#and honestly? the energy cost isn't..... that bad
incendiorum-arch · 2 years
          before I get further into how hot io can make there fire, here’s some quick facts to put it into perspective:
a campfire averages ~900F/480C. this, of course, can get much hotter depending on fuel and size.
bodies are cremated at about 1400-1600F/760-870C.
iron melts at 2800F/1538C. the melting point of steel varies depending on the type, but will melt around the same temperature.
3rd degree burns reach the fat layer, and require skin grafts. burns of a higher degree can reach bone and char the skin black.
         the heat of io’s fire is restricted by range and how much power io can pour into it. within the palm of their hands, io can manage upwards of 4000F/2204C. I would, perhaps, put the cutoff at about 4500F/2482C.
         within a five-foot radius, they can create fire at 3400-3800F/1871-2093C.
         within a 10-foot radius: 3000-3300F/1648-1815C.
         within a 25-foot radius: 2,500-2,900F/1371-1593C.
         the standard temperature (io’s either not trying, or their fire has grown so large they can’t feed it like they can smaller amounts) would be 1700-2000F/926-1093C.
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
Platonic Yandere Kento Nanami x Adoptive Daughter!Reader
This was the Request of @yukiotacon i hope You like it!
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: Yandere behavior, Overprotectiveness, isolation, past trauma (HAIBARA), unhealthy relationship, UNHEALTY MINDSET, some persecution, angry Nanami is a scary Nanami. I think that's all.
At first Nanami never thought he would be a father, with his line of work and how lethal it is, he did not believe he could even get married to start a family.
Although of course, that changed completely when you lived in his life.
You were the youngest daughter of a family that had been a victim of the curses, and a special girl at that, because you were able to see the curses before apparently, but your family had discarded them as imaginary friends of their infant daughter.
Thanks to this, they could not foresee the imminent danger and it cost them their lives.
to everyone except you.
When Nanami found you, all alone, crying for someone to help you, but still with innocence on your face... it awakened something in him.
(Haibara, you remind him a lot of Haibara, someone whose life and innocence were taken from him, he can't let them do the same to you)
Kento decided that he would take care of you, although to be honest, he knew there was something wrong with him at the time he decided.
but he honestly didn't care at that point.
That's how you ended up as his daughter. I tried to make you have a normal life, away from the curses, to make you forget about your bad experience, but some marks remained forever...
Nanami has mostly overprotective tendencies and is somewhat strict, but at the same time she is very aware that what she feels is WRONG.
So I have long insisted on having your life, yes, but away from the world of Sorcery.
He will tell you HORRIBLE anecdotes and stories of co-workers who died at work, the horrors of curses, everything to keep you away from that world.
He himself usually eliminates curses that appear near his house, so he will hardly teach you anything at first.
It is only when you start your high school years that you insist more on the topic of learning how to better deal with curses because, well, schools are full of them.
(Nanami begins to regret not having taught you at home but it's too late)
If you insist enough, you will finally get him to teach you the basics of cursed energy and thus be able to kill curses little by little.
honestly Nanami is a nice Platonic Yandere to have. in this special case at least.
As long as you don't do anything related to the world of Wizardry, he's almost like a normal father. Just a little paranoid and protective, but hey, what father of daughters isn't?
When Nanami is an office worker, this side of him is more noticeable, because although he is miserable with his job, he is more than happy to see you have a normal life as a NORMAL teenager. Coming home from work and finding yourself either arriving or leaving school is very rewarding.
He feels like he found a reason to live.
Even if Nanami is more manageable at this time, he is no less lethal to anyone who even remotely poses a threat to you.
Did you mention someone who followed you at school? no more.
Is a classmate teasing you at school and the teachers do nothing? Kento will talk to that person...
The same goes for people he considers a "bad influence" yup, he's that kind of father. It requires knowing your friends (or at least, their parents) to know if it is safe to leave you with them. If they don't pass his standards, you won't see them or hang out with them again.
He just don't want to lose you...
For this reason, he is quite undecided about whether to tell you about his return to the world of Jujutsu.
He KNOWS you're interested in Jujutsu even after all, but he doesn't want you to go down this hole with him.
You would eventually find out, he reasons, and if he were to die on the job, you DESERVE to know why after all.
whether he tells you or you find out, you find out and Nanami doubles down on his overprotective tendencies by 200%.
Your current year of high school is homemade, why? because Nanami no longer trusts that high-grade curses cannot appear where you study and you cannot defend yourself.
stay home where it is safe.
I can see him even installing (without telling you) a baby monitor somewhere in the house to make sure you're there all the time.
If Gojo finds out about you, Nanami would be soooo screwed. Gojo wouldn't stop pestering him to tell him things about you, but at some point Nanami explodes and threatens him VERY SERIOUSLY to rip his throat out if he breathes another word about you.
It startled Gojo a little to be honest.
I mean, he was used to annoying Nanami all the time, but seeing how he changed so drastically when he brought up a specific topic related to you...it was even terrifying.
what topic was it? Letting you go on quests as a Sorceress.
Nanami thought it was just a joke from Gojo (as always) but in reality the thing was... different.
You had gone for Gojo to give you some training secretly from Nanami when you saw that he clearly wouldn't give it to you.
and Gojo simply accepted because he thought it would be fun to see Nanami's reaction when he found out.
Gojo didn't think Nanami was AS bad as you made him out to be with the overprotectiveness, you were a teenager after all.
but now...he took it more seriously.
Satoru wanted to know if Nanami would be okay in a "hypothetical" case because even if it seemed funny at first, he didn't think that with everything Nanami had been through he shouldn't take his opinion into consideration.
Although in the end he decided that the best thing would be to send you for more experience and (hopefully) give Nanami a lesson in your capabilities.
NOW, when Gojo sends you on your missions, you are ecstatic, finally some action! Finally something different from your normal, monotonous life! It was great!
The hardest part was altering the monitor that you KNEW your father had left at home and fixing it before he arrived. A part of you tried not to feel bad about all this, but on the other hand, who in their right mind puts a MONITOR on their TEENAGE DAUGHTER?? You had valid points.
although it didn't last long...
Nanami knew there was something wrong with you and in general several things were happening simultaneously with that.
Nanami randomly lost control of the monitor she had left at home and only recovered the image even hours later.
and he could feel that every time you were with more... attitude? more challenging.
He HAD to know what was causing this rebellious phase in you that he KNEW it would get worse if he didn't stop it, maybe some guy? He will kill him,a bad influence friend? He will get rid of it, but he has to know.
and when he does that is when he sees you come out of a successful mission.
tired, with some scratches, with your energy damned at FULL and when both of you exchange glances....
you run.
And run, and run and run...
What else should you do? You weren't going to tell him this way! You didn't want to face it.
Besides, the dark look your father had before he realized you had seen him was...dark to say the least. You never thought you'd see your father like this.
although you also didn't expect to see him come after you with a new level of anger.
It looked like a wild animal going after you.
You tried to use the advice that Gojo had given you, but you found yourself overshadowed by your desperation, he was much faster than you...
You tried to take him near civilians, thinking that he wouldn't try anything with them around, but you were scared when you saw him take out his tool.
Was he REALLY going to use it!?? With so many people around!? It's leaving you without options.
You finally decided to go somewhere further away from the people for their safety, but at some point you lost Nanami from sight. no no no no where the hell did he go??
The only thing you remember before falling unconscious was thinking about how you left your teacher waiting.
and now here you are back, at home, with your "father" on another "normal" day.
The house now looked like a military fort when you woke up, with an anklet on it.
despite all the turbidity of the matter. You just wanted to know something from your father. The WHY of all this, what makes it worth it?
His answer sounded both crazy and made a lot of sense, at the same time that you understood something...
that he just wanted to protect you at all costs, he has already lost so many people in his life for that reason, he refuses to lose you too...
He will never leave you.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️❤️❤️
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xenocorner · 3 months
(If you're someone who enjoys my work, and also happens to like/support AI generated images, please give this a read? Just hear me out, please. This is not a bashing post, I promise. It's not pro-ai either though. But please hear me out)
This whole AI art stuff is just getting... Honestly exhausting. If you are someone who supports AI generated images, I beg of you, hear me out? I'm not here to bash, to say you're a bad person or a thief. I know it's more complex than that. I'm just, trying to express how I feel about this whole ordeal. I'm not here to get angry either. I don't have the energy for that. I'm also not trying to change your mind. Just, hopefully help you see/feel a different perspective? That's all.
Long rant under the cut because. There's a lot.
I'm not even angry anymore. I don't have the energy for that. But I keep seeing AI images all over, everywhere. The thing is getting better (because of course it is). And I see more and more people support it. And sometimes those people are also artists or people who like art and support artists.
And then I also see artists be laid off. I see how it gets harder and harder to make a break in the industry. And even after you make it you get laid off because... People don't wanna bother with it anymore. Corps would rather cut costs.
And then I see people defend AI images. Say it's okay, that it isn't stealing from artists, that it is just a tool, ignoring a huge part of the problem (whether willfully or not).
And it just makes me so incredibly sad. So utterly devastated.
I was angry. I really used to be angry. I'm just hurt now. Hopeless for the future. And tired. Really really damn tired.
Tired of artists having to justify their existance in the professional world. Tired of people just saying... No.
No, you don't get to thrive. And you're selfish and entitled for wanting to thrive. No, you don't get to feel hurt when your work gets scrapped without your permission to feed a data base designed to replace you. No, you don't get a say in this. Don't like? Bohoo, don't see.
Well, how can I not see when this issue directly affects how I live? How can I not see when this issue affects my future? It's not just a matter of "Don't like x kind of content, don't interact with it". It really is not. I really wish it was, I wish it was that simple. But it's not. Because this is not something like a ship or a trope that one can ignore and not be affected. This is like trying to ignore a dumpster fire in your neighborhood. Yeah, you can avoid looking at it. You can avoid talking about it. But the smoke is still getting into your house. You're still breathing it. It's still hurting you. It will have effects on your life, whether you like it or not.
I threw away 12 years of my life building up my skill to work in a field that feels like it's dying out. Am I (and countless other artists) just supposed to start over? How? Time is unforgiving.
Bohoo for your bad choices, suck it up. Your fault for pursuing art as a career.
Was I supposed to just, KNOW, somehow, that the career I choose, that used to be viable, would just... Take this turn? Was I supposed to have a 10 year look into the the future?
You should create for the joy of creating!
I do. I love creating. I love making people happy with my work. Work I spent years perfecting. It's the most beautiful feeling in the world to know that someone smiled or cried or felt something because of something I did. It makes me smile and cry too.
But I also like to be able to eat. To have a roof. To pay for my meds. And the joy of creating honestly dwindles each time I see people talk about AI images the same way they talk about a painting in the Louvure.
Becaus they do. I've seen people talk about images generated by a machine (built upon stealing artwork from unconsenting artists) like they're the work of God. And they write such beautiful things too. And I'm left baffled, confused, uneasy.
And then I go to see artists, living, breathing, feeling artists, who create marvelous pieces, who pour their heart into their work, who shed sweat blood and tears to get their skills to where they are, who are still shedding sweat blood and tears to keep improving... And they don't even get a 'nice'. They've been job searching for 3 years. They can't get a steady flow of commissions. They're scrambling to be able to get a table at a con.
And it hurts to my very core.
It hurts in a place I don't even know how to describe, because it's so deep and so personal and so raw that I don't think there's a name for it.
I love art. I love it so damn much. I love making it, I love sharing it, I love teaching it.
I think many other people love art too. I think many other people who love art don't even consciously realize they do.
And it hurts seeing art just... Become this.
It hurts seeing the artistic souls of this earth be pushed down and down again and again over and over and be told to just. To just suck it up.
To die off.
Because when people support AI images, they are telling us to die off. It feels like they are telling us to die off.
And I don't think the people who do realize it at all, because a lot of people who support AI images are not bad people. They are not. They enjoy art too. But they are, consiously or not, directly or indirectly, hurting the artists whose work made the data base AI generators use possible.
They're telling us to die off because they already have our work. And they can use it to generate new, regurgitated work faster, cheaper. They don't need us. So while they may like what us, artists, do, they're feeding a system that is killing us off. Both metaphorically and literally. Metaphorically by killing the will to create. Literally by taking our living off of us (or at least to those who's art is their living. Like myself).
And again.
It hurts so damn much.
And I don't think a lot of people manage to see the hurt past all the anger.
I, personally, have grown exhausted and there's no anger left in me, only sad and hurt.
But I promise you, behind every angry and fighting and barking and bitting artists there is out there, there's hurt. There's some form of hurt behind each and every one of them. Of us.
I really hope this reaches the right people. Whether that be a fellow artists struggling to get their feelings into words to let them know they're not alone. Or someone who supports AI images, and supports artists too, and can maybe get a glimpse into a side of this whole issue. Not necessarily to change their mind but, maybe help them understand better where all the anger from artists may be coming from.
Please, I'm not here to start any fights or debates. I really am not. I just need to get this sort of thing out there, because I think talking about it is important.
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I was bored and procrastinated on this instead of doing homework :)
Anyway, I ranked the umbrella academy powers (least to most powerful)
14. Luther, enhanced strength and resilience. I'm sorry but he's kinda useless and very slow in fights. (yes I will be brutally honest with my opinions)
13. Marcus, super strength but more agile. Only ranks higher than Luther cause he can actually fight and is a better number 1 in my opinion.
12. Jayme, Hallucinogenic Spit. Don't get me wrong I think she's awesome, but her powers are kinda eh and not very useful in a fight.
11. Alphonso, Empathetic Masochism. A pretty good power, and quite useful in a fight. Ranks lower cause he also seems pretty slow in fights. possible that his power requires a lot of energy, cause he seemed to get tired when fighting Diego.
10. Fei, Crow Manifestation. Again, she's cool. ranks slightly lower cause her power isn't as good as some of the others. Not a bad power though.
9. Diego, trajectory manipulation. Struggled with this one because of the end of s2 with the bullets. Really good power but a bit confusing as to what it actually is? Breathing underwater isn't emphasised enough in the show.
8. Sloane, gravity control. She has the ability to literally fly, but again not as dangerous/effective as some of the other powers.
7. Ben, Eldritch Tentacles. (I love the name) Seems to take effort, even though they are strong. Also can be injured and affect his ability.
6. Klaus, Mediumship. Has other powers in the comics not brought to attention in show. Powerful but can be overwhelming for Klaus due to his past. Also depends on how sober he is.
5. Allison, Vocal Reality Manipulation. Powerful, but she has to be able to speak, and say the phrase "I heard a rumour" for it to be effective. Overall, very powerful, though it comes with a cost.
4. Five, space-time manipulation. Incredibly powerful and very useful in a fight, but does take up energy, and certain things can affect it. Ability of time travel makes it super powerful, and one of the best abilities to have.
3. Lila, mimicry. I originally put Lila first, but changed it, as she needs someone to mimic her powers from. She can also only mimic one at a time.
2. Vanya/Viktor, harness and manipulate sound and energy. Super powerful and very dangerous if affected by emotion. When controlled can be absolutely terrifying.
1. Christopher, Electricity Generation, Cold Inducement, Fear Inducement, Paralysis Inducement. This cube thing trapped a LITERAL GRANDFATHER PARADOX, and has almost the exact same powers as Viktor. Not only that but is incredibly difficult to injure on account of being a literal fucking floating cube. I feel so bad for the poor woman who had to birth a cube, honestly.
Anyway, that's it. feel free to add your own opinions if you want :)
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Okay it took me longer than I expected but I played the beta test. First I'd like to talk about some things I liked starting from the characters. They are all so nice, there's literally no one I don't like. Also, we have this uncle, Archibald, who is like aunt Agatha which we know, thanks to him, that she's a cousin of him so that means our two Candies are somehow related🤔 if you give him the right answer you can get gifts from him (just like aunt Agatha) for example, clothes for Taki. Now, I don't think I have much to say about the characters😂 Regarding our Candy, I like that we can put different skin color, this is something new that we already saw and it's very good. Of course you can change her hair not only for the color but also the style, just like old MCL so same for the eyes and the facial expression. You also have different things to change the room. For all these things (anything for Candy, room and pet) in the description they tell you how you can obtain a certain thing. It doesn't seem so bad for now. I also tried the mini-games and I think they work like when you send your companion in exploration in Eldarya, you have to wait for like 20min or so and you get something from there but in this I don't exactly remember how it works with the energy but seems like you can exchange gems (blue hearts) for energy. Now we're getting on things not very well explained. First of all I have no idea how many APs and gems we get every day but there's a calendar where you can receive APs, gems, hearts and items every day. I also saw that there are Jokers, but I have no idea of what those are and how do we use them, it's only written that we will be able to use it on ep 2. So regarding all this we need more explanations. About the episode: I honestly liked it, very simple, it explains why we moved from a company to this one, we get to know Roy and Thomas first then we get introduced to the other crushes and Elenda and Brune. Meanwhile Taki explains things to us while playing, but I don't really understand this thing: why do we have to pay APs when we have multiple choices? And the more the answer is close to what we decided our personality is the less the cost(which is still just a bit more than 100APs). Plus, there are positive, neutral and critical answers that are marked with a green, yellow or red triangle and these affect the lom that isn't shown right next to the character, you can find it on the library, just like in Eldarya. Now, about the illustration, as I saw some of you posting it, they aren't visible, there's only this little image of Taki putting on the wall a photo of her with another goose so I think there's a problem here😅 about the special scene, yes you have to pay for it and you get this special scene with the crush that you can replay for free when you go to the library and click on the illustration. All in all, I liked it, sure there are things that weren't exactly explained well but it's not too bad, it's actually pretty good, you can see how much they worked on it to put many things in there. That's it for now, if you have questions you can ask me and if I have something else to say I'll post it😆
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pendulum-sonata · 6 months
1 and 21.
1. Character that everyone gets wrong.
Lol, we're starting with the heavy weaponry aren't we? You know? To spice things a little bit, I'm gonna choose an Arc V character and a Kubera character, even though only one of my mutuals reads the last one >.>
Arc V
Well... as much as I would like to say Reiji again, I think I've established enough times how misinterpreted his character is, so this time I'll choose...
Ray Akaba, I wasn't even aware that there were still people around who apparently hate her so much, that they would call for the "Ray hater nation" or whatever, I'm not gonna mention who it was but it was very recent, which honestly makes me remember that one tweet pointing out how silly people sound when they justify not liking badly written female character, how they'd supposedly love them if they were better written, when they couldn't handle any of them having one bad feeling for they boyfavs.
And that's really all there sees to be behind A LOT of the Ray hate going around: They hate her because canonically she defeated Zarc and she split him and then split herself to chase him across dimensions, and hate that she was the one who had to give the coup of grace in the duel against him.
They hate that canonically, Ray is one of the best duelist in the yugiohverse, and they will pull the weirdest excuses out of their backside to justify why she's the worst, how she was "too conceited" to believe she could take Zarc on her on, like excuse me, she absolutely took him down, TWICE, not sure what series you were watching, how she supposedly pulled a deus ex machina with the En Cards, as if the requirements to use them weren't ridiculously difficult to meet and wouldn't require a very skilled duelist, how she was dumb for sparing Leo because he caused an wat to bring her back, like, sweetie, the world would have ended anyway because with or without Leo, Zarc would have awakened eventually, that's why Ray set herself to always chase him down and defeat him over and over, like honestly i could dedicate a whole rant essay to the ridiculous claims I've seen made about her.
But the one thing everyone ALWAYS gets wrong is this, and I'm gonna put it in all caps and bold text because it needs to be said:
Seriously people, this isn't rocket science, the entirety of the 6th opening and ending is FULL of visual cues about how the both of them did it, we have visuals of Yuya and Yuzu forming the energy for the Pendulum, we know Ray was able to create and give cards to Reira in her spirit-like form, heck, lately the card game has released a bunch of cards that attach the word pendulum to Ray as well, come on.
And that's just something that a large portion of the fandom always gets wrong about her.
For this webtoon there is way too many people with the worst takes on many characters, befitting as the characterization of the story is very complex and well-made, and many of them are girls, and the girls can just as flawed and commit terrible actions as the dude characters.
But one character that seems to exceed the number of bad takes rather than the good ones is Menaka.
Menaka is a nastika, a race who in this story are sort of like opposing force to the gods, the author has even mentioned that humans sort of see them like "evil gods", some fit the label more than others, and others like Menaka are the exact opposite of evil, she was actually hailed as the one nastika who was qualified enough to eventually become the wisest king of the clans, and would be the first one to reach enlightenment and defeat one of the main villains. Unfortunately this one villain would have none of that and screwed her over on a cosmological level to the point it costed her everything, her power, her life, her clan, her future, and she ended up being screwed over after her death and then some more.
Without saying too many things confusing to non-readers that's the gist, as as the type of character who was tricked into abandoning everything for the greater good, and lived and died to regret it because she ended up doing a lot of damages for her decisions as well, and then sacrifice herself once more she's the perfect candidate to be hated, mischaracterized, mocked, straight up make things up about her character that you'd thing they're talking about someone else.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that people called her a groomer and the true villain of the story, not like a joke or hyperbole, but as like what they actually think of her -_-'
Uff, that was hard to write without possibly spoiling anyone lol (don't judge me, Kubera in ongoing, Arc V is over :P)
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Arc V
The Xyz arc, that all I have to say, I mean, you guys know me, for those who follow me when it was airing, you know my feelings about it and you know the absolute boredom that brings me every single time any of the xyz dimension characters were the focus (unless Yuzu, Dennis, Sora or Yuya were in them lol)
People love to say that the series did them dirty because they deserved a full arc, but honestly, we deserved a full arc dedicated to the fusion dimension, and I will die in that hill.
You know? Kubera doesn't have overhyped parts, because the series as a whole is just so underrated and obscure, and everything is so interwoven together, that it's impossible to remove any parts without affecting the overarching plot so... *shrugs*
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yakuzacanons · 11 months
Just hear me out
The boys having to deal with their kid going through a rebel/emo phase
Hehehe this is so funny I'm so into this idea, headcanons below da cut sweet anon.
Kazuma Kiryu
Has no idea how to react and just kind of stares in awe at the behavior. As long as the kid isn't going to be in harm's way, Kiryu won't mind a little emo energy in the house. He was an edgy 20 something back in the 80's himself in some ways. He's kind of interested in emo/goth style even though he'd never wear it. Actually down with emo/goth music as it's similarly adjacent to his taste. Honestly, he would just naturally diffuse any tension because Kiryu is so agreeable and seldom forceful. He'd just be like "You like this?...okay."
Majima Goro
Will have an emo competition and win. Type of dad to be like "Ya think yer a rebel? Wait'll ya lose an eye!" which would just bewilder his kid more than anything. Secretly wants to go emo shopping with his kid because he also likes leather pants and leather gloves and the color black. Would lowkey sob if his kid rejects him and is all "Leave me alone, dad!".
Akiyama Shun
Fascinated and stunned by this behavior but also secretly terrified. He always heard that kids eventually hit some kind of rebellious phase but seeing his kid in full emo getup with eyeliner had him so confused. Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? What does it all mean? He has no idea but he supports it. Also, constantly shocked at the cost of makeup and CDs, very much like "When I was your age, CDs were half this price, what the heck?".
Saejima Taiga
Would butt heads with his kid the most, but not in the way you'd think. He doesn't mind the kid exploring different aesthetics and tastes and Saejima believes that kids have to venture out and try things in order to learn and develop. Mostly, he just doesn't want his kid to start smoking at a young age. Will totally be like "Smokin' is bad for ya" before immediately lighting his own cigarette. Would listen to scream emo music and say "I got no clue what they're sayin' in this song..."
Tanimura Masayoshi
Thinks it's funny and cute more than anything, probably much to annoyance of his child. Tanimura has his own kind of rebellious streak so he's not really phased or bothered by his own kid having one. As a cop, his only rule is don't do anything illegal. This isn't because he's a straight laced kind of cop because everyone knows he isn't. He just thinks his kid would get caught so fast wearing that kind of obvious emo getup, like "Who wears platform boots when shoplifting at a convenience store? You can't run from other cops in those things."
Ryuji Goda
Thinks it's badass. His own fashion style is pretty bombastic and noticeable and he's secretly pleased his own kid is pursuing a unique aesthetic. Somehow it feels actually very in line with what's typical of Ryuji's family. However, he's still the proud dad as always so he's very much still going to introduce his child by saying "This here's my lil' kiddo!" with his arm wrapped around them, while the kid is just dying of embarrassment because rebels don't get called kiddo by their dad.
Nishikiyama Akira
Questions every fashion choice his child makes, like "...THAT is what's hip with the kids nowadays?... huh." He knows better than to try to convince someone to wear what they don't want to wear but he doesn't understand the all black grunge look. Like Kiryu, his rebellious days are behind him and he's settled down into being a business and family man. Secretly, he kind of misses those old days of being wild though and seeing his kid like this gives him nostalgie.
Daigo Dojima
Is not handling it well at all. Will try to connect with his kid only for them to storm out of his office saying "It's not a phase, dad!" in front of other Tojo Clan members while Daigo just slumps at his desk, shaking his head. His family means a lot to him so a disconnect from his child makes him think he did something wrong. In the end, he just wants his kid to be happy.
Mine Yoshitaka
Honestly, perfectly neutral on the whole idea. Mine's carved his own way through most of his life so when his kid starts a rebellious streak, he's just like "Ah. Okay." as if he just knows he's hit THAT stage in raising a child. He's more logically driven than most so he won't take it personally when his child starts getting all teenage angst on him. Truthfully, Mine probably has the MOST angst leftover from his younger days out of all the boys so he actually understands the feeling more than people know and more than he can say.
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heir-less · 1 year
mm idk if it’s the opposite of a Meghan effect on the rest of the family but rather just a sign of the times? there’s a cost of living crisis, political musical chairs happening in the UK, and the most dangerous time for an institution is when they have a change at the top (Lizzie to Charles).
I feel like it’s just a perfect storm of bad things happening that are making the royals severely disliked? Im not sure if displaying a unifying front on the family sign would have slowed down the hate. Sure, having two charismatic royals would have helped.. but that wouldn’t have stopped any external factors happening.
I think it's a combination of things, honestly, it has to do with the monarchy lacking that one extremely popular and central figure that it had with Elizabeth, Charle's general unpopularity when compared to Elizabeth is also a factor.
However, I really do think that they're really overexposed and saturated with negative drama. People say this generally about Harry/Meghan, but let's be honest the Sussexes go missing for periods of time without making any public appearances. The claim that the Sussexes are hypocritical about privacy falls on its face when you release that most of the publicity surrounding Meghan and Harry isn't even generated by them, and that they've been appearing far less often than they would have been if they were still members of the BRF (we've seen Meghan, like, twice this year). The royal family, on the other hand, doesn't have that luxury, they always have to be in the news and I think people are just sick of hearing about them. Between the Jubilee, the high-profile funerals, the tours, and now the Coronation . . . that's a lot of energy and public funds being devoted to these people who, let's be honest, don't have the PR going for them right now. So, I think, yes, people dislike them for a variety of reasons but I think the issues with Harry/Meghan have publicized their issues on a wider scale that they really can't control.
I don't think people would be that hostile or repulsed by the monarchy if the allegations from Spare weren't also there. William in particular has really lost his image as a more modern and progressive alternative to Charles based on how he treats his family. I don't think Camilla would be met with such contempt by some people if she wasn't connected to people like Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan and the like. I think those "I hate her on a cellular level" comments + how she's depicted in Spare had more of an impact on her than people will let on, because it proved that she's really the same person she's always been since the 90s. Same with reports about her grandchildren being part of the coronation and William insulting her. These are isolated incidents but they build up over time.
I don't know why they keep attacking Meghan and Harry in the media, most people want the story to die, and it's not like the RF are benefitting from it. All it does is drag this out longer and prove that they have a vendetta against them.
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
Should you fight my characters? Asura Flavor!
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Battle music: My Algo - I am Robot and Proud
Should you fight Mhonde? Let me get this perfectly clear, you want to fight MHONDE? The two foot tall, mostly blind engineer who names all his golems like they were dogs and is a walking, unceasing hype machine for his giant girlfriend? Okay just checking. So you should you fight him - absolutely not what is wrong with you. He's a good person, kind-hearted, friendly, and will try to diffuse all situations.
Who initiates the fight? By initiate, I mean you would honestly have to just attack him, he will try reasoning and compromise for anything. Maybe if you talked poorly about Raj, he would rewire your house out of spite and make it turn the power off just to the alarms, clocks, electronics so you are late for everything. But no fights would happen.
Who would win? ...he can't see hardly anything, he's maybe the size of a toddler, and he's distracted by tinkering with golems. You could crumple him like an aluminum can with one good hit. But also don't.
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Battle music: Flight of the Bumblebee - (feat. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov) (Gravel Dubstep Remix)
Should you fight Fhia? For an entirely different reason than Mhonde, no you should not fight Fhia. She is actively cursed and you are liable to die to weird things even before you try to actually fight her. Meteor, heart attack, combustion, getting hit by a car, you name it, it could happen. So no, avoid her at all costs.
Who initiates the fight? I mean she's former Priory, so would rather talk you to death than fight you. You would initiate it but regret it given the nature of her curse.
Who would win? Fhia but not because she tries, just because something fell on you and killed you before you get a swing in on her. Huh! Another statistical improbability for the books!
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Battle music: Roygbiv - Boards of Canada
Should you fight Bhruizz? For yet another entirely different reason, no. Xe is very laid back and chill, not one for getting stirred up easily, and not one for starting drama. However, xe fights unpredictably being a berzerker so it's easy to get caught off guard. Morally, xe isn't a bad person just kinda keeps to xemself so there's not really a reason to.
Who initiates the fight? Yet again it would have to be you, xe doesn't have energy or inclination to fight.
Who would win? It's a 50/50. If you fight xem and they don't enrage, you win. Xe would honestly forfeit like 5 seconds into the fight - letting you win. Don't have energy for that. If xe does enrage, xe is absolutely winning. Bhruizz goes all in when xe does choose to fight and is good at both ranged, melee, and mid - so you're up shits creek there.
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Battle music:
(When you first encounter him) Not a Word, O My Friend - Peter Cavallo
(When he realizes you aren't buying his act and he's trying to escape)
Perchin'- Louie Zong
Should you fight Mhunizz? Yes. He's a slimy little asshole who tries (and usually succeeds in) UWUing his way through life and guilt tripping people to get what he wants. Or stealing it if it doesn't work. Mhunizz is extremely selfish and arrogant. While at his core he isn't a bad person, he also just thinks of himself, and an ass kicking might mellow him out for a while.
Who would initiate the fight? You would because he tries to sob story his way through any form of conflict. Once you get past the puppy dog eyes, he will realize that he can't cry and lip quiver his way out of this one.
Who would win? Oh if it was an actual fight you would for sure win, he's a Guardian but most of his magic is defensive and healing based to make people rely on him and trust him. However, it's far more likely that he's gonna run away as soon as he finds out the 🥺didn't work.
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Battle music: Authority - Vondkreistan
Should you fight Khenazzi? From a moral standpoint, yes. She's made her way high in the Inquest ranks through cruel ingenuity. However, from an actual combat standpoint, I might argue against it. She uses custom poisons she's engineered herself and honestly even if you win against her now - you will be having issues for the rest of your life because of the slow acting side effects. It's her last laugh, she plays the slow game.
Who would initiate the fight? She would. Khenazzi is of the belief that Asura are the natural rulers of Tyria given their intellectual superiority and thus everyone else needs to comply or die. Given that she's higher rank, it would be hard to find her though, you would have had to be looking. Which, is an invitation for death, in her book.
Who would win? She's not physically the strongest but she's great at evading. And while if you can catch her it will be game over, she poisons the dickens out of everything. She would even let you catch her just so she can make sure to be able to stab you at least once with her daggers so you get a taste of the poisons. So yeah, you can kill her, but you will be suffering for the rest of your life. Poisons leading to blindness, organ failure, cognitive deterioration and chronic pain.
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Battle Music: Held - Holy Other
Should you fight Dhizzi? There's nothing to fight about her? She's already stuck in the Mists, you can't kill her. Chances are she wouldn't kill you either, so not real point. Morally, she may be strong willed, but she does what she can to cheat the inevitable for others. Giving everyone more than a fighting chance. She helps, in her own way. So no, it would amount to nothing.
Who would initiate the fight? You would and she would promptly laugh. You're gonna fight her? Really? Don't you have something better to do? She's already broken all the rules regarding death by sneaking people out of various planes of the Mists. Fisticuffs with the forbidden ferryman doesn't seem like a bright idea.
Who would win? No one is. She's unkillable in her current state, more of a force than a person at times, and doesn't have time for skirmishes with people. She's got countless dead to keep track of and make sure they get back into the fight. Maybe if you wanted to see what dying felt like but didn't want to commit to it - she'd oblige you.
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probsnothawkeye · 10 months
Its @ethicstownpod finale day and my gods
I'm writing this in office on Tuesday as I just listened to early access and am unwell after that
Did I cry at my desk again? You fucking know I did
So now it's time to scream <3
Spoilers below!
L o u i s
You have created an absolutely *stunning* show that has kept me on my toes at every single point and everything that happened felt like a well earned surprise. My brain is melting in the BEST way and I have so much restless energy from how that ended
I cant tell if January/Ian is a madman or if he's right
But honestly I think he's right
And I don't know who is controlling this town or for what end but right now I'm betting on Louis being the big bad of their own show
Januian is a character after all
And he's aware of that
Also I *gotta* call out Louis's unfortunately accurate depiction of medical fatphobia. Januian was like "hey doc I need help" and the doctor was like "hmmm you seem stressed probably because you're fat why don't you come back if you're still feeling like this when you've lost weight" Incredibly accurate to real life. Which is unfortunate. But this has happened to me multiple times and the fact that Januian is canonically fat means the world to me
Ianuary is truly the poorest little meow meow and my favorite little boy. Hes evil, sure, but he's evil because he's a character and he's aware of that. He has no agency and is painfully aware of his lack of agency and look what it's cost him! Its cost him his daughter, the trust of people, himself. He's a fable, a lesson, a fictional man. I just want to squeeze him like a stress doll
And Artemis
Oh Artemis
Shes suffered so much and is real but also isn't real and can't acknowledge that she isn't real yet. Shes trying her best and she's angry (rightfully so) and not helping Ianuary's daughter despite the fact that that isn't like her. But shes hurting and grieving and Januian stole someone from her so she needs to steal someone from him to and GODS Rhys Lawton and Liz Dokukina deserve the absolute WORLD for their performances they were so goddamn good over the course of this whole show
Ethics Town hurt me
It hurt me so bad
And I *do* mean that as a compliment
The writing is done in such a way that it reaches into your heart and squeezes
It betrays you at every turn
And that's what you *want* it to do
Its an incredible show made by incredible people, an absolutely phenomenal story that will be spinning in my mind forever
Many congratulations to Louis and the whole cast and crew because my gods what a first season
If you haven't caught the show yet, now is the perfect time
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raiiryuu · 4 months
Laxus's eyes used to be blue, before he got the lacrima. Once he woke up from the procedure and looked in the mirror, the eyes staring back at him were the orange they are now. He never comments on it, and is honestly ambivalent about their color as long as he can still see.
Carb-freak. 1000%. Will never admit any preference but just LOOK at how many times you can see him in the guild hall and he's just got some giant bread roll in his hand lmfao.
That said, he's not a picky eater at all. He's had some bad experiences with spicy food how much you wanna bet he tried to eat more than Gray, but otherwise he's willing to try pretty much anything once.
Laxus is a horrible patient. If he has enough energy to wake up and talk, he's probably also going to try to leave and claim that means he's fine. Also tries to just avoid going anywhere near any healing that isn't magical at all costs regardless. Bad memories.
If Laxus is alone or in new surroundings, he's an extremely light sleeper. But if there's people he trusts nearby, he's out like a light. Good luck getting through to him.
Tends to sleep with his back to a wall if possible. Will also sleep leaned against a hotel door if he's particularly mistrustful of the Vibes.
Very dense, even for his already bulky frame. He has Suspicions of what that might be about, but isn't keen on telling anyone.
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fairycosmos · 1 year
girl help, a friend of mine who's 25 and who struggles a lot (several severe mental and physical illnesses, fucked up abusive parents that she lives with, abusive shitty boyfriend, no job, no financial security etc) says she wants a child asap so that it will give her a sense of meaning and security and essentially "fix" her. idk what to tell her i just don't think that's a good idea for her OR for the child. she literally said getting married or having a child would fix her
what a mess :/ i'm sorry to hear that. it must be really hard to see your friend go through all of this while wanting to make such unhealthy yet permanent decisions on top of it all.
it sounds like she's in a really bad place, and isn't thinking rationally or clearly, which will probably make it really hard to get through to her. as an outsider looking in on the situation, there's definitely only so much you can do here, and i'm sure you've already thought of all the ways you can express your uncertainty with her plans and your concern for her well-being, which is really one of the only things you can consistently do as mate. i think trying your best to ground her in reality when the topic of parenthood comes up would be a good way to go about things - talk about the sleep deprivation, the insane cost, the possible post partum depression, the lack of resources she currently has available to her to raise a whole human being, the lifelong commitment, the crushing and constant responsibility, having no down-time. i'm sure on some level she already knows it, and maybe she won't be that receptive to hearing it, but keeping it as real as possible with her is honestly super necessary at this point imo. you're a hundred percent right about her not having the means to realistically do this, but she may be in such a desperate and isolated state of mind that she doesn't want to admit it. if you speak to her from a place of genuine worry, she may be more likely to hear you out eventually, even if it takes time.
honestly, hearing about this sort of thing usually really pisses me off - i am so fucking tired of people carelessly actively choosing to have children that they're ill prepared for and perpetuating the seemingly never-ending cycle of trauma, but i think mostly i just feel really sad for your friend. stability and companionship do seem really enticing when you don't have either of them, and we all deserve to experience those things in one way or another. it's cruel that only some people get appropriate access to it, you know? i think what your friend might be looking for is a sense of support and community, feeling like she belongs to something and has a purpose. if you're able to encourage her to go to therapy, build up a healthy routine, invest her time and energy into communal hobbies - she may end up finding that feeling from other sources before she actually does end up having kids or marrying someone out of pure loneliness. obviously, this isn't solely your responsibility, and she has to want to be an adult about the situation, to want to do whats right. it's first and foremost her choice to make, and all you can do as someone who deeply cares for her is try to be there. try to encourage healthier choices, like seeking professional help and being honest with her about her limited/idealistic perspective and showing that you just want what's best for her. i think if you're doing that, you're really doing all you can do without crossing any lines and pushing her away even further. this sucks, and i totally understand why you're feeling all sorts of ways about it. that's totally justified. i hope she comes to her senses soon. it may just be a phase. sending hug to you. x
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I don't have accomplish today but I got the wind taken out of my sails in the afternoon and I've kind of been not feeling great since then. But it wasn't a bad day.
I slept a little better last night and I woke up when James was leaving for work. And I slept until 9:00. When I woke up I felt okay. I stripped the bed and shook everything out. A lot of dusting today. They're still a lot to do honestly but I want to get a lot of it done.
I had toast for breakfast. James made more than a nice sourdough loaf and I had cinnamon toast with that. I put two sugar on it but it was still pretty good
After that I decided while I still had energy and momentum I would go to the grocery store. Specifically I was going to Target because there's a couple things that we couldn't buy anywhere else. And I left the house and went over to the other side of the city.
My first stop was only me to try on the jacket that I have settled on. I have been looking for a rain-resistant hooded jacket that is not too long for too short. That isn't tight in my hips and gives me space to move my arms. And doesn't cost $300. I gave myself a budget of $60 and this one seemed to fit the bill.
I wanted to try it on first. I didn't want to buy it online and then be disappointed in how thick it was or if it had a weird lining or anything like that. But it ended up being great. They had the black one and the red one. The red is kind of a rusty color and I decided that that was the one I wanted. I checked online again in the sale that I had seen the other day was still happening where you get an extra 30% off the original price. The original being $90. And so in the end it would be 55 on the website. And I asked if they price match to the website because the sale price they had in the store was not as cheap. It was more like 75. And she was like oh yeah that's fine and so I didn't have to wait for it to get shipped to me and they were really cool. It was very nice of them. It never asked anyone to price match before so that was pretty cool.
I dropped it off in the car I got some grocery bags and went to the Target. And that was very proud of myself I stuck to my budget. I did not buy anything I was not supposed to have. I did get very frustrated when I could not find some of the stuff that I was supposed to be getting. Could not find a cottage cheese anywhere again. And then I couldn't find the face wash we use. I did find the travel size version but I could not find even the display for the brand soap and glory. Maybe that target isn't carrying it anymore. I have not looked into this at all. So I got a different kind that I hope will be nice.
I was starting to lose steam but that was okay. I knew I just really wanted to eat something. I had bought dumplings at the target and so when I would get home in about a half hour I had that. I didn't mind waiting in the long line but as soon as it online it got way longer behind me so apparently I picked the right moment.
Once I paid I had an uneventful drive home. It was a nice day. And I honestly felt pretty good. When I got back here I brought everything inside and put the stuff in the fridge that need to go away. I have to get rid of a couple leftovers in there that I knew no one was going to eat. And then I made my lunch. And then I started getting to work on cleaning.
Like I said one of the big things I want to deal with is the dust. We just have so much in our apartment right now. I feel like every time I move something there's just a whole bunch of dust and hair and stuff behind it. So I started doing that and then I decided that I needed to clean the kitty litter before I did anything else. And then I not James's hat behind the dresser so I had to pull everything forward and realize how dusty it was behind there. And then I moved all to furniture out to vacuum. And then I tried moving the furniture in different ways. I even tried to put the dresser in the corner so that we could store nonsense behind it but I decided that that did not work. You couldn't open the bottom drawer. But I did make some changes and I'm pretty happy with it. The biggest change though is that I moved the kitty litter into the living room where it used to be. I don't know if I love it they're still but for now it's fine.
I was making great progress. I made outfits for the week I did all this dusting started vacuuming the rest of the apartment. And then I noticed that one of my frogs was floating on the top of the tank. At first this is not cause for alarm. Sometimes the frogs float. But then I got up on the ladder to look at him closer and he was all swollen and absolutely dead. And I just feel so bad. They were fine yesterday I have no idea what happened. But I can't find the other one and I'm half convinced that he ate him and died because he ate the other for hug. I don't know if that is something that could happen but I am so upset because I really love having these frogs and I'm not going to buy anymore at this point because for some reason I can't keep them alive. It makes me feel like a monster.
So I got him out of the tank and buried him in one of the plant boxes outside. And tried not to fall apart but I was very upset.
I tried to keep cleaning. I did a little bit. Move some stuff around. But I just felt very low. I hung out with Sweetp And I took my nail polish off. Clean up my cuticles. Lit a candle. But then all of a sudden my allergy started going crazy. And I got in bed and I just felt awful.
I took some allergy medicine but it didn't seem to do anything. It worked for maybe a little bit but I don't know I still feel bad. James would come home around 4:00 and I was glad they were back. They took the trash out and then they made us dinner. And they've been cleaning since then. Doing some organizing of their own. Getting rid of stuff which is weird to see. Not because they can't but because I think it's weird to see someone else get rid of stuff in the home that you live in? I'm not sure how to raise that. They've asked me about a few things that are technically mine but I don't really use. So I'm fine with getting rid of them but there is still the guilt associated with wasting the money that went into buying them. I'm trying better to deal with that. I'm doing really well on my nose bend month. I mean yes I spent money today but there's wrong things that were needs not once. And I am still proud of myself even if it isn't perfect.
I started feeling very bad though waiting for James to finish making her pasta. I think I just waited too long since I ate last or something. I'm not sure. I took a shower and that helped my allergies a little bit I still didn't feel very good.
Dinner was great though And I have been laying in bed with Sweetp since then. Just trying to feel okay.
I think I'm going to go try and wash my face again and maybe go to sleep early. We will see.
Tomorrow I am working at the museum and I am looking forward to the schedule so I really hope it doesn't change. Everyone keeps getting ill and having to call out and then everything gets moved around. Understandable but annoying non the less.
I hope you all feel fine tonight. Take care of each other. Take care of yourself. Goodnight everyone!!
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oflostinfound · 1 year
How does Hax powers do towards tremendously injured?
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There's only so much they can do before it exhausts them to the point of passing out- and honestly if the injury is bad enough it would be best to just let it heal over time over using their spell. Using their spell really just speeds up the process- and it hurts. It hurts the user as if they were experiencing the injury all over again, and Hax feels a portion of that pain as well- on top of draining their internal magic/energy.
They can heal something about as bad as a broken bone or a really deep cut before they'd pass out, but they can't reattach limbs or heal fast enough to stop someone from bleeding out if they're bleeding profusely- they need to be at least semi-stable. That last one certainly wont stop them from trying though.
A deep cut or awful burn can even make them pass out, they really mostly use the spell to heal some of the smaller cuts and scrapes Eath gets from not realizing she'd injured herself.
Also let it be know there are better healing spells out there, at least ones that don't hurt as bad- there is always some sort of cost to them though. Healing is a process for the body and just being able to snap your fingers and fix an injury isn't really something I want for my setting. At least not in the sci-fi or fantasy way or poof it's gone. The body remembers and all that.
Either way, for those other spells, Hax doesn't know them nor have they really practice healing magic enough to be able to preform the yet. There's a really really good chance they'd look into strengthening that skill that later.
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ursie · 2 years
God I hate it sooo much when societal issues perpetuated and exacerbated specifically by the upper class/corporations/rich people shifts from a collective issue to individual responsibility because it ALWAYS a) leads to very little getting done that will change ling term issues and b) fucks over minorities the most(every. Fucking. Time.)
Like this applies to so many things too! And it's frustrating
Because both are important and impact individuals, but one is vastly more important in the long term
Take structural inequalities like sexism and racism; yes it impacts people on the interpersonal scale and individuals confronting their own behavior will positively impact those around them and lead to people being treated better on the daily, but the root of the problem is structural and no amount of self reflection will change systemic inequality. It won't change how housing and zoning left over from redlining negatively impacts poor neighborhoods and black neighborhoods, it won't magically get rid of the pay gap or suddenly make medicine focusing on the betterment of women, it won't change things on the societal level. Collective and legal/government action/reform is really needed and yet people focus what Phil down the street thinks and adopts liberal girlboss feminism where the patriarchy is overthrown with gotcha-s and women in corporate
And more in line with the post of yours that inspired this mini-rant is environmentalism! It's one if the VERY damning examples because not only does it fall short of real progress, but it does so at the direct cost of individuals and does so on the scale that literally kills the only planet we have.
Baning and shaming single use items does nothing but belittle disabled people and restrict their access to smth they need to live. It shames the single-parents who buy pre-prepped food so cooking takes up less time and they can make smth healthy. It shames people who need paper plates because doing a bunch of dishes drains on the energy they already have, potentially leading to build up and unsanitary living spaces. It make people jump through hoops and shame in order to use a straw that's safe for them. It damns people for not being Good Ethical Consumers when they really have no choice
That's not to say it's bad to cut your own pollution and spending, just that it's cruel to expect others to have the same ability for those sacrifices. If you measure others by what is possible for you then no one will live up to it because life isn't equal and some people struggle differently
And it's not even an issue that can be fixed my average individuals. It's hurting innocents in order to scapegoat companies. Individuals aren't funding unsustainable factories, individuals aren't using so much fossil fuels it destroyed the atmosphere and led animals to extinction. Individuals cannot fix these problems and saying that they can and should is the biggest scam from lobbyist to-date. It's not your neighbor who you need to shame and hold accountable, it's fucking exxon mobile and every politician in their pocket
(sorry if this is a bit much of a rant, I read that post and was consumed by rage on behalf of those left behind by individualism)
NO NO YOURE SOOO VALID GO OFF BESTIE like honestly I know I’ve been getting really fun comic asks lately but it is always disabled time here
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mugenloopdalove · 5 months
Frozen foods are expensive because it takes a lot of other people's labor /energy to produce and maintain quality. Not to mention the single use packaging/plastics involved for what boils down to a single serving of food. $3-4 for a fully prepped and cooked meal is honestly a really good deal. You are always going to save money by DIY-ing because you are cutting out the cost of other people's labor. This goes for anything in life.
Id recommend always having bread and peanut butter on hand. Its a low effort meal that will make you feel full and is cheap. Also you said you have eggo waffles but couldn't eat them because there was no syrup. Have you tried eating them with just some butter and jam? It's good. There's always alternatives when you are hungry.
You really dont have to bend over backwards to defend shit that should be free anyway but I'll humor you ig
Sandwhiches and peanut butter both are bad textures for me. Unless it's like. A grilled cheese but that requires 10x the fucking effort. But as much as I love the TASTE of peanut butter the stickiness makes me hate existence
Don't like jam either and I'm fine w eggos plain or w just butter if theyre like. Blueberry ones. But we could only find the buttermilk ones during our last shopping trip (probably bc we only went to Aldi bc their paycheck was smaller due to getting sick and Aldi doesn't have a whole lot)
Honestly my sensory issues w food make a lot of easy shit hard to do and I hate it. I get really picky and there's times where even food I usually like sounds bad. I don't even have a real safe food that isn't something that takes either effort or money (like rn it's curry... I can't even have normal safe foods)
My husband gets paid Thursday so we're gonna go to the store and try to find stuff that easy and not gonna make me feel crappy. I like lunchables and those can be cheap, and maybe some like. Idk. Meats and cheese I can just Eat. I used to eat a lot of salami w provolone but kinda feel outta it. Also I'm gonna see if we can stock up on bowl and/or cup noodles bc those are cheap AF, easy to make, and usually not a problem for me.
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