#and hopefully they don’t hate me
sunstainedpages · 2 years
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magicicephoenix · 3 months
i love the idea of her wearing an alice angel cutout to cover the ruined side of her face…
youtube link (and thumbnail too since you can’t see it up there) below the cut!
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sugarsnappeases · 3 months
fnvjfnbjgnjb I really hope this isn't weird but I am actually so desperate to hear some of your rosekiller headcanons (the more fucked up the better < 3)
hello!!!! i am. actually…. would you guys murder me if i said i didn’t think about rosekiller like all that often….. when i do think about them it’s normally prompted by things that saints @foursaints (lord and saviour of the rosekillers) posts. but. just for you, my dearest futurequibblerjournalist, i’ve been racking my brain for some vaguely interesting things to say. so:
to start off, in terms of characterisations, in my mind, barty is a ‘worshipper’ and evan is an ‘investigator’ if that makes sense - like my barty (and again this is heavily influenced by my whole barty michelangelo variant thing which i never shut up about) is someone who will completely offer himself up to, in this case, evan, like he’s trying to get under evan’s skin both idiomatically and literally, there’s this whole kinda masochistic self-dispossession thing going on which is him just entirely putting himself in evan’s hands, at his disposal, a ‘whatever rosie wants, rosie gets’ kinda thing (and all the things that rosie wants are a little fucked up… like evan wants. a rib, let’s say, and barty is immediately offering his up, like take mine please take mine i have a few to spare, and they do the surgery, no anaesthetic, lots of eye contact, and it’s the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to either of them… evan likes to run his fingers over the stitches before they’re fully healed up, maybe pull a few out, just to see….)
anyway i digress but also kinda not a huge digression bc that leads me on to evan as ‘investigator’ - disclaimer!!! evan as a character is a lot more nebulous to me than barty, like i feel like i haven’t entirely grasped him yet so allow me some wiggle room please and thank you but. evan is curious, that’s his central characteristic in my mind, he just wants to like… see, to understand. i think he doesn’t care much for people in terms of them being like actual people, he cares more about. how they work i guess biologically, like how their bones connect to allow them to move in particular ways, how the neurons in their brains do things (i’m really not a steminist i’m sorry guys) to make them say things and act in particular ways. his like. life mission. or whatever. is to figure out how ‘humanity’ works if that makes sense….
and barty is a bit of an aberration in some ways bc he doesn’t interact how he’s supposed to interact and he doesn’t move how he’s supposed to move and evan is curious, bc he normally doesn’t allow anything to bother him but barty is just. a bother. like in general. and evan wants to crack barty’s head open and get a good look at his brain, prod at it, investigate it, and barty would let him. barty would genuinely actually let him and that sort of power, someone being that devoted to you, is a little heady in a way that evan has never really experienced and barty would do anything bc he sees evan and he sees someone who wants to dig deep beneath the surface of him, someone who wouldn’t flinch away from whatever ugliness their digging revealed, bc both of them are so rotten at their cores imo, and he sees a sort of ascension, a higher purpose maybe… it’s absolute body and soul devotion, it’s ‘he could physically cut my heart to pieces and put it under a microscope and that would be divinity’
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josephtrohman · 2 months
what’s wrong with fobtwt? i don’t use twitter lol
putting this under a break so as to not subject everyone to this also be warned i’m a little out of it with the triple whammy sick/on cough medicine/just wrote an exam but
the main thing rn is this trend of people taking to their main to expose other users for their interpersonal issues rather than having a conversation about it directly. like idk maybe try dming someone before you post about it for ur 1k followers when it’s nobody’s business except for you and them? obviously something that is actually a concern to others is different but someone not liking you is not a cancellable offence. relatedly ppl have been leaking private tweets left right and center 😭 also less prominent rn but still of note there’s a weird trend of people being so dehumanizing/fetishistic towards patrick’s size which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, saying things like “joe is frotting with that fat man” or “i need the fat one” which is like. do you hear yourself??? he has a name?????????? he’s not just his body or any one adjective about him??? you fucking weirdo???? my feelings on the word fat are complex and i don’t agree with some takes ive seen regarding this discourse on twt but it doesn’t matter if you think that fat is a perfectly neutral descriptor or if you think it’s the worst insult someone could use, it’s just a fact that it’s kind of fucking weird to reduce someone to their body size (especially with the quote where the person referred to joe by name but patrick by his size)
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housewifebuck · 18 days
I really haven’t been finding much joy in tumblr lately but I miss my tumblr friends and mutuals…if any of y’all wanna exchange other socials plssss lmk <3
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anto-pops · 5 months
My wallet got stolen from work today and I gave myself a migraine from crying so hard for the past 2 hours lol
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
cw: slight dubcon
You’re not too sure how they passed any sort of prerequisites in order to get into your senior level class, but the duo must be doing something right, you think to yourself. Looking from the corner of your eye you watch them—Shigaraki, the ash haired one, and Dabi, the one with white hair and burn scars covering the lower half of his face. They never seem to pay attention in class, and yet Shigaraki’s papers are always used as exemplary and Dabi is always praised for his high test scores—even higher than your own.
You turn your nose up at them when they both turn to you, must sense the way your eyes strain from where you look at them in the corners. Dabi waves, a little smirk pulling up his lips, and Shigaraki only stares with a tilt of his head and a whisper to his friend. They unnerve you, the duo, with their empty eyes and haunting little smiles thrown your way, with their taunting calls of tutoring you when you find out that you’ve come third place to them, again.
But maybe you do need the help, the extra support. You don’t go to them necessarily, but instead the library, looking for a tutor. You feel ambushed when you’re greeted by Dabi sitting behind the librarians desk with his own name tag and Cheshire grin.
“Knew you’d need a tutor sooner or later, sweetheart,” his voice is so grating, so demeaning, so—so hot. It makes your thighs squeeze together and your eyebrows furrow. You can’t think of him like that, shouldn’t be getting so close to a scary weirdo that looks like he might eat you if you step too close.
“Shiggy’s in room 205.” Dabi tells you, nods his head over to a back room, and you stay rooted to your spot, too embarrassed to admit that you don’t know where that room is. Dabi cocks an eyebrow at your shifting legs before it all must click to him. He sighs a quiet little ‘ahh’ before he stands, rounding the desk, as he guides you into the private rooms.
When he gets there, Shigaraki is already sitting there with his feet on the table and a game controller in hand. He doesn’t say much when Dabi tells him what you’re there for—an extra boost in knowledge, you chime in, to which they both just snicker at you—before you find yourself sitting between the both of them. Why Dabi is still there is a question you’re still asking yourself, but you try to ignore him when Shigaraki starts explaining difficult topics as if they were the easiest thing in the world while still maintaining first place in his game.
You’re so wrapped up in defending your smarts to Shigaraki when you can’t answer a question, you almost miss the way Dabi pats condescendingly at your thigh. Your head whips around to him, at his hot grip on your skin, eyes widening when you’re met with his close proximity. His eyes are a lot bluer up close, you think to yourself, rearing back suddenly when his smirk is devious enough to send a shiver up your back.
Your pull away is only met with another hard chest against your back, gasping, as you turn to look at the offender behind you. Shigaraki is even closer this time, and you can feel the puff of his breath against your lips, wonder how a persons eyes could be as bright and vivid as his own.
“What’re you—“ your question falls on a pair of silencing lips, Shigaraki pulling you into a kiss so rough that it makes your teeth knock and a groan press from his mouth to yours. Dabi wants in on the action, pulls your face away to kiss sweetly at your lips, hands loosely around your neck as he tilts your head every way he wants.
Shigaraki pulls you back to him, but Dabi follows this time, his mouth still on yours. You gasp, clinging onto both of their shirts when two tongues are skimming and swiping the insides of your mouth, their wet muscles sliding against the others.
“Figured this was all you wanted,” Dabi chuckles against your mouth, grin pulling at his lips when you gasp and start trying to deny it. It’s hard though, when you’re being wrestled onto the table by rough and dry hands, when your bottoms are being ripped down, and your hands are pinned beside your head.
“Get—get off’a me!” You try to wriggle away, but Dabi only tuts down at you, shushes you with a little mocking pout.
“But you’ve wanted this for so long now, didn’t you? We’ve seen the way you look at us,” Dabi’s tone is dismissive, his eyes glued on his friend who moves your underwear to the side. Shigaraki’s eyes are low and hooded as he takes in the strings of slick that snap from your inner thigh, the glossy part of your lips as he spreads your legs wider to accommodate his body.
“Besides, by the time we’re finished with you, you’re gonna be begging for more.” Shigaraki’s voice is downright cruel, before he’s swooping down to lick a long stripe from your taint all the way up to your clit. You groan at that, eyes fluttering, back arching off of the table. Dabi holds you down though, keeps you pinned to the table while his tongue explores the valleys of your skin. You can only lay there and take everything given to you, wondering all the while, how they knew this was a fantasy of yours for weeks now.
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mysicksecrets · 2 months
i love my lab job but my god my manager is so mean for no reason 😭😭😭
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psychedelic-ink · 3 months
If my living situation doesn’t change soon I fear I might just explode from anxiety
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comfortless · 5 months
temporarily closing requests! you all have such amazing ideas and i want to put my all into the ones that i do have! <3
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evansbby · 11 months
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sappy-detective · 5 months
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Just applied for a summer childcare position (like for a camp type thing) that pays 20–28 dollars an hour based on qualifications (I should be towards the end of that scale because I work in a school; and the only requirement the job lists is to be 16 and have experience with children). So hopefully they’ll consider me. That would be wonderful.
#I hate applying for jobs so much. Everyone uses a different website that makes you sign up for newsletters that clog your email#that you have to manually unsubscribe to#But yeah that’s way more than I get paid as a para lol#which is kind of sad because being a para or teacher is a lot more strenuous and complex than supervising kids during structured play#Because usually the kids enjoy stuff like rock climbing and swimming#so you don’t have to guide them through ten different layers of mental gymnastics to complete their work#or sometimes physically keep them from leaving the learning area after every problem they complete#(of course I do the last thing very gently; and I don’t like having to carry kids from under tables back to their seats#but they’re not going to learn anything if they stay underneath tables all day long… that kind of defeats the purpose of being in school.#I give a lot of verbal warnings before too. Some kids just refuse to learn all the time regardless of their mood because it’s funny to them#Anyway: Kids should not be playing video games past bedtime on a fucking Oculus Rift#Like seriously the tech withdrawal in some of these babies is palpable#Horrifying#Anyway this summer job will be a breeze if I get it#Hopefully no one will be begging me for chromebooks during rock climbing#(I know it sounds like I’m irritated with the kids; and I am. But it’s more irritation with their parents letting them become addicted#to iPads for the sake of convenience; and also frustration directed at capitalism that makes the parents so tired#that they let the iPad babysit their kids so they can rest. It’s the whole system man. It’s fucked.)
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makkie-is-screaming · 6 months
maybe I don’t hate my smile anymore
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skhardwarevers1 · 7 months
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Erm. Get redesigned/finally given a final design because half of these guys existed in doodles only for months. Yes I will be doing the others just wanted to get these fuckers (directed at 313 specifically) done first :3
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painfully-surviving · 2 years
Ok it has to be said, I don’t understand how people only give love to the Tom Riddle from chamber of secrets. I never found him attractive, as a child and as an adult I just don’t find him attractive. The one I find attractive is the one from half blood prince- Istg he’s so 🤭 But I never see anyone give him any type of hype and its frustrating cause I feel so alone in this 😭 Frank Dillane did such a good job at portraying his character- that’s the Tom Riddle I love and I don’t get how everyone else doesn’t 😔✊
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