#and i LOVE looking at the finished sims houses but i h a t e actually building them and then i was like WAIT you can do that irl. oh my god
edraculation · 5 months
look at my pinterest board boy
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foggypeacestrawberry · 6 months
The WaterFireGod, Story + Screenshots
Here´s the first entry including the links, in case you might wanna open it in a new tab to compare the items from the list.
This time, for the "wild objects", EA-stuff wasn´t enough, so I had to use some CC. Because my mod-collection is still in utterly chaos, I was going on the hunt. Bioniczombies alien-plants inspired me to look for any sims3-stuff that is alien-realted.
Actually, I found so much lovely stuff, that I will continue this alien-scenery a little bit, after the challenge is finished :-) !
But first things first - let´s do the counting again, of the 10 things I found at random, plus the 5 wild objects I picked on purpose:
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So what´s this TV doing outside a house?
Next Pic will have a clue -
---> Object No 1: Coffeetable from Bast
---> Object No 2+3: TV + TV Remote from BionicZombie
---> Object No 4+5: Wall Outlet + Powerstrip from BionicZombie
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Obviously, some stupid sim was, again, obsessed with looking very hard for some stupid aliens.
Yeah - just talked to this guy, and he told me, some aliens actually showed up on the televsion-screen to finaly answer his desperate calls. He wants them to get him pregnant.
And… did they suceed?
I mean, to show up in this garden.
---> Wild Object No 1:
Telescope from EA
Well, did they?!
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Looks like it!
(Thats pic contains all objects I used in that scenery)
Or maybe they came in the dark of the night?:
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…or at dawn?
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However, now they are here. Thats what they always say in the movies, too!
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This portal is heavely guarded… by some gigantic alien-plants. Of course it is.
---> Object No 6: Alien Plants from @bioniczombie
(That mod inspired me for this whole alien-thing, it was the last mod I found on my hunt - I already thought about another story, but changed my mind when I saw them plants; you can read about it in part 1 of the WaterFireGod. FireWaterGod? I always mix it up :-D)
And where did them aliens come from?
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Well, I found these creatures on TSR. And also their creator!:
---> Wild Object No 2: Alien Statue from Lisa9999
They are in the company of some beautyful glowing flowers. Or is it flowery lights? Who knows, it´s alien-science.
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---> Object No 7+8: This lights are part of the Fountain-set from Ilvan
What kind of futuristic tunnel did they come through?
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Ugh, you don´t wanna know. This alien-obsessed sim who called that guys, he improvised something whith the monkeybar from his garden. You know how them nerds are.
---> Object No 9: Monkey Bars from Ilvan
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And before you ask: No, the flowers on the monkey-bar where not grown by them aliens. The sim quit doing any sport and didn´t use that thing for a long time (we already know what he was so busy with instead). So mother nature took over that item.
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*Behold* that gate.
To my fellow World of Warcraft-players out there, grrreetings, now THATS what I call a portal - GULDAN EAT THIS :-D !
--> Wild Object No 3:
From the Set Emerald dream flora and deco, from @lunenore
That is Sylvanes. She is on TSR, too!
PICTURE L) Lets get a little bit closer…
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This stuff from the emerald dream-pack is around 10 years old, and just now I discover it. I already knew Sylvanes' awsome CAS-characters from world of warcraft, but never checked out her mods in detail. Now finaly I did.
---> Object No 10: The Water-Wall is part of the Fountain-set from Ilvan
LIMIT of the-10-things is FULL!
Let´s get even more close, so you can see whats etched into the stone:
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Now you saw it. (Didn´t say you will be able to *read* it...)
Now let me finish the story:
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The aliens send a device (on the right) to reach out to the WaterFireGod (on the left).
To us, its just the dragonfish as we know it, swimming around, spitting some fire, doing his thing.
To them - its a GOD!
Sure, what else did you expect?
--> Wild Object No 4:
Fishbowl, from the Cosmic Study Set, from Majik Goldies
--> Wild Object No 5:
The Alien-Fountain, again from Majik Goldies
LIMIT of "5 wild objects" is FULL!
Another challange finished.
And what about the story, is that finished, too?
They came to this (sim-)world to ask the dragonfish...
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But no matter what questions they asked, the answers of that little guy always sounded to them alien visitors like "42".
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So maybe it was just a translation-problem. Everybody knows how sophisticated fishes are if it comes to language. Not everyone is. Maybe them aliens were not that smart how they thought they are.
At least that was the only conclusion for them, they left frustrated (no they didn´t kill anyone out of anger, this time no one died, really, I promise!).
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Maybe one day they will come back and give it a try again, after they learned about this guy, douglas adams, and that the answer to everything is, indeed, 42.
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And yes, I actually cheated my test-sim to fishing-level 10, put some dragonfish in the ground and made the test-sim fishing that cute guy. I just HAD to, after I found this awsome fishing-bowl from Majik Goldies. It is so old, and because of that the texture so blurred, that one might think, this blurred look of that item is on purpuse :-D
I didn´t now Majik Goldies' stuff before, just learned about that creator a few days ago, by coincidence, because of this little challenge.
Credits for the story go to a lot of people, all of them CC-creators in the first place, and the Creators of the Sims 3 of course, but also guys like Douglas Adams, Chris Metzen, Duncan Jones, Steven Spielberg, and it´s actually impossible for me to remember any more where my brain picked up all that stuff.
See y'all!
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nikatyler · 6 years
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It’s been like what, three weeks? Yeah. I wasn’t really in the mood for doing this.  Tired, stressed out, sad, lonely...senior year is a blast for sure :D 11/10 would recommend.
Speaking of loneliness...I’ve recently mentioned it a lot but I’ll just say it again. Lately I feel so alone and sort of disconnected from everyone here, I don’t know why. I’ll admit one thing - I guess I’m even kind of jealous, I see all those simblr friendships and then look at myself and wow. I don’t really talk to anyone, do I. A few people from time to time. I mean, I’m a dumbass, so I’m not really surprised but...anyway. Please continue commenting, keep sending your reactions, asks, anything, you’ll make my day. Also, ships. I want to have ships with other people but I’m too afraid to ask. If you want to ship your sim with my sim, you’ll have to take the first step because I’m an anxious dumbass :D
On another (much better) note, I’ve finished working on the first arc of Regan’s storyline. I don’t know when you’ll see it since the queue is so slow (I might speed it up in a month or so), but yeah. I’m there and ooh boy. Stuff is happening. You might hate me for what I did. But maybe not. Just saying. I kinda want to scream about it already.
TL;DR: I’m an anxious dumbass who loves comments and wants to make some friends. The first arc of Regan’s storyline is finished.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
Omg she truly is precious ❤️❤️❤️
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
Wowza she got some good genes!!
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
sparkiemonkey replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
She's so pretty. I can't ever get the ts3 models to look that cute.
cafeheart replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
melien replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
She's adorable!
I was so happy when I posted this because damn, I love her so much. I wish I could give her a story, but that’s impossible because I already have a lot on my plate. Like I always say (well, like I’ve been saying since the quads), never do big generations. I guess I would enjoy seeing her in someone else’s game though. Someone’s heir’s spouse or something. Hmmm. 🤔
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
It looks cool! ❤️
I've actually spent years trying to get which is my favorite fairy only to realize it's always been Bloom�� I can't even say why
And the first 4 seasons definitely were the best - the villains and stories were cooler and stuff and I remember how thrilled I was to watch the fairies' Entchantix (was it called so? ) transformation for the first time
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
a winx club ref??? on my dash???
I used to be all over this show as a kid
I think we only ever got like the first two or three seasons cause they stopped showing it after a while.
amixofpixels replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
Flora was always my favourite growing up. Feelings are more neutral nowadays.
melien replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
High five, she was my favourite too ✋
create-a-sim replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
I loved it too, though my parents didn't have the channel that it aired on and I only could watch it at my friend's house :(
Guys you have no idea how much I love these reactions because when I was growing up, people made fun of me for loving this show. I was scared it would backfire here as well. And it didn’t, yay! :D
I used to love Bloom when I was little. Then in middle school, Tecna became my favourite. I could somehow relate to her, I don’t know. She was kinda different and weird, I’m kinda weird too, I felt like they often overlook and ignore her, same here, she was into computers, I was into computers, etc. I even wanted to have her original haircut because I loved her so much :D You know, the one from season 1-4, the one so similar to that Fitness SP hair (which I used here).
As for seasons, my favourite was definitely season 4, I looooved the idea of Earth fairies, not to mention the villains were so cool too. Same with Valtor in season 3. Damn. I’m not thirsty for cartoon villains, I swear. But like if they were real people, they’d look so good. After season 4, things went super downhill, but I was still watching it because I had hope it could get better again. Nope. It didn’t. Still, it can’t take the good memories of the first four seasons away.
Man, I could ramble about this forever :D
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “To make everything even better, Lydia broke the bathtub. AGAIN.”
she looks so proud of herself too haha
Her only goal in life is to cause chaos and break things
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Aurora: “So I obviously love Kayla with all my heart, she’s my niece...”
I know, right? :D 
I love working on sibling relationships in my legacies so much. In fact, often times they’re even more fun than working on romantic relationships with their spouses :D
myopiccc replied to your post “I’ve already talked about this on twitter but I’m just gonna mention...”
Sending you love and HUUUGE hug. One sentence you're writing makes me laugh and cry. I don;t think those strong writing flows all the time. Please don't mind. Take rest and have a big bite of chocolate:D(if you do like chocolate). <3
*hugs* :’)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Valentine’s Day?”
Gorgeous little thing<333
Daaaamn I know *-* I didn’t think this hair could suit her so well, but it did and wow I’m in love
cafeheart replied to your post “post nsb”
damn anon go write your own nsb if youre that thirsty
dandylion240 replied to your post “post nsb”
I enjoy whatever you want to share with us ��
108sims replied to your post “post nsb”
Wow that’s kind of rude. I enjoy all your challenges!
moonbobs replied to your post “post nsb”
Post what you want! This is a hobby not a job. I can't with these types of asks smh��
I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I got a few more asks about this but I didn’t post them because I’d reply the same thing. I just DON’T KNOW when the save is coming back, stop asking, anons! It’ll happen at some point. But yeah, I kinda saw it coming, because I’ve posted ts4 for so long, it was fun, gen 6 right now isn’t very fun. I mean it. I’m not happy with the beginning of it, but I know it’ll get better.
Thank you guys for your words. I think this is important for every simblr out there: Post whatever you want. It’s your blog, your game. People might like something more, but in the end you have the final decision. If you want to switch to ts3 because you love ts3, go for it! Maybe some people will leave but eh. Whatever. You don’t need people like that anyway, right?
froggypixel replied to your photoset “Hey Doc…you okay there?”
When your owner leaves you��
This made me sad because his owners actually left him. Forever. They died. 😭 And somehow this dog is immortal or something, idk. It’s kinda wild. But don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t want him to die.
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nardaviel · 7 years
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Part 4 / ?, now with pets and vampire stalkers.
Once again this is a long and image-heavy post, but at least this time some of the images are of a cute Sim kitten. I finally bought all the updates for Sims 4 so goodbye to all my spending money for this month, but now I can play it again.
I was super excited about getting Kinatsuen a cat, but I wanted them to have the exact cat I picture when I imagine them having a cat so I couldn't adopt any of the stray kitties or any of the ones on the computer. So I just made her as a kitten in Create A Sim from the Manage Households option, since there was no other way to do it... but we can say, for story purposes, that they went out and adopted her.
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Their new gallery portrait. En looks like he's about to pass out. She's too cute for him to handle.
I also changed Atsushi's aspiration to Master Chef and Kinshirou's to Soulmate, because I felt bad having En make progress on his aspiration while they were stuck longing for a family. (Also they weren't getting all the useful satisfaction points you get for doing aspiration things.) Once they've finished these aspirations, I'll give them the original ones back.
I start playing the household and
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this is what I find. Don’t abandon Hou-chan like this, she’s just a kitten ;-;
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She’s so adorable, though. She is an affectionate, clever, and friendly kitty!
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Atsushi admires her cuteness. This seems like a place for a Lion King joke, but I don’t want to detract from the cute.
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It's late so they all go to sleep. Hou-chan follows Atsushi into the room to sleep near him even though she has her own bed al;sdkf I'm just... really charmed... I love her...
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She's so needy... wow. My other Sims' pets aren't like this at all. The affectionate trait is powerful. (But it's cute!)
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Kinshirou fixed a broken sink, and now he's rummaging through the discarded bits for useful parts. I took this screenshot just because it's such a strange sight.
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He’s pissed off that he had to do something so disgusting. Poor baby.
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There’s a big market for Kinshirou’s thoughts on etiquette.
I wish I'd bothered to come up with custom names for the other two books now because it's funny to see things like this but oh well, I guess. He was still learning! His titles weren't very good yet.
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This painting perturbs me. Hou-chan is the only saving grace of this screenshot.
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Fuck. I hate chance cards. H a t e. ...All my legacy Sims and my City Living girl would set up in the street (if they were in the painter career), because they're all that type. But I think En just wants to give up... An excuse not to work, what could be better...
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En's laziness worked out for the best this time. It's a shame about the money, though. They're a bit broke.
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Before work, Atsushi makes a bunch of quick salads so his boyfriends don’t have to cook. (That is to say, I’m working on his new aspiration.)
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Kinshirou and En have a date scheduled, but En comes home tense from work (even though he earned his salary, despite what that chance card result said). So he goes to join Kinshirou in meditating the tension away before they leave.
Sadly, Kinshirou gets bored, and the TV bores him even more because the action channel just isn’t cultured enough for him. You can’t make this stuff up, I swear... And by the time he’s over it, En is asleep. So their date is postponed. There are no screenshots because I was hoping they'd get it together and I wouldn't have to go into so much detail lol
But Atsushi gets promoted! So the night isn't a total waste. He's a mixologist now.
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Yes, darling, we’re all very proud.
I don't know why he doesn't have glasses in his work outfit, by the way. I didn't design it.
His hours are even worse than before, from 6pm to 2am. But he gets three days off now instead of just two, which is a relief.
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Meanwhile, Hou-chan loves her little toy bird so much that she wants to take it with her everywhere, even if that means she has to glitch and walk around stuck in it.
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Atsushi, savior of kittens.
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Atsushi wants to play with her with the wand, since that seems safer, but she wants to use the litter box. So he follows her into the bathroom... Let her have some privacy, Atsushi...
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Meanwhile, En paints a masterpiece-quality painting! Aside from being necessary for his aspiration, that's just really cool!! I'm proud. Not sure whether to keep it because it's pretty or sell it because it'll sell for a lot...
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Nothing really to say here. This is where the camera ended up when I exited screenshot mode, and I thought it looked pretty so I took another screenshot.
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I put it in Atsushi’s bedroom because his bedroom is a bit bare. It can live with the Enatsu painting.
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Gross, Hou-chan.
Okay, well, En is off to work, but Kinshirou and Atsushi can go on a date, at least. They decide on a nice, classy dinner date at a restaurant I built for them. It’s as boringly built as everything else I’ve done before now (I’ve learned how to build cooler things but it came too late for some of the buildings in their save...) which is why I didn’t take a screenshot but it looks okayish on the inside, I suppose.
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LMAO... I forgot I gave him that suit... oh my god... he looks so proud. Atsushi is politely keeping his thoughts to himself.
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They're shown to the one semi-private table in the establishment. Probably because Kinshirou is from a good family, even if they themselves don’t have much money.
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Gosh, they’re cute.
(I am really, really sorry for those little lightbulbs and plus signs and sparkles. They signify that a lot trait is having an effect on a skill that a Sim is building. They’re incredibly annoying in screenshots, but there’s no way to turn them off. It eventually occurred to me to get a mod for it, but only after the end of this post...)
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It takes their food some time to arrive, but at least it gets there, which is more than I can say of the last time I tried to go on a restaurant date in TS4. They don’t mind. It gives them lots of time to talk! Something about Kinshirou’s drink puts him in a flirty mood...
En comes home from work while they’re out. He got a promotion, so he’s in that bizarre outfit again. Luckily, I don't have to see it except in his little portrait at the bottom left.
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To put the finishing touch on an incredible date, they kiss passionately on the top floor of the restaurant.
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Kinshirou makes this face when Atsushi first grabs him, but he gets into it.
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Looks like I spoke too soon.
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Kinshirou got sick on his date, and now he's itchy. Hm.
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Their reward for such a good date! It’s just decor, not actually drinkable. If all goes well, they'll have these littered around the house eventually.
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Kinatsuen receive an evening visitor, a friend of Atsushi’s in another save where I recreated demon AU but emphatically not his friend in this one. Fortunately, they're smart! They know not to invite a vampire into the house.
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Less fortunately, Kinshirou is outside expanding Atsushi's garden. Maybe, he thinks, if he stays off to the side of the house, his dazzling gold suit won't catch Vlad's eye.
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But the medicine has made him energized, and he needs to get all that energy out somehow. Kin-chan, sweetheart, not in your nice suit... although maybe ruining that suit would be for the best.
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En and Hou-chan just became friends! She must have been giving him advice on his painting. ...Also I forgot to change him out of his promotion clothes.
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Now that the vampire has left, Kinshirou is free to return to his kitten.
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She is honestly unbelievably cute.
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Atsushi comes home from work, exhausted and reeking from a night behind the bar, only to find that he can't even sleep in his own bed. His boyfriends missed him so much, they went to sleep there themselves.
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En's bedroom may be messy, and he may not ever put the condoms and lube away, but it's closer than Kinshirou's.
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Must have been a rough night. En still thinks he looks hot, though. Sometimes having a slob for a boyfriend is a plus.
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Enatsu and Hou-chan morning domesticity. En is addicted to painting, I swear. Mixologists and bars aren’t as bad as En and his easel.
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His second masterpiece is even prettier than his first. They're both impressionist paintings so I suppose Sim En is an impressionist painter. That suits him, I think. Unfortunately, painting a masterpiece means he'll go to work in a confident mood when he'd be better off inspired, but you can't have everything.
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Again... Why is it always En who gets in trouble at work...
My headcanon is actually that En wouldn't judge, but, since that's not an option here, he would want to talk about his passion. En is always ready to share his thoughts.
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THAT'S RIGHT. Although it's a bit sad because I still think En would defend her, if anything.
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Atsushi needs to improve his mixology for work. Instead of making yet another drink for himself or wastefully practicing and then throwing out the results, he makes a pet drink for Hou-chan. :D
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The window for Kinshirou to sell his books to a publisher. A screenplay about the magical boys’ revenge will definitely fly off the shelves, I agree.
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No story value, just cute.
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With Atsushi at work, En and Kinshirou decide to check out a community lot (not as a date). I actually made it for Atsushi, but... he'll get here someday. Basically, one of the expansions introduced all these food stalls and a bunch of recipes (honestly like 20+ in total) that you can learn how to cook only after tasting them. But it's hard to track them all down in the places the game initially put them because they rotate, so I just made a foot stall lot.
Unfortunately you can only have so many stall vendors on a lot at a time, so it'll always look like half of them are closed... But I'm still proud of it? I think it's a cute lot with nice Kinatsuen colors, and it'll help Atsushi to have this one place to go to. I'm proud of all the lots I built for them, actually, even if they’re often not very interesting-looking.
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The moment they arrive, Kinshirou goes straight to the Japanese food stall without the least bit of prompting from me. En chooses some spicy Vietnamese food, but by the time he gets to the table, Kinshirou is already halfway done with his dango. I want En to get used to spicy food ASAP because it's out of character for him not to be able to tolerate it. It wasn’t until I started watching them eat that I remembered Sims also have to learn how to use chopsticks... En, I don’t think that’s now they work.
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Getting used to spicy food.
En: Kinshirou, help! Help me, it hurts! My mouth is on fire!! Kinshirou: Ahh, that was so good... such delicate, mild flavors... :’D
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En is grumpy because he wants a vacation, even though they literally got back from one like a week ago. I think this is one of my all-time favorite screenshots just because it's the opposite of what would be IC for them.
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Luckily, I put some bubble blowers on this lot, so he can relax a little. Don't make that face at me, En. This is for your own good.
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...En put in the flirty flavor that makes you angry if you choke, and Kinshirou choked on his very first blow. I guess it's not such a surprise, though. The bubble blowers are basically just game stand-ins for drugs, and Kinshirou would be the absolute worst person to get high with.
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Kinshirou: Ow ow ow ow ow! That hurts! En: Yeah, how's it feel, asshole?
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En: Wait, shit, ow! Kinshirou: You deserve no better for taunting me.
Kinshirou’s face is adorably pinched and angry here. But En is angry now, too, so they go home and go to sleep, after losing some friendship points. That didn’t quite go according to plan. Tomorrow night will be better.
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A Hou-chan’s-eye view. Kinshirou was in the middle of eating breakfast, but she was too cute to resist.
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En took some pictures of Hou-chan and put them up on Simstagram (lol) and !!! I've never had a pet get so many followers immediately like this. Everyone loves Hou-chan.
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I shouldn't have complained about En always getting in trouble. Now it's happening to Atsushi too.
Atsushi is annoyed that his coworker would steal and put him in this position, but he would rather just keep quiet to avoid a confrontation. Maybe someone else will handle it...
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Still better than causing a scene.
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They're finally out on a date! Making identical pleased expressions. Kinshirou's taken En out to a museum because he's a cutie deep down and he knows En will like it. I didn't build this one orz I meant to make them a museum but I turned it into an arts center instead. En will enjoy that more, but he needs to look at things in a museum right now for his aspiration, so...
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Their animations continue to be creepily in sync as they admire the artwork.
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It looks for all the world like Kinshirou's just made a dirty joke about the painting they're looking at, but...
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...this isn’t the sort of work that would make Kinshirou think naughty thoughts. It would take even En several seconds to make an innuendo out of this.
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But then Kinshirou autonomously offers En a public massage... Maybe he's just in a mood.
They spend the rest of the date in that room, mostly on that couch, sitting and talking. So there’s not much to say about it. But it’s awfully cute.
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Sadly. they have to go home early, because En has to work the next morning. He would rather just quit his job, but Kinshirou won't let him.
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He doesn't want to let on to En, which is why he's walking behind him, but he’s ready for the date to end. He’s exhausted.
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The collection grows.
(I know one is more forward on the bar than the other. It's not my fault. I don't understand the rationale behind slot placement in TS4.)
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Guys! Guys! stop eating! Pay attention to Hou-chan! She's just a little kitten and she's lonely!
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Kinshirou is writing my fanfiction for me so that I don't have to. Although I suppose that means he's writing about an alternate world where he and his boyfriends live in a fantasy setting with some dude named Arima, and this Arima guy gets romantically involved with them all.
(I don't actually intend to have a sequel to Veil named Kidosen. I just wanted him to write a sequel and that's the title that came to mind.)
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Their house, the most boring-looking house in the world, but now with two boring stories! I promise, when they move onto a bigger lot, I’ll do better.
The triad decided to spend some of their hard-earned money on a home addition. Their bedrooms are on the second story now and they have a bathroom with an actual bath in it (this was half the purpose of the remodeling; it’s a tragedy for them not to have a bath). Atsushi's kitchen is slightly nicer as well, with a better fridge and some aesthetic improvements. But the household now has exactly §301 to its name. No interior screenshots because the only really new thing is the bathroom and it's not exciting enough to be worth a screenshot. The bedrooms are almost exactly the same and the upstairs landing is completely empty because they ran out of money. The most interesting things here are the sad, neglected plants...
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Atsushi, savior of plants (as well as kittens). He still needs to work on his herbalism. He’ll get to that at some point.
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This is the problem with the goddamn bar. You tell a Sim to start mixing drinks and suddenly it's all they want to do. As soon as he stops needing to level mixology for his career, that thing is getting sold.
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Even Atsushi himself dreams of a day when he can rid himself of the bar. He is trapped.
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At least Hou-chan is proud of him. Or maybe she just wants another one of those pet drinks.
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Atsushi suffers from a moment of self-doubt. Is he doing the right thing, encouraging Hou-chan to drink? She's only a kitten...
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But she looks so happy.
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Yeah. He made the right choice.
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...no story value, just cute.
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She reached 250 Simstagram followers with this very stylish pose. Her charms are irresistible!
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But her love is reserved for Kinatsuen, and for this toy. She can’t stand to be parted from it.
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Not only does Atsushi barely even know his name, but he's also already married?? Nah, dude, if you want to cheat don't drag Atsushi into it.
Atsushi: Eheheh... *nervously ignores phone*
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Atsushi doesn't have work for a couple of days, so he has time to relax and chat with Kinshirou while Hou-chan communes with her ball and takes a nap.
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Atsushi: (Okay, time to try that pickup line I read...) So, Kin-chan... what underwear are you wearing? Kinshirou: Atchan. Please, spare us both.
Meanwhile, that lady who makes weird art bothers En at work again, and he comes out on top again. Maybe she should give up. Luckily for her, he should get promoted today.
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Atsushi is sick. :C He's trying to meet his death with brave stoicism and honestly judging from how he looks I don't blame him for thinking the worst.
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But all he has to do is take some medicine! All better. Time to go find Kinshirou and celebrate his return to good health, if Kinshirou has forgiven him for that pickup line.
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Why is he making that face in the middle of WooHoo... Dare I even ask... Kinshirou, I would have thought you'd be more experienced by now...
Then again, Atsushi is completely satisfied afterwards. So maybe he liked it.
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I feel like I go on about how cute Atsushi's Sim is but honestly they're all adorable. Also, this screenshot made me realize they just WooHooed with a window wide open looking down onto their street.
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Like... he doesn't even go to work in those clothes. I don't get it.
But as you can see he got promoted! He's now an Imaginative Imagist, whatever that means. The painter career doesn't have the most informative job titles.
He honestly doesn't even want to be in the official painter career. He can't wait to get given a super nice easel so he can work from home like Kinshirou, who, by the way, is making the most money by far out of the three of them right now. I suppose that's fitting.
...He and Atsushi wanted to have a date tomorrow, but now that he's been promoted, he has to work. :\ Atsushi's due for a promotion too, so I guess they’ll see in a couple of days what his new schedule is like.
On the other hand, En gets off work an hour earlier now, and Atsushi still doesn't work at all tomorrow, so maybe they can have their date anyway. They were just planning to hang out at home anyway, in true Enatsu fashion.
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It was at this point that the My First Pet stuff pack was released, and, well, long story short, they have a hedgehog now. Guess what its name is?
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Don't do it, Kinshirou. Don't fall for it again...
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But he goes to find Atsushi afterwards, just so that Atsushi knows he still cherishes his friendship more than he does a hedgehog.
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Hou-chan has something to say, loudly enough that Kinshirou is startled.
Kinshirou: What's wrong, Hou-chan? What is it? Hm? Hou-chan: *sad meowing ;-;*
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She needs attention, it turns out. Kinshirou is happy to oblige her whenever she wants. Unfortunately, En is lost in his art and barely even noticed her meowing.
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Atsushi has made his first foray into gourmet cooking! He's pleased with the results, but he wishes his boyfriends were here to enjoy it with him.
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Better late than never. Look how happy he is! It's like in episode 11 when he's feeding the defense club his curry.
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I didn't quite manage to get a screenshot of Lilith at the door, but why do vampires keep knocking on the front door after dark?? It's scary. Maybe the boys just smell delicious or something? At least there hasn't been a vampire break-in, I suppose.
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Hou-chan is suspicious of Zundar...
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...and WISELY SO what the fuck??? What did they do to Zundar? What does this mean???? I have literally no idea. It popped up just as I left the home lot, so if he did something to trigger it, I'll never know...
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While En is at work (orz), Atsushi is taking a trip to the newly-opened Arima Community Garden. They need some people to help do some preliminary work like planting before anything can be harvested.
(This is my way of explaining away gameplay limitations in terms of storyline. I made this lot so that Atsushi didn't have to run around the world finding things to plant, and also so that I had a place to put my modded insect spawners. You need insects for herbalism, but I didn't want to fill their home lot with bugs. But you have to have your Sims plant things on community lots, even if you put the seeds there with a cheat.)
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While Atsushi works on the garden, Kinshirou learns chess from a very red individual named Kengo Fujita who's a member of what is essentially a chess club. Maybe they'll become friends! Atsushi wants to hold a dinner party soon to show off his cooking, so the three of them need friends, or at least people who'll accept an invitation.
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Atsushi is working hard, but it’s a big task.
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Eventually, Kinshirou resigns himself to getting dirt stains on his clothes and steps in to help.
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Gardening boyfriends! Kinshirou looks like he's ready to stab himself with that spade. The light has changed and the shadows are longer. They’ve been here for a while. En is home by now, hopefully having a nice nap.
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It’s late by the time they’re done. For dinner, they have hamburgers from a plate some stranger left on the table. That’s not what I would do myself, in their place, but they both survive it.
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A solid day’s work! But it’s past midnight now and they just want to go home. Don’t judge me for the terrain paint, I did my best.
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En is a sweetheart and waited up for them. In the background, Hou-chan remains vigilant.
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That painting right there is a masterpiece worth almost two thousand Simoleons. En has an amazing talent.
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These are, hands down, the best screenshots in the post.
At work, Atsushi once again refused to report that the cash in the register was low, and it once again got taken out of everyone's tips. Whoever did it the first time must have learned that they could get away with it.
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Wtf he's back
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They know they're being hunted.
Kinshirou: Perhaps he'll go away if we pretend that we didn't hear the bell. If he has no hope of getting inside... we need to act as though we think we're alone. En: Sure. But how do we do that?
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En: Oh, I get it... I like the way you think.
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Vladislaus: *watching through the door* They're completely oblivious to my presence. Amazing.
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En: We might as well make it convincing, right? Right? Kinshirou: Is this something that interests you, then? Being watched? En: What if it is? Vladislaus: I can't believe they haven't noticed me. Their front door even has windows.
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En: What are you into, then? Boyfriends should talk about stuff like this, right? Kinshirou: Oh, well... there are a few things, I suppose... Vladislaus: This is absurd.
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En: Mm. Actually, why don't you tell me later? Kinshirou: Wh— oh... Vladislaus: *peers through the door, trying to get a better view*
Vlad is a pervert. Wow. I never knew. No wonder he and demon AU Atsushi are friends.
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It worked!
Kinshirou: Oh, thank goodness. Maybe we should invest in some garlic braids. En: We can talk about it later.
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This is such a sweet screenshot. Kinshirou can already tell that En is planning some sort of mischief, but he's so relieved that the vampire left before Atsushi got back that he's just amused and indulgent.
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Oh, no... with all the vampire scariness and relieved WooHoo, they forgot to refill Hou-chan's food bowl...
(Don’t worry, Kinshirou came downstairs and did it. I just forgot to take a screenshot.)
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Atsushi is a line cook now! Look at his fancy clothes! He must wear contacts at work. (That's my excuse for why he doesn't have glasses in his work outfits, and I'm sticking to it...)
His work days haven't changed, although he starts and leaves work four hours earlier now, so he won't be getting home at 2am anymore. He and En won't have a day off in common for a few more days, assuming En doesn't get promoted again in the meantime and get another schedule change. But they'll get their date. They’re determined, and so am I. If all else fails, Atsushi can take a vacation day and En can call in fake sick, and they can hang out with Kinshirou all disapproving in the background.
With the day's salary and his promotion bonus, they're able to expand their house again!
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A boring deck to go with their boring house.This is the real reason for making a second story. More than the bath, I wanted to have room for a deck so that they could have a hot tub. :D They now have a grand total of §10 so it's a good thing they have lots of leftover food.
When will they move into a new, less ugly house? When will En get to quit his job? Will En and Atsushi ever get to go on a date? Will there ever come a day when I don’t end one of these posts with a question about En and Atsushi? What in God’s name did that notification about Zundar mean? I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, but we can find out together next time.
10 notes · View notes
fox-household · 6 years
Act 2: Teaching An Old Lizard, Chapter 2
This one I feel like I probably should’ve split into two, but here we are. The finally chapter of Act 2, next time we’ll get to meet someone new, so look forward to that. 
When Alphys had left, the child that was home alone decided it was a good time to explore the old rickety house that was now his home for the time being. Asgore skipped over the loungerooms, the kitchens and the outside areas as he had already scouted those out previously, also he didn’t check in the master bedroom, it would be quite rude for him to invade Alphys’ bedroom after all. His main interest was on the other side areas of the house, where some of the hallways were that lead to the other bedrooms and cupboards, which from the slightly better state of it really showed its lack of use, as if no one had been there for quite a while. There were three spare bedrooms of generally equal proportions and size, a medium sized square room, with a closet built into one of the walls. Asgore decided to claim one as his own, specifically the one that already had a mattress on the floor that contrasted with the rest of the room. The mattress looked a little new, as if it had only been used once, and even cleaned, at least much more recently than the rest of the cob-webbed and musty room around him. His first stop in the room as far as he was concerned was the closet which was expectedly empty, with a few bare racks and shelves, he closed the double doors as quickly as he opened them. The goat then tested the springs on the mattress a few times before heading over to the window in the room and used his sleeve to brush some of the dirt off the window. He then rested both of his hands on the bottom edge of the window, pressing down on the wood firmly which felt a little bit… softer than the wood he was used too, but it didn’t distract him enough to remove his stare from the outside. The ledge then made a slight creaking sound as he leant to rest himself and started thinking for a bit. Asgore looked out at the sunny day. ‘’Alright, well I suppose I can say I’m surviving at the Alphys residence. Nothing for Gaster to worry about obviously, he’s such a worry wart, bet he’s already getting tabs kept on me.’’  Despite that disaster that was this morning, he could already feel himself warming up to the place, there were some doubts that had been forming in his head overtime, but he quickly dispelled them, ‘You don’t have to wait for a place to naturally be your home, wrestle with it and assert dominance over your environment, force it to be your home with the power of positive thinking and changing things to your liking’, at least that’s what he kept telling himself, and it worked in some way or another in his head so it continued. After about a minute of pondering random things he exited the room, swearing to return with a blanket and pillow tonight for his rest. Nothing exciting was found for a bunch more of the trip, finding the bathrooms, a few linen cupboards and even the laundry, which was also normal, there was only one extra thing of note in his journey around the building. Eventually he reached a door at an end of a hall. This door didn’t look any different from the other ones, but there were small sounds were coming from the other side, like machinery sounds. However, when he tried to open it, the handle didn’t budge at all, as if it was frozen in place, he tried a number of times but there wasn’t even a slight movement at all. ‘’Huh, guess it’s locked or something? Wonder what’s behind there?’’ Suddenly with a slight jump he heard the front door slam shut on the other side of the house, obviously someone was here, and without checking anything else out, he quickly ran back to make sure it was Alphys, he hoped it was since he didn’t feel like pulling out his trident at the time.
Asgore came around a corner to find Alphys carrying two small brown paper bags, a small disposable plastic container with Dim Sims in them and a bundle of white paper from which an aroma of chips was coming from. ‘’Hey, you need help with that? I mean it looks like quite a lot for lunch’’ Alphys shook her head with a smile as she put it all on the bench, ‘’N-no it’s fine and it’s n-not all for lunch, these p-paper bags have our l-lunch in it, the rest is f-for dinner tonight.’’ The goat picked up one of the bags and looked inside and found what appeared to be a meat pie, his expression was happy and thankful for a good few seconds before suddenly it was hit by a little bit of confusion as he put the bag down. ‘’Thank you so much Al, but ummm, won’t the chips and stuff go cold, you a fan of reheated foods or something?’’. The confusion seemed to spread to the lizard’s face as she seemed to wonder what on earth he was talking about, ‘’B-but I’m just gonna p-put it in th-the…oh…y-yeah’’. A smile crept on her face as she realised why he was confused, ‘’W-we uh have a Hot F-fridge, it’s m-made for Undyne but I use i-it to keep th-things warm as well’’, Alphys picked up dinner and moved to the fridge, which Asgore suddenly noticed had a third compartment over the freezer, which when opened let out a little bit of heat into the air. ‘’Oh hey, that’s pretty neat, maybe I should suggest that to my Undyne, sure she would love it.’’ Alphys nodded with a faint laugh, ‘’Y-yeah, I’m s-sure she w-would, so uh you w-…’’, she froze suddenly as she stared towards the bag Asgore had put down, where which his gaze turned, and he noticed some white dust exactly where he had picked up the bag. The goat looked at his own hands, and with widened eyes he found a thin layer of white dust on both. ‘’B-but what? Wh-what’s going on…?’’, Asgore was starting freak out, breathing quickened as he felt a little bit of fear start blooming. Alphys quickly approached him, her reaction seeming to be similar to the child’s, examining his hand, she looked away for a few seconds, seeming to be thinking of something important before responding. ‘’A-Asgore, just try to c-calm down, it’s n-not Dust, i-it’s not M-monster Dust, wh-where were you while I was gone?’’ The scientist stared into the other’s eyes with a serious look, ‘’Um I was uh wandering around…went down to the bedrooms, j-just checking th-things out, I d-didn’t do anything wrong.’’ Alphys nodded and quickly grabbed a cloth and started wiping up the dust, and gave a nervous smile, it was an attempt to be reassuring, ‘’It’s f-fine, n-nothing’s wrong. I-I don’t go d-down that p-part of the house s-so no wonder it’s…. dirty, the white paint peeling o-off just m-mixes with the dirt a-and stuff. I-I’m t-telling you it’s ok.’’ Asgore nodded and started calming down, feeling the fear disappear slowly, feeling embarrassed and slightly hating the fact that the feeling of dust was so…familiar. ‘’Y-yeah, you’re right, umm sorry for freaking out like that,’’ the yellow monster shrugged as she finally threw the cloth in the sink, ‘’N-no big deal, I w-would’ve done th-the same. H-how about we e-eat some lunch, m-might calm us d-down a bit?’’ He smiled, ‘’Yeah, that sounds like a good idea’’.
Asgore walked straight to the table after getting a plate, very happily throwing out the bag which had the dust on it, while Alphys first grabbed a fork with her plate before sitting down and eating, this table meeting was starting to feel very familiar, not that it was such a bad thing. Asgore was already straight into the pie, taking huge chunks of it at a time with each bite, making sure that any of the insides didn’t spill on him, he obviously had much experience and he was done very soon after which he looked over at Alphys, she had only finished about half of it, slowly picking away at it with her fork, he looked a tiny bit confused. ‘’Do you normally eat pies with a fork?’’ With a nervous expression she shrugged, ‘’Y-yeah….is th-that really w-weird or s-something?’’. The goat quickly sensed her fear of being the odd one out and chuckled, ‘’No it isn’t that bad, umm don’t worry, honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Gaster did it.’’ This answer seemed to satisfy Alphys more than expected, the smile seemed to be a little smug for a reason he was unaware of. ‘’Alphys, what’s behind the locked door on the other side of the house, the handle wouldn’t budge.’’ Her smile turned to a confused expression, ‘’Umm wh-what locked door? N-none of my d-doors lock?’’ ‘’Yeah Al, there was one with noises on the other side, like mechanical noises, I just couldn’t open it.’’ The scientist’s expression remained confused, but now there was a deep concern, and some hesitation before she responded carefully, ‘’O-oh y-yeah, I forgot, that’s where m-my lab is, ummm the door j-jams every n-now and then. M-makes th-things difficult sometimes heh’’. The goat seemed a little worried about the reaction from her, but he decided to leave it for now. Silence remained for a couple of minutes before Alphys finally spoke up, ‘’H-hey uh Asgore, d-do you h-have any p-plans for the night?’’. He shook his head, ‘’You got anything in mind?’’ with which the Lizard gave a nervous smile, but unlike the last one, there was excitement in her eyes, ‘’Umm I-I thought th-that m-maybe we could have a m-movie n-night or something….i-if you w-want of course.’’ Asgore suddenly perked up with a happy grin, ‘’That sounds awesome! What’re we gonna watch?’’ Alphys let out a sigh of relief, feeling some her nerves wash away, ‘’Phew, I-I’m glad, I m-may have already b-bought s-snacks and s-stuff for it and uh whatever you want….how a-about you g-go look in the c-cabniet under th-the TV while I get th-that stuff out of th-the car? Got a s-something to sh-show you too.’’ The enthusiastic child got up out of his chair, seeming to be buzzing with excitement, ‘’Say no more my friend, I’ll get straight onto this very important task’’, he said as he slowly started leaving the kitchen to head to the loungeroom, ‘’Need any help with the stuff?’’. Alphys shook her head and Asgore started to head off quickly around the doorway. ‘’W-wait!! Ch-check out th-the left side of th-the sh-shelf’’, she quickly warned him, assuming that the ones on the left would appeal to the goat more, assuming Mew Mew: Kissy Cutie wasn’t his thing, but before she got the stuff from the car, there was one last thing to take care of.
Asgore had opened the TV cabinet with extreme vigour, looking to find it filled with lined up DVD’s, which he soon realised, with an amused sigh, was all anime. He remembered Alphys saying something about staying to the left, and he figured out why when he looked at the right side which a lot of was just pink and what he guessed were meant to be cute cat girls or something, so he stayed to the left. On the left appealed much more to him, with there seeming to be more animes with tales of adventure and magic, escapades and peril with heaps of different settings, stuff more to his style. The kid went through them one by one, checking out their back, but he finally stuck to one that satisfied him, a movie called ‘The Curse of Rebellion’. ‘In a world where gods rule with an iron fist, most people live happy and safe. However, the gods decided to keep human population down for fear of their being to many humans to keep in line, so they randomly dealt out a curse to young teenagers, a curse that causes them to be evicted from the homes and families that once cherished them and to be eternally hunted by horrible monsters until they finally succumb to darkness. This story centres on a group of such teens with this slowly growing accursed curse mark, on their quest to do what no other has done, defy the gods and beat back the fate given to them. Join them on their adventure for survival through their medievalesque world where magic is everywhere, but so is danger. Will they be able to change their fate?’ The art on the box had people wielding swords, guns and stuff that appeared to be magic and such, that and what was described sounded perfect to Asgore, with an excited grin jumped and landed on the couch on his back. Waiting for Alphys to return. Asgore heard her return and head into the kitchen first, before those little footsteps started to approach the couch, for which he sat up and gave her a smile that turned to a slight expression of curiosity, ‘’Hey, what you got there?’’ Alphys was carrying a small pot with what appeared to be a leaf sticking out of the dirt, ‘’Umm w-well you s-see, I’m r-really sorry a-about possibly k-killing all those plants, and y-you were so passionate a-about it. So ummm I g-got this p-plant to practise w-with, so I’ll be able to help y-you with the gardening better’’. While Asgore thought that it probably wasn’t necessary to learn plant care with another plant since the only issue was watering amounts, but the thought she put into it made him feel happy. Also, the powerful curiosity of the plant had distracted him as he listed of the info he needed, its origins, how easy it was to care for, what colour it would be, exactly what temperature and humidity levels it thrived at, what type of soil it needed and how much sun was required. The goat jumped over the couch, leaving the DVD behind as he went up to it and examined, his rapid thoughts being summed up into one sentence, ‘’So tell me, what is it? What type?!’’ Alphys seemed a little amused at his excitement as she answered, ‘’It’s an African V-violet Flower, it uh is a-apparently easy t-to take care of, s-so I thought it w-would be a g-good idea to get this one.’’ He seemed to be thinking, the name was familiar to him, he remembered them as being small houseplants, but he needed his book, which reminded him of something he was going to have to quickly do this afternoon, before it got to dark. ‘’Well that’s really cool, I think you’ll be able to look after it very well, I look forward to seeing it bloom. If you need any tips, don’t hesitate to ask, I will assist however I can!’’ She laughed softly, ‘’Th-thank you Master Gardner, I-I’ll m-make sure to l-listen to y-your teachings’’. Asgore chuckled, ‘’Yes, you will make for an excellent protegee’’. Alphys made a sound of amusement as she simply smiled happily, ‘’Hey, did you p-pick something?’’ The kid nodded and ran over to grab the DVD, then came back to practically shove it in her face, ‘’This one!!’’ She proceeded to grab the DVD, a bigger smile creeping up as she read the title, ‘’Oh th-this one, this is r-really really good. Y-you made a good choice, I can think of a character similar to you actually, because when Sophia is in danger of the Dem-…..’’, she stopped and looked embarrassed, scratching the back of her head, ‘’Oh uh sorry about that, suppose avoiding s-spoilers w-would be th-the best idea’’. The goat gave a shrug in response, ‘’No harm done, happy to see we can both be hyped for this one, this will be the best movie night ever!’’ Alphys seemed to regain some confidence, matching Asgore’s excitement herself, ‘’I-it sure will be, a night to remember alright!’’ The goat grinned, ‘’I’m glad to hear it, but before outside gets to dark, I need to do something, can I borrow your phone Al? Just need to call the house you know?’’ She nodded and handed him the phone, ‘’I uh understand, g-good luck’’. Alphys then scampered off to her room to do whatever she did, while Asgore moved to the backyard, really hoping that this was going to go well.
*~Ring, Ring Ring, Ring~* Asgore felt himself waiting impatiently, the worry was killing him, he felt he was rolling a dice to see who he would get to answer. Then the rings stopped, and a sound played and then a familiar voice, ‘’Hello, this is the Quantum Gaster residence’’. He sighed, this wasn’t who he was expecting or hoping for, but he was glad it wasn’t Gaster at least. ‘’Uh hi Sans, just wanted to call in’’. There was silence on the other end for a few seconds before any noise was returned, ‘’Oh hey…. What do you want Asgore?’’ ‘’Nothing much, but um could you please pass me off to Undyne or Frisk? Don’t want to b-bother you’’ he said with a slight nervous laugh. ‘’…Gladly’’, and then sounds were heard on the other end, some talking he couldn’t quite pick up before a new voice appeared, he was relieved that it was on that was a lot happier than the previous one. ‘’Hey! What’s up punk, how’re you?!’’ ‘’I’m all good, safe and sound, you?’’ ‘’Yeah um, everything’s pretty chill here, why do you need me?!’’ ‘’I kinda want to ask a favour of you if that’s ok, I’ll owe you one for this’’. ‘’Here ya go, special delivery to Mr Asgore Dreemur!’’ Undyne exclaimed as she handed Asgore a box filled with clothes, a book, a picture and a few other random things, they were his belongings, mostly essentials that he would need since he was moving out, they were all out the front of his old home. ‘’Hey Asgore, are you ok?’’ The goat looked over at Frisk, the concern in their face and voice was incredibly prominent and even Undyne looked uncertain, they both were going to bring this up all along. ‘’Yeah I’m all good, Alphys is going to take good care of me, she’s not a stranger or anything’’. Frisk sighed, ‘’You know that’s not what I meant’’. Undyne decided to pitch in now, ‘’Yeah, I mean, this whole hiding thing and avoiding people isn’t really like you…’’. Asgore tried to give a reassuring smile, ‘’Don’t worry, I’m going to be ok, trust me, probably be good for everyone if there’s space between us.’’ Frisk crossed their arms, he could tell they were examining the goats face for a sign of anything. ‘’You do realise that it would be ok for you come inside right? Maybe a quick hello? Everyone was getting real worried for you. Gaster wasn’t happy, Al was worried…’’, Undyne nodded, ‘’Man, I don’t think I’ve seen Tori look down, not like this…’’ Asgore titled his head slightly, ‘’What’s the matter with Tori?’’, with which a silence developed between them before Frisk spoke up. ‘’Asgore…I think she might be blaming herself for your departure’’. Asgore’s calm smile disappeared, guilt was written all over his face, ‘’But it’s not her fault, not really…’’, Frisk’s calm tone finally got a lot more exasperated, ‘’Well then tell her that! Don’t just leave her emotionally too!’’. Undyne looked at Frisk with a little concern, ‘’Hey uh calm down a bit, I’m sure it isn’t that e- ‘’ ‘’No, they’re right, I’ll go give her a visit, I can’t just let her remain like that, I’ll head to her window.’’ Frisk smiled, ‘’Thank you Asgore, good luck, make sure to come around every now and then, we’re going to want to hear about your crazy adventures at Glitch’s place.’’ Undyne finally lost her uncertain face and it was replaced with grinning expression, ‘’Yeah dude, make sure you see us, otherwise I’ll kick your butt and drag you here myself punk’’. The goat responded with a challenging grin at the fish monster with which she gave back in kind. ‘’Heh that would require you to actually be able to beat me’’. ‘’Oh, you’re on Dreemur’’. Undyne looked ready to spar right there and then, even summoning a small spear in hand, but then Frisk started to drag the warrior away, ‘’C’mon Undyne, he’s got an important job to do’’. Undyne groaned, ‘’Fiiiiine, next time you come around, I’ll show you who’s the strongest’’. Asgore chuckled, ‘’Yeah, I look forward to it, you two stay safe.’’ The pair walked back into house after one final wave to each other. The goat child sighed and took a few deep breaths to prepare for his next task, the most important one.
Toriel was laying on her soft bed in her usual pink jumper, only reading a book, although her mind was anywhere but the book. Thinking about past events, mistakes, obviously nothing positive, not much felt positive at the moment. The goat monster had been sitting there for a couple of hours, preferring some alone time currently, so when a sudden loud knocking on his window happened, she jumped up and looked around startled, a small scared scream being heard as she looked around for the source, only to find a familiar face at her window. Asgore had a nervous smile at her reaction, watching her approach the window with that familiar expression and open it, preparing himself for the reckoning he was about to get, ‘’Gorey, you can’t just go up to a girl’s window like that, people are going to think you’re a creeper or something!’’ Asgore winced with shame, ‘’Oh uh sorry Tori…’’. Her serious and slightly annoyed expression softened and turned to a smile, ‘’Hey cheer up dummy, it’s ok. I’m glad you came, even it was far from normal’’. The boy chuckled at her teasing tone and seemed to relax more now, a calm smile coming to his face. ‘’Heh yeah, well I came to make sure you’re alright, a bit worried you might be not feeling so great…’’. Tori’s expression grew a bit warmer at hearing the start of that sentence, but towards the end her smile grew, but not warmer or kinder, but obviously put on to be reassuring. It saddened Asgore that he had to get good at noticing these fake expressions over the last couple years, and it only confirmed what the other two said about her. ‘’What? About you leaving us to go live someone else, after all these…years. I’ll be fine alright? Don’t worry about me.’’ Asgore’s expression showed he wasn’t entirely convinced, throwing some concern into his stare and Tori knew that she wasn’t entirely getting away from this one. The girl gripped her arm, still putting on a weaker smile, ‘’It’s nothing to worry about, just it’s gonna be weird without you around you know? You’re just always there and…well honestly, I didn’t foresee it changing like this.’’ He nodded, it made sense, he didn’t entirely foresee this change either, he did agree that it was going to be weird not being with his family, no matter its state. ‘’You know why I’m leaving right?’’ Tori looked as if she was about to answer confidently, but Asgore’s stare made it clear that fake reassuring answers weren’t what he was looking for. ‘’N-not really, no’’. ‘’Because I think space between me and everyone else is a good idea, after all the tension everyone is dealing with, I can’t help feel…that I’m not helping.’’ Tori suddenly seemed to fire up a bit, ‘’It’s not your fault Gorey, don’t even say such things’’. Asgore didn’t really answer and just continued, ‘’Yeah, well Gaster isn’t mad at me for no reason, and including the same tension caused from you all walking on eggshells around me…trust me I notice’’. ‘’Stop talking like that, the tension is going down slowly, it’s no where near as bad as it used to be! It’s not you.’’ Tori’s expression looked a little concerned as Asgore smiled faintly, yet it seemed a bit darker than before, ‘’I’m…..glad to hear that, but I can’t help feel that my absence would make things go down quicker, I feel like things will get better if I disappear’’. Words echoed through his head, ‘’ …. or better yet, never having met you in the first place''. ‘’No! Asgore you’re wrong! There is no downside to you being here!’’ ‘’The decision is final Toriel…’’ She sighed, using her name like that wasn’t something that happened often, by anyone, especially Asgore, ‘’Just t-to make sure you know, it’s never to late to come back, even Gaster would say so’’. Asgore nodded, ‘’I know…maybe that offer will be taken up later…I think I’m going to go now.’’ Tori gave a defeated sigh, but then gave a big smile, once more trying to cheer up the mood before they both parted. ‘’Well don’t worry about things over here, everything will be sorted, you just make sure to stay safe. If any funny business to MY Prince Fluffles, I’ll be over there in an instant, just give me the word….’’ There was a silence for a few seconds before she finished her sentence, ‘’…I’m going to miss you’’. Asgore gave a genuine smile, ‘’I’m going to miss you too, don’t worry, I’ll make sure to visit, and we’ll still see each other at school.’’ The mention of them at school seemed to have given Tori a pained expression, he was glad she didn’t decide to bring it up, not like Grillby and Gaster weren’t on his case for it constantly, but it’s not like he could tell them, it wouldn’t end well. But the girl’s expression turned to a big attempt at a reassuring smile ‘’Alright Gorey, I’ll see you soon then, good luck on your new adventures.’’ Asgore gave a smile back, ‘’Yeah, thanks. You stay safe too alright?’’. With a nod from Tori he walked towards the front of the house with his box, a hurt expression on his face as he left, he could feel sadness welling up. Tori moved away from her window and sat on her bed and looking at the ground, feeling herself close to tears, both feeling their true nature come out.
Asgore made it back to Alphys’ place and put his box in his room quickly, at least the one he claimed to be his room. The goat didn’t fully empty his box, but he put all his clothes in the cupboard, and a photo frame next to his bed, a picture of a specific campfire. The goat decided it was getting a bit dark so he got dressed into his pyjamas, which was just a soft pair of a shirt and shorts, nothing real exciting. After that he swiftly headed out to the loungeroom where he found Alphys, already in her Purple Kitten pyjamas and reading a book on the couch, which she turned from at hearing Asgore approach. ‘’O-oh h-hey welcome back. Things g-go ok?’’ with which the goat child nodded. ‘’Yeah it went well, but not as well as this movie night is going to go, when are we starting?’’ Alphys shrugged, ‘’Uh it’s starting to get dark, s-so now if y-you’re that keen for it?’’ he let out a grin, ‘’Sounds awesome, I’ll get it set up if you want.’’ The lizard shook her head, ‘’I’ll d-deal with f-food if you c-can deal with the DVD’’. Asgore let out a ‘Hmph’ as if that was a challenge. ‘’Yeah of course I can do this, just trust me.’’ ‘’Oh, uh alrighty th-then.’’ Alphys scampered off to get the food while Asgore started pressing all the buttons on the DVD player until the tray opened.
‘’Woohoo YEAH!! That was AWESOME!!!’’ Asgore exclaimed, while jumping around in between the couch and TV. Alphys was grinning excitedly, ‘’I know right?! What about the way they revealed Harashimo was the carrier of the demon all along?!’’ ‘’Oh yeah, that totally got me, didn’t see it coming at all, made me feel bad for the guy…but what about that awesome final battle sequence with the Dragons and Fireballs raining down as people fought with their might, putting everything on the line for their brave cause?!’’ ‘’That was awesome to, th-the animators are r-really good with action i-in this company, it’s what they’re known f-for, although I-i wouldn’t trust them with any other genre.’’ They both let out a deep breath to try and calm down slightly. Alphys looked over to see if they had any food left, but it had been demolished, the hot chips, potato cakes, dim sims, potato chips, lollies and chocolate had been eradicated by the two of them. ‘’I-I might have t-to sh-show you the series after this’’. Asgore froze, and slowly turned to Alphys. ‘’What did you just say?’’ ‘’Oh umm w-well the movie is b-based on the series…it’s uh well still going, but I h-have a few seasons here.’’ Asgore grinned, ‘’We should watch it now.’’ ‘’But Asgore, i-it’s getting k-kinda late don’t y-you think?’’. ‘’Pretty please Alphys? Just a couple of episodes? Just a couple and then we’ll go to bed.’’ Alphys watched Asgore plead to her, and she really couldn’t say no to that, he was acting way to freaking adorable. ‘’O-oh ok, f-fine…just t-two…’’
The scientist suddenly woke up and looked around with squinty eyes, trying to work out where she was. The bright light soon confirmed that she had fallen asleep under a blanket on the couch, while watching the show, and with a sigh she moved her arm to grab the remote and turn the TV off. Suddenly shivers went down her as she realised it was really cold out here in the loungeroom, even with a blanket. She moved to get up to go to her bed where it would definitely be warm, but a weight on her stopped any form of leaving the couch. With a confused expression she looked down to find Asgore leaning on her from outside the blanket, snoring loudly and a small trail of drool coming out of his mouth. ‘’Oh g-goodness, Asgore h-how’re you asleep? G-geez you’re r-really something. Better properly t-take of you though, Gaster will have my head if y-you get sick on y-your second night’’ She was feeling incredibly jealous of his fur at the moment, but she needed to make sure he would at least stay warm. It was an arduous task, but eventually she managed to get the ends of the blanket from underneath him and wrapped it around, so they were sharing the same blanket which to her enjoyment brought a bit more warmth, also she wiped that drool off with the blanket with an eye roll. Alphys watched Asgore sleep for a little bit as he thought for a bit, ‘Maybe, just maybe this whole situation could work out. Things could actually go well’. ‘’For once’’. Alphys ignored the small comment the voice made as she slowly drifted off herself, feeling happy as she lost consciousness.
It was around the middle of the day when Asgore decided to try and figure out the mystery of the ‘Dust’ that he got on his hand. All he really had to do was retrace his steps, but nothing came up. The halls had nothing, his room’s closet handle was the same, the window ledge felt a little different, smooth and hard, but he put it down to being tired, ‘’Wow, maybe I’m just really unobservant, but it had to come from somewhere’’. Even the lab door didn’t have anything on it, although it did look a little…shinier than it was before. The curiosity the goat had got the better of him as he tried the door handle once more and opened smoothly, as if there was literally nothing that was in its way, no sign of single possible jam. To him the hinges looked very healthy with no sign of rust of anything, and the handle felt like it was brand new on repeated attempts at using it. ‘’What am I missing?’’ Asgore said out loud as he looked where it leads, directly after opening the door, there was a large flight of stairs that must’ve lead under the house, the sounds of machines were louds without the door in the way. ‘’So, I guess that’s where the lab is located then.’’ Asgore decided it was not a good idea to check it out without permission, who knows what was down there.
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selladaplays · 7 years
Get to Know me Tag <3
thank you @squeamish-sims for tagging me! i’ll be tagging some followers below that i want to get to know better :)
NAME - noelle
NICKNAME - h o n e s t l y i’ve never had one :(
SEXUALITY: i <3 boys
HOGWARTS HOUSE - okay so pottermore and literally every quiz i’ve done in my life has said hufflepuff, but i went to universal studios and the sorting hat put me in gryffindor so idfk what to think 
FAVORITE ANIMAL - i looked at this question for like 10 minutes trying to decide what my favourite animal is and i think i’m going to go with turtles? idk i feel like they’re really cute and funny???
CATS OR DOGS - i’m definitely a fan of both - i have a cat and two dogs and have lived with cats and dogs my whole life - but i think i’m just slightly more a fan of cats? omg dog people don’t kill unfollow me
DREAM TRIP - really want to go back to thailand, but my honest to god dream vacation is to japan and south korea. i’ve always been a huge nintendo/pokemon fan and dream of experiencing all that in asia <3
DREAM JOB - i’ve actually been dreaming of working in the creative writing branch of a video game company. writing plotlines and helping to develop characters and stories is something i’ve always loved doing. i’ve actually applied for internships at ea, bethesda, and ubisoft in the past but am waiting to finish school to fully persue them.
WHEN I MADE THIS ACCOUNT- end of august, the 28th to be specific
REASONS FOR URL - i like gold and i like things made out of pixels - like the sims!
i’m tagging... @loudphase | @simsiper | @libertylee | @astrologsims | @peach-simblr | @fayts4 | @theuglyducklings | @harmonicsims | @beautifullybroken0011 | @alxandergoth  | @gracethesimmersblog |
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twelvesignsrp · 7 years
Tumblr media
congratulations sav, aries is now kieran campbell with the faceclaim dudley o’shaughnessy !
Character Sign: Aries
Character name: Kieran Campbell Birthday: 04/02/1997 Sexuality: Homosexual Gender: Cisgender Male Moon Sign: Capricorn Faceclaim: Dudley O’Shaugnessy Power: Fire Manipulation – He can only manipulate fire, not create it, so he carries a lighter with him in order to spark a flame when needed. He’s still not the best at controlling this ability yet, so it takes an intense amount of concentration on his part to keep the fire from going haywire. This, as you might imagine, takes a considerable toll on him. Usually after only a few minutes of continuous use his knees get wobbly and his head starts to spin.
Secondary ability (from the sudden power up): Enhanced charisma. Fire signs have incredibly large personalities and, just like the element they represent, can be very charming and magnetic, drawing people into their area of influence. This added ability allows Kieran to subtly persuade others to see his opinion/take his side. It’s not an exact science, and some people seem to be more susceptible than others. Of course, he can’t persuade someone to jump out of a window or hand him a million dollars. His natural born charisma is only slightly heightened, giving him a mild edge when it comes to things like: suggesting that the librarian allow him to check out more books/research materials than is usually allowed, convincing the chef at his favorite restaurant that an item that’s no longer on the menu should be reintroduced, etc.
What do they study?: Kieran is a law student
Kieran Campbell grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father was a respected incumbent member of the Scottish Parliament, his mother a devoted homemaker and caregiver. From a young age, his parents impressed upon him three essential traits that, they believed, were the key to success: Ambition, Excellence, Dominance.
[First, ambition. Do nothing without enthusiasm, charisma, and innovation. Do not drag your feet. Motivate yourself. Be an example. A leader. Do not wait to be asked. Anticipate. Outrun, outgun, and outperform those around you. Do not settle for average, because in this world, average is a death sentence. Averagewon’t get you noticed. Average won’t pay your bills. Average won’t get you anywhere.
Next, excellence. Do not attempt something unless you’re aiming to be the best – anything less is wasting your time. Do not accept participation trophies or consolation prizes: they’re symbols of your defeat, your inability to be number one. “Trying” is only an excuse created by those who cannot do.  Who cannot achieve. “Trying” means nothing. Winning means everything.
Last, dominance. Do not pity those below you. Do not give charity or handouts. The only thing separating them from you is that you made it and they did not. You’re on top because you deserve to be, so show no mercy. Take what you want. Take what is owed. Lead. Delegate. Do not apologize. Do not offer excuses or justifications for your greatness.]
Kieran was a model son. Top of his class every year, head of every committee or club he could join, and an exceptional athlete. His parents took him out to society dinners and exclusive functions and paraded him around, singing his praises to anyone who would listen. He lived for it. The attention. The recognition. It became an addiction, a fix that he craved. To be applauded and told “Yes. Yes, this is life and you are doing it right. You’re going to go places young man, I already know it. You’re such a smart boy. Such a winner.”
By the time he was halfway through secondary school, there wasn’t a soul in his school that didn’t know his name. The faculty, the staff, the students: they all watched him walk by with the same look – equal parts awe and fear. He was a rising football star, the best player in his league. He carried his club team with ease, winning every match. He practiced on the pitch for hours each day after class, honing his skills. Perfecting his form. He was guaranteed a scholarship at this point to any school of his choosing. He was going to be able to take his pick: a feat not even his father had boasted.
Things were perfect.
He was perfect.
But a house of cards can only be stacked so high before its own weight becomes too much to bear.
His last year of school before applying to university, he met a boy. A boy who didn’t care who his father was. A boy who wasn’t impressed by his grades or his skills or his good looks. A boy who saw through the arrogance. The confidence. A boy who drank whiskey out of water bottles and doodled on his bare, white skin with permanent marker. A boy who called him late at night to ask questions he couldn’t answer and spin pipe dreams he could never have (dreams he couldn’t hope to want, no matter how badly he ached for them). A boy with dark hair and green eyes who kissed him one day on the train and shattered every little piece of him.
His grades started to slip. He started lying to his parents, sneaking out at night for midnight rendezvous. People began to notice, especially after he started skipping football practice. To stave off suspicion, he started dating a petite little blonde who smiled when he opened doors for her and put a napkin in her lap when she ate. Her face would crumple every time he told her he was too busy to hang out after school, but he never felt bad.
Three months after he met the boy, the two of them drove Kieran’s father’s luxury sedan over a median and straight into a light pole.
Kieran doesn’t remember much, after that, except pain and, even more agonizing: regret.
There’s two surgeries to repair his left leg. Metal plates and screws and physical therapy. He finishes out the rest of the year from home, his parents… disinclined to let him anywhere near that school again. The house is like a prison, silent and sharp with disappointment. His father won’t speak to him. His mother cries every time he hobbles by her on his crutches.
Climbing his way back to the top is exhausting, but he throws himself at it with renewed drive. He studies for hours. Does extra credit. His phone rings and rings and rings, some days, and he locks it away in his sock drawer because he can’t look at the caller ID without feeling like he’s back in that car again, hot blood running down his cheek and pain searing white hot through his lower body. Eventually, he takes out his SIM card and throws it away in the trash bin out back.
He graduates. But he’s not number one. And it stings, even though he’s expecting it. Without a chance for a sports scholarship and with his lackluster finish to the year, only a handful of universities contact him back, and none of them are up to his family’s standards.
His father pays for a spot at Durham.
Kieran knows what’s at stake, now. He’s already screwed up once: there won’t be any second chances. After the scandal (“Unlicensed Teen Son of Prominent Scottish Parliament Leader and Friend Collide with Light Pole After Drunk Driving Escapade, No Causalities”) his chances of following in his father’s footsteps were all but destroyed, but a career in law is just as respectable, and he really doesn’t mind the subject all that much. Durham is his only hope to salvage his reputation and his strained relationship with his father, and he’s not going to let anything distract him.
(Not even magic, he tells himself as the flame from the candle on his desk flickers and grows with a wave of his hand.)
Five interesting facts about your character:
Kieran is stressed, repressed, and overdressed like, always. He appreciates good fashion.
He loves pickles.
He still watches football matches, even if it’s a painful reminder of the future he could have had.
He doesn’t talk to anyone from Edinburgh anymore besides his parents, preferring to bury his past and move on rather than dwell on his mistakes.
While he’s still as determined and stubborn as ever, his drive is largely born out of desperation, now. He’s secretly terrified of making another mistake.
Character Quote: “Cause I fuck with myself more than anybody else.” – BANKS (“Fuck With Myself”)
If your character had a patronus what would it be? and why?: Komodo Dragon. These dragons have been around for centuries. Just like Kieran, they know the value of staying power. They’re patient and meticulous hunters and doggedly pursue their prey, sometimes for hundreds of miles, until their stubbornness is rewarded. Komodo dragons are often associated with fire, as many believe they can secretly breathe flames.
He’s got one hand wrapped around the neck of a bottle of whiskey and the other is gripping your thigh, squeezing so hard he’s sure to leave bruises. You take your eyes off the road to look at him. He’s slouched down in the passenger seat, an unlit cigarette hanging between his lips. His eyes catch the light of neon shop signs as you pass and you can’t help but wonder how something so beautiful, so mysterious, looked at you and saw anything but a fraud. An empty, hollow vessel that’d been stuffed full to the brim with the thoughts and expectations of others.
“C’mon. Lemme drive.”
You pull over onto the shoulder and the two of you swap spots, shimming one at a time over the middle console so you don’t have to get out in the cold and circle around to the other side of the car. You take the bottle and he starts the engine. He slams his foot down on the accelerator, merging back onto the highway as you take a swig of whiskey, grimacing at the burn. He looks over at you and smiles, amused, and you smile back, helpless.
He turns his attention to the speedometer, eyes alight with chaos and exhilaration as it steadily climbs higher, and you lean over to turn on the radio.
“Oh, shit!”
You don’t even have time to blink. Your outstretched hand, frozen halfway between your body and the dash, is the last thing you remember. (The image lives beneath your eyelids, now, and every time you close your eyes you see it.)
You wake up, briefly, after the dust has settled, but all you recognize is pain, white hot agony tracing its way down your spin. Something hot and sticky drips from your nose. Your lips.
You hear him, screaming himself hoarse beside you, but you don’t know what he wants, so you close your eyes.
(You find out, later, that it was a dog. A dog, crossing the road.)
My favorite color is green! Thank ya’ll again for the generous reserve!!! (Also, just so there’s no confusion, the football I refer to here is the European football – so, soccer!)
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streetslight-blog · 7 years
New Cellular Phones At India
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 https://festivalsdatetime.com/love-status/ At beneath #four hundred, you are obtaining the most recent and finest specs - which include a Snapdragon 835 chip, 19-megapixel digicam along with Android 8.0 Oreo.  We always upgrade this most useful telephones direct to signify recent updates, reevaluate price fluctuations, and also ensure 20 17's latest apparatus appear along side the very best of 20-16 (and earlier, if appropriate).  To Finish its own predecessors the Nokia Kick off its up Coming Mobile.  As stated by the news headlines that this Mobile is likely to soon be launching in Indian market place at August 20 17.  Therefore if you are following the optimal/optimally Android smart-phone funds can purchase, a i-phone up grade or some brand new Windows telephone (truly, let us ignore Windows, will we?) , weanalyzed them and broadly've observed.   The bigger apparatus is just one of many most useful seeming tablets in the future in Huawei thus far, though in addition supplying a amazing battery lifetime, competent double cameras, a lot of storage and power along with older EMUI program.  Offering substantial transport rates for info and voice, WCDMA 3G empowers smart-phones to get the web at rates that are affordable.  LG's the latest smart-phone just like the LG g 6 and also LG Q 6 are guaranteed to get the Android 8.0 Oreo upgrade.  Hindi-language service is more built, and it is a significant element for smart phones found in India, in which Hindi could be the speech for 40-percent of the people.   Though the Nexus mobiles were adequate specs for low-ish rates, the device plough an alternative furrow, starting up at #599 for its regular hand set and also a whopping #719 for its XL variant.  The tablets with the list's costs are for apparatus that are contract-free.  The Nokia 8 additionally packs at a design and style 2.45 GHz Octa centre Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chip, 4 GB of RAM and 64 and 128 GB of memory card that is often expanded to 256 GB with a micro sd card.  Since it has security updates as Google is still the maintainer of the Android functioning platform, the Pixel has applications service.   It's not as eyecatching whilst the LG g 6 or even samsung-galaxy S-8, nevertheless also the BoomSound speakers and also fantastic sound experience assist place aside it.  Which exactly are Android mobiles and how are they different from Tracfone apparatus ?  This really is an Total collection together with their rates of most  of the android that is readily available portable devices in Nigeria.  Discover lowest deals in India and solution requirements, capabilities that are vital, movies, much more and much evaluations.  Industry users can love our SIM smart-phones, that so are ideal for a lifetime on the move and allow you to maintain home and work life different.  Gamers will desire you of our screen mobile phones.   The mobile's center piece is its own 6.3-inch display screen (apparatus measurements are 6.4 x 2.94 x 0.34 inches) that delivers a fantastic quad H-D SuperAMOLED resolution of 2960-X 1440 (factoring outside into 521 ppi).  The cost Listing comprises an overall complete of 5661 Android Mobiles for buying.  Since we all discussed within our Overview of this samsung-galaxy E-5 , it has several excellent benefits which can ben't quite like the S 5, but that the E-5 runs Android 5.0.  Unlike their designs are offered in blue colours which are young and interesting.   On the opposite side, Lenovo not long ago introduced that the total Phab collection of tablets won't be upgraded to Nougat even though being significantly less than a yr outdated.  You don't have to press difficult over the screen to restrain the device, which makes them more easy and responsive to use.  From that point, finalists have been chosen dependent on the apparatus felt at the contrast points previously, and also with that, these mobiles climbed into the surface.  Allowing the " restrict Advertisement monitoring " alternative right here would guarantee that programs usually do not work with your own unit's unique identifier whatsoever apart from just for "constrained promoting functions"  It really is diverse from the Android apparatus within this particular list, that'll permit you to opt out to be served adverts and re set your i-d that is ad-tracking, however won't permit one to restrict programs' skills utilize and to see your own ID that is special.   Since these really are a couple of the greatest kinds of all mods for Android apparatus, it really is crucial that the mobiles right here are a fantastic variety of kernels and ROMs.  Using an i-phone, but you may just make use of a VPN on wi fi, if you don't prepared to re set your apparatus and empower "Supervised Mode" to find the VPN taking care of your own cell info relationship.  Important thing: The Moto G5 additionally sets a new benchmark for mobiles that are un-locked having a premium easy operation, robust specs, specs, along with Android computer software.   Apple's I phones have consistently been loads highly effective, however smart phones from Samsung, LG and HTC have consistently wished to carry matters farther, including never-before-seen-technology, attributes and USPs such as water-and-dust-proofing, QHD displays and also the very first execution of optical stabilised cameras (OIS) on cellphone.  The business is right back from the united states for this moment and also commerce.  Android comes with a feeling to permit no information to be used by one .  When your phone below or about R S 9,000 is exactly what you are searching for, check out for this month in out our set of those 10 mobiles under Rs.   A number of those well-known tablets which Tracfone delivers comprise the LG electrical power , the LG supreme 2 , and also the LG Sun Set that uses 4G-LTE assistance on GSM networks.  MyPhone is among those house grown using an extensive array of mobiles that are android which have specifications.  Phones possess usually pushed at the bounds together with hardware specs and characteristics.  So here is our selection of 2015 of the Android mobiles.  Its always hard locating a mobile using good camerahigh grade overall performance, superior design and style, good toughness, enduring battery along with quite a recent model of its running platform all available in a exact average value, and that means that you simply often scale down things into those which sell the finest in are as which you believe as many relevant when picking a smartphone.   LG's most up-to-date flagship is not attempting to sell in addition to the business could enjoy, but it will not prevent it from getting just one of their greatest mobiles available on the industry.  An written report from July 2013 said that the share of the smartphone industry, directed by Samsung services and products of Google, was 64 percent in March 2013.  It's possible for you to pick smart-phones running on  operating systems like Blackberry OS, Android, Windows, i-OS as well as, based up on your own own preferences.  There exists a lot and it is tough to distinguish on industry contrary to the kind of Samsung and LG, whether it's flagship flat specs.  The colourful and glistening design is fresh new however wont be to every one, despite the fact that we are happy it watertight.   This checklist is still in no specific sequence, however broadly speaking includes got the newer mobiles at underneath, and we'll proceed to upgrade it since Tracfone releases fresh mobiles.  The system functions on Android 5.1 lolli pop using 2GB RAM and 16GB values of inner storage distance that is often further enlarged to upto 128 GB if additional distance is demanded.  When we simply take a succinct glance onto technician specs of the mobiles, we see no gap in RAM, screen-size, digicam, etc..  There are currently several tablets readily available from Tracfone using 5.5" displays, and it is now a favorite option for all those.   It's driven by 1.4GHz Snapdragon 435 Octa Core chip together side 5inch H D exhibit, 13-mp digicam, fingerprint detector and 4100mAH battery life.  To be sure that your computer data remains secure even whenever your mobile is stolen or lost, we've lock capacities and also selected phones.  In addition it's essential to be aware that if the apparatus recorded here will probably find the upgrade, there maybe other apparatus which have not yet been inserted into this list so that as a consequence, we will regularly incorporate new apparatus to this list also as so  if manufacturers declare that the upgrade ideas.  
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