#and his art is so good I'm obsessed with the way he draws eyes and masculine features fr
buttercupshands · 3 months
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Congratulations on nothing. I'm back to drawing LoV again after a bit of a break
those are mostly just a redraw practice for fun Toga is a try in "more canon way of drawing" with color practice too
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I'm sorry that it's in russian because I have to have some will to localize jokes that came into my head while drawing it
it's like... a robot au??? or something, mostly just a joke "what if AFo just built Tenko and changed what he wanted"
and this is a joke about our 'favorite' 419 plot twist so it's basically just a bunch of joked about AFO failing to get any way to get control instead Tenko's head is not empty. It downloaded games, friends and stuff about being a hero but NOT as a literal hero, more on "villains need help I'm a hero then" way
and yes that text behind is "hands" written all over the place bc I wanted to add hands in handwritten form
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prongsx · 9 days
who are your boyfriend?
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Even though you talk a lot about your sweet boyfriend, people don't understand the sign.
Warnins: English is not my first language, there will probably be mistakes, I'm more grammatically correct in my language I swear lol, f!reader, just a silly idea I had.
You're a person who talks a lot about your boyfriend, not that it's your intention to show him off or look like you're obsessed with him (maybe a little), but still, it seems inevitable to quote Jason Todd in your social circles, especially in the work.
It's a good work environment, your colleagues are nice, and you like to be communicative. However, the new co-worker, Adam, seems to be a little too friendly, your colleagues have already noticed this, but you dont notice this, lost in your own thoughts about your boyfriend.
The thing is, Adam has concluded that your boyfriend is an idiot, he listens to you talking about him, and the only conclusion he can draw is that you're dating a stupid nerd who lives in his mother's basement. It started weeks ago when you arrived with a jar of colorful cookies, offering it to your colleagues with a silly smile and saying.
"Jaybean did, does anyone want it? It's his grandfather's recipe"
Adam laughed internally at that. It wasn't right, you were too pretty to date such a weird guy who was definitely supposed to be short, skinny and silly, what kind of man cooked colored cookies? Or even worse, let yourself be called a "jaybean"?
The next day, he overheard you talking to your friend, in a worried tone, about how your boyfriend was about having physically fought with his younger brother, which only added to the comical image Adam had of his boyfriend. Definitely the guy was a banana. What kind of guy would let his little brother hit him?
Around the football season, Adam decided to show you what a real man was and ask you out, showing you the tickets he got. He called you a doll, which you registered with a slight frown.
"um, thanks Adam, but my boyfriend doesn't like football very much. And this week we're going to an arts fair in New York."
Adam let out a stilted giggle that you didn't seem to notice, the thoughts of him again calling your boyfriend stupid. Seriously, art fair? Didn't like sports?
There were other, clearer signs of how pathetic your boyfriend was, according to Adam, like when you commented that he had sewn a blouse of yours. (you didn't say that Jaosn's talent with sewing came from the fact that he sewed his battle wounds himself). Or when you called him cute nicknames.
Adam wanted to show you what he really wanted to date a guy, a real man, who had muscuslos and knew how to beat someone to protect you.
The fuse for Adam was when he approached your desk and saw a book by Jane Austen and asked, avoiding making a face at such a syrupy book.
"Do you like classics, doll?"
You looked up from the computer where you typed, a slight smile on your lips as you stared at the book brevmenete.
"A little. My boyfriend likes it, so I promised I'd try to read it. I prefer fiction books"
Adam's face drooped, you were really dating a stupid guy, you deserved to meet a real man. He rested his hands on your desk and puffed out his chest.
"You know, doll, you can get more."
You blinked your eyes limply, confused.
"Excuse me?"
"There are men… for real."
There was an arrogant smile on Adam, which you didn't like, not at all. Your posture became tense, prepared to reject him, by hook or by crook. But a voice, hoarse and thick, woke you both from the uncomfortable exchange of looks.
"Am I getting in the way?"
Adam turned, his eyes narrowing at the sight. There was a tall guy, much taller than himself, who even in a leather jacket could see his muscles. The guy had messy black hair and scars that gave him a tough look, even his blue eyes seemed like a warning, a warning to stay away. Adam was about to ask what he was doing there when your voice came out loud and contented.
Adam stood still, his mouth wide open as that intimidating man gave you a soft smile and squeezed your waist, a chaste kiss on the forehead. By no means was that guy stupid of your boyfriend.
"That's adam," you said, a half-annoyed expression on my face, which softened when she turned her eyes to Jason.
Jason just gave Adam a suspicious look, not bothering to spend time with him before grabbing your bag and giving you another kiss on the cheek, whispering.
"Ready to go, honey?"
You nodded, smiling. Saying goodbye with a slight nod to Adam, as you told for your sweet, gentle boyfriend about your day, whose acts were what really drew you in.
Just a silly thing I thought about while analyzing the things that betrayed me about Jason. Adam is just one of those guys who think women are attracted to things that – they – think should attract them. Jason is just a grandpa's little boy who has learned how to be a gentleman right under that rough surface.
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littlemoondarlingarts · 6 months
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Did an artstyle study of the gorgeous art of @iliothermia and I genuinely learned alot so I'm very thankful that he gave me permission to do this 🙏🏻🙏🏻
As usual, rambles and process pics under the cut, be warned that I talk alot because this drawing was a true labor of love both for his art and Rouge
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I wanted to use elements from his art but at the same time i know how deeply personal his art is to his own life and struggles and culture so i tried to be as respectful as possible (and if I failed at that please tell me I have no problem in deleting this) and tried to minimize my use of direct elements from his art to keep it to the skull which was heavily inspired by a drawing he has done, the waves which are such a beautiful staple of his art that I just couldn't not put it and the use of candles and small floral patterns and the style of the mold, but I tried to keep the rest to things that are symbolic to the character.
While he may have restraint to not explain everything, I'm not famous for that lol, so I will be explaining the symbolism behind my choices.
Part 1: the symbolism:
The red rose is Rouge's flower and it is heavily associated with him. The meaning of it being romantic desire and passion mixed with the thorns of it perfectly sum up his position as a beautiful black widow.
Voyeurism is a big part of this drawing and it is first noticed with the eyes motif on the roses' leaves, this symbolises his response to his trauma which left him feeling like an unwanted pervert on his own self. I can talk about this aspect of his story for hours but I'll spare you lol.
The X-ray cutouts are his complicated relationship with his own body and death, it is a thing that is constantly on his mind as he suffers from suicidal thoughts but at the same time he is always running away from it in fear, but he knows that eventually, he will have to stop running.
The candles melting represent him being only wanted when he is useful, when he is giving parts of himself up for others to use and abuse, when he is lighting their lives by slowly draining his own.
The piano is one of the rare things that bring him happiness and peace, but he needs to be heavily dissociated to be able to enjoy it which is represented by the hands being disconnected from the rest of the drawing and just floating in their own reality.
The snake represents two things, one is him being venomous to those around him, the mistakes he's made, the promises he's broken, the pain he's caused etc. But it also represents those who slowly wrap themselves around him in a warm embrace, presenting themselves as a saviour in his most dire times only to end up being the ones who will hurt him the most.
The book is about his obsession with keeping track of everything and of studying people, accidentally turning himself into an unwanted voyeur on their lives to the point where he has written the life stories of many people who would never want to be remembered through his eyes in his little books.
The butterflies are him, both in the way they are seen as "the good insects" and the beautiful delicate ones despite the fact that they eat flesh sometimes, it is also related to the way his simple presence for a few minutes in someone's life can create a whirlwind of change that will leave it unrecognizable, or he can simply be another body in their bed.
The hair turning into waves is meant to reflect the way he is always drowning in his own thoughts, a hand crafted constant state of misery.
The beta fish are some of the most beautiful and colourful fish out there, yet they are seen as cheap and easy first pets, leading to them being neglected and given environments that are too small and crammed, making their beautifully slow death the only thing they can offer to their owner. I don't think I need to explain more..
The skull is probably someone he's loved, or someone he's killed, or both.
The heart is his, it is rotten and covered in mold, any love he offers is tainted by his inability to heal and it is spreading to infect every aspect of his life.
Part 2: the inspirations:
The roses are a homage to the way Rachamim always places flowers in his art, either in the background or as a focal point of the illustration, most of the flowers he uses are cultural in nature, so I opted to not reuse any of them and changed it to a flower related to my oc.
Eyes are a repeated theme in his art, whether it be angel eyes, the evil eye or anything else, and as you can tell both of these are cultural and religious and while the evil eye exists in my culture, it does not in my oc's so I didn't use it. Instead I opted to pay homage to one of his beautiful merman drawings in which he used the plants to make an eye-like shape that stares at the viewer.
I thought I was being real smart in turning the hair into waves but yesterday I saw an illustration where he did the same so rip to me thinking i was being original lol.
The snake and butterflies are my way of replicating his use of animals while trying to not directly copy any animals that have a connection to himself or his culture/religion.
The beta fish is just to reference the ever present fishies in his art. I know he uses them because they represent friendship for him and they are the only animals safe from the evil eye (thanks for the fun fact) so I uh... I don't really know if this was disrespectful or not to be honest but I tried to use a different type of fish, idk this might still be slightly problematic and again I'm always ready to delete this if it makes anyone uncomfortable.
The waves are a direct copy of how he draws the gorgeous waves in his art, another case of something I fear may be crossing the line because the waves are drawn in the style of cultural jewelry 😭
The tiny flowers are an obvious reference to his own tiny flowers that decorate his art and characters.
The skull with the candles is heavily inspired by a specific drawing of his.
The cutouts are my way of paying my respects to my absolute favourite piece of art he's done without directly copying its concept because as far as I can tell, it is a very personal and emotional piece.
The mold style is a reference to his mold man (I forgot his name I'm sorry).
And the candles are another repeated motif in his art as well as the pillars and the pant style.
And ouf I sure do talk alot don't I? I just really love the amount of things I was able to cram into this piece and I haven't even mentioned everything😭😭 I will NOT be doing this again because I'm simply not as patient as he is and as proud as I am of the result, this was torture. I hope I didn't disrespect him, his art or his culture and I genuinely tried my best to be as respectful as possible but I might have some blind spots due to our experiences being so vastly different so again, please don't hesitate to inform me if you want this deleted!
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loveandmurders · 10 months
You belong to Ambrose III (Poly!Sinclairs x f!reader)
Hey everyone!! I'm very happy you still are enjoying this little series. In the end, it should be four parts!
If you have missed the first chapter, it's here, and the second one is here.
Hope you'll enjoy and keep commenting because it's really helping me writing again <3
Warnings : no proof reading, mentions of killing, of sexual activities (nothing explicit), of toxic love, morally grey reader, angst.
You refused to open the door for the rest of the day. 
You knew where the key was hidden so it had been easy for you to lock it up. And even if Bo could have shot the door open, the brothers agreed it was a terrible idea because you were already pretty mad at them. 
The situation was killing them. But it was better than your absence, and if they had to choose between this or you being gone forever, they would rather keep you here, no matter how upset you would be. 
You were home.
On the other hand, even if they didn’t say it, they all believe they knew you well enough to seduce you back in their embrace. After all, it wasn’t the first argument you had with them, and you always came back to them. You came back because they always showed you they were eager to make things better for you. You were the only person Bo ever apologised to, for instance, because they would do anything for you. 
They wanted to believe that things were going to be back to what it was supposed to be. The good thing was that you didn’t seem afraid of them anymore. They were pretty certain they could fix the situation from there. They just needed to not do anything that would make you feel threatened. 
They also hoped you remembered how they loved you, how they could only love you. You should know how insane and obsessive their love was. You should be able to understand why they needed to kill your friends. And it wasn’t truly to punish you, it was mostly because they couldn’t stand you around other people. You were supposed to love them, and only them. You were theirs, forever.
Bo thought he might need to also kill your mother because he noticed she kept calling on your phone. She was worried for you, because it had been a while she hadn’t heard from you. She had a bad feeling about all of this, so she kept calling. In the end, he answered it. She didn’t recognise his voice as he explained to her, doing his best to conceal his southern accent, that you were currently under the shower but that you would call her back soon. It appeased her, even though she seemed a little bit suspicious. She asked several times if you were okay. 
Meanwhile, Vincent and Lester got rid of the bodies. It was better to pretend you never went with your friends anyways. Vincent was a little bit sad to let go of such perfect people, but he was ready to sacrifice his art to you. Lester was happy those friends of yours were dead but he thought they might have been too quick at killing them. Maybe they should have convinced you it was better that way, before doing it. He was aware they had been too impulsive; the brothers had never been too good at staying calm when it was about you.
As Lester went back to his truck, he sent a little look at your room window. He prayed to the Devil for you to open the door and agree to talk to them.
You were getting crazy inside your room. You couldn’t rest and everything around you reminded you of your childhood with the Sinclairs. You rolled your eyes when you noticed the boys kept your clothes, even the very old ones. It seemed like they couldn’t get rid of anything that used to belong to you, even broken toys. 
Your heart tightened in your ribcage when you took a closer look at the drawings littering the walls. More memories flooded through your mind. You used to be all happy together. The first drawings you found were very childish, but slowly they got better. There were a lot of portraits of the whole family, including you. You remembered the day you were doing the portrait of Trudy was the day you first kissed Vincent. The weather was so hot and no one was around, so you told Vincent to remove his mask. He agreed, because it was you. You made him feel so normal, so handsome even. You didn’t really know what happened, but you ended up on his lap, kissing him as if your life was depending on it. His hands had held you with such strength, almost leaving bruises on you. He knew he was your first kiss, and it made him feel good about himself. He grew addicted to your touch and kisses then, and you used to love being his little goddess.
You also found gifts the boys got you. You found quite a few rocks and you remembered Lester offered them to you during your first date with him. The twins were barely leaving the two of you alone, so you both decided to sneak away. You went together in the woods, knowing no one would find you there. You let him guide you, trusting him. He was a little bit shy, so you had been the one who took his hand in yours. You could see him again, watching you with heart eyes and letting escape how beautiful, smart and amazing you were. He couldn’t stop babbling and when he finally calmed down, he kissed the back of your hand, his eyes lit with adoration. He promised you to only belong to you that day, and he never broke his word.
You also found a photo album of your teenagehood and early adulthood. You shivered when you noticed how the boys were always looking at you with so much love, tenderness and desire, in literally every picture of the four of you. Bo often had his arm wrapped around your waist. Vincent was holding your hand. Lester was hugging you from behind. There were photos of you all partying too. And at the end of the album, photos of you kissing the boys. Bo was passionate. Vincent was possessive. Lester was hungry.
One photo caught your attention. It was a summer night, you were wearing a cute little dress and Bo took a picture of you. You remembered that that night, the boys were relentless around you. You were the prettiest thing in their lives and they wanted you. You remembered you laughed so much that night, teasing them. The truth was you were burning for them too. At the end of the night, Bo brought you to a hotel room away from Ambrose and he made love to you for the first time. You both desired each other so badly. He had been so gentle to you, eager to make you feel good before his own pleasure. Despite the rumours, Bo was as virgin as you then. He had waited for you because he only wanted you. He learnt how to play with you, patient and attentive, and then he taught his brothers. You had a very fond memory of that night.
You had very fond memories of the boys.
You didn’t want to admit it but you missed those happy times. It upsetted you a lot, even more than you already were. For the moment, things seemed to be all shattered to pieces, litke the plate you threw at the wall earlier that day. How could things go back to what it used to be, now they killed your friends, now you spent years away from them?
And yet, a little voice inside your head was begging you. She asked you to forgive them. Did you really care about your friends? Could you care when you were finally home? When you could finally have their hands on your body, after all those sleepless nights, dreaming about the feeling of their skin against yours? You never forgot how they made love to you. And whenever you were with someone else, you wished it would be them instead. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have left Ambrose, but it was too late. Maybe you shouldn’t have done this road trip, but it was too late as well. You were stuck, and you didn’t know what to do anymore. You thought you should want to escape, but your heart was breaking even more at the idea of leaving once again. You tried to tell yourself that you were simply afraid of what the Sinclairs would do to you if you tried to get away. But you knew you were lying to yourself. You weren’t afraid.
It was the middle of the night when you heard something scratching at your door. You were trying to sleep, but you needed a shower, and some food, and you started to feel lonely, locked up in there, so you couldn't rest. The noise was also preventing you now. You got irritated so you finally opened the door to meet a cute dog at the entrance. You didn’t know Jonesy but you could tell she was the family dog and she was well taken care of. You sat on the floor and started to pet her. You had to admit that she brought you some comfort, because she was very soft and affectionate. You quietly talked to her as she greeted your caresses with kisses of her own. 
The twins were chatting in the kitchen, planning about what to do about you, when they heard you opening your door. However, they got confused when you didn’t seem to come downstairs or to walk to the bathroom, so they looked for you.
They quite enjoyed seeing you cooing at Jonesy, and it felt to them that fate was speaking once again because their dog never liked strangers. And yet, she seemed to be all over you already. You felt you were watched so you looked up and met their gazes. Your attention quickly went back on Jonesy. You weren’t sure what to do, and it was annoying you.
“Ya hungry?” Bo asked in the softest way he could manage, hoping to coax you, but you simply shrugged. “Ah com’on, baby girl” he hummed. 
The twins carefully moved closer to you and sat on the floor as well. Jonesy loved to have her humans at her level for once so she happily barked and greeted the boys who petted her. 
You stayed silent for a little while. You all were very tense, which was strange because you used to be so at ease around each other. The twins couldn’t wait for you to relax. And you couldn’t wait to forgive them or to get out of here.
“I’m sorry for your friends. We all really are.” Vincent finally signed to you. The only source of light was coming from your room but you were seeing enough of his hands to read them.
“No you’re not, or you wouldn’t have done this” you snapped
“They were in the way. They would have never agreed to leave you here and they would have called the police on us. We couldn’t take the risk when we finally had the opportunity to bring you where you belong. We didn’t have any other choice” Vincent continued
“Whatever you say” you replied
“Lester is really sad you seemed so upset at him earlier and we really want to fix the situation with you.” Vincent tried again
“I’m not sure we can fix anything” you whispered. You felt sad, but not only because of your friends.
“Ya’re one of us, ya always had been.” Bo said as he reached for your hand and brought it to his lips to kiss. You tried to not react to the kiss. And then he didn’t allow you to remove your hand from his grasp, actually trying to bring you closer to him. “I didn’t mean what I said earlier, love, I’m sorry. Ya know I say stupid things when I’m angry” he finally apologised. “We’re blessed ya’d fallen in love with the three of us or we’d’ve killed each other to be your favourite lover” he hummed and you knew he was only half joking about it. 
“And yet my mother said you wanted to marry me” you replied as you leaned against the frame of the door. Jonesy put her head on your lap.
“Still want it…” Bo hummed. Vincent sent him a little look. “And speakin’ of your mother, she keeps callin’. Told her ya’d call her back soon” Bo told you before handing your phone back to you.
“Could call the cops on you” you replied as you took your phone. Bo shrugged.
“Ya won’t. Ya still love us too.” Bo replied with a cheeky grin and you arched an eyebrow at him.
“You seem very confident about it, Bo” you commented
“Ya’re angry at us for the moment, and it’s normal, ‘cause we kill your “friends”. But ya’ll forget about them soon enough” he replied
“How do you know that?” you groaned
“Ya’re actin’ like ya used to. Ya ain’t afraid of us, ya call us out, ya got mad at us when we ain’t doin’ what ya wanna. Ya called this room, yours. Ya’re sittin’ on the floor like if ya’re ownin’ the place. Which ya do, by the way. Ya always did” Bo enumerated the reasons that made him think you were still in love with them “And it’s been years ya should’ve called the cops on us. Ya knew what we were doin’ here and ya knew our plans. And yet, ya never called them.” he continued and you looked away. You couldn’t argue with that.
“I wanted another life, that’s why I left Ambrose. Of course I kept thinking about you guys a lot, but I didn’t want this mess.” you told them
“And yet you came camping close by Ambrose”. Vincent noted “Like if you were trying your luck”
“Yes. I was tempting the devil I guess, and he didn’t miss me” you sighed, wondering what you were going to do now. 
“Tell us what we can do to make things better” Vincent asked
“I don’t…”
You jumped when your phone rang. You answered when you saw it was your mother, with the only desire to reassure her so you could peacefully think of the mess you were in without having to worry about her calling the cops. You half realised that you indeed really didn’t want anything bad to happen to the three men you used to live with.
“Hey, mom” you said
“Hey, darling, where are you? I couldn’t join you easily today.”
“I’m sorry about that, my phone died and we had to find a hotel for the night” you lied with so much ease. You learnt it from the twins.
“When did you say you would come back home?”
“I’m not sure, mom. We’re… getting behind the plan because we faced some car issues. Nothing serious, don’t worry.”
“Is everything okay? You sound strange”
“Of course everything is alright, I’m just tired. I call you tomorrow, mom, have a good night, love you.” you said before hanging up. 
You closed your eyes and took your head in your hands. You could have told her about the kidnapping and the murders, but you didn’t. You didn’t want to finish breaking everything with the Sinclairs. Bo might be right; you might be still badly in love with them, even though it was a mistake that already cost you your friends. 
You felt the twins gently stroking your hands and then arms. They had missed touching you. They moved closer to you again, surrounding you like they used to.
“Let us show ya life can be worth it here. We ain’t deservin’ ya, but ya know we’re good at takin’ care of you” Bo whispered to you and you really wanted to believe it.
Taglist: @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21 ; @thatbitchanna27 ; @robin-the-enby ; @i-like-horror-andshitt ; @cecilwritesstuff ; @delusion-is-convenient ; @artificialintestines ; @sugarrush-blush ; @crypticlxrsh ; @g0thl3zz ; @katerinaval ; @oneofvincentscandles ; @limehaspassed ; @sillylittlereader ; @mommymilkerfanclub ; @oranedgp ; @mottysith ; @partlyvee ; @gorewhore123 ; @mrstargayen09 ; @aesthetic-bitches-tum ; @mfnqueen1 ; @etheralrue ; @nanami-kento-simp ; @bluekuu ; @excusemyrandomramblings ; @fluffy-little-demon ; @oneofvincentscandles ; @domoron ; @narcolepticduck ; @partlyvee ; @mushroom-weeb ; @peik0s ; @dumblittlebunbun ; @mottysith ; @iwantsleepplz ; @lolwey ; @02006
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lmskitty · 6 months
I made a post a while back of my fave Satosugu fics and here's some of my absolute fave artists! There are so many incredible artists for jjk and I'm constantly in awe but heres some I just wanted to shout some love and adoration too!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@nessieartss - I am obsessed with their older brother Sukuna au and his total lack of rizz with Megumi. It's incredible.
@diosaurr - oh my GOD their satosugu art is phenomenal but the way they draw Yuki too?!? Such a babe!!!
@xo-romiiarts - god I love the way they draw Satosugu!! Their comics are so hot!
@sadbenedict - the iconic basement au!!!! (Their happy satosugu art is amazing also)
@andlatitude -we had a moment where I realised I'd followed them from when we were both in the Supernatural fandom, ADORE their Nanago art!
@fushiglow - should be illegal that they can write amazingly AND draw like that!!!
@fuyuhen-art - I think I've reblogged their art so many times now because I can't get over how hot it is. The way they draw sweat?!? The veins in the arms?!?
@fah-keet - the hottest satosugu content made only better by the use of horrific cakes to hide the nsfw. Sometimes I see an outright nsfw and look for the cake because I'm ridiculous.
@petridumps - the cutest Nanago art. The way they draw teen Gojo and Nanami is incredible. The staring contest comic is such a fave!
@yuutaguro - so in love with the papamin au!!!
@franeridart - all my teacher satosugu headcanons exist in their universe because I love it SO much. It's just pure joy.
@owwllly - the way they draw the chests is too much. Too powerful, obsessed with their art style. The way they draw Suguru?!? 🫠🫠🫠
@3-aem (not letting me link not sure why) the way they draw Gojo is godly. He's SO pretty. Just absolutely beautiful artwork.
@arinavah - I'm feral for their chosoyuki content. It's just so good.
@uotuok - the way they draw soft and sleepy satosugu just warms my heart. I love it SO much. These boys need more cuddles!!! And the colours they use?!? It's such a beautiful art style I adore it.
@cottonhide - their art is SO pretty. I love the way they draw Fushiguro 🥰 but their satosugu kiss comic is one of my absolute faves. These boys are so dumb my gosh.
@strawbaryarts - my fave drawings of Shoko. Just the eyes get me so much. She's so done, I love their pieces so much!
@wacuoms - the artwork they do of Suguru breaks me, the way they draw his expressions is just phenomenal. Also buff lesbian Gojo my god 🫠🫠🫠
@to00fu - their Yuri satosugu is amazing and how I headcanon them as girls now! I loooove the way they draw Suguru's piercings 🥰
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chweverni · 9 months
HOW I THINK _ bonedo 'n their love languages ! (pt.2)
pairing; ot6!bonedo x fem!reader synopsis; how would your adorable boyfriend(s) express their love for you? word count; 614 author's note; pt.2 is here!! wooo what are yall's thoughts on a taesan fic involving love potions? i got the idea a while back but idk if the commitment is there lmfaoo
read pt.1 here !
KIM DONG HYUN - physical touch/gift giving & receiving !
ESFJs are.. interesting. when they're in love, every little thing their partners do, affect the way they judge their relationship. here, leehan would definitely be the one who's into physical affection a lot. for him, a day without your hugs and kisses, or cuddles right after waking up, is enough for him to jump into conclusions that maybe your day was bad, or that you had a nightmare. he'd do everything, in his favors to make your day better. leaving you in bed, with a forehead kiss, and going out of his way to bring you breakfast in bed is something i definitely think he'll do a lot! the type to be totally into pda because he desperately needs people to know that he has the most prettiest, cutest, sexiest, smartest and loving girlfriend on this entire planet!
think of gifts such as flowers, hand-made cards, CDs or cassettes, rings, things he made in art classes such as little pots, drawings, tickets to concerts or amusement parks, because he loves to spoil his babe a lot and would swim across oceans just to get you the things you like. and this would totally go both ways, too. you would exchange gifts whenever there's a special day you both would like to cherish together.
he'll probably get you hot water bags, chocolates, snacks and warm blankets when you're on your period and would check up on you frequently to make sure you're doing fine. he would give back rubs whenever you're having cramps, while you sleep helplessly on your bed.
"i made you this during pottery classes.. see the flowers here? they're real! i glazed them afterwards.", he'll say proudly, with his adorable eye smile.
you'd kiss him immediately right there and then, which he would return in a heartbeat.
KIM WOONHAK - quality time/physical affection !
another ENFP, who has an unhealthy obsession of being with and around you 24/7 because he just loves you a lot, he can't help it okay? for him, one second without you feels like eternity. you two spend every second together, being literally attached at the hip. the type to send you messages like, "i wish you lived next to me, so that whenever i wake up, i could just stick some notes in my window, wishing you good morning, hoping you'd see them.", knowing that you'd have to literally run out of your house to reach school on time if that happened. he's the one who yaps a lot in the relationship, while all you can do is either listen with full interest, or feed into his interests by asking him more. and if you do both, he'll probably be planning a future with you, far away from the main lands, because he wants you to himself.
the type to give you surprise hugs whenever you're fully focused on something, like reading a book, to see you flinch. he'll probably be into the concept of cheek touching, as a form of greeting you. be prepared for random kisses on your cheek, nose, forehead, lips, hands and knuckles through out the day, because poor baby just cannot get enough! think of teddy bear hugs, and him resting his chin on your shoulder.
he's totally the type to fall asleep in the bus/train ride home after school, leaning to your body or shoulder, while one of your earbuds is still playing faint music, to help him sleep.
"can you come over, baby? pretty please? i promise this is the last time i'm asking you this! i miss you.", even though it probably will continue to happen every single day.
that's it! i hope i did them justice as usual <3
thanks for checking in on my blog, love you, bye!
all creds to chweverni only on tumblr !
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joaofelix70 · 1 year
69 WITH JOÃO FÉLIX | a concept.
author's note: first of all, thank you for reading this and my first story that was boycotted by his ex's fans, lmao (i know joão's flopping here, actually) 💀
many people are not writing for him anymore and that's why i'm doing justice to him, so you're welcome, lol. please, tell me what you think about this work, polite feedbacks are VERY appreciated. i get inspired in the morning and wrote it kinda quickly. really random, but i need to say how obsessed i am with joão being religious, like this gif shows. the way he's crossing himself, kissing his hand and pointing to the sky 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
I'M CRYING, SOBBING ON MY KNEES AND BEGGING HIM TO HAVE A RELIGIOUS FAMILY WITH ME. also, my requests are open. i'm waiting for you to talk to me there <3
warnings: self-explanatory sex position. +18 content. smut, nsfw without context. plus, he's also fingering you here (our dream 😭).
words: 461.
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"holy shit, what a good pussy. i missed it, princesa (princess). i missed you!" his fingerprints wrap in your midst of the hot, overflowing fountain: causing an insatiable thirst, to which no other substance would be able to succumb.
"i always need you so badly, gatinho (handsome). i fucking belong to you!" your whimpers exude despair in the name of pleasure, making joão laugh and his ego to inflate.
"of course you do! all this shit, all this is only mine. fuck, i'm such a lucky guy." your walls tighten and compress his beautiful bones, sending sinful sensations to his area of hardness and dampness. then, you're empty. his tongue curls around his fingers, appetizing you.
"so fucking delicious!" wet kisses are deposited on your neck and boobs: delighting his face on each, vehemently sucking and biting them.
"use my body to show it, joão. i'm yours!" your hands involve around the structure of his cock, lips swallowing the resplendent pre-cum from the head and witnessing it run down your chin. stroking and tasting the testicles, you lift your mouth and enter every inch of it into your throat, scratching his toned tights. your hair is pulled by félix and your head guided to have him deeper, completely.
"yeah! just like that! be the good and grateful girl that you are. i'm so proud of you, princesa." joão's destabilized, moaning in portuguese, echoing your name with his beautiful accent, while eyes are closed. however, he doesn't stop. his saliva spread throughout the shape of your torso, hickeys pigmenting the place below where you're most begging to be touched. his mouth explores your intimacy, painting formats and drawings, like you're his work of art: his nose rubbing your clit and offering continual instigations, the tip of his tongue persistently granting the beg leave in the entrance. so he persists, controlling your greedy movements against his face: firm pressure on your waist.
"let me know when you're close, ok? wanna take care of you!" félix grabs your ass, flattening and reddening your skin. tears are shed over your flushed face, your voice weakened after so many verbal liberations. you hold his dilating dick and slap it on your cheek, teasing it through licks and your light, sensitive touch.
"tell me how much you love me, gatinho. i deserve this for being your good girl who is about to cum on your face." you testify his acts getting intensified: ecstasy, along with sexual spasms, protruding from joão. his head goes back and, at this point, he's worshiping you. you're his religion.
"i fucking love you, y/n. gonna cum in your precious mouth and throat!"
"that's my man who i fucking love! please, come for me and i'll do the same for you!"
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helsensm · 9 months
I cannot hold it in anymore I am absolutely OBSESSED with your art and the way you draw Lao.
I also would like to inquire….. just perhaps… what are your top head-canons for him, and/or your opinions on popular ships for him/which ones you like?
No pressure!! I hope you are having a wonderful day 🧡
me, trying to act normal every time an awesome artist I look up to says something nice about my art
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Thank you so much! first of all, please take this Lao with you, he's yours now~
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now let me preheat my bad english.....
Most of my Lao headcanons (if they are not related to a particular art I made) were yoinked from another ppl, because DAMN FELLAS your brains are sexy. 😏 So you might have heard some of them already, but here's my top general hcs for him.
NOTE: we are talking about the current timeline mk1 Kung Lao
- Lao is very expressive with his hands and he's THE TOUCH person. Just look at how many times he took Raiden by the shoulder in the first chapter alone?? He'll be pushing, and patting, and shoving, and punching you all over while telling about his breakfast or something.
- Lao is struggling with inferiority complex. Since childhood he was under a tremendous amount of pressure, he has to do things right, to be better, or else he would be mocked or punished. Now he believes that he should be the best, or he would not be taken seriously. He's constantly seeking validation in his peers, causing him to act cocky and over-confident.
- Anger issues, usually when someone questions his skill.
- People call him lazy because he tries to act like everything comes naturally to him. In reality he trains hard and takes things seriously. Like, he's fighting with a RAZOR RIMMED HAT fgs, it's not something you can master in a day! Also he always got energy running through his veins, lucky bastard... *cries in iron deficiency*
- He makes his hats by himself. With his hands. He designs and creates. ALL of them. I will die on that hill.
- He's a slow to trust, but ride or die as a friend.
- He's a trouble maker FOR SURE, but not a bully. He's respectful and polite to most of the people (if they don't provoke him), also drinks his respect-women juice.
- Master of sass and sarcasm. And yes, I think he swears, but in the right circumstances or the right company.
- He's got rizz NOW, but in his teens he had zero game because he could not keep his mouth shut and would scare off the person with the most ridiculous piece of idiocy.
- I read it in one fic and really loved the idea that Liu Kang "told the blossoms" about Kung Lao, and they really liked him 🌸 so now they are following him around and bringing him news and gossips, that's why there's always those goddamn petals aroung him aasghGHHHj 🌸🌸
- He's rolling his eyes at Johnny, but they quickly become besties.
- He actually has a cold relationship with Liu Kang. Don't get me wrong, he trusts him, respects the hell out of him and will run into a wall for a man. But I think Liu will distance himself because of all the memories of HIS Lao and how badly they sting. oTL
- That smile and a bow Lao did after loosing to Raiden? He meant that. Loosing hurted BAD, but the pain was pushed aside by the sence of pride and happiness for his best friend.
oh shit, this is getting out of hand, I'm starting to think about the other timelines and dynamics, we'll be here all week hhhhgh
About the popular ships... Well, I'm a big fan of railao (yeah NO SHIT who would have thought), but I am a multishipper, so I'm just happy to see my fav characters feeling good in someone's hands. 😊
I really like the liulao and laoliutana for several different reasons. 👀 The johnshilao (or is it laojohnshi..? erm) was the one that didn't impress me at first (love the Lao just third-wheeling with a tired expression <:'D), but recently I'm starting to warm up to all the different dynamics these three can have. And that is, in no small part, thanks to you and your kenlao agenda 👀💖 damn you created such a nice cozy universe for them I'm 🥺💕💗💖
Bi-Han/Lao is a bit random, but I love how catto did them, they are such a cute pair of assholes! >:3
ummm, yeah, so I'm going to stop there ahahhH. Thank you again for asking and for all the nice little feels your art provides, I admire you tremendously~
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 2)
My brain won't shut up about this, I like it, and others seem to like it as well. I'm so happy people seem to like my stuff!
TW: Obsessive Behaviors, Stalking, Idol Worship, Scopophobia/Eye Imagery
🎥Today was the day! Apparently, Welcome Home has become beloved enough that someone has decided to interview some of the producers, directors, and cast. Cast including the puppeteers, which means you.
🎥 To be honest, you never really liked being on camera. That isn't to say you didn't like being a puppeteer! No, no, no! You LOVE your job. You love Wally, Home, every character in the neighborhood. You would just rather be behind the scenes. So, this interview is a little daunting.
🎥 When everything is all prepared, you look around the room. Every other puppeteer is sitting with their puppets, just like you are with Wally. Currently, you are all just waiting for the interviewer to finish up with the producers and camera crew. There's been punch laid out and everything for them. It seems like the boss really wanted to make a good first impression with whoever has come in.
🎥 Home is right next to you, with your chair positioned right beside it. It's pretty big, simply because there has to be a couple different versions of it. Ones that fit hand puppets perfectly through the front door and ones that fit the walk around puppets. The larger of the two versions of Home is next to you, with the smaller Home on a table near the title card set.
🎥 Everyone is chatting about their memories making the show, from funny trips that Eddie's puppeteer has made to the improve comedy that Barnaby's puppeteer has come up with for his skits. Everyone is having a jolly good time, except for you. You have this odd feeling like something is going on. Like something is wrong.
🎥 You look down to the little puppet of Wally, which you have nearly sat upon your lap. Ever since the odd incident with storing him away, you have been a bit more protective of him. You don't want him to be messed up. Improperly storing him could result in him being misshapen, so finding out that someone messed with him was alarming.
🎥 Worse yet, though, is that ever since that little incident... you have been feeling like someone is watching you during work. Then there's the colorful letters and drawings you have been getting. Every single one of them has been found on your desk in the storage area for props related to Wally. The language used in the letters are childish and cutesy, such as saying "If you were an apple, you would be the most sparkly and red one, because you are the most!" Every drawing is drawn entirely in crayon, with paint splatters here and there...
🎥 The interviewer comes in, saving you from your own anxious thoughts, as he waves to everyone. He introduces himself, fixing his black suit as he speaks in a formal manner. "Good evening, everyone. I apologize for the delay. Your boss was so excited to tell us about the plans and passion behind this show, I couldn't help but ask him many questions. Now, lets begin."
🎥 It takes a while, but soon, the interviewer gets to you. He asks you simple questions, such as what inspired you to become a puppeteer and what drew you into working on Welcome Home. You give the best answers you could provide, before he asks one that really intrigues you.
🎥"I have heard from some of the production and directing crew that you care a lot about Wally as a character, as well as puppet care. What exactly is it about Wally that you like? What made you want to play him?"
🎥 You couldn't help but grin, explaining everything you loved about Wally as a character. You talk about how he interacts with the audience, small quirks he has and how they are displayed on the show, and even pick him up to go over his character design.
🎥 One sentence you say suddenly makes your brain click in an odd way. The second you let the words "Wally lives to draw art for the viewer of the viewer, due to having a deep appreciation for their kindness" leave your lips, you can't help but remember all of the weird drawings of you you have been finding on your desk recently. You keep talking, though, in the hopes that the memory will just go away for now.
🎥 The drawings can wait. The letters can wait. All that you really want to talk and think about right now is how much this show means to you, as well as how proud of your coworkers you are for helping everyone make Welcome Home as popular as is it. Maybe this interview isn't going as bad as you thought it would?
🎥 You are so invested in talking and answering questions, in fact, that you neglect to notice how Wally seems to subtly curl into your touch. Then again, no one else seems to, either.
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toomanythoughts2 · 3 months
After thinking about fan artists drawing Murderface with curly hair, I've decided to also thank all of the fan artists that do the following (YOU ARE ALL RECIEVING KISSES IN THE MAIL, PLEASE BE PATIENT!):
People who draw Skwisgaar, Toki, or Nathan with their hair up in a claw clip or a ponytail. Especially Skwisgaar. You understand your power and you use it for love.
People who draw Toki and Nathan with fat, juicy tits pecs. You are doing the lords work and I love you.
People who draw Pickles with freckles. If the heavens saw the beauty that you bestowed onto our little midwestern Irish-American drummer, they would weep in joy.
People who draw the boys with detail eyelashes. I know what you are.
People who draw the boys with their HC-ed ethnics/races. (i.e. Nathan having Yaneemango features, Latino/Hispanic Murderface, Sámi Skwisgaar & Toki, very Irish Pickles.) The work that yall do is outstanding and I love to see it
People who draw Murderface with distinctive clues that he is from the American South/Appalachians. I LOVE these HCs so much and I love the idea of him being from a very poor, southern town in America, it just fits him SO FUCKING WELL!
People who give Toki and Skwisgaar opposing eye shapes. I have seen them go both ways, and either one fits them so good. I am partial to downward turned eyes for Toki though, but either way, I eat it up every single time.
People who draw Murderface and Nathan as the fat men they are. Listen, it's a big girl winter every winter, but it's a big boy summer every summer. Ya gotta give the fat boys some love.
People who draw Skwisgaar in that damn speedo or in a bikini. He's got the confidence and you have the talent.
People who draw Toki in his roller skating outfit. Need I saw more?
People who draw one or more members of Dethklok as trans. I have yet to encounter a version of this HC/canon content that I do not love, adore, admire, respect, and obsess over.
People on tiktok that attempted to do a Metalocalypse version of the "Infected My Little Pony" trend. One of which where Nathan was the infected and the other where Toki was. Honestly, the artist that was doing the eldritch horror!Toki was fucking cooking. They had it where Murderface saw Toki in his true form and was terrorizing Murderface from keep him from revealing his secret.
People who draw Trindle. Listen, I understand Nathan. If I had a goth woman showing me her tits every second of every day, I too would look past the blatant psychopathic tendencies and mysterious disappearances.
People who are not afraid to make the boys look gross. You are all so fucking valid and your interpretations of the boys are so awesome to look at. Especially if it's a specific art style that is scratchy. LOVE!
People who draw Lady!Klok. Every single interpretation of what the boys would look like is so valid, whether they're cis or trans, their outfits and appearances are also so fucking spot on. And their HCs that are added on the side to explain how they're different from Dethklok is a fucking PLUS
People who draw Skwisgaar in lingerie. I want you to know, that I see you and I appreciate you in every single way.
People who draw Trans!Pickles content (NSFW & SFW) specifically. Yall were in the god damn trenches and you PREVAILED!
People who draw the boys with their interpretations of their nose shapes, ESPECIALLY MURDERFACE! HE'S GOT A BEAUTIFUL PUG NOSE, LET HIM HAVE IT! Double appreciate for Skwisgaar's beautifully crooked nose and Nathan's slanted nose. I love their faces so much and their noses and yall always know how to bring them to light.
People who draw Knubbler with no chin. Homeboy gave away his chin in order to accumulate all of the swagger he's got. He's a Mick Jagger type of guy.
People who draw Pickles dreads as independently floating tendrils like Medusas snakes. It is so perfect for him and it's so hard not to do it.
People who draw Pickles bald. Look...It's coming. He's just gonna have to own it.
People who draw Early!Klok ESPECIALLY TOKI! That fact that we don't have a lot of information about their past other than DSR is a SHAME! BUT ITS OK BECAUSE THE FANS KNOW WHAT TO DO AND THEY DO IT PREFECTLY EVERY TIME! Every time I see little DSR Toki with his short hair, I go fucking feral. I COULD BE A GOOD MOTHER!
People who draw the gore. The show would not exist without it, and some of yall are just cooking with the themes and context yall create. I am always so intrigued with what I will see next.
People who draw and make Dethklok lesbians. Of course Dethklok is lesbian. Why wouldn't they be?
People who draw the band in their "Dethfashion" clothes. WE NEEDED MORE TIME WITH THOSE OUTFITS! WE JUST DID!
People who have no clue how to draw a Fu Manchu. I had to look this up before I said anything but a Fu Manchu does not grow around the mouth, it's literally just hair from the top part of the mouth that continues to grow down. That's why in "Stare Down" Skwisgaar refers to Toki's mustache as an "extreme facial hairs". AND YET! I ADORE THE WAY SOME OF YALL DRAW IT, ITS VERY ATTRACTIVE AND CUTE!
People who draw Agere!Toki. Canon age regression is so rare and to have Toki being a canon and explicit example of an age regressor throughout the entire show is so special to me. JUST LET THE BOY REST!
People who draw Abigail. She's a girl boss. She's the moment. I will NOT tolerate hate on my woman, she did not deserve the shit she got.
People who draw Deaddy Bear. I want one so badly, it's not a joke.
People who draw Toki in skirts/dresses. One particular art work with Toki is in a long bohemian skirt and a band tee with a scarf is my all time favorite example of it.
The person who created Lasagna, Pickle's daughter, and then made her a bassist. I eat your shit up every single time I see new stuff from that AU.
People who draw the boys with more piercings. Especially the angel bites on Toki, the middle of the lip piercing for Murderface, and the gauges on Nathan and Skwisgaar.
People who draw Pickles pubes in the shape of his goatee like in "Rehabklok". That's one of the funniest visual gags in the entire show, I won't hear another word about it.
People who draw Charles. Every single one of you are invited to my Charles Offdensen themed birthday party.
People who give Toki the longest hair length but give Skwisgaar the most definition. Also, when they remember Nathan's little hair wisp in his face. Skwisgaar has the waves and Toki is afraid to getting a hair cut.
People who draw Nathan as the bottom. You understand what this man needs and it's to get railed.
People who draw the boys in jeans. Listen. This one is really niche but for whatever reason, this fandom puts these boys in a pair or jeans and they are looking as fine a fucking WINE!
People who draw the cowboy Dethklok fan art. What is it like wielding the power that you have?
That's all that I think of at the moment, but I really do appreciate all of the different kinds of fan artists this fandom has. There is some absolutely beautiful pieces in this fandom.
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yumeka-sxf · 11 months
My thoughts on Spy x Family: EYES ONLY Guidebook (English ver) - part 3
Continuing from my previous two posts, this will be my last post discussing the English version of the SxF manga guidebook "EYES ONLY." I'll discuss some of Endo's and Lin's comments on specific chapters, some of the included concept art for the series, all the Twiyor tidbits the book has to offer, and conclude with a couple things the English version of the book omits.
Endo's and Lin's comments on specific chapters
There's at least one comment from Endo and/or Lin on every chapter of the manga from when the book was originally published (up to chapter 61). Unfortunately I can't cover every single comment, but I did want to highlight a few (more will be covered in the Twiyor tidbits later on).
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So Bond wouldn't have actually died from Yor's cooking then? Good to know her cooking isn't that bad, lol. Also that's a good question, Lin, maybe you should ask Endo? 😅
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Lots of great info about the cruise arc. Makes sense that they had to plan it out many months in advance and keep revising it to patch up plot holes. All that work definitely paid off! Interesting that they almost considered not having Loid on the ship at all. Glad they didn't because otherwise we wouldn't have gotten one of his best outfits! 🤣 (can't wait to see this piece of work in color in the anime!)
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Incidentally, the scene Endo mentions where he "managed to make Yor look pretty cute" is this one (she does look pretty cute here).
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My favorite comment of Endo's about any chapter has to be this one for chapter 56. Never change, Endo 😂
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And lastly, some good comments about chapter 59 (Becky visits the Forgers).
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This is one of my favorite stand-alone chapters so I'm glad it was well received. Funny how they kept going with the joke instead of ending it "normally"...but when you have such great characters and setups, good comedy writes itself!
Below is Endo's commentary about Henderson, not a specific chapter, but thought I'd point it out since he mentions Henderson is the only character he's done a shower scene for...not anymore!
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Also, while not related to a specific chapter, I do like what Endo says below about Loid and Yor's "dark sides."
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He enjoys drawing them this way, which is cool, but he's also cautious about not overdoing it and saving those expressions for important situations.
Concept art
Most of the pre-serialization character designs included in this book were also in the exhibition pamphlet, which I already discussed thoroughly here (wish I had remembered these were in the fanbook so I wouldn't have put so much effort into trying to read Endo's scribble notes). So I'll just mention a few of the most notable things.
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As I discussed in my post about the pamphlet, Franky was at some point intended to be the uncle of the family. Though I do think it would have been fitting to make him the uncle, I also like the main focus being on just the "nuclear" family, with the uncle and other characters having supportive roles.
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An interesting note about the beta version of Yor is that she seemed to be more like Fiona - she was in love with Loid right from the start, to the point of trying to eliminate Anya! I doubt this is something she would be doing all the time as it would have been difficult to make her a likable main character if she was always trying to kill her daughter...in all likelihood, she would have tried to kill Anya at first before eventually learning to love her as a daughter. While I see how this could work for an intriguing character arc, I'm glad Endo decided to make Yor a loving mother to Anya right away, and not make her feelings for Loid an obsessive "love at first sight" kind of thing.
Twiyor tidbits
Being the shipper that I am, I tried to see if I could pinpoint any Twiyor subtleties throughout the book, as vague as they may be! 😂
Below are excerpts from Loid and Yor's character pages where we're given info on their current stance about each other.
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Love the emphasis on their bond of trust ❤️
Below are excerpts from chapters 14 and 35, probably the most Twiyor-heavy chapter pages in the book.
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This confirms that Loid did indeed interpret Yor's kick as her not having any romantic feelings for him.
Below are comments by Endo and Lin for chapter 30, where Fiona is introduced.
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Endo's line is a little ambiguous here, but I think he's saying how people sympathize with Fiona because she's "doomed to lose," which is...telling 😅 (does Fiona's loss automatically mean a Twiyor win?)
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Endo says he likes the "You're strong, Yor" conversation, one of the most Twiyor-ish scenes in the series so far! 😊 Lin also mentioned how they got to use that theme again during the Becky chapter.
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Weird that he chose to highlight this line of all things as Loid's "Family Comment" for chapter 10. Could this and chapter 79 be more foreshadowing for an eventual "Twilight vs Thorn Princess" showdown? 👀 Or maybe he just likes teasing fans because he knows it's something they fantasize about.
English version omissions
There's an additional Endo interview that's missing from the English version of the book: an interview with him and Kazumi Takayama, a former idol of the group Nogizaka46.
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At first it seemed very odd that they would leave out just this interview, but after discussing it with others on Discord, I realized it's because it has to do with an idol. Apparently getting licensing rights for anything that has to do with a Japanese idol group is very difficult, which is further hindered by the fact that Takayama isn't even part of that idol group anymore, which makes getting the content green lit for official release overseas even more taxing. So probably Viz decided it wasn't worth the trouble and just left out that interview. But thankfully u/Nemshi on Reddit posted a fan translation of it, which you can read here. They talk a bit about SxF, but most of it is just general questions they ask each other.
And the other thing missing from the English version that I really can't understand is the inside cover! Another great 4th-wall breaking joke from Endo (I added a quick translation of the Japanese version below).
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Unlike the Takayama interview, I have no idea why they didn't include this. They include the inside cover as an extra page in all the English volumes, so why not here? Very weird.
And that's all I'm going to share for the "EYES ONLY" fanbook! Honestly, there's so much great content in the book that I didn't touch on, like info about East/West relations, about Eden Academy, Endo's comments on all the designer chairs for the volume covers...and lots more. So definitely get a copy yourself if you can! It's a must-have for any SxF fan 😁 Books like this aren't officially released in English very often, so the fact that Viz thought it was worthwhile to make this proves how much of a hit SxF is!
<- Return to Part 2
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
HIIII SO i have an ask
Sweetheart gets more comfortable around her team that she wears shorter shirts now. She still wears long sleeves though, they haven't unlocked the tattoo sleeves she has LOL (I'm drawing all the tattoos she has and I can't WAIT TO SHOW YALL)
But she shows off her✨️ ICONIC✨️ yummy, womb tattoo constantly. Sometimes, even when she's training, she'll wear a compression shirt that she cuts. (Rookies don't know what to feel lol)
Soap dubs it his tattoo, Sud's Tattoo as he calls it, because he can't get enough of it. And he has to wrestle off Roach and König when he lays on it
Sweetheart, laying on the couch: Soap--
Roach, stomping his feet: 😠 🥾💥🥾💥🥾💥
Sweetheart, stressed: what the hell is happening--
Soap REALLY likes the tattoo 💀as I said, he's obsessed with it (like you, kiame HA) Everytime Sweets comes out with a cropped shirt, he fucking ZOOMS to the tattoo and just snuggles his cheek against it
Soap, smiling and sighing: Good morningggg~! I missed you, Bonnie.
Sweetheart: Are you talkin' to me or my tattoo?
Soap, opening his eyes:
Soap: uhm
He DEFINITELY talks to it sometimes
Soap: And how are YOU doing today, Bonnie?
Sweetheart, smiling: I'm doing good thank you- why is your face on my tattoo.
Soap: Because... I was talking to Bonnie...
Sweetheart, kinda offended: AM I NOT BONNIE ANYMORE??
Soap: UHM
I mean he just loves it so much. Seeing such a sexy design on rich, golden brown skin so low on a wonderful body... it's enchanting. He's not the only one who thinks that. He argues with Ghost alot on who likes it more, but they always agree when they team up on Sweetheart.
18+ MDNI
"Ghost, please..."
Ghost hums on her soft pussy, tongue swirling on her chubby lips. He kisses and sucks on them, thin strings of saliva connected to his chin and mouth. "Please what, love?" He eyes her as his fingers spread her open and glides his tongue slowly up, all the way to her pulsing clit and making her jolt. Soap groans on her skin, kissing each detail on her womb tattoo. "Y'need to speak up, St. Can't know what to do if ye'r tae wheesht." His hands travel up her sides, caressing and scratching her skin. Marking it as his.
Ghost sighs. "In English, Mactavish." He's getting tired of not understanding what the Scottish man is saying half the time. Soap grumbles, lips still attached to her tummy. "Simon..." Sweetheart whines out, hips squirming and eyes prickling with tears. The two men chuckle, knowing what she wants but not giving it to her quickly enough. Ghost reigns himself back, the lust and desire getting too hot for him when she whined out his name like that. He wanted to fuck her right then and there, but not yet.
"Say what you need, Sweetheart." Ghost mumbles, his tone low and caring. Hungry. His thumb does small circles on her clit, making her yelp, back arching off the bed and thighs squeezing Ghost's head to which he loves it. "Please! Please let me cum! I need-- I need it, please!" Sweetheart wails, overwhelming tears flow down her cheeks as her hand buries in Soap's hair and pulls. Soap's broken moan was heard by both of them, but his lips would not leave her tattoo. Teeth nibbling on the black ink, tongue sliding up to her bellybutton. He comes up for air finally, a lazy smile on his face. "Since we both agreed on liking this," his hand smooths over his tattoo on her body. "Beautiful piece of art, Lt., I think it's time we gave our Sweetheart what she deserves, aye?" Ghost grunts as he comes up from her legs and places a kiss on the tattoo, causing Sweetheart to mewl. "I think it is, Mactavish." Ghost says, both his and Soap's eyes turn dark and starved.
🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ ANYWAY
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random-fandom1984 · 5 months
Hi!! 😆
May I request TFP Yandere Soundwave x human reader?
Thank for reading this (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง✨
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Sorry if it doesn't have that much yandere as you were hoping for.
Okay, so, the only way I can see that you could've gotten his attention is either you're related to one of the three human charges – family or friend. Because of that, you don't know about the Autobots and Decepticons.
Soundwave was given the mission to find out more about the human pets, through humans that are close to them. Out of all of their family and friends, he chose you.
He only went through some of your info, and you're a friend of Miko's host parents that lives in a state up north, in Gravity Falls, Oregon (Yes, I'm making a little crossover with GF, but TFP came out 2 years before Gravity Falls existed, so Weirdmageddon hasn't happened yet, nor have the Pine Twins visited yet.)
You've met Miko a few times when you've came to visit, and it's best to say you don't like how loud, irresponsible, foolish, and doesn't understand people's boundaries. You were a rather quiet introverted person, and she was an overbearing extrovert, so you two didn't mix well.
When it was Christmas last year, they were at your family gathering, and she almost got your cousins hurt with firecrackers, who were mainly toddlers and young children. She even said, quote-unquote, that "They needed to live a little and not have helicopter parents deciding everything for them." The thing was that your aunts and uncles weren't helicopter parents, they were normal, calm, and understanding parents!
Miko was one of the main reasons why you lost faith in humanity, and you despised her with a burning passion. You even told this to her in her face, but she would say that you're just grumpy and should take a nap. As if you were a little child that didn't know better!
You work as an online artist that takes request for people who can't draw certain things like, animals, details, DND characters, Oc's etc.
As time went on, he was starting to get obsessed with learning more about you, and he knows more about you than anyone else you know in your life. Your favorite animal are birds, your favorite color is d/s/f/c (Dark Shade of Favorite Color), you hate people, don't like talking, have a pet European Starling named Jermey, after the crow in the Secret of Nimh because of his love for shiny and sparkly things, who is also the model for your watermarks on your designs, you like dying your hair, and so much more.
You were having a normal day, doing a live stream as you were taking requests from your viewers, when this one person in particular to do a city made out of metal, the people are robots that can transform, and even gave you an image that they "made" that was called Kaon. Interested, you took up this challenge.
It was safe to say that Soundwave wasn't disappointed with the end results of it; It looked magnificent. The image of his home was nostalgic of the good old days of Cybertron, when it wasn't just him and Laserbeak, when all of his children minicons were still alive.
The two of you kept in contact and became friends on the internet. You would tell each other about how your days went; you were told that he works as one of the higher ups in a company, has to deal with an annoying, loud, arrogant assistant of his boss – reminds you of a certain someone –, has a pet bird, is introverted, doesn't talk, doesn't like humanity- you're already hooked.
You turned a blind eye to things, like how he somehow knows where you live, find out about private accounts on social media, knows that you're talking to someone even when there's barely any people around, kind of seeming jealous/overprotective over text. The hardest one to do is when someone insults or steals your art, only to end up severely or lightly wounded somewhere between the next day to the end of the week, saying that a robot version of Slenderman or a metal bird that has an origami themed shape, etc.
There were a few things that caught your attention. How he uses the wrong terminology for things such as units time, parts of the body, even saying organics, fleshies, humans instead of people or others by their names. You were suspicious but brushed it off every time it happens.
At the beginning of Soundwave's his sire growing obsession, Laserbeak didn't even understand what was so great about you. But it changed when he was shot down by Autobots and landed out in the woods, you found him, and repaired him. During his stay, he made friends with Jeremy, and during repairs, you were gentle as you could be when fixing him up, your touched were light, you asked if what you were doing was alright, and he honestly thought of those human films where the mother would help their child when they get an injury. In this situation, he was your the child, and you were his the mother; he understood now.
Knowing Laserbeak's existence was the reason why it was a little hard to turn a blind eye to those that were injured.
When Laserbeak returned, he gave the information to Soundwave, and that's when Soundwave knew that you were the one to complete the family.
When the both of you actually met face-to-face is when you texted him that an ex of yours came back is so persistent on getting back together and won't leave you alone. When it was night, your ex cornered you, and was ranting on and on about how you should be grateful that he's giving you a second chance, even though you were the one to break up with him, only to end up dead on the pavement. You looked up to see Soundwave himself.
The first thought that came to mind didn't revolve around fear. No! It was 'Oh, god, he looks hot-'
So, you were taken aboard the Nemesis, you became a part of the Con Crew. 1.) Because you're close, in a way, to one of the Autobot's human pets; 2.) You hated humans just as much as they did; 3.) It's Soundwave. Megatron trusts him with any decision of his. A reason Soundwave gave, in public? A human to spy on the Autobots- Shut the fuck up random Vehicon, this is a human spy, not Makeshift. This isn't like Starscream's plan.
This happened only a day after Optimus Prime became Orion Pax. Soundwave had a feeling that something might happen, so he had you wear something that will cover up everything, mainly your head/face. He knows the archivist is smart, and if he were to revert back to Optimus, then he would recognize who you are.
Often times, some Vehicons would make comments about a human joining the ranks, or try to get rid of you, and they were met with an electric end.
It was only about a week later, after Orion became Optimus again, when they decided how they were going to get you in their base, and with the help of the newly arrived Dreadwing, they can do just that.
Part 2 coming soon...
So, basically this was a yandere x willing reader. I just hope you're satisfied.
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giorno-plays-piano · 1 year
Part II
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Pairing: art teacher!Aemond Targaryen x reader (Horror AU)
Warnings: dark!Aemond, obsessive behavior, murder, horror, yandere, kidnapping, misanthropy, general creepy stuff.
Words: 1.2k
Summary: Drawn to the artworks of one of the most esteemed artists in the city, you wish to learn from him and find out what inspires him to create his masterpieces. You have no idea how much his secrets will cost you.
Part I
It seemed no one was surprised with your revered art teacher being moody even on the very first day of the course. Aemond quite literally looked at your small group, winced, sighed, and proceeded with the rules, starting with punctuality and no phones in class. The more he talked, the more you felt like you just signed up to join the army.
While most artists you had known were all chaos personified, Aemond Targaryen turned out to be incredibly collected, meticulous, and obsessively neat. When you had finally entered his little studio - one of many in the building - you saw carefully assembled jars with paint, packs of pencils, canvases, and stacks of paper placed on the tables in such manner as if your teacher was Marie Kondo in the flesh. Moreover, the place was pristinely clean, like in a real estate commercial. Was it because it was your first lesson and he wanted to give you a good impression?
Certainly not. Aemond couldn't care less about anyone's opinion, that much was clear.
He started by giving you a simple composition to see the way each of you worked, and watching him going from a student to student to check on their progress, you froze in your seat. It just struck you Aemond Targaryen was going to see you draw. Which was the whole point, yes, but it scared the hell out of you as you imagined he saw your lack of talent and kicked you out of class immediately. Now, that would be a complete catastrophe, a blow your ego absolutely couldn't take.
When he had finally come up to you, you were shaking lightly in your seat with not a single thing drawn on the paper.
"Procrastinating, are we?" He bent down to look at a completely white sheet and then at you, arching a brow.
You nearly jolted up, gripping the pencil hard so that he wouldn't see your hands trembling from anxiety. You were so scared of him being harsh on you. If one of the very few people you looked up to said you were untalented, how could you live with it?
"I'm sorry, Sir! I'm just afraid I'll build the composition wrong."
What the hell? Sir? Where did it come from? What nonsense were you spouting just now?
But your teacher didn't look even remotely bothered by it or by your white sheet of paper, instead eyeing your hands shaking despite your best efforts to conceal your nervousness. He didn't exactly comfort you or anything, but he put his hand on your shoulder for a split second, squeezed it, and said, "It's fine if you get it wrong. Just draw."
Aemond nodded to you as if confirming his words, and you nodded in return, forcing yourself to take a deep breath once he retreated to the next student. He said it's alright. Mistakes are fine. Surely, you could do it, and he wouldn't berate you for it. You came here to study, and your teacher already knew your weak and strong sides based on the artworks you had submitted. Anyway, you could hardly embarrass yourself more after the "sir" episode, a couple of students giving you a side-eye.
So, you did draw, and it was fine. Not perfect, with many further corrections, but fine. Aemond didn't say anything humiliating about your composition: in fact, despite the poisonous impression he gave you the first time you see him at the gallery, he wasn't tough on anyone in the class.
The next lesson was fine, too. And the one after that. Aemond being a strict teacher was putting it lightly, but he didn't seem to want to bully anyone regardless of his numerous snarky remarks whenever his students made him angry. He didn't get upset at your mistakes, no. You were here to learn, he said when you were holding your breath, anxious to hear his judgment, but your teacher was never too harsh on you. Instead, he commended you on your diligent work. Teaching you to work hard and constantly improve yourselves was one of the main goals of his course, he announced after he kicked out one of the students, a young man named Alfred who didn't seem to be putting enough efforts in his drawings and had too much of a cheerful personality for Aemond to handle.
To be honest, your teacher had still been horrifying the first couple of lessons, and you ended up constantly calling him Sir whenever he spoke to you, despite your embarrassment. Apparently, your weird brain just refused to recognize him as anyone else. Extremely ashamed, you then tried not to make a sound to let your teacher forget about you so you would continue in complete silence. It seemed like it worked because he had never called out your weird wording. Clearly, he didn't enjoy working with people, but he was still putting up with your and everybody else's nonsense for the sake of teaching, which was commendable on its own.
But maybe he also wasn't as bad as he wanted to look. He gave everyone very detailed recommendations on what materials were better to buy and why, explained his own routine and what helped him to concentrate, and even shared some of his personal drawing techniques. Most of the students nearly fainted, you included. The way Aemond used a pencil was enough to drive you to orgasm. God knows what could happen when you'd start painting in color with him breathing down your neck.
Oh, the way he silently moved between the students' seats from one person to the other, staring intently at their canvases like he was reading their crime histories. How he spoke in a clear, firm voice, always sarcastic and alarmingly perceptive but not cruel. When he was taking a brush in his long, slender fingers, you felt the urge to squeak like a schoolgirl secretly watching her crush.
Aemond Targaryen was scary but unbelievably artistic, and you were ready to stay in his class even if he told you the red paint he was using was the blood of his enemies.
Actually, speaking about the mysterious paint, he finally shared some of it with the students by the beginning of the second month, giving you a new task.
"You'll be drawing my figure," he simply stated as ten pairs of hungry eyes stared at him, unblinking. "You are not allowed to change anything in my silhouette except for the color, but you can draw whatever background you deem necessary. Your task is to think of a transformation of a human being and convey your idea mainly with the use of your paint. If I see something stupid like you drawing me with a red heart or red lips, I will kick you out of class."
You stilled on the spot, nervously biting your lips to bits. Drawing Aemond Targaryen. You could stare at him however long you wanted, and it'd be perfectly alright because it's literally the purpose of the lesson.
If you wouldn't be having a heart attack from all the feels, that is.
Part III
Tags: @heavenly1927 @yazzzmints @devils-blackrose @lost-and-founds @kennafild @toodlesxcuddles @shygardengalaxy
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darlingggdearest · 1 year
Thank you for accepting Enmu requests! Not many write about him. Can I ask for yandere Enmu headcanons please? 👉👈
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Thank you so much for requesting!!
WARNING: Yandere, Enmu being gross.
+ PLEASE yandere Enmu would be SO hard to get off your back. He wants to be around you all the time and won't hesitate to show it.
+ I feel as though Enmu would be very patient with his darling. Stalking them for months waiting for the *perfect* moment to snatch you away. Not to mention the patience he has for you when he does have you in his grasp. You're kicking and screaming with your limbs tied in extra tight ropes. And he'll just be sitting next to you with his head nuzzled in your neck, gently drawing shapes on your arm with his claw, of course that's not passive aggressive at all.
+ "Darling, there's no reason to be scared! I'm not going to hurt you, my love, please calm down."
+ If you were a regular human, then he would have just knocked you out with his blood demon art, however, he kind of likes it... Of course he wants you to be happy with him, but he can't deny that he doesn't get an absolute thrill of seeing you so helpless under his thumb.
+ But soon your little moment of terror peace is gone and the train is close to boarding. Enmu is a little disappointed that he never got you to calm down from your "temper tantrum", but he reminds himself that this is your first day with him. So he's not mad.
+ Enmu presses his head against yours, using his blood demon art to make you drift off into a timeless sleep. You don't, or really can't fight back that much, your energy being too used up to keep you awake. So you fall limp, right into Enmu's lap. He picks you up bridal style and carries you to the back of the train where the luggage was being kept, and sets you down gently behind a crate so you wouldn't be noticed.
+ Alright, lets have a chat. I see most of the time yandere Enmu is displayed as being in a more submissive role in most fanfiction. Of course that's fine, however I don't see him playing the same role for someone who is weaker than him (a human). As we know, Enmu is a kiss up to anyone who is more powerful than him, but when we're talking about someone weak who he's obsessed with, It would make sense if the opposite dynamic took place. He is your god. Not the other way around.
+ Does he expect worship? That depends on you. He expects you to let him do as he pleases whenever he wants, (cuddles, kisses, *zesty jazz music starts playing*) however, unless you've been bad, I don't think he would care if you downright worship him or not. But don't get me wrong, if you've done something in an act of rebellion, or have threw one to many curses at him he won't hesitate to grab you by your jaw and stare you down, scolding you for whatever you had done.
+ "My dear, you're really testing me today aren't you?"
+ he also likes to remind you he's more powerful than you in much more subtle ways too. He forces you to make direct eye contact with him. This way (because his blood demon art revolves around putting people to sleep with his eyes) you forever have a reminder of what he could do to you if he wanted to.
+ Enmu plans on turning you into a demon, soon. Maybe a year after he takes you. This way he would be able to live with you forever, like he has always wanted. And a little bonus to that is you would be by his side more often because of the threat of demon slayers.
+ Trying to escape? H. E. L. L. N. O.
+ You'd get caught within seconds. And not only that, but that is the only thing thing that makes Enmu truly angry. You don't want to see Enmu at his angriest. R.I.P. your leg.
+ Overall 8/10 on the yandere scale. Good luck.
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Thank you for reading!
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oval3000 · 1 year
"Hello" Ch.6
Simon Riley x Reader
Not my art! Not my characters!
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After defeating Makorav, Simon went back home to enjoy his night rest. The next day he heard noises outside his apartment. When he went to see who was making those noises, by peaking through the eye hole on his door, he saw you. He never thought you would change his life forever.
!WARNING ⚠️  Terrible grammer, past abuse, abuse, smut, ptsd, trauma, swearing, Obsession, Possessive, death,boring story. Different story plot then the game (Makorav dead)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Months has gone by. For Simon, it was torture. He wanted to see you. He missed you everyday. Eventually, Soap caught on that something was bothering him.
"Doing good, Lt?"
"You seem a little down."
"I'm fine Johnny."
"Gaz told me about your new place. So when is the home invite?"
"Soon." He didn't want anybody to visit. Not he's unsure about you. He loves you, obviously, but he doesn't if you're still a flight risk. What if he invited Johnny and you blab him how you're being held agiants your will. Simon can't have that.
As for you. You felt alone. Felt as if no one will ever see you again. You made what you can do with whatever you could. A truck will come by and drop off a box in which you would go and pick it up. You never interact with the driver, so when it first arrived it raised some concerns on your part. Turns out it was just a box full of groceries and necessities. Simon didn't want you to worry, he did say that he was going to take care of everything.
You have a simple routine. You would wake up get ready for the day, make food, clean, watch TV.
At night, it would just be you. You would turn to the side where Simon slept and imagined him there.
You hated yourself for feeling this way. He made you feel this way. You miss him. You miss his hugs, his voice. He made sure you would only rely on him and he did.
You needed him. He's the only one that can give you the satisfaction you deserve.
Your life outside the house is gone. You haven't been in contact with your family or friends. As for Jacob, your ex-boyfriend, he's no longer and will no longer be in your life or anyone's life. Simon made sure of it.
You miss them, you can't lie, however, your new life is here no where else. You did wanted to start fresh and new, you never thought this was what your new life would give you.
Your day would go on the same. Wake up, get ready, eat, clean, watch TV or draw whatever keeps your mind from going insane, sleep.
Simon felt light on his legs as he left the base. When he was told that it was time to go home, he didn't waste anytime.
He quickly drove himself into the neck of the woods. Going through the only pathway available. He got out of the vehicle, leaving his gear inside. He opened the door, "Y/n" he stood there until he saw you coming out of the shared bedroom.
"You're back." You ran to him.
Your legs moved on your own and ran straight to Simon. He saw the look on your face, the smile. The smile he worked so hard to gain again, like the first time you both met.
You hugged him. You hugged him tight. "Miss me, sweetheart?"
You nodded as he embraced you. Your head buried on his chest. You missed his scent. His touch.
He's right, eventually, you'll learn to love him back.
"I thought you weren't coming back"
"Of course I will. I did. I'll never. Ever! Leave you. Do you understand me?"
You nodded once again as he took a good look at you.
Your hand placed on his chest. His tumb on your chin while the other hand, wrapped on your waist. You felt his hand move away from your chin and into your, right, cheek. You felt the warmth of palm resting, comfortably, on your skin.
Simon noticed that there was something on your mind, "what is it, love? Tell me. What do you want?"
"I want you to kiss me, Simon. Please"
If someone told you months ago if you would sleep with your front door neighbor, you would've easily said no.
Times have change.
Simon grabbed your thighs and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he pulled you closer to him.
You felt his tounge, his touch, all of it.
The kiss was so deep and passionate, you couldn't help but to let out moans.
He wasn't rough, he was gentle. He placed you, gently, on the bed. His kiss trailed down to your neck. His hands pushed yours to the side, trapping you in.
He moved around your neck and up to your chin. His kisses were soft, it made your head fall back, arching your back a little.
He sat up with, unbuckling his pants. You sat up from hearing the noise of his belt and pants falling to the floor.
You couldn't deny that your were nervous. When he took off his underwear, you looked away.
"Don't be shy, sweetheart. All of this is yours" he took off his shirt, climbing onto the bed. "Just like all of you is mine." He lifted up your shirt revealing your bra. You felt his hands going down as he unzipped your shorts and pulled them down. He quickly went onto your bra and quickly unhooked it. When your bra slid down, your hands went up to cover your breast.
Simon grabbed onto your wrist pulling them away. "Don't cover yourself, love. I want to see you. All of you." He placed you back down with your hands above your head. He went down and left trails of kisses on your collarbone and chest.
You felt his mouth on your nipples, "ah..Ah...ngh..S-simon."
"You like that." He moved down on your area, pulling down on your panties, quickly tossing them to the side. He spread your legs wide and pushed your knees up to your chest. You felt the air hit your bare pussy. You bit your lips, stopping you from making too much noises.
"So beautiful." He went down, burying his face. "So perfect." His tounge went all over your lips and folds. "So good." His tounge went over your clit. "All mine."
He went in sucking on your clit, pushing his tounge deep inside you.
He felt his cock hardened as he felt your area leak.
He looked up and saw your hand covering your mouth. His eyes of lust became angry. He quickly went over you, grasping onto your wrist, shoving them away. His hand gripped on your face,"never. Ever! Cover yourself. I want to hear your voice."
He let go on his grip and went down. He rubbed your clit in circles, feeling it all wet. He pushed in a finger. Going in and out.
Your moans were music to his ear. He added another finger, but it didn't last long when you squirted all over his hand.
He hovered over you, your knees still up to your chest.
He inserted his cock inside you, pounding you.
You were so high on his touch, you couldn't see properly.
You felt your legs go numb as they shook, violently. Simon rested his head on your neck, catching his breath. His sweat mixing in with yours.
He kissed you deeply. "You did so good for me, sweetheart."
He moved your hair away from your face, kissing your forehead. He got up and went to the bathroom. You heard the shower head turning on.
He carried you, bridal style, onto the bathroom and into the tub. He got on after you sitting down at the end of the tub. He grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him, his legs spread out so you could lean on his chest.
He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. You looked back at Simon "I love you."
He smiled at you, feeling that light in his heart glow ten times more. "Say it again."
"I love you, Simon."
"I love you too, love."
He saw your sleeping form. He could watch you sleep for hours. He missed you. He loves you and you love him back.
He was never letting you go. Ever.
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