#and how evil x knows of hels
sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Ok this is so weird but I have a theory for how Hels came to be... There was a lightning flash when Wels cloned himself, and Hels owed Evil X a favour, apparently. What if... ya know... Evil X helped Hels get a body?
Had to watch back a few things before I answered this so I got some info straight-
There was lightning, though I think that was Wels’s personal addition editing wise. I think the fact that he was holding blaze rods might’ve had more connection to the fact that it was Helsknight that came of the cloning but Beef was trying something different so who knows
In hels kitchen, Evil X was asking a favor from Helsknight, but as far as I can tell, Helsknight didn’t owe him anything. EX was simply asking for help in his scheme
Regardless, it is interesting. And knowing they ran into each other eventually and knew each other long enough by then that you could consider them friends or even scheming acquaintances where Evil X can actively ask him for help occasionally is also very interesting. So it’s not far off to claim EX has done something for Helsknight before or vice versa
I mean who knows, Beef might’ve been compelled to clone Wels through some strange Evil X influence. But Helsknight does state that Wels having created the clone is what gave him the vessel to come over in the first place, so I dunno 😂
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ripdragonbeans · 3 months
You Win II // modern!Aemond x reader
Summary: You and Aemond have fallen in love, steady in a relationship built of trust and love. All that is challenged when Aemond takes a class led by Professor Rivers.
TW: indefinitely, manipulation, p in v, afab reader, violence, Aemond is an idiot
Part I • Epilogue
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Empty. Completely empty. 
Numb. You felt nothing 
Cold. There was no warmth in your life anymore.
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That's all you were when you left your - his - apartment.  The towel that staunched the bleeding was drying up, becoming stiff. It's been hours since you left but you didn't have the energy to even pull it off your knuckle. That, and you wouldn't know what to do if it started bleeding again. Taking the train, you went to the one person who you knew would welcome you without a doubt. 
Jace Velaryon.
You lied when you said you were going home. You didn't have a home to go to anymore because he was your home.
When you arrived at his apartment, you immediately started pounding on the door. Tears were streaming down your face again, new tears. They were hot against your skin and flowed freely.
Jace answered the door. “I don’t know who you are but I don’t need any - oh shit!” 
You fell into Jace as soon as he opened the door and sobbed openly into his arms.
“Hey, what happened? Why isn’t Aemond with you?”
At the mention of his name you sobbed even harder. You balled your fists into Jace’s shirt, not wanting to let him go.
“Fuck, okay. Let’s get you inside. I’ll call Hel.”
As Jace led you into the apartment you tried to calm yourself but it was difficult, nearly impossible. All of the different visions Alys had planted in your head kept playing on one after the other. The more you looked into the past the more you could see the warning signs that something was up. The way he touched you, looked at you, the small things. How lately he would recoil from your touch, or look guilty when he said he loved you. It all added up and you hated that you couldn’t see it. Instead, you got hurt. You could’ve protected yourself, your heart, but instead you gave it to someone else.
You sat on the couch clutching your things. Well, all that you could carry out of his apartment. Fog was clouding your vision and your chest was heavy. All you wanted to do was fall in a deep sleep and never wake up again. You curled up around a pillow and buried your head in it. Hugging the pillow helped a bit but it wasn’t enough.
“Hel, something happened to her,” you heard Jace call Helaena from the kitchen. “She came to my apartment sobbing her eyes out and when I mentioned Aemond she cried even harder. I think… I think they broke up, Hel.” He paused so Helaena could respond. “No, I don’t know what happened but whatever it was was bad. Her hand is wrapped in a towel and there’s dried blood on it. Fuck, just come over, please? Okay, see you soon.”
Jace came out of the kitchen and sat next to you on the couch. “Hey, Hel is on her way. Want to tell me what’s going on or -”
You aggressively shook your head as you shut your eyes to keep even more tears from flowing out.
“Okay, we can wait for Hel.”
Jace wrapped you in a hug and you melted into him. You inhaled his cologne, a familiar smell, and it calmed you, even just a tiny bit. After a moment you pulled away from him.
“I punched a mirror,” you rasped. “I was feeling too much and I hated what I saw so I just. I -” you broke down in sobs again.
“As long as you’re safe and it wasn’t anyone else who physically hurt you, it’s okay.”
You nodded and let yourself sink into the couch. For a few minutes it was just you and Jace in a sad silence. He wanted to comfort you but didn’t know how to. You wanted to tell him everything that happened but you wanted to wait for Helaena so you wouldn’t have to relive it twice out loud. You’ve already re-lived it many times over in your head. Everything was so clear, so crisp and clear. In your mind’s eye Alys was giving you that evil smirk while her hand was on Aemond’s shoulder. The image wouldn’t leave your mind. She touched him like she owned him.
“No one physically hurt me but fuck, my heart hurts so much.” You leaned your head on Jace’s shoulder.
Jace nodded. You fell into a silence, a sad silence. The door unlocked.
“Hey, I'm here.” Helaena looked at you and your tear stained face. “Holy shit, what's happened to you?” She was quick to move to you and pull you into a hug.
With Helaena hugging you came a new wave of tears. While she was his sister, you were glad that she didn't remind you of him. You held on tight to her and tried to calm down your breathing.
“There we go, easy breaths,” she encouraged you.
When you finally caught your breath you glanced at both of your friends before putting your head down. “He cheated on me.”
Their eyes were wide with disbelief.
“No way,” Helaena whispered.
“I'm gonna fucking kill him,” Jace growled.
You let out a broken laugh. “Please don't kill him, Jace.”
“No, I'm serious. What was he thinking?”
“It was Professor Rivers.”
“Of course it was her.” Helaena’s eyes were hard. “I've heard so many things about her. I didn't think she'd go after Aemond.”
You scoffed. “Well she did and she was successful.” You lowered your head. “She said that he loved her,” your voice cracked on the last word.
“I don't believe that at all.”
“You should have seen him, Hel. He was fucking her! He looked so guilty that he was caught.”
“He fucked her?!”
“Yes!” You started sobbing again. “It was some kind of cruel plan the professor came up with. She requested me in her office while he was with her so I could see them.”
Jace and Helaena were silent.
“Okay, now that's messed up,” said Jace.
“I bet she gets off on breaking up couples,” Helaena said matter-of-factly.
Jace looked at Helaena. “I'm sorry, what?”
“Haven't you heard the rumors? She has a history of breaking up couples.”
“That's demented.”
As Jace and Helaena talked about how cruel Alys was to her students outside their academic life, all you could think about was him. You still refused to say his name out loud. Saying his name would be admitting that he was real. For once, you wished your relationship was fake, a figment of your imagination. If you could convince yourself it never happened then you never got hurt.
A delusional smile crossed your face. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m fine. I’m perfectly fine. What are we even talking about? I don't know any Professor Rivers,” you laughed.
Helaena and Jace shared a concerned look.
“I've never heard of her.”
“Sweetie, she's a professor at your university. You know this very well,” Helaena said gently. “Are you okay?”
You started laughing maniacally. “Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be? And again, I don’t know any Professor Rivers. That name means nothing to me. Nothing.” You reached for Jace’s hand and squeezed it as tight as you could.
“Damn, you have a strong grip. Can you loosen up or let me go?” Jace tried to wiggle his hand out of yours.
“I have never given my heart to anyone. I have never been hurt. I am completely fine. My heart is whole and safe. I have never fallen in love. No one has shattered me. Nothing bad ever happened, I’m just having a bad dream or something. But I’m fine. Fine and happy. I'm happy.”
“Oh, my dear,” Helaena tugged your hand off of Jace’s and took it in hers instead. “You're not okay and that's okay. But it happened, you can't pretend it didn't happen. It's not healthy.”
Your smile dissipated as you cocked your head to the side. “Nothing happened, Helaena. I am fine. I've never dated anyone.” You shook your head. “Please, I don't want it to be real,” you whispered. Trembling, you pulled your hands away from Helaena and wrapped them around yourself. Rocking back and forth you began to mumble, “It didn't happen. I'm okay. It didn't happen.” Your eyes became unfocused until everything around you was blurry. You didn't even try to correct it. 
“Let's go to the spare room. You can stay here as long as you need,” Jace said as he gathered your things.
“Come on, sweetie. Let's get you up,” Helaena tried to get you to stand but you sat rooted on the spot.
Tucking your chin in and wrapping your arms around you even tighter, you closed your eyes and refused to open them. “I'm fine right here.”
“Okay, you can stay here but Jace is going to take your things to the spare room.”
Jace left with your belongings and brought them to the bedroom, the place you'll be living in for the next unforeseeable days. Helaena stayed next to you, refusing for you to be left alone. 
“Do you want me to stay the night? I don't want you to be alone.”
With eyes still shut you nodded your head. You agreed with her; you should not be left alone.
“Your room is set up.” Jace entered the living room. “Do you want to sleep there now or?”
“I think she's gonna sleep out here on the couch tonight, Jace.” Helaena turned to you. “Can you get up or do you want to stay here?”
“I can't move. My body won't let me,” you whispered.
“Yeah, she’ll sleep out here tonight, Jace. I'll sleep on the floor.”
“I have an air mattress, Hel. You're not gonna sleep on the floor.” Jace turned and left the room once again to get the air mattress and some extra pillows and a blanket.
“Lay down, sweetie. Close your eyes. You've had a rough day.” 
Helaena’s voice calmed you. You did as she said and slowly unwound yourself and laid down on the couch. “Hel, I still love him. And I hate him for it.”
It was the last thing you said before falling into the sweet darkness of sleep.
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Aemond was still sitting on the floor of your - his - bedroom. Clothes were strewn across the floor. His eye was red from crying; he hasn't stopped since you left. He went to the bathroom to clean up but stopped at the door. When he saw the shattered glass on the ground he whimpered. You did this. You did it because he caused you to feel so much pain that you needed to break something. 
Fresh tears began pouring out. His heart was continually breaking. He tried to clean up the mess the best he could but it was hard to see with his one good eye blurry from the crying. Aemond had just picked up all the glass when his phone started ringing. 
Without looking at who it was, he answered it, hoping it would be you.
“Princess, please, are you -”
“Princess? Well, that's a new name for me, baby,” the female voice said.
Anger rose inside of him. “How did you get my number, Professor Rivers?”
“‘Professor Rivers?’ Now, now, you know me better than that. In fact you know me extremely well.”
“You didn't answer my question.”
“Oh, no need to know.” He could hear her smile. “I just called to make sure you're okay. I know you're hurting but you know my arms are always open for you.”
“I'm done with you,” Aemond ground out.
“You say that but you know you'll come back to me. They always do.”
“You said you loved me.”
“Yes, and it's true. I love all my students.”
“You said I was the only one.”
“Yes, now that was a lie. Would you have chosen to be with me if you had known you were not the first?”
“I didn't choose you,” he spat out.
“That's not what I remember. If memory serves me correctly, I asked if you were sure you wanted this and you said yes.”
“You were straddling my lap with my cock in your hand!” Aemond’s heartbeat was racing, not at the memory, but at the anger towards this woman.
“And you still could’ve said no. But you didn't. Instead you said yes and the rest is history. And what a damn good history it was.”
“Delete this number and never come near me again.”
“I know you wish that could happen but you know better. I'll delete this number but I'll see you in class on Monday.” With a click the phone call ended.
Aemond let out a guttural scream and punched the already broken mirror. Once. Twice. Three times. Just like you. Tears streamed down his face as he stared at his bloody knuckle. It was another thing that reminded him of you. Opening and closing his hand, he let the blood run down. He stared at it, thinking of you and hoping you were okay. 
He turned on the water and ran his hand under it then wrapped it up in some gauze. He wasn't rushing so he had time to actually look for some. Everything has slowed down for him. 
After he cleaned up the rest of the glass he went to the couch in the living room. He sat there for a while but soon remembered the many times the two of you made love on it. Immediately getting up he paced, thinking of a place where he wouldn't be reminded of his sins.
“I'm not gonna hear the end of this,” he mumbled to himself. Not packing anything, he left the apartment and called an Uber for his brother, Aegon's, place.
When he got to Aegon’s front door he couldn't even bring himself to knock on the door. Instead he texted his brother to come and open the door.
“And what can I do for my little brother?” Aegon wore a grin.
Aemond took a deep breath. “I cheated on her, Aegon. I fucked up and I can't stand to be in our apartment.”
Aegon’s face dropped. “Shit, I wasn't expecting that. Get in here and tell me how you messed everything up.”
Aemond followed Aegon into the apartment and plopped himself on the couch. Without giving him a second glance, Aegon went to the fridge and grabbed two beers. 
“Drink it,” he said as he handed him one. “If you're going to relive your mistakes you should have something to ease the pain.”
In one smooth motion, Aemond took it from Aegon, opened it, and began chugging it. He stopped halfway through the bottle.
“My professor seduced me,” he started off. “And I fucking fell for her. She has a history of getting with students and I thought I could never be one of them but I am, Aegon. I slept with my fucking professor and ruined the only true relationship I've ever had.”
Aegon ran a hand down his face. “Dude, that's bad. Like bad bad.”
“It was more than once, too,” Aemond admitted.
“I'm sorry, what?”
“I basically had a relationship with her. She'd tell me she loved me and I thought it was real even though I already had someone who loved me unconditionally. Fuck, she gave me her heart and I stomped on it the second I started talking to Professor Rivers.” Aemond put his face in his hands. 
Aegon nodded his head. “Oh, her.”
“Do you know her?”
“Even I knew she was bad news. There's a reason other than my grades as to why I didn't take her class. She's hot though, I'll give you that.”
“That doesn't help, Aegon.”
Aegon shrugged. “Just saying,” he took a sip of his beer. “What are you gonna do to get her back?”
Aemond blinked. “‘Get her back?’ I don't deserve her!”
“Listen,” Aegon leaned forward. “I've seen you two together and I have never seen you so happy before. I don't know her well but it looked like she had eyes only for you. You gotta go back and get her. Or at least help her.”
“How can I help her when all I've done is cause her pain?” Aemond’s hands began to shake.
“Beg. Get on your knees. Anything to make her smile.”
“I think me dying would make her smile,” Aemond grumbled.
“There we go, that's it!” Aegon went over and clapped Aemond on the back. “While you try to regain your honor, I'm going to ruin that Professor Alys and her career.”
“No! Please don't do that!”
Aegon narrowed his eyes. “Don't tell me you actually have feelings for her.”
“She called me earlier. I don't know how but she got my number. She sounded so sure that I'd go back to her. But I don't! I mean, fuck, you can't. She'll know it was me somehow.”
“I’ll cover your ass, don't worry.” Aegon finished his beer. “Now, you can stay as long as you need to but I don't want you wallowing in self pity. It's annoying when you do that.”
“Thank you, brother.” Aemond went to clasp his arm but Aegon pulled him in for a hug.
“Go get her back.”
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When you woke up the next day it took you a while to remember where you were. As you looked around the room, you saw Helaena on an air mattress. That was when it all came rushing back.
Aemond and Alys.
Punching the mirror.
Slapping Aemond.
Running away.
You hurriedly got up when you felt whatever was left in your stomach come up to the surface. Careful not to trip over Helaena, you made a beeline for the bathroom and emptied out your guts. It was the dry heaving that had you crying again. Between the retching and the memories, it all became too much again.
“Sweetie?” Came a sleepy voice. “Are you okay?”
You gagged on nothing in response.
“I'm coming in, hold up.”
The bathroom door creaked open and Helaena entered, hair messy from sleeping.
“Oh, my dear, you look horrible.”
You gave a dry laugh. “Thanks, Hel.” You gagged into the bowl again.
Helaena knelt by you and rubbed your back in soothing circles. “We’ll take it day by day. You can get through this, you're one of the strongest people I know.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, I feel so strong right now.” You hurled out nothing into the toilet bowl again. Your chest was beginning to hurt from all the heaving and still your heart was aching, too. “I don't know when this will stop,” you admitted. Sitting back on your haunches, you looked up at Helaena. “Do I forgive him? Do I ignore him? What do I do if he wants to be back in my life?”
“Then you'll have a decision to make. Open your heart once again to the guy who shattered and trust that he won't do it again, or close yourself off from him forever.”
Your chest tightened at the prospect. On one hand you never wanted to see him again, it'd be too painful. But on the other hand, life without him seemed impossible, lifeless. Yet he broke you and made you feel the way you feel now and that is unforgivable.
When you moved to get up Helaena offered her hand. Once you took it you gave her a thankful squeeze. You linked arms with her and walked to the kitchen where Jace was making breakfast.
“Waffle morning!” He called out. Jace sent you a bright smile.
You cracked the first genuine smile you've had since the break up. Jace always knew how to raise your spirit.
“I made your favorite waffles. There’s whipped cream and strawberries in the fridge if you want any.”
You noticed he wasn’t mentioning yesterday. That was fine for you; you needed a break. Over breakfast you laughed with your friends and briefly forgot about the last twenty four hours. It wasn’t until you brought up slapping him that you brought the topic to the day before.
“I will admit that I did slap him and it felt great. Do I regret it? I do. I’ve never wanted to hurt him but I didn’t know what to do. He kept trying to get closer to me and I didn’t want him near me.”
Helaena and Jace looked at you, stunned.
“You slapped him?” Helaena wanted clarification.
“I wasn’t thinking.” You shrugged.
“That’s better than me,” Jace chuckled. “Next time I see him I’m gonna deck the shit out of him.”
“He deserved that,” Helaena agreed.
“Please don't deck him, Jace. As upset as I am, I still don't want him hurt.”
“You don't want him to get hurt? Look at you! Aemond hurt you so much, punching him is the nicest thing I could do to him,” Jace said.
You flinched at the mention of his name. “Please don't say his name right now.”
“You can't even say his name!” Jace was getting aggravated. “I know you don't like this, but he hurt you and that's not okay. You're one of my best friends and I refuse to stand by and do nothing.”
“And I appreciate that so much, I really do,” you gave Jace a small smile. “But I still care about him, as stupid as that sounds.”
“It's not stupid, sweetie,” Helaena put a hand on your arm. “You love him - don't try to deny it.”
Looking down at your half eaten waffle you contemplated the complexity of your feelings. You still loved him, you knew that. But it hurt so much. You didn't want to love him, he didn't deserve your love. Still, your heart reached out to him, he hurt you, shattered you, but it also being away from him made your heart ache as well.
“I do. I still love him. I feel empty without him and I wish it would stop. I don't want to feel anything anymore.”
“Feeling this is okay, it means you're human.”
“Ugh,” you stuffed a bit of waffle in your mouth. “I don't want to be a human then.”
“Stop being so dramatic,” Jace elbowed you in the side.
“I can't help it,” you elbowed him back.
“See, you're already doing better,” Helaena said.
You took a breath. “Yeah, I am.” A weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“It will still hit you every now and then,” Helaean warned you.
“I know. But I have you guys to help me,” you clasped a hand from both of them. “And I'm forever grateful.” You sighed. “Ugh, I don’t want to go to class on Monday.”
“I mean,” Jace started, “you don’t have to.”
“You can always take a mental day and it seems like a good time to take one,” Helaena said.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. And -” You were cut off by the doorbell. “Did you guys tell anyone else to be here?”
“No, the only person I called was Hel,” Jace said. “I’ll go check on the door.”
The doorbell rang again.
A familiar sinking feeling came over you. “Gods, what if it’s him?”
Jace’s face hardened. “Then I’m going to punch him like I said I would.”
You turned to Helaena, face filled with panic. “I don’t want to see him again, not now. Please, I can’t do this!” Tears began to fill your eyes.
“Shh, it’s okay.” Helaena took your hand. “We’ll go back to the spare room. Jace will handle this.”
The doorbell rang a third time.
“Gods, he’s impatient,” Jace muttered.
“Go get the door before he starts knocking and trying to break it down,” Helaena ordered.
With your hand in her, Helaena guided you back to the spare room while Jace went to answer the door. Your heartbeat quickened as you heard him open it.
A familiar voice began to speak. “Please, I’m here for -”
You heard the sound of skin hitting skin.
“That’s for hurting my best friend,” you heard Jace say.
A deep sigh. “I deserved that.”
Silence. You imagined the two guys staring at each other. Well, Jace staring hard at him and the other one with his head down in shame.
“I just need to see her, make sure she’s okay.”
“Physically, she’s fine. Emotionally? I’ve never seen her so broken.”
“Fuck,” you almost didn’t hear him. “Can I at least talk to Hel? I saw her car.”
A pause. “Fine.”
Jace’s footsteps came closer and closer to the door. “Hel, he wants to talk to you. Think you can handle it?”
“Of course I can handle my little brother,” Helaena scoffed. “You stay right here.” She gave you one last hug before exiting the room.
“Hel, I really fucked up and -”
You couldn’t help the small smile that graced your face.
“How dare you?” Helaena exclaimed. “How dare you hurt her then show up? You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. You’re weak, Aemond.”
You sucked in a breath at the mention of his name.
“I know I am.” You heard him sniffle. “I destroyed our relationship and now I’m asking for her forgiveness. I know she may never want to see me again, but I at least want to know that she’s healing.”
“Aemond, it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours. She’s not okay at all!” Helaena sighed. “I think you need to leave. She needs space and time before she can see you. Hell, she can’t even say your name. Whatever you did hurt her bad.”
“She - she won’t even say my name?”
“No. That’s how bad this is. So I suggest you go home.”
“...Can I at least see her?”
“No, Aemond. Now, go home.”
You heard the door beginning to close. “WAIT! I mean - he can see me.”
Helaena went to you and gripped your hand. “Sweetie, are you sure?”
“If he tries anything I’ll punch him again,” Jace said.
“It’s fine, guys. Really. I’ll need to face him at some point,” you shrugged. Wiping your eyes, you tried to make yourself look somewhat presentable, that you haven’t been a complete wreck. You walked to the door to face him. To face Aemond.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting when you looked at Aemond but it certainly wasn’t this. His hair was messy, eye was puffy and red, there was a mark where Jace punched him and Helaena slapped him. His eye was devoid of any happiness. Good.
“Princess, I -” he started.
“I thought I told you not to call me that,” you stopped him. “I’m not your princess, never was apparently.”
Something in Aemond’s face broke. “No, no, you know that’s not true.”
“Stop. Please,” you took a deep breath. “You broke me, Aemond,” your voice shook on his name. “I don’t know if I can ever forgive you for what you’ve done. I gave you everything I had and you dropped it all for a professor. I can’t go through that again. Please don’t make me.” Tears slipped out. “Please, just go home.”
Aemond took in a shaky breath. “I’ll go. But know that I will do everything I can to prove to you that you are my one and only love.”
Jace coughed next to you. “Sure.”
Helaena went to the door. “It’s time for you to go, Aemond.”
Aemond nodded his head and turned around. When he got to his car you collapsed into Jace’s arms, full of fresh tears.
“He came back for me,” you choked out. “I don’t know if I want him.”
“You don’t need to take him back if you don’t want to,” Jace said as he held you tight.
“He’s right. Aemond is not entitled to you.” Helaena came back from the doorway. She made sure that Aemond actually left.
“Can I go back to sleep?” you mumbled against Jace.
“Of course, let’s get you in an actual bed this time, though.” Helaena gently peeled you off of Jace and led you to the spare room.
You fell on the bed with a plop and immediately you welcomed the soothing darkness of sleep.
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Aemond stepped back into the apartment feeling broken. All he had to do was gather some of his things to take to Aegon’s house. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Simply walking into the apartment, however, had his memories reeling.
“Aemond!” you called from the doorway. “I’m home!”
Aemond made sure you were turned around before picking you up from behind and twirling you. “How were classes, princess?” He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Classes were meh. So nothing new, just normal.” You shrugged. “What about you?”
Aemond felt himself stiffen very briefly. She couldn’t know. He couldn’t tell her. It would only break her. No, he would have to break off everything with Alys. “Classes are fine, nothing new, just like yours.”
“And Professor Rivers?” you asked him. You knew she was a flirt and didn’t want her anywhere near Aemond.
“She’s nowhere near me.” A lie. “I sit in the back of the class.” Another lie.
“Hmmm okay.” There was something unsettling about his answer but you let it slide.
“I love you and only you, okay Princess? Never forget that.” He captured your lips in a kiss.
“Oh, fuck, harder, Aemond!” Alys was bent over her desk with her skirt hiked up.
Aemond pounded into her. He was torn in his mind. His body craved Alys but his heart and mind knew this would break his Princess if she ever found out.
“More, more!”
His fingers dug into Alys’ skin as he picked up the pace. His thrusts were becoming sloppy, he was near his peak.
“FUCK, AEMOND!” Alys squeezed Aemond’s cock, triggering his own release.
Aemond caught himself before he fell on top of Alys, not out of courtesy, but that he didn’t want to touch her anymore. He pulled out of her and fixed his pants. He didn’t look her in the eye anymore when he was with her. He simply looked at the ground.
“Aw, baby, are you okay?” Alys had fixed her skirt. She trailed a manicured hand up his chest and brought it up to cup his face.
Without thinking, Aemond leaned into her touch.
“Don’t worry, she’ll never find out.” She pulled him down so she could whisper in his ear. “You’ll always have a place with me. You don’t need her.”
At that, Aemond recoiled. “You’re wrong, I do need her.”
“If that’s true, then why are you with me?”
He couldn’t think of a reason.
“Exactly. You want me, and that’s okay.” Alys moved her other hand to cup him through his pants. He was already beginning to harden again. “Tsk, you already want to go again, babe?”
“No,” Aemond ground out. “I don’t.”
Alys ignored him as she kneeled down to the ground. “Oh, but your cock says otherwise.” She slowly unzipped his pants and freed his cock. “Would you like me to taste you?”
Aemond swore he said no but, “Yes.”
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Aemond was crying as he was gathering his clothes. It hurt. Everything hurt. When he was in the bathroom all he could think about was you punching the mirror. When he was in the living room all he could think about was all the times you made love on the couch. 
He fell to his knees and clutched his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Princess.” He curled up on the ground and held himself while he sobbed. He was broken. He knew he made terrible choices and now he had to live with them. 
When he finally got up to leave the apartment, he found one of your favorite sweaters. He choked on another sob as he ran his fingers on it, imagining you and your smile while wearing it. Bringing it up to his nose, he inhaled the scent. Your scent. Putting it back on the hook, he adjusted the bags in his hands, and made his way back to the outside world.
“Why did you go to her?” Aegon groaned. “That was such a stupid move.”
“I had to see her,” Aemond murmured. “I had to make sure she was okay. That she wasn’t took hurt.”
“And how did that work out for you?”
Aemond looked up at his brother. “She’s in so much pain and I caused all of that.”
“Were you expecting anything different?”
“Not really.”
“Exactly. Man, you’re just punishing yourself by seeing her like that. Stop. You want to fix this? Then get off your ass and start fixing it. This means ending everything, and I mean everything, with Professor Rivers.”
Aemond nodded; he had to follow his brother’s advice if he were to get you back.
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“Thank you for a constructive class this afternoon. I'll see you all on Wednesday.” Professor Rivers dismissed her students. 
Aemond was quick to get up and gather his things but Professor Rivers was quicker.
“Aemond, I'd like to see you in my office, please.”
Something in Aemond's gut began to sink. His hands were soon clammy. He didn't want to do this, didn't want to face her, but he knew he had to. Taking a shaky breath, he followed Professor Rivers to her office.
He was sure she was swaying her hips more than usual, and even wore a smaller skirt. As they arrived at her office she looked around before sliding a hand along his chest and whispering in his ear. “Gods, I've missed you.” One hand moved to cup his crotch while she used her other hand to pulled him down in a kiss. Aemond wanted to lean into her, to kiss her, but he thought of you and pulled back.
“You said you needed to see me, Professor Rivers?” He tried to keep his face neutral.
“Ah, yes. Please, come in.” She opened the door.
As Aemond stepped in, he took a seat in front of her desk, like any other student would do. He heard the click of a lock but refused to turn around. 
Alys ran a hand across his back then over his shoulder. She gripped him tight. “Why don't you turn around, baby? Or do you want me in your lap?” She sauntered around him and set herself on his thighs. “Oh, I can feel you. You're trying so hard but you know you could never resist me.” She pulled him in for a kiss.
Aemond let her kiss him. He did his best not to kiss back but he failed. Soon, he was gripping her waist and aggressively kissing her. Alys was right. He could never leave her. She ground herself on his cock, straining against his pants. 
“Forget about her,” she said against his lips. 
Immediately, reality hit Aemond and he reeled back and pushed her off. “No. It’s you I need to forget.”
Alys looked at him, eyes wide, panting with her hand on her chest. For a second she looked stunned but recovered quickly. “Aemond. She’s gone. You ruined her. It’s because of you that she left, not me.”
“No,” Aemond shook his head. “You tricked me, you used me somehow. Convinced that we could be together.”
“Oh, my dear,” she purred, “you made the choice to come to me. And you will always come to me, or in me. It’s wonderful both ways.” She stalked towards him and once again reached out.
“I love her more than I want to be with you.”
“That’s not what your body says.” Alys made a note of glancing at his crotch.
“I don’t care what my body says. It only wants a fuck, that’s all you’ll ever be to anyone.”
“Who says I want more? That’s all I want, all I ever needed out of you, was a good fuck. And damn, are you fucking good.”
Aemond ignored her. “Gods, you played me and I was an idiot to believe your lies.”
“Lies? Not all of them are lies. It’s not a lie that I love you, well part of you. Your cock is just so good.”
Aemond crossed the room to get away from her but she followed. “Fuck that. I never want to see you again, Professor Rivers.” He pushed her away again.
“Now, now, we don’t have to get into formalities.” She was looking worried. No other student has talked to her like this before, has actually pushed her back.
“We’re done. I’m done with you, with your lies, everything. Hell, I’ll even report you.”
Alys laughed. “Report me? And who will believe you?”
“You don’t know what exactly I’m capable of to get what I want.” There was a vengeful gleam in his eye. He turned to leave. “By the way, I’m transferring out of your class. I never want to see you or hear from you ever again.” And with that, Aemond stalked out of her office.
As soon as Aemond was out of her office, he went straight to the president. “Professor Strong, one of your staff members has been harassing students.”
Professor Larys Strong turned around. “Ah, yes. I think I know who you’re talking about. I’ve heard all the rumors.”
“Then why haven’t you done anything?” Aemond asked.
“Because they’re just that. Rumors. Unless you have proof?”
Aemond blanched. “Check the hallway cameras outside of Professor Rivers’ office. She cornered me there.”
Professor Strong hummed. “Cornered? Are you sure? I’ve heard whispers that you’ve been going to her willingly.”
“She shouldn’t be doing this! She’s taking advantage of her students!”
“Fine.” Professor Strong flourished a hand. “If there is footage of her, coercing you, and you are resisting, then fine. I will look into it.”
Aemond nodded his head, knowing it was the best answer he could get right now, and left for Aegon’s apartment.
“I did it!” Aemond burst into the living room breathing hard. “I ended everything and I reported her.”
“Great!” Aegon popped his head around the corner. “I keyed her car!”
“I - you - what?” 
“Yeah, I keyed her car,” Aegon repeated. Aegon walked over to Aemond, completely serious. “I found her car in the campus parking lot and I keyed it. Specifically, I carved ‘fuck you.’”
“I guess I'll have to thank you for that one. Wish I could've been there myself but…” Aemond trailed off.
“You made the right choice, brother.”
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About a month had passed and you felt…lighter. It was as though a weight had been taken off of your shoulder. You still felt the heaviness of the break up but it wasn't completely unbearable anymore. 
You still hadn't gone back to the apartment; you still stayed with Jace. Sitting up and stretching, you looked out the window to see the sun rising. Staring out the window you thought of all that you had gone through the last month. 
Aemond’s tried to contact you but every time your phone rang you let it go to voicemail. You'd be lying if you said you didn't listen to each and every message. It broke your heart to hear him but you had to stand your ground. He betrayed you in the worst way possible, he couldn’t be easily forgiven.
Every now and then you'd go through your social media profiles and look through the pictures of the two of you. Both of you were so happy, so in love, and it showed. But he broke it. It was a lie. Taking a shaky breath, you pushed the thought from your mind. Over the last week or so you've been training yourself not to say it was a lie. He did love you, at least at one point, but then he met Professor Rivers and he apparently fell out of love with you. Wrapping your arms around yourself you cried a bit for the first time in a few days. It was cathartic. There was a knock at the door and Helaena stepped in.
“Hey, sweetie, how are you doing?” She said softly.
A watery smile graced your face. “I'm doing okay, no improvement from the last few days. I've just been thinking.”
“I figured as much.” She sat down on the bed next to you. “You know, I do believe he loves you. He's been trying to get in touch, but I don't blame you for not answering him. I've seen my brother at his worst but whenever I saw you two together he looked the happiest I've ever seen.”
“‘Loves?’ I think you're looking for ‘loved.’ I don't think he loves me anymore.”
“Even with the constant phone calls and texts?”
“He just feels bad he was caught, I'm sure.” You rolled your eyes.
“Sweetie, I know you may not want to hear it, but I think he really might still love you.”
There was a sinking feeling in your gut. You wanted so badly to believe Helaena but letting Aemond in again would mean opening yourself up to more hurt. 
“I don't know if I want to risk my heart again, Hel. And how do I know he's not gonna cheat on me again? What if Professor Rivers comes back?”
“You won't have to worry about her,” Jace said as he leaned on the door frame. “Apparently she's being investigated for sexually harassing students. That and it's against university policy to be involved with them, too.”
A smile played on your lips. “Wait, what?”
Jace shrugged. “Apparently someone finally stepped up to tell the president. There was footage of Professor Rivers hitting on a student outside of her office in the hallway.”
“Do you know who reported her?” Helaena was on the edge of her seat.
You sucked in a breath. “Aemond reported her?”
“Yeah, and apparently she tried to kiss him in the hallway and moved her hand over his, uh, crotch.”
Anger bubbled within you. As much as it hurt for him to have betrayed you, knowing Professor Rivers still wanted him even after he pushed her away made your blood boil. 
“Gods I hate her. I hate what she did to Aemond, I hate what she did to me, I hate what she did to us,” you ground out.
“The investigation isn't complete. While Aemond's footage does show that she made unwanted advances, he still followed her into her office.
“Of course he did. He'll keep going back to her.”
It hurt, knowing he still followed her even after he said no. You had no doubt they still did things in her office. 
“But,” Jace interjected, “there are a few others who have stepped up to say something. Apparently the guys Professor Rivers has been involved with include Jason Lannister and Cregan Stark. Just those two alone make a good case against her.”
“Maybe I should talk to him,” you murmured. 
“I think you should, sweetie.” Helaena put a hand over yours and squeezed tight.
“...I think I will. It's not a promise we'll get back together but it's something.” You looked at your two best friends. “Thank you for everything, I love you guys so much.” Your eyes began to water and a few tears slipped out but they were thankful tears. Tears that were light.
When Jace and Helaena left your room you picked up your phone to find a new voicemail from Aemond. With shaking hands you brought the phone up to your eye and listened.
“I'm so sorry. I know I can't say it enough. I never loved her, I was thinking with my dick. I miss you. I miss you so much and I will do whatever it takes for you to at least look at me again. Everything I do, everything I see, reminds me of you. If I could turn back time and never enroll in her class I'd do it. I'm not even in it anymore, I dropped out of the class.” A break. “When I saw you that day, when you saw everything, I knew I had fucked up. I knew beforehand that I fucked up yet I kept making those decisions. I will never be able to erase the pain from your heart and I wish I could. Gods, I wish I could. I promise you that you are the love of my life, no one else.”
A fresh wave of tears rolled down your face. It's the same thing he's said over and over again but this time you could feel his desperation. You didn't know how long it would last until he would give up, so you took your chance and called him back. The phone rang once.
“Aemond,” you wanted to be the first one to talk. “I - I think I'm ready to see you.”
“Princess! Gods, you called me back.” You could hear his voice crack.
“Please don't call me that,” you whispered. Being called his princess made your heart ache.
“I'm sorry, I won't do that again.”
You smiled a sad smile. “Let's meet at the apartment, okay? Neutral ground.”
“You want to see me?” 
“I think I'm ready now. I'll see you around noon?”
“Yeah, noon works. I'll see you then.”
And with a click of the button the line was dead.
Walking out of the spare room and into the living room, you found Helaena and Jace lounging on the couch.
“I'm going to meet him later today at the apartment,” you announced.
“You are?” Exclaimed Jace. “If he tries anything I swear I'm gonna -”
Helaena interrupted him, “I don't think Aemond is going to try anything. He's too afraid of hurting her even more.”
Jace turned to you. “Are you sure about this?”
You nodded. “As sure as I'll ever be. But I can't keep avoiding him forever, either.”
“I'm so proud of you.” Helaena got up and wrapped you in a warm hug. “You can do this, sweetie.”
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As you pulled up at the apartment complex, your chest began to tighten and your breaths became short.
“I'm right out here if you need me, remember? If you gotta get out just run and hop in.” Helaena told you.
You took one big breath before nodding your head and then stepping out of the car. There wasn't any sign of Aemond, at least not that you could tell. Walking up the stairs was a challenge; each step felt heavier and heavier. You had to do this, though. Face your fear and tackle him straight on. As you reached the door you noticed it wasn't locked.
“I can do this,” you whispered to yourself. Steeling your nerves, you knocked on the door.
Almost immediately the door opened. It was as if Aemond was sitting by the door waiting for you.
“You came,” he mumbled.
“I did.”
“Come in.” He held the door open for you to enter the threshold.
The apartment was a mess. It was unkempt, clothes were everywhere, you could even see the shattered glass that was never picked up after you punched the mirror. It was as though Aemond had no drive to keep the place tidy anymore. You turned your focus to him and saw that he was in the same state as the apartment; a mess. His hair was frizzy, loose ends were everywhere. His face looked like it had sunken in a bit. He seemed skinnier than before and it's only been a month. There was a dark circle under his eye that looks like it's been there a long time.
For a moment you and Aemond just stared at each other, not believing you were seeing one another.
“I got her fired. She's no longer on campus,” he blurted.
“Good, good.”
“I've missed you.”
You met him with silence. Staring at him, you could see how painful this was for him, not to touch you, not to comfort.
“Why? Why did you do it?” Your voice was barely louder than a whisper.
Aemond shuffled awkwardly. “I don't know.”
“That's not an answer.” A laugh left you. “Tell me why or I'm going to walk out. What did she have that I didn't? Was I not enough for you?” Tears began to flow down your cheeks.
“No, no,” he took a step towards you but you stepped back. “I don't know what I was thinking. She was seductive, I guess. I liked how she was taboo.”
“So I need to be a forbidden fruit to be with you?” You scoffed
“No, I know now that's not what I want.”
“You wanted her? If you wanted her then why didn't you break up with me when it started?”
“Because I didn't want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me? Aemond, you did so much more damage than what you could've done. You shattered me. I felt my heart break when I saw you fucking her,” you spat out the last few words.
“I know, I know,” he pleaded.
“Do you?”
He took a step back. “You're right, I don't know. I don't know how badly I've hurt you, I don't know the struggle you've been through.” He collapsed to his knees and bowed his head. “And I'm so fucking sorry. I wish I could take everything back.” His body began to shake with sobs.
“Aemond…” you knelt down in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder. “I…I don't know if I could ever forgive you.”
He sobbed harder.
“But I know I still want you in my life. I love you, Aemond, and this past month has been terrible without you by my side.”
“You still love me? Even after all I've done?” He looked into your eyes. His one was puffy and red.
“I don't think I can ever not love you,” you have him a small smile. “I don't know if I could trust you again, either.”
“I understand.”
“But,” you started. “I'm willing to try again.” You placed a hand on his cheek and cupped his face. “It'll be a long time until I'll even be ready to hear you call me Princess again. But we can work on it together.”
Aemond looked at you with awe. “You want to try again?”
“Yes. I do. I can't imagine a world without you. I could barely stand a single month.” You chuckled and moved to intertwine your hand with his.
“I don't deserve you,” he whispered.
“No, you don't. But I miss you and I need you in my life, please, Aemond.”
“I'll be in your life if you want me to. I'll do anything for you.” His hand reached for your arm and he gave a small squeeze.
“It'll be a while until I can give my heart to you again. We'll take it slow.”
“I'll hold on to you tight.” He pressed his forehead against yours. “I'll do better this time.”
“One step at a time.”
“One step at a time.”
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silverskye13 · 1 month
how does welsknight always know to turn up? is there world joining messages in the chat when tanguish pops through from hels?
Tanguish joined the game
[Renthedog] o.o
[FalseSymmetry] o/
[Tangotek] hey! Don't go anywhere
[Cubfan135] Well well well, if it isn't Tango2: Electric Boogaloo
[Docm77] ahm nobody tell Wels lol
[Welsknight] Nobody tell Wels what?
[Grian] Scatter!
[Tangotek] Nothing wells go build your castle
[Welsknight] ?
[Docm77] lol
[Impulsesv] busted!
[Tangotek] nobody is busted!
[Welsknight] ah. I see.
[Tangotek] You see NOTHING
[Tangotek] Go bother your own evil double!
Evil Xisuma joined the game
[Evil Xisuma] Did someone say evil double?
[Ethoslab] Oh snappers!
[Grian] You guys suck at scattering
Evil Xisuma left the game
Xisuma joined the game
[Xisuma] So what's all this then?
[Tangotek] Go bother X!
[Welsknight] >:/
[Tangotek] Shoo! Go away!
[Tangotek] You're just jealous my double is cooler than yours!
[Tangotek] Literally!
[Welsknight] Where are you Tango
[Tangotek] Wouldn't you like to know, metal boy!
[Impulsesv] You tell him Tango!
[Geminitay] I'm confused, are we rooting for the evil double or for Wels?
[PearlescentMoon] Aw, leave the little nugget alone
[PearlescentMoon] Hey Tango, can your little guy introduce me to my evil double?
[Tangotek] Only if you beat up Wels for me!
[Welsknight] No more evil doubles on Hermitcraft
[Welsknight] We already have to many
[Xisuma] That's a matter of opinion I think
[JoeHills] Evil is in the eye of the beholder anyway
[JoeHills] So is beauty
[JoeHills] That's the cool thing about being a beholder.
[JoeHills] You've got a lot of eyes to get things stuck in
[ZombieCleo] I'm glad I'm not a beholder
[Welsknight] -_- sigh
[Welsknight] Tango, I'm coming to Decked Out
[Cubfan135] Busted!
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orphicrose · 7 months
The co-host (Alastor x Femreader) III < >
Summary: You are Alastors Co host in life, perhaps more. But are separated by a sudden death. When you are finally reunited in the under world, it is up to Alastor to figure out why you don’t remember him.
☙I’m very thankful for everyone who has left nice comments on the other parts so thank you&lt;3
I’ve started a taglist so do let me know if anyone is interested
The king of wraith was up y/n’s ass with the lack of souls coming in this month. Usually they were at least in the thousands. But they had dropped to hundreds. She was the only one who could claim them, so it was difficult for one person to visit all those people in one day. It was exhausting. 
On top of that, a new evil was lurking around every corner. Watching her at every moment and kept her on her toes. Now she had gone face to face with this thing, she was almost certain he was more powerful than her. But how. She had the gift from Satan. Who was more powerful than him? A lot, actually. But none of them as remotely accessible. Lucifer? No way. Lilith? No one knew where she was. Perhaps he made a deal with one of the sins? It was a mystery. But all she knew is she had a reason to be scared. 
“I don’t know Zestial, I really don’t. He was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. His body grew, like, bigger. And he seemed like a deer?” Y/n questioned herself, trying to recall everything she had seen that night. 
“A wendigo?” He asked, trying to see her image. 
“Yes! Yes a wendigo.”
Zestial had grown worried when she didn’t show up, and decided it would be best if he visited her the following day. Her home was the definition of humble and cozy. A simple house outside the city. Where the streets didn’t bother her sleep and she could feel a sense of security. 
“Do you have any reason to believe he may come after you again?” He questioned 
“Well, he didn’t chase me. Though It was dark, there’s the chance he couldn’t see me and decided against it”
”Please, keep safe tonight dear friend. And do contact me in the morning.”
Few more words were said before his departure. And with that, she was alone again. In a more safe destination but, nonetheless, alone. How was a being as gifted as her feeling fear, was it because she didn't really like it coming down to a fight? Did she truly value her life? Who knew. The only thing she could do was focus on her work, and distract herself. Overthinking was not a good game plan. Her bricked fireplace was letting off embers into her living room, her walls portrayed images of their shadows dancing along to the flames of the small fire. Warm feet resting on a velvet ottoman as she gracefully flicked through this weeks paperwork. The numbers really have dropped, what was she going to tell the boss? He wasn't exactly the forgiving type. The amber light gave her face a beautiful glow as her eyes showed the focus she had been needing for weeks. 
Three distinct knocks erupted her from her mind. Each equal lengths of time apart from one another. Maybe it was the wind, or her imagination. Afterall, she had been through a lot of stress recently. Eyes flickered down the hall to where the front door sat, her chair angled perfectly so she could see it. Though, there were no windows to warn her what was on the other side. There it was again, the exact three knocks. It can't be mistaken for anything other than a living being anymore. Her feet landed in her slippers, warmed by the fire, and her hands brought up in front of her ready for anything. The door got closer and closer, her fear tying a knot in her stomach. Suck it up y/n, she thought, Satan wouldn't let anything happen to you. 
Without letting her logic control her anymore, the door swung open. "Hel-", he began before she swiftly shut the door again. It was him, has at her house, at her front door, while she's in her pajamas. What a way to go.  Again, she opened the door "-lo" he continued as if nothing happened. "Did your mother not teach you how to properly welcome a guest?" he fended offense, before setting his microphone in front of his feet and leaning on it.  Teeth bearing a blood thirsty grin, similar to their first encounter, but definitely not holding as much of a desire for murder in his eyes. 
"She taught me not to talk to strangers", she in fact did not do this, but she did teach her how to make origami swans!
"Oh, but she must have! Such a smart woman your mother was!" He treaded lightly, or so he thought to himself. He was certain that the both of you were thinking the same thing, but that was not the case.
"And what is it that makes you think you know my mother?" Her tone more brave this time. Was this some manipulation tactic to gain her trust? What exactly was he playing at. He seemed like the type to play with his prey, but not in this way.
"Because i did know her, dear. Have you not caught on yet?" That look in her eyes was too painfully familiar to not have been her. It was her, but it didn't seem like she knew that yet. He was becoming frustrated, maybe he should have shown her he wasn't a threat. Not to her anyway. Or maybe he could have showed up in a more public space, in the light of day. "No, you haven't caught on yet." A sadder tone flashed through him, without his smile failing to give him away.
"I don't appreciate you taunting me before you attempt to hurt me." Y/n bit back, trying to shut the door again. Something stopping the door from closing. She looked down to find his cane wedged between, forcing an opening for him to peek his head through. 
"You don't seem to understand. I've already had my meal today y/n, I'm just here to have a civilized conversation with you" His use of her name struck even more fear into her
"And... how do i know you wont turn on me"
"Maybe because we both know you're more powerful than you think. Or maybe because i know your full name, miss y/n m/n l/n"
She was more than a little creeped out at his point. There wasn't a single memory of her doing it, but at some point she must have invited him inside. Because he was sitting in the lounge chair opposite her now, appreciating the fire as if he wasn't some crazed serial killer. She didn't dare look away, mapping every little change in his expression. What was she even doing. He tried to make her his dinner about 24 hours ago. And now he's sitting in the place where she eats hers. Something in her just told her that this was where she was supposed to be in this moment. Whether fate was setting her up for her inevitable second death, or something bigger.
"You have a very cozy home, y/n" His voice became softer, never lacking in the static undertone he carried with him. 
"That's Miss L/n to you" Not a second was hesitated before she bit back.
"Of course, miss L/n" Alastor hummed, initiating a brief silence they used to be accustomed to. "I am going to assume you don't remember me" Sarcasm complimented his voice nicely.
"Remember you? From yesterday when you attempted to send me to my second fate? Uhm, yes." Eyes still locked onto his face.
"And i am deeply sorry for that... misunderstanding" He replied, receiving a scoff from Y/N. "But i was talking about years prior to yesterday"
She didn't respond with words, just a confused look in his direction. "years?". She truly didn't understand what he was getting at. If he wanted to kill her, she didn't doubt it would have happened by now. So what else could he possibly want. By this point, he knew she wasn't just messing with him. Something was truly wrong. It was wrong enough that she was down here in the first place, but to own a business dedicated to retrieving souls and being an overlord? Not his Y/n, never. He was looking for purpose, and he found it. 
"I see. Well..." his crimson eyes displaced signs of genuine disappointment. "I see you need time to recover from our little encounter yesterday. But you will be seeing me again" and with that, his body faded into the shadows of the carpet. Similar to how he appeared the first time they met. There she was, left with more questions than one person needed. She definitely wasn't sleeping tonight. 
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 10 months
Contrary to popular belief, not all Hermits have a Hels counterpart. Some of them do, of course, the ones for whom their goodness is prized.
You see, all the most powerful Players have a counterpart. Or counterparts. This is due to a single rule put in place when the Universe was created: one cannot have power over both sides of the same coin. A gain in one aspect results in the loss of the opposite. But the Universe cannot exist without balance, cannot have fullness in one without fullness in the other. And so, when Players gain enough power, they split in two.
Some split yin and yang, like Xisuma and Evil X, or Welsknight and Helsknight. Those are the simplest.
Others become part god, part human, such as Grian and Xelqua, or Pearl and Santa Perla. Those aren't too complicated, as long as the god and player never meet.
Some end up doing whatever Rendog did to get so many of him.
But there are also players who gain power, but cannot be split evenly. In these cases, the Universe doesn't know what to do. There used to be a TrueSymmetry, until she got too powerful. Now? Well, two Falses can't make a True, no matter how hard they try.
(Sorry for the absurdly long headcanon, it's midnight for me and I had ideas)
some, like Zedaph, split into life and death! that's.... not exactly the usual outcome, but it works for him and his death-y buddy! and it comes with the side effect that as long as Zedeath is around, Zed technically can't perma-die.
-Mod Mleem
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syn4k · 2 years
Well damn, Mumbo was back.
Evil Xisuma didn't have a comms device of their own. They figured this out because the man himself flew up to them asking about diamonds.
"Uhh, hello, X?"
"What?" they asked, turning around to see a very nervous Mumbo (oh, who were they kidding, he was always nervous) standing behind them, holding a shulker box.
"Oh, you're not- my bad," he said, stepping backwards. "Sorry. I thought you were Xisuma."
"That's a first," muttered EX. "How the Hels did you fuck up that badly?"
"Right, you can swear," sighed Mumbo. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I just- do you know where X is?"
"Okay," said Mumbo. "Do you think you'd be able to help me with-" [he waved his free hand vaguely] "diamond stuff?"
EX had zero idea how this man found them, or what the hell he wanted, or even why he was talking to them at all. Most Hermits just avoided this part of the Nether, and let them do their thing. But here Mumbo was, just standing there, diamonds in hand. Sure. Why not.
"Elaborate," they said, leaning back against the wall.
"Okay," started Mumbo. "I left the server a few months back to go on a trip, right?"
"When I- when I left, I was the richest Hermit. And then I got back, and I thought well I'm definitely not the richest Hermit anymore, but then I checked in my vault and there was substantially more diamonds in there than I remember?"
"What does any of this have to do with me or X?" asked EX flatly. At this point, they were just considering telling him to shove off and let them continue building this wall. This was a waste of time.
"I was wondering," said Mumbo, looking anywhere but their face (did this man go to therapy for anxiety? EX sure hoped he did. This was embarrasing.), "if you had perhaps lost any?"
What the fuck?
"I know you haven't been around," said Mumbo with a sigh, "but this is why I was looking for X first, and I just got really lost on my way there, and maybe there might be a chance that you-"
EX paused him with a wave of their hand. "You are smoking warped mushrooms if you think I have been anywhere close to the Overworld," they said, walking closer. "If this had been any other person, or any other situation, I would have said that oh yeah, I took your puny little diamonds, but this? I'm not even going to pretend that I have. Come on. Seriously, how did you get all the way out here?"
"I thought it was worth a shot," said Mumbo, stepping back two paces and almost tripping over a dint in the netherrack. "Since, y'know, that was sort of your whole thing in season 8-"
EX sighed. "We don't talk about season 8."
There was a dead silence of about 10 seconds in which EX turned back around and continued building the wall. Hearing no footsteps or rockets, they turned back around and raised an eyebrow. "X's portal is about three thousand blocks southwest of here. If you want to make it before the sun goes down in the Overworld- maybe it's already set, who knows- you should probably get on it."
Mumbo cleared his throat. "Uh. Yeah that'd be good. Thanks?"
"Do you go to therapy for anxiety?"
"You need therapy. Get out of my swamp."
Mumbo nodded and, almost dropping the shulker box, flew off in the direction that EX had specified.
They watched him go for a while longer, hands on hips. What a guy. What a weird fucking guy.
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bibiwrld · 7 months
Nerdy Loser Anakin Skywalker!— Jealous! pt.2
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Pairing: Nerdy loser Anakin! x Black fem oc!
Content warning: A very jealous Anakin
“H-hey Sydnee.” The cherry cheeked Anakin greeted Sydnee, as she typed away on her laptop.
Giving him a quick glance and a smile warm enough to make Anakin overheat, she answered back. “Hi Ani, done with your last class? How was it?”
Anakin smiled to himself, listening to her nails clicking and clacking against the keys. He loved when she asked about the little things.
He looked around the dining hall and it was quite silent this time around, everyone was probably still in their lectures. He then brought his gaze across the table from him, looking at a very concentrated Sydnee. “Y-yeah, nothing I couldn’t handle, but what are you doing?” He moved around to her side of the table, his bag on his lap. “Do you need any help?” He leaned closer to her, trying to see her laptop screen.
She chuckled and looked at him, their lips almost touching. “No Ani, it’s a group project.”
“Who’s your partner?” He leaned away, staring at her plump lips.
“Gray.” She answered nonchalantly.
Anakin’s brows furrowed and voice raised. “Gray Nixon?”
Gray Nixon, the college athlete known for his looks and frat parties. Anakin knows exactly who he was, and that guy didn’t seem like the type to actually take part in academic activities.
He sighed, looking at how hard she was working. “Syd, let me help, he’s not going to hel—”
“Sorry I’m late, coach extended practice.” Gray chuckled, wiping his wet face with a small towel.
“I was starting to think you were dumping all the work on me.” Sydnee said playfully and stopped typing.
“I would never do that to you, Syd.” Gray grinned, taking a seat beside her.
What the hell?
Anakin couldn’t believe his eyes, Gray Nixon doing work?? And he’s calling her Syd, as if they knew each other for ages.
He didn’t like this one bit.
“Oh who’s this?” Gray was focused on Anakin now. His voice falling flat when he saw him.
Sydnee was sandwiched between the two. “ That’s Anakin, he’s my friend.”
Anakin was seething in his seat. She was right, what else could she introduce Anakin as? Her fuck buddy, sex partner? It’s not like they were actually together, all they did was have sex. Amazing, intense, beautiful sex, Anakin would go as far to call it love making.
“Oh.” Was all Gray replied to Sydnee.
For the time Anakin was there, Gray and Sydnee were giggling and talking, and even more giggling, were they even doing this so called project?
Anakin couldn’t take this anymore. He stood up, looking down at her. “I’m going home, bye Sydnee.”
She answered him in between laughs, not even sparing him a glance. “Bye Anakin!”
His jaw clenched. What about Ani?
He waited for her to say she’ll see him later, or that she’ll text him, just something. Something to say in front of Gray to prove that he wasn’t just any regular friend, just something to ward Gray off like some evil entity.
But she never did.
Anakin drove home in complete silence.
He was so damn jealous, it was so pathetic to him.
Anakin barely got to spend time with Sydnee, as she was busy with her so called project. She never returned his texts or desperate calls— just how long do they need to work on a project?
To Anakin, it felt like it’s been weeks, but in reality, it’s been only 3 days.
Every time he saw on her campus, he’d approach her, hoping they could hang out, but she’d always reply—
“I have to meet Gray later for the project.”
“Ani, you know my project still isn’t done, Gray is meeting me in 5.”
“Gray is—”
Gray this, Gray that— what about Anakin?! Where was the time for him? He couldn’t stand to be apart from Sydnee for such a long period of time.
To try and keep his mind off of things, he went to the gym constantly, doing intense workouts and weight lifting. For 3 days, his routine has been class, gym, home, repeat. He realized how lonely it was without Sydnee. He missed when she’d ask questions about the books he’d recommended her, but never answering her because he didn’t want to spoil it for her, but still giving in because how could he say no to that face?
Today, he finished his last workout and chugged down water like he’s been in a desert, getting water all over himself.
Gasping, he removed the bottle from his mouth, wiping it and his eyes slowly traveled out the window to see none other than Sydnee.
That made Anakin quite alert.
She was walking and talking with his cousin Chloe, and her friends Dakota and Lilian, and that June girl, who he had know idea why Sydnee kept around, the girl is a ball of negative energy.
Packing his gym bag and rushing out, he wiped his face with a small towel.
The entire group paused and looked up at him with curious eyes.
He felt a bit embarrassed under their stare. He never really wore his gym attire in front other people— he barely comfortable wearing it in the gym for others to see.
“Ani, hey.” Sydnee smiled.
“Are you free?”
“We should get going, I don’t want to hear this conversation.” June rolled her eyes.
Finally something her and Anakin could agree on, he seriously didn’t want any of them to hear how embarrassingly jealous he got.
Sydnee waved off her friends. “See you guys.” She then looked to Anakin. “Is everything okay?”
He huffed, closing his eyes. “We haven’t hung out in a while.”
“Because me and Gray are busy with the pr—”
“The project, I know. That’s all you ever talk about.” He blinked, clenching his jaw.
Sydnee’s brows furrowed at his sudden change in attitude. “Is there a problem you have or something?”
First mistake he made was talking over her.
He sighed, trying to avoid any confusion. “I-I don’t have a problem.”
Her eyes squinted at him. Oh she was mad and Anakin didn’t like when she got mad.
“Then what is it?” Her head slightly tilted to the side. “I’m not some fucking booty call you could just hit up whenever you want, Anakin!”
People walked by and gave strange stares.
“I have a life outside of you, you know that ri—”
“I’m jealous!” He confessed pathetically.
Sydnee blinked rapidly at his sudden blurt. “What?”
“I’m jealous of Gray, I feel like he’s trying to take you away. It’s so stupid, but I’m jealous and I miss you and I miss us hanging out.” His bottom lip quivered. “A-and I do miss the sex too, but you’re not a booty call, never call yourself that again.”
Her entire demeanor changed, she was now soft and concerned. “Anakin.”
He squeezed his small towel. “I know I’m not your boyfriend and I shouldn’t feel like this, but how should I feel watching the girl I like, get close with another guy?”
She crashed into his muscular and sweaty body, her arms wrapped around him tightly and her face buried into his chest.
That caught him off guard, his face heating up as people eyed them. “S-Syd..w-we’re in public.”
“I don’t care.”
“And I’m sweaty, I just came from the gym.”
“Still don’t care.”
He laughed, wrapping his arms around her.
“I’m sorry for not answering your texts and calls, I seriously was busy, honestly.” She apologized, breaking away from the tight embrace.
“It’s okay.” He smiled down at her. “Soo, are you do—”
She laughed, “Yes, the project is done and we can hang out. Besides, Gray is so boring, don’t know why you were even jealous.”
“He’s boring? Really?” Anakin rose a brow.
“Extremely. Can we go back to your place and talk about it?” She bit her bottom lip.
He gave her a flustered smile. “Y-yeah.”
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aquaquadrant · 11 months
literally just zoomed through yalls htp au and i havent seen anyone talk about it but i find it SO interesting how Bravo, who is supposed to be the GOOD overworlder, is rather prideful and honestly just a dick while Tango, supposedly his EVIL counterpart, is just the sweetest guy. i cant imagine how Tango is derived from the worst parts of Bravo, if im understanding hels correctly. Tango is such a good person, while Bravo is rude to everyone with the worst attitude. it was just something i picked up so quickly. if the universe put him in hels in the first place, there must be a reason why the universe swapped his place with his overworld counterpart.
on another note! with the release of secret life, and what we've seen so far, how do you think htp!tango would fare in this new killing game? i cant help but imagine that with the entire gimmick being keeping secrets that he would be rather stressed, knowing he had hidden stuff from his friends already-- lying doesnt make him feel like a good person (but he isnt supposed to be that, some small part of him is whispering, knowing hes from hels, is all of the "bad" parts of bravo)
anyways! this is all i will be able to think of for the rest of the week /vpos and i hope you (and everyone who may be reading this at any given time) have a great rest of spooky month!
well THANK YOU this was a lovely message to receive, and i’m glad you’re enjoying the au ^^
i’ve talked a little bit about this here and there, but i’ll never pass up the chance to ramble more. there are a few key things about bravo and tango that make them different from the average overworld-hels pair.
first off, most of what we’ve seen of tango has been set during double life, which is ten years after he escaped hels, so he’s had ten years of growth. we see very little of him before this, and in those scenes he’s got the benefit of being largely alone. the only player he interacts with is xisuma, who tango immediately realizes he needs to ‘trick.’ so his interaction with x in part one isn’t how tango would’ve interacted with virtually any other player in hels at that time.
we see from the flashback in part five that younger pre-hels tek tango was borderline feral- he chose to attack atlas on sight instead of trying to hide, or leave before he was seen, or even see why atlas was there. now, atlas wins him over fairly quickly because tango is young and naive and secretly craving positive interaction, but even in that brief interaction tango is a bit more prideful than his older self. that, of course, got beaten out of him at hels tek.
bravo, on the other hand, we follow closely during his ten years in hels. when he first arrives in part two, he’s a little snide and privately judgemental, sure, but he starts out perfectly decent towards timmy. he tries to maintain that civility and ‘niceness’ as he interacts with more and more hels players, but gradually loses his willpower as he gets beaten down and frustrated, even losing his temper. and after he fully snaps and gets his first kills, he all but abandons the notion of being ‘nice’, though privately he still thinks of himself as inherently better than hels players (atlas’s manipulation certainly doesn’t help matters, either).
but perhaps the biggest point is to look at what traits tango actually got from bravo, and that would be his rage. bravo is most similar to tango when he’s angry; his first little temper tantrum in part two is where it’s best illustrated, because all instances after that have been influenced by his time in hels. but you’ll notice that we have yet to see tango truly angry in the HTP series (he did revert back to an almost feral mindset when the ranch got attacked, but that was an instinctive defense mechanism. there was no conscious thought behind those decisions, and they were purely fueled by fear, not anger). that will be where his ‘hels’ really shines through.
there’s one other bravo trait amplified in tango that i haven’t revealed yet. it’s something that tango has figured out how to sort of ‘mask’ via other more acceptable coping mechanisms- if you can call it that- and actually forms a fairly significant part of his personality. stay tuned :3
as for secret life, it’d be a complicated situation for sure. on one hand, their goals are less outright malicious- just complete the tasks and try to survive (at least for now). in a way, it almost takes away accountability for their actions if they turn out to be harmful- “i had to, it was my secret task!” so that’s nice to fall back on. but still, tango would be very on edge. not only with the discomfort of having to lie to his friends, but never knowing if they’re lying to him, too. boi’s got them trust issues fr.
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wingedecho · 4 months
New Narrator?!
okay for those of you following me (I appreciate you guys sm) who know of my main Narrator, don't worry I'm keeping Henry, this is just more of a side project because I love villain narrators
That being said, this is Cross. A highly intelligent, highly egotistical BASTAR-
I mean uh evil man
His backstory/origin will be posted eventually when I can be bothered to write it all up but in the meantime I'll give you a short rundown (hey future me here it's a lot longer than intended haha oops) of who exactly he is and what his deal is, if you can't be bothered to read all of this rambling that I'm typing I am so sorry I am just kind of brainrotting a lot right now and I was supposed to post this yesterday and I forgot
Alrighty so:
Cross is unfortunately a good actor. He's cunning, sly, manipulative and overall he does not care what anyone thinks of him so long as he gets what he wants. However, with simple acting, he can conceal all of this and come off as the sweetest person you've ever met, despite the many ways he's thinking of to kill you while he tells you just how 'great' he thinks you are. Stanley sees him as what he pretends he is. He's unaware of the shit he's in.
Cross prefers people to not know his name, getting Stanley to call him X to keep his mysterious act up. Cross doesn't have an office to write his stories, despite having one backstage for other uses. He has a theatre. A huge, huge theatre where he demonstrates his acting to the shadowy figures that were once people he totally did not murder in a totally not extremely brutal way
His scripts go into shows, and the shows become the story. Whatever Cross does in the theatre, is however things are formed in the parable
He has some levels of necromancy, and also has the ability to create spikes made of citrine. When he's in a calm state the citrine is clear. When angered, the citrine appears cracked.
Another important thing is the shadow over his eye. Its not an art style, it's a design choice. He's hiding something under there, but I'm not revealing that just yet, and the only person who knows doesn't know how bad it is because there's one thing I haven't told them (you know who you are)
Anywho, yeah! Hope this wasn't too much to read, and I hope I didn't bore you, but thank you for reading if you made it to the bottom and I hope you guys like him!
P.S he is 7'2 okay bYE
Quick edit: I forgot to mention, he has black gloves with gold claws on them I just really can't draw hands hel, he also has big black boots (just putting this here because I saw a reblog of someone saying they wanted to draw him and TYSM GENUINELY)
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
the ghost with the most // sam golbach
A/N: first fic of my 13 nights of halloween ! i highkey love this story haha this and the one i wrote for colby with the same-ish concept were so easy to write. thank god bc i still have so much writing to do. but hopefully you enjoy this one. this one is also gender-neutral so everyone can enjoy. let me know what you think :)
prompt: the ghost hunter that lives in your house doesn't believe in ghosts. guess it's time to show him what you're made of || ghost!reader x sam golbach
trigger warning: cursing, ghost hijinks, mostly fluff
word count: 1311
This house was yours. It had been yours for years, decades even. But you never grew older.
You died a long time ago. You weren't sure how or when, but you knew you were dead.
And every couple years, a new family would move into your house. At first you hated it, but now... you've grown to enjoy your time annoying and scaring the new house folks.
This year, the family that moved in wasn't really a family at all. It was a group of guys, all in their early 20s. You watched from the shadows as they all picked out their rooms, some fighting over the master (which was yours so like... why were they fighting in the first place?), and over the next month or so they settled in.
Their choice in decoration was... boring, to say the least. Borderline nonexistent, besides in their own rooms. The one named Colby kept his room pretty dark, dungeon-like. The other two had some very weird styles that you didn't appreciate. And the last one, Sam... his was fine.
You settled on his room to chill in.
Something about his energy was interesting to you. You had overheard them all one night talking about ghosts, about whether or not they existed at all. And Sam was the one that surprised you the most with his response.
"No. They totally don't exist. Even with all the proof we've captured, I'm still unsure."
You didn't quite understand what he meant, but you saw him and Colby leave the house every so often, only to come back and tell the others about their adventures and "investigations".
So they were ghost hunters? And Sam didn't believe? Interesting.
You had nothing else to do with your free time, and since you had plenty of it, you decided to focus your energy on Sam and making him believe.
The first thing you tried was giving him nightmares. That itself was a bit difficult for you, but humans’ minds were a lot more open when they were unconscious. You were able to weasel your way in and make him think of scary, horrible things. Of ghosts chasing after him, of you chasing him around the house.
After a couple nights, you thought you had done the trick. I mean, how many times does someone have to wake up in a cold sweat to realize they are getting a message from the beyond?
But it didn't work. So you moved on to plan b: poltergeist time.
Now, you weren't an evil spirit. Hell, in your old life the worst thing you ever did was get a parking ticket. But you figured if Sam saw things moving around on their own, he would start to believe, or at least sense that something was in his house.
Because at least the others knew that. They would tell him all the time that they could feel something watching them, especially Colby. But Sam always shrugged it off, claiming they were just paranoid.
One day, while Sam was sitting in bed, you decided to knock something over on his desk. Some random little figurine he had. His eyes widened as he heard the noise, he jumped out of bed and looked at his desk. The figurine laid on the floor, still shaking from your motion.
"How'd that fall?" He whispered to himself.
You felt like shouting "Me, bitch!" but figured that was a bit mean. He placed it back on his desk and left his room. You figured maybe was going to go downstairs, tell all of his friends about what just happened. You giddily followed him to the kitchen, only to watch him pull out lunchmeat from the fridge and make a sandwich.
You tried the next day, and the day after that, and still... nothing. It didn't help that his other two roommates had decided to move out, so you waited for there to be a right time to spring into action again. And finally when the time came, you decided to up the ante and move something in front of him and Colby, thinking maybe he would get a clue that what was happening to him was paranormal. While the two of them were in the kitchen, you opened a drawer, slowly. Colby noticed it first. His breath hitched in his throat as he watched the drawer open.
"Dude, look! The drawer's opening on it's own." He gasped.
You smiled as Sam turned towards the drawer, hoping that now it would finally click in his head. But instead he walked up to the drawer, shut it, and went back to talking with Colby. He told him that that drawer always had a problem staying shut and had opened on him before.
Oh, so now we're just lying to each other?!
You finally had one more move in your arsenal. You decided, while he was out, to stack everything in his room in the center of it. His desk, bed, furniture, whatever you could get your hands on, you put in the middle of his room. It took you a long time, and you were proud of your work when you were finally through.
There's no way he's not gonna believe this is paranormal.
You waited impatiently for him to come home. He walked through the front door and trudged up the stairs to his bedroom. You smirked as he rubbed his eyes, ready to take a nice long nap most likely. Then he opened his door, stopping dead in his tracks.
"What the...?"
He studied his room, glancing all over the place for how this could have happened. You leaned against the wall, just waiting to hear him scream or gasp or... something. He yelled for Colby, and he came in a minute later.
"Love what you've done with the place, Sam." Colby stated nonchalantly.
Sam glared. "How the fuck did you do this?"
"Do what? I didn't do this." Colby argued.
"Well, you were the only one home." Sam mentioned.
"I was, yeah. But I've been busy editing. I left two hours ago to get some food." Colby replied.
Sam questioned him, "Then who did this?"
Ghosts! Say it was a ghost! There's no one else that could have done it!
"...Jake." They nodded their heads, rolling their eyes at their ex-roommate.
Are you forreal?! You tried to breathe for a second. You know what? They'll realize it wasn't him when he confesses it wasn't, and they'll have to realize then it was something supernatural.
But that never happened. They didn't question Jake, they just assumed it was him and moved on with their lives. But you... you couldn't.
You followed Sam around the house. Every step he took, you were right behind him. You gave him some privacy when he needed it (you weren't a perv now), but otherwise, you wanted him to feel you. To feel your anger.
Sam and Colby mentioned that they had a new investigation the next day that they had to get ready for. You groaned at their words, following Sam as he left Colby's room to go to his own, and into his bathroom. Once you realized he was only washing his face for bed, you came in.
"I fucking hate you, you know that right? Do you know how annoying it is to prove to someone that I'm real? God, this is the most irritating thing I've had to do, and I've died before! I mean, you go on these trips, catch tons of evidence, and somehow don't believe in ghosts. It's insane to me. Like, what do I have to do, jumpscare you? Do I have to appear in front of you just for you to believe in me?!"
Sam jolted up out of the sink, his face sudsy with his face wash. His eyes locked with yours, and he screamed.
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hmshermitcraft · 8 months
Wormman isn’t dumb. He knows his boyfriends are villains. Evil X and Hels - not the best name for a civilian disguise.
But, like I said, he isn’t dumb. He knows WHY they’re villains, too. The world is cruel. They don’t have enough food or money to get by. Sometimes….sometimes you gotta break the law a bit to survive. It’s how it works. He knows this.
So when he’s out, being a superhero, he pays them no mind. Purposely making mistakes so they can get away with as much as they can. He tries to keep other heros from attacking them. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t fight other villains - there are some that are legitimate dangers. He doesn’t spare them.
He keeps quiet. If the government knew about his observation skills - hell, if any part of the hero organization knew about his observation skills - he’d be in some of the highest ranks. He doesn’t want that. Too much monitoring, he’d be forced to tell the truth. Lay low. Keep quiet. If he puts of a façade of mediocrity, a hero who’s only average, he keeps most freedoms.
It’s a fair price to pay, in his mind.
It's easy to pretend, he's discovered. In the heroes' eyes he's gullible, naïve and optimistic. Another hero blinded by the desire to do good. They aren't wrong - that's what Wormman wants to do! He loves making people happier and being able to help out where he can. But doing real, substantial good is rarely as easy as punching a bad guy in the face.
That's the part he pretends he doesn't know.
And it protects him from the villains, 'cause they have far more pressing issues than a superhero with stars in his eyes. It keeps him safe from his own boyfriends, as much as the thought pains him.
It's not easy, living life as a balancing act. But those evenings where all three of them are at home together... Ex dancing to a song in the kitchen as Wormman sings along, Hels rolling his eyes and ignoring them in favour of cooking.
This is home. He wants to protect that however he can.
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thes0lstice · 1 year
Ninjago Cole x reader
Warnings: mentions murder, death, ghosts, kidnapping, angst, drug use
Summary: The Ninja get complaints about a haunted building and go to check it out. As they explore, the ninja can’t help but be affected by overwhelming emotions that surround the building. And Cole can’t get his girlfriend out of his head, who has been missing for 2 months.
Kai, Cole, Lloyd, Zane, Jay, Nya,
(M/N) = Man’s name
(Y/N) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
“Why are we here again?” Jay whined, obviously scared about exploring a haunted building.
“Because we’ve gotten several complaints about this building being haunted and they need us to check it out. They plan on demolishing the building and rebuilding a hotel here.” Nya explained to her boyfriend. She rubbed his shoulder as she tried to reassure him.
“We should get this over with quickly. I don’t want to be here longer than necessary. It doesn’t feel right.” Kai shivered, rubbing his arms.
“Right. Let’s go.” Lloyd nodded. He lead the other ninja into the building, immediately stopping as the air grew heavy with emotion.
“It just got heavy.” Cole said, rubbing at his chest.
“Something is definitely wrong here.” Zane commented.
“Hello?” Lloyd called out, hoping to get a response from whoever haunted the building.
“…….Hel-lo?” An airy female voice responded. The voice rang through the air, making it difficult to tell where it came from.
“Woah!!” The Ninja shouted in surprise.
“Hi. We’re the ninja. We protect Ninjago.” Lloyd introduced themselves to the voice.
“….I know.” The girl replied.
“You know us?” Kai asked.
“……yes…..I know…….all of you.” Was the girl’s response.
“We heard that this building was haunted. Is that true?” Nya asked.
“…….Yes.” The airy female voice responded.
“Do you know who haunts this building? Is it you?” Lloyd asked next.
“….it’s…..me…..sorry.” The girl apologized. The Ninja shared looks with each other before Lloyd spoke again.
“That’s alright. We just wanna know why you are haunting this place.”
“……I’m……trapped here.” The girl answered.
“You’re trapped here? Why?” Cole asked this time. For some reason, the female’s voice was kind of familiar.
“…….Murdered.” The girl responded.
“Did she say ‘murdered’?” Jay asked. The Ninja shared alarmed looks at this.
“You were murdered?” Cole repeated.
“……..yes.” Was the girls response.
“Who murdered you?” Nya asked.
“……evil…….man.” The girl answered, anger in her voice.
“Do you know the man’s name? What was his name?” Lloyd asked.
“………..(m/n).” The girl answered.
“(M/n)? He’s in jail for several counts of murder and is suspected for several kidnappings.” Zane explained, pulling up the man’s profile on his database.
“…….good….he…..deserves it.” The girl responded.
“What’s your name?” Cole called out.
“………(y/n)…….(l/n).” She responded.
“(Y/n)?” Cole gasped. “Can you show yourself? Please? I need to see you. Please, (y/n).” Cole pleaded. The Ninja waited in silence until the air in front of them fizzled and a woman appeared, hair floating freely and her entire being transparent.
“(Y/n)!” The other Ninja shouted, recognizing Cole’s girlfriend. The other Ninja shared looks before looking sadly at Cole, who slowly approached the dead woman.
“(Y/n).” Cole whispered sadly.
“….Cole.” (Y/N) responded, slowly approaching Cole. Cole’s eyes watered as he could now recognize her voice, though it had an airy tone to it.
“(Y/n). How…..how did this happen?” Cole asked, a tear slipping from his eye as he reached his hand out to cup her cheek, only for his hand to go through her. A short sob escaped his mouth, not being able to touch her. Cole moved his hand to hover just above her cheek. (Y/n) smiled sadly as she titled her head towards his hand, as if nuzzling into his hand as she hovered one of her hands over his.
“I was……getting groceries. I was walking by…..an alley….when…..I heard……a cry for help. I went to……try and help…..but a man……took me. He injected me….with something…..and I fell asleep. When I woke up…….I was here. But I wasn’t…alive…..anymore. And I……couldn’t leave.” (Y/n) explained what happened to her. The Ninja wiped their eyes as tears threatened to fall, saddened by what had happened to their friend. (Y/n) wasn’t a ninja like them, but she was still very important to the team. She kept them strong and held them together. She always supported them.
“I’m so sorry.” Cole whispered, tears slipping down his face.
“Cole….it wasn’t your fault.” (Y/n) smiled sadly, reaching her other hand out to hover above his cheek. “I should’ve……been more careful.”
“But I should’ve been there. It was my job to protect you and I wasn’t there.” Cole blamed himself.
“No one knew…..this…..would’ve happened. It wasn’t…..your fault.” (Y/n) reasoned. “I’m glad…..the man……was caught. He deserves…..to rot……for what he’s done. To me……and all….. the other women.” Suddenly, (y/n)’s form started to fade, as if she was going disappear.
“(Y/n)!” Cole shouted, worried. (Y/n) only smiled sadly as she looked down at her fading self.
“It seems……I can finally leave. I’m at….peace now.” (Y/n) said. She looked back up and locked eyes with Cole, who stared at (y/n) with so much sadness that if she could, she would’ve cried. “I’m sorry…..my love. Our time together……is running short. I must leave you, my love…….I’m sorry.”
“Please, don’t. Please, don’t leave me.” Cole pleaded.
“I’m sorry, my love. I…..can’t stay.” (Y/n) sighed. As she was almost all the way faded, she went closer to Cole and leaned her forehead against his. Cole could barely feel the coldness that (y/n) let off, letting out a shuddering breath as tears continued to escape his eyes.
“I don’t want you to go.” Cole whispered.
“I know….my love. I don’t want to go……either….but I…..have to.” (Y/n) whispered back.
“I love you.” Cole said.
“I love you too.” (Y/n) replied. “I want you…..to live a long….strong life. Don’t ever…..give up on…..yourself. I want you to….find…..someone that makes you..happy. Don’t stay stuck…to me.”
“You make me happy. I don’t want anyone else.” Cole shook his head.
“At least….try. I want you……to be…..happy. Don’t be…..alone. Find someone.” (Y/n) insisted.
“Alright. I’ll try. For you.” Cole finally agreed.
“Good.” (Y/n) smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Cole replied. Then, she was gone. (Y/n) gave Cole one last smile before she faded away and Cole was left standing alone, the other Ninja standing a few feet behind him. Cole let out a loud sob as he dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around himself. The other Ninja rushed forward and embraced the man, hoping to comfort him, at least a little. As Cole cried with his friends surrounding him, he couldn’t help but remember the small square box that sat on his nightstand, the ring inside waiting to be worn.
After the Ninja left the previously haunted building, they went straight to the police station and turned in the recording of (Y/n), thanks to Zane having recorded the entire encounter. With this new evidence, (m/n) was charged with another count of murder and other charges and was sentenced with even more years in prison, adding on to his life sentence. Cole eventually adopted a little girl and raised her as his own. He told her all about (y/n) and the both of them visit (y/n)‘s grave once a week. Cole never had a relationship after (y/n), choosing to put all of his time into raising the little girl and give her the best life he could.
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hermitcrossovers · 10 months
WATCHER CITY!!! Basically Grian was the first Watcher created when players were a new idea, and over time more and more Watchers were created by the Gods and Grian himself so they built a city in the End Void! You can only access it in certain words, and you'll know you've found it when you fall for what seems like hours before the first purple building comes into view :] Overall the Watchers that live in the city are kind and pretty gentle. They prefer peace over violence and are welcoming to any being that enters their city (although they can fight. beware the watchers when they fight). However, if you instead find a large castle of endstone and purpr, run away. you might still save your soul from the Runaway Watchers (who are the ones kidnapping players and such (i liked both the evil and good watcher headcanons as you can tell))
2- Hit it on the head! Ariana Griande is Grian's hels and sister! I thought it was wayy to funny of an idea to pass up lol. Grian's just like 'heyyy X. Can I bring my sister onto season 6 for a few days :3 I haven't seen her in years and she's finally free on her sudchle' and then FUCKING ARIANA GRIANDE walks onto hermitcraft the day grian's sister is suppose to visit. minds blown.
3- um. haven't thought that far yet. probably not, since I think that Fundy would keep who his parent is pretty quiet and only tell trusted sources, because if somebody with power on the dsmp found out and had a grudge against him, it could go bad. - 🔮🐦 (magic bird anon)
oh that sounds fun, so then the watcher city is modeled after end cities
i wonder who freaked out the most upon learning ariana griande was on the server, not to mention she's also grians sister (why didn't you say anything grian?? i didn't think that it was important it is!!)
does fundy still share the same relationships with other people? how has that changed; especially with wilbur.
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silverskye13 · 2 months
I am turning Tanguish and your posts about him over in my brain. And it is late so forgive me if this is just nothing
There was a post where somebody mentioned him becoming a saint and you responded to it with a microphone.
Is Tanguish going to become a saint? Is Helsknight going to do something that makes Tanguish go not this time. You don't get to be that cruel this time and become a saint to save Helsknight?
Better bonus question: if a Hels becomes their own person, a) how does that happen and b) what happens to them after?
For plot reasons [and the fact that I am my own most notorious plot spoiler] I can only address your bonus questions! Apologies!
A) How does a helsmet becoming their own person happen?
The way I'm rationalizing the process for myself, is they deal with the problem they were made to address. They self actualize and change. Because I've talked about EB a bit today already I'll use him as an example. EB was once a manifestation of X's pride. He was all the bad bits about being proficient in something and knowing it. Pride wants to make a space for itself, be Large and Interesting. It's root is in ego and accomplishment. While some justifiable pride isn't bad, pride rampant manifests as someone who doesn't care about harm so long as they inflate their own ego and self image. EB joined the Colosseum because pride demanded he make a name for himself, he claw his way out of any shadow he was standing under. When he was at his weakest, when the universe was nearest to taking him, he sat down with his Pride and had to decide if it was worth dying for and, if it wasn't, how was he supposed to be humble? What demonstrable change would he have to do to start down a path where he wasn't ruled by it?
When a helsmet reaches the point where they figure out what they are and learn to grow past it, that's when they become their own person. It's a bit like the idea of a Shakespearian tragedy, but the characters suddenly become aware of the genre they're in and defeat their fatal flaw. Defeating your fatal flaw is very, very hard. Your entire personality is often rooted in it. There has to be a very good reason for you to change, and you have to be very determined to change it.
B) What happens to them after?
They're no longer beholden to the universe. They become like any other player character: death is a temporary inconvenience. There are helsmets who have done this. Evil X and EB for starters. And I'm sure there are many helsmets that don't know they've made that change. They only know they struggled and, for reasons they don't understand, survived. And some of them, either by their own nature, or by the recognition of what they've done by those who come after, become Saints. I think there's a strong case for EX being the Patron Saint of Hels, whatever that entails [though don't tell him please his ego is big enough!] I always sort of imagined the Saint of Blood and Steel was a helsmet who overcame their nature as someone who enacts great, blind violence. I have no hard and fast rules for who becomes a Saint and why. Maybe the trigger is simply someone else's faith?
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obsessedwithlute · 6 months
Aidas x Reader Chapter One
It was the Oracle's fault for letting Bryce blind her all those years ago, leading you to meet the cat the first time.
It was Briggs's fault for not actually killing Danika, setting off this whole damn chain reaction, ending you standing in your sister's kitchen as she grinned at the obsidian salt in her hand, the Shadow of Death paling behind her.
It was Bryce's fault for deciding to summon the Prince of Hel.
But it was your fault for allowing her to rope you into it.
You had a fairly normal job as an author, writing vampyr romance novels for teenagers and pretending the love interests weren't even a tiny bit inspired by the cat form of Aidas you'd met when you ran to find your twin after she blinded the Oracle- and ending up meeting the Prince of the Chasm.
Who you hated more than anyone else- on Midgard or Hel!
And yet, there had been that tiny flutter in your heart when you realized what Bryce's plan was.
"Bryce, are you absolutely certain this is a good idea?" you asked tentatively.
"Listen, Y/N, I don't know why you're so afraid! What, you worried I'm going to have a romantic tryst with the Prince of Hel?" she demanded, smirking. You sent a little encouraging smile to the malakh standing behind her- a little reassurance that, no matter how much she pretended otherwise, she found him much more.... interesting than a demon prince.
The both of you had always been so readable about each other's romance. And you could tell that whatever was happening between Bryce and Hunt would either engulf Lunathion in the brightest light imaginable- or reduce it to nothing but ash.
The flip side, however, was that Bryce could also read you, and you needed to stop blushing every time you thought of seeing Aidas in his human form- maybe running your hands through his sleek humanoid hair, possibly removing his shirt and feeling his-
NO. THAT WAS ENOUGH. You were not living in one of your romance novels, and there was no happily ever after with a demon prince.
You knew how that ended. You'd seen the daemonaki. A demon had killed Danika and the Pack of Devils. They were completely odious and-
Bryce was already humming as she formed a perfect circle with the salt on the floor.
"Do we need to- say anything-?" the Shadow of Death began to ask, but it was too late.
A blonde, fit, smirking, blue-eyed, muscular, and probably evil as shit demon prince was standing inside the circle. "You summoned me?"
He turned his eyes to you. "Y/N," he said. "It's been a while."
"It hasn't been long enough," you spat. "I have weapons on me and I'm not afraid to use them!"
"Of course, rose. I would never dream of hurting you," he said smoothly. Rose. You hated that damn nickname. He'd called you that a decade ago, and he still said it now.
You're a beauty with thorns, he'd claimed. Fitting isn't it?
You scowled at him and didn't give him the honor of a response.
Bryce and Hunt asked Aidas a couple questions while you stood there, silently, glaring, hand tightened around your gun, as if it could kill a Prince of Hel.
After they'd finished Aidas had one request. "Please, can I just speak to Y/N- alone- for a few minutes?"
If you'd had a drink, you'd have spat it out at the sound of the Prince of Hel saying please.
"That's up to Y/N," Bryce said sassily and turned to you. In a loud whisper, she hissed, "You sure you'll be alright alone with the kitty-cat?"
"I can hear you," Aidas said in a singsong tone.
You ran your hands through your hair. "You have five minutes." "Not seven?" the prince asked, grinning.
"You're the prince of the fifth level of Hel, it seems fitting."
"Alright. Five minutes- without your sister listening through the door." "Can't promise you that," Bryce chirped.
"Actually, yes we can, because Quinlan and I have got a lot to discuss," Athalar announced, and you couldn't decided if he won or lost points for that.
Athalar and Bryce basically murdered each other on the way out the room, leaving you with the Prince of Hel.
"I have a proposition for you," he said bluntly. You waited, glaring. "I was wondering if you may....want to come back with me. To hone your powers."
"I don't have powers, and I'm not going to Hel with you," you stated.
"Yes, you do. Your sister may blind an Oracle, but you... you could cover the whole world in shadow. Have you ever heard of it? It's called, in another world, shadowsinging. It's not genetic, but it comes from being left alone in the dark too much, for too long. The power is immense and beautiful, stronger than an Asteri," Aidas mused.
"Excuse me? Nothing is stronger than an Asteri," you snapped. "And why do you care so much anyway?"
"I have a theory," he said, smiling. "About... what I feel. When I'm around you. And being away from you makes me want to cry." "Can you even cry?" you demanded. "You aren't human. You aren't even Vanir. I'm not some fairy tale character, swept off their feet by a demon, only to learn they were tricked. I'm too smart for that, Prince of Hel. You can kindly fuck off now."
"Rose, please." The nickname was different now, softer. You shook your head.
Aidas dropped to his knees. "Just an hour. I am begging you, Y/N. Let me get to know you just a bit more, and then I will leave you alone forever. I swear it."
"It's not that I don't want to, Aidas," you said, tears in your eyes. "It's that I can't. Because I go with you... I'm not sure I'll be able to leave. And Bryce needs me. Hypaxia needs me- I can't go into details, but she's my best friend and she's been going through too much shit for me to just abandon her. I can't." You turned and left, not letting your tears downpour until you reached the safety of your apartment.
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 5 months
Skizzekai Au Masterpost 2
We hit the limit of 100 links per post, so here's Part 2!
Masterpost 1
Ask links below cut
Canon Asks:
Grian's eyes
Big Bad reveal- Evil X!
Hels is a guard for EX
EX's magic hot tub
Yes, it really is a hot tub
Impulse misses the Evil Hot Tub
Effects of the sculk infestation
Cub caused the sculk
ZITS raiding EX's palace
EX's guards are hels hermits
Impulse's backstory
EX's form is not constant
EX's underlings are magic constructs
Hot Tub Clarification
Pirate Xisuma
Sculked Cub
EX made up a fake prophecy
Hot tub acronym
Why EX made the hels hermits
Helsknight made from enchanted armour
Grian is incomprehensible
Differences between X and EX
Impulse character design
Grian likes fishing
The Watchers are Joel's prophets
Hels Hermits aren't quite right
Wels has seal armour
EX didn't know Wels was a selkie
Hels Hermit minibosses
Helsknight has a feud with a seal
The hot tub is magic
Skizz can use his friends magic
Gems magic in the final battle
Ren and Cleo origins
Non-unified pirate kingdom
Water spirit xB
Demon magic details
Iskallium in the Ice Kingdom
Iskall's former name
Ex-Watcher Grian
Skizz cannot wear sleeves
Skizz first using Tangos magic
Mumbo and Grian details
Skizz travels to gain allies
The people of EX's land think Impulse is a spy
After they win, Skizz goes home.
Scar and Badtimes have met
Why Tango is scared of Grian
Zedaph became Death's apprentice by discovering immortality
The roles of True and Badtimes
How does Hypno adjust to the human world?
Various questions about Skizz in the Ice Kingdom
A few details on Skizz gaining the kingdoms favour
Rumours about the jungle
Xisuma grows his own bones
Etho and Skizz first meeting
Farmer Beef
Etho and Doc are the reason Joe is here
Grian and stories
Beef's jungle food
Mirror construct Beef
Beef glows when angry
Watchers are a job title
Grian is a Chaos Mage
Zed can't ever die + immortality details
Grian motivations, EX draining magic could kill him
Bdubs and Tango rivalry
Mumbo getting his power back
Skizz's endless journal
Pearl and forgiveness
EX, after being defeated.
Doc pranking the adventuring party
Cleo can turn people to stone
Hypno, in the human world
Backwards fae Skizz
Backstory for EX and some hels hermits
Watchers ultimate big bad + clarification
Two groups called Watchers
Underground entity Watchers
Impulse misunderstood the hot tub
Skizz sees alternate versions of his friends when he gets back to Earth
Grian and Pearl as Watchers
Beef collecting creatures in cards
Skizz getting visions of the moon falling
Expansion on previous Watcher Pearl alt
Moon Goddess Pearl
Skizz getting stuck in the hot tub
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