#and i feel okay calling the relationship im in rn a lesbian relationship
after extensive thought (not finding any men actually attractive) i have concluded that i am in fact a lesbian. if ur wondering how that works w my gender ive decided since i think gender isn't real and i like the people a lesbian would like in a queer way therefore it makes sense for me to call myself a lesbian. also i present pretty fem nowadays anyways so the attachment to womanhood that's assumed with that label isnt like. that much different than when i wear something and i look very obviously like a woman imo. and i feel like thats the label that most accurately captures the group of people im attracted to without like. a lot of extra explanation. and like 80% of the time i call myself queer anyways lol
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autistook · 2 months
Okay so, I’m on anon because we’ve had 0 interaction previously and while I love your blog and do really want to get to know you better, I feel like you just need support rn.
Im going to share a little bit about my journey to see if it sounds a bit familiar to you (even if it doesn’t, that’s alright too!!). A bit about me: I’m a lesbian who that she was bi for ~8 years when I was young(er) and still figuring it out, because I knew I liked women but never seriously considered whether I actually liked men and just took it as a default that I did. I also sort of mentally tried to train myself into liking men via celebrity crushes etc. (something I know few of my gay guy friends also did in fear of not being bi), but obviously it didn’t work. I never actually slept with a man, but that’s more because whenever an opportunity would present itself I’d come up with a million excuses not to and less because I didn’t seriously consider it and I did feel like I wanted to. A lot of my thinking came down to me not being repulsed by the idea of having sex with a dick and instead actively fantasising about it. I thought that meant that I was *cured* as it were, and therefore couldn’t be a lesbian. When I got over that mental hurdle, I sort of realised that yeah, sex with a dick would be hot, but sex with a dick that’s a strap CONNECTED TO A WOMAN? 1000x hotter. And yeah, like you, I never really felt the same level of romantic attachment to the men in my life.
One thing I do want to say is that obviously for LGBT+ people it’s very common to view us getting to know ourselves better as a crisis, and it definitely feels like that. When I thought I was bi I didn’t really come out or anything and tried to keep my romantic life very seperate (partly because I did deep down think the label was off for me, but also yknow, that deep deep shame of internalised homophobia). BUT, it didn’t feel like a crisis in the same way realising I was a lesbian did. I think comphet really does mess with you mentally and it was pretty hard for me to come to terms with the fact that not only did I like women, but I didn’t like men. Once I did, I felt happier than I ever had in my life and I’m out and proud!! I think it might be worth thinking about why we articulate these things as a crisis to begin with and question what are the barriers in your own head preventing you from fairly considering the possibility you’re a lesbian.
On liking non-binary people, I sometimes feel guilty for finding nb people attractive when I’m a self-professed lesbian and they do not identify as a woman. But it’s not because I see them as women? It doesn’t stop me from calling myself a lesbian, however. Sexuality is complex and nuanced, but being attracted to an nb person now and then doesn’t take away from the fact that I’m a lesbian.
I hope this helps!!! Sometimes there isn’t a simple answer to these things and there doesn’t need to be. Labels are helpful, but not when they box you in or prevent you from finding yourself. I think the first step is to really think long and hard (lol) about why this is a crisis for you and what will change if you are lesbian.
Either way, remember to love yourself first and foremost and know there will always be sapphic sisters out here cheering you on 🌈❤️🏳️‍🌈
this helped a lot and made me shed a few tears. ♡
definitely a big part of me has always gone for men in relationships because it's "the norm" and makes stuff "easier".
I've always preferred women. that I do know.
I remember when me and some other girls from my class had a movie night and we talked about sex, and I said something like "I always get the ick when I think about penis and men" because I thought it was how everyone thought about it. everyone looked at me weird and turns out, I was the only one in our group who thought that lol
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ambrosykim · 2 years
since im suddenly so intrigued by them: adele and f. 2, 6, 7, 15, 29, 30 for the couples ask!
heehee thank uuu!! i'll give u a lil bonus adele fact: i've only recently discovered she's a lesbian, and also might be, like, wayyy more butch than previously thought (that's why he's trying out he/him pronouns rn) this got really long omg
2. Do they like each other's friends? Do their friends like them?
first of all! adele is besties with morgan (as much as those two can be friendly, they are that with each other) but that's pretty much where the friendliness ends lmao both nat and ava exasperate adele so much; nat is overly nice (and adele sees her as a bit fake lol) and ava is just too controlling, like dude it's no big deal i can smoke inside it's fine 🙄
and i think both nat and ava find her a lot for similar reasons, he's too closed off for nat's liking (even tho farah can def bring her out of her shell) plus! she disregards the rules? that's illegal you can't do that! as for ava, i think she might see adele as competition for leader? (don't tell adele that, it will go to his head lol) bc adele made morgan like her so fast and hes just so chill about most things, ava might be afraid they like him more than her (obv not, but one can never be too anxious!)
6. Do they have pet names for each other? Do they like them?
farah: babe, baby, cupcake, pumpkin and the like lol (look, you *know* that farah has a bunch of pet names for adele, especially using the more outrageous ones in public to try to make her blush (he's very pale so if farah succeeds, adele is literally like a tomato) but unfortunately for farah, adele can control herself 😤)
adele: she uses my love the most often (or just love), but the rare times she says farah's name he pronounces it so carefully that it feels like a love confession in itself (especially if she says it while holding farah's hand and looking into her eyes??? hooo boy)
7. What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
farah: most favourite is how serious adele can get if the occasion calls for it, despite being a very chill person usually. least favourite is how long it takes adele to get ready for bed (10+ steps skincare routine. hour long baths... look she has her routine okay?? his hair does not look like that just on its own!)
adele: most favourite is farah's energy! he could literally listen to her talk all day, and would entertain any of farah's ideas and if she wanted to go somewhere, adele would already be in her car like where do u want me to go
and least favourite... also farah's energy, but socially lmao but for real, adele is like a cat personified, if she didn't have to have social interaction, he would just be vibing by herself all the time. so now that farah is suddenly around her a lot, she is both fascinated and horrified by her energy (and in social situations he just ends up following her around lmaooo so farah just has a 5'11 shadow following her around like 😶
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
adele is always fidgeting with her rings, and ever since they got together, he just fidgets with farah's hands instead? and in turn he lets farah take her rings off and subtly massage her hands and then slowly put the rings back and 🥰🥰🥰 i dont remember what the question was lol sorry this is not it anyways <3
29. Where is their relationship lacking? What could they do to improve it?
maybe communication? i know i've said that adele is pretty straightforward in her feelings but um... not all the time lol he tends to sulk around a bit instead of telling farah if something's up with her :'))
30. Where is their relationship the strongest?
how much they have each others' backs. adele is always down to clown with farah but would 100% murder someone for her, no questions asked (even tho farah could do that herself, idc it's romantic🥰)
the relationship questions for reference
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bicultureblog · 3 years
okay this is probably not the right place to ask LMAO but i literally contemplate my sexuality every week. I feel like my attraction is a lot less strong for women that it’s almost invisible, and along with that, i only feel attracted to two women right now. I’m also only attracted to two guys rn, but i feel like I’m attracted to guys more often and more strongly. I know that could just mean that I have a preference with guys but idk. Also i grew up desiring relationships with guys plus i have to admit im sorta homophobic internally but to MYSELF. Like im fine with other people dating whoever they want but imagining myself with a woman just doesnt sit right with me for some reason. But at the same time im pretty sure im attracted to these two women.
In conclusion, im confused as heck and im sorry for taking up ur inbox space lmaooo
first i’d like to reassure you that internalized homophobia doesn’t make you evil, you don’t have to prove that you’re a good person, you don’t have to atone for the sin of growing up in a world that teaches you to hate yourself. you obviously don’t believe in homophobia, you’ve just internalized a heterosexist bias and it’s hurting you. you know to treat other queer folks with respect and you deserve equal respect and kindness and help unlearning that shame, not further shame for somehow disrespecting other gays by proxy, jesus christ. you are not an enemy to queers. you don’t sound like a homphobe, you sound like another queer person who has been hurt by homophobia. you are not a villain. please don’t feel ashamed, please don’t blame yourself for the harm done to you as if it’s really you hurting other people.
and on the topic of sexuality, it sounds like you like girls! you might like boys a lot more than girls, but you do like a couple girls, and that’s queer enough for me. i would guess your internalized homophobia influences that perception and could be causing you to repress and downplay your attraction to girls, but it could also just be that you like guys more, and that’s totally fine. even if it is the internalized homophobia, that takes time to unlearn, and you shouldn’t force yourself to rush it. i took a long time to accept that i like guys and it doesn’t make me evil or dangerous or weak. i needed a transitional period. i tried to go straight from “100% monosexual allergic-to-men lesbian” to “proud slutty bisexual” and it didn’t fucking work. shaming myself for having internalized biphobia didn’t undo it. i was scared, i felt like a traitor. what i needed was to relax. i needed a middle ground to teach me that it wasn’t all or nothing, that i didn’t need to stress myself out and punish myself for not being “better.” i needed the term “bisexual lesbian,” because the word “lesbian” was such a core part of my identity, i couldn’t just rip it out. now i feel whole and at home in my bisexuality, precisely because i know i can come back to lesbianism whenever i want to. it was like a kid who needs their mom to come with them on the first day of school before they feel safe going alone. another example: i’ve always hated the word “wife,” my whole life. i hated the idea of being called a wife. i dreaded getting married and having to put up with being called a wife. one day i realized i didn’t have to! i realized that even if i was a married woman one day, i didn’t have to call myself a wife if i didn’t want to. i could be a partner, or a spouse, or a female husband. since i realized that, i don’t hate the word wife anymore. i feel much better about it. i feel ok with the idea of being called a wife, because i know that it’s my choice. i don’t have to be forced into anything i don’t want. you will probably need some kind of transition like that. it’ll take a while to accept yourself and get comfortable in your own skin. the important thing is that it’s your choice. you don’t “have” to do anything. you don’t have a responsibility to be a model queer. do whatever makes you comfortable.
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crossovereddie · 4 years
I forgot how I format these omfg I’ll fox it after if it’s weird okay my expectations are low so let’s see. This isn’t too spoilery but don’t read just in case if you’re worried about it
Lip intro again smh
Lip in jail is oddly satisfying after that comment last week
Mickey eating his cereal and drinking his juice with his family 🥺🥺
“Your bother is a fucking drama queen” LMAO
Liam wants Mickey at his thing after school because Mickey is family
Shut up frank
Baby needs his coffee
Mickey is so thoughtful he’s too good for this world
Sandy baby
I wanna be in a “committed lesbian scissor thing” with Sandy
I love just watching him
Kev you fucking dumbass lmao
Vee doesn’t even try to share her brain cells with Kev good for her
I hate Debbie
How does she keep pulling these hot women
Too much pretty in her and noels relationship
Lip ain’t no snitch okay good we been knew but
How turned on is Ian rn
Okay so I have been spelling Philip right good
Vee you never even see your mom lol
Ohhh is his divorce finally finalized
What the fuck frank
Mickey has the best threats
He’s too good
Family’s family😭😭😭
JAW’s eyes wtf wow
Omg Tami hid shit wow that’s nice I guess
That wasn’t sarcastic I’m actually impressed
Are they really trying to do Debbie Fiona parallels 🙄
Lip has a crime kink too lol
Mickey cares too much 😭😭
I fucking hate terry
I appreciate how Ian isn’t giving him too much shit like he obviously doesn’t approve but he knows Mickey is a good person
Tofu middle school lmao
Give Vee a good storyline please she deserves it
Gallagher middle school I hate him lmao
I want froyo with fancy toppings right now 😭
Why is she taking her jacket to the shower?
They all better fucking make it to Liam’s thing he never asks them for anything
They’re so married
Ian calling the agency :((((
Carl’s sl just keeps getting worse and worse
I’m sick of Debbie
Oh god I did not need to see that
This fucking show cant just let gay people be gay can they? Ugh
Mickey he doesn’t deserve it
You’re too good
I wanna fucking cry for him
He deserves so much better than this
Fuck you terry
When he wipes his mouth I lost it
His eyes say it all
Noel is so fucking good what the fuck
Ian is so good to his husband
Comedy kings
Stop making me feel for frank what the fuck
Oh shut the fuck up Debbie
Good for you debbie
Money tap was so cute????
Like is was so gentle?????
Wtf Ian that shit was cute
Mickey is worried poor baby
Tiny 😭😭😭
These assholes better not fuck up Mickey and Ian’s business
Surprise wedding
I’d be mad lol
It’s kinda cute though
Billie eilish
Sandy deserves better
I really hate Debbie!!!!
No no no no Sandy baby 😭😭😭
Why did I wanna cry seeing Vee walk lmao like I’m the groom not Kev lmao
What the fuck
Seriously what the fuck
I’m shocked
That was so abrupt
Mickeys face
I don’t know how I’m feeling right now
I cant even focus on this voting shit
I really didn’t expect that in this episode
Ian is so good to Liam
Really???? That’s where you’re ending it????
Ummm.....I’m still processing. I didn’t find this episode boring like I heard it was gonna be. Yeah it was a bit fillery but a lot still happened. I’m still shook. Come talk to me about it if ya want!
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
I would LOVE you to do this big analysis. Mishdee anon, you're a blessing - tea anon
omg i love you <3 more after the cut
ahh im so glad you weren't offended by me asking you to do more timelines and that other people are into the idea too!! this is exciting lmao. i almost didn't send that ask because i didn't want to like annoy you but now im glad i did! plus i think it will help with the lack of new content rn and it will be helpful for newbies. i love this little community too. we are all so unwell for being so invested in two old celebrity men's relationship but i wouldnt have it any other way truly <3 also im a lesbian (so extra funny that im so invested ajklsg what can i say i love gay love) and i agree that jensen has thee most chaotic bi energy i've ever witnessed i dont understand how some people don't see it tbh. he can be just as loud as misha just in a different way in my opinion - mishdee anon
i am SO happy that you see the bi jensen energy, thank you much for your input bestie sjhfsdh
ROSE! YES WE WANT MORE timelines and cockles analyses! please I will read it 57 times and I WILL cry over it and if you won't mind I will squeal about it in your inbox!! Obviously no pressure, take your time I KNOW it's a lot of work but WE DEFINITELY WANT IT!! Your baby cockles timeline was <33 😍🥰❤️ perfect!
Also: Jensen talking to mish about angels and calling him his irl angel you're killing me again 💕. I'm remembering him singing heaven now... my god that was my first emotional breakdown in your ask box ...good times.. jensen singing just gets me emotional but jensen singing Heaven or Angeles now that makes me feel what some people would call one of the shrimp emotions. also that video you rb-ed of him singing the Weight and being nervous and cute about it he's so CUTE and now think of how Misha once (though kind of absentmindedly/jokingly but STILL) said Jensen sings to him all the time and imagine them being alone, and misha asks him to sing and jensen is kinda insecure about it but it's mish so of course he gets his guitar and sings Angeles to him, because he IS his real life angel, no I am NOT okay, yes I am almost crying rn -🐸
bby i want you to know that i def cried when i saw this vid (it was 'jensen singing through out the years' and it started with ANGELES!!! straight out murder) anyways yes yes yes
please do squeal in my inbox!!!!! god i feel like we’re on the same wavelength when it comes to cockles and that just feels right, ya know? honestly: frog anon if you ever wanna dm me, please do, i promise i’m nice!!! (but if not no hard feelings!!!! i just wanted to put it out there because we click so much sjfhsdjf)
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lesbian-ed · 3 years
im bi rn but, i think im lesbian. i like fictional guys and if they were real id date them, and i feel like theres a chance i could like guys in the future but, i feel really weird when i think about actually dating a guy. i dont feel comfortable calling myself lesbian yet though. also ive read the lesbian masterdoc and the bi manifesto but idk if its comphet and i dont wanna disrespect actual lesbians. what should i do ?
Just don't date men. If you are bi, it is not obligatory to date men. There are many reasons for bi women to choose not to have relationships with males, especially considering how misogynistic they are.
I will say, if you're able to be attracted to men, then you're definitely not a lesbian.
Also, I know this is a bit inflammatory to say but... It doesn't matter. I know we want to know ourselves, but sometimes it's complex to understand our sexuality when it's been all muddled up with female socialization. So just be you, and as you grow and learn more about yourself, maybe it'll become more obvious. Your sexuality is immutable and innate, it doesn't matter what you call yourself, you will always be just what you are. It's okay to not know yet.
Respect yourself, don't force yourself into situations you don't want. And you'll be okay.
/Mod A
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Melody (S.W.A.L.K) 1971 Livewatch
I have seen this movie. but not the whole thing (i got interupped the first time i watched it)... so here goes! 
movie load please
20 seconds of logos???
guitar song™
this movie is so nostalgic for no reason
Mark Lester and Jack Wild: did you mean, Oliver Twist and The Artful Dodger?
and tracy hyde shes here too
i love this movie sm wtf
can these credits end????
ok yes they can
70s film marching band scene
ornshaw drinking whiskey before band bc why not
danny is bby
mY mOtHeR dId It SiR
dannys mum is so annoying wtf
i really love tom ornshaw
run bitch run
The BB™
look at his lil face ❤
a gowdfish please
aww look at her 
“ive done all those things i wanna try something new” LIKE DRAWING TIDDIES? DANIEL
“ah a boy gave it to me at school” was it ornshaw, i bet it was ornshaw
melody girl you cant play that fucking recorder
this film has great cinematography wtf
Melody Perkins Deserves The World !!
the gang go to school
Ornshaw Gets Bullied
“the jewish boys may now leave for private study” what about the jewish girls?? there’s clearly girls in the class?? why do they have to listen to the bible
ornshaw’s porn bible
dont smoke at school kids
okay so shes peggy, why is she credited as maureen. who the fuck is maureen
hear me out, muriel is a lesbian. noone kisses for over five minutes unless youre proper horny and this bitch is like thirteen. she also says “i dont know, i never used to kiss boys”, because SHE DOESNT. shes lying because she doesnt kiss boys. shes closeted and thats whys she says she does. also, she got angry at peggy for saying she fancied a boy.
“saucy turtles make terrible bathmats, charley” okay okay jeez
ornshaws accent is everything
The Gang sneaking through the fence what will they do
uh oh danny
thats def gonna explode later
ornshaw gets kicked off the bus
but now hes on it
ornshaw and danny have such a wholesome friendship too bad melody ruins it oh wait
you’ve heared of ornshaw gets kicked off the bus now get ready for... ornshaw gets kicked out of the strip club!
you cant get a taxi!!! watch me hoe
where did ornshaw get the chewing gum from wtf
“shes always talking about people like you...” OH OKAY DANNYS MUM IS CLASSIST
“he could do with a heart attack!” WOAH OKAY
time skip to school
oh no danny’s seen melody
“we have three admirers of the dance!” ah shit
ah so maureen is the girl in green
why is ornshaw just standing there
the girl gang is hilarious i love them
Muriel Kisses A Tombstone
uh oh dannys been found out
ornshaw just yeeted his cat
i hate dannys mother sm
assembly time, an iconic part of british comprehensive school, since covid, i cant say i miss it
danny and melody !!
melody and her friend are there because plot
melody sweetie baby i love you but you cant play the recorder
this is cute as fuck
melody is babey
oh explosives time??
i just dubbed these kids ornshaw and the pyrotechnics crew and it fits
dannys parents are annoying
i quite literally hate them
melody girl are you okay
melody are you lying about getting raped
oh time skip to school
we’ve hardly seen ornshaws home life so when will we properly meet him??
god i fucking love ornshaw its mad
oh this is an iconic scene if there ever was one
“go on tom dance with her” oh the ONE TIME ornshaw is called by his first name
youre mad !!
“girls are a load of snotty nose little so and sos” ornshaw aro king
is ornshaw.. scared of women
whatddya mean i dont dance very well!?
is it bad i lowkey crackship peggy and ornshaw now
no one:
ornshaw: kicks peggy in the shin because he cant dance
“you big fat fool” yikes
danny u ok
oh it worked for once
i feel so fucking sorry for melody wtf
bb 🥺
im at the bit where melody is crying while putting on her mothers makeup 
this film is so fast were already an hour in!
ornshaw giving actually solid life advice?? are you sure this is the same movie
“you youre gonna be bloody useless!”
i literally love ornshaw so much 
time skip to school 3982903843290
wtf is a young latin scholars book
not ass latimer, arse
i hate the latin teacher
ornshaw every second: right uh erm um uh so yes sir oh uh mhm
*ornshaw and danny shoving pillows up their underwear*
“dont worry about it!!” dude hes getting spanked by the latin teacher ofc hes gonna worry about it
ornshaw and latimah
“vacate your mouth”
“because its a silly out of date language sir!!!” hes not wrong
uh oh 
what will slapping ornshaw’s ass with a dap even gonna do???
oh hi melody forgot about you
“cmon danny dont let her see you cry!” i want a friend like ornshaw man
“you can buzz off now love, tara, tooduhloo” have i said i love ornshaw? because i love ornshaw
danny dont abandon ornshaw !!
oh this is sad
danny? danny?? danny!!!??? DANNY!!?? 🥺🥺🥺
ive felt sorry for literally all three of these kids now
ah fuck now ornshaws having a mental breakdown in the school halls
danny and melody’s relationship is so innocent and wholesome 
this is literally so bittersweet, like we’re seeing danny and melody being all cute and happy but we know that back in school ornshaw is literally having a breakdown over them
im tearing up over a movie about schoolchildren in puppy love
“will you love me that long?” “of course! ive loved you a whole week already!”
“hes come to tea! his name is daniel!” melody hes not your pet
melodys dad seems so cool why was he arrested
i genuinely love melody’s dad 
melody dramatically eats toast
time skip to school AGAIN
melody and danny are out on a date having fun and its the same song playing as the scene earlier on when danny and ornshaw went off somewhere at the start of the movie, melody has quite literally replaced ornshaw
i have real tears rn 
they skipped school to go to weymouth
danny and melody are literally adorable man
“shall we get married?” arent yall like 12????
oh back to school they got in trouble for skipping
apparently the poor cast got spanked for real and like yikes
we want to get married :D
leave danny alone!
leave melody alone!
ornshaw please stop
ornshaw stop taunting him this is gonna end shittily
okay now ornshaw is literally beating him up okay
danny this is your fault for ditching him for melody sorry
top ten best anime fight scenes
latin man is back because plot
i’m sorry danny 😭😭
let melody and danny get married!
wait so if 20 is twice as old as her then shes.. ten?? i think
melody ily
“all i want to do is be happy” BABY
ornshaws unnamed friend is the true hero of this movie
is this the movie climax???
run! ornshaws unnamed friend! run!
“we are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony.. shaddup”
“DICKS IS COMING!!!” as soon as they were getting the rings
RUN !!!!
ornshaw just threw the bible at his re teacher from the re scene at the start i love him
name a more iconic trio than melody perkins, danny latimer, and tom ornshaw, i’ll wait
“i’ll get you ornshaw!” dude how is this his fault its yours for unterupting the wedding latin man
again ouf is the true movie hero
wait latin man is dicks??? whos wannabe remus lupin then????
this just in: ouf is actually named stacey
oh god thats actually such a bittersweet ending
melody and danny trolleying off into the sunset
im actually crying like a baby rn
god that was such a good movie
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
[breathes in]
i’m so fucking happy with this ending
it’s such a good happy ending this is truly what the gays deserve i’m just happiness in physical form rn
i don’t even know where to start but i’ll try to make this as chronological as my brain allows me because my memory do be sucking
i’m gonna put a keep reading because this shit will get loooooong kjshfkf okay let’s do this
so.. we start with PETE EXPOSING NON(T)’S BRAT ASS!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YES THATS MY BABY THATS MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!
kao’s mom being a fucking badass and telling her BOSS how to do shit. i love her yall I LOVE HERRRRRRRR
also kao’s mom telling kao that she wasn’t the most amazing person ever was so cute because you can see kao’s light bulb turning on sjfkhsgsh please i love them
yes i will say i love x after every single one of these u can’t stop me
from the teaser i thought kao would dashi run run run to pete’s house but thankfully he took a taxi lmao
at least he didn’t run there because he had to run from pete’s house (or may i say, mansion) to the POOL my man is a whole athlete oh my god
also a beautiful parallel to the scene from ep1 (i noticed there’s a lot of parallels in this episode we stan character development and repeating things just so the viewers can see how consistent the couples are)
the kiss from that scene............... beautiful amazing gorgeous idk many words in english to describe how i felt while watching and how i feel about it
to that i think we cut to sunmork but i don’t remember what happened because of the kiss KJHFKSL SORRY
anygays i rlly like how this whole episode is sun being a clingy bih and mork gay panicking while trying to act like a confident gay when he knows that sun outconfidentgays him i love them lmao
okay after that i think it’s petekao having food with their parents all together and god i looooooove this scene
pete’s dad being the lgbt ally dad all of us lgbt fellas with homo/transphobic dads wish we had will never fail to make me soft i love that man pls be my dad too
also kao’s mom :-(( i love her she respected her son’s decision on not coming out until he was ready even though she already smelled it (reminds me of my mom lmao) and was always there for him even when kao didn’t say anything :-(((((((((((
petekao bickering will never get old i swear i love every time they do because that’s so..... men it makes their characters more real
i know there’s a lot (not that much because i admit this episode was kinda short?? idk maybe it’s just me) between that scene and this one but THE SQUAD EATING ALL TOGETHER AGAIN!!!!!!!! AND THEM TEASING PETEKAO!!!!!! PLEASE I LOVE THEM
pete literally not knowing how to stop the audio and broadcasting live TO THE WHOLE COUNTRY that time when he told kao he loved him through the teddy bear...... peak pete culture
the fact that ppl love them and they have a whole hashtag on twitter makes me soft because usually when someone is famous in bls the fans hate the other part of the couple but in this one??? oh no honey we stan petekao in this household hate is not allowed it’s actually prohibited illegal
okay let me backtrack a bit skjfhsjf
OH YES I FORGOT!!!! manow wanting to talk with mork was so weird when i saw the teaser for the episode but after seeing them talk i was like oooooh okay i understand
sun saying “what’s your girl saying to my boy” is probably one of my favourite lines of this drama KLHSJFLF
rain reading their lips fskjfjsf and when mork said “fuck you rain” HIS FACE SKJFHKSJSLFJ HE WAS SCARED SHITLESS but also the end of this scene was so cute i love these three
i just did a bit of skipping through the episode to try and actual make an order out of this mess and the petekao+parents thing comes now,,,,,, anygaYS
then it’s more teasing between sunmork blah blah
then MORK SPEAKING THE MF TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! quoting the actual dialogue “it’s my choice to tell or not tell anyone. i should get to decide”
rain had good intentions but it doesn’t mean that it was right of him to do so
okay this got serious,, sun going to rain’s bed with not one but Two pillows when barely two people fit in that bed.... oh to be that iconic and carelessly gay
back to petekao because we will never get enough of these two (which is why i’ll probably watch the our skyy episode tomorrow just to cry over these fools)
it’s so weird to see tay being like this after watching him being himself in other things like the live lunch and taynew meal date and other things i’ve randomly watched during this week to retain myself from finishing this series in a night ksfjhsfkshlks
also kao helping pete shave and pete being like do u like my moustache or should i shave it for u my lord SFHKFJ the domesticity and just the feeling of two idiots being in love i love them with my whole heart
kao staying at pete’s house because it’s both of their first days as interns and kao!!!!! he works for pete’s dad!!!!!!! pete’s dad accepted him into his company!!!!!! i love them
also the bickering between those three sjfkhs “hello im pete im from thailand” “that’s all you’ll say today” THAT WAS SO FUNNNY SKJFHSKFHSFJSFL
okay so the squad eating together is right after this but i already talked about it ksjfhsfh next!!
idk if it’s a big time skip or a small one but guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MANOW AND RAIN ARE DATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY STRAIGHT BABIES YES I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AAAAAAAAAAAAA
manow is so pretty and rain is so cute they’re both so lucky my bisexual ass is crying
pete being “angry” at kao being so handsome,,, a mood
but also.. pete being possessive was h*t
there i said it and i don’t regret it
random but i will miss kao’s annoying ass saying “about aboyz” sjfkhsfh
pete being like “i will have to give u more love bites (ffs gmmtv just say hickies we are all at an age where we know what love bites are) so no one flirts with u” and kao being like “bitch try me” sjfhksfj i’m loving bratty kao
also that scene turned into furry kao real quick KJHDKJFSHJF
okay now it’s: mork’s birthday party time!!
rain and manow arrive first and are the cutest couple around because the two main gays haven’t arrived yet (being gay AND punctual? not possible)
sun and rain fighting in the kitchen was peak siblings culture skfhksjf
mork being ready to leave his own birthday party with a stranger who also plays pokemon go just to have a battle................ dumbass bisexual energy
said stranger is eARN FROM 2GETHER!!!!!! FILM IS IN THIS TOO!!!!!!!! first the girl who plays yuri in yyy and now film who plays earn in 2gether is here too??? damn wlw keep winning (also headcanon: theyre dating/seeing each other because LESBIANS periodt)
okay petekao arrive and wont u guess whats their present for mork,,,,,, the mf TEDDY BEAR and kao rlly says that they should use it since theyre so lip sealed lmao
rain and manow literally gave mork a present not for him but for sun im- i love these two
also sun being a whole koala and being a horny bitch is so funny sfhskfjskl my man has his priorities set
their last scene is so cute :-(( poor rain will have to live with this until he moves out sjfhksjf
oh boi the ending is near hhhhhhh
kao teaching his class an equation that ends up in i < 3 u is the most kao thing i’ve ever seen
pete being like “u haven’t spent enough time with me lately >:-(” was cute jhkfjs my man is needy of kao and i understand that because have u seen kao? exactly
kao teasing him with not having forgotten the cup this time and pete being his possessive self was.. splendid
every reference to something that happened with non(t) hurts but also i love how they just tease each other because they know that now their relationship is stronger than it’s ever been and that nothing and no one will come between them
the scenes they show during the last last scenes :-((( BOYFIES!!!!!!
and i love how they decided to end the show with them holding hands in public
i would explain why i do but it’s 6:26 am and i’ve been writing this for at least half an hour already and my laptop is heating up a lot and im sweating because it’s hot in here so get down on the floor pipiipipipipipipi
kdjhkdfhs sorry im not sleepy this is just my brain without a filter it’s just gay shit and a big repertoire of songs
god okay that was my opinion on the last episode of dark blue kiss...........
needless to say that i will eat every bit of content related to petekao after this because writing this i already miss them and i can’t wait to watch our skyy tomorrow idk where but i will
i really really REALLY liked this drama and it’s one of the two bl dramas (not counting the untamed) i’ve given a full 10/10 rating on mdl because it’s THAT good
everything about this drama is just.. chef’s kiss i love it i will probably rewatch it when my plan to watch is empty but it’s a pretty long list so.. hopefully i’ll ignore that and just rewatch sjkfhslf
i’ll of course watch kiss and kiss me again just for the petekao, the squad and rain scrumbs because i’m sure that the petekao compilations don’t show everything
but yeah im just.. i love this show it’s been a rlly long time since i started writing this but i’m still happy because it’s so good and truly gave us a good happy ending and i swear i cannot emphasise enough how important good happy endings in lgbt media are!!!!!!!!!!
anygays im hungry and ready to submerge myself in the dbk tags, see u all tomorrow for my our skyy petekao episode version of this,,,,,
till then, stay safe ! bYE
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theythemsam · 5 years
spn 8x10, liveblog, collected posts (all 15 of them) or as i like to call it: Dean is the worst in this one and I hate him with the raging fire of a thousand lesbian suns and moons. Cool reveal about what’s going on with Cas though!
 Fuck You Dean!!!
Dean is seriously the worst! “Ugh ok since you insist on being a bitch about this and not let it go immediately like you should, okay; I was wrong, I guess, but actually this is your own fault.”
#if I didn’t already hate Dean before this season 8 would have made me hate him #now I just hate him even more
Dean and his shitty fetishizing porn.
#is dean just the worst person this episode? Im 8 minutes in and I think he is!
Ugh, Amelia NO!!!
#youre in a relationship #gross gross gross
We finally get shirtless Sam again and its for this :( For Amelia (who’s the one who came onto Sam!!!) to then throw a hissy fit because she decided to show up at his place and sleep with him?
#ugh sam how dare u ruin my life? #like???? Honey??? It takes two people to cheat??? And you are one of them #like im not saying Sam should have allowed this to happen bc GROSS!!! #but her then putting the blame on Sam is absolutely disgusting #you made that decision!!! #god I wish they had written this differently bc it really makes me hate her character so much rn
“If Sam wanted in, he’d be here.” *Kermit gun meme as I prepare to murder Dean*
#you guilt tripping bastard! #fuck you fuck you fuck you!
I actually feel a little sorry for Samandriel right now
Goooood, Dean Winchester you are the worst person on this planet, I swear to god
#during next years purge Dean Winchester will be publicly executed for crimes of being a creepy fetishizing bastard and I will take his kneecaps home as a trophy #why do people think hes funny? #hes a creepy sexist bastard
I’m glad Cas at least went to Sam because he knows this would also be important to him and the first thing Dean decides to do is to beat Sam down again
#bastard! He is such a bastard!
Dean is also so unfairly mean and I hate that “dean is pissed because his brother wont forgive him his immense betrayal of trust” is treated as bad on the same level as “sam is pissed because his brother made him believe the woman he loved had died just so the vampire they were hunting could escape even though all the signs pointed to the vamp being dangerous”
#the double standard… #Sam has to jump over gigantic hurdles to be treated fairly on this show #whereas Dean is digging and digging under them but in the end he still gets the gold medal bc the judges like him
Hnnggggg The Hatred… its strong….
Dean may have betrayed Sams trust terrible, but he just saved Sam’s life from a hunt he dragged him on. Hero! The best! Brother of the Year award!
#thank you mr hero dean for saving the samsel in distress you are the true MVP #how could I have ever doubted your manly man man judgement #you are always absolutely right in everything you do especially if it hurts the people you claim to love #im gonna throw up I hate how the show portrays shit like that
Cas having a PTSD flashback to Naomi’s torture
#nooooo #please protect my boy!
The dramatic zoom on Crowley’s face asdfh
The reveal that Naomi is controlling angels is so creepy
#poor poor cas #misha plays it so well though like my heart breaks for him!
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tortellinigirl · 6 years
as a bi girl, i get the question “why are u okay with describing your attraction to women as gay but get offended when ppl call u straight” ok first off, bi women are SPECIFICALLY called straight to invalidate their bisexuality ALL the time. It’s incredibly common, so to have my attraction to women validated at all just feels better. and ALSO, I’d like to say that while im comfortable calling my relationships with women gay, i am NOT comfortable with being called a lesbian. I love lesbians and i think theyre great but i think its shitty both to me and them to call me a lesbian. Gay has honestly become a bit of an umbrella term, lots of people call themselves gay women rather than lesbians (and i know theres a conversation about how that erases lesbians and i understand that and i am specifically talking about women who self identify as gay women) I could use the term queer instead, but i mean its a slur used against lgbt people for so long and not everyone is comfortable with that so like. idk what else yall WANT me to say. I am not straight or lesbian but i experience gay feelings. im attracted to women and thats...pretty gay. I do not IDENTIFY as a gay woman, i think thats reserved for people who are exclusively attracted to women, but i do experience attraction to women that could be described as gay and honestly?? idk why this is such a hot take. like if i see i hot girl i can say “wow i am feeling SO gay rn”. nobody actually gets mad at this shit outside of tumblr lmfao. and like if you read this as “im bi and describe my relationship with my boyfriend as gay” then you have no reading comprehension. but also we are literally both bisexuals so like its not a straight relationship either literally neither of us are straight and you can just not believe me if you want, but being a bi person in a different gender relationship is wildly different than being a straight person in a different gender relationship.
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horsegirlhob · 6 years
i'm in a sad mood and you do rants good and i have a weird request: if you could just rant about somebody who you love/ makes you happy? i just got out of a really bad relationship and i know it's weird, i just need some love n positivity rn
Okay so I was just talking to my really good old friend recently so imma go off about her for a hot sec. So we’ve known each other for so fucking long I cannot remember a time when I didn’t know her. She’s this tiny little blonde thing which is hilarious because she looks like she’s 11 and I look like I could be in university and she doesn’t even come up to my chin? She also has this older brother who’s a huge dick so she’s essentially adopted me as her older sibling instead. Not joking, I basically live in her house. My height is on their doorframe. It’s weird. She checks in on me and it’s the sweetest fucking thing? Like, if I’m feeling really down I can call her up and be like “Hi im real depressed can you come over?” And she’ll just like, drop by and make me hot chocolate and watch dnp with me?? She doesn’t watch dnp really but she got dragged along to ii with her other friend and i didn’t know she was going and she texted me at intermission being like “I seeee yooouuuu” which was terrifying. Also like, this one time she was feeling really depressed and her brother was being a dick so I came over and we just kinda cuddled and talked for a while? And then her brother came down and he, a cishet dude, decided to talk to us for a half an hour about what it’s like tobe LGBT. and we were both sitting there like “yes, please explain to us, a lesbian and a bi genderqueer individual what it’s like to not be cishet.” That went on for half an hour it was downright surreal. Also we have this log that we go to sometimes called the log of contemplation which is amazing and we just chat about how we’re doing it’s great. And we were talking there like a few weeks ago and we found out that we have the same therapist?? Like what are the odds?? And then she was like “well this was a revelation, I need a baguette” and then we just like,, bought a whole baguette. Anyways she’s fucking amazing and I love her. 
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im gonna ask you a question. so, right now i identify as female (cis). and i'm not sure about it. how did you realize you were nonbinary? i tried out they/them pronouns once and i didn't like it. but like. sometimes i don't feel right with my name and my pronouns and my body. but that just might be depression or me zoning the heck out haha. i'm young, i have time. but i just want help? ? ? haha thank you and i really love your blog
Aw, no worries, nonny.  
So I’m going to preface this by saying that everyone’s experience is unique, I’m not a professional anything, take anything I say with a grain of salt and do your own research and come to your own decisions.  I will also mention that I have Borderline Personality Disorder, and one of the major symptoms of BPD is a lack of identity, sort of the… throwing yourself into things and other people and other people’s styles and making that who you are over and over and never quite feeling like you have an identity that means “you”.  I mention this because that’s one of the things that currently has the biggest impact on me of all my BPD issues, and that has colored my entire gender journey, which in turn colors my advice and thoughts about it.
So as far as me realizing I was NB, it was a looooong process.  I felt kind of dysphoric and maybe not-female for literal years, then I came out as trans because I figured “this probably means I’m a trans guy” and it felt MUCH better but still not quite right.  After a couple years I went “yeah, not quite a guy either. …I guess that means I’m neither?” and that’s pretty much how that happened.
All that said, I’ll mention the following things: 
1) the more I recognized and processed the internalized misogyny I have, the less dysphoric being read as female has become.  It’s kind of plateaued and I think I’ve mostly just hit “i’m nb but more comfortable on the feminine side of things than I used to be” but hey, who knows, right?  I mention this one first both to get it out of the way and because of stuff you mentioned in your ask.  It’s not unheard of at ALL for cis women to feel very dysphoric about their bodies and uncomfortable with their womanhood.  It’s not universal, though, it’s just a possible option.  Our society hates women and teaches women to hate themselves, but whether you’re just a woman dealing with the fallout of living in a deeply misogynistic society or a trans person is something only you can decide.
2) I have known more than one cis female lesbians who identified as nb and don’t anymore, or identified as a trans guy and now identify as nb or cis.  There is a lot of bullshit that most of us are trained into unknowingly about hating women and hating ourselves, and when we find ourselves loving women, it just compounds like… EVERYTHING.  So if you’re a lesbian or bi, this could be something to keep in mind.
3) my most dysphoric moments were also tied to what I would consider my most disassociated moments.  When i’m struggling so hard to even feel a connection to my body, things that make me actively NOT identify with my own body are like that much worse.  It could also be the other way around, but either way, they can feed into each other.  Mental illness can be a huge influence on your identity.  That doesn’t mean your identity is wrong just because you’re mentally ill - i firmly believe that part of the reason I identify with nonbinary so hard is because it’s sort of an “in-between, unspecific, not really anything” sort of identity to me, and that’s how I feel about my identity at large most of the time.  That said, identifying as NB has been a source of relief and joy, so even if it IS stemming from my BPD I don’t give a shit because it makes my life better.
4) It’s okay to change.  If you’re cis now, and you identify as NB or a trans guy later, that’s okay.  If even later, your identity shifts again, that’s ok too.  Some people find who they are young and never really stop feeling that.  Some people are really fluid and have a complex and ever-evolving relationship with their identity.  Neither one is wrong. Your labels are for YOU.  To make YOU feel like you have a handle on yourself.  As your understanding of yourself changes, your labels might change too.  That’s ok.  Anyone who tells you it’s not is not worth your time.
5) You are valid.  I know that’s basically a meme at this point and it’s a funny one, but the thing is that you are.  You are you.  You’re allowed to be you, and feel your feelings.  The important part of any of that is how you REACT and ACT ON those things. 
6) You’re allowed to tell people no when they ask questions.  You’re allowed to say “that’s personal” or “I don’t feel comfortable answering that” or “sorry, you must be at least a level 5 friend to unlock that part of my backstory” or whatever.  You do not have to feel obligated to explain yourself and your identity and how you came to that identity and how it affects your sexuality etc etc ad nauseum to everyone who asks. It’s okay not to answer questions about things that people technically have no right to.  It’s also ok to answer them if you’re down for it, but you’re not being rude by saying “no, that’s too personal, I’m not comfortable with that”.  If they push it, THEY’RE the ones being rude.
7) The last and possibly most divergent from the original topic thing I’m going to say is possibly the most controversial?  And it’s more about attraction than gender, but in my experience, dealing with one inevitibly means dealing with the other at the very least inasmuch as where they intersect, but that experience is why I’m including this. Unless nothing else has worked for you, I would stay away, at least initially, from the split attraction model.  That’s the x-sexual/x-romantic split, and identifying them separately.  I am not saying they’re bad or that they can’t be useful or helpful, but the thing is that they are mostly of use to the ace community, and only to a limited extent.  Diving into them when you don’t need to can just over-complicate things; as much as labels are for YOU, it also doesn’t help to be overly specific.  If you can be sexually attracted to both guys and girls but you’re only interested in being in relationships with girls?  Sure, you could say you’re bisexual homoromantic (as a girl that is) but unless that is something that is NECESSARY FOR YOU, you could also just say you’re bi with a preference, or say you’re a lesbian because yes i think bi women who are still attracted to guys physically but have no intention of or desire to be with men can call themselves lesbians if that’s more comfortable for them.  I say this mostly because I and more than a few people I know have done the split attraction model because it’s what is being done or w/e and it messed with them being able to actually deal with issues they were having and correctly identifying their sexualities and etc etc etc.  It’s not intrinsically bad or harmful or wrong, but it’s also not intrinsically good, and it’s not useful for anyone.  Unless you think it’s absolutely the only way to find your identity, I would largely steer clear of it for yourself.  I put this last because it’s the least related to your actual question.
…I can’t think of anything else rn.  Use the identifiers and terms that you’re comfortable with but don’t feel bad or ashamed of changing them if you realize they don’t apply anymore.  Don’t feel like you have to identify things super-specifically just because it’s common practice.  Uh…. idk, i’m a wee bit tipsy but hopefully some of this was even a little bit helpful?  GOOD LUCK MY SMOL ONE, EVEN IF I CAN’T HELP I’M HERE TO LISTEN IF YOU NEED AN EAR OR A SHOULDER!
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briteboy · 6 years
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okay i’m gonna be real with you. i have...a LOT...of messages. going as far back as like...january? probably? i know...i’m so bad...don’t crucify me. i tried to get through all of them but there were a lot that i didn’t have a worthwhile reply for so i’m sorry if i didn’t answer something you sent :{
so here we have: a lot of nice things, a lot of santisms, reactions to the lou and cillian punchout, a few responses to my portfolio and other stuffs...i wanted to put astrology asks in at the end but it’s...a lot more than i thought it was and it’s 3 am so i’d rather die than answer all of those LMAO sorry. i’ll get to it next time
Anonymous said:
u can delete the snorting cum asks but it will still follow you for eternity
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okay so I saw the ask about snorting cum and it reminded me of a time that cum came out of my nose. It was gross but my boyfriend and I laughed it off. idk. I thought it would be a funny thing to share!! i'd understand if you didn't want this on your blog!! (maybe it makes you laugh!!)
wELL. WE’RE OFF TO A GOOD START HERE. i’m screaming at this...i hope nothing EVER comes out of my nose ever in life...i hate this but ur right it did make me laugh
(Winry anon again) Also, did you get her name from FMA Winry Rockbell because if so I love it
this is what bartsim calls me and i hate her for it
whats the truth bitch
I missed santirat's beautiful face there are literal tears rn
me too...i hate that i miss him so much it’s so freaking dumb...i haven’t cried to my own story in a while but i bet i’m gonna once santi’s comeback rolls around. i’m already bracing myself
nvm u can have the lovely rat back, that way my heart wouldn’t be hurting like it is now
honestly yeah that’s fair
Been silently following your blog and though I'm more of a "ghost"(? What does that even mean¿) follower, I can't help but express just how chocked I am to see Santi again OMG. Gutted Lou has had a flashback, she does not deserve this. :'(
hello casper the friendly ghost...i love having santi pop up with surprise flashbacks hehe...ur right though she DOES NOT NEED THIS in her life, but it will get better for her soon do not fret my ghoulish friend
I need more pics of Lou and Santi together I’m not satisfied, thankssss
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HEHEH i love it cause that’s literally how my friends and i act, it was fun to write in a scene :~} i’m glad you liked it :’}}
Yeah when I cut my hair short everyone assumed I liked girls I found it kind of odd, but I didn't care too much. It mostly just made me end up realizing all the shit lgbt people go through, one time a guy literally went up to me and my friend, my bff who no one really knew was a lesbian was terrified because he said "oh dont worry lesbians are hot, but gay guys are just disgusting" it ended up he was talking to me, i just rolled up a piece of paper as tight as I could and smacked him on the head
EWW first of all that guy can take his weird fetishization and homophobia elsewhere thanks...i’m glad you threw a paper ball at him LMAO. but yeah on one hand, coming from ignorant/straight people it’s like “uhhhh why would you assume that about me”, within the lgbt community it’s like...common ground...an inside joke...i guess? so it’s weird. the link between hair, clothes and sexuality is can definitely be harmful in certain circumstances
fiona is my spirit animal and i love her ok thanks for coming to my TED Talk
that was illuminating thank you
i re-read santis story and i s2g i've read it so many times idk, but like its so easy to read i dont mean like emotionally but it flows really well. and like its not too confusing i hate when people make overly convoluted stories in an excuse for being deep its some good shit good job my dude
AKJSDKGKSJD THAT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never expected anyone to read it oNCE let alone REPEATEDLY...that really makes me so happy though because it’s definitely something you have to go back and read to catch all the details. ahhhhh thank you so much, i never ever want my story to be too complicated so i’m glad you don’t think it is!!
im crying because your recent post reminds me so much of my relationship with my mom when i was younger... she was always out of a job and sometimes we had to resort to living with other family members, it was all really hard on her and especially with having a kid she had to take care of at the same time. even though these are fictional characters, it’s comforting to know that other people have gone through the same situations i have. i love fiona and lou so much, they’re my heart and soul <3
OMG ;_________; i’m crying i’m so glad it resonates with you...i had a lot of friends growing up who were in similar situations and i think i kinda based lou and fi’s relationship on that, so you’re definitely not alone <33 i’m so glad you love them i love u
basically what I’ve learned from these asks is that Gianni is a perfect god-like human and I want one
he is. one time an anon told me they were like santi but they wanted to be rooney and i was like “i’m both santi and rooney on different days and i want to be gianni.” now u know why
hi, i just wanted to pop in and say that i really, really love your blog and i admire your editing skills SO much, i think you are EXTREMELY talented and i don't think you get told that enough. i've been following you for awhile now and i am in love with ALL of your stories, characters and edits you've put out! you're really an inspiration to me and i hope someday my edits can turn out as good as yours!! i don't have reshade so it's harder for me, but i'm trying to learn!! ok have a good day :-)
OMFG ;-; I DO GET TOLD IT A LOT AND IT STILL SEEMS FAKE...you don’t have to go out of your way to compliment me ;___; but thank you so so so much i’m crying...it makes me so giddy that i might inspire someone like WHAT...i don’t even know what i’m doing half the time i edit so u will definitely be able to catch up to me one day even if you don’t have reshade, i know it. i edited without reshade for like 2 and a half years on this blog so you can do it i promise!! have a good day/night/life i love u
fuck my succ
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I'm in need of some giannti in my life
we all need some gianti in our lives
Hey! I just wanted to say that ur an amazing writer. You portray everything so well, it’s insane. I want to be a writer someday and I hope my writing is at least somewhat close to yours. Have an awesome day my dude💕
WOW I’M CRYING...i still have a lot of room to grow and so do you, i hope you are able to become the writer you want to be :’} and thank you so much for the wonderful compliment i’m emo have a great day as well
aver is my queen, confirmed.
avey is everyone’s queen confirmed
oksy but listen, look up the model Charlotte Ray Spencer
i did but i couldn’t find her?? all that came up was ray spencer obituaries in charlotte, SC LMFAO...charlotte spencer is an actress tho it seems, is that...who...? omfg
I had a ectopic pregnancy when I was seventeen but I feel like I got off lightly compared to Molly. Your story is so beautiful in so many ways, I think it’s incredible how much character development you’ve managed to pull off honestly I’m amazed. Thank you ❤️
omg ;_______; i don’t even know what to say to this, but it means so much to me i can’t even put it into words. thank you thank you thank you so much, and i’m so sorry you had to go through that as well. molly was an extreme case and i hope no one has to go through what she went through. i’m glad you’re okay now, and thank you so much for reaching out to me and reading my story at all ;-; <3333
just a heads up: the links button on your ccfinds blog goes to the femmefinds url still
oh yeah i know i’m gonna be real with you...i’m too lazy to fix it lmAO
Luv your stick n poke tats u posted!!! Could u do more? Maybe on diff places on the bod?? Ur so talented. Xx
omg that was FOREVER ago...maaaaaybe in the future...we shall see...but thank you <33
Can u do a family portrait for all ur characters like u did w Lou!!!
oooooh hehe i probably will in the future!!
Kill v maim is one of my favorite songs of all time omg it makes me wanna wear ripped jeans and a leather jacket and cover myself in glitter and smash some windows with a baseball bat MMMMMM
HELL yeah me too...i become a cyber punk alien vampire when i hear that song
maybe do a casting call posted here ? u have many followers and im sure a good chunk live in ur area and would be willing to model ^_^
omg SCARY...i probably could tho tbh that’s a good idea, thank you!
hi sunny, what program do you use to merge your cc and what do you use to detect and remove broken cc that just doesn't work in game anymore? thanks!
i actually haven’t merged on my new laptop yet but i used s4s for merging and there’s the mod conflict detector!!
My game hasn't been working since the first Cats and Dogs patch but I uninstalled and reinstalled and it finally works again 😭
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sunny!! would you recommend your computer to play ts4 on? has it good graphics, can handle the highest settings and so? i really need a new computer but i have no idea which one to go for
yes i would recommend it!! i have reshade, ultra settings and like 8 gb of cc.
thanks for answering my ask eee ur story is probably the best ive read on here and yeah. i love how everything connects and everyones just so real. you dont have to post this i just wanted to thank you for being my inspiration and making me smile, laugh, cry, and scream in the middle of the night with your characters.
I LOVE U...it still sounds so fake to me when people say i inspire them, i don’t even know how to respond to all this ;-; just thank you for sparing a glance my way and resonating with my creations. <3 we scream and cry 2gether
I listened to Separator by Radiohead on repeat whilst reading Santi’s story and now that song just reminds me of him and Lou. I’d totally suggest listening to it’s so good! As is your story :3 xxx
oh radiohead that’s good sh*t...i’m listening to it now and i feel the santou vibes...especially when santi’s feeling out of his mind and she’s the only one who can calm him...haha cool..anyways THANK YOU!!!!
how do you make poses for the roof? i'm not sure how i can know if the sims will clip into the roof or float
honestly i just...eyeball it...because all roofs are different and you can’t put them into blender so. i just winged it lmao...i just made a pose that looked like it could’ve been lou climbing out the window, only the rig was still ground level, and then i used alt + 9 to lift the teleporter onto the roof as best as i could. that’s why it probably wouldn’t be a very practical pose to release, because i have no way of making it easy to use 
Lou punched him and I knew it would happen. 😀👌 nice, nice I like Lou whopping ass.
hehe i’m glad you enjoyed it...who knew she had a freaking hook like that
ok a theory... santi went to look for molly's mother and yea
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omg tell me cillian sings every other freckle at some point
OMFG well...that song came out in 2013 and the current flashback year is 2008 so. i would personally murder cillian myself if he was still in lou’s life 5 years after this honestly
hey kitty girl! i was wondering if you could answer this teensy lil question i got. im writing a "story" anddd i was trying to figure out how to make some parts not cliche. like i hate reading about whatever and being like girll ive done seen this before so i just needs to know. kisses
i absolutely love how this is worded and the fact that u called me kitty, very cute. anyway...this is pretty broad, perhaps you could clarify what kinda cliches you want to steer clear from? a lot of the time when i know something is gonna be cliche and there’s no avoiding it, i just kinda own up to it and try to subtly point out how cliche it is and somehow that makes it work out better...like being self aware somehow adds another more realistic element to the story that makes it better? idk...anyway dm me if you need help!!
so.... lou can remember more of what happened? this is good! go 2 the police bitch! tell them!!!!!!!
she should!! but the only problem is she doesn’t have proof. so... 🤔
how do you write your stories in a way that everything is organized and you're certain and not confused with everything? i mean, do you have any way for writing that let you develop your stories with not so much difficults? i'm trying to write an story for months but i only have a few of the most important events on my mind, i don't know how to develop another important details, i always feel that everything is confuse or crap
hmmmmm well my mind is very ah convoluted so it’s a wonder any of this comes out even somewhat cohesive? but basically i have a very good memory and utilize google docs a lot hahaha. i’ve gone in depth about my writing process here!
whats a good way when it comes to starting a sims story? i mean like the first post? :/
ummmmmm maybe test the waters a bit and just make a post introducing your character(s) first? or dive right in and get sh*t started. it could go either way tbh
boyish by japanese breakfast is a santixlou bop
oh sh*t!!!!!! i love japanese breakfast!! and i love this thank you!
So is lou like into cillian in a way? Making him kinda be in her type
as of right now (in the flashbacks)? HELL fucking no. but you’re right, she did say those things in the future to santi. so 🤔
Everyone guessing shit stupidly annoys me haha. I'M UNOBSERVANT AND I DON'T WANNA GO BACK AND CHECK SHIT, LET ME LIVE. *Like* if you a ~dum~ reader who doesn't want every bit of foreshadowing called out. lol
i respect this honestly whenever i drop the hottest foreshadowing of 2018 i never expect my inbox to flood like it does but here we are and i am amazed
i’m screaming...i’m so sorry it’s my fault about your phone but like also i’m poor i can’t pay for that
i'm studying your latest posts because they're beautiful and my hatred for that long necked bitch is intensifying -- what makes me burn even more is that he's still wearing her necklace, can we say let the bitch burn?
burn babey burn
Why don't you use quick tags?
i’m dumb is why
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What if Fi's blue eyes are from... Cillian..?
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wHY did you have to make him cute and fucking cool though? I still hate him but it's harder.
I SCREAMED AT THIS SERIES OF QUESTIONS OISDFNGJKDSKJN yeah sorry he’s conventionally attractive but unsettlingly so and i feel uneasy when i look at him and plus the fact that he’s literally evil so .
im like, to 90% sure that cillian is in ace joker. so that song might have reminded lou of him...
this was sent right after that scene of lou hearing the song at pippin’s, so
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My conspiracy theory is that cillian is Lou's father. Speakimg of which are we gonna get to that soon, I'm dying of curiosity;.;
what do u resize ur photos to?
whatever 33% of 1920x1080 is i forget. i have a resizing + sharpening action so i just run that
im about to kill those kids if they keep fucking with my baby
me @ these ugly kids:
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Who are the best creators for mens clothing? I struggle so much to find good cc creators with men specifically!
badabing badaboom
I’m not sure if you’ve converted things before but do you know any good sims 3 cc to sims 4 tutorials? Or your followers?
errrrrr i have no idea i’m sorry :x
would you consider making like a photoshop psd file with all the layers in your editing process?
omg...heck no it would be so unhelpful OMFG mostly because my editing is just my own action + shading and highlighting unique to that pic
would you ever do an editing timlapse of your gameplay pics? 💖💖
ahhhhh maybe!! probably in the future!
OMFG THAT’S RAD...i’ve literally only seen it once tho i’m fake
I'M SHOOK. my friend kinda asked me out and I wanna say yes but my parents won't let me date. I'm 18! I need your advice! -signed 18 and alone anon
Can you pretty please link some photoshop tutorials you recommend? I really want to make my photos more cinematic and like your's without totally copying you or someone else. All I do right now is sharpen, color balance, and add some noise and then resize. I really need some more ways to get better looking photos such as yours.
ahhhhh the problem is i don’t know of any i’m sorry...lmao this is totally unhelpful :\ i have my own editing tutorial which is outdated but can probably help you out with the basics of lighting effects and shading n stuff?
Heyyy, I saw that you answered a question about making a ps action like your reshade, and I just wanted to say that I would love that! Unfortunately Mac users like me, can’t use reshade unless boot camping Windows onto our computers...☹️ and your reshade is just soooo pretty...
i don’t know if i’ll be able to replicate the reshade effect totally but i could release the action i’ve made for myself? it warms up screenshots but is totally adjustable to your liking for different color tones so in that way it’s kinda similar to the reshade. i’ll seeeeee what i can do...i know the woes of mac users all too well, my friend
i just wanna give lou a big ol cozy hug :o((( pls
pls hug her she needs it.
Do you post on tumblr from your phome or from your computer? Just curious.
mostly from my computer, sometimes i answer messages on my phone while i’m out and you can tell because autocorrect actually makes me use proper capitalization for once in my life
how many hours have you played the sims? for me i have 4,070 hours. haha help
OMFG i think mine is like...900 or something...i can’t tell if that’s too much or too little, but it’s definitely inaccurate
if i could only look at one person's tumblr from now on it would be yours. ur literally the queen of tumblr #shookaf and also i really hope i die before you ever say ur leaving tumblr cause when u do, i will legit die and bury my own grave. i really appreciate u and hope one day i can be on ur level but rn im at level 1.5 while ur up in the millions :D
I’M SCREAMING PLEASE I AM A PLEB.............i cry u flatter me too much ;-; i genuinely hope i never leave this place because it’s been so fun and it’s helped me evolve so much as an artist and a writer, plus i made some of my greatest friends on here. so i hope that day never comes!! but who knows life is wild. anyway i’m sure you’re actually like at level 578 and are just being modest. it’s okay you don’t have to be humble
i think its so cool that you and wanderlust and other simmers use multiple worlds to make your own town and stuff. idk why but thats just so cool to me and i would have never thought of it. love your blog and story <3
omg!!! well i couldn’t resist, i love a bunch of them and can’t limit myself to just one ya know. plus the more i thought about it, the more my gen 2 story kinda centers around these kids from this one town and the town itself is very relevant. so i felt like i had to make my own!! and i’m very excited to get started with that hehe
I just met a guy named Rodrigo Santiago and I sCREAMED HOLY SHIT
Update (tho idk of you got the first one): I just got a text from a classmate named Rodrigo Santiago. I'm sCREECHING
no freaking way. there’s no way i don’t believe...i want proof...
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dont worry about posting this or do idc but i just wanted to say you should write about whatever you want and not care about whether people think you condone it or not. if i (a gay male) were to write about lesbians its not like im saying YOU HAVE TO BE LESBIANS BLAH BLAH BLAH you know what i mean? or if im writing about a robbery doesnt mean im like condoning robbery so like idk you do you boo and keep it coming ;D ilysm btw
OMFG no yeah i get it, i mean i think now especially in this online environment, people are hyper aware of Problematique things and so they’re a little too quick to point fingers without looking deeper than the surface. and whatever it’s fine people are always gonna be like that because people are mostly inherently judgmental, especially when it comes to consuming media. artists/writers face stuff like this all the time because people refuse to look past the surface, hence why works have gotten misconstrued all the time. but yeah i really appreciate this sentiment, thank u i love u
hope this isnt a weird question but what is the image size that u used for your character page?? thnk u 💕
omg it’s 300x300
have u listened to visions of gideon by sufjan stevens i was listening to it while reading ur stories and it made me so :(
oh my boy sufjan aka gianni’s personality claim i love him...and this song is :{ but i love even if it’s from the nasty age gap peach fucking movie
If i was married to Jamie and he treatin’ our daughter like that… oh I swear HES GOT TO GO!
it’s 2 am i’m so tired answering all of these i forgot who jaime was for a sec i was like um why are we talking about GoT anyways good night
how does alpha hair work with reshade? it seems so good in your screenshots and i’ve seen that in others screenshots it looks bad? whats the secret?
well good morning haha jk i never went to sleep anyway here u go
hooow do you make adorable toddlers in ts4?? teach me, gimme some advice please :(((
chubby cheeks! big eyes! small faces! little but plump lips! a good skin! dats all
how did u get ur sim onto the fire escapes?
ze teleporter mod, that’s it
I snickered at the, THE RETURN OF SANTI. Like I imagine it written in red horror lettering and santi just busts down the door and says ho ho ho im back bench, Did U miss me?
honestly i own a calendar and if i knew a definite date u already fucking kNOW it would be up there
ahhh im sorry for asking but im wondering how you find voice claims?? i'm looking for some for my sims, but it's tough to find one that's *right*, you know?? and your voice claims are great!! thank you <3
OMG voice claims are HARD, i literally just like “collect” them over time...i have a list in my phone of voices i like/may use in the future lmao, but try to think of actors or musicians and search interviews/movie or tv scenes with them speaking!!
i don't even read your story but i still follow you because i love your personality, sim style and just your whole entire tumblr
u follow me for ME? UM...what are u doing here...i’m so sorry (i love u...)
do you have a different reshade preset for flashback screenshots and for the present ones?
i do not!! i just edit differently
what happened to the honeycomb?
OMFG it’s still there...but we legit haven’t seen it since girooni’s wedding so um...it’s gonna have to get a makeover. i’m gonna do it when girooni come back home so i can finally show rupi working there like...wow...she deserves to be seen
lou's dad is the biggest asshole and i am waiting for the day that bitch dies
us when he dies
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shit theory: caroline goes to find and confront cillian about what he did in teen lou timeline. care ends up forming a crush on cillian and goes back to meet him several more times, but cillian ends up liking lou more which makes caroline jealous. and that's why they don't speak currently, 'cause cillian ruined lou's life in more ways than one.
uM holy fuck that’s all i got to say
pls tell me that Caro killed the dude that choked Lou (or beat his ass)
god i hope so !
how many people do you follow? are you “strict” with who you follow?
i follow 264 people and yeah i’ve gotten a bit stricter with it just cause like...i only want to follow people whose content i truly care about/will actually notice on my dash
would you ever do a sim dump?
probably in the future, it seems like people want more male and female sims from me SO
ramona got some moves tf
the girl is out here bobbing to the chicken dance like nobody’s business
have u seen the end of the fucking world? if u did what are your #thots
UM......................i watched the first episode ‘cause i heard so much about it and um.............................it was so bad OMFG i hated it. way too edgy for me. completely missed the mark. not into it at all. hard pass
HOPEFULLY ezra will follow through with that and i don’t necessarily mean in a romantic way but like...as her new roommate MAYBE he will be a blessing we can HOPE
I'm not sure if you've been asked this or not, but your poses are so good and I was wondering if you have ever considered making a pose pack? Sorry if this came off as rude! I love your posts!
i will probably in the future!! but first i gotta figure out which ones i’d actually include
okay so this is random but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your sims stories. Everything is so perfect and I'm forever shook because I can't believe the "sets" you use are actually the game. Your sims are so fleshed out and you are a huge inspiration to me. Anyways sorry if this was weird but I'm like obsessed with ur blog. bYe
AJHSDHJFSD THANK YOU!!!!!!! yes somehow we work miracles into this game can u believe it...ahh but thank you so much, it means everything that i would inspire you in any way...like what...omg
Santi is actually standing outside present Lou’s apartment wondering where the fuck he went wrong
he’s been there for 6 months just on the street standing there please someone let him in .
there it is fellas. this message is sooooo old i’m so bad
Have you read/heard of The Lunar Chronicles
i have not!! but i’ll jot it down!
I was wondering if you’ve ever had any problems with skins? For me some on the palm side of the hand it’s noticeably darker than what the skin is supposed to be.. like the rest comes out find but the hands are darker.
hmm...that’s weird, i haven’t seen that. i think it probably depends on the skin? or maybe your sim detail settings?
santi my daddy, honeybodies my mommy, lou looking like a cutie when she saw dat tiny puppy. my name is rappin anon, and i just wanted to say, ur are my favorite simblr basically saving my day. rappin anon OUT
o...my god
i love u
i love u...
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fuck-customers · 7 years
hi guys! its been a while since my last submission. its 1/1/18 as of me submitting so i wanna wish a happy new year to my fellow retail workers! i hope those of you in wa state enjoy your new laws coming in to effect regarding accrued sick time and the wage going up again. (i think it does? correct me if im wrong) on a less happy note, though, a few days ago, i had my first Worst Customer experience. TW/CW below for homophobia, lesbophobia, transphobia, transmisogyny, and pedophilia. ff ive been scheduled down in lumber recently. this is fine, i like the routine of working down there. i get along well w the people i meet. mostly contractors and nicer older folks doing large scale and small scale home renovations. but every once in a while you get a total Dbag. mind you its been several months since ive felt uncomfortable with a male customer; most of the people in my area know better than to be gross. but... enter these two guys. older white men. kinda larger in structure (im not talking about weight i promise!) with graying hair and beards. both of them military customers. fsr military customers tend to be the crabbier ones, but i dont blame them honestly because a lot of them didnt have a choice in enlisting and i do believe they deserve credit and respect for what they went through. but these guys were just being dicks for the fun of it. im a small queer person. 20 years old, somewhere around 5'4"-5'5", slender, baby face, unintimidating. i have an unusual name and i tend to correct people when they call me a girl, because i know im small and have longer hair, usually just saying i prefer to be thought of as just a person. most people dont raise an eyebrow at this, they just kinda go quiet and leave it be. so these guys come in and hand me two reduced signs used for looking up cull packs they wanted to buy. for those who dont know, cull packs are basically sale estimates put together for damaged lumber. the damaged stuff gets pulled out of our racks when lumber associates are flatstacking and facing lumber, and the pro services cashiers band the lumber together, spray paint the ends so they cant be returned, mark them half price in our system, and print the estimates so the packs can be placed on our cull rack outside the lumber doors. i start off by politely informing them that because of how our system works, i can only sell them one of these estimates at a time, because you have to exit to order management and pull them up in order to sell them, and you cant pull up a second one once youre in the sales screen without clearing out the first one. they quickly though go to talking about me. i cant remember how it started, but after i thank one of them for their service and give them the discount, they start joking about how theyre confusing the cute girl or smth or how they like doing that to cute girls. my gut reaction was to politely correct them by saying "ahaha yeah i dont consider myself a girl though" and i remember repeating this at least one more time before giving up. the thing of it is though, one of them asks me "dont you remember me? we used to date in high school" as a joke and they both were making jokes about me liking older guys. i thought he was being serious at first but then i realized he was making an asshole of a joke. i stutter out that no, i actually have trauma surrounding that from bad past experiences, and i start to freak out because they basically just hit a huge trigger there and id never had to deal with being exposed to that at work before. i then mention in an attempt to get them to back off, that im living with my partner at home. i always, always, have used the word partner to describe my relationship in work settings because its vague and were both nonbinary and it raises less questions. my mistake though. they immediately go to asking me if im a lesbian, then saying theyre lesbians too, they like women. then one of them says "im a woman trapped in a mans body" and tries to rope a customer behind them into agreeing with them that he was a lesbian too and agreeing with the transphobic/transmisogynistic wording. at this point i completely shut down and ignore them, avoid eye contact, and finish selling their shitty discounted decking pieces to them without any more words than were absolutely necessary to the finishing of the transaction. and they were laughing about it too. laughing that they basically bullied a queer person into feeling so unsafe they completely shut down, as if it was some hilarious joke. i told my head cashier when she came down and she stressed to me that if they ever come back through my line, or if ANYONE ever does that to me again, that i call her immediately. she said shes willing to say things that may potentially get her fired. i wanted to cry hearing that from her, and im tearing up writing it rn too. i was shaky for about the next half hour and every time after that i talked about it or remembered it. so a huge, HUGE fuck customers. if you EVER think its okay to say this shit to anyone, particularly someone whose JOB it is to be courteous and helpful to you while they take your money, i hope you perish painfully in the fiery trenches of hell. never should anyone have to go through this homophobic, lesbophobic, transphobic, transmisogynistic, pedophilic garbage EVER. and if you see this shit happening, PLEASE speak up. defend them. call a manager. its scary to deal with alone, and you can get paralyzed in fear. lets leave these kinds of people to rot in 2018 and make them accountable for the things they say, please.
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tessaractwasp · 5 years
1-140 question meme
wait you want me to do all of them?? Ok I guess (that actually makes me kinda happy lol)
3 Fears losing people, never getting away from home, and that everyone hates me
3 things I love music, reading, writing
2 turns on intelligence, muscular, socialism
2 turns off misogyny, speech impediments, capitalism
My best friend @queercedricdiggory​   
Sexual orientation not sure tbh. Maybe pan? Maybe lesbian? Who can say. Not me.
How tall am I 5′ 2 3/4″
What do I miss right now my friend Shannon who doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore
Favourite color purple
Do I have a crush yes
Favourite place nature. there’s a brook in the woods at the bottom of the hill I live on. its magical.
What am I listening to right now my spotify playlist “A Very Specific Mood Brought To You By Probably Non-Lesbian Lesbian Icons” currently Mitski’s “A Horse Named Cold Air”
Shoe size 6.5 usually
Eye color cockroach brown
Hair color brown/black (ft hidden rainbow)
Meaning behind my URL oh god I was like 15 when I made it so tesseract from the first avengers but tessaract bc my name is tessa, and wasp bc she was my favorite marvel character. 
Favourite song favorite song????? uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh right now probably Mitski’s “Pink in the Night”
Favourite band pdofjsodifjolikdsjf uhm IDK my top artists rn are Mitski, Hozier and Florence + The Machine
How I feel right now frustrated.
Someone I love @azirahell​
My current relationship status single and READY to flaMINGLE
My relationship with my parents hahahahahahahah better than most I guess. But strained af atm
Favourite season SPRING
Tattoos and piercing i have navel and ear piercings
Tattoos and piercing i want WAY more ear piercings, I wanna get that custom “constellation piercing” thing but $$$$ also tattoos for each of my immediate family members (so far a turtle and elephant on opposite ankles, a power symbol on the back of my neck probably, an origami rose on one tricep, a wolf silhouette on the other)
The reasons I joined Tumblr fandom probably? and peer pressure. thx nadia
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? only when Im actively texting someone when we go to bed
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? I dont know have you? (Im kidding, I think I have tho)
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? depends on where Im going. Anywhere from 5 mins to like 1.5 hrs lmao. But on average, probably 20 mins
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? I haven’t shaved my legs in the past three years
Where am I right now? My living room
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOUD
Do I live with my Mom and Dad? yes
Am I excited for anything? not really atm
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? if by sex you mean gender then yes
How often do I wear a fake smile? lmao all the fuckin time
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? wow uuhhhhhhh I dont know! maybe Lana Parrilla lmao idk honestly!
What do I think about most? how much i suck lmfao
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? I guess behind, but I dont mind being in front
What was the last lie I told? oh god Im taking care of my little siblings i have no idea
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? depends on the person but usually video chatting
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? no, yes
Do I believe in magic? not really
Do I believe in luck? depends on the day
What’s the weather like right now? warm. It’s almost 80, but its getting dark out so it feels nice.
What was the last book I’ve read? rn Im in the middle of Scythe by Neal Shusterman (bc hes putting my name in the third book in the series!!)
Do I have any nicknames? Tess, T, T-Cake, Tessticle
Do I spend money or save it? SPEND lmao
Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
Favourite animal? hmmm I guess dog
What was I doing last night at 12 AM? lying on the couch on tumblr
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? oh boy idk
What is my favorite word? people have favorite words?
My top 5 blogs on tumblr bruh idk I dont pay attention to anything
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? be fucking decent already
Do I have any relatives in jail? not at the moment that Im aware of
What is my current desktop picture? Thranduil Tauriel and Legolas lol
Had sex? depends on ur definition
Bought condoms? GLOW IN THE DARK
Gotten pregnant? nope
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no
Had job? yes
Smoked weed? yes
Smoked cigarettes? no
Drank alcohol? yes
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no
Been overweight? technically I think? But not really
Been underweight? yes
Gotten my heart broken? yes
Been to prom? yes
Been in airplane? well yea but I was 4 so I dont remember it so I dont count it
Learned another language? bruh i tried
Wore make up? yes
Dyed my hair? yes
Had a surgery? yes
Met someone famous? yes
Stalked someone on a social network? who hasnt??
Been fishing? yeah but I dont really remember it
Been rejected by a crush? yes
What do I want for birthday? Idk dude thats so far away
Do I like my handwriting? sometimes
Where do I want to live when older? i have no idea
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? never snuck out but yeah Ive been caught doing “anything bad”
What I’m really bad at everything lmao. Sports I guess
What my greatest achievments are my writing probably
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me one time when I was like 14 my mom and I were arguing and she told me it wouldnt be long before I was selling myself on the streets of new york
What I’d do if I won in a lottery ugh pay off my debt and buy a few of the things i want the most
What do I like about myself hairrr
My closest Tumblr friend like tumblr-only? probably leakedinlondon bc shes the only person ive ever talked to on tumblr lmao
Any question you’d like? what
Are you outgoing or shy? yes
What kind of people are you attracted to? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ femme wlw mostly i guess???
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? no but i wish
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? no
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? my friend Kate who lives in AZ now :(
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Yeah I just did, nothing yet”
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Mitski, “Nobody” Florence + The Machine, “Grace” Hozier, “Wasteland, Baby” Mitski, “Pink in the Night” Mitski, “Strawberry Blond” in no particular order
Do you like it when people play with your hair? YESS
Do you think there is life on other planets? yes
Do you like bubble baths? yes but has tiny tub :(
Do you like your neighbors? i dont really know most of them but the ones I do, yeah for the most part
Where would you like to travel? All over the place, but Cuba more than anything
Favorite part of your daily routine? cuddling w my doogggggg
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? muffin toppp
What do you do when you wake up? try to go back to sleep
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? yes
Do you ever want to get married? idk maybe
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? lmao yea????
Would you rather live without TV or music? TV
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yea
What are your favorite stores to shop in? theres this little like toy store but it has so many funny or adult things that I love. Its called Play
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? not everyone
Do you smile at strangers? usually
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? only in my dreams (like literally, I dont want ppl to know what I did in my dreams)
Ever wished you were someone else? always
Favourite makeup brand? dont have one
Last thing you ate? chicken and pasta
Ever won a competition? For what? yeah, a writing competition
Ever been in love? i dont know
Facebook or Twitter? facebook
Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? no
What colour are your towels? purple
Favourite ice cream flavour? cookies and cream
First person you talked to today? my lil brother Ben
Last person you talked to today? talking to both my lil sibs rn
Name a person you hate? fucking CHRIS
Name a person you love? Rebecca <3 ( @parkour-margaret)
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? chris always
Do you tan a lot? BURNN
Have any pets? FOUR
Do you type fast? relatively yeah
Do you regret anything from your past? OH yeah
Ever broken someone’s heart? idk
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? YUP
Is cheating ever okay? it really depends on the situation but 98% of the time no
Do you believe in true love? yeah.  but not just one. everyone can have more than one
What your zodiac sign? aries
Do you believe in ghosts? this question was already asked? no
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “‘Never mind, do not weep,’ answered the frog, ‘I can help you, but”
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