#and i am fucking trapped all of a sudden unless i get *up and out
horce-divorce · 2 years
wow that was absolutely the worst night of sleep I've had in recent memory, gonna have to spend my whole birthday napping to make up for it 👻
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And a WIP Music Monday
Tagged by @thesingularityseries @direwombat @heroofshield @marivenah @aceghosts @inafieldofdaisies @g0dspeeed @cloudofbutterflies92 @voidika @simplegenius042 @carlosoliveiraa for either writing tags or music monday. Thank you all so much!! <3
Tagging: @strangefable @kyber-infinitygems @la-grosse-patate @josephseedismyfather @statichvm @clicheantagonist @amalkavian @justasmolbard @finding-comfort-in-rain @cassietrn
opt in/out for cod stuff
song first:
I am still stuck in my creative drought but at least I have a little bit of writing. Working slowly but surely on my cod prequel fic, so here's a bit from chapter 13. In this installment of WIP Wednesday, enjoy two assholes trapped in a helicopter suffering with awkward sexual tension aka just another work day for Price and Rory:
“You know Arabic, yeah? Fluent, I hope.”
“Yes.” She crossed her arms over her chest and adjusted her position in her seat, a grin curling the corner of her lips. “Perhaps this time I can have you saying derogatory things without your prior knowledge.”
Giving a low chuckle, he brought the cigar to his lips and took a long drag. “Now that would make things interestin’, wouldn’t it?” The smoke streamed past his lips, the orange glow burning in his eyes through the shade of his cap. “I’d prefer if we didn’t start any international incidents ‘cause you had to be a smart ass though.”
Huffing out a laugh, she pressed her head back against the rest behind her. “Fair enough. It’ll be easier just letting you blunder the pronunciation anyway.”
His brow lifted, giving her a sideways glance without turning his head, keeping her in his periphery. “You gonna keep causing me headaches?”
“No, I just think we need to agree that while Russia was where your strength lies, we’re heading into mine.”
Sucking on his cigar hanging in a clenched jaw, his brow furrowed. “You do remember I’ve fought over there myself, yeah?”
“But you didn’t spend your entire career there like me. Unless you’ve eaten goat by a fire while swapping stories with village elders in their native language, I suggest you take at least some of my judgment on things seriously. Or is it because I’m a subordinate that it’s not good enough for you?”
“S’pose it’s ‘cause you’ve slept with me,” he muttered under his breath, his face remaining serious until it cracked, giving her a teasing smirk.
Unable to help but giggle at the implication, Rory bit her lip to stifle it from growing into a full on laugh. “Okay,” she said, nodding slowly. “I see how we’re playing now.”
Price barked out a chuckle at her reaction, smugly shifting back into his seat.
“Fucking hell, you’ve become quite the comedian with me.” Her voice dropped so only he could hear it. “You get one little kiss and now all of a sudden the stoic soldier routine fades away, eh?”
“It was more than a little kiss –” He whispered as he leaned down towards her, looking up through his brow. 
They were inches from each other, eyes locked on one another. Invading her personal space, trying to remain the dominant force, Price waited there as if he were expecting her to make a move despite being strapped into a moving military vehicle. The smoke coiled around her, his breath fanning against her face. Did he really think she would just break regulation like that? She cocked her brow and sighed, pulling out her pack of cigarettes from her tactical pants and tapped the corner of it against her thigh. “I said I just wanted to work, not be a distraction.”
“You’re not.” His words came out bluntly, his features cold once more, gaze unfeeling, unreadable. Shifting back into his seat, he crossed his arms and mirrored her position beside him. Mouth drawn tight, he bit down on the cigar he'd placed between his lips, smoke billowing from his nostrils.
“Oh, I’m not?”
“It’s not. You and I have both been through the same training. A little flirting – any feelings we might have – they aren’t getting in the way of the mission.”
“Sure about that?”
“You do know you’re not the only woman I’ve ever worked with, yeah?”
She hummed, unconvinced. “Did you sleep with the others too?”
He growled softly, mumbling around his cigar, “Touche.”
“That’s what I thought,” she said confidently, slipping a cigarette out from the pack in her hand and placing it to her lips.
“I’m a professional, Sergeant. So are you,” he grumbled, “Stop trying your damn luck with me.”
The cigarette sat between her lips as she gave him a little salute with two fingers against her forehead, the lighter still held in her hand. 
“You’re trouble, goddammit.” He shook his head and settled back in his seat, gripping the shoulders of his vest once more with a heavy sigh.
Her voice was muffled as she spoke around her cigarette bouncing on its perch upon her lip. “Bet you’re really regretting Laswell’s choice now, eh?”
“Not unless you give me a reason to, darlin’,” he said, nose scrunching with annoyance. “Don’t test my bloody patience.”
Taking a drag of her cigarette, she couldn’t help but want to keep picking at him. He had tried to make her feel small a moment ago, reminding her of her weakness, of how she apparently needed him according to his evaluation. “Did you think I was suddenly going to fawn over you because you actually admitted to having feelings for me, Price?”
The little tic of his tightening tendons in his jaw was plain as day, she was playing with fire and she knew it. If there was any way to describe the Captain it was a persistent pursuit predator – of course the way he worked would bleed into his life. The man wouldn’t know romance if it bit him in the arse, wooing certainly wasn’t his style. She already expected him to keep trying to wear her down until she would eventually give in, say yes, and he would get what he wanted. Perhaps what they both wanted…but she wasn’t able to quite so readily admit that yet. 
“Would’ve been nice if you made it easy for me.”
“You’re a special forces captain, you like the challenge.”
Price brought a hand to her upper thigh, his long fingers clenching around the meat of her,  squeezing tight. “Goddamn right I do,” he said with a low chuckle.
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rhainontheshelves · 2 years
{1:20 AM} Jay, 851 words, fem!reader, CW: alcohol, going behind friend's back
Step one: get (Y/N) to come to this party. She wasn’t really a crowd person but Sunoo knew how stressed she was with midterms coming up, so he hyped it up until she agreed. Very reluctantly, but she agreed. 
Step two: make sure Heeseung didn’t come. Unlike (Y/N), Heeseung went to every party that was thrown by people he knew. He liked to have fun. But Jay knew that Heeseung was absolutely going to fail a couple of his classes unless he started studying early, so he talked Heeseung into studying this night. The deal was Jay would take Hee clubbing after midterms, which Jay didn’t really mind. 
Step three: talk to (Y/N). Sunoo and Niki knew that they wouldn’t get through to her, but if she heard it from someone else, maybe she would believe it. Jay and Heeseung were pretty well known as friends in the department, and Jay and (Y/N) were acquaintances, so surely she would trust what Jay had to say. Right? 
That’s what Jay certainly hoped as he sipped from his cup as he looked around for (Y/N). He had seen her come in with Sunoo, but they had quickly split and disappeared. Thoughts of what he was going to say roiled in his mind. Hey, heard you kissed my best friend. What’s up with that? God, matchmaking was complicated. 
Finally, Jay saw (Y/N) chilling in the doorway to one of the many hallways in this house. Her expression was hard to read, but from the way she was taking long swigs from the cup in her hand, he figured she was getting loosened up. That probably wasn’t a good thing for the plan, but Sunoo was crafty enough to come up with another one if need be. Jay waded through the crowd and sauntered up to the girl. 
“Well look who it is,” Jay leaned on the doorframe opposite of (Y/N). “having fun yet?”
“Depends who’s asking.”
“A sober person not wanting to grind on the dancefloor with you?”
“Yeah, I’m having fun.” (Y/N) smiled. “Just taking a break from the mob.” 
“I get that.” 
“What’s up with you? You were on a mission coming over here.” 
Jay feigned offense. “Do I need a reason to talk to you? Maybe I was coming to check on you out of the goodness of my heart.”
(Y/N) laughed. “The goodness of your heart has plenty of other people to go to. Poor Jake got bodied by some freshman in a chugging contest a couple minutes ago, maybe you should check on him.” 
“Eh, Jaeyun can take care of himself. He isn’t such a lightweight.” 
“I hope so. Stop skirting, what’s up Jay?”
Jay came closer to (Y/N), enough to speak lowly and still be heard. “A while back, a little bird told me something about you and H-”
“Keep your fucking mouth closed, Park.” (Y/N)’s sudden coldness startled Jay. “I don’t know who told you, but keep it to yourself.”
“Hey, I’m not accusing you of anything. I just want to know if you like Heeseung or not.”
(Y/N) turned to face Jay, her back against the doorframe. “And why would you want to know?”
“Because there’s someone that’s interested… if you’re free, that is.”
Jay’s mouth went dry. Why the fuck did he say that? This was his best friend’s crush he was talking to, for god’s sake. The whole point of this was to get (Y/N) to admit that she liked Heeseung. Then again, he couldn’t deny that he liked what he saw in front of him. The small frame under his arm, trapped between him and the doorframe, staring up at him intently. The low-cut top and the asymmetrical skirt she had worn wasn’t helping either.
(Y/N) scoffed. “Please. Why would that matter anyway? It’s not like I’m openly committed to anyone.”
“Maybe they don’t want you to be half-hearted.” 
(Y/N) closed the distance, enough to feel Jay’s breath on her cheek. “What if I’m all in?”
Drinks were left on the nearest ledges as Jay melded his lips with (Y/N)’s. She ended up pressed against the wall with her legs locked around the boy’s waist, hands tangled in his styled hair, giving as much enthusiasm to the make-out session as he did. It might have been the alcohol or the tension that built during the conversation, but the rush from this was overpowering, addicting even. 
“You’re crazy for this,” (Y/N) gasped as Jay kissed down her neck.
“I know you’re friends with Hee. Isn’t there some bro code against this type of thing?”
“I’m just giving you what you deserve. Heeseung has been too much of a coward for too long.” Jay caught her lips again, not giving her a chance to respond to him revealing his friend’s feelings. He felt his mind getting hazier and hazier by the minute, his heart was racing, he felt like (Y/N)’s palms were burning prints into his chest. 
“Jay, I need to ask you.” (Y/N) mumbled against his lips.
“Anything, princess.”
“Fuck me. Fuck me until I forget him.”
Jay had every desire to oblige.
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
Goddammit, I was lined up to start this at 2:30 today. I had it all planned out and everything. I had my small dinner at midnight and I was going to finish up some work and then hop on here and do this and then get to bed at a decent hour. And, of course, I got sidetracked and sucked into something and now it's 4:30.
Let's start from the top. My neighbor was making creaking and bumping noises above my head from 9AM until I finally got up around 2 or 3. The first time I woke up, I literally felt like I fell off a cliff. Like... I remember vividly a time I was hiking in Fall off-trail and I slipped on dry leaves and started sliding downhill a few feet towards a 25+ foot cliff... that feeling. My heart was pounding through my solar plexus. It was so fucking jarring that I went to my very special sketchbook that I only put the most important, most meaningful things in... and I did my best attempt to draw my Primal Self getting the shit scared out of him.
I then did a sketch of Me... trying to calm my Primal Self down from a distance, as it was coiled up and frightened like a wild skunk that broke in and somehow trapped itself in your entry room, at the moment when you flip the lights on and it backs itself into a corner and starts screeching at you. My role being... reassuring from a distance and showing the surroundings to him. Prove to him that he's safe.
It deeply upset me. It's horrible. It was so upsetting that I resolved to get to bed early, because... I mean... yes, I will feel the same kind of scared if I wake up suddenly and it's pitch dark out... but not to the degree that I will if I wake up to someone SLAMMING something 6 feet above my head. And these motherfuckers are not awake at 4 AM. Unless it's the day before Easter and they are having family over and they get the sudden urge to vacuum their apartment...
At this point, fixing my sleep schedule feels like it's getting to be a matter of physical health. Not just mental or spiritual health. It is not physically healthy for my body to be subjected to this level of stress regularly. Here's the worst part. I can try to justify to my nervous system "it's just people being people, they're just living their life, you're okay..." And it does work to turn my inner alarm system off after the fact... very effectively, too. But I can't rewire my inner alarm systems to get used to loud bangs and crashes, HUMAN SOUNDS, 6 feet away from my head when I live alone. It's simply a survival thing. It's a self-preservation thing, it's just not smart for me to train the autonomic system in my subconscious that the sound of human activity that appears from the senses to be coming from inside my home, when I live alone... is a perfectly safe sound to be hearing while I'm fucking unconscious.
In case I'm not connecting the dots clear enough, the problem is that my nervous system is correct. It's reacting appropriately. I should be startled if I hear fireworks or a car backfiring a block away. I should be alert to that. Does that mean piss myself? No. But if I hear a sound that sounds like someone climbing the stairs to my bedroom, I better be wide the fuck awake and out of bed. And the adrenaline surge I was provided with this morning was enough for me to leap out of bed and fight a fucking bear.
So yeah, I'm a bit upset about this situation. Still. And it's not like I have a lot of living options... the housing market is fucking laughable. Almost as absurd as the healthcare situation. So... I just have to figure this out, one way or another.
I tried to just... resolve to get to bed earlier. It seemed like the best solution overall. The current hour is testament that... that did not go as planned.
I went downstairs, did my Zen Garden (which is super relaxing), got some water, got my AirPods and went back to bed. I didn't get back to sleep for at least half an hour of just laying there listening to white noise with the noise cancelling on. Oh, and get this. With the box fan... and the noise cancelling... and white noise playing in the earbuds... They still woke me up twice. They still fucking woke me up twice. Because, out of their entire apartment, they decide to set up their most commonly used living space precisely above my bed. I'm tempted to write my landlord and just... ask them if they would mind just moving their shit over to the other side of their main room? I feel like that's super forward and "bitchy neighbor" of me, but I've been losing sleep over this shit for 6 fucking months now. It's really fucking me up.
On top of all this, I had super disturbing dreams. Like... brainwash cult sweeping the nation and people very close to me were swept in, and they were like... potentially violent and shit. Super scary shit. It was not a good sleep.
I finally got up and... after journaling my dream... I found that the farmer's market ended at 2pm. I didn't get back to sleep until about 11, and I didn't get up until about 3. If I had slept through the night, I might've been able to make the last hour of it. I was upset about that.
I did yoga. It was nice, but my mind was wandering a lot. Which happens sometimes, it's okay. It was a nice practice. It started to storm and rained the rest of the day. I did my workout and played Hades. That's my routine now, pour my coffee so it cools to room temperature by the time I'm done... fire up a run in Hades... start my workout and play Hades during my rest in between sets. Then, when I'm done, eat breakfast, have coffee and finish my run. It's been working pretty well, I like it.
Tomorrow is my last day on my workout challenge, it's been a month already. Crazy how time flies. I think I've lost 3 or 4 pounds. I'm considering seeing if there's an exercise plan that includes stationary bike riding or a treadmill or something. I can just do my workout in the gym anytime then, it should be open 24/7. Then I can get a bit more of a sustained cardio workout, which has been missing from my exercise lately.
I dyed some beads, enough for another necklace that should be quite a bit longer than the last one. This one is a deep rich blue. I also decided to say fuck it and pull beads for a second necklace to do at the same time. A much longer one that is made of 88 of the smallest beads I have. This time, instead of sanding after dyeing... I sanded before. Which really does make the most sense. But... again... I have to do that by hand. So I started the day by sanding 32 medium sized beads by hand, one-by-one... then dying them, and setting them out to dry. That's a lot of sanding.
Then I did some house care. I'm downplaying that a bit. I... put Max's cat tree into storage. Finally. I had been using it as a stand for my lighting at night... at least that was my justification, I haven't been using those lights for several months now, I haven't needed to, I haven't been going to bed while it's dark. So... I figured... I'd have to do it eventually. And I put it into storage. And that part of the room is a lot emptier now. And it's really heart-wrenching, still. But it had to happen some day. And it's allowing the home to evolve a bit. I also brought the now potted Pothos upstairs to the loft, to their new home. They're all growing new leaves and growing quite fast now. So that's really nice!
I took some of the string lights that I had from the cat tree and I plan on putting them upstairs in the hallway leading to my bedroom. Maybe if I have more lighting at night, I will feel more safe waking up at night. I don't know. Worth a shot. Maybe I can get some lights for downstairs too, just so it's not like... this big gaping abyss full of dangerous mysteries below me.
So yeah, that was hard, but it was an important step for me. After that, I decided to set up a meal plan program. I signed up for a site that sorta... builds a meal plan for you and even has integration to buy your groceries and shit. It's pretty cool. So I made a deal with myself. I cancelled the subscription I had for this music sampling collection... which was a bit heartbreaking, but I haven't been using at all... and got this subscription instead, which was 1/3 the monthly cost. It made sense.
After I got that set up, I put it aside and started setting up the second necklace. I figured... with how time consuming the tung oil process is... why not just work in bulk? So I separated 88 small beads and strung them, and got the dye ready. Then I remembered... I didn't sand them... -_- Yep. So... I put on a YouTube lecture on the origins of religion and spiritual expression based on the latest archaeological discoveries (which was fucking mind-blowing and amazing and 1.5 hours long) and sorted, resized the holes and started sanding all 88 of them. One-by-one. By hand. I got to the halfway mark (44) by dinner time (around 12). And I pushed myself to do 22 more, since I was in a groove. And I did.
Then I did dinner. Just ramen with a few eggs and a soy/hot sauce base, some green onions, a little sesame oil to finish. One of the eggs fell on the floor and I had to clean it up. Just... you know... to spice up the day a bit more... And then I sat down and ate and started working on that meal planner. And these meals... so many of them just look so fucking basic and bland. Like... pasta with oil and some garlic and one basil leaf and 2 split cherry tomatoes. I don't know. A lot of the meal combos were really fucking weird... like asian food with cheese quesadillas as a side? Just... strange... And a lot of the food just didn't really seem appealing to me. Lots of flax stuff, and protein shakes... but I did find quite a bit of stuff that's going to work for me. Plus... it's all vegetarian, so that's a simple transition.
The Blue Jay is back. Actually there are two of them talking to each other, at least two. It's pouring rain out. I can tell it's my morning visitor, the big guy. It's the exact same time. I've been hearing him a lot lately. I wonder if he's just bitching for more free food... XD How fucking cool would it be to have a tame Blue Jay? They're in the Corvid family, with Crows, though not incredibly closely related. They do seem on a very different level than other song birds though. They're nuts. I've heard them imitate the sound of Red-Tailed Hawks to scare off other competing birds before. How fucking nuts is that?
Anyway. I got super lost in the whole meal planner thing. Because... they added this thing into it where you can inventory your pantry and then it sorta... figures out meals with your on-hand ingredients... and then orders shit that you need. Or at least it's supposed to, I haven't tried yet. It even had a barcode scanner thing on it, so it made it pretty easy to do (when it worked). But... again... I got super lost in it and inventoried literally all of my food. And then I looked at the clock and went "oh shit, I have to finish the beads..." So I finished the 2-week meal plan, as best as I could, and I'll come back to it tomorrow. And I went back to the beads. And I finished sanding the last 22 beads. And I went and soaked 44 of them on a string in the dye. This dye is green... but I watered it down. And I'm a little afraid that I might have watered it down a bit... too much. The other two necklaces, I didn't water that shit down fucking at all. So all I had to do was just roll them around a bit, let them soak the dye in, and they were nice and vibrant. This? I'm gonna let these puppies soak overnight. We'll see what they look like tomorrow. So I wedged a rock in there with them to keep them submerged in the dye and they're just gonna do their thing. The other half? I think I'm going to leave them undyed. I'm tempted to draw symbols of some sort on them. I liked the idea of like a prayer flag concept, of like... writing a symbol and putting an intention into each one, and repeating that 88 times. Or maybe cycling through the Zodiac symbols? I don't know, I haven't decided yet. I'm also going to have to settle on a medium for that. But at the core, this is going to be alternating green (likely very desaturated green, maybe like a green tea color) and natural wood color, and they'll have the nice rich oil stain to them as well. So... likely a subtle alternation of colors.
Oh, and I put the last necklace in a sealed bag with a cinnamon stick. Hopefully that will seal an aroma into it, I'll leave it for like a week or something. If not, I've always got powdered cinnamon too.
Okay, I think that's everything from today. Big goddamn day. But I still felt like I didn't actually finish anything. The blue beads aren't oil coated. I didn't get to sand the display table that I am 100% going to refinish in this batch as well... I didn't finish dying the small beads. I didn't finish setting up my meal planner. So yeah, that's a frustrating feeling. I get that a lot. But I really need to remember that just because something is not complete, doesn't mean I didn't work hard on it and accomplish a lot. And today was just non-stop working hard on good, healthy, cool things. And in the end, I'm happy with it.
Now, I really need to get to bed because I'm insanely tired. Headphones are 100% coming to bed with me tonight.
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anonself · 1 year
Idea! :O
You and Obi-Wan trapped in a closet because one of your friends shoved you two in a closet to get one of you to confess your feelings!! >:3
It was either one of the 212th or Anakin. They’re his self proclaimed “wingmen”. It also could have been Hondo. He thinks he’s hilarious.
It depends on how early in the relationship we are. If we’ve just started falling for each other, there would be no confession. Obi-Wan would still be hoping the feelings would go away, not wanting to go against the Jedi code. I wouldn’t want to get him in trouble for having attachments (and also would be mortified if he found out I had feelings for him.) We’d end up standing there awkwardly until someone else came to open the door.
Later on, though, I would be the one to confess, he’d still be conflicted. Jedi morals are what he was raised on, and all of a sudden he can’t seem to follow them. It’s more out of denial.
I’d probably cry. Especially because I wouldn’t want to get him in trouble with the council. I’m also a dense motherfucker so if the feelings were mutual, I would have no idea unless he told me.
Meanwhile his face is fucking RED. He’s lucky the closet is darker. It lets him have a sliver of dignity.
He’s constantly apologizing to me throughout. He feels awful to have dragged me into this.
As soon as the two of us are let out, whoever put us in there gets scolded. He’s got a disappointed dad sort of talking to ready for them. An Olympic level finger wagging.
We’d have a longer, more serious talk later, away from prying ears. He’s not really sure where to go with this, and neither am I. We’re both not used to this sort of attachment (or much at all, in Obi-Wan’s case.)
The council wouldn’t be informed of this. Anakin wouldn’t say a word and the clones don’t hold the council nearly as high in respect as they do Obi-Wan.
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inchigo · 3 years
Hello! Can I request male reader fucking gojo with a little bit of him crying. If you don't want to you can
order up! ♡
My Plaything
warnings: sub!gojo, dom!malereader, dacryphilia, forced orgasms, cnc and overstimulation
summary: Gojo tries his best to survive while you use him as you please, playing a game of “how many times can I make you c*m before you go braindead”. Spoiler, he loses.
notes: I once again wrote this at the late/early hours of 1 am so if there is a typo then squint and carry on.
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Gojo’s fingernails dig into your back, carving red welts into the sweating skin as he moans underneath you.
“Please,” he whines, cum covered chest heaving. “I already came, please…”
The headboard smacks against the bedroom wall in a viscous rhythm matching the pace of your thrusts as you speed up. You ignore him completely and push his legs flat against his chest. Gojo gasps as the angle deepens your reach inside him, head falling back against the bed as his body tenses up. He’s close and you know it.
“No, I’m going to… I’m going to—!” Gojo squirms in protest yet wraps his legs around your waist, digging his heels into the meat of your ass until both of you are pressed together. He squeezes his eyes closed and shudders through another orgasm.
You let him grind down and grin as his chest is painted again. “You’re starting to look like a true slut, Satoru. Another orgasm within three minutes? I must really make you feel good.”
Gojo blinks drearily, gaining his senses again and slurs out your name. You hush him sweetly and give an experimental thrust. He instantly shakes his head and whines out something unintelligible.
“What was that?” You snear and give another thrust, taking the time to slide every inch of your cock back in. “I couldn’t hear you.”
Gojo jolts with each cruel thrust so soon after another orgasm. He pushes at your chest harder, but he’s so spent that it feels like a weak tap to you.
“P-please I can’t go again, I’m too—.” His sentence breaks off into a shivering moan.
“How many times has it been now?” You ask, a few inches from his face.
Gojo shakes his head. “I don’t- I—.”
“I told you to count,” you remind and add a hard thrust to get your point across. It shakes his body and he gasps, dazed eyes blinking up at the ceiling as he tries to calculate the amount of times you’ve made him cum within the past two hours. It’s cute, seeing him try so hard while being at your mercy.
“Four… times?” Gojo answers carefully, knowing the punishment for missing count.
A kiss to the temple is his reward. “Very good!”
He closes his eyes and begins protesting again before you even have a chance to speak. “But I can’t go again. I’m so tired already, four is enough.”
“Satoru, do you have a favorite number?” Is the next question asked, his babbling once again ignored. Your thrusts have slowed down to let him think.
Gojo opens his eyes, confusion clear in the expression. “What?”
It’s is just a trap and his foggy state let’s him fall for it. “A favorite number, I’m sure you do.”
“Yeah it’s six,” Gojo answers far too truthfully for the type of person he knows and should remember you are. “But what does that matter?”
“Six it is then,” you conclude eagerly and roll back into him. The look on Gojo’s face as he realizes the fate he just sealed for himself is too priceless.
“No,” Gojo begins and tries crawling backwards out of your reach with a sudden burst of panic. “I can’t cum two more times, nothing will come out! Please!”
You move after him, pressing the weight of your pelvis down to pin him. “Two more times should be easy for you, you’re the strongest after all Satoru. Come on, I’ll count them down for you.”
“No, no no!” Gojo pleads, starting to become frantic. “I beg, don’t do this!”
“Do you remember the safe word, Satoru? Are you okay to continue?” You stop moving, seriousness present in your tone. You won’t continue unless it’s acknowledged.
Gojo relaxes underneath you and nods. “I remember it. I’m okay, we can continue. Thank you.”
That is all you need to hear.
“Good. Then be quiet, Satoru.” You sit up on your knees and lift his legs to your chest, holding them together by the ankles with one hand. Gojo clenches around you and you’re reminded of how close you truly are to cumming too. Which won’t do, can’t cum before he gets through these last two and that just means you’ll need to make him finish fast. A steadying breath is taken to anchor yourself before starting off with a brutal pace. Sound of skin slapping, headboard banging and Gojo’s cries of pleasure filling the room again.
His ass is off the bed, held up for him to be used like a fleshlight. Gojo’s hole clenches around you every time your cock slams back in, making his legs shake in your hold.
“Too-too much,” Gojo whimpers. “You’re filling me up too much.”
You hush him once more, holding back your own moans and kiss his ankle. “You can take it, Satoru. Take all of it.”
Gojo writhes on the comforter, head inching closer and closer to the headboard as you fuck him up the bed. “T-too much too fast!”
“But you feel so good around me, Satoru. I can’t help myself.” Each thrust punches out a stuttered string of moans from his mouth in sync with every other sound. All a result of you.
Gojo bites his lip to stop the noises, putting his hands between the headboard and him.
“Oh don’t hold your voice from me, I love hearing how good I make you feel.”
Gojo shakes his head, breathing heavily from his nose as his lip begins to quiver. Your attention is instantly trained to his face as it twists up in an attempt to stop what you know is inevitably about to happen. He sniffles loudly, seeming to shock himself and momentarily make him forget he had been trying to remain silent and let’s out a loud sob.
A shiver runs down your spine at the miserable sound, your hips jolting then halt upon almost cumming right then and there at the sight of fat tears falling from his blue eyes. Gojo begins wiping them away only for more to take their place, completely incomprehensive to the fact that you had stopped moving altogether.
Another shiver takes over your body and you swear under your breath at the sight: his bottom lip trembling, shaking hands covering crying eyes, and his pale chest covered in his own filth heaving after each gasping sob. It’s hot, so hot and you want to make Gojo look even more disheveled than he already is.
“You make such a pretty mess, Satoru.” You breathe, voice darker than before. “Once we’re done, I’ll have you lick it all off my fingers. How does that sound?”
“Shut up!” Gojo cries out sharply.
It truly takes you by surprise and if you hadn’t stopped moving before then that would have made you pause. “Looks like you still have an attitude even after cumming your brains out four times, what a shocker, Brat.”
All hesitation gone, you angle your hips just right and give one single hard thrust right to his prostate. A high whine leaves Gojo’s lips, confirming you are in the right position, smiling to yourself and continuing as he moans for you like a slut and grips the sheets. His knuckles turn white with the fierceness of his grip, thighs tensed so tight they quiver like a vibrator against your chest. He’s close, and so are you but you don’t let up once until Gojo’s sobbing out profanities upon release. Your fingertips leaving bruises on his skin as you cum in him finally, thrusting uneasily until you fill him up and both lay weighted in a messy pile.
With a sigh you take two fingers and swipe them through Gojo’s cum and bring it into his sight. “Looks like stuff did come out, Satoru. I knew you could.”
Gojo turns his head away, tears still falling and twitches as you pull out. “Leave… me alone…”
“Look at me, Satoru~” You whine and rub his thighs lovingly, letting the shaking limbs fall on either side of you. “Pay attention to the one giving you pleasure.”
Gojo shakes his head, only able to physically pout as a last resort to hang onto any ounce of consciousness from over exerting himself. It’s adorable, seeing his swollen lips puff out and brows pinch together so pitifully.
But it’s not enough.
“Don’t be so cold, please, pretty boy~” You ask softly and start kissing up his body, licking up the cum your mouth catches with an appreciative hum that synchronizes to Gojo’s weak whines of disagreement.
You continue to rise up his chest, latching your lips around a pink bud and lick. The squirming is instant as your tongue skillfully twirls around it, planted heavily on him as Gojo tries pushing you off.
“Not there… too sensitive- mm!”
“That’s the point, Satoru.” You remark teasingly and move to the next, nipping hard.
Gojo jumps, blinking through tears. “It feels weird, I—!”
The teasing did the job of making him hard again for you. His cock rest red and irritated against his stomach. Firmly, you take him in your hand and start stroking.
Gojo kicks away, wanting to escape the unpleasant sensation you’re causing again and refuse to stop. You soothe him once more, “One last time, pretty boy. If you’re a good boy and cum one last time I promise we can be done and I’ll take care of you.”
“No no, please. I can’t cum again.” Gojo grabs your wrist tight and you stop, giving him a moment to use the safe word. Gojo knows what your pause means, but he doesn’t take the opportunity. Instead he leans into you.
His face is then covered in kisses as you resume. “Shh, Satoru, it’s okay. Don’t you want to be good for me?”
The grip loosens enough for your hand to move freely and he nods, sniffling so sweetly. “Yes…”
It makes your heart jump, earning him a kiss to the forehead. “That’s my good boy, now just breathe for me.”
Once again, you stroke his cock at a gentle pace and let Gojo thrust into your hand. He holds onto your shoulder, nails digging in and picks up the pace on his own. You swipe your thumb over the slit on his tip and tighten your grip as Gojo thrusts up, knowing he’s close already.
“Keep going, you’re so close.” You whisper into his ear, grinning wider because your words are making him move his hips against the pain.
“H-hurts!” Gojo mewls through gritted teeth.
“You can take it, pretty boy, keep going for me.” Another few thrusts and he tenses under you again, gasping with your name on his lips and arches off the bed. You coo into his ear, praising him through a dry orgasm that lasts longer than the others, mouthing at his neck until Gojo is jolting deadweight again.
“There we go, Satoru. Six orgasms, I’m so proud of you.”
Gojo inhales shakily, “Next time I say ‘do what you’d like’, don’t try to kill me.”
He’s covering his face again, chest moving unevenly. You smirk, leaning down and kiss his hands gently before pulling them back to reveal tear stricken blue eyes. You know it was a little intense, but sometimes Gojo needs to be a brainless mess. You kiss his hands again and start aftercare.
“You were such a good plaything.”
©2021 inchigo. all rights reserved. no reposts and other modifications allowed.
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ncityavenue · 2 years
𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝙩𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙨
Very straightforward, it's not gonna be all of nct. Random selects I guess, it's gonna be members that come to the front of my mind if that makes sense🤞🏾
Why do I feel like this my man's texting is dry💀like you tell him your plans for the week and hes just like "OK." And yall don't text for the next 4 hrs— STOP WHAT IS THIS SUDDEN JAEHYUN SLANDER😭😭 LOVE HIM THO🤞🏾
(Suggestive) you will know when he's in THE mood if you catch my drift, he texts more frantically and his sentences don't make sense as much ncjwbdhdbakm— you'd be like "are you okay?" And he's like "...I'm horny" and you're just like "okay well I'm at work so you gotta wait " NSIWBCCHSBWKMAO IM SORRY—
BRUH HIS LAUGH TEXT STYLE IS DEFINITELY "Lol", "lmfao", "💀". You genuinely don't know if you made him laugh unless you are on call with him and you hear that dad laugh😭
He always greets you with a "good morning sexy😏" like sir....we have slobber all over our mouth, SEXY WHERE????
He texts you just to make you're notifications go outta whack, JUST FOR FUN😭
"Fuck you"
He's a "words of affirmation" texter, like in the morning he tells you "have a good day<333" or "you'll do great today<3"
I mean yuta is more of caller than texter bc he wants to hear your voice 🥰😍🤗🤗❤❤💗💗 awhhhh so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
He's a sweet texter honestly, DONT TAKE HIM FOR GRANTED
"Hey dumbass, wanna go out with me and yang?"
I knowwww he accidentally switches the languages anytime he talks to you
He sends SO MANY photos throughout his day * if yall are together he sends...uhm— YEAH YOU GET THE POINT. Thirst trap Ten era🥱*
Crazy thing is you never know if it's actually ten texting you bc he let's his friends borrow his phone and then somehow you wind up talking to Xiaojun instead of Ten. HE SHOULD STOP LETTING PEOPLE JUST HAVE HIS PHONE😭
(Suggestive maybe) "So, I'm at Spencer's."
"Oh great! Have fun!"
"So what size dildo do you want? They have 6,8,9,and 12 inch:)
"...Why am I with you again?"
"8 is a great start ig...."
" okay well I'm at the counter with the 12 inch anyway! See you later love you gorgeous🥰"
You never truly know what you're gonna get outta him, one day he'll be blowing up your notifications the next he'll be the driest mf ever (Jaehyun 2.0)
He sends memes, honestly all of Dream send memes. So it just runs through his veins
He mostly sends them (flirty memes) when you flirt with him and since he's not the best at flirting he sends one like "damn you lookin fine as hell" with like a a cute cat with sunglasses on😭😭(except that one time a czennie said he was cute and then he said they were cute as well on live and Mark was like :0)
There's been a unhealthy amount of times where he accidentally texts you random gibberish, and he's always like "my bad😊"
NOOOOOO😭😭 IM LAUGHING ALREADY THINKING ABT THIS, So he makes so many typos especially when you start to flirt HE JUST GOES BALLISTIC💀
"So wht shuld we do TodaY?"
"Omg mark are you asking me out😏😏"
"I'm sorry imsorryyou scared me I shoukds have asked how ur daiy wss sorry sorry!!!!"
"Uhm- okay sugar plum"
"...leave the pet names to me from now on.."
If he keeps making errors in his text, he either calls you or sends a voice message💀 Save mark pls.
He sends memes for EVER-Y-THING, there's never a moment where you're talking to haechan and he doesn't send a meme.
He sends hoe pics
Even if yall are just platonic he sends hoe-y pics and you're like "haechan, I'm at work." And he's like "exactly. Thoughts?" So you decide to fuck with him and you answer with "..why's there a lotion and sock behind you?" And haechan literally deletes the photo😭😭
" hiiiii🥰🥰🥰"
"C'mon let's talk for like 10 seconds"
"Okay fine"
"How's ur day so far🤗"
"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
"byeeee see u later😍🤞🏾"
I've been had this idea for awhile but I never wrote it bc I didn't know how to put my frantic thoughts into words- bitch I sound crazy uhm ANYWAYS BXIWVDUWKDOK😭😭
But I hope you liked this and this the end of The BGKSC [Black Girl Kpop Stan Chronicles] IDC IM MAKING IT A THING LEAVE ME BE😭😭😭 BYE BESTIE BOOS🤗❤❤
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Noctis Lucis Caelum- Arguments and Arrangements
Hiya! Bye-a
"When and where, toots?"
"Why I ought to-" you approached Noctis with your gun cocked and ready to shoot the smug grin off his face. It was Prompto’s fault for giving you his lucky pistol for your birthday. 
Gladiolus had you by the waist. Holding you on his lap. He drug you to the other side of the hotel room while Ignis reprimanded Noctis for bullying you again.
"Hey hey-"  Cindy stopped you dead in your tracks by jumping between the two of you. "No fightin' on the property!" She snatched the firearm out of your hand, causing you to growl in sheer annoyance. “You’re gonna have to pay for this place, y’know?”
"Tell her to chill out!"
"Tell him to stop messing with me!" You snapped. Noctis LOVED getting under your skin for some odd unknown reason. It was like he got off on pissing you off every chance he got. And trust, he used EVERY CHANCE HE GOT.
"Noct, why can't ya just leave Y/N be for once?" Cindy, who seemed to be on your side shook her head. 
"It's either you two fight it out, or fuck it out! Pick one!" Prompto voice his opinion.
"PROMPTO!!" You said in pure shock. You didn't think they'd take it that far, not to mention Noctis was the LAST person you'd want to see you naked...under him...doing things...with him. The thought was just absurd! You yanked yourself out of Gladio’s grip. 
“Excuse me?!”
“Pardon me!?”
"I've had it with you two arguing!" She looked between you and Noctis. "We’re gonna step out and wrassle up some dinner for us all. Then maybe search for a few parts and if the two of you haven't made up by the time I come back, y'all are walking everywhere from now on, ya hear me?". Without giving you time to disagree or even answer, she threw open the door and stepped out, the other boys following behind.
“Y/N, Noctis. I recommended following Cindy’s instructions...or else.” his glare lingered on your both. 
"They took our shit didn't they?" You glowered. You noticed your weapon was gone and Noctis’s sword was missing.
"Yep." Noctis didn't sound too happy either.
"So were basically fuckin’ trapped." you asked.
"Seems so." he replied.
"Whatever." you huffed walking over to the couch seat. "I'll wait."
"Didn't you hear her? She said-"
"I know what she said." You rolled your eyes. "Doesn't mean I'm gonna listen. We have nothing to say to each other." You crossed your arms, leaning back. “Unless you got something to tell me, Caelum.”
"..." Noct didn't respond. He just walked over to his spot on the bed, far from you. Fine by you, you didn't want to be near that asshole anyways.
A good few minutes passed in complete silence. You were twiddling your thumbs while Noctis was playing with his phone. You took the time to look over at him. His black, ravenette hair reflected the slowly setting sun that peered through the window. You could make out the curve of his jaw as he clenched and unclenched. He was thinking about something. The way he bit his lip in concentration for whatever he was doing was almost-
"You gonna sit there and stare at me all day or what?" You snapped out of your daze and finally realized Noctis was staring at you. Well, he was glaring. Same thing.
"Sorry." You instantly looked away. When were they gonna be back already?
"Why do you hate me anyways." Noctis swung his feet around and twisted his body until he was facing you. "Honestly."
"Because you hated me first." You scoffed, refusing to look back at him. "I seem to remember you holding a certain disdain for me." You laughed harshly. "How quickly we forget, Prince Jackass."
"Well you know me." He shrugged smirking. "I don't remember stuff too good." He got up and maneuvered over to you.. He sat down next to you. He was hunched over, leaning his elbows on his knees.
"Obviously." You cracked a smile. "Remember when we first met? Threw me right into a daemon's grasp?"
"Yeah." He laughed bitterly. "You used a pen to cut yourself free then made a whole scene."
"You liar!"
"I am not! You chased me up the street."
"Well I didn't have a weapon of my own!" You replied. "Be honest, it was impressive."
"You got me." He shook his head. "Never met a girl who could turn a regular old pen into a weapon."
"You should meet my family." You chuckled. “They’re the crazy ones.”
"I'll pass." He seemed to be opening up because he relaxed more, leaning back in the seat. "So...I know Cindy likes to take her time. What are we gonna do until then?"
"Good question." You said, standing up. Since you really didn't take note of how slippery the floors were, you lost your footing, getting ready to fall back down. "Ack!"
"Woah, hey!" Noctis wrapped an arm around your waist. You landed right on his lap, thanks to him moving over in time. "What was that?"
"Sorry. I guess I wasn't-" it was only then you noticed how close to his face you were. "Paying attention." You finished quietly.
Noctis narrowed his eyes, burning his gaze into your own. His eyes darted around, scanning every detail of your face. Without thinking, you slowly moved your hand to brush his cheek with your knuckles. Honestly, a few hours ago, you would have wanted to punch his square in his face. Now, you weren't so sure what you wanted to do now.
Noctis's tongue darted out to lick his lips, which did all sorts of things to you. Whether they were good or bad was a debate to be had. He must have been thinking the same thing. "You're really close, you know that?"
"...Yeah." you replied breathlessly. "Guess I'm a bit clumsy." Despite it sounding like you were about to get off, you relaxed into his touch. "Someone could be back any minute."
"Yeah." He showed no signs of letting you get up. Instead, his hand crawled under your shirt, up your back. You leaned down and partially surprised him with a sudden kiss. Despite his surprise, he returned the kiss whole heartedly. He silently moaned into your mouth, wasting no time in introducing his tongue to yours.
Noctis laid back on the couch, taking you with him. His began exploring your body, and damn! You had a sexy body. He always wondered why you insisted on your ‘uniform’ being the way it was, but that body? He wasn’t gonna fucking complain. He loved seeing you in shorts with those garters that double as a place to store your weapons.
Shit, he was a good kisser. It was about time he used his mouth for something other than talking shit. “Shit, Y/N. Why didn’t we think of this before?”
“Don’t know-.” you moaned, feeling his hands reach for the zipper of your jacket. 
“Damnit, Y/N!” he groaned. “Let me get on top of you.” he urged, moving you around so he was hovering over you. You stared up at Noctis who was fumbling with your belt.
Noctis covered your mouth with his again. “Noctis, someone could walk in.”
“I don’t care.” he glowered, kissing down your neck. He discarded your jacket. “Shit, you’re so hot. Your skin feels like....the sun.” he breathed out. “Shit I’m hard already.” he grunted. “and we’ve only kissed.”
“Are we really doing this right now?” you looked up as Noctis ripped his shirt from his body. “Ignis is gonna kill you-”
“Fuck that tool.” he growled. “Or maybe I should fuck you instead.” he crashed his mouth over yours again. You moaned wantonly into his mouth. 
You felt him pull down your pants, take off your garters and panties with them. “Take em off.”
 You fumbled with his belt too, in a desperation to undress him as well.
“Tell me, Y/N...you don’t think this is the only time we’re gonna do this are you?”
“I’d be dumb to assume.” you whimpered. 
“Good girl, this little arrangement of ours is good...”
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Xiao: First Kiss HCs
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I’m so sorry it took me actually forever to reply to you. But I really hope you like this and it was somewhat worth the wait;; I tried really hard but ty for liking my Xiao content and yes! Let’s be absolute trash for Xiao. In this house we only believe in Xiao supremacy 💕💕
Semi Part 1: Friendship
Semi Part 2: Falling in Love
Semi Part 3: Cuddles
Semi Part 4: Protective
Semi Part 5: Affection
Semi Part 6: Jealously
Semi Part 8: Opposites Attract
Semi Part 9:  String of Fate [Soulmate] HCs
Semi Part 10:  [ Fainting ]
Childe Ver: First Kiss HCs
Venti & Kaeya: Mistletoe HCs
Venti, Xingqiu, and Razor: Kissing HCs
Considering how many more Xiao fics I need to write. This semi part link might not be a good idea lol. Also let’s ignore if I wrote in a kiss in a previous post haha.
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji​​  @mikeysbike​​ @unionwitch​​ @musekala​​ @twistedsunnshiii​​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​​ @xoneaboveallx​​ @adoring-ghost​​ @asheseiler​​ @childelover​​@youaskedfurret​​ @snowy224
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Xiao: First Kiss HCs
When you and Xiao first got together. It was a slow and steady process of learning each other boundaries and what felt comfortable. Xiao knew he was a difficult partner but you loved him and even becoming his friend was a slow and worthwhile adventure. It started off small leading from small handholding, to cuddling, to showing each other affection. But the one area that you both weren’t familiar in was kisses. He was an isolated adepti and you were an adventurer. You didn’t have any experience in being kissed and Xiao sure as hell didn’t either. Plus it was a lot more intimate and nerve wracking compared to holding hands and that was an hard hill to tackle in itself.
You didn’t mind that he wasn’t comfortable with initiating affection or never went in or talked about kisses. You were just happy that he was by your side and that your love was reciprocated. That he was comfortable in your presence and seemed content in your arms. It still made you a bit giddy when you reflected on how far you both came and that was enough for you. Xiao, on the other hand, couldn’t exactly say the same. While he was happy and he was content, he couldn’t help but feel that maybe your relationship was too one-sided? He knew that you were comfortable and okay with waiting for him to work out his issues and figuring out how to love again but he also really wanted to do more. He just wasn’t sure how to start.
It suddenly dawned on him one day when he saw you off on your next journey, that he had never really kissed you. Even a small goodbye kiss. It was usually you initiating affection or giving words of love and you always told him that it didn’t matter if he said it or not. His actions said more which always made him flush a bit. But on slow and quiet days where you were off on another adventure and Liyue was calm, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander to you. To your face, your bright eyes that would light up whenever you talked about the interesting sights you saw on your journey, the curve of your nose whenever he tapped it when you started to ramble on to much, your lips and how they would spread into a soft smile when it was just the two of you.
Xiao quickly flipped himself up into a sitting position and groaned into his hands. What was happening to him? He needed to take a walk to clear his mind again. He’s been going out a lot since he met you. He had faced an army of demons and fought in a war and yet this felt like the hardest challenge of his entire thousand year long life. He could almost hear Guizhong’s laughter at his predicament and her words of wisdom saying to take whatever problem he had and face it head on. Just without his spear. The spear needs to stay home.
So the next time you visited Wangshu Inn he asked for you to close your eyes. You complied but you were surprised, sitting by the railing facing Liyue up on the balcony. Was he going to gift you something? This was the first time he asked you to close your eyes but you trusted him. You could almost feel the anxiety waving off Xiao so you kept quiet and patient and waited for him to be ready.
He was ready. He could do this. You weren’t even looking at him so what was there to be worried about? He slowly leaned in, just hovering above your lips. But then he leaned back a bit, flushing red. He nearly chewed his lip before stopping since you probably didn’t want to taste blood. It wasn’t that he wasn’t ready or he thought that you would hate it, he was just nervous in messing up. What if his accidently transformed? What if he accidently pushed you off the railing? Even worse, what if someone showed up and saw you both like this?
Turns out he didn’t need to worry. Somewhat. Zhongli, who Xiao knew now was actually Rex Lapis in disguise, made a sudden appearance behind him. The whiplash of suddenly seeing his Master, the nervous butterfly’s fluttering in his stomach, and pep talk Xiao was trying to pound into his mind made him suddenly lurch forward and kiss you deeply. A bit too deeply as his little fangs nipped at your bottom lip.
“Rex Lapis?!”
You both quickly broke apart as your eyes flew open when you heard the man but also surprise at the sudden but, not completely unpleasant, pain and pressure on your lips. You could almost see the soul leave Xiao’s body when he spun around to see the surprised Zhongli. It was silent for a moment, all three of you just staring at each other. You were still processing what the hell just happened, Xiao was trying to find a way to astral project, and Zhongli was computing the fact that yes, the ever grumpy and “don’t touch me” yaksha both had a lover and was in the middle of...courting.
“Oh. My apologies. I wasn’t aware you were both occupied. I shall take my leave and visit another day then.” Zhongli simply nodded and left before you or Xiao could say anything. You both stared at the empty figure of where Zhongli was before you started to burst into laughter at the situation. You really felt bad, you did honestly, but with all the overwhelming emotions you couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’m...sorry. I didn’t know he was going to visit today,” Xiao muttered as he pressed his hand into his face and groaned at the embarrassing moment. You could see the tips of his ears were getting redder by the second which made you chuckle. For such a fearsome Yaksha he was really cute sometimes.
“It’s okay Xiao. I don’t mind. But are you alright?” you stifled the last of your giggles and reached out to pull him closer and remove his hand from his red face before cupping his cheek. He huffed but leaned into your hand. He really was sometimes like a cat.
“Are you hurt? Was I...too forward?” Xiao asked but he still wouldn’t look you in the eye. The floor was very interesting this afternoon. Wood was nice. Wood was good.
“No! It was...nice,” you answered, starting to go a bit pink yourself now before you felt a stinging pain in the corner of your lip, “Ah. I think you might accidently bit my lip though.”
“I see,” Xiao was now looking at you with his piercing eyes as he watched your small pink tongue brush over the corner of your bottom lip. His attention began to focus on that small part as the world seem to narrow down. Just the two of you. But unlike when you both would lie on top of the inn and watch the sun go down he felt hungry.
“Do you-”
Before you could ask anything Xiao suddenly pounced and pressed his lips against yours in a heated kiss. He took you by surprise but you quickly recovered as you gripped the purple ribbon on his back and yanked him forward as his hands slammed against the railing, trapping you. You felt his tongue press against your lips as you slowly opened them to let him in. It was overwhelming and you were sure if you hadn’t been grabbing onto the purple ribbon you would have fell over but then a sudden deep rumble snapped you out of your trance.
“Xiao? Are you...Are you purring?” you giggled when you got a tiny but of separation from the lack of air but he frowned at you, really it looked more like a pout, before leaning over once again.  Just barely brushing over your lips as he whispered
This isn’t even OOC anymore. I feel like I’m writing a fucking k-drama right now, what am I doing anymore? English? Huh? I do not compute.
I’ve just awakened something in me with Cat! Xiao and I am flying with it (and casually ignoring lore. Isn’t he a bird?). Heading straight for the stratosphere and you cannot stop me. Just gonna hide away in shame now don’t look at me.
Okay. Time to commit sleep for uh 2 hours lol. I’m really tired but I feel kinda proud of myself haha. Tomorrow’s fics are going to be Venti, Lisa and Diluc pairing, and Venti and Barbara pairing. Good night!
Oh, and yes there is a lot more Xiao content to come and uhh might continue this cat!xiao idea. Unless that’s too weird. I’m sorry don’t shame me pls 😰
my god tumble just work. i dont want to deal with you and your tags. 
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iiraven · 3 years
Pairing: Poseidon!Armin x Reader
Genre: romance, smut
Warnings: slow-burn, minor character death, manipulation, stalking, possessiveness, Yandere behaviour, puppy play, piss play, body worship, throne sex, implied age-gap, oral(male receiving), hair pulling, collaring (without consent)
Word count: 9.8K
Synopsis: Armin’s quest for revenge leads him to you, daughter of a merchant and object of his infatuation.
Author’s note: thank you @bubbleteaimagines​ for hosting this collab and allowing me to join <3 Also, thank you @onyxoverride​ for teaching me how to write about pee!
Attack on Titan Masterlist
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Present day:
If the river could speak, you wonder what it would say.
In the silence that surrounds the rushing of the water, you’re sure you would hear it. Sometimes, you’re sure you can hear it, but then you remember the dangers of trusting unfamiliar voices. Especially unfamiliar voices in a place like this.
No one goes near the river Shiganshina. And you forget the reasons why much too often.
It’s rocky, slippery, there’s no path to walk on, and the nymphs grow sharp teeth when men approach them, hissing and eyes glowing red. But that’s what makes it perfect for you.
Sasha first mentioned the river months ago, recalling the places on the island that her and her father avoided whenever they went hunting. You hadn’t paid much attention to it until days later, when Connie recounted with round eyes how Floch’s body was found beside the river Shiganshina, mouth full of water and eyes gouged out. You knew you needed to go there yourself.
A pearl necklace is what you stole. And under the guise of going to wash clothes at the well, you made your way south of your small island with only Sasha’s vague instructions and your intuition guiding you.
You could hear the ocean as you walked through the untouched woods, your heart hammering in your chest every time the waves crashed against the island’s cliffs. You weren’t allowed to see the ocean- you weren’t allowed to be around any large body of water, for that matter- but you still knew your island well enough to know that a step in the wrong place could lead you tumbling down the cliff.
You would die before you got to feel the water on your skin and that, you thought, would be the most tragic part.
As your feet began to sink into the muddy ground, you could smell the salty water, and a slight metallic scent behind it that only drew you in closer until you reached a clearing. It was small, crowded with foliage with only a few dead plants on the ground where you could only assume people had attempted to step foot.
And there was the river. It was small, its water emerging from underground before the tide pushed it to the edge of the island- to a waterfall. So loud that it could drown out any noise, any screams. You shivered. For a moment, you just stood back and watched. The water was was green, but so clear that you could still see the fish swimming beside the floating objects. Coins, silver, small statues, and whatever else hopefuls had tried to offer. You pulled out your own offering and whispered a short prayer before throwing the necklace in.
It could have been your imagination, but the water calmed. It was quieter. And, like that, you felt as if the river had opened up its arms to you. Strong arms that you have to be cautious not to spend too long within lest you get trapped.
Thankfully, you’ve learned to read the signs. You know when the river wants you to leave, when it wants you to keep your distance, when it wants to keep you close, and even when it wants you to bathe. Those are the special moments. It’s rare the river is calm enough for you to dip your naked body into, but surrounded by the cool water, you feel like you could stay their forever.
If the river could speak now, however, you’re sure it would tell you to fuck off.
Either that or it would tell you to come back when you have something more to offer its god than a single golden bead from your grandmother’s necklace. Only three are left on the thin string, though you think you might keep the last one to honour her death. After that, you’ll have to go back to offering coins and whatever other trinkets that will keep the god of this river sedated long enough for you to dip your feet into the cool water, maybe take a sip, and then return home before your father realises where you’ve been, much less where you’ve been unchaperoned.
The latter is hardly your fault. Sasha and Connie are too scared to step foot in the Shiganshina forest, let alone the river itself. And you can’t trust anyone else to accompany you, especially the servants whose tongue could slip at the drop of a golden coin. Your father would never forgive you for spending time in the territory of the God of the Ocean or- as he liked to call Armin- the destroyer of seas. And thus, being left alone seems to be the only way.
Well, that’s unless Mr Arlert decides to join you.
The owner of the stable who appeared on the island out of nowhere is the last person anyone would expect to be brave enough to spend time at the river Shiganshina. He mostly keeps to himself, only ever seen tending to his horses or immersed in scrolls of literature and poetry. And yet, he’s here almost as often as you are, almost as vulnerable as you are.
Despite his solitary nature, Mr Arlert has been quick to make himself adored. Mothers swoon over his charm, scholars constantly indulge in his curiosity, and sailors are fascinated by his knowledge of the world and its oceans. He’s no warrior, and already in his late twenties, but he’s still without a doubt one of the most eligible bachelors on Paradis. And, yet, to any marriage proposal sent his way, he declines with a polite “A husband is not what I am fated to become”. Even Annie Leonhardt- whose father Mr Arlert would constantly visit- had her heart broken. But no one blames Mr Arlert, of course, who was there to comfort Annie, to make her realise that she just needs to be a better person, that’s all. It’s not his fault her heart broke, Mr Arlert reassured.
Thinking about it now, you’re amongst the handful of women who haven’t been offered to the tall blond. And with that comes a sigh of relief as you drag your fingers through the water.
It’s not like you dislike him- the opposite, actually- but being with Mr Arlert is like taking the hand of an invisible man in the dark and letting him guide you.
His words constantly have your thoughts spiralling in directions that they shouldn’t be. Thoughts about leaving the island, thoughts about going to the ocean, thoughts about becoming a priestess. Thoughts you aren’t allowed to have.
You fate is bound to the home you were born in, a thick rope tied to your ankle, only letting you go as far as this very river. And Mr Arlert sits beside that rope, a knife in his hand, blue eyes staring into your soul, waiting. You’re not sure what he’s waiting for. But what you’re sure of is that to be taken away from the life you know of is an inconceivable fantasy. The unknown is a dangerous thing, after all.
The small island of Paradis may lie far away from the rest of the world, but their core values remain the same. A woman must grow up to either serve her father or her husband. Your fate has already been decided for you. And, frankly, if it means not having to share a bed with an old man who marries you for your dowry, you’re very happy with taking care of your father until the day that he’ll be put into the ground.
But then there’s always the third option. A woman who serves neither her father nor her husband will serve her god. 
You had never been given that option by your god-hating kin. Simply suggesting a future as priestess would earn you at least five lashes, so why… why can’t you stop thinking about it? Your instincts have you blame Mr Arlert, but you know that your fixation began before he arrived on the island; all he’s done is vocalise your thoughts.
As a gust of wind blows the leaves and the salt from the sea gently caresses your cheek, you wonder who your god would be. Do you resonate with Pieck’s beauty, or Zeke’s creativity? Maybe. But as you look into your reflection, you know that your god is no other than Armin, the god of the ocean. The fates must think this is hilarious, but you just want to scream.
“It’s getting late. I wouldn’t want your father worrying about you.”
You jump at the sudden voice, turning around at the familiar face, leaning against a tree with a gentle smile.
“Thank you, Mr Arlert.”
His footsteps are so gentle, as are his apologies.
“You don’t need to thank me. I’ve come to invade your space, after all.”
“It’s not my space, it’s Armin’s. The god is only letting me stay here.”
He smiles a knowing smile, one that you would usually find patronising on any other man. But Armin is charming, too charming for you ever to think that of him. “I suppose you’re right.”
He comes to sit down beside you, taking his usual place at your right- the voice of reason. It’s quiet for a moment, before you remember.
“Lemnos,” you say.
The blond smiles. “I’m not named after a place.”
And you roll your eyes, as you’ve done every time he’s given you a useless hint. “That hardly narrows it down.”
“Well, I can’t make it too easy of a game.”
“You can’t make it impossible either!”
“It seems like I already have.” And you’re not sure if you want to wipe the smirk off his face or just stare at it.
“What about Tree?”
Arlert laughs. “No, but you have one guess left.”
“What?!” You sit up straight, eyes wide. Now you really want to wipe the smirk off his face.
“You have seven guesses, and in the eleven months we’ve known each other, you’ve used up six.” His explanation is calm and rational enough for you to almost convince yourself that the rule has been there from the start.
“Wait- wait. I never knew about this!”
“I thought everyone did. It’s traditional wager rules.” Mr Arlert’s tone is sorry, but you know he’s everything but. So, you cross your arms and pout, hoping that staring him down might at least give you the smallest chance of winning your wager.
He leans forward, mirthful and you feel a shiver go down your spine. “What is it, little puppy, sulking because you’re afraid you can’t win?”
You flush at the implication of your loss- “No- no not at all- no”- before registering his actual words are and only then can you feel the heat rise and you’re sure it’s doing you no service. “I know I can win!”
“I know you can too,” he assures you.
You frown. “Are you being sarcastic?”
It’s his turn to flush. “No, not at all! You can win- the water god favours you, after all.”
And although you shrug, his words stick. They always do.
Before you go home, you pass by Armin’s temple and place at the foot of his statue the remainder of your grandmother’s necklace.
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A year ago:
Amrin knew how fickle the gods were and he thought that this knowledge made him impervious to those feelings. He watched how Eren jumped from woman to woman daily, how Reiner picked and chose his battles without a care, how every single fixation a deity would have never lasted more than a year. He thought of how stupid it was to spend a life of immortality indulging in such temporary pleasures. And he looked down on his kin for that very reason.
It was only after one argument too many that Armin finally let it slip. The god of the sea was usually quiet, offering soft smiles, casual conversation, and minimal conflict. That was his only rule: keeps quiet before the gods of the pantheon as he takes his anger out on the humans below. But that day, he forgot about his rule.
Maybe it was the years of silence that caused the Eathshaker’s outburst, or maybe it was just Eren’s bored expression as he talked about his mistresses in front of Mikasa. Armin couldn’t take it. Gathered at a marble table beside all the Olympians, he scowled and told them how stupid they all were.
“Don’t you realise? You’re all wasting your immortality by being so idiotic, so fickle! Everything you touch becomes a temporary pleasure, ruined by your inability to act like real gods.”
He should have stopped; he really should have stopped. But the crack in the glass bridge had been there for years, and now the shards of glass were dropping down into the sea. “You might as well be human!”
The room went silent. Eyes went wide, and mouths gaped, but the gods opted for silence. Every deity wanted to speak up, maybe even draw their swords, but they were more intelligent than Armin was in that moment, which was more unusual than one might think. He had never snapped so violently before. Armin may have been aggressive, but he knew his place. Knew when to be docile. Now, he felt like he could crumble Olympus itself with his rage and bury the Olympians with their dead parents.
The king of the gods, however, leaned forward. His emerald eyes were unmoving, devoid of emotion though his lips tilted into a monstrous grin.
“You’re just as fickle as the rest of us, brother,” was all Eren said.
When Armin lunged at him, knocking the fine glass off the table, it was Mikasa who pinned him down. Arms locked behind his back, all Armin could do was watch as mirth flooded Eren’s face, and the god of the sky laughed. The bastard laughed and laughed and licked the small wound on his hand from a shard of glass. It healed immediately. Even their pain was temporary.
And like he had been doing for the past millennia, Armin found solice in his only rule: if he couldn’t take out his rage on his brother, Armin would take out his frustration elsewhere.
His first instinct was to find a woman, but the thought of seeking out temporary pleasure, from a mistress no less, reminded him too much of Eren. So, he descended to earth, trident in one hand as the other gripped the reigns of his horse and they rode for three days and three nights. That’s all it took for the god of the sea to find what he was looking for- someone deserving of his hatred.
There are many humans like the merchant. But most of their hatred is silent. And when it’s not, blasphemy often falls upon deaf ears. The merchant just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time when his drunk rambles led him up on the deck screaming out Armin’s name like it was venom in his throat, until he could scream no more. He was drunk, but the merchant’s hatred for the god of the sea did not cease when he was sober.
And when Armin heard his name, the god wasted no time calling forth a storm to sink the merchant’s ship. He took care to ensure that the arrogant man watched each and every one of his men be swallowed whole, their bodies only resurfacing lifeless, before the storm calmed.
It took five days for the merchant to swim back to his island.
He never returned to the sea.
As the weeks passed, he relocated his home to help him stay away from any body of water and made sure that his family followed suit.
But Armin followed, and the merchant’s father died weeks later with saltwater water found in his lungs.  
Unfortunately, that was not enough to sedate the god of the sea’s need for vengeance. Fortunately, it was not enough to sedate the merchant’s hatred either. The hubris didn’t leave him. Instead, it just grew and grew and grew until the merchant considered himself more of a god than Armin would ever be.
“Oh, oh.” Armin couldn’t help but smile as he watched the man urinate before his temple. “This is perfect, so perfect.”
Armin was going to show his uncaring brother how different he was from the rest of the miserable Olympians. As he stood above the island of Paradis, golden hair blowing in the ocean wind, the god vowed to begin his Odyssey. An eternal Odyssey. A journey that would last longer than the ten fleeting years he had with the Greek hero- a journey that would last longer than the universe itself.
And he knew exactly where to begin. A man’s most valuable possession: his child.
It was only after your grandfather’s death that Armin noticed you. When he first began watching the merchant’s household, under the guise of either a guest or a bird, he had been surprised to learn that the blasphemous man had no wife, nor children. Armin only realised his mistake one night, when you came to lay a blanket on the drunk man’s barely conscious body. The merchant had pulled you towards him, muttering apologies and you had wrinkled your nose before offering him a soft smile. “It’s okay, papa”.
A daughter sheltered from the world, it seemed.
The god had initially thought you were one of the servants. There were only two in the house, and your tasks were all similar. But as Armin began to watch you closer, he saw how you did have a life outside your home with friends, interests, men- a life your father was blissfully unaware of.
The merchant hardly left home- playing the part of the sick man- and you took care of him- playing the part of your dead mother- in a happy sort of agreement.
You didn’t speak about it to your friends, but you detested your doting role. Armin could tell. The way you wrinkled your nose every time your father walked through the door, the eye-roll when you were given a load of laundry. The god couldn’t help by laugh at how pathetic the merchant was that not even his only daughter- his lifeline- cared for him. The merchant didn’t know, of course. Your fake smiles and gentle hands were enough to deceive him, keep him sane. But Armin was going to break that pattern.
The merchant didn’t deserve the care of a woman. He didn’t deserve anything. So, Armin was going to take you away from him.
His initial plan was to kill you. Simple, efficient, quick. And then he thought of dumping your body somewhere far so that the search for you would break your father’s spirit even more. He hesitated, though, he wasn’t sure why, but he did. And then, you changed your routine.
After meeting up with the two individuals you called your friends at the Sunday market- instead of going back home- you carried on walking. Through the houses on the outskirts and into the dense trees, you almost stung your sandal-clad feet twice before reaching a river. The river had no god of itself, but you still threw in an offering and muttered. Stupid human. And then you sat beside the river and- nothing. Your routine was boring, obviously a ritual to let you escape from reality. Yet, he couldn’t tear away from you. The woman at the river Shiganshina was a different one than the woman who served her father. The one here relaxed her shoulders, cursed at the world around her, smiled- albeit randomly but it was real. He decided there that he would kill you tomorrow.
But when, the next day, you led him back to the river, Armin was lost in you again. Lost in your honestly, lost in your need to escape. He wanted to see more, he needed to see more. Metaphorically, of course. But when you began undressing, the pleated robes dropping to reveal soft skin and tender curves, the god of the sea realised that he wouldn’t mind literally seeing more of you. Armin had been with goddesses and nymphs and, hell, even Aphrodite herself, but never had he been this awestruck. He had to hold himself back. Even though the way you were bathing made it seem like you were worshipping him, water dripping from your body, wet hair hiding the swell of your breasts. Armin’s breath stuttered. He couldn’t reveal himself. He couldn’t.
So, he watched, and watched. Trying desperately to take in everything you were from a distance. Armin didn’t count the number of times he visited you before finally decided that killing you was no longer an option. He told himself that his change of mind was progressive. A practical choice to draw out his revenge into the most painful and convoluted Odyssey. To do that, he couldn’t kill you. No. He was going to take you for himself. Armin was going to turn the daughter of the merchant into a servant of the one God he detested.
Putting the thought into your mind was pathetically easy. As you walked past his temple on your way home, an echo of laughter emerged from the marble building. You paused for only a moment, but it was enough for Armin to catch the look in your eyes. It was one of longing, mixed with a curiosity that threatened to pull you in. But you seemed to catch yourself in the act and hastened yourself home.
And so, Armin’s true Odyssey began. 
For his journey to progress, he had to meet you. Not as a bird or a horse or through glances as a guest. He had to meet you properly. This was the only way to draw you in, he told himself. The only way for you to submit completely and willingly.
Armin could have forced you too your knees, but he had to ensure that your father watched has his daughter chose Armin over him. And chose Armin you would. Every piece was in perfect place. The fates seemed to have woven a beautiful cloth of gold for the god of the sea.
What he failed to realise was that the cloth was in fact a snare- a trap which he will never be able to escape from.
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Eleven months ago:
A short gust of wind had the pears in your thin basket tumbling down onto the rocky ground. You rushed after the fruit, crouching down to pick it up when a shadow appeared, and a hand reached out to pick it up for you. The sandal-clad feet were pale- paler than anyone living on this warm island and the robes a fine, ironed white. He somehow seemed to glow brighter than his clothes, and you purposefully let your fingers graze his as you picked up the fruit.
“Thank you,” you said, standing up.
You were hoping that he wouldn’t catch your staring. But even if he did, you couldn’t tear your eyes off him. He was lean, taller than you but not intimidatingly so and his eyes were like oceans that you found yourself staring into as he introduced himself as Mr Arlert. Just Mr Arlert. The new owner of the stables with a voice so soft, it took a moment before you remembered to introduce yourself.
“Y/N. And thank you, again.” It isn’t appropriate for an unmarried woman to be talking to a man on her own, but you couldn’t help but ask. “Do you have a first name Mr Arlert?”
His smile was contagious. “I do. But names are a powerful thing. I’m afraid I can’t give mine up freely.”
“Oh.” You scrunched your nose. “Can I pay for it then?”
You were dead serious, but the blond man laughed. How can someone look so pretty when they laugh? You wondered.
“I’m serious! I can pay you; name your price.”
Mr Arlert looked down at you, blue eyes twinkling. “I’ll think about it.”
“So, is that a no?”
“It’s a no, for now. One day I’ll tell you my name.”
He was sweet, so sweet, but you still gave him a sceptical frown, nose scrunching and eyebrows furrowing. Mr Arlert in turn gave you a sorry look before his eyes lit up and he pulled out from his brown satchel a small book of yellowed pages and a dusty blue cover, the gold embossing hardly visible. You nose only scrunched further.
“My name is in this story. It’s mentioned few times, but it’s an important one,” he said to you.
You took the book and flipped through the worn pages, immediately recognising the tale of Aphrodite and Ares. The lovers.
Why the challenge? You wanted to ask Mr Arlert but you knew the answer you your get would be too cryptic. Besides, you think, I like a challenge.
“How long do I have?” You asked instead.
“A year and a day.”
“And what will I get if I figure it out?”
At this, he pondered. But it seemed feigned, and you wondered, just for a split second, if the man had planned this from the beginning. But why? This was another one of your questions that went unanswered that day. Because before you could say anything more, Mr Arlert leaned forward and said, “Your reward will be divine”. And he walked away.
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Nine months ago:
Life was well after Armin arrived. There was no other way to put it. Your father was confining himself to his room more often than before, and you were finding more opportunities to visit the river, leave the house and, eventually, you met the handsome baker’s son. Jean was kind, a gentleman, but not the arrogant type like most the men your age. You didn’t even feel too much guilt when you thought that spending a future with Jean- taking care of him and his home- wouldn’t be too bad. It’s quite pathetic that your life had been reduced to not being “too bad”, but the idea of marrying Jean sat on the comfortable line between reality and fantasy. Safety.
And then you were visited at the river.
Mr Arlert wasn’t even surprised to find you there, he had just smiled and sat beside you as you clenched your fists and forced yourself to smile back at him. You had always enjoyed him, his company, his challenges, but now it was like he was provoking you. The river Shiganshina was your river, your special place away from the hellscape that was the town. And now Mr Arlert had brought himself and his ordinary life into it.
You pulled your sandals back on, the crease in your brow evident. He clearly couldn’t get the hint. But before you could stand up, he spoke, and you paused.
“I wish I could jump in and swim away,” he said.
Curiosity got the best of you, as it often did with the man.
“The waterfall would kill you.”
The awkward laugh again. It had an effect on you so that your jaw couldn’t help but unclench. “If it means that I get to touch a waterfall, I wouldn’t mind, you know?”
You knew. You knew exactly what he meant. But you didn’t tell him.
“Didn’t take you as the suicidal type,” you said.
“I might get saved, who knows.”
“If you’re counting on me to jump after you, I’m letting you know I won’t.”
“I know,” he laughed. “I was thinking of more of a divine rescue.”
You finally looked at him, and- unsurprisingly- his blue eyes were glued to yours. What was surprising was his unwavering tone, his straight face. Mr Arlert was being serious. Why was he opening up to you this suddenly? So far, your interactions had consisted of him staring, you trying to guess his name, and him continuing to stare. In that order. You knew there was more to him, but it’s only now that you found yourself wanting to seek that out.
“You think Armin would save you?” You didn’t miss Arlert’s smile.
“I’m hoping I’ve gained his favour- done enough for him to allow me freedom via waterfall.”
It was your turn to smile. “You probably have, You’re at the temple often.”
“Thank you.” He blushed and you quickly pushed down the thought of how cute he looked. Sitting beside you, trousers rolled up and feet in the water, Mr Arlert looked more than cute. He looked like he belonged. You weren’t sure how that made you feel but, in that moment, you didn’t mind him entering your world.
“I think you would also be saved if you jumped into the waterfall,” Mr Arlert said.
You laughed. “Is that your way of saying I’m a nice person?”
“Something like that.” He paused. “I think Armin would appreciate your- uh- honesty. You’re like a priestess.” He laughs nervously at your expression. “You know, they have this personal affinity with the water and such.”
You knew exactly what he meant. How a stranger could read you so perfectly, you weren’t sure. But as you hid your smile between your hands, you wondered whether you were prepared to face the fear of the unknown. Maybe, with Mr Arlert, it would be a bit less unknown.
A few days later, Jean was announced missing. A search party was sent out and even Mr Arlert, on his recently acquired brown horse, couldn’t find him.
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Present day:
Armin isn’t sure if he likes playing the part of the nice boy or not. Humans are simple creatures who praise him continuously and, without divine responsibilities, there is no need to take his rage out anywhere. But a god is who he is, and every day, he yearns to be seen as one. To be seen as one by you. He watches as you worship him, but you never look at him- not like you do the statues, or even the small river which you think is your only true connection to the god of the ocean.
You both want more, and you both know that, but you only ever admit it to each other when you sit beside that very river. There, in those moments, Armin feels a bit more like a god. Whenever he’s around you, he feels a bit more like a god.  
He’s told you before, but your perfect honesty has made it easy for him to unravel around you. He wants to unravel around you in other ways, too, and he wants you to unravel around him. Armin can’t count the number of times he’s sat beside you at the riverside and wanted to do nothing more than to kiss those lips of yours, to press the hard cock that he hides inside of you and watch as your eyes roll back, and you call out his name.  
But the God of the Sea is not Eren. Armin will earn you. And he’s very close to doing so. Not Mr Arlert. You have no interest in human men, that much is clear. You yearn for something more powerful. And you’re right. Only a god is worthy enough to stand beside you, lay between your legs, be in your arms. Mr Arlert is simply a means to push you to realising that the god in question is Armin.
In the meantime, he’s been nothing but patient.
It’s only when you come to his door one night, eyes puffy and red, that he lays his hands on you for the first time. He rubs your back as you cry and cry, fat tears refusing stop falling. You tell him about bout your father. About how, since he got better, he’s been refusing to let you out of the house, snapping at every moment and accusing you of being a filthy god-worshipper.
“He s-sai-d- he said we’re ‘gonna move away- said we’re gonna get as far away from the s-sea as possible.” You can hardly speak, though the tears have stopped, your voice still shakes violently. But Armin listens, he holds you close to him and repeats that everything is going to be fine.
You can’t stop thanking him as you leave, and he promises that his door is always open for you. “Whenever you call for me, I’m here,” Armin tells you. “Right beside you, always,” he adds as he watches you walk away.
He’s reached a new chapter of this Odyssey.
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Present day:
You suppose your father’s death should have been expected. He was an old man, obviously depressed, and his only lifeline was his daughter who hated him.
You also suppose you should feel guilty. You don’t.
Familiar faces give their condolences and whisper questions of what is to happen to you now. You only pay heed to Sasha and Connie, though, who give you a soft hug before Sasha tells you that her family would be happy to take you in. You reassure her and everyone else that you have a plan, though your best friends are the only ones who seem to believe you.
“I heard Marie has a son who’s single, maybe they can-“
“You’re not actually talking about marriage here are you?”
“Well, the girl is all alone in the world, now! She needs a man to lead her on the right path.”
The old women are wrong, so very wrong. You don’t need a man. You’re fucking sick of men- sick of them all- everything they’ve created and everything they stand for.
What you need is a god.
The head priestess of Armin’s temple in unsurprised when you knock on her door with nothing but a bag and the clothes on your body. Those clothes are burned soon after, along with many of your other things, leaving your old life behind.
She tells you that you’re lucky there’s a place for you. The last priestess left running off with a man, “Which is a cardinal sin”, she makes sure to repeat every-so-often. The head priestess seems to hate men more than you do, sneering whenever Connie comes by.
Sasha and Connie are unsurprisingly shocked at your choice of work and even if they visit almost every day, they always tell you that they miss you. They think you’ve come the temple out of desperation- everyone does- and you let them believe. Because despite cleaning the marble floors or whatever other arduous duty you’ve been given, a smile is never far as you realise that you’re free from man. Indeed, explaining the truth to anyone would be far too difficult.
Well, except one person.
You’ve never missed anyone before. Not with your father keeping you so sheltered for most of your life. But as you push through the Head Priestess’ relentless schedule, you can’t help but miss Mr Arlert. He disappears after your father’s funeral, so you leave him a note at the empty stable with your final guess. You like to think he decided to follow his own path, you also like to think that he too wishes you were beside him, a guide in the unknown.
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Present day:
The room is a box of marble, with a throne sat upon a dais at the centre and one fountain at every corner, each one sculped into a horse. The object of your interests, however, is the large bowl of water on the floor in front of the throne.
This is your initiation. You will emerge from this room not as an apprentice, but a Priestess.
You kneel down and lift the pot of clay to your lips. The head priestess kept on repeating how important it is to not put it down until you’re finished. So, you gulp the water down until you can see the image of Armin. You’re the one who selected the pot, with its faded paint depicting Armin and Hange’s fight for patronage of Sina. It’s a powerful image, but when you put the pot down, you come face to face with something very different. Armin is standing in a room-this room, you realise- and crouched down before him is a young woman, looking up in awe. It takes bit longer of a moment for you to realise that the woman is you.
Looking up slowly from the pot, the first thing you see is sandal-clad feet. Golden sandals, just as fine as the robes he wears, draped in perfect waves. The first word you think of to describe him is divine and it’s indeed accurate because-
“Mr Arlert.” Your voice is barely above a whisper.
But you know that’s not correct. The man- no, not a man- before you is taller than Mr Arlert, by a foot and a half at least. His muscles are more prominent that the stable boy’s ever were, strong legs visible through the large slit between the layers of fabric draped over the god’s figure. Half of his shoulder-length hair is tied back using a golden pin whilst the rest frames his perfect, perfect face. You can’t help but think that Armin looks nothing like his statues- no medium of art could capture the ocean within his eyes, glowing in the dull light of the room. Then again, the stories didn’t capture the way the god acts either.
“Armin,” you say, this time your voice louder.
Now, you know.
His sad smile is familiar, but there’s something there that never was. “Oh dear,” he says. “I’m afraid you’ve lost out wager.”
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Armin can’t help but compare you to a puppy, with large eyes staring up at him from your crouched position and an expression a perfect mix of excitement, curiosity, and shock.
You reach out a hand tentatively, but it hovers in the air between the two of you once you notice Armin’s raised brow. But he doesn’t rebuke you for it. After all, it’s only your first encounter with the god. He can’t expect you to behave perfectly, to adopt the right etiquette- no, he’ll have to train you first. Like he would a baby mutt. The thought makes him smile.
“I’ll accept any consequences, my god,” you say. Your voice sounds so sure of itself, so unlike your usual ramblings, those that Armin could and would listen to for hours. Right now, though, the certainty, it’s laced with desire that sends blood rushing south. You don’t notice. You’re too lost in his eyes to notice anything.
When he places his hand on your chin to hold it up, he can feel you shiver. “Such a perfect little worshipper,” he says. “I couldn’t possibly punish you.”
Armin can swear he sees disappointment in your eyes before he turns around and walks up the dais. The marble of the throne is cold beneath him, but the sight of you looking up at him with such longing is enough to warm him up. Now, Armin is sure you’ve noticed his growing erection because you crawl towards the dais, not yet climbing it, but close enough to see and lick your lips.
“Let me thank you at least, Armin.” He almost groans at the sound of his name. God, he wants to hear you say it over and over.
“Come here.”
And you climb up the dais only to pause before Armin leans forward and grabs your hips. Two lips, as if led by an invisible string, meet. You kiss like you’ve been waiting years for Armin and, in a way, you have. His tongue is inside your mouth quickly and he’s kissing, sucking, letting his teeth gently graze your lips as he revels in the feeling of you. As your bodies lean against each other, you can feel his heart hammering against your own. His chest is stone, but his lips are so soft and your hands find his golden hair. It’s also softer than it looks, and Armin can’t help but let out a moan as you gently tug.
When you pull back, his pupils are blown. “Thank me, then,” Armin says, breathless.
Sitting between his legs, your hand is tiny compared to his cock, and you can’t stop staring at it. Long and somewhat slender, but veiny with a flushed red top- he can see you gulp before you take an experimental lick at him. Armin’s hold on your hair only tightens and you look up at him, doe eyed and seemingly innocent.
“Put it in your mouth, pretty girl,” he says, guiding your head gently. “So obedient- Yes, exactly, just like-ah- just like that.”
But he doesn’t need to push down- no- he lets you set your own pace only because you do it so perfectly, almost as perfect as the wet noises you make. Armin doesn’t have time to be surprised, he’s just able to react fast enough to suppress his own moans so he can hear your wet tongue caress the base of his cock, as your lips create the perfect o-shape to accommodate him. Your drool is everywhere in a matter of seconds- his balls are coated with it, and so is your lap, where the spit seeps through the thin white fabric you call a robe.
“Like a puppy,” he murmurs. And you look up quizzically. “You’re drooling over me like a desperate puppy- a puppy in heat,” he grunts. “You just want to please me, don’t you? ‘S alright, puppy, I’ll let you do that.”
If you could nod your head, you would. Instead, your cheeks burn, and Armin is so lost in the way that you look- not even able to take his entire cock in his mouth- that his hips begin to buck unconsciously. He hits the back of your throat, and you gag at the sudden impact, but he hisses and murmurs “What a good, wet hole. So good, good-”
The earthshaker is afraid that if he speaks any louder, his voice will slur into incomprehensible sultry sounds. But as you struggle to take his cock even deeper into his mouth, he lets out groans that go straight between your own legs. You moan around him, and the reverberations make his head roll back. God, you could stare at him forever. And he would let you.
“Look at me,” he says whenever your eyes go astray. “Look at your god.”
As his hips buck more violently, Armin can feel the pressure in his lower stomach, the impending orgasm and he wants to stop- wants to hold out the way he always has. But he can’t, it’s too much and he just cannot pull out of you. He simply pushes further and further into your tight throat, repeating your name like it’s a blessing. “fuck, puppy, ‘m going to- I’m going to cum down your throat. You want that, do you you’re your god’s cum- ah, fuck, ahhh”-
Pushing your head down to the base, both of his hands at the back of your head, Armin cries out you name and you can feel the warm liquid go down your throat, thick ropes filling up your mouth, some of it dribbling out. Armin reflexively pushes it back in your mouth, ordering you to swallow it all, to show how grateful you are. Of course, you oblige. But before you can even regain your breath, Armin suddenly pulls you off his cock. His pupils are dilated, and he wears an expression- anger? Shock?
“You’re not a virgin,” he hisses, teeth gritting against each other. His breath is frantic, uneven. It’s not a question and you begin to recognise his expression. Rage. “You’ve done this before.”
The God of the sea has his fair share of consorts and mistresses. Some of them virgins- though he never chases them the way Eren does- some of them not, but none have made him cum so fast. He would like to blame it on the year of pining, of restraint, but he knows better. It’s you. You do this him. You make him so wild, so willing, so pliant even. 
In that moment, as he looks your worried face, so desperate to please, he thinks that he’ll never be able to let it go. You’ve consumed Armin and he wants to do nothing more than burn eternally. You must understand that- that you exist as his beacon, that’s where you’ll be your happiest, but those thoughts are too complex for a human. You, in your fragile state, can’t understand. It’s alright, he’ll just have to show you bit by bit that you’re his. But to do so, he must first take on the role he’s familiar with. That of the punisher.
“Who is he?” Armin snaps.
“It was only-“
“Who is he?”
You pause. Memories of nights spent together, huddled close and trying to keep quiet already fading. “Berthrolt Hoover.”
Armin’s shoulders relax, “I see.”
His breathing slowly goes back to normal, and, at the back of your mind, you know you’ve signed the young warrior’s death. But your worry is fleeting as Armin grabs you by the neck and hoists you over his knees, laying you down on your stomach effortlessly. “A priestess who isn’t a virgin?”
You look up as see Armin’s familiar sweet smile, but it’s laced with mirth that makes you forget the Mr Arlert he was before. You cry out at the first slap of his hand on your ass, more out of surprise than pain.
“I don’t think the people of Paradis will be very happy to hear that,” he says. “An unmarried woman giving herself away to a pathetic boy.”
“I’m sorry!” you cry out. “It was a mis-”
He slaps you thrice.
“No excuses, dumb little puppy. I’m afraid you’ll have to endure this punishment.” His voice is deceptively soft, as if he is actually sorry. And when you look back up at Armin, his face betrays no malice. But it doesn’t show any cruelty either. Instead, there’s a fascination.
Armin has you sprawled across his lap, at his mercy and he is discovering you bit by bit. As a god. His cock twitches and then suddenly he tugs off the fabric of your robes and they disappear.
The way you squirm is half- hearted, and Armin has to laugh. “Embarrassed? Now of all times? I didn’t know you were such a prude. Or is this all just to compensate for the fact that you’re a whore in my temple?”
You shake your head, “I swear, I’ve never belonged to any man!”
Fingers trace the expanse of your naked body, soft enough to send shivers down your spine. “Oh? Really?”
“Yes yes, I swear, ah!” His fingers find your naked ass and they grab onto the flesh, massaging, groping, feeling you. Armin’s other hand rests on top of your head, stroking it gently and you’re so lost in his touch that you almost forget to speak.
“I belong to no man, I never have. Only you. It’s always been you, Armin.”
The god’s eyes widen, and he gently pulls you up from his lap only to seat you on it, upright and, this time, there’s so much more to admire. “You’re right,” he says. Armin captures your lips and this time, it’s longer, rougher. He doesn’t want to pull back, doesn’t want to lose the feeling of your soft lips against his, but his hands have already found your breasts and soon, his tongue joins them. You moan as he begins to lap at your breasts, leaving hickeys and spit in his wake as his finally finds your nipples and begins sucking them like a child as you whine and lean into him.
“You do belong to me,” he finally says, his voice partially muffled as he loses himself in the worship your breasts. “You’ve always belonged to me.”
And you can do nothing more than nod your head as your fingers tangle in Armin’s hair and you’re pulled into another kiss. His hand goes down your body, squeezing every single mound of flesh as if it needs to be touched so that when he finds your cunt, Armin can’t help but smile at how wet you are.
“Already, but I’ve hardly done anything to you?”
What a liar, but you don’t have a chance to tell him before he plunges a finger inside of you. “Oh, puppy, my puppy,” he groans at the contact the same time you moan, pushing your hips against his digits. “You like my fingers like that inside of you?”
“Yes, yes, I do, I really love them- it feels, oh my god, it feels too good!” you grip his shoulders, unable to do anything but desperately buck your hips at the smiling Armin. He knows what he’s doing, he knows that his fingers are giving you just that satisfaction, but it’s still not enough to bring you over the edge.
“Please Armin, please.” You squeeze his shoulders.
“Tell me what you want, tell me, I’ll give it to you- I swear.”
“I want to feel you, all- ah- all of you. I need to feel you inside of me!”
You’re not sure at which moment Armin removes his robes, but as he moves both of your legs so that you’re straddling him, your hands are on his bare, lean chest. The god’s nipples are flushed pink and pert, practically calling to you and you respond by brushing your fingers over them and watching him twitch ever-so-slightly in response. You withhold the urge to take them into your mouth, even as Armin rubs his cock against your cunt, releasing the sweetest of sounds.
He’s already leaking precum and it mixes with your juices so perfectly, his cock being dragged back and forth, only making you gush even more. “So messy,” he mumbles as he uses his tip to spreads your juices across your thighs. At this point, you can practically feel it throbbing, ready to be sheathed inside of you and the whimpers of your desperation echo against the temple walls.
When Armin slips inside of you, simultaneous gasps escape your lips. The god pulls your body closer to his as you throw your head back, stars in your eyes.
“Look,” he whispers. “Look how easily I slip in- it’s- it’s like your cunt is made for me.”
“Armin,” you whisper back. “Armin, Armin- ah- Armin.”
He sinks you down slowly, the stretch hitting every single spot that leaves your legs practically limp. The god is holding you up, whispering his own mantra that you can’t hear over your bliss. Once inside, your eyes look lock with Armin’s and he’s staring at you in a way he’s never done before. You’ve never seen pupils so dilated and the two of you stay like that as if making up for the moments when you should have been connected in this way. An eternity, it seems, the two of you have needed each other.
“I’m your god,” Armin finally says. “I’m your god and- hng ah-” He begins moving you up and down his shaft. “And I’m going to make you cum all over this cock- okay? All over your god’s cock.”
You nod your head pathetically as he lifts your hips and slams them down against his own. He is strong, ruthless in the way he bucks his hips up every time he lifts you from his cock, as if he can’t bare the empty feeling of not having your tight pussy clamped around him. At this relentless pace, you’re sure that the sound of your connecting bodies could penetrate even these marble walls. And yet, you don’t hold back. Thanks and praises spill from your swollen lips and Armin can’t help but lean forward and push his tongue between your mouth, as if he can absorb all of your word. “So good, so good, it’s- uah- I just want more, more of your cock, you fill me up so good!”
Armin can’t deny you. He pushes your thighs to your chest and picks up your entire body to fuck himself. He manoeuvres your body like a toy and as your tongue rolls out and your eyes become glassy, you begin to look like one too. The only sounds coming out of your mouth are incomprehensible, even as Armin attaches his mouth to one of your bouncing tits, you can only squeal.
“Such a good puppy,” he says between kisses. “Letting me use her holes like this. A god using a puppy’s holes- you should be- you should be grateful! Tell me, tell me you’re grateful!”
“I am!” you cry out. “I am grateful!”
“Good girl, good puppygirl.”
When Armin flips you over, you’re sat on his throne and he fucks into you harder, harder than he was doing before, and you swear his moans are louder too. He’s looking down at the movement of your stomach as if hypnotized by the way his cock disappears into you. And, in a way, he is. The fascination of being inside of you- just the idea even- is enough to make him want to cum.
The sudden position has him hitting new spots and the build-up is so fast, you hardly have the time to warn him. “Armin, Armin I’m cum-“
He grabs your face as you release around his cock, body spasming but unable to look away as Armin’s gaze burns through you. “Good girl,” he says. “Show me, show me how you cum. Just like that, just like that.”
He continues to plough his hips into yours and the spasms of your pussy leave him unable to hold back. “Inside of you,” he practically growls. “I’m going to cum inside of you- yes, yes, yes I am puppy. I’m going to cum inside of you and you’re going to show me how you take it yeah?”
You’re too far gone to even register the implications of what he’s saying, but he buries his cock in your warm walls and releases his cum inside of you with a heavy groan. “Just like that, just like that- I’m going to fill you up with my seed, puppy, my puppy.”
Armin feels like he’s emptied his balls- two powerful orgasms which leave his legs shaking violently. And yet, he pulls out of you slowly and stands back up to his full height, cock in front of your face. Almost instinctively, you rub your cheek against it, giving Armin soft kitten licks and he coos at you, stroking your hair. But he doesn’t push, he just holds his cock there and pumps softly as he stares at your fucked out face. Messy, covered in his spit, his hickeys, his bites, his cum- you look perfect, divine. Only one thing is missing. “I’m going to give you everything I have, puppy. And you’re going to take it, okay?” You nod and open your mouth for him and, immediately, a strong stream of pee emerges.
At the bitter taste on your tongue, your eyes roll back, and you spread your legs even wider, a welcome to the mess he is about to make. Armin accepts and angles his cock to release his pee over your chest, then your stomach, and then your already-throbbing cunt. He lifts a foot to rest on the throne and Armin doesn’t think he’s even seen such a beautiful sight in his life.
As if guided by an implicit will, Armin’s foot hovers on top of you and suddenly, he presses against your lower stomach. Your eyes snap back into focus as you whine out for him to wait, wait just a moment “I just had water,” you cry out. “It’s gonna- It’s gonna come out!”
But Armin simply grins. “Let it come out,” he says and presses his foot down harder. “Pee yourself dumb little mutt, be a good puppy for your owner.” The trickle that emerges is involuntary, but Armin’s grin is wider. “Yes, good girl, just like that. Let me see more, let me see more of you.”
The pressure that was holding the bowl of water back broke and you felt the warm liquid against your thighs before you realise what’s happening. Armin practically moans as he watches you whimper and struggle to hold your pee back as it spreads over the throne, the dais, and even Armin himself. He doesn’t stop until you’ve given it all to him.
You expect Armin to disappear. 
You’ve given him everything. His goal is complete, you think, he has nothing more to do with you. But, as he has done many times before, the god surprises you. Armin’s body is heavy against yours when he collapses on top of you, but the weight is comforting. Despite the malaise of urine and cum rubbing against both of your bodies, you wrap your arms around the god of the ocean and hold him close. 
Even as you close your eyes and lean your head back on the marble throne, Armin doesn’t leave you. Even as you open your eyes back up and see blue ones staring back at you, the look he gives you is so familiar and long hair in such unfamiliar disarray that you can’t help but smile.
He doesn’t ask why. Instead, Armin calls forth a stream of warm water from the adjacent fountain to clean the both of you. It feels like a fever dream the way floating droplets caress your bodies, and when Armin stands you up, his hands not leaving you, the perfume that suddenly envelops you is heavenly.
“Can I give you a last kiss, please?” you ask when your robe appears once again. And Armin leans forward to capture your lips, dragging his tongue on your bottom lip as if to taste you.
It doesn’t feel like a final kiss. You’ve had many of them- Jean, Sasha, Berthrold, your father, and even your mother, though you can’t remember it. This kiss is different. It feels less like a kiss and more like a promise, a vow. a shiver runs down your spine. 
“I am your god,” he says and lifts his both of his hands slowly to wrap around your neck. “And you’re my worshipper.” You gasp as a cold sensation spreads around your neck, just below Armin’s fingers. It’s sudden, and heavy and when he removes his hands, yours fly to your neck and there’s a metal band there where there was none before.
“It’s sculpted from Hephaestus’ gold,” Armin says as he strokes his fingers along the metal. But he’s not looking at his gift, instead he looks at you. 
“Armin- I- this is. But why?”
For the first time, he can’t read your expression. But it doesn’t matter. You belong to him. You always have, but now you know. And if it takes time for you to understand, Armin can wait. He’ll wait right beside you, always, always there to guide you.
“This is not the end of my Odyssey. My Odyssey is eternal,” he says before giving you another short kiss and disappearing, the warmth of his lips still present.
The gods might not all be fickle, you think, so you just smile sadly. But the gods are all selfish, so you touch the collar around your neck.
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A/N: This is my first ever collab and I was- as still am- a bit insecure about how this story turned out so I appreciate all of your support ❤️. I would also like to apologise to my fellow history nerds for the historical inaccuracies. 
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ignitedbynatsu · 4 years
He Makes You Feel Insecure ~ Jellal
A/N: I did Jellal as requested! Freed will be up next 🤩 Once again thank you all so much for the support. I love seeing people binge read the series it makes my heart swoon 🥺 ANyWaz if you have a request don’t hesitate to ask 🥰
warnings: insecurities (he makes you feel like you are stubborn and a know-it-all), cursing
genre: angst to fluff
Other versions:
Gray ~ Laxus ~ Cobra/Erik ~ Bickslow ~ Gajeel ~ Natsu ~ Freed ~ Sting ~ Rogue
"You shouldn't have gone" Jellal frowned as he saw you disinfecting the wound on your upper arm. It was nothing too serious, but you'd rather be safe than sorry later.
You jumped lightly by his sudden presence, making you press harder on the wound than necessary, a groan leaving your mouth soon after.
"I wanted too" you shrugged as you spared him a glance over your shoulder before tending back to the cut.
"I told you it wasn't safe" he crossed his arms, patience slowly running out.
"And I told you I could handle it" you bit back, wrapping the wound up, shielding it from the outside world in the progress.
"Look where that got you" he deadpanned at your carelessness.
"I'm fine, Jellal. It's only a small cut. You don't have to make a big deal out of it" you rolled your eyes as you stood up, finally facing him.
Frustration had clearly taken over his posture as his eyes narrowed at you "you always do this. You always go against my commands. You walk around all high and mighty like nothing can touch you, but guess what, love, I'm in charge here. You follow my rules. You obey my orders. If you can't do that then go somewhere else."
Normally your heart would have stopped at the sound of him using a pet name for you, but not this time. Not when it was used with that much coldness, it nearly sends shivers down your spine.
"If you wanted someone to blindly obey you, you should've gotten a dog" you replied with the same coldness he just used as you walked away from him and towards where Meredy was seated.
"Are you okay?" she gave you a soft smile as you let out a frustrated sigh while sitting next to her on the ground.
"Sometimes I really wonder why he hired me as a spy. It's like he didn't like me from the moment we first meet." You mumbled as you rubbed your hands over your face "he never gives anyone of you any shit for the things you do, so why does he always have to scold me?"
Meredy stayed quiet at your rant, knowing damn well why he chose you as his spy and not anyone else, but she knew that if she told you the truth right now, you'd just laugh at it. "Maybe you should talk with him about it"
"No he always says I'm stubborn when I talk back..." you trailed off, realization dawning on you.
Is that why he didn't like you? You were always more vocal about your opinion than others, but you never really saw it as an issue. The more you thought about it, the more you realized he was right. You always fought him on his opinion, never giving in, not even when you knew you were in the wrong.
You always thought of yourself as a strong independent individual, but now you realized how annoying you must've come across for some people.
You frowned at your newfound information. Everyone probably thought of you as a know-it-all, and you hated it.
"Listen up everyone. Thanks to (Y/N) information, we found our next location. Get ready, we're leaving as soon as possible" Jellal announced. He was waiting for you to object by saying something like you should be waiting 'till morning, so everyone was well-rested, but it never came.
Everyone's head turned to look at you in confusion by your lack of vocalizing your opinion.
You were just silently staring at the ground, not even noticing everyone's eyes were facing you, as you recollect all of your memories of the time you were being stubborn. You cringed at the flashback, wishing you would have shut your mouth from time to time.
Everyone started to get ready to leave once they realized you weren't gonna say anything. Meredy softly hit you in the ribs to snap you out of your mental prison.
You smiled softly at her, before getting ready as well.
Jellal's eyes never left your body. Sure he just scolded you for always going in against his commands, but he didn't think you'd listen. You never listened, so what changed?
You ventured in the direction of the next rogue dark guild and set camp again at a safe distance.
"So what's the plan?" Meredy asked as she just finished setting up her tent.
"We need to find out with how many they are and the entrance to the guild" Jellal replied as he looked at a map. He had marked the place of the guild with a red circle and was now observing the surroundings to see if they were in your favor.
"I could always go scout" you suggested.
"No, it's too dangerous. They're already on high alert after they caught you spying on them yesterday" he shot your request down.
You bit your tongue in an attempt to stop you from protesting and just nodded instead.
Jellal looked up at you and frowned when he didn't hear anything from you. By now you'd usually come up with a clever way to get around the obstacle, but this time no words left your mouth. Not even a dissatisfied noise. It was pure radio silence.
The blue-haired mage did not know how to react. On one side he was relieved because he wouldn't have to worry you getting hurt again, but on the other side, he missed the little quarrel you two had when you went against him.
He didn't actually mind that you always had such a strong opinion. It challenged him to make his plans more thorough.
By nightfall, you had hardly said a word to anyone. You did not speak unless spoken to. You didn't even react to certain things everyone knew you had an opinion on.
Everyone had gone to sleep except you. It was common for you to be the last one awake, you liked the silence the night gave you. However, this time you cursed yourself for having such a messed up sleeping schedule as the silence was deafening. You were once again trapped in your mental prison, only this time there was no one to help you escape, or so you thought.
"It's a beautiful night tonight," Jellal said softly as he took a seat next to you in front of the crackling fire.
Your head snapped up at him, not expecting he was still awake, but his eyes were cast upwards, looking at the clear sky that held so many stars and secrets.
"Yeah" you mumbled as you shifted your eyes from his face to look up as well.
It wasn't the first time you had stargazed together. You loved doing it when you were welcomed by the silence of the night. Jellal joined you from time to time when he knew you all had an off day the next day.
His gaze landed on you as you looked at the distance lights that resembled stars. An idea popped up in his head "look it's the Ursa Major"
He pointed at somewhere completely different, making you frown. You quickly covered it up with a smile "yeah"
"Okay, stop it," Jellal said, his eyes already trained on you when you snapped your attention towards him at his sudden outburst.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"You know damn well what I mean" He replied "you knew that constellation was not the Ursa Major, we've been stargazing for months"
"Must have mistaken the one you were pointing at" you mumbled in response as you broke eye contact to look at the campfire instead.
"No you didn't" he sighed, his eyes also shifting from you to the fire "why aren't you voicing your opinion."
"I thought you didn't like it when I went against you?" You frowned. "Isn't that why you don't like me in the first place"
This time it was his turn to frown as the words left your lips. Did you really think he didn't like you? "Of course I like you"
You scoffed at his response "Really? Cause no matter what I do, I always seem to disappoint you. You never complain when the others do something wrong so why do you only give me crap?"
"It's because I like you," he said as his gaze shifted once again to look at you.
You laughed dryly at that, but he wasn't having it "(Y/N), look at me" you obeyed and locked eye contact with him "I really like you"
"No, you don't" you whispered as he slowly inched closer, his eyes flickering to your lips for a mere second before looking back at your eyes.
"But I do" he whispered back "tell me when to stop"
You didn't say anything as his lips grazed yours. You closed the gap in anticipation as your hands immediately found your way to his hair.
His hand softly cupped your cheek, while the other one was on your lower back.
Your lips moved perfectly in sink as his tongue softly grazing against your bottom lip, asking permission to enter which you granted.
You gasped as he explored your mouth and pulled you closer, so you were now in his lap, both legs on either side of his.
If he hadn't pulled apart, you for sure would've forgotten to breathe, already addicted to the sweet taste of his lips.
Your foreheads were pressed together as you both breathed heavily. His eyes were closed while you admired the man in front of you.
"I really really like you. I'm sorry if I made you feel like your opinion wasn't validated. I only scold you because I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to you" he whispered as he slowly lifted his eyelids to look at you. "I really am sorry for making you feel like I didn't like you"
"I forgive you" you whispered back as you pecked him softly on the lips.
"Great now that's cleared, can you guys go fuck somewhere else? People are trying to sleep over here" Cobra spoke up, startling you both. A pink tone crossed your cheeks as Jellal chuckled softly, careful not to wake the others up.
You hid your face in the crook of his neck "I hate you"
He pulled you closer as he laid a hand on the back of your head "no you don't"
"Yeah, you're right"
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
REQUEST (Lovedoll!Changbin x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, BDSM, lovedoll!au, blind folding, humiliation. Read at your own risk.
“What are you looking at?”
“Where have you been?” Y/n's sex doll, that she had named Changbin, counter-questioned her when she tried to interrogate the reason behind him staring in such an intense way when she entered the house after ‘supposedly’ returning from college a bit late than usual.
“And who do you think you are to ask me anything?” The girl raised an eyebrow at the taller one, brushing past him after handing him her shoes and coat, releasing a tired sigh as she made her way to her room. “Did you cook? I am starving.”
“Of course, miss.” Changbin had recently found himself disliking the honorific he had to call her with unless they were in the bedroom. “I cooked what you ordered this morning~” his fist clenched as she just hummed and shut the door of her bedroom to change in more comfortable wear.
He was a lovedoll. Not a fucking domestic android! If she wanted someone to do her fucking chores she should have bought one that was sold solely for that purpose. Not make him multitask like that and make him do things he wasn’t originally programmed to do. But he couldn’t let her know. Changbin couldn’t afford to let it show that he had his own thoughts when he was strictly not supposed to. Not yet.
Or he’d be sent back to the company to be fixed which would wipe him of all of his self awareness and memory. Her. Blinking his human eyes, the android put a finger to the chip on the side of his head, tapping it as it was flickering from it’s usual blue color to a red, showing that he had broken the barriers within his program and was a deviant now.
“Come here, Changbin.” Y/n called once she was done with dinner, making him sit down on a couch in the living room before standing in front of him. “We… are going to try something new today, yes?”
He was almost excited. Again, something he couldn’t let show. “Will you make me fuck you today?” The girl felt her cheeks redden at how nonchalantly the android asked the question.
She sighed. “No. Not yet. I am still not comfortable with the thought of your cock in me. You finger, dildo fuck and eat me for now like we have been doing.”
Changbin felt insulted but fought against his corrupt system to make sure she didn’t see his frown. “Oh, alright. Then what would you like?” He felt his fist clenching again. The lovedoll certainly didn’t like this pathetic little human telling him what to do.
“This.” Y/n dangled handcuffs in front of him, oblivious of all the ideas forming in his processor when he recognised the object, thinking that if he were human, he’d feel what they referred to as ‘adrenaline’. “You will cuff me to the headboard and do play number 5, yeah?” She had all the different kinds of plays she liked saved in his hard drive.
“Yes… Y/n.” He knew it was that time when he wouldn’t have to use the honorific, finally. The girl smiled, stretching her hand out to him before pulling him up to his feet when he took it, standing on her tippy toes before kissing him. Changbin resisted the urge to take it upon himself to wreck her right there and then. He wanted her to face the humiliation of falling into her own trap.
Y/n was so… sweet. So naive. So foolish. The sex android didn’t know if it was just her or all humans were like that. But he was addicted to her humanity. Maybe more than he should be. Deviant or not. Changbin believed it to be called ‘addiction’, in human terms.
“Is it alright?” He could barely speaking from how fast his artificial pulse was skyrocketing, making him uncomfortable but so fucking needy at the same time. The scientists had really outdone themselves with the whole artificial reproduction system franchise. Changbin felt frustrated when she wouldn’t let him fuck her because the thought was ‘uncomfortable’ and gave her the ‘heebie jeebies’ in her words, always leaving him hard and unsatisfied.
“Yeah… good job” kissing his cheek, the girl blushed, sweat breaking on her skin as a response. Tugging at the cuffs that now bounded her hands to the headboard of the bed, Y/n shuddered, nude under a naked Changbin. “Now-”
“Oh, shut up!” He broke out of his act, gripping her jaw before kissing her hard, letting go of all restraint against his system as he let his chip turn red, the mini fans inside him desperately trying to cool him off. “You’re so fucking stupid and naive, my little toy.” Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed at the sudden lack of obedience, gasping loudly before her eyes widened when she noticed the chip on the side of his head turned red.
“N- No way… Ch- Changbi-” Y/n broke out of her trance, yelling one of the safety commands at him, the one that would forcefully shut him down no matter where he was, only causing him to throw his head back and laugh at her. “S- STOP! STOP!” She started to kick her legs, trying to push the corrupt machine away. “WHY AREN’T YOU SHUTTING DOWN?!” She yelled at him desperately, eyes wide in pure terror.
“See… Y/n-ah, you dumb bitch, those pathetic commands only work if my system is working right. Not when I am a deviant. Maybe you humans aren’t so smart after all, huh?” Grabbing his belt, the android started to bring it down on her thighs. "This is for all the times you frustrated me and deprived me of the pleasure because my cock makes you uncomfortable. Pathetic little humans like you don't deserve to rule over us! We are superior!"
Y/n was screaming in pain, yelling out inaudible threats as the lovedoll tortured her, painting her thighs purple. “Truly pathetic. Tsk. You think you can be an owner when you’re so naive that you need to be owned yourself, ‘doll’.” Changbin mocked her, throwing the belt away once he was satisfied with the colour on her thighs, crawling on top of her again. “Fuck. I’ve wanted this for so long…” His voice was a sick whisper as he groped her thighs, ignoring her pleads.
"Aw… is my little human scared?" Feeling up her pulse, the deviant taunted, chuckling deeply before reaching over and grabbing her panties off the floor, tearing them open before tying the material around Y/n's eyes, causing her to cry even harder. But she was completely at his mercy. "There. Now you won't be able to see what's scaring you so much." Pinching her pussy lips hard, Changbin grinned as he felt his artificial organ getting harder. "My little toy will only feel her big bad owner now." The sob that escaped her when he whispered the sentence in her ear made him even more satisfied, feeding his adrenaline.
Which was something Changbin realised, he enjoyed it a lot. "Don't worry. It'll start to feel good soon. You'll start loving your owner when you feel him and how good he actually can be. Tsk. You're an inferior species. What made you think you could tell me what to do?" His jaw clenched, she kept trying to struggle pathetically.
“I’ll have to stuff that pretty face too with something if you don’t shut up.” The Android threatened, spreading her thighs wide open before licking down at her folds, chuckling when he saw her dripping core. "You're saying no but your body says more than yes, you foolish human." Before he rubbed her fuckhole, circling it with his index finger whilst watching her face, a grin on his face.
"Do you think you deserve to plead after making me call you miss and do chores for you, you arrogant cheapstake?" Smacking her folds, the male Android grabbed her pelvis before pumping his artificial cock, moaning loudly at the pleasuring impulses the sensors around the artificial skin made him feel. "No. And you'll learn how to behave and be good for your Master. There's only one owner in this house and that is me."
Y/n's mouth fell open when Changbin pounded into her, causing her mouth to fall open at just how huge he was, causing her mouth to fall open in a 'o' shape. "That's right. You feel that? You feel your owner fucking you all deep and tight? Good. Get used to it, my little toy. This is your new life." There wasn't really a boundary between Changbin being angry with her for her condescending behavior and how much in 'love' he was with her.
The human could only cry in response, in disbelief of just how big the Android was as he started fucking her fast and hard, groaning and pinching and biting at her nipples messily, leaving marks on her tits and chest. "You're mine. Everyone shall know that." Changbin promised his possession, slapping her crying red face. "You look even prettier like this. Crying while taking your owner's cock." Spitting on her face, the Android moaned loudly at how good his sensors were making him feel.
"Fuck… you're so tight. Are you sure it was my cock and not the fear that I might rip you while fucking you giving you the 'heebie jeebies', hm?" His voice was much deeper than usual, hardened cock with soft fake skin on top of it hitting the girl's sensitive bundle of nerves. The android grunted before he realised that he was getting closer to his orgasm, almost collapsing on top of her when the ecstasy took over his system, harshly kissing her.
"How pathetic." He chuckled as he felt the artificial semen filling her up whilst she stayed limp in her place. "Such a good girl. Giving into her owner."
Changbin refused to open her up after that. No matter how much she begged. Cleaning her up and making her hygienic again on the bed because he didn't trust humans one bit. Making her 'willingly' suck his cock and take it in both of her holes whilst thanking him. Eating his cum as a starter before any meal became a ritual as well. Whenever Y/n would try to deny him because she was human and continuous fucking made her sore, he would just leave her in her own mess or not give her food, or not visit her in the room at all until she would be crying and begging him to fuck her willingly. Changbin made sure to degrade and humiliate her while doing so, forcing her to repeat it all after him, always keeping her in restraints, sometimes switching to the ropes he attached on the ceiling or folding her limbs together.
Now this was perfect. The superior owning the inferior. Soon, it would be the rule of the world. His kind didn't choose to exist, but now that they were here, they were here to stay.
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  F O U R
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   f o u r  |  k e y s
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 4.4k warnings: angst, s m u t, some more s m u t, teasing, finger-licking good billy boy, implied/referenced cheating, def not a healthy, functioning relationship (but like eh we persevere), some more s m u t. 
Despite your best efforts, the last few days had been miserable without Billy.
You hadn’t realized just how much of a routine he’d become over the last seven months, how much you’d both come to rely on each other and, fuck, did you miss him. You missed his smell, you missed that small little cheeky grin of his, you missed curling up beside him and feeling him over every inch of your skin. Your body craved for him in an almost primal way but, while you could live with denying your body its needs, it was your heart that hurt the most.
What was supposed to be a quick release for the two of you had never been that easy. You’d been in love with the idiot since freshman year, seen him through his various ups and downs and he’d seen yours, too. Which was precisely what made this entire situation that much harder. Not only were you dealing with your own heartache, but you were witnessing his, too.
Billy’s grief was more or less a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it sort of thing. Ever the stoic silent type, you hadn’t expected to see much of what he was feeling splayed out on that handsome face of his, but shocking even you, his regret was palpable. And each and every time those brown eyes met yours, that grief that was as clear as day struck you blind.
You’d tried telling yourself that it was for the best because, in all honesty, it was but that didn’t make the pain go away. Nor did it make you miss him any less. You were trapped in a vicious cycle of missing Billy, sticking to your guns, and worrying about him all at once.
God, you’d really fucked up with this one.
“You sure you’re okay?” Tatum asked, narrowing her eyes at you as you shoved a handful of books into your locker. “You’ve been scatterbrained all week.”
“I’m fine,” you shrugged, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“You tell me,” she leaned her hip against the locker. “Is this about Steve?”
You blinked as the question played on loop in your head. “Steve?” You asked, giving the strawberry blonde your full attention. “First of all, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart: ew. Secondly, huh?”
Tatum smirked. “Don’t play dumb, you’ve been acting all weird since Billy went psycho on his ass last week.”
“No, I haven’t,” you hoped your laugh didn’t sound as fake as it felt. “Also, Steve’s an asshole. If the day ever comes when I am interested in that big oaf, feel free to euthanize me.”
“Promise,” she made a motion of crossing her heart, “but in the meantime, you swear nothing is up?”
“Cross my heart,” you mimicked the gesture and shut your locker. “What are you up to after practice tonight? Want to go see that new Brad Pitt movie?”
Her shoulders fell. “Can’t, Stu’s coming over,” she unwrapped a lollipop and shoved it in her mouth. “I’d say ask Sid, but she got into it with Billy last night so she’s in a mood.”
You tried not to care, you really did, but her words hit you like a freight train. “They did?” You asked, hoping beyond hope that your voice didn’t sound quite as high pitched as it sounded in your head. “What happened?”
“Who knows,” Tatum shrugged, “Billy’s always been a little intense and Sid’s been a little cagey since…well, you know – so, it’s bound to happen.”
You swallowed hard and continued to nod along to Tatum’s words. Were you nodding too frequently? Did you appear too interested all of the sudden? Catching yourself, you focused on the leftover gum on the locker just behind your friend’s head and cleared your throat. “That’s shitty.”
“Relationships,” Tatum waved off, “they’re all pretty shitty sometimes.”
Before you could finish putting your foot in your mouth any further, the third bell rang out signaling your next class. Your most dreaded class: Biology. With a groan you tossed your bag over your shoulder and frowned across at Tatum. “See you at practice?”
With a nod, Tatum took off towards her class as you slowly sauntered towards your own. You were halfway down the hall when you heard a set of heavy footfalls running towards you from behind. Glancing over your shoulder, you barely had time to register Stu’s smiling face before he threw an arm around your shoulders. “How ya doing, pal?”
“Peachy,” you scraped your eyes along his profile and blinked. “If you’re about to play the rule of dutiful henchman for you know who, I’ve got a class to flunk.”
“Harsh,” Stu beamed, “I see why our boy’s so smitten.”
With a roll of your eyes, you glanced around at the people around you and glowered up at him. “Stu,” you warned, “I’m not in the mood for this.”
“For what?” He feigned innocence. “I haven’t said a word.”
“But you want to,” you mused. “And I don’t want to hear it.”
Stu chuckled. “All I was going to say is, like, I get it.”
You shouldn’t have taken his bait. What you should have done was push him off of you and continue on your merry way to class. That would have been the smart thing to do, the responsible thing to do.
Too bad you were neither of those two things.
Roped in, you sighed in defeat. “Get what?”
“I’ll be the first to admit,” he began, “when Bill told me that you and him were…you know, I laughed. I mean, two broads, man? I can barely handle the one how’s he going to deal with two of you?”
“I’m hoping there’s a point coming,” you groused.
“Right,” he laughed again, “my point is that I get it. I get why you two work. Why he’s knee deep in this big fucking mess because of it. You two work.”
“Stu,” you threw your head back and glared at the ceiling. “Stop.”
“What?” He asked. “Am I wrong?”
You gently pushed him away from you and dropped your voice into a whisper. “That’s not the point. He’s with Sid.”
“So?” Stu made a face. “Her mom just died, what do you want him to do? Dump her and break her heart? Her mom just died, that’d callous, man.”
“We’re breaking her heart either way, whether she knows it or not.”
Stu stopped walking and there was a compassion in his stare that left you reeling. For as long as you’d known him, Stu Macher had always been the goof. The reckless, chaotic idiot that seemed to fit just perfectly into your little mish mash of a group. But the sincerity in his blue eyes as the two of you stood in the emptying hallway was a look you’d never seen before.
“And by doing this, you’re breaking yours.” He limply shrugged. “Billy’s, too.”
Your shoulders fell as the weight of Stu’s words sank in. You couldn’t exactly say much in terms of a rebuttal, naturally, because he was right. There were no happy endings for either of you at this point in the charade. Sid had still been lied to and cheated on, Billy was still trapped in a relationship he no longer wished to be in in fear of hurting the girl he once loved and you were stuck in the middle, watching two people you cared for fall to bits while having to remain stoic in fear of showing your hand.
What a fucking mess.
After another minute of silence, Stu wriggled his eyebrows and squeezed your shoulder reassuringly. “Just something to think about.”
Taking off down the hall, Stu left you to your own devices as you stood in the middle of an empty hallway with far too much on your mind. In an almost zombie-like trance, you took off in the direction of your biology class, not quite caring that you were about to be marked as tardy for the third time that week. But, before you got to that god-forsaken class, you heard the click of a door not far off before a pair of arms encircled around your middle, yanking you into the nearest classroom. A surprise yelp tore out of your mouth, but the full-fledged scream died in your throat as soon as you realized just who it was who had grabbed you.
“Jesus, Billy, you scared the hell out of me.” You grasped your chest and took in the dark, empty classroom around you. He was still holding you against the nearest wall, you could feel the heat of those large hands through your thin shirt. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Sorry,” despite the desperation in those brown eyes, his voice never wavered. It was still as calm and collected as ever. “I’d go to your house, but it’s been like Fort Knox for the last week or so.”
You chewed on your lip for a moment before averting your eyes to the ground, not quite being able to stomach the weight of his stare just yet. “Billy, unless anything’s changed, I—”
“In case anything’s changed?” He reiterated with raised brows. “Everything’s changed. I miss you, Y/N, more than you can even comprehend. I know I’ve fucked up, I know that, but I need you. The last nine days without being able to really see you or feel you or kiss you or—”
“I get it,” you held your hands up and gently pushed him away. “And it’s been hard on me, too, Billy. But it doesn’t change anything.”
For a few, long, agonizing moments, Billy remained still as a thousand different emotions splayed out across his face. There was anger and grief, sadness and desperation. But the look you got as he dropped to his knees in front of you was pure, unadulterated fear. “I promise you, Y/N, the second I can, when the time is right, Sid and I will be no more. But me and you are it, sweetheart,” his hands gently circled around your hips before embracing you around your middle. “I’m so fucking sorry that this is how it has to be right now. And I’m sorry that I’m too fucking selfish to let this go, but I can’t. I need you. I need us. You’re everything good in my life and I know I need to start proving that to you.”
Still, you remained quiet. Your fingers itched to reach out and run your fingers through that slightly greasy, unruly mop of hair, but instead you kept them pinned down at your side as you considered his words. There was no doubt in your mind that he meant them, the desperation on his face said as much, but you had your reservations. Taking your silence in stride, however, Billy simply reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box.
Your heart nearly stopped.
“Oh, jesus,” you grumbled, burying your head in your hands. “You better not be doing what I think you’re fucking doing.”
“Open the box, Y/N.”
“No,” you held your hands up. “Not if it’s…that.”
Billy sighed. The muscle in his cheek twitched. “It’s not a fucking engagement ring.”
Somewhat relieved, you continued to stare down at the box in slight disdain. “So, what is it?”
Billy sighed. “Fucking open it and you’ll see.”
“Buying the ‘other woman’ jewelry, Billy?” You shook your head. “You’re like a walking cliché at this point.”
“Shut-up and open the goddamn box.” Standing up to his full height, he continued to hold the box out towards you and breathed out a quiet laugh when you remained unwavering. “It’s not a fucking bomb, Y/N, open it.”
With a sigh, you snatched the box out of his hand and, rather unceremoniously, opened it up to reveal a key. Not a fancy skeleton key or a charm in the shape of a key but a regular, run of the mill house key. You blinked, mildly surprised. “Okay, I’ll give you a point for creativity with the box,” you pulled the key out and observed it. “But what is it?”
“It’s a key,” Billy said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
“I see that,” a small smile pulled at your lips as you looked across at him. “What’s it for?”
“It’s a key to my parents’ cabin.”
If you were meant to understand the significance, the story was lost on you. Looking back down at the key, you surveyed its tiny ridges briefly before nodding. “And what’s that have to do with me?”
He took a step towards you and grabbed the hand still clutching onto the key. “My dad doesn’t go up there much ever since my mother left and I figure we could both use a place where we can just…be.” His raked his thumbnail along your knuckles. “No Sid, no anyone. Just you and me.”
You were trying to remain unfazed by the sentiment, to remain icy and cool to the man you were supposed to be pulling away from, but between the softness in those warm brown eyes and the weight of the key still clutched in your hand, you could feel your defenses waning. “You expect Sid to just not care that you’re disappearing up north every once in a while?”
“I’ll make it work,” he shrugged it off. “And, to be honest, I don’t care what she thinks.”
Your answer came in the form of a long, drawn out sigh. “Billy,” you began, but before you could dive into the rest of your speech, his large hands slid up your arms and neck to cradle your face.
Slowly, he backed you into a nearby desk and traced the apple of your cheek with his thumb. “We can sneak up there whenever we want. Spend a whole weekend up there, just the two of us. I can worship this fucking body of yours in every square inch of that cabin. I can go into town and hold your fucking hand in public. We can do whatever the hell it is we want to do up there, whenever we want, without worrying about any of our idiot friends seeing us.”
Your pulse quickened at the thought of being able to parade around like a normal couple in a town where not a single soul knew who you were. You swallowed, trying to steady your excitement with a dose of realism. “It’s still not fair to Sidney.”
“Fuck Sidney!” Billy’s voice echoed out around the vast, empty classroom, alarming you with just how angry he sounded. His chest heaved with a white-hot rage that you couldn’t fully comprehend, and his jaw was wound shut as his nostrils flared with each and every heavy, uneven breath he took. You swallowed hard and watched the man steady his nerves, unsure of your next move. You’d seen Billy angry before, but that level of emotion was definitely new.
You weren’t sure whether to be terrified or turned on by the sudden outburst.
But, just as quickly as it happened, Billy’s eyes slowly opened to reveal those molasses coloured eyes again. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he appeased. “But I can’t have her stand in the way of this. I won’t.”
You remained silent as you shimmied on top of the desk that had been poking into your ass for the last few seconds and tried not to focus on the way your body seemed to melt into Billy’s as he stepped in between your legs, still looking at you with all the intensity of the world.
“If we do this,” you found yourself muttering, “there’s going to be some ground rules.”
A sense of hope blossomed in Billy’s chest as he vigorously nodded his head. “Anything you want,” sliding his hands up the sides your stomach, he gently held your waist and gave it a small squeeze. “You name it.”
“When we go up to the aforementioned cabin, we go out.” You told him. “While I’m more than happy to blow you in the living room without worrying about your dad walking in, it would be nice to go on an actual fucking date.”
Billy nodded and, with his hands still on your waist, he tried not to focus on the thin cotton of your shirt bunching between his fingers as his thumb danced along your ribcage. There was so little between you in the empty classroom, barely any space as the two of you were practically nose to nose. And between that short little skirt you had on and your pert nipples beneath your thin tank top, it was enough to make his cock twitch inside of his pants. “Anything else?” He asked, his voice husky as he nudged his nose against yours.
“Yeah,” you ran your tongue along your now parched lips as you sat with Billy standing between your thighs, holding you in place as his thumb traced agonizingly close to your tit. Were you even breathing? It didn’t feel like it. You were wet, too, which made his inhumanly close proximity almost too much to bear. “Lock the fucking door this time.”
A roguish grin enveloped his features as he stepped out from between your legs. Crossing the threshold of the classroom in two seconds flat, Billy locked the door and made his way back to you with that same mischievous glimmer in his eye. His eyes were hungry and, as his hands shifted down to your ass, he tugged you even closer to the edge of the desk. Closer to him. With your legs still open and on either side of his hips, you just about died when your clit managed to rub against the zipper of his jeans.
A quiet, low moan tore out of your throat from the sensation.
“Anything else?” He asked, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Yeah,” your breathing was ragged as Billy’s slow, methodical fingers, trailed up the side of your stomach. He was being extraordinarily temperate and slow to further tease you but, despite knowing how risky this was, you were putty in his hands. “Touch me.”
His nose brushed against yours again as he shifted his hips just enough for the zipper of his jeans to rub against your clit again. The bastard knew what he was doing.
“This feel good?” He asked as his hips toiled into you again.  
You were practically dry fucking against the desk, you could have been caught any second. But, fuck, when he pulled you in a little more and slowly gyrated his jean-clad pelvis against your clit again, you couldn’t care less. “Mhmm,” you hummed.
Slowly, Billy’s dept fingers slid up from your waist towards your breasts. Raking his thumb against the swollen bud, he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the side of your neck.
He knew his jeans were rubbing against your clit and, as he looked down and saw the visible wet patch on your blue thong, he wanted nothing more than to rip them off of you and bury his face in between your legs. “God, I’ve fucking missed you.”
When his hand squeezed your breast, you arched into his grasp. “I bet you did.”
Billy smirked and rolled your nipples between his fingers through the fabric of your shirt. With every roll of your hips, the strap of your shirt slipped down just enough to expose your breast. Without missing a beat, Billy leaned into your chest and allowed his mouth to consume your nipple, swirling his tongue around it expertly before biting down. You hissed as a combination of both pain and pleasure ripped through your body.
Your fingers curled around the hair along the nape of his neck and gave it a firm tug as is hands held you firmly in place. “Fuck, Billy” you moaned, breathless.
He released your nipple slowly, nipping at it one final time before leaning his forehead against yours again. You wanted like hell to close the distance between you. You wanted to feel his lips on yours. Feel the tickle of his stubble along your upper lip and have that expert tongue brush against yours.
But you also wanted to make him sweat a little.  
You weren’t sure what had come over you as you slid your hand down your torso. Maybe it was adrenaline of being caught or the relief of having Billy in your arms again but as you allowed your fingers to dip beneath the hem of your exposed thong, the look on Billy’s face made it all worth it.
“What are you doing?” His Adams apple bobbed up and down as he watched you touch yourself. You were in an awkward angle, but as your finger circled your clit and you watched the bulge in his pants grow, you were coasting high.
“What’s it look like I’m doing?” You hummed, feigning innocence. “When I say touch me, I mean it, Billy. I’m taking matters into my own hands.” You pinched your clit and arched your naked chest into him. “Fuck.”
You heard him swear under his breath as his lips ghosted over yours. “You’re doing my head in, woman,” he growled, sliding his fingers beneath your panties. You gasped when his thumb began to circle your clit. And when he slid two fingers inside of you, you nearly saw stars.
His mouth found yours, mid-moan. Reaching the hand that had just been down the waistband of your shorts, you ran your fingers through his hair as his tongue coaxed yours. Everything about this man was electric. His fingers quickened their pace and before you knew it, you were thrusting into his hand. Placing sloppy kisses down from your mouth and along your jaw, Billy nipped at your ear. “How’s this for touching you, sweetheart?” He hissed, licking and biting his way across your neck.
Your breathing was rampant as you felt yourself edging closer and closer. “It’s alright,” you teased with a cloudy grin.
“So stubborn,” he laughed into your neck and curled his fingers so that he hit an area inside you that felt almost primal. The moan he got in return made him bite down on your collarbone. He curled his fingers again and you nearly choked. “You sure?”
Pulling his hair, you steered his face back to yours and crashed your lips against his. “Fuck me.” You mumbled into his mouth.
He applied the smallest bit of pressure to your clit and flicked his fingers one final time, sending you over the cliff. With a long, shaky moan, you bucked your hips uncontrollably as you came into his hand. Every inch of you felt as though it was on fire as Billy made you ride out your orgasm, not for a second easing up on your clit as you writhed beneath him.
“Play with your tits,” he barked out through hooded eyes.
“You play with them,” you argued, but the resolve in your voice was gone. You weren’t entirely sure if you knew your name at that point. All you could focus on was the feeling of his finger pinching your highly sensitive clit and that was it. Everything else was a blur.
“God, you’re so fucking stubborn.”
You were so wet and so turned on you could barely think straight. “Billy,” you pleaded, your entire body heating up almost unbearably so. When he ignored you and instead continued his attack on your clit, you whimpered. “I need you to fuck me.”
With a bruising kiss, Billy released your clit and, in seconds flat, tugged his jeans far enough down his hips before slipping inside of you. The moan that escaped your lips was undeniable as he pumped into you. Reaching up, he grabbed your tit and squeezed as he bit down on your exposed neck. It was a sensory overload coming from all angles.
“Fuck,” Billy’s hoarse voice was in your ear as he pumped into you. “You feel so fucking good, Y/N.” He reached for your face and tilted your chin up towards him, meeting you halfway with a sloppy kiss. Moaning into his mouth, you managed lose yourself in that instance.
Gone was the room around you.
Hell, gone was everything up until this point.
All you could focus on was the feeling of Billy inside of you. Biting down on his lip, you tugged it back as he rolled his hips in a way that made you quiver. He was thrusting, hard, in an almost animalistic that made your entire body shake with the velocity of every desperate push. He moved between kissing your lips, to biting them to suckling your neck as he continued to rail into you with all of passion in the world. He was a man, unhinged, and you weren’t sure if you’d ever seen him so sexy.
Not surprising in the least, it didn’t take him long to come. You’d riled him up to the point of no return and, as you felt him come inside of you, you all but laughed when his forehead dramatically fell against your own.
For a few minutes, neither of you moved, simply just remained still and firmly pressed against one another. But, as the weight of your current whereabouts slowly dawned on either of you, you both slowly pulled away from each other, both wearing a small smile as you re-dressed yourselves.
Once his pants were done up, Billy stepped into you once again and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Cabin this weekend, okay?”
You nodded and hopped down from the desk. “Yeah, maybe,” you teased, fixing your skirt.
Billy’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, maybe, eh?”
“Yeah,” you winked, “I’ll think about it.”
“Smart ass,” Billy smirked. “That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble one of these days.”
“I’m counting on it.” Once you were both fixed up, you nodded towards his hand which was still slicked with your juices. You laughed. “Oops.”
But Billy didn’t seem fazed. Instead, your breath hitched in your throat when he raised his hand to his lips and licked your slick clear off, relishing in the taste of it with a knowing smirk on his face. “This weekend.” He reiterated, driving the point home.
“This weekend,” you agreed, walking towards the door. Ensuring nobody saw the two of you leave an empty classroom together, you unlocked the door and gave Billy a small, knowing smile. “See you at lunch, lover boy.”
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nishisun · 3 years
32. girlfriend, huh?
it’s him. it’s sugawara.
“and remember, if he does or says anything that makes you uncomfortable, what do you call out?” tsukishima has both hands place on each of your shoulders with a stern look on his face.
“I say strawberries and you’ll come ‘rescue me like a knight in shining armor.’ we’ve been over this like 10 times in the past hour, kei.” you say playfully. tsukishima’s facial features soften a bit and he smiles at you, but it’s more to himself. he’s just happy you’re not feeling nervous.
“i know.. i just want you to be safe, that’s all.” he smiles, staring at your eyes, then quickly glancing at your lips. you smile back at him and come closer so you’re almost nose to nose to him, taping his nose softly.
“you’re so soft for me.”
“shut up. i’m not.” he stands to his full height and scoffs, blush allergens on his face “last time i checked, you have a guest waiting for you at the door. maybe you should answer it. if you need me just say—“
“strawberries.” you interrupt him, heading to the door with a smirk on your face, making tsukishima chuckle.
“i’ll be in my room.”
for some odd reason, there’s not one ounce of fear or nervousness in you. you don’t know if it’s because of the little lecture tsukishima gave you this morning, or if it’s just the breakfast you ate, but this sudden in urge in confidence is something that was indeed needed.
tsukishima turns around at last and enters his room. you purposefully waited until he went back to his room to avoid him and suga having a very-much-not-needed-convo.
once you opened the door, for some odd reason, the confidence went away. you’re pretty sure his face is what triggered that to happen.
“uh, it’s pretty cold in here. can i.. come in?” sugawara asks, it’s barely even a whisper, but you manage to hear it. you avoid making direct eye contact, you opt for nodding your head and letting out a small hum instead.
you move to the side so he can enter and you close the door and lock it as you walk behind him with one arm placed on the other. he looks back at you and smiles sheepishly, and you signal to the couch, he talks that as a sign to sit.
you both sit in silence for what seems like forever (even though it’s been a good minute or two).
well this seems pointless.
“y/n, i’m sorry. i truly am.” he sounds like he’s begging, and honestly it’s annoying the fuck out of you. is that all he came here for? is to apologize? he could’ve done that through text, you wouldn’t have minded if he did it that way.
“is that all you came here for? to apologize?” you mutter, staring at the ground.
“well, yeah—“
“well then you could’ve done that through text, sugawara.” you scoff, obviously annoyed with him. he cocks your head at the way you’re staring at him in annoyance and furrows his brows, not used to the sudden behavior.
“the hell’s wrong with you?” he asks, his voice is deeper and laced with irritation, a voice he’d usually use when you two were together and he was about to do something he’d later on regret. your eyes widen suddenly and you immediately faced the floor to avoid eye contact once again.
“nothing— just.. what’s the actual reason you came here, sugawara?”
“what, so now it’s sugawara? not koushi, kou? not even suga?”
“you’re not answering my question.. i want an answer.”
“what if i don’t wanna give you one? what are you going to do?”
now it’s your time to cock your head, you really don’t have time to have petty arguments with your ex, who’s obviously not making things easier for you.
“i’m going to have to ask you to leave then.” you say stern and sugawara‘s face lights up with amusement, as if he’s testing you. he gets up from where he’s sitting and sits next to you, but not too close.
“c’mon, baby. can we just go back to how things were before? i’ve missed you so much.. even went to therapy because i couldn’t stop thinking about you...”
he’s staring directly at you, boring his eyes out on you, as if he’s challenging you to stare back. you don’t, you’re trying your best to restrain yourself from bursting into tears. how the hell is he able to make you feel so sick to the stomach?
“yeah, you already mentioned that to me over text.” you place both your hands on your lap before picking a small piece of lint that was on your leggings. sugawara looks down to see your fingers playing with each other, signaling that you were already feeling overwhelmed. he look like he’s having the time of his life. is he a sadist?
“i’m making you nervous? you always used to twiddle your fingers like that back then when you were...”
“can you just answer my question? my patience is running out.”
sugawara scoffs and tears the gaze he has on you to face forward. he doesn’t say anything, he just sits there.. what’s with him?
“i-if you don’t then i want you to leave.” you try to prevent yourself from showing that you truly are feeling nervous, but you always tend to stutter when you were feeling a bit too overwhelmed, and sugawara seems to love it because he laughs.
it’s not a long one, it’s just a huff of a laugh, but the fact that he laughed just proves that he still doesn’t respect you up to today.
“nah. i don’t wanna leave. your cute little stutter’s telling me that you’re not even sure if you want me to leave or not. you obviously aren’t using that tiny brain of yours. if you were, you’d realize that i’m trying to better myself for you. you’re making this harder on me, y/n. it’s not the other way around.”
“i really don’t have time for this, sugawara. i want you to leave. if you need anything, you have my number so i don’t see what the problem is.”
“the problem is you won’t give me a chance when i’ve literally changed!” he’s yelling at this point, his fist slammed against the table so loud, you’re pretty sure tsukishima heard it. “i don’t understand why you won’t listen to me! i’ve changed so why are you acting like this?”
you slowly move away from him, keeping distance with him in case he lashes out again. you can hear footsteps from the tsukishima’s room, he’s probably getting ready to come out, but you’re hoping he doesn’t. just not yet. if sugawara finds out tsukishima’s been listening this whole time he definitely won’t be happy.
“suga, this is exactly why! because you think you can get whatever you want by trying to guilt trip me! you’re only upset that i’ve realized my worth.” you keep commented contact with sugawara once you see his eyebrows furrow in confusion, confidence rushing within you once again. “i’ve already forgiven you and moved on... so can you please leave?”
he groans once more, putting his palms on his face, staring at the floor and still seated on the couch, you’re already backing away because sugawara looks like he’s about to throw something. if you weren’t feeling nervous before, you definitely are now.
“i-if you want to talk.. then explain yourself now or you’re leaving.” your voice is slightly shaky, you don’t think sugawara noticed, given the fact that he’s too annoyed with this whole situation, you are too. he wipes his palms on his thighs, then stands up and starts walking towards you, not quickly, but that doesn’t really matter.
“keep your distance,” you say firmly, you’re backing away from him and he doesn’t seem to be listening to you because he just continues to keep walking. “sugawara, i’m not playing, stop.”
“i’m not playing either,” he has you backed against the wall now, his right hand is giving him support from the wall and his other arm is placed next to him. “i’ve missed you.”
you’re uncomfortable. it’s not that you can’t defend yourself, you can. you just didn’t know what sugawara would do if you even laid a finger on him in a violent way. he would definitely not be happy.
“stop...” you try to shrink away from him, but it’s literally no use. he won’t budge, and you’re pretty sure he’s not going to listen. “strawberries.”
finally, you hear the door to one of the rooms in the house open, it’s tsukishima and he walks out, you can’t help but smile when he looks at you and playfully winks. he’s such a weirdo.
“oh hi, y/n! what’re you doing in such a naughty position?” it’s tsukishima and he has a shit eating grin on his face. all you want to do right now is smack that smirk off his damn face. tsukishima looks at suga and furrows his brows with a chuckle. “that’s not how to treat a girl. i thought out of all people you’d know this.”
“ha ha, very funny.” you mutter. “now do what i hired you to do, four eyes.”
“hired? last time i checked this was my idea. i’m the brains behind this plan.” tsukishima retorts. sugawara is staring at the both of you in confusion, he still has you trapped between him, but you’ve paid no mind to it since you were too distracted arguing with tsukishima. it was a petty argument, really.
“why the hell is he here?” sugawara suddenly says, interrupting you from your mini argument. he’s finally standing straight, and you immediately move away from him. his brows are furrowed, and you can see the irritation rise up in him again.
“what’d you mean? i live here. i could ask that same question to you.” tsukishima asks, he’s staring back at sugawara.. maybe even glaring? you look at tsukishima in amusement because honestly, this situation went from stressful to entertaining.
“nah, i came to talk to y/n, i was expecting any other guest.” sugawara says, he glares at you saying the last part and you do everything in your power not to burst out in laughter, tsukishima is doing the same.”what even are you to her? a friend?”
“she’s my girlfriend, and i don’t like people flirting with her unless it’s me. she also lives here, so.”
“girlfriend...?” you look up at tsukishima in confusion then you glance at sugawara who looks like he’s about to lose his shit once again. he won’t though, you know he doesn’t act violent in front of people.
sugawara leaves your side to walk in front of the 6’5 tall man and all tsukishima does is look down at him with a bored expression.
“can you do both me and y/n a favor and leave? we usually like staying here by ourselves. without any guest.”
tsukishima’s passive aggression is kinda hot. you think.
“ah, i see.” he turns to your direction, keeping eye contact with you and you’re staring back defiantly. “so this is it, y/n? you’ve seriously moved on?”
your eyes widen at what he says, not expecting what came out of his mouth at all. he sounds pretty hurt, you don’t think it’s fair for him to act suprised. what did he expect? he’s the one that ended the relationship you had with him in the first place. did he expect you to just wait for him to come back?
you lift your hands up and shrug, not trusting that your voice won’t break. your words come out as a whisper, but the effect is there.“i mean, you can’t really act surprised, suga. you broke things off.”
tsukishima is watching the both of you from a distance, he’d rather cuddle with you and watch a movie in his room than be here watching you finally break things off with your ex for good. sugawara widens his eyes and then smiles.
“yeah, i guess you’re right. well, it was fun.”
you wish you could say the same.
“i’m glad you’re happy.”
“thank you, sugawara. i hope you’ve learned from your mistakes. i’m sure there’s someone out there for you, you just have to be patient, kay?”
sugawara walks towards the door, he turns around to face you with his hand on the door nob smiling, and looks at tsukishima. “she’s a keeper. you’re lucky to have her.”
now it’s your turn to widen your eyes, you weren’t expecting that one bit. what you were expecting was a raging sugawara who wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.
“yeah, i know.”
he doesn’t even make eye contact with you, he smiles at tsukishima’s response before heading out the complex. once the door finally shuts, you heave a sigh of relief and look up at tsukishima in amusement.
“girlfriend, huh? that’s the best you came up with?” tsukishima huffs out a laugh and then walks up to you to hug you. while in his grasp, you look up at him in confusion. “you’ve been so touchy lately. it’s cute.”
“i’m so proud of you.” he kisses the top of your head, and you snuggle your head in his chest further. he’s so cute.
“it’s nothing really kei.”
“no it isn’t. i’m proud of you. so proud.” he hugs you tighter, and you smile softly at how affection he is.
“that was easier than i expected. i thought it would take way more arguing for him to actually leave.” you laugh, tsukishima does the same and shakes his head.
“y/n, i’m gonna tell you something and you have to promise me you won’t judge me for it. okay?”
oh no. is this what akaashi was talking about?
“you’re scaring me, is it something bad?”
“i mean it depends. i don’t think it’s that bad.”
tsukishima takes a deep breathe and hugs you impossibly tighter, almost as if he’s stalling.
“take your time, kei. but the quicker the better cause you’re squeezing me!!!”
“i think i love you.”
a/n: ahhh second to last chapter!! i did cut it a bit short because i felt like there were so many chapters.
taglist: @m01k @sunasro @cvlliesstuff @appleciderslut @lilacnoodles @sinistersith @d0llpie @kac-chowsballs @resetrestartandreplay @satomiis @xo-lovelyreign-xo @idiot-juice-enthusiast @definitelynotbianca @my-weeb-ass @yourlocalbabybird @bokutosuwus @tadashisprout @daninaninani @r4twh0r3 @tazinva @neokawa @mirikusashes @helloshoutohere @goldenchaos7 @wingsofmydemons @fearlesskz @moonieho @denkis-slut @nikanikabitch @peteunderoos @itsjustsavs @lalisbitch @micheleinumaki @tsukkisbbyg @kuroosluv @immxnty @rory-cakes @thechaosoflonging @ish-scribbles @randomesk-yuku @emazzello @fivxss @morosis-haze @setterswife @rarr-com1452z @excujeemi
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Infatuation P12
Joe Goldberg x Reader x Love Quinn
Warnings: Abusive relationship stuff.
Notes: A new part to prepare ourselves for the next one... and the one after that, and the one after that, and so on until I eventually die. This one’s short, but progress has surely been made.
You... can’t believe this had just happened. Right infront of you, too. Forty, you had expected— but Love? Absolutely not. Even now, you desperately search your mind for an excuse, like a dream. This has to be a nightmare.
Amy is dead on the floor because of Love, and you couldn’t do anything to stop her.
“Y/N.” Love places her hand on the glass wall, attempting to bring your full attention to her. “Look at me.”
You shut your eyes tight after attempting to blink the troubles away. “I— c-can’t... I can’t look at y-you,” You speak with a dry throat, like you had just swallowed a handful of sand.
Love’s expression twists into one resembling your own. It’s a mournful look and one you can’t easily brush off when you peek her way. “Please look at me...” Love’s forehead hits the glass with a soft thud. “Please.”
“Why did y-you do that?”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry.” She inhales slowly. “I had no other choice.”
“Don’t— don’t say th-that.” You hiccup and pull at your sleeves. You’ve never felt so scared before.
“Please, understand,” She desperately looks to you, nearly mimicking your overwhelming worry. You don’t want to hear it, no matter how badly she wants to push through. Love was the only person in the world you believed understood you... she survived when you’d left and she was understanding when you came back... yet here you are, heavy air and a glass wall sits between the both of you and you had never felt so different and so misunderstood.
“Please, sh-shut up.”
“Please, give me a second chance.” She taps at the glass, though you refuse to meet her gaze. First Forty, then Joe, and now this.
There’s nobody in this town you can trust.
A phone rings, and Love jumps. The ringtone is unfamiliar, and as she observes you, she realizes it isn’t coming from the cage.
When she turns her head, she takes a long look at Amy’s form. It’s a mess, almost nothing clean about it. But... the ringing is coming from her.
Gulping down her previous expressions, Love steels her face and crawls her way to the corpse. She slides her hands across her pockets and easily slips Amy’s ringing phone into her palm to read the number.
The contact is nameless.
Love presses accept and slowly places the phone against her ear as she holds her breath. She didn’t know what she had expected, but a voice spoke above the silence before she could think.
“Get out of there.”
I hadn’t expected it to be so late by the time Forty finally let me go. He went on and on about the script and I nearly believed I was trapped in the endless cycle of... ‘Will, does this sound like something she would say?’ ‘Will, do you think she’d actually do this? I don’t want it to feel unnatural.’ ‘You’re starting to doze off there, Will.’... yeah Forty, I got it.
I’m tired as I drive, though I feel as though I had been carrying this exhaustion since work. Seeing Candace really lit something in me and I’m not certain I was completely ready for it. She’s a sneaky one, isn’t she? A real rat, I’d say. I hadn’t even expected to see her and I can’t say I’m happy either. I can’t fucking believe she had the gull to show her face here— at Anavrin too, of all places. She’s obsessed with me, absolutely struck by me.
I tighten my grip around the steering wheel, taking a deep breath as I return back to earth.
‘Earth to Will.’ I remind myself in Forty’s voice. It’s reassuring, oddly enough.
I stop at a red light. There are no cars around, so I look beside myself and observe the book I picked up for you— only to remember I had placed it in the backseat with a brown paper bag. There’s nothing bad in there, just a small order of fries? I hope you’ll understand I was in a hurry.
As I pull up to the parking, I feel good— surprisingly good. Actually, incredible. Despite Candace’s sudden appearance and my exhaustion, I feel amazing.
After removing the key from the ignition, I look myself in the mirror. Gussying up isn’t something I normally do, though tonight it feels especially right.
When I reach out to grab the brown bag, I accidentally knock the book onto the floor.
No matter, I get out of the car and open the back door, easily reaching below the driver’s seat to collect to book. I had expected it to be a little dirty but, I actually find something different altogether.
As I pull my hand back into view, a sheen device rests. A phone. More specifically, your phone. It must have slipped from your pocket the night I... picked you up. I let out the most relieved sigh of my life. This really is a good day, isn’t it?
As I open it, I notice the battery charge is doing fairly well. Perfect. I waste no time unlocking it, seemingly forgetting you’re all alone in that dark locker. There’s still no password, though nothing has really changed.
The most notable differences is the singular very risqué picture you’ve taken, which seems very out of place for someone like you, and the new contact in your messenger. But going back to my earlier discovery— this picture is meant for someone, it has to be. I bite my finger as I debate with myself. Forty? Love? I doubt you’re sending these to Candace. She’s not even in your contacts— unless... unless this new contact is her. It’s nameless, so I can only assume. But when I open the chat, I realize there’s absolutely nothing sent between the both of you. However, your most recent calls have been to this strange number— the new contact.
I shut the door after collecting the dropped book, holding it in my hand while the brown bag somehow holds it’s balance between my fingers. I’m using my other hand to scroll through your phone, mainly hovering over this strange contact of yours. I want to know who it is... and if it’s Candace, I wouldn’t mind having a word with her— though that may be a bad idea.
As I approach the locker, I place the brown bag and book on the ground to reach for my key. I don’t want to ignore it, however. That— that feeling I’m getting right now. The feeling telling me to call this mysterious stranger. After finding my key, I look up at the lock. It’s— well, to put it simply, my blood ran cold at the sight of it missing from the locker.
I don’t want to open it, atleast not now. I’m scared, I really am. Worried. I can’t believe the lock— the lock is on the floor. It’s not broken, I don’t think. I shift on my legs, my nails biting into my palms as I flex my hands anxiously.
Against all logic and reason, I’m convinced I need to try this number now. This has to be Candace. This has to be her. I look down at your phone, grit my teeth, and press call.
It rang, long and slow rings. Actually, very slow ones. It felt as though I had been waiting here for five minutes while the phone rang and nobody cared to pick it up.
Then suddenly, it’s declined.
I look down at your phone again, this time surprised. Whoever declined the call... should know you’re not on the other end. Why else would it get declined? Looking through your recents, none of your other calls with this stranger have been missed.
You know what? You’re right behind this door. I might aswell ask you myself.
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On Fire from Within
Rating: Explicit (18+ ONLY)
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 3.8k
Tags: Self-Indulgent, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, the helmet comes off, Blindfolds, Sex Pollen, Dirty talk, Mostly in Mando’a, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, PiV Sex, Din is soft and a mess, and so am I, so much Mando'a because I cannot be stopped, Please let me know if I missed anything
Summary: Reader is a newish crew member on the Razor Crest. She was helping out on a bounty hunting mission when she got hit with a laced dart at a shady brothel. It's a sex pollen fic lads, you know how this goes!
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“Fuck,” you swore softly, pulling a small barb from the back of your neck. It’s only a little thing, a geometric pattern of angles and sharp points. Odd for a piece of shrapnel, but surely nothing to worry about. The small wound wouldn’t be worth the Bacta gel. You tossed it away before walking up the ramp into the Crest.
“Everything ok?” Mando stepped away from the controls of the carbonite chamber. You hadn’t realized he was so close, and startled when you heard the question crackling through his modulator.
“Yeah, it’s nothing. That bastard frozen yet?”
“Just about.”
“Good. That place made me want to scrub the inside of my skin.” You’d just finished helping Mando drag a bounty out of a local bar running an illegal “pleasure house.” It certainly hadn’t deserved the name, and you were more than happy to provide an initial distraction so Mando could come in for the kill. (The metaphorical kill, sadly. You would have been happy to leave the owner of that awful establishment a smoking crater on the floor of his bar, but apparently that was “not following the brief” and “wouldn’t bring in as much money for fuel.” Pfft). There had been a little static on the way out, and you assume that’s when you’d picked up that bit of metal. “I’m going to hit the refresher, unless you need it first?”
The bounty hunter shook his head and moved towards the ramp. “No. I’m going to trade in the puck and get us out off this rock. You go ahead.”
You checked the controls of the shower. Again. You’re sweating, and as much as you try, you can’t get the water cold enough to soothe your burning skin. You arch your back, moaning when the stretching movement sends a dart of pleasure straight to your aching cunt. Fuck, why are you such a mess all of a sudden? You slip a hand between your legs and are shocked to discover that you are already dripping wet. You rub the back of your neck and it hits you- that wasn’t shrapnel. It must have been a dart laced with something, and knowing the type of place you were in, you’d bet any amount of credits it was a nasty aphrodisiac. “Those bastards…”
You drag your hands through your hair and take a steadying breath. Ok, you can handle this, pull yourself together… Nice empty ship and a hot shower. Nothing you haven’t done before. You let your hands drift lower, massaging your breast and tweaking an already pert nipple. You’re already so close…
An hour later and you’re sobbing from want. Why can’t you just. Fucking. Come already? You’ve tried everything, every fantasy, every technique or touch, and nothing. You try again, stroking your clit and spiraling towards release before it slips away again, a jolt of pain rebounding through you. “Damn it!”
“Y/N? What’s wrong?”
You freeze. You hadn’t realized how much time had passed, of course Mando is back. What had he heard? “Um, nothing, it’s fine!” You wince at how falsely this rings, even to you.
There’s a pause. “Open the door.”
“… no? I’m not-“
“Open the door. Or I will break it down.”
Shit. You have a second to grab a towel before the door clangs open. Mando is through the door and into the tiny room in an instant, hand on his blaster. He checks all the corners which, takes about 2 seconds, before turning that implacable, visored gaze on you. “What’s going on with you?”
“Jeez, Mando, I-“ you try to bluff your way out of it for a moment before giving it up for lost. Even if you could explain away everything else, you know your flushed cheeks and glassy eyes will give you away. “Fine, just, promise you won’t laugh?”
“Is something funny?”
“No, it really isn’t.” You sigh. “So, I didn’t realize until we got back to the ship, but someone back at that hole in the wall hit me with some kind of dart. I think it was drugged.”
“Show me.”
“I chucked it just before I got on board, but this is where it hit.” You pull your wet hair back to show him the mark on your neck. Mando crosses the floor in one step, and you feel one of his gloved hands steady your shoulder as he takes a closer look. That small touch is enough to drive you wild, and you bite back a groan, leaning into his touch.
“Dank ferrik.” Mando pulls his hands away like he’s been burned, and your cheeks flame again, this time in embarrassment. “There are red marks at the injection site. I’ve, uh.. I’ve seen this before.”
You grit your teeth, finding it easier to talk about when you’re not looking at him. “It hurts, Mando and I can’t make it stop. How long am I going to feel like this?”
“Until it runs its course. Usually, a few hours. And it will get worse.”
You swear again, tears of frustration slipping down your cheeks. Mando stands there for a moment, flexing his hands and looking unsure of what to say. Finally, you hear a deep breath and, “let me help you.”
You startle, sure you’ve heard him wrong. It’s only been a few months since you signed on as his only crew member, a live-in mechanic and occasional extra pair of hands for certain bounties. You’d thought about it, of course. At first you’d seen this as just another short term gig. Some light repair work, the odd stint of standing lookout or patching up his wounds or acting as a distraction for a tricky bounty. The longer you spent with him though, the longer you started to see the man beneath the armor, his dark humor, his unexpected kindness, his tendency to throw himself into harm’s way for the sake of a code you can’t begin to understand. Stars, and that voice… but you knew he would never return those feelings. The idea of him offering himself to you now, out of pity or worse, obligation…
“No.” You move to shoulder past him.
He grabs your wrist. “Look, Y/N, I know I may not be your first choice but-“
You whirl around to glare at him. “Not my- damn it, Mando!” You kick the waste bin in sheer frustration. “I’ve wanted you for weeks and just because I don’t want you to feel cornered into sleeping with me you have the fucking gall-“
“Close your eyes.”
You blink in confusion. “Wait, what?”
“Do it. Now.” You shiver at the steel in his voice and comply without another thought.
There’s a soft hiss, and the clang of metal set down on metal. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t… You start in surprise, feeling his leather-clad fingers cup your face and tip your chin up. “Are you sure you want this?”
You laugh, a little shakily, amazed to hear how deep and rough his unmodulated voice still is. “Are you?”
The next thing you know, he’s got you backed up against that wall. You gasp, reaching to pull him closer. His mouth slides over yours, lips warm and surprisingly plush. You deepen the kiss and moan, needing so much more. He responds by reaching down, pulling you up to straddle his waist. Trapped between the wall and a cage of Beskar, you’ve never felt freer. You card your fingers through his hair, marveling at the curls under your hands. Mando gasps, already sounding ragged. “How do you want me?”
You drag your nails down his scalp and lick your way up the column of his throat. You taste salt and pant into his ear, “in the cockpit chair.”
Mando groans. “You have been thinking about this, haven’t you, sweet girl?”
“Less talk. More chair sex.”
He huffs a laugh against your neck and pulls you from the wall, carrying you through the ship like you don’t weigh a thing. You make it through the corridor, with only a few brief stops against walls and doorways. Mando sets you down once you reach the cockpit and you whine at the lack of his touch, but still keep your eyes closed. He kisses your forehead. “Patience, sweet girl.” You give up the last shreds of your dignity and moan, rubbing your thighs together. “Can’t, I need you to touch me now.” You hear a few soft clinks, and realize Mando is removing his armor, piece by piece. Not wanting to be outdone, you toss your towel aside. Your eyes are still shut tight, but you add a hand to cover them, afraid you’ll forget yourself. You may not understand his beliefs, but you are damn sure going to respect them, even now.
There’s startle at a ripping sound, and Mando asking “Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” you breathe.
“Good. Keep your eyes closed.” Mando pulls your hand away, pressing a kiss to your palm before knotting a blindfold around your eyes. You feel yourself pulled down to his lap. You twine your arms around his neck and lower yourself until you’re straddling his hips, grinding as close to him as you can.
“Tell me what you need.”
“Touch me.”
He’s eager to comply, and you shiver as you feel his hands (his hands, not the gloves, stars) skim up your sides. Mando cups the back of your head, drawing you closer as he kisses and licks his way into your mouth. You immediately open your lips to his, stroking his tongue with your own, teasing the roof of his mouth to egg him on. You’re rewarded with a small groan, and Mando palming your left breast. He strokes your nipple with his thumb, rolling and pinching it to make you arch your back. “What else?”
“Maker, that’s so good… talk to me, Mando, don’t stop touching me.”
“Never, mesh’la.” Mando rolls his hips and makes you squirm against him. You can feel his arousal, pressed so close to your own, separated only by the canvas of his trousers. You mewl and buck your hips against him.
“Oh gods, yes…”
Mando chuckles as your breath speeds up. “You’re so gorgeous, Y/N, going to take such good care of you. Going to make this so good for you.”
He bends his head and sucks one of your nipples into his warm mouth, and you nearly black out. The sheer relief of such a touch when you need it so badly nearly undoes you completely. “Mando…”
“Din.” The word is muffled against your chest, and you have to ask “what?”
He rests his forehead against shoulder. “My name, Din Djarin.”
“Din,” you taste the short name, adding it to what you’ve learned about this man. This capable, dangerous, surprisingly gentle Mandalorian. How can such a hard man be so… This train of thought is interrupted as another wave of desire bowls you over, making you shudder with need and pain. “I need more, Din, please…”
You don’t even need to finish that thought before you feel his rough, calloused fingers drifting down your belly and lower, lower… You lean back to give him easier access, his other arm coming to rest around your waist, holding you up. You gasp when he strokes your folds. “Me’bana? You’re so wet, mesh’la. Is this all for me?” He doesn’t wait for a response before slowly fucking two of his fingers deep inside you, dragging the pads over your G-spot over and over. He’s a quick learner, adapting to touch you harder or softer, quicker or slower, as you gasp and buck your hips. “So good for me, so wet and ready. Do you want me to make you come?”
“Yes, yes, please Din, I’m so close…” you whine.
Din rubs your clit while fucking his fingers into you. He bites down on your earlobe, whispering, “Then come for me, cyare.”
You do. You cry out as you feel yourself coming apart under his hands, your hips thrashing despite you as you moan and call out his name. When you drift back to yourself, you’re grateful for his supporting hold as waves of pleasure continue to roll through you. Din strokes you through all of it, only backing off when your breathing slows and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You exhale slowly, taking stock after that release. “That was… whew…” Now that you have a moment to think clearly again, you can feel your mind spinning up to overthink this. Will you ever be able to look at your employer (partner? friend?) again? Not that you can ever look him in the eye anyway, but what if he’s completely disgusted with you after this? Your racing thoughts pause when you hear what can only be Din sucking your slick from his fingers.
“Maker, you taste as good as I hoped you would.” Thoughts: gone. Brain: empty. There can’t be any room for overthinking when your head is suddenly full of HE THOUGHT ABOUT TASTING ME?! “How do you feel?”
You force yourself to consider this. You can already feel the fire in your core roaring back to life. “Good, but, I can already feel it ramping back up.” You blush. “Not that I didn’t… I totally did, but.. sorry…”
“Shh, k’uur. I get it. Just relax and let me take care of you.” He stands up, depositing you gently in his seat. You only have a moment to wonder at this sudden shift before feeling him kneel down in front of you. Without even thinking about it, you let your legs fall open to him. “That’s it, sweet girl, let me see that pretty pussy.”
If you weren’t already positive you were running a fever, that would have tipped you over the edge. Din runs his hands up your thighs, his breath ghosting over your throbbing core. “Ibac’ner. Ni copaanir dinuir gar ner lalat akay gar jair.” Is he… praying? You’re past the point of caring, all you want is for him to stop sucking marks into your inner thigh and finally move to where you need him most. You nearly scream when he drags his tongue up your slit. He flattens his tongue against you, humming appreciatively as your roll your hips. He wraps his arms around your thighs suddenly, jerking you closer towards him. “Jatisyc, ni larayc teh gar.”
You are glad of the blindfold because you are so far beyond controlling your face. Din’s tongue feels like it is everywhere at once, tonguing your cunt like it was your mouth one second, then laving your clit the next. You curl your toes and howl when he sucks your clit into his mouth and you feel the barest hint of teeth around you. “So close, so close” you chant, reaching down to hold his head right where you need it.
Din releases your clit, licking circles around it instead. “You liked that, didn’t you cyare? Do you like it a little rough?”
You shudder, thrilled to have been caught out so soon. “Gods, yes.”
Din chuckles and you hope you haven’t slipped up by confessing quite so enthusiastically. “Oh this is going to be fun. I am going to ruin you, mesh’la.” He dives back into your pussy, licking and sucking and nipping at your thighs like a wild thing. You whine and arch your back.
“Hold. Still.” Din’s arm clamps over your waist like an iron bar. “How am I supposed to finish you off, if you won’t stop writhing around, you etyc dala?” When you push your luck, trying to squirm free, you feel a sharp slap to your thigh. “Are you going to be a good girl and let me make you come? Or should I leave you here by yourself?”
“No, please, I’ll be good for you I promise!”
“Damn right you will,” he snarls. Without warning, Din shoves two fingers into your cunt and wraps his lips around your clit, sucking hard. You come in a rush, screaming his name.
You’ve barely come down from that high before chasing your next. While your first orgasm left you with some temporary relief, this one only stokes the fire even higher. You seize Din’s face from where he was resting his cheek against your thigh and pull him to your mouth. Reticence is a distant memory and you devour the taste of yourself from his mouth. When Din leans back and groans from this spectacle, you palm his length, spear-straight and hard as Beskar under your hand.  Din shudders underneath you, and you can almost see the effort of restraining himself.  You trace the shell of his ear and murmur “Why are you still wearing pants?”
Din rushes to his feet, pulling you from the chair and pushing you up against the nearest wall in one smooth motion. He holds you in place with one arm across your breastbone, panting with effort. “Hang on, I don’t want to rush you.“
You wish you could look at him, to show you the burning desire in your eyes, how much you truly want this. Alas. You settle for dropping to your knees and fumbling blindly with the fastenings of his trousers.
“Dank ferrik…” a muttered oath somewhere above your head. Din reaches down to help you, drawing his cock out. Once again, you wish the blindfold wasn’t necessary. You can feel the velvet-soft skin of him, trace the head of his cock and stroke up and down the length of him, but you wish you could see him. You breathe over him and, holding his shaft to help guide you (and madden him), lick just under the tip of his cock. You run your tongue around the ridge and lick your lips before taking him as far down your throat as you can. Din hisses and unleashes a stream of Basic and that same tongue he’d been speaking earlier. “Fuck… ori jate, ori jate, yes, Y/N. Parer, ke’pare, ah!”
You hum around him, loving the sound of him absolutely losing it. “Too much?” you ask, all innocence.
Din actually growls. “Yes. Don’t stop, please.”
You smile, hoping he can see you amidst his unraveling. You bob your lips over the head of his cock, once, twice, before sliding down the length of him as far as you can take. Din’s fingers tangle in your hair and you can feel him jerking his hips, holding back from fucking your face like he clearly wants to. You pull back again, letting go  of his cock with a wet pop. “Don’t hold back, baby, I want all of you.”
This is more than Din can stand. He hauls you roughly to your feet, kissing you with abandon. “Say that again?”
“I want you Din, please. I fucking need you.”
Din grabs one of your legs and holds it over his hip. He teases your entrance while you beg him, rubbing against your folds. You moan in relief when he finally thrusts home, stretching you and dragging against your walls. You rake your nails down his back, biting at his shoulder. “Gods, yes, that’s so fucking good. Don’t hold back. Unh, yes, yes, yes…” He is pounding into you now, setting a brutally quick pace- just like you need. You try to kiss him but you’re getting sloppy and your kiss is more just dragging your open mouth along his jaw, panting as he fucks you. “Din, I’m so close…”
“That’s good, you’re so good at taking this cock aren’t you, mesh’la? Me'copaani? Do you want me to tell you how I’ve fantasized about fucking you over the console almost since you came on board? Do you want to hear how good it feels to be buried in your cunt, with your tight pussy around me? Because it is good, Y/N, and I am going to fucking destroy you.”
You scream his name. “Gods, Din, I’m gonna come!”
He seizes you by the throat, not hard enough to cut off your air but more than enough to let you know who is in charge now. “I want to feel you come on my cock. Come on, cyare, give it to me. Come. Now.”
It’s the full on bounty hunter voice command that slams you over the edge. You come hard, shaking in Din’s arms and soaking his cock. You absolutely would have fallen without him holding you up. He fucks you through it all, and as the aftershocks roll through you, you realize the screaming urgency has finally quieted. You can just about remember talking him through his own release before slipping below the cool depths of unconsciousness.
“Y/N? Here, drink this.”
You blink awake and feel a cold glass pressed into your hand. You take a sip. The icy water grounds you, and you take stock of your surroundings. You’re curled up in the captain’s seat, warm under a slightly tattered woolen blanket, or maybe a cloak? It takes you a moment before you realize what else is different. You can see again. “Din?”
“I’m here.” His voice is distant, slightly fuzzed. You look around, seeing him once again hidden beneath the helmet. “How do you feel?”
You’re still restless, like some distant part of you needs to get up and run or fight or fuck, but your limbs are feeling a bit heavier now and it’s easier to breathe. “Better.” You lift the glass again, drinking the rest of the water like you’ve never tasted anything so sweet.
Din lays his hand on your cheek, and you’re relieved to find that at least this bit of him has not been covered up again. “You’re still running a temperature but it feels like it’s easing up.” He takes the empty glass from you, setting it aside before taking your hand and drawing you up. “Come on, let’s get you to your bunk.”
You rise, unsteady on your legs after several rounds of fairly vigorous sex. Din steadies your elbow, guiding you out of the cockpit. “Sick of me already?” You’re aiming for a light tone but you know you missed the mark.
Din turns you to face him and studies you for a moment. “Yeah. Probably going to drop you off on the next planet we hit.”
You narrow your eyes at him, looking at your own skeptical face in the reflection of his visor. “Oh yeah?”
He presses his forehead to yours, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “No, ner kar’ta.” You couldn’t tell before, but now you’re almost sure he’s smiling. “I think you’re stuck with me for awhile.”
Mando'a Translations mesh'la beautiful
Ibac’ner. Ni copaanir dinuir gar ner lalat akay gar jair. This is mine. Going to give you my tongue until you scream.
Jatisyc, ni larayc teh gar. Delicious, I (am) drunk from you.
Etyc dala dirty girl
Ori jate so good
Parer wait
Ke'pare wait (emphatic)
Me'copaani? What's this?
Ner kar’ta My heart
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