as if he were a little kid again refusing to eat his food.
“Dessert anyone?” Ronnie says as she comes into the dining room with Karen. They carry several bowls of ice cream and give one out to each other.
“I’ll save these two for the boys.” Karen says as she carries a couple bowls back to the kitchen.
You look over to Jake to find him still quiet. You reach your hand over to his thigh and give it a slight rub. He turns his head to look at you. There was a distant look in his eyes that made you realize how deep into his thoughts he was.
“Are you okay?” You whisper.
Jake nods his head. He stands up from the table. “If you’ll excuse me..”
He leaves the dining room and heads into the kitchen. He pulls open the freezer and grabs the two bowls of ice cream and carries them behind his back and sneaks upstairs.
Despite having put his foot down, he hated hearing those words come from his sons’ mouths. And he also felt bad that they couldn’t enjoy the ice cream like everyone else is. As he approaches the door, he hears your voice call as your footsteps come up the stairs. Panicking he quickly shoves the bowls inside of his shirt, slightly wincing from the frozen dairy sliding against his skin.
“What are you doing up here?” You ask as you approach him.
“Oh uh, wanted to check on the boys.” He says as he moves his arms around his torso to hide the bowls in his shirt. “Make sure they’re not tearing the room apart.”
“Mmhmm..” You hum, not believing him. “What’s inside your shirt?” You say pointing to the now wet stains on his shirt.
“What?” He looks down at his shirt. “Oh well, I–”
You reach forward, not allowing him to finish his subtle white lie. You reach inside his shirt and pull out the two bowls of ice cream.
“Now how did those get in there?” He says faking surprise.
You smile and shake your head. “You just can’t put your foot down, can you?”
Jake sighs and leans against the wall. “I did. I promise I did.”
“Then why are you sneaking ice cream up here?” You say through a soft chuckle.
“Because you didn’t hear what they said to me..” He says. He folds his arms over his chest, similar to how the twins did earlier. “I’m ‘mean daddy’ and they ‘don’t like mean daddy’.”
You stick out your bottom lip in a pout and rub your hands up and down his arms. “Honey, they don’t mean it. They adore you, Jake. They’re just upset because you actually punished them for their actions during dinner.”
“But it sucks hearing that.”
“Trust me, babe, it won’t be the last time you’ll hear them “not like you”. When they’re older and you ground them, it’ll be “hate” instead of “not like”.”
“Oh great.”
You smile. “Jake, they won’t mean it. It’s just anger but it’ll subside.”
“So what do I do now?” He says.
“Go clean up.” You say. “I’ll talk to the boys.”
After cleaning and going back downstairs to the kitchen, Jake grabs a couple of clean bowls and remakes the ice cream bowls for the boys. He feels two pairs of arms wrap around each of his legs and when he looks down he sees the twins looking up at him.
“We love you Daddy.” Jude says.
“Yeah, and we’re sorry too.” Tommy pipes up.
He bends down to meet them at their level. “It’s okay boys.”
“Are you still mad at us?” Jude asks.
Jake shakes his head. “No buddy, I’m not mad at you. I was never mad at either of you–just disappointed. When mommy and daddy tell you to do something, you have to listen. It may seem like we’re being “mean” but we’re not.”
“We know.” Tommy sighs. “Mommy told us the same thing.”
“We’ll be better,” Jude says. “We promise.”
Jake smiles and kisses both of their foreheads. “That’s what I like to hear.” He says before standing up. “Would you like some ice cream?” Both of their faces light up and he chuckles. “Go sit at the table and I’ll bring them to you.”
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kendizzzzzzzzle · 1 year
okay, it’s the time that I write a whole post about kames and why I love their friendship! warning: it’s a long post.
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firstly, I’d like to mention that I have nothing against kogan/jarlos/jagan etc. I just love these two tall boys caring for each other and having this love/hate relationship throughout the show.
so we start off with the pilot. the whole episode was kind of based on Kendall and James relationship, because what’s the most intense moment in the pilot? yes, Kendall defending James when Gustavo called him “untalented”. he doesn’t hesitate a second when it comes to James, he cares so much and it shows. when Gustavo came back Kendall declined the offer for two reasons: 1) he has his life here with guys in Minnesota, 2) it wasn’t his dream to become popular, it was James’. the scene on the parking lot showed that first reason was solved pretty quickly but second reason… it still wasn’t his dream but he didn’t care. he gave up his own dream and left his life in Minnesota behind his back because he cared about guys, cared about James.
we can’t forget about what James said to Kendall though: “call that guy back… he wants to make YOU famous”. he was clearly upset that his chance of becoming famous was taken away from him but more than being popular he wanted Kendall to be happy. and he tried to make it real even if it meant giving up his own dream. they were ready to do anything to make each other happy and truly cared.
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when they were interacting in the show there was this weird but warm connection between them. they have completely different personalities but have so much in common (anger issues haha). Kendall is compassionate, single-minded, a little bit hot-tempered and a leader. James is confident, persistent, emotional and a little bit selfish. they are opposites - one is calm and other one is energetic, one is a strategist, other one is spontaneous, but at the same time they are very similar. James drives Kendall crazy, makes his blood boil and likes to play jokes on him but Kendall doesn’t mind at all - he loves it. “I said that I hate you with a smile on my face” - that’s what they friendship was like. while James is all cocky and sassy, Kendall is a down-to-earth kind of person - that’s what makes their friendship so interesting to watch at.
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some really cool moments I noticed while watching the show:
1. James never sides with Kendall for some reason and gets mad when other guys do. sometimes they just have different opinions on things, sometimes it looks like James doesn’t want Kendall to be right all the time. maybe he’s a bit jealous, who knows?
2. Kendall’s the one who makes him calm down faster than others. we barely see Kendall being emotional and in need of help, but in “big time movie” James was the one who calmed him down after Kendall started panicking.
3. the “big time tests” episode warms my heart. they be acting like a married couple and then James wants a divorce - basically the whole plot. interesting fact: James knows basically everything about Kendall.
4. also the ending where Kendall was reassuring him and building his confidence once again. previous time happened in “big time single” and of course Kendall finds the right words to cheer him up, who else would it be?
5. James was being VERY supportive of Kendall and Lucy going out. he had a crush on her, but so what, Kendall wanted to be with her and James didn’t hesitate to help him out.
6. I just love Kendall’s desperate and annoyed “jamESS” whenever he starts to freak out. (ex. “big time terror” and “big time girl band”) oh and one more thing: James always listens.
7. the looks and little hugs they give each other😩 we were robbed, they deserved way more screen time.
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some quotes:
Kendall, about James: “you forgot to say pretty. he is a pretty idiot”
Kendall: “whose place is this?”
James: “does it matter?”
Kendall: “IT MIGHT!”
James: “do they hold the answers… TO THIS?”
James: *points light saber at Logan*
Kendall: “DON’T! we need him :)”
James: “please :D”
Kendall: *sighs* “I can’t believe I’m doing this”
Kendall: “James, a pop-tiger test is not going to answer whether you’re a good boyfriend or not. you’re a great guy”
James: “really? ‘cause according to this WE SHOULDN’T HAVE EVEN BEEN GOING OUT”
Kendall: “uhhh… we’re NOT going out”
James: “oh, just cause I’m so terrible to be around, huh? yeah, THANKS”
James: “tell me you have something to cheer me up!”
Kendall: *gives him an orange peel smile*
James: :)
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exclusivecolette · 7 months
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once again a LONG ass chapter sorry. It’s long for a reason.
(if you aren’t blonde or don’t apply to the features, you can just put your own features in. i just put my features because i didn’t really know what else.)
summary: a girl starts to fall in love with a boy in class. But, her abusive parents are extremely strict (ignoring the fact she’s even old enough to drive.) And what is she gonna do when she realizes, he isn’t just some crush?
TW: mention of abuse and bruising, cussing, think that’s it for this chapter.
My eyes fluttered open to my alarm. I sit up and look next to me. Char (charlie) was laying on top of the blankets sleeping. I quickly turn off my alarm and get up putting my blanket over him. what even happened?
i got ready for school putting on leggings, a crop top, and straighten my hair. I left a note stating “i walked.” on the table and began walking. It was a little cold so by the time i got there i was freezing and sniffling.
I opened my locker when i heard a voice “hey” the voice said walking to me. I just slightly looked up and slightly smiled. “what’s wrong- how’d the talk go” he asked “it was fine” i say quietly. “are you cold” he asked “no i’m good” i say and he grabbed a strand of hair and went to put it behind my ear “hey what’s-“ he saw the bruise. I move my hair back and quickly grab my stuff. “i gotta go matt” i say walking away.
i walked into 4th period knowing i’d have to deal with matt. He sat next to me silently. He glanced over a few times he seemed nervous. “hey um” he paused sitting up “are we still on for tonight-“ i felt bad and i don’t know why. Maybe it was because he thought just because i was upset i’d bail. “yes matt” i interrupted “yeah i just” i look at him. “i need to figure something out, just let me think for a few minutes” i say and he nodded.
i put my head down to think. My parents wouldn’t be sleep. I can just tell them i’m going to scarlets. “okay i’ll be there” i say looking up. “can i pick you up” he asked “yeah i’ll send to the address, don’t knock.” He nodded.
During dinner i asked my parents to go to scarlets with the thought that they would have to say yes after what happened. And i was correct. I packed a bag to make it look like i was actually going. I wore sweatpants, and an align tank with an hoodie over. Then I did my hair, a little makeup, and walked out when matt texted he’d got there. I explained to my parents i’d walk as a cover.
I walked out down to the neighbors where i sent him. And he saw me coming from the house over. I immediately started smiling when i got in. “hi” i giggled a little. “hi um did i type in the wrong address?” he asked confused “oh no i just didn’t want my parents to see the car.” i laugh. “oh okay.” he pulled off.
we got out snacks and went into the movie. We sat down all the way in the back, there weren’t much people and they all sat in the front.
i had started getting tired mid movie. My head fell on his shoulder when i fell asleep but i quickly picked it up. “u tired?” he laughs quietly. “yeah i got like no sleep last night” i put my head in my hands for a second. “then go to sleep i’ll wake you up when it’s over-“ i cut him off. “no i’m fine” i say and sit back up.
She fell back asleep and few minutes later Her head fell back on matt’s shoulder. Her touch made him melt. Her head then started leaning forward like it was gonna fall so he just grabbed her shoulder and helped her lay on his lap. “sorry” she mumbled eyes still closed. “no your good” he said looking back up at the screen.
After a little he became uninterested in the movie and couldn’t stop looking at her. He ran his finger through your hair kinda waking you up. “this feels so good” is all she thought. Then he moved a piece of hair out of her face revealing the bruise. He ran his finger down the side of it and she winced and put her hand up and grabbed his wrist but not stopping him. And he didn’t stop.
He moved his hand a little lower so it wasn’t as close to the bruise. My grip on his wrist loosened. I felt so vulnerable but safe. “you have such long hair” he said quietly. “i’m not allowed to cut it” i whisper but he heard. “it’s pretty”
I fell back asleep but was woken up when matt shook me. “come on” he said and i sat up squinting as the lights were too bright for my eyes. I stood up stretching for a second and we started walking out. “how’d your parents let you come?” he asked surprised as we walked out.
“i told them i was going to scarlets for the night.” i say laughing and we got in the car. “shit speaking of i need to call her and tell her to cover for me, her parents always cover for me to.” i say picking up my phone as i got in the car. “you go on dates often?” he asked laughing. “no actually, i’ve like never been on one because my parents” i say putting the phone up to my ear.
“hey” she said and i responded “hey i have a favor”. “yeah anything” she laughed. “okay so yk how i told you i had to do something tonight?” i ask and i look at matt and he smirked. “what are you doing?” she asked “well me and matt went to the movies tonight and-“ she cut me off “matt sturniolo?” she yelled through the phone and he heard it and started laughing. “yes scar, and-“ she once again cut me off. “y/n he’s so fucking hot, god and his tattoos you’re so luck-“ it was my turn to cut her off.
“scarlet stop. you’re yelling and he can hear you so…” i explain to her as matt held back his laughs.
“oops anyway what’s your question” she asked laughing. “so if my parents call your parents can you tell them i was with you” i ask. “yeah ofc i’ll go tell them right now, bye i love you” she lowered her voice “get back to matt” she whispered. “okay thank you i love you too bye” i laugh and hang up. “well ” he laughed putting on his seatbelt.
While we’re driving matt asked “wait if you told them you were staying the night what are you gonna do when you show up home?” he asked. “um idk i’ll come up with something” i say honestly getting worried as i didn’t think about that. We had pulled up infront of the neighbors house.
i sat for a second and took a deep breath. When i unbuckle the seat belt matt asked “you know, why don’t we stay out for a little longer, its late but we can like- i don’t know go by the lake or something” he suggested. I hesitated. “i really want to matt but it’ll be harder to make an excuse the later it gets” i say feeling bad. “stay at my place” he said quickly.
“are you sure?” i asked “yeah my parents aren’t home, my brothers are but my parents are at my grandparents house, come over” he said. I thought for a second “yeah sure what lake are you thinking?” i say and he smiled “you’ll see” he laughed and drove off.
“oh my gosh i’ve never seen this lake matt it’s beautiful” i get out. “not a lot of people do” he smiled after getting out too. We walked over to the dock and sat down dipping our feet in. “Wait i’m scared are there like fish or like sharks” i pull my feet out. “no y/n” he laughed, “it’s a lake there’s just like small fish but mostly in the middle or other side because people being here” he explained. “oh” i laughed putting them back in.
“wanna get in?” i asked smirking. “i don’t have a bathing suit?” he laughed. “neither do i” i stand up. “come on it’ll be fun” i take my shirt off revealing a sports bra under. “yeah whatever” matt stood up taking his shirt off. I take my pants off revealing the lacy underwear i had on. He took his off and we stood at the end just staring at the water. “how cold do you think it is” i ask not looking at him. “we won’t know until we get in” he smirked.
I reach my hand out “same time?” i asked nervously. “yeah” he grabbed my hand. “1….2….3…. go.” we jumped. We both swim to the top and we just started laughing. “we’re so stupid” he giggled. “god we are” i say swimming toward him. I was infront if him when he breathed out “you’re like really pretty”. he said and i paused “i think you’re pretty too” i responded making him laugh and playfully roll his eyes.
“thank you for taking me out” i pant. “thanks for going out with me-“ we started leaning forward. His hands went around my waist. am i about to kiss matt sturniolo- we got interrupted when we heard a branch break. “did you hear that?” i whisper. “yeah” he whisper and we slowly started swimming toward the dock.
We heard footsteps and we swam under the dock. My breathing was loud due to me being so panicked and startled by it. Matt put his hand over my mouth. “stupid fucking kids” a man muttered above us. He walked away. We waited a few minutes before coming out laughing. “matt are we allowed to be here?” i asked giggling grabbing my clothes. “nope” he laughed grabbing his clothes.
I grab my hoodie out of the car and go in the woods and change into the sweatpants and hoodie. Matt did the same into the sweatpants he had on before. I got in and he was already in there shirt less. We pull out of the woods and start driving.
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magnoliamentions · 2 years
Disclaimer: I do not have first-hand information on Tom Brady. I don’t read articles about him or watch him play very often (though I did enjoy seeing Dak Prescott and the Cowboys end his year.) This is simply an opinion piece, nothing more. I am only an observer.
NFL commentators always refer to Tom Brady as the GOAT. It’s almost like he pays them every time they mention his name. But what does that mean? What does someone need to do to be the GOAT?
Let’s look at what I think a GOAT should be. Yes, of course the GOAT should be the best in his/her field. Yet, is that really all it means? I must answer that question with a NO! The GOAT should be someone people want their children to emulate as much as possible. S/He should be an example on and off their “stage,” whether a football field or movie screen or an opera or a class room or hospital - whatever that stage may be.
Now let’s look at Tom Brady. Yes, Tom Brady has multiple Super Bowl rings. I think that’s an incredible accomplishment. Many NFL players end their careers never even getting close to playing in a Super Bowl. Yet, controversy has followed him all the way there. There have been numerous accusations of cheating to win. Whether or not Tom Brady cheated I s not my place to say. I have no idea. I didn’t follow him while he was with the Patriots, and I don’t follow him in Tampa Bay. What I do know is that questions have been raised about Tom Brady’s integrity and how far he will go to win. Who wants their children carrying that pack of worms around with them the rest of their lives? I certainly don’t.
Next, let’s look at his behavior. If he doesn’t do well, he throws a fit! I’ve seen him spewing profanity, as many players do, and throwing expensive electronics to the ground because he was upset. He throws his helmet or whatever. I cannot count how many Tom Brady temper tantrums I’ve witnessed. That is certainly a behavior I do not want my children to emulate.
Finally, let’s look at Tom Brady’s decision to continue playing after he announced his retirement. His wife made no secret for years that she was ready for him to retire. She supported him and took care of the household while he played. She was ready to get back to her career, which, from what I understand, Tom Brady agreed to after last season. As in every marriage, there is always more going on than people on the outside can see. Nonetheless, Tom Brady is now and will forever be known as the one who very blatantly chose football over family. I cannot even begin to imagine how much that would hurt. Again, I could be wrong about this, but perception often becomes truth. Family should be the most important part of people’s lives. We already have so many children being raised in broken homes, and Tom Brady just made two more children statistics.
Tom Brady might be the nicest guy a person could meet. I highly doubt it, but he could be. Nice or not, his perceived egomaniacal tendencies result in controversy, temper tantrums, and a serious need to reassess what is really important in life. No, Tom Brady cannot be the GOAT. He will never be “the greatest to play the game,” regardless of what NFL commentators want us to believe. No number of championship rings or records or years playing will change his character. Ability, integrity, and character should never be questioned in someone referred to as the “GOAT.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
BTS Reaction|| Gets Overwhelmed With His Emotions and Cries [Request]
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - June 2022
"Hello?" You grumbled into the phone as you rolled over, it was the middle of the night and you were much rather looking forward to sleeping since you'd had a busy day at work. 
"Baby?" You heard Jin say on the other end of the line, followed by a sniffle that sounded as though he'd been crying. All thoughts of sleep left your body as you sat up in the bed,
"Jin? What's the matter? Why are you crying?" It was as if you'd snapped into overprotective partner mode, ready to fight anyone that had decided to upset your boyfriend to the point of crying.
"I miss you," He whimpered as you smiled weakly, he was off in America doing some new promotions and you missed him too but this was something you two did a lot. You'd been dating for a while now and you were used to him being gone for a few months at a time,
"I miss you too baby, is that why you're crying?" You cooed softly as you cuddled into the pillows, laying your phone down onto the pillow beside you as you listened to the sound of his voice. 
"I just love you so much," He sniffled again and you smiled, it was nice to hear him get like this but you didn't know why it was coming out all of a sudden. The two of you had told one another you loved each other months ago.
"I love you too-"
"No, I mean, I love you so much it hurts...I-I don't want to be away from you anymore. I don't ever want to be away from you...I-I have all of these overwhelming emotions." He looked at his phone as he saw your name on the screen and drunkenly smiled to himself. It didn't matter that you were on the other side of the world, he was just so happy that he got to call you "his".
"It won't be long baby I promise," You'd already been planning to fly out and see him soon, with the help of Yoongi who was tired of hearing Jin whine about you not being with him.
"You do?"
"I do. How about I fly out and see you this weekend?" You didn't care if it spoiled the surprise, you hated the fact that he was crying and you were willing to do anything to make him smile again.
"Yeah, baby,"
"YOU HEAR THAT! THEY'RE COMING TO SEE ME!" He screamed at the boys as you let out a soft laugh, shaking your head at him. It was cute to hear him like this but you doubted the boys were enjoying it.
"Are you drunk?" You laughed as he hiccuped and hummed tiredly at you,
"A little, but I love you so it's okay." He said in a matter-of-fact tone making you laugh a little harder as you snuggled into the sheets, yawning a little.
"Baby, do you know what time it is for me?" It was silent for a while before he gasped loudly and dramatically suddenly realising that he'd woken you up in the middle of the night.
"Don't hang up..." He begged as he snuggled down onto the sofa inside of his hotel room, he wanted to fall asleep to you on the phone as you used to when you started dating,
"I won't Jin, just let me sleep? We can stay on the phone."
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Yoongi wasn't exactly overly emotional when it came to showing his love, it was something that the boys would tease him for a lot but they didn't know what happened behind closed doors. You'd been home alone one night with Yoongi when you heard him crying a little,
"Yoongi?" You panicked looking over at him from the sofa, there were tears rolling down his face as he shook his head at you and whimpered a little. It wasn't like Yoongi to cry in front of you like this unless a sad movie was playing, 
"I love you," He whispered as you crawled onto the sofa and into his arms, he wrapped himself around you so tightly you didn't think he was ever going to let go of you.
"Hey, hey, hey, where is this coming from?" You comforted him, reaching your hand up to wipe away some of the tears from his face as he sniffled a little.
"I know I don't show it a lot but you know I love you, right?" You nodded at him as he began kissing you all over your face, and you smiled softly as you kissed him back.
"I know baby, I know you do. What's all this about?" He shook his head at you as he kept his arms wrapped around you tightly. 
"I just love you so fucking much," He whispered as he continued to hold you, resting his head on your shoulder as he relaxed against him.
"No crying, cause if you cry any more I'm going to start," You warned him as he chuckled a little, pressing more soft kisses against your shoulder as he repeated how much he loved you.
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You hadn't been expecting it in the slightest, one minute he was standing with a giant smile on his face giving the speech of a lifetime and the next he was sobbing on the stage.
"I wanted to say thank you to someone I love the most in the entire world, the one person that makes me feel as though I-I'm more than just the love of their life. They make me feel...S-So many things." He sniffled as he shook his head, it never seemed as though he could ever find the right words to say about you. Nothing ever seemed good enough to describe the way he felt, which was why there were so many unreleased songs about you saved on his laptop.
"Nothing I could ever write or say will ever be good enough to describe the love I have for them and the love that they make me feel." You felt tears rolling down your face as you watched Hoseok speaking to ARMY about you like this. They all knew of your releationship but this was the first time he was being so open about it.
"This is for you! I love you baby!" He yelled between the sobs as music began to flood the stage and he got ready to devote a song to you in front of everybody.
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"Joonie?" You mumbled rolling over in your shared bed and frowning when you found Namjoon sitting up and crying. He wiped his cheeks, trying to hide the fact that he'd just been crying over you while you slept.
"You're awake?" He questioned as he looked over at the time, it was almost 2 in the morning you should be sleeping.
"You're crying, what's wrong?" You sat up slowly, trying to get yourself to wake up as he shook his head at you. It was stupid, how was he ever going to explain it to you.
"Nothing," You shook your head at him as you laid your head on his shoulder, taking his hand in yours and giving it a small squeeze. The two of you weren't the type to hide things from each other and you wanted to be open and honest at all times.
"Don't lie to me."
"I just-" He sighed a little, how was he supposed to talk about this when it had just hit him in the middle of the night. All you'd been doing was laying there asleep beside him while he read from his latest book and he just stared at you. Smiling as he began to imagine the rest of his life with you like this and that was it. It hit him like a wave and he was left crying about how much he loved you, how deeply in love with you he was.
"I'm so in love with you," He breathed out as you felt your entire body heating up at the words, it was the first time either of you had said it to one another,
"I know we haven't said it yet but I am...I'm so in love with you and I can't...I can't imagine my life without you," He spoke without holding back, you smiled brightly up at him,
"I love you too,"
"You don't have to say it because I did," You shook your head at him kissing him deeply as you pulled him close to you, wanting to prove to him how much you loved him.
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"Jimin?! I bought food, I think I got too much though so you might...wanna..." You stopped when you walked into the living room and saw Jimin sitting on the floor and crying. All sense of food walked out of your body as you put the bags down and rushed to your boyfriends side wanting to know what was going on. 
"Babe? What happened? Are you on twitter again?" You panicked looking down at his lap to find a photo album you'd been working on. It was supposed to be an anniversary present and you couldn't believe he'd found it.
"I need to get a better hiding spot," You laughed softly as you smiled a little, turning to look at Jimin who was just staring at you with complete love in his eyes. He could hardly believe he'd been lucky enough to get you to himself.
"I love you," He whispered as he brought you into his lap, quickly moving the photo album to the side.
"I love you too baby," You smiled, looking at him a little confused as to why this was making him cry.
"No. I mean...I'm really in love with you, L-Like I don't want to spend another moment away from you in love with you," He admitted as you kissed him deeply, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.
"I love you too," You whispered breathlessly as he held you against him, telling you over and over again how much he loved you as he cried.
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All you'd done was sit and cook with his parents, that was it. He'd walked into your shared home to find you cooking with his mum and dad and he started to break down into tears.
"Tae?" You asked, concern seeping from your words as he rushed over to you and hugged you tightly. His parents both watched in "Awe" as you comforted their crying son.
"Thank you," He whispered as you continued to hold him, slowly walking with him out of the kitchen so the two of you could talk in private, or at least away from listening ears.
"I love you," He told you as he nodded his head, tears still streaming down his cheeks while you tried to wipe them away with the sleeve of your shirt.
"I love you too baby, what's going on?" You tried not to feel worried as he looked at you and continued to sob a little,
"S-Seeing you with my family...It just-" He shook his head as he thought about it. The second he'd seen you with his parents, so calm and happy as though it was a normal occurrence he couldn't think straight. All he could do was get overwhelmed by how much he loved you and seeing you together with them,
"It just hit me how much I fucking love you," He whispered before kissing you deeply, your body heating up as you remembered his parents were only in the other room.
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You'd just got done spending the entire day together and Jungkook was getting ready to bed with you.
"What movie do you want to fall asleep to?" You called out as you stared at the TV, trying to find anything to watch. When you didn't get an answer you turned to look at your boyfriend to repeat the question but you were met with Jungkook's eyes on your body.
"My shirt," He whispered as if you didn't already know that you were wearing it,
"From our first date." You told him as you looked down at the shirt you were wearing. He'd been wondering where it went and now he knew,
"I always sleep in it, i-it's my favourite." You told him and that was when the tears started to run down his cheeks.
"K-Kookie?! I'll take it off, you can have it back." You panicked as he suddenly pulled you down onto his lap and shook his head at you.
"N-No. Don't! Don't ever give it back," He told you as he kissed you deeply, tears still streaming down his cheeks as he sniffled a little.
"I love you so much," He whispered as you kissed him back,
"I love you too baby," You chuckled softly as he shook his head at you, laying you down gently on the bed as he began to tell you, in-depth, how much he loved and adored you.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @agustdjoon @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @taeechwitaa @justbangtanthingz @stillwithlix @kookiekuu @lolalee24 @hopeworldd-2 @totallynoanalien @yubinism @ethereallino @heyjiminnie @aerastus @tinyoonsblog @cherrybubblesandvodka​ @kimahnjung98 @halesandy @snigdha-14
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floralcyanide · 2 years
The Extra || Austin Butler x OC
Chapter Eight
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Pairing: Austin Butler x OC
Warnings: mentions of past innuendo, mentions of sex, nightmares.
Word Count: 2824
>> hellooo welcome to chapter eight! I know I keep leaving you all with cliffhangers but this chapter is pretty tame. please let me know if you enjoy it! (:
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Add yourself to the taglist HERE
March 2020
I have been holed up in an apartment for weeks without being able to leave. I’ve been stuck in a relationship where I wasn’t held to an acceptable standard. I have been through the wringer with my ex, trying to figure out how to get out of the tense situation without ruining our new friendship, if you’d call it that. I got through all of those things. But I had never felt so stuck before in my entire life until Austin told me that an entire movie, a person’s life story, and the hope of fans worldwide now fell on me. And I don’t know if that’s something I can get to the other side of. Apparently, I look enough like Priscilla to be her character and have enough acting experience. Besides, desperate times call for desperate measures, and if an extra has to be used in the main cast, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. But it felt like it was the end to me.
Baz decided that everything we have filmed so far will be refilmed after the six months are up. Not just because I was recast, but because he felt it would be better that way. I have to stay with Austin during these six months because I have to gain chemistry with him or instead gain chemistry back. Whatever we have going on right now isn’t a good kind of chemistry to work with, so we have to fix that. Also, I can’t really go home anyway. Everyone has been told that wherever you are right now, you should probably stay if possible. The virus has become too dangerous. I broke the lease to my apartment and had everything I brought with me here transferred to Austin’s condo, thanks to Tyler. He’s slightly upset that we can’t have movie nights anymore in each other’s apartments, but he understands completely. Jess is feeling better. Luckily, their coronavirus case wasn’t extreme, and they don’t have any long-term side effects.
Dacre and I are still friends; we’ve actually grown closer since quarantine. Sometimes it makes Austin feel weird, but he isn’t as jealous as he used to be. Luke and Dacre forgave Austin for his unhinged comment. But they made sure to tell him that even though they were cool, they would physically harm him if he hurt me again. Tom checked up on us every other day until he and his wife got the virus. His case is really bad, and everyone is very worried about him. On the bright side, Olivia has gotten a little better and has been really supportive of me replacing her part. I still feel like I’m betraying her in a way, but she has assured me that I could absolutely do this- that I’m capable of playing Priscilla. Even Priscilla herself has reached out to me to tell me that based on what everyone has been telling her, she was pleased to “have a great woman” like me to play her. That alone was enough to wake me up. I need to play this part whether I like it or not. Whether I want to be famous or not.
It’s been a struggle for the last two weeks. I had to make sure to tell Austin that I wasn’t mad at him and I didn’t hate him. And that if I was distant, I just had a lot to think about. I had to think about how I would play a serious, life-changing role as an actress with little prior experience. I really, really had to think about how to go about living with Austin again now that we had to forcefully. I also had to think about our relationship, whether it was romantic or platonic. Our characters are romantically involved, so we have to work on our dynamic. We can’t fight anymore or let anything come between us while filming, or else it would be challenging to maintain chemistry. Apparently, there’s an on-screen kiss that we have to prepare for, too. I don’t know how ready for that Austin or I will be, but I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.
I have decided to wait until Austin and I get out of this weird patch before thinking any harder about pursuing our relationship again. I don’t want the foundation of our rekindled relationship to be built on any hesitance or negative emotion. I told him I’d think about it, and I have, but I won’t think on it more than I have to until it’s necessary. Luckily, I think we’re beginning to move out of the awkward phase anyway. It shouldn’t be long before we’re entirely out of it.
It’s a Friday night, not that the day of the week matters anymore at this point, and Austin and I are on the couch. We’re watching our favorite show we used to binge when we were together, and for a moment, it almost seems like old times. Today was our last chill day before we needed to start working on our lines and execution. I plan on starting Priscilla’s book soon to gain more insight into her as a person. I’m not able to call her at any given time, much less see her in person, so at least I have some primary sources to gain perspective from. Austin has a plethora of sources for information on Elvis, so he has a lot to take from. I’ve been helping Austin practice maintaining his voice and accent when he wasn’t Zooming with a coach. My thoughts are interrupted when I notice what’s happening on the TV.
“I still can’t believe they killed him off like that,” I frown at one of my characters dying a painful death, even if it’s the tenth time I’ve watched the scene.
“Remember the first time we watched it happen? There’s nothing more painful than seeing it for the first time,” Austin shakes his head at the memory. We were both in hysterics the first time we watched this particular scene, to put it lightly.
“God, I know. It still hurts but not quite as bad,” I shrug, digging into the bag of hot chips I had on my side of the couch.
Austin eyeballs the bag for a moment before turning his eyes back to the TV screen, “You still eat those?” he asks.
“Yep. Sure do,” I say, popping a chip into my mouth.
“I don’t see how you have a stomach lining left,” Austin snorts as he chews on a Sour Patch Kid.
“I don’t see how you don’t have sores in your mouth,” I chide, motioning to the yellow bag of sour candy.
“Good point,” Austin shrugs. 
His previously black-dyed hair is starting to fade into a weird shade of brown. He hasn’t bothered redying it since no one will see it. I thought the dark hair was a good look on him, in all honesty, but I’m partial to blonde-haired Austin. Especially when his hair was long and blonde. I would braid it sometimes when he’d let me. 
“What are you thinking about?” Austin pipes up from next to me.
I shake my head, readjusting to real life after being deep in thought, “Nothing. Just thinking of old times.”
“Old times, huh?” Austin nods in acknowledgment, “How old?”
“As old as your long hair,” I giggle, almost wanting to reach out and touch the fading hair.
“I miss it sometimes,” Austin says, glancing over at me, “Especially when you’d braid it.”
“You only let me do that a few times, though. But I loved doing it,” I say with a smile.
“I never told you, but it felt really nice. I liked when you played with my hair,” Austin says, toying nervously with a Sour Patch Kid between his fingers.
“Trust me, I know. I know a lot of stuff you didn’t tell me,” I scoff, “Like when you’d secretly use some of my conditioner.”
Austin turns to me and looks a tad shocked, “How’d you know?”
“Austin, I could smell it on you. Did you think I wouldn’t know what my conditioner smells like?” I laugh, no longer paying full attention to the TV.
“Good point,” he sighs, and he looks as if he’s going to say something else but brushes it off.
“What?” I ask curiously.
“It’s nothing,” Austin swats his hand, “Just a silly question.”
“I love silly questions,” I narrow my eyes suspiciously at him.
“It’s kind of embarrassing,” he mumbles.
“Just tell me,” I roll my eyes, “You’re not one to keep something in if it’s bothering you.”
Austin looks at me and sighs because he knows I’m right. His face starts blushing a little as he figures out how to say whatever he’s going to say.
“I was gonna ask if you’d play with my hair. I know that’s weird,” he says defensively, “But it grounds me. And I’m too wired to sleep.”
My heart flutters a little at his sheepishness, “You could’ve just straight up asked me, Aus. I’m not gonna bite your head off.”
“I wouldn’t put it past you anymore,” Austin jokes.
“Whatever,” I shove his shoulder, patting my lap, “Lay down.”
He readjusts his sitting position to lay down properly before resting his head on my thighs. I almost instinctively reach my hand out to run it through his hair as if it hasn’t been a long time since I’ve done it. I guess it’s true that old habits die hard. Playing with Austin’s hair was the second thing he liked to do with me, the first being kissing. I see him letting me play with his hair as a step forward out of the fog we’ve been in. The kissing is obviously something he struggles with, but I’m not pushy. I took the hint when he didn’t kiss me when we had sex. Austin thought of kissing as being the most intimate thing a couple could share besides sex. He would do it any chance he got, even if it was in public. Austin couldn't get enough. Even if it’s such a sacred action for him, he didn’t waste time worrying about his surroundings or how PDA looked to others. It was as simple as holding hands and as intimate as sex. So, for now, running my fingers through his hair was enough for both of us.
Tonight would be the first night I would have a nightmare. In the nightmare, I’m plastered on every magazine and website, being labeled and scrutinized. It’s something I always made sure to stay away from in consciousness, but now I no longer could. The feeling of anxiety that I’ve been pushing down was beginning to present itself in my dreams. I make a lot of noise when I have nightmares and thrash around a lot, so when I’m awoken by a very concerned Austin, I’m not surprised. I’m more or so relieved that the nightmare is over than worried that he’s in my room.
“Are you okay?” Austin asks, out of breath from running in here to make sure I didn’t hurt myself by accident.
“Yeah,” I sit up, pressing my palm to my clammy forehead, “Just a bad dream is all.”
“You were yelling for a second, and I got worried,” Austin says quietly as he sits on the edge of the bed.
“Was I?” I furrow my eyebrows, trying to recall when I could’ve shouted, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Do you wanna talk about it?” Austin asks.
I shake my head, “No, it’s fine. Do you mind…” I trail off, wrapping my arms around myself. I try to figure out how to carefully word what I’m about to ask.
Austin misunderstands what I’m saying and gets up from the bed and heads to the door, but I blurt out my question before he can get one foot through the opening.
“Do you mind staying?” I blurt out, my face burning at my vulnerability. 
It was hell the first time I had a nightmare after Austin and I split up. I couldn’t go back to sleep that night since I was so used to someone holding me until I relaxed. I had several nightmares about leaving Austin after we broke up, and every time was a struggle. I never really learned how to come down from the adrenaline by myself. I would stay awake until I had to be up the following day.
“Oh,” Austin mutters, “I don’t mind.”
I move over in the bed so he has enough room to slide in next to me. This is the first time Austin has held me since I left him. I wouldn’t consider his very brief period of having me on his chest after we had sex to be cuddling of any form. I’m a little nervous about having him so close to me without the sexual tension. It’s so intimate to have someone hold you and sleep next to you, but I think I’m ready for that. Austin lays down behind me before cautiously draping an arm over my side. I pushed my back against his chest, letting him know it was okay to touch me. He then wraps both arms around my waist protectively.
“Is this okay?” Austin whispers in my ear.
“This is okay,” I whisper back. 
He relaxes into the embrace, tucking my head under his chin as I let my eyes close. I finally go back to sleep. The next morning, I wake up still in Austin’s arms. While I’m sure he’s still asleep, I take his right hand and play with his fingers absentmindedly. After a few minutes, I hear a scoff in my ear. Austin buries his nose into my neck before he speaks.
“Still in love with my hands, I see?” he chuckles against my skin.
I don’t respond but instead flatten my hand against his, holding it up to show the difference in size. Austin slips his fingers through mine, grasping my hand in his tightly before pulling it to him. He pulls his face from my neck and kisses my hand softly before laying our intertwined fingers back down on the mattress. I realized that I no longer had anything to think about now; we were out of whatever phase we were in upon meeting again. 
“I think I’m ready,” I say out loud without a shred of context.
“For what?” Austin asks, his voice still deep from sleep.
“I’ve had enough time to think about things,” I say, pulling his arm off of me so I can turn over to face him.
Now that it’s not dark in here, I can see Austin came in here straight from bed because he has on no shirt. His hair is slightly disheveled, and his eyes are still hooded from sleep. But Austin still has his full attention on me now that I’m turned in his direction. A look of realization comes across his face, but he waits for me to continue.
“I want to be with you again,” I say, looking into Austin’s eye carefully, trying to gauge his reaction, “But you have to promise me something.”
“What is that?” the corners of Austin’s lips twitch like he wants to smile.
“If you are ever bothered by something, tell me about it before letting it bother you too much or letting it eat you alive. You’ve never had a problem with that until now,” I say.
“I think I keep things in because the last time I said what was on my mind, you left,” Austin says, “It’s not your fault about how I feel, of course. But it’s just something I have to get over. Especially since you aren’t gone anymore.”
I nod understandingly, “Well, I’m not going anywhere. It’s not like I can either way,” I joke, “But I still wouldn’t want to.”
Austin puts a gentle hand on my cheek, almost testing my reaction to his touch. When I don’t pull away, he then places his other hand on my face, holding it still. His eyes flicker down to my lips and then back up to my eyes.
“Can I kiss you, Ro?” Austin asks just above a whisper, his tone uncertain.
“Only if you’re okay with that,” I say reassuringly, not looking away from him.
“I am,” Austin says, pressing his forehead against mine, “but are you?”
“Yes, I’m okay with it,” I hold back a nervous giggle, “You can kiss me.”
Slowly, Austin pulls my jaw forward and connects his lips to mine in a simple kiss. I grab onto his face, deepening it a little more as I turn my head to the side. It’s so familiar- the pressure of his stupidly soft lips against mine. It makes me almost want to kick myself for ever letting him go. But the past is past. And now I’m ready to move forward with Austin like time hasn’t been lost.
taglist: @cozacorner @onxlymnsn @anangelwhodidntfall @butlersluvbot @jolovesfandoms @austinbutler17 @slutforblueeyes @misspygmypie @mamaspresley @mirandastuckinthe80s @bobbykennedyfan @sodonebruh @lizzymizzy-blogg @defnotreadingfanfics12 @izzvoid @homebodybirkin2003 @kaycinema @thatonemoviefan @sarachacha @kittenlittle24 @alltheflowerstomav @tubble-wubble @annamarie16 @adoreyouusugar @csmt-m @apparently-sunshine @amiets2 @emchickynuggies @mrs-butler @mesbouquins @ari-nicole @xmusse @austin-butlers-gf @feral4austinbutler @inlovewithchrisevans @shynovelist @mommy-maia @popeheywardssecretgf @Venxfinn3 @westwoodcoast
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Okay, I’m actually so happy with this one. Come talk about it with me in my inbox! 😌
warning: smut
please like, comment, share, rec!
It was a bit of a shock, well a lot of a shock when YN is scrolling through her instagram time and it becomes flooded with a gif of her husband passionately kissing a gorgeous blonde.
The trailer for Don’t Worry Darling had dropped out of nowhere and now there was a nasty feeling on jealously, insecurity, and possessiveness in the pit of her stomach.
She knew it was irrational, they were married for fucks sake, but those emotions weren’t always rational.
YN watched it, over and over, until she tossed her phone onto the side table hard enough that it slides off and falls harshly on the ground.
Harry and crew were downstairs, it didn’t look like the Houston show was going to happen because of the storm.
She felts ridiculous and immature for the tears welling up in her eyes. It’s not like she was upset or mad at him.
She was proud of him for his acting abilities and all of his hard work - that’s why she was mad at herself right now.
YN knows Harry is expecting her downstairs to help figure out details, what to do for the fans, etc.. because she was a major part of the production crew.
But she nearly felt like she was going to throw up.
Could you blame her?
Who on earth would want to see their significant other making out passionately for the world to swoon over?
YN scrubs the tears from her cheeks, hadn’t even realized they were falling.
She does the worst thing ever, pulls it back up and starts ready comments, especially from their friends - it almost felt like betrayal. Jeff, Glenne, Lambert, Gemma.
A message appears at the top of the screen.
Bunny 🐰: come on darling, need you down here. meeting is about to start 😗
Her fingers hesitate.
yn: be down in five
Bunny 🐰: is everything okay? where’s my kiss? 😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗
She sighs, she feels bad because it’s not his fault.
He had been offered the role, came home and instantly told his wife that if she wasn’t comfortable with him having romantic scenes - he’d turn it down.
YN wasn’t like that.
When she was being logically she would never want to stand in the way of Harry persuing his dreams.
It was acting and she had even been on set a few times when there were heated scenes but it just felt different - uncomfortable.
YN throws one of the bunny merch hoodies, a pair of cropped leggings, and black nikes before heading down from their suite to the conference room.
Harry had purposefully kept the seat open for her, right next to him, and she slips into quietly as they continue to talk.
There were a lot of higher ups in the room, from the venue, the touring company, his team - deciding on what they should do about the weather warning.
He instantly tugs her as close of possible to him with a long arm wrapped around her shoulder and a subtle kiss to the side of her head.
They’re talking about the people standing outside in the rain for GA, they all get quiet, and Harry nudges his wife, “Darling, they’re talking t’you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Can you repeat the question?” YN asks, eyes a bit wide in embarrassment at all the stares on her face.
A venue manager speaks up, “How do you think the fans will react and how can we ensure them of another show here. We do not want to lose the business of this concert.”
“Obviously upset. People have flown in for the concert - so maybe if you reach out to some of those fans and reimbursement their flights, they’d be more likely to come back and that would look good on you guys,” YN offers, tense and trying to ignore Harry’s concerned expression - he could always tell.
“Jamie, get on that,” The man orders with an executive nod that he liked the idea and Harry squeezes her shoulder lovingly.
The meeting goes on, she would normally wait for Harry to wade through all the people wanting to speak to him but she zips through the maze of bodies and back down the corridor to the elevator.
She about there when she hears someone running to catch up with her, knows exactly who it is when he pulls her back into his strong chest.
“Wha’s wrong?” Her husband murmurs in her ear, lips brushing softly and his arms keeping her as close as possible.
“It’s nothing, I just need some time alone,” YN sighs, stepping out of his warm embrace and turning to face him.
“Did I do somethin’? Baby, c’mon,” He coaxes, frowning as he studies her face, “Talk t’me, please.”
“I’m just - I’m being dumb,” She chuckles with no humor in her tone, tears welling again and she is quick to cover her face in her sleeve because fans are being to notice them.
“Okay, okay. Let’s get y’upstairs,” Harry replies, guiding her towards the elevator and throwing his arm around her to block her - it would look playful in the fan photos.
The crowd gets irritated when Harry refuses to stop and sign things, take pictures but his bodyguards quickly block them from getting to close.
Once in the elevator, alone, Harry cups her face gently, “Baby, y’gotta tell me what’s going on, m’confused.”
“The trailer, it came out and -“
Harry is perplexed for a moment, “Is that why everyone’s blowing up m’phone?”
Then he’s pulling it out, swiping a few times, and the short ten-second trailer is playing across his screen and he knows instantly.
“Sweetheart,” He sighs, tucking it back into his pocket, “M’sorry-“
“No, no. Don’t apologize,” YN interrupts him, eyes frantic as she speaks, “I’m not - It’s not your fault. I just wasn’t expecting it and it threw me off. I am so proud of you -“
“But y’a bit jealous, huh?” Harry smirks, rubbing his thumb against her bottom lip lightly, tugging to tease a bit.
“You’re my husband. Of course, I don’t want to see you do that with anyone else,” YN replies, watching as her husbands eyes meld into something fiery and golden.
“Can I tell you a secret?” He asks, voice deepening into what YN likes to call his sex voice and it really does work - makes her stomach flip.
“Harry, you don’t have to try to make me feel better. I’m re-“
Harry hits the red stop button on elevator, pausing the movement - it was a single elevator to the penthouse so it wasn’t effecting the rest of the hotel guests.
“Let me tell you a secret. The day we had to film tha’ scene, when I had to kiss someone who wasn’t you over and over again. When I had to act like I would fuck someone other than you,” Harry’s teeth are grazing her jugular dangerously, his breathe minty and cool, “You remember that one night on the balcony?”
“Mm,” YN agrees shakily, she remembers that night a few months ago well.
Harry had come home from set with a mission.
He hadn’t disclosed what happened that day and YN had completely forgotten to ask later on.
When he stormed through their master bedroom and swung open the balcony doors, his eyes fall hungrily on his wife who’s reading a book on their balcony. ***
Her skin was glowing on the dim fairy lights and reflection of the moon, it was late- nearly midnight when he’d finally gotten home.
She was lounging on the sofa, sprawled in a silk pajama set that was simple but so sexy in the way her natural breasts lay without a bra - nipples poking at the fabric.
It had only taken him a moment, he’d been hard the whole ride home thinking about his wife, and when he saw that, he was striding over and murmuring, “You know your safe words, right baby?”
It was him eating her out hungrily, ridding her of her clothes and him still fully dressed as he nipped and sucked at her clit.
Then he had bent her over the balcony railing, overlooking the Hollywood hills where surely their neighbors could have seen if they squinted.
His fingers were digging harshly into her backside, thrusting and having her tits sway with the force as he praised her on how well she took it.
And it ended with back on the couch, her legs soaked from her multiple releases, skin smattered in bruises and love bites, and Harry kissing her roughly as he pinched her clit and released inside her.
“The reason I wrecked y’tha’ night was because doing all that shit on set made me want to come straight home to m’wife,” Harry whispers like there’s other people in the elevator with them.
“Harry,” She mutters shyly, avoiding eye contact and looking down to the marble floor.
“No, look at me, baby. All I could think about were how much better your mouth feels, how no one can ever compare to how fuckin’ sexy y’are,” He rumbles, his hand is slipping underneath her hoodie and palming at her belly.
“Love you,” YN replies, reaching up to press their lips together and whine when his tongue automatically finds it way into her mouth.
“Been with you since I was fifteen. Y’know tha’? There’s a reason for that, s’because nobody gets to me like you do. You always make me crave more. The reason I put that rock on y’finger and y’name on m’bank account.”
“Bunny, please.”
Harry smirks against her lips, “Please what?”
“Fuck me, c’mon,” She begs desperately, his hand teasing at the waistband of her leggings but not giving her anything.
“Gotta give it t’you when you ask, s’my husbandly duty,” Harry kisses her again, hands moving to tug them down.
“Yes, be a good husband,” She scolds, getting on her tiptoes out of instinct as he slips two fingers up into her.
“M’tryin’,” He gruffs, hissing at how wet she is for him as he curls his fingers towards the front her wall to hit her spot, “Only one f’me. Never want anyone else, been an love-struck idiot for you since I was fifteen.”
After they finish, Harry presses the button to restart the elevator and they’re both panting, with a light sheen on sweat.
When they step into the foyer of the penthouse, Harry cups her face and makes sure he has her full attention.
“I love you. If this movie or me acting with other people romantically is too much for you. Please tel me, m’job is never more important than m’marriage,” He says seriously, face still splotchy from coming in the sticky, hot elevator.
She shakes her head, “It doesn’t make me uncomfortable - well, not when I’m thinking logically. I’m proud of you, I can’t wait to see the movie.”
“I love y’so much, sunflower. Y’my soulmate, the reason I have the courage and confidence is because of you.”
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gnwzero · 2 years
| 𝘦𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘳𝘺 ~
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝘦𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨!𝘫𝘢𝘺!𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧!𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦!
𝐰𝐜: 1,041
𝐚/𝐧: 𝘩𝘪! 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 <3
𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 :
he had just gotten to his dorm from a long day at the studio, his voice was halfway gone, throat sore, mentally drained and just ready for some alone time. well his members had been at the dorm all day and didn’t know about heeseung’s long day at work, so when you asked jay if you should surprise hee, he of course said yes!
you were in the living room with niki playing video games when hee walked in and niki smiled up at him a little and said “you have a surprise!” motioning at you, causing you to smile and look up at heeseung. you expected him to be happy,, but he wasn’t. he kinda even looked.. annoyed?
“what are you doing here?” he said in an annoyed tone and it shocked you a little. “i came so we could hangout and maybe go get dinner or somethin-“ “i can’t always give you time. i’m busy and sometimes just want time to myself y/n. you have to learn about personal space because i don’t know how much more i can take, just go home.” he said walking to his room and slamming the door shut.
your eyes filled with tears as the words he had said replayed in your mind. niki looked over at you completely lost “i don’t think he’s thinking. you don’t need to go home, he’s just in a bad mood, i’m sure he didn’t mean it.” he said trying to reassure you, but it didn’t work. you just shook your head and left, tears streaming down your face, and went back to your dorm with your members as they tried to comfort you the best that they could.
the next day after you had cried yourself to sleep, you woke up to your phone going off to a THOUSAND texts messages. you looked down and saw “hee 💕” ‘s contant popping up on your screen over and over again.
all the texts looked something like “baby i’m so sorry” “i didn’t mean anything” “please forgive me i wasn’t in my head” “i’m so freaking sorry” “i’m coming over with boba please forgive me”
of course you were still hurt, but when he got there with your drink and smothered you in kisses and hugs and apologies, you forgave him. heeseung has a hard schedule and you knew that, but it didn’t give him a right to be a jerk to you, so you let him know that and he agreed and apologized millions of more times until you were literally like “😐 okay please stop talking 😐” because of how many times he had said the word sorry in the past hour JDJSNS~
all in all, the boy would never purposely hurt you in any way and y’all had a great day together watching movies, snuggling, and drinking boba :)).
𝐣𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 :
you and jay have both been planning on hanging out this saturday because it’s an off-day for you both, and you were so excited so excited for it all the week long.. and it was FINALLY saturday >:D time to see your amazing boyfriend who you missed so so much !!
you woke up and started getting ready to meet him at his dorm when you phone dinged and you looked down at it. it was from your leader and it said “early morning practices was moved from monday morning to this morning until noon, see y’all there.”
your heart automatically dropped. you would still be able to see him, but not until later, and you were so sad. you texted him “hey, apparently practice got moved to this morning,, i’m sorry i’m gonna have to come over a little later :/“ and his response was kinda.. strange?
“ok” was all he said,, you didn’t know if he was annoyed or that was just his genuine response.. but jay usually isn’t one to just say “ok” and go about his day.. you could tell he was upset, but you didn’t wanna make it worse so you just went to practice.
at noon after practice, you drove to his dorm and walked in and went to his room and sat your keys down on his shelf, making him look up from his phone.
“hi baby-“ you said going over to him to peck his lips and he gave you a very straight face look like “:|”.
“why do you lie? you could’ve just told me you were with eric, you lying and skipping our day we’re supposed to be with each other is upsetting, do you understand that?” he spoke as your brows furrowed.
eric was one of your best friends, (eric sohn from the boys :)) and you loved hanging out with him, but you would never cancel on your time with jay to be with eric, and jay knew that !! you thought..
“i wasn’t with eric..? i was at practice, i wasn’t lying to you i don’t lie to you.” you said confused sitting next to him on his bed.
“y/n i know you were, look.” he said showing you a dispatch taken photo of you and eric that was uploaded today.. but it wasn’t taken today. it was taken weeks ago,, eric’s hair wasn’t even that color anymore !!
“that was from a few weeks ago-“ “STOP LYING” he raised his voice at you cutting off your words which caused your eyes to fill with tears. he wasn’t listening to you and he raised his voice out of anger.. you felt bad, but you weren’t lying.
tears started streaming down your cheeks as you pulled up eric’s newest instagram post on your phone and holding it out for jay to see. “his hair isn’t even that color anymore.” you said sniffling and jay widened his eyes a little looking at the picture.
he automatically started feeling OH so bad for raising his voice and not believing you.. now that he’s thinking straight, he knows you’ve never given him a reason not to believe you.
he apologized over and over again hugging you and kissing your tears away.
“i’m sorry, i should’ve believed you.”
you ofc forgave him, and y’all spent the rest of the day hanging out on your day off >:D !!
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huggybug · 2 years
how not to - matty beniers
word count: 2.2k words
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“I signed” You suck in a sharp breath when Matty revealed what you had been waiting for the past couple days. Ever since the loss, you knew it was coming, you just hoped it would be put off a while longer. Especially since it meant your deal was finally in action. “Which means...”
“I know, it means we’re done” He shifted uncomfortably and you could tell he was upset by the way he was avoiding your eyes. The deal was set in place last year when you two started dating; Matty was adamant on staying focused on hockey, especially once he was ready to sign with Seattle so you agreed that when the time came, you would break up, no discussion necessary. 
“I’m sorry... I don’t even know if this is the best idea anymore, could we make it work?” He asked and your hands clenched at your sides as you willed yourself not to jump up and down, screaming ‘Yes! We can totally do the long distance!’ 
“You know we shouldn’t Matty, we made the deal for a reason” You sighed, hating that he was going back on something he had originally proposed.
“I know” He deflated and you felt your heart squeeze as you reached for his hand.
“Good luck in Seattle, you’re going to do great” You offered a weak smile before turning and walking away. It felt like you were leaving a part of you behind but you didn’t turn back, you kept walking because you knew that if you turned back, it would hurt him more than you.
Matty had been gone for one week. You kept up with him on social media, you watched the videos that were posted on the Kraken social media as well as every media availability he did. Mackie, who had taken the lead in taking care of you after Matty’s departure, tried to distract you from them but you didn’t listen.
“You’re only making it worse” Mackie sighed as he looked over your shoulder, watching Matty’s pre-game media with you. The boys had gathered to watch the two games of their old teammates who were making their debuts tonight. 
“Stop torturing yourself” Luke said while throwing an arm around your shoulder. 
“I’m not just going to forget he exists” You rolled your eyes. “It’s fine, I’m fine”
“That’s what they all say” Johnny says from the other side of the room.
“Shut up and watch the damn game” You grumbled, tired of having the attention on you. The boys took mercy on you and did as you said, turning their attention back to the screen where Owen’s first game was almost over. 
It was probably the worst week of your life. The first few days were especially brutal but you got used to the ache in your chest and tried to get on with your life, the key word being tried.
The boys dragged you out with them on Friday night. You wanted to stay home to watch your favourite comfort movie for the tenth time this week but Mackie insisted, actually showing up to physically pull you out of bed. 
“I really don’t want to be here right now” You grumbled as Mackie and Ethan guided you through the busy frat house. 
“You won’t be saying that once we get some alcohol in those sad, sad veins” You glared at Mackie who smiled charmingly back. They finally let you go once you reached the other boys and you pushed your way over to Luke who looked just as miserable as you felt.
“Protect me Lu, they’re trying to get me drunk” You whined but he just shrugged, saying something you couldn't quite hear over the thumping bass. Mackie reappeared by your side and thrust a shot into your hand, clinking his own with it before shooting it quickly, motioning for you to do the same. You hesitated but then realized it wouldn’t be the end of the world, you were usually happier when you were drunk, so you took it and then you kept taking them until you were cut off by your personal bartender himself. You felt like you were floating when really you were probably dragging your feet as you flitted around the group of hockey players.
It was refreshing to let go of your emotions for the night, your mind had been Matty-free for the past few hours and it felt good. It wasn’t until Luke and Dylan had gotten into another one of their silly fights that you felt the familiar pang in your heart. 
“Dude just think about it... time really has no meaning” Dylan’s eyes were wide in amazement, as if he had just discovered something unimaginable.
“You sound so stupid” Luke shook his head, not wanting to get involved.
“No I don’t, you do!” You could feel Matty laughing behind you, his chest was shaking as you leaned against it. You looked up at him while trying to hold back your own laughter and he just shook his head at his friends who had a habit of arguing at every party.
“Please tell him he sounds stupid” You look back to the boys who were now both staring at you and Matty.
“Don’t look at us, we don’t want to be apart of this conversation” Matty said from behind you while you stayed silent. Luke huffed before turning to Briss, trying to involve him in the silly argument. “It’s amazing how much you’re willing to put up with” You laughed when Matty spoke near your ear so you could hear him before pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Only for you Matty” You turned your head to look at him and he took the opportunity to give you a proper kiss. 
You missed the way parties used to be, when you would spend the entire night glued to his side without a care in the world about anyone else. You missed his comments on Luke and Dylan’s fights and how you two would always end up laughing at how ridiculous his friends were. As the memories cycled through your head, it suddenly became all you could think about and you soon found yourself fighting your way out of the crowd to get some fresh air.
You weren't sure where Mackie was or if he was even here anymore. The group you were just with hadn’t noticed you leave which meant there was nobody there to stop you as you clicked Matty’s contact, finding the call button too easily.
There wasn't enough time for your inebriated brain to think it through before Matty’s voice was flowing through your speakers. “Y/n?” 
“Matty!” You breathed a sigh of relief. It felt like a weight had lifted off your chest after hearing his voice. Sure, you had heard it during interviews or videos on instagram but it was different right now because he was talking to you. Your name rolled off his tongue just as you remembered and it made you want to scream and cry at the same time.
“Are you drunk?” There was a hint of amusement in his voice but you didn’t pick up on it. Matty knew you were at the party with the boys, he had seen you in the background of a snap he’d gotten from Luke earlier that night.
“Look Matty, I can understand why it’s over and I can go through all the motions of walking away from this” You clumsily sat down on the front steps of the frat house, not caring if you were in the way of anyone who wanted to pass.
“But I don’t know how to not think about you when it’s late at night and quiet” You rattled off quickly, not even listening to what he was trying to say.
“I know I should be the one who’s strong and just moves on because I was the one who said no when you wanted to try” Your heart thudded when you heard his loud sigh through the phone. You weren’t sure who this was hurting more but you also weren't sure who you wanted it to hurt either. You were mad at Matty for leaving you, for not trying harder to stay with you but at the same time, you hated yourself for feeling like this when you knew better.
“Baby...” He was caught off guard, you could tell by the tone in his voice but you carried on. Maybe it was for your own sanity or maybe it was to hurt him like how he hurt you, you weren't exactly sure at this point.
“No Matty, let me finish” You struggled to get the words out. It felt like you were putting the final nail in the coffin of your relationship. “I don’t know how to not feel like I should be in your arms when I wake up in the morning” You could feel the alcohol wearing off, the euphoric feeling was so far away now, you doubted it was ever actually real. “But you know what else?” 
“What?” He sounded tired. Tired of you is what your brain was screaming, pleading for you to listen.
“I hate myself because I can’t help the way I still want you but I just don’t know how not to” Your words felt like they carried the weight of everything you’ve been feeling over the past week but finally letting them out was nowhere near as freeing as you’d hoped it would be.
“I miss you too Y/n” He said it so simply. Like he was just on vacation and he’d be back in a few days. It was as if he hadn’t been affected like you had. Of course you knew he was distracted, he had a lot going on whether it was moving to a new city or meeting his new teammates or focusing on the game in itself, he had a lot on his plate. However, you hadn’t expected all of that to replace you so quickly.
“Do you though?” You challenged him. This time you were sure that it was selfish to ask but you didn’t care. You had to know if he missed you as much as you missed him, if he hurt just as badly.
“Of course I do” Matty let out another long breath. “You’re like second nature baby, just like breathing. I fucking miss you every second of every day" Your chest aches at his words. 
“I’ve never missed someone like this Matty” You practically whined to him. You could feel your heart breaking as the conversation went on but you ignored it. You deserved to feel like this after everything you’ve put him through. After starting this conversation with him when you know you never should have even reached out. It was apart of the deal.
“I need to focus on hockey” Matty was not budging, not that you necessarily wanted him to. 
“I never want to be a distraction to you Matty”
“I know you don’t and it’s not right now that I’m worried about... It’s just, when I leave for Seattle, I don’t want to be in a relationship, it wouldn't be fair to me or you” The words hit you like a freight train but you understood. Long distance required a lot of energy and you knew he wouldn’t have the time for that.
“We still have a year before that” You said quietly. 
“The only way I can commit to this is if we decide that it’ll end before I go” At this point, you would say yes to anything he said. You were so desperate for him, you’d take anything he was willing to give.
“You’re putting an expiry date on our relationship?” 
“It’s the only way” He said weakly. You could feel how much he needed this, how much he needed you so who were you to deprive him?
“Fine” It was stupid. A stupid way to begin a relationship and also stupid on your behalf for agreeing to it.
“And I need a clean break. No contact or anything after I’m gone” Your heart hammered in your chest but again, there was no way you were about to tell Matty Beniers no.
“Deal” You shook on it.
“Time goes by and I still need you but...” His voice trailed off but you’re able to fill in the blank for him.
“But we can’t, I know” You hadn’t even noticed that you’d started crying. “You’re worth the heartbreak Matty” You sniffled, trying to collect yourself.
“No regrets?” He asked quietly.
“Go find Mackie, get him to take you home” He mumbled. It sounded like a mixture of heartbreak and anger in his voice and you understood both parts. You never should have called him, it went against what you promised him but it was too late to fix that.
“Okay, I’m sorry Matty”
“It’s okay baby just... just get home safe, alright?” You hummed in acknowledgement before hanging up. It was abrupt but it was the only way to avoid him hearing the words tumbling out of your mouth. Instead, you spilled them to Mackie on your way home, as per Matty’s instructions.
“I love you” You mumbled, gripping onto his arm.
“Yeah, I love you too Y/n/n” Mackie shook his head while chuckling to himself as you walked the streets of Ann Arbor together.
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