#and hopefully we’ll see way more of it soon ^^
haknew · 2 years
ur rb tags make me smile so much 🥺 thank you jess <3 alas im too shy (and also dont have kkt) for their fancafe but just the thought that u think they should see them 🤯😖💕 also if u ever see that friendship styles edit again could u send it my way it sounds so cute 👉👈
ahh of course ! i love seeing your artwork ;;;; i’m so happie to see the cobie love too heh ^u^ you’re so incredibly talented too :000 i’m always in awe at whatever you make ✨ and that’s fair ! i only asked bc i feel like it’s smth kev or jacob would love to see :’)) kev’s always going off about fanart he loves seeing it but no yea truly 😭😭✨🤧💖 think the tbzs would be super impressed too :]] and yea of course i gotchu you can find it here on twt :p
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pinkflower2003 · 21 days
Fernando Alonso x Russel!Reader
Send your requests/submissions🍓
Faceclaim: Perrie Edwards & her son
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Liked by YNRussell, LewisHamilton, AlexAlbon & 698,476 others
GeorgeRussell: Birthday post for my sister, as she threatened if I didn’t she would run me over with my car, so happy birthday sis, as much as you scare me, you’re actually an alright sister🫶🏻
tagged: YNRussell
YNRussell: GEORGE? THE THIRD PICTURE?? do you have a death wish??
GeorgeRussell: ‘thanks George, I really appreciate it, can’t wait to see you again, love and miss you’ who raised you?? damn
YNRussell: yeah, u clearly do have a death wish. Where are my car keys?
AlexAlbon: Happy Birthday sister from another mister, missing you!!
YNRussell: ALEX MY BABY, my favourite sibling, tell Lily you both have to come over soon, Axel misses you!!
Lilymhe: Axel misses me? i’m omw right now, dropping everything 🏃‍♀️
GeorgeRussell: um hello?? i’m his ACTUAL uncle, does he miss me too?
YNRussell: not since you decided he was mater and you were lightening mcqueen, no.
LandoNorris: that’s low George, real low. You took being lightening mcqueen away from a child??
GeorgeRussell: HES 2? I didn’t think he’d tell the difference😔
LandoNorris: they always know.
Username1: George has a sister? is this common knowledge or am I late to the party?
username2: it’s not overly common knowledge I suppose, she likes to keep private a lot due to being a single mum. She likes to keep her son out of the spotlight a lot, though she has been going to watch George race a bit more regularly, so hopefully we’ll see more of her!
Username1: she’s a single mum? she does not look old enough to have a child omg
Username3: I love that Axel has so many uncles throughout F1😭
FernandoAlonso: Feliz cumpleaños, YN!
YNRussell liked this comment!
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━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
INTERVIEWER: So, George, we’ve seen you have a visitor on the paddock today. Your sister, YN and her son, your nephew, have come to watch you race.
GEORGE: Yeah, they have! I’m super close with my sister so having her here is always amazing, especially when she brings my nephew, it makes the race extra special for me.
INTERVIEWER: Does your nephew have a favourite driver? Or is that place reserved for you?
GEORGE: *laughs* no, i don’t think that place is for me, he’s not really interested in the fact I race. He’s pretty young still to understand who his favourite driver is yet but he always seems to clap when Alonso comes onto the screen so i’m going to take a wild guess and say its him!
INTERVIEWER: Will he have the chance to meet Alonso today, or will he be staying at the Mercedes garage?
GEORGE: Knowing my sister, she will be taking him wherever he wants to go, so it is most likely they will end up in the Aston Martin garage.
━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
The sun was shining brightly as Y/N held Axel’s tiny hand, leading him through the bustling paddock. The air was electric with excitement, the roar of engines in the background making her son’s eyes widen with awe. Today was a special day. Uncle George was racing, and Y/N had promised Axel that they would watch him together. But Axel had other ideas.
“Mama, see Nando?” Axel asked, his big blue eyes sparkling with hope.
Y/N smiled down at her son, her heart melting at his innocence. “We’ll see, darling. Fernando is very busy getting ready for the race, just like Uncle George. But we’ll try, okay?”
Axel nodded enthusiastically, his little feet practically skipping as they made their way to the Aston Martin garage. Y/N’s heart raced a little faster too. Fernando Alonso was a legend, and even she felt a bit starstruck at the thought of possibly meeting him.
They approached the garage, the vibrant green and black of the Aston Martin team standing out against the sea of colors in the paddock. Y/N spoke to a friendly team member, explaining Axel’s wish and who she had come to the race with.
“We can’t promise anything, but let’s see what we can do,” the team member said with a kind smile.
As they waited, Axel’s excitement was palpable. He clutched his miniature Alonso cap tightly, his eyes darting around in hopes of catching a glimpse of his hero. Y/N knelt down beside him, brushing a stray curl from his forehead.
“Remember, Axel, even if we don’t get to meet him, we’re going to have a great time watching uncle George and uncle Alex race,” she reminded him gently.
But luck seemed to be on their side today. After a few moments, Fernando Alonso himself walked over, a broad smile on his face. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. Here he was, the man she’d watched on TV for years, now standing right in front of them.
“Hello there, little man,” Fernando said, his voice warm and friendly as he crouched down to Axel’s level. “I hear you’re a big fan.”
Axel’s eyes widened in pure delight, “Nando, I’m Axel!”
“Nice to meet you, Axel,” Fernando replied, shaking his tiny hand. Then he looked up at Y/N, his eyes twinkling. “And you must be George’s sister, YN, i’m Fernando, i’ve heard a lot about you from everyone.”
“Y-yes, I’m Y/N,” she stammered, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks. “Thank you so much for taking the time to meet us.”
Fernando smiled warmly. “It’s my pleasure. Would you like to see the car up close, Axel?”
Axel’s face lit up with excitement, and Fernando led them to the car. Y/N watched, her heart swelling with gratitude and admiration, as Fernando lifted Axel and carefully placed him in the cockpit. Axel’s giggles of delight were like music to her ears.
As Axel explored the buttons and steering wheel with wide-eyed wonder, Fernando turned to Y/N. “He’s a great kid. You must be very proud.”
“I am,” she said softly, watching her son with love. “This means the world to him. And to me.”
Y/N couldn’t believe how lovely and down-to-earth Fernando was. She found herself completely starstruck, not just by his talent but by his kindness. Y/N had met many racers through her years of watching her brother race, but today was the first time meeting Fernando, and he was so unlike the rest.
After a few minutes, Fernando gently lifted Axel out of the car and handed him back to Y/N. “Good luck charm,” he said with a wink. “I’ll race even faster today knowing Axel is cheering me on. And maybe i’ll win if i have the luck of getting your number?” He said, as Y/N laughed at the cheesiness of his pickup line.
“Do you use that with every woman that comes into the garage?” YN joked, not thinking he was serious, but from the look on his face, she could tell he wasn’t making a joke of her. “Never,” he smiled slightly, as Y/N swallowed.
Y/N hadn’t dated since becoming pregnant with her son, and she hadn’t thought she would date again. Raising a child was hard, and it was harder when there were other people involved, so she hadn’t gone on dates, given her number out, she had focused on Axel.
“You want my number?” y/n asked, dumbfounded, not quite understanding what she was hearing. Fernando gave a chuckle at the look on your face.
“Of course, who wouldn’t from a beautiful woman like yourself?”
YN became flustered as she struggled to get her phone out of her back pocket, not fully understanding how she had gone from visiting her son’s favourite driver to him asking her for her number.
Exchanging numbers, Axel stayed by Fernando’s side practically holding onto the drivers leg for dear life. Y/N apologised, reaching to grab her son and place him on her hip, but Fernando waved her off, reaching for Axel instead, giving him a hug goodbye before he went off to race.
“What do you say if I do well today, I take you and your mummy out for food sometime?” Fernando asked Axel, looking at Y/N out of the corner of his eye. Axel’s mouth fell open, he was young, but he knew that Fernando meant spending more time together, and for that he gave a squeal, wanting to spend more time with ‘Nando.
“I guess you’ll have to do well today then,” Y/N smiled, as Fernando smiled back at her.
“I guess I will.”
━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
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Liked by YNRussell, F1, LanceStroll & 979,567 others
FernandoAlonso: Good ending to the race and a few new visitors to the garage, thank you to my new good luck charms who came and saw me today!
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YNRussell: Thank you for having us, you made Axel’s day! Can’t wait to come and see you race again soon!
FernandoAlonso: bring him back to the next race, I need my good luck charms around
GeorgeRussell: Axel, you traitor. But also, WHAT IS HAPPENING?? This is where @/YN was the whole race?
Username5: George is all of us rn
LandoNorris: He’s still got it with the ladies, smooth Nando
AlexAlbon: King Axel👑
Username6: are they dating?? what is happening?
Username7: isn’t he a bit old for her?
Username8: she’s literally 29 with a child, i’m pretty sure she’s capable of making her own decisions
Username9: NEW F1 COUPLE??
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togrowoldinv · 2 months
Drill Lessons
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Natasha shows you how to use a power tool and your mutual crush comes to light
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, oral (N and R receiving)
Natasha Masterlist 1, Natasha Masterlist 2, Natasha Masterlist 3, Main Masterlist
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To you, Natasha Romanoff is the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth.
You’ve been wanting to tell her for months that you like her. Ever since you joined the team you’ve had feelings for her. But you can’t get a read on her.
You have no idea if she has feelings for you too. Sometimes it feels like she’s flirting with you but then you see or hear her act the same way with one of the guys and you brush it off as nothing.
This weekend Clint invited everyone to his farm to enjoy a quick getaway and clear your heads. Missions hadn’t been easy lately, so you all needed the reprieve.
When you arrive, Natasha walks in the house first. She’s clearly very comfortable here.
“Welcome!” Laura says to everyone. “Come on in. Make yourselves at home!”
“Thank you for having us, Mrs. Barton,” you say when you greet her.
“Oh please, called me Laura,” she says. Then she addresses everyone, “We don’t have enough rooms so you’ll have to share. Nat, can y/n sleep with you?”
You try not to have a visceral reaction to the idea. You hold your breath as you await her reply.
“Sure,” Nat simply says. She turns to you, “I’ll show you the way.”
You follow her up the stairs where you run across a couple of kids.
“Auntie Nat?” A girl asks, in shock of seeing Nat.
“Hey malyshka,” Natasha replies. She brings the girl in for a hug. “Lila, this is y/n. Hopefully you won’t discover you like her more than you like me.”
You smile and wave to Lila. She returns the smile before running off downstairs.
Nat takes you down the hallway and to what appears to be her bedroom when she stays here. There are photos of the Barton family and Nat on the dresser. You admire how happy she looks here.
“I always sleep on the door side, but we’ll do whatever you feel comfortable with,” Nat says.
“Oh, either side works for me.”
Nat nods. You set your bag down on the bed and unpack a few things. Natasha moves around the room, gathering a few of her own things.
You both go back downstairs for the rest of the evening. Nothing too eventful happens. Everyone makes plans to spend time outside tomorrow.
Natasha is first to the bedroom. She slips into the bed casually. You try to do the same but fail miserably at not looking nervous.
“I don’t bite, you know,” Nat says teasingly.
“Right,” you respond too quickly. “I just- sorry.”
“Relax, y/n,” she says. You settle on your side of the bed. “Goodnight.”
“Night, Natasha.”
You both drift off into a peaceful sleep. You first, and then Natasha.
At some point during the night, you end up snuggling close to Natasha. She wakes up to the feeling of your arm draping over her. But she doesn’t mind it. Actually, she likes it.
When you wake up in the morning, you find yourself still nestled in her arms.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you say, trying to move off of her.
“Hey, it’s fine,” Nat says, only tightening her grip a bit before letting you loose. “So, you’re a cuddler, huh?”
You look away shyly and Nat just smirks. Now you definitely can’t believe you slept next to Natasha and accidentally snuggled with her all night. She doesn’t say anything else about it until you go downstairs for the day.
“Good morning!” Laura greets. She’s pulling fresh biscuits from the oven. “How did you sleep?”
“Good,” you answer briefly.
“She sure was cozy,” Nat interjects. It’s just Laura in the room with you two, but you still try to hold back a blush.
“Mhm, I’m sure,” Laura replies. Somehow you’re sure she knows the way you feel about Nat and how Nat feels about you.
Soon, the boys come tumbling into the kitchen. You all go outside to do your respective chosen activities. Steve promised to show you how to chop wood while Nat and Clint run off to the barn to build a new shelter for some of the animals.
“So, what’s the deal with you and Romanoff?” Steve asks after a few minutes of chopping the wood.
“Oh, is there- is there a me and Romanoff?”
“Is there not?” He asks genuinely. “I’m sorry. I just thought that you two- nevermind.”
“It’s okay,” you reply, shrugging.
It does leave you wondering if the other members of the team think something is happening there too. You try not to think about it too much as you continue to work outside. The fresh air does wonders for you.
Steve asks you to go grab the axe sharpening block from the barn, so you walk to the structure. When you get there, you catch sight of something that makes your jaw practically drop to the ground.
Natasha is wearing only a blank tank top and shorts are she uses a power drill to build a wooden structure. Sweat drips down her neck and chest as she expertly uses the tool.
You swear she catches the sight of you out of the corner of her eye, but she continues on with her drilling. She lifts heavy pieces of wood with ease. You can’t stop staring.
Nat lifts her tank top up to wipe the sweat from her face. You see her ab happy stomach and the sports bra that’s keeping the rest of her skin covered.
“Enjoying the view?” Nat says aloud. You’ve definitely been caught now.
“Oh, I was just-“ you start, but there’s no use. You were doing exactly that. “My bad.”
“Don’t apologize,” Nat says. “Come on in, what did you need?”
“We needed the axe sharpener block thing?”
“Is that a question?”
“Well, I don’t know what it is so yes?”
Nat chuckles. She turns to look at the shelf behind her for the tool you need. Her backside somehow looks just as good as her front.
“Here you go,” Nat says. She hands you the block. You are standing close to her now. “The real fun is happening in there though. I can show you how to use this.”
She gestures to the drill in her left hand, pressing her finger on the trigger to make it whir. You shouldn’t be so intrigued by it. Or by her for that matter. But you are.
“Maybe tomorrow you can show me?” You ask her.
“How about tonight?” Nat asks. Her voice drops an octave. You pray she means what you think she means.
You swallow shyly and Nat shoots you a smile. Slowly, you leave her there and go back to Steve. He doesn’t mention how long it took you to get the tool, thank goodness.
Later that day, you all grill out burgers and hotdogs. Clint tries to show off his grilling skills, but the team just gives him a hard time saying that it’s not all that hard anyways.
By the time evening comes, everyone’s sitting around a campfire. Natasha sits across from you. She glances at her phone and then to you as a way of alerting you to look at your phone.
The text reads: Meet me in the barn. 10 minutes.
You nod in her direction to acknowledge you got the message. The minutes pass by and you both leave to go to the barn.
When you get inside, Nat is already over by the wood she was working with earlier.
“Come on, I’ll show you,” Nat says.
“Okay,” you agree. You stand next to her.
“First things first, always know your surroundings,” Nat says.
She abruptly places her hands on your hips. She easily moves you to the right and left to observe your surroundings. Your heart stops when she reaches around you and her face is mere inches from yours.
She steps back and has a pair of clear glasses in her hand.
“And wear safety glasses,” she says. She places them on your face. You’re sure you look like an absolute fool. “Cute.”
“You didn’t wear these yesterday,” comes your reply.
“That’s because I’m an expert,” Nat says. She surprises you by pinching your cheeks. “You’ll get there, sweetheart.”
Natasha grabs the drill and ushers you to move closer to the wood with her. She takes you through step by step on how to use the power tool.
“Now, you can try,” Nat says.
“Okay,” you reply. You feel a little nervous about trying it. Nat assures you that you can’t mess it up.
You try to focus even with Nat being so close to you. For the first time using a drill, you don’t do terribly.
“Nice job, y/n,” Nat says. “But you’ll want to apply more pressure. Let me help you, sweetheart.”
Natasha places her hand on yours and pushes down on the drill. You pull the trigger and drill the screw into the wood. Her hot breath is on your neck.
You smile at your success and turn just enough to look at Nat. She’s just inches from you.
“Should we take this inside?” Nat asks. Her eyes glance to your lips and back up to your eyes. She brings her other hand to your cheek and brushes the back of it against it.
“Are you- um- yes?”
“Yes? Or yes.”
“The second one,” you say. Natasha smirks at you.
You leave the drill and safety glasses behind. Natasha holds your hand as she walks you to the house. You slip upstairs easily and she closes her bedroom door behind her.
“I’ve had my eye on you for a while,” Natasha says.
“Really?” You ask innocently.
“Really, detka. Come here,” she says, bringing you to the bed with her.
You sit next to her and she kisses you softly. It’s like floating on a cloud. You didn’t think she would be this gentle. But you’re loving it.
“May I?” Nat asks, gesturing to your shirt. You nod. She lifts the material over your head. “Beautiful.”
You feel sure you’re blushing at her words and the way her eyes rake over your body.
“Can I- um?” You pull at her tank top hem.
“Yes, baby,” Natasha says. “You can do anything to me.”
You lift the thin material over her head. Your heart stops at her beauty. You immediately lean forward and take her nipple into your mouth. It surprises Natasha how intentional you are being.
“Fuck, baby.”
“Is this okay?” You ask, pulling away a bit. Nat pulls your head back to her breasts. You’ll take that as a yes.
Natasha fumbles with your pants. She gets them unbuttoned but grumbles in frustration when she can’t get them off. You chuckle against her.
“Okay, hold on,” Nat says. She stands up and pulls her own pants down before grabbing you by the hips and pulling you up too.
Natasha takes your pants off with ease this time and slips them down your legs along with your underwear. She grins and drops to her knees. It doesn’t take her long to get to work licking and sucking at your pussy.
“Oh my god,” you moan out.
“You taste so good, baby. All for me,” Nat says.
You feel close to coming embarrassingly quickly but Natasha is proud of her work.
“Come for me, y/n,” she says. Her voice drips with sex.
“Fuck, Natasha!”
You come hard against her tongue. She licks you clean and stands back up. She kisses you deeply. It’s the most on fire you have ever felt.
“I want to taste you,” you tell Nat.
“Your wish is my command,” Nat says. She lays on the bed and you crawl over her body.
“So beautiful,” you say as you kiss from between her breasts down to her hips.
“You’re not so shy now are you?” Nat asks. You answer by diving into her wet pussy.
Her folds are slick and she’s ready for you. You lick and suck her, cherishing every noise she makes.
“Fuck, baby,” Nat says. “I’m going to come.”
“Come for me, Natasha.”
She does just that. You relish in the sounds she makes. You move back up her body and lay next to her.
“So, all of those times I thought you were flirting with me you actually were?” You break the silence.
Nat chuckles. “Yes, y/n. I’ve been hinting at it for months. I’m glad we finally got on the same page.”
She looks at you through her long eyelashes. You rest your head on her shoulder.
“I’ve always liked you, Natasha,” you say. “Do you think the team noticed we left?”
“Nah,” Nat says. “Even if they did, I don’t care. I have you.”
“You sure do.”
You snuggle further into Natasha. She holds you close as you lay together and talk for hours.
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greenfiend · 2 months
The Significance of Lover’s Lake and Byler (Theory) Part 2
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Sequel to this post
(Warning: mentions of sex and drugs)
Okay so first of all, if you haven’t seen my previous post on my theory involving Lovers Lake and Byler, please read it first. I go over my theory and predictions for Byler and the heart shaped lake. This is a secondary post to it, outlining some VERY interesting details involving the owner of the lakeside house, the lakeside house itself, and all the romantic and sexual elements present. I’m saving the best for last here.
Let’s start with the owner of the lakeside house.
Reefer Rick
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So I recently made a silly post arguing that the most queer coded character in Stranger Things is not Mike nor Will (nor Robin, Henry, Eddie etc), and I stand by this statement. The most queer coded character is: Reefer Rick. Now, I know we never see the guy, but literally all the information we have on him is either queer coding or drug references.
Synonyms of his name are literally f*g Dick, with a shared last name with the famous tea company founder who so happens to have been a homosexual: Lipton.
We know he doesn’t have a family, thus he’s a single man who occasionally has his buddy/fellow dealer Eddie stay over. Hm, not very heterosexual of him.
Then we have his movie list.
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Now, as many of us know, the movie “Fast Times” is used within Stranger Things as a way to gage if someone is attracted to women or not. We have Steve, Dustin, Lucas, and Vickie all confirmed to have enjoyed this movie… specifically for that shot at 53 minutes and 5 seconds. Sure, Reefer Rick rented the film, but why is it the only movie he rented that was returned on time? For context, he’s the only character who had films listed as “late” returns. So, he obviously enjoyed Cheech & Chong a lot more. Two guys doing drugs is more interesting to him than a sexy lady. Okay, noted.
Now, how is he perceived by the people of Hawkins?
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Oooof. Okay. He’s not well liked it seems. He apparently is causing some fear and anger amongst the Hawkins residents. Kind of similar of a reaction these people would have towards an openly gay man during the 1980s.
Also I have to include @/conflictofthemind ‘s excellent point that injectable drug use and unprotected sex (specifically between two men) were both commonly associated with HIV/AIDS… a major epidemic during the 80s and a major subtextual theme within the show.
Now, where’s this guy live while outside of jail?
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I don’t blame the guy for “hiding” when the town is not too fond of him. Of course he is a drug dealer so there’s that as well. But interesting they used the word “hide”, which has been associated with queerness within the show already (plus this line was said by Robin (featured in the middle of the shot!!!) who is queer herself).
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(Both of these screenshots are from 1x02 interestingly enough.)
Wouldn’t it make sense for these two “hiders” to hide out in “a perfect place to hide” together? Seeking refuge in a fellow gay man’s secluded house?
I will say it’s also worth noting that he does not have any women featured on the walls within his house. Also, he has a phallic shaped bong (we’ll get back to that soon).
Phew okay so that’s Reefer Rick. Are you still with me? Hopefully I didn’t bore any of you with this. I promise you this all leads back to Byler.
So, moving on to his house.
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So as @/therainscene kindly pointed out, this poster with the smiley face can be related to rave culture and ecstasy in the 1980s. So a drug reference, in a drug dealer’s house… shocker I know. But I gotta say, ecstasy is also a term often related to sex. I also have to add this little tidbit from one of our favourite directors of Stranger Things, Shawn Levy. Keep in mind, he knows what’ll happen in the next season… and he’s directing episodes after 3 and 4…
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Interesting word choice, no?
So, back to the symbolism within (and near) the house.
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Let’s talk about the phallic symbolism that appears in pairs in these shots. It’s a choice, isn’t it? With two males in each shot. We know the Duffers love details and foreshadowing… I doubt it’s a coincidence. Also, anyone else notice that phone in the background? Just had to mention it, since our boys are frequently associated with phones and calls.
Then, of course, I gotta bring back this shot.
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The bed. Blue meets yellow. You know it! We all heard it a thousand times by now. Let’s look at what else is in the shot. A closed closet. Another reference to our boys. To the right, you’ll see a toilet paper roll. Now, if you have a brother, you might see the same thing in his room. Sure it can be used as a tissue for your nose but let’s just say there’s usually another use for it. I’ll call it “self love”. So, basically, another sexual reference.
To sum up this house: lake/water, drugs, and ecstasy/smiley face. Now, let’s go back to a scene featuring our boys with all these elements in the background.
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Makes you wonder doesn’t it?
I must also point out the “Paris” poster in the background. City of love, anyone? Plus the fireworks. They’re really trying to tell us something here.
Also, @/foodiewithdahoodie pointed out how Paris specifically was one of the first places to decriminalize sodomy.
You know, I also wouldn’t rule out every aspect of Murray’s prediction here.
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Shout out to the Hylers out there!
Perhaps after a lot of stressful days of fighting interdimentional demons, these boys want to wind down and de-stress in their hiding spot. I can see Reefer Rick as a fellow Nintendo player, leaving his console behind, as well as his weed, for our boys to use. I also wouldn't be surprised if Eddie left a few of his beers behind. I mean… Murray has a pretty good track record for predictions. This would also really double down on the message that Mike and Will “aren’t kids anymore.”
Also, wouldn’t it be fun to look back at Murray’s predictions and realize that they’ve all come to be?
Okay, now let’s finally get to the romance elements!
First thing I want to start with is this shot:
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So… they had to show us a mailbox, didn’t they? With that name “Lipton” which as I mentioned in my previous post… is associated with Thomas Lipton who had a lover named William Love.
1 point for #lettergate
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“Hope Our Love Lives/Lasts And Never Dies”
WWII solders used the acronym H.O.L.L.A.N.D. to convey a love message in a letter. The whole love letters association with Mike and Will never end, do they?
2 points for #lettergate!
As for the “2121”, I think it’s possible that it’s referencing multiple things… number references are tricky like that in my opinion. But I will say that @/thestrangestthing89 brought up the fact that “2121” could be a reference to “Twin Flames” which is yet another reference to romance.
Continuing on with the romance…
Let’s return back to the scene where Reefer Rick is first mentioned. After Max mentioned him, we are cut to Steve talking about a movie.
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A movie filled with action and romance, you say?
So… Doctor Zhivago.
Basically a tale of two people in love during a difficult time (Russian Revolution) being separated, with other people, then finally reunited. Not completely unlike our boys. Notice how the “adult” sign is noticeable in the background. Not kids anymore.
He mentions action, which I’m sure there will be some of as well at the famous lake.
Okay enough with the silly details, let’s stop and look at the bigger picture.
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Our beloved lake. Look how gorgeous it truly is. Plus the fact that it’s a literal heart? You can’t get more “on the nose” than that.
Now, who else is known as a heart? (Tough question I know…)
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This boy is, without a doubt, narratively tied to the lake. He is “the heart”… he is THE LAKE (symbolically).
Thank you to @/everaster for bringing attention to the fact that after Mike was pushed to deliver that monologue to El by Will, Max “died”, then the gates opened WIDE. One of those gates, as we know, is located within Lover’s Lake… known was “watergate” (term coined by Dustin).
So, as of now in this story… Lover’s Lake is literally broken in two. A broken heart in need of mending.
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Who better to accomplish that task than the boy who has known him for a decade and loves him completely and selflessly?
Hope you enjoyed these posts as much as I enjoyed making them! It’s honestly so much fun looking for evidence and finding such interesting stuff. Some of it may be reaching, and that’s okay because it’s all in good fun! That’s what fandoms are all about.
The level of attention to detail in this show never ceases to amaze me! There’s so much depth and clues to look for and play around with. I hope to have sparked some inspiration and creativity for some people! 💛💙💚
As always, would love to know your thoughts!
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iloveavatar · 1 year
neteyam x fem!reader
warnings: soft smut? but not smut??
friends to lovers (this was a request by @roxxy !)
hopefully this is ok🤞🤞
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neteyam and y/n have known each other for as long as anyone can remember. neytiri once found neteyam babbling with another na’vi child when he wondered off. she noticed right away how the two were holding hands as if they were to disappear if they let go. neytiri tried to get neteyam to follow her back home, however the two children would start whining as if they were about to break into full sobs whenever their hands let go.
neytiri had the strangest feeling about this na’vi child. she looked around to see if there was a mother or father that was looking for her. however, the more she looked the more she realized this baby didn’t have anyone.
‘who would leave a poor child alone?’ she thought. she then scooped the two into her arms and slowly made her way home.
———————-timeskip to age 12————————
neteyam and y/n we’re running through the woods to see which one of them were faster. the end of the race was at the Tree of Voices.
neteyam and y/n caught sight of the glow the tree emitted and sped up. the two were pumping their legs as fast as they could make them go. y/n was more focused on her speed compared to where her feet were actually stepping. her foot hit a twig and sent her falling into the soft ground below.
neteyam however,was still caught in the running. he was getting closer to the tree! he was going to win! he touched the tree and turned out to brag until he noticed y/n sitting on the ground a little ways away with her ears dropped and sniffling slightly.
neteyam gasped and quickly ran back to help her.
“i’m so sorry y/n! i- i didn’t see you fall i swear! i would’ve stopped if i saw you i promise!” he stuttered out.
he hoped she wasn’t upset with him. he checked her over for any injuries, only to find a little scrape on her arm. it would leave a small scar, one that you could only find if you were purposely looking for it.
“it’s ok neteyam.. i wasn’t watching where i was going.” she sniffled. she saw the guilt filled look ok neteyams face and tried to lift the mood “apparently eywa has favorites and wanted a certain someone to win the race.” she joked
a small smile came across neteyams face. he then helped her stand and walked over to the Tree of Voices. they both stared at the tree with glints of admiration in their eyes.
“when we’re older, we’re going to have to have a rematch race. we’ll be stronger and faster,so it will be a fair race this time! no cheating!” y/n declared with a determined face.
neteyam then stuck his hand out towards her and said “deal! only let’s hope that next time you don’t eat the ground again…” he smirked.
“hey! i did not eat the ground! i just admired it… closely!” she tried to defend
neteyam laughed and then stayed it was time to head on home. the two walked hand in hand knowing that soon one day they would have a rematch.
———————-timeskip to age 17————————
y/n and neteyam had both grown into mature young adults. neteyam was a mighty warrior, taking after his father. while y/n trained with neytiri during hunts. the two were still competitive as ever. however the more they grew up, the more they realized there was some type of feeling they had for one another.
neteyam was coming back from a recent raid from the sky people. he had a split lip and a couple of scratches on his chest and upper arms. he already received a lecture from his father, now he had to prepare himself for the lecture he was about to receive from you.
he slowly made his way to your tent hut with his ears drooping on the side of his head. he took a deep breath and slowly continued his walk.
you didn’t need to turn around to know it was neteyam who had entered your tent. you knew his footsteps by now. you got the medicine that you already knew he needed and turned around.
you slowly started to patch up his scratches on his biceps and his chest. as you were applying the paste onto his chest you felt his heartbeat quicken due to how close you were to him. he looked at you with this unknown glint in his eyes. he looked at you as if you were the only na’vi left on the entire planet of pandora.
you slowly made your way up to his face. you gently traced your fingers along his lips to place the past onto them. his lips were warm and made you want to lean in to close the gap between you two, but you were scared he didn’t feel the same.
“you know… you really should try to be more careful out there.” you started. he started to roll his eyes and turn his head but you cupped his face in between your hands.
“i mean it neteyam. you worry me whenever you come back injured. just knowing you get injured, makes me worry you are not going to come back to me at all.” you explained. you didn’t break the eye contact at all. you wanted him to know how you felt.
“i-“ he started to say but was interrupted by you.
“no. i need you to listen to me… because i’m only going to say this once. i care for you deeply, and you have always known that. however, the way i feel now about you… it’s.. i- i don’t know how to describe it. it’s deeper than how i felt before .” you struggled to say.
“I see you neteyam. and if you don’t see me that’s ok! but I need to tell you now before you get severely injured and don’t come back to me. i needed to tell you before i lost my chance.” you stated as you maintained eye contact with him. a small grin on your face knowing you had finally said how you felt.
neteyam was speechless. he didn’t know how to put how he was feeling into words, so he did the next best thing. he used actions instead of words.
he gently cupped your jaw and brought you into a passionate yet soft kiss. all of the emotions he struggled to come to terms to, finally bubbled to the surface and declared themselves into the kiss.
you kiss him back with an equal amount of passion. as the two of you parted, your foreheads are touching, slightly panting due to lack of air.
“I see you y/n.” he says. he sighed softly and smiled “it feels amazing to finally say that.” y/n laughed a little under her breath.
“this might be random, but do you remember that desk we made a few years back… about a race to the Tree of Voices” she questioned.
“….yes. why..? are you saying you want to race now?” neteyam wondered with wide eyes.
“i’m saying that we should go visit the Tree of Voices. if someone gets there first than i guess that’s good for them! i’m just saying… we should go see it again.” she said as she gently ran her hands down his chest.
neteyam shuttered as a chill ran up his tail to the back of his spine. he then slowly looked into her eyes with a small smirk on his face. “are trying to get me alone y/n?” he smugly questioned.
“maybe…” she smirked as she slowly stood up to make her way towards the exit of her tent. her tail flickering back and forth to show her playfulness.
neteyam sat in shock as he watched his long time crush leave her tent. his eyes still wide as can be when he realized he might’ve found his mate that eywa has sent to him.
——————skip to the Tree of Voices——————
the two walked hand in hand towards the glowing bioluminescent tree. y/n then reached behind her to connect her queue to the tree. as she did she closed her eyes to focus on the voices, not noticing neteyam admiring her.
“you know, this is where eywa tells most na’vi who they’re destined to be with..” she started with her eyes still closed. “do you think she would tell us now..?”
neteyam softly disconnected her queue and grasped her shoulders. he slowly turned her to face him and cupped her jaw with a hand on her waist. “i don’t need eywa to tell me who my mate is” he started to say “i already found someone for me.. if she’ll have me?” he whispered.
y/n had a giant smile break out on her face as she slightly leaned in towards him. “she already chose you a while ago” she stated
his ears twitched in anticipation as she leaned in closer to his lips. the two then closed the gap with y/n’s hands running up and down his chest as his tightened on her waist.
neteyam than kneeled down, brining her into his lap as he softly broke the kiss. he then made eye contact with her, reaching his hand around his head to grab his queue, slowly bringing it around to where the two met. y/n then grabbed her queue and gently brought the two together. the moment the two connect, their pupils dilated as they let out a heavy breath as if they have been underwater for weeks upon end.
neteyam then crashed their lips together in a fiery moment of passion. the two spent the night relishing in the emotions the two now shared as one.
the two were no longer separate halves of souls trying to find their other half. they were now mated as one. and one they shall be forever until eywa decided it would be their time. the two made their love known before the Tree of Voices.
the two that could never be separated when they were younger, cannot be separated ever again. for the two we’re now one soul, one being, one love that shall be shared for the end of time.
hopefully this was ok for everyone! i’m going to take my time and go back through everything i’ve written so far and edit it, just because i feel like they look as if they have been rushed? idek. if anyone finds a mistake in my writing pls let me know so i can fix it ASAP!!~S
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landitolover · 5 months
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𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖, in which they’ll always be in love ౨ৎ lando x fem!reader
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1 Month Later ..
yourusername • 10 minutes ago
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seen by lilymhe, ynnation, mclaren, and 134,828 others
landonorris • 10 minutes ago
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seen by mclaren, carlossainz55, and 1,134,828 others
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Liked by landonorris, lilymhe, phoebebridgers, and 123,388 others
yourusername te extraño cuando camino, cuando lloro, cuando río (I miss you when I walk, when I cry, when I laugh)
View all 230 comments
user miss girl is NOT healing…..
→ user no fr like the luismi lyric ??
user lando 😭 still 😭 in 😭 her 😭 likes 😭 i 😭 can’t 😭 take 😭 it 😭 anymore 😭
user this breakup hurts more than mine 💔
user i genuinely thougjt they wwre gonna het married im cryign
Liked by landonorris
→ user they definitely were gonna get married 🙁
→ user I don’t believe in love anymore.
lilymhe i’m making cookies for you bby
→ yourusername i love you so much
carlossainz55 the luis caption… get well soon yn
→ yourusername thank you 🥲
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Liked by the1975, landonorris, lilymhe and 129,092 others
yourusername hello!!! just wanted to say that i’m featured in an amazing song, ‘about you’ ! thank you for letting me be apart of it :)
tagged the1975
View all 1,209 comments
user you can’t convince me that this song isnt abt lando
→ user NO FR
user hold on and hope that we’ll find our way back in the end 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
user im done im done
user what if i just ended it all rn
→ user she used to post stories of herself singing taylor songs to lando 🥲.
→ user ur lying.
→ user i wish i was.
user her parts were better than m*ttys imo
lilymhe your parts was amazing
→ yourusername thank you ☺️
charles_leclerc take me to the 1975 concert
→ yourusername will do, cha x
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Liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 198,728 others
yourusername 🥂
tagged landonorris
user they r still in love idc.
user she’s stronger than I am bc I could never hangout with my ex.
→ user right
user i wonder how awkward this was
user this post pains me
lilymhe girl THIS IS NOT U
→ yourusername 🥲
landonorris yum dinner
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Liked by yourusername, mclaren, and 230,828 others
landonorris fall isn’t the same without you, jiji misses you.
View all 1,203 comments
user pls i cant do this
→ user she’s the real child of divorce omg 😭😭
user does jiji stay with lando????
→ user I’d assume, he bought her
yourusername i miss you
This comment was deleted!
alex_albon can jiji have a playdate with my cats
→ landonorris you’ll have to check it with her mom
→ user STOP IT
→ user ‘her mom’ do u want me to start sobbing
→ user “do you think i have forgotten about you”
→ user idc 🤣🤣😂😂 (im crying)
carlossainz55 let’s go golfing mate, you’ve been in your house too much
→ landonorris maybe, we’ll see :)
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౨ৎ hi guys.. this is just a re upload from my old blog coz i am working on something else (that’s taking forever)…. and uhm 😄 didn’t want to abandon u guys !! i will post something new hopefully soon 🤞🏼 baaaiii 🐻
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sweetsreverie · 2 years
I absolutely love the Ghost x Pink!Reader fic you wrote! Could you write a sequel? Maybe a breakfast next morning + cute and fluffy waking up with Simon. Those two were apart from each other for a while I assume so being a bit clingy is understandable.
summary: pt. 2 of this opposites attract fic. you and simon spend the morning together before he leaves once more.
pairing: simon "ghost" riley x female reader
wc: 1,147
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Simon and the rest of 141 slept soundly that night. Simon was glad to be at home with you, in his own bed, and the others were glad to not be sleeping on the ground and in a proper house. You’d also given Soap a sherpa-lined blanket to sleep under, and he definitely enjoyed that.
As happy as you were to have Simon home for the night, you knew it was going to be just that: for the night. He would probably be leaving as soon as the sun came up, and it wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary for you to wake up to his side of the bed empty and cold.
But when you woke up the next morning and opened your eyes, he was still beside you. He wasn’t asleep, but rather just resting beside you as you did.
“You guys haven’t left yet?” You ask him softly, and you stretch your arms out towards him, which he welcomes. You lean over and put your head on his chest, with your arm around his waist. Simon isn’t always one for cuddling, but he always lets you rest against him.
“We should probably be gone by now. But I don’t hear Price making a fuss so we must be fine.” Simon says softly in his gravelly morning voice that you’d come to love so much. His hair is tousled and his eyes are droopy, and it just makes you want to tuck him in once more.
“Let him make a fuss in my house. He’ll see.” You mumble against him, and you feel the small chuckle that leaves Simon.
“Yeah. you’ll give him hell, won’t you.”
“That’s right.”
Simon gives the top of your head a little tap of his fingertips, and he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead and brushes some hair away from your face once you turn and look up at him. 
His touch is featherlight as always.
“We should get up though. Don’t want those bums to think they can stay here forever.” Simon murmurs, and when he moves to try and sit up, your grip around his middle tightens.
“Five more minutes?” You ask him hopefully, and he settles back down in his spot on the bed.
You and Simon spend a few more minutes in the bed before you get up, and you make your way to the kitchen after freshening up in the bathroom, and Simon stays behind to brush his teeth.
The three other men are awake by the time you enter the room, and Price was already working on folding the blankets and cleaning up the pillows and things.
“Are you guys hungry? I can make some tea or coffee- I think we have some biscuits too?” You offer them, and honestly you don’t have a ton in the kitchen, considering you weren’t expecting to be feeding guests any time soon.
“That would be wonderful, thank you very much Y/N. We’ll be out of your hair shortly. Thank you for letting us stay the night here.” Price says while he takes a seat on the couch, and Soap sits down at the kitchen table while you start warming up a kettle of water.
“You know, I think Ghost is real lucky to have a woman like you in his life.” Soap says, and not even a second later, Simon steps in, clad in his gear and some clean clothes.
“And why is that?” He asks, and while you could barely contain the giggle that left you, Soap was quick to shut up. Simon’s hand brushes against your waist while he passes by you in the kitchen, and that definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by the others. 
The five of you sip on tea and munch on biscuits, and you know that shortly after, Simon is going to pack up his things and head out again.
Simon hates having to leave you. He hates not being able to tell you where he is, or when he’ll be home. That is.. if he comes home.
So while Price, Soap, and Gaz start to pack their things into the truck they came here in, Simon takes you back to the bedroom and sits on the bed with you. He sits with you on his lap, and one of your arms is around his neck while you lean against him.
“You know I’ll be back soon, love. I always come back to you, don’t I?” Simon asks you, and he reaches up to tuck some hair behind your ear. You nod, though you still always fear the worst while he’s away.
“You do. But that doesn’t mean I don’t worry about you while you’re gone.” You tell him softly, and he puts his hand on your knee and gives it an assuring squeeze.
“I don’t want you to worry yourself sick over me, Y/N. You know that.” Simon says while he rests his chin on top of your head. Simon doesn’t want to imagine you worrying about him while he’s away. He wants you to just take care of yourself, and he’ll return in due time. 
“Meeting your team makes me feel better, you know.” You tell him, and Simon lets out a quiet chuckle while he shifts on the bed, and gives you a gentle nudge so you stand up, and he stands up also.
“C’mon. I gotta get going” Simon says while he leads you out of the bedroom, and he slips his mask over his head during the short walk outside. You take his hand as you walk, and as the two of you exit the house, Soap grins at the sight of Ghost holding hands with someone.
“Alright, you guys be safe, okay? And you take care of my Simon.” You tell them, and Gaz lets out a quiet chuckle while Price gets in the truck.
“We all look out for each other, so don’t you worry. He’s in good hands. Mostly.” Gaz says while he looks over at Soap, who narrows his eyes at the man briefly.
“Alright, you two say your goodbyes then.” Soap says, and he glances at Gaz before the two of them climb in the truck.
Simon turns to you then, and he brushes a gloved finger over your cheek carefully. 
“I love you. I’ll see you soon, yeah?” He says in a hushed voice, as if the guys in the truck could hear him.
“I love you too. Take care of yourself and them. Come back home to me, Simon.” You return, and you stand up on your toes slightly to kiss his cheek over the mask before he gives you a wave, and he climbs in the car with the rest of 141.
You watch as they pull away from the house, and you and Simon share a glance before the truck disappears over the hill.
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tag list: @ho3forghost @juggernaunt @shellfishb34ch @redpool
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heartpiratedrabbles · 6 months
Kids Anger Part 2
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Part 1 ~ Part 3 Part 4
Kid X Fem Reader X Killer
It had been a couple of days since you disappeared and life on the Victoria Punk hasn’t felt peace since. Kid angrily stomped through the ship, breaking every door behind him and plenty of holes throughout the walls he passes. It was a stupid fucken fight. Kid was angry, he was pissed, He’d teach you a lesson about running away after he found you. He’d make sure you’d never be able to leave him again.
        Killer on the other hand had been the one actually handling the crew and ship, trailing behind his awestruck lover. He was anxious after not seeing you, and unlike Kid had noticed you were injured from the beginning. But he had thought, even with your hot headedness, that you’d treat yourself before doing anything stupid. The only evidence of you ‘dressing’ the wound was a bloodied shirt you had left behind, no medical supplies were taken.
        Heat approached Killer, avoiding the irrational captain, “We should make landfall in a couple hours.” Killer knew what this meant, the Vivre card he had handed heat to help track you down must’ve pointed towards to island. And if you were further, well they’d need to stock up on supplies before continuing, not to mention fix some damage to the haul that they barely fixed after the battle with the marines.
        “When we get there, we’ll go our separate ways, you get everything ready to depart as soon as possible,” Killer said gesturing down the hallway to where Kid had stormed off too. It should hopefully only be a matter of time now.
        “The island has a military base on it” Heat says while handing the blonde the vivre card back, Killer stops a bit. He looks at the card and notices it’s gotten smaller, the edges seemingly burnt and his stomach drops.
        “Get us there as fast as possible Heat” Killer makes quick steps to get to Kid, his trail of destruction leading the first mate to his workshop. He practically kicks the door open, ignoring the red head’s anger boiling over. Before Kid can get any real words out Killer lands a punch on him, “Get your fucken head out of your ass.” Holding up the vivre card Kid stares at it a bit more.
        “She’s the one that ran away” Holding onto his hateful pride still in the end, “If she dies that’ because she can’t protect herself.” Kid lets out a huff only to be met with another punch.
        “You’re the one that told her to leave Kid.” Killer kicked his captain. He was beyond pissed, “We’re breaching land soon.”
        You woke up in a dark cell, a chain around your ankle. After you had passed out on the row boats a backup battalion of Marines found you and captured you. They had blamed the entire incident on you and have tortured you for any information pertaining to your previous captain for a lighter sentence.
        You lay there, too tired to even sit up. The only thing you’ve had to eat since you left the ship was a moldy piece of bread and some water. The whip marks on your back ached and the wound in your shoulder has long since turned into an infection.
        The guards had mentioned your execution coming up and how you were stupid for not ratting out Kid to survive. You let your mind wander, thinking about how Kid would take up the entire bed by stretching out, or how what little room was left, was then taken up by how big Killer was. You missed snuggling in between them, in the crevices left between their bodies. It certainly would be more comfortable than this floor.
        You wonder if they are even worried about you. You’re sure Killer had a couple of words for Kid but it didn’t seem like he went after you either. You hear a jingle of Keys come closer and a loud kick against the bars jerk your eyes open.
        “Y/N, if you just give us some information we won’t execute you. In fact we’d be willing to ship you off to the West Blue and let ya live your life” The commander of the base stared down at you through the bars snickering at your predicament. “You’re gonna need some treatment if you want to survive… If you don’t want to tell me anything now you could, always offer something else.”
You watch as he unlocks the door and walks in, crouching down next to you, picking up your chin with one of his hands. He starts leaning in but before he can get any closer you spit in his face, “I’d rather die miserably than stoop to your level.” The man punches you before standing up.
“Face it y/n, the Kid Pirates sacrificed you. You’re nothing to them,” He stares down at you, placing a foot on your infected shoulder, putting slight pressure on it, smirking as he sees the pain in your eyes.
You gasp, gritting your teeth, “Just kill me already. I won’t tell you anything.” The man glares down at you. He kicks you in the stomach before leaving again. You hear the walls around you become silent as he leaves. Seeing black spots in your eyes you allow yourself to pass out.
        Kid and Killer were making a mess of the marine base, only stopping to take a breath after getting lost inside the building. When they got to the island, they had heard about an upcoming execution for one of the Kid Pirates and knew they were close to finding you.
        “Where do they keep coming from?” Kid yells while punching another marine straight into the ground, “Can’t the fuckers lay off for a second.”
        “We’re in this mess because of you” Killer grunt, slashing one out of the way. He grabs your vivre from his pocket, growing increasingly concerned at the smaller its getting. Kid grumbles before running in the direction the card shifted.
        You awaken to a loud thud of the door and groan; you didn’t have the energy to deal with him anymore. You didn't have energy anymore, you just want to sleep. You’re back towards the cell doors and with as much strength as you can muster, “I’m- Not. Talking,” You have to breathe a bit between each word, every movement more painful than the last, “Just kill me already.” You don’t hear anything behind you. You didn’t like this silence of being watched and slowly glance over your shoulder. To your surprise, you see Kid stunned silent, “That’s a first,” You mutter before letting yourself relax for the first time in days, your body falling limp.
        Kid finally managed his way to the cell block and surprisingly there were no guards around, must’ve taken care of them already, The onslaught of bodies behind him was a testament to how determined he was. He glanced back at Killer who was still taking care of a few guards and decided to run ahead.
        He broke open the door, slamming it open. There in front of Kid is what he can only assume to be a dead body, the deep gashes along the back only adding context to how the ground was so severely stained red. Kid takes a couple of steps forward when he hears you talk, his breath hitches and he can’t seem to move anymore. What did they do to you? He watches as you slowly turn your head to face him and he can only watch as you put on a smile to him and weakly say, “That’s a first,” before going limp, lying flat on your back.
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How would the suitors reaction be when their wife ( Crewle daughter) is pregnant with triplets? And meeting the kids after birth?
With Ruggie, Jack, Lions, Malleus, Silver, Trey, Vil and Ace
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Triplets Are Here | Yandere Twisted Wonderland Crewel Daughter
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Ruggie Bucci
“What can I say I’m a beast in bed!” 
He’s not going to act like it even could have been inherited to you
He’s got a whole new air of confidence
Not only does he have the woman of his dreams 
But he knocked her up times three
Hopefully that will squash anyone else’s delusions about being with you
Either way he doesn’t mind getting rid of them the old fashioned way
“Awww they look like we had babies! Oh wait-”
“Just focus on feeding that one.”
“Yes Mama!” 
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Jack Howl
“If you faint now, I won’t catch you!”
This is the best news 
A strong litter, a perfect mate
He’s protecting his already larger than average pack
“Back away or I will not hesitate to end your life. I’ve got four lives to protect now.”
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Leona Kingscholar
“Don’t make that face.”
“What face? I’m just surprised you took me so well.”
He has mixed feelings about it
Especially when he’s catering to you as your belly swells to an almost unbelievable size
And you groan in pain
“Why don’t the brats just get here. I hate seeing you in pain.”
He’s heard of other lions so jealous they kill their kin
But as he holds the little bundles he can’t begin to fathom it
He might just cry
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Malleus Draconia
“If you and I were not made for each other, theres noway this could be.”
He’s ecstatic 
But the entirety of Briar Valley and the world around you must be made to cater to you
Devoted to your comfort and health above all else 
he even struggles to let Crewel see you
“Nothing will ever hurt my loves. My babes. My wive. I’d curse the world for you.”
Genocide Murder spree ensues should there be any pain or assassination attempts
No one’s so much as flicking you 
He’d sooner rend them to ash
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“Three…at the same time…?”
“Yes so we’ll have to get three times the baby equipment and–Silver?”
He’s barely processing any of it 
Even when he’s practically carrying the four of you as you waddle places
“Our babies…”
“Aren’t they precious they have your eyes!”
“M-m-my eyes-? Agh-!”
“Its okay babe this is a good time to cry.”
“H-how did Dad do it!? I-I’m never letting any of you leave me!”
Any protective traits are amplified even higher
And if there was ever a time he refused to kill anyone in his pursuit for love
That has long since past
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Trey Clover 
“Well I did always say I wanted a big family!”
He’s thrilled to see your tummy rounding with his children
All while you incessantly demand for his sweets and cooking
And he’s jumping to his tooth brush after a rough morning 
But its all made even better when they arrive
Little mixes of his love and himself 
“They’ll have the cutest little teeth!”
He definitely saves them when they get older
But he’s the perfect papa
Poisoned sweets and all
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Vil Schoenheit
“We’ll be parents…is that registering?”
“Barely. When we agreed to marry I doubted ever moving further than that.”
“Does it make you unhappy?”
“Not in the slightest.”
He’s brimming with anxiety 
Worry eating away as he contemplates his own jealousy and the excitement of having a  child
It doesn’t become much easier when the triplets arrive
He despises the paparazzi 
So much so he’s willing to set his rabid fans on them
Purge them of every photo of his adorable babes
He’s the only one who gets the honor
A dazzling photo of your delivery is only for his eyes
Doxx the peeping toms
“They’re all mine. I’m willing to lose everything for them.”
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Ace Trappola
“Dang! I really am amazing–Ow! Joking, joking.”
He couldn’t be happier
What better way to prove his love ownership of the sexiest woman alive if it weren’t for the giant round belly you had
And soon to be three little rascals that are further testaments of his status
He’ll whine about things 
Probably more than you 
But in the end he’s glowing with pride as you look down at your freshly born babies
“Ehehe they can’t deny that I may have children for days but I’ve got game.”
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Office smut where reader is Rafe's assistant and they both work at cameron developpement
I've never been a fan of these assistant/boss dynamics, but it fits for Rafe so I gave it a try...and it ended up being 2.5k
Warnings: 18+, fingering, unprotected p + v,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Never in your life did you imagine yourself pursuing a career in real estate, but when an opportunity to work as a personal assistant at Cameron Development practically fell into your lap, you hadn’t been able to decline. 
It was a sunny day on the golf course with your father, enjoying some quality father-daughter time before the end of summer. As you both played a round, you came across one of his golf buddies — Ward Cameron. You vaguely remembered the man, having played with his kids a few times when you were little. Sarah was the one you remembered the most, she had blond hair and always talked about turtles.
Small talk flowed between your father and Mr. Cameron as they caught up on each other's lives. Then, your college studies came into the conversation. You had graduated college this spring, but hadn’t found any jobs in your field yet. Fortunately for you, Mr. Cameron informed you that there were a few jobs available at Cameron Developpement. 
You weren’t interested in real estate, but working for a well reputed company could do no wrong to your curriculum vitae. So you accepted the offer, not knowing that you would be working for his son, Rafe, as his personal assistant. 
You knocked on the door at the end of the hallway, announcing your presence. ‘’You wanted to see me, Mr. Cameron?’’ 
He looked up from the stack of documents neatly placed before him on his desk and your breath caught in your throat. Fuck me. It was a good thing you had put on lipgloss and a nice pair of heels instead of loafers because Rafe Cameron was a fine man. He looked right out of a smutty romance novel with his crisp button up and a navy blue suit jacket that brought out the color of his eyes. 
‘’Yes,’’ he replied, flashing you a polite and effortlessly charming smile. ‘’First, I wanted to meet my new assistant before I hand off the work I'd rather not deal with. My father was insistent about getting me a personal assistant, but I'm actually glad he hired you.’’ His eyes followed down your body in the most subtle way, taking note of how well your skirt was hugging your hips and anticipating the even better view when he’ll watch you go.  
‘’I’m glad I took the job too. Hopefully I won’t disappoint you,’’ you responded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your lips, trying to hide everything you were feeling right now.
‘’I’m sure you won’t,’’ Rafe assured, his voice carrying a trace of amusement. ‘’Secondly, I was reviewing some paperwork, and it has come to my attention that Mr. Gilbert has not remitted his payment for the condo he recently bought. Can you give him a call and ask for payment? If he refuses to forward us the money before 4pm, we’ll cancel the sale agreement and find another prospective buyer.’’
You nodded in acknowledgment. 
Calling Mr. Gilbert. That should be easy for your first task. 
‘’Anything else?’’ 
Rafe shook his head. ‘’Not for the moment. You may leave.’’ 
‘’Well, Mr. Cameron.’’ 
His eyes lingered for a second, a hint of something more as he watched you turn to leave, a sly smirk playing on his lips.
Over the span of a few weeks, professional exchanges gradually morphed into something outside of your assigned tasks. You were still bringing him coffee whenever he asked and answering emails, but specks of flirting now laced your conversation and soon evolved with lingering glances to your chest while going over some work related paperwork. 
Once in a while, he would call you into his office and scheme excuses just to look at you. 
It wasn’t until that argument with his father that he — finally — made a move on you. 
You came to work early that day and, on your way to your office, you had heard Mr. Cameron shout at his son for a mistake he had made concerning the company and how it was going to make a big dent in their finances to fix it. To respect their privacy and not wanting them to think you were eavesdropping, you quickly went to your workspace and started your work. 
When Rafe came out of his father’s office, he saw you sitting at your desk. His chest was heaving with the intensity of the encounter, a storm brewing in his expression. You heard his office door close and, a few seconds later, an email popped on your screen.
My office. Now.
You thought he needed something, but when you stepped in, Rafe was waiting by the door and crashed his mouth on yours, giving in to the desires he’s been pushing aside since you walked in his office on your first day. 
A small gasp left your lips, not expecting to be kissed by your boss on a Thursday morning. A cloud of confusion fogged your brain and you broke the kiss, trying to fight the invisible string pulling you to him. 
Rafe's gaze lowered down yours, a complex blend of frustration and longing evident in his eyes.
The reason why he had never made a move on you before stemmed from a promise to his father, who had made him promise to not fool around with the personnel if he wanted to be part of Cameron Developpement. It hadn't been too difficult until now, the employees being mostly women in their thirties and up. Then, you came around and Rafe had to use a lot of self-control to not charm his way into your panties. To further complicate the situation, you were responsive to his advances and flirting. 
However, after a heated exchange with his father, Rafe was in the mood to piss him off, so to hell with his stupid rules.
‘’Can I trust you that this stays between us?’’ His hands roamed across your sides, down your body, feeling what he had been staring at these past weeks.  
‘’I never kiss and tell.’’ 
Rafe's thumb brushed the corner of your mouth, removing a smudge of lipstick. ‘’Good girl.’’
The way he said it went straight to your core, waking an ache between your legs. How could a voice have such a strong effect? 
Your eyes traveled to the clock on the wall. Agnes, one of the secretaries, should arrive in twenty minutes. You knew her routine because her desk was right by the hallway leading to Rafe’s office. You also knew that she visited him every morning after checking her emails.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Rafe’s mouth found its way back on yours, his tongue slipping between your lips and he pulled you closer to him, pressing his body against yours as his other hand traveled down your legs, to the hem of your tight skirt. He caressed and grabbed one of your ass cheeks, groaning at the feeling. 
Wasting no time getting undressed, Rafe hiked your skirt up, eliciting a small gasp as cool air hit your skin. ‘’Can you be quiet for me?’’ he asked, pressing against you and letting you feel the length of his hard cock against your thigh. ‘’The walls are thin and Agnes is gonna get here soon. We don’t want her to hear us, do we?’’ 
You shook your head. ‘’Are you gonna fuck me, Mr. Cameron?’’ 
Aside from one mishap, you and Rafe successfully kept your secret business from the other employees. If the whispers of your unprofessional doings in his office were to get to his father, you would both be in a lot of trouble. 
 ‘’I have Anthony Gilbert from the construction company on the first line. He has some questions about the new condos,’’ you informed Rafe after he returned from an afternoon meeting, his tie slightly loosened.  
A sigh left his mouth as he leaned back in his chair, visibly tired. ‘’Transfer him to my secretary.’’  
You shifted on your heels, sensing Rafe didn’t want to speak to this man. ‘’He asked to speak to you specifically.’’ 
‘’Well, we can’t always get what we want,’’ he pressed. ‘’Agnes will take care of it,’’ Rafe repeated, his tone final. 
You nodded. ‘’Yes, Mr. Cameron.’’ 
‘’Now, would you please close the door? There’s a document I would like to go over with you.’’ 
A document. You held a snicker and shut the door as requested. 
Once you turned the lock, Rafe patted his lap and you walked around his desk. He watched you with hungry eyes, impatient to get his hands all over you. Get his cock inside you. 
‘’Looking good today, babydoll. Is this new?’’ he asked, running his thumb over the neckline of your wrap dress as you seated yourself on his lap, careful to not rub the sole of your heels on his pants and leave a mark. 
You hummed in response, leaning forward to expose more of your chest. ‘’Do you like it?’’
Rafe let his hand glide down, following the cut of the dress, until he reached the tie to undo it. He pulled until the knot came off, revealing your bra — a soft pink lace number that did not much other than looking pretty. A shudder left your lips as his hand cupped your breast through your bra, his thumb brushing over where he knew your nipple was. 
You carded your fingers as he mouthed at your chest and neck, careful to leave no marks behind. A sigh left your lips, wishing he would pull your bra down and just take suck on your nipple, but Rafe had other plans. While his mouth was working, one hand slipped between your thighs, seeking out your warmth, his hand pressed itself against your soaked panties.
He grinned against your skin. ‘’Would you look at that,’’ Rafe murmured, teasing you over the fabric and sending jolts of pleasure to your core. ‘’Were you thinking of me while I was at my meeting?’’ he questioned his fingers pushing your panties to the side, fingers delving into your slick, a low moan fell from your lips. ‘’Get on the desk.’’ 
You wordlessly climb up onto his cold desk, ignoring the papers that got scattered, leaning back with your hands to spread your legs for him. Rafe pulled your panties down your legs and discarded them in one of the drawers — a little keepsake. 
He dipped two fingers between your soaked folds, causing you to moan slowly. ‘’You look so pretty spread out for me like this,’’ he muttered between you, his cock twitching in his pants and straining against the fabric. ‘’Ready for me to take.’’ His thumb grazed over your clit and a gasp fell from your lips, your hands instinctively grabbing the edge of the desk to brace yourself.
‘’I’m always ready for you,’’ you said, speaking the embarrassing truth. ‘’I’ve never wanted a cock as bad as I want yours.’’
Your words had the desired effect, making Rafe groan. ‘’Shit, babydoll. Where did you get that filthy mouth?’’ 
Rafe reached down and rubbed himself over his pants before deftly unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. He stood from his seat, the bulge in his boxers making your mouth water and your pussy clench. 
You used to feel guilty for fooling around on your work hours. It felt wrong and dishonest to your boss, but all guilt would go out the window the moment Rafe’s big cock entered you. Fuck work ethics and policies. 
The rest of his clothes came off and he stood between your parted legs, one of his large hands grabbing your thigh while his other was holding his hard length at your entrance. His blue eyes gazed up at you with a mischievous glint as he rubbed his tip against your folds, making you whine with anticipation. 
His teasing turned on him as you reached for his cock and wrapped your hand around its length, drawing a moan from him. ‘’Little minx.’’
You grinned, continuing your motions. Teasing could go both ways. 
‘’Ahh,’’ you gasped as he pressed in, a slow delicious burn that sent a shiver down your spine as he pushed his way through your tight walls. 
Rafe leaned down his forehead, pressing down onto yours and breathing you in as he rolled his hips into you. A moan spilled from your throat at the sensation, a little too loud, and he was quick to clamp his hand over your mouth to muffle any sounds, the floor still full at this hour. 
To add to the noises, the desk was creaking every time Rafe was dragging his cock in and out of you. Although the angle was great, the desk might not be the quietest — unfortunately. 
 ‘’You like that babydoll, you like when I fuck you like this?’’ 
You nodded, your mouth still covered. 
Fuck, just like that, you wanted to scream, your back arching when he hit the right spot over and over at a toe curling pace. God, this was the best sex of your life. Some men just knows what they're doing.
The shrill of the phone echoed in the office, but you both ignored it — Agnes will answer. It was probably the man who wanted to speak to Rafe calling again. 
Sorry Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Cameron is very busy fucking the life out of his personal assistant.
Your body writhed against Rafe, your hands leaving the desk to pull at his hair and grab at his arm while your heels dug into his ass. He grunted, your walls clenching around him. A few more hard thrusts and his thumb sweeping over your clit had your thighs trembling as the waves of pleasure washed over you.
Rafe continued to push into you, dragging out your orgasm as his took over, pulling out quickly and cumming on your stomach, trying to not get any drop on your dress.  
You didn’t have time to get dressed or catch your breath that a knock came on the door. Momentarily forgetting you had locked it, you jumped, thinking you were going to get caught. 
‘’What is it?’’ Rafe called out, trying not to sound too out of breath. 
‘’I have Mr. Gilbert on the phone on line three. He’s asking to speak to you,’’ Agnes’s sweet voice said through the door. ‘’A pressing matter, he said.’’ 
‘’I’m unable to take the call at the moment. I’m busy going over a document for a client I’m seeing tomorrow morning. Could you please take the call for me?’’ he asked, rubbing his hands over your thighs, wishing his secretary would leave so he can get on his knees and get his mouth between your legs.
Agnes nodded although he couldn’t see her. ‘’I understand, Mr. Cameron. I'll inform him right away.’’ 
Rafe waited to hear clicks of her heels down the hallway to sink to his knees and get back to business. He did tell Agnes that he was working on a document, no one would question how long you were locked in his office for.
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker  @slvtherinseeker @poppet05 @1stevelacyfan @illf4iry @withbeautyandrage  @maybankslover @sunflowerziva @laylasbunbunny @Honey-marvel15 @leoluvsur-pappy @slytherhoes @kcskye123 @outerbanksacc  @pedrosprincess  @mikaelsonsstuff  @skyesthebomb  @a1mzcruml3y @iluurmom  @popeheywardssecretgf  @madelynie  @loverofdrewstarkey  @radiant-whore  @outsider-at-hogwarts @luci1fer @bbycowboi @rafecameronsbadussy @urbfsbitchlol @nomorespahgetti @bloodyhw @Veescorneroftheworld  @papayaboyluvr @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster @tommysaxes @johannelis2302nely @lynbubble  @straberryshortcake143  @beth-gallagher22  @doestalker  @rubyliquor @theflcwer @angelxxrose-blog
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch
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littledovesnow · 5 months
fem!flickerman!reader x coriolanus snow
summary: basically if you were one of the 24 mentors in the 10th hunger games as well as lucky flickerman's younger sister and if you were dating coriolanus snow
a/n: shoutout to me not having a good title for this!!!!! wahoo!!!!!
word count: 2.8k
warnings: canon violence, the usual y’know?
“Coryo,” you gasped, locking lips with your boyfriend. “I need to be at Lucky’s soon for dinner. We can’t go any farther.”
Breaking the kiss apart, Coriolanus pecked your lips once more before sitting back on your bed, both of your chests heaving.
You smiled wickedly at him, leaning on your knees to look in the mirror if there were any visible marks, humming when you didn’t find any. “At least he won’t lecture me on protection and safe sex this time.”
Coriolanus choked on a laugh, grabbing his shirt from where it was discarded not long after you two got home from class. “Do you know why he’s inviting you and your parents for dinner?”
Shaking your head, you slipped on the outfit your mother had asked you to wear, watching Coriolanus in the mirror, smiling at him when he looked you up and down.
“He said something about a once-in-a-lifetime chance, I’m sure it’s something absurd like when he invited us all over to show us his parrot.”
“Oh, that was definitely an occasion for dinner.” Coriolanus joked. “You look beautiful.”
Accepting the compliment with a soft “thank you,” you lead Coriolanus out to the front of your family’s home, promising him you’d meet him in the morning before heading to Heavensbee Hall for the Reaping.
“See you tomorrow, Coryo. When we all celebrate the Plinth Prize.” You smiled, teasing him as he departed to the Corso.
You rolled your eyes as you heard your older brother trying to get his parrot to imitate your father, each of them nursing glasses of whiskey.
“What silly men, hopefully you’re the brains of the next generation.” You whispered, smiling when baby Caesar babbled as he watched his parents and grandparents gather around the table.
Handing the baby to an Avox, you took your seat next to your mother, acaross from your brother and his wife.
“So, what’s this news that you’ve invited us all over for, Lucretius?” Your mother asked, carefully cutting the steak that was prepared.
“I got the most wonderful invitation from President Ravinstill and Dr. Gaul the other day, regarding this year’s Hunger Games.” Your brother started, wicked smile on his face. “They want to try something new, something to attract more of an audience.”
“Wonderful news, son!” Your father clapped him on the back. The two of them loved being in front of an audience, so this was a dream come true for the younger male.
“They asked you to host? What are you going to do, follow them in the arena? Celebrate their deaths?” You asked, picking your jaw up from the floor.
It was no secret to your family that you weren’t the biggest supporter of the Hunger Games, so this news wasn’t something you thought should be celebrated.
“No, no.” Lucky frowned, hurt that you weren’t in support of him. “Well, frankly, I don’t quite know what they’re going to want me to do. I have some meetings this week with the President and Dr. Gaul, maybe Casca Highbottom if he’s sober enough to make them.”
Snorting, you raised your posca class to the latter half of Lucky’s statement, agreeing that your professor and founder of the Hunger Games tended to rely on morphling a little too much.
“Either way, we’ll be watching in support of you, Lucky.” Your sister-in-law smiled at her husband, causing you to take a rather large sip of the drink in your hand.
Coriolanus smiled at you as he met up with you on the front steps of the Academy, lending you his arm. “Good morning, love. How was your evening?”
You wasted no time in telling Coriolanus about your brother’s new resume-builder, keeping your voice low to avoid your classmates’ listening ears. The Capitol was a hive of gossip, and you hated every aspect of it.
“I can’t believe they chose the weatherman for the host.” Coriolanus shook his head, looking down at you. “What did you say when he told you?”
Knowing you weren’t the biggest fan of your family watching the Hunger Games each year, you sighed and plucked a glass of posca off of an Avox’s tray. “I just asked if he was expected to join the tributes in the arena, narrate their deaths and celebrate the winner.”
Coriolanus chuckled, gently guiding you to your classmates with a hand on the small of your back. “Come on, let’s see what Arachne is complaining about now.”
“Hey, listen you guys, I know there’s talk about it, but there’s no Plinth Prize today, not anymore.” Sejanus whispered to you and Coriolanus, guilt written all over his face.
“What?” Coriolanus asked, freezing at the news.
Before he could say anything else, everyone was ushered to Heavensbee Hall, top two dozen students taking seats in the front of the room.
Your hand was threaded through your boyfriend’s, thumb rubbing softly across Coriolanus’ hand, grounding him.
Dr. Gaul waltzed to the podium, icy eyes staring at each and every one of the students before she began her speech. Your mind drifted elsewhere after her mention of today being an “auspicious day.”
If there was no Plinth Prize, Coriolanus wouldn’t be able to afford University, wouldn’t be able to afford rent, meals, life. You had offered to lend him money for rent dozens of times, but both he and Tigris were too kind to accept it.
A gentle squeeze of your hand drew your attention back to the present, glancing at your boyfriend.
He was chewing on his bottom lip, listening intently as Dr. Gaul introduced Dean Highbottom, letting him announce the changes to this year’s Hunger Games.
Expecting it to be the announcement of your brother hosting, you felt the air leave your lungs when he mentioned a mentorship between the top 24 students and the 24 tributes. “The Plinth Prize will be awarded to the best mentor of the Games.”
“Well, surely the best mentor will be the one who’s tribute wins the Games, no?” Festus Creed asked.
“Victory will not be the only measurement we analyze for the Plinth Prize, Mr. Creed. You are to make spectacles out of your opponents, not victors.”
“What if I end up with a runt girl from one of the poor districts, like 8 or 12? They’re just going to die in two minutes like they did last year and the year before.”
Rolling your eyes at Arachne’s whine, you did have to admit that she had a point. Those with stronger tributes had a much greater chance to creating a spectacle out of of their tribute, thus a much greater chance at winning the Plinth Prize.
As the trumpets played and the screens were brought to life, you spared one look at Sejanus as you looked past your boyfriend.
Sejanus mouthed an apology when he caught your gaze, moving his legs to let Highbottom take a seat on the step in front of them.
You watched on the large screens as tributes were called district by district, cheers coming from your classmates as the first districts were announced.
Dean Highbottom looked back at you when he rattled off your name, announcing the male tribute from District 10 as the one you would mentor.
Coriolanus nodded once he heard your name, though you could see the nervous beads of sweat on his forehead, his name had yet to be called.
“Oh, you’ll like this Ms. Crane,” Highbottom teased, looking back at the girl. “District 12, the runt girl, she belongs to Coriolanus Snow.”
Your head whipped over to look at your boyfriend, his gaze locked on the screen as he watched the girl who would be his tribute get selected.
Turning your attention to the screen, you were mesmerized when the girl veered off the path to the stage and dropped something down the back of another, squinting as the cameras just barely focused on the snake as it slithered out of the dress and off screen.
“What is that dress, is she some sort of clown?”
Arachne’s judgements and comments were background noise, as you and Coriolanus were both watching the girl as she commanded the stage, voice picking up as she began to sing.
“You can kiss my ass!”
Laugher broke the silence of Heavensbee Hall, and Coriolanus looked at you with a smirk on his face.
His tribute had succeeded at one thing, she was certainly going to be a spectacle for the Games. ---
That evening, you had stopped at your home only for a moment to change into something more casual, before meeting Coriolanus at the steps to his apartment, the two of you walking up the dozen flights of stairs to the penthouse.
“When I’m president, I’m going to get that ladder fixed. Perhaps glass walls to see the landscape.”
You chuckled at your boyfriend’s comment, thanking him as he let you enter the home before him.
“What are you thinking for your tribute?” You asked, smiling at Tigris and the Grandma’am as they welcomed you to their home.
Coriolanus shrugged, depositing his school bag near the door. “I need her to sing again. You saw her, she’s malnourished, underfed.”
You bit your tongue as you subtly looked your boyfriend up and down. He wasn’t one to talk on being underfed.
“Well,” Tigris said, pulling a chair out at the table and sitting next to you, both of you watching Coriolanus pluck petals off of the rose in his hands. “I wouldn’t sing for you if I was her.”
You stayed silent as the cousins argued, Tigris pulling out on top when Coriolanus gave up retorting to her comments, pulling you back into his room instead.
“What are you planning, Coriolanus Snow?” You asked, knowing the look on his face all too well.
“I’m going to meet her at the Captiol station when they arrive in town.”
Gawking, you sat with your legs crossed and watched Coriolanus change into his night attire, frowning at his visible ribs. “You’re going to meet her?”
“I am, you can meet your tribute if you come with.”
At the suggestion of meeting your tribute Tanner, you reminded yourself, you could get an edge in knowing him and figuring out to how “make a spectacle” of him.
“Well, it would be unwise for you to go alone, power in numbers and all that, right?” You asked, smile on your face.
Coriolanus laughed as he joined you on the bed, pulling the ratty, patched-up comforter over the two of you.
You stuck close to your boyfriend as you two approached the train station, Coriolanus moving to stand between you and the tracks.
“What time did the sign say the train would get here?” You asked, not wanting to stick around in this part of the Captiol any longer than necessary.
Coriolanus, who was fiddling with the long-stemmed rose in his hand, looked at the increasing number of Peacekeepers at the edge of the platform. “My guess is pretty soon.”
You two waited for only a moment before you heard the train approaching, both wincing as the breaks squeaked awfully loud.
The Peacekeepers paid the two of you no mind as they opened doors to cars, the tributes hopping out once they were able.
Coriolanus nodded over to your tribute, and you squeezed his hand before departing.
He watched you introduce yourself to Tanner, the boy looking nervous but thankful that at least one person in the Captiol was being kind to him.
Focusing on his own tribute, Coriolanus smiled as he walked up to Lucy Gray. “Welcome to the Capitol.”
He handed her the rose, which had been your idea at breakfast, and the girl plucked a petal off and stuck it in her mouth, mentioning it “tasted like bedtime.”
“You look like you shouldn’t be here.” She said, gaze moving to you as you joined the two of them, wrapping your arms around one of Coriolanus’.
“Well, we shouldn’t be.” You smiled, introducing yourself.
The three of you couldn’t get too far into a conversion before Peacekeepers were shoving the rest of the tributes into the back of a truck.
“Let’s go with them.” You suggested, and Coriolanus shocked you by not putting up an argument. Perhaps the Plinth Prize lowered his inhibitions.
The two of you watched as the Peacekeepers went after one of the tributes who made a break for it at the rear of the truck, taking the opportunity to hop in along with the tributes.
Once the door closed, the two dozen tributes looked at you two like hungry animals.
“What’s wrong, in the wrong cage?”
Coriolanus pushed you behind him, replying that the cage they were in was delightful.
In the blink of an eye one of the tributes was up against the two of you, threatening to kill you.
“He’ll do it, too. Reaper killed a Peacekeeper back in 11.”
Your heart was in your throat, grip on Coriolanus’ uniform jacket tight as a vice, until Lucy Gray spoke up.
“You got family back home? You touch either of them and the Capitol will kill your family. Then you. Besides, blonde one is my mentor.”
At her comment, the tributes started arguing why Lucy Gray and Tanner got mentors.
Coriolanus explained that everyone did but was cut off when a back-up alarm started blaring.
The rear of the truck you were all in started dipping, and Coriolanus wrapped an arm around you and gripped on the edge of the truck, though it didn’t work too well.
Everyone tumbled out of the truck, a yelp coming out of your mouth when your knee collided with a large rock in the enclosure.
“You okay?” Coriolanus asked, dusting himself off as he stood up, worried gaze on you.
Nodding, you stood up, favoring your left knee. “Ow, maybe not 100% fine.”
Coriolanus wrapped an arm around you, taking most of your weight, and Lucy Gray frowned when she walked over to you two.
“Are y’all okay?” She asked, though her gaze was looking elsewhere.
You followed her gaze, face dropping when you saw your brother’s back turned to you, speaking into the cameras. “-in the gem of Panem? That’s an Academy rouge, no?”
Coriolanus looked down at you, knowing what was going on in your mind. “Lucy Gray,” he turned to the brunette, “would you like to meet our neighbors?”
Lucky persisted to get your attention, though when he realized who was in the zoo’s enclosure, his on-air persona faltered. “Wh-what are you two doing in there?”
You grunted as Coriolanus helped you to the edge of the enclosure, both of you introducing Lucy Gray. “Tanner, my tribute, he’s back helping his district-mate.”
“Are you okay?” Lucky asked, not listening while Lucy Gray talked to a young girl about her dress.
“I’ll be fine, Lucky. Meet Lucy Gray.”
Lucky, ever the showman, interviewed Lucy Gray, though you could see him watching you out of the corner of his eye, seeing you still leaning on your boyfriend.
Coriolanus, when asked if you two were told to hop in the enclosure, mentioned that if Lucy Gray was brave enough, you two were, as well.
“For the record, I didn’t have a choice.” Lucy Gray quipped, smile on her face.
Lucky saw the Peacekeepers approaching, nodding towards them. “Well, for the record, I think you two are about to be escorted out.”
You looked back to see the armed men approaching, eyes widening.
“Be careful with her!” Coriolanus commanded as you two were separated, the Peacekeepers not noticing your injured knee.
Due to your injury, you were permitted to miss the rest of the day at the Academy, with strict instructions to keep off of your leg for a couple weeks.
Coriolanus had gracefully brought your schoolwork, sitting next to you on the couch to discuss strategies for the Hunger Games.
“What in the gem of Panem was that circus act earlier?” Lucky asked, storming into his former home.
You and Coriolanus shared a look, having the same thought.
“Lucky, dear brother, they told us to make spectacles of the tributes. What better spectacle than us joining them?” You asked. “Nothing bad happened.”
Lucky looked at your face, down at your knee, and then back up. “Nothing bad?”
“Pfft, this is nothing, Lucretius. I’ll be fine in a week or so.” You waved off his worries, knowing between Coriolanus and your parents, you would heal perfectly fine.
“Now sit, tell us all about your plans to make the Hunger Games’ first host memorable.”
Lucky dropped into the seat across from the two of you, weaving tales about his plans to bring Jubilee to the Games, even though Highbottom despised the bird.
a/n: yuh i loved this i like writing w the reader being lucky's sister maybe perhaps a part 2 in the future!!!
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Omg congratulations on 700! 🎉 It is so so we’ll deserved. I must admit that I reread your work a lot because it is just so good and some of my favorites! 🥰
For the prompt, as always I am a SUCKER for the one bed trope, but I’d like to add another fun element so….
Blue + Lion + Hummingbird perhaps? 😈
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Okay this one was a request by many, including my cutie pal @thirstydiglett and @truebluesanji and HOT DOG is it a good one!
Just One Bottle (+18)
Pairing: Sanji x Strawhat Fem!Reader
Prompt: Only One Bed x Aphrodisiac
WC: 2000 lol
Warnings: Open for interpretation on how the pals ended up ingesting the aphrodisiac, forced closeness, unprotected sex, p in v sex, morning after pill discussion, drug use, creampie, Sanji being a gentleman!
— — 
You strolled the aisles of the bookstore as you waited for Sanji to finish up his snail call outside. You ran your fingers across the labels gently as you passed by each shelf. You glanced towards the shop windows and saw that Sanji was outside giving some choice words to whoever was on the end of his transponder snail. The sun was setting and you found yourself captivated by the way the low light reflected off his blonde hair. He looked handsome. 
But he wasn’t your type. He was always fawning over you, even more obnoxiously so than for Nami and Robin. You never gave him half a thought in terms of a choice as a romantic partner, he was just a crew mate that you cared for deeply… as a friend. You turned down another aisle of bookshelves as you could clearly tell that Sanji wasn’t finishing his conversation any time soon. 
You found yourself stopped at the romance section and pulled a bright purple tome off the shelf. “Part Time Human, Full Time Lover…” You read the title to yourself before flipping it open. You find yourself reading a rather graphic passage describing an intimate encounter between the human protagonist and her well-endowed centaur lover. “Goodness…” You whisper to yourself as you find yourself flipping the page in interest. 
“Y/n!” You snap the book closed instinctively as you hear your name called. Sanji was rounding the corner of the aisle and came up to you. 
“Sanji! Hi!” You hurriedly put the book back on the shelf. “Any news?” 
“Well, the sun is going down fast and the moss head idiot got his group lost so we have to stay on the island for the night. We’re all too far apart to get back to the Sunny. We can find an inn around here and get some rooms.” Sanji explains to you. 
“Fine, hopefully somewhere with a restaurant. I’m starving.” You smile. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a night off from cooking?” You raise an eyebrow at the tall blonde. 
“I guess. Don’t expect the same quality of food that you’d get back on the ship. Shall we?” Sanji remarks as he gestures to the door of the bookstore, letting you go first. 
— —
After wandering the small village for awhile, the two of you find a small inn that had a tavern on the first floor. You ducked in, trying not to draw attention seeing as the two of you were highly wanted pirates. 
Sanji strode confidently to the front desk. 
“We require two rooms for the night. Money is no issue.” Sanji stoically demands of the innkeeper. 
“Sir I’m sorry… but we only have one room left tonight… I’d be happy to give you a discounted rate…” The mousey old man behind the counter said as his voice trembled. 
“This kind of dump has no vacancy? You’re telling me that this hole in the wall has only one room available-“
“We’ll take it.” You pushed past Sanji’s shoulder and placed your stack of Beri on the counter. 
The innkeeper’s eyes danced from your smile to Sanji’s scowl. 
“We’ll take it.” Sanji echoed, lowering his voice. 
“E-e-excellent news! I will issue you your keys now. Would the couple like one set or two?” The old man sputters out. 
“Two.” “One.”
You say two and Sanji replies with one. He clears his throat. 
“Two, please sir.” Sanji changes his response. 
The old man issues you two sets of keys and hands you your change after you pay for the room. 
“Please, enjoy our restaurant. You may find that sharing a room is not uncommon among couples at this hotel.” The innkeeper mentions. 
You look up at Sanji. 
“I am kind of hungry, Sanji. Shall we?” You question. 
“Can’t go to bed with any empty stomach, can we?” Sanji shrugs. 
Sanji put his hand on the small of your back and led you in the direction of the small restaurant. 
“Two of you?” The stout hostess asked and you nodded. She led you and Sanji to a candlelit table in the back of the pub. Of course, Sanji pulled your chair out for you. Once seated across from one another, you picked up the drink menu. 
“The room was so cheap… should we get the champagne?” You smirk over the menu across the table at Sanji. 
“Nami would kill us… what’s the label?” Sanji gestures to grab the drink menu from you and you hand it to him. His brows furrow. “I actually haven’t heard of this brand before… but it’s expensive… must be from the South Blue…” Sanji quirks a curled eyebrow up at you. “Should we?”
The sides of your mouth curl up. 
Sanji breaks into a grin as the waitress arrived at your table. 
“Anything I can get you two tonight?” The cute redheaded waitress asked you both. 
“We’ll start with a bottle of the champagne.” Sanji says to the waitress. “And for food… anything your recommend for a night on the town?” He says with a smirk. 
“Oh, I think our chef can do something for you.” The waitress says with a smile. 
“Perfect.” Sanji says as he snaps his menu closed and hands it to the waitress. 
— — 
The two of you had finished your bottle of champagne and dinner and were waiting around for the waitress to bring you your bill. 
“No no, it really was lovely. I just have never had a champagne like this…” Sanji says as the two of you discuss dinner. 
“The oysters were a nice touch, I thought.” You remark. 
“Mr BlackLeg sir thank you…” The waitress interrupts as he places a large stack of Beri on the tray containing your bill. 
“That was a nice tip you left…” You say as Sanji ushers you softly out of your seat, covering your back with his suit jacket. “Far more than most would.” You didn’t feel drunk, but you felt some strange warmth growing in your lower half. It started building when you drank that damned champagne. 
“It’s nothing for someone who used to work in hospitality. Their service is worth far more than the champagne.” Sanji says as he guides you to the stairs, leading you up to your room on the third floor. 
You reach your room and Sanji fumbles with the keys before getting the lock open. The door opens to reveal a small room with a queen size bed and an ensuite bathroom. 
“I-I can sleep on the floor.” Sanji says immediately. You turned and saw that his cheeks were bright pink. Was it from the alcohol?
“It’s fine, we’re adults. Let’s just get to bed.” You respond and begin stripping off your pants. You then unstrap your bra and take it off through the front of your shirt. Sanji hesitates for a second before stripping down to just his boxers. 
“I’ll take this side.” You said awkwardly as you slide into the bed. 
“Right. Goodnight then.” Sanji shuts off the lights and hops into bed on the side opposite you. 
“Yep. Night.” You curl up into your side, so that you wouldn’t encroach on your crew mates sleeping space. 
All you can hear is labored breathing. 
Was it your own?
Was it Sanji’s?
Something was off. You couldn’t sleep. 
Why was your pulse thrumming in your privates? Why was there slick gushing out of your slit to soak your underwear? Nothing even remotely sexual has happened tonight and yet your levels of arousal were off the charts. You tossed and turned for several minutes trying to ignore it, having the ache between your legs only grow more intense. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Sanji?” You whisper out into the darkness. 
“Gods, Y/N, tell me you feel like I do right now.” Sanji responds in between pants. 
“What the fuck happened to us?” You breath out to the dark ceiling above you. 
“Something in that drink…” Sanji breathes out. “It fucking hurts…” 
You peer over to your left and see Sanji grabbing at his crotch beneath the sheets. 
“They drugged us.” You pant out, right hand delving into your panties and rubbing at your clit, trying to get some relief from the burn this mysterious wine was causing you. 
“I-I don’t know how to say this, mon cherie… But what if we… helped each other…" Sanji said as he saw you pleasuring yourself beneath the bed covers. 
“Right… it’s just helping a friend…” You say softly as you touch your sex further, reaching your left hand out under the sheets to wrap around Sanji’s erect penis. 
“YES- I mean, yes-“ Sanji jerks at your touch. “It’s just relieving each other…”
“Okay… fine…” You relent. 
Sanji jumps up and positions himself above you in a nanosecond. You take this time to push your panties down and your t-shirt over your head.
“Spread your legs for me, my love…” Sanji whispers as he hovers over you. “Show me what you need…” 
“Sanji please, I need you inside of me.” You pleaded as you brought your hand down to spread your pussy lips. “Sanji why does it hurt?! Please help me!” You bucked your hips in his direction. You were desperate. 
“I’m gonna fix it, okay? I’m gonna stop it from hurting. Do you want that, y/n?” Sanji asked. 
“Yes! Please help me!” You cried out again as you saw Sanji pull himself fully from his boxers. 
Sanji dances the head of his dick across you clit as you whimpered. 
“I’ve got you, mon amour…” Sanji assures you as he leans down and pushes his cock into your trembling hole. 
“OH-!” The moan is ripped from your lungs as you feel the throbbing head of Sanji’s member push past your g-spot to fill you completely. “Fucking finally-“ You groan as your eyes roll to the back of your head, the fullness you’ve been craving in your bones finally being fulfilled. 
“More, more, more….” You chant as Sanji bucks his hips into yours with a fervent pace. Whatever aphrodisiac was in that wine had fully engulfed your brain and all you wanted was a thick cock inside of you stretching you out. The only thing you could focus on was the wet glide of Sanji’s heavy dick in and out of your hole. “Please, more!” You cried. 
“My love, I’ll give you everything you want…” Sanji’s eagerness to please came through as he pushed your thighs up towards your chest, allowing him further access to your favorite spot. “Need you to cum on me… please..” He begged. 
“M-More.. want more..." You whimper out. 
Sanji takes one of his hands from the crook of your knee and places it around your neck gently. He leans in and places a tender kiss on your lips. He moves his other hand to the top of your sex. Sanji slips two fingers inside of you next to his own cock, assuring you're full to the brim and your favorite spot is being stroked with every thrust.
"San-ji! So- Fuckin- Full!" You cried out in the throws of pleasure, finally feeling exactly what you wanted.
“I can’t do this much longer, mon cherie, so wet and so tight…” Sanji groans into your lips as he ruts into you like an animal. “Need you to cum…” 
“I’m…cumming… fuck!” You scrunch your eyes shut and scratch at Sanji’s naked back. 
“So perfect….” Sanji whimpers into your sweaty neck as he shoots his load into you. You stroked his neck all the way down to the base of his spine. 
“Aaah- Fuck- Ah!” You hear the cook grunt into your flesh as he digs his hips into yours further. 
“A-are you cumming again?” You ask with a heavy sigh, coming down from your own orgasm. 
“Sh-shiiiit….” Sanji groans. Tears prick at your eyes as overstimulation sets in. “M-my love…” 
You feel Sanji’s hips drive further into yours, impossibly deep. He was emptying yet another massive load in you in less than a few minutes, it was spilling filthily out of your hole around his cock. Sanji collapsed almost immediately on top of you without pulling out. 
Sanji wrapped his arms around your torso and settled in.
“You know you’re going to have to ask Chopper about a ‘morning after’ situation, right?” You muse as you stroke Sanji’s lower back. 
“I think the embarrassment is worth it.” Sanji smirks as he nuzzles into your breast. 
You smile and pull your love-cook close to fall asleep.
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Hope you ALL enjoyed!
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edgeray · 7 days
Hi Ray! 🍅 Anon here~
Have fun on your holiday and enjoy it to the best you can! Be sure to stay hydrated, the weather is really mental these days.
Just wanted to share a bit of brainrot I had regarding soft Arle, whether or not you choose to make it into a fic is up to you!
Arle with her frame and demeanor is most definitely the Top + Dom in the relationship with reader, but how about when she’s insecure? Seeing reader take care of the children and feeling as though she doesn’t deserve to be as loved as said children, then reader after putting the kids to bed embraces Arle and puts her head against their chest so Arle can hear their heartbeat more clearly while patting Arle and assuring her that they love her for her and that she DEFINITELY deserves to be spoilt… (reader knows Arle too well to not pick up on her tells and knows that Arle’s being harsh on herself)
Or maybe reader writing in to the Tsaritsa (without Arle knowing) to ask if Arle can take a 2 week break just to take care of the children and spend time as a couple (What if!! Tsaritsa was the one who wed them!!! And just closes both eyes and approves time off). Then reader proceeds to spoil Arle in every way possible - breakfast in bed, a warm bath after sparring with the children (no, not that kind of bath, but a fluffy one where Arle gets a shoulder massage and scrubbed clean and gets lots of loving kisses everywhere she’s insecure of), a feast of sashimi and steak tartare for dinner and a soft bed and loving wife in the night. I wanna spoil Arle like that but 😭
Oh! And since Harbingers are like celebrities in Snezhnaya, do you think Arle would have a fanclub there? Think about it! She’s young, has a boatload of money (you CANNOT convince me #4 doesn’t have money when #11 has an unimaginable sum at the bank), can handle kids well (she runs the HotH), and as a Harbinger who fights she probably is ripped (RIP her actual body proportions, they’re limited by Hoyo’s models, nobody is convincing me her body type isn’t like Lady Maria’s from Bloodborne, with abs, guns and muscular. Thighs.)
0 chance that she doesn’t have a line of sapphics lining up for her in Snezhnaya, even with the rumors of her being ruthless and cruel (I mean. If the rumors worked in making people back off. Arle simps like us wouldn’t exist to begin with lmao)… Imagine Arle trying to placate Jealous!Teasing!Reader!! Like Arle coming home on Valentine’s day a bit late to find reader teasing her about having a new lover meanwhile Arle was actually out buying a new dagger for reader to protect themselves with… reader being melodramatic because she knows and trusts Arle enough that Arle would never do anything like that (and Arle knows but plays along)
R: “Oh, woe is me! My wife came home late on Valentine’s with a dagger to end our relationship, whatever should I do?”
Arle: “My love…”
And if the children are around? They’d be busy either pretending they didn’t see anything or resisting the urge to claw their eyes out or handing each other eye bleach. Sending condolences to Lyney when one of the younger children ask something along the lines of
“Brother Lyney, do you think we’ll have another sibling soon if Father and Mother are this loving with each other”
(I headcanon that Arle does teach them sexuality education but not until they’re 10 and before that the older children tell their younger siblings that children pop into existence when Papa and Mama love each other lots)
I’m so sorry this is getting really out of hand but Arle has me in a brainrot when I should be focusing elsewhere 💀
Rest Your Worries, Lax Your Heart
(Arlecchino x GN! Reader)
A/N - Thank you, I did have a fun vacation :). Wow that is a lot and I love every single bit of this ask 🍅 anon. It'd be unfair if I just wrote one part and not all of them, so what did I do? Combined all of them as best as I can, but of course some details had to be omitted/changed because of that–hopefully you don't mind. I'm a fucking genius. Also considering that Arle has an anime, but never got a beach episode, this is said beach episode. This took so long because this turned out to be pretty self-indulgent (I'm sure you know which scene it was). This is a long boi, way over what the request range is supposed to be, but hope this is worth it? Somehow, my brain was able to focus for at least like… 4 hours. Started this at 23:00 something, and it's nearly 04:00. 🍅 anon, I enjoy your asks, so I hope you personally enjoy this one :)  Content warnings / info - a bit of suggestiveness, reader is referred to as ‘Mother’ but is otherwise gn!, 3.2k words 
It took a lot of back and forth over the span of four months, writing to the Tsaritsa, but you had finally been able to arrange this without the knowledge of your husband. The Archon, generous as she is, approved of your proposal for a two week long break without much pushback or questioning, saying that loyalty was rewarded and as one of her more productive Harbingers, Arlecchino’s efforts warrant her a break. All the Tsaritsa asked for was the general details of the vacation: when, where, and the activities you would be doing, which was easy enough to answer to. Surprisingly, she bought an entire section of the Sumeru coast along with a sizable cabin for the two of you and the children for the duration of your respite when you told where you plan on the location being. You're not one to turn down such a gracious offer so you accepted it. As a Pyro user, she would surely enjoy somewhere as warm as Sumeru. 
Currently, you're holding the letter from the Tsaritsa, which contains a direct order from the Archon addressed to Arlecchino to stay at Sumeru. No matter how much you plead for her to rest, your husband only says that she can keep working and for you to not worry. Tracing the envelope stamp, you breathe in deeply before knocking on the door.
“Yes?” Called from beyond the door. 
“Can I come in, Arle?”
“Yes, my love,” she says with a lilt. 
You come in, striding towards her, holding up the back of the envelope while trying to suppress your smile. “This was addressed for you.”
Arlecchino takes it with a bit of suspicion at the crack in your facial expression. Turning it over, she notices the stamp, which is the mark of the word of the Archon. She narrows her brows and takes out a letter opener, taking out the letter with a bit more urgency. You watch her expression morph from confusion to mild shock to indifference again. 
“What does it say?” You inquire her, biting your lip to hide the smile.
“It says that I'm going to Sumeru in three days. For a respite.” She eyes you carefully, her eyes glinting red. “But you seem to know that already.” 
You nod, a smile forming . “I thought… you were working so hard, and you deserve a break. I asked the Tsaritsa if it was possible and she agreed to it, even paying for our stay there.” 
Arlecchino's face flicks to something indecipherable, like there was a hesitation, but it quickly disappears before you can think too much on it. She gets up from her desk chair, strutting to you before wrapping her arms around your midsection, pulling you into an embrace. She presses a tender kiss against your forehead. “Thank you, my dear, for your thinking of me. I'm sure the children would appreciate being out of the House. I'll tell the children about this, and we should begin packing.”  
But does she appreciate it? It's for her, after all. You chew on the inside of your cheek but your smile remains in place.
You tilt your head up to kiss her cheek. “I already packed for us. And I told the kids, already.”
“Hm, that's why they seem so antsy lately. Thank you,” Arlecchino hums. “You picked for us already?”
“Yes. Including your clothes,” you chuckle, deviously imagining her in the attires you picked out for her. At that, she raises her eyebrows.
“Oh? What are you planning, my love?” She teases, seizing your chin in her hands and tilting your head up to lock her eyes with yours. You can't stop the giggle that bubbles out. 
“Nothing too… scandalous…” you answer back. “Don't worry, it's nothing too bad. This is all for you to relax, remember? You've been working so hard, been such a good husband, so…”
You lean forward to kiss her on the mouth. Whispering against her lips, you say, “As your partner, it's my duty to make sure you're happy. Isn't that right?”
If she physically could at that moment, Arlecchino would melt underneath your words. 
Upon your arrival at Sumeru, you were glad you picked the outfits that you did. Travel with around twenty kids was difficult, but luckily the older kids, the twins and Freminet especially, helped a lot. Everyone was practically vibrating in excitement, with the exception of Arlecchino, though you knew it was mostly because of how inexpressive she usually was. 
Currently, the two of you lay on the sand by the crystal clear waters, enjoying the sight of the children playing. The little ones are playing in the sand, presumably sculpting a castle, and the older ones are either engaging in a heated battle involving smacking a ball around or with Freminent in the ocean. Here, you forget that they’re a part of the Fatui, child soldiers for the Tsaritsa; here, they look like normal children and it makes your heart swell. 
Unfortunately, you're stuck in a dilemma–observe your children and take in their contagious laughter, or ogle your husband who is in the most delicious and mouth-watering attire possible. Underneath her short gray collarless jacket, was a cropped, sleeveless turtleneck that exposed her lower half of her toned stomach, including her v-line. Below are tight, black leggings which do little in hiding her muscular thighs. Everytime you look at her, a flush runs to your cheeks and you find yourself too flustered for your stare to linger because of the growing amount of indecent thoughts. You breathe deeply in an attempt to calm the raging storms of desire in your stomach, distracting yourself by observing the waves and digging your feet in the sand. For the sake of your children, you'd like for your mind to be as pure as possible. 
Blackened arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into a lap. You squeal at the sudden contact. Your husband's mouth hovers beside your ear, hot breath brushing against the shell of your ear. 
“Something interesting?” Arlecchino huskily whispers, making you shudder. One hand strokes over your stomach, invoking shivers from you. You inhale sharply before glancing at Arlecchino's face. 
“Just… watching the waves. It's calming,” you lie quickly, wondering if your racing heartbeat can be felt underneath her fingertips. 
“Your heart says otherwise,” she chuckles, turning your head over your shoulder so she can kiss you. 
After a few moments, you pull away from the kiss, and your eyes flick over to the children in the sand, still tossing around that ball over a net. “Why don't you join them? I'm sure they would love it if their Father joined their game.”
“My dear, I would destroy them,” Arlecchino bluntly remarks, and you chuckle. 
“Fair enough, I suppose.”
The two of you watch them in silence until Arlecchino breaks the silence. 
“I like what you picked for me.”
“Yes. Your reaction is adorable.” 
Something white-hot pricks the back of your neck. “I-I'm glad you like it. I like it too,” you stammer out, your abashment evident in your voice. 
“I can tell. Perhaps… you'd like to help me put on sun protection?” Arlecchino teases with a small smirk, removing her jacket off to reveal her lean biceps. “Over the pants, if that's alright.”
This handsome–sexy–woman is going to be the death of you, you’re sure of it. Your heart is going into overdrive, and you would be terrified of going into a stroke if you aren't more focused on your husband's physique. If it's not your heart that's going to kill you, it's the pending combustion inside of you. You squeeze your thighs against one another, pooling heat forming between your legs. 
“Y-yeah, sure,” you manage in between your laboring breathing, getting off of her lap to face her. Spreading the paste in your hand, you first venture over her neck, tenderly rubbing over her throat and then her nape, down to her sides. Her skin is hot to the touch, as expected of a Pyro user, but it somehow retains softness and flawlessness despite all the combat and harshness your husband deals with as a Fatui Harbinger. Still, unlike her composed facial features, you can feel that her pulse is as frenzied as yours–it gives you comfort that you’re not the only one feeling this. Your husband hums with contentment, watching you carefully. 
Next, you slide your hands over to her broad shoulders before feeling down her upper arm, deliberate attention to her biceps. A shuddering breath comes from you as she shifts, extending her arms more out towards you. You trace down the markings of her arm before caressing her inky elbow and forearms. Finally, you get to her wrists. An idea pops in your head as you bring her hands to your lips, kissing her knuckles and rings, giving special focus onto her engagement ring. An amused huff escapes from her, and you glance back at her. Her eyes gleam with such a rare fondness, reserved only for you. 
You glance down at the only part of her that's yet been touched, your stomach churning in itself when you're able to get a closer, longer look. You gulp considerably, your hands shaking slightly as they hover over it. 
A charcoal hand wraps around your wrist, gently guiding your palm to her until it's flushed against her skin. “Don't be shy now, love.” She smirks wickedly and you have the sense to kiss that smile off her face. 
“Shut up,” you murmur meekly, but place both hands on her stomach, your fingertips traversing over every dips created by her well-muscles stomach. It feels like your body will implode at any second now, as her body heat infects your fingers and spreads to the rest of your body. You coat her waist before your touch lingers lower, just above the waistband of her pants. You trace the indent of her v-line, your fingers nearly dip underneath her leggings. Before it can, she stops you, grasping both of your wrists with one hand as she leans in to whisper hotly near your ear.
“Let's save that for later, hm?” 
“Lyney, what are they doing?” One of the children inquires, as they point at Mother and Father still by the water. Father remains on top of Mother, seemingly applying sun protection, though Lyney isn't quite sure if their position is truly that… innocent. 
“Oh… Father is just helping Mother, like how I helped with the sun protection on your back,” Lyney quickly comes up with an explanation, looking away from them. 
The child remains silent, observing the older male's expression, before looking back at them once more. “Lyney, you said that when a mother and father love each other a lot, a new child comes right?” 
Lyney isn't sure if he was going to enjoy what comes next, though he has an inkling that he won't. “Yes…” 
“Does that mean Mother and Father will bring us a new sibling soon?”
Lyney sputters, looking to Lynette for assistance. 
After a nice day at the beach, Arlecchino takes you and the children to a local restaurant. Luckily, she was able to find one that was relatively empty, so there was no problem with fitting you and your twenty children inside. You find that the two of you rather enjoy Sumeru dishes; while you enjoy the variety of flavors, Arlecchino rather indulges in the spiciness of them. Your favorite is between the tandoori roast chicken and the lambad fish roll. Though, something bothers you during your time at the restaurant.
Arlecchino is an attractive woman; that much is undeniable, and you're well aware of the fact that she's pleasing to both men's and women's eyes. It is a common occurrence for her to attract the sights of those around her, for whatever the reason, though among the women, it is typically out of admiration. Here, this is the case as well, wandering eyes from other customers, and subtle flirting from the audacious waitress. 
After finishing your dinner, you excuse yourself to the bathroom, only to return to the two of them chatting up, although in reality it’s more like a one-sided conversation and Arlecchino is ignoring her– you're well aware of this, but you find the waitress’ presence pervasive. You approach your table quickly, kissing your husband on the cheek before glancing at the waitress.
“My husband and I would like to order dessert. Can you fetch us a menu, please?” You ask, disguising your ire with a practiced smile. Instantly, the waitress's flirtation dies and she walks away. 
You huff at the sight of the woman. “How could you, Arlecchino? After all we've been through? Talking so casually with her when I'm gone?” You jest with a gasp, faux jealousy in your tone once you notice the relieved sigh from her. Her claws release its hold on the tablecloth, leaving behind tattered sheets. 
“Oh, how I've been caught,” Arlecchino responds monotonously, playing along. “My affair with an unnamed, rather plain-featured woman has been discovered.” 
You giggle as her hand finds yours, interlocking with your fingers. “I'm in disbelief, betrayed by who I thought was my true love.”
“Oh hush now, love. Will Baklava buy your silence and heart again?” 
The House of the Hearth children gag as Mother and Father conciliate. 
“Mother, can't we stay up any longer? We're on vacation. Pleaseeeeee,” one of the children pleads as you usher them to bed, pulling the covers over them. 
“It's not healthy for you to stay up. Besides, you have plenty of time tomorrow and the rest of the two weeks to have fun. Your Father and I can't keep watch over you during the night,” you respond with, kissing them on the forehead. 
“What if Lyney or Lynette watches us?” 
“Lyney and Lynette are probably just as tired. When you wake up, we can go to the beach again, does that sound okay?” 
“Okay… good night Mother.”
You hum in delight, caressing their head. “Good night. Sweet dreams.” 
You silently walk towards the door. Arlecchino leans against the doorframe, observing you wordlessly–again, that unreadable expression appears over her, but this time it lingers. You shut the door as quietly as you can, before turning to your husband.
“Is there something you need, Arle?” You inquire. 
She shakes her head. You don't quite believe her, but you don't address it. “I'm going to go take a bath. Get all this sand off of me. Would you like to join me?” 
Arlecchino nods, and soon the two of you are in the bathroom. You let the faucet run, filling the bathtub with water as Arlecchino removes her clothing. It only takes a few moments before the two of you are seated in the bathtub, but it's a change of position this time. Arlecchino sits in between your legs, facing away from you.
“It's been a while since we've bathed like this, right?” You question softly, lightly carding your fingers through her untied hair. 
“It has been,” she merely replies, her voice almost far-away; like there’s something else on her mind. Even though you only face her back, you can tell from her lack of movement that she’s in deep contemplation.
“What are you thinking about, Arle?” Your husband bristles a bit at the question. Even after being married to you for a couple years, she's still unaccustomed to how you can read her so easily, especially when she prides herself in being incomprehensible to others, even her children. 
“Do you… not enjoy this?” You ask hesitantly with a lump in your throat. You know that she knows what you meant by ‘this’– the vacation; the entire notion of taking a break is foreign to Arlecchino, but you hope that she was able to find this beneficial. If she hates this and this vacation is supposed to be two weeks long… you don't want to say you'd be disappointed but you'd hope she'd at least be able to relax from her Harbinger duties. 
Arlecchino is silent for a few moments. “I admit… I am uneased by this, to be so vulnerable and open to assaults now that we're not in the House of the Hearth. I feel unproductive and restless without my usual work. However, at the same time, I can see how beneficial this is to the children, and it is a nice change for once to see them like this. Being able to spend time with you like this is also rather indulgent, but I cannot complain about it.” 
You smile, a weight lifted off your chest as you lean forward to press a kiss against her nape. “I’m glad. This was for you after all.”
“Although I am gratified that the children are able to experience this as well … I cannot see why you would put this much effort for me. After all, I am…” Arlecchino pauses, raising her blackened hands to her view. She doesn’t finish her sentence, but you're able to get a sense of what she’s trying to say, and another weight is placed heavy on your heart. For as confident and assured that Arlecchino likes to present herself, when it is just the two of you, she reveals a rawer, more unguarded side to her. Often, she confides in you how she grapples with why you can so fondly view her, and every time, your heart sinks. How could your husband think this way? 
Laying your chin over her shoulder, you gingerly place both of your hands underneath hers, stroking the inside of her palm with your thumb. “I know where your thoughts are leading to, Arlecchino, and they're wrong. I love you, Arlecchino. You deserve this. You deserve this treatment, you deserve a break, you deserve to be loved. Your curse, your past… it doesn't matter. These hands…” 
You continue caressing her hand with your fingers. “...They are not cursed. These hands are not unloveable. These are the same hands that protect and care for our children. The same hands that hold me. The same hands that please me. They are a part of you, and they aren't evidence that you are a monster. If you are, you wouldn't have me, and you wouldn't have the children.” 
You kiss down along her bare back, gaining shivers from the woman. “Enjoy this, my love, for me at the very least. You are my husband, so let me do my part in loving you. You've done an innumerable amount of things for me and the children, so consider this to be our repayment for you.” 
“That is why I am doing this for you, do you understand?” You whisper against her skin. 
Arlecchino nods, a shaky breath escaping from her. You finish your treatment around her shoulderblades and gesture for her to turn around. When she does, the first thing that you do is kiss her hands, peppering them with as much devotion as you can give them. To you, nothing is more beautiful. 
“You deserve everything and more. Don't forget that, Arlecchino. So let me do this for you.” It isn't an ask. It is a demand from the one person whose authority is higher than the Tsaritsa: you. 
Arlecchino closes her eyes, and lets herself melt into you. 
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wyattjohnston · 6 months
kinda hope they catch us - andrei svechnikov
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summary: 3 times the engagement was a secret and 1 time it wasn't.
word count: 1,698
note: this is a fic written for @isconnormcdavidok as part of a server exchange run by @mp0625 💚
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It never ceased to amuse Eva that seeing the other WAGs was like seeing a friend you hadn’t seen in months. It had been 2 days since the last home game, and yet it would still be all hugs, kisses and tell me what I’ve missed. Some of them weren’t at the game so Eva could talk about dragging Andrei along to Christmas with her folks, at least. Everyone else would get a somewhat rehearsed story about her plans for starting the New Year off on the right foot.
It was only ever so hard during the holidays when everyone always expected a big, grand tale every time they saw each other.
And only more so of a big deal because she was keeping a secret.
A large secret.
A secret taking up quite a bit of real estate on her left hand.
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Eva sighed at the line up of cars in the driveway and on the street outside her parents’ house. She had tried so hard to not be late for once, and she thought she was doing an excellent job.
Andrei assured her that they were, actually, only fifteen minutes late, which was the most on time Eva could ever remember being and her family would hopefully be impressed by that fact.
They made their way to the front door, arms so loaded with presents that she had to awkwardly press her nose to the doorbell because neither of them could free a hand to let themselves in.
A nervous buzz zipped through Eva’s body, her body bursting to tell her family news they’d been waiting to hear for what felt like forever, and she had her mouth open to spill it as soon as the door opened in front of her—except she was grabbed by the arm, her cousin letting out an exasperated “finally”, and hauled into the living room where the entire family was waiting.
Eva looked at Andrei, about to ask him if this was all his doing, to ask if he’d planned this, only to be met with him staring back at her and about to ask the same thing.
There wasn’t any time to work it out between them, though, because Eva’s sister was pulling her husband in front of them all and announcing that she was pregnant. Eva’s left hand got suddenly heavier.
It didn’t matter, though, that it had to put their plans on hold—and there was no question that that had to be the case—Eva used the now empty couches to unload presents from her arms, taking the ones Andrei was carrying.
“We’ll still be engaged tomorrow,” she whispered to him, the pressure of his hand on her upper back settling her.
His laugh was deep but soft when he said, “I know, Zolotse. I know.”
Eva joined the line to celebrate her sister and the pregnancy that she had all but given up on ever happening.
No effort was made throughout lunch to hide the new engagement ring, not intentionally on her part, anyway. Andrei holding hers hand throughout lunch, or when everyone moved back to the couch after, was the norm so nobody thought anything of it. He just so happened to be hiding the news they’d been so eager to share.
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Eva always made an effort to watch Andrei’s home games; she’d very much grown to enjoy over the course of their relationship, having met Andrei very early on in his NHL career. There was a nice rotating cast of significant others and kids who appeared at games, too, and Eva’s relationships with them had become some of her most cherished.
“Are you going to take your coat off?” Courtney asked, tugging at material as she passed Eva. “And gloves?”
Eva balled her hands up and then shoved them under her thighs. Her ring caught on the glove which in turn caught on her jeans, but she wasn’t going to let the cold get to her.
“Are you coming down with something?” Gracia asked, concerned enough to put her hand against Eva’s forehead. “It doesn’t feel like you have a fever.”
“I’m just really cold. I haven’t been able to get warm all day.”
“Jesus Christ, you’re twenty-three not eighty-three. Can you start telling us when it’s about to rain?”
Eva rolled her eyes, insisting that she wasn’t sick or old or anything else. She was cold.
There was a period of time before the game started where people were seeming to give her a wide berth; Eva was unsure if it was because they thought her contagious or if she looked generally unhappy about being at the game. And she wasn’t unhappy to be there; she made that very clear when Nykki finally sat next to her.
“Are you sure? You’re a little grumpier than usual.”
“Because nobody will let me be cold!” Eva protested. “I’m just trying to get warm.”
During the first intermission, a blanket from the team store was delivered. It was mortifying.
Andrei, when they were both home after the game, found it amusing at least, when he saw it laid across their bed where she was waiting for him with the covers tucked up under her chin.
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The boys were, yet again, off in a road trip. This time, just for one game in Toronto before they flew back for New Years’ Eve. Eva was out to brunch with most of the younger cohort of WAGs, ready to start ringing in the new year even if it was a day early.
Before she left, she’d spoken on the phone with Andrei as he was rushing out the door to get on the bus for practice.
“I think I’m going to take the ring off,” she had said, spinning the ring around her finger as she spoke.
There was a beat, much thicker than Eva had been expecting, before Andrei asked in a thick voice, “You what?”
“Nobody knows yet, right?” she asked, unsure if Andrei had told any of his teammates. It wouldn’t be a big deal, but she would have expected him to tell her. “Taking it off until you get home won’t be a big deal.”
Another beat followed, and Eva was expecting him to tell her that people already knew, that he was nervous to do so. She was opening her mouth to say that she wouldn’t bother if people already knew—because everyone would definitely know before she left for brunch—but Andrei beat her to it, sounding even more dejected.
“Zolotse… You don’t want a ring? You don’t want to be engaged?”
“Oh, god. Andrei. No. That is not what I mean!” Eva said in a rush, her voice becoming more and more high pitched with each word.
“What you mean?”
“If I take it off, we can tell people tomorrow! Together!” she held her left hand to her chest and bit the inside of her cheek as her eyes started to water. “Andrei, baby, I just want to tell people together. That’s all.”
Andrei asked her softly, a couple more times before he had to leave, to promise him she was telling the truth.
It put a bit of a damper on heading out to brunch, because she found that, even though it had been her idea, taking off the ring was a struggle. Still, she put it delicately on her bedside table, and headed out to see her friends.
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Hiding the ring was easy when her hand was securely in Andrei’s as they walked into the New Years’ Eve party. She was filled with nervous energy, and even though the ring was hidden she found herself looking at everyone as if they would be able to tell with just one look at her.
Not that they had up to that point.
They weren’t without drinks for very long as someone seemed to have been tasked with holding a tray right near the doors. Eva, without any input from Andrei, led them straight to where Martin and Nykki were standing off to the side—they were the first people they wanted to tell, after all.
There were handshakes and hugs the second Martin and Nykki noticed their arrival.
“Did you find the non-alcoholic wine?” Nykki asked, gesturing to Eva’s champagne flute and earning a furrowed brow in response.
“No? Why would—no, that’s not what I want to talk about. We have something to tell you.”
“I fucking knew it,” Nykki shouted, immediately turning to Martin and excitedly smacking his chest. “I told you she was pregnant?”
Andrei choked on his drink.
“Pregnant?” he asked, hurried and panicked.
“What the fuck?” asked Eva. “Where the fuck did you get that idea?”
“You’re obviously keeping a big secret.” Nykki’s tone was more accusatory than Eva expected. “You’ve been weird since Christmas, and you were really sick at the game on Saturday, and you’re not drinking—”
Eva cut her off to exclaim, “I had three mimosas at brunch yesterday!”
“They weren’t orange juice? What have you been hiding from us then?”
“This fucking dwarf planet I’ve been wearing for a week?” Eva pulled her hand from Andrei’s to hold it out to Nykki and Martin. “That somehow nobody has noticed? It has gravitational pull.”
Nykki grabbed Eva’s hand so rapidly that Eva was startled, but she let Nykki inspect it closely whilst Andrei and Martin had a silent conversation over Nykki’s excited screaming. It drew the attention of everybody nearby.
There was a lengthy conversation once more of the WAGs gathered, how did he do it? When did he do it? Why didn’t you tell us? And Eva had to try and convince them that she hadn’t meant to—aside from the brunch—it had just ended up that way. Not one of them believed her in the moment.
Her hand was being passed around the group, everyone admiring the ring and asking questions Eva didn’t know the answer to, so Eva caught Andrei’s eye here he was holding court with the boys and nearly melted at the softness of his smile. At the pride behind his eyes. At the love that emanated from his entire body.
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tonowaritrash · 1 year
I’ve never done an ask before, but I’d love to see a smut fic of young Tonowari with reader. Where she thinks he’s going to be with Ronal so she tries her best to avoid him, no matter how hard he tries to get her attention. Then her heat starts unexpectedly when he finally gets a hold of her so she runs away, but he follows her fed up with the running. Finds out she’s in heat and wants to mate with her but she thinks it’s just a duty to him as future chief. Hopefully this makes sense in some way.
A HEAT FIC! YES! nonny i hope your dreams come true
slightly different turn of events at the end, for added drama, but the spirit is the same methinks.
pairing: tonowari x reader
tags: heat, feelings of inadequacy, p in v sex, praise, gentle dom!tonowari if you squint, porn with feelings
a/n: this fic…it ran away from me
minors dni
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it’s not that you’d wanted to avoid tonowari, not truly anyway. you’d grown up together as your parents were close to each other, and he’s always been protective over you. fussing over whether you were truly ready for joining the others for hunts, giving other men a glare when they’d approached you, soothing you when you cried about whatever had hurt you that day. but he was like that with your siblings too, and all his friends really. the treatment you got wasn’t special but every softly spoken assurance, every gentle smile, every soothing touch, even, had taken a hold on your heart.
but you couldn’t do anything about it. he would soon take over as olo’eyktan and all the tribe whispered and gushed about how ronal would be the perfect tsahik. and who could blame them? she was fierce, intelligent, loyal, loving and dedicated to the tribe. the younger members often sought her out for guidance when they were too scared to go to elders.
it only made sense, then, that tonowari spent less time with you as time went on. as you got older and more mature you’d noticed how he and ronal were often nowhere to be seen. you wouldn’t dare impose yourself upon them. it just didn’t feel right. no matter how much your heart ached for him.
so when he appeared in front of you while you and the tribe were deciding hunting parties for the day you were surprised. he was smiling, turquoise eyes sparkling. “looks like we’ll be together for the day,” he said.
you nearly frowned, having not heard the olo’eyktan’s announcement of parties during your musings. ronal had apparently been assigned to another one.
“just like old times, eh?” he asked.
you nodded, forcing a smile. you couldn’t hunt with him. it would hurt too much to have him fuss over you when you were like this.
he gave you an earnest look and placed a hand on your shoulder. “listen, i-“”
suddenly someone called out to him and he turned to see his father, a dear friend of the oloeyktan, motioning for him.
tonowari looked at you apologetically. “we’ll talk on the hunt,” he promised.
again, you could only nod and sighed in relief when he left. the place he had touched you burned and your heart seemed to think your chest was a drum.
quickly you ran to find another close friend of yours before the hunt started.
you found him sharpening a spear, face contorted in concentration.
“not now,” he muttered, immediately knowing it was you. “i gotta get this ready before we head out.”
“switch hunting parties with me,” you blurted in a rush.
ralak sighed and placed the spear down. “what’s this about?”
“nothing, i…” you paused and gulped, nothing how shaky your breath was. “i just…the west side of the reef isn’t that pretty this time of year is all.”
ralak studied you steadily before sighing and continuing with sharpening his spear. “fine. but you owe me.”
you beamed and hugged him. “thanks!”
“yeah, yeah.”
the hunts were successful and without incident. tonowari had managed to catch a large fish that would feed the tribe well for two nights. the celebration was boisterous and the cheerful sounds of your fellow metkayina floated into the night sky.
there were drums being beaten on steadily and flutes were played as the tribe danced. you were sitting next to ralak who was telling you about the hunt and how tonowari had led them, speaking above the roar of the fire and the songs being chanted.
you laughed along at his tale, only to be distracted by a glimpse of tonowari who was making his way through the crowd as though looking for someone. your eyes caught each other and a smile graced his face before he made his way to you, causing your good mood to sour immediately.
“i need to go,” you said suddenly, standing up.
ralak was surprised but didn’t say anything, only offering a small wave. you smiled back reassuringly and melted into the crowd. the whole tribe was there so it was easy to blend in and have tonowari lose track of you.
you turned and saw him speaking to ralak with a quizzical look but saw ronal approaching them as well. you heart lurched and your eyes burned, hot tears threatening to fall. you looked away before you could see them talk to each other and made your way back home.
the night air was cooler now that you were away from the flames, but you noticed your body was still quite warm. a dull ache, barely noticeable, sat at the bottom of your stomach.
it was early symptoms of a heat, but it was still days away. your scent hadn’t changed yet, ralak would have pointed it out if it did, so it wouldn’t be a problem for another few days.
“so will you tell me what’s wrong now?”
two days later you were sitting with ralak at a cliff, taking in the breeze and watching the waves crash into stone below you. the day was warm and you were sharing fruit between the two of you.
“i don’t know what you mean,” you said coolly before taking a bite. the fruit was juicy and you wiped your mouth when you felt some of it trickle down your chin.
ralak gave you a pointed look, clearly unimpressed. “i’m not stupid, you’ve been avoiding tonowari for months, now. what’s going on?”
you frowned at him. ralak was always so observant, wise beyond his years it seemed too. “i haven’t been avoiding him.”
he clicked his tongue and shook his head as he stared into the horizon. the sea was so beautiful like this, glinting under the bright light of the star in the sky. he was concerned, but he didn’t prod.
“your heat’s coming,” he murmured now.
you choked on the fruit that was currently in your mouth at his bluntness. “you can’t just…a little tact, please!”
he chuckled. “there’s no one here, and i can guarantee everyone in the tribe will be able to smell it on you in about a day too.”
the only reason ralak knew was because he was around you so much. when people were close to each other it was far easier to smell the subtle differences in scent.
“so? any plans to have someone help you?”
“are you volunteering?” you teased, but the look he gave you was a serious one. you shook your head. “i’m used to going at it alone.”
“you sure?” he asked. “you were joking but i don’t mind helping you, you know. i get…i just…” he trailed off, wringing his hands.
you knew what he would say, and you were flattered really. heats were a difficult time and usually it was encouraged at an unmated woman have a trusted friend help her through it until she was bonded. going at it alone wasn’t impossible but it was harder.
“i’m used to it,” you reassured. “don’t worry about me, ralak.”
he shook his head again, though not at you it seemed. perhaps at something he himself was thinking. “alright. but you’re gonna have to find a mate soon.”
when the two of you arrived back at the tribe, eclipse was close at hand. ralak left, mentioning something about spears again before giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze as though to reassure you.
you were alone in the bustle of the village and tried to find something to keep your mind busy for the rest of the day.
before you could even think however, you bumped into tonowari who steadied you before you could fall. his hands were hot against your skin and you jumped away.
“you alright?” he asked. “i was looking for you.”
you looked up at his concerned eyes and could feel your stomach curl in on itself. “i…i’m fine. i need to go—”
“i wanted to talk to you about something,” he said, quickly grabbing your wrist before you could make your escape.
that touch seemed to burn through you, your heart raced and you could feel your skin getting hotter by the second.
no, this wasn’t right. your heat wasn’t due for another couple days at the very least. you didn’t even have a strong scent yet. what was this? what was happening?
“i really need to go,” you said again, fighting with yourself to move away from him.
his eyes narrowed in concern. “what’s…” but after a moment he inhaled deeply and his eyes widened.
you used this moment to break away from him and ran to the other side of settlement where the heat huts were. your heat was coming early and since you were unmated, it would be difficult to handle it at home especially because you were so unprepared.
seeing ronal at the front, tidying up almost made you trip in surprise.
she looked up at you and frowned before ushering you inside without another word, closing the curtain behind her as she did. this hut was in the shade for most of they day, making heats somewhat bearable, and you were relieved at the cool air against your skin.
“it’s early,” she said muttered, smelling you.
“i was fine thirty minutes ago, i swear.”
she tutted and fussed about you, bringing you water and a plate of food, ever the picture of calmness as you fidgeted, already feeling a wetness soak through your clothes. the cramps were beginning and you squirmed and the uncomfortable sensitive feeling you had in your intimate parts.
“relax,” she said. “i’ll leave in a moment but i’ll be close by. do you have anyone helping you through this?”
you shook your head and she nodded. normally people didn’t go there if they had someone to help them.
“i’ll come in every few hours to give you food and water,” she said. “if you need anything, tell me.”
she left you then and you were alone inside a hut in the early throes of a heat. it didn’t take you long for you to start touching yourself, eyes pricking at the feeling of pressure against your clit. it didn’t take long for you to come either from how sensitive you were, slick gushing out of you as you gasped.
it wasn’t nearly enough, you knew that, and you whined, lying back now and putting two fingers inside. you were burning everywhere, and it was almost unbearable.
the world around you because a blazing haze as your thoughts melted together. your fingers thrust into you pathetically and you whined as you squeezed your eyes shut, forcing yourself to think it was someone else doing it. imagining soft words of praise and affirmation and strong arms cooling away the burning as you were thrusted into.
“that’s it,” the imaginary voice said, softly. “take my cock. that’s a good girl.”
you sobbed, you walls squeezing around empty space sound your fingers. “wari, please,” you said softly. “wari, need you please. please.”
and you came again. but something was clearly wrong. everything still burned. there wasn’t the usual respite, the moments of calm in a frenzy. your mind was foggy and your cunt still dripping and wanting. it burned, it all burned.
it was like this for two days. you could barely sleep from the heat and eating was difficult. ronal expressed her concern the first time she checked in on you and noticed you hadn’t touched the water, and now she seemed genuinely frightened.
you were too. your heats usually calmed down after the first three days, but it seemed only to worsen as time went on.
you whispered tonowari’s name repeatedly, his figure was the only one you saw when you fell into one of your fantasies. but he wasn’t there and every time you realised this, you cried.
right now, though, you were on your hands and knees, ass up as you fucked your fingers. vaguely you heard loud whispers floating into the room. you couldn’t tell what was being said, and you didn’t care as you whined at the burning feeling.
“need you, wari,” you mumbled as imagined him taking you from behind. “hurts so bad.”
you could hear the sound of cloth moving and footsteps somewhere far away. you didn’t pay it mind, however as slick gushed out of you once more and tears fell from your face. it just wasn’t enough.
you heard your name being called and you looked, peering through the haze at the voice. it sounded so real, was your imagination really that strong?
“look at you,” the voice said, concerned. you saw tonowari kneeling next to you and you squinted.
“wari?” you asked and you reached out. his skin was cool under your palm, soothing, like a gel on a burn. “you’re here?”
“i’m here sweet girl,” he said, cupping your face. “gonna take care of you.”
something in your brain raised alarm bells and you would have protested but his hands were so cool, they offered the only respite you’d had from the burning from the last three days.
without any delay, he replaced your fingers with his own and —oh!—it was…it felt…
you sobbed at the way his fingers felt inside you, stretching you and curling into you. it was infinitely better already, they were so thick and long.
he swore at the slick that came out of you and licked it off your thighs. you shivered as he trailed it up, lapping at everything before giving you cunt a long lick.
it was like an explosion erupted through you as he circled your clit with his tongue. then he gave it a tentative lick and you came, the haze and the fog in your mind clearing somewhat.
he licked you clean before straightening himself behind you. “gonna fuck you now,” he promised. “gonna make it feel better, okay, sweet girl?”
you barely answered before he thrusted into you. the feeling was incredible, you had no idea that you could feel like this during a heat.
“fuck,” he said softly. “fuck, you’re so perfect around me. you’re so tight.”
you felt him grip your hips tighter as though to control himself.
“wari, gonna cum,” you sobbed. “wanna cum on your cock.”
he grunted at that and gave two particularly hard thrusts which made you cum harder than you’d ever in your life. he swore as slicked rushed out of you and came inside you soon after.
the fog cleared enough that you were lucid and you blinked, turning to tonowari who lay down next to you in exhaustion.
“wari? it’s you?”
he nodded. “it was easy to convince ronal since your heat had gotten bad. why didn’t you ask for help?”
“i…” you trailed off. “ thank you, for coming here.”
he nodded and helped you sit up. a bowl of water was at your lips before you knew it. “you need to drink.”
you did so happily, but the ache in your heart came again. he was once again fussing over you. this wasn’t how it was supposed to be.
“ronal is kind,” you said, “letting you come here.”
he looked at you quizzically. “it’s to be expected. we look out for each other as a tribe.”
again your heart panged. you couldn’t bear to look at him as he fed you some dried fruit from the bowl, but the familiar tingle began to rise again. soon your body burned once more and you are panting and whining.
the bowl was put aside as tonowari grasped your hips and manoeuvred you onto his lap. his hands cooled the unbearable heat on your skin as he reassured you.
tonowari took you while you were on his lap this time, rocking into you as you whined at keened. soft words were shared in your ear and you swore as he thrusted up into you. “good girl,” he said. “take what you need from me. there you go…”
you gripped his shoulders as you rode him, back arching as he rubbed your clit. you came again and collapsed into him as he stroked your hair.
“ralak said you were avoiding me,” tonowari said after some silence. “he didn’t say why but…” he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “i was worried, truly.”
“you and ronal need to focus on each other.”
“ronal and i?”
you nodded and he frowned. “you’re just as important. you should have said your heat was going to be bad.”
you smiled now. “even now the future olo’eyktan thinks of his people. i’m impressed.”
“i’m not…this isn’t…” he paused to collect his thoughts. “i’m doing this because you’re…i…fuck. i want to.”
you’d never seen him look so frustrated and you were all the more confused for it.
he saw your expression and furrowed his brow, thinking deeply. then as though he’d made up his mind, he kissed you.
it took you by surprise. normally it wasn’t necessary for people who helped during heats to kiss, at least that’s what you’d heard. but this kiss, it soothed you, and you relaxed as tonowari wrapped his arms around you. it was nice and you felt as tonowari let a content purr out, a thing you’d never heard him do. you broke apart and he trailed some kisses down your neck, suckling softly at your collar bone.
it seemed like he genuinely enjoyed this, that he cared. about you. but that wasn’t right. ronal she was just outside…
“wari, i can’t…ronal might…”
he paused. “ronal?”
you fidgeted. “she’ll be your tsahik. you’ll be mated, it’s not fair to her.”
he blinked, and a rush of understanding washed across his face. “ronal and i…we’re not together.”
the words were like a punch in the gut. “what?”
“she’s helping me get more in tune with eywa,” he said. “i thought it would be good for me once i’m olo’eyktan.”
you took a shaky breath. “but she’s…so perfect. everyone thinks so.”
he chuckled. “she would be a formidable tsahik. but she’s not…” he sighed, rubbing your hips. “how could i mate her in a world where you exist?”
you gaped at him, the familiar heat returning now. you pushed it down, pushed away the hazy fog that came with it. “i don’t understand.”
he hummed, taking your hands. “how do i say this…? i see you. i see only you. it’s always been you.”
you understood the words fundamentally, yes, yet they made no sense. “you’ll be olo’eyktan.”
“i don’t—wari, it’s not me. please, don’t do this. my heart can’t take it. don’t lie to me like this. it’s hard enough that you’re with me during my heat.”
he kissed you again and you reciprocated. his lips trailed down to your neck and suckled and you gasped as he nipped your skin.
“it’s always been you,” he whispered.
you lay back against the blankets as he licked your torso. he gently cupped one of your breasts and sucked the nipple.
your back arched, skin alight with soft flames as he made his way down to your now sopping core. he kissed your lower lips once before straightening himself and stroking his erection.
you whined out for him as he teased your entrance with his tip. finally he slowly entered you, stretching you out. the brain fog that came with your heat was minimal and you felt all of him.
he rocked into you slowly, bending over to kiss you again as he moved his hips. your cries were swallowed by him and a shiver shot through you when his tongue explored your mouth.
the pace was slow and deep as his mouth trailed down to suck your breast, to nick at your neck, to kiss your shoulder, to worship your body as he gave you soft praises.
“my good girl,” he said. “my sweet girl.”
his words caressed you and the pressure in you rushed out. you trembled in his arms as a powerful orgasm shook you.
“yes, just like that,” he grunted, moving a bit faster now. “can you do it again? cum like this?”
you nodded, already feeling the telltale signs of another orgasm tingling in you.
“good,” he said before kissing you again.
he groaned as he felt you squeeze his cock with your walls. “just like that, yes, good girl.”
you were absolutely drunk on his cock, loving how it got harder the more turned on he got. it felt far too good.
“gonna cum wari,” you whined.
“cum for me, sweet girl. makes me so happy to see you cum,” he said.
you came again, the pleasure so great you saw only white. you heard tonowari swear as his rhythm stuttered, biting into your neck before he came inside of you.
the bite was hard, but didn’t hurt. not too much. but it took you a minute to realise what he had done, to realise he marked you as his.
he kissed you for what felt like the millionth time, deeply, feeling every part of you with his hands as though committing your body to memory. you kissed back, heart feeling light for the first time in what felt like months.
“it’s always been you,” he said when he broke the kiss. “i’ve wanted to ask for ages but i never could.”
you caressed the bite mark, it was a promise, a vow. “how long?”
he chuckled. “from the moment i met you, i think. it was admiration back then, but when we got older…”
you laughed at how similar you were. at how silly you’d been. but that feeling of unworthiness, it lingered still.
“i’m not…”
“you don’t have to be,” he reassured. “it’s always been you, remember. and it always will be.”
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devildomwriter · 11 months
Future Seasons Predictions
1. I don’t think Barbatos has been banned from using him powers by Diavolo yet. I think we will all see why he can no longer use them freely because of the events in Nightbringer
2. The devs hinted that Raphael, Mephistopheles, and Thirteen will eventually be dateable
3. The ending of season one hard mode implied Michael may want to attend RAD in the future so we may finally get a character reveal for him. If this does happen he may be included as a dateable as the same time as the others just to make things easier
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4. We’ll be getting more plot revolving the founding of RAD
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5. I imagine we’ll see a lot more fun nods to the OG game and see how other things turned out the way they did
6. Asmodeus is already popular but I believe we’ll see him fame skyrocket soon
7. The real Raphael will probably make an appearance soon to check things out for himself
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8. There will be a lot of tense “family” drama between the brothers and their former angelic brothers
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9. Hopefully some more comedic scenes between Mephistopheles and Thirteen
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10. I believe at some point MC’s identity will be revealed and in order to connect the timelines everyone will probably have their memories erased until MC returns to the present timeline and then they will all remember just how big a part MC played in their lives and with the Devildom
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