#and then after saving them to a different board i went to go watch youtube and ended up watching a sims build
betatrolls · 1 month
look at my pinterest board boy
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "michael myers escape scene" on YouTube
You know us living here bothering him almost covered up with Billy z is doing it all adds up and it's a big masterpiece and we are actually wrong and it was very close and our friend is being tortured and abused and screwed around with beat himself up with a bike and has round circles on him because he had a saved with the Lusitania and I think it's Billy c who was trying to hit us with weaponry and we're researching it a lot of people are telling us who and what the ship it was and more but we have witnesses on board and they know which one it was and you remember him in the Navy and he said he was Dutch or something or a Dutch Germans they call it that's Germany I think a lot of Germans in that area and our friend says is true and they say it's true too help decide having different color hair and this is what's going on too I've never seen so much stupid stuff so quick in my life but boy is it s******* some light on the Max and with her up to his plan is out there messing with us so bad you would think we're not even there and this is going to heat it up and we're going to go out there and do some damage to them and he says that Jason Voorhees is going to be there first and if you look down he says at the feet of Danny Trejo and he has a g*********** say we're in trouble now and it looks like Tommy f type work cuz he doesn't remember what a cello is what are you saying this that that's the doctor and she takes his face you can see that his face isn't going to do much and she does a bad job he says it's also something weird it's all white and it's not crusty so she preserves it and it's a threat and it's kind of mild but he's the doctor and that's the cop following her around after and it's very weird this is going on tonight I wouldn't doubt it in Los Angeles and that's where it is he had a lot of trouble out there and it's just a weird guy who did body worlds and he went to body worlds and free Preston he's been bothering the s*** out of him for years it's like Preston had to be free you have one of them in there and the neck is already a plan and probably had him do it for the ships and the trusses it says yeah probably a little weird that was wrong and didn't tell him to do all the stupid s*** is adding tons of stuff in and back Daddy and before that is our friend next door I can see what he's saying they're ready they had been waiting and it's really easy and he's a Mac and Mac is waiting and he's running his plan and it's terrible from terrible for us horrible
Gross. Jamie Lee Curtis is the wife she's b******* about the whole thing and says nobody should know it should be talked about then she said this guy's out of control and she means her husband and he is that's some real s*** and he's chasing around the mask but everyone sees why now but holy crap what a nightmare you people are you know especially the max he's got all this money all the stuff and you don't give him anything so you can't even do anything to implicate him and people are running in circles yammering and the max are doing it and we're going after them for it I'll tell you what you'd never going to have enough power back to overcome everyone to arrest him he's going to sit here suffering with nothing if you try and get him money and implicate him you're going to get the living s*** kicked out of you
This is a joke I can't really get a money but if I do we probably will get the s*** kicked out of us but we think it won't it won't go that way what you noticed is he doesn't want the money that much he doesn't want to be tied to it and some way it's true but really if we got them some we'd have to do something and it kind of works that way if you get him a little bit here and there like the IRS and retards it's horrible it's like the TV show the office and all kind of going after each other hard though he's probably do that in office show having the finale but for real you get him a little money at a time and it opens stuff up and it forces people to do stuff but she's right and in that if you got him a whole bunch people coming here and beat the slaughter people it's horrible it's terrible they're all treating him exactly like what he is this is also a nightmar
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heyitsyn · 3 years
a/n: this is a thing i cooked up between doing trig exam and ap gov review akdsjfldskfj
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oikawa def listens to indie music just bc he wants to feel unique and the 'iM diFfErENt fRoM oTHeR gUrLs' vibes
meanwhile kunimi eats a kitkat like its pizza just CHOMP
makki caNNOT sleep without a pillow between his thighs LIKE LISTEN he has 2 sisters and they all told him its so comfortable and at first he was like,, ??,, then he tried and now cant sleep without it
bUT MATTSUN LIKES TO SLEEP WITH PILLOWS SURROUNDING HIM bc it makes him feel safe and like there are two body pillows on either side of him and hes kinda trapped in the middle aksjskdk
when kyo was younger, he was really short and although he had other pants, he loved this one pair but they were really long on him and he wore it all the time and the part of the pants that touched the ground is torn in shreds
kindaichi steps on the sofa before sitting LIKE puts one foot on the cushion then the other until hes literally standing on the couch before folding to sit with his knees up to his chest (i do this)
watari sniffs his food before eating it no matter if its something he eats all the time or something new, he still sniffs it either way
yahaba is really particular with his feet and he likes to get a really big tupperware (duh one only meant for his feet) and fill it up with warm almost boiling water and he just soaks them
oikawa has sleep paralysis and he oftens hallucinates about aliens in the corner of his room
kunimi does this thing where he makes weird noises with his mouth like sounds of his mouth opening LIKE when youre tastinf something new and you do that sound with your tongue (I DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE IT AJDKSKKD)
makki bends his knees just to crack his ankles
iwa sneezes a ton but he has those sneezes where theyre quiet that you dont even notice or really loudly that it just echoes throughout the gym
kyo sleeps with one sock on bc his feet gets cold easily but both socks make him feel really hot so only one sock is perfect
for a tall and hunk of a guy, mattsun is a very light walker like his footsteps are very light and if he wants to, it can be practically silent
watari actually hates vegetables ajssksksk he particularly hates zucchini, eggplants, any vegetables that are that shape
kindaichi likes to stick or lean against walls because to him, they feel cold and can decrease his body heat
oikawa stands and places his feet at V position like \/ instead of ll because his sister did ballet and he was taught that was the right way of standing and it was considered graceful
yahaba has a fear of cactuses
mattsun does so badly in the heat because his body temp runs so high and the hot surroundings make him feel so uncomfortable and so he takes a lot of cold showers
iwa cannot swim like he freaks out immediately when his toetips can no longer feel the bottom and he panics with thoughts of drowning
watari has really small feet that he still buys big kids shoes to save money
kyotani considered playing baseball because he thought baseball bats were cool but he got angry and threw tantrum after missing his first pitch
iwa chomps on a whole raw chili while eating ramen akskksks
oikawa actually hates sweets bc when he was younger, he had cavities and iwa showed him a cartoon of cavities eating his teeth and will make him toothless
kindaichi really really likes hugs but hes too awkward to ask them even from his parents
yahaba chomps on mints so he goes through boxes of them in a week
i feel like theres a boy in the team who doesnt brush their teeth everyday and rubs a towel on their teeth to make it look clean and take mints to hide their bad breath
iwaizumi is actually iron deficient so he bruises super super fast and he even developed iron defiency anemia when he was younger bc his parents didnt catch on which caused him to be put on strong medication for months and still takes it now
seijoh four bonding time is watching gordom ramsey shows and yelling and screaming 'YEA! EXACTLY!' as if theyre also cooking genuises
watari used to eat grapes all the time until his mom got worried and told him if he doesnt stop, he will eventually turn into one. he only eats it every few weeks
when he was younger, kunimi cried because he had befriended a chicken on a trip to a farm and his mom took him to eat fried chicken after and he thought it was Chicky (his chicken friend :"))
kyotani used to stick out his tongue when it was raining so he could taste the raindrops. they taste better than bottled water
one time, during a seijoh sleepover, they dared oikawa to wear his sisters old uniform, skirt and all, and it backfired so everyone turned red and couldnt look at him in the face
their pregame ritual is touching each other's shoe tips
they tried doing yoga at yahaba's house before by watching yoga youtube videos but everyone ended up having to go to the chiropractor after (how did makki even turn into the human pretzel?)
the local gym gets so scared when they see the team coming through the doors bc these men are so LOUD like they HYPE EACH OTHER UP SO MUCH THEYRE SO ANNOYING AKSKSKDK
also never take them to an all you can eat sushi place. if you do, bring them earlier of the day like 30 mins after opening time so the cooks can cook enough for them without running out of ingredients (even then sometimes they still run out)
oikawa used to eat his mom's roses from her garden because he thought it would make his farts smell good like roses
takahiro is a surprisingly good artist like he draws really cool action fighting scenes in the corner of his papers and stuff
in my work: it's canon that iwa is half filo and his nanay used to dress him up in a barong all the time during halloween bc she wanted him to showcase his heritage
yahaba drinks a lot of milk because he hopes to one day grow strong and bulky like the 3rd years instead of being seen as a pretty boy
kindaichi's mom is a hairstylist and she always scolds him for using a lot of gel bc she's always the one who washes his hair
makki never learned how to do taxes and hes had the government knocking on his door a handful of times (BOKUTO AKKDJSKKS)
kyo has a dog: a chiweenie
there's someone on the team who wears those socks with individual pockets for toes
their pinterest is so different from what they look like for example, mattsun has a board of different flower decorations and arrangements
kunimi throws up during intense horror movies
watari's celeb crush is emma watson
the team alternates from different music genres like from ateez and bts to mxmtoon and beach bunny
they still dont know how to pronounce camila cabello's name
theyre all active in social media but only oikawa is on it 24/7 and in all platforms while the others have insta and snap
mattsun has twins as little siblings and he used to get them mixed up all the time that he used to draw a sharpie dot on the girl's forehead to determine she was his sister
watari hates sitting on the floor bc his butt bone hurts really easily so he can only sit on cushions for long periods of time
the team was supposed to have a party but everyone didnt know what to bring so they proved they shared the same braincell by bringing the same thing: a box of pizza
makki's an old soul and prefers to play records on a record player or watch old movies
kyo is surprisingly good at giving massages because he really pushed hard on those tense muscles
kindaichi knows how to crack necks so everyone goes to him a lot to do it (a friend of mine does this and can i say its terrifying yet so good?)
the only one who has a license is matsukawa and thats because granny needs to go to the doctor a lot and he hates her walking by herself and cabs are expensive
kyotani and yahaba are actually,,, lowkey close,,, not like best friends but theyre nice to each other and they got a stick and poke together (yahaba's was: :) while kyo's was: >:))
watari has a collection of mangas (some bl maybe 👀)
WARNING SAD: mattsun’s future job is a funeral person right? he ends up taking care of granny’s funeral free of charge and he had to take a week off because it was really painful for him
oikawa learned spanish SUPER fast to the point he forgets japanese sometimes but there are moments where he forgets both languages and hes just,,,, ???
makki’s unemployed yea but he rooms with mattsun in exchange of cooking because makki’s surprisingly good at cooking
iwa is practically the nutritionist of the team because he knows everything about proteins, carbs, iron, and needed vitamins so they all go to him to know what to eat and what they need
kunimi has lots and lots of shoes but usually only wears 2
kindaichi has a habit of pretending hes chewing gum even though he doesnt have gum, his mouth just chomps and moves with air akasldfjkf
there was a clown phenomenon in america but in their city, they had a mascots and seijoh 4 went around scaring kids :”(
oikawa never manspreads he gets too insecure to spread out like that akdjfkd
kyotani can easily sleep anywhere like he would be standing and just fall asleep or he sleeps with his eyes open
yahaba’s parents own a restaurant somewhere in the city and he works there sometimes
oikawa screams a lot according to gigi but he’s actually a really quiet guy and not easy to scare
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
Word of Honor eps 31-36 (final thoughts)
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I know it’s been over for a while but I finally watched it all, with full context! and oh wow, it was a whole gay ride lmao My thoughts on each ep:
Ep 31: This ep was confusing. I still don't get how the ghosts and Scorpion got A-Xiang and CWN and how WKX rescued them and got everyone to agree to go save ZZS. On the bright side, this ep was totally WKX centered and I loved that. I will always be in awe of the way he can be this shameless, sweet and vulnerable flirt with ZZS but a dangerous Master of the ghosts, with such a murderous aura, with basically everyone else (excluding friends and family of course!)
Ep 32: WKX died and ZZS tried to jump after him but then he pulled the nails out, basically sentencing himself to death, quicker. Baddies think they're on top, especially Zhao Jing, but it’s just so obvious being full of himself makes him a complete fool and Scorpion knows his real intentions now. Disappointed at Chengling the first time I saw this, but I know he was in on the plan the whole time.
Ep 33: The look on ZZS's face when WKX appeared! The betrayal! The hurt! Confussion! He was like"bitch I removed the nails because of you! I basically killed myself cause I thought you were dead" so beautifully tragic. Also, WKX beating up Zhao Jing's ass was a joy to watch.
Ep 34: lolololol everyone knew the plan but ZZS and he was so sad for like half the ep but went "well, fuck it, I'm gonna die anyway, I don't have time to be angry". I'm sorry but WKX'S explanation of his plan was... Well, I didn't like it. The writing for this was a bit messy imo. Poor scorpion "I gave you a chance. in fact, I gave you many chances"😢 sir, you’re evil but I feel your pain. Oooff everything is about to go to shit. It's a wedding for fuck's sake! 😫
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Ep 35: Everything, in fact, went to shit. Must you do your last battle on the day and place of a wedding??! I HATE IT HERE!!! My sweet A-Xiang 😭💔
Ep 36: How did WKX and ZZS became such liars with each other? They were really honest for a while. BUT I LOVED THAT THE HAIRPIN WAS A THE KEY ALL ALONG AND THAT HE GAVE IT TO ZZS. The romantic implications behind it leave me a fangirling mess. *swoons* Glad that ZZS was able to beat death in the end with the power of love lol
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Get a room, you two! heh they were fighting to see who was gonna be top that night lmao
Aaaaand they did live gay and happily ever after! quite literally, because they’re immortal. Beautiful. It’s funny (in a dark way) that on Youku’s Youtube Channel version, the drama does end up tragically *flashbacks to Guardian’s ending and cries*. Tbh I would’ve been on board with that kind of ending, only because I had the happy ending from the novel to save me from heartbreak lol but let’s all remember that, despite the sad endings for some characters, OTP does have a happy ending in the drama.
The death of AXiang and CWN is honestly the thing I hate most about the story in both the drama and novel (and WKX’s tragic past), but I’d always think of it as a punishment for WKX pursuing vengeance, like saying, “you can’t have that and expect everything to go well”. Ouch. Priest you’re so rude but I still love you!
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This drama honestly has a world of differences with the novel (I liked, loved and hated some lol) but, at the end of the day, the biggest difference for me was the way the romance was written and portrayed. It’s true that the ZZS from the drama was a very different character from the one in the novel. He was softer, kinder and had a higher tolerance for everyone, especially Chengling and WKX. He’s honorable in both versions but, how to say it? He was more rightheous, more conventionally hero-like in the drama. But of course, he lived and breathed Wen KeXing 24/7 and he loved him so much he jumped off a cliff after him. And when he couldn’t die together with his beloved, he did the most stupid thing he could think of to avenge him and to die faster and reuinite with him, ala Romeo and Juliet.
They had a more happy ending in the novel, but the drama made them desperately, hopelessly, in love with each other and I could never be mad about that. They made both characters have a lot more flaws, dilemmas and traumas, but that only showed how much they needed and completed each other. WoH really said “our theme is soulmates and we’re gonna ride it hard (lmao) and with full speed till the very end” and I humbly bow to that so *slow claps* well done, drama. Well done.
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Note: If you like the drama but haven’t read the novel, I 100% recommend you to read the novel (here)! It’s GREAT. It’s quite different ngl: WKX isn’t as tortured(he truly is an evil mastermind) and ZZS is more like the serious bitch we met in the first 10 eps no softie ZZS in the novel oops BUT you have LOTS more of explicit and blatant flirting, you have actual kisses, makeouts and has one of those satisfactory endings that makes you go “OMG it ALL makes sense now”. And a HEA for OTP and their son, no immortality involved.
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
yandere!ateez fanboy series: seonghwa
When Seonghwa graduated high school, his parents asked him what he wanted as a graduation gift. Coming from a wealthy family, his parents could give him whatever he wanted. But he asked for a camera instead. His parents didn’t know why or what was a camera for, but they gave it to him without a doubt. 
And lo and behold, in Seonghwa’s hands, a Canon EOS 850D. 
He open his box of savings and bought more equipment such as lenses, speedlite, battery grip and ring mount adapter. Testing a couple of shots around his room, the flowers in his mother’s garden and the collection of his father’s wines before he was satisfied with his photos and he was set to set himself out. 
The night before Starlight’s debut, he opened his own website YNbyHwaLight.co.kr and made a profile tab for you provided by your company - VS Media. Ever since your reveal to the world that you are debuting in Starlight as the final member, Seonghwa couldn’t get his eyes off of you. He couldn’t wait for your debut as he camped on Youtube and Naver everyday by watching past videos of you - Introduction Video, Make Meringue Cookies with Y/N and your own choreography of Streets by Doja Cat. To which he proudly beat his cock every night to. 
When the sun came up the following day, Seonghwa adjusted his black face mask to perfectly conceal half of his face. He woke an all black clothing and had his equipment safely tucked inside his backpack. When he was done, he set off to the concert hall for your debut concert. 
Starlight kicks off 2021 US promotions 
Starlight’s Y/N tops January Brand Rankings 
Starlight’s Y/N hailed as No.1 Kpop Girl Group Member For 2021 
Jennie, Joy, Y/N and more: Korean Outlet Media Mentions Stars Who Sported Top Luxury Clothes For 2020 
Starlight’s Y/N Glowing As New Campaign Model For Nike Air Max 
Seonghwa chugged down the last of his coffee before throwing it in the bin. His third cup of coffee to be exact. 4:06 am he is still situated in his old study desk, editing your photos from yesterday’s joint concert. Adding his fansite name ‘HwaLight_Y/N’ before uploading them. 
After he graduated high school, he decluttered old items that he no longer needed and are now replaced with more equipment and the albums that Starlight released. On his walls that were once adorned with his favorite rock band posters, baseball banners and his high school basketball jersey were now replaced with your individual posters. His bookshelves before were filled with his textbooks and comic books which he gushed over with his old friend. He doesn’t have friends anymore. Now, they are filled with Starlight’s albums that comes with all the different versions, the photobooks that VS Media released, the latest 2021 Seasons Greetings and his selfmade own copy of ‘ With Love, Y/N ‘ photobook which he sold over 100,000 copies. Unusual for a fansite photobook to reach its mark compared to companies. 
Ever since the day Seonghwa stepped into the debut concert hall to see you, he made everyone turn their heads and stare at him. It was a fandom joke that Seonghwa made his own fangirls that day. Along the way, they would pluch up their courage and ask to go on a date with him, but Seonghwa would politely decline their offer. As he only has eyes for Y/N, who else? 
After Staright debuted, the fandom continued to increase. It brought irritation to Seonghwa how he felt like he had many competitors to compete for your attention. But that theory was tried and tested when Starlight was at Incheon Airport headed to Jeju. The girls were posing for the hundreds of cameras in front of them, Seonghwa positioned somewhere in the middle. 
Through his camera lens, he watched as Y/N stand in her tiptoes, looking through the crowd as if she was searching for someone. His blood began to boil on who could possibly stole your worthy attention that isn’t him. But he immediately soften when Y/N’s eyes landed on his camera, flashing a sweet smile before eagerly waving her hands at him. 
Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! 
His insides were instantly filled with warmth as Y/N had her eyes on his camera. Smiling cutely and making little hearts in his direction. From that day on, Seonghwa submitted himself to you wholeheartedly. The best part? Seonghwa is also a passenger with you to Jeju! Surely seeing Seonghwa before the gates is not the last time you’d see him. As he boarded the plane, he sat down on the seat two rows in front of you. Heart beating fast at the feeling. 
The hour flight to Jeju quickly came by and they all boarded down. Seonghwa noticed how you and the rest of the members took the back door. Two black vans parked at the back door rather than being parked at the main extrance and exit. Lifting the car he rented to place his equipment and backpack safely at the back before following the second van where you are. Heading to the same hotel your manager booked because that’s where he booked himself too. 
Sometime later after checking in to the hotel and fixing his camera, he listened to the footsteps of VS staffs and any Starlight member heading to the elevator and disappearing. Once the coast is clear, he left his room and welcomed himself to Room 1117 - the room you share with the leader of Starlight. 
With his camera in hand, he went over to the second bed as he noticed your luggage was placed on top of it. Slowly, he bent down and inhaled the mattress and cushion. Faint scent of apples and honey. Laying down on the spot whereyou layed down earlier, a soft sigh escapes his lips before turning his attention to your luggage. 
Slowly, he unzips it open and then turning it open. The first thing his eyes lands on is the red lingerie that was placed on top as if it was welcoming him. Slowly he took hold of your bra, touching and feeling the cups. Were your boobs always this big? Blood rushed into him as he brought the cups to his nose, inhaling the scent of your raw flesh. Seonghwa sets the bra down before lifting the underwear next. He closely examined the lacy underwear, grazing his fingertips before slowly bringing it to his face. Were underwears supposed to smell sweet? This was an unexplainable one before something clicked in his mind. 
You could have worn it. 
He brought your underwear more closer to his face while his free hand unzips his pants, freeing his cock and then beating it around his hand, imagining it was your sweet tight hole instead. Shamelessly, he came. 
Pocketing your underwear, he quickly set his plan. He placed small cameras inside the electricity extensions in the room and bathroom and on the lamp stands before exiting. Leaving in time before a VS staff came into the same floor they are at. Once he gets back in his hotel room, he took out your underwear in his pocket and decided to kill time by playing with this. 
“See! I told you, you must have dropped your underwear under the bed.” Yikyung, the leader of Starlight said. I brought the underwear up and noticed how it had a huge white stain. I shook my head, probably a discharge before placing it on a plastic bag filled with my other used clothes. 
“Also, Y/N please put some clothes on while you sleep! My eyes are burning everytime I see you walking around her naked!” Yikyung laughs before throwing a pillow at him. It became a habit of time to sleep and walk around the dorm naked. I felt comfortable around the other members and decided to slowly reveal my habits. As Yikyung and I cleaned up our room, I unplugged my phone from its charger. But the little red light is still beaming. 
“Is it always like this?” I asked, pointing at the socket as I faced Yikyung. 
“Well at least you know that this socket is working. C’mon, were already late. Manager Min is already expecting us.” She says, grabbing my hand as we ran out our room, ending our MV film shoot in Jeju. 
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FULL REVIEWS: "A Lying Witch and a Warden"
When the show was first announced I was ecstatic for a number of reasons. The first was the promotional art. It was beautiful and mysterious. It looked like something new, something fresh. The second thing was that the main character shared my mom’s name, Luz. When I told my mom, she said that she grew up not liking her name because it was different from everyone else’s. 
Then the show came out and I liked it. I really did. I promised myself that after the crap I went through with Star vs the Forces of Evil, I’d never get super into a show ever again. I’m still into this show, but I’m not going crazy like I used to. That being said, I haven’t actually watched the first episode in a while. Let’s see when happens when we see how this all started.
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So I just re-watched the first episode on YouTube and it wasn’t bad. First episodes and pilot episodes have historically never really been my favorite because you do have to sit through a bunch of introductions and exposition. Who is this? What is that? Where are we? Why are we doing anything? That old chestnut. And to be honest, it’s as awkward and clunky as any first episode is. What really saves it for me is the humor. My god I forgot how funny these jokes are. 
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“I am the Good Witch Azura, Warrior of Peace...NOW EAT THIS SUCKA!!!” is a great way to start the show and set the humor’s tone.
Luz’s introduction isn’t bad but I’m still not big on how they’re labeling her as a weirdo when (to me) she seems more like a hyper fangirl or even just a regular fangirl. I don’t know how old some of you are, but when I was in school I was the weirdo for liking superheroes and cartoons especially in South Texas where you’re supposed to like football and...I dunno, some second thing but the football was a really big deal. But in 2020, geek culture is a little more mainstream so Luz shouldn’t be labelled so much a weirdo. Disruptive? Aw hell yeah.
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But seriously, only the griffin thing is worth a visit to the principal’s office. Like come on, guys. It’s a bit much. 
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I’ve heard some people say that The Boiling Isles is the same fantasy world they’ve seen before. I don’t think so. The Boiling Isles is was more gross. Everything has extra teeth or extra eyes or blinks in a way it’s not supposed to. It’s not darker or edgier but it is dirtier and grimy. I think it’s different enough in that way.
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Eda is a real treat and I love Wendy Malik’s performance. I love all the voice acting here. Eda’s introduction is also great to show us that she’s powerful but a con artist. She’s the most powerful witch in The Boiling Isles selling “human artifacts” but she has no idea what they are or what they do and hasn’t bothered to find out. All she cares about is that people will spend big money on things that seem exotic. Especially stupid people.
After the gang gets away from the guard that’s when I think the episode speeds up the pace. Things quickly happen from one thing to the next. Eda explains what The Boiling Isles is, explains what The Owl House is (title drop, oh!), explains King, explains the main plot of the episode and it’s like we have to do it NOW. And of course they do. It’s only a twenty-two minute episode. Then we get to the conformatorium (spelling?) and this is where I kinda have the same problem with the episode that everyone else does.
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All the dialogue starts to get really heavy-handed about “weirdos” “not fitting in is okay” and “it’s not criminal to be an individual.” I don’t want to sound like Doug Walker or anything (because fuck that guy) but some of the lines here sound a bit more Disney Junior than Disney Channel to me. But again what saves it for me is the jokes. This show is damn funny! Although I will admit, “If that dumb crown is important to him then it’s important to me,” makes me tear up. 
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Two more things I wanna touch up on before I end the review. First, I love the voices Alex Hirsch does. King is adorable and funny. I know a few people who aren’t the biggest fans of him or his stories but I love them. I also fucking love Hooty. Hooty is great. I think he’s hilarious. I love the voice. I love his dialogue. I love how everyone reacts to him. Just don’t change a thing about Hooty. 
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Hooty hoot hoot!
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Lastly the ending which gave me different thoughts that I have never thought of before until this recent viewing, but fuck Luz really pushed herself in there didn’t she? I mean, from Eda’s perspective she has NO idea what Luz is talking about. She has NO context or frame of reference for summer camp or witch training. It’s like all of a sudden it’s, “Hey give me free room and board and feed me and teach me to be a witch which you know is fundamentally impossible for humans.” I mean, I like Luz and I want her to succeed which is why the ending works for a lot of people but Eda’s confusion is genuine and understandable. 
 FINAL SCORE: 4 - Liked It
It’d give it a 3 except I really do think the jokes are really funny.
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samkat10423 · 3 years
Quickie Builds
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After finishing those lots, I was lazy, and decided to do a couple of quickie ones. First one was the school. The only thing I really did to it was, 1) age the fence that surrounds it, 2) add a basketball hoop and hopscotch court on the side, and 3) put those cows there. This is Banyan Bend after all – home to rednecks and bootleggers. Plus, the one out front can be milked, so the kids won’t go hungry. 
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Then across the street, were 3 empty lots. The first one was zoned as a pool, so that’s what I put there. This was originally a little lot that I found either on MTS or TSR, but again, I “fixed” it. I redid all the exterior finishes, added the parking and sign, and did new edging around all the flower beds. In previous renditions of this town, I used a really rundown, grungy pool. But the town fathers got tired of listening to all the complaints about Sims coming down with strange rashes, so they bulldozed it, and built this one. Part of their “Progress as Promised!” campaign.
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Then, in the pool area, I added some more plants, those outdoor showers and a hottub behind that Lucky Palms fence, some soda machines and different furniture. Plus the waterslide, pool floaters and another diving board.
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The lot right next door is called Nature’s Way Garden, and was created by Cameranutz II for this world. Well, the original was – before I fiddled with it. I changed all the flowerbed trim to that “rock” trim. Added that little fence to the bike area, deleted 2/3 of the repetitious, basegame plants and used ones that came with later sets. I also replaced the basegame swing set with a later model, and added the beehive and a bug house from Around the Sims 3.  
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Then, I redid that little building – which is just a bathroom. There was a gable roof that extended over the food register, but I decided to go a bit more rustic, so I replaced the roof and added that little wood arbor thingie and aged the 2 posts that hold it up. I also got rid of the whiter-than-white fence and used the Old Wood one. And finally, I added some ant spawners and 2 fog emitters to get pigeons.
The 3rd empty lot had me stumped. It was 15x30 and kind of funky. Then I remembered that I had just furnished a pretty little lot for someone. It was a bit smaller than this spot, but that worked to my advantage. So I placed it here!
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This little lot was built by @omedapixel​ for her new Torsvall world, and she let me decorate it for her. So I knew ¾ of my work was already done. In her world it’s on a smaller lot, and will belong to a mechanic. So I decided to go with that idea and use it for the same here. Since I had room, I added the gas pumps out front, changed the exterior finishes to fit this world, and added the little patio out back – along with the dog house. And viola! Finished! And it only took me about 30 minutes. Go me!
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Then, I went over to the main town area, and placed another lot created by Lily. This one is her Ivy Hill Library, and I put it where these creators had their movie theater. (You can see the spot in the 1st picture of the original thread). I did make a few changes – mostly added some plants and a sign, and redid the sidewalk and the roof. And replaced the food register inside with that coffee bar that came with Uni. But this is a pretty build, and it fits in with my “old” look, so it didn’t need a whole lot on my part.
After I got done with this, I started on my new archeology museum. I used a lot that I found over on TSR years ago. But since I haven’t finished it yet, I’ll save it for another day. In between doing these builds, I’ve been collecting Sims from different towns to move in here. Plus I watched a couple of videos over on Youtube about some of the dead Sims of Twinbrook. Some of them I already knew about, but there are a couple graves that I’d never seen. So, I’ll have to collect them for this town - along with their “murderers”. Good times!
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sinkix · 4 years
♡ Haikyuu!!│Boys as your Roommate HC’s Pt.2│Ft. Kuroo, Bokuto, Kenma & Kageyama ♡
Since the last one did well I decided to do another 2am shit-post consisting of my bby HQ bois as your roommate so I’m v sorry if it’s messy and seems like rambling but honestly what did u expect. <( ̄︶ ̄)> The more I write these the more I just want to summon satan and make them come to life man I love them sm.
You can find Pt. 1 here
E N J O Y ~ <3
◃:✮.❃⭒ ◃:✮.❃⭒ ◃:✮.❃⭒ ◃:✮.❃⭒
So. Damn. Annoying
But in like, the best way possible??
Constantly teases and irritates you while cooking or when it’s your turn to do the chores.
“(Y/N)-kuuun I think you missed a spot”
Proceeds to show swabbed finger with the tiniest speck of dust on it with the biggest shit eating grin he can muster
You have constant competitions who can clean more thoroughly and rip into each other as a result.
I mean there’s worse things to compete over I suppose??
He likes to make it a habit of waking you up by throwing his HUGE ASS BODY ON TO THE BED IF YOU OVERSLEEP.
Wraps his arm around you and gives amazing cuddles tho so its worth it
Borderline suffocating you though just so you get up.
Also, don’t wake Kuroo when he’s had only a few hours rest
just, don’t. If you value your safety.
Last time you tried to haul him out of bed in this state he threw a pillow at you and BITCH WENT TO GRAB THE ALARM CLOCK NEXT but u dashed out the room before he could lob it. 
Speaking of which, pillow fights. 
so many.
 Y’all are always throwing random stuff at each other just to startle one another
You both make a conscious effort NOT to aim for the head though so I guess its ok???
The aroma of coffee always greets you in the morning and it’s become hella comforting since you’ve just come to associate that smell with him.
His bed head is 1000x more extreme in the morning which you tease him relentlessly for and def has bags under his eyes but it looks cute.
sleep deprivation but make it chic.
He is much more of a night owl i’m making it canon idc - however usually has to sleep early due to club activities starting first thing in the morning.
He wakes up especially early because he knows he not only has to haul himself up at an ungodly hour but Kenma as well since he NEVER gets up on time otherwise.
Kenma lives a few blocks down from you guys and you often kick it as a three.
Sometimes he stays over just to save the extra effort of Kuroo going to his place.
It’s always v chill with the three of you as you get on really well and just play mario kart till 2am.
which again, big mistake. They end up nearly being late to practise so it’s kinda counter productive lmao
worth it though.
Kuroo is a salty loser js and will definitely wave his arms in front of you or shove his ass in your face to block the screen so he can overtake you.
Sometimes forces you to go on early morning runs with him but it’s actually really nice since you watch the sunrise together while sitting for a water break in an empty field
Almost poetic if it wasn’t for the constant teasing and bickering like an old married couple.
Kenma is VERY thankful you have become his new victim for those morning run routines.
Actually pretty quiet in the morning?? Like the lil owl is just waking up so he usually just mumbles a good-morning and rubs his eyes its so damn cute
Usually pretty good about getting up on time but some days he needs a kick up the backside to get him out of bed.
He fully made you drag him out of the covers once before he was even willing to entertain the idea of getting up.
those 30 seconds felt like a 30 minute workout since he is so HEAVY.
I feel sorry for the neighbours on that day tbh
“Bokuto-san wake up.” 
“It’s (Y/N) you dumbass G E T U P”
You aren’t safe for long though because ONCE HE’S AWAKE HOMEBOY IS RARING TO GO.
Frequently makes y’all pancakes for breakfast with a frilly pink ‘best chef’ apron on and it’s fucking hysterical. 
actually has several aprons and one of them has a stock image of abs printed onto the front.
Pancakes is the only thing Bokuto is competent at so don’t expect anything else without the kitchen combusting
His pancakes are SO damn good tho like bitch who taught you to flip like dat.
Does a lil shimmy with his body and throws it back each time he flips so it basically aggregates as a performance too since hes so extra
One time the pancake landed on the floor and he was in emo mode for a whole day LMAOOO
boy was spiking while mourning the fallen soldier.
Akaashi was so confused as to why he walked into practise in such a solemn mood.
had to stifle his laughter once you told him the reason.
For some reason you have this tradition to play board games on a Friday night
Obvs you have to let him win and be a cocky ass bc otherwise he will be sad until the next morning.
sis will be in a slump while brushing his teeth over losing a game of monopoly.
Doesn’t expect you to come to practise with him but is always grinning like a dork the whole way there when you accompany him.
His game is always A1 on those days so Akaashi is eternally grateful.
Often tries to make you go to the gym with him SINCE Y’ALL BEST BELIEVE BOKUTO BABY AIN’T SKIPPIN LEG DAY.
Actually a really good workout partner though, he’s so hype and encouraging.
Grocery shopping is a nightmare, y’all come back with 3x as much as what was on the list while Bokuto just looks really sheepish and guilty like a dog who shredded up the sofa.
Your conversations are very minimal at first until he adjusts to living with you.
Hella private with his living space and his bedroom
You always suspected he’s got some like weird alien cult meeting from Fiji going on in there with how shady he acts sometimes.
After a while though he’s pretty chill and doesn’t mind TOO much when you invade his personal space or go through his stuff.
I’d still be careful though an angry Kags is not a pleasant one.
He’s a minimalist, so if you ever get decorating done it’s usually you that takes the reigns since as long as it’s got a roof, a stove, a bathroom and a bed he could literally not give a fuck.
Unexpectedly easy to please over the smallest things, make a meal for him after a long day of practise and it’ll be hard for him to contain an appreciative smile.
Do NOT pull him up on it though bc he will get defensive 
just embrace it bro you won’t see it often.
V good at getting up on time and hella quiet in the morning when going about his routine, it’s easy to forget he’s in the house a times so at least he’s considerate.
Honestly doesn’t care whether you come to practise or not it makes no difference to him. Though the closer you both get he will sometimes wait for the moment you walk through the door and mentally slap himself for doing so.
Sometimes plays music in his room but it’s always really quiet and hard to decipher unless you press your ear up against the door.
The boi plays some BOPS though which is really surprising???
Usually takes charge of stuff like grocery shopping, cleaning etc. 
Control freak™️ here to assist your household services. 
He’s pretty dense though with these matters and needs some guidance at times lmao
Will not get the item on your list unless you CLEARLY SPECIFY AND INCLUDE THE WHOLE DAMN TITLE OF THE ITEM
You’re surprised he doesn’t request you illustrate the fucking bar code.
In the end you sometimes end up caving and just either going with him or going in his place.
Once he warms up to you y’all like cracking little jokes at each other and pulling one another’s leg.
if you get up even the slightest bit late he’ll just throw a lil “good afternoon” with a smirk on his face.
Sometimes he will come and chill with you on the couch to binge watch shows and it’s just a really relaxed atmosphere.
has really good taste in movies and series??
Honestly just a hella respectful roommate as long as you respect him and his privacy in return.
You once stuck his knee-pads in the washing machine on a high temp and they came out ready to fit a 6 year old.
You still suspect he holds a grudge to this day.
He also tried to give them to Hinata and never have you seen him more genuinely offended lmao.
The pair of you always end up oversleeping and it’s a genuine problem ur the definition of a disaster duo.
If it wasn’t for Kuroo strolling into your sleeping quarters most mornings you guys would sleep till the suns ready to set again.
Bless up Kuroo.
Constant video game marathons and y’all always compete to top each others time
It’s basically just the speed-run side of YouTube but under one roof.
Cannot and will not cook he is too LAZY for that.
Only thing he will do is stick an apple pie in the oven.
He’s courteous though he leaves you like,,, a 1/8th slice
You mostly get take-out or you’re the one that ends up cooking.
Veeryyyyy quiet, only noise in the household is the occasional snicker or lil conversation.
he has such a soothing voice hnnnnnnnnnggggg
The only time it’s remotely loud is when you play video games but even then the volume is quite low.
You usually end up crashing in his room from playing games till the crack of dawn and Kuroo frequently scolds the two of you.
you don’t listen though lmao.
For some reason you both end up in a hugging position when you wake up and neither of you have addressed it.
Except for the sus side eye look Kuroo gives the pair of you when he finds you like this.
He knows if he mentions it you’ll both infiltrate his apartment and choke him out with a console cable lololol.
You order most of your groceries online bc Kenma’s social anxiety will skyrocket and not allow him to be in a store full of more than 10 people, poor bby.
It works out for you too since why tf go there when you can have it delivered to your door.
You often binge watch anime together and he has GREAT taste mind you.
You made him watch a romance anime once and he secretly enjoyed it.
Since then he will very awkwardly request to watch them occasionally and you can’t help but smile.
The only time you clean is when you have to, like bins brimming with trash before you decide to take them out.
You accidentally broke his fav controller once and he didn’t talk to you for a week LMAO.
Still handed you one to play split-screen though so you knew he wasn’t entirely resentful.
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
Ephemera Week (2002)
It’s still ephemera week, and we’re still talking about John K. I said most of my piece on him in the last post, so don’t expect there to go full bore on this one, except I forgot to say he’s animation’s Jerry Lewis. His current stuff is basically Hardly Working. I will not elaborate, because I’m being mean to you0.
In March, Adult Swim advertised a run of one-off specials. A couple of them were already covered because they fell under the parameters of “Adult Swim original production”. They were Welcome to Eltingville (March 3rd) and Saddle Rash (March 24th).
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Day in the Life of Ranger Smith | March 10th 2002 - 11:00 PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
This was one of two specials commissioned by Cartoon Network re-imagining Yogi Bear. The artist what took this assignment was John K, who I REEEAALLY skewered in last night’s post, didn’t I?
This is about Ranger Smith harassing animals and writing them up for violating park rules, basically. It’s short! I remember liking it at the time! Okay, maybe I’m going crazy here, but I distinctly remembered a part at the end where Ranger Smith is in bed and he solemnly confides in the viewer that the noises of wilderness give him nightmares and then it just ends. Did I imagine this? It does end with him in bed, but this doesn’t happen in the version on YouTube (which is from the Adult Swim airing). Huh.
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Boo Boo Runs Wild | March 10th 2002 - 11:15PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
Boo Boo Runs Wild was another one of these stand-alone Yogi Bear John K specials. This one was 30 minutes long. The Ranger Smith short was a brief 7 minutes; I’m guessing they aired a couple Capt. Lingers or something to fill time.
This one is about Boo Boo reverting to his feral nature and causing BIIIIG problems! This special would later go on to be kind of a weird trolling thing Adult Swim would do where they aired it every Sunday for a few months, even promoting regularly. This was like 2006, I think? They’d also air it as part of April Fools. Is that Adult Swim admitting this special sorta sucks? Does it sorta suck? Again, I liked these at the time and REFUSED to actively rewatch these for this write-up. Sorry.
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The Jetsons: Father and Son Day/The Best Son | March 10th, 2002 11:45PM (Originally aired on CartoonNetwork.com in 2001) Our John K rock block ends with a pair of Jetsons shorts, Father and Son Day and The Best Son respectively. This is kinda the same deal as his Yogi Bear shorts, but these were exclusive for Cartoon Network’s website. I remember watching them on there. They are as bad as you’d expect late-period John K internet shorts to be, though the second short is a superior version of Spielberg’s A.I. (in that it’s shorter).
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Night of the Living Doo | March 17th, 2002 - 11:00PM (originally aired on Cartoon Network, 2001)
Night of the Living Doo originally aired as wraparound segments during a Halloween Scooby Doo marathon on Cartoon Network. It’s kinda like an episode of the Scooby Doo Movies, which shoehorned in a guest star each episode. Suddenly my man Dick Van Dyke be running a carnival and shit. That’s the Scooby Doo Movies. At the end of the night they played all the wraparound segments in one uninterrupted sitting, so the viewer could appreciate it as an actual full-on Scooby Doo episode. Night of the Living Doo functioned both as an extension of that series as well as a parody. The guests were Gary Coleman, David Cross, and the very cool band Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. It was all very self-deprecating and had jokes about the absurdity of Scooby Doo tropes. Well trod territory by this point, sure. But this is better than most irreverent Scooby Doo things. It didn’t hurt that I was a HUGE David Cross fan when this aired. Is this where I tell the stupid-ass story about getting mad at a message board guy for not liking David Cross? Sure. Okay, yeah. When this aired on Adult Swim a guy on Kon’s (hi Kon) message board posted something about not finding David Cross funny, shrugging that he didn’t get the hype. He cited this and his appearances in the Men in Black movies, and nothing else as proof for his lackluster comedy skills. It’s kinda like deeming Eddie Murphy as a bad comedian after watching Dr. Doolittle.
The point of this special is that David Cross is a little wooden and stilted, like in the old Scooby Doo Movies episodes. This poster revealed that he never heard David Cross’s stand-up or seen Mr. Show, explaining “I don’t watch puppet shows” A response that still baffles me to this day. Why Mr. Show isn’t a-- WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT? I’m not even sure if there was EVER a puppet on Mr. Show*. David wasn’t even a guest on Crank Yankers at this point! SO WHAT THE FUCK? To this day whenever mutual pals from that board get together and watch a movie or show and a puppet appears we make a joke about this guy. Good story? No? Fuck you.
Other stuff about this show: When it originally aired on Cartoon Network it was a little bit longer than the Adult Swim version. There’s a missing scene. I think it’s David trying to play an improv game with a mummy or something. At one point I had it on tape, but I’m not sure I kept it. Sorry.
*sorry to be coy here, but I do know of at least one puppet on Mr. Show, episode 204 there is brief footage of Grass Valley Greg putting on a puppet show for his staff. This CAN’T be the source of the confusion, can it? It’s literally like, 5 seconds.
This’ll teach me to skip a day cuz this really piled up. Thanks, guys. I love all the attention. It is my favorite thing.
I never really saw oblongs as something for the hot topic set. They had Invader Zim and Squee for that kind of shit. Oblongs feel like it was always directly targeting me: the shut-in comedy nerd who would appreciate will ferrell and the sklars being in a thing. Since they ended up doing the exact same show with Janeane Garofalo and David Cross a few years later it seems like that was the goal.
Yeah, I guess that also makes sense. There were a few elements that were kinda gothy but this show was mostly just Angus Oblong ahem, clowning around (puckering mouth to stifle laughter like Chris Elliott in Cabin Boy)
What are your thoughts on the other adult animation blocks of the past couple decades? Spike's notriously failed attempt. Animation Domination. Apparently Syfy has had their own going?
Spike was irredeemably bad. People think this shit is easy. Animation Domination is sorta legit, but it’s anchored by mostly crap. That ADHD thing was kinda good and underrated. Is that still going on? I wish I were more diligent about watching/recording that. Some of them bumpers were good. Also, we mustn’t forget MTV’s oddities. They were kinda the first cable network to court Adult Animation as their thing. They deserve some kind of credit for that. I’m sure they’re doing fine.
I'm having a nice big thing of spaghetti for dinner with some chicken parm? Jealous?
I’ve never had those are they good
What does Ephemera mean? Why is this happenening? Why aren't you talking about 10 Home Movies episodes in a row like a good boy.
In dude time, my friend. In dude time
What would be your Adult Swim dream come true?
Having a complete archive of Adult Swim blocks on a harddrive like Don Giller has with his Letterman archive. Even the commercials and shit. I know of a guy who was a regular taper of the entire block from night 1 but I’m not sure he kept up with it when they went nightly. I should ask him if he still has his tapes, huh?
That or they bring back the BUILD YOUR OWN DVD thing but with blu-rays and you can make your own bumps, which was a different thing they had. THEY SHOULD COMBINE THEM. And you can master it in SD if you wanna put 10 hours of stuff on a disk.
All this is archival bullshit dork shit. Real answer: Clay Croker comes back from the dead and every block is hosted by Space Ghost. That’d be it, right?
If anyone has genuine/better answers please write in with them I wanna keep this conversation going. ‘kay?
McDonalds reintroduces limited edition Adult Swim Toys. You can get them all (plus an extra to keep wrapped for collectors purposes) but you have to spend 20 dollars at McDonalds to grab them all. This is the last day of the promotion. You have to personally eat everything you buy but you can take it home. You can only buy one of each food item. What are you getting? I know the longer the mailbag message is the quicker you are inclined to give some glib remark but indulge this one for once.
Oh wow. I’m literally going to take this seriously. I’d roll in as breakfast was ending. Get myself a McChicken Biscuit and a Bacon Egg & Cheese McGriddle, hashbrowns and a Coffee. Gobble that knob on down. Wipe my mouth with a napkin. It’s lunchtime, bitch. Big Mac, Large Fries, BIG ass soda. You feel me, dude? Lemme tally up. Okay, probably need more. 20 piece nugget. Take that home cuz I’m probably gonna have to save some for dinner. That’s probably 20 bucks right there, especially if you go to the McDonalds on Burnside where all the menu items are more expensive because of the amount of security they have to hire (did you know that different McDonalds have different prices even in the same city? I didn’t until very recently). If this somehow doesn’t satisfy my price point I get a Vanilla shake and eat it anally DURING my BIG D squirt sesh, so it’ll spend as little time in my body as possible. Wait, do I get something for this? I might do this tomorrow just cuz. It sounds like a funky thing to do
Do you think you'll open an Adult Swim mueseum at some point? You seem to be the only steward of its history.
Unless I’m hired to by a large corporation, probably not. Also I don’t think I actually have much in the way of merch other than DVDs. I stopped being a DVD completist at some point around Freaknick The Musical. Oh, I never EVER bought a Robot Chicken DVD, EVER. I literally had a nightmare once that one appeared in my collection.
Hey! Please keep us abreast any time you put more of your garbage on eBay. Maybe you can put your wedding dress on there, you big girl.
Fucking sexist/trasphobic behavior.
Check out my eBay auctions I got season 18 of NCIS up there and some other things :)
The Ripping Friends blow chunks. I don't care if a rapist or the opposite of a rapist (a virgin who volunteers, lol) made it. It sucks a high hard one like when Ozzy banged the Cheiftan's Wife in that Black Sabbath TV Funhouse cartoon. Tell me more.
Tell you more?
Name one rap song you tolerate lol. You can't say anything by weird al or marky mark.
I guess I like the song the pest sings from the motion picture The Pest
Are there any good podcasts on adult swim?
The official one hosted by Matt Harrigan is good, but I’ve only bounced around on it. I don’t know if there’s any formal recap ones. I simply don’t know!
Buddy, you are BANNED for LIFE from my MAIL BAG! You drive me CRAZY!
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conservativetranny · 3 years
2020 blog update
Hello. No idea if any of you ‘remember’ me but I do seem to have a fair few followers on here. I managed to access the login information for this account and it is safe to say this blog is dead. I denounce everything I stood for on this stupid shit. 
I’m writing this because it’s what the blog deserves. Not looking to be dramatic, not looking for sympathy, in fact I think i’ll get a bit of backlash for this but bring it on. 
The past and the present- a summary
I had this blog when I was 14, unfortunately way too young to have a social media presence (one which carried any responsibility like this one anyway). No matter what age I said I was, no matter how I portrayed myself or how you, my followers interpreted me, I was a sad young trans guy desperately hoping to look big, cool, masculine and stoic, and that manifested in the most toxic way possible. 
I’m 17 now, still very very young, and after developments in my life, especially pursuing my medical transition and becoming happy within myself, I no longer hold such toxic beliefs as I once did. I am happier with myself and no longer feel the need to sacrifice others’ dignity, respect, and unfortunately sometimes on this blog, privacy, for my own. I was a very insecure, stubborn, and ignorant teenager, who dealt with a lot of denial. I’m not blaming the way I treated people online on other factors, but of course external factors came into play. I was dealing with bullying and insecurity, with parental problems, and with loneliness and depression. I seeked some sort of community, and I wanted to push myself away from the ‘weak’ trans community (the way I viewed it at the time). I wasn’t in denial personally, with the fact that I was trans (being gay is a different story- I was in complete denial with the fact that I’m gay), more just with the way other people viewed me (I will expand on this). I could elaborate on the way in which I viewed other people and the way that projected onto my conduction online, but it is a complex and confusing story. I have completely changed my viewpoint on trans ‘discourse’, I am open minded, I am close friends with people I would have turned my ignorant nose up at years ago. I am so proud to say that I am a completely different person now. I grow every day, it seems, and I can assure that I will never return to this ignorant mindset.
With experience, I have grown too. Obviously, from 14-17 i have become more mature. I have different experiences now as well, for example, I don’t bind often at all really anymore, because its more comfortable and can sometimes make me more dysphoric to know I am binding. I’m bringing this up because I bet you back when I was active on this blog, I would’ve laughed at the more mature, tolerant me, and probably went on a tyrade about how I was a fake trans guy or less of a man for not binding. I often wonder what ‘old me’ would think of ‘new me’. Now obviously, three years isn’t a hell of a big difference, but to a 17 come 18 year old it is. I understand I am not an adult yet, but I’ve always taken pride in conducting myself with a sense of maturity and articulacy, and for this post and platform especially I feel it is appropriate.
The Truscum Mindset
Back when I ran this blog, I was in an echo chamber of like minded people, which didn’t help my ideological development. I watched youtubers like Blaire White and Kalvin Garrah, who I thought gave me a balanced, moderate, and fair opinion which is clear is not the case. Back then I would’ve scoffed at the idea of Blaire and Kalvin and other similar people as being radical or a gateway, but I urge you, if you feel you are slipping to obsession with those ideologies, to seek to widen your opinions and associations. I understand it’s a fairly niche discourse topic, but for me it opened a wider rabbit hole into the alt right. From wanting to fit into the lgbt and wider communities as a masculine male, this opened up the black hole of the alt right, I browsed (now deleted) subreddits and 4chan boards, and forums that put me in a very negative and dangerous place. If you’d like me to make a post elaborating on this, I am more than happy to, but this post is to address conservativetranny.
Denial and owning up to responsibility
Back in 2017/18, I was very much in denial of certain aspects of myself, especially my sexuality. I am gay. I thought that this was, and especially as a trans guy, a demasculating quality. I still deal with those feelings sometimes, as a lot of young gay guys do, but thankfully it does not manifest itself as toxic as it once did. I just wanted to portray myself online as how I thought I wanted to be viewed-I didn’t want to be viewed like ‘any other trans guy’. I wanted to be different, but now I can appreciate individuality and I can also embrace being trans as well.
I used to think that having alt views was the coolest thing ever, which contributed to my slip into the alt right, something on which I’ll elaborate on in later posts. I am now an advocate for deradicalisation, and being rational, truly rational. I’m also an advocate for maturity and owning up to your mistakes.
I have hurt people, especially in my personal life, throughout my time as a stupid, thoughtless immature teenager and i am sorry, from the bottom of my heart, for that. I now respect the hell out of those people and unfortunately, but definitely rightfully so, they have lost their respect for me. I don’t blame them, because as I said, up until very recently I was a horrible, toxic person. With maturity, in the past half a year I have been able to own up to my mistakes and I am now taking responsibility for that. No excuses, because I was a shitty person. Of course there is a line between excuses and justification, and I hope those which are reading this can distinguish and appreciate this difference.
Self Hatred and Truscum
Back when I ran this blog, it was very easy to tell I was self hating. Everything I wrote on here, pretty much, was hateful except for the odd two posts that were about something unrelated to my ideology. I was extremely dysphoric and in a bad place when I wrote these things and certainly projected my insecurities onto others. I wanted to find a community of different thinking people that would accept me, and this community was certainly the wrong turn. I had a feeling that it was wrong at the time, but I was too naive and cowardly to own up to it and seek a way out. I kind of just naturally fell out of it, a a lot of things happened in my personal life in late 2018 that forced me out of trans discourse and into much more toxic places like the alt right and true crime fandoms, and I think I’ve only recently ‘found myself’ in the past year or so. I might make a post on self growth on the future as I intend to keep this blog to elaborate and voice my opinions on deradicalisation and highlight the importance of owning up and self awareness.
Don’t fall into the rabbithole
I’m not too acquainted with trans discourse anymore, so I’m out of the loop on this one, but I’d imagine that there’s still ‘transmed vs tucute’ ideas. Kalvin Garrah’s community comes to mind, I haven’t watched his videos ‘as a fan’, if that makes sense, for a while now but I am aware he has a large fanbase of young trans teens that were in a similar mindset to where I was back when I ran this blog. I would love for this post to reach his opposers and supporters for that matter, as a means to show them that they don’t have to fall into this cycle of hate which can be very damaging. I used to be an avid fan of Kalvin, and Blaire White, amongst others. I watched exclusively their content alone and formed my opinions around theirs. If you’re doing that now, I urge you to consider other people when you do. Think about the people like Brennan Beckwith, people who were severely impacted and hurt by hateful rhetoric. Those people are human too, and with maturity you will learn that people with different experiences and views are, at the end of the day, the same as you, and they have feelings as well .I’m going to make a post in the future about Kalvin Garrah, certainly, but maybe Blaire White as well.
Why now?
You may be wondering why this post is being made now of all times, and that is a question that has every right to be asked. I feel as if this timing is right because I finally possess the level of maturity needed to own up to my mistakes and tell you that I was wrong and it was certainly wrong to post those opinions and mistakes online for all to see, and put people in my real life on blast like I did.
I had completely forgotten about this blog, and forgot about the rude and ignorant words I had written towards the people in my real life, until chance had it that I was in contact with one of the people mentioned in this post. [https://conservativetranny.tumblr.com/post/169351517511/no-one-pretends-to-be-trans]
I’m not going to go into the nuances of the conversation we had, but it turns out they had, for a while and definitely rightfully so been hurt by the fact that I had mentioned them, by name, in this post. And while I’d of course still like to keep these people anonymous and will not sacrifice their anonymity in order to tell a story or ‘save myself’, this post is quite funny to read back on as I am good friends with the people referred to as ‘P’ and ‘Shadow’ now.
This is the end of this post, as I feel I have said everything I have wanted to say regarding my previous conduct on this blog. I’m going to change my name on this blog and my bio as I do intend on further posts in the future. I’m not sure how many people, if any, this post will reach, but I’m satisfied I have written this anyway. I certainly do plan on writing future posts but I’m not exactly sure how to formulate them. But thank you so much for reading this far, and if you have, I appreciate it.
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
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2020.05.30 DIR EN GREY SPECIAL TALK - The Freedom of Expression - Kyo and Kaoru - translation
(if you notice any mistakes, typos or can give extra information, it’d be very welcome!^ ^)
J- so from now on we will start The Freedom of Expression. I, Joe Yokomizo, will be the MC. (everyone yoroshikus) J- Kyo, it's been a while! Kyo- Hello! (he turns) J- How are you doing? Kyo- could be better. J- I have a message from Toshiya from last week, 'Have you tried the ramen restaurant I told you about? And if you - as a gourmet/foodie - can recommend me any good shop, please!' So what do you say? Kyo- Actually, I forgot the name of the ramen place. J- Hahahah!! Kyo - so I didn't go yet. But anyway, all shops are closed now. Hm, I can't think of a good shop to recommend. J- I see... How did you arrive in a situation that Toshiya recommended you a ramen place? Kyo- I think we were probably talking about Jiro (famous ramen chain), J- Jiro, yeah. Kyo - And from that talk he told me about a good place. J- I see. There are so many comments crying that you forgot the name of the shop. Kyo - If I had my smartphone with me I'd have saved the name, but I hadn't. 
Kyo(changing topic)- you know, I actually know your voice well. J- Eh? How? Kyo- From the radio. J- Ah? Thank you! Kyo - My tattoo place has the radio tuned to your program, and the timing was right. And I recognized your voice 'oh it's Joe'. While being in pain I was listening to your voice, so your voice has a bad connotation for me. (Joe LOLs) J- That is not my fault you know! XD Kyo- But it has this painful image for me, it's imprinted now. J- (laughing) so when you hear my voice you remember the pain. Kyo - Exactly. Like ' eh that voice again!' Joe LOLs again- so now my voice must be a nightmare for you! Kyo- Yup. I even asked my tattooist, 'do you always listen to this?' and they replied 'yeah' (they laugh a bit more). And that time we talked about many things, but all that talk content and your voice both have the pain attached to it. J- I'm so sorry! XD (the smirks, the laughs XD)
J- Kaoru came once as a guest to my program. Kyo- Yeah, I guess. J- So sometime you could both come as well. Kyo - Ah... (Joe and Kaoru both LOL) J- I can see you really don't want to! Kyo- But you really grill your guests! J- That's true. Kyo- Right? So for me it's 100% NOPE. J- I see. But in that program we often talk about intrigues or hot news. What do you think about those topics? Kyo- Intrigues? I'm quite interested. J- Do you know any recent hot news? Something interesting. Kyo - There are many, but even as I'm really not into youtubers there is only this one that is great, Naokiman show. I'm watching him quite a lot. And I watch many things connected to that, but from youtubers only that person. I even bought his book. Y- I'm also doing The Dave Fromm Channel on TouTube, so maybe you would like to come to take up on some topic? Kyo- I can't see that happening. (Joe laughs at the rejection XD)
Kyo- If you want a crazy talk, talking about aliens, don't we have one among our band members? J (connects the dots)- Ah yeah! Without you saying the name I think I know who you mean somehow. Kyo- From the very beginning he was always very strange. Really. J- In what way? Kyo- I totally cannot imagine his daily life, like his place doesn't feel like a place where someone lives, it's hard to explain properly. J- I see. Kaoru, you keep nodding, do you think so too? Kaoru- You could feel it two weeks ago, right? His house. J- Yeah it didn't feel like a proper lived-in place. But for example after you finish a concert is there anything human-like about him? There must be some anecdotes, where he is human-like. Kyo- But there's really nothing like that. (Joe laughs) Kyo- For real.
Kaoru- What was it, when we visited him and a fax came and he ATE it. (Kyo and Joe ROTFL and clap) Kaoru- It's a real story. Was it me or Toshiya?  We were at his home, a fax came in and started coming out so he grabbed it and ate it. J- That's really something. In the comments I can see many 'a goat!' (=eats paper). You get some information or announcements with faxes, right? So it's definitely not a good idea to eat them. An urban legend story. But Kyo, is there no heart warming stories about him? He's probably watching today. Kaoru- but he usually says not to talk about him. Joe laughs- Well, all of you have their own space. (?)
Kyo- But I really don't have any warm story about him. You know we don't really talk among ourselves. But fe when we are abroad we would do talk like 'how many more shows left' or 'today this part was good' and so on. But with him I haven't talked even once. J- Really?! lol Kyo- Really! He doesn't talk to me, if I say something to him he will reply, but isn't it sad for me? If I don't ask him he will never talk to me. It's like I'm being played with. Even as I wait for him to approach me first it hasn't happened for 20 years. J-I see.
Kyo- But he seems to be really into board games. J- Oh ok. Kyo- He's collecting board games from around the world. J- I've also heard about it. Kyo- Recently there's a TV show (?) about various board games, I've only seen that, but thinking he has a lot of that at home is kinda gross. (??) Kyo- He doesn't invite us, but he plays board games with other people. J- Well, he can't play alone. Kyo- Yeah, but I would like him to return some of that energy towards DIR EN GREY. J-I see. Kyo- And to occasionally ask me 'how was the show today?' or to say 'you sang well today' or even say 'Kaoru, you did well today'. (Kaoru laughs) Kyo- Wouldn't it be good? Kaoru- But if it would actually happen I'd just be 'what the hell????? (all ROTFL) What's wrong with him?' J- It would actually make you worried. Kaoru- I'd be surprised. J- If he did it when you can play shows again, you'd know he was watching today. Kyo- But shouldn't that be something normal? It's about why him saying that would be so weird. J- Because you really didn't talk at all until now. Kyo- He really only does riddles. Kaoru- When we all join a chat (about work) and someone asks for his opinion, he only replies 'that's good'. The end. (bad connection time)
J- But then, Kyo, if you had to do a live stream with him, without any MC, could you? There was a comment like this. Kyo- Wouldn't that be favourable for him? Kaoru- I can see that. And you'd get hurt/make look funny. Kyo- Yeah, He would just stay quiet, you ask him something and only get a one word answer. J- Okay, I see it now. So there would be no proper conversation. Kyo- How about you invite him to your program? I could listen to you both when getting tattooed J- I think it would double or tripple the  tattooing pain. Kyo- I think it'd make me numb, the pain. J- So I should invite Shinya as a guest once as an experiment to see how much it could numb Kyo's pain. Kaoru- It'd be interesting.
J- There are many comments asking for more details of the Nichome story. Toshiya told us about is last week. Kyo- Nichome?? J- Nichome, you were drinking in Shinjuku and after someone started talking to you, a couple from Nichome. Kyo- All members went that time? J- I think Toshiya said it was only you and him. Kyo- I really don't remember. I don't go to Nichome. And we don't go drinking together. Kaoru- Studio was still... J- Ah right! He said you were going back from the studio. Yeah, you were recording, on your way back two of you were approached [by a gay couple]. Kyo- ???huh? J- In comments everyone says it was in Gyoenmae. Kyo- at the park, there were two men, I think, sitting there, and while laughing they start waving their hands to us, and scared we run away - this story I think? J- Did you remember? Kyo- Slightly. J- Why were you together that time? Kyo- I really can't remember. Wasn't that over 20 years ago? J- That long ago? Then isn't it surprising how well Toshiya remembered that? Kyo- Because he got so scared? Kaoru- Around that time, I often walked near the park there going to the recording. I remember once there was a huge old guy dressed up as a white lolita, with an umbrella even as there were no rain. I also run away. J- Around there you can meet many unique people. 
J- Kyo, how about any anecdotes about Die? Kyo- Ah but I don't drink so we didn't go out together. J- oh. Kyo- About Die - Once when we finished the show I remember he was really angry. When we were touring abroad and we finished the show, he was so angry. That happened few times, I asked other people what happened but no one knew. Was it about his own playing, something about the band, I wasn't sure. J- Why was he angry. Kyo- Yeah. J- That time did you ask him? Kyo - I didn't wanted to ask in case it was my fault. J- Kaoru, have you seen Die getting angry? Kaoru- I have. (different air about him?)
J- Well, when you tour so much there are things you're just not happy about. That's the real charm of live shows. Kyo- When we go abroad, the sound is all jumbled, during the show PA will go somewhere, the lights will act strangely, and I always have huge problems with my ear monitor. J- The real problems. So how do you deal with problems like that abroad? Kyo- You just give up. Being bothered by it all the time would be worse, I'd just take the monitor out, to not get hit by it harder. J- It's better without it, than be annoyed by it. Kyo- I'd hear clicks and snares all the time, if I focus on that I won't be able to enjoy the show. But when it gets bad it's really bad. J- When you deal these kind of conditions, do the shows turn out well? Many times it depends on the audience. (to get a miraculous moment, everyone says it was not good ??) How can you finish the concert? Kaoru- But on the contrary, at the times I felt it wasn't good I got told it was great, and when I thought we did great I get very meh reactions. J- What do you think, Kyo? Kyo- Same. J- So what are your ....conditions for a good show? Kaoru- when I don't remember the song, I just play without thinking. J- So you just follow your instinct, trust the music. How about you, Kyo? Kyo- For me it's the same. It's better not to overthink it. J- But vocalists have it tough, after singing your throat might end up in various condition, what happens if you suddenly lose it? Kyo- I don't really know myself. ...But there was a time I really couldn't make any sound, was it Gunma? I couldn't even speak. But the show that time was amazing. But them there were times when I could really sing well but it did't really connect with the audience emotionally. So I don't think it depends on how well I'm singing. J- To reach the audience is not only about sounding perfect.
(lastly, Joe asked for questions and comments for the last part)
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thetwoplayergays · 4 years
During quarantine, my dad and I have been taking long drives and visiting some of the nearby forest-y places, how do the RFA and MC spend their time together?
Speaking of, I hope everyone out there is having a safe quarantine, including you anon (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ I hope this satisfies what you had in mind! I had to write it twice cause I deleted the first draft...
RFA during quarantine
His first instinct when he thinks about being stuck inside for the next few months isn’t how he’ll be spending it with you...
No, instead his first instinct is to turn on the computer
Of course, with the increase in players and traffic to the site, the game appeared to be getting a lot more maintanance than it usually would, which annoyed the blonde boy.
“I’m meant to be doing a raid today MC! What am I doing to do now....”
“...Well for one you could do something with me?”
“Oh yeah!”
After finally tearing him away from his computer, the two of you decide to be productive during this time and learn a couple new skills!
First week: Cooking.
Of course, it would be easier to learn about such a thing if the supplies in the shops weren’t extremely limited, causing you both to have to make up substitutes as you went along.
You almost burnt the kitchen down twice in one week
You gave up with cooking after that
It wasn’t entirely a bad thing, you even got Yoosung to invest some of his time into your favourite games, which to your pleasant surprise he seemed to genuingly enjoy!
A few weeks in, he found an old guitar from high school in storage.
Worst. Discovery. Ever.
“Yoosung no...”
The next few days were filled with the sound of out-of-tune plucked strings overlapping the various youtube videos Yoosung was ‘learning’ from.
“Hey MC, I think I can finally play Hey There Delilah!”
“That’s wonderful honey...”
This man was SO EXCITED to spend lockdown with you and immediately started to plan all the wonderful things you two were going to do together.
The beast certainly had a few ideas as well
It was domestic bliss for you two
You couldn’t get your hands off of eachother for even a minute
You did everything together - eating, sleeping, showering etc.
The RFA commented on how suffocating it was, but neither of you seemed to mind.
It only solidified the knowledge that you two were destined to spend the rest of your life together.
A few times, Zen had caught himself almost calling you his wife, causing him to immediately hide his face away from you in fear of you commenting on his sudden blush.
There was a downside however. 
Zen’s routine was in shambles
Products were sold out left right and centre, food shopping was even worse, it was driving him crazy.
You found yourself having to remind him that a break in his rountine wasn’t going to be the end of the world and that you loved him regardless, even if he got a pimple or two.
Don’t even go there MC
You found yourselves cooking together more often too, showing Zen how to prepare more meals that were normally out of his diet range.
Of course, it wasn’t like he could resist your cooking anyway.
Whenever you two got a little too stir crazy, he would take you on motorbike rides through the city, more often than not resulting in you two at the top of a mountain stargazing.
It turned into a weekly tradition, one which you both promised to keep up even after quarantine.
You would think that the lockdown would give Jaehee the break she so desperately needed, right?
You would be wrong.
With the cafe closed, this girl threw herself into her work just for something to do
Much to your dismay.
It took a lot of persuading for her to get up from the computer and spend time with you during the initial first few weeks, but it was definitely worth it.
This girl was also extremely prepared to the lockdown before it was even announced.
Sanitiser? Got it, she had spare incase the cafe ran out
Masks? No problem. She had many still in storage from the days she would force herself into work even whilst sick
Again, much to your dismay
You suggested that instead of doing mindless work on her computer that she could help you with a different project you had in mind.
“A project? Whatever could we do in a time like this?”
Redesigning the cafe!
It was something the two of you had talked about many times before quarantine, but had never gotten round to going through with it.
You both took it upon yourself to fill your day with physical and mental labour, pushing around furniture, painting the walls, coming up with new bakes and sales to draw the customers in etc.
It was hard, but it was so worth it.
During the evenings, you two would bundle up together on your sofa and pick a set of movies to watch before bed.
One of you always fell asleep before the end- not that either of you would mind.
Out of all of the RFA, he was definitely the closest to breaking the social distancing rule
The idea of not seeing you- touching you- for an unknown amount of time was driving him crazy.
Mr We-shouldn’t-move-in-together-until-marriage was certainly about to rip that view right out of his head just for the chance to kiss you again.
He distracted himself by constantly checking up on you.
“Do you need food? I can have one of the guards stop by a local shop to grab- what do you mean everything is sold out? Can’t they just order more?”
“Jumin no-”
You had to teach him about video calling so he would stop asking for selfies every ten minutes, disputing his claim about how he ‘was already missing your beauty’. 
It went about as well as you might imagine it would...
“Press the little video icon to turn on your camera- no the other one. It looks like a small- NO JUMIN THAT’S THE MUTE BUTTON.”
When you did eventually get it working, he was more than thrilled to be able to talk to you face to face again. He even looked up how to take screenshots on his computer so he could save them.
“You know MC, this platform has a lot of potential uses...”
Down boy its only been a week.
At first you thought just video calling him was enough to satisfy his need to see you, hoping he would stop complaining about ‘missing your touch’.
That was until Driver Kim showed up at your door.
“Mr Han has asked that you pack your bags ma’am. It seems he is rather fond of the idea that you spend this quarantine with him instead.”
Of course he does.
You are thankful though, you missed him more than you were willing to admit. 
This boy spends his life indoors anyway, he barely registered the lockdown announcement when it finally came.
But when you brought up the idea of spending quarantine with him instead of in your own apartment, that’s when his interest finally peaked.
He picked you up in one of his babies, grinning from ear to ear as he helped you with your small bag of things. 
“Operation 707 and 606′s lockdown extravanganza - COMMENCE!”
To no one’s surprise, he had hacked into the shopping network the moment he knew basic supplies would become sparse and ordered everything you both would need to come straight to his doorstep.
Which in his eyes meant a dozen boxes of Dr Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips. 
He would often complain to you about being an ‘essential worker’ because he was still hacking even in the lockdown, but you quickly shot him down.
“MC! You’re so mean! I’m doing this for you! Reward me!!”
The only reward he got was a pillow to the face
When he wasn’t working, the two of you spent your time playing games and watching movies mostly, with the occasional prank call to Yoosung sprung in if you were extra bored.
As much as he joked around about it, Seven was genuinely thankful that you chose to spend such a delicate time with him instead of alone, and made sure to remind you of it at least once a week.
Sometimes he’d go out of his way to cook you your favourite meal, sometimes he’d run a special bubble bath and light some scented candles for a relaxing night, sometimes there were other things too-
But he was genuinely happy to spend every day with you like this, it reminded him of how lucky he was to have you in his life.
Jihyun was concerned at first about the lockdown and his career as a photographer.
Where was he going to go now? Where would he find his inspiration?
His questions were thankfully answered when you walked through the door.
The two of you started a small project amongst yourselves to try and spread some positivity in the community involving V’s photographs.
You’d find inspiration around the house you shared and create these elaborate photoshoots between the two of you that you would share online, encouraging those at home to do the same.
It actually became rather popular, so the two of you continued it.
Your personal favourite entries were the photographs from Jumin as he tried to capture Elizabeth in all her glory but failed miserably.
It was the effort that counted though
When you weren’t taking photos, Jihyun was constantly entertaining you with various activities and puzzles, leading to your weekly board game tradition which was one that you very much enjoyed.
Living in the countryside, you were lucky enough to be able to spend your exercise out in the wilderness with your boyfriend, mindlessly cloud gazing and discussing what the future could possibly have in store for the both of you.
You made sure to spend this time making Jihyun feel as loved as possible too, showering him with little gestures of gratitude for his efforts in keeping you sane during this scary time, which only made him fall in love with you more.
Stuck.... inside...?
For months???
Saeran was not about that lockdown life, and immediately went into a grump only you were able to drag him out of.
“Saeran it won’t be so bad! I’m sure it’ll go by in a flash!”
“....You’ll stay with me for it?”
“Of course.”
The two of you slowly get into a comfortable rhythm with eachother, with the you both making sure to give each other space if the other felt suffocated or emotionally drained at any point.
You find yourselves searching around the house for anything you could possibly use to entertain yourselves, eventually stumbling upon a pile of old jigsaw puzzles you had forgotten about.
And thus a tradition was born
Both you and Saeran discovered your love of jigsaws during the quarantine, finding them to be both mentally stimulating and emotionally relaxing at the same time.
Plus, the satisfaction of finishing one you had been working on for the last few hours was extremely satisfying to say the least and quickly became one of your favourite activities to do with Saeran.
You ended up asking Seven if he could do you a favour halfway through the lockdown when your boyfriend had had a particularly hard day, and low and behold, a whole box of ice cream appeared at your doorstep a week later.
“...MC how did this get here?”
“Must have been a miracle darling. Now, how about a movie night, hm?”
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hoplessdreamer9796 · 4 years
BTS 8th Member - Your Friends
Best Friends: Kim Hanbin (B.I from Ikon. (Pretend he’s still in Ikon and YG didn’t snake one of their best artists.) Your mothers are best friends and so when you moved to Korea, he was the only person you knew so you clung to each other. He was also one of your best friends through high school. He is your best friend and you both have always been there for each other. The both of you tried alcohol for the first time together, which you stole from his father’s liquor cabinet. Were there for each other’s first relationships and first heartbreaks. You were there for his parents’ divorce at 12 (I made this up idk if it’s true). You ditched classes and went to go sit on the roof of your apartment building to talk about your futures together. His aspirations for music and yours to live peacefully. In your friendship group he is the grandfather that clings to his youth. He hates any physical activities other than mountain hiking but loves going on nights out. You both even got matching tattoos as soon as it was legal, and it will be explained later. “You can’t push me away Y/N! So, get angry, scream and shout but I’m not going anywhere! I’m your best friend that shit doesn’t work on me!”) Park Shinhye (Despite your age difference you two are best friends, you consider each other sisters. Grew close because you both work in the entertainment industry but both don’t have girls around you, you by being in BTS and her by being an actress so when you both met at an award show soon after BTS debuted you clicked. You both were there for each other threw everything. She’s one of your best friends and you often have movie nights when you’re both free. She cried for you when BTS won a daesang for the first time, that moment went viral. BTS walked off the stage, and were still visible by fans but near backstage, and you two ran at each other like dramatic losers as she was crying more than you were and you were both shouting at each other to stop crying while continuing to hug. Fans love that moment and your friendship. She often states that you are her best friend both in this industry and in life. “I never really thought it was possible to connect to someone like that. But I honestly think that in another life we were sisters.”) Min Sooah (Best friend from high school is your secretary, for now, and is one of your pillars. You would not be able to function without her. There’s an ongoing joke that she is basically your mother, you worry her to no end. She is very grateful to you. After her father broke his hip and was not able to continue working, she had to drop out of university to go to work. You gave her the job as your secretary despite her not being qualified. You needed someone you trusted, and you knew she would work hard. Now she is one of the most important people in your company. She is the Dad of the group always complaining about how “I gave up my youth to look after you brats and none of you have time to spend with me? Okay I see how it is. Daehyun this is your influence on them!”) Ok Hwayoung (Best friend from high school now she is your personal shopper. After university she became a personal shopper, and you thanked the sky’s because she chooses all of your clothes to pack when traveling or when you have formal business meetings. You like buying clothes but you hate the process of shopping and trying things on, so you tell her what pieces you want, and she’ll get it. She also organises your wardrobe ‘cause she’s OCD like that. She also is a hopeless romantic and is constantly trying to talk you and Hangyeol into giving up your partying lifestyle because, “How are we supposed to have a group wedding if you don’t let yourselves find the ones you idiots?!”) Lee Hangyeol (Best friend from high school he owns a mechanics and auto repair shop and he is the only one you trust with you cars. He is also the only one of your best friends who encourages you attitude towards your love life as he is also not into committed relationships. You're both each other’s wingmen. You guys are basically the epitome of lads’ lads when around each other. You’re the loud, annoying people in a bar gassing each other up to chug your drinks down. Whenever one wants to go on a night out the other is always down. “Who needs a relationship? Tequila is just as good. Gives me a fun night and then when the fun wears off it give me a headache and regrets. That’s basically a relationship.”) Tae Daehyun (Best friend from high school he works as a pd on tv shows mainly running man. He was also on the track team back in high school. The two of you often go out on runs together. After seeing what the industry is like behind the camera, he worries a lot for you. Especially since he knows no matter how crappy you feel you’d rather down the nearest bottle of alcohol than talk about it. So, he always tries to let you know if you need to talk, he’s there. Also hates how much you and Hangyeol drink and always tries to make sure you guys eat a proper meal before going out and drinking. He’s also the one in your friend group who can be bothered to cook, he got so offended when he found out you hired a personal chef but then he tasted her food and is okay with it. He’s the Mum of the group. “What the hell is wrong with you all? You can’t throw a knife at the apple on his his head! Are you crazy? See this is what I have to deal with Sooah. But if you weren’t so busy working, you’d know that!”) Ryeo Chungae (Best friend from high school and she works on the public relations for your company. When she first joined your company, she always felt like she got the job because she’s your friend, but you wouldn’t have given her the job if you didn’t think she could do it. She went through a hard time when her boyfriend cheated on her with her old boss. Instead of being scared of falling in love again she wants love. Trying to convince you and Hangyeol that it’s is amazing when secretly she is glad that you won’t be able to get hurt. She is a pushover in all aspects of life except for work. When it comes to work, she is a force to be reckoned with. So instead of staying at her old job with her boss she resigned after making a scene about the boss sleeping with her boyfriend which got said boss fired. When she is with all of your friends, she is also very outspoken and opinionated. However, when it comes to people she isn’t comfortable with her anxiety acts up. You and all your friends are protective of her in situations where her anxiety gets bad. Her ideal life is a Hallmark movie. “One day I’m gunna meet the man of my dreams. He’s gunna be tall and handsome and most importantly he’ll take me away from all of you dumbass motherfuckers.”) Hak Daeho (Best friend from high school he works at Songsun’s shop as and is in charge of customising cars. He is the one that never wants to go out and always wants to stay home. He prefers a night in with his friends than at some stupid club where Y/N and Hangyeol ditch a half hour after arriving, most of the time. He doesn’t have the best relationship with his family after they found out he didn’t want to become a lawyer like his parents and siblings. His parents kicked him out and cut him off. Y/N payed for his college tuition even though he protested, you just said it was a loan and that he can pay you back someday. However, after he had been able to save up to pay you back you told him to shut up and buy a damn apartment which is what he did. Thanking the universes for his friends. He stayed in an apartment with Hwayoung, Daehyun and Chungae during college and no matter how many times he couldn’t pay rent his friends always had his back. It also helped that every time you visited you stocked the fridge and freezer. He thinks of you all as family more than he does of his own family. “You guys are a bunch of fucking idiots. Like you’re my family but damn you guys are stupid.”) Park Soomi (Best friend from high school. She is the most subscribed to female Korean youtuber with 11 million subscribers. She is also and ambassador for Jeonsa cosmetics although at first, she didn’t want to be as she felt like it would be using her friendship with you to her advantage. However, after you convinced her to accept, she did. You also knew that you could trust her since she has always been honest with you and never expects anything from you. You also knew that she would be advantageous for your company so it’s not like you’re just giving her money your promoting your company through her brand. After you explained this she reluctantly agreed. She is the loud, chaotic crackhead of the group. Constantly doing dumb shit. “Hey guys my pineapple was being difficult long story short we no longer have a microwave.”) Im Kyungmin (Best friend from high school, he is a part of Soul & Bones, a hip-hop and house dance crew. When you were younger all of your friends would go to his contests. Everything you learned about dancing you learned from watching that crew. You always loved the way their dancing looked and the atmosphere they created. But you were realistic with your situation knowing you’d never get to dance. When Bang pd wanted you to be a trainee you were hesitant, but he practically dragged you to that audition. And during trainee days he helped you with your dancing. He says your better than him now, but you know you’re not. Soon after you became a billionaire Soul & Bones were set to end. Their investor pulled out and most dance crews are under entertainment companies unlike soul & Bones. Kyungmin was devastated, Soul & Bones was his whole life. So, when you decided to fund it he was conflicted. On one hand he was thankful and on the other hand he was guilty. But after you told him what the crew meant to you, how you were also friends with everyone else in the crew and couldn’t let it end when you could do something about it he was on board. You however made it clear you don’t own Soul & Bones you just pay for things. Now it is considered the best hip-hop dance crew in Korea and one of the best in the world. He is the one in your group who seems high most of the time but isn’t. “I think that pizza is thinking shit about me... I’m gunna eat it not ‘cause I want to but because it needs to die!”) Close Friends: Mark Tuan (You met at a BTS and Got7 collaboration for and you both clicked immediately because you were both from western countries, you were both raised in similar cultures so you had become close friends easily. It is also less lonely when you both miss your home countries if you’re around each other. It was surprising because your personalities are the opposite, but you bring him out of his shell. Whenever you guys meet you always speak in English and it’s a relief for both of you since it is your first language no matter how long you’re in Korea. You both also relate on how different your home countries’ standards are compared to Korea in terms of public image, behaviour and many other things. It’s very easy to be your true selves around each other. ) Choi Youngjae (You guys are the same age so you clicked easily. Even though you’re closer to Mark you’re still close to Youngjae. The guy is literal sunshine it hard not to like him. There is also a group of idols born in 1996 who he is a part of.) BTS and Got7 are both close to each other so you are friendly with all the members. But you are the closest with Mark. Woo Jiho (Zico. You both met when BTS and Block B did a collaboration at mama. Namjoon and him knew each other but they weren’t that close, so it was unexpected when you and he hit it off. You are both close friends and hang out when you can. He often asks for your opinion with his music and the two of you once spent an entire night just messing around in the studio. He says that you are one of the only people to get him to take a break, when he’s in work mode, and to have some fun. Clubbing isn’t really his scene so you and Jaemin often have to beg him to go out drinking with you guys. He used to have feelings for you but after some time in the friendzone he realised he is okay with you not having feelings for him as long as you are in his life. No one knows about the feelings he had for you.) Lee Jaemin (A YouTuber who has 7 million subscribers. The two of you met through Jiho and got along very well because you both like alcohol and clubbing. However, he maintains a clean public image, so your company is fine with you being seen in public together. Your members aren’t very fond of him since the time he showed up at the dorm drunk looking for you and threw up in a plant. They think he is a bad influence, but you know what he was going through and know he’s a good person. He feels like he can be himself around you without feeling judged. Yoongi really hates him and the friendship you two have.) Kang Yujin (She is an Instagram model who has 18 million followers and 2 million subscribers on YouTube. She met you and Jiho through Jaemin. However, once the public found out about your friendship many thought she was using you in order to work with Jeonsa cosmetics. But you knew this wasn’t true. Yujin was the kind of person to drive to McDonald's for you at three in the morning when you had a nightmare about your father and wouldn’t tell her what it was about. The kind of person to kill spiders for you even though she’s scared of bugs too. And due to the public’s reaction, she was scared you would end up thinking the same of her. You told her how you knew what kind of person she was and in order to make a statement to the public you both posted a photo together on her Instagram announcing her endorsing your company. She is a very close friend and an older sister figure to you.) You, Zico, Jaemin and Yujin often go bowling together or go out to eat and are also drinking buddies you are very close to them. The four of you are often spotted in public together. Kang Seungyoon (You both met through Hanbin and both of your personalities go very well together. Musically you both also mesh very well together. You both also often play pool together and he gets triggered at how he’s played longer but you kick his ass at it. Whenever you both have the time you go out for food and drinks and spend all nigh playing pool and all night, he complains that you’re a cheater and he won’t stand for it. He’s a very good friend.) Kim Jisoo (You met her first, soon after they debuted, in the bathroom. The two of you clicked and then you met the rest of the group through her. It was easy to become friends with them due to BTS and Blackpink both being at the top of K-pop, so you were a lot more understanding of each other’s situations. She is a very close friend of yours and is an older sister figure to you. She always gets excited when you send her the new launches of Jeonsa cosmetics and does vlives talking about it.) Kim Jennie (Despite Jennie being introverted you charmed her during your first conversation. She found it very easy to talk to you despite being slightly nervous and you were her sunbae. She was surprised how easy it was to talk to you. You are a people person, and she is not so like most other extroverts she’s met she thought you would clash but surprisingly your personalities match very well. You bring out the fun in her.) Lalisa Manobal (Lisa. She looks up to you a lot in terms of your dancing. She is very clingy towards you when you meet, and you love her crackhead energy. You learnt to speak Thai early after BTS’ debut, this made Lisa feel like she could connect to you on a deeper level. You have also helped her with the racist side of K-pop, her being Thai and you being half Arabic you’re both no stranger to how harsh netizens are. As you have been going through it for longer than her you are able to comfort her (kind of because you’re emotionally stupid but you try and push that aside for your friend).) Park Chaeyoung (Rose. She was also born in a western country so when she met you it helped her feel less homesick. You both often talk about childhood TV shows together and relate to each other when people talk about Korean things from their childhood that you have no idea about. Even though you’re from different places it’s nice having someone who understands the difficulties of moving from western culture to eastern.) Kwon Jiyong (Gdragon. You guys met backstage at an award show when BTS and Bigbang met. The groups are casual with each other, but you and he became very close especially because you’re friends with many YG artists. You also both like to party a lot and often go out together. He views you as a very close friend and is often nagging at you to eat and rest properly You try and hang out whenever you both have time.) Matthew Kim (BM. You two met during an inkigayo. He got lost and was swearing in English. So, you approached him and asked in English if he was okay. You helped him find his way back to his dressing room. He knew who you were and that you were British as BTS was well known then. However, he was expecting you to be arrogant and was pleasantly surprised with how nice you were. You and he got along well as you have similar personalities. Both extroverted. The two of you also quickly found out about your shared love of partying and clubbing and now you often go out together.) Peniel Shin, Ashley Choi, Amber Liu, Stephanie Young Hwang (These are some of your other western born K-pop friends.) Red velvet (You are good friends with the group mainly Joy as you are the same age. You, them and Blackpink try to go out together when you can. Irene is also very protective over you and sees you like a little sister.) Park Chanyeol (You have very similar attitudes you were good acquaintances but then you both worked together on the Goblin ost (Pretend it was you instead of Punch p.s I love that song so fucking much.) He always tries convincing you to let him drive your cars and you always say no. He’s a very fun person and you guys have a good laugh together.) You’re friendly with the rest of the Exo members but the closest to Chanyeol. Your best friends are: Hanbin, Shinhye, and all of your friends from high school. However, you are still close with the rest of your friends.
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Karasuno Boys Singing Headcanons!
A/n: By this point I hope that everyone has seen the masterpiece that is Sugawara’s wonderful voice actor singing Under the Sea, which has won the spot in my heart for cutest thing I’ve ever heard. I then proceeded to go off the deep end of Haikyuu voice actors singing and safe to say I was in no way disappointed, so here’s some Karasuno boys singing headcanons! If you have any requests my ask box is open 💖 enjoy!
Is it just me or would Daichi not care if someone heard him singing
He seems like the type of person who hums all the time 
Partly because it helps relax him after yelling at the team all day LMAO He doesn’t necessarily sing with lyrics every chance he gets, but when he does he’s pretty casual about it
He’ll sing in the car a lot, and it was actually the first place you heard him
Boy has a soothing playlist for school days and you always like hearing his voice when he drives you in the mornings
Will hum when you’re both doing schoolwork in his or your house
Doesn’t realize he has a good voice, so he never tries to show off all that often in front of people and thus the team has not heard him full out sing yet
So when they does hear him like, actually singing for the first time at the end of practice they’re SHOOK
Tanaka and Nishinoya instantly start spamming you with texts, asking why you hid away such a precious secret for so long
You’re sitting in the library staring at your constantly vibrating phone like ??? doesn’t he sing all the time?
When you end up texting the boys this question they go absolutely feral
At this point Daichi is losing his voice yelling at the team to calm tf down
Suga is cackling in the corner of the team gym cause he been knew
It’s absolutely chaotic literally someone come save Daichi please-
Official team mom of Karasuno sings all the damn time don’t even get me started
Always humming some upbeat tune doing schoolwork, cleaning up after practice, in the car, etc.
Seriously when is this sweet baby not singing
The team is well aware of this, especially the sideline cheer squad (Yamaguchi, moi ippon nice serve!) 
Tell me he does not make up rhyming cheers under his breath during matches I dare you
Will literally make up a stupid song on the spot to describe whatever he is currently doing or feeling
Hinata bathroom vibes tbh but it’s even more out of the blue
“Got an A on my exam today, and things are going my way”
“Suga, for the love of everything please stop”
“Daichi thinks I’ll listen to what he’ll say, but I’m singing more anyway”
He is always on board with karaoke whenever Karasuno has team bonding nights
One time you are invited to this by Suga himself and he gets up and starts singing a Disney song haha guess which one 
And as often as the team has heard him sing mans is feeling it tonight for whatever reason and y’all can tell
You have never heard anyone sing Under the Sea so passionately before but it’s a gift and you’re not complaining
Boy is so insecure oh my gosh please give him some support
Very shy about singing in front of anyone and everyone
The only time you’ve ever heard him sing was when you were over at his house and he was taking a shower
You had gone downstairs to get a snack from the kitchen and when you come back up he’s singing alongside one of his playlists
You don’t know if it’s because of the steam and the solid acoustics in the bathroom but he doesn’t sound half bad
You try not to startle him as soon as he gets out because you know how flustered he’d get
But then a while later while y’all are studying on his bed you just casually bring it up like ‘You have a nice voice, Asahi’ and that’s all
He’s a little shocked at first that you heard him but kind of smiles and sighs in relief because you liked his singing!! 🥺
Precious teddy bear is totally happy for the rest of the week, like that’s how much your praise means to him sdlkgjfdjsof he’s too cute
Eventually warms up to humming little tunes around you
He’s really blushy when he does but you pretend not to notice for his sake lmao
It makes you so warm inside that he feels comfortable enough to let you hear him
In this house we do not sleep on Ennoshita
As much as he is the mom of the second years he will flaunt his stuff whenever he gets the chance and this is one of those times
If a generic pop song is on at literally any point in time and he hears it, damn right he’s going to sing 
When it comes to singing Ennoshita is hands down the most chaotic no question about it
Sometimes he’ll actually sing a verse pretty decently
And then the next line is just the embodiment of a dumpster fire and he does not care
These are the only times that Tanaka and Noya get irritated with him and not the other way around
But Ennoshita doesn’t give a shit, he’s so cheeky
Like he’ll be walking through the mall and a banger of a song like Fergalicious comes on over the speakers? You’re done for
Even if he doesn’t know the lyrics at certain points, or deadass does not know any of them at all, he’ll just power through
If there is a sports banquet complete with dancing and music and the team attends, Ennoshita is tearing up the floor and singing his heart out
Honestly you’re a little scared to interfere cause what is he even doing-
He has made quite a few friends from opposing teams with his frankly lunatic level energy
I’m looking at you Oikawa, Tendou 
He sounds EXACTLY like that opening singer from Bungou Stray Dogs I wonder why
No but actually we all heard his little song in season one, when he’s late and walking to the gym like what a king-
In summary he is a pretty good singer 
Most definitely a frequent participant during team karaoke nights and everyone enjoys his little performances
When he realizes that girls actually like guys who can sing he starts using this to his advantage 
And surprisingly it ended up working
You’re out at karaoke with some friends one night and you hop outside to get some more food for your group when you hear somebody slaying Rough Diamonds; your mind instantly goes to Food Wars
It catches your interest and then you realize...this dude goes to your school? You are positively whipped
He sees you from the doorway and when he realizes you’re enjoying the song he amps it up another three notches
Achievement get: girlfriend 
Karaoke dates and other such outings happen often, thank you very much
As much as he enjoys singing he does not overdo it like Ennoshita, who has been limited to three songs per night every time the group goes out, please for the sake of everyone’s eardrums
As Tanaka’s best friend and as the co-president of simps everywhere, Nishinoya is another common singer during karaoke nights
Having fun and maybe picking up a cute girl at the end of it all? That’s literally his life agenda
He either goes for the badass, headbanging songs that are super energetic, or he jams out to the generic and famous pop groups’ songs
There is no in between
Noya has a slightly deeper singing voice but sometimes he’ll go for the stupid high notes for fun and just...completely fails
The fact that he has never successfully hit one of those notes doesn’t deter him in the slightest though; his goal is to get there at least once before he dies
He can sing so many popular TikTok audios and you can’t decide whether to be impressed or slightly disappointed with that fact
Noya doesn’t really sing at practice just because he’s focused, but when he’s walking home or getting food from Sakanoshita afterwards he might start randomly singing something
The type of person who has like a billion different playlists on his phone for the most obscure moods (honestly same Noya)
Like there’s one named “Bad Test Grade But I Won a Free Popsicle Kind of Feeling” don’t even ask 
Will put on a concert in his room and perform a whole lineup of these songs for you
Sometimes you think it’s just so he can avoid doing schoolwork but you let him get away with it occasionally
cause you’d never tell him but it’s so entertaining and kinda hot what
I swear you have tried time and time again to figure out whatever the hell kind of music he listens to with those chonky headphones of his but you have never successfully completed that mission
There are only two - count em, TWO - instances where you have ever witnessed this embodiment of a salt shaker doing anything resembling singing
Number one was a literal meme TikTok where you were using Beyond the Mysterious Beyond from Land Before Time as your audio
You didn’t expect Tsukki to recognize it at all 
But he’s in the top corner of your phone screen and he is deadass LIP SYNCING EVERY WORD and you’re SENT INTO ORBIT 
Should have expected that Mr. Dinosaur Obsessed would have watched Land Before Time and loved the all the bops
That video is forever saved in your drafts because he’d literally end you if that went public but you refuse to completely get rid of it
Second time, our french fry child actually sings because Yamaguchi forces him to do a song with him lmao
It only lasts for about three verses but it’s all anyone has heard from him before and is therefore a blessing from above
If anyone has heard these two singing Sarishinohara on YouTube you know what I’m talking about if not look it up it’s an absolute gift 
Literal perfection in a duet like?? Everyone is depressed when they realize that Tsukki’s voice had been hidden from the world until that very moment
We will cherish this short taste of Singing! Tsukki for all time amen 😔🙏
Like Asahi, this precious bean is also shy about his singing 
But he will sometimes get a burst of confidence if he’s having a really good day or if someone is singing with him
When those moments arrive they are wonderful 
He sounds like an angel, not even exaggerating he’s just so pure
Has a very light tone no matter how the song originally sounds and it’s really soothing to be honest
When his little bouts of confidence wear off please for the love of God praise him in any way shape or form, it makes him feel good about himself 
On team bus rides to games, he and Yachi will sometimes sing fun tunes together to calm each others’ nerves and it’s incredibly precious
Tsukki will send you videos of this pregame ritual and you have a folder reserved for them in your camera roll 
Everyone say thank you Tsukki
He will sing for you if you’re feeling super down about something because he knows you love it 
Never fails to calm you down and cheer you up, and Yams knows in those moments that he would gladly sing for the rest of his life if it made you smile
We stan one soft, talented bean sprout 
Another stubborn boy when it comes to singing in front of other people
He will hum on rare occasion but don’t expect much more
You start to realize that whenever he does start humming, though, it’s always the same song, so one day you ask him about it
It’s a song his grandfather used to sing to him when he was little and he uses it to calm himself down
You almost start crying on the spot because you know how much his grandpa meant to him 
Kags says there were lyrics to it but he doesn’t remember them besides a few random words scattered here and there
It becomes your personal mission to find the rest of the lyrics because you’ll be damned if your precious baby goes another day without hearing them again
Finally after countless obscure Google searches you find the song 
But you don’t know how to casually bring up the fact that you had spent hours obsessively looking for them into a conversation-
So one day you’re hanging out with Kageyama, but he’s been in an awful mood all week, and you decide to start singing the song that his grandpa used to but including the lyrics
And when he recognizes the words and puts the chorus together, he instantly relaxes and starts singing it with you
He is so touched and thankful that he can finally recall the song in its entirety, and now you both sing said song to each other whenever the other is feeling down
I love him so much my heart-
When you find out he can sing you’re absolutely floored
Literally the only time in his life that Hinata can successfully speak English words and it’s in a song? And it’s coherent?? It’s a miracle
The whole team gets on his ass about sucking at English in class but being able to obliterate those lyrics when they come up in a song and the poor tangerine gets all huffy
hE’s tRyiNg HiS bESt oKaY                
You’re in the middle of a store with him and he’s been occasionally singing along to the music from the speakers and at this point you’re not even surprised at how good he sounds
But then he just starts singing in falsetto
BOI- When I say your jaw is on the floor I am not playing games 
The power he holds is beyond comprehension
He’s looking at you confused like did he do something wrong?
When you proceed to flip out over how great he just sounded baby gets so embarrassed how cute
Again, one of those people who just doesn’t know their gift and it makes him even more precious 
I would kill to have his capabilities like imagine the talent; if that whole volleyball thing doesn’t work out there’s also the music industry sir-
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neo-culture-taste · 4 years
Subscribe! - I Want a Baby Now
Pairing: Kun x Reader (fem)
Genre: AU, romance, comedy, fluff
Word count: 2403
Summary: A YouTube inspired drabble series where you and your boyfriend upload videos catering to the couple tag.
For other members, see masterlist.
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The video began with you standing very close to the camera as you adjusted it into position. Once it was sitting how you wanted it to be, you took a few steps back to check how it appeared from afar, and revealed the rest of your apartment's living room with the camera in perfect view of your couch. You smiled to yourself and clapped your hands at your handiwork. 
"Perfect!" The clip changed to you standing close to the camera again, this time so you could speak directly to your audience. "Hi and hello, everyone! Welcome back to my channel! Today I have a little treat planned for all of you. Since you keep requesting over and over for me to make another video with my boyfriend," you said. Screenshots of some of the comments you received from your viewers appeared on the screen around you, "I'm finally giving in. But why not make it fun, right? So as you can see, today," you clasped your hands together and shook them in front of you as you spoke," I'm going to prank Kun into thinking that I want to have a baby right now. I hid my camera inside my bag on this little table thing I have," you said and the accompanying picture displayed on the screen. "So it just looks like I tossed my bag here after coming home from vlogging. Totally inconspicuous." You laughed to yourself a bit maniacally, a little devil emoji appearing next to your head. "Kun's on his way over with some food and when he gets here I'm going to purposely put on a show with babies in it so it won't be random when I bring it up." You stepped away from the camera again and held your arms out wide. "Now let the show begin!"
The clip changed to your boyfriend walking in with the bag of food and then greeting you with a kiss before he set the bag down onto your coffee table. He took the seat next to you, playfully pushing you over with his butt so he could fit next to you and the arm rest. Why he couldn't just sit on the other side, you didn't know. As he took out the food and handed you your order, he asked you what you were watching. Trying to suppress the grin that was threatening to form on your face, you told him the name of the show and then began eating your food.
The video cut to a couple minutes later. You had finished eating your food fairly quickly and Kun had only a few bites left to his. Now was a good time to change the direction of your conversation. " Aw,  it must be so fun to have a house full of kids like that." You shifted in your seat and turned to face him, doing a little bounce on the cushion to add some enthusiasm to your facade. “Hey, babe?"
"Hm?" he answered you with a mouth full of food.
"How many kids do you want to have?"
He turned away from the TV to face you and smiled as he finished chewing. "This show giving you baby fever?"
You smiled back at him, but yours was underlined with mischief. "Maaaaybe," you said and a laughing emoji popped onto the screen. 
"How many kids do you want?" he asked you instead. 
"I asked you first."
Kun chuckled. "Maybe about three or four. I like the idea of having a big family."
You looked genuinely surprised. "Yes! Me, too," you said happily wrapping yourself around his arm. "It's going to be so great. Just think of all the cute family photos."
"And the college tuition."
You rolled your eyes at him, but then pressed your chest more onto his arm. "Let's start now."
"Eh?" He looked at you a bit confused. 
"Let's start our family now," you said and rubbed your hand across his chest. "Put a baby in me, Kun." You couldn't help but smile after that and three crying laughing emojis appeared on the screen. It sounded so raunchy but you needed to say it for the effect it had on your boyfriend--who of which was looking at you like you had just grown a second head. 
"Woah, there. What's gotten into you?" His brain obviously went to the direction that you were on some new bedroom kink. And although it was sudden, he wasn't opposed to playing along. 
"I want to have a baby." You let go of his arm and swung your leg over him so you could straddle his lap. His hands automatically went to hold your thighs and yours held onto his shoulders. "Will you help me?" you asked then leaned in to kiss him. 
Not fully distracted by your sex appeal, Kun was still in a rational head space. "We don't even live together yet."
"Doesn't matter." You kissed him again, it was still short but more heated than the first. 
"And we're not married," he added when you pulled back a bit. 
"Doesn't matter," you repeated. Instead of kissing his lips again, you decided to go for the weak spot on his ear. 
Kun's hands slid up and around your thighs to lay purchase on your ass. "And we're still in school. We're not financially or mentally ready."
You knew this wasn't going to be easy. You rolled your eyes again and let out a sigh as you moved away from his ear, pretending to be annoyed. "It takes months for a baby to arrive. I can move in with you and save all the money I would be paying on rent here. And we don't have to get married right away or even have a wedding."
The camera zoomed in on your boyfriend's face as it twisted into a look of absolute disbelief. "We don't have to have a wed--you have like five Pinterest boards dedicated to your future wedding!" Oh shit, you forgot about that. "And normally the baby comes after the wedding."
"Who cares if we do things a little out of order. I want to start my family with you now." You leaned to kiss him again but he dodged you at the last second by turning his head away. "Whaaat?  Come ooon," you whined and moved your hips a little bit against his. "Come in." You threw your head back in laughter at your dirty joke, but Kun didn't find it very funny at the moment.
He gripped the sides of your hip and pushed you a little further back on his lap. "This is something we seriously need to sit down and talk about."
"We can talk about it after you put the baby in me. Now, come on!" You went to undo his belt but he stopped you at lightning speed, accompanied by the sound of a whip cracking. Right afterwards the video played an instant replay of what he did in slow motion.
"Y/N stop. You might think we can handle a baby right now, but this decision isn't just yours. It's mine too and I don't want to have a baby right now."
"But baaabe--"
"No, now get off me. We can talk about this seriously if you want to but it's not going to happen until much later from now." He grabbed your wrists as your hands tried to make their way to his chest again. "And I can't talk to you properly about it like this!"
"Because your body is telling you to go and make a baby!"
"No! It's just reacting to what you're doing right now! We can go and practice but we're not going all the way until we plan this out for real."
Okay. It was time to try a different tactic. You thought that maybe tugging on his heartstrings a little bit would be able to convince him, so you put on a frown and pretended to get upset. "We don't need to practice or plan because I'm completely serious right now. I've been thinking about this for a while and I can't wait anymore. I want to start a family with you. Do you not want to have one with me?"
Kun's eyes widened in panic. "No, no, no! It's not that!" He pulled you back closer to him then wrapped his arms around your waist. "I do. But just not right now, babe. There's so much we need to accomplish before we have a baby. If we do it now then it's going to be hard trying to juggle taking care of a baby and doing everything else."
"It won't be hard cuz we'll be together and our families will be around to help us." You gasped in excitement. "Just think how excited your mom will be." Kun was quiet as he thought it over,  searching your eyes for any hint of reluctance. You knew talking about his mom would get to him. "Everyone will be so happy and we'll be the happiest." He remained silent. "You'd be an amazing father," you said softly and ran your fingers through his hair "Come on. Have a baby with me."
Your boyfriend sat there in silence for a little bit longer, his hands caressing your back as he thought through all his options. "But..," he finally said, "you're still on birth control. So it's not going to happen now even if we tried."
You smiled at him, thinking to yourself that you'd won. "I didn't take my pill today," you said and put your forehead against his. "And if it doesn't happen now then we will just have to keep trying until it works." You closed the distance between your lips and captured him in another kiss. 
He reciprocated without any hesitation, but once you broke away he had something else to say. "I want to. I really do. But I really don't think this is a good idea for right now." Dammit, Kun! 
It was time for Plan C. You pulled back away from him and scowled. "If you don't want to have a baby with me right now, then I'll go find someone else to do it," you said and got off his lap to stand up.
"WHAT?!" Kun shot up from his seat to stand next to you. "Who the hell are you going to go to?!"
You turned away from him so he would see you smiling. "I don't know. It doesn't matter. I'll take the first guy that wants to have a baby right now since you're so adamant about not having one."
"NOT HAVING ONE RIGHT NOW. NOT RIGHT NOW." Oh gosh, you wanted to laugh so badly. 
You fixed your face into looking angry again and turned back to him. "It's now or never, Kun! I really really want this!"
"You want this bad enough that you'd leave me?" He sounded a bit hurt. You were starting to feel a little bad now.
"I didn't say I was leaving you, just that I would get someone else to put a baby in me."
"THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE." Lmao, it didn't.
"Yes, it does. So if you want to be the one to do this with me, then let's go!" You pointed in the direction of your bedroom and stomped your foot.
"Fine! If you want one that badly, then come here." He grabbed you by your shirt to pull you towards him then he kissed you roughly. You giggled against him and tried to pull away, but he wasn't letting up. He curled his fingers underneath the hem of your shirt and was about to put it up, but you managed to break away from him and took a step back.
"Wait!" you yelled through your laughter.
"You just said you didn't want to wait and now I can't wait," he said and reached out his hand to pull you back. But you ran away from him and went closer towards the camera. You reached inside the bag it was in, trying to uncover it, but Kun came up behind you and captured you by the waist, pressing his body against your backside as he planted kisses along the side of your neck. 
"It's a prank!" you yelled. "This was a prank! Babe, look!"
Kun stopped his actions and looked up to see the camera out of your bag and the red light that indicated that it was currently filming. His face went slack and he slowly let go of you. You could tell he was absolutely ticked off, because he then closed his eyes and turned around while taking a deep breath. You stood beside him and continued to laugh at his expense, laughing harder when he shook his head and peered up at the ceiling in an attempt to calm himself down.
"I knew you were acting weird," he said and ran his tongue across his teeth.
"I'm sorry, baby. They really wanted to see you again." You tried to hug him but he rejected and push you away.
"You are not uploading this."
"I have to!" You went to hug him again and laughed when you got the same reaction as before. "I put so much work into it. Don't you think I was a good actor?" He answered you by looking at your face angrily, but he failed and looked away from you again as soon as his smile began to spread. He wasn't that mad at you. It probably would make an entertaining video. He was just super embarrassed that he fell for it. 
"Come find me when you're done playing tricks," he told you and walked away and out of the frame. 
"Aw, Kun! Come back!" He said something the camera's microphone didn't fully pick up, but it made you laugh before you decided to focus it on you. "Well, I hope you all liked this video. I have to go cheer up Kun and make it up to him. Follow me on all my accounts listed below, like this video, and click the subscribe button if you want to see more videos with my boyfriend. But maybe I should hold off on tricking him for a little bit, huh?" You switched the camera from holding it in one of your hands to the other. "Thanks so much for watching! And I'll see you later! Tootles!"
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utouchmycookie · 4 years
Open Your Eyes
Chapter One: Flash
I (utouchmycookie) am the author of this piece. I don’t own the characters or locations, but the idea is mine. Also, I am ignoring my boring class by putting this here.
Flash walks into AcaDec expecting the heated glares of the girls, at the very least. Being verbally berated and kicked off the team by unanimous decision at the most likely. He doesn't even know what to think of at the most. Social death outside of the popular jocks (who have sway, but not nearly as much as they would at non-preppy need schools) seems like a possible outcome.
None of this happens. He does a double-take. Apparently there are no sides, which leaves the options that a) nobody gives a fuck (possible, but unlikely), or b) she said nothing (he'd figure this to be unlikely, but apparently it was entirely possible). She doesn't bother to look up at him entering the room, earbuds in and hair shielding the notebook she's scratching away in. Ned Leeds gives him the most dangerous look he's ever seen the happy go lucky President of the Computer Science, Ethical Hacking, Cybersecurity, IT, and Coding Clubs give; Michelle Jones manages to scare any sense of relief he'd mustered right off as she glances over the top of her book at him, and her glance says she knows, but the perfect expressionless deadpan and the way she almost immediately turns back to her book without giving him any further insight to what her thoughts are sends him into a horror and terror related trauma induced break down. Yes, he knows that's not a thing or the least bit grammatically correct but it's exactly what was headed for him.
He wishes she would do anything - scream at him in anger, sob in heartbreak, curse hysterically in hurt, even sigh in disappointment. She does none of these. She doesn't even bother to give him particularly serious cold shoulders and silence treatments and talk as if he isn't there and walk as if she doesn't even realize he's in the vicinity of her.
She's colder than she's ever been to him, including when he'd shoved Leeds into a locker, but she's no less polite than she's ever been. God, she's never been anything worse than curt with him, and he's such a dick and a douchebag and a tool and a piece of shit and a worthless waste of space. Even now, as he jostles to get her attention, she simply turns her eyes on him, listens to his cruel jests, and turns away when he's finished. God, here he was hoping for her to show him her heartbreak and here he was falling to pieces with his (and it was his own damn fault, his own stupid fucking choices).
Their (out of the know) teammates definitely recognize the difference in her behavior, but they chalk it up to her finally building an extra wall between them (something they've been trying to get her to do for literal years now. It was always, "Why are you so nice to him? He just shoves your books out of your hands to be a dick!" "I think he just needs some kindness in his life," "As if! I have all the kindness I could ever need, you psychotic whore!" "Sure seems like it." and god-fucking-damn her perceptiveness, her big heart, her endless kindness, her naïvety that she could help him; he would be forever indebted to her kindness and her gentleness and how much it had saved him and then he had ruined it with his stupid ass dumb fucking decisions and even now she couldn't be cruel to him, not even once.). Mr. Harrington pulls her aside after practice to double-check that he didn't hurt her, and the honesty and lack of attack in her response had made it hurt more (and how was that fucking possible anymore?!).
"He's Flash, Sir. He's always rude to me, and yes he did something nasty and it hurt, but it's not of the school's concern, it won't affect my performance in AcaDec, it's nothing I can't handle, and quite honestly, Mr. Harrington? I just don't want to stoop to his level."
"You are one of the most brilliant students I've had the honor of teaching, and are miles kinder and wiser than any other human being I've ever met. You're going to go far someday, and I cannot wait to see what you do someday."
"Thank you, Mr. Harrington. I couldn't do any of it if you didn't put your heart and soul into helping us even when it seems impossibly difficult." And then she smiled that innocent, sweet smile that let you know that she had no idea that she sounded like a brown-noser because she honest to God meant it.
So here's the thing: Peter Parker is an angel of a human being. The planet Earth 's disturbingly large number of vocal, disgusting humans didn't deserve her one bit. Flash among them.
But Peter Parker also suffered left and right.
She had been one of the few who had joined Midtown Tech's high school portion their freshman year, on one of the few scholarships offered. She'd started with an hour commute to school, and her high school career had started horribly. She was alone and friendless and new and definitely not in her socioeconomic class. What she had going for her was the school being an elitist nerd school. You had to be smart, and damn was she smart. That made her popular here. The geeky clubs made her cooler - Marching Band was perhaps not the straight dash to popularity choice, but one that gave her lots of social exposure. The International Club was a genius decision, because nobody at the school had less than Tier 1 universities in their future and everyone knew it was about being well-rounded. Acing Academic Decathlon had shot her right up to the top, earning her a spot in the likes of Liz Allen's favorite people to talk to. Peter hadn't intentionally done it, either, but she'd enchanted herself to the school by being utterly introverted and sweeter than a Pixie Stix without an ounce of dishonesty in her.
Then they'd gone to OsCorp. Norman Osborn and Dr. Curt Connors had revealed an open secret and it should have ruined her social life, but the students in the room had had nothing but sympathy for the horrible way of spilling her private life's facts - her parents were famous scientists, and dead.
The story hadn't gotten outside of their graduating class, at least, but the majority seemed to collectively decide she was their epitome of a Class Cinnamon Roll.
It helped their case that she was out sick for two weeks after OsCorp, and most people assumed that the stress of such horrible things being dragged up in such awful ways meant her mental health giving out and depleting her physical health. She'd come back and looked like shit for a week before she started looking healthier than she had before.
And then the hardest hit yet had slammed her, because Peter Parker never caught a single break.
Everyone in the school knew about Ben Parker's death. Peter's truancy was waived when she missed another week of school. Even the toughest teachers softened at the sight of her puffy, red eyes constantly wet with tears and ghost white face. Someone read the paper, and everyone doubled down on trying to soften up on Peter. Even Flash's buddies didn't have the heart to pick on her knowing she'd seen her uncle shot and held his hand as he died, helpless to do anything. She pulled herself together and two weeks later, and finally made her best friend out of Ned Leeds, generic friends with all the AcaDec girls, and at least acquaintances with the guys. Midtown decided she was not a cinnamon roll, but a gingersnap cookie from the Dollar Tree, like Seymour had once been dared to eat by a Brooklyn Visions' student back in middle school, when they had a kid from lower end Brooklyn who sold the cheap-ass things like damn drugs. Betty had told them they all needed to watch Ouran High School Host Club because they had the same energy as the Host Club drinking instant coffee, but everyone just took her word for it. Anyways, Peter. Dollar Tree gingersnaps. Tough as a Chips Ahoy cookie in light blue packaging, but not crumbly at all, and horribly sweet and spicy all at once.
Two years had been difficult, but survivable, until Thanos.
Plenty of people got fucked by the Decimation and the Blip. Half of the universe had died and returned five years later. A sixteenth of Earth's human occupants had been killed by factors associated with appearing and disappearing. An estimated fourth of all lives had been left in ruins with no way to restart. Not a single person went unaffected. Peter Parker though, she really could not catch a break.
No one outside of Flash's crew didn't believe Peter's having a Stark Internship. Therefore, learning that she had been at Stark's funeral due to being a close companion of his - and seemingly the girl out of the "girl and Spider-Man" who he had saved half the universe for, according to Ms. Potts-Stark directly, was a good sign as to the hurt she was feeling.
It was Thursday afternoon, and Mr. Mounts didn't care what they did this afternoon, because they had a paper due on Friday and half of a class in specialty Tech school that had an entrance exam who were taking AP Lit a year early had already turned in their papers. Mr. Mounts was a smart man, and a great teacher, but he was not technically inclined. He did not care though, so they all saw his YouTube views projected onto the Promethean Board with the noise up. That meant there was no stopping if the viewing of an ad — sort of.
A live news channel cut off the video with an announcement, the scene of a man who had lost it as a direct result of the Decimation and Blip completely ruining his old life during an appointment with the Maria Stark Foundation trying to help him get a new one on track. He'd gone absolutely psychotic, murdering the innocent charity worker, and setting himself loose on the streets. The news was warning of him being loose still and mourning the middle-aged woman now dead, by displaying a nice picture of her from the Maria Stark Foundation. Peter had announced, "I'm going to puke," and bolted out of the room. Ned and MJ had been on her heels, and the rest of the class was in shock.
"Oh Jesus Fuck," Sally finally said. And yeah, that was fair, because Flash knew that face as well as the rest of the AcaDec kids. It was the face of the sweet lady who once brought them Belgian Cream Pie straight from the German Bakery down the street from her apartment; she had got it at half-price because the owner's son was thoroughly charmed and the owner thought she would make an excellent daughter-in-law and that was deserving of half-priced pie even though he knew it was never going to happen.
There's a knock on the door, which opens to reveal Principal Morita looking very depressed and trying not to cry - "I need to borrow Miss Parker - oh fucking shit," he hisses.
"She went to the bathroom to puke, Sir. With Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds."
Somehow, the day only gets crazier. Everyone knows by the time Peter is safely tucked away in Mr. Morita's office, with the police officer who had to deliver the news, Mr. Morita, MJ, and Ned. The only people to go in or out is the secretary - who sends messages to the three students' teachers, as if they aren't tuned into the rumor mill - and a social worker.
MJ and Ned are sent to fetch lunch so the social worker can talk to Peter with only adults.
"Peter?... Do you have any other family you can contact? We... Uh, we tried the contact left in case of this type of horrible event, but given the nature of the contact, we couldn't get a call through -" the social worker pauses, "If not, we have options. Good homes that want a beautiful, brilliant girl like you."
"I'm sorry about that, Ma'am, but I'm sure you're aware that phone lines are a bit risky where my family is concerned. I can as soon as I heard," Pepper Potts-Stark announces as she brushes into the room. A mild-looking man follows her in, his red and white cane rattling as he swipes if in front of him. "And this is Miss Parker's lawyer, Matthew Murdock."
"I hate that we have to meet in such dismal circumstances."
"Oh, Honey," Pepper coos sadly to Peter, sinking down beside her and setting off another round of tears. "I know, Baby, let it all out, I know."
Chapters 2 and 3 up now!
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