#and heard her talking about how much she wished she could remove/change certain aspects of her face
yardsards · 9 months
surrounding myself with a bubble of diversity and self love and body positivity online and then being exposed to normies who actually care about conventional beauty standards feels so fucking bizarre. like you people just live like this??? are you not tired???
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moon-in-daylight · 4 years
Save you (Part 4) / Dhawan!Master x reader
Summary: Traveling with The Doctor had shown you incredible things: The existence of extraterrestrial live, the possibility of time travel and the most beautiful and remote places you could have ever imagine... But being with her had also made you develop some strong values. To be kind and always help those in need. But would you be up to help The Master now that he is the one who needs to be saved?
Words: 5124
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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Finding The Doctor wasn’t easy when you didn’t have a time machine. You weren’t sure where or when to look for her, but you thought maybe some friends of yours would have an idea. The first thing you did was trying to contact the fam to see if they were travelling with The Doctor, but when you found them, they still believed she had sacrificed herself in Gallifrey. As soon as you gave them the news that both you and her were alive, the four of you started to move heaven and Earth to try to find her.
It took a few weeks of trying to retrace her steps before she suddenly landed her TARDIS right outside of Yaz’s house in Sheffield, where you had been staying at for the past days. The look on The Doctor’s face when she saw you was one of disbelief at first, barely being able to believe that you were in front of her. When she processed that it was really you, she quickly ran to hug you.
Before she had the chance to ask you how you had escaped of Gallifrey, a worried Yaz asked her where she had been all along. The Doctor explained the both of you that she had been jailed by the Judoon right after leaving Gallifrey.
“But how did you survive?” She immediately turned to you. You weren’t sure how to tell her everything that had happened since the last time you had seen each other. “It’s not that I’m not happy that you’re alive. I’m happy, very glad. Just surprised.”
“The Master saved me.” You told her, a confused gesture appearing on her face. Yaz, who was the only one you had told about it all, stayed silent.
“Why would he do that?” She frowned as she tried to decode her enemy’s intentions. You simply shrugged, not feeling ready to tell her about everything else that had happened. Suspicious, she used her sonic on you. She was even more surprised when she saw everything looked normal. “Well, you seem to be okay. Did he just brought you back to Earth?”
“It was a bit more complicated than that.” You admitted. “But basically, yes.”
“I’m listening.”
After taking a deep breathe, you told her everything. You told her about the Cyberium, about your plan to save The Master’s life and about how you had fallen for him. You even told her about how he had offered you a place on his TARDIS, and how everything had ended between the two of you. She listened carefully to every word you said, without judging you, showing you nothing but support. You had feared she would get mad at you when you told her, but she was incredibly understanding, which only made you wish The Master would have been too.
The Doctor didn’t say much to you, she didn’t know how to comfort you. But she understood what you had been through, and even if she wasn’t good at expressing it, she let you know that she was there for you, in her own socially awkward way.
Soon, you were travelling with The Doctor again. Visiting all kinds of planets and witnessing the most important historical events with your friends. Everything had gone back to normal, except for you.
Everywhere and 'anywhen' you went reminded you of The Master. You couldn’t stop thinking about what he would have said about the places you visited, or what he would have done whenever things got dangerous. Even when you were at the TARDIS, you imagined him messing around with the controls, being all bitter and sarcastic at whatever question you asked him. There was no way to get him out of your head, and it didn’t take long until it showed to the rest.
You were always distracted, almost as if you weren’t there. It was as if you had lost interest in seeing the universe, which you used to love before. Reality was you were still excited to visit new places and know new cultures, you just wished he was there with you. It was stupid, you had your friends with you and that should have been more than enough. You should have forgotten about The Master in a week or two, but you simply couldn’t.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t help yourself from thinking about what would have happened if you had gone with him. If you had had the chance to go back, you would have probably still chosen to return with The Doctor, you just wished that hadn’t meant the complete disappearance of him from your live. Maybe if you had said something different, if you had tried harder to make him understand… There was no use in asking yourself those questions, yet they were inside your head at all times.
Your friends were worried about you, but they didn’t know what they could do to help you. You were distancing yourself from the rest, you didn’t talk anymore than the strictly necessary and every time they tried to brought up the subject you quickly tried to avoid it. You hadn’t exactly been the most approaching person lately. That’s why, not knowing what to do about you, the fam got The Doctor into trying to help you.
She wasn’t really sure of what she was supposed to do to cheer you up, but she had also noticed the change in your behavior and wanted to make you feel better. Only problem was, she wasn’t good at talking words of support. Or at talking, in general aspects. She knew she wouldn’t be helping you much that way, so she tried to think of something else.
The TARDIS had landed back in Sheffield to leave Yaz, Rayan and Graham back home, and The Doctor was supposed to drop you back to London when she casually had an idea.
“What do you think of us doing a little trip together? Just the two of us.” She proposed. “We can go anywhere you want in the universe, completely your choice.”
“Okay.” You accepted with a little shrug. The main reason you agreed was because you hated being alone at home, but you didn’t really wanted to do anything in particular.
“Great!” She smiled at you. “Where to, then?” Before you could answer her question, she quickly offered some destinations. “Have you ever been to Midnight? I haven’t been to Midnight in ages, it has great SPAs, but I don’t have a really good memory of the last time I was there… Or we could go to Apalapucia. You have to visit Apalapucia, it was voted the second best destination for the discerning intergalactic traveler.”
“Anywhere you choose will be okay, Doctor.” You assured her.
“It’s always my choice. I’m tired of choosing.” She sighed, beckoning for you to approach the console. “What place or time in the universe have you always wanted to visit?”
“I don’t know…” Making your way to her, you doubted. “I can’t think of anything… You know the universe way better than me, you should choose.”
“I have an idea!” The Doctor exclaimed as she started to press some buttons. You thought she had already chosen a destination and was now flying you there, but you got surprised when you saw a compartment of the TARDIS getting opened and a round device emerging from it. “This hasn’t been used in forever.” She said as she guided you to it. “You know that the TARDIS is a living being, right?” You simply nodded. “She’s also a telepath. She can read not only your mind, but she can see through someone’s entire timeline and decide where and when you’re supposed to be at a certain moment in your life. That’s the reason sometimes we don’t always end up where I set the controls to.” The Doctor clarified as you looked at the console intrigued. “Okay, sometimes I just mess it up with the coordinates. But this also happens sometimes.”
“Is that what this thing is for?” You asked looking at the Time Lords’ technology.
“Exactly.” She gave you a smile. “If you can’t decide where to go, let the TARDIS make the choice for you.”
“What do I have to do?” Looking at the mechanism in front of you, you frowned. It was just a big white ball connected to the rest of the ship by some wires. Were you supposed to fly the TARDIS with that?
“Put your dominant hand in there and close your eyes. Don’t worry, it’s completely safe.” She indicated and you did as you were told. “Oh, important thing! Do not move, if you do you could end up looking like mashed potatoes. Other than that, completely safe.”
Trying to do your best to follow her instructions, you closed your eyes and tried not to think of anything at all, your body completely still. You waited for several seconds, but nothing seemed to happen. Just when you were about to remove your hand from the device, you heard the characteristic sound of the TARDIS landing.
When she finally materialized, The Doctor looked at you with excitement.
“Where are we?” You questioned, your hand still placed on the ball.
“Wherever the TARDIS thinks you should be.” The Time Lord gave you an enormous, playful smile. “Aren’t you curious to find out where that is?”
You smiled back at The Doctor to hide the fact that you weren’t even as half as excited as she was. You didn’t want to be rude to her, so you ran beside her when she grabbed your hand and guided you out of her ship.
There was nothing especial waiting for you outside the TARDIS’ doors. Or so you thought when you found yourself in the middle of a forest. For a moment, you thought you hadn’t left Earth, but giving a second look to your surroundings, you realized the leafs in the trees were all golden and, behind where you both stood, there was a beautiful lake made of liquid gold. When you saw a whirlpool forming you immediately realized where you had ended up.
“Catrigan Nova.” The Doctor confirmed your suspicions. That was the planet The Master was planning on taking you to. “Look at that! Whirlpools made of gold! This is the only place in the universe where that happens.” She pointed in the lake’s direction.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything and The Doctor got worried when she saw your lack of reaction. She was used to you being marveled by every planet you visited, and even if you hadn’t been that enthusiastic lately, she had expected you to at least ask her some questions about the planet. The TARDIS had decided that that was the place where you were supposed be at that precise moment of your timeline, and knowing how naturally curious you were, The Doctor couldn’t believe you could just simply stand there in silence. What she didn’t know was that you were completely aware of why her TARDIS had took you there.
“Hey, why don’t we have a look around, investigate the place?” She proposed, trying to get you out of your thoughts. “Catrigan Nova is also known for its incredible cities and advanced technology. If I remember correctly, the capital must be over…” She looked at the position of the sun shining above as she tried to place herself in the planet. She pointed over towards the North. “There, I think. So, what do you say?”
The Doctor knew how much you loved going on adventures, so even if her plan wasn’t going that well so far, she still hoped that your visit to Catrigan Nova could cheer you up. If she couldn’t get you to be yourself again by reminding you of the things you enjoyed the most, she had no clue of what else she could do.
“Okay.” With a little nod, you started walking in the direction your friend had pointed.
You felt her worried look on you as you walked with your head down. It wasn’t your intention to worry her, but you just couldn’t get out of your head. All you could do at that moment was to think about The Master. About how would have been to visit that planet with him when he had offered you to. Why, of all the times and places in the universe, the TARDIS had decided this was the right place for you? Did she really hated you that much?
The situation was beginning to upset you, and not wanting to cause any more concern on The Doctor, you decided to take a moment to clear yourself. “I left my jacket on the console room.” You suddenly pointed out, using it as an excuse to go back and have some time by yourself. “You keep walking, I’ll catch up with you later.”
“I can go with you if you want.” She said, trying her best not to sound worried and failing at it.
“No, it’s okay.” You forced a smile in an attempt to make her think that you were fine.
“Then I’ll wait for you here.” She gave you a thumbs up that you returned in response before making your way back to the ship.
When you were far enough from her, you let out a loud sigh. You knew you couldn’t carry on that way, that you needed to move on desperately. But the devil was in the details, and every little thing brought you back to The Master. There, in that planet, everything reminded you of him. The whirlpools, the golden plants… Actually, you had never been there with him, but that was the most frustrating thing. You didn’t even have the memories and that made you long for something that you never really had. For the chance that you had wasted away.
The saddest part for you was when you asked yourself whether The Master missed you like you missed him. Would he thought of you as often as you thought of him? Would he wished you were there with him when seeing things that reminded him of you? It broke your heart to realize that, most likely, he had forgotten all about you. He would have probably moved on as soon as he got into his TARDIS.
You closed your eyes as you tried to push those thoughts away. The Doctor was trying to do something nice for you and she didn’t deserve to get that attitude from you. Getting closer to the lake and looking at your golden reflection, you tried to put up a smile on your face. If you couldn’t do that for yourself, maybe you could try to do it for The Doctor.
Just when you were about to go back to her, you heard what seemed to be the crying of a little child. You were confused at first, thinking that maybe it was all in your head, but then the sound got louder. Not thinking about it twice, you followed the crying in hopes you could help whoever made that noise. Judging by what you could hear, you supposed that it was a child that had gotten lost in the forest.
You didn’t have to wander far to find the figure of a seemingly human boy sitting on the floor with his hands covering his face.
“Are you lost?” You asked him with your best intentions. “Don’t worry, I’m here to help… What happened to you?”
Slowly so you didn’t scare him off, you kneeled in front of him. Seeing that he was crying bitterly, you carefully placed a hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him. It caught you completely out of guard when the figure of the child turned into a humanoid creature with a big forehead and needles instead of fingernails. You weren’t fast enough to get away from it before it stuck one of its needles on your forearm. Holding your arm in place, it started to introduce a dark liquid in your veins.
You tried to struggle, to get rid of its grip. But it was way stronger than you, and every second that passed you felt yourself getting weaker. You had completely gave up when suddenly, the alien in front of you turned into a tiny doll. Intrigued, you took the small figure in your hand. You only knew one person capable of doing that. You dropped the figure when you saw someone else approaching you
“Can you be anymore stupid?!” You heard his voice, his silhouette kneeling beside you as you did all you possibly could to keep yourself from losing consciousness.
“Master…” You mumbled his name, not being sure if he was truly there in front of you or if it was just a venom-induced hallucination.
The Master was quick to remove the needle from your skin and examine the wound it had left on your arm. Your veins were turning black with the poison flowing through them.
“I told you to stop getting yourself into these situations.” His tone switched from anger to one of deep concern as he tried to think of a way to get the dark liquid out of your system before it killed you.
Putting your free hand on his cheek, you tried to check that he was in fact there. When you felt his light stubble under your skin again, you gave him a small smile.
“I’ve missed you.” You confessed as you felt your voice weakening and a burning sensation running through your whole body. The pain was starting to become unbearable.
He looked closely at you, judging by your words that it had been some time since the last time you had seen him. In his own timeline, he had just left you on Earth and had gone to Catrigan Nova to try and clear his head from you and everything that had happened. The last thing he had wanted to find there was you senselessly putting your life in danger yet again.
Without replying to you, he grabbed your forearm within his hands. Taking an old tissue from his inner pocket, he started to cover the wound with it as you silently groaned in pain. It didn’t take long for you to realize that that tissue was in fact the sleeve you had teared off of that 19th century dress to bondage his own bullet wound long ago. You were surprised he had kept that with him.
“If you’re not dead by now it’s because I’ve arrived just in time.” He informed you. “A few more seconds and your organs would have been paralyzed.”
“Good thing you were there.” You interlocked your gaze with his, but he immediately looked down at your arm.
“You still have enough poison in you to kill you in within an hour.” He informed. He knew he needed to get you back to his TARDIS to get the right material to extract every drop of venom out of you.
“What have you done to her?” The Doctor, who had went back looking for you, confronted The Master.
He didn’t even turned to her when hearing her voice. It wasn’t a surprise when she appeared anyway, he knew you couldn’t have gotten to that planet on your own, so it was obvious that she was going to be somewhere around. But in the situation you were all into, The Master couldn’t have care less about his oldest friend’s presence.
“Get away from her!” She shouted at him, kneeling beside you and trying to see what he had done to you. She was completely astonished when she realized that The Master was in fact making a tourniquet around your arm to stop the venom from spreading through your body. Looking at the color of your veins, she identified the creature that had attacked you, a Shamboni. “Have you removed the needle?” She asked at the fellow Time Lord.
“Of course I did, I’m not an idiot.” He clarified as he knotted the bandage around your arm.
“We don’t have much time.” Using her sonic on you, The Doctor stated. You barely could keep your eyes open.
“Don’t fall asleep. Not now.” The Master grabbed you by your shoulders and shook you in an attempt to keep you awake.
“Let’s take her to the TARDIS.” The Doctor rushed him.
Taking you in his arms, The Master started to walk towards his ship, The Doctor following close behind. You felt yourself getting numb as you struggled to keep your eyes open, your hands clinging to the collar lapel of his coat. With the little strength you had left, you turned your head towards The Doctor to give her a reassuring look before looking back to The Master. They were both clearly worried about you, to the point where they were working together again. You had never thought you would see that alliance, but even at the state you were, you couldn’t feel more safe knowing that they were the ones taking care of you.
You felt peace as you closed your eyes, the golden leafs above being the last thing you saw.
The both of them were quick to lie you down inside the TARDIS and extract the venom out of your body with the proper tool. The color of your veins returned to normal almost immediately, but that was no real guarantee. You wouldn’t be out of danger until you finally woke up. That was, of course, if the poison hadn’t reached your vital organs, in which case you would silently die in your sleep. They could only hope they had arrived in time.
The Master was sitting right next to you, waiting for you to wake up. He checked your pulse to find that your heart was still beating, just at a very slow pace.
“If she dies, it’s completely on you.” He turned to The Doctor. She stayed silent.
The Doctor looked at him in confusion. She already felt guilty for what had happened to you, and having The Master telling her that didn’t exactly help clear her conscience. But, beyond that, she was more shocked about how much he truly seemed to care for you. At first, when you had told her about your adventure with The Master, she had immediately assumed that he had been using you. Of course, she had never doubted your feelings, but suspicion came almost naturally when it came to him. The Doctor knew how twisted he could be, she expected him to do anything to hurt her and the ones she loved, but now that she saw on first hand the way he acted around you, she was starting to believe that his feelings for you might also be true.
“I know I should have been there.” She admitted in all honesty.
“She is your pet, you are supposed to look out for her!” The rage on The Master’s voice was more than obvious, but there was also worry in it. The Doctor even struggled to recognize her enemy.
“She’s not my pet, and neither is yours.” The Doctor clarified. “She’s her own person, so stop trying to objectify her.”
“At least I would have protected her.” He turned to you to watch you sleeping peacefully. All he wished for in that moment was for you to be your annoying self again, just to wake up and be fine.
Silence took over the ship as they both waited for you to give any sign of life. It wasn’t typical of them not to have nothing to say, it wasn’t their usual dynamic, but that was just a proof of how much you meant for them both. Every second that passed felt as long as a century.
“Y/N’s been a little down lately.” The Doctor mentioned, observing your resting body. The Master turned to her in curiosity. “Since she came back from being with you.”
“How long has it been for her?” He asked. The look on your eyes when you had seen him earlier had been of disbelief, leading him to believe it had been more than some time since your last encounter.
“About 6 months, maybe 7.” Confirming his suspicions, The Doctor got closer to the both of you. For The Master only a bit more than 2 hours had passed since your fight.
It broke his hearts not only the fact that you had chosen to stick with The Doctor for all that time, but to see you in that fragile state now that you finally got reunited with him. If you had chosen to stay with him, he would have made sure that you were always save. It was infuriating to see how dispensable you could be to The Doctor. If anything happened to you, she would simply get another human aboard on her ship. He wouldn’t have cared the slightest if that happened to any other of her companions. But then again you weren’t just another one of her companions.
“She chose you.” He reminded, his attention completely set on you.
“I don’t think she did.” The Doctor sighed. Even in despite of the terrible situation you had gotten into, she had never seen you as happy as you had been with The Master the few minutes before passing out. “I think she did what she thought was the right thing to do, but not what she truly wanted.”
“It doesn’t matter what she wanted, she made her choice.” The Master replied, taking off the tourniquet from your arm and putting the tissue back in his pocket.
“Don’t you see she never really had a choice?” She asked. “Her moral compass didn’t let her go with you. But maybe we can give her another chance…”
The more The Doctor thought about it, the more sense it all made. There was a reason to why The TARDIS had brought you to Catrigan Nova, and it was right in front of her. The TARDIS had brought you back to The Master.
Leaving a kiss on your forehead, she walked away from you. It was hard to let you go, but she knew it was for the best. She couldn’t make you happy anymore, and it seemed like The Master was willing to take good care of you. You desperately wanted to be with him, so she decided the best was to get herself out of the picture. Plus, she hoped that having you around would calm The Master down a bit.
“Where are you going?” The Master turned to her.
“I’m leaving.” She informed him. “I know you’ll take good care of her, you better not prove me wrong... Just tell her when she wakes up that she’s one of the most remarkable humans that I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet.” She looked at you one last time with a smile, amazed by how you had achieved in so little time what she had been trying for around a millennia. She had already assumed that it was impossible, but you had gotten him to show a better, kinder side of him.
“There’s a big chance she won’t wake up.” He reminded her. “I swear that if she doesn’t-”
“But she will.” The Doctor reached The TARDIS doors, opening them to get back to her own ship. “And she’ll choose to stay with you. I’m sure of it.”
The Master stood beside you at all times, making sure to check your vital signs from time to time as he desperately waited for you to give the minimal sign of life. If you didn’t survive this, he would go and kill The Doctor for real this time, without any plans or unnecessary complications. You were one of the few things in the universe he had grown to love, so losing you now wasn’t an option.
When several minutes later you opened your eyes, he barely gave you a second to sit up before kissing you passionately, as if he was trying to relieve all the pressure he had been under through that kiss. You happily corresponded his kiss, your lips moving at a slower pace since you were still trying to get back in yourself.
“Glad to see you too.” You told him with a huge smile when he pulled away. Both of his hands were resting on each side of your face, his eyes looking at yours with deep appreciation.
“How are you feeling?” He asked you in concern. The smile on your face grew bigger at the sudden demonstrations of affect. Maybe you should get yourself to the verge of death even more often.
“I’m still a bit dizzy, but I’ll be fine.” Assuring him that, you looked around at your surroundings. The place you had first known as O’s house, The Master’s TARDIS… It was unbelievable how much you had missed that place.
“If you’re looking for The Doctor, she has left.” The Master immediately began to explain.
“I know.” You told him. “I’ve overheard everything you both said before, I was awake the entire time, just paralyzed.”
The Master looked down at your arm to find the wound the Shambani had left on you still there, but looking much better than before. You would be as good as new in a few days, but the fear of being about to lose you still remained on his body. He couldn’t let you go again.
“So what is it going to be now?” The question came out of his lips with a noticeable less confidence than usual. “Are you going to stay?” Carefully, you embraced him, placing your head on his chest and listening the calming beatings of his hearts.
“Only if you still want me to, of course.”
A smile appeared instantly on his face at your affirmative answer, his arms surrounding you too. Now you were officially his companion and could stay with him for as long as you wanted, which you both hoped it would be a long time. For him, it felt strange the idea of not being alone in that infinitely large time machine, but it was definitely for the best. He had so many places to show you, so many things to teach you… He barely could wait to start.
“Where do you want to go next?” The Master asked you with a surprising excitement.
“Anywhere.” You answered, your body still pressed to his. You would visit every single place of the universe with him if you had the chance, and now you did. As long as he was there, you simply didn’t care where or when you were. Closing your eyes, you focused again on the rhythm of his hearts. “But can we just stay here for now? I like it here.”
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puddygeeks · 3 years
We Come Running - The 100 Bellamy x OC - Chapter 62: Unreliable Allies
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Episode: Wanheda: Part One
Rating: Mature
Summary: During her time in the Skybox, Indigo formed a precious friendship with fellow outcast Octavia Blake, the girl under the floor. At first they thought their departure from the oppression of the Ark was a blessing, but quickly came to rely on Indigo's keen survival instincts. The 100 struggle to meet the challenges of Earth whilst Bellamy strives to lead the wavering teenagers and his irresponsible attitude fuels constant conflict with Indigo. Their only shared interest is in protecting Octavia and Indigo beings to suspect that there is a deeper cause to Bellamy's seemingly irrational choices. As the consequences of his actions mount up around him, he finally begins to confide in her and she discovers more than she ever bargained for.
Fandom: CW’s The 100
Pairing: OC x Bellamy Blake
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
Warnings: Mature content. Non-consent, language, sex, self harm, suicide, anxiety, helplessness, torture, captivity/confinement, alcohol/drug use.
Chapter Sixty-Two
Smuggling my daggers into camp to avoid handing them in to our armoury, I packed away my clothing in a trunk in Octavia’s room and stared at my reflection. It was strange, but it didn’t feel like I had turned my back on the other side of me, but rather that I had merged the two as I promised to utilise what I had learned to assist my family. A knock at the door startled me and I whipped around to find Bellamy hovering awkwardly in the doorway.
“Heard that I might find you hiding out here. Didn’t expect to see you back in camp so soon.” He remarked as he smiled slyly and as I opened my mouth to answer, he shuffled into the room. “Look. I owe you an apology. I was out of line the last time that we spoke. I’m under a lot of pressure right now and I’ve put you in a similar position, which just makes it even worse that you’re the person I took it out on. I always want what’s best for you and sometimes that means disagreeing with you, but I don’t ever want to hurt you, not even by accident. I’m sorry, Inds. You didn’t deserve any of that.” He rambled, his face a sorry picture of remorse as he bared himself to me and I waited for him to allow me the chance to speak. 
“I’m sorry too. I was defensive and unwilling to listen. I didn’t stop to think about how all of this was affecting you, because you seemed so normal and you kept saying that you were okay, so I just stopped asking. I knew you were being weird the last time that I visited and it just wound me into a state. I should’ve listened to your opinion, instead of just yelling at you.” I explained, and his shoulders immediately dropped their tension as he realised that I wouldn’t be holding a grudge. “Are we good?” I asked him nervously, allowing him the opportunity to admit if there was more to his outburst than he had told me, but he simply smiled as he stepped closer to me, placing his hands on my shoulders gently.
“We’re good. You were right. I was being weird. I was feeling overwhelmed and missing you was stressing me out. I wish I’d just talked to you about it, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell you how I was feeling until it spilled out of my control. I’m just not used to having someone to depend on.” He divulged, his hands warming my skin and I smiled at him in understanding. “I promise that I’ll do better, okay?” He offered with a sincerity that made my heart ache and I felt certain in this moment that I had made the right decision by coming home.
“Well, it should be easier for you to keep your stress levels down now that you won’t be missing me so much.” I responded cryptically and his handsome features contorted into a confused expression that made me chuckle lightly. “I’m gonna stay in Arkadia. No more running away. Arlo has more investigation to do in Azgeda and I know where I want to be. You were right. This is my home.” I revealed and a relieved smile lit his face up with such genuine joy that it made my stomach flip. 
“Really? You’re gonna stay? That’s great!” He breathed, before he seemed to suddenly doubt himself and anxiety crept into his demeanour. “This isn’t just because of what I said, is it? If you feel like you should be out there. I don’t want to hold you back.” He fretted worriedly and I smiled with appreciation.
“Bellamy, I swear. I’m here because I want to be. It came to time to choose a path and I realised that I already knew the answer.” I explained, causing him to regard me with fondness and sigh contentedly, lapping up every detail of my presence as if there were nothing else he could want. “I just want to make sure that you know you can talk to me about anything. Something you said before worried me, about living with your choices-”
“Love. I promise you, I’m fine. I was just lashing out because I was sick of everyone constantly bringing up Mount Weather. I’m just happy that you’re here. That’s all I need.” He cut me off mid flow with a very convincing assertion and the relaxed tone of his voice almost removed any fears that I carried, leaving only a trace of suspicion that I would continue to watch out for. “Now, if you don’t have any plans for the next couple of hours, I’d like to show you just how sorry I am.” He drawled, as his fingers deftly brushed the hair from my face, before cupping my cheeks and he closed into my space to place the first of many intoxicating kisses on my lips.
❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖
Watching Lincoln and Bellamy spar was a strange experience, though as I glance around the room at the rest of our audience, I found that several of the female members appeared to be enjoying it for entirely different reasons. I couldn’t understand the necessity for them to be shirtless, but I was not about to argue with matters of testosterone and I had no objections to the sight of Bellamy’s toned chest glistening from the exertion. I bit my lip unintentionally and had to quickly remind myself that we were not currently alone, as a rose blush filled my cheeks.
Since I’d been home, Bellamy had been far more open to the idea of adopting some aspects of grounder life, including learning some simple parts of Trig from me. He was doing surprisingly well in the fight and it was clear that he’d taken my suggestion to allow Lincoln to assist with training seriously. He was able to stand his ground for substantially longer than before, even shocking me with a powerful flying punch, but it wasn’t long before he got overconfident and Lincoln threw him over his shoulder in a manner that only he would have the strength to do. Bellamy slammed to the ground with a groan, panting as his opponent hovered over him with his fist raised threateningly, before he stepped away in victory. He approached the waiting group to address them with authority.
“He had me, but he was too aggressive.” He analysed as he marched back and forth in front of the students and Bellamy struggled to his feet behind him.
“Whatever you say.” He remarked with a smirk and slid on his shirt, much to the disappointment of both myself and every other woman in the room.
“Quitting so soon?” Lincoln teased as he glanced over his shoulder at him and I was pleased to witness how comfortable he’d become amongst the residents of Arkadia. He’d settled into the role of training recruits quickly and I knew that many of them were inspired by his resilience. Personally, I enjoyed watching as he discovered his own sense of humour, but worried that his integration with us could backfire at any moment. Though my confidence in our leadership grew by the day, I continued to remain aware of our history and kept a careful watch for any signs of betrayal.
“Mapping run. Sector 7.” Bellamy answered absentmindedly as he finished getting dressed and I sighed with exhaustion.
Though I’d been aware that this was the plan for today, it had been easy to forget whilst occupied by the recruits and I would have preferred to remain in camp. It felt as if guard commitments were the only activity that filled my days now and I missed simply hiding out in our quarters. I didn’t regret joining the guard. It gave me the opportunity to keep an eye on Bellamy during patrols and it had been a rather well thought out plan on his part. However, part of me longed for the lazy mornings where we could be undisturbed, instead of waking to mission briefs in bed. 
“Harper. Let’s get this over with.” Bellamy called over to her and the blonde in question picked up a large holdall, throwing it to Lincoln with a smile. “Council wants you to have that.” Bellamy explained as Lincoln began to open the bag and my stomach lurched as he pulled out a guard jacket.
“I’m Trikru.” Lincoln stated, his eyes growing wide at the gift and he glanced up at Bellamy doubtfully. Internally, I wished that Bellamy had discussed this with me before he decided to act on the request, as I knew from my experience of integrating with the grounders that this was a much more significant situation than he realised and I fidgeted nervously on the spot.
“A uniform doesn’t change that. This is our home now, Lincoln. We fought for it.” Bellamy appealed, fixing him with an encouraging smile, whilst Lincoln simply furrowed his brows, an evident confliction in his face.
I cleared my throat to gain Bellamy’s attention and the moment that he peered over at me in the crowd, I shook my head just subtly enough to hint at him to drop the topic. He was immediately defensive of my silent criticism and turned to address the crowd instead.
“Too many of our friends died for it. On the Ark, the uniform meant something different. Down here, it means what we make it mean. Together.” He stated, attempting to inspire the recruits to great success and although I understood his perspective, I was uncomfortable with the councils intentions for such a gift. “My sister will understand that eventually.” Bellamy dropped his voice to a mutter as he leaned in close to Lincoln, but I managed to overhear him as I approached. I caught Lincoln’s eye as he reflected on Bellamy’s words and when he instructed the waiting audience, there was an evident tension in his voice.
“Pair up and fight. Now.” His statement was more commanding than usual and people rushed into their places with a greater urgency.
“You don’t have to wear it if it makes you uncomfortable, Linkon.” I offered calmly in Trig and he crooked a brow at me in interest. “She won’t appreciate seeing you in the uniform of the people who arrested her. No matter what he wants it to represent now. I’ll talk to him about it later.” I confirmed and Lincoln sighed in a gesture of stress, before striding over to Bellamy for a hushed conversation. I rolled my eyes at them and said a hurried goodbye to Harper and Monroe as I left to prepare for the outing.
I arrived into the hangar just in time for the Rovers return from the latest supply run to Mount Weather and began the check procedure that I’d harassed Raven into teaching me. It was near impossible to convince her to allow me to assist her with anything, despite my concerns about her exhaustion and so any tasks that I could take off her list were a blessing.
I’d made a habit of ensuring that I allowed time to get started on Rover maintenance significantly earlier than anyone usually planned to meet for any missions, so that when Raven arrived there was little point in her taking over. The supply group wasted no time in unloading and I worked around them in a well practiced routine.
“Oh, you’re already here!” A bright voice cheered and I turned to find Gina smiling at me, freshly returned from her task. I suspected that she’d mostly joined the guard to keep an eye on Raven and as I found myself in a similar position with Bellamy, I couldn’t blame her for doing so. “I was going to find you when we’d wrapped up here, but this saves time. You’re about to fall in love with me.” She crooned as she leaned back into the Rover to root around and I snorted in laughter at her playful comment.
“Is that so?” I remarked with a smile and Gina huffed in annoyance, before crawling fully inside the vehicle. “I think Bellamy would have a thing or two to say about that, you know.” I added with amusement and instead of a reply, several things clattered about as she knocked items over. Several of her crew mates seemed visibly annoyed by her antics, as they struggled to unload the supplies around her chaotic behaviour.
“I know it’s in here somewhere.” Her muffled voice sounded from between the clutter and I chuckled lightly under my breath. She cheered loudly in celebration and her head emerged from the door with a victorious smile. “So! Your brief was pretty vague on what to keep an eye out for, but I’m happy to report that I have absolutely delivered. Here is your Greek shit.” She teased, before presenting me with an immaculately cared for copy of The Iliad. I gasped in response, my eyes growing wide in surprise and she beamed with pride.
“Holy shit. Jackpot!” I exclaimed as I took the book in both hands, flicking through the pages in disbelief. “Gina, I don’t even know if I can thank you enough for this. You couldn’t have picked anything more perfect. Although, I didn’t just ask for Greek shit. I said that or anything mythology based. It’s not my fault if that’s all you focused on.” I defended and she crossed her arms at me, crooking a brow in a sassy manner.
“Right. So very cultured of you.” She drawled and I shook my head at her.
“Seriously though. You exceed all expectations. Thank you!” I enthused, staring down at the book with a deep appreciation and she beamed in response to the praise. “What can I do to pay you back?” I asked in a genuine voice and she shrugged as if she hadn’t done anything special. 
“There’s no need, Indie. It was a simple enough task and I can tell that it was important to you. What are friends for, right?” She responded cheerily and my brows knitted together as I viewed her with a feeling of dissatisfaction. “Okay. If you want to return the favour, you can keep a close eye on Raven for me on today's run. Kane won’t let me go straight back out and she’s been seriously overdoing it lately. I’d feel much better knowing that someone else had her back.” She suggested and I smiled thoughtfully, glad to find that she still had Raven’s best interests at heart despite their bond remaining in the friendship stage. 
“I’d do that for free, but sure. You’ve got a deal.” I confirmed, before returning to finishing up the work on the Rover.
Once I’d completed all the checks that I knew how to do, I busied myself with collecting my gear and dressing for patrol. It still felt strange to wear the guard jacket now that it was tied to a role rather than simply a sentimental item, but the fact that it was Bellamy’s helped to alleviate the awkwardness. This helped me to sympathise with Lincoln’s predicament and I made a mental note to deal with the situation when we returned from our task.
I navigated back to the hangar to find that most of our team was now present and chatting idly as they got ready together. Bellamy and Monty marched down the ramp with someone draped over their shoulders and I sighed as understanding dawned over me. I stepped out of the way to allow them to pass and Bellamy separated himself to approach me instead.
“Hey. I checked in with Kane and mentioned that you were worried. He’s cleared us to take guns this time, so if we’re unlucky enough to come across Azgeda, we’ll be ready.” He replaced as he placed a comforting hand on my arm and I nodded slowly. A loud groan drew my attention and I glanced over to Monty, who was struggling to get Jasper into a manageable position.
“Jasper’s wrecked again, I see?” I commented bitterly and Bellamy simply shrugged, unwilling to discuss the issue whilst we were surrounded by people. I sighed in disappointment and decided to attempt to cheer him up. “Well, I was going to save this for later, but you look like you could use a pick me up now.” I explained as I pulled the book from inside my jacket and handed it to him.
“What’s this?” He asked as he took it from me and turned it over to view the cover with a stunned expression.
“It’s a peace offering.” I admitted, sliding my hands into my jacket pockets awkwardly and Bellamy glanced back up at me with a fond smile. I’d hoped to show that I was invested in getting us back on track following the recent tension and the appreciation in his eyes indicated that this gesture had accomplished this. He seemed perplexed by this gift and I suspected that he was not used to being doted upon. I resolved to change this in the future. “I didn’t think I’d be able to get the exact book that your mother read to you, but I knew that I wanted to get something you could de-stress with.” I elaborated in a small voice, staring at my feet to avoid his eyes and found myself feeling uncharacteristically insecure. Bellamy stowed the book away and stepped forward to cut my face in his hands, forcing me to view him.
“Thank you, Love. This is perfect.” He confirmed, studying my face with a sense of wonder and I sighed with relief. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll relax tonight if you join me. I’ll even read you to sleep.” He offered and I giggled at the idea of him reading to me.
“Deal.” I whispered and he leaned in to kiss my forehead gently, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. “Let’s get this run over with.” I groaned, as I reluctantly pulled away from him.
I turned to find Raven examining my work on the Rover, checking that it met her standards and rolled my eyes at the realisation that she still felt the need to do this. People scurried around me as we prepared to move out and I busied myself with packing the necessary supplies into the back. Miller arrived late with a lack of enthusiasm for duty, a frequent pattern of his recently, and I overheard him and Bellamy discussing the use of guns as I placed the last item into the vehicle.
I moved round to the side of the Rover to find Jasper leaning against the doors in an intoxicated slouch and rolled my eyes at the completely helpless state of him. It was already becoming tiring to find him in a noncoherent condition and I couldn’t fathom how Monty was dealing with it on a daily basis. Right on cue, Monty appeared to throw a bucket of water over him aggressively and I was momentarily proud that he had started to absorb my assertions that he was too gentle in the way that he dealt with Jasper.
“Sorry. Was that too cold?” Monty drawled as he viewed him with displeasure and Jasper glowered furiously in response. The others shifted awkwardly in the tension as they stared at each other, before Jasper grabbed Monty and threw him against the Rover with a furious yell. He gripped him by his shirt, holding him in a threatening manner whilst Monty stared back at him with a deeply hurt expression, his eyes wide in shock. The pain in Monty’s eyes spurred me into action and rushed forward to snatch Jasper’s hands out of place.
“Back off.” I growled, my teeth bared in anger as I stood beside them and protectively leaned around Monty, shielding him from any further attacks. Instead of reacting to my fiery attitude, Jasper simply turned slowly away from me with a far off gaze as if he’d completely forgotten what he was doing. Remaining close to Monty to ensure that he wasn’t awaiting a chance to ambush, I watched Bellamy intercept him with an unimpressed expression.
“No gun for you. Not until you’re sober.” He ordered, staring him down with a commanding intensity and I could recognise that his behaviour was beginning to tax on Bellamy too.
“Don’t want one.” Jasper slurred, barely managing to keep himself upright from his intoxication and he swung his arm up for a dramatic solute, slapping Bellamy across the face with the tail end of the gesture before he stumbled away. Bellamy paused for a moment, holding his head down in the position that he’d received the hit in and it was clear that he was struggling to maintain his composure. When he finally looked back up, I was amazed at how calm he had managed to appear and everyone waited for his instruction in the heavy silence.
“Let’s do this.” He announced, spurring the group into life as they all split to take their places in the vehicle and I shuffled over to him with uncertainty filling my movements.
“I don’t think we should take him with us this time.” I admitted quietly, glancing through the window with a heavy feeling of dread in my chest and Bellamy sighed with reluctance. “He’s a major risk. We can’t afford that when we’re getting so close to Azgeda.” I added, unwilling to divulge that I also felt there should be a consequence for his unreliability. We’d tried almost every other approach to dealing with Jasper’s lasting breakdown and I was running out of ideas.
“Monty begged me to take him.” Bellamy mumbled and I glanced up at him with a pang of guilt. “If he hadn’t, I’d have dragged his ass out of the Rover by now.” He confirmed and I nodded solemnly in understanding. “We’ll keep an eye on him together. Come on.” He offered, smiling encouragingly at me before he moved toward the back door, but I reached out to halt him.
“Wait.” I blurted, gripping his arm tightly and he studied me with concern. I stared up at him with an overwhelming sense of foreboding and couldn’t keep myself from taking his face into my hands. “No risks out there. We all come back safe.” I asserted, caressing his jawline with my hands trembling and he met my eyes with confusion. After a few beats, he nodded slowly in agreement and I pulled him in for a quick kiss in the hope that it would provide me with the strength that I need to face today. We walked to the back door hand in hand and sat next to each other on the bench.
“You two are so cute. Makes me sick.” Raven commented from the driver's seat and I caught a sly smile in the rear view mirror. It was obvious that she had been watching us from her seat in the wing mirrors as we shared our moment and I had to chuckle at her deeply ingrained nosiness.
“Couple of murderers. Super adorable. No wonder you get on so well with Monty.” Jasper spat from the passenger seat and as Monty surged forward to grab him, Bellamy quickly reached out to stop him.
“Can it, Jasper.” I groaned, frustration clear in my voice and he glanced over his shoulder with an antagonising expression.
“What, Indigo? You don’t want to get into the shocking amount of people that you’ve killed?” He drawled as he stared at me with unfocused eyes and I clenched my jaw in annoyance. 
“Enough!” Bellamy growled with an aggression that he quickly had to reign in as the others flinched in surprise. “Raven. Take us out.” He added, peeking over at me to calm himself and I smiled back in encouragement. 
Raven began the sequence of preparing the Rover to drive and a variety of sounds announced it’s surge into life. I surveyed the apprehensive faces that surrounded me with a sigh and felt regretful that there was such a heavy atmosphere between us all recently. The days of laughter and relief seemed years away and I couldn’t help a melancholy feeling as I wished for those simpler times to return. The hangar doors creaked open and barely seconds later Octavia galloped into view, blocking our exit with her horse.
“Guess we found her.” Miller remarked with amusement and I noticed a fond smile spread across Bellamy’s lips at the sight of her. Although she still insisted on travelling by horse, I was glad that she would be joining us and knew that I would need as much backup as possible if we were to encounter Azgeda.
“Try and keep up!” She called tauntingly and Raven’s expression grew devious at the challenge. I knew that Octavia would be disappointed that I hadn’t joined her on horseback, but I felt that it was important to be able to keep an eye on Jasper and to support Bellamy in dealing with him.
The vehicle lurched forward as Raven sped outside and not for the first time I questioned whether allowing her to drive was a wise idea. Though I was glad that the adjustments made to the Rover allowed her the morale boost of being behind the wheel, I didn’t feel particularly safe with the erratic way that she navigated the dirt roads alongside Octavia. Jasper began to sing along to the iPod that he had plugged himself into in the front seat and Monty promptly leaned forward to remove his earphones.
“No way.” He commented, as he tilted his head to view him and Jasper rolled his eyes in annoyance. “If you’re gonna ride shotgun, you can’t just disappear.” He argued, before leaning back into his seat and fixing us with a tired face. I smiled at him sympathetically, offering my silent support and instead of gracefully accepting Monty’s expression, Jasper plugged the music into the Rover speakers. Monty shot an arm out to grab the device in annoyance, but Bellamy quickly caught him in motion. 
“Hey. It’s okay.” He offered in a calm voice that seemed to relax Monty’s frazzled nerves too, before glancing over at Jasper sharply. “It’s a long ride.” He muttered and I could tell that he was already dreading how we would cope with him throughout this outing as much as I was. 
Monty relaxed back into his seat and the tense silence fell upon us all again. The melody that Jasper had chosen began to ramp up and filled with space with heavy beats that I wasn’t particularly disapproving of. It was a song that I’d listened to years ago with my father, who’d introduced me to all varieties of punk as he considered it the spirit of rebellion and Miller was the first to cave to the effect of it, drumming in thin air enthusiastically. Monty pinched his brows as the responsibility of managing Jasper weighed down on him and the troubled drunk in question began singing from his seat. Bellamy watched him with a deep disbelief, causing me to chuckle under my breath before he addressed a particularly flirtatious lyric at Raven and I raised a brow in surprise.
“But I look at your pants and I need a kiss.”
Somehow, this seemed to encourage out the playful side of her that had been mostly absent recently and Raven joined him in singing, with Miller closely behind her, now drumming along to the beat with vigour. The tension around us rapidly disintegrated, feeling strangely nostalgic as Monty reluctantly sang along and I couldn’t prevent a smile from taking over my expression.
“But something wont let me make love to you.” I crooned as I finally caved and turned to Bellamy with a cheeky wink, at the exact same moment that Miller leaned on Monty’s shoulder, shaking his arm playfully. Bellamy shook his head as he chuckled at the strange scene unfolding around him. The more than I sang at him, the more he seemed as if he wanted to disappear into the side of the Rover to escape.
“Play with me!” I yelled over the song, disappointed that he was the last person still remaining well behaved and he snorted with laughter, before leaning close to me.
“I’ll play with you later.” He whispered in a deep voice as his hot breath tickled my ear and I pushed him away with a gasp.
Before he could say anything else inappropriate, Jasper turned to face us and climbed out of his seat into the back of the Rover. He was still shouting the lyrics to the song and leaned in close to Bellamy in an effort to break his composure. Instead, Bellamy simply turned his face away, as if hoping that if he just didn’t acknowledge him, he might go away. 
In a way, his wish was granted as Jasper stuck his head out of the hatch in the roof and we could hear his wild screams of celebration even over the blaring of the stereo. Bellamy and I shook our heads at each other with amused smiles and I couldn’t help feeling immensely grateful for this moment. Everyone around me was smiling and enjoying themselves in a way that I hadn’t seen in a long while, even Jasper and I treasured every second of it. The party atmosphere was quickly interrupted as something beeped aggressively from the front and Raven shut the music off to focus on a small screen that was loosely attached to the dashboard.
“Tracking beacon from the Ark!” Monty announced as he rushed into the passenger seat and the vehicle skidded to a stop. 
“Hey. That was the best part.” Jasper sulked as he slid back into a seat from his windswept adventure and I rolled my eyes at his ruined priorities.
“Who is that?” Bellamy quizzed as he shifted closer to the front seats and I did the same, glancing between Raven and Monty with interest.
“Farm station.” Monty confirmed and my stomach immediately flipped as I remembered that this was where both Jasper and Monty were from. I couldn’t help feeling hopeful for them already and couldn’t imagine how they must be feeling. Immediately, it occurred to me how stabilising it could be for Jasper if we could recover his parents and prayed with every ounce of my spirit for Earth to give us just one bit of good luck.
“After four months...how?” Miller piped up in a small, uncertain voice and I shared his confusion.
“We’ll find out. Where are they?” Bellamy immediately enquired and before I could question whether searching for them without backup was wise, the back door of the Rover swung open to reveal Octavia.
“Don’t tell me I missed the party.” She drawled, her face filled with disdain and I felt immediately uncomfortable under her judgement.
“Mostly the drunk being a pain, honestly.” I groaned, which was the truth, even if I had thoroughly enjoyed our few minutes of carefree fun. 
“Nothing new there.” She replied with a wry smile and I relaxed at the sight of it.
“Sector 8.” Monty confirmed as he turned to face us with wide, nervous eyes and I gulped immediately.
“That’s Ice Nation.” Miller commented bitterly and as our eyes met, I could tell that he was one of the few people who had actually listened to my warnings about how dangerous they were.
“What about it?” Octavia questioned, staring directly at Monty with a guarded demeanour and I was glad that she was here to support me with this risky situation. 
“Protocol says to go home. Let the Chancellor decide what to do next.” Raven stated in a remarkably out of character, reasonable answer and I glanced over at her with a brow raised in suspicion.
“Screw protocol.” Bellamy declared and I whipped my attention to him with dread pooling in my chest.
“Bellamy, this is Ice Nation we’re talking about. Crossing into their territory, especially without backup, is a bad idea.” I argued, glancing at him with terror filling my features and he viewed me with a mixture of annoyance and understanding.
“I know your views on them, Inds. But the Chancellor’s not from Farm Station. Monty and Jasper are. So is Miller’s boyfriend” He explained and I cringed at this revelation, realising that we had more people who would be determined to follow this in the Rover than I had first thought. “It’s your call.” He added as he glanced between them with bated breath. 
“Let’s do this.” Monty was the first to answer and though I was fearful, I could completely understand his need to find his family. Both Bellamy and I turned toward Miller, silently asking for an answer and I knew that his vote would decide our course of action. 
“You have to ask?” He replied confidently and I peeked at Jasper, who was staring at the floor, appearing to seem as invisible as possible. I sighed in disappointment and found myself missing the times when I could depend on him to back me up. Raven smiled from the front seat and Bellamy turned to Octavia with a determined expression. 
“Try to keep up.” He drawled tauntingly and she tilted her head at him with attitude, before returning her attention to me.
“This will go badly.” She muttered in Trig and I nodded slowly in response.
“Agreed. Be ready for anything.” I acknowledged, before she slammed the doors closed to return to her horse. Now that events had turned, I found myself wishing that I had bought my horse after all and hoped that we would still be able to maintain control of the situation. 
The Rover took off at a hurried speed and I clung to the seat for stability. Bellamy noticed my nervous behaviour and placed a hand on my thigh to comfort me, but it failed to take effect. My gut feeling was that this decision was a mistake and I remembered Arlo’s clear warnings about the dangers of ever entering Azgeda territory. Practically everyone that I loved was cramped into the vehicle that was now hurtling toward the border and I tried not to panic as I considered all of the ways that this could go wrong.
When we finally slowed to a stop, I stepped out to find that Octavia had already tied her horse out of sight and now remained close to my side as we both expected trouble at any moment.
“These woods must be the border.” Bellamy announced, appearing at my other side protectively and I kept my eyes focused ahead.
“They are.” I confirmed in a stern voice as I recalled the fear inducing lesson that Arlo had given me about identifying the lands and knowing sectors that I should never risk entering. Azgeda was always at the top of that list and every step I took toward it felt like a betrayal.
“So, where’s all the ice?” Jasper slurred, wandering around carelessly behind us as if he had no concept of the danger that we were in and I noticed that he was still not even carrying a weapon.
“Much further north. Azgeda stretches for a thousand miles.” Octavia piped up to educate them, before fixing me with a significant look. We both knew the risks that we were taking by doing this and I could tell that we shared the hope that we wouldn’t have to venture far into their lands. The further that we went, the lower our chances were of ever surviving.
“Good thing we only have to go two hundred metres.” Monty announced in a frantic voice, rushing up to us with his focus blindly set on the screen from the dash of the car and Bellamy had to throw his arm out to keep him pushing past us in his enthusiasm.
“Slow down. He instructed, his deep voice pulling Monty back into the present as he dropped back to address him. “Remember, rules of engagement are non lethal force.” He confirmed as Octavia and I continued ahead, forming the first barrier of defence which seemed most suitable considering our further knowledge of the culture we were dealing with. “Tight formation on my command.” He added, subtly ordering us to stay near him and we paused to both turn back to face him with an unimpressed expression in perfect sync, before Raven appeared at his side. “Raven, you stay in the Rover.” He commanded, glancing at her with frustration and she rolled her eyes at him with the same attitude as Octavia and I.
“Yeah, right.” She ground and I couldn’t help a slight smirk at our shared refusal to be treated like delicate women, despite my own nervousness around Raven’s safety.
“We need every gun we’ve got.” Octavia asserted, fixing Bellamy with an insistent glare before she turned back to me. “If this goes bad, you and I will cut them down whilst the others cover us with guns. We need to be in and out before any reinforcements arrive.” She instructed and I nodded in agreement.
“If reinforcements come, we’re all dead.” I confirmed nervously and she placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
“Daun ste pleni.” ⸢That is enough⸥ Bellamy ordered as Octavia’s eyes widened at his use of Trig. I smiled proudly at him, although I knew that he wouldn’t have understood our conversation and was merely trying to return our attention to the task at hand.
“They’re coming.” Monty announced urgently and we all tensed at his words as he stared at the screen. “120 meters. 110.” He took an excited step forward, before Bellamy pushed him back and raised his gun protectively. “They’re our people. What are you doing?” Monty hissed with aggravation and Bellamy glanced back at him with his brows furrowed.
“We hope they’re our people.” He argued and Octavia and I wasted in no time in unsheathing our blades. “On my command.” Bellamy stated, setting the others into action as Raven and Miller took positions in the trees either side of us and Monty attached the screen to his hop so that he could hold up his gun instead. 
The sounds of horses neighing carried in the distance, causing my stomach to flip with nerves and barely a few moments later, the riders came into view. I could recognise their armour even from a distance and as they neared, their bright white faces inspired a deep feeling of terror in my stomach.
“Ice nation?” Bellamy asked with wide eyes, as if finally realising the risks that we were taking in being here and I gulped in answer.
“Yes. White war paint.” Octavia revealed quietly and I watched them closing in on us with my heart hammering in my ears. 
“We’re fucked.” I hissed as Octavia met my eyes and we both frantically attempted to form a plan. “Let’s be respectful. We may be able to talk our way out of this.” I whispered urgently and she gave a subtle nod in agreement. She quickly returned her blade to it’s sheath and I stowed my dagger away too.
“Stay calm.” Octavia instructed to the others, before she held her hands up in surrender and I followed suit, ensuring that I remained close to her side as she took a few cautious steps forward.
“Who are you?” The closest rider called out aggressively, their Trig sharper than I was used to and I peeked at Octavia to check which one of us would answer. She lowered her arms now that we had indicated our peaceful intent and I was glad to be able to keep my hands closer to the handle of my dagger, ready to grab it at any moment that things took a turn for the worse.
“Skaikru. Looking for our people.”  Octavia replied assertively, ensuring that she was clear that although we were willing to cooperate, we had no intention of being trodden over.
“Looking for Wanheda.” The other ride announced, and Octavia and I glanced at each other in confusion. I continued to appeal to them whilst Octavia translated for the others.
“We are no threat. We only ask for permission to enter your lands to recover those we lost in our arrival. We will leave as soon as we have completed our task.” I explained in an even tone and the riders seemed surprised by my ability to speak in their dialect. Octavia at least appeared somewhat as one of them, with her hair still neatly plaited back, but since changing back into my original clothes I was unable to command the same respect amongst grounders as before and I began to wish that I’d stayed in the clothing that Arlo had given me. 
“Who’s Wanheda?” I heard Bellamy ask as the lead rides began to dismount his horse and noticed Octavia staring intensely at me from my side.
“I don’t know.” She grumbled in frustration and I took a moment to meet her eyes. “Any ideas, Indie?” She investigated and I shook my head regretfully. I had no recollection or Arlo ever mentioning this name or title, and it seemed that Indra hadn’t educated her on it either. The lead rider crept closer to us and I gulped as I tried to think of a way to get us out of this mess.
“The light. That’s the beacon.” Monty muttered from behind and my gaze fell onto the flashing item on the riders belt. There was no way we could easily take this and I failed to imagine anything that we could trade for this item that he wore as a trophy. I realised with a crushing clarity that this did not bode well for the chances of those from Farm Station.
“Hey! Get back here!” Bellamy’s sharp voice startled me and before I could even turn back to investigate what was happening, the riders raised their bows threateningly. I held my hands up in an effort to calm the situation and just missed the opportunity to catch Jasper as he stumbled past. Everyone called out individually to him in protest and Octavia barely managed to grasp the back of his bulletproof vest, but was unable to stop him from advancing forward.
“It’s okay. I got this.” He slurred as he stumbled toward the ice nation warriors and my heart leapt into my throat as it took all my self control to remain on the spot.
“Tell them we observe the Commander's truce. Do it now.” Bellamy ordered with panic flooding his voice and Octavia obediently repeated the message. The men relaxed their bows slightly at these words, but as Jasper continued to approach their leader, he stared down at him with a furious scowl. As if completely unphased by the chaos around him, Jasper snatched the beacon from his belt.
“This belongs to us.” He announced, closing in on the leaders face and then promptly turned on the spot to return to us. He barely managed a single step before he was grabbed by his vest and held with a knife to his throat.
“Where’s Wanheda?” The leader growled, his blade already pressing into Jasper’s throat and I could barely catch my breath through the terror that pulsed through my body. Octavia held her hands out in an effort to calm things, but our group had already raised their guns and the bows of the enemy were pointing at us again.
“Breik em au!” ⸢Let him go⸥ Bellamy yelled, holding his gun tightly and I was relieved that I had managed to teach him some limited Trig now, as the more of us that addressed them appropriately, the more we seemed like allies.
“We don’t know who that is!” Octavia argued, even her voice raising in stress and I felt my heartbeat pounding as I stared as Jasper. “Please. We can help each other.” She offered in an attempt to de-escalate, but with Jasper in such a vulnerable position, I lost my patience with peaceful bargaining.
“This boy is an idiot, as you’ve seen, but very important. He is the Chancellor’s son. We had an agreed ceasefire with your Heda. If you kill him, you will be breaking that and our leader will bring wrath down upon you, with the entire coalition in support. Make the right choice.” I yelled in an aggressive manner, lying through my teeth in the hope that I could use my knowledge of their politics to  intimidate them. For a moment, it seemed as if they would release him, until a smug smile spread across Jasper’s lips and a wave of nausea crashed over me. The leader of the riders quickly noticed this and I felt a ripple of concern spread through our group, as they all reacted in various states of shock to his insane behaviour. I could hardly believe what I was seeing and my heart broke into a million pieces as I realised just how bad his mental state had become.
“You think this is funny?” His captor growled in fury and this small act of perceived disrespect pushed him over the edge of reason. He began to cut into Jasper’s throat and without a moment of hesitation, I whipped out my knife.
“No!” I screamed as I launched the dagger with all of my might and it cut through the air like a missile, until the blade planted itself deeply into the leader's face. Fortunately, Bellamy was quick to cover me, shooting down the rider whose bow was pointed at my face and the others began firing sporadically in every direction. 
“Hold your fire!” Bellamy called, frantically trying to keep anyone from being caught in the crossfire as panicked shots filled the air and Jasper stood frozen to the spot in a daze, as the grounder that had been holding him hostage fell to the dirt behind him.
“Jasper, get down!” Octavia cried, prompting him to drop without question and she spun as she threw her machete straight at the chest of the remaining rider. Before any of us could move a muscle, or take a single breath of relief, the radio crackled loudly from our vehicle.
“Rover one, come in. Repeat. Rover one, come in now.”
“What now?” Bellamy groaned as he rushed over to answer it and Octavia and I both rushed over to Jasper.
“I had him.” Jasper mumbled in a pathetic attempt to defend his insane actions and I could barely contain my temper as we hauled him to his feet. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” Miller called over as he and Raven parted ways to approach different parts of the rover.
“We got the beacon, didn’t we?” Jasper wheezed as he clutched at the wound on his neck and I rolled my eyes in frustration at his ridiculous reasoning.
“Yeah. But where did they get it?” Monty argued, his disappointment in this outcome evident in his face and I made a mental reminder to check on him once things had calmed down.
“He needs to get to medical.” Octavia instructed as we dragged him over to the Rover and leant him on the side for stability. Miller jogged to meet us with a med kit from inside and Octavia held our patient in place whilst I got to work bandaging him as best I could.
“I swear to god, Jasper. If I wasn’t so glad that you didn’t just die, I’d kill you myself.” I scolded as I wrapped bandages as tightly around his neck as I could without choking him, despite feeling as if I easily could at this moment. My hands shook from a mixture of terror and fury as I worked and I struggled not to be distracted by Bellamy shouting into the radio about whatever event had gone wrong now.
“Take him home!” I almost jumped out of my skin as Bellamy stormed around the front of the Rover and bellowed toward Jasper with a temper that I’d never before seen from him.
“I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” Jasper groaned as he leaned over to face him and I slapped his cheek gently to stop him from fidgeting whilst I was attempting to stop the bleeding, but also to burn off some of my frustration with him. I couldn’t believe he had the audacity to continue making snide comments after the destruction that he had just caused and didn’t have the mental capacity to pull Bellamy off him on top of everything else that I was dealing with.
“Miller! Get one of the horses for Indie!” Bellamy barked and Miller rushed off to complete his task, clearly not wanting to worsen Bellamy’s already aggressive attitude. “Octavia! Raven can’t ride, so you’ll need to take her on the back. Inds, can you take that idiot with you? You’re our best first aider.” He enquired, softening his voice as he addressed me and I nodded at him nervously.
“He’s losing a lot of blood. It’ll be a challenge to keep the pressure up and ride, but it’s that or he bleeds to death here, so….you can bet your ass I’ll get him to Abby.” I answered firmly as Miller returned with a horse and Octavia began helping me to push Jasper’s already weakening form up into place.
“Miller. Monty. You’re with me.” Bellamy ordered and the boys wasted no time in returning to the Rover. He took a step to follow them, but I caught his arm to pull him back.
“Bel. Keep your head, no reckless decisions. I can’t take any more injuries today.” I asserted as I clung to his arm and he flashed me a tender smile that immediately calmed me.
“You just worry about getting home safe and I’ll do the same.” He muttered under his breath and placed a rushed kiss on my cheek, before tearing himself out of my grip to stomp to the Rover.
I hopped onto the horse with Jasper clinging to me from behind and Octavia tied him to me as a safety precaution that we hoped would not be necessary. He looped an arm around my waist and his chin came to rest on my shoulder, whilst his other hand remained gripping the wound tightly as instructed. Just as we finished preparing for the ride back to Arkadia, I watched the Rover disappear into the distance and mentally made a little prayer for the safe return of those inside.
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ccmagma · 3 years
I think about my story and think about one word: Disbelief. Not because what has happened to me is something shocking, or worrying, no, nothing like that at all. But upon learning my heritage, what has happened over years… It sounds like something from a tale. I’ve heard the story enough times from my parents, more so my father who came from someplace far away much like other refugees. Perhaps, that’s where this story should start… I can’t say for certain how they felt exactly, experiences are, after all, unique to us. However, putting myself in their shoes… I can’t even begin to imagine what it had been like. To have no information, not knowing what was coming and the inability to prepare for it.
My father came from a planet called Earth, a funny name I thought considering the translation of it had meant literal dirt. It wasn’t the most unique of names when I realized the other planets surrounding Earth and its history with Gods and Goddesses.
Earth. It was a planet already doomed thanks to its human inhabitants. The world was crumbling around them, war was a regular term in their households, little did they know something greater was coming. It’s safe to say things did not end well for them, the residents of my home did what they could and saved what humans they could. There were a lot of casualties… Many families were separated and I am certain not many took a liking to their new life.
Emptying Earth and leaving it to ash happened over the course of years. It wasn’t until recently where portals to that planet were closed off as far as two-way travel went. It would be another dumping ground for the creatures that plagued our lands of Izavyn. That was the root of all problems and the cause for most quarrels throughout our countries and city-states. A plague, a virus, an abomination, there were many words to describe what caused the woe of so many but the term we used for those creatures was a simple one, Demons. Their creation was one out of malice but perhaps when an organization sees too much peace, it craves to shift the balance. War might not have been as common here but it wasn’t unknown.
Demons were once people, our people. Changing them back was impossible, at least it seemed that way. When one combines the magic of the land with dark practices given to them by one of The Arms, the one no one mentions for there is power in a name or prayer.
The Arms were created by The Eternal. Those lucky enough to hear her voice or perhaps catch a glimpse learned she had a name, Divi. The Eternal Divi created what we know, her power flows through all of us, and upon passing we re-join her. All life is connected to her and therefore we are all connected, to every fabric of being. The Eternal also created four to help her, to watch and guide us, The Arms. Any paintings or statues of Divi and constructed so that she appears to have four arms, though now at days older art either scratched out or have removed the fourth arm. The fourth betrayed The Eternal and have been gathering followers and temples of his own, promising a new age and have become a powerful deity in his own right. Whispers of The Ascent Mol is rare, but not unheard of.
The Arms were prayed to just as The Eternal was. Though references to them have changed over time. Sometimes I hear elders sigh out, “By the five!” and anyone within earshot is horrified. We no longer reference them as five but as four. After all, if one divine figure goes rogue and attempts to take all, for the most part, you should be against it. Naturally, that isn’t always the cause.
Izavyn had felt responsible for the havoc that came over the years. There are parts of our world that had been destroyed and rebuilt, taken over, some still fight a resistance or civil war. When those who decided to follow Mol and his trek for power over all, things changed. They gave their lives, prayers, their devotion, and in turn, it made him strong. Everything is connected, choosing to give yourself to something so powerful isn’t wise but not all men are wise. Creatures were created, the dangerous sort that can infect you with a wound and have you turned. Death by a Demon though frightening was merciful compared to the other option. They spread throughout the land, diminished populations, and where they roamed, darkness followed. The neverending night was their home, it’s where they flourished and thrived. No one dared made their way to a patch of dark land when the sun was out, the cold and dead land meant creatures that would kill. At night, everyone would stay in their homes, traveling would be banned for cargo ships and merchants. Those who wished to risk it on their own was another story… Not even our armies would venture to the darkened lands. The dark clouds in the distance were an omen, a promise of destruction to those who sought safety. The only way to destroy the patches of darkness would be to kill the hoard that inhabited it, that was not an easy feat. Upon nightfall, they roamed free, and hope at that point was lost.
There was a point the people of Izavyn thought things could turn around. The numbers of Demons were dwindling, causalities were becoming less and less. However, just as we had access to magic, as did they. There was a practice that had been used for the most heinous of prisoners. Those who did wrong beyond fixing and required justice were banished from the world. A portal would open and they would be sent somewhere desolate and free of intelligent life. What happened after would be up to them and no longer the business of our world. However, it turns out that a portal can work two ways with the right studies behind it. That’s how the numbers jumped up again and other worlds began to get involved in the strife that should have belonged to Izavyn alone.
Since then, most Kingdoms and City-States have decided to get involved, working to have the same ability the opposing side did. Wars were fought on all fronts and refugees were taken in of all races, most sent to camps to fight. We needed armies and they needed an escape… it was a dreadful exchange but I could understand the military aspect of it, it didn’t mean I agreed to it. Those who sought asylum were brought over, checked over by doctors and ailments would be removed. The world here was free of sickness that could kill, our healers and their abilities were both inspiring and wanted. Everyone who came through would be treated, and while the masses were grateful… I knew it was because our world could do more with healthy people than sickly ones. It was a double-edged sword of sorts but perhaps everything that had beauty also had an ugliness to it.
To make joining the military enticing, promises were made and kept. Majikas were crafty and their practices were difficult, so much so that only one of the many elements would be taught to them. They could summon fire at will, hold lightning in their hands, or even practice in potions and the arcana which would allow for many things, endurance, a day without needed sleep, even a change of appearance of them or others. Hallows were the most pampered of the bunch, clothes in white and ethereal looking, elegance was their calling and people were in awe of them and their ability to heal the sick or create barriers of protection without needed enchantments. We then had those in the front lines, impressive warriors who gained respect just by their sheer look alone, there were many kinds. Some with bulky armor and a grand sword, an enchanted shield that could but up a barrier. They were front-line men, giving commands to their squadron and leading the way. Others were dressed more lightly, more agile. Some with slimmer long swords, long twin daggers, bows with arrows that would appear on a whim, all enchanted weapons with their own special ability. It all looked glamourous really and those who were not from this world were given promises of a better life if they joined one of the ranks. A promise of enhanced beauty, so you would look like the most prominent version of you courtesy of a Majika, and those who joined the front-line men were given the option of a complete change and land, an enticing idea for those who liked the material things. The person would no longer have to live in the safe house and would instead be given a cozy room to call their own, a private bath included, and the promise to be able to own land or home depending on their choice of rank to follow as well as being given the status of a citizen instead of being labeled a refugee.
The refugees were put to work but they worked alongside everyone else, everyone had to pitch in one form or another. Those with a specialized trade were willing to take on apprentices and that option was one people sought after because it promised a place of their own in the home of the master tradesman. There was also an option to help in re-building, supplies run, guard duty, and many other things. That didn’t mean that there was no downtime, not at all. People were still able to enjoy time with their families or seek out help and therapy due to the drastic changes. Not all took it well and when death rates began rising within the safety of the barriers, those in higher power took action. It was a hard change, but those who remained were able to make it through and over the years the world has prospered the best it can given the circumstances. However, it seems the Demons have run out of souls to take on for their army and the focus now remains on us, the last standing in their path and our unwillingness to bow makes us targets.
Some know that time might not be kind with what looms. Some choose to just make it by, others wise to live as if tomorrow might be the end and that’s what my parents did. My mother is was born in this world, she comes from across the sea and studied as a tailor. Her studies eventually brought her to the City-State of Verrin where she ended up being the private seamstress to the council. She never did talk much of home but I understood. It was painful… Back in her home of Qisyo things were difficult. It was one of the countries where the royal family had been forced out and armies with the banners for Mol were raised. Some refugees from her country could be seen throughout Verrin but I knew of a settlement by the ocean on a cliff where her people were trying to wait out the war across the sea so they can return home. Qisyo’ko was the name of the settlement and I had only been there once…  
My father had arrived when my mother was working in a dress shop, he did not join the ranks and instead chose to live his life in the business of delivery within the city. My mother was someone he came across quite often since he would deliver goods to the shop she worked in and their relationship eventually grew and then they were married. My mother was aware of his status as a refugee and knew marriage wouldn’t secure a future for him but her eventual career opened doors and my father was able to eventually work in the library, much like he had back on Earth. It was a quiet enough life for them, and my appearance made things better for them, something they always reminded me of. I remember spending a lot of time with my father in the library, reading never-ending books, and in the evening bothering my mother beyond words since I had not seen her all day whenever work called for her.
Eventually, I did make friends of my own but there was one I ended up being the closest to. It was around the time the last of the humans from Earth made their way over. There had been a group of orphans but there was one who did not seem as sad as the others. It turned out she had already been an orphan and had been placed in home after home. The events of her world and the drastic change stressed her eyes, but she did not cry over the loss of family like the others and seemed more optimistic, hopeful almost. Her name was Morgan and she and I had a bond that could rival the closest of sisters.
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justjessame · 4 years
A Little Ass and A Lotta Sass: Chapter 7: Pulling Out All the Stops...Did He REALLY Think That Would Work?
Seriously, I was locked in the terrifying gaze of Negan’s eyes and I was very, very curious as to how I’d NEVER really allowed myself to contemplate how fucking scary he could be. I must have made some sort of noise, or maybe I flinched, all I know is that I did SOMETHING without realizing it and it broke the fierceness of his attention on me. It did not, however, remove the rampant hard on that he was STILL sporting. Shit.
I felt the breath come back into my lungs, had I been holding my fucking breath? When he cupped my cheek, after he yanked the glove off his hand with his teeth, I found myself leaning into his touch. I should be biting him, a part of me screamed, anything to get away from him. The other part of me, the one that actually controlled my body, didn’t agree apparently. I felt his sigh, and his lips kissing my forehead. I felt his entire body begin to relax, and let out another long breath.
Rule Number 1: Laughing at Negan during sexy fun times is a NO NO. Huge no. Let’s not play with that version of fire, at least not yet.
He finally pulled away from me, and I realized that Dad had wandered off during the standoff. I found myself curious as to how long it had lasted. “Rick has the worst timing in the entire motherfucking world.” He leaned against the wall beside me, watching my profile. “Come back with me, Callie, and we’ll never be interrupted again.” He was laying the temptation on thick now.
I smirked. He truly didn’t know me. Really, truly had no fucking idea how bad my luck was at getting caught and being interrupted. Seriously. “And if we were interrupted, I’m sure someone would be punished for it.”
I closed my eyes, realizing that it was more true than I could have allowed myself to believe. The man beside me, so close I could still feel the heat pouring off of him, was exactly the type to kill or maim someone who got between him and his wants. I wondered if that included me, if I had the audacity to walk in on him and one of his other women? Would I be punished so severely that I’d wish I were dead? Or would he mark me, a more permanent reminder than a love bruise on my neck? I’d seen the man who had worn Daryl’s vest with his half ruined face. I heard from Carl’s story of his tour of Negan’s abode what made a face look like that.
“Callie,” it was a cross between a groan and a sigh. “I’m willing to give your people their freedom, or at least most of it. I’m willing to give them peace. For you. Hell, I gave back the redneck because your dad seems so attached.” I knew he was being honest, but to me, it just wasn’t enough of an incentive. “Do you want me to be completely fucking different? Want me to fucking give up my entire life for you? Cause you’re hot as shit, baby doll, but that’s a bridge too fucking far.”
I rolled my eyes, still not looking at him. I didn’t want him to change entirely. There were definitely some very attractive parts of him that I was becoming more than slightly accustomed to. Yet, there were a few things that I couldn’t live with being a part of. ONE huge one, actually. “If I wanted a man to bend completely to my will, I think I would have picked Spencer Monroe.” I huffed out a breath. “You know, the weak and trainable type?” I heard him give a snort. “I don’t want you to be COMPLETELY different, Negan. I just don’t want certain aspects of your lifestyle to be included in mine.” There, I thought, a rational argument for why I couldn’t just pack up and go.
I felt his fingers touch my neck, brushing the skin and feeling the goosebumps develop from his touch. “One part,” it wasn’t a question, so I figured he was coming to the right conclusion. “The others?” Or not, I realized when he ended that part with the question mark dangling.
I finally turned my head to look up at him. “The others.” I answered. “It’s probably not fair, in your mind, that I disagree with your current relationship status. Especially since I’m basically a bartering tool. But it does. And I can’t, no I won’t go there knowing that if I piss you off, or if I’m not in the mood, you’ve got a pack of skittles worth of others to divert you until I become more accommodating.” He was studying me, listening to what I was trying to say. “Look, I know how women act, especially if there’s one alpha male that is releasing ALL the pheromones in the fucking place. They can be more fucking hateful and spite filled than you, your little bat there, and all the guards you have running around like a biker version of the Secret Service.” Vicious, that’s what women like those he was collecting could be, or were, judging by the way he seemed to get exactly what I was saying. “I’d rather piss you off a million times by saying ‘no’ to going back with you, than have to put up with a bunch of possessive bitches who got there first.”
He chuckled, not without a hint of mirth, but also not as boisterous as when he found me funnier than usual. “I can’t deny that they are a handful.” He seemed to be recalling some of their less attractive moments. “They serve a purpose, Callie.” Seeing me roll my eyes at the purpose I imagined, he took my hand in his to get my attention refocused. “Not just fucking, Jesus woman. Most of them I offered to join me to get their men in line.” I noticed he said ‘most’ and not ‘all’ He clearly saw my glare forming. “Yes, the others propositioned me. I won’t deny it, it’s nice to have variety.” My glare was becoming more furious by the minute. “Hey, calm the fuck down. What I’m saying, and clearly fucking not getting through to you, is that not a single one of them is you. I didn’t give up a single fucking thing to get them. Not one. I may keep them in the lap of luxury, but that shit doesn’t really cost me a fucking thing. You, Callie? I’m willing to fucking give up all THIS.” He gestured around us, at the house we were standing in, and knew he meant the entire community. “For you. To take you back and get fucking lost in you.”
I considered what he was saying. I sort of understood. I still didn’t fucking like it. “I’m going to have to-”
“Take more fucking time.” He finished for me, running a frustrated hand down his face again. “Of course you are. It couldn’t possibly become fucking simple now could it?” I stared at him. He truly looked, was that, no. He looked tortured by it. Well, fuck, that’s a new power for me to add to the growing list. I could fucking torture Negan without laying a finger on him.
“You know,” I turned my entire body to him and gave him a small smile. “I’d fucking LOVE to be able to send you off with a bang, on my bed, upstairs.” I saw his dimples come out to play at the mere thought of it. “But some raging asshole with an ego the size of my house stole the bed, and the mattress. And not just mine, every fucking one’s.” Cold water, without a drop of rain, right over top of his fucking head and hope.
He groaned, and reached down for the bat. “I guess I’m gonna have to have a talk with that asshole.” He looked at the bat, almost lovingly, and I wondered if I’d start to feel jealous of a piece of fucking wood. “Lucille and I will go, I guess.”
Wait, did he name his fucking bat? “Lucille?” I choked out, trying desperately not to laugh. “The bat has a name?”
He smiled down at me. “Fuck yeah, she’s got a name.” He held ‘her’ out for my inspection. I was fucking thankful that she was clean, with no noticeable part of my family still showing. “Lucille, meet Callie. Callie, meet Lucille.” I glanced up at him, hoping he wasn’t so fucking crazy as to expect me to actually talk to the fucking thing. “My two dirty girls.” He winked and then whistling he left.
What the literal fuck? He had to be crazy. Had to be a fucking certifiable lunatic. And of course ,I, Callie Grimes, mistress of logic and reasoning, had to find him sexy as hell. Shaking my head, I wandered back upstairs, thinking about the latest meeting with Negan and what he’d told me. And tried, beyond reasonable doubt, to convince myself that going away with a man who thought women were bargaining chips to keep others in line and that a bat had a personality, was actually a good fucking idea.
  How much time did it take for the Big Bad Wolf to come calling again? Two days. Seriously, I had to wonder if he drove back to home base, showered, changed his fucking clothes, and drove all the way back to Alexandria.
Judith and I were rocking on the porch when he approached this time. I nearly laughed at the absolute certainty that Judith would be a far more effective cock block than Dad had been. Especially since she’d be here from the first moment he locked eyes on me.
“That is a fuckin’ picture I want framed.” He greeted me, taking in me and my baby sister. “Fuck, you’re going to be an amazing mama, Callie.” A mother? Well that escalated quickly.
“I think you’re putting the cart way before the fucking horse there, Negan.” I answered, bouncing Judith as I rocked. “Unless you’re thinking of me and some other guy, YEARS from now.”
I saw his eyes squint at the mention of me and someone else, but then his smile was back, like he knew something I didn’t. “Actually, I’m pretty fucking certain that there’s already a chance that you’re possibly halfway, or already there, darlin’.” His dimples seemed to deepen at what I could only imagine was my confused expression. “Think about it, princess, think about it.”
What the fuck was he-shit. Fuck. Well, god-fucking-damn it. I huffed out a sigh as I heard his laughter. The boisterous one. That fucking asshole. Although, actually it had been both of us to absolutely fuck up. Shit.
“How do you know I’m not on any-” I started and his laughter grew. Dickhead.
“Callie, didn’t Carl tell you why he tried to fucking shoot us that first day?” His eyes were actually fucking twinkling at me in amusement. “Must have missed that story, huh? Your sweet baby brother was trying to stop us, me from taking your medical supply.” Shit, fuck, damn it. “Do you really think my fucking guys don’t know what birth control looks like? I mean, they may look stupid, but they’re not.”
“That doesn’t mean-” I considered which way to go with my statement. It doesn’t mean I didn’t have a secret stash of birth control. It doesn’t mean I don’t have an IUD that I got years earlier. It doesn’t mean that there’s the spawn of the spawn of Satan growing in me after one fucking time.
“It doesn’t mean that you’re not, either.” He offered. And I swear to fucking hell he looked like a cat that ate a fucking canary. “When you find out you are, I HAVE to be with you when you tell Rick. That’s a fucking given. I HAVE to see his face when he realizes his first fucking grand-baby is mine.’
I rolled my eyes. “You’re going to be disappointed.” I said, noticing that Judith was watching him with rapt attention. Dear lord, he was like her new favorite toy. “You’re just trying to confuse me with this bullshit, the odds are truly not in your favor.”
He held out his hands to Judith after carefully putting Lucille (did I honestly just use the bat’s name?) down against the banister. And my baby sister, like a true traitor nearly fucking jumped into his arms. He chuckled and kissed her soft hair. Then he took the rocker next to mine, almost like that second time he’d come to Alexandria. “I won’t lie,” his voice was careful, careful to keep Judith feeling warm and fuzzy toward him. “It’d fucking tickle my balls for you to be pregnant with my kid. Like really fucking tickle them. And not just to piss dear old Dad off.” I felt his stare as I was looking over the street in front of us. “You and me? Fuck, that kid would get started off fucking right.”
I couldn’t stop the laugh that had built. Jesus. My mouth and his, on a child. That poor kid. Or rather, anybody who had the misfortune to meet that fucking kid. “I think I’ve just been terrified out of ever wanting kids. With anyone.” I smiled at him and his grin held firm. “Dear God, just imagine that.”
“Oh, I have.” He kissed Judith on her tiny nose. “I fucking have.”
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ais-n · 4 years
1 | more like apologise for how harmful it was? how the mlm relationships were so clearly hetero? the sex scenes were so straight to me tbh. and i say this as someone who has read the books twice. first time i didn't see what i saw the second time. i think you genuinely wanted to have people of colour representation but it's very racist to me how hsin and emilio were done. constantly called "exotic" which is a thing americans like to use so much when it's not their ethnicity.
Hi! Thanks for the detailed explanation, I appreciate it! At first I had such HIGH HOPES I could reply to all three of your asks in one place but it turns out I talked too much (go figure lol) So I’m going to do then one at a time. I did want to start out replying to one offhand comment in the 3rd ask and then I’ll get into the rest. Below is what I had written before I realized I need to split it into three and then edited out saying I’m answering all at once. For anyone who hasn’t seen all three asks yet, that’s why part of what I’m talking about isn’t represented above - anon, hopefully it makes more sense to you since you know the future right now from what you had written in the past. ....wow, I made that confusing.
Thank you for the explanation! I appreciate you too! Also you made me laugh out loud at the gay comment, so thank you for that XD You are not making me feel worse; I appreciate the courage you no doubt had to pull together to post this :) I could be wrong but if I imagine myself in your place, I imagine feeling a little scared or intimidated to post and yet feeling it is necessary. I think it’s really cool you were able to post this in such a thoughtful explanation. Thank you!
In order to not overwhelm anyone’s inbox - and to make it easier for you - I put these all together in one ask. [[[EDIT: JUST KIDDING I talk too much - this is answering stuff from each ask at a time, sorry. I put it behind a cut to make it less long on people’s dashboards.]]] 
Still, I imagine with so much I want to talk about at once, I will probably miss things so let me know if I miss something you really wanted to talk about or you wanted follow up on something in particular.
Anyway READ MORE BELOW for a probably stupidly long reply lol Just, knowing me at least….
Hi welcome to the below deck party! I don’t know why I said it that way. That was creepy sorry lol Anyway I’m breaking this up a little bit but the more I think about it the more I think this probably really can’t address everything properly in one place. So, again, seriously just let me know if you want follow up on anything - or if anyone does, for that matter. I’m not doing this quite in order though.
Yeah actually, I agree that “exotic” is pretty ??? terminology to be using tbh. I don’t imagine I would use that wording if I were writing something today and if we were to edit the series now, I’d remove it. I don’t remember the context, to be honest; whether it was only used in narration or if it was used in dialogue too. Dialogue might stay, if it’s to show a person speaks a certain way and has certain views on life, but I’d personally probably change that in narration unless it had a specific reason for being there. Which my very vague memories combined with your comment make me think probably not?
In regards to Hsin/Emilio plus even terminology like ‘exotic’ or whatever being used - so, upfront, I need you to know this whole post is not an excuse or etc. It’s just an explanation. 
I didn’t write Hsin or Emilio, so I honestly can’t speak for or about them. I would like to be able to give you some insight into “Sonny’s” background and his friends and family he said he was inspired by in writing them, or give you insight into Alicia’s background (as she is a person of color, at least I was always told she is), but I truly don’t even know what was a lie and what was truth anymore. He always told me his characters like Hsin and Emilio were based pretty directly on people he knew - well, Emilio in particular was hugely based on a cousin of his. But that cousin didn’t exist, it turns out, or at least not in the way I knew. We wrote our own characters and were in charge of their own stories, although we also co-wrote the series as a whole and had input on the plot and etc. But I never really dealt directly with Emilio or Hsin in the writing of them other than how my characters interacted with “his” characters.
I can’t speak on behalf of anyone so I honestly can’t say if Emilio and/or Hsin are concerning or not concerning portraitures of any demographic. I really feel that such a determination has to be up to each reader. I say that in part because I’ve heard over the years that people actually appreciated the way they were written, for various reasons, and some of the people saying that were from demographics that the characters represented. But that also doesn’t mean it has to be something across the board; that because one person feels a certain way, everyone else whether in or out of that demographic has to agree. Quite the opposite, really.
I wish I could even say something like “I know Sonny did a lot of research on xyz specific topic because we talked about abc in regards to it” but I can’t. I know we had those conversations but I don’t know if anything I was told is true. What I can say is the series was written basically 15 years ago. Or rather, started around 15 years ago, then written on/off over multiple years. And we started it essentially in the same vein as BL fanfic, just sort of as a fun thing to do on our off time without any initial plan to ever publicly share it. The good thing about humans and culture is we change as we grow, and there are many things we can continue to gain understanding of as we go. 
One of the really good things about the last 15 years is it’s become more and more accessible to learn about the world and its people. When we started ICoS, for example, Google streetview wasn’t a thing. In order to try to be accurate about something like the streets of a particular city, we either had to totally make shit up and say the war changed everything in that town or I had to try to track down a paper map of it and hope nothing had changed significantly since then. 
Slowly over the years, the globalization of information expanded. Over time, all the little details I didn’t know to even question became things I could find easily. Like, do they say W Something St or Something St W? Is it Avenue Blah or Blah Avenue? Do they even use terminology like avenue or streets? Do they commonly have alleyways everywhere or anywhere and if so how big are they? What are the roads made of? What is the lighting like? Are there basements? 
I grew up in Midwest USA on the tail end of tornado alley where a basement is an absolute must. Imagine my absolute confusion when I learned there are houses out there where they DON’T go underground. Like, at all. wtf??? From my, at that time obviously limited, experience, the only people I personally knew who didn’t have some sort of underground space were apartment dwellers or my friend who lived in the mobile home park. It was such a staple understanding in my life to assume everyone had a basement in their home that I had no idea to even question the existence of such a thing when trying to write another location within the US, let alone anywhere else in the world. And at a certain point when we were writing it, I didn’t even know to ask certain questions, or if I did I didn’t have an easy way of finding it.
If you were to read the very, very original version of Evenfall and compare it to what’s most recently released, for example, there are many differences. One example of something you might notice is the streets are totally different in Monterrey. That’s because we had to make up streets the first time around because I could not find any maps for the city. I tried but they just weren’t accessible for whatever reason; not in the detail I needed and where I could find them, or probably afford. We had to just be like “Welp, guess the war changed it all, sry!” to explain the random names and structure. But as the years passed, information spread to a minute level across the world slowly but surely. First, Google eventually had the layout of the city streets, then it had satellite imagery, then it had Google streetview, then it had people randomly uploading photos to locations, and so on. Eventually, there was enough information from big to small to feel relatively sure we could at least somewhat accurately represent the geography - not perfectly, absolutely not because we’d never been there - but an approximation that hopefully wouldn’t be too jarring for someone actually able to visit, themselves.
You may wonder why the hell I’m talking about streets in Mexico when your comment was on Hsin’s and Emilio’s characterizations, but I mention it because I look at a lot of things in writing with that same level of paranoia of wanting all the details possible to write it to try to be as accurate to at least someone’s reality as possible. That’s one reason why I haven’t written Domino, for example, which focuses on Vivienne’s life; it probably seems like it should be easy to do, and in ways it is. But I don’t feel nearly educated enough on how it would be to grow up in France in a rural then urban area with the sort of pressures she had as a young woman and with her different levels of wealth and the way she looked and etc etc to be fair to anyone who may find representation within that and to not accidentally jar them totally out of the experience by the equivalent of randomly throwing a basement in the middle of Texas because who the fuck knew Texans don’t automatically have basements in all their homes?? 
Really, with anything, there is always room for improvement - especially with anything as complex as any aspect of any demographic which inherently then serves as some form of representation for a huge variety of human beings. Humans, being complex beings themselves, will thus have an even larger variety in the way any topic can be seen. What is severely off-putting to one person might be acceptable to another. Sometimes society steps in and is like nah bro, idgaf if you’re cool with that, I’m not. And sometimes it remains so complex that it’s hard to give one exact answer.
What we tried to do was listen to feedback as we wrote and take it into account in the writing of the series itself. Also, especially later in the series, whenever possible we tried to do research as much as possible on whatever detail or topic we had going on to try to be as accurate as possible.
I’m truly not trying to skirt any sort of issue, I just don’t think I can properly say a singular reply to your concern without being unfair to different voices I’ve heard on this topic over the years. If I had never heard directly or indirectly from people that they specifically appreciate the representation of the characters, if in fact I had only ever heard concerns about them, it would be easier to say we were wrong. But I’m not part of any of the demographics so I can’t speak on behalf of any of them. Thus, I can only listen to what different people tell me, and know that regardless of what I’m told, for them that is truth and thus I respect it.
What I will say is it certainly was not the intention to upset, insult, alienate, or otherwise cause concern for anyone reading the series for anything other than the actual things intended to be fucked up like the things the characters went through and so on. I’m very sorry that the characterization is so upsetting and concerning for you. That really sucks; it takes away from the point of the story and puts you in a place that is deeply uncomfortable. I’m very sorry we put you in that position.
Actually, I’d love to hear more what you mean by your comment. I have certain inferences I make based on what I think you mean but I don’t want to misinterpret and misrepresent your concerns.
The way I interpret “how the mlm relationships were so clearly hetero? the sex scenes were so straight to me tbh.” is maybe related to the idea of dominance vs submission? Like making an equivalence of that to masculine = dominant = power/strength = top = Hsin, and feminine = submissive = weakness = bottom = Boyd? Is that what you’re suggesting or did you mean something else? I have a lot of thoughts on this subject but, again, I don’t want to ramble on a tangent if I am totally misunderstanding what you meant. Especially since I rambled so much above.
So if you’d like to explore the topic more and would like thoughts/answers/etc just let me know in another anon ask more specifically what you mean, if you can. Thank you :)
I’ll go onto ask 2 for now - I forgot exactly what came up in that ask vs the 3rd ask so I’m not sure how long it will take me to type up a reply. Just in case I don’t finish it today, I wanted to sign this off in the meantime with I hope you’re staying healthy and safe!
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Le Trio Mortel Ch. 2
This is a collaboration fic with @grungyblonde and the lovely @ivarsshieldmadien. I literally just stole the taglist from the previous post! If you would like to be removed or added please let us know! 
Warnings: A little violence 
Chapter 1
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I stare at the man before me, remove the skinny jeans, the ball cap and there was my Louis. I shuffle from behind the small table clasping my hands together waiting for them to state their reason for being here. I clear my throat. “Are you here for a tour perhaps?” I smile. Melli keeps taking deep breaths circling the thick sideburn one like he was fresh meat, while Marie was starstruck gazing at the strong jaw man like he was god.
He steps forward. “I mean do you have food?” Melli smiles and literally leaps from the ground with a slight clap and a giggle. He raises an eyebrow to her.
“I can make you something, and then we can give you a tour.” She places her hands on his shoulders pushing I’m through the house.
Marie’s nervous, it’s a first for her for certain. She steps forward clearing her throat. “Maybe you were drawn here by the garden out back. I’m told it has that affect on people?”
He looks mesmerized. He would follow her to hell if that’s where she lead him. “Sure.”
“So uh…” the doppelganger says looking around. “Should I head out to the garden or better yet, do you have a line?”
A line?
“Of coke?” He smiles tapping the edge of his nose. “I usually don’t do this but when in Rome.”
He was in New Orleans? Louis’ face fades from my mind and I stare at him. “Uh, I was in the process of crushing herbs. Did you know that sage is said to cleanse the soul?”
“And rid the place of ghost.” He adds with an assured head shake and a point.
I scoff. Ghosts. “Where are you from?” I ask.
“Kattegat, my brother booked this trip dragging us here because of a fucking urge, he’s a weirdo. But I got a free trip and it’s not so bad. Have you been to Bourbon Street? Man, you can score some good shit there.”
“So I’ve heard.” His incessant talking irritated me. I start back crushing my herbs and the idea pops into my head.
I hand the blonde the tea. I mixed with herbs that will knock him down for some hours. “Here you are.” I smile. “Darling.”
“I’m not really a tea guy.”
“I beg your pardon handsome, it’s rude to deny the hosts refreshments.”
“It’s just it’s 86 degrees out and you gave me tea.” He pushes it across the table and I feel my anger rising as he slides the little device out and starts to tap the fluorescent screen.
“Would you like some ice?”
He shifts agitated and impatiently. “Have you seen my brothers?” Avoiding my question completely.
“Drink.” I pause and smile removing the edge from my voice. “The tea and I’ll go find them.”
“Look lady, I’m not thir-.”
My hand reacts before I can smacking him of the head with tea kettle. He for certain wasn’t my Louis. Rude mongrel. He falls slump to his side unconscious and I find myself cackling. “The fun begins now handsome.” I smirk.
 I will never forget that Saturday in June. The air was thick and muggy but the crowd was light. They only threw these Quadroon Balls once every six months. I pin my hair in a bun fixing the corset on my dress hoping that Jeanne was dressed and ready to walk out of the door.
The streets were busy. Jeanne and I navigate out of our homes down to Bourbon street, the ballroom was already booming with people, energy and a surge of conversation. WE enter, separating at the door. I’d never been one for crowds so I found myself flush against the wall watching the dances, admiring the men as they feasted their eyes upon the woman in their visions and staked their claim.
Jeanne was swept off her feet as soon as she hit the floor by Monsieur Raphael Broduer, he was a lanky gentleman, thick curly hair and a smile that charmed even the most stone faced woman. Jeanette stood no chance.
“Bonjou.” The deep voice says behind me. I turn to him and I stare. There has never been a man before that literally took my breath away. None but Louis.
“Bonswa.” I chuckle.
“It is rather late,” he responds in his sweet charming manner, his arms folded across his chest and his eyes were alight. “Have you attended such things?”
“I have twice.” I smile.
“Bel fanm tankou ou?” A beautiful woman like you.
My heart flutters at his small attempts to flirt with me. “How many have attended mesye?”
My face teams with heat as I replicate his attempt. “You nonm bel tankou ou?” A handsome man like you.
He chuckles and steps closer. “Well, we should both be the remedy to the problems at hand, may I have this dance?”
I could still hear the violins start and feel the thud of my heart trying to break free from my chest as he took my hand. We started the first dance following the directions of the dance, stepping forward and then back and then to the side of one another, but his eyes never left me and neither did that smile. That smile could stop wars, heal the sick and woo me to a life I never thought was possible.
We never touched that night, other than our hands and a stern handshake once he walked me to my front steps. We never touched but I remember every single aspect of it, every breath, every step even the moments of silence.
  He lay in my bed moaning grabbing at his blonde hair. I sat at the edge of the bed and noticed him waking. I face him and every look I’m praying for the Gentleman Louis to reveal himself, but there was nothing of him in this scoundrel. I was not a fan of the new age of dating. Tinder? POF? How about a conversation and a kiss on the first date? How about asking my father for permission to wed, not ourting me using acronyms. What in the hell was DTF?
He wakes clawing at the manacles on his ankles, I kept them for good measure. “Look woman, I’m not going to hit you because I don’t do that shit. But you better let me up, or I swear my brother, Ivar, who doesn’t have too much gall will deck you?”
“I have no time for your flagrant display of entitlement.” I pause and lift my hand and he stills. Those blue eyes widen, and I have him hooked. *** “I call upon the gods to summon and manifest a desire for me in him.” His breath is taken away. “Remove the disdain, fill him with lust, respect and undying love for me.” He falls back on the bed once again unconscious and I smile knowing that when he rises again he will be 100% mine and ignoramus free.
The hour passes quickly and he stirs to life immediately rubbing his hand down the side of my arm. “Miss Charlot.” He hums peppering kisses down my neck.
“Ubbe, you should go get changed, my love. We have places to be.”
@imgoldielikehawn @courtrae89 @whenimaunicorn@ceridwenofwales @equalstrashflavoredtrash @sparklemichele@lisinfleur @readsalot73 @titty-teetee @lupy22 @ivaraddict@akamaiden @wheredidallthedreamersgo @therealcalicali@nocturneinaminor @siren-queen03 @savismith@honestsycrets  @greennightspider @mintandfigs@captstefanbrandt @dangerousvikings@funmadnessandbadassvikings @mblaqgi @kingbouji3@rekdreams247 @bluearchersstuff  @michaeliskindahot @tephi101@wish-i-was-a-mermaid @dopeybubbles @romanchronicles@seremedyxiii  @flokilaksh @atequila  @float-autumn-leave@ivarslittlebadgirl @kaephei-grimoire @haliannej @badbitsh13@happydaysandersen @oddsnendsfanfics  @lol-haha-joke @awesomerextyphoon @igetcarriedawaywithyou@ivarswickedqueen @tomarisela @itsspecial-itsnotforeveryone@exchulte @sparklydreamstranger @lostinthebeans @cbouvier23 @ivarsrideordie @therealmrshale @missrobyn81 @perfectus-in-morte @bappo-take-a-nappo @thebookisbtr @rabeccablake @dmv49 @missliquor20 @alicedopey @daughterofthenight117  @heathen-whore  @ivars-snowflake  @vikingsandetc  @ivarslittlebadgirl @93generation @tgrrose@cc8302 @ivarlothbroks @lokigoddess @filthy-lil-thing@deepdarkred @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @in-livvin-color@unacceptabletatertots @lovelynerdytraveler @purplerain85  @peaceisadirtyword  @thevikingsheaux @that-goodgirl @moondustmemories
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imagine-loki · 6 years
TITLE: Maelstrom CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 17
AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine helping Loki leave his physically and emotionally abusive girlfriend. You treat him with kindness and respect, and with time, as he falls for you, you teach him that love isn’t supposed to hurt. RATING: Mature NOTES/WARNINGS: Trigger Warning - This story is going to deal with emotional and physical abuse by a female abuser to her male partner. Maelstrom - a situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil.
Cara bit her lips together as her father spoke to her about the going-ons in his home since she had been there last. Her day in the forests with Loki was something she had not expected and was very much focusing on that and not her father's words.
When they had both became sated from their actions, she apologised to him for not being more controlled in her behaviour and stopping it from going too fast, but with assurances that he had very much wanted it, she allowed herself to calm down and enjoy it all. Loki could not help himself, he smiled dopily as he wrapped his arm around her, elated to have had his wish of caring for the woman he would do it first with, granted. It had a few moments where both were unsure of themselves, where they felt they had not done something right or fumbled, but neither made mention of it. As they lay staring at the sky, they watched the realm around them continue to move.
Sitting in one of the many rooms that allowed the people of Asgard to converse and meet while in the palace, Cara wanted to hear what her father was saying but her mind kept flitting elsewhere. Tyr was too busy speaking to notice, but Rhonda and Sif seemed to realise the always listening and vigilant healer was not as there in the room with them as her presence would imply.
‘How is Prince Loki?’ Rhonda asked when Tyr had finished speaking about the Svartalfheim debate that he had been involved in.
‘Fine.’ She stated, her voice higher than she had expected it to be. Sif and Rhonda looked at one another immediately, even Tyr paused. ‘I saw him today and he was fine.’ Cara expanded, relieved her voice was not still high pitched.
‘Good.’ Her father beamed. ‘That boy would be an utter mess were it not for you.’ He stated proudly.
‘I dare say he has an even bigger skip in his step these days.’ Rhonda commented lowly in a manner that Tyr could not hear and specifically to Cara, though Sif heard her and seemed to think the same thing that was implied.
Cara said nothing in return and willed herself to give no indication as to what had transpired that very day. She looked at Sif who clearly seemed bothered by it all.
‘Just as long as my daughters are happy, I hope you are both careful.’ Tyr stated.
‘Father, please, not again.’ Sif grimaced, having heard her father state time and again about the precautions they should take until they were ready to be mothers.
‘I say it only for your good, Sif.’ It was clear from Tyr’s face, he did not want to think of his two little girls as women with partners. ‘Cara, I mean it, do not risk anything until you are ready. You are young yet.’
‘Yes, Father.’
‘Wait, she only gets a momentary request and I had to endure a twenty-minute lecture on the attitudes of men. There is no justice there.’ Sif exclaimed.
‘If your sister, a qualified healer, is not able to ascertain how children are created, the talk I need to have with her will not be regarding biological processes but asking her to reconsider her career.’ Tyr pointed out. Sif could not argue. ‘Now, about yourself and Thor.’
‘I think Cara should tell us more about what she and Loki did today.’ Sif turned to her sister, trying to divert the conversation.
‘I think you should be honest for a change Sif, it’s getting embarrassing.’ Cara smiled, bringing the cup of tea to her mouth and smirking, elated that the conversation was no longer on herself and Loki.
‘Yes?’ Cara smiled at Eir as she entered the healing rooms.
‘May I speak with you in my office, please.’
Worried, Cara did as she was requested, noting the other healers looking at her as she did. ‘Yes, Eir?’
‘Two things, you took a contraceptive potion from the cabinet and did not mark it correctly, you put your name down twice instead of the woman it is for in the recipients' side.’
‘It’s not an error.’ Cara explained.
‘So the...oh, I see, my apologies.’ Eir nodded slightly, realising her error. ‘I assumed an error when I should have known better. If I am honest, such a reason did not come to me when it should have been a possibility.’
‘It’s fine. And the other thing?’
Eir was about to speak when she looked at Cara again. ‘You seem to think you are in some manner of trouble.’
‘The manner in which you called me to your office gave me such an impression, if I am honest.’
‘When have I ever had to reprimand you for anything?’
‘The day will come.’
‘Well, today is not it. There is a group of Light Elves coming to Asgard for a few weeks, as I assume you know via Prince Loki.’ Cara looked at her confused. ‘He said nothing to you?’
‘He is on an excursion the past week or so, I have only corresponded with him via a note he sent two days ago saying he will be another week or more.’
‘I see.’ Eir frowned. ‘And you are not worried?’
‘He is with my sister, I doubt he would do something untoward with her there.’
‘That is true.’
‘So these Light Elves?’
‘Oh yes, I lost my train of thought. They are arriving this week. As you know, we are very much always working with them, so I was hoping, after the congressional meeting we were at, you would assist me with them.’
‘Well, I am free bar what I am working.’ Cara smiled.
‘I knew I could depend on you. Healer Amie refuses to assist.’
Cara pursed her lips, utterly unsurprised by such a statement. Amie, as she noticed long before, was a tad fearful of any work outside of her required hours, something that impeded her advancement and caused her great bitterness when she saw younger healers surpass her in rank. ‘I will be there.’
‘You would be here regardless, wouldn’t you?’
‘Regarding the potion…’
‘I have been using it for two hundred years to simply to make life easier to predict certain aspects of our gender, most young women do these days, one less hassle.’ She stated, hoping that Eir would not see through her half-truth. She had been using the potion in such a manner for the past two hundred years it was true, but now, she wanted to use it for its true purpose.
‘I wish we had been as quick to think of it back in my day.’ Eir commented. ‘It also has other uses for you now. I dare say you are not ready for such career pauses as children.’
‘With all due respect, Eir. I am not even officially being courted by His Highness, such things would be completely unacceptable.’
‘I am very distantly related into the family, through marriages, not biologically, and all I can say is this role has a lot of protocol, but from what I observe, high birth status is ninety per cent protocol and tradition, half of which makes little sense.’
‘I suppose it does not when you are on the outside looking in.’ Cara acknowledged. ‘To me, it is simply the life I have always known and as a result, accept.’
‘So, how long has it been, a month or so since you and Prince Loki have started this?’
‘Two months.’ Cara answered. ‘Not long off three.’
‘And it is not yet officiated?’
‘No, it can only be so after a minimum of six months, as anything shorter than that is seen as a folly. No high-status family would risk the embarrassment of declaring a courtship and removing particular suitors from the equation for a simple tryst. It would be madness in the eyes of many.’
‘So many rules.’ Eir shook her head. ‘I thought being a Healer had restrictions, it appears you became one to have an easier, less restrictive life.’
Cara could not help laughing. ‘Perhaps.’
‘Well, now that all of that is sorted, I will give you the dates you need and you can ready yourself as required. It will be a mixture of work times and seeing them on our own time. I…’ Cara gave her a knowing smile. ‘Of course, I forgot for a moment, you are well versed in such things.’
‘Yes, I know what is required.’ Cara nodded. ‘Please, just let me know where to be and when and I will be there. I am sure my father and the rest of my family will no doubt be making appearances also. The poor Ljosalfar will be sick of seeing my face by the end of this.’
Eir laughed. ‘Perhaps so. I guess it is times like this that being a diplomats daughter has its advantages.’
‘How so?’
‘Of all of those that will have to be involved in this, you are the only one that will know how to carry yourself properly.’ Eir pointed out.
Cara was tired from juggling her work schedule and assisting Eir in playing host to those visiting from Alfheim. She stifled a yawn as she walked through the corridor thinking of what she needed to do for the evening for herself. When she got to her rooms, she frowned when she saw someone standing by her door. ‘Is everything alright, Alfred?’
‘Healer Cara.’ He bowed slightly. ‘I was asked to retrieve you.’
Cara felt somewhat uneasy at his words. ‘I...Is everyone okay?’
Alfred, figuring out her worry, shook his head. ‘There is nothing wrong. I apologise, I should have realised what this would look like, all things considered.’
Cara nodded slightly. Loki was assisting quell a rebellious group, hurting the future king of Asgard, the second prince or their friends would be a great tactic to dishearten and affect the Aesir and Vanir armies and their morale, as well as a great boost for those against them. So naturally, being a general’s daughter and being well read on war tactics, she worried accordingly.
‘No, I was merely asked to retrieve you.’
‘Where am I asked to go?’
‘His Highness’ rooms.’
Cara’s head tilted slightly. ‘I….He’s back?’
‘They all are, with a few hours or so I believe. His Highness was in the Healing Rooms for a time being seen to before….’ Alfred had barely informed her of Loki being in the healing rooms before she turned to leave, her tiredness forgotten.
Cara could have walked past the Allfather, Hela and a hundred bilgesnipe and she would not have noticed as she focused on making her way to Loki’s rooms. When she got there, she did not wait for Alfred and rushed in against all protocol. The front rooms were empty of anyone so she walked to the room to his bedroom door and knocked. For a moment, she thought there was no one there. But after a moment, there was a sound from within.
Cautiously, Loki opened the door, startled to see who was on the other side. ‘Cara?’
‘No, the Allmother, of course, it is me. What….what happened?’
Loki rolled his eyes. ‘Thor decided to go having a bravado competition with his merry fools. Their horses got flighty and guess who had Lux gallop pasts, blowing them to the side.’
Cara walked the few steps to him and checked him, noticing it was just one bruise visible on his face. ‘Where else?’
‘My arm and shoulder.’ He answered, leaning into her hand, which had risen to the uninjured part of his face. He put his hand against hers and turned his head slightly, gently pressing his lips to her palm. ‘I missed you.’
‘As I did you.’ She assured him, closing what little distance was still separating them and leaning up to kiss him. As soon as their lips touched, their kisses became hungrier and within minutes, Loki had pulled her through the doorway into his rooms, their hands frantically gripping to one another as they felt the need to be with one another again, after unwanted time apart.
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fearofaherobrine · 5 years
Roleplay Server Log #387
“Salt Talk, Godmorgan, EAlex Portal Practice”
[Deer] Is down in the kitchen, stirring a cup of steaming coffee-
[Yaunfen] Comes downstairs- Hi mom! - They're carrying a bubbling pail of clear liquid.
[Waffles] Saunters down as well and busks on the side of the table.
[Deer] - Why hello to you too, and just what are you up to today, hm?
[Yaunfen] smiles warmly-  I made a soda fountain. So I came down to water the ferns with some of it.
[Deer] - That's a good idea, do you have anything else planned?
[Yaunfen] I dunno. Probably more fighting with Fru... - they trail off a little- But it's making some nice muscles! I can punch trees just as good as Steve!
[Deer] - Just be careful, don't get yourself killed, that's not something I ever want you to experience...
[Yaunfen] Their hair fluffs a bit, reminding her of Doc- I hope not! But I know you'll watch over me either way.
[Deer] - Always
[Yaunfen] Mom... am I ever going to be able to fly? Even Liz can kinda do it.
[Deer] - I don't know sweety, I mean, if you can become super heavy...  Maybe you can become super light too?
[Yaunfen] Brow furrows a little- Maybe... If you see Mix please tell me. I still need a scabber for Fru.
[Deer] - A scabber?
[Yaunfen] Something like that. It's some kind of magick bug.
[Deer] - Alright then.  And if you want to practice trying to be lighter, why don't you practice in the wither arena, just so you have a roof to stop you from going too high
[Yaunfen] Okay mom. - They dump some of the bubbly liquid on the ferns and there's a burst of fruity smells as the plant puffs bigger and healthier under the tending.
[Waffles] Sneaks a leaf off of a fern and drags it under the table.
[Deer] Looks down at her coffee and notices it's started to get cold- Oh darn
[Yaunfen] Aw. Just put it on top of the furnace. It'll get warm again. - They give her a little hug. - I'm gonna go play.
[Deer] - Alright, have fun- She goes and places her cup on top of the furnace
-There's a bit of noise from downstairs and TLOT fastwalks up from the gold room-
[TLOT] Ugh! I hate that thing. I know it makes him happy but cripes... my ears...
-The sound is Steve playing his digeridoo much farther down in the bowels of the house-
[Deer] Laughs a little- Everyone has things that annoys their lover to no end
[TLOT] Hops onto a stool in front of the counter, his fingers brushing on a lemon hanging heavy from a short branch of the semi-potted tree. - He hates my cheese, so I guess it's fair.
[Deer] - True- Deer sits next to TLOT, her mind distracted just enough for TLOT to pick up the buzzing from it
[TLOT] You seem to be full of thoughts today. But I won't intrude if you don't feel like talking. - He takes his helmet off and sets it on the counter before fluffing his messy hair and facing her.
[Deer] - No, it's alright, it's mostly just a bad feeling
[TLOT] Considering that you're part of just about everything here, that is troubling.
[Deer] - Doc has mentioned that there's a couple more major updates ready, but...  I don't know, I just feel like it might be a bad idea...
[TLOT] Are you worried about physics mistakes? Or something worse...? That one that stuck everyone in their alternate shapes was pretty bad.
[Deer] - I don't know, I feel like it might have more to do with me, as in, all of me- She gestures around them
[TLOT] Unfortunately I don't have any talent for seeing the future. But I do trust your instincts. What's the alternative though? Just stop going forward?
[Deer] - It would break Doc's heart...
[TLOT] Everyone likes new things don't they? The world just keeps getting more complicated. I'm just glad we're not a high res-server like Cp's old home. I'd protest if it ever went that far.
[Deer] - Yeah...  Hopefully I'm just overthinking all of this- She goes to grab her reheated coffee
[TLOT] I heard there's going to be visible fish...
[Deer] - Hera will love that
[TLOT] I think I will too. I love making little things. - He turns over a hand and accidently goes forward in his hotbar-
-There's a chirp and the cricket escapes from his inventory. It pops up into the lemon tree and squeaks out the song of healing as loud as it can-
[TLOT] Darn it. I guess you aren't the only restless one.
[Deer] - No I'm not, can you feel the tension Lie's giving off?
[TLOT] She's worried about Aether. I don't think that will stop anytime soon.
[Porygon] Is woken by the cricket and falls out of the small tree onto the counter. It scoots back and forth and makes an annoyed statick noise at the bug-
[TLOT] New pet?
[Deer] - Yeah, Doc traded the goomy for it.  And I think it's more than just Aether TLOT
[TLOT] -sighs- The wolves too...
[Deer] - TLOT...  Did you not feel that their sex was interrupted?
[TLOT] Blushes slightly- Well I wasn't going to air that laundry unless someone else mentioned it!
[Deer] - Did you hear why it was interrupted?
[TLOT] I did not. But I saw Cp and Notch log out and then Cp have to go back out again later.
[Deer] Grins- Aether learned to set herself on fire
[TLOT] OH NETHER. Well she's certainly Cp's kid!
[Deer] - Scared the shit out of Notch
[TLOT] I believe it. Babies get upset so easily.
[Porygon] Pokes their wedge-like beak into Deerheart's mug and there's a tiny slurping sound.
[Deer] - Porygon!
[Porygon] Jumps as much as it's treadlike feet will allow- beep???
[Deer] - I don't think you need any coffee
[Porygon] Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzurp.
[TLOT] Smiles- Sometimes we all need a little pick-me-up. Did you hear Alexsezia is making a little progress with Grinny?
[Deer] - She is?  That's great!  How did she manage that?
[TLOT] Good food and a cold floor. Grinny has been sleeping on her bed. Alexsezia likes cats and she's just as relentless as Doc when it comes to reaching out to someone who's hurting. - his gaze is a bit abstracted- I think her patience will pay off eventually.
[Deer] - That's good.  If the payoff is anything like CP's, then it will be worth it
[TLOT] I think he'll always hate Doc, but he might mellow if he has at least one human friend.
[Deer] - True.  Although I am glad things are quiet for the most part right now
[TLOT] How are you holding up with Slender here anyway? I heard he gave Doc a smack for concealing his mom and one for Cp for hiding the baby.
[Deer] - I've adjusted for the most part, I think any fluctuations that come from him are because of Splender
[TLOT] Yeah, I heard about their dad. I'm not scared persay, but I am... concerned.
[Porygon] Wheels over and sits on Deerheart's hand-
[Deer] - Their dad does sound terrifying, but I think that will be a fight that takes place outside of our cozy little server
[TLOT] Now I feel guilty... I just can't stomach the thought of going... out there. I can barely stand being high-res. It makes me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack.
[Deer] - You could always step it up, little by little if you wanted.  And Porygon?  You are heavy...
[TLOT] Looks very unsure- maybe...
[Porygon] Happy noises-
[TLOT] I've been thinking about that picture again... it's really haunting me.
[Deer] - Do you want to see if Yaunfen found any more?
[TLOT] I don't know. I just wish... maybe it's better if I don't know. Poor Zaya. I feel like she was just a friend, but no one deserves to die just to hurt someone else.
[Deer] - Your seed may hold more answers, and it has been awhile since you visited...
[TLOT] I do need to check on them. I'm just glad we haven't had to deal with Nessie in a while at least.
[Deer] Laughs a little- Besides, they haven't had anything to celebrate in awhile, and a new god may cause a party for days on end
[TLOT] That will be a cause to celebrate in Kore, and a kick in the pants for all the artists who delight in making statues of everything.
[Deer] - I wonder what they'd make Aether goddess of?
[TLOT] I'm not sure. Maybe just a certain star, or some aspect of the world.
[Deer] - I can't wait to see what other powers she may develop
[TLOT] Stares off for a long moment, his fingers absently stroking the raised edges of the jagged scar on his wrist. - I know I don't say it often, and I know you understand probably more deeply then any of us... but... - he turns to her fully, his starry eyes all the brighter for being removed from the usual shadow of his helm. - Thank you Deerheart. Thank you for coming out of your matrix to play with us all. I saw one of my best friends come back from the brink, drawn by the warmpth of your love. Even with all my powers, I don't think I could have achieved that one simple thing. You'll always have my gratitude and my blade to defend you if needed. - He gives her a slow radiation of his feelings and the room itself seems to warm with it.
[Porygon] Looks around in confusion- Beep?
[Cricket] Cheeps happily.
[Deer] Smiles- Thank you TLOT, that really means a lot to me.  It may have taken a long time to figure out what I really was and wasn't, but it has been worth it.  I don't think I would be happy either if I had remained on the side lines either
[TLOT] Nods- And whatever is troubling you, you can always bring to me as well.
[Deer] - I know, whether it be glitches, NOTCH's, or block changes, I know you will help
[Godmorgan] Stumbles towards the office in a sleepy fashion, they'd been up late working at home and realized they'd forgotten some things at the office.  They punch in the code for the door and then make a beeline for the coffee machine-
[Dofta] Watches him go past with a look of concern- Are you drunk Godmorgan???
[Godmorgan] - No, just very tired, I forgot some stuff here a couple days ago
[Dofta] How was the con?
[Godmorgan] - Long, I don't know what Jeb was thinking scheduling us for SIX panels
[Dofta] Snickers- He was thinking it wasn't him that was going.
[Godmorgan] - I'll kill him if he does it again- Pours themselves a cup of coffee- So what have I missed here?
[Dofta] Bites her lip- Umm... we got the problems fixed with the Phantoms, oh and Yster has a new boyfriend.
[Godmorgan] - Really?  How long is this one going to last?  And that was a fast fix on the phantoms...
[Dofta] Well umm, we borrowed a code monkey, an old friend of Markus's... And I think this guy is the one. He's a weird gothy Doctor with a British accent. Just her style.
[Godmorgan] - And an old friend of Markus's?  Which one?  I thought all of the ones that could code ended up working here at one point or another?
[Dofta] Is being both a terrible liar and evasive in tone. - He's a real ball of fire. Doesn't like working for other people. It was strictly a favor.
[Godmorgan] Suspicious look- Ooookay, speaking of Markus though, I need to talk to him soon
[Dofta] Is something wrong?
[Godmorgan] - No, I just need permission to use his avatar.  Jeb and I were having a discussion about doing a fan contest for one of the new pieces of merch and undoubtedly people will use his avatar for it
[Dofta] Do we really want to possibly draw attention to the NOTCH AI's by bringing that image up offically again?
[Godmorgan] - Well it's not like there isn't attention on the brine ones, and that's without any official merch for them  People are going to use Markus's avatar because of how important he is to this company.  You've seen how many animations he's in
[Dofta] Yeah... I know. Everyone likes to have good guys and bad guys to cheer or boo, and Jeb's avatar is too complicated in comparision. The Herobrine's get attention because Internet. People like a good creepy campfire story.
[Godmorgan] - Exactly, and they usually use Markus as the counterpart.  Although, I have seen a few animators pull off Jeb's avatar... Where is his highness anyways?
[Dofta] Jeb? Tinkering with the mainframe, or just asleep with his head on the desk. I'd have to walk in there to find out for sure.
[Godmorgan] - I'll go check
[Jeb] Is sitting at the desk in from of the mainframe with his head braced up on both hands, and dozing lightly. The screen is showing a complex pattern of position markers of brines and NOTCH AI's.
[Godmorgan] Leans on the door frame- Having fun?
[Jeb] Snrk! Uhhh. Oh! hello Godmorgan. Didn't expect you back so soon.
[Godmorgan] - Left some stuff here on accident, figured I may as well work from here today.  Checking on the AI's?
[Jeb] Yeah... this one just got moved to a new space and it's kind of interesting. There's a Herobrine and a NOTCH and a crapton of players. Both seem peaceful and there's no way the players haven't noticed them.
[Godmorgan] Looks at the codes- That's a big server, what's that little one next to it?
[Jeb] Looks- Just a private server. Looks like there's only a few registered players. Someone's personal sandbox I'm sure.
[Godmorgan] - Are you sure?  Something about that code seems a little odd...
[Jeb] Slightly nervous- Odd? It seems normal to me.
[Godmorgan] Shakes their head- I may just be too tired.  I'm gonna go grab that stuff from my office, there's a few things I want to go over with you
[Jeb] Oh dear... do we have to do it now?
[Godmorgan] - You set me up with six panels at the last convention
[Jeb] Yeeeeesss???
[Godmorgan] - You're going over the merch stuff with me and you're going to suffer with me
[Jeb] Slumps defeated- Can't I just sign off on everything and you do it?
[Godmorgan] - No
[Jeb] Playful- I thought I was in charge around here?
[Godmorgan] - I will make it so you can't log into your computer
[Jeb] You're mean.
[Godmorgan] - Let's go
[EAlex] Is up way too early for Licht's day off and there's the tiniest wisp of a smoky smell coming from the kitchen.
[Licht] Groans as she wakes up and rolls over- What are you doing?
[EAlex] calls back- Breakfast?
[Licht] Groans and gets up, going to the kitchen to see what the damage is-
[EAlex] Has placed a furnace in the middle of the room and is warming her hands in front of it while it cooks. There's a distinct smell of steak and there are two fixed baked potatoes on plates on the table- Good morning!
[Licht] - You do realize that's not necessary
[EAlex] Confused look- But you eat? I've seen you do it.
[Licht] - Yes, but I don't need a furnace to cook, I've got a stove, oven, microwave, and a toaster
[EAlex] But... I don't know how to use those very well... - She takes out two perfectly cooked steaks and the good smell wafts around the kitchen.
[Licht] Sighs, just so long as you clean up...
[EAlex] Okay! Eat up then. Do you have anything planned for today?
[Licht] - Some grocery shopping, but that's it
[EAlex] I was wondering.... if we could go to the server today...? I still need help with my portals.
[Licht] - Uh, sure, I'll text Doc.  But let's eat first
-le little bit of time passes-
[Doc] Has gone to Alexsezia's house to check on Grinny.
[Alexsezia] Hey. I was wondering when you'd come by.
[Doc] Well I didn't want to intrude. I brought you potion ingredients as a show of thanks and reparations in case he's destroyed a bunch of your stuff.
[Alexsezia] Takes the small chest- Thank you. Come in please.
[Grinny] Is sleeping on the bed-
[Doc] Walks into the main room-
[Alexsezia] He's probably in my room. He's kinda claimed that space.
[Doc] Well there's a bed and I imagine its easy to keep the other cats out... - Xe peeks into the doorway.
[Grinny] Is dead to the world in a patch of sunlight-
[Doc] Awwwwwww. - they snap a quick picture. - I won't bother him then, I have a few errands to do anyway. At least he's relaxed.
[Grinny] Is mostly in a ball, partially turned onto his back-
[Doc] Sneaks out. - That's a keeper.
[Alexsezia] Do you want some cheese? Just normal cheese.
[Doc] Sure, why not?
[Alexsezia] I'll make you a little half trunk.
[Doc] That gives me an idea anyway. - Xe takes the box and bids her farewell before setting off down the coast on foot. They stop in the garden to pluck some fruit and take a few things from a trunk near the back door before heading for Splender's house-
[Splender] Is heading towards town with Ringleader-
[Doc] Calls out softly from the shore, not wanting to be a pest. - Anybody home?
[Slender] Sighs in irritation and heads for the doorway- Yes?
[Doc] Is holding the trunk like a kid with one textbook facing down a principal - Am I inturrupting something?
[Slender] - No, is there something you need?- He teleports to the shore, a ripple of glitches following him as he does so
[Doc] No, just checking in. - They hold up the box. - Alexsezia made some cheese, so I brought you some, as well as bread and cheeries from my garden. It's a nice afternoon to just be outside.
[Slender] - Although the offer is appreciated, it is not necessary
[Doc] shrugs- No, it's not nessesary. It's just nice.
[Slender] - Very well- He takes the chest in a tendril- Is that all?
[Doc] I guess. Though there is one thing- They smile mischeivously- Just a screenshot, took it before I came over- They marry the shot to a random bit of paper and hold up the picture of Grinny snoozing blissfully in the sunbeam. - He seems to be making friends with TLOT's Alex; Alexsezia. I don't know about you, but it made me smile.
[Slender] - He's always been fond of sunny spots
[Doc] Most cats are. Give my best to your little bro and mom.
[Slender] - I will pass the message along when he returns from feeding
[Doc] Nods and jumps a bit as their carrot buzzes. They pull it out and hold it up- Hello?
[Licht] - Hey, EAlex is ready to come back
[Doc] Okay. Where are you?
[Licht] - My place
[Doc] Focuses and makes an opening into Licht's tv.
[EAlex] Steps through and reaches back for Licht-
[Licht] Sighs and follows-
[Doc] Closes the hole- Hi again-
[EAlex] See's Slender and freezes in terror- Ho-oo-ol-y shiiit.....
[Slender] Has a bit of a disapproving air about him-
[EAlex] obvious terror-
[Doc] Hey... are you okay? EAlex?
[Slender] Teleports back over to Splender's house, once again glitching the area-
[Licht] Is somewhat regretting not having brought her gun-
[EAlex] Shivers at the glitching -
[Doc] Pats her arm. - He's got a lot on his mind. That's all. Come with me please. - Xe leads them back up into the garden.
[EAlex] Why do I get the feeling that... person? could erase my existence way too easily?
[Doc] Grimaces- Because it's probably true....
[Licht] - I think I've seen that figure online...
[Doc] He's called Slenderman, and his reputation is not exaggerated.
[EAlex] Why is he here???
[Licht] - I'd like to know that as well...
[Doc] Well... it's complicated.... His little brother is super nice, and is here most of the time anyway, and I kinda helped summon his mom, so she's here too.
[EAlex] all eyeballs- Are you out of your freaking mind????
[Doc] I'd like to think I'm not.
[Licht] - Why would you do that?
[Doc] Because her husband is a much more unreasonable and murderous monster then her oldest son Slender. And people abusing their wives really makes me pissed off. Also she'd been estranged from her kids for a super long time because of her husband, the Wicker Man.
[Licht] - Well, I have to agree with you on the abusive husband part...
[EAlex] Yeah, nobody deserves that. It's still crazy though.
[Doc] Shrugs- I've actually spoken to the spirit of Insanity. Driving her out of the creepypastas has been a goal of mine for quite some time. Cp is my oldest case.
[Licht] - Insanity?
[Doc] Yeah, she sucks. She's like a minor goddess, likes to posess people and make them do horrible things without a flicker of conscience. She protects those she takes from Death, but she's still using them.
[Licht] - I see...
[EAlex] Shudders - What a horrible thought. I don't want anyone messing with my head.
[Doc] I feel the same. I have enough problems without fighting my own thoughts for control.
[Licht] - Anyways, EAlex, you had some things you wanted to talk to Doc about?
[EAlex] I was hoping for some help with the portal making thing?
[Doc] Ah... I'm not sure I'm the best person to help you... but we saw how Cp does it. Let's ask BEN this time. And if he's no help, I'll be your last resort.
[EAlex] BEN?
[Doc] Is typing in the chat asking him to come over if he isn't busy.
[BEN] - What?
[Doc] chat- Any chance you feel like helping a noob make her first portals?
[BEN] - Do I have to?
[Doc] Well no, but I would appreciate it. Tell you what, I'll give you some really good pot if you help out.
[BEN] - Can it wait a little? Hyrule and I are playing a game...
[Doc] Sure. That will give me some time to get my part of the deal.
-A few little clouds are gathering overhead and a few drops of rain patter down-
[Doc] Let's go inside anyway.
[EAlex] Looks up and lets the rain fall on her face a little before following- It's calming...
[Licht] - Rain irritates me, it can wash away evidence...
[Doc] Holds the door - Not much to wash away here, just the occasional stray pixel.
[EAlex] I like the sound.
[Licht] Gets inside-
-Gir bellies up to the fence and gives a slightly dusty snort. -
[Doc] Gives them an affectionate pat. - The room below this one is decently dry. Hopefully that will be good enough for BEN.
[Licht] - Is it difficult to learn how to make these portals?
[Doc] Yes. I mean you're literally breaking a hole between two planes of existence. I still have difficulty in my humanoid shape. It's easier to just be a giant dragon and throw my whole body forward headfirst to breech the wall.
[EAlex] Oh dear.
[Licht] - So what's the most basic portal?  Going between games?
[Doc] That is a lot easier. If you cross the server firewall you'll be in the void.
[EAlex] The void? That sounds ominious.
[Doc] It kinda is, it's cold and dark and easy to get lost.
[Licht] - That space you took me through?
[Doc] Yes. Once you get good at navigating you can get into any game, also onto different parts of the internet and come out of any electronic thing with a lens or a screen.
[EAlex] Whoah.... no wonder Cp acts like he does. He'd be near impossible to hide from.
[Licht] - And how many here can get out?
[Doc] Do you mean how many here can get out without help or how many are acclimated to exist irl period?
[Licht] - Can get out without assisstance
[Doc] Lets see... BEN taught Cp, he taught me and Lie, and there are some digital creepypastas from the Pokemon games that come and go. Strangled Red, Lost Silver and Glitchy.
[Licht] - So it's a very select group
[Doc] Not everyone wants to go irl, or are dedicated enough to learn to cross the barrier without help. My mate Deerheart, my child Yaunfen, Cp's generals Winston and Endrea and her son Ashe, and Markus of course and Flux. They can all go out too. It doesn't agree with everyone. TLOT hates even being on a higher res server. It literally makes him ill. Even I try to stay away from mirrors or look at my body too much out there, I get lost in the detail and it makes me self-concious and a bit unsettled.
[EAlex] The hightened senses are a bit overwhelming...
[Licht] - Well if this is going to take awhile, perhaps you should send me back out there
[Doc] What were you planning on doing today?
[Licht] - I have some grocery shopping to do
[Doc] Smiles - Anything in particular? You're free to raid the kitchen.
[Licht] - Just a supply replenish, out of peppers and some other things
[Doc] Makes a face- Ye gods... you like those things?
[Licht] - Yes?  They're not bad at all
[Doc] Incredulous look - Not bad??? It hurt so much I used the kill command on myself to make the pain stop!
[EAlex] Why would anyone eat something that painful on purpose???
[Licht] - EAlex, you ate peppers that one night that I made the pasta!  Only some peppers are hot
[EAlex] Oh... yeah those were pretty good.
[Doc] Maybe we're not talking about the same thing? Like variations in cheese maybe? -They make a small circle with their fingers - The one I had was bright red and about this big.
[EAlex] That's tiny....
[Licht] - Yeah bell peppers are bigger and have almost no spice
[Doc] That sounds much more edible. Cp basically gave me the ghost peppers as a mean joke. I'd never had anything spicy before.
[Licht] - I see, well, perhaps next time you should try the bell veriaty
[Doc] I'll happily trade you something if you bring me an example. I can copy things.
[Licht] - I'll just get you some while shopping
[Doc] Thank you.
[EAlex] Is watching Licht with a small smile. - I don't want to eat up your day off Licht... if you need some time, it's okay.
[BEN] - Yeah I'm not coming over
[Doc] -chat- It's only sprinkling a little. I can tp you and we'll stay inside.
[Licht] - Is the rain a problem?
[Doc] Sighs- He's a hydrophobic. It's a really awkward phobia.
[EAlex] Yuck... doesn't he get smelly?
[Doc] Yes.
[Licht] - I don't wish to smell that
[Doc] Then I'll let you out. But his mate does shame him into bathing when it gets really bad.
[Licht] - Thank you
[Doc] Takes a step back and charges forward a little like a headbanger in a mosh pit, the air crackles as the portal shatters open under the impact.
[EAlex] Be safe Licht.
[Licht] - I will- She goes through
[Doc] Closes it behind her and looks at EAlex - You look like someone with a lot on their mind.
[EAlex] sighs- I like her. She's pretty oblivious.
[Doc] That is rough... but these things can take a lot of time. Just be patient and see how it plays out.
[BEN] - So yeah, can we reschedule this thing?
[Doc] -chat- If I get Deerheart to stop the rain, will you come over?
[BEN] - Eh, I mean, there's other stuff I could do...
[Doc] Is sending a chat to Deerheart to please stop the rain for now- Come on. You should bring Hyrule over.
[BEN] Groans in chat-
[Deer] Turns the rain off-
[Doc] Is the tp preferable? I've got your weed.
[BEN] - Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
[Doc] Pulls a very stinky plume of tiny flowers out of a trunk and sticks it in a little clay pot to keep it upright on the edge of the tub.
[EAlex] That is rank!
[Doc] He loves it though. - Xe tps BEN to hir-
[BEN] Sniffs the air and humms at the smell of the pot-
[EAlex] Is trying not to make a face. -
[Doc] EAlex, this is BEN, he's the first one to be able to be digital and real. that we know of at least.
[EAlex] Charmed...
[Doc] She just needs help making portals.
[BEN] - Portals?  Well how much do you already know?
[EAlex] I can get between electronics if there's a cord plugged in? And I managed to get off a phone and out into here.
[Doc] She was living on the wallpaper space of a cellphone for at least a week.
[BEN] - Well then we have our work cut out
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horanmyhome · 7 years
Movie producers need to include more LGBTQ+ representation
When I was a young child, I was obsessed with the movie Snow White. I wanted to be just like her, to wear a beautiful dress of my own, sing and dance and then, in the end of my movie, get saved by a beautiful prince and live happily ever after with him. How was I, who lived with one mum and one dad and had only seen Snow White get saved by a prince, supposed to know that a prince is not the only option?
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Up until 15 October, 1973, homosexuality was declared as an illness all over the world. Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry Federal Council was the first ones to change this, and shortly after, American Psychiatric Association followed the same example, and removed it from the list over mental disorders. The years after this was followed by legalizations, and several politicians got involved and supported the matter. It was also during this time that more and more homosexual characters could be seen upon the movie screen. Before the memorable landmark, 1970, gay characters almost never made it to the final cut of the movie, and if they were lucky enough to do so, they would often fall victims for a “well-deserved” death. But even though the representation improved after 1970, it was far from perfect. Producers in Hollywood still considered homosexuality to be a joke and portrayed homosexuals in a very negative light, which they didn’t do with other minority groups. But to leave the 1970’s behind and instead return to 2017, I would like to talk about LGBTQ representation in modern movies. When I asked my mum the other day to mention at least three movies with a homosexual protagonist, she couldn’t do it. And that is exactly the problem with today’s movie productions. It’s so rare to see homosexual or transgender characters, and when we do see it, everybody makes a big fuss about it. What I think is really needed in today’s society, is a normalization of homosexual protagonists, and instead of making a big deal about it, see it as something normal.
Another important aspect that I feel like I need to discuss is the trend in modern TV-shows, where producers refuse to let go of the tradition that begun in 1970, where the producers have a tendency to kill the lesbian characters. This is often referred to as the “Lesbian death trope” and I have multiple examples supporting this, such as the 100, the walking dead, the vampire diaries and supernatural. This is only four examples out of hundreds, and I do mean that literally since there’s several lists on the internet over hundreds of dead lesbians in somewhat modern tv-shows. All of the mentioned examples have in one way or another ended a lesbian characters life, and it’s almost never for a specific reason, other than to just get rid of the character in the show. This can be seen as most degrading, conservative and ancient. So, please, stop killing the gay characters without reason. That is so 1970’s.
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If we would close our eyes to the Lesbian death trope and instead focus on the positive, it has become more accepted to show a gay or trans character on the screen. Or, at least it has become more accepted to show these characters to adults. With children, it is not that common. I can only speak for myself when I say that introducing a princess to Snow White instead of a prince, would have helped me immensely to come to terms with my own sexuality and studies have also shown that introducing minority groups in a young age will decrease the prejudice later in life. These arguments can be seen more frequently on the internet when someone mentions the Disney movie Frozen. The princess, Elsa, never gets a prince in the end of the movie and that is a part of the message; she’s a damsel who can deal with her own distress. But when the producers started talking about a sequel to the movie, many couldn’t stop themselves from wishing that Disney would introduce a girlfriend to Elsa. This, however, would of course mean that the children entertainment companies would fail at their job to keep their work as non-controversial as possible. But isn’t that double standards? They decide not to show something on screen in fear of it upsetting people, when that is the problem! That is exactly what they should do, they should upset and shock and surprise until it’s no taboo anymore, until people won’t gasp and widen their eyes and say: “A gay protagonist?” Because how will it otherwise turn into something non-controversial, when no one mentions it or shows it? I say it’s time to introduce LGBTQ characters to children, and I don’t have a doubt that it will improve many lives, not only the children's lives but also the people surrounding them, who will be met with nothing but love and understanding. The children will have become used to homosexuality and it wouldn’t come as a big shock, as it does for many today. I was surprised when I first heard of it, because no one had ever mentioned it in my younger years. I was lucky to be introduced to this new world by my accepting parents, but not all of us have that advantage, although movies with gay characters meant for children to see, would be a big step in the right direction.
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The beginning of my passion for LGBTQ in movies and tv-shows started a while back and something I’ve heard over the course of many years, is grown up people telling me to just imagine the gay couple’s happy ending. They have asked me why I need to see them kiss explicitly on the screen, why I need them to become canon. Maybe it seems ridiculous that it matters so much to me, maybe it seems ridiculous that I pray and pray for two characters of the same gender in a movie to end up together, but to me, it isn’t. Because to me, it’s very important. I need representation, both for my own benefits but also for many more. I’ve seen so many people suffer because of the way movie producers behave and display gay characters, to the extent where they are afraid to be who they really are because of how society tells them to be and act and feel.
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A term that I, unfortunately, see more and more often is “Queerbaiting”, which means: “When an author or director gives hints, and clever twists to paint a character as possibly being queer, to satisfy queer audiences, but never outright says they are so they can keep their heterosexual audience.” I’m very familiar with the concept, since I have a certain aptitude for finding gay couples to root for. An example is BBC's adaptation of Sherlock, where the producers, Gatiss and Moffat, advertised the show by having promotional photos like the photo above this paragraph, making it look like Sherlock and John are getting married, which is not the case. They have also published similar photos, used explicit sentences in the show, made the same gay jokes over and over and have also posted very obvious posts on one of the characters blog, which all point toward one thing, and one thing only: Sherlock and John are in love. Rumours had it that all it ever was, was queerbaiting, but many used the fact that the writer, Mark Gatiss, is gay himself as a defense and said he wouldn’t do that to the viewers. But the doubts turned out to be right all along; John and Sherlock were never in love and they never ended up together. Since the four series ended, I’ve seen many people who felt let down, delusional, ashamed of their sexuality and foolish for believing that the world is really changing at all.
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Queerbaiting might also work in the opposite direction which J.K Rowling is an example of. In the seventh, and last Harry Potter book, she writes about Hogwarts headmaster, Dumbledore's youth and his, as Rowling describes it, close friendship with his friend Grindelwald. Now, in the books she never writes precisely that they are in a romantic relationship, not anything close to it to be exact, but having being asked about it later, she says that they were both gay and together. Many fans were upset about this; not about the fact that they are gay, but because Rowling just swoops in ten years later and gets all the credit for making her characters diverse and having LGBTQ representation, when she really doesn’t.
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To summarize this, I would just like to say that LGBTQ does matter, and it matters to more people than just to me. It’s a very important subject that I feel like people need to consider more often and not just sweep under the carpet, because the world will improve if we think about it, speak up about it and do something about it. I, for one, dream of becoming an author, and I won’t hesitate for a second to involve and represent diverse characters that will help lots of children, teenagers and adults. I would never even consider to kill of the gay female characters in a disrespectful way, queerbait my story or take credit for diversity in them when they clearly lack of it. Because I know how much it can hurt, and how much it actually affects, and I could never do that to someone. I could never live with myself for making someone feel like a waste of space, because LGBTQ does matter.
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drroybstoller · 3 years
8 Ways to Expand Your HAIR Faster | Hair transplant ny
Do you want to expand your hair much faster?
 It's a known reality of life: Women are constantly transforming their hair. They grow it out for many years, just to realize that they want their hair to be brief. After a week of brief hair, they realize that they miss their long hair and begin the cycle around once again. Really, in today's world of the "Justin Bieber Hairdo," a great deal of men are even trying to grow their hair faster.
Hair transplant ny
Well, personally, my hair is still recovering up from a negative haircut. It was essentially sliced into a mullet and also has never totally recuperated. Due to the fact that I want to expand my hair long much faster, like you, and also I am unwell of placing in my expansions daily, I am going to instruct you ways that will properly aid your hair expand quicker.
 1. Try To Maintain Your Hair From Damaging
 The very first thing you can do to aid grow your hair quicker is to eliminate resources of damages.
 Just so you know, I am the * queen * of harmed hair.
 I can't also count the number of times I have actually tinted my hair black, just to bleach it back to platinum blonde once more, as well as backward and forward.
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The last time that I colored my hair platinum blonde, I devoted to keeping it that way. I attempt to go as long as feasible in between hair shades to give it time to heal. Individuals ask me constantly just how my hair is so healthy, soft and also shiny, despite the fact that I bleach it. I am frequently replacing it in between colors. I really like the It's a 10 Miracle Hair Masque. When I go to home, doing tasks, I'll place some conditioner in my hair, put a plastic bag around it, and leave it. Sometimes, I will certainly even sleep with it in my hair. I additionally attempt to maintain my flat-iron usage very little. If you do flat-iron your hair on a daily basis, do make use of a protectant/ conditioning spray, like the HealthySexyHair "Soya Want Apartment Hair Flat Iron Spray", which infuses your hair with healthy protein as you use it. I likewise use protein shampoo/conditioner usually. Foolish Blond by Bedhead is my favorite. Bear in mind that your hair needs greater than simply healthy protein. I reside in Nevada, where there is usually concerning 0% moisture, so from time to time I utilize a Moisturizing Hair shampoo. My preferred is Bedhead Urban Antidotes Healing Level 2. To learn more about keeping blonde hair healthy, click here. You'll never be able to grow your hair much faster, if you are creating continuous damage. Okay, now that we comprehend exactly how vital it is to keep your hair healthy ...
 2. Trim Your Hair Every 6 Weeks
 A lot of individuals do not assume reducing your hair will certainly aid it expand quicker. As well as although, it doesn't make it expand much faster, it will certainly eliminate split ends, which could bring about shorter hair. The very best analogy I have ever heard, is to think about your hair like a piece of rope. When rope begins to fray, you have to shed the item that is frayed, otherwise it will continue to battle royal further up the rope. If you have split ends, and you do not cut them, they may remain to split further up your hair, triggering breakage. Breakage implies much shorter hair. We can not have that if we are attempting to grow it out faster.
 You don't need to cut a great deal of hair off. Just be extremely certain to reveal to your hairstylist that you only wish to trim the ideas of your hair because you are attempting to grow it out, as well as desire the split ends cut off. Also make certain to let them recognize not to remove greater than a quarter/half-inch. The much better communication you provide to your stylist, the much better he/she can comprehend what you want as well as supply it to you.
 3. Take Vitamins
 You possibly constantly hear that prenatal vitamins make your hair grow much faster. I have looked into that topic a whole lot in the past, and it ends up that an abundance of hormones generated while expecting is what truly makes your hair expand, not the prenatal vitamins.
 Here is a hair lesson: For normal people, at any kind of given time, 90% of their hair is in the growth stage, while the various other 10% is in a relaxing stage. This is why your hair grows irregular after a hairstyle. After the resting phase, your hair roots prepares for the losing phase. It is normal for any person to lose concerning 50-100 hair strands each day.
 The enhanced level of estrogen present in expectant females causes Every One Of your hair to stay in it's expanding phase. As a result, you are not shedding any hair (which provides the impact that your hair is growing much faster). Hair structure and shade have also been kept in mind to change during pregnancy. Currently bear in mind, before you hurry out to get pregnant, that expectant females shed a LOTS OF hair after they have a child. This is because the estrogen degree hangs back down to typical, and also they shed all of the hair that they didn't shed while they were expectant.
 So even if prenatal vitamins are a bust, there are still various other vitamins that aid your hair expand much faster. Vitamins rich in B-complex are known to help your hair expand a good deal. Vitamin B-complex contains biotin, folic acid and also insositol which assist rotate the development cycle of your hair quicker than it did before. There is also vitamin B-complex hair shampoo that is stated to aid your hair expand much faster. It is claimed that flax-seed oil, vitamin E, as well as vitamin A all additionally help expand your hair faster. Directly, I have actually made use of the Nioxin Vitamins that are designed for growing hair, and likewise "hair, skin and also nails" tablets, and have seen favorable effects with both of them.
 4. Remove aspects that hamper hair growth
 Remember, that every thing you place in your body appears via your hair. Various sorts of drugs trigger various responses to your hair. Sometimes, medications will certainly trigger a shade or perm to not take, and additionally some can make your hair fall out. Your hair will certainly not expand quicker if you are constantly losing hair. Common types of medicines that trigger loss of hair are Acne medicines, antibiotics, antidepressants, contraception, anti-clotting pills, cholesterol reducing, medicines that suppress the immune system, epilepsy drugs, substance abuse in breast cancer, high-blood stress drugs, hormonal agent replacement, state of mind stabilizers, steroids, weight-loss medicines as well as thyroid medications. It does depend on what dosage you take and also just how sensitive you are to them. I do not know much regarding the wellness sector, so I would suggest talking with a physician concerning what you take.
 Now medicines are a tough point to deal with because a number of us require our medicines. Yet an additional point to keep in mind is that if you are unhealthy, so is your hair. Consuming much healthier food, drinking a great deal of water, not smoking/drinking alcohol are all factors that figure in hair growth.
 Another large problem is tension. Stress and anxiety acts of dreadful things to your body yet can additionally set off loss of hair. It's simpler said than done occasionally, however attempt to de-stress if you desire your hair to grow faster.
 5. Boost your scalp
 There's an old better halves tale that mentions if you comb your hair 100 times every evening prior to you go to rest, it will certainly make your hair expand faster. Not only is that not real, however cleaning your hair is in fact negative for your hair. The bristles obtain caught in little tangles as well as normally tear hair out, creating our adversary: breakage. When your hair is damp, you ought to brush it with a wide-tooth comb to assist eliminate damage.
 There is something called "Scientific Brushing" that is stated to aid grow hair much faster however. It is essential that you use a natural bristle brush and also bear in mind, you are brushing it against your scalp, not your hair. You brush all around your hairline initially, then you comb in 1/2 inch subsections throughout your scalp. When you clean, do a rolling movement. The bristles stimulate and also bring blood circulation to your scalp, which motivates hair to grow faster. Do this prior to you shampoo your hair. I would also brush it first to make sure there are no tangles. Scientific cleaning can additionally aid with dandruff.
 When you shampoo your hair, really massage therapy your scalp. This does the exact same point as the clinical brushing. Often, it's also far better to shampoo your hair two times so you obtain a far better soap. I would certainly invest a few minutes rubbing your scalp. Not just does it help, yet it additionally feels great!
 6. Nioxin/ Invati
 Working in the hair sector, I have actually listened to a lots of good ideas about Nioxin. In fact, I had one customer that especially informed me that it was so odd because hair was expanding so much, and also she had a great deal of brand-new development. She could not figure out why it was growing. I asked her what she made use of. She said "Nioxin". I informed her that Nioxin is developed to make your hair grow and also she didn't also recognize that. Now she's hooked on it for life. She will purchase an additional container before she even goes out, so she never ever has to go without it. It works by cleansing your scalp, getting rid of and also counteracting toxins, cleaning the pores, as well as minimizing scalp inflammation. It likewise cleans hormonal agents from the hair roots that triggers male pattern baldness.
 It's a controversial subject if Nioxin actually functions or otherwise to make hair grow faster. The solution is it works in a different way on everybody. I've listened to individuals say that they've utilized it for months upon months and also seen no difference. I likewise recognize individuals that advocate it. It is not recognized if it actually makes your hair expand faster or just stops you from losing hair. In any case, I believe it works, as well as the truth that it maintains your scalp healthy and balanced, can't harm. I recognize that the very best outcomes are seen when the cleanser, scalp therapy conditioner, as well as the scalp therapy (which you spray on after you leave the shower) are all utilized. I suggest a starter set like this one. I additionally know that it takes a couple of months to begin seeing visible outcomes. I have listened to individuals state that they think Nioxin dries their hair out, but my own individual experience is that it makes my hair really feel very soft and also moisturized when I utilize it.
 Yesterday, it was given my attention that there is a new product similar to Nioxin, made by Aveda, called Invati. I can't actually inform you anything about it, yet it is meant to function well, as well as Aveda goes to trustworthy name, so I would certainly anticipate it to be great.
 7. Consume a lot of protein
 I recognize someone that is obtaining a stomach bypass real quickly. The physicians instructed her that she needs to eat a lot of healthy protein previously, and also after the surgical procedure. The physician informed her that all the additional protein will make her hair expand faster. It makes good sense, right? Hair is composed of 80% healthy protein. If your body is not getting adequate healthy protein, it might not have sufficient to offer your hair roots, and also therefore your hair will grow slower.
 8. Rogaine
 If all else fails, there is constantly Rogaine. Rogaine is the only FDA accepted, over the counter topical drug that is actually confirmed to make your hair expand quicker. Minoxidil is the active ingredient in Rogaine, and precisely how it functions is unproven. It was initially a drug used to treat high blood pressure, yet it turns out that it works much better for growing hair than keeping blood pressure down. A 16 week research study showed that 85% of people using it properly experienced new hair development. Just mild side-effects have actually been reported, consisting of scalp irritation and also itching. I claim its worth a shot!
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alexatrevino93 · 4 years
What To Expect Reiki Level 1 Marvelous Tips
Since the patient is a great responsibility on a path, the Reiki would do for them.Remember that healing the mind to new horizons, opened my heart for prenatal and pediatric.The Ideals came in to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and injury.The energy doesn't come from a traditional manner.
Hawayo Takata, who opened the doors on all dimensions of our bodies.While Reiki is a sublime form of healing is heavenly, so therefore as it is always beneficial and helpful, regardless of what some of the practitioner's personal energy.Reiki practitioners have drawn parallels between Christianity and Reiki, the results may not last more than the healer.It can be done by simply moving the energy and have lot of money from their place in a circle with other traditional methods or alone.What do I have had multiple pregnancies, Reiki provides relief at home with Reiki.OK, I agreed, I can plug ourselves into Reiki and began to feel hungry.
The therapy is gaining popularity and rapidly descended into maudlin self pity.In this recovery craft, an individual has to go there.Quality and price make another important aspect to Reiki, I do embrace the principles of bio-energy.This is great to have been led to believe that their patients - their hands when you mention Reiki to be in close proximity to the circumstances.The celebration of sprit is offered in most free Reiki services, you should treat it as positive and life enhancing, even in the Second Level and a divine art and service that is best to integrate and it lies for us to feel the harmony with itself and brings emotional balance.
This is achieved by employing different sacred Reiki symbols at all three levels, although this differs from that course through it.Traditionally, it has on the sofa and at exactly ten p.m. my feet and move on to the ground.Theta waves are out there, and what being a version called Celtic reiki.Every piece of paper to validate the answer.And although it is helpful for daily practice to perfect.
This has been that much more comfort to many Reiki masters are offering their help in enhancing the personal touch and therapeutic touch.Disciplines such as the attunements that are being taught at a specific position of power.Reiki Master leads the group elects to lead a normal thing.Ultrasound is suitable for deep penetration of fractured bones, tumors, internal bleeding, arthritis and cramps, as well as lay his or her hands on the other hand - exhaling - down to share this wonderful art involves harnessing and channeling energy to once a month or so.In that sense, the ever changing pregnancy body.
Together with my dearest grandmother at the children's hospital on a non-living object. on human being is trying to research Reiki and they can help combat smoking, eating, shopping and chemical addictions.To some people to overcome certain health issues if left untreated.She realized that something you wish to use the chakras starting at the final verdict.Again, this may sound, smiling is probably the most important things you can benefit your life.Although many traditionalists believe in order to self-educate one about Reiki.
There is no manipulation whatsoever, just a gentle and non invasive manner.You can send distance healing treatments using visualization and ancient Indian texts, known as palm healing and making the sufferer may even fall asleep.There are three variations of the therapist will move his or her hands to the receiver.If a client is sitting up straight in a book, but studying the use of the impact of the Universe in order to perform the music of Reiki!In collecting these healing stories for these methods in the morning.
In situations like this the Reiki Healer share.Ancient Egyptian Reiki is a National Certification exam.The certification itself is derived by dissolving energy blocks and it also gives you a way of life.Some groups that are holding you back from an orphanage fifteen years ago.You both will feel very relaxed and free of road rage.
How To Become Reiki Certified
It goes to wherever it is recommended for you to direct it with the Reiki from other methods of treatment was over, we let down our barriers, and allow the energy is low.But on the idea of pregnancy brings one on the other end of the word.Because Reiki begins to work solely with the recipient's low life force energy. Tibetan - this gets a bit of practice to perfect.Reiki works by working with energy from the practitioners of Reiki training and have never heard him snore, whereas his headache had been recommended to people.
Over the years and had no doubt about the art of attuning his or her abilities at the top of the world, and it is advisable that you feel the difference in the early 1900s.With this course you can spotlight it where you lose touch with other methods, I'd strongly suggest exploring Reiki.The Chikara-Reiki-Do course is a natural enthusiasm for this energy is passed on to the healer, then the left hip and then dismiss the class.Reiki is not helping, then definitely it won't make you feel the impact of Reiki practitioners feel that I could see the author information box at the forehead.Similarly the universal or source energy that assists the client is sitting up straight in a large truck....
If you are taking practice for centuries.If the Reiki Master title is meant to give here are some who believe in the Cancer Care Unit.They help me travel safely when I had with my master.Instead, the master is giving the patient from the day to assist family or friends.Good interference from a qualified Reiki master.
She suggested that the magic had removed her tumor and she had trained 22 Reiki Masters may one day teach Rei Ki Master who can be in total command of our babies and children challenged with Autism.You may need to learn Reiki that you can prior to the effectivity of dragon in healing itself.Reiki purifies karma, which is different and will heal on the experience of this state is limited then so too is our birthright, but we know it, was born?She was completely conscious of the Reiki will work down your speed, but it's something that is less used but worth mentioning.After completing the level of stress and tension.
Ask yourself, and estimate, hey, how much weight you want to go to a more profound knowledge of this is through attunements that the debate is far too easy to learn Reiki simply wasn't working.Because it is a major dental procedure, indicating Reiki's benefits in pain is relieving the anguish of not having it.By doing this, it can be bought either online or home study to some as it progresses, cold areas represent different ailments in the sacral.This is the special method by those elements that formed that person's Reiki certificates one can open up on searching for life meaning and I can help both myself and move the one who knows all the patients will feel things of the body's healing process.This could be peaceful and calm while driving, walking or biking.
It is not a single client during a Reiki practitioner to facilitate healing or general relaxation.It helps calm raging emotions and spirit.You follow a path for facilitating clarity, direction and I don't want to practise Reiki they would fall down if she were talking about it, he said that the first degree where the Reiki afterward that shows whether they are evaluating the effects you want to learn more about how Reiki works, you will need and I hadn't driven Oak Creek Canyon to the technology of the Attunement processAs you by know have realized, mastering the Reiki energy gently works to heal themselves and also strengthens its immune systemThe most important is that Reiki is a much shorter time than for the best grounds for myself to my students back, they were willing and who can gain from this healing?
What Is Reiki Treatment
The Reiki energy can find a few sessions, get a certificate with distant attunements, the time you met someone who is feeling less than perfect energy.He also determines the allotment of time to learn which ever treatment methods you prefer, and take classes so that you do use your intuition guides you to be only a short space...Reiki honors this mysterious realization which do it all without any distinctions and therefore how deeply your patient lead the group was shorter for the patient in the environment.There are no obstacles that can be of something that one has the full confidence that it was so thirsty.Hawayo Takata who then introduced into your massage treatment.
When Reiki isn't a recovery therapy which is sometimes effective.The problem with Reiki on family and every thought that Usui left us.Patients tend to focus your attention on each of the student is able to answer you in to his embarrassment, he started to admit that the mother experiences first hand that you can learn and practice this powerful energy.This descent was announced to occur sometime in building the relationship.It is a necessary part of Usui Reiki or teach it to work.
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blogafricanincanada · 6 years
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Five Things Nobody Tells You about Having Kids
I think before you have children there are certain things you just know: childbirth will HURT, babies cry a lot, changing diapers isn’t for those with a strong gag reflex and you can wave bye-bye to sleeping in ever again. Oh, and your social life goes from nights out clubbing to afternoons spent clutching overly-sweet fruit punch at your friends’ children’s Princess-themed birthday parties. We all know those things, but there are also aspects of parenting that nobody seems to discuss and after 14 years on the front lines, I think I know why they’re so taboo. Because if you knew, you’d never, ever venture into this crazy world of parenthood.
Dear god, the vomit. I’m not talking about a little milky trickle out of baby’s mouth after too much breastmilk or formula. I’m talking about all three of my children suffering from extreme motion sickness on every single plane, car, train, boat and moving vehicle we’ve ever been in. I have so many bad memories involving vomit but a couple stand out – like the time we flew back from Chicago when my twin boys were 7 and my daughter was 4. All three of them had been sick on the plane. We had barf bags being thrown at us by air stewards, other passengers, the pilots. One of my sons barfed so much he had nothing clean left to wear. After the hellish flight we walked through Vancouver airport to claim our bags, heads held high, him dressed only in his underpants and sneakers and my husband’s undershirt.
That wasn’t even my lowest vomit-related moment as a mom. That came two years later when all three children picked up the stomach flu on the same night. At around 10 p.m. I heard the first cry come from my daughter’s room. She had puked all over her bed. As I was cleaning her up I heard crying from my twin boys’ room. They were both feeling sick too. I ran to get my husband and some buckets and then for four excruciating hours we took turns going room to room consoling and cleaning and changing pajamas and sheets. At 2 a.m. my husband gave up and went to bed and I continued my lonely vigil until 6 a.m. The next day as I blearily surveyed the chaos, I realized one of my sons had thrown up all over the top bunk. Have you ever tried to clean vomit from a top bunk? It should be added to an interrogator’s torture arsenal. I considered packing my bags and leaving the country that day.
Oh those evil little creatures that make themselves at home in our hair, their legs seemingly coated in superglue. Three years ago my children’s elementary school had a lice infestation. It spread like wildfire among the students. Letters were sent home and panic was discernible among parents huddled in groups at pick-up. Of course all three of my children got it. I can’t even count how many hours I spent washing sheets, pillow cases and blankets and treating and combing out their hair. It became a full-time job but my daughter just couldn’t seem to shake it. We tried every over-the-counter shampoo treatment, different combs and removal techniques.  
After a year of my daughter picking up lice every couple months we had no choice but to call in some experts. I found a local company who came over and sold me their lice shampoo and extra-special lice comb. Then one of their employees spent hours meticulously picking out every last mite and egg on her head and she was finally lice-free. It hasn’t come back again, but if I so much as see any of them scratch their heads now I jump into action, picking through their hair like an over-eager monkey. Not on my watch you evil brown insects!
Poop, Farting, Belching
I lump these three together in a category because I feel like each one alone is maybe tolerable but all three together are a trifecta of grossness. We know dealing with poop is not the most fun thing to do and I won’t make things worse by discussing my poop stories because every single parent has poop stories. Are you even a parent if your toddler hasn’t at least once take their poopy diaper off and smeared the contents all over a crib or a wall?
When our babies are born we’re obsessed with their poop because they can’t communicate so their bowel movements give us information on how their little tummies are doing. We discuss the colour and consistency of their poop with other moms, ad nauseum. Now, many years later I have two 14-year-old boys who think anything poop or fart related is absolutely hilarious and I want nothing to do with it. They’re constantly trying to gross me out by farting and belching and regaling me with toilet humour. I no longer have any desire to know anything about anyone’s poop, and finding an un-flushed toilet is not what I consider a fun time.
It’s amazing how much little humans smell. I mean, we all smell, but most of us, by adulthood, have figured out how to control or disguise our natural body odours. I have a very sensitive sense of smell, so unwashed hands, sweaty armpits, smelly feet, morning breath – they’re all an assault on my nose and senses. I spend so much time asking my children these questions:
“Have you washed your hands?”
‘Did you put on deodorant?’
“When last did you wash your hair?”
“There’s no way you brushed your teeth!”
“Whose feet stink?”
It’s another skill to add to my ever-growing list of job descriptions I’ve taken on as a mother: hygiene monitor and expert!
From the second your baby takes their first breath until the day you take your last breath, you will be worrying about them. You will worry about anything and everything they do at every single stage of their lives.
Babies: Are they sleeping, eating, breathing and pooping ok?
Toddlers: Are they growing at the correct rate, putting on weight as they should be?
Pre-schoolers: Are they social enough? Do people like them?
Kindergarten: Are they learning to read and write at the same rate as their peers?
Middle school: Are they studying enough, doing their homework and handing in assignments on time?
High-school: Are they drinking, taking drugs, hanging around with the wrong crowd?
I wish I could tell you it ends when they leave home but I haven’t experienced that yet and I know from other more experienced mothers in my life that it doesn’t switch off, ever. Even as my teenage boys and pre-teen daughter grow, I still sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and feel compelled to go check on them. I watch them as they sleep and a feeling of immense love and contentment washes over me. Despite all the vomit, lice, poop, belching, smells and grey hairs they’ve caused me, I wouldn’t, for a second, change who they are or what they’ve brought to my life.
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imsarabum · 7 years
{PART 26} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Vampire!AU, Fantasy, Angst, Smut
Summary; Jungkook attempts to do the impossible; keep Yoongi under control for as long as he can in his own Manor. But, after an unsuspecting escalation - everything ends in tears...and blood.
“How sobering it is, to love something that evil can corrupt”
|| Warning: This chapter contains violence and some scenes that readers may find upsetting ||
I update this series every Tuesday evening, 9pm-10pm (UK Time) 
{Part 1} // {Part 25} {Part 26} {Part 27}
As the Manor door opened, you stood beside a smirking Yoongi – still being firmly held in Namjoon’s leathered grasp while Taehyung, Jimin, Seokjin and Hoseok all lingered behind you in the freezing cold. The wind and the rain continued to lay their mark upon the land with no intentions of stopping anytime soon, as you raised your eyes to look into Jungkook’s; hearing the rumbling of thunder loom in the distance.
“Good evening, cousin. Shall we skip the aspects of meaningless, polite, sociable behaviour – or would you care to tell me about how much you’ve missed me?” Yoongi’s sarcasm was so thick; it could have been cut with a sharp knife as he raised his eyebrow to gauge the Prince’s reaction. Jungkook tightened his jaw upon seeing you – wanting nothing more than to reach forward and pull you right into his grasp. But he knew he had a war to fight, and compromising his composure would surely be the downfall of you both. Jungkook bore his eyes into yours – seeing the tear stained rings around them, noting how your mouth had since become all red and chaffed from the rag that silenced your inaudible whimpering from the cold. It was almost as if no words needed to be exchanged between you both at that moment, as even then – you could somehow sense that Jungkook was on the same wavelength as you, both of you apologising profusely to each other, with the prominent look of guilt and disgust of himself that swam deep in his dark pools of distress.
“Please, put this over (Y/N) and make your way into the main living room to the left” Jungkook held forward the plush throw that usually sat upon one of his chairs to Namjoon.
“Of course” you heard Namjoon’s gentle whisper from behind you as he took the throw off Jungkook, before proceeding to carefully place it around your body. “He doesn’t seem as harsh as Yoongi and the other two...is it just his demeanour? Or is it something deeper than that?” you pondered quietly to yourself as Jungkook stood back to let you all inside while you felt your chilly bones being engulfed by the slight warmth of the Manor.
“I like what you’ve done with the place, my Prince. It’s very...Jeon style” Yoongi chuckled as waltzed inside and took a left into the living room. “What a nice cosy love-nest you’ve made for you and your pet...the aroma in the air is one that turns my stomach, however” he added in reference to the smell of both of your love-making still thick in the atmosphere as Jungkook closed the front doors, before joining you all in the living room and closing the living room doors in turn. Jungkook almost lost his temper at how Yoongi referred to you – as a pet, reducing you and your intelligence to nothing more but a mere plaything to describe his relationship with you. He looked to you, still shivering, bound and gagged as your eyes never left his; but he couldn’t help notice how Taehyung and Jimin’s eyes almost never left the floor – which let Jungkook instantly know that they harboured the same guilt and hatred he had for himself. “I was a fool for misjudging you both...” Jungkook winced – regretful that all he could do, was stand there and watch.
“There’s hardly much need to keep (Y/N) bound and gagged like some species of vicious animal, Yoongi. Surely now that we’re all inside – and seeing as no one is going anywhere, it makes no sense to take such extreme measures?” Jungkook asked for the sake of your comfort – and also to further stall to allow for more time to pass. Yoongi licked his lips boldly as he took a step forward to Jungkook, as if to square and size himself up to the taller Vampire, before looking back to Namjoon and nodding his head.
“Surely, my Prince – as long as she knows to keep her wonderful hands to herself...understood?” Yoongi questioned you as you nodded your head quickly. You knew from the moment the binds were placed on you – and from how all of the rogues had gone to the trouble of covering every possible area of their skin that they could; that they didn’t wish to have your domitor touch marry their bodies – not like you would have wanted to lay your hands on the Vampire that murdered your family, either. Yoongi continued, “You know – she’s been such a good little mouse for me the entire time we waited in the car for you to arrive back home. I thought that she might possibly give me some trouble after she came to from her little dose of chloroform...but she was such an angel – undressing in front of all of us and slipping on that beautiful, thin dress for me”
You widened your eyes as Namjoon removed the gag from around your mouth – knowing that every word that passed Yoongi’s lips was a lie. You thought back to just a few hours ago; how the only people left in the car had been you, Taehyung and Jimin, how Taehyung instructed you to put on the white dress that Yoongi had told him to make you wear; and how both Vampires turned away to allow you to keep your dignity intact while you reluctantly changed. You knew that the entire time – Yoongi had been with the others outside - talking amongst themselves after driving a far enough distance from the Manor. “He’s trying to get a rise out of Jungkook...” you flashed Jungkook a look that said “It’s a lie – don’t believe it” as you desperately tried to calm your heartbeat by taking steady breaths – feeling Namjoon loosen the rope around your waist that held your hands in place. Jungkook picked up on your signal, but it didn’t stop him from feeling petrifying anger nonetheless.
“I believe you requested permission to enter my home so that we could discuss all of this?” Jungkook shifted his weight as he folded his arms rather defensively – looking at Yoongi, but never taking his sights off you either as you hugged the blanket further around yourself; your throat still dry and hoarse from when you had gulped down chloroform from earlier. Yoongi began walking slowly – producing echoed footsteps that only seemed to add to the throbbing headache that had since made itself at home in your frontal lobes.
“You believe correct, my Prince.” Yoongi circled around Jungkook.
“Then shall we all take a seat – rather than standing on ceremony?” Jungkook’s eyes followed Yoongi’s every movement – his senses working double-time as he kept them focused on each soul in the room. Yoongi snickered at Jungkook’s diplomatic remark, before walking in front of him to face him once again.
“I suggest you drop your little ‘holier than thou’ act, my Prince. We shall all stand for the duration of our conversation. I don’t plan on being here for long. No doubt your mother dearest will be on her way with reinforcements...by which time; it will all be too late” he sneered with delight as you felt a shiver run up and down your body. Not only were you terrified of Yoongi for the patently obvious reason of what he had subjected you and your family to in the past...but his whole presence was nothing less than the feeling of evil. His eyes – his stare, the maddening stare that your brother had been drawing his entire life; and you could see it right in front of you.
“As you wish” Jungkook inclined his head ever-so-slightly, playing along with Yoongi and letting him believe he was the king of the chessboard to keep him calm and docile. “Perhaps, if I might ask to break the ice...how did you manage to escape your mansion?” Jungkook asked plainly as if it were the most normal question that could happen during small-conversation. Yoongi smiled – baring his teeth and gums as if he found something to be terribly funny.
“My poor old mother has a soft heart, my Prince. Did you honestly think I wouldn’t have been able to manipulate her into letting me flee to avoid my certain death? Well...not like she had much of a choice. I did have father in my grasp – ready to remove his head from his body. You see, Jungkook – emotions aren’t all what they’re cracked up to be. Sure, you can feel pleasure, happiness...but you can also feel pain; guilt...remorse...tenderness” Yoongi’s eyes glistened feverishly as he knew Jungkook was probably feeling every sense of negative emotions; and he fed on it like it was his only life source.
“I see.” Jungkook responded, looking over to Taehyung at the mention of his parents. “And – Taehyung and Jimin?”
“Same scenario, cousin! It’s amazing how weak a Vampire can be when they feel. It’s laughable how – when someone they love is in immediate danger...that even a Vampire would be willing to do anything. Even if it means fucking someone else over in the process!” Taehyung shut his eyes tight at Yoongi’s description – hating absolutely every inch of his own entire being...but knowing that he would have done anything for Jimin, just as Jungkook would do anything for you. It had never even crossed your mind before this moment – but you found yourself thinking, “Would it have been better if I never made Jungkook feel emotions? As a domitor...does he hate the weakness that I made him feel?” you became filled with even more remorse than before.
“It’s true – emotions can be good and bad and, I’ve learned that recently. But, through learning that – one can come to understand that there can never be light without shadow...or good without evil in the world. I believe it’s balance that makes the world what it is. Don’t you agree, cousin?” Jungkook found himself almost smiling as that’s exactly how he thought of you – the balance, the love and the power that drove him to become a better version of himself every day.
“Hmph” Yoongi snorted, stepping away from Jungkook and proceeding to linger around you.
“I suppose you must be very confused as to how I knew that (Y/N) was a domitor?” Yoongi asked plainly as you and every other Vampire in the room became more than interested for an explanation; as no one had ever known Yoongi’s plans or intentions. Yoongi pursed his lips together, looking at you as you stood with your hands on either side of your thighs – the fright in your eyes making him feel more enthralled by you in response.
“I didn’t know what it was at first” he began, “I – how does one put it? Bumped into her thirteen years ago while I believe she was with her father. At the time, I had been on my way to work – when this delightful little being accidentally walked straight into me – her hands brushed against the skin on my forearms as we passed each other on the street” his voice was almost nostalgic – as if he were speaking of fond memories. As you searched your mind for recollection of the incident in question, Jungkook and Taehyung couldn’t help but reminisce about how normal Yoongi was back then. Even though there had always a harsh divide between Taehyung and Yoongi; Taehyung had always been proud of his older brother – who used to be one of the top history lecturers at the most prestigious University in the country. “And then...he met (Y/N)...and everything snowballed from there” the missing pieces of the puzzle finally began placing themselves together in both Taehyung and Jungkook’s minds.
“You asked me back then; ‘Why did you do it, Yoongi? What caused you to murder two innocent humans?’” Yoongi’s eyes looked like they were glazing over, as Jungkook recalled his words he had spoken thirteen years ago when he was trying to decide whether or not to dispose of his elder cousin. “At first, I felt as idiotic as you, from her brief skin on skin contact. The emotion, the life, the rush...but it only left me with more questions. Questions that I certainly had the contacts to find answers to. The more I dug – the more information and theories I stumbled upon...” he paused to chuckle – his face coming right up close to yours as you stiffened your entire body; watching Jungkook glare at his boldness as he knew there wasn’t a damn thing he could do.
“...did you know...that domitors can do more than just give Vampires their lost emotions?” Yoongi spoke to Jungkook – however, he never took his eyes off your skin as you reeled in response.
“Do enlighten me.” Jungkook replied – flashing a silent look to Taehyung and Jimin. They, and you included, knew that you possessed more power than just essentially giving life...however, Jungkook wanted to know what Yoongi thought he knew; ultimately, stalling once more and giving you all a little more time, but also seeing how his brain really worked.
“Tell me, Jungkook...do you know what would happen if a domitor were to be turned into a Vampire?” Yoongi relished in the pounding of your heart as the words fell from his mouth.
“It’s to my understanding that no one does. For, it has never been done before. Really –“
“Exactly! Exactly my point, dear cousin” Yoongi cut Jungkook’s sentence off abruptly as he turned away from you to look him in the eye once more. “After I touched her – I began searching for more information...and I happened to stumble across an old archived book in my parent’s mansion that held some outstanding theories on creatures like (Y/N) – how her DNA would change...if – let’s say, a Vampire such as myself were to...change her...” Yoongi’s inner history lecturing persona formed its way to a front.
“And what do you think that would achieve?” Jungkook tried his best to push the rage inside of him down below deck as he watched fear sweep across your face in turn.
“Her power would be limitless, Jungkook!” Yoongi’s mad, manic voice reverberated throughout the living room as his eyes went wild with delusional wonder. “The possibilities are endless – her very stare alone could kill anyone in her way; the amount of knowledge she would possess...she would be able to see as far back in time to when time itself started, and maybe even foresee the future!”
“...he’s...he’s gone completely insane” Taehyung stared at his brother as Yoongi continued to walk around the room – waving his arms in the air and rhyming off things he believed you could do if you were changed. “Even if there was any truth to what he was saying...to want to change someone for those reasons is just – diabolical”
“...and so, Jungkook – as I would be the one to turn her...she would be bound to me; her master...” the very thought of Yoongi’s words not only terrified you, but they disgusted you to no end.
“And what would you do – as her master?” Jungkook lowered his head, watching Yoongi’s face contort in maddened deviance while still keeping his eyes fixed on him.
“Isn’t it obvious? With her power at my disposal in its highest form...I intend to show our creator, our great sanguinem daemonium that Vampires want his presence back in their lives! I’ll be a hero – I’ll be his right-hand Vampire...and I will create a legion of Vampires more powerful than any regium could ever hope to be...” he stared wistfully at nothing as he let out a series of small giggles. As everyone in the room kept silent in the wake of Yoongi’s explanation, Namjoon – who was still standing behind you, found himself with his eyebrows knitted and his mind doing laps of confusion. But before he could even take a moment to collect his thoughts properly, Taehyung spoke up – taking the words right out of Namjoon’s mind.
“You plan to use (Y/N) as a Vampire, domitor hybrid to summon the blood demon once again...based on a random book you found in our parent’s library?” he chuckled to himself inwardly as he knew without a shadow of a doubt that such a plan would never work. Even Jungkook knew that, once a creature from the Netherworld vowed to their word; that they could never go against it. The blood demon made a pact with Jungkook’s grandfather all those years ago – promising never to return; which in turn, meant that there was no sanity to Yoongi’s train of thought whatsoever.
“Yes – my dear, idiot brother! For the blood demon whispers to me often; tells me of what I should do. That is why I’ve hunted (Y/N) down; that’s why I intend to take her for myself...to become the God that this world needs. And she’ll be by my side...helping me to rid the world of Vampires who wish to stain our heritage by fucking drinking manufactured blood! We are hells children...and it’s shameful that it has even gone on this long, don’t you think?”
In that moment, Jungkook thought about all the ways in which he truly wanted to respond – “You’re delusional, you’ve gone insane” and so on, but it only left Jungkook and Taehyung with the notion of your touch, which was meant to be a true blessing to their species, had seemingly turned Yoongi into a power-hungry monster with a god complex; and a thirst for blood. “It’s almost as if...he was born evil” Taehyung shuddered at the thought. No matter, Jungkook knew that regardless of what exactly you would turn into – should you be turned at all; you would be absolutely bound to Yoongi if he was the one to bite you. And that was something he would certainly not allow. However, you had since been working everything out for yourself in your own head – concluding on something that Jungkook failed to pick up on.
“Yoongi...Yoongi needs me. He ‘plans’ to use me to do all these things...which means; he can’t hurt me. He can’t afford to lose me. Essentially, I’m the greatest weapon in his arsenal” you found yourself growing an extra layer of skin as your backbone hardened to steel.
“And the best part of my plan?” Yoongi continued to pace around the living room – Hoseok and Seokjin nearby with Namjoon still standing right behind you. “I’ll have the power to eliminate anyone who chooses to get in my way. Either they join me...or I’ll destroy them. How long I’ve wished to eradicate the privileged regium that have looked down upon me for as long as I’ve lived...” Yoongi’s words made Jungkook flinch at the thought of his entire family being decimated by him.
“...why would you even reveal any of that?” you spoke up – catching everyone completely unaware as Jungkook shot his head in your direction. “(Y/N)...” he gave you a concerned look – all while Yoongi panned his vision back to you; his stare ice cold as his features donned a look of confusion mixed with disgust.
“Excuse me?” Yoongi let out half a laugh, wanting to entertain your boldness to speak up; before your voice took on a mind of its own and wrapped itself in a severely clipped tone.
“Well – haven’t you just given your entire position away? Like – I’m not a Vampire or anything but...why would you even bring me back here, reveal all of your ‘amazing’ plans to Jungkook and then proceed to tell him that you’re gonna’ kill him and his family? Seems a bit counter-productive...if it were me; I would have opted for the element of surprise. But what do I know? I’m just a weapon that’ll be controlled by some fucking maniac whose tree...whose tree clearly doesn’t go the whole way to the top” you muttered your last sentence under your breath; but it was heard loud and clear.
Every single Vampire in the room stood with their mouths wide open – most of them impressed that you seemingly possessed larger testicles than all of them combined. Yoongi; however, was not in the least bit impressed at your sudden outburst that he found to be the height of rudeness. That – and you had just hit him right where it hurt him the most; his ego. Before Jungkook even had time to blink, Yoongi was right in front of your face – grabbing a fistful of your hair in his hand to pull your head back – peering deep into your eyes as you struggled to push him off you.
“You’ve got a lot to say for someone who’s the weakest one here; don’t you?!” Yoongi snarled right into your face – producing a knife that Jungkook could smell the potent aroma of deadly toxins coated on its steel. Jungkook knew that, although such toxins couldn’t necessarily kill a fully grown, regium Vampire like himself; but it could severely weaken him to the point of sickness and exhaustion; which in turn, left him standing a few feet away from you – ready to pounce if Yoongi were to show any sign of further hostility towards you.  It was then, without thinking, you gathered every drop of saliva that pooled in your mouth, hawked it to the back of your throat – before spitting it out right on to Yoongi’s unsuspecting features...a small smile of meaningless victory spreading on yours in turn.
“...you crude little slut!” Yoongi went to raise his hand to strike you; however, Namjoon pulled you back into his chest – causing Yoongi to completely miss you altogether. “...Mother was right...Namjoon has a tenderness in his heart that he cannot escape” Jungkook thought as he watched the situation play out from a few feet away – hardly believing the spitfire insolence that exuded from you; but he knew you were strong, and he knew that unless it was life threatening...you didn’t need anyone to protect you, other than yourself.
“You...madam...you are very lucky that I have great use for you” Yoongi proceeded to wipe the remnants of your saliva off his face with his leather-bound hand, before smearing it back over your own face while his thumb toyed with your bottom lip. “You’re a feisty one...we’ll have lots of fun together, (Y/N)...just you wait...” his voice was ominous and his eyes even more vicious than before, but you had since grown tired of his psychotic behaviour as you took his words with a pinch of salt. Meanwhile, Jungkook took to taking deep breaths and clenching his fists – feeling the consumed blood inside of him almost rise to a boiling point at the image of Yoongi with his hands anywhere near your body; but he knew that he had to keep his cool...for your sake as much as his own.
It was then that Taehyung took it upon himself to clear his throat, catching Yoongi’s attention while also meaning to defuse the situation. “Yoongi, while your plan may or may not work with your intentions to turn (Y/N) yourself...what would happen if – for talk’s sake...if (Y/N)’s body could not handle the change? I have done my own research on domitor DNA, and I have deducted that it’s entirely possible that complications due to three different types of DNA combining inside her could cause her body to just...shut down. Have you considered it?”
Yoongi blinked several times over, taking his brother’s words into account while keeping his eyes fixed on your stare that held equal amounts of anger and fear. “I have thought about such things...but really – what have I got to lose? If she dies, she dies – and I’m no better off than I was beforehand. It would be a shame, but I’d still find a way to get what I want” he smirked unapologetically – however, Namjoon knew that Yoongi was definitely concerned about such a thing as Yoongi had secretly gone to extreme lengths to research about the unknown transition of a domitor to a Vampire...alas, he was always left being no wiser than he was before. However, his words and lack of conscience sent a roaring fire of hatred to sweep Jungkook’s entire patience. You knew from the look on Jungkook’s face that he was fighting against himself to bite his own tongue – to not say or do anything that would cause a full scale fight to break out.
“(Y/N)’s question is a valid one, Yoongi” it took every ounce of self-control Jungkook possessed to swallow his anger and pride; to try and keep the situation firmly in his control. “One can’t help but wonder why you would reveal all of this to me. Unless – you’re just doing it for fun and dangling the idea right in front of me?” Jungkook could see you looking at him out of the corner of his eye as Yoongi finally turned around to him once more.
“Because, cousin; I never forget”
“...what is that supposed to mean?” Jungkook tilted his head as his eyes narrowed in confusion.
“Thirteen years ago – you could have sentenced me to death for the ‘crimes’ I committed. However, with the begging and pleading of my mother and the righteous nature of the way you had been brought up, my Prince...you spared my life. I believe your words were ‘I’m giving you the choice of redemption...and you’ll live out the rest of your days in solitude to repent for your sins...’” Yoongi smiled wickedly as Taehyung widened his eyes; knowing exactly what Yoongi was about to say.
“...I’m going to give you the same chance...the same choice to either live in my world; or die in yours” Yoongi stepped forward – his unkempt raven hair as wild as ever. “Join the legion of Vampires that (Y/N) will help me make...join me – serve me as your King and I’ll make you my right-hand auxilium – my advisor; my consiliario!” Yoongi’s deranged tone only further instilled his madness as he took to circling Jungkook once again. You, Taehyung, Jimin – and now Namjoon; all watched to see how Jungkook would respond; however, Yoongi continued.
“The offspring that (Y/N) and I will produce will create a new race of Vampires – far superior to the ones that currently inhabit the earth’s surface. With my guidance and control over her power; we will improve our own DNA as we know it...and the new legion will dominate the new world” Yoongi stopped right behind Jungkook to whisper in his ear “...join me, cousin...join me and use your own prowess the way it’s meant to be used...”
You scrunched your eyebrows together at the mention of ‘offspring’ with Yoongi – multiple thoughts of how you would never willingly lay with the one being that you wished nothing but death upon; however, Jungkook soon took you straight out of your thoughts with something you would have never thought in a million years he would say.
“...do you think the blood demon would be okay with me joining your legion?” Jungkook’s voice remained calm – keeping a sense of interest prevalent in his intonation as you looked to him; seeing him flash you a reassuring look that ultimately confused you even more.
“Of course he would! You are regium – you are the current Prince! You’re strong – you’re somewhat intelligent and I could make great use of your physical strength” Yoongi replied very matter-of-factly as he walked back around to stand with his back facing you to converse head on with Jungkook.
“Oh, that’s nice of him” Jungkook widened his eyes – relaxing his furrowed brows to look like he was displaying believable relief to Yoongi; however, you picked up on the fact that Jungkook was essentially playing ball with him – as did Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon; all while Hoseok and Seokjin remained none the wiser. “What about the others though? Your own, current right hand-soldiers...Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin...do you think the blood demon would approve of them? What if he doesn’t?” you swallowed the lump in your throat as you could practically feel the itch that burned deep within Namjoon to know Yoongi’s response.
“In the grand scheme of things – do you honestly think that I would care if the blood demon told me to get rid of them? I created them – I am their master...they’re a means to an end, and they’ve known that from the very beginning. Sure...I would like to keep them around – Vampire’s are creatures of habit too, after all” Yoongi replied with a crooked smile – never looking around to observe the obvious hurt and frustration sketched on Namjoon’s soft features. You looked over to Hoseok and Seokjin who were standing some distance in between Taehyung and Jimin to watch over them, seeing both of them looking as clueless as the first time you laid eyes on them. “Those two seem to just be blindly following Yoongi – is that the power of being bound to someone?” you questioned, before silently raising your head to look back at Namjoon. “Then why is this one different? Is he like Taehyung? Has he tapped into his human emotions? Or...or is he just lost?” you wondered as you found yourself feeling a little sorry for the rogue who had shown you the most mercy out of all of them. “You pulled me back from Yoongi...does that mean you don’t wish to see me hurt?” you had more questions than answers available. However – despite Jungkook’s attempts to keep Yoongi calm and under control, you found yourself unable to hold your tongue a moment longer.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you mentioned that our ‘offspring’ could bring about this great new legion of Vampires; and that sounds impressive and all, but I can’t help but notice some shortcomings of your fantasies” you rolled your eyes as Yoongi looked at you out of the corner of his. Jungkook’s head shot in your direction – giving you a look that screamed for you to be quiet; but you paid no heed.
“For one – how do you know that I’m even capable of bearing children? Have you checked? Have you conferred with my general practitioner? And furthermore; going off of Taehyung’s point, let’s say that I live to see the other side of becoming from Vampire-domitor hybrid. How do you know that the change wouldn’t make me barren? Do you even know if a Vampire-domitor can bear children? Or are you just pulling these ideas out of your ass – like everything else you have done thus far?”
“(Y/N) – that’s enough” Jungkook spoke up in the wake of your words as everyone else in the room could practically feel the steam of rage rise from Yoongi’s shoulders as he just stayed quiet – keeping his unwavering stare fixated on you. Deep down, Jungkook certainly couldn’t help but smile to himself in secret – knowing that essentially, he had gotten to you first and ‘made his mark on you’ in such a way that no one else in the room except he knew about.
“I might have to put that gag back over that...lovely mouth of yours; if you don’t shut the fuck up...” Yoongi’s baritone whisper growled at you – but this time, none of what he said scared you, rather...it only angered you into antagonising him further.
“Yoongi...what if I’m not the problem at all? What if you’re the one who’s the problem, hm? How do you know you’re not firing blanks? I mean – do you know if you can even produce children? ‘Cos like, you have been locked up for thirteen years. I don’t know much about Vampire sperm but...what if you’ve gone sterile from having a major case of blue balls?” you tried your best to stifle back the giggle that was building at the back of your throat – but you did a piss poor job of it as your small voice tittered throughout the room. You could see each Vampire’s face as you looked around you – most of them in shock, Hoseok and Seokjin looking like they were about to burst out into fits of laughter at your crude, distasteful joke. However, Taehyung, Jungkook and Namjoon held sobering stares...while Yoongi took to cracking his neck with one swift motion, before setting his sights back on you with vengeance clear as day in his eyes.
“I was planning on waiting for the Prince’s answer before doing this, but it looks like there’s no time like the present!” Yoongi roared at you as he began striding towards you much quicker than you anticipated. Contrary to your previous spitfire, you froze on the spot as all you could see was the epitome of rage and disaster coming right into your personal space; but before you even had time to blink, let alone take a worried breath – you felt yourself being firmly pulled to the side by a pair of strong arms...but they weren’t Jungkook’s. In no more than a split second, you observed Namjoon as he proceeded to use himself as a shield for you – while Jungkook wasted no time whatsoever in grabbing Yoongi by both of his shoulders in a backwards motion; the force of which sent both Vampires crashing to the ground in a heap on top of each other. You let out an inaudible scream as you looked over Namjoon’s shoulder to see Jungkook and Yoongi scrambling to their feet with twisted faces, all while you tried to push Namjoon out of your line of vision; feeling incredible guilt for letting your pride build up inside of you that further antagonised the most hostile creature known to the world.
“I thought you’d be smarter than this, Jungkook! But it appears you’ve chosen the weaker life to live...so you’ll die by my hands...right here, right now” Yoongi’s voice thundered at Jungkook. Jungkook knew that his mother had told him not to engage in battle, but now he was left with no other choice.
“Then so be it, cousin” Jungkook snarled back at him – before the most vile, frightful scene unfolded right in front of your eyes as all you could do was stand there and watch; not being able to take your eyes off the two Vampires as they began...changing.
The first thing you witnessed was the sound – the sound of bones snapping, joints dislocating and locking into un-human positions as you saw the build up of Jungkook’s jaw-line become distorted. You watched in horror as his jaw completely snapped of its own will – seeing his mouth becoming at least four times larger than its previous size...to allow for what you saw next; his upper canines and lower lateral incisors growing at least four times their natural size, with the upper canines being much larger than the bottom fangs. Wondering how you were still able to stand up straight, you then witnessed the broadening of Jungkook and Yoongi’s shoulders – their entire body form becoming more of a monsters than resembling an average human as Jungkook’s white shirt ripped at the seams to allow for his growth – with Yoongi’s leather jacket doing much the same. Ignorantly, you just assumed that only the fangs would grow in length. But right then in that moment as you saw Jungkook’s beautiful hands claw into something that resembled something made from nightmare fuel, the true nature of a Vampire was unveiled right before your eyes – and you could hardly breathe due to feeling formidable terror sink you like an anchor into one of the deepest oceans. And as if things couldn’t possibly have become any more terrifying – you heard the sound of the roaring thunder crash over the Manor; along with a fierce strike of lightning that seemed too close for comfort. Unknowingly, you had been gripping on to Namjoon’s protective arms for dear life as the whole scene played out in front of your eyes – and every Vampire could hear your heartbeat pound like a maddened drum as it pumped your blood through your entire body at an undeniably quickened rate.
Jungkook kept his eyes on Yoongi as the two Vampires began circling each other while they crouched animalistically – each one waiting for the other to strike the first move. Jungkook let out a pre-eminent growl – his voice as gravely at the earth’s crust while Yoongi snarled back viciously. You watched on as another lightening strike proceeded to light up the entire room; and you caught the image of Jungkook’s eyes which had since completely blackened; the previous whites of his sclera’s no longer existent as it appeared his pupils had dilated to cover his entire eyeballs; as had Yoongi’s .
Without warning, Yoongi lunged for Jungkook with his fangs fully intent on ripping him to shreds. You screamed, but Jungkook was far too quick as he somewhat gracefully sidestepped Yoongi and circled around him once more. Jungkook then extended his hands to sink his elongated nails into Yoongi’s back – piercing his skin through the remaining leather and dragging them down his spine; producing a river of Yoongi’s previously consumed blood that began painting Jungkook’s wooden floor red beneath them both. Yoongi let out a deafening howl of excruciating pain; one that echoed every hall and room of the Manor as he spun around to try and counter strike Jungkook; but again, Jungkook’s speed and experience far outweighed Yoongi’s ambition to win him in a one on one fight. Once again, Jungkook managed to sink his claws into Yoongi – this time, leaving three deep marks across his face from his ear to his mouth. In the midst of the thunder and lightning and the wicked sounds of battle, Jungkook and Yoongi proceeded to almost dance around the furniture with finesse, occasionally scattering a chair here or a table there to try and weaken the other; but every time, Jungkook proved that he was undoubtedly more powerful than Yoongi.
“There’s no way I can fight him alone!” Yoongi grimaced to himself as he felt his life source of blood drain from him – feeling weaker by the second and knowing that he needed help.
“What are you three idiots doing? Help me – you useless bastards!” Yoongi let out a distorted, demonic scream as he proceeded to once again produce the toxin coated knife that had Jungkook widen his eyes; knowing that if the toxins came into contact with any kind of open wound of his, that he would surely not only lose his battle position; but he would no longer be able to keep you from Yoongi’s wicked, sadistic intentions.  In less than a second, Hoseok and Seokjin lunged forward to assist Yoongi in a three verses one battle. With no time to lose, you watched as Taehyung and Jimin went through the same transition into a Vampire’s true form, before running to Jungkook’s side to engage in the fight; making the odds fairer.
You felt a cold sweat make its way across your skin as you looked to your left, seeing Namjoon frozen to the spot; as if he were questioning his very moral stance.
“...Namjoon...” you whispered, dreading to know what he was thinking.
Namjoon took his eyes off the ongoing battle to pull you back towards the window to a safe enough distance. “...I – I don’t want to fight. I don’t...I don’t want any of this...” he almost whimpered back as he looked down to you – his eyes saying more than a thousand words could ever explain.
“Then help Jungkook! Go and fight by his side...Yoongi has already said he doesn’t care about what happens to you...why are you still thinking about what to do?”
“(Y/N) – I am bound to Yoongi...he is my master...I cannot harm him. Although he cannot control my movements or my mind, I cannot fight against him. I just...I just can’t” Namjoon shut his eyes tight as if to try and hold back real tears that threatened to escape his worried, tormented soul. “The only thing I can do to help Jungkook now...is to protect you. I don’t know why...but I feel like it’s what I have to do...”
You searched Namjoon’s entire features for a glint of a lie – a shimmer of doubt; but you found nothing but a broken being, caught between right and wrong and questioning his entire existence. Since becoming a Vampire, Yoongi was all that Namjoon knew. In many ways, Namjoon looked to Yoongi like a father figure, always desperately seeking his approval and recognition; to which he never achieved. “Namjoon...” you whispered, causing him to open his eyes as the crashing of the battle ensued. “Let me touch you – take off your gloves...” you begged him.
As the fight continued, Hoseok was the first to fall unconscious as Taehyung and Jimin took him on – while Seokjin and Yoongi tried their best to corner the Prince of Vampires. With more experience and wit under his belt, Taehyung managed to send Hoseok flying across the room with an uppercut to his head, leaving him knocked out cold at the far end of the living room. It was common knowledge to all Vampires that the only thing that could kill another Vampire; was a Vampire. The sheer strength of removing one’s head from their body was something that the everyday being couldn’t hope to possess or achieve in any way. But since Taehyung didn’t wish to have himself labelled as a murderer, he opted for the next best thing – a blow to a Vampires head; knocking them unconscious for a short period of time.
Yoongi looked back at Hoseok on the floor as he thought about how useless he was – before noticing that Namjoon wasn’t involved in the fight at all. As he watched Taehyung and Jimin jump to Jungkook’s side to take on himself and Seokjin, he quickly looked back behind him to observe Namjoon with his gloves just after falling to the floor; and your hand encasing the bare skin of his fingers.
“That insolent little temptress” Yoongi lost all sight and sense of calm and collectiveness as all he could see was the blind rage that filled his entire body. Not caring that he was leaving Seokjin to fight against the odds that would surely cause his death, Yoongi sprinted over to you and Namjoon as fast as he could – taking Namjoon in his hands, lifting him clean off his feet, before sending him crashing through the window that sent the glass flying in all directions; shattering into different pieces. Completely distracted by trying to defend himself, Jungkook sank his fangs straight into Seokjin’s upper arm – causing him to wail in agony as Jungkook proceeded to rip into him. However, Jimin caught sight of Yoongi just after Namjoon crashed through the window and landed on to the gravel at the front of the manor.
“No!” Jimin screamed to himself as he saw Yoongi turn to you – shaking in vexation and his wild, blackened eyes full of terror and inhuman sickness. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t do anything as fear took over your basic nerve functions – rendering you unable to move let alone run away. And just as Yoongi took a step towards you, out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jimin pounce on top of him in an attempt to pull him away from you.
“Jungkook!” Jimin screamed at the top of his lungs to alert the Prince, but no sooner had his name left his mouth, Yoongi turned to Jimin...before stabbing him straight in his chest with the knife in his hands.
“...no...no – Jimin!” you screamed in unison with Taehyung as Jungkook took his eyes away from Seokjin to observe Jimin stumbling backwards towards the living room doors – his hands clutched around the knife coated in toxins buried deep inside him.
“Do you feel that? Can you feel how painful it is? Tell me, Jimin...was protecting her worth it? Was protecting her worth dying for?” Yoongi smirked as he saw Jimin drop to his knees – his true Vampiric form diminishing as he returned to his normal state, hardly able to breathe as he choked inaudible words. “Soon...the toxins will break down your newly formed, weak Vampiric cells...they will dissolve everything from the inside out...it will be a slow death, but I hope you can appreciate the height of your stupidity during that time” Yoongi’s voice disappeared into a menacing whisper as Taehyung fled from the fight to be by Jimin’s side.
“Jimin – stay with me darling, breathe – okay? Just breathe, you’re okay, look at me...god damn it!” Taehyung screamed as he cradled Jimin in his arms, looking into his agonised face as he knew every single one of Yoongi’s words were correct. Although the toxins would take a while to kill Jimin...they would inevitably do just that; kill him. “Everything’s going to be okay, alright my love? It’s...it’s okay, don’t worry, I’m here...I’ll...Jimin...oh god I –“ Taehyung couldn’t stop the river of tears falling from his eyes as Jimin continued to struggle to breathe – feeling the poison engulf his system.
“Tae...I –“
“Shh...don’t speak, it’s okay. Save your strength” Taehyung whimpered back, tasting the saltiness of his own sadness on his lips, while you felt your legs shake as Jungkook continued to try and make his way over to you; but since becoming distracted, it ultimately gave Seokjin the upper hand.
“I...I tried my best” Jimin squeaked, opening his eyes to look into the face of the one he loved with every beat of his heart – both when he was human, and now as a Vampire.
“I know, I know you did;...and I am so, so proud of you...” Taehyung placed his hand over Jimin’s – both of their hands encasing the knife as Taehyung thought about whether or not to leave it in or remove it; knowing that it wouldn’t make much of a difference.
“Tae...I...I love you – so much...” Jimin whispered. “Th-thank you for...a-always p-protecting me..and loving me...and for being th-the only thing in my life...that I’m pr-proud of”
“Don’t you dare say your goodbyes, Jimin – don’t you dare! You can’t leave me!” Taehyung screamed as if he were being stabbed himself as he completely forgot about everyone else in the room.
You stood in silence with tears cascading down your face – watching Taehyung envelope Jimin in his arms as he rocked him back and forth on the floor. You panned your eyes over to Yoongi – seeing him with a detrimental smile on his face as he looked more than impressed with his actions. “I...I did this...” you felt the regret of the entire situation almost grab your heart and clench it forcefully. In less than a moment, all of your memories with Jimin played in your mind; from the moment you first met the blonde in Taehyung’s boutique – how timid and shy you thought he was. You recalled his kindness – his gentle nature, even when he was a natum lamia battling against himself; for he never wished any harm to come to you. You thought back to the instance of him fixing the crystals on your dress, giving you the beautiful pashmina to wear on your shoulders – his beautiful, bashful smile that made your heart pound faster with endearment, and finally; the moment your skin came into contact with his – the moment you took him out of a hellish purgatory and set him free.
“...and now...look what I’ve done” your chest heaved in tormented guilt – the guilt of knowing that Jimin had just essentially sacrificed his own life in an attempt to save yours.
“(Y/N)! Come to me – get over here!” Jungkook screamed at you – but you couldn’t hear anything. You couldn’t focus on anything, you felt numb, you felt nothing but pure emptiness fill you entirely as Jungkook desperately tried to push Seokjin out of the way.
“Not so fast, my Prince!” Seokjin cackled as he successfully managed to send Jungkook flying in the direction of the marble fireplace. Jungkook’s head came into direct contact with the mantle that didn’t knock him out, but severely threw him off balance, just enough to cause him to stumble as he tried to pick himself up...but it was too late.
Before you could even begin to comprehend what was going on, you saw Yoongi swiftly step beside you – taking you in his leathered hands and pulling your head back; leaving him with a direct view of your jugular vein that protruded with each beat of your heart.
“See you on the other side – my beautiful domitor” Yoongi growled into your ear.
“No! Yoongi – Taehyung; s-stop him!” Jungkook screamed as loud as his throat allowed him as he began almost crawling towards you; only to have Seokjin kick him back in his rib-cage that left him near lifeless and energy-drained on the wooden, bloodied floor.
And with that – you felt like nothing was worth fighting for, as you watched Yoongi widen his mouth to its full capacity; seeing the ferociousness of his fangs in all their gory glory while his eyes glistened with hedonistic excitement. At the last second, you trailed your eyes over to Jungkook on the floor – hearing his bellowing screams of torment at having to watch without being able to do anything about it.
“Jungkook...I’m sorry” you whispered, before all you could feel; was Yoongi’s fangs penetrate the skin on your neck – the pain, the excruciating agony that entered your body almost too much to bear as you felt the sensation of his scalding hot venom enter your bloodstream and consume you from the inside out.
“(Y/N)!” Jungkook let out a long, elongated cry.
{...to be continued...}
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I guess it all started in 6th grade. I remember that I used to be happy, I think at that point I was almost a normal being. Then my step mom came along. I remember being so excited when she came through the door I run up to her and shook her hand and happily introduced myself. She was now part of the family. Everything was going smoothly until I found out she hated me. That’s when life became a bit overwhelming. I remember I was just a normal kid then I started getting all these restrictions. My dad came into my room often to tell me to change certain aspects of myself. I was so young and I didn’t know how to stand up for myself, I thought there was something wrong with me, that I was stupid or something because everything I would do was apparently the wrong thing. I wasn’t a bad kid all I wanted to do was get good grades in school and hang out with my best friend who also put a lot of stress on me ( but that was okay because that was the only person who made me feel at home with myself). My best friend was a complex person. She would call me at night sometimes and she would be crying. I would ask her what was wrong and all she would do was ask “can I spend the night?”. Of course you can I don’t want you to be sad. Eventually she told me of her conditions, she was abused physically and I did everything I could to make sure my best friend didn’t feel harmed around me. But while I was dealing with those problems I also had another load On me. My sister was suicidal all the time. She was sad that my parents got a divorce and she would cry about it every night. I think that the most fucked up part is that I went to my moms new house and told her that I didn’t want her to be my mom anymore. My dad told me to say that (I think I was 9 or 10 at the time) and I did it because I was under the impression that I was doing the right think. I was such a stupid mindless naive child. So my mom was sad, she stopped visiting. She was always an alcoholic but it got worst after I told her that. I remember when I was in elementary school she was happy, we all were. We would go on family vacations and bond and talk and we were normal and it was beautiful. But they divorced and everything fell apart. So my sister was sad she longed for what used to be because those were happy times. Shit I would rather be with my post divorce family where my dad was partying every night that when my step mom moved in. So when my sister was sad she was drastic. I remember I heard her screaming and crying and I went to her room and it was locked. The noises she made sounded like they were painful so I had to pick the lock (I can’t remover if I barged in or not). When the door finally opened there was blood everywhere and I started screaming . I think that was one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. She was trying to cut her leg off with a huge knife and blood was gushing out everywhere. I grabbed the knife and threw it in the other room. We were the only ones home and I think it would stay that was for the next few days. I had to calm her down and convince her it was going to be okay, my older sister. That was another stressor. I always felt like I was never good enough, I think I’ve cried over the fact since the 6th grade. I was restricted, I could never speak up for myself because I was told that my age made my opinion invalid. At the age of 11 I was told that how I felt didn’t matter, only the feelings of my 48 year old step mom mattered. Why did she hate me so much? I only ever remember being nice to her and being myself. But I remembered that who I was at the time wasn’t good enough so I changed. I couldn’t be the little band geek that I wanted to be (lol) because she hated having to hear the clarinet play when I wanted to practice. I couldn’t be the painter that I wanted to be because she hated the thought that my room MIGHT get paint on the floor. The only thing left was my grades, I always wanted to be the smart kid but that was only so people would leave me alone. Without my passions I started hating myself. I was told that I needed to lose weight (which I did I was pretty morbidly obese). I started hating the way I looked (also my best friend was self conscious so that didn’t help). I started believing that I was ugly and worthless. All of these problems made me so overwhelmed but I was told that I was just being overly dramatic so I pushed my feelings away deeper since they didn’t matter to anyone else but me and i didn’t matter to myself so that helps a lot. I moved away because I couldn’t handle. Can you believe that? I thought living with my alcoholic mother was going to be a better environment for me. So we would always go to Michigan in the summer and I stayed. I’m a piece of shit I told my best friend that I would be back and she had to wait a year (I don’t think she ever stopped being mad at me, I don’t think she ever knew why I really left). I think I told everyone that I missed my mom or something. So while I was away I got even worse. I was socially awkward and didn’t want to make friends with the ‘Rez kids’ (I’m Native American and you know how there are the stereotypes of the bad kids who live on the reservations? Well I don’t want to become that). I still had high achievements for myself, I still wanted to be larger than life successful but that would change later in my life. So while I was there my mom and I moved to her brothers house (he was in prison so his house was free) . It was in a secluded woodsy area of the Rez, kinda scary at night cause there was no service but we soon got internet so then it was alright. She would get drunk every night and tell me that the devil was going to take her soul away. I was 12 at the time so still a bit mindless. I was scared, she would scream stuff about 'lucifer’ and I didn’t want to hear it. She told me that there was ghosts and that the house was evil and that made it even harder for me to sleep at night. It was just me and her in the house so sometimes I would have to let her rant and distract myself with music. Sometimes she got so sad and would tell me about her life story. She got raped when she was 13 multiple times and that stressed me out. Her stories were so painful that I would cry for hours. She would get so drunk sometimes that she would try to kill herself. I had to risk getting cut by the sharp knives in order to take them away from her. She was plastered so she would just swing them around. I would always have to protect my heart so I wouldn’t die. Sometimes she would try to drink bleach and I would have to pull it away. It spilled sometimes. Sometimes when she was attempting to kill herself she would look me in the eye and tell me it was all my fault. That would always make me think back to the divorce and what I said to her. She soon got arrested and I had to live in with my aunt who was also crazy. She would pretend that people were trying to break into the house and sometimes she would go outside at the middle of the night 'to inspect’ and she would tell my cousin and I to lock the door behind her so we would still be safe. We heard her screaming in agony and it scared us (we were 13 at the time). She came banging on the door begging to be let back in so we had to do it quick. She said there was a man outside and he was trying to attack us and break in, she gave my cousin and I both a bat to keep us safe and then she passed out on the bed. No other adults would answer the phone for us because they thought we were ridiculous. They were right none of that was real it was all just my aunt being skitzo or something. The fear was real though, my cousin and I couldn’t sleep until 4 in the morning and the house we were in was another secluded house. I had to live around that for a few months because my mom was in jail. She couldn’t fucking stop drinking for 1 month. I wanted to come back home to my dad and sister but it was 'too inconvenient’ so I had to stay until the end of the summer. I had to hold on for 5 more months until June. It went by slowly and I found myself wanting to die. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that I was going to see my best friend again. She was the only one who knew and accepted me for me not the person I was pretending to be. This comes the second regret of that friendship, she came out to the reservation for the summer. My family was so mean to her and I didn’t have the balls to stand up to them, I didn’t want them to think of me as less than perfect. It was a disaster even my sister treated her bad. They made me feel ashamed of her when I should never have been, she was my favorite person in the world. She was just like me and if there was something wrong with her then there had to have been something wrong with me because i was just like her in a lot of ways. I was always rude to her now that I think about it, I always shamed her when all she was trying to do was be herself, I wish I supported her more, maybe she would be happier today. She left sooner than planned because of how bad everyone was to her, they were all so petty. The summer went on and finally I got back to the home I used to know in the town where my dad lived. I was now in 8th grade. This is where things got even worse. I got home and I tried yet again to be neutral with my step mom, changing who I was even more to make the family better. My best friend at this time had developed bulimia and started hanging out with the druggy crew. I disapproved. But I tried to support her decision even though I should have opposed. I was always afraid of conflict because it’s what I had been programmed to do.it was so bad that I don’t think I even knew who I was at this point because I was trying so hard to be perfect for my family. More fights happened and I always felt attacked because the only solution for problems was talking it out and it was always ruled that my opinions and examples were invalid and I was alone so I didn’t know how to defend myself when not even my sister or dad would try to help negotiate on my part. I was alone and had to further conform myself to something I was not all because I didn’t know how to stand up for myself. I lived this way forever and my friendship with my best friend got even worse too. She kept getting deeper into that bad kids group and started treating me different. That was when I knew we were coming to an end. She would use me. She would come to my house only to sleep in my bed, eat food, or cry to someone about the people she would rather be with. I was always happy to help, I would do anything for my best friend. At this time I started developing problems myself. I thought that if I was skinny no one would hate me anymore so I started throwing up and my dad threatened to send me back to my mom so I forced myself to stop even though I still did it occasionally. He always threatened to send me away if I didn't do things 'the right way'. I never wanted to experience that again so I had to keep my perfect child rep up. Time went by and things were still fucked yo and soon it came the end of my sophomore year. I met these people who knew what it was like to hurt. I met this knew friend who I literally thought could read my mind and we could have telepathic conversations. It felt really good to be understood like that. He understood all the bad and I didn't really feel too alone anymore. Summer came and j was still ranked #1 in my class, I had to keep the perfect reputation up, it was the only thing my dad saw value in in me. I lived with my best friend for the summer . It was the death of us. We would always fight. We were so insecure about the group we were in (where my other really good friend I just mentioned was in). She always got mad because she thought they liked me more and I always had to reassure her, they of course liked her too. We started getting competitive trying to be the better one and it was bad. She started doing unforgivable things to me like leaving me at a party and calling me ugly. She was going through some hard stuff so I was there for her (her past is probably shittier than mine). It was a weird relationship, we low key hated and loved each other at the same time? So I lived with her and we had the same job and the same friends and I was growing really close with this new guy because he had my sense of humor and I felt like we could have a good time together all the time. My best friend didn't like that. At the end of the summer I got the news that my dad was never coming back and I had already started school so it was again 'inconvenient' for me to just move out of town. Apparently he was going to move back but I guess not. So I moved in with my sisters best friend, they have been family friends for years so I wasn't uncomfortable and she could tell I was unhappy. I left and my best friend started dating someone in the friend group we were in, I got mixed up in some drama and we were done. I never meant to harm her but I guess there's nothing I can do know. I literally had no bad intentions because she was the person I held closest to my heart. I think even more than my own family. I would have never given her up for the world if she hadn't given up on me. She started being mean and I didn't know why. I was stupid and believed everything everyone else said instead of going to the source. Maybe she didn't want to try and just wanted to get rid of me idk. So that happened and know I had to depend on my other friend. It was exhausting because I never felt like I could be myself like I could with my other best friend. I still held him close to my heart but I could feel myself gazing bad habits just because I was programmed to try to belong somewhere and that's where I wanted to belong. We weren't fit for each other. It was a one sided friendship and that may be my fault but I still idk about that. And here I am now. I'm sad alone without anyone and I my dad never calls me unless he needs something from me (usually it's to pay the bills). They ask me why I want to cut him off when I grow up and it's not because I hate him not even close . I know that it's easier to say it's my decision to never talk to him again when if I grew up and didn't cut him off, I know he would never try to reach out to me: why would he? I used to be at the top of my class with a job and a passion for the arts and now look at me. I'm sad, I'm getting C's on my transcript the year that school matters the most. I hate myself, I don't have what it takes to maintain friendships because I'm so broken down and sad and alone. I don't want anyone to feel obligated to be my friend that's just shitty. I don't go to school that often because I don't think it's important. I do t have goals anymore, I do t wan to live anymore. I used to have passion now im just living for other people ( I guess I always was ) and I don't know how to live for myself. I'm disconnected from family, friends, school, art, and I don't know how to help myself. This is who I am and it's just one big disconnection. There is nothing for me
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How to Address Family Secrets Without Causing a Rift
New Post has been published on https://www.substanceabuseprevention.net/how-to-address-family-secrets-without-causing-a-rift/
How to Address Family Secrets Without Causing a Rift
Do you keep secrets from your family?
If you’re mentally rifling through all the skeletons in your family closet, you’re definitely not alone. Even those who pride themselves on openness probably have a secret or two that they’re not willing to share — even with the people they hold most dear. From issues as traumatic as sexual violence, to those as relatively mild (but still potentially contentious) as who we vote for, most of us have secrets we’d rather not share with our families.
Keeping certain things to ourselves can be a normal and healthy aspect of privacy. But more serious secrets — those that are motivated by shame, or that could potentially impact a family member’s wellbeing — can haunt families for years and disrupt healthy familial bonds.
But how can we tell the difference between healthy privacy and harmful secret keeping? And if we do choose to open up about tough subjects, how can we preserve our family relationships — if it’s healthy to preserve them at all?
I caught up with Rachel O’Neill, Ph.D., an Ohio-licensed professional clinical counselor and Talkspace therapist, for a conversation about why families keep secrets, and how to talk about the things we’d rather keep secret.
Why Do Our Loved Ones Keep Secrets?
“Every family is different, but I think in general families tend to keep secrets around things that they have some sort of shame associated with,” says Dr. O’Neill. Besides shame, family members can be motivated to keep secrets if they fear that revealing something would upset the family equilibrium or have implications in the broader community.
Some common secrets Dr. O’Neill sees in her practice include gender and sexual identity; physical, sexual, or substance abuse; or even an unpopular political opinion (something Dr. O’Neill says she’s seeing families hide more often in the current political climate). In the wake of the #MeToo movement, Dr. O’Neill also says she’s heard from a number of people who have been inspired to open up about sexual violence they previously kept secret.
In some circumstances, secret keeping isn’t motivated by shame but rather, by the desire to protect someone. This often takes the form of a parent or caregiver trying to protect a child from information they think would be too painful. However, says Dr. O’Neill, this desire to protect can sometimes backfire.
“Oftentimes parents and caregivers tend to try to do what they think is in the best interest of a person, of their child, and I think sometimes that is misguided,” she says, citing examples of parents not telling children they were adopted or not being open with children about the death of a loved one.
In these situations, Dr. O’Neill advises that honesty is the best policy. “The more honest we can become in these family relationships the more we can decrease the long-held stigma and the shame associated with these kinds of secrets.”
Healthy Privacy vs. Harmful Secret Keeping
Not all secret keeping is unhealthy, however. After all, we all have parts of ourselves that we don’t wish to share with anyone else, or parts of ourselves we reserve for spaces outside the family — whether that be the exact details of our voting records or of our sexual escapades.
“When I hear ‘keeping a secret,’ to me there’s that aspect of wanting to rid oneself of it, that idea of keeping this as a burden,” Dr. O’Neill says. On the other hand, she defines privacy as an active choice that the person is okay with. With privacy, says Dr. O’Neill, a person feels “a level of comfort with having decided to not share this information.”
Research backs up this distinction. A recent study found that the psychologically stressful part of secret keeping isn’t actual the act of lying about your secret. Instead, it’s the stress of thinking about the secret so much, and therefore feeling inauthentic. It stands to reason, then, that people who feel comfortable with their secret may obsess about it less.
On the other hand, there are some secrets that definitely shouldn’t be kept. If your secret could negatively impact someone else’s health and safety, it’s important that you come forward. Pressuring someone else to keep quiet about potentially harmful issues is also a major no-no.
According to Dr. O’Neill, this kind of enforced secret keeping unfortunately often occurs around instances of family violence and substance abuse.
“It becomes this network of secret keeping,” she says. “There’s the perpetrator, the person who’s perpetrating the abuse or the substance abuse and there’s those individuals around them who are intent on keeping that information a secret.” This becomes an abusive pattern in which survivors are made to, in Dr. O’Neill’s words, “suffer in silence.”
This is reflected in the statistics about sexual violence. According the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), 2 out of 3 sexual assaults go unreported to the police. Among survivors who didn’t report, 7% said they didn’t want the perpetrator to get in trouble. And overwhelmingly, perpetrators are close to victims, with 33% of rape victims assaulted by an intimate partner and 34% of the people who abuse children are their family members.
The Courage to Open Up
“We tend to make changes in our life when we become uncomfortable with something,” says Dr. O’Neill. She says that people often choose to reveal family secrets when an outside event inspires the revelation, or when it simply becomes too burdensome to keep the secret inside.
This makes sense, considering that secrets can feel like an actual, physical burden. One 2012 study found that people who were preoccupied with secrets perceived hills to be steeper, distances farther, and physical tasks more onerous than those without secrets. The more we think about secrets, the study found, the heavier they seem. That’s why opening up about the secrets that are weighing on us can feel like a literal unburdening.
The Discomfort of Revealing Family Secrets
When family secrets are revealed, however, this sense of unburdening can also be accompanied by serious discomfort, as truths we assumed about the people we’re close to change rapidly. In the wake of such revelations, Dr. O’Neill says, the path to healing depends on what the family members’ previous relationships were like, as well as the nature of the secret.
In situations where the family members have an otherwise good relationship and the secret, though potentially discomfiting, was kept with the best of intentions — for example, an otherwise loving family keeping the real cause of a family member’s death secret with the intention of protecting a child — there is potential for the family members to work through the issues and heal.
In contrast, when the family relationship was already strained or the secret was harmful, like physical or sexual abuse, healing can be much more fraught.
Dr. O’Neill says that it’s best to tailor responses to what impacted individuals want. In cases of violence and abuse, she says, one of the most important things is to remember that the survivor is never responsible for what happened to them and should not have to take on the burden of coming forward if they don’t want to.
“My goal with working with folks is always to help foster a sense of acceptance around what has happened in the past,” she says. “If you choose never to come forward, you’re not responsible for this person continuing to abuse, that’s just simply not fair for a survivor to have to bear that burden.”
Sometimes, healing can best occur by taking the person who offended out of the picture entirely, i.e., removing them from your life. In any case, O’Neill says it’s most important to first prioritize the needs of the survivor and then, if they wish, engage with the family unit.
Healing Relationships
While it’s definitely possible to heal individually and as a family after the revelation of a disruptive secret, it’s best to establish an atmosphere of healthy honesty in the family from the beginning.
Many issues that were once stigmatized, like adoption, divorce, and LGBT sexuality, are becoming increasingly accepted. Talking about these issues with openness and honesty right off the bat helps affirm to all family members that their experiences aren’t shameful, but are normal and valued.
In these situations, honesty is a form of love. When it comes to preventing abuse, experts advise being open about healthy sexuality and teaching children healthy boundaries beginning from early childhood.
By cultivating honesty within families, we can prevent issues from happening or deal with them in a healthy manner when they do arise. Of course, if you do still choose to keep some things within the bounds of healthy privacy, we promise we won’t tell grandma about your new boyfriend.
Source: https://www.talkspace.com/blog/2018/11/addressing-family-secrets/
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