#and how everything fits a lot.
subwaytostardew · 2 months
(This is the anon who wrote about the farmer finding a wild Pokémon.) Just thought of this after I submitted the previous post, but about your view about Joja being an evil team that succeeded, if my prompt from earlier did happen, do you think Morris or Joja Corp would first attempt to steal the Pokémon and if that didn't work, put the farmer in a position where they have to give them up (assuming that's what Joja is like in this mod)?
*Evil smile*
So you wanna know about Joja Corp and how they are like in this mod.
Pull up a chair grab some popcorn.
I'm about to give you the whole run down of how they are.
Now to start off - Morris here has NO IDEA. What Joja Coporation has done in the past when it comes to the extermination and deportation of Pokémon.
Yes, I said the word extermination. Fair warning things are going to get very dark here.... There is a reason why all of this is has happened in the past or behind the scenes. (Meaning, won't be directly said in the mod itself.)
Also just to keep things on track! Submas... had no idea how big of a mess they got into, and are too busy with the station to look into it much. This is your silly story in which you help submas integrate in a run-down town who fears Pokémon as an invasive species! There's not much you can do besides helping them settle and hope the common sentiment changes a bit. Joja stuff is something the farmer can't get too involved in because Morris isn't even that involved in the big picture… Joja already succeeded. There's a lot going on outside of Pelican Town, but just like the war with the Gotoro Empire, there's nothing you can do about it but experience the ripples from its effects from a relatively isolated town.
Morris himself has grown up without any Pokémon around - meaning any information about Pokémon from schools, libraries, etc is heavily censored or outright struck from history.
The most he knows is that Pokémon were once a thing in the valley and now they are not. He does not know about the involvement Joja Cooperation as a whole had, and honestly, Joja is keeping it that way.
Plus, Morris as a character is always trying to impress his higher-ups. What better way then to make sure the Joja Mart he was entrusted with thrives within the small town that is Pelican Town! Coupons! Coupons everywhere!
He just wants to do his job and do so where it will make the higher-ups be proud of him.
But really he is just one of the many pawns Joja Coporation has at their disposal.... To keep a hold of the people you need to keep ahold of the consumer. Buy from Joja Mart! They are Mega Corporation!
And as stated from the Stardew Valley Wiki.
"A megacorp that seems to cover shipping, warehousing, distribution, mining activities, emergency medical services, and energy drink production."
Which means they most likely have a political or social stake claim within the governing body of The Ferngill Republic. Think about the war that is currently going on with the Gotoro Empire. Medical supplies sent via Joja itself to the troops of the Ferngill Republic.
Joja Coporation itself clearly has control over what the people can say or do etc.
Between Morris and submas... They're evenly matched. They have one-track minds when it comes to doing their job. They're workaholics, but politics isn't in their standard operating procedure.
You as the farmer (If you did not skip the intro) worked in a cubicle! And there where security people, most likely CEO's looking down below at you from glass windows as you work!
(Like a prison....)
So when it comes to Pokémon itself; Joja Coporation got rid of them to have more control over the people.
Over the Republic as a whole.
From spreading false information, propaganda and playing the messy board game that is politics. They convinced the government and the people Pokémon were bad and that the ecological system was at risk due to them. And during the time that Granny Evelyn and George where growing up in...
Pokémon were either....
Captured and deported.
Or the Pokémon themselves found means of escape out of the region with their lives all while their habitats were being wiped out (meaning food, berries etc.) That made them thrive.
I imagine the berries to be their first target in their plan of wiping out Pokémon... Joja provides medical supplies and growing berries is practically free healthcare (curing poison and paralysis?). It's just one step in their monopoly and also serves to make their job of eradicating Pokémon from the region easier. They would just starve off. It may have been a bit difficult to convince the general public that killing off Pokémon directly is for the supposed greater good at first (animal empathy and all), but they could have managed to spread something about how Pokémon berries are bad. Their healing properties are a bit absurd, so they could spread fear about them being sketchy (think like... how MSG occurs naturally in tomatoes but everyone has a bit of xenophobia about MSG as a concept).
Not to mention... Pokémon are quite powerful. There's some truth in what Joja spreads. They easilly overrun an ecosystem (as shown by pretty much every other region...), so not removing them from a region runs the risk of regular animals going exctinct instead. It's one or the other. Being a megacorp having control over one of the last few regions without Pokémon puts you in a pretty good position from a business standpoint since everyone relies on you to be a major exporter of normal goods. It's basically world domination for Joja.
Without Pokémon there was no more that sense of companionship or the ideas of traveling or journeying and discovering one's selves as a kid. Jobs became more laborious, less fun, and overall people had to adapt without Pokémon.
Not to mention the tactics which Joja used painted Pokémon in a harsh light... Which means you're in the Hisuian Era of thinking when it comes to Pokémon. Because no one understands them anymore.... and it doesn't help the fact that the Ferngill Republic is isolated from the rest of the world as a region and home.
It's sad, but submas gets used to it eventually. Which makes a certain someone perfect for the job of dealing with the Hisuian era...
Now I can hear that question brewing.
Oh, for sure.... If they even had a Pokémon League body government to begin with.
The Ferngill Republic has no Pokémon-focused government even when they had Pokémon. Think of regions within Pokémon canon like - the Almia region.
If you have not played Pokémon Ranger series as a kid when growing up I highly recommend it! I draw a lot of inspiration from Shadows of Almia in terms of how Joja Coporation is.
As for the mainline games, Alola- despite having a focus on Pokemon- is pretty isolated since they haven't quite established a League like the others yet. You can get away with a lot when there's no Pokémon League.
There is no Pokémon League or Gym System. They're just people living their average lives. Small towns. Some cities. etc. Sure, they have the Ranger Union in Almia, but not every region has a Pokémon Ranger base. The same could be said for the Ferngill Republic.
Joja as a whole had completed its goal of taking control.
At least so they think....
The funny thing about history is that - it is never truly gone. People still find out what has happened.
So what do you think is on their minds when they find out that the government has accepted paperwork and access for oh I don't know two train conductors to come over and repair a train infrastructure within Stardew Valley itself.
Joja CEO's is going to tell Morris to do anything he can to get that railroad... And Morris won't question why. Until things don't start to add up... Why care about a bunch of train conductors with Pokémon?
Oh, now suddenly you are learning more about Pokémon.... and you begin to question the history of everything. You begin to question Joja itself. That control is slipping and it has been possibly before Ingo and Emmet even arrived.
Now, what if I told you there are two divisions of Joja here. The ones who believe that Pokémon are horrible and must be gotten rid of. And the ones who believe that they must adapt and thrive with them as partners.
Joja itself is going to be infighting as you now have a Team Plasma and Neo Plasma situation going on.....
But, as a farmer, a grocery store clerk, and a pair of conductors, you can't do anything about it. You don't even know where to start. Your only lead is a general store manager who's pretty uninvolved in the political aspect. You have no choice but to remain uninvolved and just hope they collapse on themselves.
To put it simply, you the farmer, Ingo, Emmet, Morris etc. This is all going on in the background... outside of the valley. This is all stuff that is way above everyone. You're just average everyday people and the world is going to keep turning and keep burning (love that song so much...). It going to keep developing in the background and you're just going to get glimpses here and there of its history.
So really No, Joja or Morris won't go after Pokémon. After all, Joja Coporation has a public image to uphold and maintain now they completed their goals. But that doesn't mean they can't find other ways to prevent such things from happening or control slipping from their grasps.
As for your Joltik... They're in the clear! Properly documented and legally immigrated despite everything. A wild Pokémon might not fare so well, but at least Emmet can file the paperwork away to keep your Pokémon safe when it comes down to it.
◁ Station Stewardess Kade
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otaku553 · 6 months
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Some more spy x family one piece crossover doodles :)
A fic may or may not be in progress…….
Edit: the fic is posted :)
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wttcsms · 3 months
horribly short summary of what im trying to accomplish here, but if you were to read a fic featuring character, a soldier honorably discharged and is officially off the battlefield and yet he can’t seem to shake off the war from clinging to his body, and he’s basically a bit of a mess and feels incapable of returning to ordinary life and there’s you, the sweetest thing in the whole world, and he keeps trying to tell you he’s no good and you’re there to help him with everything (and it kills him a bit, to see you wasting your time to help him, and it kills him because he feels like he shouldn’t be the type of person who needs help) and !! just slowburn and falling in love and just read the tags for the vibe ok, who would it be for
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bestworstcase · 2 months
oh. hm. i wonder if dark made grimm by himself because light refused to participate in creating anything destructive again after the jabberwalker—certainly it seems telling that in the myth, light creates a vast monoculture lawn and then declares that dark’s contribution of a moon and new biomes and plate tectonics is “spoiling” it; the myth flows from light’s presentation of himself to ancient humans and if he saw any value in these things he would surely have claimed them as his own—and then there’s the brother-cult framing that humans were given the capacity for evil (destruction) and good (creation) and the free will to choose which path to walk, always with the underlying premise that if humankind chooses wrong then they will “destroy themselves” (by earning annihilation at the final judgment)
this is in stark contrast to the narrative treatment of destruction as hunger and as an agent of change, and creation-without-destruction as, well, a vast monoculture lawn. sterile, stagnant, artificial, unalive.
(<- not a euphemism for “dead” and i resent that the word has those connotations now.)
to create is to destroy; paint, for example, is destroyed by the act of painting. you can’t ever use it as paint again. eating a meal is destructive—both in the sense that something living has to be killed, whether plant or animal, and in the sense that the food itself is destroyed. but this is the basis of all life. one eats to stay alive, to grow.
so in light’s view grimm are evil abominations because his brother made them to be destructive; to dark the grimm are embodiments of natural forces whose churnings keep the world forever in motion and therefore alive. jabber came out wrong—brutal, but effective, the blacksmith says—because light’s misapprehension of destruction influenced his nature. the grimm, created by dark alone, turned out right.
are they good? are they bad? they just are. the tides, the mountains, the deserts, the storms, earthquakes and volcanoes, the grimm.
meanwhile humans were given destruction by darkness and creation by light—the separation and recombination into one being was probably necessary to avoid a repeat of what happened with jabber—and then taught, by light, to understand their natures as a moral conflict and a moral challenge to rise above ‘evil’, i.e. destruction.
this is, of course, why light is so set on the necessity of permanent death: in his afterlife the dead are unaware and unalive, existing in everlasting stasis, and so nothing can ever be destroyed. darkness, who has never feared destruction, allows salem to glimpse the truth that life and death are a circle. and then he burns it all down and leaves her alive in the ashes, the wellspring of primordial destruction there for her to do with it as she will. and she does, and that is how mankind returns to life and how the faunus come to be.
which is the whole point. the grimm represent and embody pure destruction, hunger and change, which the brothers’ humans were taught to abhor as unnatural, evil abominations. salem becomes grimm and in doing so stakes humanity’s claim on destruction as darkness understood it, rejecting the false moral dichotomy light imposed on her generation. remnant is set free, and humanity rises phoenix-like from the ashes, unbound by death.
the brothers’ humans rebelled in order to claim the powers of their creators and perfect their own design. and she did.
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konfizry · 5 months
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She is so
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stiffyck · 2 months
Trans hermits. You agree.
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limielle · 3 months
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woennix · 5 months
I'll be honest I am NOT surprised qFit will try to tell qPac about all of this.
By the end of his lore video the feeling I got was that he is going to fullfill the mission trying to believe that Madagio won't hurt anyone if he follows what he has been told to do. At the end qFit says: "I care about the people of this island. - I'll complete the job but you better not be using their data to do harm."
This to me sounds like someone who is ready to fight their boss if they do anything that will harm their loved ones. BUT he is not dumb, he knows that as said by the contract, if it came to a point where he had to disregard it in any way, his loved ones will be in danger. That's why he wants to ask qPac if he is ok with that risk.
What I will say is that I didn't expect qFit to be ready to has this talk so soon BUT with Ramon's pressure that doesn't seem that crazy to me.
I also wanna say another thing, mainly because I might be missing something or maybe there's being some kind of misunderstanding. As far as I know (and I might be wrong but I did check back on what Madagio said), the contract said that qFit is not advised to make attachments, BUT it never said it's against it or something thay might break it. Madagio just said it will complicate things, and it felt more like a warning to qFit to not distract himself with attachments or let them take priority to the mission. To be fair this is already happening, qFit is definetly at least thinking about prioritizing Ramón and qPac if it came down to it, but as long as qFit does what he's told and brings that data I do not think Madagio cares, and I didn't get that vibe from what he said during the contract either.
I say this because for now, from my understanding qFit is following the contract and has not broken it, and as long as he does this, his loved ones should be fine. And I think qFit is choosing to believe this data maybe won't be used for anything bad, since we still have no idea what it is for.
To be fair too, he is between two choices:
1. Break the contract, his loved ones making be punished, and he goes back to 2b2t.
2. Follow the contract, people might be hurt (tbh they will most likely be hurt) and get a chance to be free.
Like, none is good but only one of them has an actual chance to be somewhat of a happy ending, since there is a chance for Madagio to not use the data for anything nefarious.
The problem will come when the data is used for something harmful or he has to give qPac's or Ramon's data (and I am pretty sure he has it). Another way this could go wrong is if Madagio does something outside of the contract for his own benefit that harms others or qFit himself, like changing the rules of the contract or straight up breaking it and doing whatever the fuck he wants.
Basically my conclusion is: qFit is fucked either way so he is choosing the least fucked option and hoping Madagio isn't an actual asshole and will hurt everyone, by following the contract and getting a happy ending. He also knows Madagio IS most probably an asshole so he needs to be careful and warn qPac and is ready for a fight if necessary.
For now keep at the mission and hope for the best.
Or well, that's how personally I understood qFit's most recent lore.
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anominous-user · 6 months
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full versions of my de-sticked/hsr'ed version of triple threat
types + paths
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fisheito · 2 months
Bottom yakumo fics i rotate thru bc the tag is playing games with me
(Sequel) https://archiveofourown.org/works/49270402
(locked) https://archiveofourown.org/works/37453975
(locked) https://archiveofourown.org/works/48090496
KUYA (some dubcon+yaku whump):
EDMOND: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52916077
(locked) https://archiveofourown.org/works/49106176
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calciferstims · 7 months
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“I know you have a little life in you yet / oh, hold my hand”
aka the ofmd ep 2x03 mermaid scene :))
requested by @fightingtrim
sources: 🌊🌊🌊 | 💙🧜‍♂️💙 | 🌊🌊🌊
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Hey, you're being lied to about what fitness constitutes. If you can't work in an hour-long crossfit slog, but you can work in a five-minute walk, then that is still fitness. If you can't use your legs but you can do arm circles every now and again, that is still fitness. If you're moving around at work, that's still fitness. It can be intentional or incidental, but here's the best part: your body doesn't care if you're dedicating specific work-out times. It doesn't care if the "only" fitness it gets is your nine to five on your feet. It doesn't care, fitness is fitness is fitness. Some of us do it differently, but the end result is more or less similar.
If you can do any type of fitness safely, your body isn't going to care if you're doing it like an Olympic athlete or if you're just a casual.
#fitness#gentle reminders#i hate hate hate the idea that fitness must be done Intentionally and in a Hegemonic Way#like... fitness is whatever you make of it and whatever you do#your body isn't going to be like 'well you walked for fove minutes but you didn't do shoulder presses at the gym so it doesn't count 😊'#if you want more specific forms of fitness then SURE you might want to do more specific exercises and activities#but if your goal is overall movement for however much if your body then... you don't Need to be THAT specific#and your goals may be specific for only parts of your body and that's GREAT!#a wheelchair user may for example do more arm exercises so they can use a manual chair for instance...#...and to many people i've noticed they don't think it 'counts' because the chair user isn't using 'all' of their body...#...but it's like... using your arms in non-powered chairs can be really important so like. it's still fitness.#you don't actually have to equally focus on everything if you don't want to or can't#all this to say that fitness is Not hegemonic and you don't need to feel shame about what you do or don't do#even a tiny tiny TINY amount is significant and matters <3#this is definitely something i've gotten more passionate about since becoming a ~gym bro~#because you see just how different people are and what they want out of fitness#and it's taught me a lot more about my own disabilities and how i work with (and even against) them to find balance#this is what i love about those fitness video games too! because they're often made to be engaging and fun!#i LOVED just dance as a kid and that was fitness merging with video games (and i loved video games (still do!))#and i HIGHLY recommend people get video games like just dance or that one nintendo ring game because of these elements!#it combines the comfort of home with movement with engaging music/story/video game elements#and things like that make me believe in peace and love and care on planet earth <<3
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to you (unfinished, off the top of my head) x Fall Out Boy lyrics
in order: (Coffee’s For Closers), Sugar, We’re Going Down, CFC, Thriller, Miss Missing You, w.a.m.s., I Am My Own Muse, w.a.m.s., Favorite Record, CFC
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laniemae · 27 days
Could John start hurting himself in trial 3?
So I’ve got a lot of theories for trial 3 and stuff but this is the one I want to talk about first since it was the one that stuck out to me most yet I haven’t seen people talking about the possibility
I actually wrote about this theory quite a while ago which I’ll just link to but I definitely do think it’s very likely but hasn’t been discussed much.
For a brief summary of the post I made it’s a theory on how John may have self harming desires but doesn’t physically hurt himself as he’s afraid of hurting Mikoto. Basically it’s how the reason why Mikoto’s clothes are so tattered is because John has been ripping them apart in another way to harm himself but not physically hurt Mikoto. Heck, there’s very clearly bite marks on the clothes so I highly doubt it was from the fight with Kotoko. And as well as just ripping his clothing it probably explained the breakdowns John is said to have at night especially in that one minigram where Es heard on it and there was a lot of crashing sounds and stuff breaking, even ripping sounds which definitely matches with what I was saying. So John does all of this in a method to self harm as a stress reliever but not physically harm Mikoto.
So here’s the trial 3 theory. As of recently Mikoto has stopped denying John’s existence as everything he’s seen in heard it’s just too much for him to deny anymore. And instead of that he’s began to hate John so much and blame him for every bad thing that’s happened, even going as far to blame him for what happened to Mahiru even though it was very clearly Kotoko’s fault. And with John, he loves Mikoto. Dedicates his entire existence to him and despite all the constant trauma and suffering he’s endured the only thing that keeps him going is the possibility that Mikoto will love him and praise him for saving him.
“Hey now, I saved you, right? So why in the hell are you crying?
Cling to me, hoist me up as your "savior", stand up and sing out your gratitude, that'd be good.”
Judging by these lyrics, it seems John is somewhat aware that Mikoto is denying his help but still wants to believe it. Even Neoplasm he says how Mikoto’s entrusting him with his heart, which can either be he doesn’t fully know about the hatred or is denying it. But what I’m really worried about is how much Mikoto loathes John in trial 3 and what he could do.
As I said earlier John dedicates his existence to Mikoto and I couldn’t explain how John may feel after he would realise his hatred for Mikoto  aside from his entire existence being denied. I already discussed this in another theory but for John to so deeply love Mikoto and dedicates everything to protecting him and only holding on with the possibility of approval and being told he did a good job, only to be met with unimaginable hatred from the person who he idealises as someone who could never hate anyone must be devastating on so many levels for John and… you can tell where I’m getting at here.
So what would happen next? Could perhaps John feel so betrayed by Mikoto that he could go to actually physically hurting himself out of conflicting feelings around Mikoto? Loving him like that but feeling so betrayed and hurt that he just tries not to care about Mikoto any more and harms himself out of both previously established coping mechanisms and spite?
It’s hard to tell here, as John is one of those characters who it’s very hard to predict what would happen next so who knows what he might do. I just believe this may be the most likely based off things that have been implied and established.
And just to address a potential elephant in the room is I highly doubt John would disappear in trial 3. That’s not how it works, and just because Mikoto may not be Guilty any more doesn’t mean he would be relieved from all stress so John definitely would still have his purpose. And I think it’s most likely why John claimed that he would disappear was that he believed Es hated him and wanted him gone, so he claimed that he would disappear if Mikoto were to be voted Innocent as a way to sway Es to that verdict. And there are lines such as “I’ll play dead even if I’m alive right?” And “can’t get rid of me now” that definitely imply that he will stay or perhaps pretend to go dormant which perhaps would be interesting as we’ve seen him masking as Mikoto in the minigrams before so it would be interesting if he does that in trial 3 perhaps. And side note even though this is kinda cheating theory wise but it would be stupid to remove John from the story like that so uhhh.
#milgram#mikoto kayano#John kayano#john milgram#tw sh#tw self destruction#I just wanna say I’m sorry for bringing up such a dark subject matter like this in a theory sense#It’s just when writing about the darker themes in milgram I always get scared I’ll offend someone by how I talk about it so sorry#But trial 3 is certainly gonna be crazy#This theory is one I’ve had for a while and thus easier to write but I’ve got a lot planned#Like it definitely seems like how in trial 2 kotoko was the main antagonist/one causing conflict and it definitely seems#That in trial 3 amane will fufill that role#Which I mean I am uhh really exited about that because Amane’s my favorite and I love character who fuck up everything#But from everything we’ve seen the whole thing with fuuta and Shidou she’s going to be the one starting the whole chain of events#And there’s definitely a lot of theories on people who could suffer or be injured because of everything#Definitely Haruka but that would be from himself#But from the amane thing potentially Shidou if she or fuuta attacks him#Maybe mahiru if Shidou can’t treat her if she’s injured which could be really bad I’m actually very worried for her#And fuuta if he goes too far deep into the ideology and actually takes off his eyepatch but that’s kinda hard to predict#And as I said it’s definitely likely that mikoto would be hurt but at the hands of “himself” rather#And with kotoko I have absolutely no clue how she would react to the guilty verdict but that unpredictably makes it more exiting#I’ll have to talk about kotoko and the others in a separate theory because it’s so complicated but aughahhan hiatus brain no#And kinda off topic with the mood that I’ve kinda set with this post#But looking and analysing the lyrics of meme and double for this post#I found it pretty funny how John is actually really affectionate when referring to mikoto#Like of course the “snuggle together and say good night” lyric which is funny because how that does not fit John normally but does make sen#And in double he uses words such as basically “welcoming home” mikoto and in those freeze frames whispers of good morning#Which one again is really funny as edgy boy misanthrope John has said almost uwu fanfiction stuff canonically#But it totally makes sense to his character which makes it all the more funnier but kinda fucked up as from what I’ve said in the post#Why am I talking about something funny like this? Maybe I’m just too worried about talking about dark subject matters I’m sorry
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aliennooboo · 10 months
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Building a camper for my sims to live in while they renovate their ranch <3
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im not autistic but i believe in their beliefs (because i share like 80 % of symptoms typical for autistic women with yall)
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