#and i have to explain that bc ppl will just be like ‘ur an autistic cunt’ and like
nyaacatboy · 7 days
hey aros/aces of tumblr has anyone else figured out to express the sentiment "I hate it when people complain about being single to me" to allos without them launching into the perfectly valid ways in which they are unhappy with their singleness or conflating "complain about being single" with "talking about dating or being attracted to anyone."
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rucow · 1 year
processing poto through my autistic eyes feels rly strange tbh, because im aware that im in the minority when i see the phantom as a victim and as someone who is fairly reasonable (depending on which adaptation you view as being "canon", i suppose)
i mean, i see her as being disabled, obviously physically but also beyond that. it makes sense to me that her trauma, her ptsd to be more exact, would cause her to be unable to just go out there into the world and live life as other people do. the confident "phantom" act she puts on is just that, an act. as is the guiding angel act she puts on. she intentionally plays the role of a villain because that's what she's familiar with and its what she can be in control of, as sad as that sounds. we never get to see her true identity because she hides under these roles that give her a sense of control. if you see her as autistic like i do, you could say she's masking (very fitting term for her btw). the fact that she goes the whole story remaining nameless is so :( to me .. saying christine's name is her Thing, yet she never said her own name. probably bc shes completely disconnected from her identity, ough
idk if im going to sound insane or what, but i see her reactions as pretty reasonable? referring to her lashing out at christine when she unmasks her and stuff. her initial reaction of pushing christine away is, in my perspective, very realistic and its something ive definitely done (not aggressively though) when my boundaries were stepped over, even if the person's intention wasn't bad :') in my perspective as someone with ptsd, putting distance between yourself and a perceived threat (whether real or imaginary) is the first thing you do, its your initial defense mechanism. and i wish the phantom's reaction to christine unmasking her wasn't seen as something premeditated, as something done on purpose, because i don't think it was
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desire-mona · 5 months
siiiigh. todd autism headcanons because im projecting.
(using they/he/she pronouns for todd in this post. will explain but also if u dont agree i dont care, tw for alcoholism. time period is vague but autism hasnt existed as a legitimate medical diagnosis for all that long, so keep it in mind i guess.)
- cannot for the life of him stand welton's blankets. so itchy, just thin enough to not warm you up enough but still make you sweat, not long enough to cover your entire body. yes im making the blanket line in their poem about actual blankets, a boy needs to vent somewhere.
- beyond terrible temperature regulation, ALWAYS just a little too hot which is made worse by her sensory issues when it comes to wet fabric. constant slight agony and it never really goes away. theyre about 5 minutes away from crying about how uncomfortable they are at all times.
- had god awful handwriting until high school, like his teachers could BARELY read his handwriting it was Bad. OOOOOH OH MY GOD THERES A TRAIN GOING BY I CAN HEAR IT HONKING this is a really ironic thing to be pointing out rn but its sooooo worth mentioning. its still honking this is fun. 🚂. anyway. her parents made her spend an entire summer fixing her handwriting bc that was like the One thing her teachers criticised. its Fine now but their motor function simply doesn't deliver in the handwriting department.
- had a VERY INTENSE special interest in aquatic life + marine biology growing up, like read every book about any ocean animal in any library intense. his parents eventually forced him to abandon it because its "not a good career focus" but he still perks up when anyone mentions fish. once talked neils ear off about the biodiversity of coral reefs for roughly 2 hours, neil took her to an aquarium for their first date. rip todd anderson you wouldve loved spongebob squarepants.
- looooves pets, namely cats, but they have Too Sweaty hands all the time so any animal fur sticks onto their hands and just feels. so awful.
- had a brief period in his 20s where he was definitely an alcoholic, started as a social drinker but got too addicted to the feeling of not having to adhere to social conventions quite as hard, especially around other drunk ppl. eventually went sober after they realised they just Cant Stand the feeling of a hangover anymore. autistic ppl r more likely to develop a dependency on alcohol if we do start drinking. just btw.
- gets a Pretty Expansive vocabulary after actually starting to pursue literature. sometimes his family lightly teases him about using big words but it confuses the hell out of him. its just a word she thought would apply best!!
- soooooo obsessed with what other ppls idea of them is, both in an anxious way and out of genuine curiosity. would never ask ppl what they think of her bc she thinks thats 1) very broad 2) seems compliment fish-y and 3) just gonna lead to "i think ur great/ nice/ whatever filler compliment." but the dream is to sit someone (neil) down and just ask him every single question possible about how he perceives him.
- asks a billion clarifying questions about anything someone asks him to do, gets anxious about how many questions he's asking, tries to just figure it out, freaks out about the possibility of getting it wrong, ends up doing the thing perfectly. weekly occurrence.
- never fully grasped the appeal of religion (most definitely grew up catholic or christian or Something) just bc she could NOT let the lack of proof go. ALSO not an atheist bc the vastness of space scares them out of it. religious beliefs r a weird topic for them.
- suppresses a good chunk of his stims in public bc One total time someone looked at him weird while he was chewing on a sweatshirt string and he was like i gotta stop NOW. eventually develops tics and has to mask THOSE in public too. dear god someone let this girl unmask. also i started ticcing while writing that bc my body does this great thing where i only tic when im reminded of the concept of ticcing. its great and totally doesnt make me think im faking them (faking for who? dunno bc it usually happens when im alone)
- DOES in fact stim around neil bc NEIL STIMS TOO!!!!!!!! joyous day when they found THAT out! gets vocal stims of random lines from whatever play neil is practicing for. YEAA ART THOU THEEEEREE was a vocal stim for a solid week and a half which made neil VERY excited (autistic neil. how i love u autistic anderperry)
- velcro is The most evil vile disgusting material to ever grace this mortal realm. he hates it more than anything ever and i mean that fully. the feeling of BOTH sides, the noise, how easily it comes apart, she hates it all.
this is the gender part
never really viewed gender and gender roles as anything to adhere to beyond the fear of punishment if they dont. finds any social convention relating to gender to be Really dumb and meaningless, bc gender isn't (scientifically) real in any capacity, so why treat it like that? for the longest time just shrugged and said "eh, i guess im a boy" bc thats what she was used to being told, and didn't feel particularly drawn to agree OR disagree. eventually realised on a late night that Wait. i dont Actually care what i am. like yeah im a Male i guess but also im just me. my brain doesnt have a gender and i basically am my brain, right? and then never really thought about it again because that's genuinely how little he cares. adhering the most to canon with that mindset, she never really tells anyone (for obvious reasons on top of the overall apathy) and just lets the he/him happen to her but. in my dream world? agender they/he/she todd anderson. and this is MY blog so those are the pronouns im using from now on. i will forever love talking abt how autistic ppl very often view gender differently than allistic ppl, will forever love talking abt how autistic ppl are more likely to be trans. autism!!!
also yes that entire paragraph is just my view of gender, change the pronouns and the todd mentions and its just me. what of it.
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pjharvey-moved · 2 months
tbh what ive come to believe is that you can only guess so much about a person’s irl idk. personality/priorities etc by what they post and i think for a lot of ppl being online can be an outlet for stuff they wouldn’t say irl, for better or for worse. but what inspired this is i am someone who does talk a lot online about being autistic which im aware could be an eughhhh you are making this ur Personality! thing when irl i literally actively go to great lengths to hide that i am autistic at both my jobs, and don’t reveal my diagnosis to employers bc the last time i did that it contributed to my getting fired. obvs it’s one thing if someone is like im autistic so that explains *lists off a bunch of traits that r literally just Having a Personality* or when people use their autism as an excuse to literally just be highschool bully levels of mean without pushback but i dont think merely talking a lot abt being autistic online necessarily means u are letting it define u in your general life
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Hiii I wanna share some head-cannons I have about Armand’s autism :D
Here we go:
- I think he’d LOVE a good lava lamp
- Daniel and him are adhd + autism excellency
-I also think his powers with the mind gift definitely show how he uses nonverbal communication. Yet to add on, I always interpreted his powers as kinda a two way street if that makes sense?? Like using his powers to better understand the people around him, so he can better understand what they’re trying to communicate to him? Like being able to read someone’s mind without trying to figure out all the complicated 4d chess that is neurotypical social interaction. (Idk if that made sense)
-vocal stims !! I think he’d sometimes get echolalia with certain words that daniel says (I say this bc I’m the same way, except I just really like meowing with my cats 😭)
-speaking of cats, I think Armand would get along SO well with them!! He would have the magic touch.
Ahhh unrelated, but on the topic of Armand being autistic, do you think he’d know that he’s autistic? How do you think his process of realizing he is on the spectrum play out?
I love ur headcanons SO MUCH OMGG ur 100% correct anon I love u. The vocal stimming is practically canon!! In the vampire Armand’s narration Armand often repeats the same words multiple times in a row which I see as a form of vocal stimming. I think I’ve made the same lava lamp and devils minion adhd + autism duo commentary before when talking to friends, anon we might share a brain <33
And I looooveee ur question ehhehehehhe, I actually think about this a lot! I think Armand definitely knows that there is something different about his brain that separates him from others and is longing to understand what that is, which I think could easily lead him on the road of discovering that he is autistic since that is how I and many other ppl found out. But I don’t think the label is something he would be aware of or connect to himself if a third party didn’t explain it to him or point it out. I think he’d have a few barriers keeping him from coming to that realization, like having a person from the 1500’s understanding of mental health and disabilities and an anxiety of being studied, interviewed, questioned, etc. Armand finds analyzing himself very difficult and talking to people about himself also very difficult, so I think both self diagnosis and formal diagnosis would be a struggle for him. But, not an impossible struggle. Especially during post canon when Armand goes through an improvement arc and becomes a bit more healthier and self aware, I think his desire to improve combined with his desire to understand why he feels so alienated would cumulate in discovering he’s on the spectrum. I think that he is aware enough of his own symptoms that if he was given a label and an explanation he would accept it pretty easily and willingly, and as I said find it comforting to know the reason for his differences. The difficult part for Armand emotionally when he finds this out would be realizing the extent he was taken advantage of, hurt, and wronged by everyone in his life once he begins to understand that his vulnerabilities r due to a disability and not some ambiguous character flaw
thank u sm for the ask anon AHHHHH I could talk about autistic Armand forever bless u
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neotrances · 1 year
i feel some of the way ppl in leftist spheres talk abt autistic and adhd ppl is inspired somewhat by the tiktokification of them like u have ppl who are like 'i like to go for a run every evening to burn my excess energy' and a thousand comments being lol omg so adhd vibes! so then ppl who dont understand what being auti/adhd is like just assume that it doesnt affect our lives in the way it does. so then u get ppl like that asshole saying ur not too autistic ur just an ass bc they only have the uwu-ified version of what being autistic is. idk if this makss sense im baking a cake rn
no it makes sense i feel like i’m this case people just don’t understand what autism is i don’t even think that person like sees autism as a uwu thing but instead of a “just work harder and ull over ckme it it’s ur fault u don’t understand xyz” ppl think bc of how wide autism is if u aren’t like fully incapable of talking or typing or being on ur own online then ur perfectly fine and should “know better” it’s so fucking ugly especially bc they went out of their way to respond to the autistic person who was confused when they could’ve just ignored it or replied to the dozens of other ppl arguing in the comments, but no single out the autistic person whose genuinely asking to be explained what’s going on, true “leftist” behavior
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unhingedkinfessions · 8 months
so like. we're in this discord server and its p sick lol theres not many issues with it tbh but there is smth thats been botherin me and ive gotta get it out somewhere so that i dont feel like an asshole for sayin it in the server itself its very 'kin focused, a lot of ppl in the server are otherkin. so we have a channel for ppl to talk about 'kin stuff. only issue is that its open to anyone who joins the server. which wouldnt be an issue if we didnt have the occasional person join whos a 'normie' and then they automatically have access to the kin channel. we're also all very anti-kff and are very open abt how those ppl arent welcome in our space and are fine with explainin the dif if needed this is context needed for what imma talk abt lol so theres this guy in the server, we'll call him G, and he's just some dude who is in the server and exists in our space. which is totes fine. but. G has a bad bad habit of thinking that being kin = relating to a character/having a comfort character. and we (several members of the server + the owner) have explained that he is wrong several times. he asks what 'kinning' is and we explain. we explain at least once a week atp but for some reason, it just isnt clickin for the guy. that or he is blatantly ignorin us anytime we explain it. but the thing is. he blames not understandin on his autism/adhd. which is genuinely the most bullshit thing ive ever heard bc like. most of us HAVE autism/adhd and we're like... come on dude.... i understand not gettin social norms and shit but at this point, its gettin absurd. it doesnt help that he also blatantly ignores ppl's boundaries and continues to post things that make ppl uncomfortable and then once again, blaming his neurodivergence for his actions. which again. most bullshit thing ive ever heard. i genuinely dont know why this fucker is still in the server atp. he doesnt respect any of us. he's even gone as far as to try and use tupperbox (which we have for system + kin use) for his 'fandoms' as he says. and then ignoring when i told him that he's NOT ALLOWED to do this. genuinely i cannot fucking stand this guy and i want him out of the server because fuck him. if you cant respect our space or us you can get the fuck out. stop acting like you're kin when you say you dont even know what being kin means. stop ignoring us when we try to explain it to you. stop acting like you're absolved from any repercussions just bc you're autistic and downt undewstand uwu fuckin. shut the hell up dude i hate your bitchass. petition for the server owner to ban his ass the next time he says some stupid bullshit
also ik someone from said server follows this blog so hiiii if u see this <333 ik u agree with me bc weve talked abt it before <3333 love you dude /p ur so cool
girl what the fuck
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anthony-1846 · 5 months
can you tell me more abt ur turtles of you can?
Like wut r the turtles pronouns? Do they met April and if so how old is she? How old are the turtles? Is splinter present?
Feel free to answer no pressure! I love listening to ppl info dump 😋
Well, I have lots so say (also sorry for not responding earlier and sorry if there is misspelling or some sentences don't make sense). I'm still working on making all the designs so sorry if everything isnt really completed. Also this isn't really shown in the drawing I posted but their hands are sort of like Mona Lisa's in 2012.
Leo is 17, 6'2, and her pronouns are she/him, and she is trans fem (later on in the story which YES I CHANGED THIS bc it fits better for her), and she is based of a red-eared slider turtle.
Raph is 18, 6'6, he/him, bi, and he is based off of a alligator snapping turtle.
Donnie is 16, 5'11, they/them, and they are based off of a spiny softshell turtle. (They are also autistic)
Mikey is 15, 6'3, any pronouns, pan, and he is based off a mix of a ornate box turtle and a normal box turtle. (He also has ADHD)
I also have made my own version of Venus/jennika/Kirby and her name is Artimisa. (I don't really have much for her yet) All I have figured out for her is that she is 16, 6'2, and her pronouns are she/her.
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Splinter is present but I haven't really made a design but I have some ideas in mind that I might draw soon.
I have made an idea for April and Casey. For April she would be 20-21, 5'4 (which is apparently the average height for women in the US), her pronouns are she/they, and she is lesbian. The turtles do meet April and I have a little idea how.
So April works at TCRI as a side job while she is at college and when she was walking home she accidentally discovered the turtles while they are trying to go back into the sewers. Donnie reacts by knocking her out (with brick or something idk) and they have to make her she doesn't tell anybody else about them so they bring her down into the sewers with them. That's all I have for that.
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This April sketch was from a while ago and it's a pretty rough sketch so it's not that good 😭. I will draw an actually good sketch with colour soon for her and Casey.
I'm also thinking of names for my version/AU and my favorite idea is "Project Renaissance" which does need some explaining of their back story so I'm gonna do that as well.
TCRI would have little underground projects that were requested by the government and the general public didn't know about. One of these projects was trying to make mutate animals into anthropomorphic versions, the projects name being "project Renaissance" with the test subjects being named after Renaissance artists. Splinter is just one of the lab rats that the scientist name and Hamato Yoshi is one of the scientists working for TCRI on this project (I'm still figuring out the rest of that).
If you want to know more you can ask 😁
Also if your wondering these are their heights side by side
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edgarallanpoestan · 3 months
the crazy thing about working with a lot of neurodivergent kids while my coworkers are neurotypical is that my coworkers dont understand why these kids behave a certain way beyond "they are autistic"
yesterday we were outside and one girl (who has autism and has a lot of needs associated w that) asked me to blow some bubbles for her. some other counselors did earlier, and i heard them tell her over and over not to try eating the bubbles. i agree but warn her not to eat the bubbles, and when she does, i warn her again. she tries again, so i ask her if she knows why im telling her not to do that, and she says no. so i explain that bubbles have soap and water and chemicals, and that theyre okay to touch, but if you put a bunch in your mouth you can get sick. she nods and she stops trying to eat bubbles
like i just. i assumed these ppl who have been here for years had explained the reasoning to this kid, especially since she obviously benefits from that explanation. so i was so shocked when she said no, she doesnt know why she shouldnt eat the bubbles. youre for real telling me none of u tried actually talking to her beyond just saying "no"?
it was just a moment where i realized how little nt adults try to actually understand nd kids (or kids in general or nd people in general). yall really gave me the methods u use to calm her down but not the methods to keep her from having a meltdown bc u cant fathon why someone would act that way. and like yeah sometimes its inevitable, but sometimes its not and its easy to prevrnt and easy to keep these kids comfortable and u just dont know why they cant listen to ur instructions without question
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mielicy · 8 months
autistic vampires infodump
one of the scenes i always go back to in understanding vampirism as an allegory for autism is that scene in TO where Elijah explains to that new vamp that there is a beauty in the heightened senses. that yes , sometimes its really distressing and overwhelming, and debilitating. but it can also be a wonderful experience of hearing all the intricacies and reverbs in the music theyre listening to, or all the cracks they can hear in the wood as he hits the table for the example
also how emotions for vampires becomes more intense. which is why i think romance works so well for stories about vampires. And thats something that autistic ppl experience aswell. i mean netflix made a whole show about it (i have never watched love on the spectrum)
or in how vampires are immortal, there is a sense of loneliness in that. watching the world move and age. that to me is really reminiscent of that autistic feeling of watching the world thru glass. or feeling like youre from a different world, or sometimes not feeling human at all
only being able to have lasting relationships with other vampires, because obviously they wont die, but also because they understand eachother in a way that humans never could, there is a camaraderie in having to go from being a normal human and then suddenly having to DRINK BLOOD to survive,, i mean cmon, thats a life bond.
speaking of the blood thing.. its giving,, safe food. its giving arfid, ultimate picky eaters right here. autistics and vampires (note: picky does not mean BLAND. if i could afford it id be eating chana masala every single day of my life)
and there arent that many vampires either so u just have ur small group of found family that u have to protect bc u dont have anyone else, and ur kinda outcasted from society bc the angry guys with pitchforks dont like vampires very much
every autistic person knows what im talking about right now
in conclusion, vampires are emo. im emo. im also autistic. thus,
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Ngl I kind of hate the term neurodivergent atp. Or at least as it’s being used. There needs to be some other a bit more specific term ppl can use so they don’t like exclude half the neuro divergent community when talking about neurodivergencies.
Like it’s genuinely gotten to the point where the term actually feels exclusive instead of inclusive.
I can look up the word neurodivergent on Pinterest and have to scroll through dozens of posts about autism+adhd before I find one that actually mentions other disorders.
That’s. Not great!
I know there’s audhd I think it is? But I rarely see ppl use it. It’s just like. Shitty to exclude an entire facet of neurodivergent ppl bc they don’t have either autism, adhd, or both. And I feel like that’s what’s happening here.
You can be neurodivergent and not be autistic. Or have adhd. They are not the gold standard of neurodivergence. They shouldn’t be the only things being talked about with a term that’s supposed to be inclusive.
It’s like saying “the lgbtq community” when your specifically addressing something related to sexual orientation. Sure the term technically works but your leaving people out and it’s just kind of shitty to gloss over an entire portion of a community.
It’s weird to generalize an entire spectrum of people so much. It also contributes a lot to people just slapping the word neurodivergent on something so they don’t have to further explain their claim. Which I don’t like. Posts will be like “yeah that’s a neurodivergent thing” and then proceed to not explain what they mean or what they’re specifically referencing and it leads to a lot of misinformation and it just. Is not good. Or inversely “neurotypicals do/don’t do xyz?” And stuff posts which are well meaning and I definitely fall into all of these traps but, like, I feel like they’re worse bc when ur saying neurotypicals do/don’t do xyz It is very specifically an exclusion.
Idk I feel like we should dial it back or just like come up with more specific terms or at the least just. Be more conscious of it? At the very least if people could be more aware of when they’re using neurotypical to mean “people I don’t like/understand” and I’d be happy lol.
(If u don’t agree or have any counter points or anything feel free to share. Not that I expect anyone to see this. This has kind of just been stuck in my head for a while now. And it’s been making me uncomfortable so I had to get it out.)
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anon-e-miss · 2 years
Ok, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with ur "anti-intellectual" point, but I would like to add my 2 cents to things. Firstly, percy is asked to dumb shit down bc there are multiple times when he's using, like, scientific terms that most ppl wouldn't understand so people litterally have to ask for him to dumb it down so they can explain. That exact scenario has happened to me. Also there is a time and place for infodumping and mid-disaster is not the time, coming from an autistic person. Secondly, I would argue that the reason he's withdrawn in MTMTE and whatnot isn't because he got told to shut up constantly, its b/c he's part of the Wreckers, and the Wreckers did and saw some fucked up shit and they're all fucking traumatized. Preceptor is withdrawn because he's traumatized, and trauma changes a person. If IDW were truly anti-intellectual then Brainstorm would have never gotten his redemption, for example. That's just my two cents, and also I would argue that Swerve is not a "jock." Swerve was a metallurgist, basically he helped protoforms form their bodies after a spark was placed in it, and that had to take a good degree of skill and intelligence. The tfwiki litterally says on his page "Despite this [him having a short attention span], he's quite intelligent and skilled as a metallurgist, analysing the properties of a material with unique sensors in his hands. When he gets caught up in a problem, he becomes almost laser-like in focus and intensity, going on quest after quest, both major and minor." There are a lot of characters that are a lot more intelligent than we would initially know, mostly in specific areas, you just have to read between the lines and not take them and their personalities at face value. That's all I'm gonna say, you are free to disagree, I just wanted to make those points :) I do agree that Prowl could have been handled better tho. The fact that, in his confrontation with Chromedome ,he's supposed to be the "bad guy," despite having EVERY REASON to be pissed at Chromedome, never sat right with me. Chromedome is litterally an asshole, he forcefully took prowls memories without his consent (which is extremely violating,) and I'm pretty sure he did it MULTIPLE times. Prowl litterally gets hurt so many times, like when he got FORCEFULLY MADE INTO A COMBINER (which I think is shown to hurt/traumatize him), and basically never gets any help whatsoever. Prowl DEFINIATELY deserved better. He can still be a rude little shit, just give him a support group and some therapy. Please. Let him have some friends, some healthy relationships, etc. :(
So, in my point of view, nothing you wrote there counters my opinion that the writing is anti-intellectual. Literally the back bone of the comics is the intelligent characters being the villains, the ultimate screw ups, smart people that only ever do dumb, crazy or bad things. They are comic relief. And when the stars should, they don't stop and listen to them.
Soldiers are not by in large stupid people. IDW has managed to portray them as such in a huge way. Most of the intelligence perceived in characters in IDW comes out in fanfic and fan theory more than in the action comics and that also makes my point in it being bad writing. Saying someone is smart as a writer but portraying them as a fool is awful storytelling, the showing vs telling argument.
The violent characters, the dumbass characters save the day, every fucking time. It's so tedious.
I admit to being extremely picky about writing. I was raised by an English professor. And I don't care if it's a comic, I expect something professionally published to do better.
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pteropods · 2 years
anime characters r so neurodivergent theyve got diverging neuros all over the place . mobbin
THAT IS BCS ik you said bcs jjst bcs like autism win and ur right BUT ACTUALLY anime- and animation in general but I dont watch or analyze a lot of western animated shows- is fundementally built on autisric traits
Anime is HUGE on archetypal characters- be it subverting them or existinf within them, almost every character has it. Regardless of how realistic the portreyal is of a real person, to make a story interesting you need interesting characters. To make interesting characters, you rely on archetypes
The thing is Archetypes are pretty much just normal human behavior put to an extreme. The way autistic ppl or various other neurodivergent ppl tend to be is like. If normal expressions of human characteristics are at a 5 on a 1-10 scale, they might be at a 7-10 for ND ppl- but only certain expressions. So while awkwardness and insocialable behavior is at an 8/9, the rest may be normal/below average. and thats EXACTLY how archetypes work. They take a handfull of expressions people exhibit and crank them up to a ten, making it way closer to autidtic and other ND ppl than NTs
im explaining this badly but blah blah all characters have smth wrong mentally = canon
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psychoticwillgraham · 9 months
fuck it, worldbuilding/john universe details under the read more bc i NEED to gush about it (a lot of these details will change but this is the stuff for now)
so this is part 1, bc there's a LOT of ground to cover here. if u have any questions about this stuff or wanna know more, just shoot me a message!! i'll never say no!!
this is basically the universe for every one shot with random oc's will be set in. like ive got a completely different set of characters for the purgatory cafe series, and yes you'll occasionally see the drag hell characters (John, Ambrosia, their whole peanut gallery, etc.) make an appearance.
ok so first of all, some john tidbits!!
his bday is halloween 1995 (how original)
(so far) his criminal record is public intoxication, battery, assault, disturbing the peace, underage drinking (when he's in his teens)
one of his formative events was (while drunk to the point of straight up dying) convincing his oldest sister to keep drinking while she was already near passing out, which led to her dying by aspirating in her sleep. that furthers his alcohol addiction, which culminates in a nearly successful sui attempt at age 26 (he's 28), and only survives because its not the devil's time to take his soul yet.
is autistic and his major hyperfixation is marine biology!! his main fave animals are coelacanths, manta rays, and whale sharks!! also, shrimp colors is his fave meme
is obsessed with knitting and is crazy good at it
REALLY likes cheese sticks, the most bizarre cocktails known to man and demon, and japanese snacks (REALLY into spicy shit too)
has a morality compass similar to hannibal
is aro but THE biggest whore
fave sayings are 'fuck it we ball' and 'live life deliciously'
from rural fuckstick missouri bc yknow, write what u know
heaven and hell details
ok so think of the afterlife in general in this universe as being a mix of a lot of systems. let me explain. theres levels to both heaven and hell, and purgatory is its own neutral thing, like a holding place.
lets start with the hierarchy of heaven: the tippy tip top where the big man upstairs, god, is. this is the level that evangelical christians in our universe would aspire and do literally anything to get to, to cozy up with god. literally nobody gets here bc u would have to be god himself or any of his lackeys to be here.
the second level: where the vast majority of people go. even those who were considered to be the best possible person they could be go here. its basically the living room of heaven, and u only get moved down if ur placement is questioned. you didn't have to strive to get here, you just go there anyway no matter how perfect you thought u were. basically, in this universe, u dont get extra heaven points for having been extra charitable or a try hard. if you were just fine or meh and not bad enough to get tossed down below, congrats, ur here.
purgatory, the true neutral/in between zone: every single person starts here unless ur legit pure evil. you get 'sorted' from here to either heaven, or one of the many sub levels of hell. some people just choose to stay here for their own reasons, and staff the various places here for souls in limbo, heavenly or hellish visitors, and just passerbys. think of the whole 'cafe in purgatory' idea where ppl just hang out for eternity or for however they wish. this is also where ppl in comas go until they either wake up or die.
hell, the top level: this is where the big kahunas go. the devil, his right hand men, the head demons in charge of each sublevel, and basically every extremely powerful demon. this is where the headquarters for operations in hell is.
hell, the holding level: most ppl who end up going to hell just get placed here. truth be told? the levels of hell are entirely up to the devil himself, and when someone dies, if the devil thinks they're super fun and raunchy, he'll send them here. basically, hell is one big party for the fun ppl and heaven is basically for the boring folk. now not all queers in this universe go to hell, most choose to stay in purgatory or ascend to heaven. in the end, most ppl get a choice anyway.
hell, the various sublevels: these are entirely up to the devil honestly. most of this is just considered individual hells for each person, kinda like the personal heavens in spn. i'm working on this section honestly
and finally, the bottomless pits of hell: where all the irredeemable pure evil fucks go. that's it.
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also i feel like i need ppl to tell me if stuff is valid so i’ve been struggling w like? am i autistic or not? and i KNOW it’s a spectrum, i know ppl do different things but it’s hard when ur bombarded w like. u have to be like this or do this thing
so im gonna keep an eye on it / look more into it but yeah. it’s like i’m def feeling the “you’ve been diagnosed w or have this whole list of things--everything BUT autism essentially” bc while i feel my adhd is entwined w anxiety (overthinking) and depression (executive function issues, mood when off adderall),
it doesn’t necessarily account for OCD type thought patterns / preoccupations,
i don’t think it accounts for sensory issues (many/ongoing texture issues w food, sounds hurting, high sensitivity/awareness of smells, pain when brushing hair/when hair has any snarls--and yea i keep it short bc i like it better but it also just. doesn’t hurt to deal w)
i do think it explains certain social things like not “getting” cues, hating eye contact or not being able to focus when making eye contact, hyperfixations, how i walk (toe to heel)--generally just how i act
BUT it’s hard to like. figure out if i’ve ever had a meltdown over any of this. do i know what masking is. i dunno it’s hard to look into and feel like i’m allowed to take on that label even though i know it’s valid when other ppl do it! i just feel like I’M not doing it right
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wetslug · 3 years
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