#and i had white shoes and put my feet in the water
hedgehog-moss · 3 months
I saw an astronaut walking on the side of the road today, which is the kind of thing my brain will placidly accept at first, only to go "Wait, an astronaut" a minute later once I'm done with my previous train of thought. By then I felt like it might be too late to stop my car, but I ended up stopping anyway because I didn't want to spend the rest of the afternoon wondering.
I waited for the astronaut to catch up with me since they were going in my direction, but they didn't. Eventually I got out of the car and retraced my steps, and after a bend in the road when I saw no one walking towards me I decided the visitor must have gone back to their spacecraft and I would never get an explanation for this—and then in the distance I caught a glimpse of the white space suit disappearing into the forest.
I managed to catch up with them and they turned out to be a distant neighbour of mine (let's call her M.), and what looked like a space suit when I was driving by was a beekeeper's outfit! (Sorry for the pointless suspense but I was taking you on the same little journey my brain went through.) M. was tickled when she learnt that I mistook her for an astronaut—she told me she'd borrowed her husband's too-big shoes which made her drag her feet, hence why she looked like she was having trouble readjusting to Earth's gravity.
Then she said that one of her hives had swarmed, and she was pretty sure she knew where the swarm was. I had no idea how swarming worked so as we walked in the woods she explained that when a hive becomes too crowded, the queen will get replaced by a new one, and the old queen will leave along with half of the bees. After this split, the swarm will cluster somewhere nearby and wait while scout bees fly away in search of a new hive location. "That's when you have to catch them—if you can find the swarm. But here it is!"
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I wasn't expecting quite so many bees!! I'm pretty scared of all flying creatures so allow me to pat myself on the back for what came next—I thought I was about to learn how to catch a swarm from a prudent distance, but M. asked if I could give her a hand, seeing as her husband was supposed to be here to help but clearly wasn't.
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The first step of catching a swarm was spraying the bees with sugar water, and I was glad not to be asked to help with that, as it seemed like something that could make bees angry. ("On the contrary, it makes them less agitated!" I was told, but that remained to be seen.) Step 2 was pulling on a rope tied to the tree branch in order to lower the swarm into the new hive, and that was the job I was recruited for. The rope was long enough that I could stand several metres away to pull on it, but my role in this swarm-catching business was still all too clear to any angry bee looking for someone to blame.
I remembered reading that bees can sense the electric field of flowers, so I thought there was no way they wouldn't sense the staticky nervousness coming from the rope-puller, but thankfully they completely ignored me.
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M. was offering one fun fact about bees after the other, in a very relaxed voice, which was very interesting and very soothing for both me and the bees. She said this particular colony was very sweet ("some bee colonies are meaner than others?" "yes of course"), and that swarming usually happens a bit earlier in the year "but it's been raining so much lately, the bees had to postpone all their activities, just like us" and also "swarming involves quite a bit of planning ahead of time; for example worker bees have to put the queen on a diet so she won't be too fat to fly. Did you know that?" I did not!
Unfortunately our first attempt to catch the swarm failed. The bees entered the hive, had a quick look around their new home, then left in disgust and formed a thick, angry, buzzing cloud over our heads, while I tried to think nothing but bee-loving thoughts to make my electric field harmless and friendly.
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Then one after the other all the bees returned to the exact same spot on the branch where we'd first found them. ("Because it smells like the queen" said M.) We examined the near-empty hive and found that a mouse had made a nest in there! She was no longer here but the traces of her passage were evident (some of the comb was very nibbled.)
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As we were removing the supplies brought in by the mouse (sticks, hay), M.'s husband joined us and he had brought a spray bottle containing some sort of bee-attracting liquid (pheromones?) (I didn't have a close look at the bottle because I made sure to stay far away from the bee-attracting liquid, while he sprayed it inside the hive.)
He had also brought a white sheet which he spread under the tree, explaining that the bees will want to get away from the bright surface and look for darkness, thus hopefully getting inside the box. Another thing I learnt is that once the queen enters the hive, the nearest worker bees will spread the message by turning round and fluttering their wings to send a chemical signal in specific directions, which will be picked up by other bees farther away; at strategic intervals some bees will light the beacons of Gondor turn round and fan their wings to relay this scent-message until the entire colony is informed of the queen's new location.
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We were more successful the second time around! This time the bees who went in didn't immediately get out again to return to their branch. Well I say "we" but I didn't volunteer to pull on the rope again, so I can't claim any role in this victory. But my personal victory was that I stood quite a bit nearer this time so I could watch everything closely, and I felt more intrigued than nervous. Bees were constantly zipping past me but it had become clear that my electric field was pure and they bore me no ill will. I was always fond of bees from afar and happy to see them do their thing in flowers in the spring, but today's adventure got me interested in their daily life as well, so I think I'll read some books about bees this summer!
I was reading last month about the morality of termite colonies (Maeterlinck's La vie des termites) and I had a feeling this man must have written some poetic stuff about bees as well—and he did. Here's a translated excerpt from his book "La vie des abeilles" :)
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nvuy · 5 months
nuvy. nuvy have you heard of the boothill leaks.
YES i did *salutes*
boothill story leaks under cut;
girl dad girl dad
soooo what about boothill falling in love with a single parent with a daughter hmm hmm
like god if he doesn’t just accidently run into the kid and she squeals over him because “hey!! cool robot man!!” and you chase her down and apologise.
he freezes, because your daughter looks so much like his did.
same hair colour, same eye colour, same energy that he could barely keep up with, just learning to walk on two feet properly and string together words to form simple sentences.
it absolutely destroys him. in the worst and best way possible. especially since your daughter practically develops an admiration for him on the spot, begs to be carried, and you’re confused because “sweetie, you shouldn’t be talking to strangers.”
like like.,,,, example……..
Something small and warm wraps around his hand and Boothill glances up quickly from his lap.
There was a little girl searching for his fingers, barely three years old by the looks of it. Pretty tresses of black hair flowing in the wind near the shoreline, sniffling and barely standing on short wobbly legs.
“I need help,” she hiccups, and Boothill melts on the spot. So small and helpless, like a baby bird away from its mother’s nest. “I can’t find my–”
And of course, he stands up, dusts off his pants, and offers her his hand. He guides her away from the beach back towards the market where crowds of people swarm the stalls.
It’s nighttime, cold, and definitely no place for a little girl to be by herself.
“What’s your parents look like, princess?”
He busies himself searching for any targets that would make sense given the girl’s prattling of your appearance down to the colour of your shoes—“White. Like mine.” Hers light up purple with each step she takes—too many faces, too many people.
He stands to give up when he hears somebody frantically running around like a lunatic to every single store, asking if they’ve seen a little girl with light up sneakers wandering about.
“Calm down. I’m sure she’s around here somewhere,” he heard one of the assistants try.
Another shopkeeper offers a pitiful frown and shakes their head.
Boothill nudges the girl, squeezing her small hand in his, careful of his strength around fragile bones. “Is that them?”
She quickly wipes the tears from her face. She then nods and takes off into a sprint to lunge at you, still sobbing when she wraps her arms around your leg.
You sigh in relief and scoop her up into your arms.
Boothill then has an entire conundrum in the middle of the market square. For one, your daughter is waving him over with a smile on her face. Two, you looked like you were about two seconds away from passing out in shock. Your clothes are askew, hair a mess, face flushed and yet simultaneously drained of blood.
He steps closer anyway, though hesitantly. He can’t say no to the little thing whose grin has now grown double the size of her face.
“This is the man that helped me,” she explained softly to you, pointing at him with a small finger.
You scanned him over.
For a moment, he thought you were going to turn around and book it in the other direction. A random ‘robot man’ in the centre of the town square was probably the least most inviting thing he could’ve been. Not to mention he had been sitting at the docks for so long staring out into the water he knew his hair had been tossed wildly from the wind.
Not that you appeared anymore put together.
Instead, you grab his face with a free hand and kiss him on the cheek.
“Thank you,” you whispered hoarsely.
He almost damn near blue screens. The words ‘anything for you’ fight to come forth out of his throat.
Instead, he lets out a garbled noise before he clears his throat. “Of course. Couldn’t let the little princess run too far.” He teased your daughter with a tap to her nose.
She grabs his finger and presses the pads of her own across the metal rivets and joints like she’s studying them curiously.
Your daughter stared up at you with giant puppy eyes, still holding his hand. “Can we keep him?”
It was your turn to make a weird noise, spluttering with your face heating up. “You can’t keep people.”
All the while, Boothill was staring at you as you chastised her with hot cheeks.
No spouse by the looks of it—nor had the little princess mentioned somebody else. He knew kids liked to ramble on about their parents.
Well, his daughter did. Something cold and metallic turned in his stomach. She used to think her dad was a hero.
He wondered if she still would.
No ring on your finger. Adoration was such a gentle expression on your face, and the way you held her so firmly, yet so delicately, said it all.
Oh, if he wasn’t completely head over heels from the very beginning.
the angst potential. The angst potential. Theeee angst potential. i’m gritting my teeth.
i’m going insan e
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herozdiary · 6 months
Lazy morning
Francis x reader
This diary entry contains…Fluff|established relationship|Baker x milkman is now my favorite thing to write for this man| Mentions of the doppleganger incident going on|Reader and francis are honestly the happiest couple in that damn complex.|
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The quiet start to your morning was ruined by Francis's loud alarm clock. You groaned as you turned over and placed a pillow over your ear to block out the sound. The bakery was closed for the day due to some construction that needed to be done. You could hear Francis mumble a small apology to you as he turned off the clock.
The feeling of some weight being lifted off the bed made you take the pillow off your ear and place in back in its proper spot. Unlike you, Francis still needed to do his rounds for the day before he could come back home and spend the rest of it with you." If it makes you feel better, we can start the day together" You yawned out as you sat up. Francis nodded as he lazily looked through the closet for his work uniform.
"I wished I could take the day off but I'm aiming for perfect attendance for this week" he said as he pulled out the familiar set of white clothes. You got out a bed before stretching." I think you're doing a good job so far" you said as you fixed up your spot of the bed and slid your feet into the cupcake slippers Francis had bought you as a gift.
You followed Francis to the bathroom where you flipped the light out and turned to sink on." I hope I don't have to do many deliveries today. Half the people I deliver milk too don't even use it I bet" He mumbled out as he grabbed his toothbrush and wetted it. You grab the toothpaste before applying a good amount onto Francis's before putting some on yours.
"Milk isn't a favorite of lots of people. I don't even know why you bother to still bring it to them" you say before popping the toothbrush into your mouth. Francis shrugged as he brushed his teeth for a good 2 minutes before spitting the toothpaste into the sink.
"People claim to want to start to drink milk more but we know that never works out for long" He says as he grabbed his washcloth and began to start his skincare routine.
You nodded as you fill a cup with water and took a sip before swishing it around your mouth and spitting it back out into the sink, Rinsing the sink out in the process.
Once the two of you were done in the bathroom, you made your way to the kitchen where you didn't feel like cooking, so you decided to make two bowls of cereal." Did you want frosted flakes or are you feeling like cheerios?" You asked as grabbed the spoons and put them into the bowl.
"Cheerios" Francis said as he went to go put his shoes on by the front door. You grabbed the box before pouring some in a milk themed bowl you bought Francis one day when you went to the store.
You picked whatever cereal you liked and poured into a cake themed bowl that you bought yourself. You poured milk into both before setting them onto the table and taking a seat.
Francis joined you as he poked at his cereal a little before taking a couple of bites of it. "I'm a little worried., About the whole doppelganger thing" you say while taking a spoonful of cereal and eating it. Francis looked at you before giving you a weak smile.
"I know, it's pretty scary to think about. But hopefully that new doorman can do their job right and figure out who is actually a real person." Francis said as he finished off his cereal. You took your last bite before handing Francis your bowl as he gladly took it and placed them in the sink.
"I trust them. They seem to be very good at their job so!" you said, trying your best to think positive as you looked over Francis. His facial features were so easy to remember as you had seen it a bunch of times so you would know right away if it was a doppelganger.
"Now, I sadly must leave you here all alone so I can go give people their milk" he said as he began to walk to the front door. You followed after him like a lost puppy as you gave him a smile.
"Don't take too long! and take breaks also please dear" you say as Francis nods as he put on his hat before grabbing his keys as he turns to look at you. "I promise I'll take breaks" he says as you squint your eyes before holding out your pinky to him.
"Are you really about to make me pinky promise on this?" He chuckles before interlocking his pinky with you. "Yes, and you better not break it" you say before placing a small kiss onto his cheek.
"I think I deserve one on my lips" he said as he grabbed your waist and placed a quick kiss on your lips. You giggled as you tipped his hat a little." Be safe please, I wouldn't be able to handle the thought of one of those monsters getting you" you say as you fixed his hat back as he removed his hands from your waist.
"I can just throw a bottle of milk at them if they even thought about bothering me" he said as he unlocked the door and opened it. "I'll be back soon" he said as he stepped out, closing the door behind him.
You locked the door back up before sighing as you shuffled back to the living room and plopped onto the couch as turned the TV, At least you could watch your favorite show without Francis commenting on it every five seconds.
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Halfa Cass Chapter 7 part 1/2
“I see,” said Alfie, hands full of breakfast dishes. “When can I expect you to return home, Miss Cassandra?” Calm. Composed. She followed at his back with the empty water and juice pitchers.
She hummed, doing math in her head. 90 minutes on a fast bike, unknown time there, 90 minutes back. “Dinner?” Cass guessed. “Will message again at 3 with updated estimate.” She put the pitchers down beside the sink silently.
Alfie gave a brisk nod at that sensible plan. Approval. “Very well, Miss. Please drive carefully.” He paused. “And do not forget hydration and your sunscreen.”
“Love you too,” she said, and went to put on the sunscreen. Then she was a whirlwind to get ready. Athletic undersuit, first. Pullover mask in the back, a long hood design that hooked back in on itself. Convenient! Gloves in black jeans pockets. Ankle boots, good for kicking and for driving. 
Cass put her flying suit in her student backpack and put her hands on her hips. She looked around. Room? Clean enough. Equipment? Packed. Reasonable projection of needs? Cass crinkled up her brow and made her best judgment. Probably minimal. Combat not expected, companion powerful. 
“Jacket,” Cass muttered to herself, sudden realization! She darted across the house to get it. The green jacket was important. It was a talisman. It was representative. It was a civilian flying suit that reminded her she was powerful and beautiful. 
When she had it on, she went back for her student back bag and then left from the upper level garage. Black bike, nondescript. Mid range price. 
Cass paused astride the bike, feet firmly planted on either side on the crunchy white gravel of their long driveway. She unzipped the front left pocket and withdrew her phone. To Marvel, she said,
🦇 🏍️ ⬆️ == 1.5 h ⌚ 
Then she opened a new message to Batdad. She didn’t want him to worry. So she said,
💕 👋🏼  🏍️ 
The last person to get a message was Stephanie, who was not flying because she was still in medical schooling. Cass sent,
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Just because it was funny. It would make Stephanie laugh.
Then she was off.
Cass pulled her black bat hood down when she found the right area. It was day. Many stares that she loftily ignored. The meeting spot wasn’t Gotham or Fawcett. The laughing magician was in dingy small town, smoking and drinking. Captain Marvel found him first and hauled him out, friendly arm over shoulder. Cass crouched on the roof of nextdoor building to silently peer down, batting a little for the comfort factor of bat things. He was still big-man Marvel-lie, but with new clothes. Happy face with torn jeans and t-shirt. She squinted. Same Marvel shoes. Hmm. No budget, Cass decided. If any budget, better shoes.
Constantine blinked up at Captain Marvel, dazed from alcohol but interested in big handsome man. “Where are you taking me, prettyboy?” He slurred. He was a mess. He reached up and cupped Marvel’s face.
Cass moved. 
Constantine noticed her rapid approach and stumbled upright. Eyes sharp, intelligent. Then: dismay. “Fuck,” he said. Very unhappy. Genuine dislike. “A bat. Which one are you?” Disdain. 
Cass frowned. “Hands off,” she demanded. She crossed her arms. “He’s baby.”
“What?” Marvel said, sounding distressed. Ah. He didn’t know that she knew.
“Really?” Constantine said, wrinkling his face up and looking between her and Marvel pointedly. Because he was a foolish little man who didn’t understand facts that walked into his life. “A nightmare like you pulled this bloke? Fuck my life.”
Yes. A nightmare. Your nightmare.
Cass stretched her mask mouth wider so the teeth would stretch and pull even bigger. She leered at him with all her scariness. He looked like he wished she would leave. Wondered if he made good decision. Regret. Regret. I run my big damn mouth.
“Hey!” Marvel rallied, totally missing the body language interplay. “She’s not a nightmare! Black Bat is very kind and smart.” He put his hands on his hips, which happily meant he had to stop supporting middle-aged wizard weight.
Constantine said some curses under his voice that she didn’t know. He fished around in his pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. The rattling from inside told Cass: three cigarettes. No metal, no secret hidden weapon unless it closely resembled cigarette shape. Maintain wariness. He lit it on fire with his fingers.
What? No lighter? Cass saw no lighter.
While Cass was busy frowning about that the wizard turned on his heel. “Toodles,” he said, and then Marvel grabbed him. 
“Wait! We need your professional help.”
“Do I look like I’m working?” Grungy wizard demanded. He waved a hand up and down his body, showing off his sleeveless tank top and tight pants. 
“Yes.” Black Bat took a couple steps closer. She knew this. “You were working. You’re not so intoxicated. You were running a scam for funding. You need money?” She kept anything out of her tone that could sound like judgment, leaving it cold and empty. No-nonsense. “I pay for consultation.”
Grungy wizard paused, looking her up and down. He took a drag on his cigarette. Stinky wizard. He blew it out at Marvel, RUDE wizard. “Really?” He was dubious. “Where’s the catch?” Stinky wizard scrunkled his face at her. “Usually it’s all ‘you owe it to the world, it’s for the good of humanity, don’t you have any decency?” with you people.
Cass rolled her eyes. “Can we cut the-” her eyes darted to Marvel. “Bullshit?” she finished, because it was the right word even if there were little ears present. “One thousand dollars American.”
Captain Marvel looked at her, eyes wide. Shocked. Envy. Small.
Oh. She hid her sudden bad feeling. 
“...Make it one and a half thousand, Bird, that’s a love,” oozed the Stinky Wizardman. He didn’t expect, but-
“Fine.” Cass said briskly. She didn’t want to spend a lot of time on money. She pulled out her wallet and withdrew one hundred dollar bills until she had 15. The Wizard cursed jealousy and ran a hand through his hair. Marvel was fascinated. Hmm. She held it out.
The wizard wanted it. He looked. He really wanted it. But: wary. No trust. Can’t trust a bat.
She let out a disgusted sigh. Black Bat shook the bills at him impatiently. “My Black Bat fund,” she said, in a tone that meant ‘do you have a brain that thinks thoughts?’ She continued, “For my use in-suit. Obviously real money. Obviously non-consecutive legal tender.” Duh.
“Okie Dokie!” Marvel said cheerfully. “We’re back on track.”
The wizard snatched it and stuffed it in his back pocket, hungry dog, don’t take it from me, I need it. “Let’s not talk here. I have a hotel room.” 
‘Did the stinkyman invite Marvel-baby to his hotel?’
Cass cut the wizard a death look.
He coughed and avoided looking at her. 
That was a yes. “You’re a bad judge of people,” she told the wizard, voice full of disdain. “Yes. Let’s go.” She pointedly moved in between him and Marvel-baby. 
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ghostlyloversworld · 7 months
.。.。:∞♡*♥ making me love you! ♥*♡∞:。.。
Percy Jackson! X Fem! Persephone Reader
Idea! - the son of Poseidon and daughter of Persephone realizing that they aren't so different after all.
Waring! Cussing
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Song Get him back! By Olivia Rodrigo
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One, two, three Wait, is this the song with the drums?.
Percy groans as he tossed and turned in bed. He couldn't sleep that night, which was unusual for the demigod considering he's usually fast asleep drooling.
He pushed the blanket off him. He puts his feet on the ground, why was tonight so warm for no reason?. Gods he hated it ".. " his breathing steadily
I met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring He argued with me about everything He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye He said he's six-foot-two, and I'm like, "Dude, nice try".
But he was so much fun and he had such weird friends And he would take us out to parties and the night would never end Another song, another club, another bar, another dance And when he said something wrong, he'd just fly me to France So I miss him some nights when I'm feeling depressed 'Til I remember every time he made a pass on my friend Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it's up and down If I had to choose, I would say right now.
The son of Poseidon sighs as he walks to his bathroom. Tyson was fast asleep across the other hallway. He tried to find the light switch in the dark, but he struggles to find it for a good moment until the little 'click! ' noise when he found it he had switched the little switch up words.
He finally turns the water on. He let's it run for a good while before he finally splash water on his face. He turns the water off before grabbing a rag he softly pats his face with the rag. He took a good moment to look at his face, he sighs and runs his hands through his Raven hair.
But he wasn't the only one up. The daughter of Persephone was also up. But she was sitting down. At docks her feet swinging back and forth as she watched the water under her feet. Don't worry she had her shoes on making sure they didn't get wet with the water. She thinks that the water was just the right temperature but she wasn't going to try and figure out.
I wanna get him back I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad Oh, I wanna get him back 'Cause then again, I really miss him, and it makes me real sad Oh, I want sweet revenge And I want him again I want to get him back, back, back.
As she sits there looking at the water. She hears the smooth voice of the son of Poseidon. "Can't sleep? " he asked as he walked up to her ".. Are you stalking me?" She asked him as she looks at the water "what? no.. I don't stalk people" he laughs at her question
"Hmm m'kay.." She sighs before she looks up at the boy who had one streak of white in his hair. "You still drool in you're sleep.. But I don't say it to not let you down hardly" she smirks he rolls his eyes "oh shut up.. You're also not pretty when sleeping.. " he laughs. "Ah so you do stalk people" "no I don't I already told you this " he sighs "that's stalking when you watch people sleep" she stats.
But that was last night. Now it was Morning.. She and Percy stayed up talking about nothing important. Just being teenagers.. The usual teasing, just a hint of flirting and just being idiots. They were at breakfast. At their tables. So when the daughter of Persephone looks up from her plate.
She saw Percy shoved blue pancakes in his mouth. She smirks and rolls her eyes before looking down at her plate again. He sat with Tyson . His half brother the boy who was a actual big sweetheart who was scared of Satyr's she actually felt bad for Tyson. The poor Cyclops
But when she saw the way the Cyclops face lit up with happiness. She smiles she had looked up in time to see it
So I write him all these letters and I throw them in the trash 'Cause I miss the way he kisses and the way he made me laugh Yeah, I pour my little heart out, but as I'm hitting "Send" I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends Because everyone knew all of the shit that he'd do He said I was the only girl but that just wasn't the truth And when I told him how he hurt me, he'd tell me I was trippin' But I am my father's daughter, so maybe I could fix him.
She fixed her hair. She looks away not wanting to seem like a creep but it was a little to late because Percy had saw her staring. He smirks and rolls his eyes
I wanna get him back I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad Oh, I wanna get him back 'Cause then again, I really miss him, and it makes me real sad Oh, I want sweet revenge And I want him again I want to get him back, back, back.
Actually he already knew everytime she would look their way.
I wanna key his car (I want to get him back)I wanna make him lunch (but then I, I want to get him back) I wanna break his heart (but then I, I want to get him back) And be the one to stitch it up (but then I, I want to get him back) Wanna kiss his face (but then I, I want to get him back) With an uppercut (but then I, I want to get him back) I wanna meet his mom (but then I, I want to get him back) Just to tell her her son sucks (but then I, I want to get him back).
Tyson kept talking so happily. Not even noticing the staring girl. But it wasn't like she was trying to be rude. She just wanted to make sure they were okay. And laugh at Percy when he shoves blue pancakes in his mouth. God he was so stupid but she loved him. Wait what? She loved him?
I wanna key his car (I want to get him back) I wanna make him lunch (but then I, I want to get him back) I wanna break his heart (but then I, I want to get him back) And be the one to stitch it up (but then I, I want to get him back) Wanna kiss his face (but then I, I want to get him back) With an uppercut (but then I, I want to get him back) I wanna meet his mom (but then I, I want to get him back) Just to tell her her son sucks (but then I, I want to get him back).
So after lunch when breakfast had ended and everyone went their own ways. She finally found him training by himself. She walks up to him " jeez sea boy" he looks over at her "what flower girl" she smirks "oh just being my favorite as always. Mwah" he laughs "what the fu-. " she looks at him "don't cuss. There is kids around" she smirks
I wanna get him back I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad Oh, I wanna get him back 'Cause then again, I really miss him, and it makes me real sad Oh, I want sweet revenge And I want him again I want to get him back, back, back.
He laughs more "oh so you're so considered for the children. "Aye.. Those kids are innocent right now" she laughs. Great minds think alike. "Oh wow" he laughs so hard that his face was red "jeez you're blushing over me" she teased him "maybe " he shrugged. "Or maybe you're just to pretty for me" he shrugged.
I'll get him, I'll get him, I'll get him, I'll get him back Get him back, come on, come on I'm gonna get him so good, he won't even know what hit him He's gonna love me and hate me at the same time Get him back, girl, you better get him back I don't know I got him good, I got him really good.
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sturnsiolos0 · 9 months
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Hottub-Chris Sturniolo
You walked back into the hotel suite and kicked off your shoes before you hung your purse up on the empty hook. The patio doors were wide opened, so you sauntered outside. The cooling damp wood under your bare toes caused goosebumps to decorate your calves.
Chris was reclined in the hot tub, eyes closed as he took a long drink. It should be illegal to use your tongue like that without intent. You were well aware of how talented that tongue of his could be when he had intent. You shifted on your feet as a rush of heat passed through your body, but you kept your voice casual. "Did you finally decide that this place isn't all bad?"
"I guess." He lulled his head to the side, glancing up at you.
"Is it okay if i join you in there?" You let a small smile pass over your lips.
"Plenty of room, Princess."
"I need to change."
He smirked and gripped your wrist tighter, "Just throw your clothes on the rail. No one's around."
"Nice try." You slipped away from his hold and ignored his overly dramatic sigh.
"I'm always trying."
You rolled your eyes as you moved back through the hotel suite and into the bathroom. You place your jewlery in a dish on the bathroom sink after you tossed your clothing over the hamper in the corner.
You bit your bottom lip as a wicked plan popped into your head. You paced back to the patio, a smile forming on your face.
"Hey," He attempted to hold your  hand, but you didn't let him. He opened his eyes as you circled the hot tub, and they widened as he realized that you weren't wearing anything. The water sloshed as he started to get up.
"No." You stated plainly and he halted immediately. "Just sit back down." He complied without hesitation and a surge of power put a seductive smile on your face. Your fingers traced the edge of the hot tub as you positioned yourself directly across from him, letting the moonlight frame you from behind.
You ran your hands through your hair and held his gaze. Chris's knuckles were white as his grip on the rim of the tub hardened, "Y/n..."
"Shhh. Just relax."
Chris's eyes were nearly black with desire, he wanted you and nothing else mattered. You stepped into the hot tub and glided into his space as he gripped your thighs pulling you on top of him as he sought your mouth with his.
You placed a single finger to his lips. "No, no. Not yet."
"I'm not a fan of waiting." His tongue darted out and ran over the pad of your index finger.
"Really? I've never noticed." You settled yourself more firmly on him and rolled your body against his, feeling how hard he already was. You hook your fingers beneath his swimming suit before pulling it down just enough for his cock to come out.
He firmed his hold on your hips.
"Is there a reason i have to wait?"
"Because I say so." You leaned in closer and whispered, "Put your arms behind your head."
"Gonna be hard for me to touch you that way." He argued but still submitted.
"Harder is the idea, Handsome." You squeezed his thighs with yours as you reclined back into the hot water.  You were giving him a show, hair fanning out beneath you. "This feels amazing."
"Yes, it does." His voice was graveled. You loved his voice like that, it was like you were too much for him to handle. "How long I am going to be your hostage?"
You wrapped your legs around his waist and tightened your stomach to pull yourself up into a sitting position. You pressed your chest against his, the friction making him hiss and heat to burn through you all over again. You trailed your tongue along the shell of his ear until you caught the lobe in your teeth. "Until I say so. You do what I say,when I say...and maybe I'll let you get off...maybe if you're really, really good I'll let you get off buried inside of me. Would you like that baby?"
"Y/n." Chris groaned into your ear as he pressed his face against yours, trying to get closer.
"What is it?" You shifted back a bit and grabbed his chin. "You didn't answer my question." You dropped your voice to that purr that drove him crazy. "Do you want to cum buried inside of me, Chris?" You ground yourself down on his cock, relishing the searing jolt that you felt all the way to the base of your spine.
Despite the fact that his muscles twitched, Chris remained frozen and focused on your face, "Y/n, you know how much I love to cum inside of you,"
"Ah-ah-ah." You tapped your finger against him, "You didn't say the magic word."
His eyebrow arched, "I have to say please now?"
"Please, I need you."
"I'm sure you do." You finally succumbed to your own urges and pressed your lips against his. He responded instantly molding his mouth to yours, trying to devour you as you acquiesced and let his tongue battle with yours. It was exactly what you needed, that erotic stimulation that made your toes curl every single time. You were letting him get away with too much. "Not so fast, baby." You panted.
He aimed to catch you in another kiss, but you avoided it, instead leaning away again this time palming your hands up your own body. "Do you want to touch me Chris?"
"Yes y/n, I..."
You pressed your finger against his lips again. "You talk too much sometimes. Yes y/n will do."
His stare was heated, but he kept silent as you rolled and teased your nipples not attempting in the slightest to control your moan. "This feels so good,the cool air on my wet skin, the weight of your eyes, and how hard you are under me. I can't wait to ride you." You massaged your breasts, dragging your lower half against his erection. "The question is...can you be good, Chris? Can you be obedient?"
"Yes, y/n." The phrase was so simple, but it fell so sinfully from those wicked lips of his.
You braced your hands on either side of him, he watched transfixed as you lifted elevated herself to put your chest level with his face. "You can taste me. You can run your tongue over my tits, you can suck on my nipples, but you have to stop when I say and you cannot move your lower half. Do you understand?"
"Yes, y/n."
His mouth was on your flesh before you could prepare for it. He sucked your right nipple with ravenous enthusiasm, it was akin to the way he kissed you, passionate and filthy. He switched the other breast and you whined as your body flushed. You couldn't help but slip one of your hands down your own body. He persisted in his ministrations drawing out another moan as you teased your throbbing clit and his cock in the process. He shuddered at your touch, but didn't thrust beneath you.
You always marveled at the things he could do with his tongue. You wanted him, but on your terms. The torment you were putting yourself through would be worth it. "That's enough." Your voice wavered.
He released your nipple with an obscene pop.
You slipped away from him and though he didn't move he was devouring you with his eyes, it was almost overwhelming. You dragged your nails up his chest and he bit down on the inside of his cheek as your pussy brushed against where he needed you most. His cock pulsed, but other than low moan, Chris remained compliant to your command to be still.
"Do you want me?" You asked coaxing another moan from him as you stroked him slowly.
His teeth were clenched, "Yes, please."
You worked him harder, you were so wet and achy that you wanted to take him in all at once. You were going to ride him hard and having him at your control was all the more intoxicating. You spread your legs a little wider as you moved over his lap. "You're going to keep your hands where they are and stay still."
You shamelessly crashed your body down onto him letting him penetrate you completely as you arched your back cursing at the magnificent thrill of the connection. He hissed and dropped his head back, since he wasn't allowed to do anything else and whimpered your name out like an obscene prayer. You flexed your internal muscles around him and gripped his shoulders. You used the leverage to impale yourself on him over and over as your blood pounded in your ears. You could feel your body already starting to tremble and the sweat start to gather on the nape of your neck.
"Kiss me." You ordered.
His mouth skimmed yours before drawing you in completely with searing desperation.  He shifted beneath you to get a better angle it was like he lit a damn match to your nerves. You could feel your cunt convulsing around his cock and you threw your head back to scream out his name with a plea for him to finish with you.
He released his hands from behind him and yanked your hips to give him some measure of control. He kept you over him, but pounded into you at a brutal pace. Instead of coming down from the high of your orgasm, you felt yourself re-climbing towards that peak. "Don't stop. Don't you dare fucking stop."
He snarled and bit down on your shoulder as he fucked you mercilessly, his hand dipped between your bodies claiming your clit and pinching down, flinging you over the edge a second time in a matter of moments. You were barely aware of his convulsing as he emptied himself into you.
"You are so fucking amazing. Fucking incredible." He kept you enfolded in his arms as he twitched with the last remnants of his orgasm, breathing heavily into you hair. He sounded spent, but still managed to question, "And no complaints, but where did this all come from?"
"Just felt like it. I've got a few things that I'm still wanting to try. I have to keep you on your toes." You placed your hands on his chest, "On that note, we should go to bed."
He chuckled, "Sure thing, but give me a minute, you may have broken me."
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tastelikezweig · 2 months
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well patrick and tashi had just finished arguing, their voices echoing through the dormitory's thin walls. in a fit of anger, patrick stormed out of her room, a duffle bag clutched tightly in his hand, his clothes hastily thrown in. he was left standing in the hallway in nothing but his boxers.
as he rounded the corner, his pace quickened, desperation evident in his every step. suddenly, he collided with you, sending his clothes scattering across the floor.
"patrick?!" you shrieked, rubbing your forehead. "why are you naked?"
a groan of frustration escaped his lips, accompanied by the mocking giggles of a few girls nearby. embarrassment flushed his cheeks as he pleaded, "can you just unlock your door so i can get dressed?" he was fortunate you lived on the same floor as tashi.
with panicked fingers, you fumbled for your keys. they slipped from your grasp, hitting the floor with a metallic clink. he facepalmed. "fuck, you're kidding me," he whined.
"relax," you sighed, squatting down to retrieve the keys. finally, you managed to unlock the door, and he barged in, quickly pulling on his clothes. he sank into the chair at your desk to put on his shoes as you slipped into your comfy pajamas.
patrick's eyes followed you as you changed into a pair of cheeky shorts, his gaze lingering with surprise and distraction.
"why were you roaming the halls naked, patrick?" you asked, snapping him out of his daze.
"me and tashi got into it, before we were– you know!" he shrugged, a forced frown tugging at his lips. he shook his head as if he was replaying the argument in his mind. "she's such a narcissist," he muttered, slouching.
you climbed onto your bed, letting the comforter envelop you. "i just—" he began, "go ahead, i'm listening," you said, as you pulled the covers over your head.
"i need a place to stay tonight," he sighed, his eyes pleading for your sympathy.
you groaned, the reluctance evident in your voice. patrick scoffed from across the room. "what about art?" you suggested, hoping he'd take the hint. "ugh... his roommate's in there. and he's weird," patrick complained, scrunching up his face. "pleaaaase," he begged, his pout almost comical.
"ugh! fine!" you relented, rolling your eyes. "i'll be out first thing in the morning anyway," he promised, pumping a fist in the air. "whatever," you muttered, "no farting, patrick, or i swear—"
he cut you off, running over to your bed and smothering your cheeks with kisses. he then stepped out of his shoes and jeans, pulling your throw blanket from the bed onto the floor. "can i have a pillow?" he asked, half-polite, half-sarcastic.
"i only have two," you replied, eyes closed.
"and you only have one head," he retorted, pulling the pillow from beneath your head. you landed on another you had below it. your eyes snapped open. "i'm regretting my decision already," you gritted, punching his arm.
"shhh," he hushed, squishing your face. you swatted his hand away. he turned off the main light, leaving the moonlight to cast a soft glow over the room.
patrick made a makeshift bed on the floor, the white noise from your small desk fan filling the silence. after a moment, he called out your name, knowing you weren't asleep. "do you wanna cuddle?" he asked.
what . . .
"just get up here, patrick," you said. you heard him immediately shuffle to his feet, grabbing the pillow and blanket from the floor. he crawled over you, snuggling up under your warmth. "we can't tell tashi," he whispered against your neck.
"fucking hell, patrick. close your mouth and go to sleep!"
the next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. on your desk was a hastily scribbled note: "thank you for taking me in." beside it sat a melted, watered-down smoothie, from patrick before he left at 5 a.m. you shook your head, picking up the cup.
"is this even drinkable?" you wondered aloud, throwing your head in exasperation.
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current obsession:)))
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hanniebaeee · 3 months
Wild Hearts
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Lee Minho x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut MDNI, lots of kissing
Genre: smut, fluff
Summary: Minho takes you camping - you both love the outdoors, and it's something you bond over. What you don't know is that he has more in store for you than just camping.
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You smiled in excitement as Minho parked the car and got your things. It was a beautiful summer day and the sky was a crisp blue, with the sun casting a warm golden glow on the scenery in front of you.
'Oh my God, Lino!! This is so beautiful!' You squeal in delight, making him smile.
Minho had been in charge of planning the whole camping trip, and he had chosen a secluded spot by a lake, surrounded by towering pine trees and pretty wildflowers, away from the city. The air felt so much fresher and the earthy scent of pine was so refreshing.
You carry some of your camping supplies as you follow your boyfriend to the campsite. Taking in the pristine surroundings with wide eager eyes, you completely smitten with Minho's choice. This makes Minho laugh affectionately.
'Why don't you take look around? I'll take care of this.' He said, setting everything down.
'Are you sure?' You asked, already reaching for your camera.
'Of course, baby.' He said, pulling you in for a kiss. 'Don't wander too far, ok?'
With a quick nod, you are on your way to explore your surroundings. You make sure to stay close, and find yourself looking back to where Minho stood, working on setting up the tent. Your heart swelled with love as you watched him.
He had been finding it very difficult to take time off to be with you. His busy schedules had him in a tight spot, not to mention splitting his free time among you and his family. It had been getting harder and harder until finally he snapped and demanded a whole week off. He spent the first few days with his family, and took that time to plan a nice camping holiday for the two of you.
Minho moved around with ease, setting up the tent and then pulling out the foldable chairs and a little foldable table where he set up some of his cooking things. You took a few pictures of him, smiling so much as you thanked the universe for giving you this precious man.
You dropped your idea of exploration and returned to Minho, who was now chopping up some veggies and bringing out some marinated chicken from a cooler. The sizzle of vegetables and chicken filled the air, making your mouth water.
Minho had discarded his jacket, and was now in his white tshirt and jeans, looking absolutely breath taking.
'What is it?' He asked, adding some herbs to the food. 'You're staring.'
'Can't I admire my pretty boyfriend?' You ask, cheeks colouring in embarrassment at being caught. 'What can I do if you look so good?'
Minho just shook his head with a little chuckle, holding his hand out to you. You rush to his side, arms going around his waist, head resting on his chest.
'Lunch is almost ready.' he said. 'Hope you're hungry.'
'I'm starving!' You said, placing a small kiss on his chest.
You help him set up the table, and he serves you the most delicious chicken and veggies you've ever eaten. You eat in a comfortable silence, listening to the sounds of the woods, enjoying the calm of nature.
Cleaning up was quick, and though the long drive and hearty meal had you drowsy, Minho wanted to take a walk. He held your hand as you walked along the lake. At one point, you let go of his hand and quickly take off your shoes. The water felt too cold for a swim, but you still dip your feet in, pulling him with you.
You moan in contentment as the cold water swallows your hot feet up and Minho gives you a teasing look.
'What? That felt good!' You said, splashing some water at him.
'I have an idea about something that'll feel even better.' He said, inching towards you slowly.
You giggle as he put his arms around you, pulling you flush against his chest. Tipping your head up, he kissed you. A soft, but deep one. You feel his tongue in your bottom lip and you open your mouth, moaning softly as his tongue slipped in. You felt the world around you fade away as you lost yourself in him.
Pulling back, your eyes locked with his and you say, 'I love you.'
'I love you too, baby.' He said, hugging you again. 'So much.'
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You took a bite of the masterpiece he had created, and you laugh as the chocolate dripped down your lips and chin. You try to wipe them off and just get chocolate on your hands and fingers as well. Minho didn't miss the chance to attach his lips yours, lapping up all the stray chocolate. You had turned a deep shade of pink by then, your heart racing at the way he was looking at you. He brings your fingertips to his mouth, sucking at them, one by one.
The sunset was beautiful, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. You took some pictures as Minho made a small campfire. He sat near it, making s'mores for you. He hands you marshmallows to toast, only to narrow his eyes at you playfully for eating them. You took a hundred pictures of everything he did, as he pampered you to no end.
The night grew darker, and the stars emerged, twinkling like tiny diamonds in the sky. Everything looked so much more beautiful here, and you felt so grateful to be sharing this moment with Minho.
After putting your things away, Minho suggested getting ready for bed. As you cleaned up and brushed your teeth, he set up the tent with fluffy blankets and your sleeping bag. You are both a smiling blushing mess as you change into your night clothes within the tent.
It was so quiet except for the gentle sounds of the forest. It seemed to be lulling you to sleep. Minho pulled you close, kissing the top of your head.
'Thank you for this, Lino. Today was just perfect.' You mumble, and he hummed, placing a few more kisses on your forehead.
Inside a warm cocoon of your blankets, Minho laid you down, while his lips attached to yours. Kissing and nibbling down your neck, Minho quickly pulled your night shirt off. You make it faster by pulling your clothes out of the way and he worked on his clothes. His hands reached every curve and inch of your body (so did his mouth). Your breath quickened as his kisses grew desperate and sloppy. You gasp as you feel his warm mouth around your nipples, sucking and licking at them. He switched from soft to rough so quick, you were panting for air.
His hand disappeared between your legs and the sudden explosion of pleasure, as he reached all the sweet spots had you whining.
'Baby, please, I need you-' you whisper, grabbing his arm tightly.
'Yeah?' He asked, voice thick with desire. 'Where do you want me, hm?'
'Please, Minho!' you whimper, and you fall apart completely as he sucks on your nipple noisily.
Your entire body was vibrating with need and he had you teetering on the edge.
'Please-' you beg again, and he nodded quickly, getting in between your legs. Adjusting you according to his need, he pushed into you in one go.
You cried out in surprise, and he chuckled.
Your connection was electric, and you were literally melting into him. He moved gently at first, and then lost all control over the situation, slamming into you. Your eyes rolled back in pleasure, each time he was in you and out of you.
You shudder and shake aa you reach your high, and he held you tightly through it, not stopping his movement. And you clenched around him, tipping him off to his own release. Minho groaned as he came, laying his head on your chest, and staying in you.
'Oh fuck.' Was all he could say. You put your arms around him, holding him as close to you as you could.
'I love you, baby. I can't wait to get married. I can't wait to start a family with you.' He murmured sleepily and if you thought any other moment from your trip was the most memorable, then you change your mind. Because this was everything.
'I love you too, baby.' You reply and your voice is a soft echo in your warm and cosy tent.
You both drift off to sleep, completely exhausted, but in the most blissful way. The next morning, when you wake up, you hear sounds outside the tent. Minho is not beside you, so you peek through the little window and find him getting breakfast ready. Dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, he looked so cute with his untidy hair and sleepy face.
You smile and plop down on the sleeping bag, stretching your arms and legs. You wince at your achy legs and decide to be a bit dramatic.
'Linooooo!' you call out, and you hear his footsteps approach the tent. Sticking his head in, he gives you a grin.
'Good morning, princess.' He cooed, sitting near the entrance.
'My legs hurt.' You say, pouting.
'Aww, do they?' He asked, lifting your leg and placing a trail of soft kisses from your ankle to your knee.
You shiver at that and pull your leg back, realizing that you were completely naked. Pulling the blanket around you, you try to hide how much his presence actually affected you. But Minho being Minho, was always one step ahead of you.
He gripped at your blanket tightly, pulling at them slightly and said, 'What are you hiding that I haven't already seen?'
'Minho!' You hiss, and gulp as he moves in, and hovers over you.
Pressing a soft kiss on your lips, he said, 'I've never been so in love, baby. You drive me insane.'
There was nothing you could say at that moment, so you put your arms around his neck, pulling him on top of you, and kissing him. He moaned, and before you know it, he was inside you (again) and the rest is history.
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You two sit and sip on coffee, grinning at each other. Minho fried eggs and sausages for breakfast, and your tummy rumbled as you eyed the food greedily.
'Wow, how hungry are you?' Minho teased, as he toasted some bread.
'Well, you should know that you tire me out. I need my energy.' You snap at him and he laughs such a loud hearty laugh, it fills your heart.
There is a few seconds of silence before he speaks again.
'So I tire you out, in a good way I hope, but I also cook for you, take you on awesome holidays, take you camping, give you the best orgasms...does that make me husband material?' He asked, so casually, it has you choking on your coffee.
'Of course, I'd marry you right now if I could.' You said, trying to act unbothered by his question.
'That's good. So if I propose to you now, you would say yes?' Minho asked, as he plated some food for you.
You stare at him, your heartbeat picking up speed. When you're silent for a while, he looks up and says, 'Just, just aski-'
'Minho, my answer will always be a yes for you. No matter when or where.' You said, shaking your head at his silly questions.
Minho looks at you, a small smile spreading on his headsome face.
'In that case, you'll have to make do with this for now. 'Cos I am still planning a proper prosoal.' Minho said casually, pulling out a little velvet box from his pocket.
Your eyes are so wide, and your mouth falls open as he gets on his knees and presents you with the prettiest little ring you've ever seen. A simple platinum one, with a pretty heart shaped diamond in the center. It shimmered beautifully as the sunlight fell on it.
'I wanted to do this today, right here, because this is something we both love and enjoy. And, it's just the two of us, away from everything else.' Minho said, taking your hand in his. 'You make me so happy, baby. I don't know how I got so lucky.'
You're already crying. You knew that you two would definitely end up getting married, but this was totally unexpected. You should have known, considering how adamant he was about making this trip work and all the extra preparations that he had done.
'Y/N, you're everything I could ever ask for. You already make me the happiest man in the world, but I would be happier if you say yes right now. So, Y/N, will you marry my?' Minho asked, and seeing him on his knee, asking you to marry him, your heart soars.
'Yes yes yes!!' You cry, throwing your hands around his neck and hugging him.
Minho chuckled, and quickly slipped the ring on your finger and kissed it tenderly.
'Baby, I can't wait for you to be my wife. I just can't wait to wake up next to you everyday. Thank you for being mine. I love you so much.' He said, cupping your cheeks in his hands and kissing your forehead.
'I don't need another proposal, Minho. I love this. This is so so sweet!' You said, as you two have your food.
'Uh, no.' said Minho, 'Like I said, you deserve the best. And I already have some ideas. Besides, boys will kill me if I don't plan one with them. They feel like this should be a group task for some reason. They love you, baby, and I think we should let them do this. Ok? It will be great. Just you wait.'
You nod and smile at how cute he and his boys were. And you left lucky to be accepted and loved by them all.
You and Minho are all smiles, and under the canopy of trees, whispering and dancing in the wind, you realize that you've found something as beautiful and endless as the nature you both admire.
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tonixe · 8 months
✢ Hot Secretary
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A/N: Thank you, guys, for 883 votes, I am so surprised how many votes were cast in the polls. Sorry for the fic taking so long, and also make sure to drink water. <3
WARNING: p in the v, unprotected sex, cheating, oral sex implied, creampie, affairs. [may be deemed as dark content]
PAIRING: President! Coriolanus Snow x secretary! reader
+ TAGS: @wildcatglove13
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Working for President Snow wasn't an easy task or job. You had to make sure that the president was on top of his tasks and ran errands for him, after all, he was running a country of Panem. A large population that needed dot be governed by someone with good skills and attributes such as President Snow.
It came with copious amounts of paperwork and documents that needed to be filled, checked, and printed. And aside from the tedious amount of labor, the pay checked out.
But lucky for you, you managed to land the job. It wasn't a brainer to impress your employer with someone of your talent and skill. You were currently sitting at your desk, your well-manicured nails typing down onto the keyboard, reading as you wrote.
Black letter filling out the blank white document in front of you. Along with exceptional skills, you also have the upper hand with your attractiveness, curvaceous silhouette, and beautiful face, though it is always stained with a serious expression. Your eyes were hidden underneath your Bayonetta glasses, reflecting the light of your computer. On top of it, you always wore a prim, proper white collar shirt, that was almost always 'too tight' holding your chest and wrapping perfectly over your stomach.
Leather pants that hugged your ass, and a stiletto on your feet. It was mostly the part that made him hire you, your looks.
Your hair was always perfectly styled and brushed. You were too busy typing away at the computer, the clicking of the keys ringing in your ears. Your beauty tends to seize Coriolanus' attention, his eyes focus on your meticulous form, if it wasn't your face, it was your bosom in your tight shirt. He would always see a strict expression on your face along with a cold demeanor, coming into his office, and delivering important documents with a monotone voice.
You would always catch him looking when you turned yourself around or picked up papers, his eyes getting a better look at your ass in your tight leather pants. You weren't dumb or too oblivious to take account of his actions, you simply disregarded them.
Simply minding your business as you made yourself busy. You worked for the Snows for about a few months now, knowing the marital problems faced by President Snow and the First Lady were hidden from the public. You learned and noted the habits of Mr.Snow cheating on the first lady, Livia Cardew. She knew as well too, but you only ignored it, it wasn't a surprise knowing that the whole marriage was arranged, but you couldn't help to have a little altruism when you overheard her crying.
But you minded your business walking away, the sounds of your heels clicking on the delicate tile floor. After all, it wasn't your job to know or advise... You were a secretary, not a therapist.
It was a regular day, clocking into the Snow's household, walking around and checking in the employees, with a clipboard in your hand, making note of certain things. Coriolanus from afar gazed at you, ignoring the wedding band on his finger, which he carelessly wore, examining at your body in the skirt you wore. The thoughts of temptation ran through his mind.
Hearing the sound of shoes on the floor, looking to the side, "Mr.President" You greeted formally, "L/N " he responded back, before stopping at your side, "Are there any updates?" He asked, "No, Sir" You looked up at him, before looking down at the clipboard. He leaned towards your ears, "I need you in my office" he whispered, and you nodded, your eyes flickering back at the emoplyees you were once speaking to. Before putting the clipboard between your arms, and following him.
Your heels clicked on the flooring as you walked into the office, standing near his desk, and you watched him close the door behind him, sitting down in front of you. "You called, Sir?" you questioned, "Yes, I did" He respond, "I just wanted to congratulate you— ..and your work here" he began talking, "Thank you, sir" you responded to the compliments nonchalantly.
"Y/N" he glance at your standing figure, "Yes, sir?" you answered,
"Do you have a significant other" he questioned, you felt your cheeks getting red at the personal question making Coriolanus chuckle from your antics. You cleared your throat, "No sir, why?"
He got up and circled around you, you watched.
"I was just wondering—the way you dressed seemed like you had someone you were waiting for" he mumbled, you pursed your lips.
Standing in the center of the office, before feeling his body leaning over your backside, feeling his hard-on on your ass. Parting your lips, you eyed as his hand covered yours, his breath tickling your ears.
"Did you think I wouldn't get distracted with you in that skirt" He whispered, he started grinding himself on your ass. "Sir-" you mumbled, his hands fondling your body, his teeth nipping your skin, slowly bending you over on the desk.
"President Snow-" you panted, feeling yourself getting wet underneath your clothing. His finger was dangerous getting closer to your panties, "Get on the desk" He said, before withdrawing, feeling the weight of him off your body. As you obeyed getting on top of the desk, your skirt hiking up your thighs. His hands splayed on your thighs, before pushing you down onto the desk, raising your legs up in the air.
You felt the weight of his eyes on your body, your ears ringing out the sounds of your tights tearing, revealing your damp panties. Before he yanked it off, the cool air of the office hit your cunt, a moan slipping out from your lips.
"President-" you whimpered, "Call me Coriolanus, dove" the sound of his belt unbuckling made you weak. You peek down at the bulge in his boxers. "Coriolanus, please" You mewl, "I didn't know the secretary was a little slut" He teased, rubbing the back of your thighs, pushing them against your chest. Before taking out his cock from his boxer, looking away from the lewd scene.
Slapping his cock on your pussylips, you whimpered. "Your fucking desperate aren't you" he laughed at your miserable display, your cheeks red, your hands on the backside of your thighs, raising your legs up into the air. He wanted to take a picture of your erotic display. He slid his cock into you, pushing himself deep into your pussy. You bent your back at the pain recoiling in your system. His cock stretches you open, biting your lip at the pain.
His hips smacked into yours, his cock massaging your inner walls, his animalistic pace, as his cock bullies itself into your cunt. God, the way you looked underneath him looked like it was straight from porno, it made Coriolanus smile at the sight.
A once serious and reserved women, crumbling under his touch.
Coriolanus fingers popping the buttons of your collar shirt, revealing your black bra underneath the light layer. His hands massaging your mounds, the very ones that tempt him underneath your tight collar shirt. Moaning from the single touch as he rubs your peaks harshly, forcing his cock into as he snapped his hips into you.
His hands gripping on your jaw, forcing you into a kiss. Feeling his tongue exploring your wet cavern, moaning against his assault.
Locking your legs around his waist, feeling yourself slipping into the pleasure. Your eyes heavy, the temperature of your body rising. Gripping your fingers on the edge of the wooden desk, feeling yourself coming undone. Your ears perking up at the groans slipping from his lips, his hands holding the sides of your stomach, snapping his hips into you.
"Wait—" you yelped, feeling him emptying himself inside you, the warm liquid painting your walls white. Before he pulled out of you, his cock coated mixed cum.
You cringe at the sticky sensation between your thighs, as his cum dripping from you. Looking between your legs at the sticky mess, "Fuck" Coriolanus muttered, his eyes flickering to your limp display as he tucked himself into his briefs. He smoothed out his hair, before throwing you a was of cash. "Buy some birth control pills, I don't want another one running around" he groans.
You weren't lying if you said you were shocked but only nodded to his words, and got up from the desk. The cum leaks out as you slip your panties on and your skirt. You wondered how many women he did that to, not just you, fixing up the buttons to your top and walking out of his office. Though days from the incident, you still worked and completed papers, still typing away on the screen in front of you, but time again it happened.
More times than he buried himself into you, fucking you on his desk or between his legs sucking on his cock with your plump lips.
He would leave little gifts on top of your desk, with expensive jewelry inside, with a letter from him. Opening a letter with your manicured nails with dainty words from him and faux promises inside, even if you were to accept his words, it wouldn't be possible because of his wife. Putting the letter face down and staring at the gift bag with the luxurious brand etch on it.
You plainly ignored it, going back to daily tasks. And time again when you went out with Coriolanus to satisfy his pleasure, it would be meeting at one of his expensive penthouses or a lavish hotel, it was the same thing, time and time again, with him on you and touching you in places a married man shouldn't do to other women. It wasn't a surprise being Coriolanus's little secretary and him screwing up during hours or after. The affair wasn't hidden from the employees inside the Snow's manor, and it wouldn't be a surprise that the First Lady knows it.
But more of a surprise if she confronts her husband about his infidelity.
Looking at the computer screen you typed away, your ears perking up at the sound of heels on the tile floors, the steps echoing and bouncing around the walls of the west side of the manor. Looking up at the sound, you weren't surprised by the appearance of the First Lady. "Mrs Snow " you greeted blankly. An expression of fear, anger, and disgust printed on her face, "Where is the president?" She asked holding her hands to herself, "He's in a meeting" You answered, the answer seemed like something she wasn't looking for.
"I'll tell him that you came to see him—"
"No..he isn't in a meeting is he?" you heard her voice getting louder and enraged at every word that came out of her lips, "The President doesn't like anyone knowing where he is, he enjoys his privacy" You answered her coolly,
"He probably fucking one of his whores—and you are one too, aren't you, Y/N" You finally stopped typing and lifted your eyes from the computer screen, "Like I said, Mrs Snow, the president like his privacy.." you fully looked at the teary women in front of you,
"-And I prefer not to tell you about mine—I'll tell him that you stopped by, Mrs. Snow" The sentence leaving your lips was the final nail of the coffin for her, as she broke down onto the floor, her wails echoing around the manor. You stared at her weepy form before you called maids to escort her away, you wouldn't lie to say you did feel bad for her.
But you are just Coriolanus's little secretary nothing else, not a counselor, or an advisor just a cumdump for him and only him.
You squeezed your thighs feeling his warm cum leaking out from you as you stared at the First Lady getting escorted in front of you.
only his cumdump...and nothing else
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hopelesswrites · 1 month
Book Club 2
Part 1
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
-Your book club bestie persistently tries to set you up with her son, at the expense of your new white top.
Again reiterating: Joes mum is a fictional character here, she's the essence of every suburban white woman I know.
Your headache never went away and followed you into the next day. Only, today’s matters were worse than a headache, you had dinner with Mary and Joe.
Now only down the street from Mary’s house your stomach was doing flips in anticipation for the night. You hoped Mary wouldn’t make it awkward, considering she had been trying to plan this for as long as you’ve known her.
At the door you felt as small as an ant, why was it so big and daunting? Who has such a large door?
In truth it was obviously a normal door, but your mind started skewing your perception of rationality.
The doorbell? Far, far too loud.
The footsteps on the other side? Definitely too fast, why was Mary running? 
The door opened but it wasn’t Mary. “You made it! Come in, Mums just finishing off the gravy” Joes cheery voice boomed through your ears. Joe was the definition of inviting. His soft brown hair was freshly washed, you could tell by the fluffiness of his curls. As you panned down the man you took in his clothes. He had on a cream cotton button up that looked like a crumpled up piece of blank paper, black jeans and the most god-awful loafers you think you had ever laid your eyes on. You wondered if you had composed your face well enough or if your look of disgust was showing. 
“I’m sorry, am I late?” You asked, toeing off your shoes at the door and following him through to the kitchen. As suspected it was just the three of you, and it was obviously starting to look like a big setup. You curiously considered Mary giving Joe a debrief before you got here. Trivial facts about you, talking points, how to act, how to speak. You figured Joe would probably be good at following directions like that, put on a persona Mary deemed fit for you. 
“My Love!” Mary smiled wide at you, “just in time, why don’t you follow Joe into the dining room and help set the table, I’m almost done”. 
And so, the schemes begin. 
The round table was on the smaller side, tucked into the space given for a dining setting. You ran through the pros and cons of this: the table was set that you weren’t sitting across from Joe, but you were close enough next to him where feet kept bumping into each other. 
You realised Mary had done this so she could look at you both, observe your interactions, and once you were all seated and conversation (interrogation) began flowing, her eagle eyes were on you. 
“Joe tells me you bumped into each other last night” Mary says nonchalantly.
“Yeah, we did” was all you could bring yourself to say.
“What a funny coincidence” The woman replied, a pleased smile on her face.
“I was just telling Joe the other night how I was starting to give up on the two of you meeting, always seem to be busy at the same time”.
Give up my ass, you thought.
The rest of dinner continued on much the same, Mary bringing up things about you to Joe and vice versa. By the end of the meal, you felt you were well acquainted with the man.
After clearing the table and fighting and losing for dish washing duty you were sat back at the table with Joe while you both waited for Mary to finish prepping dessert. To “talk amongst yourselves” she called it.
Awkwardly you drew shapes in the condensation of your water glass, avoiding making any sudden movement to prompt Joe into conversation.
“She thinks we’re stupid huh” Joe spoke quietly, trying not to alert the woman on the other side of the wall, who most probably was waiting to hear any kind of noise from the room.
“Shameless woman doesn’t care what we know” you responded, earning a chuckle from Joe.
“I wouldn’t have minded getting to know you without my mother’s interference”
“Bit late for that now” you scoffed back.
“I don’t think so”
That got your attention, finger halting at the rim of your class.
“Grab a drink on the way home?” Joes’ eyes bore into you, he was starting to look like his mother, eagerly waiting a response.
Did you even want to get to know Joe? Mary’s son! The woman had plotted a whole meet cute for you both, it all felt a bit silly now. Did you even like Joe? He was definitely attractive, smelled nice as well, but what did you know about him that would entice you in any other situation.
Tall – check
Gentleman – check
Stable job – check
Dressed well – half check, those shoes were criminal.
Good relationship with his mother – dependent really, you didn’t see any red flag with Joe and his mum, just a guy with an overly enthusiastic loving mother.
He honestly passed your first level of inspection, if he was any other guy on a dating app you’d go for the drink. But you couldn’t help feeling like it was so wrong. Every possible bad scenario ran through your head, what if he didn’t end up liking the real you once he got to know you, or what if he was only being polite and you ended up looking too eager. Your biggest worry though, what if you hurt him, what if your terrible luck with dating followed through with Joe, what if you strung him along and ended up breaking his heart, how would you face Mary then? It felt like keeping work life and personal life separate, you couldn’t bring your mess into Mary’s life.
“Another time? Ive got to be up early tomorrow” you offered with a kind smile that made you feel sick. This was considered stringing along wasn’t it.
Before you could think about it any more Mary came into the room, two hot bowls of apple crumble in hand and the night continued as it began.
Life continued after you left Mary’s house, new book in hand, and Joseph, basically forgotten. The book Mary chose was an interesting commentary on murder mystery novels. Much more enjoyable compared to last meetings book, you finished it in the first week.
Now a month later you found yourself back in front of Marys door, only this time without the feeling of dread, and you could hear the ladies inside laughing and chatting, it was safe to enter.
Mary had set up in her living room, tea and biscuits already laid out on the coffee table while Linda and Kylie gossiped to themselves about the rising price of bananas and the woman who lived down the road from them. Another woman sat quietly going over her notes on this month’s book, only looking up briefly to give you a kind smile. You could hear Mary laughing loudly in the kitchen, a delightful smell of tomato and basil wafting from the room. You followed the smell to catch Mary offering Teresa a spoonful of her spaghetti sauce.
“Oh, that’s naughty” you whispered, approaching the two ladies.
“Just a taste test before we serve it to everyone” Mary giggled, handing out a spoon for you to try.
You grabbed the spoon for yourself but before the sauce could make it to your mouth it had slipped off and down the front of your white shirt.
“Oh damn!” Mary cursed, grabbing a tea towel and gently dabbing it off. “Quick go to the bathroom, I have stain removing spray under the sink”
You didn’t waste any time and rushed down the hall towards the bathroom, not paying any attention when you reached for the handle and the door swung open before you could touch it, steam and heat hitting you in the face, as well as a solid body.
“Shit!” I’m so sorry!” That familiar deep voice swore in front of you.
Joe stood in the doorway, in only a pair of sweatpants, a towel around his shoulder and dripping wet curls in his face.
“What are you doing here” You grumbled, moving aside so you could swap places, Joe now staring at you stood in the doorway.
“This is my mums house- what happened here” Joes face turned from shock to a shit eating grin as he pointed to your chest, rather the large red stain on your chest.
“Spaghetti sauce”
Joe chuckled, “You’re supposed to eat it, not wear it”
“Ha-ha, you’re funny” You rolled your eyes, turning around to ignore Joe in search for the spray Mary sent you here for. Did she know Joe was in there? Was this another scheme?
Joe returned midway through you holding your shirt stretched out, stomach on display while you awkwardly sprayed the stained area.
“Here, put this on and give me that, ill get it out” He was fully dressed now in a matching sweat set, a black shirt outstretched.
You stared at him for a moment before shaking your head. “No, I can’t wear that”
“Why not?” Joe asked giving you a confused look.
“I have to go out there!” you cried, earning a deadpan look from Joe.
“So? They’ll gossip! they’ll ask questions, it’ll become a whole situation.”
You realised you may have become slightly dramatic over this exchange but your interactions with Joe had surpassed your comfort level.
“Fine, wear the stained shirt” Joe gave you a tight smile before walking out. You looked back down at your shirt, it honestly looked worse, the stain had bled out into a larger patch.
You returned to the group, laughing with the ladies about your accident while Mary went around serving everyone a bowl of pasta before you began your meeting.
“Joe not give you any trouble?” Mary asked when she got to you, which you answered with a short no.
Because, of course she knew he was in there.
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yellowharrington · 1 year
jaded -- chapter 1, carmy berzatto x reader
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pairing + fandom: carmen "carmy" berzatto x fem!reader (she/her pronouns used), the bear fx
warnings: sexual content, mention of unprotected piv sex, swearing, workplace relationship. minors dni with this story please.
word count: 1.4k+
a/n: guess who's back... back again... natty's back... tell a friend.... hey besties lol ik its been a year but i've been obsessed with the bear so i decided to write this. it will be a multichaptered fic and i will update it as soon as i've finished writing the chapters lmao. inspired by the song "jaded" by miley cyrus. pls pls pls enjoy
summary: fresh off of his breakup with claire, carmy needs a rebound. he just doesn't expect it to be his pastry chef.
masterlist | chapter 2
It starts with a ride home after service.
The sun had fallen down over the horizon, painting Chicago black with night. It’s chilly, middle of February, and you and Carmy are the only ones left at the restaurant. You’re both at the lockers, grabbing the last of your things and turning off the last few lights, leaving it behind you as you step out into the darkness of the street. Only amber lights are above you, illuminating Carmy’s face, along with the glow of his lighter around his cigarette. “How are you getting home?” He asks, looking down the alleyway. “Just the train,” you reply, gesturing towards the station a few blocks down the road. “Let me drive you,” he smushes the cigarette underneath the toe of his shoe, looking up at you, rather softly. “Oh, it’s not far,” you try to step the other way, before he grabs your shoulder lightly. “It’s cold, and fuckin’ dark, and there’s murderers. Just let me drive you home.” He was nothing if not protective. 
It really had been a short drive, slow tunes coming from his old car’s radio, drowned out by the sounds of the city around you. It was generally silent, Carmy’s hand on the gear shift. “It’s just up here,” you gesture to the building up the street. “Just take a right.” He does, obeying your action, pulling up in front of a 3-floored walk-up. “Thanks,” you grab your backpack by your feet, opening the door and giving him a small look before stepping out. “Hey, listen,” you start. His eyes are dark, sunken, tired. He’s wearing his usual wool jacket around a cozy navy blue sweater. “I was working on something before work this morning. A… a dish. Can I show you really quick? And you can tell me what you think?” He looked at the time on his phone, and then up at you. Baby blue eyes, peering from under thick lashes. “Sure, chef,” he says quietly as he puts his car in park and unbuckles the seatbelt. 
When you walk him up to your apartment, he’s endeared. You let him in, and your place smells of vanilla candles and laundry, from the load you’d done before work earlier that day. “Sorry about the mess,” you gestured to small pile of plates and spoons in the sink, and the aforementioned unfolded laundry on the couch. “You’d lose your mind if you saw my place if you think this is mess,” he laughed, pushing a hand through his soft golden hair. Your own coat comes off as you make your way into the kitchen, and he has to stop himself from staring. Your tight jeans fit your body perfectly, white t-shirt coming up over your hips only enough for him to see a dark tattoo on the back of your hip. You poured him a cup of cold water and put it in front of him, before firing up the burner on your stove and putting a stainless steel pan on the orange-blue flame. “Make yourself at home.”
He wandered around your apartment a bit, peering into your bedroom. Soft white bed, soft sheets, big fluffed pillows. An open window, letting a chilly breeze in, curtains slightly swaying with the night air. It reminds him of her, her soft sheets, big eyes, the nights he slept next to Claire and kissed her supple cheeks and pink lips. She was like this too; eager, clean, happy, simple. Easy to be with, and easy to like. You’d given off a similar energy the same day you walked into the restaurant on your first day, and you had reminded him of her. Kind eyes, warm presence, but with a different demeanour that chefs almost always had. A jaggedness, he thought. 
The sound of the plates being put on your small kitchen table snapped him out of his daydreams, as you held out a fork for him. “It’s a, uh, mango custard, bit of toasted cardamom and coconut cream in there, and, um, a coconut macaroon with a homemade chutney.” He raises his eyebrows at the dish before him, plated beautifully, and takes a small bite of each component. You seem to wait for hours as he takes his time, feeling every ingredient on his tongue before setting down his fork on the small white plate. “It’s tremendous, chef,” he says quietly, wiping the corner of his mouth. “Almost perfect. Could use maybe an acid, it’s a little sweet, but, wow,” he looks up at you to see your wide eyes, excited at his answer. This was, essentially, the highest praise from Carmy you could get. “Thank you,” you say quietly, watching as he takes another forkful of the dessert. 
“What’s the tattoo on your hip?” he asks, pointing at the right side of your body, where your shirt had ridden up before. He hadn’t stopped thinking about it since he caught a glimpse. “Oh, um,” your cheeks turned a soft shade of red, standing up to lift up your shirt and show him. “It’s, uh, a snake. It goes down my leg too,” you pull down the waistband of your jeans just enough to show him a bit more of the ink, further exposing the thin strap of the black thong you had on. “Got it a long time ago, in school. Just wanted to feel cool I guess.” He stands up, slowly, coming to lightly pin you against the counter. It’s safe, it’s easy, and suddenly it feels so fucking right to have him here under the dim kitchen light. “Can I see the rest of it?”
All bets are off, then. Your jeans are pooled around your ankles in a second as he’s feverishly kissing your lips, hands everywhere, his calloused palms against your soft ass. His sweater is off, along with his signature white tee, showing off the glistening gold chain against his bare chest. You’ve managed to push his jeans down just enough to slide a hand into his waist band, eliciting a soft, breathy moan from him into your mouth.
When you stumble back into your bedroom, it’s all a blur. It’s hot skin against hot skin, his lips leaving a trail of kisses along your neck as his hands work their way in between your wet folds. They’re so gentle, yet he knows what he’s doing, so the slow circles on your clit as he lets himself rut against you are making you unbelievably wet for him. “I want you so fucking badly,” he pants into your ear, letting a finger easily plunge into you as you open your legs wider for him. “Is this a good idea, Carmy?” you let your fingers thread through his hair, allowing him to look up at you. His usual baby blues were dark again, lustful and wanton. “No,” he says matter-of-factly, but the smirk on his lips is so unbelievable, a cruel man above you. “Should we do it anyways?” You ask, your own smile playing on the corners of your mouth, allowing your hips to rut against his fingers, fucking yourself to feel more of him. He takes a large hand to your breast, letting it slide up, thumb slipping onto your lower lip and into your mouth. “Yeah… yeah, of course we fucking should.”
It’s so easy with him, which is what makes it so hard. He knows right where to kiss, where to touch, where to love on your body. He knows to take his hands to your sides, pushing you into the mattress as he laps at your clit and kisses your inner thighs, looking up and watching you take your own tits in your hands, squeezing them together, looking down at him with such need. He knows to slide up between your legs, and to cradle your neck in his hand, his thick cock plunging into you and making you weak, making his thumb wet with his own spit and bringing you to your orgasm, spasming around him, moaning his name into his mouth like a prayer. It doesn’t take much longer after that for him to spill inside of you, warm and deep, lips locked around his as you helped him ride his orgasm out. And it feels right, and real, when he lays next to you and kisses your chest and arms before falling into a deep sleep, your soft comforter over his chest. It all feels so fucking right, that first time.
But the next morning, all you have is an empty bed. And it doesn’t feel right anymore.
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nhlclover · 1 year
hawaii | jack hughes
summary: you and your boyfriend celebrate his birthday in hawaii.
request: yes / no
warnings: fluff, a few references to sex
a/n: he is just so…
word count: 0.7k
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The sliding door to the balcony had been left open, allowing a warm salty breeze to roll in. The early morning sun crept in through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room. A ray of sunlight that snuck through the gap in the curtains landed directly on my boyfriend's face, illuminating his features.
The glow made Jack’s tan skin look even more so, accentuating the blonde highlights in his hair and the freckles across his cheeks. His chest rose and fell with every steady breath. He looked angelic lying next to me.
We had been in Hawaii now for a couple of days and planned it so Jack's birthday would fall right in the middle of our trip. What Jack didn’t know was that I had planned a day full of things that he’d been wanting to do our whole trip.
The clock on the nightstand read just past 8. I slipped out of bed, putting on Jack’s discarded t-shirt from last night’s early birthday celebration. I grabbed the phone off the nightstand, dialling room service while walking to the balcony. The cord just allows me to step out there to take the call so I don’t wake Jack.
I order us some breakfast and coffee, stepping back into our room where Jack is still soundly sleeping in bed. I crawl back into bed, lying next to him, gently running my hands over his bare chest. He stirs but doesn’t fully wake, so I lean in and press soft kisses to his neck. I look up at his face, a small smile tugging on his lips.
I continue the kisses, trailing up his jawline and onto his cheek. His smile grows and eventually, he opens his eyes. “Good morning.” I say softly.
“Morning.” He says in his raspy morning voice.
“Happy birthday.” I say.
He smiles, leaning over and pecking me on the lips. “Thank you, my love.” He smiles.
There’s a knock on the door, making Jack’s brows furrow. I get up, answering the door to a bellboy with our breakfast on a cart. I thank him, giving him a small tip and rolling the cart in.
“What did you do?” Jack asks, propped up on his elbow.
“I got us breakfast. It’s your birthday so I’m treating you.” I grab our plates, both with an omelette with some berries on the side. “I was thinking we can go hiking to see one of the waterfalls, then I know you wanted to go snorkelling so we’re gonna do that in the afternoon.”
“Wait I thought they were all booked?” He asked.
“I lied.” I smiled.
“Hell yeah.” Jack chuckled. Snorkelling was something he had been talking about doing ever since we planned this trip. However I lied to him telling him all the snorkelling trips were booked up, even though I had secretly booked us one for today.
“And then, I was thinking a round of golf?” I offer. “I packed that Lululemon skirt, y’know the white one?”
This makes Jack look up from his omelette at me, swallowing the piece in his mouth. “The short one?”
“Mhm.” I nod.
Jack groans, taking another bite of his breakfast.
A little while later we get ready for our day, which starts with the hike, then our snorkelling, followed by 9 holes of golf in which I got dominated. We came back to the room to get changed for dinner, taking a nice long shower together. Jack had on a loose white dress shirt with some jeans. He purposefully left the top couple of buttons undone, exposing the slightly burnt chest he had earned on our hike.
Dinner passed, as well as dessert where the restaurant staff brought out their signature dessert with sparklers stuck in, singing happy birthday to Jack, slightly embarrassing him. The blush on his cheeks made his already sunkissed skin look burnt.
Right at the end of dinner, the sun began to set so we made our way down to the beach to watch the sunset. We stood right before the water, our shoes discarded up the beach to let the water run over our bare feet. Jack stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my torso.
“Thank you for today, baby.” He says, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
“Anything for my birthday boy.” I reply. “Was today good?”
“It was amazing.” He says. Jack places his hands on my hips, spinning me around to face him, a smirk tugging on his lips. “I have another activity that could close out the birthday festivities with a bang?”
Jack and I grab our shoes, heading in the direction of our hotel. The pair of us are giggling like idiots, running up the beach hand in hand.
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sissylittlefeather · 5 months
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Congrats Sissy! So happy for you! I leave it up to you as to whether this inspires smut or fluff or both 🤭 xox
Hi @ab4eva! Thank you!! You know I had to make it a little smutty 😂. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little ficlet. Thanks for making a request!
Careful What You Wish For
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, kissing, cussing, fingering, p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, outdoor sex
"Hey, honey!"
You hear someone call, but surely they aren't hollering at you. You're just walking down the street in Memphis, minding your own business.
You look around to see if there's someone else they could be talking to. You're the only woman on the sidewalk, though, so you turn to the street. That's when you see him hanging out of the back window of a Cadillac. Your mouth drops and you stop dead in your tracks.
Elvis Presley.
Surely, he's not yelling to you.
"Hey! You remember me, honey?"
You stand there blinking for a bit before you finally find your voice.
"Remember you?! Do you remember me?!"
"C'mere so I don't have to holler." You walk up to the car and he smiles. "Of course I remember you. We had a whole conversation. Your name is... y/n!"
You're absolutely in awe that he remembers your name. The conversation was incredibly memorable to you, but you never dreamed it would be to him. You saw him early in his career before things really took off and it became impossible to get close to him. He seemed to take a liking to you then, but you assumed that was just how he treated his fans, not that there were too many of you back then. It's been over five years, but he still knows your name.
"I can't believe you remember me."
"I do, though. Listen, I'm headed back to my house. You wanna come?" You think about the man you were supposed to be meeting at the movie theater. You feel bad about abandoning him, but he's not Elvis Presley. This is not a chance you'll get again.
"Sure." He pushes the car door open for you to slide onto the backseat next to him. You do and he puts his hand on your knee. During the ride, he asks what you've been up to and you go back and forth talking about your lives since your last conversation. Something about it feels natural and comfortable, like no time has passed and it makes complete sense that you'd share with each other like this. Finally, the car pulls into the driveway of Graceland and you look up at the big house in awe.
"It's beautiful." He watches you with an amused look on his face.
"Thank you. It needs a woman's touch, though." You look back at him and your eyes flick between his. He leans in and presses his lips to yours softly and then kisses your cheek and whispers. "Let's go in."
He gets out of the car and offers you his hand. You make your way inside together, where he gives you a tour. The last step in the tour is the pool out back. The moon is heavy and full, so the water sparkles invitingly. It's summer and the night is warm, but the breeze is nice. He reaches out and takes your hand, pressing his lips to the back of it.
"What's your favorite part of the house?" He asks softly. You can tell he's genuinely interested.
"This. The pool is beautiful in the moonlight."
"You wanna go for a swim?" You laugh and look at him, but he's serious.
"I don't have a bathing suit." He smiles coyly.
"Do you really need one?"
"I suppose I could swim in my underwear." He looks up at you suddenly. He was kidding, but you actually seem willing.
"You could..."
"I'll swim in mine if you swim in yours." He grins sheepishly.
"Deal." Without another thought, you reach back and unzip your dress, letting it fall to the ground. You slip your shoes off and step out of your clothing where it sits at your feet. His eyes widen as they wander over your body in your white bra and panties.
"Honey, if you get in the water I'm going to be able to see straight through that. You might as well be naked." He smiles mischievously and says this with the assumption that you'll put your dress back on, but you don't. Instead, you unclasp your bra and drop it to the ground and shimmy out of your panties. His mouth drops open.
"Goddamn, honey, I never dreamed you'd actually take 'em off."
"You don't know me very well."
"No, but I sure as hell would like to." He strips his jacket and shirt off and drops his pants and underwear to the ground, allowing his hard cock to bounce free. Now you're both standing in the summer moonlight naked. He moves to walk towards you, but you giggle and jump in the pool. Laughing, he follows you into the water and then swims over to you. He wraps his arms around your waist and you grab onto his neck while he pulls you in close to him, pressing himself against you.
"You're a beautiful woman, y/n." He presses his lips to yours again, but this time he dips his tongue into your mouth. Pulling back from the kiss, he whispers. "I never stopped thinking about you, wondering whatever happened to you."
"I've been right here, waiting for you, assuming you were too much of a star now to even notice I was alive." You sigh and he kisses you again softly.
"Can I make love to you?" He asks almost shyly. You whisper in return.
"I'd love it if you would." His hands move from your waist to run all over your body under the water, until he makes his way to your center with his fingers. He rubs circles on your clit for a while before sliding one finger inside you. Pumping it in and out, he uses the other hand to pull you into a deep kiss. Then, he slides his finger out and lifts you a little to slip his dick inside you as you wrap your legs around his waist.
"Mmm Elvis..." You moan as he fills you up. He carries you over to the wall of the pool to give himself leverage as he begins to slide in and out of you. He sets his forehead against yours as he moves inside you.
"God, y/n, it feels so good." You whimper softly, feeling your orgasm build as he increases speed. He can't go too fast because of the water, but the friction against your clit has you ready to scream. After a few more thrusts, you cum hard, your climax rushing through you from your core to your fingertips like wildfire, and the sensation of your walls fluttering and pulsing around him sends him over the edge too. He shudders and pumps weakly as he fills you with his release, kissing your neck and jawline and eventually making his way back to your lips.
"Stay here with me tonight?" He pleads.
"Yes. I'm not leaving until you tell me to." He smiles and kisses you again.
"Watch out, honey, I might not ever let you leave."
"Be careful what you wish for." You kiss him deeply again as he slides out of you. He stands there for a while just holding you before you both decide it's time to get out. You're the one that realizes that you don't have towels. Both of you pull back on your clothes and then he escorts you inside and upstairs. He gives you one of his pajama shirts and you settle into the bed together.
"I'm glad I ran into you again." He whispers in your ear as you cuddle up to sleep.
"Me too."
Neither of you knows what the future might hold, but for right now you're happy in each other's arms. And that's enough for both of you.
The End
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Warm Hugs
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Summary: When Carol opens the door to her shared apartment, she doesn't know where you are. She finds you in bed and if there is one thing Carol loves is to take care of you.
Warning: Period, no usage of pronouns or y/n for reader but Carol uses pet names, cramps, mentions of the American health care system being bad, non-sexual nudity
Word count: 1.6k
Note: Did I write this on my period and wished Carol was there to take care of me? Yes. Yes I did. lol
“Sweetheart,” Carol called out as she opened the door to her shared apartment. It was oddly quiet. She was used to the apartment being filled with music and you dancing around the kitchen to whatever song was playing. Or throwing a toy at your Tabby cat. The quiet made Carol uneasy. She closed the door, toed off her shoes, and placed her keys on the hook. Carol called out your name, but still, there was no answer as she walked towards the bathroom. The door was cracked open and she quietly opened it all the way, smiling at the sight in front of her. You were laying in the bed, the sheet over you, and Oakley asleep on your stomach. The captain saw why you weren’t up to greet her. A heating pad was plugged in and the nightstand was covered with your water bottle, a tea mug, and snacks. You grabbed the trash can from the bathroom and moved it closer. The first day of your cycle was always the worst. No doctor could give you an answer and it took Carol months of watching you suffer to go see Helen.
Carol changed into gray sweatpants and a white tank top. The entire time she felt Oakley’s eyes watching her. When she climbed onto her side of the bed, the tabby moved off of you. The sudden weight shift caused your eyes to flutter open. “Hey baby,” Carol whispered. You turned to face her.
“Your home,” you smiled, voice laced with sleep. You turned to lay on your side but the sudden movement made you wince.
“How are you feeling?” She asked, even though she had a good feeling about what the answer was going to be.
“Bad,” you mumbled. Carol frowned. She hated seeing you in any type of pain.
“What do you need?” She ran her hand underneath the heating pad. “I can run you a bath, make you something to eat, or we can cuddle.” You took a minute to think about it.
“Cuddle then bath,” you turned off the heating pad and tossed it to the ground. Carol became the big spoon, resting her hands on your lower stomach. She concentrated her powers on her hands, warming them up slightly. You let out a sigh of relief and Carol felt the tension in your body melt away.
“Have you eaten today?” Your body went stiff. The Avenger chuckled, resting her head in the crook of your neck. Goosebumps formed on your skin. “It’s okay, baby, we’ll cuddle then I’ll make you something to eat, and after I’ll run you a bath. Sound good?” She felt you nod your head. Soon your breathing evened out and you fell asleep. Carol was quick to follow.
When you woke up, the bed was empty and a little too cold for your liking. You groaned, not wanting to get up but you knew you needed to go to the bathroom. Periods were the worst. Before you started dating Carol, your period left you bedridden for the entire week. No doctors would take you seriously or could find out what was wrong with you. Until you saw Helen. The Avenger’s doctor believed every word you said and found a medication to help. Instead of all 6 days being miserable only the first day was. It still wasn’t ideal but it was a star. You rolled over, placing your feet on the ground. The nightstand was cleaned up, your water bottle was refilled and Carol left you pain medication. You smiled, took the two white pills, and walked into the bathroom.
Once you were done, you followed the sound of your girlfriend in the kitchen. She was chopping up some vegetables to put into a soup. The smell of chicken broth made your stomach growl. “Need some help?” The Avenger let out a surprised yelp and spun around. You smirked, crossing your arms. “And here I thought you were this big tough superhero, why was it so easy to sneak up on you?” You teased. Carol rolled her eyes.
“You were supposed to stay in bed and I was going to bring it to you when it was done,” she said, continuing with her task. A warm feeling grew inside your chest as the sweet gesture.
“Awe, I’m sorry, do you want me to go back to bed?” You asked. She shook her head.
“Well since you are up, you can keep me company. Take a seat, beautiful, it’s almost ready.” The warm feeling grew at the compliment as you sat down on one of the bar stools. Dating Carol was an experience, you’ve never felt more seen in any of your past relationships. You had to believe in fate, it was the only thing you could explain how she came into your life. You used to work part-time at a restaurant, the tips helped pay your way through night school. It was a slow night and you weren’t assigned to her table but the table you were waiting on was a group of frat boys from the local college. You could deal with their behavior, the disgusting comments they threw at you didn’t faze you. As you were leaving to put in their order, one of them smacked your ass. The restaurant went silent beside the sound of a chair scratching against the floor. Before you knew it the man who just physically assaulted you was ripped from his chair and pinned against the wall. And there she was, wearing blue jeans and a fitted white muscle tank top. You learned her name was Carol. Carol stayed with you until the cops showed up and waited for you to be done so she could walk you home. You thought that would be the last you saw of her but your next few shifts she was there. At the same spot and ordered the same thing off the menu. You started as friends, a bond from something traumatic but soon your feelings for the Avenger moved to something that wasn’t platonic. She was the first one to make a move and ask you out.
“You’re starring sweetheart,” you were and she caught you but you didn’t mind. You smiled.
“Your just perfect,” Carol chuckled.
“I’m not perfect, doll,” she smiled. “But you are one of the best things that have happened to me so I’ll be as close to perfect as possible.”
Dinner was ready, and you and Carol sat on the couch to watch the newest episode of Survivor. You definitely could see her on the show but she said it would be unfair with her powers and being an Avenger. You took a sip from your water bottle. “You could do like an Avenger season to raise money for charity,” you gasped. “And you could meet Jeff Probst,” you let out a dreamy sigh, leaning back into the couch. “There is something about that man.”
“Would you leave me for Jeff Probst?” Carol asked, glancing at you. You giggled.
“No! Never well maybe in a different universe I’m with him already.” She rolled her eyes.
“Just eat your damn food,” she mumbled. You pinched her cheeks and a smile began to form on her face. “Stop it.” She smiled. You pulled your hand back and continued to eat.
Once your bowls were empty you fought with Carol on who would clean up but you won when you suggested she could get the bath started while you put dinner away. It was an easy clean-up since Carol was better at the ‘clean while you cook’ method. The biggest challenge was stepping around Oakley. You picked up the tabby, and she protested it with a soft meow, but you ignored her and walked into your room. Carol was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, watching the water fill up. You set Oakley on the bed and walked over to your girlfriend, you hugged her from behind. She leaned back into you. “How are you feeling?” She asked, looking up at you.
“Better because of you,” you kissed her on her cheek and you liked the blush that rose to her cheeks. She turned off the water. “Are you going to join me?” You asked, closing the door. The last thing you needed was for Oakley to venture in and fall into the water.
“Do you want me to?” Her back was towards you as she added Epsom salt and bubbles. You took your clothes off.
“Always,” you said, smiling.
“It’s re-” Her jaw dropped as she saw you. You smiled, walking over to the tub to get in. She always seemed to make you feel beautiful, not only with her words but with how she looked and touched you. You put your hand on her shoulder to steady yourself to get in. The warm water relaxed your muscles and you let out a small sigh.
“You coming?” You questioned. She made quick work of stripping down and joining behind you in the tub. Her hands found their place on your stomach and gently massaged the area. “I don’t think I tell you how thankful I am for you,” You whispered. “Most people wouldn’t go out of their way to do this for your partner.”
“No need to thank me,” she chuckled against your skin. “The number of times you’ve helped me after a mission it evens itself out.” That was true. In the beginning of your relationship, Carol tried to hide her injuries to not worry you but you got her to show you and even help. You smiled.
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you too,” you could hear the smile in her voice. “And thank you for letting me take care of you.”
“Well duh,” you closed your eyes. “I love your warm hugs too much to let you go.”
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 27 - Drought
@wolfstarmicrofic June 27, word count 990
Previous part First part
He’d fallen asleep in Sirius’s arms. When he woke, the others had gone. It was just him and Sirius. 
“Hey, sweetheart, how you feeling?” Sirius asked as he stroked his fingers through Remus’s hair. He could have purred. It felt so good. He stretched his limbs, his joints popping. He opened his eyes to see Sirius watching him carefully.
“I’m good, need to stretch my legs though.” They felt a bit stiff after all the chores that morning and his afternoon nap. 
“That ties in nicely with what I had planned,” Sirius said mysteriously. Remus’s interest was piqued.
“What do you have planned?” Sirius sat up and pulled Remus up with him.
“Well, I promised you a nature walk to replace the one you’d missed.” Remus jumped out of bed, dragging Sirius with him. 
“Yes, please,” He said enthusiastically. Sirius chuckled. 
“Alright then, put on your shoes and let’s get going.”
Sirius led him down one of the narrow trails winding through the forest. Sirius bent down and showed him a carpet of white star-shaped flowers with shiny oval leaves. “This is wild garlic. Here smell,” Sirius rubbed the leaf between his fingers and a garlic scent filled the air. “It’s excellent to use for garlic bread, but don’t pick it if it’s flowered, it’s not as nice then,” 
They moved through the forest. Sirius pointed out different trees. “That one’s a yew. They used to make longbows out of it. Everything on the tree is incredibly poisonous, but apparently they use it for anti-cancer compounds. Beautiful trees, but yeah maybe don’t lick it,” Sirius threw his head back and laughed as he continued on pointing out a few small flowers hidden around the large ferns on the ground. 
They came upon a tinkling stream. Sirius slipped his shoes and socks off and walked into the water. “A few years ago there was a bad drought and this entire stream dried up. The lake was so low we were only allowed to kayak on it. That was the most boring summer we’ve ever had here.” Remus took his own shoes and socks off and let his feet slip into the cool water. 
It was bliss, he hadn’t realised how warm he’d gotten. “Come on,” Sirius took his hand and began walking along the stream. They walked in silence, Remus took in everything around him while keeping a close eye on where he placed his feet. The stream was crystal clear, but the bottom was littered with small pebbles and the odd large stone. “Just a bit further and we can rest,” Sirius told him. He had no idea how Sirius had known he was getting tired, but Remus had only just thought about it in his head and Sirius voiced it. 
The stream widened suddenly into a small pool. It was a lot deeper and he would have fallen in if Sirius hadn’t thrown out a hand to catch him. “Fancy a swim?” 
They quickly stripped to their boxers and Remus followed Sirius into the pool. It was freezing, but Sirius soon took his mind off it. He pulled Remus into his arms and balanced him on his knee. The water swirled around them. Remus swallowed. They’d been close before, but James had always come barging in before anything more could happen. But they were in the middle of the forest, away from everyone. He knew Sirius wouldn’t do more than he was comfortable with, but Remus felt ready to do a little bit more with him. 
Their lips met and suddenly Remus wasn’t the least bit cold. Sirius’s fingers trailed up his bare chest, tracing the scars. Remus relaxed into the touch, he didn’t think he’d trust anyone else to do what Sirius was doing. Sirius was the only one to touch his scars. He avoided them himself as much as possible. 
Sirius’s hand moved, and his fingers traced the line of his waistband, his eyes asking for permission. He felt a shiver run through him and he leaned back slightly, giving a small nod. He felt incredibly vulnerable but the trust he felt for Sirius outweighed it. 
Just then a clattering of breaking branches and thunderous footfalls broke them apart. A figure came hurling towards them surrounded by a swarm of bees. He jumped and plunged into the pool with them, engulfing them in water. They ducked down as the bees dissipated. The person who’d disturbed them bobbed into view from below the surface. 
“Hey guys, didn’t realise you were out here.” James beamed at them, pushing his sopping hair out of his eyes. 
“Potter! Where have you gone?” Snape called through the trees. 
“Over here, Sev, and look who I found,” He shouted back, waving his arms and spraying droplets of water over Remus and Sirius. Snape and Peter came into view. 
“Oh,” Snape stopped. “Didn’t realise you’d be.”
“Calm down, Sevy. We’re not naked.” Sirius sighed, exasperated. “What happened to you anyway?” Peter scuffed his boots into the earth. 
“It’s my fault,” He said sadly. “I tripped over and grabbed a branch to stop me from falling, but it broke off and bit a branch on the next tree over and upset a beehive. It fell next to James and they started chasing him,”
“Peter, when we get home I’m taking you to a priestess because there is no way you aren’t cursed,” Sirius grumbled. “Now if you don’t mind, Remus and I would like to get dressed, so clear off," Remus snorted with laughter as the others disappeared into the forest laughing about what James had managed to see before he dove into the pool. “Come on, then. The cook told me there was chocolate cake for pudding again and I know how much you love that.” Sirius clambered out of the pool and offered his hand to Remus. Remus hurried him along, there was no way he was missing out on that chocolate cake.
Next part
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valeriianz · 1 year
yeah, okay. how about a Parent Trap dreamling AU?
“I was hoping I’d find you out here.”
Hob only speaks once he’s mere feet from Dream, at the end of the pier. Dream surely had heard him approach, the damp, squeaky wood of the dock giving him away. But Dream hadn’t looked back. 
He looks at Hob now, twisting his head just enough to watch as Hob carefully sits next to him with a grunt, unfolding his legs to let them drape over the edge and his shoes inches away from the surface of the water.
They say nothing for a while, staring straight ahead, out past the lake, the murky waters gentle and reflecting the clouds above, moving just enough in the soft breeze to reveal rays of the setting sun here and there.
This whole trip had been… interesting, to say the least. A weekend vacation at a resort gone completely haywire. Hob certainly hadn’t expected to see his ex-husband getting necked in the elevator by some well-dressed blond wearing sunglasses. Indoors.
The look on Dream’s face, as he and Hob made eye contact across the lobby, just before the elevator doors closed, had been hilarious though.
“Our sons.” Dream finally says with a hint of astonishment, his low voice barely disturbing the quiet.
Hob huffs out a laugh, closing his eyes and leaning back on his hands.
“Can’t believe they did this.”
Hob can sense Dream looking at him, and cracks an eye open to catch his gaze. 
Hob laughs again, shaking his head. Clearing it. From the deep blue of Dream’s eyes. Still as striking as ever, even weathered from age. Twelve years.
“He gets it from you, I hope you are aware.” Dream continues, affection in his tone.
Hob chuckles. “Perhaps the idea was Robyn. But the logistics?” Hob peeks over, side-eyeing Dream. “That’s all from you. That’s Orpheus”
A tiny smirk tugs on Dream’s lips and Hob finds his gaze fixed to the sight. It had been a long time since he’d seen Dream smile. 
“You,” Hob starts again. “And your particularities.”
“You used to find them charming, I remember.” Dream looks down into the water, kicking his legs slightly. “Not as off-putting as my personality.”
“You were very prickly, back then.” Hob agrees with a laugh, feeling bold and bumping their shoulders. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
Dream goes quiet, as does Hob. Sitting in silence. Listening to the sounds of nature around them. The rustle of leaves, the sounds of birds singing, the lapping of the waves. 
“They’re watching us, you know.” Dream speaks again.
Hob smiles. “I wouldn’t doubt it.”
Dream gives a long sigh, leaning forward and lacing his fingers together. Hob watches him, openly. Takes in the long form of Dream, the rolled up sleeves of his black button down, revealing creamy white forearms against equally black jeans, cuffed around the ankles. His shoes and socks are tucked next to him, and Hob wonders how often Dream lets his guard down like this now.
And Dream’s aged infuriatingly well, in his physical appearance. A little more filled out, still thin though. Like Hob could still wrap his entire body around him, embrace Dream and fit him against his chest, where he would fit best. He’s got maybe some lines on his forehead but otherwise…
“You look good, Dream.”
Dream looks sideways up at Hob before sitting up properly.
After an agonising silence, Dream sighs, his eyes moving, studying Hob.
“As do you.”
Hob licks his lips and tears his gaze away just as his eyes settle on Dream’s mouth. He clears his throat and speaks forward, forcing his thoughts out of the past.
“Robyn misses you.”
Dream laughs sadly. “He doesn’t even know me.”
He could know you, Hob thinks. “He talks about you though. He wonders… what you’re like.”
Dream sighs again, rolling his eyes upward.
“He’s been a handful this past week, pretending to be Orpheus. A menace.”
Hob laughs, pulling a hand through his hair.
“Sorry about that. 
“He doesn’t like Cori.”
Hob feels a nerve twitch. Neither do I.
“Ah, Cori. That the bloke you were mackin’ on in the lift?”
Dream shoots him a pointed look and Hob smirks and winks. “Nice looking fellow– I’m assuming. Couldn’t see his face with those sunglasses.”
“He’s just a fling.”
The silence between them is heavy now, turning awkward. Hob takes a sharp breath through his teeth, changing his tone to be playful.
“At your age?”
“Shut up.” Dream shoves Hob and his smile is blinding. 
Hob laughs and it catches Dream, who is giggling now behind his hand and something in Hob’s chest lurches. Lodges in his throat. He looks at Dream, just them, alone and his heart is suddenly screaming with regret.
There’s an ache to touch. To feel Dream’s hands on him again, to hear his laugh, to earn his hard-won smiles. Hob wonders how much Dream had changed, if he still likes the same things. If he still takes his tea with far too much cream and sugar. If he’s still enamoured by thunderstorms, dragging Hob outside to feel the rain on his skin, laughing hysterically as a bolt of lightning would crackle and shake the earth and getting pulled back inside by Hob, who would kiss him stupid afterwards, wet and smiling.
They had both been so young when they’d married. The fights had been small but constant. Little things that bubbled up into nonsense. And they hadn’t been ready for kids. But it felt like the natural next step. Their surrogate having twins was a shock for both of them.
But they had loved Orpheus and Robyn. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to keep them together.
Funny how, now that the boys had found each other, they were the ones pushing them back together.
[part two!]
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