#💚 || headcanons
oflostinfound · 7 months
Night and Day in Alius Orbis
I say Alius Orbis is a lot darker than Earth due to the false sun and moon. I dont think I've specified how dark it gets or how light.
The lightest point in the day is equivalent to dawn or dusk in the human realm.
Dawn and dusk in Alius Orbis is like a usual night time with some moonlight (half moon?)
Nightfall is near pitch black, depending on where you are. The stars above glimmer and the moon shines, but not enough to break the shadows. Torches or other forms of light are necessary for travel. ESPECIALLY if you're human or can not see in the dark.
The various species of Daemons have adapted to the low light over the centuries. Most if not all of them have some form of darkvision or way to navigate in the darkness.
Of course, in the case of Eath and Hax, this does / did affect their travel to the human realm. They had to spend weeks adjusting to true daylight. And if they go back, there will be an adjustment period back to their "normal" vision. Not as long as Alius Orbis -> Human Realm, but still an adjustment.
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rayroseu · 1 month
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"Because i want you to live a long and happy life"
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am in a certain type of mood and wanna write something cosy and nice so:
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Retired!Price (Husband) Headcanons
Retired!John who retired surprisingly early after a botched mission forced him to take medical leave and then he just... couldn't go back to work.
Retired!John who has finally gotten the opportunity to change his style and has experimented with many styles of facial hair (including a thick caterpillar mustache!).
Retired!John who, despite still staying so active, eats more and better, and sleeps more and better, and begins gaining a bit of weight, gaining a wonderful dad bod and a nice layer of fat on his hard muscles.
Retired!John who goes to a veteran support group at a local community centre.
Retired!John who definitely started a vegetable/fruit garden in the back of your house.
Retired!John who has taken up baking and is surprisingly very good at it, especially at baking sourdough bread.
Retired!John who volunteers to become the coach for the local children's rugby team.
Retired!John who gets a big fluffy dog for you (Husky, German Shepherd, etc) so that he has an excuse to stay active and fit by taking it on walks.
Retired!John who takes up home improvement and DIY and feels surprisingly at home in hardware shops.
Retired!John who only ever gets up early on Valentine's day, your birthday and your anniversary to go buy you fresh pastries from the bakery down the road, or fresh flowers from the florist.
Retired!John who renovates the house with you, moves furniture around at your request, gets all the paint samples you could wish for from the shop, and works on making your house a home.
Retired!John who sometimes gets into a food coma after eating a nice Sunday roast and falls asleep in his recliner with the dog at his feet.
Retired!John who hugs you tight with his big burly arms and buries his face on your neck, kissing you so sweetly.
Retired!John who holds you close to him on cold winter nights and rainy afternoons as you snuggle together on the couch.
Retired!John who runs hot at night and makes it so you have your own personal heater and weighed blanket as he drapes his body over yours and cuddles you all night.
Retired!John who takes you on all the holidays you wish for and introduces you to places he's gotten to travel to while on the job.
Retired!John, whose favorite thing about being retired is his ability to spend time with you.
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etheralsweetheart · 7 months
How many kids they'd have (PT.1)
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Liu Kang❤️🔥
He gives me vibes that he has twin girls. Definitely a daddy's girl. Tries to teach them to be humble and thankful but can't help spoiling them
Has an older son and a younger daughter. They have a 4 year age gap. Definitely raises his kids to be respectful and hardworking. He'd teach his son to be gentle and protective over his sister whenever he isn't around
Kung Lao 💙🎩
His daughter is the perfect copy of him. Got humbled real quick, realising how annoying he can get. Would do this thing where they pretend to fight (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeJCpDuv/).
Canonically he has a daughter, so I'll just write about these two. So Johnny is a stay at home dad and takes care of Cassie. He may have taught her how to walk and talk, but she taught him that there's more to life than being famous
Kenshi ❤️🎀
In Mkx he also has a son, but this MK1 Kenshi. He strikes me as someone, who has two sons, age gap of 5 years. He definitely teaches his kids about their family history. Would carefully show off Sento
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hanafubukki · 1 month
Summary: General Vanrouge watches a couple dance.
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Laughter reached his ears from where he sat.
Joyous and carefree.
From his position, he can see the shadows twirling around each other in what seemed to be a kitchen.
He watched as someone, who had a similar appearance to his own, lifted another up before swinging them into his arms.
Normally, he wouldn’t believe such a being would be related to him in any way.
But magic did not lie, and the one from this fae matched his own.
A shiver ran down his spine.
Sharp magenta met crimson red.
A warning.
Do not ruin this moment.
He wasn’t planning to.
This view before him, spoke of peace and tranquility.
He…didn’t want his hands full of scars and blood to mar such a scene.
He looked away as the two before him kissed.
A nap right now seems like the perfect opportunity.
…but a part of him yearned.
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“I was wondering when you would pop up.”
Crimson eyes met his own.
Stubborn. Young. Rebellious.
Someone who didn’t know what life held for him.
Lilia kind of pitied his younger self, but knew saying such might lead to an altercation.
Which generally he wouldn’t mind at all, it would be amusing to compare his strengths now to back then.
But he didn’t want the risk of waking you and the others up. He already had to talk down Malleus from accompanying him.
“You’re with a…human.”
Lilia held back a laugh, “That’s for you to find out.”
The General before him bristled before sighing. It seems he knew it was a losing battle to try and get any information out of him.
“Listen up you!”
The sharp glare sent his way had him smirking.
“Never let this moment go. What you see now? This is the future you can look forward to. Come what may, hold on and do not let go.”
“How do I know this isn’t a trick?”
“Come General~ You and I both know magic never lies.”
The General looked away. How amusing. He was pouting. Lilia itched to tease him more.
“Are…you happy?”
Ah. The question he always held in and never spoke nor showed back during his days as the Phantom General.
“Yes. More than you can imagine.”
Lilia can see the yearning his younger self held deep within as he looked towards where his family stayed.
You’ll know happiness. You’ll experience it yourself. It will take years of pain and suffering, but it will be worth it.
“You have much to look forward to.”
General Vanrouge straightened his stance, a new shine in his eyes.
Good. It will serve him well in his journey.
“I didn’t know I would become so sappy.”
“Kufufu~ That’s what love does to a fae. It changes you.”
The face the General made had him almost bending over in laughter.
Ah yes, he remembers this phase of his. The General has so much to learn…to acknowledge. Some of which even he didn’t learn until many years ago.
During a certain event at Night Raven College, but he wasn’t going to tell him that.
Seeing his past self, Lilia ached to go back to his family. Back to their warmth.
For now, though, he waited with a version of himself he hadn’t seen in a long while. One, that he would once upon a time run away from.
But now?
He had long ago acknowledged this side of himself, for it was this version of himself that led him to his current happiness. That led him to his loves.
And he couldn’t be more grateful.
The past and future stood side by side, basking in this tranquility, enjoying what will come and what currently is.
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“Why do you look like that.”
“Hey! I look cute!”
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I felt so soft and in love when writing this 🥹🥹🥰
(I feel like I wrote a part of my soul into this 🥰💞)
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friendly-alien-fucker · 9 months
Imagine a Yautja who's mate is into taxidermy...
They don't skin their kills themselves and instead bring home the entire creature, letting their mate take care of it.
They start seeing the human's taxidermy as a new form of trophy and display it proudly to other yautja.
Eventually the human is asked to produce taxidermy for other yautja because it shows how truly gigantic some of their kills are... MAYBE THE YAUTJA ASK FOR TAXIDERMY OF THEMSELVES
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pjs-everyday · 4 months
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WIP— Todoroki needed a date to a hero gala where his father is receiving an award. he brought a great ally 😴💅🏼
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elitadream · 1 year
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Since I've gotten quite a few inquiries about Luigi related to my previous post, I thought I'd make another one real quick! ;D
I have this random headcanon that Luigi's beard doesn't get as full as Mario's, but his hair grows faster. 🤭
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synnamonroll666 · 5 months
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oflostinfound · 7 months
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^ Birthday is November 13th
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I'm talking like.... chaste kisses and handholding for like 6 months or smth. Cuddling gradually gets thrown in the mix but like... idk trust takes time. Like the relationship is progressing at the pace of couple of middle schoolers.
And like theres a heart to heart about what ur cool with, what Simon's cool with.... if one of you is uncomfortable for any reason or just straight up don't want physical contact u guys don't find it rude to full out say "hey don't touch me rn." "I love ya but I don't want a hug" "I need personal space"
words: 750~
Not in a torturous way, no.
It's a peaceful kind of slow.
Because you're sort of like him, aren't you? You don't want to be touched blindly and constantly.
You don't need to.
So it's slow.
Sitting on the couch with a gap between you.
A gap that gets smaller and smaller.
You see it happening.
Like a stray cat who inches ever closer to the human that feeds it on the street every day.
Slow progress. One inch at a time.
That's Simon Riley for you.
One day your knees brush together. His doing.
The next, slowly, his whole leg presses against yours.
Then his shoulder and arm.
The skin where his glove doesn't quite meet his sleeve, exposed, rubs against yours on accident one time. It was warm, sent a tingle down his spine.
He sets his hand on yours, open palm against yours, fingers pressing on yours, not intertwined, just touching, wrists rubbing together, seeking a friction he never quite knew he wanted to feel.
Then his fingers lock onto yours.
From then, he begins carefully bringing your hand up with his, fingers tangled resting on his knee, his arm laced with yours.
He very carefully holds your hand in public, making sure you don't get lost. Fidgets with your fingers when he's bored. Takes it with progressively more confidence.
Then, he starts putting his head on you, tentatively so, causing you to freeze every time he does it, regarding him from the corner of your eye like he might get spooked and go away if you move.
He sets it on the crown of your head the first time, then, on your shoulder, always looking away, feigning disinterest, his thumb, meanwhile, rubbing your knuckles and palm and back.
Then he sets it down on your chest one time, very tentatively so. It's Simon's favorite spot, you've come to notice. Hearing your heartbeat, your breathing, feeling it rise and fall.
Then, he's on your lap. A head setting there as he watches TV, trying to act like he's not vibrating inside, with both anxiety and pleasure.
He takes your hand one day and sets it on his head. You leave it be, simply holding him there, as dead weight...
Until he starts softly rubbing against it, seeking your fingers, your palm. Then, you start caressing his hair. You do it anytime now.
His own hands seek you out very gingerly. He holds your waist, or your hips, or your wrists more often than not, like it's fragile material, that might break under him.
He resumes his little head exploration. Mostly setting his temple against yours, his forehead on yours, his nose on yours. He closes his eyes for those, not quite wanting to see...
Simon nuzzles his large nose against your cheek one time, very gently so, and your lips rub together, and he presses in, like he's fearfully stepping into a minefield.
It feels warm, and nice, your lips are soft and give under his, never pushing back too hard, letting him set the pace.
You start kissing all the time from then on, his hands carefully holding some part of you, chaste kisses, and nuzzling into you like a cat trying to leave his scent.
It's not like he doesn't know what he's doing, before everything, Simon had had his fair share of 'escapades'... But it's all different now. So much different.
The first time his lips part and carefully swipe at your bottom lip, it surprises you. Months worth of chaste kisses suddenly cut off by a new advancement. He liked the sound you made. So he started doing that more often.
His tongue would swipe at your lips, until slowly it breached them, poking inside to find yours and, and, with a sigh that sounded like a weight off his shoulders, rubbing them together softly.
Then that turned into more confident touches, fingers digging in, into your body, waist, hip, thighs, arms..., and guiding your hands to places he trusted you to touch and knead at. His shoulders, his biceps, his hip.
Simon'd slot all his weight atop of you, trapping you to the couch or mattress and make out with you, shuddering as your thighs softly squeezed his hip. His hands sliding up and down, caressing, slowly, mapping out where he could and should go.
He never felt so safe as when he had his hands slotted on your body, kneading greedily onto you, yours caressing up his back, his mouth busy with your tongue, and his mind void of any thoughts other than the sound of your breathing and the way your chest rose and fell against his own.
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khaosrealms · 8 months
could you write a request for syzoth x princess!reader, who is mileena and kitana's younger sister?
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a/n: of course! thank you so much for the request 💚 nothing better than to start a blog off with everyone’s favorite reptiloid.
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- Your affection is a harshly-earned one, child of the empress you are. Living in outworld comes with its well of suitors who flaunt and throw themselves for your adoration; what greater prize than to win the love of a princess, after all? Not that anyone had succeeded, not any of members of Sindel’s court, not any of Shao’s soldiers, none yet to earn the reward of a princess’ heart. But a Zatteran?
- Whispers of gossip among Sindel’s court were as common as the act of breathing, and while you often kept your thoughts elsewhere, keeping your ears open was a whole different story. A sideshow act? A shapeshifter? Under the heat of Mileena’s recent… escapade, you knew better than to go elsewhere unaccompanied— but your curiosities got the better of you. The cover of night a perfect tool to aid in your disguise as you ventured into Outworld’s entertainment district. Finding the source of the whispers with a crowd large enough to nestle yourself within. A man— or, at the very least, what you believed was a man at first.
“Come and see! Offer coin and perhaps you will receive a glimpse of something greater than anything you’ve ever witnessed here on Outworld!” The typical sideshow fare; a disgust filling your jaw at the sight of the merchant’s grinning visage as he passes you. Offering a box to be filled with coin and trinkets for the opportunity at the sight of his performer. Verdant eyes, tattoos etched across his features, his arms. For a moment, you lock eyes, and his pupils dilate. Recognition. Verdant green eyes that are almost too soft, too kind, too tired. Still so exhausted, even as he transforms, scaled, tooth and claw. A show for a princess, he seems to say, tail heavy on the floor beneath him. You stay not a moment later. Fading into the crowd, where his eyes do not follow.
- When you return to the district where Syzoth performed not a week later with company, he’s nowhere to be seen. Not the sight of him, not even so much as a whisper, the suspicious nature of it following you as you returned to your duties. Where did he go? This gossip of the high courts who caught such an eye, where did he go? Your lack of concentration earns you Kitana’s scolding. A nip at your ear, pinched between her fingers. But still, the distraction remains, following to the days leading up to the tournament. Even the fireworks of celebration as you stood on stage, waving towards the partying citizens of Outworld with your sisters, couldn’t distract from the thought.
- It took practically every ounce of power and demand you could manage to pull away from the festivities. Turning away your umgadi guard with some sort of dismissive lie, preening to your sisters that you would return before the people would so much as notice you missing— of course, Kitana and Mileena are hardly fooled, and when you dive into the crowds, between alleys and fragrant carts, they know what exactly it is that festers at your mind. The Zaterran. The shapeshifter with tired eyes and scaled flesh. The one who stands before you, as you duck into a quiet alley, as caught off-guard as you are of him.
“Princess.” There’s a tenseness in his jaw that follows through to his voice. Ready to leap away, as if found doing something he’d hardly been meant to do. His fists tensing by his sides. He’d looked exhausted before, yes, but now— he’d looked almost drained. A small spark of hope twinkling in his eyes. Whatever it is he’d been through, you’re certain it’s something he’s refusing to return back to. When you step back, you can see with your own eyes how his muscles loosen in relief.
“I thought Zaterran’s stayed beneath ground.” Your interest catches him, and for a moment he stutters, before opening his mouth to speak once more. “Most do, Princess. You have seen yourself that I am not most, however.” So he did recognize you that day. In the same way that you yourself recognize that you both are surely not where you are meant to be. “A good reason, I hope?” “In the name of truth. A reason no better.” “Then above ground you’ll stay, if that is such.”
- You never forget the appreciation in his eyes at that moment. A relief so deep it falls into his shoulders and neck, relaxing, time of tension wasted away. By the time you blink, the man has already continued his climb onto the buildings above; but not before you catch his attention once more, one hand cupped by your mouth to echo your words towards him. “What is your name, Zaterran!” Stopping him in his tracks, those verdant eyes locking onto your’s once more.
“My name is Syzoth, Princess!” Syzoth. What an odd name for such an intriguing man. “I would ask for your’s, but I’m afraid it’s difficult not to know of it!” His words form a bubble in your chest, a chuckle spilling out from between your lips that cause a smile to crack on his weary features. That glimmer of hope shining in his eye. He’s gone by the time another firework cracks across the sky above you, but a small warmth of the meeting remains. Nestled there in your cheek. Syzoth. What luck to meet him again.
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alkaline-wtr · 9 months
"HE KNOWS" by @sunonyoreface Ghost x fem!reader, angst, smut, (ongoing)
**OBSESSED with this one. It's so damn interesting and beautifully written.
“Body and Soul” by @qwimchii
gunslinger!Ghost x virgin!reader, wild west au, angst, smut, religious!reader, (ongoing)
**First chapter is soooo long but, I was so invested
**My listed tags are only meant to give a quick idea of what are in the recomended works, I have left the full tag lists and descriptions to the actual posts.
"One Cot" by @sunonyoreface Ghost x captured!reader,softboy!Ghost fluff, imagine
"Coloring Inside The Lines" by @obsolescent Ghost x fem!reader, spoiled!reader, fluff, imagine
"The Necessity Of Saints" by @obsolescent Ghost x fem!reader, singlemom!reader, fluff, imagine
"N/A" by @rodeo-star Ghost x reader, Ghost and reader are married, fluff, minor implications of smut, TEARS, imagine
"N/A" by @oleworldblues Ghost x Price x fem!reader, smut, threesome, pwp, imagine
A jealous!Konig by @roxy-writes Konig x reader, jealous!Konig, smut, head-cannon
A overstimulated!Ghost by @dilfdotgov Ghost x reader, overstimulated!Ghost, smut, head-cannon
A Ghost x male!reader by @marksbear Ghost x male!reader, tattooartist!reader, fluff, head-cannon
A gymrat!Ghost by @sugarbbgrl Ghost x fem!reader, gymrat!Ghost, smut, head-cannon
A sub!Soap x male!reader by @lieutnt Soap x male!reader, sub!Soap x dom!reader smut, head-cannon
Gen-z!reader by @av01d3d Ghost x gen-z!reader, TW reader jokes about suicide, gn!reader, fluff, silly, head-cannon
A Soap x 141 by @forestshadow-wolf Soap x 141, silly, Soap shenanigans, head-cannon
A Ghost head-cannon by @rowarn Ghost x fem!reader, reader wakes up Ghost, smut, head-cannon
**Just other silly posts I found worthy to recommend but don't quite fit the categories
Soap x reader by @av01d3d 141 x reader by @warenai SoapGhost Comic by @astheriiiart Price quote by @cod-dump Incorrect COD quotes by @skylarsblue SoapGhost quote by @warenai gn!Reader by @spidergutz-writes Ghost quote by @forestshadow-wolf 141 quotes by @that-one-country-emo Ghost x Gaz quote by @cod-dump WZ Niki x reader by @that-one-country-emo Ghost x Nurse!Reader by @warenai SoapGhost quote by @cod-dump
Things I've Written
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friendly-alien-fucker · 7 months
Mm... yautja get pretty old. I wonder if they do that whole "take a guess" thing when you ask exactly how old they are or if they'd straight up tell you. If they do, I think they'd actually be offended should you guess them younger than they are
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fckedupnerd · 4 months
This interview with Mathew Baynton about Felix Fickelgruber is my roman empire 💚
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greenqueenhightower · 20 days
Alicole Headcanons, Vol 1:
@redrosesandcharmingsouls and I have been discussing WAY TOO MANY alicole headcanons and we thought they needed their proper post/ small fic, so if you like this kind of thing keep reading (+ add yours in the tag #alicoleheadcanons 💚🗡️)
Criston Takes Alicent for Midnight Swordfighting Lessons:
This one takes place just a while after the incident at Driftmark. Aemond has been maimed and Alicent is very insecure and worried about the safety of her children and her ability to protect them. She does not confess her fears of course, but one day when she is lost in her thoughts she lets slip that "I am not even a dragon rider... what am I doing here?" Criston senses her fears and sends a maid to wake her up one night. Alicent complies, exiting her chambers worried that something serious has happened. She finds Criston in the arena, dressed in his armor, the armor she had personally engraved for him (this is a separate headcanon!).
"What's wrong?" she asks.
"You're going to learn how to swordfight," he grins.
"This is so dumb, Ser Criston. I am going back to my chambers," she replies affirmingly and turns her head to reach for the torch on the wall.
Criston throws the sword at her.
"Fight me!"
Alicent is startled as she catches the sword with both hands. She is intrigued by its weight pulling her down. She had never swung a knight's sword before... never thought it was so heavy. She marvels at its well-polished blade where her features are reflected in the candlelight.
Alicent launches an attack which Criston dodges successfully.
"Try again my Queen," he states determinedly, "Your eyes on me this time."
Alicent looks at the blade again. It is sparkling, sharp, and pure; like a sacred promise she can trust, it seems to guarantee that it will not disappoint her. She locks eyes with Criston. He holds his blade up, ready to defend. She swings the sword in Criston's direction once more.
Criston has to swerve and dodge the blade. He seems genuinely surprised.
"Well done, my Queen!"
This effortful exertion has left Alicent panting and crouching on the floor. She slowly gets up, sword in hand, marveling at the extent of its power. She gives Ser Criston a little smile.
"Your turn this time."
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