#and he'd leave at 9 pm at night come back two hours later with a fucking alpaca or smth idk
confietti · 9 months
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“Where the fuck were you?” You stood up, arms crossed around your chest as you stared in disbelief at your husband.
He’s been working ‘overtime’ for the past 2 months and at first, you understood but now it was starting to get to you.
The first few nights he returned not that late, maybe around 9-10 pm. But then he started coming back later and later, and not paying you any attention at all.
Now it was 2 AM almost 3 and you were standing in the living room in your silk robe trying to figure out who your husband was anymore. You never thought his work could make him this unrecognizable.
“Work.” He said bluntly before attempting to push past your shared bedroom, you stopped him.
“Kento it's almost 3 in the morning and you’re telling me you’re just coming back from work? Don't bullshit me. I can barely recognize you— is that alcohol? Were you out fucking drinking?”
As you scolded him he showed nothing but disinterest. It's like he wanted you to stop talking. “I just went to the bar with Shoko and ‘em~ it’s not that big of a deal, honey. Calm down.”
With the look you gave him after he said that he knew he fucked up. “Calm down? You haven't given me even 5 minutes of your attention in months, Kento, and the first fucking thing you say to me after coming home almost 3, and drunk at that! you tell me to calm down?! Since you don't want me to worry about you, why don't you go live with Shoko ‘and ‘em’ instead?”
he watched as you said this with tears in your eyes before going back into the room and throwing a couple of pillows and a blanket at him before slamming the bedroom door and locking him out.
Nanami sighed as he adjusted the cushions and pillows to make himself comfortable on the couch. He regretted everything he just said to you, he vowed to make things right in a couple of hours. But until he crawled underneath the covers and fell asleep.
The next few days were the worst. You gave him the cold shoulder and wouldn't speak to him even if your life depended on it. You refused to stay in the same room with him for more than 15 minutes, you were washing the dishes? You'd drop them and come back to them later. You were eating dinner? You’d take the food back in the room and eat it there. You even went as far as to cook in smaller portions so that he had nothing to eat at all times. You were pissed and he knew it. He made several attempts to talk to you and even texted you just for you to leave him on read.
ken 💕: Darling? I'm so so sorry for what I said, please speak to me.
ken 💕: I'm back on my normal hours if that makes you feel any better.
ken ��: I love you.
“Baby?” you looked up from your spot on the couch to see your husband with a bouquet of roses. He looked so.. Exhausted.
He has bags under his eyes and had he been… crying? “I know you probably don't want anything to do with me right now but can you please listen to me?” You nodded in response.
“Thank you. I realized what I did to you was completely immature. After work, Shoko and Gojo carried me out for a few drinks because they saw that I was pretty tense. I lost track of time and how much I drank, I’m sorry. And about me working overtime… I stopped doing it. I’m back on my normal hours.”
He said all of that while blushing and scratching the nape of his neck which made you smile. You got up to hug him and whispered into his ear “After you put the roses in some water meet me in the bedroom so you can apologize to me fully.”
you gave him a smirk with a light nibble on his ear when you pulled away, grazing your hand over his crotch and walking back to the bedroom. Nanami swore that he'd never moved that fast for anything in his entire life. He quickly shoved the roses into the vase you two kept on the kitchen counter and made his way to the bedroom.
The sex that night was phenomenal. He was kneeling at the edge of the bed, eating you out even though you insisted that it was fine. By the time he finally pushed himself in you it felt as if you were gonna break him in half.
He silently cursed under his breath for not fucking you sooner. Nanami made love to you so tender and sensual that night, murmuring little “i love yous” into the crook of your neck and told you how sorry he was too. The next morning he made sure to take the week of the give you all of his attention. Boy, you loved him more than anything.
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!!! Not proofread !!!
a/n: suggested to me by my moot @/twicelles! i’ve had this in my drafts for about a week lol.
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© confietti, 2024. do not copy, steal, or repost my content without permission.
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kirishimasbabygirl · 2 years
🌄Early Morning🌄
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Hey y'all!!! Long time no see! This is the first part of a three part series I have whooped up for ya! I really hope you like angst this holiday season.
TW. Cheating (Katsuki is an asshole), Drinking, The word cum idk.
I hope you guys like it! I haven't written anything in about two years.
2 am.
He was supposed to be home six hours ago; you had called him over forty times with no answer and later went straight to voice mail.
You called his office and spoke to his secretary, who told you that he had left with his friends, so you called his best friend, who said they did go for drinks, but they all had left by 10 pm.
So here you are, sitting in your living room drinking.
Drinking whatever you could find in your cabinets.
You and Katsuki have been together since you were in your second year of high school; that was six years ago.
While the two of you did go to UA, only he could make it as a hero; once he broke the Top 10, he'd convinced you to quit your 9-5 and be a stay-at-home wife, more like a stay-at-home girlfriend.
You thought he would've proposed by now, but he would always say, "We're practically married already; why do we need a piece of paper to prove it?" and that was that.
It wasn't long after that he started coming home late.
You were always understanding about his work, so coming home late wasn't a problem; it didn't bother you; why would it? You trusted him.
Until now.
You downed your last glass of wine when you heard the front door open; you looked down at your phone.
3:30 am.
You hear Katsuki sigh and the thunk of his boot hitting the ground as he takes them off; you look over your shoulder, staring into the black hallway that leads to the entryway waiting for him to appear.
He slowly emerges from the darkness, groaning as he rolls his shoulders back.
He jumps, dropping his keys and wallet.
He glares at you as he reaches down to pick them up.
"What the fuck are you doing up?"
You drunkenly stand up. You are wobbling as you walk up to him.
He sets his belongings on the side table as you reach out and lay your hands on his chest, his hands coming up and engulfing yours.
He frowns.
"Are you drunk?"
You nod, leaning into his shirt, smelling him.
You roughly shove him back.
"S-shit!" He yells, grabbing the archway
"What the fuck!?"
He screams at you; his scowl softens as he sees your eyes welling up with tears.
He calls your name as he slowly reaches for you.
You turn your back to him, crying into your hands, shoulders shaking.
His heart breaks a little more; it's been hurting him all night.
"Who?" you sob.
He could feel his blood run cold.
You turn to him, face red and snotty
"Who is she?"
He swallows. "Baby, I don't know what you're talking about."
He reaches for you again, causing you to stumble back drunkenly.
"No! No, you liar!"
He hurries to catch you.
"No!" You wiggle in his grip.
He holds you tighter, pressing you into his chest.
"I called and called!" You scream, pounding on his chest.
"I called you! I called your office! Kirishima! And no one knew where you were!"
He feels his gut tie up in knots.
"And now… you come back smelling like a whore!"
You scream, thrashing around.
"Hey! Calm down; I need you to fucking calm down!"
You slump in his hold.
He ran a hand down his face as he sat in the leather reading chair in the corner of the room; he thought back on the night it went wrong.
"I hate you." You mumble as he picks you up, cradling you in his arms.
"I know."
"You're a liar."
He nods, walking you down to your shared bedroom.
"I know."
"I…I'm so tired."
He nods, pushing the door open.
"I know, baby."
"Don't call me that."
He nods again, laying you down on the bed.
"You don't get to call me that."
It wasn't long before you nodded off, leaving him awake.
Was it when he was getting ready to leave the office?
Was it when his friends dragged him out to some club?
Was it ignoring your calls in favor of talking to some blonde he knew from a modeling shoot his done?
Was it when he took her home?
Was it when he slept with her?
Was it that he thought he could come home and think everything would be alright?
5 am.
His phone dings.
He looks down at it; It's her. She sent him a picture.
He opens it.
It's a picture of his cum leaking out of her with the message, "Come fuck it back into me."
He glances up from his phone and looks at you, sprawled out on the bed, softly snoring.
He sent her some money and said, "Don't talk to me. Buy some plan B."
He looks at the time.
Fuck. Katsuki throws his head back and groans.
He has work in an hour.
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jakejeffreyperalta · 2 years
i was texting my cousin one time and told her i was procrastinating on an assignment and she told me to get back to it, " what would keith say" (i had a phase for him) and i told her that he dropped out because he was s discipline case.
she also saved my contact as "keith's wife". for a good few months.
NO LMAO 😭😭😭 this is so weird why does it feel like everybody had a keith phase except for me 💀
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter One
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1644
Hi everyone this is my first fic, so please feel free to as constructive criticism.
I'm bad at writing descriptions, so this is basically a reader insert into The First Avenger and then we'll see how it goes from there.
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It was 1943 when my life changed dramatically. The second world war had been going on for a few years now and with Hitler quickly rising to power it felt as though every young man and woman wanted to help the war cause. This included Steve Rogers, my brother, and James 'Bucky' Barnes, my secret fiancé.
We had all grown up together in Brooklyn and later on Bucky and I started to have more romantic feelings for each other. We've been engaged for two years now but Steve still doesn't know, no one knows. We've planned to tell everyone once Bucky gets back from the war, whenever that will be. Tonight is his last night in New York before he gets shipped off with the 107th to the front.
Currently, unknown to my brother and fiancé, I am working under Agent Peggy Carter in the Strategic Scientific Reserve or SSR for short. They believe I work as a full-time secretary for one of the many recruitment offices in New York. The SSR's work dealing with Hydra is highly classified and very dangerous. Agent Carter and I are not only the only two highly regarded women here but we're both two of the youngest agents.
Now enough with the back story, let's get into how this whole mess started.
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It was the day of the Stark Expo, Bucky had decided we would go there for a date and maybe a dance or two before we had to meet Steve. When I had gotten off of work at 5 pm sharp, Bucky was outside the recruitment office waiting.
"James I thought I told you not to wait for me outside of my place of work," I said to him as I walked over to him. He pulled me in close and kissed the top of my head.
"I know, but what kind of fiancé would I be if I didn't come to meet my best girl?" I try to push away from him but he just holds on tighter, chin resting on the top of my head and swaying us side to side.
"Shh be quiet or someone will hear you. We definitely don't need Steve finding out we're engaged yet."
"Fine," he said, letting go of me to then grab onto my hand, "I hope you wore your dancing shoes doll because that's all we're doing until I have to let you go." I giggled and nodded as we crossed the road on our way to Queens, where the expo was being held.
"So doll, did you have a good day at work?"
"Yeah, I just filed more recruitment papers and mailed off important documents. You know, the usual." We turned a corner and headed down to the subway. We walked in a comfortable silence until we got into the subway car. "How was your day today, anything exciting happen?"
"If you call saving your brother from being pummeled to death again exciting then no. Although, seeing you this afternoon has made my day a whole lot better."
I turned to look Bucky in the eyes, "Again? What happened this time?"
"He said he was at the theater and some punk was being disrespectful to the video of the troops overseas. Steve said he spoke up to the man, but you know how that always ends up for him." He unwrapped his hand from mine to then put the same arm around my shoulders.
"I wish he'd lay low, you're not going to be here to break up the fights anymore, and you know how he gets when I try to step in and help."
"Oh one more thing, he tried to enlist again. From New Jersey this time," He chuckled and shook his head.
"I have no clue what I'm going to do with him, James. I know he wants to go fight, but I can't risk having both my best men out there. I don't know what I'd do with myself if both of you left me here." I shifted closer into Bucky's arms. "Come on, our stop is just up ahead."
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When we entered the expo all I could do was stare. The lights and technology that Stark had put on display were amazing. Soon I felt a tug at my hand.
"Sweetheart come on I want to get at least one dance in before Steve shows up. I think I see a place we can go over here." Then I was quickly taken to a brightly lit dance floor where couples were gathering to dance to a slower song. Bucky slowly did a little bow and I followed with a small curtsy of my own. I couldn't keep myself from laughing. "Ma'am may I have this dance," he asked, holding his right hand out to me.
"You certainly may," I replied while placing my left hand into his outstretched one. He then wrapped his left arm around my waist and held our entwined hands upright in the air, and my right hand went to rest upon his shoulder. He smiled his signature little smirk.
Then the band started to play and we started to twirl around the dance floor.
After a minute I rested my head on Bucky's shoulder and wrapped my arm under his. "I never want this to end Buck. I'd dance with you forever if that meant you didn't have to go so far away from me."
"Oh, Doll I dread the end of this night. What am I going to do without you by my side every day," Bucky said as he gently rubbed the small of my back. "Somebody's got to go off and protect you and if that means fighting in this war, I'll gladly do it one hundred times over." He looked down at me and then kissed my temple. "Come one I think I see Steve over by the stairs." He let go of my hand and waist more quickly than I would have liked.
"Steve! Look who I found," I called and Bucky and I made our way over to the set of stairs my brother had been wandering about at. I ran over to give him a tight hug. "I heard you had a little scuffle again today and that you tried to enlist. Again." Steve stood there awkwardly and smoothed his hair back with his hand.
"Buck, I thought we agreed that we weren't gonna tell her this time," he said through his teeth at Bucky.
"Hey man it's not my fault your sister is crazy scary when she's trying to get something out of you," he said while putting his hands up in defense.
"Fair enough. But next time you tell her something like that I'll hurt you."
"I'd like to see you try there pal," Bucky retorted while trying to grab at Steve but I interjected before they could make a scene.
"Boys please act like adults, we're at a science and technology expo NOT a playground." They both stopped to look at me. I moseyed over to stand between them both and hooked my arms into theirs. I looked to the right at Bucky then to the left at Steve. "So boys, what should we look at first?"
The night progressed smoothly from there, with us going to see Stark's new flying car invention and many more new and exciting things. We laughed and joked, Bucky and Steve bickered, which I had to intervene in before it became an actual argument. Pretty soon 9 o'clock came and all three of us headed home to Brooklyn. Bucky walked with us to our door and we said our heartfelt goodbyes. After a rather tight hug, he left, strutting down the sidewalk towards his own home, but quickly turned to give a stiff-armed salute. Steve and I turned to go inside.
"Goodnight Stevie, I'll see you tomorrow," I called out down the short hall from my room. I waited for his reply before I shut my door and turned the light off. Gathering up my nightgown I slipped under the covers of my bed. It had been a good day, but the fact that Bucky was leaving in just a few hours kept coming to the forefront of my mind. I laid awake thinking of when I was ever going to see him again. At that moment the window to my room quietly creaked open. I sat up quickly reaching for the bedside lamp. When the weak yellow light filled the room Bucky was standing in the room, tangled in the curtain.
"Bucky what the hell are you doing," I whispered yelled at him.
"Well I thought I'd at least spend my last night stateside with my fiancée, but if you'd like me to leave then I will." He stated matter of factly and turned to go back out the way he had come.
"No don't go," I crawled over to the edge of the bed and reached for his hand, "You just surprised me is all. You haven't come through my window since we were kids." He laughed and let me pull him up to the head of the bed. He fell not so gracefully onto the sheets and swaddled me up close to his chest. I could smell the soap on his skin and the freshness of his nightshirt. I could hear the beat of his heart loudly in my ear as I started to drift off.
"Will you wake me up before you go," I questioned, snuggling further into his chest.
He was quiet for a long time, just laid there with his right hand playing with the ends of my hair. Then he nodded silently and gave the top of my head a long kiss goodnight. "I love you Doll," he mumbled into my hair.
"I love you too Sweetheart," I replied almost quietly enough to not hear.
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pretty-setter-bois · 4 years
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     ‘I’LL BE LATE’. a small text, really. maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much if it hadn’t been sent so many times in the past. or if it had been sent at all, in fact.
today was wednesday, the fourth day of the week. this week, it was the fourth time suna was late, but the first time that he’d arrived hours after work without further notice.
you roll over on the couch, coming to the conclusion that the anxiety eating up at you wouldn’t stop anytime soon.
what if he’s gotten tired of me? what if he’s seeing someone else? what if he’ll leave me for someone better?
to anyone else’s perspective, your thought process of the relationship would’ve sounded completely toxic.
the sound of the big hand reaching twelve on the clock was loud. it always was.
eight o'clock.
your mind drifts back to the morning, where suna had been awfully quiet — much quieter than he usually was, anyway. 
“you sure you’ve had enough for breakfast?” you’d pestered.
“yeah, don’t ask me again.” he replied, a small hint of irritation in his usually relaxed tone.
“okay.” you answered, a bit hurt.
the rest of the morning was silent, and suna had left earlier than he usually did.
maybe i should text him, he’s been gone longer than he was for the last two days. but he did sound frustrated this morning, and he was complaining about me being clingy recently.
you decide against your negative thoughts — he was your boyfriend, after all, right?
8:12 PM
hey, can you tell me when you’re coming home?
after waiting for a few minutes without a response, you partake in an endless scroll along several apps on social media to take your mind off of the message you sent.
8:57 PM
rin <3
in a few minutes
you shut off your phone, feeling that if you stay on it for too long, you’d get your hopes up. in your dictionary, ‘a few minutes’ from suna meant a little under an hour. if only you could go back to when a few minutes meant a few minutes.
9:00 PM
stay safe!
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     “OI, SUNA,” WASHIO calls out in his deep voice. “don’t you think it’s time for you to go home?”
“what do you mean?”
“he’s kind of right.” komori says, stirring the ice in his drink. “wouldn’t (Y/N) be worried right now?”
he shrugs, taking his phone out at the mention of your name.
8:12 PM
hey, can you tell me when you’re coming home?
he places his phone back in his pocket, eyes glancing over to the clock of the bar.
8:30 PM.
practice had ended three-and-a-half hours ago, to be exact. he’d spent the past hour joking around and poking fun at komori’s drinking habits, the time before that being post-practice training.
“i mean, you’ve been late a lot recently. i know if i had someone waiting for me at home, i’d try to avoid being late.” washio speaks again.
“ah, speaking of keeping someone waiting,” komoya stands up. “i’m supposed to be picking sakusa up after his practice, so i’ll get going now.”
“goodbye.” washio nods.
“later.” suna salutes.
after paying his bill, komoya places on his jacket and leaves.
“you might wanna lay off on the drinking a little.” washio suggests.
“we don’t have practice tomorrow, it’s coach’s daughter’s birthday.” suna replies, downing what remained of his drink.
“and friday-”
“is also off, coach has to go to that ‘all japan’ meeting for the coaches in the prefecture.”
“still, it is not wise to consume all of this-”
“another one!” suna calls out to the bartenders.
it was hard to believe how different he could be after a night of drinking. his usual introverted, lazy-self almost transformed after a few glasses of the intoxicated drinks.
this time, he drinks the glass all in one sip, ignoring washio’s warnings of protest.
"suna, it's starting to get late." washio sternly states.
"mhm." suna replies, taking his phone out of his pocket to text you.
8:57 PM
in a few minutes
the middle blocker quickly rises to his feet after that, forgetting the 200 milliliters of alcohol he’d consumed a few minutes ago.
he wobbles on his feet, trying to see what was in front of him despite the dark, recurring spots that obstructed his vision.
"hey, suna!" he faintly hears.
his teammate pays the bill, placing the middle blockers arm around his shoulder and taking his leave.
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     THE SOUND OF the doorbell was loud in your empty, melancholic apartment, causing your heart to jump and your body to rattle after it. you hastily make your way to the door, half confused and half terrified.
rarely anyone rang the doorbell, and when they did, suna answered it. what if suna was at the door? he usually had his own key, so he didn't need to knock.
you open the door, greeted by the sight of washio struggling to hold a half-asleep suna.
"what happened?" you ask, worried.
"ah, he ended up getting a little carried away..." he sheepishly admits.
suna practically throws himself onto you, head nuzzling into your shoulder.
"thank you, washio-san. sorry for the trouble." you apologize.
"it was nothing at all." he shakes his head. "have a good night."
"you too." you nod, closing the door after he'd left.
"(N/N)." suna mumbles.
your breath hitches. it had been ages since he's called you that. in fact, ages since he's been so touchy.
he often kept his distance from you now, only speaking to you when he was asking you where something was in the apartment or telling you that you need to go grocery shopping.
"yeah?" you respond.
"i'm tired."
"alright, come on."
you take him to the bathroom, pulling down the toilet seat for him to sit on while you brushed his teeth. you'd rather him whine about being sleepy rather than getting a cavity.
when he finished that, you gave him a change of clothes to put on before he'd slept. him, of course, being half-asleep already, couldn't tell half of what was happening, and you ended up helping him in the end.
you'd led him to bed after that, covering him in sheets and wishing him a goodnight. as you began to stand up, he grabs your wrist.
"(Y/N)." he whines a little, voice softer than before.
"yeah, rintaro?"
"don't leave me alone."
the words take a few minutes to register in your mind.
don't leave me alone.
maybe you'd made up the entire morning. what if he was just grumpy? everyone's grumpy in the morning, so it wouldn't make a difference if suna was.
besides, his nature was being lazy. maybe he was just a bit tired and wanted to go on with his day. they say a sober mans thoughts are a drunk mans words, right?
you glance at his face, an innocent expression donning his sleepy features. how could someone like this ever wrong anybody?
"just give me a few minutes." you finally, breathily exclaim.
he gives what you assume is a nod, and you head into the bathroom to brush your own teeth and change.
when you come back, suna's already fast asleep. he looks so peaceful, so happy.
you'd give anything to see him like that again, even if it meant to unintentionally lose yourself in the process.
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@stfucanunot ​@sunaswife​
NOTES ☀♕❣⁂ღ
i hope i got this write hehe.
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mshermia · 4 years
No. 13 - The Winter Air - Part III
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Whumptober 2020 Prompt No. 13 - Breathe In, Breathe Out
Delayed Drowning | Chemical Pneumonia | Oxygen Mask
Part I
Part II
The house was quiet and dark. Morgan really seemed to be asleep in his arms this time. Her breathing was deep and strong. In contrast, he tried to keep his own shallow, scared that any excess movement even of his chest might wake her back up.
So he stayed quiet and completely still until he saw the lights outside of his window. Carefully and slowly he maneuvered himself out of his own bed, cradling Morgan's head that had been cushioned on his chest until he had moved it onto the pillow instead. He snuck to the door and stole out of the room before May and Happy had even made it into the house. At least that meant there was no light for the hallway was dark and silent, nothing that could disturb the little girl
"FRI, 20% lights please."
"Of course, Peter."
He made it down the stairs just as the two adults unlocked the front door.
"How is he?" His voice sounded small and hoarse.
"Oh, honey, come here..." May's hands were in him in moments, pulling him into her arms. His eyes closed, he counted to 5, indulging her. "You okay, hm? No cough?" Her hand ran through his hair, along his face, pressed a kiss against his forehead.
"How is Tony?" he finally asked. "What... what is happening? I don't... I don't understand!"
"Come on, bud, let's just..." Happy sighed, one hand on his shoulder. "Let's get out of the hallway at least."
They positively dragged him into the living room, made him sit on the couch just next to where the blankets were still lying that Pepper had pulled all around Mr. Stark.
"Please..." His try to keep the pleading whine out of his voice was unsuccessful. "Just tell me what's happening!"
May sat down next to him but it was Happy who spoke up. "The doctors are doing the best they can to treat Tony and all we can do right now is—"
"Yeah, that's what they tell the families when someone is about to die." He looked from Happy to May and then back to Happy again. "I want to see him."
"Peter, honey..." May shifted a little closer. "There is nothing any of us can do right now other than being here for Morgan and then tomorrow morning—"
"No, I..." He shot up from the couch, every muscle in his body seemed electrified. "I can't just sit here and wait." He shook his head. "Last time you told me to just do nothing he would have just... just stayed dead. I can't—"
"Alright, alright..." Happy had stepped a little closer. "Just calm down for a moment. This is... this is very different from what happened with... erm... over... over the summer, okay? He's at the hospital. He has people who are—"
"Just stop!" Peter's eyes wandered back and forth between them. While Happy looked a little shocked at his outburst, May's eyes were round and wide ever since he had stated that he wanted to see Mr. Stark. "I can't just sit here. Please."
"Just sitting here, just sitting there..." Happy pulled his arms up to underline the shrug. "What does it matter tonight? He's not even conscious right now, Pete. At least here, you have a bed where... Peter!"
His heart had given such a painful squeeze, he'd staggered back a bit only to rebound with a rush towards the cupboard in the hallway where Mr. Stark kept his car keys.
He was... he was unconscious? Peter's breathing staggered at the thought. Unconscious? Why... why? 
"Hey, stop! Peter—" Haply had put himself between Peter and the door that led to the garage.
"Get out of my way."
"Honey, please. It's the middle of the night. There is no point." May was close behind him but still kept her distance, not physically trying to hold him back. Not yet. "They won't even let you into the hospital right now!"
Happy's hands were pulled up in a defensive gesture as he blocked the door. "Pepper is with him. He's not alone, okay? We'll go right after breakfast and—"
"I don't want to hurt you, Happy." Peter's hands were balled up into fists to retain control over his panic. "Please. Move."
"Hey, I know you're scared for him..." He shook his head, eyes intently on Peter. "I get that, okay? But you can't—"
"Alright..." Peter muttered under his breath. 
He stepped a little closer, feigning to go left, and just as Happy jumped into action, he dodged him on the right instead. Child's play, really. He shut the door to the house behind him then pressed the button to open the garage door, and quickly jumped into the Audi. A quick flip on the gearshift put the car in reverse and he stepped on the gas. Suddenly, there was a tingling on the back of his neck and without thinking, Peter jumped on the break with both feet just as Happy rushed out of the house and came to stand right there in the driveway.
"Holy fuck," Peter breathed.
Happy rushed towards him, pulled open the door.
"Alright kid, just—"
"I need to see him!" His knuckles were white from how hard he was holding the steering wheel.
"Yeah, I got that, but you're not driving."
Peter looked up at him, his eyes burning.
"Just.. come on..." he sighed. "Scooch over. I'll drive you."
Peter froze, not sure if he had heard that right. "You... you will?"
Happy pursed his lips and gave a quick wave to May who still stood at the front door. "Will there be another way to keep you quiet?"
"That's what I thought. Go on. Passenger seat for you."
Their drive was quiet. Peter's eyes got a little heavy. Maybe he was a bit more exhausted than he had realized. Once or twice he startled himself, sat up straight after he had almost nodded off.
"We have another 20 minutes to go." Happy's voice was low, eyes focussed on the dark road ahead of them. "You can close your eyes for a bit of you want."
Peter huffed. "You trying to circle the block till I'm down? I'm not a kid anymore."
Happy shook his head and for a moment, Peter thought he might leave it at that. "You're old enough to know that getting tired has nothing to do with being a kid. It's been a long day, Pete. It's okay to need some rest, even for Spider-Man."
He looked down at his hands where one of his thumbs was flicking the other back and forth. "How are you this calm?" 
There was another beat of silence before Happy answered just as quiet as before. "Someone has to be."
"But he... he's unconscious. In the hospital," Peter whispered back, his voice shaking.
For the first time since he had gotten in the car, Happy gave a quick glance in his direction. "It's Tony."
He said it like that should be enough to believe that the man would just wing this. Like he wasn't mortal. Like they hadn't all been at that very house they had just left less than 6 months ago to mourn him. Like Peter hadn't watched him die before.
His face turned away from Happy towards the window, lip caught between his teeth he was trying to think of anything but that fear in his heart. The fear that crept up to his lungs and made it hard to breathe.
20 minutes later they had parked the car and rushed towards the entrance of the hospital. Well, Peter rushed, Happy tried to keep up. The lights in the hallway were blindingly bright. He squinted his eyes to protect his senses from at least some of the glare. Happy was right next to him, guiding him now with a hand on the back of his neck.
Peter sent a sideways glance in Happy's direction. "You know where we're going?"
Happy shushed him as a set of automated doors buzzed open in front of them. There was a bit of a commotion to their left as they walked on.
"Hey! Stop!"
Peter tensed under Happy's hand and craned his neck. A security guard, no two, came rushing out of their booth.
"Visiting hours are over, fellas!"
Happy held his head high as he looked the two men up and down. "We're on our way to the ICU. We called ahead."
"Visiting hours are from 7 am to 9 pm. So how about..." One of them, short, no hair, made a show of pulling out his watch. "How about you come back in 6 hours and 12 minutes, yes. Alright." He gestured to the door they had just walked through.
Without even acknowledging the man's comment, Happy gave Peter's back a light push and made him walk on towards the elevators that the hallway was leading towards.
"Hey, woah, you can't just... hey, stop! Freeze!"
Happy blew out a low breath but stopped walking. He turned towards the security man. "Listen, buddy. I'm really not in the mood for this tonight. Call your supervisor, hm? Like I said, we called ahead to—"
"And I said, visiting hours are from—"
The elevator door behind them opened and both security guards' faces made an impressive run through the motion from anger to surprise and then very clear annoyance.
"Mr. Hogan?"
Happy's eyebrows moved up and he tilted his head a little to the side while he still stared at the men in front of him. "Mrs. Sakuma..." He turned towards her. "I presume?"
"Miss actually." She looked past him at her two subordinates. "I'll take it from here, gentlemen."
The lady ushered both, Peter and Happy, into the elevator, then followed them and pressed the button for the third floor. Peter's heart was racing, his pulse hammering in his ears and it had nothing to do with hospital security.
"He's... he's in the ICU?" His eyes were looking for Happy's but the man just placed his hand on Peter's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, followed by a light nod of his head.
"I'm sorry, my mistake, Miss Sakuma."
"Oh, not to worry, not to worry!" The lady wrung her hands, looking just as nervous as Peter felt. "We have set Mr. Stark up in a room with the utmost privacy just like you had requested, Sir," the lady continued, her eyes nervously wandered from his hands to Happy and then to the door of the elevator. "I informed Mrs. Stark about the imminent arrival of Mr. Stark's son right after your er... colleague called."
Peter's head shot up but Happy kept a tight grip on his shoulder. "Thank you, Ms. Sakuma."
"We have been doing our best to accommodate everything that Mrs. Stark asked for but she didn't really seem interested in any offer we could make for... for food or the bed in the adjacent room. She just—"
"You don't need to worry about that, Miss," Happy interrupted. "That's what I'm here for."
The doors opened up to another long hallway considerably darker than the entrance of the hospital had been. Peter's feet only moved when the pressure of Happy's hand urged him to go. He couldn't even feel his legs. Or his arms. His whole body was buzzing after what the woman had just said. Mr. Stark's son? And she had said that to Pepper? Peter swallowed hard. He'd never live that one down. Their steps echoed through the otherwise silent wing. Their steps and Peter's thundering pulse it seemed.
It wasn't such a big deal. Right? He needed to get a grip of himself. A white lie, probably so the hospital would let them in. Happy, he knew how these things worked. This wasn't his first rodeo, far from it.
"Here we are," Ms. Sakuma said, gesturing at the door in front of them. "I'll be here all night if you need anything—"
"Thank you." Happy interrupted, bowing his head in the slightest motions.
"R-right." The lady did a weird mix of a bow and courtesy before she blushed slightly and walked back towards the elevators.
One hand still on Peter's shoulder, Happy reached forward and pressed down the handle of the door. The first thing Peter's eyes fell on were Pepper as she sat close to the window, curled up with a blanket in a large armchair. She was awake and roused herself out of the chair as Happy pushed Peter into the room.
He wouldn't have moved on his own. He was too occupied staring at the hospital bed that stood right next to Pepper's chair. Not the bed of course, he was staring at the man who was lying on that bed. His arms were stretched out next to his body an IV lodged in his left arm. Two, two IV's. There were two separate bags hanging on the stand at the top of the bed. Most of his mentor's face was obstructed by an oxygen mask. His eyes were closed, his body motionless except for his chest that was rising in short and shallow pulses.
It wasn't until Pepper's hands had pulled him closer and then into a tight hug that he even noticed that she had walked towards him.
"Wh-what happened?" Peter's voice was thin and teary even though he had been so determined to keep his tears back, had thought he was too numb anyway for any emotions to overflow. Apparently, he'd been wrong.
"Shh, just take a breath, honey."
"I... I don't understand. He was... he was fine. He was fine. I... I pulled him out in time, I did. I—"
"Hey, Peter... listen to me."
He couldn't take his eyes off the man's face, the ashen blue-ish look of his skin. That mask.
"Hey, honey, look at me." Her hands cradled of face and turned it towards her. "You did. Alright? You did so good. This is not—"
"I should have... oh god, I... I waited too long, didn't I? I... I should... should have never taken my... my stuff off. I... I would have been fine. I wouldn't have sunk." His eyes shifted back over to his mentor despite Pepper's hands on his face. "I would have been fine and faster, gotten him out so much faster it—"
"Shhh, no, Peter. No, that's not... Peter, look at me. You did everything right, okay? Hey..." Her eyes were wide when he finally looked at her. "You helped Tony and you also took care not to... not to put yourself in... in more danger than..." She swallowed hard. "You've done everything right."
"Then why is he here? Why... why is this happening?"
Pepper pulled him towards the chair. Both hands on his shoulders, she pushed him down until he sat, then she crouched down to be on the same eye-level as he was.
"Tony inhaled some water. This is where these complications came from."
"But... but then if I'd been faster—"
"Peter, when you pulled him up, he was conscious, wasn't he?"
"I..." He shook his head. "You did. You... you pulled him out. Both of us"
"Al-alright. Yes. Yes, I did." She nodded, her head slightly tilted to the side. "But you pulled him out from under the ice, right?"
"Right," Peter whispered.
"And he was conscious then."
"He... he grabbed my arm, under... in the water. I.... I didn't..." He shook his head, his eyes burning. "I didn't find him, he... he... he found me!"
"Well, the things is, darling, he was not passed out, was he?"
A shudder went through him as he thought back to those moments underwater that had seemed so much longer. Of how someone... Mr. Stark. He had reached for him out of the icy darkness in that lake. "N-no, he wasn't."
"No." Pepper hand was back on his cheek and she nodded like it would mean something that Mr. Stark had reached for him. "But aspiration of water is not something that just happens, even in the struggle to breathe underwater. A person usually falls unconscious before something like that happens."
He frowned, not really following where she was going. "But then... how—"
"The.... the doctors think that maybe when Tony first fell into the water, when is head was submerged under the water, that it was such a shock to his system because of the cold that he might have blacked out for a moment and that this is where he inhaled some water."
"Oh..." With a shiver, Peter tried to shake off the icy feeling that suddenly flooded his senses as Pepper's words brought back those memories. He seemed to tremble just like he had when he had slid into that ice-cold lake when he had dove down to find his mentor and just hardly managed to keep his own consciousness. "He passed out when he fell in."
"That's what the doctors think."
Peter nodded like his agreement would matter to the doctors. His eyes shifted over to Mr. Stark. He was just lying there, quiet, unmoving.
"He's on antibiotics now," Pepper explained.
Quickly, Peter blinked away his tears the best he could before he looked back up at her.
"The water he inhaled caused inflammation in his lungs. That turned into pneumonia."
"Is... Is that..." Peter silently the weakness in his voice. "Is that why he fell unconscious?"
"No!" Pepper's hands squeezed his, looking for eye contact. "No, darling. It's... the sedation helps his body rest. The coughing would have kept him up."
"Oh..." Peter frowned, not sure if this was better or worse. "That's..." He frowned.
"They are giving his body time to fight this."
He nodded, trying to signal that he understood when really, he wasn't sure he did. All he knew was that Mr. Stark was hooked up to a few machines while they had knocked him out. It should make him feel better that his mentor was monitored and treated by professionals, but a single glance at how helpless the man looked blew all that away.
Happy tried to usher him in the adjacent room at least twice if not three times. Peter didn't even try to pay attention to it. It wasn't until Happy dragged in an armchair from the other room and placed it just next to Pepper, that Peter found it in himself to settle down. Yes, Happy had been right, there wasn't anything he could do but sit and wait, but he couldn't deny that the sitting and waiting felt a lot easier to handle while he could watch his mentor's chest rise and fall, confirming that he was still there with them.
He woke up with a start when someone nudged his shoulder. For a moment, he was a little lost, not sure when he had fallen asleep and most of all, where. He glanced around himself and couldn't really place his surroundings at all. Then he saw Pepper and the hospital bed. Right. Mr. Stark. The realization had him jerk up straight, eyes wide open, mind alert.
"It's okay, honey. Tony's doctor will be here any minute. I thought you might like to hear, hm?"
Peter had barely had time to rub his eyes before the door swung open but instead of the doctors, it was Morgan who rushed through the door, closely followed by Happy. Without as much as a look at either her mother or Peter, the little girl ran for the bed and pulled herself close to Tony. Peter's eyes were wide and he had just been about to pull her back so she wouldn't make it harder for the man to breathe when his arm came up and pulled his daughter close.
Mr. Stark was awake and Peter hadn't even realized. There was little time for Peter to mull that one over before the door swung open again and three doctors pressed through the frame almost simultaneously followed by the lady that had led them up to the room the previous night. He tried to rouse himself, tried to keep up when they talked about inflammatory damage to alveolar-capillary membranes and acute respiratory distress. 
The doctors then did ask them to wait in the other room while they would examine Mr. Stark. Morgan protested heavily until Happy picked her up and carried her next door. Peter kept his head down and followed along, leaving Mr. Stark and Pepper alone with the doctors.
Miss Sakuma had followed along and closed the door to Mr. Stark's room. In impressive detail, she ran through a list of food and beverages, magazines, and things like that, but Peter had no appetite or nerve to do anything but wait for what the doctors had to say. Morgan on the other hand, was outright rude to the lady, telling her how she hadn't asked for anything and wasn't planning on it either.
"Morgan, that's enough." Happy rarely treated the girl like anything but the little princess firecracker she was but even he was taken aback by her outburst.
"I said, I don't want anything!" she whined.
"That's..." The lady cleared her throat. "That is perfectly okay, little Miss. Mr. Hogan, if you do need anything please just let the staff know."
Peter had his arms crossed as he watched Miss Sakuma leave the room, then turned and just caught how Morgan tore herself free from Happy and stalked over to the couch next to the window. With a heavy groan, she let herself fall down, face balled up with frustration. Happy was just about to open his mouth when Peter walked up to him.
"You know... actually... about the breakfast thing..."
Happy narrowed his eyes on him. The expression on his face said that he knew what Peter was trying to do and if he did know, it seemed that he was okay with Peter to give it a shot. "Well, let me see if I can find you any, hm?"
Peter waited for a beat after the door had fallen shut behind Happy. Morgan wasn't looking at him, head turned away and arms crossed. She seemed mad and for the first time in the hectic of the day so far, it dawned on Peter who she was really upset with.
"Hey... Morg?"
She didn't look at him though, only jerked herself a bit further away from him.
"Morgan?" He was slow to come closer to her and then came to sit down next to her on the couch. "Hey, you okay?"
It didn't take much to make her talk. "I told you I wanted to go and you just left me!"
"I..." Peter flinched back at her words, mouth gaping. "You... you were sleeping and... and I didn't... you were sleeping and..." And he hadn't even thought of that. How to get to the hospital had been the only thought on his mind.
"So? You could have woken me up!" She growled at him, still turned away but not even pretending to hide her anger. "I wanted to go! I told you I wanted to see my dad!"
"That... Morgan, they would have never allowed it." He swallowed hard. That wasn't even a lie. In fact, if Morgan had been up by the time Peter had made his intentions clear to May and Happy about driving to the hospital, he was pretty sure nobody would have left the house that night.
"I don't care," she spat at him over her shoulder.
"Hey, come on... I'm sorry, okay? I could have never convinced them. It was past midnight!"
"So?" She finally turned towards him, arms still tightly crossed around herself. "They let you go, didn't they? Happy took you to see my dad and not me!"
"I'm sorry, Bambi, I... I didn't mean to—"
"DON'T call me that!" The voice was high pitched and sharp. So sharp in fact, Peter flinched back from her.
"I... I'm sorry, Morgan. I..." He shook his head, not even sure what to say. He had never seen her this angry before.
"Happy took you but he's my dad," she yelled at him. "He's not your dad!"
Peter didn't really know when he had stood up from the couch, but he had as if the cushion had been on fire. Then he just stood there, staring, his mouth wordlessly open.
"All you do is get him hurt! He never got hurt like this before you came back!"
"Morgan!" Pepper had rushed into the room and quickly came to kneel in front of her daughter, both hands on her arms. "Morgan Hertha Stark, what do you think you're doing right now? Apologize to Peter!"
"But he's not!" She was crying now, big tears rolling down both her cheeks. "He's my dad, not Peter's!"
Pepper's mouth popped open but she didn't say anything until she shook herself out of her trance. "Morgen, that... Peter and your dad—"
"No..." Peter cleared his throat and retreated a couple of steps. "That's... that's okay. You... you're right, Morgan, he's... he's your dad, not mine. I... I shouldn't have..."
Pepper's eyes were on him but she struggled to let go of her crying daughter. "Peter, honey, just... that's not... Tony loves you, you know that."
His eyes were burning even without looking at either Pepper or Morgan. "She's.. she's right, I... I shouldn't even..."
He shook his head and was through the door that led out to the hallway without another look at them. His mind was racing so fast he didn't even know where he was going until he pushed his way into the stairwell. He hesitated for a second before he climbed the stairs up all the way to the rooftop. He just needed some air. He need to think. To come up with a way out of there. There was a padlock on the door that led outside which was flimsy enough that it didn't stand a chance against his strength. He pushed into the open and the cold New York air was almost as painful as a punch to the face. 
It did help clear his mind though or maybe that was the pacing. It was impossible for his feet to stand still up there and not just because it was freezing. He lost all sense of time as he walked back and forth along the edge of the building. Mr. Stark would be annoyed with him this close to the ledge without his suit, but Mr. Stark wasn't there to lecture him now, was he?
His head shot up and he froze but stopped himself from looking over his shoulder at Happy.
"You really need to think of new places to hide if you don't want to be found, kid."
"Why did you come up here," Peter whispered into the cold wind.
"Well," Happy sniffed out a short breath. "Because of Tony."
His heart was beating in his throat, a sudden sense of dread engulfing him. "Is... is he okay?"
Happy frowned. "He asked for you."
Peter's eyes went wide. "He... he did?"
His eyebrows knitted close, he studied Peter. "Wouldn't chase you all the way up here if he hadn't, would I?"
It didn't matter. Peter turned his back, head bowed low. How could he go down there right now? Disturb him? The three of them? He should go home, leave them be and maybe if— when... when Mr. Stark was a little stronger—
"I, erm...." He cleared his throat, concentrating on his voice. "I think it's... it's not the right time for that."
Happy blew out a low grunt. "Listen, about Morgan—"
Peter turned on his heel, pulse spiking. "She told you?"
"Pepper," he sighed. "Pepper told me you guys had a fight."
"We didn't—" His heart made a jump as it suddenly occurred to him why Mr. Stark would want to talk to him. "Did she... did she tell him? Oh god, did she tell him that Morgen... that I..."
"Hey kid, take a breath, okay?" The man shuffled a little closer, the concern on his face now evident. "Of course we didn't tell Tony."
Deep breaths. He had to get a grip on his nerves. They were running away with him.
"Come on, the little munchkin is upset and she let it out on you. It's not fair but you shouldn't take it to heart."
One hand on his face, Peter rubbed his temples. His head was throbbing, likely but not exclusively because he had hardly gotten any sleep last night. Not like he would admit it and earn himself another lecture though.
"She's a child, Peter. You think she has any idea how to place any of this? You and Tony, what you mean to each other? She's four years old! She doesn't know what Tony's life was like before you came into it. Or even before she came into it. How often he got hurt, how severely."
"So?" Peter looked back up at him. "That's not her fault, is it? She just... just calls it like she sees it and all she's known was a life that was quieter and... and more peaceful while I was gone."
Happy shook his head getting a couple of steps closer. "While half the universe was gone, Pete."
"I've been back what, 6 months? And he's been in the hospital or... or injured how many times since then?"
"Don't flatter yourself, kid."
Peter only huffed and turned away.
"You saved his life, more than once. You brought him back from the goddamn dead, Peter."
"Yeah, well..." Morgan didn't know that. Didn't know his secret. Nobody did outside of the people on the battlefield that day. Nobody could ever know.
"You've always had his back, Pete. From the very beginning." The man groaned. "Hell, I don't even know how he'd stand up to the Rogues without you having his back."
"The Rogues..." Peter shook his head. "They don't matter. Rogers knows not to bother him anymore."
There was a moment of silence. "What is that supposed to mean?" Happy's voice rang sharp.
Peter bit his lip, eyes on his feet. "It... it has nothing to do with this, okay?"
Loud steps behind him made it clear that Happy was walking closer. "What the hell did you say to Steve Rogers, Peter?"
Oh, he had said a good many things to the Captain, none of them he was willing to discuss on the rooftop of the hospital Mr. Stark was being treated in though. He turned, just as Happy came to a halt right in front of him. "I'm just... I'm gonna go home. Can you.... you're.... you'll pick up May, right? I mean, she... you'll..."
"Hey, can you slow down for a moment?"
"Please? I can... I'll take the subway. Maybe get in an hour or two of patrol on the way back to Queens." That wasn't really an option. His regular suit was still in Queens and the nano-housing unit for the Iron Spider was in his room at the Stark residence, but it was a good enough excuse to bolt as any.
"Come on, kid..." Happy's hand came to rest on his shoulder. "You made me drive you here in the middle of the night and now you're not gonna talk to Tony when he asks for you?"
His pulse was hammering in his ears. He did want to see him, now that he was awake. Make sure that his mentor would be okay...
"Pepper and Morgan are grabbing a bite to eat, so... you know. It'd just be the two of you."
Peter looked up at him. He felt a little numb but without thinking much more about it, he nodded his head yes. Just Mr. Stark. He could do that.
They walked silently side by side, not to the stairs but the elevator. Peter's heart was throbbing in his throat, nerves making his hands shake. Happy accompanied him to the door like he wouldn't be able to find it on his own. Or like he would run if left unsupervised.
"Here we are." Happy motioned for the door. "Go on, I'll go see how the girls are doing."
Peter pulled in a deep breath before he pushed the door open. The room was indeed empty. Except for his mentor of course. The mask was obstructing most of his face though so Peter had to step a little closer till he could confirm that the man was awake, looking right at him.
"Mr. Stark?"
The man's eyes fell shut for a moment, then he reached up and pulled the oxygen mask down. "Back to... that, are we?"
Peter swallowed hard at the strain in his mentor's voice, his cheeks hot as he stepped even closer to the bed.
"You're not supposed to remove that," Peter whispered.
The man's eyes were on Peter's face, unwavering. "Think it's... okay... for a moment."
"Oh yeah?" It was awkward just standing there. He didn't know what to do with his hands or arms. "And where did you get your medical degree, hm?"
The corners of the man's mouth twitched. "The Wizard's been... expanding my basics."
Peter frowned. "Strange?" He contemplated what that would be like, those two men on like... a video call or something? That smelled like more trouble than it was worth. "You shouldn't be talking to the Wizard. You're supposed to be in retirement."
Mr. Stark gave him a look. "Retired from... active duty. Don't ship me... off to an old... folk's home yet."
One hand scratching the back of his neck, Peter avoided the man's eyes. He didn't like this at all and he couldn't even hide the fact that he didn't.
"Kid..." He waited until Peter looked back up at him. "I don't... remember a lot of... what happened... yesterday. But Pepper... Pepper said that I... was a bit... of an ass... to you."
Heat was rushing to Peter's face. "It's... it's okay, you don't... "
"I'm sorry." His eyes were so intent on Peter, it almost made him overlook how the breaks between his words when he tried to suck in more air became longer. "Thank... you... for saving... me."
Peter could only shake his head, eyes on his hands instead of Mr. Stark.
"Pete?" For a moment it seemed like he wanted to say something else until he screwed his face up in pain and a deep cough rang through the room. One at first then the man struggled to pull in a deep breath and coughed some more.
Peter's hand was on the mask in seconds and pulled it back up over his mentor's mouth and nose. "Just breathe, Sir, just breathe." One hand still held the mask in place while the other rubbed the man's arm.
It took a couple of minutes until his breathing had calmed down enough that Peter felt confident enough to let go of the oxygen mask. He had just been about to step back, to let the man get the rest he needed when he caught Peter by his arm.
"Kid, it'll..." His voice was strongly muffled through the mask. "I'll be okay."
Goosebumps traveled from his neck all the way into the tips of Peter's fingers. His throat felt constricted like his emotions were trying to choke him while Mr. Stark looked at him like he could peer into his very soul.
"Come on... give... your old... man... a hug... hm?"
Peter bit his lip hard and a part of him wanted to turn and bolt, but a soft tug on his wrist by Mr. Stark was all he needed to lean down and wrap his arms around the man. Mr. Stark held him close to his chest, while he muttered again and again that everything would be okay. That he would be okay. The words, the promise everyone else had been avoiding to make since the night before. He couldn't deny that those arms around him, holding him close, that it brought a sense of calm and confidence that he had been thoroughly lacking. He couldn't deny the tears either that he shed while he pressed his face against the man's chest.
Only a feeling that crept up his spine made him let go and rub a hand across his eyes before the door swung open. He had taken a couple of steps back from the bed, his mentor's eyes still on him when Morgan rushed towards the bed and clung to her dad in the very same spot that Peter had been kneeling at just a few moments earlier.
"Honey...." Pepper's voice was low right next to him. "Let's go and talk, hm? You and me."
It was the last thing he wanted, to talk about this some more. But what was he supposed to do? Say no to her? Instead, he gave a jerky nod but just as Pepper was about to lead him to the room next door, the lady from the hospital reappeared. Without much preamble, she started talking to Pepper about a nicer and bigger room with more light, more comfortable now that Mr. Stark could be moved out of the ICU and while Pepper was distracted by the lady's congratulations on how much better her husband was already doing, Peter decided on the only plan of action he could handle right now.
He stole to the door of the room then turned one last time and found Mr. Stark's eyes glued to his every movement. For a moment it seemed like the man was about to say something but Peter didn't stick around long enough to find out. He slipped out of the door and back into the stairwell.
Without his suit, it would be a long and dreary trip to the other side of the city.
[author’s note: Thank you guys so much for reading, the likes, reblogs and comments. I love and super appreciate them!
I took some creative license with Morgan's middle name cause Morgan H. Stark is canon and I absolutely hate the idea of Tony naming his daughter after Howard no matter how many people want to go on about Stark family traditions, I decided, he would rather name her after a strong female historic persona and decided on Hertha Ayrton, a British Engineer, mathematician, physicist, inventor.]
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