#and i didn't put diana because i think she can and she will (unless she is also evil)
brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
What are your thoughts on the rumour that perhaps Meghan was pregnant but wore padding to bait the British press/people into questioning the authenticity of the pregnancy?
I have never been pregnant so don’t have a first hand grasp on postpartum body etc. I was looking at a B&W picture of her holding her second child (from the Netflix piece) and she has a fuller shape.
Tin hat for a moment, if this were true, would she be waiting for the British press to report on the ‘fake’ pregnancy just to prove she was pregnant and solidify her victim status?
Please note, this is a hypothetical question about the rumour of padding when pregnant and Meghan’s possible thought process and apparent need to be the ultimate victim.
I think it's a valid rumor. After all, it's understood that a lot of women in Hollywood/influencer circles pad their bellies to help them get deals and attention so I expected Meghan to pad, especially if her bump didn't look anything like the classic baby bump. I mean, if the Kardashians padded their bellies to help with their clothing brands, then chances are pretty good Meghan would've padded too.
I've always believed that Meghan padded her belly to look appear more pregnant than she actually was. My sense is that she thought she'd look pregnant right away and when that didn't happen, she padded her belly, and then overdid it (and kept overdoing it) with the padding once she actually did start showing.
Getting to your question about whether Meghan wanted the British press to report that she was faking the pregnancy. Her pregnancy with Lili wasn't public so we can put that pregnancy aside and focus specifically on the pregnancy with Archie. And given her behavior during pregnancy - all the coat-flicking and bump-groping and "new young mother" messaging - I don't think her goal was to have the press report she was faking pregnancy to play the victim. I think her goal was to develop some kind of "Mommy Meghan" persona for the branding and identification as quickly as she could. (Like how Diana was branded as the People's Princess and Kate the Children's Princess.) Was she going after Kate's 'Children's Princess' honor? Was she trying to establish her own "Mommies' Princess" title, championing feminism and motherhood? I'm not sure.
The other thing is that if she was trying to bait the press, I don't think the press would've taken it. They know they couldn't/can't accuse her of faking pregnancy unless they had irrefutable incontrovertible solid-than-concrete rock-hard proof because it's the Line of Succession and whiffing it would've gotten them fired before the ink finished drying.
(I've said this before here but I go back and forth between whether Meghan carried or she used a surrogate. I lean towards surrogacy, but sometimes I see photos that make me switch back to 'she was actually pregnant and really carried them'.)
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i drew Diana. not quite sure how i feel about it but oh well.
goth girls, y'know.
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since I've made aaron's fur pattern white, i thought his goth girlfriend deserved the red and black fur pattern he had.
some other Diana hcs:
she can sing really well, but avoids it unless its for a gig. She doesn't want to wreck her voice. She has a very soft singing voice too, so thankfully it's not too much on her vocal cords 80% of the time. But you can never be too safe. She will hum along to music occasionally.
I have lore about a dog-goth style in my rewrite which Diana slowly starts getting more interested in towards the end of college, though he's more vamp-goth before that. I could get into the Dog-Goth of my rewrite but oh you don't want me to. Because then I'd have to get into the werewolf punk scene i made up in my head.
She's always been very slight, but she's trying to bulk up some muscle mass. She's also quite tall ( about 6'3) but is the smallest in her band. Since they're all werewolves. And werewolves can casually be like 6'5 and no one bats an eye at that.
He grew up with punk parents, and therefore punk ideology. They were very supportive of him, and so he had a pretty nice upbringing.
She speaks quite monotone in her day-to-day life (though her singing is quite expressive). and so her and Aaron are matchy matchy with that. Autism-bonding and all.
He does not dress up every day. He usually slaps on some eyeliner, maybe some light makeup, and leaves it at that. and just throws on a nice shirt and skirt. He's got no time to make himself look fancy if he's tryna get through college with any shred of sanity left.
She shaved the tails of her eyebrows off. which are why her eyebrow piercings are BELOW her eyebrow (which she draws on). She carries around tweezers to pluck the hair that grows back in when she's bored in her lectures. Or in a dull conversation.
He's transfem, and uses he/her pronouns. People tend to over-correct and only use she/her pronouns for him but nah. BOTH. Obviously only using one or another in a conversation is fine. But only one for like ever? Nah. Nah.
I'm dianron dirt till i die. She occasionally goes through his spotify to judge the music he has on there, or 'make it good'. She put one of her band's songs on his longest playlist and he didn't realise until a few months after they broke up. He still listens to it after because like... Di can sing, y'know.
He self-labels as Queer, sexuality-wise.
She wears platform boots to feel taller. Especially when with Aaron, since it's embarrassing to be rocking around with a human that's taller than her. (She knows he's a werewolf, she just isn't a total dickhead and lets everyone else continue thinking he's a werewolf). He's still taller.
He met Ken when he caught Ken smoking weed in their highschool bathroom. They ended up sharing and talking about cryptids for the whole next period.
Ken is also on the band. He plays drums. Diana once broke his drumsticks because he wouldn't stop hitting everyone like they were drums. She bought him new ones for his birthday because she felt bad.
Him and Blaze are cousins. Their mothers are sisters.
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amplifyme · 1 year
You wrote about What Rough Beast:
Right?? Finally, a breakthrough! You really should take a moment to read the script for this episode, as there's more to that scene than what ended up on the screen. Let me know if you need the link to the scripts again. I think in some ways Father was as willfully blind as Cathy when it came to the toll the killings were taking on Vincent. But then, to be fair, Vincent himself shoulders some of the blame for that. Which is part of the reason I so love the thread that Nan weaves throughout BW,BS of Vincent trying to figure out a way to address the issue with Cathy and backing off until it's too late to stop the freight train that was heading straight for him.
More under the cut.
Listening to the music Below is back.
Oh, Vincent, don't you know? Ignorance isn't bliss. He was thinking, "Nope. Not going to think about what's already gone wrong and what's still to come. Let's just take in a concert and forget all about it." I love how Nan expanded on this scene and how Cathy falls apart and Vincent gets grabby in his despair. He wants her so badly.
And, of course, Elliot's back; both in person and in impersonation.
Ah, Elliot. Vincent's rival for Cathy's affections. I can clearly remember watching this episode the first time it aired and being so upset that Elliot was doing this to Cathy, and to Vincent. We didn't have spoilers floating around on the internet back then - we barely had the www. We had no idea what was going on. I don't think I realized it wasn't Elliot in that penthouse until Paracelsus lit up the cigarette. Mind blown.
Vincent and Father's conversation about what Vincent is (and Father's uncertainty here is juxtaposed perfectly to "his" unabashed certainty in a certain climactic moment in the next episode) and setting up his "educated the man" for the finale when they discussed how books were all that kept Vincent from falling off the ledge all those years ago. "Father, I cannot control my thoughts. Father, I'm afraid"-- powerful stuff.
The "Am I a man?" scene is one of my very favorites of the entire series. Perlman was at the top of his game in the trilogy. Not a mis-step anywhere.
Cathy believes Elliot is in the wrong the ONE TIME that he's in the clear (and her "we are beyond" statement-- including herself in the "otherness" that is Vincent-- is touching and disjointed, because she has only ever embraced the parts of him that are "human"... which she says as much in the finale to Peter after the blood analysis.)
Yep. Nothing to add here.
Spirko having the gall to still publish his evidence after Vincent spared him from death and Cathy tried to reason with him (also... JUST SWIPE HIS EVIDENCE AWAY BEFORE HE CAN LEAVE. I understand Vincent was too wiped, but I'm sure he could summon something up or Cathy could put up more resistance.)
But it's like Spirko said: it's not personal, it's news. I may not agree with his methods, but you don't get anywhere as a print reporter unless you're tenacious and maybe a little amoral. But I did enjoy seeing him get the crap scared out of him.
Honestly, I think Cathy figured Vincent wouldn't let Spirko out of there alive, and when V just walked away, the shock of it hit her so hard that she wasn't thinking clearly - or at all.
Cathy choosing to say goodbye rather than fighting for their romance is... huge and frustrating and makes me look even more forward to Diana in S3.
Yeah, had it been me, I would've gone Below with V no matter how much he protested. At that point she had nothing more to lose. Did they both think she'd just be able to carry on her life Above as though nothing had happened? They knew events had been set in motion that they couldn't duck for long. But, then again, if she'd gone Below then, we wouldn't have gotten the rest of the story, right? 😉
Vincent staring into the abyss in his dark room is FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORESHADOOOOOOOOOOWING, and a great eerie cap to this episode.
Did you notice the way he was trembling in that final shot? His whole body was just vibrating.
Okay, on to my favorite episode of the trilogy.
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topconfessions · 7 months
Ok I can understand if you don’t want to answer this question as it’s very loaded but I feel you’d be the type to have a mature opinion on it. So it’s completely unrelated to kpop but anyway what’s your opinion on the allegations against MJ? As a longtime fan I always assumed he was innocent but recently I’ve been reading about the accusations and I’m starting to think there may be some truth to it, I hope I’m wrong though.
He was innocent but had an undiagnosed chronic psychiatric illness. He was severely mentally ill and because he came up in a time where mental health resources didnt exist nor was respected, promoted or shared, if you had mental issues to the point to the point where it manifests like Michael, you were held accountable in a henious manner for it. I think people today want to blindly rewrite history or forget (unless you're young) that bring mentally ill was a death sentence up till 2010.
Someone like Michael today couldn't get far in the industry being this different and off putting cause his oddities would've been presented to him in his face excessively in both positive and negative manners. He was clearly in frueds adolescent stage of development mentally and his mental illness is just as severe as schizophrenia. I'm sorry but that's just the truth.
There Is no truth to it. Michael was physically abused by the FBI agents and he was investigated rigorously for 17 years and his entire home was raided with extensive files kept on every aspect of his life, he was monitored as well. He did have an inappropriate socializing relationship with children in terms of boundaries but again this is because he had a severe mental illness and I put his illness up there with Disassociative identity disorder or schizophrenia.
No one confronted Michael about being this mentally warped and unwell cause he was too powerful and beneficial in his ill state to people who needed money from him to do it. If beyonce had this same sort of issue or oddity, everyone would be rushing to tell her to face at some point that they think she needs to get diagnosed and she would be shipped off to get psychiatric treatment with it framed as "rehab".
Also please research again cause he was lied on and the story was a lie, the details changed several times and Chris tucker warned Michael to leave certain families alone cause of family that targeted Michael tried to target him and he got used by them himself. Michael was a people pleaser and couldn't say no so that one kid who accused him, Michael befriended him in the first place cause his mother kept calling him blowing him up during the bad tour begging Michael to take her son and let him go on the tour with him after they filmed a commercial project together. Michael tried to ignore the calls several times but let the kid come along.
Michael lacked professional boundaries and was too personable with people. That could never happen today cause you need to go through publicists, PR team, lawyers, representatives and the such. Michael had deep rooted issues that would've taken his whole life up to his 70s heal if he lived. A long term work in progress.
Also please understand that Michael was statically the most famous person on earth after Jesus christ, princess Diana, and Elvis. In that order. He had a rare freedom to live the way he wanted to to the point that it defied logic cause he was a billionaire and at the top plus he was extremely mentally ill with no treatment or awareness of it so he lacked the ability to have mature social and self awareness of how he differed from others.
As far as the literal big question of if he did it or not, no. He didn't. he wouldn't have made it past 40 if he did. That's just a fact. Also I always got the impression from him he would commit suicide in some way or pay for voluntarily suicide and have it marked off as a plastic surgery related death if he was guilty. I'm still amazed he lived till 50 with his type of life cause anyone else wouldn't be able to make it to that age.
He is innocent but his extreme poor decisions and extreme way of living and mental illness illicit feelings of him being guilty cause people can't stomach how he got away with living in such a unique circumstance and not caring enough to conform to the expectations or society.
Michael having this issue kept a lot of people safe. Jay Z and Beyonce wouldn't have half the assets and businesses they have and Sony would just be broken up into a cluster of shares if Michael had the normal intellect of a regular grown man. Deep down I can feel everyone knows they're lucky Michael was mentally stunted and difficult.
He didn't do it.
He really didn't.
Also I'd like to know how old you are and how much you know about MJ cause I notice people under 27-30 usually have this consensus about him.
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okay, i have this crazy crackship that won't leave my mind so... yea
like imagine that after Wandavision, S.W.O.R.D didn't knew what to do exactly with Agnes, so they just let her be and assigned Jimmy to watch over her (visit and stuff yk? see if there's anything out of the normal), and Darcy, being Jimmy's best friends, sometimes would go with him
and then one day Jimmy had an emergency, and asked Darcy to go see Agnes by herself (Agnes and her kind of became friends, Darcy liked the not-sitcom version of her), and coincidentally Agnes's spell breaks just when Darcy knocks at the door
didn't exactly thought of all the details, but Darcy ends up with a huge crush on Agatha, who's just curious about her, since she didn't met her in Wandavision
anyways, tell me you see this too so that I'm not crazy
and forgive me for my broken english :/
No worries about the English, I didn't notice anything out of the norm or broken about it! (Also I'm super impressed English isn't your first language as someone who was raised around a second one and never picked it up.)
And I absolutely see it, Nonnie and it's absolutely incredible.
I see Agatha being into Darcy on a shallower level the same way I think she'd be into Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Which is to say, they look like her. I happen to think Agatha can be incredible vain, and we all know she'd fuck her own clone so. Definitely on a surface level I see it!
On a more deeper level, Agatha and Darcy's snark plays so well off of one another.
Agatha likes being intellectually challenged, she loves trading witty blows with someone, and Darcy is whip smart, making her a perfect match for Agatha in that regard.
On a... Smuttier level, Darcy is the bottom. And Agatha throughly enjoyed getting to put her in her place. Those two aren't constantly going at it like some other ships -cough- but there is a consistent thread of their bedroom dynamic in their every day public lives, especially if they're in a room together.
They're that couple that is just CONSTANTLY pushing each other's buttons, and always seem to fighting when really it's their way of telling the other that they love them (and it's foreplay but eh, we all knew this), and it drives everyone else around them nuts.
They also help each other with their research projects, because they each have a unique insight to the other's field, coming from their perspective one.
(Darcy is consistently surprised by how well Agatha knows sciences, but magic, unless it's chaos magic, works with the world already around it, and it's important to understand the full cause and effect of wielding it.)
Anyways I love this crackship of yours so much, and that initial first flirting phase would absolutely be so funny to witness.
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aperrywilliams · 2 years
WIP of the week: Preview. Spencer Reid x OC Series
Hi there! Here there is a preview of my new Spencer Reid series. This is extracted from chapter one. Can you guess where this could go? Thoughts?
The series is expected to be released in November.
Spencer took a glimpse at Fogarty’s office. The place had very classic decor, large windows that let in natural light, and a huge built-in bookcase just behind the desk. He spotted several books about neuroscience, cognitive development, and mental illness. He also noticed a decent number of awards hanging on the walls. Fogarty was undoubtedly a very reputable doctor. Thus, he was the man Diana Reid needed.
When Spencer's mom started to get worse with her schizophrenia and Alzheimer's, he knew he had to do something to help her.
After much research, Spencer learned that Dr. Fogarty was conducting a new clinical trial with people who had the same condition as Diana Reid. Spencer didn't think twice and applied for a spot for his mom. That's the reason he was sitting across from Dr. Fogarty. This was the last stage before informing him if she was accepted or not.
“No. I don't doubt that. It just seems excessive to me. Just because I am an only child, my mother cannot access treatment?”
This time Fogarty shooked his head.
“That is not all, Dr. Reid. It is the job you have, and it is Diana's limited support network. Because being the only child, if something happens to you, which family member is left? Are you married? You have children?"
Spencer exhaled sharply. He knew what Fogarty’s point was. And that put him at a complete disadvantage.
"No. I'm not married. And I don't have kids," Spencer muttered. “But that doesn't mean I can't-“ Fogarty cut him off.
“Dr. Reid, you are an FBI agent; you will understand what an institutional policy is better than I do."
Yes. Spencer knew that. Not that he would be okay with it.
“Does that mean my mom cannot get into the experimental treatment?”
“No. Unless your work and family situation changes in the short term,” Fogarty replied ceremoniously, folding his hands over the desk. “Well, if you currently have a girlfriend and plan on settling down, it might be a good time to do it,” he added.
Spencer looked at him incredulously. Was he suggesting something or mocking him for his current position?
Whatever the reason was, it was not worth staying there. After contemplating he had no other options, Spencer thanked Fogarty for his time and left his office.
Defeated, he walked outside thinking about what could be his next step. Nothing came up in his mind. God, what could he do to help his mom now?
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
They Don't Care About Us - Chinese Michael Jackson Live Performance #vlog
I went there as a street performer and I wanted to show him some things I was thinking a little dance around I heard him say it's me early on it's not much room behind me and now it's just no room in front of me it look behind me just like a million people it's in Asia and he said it's a million Man March and Asia so I told him some stuff and they said wow and it actually connected I needed to he said I was a punch how many how many are actually Chinese and I figured something out I can't tell it all what he's saying is Jason was up there in the front and a couple others and fruitcake got hit and he was there he's telling me who they are but that was a lot of people and it was worth it and it was recent and I noticing something it's about Diana and he says the name is about people who steal from the gods like fire and Prometheus and they all were in our but really it's about our race and the people don't care about us and it's kind of scary and I can see they're upset about theirs getting hurt and I always get hurt and they celebrate almost and he says they're Giants I'm not really that big I guess I'm about 7 ft but really they all have a problem with it and I see what he's saying he's got a whole bunch of stuff lumped on him he says I do too cuz I'm black and it's true it's very similar this way he'll see if he tries to do Acts he's very sensitive and mean sometimes and angry he's a ruler he's going to be out of his mind but he hears it all day long she might be able to take it unless they put him on the spot but sometimes it gets out of it when he's on the spot in front of people it could be different than what people think you know the situation he says if someone yells something and it depends with the crowd is like and he's big and he's lifting stuff and say he's a menace he probably most likely say these weights hate it and keep moving them around and people will laugh that's a professional thing to say he's been doing it for a long time so have I in the cross can be very bitter and heinous and say look they're using us and you're not doing your job why are we to blame you're having us do it too and they say things like you're the one doing it so you have it you're the one that's having us to it and you're lazy go find the max they have the stuff and they say we can't they're in the way and they're saying we are just like I don't think so so now it is they don't have any excuse and they have to go fight them back in the days put us in the middle it was a living nightmare and he's like he's still in the middle and people won't leave him alone about it. And he feels bad for them because there are things that they're going to get them and my other nephew have some really hot stuff I guess and I didn't know about it and people are talking about it and they're saying it's huge and ridiculous and more and now they're saying they have hope and where it's kind of my area it says yeah it is and they're going out there because of this gun and people are scanning and checking and suicide squad 2 will take place and more and it's all about that weapon that's so huge that you can't mount it on Tommy f largest ship
Michael Jackson
And yes it's me I haven't seen here as seen here
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janeeyreheresy · 1 year
A Happy Ending or An Unreliable Narrator?
Was the ending truly a happy one--or is Jane lying to us?
Let's take a look: Jane Eyre ("I am no bird no net ensnares me") married her much older former master, who, due to his limited use of limbs and visual impairment, requires care. We know there's no hired carer, because Jane explicitly says she was the one who looked after him (hence why she had to send Adele to school) and also, as I noted in my recap post, it's not likely they'd be able to hire anyone. They've got no room for a live-in staff and a live-out one won't be able to make their daily way to Ferndean, which is located away from habitable civilisation.
Ferndean Manor, we are told, is not in a good state. We are told that Rochester didn't move Bertha there because the damp walls would eventually result in her death. This is the house where the Rochesters now live. Jane, however, tells us nothing about any repairs being done. Neither does she mention any decorating, purchasing furniture, wallpaper, carpets, curtains, pictures on the walls--zilch. She got a lot of pleasure out of cleaning Moor House in time for Christmas (shortly after she discovered she and the Riverses were cousins). Just look at this:
“My first aim will be to clean down (do you comprehend the full force of the expression?)—to clean down Moor House from chamber to cellar; my next to rub it up with bees-wax, oil, and an indefinite number of cloths, till it glitters again; my third, to arrange every chair, table, bed, carpet, with mathematical precision; afterwards I shall go near to ruin you in coals and peat to keep up good fires in every room; and lastly, the two days preceding that on which your sisters are expected will be devoted by Hannah and me to such a beating of eggs, sorting of currants, grating of spices, compounding of Christmas cakes, chopping up of materials for mince-pies, and solemnising of other culinary rites, as words can convey but an inadequate notion of to the uninitiated like you. My purpose, in short, is to have all things in an absolutely perfect state of readiness for Diana and Mary before next Thursday; and my ambition is to give them a beau-ideal of a welcome when they come.”
This one paragraph contains more home cosiness than the entire last chapter. The "I have now been married ten years" paragraph may be very poetic, but it tells us nothing. She was his eyes, then he regained some sight, so he can pretty much move about by himself. She says they visit Diana and Mary, but that's all. Nothing else about how they spend their time, the long summer days or the long winter nights.
And then, that "when his first-born was put into his arms" line. Even Katniss Everdeen isn't this cold about her kids, and she didn't want any. She only had them because Peeta talked her into it. There's nothing in the book that would indicate whether Jane wanted children, but neither is there anything that would indicate she didn't want them. Presumably she did, married life would have meant kids (unless, idk, they lived sexlessly, or there was birth control). She only mentions how Rochester felt about the kid ("On that occasion, he again, with a full heart, acknowledged that God had tempered judgment with mercy."), not her. It's baffling.
Lastly, the final words are dedicated to St John. Why? She receives his letter from India, in which he tells her he feels death coming. She gets tears in her eyes. Does she wish she married him instead?
Of course, that would not have been a better option than marrying Rochester in any way, but she may have thought the grass was greener in St John-landia.
So to sum it up, there's certainly an argument against it being a happy ending. Take it any way you wish.
Personally I don't care. I actually think she was, indeed, happy. I may not see caring for a spouse in a dump like Ferndean in Bumfuck Nowhere a happy ending, but that's me. Jane, however, does. This is a woman with a very limited worldview, who has never been anywhere and not met many people, who fell in love with the first man who crossed her path, who at barely twenty years old believes nobody will ever love her the way the Roch did. She doesn't think that she deserves anything better than what she got. So yeah, she was happy.
But like I said, I don't care. What I do care about is that Bertha was happy after her escape and divorce from Rochester.
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
Rumor-tracking anon here. I feel like I should make a side-tumblr with the name.
So many many apologies in advance for another long one. This one is incredibly nuanced because there are a lot of moving pieces and it does sound tinhatty but I PROMISE there's a point.
TL;DR - I need People Anon's help in trying to figure out the timing of the interview and the photoshoot if Kashner was filing his story around 8/2/17. I'm totally okay with extrapolating if she can only answer/give context using People's weekly format. My questions:
1) How long before a monthly magazine is published does the book close? 2) How long before the book closes are the articles and photographs due to be filed? 3) How far in advance of a publication's release are the advance copies/previews done?
The two three rumors I am working on are:
Harry proposed a very long time before they announced the engagement.
They kept the engagement a secret for a long time for a specific reason.
Something happened that caused the palace and Harry to "let" Meghan stay after the VF interview when in the past, Harry notoriously cut friends and girls out if they talked to the press.
And the Big Question is: when exactly did Harry propose?
So now the verrrrrrry long version. (feel free to put a cut here!)
Bower's VF excerpt says:
After Harry proposed, they discussed announcing the engagement when The Queen returned from her summer in Balmoral.
They were engaged when Meghan did the VF interview.
VF sent a preview copy when Meghan and Harry were in Botswana for her birthday, which Meghan saw after returning home.
The pictures accompanying the VF article were taken in London.
Meghan, Harry, and the Palace were angry that the VF story was about Harry. (Meghan b/c she wanted the focus to be her philanthropy, Harry b/c he didn't want to be in the article, and the Palace because she existed.)
From internet sleuthing -- all dates 2017 unless noted otherwise and I'm using American date convention (mm/dd).
Meghan shut her social media down in April 2017. We know she thrived on social media so she wouldn't have shut it down without something definite and concrete being given to her in return.
Meghan was papped with Harry in May 2017 - early May at polo and mid-May around Pippa's wedding.
Meghan did not attend Wimbledon 2017. (Serena wasn't playing so of course Meghan wasn't going to waste her time.) So she was not papped in London in late June/early July.
Per the Court Circular, Harry's summer holiday started 7/29. We know he was back in London by 8/29 as he attended the Diana Sunken Garden thing on 8/30.
Per the Court Circular, The Queen was in Balmoral from 8/7 to 10/10 so Harry and Meghan weren't planning to tell anyone they were engaged until at least 10/11.
Meghan's birthday is August 4. Meghan and Harry were papped at the airport in Botswana on 8/4 and her PR said there was a birthday party for her that night. We can assume Meghan flew into London around 7/28, when Harry took off for the summer.
Suits Season 7 announced filming dates of 4/4 - 11/15. Production actually wrapped on 11/23. The last pictures of Meghan on the Suits set were from 11/11. Meghan's stand-in tweeted on 11/17 and it seems to be a goodbye/thank you tweet, suggesting that 11/17 was her last day, meaning no more scenes involving Rachel Zane.
Suits Season 7 was split into half-seasons, with the first half airing in summer 2017 (7/12 - 9/13) and the second half airing in spring 2018 (3/28/18 - 4/25/18). This suggests that the production took a break in the summer for the cast to do PR for the premiere.
Members of Suits started doing PR for the new season in June 2017 with the ATX Festival. Meghan is seen in set photos taken 7/12 to celebrate filming Suits' 100th episode that Sarah Rafferty posted on IG.
On 11/20, Meghan moved to London after being spotted in the London airport and after movers were seen at her Toronto house.
The engagement was announced on 11/27.
So all of this to say I think the VF photoshoot was at the end of July, probably no later than 7/28 since Harry usually didn't work when she's visiting. Since Kashner (the VF writer) ended his story by saying Meghan texted him right before he was filing that she would be unreachable and a couple days later were the Botswana airport pics, that suggests he was probably filing the story around 8/4.
If Kashner filed on 8/4, then it was probably after a few weeks for VF to fact-check her, a week or two to write the story and turn in a draft for fact-checking, and a day or so for the interview. That puts the interview happening in early July, or at least sometime before July 12 when we know definitively she was still in Toronto on the Suits set. Which means that the photoshoot was either at the end of July when she was flying in ahead of the Botswana trip or in early/mid-May when she was papped at polo or Pippa's wedding. The latter sounds like it might be too early in the process since if the interview was early July, then they were probably negotiating the article in June with the offer being made late May/early June. (People Anon, help! Does this timeline sound reasonable? Is this the process?)
And if Bower's tea that they were engaged before she did the VF interview is true, then the evidence is indicating they actually got engaged in April or May. (Of course, it's also entirely possible there were other secret trips to London in the intervening time but when you look at Meghan's PR cycle, which always had a pap walk or a story about her being in London with Harry every 3-4 weeks like clockwork and there are no new stories between Pippa's wedding and August, it does seem unlikely.)
We know from their engagement interview that the proposal was very spur-of-the-moment, unexpected, and Harry had been unprepared. To me this sounds like Harry didn't have a ring for her. He just got caught up in the emotions of seeing her again and proposed, sans ring. Was that May? Maybe. Was that July? Maybe. Definitely wasn't November when she moved to London like their PR's been claiming since 2017. Definitely wasn't September or October like maybe they told friends, if they told people they were waiting till The Queen came back from Balmoral. Maybe Harry presented her with the ring around that time to make it official and that's their story, they're sticking to it, but it doesn't jibe with Bower's findings nor basic internet sleuthing.
(In other words, shenanigans afoot since the very beginning as everyone rightly suspected.)
So if they were secretly engaged when she did the VF interview, that means the proposal or the discussion to marry was in the late spring. And if Harry did propose in the late spring/mid-summer like the evidence shows (rather than the autumn like they claim), then why did they wait 4 to 7 months till November to announce? Why didn't they announce it around August 31st, the 20th anniversary of Diana's death, in a tribute to his mother's legacy? (It was guaranteed wall-to-wall press coverage and Meghan probably would've sold out the VF issue if they did, possibly cementing her as a "serious" cover girl at Kate's level.) Why didn't they announce it in September ahead of the Toronto Invictus Games and after the VF article? (Arguably they did with Meghan's strategic product placement of the Husband shirt.) Why didn't they announce it the second The Queen was back from Balmoral?
My theory: Harry knew they effed up with the VF article and delayed it to let the palace's anger blow over, and luckily Big Bro William to the rescue announcing Kate's third pregnancy right before Meghan's VF issue dropped so the firm could ignore the Meghan story in favor of pushing the new Cambridge baby.
And if Harry proposed before Meghan did the interview and if they were engaged before the issue dropped/the advance copy went out, then that explains why Meghan got to stick around after talking to the press about their relationship and why Meghan got the official royal treatment at Toronto IG despite being "just" a girlfriend; Harry was already committed and engaged to Meghan.
So finally FINALLY all this to say that People Anon might help me confirm this long-held Tumblr rumor: Meghan had something over Harry that caused him to keep her after she talked to VF about the relationship, and that was their engagement.
If you want to respond with that Charlie Day gif from It's Always Sunny, the one where he's crazy on coffee explaining conspiracy theories in front of the wall of paper, I totally understand.
Although at this point I've been researching and writing this up for so long that now I'm doubting Bower's excerpt says they were engaged when she did the VF interview and I made that part up by overthinking it too much. I'm just going to click submit and you can tell me if I imagined that part.
I'll crawl back into my research hole now.
Phew. I hope you are saving all these somewhere.
Paging People Anon for Rumor Tracking Anon.
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epiemy · 3 years
Can u do some headcanons for Conner Kent (DC comics) where his s/o has scarlet witch powers???
Yess, thank ya babe <3 I'm in love with your idea and hope you'll like it.
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Warnings: Basic violence and mentions of sex. Pairing: Conner Kent (DC Comics) x You. Word count: 609 Caption: 💜
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Okay, this headcanon really took me a while because the idea was brilliant.
You probably met at Young Justice;
as we all know, Batman is not the best at dealing with people who have super powers, so the most skilled person to help you without a second thought is Diana, our dear Wonder Woman;
you had a relatively difficult childhood living on the streets with these super weird purple powers, causing your mentor to take you to Themyscira;
the island is really really cool;
Amazons are badass who taught you to have that confident way, besides showing you how to contain your powers and use them for good;
Coming back… with Robin, Kid Flash and Superboy starting the youth group of heroes, she saw an incredible opportunity to fit her Wonder Girl and you as Obscura, a hero in training so that in a few months she would join the Justice League;
I'd say you first appeared to young people when Wally accidentally activated Red Tornado;
with the two of you getting to know each other little by little, it was quite common for the boy at first to just flirt non-stop;
thxs Amazons for teaching not to fall into men's temptation;
he was quite frustrated that his attempts failed;
Little did the baby badboy know that you just didn't fall for the kid's lip because he underestimated you, dammit, you were the most powerful member of that team and he in the middle of a fight just said to stay on the bench so you don't get hurt...
he didn't do it because he wanted to, he just activated the boy's protective mode to see you get hit by someone;
after months of frustration, Dick would feel sorry for his friend and try to talk to you;
Boy Wonder is really genius, he managed to put a couple together, like… wtf Richard?
anyway… after you guys got together, I think he would never stop trying to protect you;
but he would also stare in awe, because his girl was a fucking badass;
couple labeled bad bitch and bad boy;
outside YJ you guys would have a lot of make out sessions because he doesn't really hold back (especially when you use his powers);
Kon would think dirty things just to make you blush with telepathy;
you would think even dirtier things and transmit everything in images to his mind…
poor kid who would get turned on quickly - getting giggles from Wally and Dick;
"Princess, don't make me punish you later"
oh, he did punish…
Getting back to the main point… Conner would actually live with one hand on his waist;
jealous beans;
he doesn't usually go with a lot of pda in front of others unless you want to;
movie Saturday nights between the two of you, with popcorn and lots of cuddling;
the boy would always ask you to use your powers at home, just because he would love to see his girlfriend in action;
and also because it is much easier for you to telekinesis a glass of water than for it to run;
the most powerful couple;
no one really messes with you two because you always have each other's backs;
once a villain tried to kidnap Kon with a serum very similar to kryptonite…
let's say the guy was almost presumed dead and Batman didn't even get to judge her, because he would do something like that if you were Richard in Conner's place;
anyway, the two of you really have a unique connection;
as much as they fight at times, both love each other and intend to have a future together.
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP - PT AU - A Wish for Youth
I have a story prompt here for anyone who wants it. This is a Phantom Twins AU where Danny has a twin sister named Diana, also called Dina or Di by her friends & family.
She was with Danny when the portal turned on. She's the medic of the group who's eventually gonna be a doctor & her core element is water(main)/ice(secondary) while Danny's is ice(main)/wind(secondary). She's skilled with shields & has the power to heal lesser wounds & make worse wounds less serious. She has the same Obsession as Danny, but the way she executes it is slightly different in that he sees protecting people as simply fighting off foes so people don't get hurt in the first place, while Dina does that, as well as gets them out of harms way & heals them when they do get hurt.
She's naturally beautiful & fashionable, yet modest in public & could easily usurp Paulina's spot as queen bee & even do so by being a better person, but she's confident & self-assured enough that she doesn't feel the need to. She can be manipulative, petty, & mischievous in the right situations, is very good at lying despite not being comfortable with doing so unless necessary, & a better, more patient strategist than Vlad. All things considered, if she didn't care about the wellbeing of others as much as she does, she'd make for a more competent & effective villain than Vlad.
The scenario involves Danny & Vlad having an argument outside of Fenton Works over something or other. Dina, Sam, Tucker, & Jazz were there, watching.
The Fenton parents had just come out to see what the commotion was when Danny accidentally wished that Vlad understood how it felt to be his age.
At that moment, Desiree appeared & granted his wish, turning Vlad into a stunned 16 year old, silver-haired teen in too large clothes.
I'm thinking that the cover story is that he's Vladimir David Masters Jr., only son & heir to Vladimir David Masters Sr., who just got back from boarding school. This way, he gets to keep his name at least.
I wanna see the fruitloop being put back in school & struggling with puberty & hormones & being frustrated with having to go through it all over again, as well as trying to manage several businesses & an entire town while maintaining his school work. I wanna see him completely outta his element!
Meanwhile, it's a mixed bag for Danny. On the one hand, he's enjoying the bastard's suffering. On the other hand, he has to see Vlad's ugly mug every day at school now. Maybe his parents punish him for creating this problem in the first place by requesting that Vlad be placed in every one of Danny's classes & making him guide Vlad? Subsequently, that means that he's also in every one of Dina's classes too.
I can also see Vlad being brought into the A-Listers because he comes from money & Paulina likely tries to flirt with him, but because he's sapiosexual, an amazon chaser, & has a thing for competence, he literally has zero interest in her & finds her to be both dull, weak, & too much of a damsel for his tastes.
Maybe Danny & Vlad start a rivalry in school. Also, because Vlad is a teen again & no one knows him, he's able to put more effort into things like gym, so he has no issues with showing off his less-than-human advantages & taunting Danny overtly. I could see Danny getting so ticked that he gives up on not excelling at gym & everyone is shocked.
However, Dina never tried to overtly separate herself from her Phantom because in this AU, they actually wear black domino masks to hide their identity per her recommendation, so she already lets herself loose at gym whereas Danny was always overly paranoid about it.
I also see Danny holding off on helping to find Desiree until after the spell is permanent. Then, not starting his search until he notices that Vlad & Dina were getting too friendly.
Interesting thing, when Vlad, Danny, & Dina get into fights as ghosts, it quickly becomes very obvious that even just one of the twins is far stronger than him & that's primarily because they have to fight on a daily basis while Vlad never had to. It is in this moment that they learn that most of Vlad's advantages over the twins had to do with age rather than experience. This humiliates the man-turned-teen & it motivates him into actually training. At least as far as being beaten by Danny, learning that Dina can do the same causes a very different reaction in him. He always did have a thing for women who could kick his ass.
One final thing, they kept the uniforms from Eye for an Eye, only instead of red, white, & blue, they're the same but with mulberry purple sweater vests, black & royal blue plaid skirts/trousers, black socks & dress shirts, & royal blue ties.
Here's a picture of Dina in her uniform, both at age 14 & age 18:
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You can do whatever you want with this story beyond these few stipulations so long as it ends with VladxDina & Vlad deciding to remain 16 to be with her.
Vlad is sapiosexual, gynephilic bisexual, & heteroromantic. He has a masters in engineering & ectoengineering, while Dina is a chemistry/biochemistry/ectochemistry, biology/marine biology/ectobiology, & medicine/pharmacology genius. They both enjoy debating & I'm looking for a moment when they're debating, circling each other, sizing each other up, then they realize that they've just found someone on their level.
For other pairs, it can be either Amethyst Ocean & Hunter Silly or Grey Ghost or Everlasting Trio or whatever you choose.
Vlad & Dina have several things in common. They both like literature (Dina prefers fiction, adventure, fantasy, & mystery while Vlad likes both fiction & nonfiction, horror, revenge, & mystery; they both enjoy classic literature), chess (Vlad is who taught her), debate (they are always civil & it never turns into an argument despite having a lot of very different views, but both Vlad & Dina have Filibuster kinks), food & baking (Vlad's a foodie & used to bake with his mother so it has a soft spot for him, while Dina is one of the only 2 people in her house who can cook, she's interested in food history & researching unique & interesting recipes, as well as recipes that never should've gone out of style; they both have sweet tooths), plays & theater (Dina specifically enjoys musical theater), dancing (It's one of Vlad's old passions, he's teaching Dina), & music (Dina has eclectic tastes in music, enjoying country rock, classic rock, jazz, & classical; she saved up to buy a violin & she's pretty good at it, but isn't interested in being some prodigy, she just does it for fun, so her improvements are slow, while Vlad like classical, rock, & punk, & is an exceptional pianist).
For a better understanding of Dina as a person & her relationship with Vlad, go here:
Careful, it's a very long post.
(Side-note: High-key, I feel like Dash is a complete bisexual mess for both the Fenton Twins & the Phantom Twins, though his crush on the Phantoms are more a celeb crush than anything. With the Fentons, he tries to cover up his crush on Danny by bullying him while he just hits on Dina like he does Jazz, but he's secretly crushed every time she shuts him down.)
Phantom Twins AU Masterlist
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
But there was an anon - I don't remember where I saw the comment - that speculated Meghan is going to hang in there until they've been married 10 years because of the joint property/asset laws that kick in at the 10th anniversary. That sounds pretty plausible to me, but with two major caveats:
What difference does the joint assets make? all Harry's asset was his mother's inheritance that he put in the mansion, she'll get it anyway with the custody, Spotify was hers, Spare was his and Netflix mixed
So first, I goofed. I didn't do the due diligence to look into the 10-year-rule. I thought it was about joint property but it's not. The 10-year-rule is actually about alimony and financial support. I think the thread there that my brain latched on to is how community property can be used as a bargaining chip in deciding alimony.
Also, I am not a lawyer. This is all stuff I've read about. If any lawyers want to chime in here, feel free!
So in a community property state, which California is, both spouses own everything earned, acquired, gained, lost, debted during a marriage equally. It doesn't matter whose name is on the paperwork. If it was acquired during the marriage, it belongs to both spouses. So the house, Spotify, Netflix, Clevr, Roop, speaking engagements, cars, any debt accrued, etc. They share that equally and when they divorce, it's going to be split in half. (And I suspect they'll fight over which half of the deals and how much money is half in the divorce.)
Now, also in a community property state like California, there's no prescribed length of marriage to earn half of everything earned and acquired in the marriage. The only instance in which assets are not divided 50/50 in a community property state like California is when there's a prenuptial (or a postnuptial) agreement in place outlining how the assets would be divided in case of a separation or divorce.
It's my understanding that the BRF doesn't do prenups like that so it's probably a safe assumption that Harry and Meghan don't have a prenup and they're going to be splitting all of the assets/properties/finances acquired after May 19, 2018 equally.
You mentioned Montecito Mansion being paid for with Harry's Diana inheritance. That makes Montecito Mansion commingled property - meaning it is both community and separate. So probably what would happen in that case is if there's a divorce and the divorce requires them to sell the house (which could happen), then the court would first award Harry a lump sum from the sale proceeds equivalent to the amount of Diana's inheritance that he paid, and if there's any money left, it's split equally between him and Meghan.
That's the community property side of it. Now for the alimony piece where the 10 years is important.
California has a 10-year rule for alimony:
For marriages lasting 10 years or less, alimony is usually awarded for half of the mariage.
For marriages lasting more than 10 years, alimony can be awarded on a permanent basis, with indefinite jurisdiction for modification (or termination).
So if the Sussexes divorce next month with after six years of marriage, alimony can be awarded up to, and no more than, 3 years. If the Sussexes divorce in 2029 after 11 years of marriage, there's no expiration date on the alimony. For example, a court could award it for 11 years or in perpetuity or for 8 years.
How much alimony someone is awarded is based on their financial need and stability. If Meghan wants alimony from Harry (aka Charles), it's possible she could agree to less of the community property to better her chances.
Will it happen? I don't think so. I don't think they're going to get alimony unless their situation changes very drastically. The only reason Sarah and Diana got alimony in their divorces was because they were dependent on their husbands/the BRF. (They took alimony in lump sum payments as part of divorce settlements versus recurring payments.) That's not Meghan's situation because a) she's in a community property state so she gets half of everything automatically and b) she has the ability to provide for herself in a way that Sarah and Diana could not.
And by "situation changes very drastically" I mean like the Sussexes lose all of their money and Charles takes them back as fulltime working royals. In that case, Meghan has become dependent on the BRF again so she would most likely get alimony.
What's more likely to happen is child support. Child support in California is assigned based on standard of living the children are used to. So if Meghan can prove that the children have a standard of living that's $2 million per month (mortgage, private school, nannies, drivers, chefs, gourmet food), she could very well end up getting $2 million a month in child support from Harry. Will that happen? Probably not, and that's her own fault because of all the PR she's done about her net worth and earning power. But it could happen.
But the TL;DR of it is that I goofed. 10 years is about alimony, not joint assets. California is a community property state so they split everything 50/50 unless they have a contract (usually a prenup), which I doubt.
And that's also why Meghan must tread carefully when it comes to Roop. She could very well end up owing Harry if it's successful and she leaves him. Not only could she owe Harry alimony or child support (if he/his lawyers can prove he's the main caretaker for the children since Meghan's working all the time - as her own PR has sometimes suggested), she could also end up being forced to give him the company entirely or having to buy out his ownership.
(Which is also something that could happen to the house. Because it's community property and belongs to both of them and probably has both of their names on the deed, someone is probably going to be buying the other one out of the house to keep it for themselves unless they put it up for sale together.)
Remember, I am not a lawyer. Everything I learned about California divorces came from Google and Celebrity Divorces.
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maschotch · 3 years
I really like that one set of tags you had about Reid - on my first watch he was my hands down fave and he's a really interesting character - but I do think he sometimes gets sort of emotional tunnel vision. It always seemed to me like with the only kid in the room thing, that he's so used to being the odd one out (so used to being treated as special feels mean to say but also kinda true) that he sometimes fails to realise that what he's feeling is actually very commonplace and other people feel the same. I don't want to sound like I'm infantilising him (bc some people do in fandom) but it strikes me as a very teenage mindset and not very emotionally mature, which kinda makes sense given his upbringing. I do think he gets better at realisung this without prompting as the show progresses though.
i totally agree!
i think ur right i think it has a lot to do with the way he grew up. he didn't really get a chance to talk to anyone he would consider a peer? he was exceptional from the beginning and ostracized from others because of it. he wasn't able to get to know other people's issues and what they went through.
even if he knows logically that people have their own experiences (i mean his whole job is figuring out how different horrors in peoples lives affected them) i think its hard for him to apply that to everyday life. how could other people struggle the way he's struggled?? especially when they're so different from him?
he loves the team and knows they love him back, but he's so used to being on the defensive that he's limited his perspective on who they are, who they can be. morgan's a jock--it's hard for reid to picture him with his own insecurities. hotch is An Authority Figure--reid cant imagine him weak. emily connects so easily with others--he doesn't realize there were times when it didn't come naturally to her, or even that she's putting so much effort into it now.
they're his friends and of course he knows about them and their lives. but to an extent he still sees them at face value. i agree it's something he gets better as the seasons go on, and i think that's what makes him so endearing later: he may not know exactly what they're going through, he still may not even be able to picture it, but he knows what it's like to feel vulnerable. to hurt. and he uses that to empathize with others in a way that's very intimate.
it still doesn't come naturally to him. i think whatever he missed in adolescence isn't something he can just replace. when maeve dies, his grief clouds his vision once again and he can hardly look anywhere but within himself. it's almost like he forgot hotch went through something similar until hotch brings it up. i dont think reid means anything bad by it, i just think his brain isn't used to thinking that way unless he actively tries.
he was isolated for so long. as much as diana cared, he had to raise himself in a lot of ways. without peers, without guidance, it's no wonder his world is very small. it's going to take a lot of time and effort to learn to look up again.
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arklay · 2 years
10 / 19 / 37 & 45 for miss diana and wesker 👀💜
10. who drives? cooks? does the handiwork? cleans? pays the bills? handles the public?
he drives. 100% no question. whenever he gets in a car with her he probably fears for his life to be honest. diana isn't a bad driver, she's just not a good one lmao honestly though i think she just trusts him more to drive because something something too many variables outside of her control. for him though it's like the opposite perspective, where he feels like their safety is more in his control by being behind the wheel. if that makes sense? it does in my brain. anyway, i think she's always been very indifferent about driving and only ever got her license for work, so she's more than fine with him taking the reins there
cooking and handiwork is more his thing as well. they're both good at cooking, but he does it more often, and a lot of their early dates were him inviting her over for dinner, you know, cause like the acts of service of it all... i just think he takes a lot more care with it because i see him as being kind of a health freak, not gonna lie, so like preparing nice nutritional meals for them both is his thing. handiwork i'm assuming means things like fixing what breaks in the house or like putting together furniture or something right? which i mean... can you really see diana doing that?
cleaning and paying the bills are both split even between them. they're both very neat and tidy, almost annoyingly so, therefore they both always clean up after themselves and also just probably have constant like routines to keep the house clean. it's funny though cause diana teases him about how much of a perfectionist he is when like making the bed or something, but she's literally the exact same. paying the bills as well, like they both have a lot of money from both of their upbringings and then their jobs, so i think they both take care of their own individual bills, and then the ones with any of their houses like i think they just split the responsibilities there
i'd say he probably handles the public. diana is just not as good with people as he is because she can't be bothered speaking with others, it's kind of a waste of time to her unless she considers the person worthy of her attention. he's been in job positions where he needs to work with people and make those around him trust him, so he learned to manipulate people easily over time and comes off as more reliable and charismatic, no matter how much contempt he feels for whoever he's talking to
19. what do they fight about? what are their arguments like? how do they make up?
they don't really fight that often in all honesty, and if they do it's usually just little moments of bickering that they laugh over afterwards. the only big fight they've ever had was like ten years after they got married, so i mean like that should say something about just how much they value communication and discussing whenever they have a problem with one another. and the only reason they fought that time was because they let things build up and didn't talk as much as usual because of how obsessive they got with their work, and that led to emotional outbursts
in terms of the little like bickering fights they've had, it's always something so stupid, like when they first moved in together for example, diana had rearranged his cupboards and it was like hell on earth for him cause they may both be really organised, but their organisation methods were very different, so it was these little annoyed comments like oh what have you done with this? etc etc you know? or like cooking together too is also like okay you need to get out of the kitchen or i'm going to kill you for real. it's always something to do with the other kind of challenging their methods of doing things, if that makes sense lmao
their way of making up is usually just like one of them standing there trying not to smile at the other getting really annoyed, then they both start laughing because they realise how stupid it was that they got angry in the first place. or like one of them leaving the room then coming back not even half an hour later to just wrap their arms around the other and apologise. with their big fight, they had to take an actual break from each other, then diana went back to africa and they sat for ages and just talked... about where they'd gone wrong, how things had changed, that they should never have reacted the way they did, all of it and then they just cuddled all night lmao cause they missed each other a lot
37. how much would they be willing to sacrifice? any lines they refuse to cross?
everything. literally everything. they've betrayed their companies for each other after all... well, kind of. his loyalties for umbrella had been wavering for years, but once diana was targeted by them – despite her actually being a threat to company secrets – he chose her over them. she told him to kill her, put her whole life on the line for him, because she believed she deserved it for lying to him for so long over her true employers, but he stayed by her side and eventually joined her company and left umbrella. then when the organisation suspected both of their loyalties and pit them against each another, they left what were really profitable positions to go and work as researchers in a new company that he'd been working with in secret
after he "died" diana gave up everything to bring him back. she could have profited off the empire they had built and taken it into her own hands, or she could've even gone and worked for his sister, but instead she went underground and abandoned any idea of power for herself to take him back to an old abandoned facility and spent years that she could've been working on her own research dedicated to finding a way to bring him back. funnily enough an ideal she never really believed in before she met him became more important to her than what she'd spent her whole life doing
45. any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? any heartbreaks? regrets?
already answered!
send me a ship and a number and i'll tell you!
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nitannichionne · 3 years
Superman- The Rise of Isis, Chapter 6: The New Player (Henry Cavill Superman Fanfic)
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"I don't have all the footage."
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I could see Bruce was really trying to figure it out. I was there and I was trying to figure it out myself.
"From what I can see, this mystery woman has heat vision, can blow wind indoors, is capable of flight, and maybe has telekinesis." Bruce shakes his head. "Like nothing I've ever seen before." He looks up at me. "I'd think she was Kryptonian except for the telekinesis." He frowned. "Are Kryptonians capable of telekinesis?"
"Telepathy," I shrugged.
"A Kryptonian ship was discovered in Canada. According to sources, after Zod, it...disappeared?" Bruce quirked an eyebrow.
Bruce and I are friends, but that didn't mean I wanted him poking about a Kryptonian ship--Well, not just yet. "Yes." I replied slowly. "I took it and placed it elsewhere."
"History is in the ship," he pressed. "Files, records of who has come to earth before?"
I swallowed hard. "I don't think they survived."
"Who didn't survive?" Barry arrived in his Flash suit and was out and changed in mere seconds. He looked around sniffing and found pizza. "Somebody loves me."
"Somebody told you to come," Bruce muttered. "Need your energy up."
"Okay." He started eating with two hands. "Hey, Cy."
Cyborg quirked an eyebrow at him as he worked on the computer. "Barry." He gave Bruce a look, and Bruce gave him a look that basically said, Let it go. I smiled at that. Barry wanted friends, wanted to fit in, and a bit badly. But how can you relax when you are on a totally different speed? I understood the boy, I had my time of adjustments too.
"How can you be so sure?" Bruce asked. "And did you even check the records? Did you have time to?"
I tensed. "No--"
"I can access the computer--"
"What?" I felt violated, looking at Cyborg.
"Remember my tech is pretty high," Cyborg blinked. "But this requires a Kryptonian."
"In what way?" Bruce asked.
"There seems to be a panel that requires a Kryptonian DNA scan."
"Then we need to go have a look."
"I don't think she's Kryptonian--"
"Wouldn't your ship's records have more than just your people's?" Bruce asked me. "What if it also has records of other life-other beings?" He turned in his chair when I did not answer. "Knowledge is power. We need to know what we're dealing with."
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Though Bruce and I are friends, I can't seem to get past his way of thinking. He tried to kill me because he thought there was a chance I could turn. He decided to chance digging me up and bringing me back from the brink of death and then had the forethought to bring Lois in case I was disoriented. His mind works in a way that unsettles me from time to time. I'm glad we are on the same side, but his "what if" ideas are troublesome.
"What if we all go to the ship," Diana suggested as she walked in. "That way we don't have to stay long and we can search--" She frowned at the screen. "Who...?"
"A new player," Bruce said.
"She looks beautiful." Diana said softly.
"Clark has met her...and chased her--" He put up two fingers. "Twice."
My jaw clenched at that.
"Tell me about her." Diana pressed gently, looking at me.
"She...has powers like mine." I said slowly.
"And you didn't catch her?" Barry asked.
"Didn't talk to her?" Bruce frowned at me, then we both noticed Diana had not stopped staring at the screen. "Diana?"
She slowly came out of her trance. "What?"
"Do you know this woman?" Bruce asked.
"I...I don't know."
I watched her. She looked like whatever she was thinking, it was complicated.
"Don't keep us in suspense," Bruce asked.
"Can you make this bigger?"
"No," Bruce growled. "Museum cameras are low tech. Keeps pixelating."
Cyborg exhales. "Ready to let me give it a try?"
Bruce tried not to show annoyance. "Sending."
"Got it." Cyborg nodded, and began working on it right away.
"What is the problem, Clark?" Bruce pressed. "Need you and Cyborg to be on the computers here while we go to the ship. We're going now." He rose from his chair and turned to me. "Unless there's a problem?"
"Let's find out." I answered flatly. Let's find out if she is Kryptonian. Let's find out if she's something else, which means a human being will find out there's more out there than just them and us.
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soup-fish · 3 years
Hiya I meant to send you asks like forever ago but I'm bad so I didn't do that so here they are now they're from this ask prompt thing you reblogged
Feel free to answer these about any of your OCs cause I don't really remember any except rabbit and Knight so~
1, 10, 25, 29, 33, 37, 46, 50, 61, 63, 78, 80, sorry there's so many you don't have to answer them all, I am just cursed with insatiable curiosity only balanced out by my fear of asking too many questions and being annoying—
Hi!!! You’re not bad!! You’re one of the coolest aliens ever!!!! 
I am absolutely answering them all with multiple OCs because I will take every opportunity I get to talk about them. 
Putting it under a cut because it is LONG and I don't wanna bother.
1. What is their gender?
The Knight: (she/her)
Rabbit: agender but they use (they/them) pronouns
The Apprentice: (he/him)
Dijon: (he/him)
Julienne: (she/her) (they/them)
Monty: (he/him) (they/them)
Diana: (she/her)
Captain Pumpernickel: (he/him)
William: (he/him)
10. What are some of their talents/skills?
The Knight: Swordfighting, Dancing, pottery
Rabbit: Parlor magic, puppetry, Acting
The Apprentice: collecting, Dunescotch [the world's rough equivalent of chess], chemistry
Dijon: cooking, writing, gardening
Julienne: biking, photography, bird watching
Monty: people watching, bingo, garage sales
Diana: fencing, archery, calligraphy
Captain Pumpernickel: Singing, acting, swordfighting
William: whittling, philosophy, accordion
25. What is their biggest flaw?
The Knight: her naivete 
Rabbit: Their reluctance to be vulnerable
The Apprentice: His aversion to change and the unknown
Dijon: his self-pitying nature
Julienne: Her self-centeredness
Monty: his...not quite human-ness
Diana: She’s uptight
Captain Pumpernickel: hooboy where do I start? For one, his complete and utter dismissal of everything that doesn’t contribut to ADVENTURE
William: his lack of ambition
29. How would they describe their own personality?
The Knight: “Hmmm. I try to be as nice as possible and I’ve been told I’m rhapsodic! I don’t think my singing’s that good but it’s a sweet compliment!” 
Rabbit: “Witty. Yes. Sarcastic? Yes. The people’s demon? In more ways than one~ Even hell can’t handle me.” 
The Apprentice: “Simple, studious, and an enjoyer of quiet studying. I tend to be rather straight-forward in my methodology.”
Dijon: “God do I even have a personality? What am I besides a vaguely human shaped pile of mistakes and disappointments?” 
Julienne: “A fun loving fun person!” 
Monty: “Just your average Earth person! Nothing else to see!” 
Diana: “Calm, cool, collected, the perfect dignitary”
Captain Pumpernickel: “AN ADVENTURER! And a lover! Of your mother! Bring out the good ale my good fellows! Your captain has won another battle of the wits!”
William: “Personality? Never heard of it. Wouldn’t even begin to know what the word means. I know no such words such as sarcastic, laid-back, carefree. Nooooo.”
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it?
The Knight: Being ignored and unheard. She’d probably get really frustrated and maybe cry a little as a result. If it really got to her, she’d need help being pulled out of a dark place. 
Rabbit: Abandonment. Their general reaction to it is to put on a veneer of not caring and close off from the outside world more, even going so far as to act annoying and unlikable so that people leave before getting close. 
The Apprentice: Not knowing. Or, by extension, not being able to learn. He’d probably lash out in anger and storm off. 
Dijon: Being an unredeemable person. He faces it every day and he deals with it by being melodramatic in all of his writings and wallowing in misery. AKA, not dealing with it. 
Julienne: People being genuine. They’d probably get really uncomfortable and try to excuse themselves from the conversation or make jokes to redirect the conversation. 
Monty: The republic finding him hiding out on Earth. He’d fight or do anything possible out of desperation. 
Diana: Being a disappointment 
Captain Pumpernickel: Not being able to bang your mom not having adventures with his crew. He'd probably be reduced to a shell of his former self.
William: Not being able to talk his way out of a situation. 
37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
The Knight: Pretty easy but she means it when she says it. She's just full of love tbh.
Rabbit: It's really hard for them to say "I love you". Really really hard. Especially at the start of their arc, they would never say it, however much they mean it.
The Apprentice: It's hard for him to say, simply because it's not quantifiable enough. How does one properly explain how much they love someone? He prefers showing love through actions and more direct compliments.
Dijon: It's not easy for him to say, but he says it without meaning it, both knowingly and unknowingly.
Julienne: She doesn't say it often, but she says it to the people she cares about occasionally. She prefers to say it through time spent and physical touch though.
Monty: The Dude Loves Everything. But they also barely understand the meaning of the word so...
Diana: She doesn't say it almost at all, but prefers to use acts of service and gift giving.
Captain Pumpernickel: He never says "I love you" because he usually doesn't really mean it. He'll use some other compliment or compound of it.
William: He doesn't throw it around easily, so when he says it, it has so much more weight behind it.
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?
The Knight: She expresses her emotions a lot and very easily, but she has a hard time hiding them.
Rabbit: They think they're sly at hiding their emotions, but they let micro-expressions slip constantly. If anyone decided to notice, one would
The Apprentice: He's a blank sheet baybee. What is he thinking? Unless it's frustration or anger, you'll never know.
Dijon: He's just kinda sad all the time. He's miserable and everyone notices.
Julienne: She allows some emotions to come through. It's a bit of a calculated effort.
Monty: All of his emotions come through all the time and he doesn't mind.
Diana: Well, she hides her sadness and happiness, but allows her frustration and such to shine through.
Captain Pumpernickel: He expresses emotions very openly and very loudly. He is a dramatic ham of a captain.
William: He keeps a near perpetual smile that occasionally wavers when things go wrong. He doesn't like to open up emotionally.
50. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing?
The Knight: "fun and comfy!" Light armor with room for mobility but colorful
Rabbit: "...sexy" literally naked except a cloak.
The Apprentice: "practical and sensible" like a fucking nerd
Dijon: "presentable" the best time to wear a sweater, is all the time
Julienne: "quirky" quirky.
Monty: "human clothing for humans! :D" weird mixture of 1800s stuff and modern day stuff. Weird guy.
Diana: "regular??? Clothes???" Fancy ballgown at first then swashbuckling but still expensive.
Captain Pumpernickel: "EXTRAVAGANT AND ASTOUNDING" sexy hobo pirate.
William: "only the highest tier clothing/s" ...rags. doesn't care enough.
61. Which season is their favorite season?
The Knight: Spring
Rabbit: Autumn, harvest festivals and such are good for demons.
The Apprentice: Winter, you have excuses to stay inside and work. Plus the vibe is nice when it's harsh outside and cozy inside
Dijon: Summer, fewer holidays and he's not really cold resistant.
Julienne: Summer. They like the general vibe and popsicles and shorts and sunglasses and such.
Monty: Winter, they love the holidays.
Diana: Summer, she likes the heat.
Captain Pumpernickel: Autumn! He just thinks the weather and vibe are RIPE FOR ADVENTURE!
William: Winter! He like staying inside and the cold.
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
The Knight: her partner! Or a silly joke! Or a delicious snack! Or friendship!
Rabbit: schadenfreude
The Apprentice: order and productivity
Dijon: his favorite childhood book
Julienne: her pet rats! Or pet frog!
Monty: A human thing like paperclips
Diana: this one is a hard one. Succeeding at any of her hobbies.
Captain Pumpernickel: ADVENTURE. and friends
William: seeing Diana smile and be free.
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend?
The Knight: The prince!
Rabbit: the Knight
The Apprentice: books
Dijon: julienne
Julienne: no one. Monty is close.
Diana: no one [William eventually]
Captain Pumpernickel: The sea. And his first mate. And his quartermaster.
William: no one [Diana eventually]
80. Are they a morning person or a night owl?
The Knight: Morning person
Rabbit: Night Owl
The Apprentice: Morning Person
Dijon: Night Owl
Julienne: Morning Person
Monty: Morning Person
Diana: Morning Person
Captain Pumpernickel: Morning Person
William: Night Owl
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