#and i do not for one minute think that tae is the kind of person to let someone walk all over him
dearweirdme · 11 months
On one hand, jk is heavily implying that he sees and knows more about what goes on in socials than people think he does and then on the other hand, he stays setting tae up? Telling him to get lost and acting like his presence alone is interrupting a serious conversation about music--- then when the switch up comes it's not about how Tae might contribute to discussing the music, it's once again about his looks and how either his visuals or shippers will bump up the view count, and ppl can pretend otherwise but his energy towards tae was real low in that ep.
It's getting exhausting trying to make excuses for this shit now 🙄 he pulled this shit with vmin the other day too---like he was too busy with 'serious business' to be bothered by them.
And yeah he validated the snowboarding trip but still couldn't help but set Tae up for his sad solos to call him a bad friend and question Taekook.
And all the pics you're all FFFFFF over are JK basking in the attention and affection but not really giving shit in return.
He gives the bare minimum, like a bit of dancing to a song, while tae is openly glowing about and praising his stuff and y'all are like 'oh, he's been busy' like tae has been on the sofa all day watching TV or something and has all the time in the world to devote to jk--like he doesn't just make time for him and jk couldn't do the same in reverse if he wanted to. He has time to do all those lives trying to convince delulus that he's singing about them in Seven but not to hype tae's stuff without being asked to by fans?
You can call me an anti or hater or a joker if you want but I'm not. I'm a taekook shipper too who is just fed up of seeing Tae giving all that energy and it not being matched and even not being appreciated. These guys are not approaching each other on the same level and you all know it because you keep making all these excuses for it; about how it's just jk just being to shy and cautious and tae being too bold and impulsive, when all its really covering for is a lack of respect and consideration and a sense of dismissiveness undermining and even passive aggressiveness towards someone who is, at best, supposed to be his boyfriend and at worst, supposed to be his best friend.
Haters out for tae's blood are having a field day with the chum that jk keeps throwing in the water for them so he's either dumb and doesnt think about the shit he does and says or he just doesn't care that tae keeps taking the heat for it.
I want this ship to be real and I still do think its real but he needs to course correct because right now, he's barely managing to pass 'supportive friend' nevermind 'supportive boyfriend'
It's giving 'tae deserves better' on both fronts.
Hi anon!
I don’t actually think the term Taekook shipper applies to you. Because in essence ‘shipping’ means you like the two persons together and you feel they would make a nice pair. You don’t actually think they make a nice pair, because you don’t feel Jk treats Tae well. Leaving aside that you are imo very wrong in interpreting the way Jk reacts to Tae.. seriously like.. how do you not see 🙈.
I’m seriously not going to go into how I disagree with your take on Jk. In my opinion you just don’t understand or get him.
Wanting a ship to be real isn’t the point. It’s either real or not, our wanting has nothing to do with it. I think you are a Taekook believer, but not so much a Taekook shipper (anymore). Maybe your ideas about what a relationship should look like differ from what you see, but realize that we will never get to see them as actual boyfriends.
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musicloverxoxo7 · 1 year
BTS reactions – you sit down on their lap
BTS   x   fem!reader
Summary: How they react when you sit down on their lap.
Themes/warnings: fluff with mature content (sex, oral f receiving)
Wordcount: ca. 580 words
I do not own BTS. They merely inspire me. None of this is related to their persons in real life.
Jin will first complain that you’re heavy. But he won’t push you off. After a while he’ll sling his arms around your waist and prop his chin up on your shoulder. Sometimes, this sweet cozy being together is all that will happen.
Other times his hands will disappear under your shirt to play with your boobs or just touch your skin. If it’s the first, you might end up riding him until you’re both sweaty messes.
99% of the time, Yoongi thinks of you sitting on his lap as something intimate, but sweet. He enjoys cuddling with you this way and wouldn’t mind sitting like that for hours.
But that 1% of the time, he gets hard just from you sitting down on him. Of course, you feel that. And if you want more, you just have to kiss him and rub against him a little until he spoils you rotten with all the things you enjoy most.
Hobi is usually the one to pull you down on his lap, because he likes physical contact. You usually get bored with just sitting there after a few minutes and end up kissing his neck and face or exploring his body with your hands.
At some point he will get impatient with your restlessness, grab your hands, and restrain them behind your back. Once that happens, you’re both done for. You kiss each other until you can barely breathe anymore and when kissing isn’t enough anymore, you’ll move to things that involve less and less clothing.
Namjoon isn’t easily distracted. So when you sit down on his lap, he will keep reading his book or replying to the message from a friend. You don’t mind. Most of the time you only want to be close to him.
When you do want more, you know how to get his attention. Usually, all it takes is you running your hands up and down his torso under his shirt. Latest when your hands come to rest on the front of his pants, he will put aside his phone or book and give you his undivided attention.
For Jimin and you, all kinds of touching are the most natural thing in the world. You often sit on his lap. But when you sit down facing him, burying your face in his neck, it will be an instant turn on. Especially once you start kissing his neck.
Then it won’t be long until you are making out and simultaneously trying to shed all clothing. And somehow, you are always successful at this multi-tasking.
You and Tae are used to regular physical contact. Seeking that out in form of you sitting down on his lap regularly means nothing more than a few minutes of cuddles. Except when you sit down wearing a dress, but no underwear.
Then it will only take seconds until you are lying on your back with Tae’s head between your legs. And that is only the start.
Depending on which way you’re facing, JK will either touch your thighs or your ass. He will have a great time doing so, because he enjoys touching you.
If you’re in the mood for more, you have to initiate it. Not that it takes much. It only takes the smallest of hints until you lose your shirt and pants. If you’re wearing a dress, he won’t even bother. He has all the access he needs without getting you out of it.
© musicloverxoxo7, 2023
Please do not copy, translate, or repost my work. Doing so will make you legally liable for stealing intellectual property.
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yeonkimintakecare · 8 months
Bad Friends
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Summary: After your friends abandon you on your birthday your forced to interact with your ex for the first time since you broke up with him.
Author's Note: this was very therapeutic to me >_<
This is heavily based on situations from my life, and I kind of went crazy while writing this. So enjoy :)
Warnings: angst, lack of communication, as the title says... bad friendships.
You swam through the sea of drunk people looking for a familiar face. Your efforts were useless, it would seem that your friends have abandoned you while you were 4 drinks in. And it was your birthday. You check your phone to see if they have responded, but there’s no notifications. You check their location on snapchat and it tells you that they are at another club on the other side of the city.
'Some friends you guys are' you think to yourself.
You start to tear up, you felt like your friends had been growing away from you lately, but this cements that feeling. They were the ones that insisted on doing something for your birthday and then they stranded you at the club.
As much as you don’t want to you call your brother, knowing he told you not to go out with these girls, but you have no other way of getting home, your friends had your wallet in their car and they had been paying for your drinks prior to this. You dial your brothers number.
“Hello? What's up? I thought you were out with Ashley and Witney? Are you okay?” Your brother, Taehyung, asks and just like that you can’t hold back your tears. You had missed being this close with him. You guys used to talk all the time, but when you moved away you ghosted him and his girlfriend, Minji, who was like a sister to you.
“I went to the bathroom and they were gone, *sob* I’ve looked all over, they didn’t even text me. I think they left me to go to another club and I have no money and my phone is almost dead and I’m way too *hic* drunk for this.” You say while sobbing.
“Calm down, ____, I’m out of town with Minji but I’ll send somebody to come and get you, just send me your location.” He said calmly.
“Send who?” you ask weakly, fearing that you may already know the answer.
“I’ll ask some of my friends in the city, but most likely it will be Jungkook, I just got off the phone with him and I know he’s not doing anything.” You groaned at his response.
'Fucking great.'
“I know, but you need a ride home and we don’t have a lot of options. Send me your location quick so I can get you home, loser.” He said with a chuckle. You send him your location and 2 minutes later you receive the text
“Sorry dude, Jungkook was the only person who could come and get you right away.” You put your head in your hands and leaned up against the side of the building.
Jungkook was your brother's best friend, but also your ex.
They had been friends since they were preteens and you had dated him for 4 years in high school and college, but you ended things with him because you guys had been fighting constantly. Then you suddenly got a job in another state.
The break up was part of the reason you lost touch with Tae and Minji, you didn't want to make them choose between you and JK. You were scared that they wouldn't choose you, so you left before they could disappoint you.
Unfortunately, things didn’t work out there and you had recently moved back. You started talking to your brother again, you apologized to them both, realizing it was stupid to think that they wouldn't move heaven and earth for you.
but... you haven’t seen Jungkook since you broke up with him. But of course you were so unlucky that you were going to have to see him tonight... while you're drunk... and crying... and completely alone...
Fifteen minutes pass before you see a car that you know too well roll up. You see Jungkook in the driver’s side of the car. He stares at you for a second before giving you a small wave. You give an awkward smile and a head nod before you make your way to his car.
‘God. This is going to be awkward.’
When you step into the car it immediately smells like him, his cologne mixed with his natural smell. There was many times where you smelled something similar that would make you think of him while you were away. Now here you are and it's actually him.
Neither of you speak besides small a small 'hi" and when you briefly asked if it was okay to plug your phone into his charger.
You stare at your lap, twiddling your thumbs. He focuses on the road, eventually your phone turns on and you see decide to go check social media. You open up instagram and you see Witney’s story, and her and Ashley are at a bar with two guys you had seen them talking to earlier. You scoff at the idea of your only friends ditching you on your birthday for men that were strangers. You were beyond pissed.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asks, putting a hand on one of yours and rubbing his thumb on the back of it. You thought this would make it awkward, but it didn't it felt almost normal. Like this is how it always should have been.
“Maybe, I’m just really drunk right now." You paused. Unsure if you should ask this question. But again, you're too drunk to make normal decisions, so you just do it. "I’m going to ask you a question and I want an honest answer, don’t use kid gloves for me." You stare at him until he gives a small nod, his eyes darting between you and the road.
"Am I really that unlovable?” You say while you feel the tears start to well in your eyes again. You saw his hands tighten around the steering wheel while so hard his knuckles were turning white.
“Now, what in the fuck makes you think that?” He said, obviously trying to not make me feel bad but also wanting to yell at me.
“If I was a lovable person wouldn’t my friends WANT to hang out with me on my birthday? I just feel like I’m such a fucking failure, I couldn’t even make it work at my job and I can’t make friends. And the only person, that’s not my brother, who made me feel safe and comfortable, I pushed away.” You hide your face in your hands as you start to cry. You really must be drunk because somehow this turned into you venting about your feeling to your ex… including your feelings about him.
Jungkook pulls his car over onto the side of the rode and he turns to you and grabs your hands. “You are one of the people in this whole wide world who deserves to be loved. You are one of the kindest people I know and you are beautiful inside and out.” He used one hand to grab yours and the other to hold your face and to make you look at him. “You are not a failure. Sometimes jobs just don’t work out, its okay, you’ll get a new one, and eventually you will find the place that you are meant to be at."
You stare into each other's eyes for awhile. For the first time in awhile, you realize how much you missed this. how much you missed him. He always brought you so much comfort back then, and then you broke his heart. Why couldn't you have just made it work? Why did you feel you had to leave?
"Also your friends suck, that not on you, that’s on them to let you slip away.” he says, breaking the spiral that you had been falling into.
It made you think about why you left back then. You pull your hand from his and turned to look out the window. "Well they always leave anyways, so there's never a reason to get too attached." you say solemnly.
"That's sad that you think that." you turn to see him staring at you, eyebrows furrowed, you look away again, not wanting to see his pity for you. "And also, very untrue."
Your head snaps to look at him. "Excuse me?" you ask, getting defensive.
"it's not true. I think on some level it might be, but at some point you started pushing people away before they could leave you. You pushed me away, I know you're getting close to your brother and Minji again, but when you moved away you ignored them the whole time."
You stare at him, slack jawed. "I'm not the only one at fault here. Not in this car at least. I will admit that I ignored Tae and Minji, and I have apologized to both of them and made my amends. But, need I remind you about what happened between us? We had issues long before I decided to move away. You were distant, you know you were." You start to tear up. This was a constant fight between the two of you back then.
~ flashback - 3 years ago ~
You were sitting on the couch, seething. It was your anniversary and he was going to take you on a date to celebrate the 4 years you have been together. You had been sitting on the couch, ready, for the past three hours. No messages from him, for why he might be late.
Normally, you wouldn't be mad about this, but recently it's become a real problem with him. He never used to be late, but now he always was. You fought with him about it last week, when he was going to help you prepare for a big presentation at your job, but he never showed up.
He called you the day after, apologizing, claiming he got caught up at work, and passed out as soon as he got home. You told him that it hurt that you were "forgettable" to him. This presentation was a big deal for your career, and that you couldn't focus on it because you were wondering if something bad had happened to him. You left a million messages and got nothing back from him.
You still did well on the presentation, but you had stayed up most of the night worrying about him and had forgotten your lunch at home and was going to have to skip it because you were in such a rush to get to work that morning. You fought with him for a while longer and then hung up, needing to get back to work.
An hour later, Jungkook showed up with food from your favorite restaurant and a promise to make it up to you this weekend for your anniversary. You chat with him for a bit, pushing aside your anger, because he's here, right now. putting in the work.
When you return from your lunch you get called into your bosses office. "____, you did amazing in our meeting this morning." You give a smile and a a small nod in thanks. "There's an opening in one of our other city locations. It's quite far away, but I think you might be just the right fit for it."
You sit there, slack jawed for a second. You heard about the position opening in the Chicago location, but you never dreamed of getting it. It's a higher position than you are currently and its highly coveted. "oh, um, thank you, I appreciate the offer, when would I need to go by?" You ask, there are so many details you'd need to know, I mean what about your friends and family here?
"As soon as possible, we have housing that we can provide, and we will pay for your transition there." She says, with a smile. She's been your boss for 5 years now, and you've always gotten along.
"Can I have a couple days to think about it? I just have a lot of things up in the air in my personal life right now, and I don't want to make any decisions without really thinking about it first." She gives you a comforting smile again.
"Of course, take the time you need. We will need to know by next week Friday if we need to find somebody else for the position though." You give a small nod and thanks. "Ok, now tell me about your anniversary, that's today isn't it?" she says, you laugh and tell her about your plans with Jungkook.
You think about her offer all day, deciding to talk about it with Jungkook tonight. Chicago is halfway across the country and it would be really hard for you guys, and you aren't in the most stable place right now.
You get dressed up, you guys always go to the restaurant you had your first date at for your anniversary and then a walk in the park. But instead, here you are, alone on the couch. You sit there for another hour, trying to get in touch with your boyfriend.
Once it hits hour four you decide to go take a shower and have a good cry. You were used to this kind of stuff from your friends, but never your boyfriend. And he knew how insecure you were about being an afterthought to most people.
You woke up the next morning with dozens of missed calls from Jungkook and various texts apologizing and asking for you to call him back. You don't. Honestly, you're tired of it all. You thought you'd wake up today feeling better, but you just feel a pit in your stomach.
It was the weekend and you decided not to leave your apartment and do a deep cleaning of your home. Maybe if you could get a clean house, you could also clear your head. You talk to your brother on the phone while you clean.
"Maybe something came up again, I know he's been working really hard lately." Tae offers. For some reason this made you mad. Tae was your brother, he shouldn't be defending Jungkook. He should be mad with you, or at least pretend to be.
"You know, I don't really care, he should still communicate with me. It's one thing to miss a date, even though it's actually been several dates that he's missed, but he's not showing up, and then when I'm worried about where he is... he's not answering. It's not usually until the day after when I finally hear from him." You rant for awhile.
Tae stays pretty silent and you feel like he's staying quiet because he doesn't agree with you. You abruptly stop your rant to say "Okay, well I guess I have stuff to do and I'd rather talk to a wall, they might actually give me something to work off of" you say, giving more attitude to your brother than he probably deserved, but you were angry right now and his silence was just making it worse.
You blast your music when you get a text from Minji.
"Hey, I heard you were having a rough go of it." she texted.
"yeah, I'm angry cleaning my whole apartment right now." you respond.
"Yeah, I saw on my laptop that you have been listening to your punch that fucker in the face playlist. Pretty intense name btw."
"yeah well, i feel pretty intense right now. if the grout on my bathroom floor was a person, I would want to punch it in the face."
"Are you sure that it's grout that you want to punch in the face or a certain boyfriend that has been flakey...?"
"maybe both. i have the capabilities to be angry at multiple things at once, i'm talented in that way."
"I'm sure you are, but is that good for you?"
"maybe it's not, but it's the way i feel right now."
"I'm just worried that you are letting this anger seep into your other relationships... like the one with your brother..."
You roll your eyes. of course, now you're the bad guy. You just wish, literally, anybody would be on your side. But instead you're the unlovable one, and nobody is every going to put you first.
You leave Minji on read the rest of the day. No longer answering any messages, you turn your phone off. You start to feel better after you're done and take a shower. You do a full care routine and come out with a clear head.
You turn your phone on to see your boyfriend has been trying to get in touch with you again. You ignore his messages to start making dinner instead. You're almost done cooking when you hear your doorbell ring. The pit in your stomach that you spent all day trying to get rid of comes back.
You look in the security camera to see Jungkook at the door. You start to walk away from the door when you hear him say "____, I know you're in there. I can hear the music from out here." You sigh and open the door.
"What do you want?" You say, holding the door open enough so that only you can fit into the crack.
"Can we talk? Like actually talk, not fight." He asks. You want to get angry at the way he says it, but you can see he meant it genuinely and not in a backhanded way. You open the door all the way to let him in.
"Fine. Talk." You say after you both step in to your home.
"I'm sorry." He says and you immediately want to forgive him, but you know you won't forgive yourself if you give it to him that easily.
"Sorry about what?" You say, not letting up.
"I'm sorry about missing our dates. I've just been working so much lately, I've-" You start to feel the anger bubbling to the surface, you cut him off before he can make you any more upset.
"You think I'm mad because you're missing dates? I don't care about going to dinner. I care that you aren't communicating with me where you are. I wait up into the night and I worry about you, whether you got into an accident, if you're eating okay, if you're getting enough sleep. That is what I care about."
He stares at you, obviously not sure what to say to you. He finally says a small, quiet "I'm sorry." and you stare at him. You want to forgive, you so want to just hug him and be over all of this, but you just don't trust him anymore. You've been in this situation with other guys and you're not about to have your heartbroken again.
"I think we need to take a break." You say, he looks away from you.
"If that's what you think is best."
"it is."
"Okay then." he gets up and walks out the door. You let yourself cry and then finish making your dinner. You keep your phone off the rest of the weekend, you make some decisions.
On Monday morning you walk into your boss's office and accept the position. You vacate your home in the next week and move as much as you can to Chicago.
You tell your brother and Minji, they agree to send you some of your harder to pack things, and house some of the other valuables until you can figure out what to do with them. They seem upset with you about your sudden break up and sudden move, so you contact them less and less. You've only spoken to Jungkook a handful of times and it's mainly short, one-word messages.
You grow so depressed while you're in Chicago, your personal and professional life suffer as a consequence to it. You essentially go to work, bide your time there, come home, maybe eat if you have it in you to make a meal, and go to bed.
One day, you get a call from your old boss. "____, I haven't heard from you in forever, how are you?" she says with that warm voice. It's been months since you've let yourself talk to somebody who cares and it immediately brings you to tears. You cry and tell her about everything your break up, your isolation, your depression, everything you've been feeling for the past 8 months.
"I see, well I'm very sorry to hear that ____. Would it help if I could get you transferred back to here?" She offers, that immediately eases the pit in your stomach that you've been feeling for weeks.
"Would that be possible?" you ask, your voice small with embarrassment.
"Of course that would be possible, Your position here is filled but there is an opening in the higher ups, let me see what strings I can pull."
You immediately feel at ease. You might be able to go home! Then realization hits you. You've spent the last couple months isolating yourself from all of your loved ones, and now you're going to have to make amends.
You immediately call your brother and you both have a long talk over the phone. You open up about how you felt like they were judging the decisions you made and that you were scared that if he had to pick you or his friend, that he would pick his friend.
"____, there is literally nobody in this world that I would choose over you." he says.
"Hey, what the fuck." Minji says in the background, this being her first time speaking up.
"Obviously it's a tie between you guys and I would never have to choose between you guys... right?" he says and you both mumble a yes, obviously.
You all continue to talk through everything you've been feeling with each other, them feeling hurt by you pushing them away, but you work through things, you all cry, and you start to feel better about it all.
You get notice that you are being transferred back home, its not a hard transition, as you never fully moved here and you didn't really make any new friends. but about 2 weeks before your move, you get a message from two girls you went to college with.
"OMG, ____ we heard you're moving back, it's been forever, we should do something, right?" texted Ashley.
You ponder it, you had been best friends with them in high school and then when you moved on to your jobs you'd only really meet with them once a year. But, you are trying to fix your relationships, and don't hang out with many people besides your brother and his partner (and you used to hang out with you boyfriend...)
You decide to just do it. "for sure, lets get dinner when I get back :) "
You talk with them a lot before and after your move. They're a lot different to you now, but you make the effort to understand their interests. They really want to take you out clubbing for your birthday, but you tell them that it's not really your scene anymore.
"So how's your relationship status?" Witney asks, taking a sip of her espresso martini.
"ah, non-existent right now." you say while avoiding eye contact.
"I thought you were dating that hot tattooed guy. What was his name?" Ashley offers, sharing a look and a smirk with Witney that isn't lost on you.
"Ah well, we broke up a while ago." You say with a sad smile while raising your cocktail to your lips.
"You should totally reach out to him!" Witney says suddenly, making you choke on your drink.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because you don't know what could happen, maybe he's still into you." Ashley throws out. You forgot how much they loved drama, and how if they don't get it, they'll cause it.
"Yeah, it wouldn't really matter if he did still like me, we just didn't work. We couldn't communicate with each other the way we should." you say, hoping that's the end of it.
"But he's hot, isn't that enough. at least you could get one or two good, hot nights with him." Witney says with a sly smirk.
"Yeah, I'm over this conversation. I'm not going to hook up with him, we are done and that it." You say, letting your mask slip a bit.
"Geez, sorry. We were just trying to get you some." Witney says while Ashley rolls her eyes at you. They stay silent. They're mad at you.
You inhale. "I was thinking," They look up at you. "Maybe we should go out for my birthday." They both perk up immediately and start talking over each other about which bars we should go to, what events are going down, is there any parties going on, what we should wear.
Hey, maybe this won't be that bad.
~ present day ~
"You're right. I was distant. I was so focused on work, and I just thought you'd stay there for me, even though I was neglecting you. You leaving was a big wake up call for me. I had to really change the way I thought about my work and personal life and make them separate." He says, looking at you. You give him a small smile, his hand reaches your face and wipes of a tear. You put your hand over his and lean into it.
"I know I haven't said it. But is missed you. So much." You say, not breaking eye contact, not wanting to ruin this moment with the man you once loved.
"I missed you too." he says quietly. You stare up at him and you begin to smile through your tears and you can feel his breath getting closer as his hand stays on your face, you take this time to hold his face and kiss him. You passionately kiss while his hands make his way into your hair and your arms are wrapped around his neck. It’s like the two of you were trying to get closer, but there was no physical way for that to happen.
When you both finally come up for air and you both are out of breath, your foreheads touch as you look into his eyes.
“You didn’t push me away. I’m right here, I’ve always been here, and I always will be.” He whispers to you and you feel tears slide down your face again as he kisses them away.
~ time jump - a year and four months later ~
You are trying to buckle your heel when you get a knock on the door. You open it to find your handsome boyfriend wearing a nice suit, but with no tie. If you didn't know him, you'd think he was a mafia boss from a romance novel with his tattoos and jewelry. But you know that he could never hurt anybody.
"You look stunning." He says, giving you a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a kiss. The kisses go on for awhile, neither of you coming up for air before he goes "Are you ready to go?" finally breaking your brief make out. You nod in response.
You go to your the fine dining restaurant you always go to on this day. The food was great, as always, and you take a walk in the park. You arms are linked together as you both people watch and and chat about your day.
You come up on a bench and you both have a seat. You see somebody hiding behind a tree. You go to point it out to your boyfriend, but when you turn to him, he is no longer sitting next to you. Instead, he is on the ground, down on one knee. Your hands fly to cover your mouth in shock.
"____, We've had some ups and downs, but we've come out of them all stronger and better than before. In our time apart, I realized, I never want to not have you in my life. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me?" You fly into his arms, toppling him to the ground.
"Of course I will." You say while picking yourselves up and kissing him over and over. Out, from behind the tree, comes Tae and Minji, recording and taking photos. You hug them and cry, Minji compliments the beautiful ring that now sits on your finger.
You thank yourself for the people you've surrounded yourself with, and you thank them for sticking by you, even when you're being unreasonable. People who actually love you aren't easily pushed away, and you're so thankful for that.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
backstage | kth (m.)
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pairing: taehyung x f!reader rating: 18+ (minors dni) genre/warnings: implies that he's in a band - not necessarily idol au, established relationship; smut, it's just a short pwp drabble lol, or*l s*x (f. receiving), f*nger*ng, tae's got a dangerous mouth, c*m eating, that's it ig word count: 653 note: yeah i have no idea how this happened either. i'm just gonna leave it here and dip 😭
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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“Keep going… keep going, please… Holy fucking shit.”
You’re practically grinding against Taehyung’s face as you cry out his name. His long fingers thrust into you, rubbing your g-spot on every stroke like they’re on a mission, which you suppose they are. He loves it when you’re a mess just for him. Instant ego boost.
He loves it when you make a mess for him too.
And it’s always especially good after he wraps up a show, pumped with so much adrenaline that he has to release some of that energy and you’re the perfect person to help him out. That’s what happened tonight, just fifteen minutes ago or so. You couldn’t even make it through a simple Hey before he was taking you by the hand and dragging you to his dressing room, the one-syllable word dying in your throat while the rest of the boys groaned exasperatedly behind you. They’re used to it at this point, but that doesn’t mean they’ll ever stop teasing you.
Taehyung glances up at you, smirking proudly when he finds your features contorted in pure pleasure. His tongue joins in on the fun, finding your clit instantly as it teases the bud. The pleasure spiking makes a desperate moan fall out of your mouth, one of your hands tugging on his mop of fluffy dark hair while the other grips a nearby cushion on the couch.
Your boyfriend has a bit of an oral fixation.
“Like it?” he asks, slender fingers never relenting. He takes pride in the way the room is filled with your needy voice and the audible wetness that’s like music to his ears as he scissors you open.
“Love it,” you answer breathlessly, even though you didn’t really have to answer. He knows it all too well, knows your body better than the palm of his hand. “Don’t stop, Tae, please… I’m close…”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He sucks your clit into his mouth, then relishes in the subsequent groan as you buck your hips into his face, sounding like you’re actually about to break down in tears from how good it feels. Taehyung presses his fingers harder against the spot that makes you see stars, curling the digit repeatedly all the while his lips kiss your pussy sloppily. He hears someone knock on the door exasperatedly, but it’s quickly drowned out by your moans, getting higher-pitched by the second. Almost there.
You start to clench around him as he fucks you faster and with determination. Your walls suck his fingers in, so warm and wet that the glide is smooth, absolutely no resistance at all. He hums in approval, already thinking of all the ways he’d like to ruin you when he takes you home later.
“Tae,” you pant heavily, your brain effectively turned into mush by how his talented mouth, “I- ah, fuck, I’m gonna come, fuck-”
On either side of his head, your thighs shake as you gush into his mouth, coming with a sharp cry that makes his cock harden almost painfully in his tight leather pants. Your velvet walls convulse around his fingers as he helps you ride out your high. Taehyung happily laps up your juices, licking you until you have to push him away when you feel the onset of oversensitivity.
He crawls his way up your body, grinning like the Cheshire cat. His face is messy, lips glistening with traces of your orgasm, looking so irresistible. When you kiss him, you can taste yourself on the tip of his tongue. You love it, every single time.
“Let’s go home,” Taehyung says. “Wanna do all kinds of bad things to you.”
You nod eagerly, a teasing comment about to be whispered into his ear before you’re interrupted by Jimin on the other side of the door, talking to someone whose voice you can’t decipher.
“I don’t want to share a dressing room with him anymore.”
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all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 05.08.2023]
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fruitgummies01 · 26 days
Vibes for Episode 5 - JUST FOOD!!
Lets Get Into It… Episode 5 of Are You Sure
Gonna try and write down my thoughts as I watch the episode this time and things that stick out to me, since I have time haha.
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The episode is only 56 minutes, boooooo!!!
2. Tae saying "It's not just the meat, but the chef that's amazing" and JK giving a sorta half way thumbs up and going back to what he was doing lowkey took me out.
3. Jimin always looks great, but he looks particularly great in these Jeju episodes. His hair is really hair-ing lol.
4. I like that Jimin and Jungkook take care of their staff and make sure that they are also eating. No matter where they are, that always stays the same.
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5. Jimin and Jungkook talking about enlisting together. Soooo happy to see their joy in that moment and what it must've meant for both of them, and how they were already imagining what it would be like waking up together and sleeping arrangements and all. Didn't realize it at the moment, but waiting for that finally decision must've weighed heavily on them, which kind of recontextualizes the first two episodes in the US/NY/Connecticut. Also the amount of empty bottles on the table, they both must've been feeling pretty loose at this point lmaoooo. [ Sidenote -- I was slightly annoyed that we finally got to see them having this conversation, and Tae was nose deep in his phone during most of it at the table. Appreciated the editors trying to frame him out of the scene, but still. ]
6. Speaking of, Tae coming in and out of scenes was soooo noticeable, especially in this episode for some reason. Sometimes felt like he was either not there, or when he was, he was on his phone off to the side.
7. Interesting that both Jimin and Tae thought the dish was ham, instead of pink sausage (even though Jimin knew it wasn't he was just supporting Tae), but even though Tae was way more insistent on it being ham, Jungkook only pretended like he was going to "punch" Jimin lol. Kinda felt like he took it personally that Jimin didn't side with him.😂
8. So they took footage from while Jungkook was in New York on a separate schedule, thinking about what to make in Jeju. Cute that he was thinking about what Jimin would love. Head full of Jimin, SAME!
9. I know that Jungkook gets a lot of pushback about how he sometimes treats Jimin (I personally don't get that), but he seemed really focused on him this episode. Like it's super obvious to me that he cares A LOT about him, and not just on a surface level because cameras are there. It's really in the little things that leave an impact on me.
10. Jungkook really loves to cook and watching him figure out recipes is so endearing, and Jimin sitting near him/falling asleep while he works to make the stew he thought Jimin would love days earlier was actually really wholesome and touching.
11. Jimin taking off his shirt mid way through eating the stew JK prepared, while everyone else standing around the table is fully clothed made me laugh so much. And not one explanation in sight. Ok cool Jimin is just here nips out and everything, love that for him lol.😅
12. The wrap up at the end was cute. It was nice that they made Tae feel welcomed, and told him how grateful they were that he was there. It really was such a positive note to end on.
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All in all it was an enjoyable episode, that focused mainly on food and driving from spot to spot. Very happy for a change in scenery though.
My personal rank of episodes so far… 2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 5 -> 3
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red-velvet-muffin · 5 months
This is brutally rushed but I had this thought and I needed to share it with the class 😵‍💫😵‍💫
CW: panic attack, derealisation‼️
But after that just comfort
(Also I know it’s not very consistent I wrote that completely sleep deprived)
Simon having a panic attack post mission and Johnny being sweet and oblivious
Simon wasn’t one to give physical affection. He ignored it when it was his captains little pats or Gaz’ cheeky elbow nudges because it was just what they always did, it was nothing special.
He knew not to ask for it, knew he had a reputation to uphold.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t crave it.
He didn’t know the last time someone actually touched him.
Might have been his mother, it’s really been that long…
So when he arrives back at base after a mission, he doesn’t know what to do with the adrenaline. With the stress of the mission, the men they’d lost.
He took it to his quarters.
He just couldn’t face anyone right now.
Every pair of eyes was staring
Mouths screaming
Hands reaching
His clothes suffocated him
His tongue was heavy
He reached his private quarters. The door slammed shut and he was already on the floor, shaky hands tearing his straps and armour and kit off, mask off, just needed the tightness to stop-
He breathed heavily, although it sounded more like sobbing, hands tangled in his hair, eyes pressed shut as he broke down.
This was nothing new.
Every time he returned from a mission it was the same.
He couldn’t dare go to anyone, he just couldn’t, so he locked himself in and rode down the outcome alone.
Because nobody would help. Nobody would come nobody would helpnobodywasthere-
That bloody Scottish accent rang through the door and Simon’s heart jumped from the sudden voice.
Shit shit shit-
He rubbed his eyes, probably hard enough to pop a vessel, before getting up taking a deep breath and opening the door.
The last thing he needed was anyone in his personal space, he needed space, he needed-
“Jesus- fuck, Simon, coulda warned me I might fall in love”
Johnny grinned stupidly with wide eyes.
Ghost realised too late his mask was very much still somewhere across the room wherever it landed after being thrown midst his scheduled panic attack.
Normally he’d immediately cover his face. Normally he wouldn’t have taken off his mask in the first place.
But here he was, bare faced, looking at Johnny practically eye-fucking him and barely registering it.
Why didn’t he care?
Why did Simon’s head feel so empty when it was screaming at him a minute ago? An article popped into his head that he once read, something about a think called derealisation, but it was a vague thing he couldn’t hold onto.
“Uhm… is that all you’re here for or do you need something?” Was that his voice? That didn’t feel like his…
Johnny frowned.
“You feeling alright? Call me rude but you don’t look too bonnie there lt”
Goddamned Scott and his ability to read Simon like a book.
“Just here to see if you’re feeling okay after the mission. Been a rough one on all of us…”
Hmm, caring, too.
Oh right. He was talking to him.
“Nothing a good bourbon can’t fix” he finally responded.
“So he’s an alcoholic, eh?” Johnny attempted at humour. “Can’t have you drinking all by yourself. Can I come in?”
Ghost just stepped aside, not bothering for any other kind of response.
Johnny barely waited before bursting through the door and making himself comfortable on his bed.
hmm. Bastard
“Yer quiet, Simon. Talk tae me”
“You don’t wanna know, Johnny” he grumbled back, looking for his mask. How did it get under his desk?
“Ya take a hug at least?”
Simon must have frozen so abruptly it was scary.
“Ah Jesus Christ. Got it, no hugs” Johnny laughed. What a pretty laugh…
“I’d like a hug”
What are you doing, get your shit together
Johnny looked perplexed. “Sorry?”
“Hug me before i change my mind”
“Well shit, wouldn’t miss that chance” and Johnny got up, walked over to him and just… embraced him.
No malicious intentions, no hurt, just reassurance.
Just warmth.
Ghost practically melted, he’s not proud of it.
There was no war, there were no dead men, there was no pain, no death,
Just Johnny.
Ghost took a deep breath through his nose, revelling in the calming scent of unmistakable MacTavish.
He doesn’t know how long they stayed that way, it was never long enough, but he must have looked pathetic when Johnny let go of him, hair a mess, eyeblack still smudged on his face, face red and eyes teary but he felt so… safe.
“Alright you tell anyone about this I’m shaving your mowhawk.”
“Copy that, lieutenant”
And the man was out the door. When did it get easier to breathe?
Simon sighed but couldn’t fight the grin tugging on the corner of his mouth.
Goddamn Scott
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luvrsofbts · 2 years
Hey can I request an angst FWB scenario with Yoongi or Jungkook like he's a complete fuckboy flirting with other girls in front of the reader and the reader ends things or ignores them you can decide the ending
It Ends With Us
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Pairing: Fuckboy!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: fwb, angst, no happy ending
Warnings: heavily suggestive (18+), curse words, jungkook’s a jerk but also sooo at the same time smh
Summary: You two were just friends with benefits, so why did it get to you so much?
You remember the day when Jungkook proposed the idea of you two being friends with benefits. You were a stressed student in college and needed to let loose sometimes. Luckily, you had Jungkook, who you met in your freshman year of college, to help you out.
You were kind of unsure about the idea, Jungkook being the biggest fuckboy of the century, but he was also a close friend to you, so you trusted him. Plus, with the deal, he promised he wouldn’t get in other girl’s pants since he proposed the idea and wanted to be fair with you.
Jungkook wasn’t the type to get into serious relationships. He would dick someone down and then move onto another the next day. You admit that you blossomed a small crush on him when you two first met, but after knowing what he was like and having your friends tell you about his fuckboy life, you decided to leave it alone, not wanting to get hurt.
Now, here you were, watching Jungkook shamelessly flirt with another girl right in front at you. You don’t know how you ended up here. One minute you were studying with your friend, Taehyung, next thing you know you’re dragged to this party hosted by Jimin, a friend of Tae’s and Jungkook.
You didn’t think Jungkook would be here, after he specifically texted you at 6:18pm that he couldn’t grab fro-yo with you since he had a “family thing”. Now, you know what that “family thing” was.
“What the fuck,” You whispered to yourself as you saw the girl Jungkook was with, laughing and feeling all up on him and his muscles, Jungkook doing nothing about it rather than enjoying the attention he was getting and having a hand squeezed on her ass.
Has he been doing this behind your back for awhile? You don’t know why you got so heated. You two were just friends with benefits, so why did it get to you so much? Even though, Jungkook promised that he wasn’t going to get into other girl’s pants, and you were 101% sure he was going to get into the girl he was with, pants, tonight due to how close they were.
Walking away and grabbing a random cup in the kitchen, you bumped into the person who dragged you to this party, Taehyung.
“Hey, you good?” He slurred, clearly drunk out of his mind.
“Fine,” You gave a short answer, “Are you good?” You asked, your anger subsiding a bit, giggling as you saw what state he was in.
“Yeah, man. I’m so lit right now!” Tae laughed, throwing his hands in the air and swinging his hips side to side, “Are you sure you’re good though? I can sense you’re a bit upset right now,”
You’re not sure why you’re upset, to be honest. Jungkook was a fuckboy, you should’ve seen this coming. Guess you were just too lost in the moment.
“I’m okay, thank you for asking though. Now, let’s get you seated and some water,” Taking Taehyung by the hand, you squeezed past the tight crowd and finally got to the sofa. You didn’t realize that you were just a few seats away from Jungkook, too occupied with Tae and taking care of him.
“Stay here. I’m gonna go get you some water,” You shouted out to Tae over the loud music, which he just nodded in response, already falling asleep.
You stood up, turning around when you spotted Jungkook and the girl he was with, in a full on heated makeout. That quickly spiked up your anger, making you feel betrayed and lied to.
“What the fuck is this?!” You shouted to Jungkook, letting your emotions take over you.
He parted from the girl he was with, shocked to find you here. “Y/N, baby- what are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here? Mr “sorry babe, won’t be able to grab fro-yo with u. Got a family thing tonight. I’ll see u this wknd tho”. Why would you lie to me?” You continue to shout, feeling more and more anger bubble up inside of you.
“Jungkook, who is this?” The random girl ask, leaning into his side.
“Oh fuck off,”
“Y/N- stop. Why are you getting so worked up for?” Jungkook asked calmy, seeing no problem to this.
“So worked up for? What the fuck do you mean, Jungkook? You know we had a deal going on, yet here you are, sucking some other girl face,”
“No, fuck you,” You spit, “And fuck you too,” You said to the girl before turning around and walking out of the party.
Walking home, you were overthinking like crazy. Why did you act that way to Jungkook? You didn’t like him, did you? No, you agreed on that a long time ago, so why did it hurt so bad to see him with another girl? Feeling embarrassed and tired, you decided to sleep these thoughts off, wanting to be at peace.
The next morning, you woke up to a spam of texts.
y/n ??
i’m sorry
don’t ignore me pls
let’s meet up and talk
i messed up
i’m coming over
The last message was sent at 9:20am, and as you checked the time, it was now 9:32am.
Right as you got out of bed, you heard your doorbell ring with pounds on the door.
“Y/N?? Are you in there? Open up and let’s talk, please,” Jungkook said behind the door.
Once again, your emotions got to the best of you, resulting in you opening the door.
“Baby, I was worried sick about you,” He sighed in relief, attacking you in a tight hug.
Your arms stayed still, “What are you doing here, Jungkook?” You huffed, angry once again as you think about last night.
“I missed you. I also came to say I’m sorry. That girl means nothing to me, I promise,”
“Yeah, right. You also promised me that you wouldn’t be sticking your dick in other girls, yet what I saw last night proved me wrong,”
“C’mon, Y/N. You know you’re my only girl,” Jungkook whispered onto your skin as he started leaving small kisses down your neck.
“Fuck,” You softly moaned, closing your eyes and leaning back, exposing your neck more.
“Yeah, you like that, baby?” He smirked, leaving marks all over your neck as he slid his right arm under your shirt and started playing with your tits.
“N-no, Jungkook, we can’t,” You sighed in pleasure, trying to push him off.
“Shhh, just enjoy it,”
“N-no. Stop, Jungkook. Stop!” You shout, pushing him away from you.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Jungkook raised his voice, breathing heavily.
“My problem?! What the fuck is yours? You can’t just makeout with some random girl at a party and then come to me the next day,” You glared at him.
“Well I’ve been doing it for awhile, what’s the problem now?”
You felt your breath get caught in your throat.
“No, you don’t mean that,” Tears started to form in your eyes, why were you going to start crying now?
“Yeah. I’m surprised you didn’t catch on,” He chuckled, shaking his head lightly.
Your whole body was shaking in anger at this point. You just wanted to slap the smirk off his pretty face.
“So, you were just using me? I thought you were my friend, Jungkook,”
“Oh, baby… you were just another girl,” Jungkook whispered as he took your face into his hands, that same smug smirk still plastered on his pretty face.
“Fuck you!” You shouted, pushing him away from you once again. “Get out! Get out and never talk to me again. You’re a fucking jerk!”
With that, Jungkook left, leaving you nothing but a broken heart.
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latinapoetbts · 25 days
Breast-Friend| KTH - Reader Insert
Helping Out a Friend with Plugged Milk Ducks
SMUT - no penetration, Breastplay, and worship, I might do a part 2
This goes out to all the breastfeeding moms! Fuck anyone who ever said are breasts are no longer sexy is said we are milk cows! Enjoy!
I was in a good amount of pain. I worked so hard to avoid this problem and nope, here I am alternating between ice packs, frozen jelly packs, heat packs, and the maximum amount of Tylonal women can take while breastfeeding. I had borrowed other breast pumps and it only took the edge off. I was looking forward to my first night out with a group of friends in 4 months and was looking to have a very good time. I had even pre-gamed a little hope I could just endure until the next day when I could get to my doctor to see what else could be done. But no, here I am on the couch my face dolled up, hair done but in a t-sheet and sweats. I was still without my little one because I was going to take advantage of having this time to suffer alone while my parents carried my little bundle of love. I let out a sigh of thoughtful thankfulness for my parents who were as old-fashioned and traditional as they were. They were willing to support me in my single motherhood after a one-night stand by a guy who turned out to have died a month later from a motorcycle accident. I would have never known about his misfortune had I not been a weirdo obsessed with reading online obituaries. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I holler out, “Just a minute!” As I work to turn off my breast pump and lower my shirt to cover my swollen breast. Who would be visiting me now, I thought to myself. I look through the peephole at the door, a smile on my lips, my favorite person in the world, Tae. I open up.
“Hey, Y/N. I saw you text and thought you could use some company…and I came bearing gifts” he waves my favorites, grape soju and fried chicken, I pull him by the shirt inside. 
“I fucking love you…”, he grins at me from ear to ear.
“I know you do, even without this…”, he sets up in the living room.
“It's that bad huh? I’m so sorry, y/n. Women, you guys have it so tough you deserved to be worshiped.”, I smiled and laughed.
“When you find a guy who wants to worship women, let me know I want a date ASAP.” he laughs. He only smiles at me as he turns to get plates, cups and shot glasses from the kitchen, I take this chance to plop back on the couch and start with my hand pump. Tae brought me our plate, sat down next to me and began surfing through the Netflix movies not even batting an eye to the fact I had one breast out using a hand pump. He was my oldest and dearest friend. I had friend-zoned him our freshmen year of college because he was too fucking hot. He was a little bit of a fuck boy but smart and kind and way out of my league. It was just easier this way. So many times my girlfriends throughout the years, even my own mother, ask how I can do it. As if Tae Hyung was so hot that no woman on earth could ever resist him. I laugh at the idea of it. I knew he had friend-zoned me as well, not even his girlfriends had ever felt threatened by Tae and I’s friendship. 
“What about this one,” he asked as he held the plate near me so that I could grab a piece of chicken. 
“Sure, and can you pour me some soju, and fill it…”, I smiled I was going to get a little toasted tonight I deserved it.
“You still have a decent stockpile of milk I take it…” he looked at me.
“Yes, you know I do, I have enough to sell on the breastmilk black market…”, I laughed.
“You know you could make some good cash with those bodybuilders who like to buy breastmilk….” he laughs handing me my soju.
“You know I don't think they want it for workouts I think it's their kink or something…like they got off drinking it…”, I chuckled until I saw the way his atom-apples bobbed as he threw his head back chugging the soju. Damn, him. He has aged like fine fucking wine. Damn him for looking like a fucking sex god. This reminded me how much I hated having him around when I was horny as fuck especially since I had not had sex since my one-night stand and got knocked up. I stopped expressing milk. I was tired of pumping.
“Nah, I don’t think the kink is drinking the breastmilk they bought. I don’t see how it could be. Now, sucking some warm sweet breastmilk from a beautiful woman’s warm, round hard tits, drinking it and licking it up, fuck ya… there's the kink right there….” I swallowed hard hearing the words fall from his mouth his eyes glued to the TV screen. WHolly, fuck. Did he just say what I think he said? I took another drink and chugged my soju bottle empty. Uh oh. I was not prepared for the horny unbridled buzzy words that flew out of my mouth.
“Kim Tae Hyung. Is that your fantasy? You can play that fantasy out with me as long as you promise to make sure you suck out every last drop…..” Oh no, oh fuck, why am I talking right now, did I have that much to drink? Fuck I’ve turned into a lightweight. Note to self I am never allowed to drink with Tae Hyung again. Ok, Ok, I can recover from this. There was silence. Oh Fuck. His eyes were still glued to the tv I was terrified in the silence. I must have really fucked up. I’ll just tell him I was joking. I watched his jaw flex and his throat swallow, my eyes drifted down, and I felt ashamed I had crossed a boundary in our friendship. My eyes landed on his crotch and widened at the sight of his very large boner. He was very turned on. Okay, now what, I thought to myself. I couldn't take my eyes away from his boner. I never imagined that anything I did or said would elicit a boner from him. In an instant, he was on me between my thighs hands frantically pushing up my shirt stopping at my shoulders and looking up at me.
“Your note joking right? Your serious yes y/n? I mean if you don't want me to I won't. But if you want me to, I promise I’ll only suck your breast, I swear I won't touch you in any other place.” his eyes looked at me with such vulnerability, tenderness, desperation, and desire all in one. Hell fuck yes you can suck my tit Kim Tae Hyung.
“Yes, Tae, I want you to suck my tits until you have sucked every last drop of milk.” Something snapped within me some domineering as I grabbed a fist full of his hair jerking his head up harshly and forcing his mouth a mere inch from my right nipple that was already dripping milk just as my cunt was driping wet. I was so aroused, my cunt pulsing and vibrating with want. I wanted him. I wanted him to do more than just suck breast, but I’d take whatever he would give.
“Lick,” I commanded. I watched as he timidly and slowly pierced his lips with his tongue the tip barely touching my leaking pebble, only flicking up and down painfully slowly then stopping. I gasp and moan. Holy fuck that was erotic. My legs widened for him, I wanted him closer to me.
“More,” I moan out. He continues picking up the pace slightly. I start to pant, I’m so turned on. I need more.
“Fuck, More, swirl…”, more moans fall from my mouth as he begins to swirl his tongue around the nipple, and my left nipple begins to drip milk more milk.
“I’m leaking.. Uhhhuh…” He quickly pulls away and I fight him.
“No.” I forced his mouth over my left nipple as he began to lick up the milk.
“Suck.” I command moaning and arching against him oh fuck, I just might cum from this. No, no, I can’t cum I told myself. I have to have limits, I have to have boundaries. He is only helping me right now unplug my milk ducts the doctor did say if my significate other sucked it out it could keep me from having mastitis. The problem is, I have no significant other, but this works too smiled inside. The moment I said suck I felt something snap within tae hyung. He became near feral, placing his entire mouth over my areol sucking and sucking moaning, and teasing my other breast. He began without instruction moving back and forth between my breasts as milk flowed leaking he tried to catch every last drop in his mouth. Drinking as much of my breastmilk as possible. He needed no more instruction from me. His moan was so fucking sexy, I couldn't keep myself from thrusting up against his stomach, fisting his hair. I felt him match my thrusting pace. I felt him as he drank my milk his thrusts were harder, faster brutily against my couch. I cried out imagining his dick pounding into my wet, needy cunt rather than my couch. 
“Fuck, Fuck, I’m going cum…” his last words as he sucked and drank from my breast like my milk was the only sustenance he ever needed and as his life depended on it. We both let out a loud grunt and moan and stilled together. I came. He came. I fucking came from my friend sucking my tits and humping my couch and I fucked loved it. What am I going to do? His face lay resting between the valley of my breast my chest rising and falling as I tried to steady my breathing. We are going to be ok I tell myself. I attempted to stretch just a little. Tae Hyung sat up instantly and let out a deep breath. He then stood.
“Y/n…that was….(letting out another breath) the fucking sexy, hotest moment of my life. Thank you. Thank you for that..I… Um, well I just got very excited as you know and, sorry about your couch….I should go ahead and go home and shower….” he took a step back from me shielding his crotch with his hand.
“Um… I’ll call you tomorrow….I hope this helped you….” he leaned over and kissed my forehead and left. I stayed seated bare-chested, with sticky breasts and a sticky pussy. Let's see what tomorrow brings. I told myself as I felt my breast, they felt so much better, he certainly had sucked out every last drop, my milk ducts were no longer plugged, but I just might not tell him that, I just might tell him I need around two. I only hope I’d get to have a round too. 
Thanks so much for all the love on my stories; it motivated me to write more! I've been so creative lately! I love you all, and I hope you enjoy it! Love to here your thoughts! or if you want more from these two! :)
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soraviie · 1 year
pining for you.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader   ━ masterlist
━ about: sister of "you assume it's unrequited.txt" this one from the boys' POV; angst + light fluff
━ pictures taken from Pinterest
━ sorry for the shortness of Tae's piece, it just felt right to begin and end with those sentences
━ leave a comment or I’ll drown you in a tub of money. If you like my work and want to tip, here's my ko-fi. Thank you so much if you do!
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KNJ | Frankly — irrationally and irrevocably — Kim Namjoon hates your guts.
Rude, conceited, disagreeable. An ill-mannered hamster of a person!
Kind, smart. Different.
Was that why it usually takes him two whole days to muster up enough courage to speak to you? Or was the situation as a whole something more base — he desired that certain someone because they utterly and unmistakably wanted nothing to do with him?
Be that as it may, he needed rules. Rules for his status, rules for his peace of mind. Rules for his rapidly deteriorating mood. Why continue to pursue a person who runs away from you? Who didn’t like you at all; not even a little bit? Logically it made absolutely no sense. 
With a deep, exhausted groan, he lets his head fall against the overcrowded desk of his unlit studio. 
“Follow the rules, Namjoon,” he breathes out, feeling the rush of warm air reflect from the wood underneath. “Follow the rules and you should be fine.”
There were only five of them. after all. He ought to manage.
Rule no. 5: don’t think too personally about anything they do.
People showed menial kindness every single day of their lives. These were just gestures, acknowledging nods of the bond created between a person and a society at large. If the corners of your lips quirked as he was telling a joke it wasn’t because you thought of him as incredibly funny but it was because you were humouring him yourself. Should you happen to leave a note on his schedule: “Jaehyun told Sae who told me you needed 17th free for family reasons. It’s been arranged. Happy visit!” then it only meant that you were good at your job. He didn’t dispute that. Though Namjoon suspects he’s not doing all that good of a work with this rule — every single time your shoulder brushes past his, as you quickly make your way to whatever destination called you next,  his heart, unfailingly, unflinchingly, skips a beat. 
Rule no.4: no intruding upon your life.
He’s not intruding. Offering to get coffee and a pastry is not intruding. You haven’t eaten! You always wait for the last minute and if anything this was for collective good! Should you faint and an ambulance would have to be called, work day comes to a grinding halt! So he was merely thinking of it as a team effort, that’s all!
“Yeah,” he thinks to himself with a tired sigh, holding the bag of two breads in his hand. One for him and you. “I don’t think I’m good at this rule, either.”
Rule no.3: no personal contact or affection. 
Line upon line, he traces the bold black letters of the notes littered across his fridge. In some cases, the marker has soaked the paper to the point of tearing. 
NO HOLDING HANDS! he reads as a reminder while brushing his teeth in the morning. 
NO BUMPS ON THE SHOULDER! mocks the writing on his bathroom mirror as he spits the damn toothpaste out. 
“No holding you in his embrace,” he softly whispers to himself, hearing you cry on the other side of the ajar door. 
But maybe…!
His fingers freeze around the door knob and with a bated breath he waits. 
But maybe…!
He proceeds to curl his palm into a fist, closing the door softly closed.
No maybe’s.
No holding you in his embrace. 
Rule no.2: limit personal time spent together. 
That you seemed to be taking care finely by yourself. It hasn’t escaped him — the mad scramble you threw yourself in whenever he appeared. Across the stage, across the hall, across a busied street. Didn’t matter what conditions and barriers stood before you, recklessly you threw yourself over them, all but fleeing away.
Did it hurt? Yes. 
But was it for the best? Yes. 
“Fuck what’s for the best,” he sulks to himself, angrily punching the keyboard of his computer.
However, because Namjoon's life was nothing but a puppet show and he was indeed the puppet that’s on the stage getting repeatedly thwacked by a bat, the harder he tried to stay away from you, the more he found himself in your presence. 
Noticing you approaching from the other side of the hallway, nose buried into a file, he, guided by nothing but pure-minded intentions, decides to spare you the running away and bolts into what he presumed to be an empty cupboard. Moments later you walk into his chest and only then he notices your name plastered across the door. 
He walked straight into an office. 
But as bad as he is observing all those rules, as much as he often breaks them quite knowingly, it’s but a mere echo of how much he can’t observe rule no.1.
rule no.1: out of sight, out of mind
Out of sight perhaps but out of mind? He wouldn’t dream of it. In fact if he does dream then you’re it. Every song, every laughter of another pair, every line in a poem and brush stroke of a painting. 
You, you, you. 
Frankly — irrationally and irrevocably — Kim Namjoon hates your guts. And just like someone whom he doesn’t remember said, the thing he hated most about you was that he didn’t hate you at all. 
MYG | "9,000,000₩...no, more like 10,000,000₩."
"What are you doing?"
Throwing a thoroughly accusing glare over the rim of his glasses, Jimin coolly replies:
"I'm calculating the sum of money you'll have to pay for your crimes."
"What crimes would those be?"
"Stalking," taking an overtly smarmy sip from his iced coffee pinky outstretched and all, Jimin observes tiredly groaning Yoongi.
"Not this again," he huffs irately. "How many times? I'm not stalking. We're just friends."
"Friends," Jimin snorts as though what Yoongi said was at least decently hilarious. "Friends, my ass."
"Well if that's how you treat them."
From the sour expression alone Yoongi gathers the sentiments that Jimin wanted to hurtle at him and truly he was far too drained to hear any of them.
"I'm off," curtly, he tosses over his shoulder, gathering up his coat. Jimin's eyebrows shoot into his hairline.
"It'll stick that way," Yoongi points a finger at the other man's befuddled expression before promptly shutting the doors behind. Perhaps he did hear the bellowed question — "are you really going to see that bartender again?" — but he did not regard it. So what if he did? Taehyung had tens if not dozens of friends and no one ever gave him a hard time because of it.
Walking through the familiar haphazard turns which spun his way towards you, the blinding light of apothecary suddenly reminds him. Right, the patches.
"Thank you! Come again soon!"
Politely, Yoongi nods at the young woman's words, reflexively pursing his lips into a pinched smile behind the black mask. Calmly and silently he walks the by now usual route to your bar, occasionally thumbing at the nicotine patches in the pocket of his coat. Quitting for him wasn't exactly easy or difficult per se — there was simply no incentive for him to care all that much. Sure, he knew it was bad for his health but...so? So what? However, now he's found a certain kind of joy in quitting, even if he wholeheartedly believes these patches were nothing but a frankly lazy cash grab. This is your thing with him. He gets to share something with you. Like a human to a human. When you smile he knows it's not because you have to, not because he's a paying patron but because you like him.
And Min Yoongi happens to very much like you too. By now it's redundant to hide away from the truth or be so conceited about the fact, he'd sit here like a fucking fool denying the reality. It's not quitting an unhealthy habit that has him escaping work more, that has his legs racing to get to trash bins of all the places in the world. Who could have known a dingy side alley would become a piece of deluded home?
And sure, you probably don't like him like that, certainly you won't once the truth of his identity will come out, as it always does, but he's fine with it, as long as he can still keep seeing you. Seeing you as just himself — without the pretense.
Plus he has plenty of chances to tease you about living under a rock.
When he finds you, you’re looking like a roadkill. Hair frazzled, hands wringing nervously as you pace — a sign of nicotine craving hitting bad. Your face is scrunched up in deep worry and wrinkles line your forehead with thorough dedication. 
Min Yoongi couldn’t be any fonder. 
Before he has the chance to roast you to hell and back, you notice him across the swirling shadows of the alleyway, throwing your hands into the air. 
“I thought you would never show up! Gimme!”
You reach your grabby hands towards him and playfully, Yoongi scoffs. 
“Wine and dine me first, heathen. A guy can be more than a piece of ass you know. I have….feelings.” 
“You’re a demon on two legs and a good skincare,” irately, you hiss and for a second Yoongi does think you would just rip the coat off him in search for the damn patches. He wouldn't…
…necessarily mind. 
He peels the patch out from his pocket and smacks it right into the middle of your forehead. With a deeply exhausted groan, you slide down the wall.  
“I hate bachelorettes,” the miserable cocoon whimpers.
Yes, Yoongi knew as much. This was strictly a piece of knowledge you probably should never know but the first time he came here a bachelorette was also taking place. Under normal circumstances he would make a hasty exit but the stream of inebriated, overjoyed women had blocked all his possible routes of escape so he had no choice but to dwell like a malicious goblin at the far side of the bar in the hopes that they won’t take that long. The seat that he’d been forced into was next to the doors to the staff room and it was here that he first saw you. Or rather he heard you. Cursing. With such colour and speed that two things flashed through his mind:
with some training you’d make a decent rapper
damn, that vocabulary has my ears getting red. 
By the end of the night, he left you a big, big tip, stuffing the wads of cash into his emptied whiskey glass and hiding it behind the bar where only you could find it. Tossing one last glimpse over his shoulders, wading through the mass of party streamers and spare boa feathers, he saw your disheveled form. As tired as you were, you were holding onto the small girl — Sara was it? — patting her on the back like your own child, assuring you’d cover for her tomorrow so she could rest. 
Good. Even then he could sense that you were good. And watching down upon you now, just as disheveled and tired but still inherently good, he was happy he’d raced to meet you out here on one of his prevalent uh…”people watching” activities that just so happened to center around this bar. 
“STALKING!” Jimin’s voice unwittingly surges from the back of his head and he jolts in surprise of it. 
You lift your pitiful gaze from the backs of your hands and observe him quietly.
“Is your shoulder okay?”
“It’s fine, don’t worry.”
“Cause you strained it two days ago—”
“It’s fine, don’t worry.”
Min Yoongi, have you lost your mind, he scolds himself, harshly pulling his hand away. 
So he…he just caressed your cheek. That…was a thing that just happened. 
You both remain awkwardly quiet. 
“The nicotine craving is really getting to you, huh?” you chuckle thinly,  voice falling far,  far above the average tembre. 
“Yeah, I’m overwhelmed,” dryly, he retorts, pushing the hand that touched your cheek deep into the pocket of his coat.
I’m not going to wash it, is his first thought. That’s fucking gross, is the second. 
“Why is your face all red?” you inquire curiously. 
“None of your business!” 
KSJ |  Because one inevitably lives in a society there are certain rules and roles one has to observe. Jin for the most part has managed to break out of the mold that was so surely set for him. Becoming an idol did inadvertently saddle him with some expectations of how he should act and in what words that act ought to be shrouded in but it didn’t change the fact that a son of a CEO, no matter how humble that company was, ran off one day and became an idol. 
As long as the rules only involved himself he was quite ready to do what he pleased. But this was…different. His role didn’t just involve you, it was because of you. 
He’d never seen his father so serious as he was on that day when he pulled Jin aside and somberly whispered.  
“I’m not saying that the kid is bad,” you were already adult then. “But that family is no good, Jin. Just…it’d be better for both of you if you’d forget it, son.”
His throat had then been full with the beat of his heart. By that point the attraction he had for you was simmering in the back of his mind. He thought he’d concealed it fine enough, letting the curious surprise at how you turned out to be sit in the confines of his privacy but apparently not. His father had tossed him the last knowing glance and mingled back into the party, leaving Jin to stand in his corner confused and suddenly cold. 
But if society was a peculiar thing, then a mind was even more so. 
Because for some reason Jin’s mind decided to obsess over that one person on the earth who had the personality of a power tool. 
“Two years of my life.”
“Yoongi, please, this isn’t about you,” Jin whimpers miserably, sound falling muffled as his face is pressed tightly against the bedcover. “Give me some sympathy!”
“I have none.”
Jin is not quite certain how he manages it but even Yoongi’s disembodied voice carries its frustration so clearly, he can almost see the man in front of his eyes.
“Because of you, for two years of my life I had to listen to how beautiful they are, how clever. “Did you know they graduated in the top 5 in their university?! Yoongi, top 5!” I even had to organize to send them flowers on graduation from a secret admirer because of that bullshit feud your family has with theirs.” 
The last part he scoffs. 
Jin scrambles up from the bed. 
“Can we get to the most important part here?” he huffs, bringing the phone closer to his mouth. 
“And what would that be?”
The roll of Yoongi’s eyes is almost audible. 
“And what about you? So you kissed them and chickened out. What’s more to it?”
“wHAT’S MORE TO IT?!” Only barely Jin manages to pull in a meditative breath, in order to not project his left lung all the way back to Korea. “What’s more to it?!” he hisses. “I’m supposed to be a brotherly figure. At best! They’re younger than me—”
“They’re still an adult.”
“I’ve known them since we were kids!”
“Real meet-cute, what can I say?”
“It’s just-It’s just! It’s just not meant to be!”
“If it’s not meant to be, why did you kiss them at all?”
Jin doesn’t reply and after a moment he drops the call entirely, leaving Yoongi to ruefully sigh in his dark studio. 
“I fucking hate slow burns,” he grumbles. 
Rolling out of the bed, Jin dejectedly waddles through the door. It’s the middle of the night, safe to say everyone else was sleeping. Why did he kiss you, he ponders waddling to the kitchen, why indeed. A brotherly figure was definitely not supposed to do that, doesn’t matter if you were just a close friend of his cousin or not. But then why had you embraced him last summer?
As your hands came up to form circle around his waist and with your breath reeking heavily of alcohol and the pink boa slipping down one of your shoulders, dragging limply behind like a tail, why did you have to mutter into his chest how much you liked him? That he was guilty for the suffering he’d caused you? Previously Jin was quite content with pining you from afar, indulging in the idea of you rather than the real you which would bear consequences for both of you but with you clinging onto him he had glimpsed behind the veil and the veil refused to close. 
At times, he became tempestuous, gaming angrily while casting furtive glances at the phone, weighing the options of giving you a call. Why shouldn’t he be with you? After all that he’s had to sacrifice and give up, his father should have no choice about the turns in his life!
But…he always weighed against it. The matter wasn’t just about him but it was about you as well and because of it…he’d rather not act. He’d follow the role he was set to act, dignified and polite, he would be what he should be and not give you any hard time. 
That is until, just as dignified and polite, you cast yourself in an entirely different role — corner him one day at a beach, the last day of a vacation, and there atop of the cold sand with an ease and grace of a century passed, you kiss him, forever changing the meaning of the word “love”.
JH | Dacquoise? Or perhaps an opera cake? Both could potentially be too sweet. But dacquoise looked pretty, however, opera cake had chocolate and one couldn’t go wrong with chocolate…
“Shopping for your girlfriend, mister?” the girl by the counter asks sweetly and immediately Hoseok smiles behind the mask. Lately just the thought of you tugged at the corners of his lips with a heavy hand. 
“No, it’s actually for my,” the smile flickers “Teacher.”
In the end, he leaves the shop with a sizable chunk of swiss roll.
Bad Hoseok, crazy Hoseok, dummy Hoseok, he curses himself, trailing despondently down the road. Who would be so moronic as to start crushing on his own tutor? 
“Ah, really, you’ve lost your shit, brother,” he mutters underneath the nose, falling heavily against someone's apartment building, careful not to damage the swiss roll dangling in the crook of his elbow. 
“Mr Jung?” 
Hoseok disjoined himself from the wall with a sudden start. With your slippers dragging against the concrete, you jogged over, fretfully glimpsing around the half-emptied street.
“When you said you’d drop by for a visit, I thought you were joking.”
With feigned innocence, he swings on the balls of his feet, growing flustered underneath the weight of your disapproving glare. 
He was not nearly as innocent as he pretended. Would an innocent man utilise your soft spot for him to be forgiven? Would he beg and grovel to be accepted as a student with the hopes of it…leading to more? Would an innocent man lay awake at deep night and dream of things that were decidedly not innocent? Would he think of you scolding him with a smile of content?
Without the shadow of a doubt, Hoseok would be glad if you slapped him, as long as you touched him in the end. 
No, an innocent man would not even dare entertain such a sinful idea. You still believed he was innocent and shamefully, horribly, selfishly he used that. 
What a horrible man he was. 
“Eyyy, how could I not visit when my favourite tutor moves apartments?” gently, he shakes you by the shoulder. “Let’s eat cake!”
“Let’s go!”
No, an innocent man would not grasp your hand as an excuse. 
“Not, this again,” you growl in between bites of the swiss roll. There is no furniture and as such you both have to sit on the floor, using bendy plastic forks as utensils. 
“The view is nice. Seodaemun-gu is a better choice, for sure.”
“Mr Jung!”
“Hoseok, please!” 
Nearly in tears from exasperation, you cry out: 
“Hoseok, please.”
The grin from his face disappears entirely as he took in the fraught state of your eyes. Was he…being cruel to you somehow?
“I like you, I really do,” his heart makes an uncomfortable leap and even you seem to catch on to the choice of wording, swallowing nervously as you did. “A-as a student I mean but I still quit as a tutor, there’s no way—”
“Yes, there is,” calmly, he puts the fork down, inhaling a shuddery breath. The air smells of your perfume. He hadn’t yet thought of a way to ask the name for it without coming off as…creepy. “Private tutor. I pay you out of my own wallet. I’ve arranged with management that I’ll take all the official exams but without their oversight.” 
Just me and you. 
“Mr Jung—”
“I’ll pay you 3 million won per month.”
“A million per meeting.”
If feasible, there would be smoke coming out from your nostrils.
“Dear Hoseok,” your lips blossom into a wide smile and he shudders, falling abruptly silent. That smile meant he’s going to get kicked to the moon. 
“Do you want to learn a good English phrase?”
“Of course, I do!"
Even you yourself seemed to be somewhat taken by the outburst. Blushing slightly, you cough, adjusting a strand of unperturbed hair. 
“What I mean is money is not the issue. I already got a job translating documents for a firm nearby but what I mean is…”
Eagerly, Hoseok waits. 
“What you mean is?” he continues, the thrumming of his heart so loud, he fears you’d hear it. 
You gnaw on your lip, gaze flickering wildly all over his face. 
“What I mean is,” you struggle out. “I...I…”
“I don’t think I’m the best tutor for you.” 
Like a bucket of ice cold water, the sentence washes over him and Hoseok suddenly realises how close he’d leaned into you. With an embarrassed cough of his own he regains the proper distance. 
“Nonsense. Isn’t that for me to decide? As your student,” the word sits bitter on his tongue. “I ought to choose what method of teaching is best for me. And you’re the best for me. Am I not the best for you?”
So far from an innocent man. 
Your gaze slowly averts away and the way he relishes its shyness is almost perverse.
“Nah, you’re the best,” quietly, you remark, biting on a piece of swiss roll. 
PJM | Two girls at the front of the club line were enjoying their conversation. Jimin was also enjoying their conversation. 
“There’s that person here tonight. Eun-Chae swears she saw them coming in.”
“The one who made those pretty earrings she had last month? Ahh, I’m so jealous!” 
“Hmm. Rumour is they’re really underground but if you get an invite from someone who's already been their client, they take you on.”
“Oh, really? How did Eun-Chae get it then?”
“Well, I’m not supposed to say this…” the girl with the long hair trailed off and even Jimin trailing behind her to get into the club could hardly control the scoff that threatened to break out of him. Not supposed to say this. Did she not know that once those words were spoken any true gossiper would drink seas of blood to hear such a delicious piece of information. 
Ah, so she did have some mercy. 
“But apparently she got an invite from an undisclosed member of Stray Kids.”
As they both squealed, Jimin parted ways with the two women, easily blending into the nightclub. The fact that an underground jeweller was here did not surprise him. This particular club attracted all sorts of creative scenes. He didn’t much care for it, really, that is until he saw you. Hunched over the vomit littered stairs with a pair of pliers in between your hands you were working on what seemed to be an intricate piece of necklace. 
Surreptitiously, Jimin snuck closer, mostly because he’d come alone here tonight. Without friends it was boring as all hell. Watching you work soon proved to be incredibly fascinating. The way that the space between your eyebrows wrinkled, how precisely your eyes focused on each individual detail. How you were able to regain calm and professionalism even amidst the chaos of sweaty bodies and pounding bassline. You cradled these pieces with the same care people did their children…or pets. It truly was a fascinating sight that Jimin could relate to. 
Fast forward some months forth, he now also realises that it’s the sight he’s utterly fallen in love with. 
 “You’re breathing on my neck.”
The grumpiness in your tone rouses him from the memory and Jimin finds himself firmly planted in the present. With his chin perched on the curve of your shoulder, he watches carefully as your lithe fingers string the small pearls one by one. He wonders how would they feel caressing his bare skin. Would they tickle? Would they be warm?
“Am I? My sincere apologies.”
“You lying, little—!”
He flicks the back of your head. 
“Ey, no swearing.”
You glare back at him, the only luminescence in the room being the small desk lamp you used at your workstation. Though Jimin couldn’t be absolutely sure where the border between what he wanted and what was differed but he knew for certain, there was something behind the way your gaze flickered to his lips and remained there for a touch too long. 
He ran a tongue over his lips.
“You want to kiss?"
Your hand reaches upwards, abandoning the pearls and Jimin’s knees grow weak. He has to brace himself harder against the desk but it’s wholly useless as his arms come up by  your sides. He’s caging you in? Nonsense! You’re the cager.
You flick him harshly against the forehead.
“Rich man stops being a perv when crossing the threshold into my home. Rule 12.”
“So many rules…” Jimin sulks, cradling the now sore spot. “You’re such a control freak.”
“So what if I am?” you toss over the shoulder, bringing your attention back to the pearls. It was both of your decision that the layered pearls would be a statement piece for an upcoming photoshoot. That is another thing he loves about you. You never insist upon him wearing chains or dainty pieces, you go for the middle. That same middle that he liked. 
“Masculine, feminine,” he remembers you scoffing harshly one night. “If I make it, it’s just jewelry above all.”
For now he decides to leave you alone. Even if you like him, he knows you wouldn’t hesitate to toss him out by the scruff. That was the third thing he loves about you. Third thousand that is. While you work, he gleefully immerses himself into observing your home. He tidies a book or a blanket here and there, mostly to occupy the time.
Lador shampoo. He spots one in the bathroom. Should he tell you that he saw you use it and now uses it himself just so that his hair would smell like yours and he’d have something to serve as a reminder of you when going away?
No…that’s a bit unhinged. He’d accidentally spilled that piece of information to Yoongi and the man had been a hair strand away from calling the police.
“It’s not that weird,” he pouts to himself. “At least I’m not a stalker.”
Well, he did get your address from that undisclosed member of Stray Kids…
Faint scratching against the window brings his gaze up from the shitty kitchen tiles to the even shittier window and its half broken blinds. 
“Nori!” he greets the tabby cat warmly. “Are you hungry?”
“STOP CANOODLING MY CAT, PARK!” your yell shakes the air before he can even reach for the can of open tuna. “You’re allergic to fur. Get your ass back here!”
He doesn’t dare to not oblidge. 
“Look at you, sitting all pretty,” you purr, clasping the necklace shut.
Smarmily, Jimin runs a hand through his hair. 
“Why thank you.”
For a second, your face scrunches as it does when you’re thinking something deeply but then the creases smoothe out and you toss him a half-hearted glare. 
“Obviously I meant the necklace.”
“Was it that obvious?” 
You reach to flick his forehead once more but this time Jimin catches your hand. Though the sly smirk growing upon his face is wiped with a bold stroke as he feels the numerous cuts marring the skin. 
Sternly, he inspects them, wrapping his fingers tighter around yours as you struggle to pull away. 
“No one did this to you, did they?” his voice drops an octave and unbeknownst to him, your breath catches in the middle of the throat. Park Jimin — forever a mystery, an onion gradually unfolding his many sides.
“Of course, not,” with feigned ease you reply, trying to take your hand back. He does not let it. “It’s just…collateral damage.”
“Your body is not collateral damage.”
“They’re just hands, Jimin.”
“Not even one inch,” he concluded sternly, not a millimeter in his expression or lilt of his voice freeing up the space for a debate to unfold. 
Your fingers are cold, he finds out. But that’s okay, he’ll warm them up for you.
KTH | House, also referred to as "playing house" or "play grown up", is a traditional children's game. It's a form of make believe where players take on the roles of a family. 
Though what is happening now is set in reality, in a way, Taehyung is playing a form of make believe. 
By now it’s been well observed. 15 minutes into a movie and you’re passed out. Not even a night of solid drinking could make a person this unconscious. The make believe in this situation wasn’t scheduling a hang out at his place, it wasn’t the fact that he’d offered to watch a movie while fully knowing of your tendency to fall asleep, it’s not even wrapping his hand around your shoulder and letting his head rest atop of yours. It’s the dreaming that was fake. The endless hope that one of these days he would do something, that you would do something. Every once in a while, he gets the feeling that you might like him. But it’s gone so soon, he inevitably ends up presuming it’s just in his head. 
Wasn’t it?
The blue glow of the screen illuminates your features with an eerie glow and even as someone screams, being chainsawed in half, you don’t move an inch. Now, a boyfriend would lift you up and bring you to the bed, covering your form with a warm blanket and then sliding in. But boyfriends were allowed to do so. That, however, is the fine line where comes the end of his game of house. Some things are simply not allowed. 
Gently, he shakes you awake and blinking blearily, you let a pitiful mumble of confusion.
His heart clenches.
“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t you have to go home?”
In the deluded state that you’re in, you throw both arms around his neck and mumble sleepily into the crook of his neck:
“Don’t wanna. Let me crash here.”
To stab already his bleeding heart, you add:
How could he possibly say no to you?
Falling in love with your friend is technically not a crime but Taehyung thinks that it should be. It’s nothing short of criminal — the level of delusion he entertains whilst adjusting his shirt to sit lower on your body. He should be arrested for the gentleness and care he takes in helping you to measly finish your skincare routine. It is sinful that he has the gall to pretend that this is anything but a series of utterly selfish actions. He gets to play house. He gets to play your boyfriend. He gets to slide underneath the covers with you, laying an arm around your waist and watching you slumber, peaceful and at ease. 
JJK | Jungkook's part has been upgraded to a oneshot! Read it here!
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tagging: @pinkcherrybombs; @devilsbooksworld; @btsiguess-kpop; @belladaises; @halesandy; @seok-jinnies; @themochiverse; @cuteipat; @ratherbefangirling; @manchuria; @chimchimmarie; @smalliechelle; @koostarcandy; @flitzerj; @royallyjjk; @dreamamubarak; @anti-social-mochi267; @jung-nika-hoseok; @silverliningsandstorms;
390 notes · View notes
floradinterlunium · 1 year
Times Jungkook Debunked Every Other Ship
People love to ship Jungkook with every woman that breathes next to him and well, Tae. Really, they love to ship him with everyone and anyone that has a name that doesn’t start with Jim and end with In. However, Jungkook has time and time again shown us where his affections lie. It’s not like he’s always doing it intentionally or to always prove a point. He, like anyone in a relationship, is exclusive when it comes to his partner. He does things for only Jimin that debunks any theories that involve him being with anyone other than Jimin. Let’s take a look at his “exclusivity.”
Birthday Gifts
Giving Birthday gifts in and of itself doesn’t scream relationship. However, giving a birthday present to only one member out of a 7 person group does raise a few red flags. 
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This moment doesn’t necessarily debunk the notion that Jungkook is dating someone outside the group but it 100% debunks the notion that he’s dating Tae or anyone else in BTS.  Because let’s be real...if JK gave Jimin his supposed non boyfriend a gift for his birthday and not Tae, his supposed boyfriend then JK is a crappy boyfriend!
Also, let’s not forget the most romantic birthday gift of all...the all expense paid trip to Tokyo with the complimentary romantic Vlog dedicated to none other than Jimin--GCF Tokyo. 
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Jungkook has never featured another member in his GCF’s the way in which he did and continued to do for Jimin. Even when it was suggested that he make one with Tae JK refused and kept making and featuring Jimin. With this Birthday gift Jungkook debunked every rumor that he was dating anyone other than Jimin. 
Some people like to play the “friends do this for friends” card and that earns them the biggest eye roll known to man kind because...really? Do friends take friends on vacation? Yes. Do friends create travel vlogs with their friends? Yes! But let’s not pretend that’s all that happened here. JK took Jimin on an all expense paid trip to Tokyo...he legit paid for everything--airfare, lodging, food, shopping and excursions--he later talked about how broke he was after that trip. He then documented that trip but for “some reason” forgot to include himself in that documentation. He made a 4 minute video highlighting just Jimin’s experience, zooming in on his features and made the audio a freaking love song! Don’t play the “it was a friend trip” card because there isn’t a person alive that if gifted with that trip and that vlog wouldn’t see it as romantic. And there isn’t a person alive that wouldn’t break up with/Kill their partner if they did that for their “just friend.” Jungkook debunked every other ship with this gift. Point, blank, period!
I want to preface by saying giving people compliments doesn’t in itself mean anything. Friends give and should give each other compliments all the time. However, there is a boundary. Calling your friend “sexy” is a lot different than calling your friend “handsome.” This is especially true when you are in a relationship. Even in a relationship I am allowed to say people are handsome...but if I were to call my “just friend” sexy...that would hold a whole new meaning and I’d be in hot water. Handsome is just a general observation of attractiveness. Sexy implies desire! It’s saying you evoke sensuality and often times make “me” horny! 
Jungkook calls Jimin sexy...A LOT! And he Uwus over how cute Jimin is All the time. Not to mention he does it right in front of everyone’s salad. . . 
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With the amount of times JK calls JM sexy and cute in front of members there’s no way he’s dating anyone else in BTS or in the world other than JM. It would be very cruel for JK to be dating Tae but constantly call Jimin Sexy in front of him.
Some might say he’s just being funny when he says it...it’s very clear that many times JK is more than joking...he gets choked up. Also...he is constantly calling Jimin cute. He thinks everything about Jimin is cute...even his toes.
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And his eyes
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And his whole body
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  When JK was asked what his favorite part of members was JK  responded with a picture of Suga’s wrist, Jin’s finger, Tae’s ear, RM’s hand, J-Hope’s eye, and drum roll please. . . . . JM’s entire body. 
Now again this alone doesn’t debunk JK dating someone outside of BTS. I can imagine someone making an argument that this only proves JK is closest with JM. Now while this argument is weak it’s at the very least logical. An illogical argument would be that in light of this, JK is dating Tae (or any other member of BTS that isn’t JM). This is illogical because why would JK say he likes all of Jimin but only a part of his supposed boyfriend Tae? 
With this post JK completely destroyed the notion that taekook is real. He also destroyed the notion that he’s dating anyone other than JM!
There’s a reason satellite Jeon became JK’s honorary name. There’s also a reason why JM constantly jokes that JK is always copying him. When you are with someone all the time you start to adopt their habits...it’s natural and can’t be helped. 
Jungkook is always with Jimin. A Staff member even said “he never saw Jimin and Jungkook separated backstage.” Jimin has said “Jungkookie and I tend to stick together so often.” And JK said, “All the time, it’s just the two of us doing something at night.
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I mean they are together so much that even members confuse their rooms.
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The first pic Tae thinks JM’s room is JK’s (this in itself should prove Taekook aren’t a couple...the boy doesn’t even know where his apparent boyfriends room is lol). The last two pics you have Vmin choosing to share a room together and Hobi by impulse saying JM and JK will take this room. It was his knee jerk response because it’s what’s common.
Just the sheer amount of time Jikook spend together at odd hours disproves every other ship...because why wouldn’t JK be spending that time with his significant other...why would he choose to spend that time with JM ? What girl friend wouldn’t feel insecure about this?
Last but certainly not least...SKINSHIP. I know I know...Jungkook doesn’t only engage in skinship with JM. He does it with Jin, Hobi, and Tae also. The difference is the way in which JK allows JM to touch him and the way in which he only touches JM. 
JK will hug, sit on other members laps, and even somewhat cuddle with other members. I say somewhat because typically he’s on the receiving end or not even aware (I.e. asleep). The only times he has been aware and has actively chosen to cuddle is typically with JM and sometimes Hobi also. JK however, has only ever sucked JM’s ear and allow JM to to suck his neck and rub up all on his chest. 
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All in All...Jungkook consistently debunk Taekook, or any other ship he’s included in. Sometimes (More recently it seems) it’s intentional...most of the time it’s just him engaging with his partner how partners engage...exclusively. 
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Time to wrap up and close shop.
3 years.
That takes us back to when?
I guess it is time for me to say my goodbyes, accept that JM and JK are not together and that Tae and JK are married.
Before I go, I guess I have a few questions...
Can't help but wonder when this happened and how exactly Tae agreed to marry JK after JK sucked on his soulmate's ear and tattooed his soulmate's name on his hand.
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Was it before or after Tae's soulmate sucked on JK's neck and JK, his husband then already (?) paraded said hickey around for all to see, caressing it so lovingly and proudly?
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Kind of wondering how this marriage is working back in 2020-21 with JK and JM living together.
So, Taekook married while JK is keeping on holding JM?
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And bridal carrying JM in LV.
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And telling JM he loves him out loud and the finger hearts.
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Always the finger hearts.
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Wow, what a show JK was putting on...
Talk about dedication.
Hiding out in a dark corner touching... JK probably knew the camera was coming, he had to. Same with his arm on JM's waist.
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And talking about waists... was this really necessary?
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And all these latest lives. It must have been Tae's way of supporting his soulmate. Must have been. No other explanation why his hubby would be acting like a love sick puppy every single time JM showed up in the comments, or dedicate a full 90 minute live to JM.
See that smile?
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Definitely put on, and all for the love of his beloved husband, who, btw didn't publicly congratulate his soulmate himself for his first solo album, or for his record breaking achievements. Nope. He sent JK to do it for the two of them.
Ok, I guess the joke is over.
Because if I don't stop here there might just be some that will actually think I'm serious.
Taekookers are reeling. They are devastated and throwing punches in every direction possible.
This one, TKK being married for 3 years is a new one. Well, sorry, I lie. Not first time I've heard the marriage story. The 3 years is new. The level of delusion here is wow, hard to describe. The story I heard was of marriage in LV, adoption of 2 little American kids, living with Tae at home. Sorry, with Taekook at Tae's. These beautiful children they adopted in LV and are now raising together.
So yeah, there's that level of delusion.
Now with Taenni out and public we have new stories.
We have the denial, of course, with the stories about cosplayers, all disproven (these fuckers stooped so low they stole a woman's photos claiming her to be the Jenni cosplayer only for her to go public about it).
And then you have those that are still towing the line and claiming it's all a publicity stunt.
Cause yep, the 2 super popular idols in the 2 biggest Kpop bands in the world need to have a supposed relationship to boost either of their popularity and help their careers.
Fucking morons.
a. Seriously? These two need that to boost their publicity. These two rival companies working hand in hand to create this fake relationship going on for over 18 months to what? Have Tae go from 58.8 million followers to 58.9 million. Talk about a failure of such an elaborate plan... Lest we forget about the hate Jenni has been getting all this time from TKKs all this time. Definitley a publicity stunt.
b. I'm infuriated at how ignorant these people are. Because with even minimal understanding of Kpop culture they would know that for an idol to go public with a relationship there is a price to pay. Idols don't have the right to have private lives. They don't have the right to have relationships, especially not in the prime of their success. the very few who had gone public with their relationships in the past had done so before marriage. They apologised for having a personal life.
Moon Hee Jun, Taeyang, Chen, Bobby.
The fact that there are so few of them should be an indicator as how this really is not a career helping move.
Having a personal life, being in a relationship, being emotionally unavailable for your fans is not a publicity stunt in Kpop. It can be a career killer. And even if it doesn't kill the career, it definitley does not promote it, quite the opposite in the short run.
And Tae, well he's already paying a price. We already saw all the angry fan messages about how they were betrayed by him, about how he's supposed to be theirs. Putting him together with JK is an easy fix, it's not realistic, it keeps him available for them (well in their twisted minds).
So yeah, definitely not a publicity stunt.
And then you have those that are turning on him. Well on the whole maknae line, because why not? Why not bring JK and JM in on this if you can (especially JM, right)?
The ones that are mad that he is in an actual relationship with another woman, the scorned.
The ones that are now angry claiming the maknae line were queerbaiting.
Like wtf?
How in the fucking hell were TKK queerbaiting?
Real genuine affection for the others? Yes.
Fanservice? Heck yeah.
Tae is the king of fanservice and teasing and flirting with the members. He loooooves it. And some play along more than others. As a matter of fact JK is one of those that plays along the least. But again, TKKs lack the brain capacity to watch original content and see that.
The hugs and affection and closeness isn't put on. It's genuine.
As for JM and JK, well they aren't fucking queerbaiting. They are just literally f***ing.
When Taenni did this, went public (and again, this was their choice of doing, walking hand in hand by the Saines river, identifiable managers walking 5 steps behind, Tae stopping to give autographs to fans),
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I knew this would come back to hit us too. But you know what? I don't mind it. I love Tae and Jenni for this. They are very brave, both could pay a price for it. Tae is literally telling us all, the industry and the fans, that his personal life takes precedent. I love him for that.
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We talk about BTS being the trailblazers, and this is the start of it....I hope.
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sentientcave · 9 months
And They Were Roommates
Got brainworms from Ceilidho talkin' about Fem!Soap and wrote out a few scenarios, and landed on this one as my favourite. Maybe personal trainer Soap and hot woman complimenting you in a dive bar bathroom Soap will get written about later on.
Part 1
Part 2 Here
(Fem!SoapxFemReader) ~2.2k words
Alcohol mention, but no other major flags at this point. (A few jokes about axe murderers) But also MDNI because this is an 18+ blog and there will probably be NSFW content in future parts
You had put an ad up online.
Your best friend had moved in with her boyfriend, leaving you with more apartment than you could afford. You had enough savings to get you through till the next month, but things were going to be dicey if you didn’t find someone to take over Fern’s half of the rent soon.
You’d had plenty of responses, mostly from men that gave you creepy vibes, even through digital means. You’d actually met with only one person, and she was allergic to cats, which made her a no go.
She’d been nice enough, though. If it really came down to it, maybe Fern would take Red Herring. She did love that fat orange bastard. And so do you. The thought of giving him up, even to Fern, doesn’t sit right.
Red meows loudly through the door as your key scrapes in the lock. You nudge him away with your foot while you enter the apartment, wary of any escape attempts. You feed him so he stops yelling at you, and boil water so you can feed yourself some instant ramen for dinner, and boot up your laptop to check the ad again.
A few more creepy responses, one of which is just a slightly blurry dick pic. You delete them. One that looks promising.
>Hey! I’m interested in the room if it’s still available! Can we meet soon? I’m a military gal and I’m being deployed again next week and I already gave notice at the last rat-hole I was renting. Seemed like 60 days was plenty of time for apartment hunting 60 days ago, but I haven’t found anything lol. Hopefully we get along! You can give me a call any time in the next few days, and we can set up a meet’n’greet. Thanks a bunch! Jamie MacTavish
Her number is in brackets below that, next to the soap emoji, for whatever reason.
No sense waiting around. You call the number right away.
“Hello?” The voice is a woman’s, a dusky alto, which is a good first sign.
“Hi, Jamie? I’m calling about the apartment. Or, um, from the apartment.” You give her your name as an after thought, feeling silly that you hadn’t led with that.
“Yaldy! I was hopin’ ye’d call. I’ve got a friend I can move in with if it comes down to it, but I really don’t want to. He lives in a worse rat hole than I do. Are ye busy now? I’ll buy ye dinner if you like, just for the short notice and the trouble.”
Anything would be better than ramen for dinner a second night in a row. “Yeah, alright. There’s a decent pub down the street, Keeler’s? It’s close so I can give you an apartment tour if you pass the ‘not a murderer’ vibe check.”
There's a beat of silence. “Does killin’ people in the line of duty count?” she asked. “Because, er, I have. But I’m not like, prone to doin’ that kind of thing in my spare time.”
You think about it a moment. State sanctioned violence does feel different than personal time violence, although you're pretty sure that speaks to some sort of unaddressed bias. Something to think about. “I appreciate the honesty, at least.”
She laughed. “I can meet ye at yer pub in half an hour. That work for ye?”
“Yeah. That works.”
“Great. I’ll text you a picture of me so ye know who tae look for. See you soon.”
You get the text a minute after you hang up. A picture of a gorgeous woman with big smile and bright blue eyes, the sides of her head shaved, the rest of it left long and braided back from her face. She looks normal enough.
You get ready and head out, texting Fern to let her know where you’d gone, just in case Jamie actually was a murderer in her spare time.
Jamie’s already there when you get to the pub, sitting at the bar with a pint, watching the door intently, her leg bouncing. You give her a little wave, and she beams at you. She’s even hotter in real life, wearing tight, ripped up jeans that cling to her muscular thighs, and a tight black tank-top under a cropped leather jacket. She has almost no jewelry, other than the dog tags around her neck and the silver hoops in her ears. She looks, well, normal. Friendly.
You go up and introduce yourself, earning a firm handshake. She’s strong.
“Hi!” she says excitedly. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jamie, but my friends call me Soap. I’d tell ye why, but it’s classified.”
“Is it really?”
“No. But it’s fun to say.” She flags down the bartender. “A pint for my friend here, if you don’t mind. You want to grab a booth? Or stay up at the bar?”
You look around, and there’s a few empty booths, but it’s early yet, and they tend to fill up quickly. “Let’s move. If we stay up here the single dads are going to start hitting on us.”
"We are a couple of dolls, aren't we?" She flashed another big smile at the bartender as he set a second pint out. "We're movin' to a table, if ye don't mind."
"No problem, love," he says, obviously besotted already. "I'll send Jenny around to take your order."
"Thanks, pal. Appreciate it."
You pick up the pint and follow her over to a booth, sliding in on the opposite side.
"So, you said you're military?"
"Ah am. SAS no less. Best of the bloody best. Not many jobs where ye get tae blow things up awl the time." She sheds her jacket, revealing impressively muscled arms. "I could just live on base, if things don't work out here, just so ye ken. No pressure on ye. But I hate stayin' on base when I don't have to. It's the communal showers. Most of the lads are, well, lads. Gotta shower in the middle of the night, and I keep bumpin' into my LT when I do. And he said I could move in with him too. I’m in a rush but I willnae be homeless, so ye don’t need to worry about me if you dinnae think we’ll get along."
You wince in sympathy. "That sounds terrible. I don't think I'd ever be comfortable showering in front of other people."
"Is naw so bad, if it's someone ye like seein' naked. But most of em are munters anyway. Wouldnae mind so much if more of 'em looked like you." She winked over the edge of her pint glass and took a swig.
You laugh at her little joke. She's fun, and you already feel at ease with her. She tells you about her old rat hole apartment, and a little about living on base, although she's a bit vague on the details of her actual job, beyond blowing things up.
She asks you about your work, and you tell her about the used bookshop you work at down the road. You're basically the only employee, and it's usually not too busy, although it can be annoying when you get a rush in the middle of pricing 'new' books. But it pays the rent, more or less. You talk a bit about Fern, and about Red Herring too.
"I love cats," she said excitedly. "Never been able to keep one, bein' away so much. LT had a dog, and he was awlright, but I'm definitely more of a cat girl. Got bit by a few too many pups in my day."
"Well, Red's a real love bug. Once we're done here you can meet him. I think we're going to get along fine."
"Och, really? Just like that, aye? Thought I'd have to work harder."
"Honestly, I thought I was going to have to accept some weirdo or give poor old Red away. You're a much better fit than I expected to find. I think we could be friends."
Her blue eyes track something behind you and narrow slightly. "Well, I'm holdin' ye to that. We're about to be accosted by my lads. Don't let them scare ye." She shoves her plate across the table into the spot next to you and clambers out of the booth. "Oi, what're you munters doin' here? I'm gettin' interviewed for an apartment. Dinnae need you scarin' my girl."
You look behind you, spotting a giant wearing a skull-print balaclava, and a more regular-sized (though no less muscular) black man with a brilliant smile. "We wanted to make sure she wasn't an axe murderer," he says pleasantly.
"Or a chainsaw murderer," the giant adds.
Soap cuts him off before he can take the seat beside you. "Over there," she orders, pointing at the opposite bench, where she'd been sitting. "I'm not lettin' you box her in." She grimaces at you apologetically as she drops into the spot beside you. Her thigh presses against yours for a moment, before you shift further down the bench. "They're sweet, in their own way. Think I need lookin' after. The big guy's Ghost, or LT. This handsome pain in the arse is Gaz. Don't let him sweet talk ye intae callin' him Kyle unless you want him tae put yer ankles up by yer ears. Made that mistake before."
"You don't have to bring that up every time you introduce me to a woman," Gaz says, clearly exasperated.
"I do. How else are they gonna know to call you for a good time?" She smacks his hand away from her plate when he reaches for it. "Oi! Order your own chips ye bastard."
"I only want a couple," Gaz protests.
"Ye always say tha' and ye always lie. Ah umnae fallin' for it again."
"You can have a couple of mine," you offer. "I wasn't going to finish them anyway."
"When do we get to see the place?" Ghost asked.
"Ye don't, unless yer carryin' boxes for me. I willna ask her to let three strangers in her home when she's only just met me."
"Well I guess we're helpin' ye move," Ghost said. "Was gonna leave it all to Price."
"Lazy cunts. Ne’er around when there’s work tae be done.”
“I was gonna help,” Gaz protests. “I already told you that.”
“And I did tell you that you could move into my place if you didn’t find somethin’ in time,” Ghost points out. “We’re not all bad.”
“Well, they’re not bad lads tae have watchin’ yer back in a fire-fight,” Soap admits. “But they dinnae know how to be normal about anythin’.”
“Are you supposed to be the normal one?” Ghost asks.
“Aye. And I willnae have you say otherwise in front of my new friend.”
She finishes eating long before you do, with the speed and gusto of a woman who often has to defend her plate against hungry scavengers. Gaz, true to Soap’s complaint, eats the majority of your chips, although he does thank you and give you a big, wide smile, the sort that could sell someone a bridge. He’s definitely a charmer.
Soap asks for the bill while you’re finishing up. You reach for your purse, but she puts a hand on yours and gives you an intense blue stare. “No, kitty. I told ye I was buyin’ ye dinner, I’ll no’ let ye make me a liar, especially when Gaz ate half your plate.”
God she’s strong. You’re not sure that you could shake her off to insist even if you tried. “Alright. I just—”
“Oh I ken. But I wouldna offer if I didna mean it. I’m a woman of her word.” She pays with cash, and offers you a hand up and out of the booth. She points a warning finger at her friends. “And dinnae follow us, ye creepy bastards.”
They laugh, like they hadn’t followed her to the pub in the first place.
“They really do mean well,” Soap says, linking her arm with yours as you step out onto the street. “But they’ve go’ a bad habit of thinkin’ they dinnae need to respect my space just ‘cause we’ve all spent nights crammed into one room sharin’ cots. I think if the captain had his way we’d all live in his house and sleep in a big fuck-off pile like dogs.”
“Sound a bit claustrophobic.”
“Aye. Ye understand why I’m so eager to make this work with ye, kitty-cat. If I move in with LT it’s just a matter of time before Price comes over tae help us fix somethin’ and says ‘Oh, I dinny know why ye both stay in this shitehole. Whyna stay with me a while, till we find ye somethin’ better?’ And then before we know it we’re all sleepin’ in the same bed and usin’ the same toothbrush.”
You giggle, hoping that's just a joke. “That’s gross.”
“I ken! Horrible men, they are. I need some girl time before I go mad.” She squeezes your arm and knocks her head against yours gently. “We’re goin’ tae be best friends in no time, kitty. I wish I wasna goin’ away so soon.”
“You haven’t even seen the apartment yet!”
“Och, tha’s a formality. I was more wurried about us gettin’ along, kitty. The apartment doesna matter all that much, so long as it’s got a workin’ shower and a place for my bed. If I pass Mr. Herring’s sniff test, I’ll give ye cash on the spot, aye? For next month an’ half of this one, since you’d be lettin' me move in before the first.”
And, well, it’s hard to think of a good reason to say no.
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just-orbiting-you · 16 days
I know you are mainly a jikook focused account but im wondering what do you think of vmin because after watching ays and just so many small things piling up here and there for me in chap 2 i feel like my view on them and their dynamic has changed drastically.
i’ve been itching to talk about vmin lately.
i think a lot of what i feel about vmin comes from my feelings about taehyung. so do be warned here.
vmin have that “we grew up together so we stay in touch but have nothing in common anymore so its awkward” energy to me. i think they definitely were very close at one point, i find it hard to believe you can fake moments like jimin comforting tae in bv3 without having somewhat of a connection.
even then, they’ve always had a strong difference in maturity and personality which made them butt heads. again, my read on them:
- i happened to read a tkkr post saying that the members have talked at length about jimin’s anger and how he was so problematic. and would want them to answer for that claim, because idk where the hell that came from. to me, jimin emphasizes his consideration of others and maintains this expectation for the people around him. from what we see and what they tell us, he is kind and polite, but angry when there’s reason to be. jimin is heralded by much of army for being emotionally mature.
- tae on the other hand, is self-serving to a fault, so much so that its at others’ expense. he comes first, everyone else is second, much more immature. tae also touts a “macho” exterior (from what i saw in ays, seemingly not totally joking). even jimin said that he used to mock him openly.
my vmin lore is rusty, but the dumpling incident and the bunk bed story are enough to showcase their differences. jimin was considerate enough to give tae the top bunk, assuming they would switch so it would be equal. but tae refused. why? cuz he had it good and didn’t want to give it up. they had scheduled practice, it wasn’t supposed to take long, if tae waited to eat they could all eat together. but it was all about him he had to eat first. tae expects people to rush to him at the drop of a hat, make accommodations last minute and include him in things when he shows up in the middle of a shoot. these are all things i don’t think jimin would even dream of doing and it creates a rift.
in are you sure, you really see how jimin has learned tae’s immaturity very well to the point where he just gives in at any chance. he’ll join in on joking but often kind of babies him. where jungkook doesn’t put up with tae’s bullshit, jimin will. and that probably comes from putting up fights with him about it for so long that he gave up. it’s just how tae is. and if tae sees anyone else acting in ways he wouldn’t (ham/pink sausage clip, sunscreen on the boat) he calls it out immediately. jimin will say something is harsh to protect tae, but tae does it in an oddly insulting way.
the sunscreen specifically showed me a difference between vmin. tae says “even if i was scared, i’d never cower in front of jungkook.” purely because jimin backed down while playfighting with jungkook, he had to make a weird backhanded comment about jimin’s “pride” and how he isn’t manly enough to fight back. and i think this is a main difference between vmin identity wise, where jimin is very comfortable in his masculinity and gender expression, to the point where he told fans calling him masculine and strong wasn’t what he wanted. but tae not only had this plan to bulk in the military but has these weird power fantasies about jungkook that jimin debunks immediately. i think this boils down to another difference in personality you might not expect. but tae’s attitudes here i feel match the assumptions i would make about his friend group. so it ends up making sense.
i think similarly to how tae has seemingly found stronger connections outside of jimin, i think jimin has always had a strong friendship with jungkook, but also has built a true connection with hobi and more recently yoongi as well. namjoon has been a collaborator and mentor for jimin music wise and they get along well too. i think they have filled the vmin gap in their friendships with better ones. jimin will support all of his members til the end, which includes tae. i think with how absent i feel they have been in each other’s lives as of late, tae doesn’t even think to publicly support jimin.
on shipping them, its null and void. vmin shippers are also just another tae stan in disguise.
of course its nice to maintain friendships with old friends, but the fandom still calling them soulmates feels like we are hanging on by a thread. there’s not much left behind the aesthetics of a fanmeet, “i like you the most,” and a screen recording of a youtube performance. we never will truly know how their friendship has changed but that’s my two cents.
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 10 days
TXT as a Boyfriend
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Alright, now let's get into TXT as a boyfriend. I will stress I keep it real, I take whatever messages come to me, it isn't always pretty. We are all flawed beings, no judgment here.
Yeonjun (4 of Swords/Priest) This looks nice first look. He seems pretty chill as a boyfriend. Once again, I am getting he would like to relax and go on vacations with his partner. He would project calmness and want to keep his partner's peace of mind. He seems like the type who would want to lift up his partner. I just hear, keep their peace of mind. He would want to motivate them and uplift them. Whew a light reading, thank you Yeonjun. He seems like a drama free boyfriend as of now, this can change. But this feels nice, very peaceful. Can I have a guy like Yeonjun in my life? lol
Soobin (Ace of Swords rv/Damsel) The moment I thought of Soobin. I got someone who projects insecurity. Remember, just reading cards and channeling, no facts here. Anyway, it seems he is the type that won't really act on impulses or take action when approaching love. He has a vulnerability and tenderness to him as a boyfriend. I also get he doesn't have a lot of thoughts when it comes to relationships. There is confusion, oh and distractions with him as well. I feel he is distracting me again here. I am not getting much of how he is as a boyfriend, again, because if you look at the damsel card, the girl is looking at herself. I see that as him, like I am focused on myself. So, in the end he is the type that knows he should work on himself, before looking into relationships. He is also a Venus in Cap, as I mentioned our priorities aren't in relationships, so that can also be the case. I did say I wouldn't pull for him for this reading, or I may not, but I wanted to see if the energy was consistent, and it was here.
Beomgyu (Queen of Wands/Femme Fatale) Umm, this boy radiates strong feminine energy in relationships. He is flirty, seductive, umm he may want his partner to do the chasing. I hear, tell me I am pretty, that doesn't even surprise me. He likes to be pampered and adored. He seems to have an alluring and magnetic pull towards others or his partner. Umm, this also gives me a lot of sexual energy here too. He is adventurous and spontaneous, a bit of a spit fire. He runs on passion as a boyfriend. He doesn't seem like a conventional boyfriend and kind of does things he is own way.
Taehyun (Queen of Swords/6 of Cups rv/Beggar) Tae, what is this? Okay, this one is complex to me, this tells me two things. That this is about a past relationship with a petty, cold, callus person, pretty harsh person, or this is his energy, and he can be this way as a boyfriend. Immature, petty, harsh, judgmental and sometimes can say nasty sh**. This energy is someone who doesn't think before they say something. The Beggar card gives me someone apologetic or sorrowful for their actions to be honest. I am also getting is that he doesn't want to look at the past, because of shame of what he has done or said. I am focusing on the person in the card covering their eyes and it shows shame to me. He could also have romantic delusions as a boyfriend. I am also getting seeing things that are not there, man, this is wild, I don't understand these messages. I am just going by feel and the messages coming through. I take what I get. This is weird. If you think of the QOS's, this person is mentally sharp, it is like he isn't like that as a boyfriend. I also see him being stuck on the past a lot as a boyfriend. Alright, this is a whole complex thing, going to move on.
Hueningkai (The Hanged Man/ The Emperor/Exorcist) Alright, I had to sit with this for a minute, because once again I can't shake this feeling of a controlling figure when it comes to his relationships, like why am I getting this!!! Ugh, times like these is when I am not a fan of this. I just wish I can see it how the card plays out. The Emperor is a strong powerful person, someone very strategic. But I just look at that card and feel annoyed. I just got the message cold and callus, god darn it! What is this? It is like he could be passive and let others dominate him, or tell him what to do. This honestly makes no sense to me. He could be good at cutting toxic energy out, or he needs to cut off this controlling figure Idk. He seems like the type who prefers to stay away from toxicity as a boyfriend. I am frustrated and annoyed in this energy, also can't think straight, yeah, I can't tell you much about how he is as a boyfriend. Does he even know? I just think this shows up for me, because it affects how he is as a boyfriend. I just don't get why he gets this controlling figure energy, but not the others? How is he different? Make it make sense. This is so confusing to me.
Well, the first three seemed okay, and I thought this would be smooth sailing and bam, maknae line comes through with the deep sh** Once again, it is how it goes with me as a reader. I step into some crazy stuff. I can't fake it, sorry, I can't control energy lol but here you go.
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peachjagiya · 2 months
''Memories and DVDs were filled with Jikook moments that even non shipper OT7 fans complained''
I also disagree with basically everything this anon said, but this part took my attention about something that I was thinking these days, and I wanted to share my perspective about this whole narrative that jkkrs and some armys have about how much jkk we get on official content, and bc of that it somehow proves how closer/real they are. I wish I could say more about the other stuff, but unfortunately it took me almost 4 years of being an army to really start believing in taekook, but I was an active army and I did consumed tkk content, and I believe I had a pretty neutral tl because I did not believe that tkk were together at the time and did follow ot7s and people that shipped all types of ship because I liked to consume fics and fan arts form all kind of ships from BTS. But this narrative of BTS dvds are basically all jikook content that some people try to push is kind of a lie. Yes they do have lot of moments on it, but I was an active army on twt since 2017, and what I remember what happened for like 2/3 years in a row is that one of the first persons to get the dvd and release content of it was Peaches, a disgusting jkkr tae anti by the way, which basically released only their moments or moments that involved only Jimin and Jungkook excluding the other boys, specially Tae. So what actually happened was that for a few hours in twt what we basically had of memories was all jkk content, and you have no idea of how armys had a really short attention span at the time. Memories 2019 for example was released while BTS was promoting dynamite and in the soop was being released, so lots of things were happening at the time and I remember some people did not even talked about the DVD after a few hours due to all content that we were getting and since it wasn`t the freshest new we had at the moment. Not to mention that in memories 2019 was the same dvd that if I'm not mistaken we got like not even 1 minute of tkk content inside of more than 700 minutes of content, so it wasn't even like a fair comparison when the only ship that could make more noise than jikook had like 2 moments for tkkrs to hype it up and when it took hours for us to get in the tl because the only person who bothered to upload tkk content got her dvd later than others when people were not even talking about it anymore. And to give an example of how a person who gets their hand on the content first can impact the tl, what also happened in memories 2021 is that one of the first persons to get it was a taekooker and tl at first was infested with taekook moments and photos, I even remember some tkkrs saying that maybe hybe were finally releasing more tkk contents again, and some army discussing that they seemed to be closer again. This also happened with magic shop in Japan which I remember one of the first moments we got on our tls was the "still number 1 without makeup" because a jpn tkkr got her hands on the dvd first than others. And just to clarify I don't remember army complaining about it anon, I actually remember that in memories 2021 lots of ''army's' and jikooker were desperate and making hit tweets about how peaches needed to get her dvd soon they could get jikook content on their tls, ignoring the fact that they were a whole Tae anti who dismissed him and tkk/vmin moments. My point is that sometimes these kind of narratives are not only created by hybe, but it can sometimes be created by fandom and big accounts themselves and create a whole herd effect of misinformation about who is closer than who, and that is complicated for us to state something when our tls can basically direct what it will tell us, specially when most won't have the patience or means to go through 500/700 minutes of paid content and will probably hype the most out there moments. And to finish just wanted to add but I'm from latam and also became an army in 2017 and at least here jkkrs have been huge since then, totally overtaking tkkrs, and I hear stories of them causing trouble here to armys and Tae way back from 2017
More thoughts.
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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Chapter Thirteen: The One About Exes Part Two
Summary: “Did you just ask me if I sell coffee in a fucking coffee shop?” And with that, Taehyung was smitten by the Barista in the crazy flower sweater vest. Friendships will form but most importantly Taehyung will finally meet his soulmate. 
Genre: Idol au, strangers to lovers au, barista reader!, slow burn (friends with benefits to lovers kind of), semi-short storyish format, friendships, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Idol! Taehyung x Barista! Reader 
Side ships: Hoseok x OC 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, homophobia, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
“Y/N, I-”
“Taehyung, I need a few minutes of silence...please.” 
Taehyung sighed and looked down at his hotel carpet in defeat. He had no idea this was going to happen, how could he? He was excited that Y/N was here with him, he missed her so much but he never imagined their reunion would turn out like this. Her sitting away from him mad/sad at what happened and him looking down at the ground with confusion. How was he supposed to know his ex-girlfriend was going to show up? 
Eight hours ago
Y/N was waiting at the airport with her phone in her hand. Jungkook was the one that helped her plan all of this and she felt touched that he wanted to help her. They didn’t have many interactions but she was glad that he liked her. She was reading random news articles until she got a text from Jungkook, I’m in the private section. I’ll meet you at the entrance and then we can go : ). 
She smiled at this and put her phone in her pocket as she stood up. She gathered her luggage and headed towards the area. This was her first time out of the country. She wanted to go to Ireland last year but things got complicated with the tickets. She's never missed someone so much that she would spend almost a thousand dollars to go see them but here she is. 
She looked past all the people around her the best she could and saw Jungkook leaning behind the sign. She knew it was him because she bought him that hoodie before he left New York. She smiled to herself and ran towards him with joy in her step, “Kook.” 
Jungkook looked up from his phone and she couldn’t see his face. He had a mask and sunglasses on but she could tell that he was smiling through the lens, “Y/N. How was your flight?” 
“It was long, it was my first time flying outside of the country.” 
“Oh, really? I hope it went well for you.”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and let out a small laugh, “It was fine. Nothing great nor bad happened, that’s all you can ask for. How's Tae?” 
Jungkook looked around before he tilted his head towards the exit and she nodded her head. The two walked through the area with Jungkook’s hand gently on her back, “Tae’s been...he’s been off.”
She looked at him and frowned at this, “Why? Is it because of the lack of sleep or something else?” 
“I honestly think it's because he misses you. You know this is the first time he had someone on tour. I don’t think he knows how to act, he's a sensitive person who just hides it.”
“We-We’re not together.” 
She nodded her head and made a mental note. She bit her lip because she wanted to know how Taehyung was doing with Namjoon but she didn’t know if it was appropriate for her to ask, “How have you been doing?” 
Jungkook opened the door for her and they entered the parking lot. He took off his mask and sunglasses to give her his bunny smile, “I’ve been having fun. Hoseok has been taking me out to ramen almost every night.” 
“That sounds fun, has he talked about Julia?” 
Jungkook rolled his eyes at this and let out a small groan, “Yes, he tells me everything. Why?”
Y/N sighed at this and looked at him, “Julia hasn’t really been talking to us all that much.”
“Oh, why?” 
“Her cousin is in town. When he's in town, we don’t hear from her. At least Hoseok talks about her, makes me feel better.” 
Jungkook opened the car door for her and nodded his head, “I’m sure she's okay. Let me put your luggage in the back.” 
“Thank you, kook.”He sat next to her in the middle after doing that and it was clear he was excited. She raised her eyebrow at this and let out a small laugh, “You're really excited about this.”
“I never surprised Tae before. Well, not like this. I’m excited to see his face and maybe then he can be happy.” 
Y/N frowned at this and looked down at her shoes, “Has he been sad?” 
“He’s been more irritated. He hasn’t talked to Namjoon or Yoongi in a week or so.” 
I know about Namjoon but Yoongi...that means something happened, “I’m sure it's stress too.”
“That’s true, he’s not really good at handling stress. I was thinking we should just go straight to his room.” 
She nodded her head and smiled at him, “That sounds exciting. I missed him.”
“And trust me, he missed you.” 
The ride there was short and the nerves started to come through. It’s been a while since she’s seen Taehyung. Yes, they talk on the phone almost every day and even Facetime but this was different. Would he act the same with her in person? She hoped so. She just recently figured out her feelings towards him and wanted him to feel the same way. She thought he did but you can never be so sure about people. Of course, he was different but you never know. 
They walked in the long tan hallway and with each step she took, her steps got louder in her ears. It felt like the walls around her were sucking her up and she felt like she was going to get sick. Jungkook noticed this and gently rubbed her shoulders causing her to look up at him, “It's going to be okay. You shouldn’t feel nervous, he missed you.” 
“I hope so...he’s told me so many times but I don’t know...it’s my brain being my enemy right now.” 
“Well, listen to your heart then.” 
She sighed and nodded her head, “You’re right...is this his room?” 
Jungkook nodded his head and smiled at her, “Good luck.” 
“What do you mean-” Jungkook knocked on the door and ran away leaving her standing with a confused look. She blinked twice and she registered what just happened. Jungkook left her and she was by herself now. That asshole. 
“Jungkook, I swear- Y/N?” 
She stared at him with a blank expression until she processed. It was Taehyung, it was really him looking at her with shock, “Tae, surprise.” 
Taehyung didn’t even say anything and immediately wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her into a tight hug. She smiled to herself and wrapped her arms around his neck as she felt soft kisses on her neck, “I miss you so much, Y/N.”
“I miss you too.” 
When they let go Taehyung smiled at her and pushed some hair behind her ear, “How did you get here?” 
“Jungkook helped me.” 
“That little brat. I should’ve known he was up to something.”
She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head, “How?”
“He was acting weird. He’s not good at hiding things.” 
She got on her tippy toes and placed a kiss on his chin, “I’m glad he hid this. I missed you so much, Tae.” 
“I missed you more. Did you pack that pink bra I like?”
She rolled her eyes and smacked his shoulders, “Shut the fuck up and get inside.” He grabbed her luggage and closed the door as she looked back at him with a small smirk, “Yes, yes I did.” 
Taehyung bit his lip and set her luggage in the corner, “Are you wearing it?” 
“I don’t know...I forgot. It was a long flight.” 
“How about we found out together.” 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and sat on the bed with her legs slightly open, “I guess, I have nothing else to do.” 
Taehyung let out a small laugh and took off the shirt, “Let’s investigate.” 
She smiled to herself and shrugged her shoulders, “If you can. I don’t think you can solve the mystery.” 
“Is that right? I guess I have to get to work.” 
“Yes, you do...sir.” 
After four rounds, Y/N and Taehyung lay in the bed as they stared up at the ceiling together. She was cuddled into his side as his arm was wrapped around her shoulder. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, “I missed you. Fuck, I missed this.” 
She let out a small laugh and placed a kiss on his chest, “I can’t believe I lasted this long without you.” 
“You sound dramatic.”
She moved to straddle his waist and shrugged her shoulders, “I have nothing else to do...hey can I ask you something?” 
“Of course you can.” 
She looked away for a split second and then back at him with a frown, “Jungkook told me you haven’t been talking to Yoongi...is everything okay?” 
Taehyung sighed, he needed to slap the shit out of Jungkook the next time he saw him, “Baby, it's nothing...I just found out something and I didn’t like it.” 
“Tae, please tell me.” 
He sighed and nodded his head, “I found out what happened with my ex...Namjoon and Yoongi lied to me about it.” 
“Tell me.” 
Taehyung told her everything and she was shocked, “I just don’t know what to do, baby.” 
Y/N kissed his forehead and gave him a small smile, “You just need time...but you have to remember you work with them. You have to try and work with them, even though you're not happy about it. Once this tour is done, you can have a small break from them.”
He nodded his head and softly rubbed her thigh, “You're right...I just can’t help it.”
“I know babe but time will heal. Don’t rush it.” 
Before he could say anything there was a knock at the door. She got off his waist and gave him a small smile, “I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be waiting for you.”
He smiled at her and felt his heart flutter at her words. He watched her go into the bathroom and she gave him a small wave before she closed the door. He got up and put on random black shorts from his bag and a shirt as he made his way to the door. He opened the door and he frowned at what was in front of him, “Aria? What the hell are you doing here?” 
Aria gave him a small smile, “I wanted to see you...I needed to talk to you.” 
“I don’t want to talk to you. Leave me alone, Yoongi told me everything. Why would you do that to me?” 
Aria sighed and looked away from him, “I was being selfish...I was protecting myself.”
“You broke me and you didn’t care.”
Aria looked back and glared at him, “I did care!”
“No, you didn’t. If you cared then you would have never done that to me. Honestly, I want to say thank you for doing that. I met the girl of my dreams and it's not you.”
“That tweet then, it's true.”
Taehyung sighed and rolled his eyes, “Aria just leave.” 
“Tae, is everything okay?” 
Tae turned to see Y/N in a white robe and he couldn’t help a smile, “Is that her?” 
Aria moved past him and looked at Y/N with a glare as Y/N returned the glare, “I have a name but you're not worth knowing it.”
Aria looked back at Taehyung and shook her head, “Your dream girl is this? She's average.”
“I may be average but at least I would never break Taehyung’s heart. You're embarrassing yourself...have some self-respect.” 
She scoffed at this as she continued to stare at Taehyung, “You really think I’ll let this go.”
Taehyund nodded his head and made his way to Y/N. He wrapped his arm around her waist, “Yeah because I don’t want you and never will.” 
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “You made the worst decision, remember I have pictures of us and I’ll find out who you are. I’ll make your life hell.” 
“Then I’ll sue you.” 
Aria didn’t say anything but she slammed the door. Y/N shook her head and walked towards the bed with her head hanging low. Taehyung followed her with a worried look, “Y/N, I-”
“Taehyung, I need a few minutes of silence...please.” 
Taehyung sighed and looked down at his hotel carpet in defeat. He had no idea this was going to happen, how could he? He was excited that Y/N was here with him, he missed her so much but he never imagined their reunion would turn out like this. Her sitting away from him mad/sad at what happened and him looking down at the ground with confusion. How was he supposed to know his ex-girlfriend was going to show up? 
He was about to leave but she grabbed his wrist, “Tae...what are we?” 
“What do you mean?” 
Y/N looked away and then back with a shy gaze, “Are we together? I heard you call me your dream girl but we never clarified...” 
Taehyung let out a laugh and shook his head, “A girl just threatened us together and you're worried about our status?” 
“She can try it. I can take care of myself, what are we?” 
“Well, you're my girlfriend.” 
Y/N smiled at this and leaned forward placing a kiss on his forehead, “Let’s sue her together then.” 
“That was really hot coming from you.” 
She smirked at this and untied her robe, “Then show me how hot it was.”
Extended Ending: 
Jungkook was eating ramen with Hoseok when his phone buzzed. Hoseok raised his eyebrow and put the bowl down, “Who is it?” 
“It's Taehyung but he shouldn’t be texting me.”
Hoseok let out a small laugh and put down his chopsticks, “What did he say?”
“When you get back I’m going to kick your ass...Hyung! What did I do! I gave him the greatest gift!” 
“Well...you're going to deal with it..” 
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