#and i mean like i dearly hope my stance on this has been clear but if you think its okay to be mean 2 kids or 2 actively hate kids
storytimewithnova · 1 year
Sacrifes made
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When your trapped in a loveless marriage because the guy you really love is married to your sister and you will and do sacrife everything for your sister who you love so dearly and put her happiness above everyone elses
Yaku’s pov
I have always watched and admired My captain yes i like him but unfortunately his heart belongs to another my twin sister and i put her happiness before mine every time and when she first met Kuroo you know what she told me go on take a guess no okay she said she said this one’s mine so i said by 
So here we are now 
Lev:🗣All right, all right, that's what I'm talking about! Now, everyone give it up for the maid of honor, Mori Kawanishi!
Yaku’s thoughts 💭 maid of honour this really sucks but my sisters happiness comes before mine 
Yaku:🗣A toast to the groom!
Everyone at the wedding:🗣To the groom, to the groom to the groom
Yaku:🗣To the bride!
Everyone at the wedding:🗣To the bride. To the bride to the bride
Yaku: 🗣From your sister
Everyone: mori, mori, mori
Yaku:🗣Who is always by your side
Everyone:🗣By your side, by your side
Yaku:🗣To your union
Everyone:🗣To the union! To the union
To the revolution!
Yaku:🗣And the hope that you provide
Everyone:🗣You provide You provide
Yaku:🗣May you always
Everyone said confused on where the speech was going
Yaku:🗣Be satisfied
System: Rewind⏪
System: Rewind ⏪ Helpless... Skies... skies… Drownin' in 'em... Drowning
Rewind ⏪ 
Yaku:🗣I remember that night I just might
System rewind ⏪ 
Yaku:🗣I remember that night I just might
System: rewind ⏪ 
Shows faint flashbacks but not clear to make out
Yaku:🗣I remember that night,
I remember that…
More faint flashbacks play and they are still not clear
🎵I remember that night, I just might
Regret that night for the rest of my days
I remember those volleyball boys
Tripping over themselves to win our praise I remember that dreamlike candlelight🎵
A flashback pops up Nekoma vs Karasuno match both teams were tripping over themselves at the final stretch of the match Nekoma was pushing past their limits trying to win
The flashback cuts
Yaku:🎵Like a dream that you can't quite place But Tetsurō, I'll never forget the first time I saw your face I have never been the same Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame And when you said "Hi, " I forgot my dang name Set my heart aflame,ev'ry part aflame This is not a game🎵
Kuroo:🗣You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied
Yaku:🗣I'm sure I don't know what you mean You forget yourself
Kuroo:🗣You're like me, I'm never satisfied
Yaku:🗣Is that right?
Kuroo:🗣I have never been satisfied
Yaku:🗣My name is Mori Schuyler
Kuroo:🗣 Tetsurō  Kuroo
Yaku: 🗣 Where's your family from?
Kuroo:🗣Unimportant, there's a million things I haven't done Just you wait, just you wait
Yaku:🎵So so so… So this is what it feels like to match wits With someone at your level! what the hell is the catch? It's the feeling of freedom, of seeing the light It's Ben Franklin with a key and a kite You see it right?🎵
Yaku’s thoughts 💭 honestly did he think i was born yesterday 
Yaku:🎵The conversation lasted two minutes, maybe three minutes, everything we said in total agreement!
It's a dream and it's a bit of a dance
A bit of a posture, it's a bit of a stance.
He's a bit of a flirt, but I'mma give it a chance I asked about his fam'ly, did you see his answer? His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance🎵
Another flashback played it was them (mori and kuroo) after a match talking because she wanted to get to know her captain more he told her he hadn’t much to offer the flash back cuts off
Yaku:🎵He's penniless, he's flying by the seat of his pants Handsome, boy does he know it Peach fuzz and he can't even grow it I wanna take him far away from this place Then I turn and see my sister's face and she is-🎵
Yaku: 🎵And I know she is🎵
Sho: 🎵Helpless🎵
Yaku:🎵 And her eyes are just🎵
Yaku:🎵And I realize Three fundamental truths at the exact same time🎵
Kuroo:🗣Where are you taking me?
Yaku:🗣I'm about to change your life
Kuroo:🗣Then by all means, lead the way
Everyone: 🗣Number 1 
Yaku:🎵I'm a girl in a world in which
My only job is to marry rich My father has one son in college  so I'm the one
Who has to social climb for one So I'm the second oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in Tokyo is insidious🎵
Yaku’s pov 
Remembering everything my dad said back when me and my twin sister were little saying being the only daughters and i being the oldest i would have to marry rich even though my family is rich what can i do i have to do as daddy says 
Yaku:🎵And Tetsurō  is penniless
Ha, that doesn't mean I want him any less🎵
Sho:🗣Shona kawaNishi, it's a pleasure to meet you
Yaku: 🗣My twin sister!
Everyone:Number two!
Yaku:🎵He's after me because I'm a Kawanishi sibling That elevates his status, I'd Have to be naive to set that aside Maybe that is why I introduce him to shona Now that's his bride Nice going Mori, he was right, you will never be satisfied🎵
Sho:🗣Thank you for all your service
Kuroo:🗣If it takes fighting a good game for us to meet, it will have been worth it
Yaku:🗣I'll leave you to it!
Everyone: number 3
Yaku:🎵I know my sister like I know my own mind You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind If I tell her that I love him she'd be silently resigned He'd be mine She would say-🎵
Sho:🗣"I'm fine"
Yaku:🎵She'd be lying But when I fantasize at night, it's Tetsurō’s eyes As I romanticize what might have been if I hadn't sized Him up so quickly At least my dear shona's his wife At least I keep his eyes in my life🎵 🗣To the groom!
Everyone:🗣To the groom, to the groom, to the groom
Yaku:🗣To the bride!
Everyone:🗣To the bride To the bride (to the bride)
Yaku:🗣From your sister
Everyone:🗣Mori, Mori, Mori
Yaku:🗣Who is always by your side
Everyone:🗣By your side, by your side
Yaku:To your union
Everyone:🗣To the union! To the revolution!
Yaku:🗣And the hope that you provide
Everyone:🗣You provide. You provide
Yaku: :🗣May you always
Everyone:🗣 Always
Yaku:🗣Be satisfied
Everyone:🗣Satisfied, (satisfied), satisfied
Yaku:🗣And I know 
Everyone:🗣(be satisfied) ((be satisfied)) (be satisfied)
Yaku:🗣She'll be happy as his bride
Everyone:🗣satisfied, satisfied, satisfied
Yaku: 🗣And I know
Everyone:🗣((be satisfied)) (satisfied, satisfied, satisfied) ((be satisfied))
Yaku:🎵He will never be satisfied
I will never be satisfied🎵
Yaku’s pov 
So yeah here i was after my big speech at my sister’s wedding saying goodbye to them 
Sho: must you really leave
Yaku: big brother wants me in the UK for a while besides you got kuroo now i will stay in touch i love you sis 
With that yaku  was on a plane to the UK and finding Taichi what she didn’t know was lev was also in the UK with his family and she started seeing him she used that as a way to get over Kuroo they started going out and yaku fell more and more in love with Lev 
As time went on she married lev but she was also receiving letters from Tetsurō
It is and now we find mori had come back and she is pissed 
Kuroo: Yaku please 
Yaku:🎵Congratulations; You've invented a new kind of stupid A damage you can never undo Kind of stupid An open all the cages in the zoo Kind of stupid. Clearly, you didn't think this through,
Kind of stupid Let's review🎵
Kuroo: she had accused me of having an affair yaku
Yaku;🎵You took a rumor a few Maybe two people knew And refuted it by sharing an affair Of which no one had accused you I begged you to take a break You refused to🎵
Sho was crying thinking she had done something wrong yaku hugged her and went back to kuroo 
Yaku:🎵 So scared of what your enemies will do to you But you're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to! You know, Kageyama can do what he wants. He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response! So yeah, congratulations!🎵
Yaku:🎵You've redefined your legacy, congratulations!🎵
Kuroo:🗣It was an act of political sacrifice!
Kuroo: please i'm begging you don’t do this 
Yaku:🎵I languished in a loveless marriage in London I lived only to read your letters I look at us and think, "God, what have we done with our lives, And what did it get us?"🎵
Sho: you and my twin were a thing she’s married your married to me god 😭
Yaku runs to sho  and hugs her again turning her head and say
Yaku:🎵That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away But I'm back in the city And I'm here to stay You know what I'm here to do?🎵
Kuroo: 🗣Mori…
Yaku:🎵I'm not here for you… I know my sister like I know my own mind You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind And a million years ago She said, "This one's mine," So I, Stood by… Do you know why🎵
Kuroo just shook his head No 
Yaku:🎵I love my sister more than anything in this life! I would choose her happiness over mine Every time Shona! Is the best thing in our lives And never lose sight of the fact That you have been blessed with the best wife!🎵
Kuroo: i know and i am a fool too lose sight of that 
Yaku:🎵Congratulations For the rest of your life! Every sacrifice is for my sister Give her the best life! Congratulations.🎵 Make shit right with her let me go i have a husband kuroo time to stop chasing after me and focus on what's in front of you i will be going back to the UK don’t make me come back again 
Kuroo was trying to fix his marriage when sho found out from copies of the lets he was sending her sister he was having an fling she was upset  And it is here we find sho next to a fireplace 
Kuroo walks in 
Kuroo honey what are you doing 
Sho:🎵I saved every letter you wrote me From the moment I saw you I knew you were mine You said you were mine I thought you were mine🎵
Kuroo; i am yours last i checked
Sho:🎵Do you know what mori said When I told her what you'd done? She said🎵
Yaku:🗣You have married an playboy He has flown too close to the sun"
Sho:🎵Don't Take another step in my direction I can't be trusted around you Don't think you can talk your way Into my arms, into my arms🎵
Kuroo: i get it you need space 
Sho:🎵I'm burning the letters you wrote me You can stand over there if you want I don't know who you are I have so much to learn I'm re-reading your letters And watching them burn (burn) I'm watching them burn (burn)🎵
Kuroo: sho please i am sorry don’t do this i screwed up
Sho:🎵You published the letters she wrote you You told the whole world How you brought this girl into our bed In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives🎵
Kuroo: OH OH you saw that
Sho:🎵Heaven forbid someone whisper "He's part of some scheme" (He's part of scheme) Your enemy whispers So you have to scream (So you have to scream) I know about whispers I see how you look at my twin sister🎵
Kuroo: yes i like your sister but it is not her i am married to it's you she is already married 
Kuroo moved towards her 
Sho:🎵Don't I'm not naive I have seen women around you (around you) Don't think I don't see how they fall for your charms (they fall for your charms)
All your charms🎵
Kuroo: this isn’t about your sister this is about you me about us 
Sho:🎵I'm erasing myself from the narrative (I'm erasing myself from the narrative) Let your  son wonder how his mother reacted When you broke her heart You have thrown it all away Stand back, watch it burn (burn) Just watch it all burn🎵
Kuroo: son?! 
Sho:🎵And when the time comes Explain to your son The pain and embarrassment You put his  mother through. When will you learn That he is your legacy? We are your legacy! If you thought you were mine (mine, mine, mine) Don't🎵
Sho walks out the door crying she goes to pick up her son from kenma leaving kuroo to think on what she said and think about what he has done and weather he still wants his family or is going to carry on committing adultery 
He wrote one more letter to yaku saying 
Dear mori this… this has to end i am ruining my marriage i am hurting your sister and our son this is where i end our little thing it was fun while it lasted but we are married people adults to be exact we should know better i wish you the best with lev adios sister in law
Yaku received that letter and reads it 
Yaku: My dear Shona, my precious twin. I'm sorry I ruined your life with my selfish ways. Go and be the best wife and rebuild your life with your son SHONA!! I’ll stay out of your life all the best from your sister Mori 
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‘i dont hate kids but i dont want 2 hear them in public’ holy fucking shit
#this was from a post but there were long blocks of text i didnt read so i cant rb it#im just like. im stunned truly :/#and i mean like i dearly hope my stance on this has been clear but if you think its okay to be mean 2 kids or 2 actively hate kids#even if its got sth 2 do w what happened 2 u personally in ur past#please dont follow me anymore i mean i just dont really need that u kno ?#which isnt to say btw that if u HAVE been mean or rude 2 kids bc they did sth u cant deal with like make a lot of noise or whatever#and so maybe u did sth u shouldnt have done but as long as u recognise that and try to better urself then like good obviously#i just dont understand the mentality of 'ppl were mean 2 me when i was a kid so im gonna b mean 2 kids now'#like ?? ppl werent the nicest 2 me when i was a kid and u kno what that makes me want to do ?? GO INTO CHILDCARE#and try my best 2 make sure as many children as possible have at least one nice adult they dont feel threatened by or whatever#like seriously what the fuck ??#and also back 2 the point of the post im just like wildly confused by 'i dont want 2 hear them in public'#thanks i dont want 2 hear u in public either ? lol ?#and like kids cry and they scream its what they do#babies do it cause they dont know how else 2 communicate and slightly older kids for the same reason sometimes#and if u bring up that like 'but theyre just selfish and wont listen when theyre told they cant have ice cream its so immature'#1. yeah it is thats kinda the point 2. arent u screaming urself cause ur selfish and just dont want kids 2 b in public ? fuck off#anyway. this isnt going anywhere i have shit 2 do but like really seriously kindly fuck off
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Clouded judgement [Loki Laufeyson x Reader] - Challenge
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Title: Clouded judgement Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Asgardian!Female!Reader Word count: 4.8k Published: 25 May 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Warnings: Angst and fluff Summary: After years of living in his brother’s shadow, Loki feels as though he is an equal finally as things seem to fall into place. That is until he sees you with his brother, enjoying his company. His emotions start to cloud his judgement and in fear of having to go back where he was, he makes a decision he soon regrets. Challenge: [x] [x] This is for @sventeen-daybreak's 600 followers writing challenge and I used the overall vibe of the song.
“What would it feel like if you tore me apart? / Come on chew on my heart” [Chew on my heart by James Bay]
Marvel Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
Tom Hiddleston and Characters Masterlist
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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Thor has always been a brother figure to you, you grew up together after all. He was someone who was always there for you when you needed him, but mostly got on your nerves intentionally. He found enjoyment in your grimaces and child-like sulking. Regardless of how irritating he was at times, you loved him dearly. However, Loki was different. You never looked at him as a brother or a friend. You pretended to see him in that light, of course, not wanting your secret to be revealed, but your feelings for him were deeper, rooted in a romantic interest.
You tried to hide it and treat them equally, but at times you found it rather difficult. Sometimes you wished to run up to Loki to give him a hug, whilst you fist bumped Thor, but you knew if you differentiated them, your secret would be at risk. So, you pushed your emotions aside and used a logical part of your mind to make decisions that would ensure the safety of your secret.
Though you carefully planned out how to go about your feelings, others had different ideas. Loki always voiced how he just wanted to be an equal to Thor, someone who had just as much opportunity, someone who received as much love and care, someone who was no different, but when it came to you, he wanted to be above his brother, he wanted to be first and more important to you. He wasn't happy with your carefully concocted plan to be stuck on the same level as his brother, especially because he didn't feel he was.
Loki was growing tired of being a shadow of his brother once again. He wanted you to look at him differently, to treat him as though he was more important to you. He had to admit he was jealous and though the word itself made him enraged, he tried to conceal it. He envied the relationship you had with Thor. Even though you thought you were careful and treated them equally, Loki's genius mind was clouded by his emotions, his jealousy.
Thor and Loki's relationship had been a rollercoaster, but finally they were at peace with each other and even Odin was proud of his younger adopted son. Everything seemed finally calm between the brothers, but it didn't matter how proud his brother made him and how supportive he had been towards Thor, Loki found himself taken over by an envious storm once again.
He leaned against the door frame of your room in the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf, his arms folded in front of his chest, his body language screaming indifference. He acted as though he couldn't care about the loud laughter that left your lips, the small crinkles appearing beside your eyes or the way you threw your head back as another fit of laughter erupted from your lungs. Loki tried to pretend that it didn't affect him, that his heart didn't ache from the sight of another man making you laugh wholeheartedly as he watched from the side-line. But deep down he was burning in jealousy, eating him up from the inside. He knew he should have been happy for you as a friend and he tried, many times before, but he couldn't control the little demons that discouraged him from ever expressing his feelings to you. He believed, if it came to making a decision between him and his brother, the mighty Thor, the God of Thunder, you would choose his brother without a hint of doubt. The feeling of not being equal, only a second to Thor once again messed with his head and as he stood in the doorway, watching you laughing at something his brother told you, he made a decision he felt was long awaited.
"Why do you keep standing there? Come here," you smiled softly as you patted the golden couch beside you, offering him a place to sit. But instead of taking up on your offer, he just shook his head with a solemn expression. "Is everything okay?" You asked, slightly worried about the look on his face. Instead of a reply, he just nodded. With a heavily beating heart, you stood up from the sofa and walked up to him, placing a hand on his face, gently caressing his cheek with the tip of your thumb. "You look troubled. Is there a way I could help ease your worries?" You asked, eyes filled with hope to help the man you loved so dearly.
Loki wanted to lean into your palm, enjoying your soft touch against his skin, the connection making him feel as though your mere presence radiated safety, a feeling he only felt with you. But he had to remind himself of his plan. He grabbed your wrist and with a harsh movement pushed your hand away from him. His actions surprised you, making you slightly jump at the unexpected reaction. The coldness in his eyes was unfamiliar, your concern for him greatly growing. "I don't need your help," he replied firmly, a chill running through your spine at the emotionless tone. Even when you did something silly, he was always there to reassure you that it was all going to work out, because whatever you wanted, you were capable of achieving. He was always there to encourage you and offer you his endless support. He was the one who always kept you in one piece, even when you were going through hardships. But as he stood in front of you with his gaze empty, his jaw tightened, his tone cold and emotionless, something felt off and you weren't about to let it go.
"You are acting strange, Loki," you spoke with a deep frown across your brows, your eyes studying his face, trying to understand what could have gone through his mind.
He raised a questioning brow as he tilted his head. "No, I'm not. Perhaps you just don't know me well enough," he shrugged nonchalantly, his whole demeanour making you feel as though there was an invisible wall between the two of you.
"That's ridiculous. I know you, Loki. We have been friends for long enough," you scoffed at the absurdity of his words.
"You are no friend to me," he spat the words filled with hatred. A silent gasp left your lungs, his words painfully piercing through your chest, as though a dagger stabbed you in your heart. Feeling your chest tighten, your air cut off for a mere moment, you stumbled back in your place, your knees weakening as your brain processed his words. Loki didn't mean what he said, the words he spoke weren't the ones he meant to say, but they escaped involuntary and regardless of how painful it felt, he couldn't take them back.
"Loki!" Thor raised his voice warningly at his brother, but both you and Loki ignored him.
"What are you talking about? I don't understand you," you grabbed his arm desperately, but he just shook it off. He could see the pain in your eyes, the tears threatening to escape. His only wish was to wrap his arms around you and apologise repeatedly, to tell you that he didn't mean a word he said, but he couldn't do that. His pride stood in the way, the thought of being a second again enraged him.
"Wasn't I clear enough. Must I explain everything in detail?" He spat in anger. He didn't want to hurt you, but before he could have even thought of the words he wanted to say, they escaped him without a warning.
"But Loki, what have I done?" Your voice was tiny as though it wasn't even your voice. It was weak and desperate, somewhat needy. None of what Loki said made sense and the cold look in his eyes, the firm stance he took up on, it wasn't the Loki you knew.
"Nothing," he replied with a straight face. "You are simply no use to me anymore," he spoke, his words even surprising him. He didn't mean to make you feel as though you were a toy, he grew tired of. He realised it was time for him to not say another word. He knew what he had done, he knew you hated him and that it was too late for him to take it back. Opening your mouth, you were ready to strike back, but no sound left your vocal cords. You stood in front of him as if you were a fish out of water, suffocating. Tears fell down your cheeks, streaming down heavily as the words finally reached you. You were of no use to him anymore.
The sight of your tears, the devastation he saw in your eyes made Loki internally scream. It reminded him of the last words he spoke to his mother, breaking the heart of the person he loved more than anyone else. And now as he stood in front of you, intentionally hurting you, he just wanted to travel back in time and take it all back. The look on your face terrified him, the thought of causing you pain made his heart churn in agony. He couldn't bear to watch your heart shatter right in front of his eyes, all because he was a coward.
But you weren't a fool, you knew something was wrong. The unshed tears you desperately tried to keep from escaping blurred your vision as you stood in front of him unsteadily, wiping away the remaining evidence of your silent cries. Grabbing his arm once again, this time you didn't let him shake you off and you purposely changed your whole demeanour. You knew him, you knew who he really was, and you decided you weren't about to give up on him.
Your strong hold around him surprised Loki, he didn't expect you to cling to him after he treated you so disrespectfully. Once again, he tried to shake your hand off, but you didn't give in. There was a raging fire of determination in your eyes that Loki couldn't place and certainly couldn't understand. You caught his facade crumble for a mere moment only, wavering under your stubbornness, but it was enough for you to know there was something behind his nasty behaviour. "You can't fool me, you dumb man. It doesn't matter how hard you try," you hissed in anger as his cold exterior once again trembled at the sight of your firm stance against his ruthlessness, but he quickly rearranged himself as though he realised his slip-up.
He roughly removed his arm from your hold, your gaze capturing his stunned look once again, long enough for him to know you weren't hurt anymore, you were mad. Your eyes held anger as you looked up at the man and you didn't plan on hiding it. Loki knew he had gone too far and seeing your heart broken and enraged wasn't his plan. He just wanted to distance himself, never to feel like a second behind his brother, but he had gone too far. Before he could have made another foolish decision, he turned around with his jaw tightly shut, his fingers curving into a fist as he left you without a reply.
"Loki!" Thor shouted after his brother, but he didn't turn back. "I will talk to him," Thor shot up from the sofa and squeezed your shoulder reassuringly with a pained smile across his face.
"He is too stubborn to listen. There is something else behind his behaviour," you replied through gritted teeth, wanting nothing but to punch his younger brother.
"Then I shall bring him back so you can talk to him," he offered, earning a nod from you as he hurried after his brother, his heavy steps still audible from a distance.
You couldn't understand what had gotten into Loki, you couldn't pinpoint where this absurd behaviour and disrespectful manner came from, but the way he talked to you, the coldness in his eyes were ones you have never seen from him before. At least not towards you. His distanced behaviour lit a raging fire within you, wanting to confront the mischievous god, giving him a piece of your mind. He hurt you, it was terrifying to hear those words leave his lips, but the anger you felt towards him overpowered the initial aching in your heart, the heavy weight sitting on your chest.
Loki rushed through the corridors of the Royal Palace in haste, not being able to look at you any longer. He didn't mean for things to happen the way they did, he didn't mean to hurt you. When he realised what he had done, the only thing he could do was run. He knew he was a coward, but the pained look on your face terrified him and as soon as he realised you weren't having any of his foolish play, it scared him. His whole plan was reckless and stupid, he knew, but he couldn't find it in him to walk back to you and apologise. Loki thought if he was to go back, he would have to watch you growing closer to his brother and he couldn't bear the thought of you and Thor together.
So, he fled Asgard.
It's been a week since Loki disappeared and you couldn't handle not knowing where he was, what he has been doing, why he acted the way he did. You thought after all this time your anger would subside, but it weighed on you heavily just like on the day Loki decided to hurt you. A part of you was enraged, wanting nothing but return the pain you felt, however another part of you was worried about him, concerned for his safety. Walking up and down nervously in your room didn't help your case. Thor's letter about finding his brother awoke hope in you, but not the kind where you wanted to jump in his arms anymore. The kind that gave you the opportunity to tell him what a coward he was for running away.
A guard knocked on your door, pulling you out of your thoughts. He didn't need to speak, you knew Loki and Thor were back. You gave clear instructions to the guards to inform you upon their arrival. In haste, you headed to the entrance that led you to the Rainbow bridge, a storm of thoughts swirling around in your mind, scenarios upon scenarios playing every possibility of your reunion.
As you stepped outside the arch of the entrance, you caught sight of the brothers. Thor pushed on Loki's back as though he was a prisoner. He even wore a pair of handcuffs to stop him from trying anything. Frowning at the sight, you tilted your head innocently, Thor's actions seeming a bit much for your liking. You wanted Loki back, but if he didn't come on his own, did it really make a difference? You knew he would only listen to you because he had no other options.
Whilst Thor's extreme measures slightly bothered you, the anger that you have been harbouring screamed louder in your mind than to care about how he returned Loki. Whether with or without Loki's consent, you were to lash out on him, because he deserved it after the way he treated you.
"Well, well, well, look who found his way home," you arched a brow, but he didn't look at you. His gaze was fixed on the ground, not daring to meet your eyes. "Uncuff him, please" you instructed Thor, who did as he was told, knowing he had no place to join your disagreement. He helped as much as he could, he brought his brother back, but whatever was going on between you and Loki was none of his business, so after a reassuring nod, he left you.
Loki massaged his wrist where the handcuff cut into his flesh, but still didn't dare to lift his gaze. Everything seemed more interesting to him, but you. It angered you even more, but instead of losing control, you tightened your jaw and squeezed your lips shut. You patiently waited, though you didn't know for what. An apology maybe, an explanation, even an annoyed groan, but Loki was silent. Silence wasn't his strength, the man loved to talk, and this side was certainly new to you. For a mere second it occurred to you that he might have changed, and you just misinterpreted him the last time you met. But those thoughts quickly disappeared as you remembered his facade fall for a second, seeing him vulnerable even if for a mere moment.
"So, is this how it's going to be?" You asked with a straight face, hoping to earn a reply, some words maybe or even a sound. But Loki kept his lips sealed. "Look at me!" You raised your voice, but he didn't lift his gaze, he avoided meeting your eyes at all costs. There was a certain hopelessness you felt, a part of you burning in anger to know more, to have some sort of an explanation, but he didn't give in. "Talk to me!" You shouted at the man, but he just tightened his jaw and kept quiet.
Loki wanted to talk, he wanted to apologise, he wanted to look into your eyes and see what he had done to you. But he didn't have the courage to see the damage he had made. He was afraid of what he would see, the raging hatred in your eyes, the pity for the pathetic person he was, the anger his cowardness lit within you. It was all his fault, and he knew he had no right to speak, not even to apologise. His words would mean nothing to you, he let himself treat you so rudely after all.
"Talk to me! Open your mouth! You could never shut up, why are you starting now?" You asked, enraged at the silence. Walking up to him, you started hitting his chest, each blow harder than the previous one, but Loki just took it diligently. "Why are you doing this?" You shouted as you pushed on him, desperately trying to get him to say something, the silence driving you mad. Loki though he didn't have the right to stop you, each blow you struck at his chest was well deserved. He would have taken even harder punishments, he deserved it after all, but if that was what made you feel better, he would let you keep hitting him.
Your next blow halted in mid-air, tears collecting in your eyes, ready to escape. "Do you really hate me that much?" Your voice barely a whisper, a weak voice you have never heard from yourself. Loki's eyes found yours for the first time, swallowing visibly at the words you used. The thought of him ever hating you felt impossible for him and as he watched your desperate gaze, he knew he needed to say something.
"I could never," he replied finally, earning a shaky sigh from you.
"Then why are you doing this?" You asked, hoping that the barrier he so carefully pulled up between you would finally crumble. But no other words left his lips. He was silent once again. He didn't know what to say to you, he couldn't possibly be honest. He knew you would look at him as though he was a pathetic man and he never wanted to see you look down on him. He was better off being hated by you than to ever feel like you pitied him. He knew he deserved it, what he had done was unforgivable in his eyes, though he couldn't get himself to tell you that. "Speak!" You shouted once again; your desperate tone shook him out of his thoughts. He locked his eyes with yours, searching for more than rage, but you were harbouring so many emotions, he couldn't possibly read you.
You had no idea what was going through his mind, the only thing you could see in his eyes was a mess. Swirling emotions and thoughts, you could barely read the man. You needed answers, but as you looked into his eyes, you couldn't possibly find them. You needed words, confessions, explanations, apologies, it didn't matter, but the only way you could understand him was spoken words and he denied them from you. His silence made your head spin, feeling hopeless in your situation. Once again you hit him on the chest as though that was the only reason, he replied to you.
"You big, old, man-child, open your mouth and speak!" You shouted at him, striking another fist full of blow against his chest. "Say something!" You screamed, filled with rage. "After all you've said, you had the audacity to run away, flee from all the problems you have caused. How could you do that? Do you realise how worried I was? Not knowing where you went, what you were up to, if you were even in one piece," you cried. You thought he didn't care, but you had to say it, you had to let it all out. "Your words hurt me and I'm so mad at you, I want to hurt you as much as you hurt me, but I was still worried. I'm as much of a fool as you are," you breathed in a calmer manner. Loki's eyes grew in astonishment. He expected your anger, lashing out on him, but he never expected you to worry about him, to show such affection. Not after all he has done to you, not after he has broken your heart.
"I'm sorry," he breathed weakly against his better judgment. The desperate need in your eyes, the anger building up, the tears collecting, he knew he needed to say it. He didn't want to be a coward anymore and as hard as it was to accept it, he couldn't care less if he was only a second to his brother. If he could only remain beside you as a mere friend, he was to do everything in his power to earn your forgiveness. "I'm so sorry," he repeated himself. Your eyes grew wide at the apology, if anything those were the last words you expected to hear from him. His head fell forward, his gaze fixed on the ground. Loki was never one to apologise, let alone seem so guilty. You felt as though you had entered a completely new territory. But it didn't make you feel less hurt or upset.
"Do you think an apology can erase it all? Do you really think a simple sorry is enough?" You asked with a straight face, arms folded in front of your chest. Of course, Loki knew it wasn't enough, but it was a start, however minor it seemed to be.
"No, it's not. I know I've gone too far," he spoke as he lifted his head, searching for your eyes. His voice was heavy with emotions, his cold demeanour falling into pieces. "I didn't mean anything I said to you, I didn't mean to hurt you. It was not my intention," he took a deep breath as though he needed time to carefully plan his words. "I'm a fool and I don't expect you to forgive me, but I am sincerely sorry for what I have done," he breathed, his shoulders falling forward, his usually self-confident appearance now seemed weak and vulnerable. You had to stop the urge that wanted you to wrap your arms around his frame and tell him that it was alright, because whilst you felt bad for him, it was all his fault. He hurt you, he spoke those words that felt like daggers twisting your heart.
"Why, Loki? Why did you talk to me like that?" You asked, needing an explanation. The Loki you saw that day was indeed different from the person you knew, but the reasons behind his behaviour were beyond you.
"Because I thought it would be better," Loki debated to be honest with you, but as he looked into your eyes, your gaze desperate for the truth, he couldn't deny it from you. He knew you would look at him differently, he knew you would be even more enraged, but you deserved the truth. "I didn't want to be a second again. Finally, everything fell into place with my father and Thor. I felt equal, which I wanted to be for so long. But once again I found myself in my brother's shadow and I couldn't handle it. I was a fool and I thought if I pushed you away, I wouldn't have to repeat the same mistakes again, but I did," a heavy sigh left his lungs as he searched for the right words. "I never meant to hurt you, but I couldn't bear to be stuck in my brother's shadow again," you furrowed at the man, his words making no sense to you.
"I always treated you the same. Why would you think you were in his shadow? I love you equally," you attempted to convince him, but he just shook his head.
"Maybe you think you did, but I was envious of your relationship with him. I know, I'm the worst, but I couldn't control it," he scoffed at his own words. "I didn't want to be a close second, I didn't want to be an equal. I wanted to be more important to you, but I knew it would be impossible," your eyes widened as the words left his lips, a silent gasp escaping your lungs.
"More important?" You asked with a stunned expression. "Why?"
"Because my feelings for you aren't platonic," he confessed, his chest feeling lighter as the words finally left his mouth. He wished to say it for so long, regardless of how terrifying it seemed. Whether you felt the same or not, he felt as though the heavy weight previously seated across his chest was now finally gone.
You stood in front of him in utter shock. You longed to hear those words since the very first time you realised your own feelings, but you could never imagine hearing them. It felt like you were in a dream, a blissful moment. As the puzzles finally started to make sense, you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You are a fool," you breathed against the skin of his neck. Your sudden affection surprised Loki, but his arms involuntarily wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. "Did you really push me away for this? Couldn't you just say something?" You asked as you tightened your arms around him.
"I was afraid," he confessed, his words weak as though he found them hard to declare.
"If you were just honest, this whole situation could have been easily avoided," you replied as you pulled back to be able to look at him. You placed a hand on his cheek, caressing it gently. "If you asked me, if you had spoken to me, I would have told you the truth. I haven't seen you as a friend for years. My feelings for you grew a long time ago," you confessed as Loki's eyes grew wider. "You were never a second or an equal to Thor in my eyes. You were always more important," you spoke as you brushed his hair behind his ear.
"I'm so sorry," he breathed as he finally found his voice and pulled you closer, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, enjoying your embrace around him. "Thank you," he murmured against your skin.
"What for?" You asked with a deep frown.
"For your existence," he replied, earning a loud chuckle from you.
"You're welcome," you snickered playfully. "Though I'm still mad at you," you warned him as you pulled back to establish eye contact. "You will have to make up for all the mess you have created," you spoke with a straight face, your words strict, but holding no anger.
"I will do anything in my power to earn your forgiveness. Anything!" He declared. He knew he was a fool, but he wasn't stupid enough to hurt you ever again. He needed you to forgive him, because he knew he couldn't forgive himself until you had done so.
"You could start by declaring your undying love for me," you giggled with a mischievous smile across your face.
"Excuse me?" He asked, eyes wide in surprise.
"You could start asking for my forgiveness by kissing me," your voice was less confident than the first time, fearing you have been too bold. But as soon as Loki processed your words, a heartfelt laughter escaped his lungs.
"Yes, ma'am," he replied as his laughter died down and placed a hand behind your neck, meeting your lips halfway, kissing you in haste, wanting to pour all his feelings in that kiss. He needed you to understand all those feelings he has been harbouring silently and he was ready to give you anything you ever wished, even after he has finally earned your forgiveness.
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kotos-and-smiles · 3 years
The meaning of “I”
Chapter 104 spoliers!
Note 1. I’ll still be calling it “I” even though the translators are changing the way they translate it to be “peace,” because that’s what I’m used to calling it for now.
Note 2. Just a fair warning, this is a long post, but hopefully you enjoy!
Okay, I’ve been meaning to start this blog for months now but I’ve had no idea how to just start so here we are. I decided what better way to start off than talking about the newest chapter because there is oh so much to talk about in this one chapter alone. The first thing I really want to talk about from this chapter is the club’s song for nationals “I” or “Peace” as the translators have started calling it. Despite the fact the club has been working on “I” for a lot of chapters now, we still don’t know about the actual meanings and motifs that are in the song or what feelings they’re aiming to put into it. I think we haven’t heard much about this because the club is still trying to figure it out for themselves. Also, I’ve been questioning for a while what type of song Takinami would write for the club, and that was answered in this chapter.
What we do know about the song is that it has the 4-person part with Chika, Kota, Momoya, and Yoshinaga, a part where all 9 of the club members play together, a part where melodies played by Chika and Satowa and then Takezo and Hiro will intertwine, and everyone has a solo. It’s also been emphasized over and over that all 9 people are needed to play the song. Takinami has only given his usual vague hints as to what meaning he put into the song, because like always he wants the club to figure it out for themselves. Until we get to ch.104, in which Chika interprets it in such the opposite way of how Takinami meant it that Takinami finally feels the need to give him a hint as to what the song means (and thank god, because I really don’t think that poor Chika would’ve gotten it at all otherwise).
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In chapter 104, we learn that “I” is actually a piece that can be played with any amount of the 9 parts and still be a full song. This is a huge deal, and honestly blew my mind when I first read it. Takinami has specifically pushed the idea that everyone needs to be there to play this song, knowing full well that in actuality the song would be complete no matter how many people played it. Everyone is still essential in his eyes because the point is the desire to play with everyone and the importance each member holds to each other. Takinami even brings up the conversation he and Chika had before Ku-on, showing just how huge of an impact the whole situation with Ku-on had on Takinami. With the performance of Ku-on, he saw what this group was really made of and what they were capable of, even in less than ideal circumstances they pulled through an intensely emotional performance. Takinami finally found a sound he couldn’t ignore. The conversation Takinami and Chika have in ch.25, when Takinami tells Chika he shouldn’t perform and Chika responds that he really enjoys playing with everyone, that sentiment made it into “I.” Except now, the tables are turned and instead Chika still desperately wants to play, but absolutely will not if it means no one else gets to and thinks that he won’t be able to, and Takinami has taken a complete 180 on what his stance was during Ku-on. Unlike in Ku-on, Chika is, in a way, trying to drop out, and now Takinami is the one telling Chika to stay and play. I honestly love this whole conversation between them, I love how Takinami gets pissed at Chika for even thinking about withdrawing from the club, I love that he points out that Chika is only 16 and does not have to take everything on himself, it’s just so great and just what I was hoping for: someone to knock some sense into Chika.
Anyway, then Takinami gives us the first hint as to what he intended “I” to mean. To paraphrase “Stop focusing only on what the others mean to you, and begin to think about what you mean to them.” This is something that pretty much everyone in the club has a problem with. They care about each other so much, will stand up for each other, but they don’t think about the fact that all the others care about them just as much. Takinami is trying to shift the focus from “these people are important to me” to “what do I mean to them?” hoping that these oblivious teens will someday get it. This works for so many of the characters.
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Firstly, let’s talk about Takezo. He’s been club president from the beginning, and he’s always been a great one but has really come into his own. I think everyone sees him as an amazing club president, a leader that holds them together and believes in all of them as a whole and individually. He doesn’t see himself that way. Takezo has the opening notes of “I”, it all starts with him just how the entire club was brought together by him. He’s explicitly stated that he sometimes wishes that someone like Satowa could begin the song because he’s worried about the fact that his is the first sound in the song. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to give a strong enough opening because he still sees himself as a bit inadequate. But how does the rest of the club see him? They see him as this strong club president, someone who’s always been there as the foundation, so why shouldn’t he be able to start the song and be it’s foundation throughout? So, it would help Takezo if he saw himself the way the rest of the club does, because then he’ll realize just what he means to them and hopefully see what they do in himself.
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With Momoya, Takinami made a big deal about the fact that he needed to want to play with the club, and that he had to want it for himself. This ties back to the conversation before Ku-on that Takinami has weaved through “I”. But it was also important for Momoya to take up an identity with his sound, to decide to be something, and own up to being someone with a mutable sound. He can fit in, but it all needs to be his choice. Momoya has also never thought about what he means to the club, and they keep surprising him with how friendly they are and how much they care about him. They just want him to be himself and stay in the club. Hopefully he starts realizing that soon.
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If there’s one thing that Chika is truly terrible at it’s realizing his worth, both with himself and with other people. As Tetsuki says in ch.99.5 “I bet Chika never thought that he himself could be thought of dearly by somebody else.” Chika still definitely struggles with that. He has no problem letting everyone else know how much they’re cared for, how much they’re valued, but when it comes to himself, he still doesn’t see how he could be a person someone thinks of as dear. He still sometimes gets surprised by little acts of caring. With all this stuff with Uzuki going on, he’s more worried about the wellbeing of the club, meanwhile all the members are more worried about him than the state of the club. I think that’s almost incomprehensible to Chika, and yet it’s there, and in the next chapter it will hopefully come through loud and clear just how much they all care about him, but especially Satowa as she literally won’t let him do this alone.
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Satowa, too, is terrible at realizing how much she means to people, as shown by the fact that Chika and the others literally have to spell it out for her sometimes. She doesn’t like being a burden, she doesn’t want to do anything that would disrupt or upset their lives. But she doesn’t really see how much those people care about her and that when you care about someone like that it isn’t a burden. Satowa’s self-worth is low, at least in some areas, and she always puts the club over her own desires or feelings due to having hurt people before, specifically her mother. Hiro even tells her in Ch.92 that the club can withstand whatever emotions she decides to express, but Satowa doubts that. Satowa, much like Chika, needs to come to the realization that people care more about her than they do the club, and again, thinking of herself from the perspective of how much the other’s care could help her realize this and her place in the club.  
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Chika and Satowa both are afraid of being selfish, they don’t want to come off as selfish and they want to put other’s first, but their own feelings realistically get in the way of them being entirely selfless. As Granny says to Chika in ch.77, you have to cherish yourself to be able to give to others and it’s important to think about yourself so that you can have a life you’re happy with. So, both he and Satowa need to start thinking of themselves in a more positive way instead of thinking it’s selfish, which could be helped if they looked at how other’s care about them, which is what “I” is all  about.
Now let’s talk about these two intertwining melodies, one of which will be played by Chika and Satowa and the other by Takezo and Hiro, the section Takinami seems to have set aside for the oblivious lovebirds. Takezo and Hiro have each realized, on their own, that they’re in love with each other, and yet haven’t made the connection that the other feels the same way. Part of this is preservation of the club, but seriously how do you not realize? With Satowa and Chika, it’s even more complicated, and I plan to make a full post about it, but they certainly have never really thought about how the other must feel about them. Later on in the chapter, after Chika’s conversation with Takinami, Chika literally asks Satowa what she thinks of him. Not only did Chika take in what Takinami had to say, in the only way he’d listen which is through koto song terms, he thought about it while he was having lunch with Satowa and was trying to ask her a very important question about it before they were so rudely interrupted by the reminder of just how insane Uzuki is.
I think especially for Chika, Satowa, and Takezo, (who I look at as the main trio) this message of realizing who you are to the people around you is a huge part of their journey. They all need to stop denying themselves their own feelings, which is basically what Takinami was trying to tell them with “I.”
So, I seriously wondered for a while what kind of song Takinami had written for these kids. What better meaning could it have than pushing these people to realize just how much they mean to each other and start focusing on how those they care about see them, not just the other way around? Especially for Takinami, who puts up with a lot but ultimately wants to help these kids and believes in them.
I’m really glad he gave Chika the hint though, because I truly do not believe these kids would’ve gotten what “I” is about if he hadn’t given them that push considering they all avoid thinking about how the other’s must care about them, some of them I think are even afraid to think of it. It’s so perfect and I’m so excited to see where they go with it.  
ps. I’m new to posting and stuff, so please be kind.
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supercorp-hosie · 3 years
Thoughts on Holarke? Do you think they would have a potential start of relationship?
Thank you for asking! If I remember correctly you’re my first ask, congrats!
I love them, though I’m convinced that the writers are still obsessed with Handon. So the chance of happening is just low. Judging from “kids”, they kind of make themselves clear. I do think that Hosie has better chances than Holarke. Even they are all just as low as hell😂. My reason is Hosie happening can actually benefit the show more in my sense of logical.
Of course they have the potential of starting a relationship! If we don’t consider the writers as a variable, they can.
First, it’s the chemistry, I feel them the most starting from 116. They are fighting, working against each other, but they have this undercurrent beneath them, like a cosmic pull. During their hostility, they also get to gradually understand each other, I just feel that they’re just not entirely against each other. It’s just their stance that make them so. The aura I got from 116 when they grabbed each other’s neck, oh damn. That’s the first struck on me.
Secondly, their experiences are very similar. Their whole life is like an never ending trauma, as they said. It helps a lot for them to understand each other, because their whole lives, they are trying to break that traumatic cycle. They can feel for each other. This make them available to be close with each other extremely easy.
Next, they have some similar personalities. They always choose fight mode between flight or fight situations. They face them straight up, they work hard to solve the problems. In a Hogwarts house sense, they are definitely both Slytherin. They don’t actually care what means to use when it comes to achieving their desired results. Plus their wittiness, they can be great partners in crime.
Moreover, their differences are what bring them together too.
Fourthly, in the experiences perspective: For Clarke, he overcame his connection with Malivore, which is his huge breakthrough after hundreds of years. For Hope, her struggle with Malivore just barely started. Clarke’s experiences of working alone in this breakthrough of trauma cycle can be a great inspiration to Hope, as we can see in 316. He’s the one that can convince Hope to rely on friends and enemies, because he speaks from experiences. He can guide Hope through it. In the contrary, Hope has experiences in working with friends and family to overcome problems even though sometimes she prefer to work alone. Clarke hadn’t had a real friends for hundreds of years, so he will be very unfamiliar in the department, as all his life, he can only trust himself and all he knows is manipulating people into helping his cause. It’s easier when Hope helps him with that. It’s especially easier for them to communicate in that department because Hope had been a lone wolf for many years, it will help them being on the same page for starters, as to how to work with friends and family. They’ll need their unique way of adapting that. Clarke can help Hope integrate more and wholeheartedly because Clarke knows the importance of friends and family, he can bring Hope to integrate more along him in the process. Especially helping Hope strengthening her ties with everyone at the school, instead of how previously she just kind of abandoned her other relationships for Landon.
Besides, Hope has a better sense of morality than Clarke. She is more of a selfless person while Clarke has this habit of fighting for himself for a very very long time. She is not like Josie that can allow people to walk over her, and she will fight if people treated her wrongly. So when this blend with Clarke, there can be fights between them, but they can absolutely improved a lot because Clarke must have this urge to hold his relationships dearly after centuries of longing for them. It’s the motive that will make him develop a better sense of moral when treating people. As for working together, Hope can be the one that keep them in a right direction with moral. As a group without moral in achieving their cause always fail eventually, because people can’t always tolerate them. One day, a group without moral and justice will just meet its death from the crowd that they have wronged.
As for the age difference that people doesn’t like at all, I see perks from them. Yes the different viewpoints for certain things may be driving them apart, but they can also help with giving a new perspective of solving problems and experiencing life. The elder ones always consider more and rather conservative, the younger ones can be impulsive and innovative. The elder can guide the younger one with the problems that they encountered while the younger one can guide the elder one to embrace new concept and adapt to new things easier. They just balance each other out. Not to mention, Hope is bound to be a full tribrid sometime while Clarke has lived a lifetime, without the Mikaelsons present, Clarke is just the one to comfort Hope on how to face that fear of living a lifetime. Clarke can become a vampire.
In addition, there are actually great moments between them. “I don’t hate you”, the snarky banters, how Clarke can make Hope laughs, how Hope is the first to comfort Clarke in his whole life, “Merry Christmas, Clarke”. The comfort spell, and Clarke’s “thank you”. I just feel like even though they tried to kill each other, they just have this unspoken mutual trust between each other. There must be scenes that I don’t recall, I feel like there are more.
Most importantly, both of them are intelligent and resourceful, they can kick each other asses, even though Hope kicks Clarke asses more, but still. The one that knows you more is your opponent. It’s why that they can be your life-long opponent. They are equal. Even with the age difference, there are not so much power imbalance between them, the power dynamics can be healthy, they’re definitely not doctor-patient, boss-subordinate, teacher-student, etc. They are definitely equal, even though Clarke called them “kids”, but if he really think they’re not equal, he wouldn’t suggest friends and got a “frenemies at best” from Hope in return. I love when there’s this competition between them to kick each other asses, while at the same time, they’re working alongside each other, supporting each other with the same thing they want, and finally developed something. It’s an interesting dynamic. They’re definitely equals no matter what Clarke claims.
Every time Clarke says “kids”, I just think that do you remember how many times this “kid” kicks your ass? Sometimes I just see Lizdon in them. I’ll wait until the time where he got enough of it and finally admit that he can’t say “kid” anymore. Another thing is that, someone reminded me of this line where Clarke said he’s just a kid who want to be free of something? So that put them as equal too.
Hope and Clarke are these lonely souls that are always fighting against the traumatic events in their lives. Hope has lost so much while Clarke has nothing to begin with. They’re just Holarke, perfectly good to lick their wounds together, face them together , and gradually heal each other.
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dontbipanicjonsa · 3 years
The Unkiss
TW: discussion of sexual assault
The purpose of this post is to explore how and why the Unkiss came to be, and speculate (poorly) on what purpose it may serve in the future. Read under the cut  (thanks @esther-dot )
So, I’m going to tell everyone right away that I’m not a very big fan of the pre-existing theories surrounding the Unkiss. Specifically, I tend to disagree with the “how”. This is partly because I think all the explanations offered are too Freudian (*shudder*) and partly because I’ve had a similar instance myself so I tend to project (sue me). 
First, let’s look at the pre-existing theories: 
The Unkiss is actually a sexual fantasy that Sansa has confused with the real events that happened (exactly what Freud would say. Creepy fuck.)
Sansa invented the Unkiss to romanticize an otherwise traumatic event so she could cope with it better. 
Is there any other theory I’m missing? These are the ones I know. 
I’m going to jump straight to the second theory. The issue (for me) in this theory is that it sort of assumes that Sansa herself would consider that kiss “romantic” or that it would somehow help her cope the BoB night.
He yanked her closer, and for a moment she thought he meant to kiss her. He was too strong to fight. She closed her eyes, wanting it to be over, but nothing happened. - Sansa VII ACOK
This is the moment. She is expecting a kiss, but wanting it to be over. It’s very clear that the kiss would have been non-con. More importantly, it looks like Sansa herself would consider the kiss non-con. 
Why on earth would Sansa invent a kiss she didn’t want in the first place to make coping with an already traumatic event easier? 
He kissed me and threatened to kill me, and made me sing him a song. - Sansa II ASOS
This is the first time we are introduced to the Unkiss, and it shows that Sansa’s memory of that night is perfectly intact. The Unkiss is an addition. It isn’t replacing any other, more traumatic memory (like the threat to her life). 
Now this is what I think happened:
Her emotions were running high that night, and her mind muddled up real events with the memory of that mounting (practically tangible) terror. 
Yeah, it’s that simple. You know how you get really angry in a fight and then later you can’t recall the exact the words? Memory is unreliable. There are plenty of studies to show the varied effects trauma has on memory. There are plenty of studies to show how easily memory can distort. There doesn’t need to be a great, complex reason for Sansa to misremember a traumatic event. Also remember that Sansa may not be entirely sober for this encounter, since Cersei did make her chug that wine before. 
Being stuck in a situation where you’re terrified and anticipating some sort of assault any second? Having a single moment where the emotions peak, where you’re sure the assault is going to happen right that moment? Misremembering if the assault did or didn’t happen later? Yup. Been there, done that. I still don’t remember what happened, and it’s been years. I sure as fuck wasn’t romanticizing shit, so it never occurred to me to think that Sansa might be. So when I heard the theories I went back to her chapters and honestly, I don’t think she is either. Not yet.  
Then this happened:
She could still remember how it felt, when his cruel mouth pressed down on her own. He had come to Sansa in the darkness as green fire filled the sky. He took a song and a kiss, and left me nothing but a bloody cloak. - Alayne II AFFC
Now this is Sansa romanticizing the Unkiss. She romanticizes the kiss she remembers. That does not mean she invented the kiss to romanticize the BoB, it only means she remembers a non-con kiss from a traumatic night and chose to romanticize it to cope. See the difference? 
The kiss isn’t a way for her to romanticize her trauma to cope, she romanticizes the kiss that was a result of her trauma- to cope. 
I won’t be so sure of this theory though, because (no offense) but GRRM does seem like the kind of guy who would read Freud and incorporate his ideas in his story. There’s already a shit load of incest and let’s admit it, Sansa canonically has daddy issues. How far or in-depth did GRRM think about the “how” of the Unkiss? We don’t know. 
Well, this one has been explained by GRRM himself:
You will see, in A STORM OF SWORDS and later volumes, that Sansa remembers the Hound kissing her the night he came to her bedroom... but if you look at the scene, he never does. That will eventually mean something, but just now it's a subtle touch, something most of the readers may not even pick up on. - GRRM 
He also said:
File this one under "unreliable narrator" and feel free to ponder its meaning...- GRRM 
So, it’s safe to say that the Unkiss is basically being used to establish that Sansa has an unreliable memory. Of course, other characters probably have unreliable memory too (for example: Arya misremembering the name of Joffrey’s sword) but this is still most likely about Sansa. 
Sansa has always been considered an unreliable narrator by the GA anyway, since so much of her narration in the first book was at odds with the narration of Ned and Arya, who were both fan favourites at the time. This should probably indicate to the readers that the other characters are unreliable narrators as well, but it doesn’t. People carry on reading simply assuming that only Sansa’s POV is unreliable, or at least the most unreliable. So using Sansa’s POV to lay the groundwork for memory issues in someone else’s POV is...not gonna work. 
This doesn’t necessarily prove that the pay-off of the Unkiss is going to come from Sansa’s POV only, but it makes it seem likely. So I’m going to restrict myself to looking at the possibilities of misremembering stuff from Sansa’s POV. 
One more thing we need to look at before we start looking at future possibilities:
"It's not the same," Sansa said. "The Hound is Joffrey's sworn shield. Your butcher's boy attacked the prince." - Sansa III AGOT
On the surface, this looks like another memory edit. The situation is remarkably similar; it was a traumatic event for Sansa, she was not entirely sober when it happened, and now she is misremembering what happened. We know that Mycah did not attack Joffrey, Joffrey attacked Mycah. However, it’s not quite the same. For one, we don’t actually know if Sansa believes that, or if she’s just trying to be contrary to Arya. 
"Sansa, come here." Ned had heard her version of the story the night Arya had vanished. He knew the truth. "Tell us what happened." - Eddard III AGOT
Sansa had told Ned what happened. But then she said-
She blinked at her sister, then at the young prince. "I don't know," she said tearfully, looking as though she wanted to bolt. "I don't remember. Everything happened so fast, I didn't see …"- Eddard III AGOT 
So.......is she lying or did her memory actually get fuzzy afterwards? What exactly did she tell Ned? Considering that he’s the one who asks her to “testify”, I’d assume she told things as they really happened (as in Joffrey attacked Mycah). Did her memory of the events slowly fade...and then reverse (as in Mycah attacked Joffrey)? Or is she just taking the neutral stance here, and later the opposing stance (Joffrey’s side) in her fight with Arya? We don’t know. 
First, let’s assume that the Trident accident really does count as a memory edit. This would mean that Sansa has edited her memory twice now, which makes it very likely that a third memory edit is coming. There are two directions this can go-
The third memory edit has already happened pre-canon (so technically it would be the first edit)
The third memory edit is going to happen sometime in the next two books.
Warning: this is where I get back on my Jonsa bullshit. Turn back now if you don’t wanna watch me make everything about Jonsa.
Pre-canon Jonsa crush 
If the first option is true, and Sansa has already edited her memory once that we don’t yet know about, then a pre-canon crush/moment between her and Jon is...a pretty strong possibility. 
I’ll admit, I’m very very skeptical of the pre-canon crush, simply because I think there isn’t enough evidence or foreshadowing for it. On the other hand, the groundwork has already been laid, if GRRM were to go in this direction..it would be believable. Shocking, but believable. 
We have numerous mentions of kissing games in the godswoods. We have a pre-canon conversation between Sansa and Jon about How To Hit On Ladies. And much more. The possibility is there. 
Sansa having a crush on Jon and being so traumatized she replaced Jon with Waymar Royce?? Sansa getting tipsy on watered down wine and giving Jon a blue rose-
There are other possibilities though, for example, a fight between Sansa and her father and/or Arya that she’s not remembering correctly. It would explain her daddy issues (even more) and work to create conflict between her and Arya (why though). But I don’t THINK there’s any evidence for that..? I don’t know I’m just throwing out ideas.
Moving on to the second option- a third memory edit to come
These memory edits are not likely to be nearly as innocent. 
One possibility I’ve heard about is Sansa forgetting her identity and sinking into Alayne. No. Very Unlikely. Sansa’s Stark identity appears to be going strong even in the TWOW preview chapter.
Second possibility- Sansa memory edits Lysa’s death. 
She was mad and dangerous. She murdered her own lord husband, and would have murdered me if Petyr had not come along to save me.- Alayne I AFFC 
It’s...possible? But it looks like she does remember what Lysa said and how she died. She’s just suppressing/dismissing the parts that implicate Littlefinger, which is not the same as a memory edit, where the memory is changed somehow. 
More possibilities- Littlefinger will do something and that will lead to a memory edit. She’ll flee from the Vale and run into Ramsay (I dearly hope not) and bam trauma -> memory edit. The possibilities are pretty much endless. 
Now let’s assume that the incident on the Trident was not a memory edit. This means she’s only had one memory edit yet....in which case the pay-off is probably something kiss-related, or it is something she remembers, but which didn’t really happen. A pre-canon kiss, or some serious Freudian shit that I’ve been trying desperately to avoid, a Sansa-Sandor faceoff....yea I’m not actually good at speculation.
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lilyharvord · 4 years
The Chain (Part 10)
Main concept: Two love struck idiots get sent back to a pretty UGH time period in their lives (that required me to reread all the books again) and have to hide the fact that they know everything.  
Find the rest of the fic here: part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9
Tag list: @delilahlbard, @king-maven-calore, @thatoddgirl777, @elliekratzzz, @evangelineartemiasamos, @evangeline-of-montfort, @scxrletguardsdawn, @freaky-freiday, @petergrantkavinsky, @kuwei, @whatsup-gorls, @katiemoore,  @redqueenetwork, @tranquil-dusk (I’m trying to add you but for some reason it wont @… the same problem happens with @thatoddgirl777 and I have no idea how to fix it)
I’ve been freed from Protocol for the time being. Cal pulls the same strings as last time, and I am put into Training. It makes my blood sing to know that I am going to be joining him there too. One more place where we can protect each other and plan without anyone knowing. We are a secret, united front that the Silver’s will never see coming.
         It’s been a week since my first meeting with Farley. I almost expected Maven not to show up to join us, but just as he did before, he appeared out of the shadows with the servant Holland. He was just as full of the righteous fire I remembered, smiling at me and promising things he will never give. Swearing fealty to Farley and her cause for the good of everyone. I wish I had the courage to ask him if he had meant those things.
         I’d gone back to my rooms cold and shaken, feeling in all senses of the word numb. Walsh had to practically guide me back to avoid me taking wrong turns and getting lost. In bed, I drown in the memories of the future that I am rapidly stumbling towards, trying to keep my head up as the tides suck me deeper. I toss and turn for hours, kicking the blankets off before pulling them back on when I wake from my hazy doze shivering uncontrollably because of invisible silent stone walls.
         I’d slipped through the secret door in my closet and felt my way through the dark tunnel to Cal’s rooms. It was silent in them, not even the sound of his breathing disturbed the space. Sure enough, his bed was empty and neatly made. He wasn’t even in Summerton. I’d sunk onto the bed before slipping under the blankets and burying myself in his smell.
         I’d woken to warm hands lifting me out of the blankets. Gripping his shirt, I’d whispered sleepily to him as he carried me back to my rooms. His voice was soft as he’d replied with a gentle, “you’re fine. I’ve got you.” I had to enter my room alone though, just to avoid the cameras seeing him.
         Now standing in the training room a week later, I still can’t shake the blanket of cold that envelopes me. Dread pools in my stomach the closer we get to the Ball and the closer I get to those names Maven will deliver. Everything is working perfectly, I have no reason to worry. And yet, a part of me quivers with nerves. Maven is as charming as ever, but something bubbles behind his eyes. Maybe it’s because I know what to look for now and I see it. But I had been just as untrustworthy the first time around. I would have seen it then too.
         Standing off to the side with my arms crossed I watch the young Silvers prepare for a session of tearing each other apart. Inhaling slowly, I take in the scent of the freshly washed matts and the summer breeze from the open windows. It’s been sweltering for the past few days, and sure enough a bead of sweat rolls down between my shoulder blades, tracing the track of my spine.
         On the other side of the training room, Cal catches my eye. He quirks a brow before pushing off the wall he’s leaning against. Strolling across the room, he tucks his hands into the pockets of his training jacket. When we’re standing side by side he rolls his shoulders a few times and says, “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there a few nights ago.”
         “You were off being a crown prince.” I say and wave my hand for emphasis, “doing crown prince things.” My lips quirk up a little bit at the edges when his frown deepens. I haven’t teased him much since we got stuck here, I forgot how much fun it is.
         “I won’t lie; I did think someone put a dead body in my bed.”
         “Don’t be dramatic.” I tease him, hiding my smile behind my hand. On the other side of the room, Evangeline holds court around the targets. She hasn’t made any moves like she did in the breakfast room weeks ago, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have something planned. If I recall, today is dueling day, and this was when she decided to take a piece out of my face.
         “Hard for him not be, he’s so very good at it.” Maven’s voice cuts the air between us like a knife. I spin to face him quickly, throwing up a smile to hide the fear that rushes through me. He tilts his head to the side and smiles as well. “What is he being dramatic about now?”
         Cal clears his throat, and hides his discomfort with a laugh. Setting his hand on Maven’s shoulder and squeezing he says lightly, “something to do with Shadow Legion. It’s been… difficult.”
         If Maven is fooled by our game, I cannot tell. A part of me sends a silent prayer that he didn’t hear anything. But a smarter part of me chastises myself for even falling prey to my fears and searching out Cal. Have I doomed us with my little slip up?
         “So I’ve heard, has Rhambos been giving you trouble again?” Maven grins at Cal in the way only brother’s sharing a private joke can.
         “You have no idea.” Cal’s relief is near invisible, and I have to force my own to be that way as Maven comes to stand next to me. His eyes dart to me and he gives me a small, tentative smile. I return it, wondering exactly what is going through his mind. What I wouldn’t give to be a Whisper just so I can know if we are in the clear.
         He turns his eyes forward as Arven calls Tirana forward to duel. His name comes next, and as he leaves my side, the little bubble of heat I didn’t notice him exuding leaves with him. His shoulders are tense as he steps into the makeshift arena to face the nymph. Next to me, Cal’s hands clench into fists.
         When he comes sulking out, dripping water all over the floor, his eyes are burning. They dart to me and soften for a heartbeat before hardening once more. Mercifully, Cal keeps his mouth shut and turns to watch the next match when Maven steps in between us. The air crackles with heat, and a few of the other Silvers take a step back, making it appear as if they are simply interested in something else.
         “Nothing to say?” Maven murmurs when Cal continues to sit in silence. My eyes dart to them, and my hand slowly closes in a fist at my side.
         “There’s nothing to say.”
         “You always have something to say, forgive me if it’s a surprise when you don’t.” Maven turns those eyes on Cal, and I imagine his stare could turn Cal into a puddle of human parts if he weren’t a burner as well. He’s instigating, something I never saw him do. Or maybe it’s happened before and I never got the chance to see it. Cal makes no move to show me panic, so maybe Maven being this bitter has occurred sometime in the past before I met them. Maybe nothing is wrong and he’s picking a fight because he’s upset about the embarrassment of his loss.
Straightening his shoulders, Cal turns a neutral look onto Maven, sweeping him over with his eyes. “You could have beat her if you had given her a bit more space. You were stronger than her the whole fight.” Cal assures, his eyes dancing to me for a moment. We both know that isn’t what he said last time. But this didn’t occur last time, and without a script Cal struggles.
Maven’s entire body tenses, even as his expression cools. It’s such an odd contradiction that I’m not quite sure what will happen next. Reaching out, I close my hand around his wrist and squeeze. He’s cold as ice, and I shiver involuntarily as my skin makes contact with his. I don’t know why I expected heat.
His flips around to look at my hand, his lips pursed in a tight line. I swallow my grimace and offer him a gentle, knowing smile.
“There will be more fights. More important fights.” I raise my brow, hoping he takes my hint. The anticipation of his reaction practically drives me to dig my nails into his skin. I’m surprised he doesn’t flip around and demand to challenge Cal right here, right now. It would be a short fight, but it would be no less damning.
His shoulders soften though, and his stance shifts to one of embarrassment. “Of course.” He murmurs, his other hand coming to rest on mine. “There always are.”
 Hiding my relief behind a smile, I try to pull my hand away. I can’t believe I thought he would actually go to blows with Cal. He’s smarter than that, and better at playing the long game than I give him credit for in the moment.  
Before I can pull my hand away completely, he grips it tighter and stares me down, daring me to pull away. He puts up the mask then, the one that I loved dearly and searched for during my months with him in Archeon.
 “Even if some battles are already lost.” He whispers as he leans close to me so his words are only for me.
He’s a desperate boy now. I can hear the ache in his voice. What does he know? What does his mother know? Nothing, I’m certain they know nothing. Elara didn’t get anything from me, and she hasn’t gotten anything from Cal. We’ve been careful enough, we’re never together in a way that anyone could question. We haven’t even gone into that moonlit room yet. I haven’t put a knife in Maven’s back yet. Maybe he was more jealous of my escapade to the Stilts than I initially noticed. That’s the only thing he has to work with, and maybe the fact that Cal and I were obviously teasing each other before training just now. He’d never been so outwardly jealous of Cal though. His jealousy was always a quietly simmering pot that never overflowed. He was so much more dangerous because of that.
Pulling away from me when I stay silent, he gives me a rueful smile and turns to face the arena where Elane and Sonya are tearing each other to pieces. I can’t focus though; my mind turns into a tail spin of panic. Have we slipped up? Did I damn us a few nights ago? Are we even off track? What if we are? What has changed?
I am so lost in my own thoughts I almost miss Evangeline demanding our fight. Lifting my eyes to her, I take in her gloating smile. She senses my panic, but has no inclination of the source.
Maven jumps to my defense like a cat would to a mouse. Evangeline doesn’t back down though. I should be grateful for this, at least something is back on track. It’s been a while since I’ve been glad for Evangeline Samos, and even though she is not my friend now, she is the closest thing I’ve seen since training started.
 Sitting in the darkness of my room that night, I watch the moonlight as it passes over the floor. Are the Sentinels watching me on their screens, wondering if I’ve lost my mind? I doubt it. Unless Elara had told them to keep a closer eye on me. I wouldn’t be surprised, when she’d corned me and Maven in the hallway I had felt her creeping in my mind, searching in the mirrored halls I’d barely had enough time to drag up to protect my memories.
Sighing, I let my head fall into my hands as I breathe. Focusing on the hum of the cameras, I follow the source of the electricity along the wires. The purr of the current fills my senses and drowns me. For a moment, I let myself just exist in the peaceful darkness behind my eyelids. Things will only get harder from here. I regret not tuning for Montfort more than anything now. 
A gentle knock on the door drags me out of my meditation. Raising my eyes to the door, I wrap my robe tighter around me as I stand. My steps are near silent as I creep across the room and crack open the door.
Leaning against the frame of the doorway, Cal looks more exhausted than I’ve ever seen him. With a shadow creeping along his jaw, he looks more like he did in Montfort. He was on the verge of doom and greatness here, and there too. He wears the years he’s already lived tonight in the bags under his eyes and the weariness of his shoulders. 
When he spots the sliver of my face behind the door, he gives me a tentative smile. “Up for a dance?” He asks quietly as I open the door a little wider. 
Nodding, I let him pull me out of my room and toward a moonlit room where I can at least pretend for a little while that I’m safe even if I’m the furthest from safe that I’ve ever been.
 In the hours leading up to the ball, while I am being painted and primed, the names Maven gave as targets ring through my head. When he had visited me late in the dark to tell me them, I had expected him to give me different names. I’d whisper to Cal that I thought I had messed up, and given us away. He’d tried to assure me that everything would alright. And when we kiss this time, there was a desperation to it. Like Maven, he is terrified to lose me, and he poured that fear into the kiss he gave me. 
Reynold Iral, Ptolemus Samos, Ellyn Macanthos. Belicos Leorlan. Those names chase me and haunt my waking hours. The prospect of them being wrong, and Maven adding more names, or different ones, haunts me even more. 
Belicos with his two young children who will die tonight too, Ptolemus Samos who will live to someday kill my brother but father a beautiful daughter with Wren, Colonel Macanthos with her sly eye that can see right through Elara’s schemes, and Reynold, a man I’m pretty sure is lost somewhere anyway dance behind my eyelids and in the corner of my eyes. I don’t think I will ever be rid of my ghosts. 
I couldn’t breathe when I stood before Mareena and saw her in the mirror. She was lovely and wicked in the light of my room, and I’m sure she’ll look the same way at the ball tonight. The dress is the same riotous mess of gemstones and purple fabric that I hate even more this time around, especially when I have to stand next to Maven and observe him in his beautiful charcoal suit. He is beautiful in it, as beautiful as I remember. It makes my stomach twist every time I look at him.
The pleasantries leave me just as breathless, and I can feel Evangeline’s eyes on me as she glares down the line at the people who are to come. It’s almost a relief when Maven pulls me out onto the balcony, just so that I can inhale fresh air. As we go, I feel the brush of Cal’s hand as he reaches back to catch my skirt. My eyes dart to him in warning, but he’s already hiding the movement behind setting his hand on Evangeline’s back and smiling at Belicos as he steps forward to greet them.
Even as Maven pulls me onto the balcony, my heart is pounding. Seeing Belicos a second time does nothing to ease the ache in my heart. His children, I remember their bodies laid out next to his like they were nothing. Was Maven’s emotion in the moment a scam? Had he felt anything seeing their little bodies. I don’t know what’s real and the closer we get to the moment, the more my fear increases. .
         “You’re giving them a father.” I whisper, the words like poison on my tongue. He’d give anything to topple the Guard, and he did give everything. Even if I hadn’t been enough to completely crush us. At the same time though, he wasn’t the one to truly give those names. Elara told him who to pick and he acted like a good little mouth piece.  He could have chosen not to give that name though. In the moment he could have chosen to spare a father and his children. He’d made that choice. I know he’s braver than he claims, especially where Elara is concerned. Farley was right to call him a coward.
         He lets go of me but doesn’t step away when I speak. He stays close instead, his hands just ghosting over my skin. He looks like a marble statue in the moonlight, his lips drawn in a tight line. Achingly beautiful, a boy on the cusp of manhood and his own demise, an angel teetering over the edge of the abyss. 
He backs me into the wall, his eyes like chips of ice in the pale plane of his face. Slowly he places his hands on either side of my head, trapping me so that I have to listen to him.
         “Reynald is a father, too. The Colonel has children of her own. Ptolemus is now engaged to the Haven girl. They all have people; they all have someone who will mourn them.” The words are forced and cold. A part of him believes those words but the larger part of him, the one Elara has groomed to be king someday knows it must be done. “We can’t pick and choose how to help the cause, Mare. We must do what we can, whatever the cost.”
         My skin feels like it’s alive. I might electrocute him right here, right now, until he backs away from me. I have half a mind to press my hand to his chest and shove him over the balcony. It would take one push, and I know all the weak points to knock someone of balance now. It would be so easy. I could claim it was the Scarlet Guard, that they appeared on the balcony and pushed him.
         His breath is warm on my face as he whispers, “I want this to be done with the least blood shed possible.”
         His hand trembles as he brings it up to brush his fingertips along my cheek, a ghost of a touch, like he can’t bear to let his skin connect with mine. “Tonight will change everything.”
         My heart pounds harder against my ribs as he pulls back enough to give me space. His eyes dance away from me and back to the line of dwindling nobles. The pleasantries are over, it’s time. Even if I’m not ready. I’ll never be ready though.
         The shadows break again and I recognize Cal’s familiar outline as he steps onto the balcony. “You two all right out here?” His expression is hesitant, probably worried that he’s interrupted a moment that I am supposed to be getting information. His eyes linger on me, his expression softening. These next moments will be the hardest. “You ready for this, Mare?”
         Maven jumps on my silence. “She’s ready.”
         Taking my arm in his, he pulls me along. He was never this aggressive with me. At least, not that I remember. Maybe I had been so blinded by my emotions of the night that I hadn’t realized how he was acting. He’s agitated though, and monsters are dangerous like that. 
         Still, Cal’s fingers brush against my wrist, his touch somehow colder than Maven’s. I wish he actually took my hand and held it. When I look over my shoulder at him, his expression is stormy. He’d never been so outwardly nervous about Maven. At least he’s not afraid. We know what comes tonight. I told him what to expect, and he knows what he has to do. I wonder if he will be able to put Farley through the pain of the Gilican shiver’s torture now. I have to rely on him to do just that though.
        Evangeline appears at his side, her jewel encrusted fingers enclosing his arm. She squeezes tightly when she sees my eyes lingering on him. 
     Oh Evangeline. I wish I could help her now. She has her own battle to fight though. 
         Maven’s lips almost brush my ear as he whispers to me, “This is the hard part.”
         Even with all the eyes on me, I don��t blush. He pulls me into the frame but his skin is warmer than I remember. And as we start the dance, his eyes never leave my face. What is he looking for there?
         As we move in the box formation, he raises a brow and his lips curl into a smile. “You’ve been practicing.”
         “A bit, didn’t want to step on your toes.” I reply with my own smile. I put as much true joy as I can behind it. 
           His eyes flash for a moment and he leans a little closer to whisper, “You’re just full of surprises.” He chuckles, and the grin he gives me as he pulls back makes my stomach flutter. There is the boy that had captured my trust and my heart. I turn away at the sight of it, my stomach dropping.
         I spot Cal spin Evangeline, who looks more like a glittering ball of spikes than a human. I’m surprised she doesn’t slice Cal’s hands open when he rests them on the back of the dress. I miss her more casual regalia that she wears in Montfort. I never saw her casual outfits that she wore here, but I imagine she carried that style into Ascendant.
Sensing my gaze, Cal’s eyes meet mine. His fingers close around Evangeline’s waist, and a million memories of him doing the same thing with me come back. I can almost feel his hand sliding around my waist in the tiny living room of our apartment as he hums the song playing on the radio. I can remember laying my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat and the sound of his humming reverberating in his chest. He can’t carry a tune to save his life, but it is still wonderful.
We spin through two songs until I feel dizzy with anticipation. Just when I think Maven will pull me to the side though, he leans close to me. I almost pull away, but instead force myself to stay close and turn my head slightly to give him a shy smile. His eyes are darker than I’ve ever seen them though.
         “I told you that everything changes tonight.” He breathes against my ear. I nod, confused where this is going. “And I do have to admit that I’ve… kept something from you.”
What? What is he getting at? I pull away, panic flaring through me as I search that face for the truth. He’s too good at hiding it though. I grip his hand tightly, prepared to push as much electricity through his body as I can muster.
His hand burns in my grip instead. My lips curl in pain, but he ignores it and spins me so that my back is to the crowd around us. Forcing me to step into the next dance, he tilts his head forward again to whisper. “I did give Farley four names. But I lied to you about one of them.”
“What are you talking about?” My voice is cold, dangerous too. He senses it, pulling back a fraction. We stop dancing, and his hands drop to his sides. My heart beats so erratically, I worry it might beat right out of my chest.
He tilts his head to the side, his lips falling. “Ptolemus is a good target. Removing him would send the officers into chaos. But there was… a better target, one that would cause more chaos.”
“Who did you give?”
Who did your mother give? I want to grab him by the shoulders and shake it out of him. His lips curl up slowly, a remorseful smile if I ever saw one from him. My blood goes cold at the sight of it.
“Farley agreed with me that you were getting too close, that your attention was becoming divided. She also agreed that if there was ever a time to cut the head off the snake it was now.” He takes my hand and squeezes my fingers. “I’ll step up in his place. My father will never recover from the loss, so Farley can do what she pleases. It is a win for all of us.”
Realization burns through my stomach, followed immediately by frozen panic. “What have you done?” I wheeze as I flip around, searching the crowd, desperately trying to find Cal’s silhouette. In the mass of bodies, I can’t find him and my fingers twitch at my sides as I glance up in the rafters. The Sentinels pace, searching the crowd but they are looking in the wrong places. Above them, shadows move too. The Guard is already in position, ready to carry our Farley’s plot. 
“I know that you two have become…friends.” Maven begins, taking my hand and pulling me back around so that I face him. I try to turn my head and search the crowd still, but he grabs my chin and drags my eyes back to his face. “That’s why I asked Farley to take the shot. She’ll give him a quick end. One bullet and a dynasty will end.”
One bullet that won’t miss. One bullet that will tear my future away from me. One bullet that will break me, because Farley never, ever misses.
My blood boils and sparks dance on my fingertips as I glare at him. Cold calm washes over me as the rush of adrenaline leaves. I am in battle mode now; survival is all I can think about when I stare down the man before me.
“Farley removed you from the mission. That’s why I didn’t tell you I gave her his name. She thought you might compromise us.”
We were wrong. I gave something away. Elara never would have dared to target Cal. She needs him to get rid of his father, she needs a scapegoat. But if she looked in my head or his and saw the future, she would have seen that he is more trouble than he’s worth. She would have found out that cutting him from the equation might someday save her and Maven.
If I turn and run after him, I will confirm whatever they believe about us, whatever they have found. But if I sit here, I will lose everything. I can’t go after him; I can’t save him or else I risk Farley and compromising this whole mission.
I am a selfish creature though. I always have been, and I always will be.
Ripping my hand from Maven’s grip I flip around to push my way through the crowd. I have time, there’s still time. I am racing against a clock I can’t see though. It’s like push through mud as I shove my way through the crowd. People gasp and glare at me, but I have eyes only for one person and I can’t find him.
My eyes start to water, and my breathing comes in ragged gasps.
Farley doesn’t miss. And she will make sure she doesn’t miss this time.
Memories of him lying on the sand of Harbor Bay, grey and lifeless threaten to overtake me. I shove them down. He won’t be made into a symbol tonight. I still have time.
He stands with his back to me, speaking quietly with some military personnel or another. I shove through the last of the crowd, my hand extended for him. Elara’s eyes are on me, I can feel them, but I don’t care. I don’t care about keeping things on track. Jon can damn himself to the hells. I won’t lose him.
“Cal!” I scream his name, making him turn. His brows furrow, his expression confused by my panic and fear. I’m five steps away. Then four, hand outstretched as he takes a tiny movement forward as if he might meet me halfway. He never gets the chance.
The lights drop and four guns fire at the same time.
I scream so loud that my own ears ring. The lights around us flare to life on their own by the sheer force of my ability. My vision tunnels, even as someone slams into me from the side, screaming in panic as the lights directly above me explode in a shower of sparks. 
I shove them away from me and sprint to his downed form. The man he’d been speaking to is gone, probably lost in the panic. People are screaming, shouting and pointing to the roof.
I slide the last foot between us on my knees and come to his side. Blood, there’s so much blood. I choke on a sob as I try to find the source of it. His eyes are open though, and his mouth opens and closes like a gaping fish.
Relief like nothing I’ve ever felt rushes through me, and I choke on his name as I feverishly try to find the source of the blood. It’s staining his uniform and pooling around his shoulder. His hands press to his chest, and I immediately press my hands on top of his. Sticky, burning blood pours through my fingers though.
“Mare.” His voice is ragged as he gasps my name, and I tear my eyes from the wound long enough to meet his eye. His going grey, the black undertones starting to appear under his eyes.
“No, stop trying to talk. You have to keep breathing.” I cry as I press the heels of my palms harder into the wound. More blood pours out and I feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle when I reach down and rip some of my dress off to press it to the wound. “Healer! Someone get a healer!” I scream to the panicked crowd. They’re like spooked animals though. No one notices their crown prince on his back bleeding out.
His hand closes weakly around my wrist and squeezes, trying to get my attention. His eyes are wide, but his expression is anything but fearful. “Don’t—” he begins, but ends up coughing on blood instead.
“No, no, no.” I sob as I push harder and glare at him. “No last words Calore. Not tonight. You’re going to be fine. You’re going to sit and drink coffee and talk with Julian again, and see Clara and my family again. And—and we’re going to see our baby, we’re going to hold him and watch him grow and become a better person than either of us. It’s going to be fine. Everything will be fine!”
His grip weakens on my wrist even as he smiles. My throat closes and I drop my chin to my chest. It’s a pretty picture I paint, but it fades with every slow beat of his heart. “Help!” I scream uselessly one more time, hoping someone will hear, that someone will come to my aid.
The crowd parts for a moment, and Sara who whipped around at the sound of my scream finds me. She barrels her way to us, and drops to her knees on Cal’s other side.
“Help him, save him.” I sob at her.
Her lips twist at the sight of all the blood, but she immediately pushes my hands away from the wound and replaces my hands with hers. Cal’s head falls back and his eyes close the minute she does. I leap for him, grabbing his face and trying to get him to open his eyes again. His neck falls slack in my grip through and I end up almost shaking him.
“Open your eyes, open your fucking eyes.” I scream at him, tears pouring like rivers down my cheeks. Hands grab me and try to pull me away, but I thrash against them and scream. When I’m flipped around, I meet Julian’s tortured expression.
He pulls me to him, keeping me out of Sara’s way as she works. His eyes never leave his nephew’s face. I wonder if he is seeing his sister in his grey features. Cal looks like a corpse, and my entire body feels like a live wire set to explode at any second.
“Don’t let him die. Please, don’t let him die.” I beg Sara, reaching a hand out to grab Cal’s hand. It’s cold in my grip and I almost vomit when my stomach clenches.
Her eyes dance up to me, and I see the resolve there. Is he lost? I don’t know if I will be able to bear that burden, if I will be able to survive this crushing blow.
She pulls her blood stained hands away and I dive out of Julian’s arms to grab at Cal. For a moment, I think he’s truly gone and a pained sob leaves my chest, sounding more like a scream than a moment of weakness. Underneath my hands though, his chest hitches with a breath, and then begins to rise and fall slowly.
The ballroom is practically empty around us. The royals have fled, the Sentinels have gone after Farley and the others. All that is left is us and the corpses. But there is one less among them.
“Cal,” I whisper to him as I brush his hair off his forehead. His eyes open for a moment only to close in a grimace.
“I wasn’t one of the targets.” He breathes, and I slowly let my forehead fall to rest on his chest. He wasn’t, but he survived. Turning to answer my call had saved his life. He’d changed his positioning, too fast for Farlet to correct her shot before the lights went out. She’d shot blindly, and almost succeeded in killing him.
“This sounds like a conversation for more… private chambers.” Julian’s voice is a dangerous rumble. I glance at him over my shoulder, belatedly realizing that he saw me sob over a prince that is not mine. He heard Cal mention targets, and judging by the fury behind his eyes, he is rapidly putting two and two together.
“Julian,” I reach for him, but he pushes to stand and then steps up to Cal’s other side.
“Sara will finish her work in my rooms. You two will come with us.” He bends down to grab one of Cal’s arms and help him sit up. I almost try to stop him, but he glares down at me. “Help me get him up and moving. We will have to move quickly.”
I crawl over Cal and grab his other arm before helping him to his feet. He stumbles, barely able to take his own weight. I grunt underneath him, and press into his side. Already I can feel the heat returning to his skin, and it sends such a thrum of relief through me that I have to swallow more tears.
 Julian’s rooms are dark and after he helps me deposit Cal on one of the couches, he works quickly to shut all the curtains and lock the doors. I search for the cameras, but there are none for me to turn off.
He lights a few candles and brings them to the side table to light Sara’s work space. She shoes me away and takes my place at Cal’s side before tearing his ceremonial suit off. While she healed the artery that was severed, there is still a bullet in his chest. I can just catch one of the edges reflecting in the dim light.
Sara holds out an expectant hand and not even a heartbeat later, Julian sets a small cloth wrapped set of tools in her hands. She sets them in her lap and goes to work as I edge around the back of the couch and take one of Cal’s hands in my own. His pulse is getting stronger with every passing second, and his grip increases as Sara digs the first tool in to get the bullet out.
“Both of you, talk.” Julian’s fury is like nothing I’ve seen before. Even when I came to him for help in freeing Farley and Kilorn, he had still been soft, quiet. This fury is the fury of a man that has seen horrible dark places and is terrified to be forced back into them. 
I glance at Cal who grimaces and grinds his teeth together when Sara starts to tug on the bullet. He won’t be able to make this decision right now.
“You wouldn’t believe us.” I say quietly before looking up at Julian and begging him to understand my hesitation. 
“Try me.” He grinds out past his clenched jaw.
My stomach turns and Cal squeezes my hand. I glance down at him, and he nods slowly. We have been compromised. It’s time.
“You have to… listen the whole time. Don’t waste time with questions.” I urge, and in the low light, Julian’s nod creates dark shadows across his features. He looks older than I’ve ever seen him. Bowing my head, I inhale slowly and then launching into the story, starting with the most dangerous truth.
It takes more time than I want for Sara to finish with Cal, and for me to finish the story. As he gets stronger, Cal interjects, adding bits and pieces that I forget. Julian keeps true to his word and stays quiet, but his expression pulls into a deeper and deeper frown as we go. 
“How could you not trust me with this. If you know what I am to be to you, why would you not seek out my help immediately?” He pushes to his feet and begins pacing the space before us. Sara watches him, her eyes solemn.
“We—I didn’t want to put you in danger.” Cal whispers, pushing to a sitting position. I try to push him back down, but he fights me off.
“I end up in danger anyway.” Julian turns his gaze on Cal, but it’s softened considerably. I relax as he steps forward to look both of us over. “You’re certain Elara knows the truth?”
“Cal wasn’t a target. But Maven made him one tonight and pushed me off the mission. He knew about me and Cal and if he knows about that, then he knows about everything else.” I whisper, and take the rag Sara had brought a few minutes ago. Wiping some of the blood of Cal’s chest, I shake my head. “I gave us away completely tonight by saving you.”
Cal closes a hand over mine and squeezes softly.
“You must have given yourselves away some time before that.” Julian stops his pacing to set his fists on his hips. Glaring at the carpet like it is the sole reason for his worry, he says, “and now you are once again at the mercy of Elara’s mechanisms.”
“Not exactly.” Cal argues, sitting up completely and starting to shrug his uniform jacket on. Julian raises a brow at his words, but waits until Cal gives up with the buttons to let him speak. 
“We know what her ultimate end game is, and there is more than one way to get to the point we want.” Cal glances at me warily. “You and Maven are supposed to meet with Farley when we get to Archeon. You are going to have to warn her, and tell her the truth. All of it.”
I jump to my feet, shock coursing through me. “Have you lost your mind? Julian would understand, but Farley?”
“Farley will understand if you tell her the truth and give her proof.” Cal urges.
Sara and Julian watch our responses bounce back and forth like spectators at some sports match. It’s my turn to pace though, so I start wearing a trench into the floor, grabbing fistfuls of my gown as I do so. “Even if I did manage to get her to believe me, what are we going to do?”
“Elara doesn’t know that I know right?” He reasons with a tilt of his head. I pause my pacing to glance at him. He finishes buttoning up his jacket and nods at whatever plan is forming in his head. “She may think you are the only person that knows the future. That only you are here.”
“What are you talking about? If she’s seen my memories—”
“Then she’s only seen the ones formed before.” Julian jumps on the plan. His eyes dart between the two of us. “You would know if she was in your head Cal. And you are certain she has not looked. She has only seen your memories Mare. As far as she is concerned you are the only person with knowledge of the future.”
“Then why get rid of Cal tonight?” I wave a hand at him for emphasis. My fingers are still shaking, and my body still feels numb from the near death scare.
“You said so yourself. He plays a role in toppling her and Maven. Remove the tumor before it becomes cancer.” Julian offers with a shrug. Setting his hand on my shoulder, he gives me a tired smile. “You may still have a card up your sleeve. Go to… Farley, and get her to believe your story. Make a new plan, one that will put you back on track.”
How am I going to do that? How will I keep Maven in the dark? I’m smart, but he’s always been so much smarter than me, and with the knowledge Elara now has, the game has just become that much harder.
Cal rises on shaky legs, his expression cold. “Speaking of Farley, she might be done in the cells now.”
My blood goes cold and I blink stupidly. “But you didn’t catch her this time. She got away.”
“I didn’t catch her the first time. The Sentinels had already apprehended her by the time I caught up to them.” He nods to Sara and with a slow dip of his head whispers, “thank you, for saving my life.”
She smiles at him, a tiny weak expression but it lights up her face. She takes Julian’s hand and rises from her chair.
It feels good to have the two of them on our side now, playing the game with us. Maybe with them, we can actually win this time around.
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iscribble · 4 years
the love we held on to (m)
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pairing: lee seokmin x fem!reader synopsis: being in love with the man who makes his words sound like a romantic and intricate piece of poetry means cherishing the golden days you get to listen to his voice, until all that’s left of him is a simple yet evocative song you promise to treasure with all your heart. genre(s): vocalist!seokmin, strangers to lovers, romance, angst, smut (warning: unprotected sex, profanties, character death) word count: 6,870 a/n: i wished this was longer, wouldve had much more impact i guess:( anyways almost cried writing this ;-; brace yourselves people!!
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Bleak and bitter nights were not your favourite. They were ridiculously cold, as if a dark entity was overlooking the whole town with its raw breath gusting through jouissance from the homes of the people and replacing it with unwanted melancholy. The clubs would not be as crowded, shopping centres would close hours earlier from the lack of customers, and the streets, oh the streets, would always look a little too lonely.
Bleak and bitter nights were not your favourite, but it was during an evening of such that you had fallen in love with the man that had proven again and again that he was your world. Your safe haven. However, fate wasn’t on your side, for now you can only see him through the one song the two of you used to hold so dearly, or so you thought.
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“I promise you’ll love it there!” Seungkwan was a man of persuasion and everyone would’ve known that by the way his words swirled as sweet invitations into your head that made your body involuntarily acquiesce. “Please? I’ll even introduce you to the handsome vocalist!”
“The what now?” You almost spat out the earthy savour of white tea that has yet to hit your throat, already questioning Seungkwan’s exaggerated coaxing. “Look I don’t need no handsome vocalist, I’ll go if you pay.”
The obvious shine in his eyes dimmed into a light glare as you reached the end of your sentence. The long-drawn-out roll of his eyes ultimately concluded with him agreeing, although quiet mumbles of how this would be the last time he paid for the both of you were still plainly ricocheting off the walls.
Like the swift gesture of lighting a match, the mean whirl of air outside became devoted to mantling your figure that donned a navy a-line dress, matching Seungkwan’s dress shirt the colour of an emperor butterfly. 
Ever since the surfacing of a notice informing that a casual dining restaurant had just opened up for business not too far from your place, he had been unceasingly imploring you to dine with him in the comforts of the serene eatery. The place was accentuated with a blue glow, incandescing across the orderly arrangements of tables. It emanated the pleasant amity within the confines of your apartment, the kind of warmth that granted snugness to the people busy savouring their meals.
Seungkwan's adamant desire grew stronger when he learned that one of his best friends had placed a job as the vocalist of the band responsible for adding to the solace of the restaurant.
“Isn’t this lovely?” His eyes skimmed across the sapphire grandeur of the place, never landing on anything even though his figure was rooted to the sofa. The stage that grandly stood at the front bore a couple of performers who played different instruments with their undivided attention. You let the intoxicating resonance travel to your ears and influence your body, feeling it slowly swaying to the gentle melody. 
“Are my eyes playing tricks on me or there really isn’t a handsome vocalist onstage?” You brought up, suddenly remembering that Seungkwan had wanted to introduce you to a friend of his. 
“You’re blind,” Seungkwan retorted, subtly pointing at a taller male standing next to the stage, “he’s right there.”
The male was evidently lost in the effortless flow of the violin, seemingly immersed in the gig. As the song neared its end, he bounced on his toes, shaking off the nervous tension inundating his body. 
“That’s him, that’s him!” Seungkwan shouted in a whisper as the man made his way to the stage. “Damn, told ya he looked fine.”
Seungkwan wasn’t wrong. The stellar glow that flooded the place now centred on the handsome man, spotlighting details of his stunning features. His hair was brushed up, as if showing off his fetching ebony eyes and the attractive smile that appeared behind the microphone. He stood there practically glowing like an angel. For a fleeting moment you wondered what his voice sounded like. It couldn’t be more perfect than this, could it? 
As profound emotions started to well up inside him, a beautiful tune withdrew from his mouth, pervading the place and making you shiver. His voice sounded like an angel singing with euphony, filling a void you didn’t even know existed within you. 
“Seokmin really is something else.” Seungkwan dreamily muttered, eyes still glued on the man. The restaurant had become the quietest since you arrived, everyone seemingly drunk with his vocals filling their ears. 
His name was Seokmin. 
From the look in his eyes, you could tell that the romantic ballad he delivered was imbued with sincerity, stemming from the depths of his heart. The words that gracefully circled about the place were not as clear as you hoped, but the lyrics were merely a cosmetic quality to the voice that touched your heart. A simple hum drawn from his mouth would’ve had you falling for him anyway. 
The cold evening elapsed rather quickly as Seokmin serenaded the diners. You leaned against the chair, still trying to make sense of how someone could so immaculately be the shining example of perfection. 
You finished your dinner just in time to catch Seokmin blending in with the rest of the performers after he finished his repertoire. Seungkwan looked at you and nodded toward the handsome man, extending his hand and zooming past the array of tables once you held on. 
“Hyung!” He waved vigorously at the male, plucking his attention. The dark glint of ebony in his eyes came to life as he spotted Seungkwan inching closer with a huge grin. You watched in an awkward stance as they shared a brotherly hug, quite unsure of your place. You endured the sticky silence as your best friend threw out compliments with dramatic gestures of his hands, before Seokmin finally noticed you.
“Oh, are you his girlfriend?” Seokmin turned to you. Perhaps your perception was distorted, or your eyes were fooling you, when you caught his lingering stare on you just a few seconds before he finally spoke. Seungkwan did not notice this, though. Maybe you were mistaken. You tightened your interlocking fingers as a rosy tinge coloured his cheekbones.
Seungkwan snorted at his silly guess. You hit his arm lightly, although admitting that the idea was too obnoxious.  “No, I’m a friend of his.” Your fingers were now free. Your right hand came up to hold the strap of your purse.
“Oh!” Seokmin's lips that were already broad enough extended even further, as if discreetly telling you he was delighted at the revelation. “Nice to meet you, I’m Seokmin!”
You knew your mind wasn’t making things up before before when you also felt the prolonged touch of his hand on yours. It was only supposed to be a handshake. Your body jolted with electricity when his thumb ran over your dorsal side.
You introduced yourself, throwing Seungkwan a mocking look knowing that he was the one who promised to do it. 
But this way you’d only have yourself to blame when the unspeakable pang of heartache comes tumbling down to you in the course of your love story.
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The second time you saw Seokmin was due to your own will power. Your last encounter with him left you with nothing but the growing wish to meet again, not even his phone number. You had nothing that could possibly connect yourself to Seokmin other than your hell of a friend Boo Seungkwan, who would chaff you with all his might if he knew about the problem.
You weren’t sure of when he’d perform at the restaurant, so you had absolutely no pointers of the right time to go there. It would, however, be a sensible plan to go there the same day Seungkwan had asked you to last week. So you did that, but this time, you were going alone.
You arrived a little behind time. The man you wanted to meet was already halfway through his first song. You took a seat at the back and watched as he sang a couple more songs, all the while ingesting your food. You had doubts on going alone at first, picturing all the judgmental stares that would be thrown in your way. You forgot that as soon as a word leaves his lips, everyone else would be immersed in his performance.
Before the final song ended you called for the waiter and paid your bill. You wanted to talk to Seokmin. 
He slipped off the stage and ordered a drink at the bar. You came up to him, gently tapping his shoulder.
“Seokmin,” you sounded more enthusiastic than you had wanted to, it was almost demeaning. A soft hue wormed its way to your cheeks. You were wordless after that. When you went with a simple “hello,” you hoped Seokmin remembered you.
When his back slowly faced the other side and he confirmed that it was really you, you swore your heart banged against the cage that harboured it harder than it already did before. Not only because he remembered your name, but the way it sounded coming from him was like nothing you’ve ever heard.
And you knew you had to get used to that when he told you he would treat you to dinner.
“I just had dinner!” You announced rather quickly, although not wanting to skip an opportunity with Seokmin.
“Are you just going to let me eat alone then?” He asked you rhetorically, not expecting an answer from you anyway. “Come, there's an empty seat.”
Seokmin pulled out a chair for you. You shyly smiled at him, taking your seat. Of all the farcical scenarios you had rewound in your head, none of those involved Seokmin treating you to dinner. 
“Why did you come here alone?” He asked after placing his order.
You were too shy to admit that the principal reason was sitting in front of you. You weren’t going to say that. So you had to make up a reason.
“Oh, Seungkwan was busy.” You awkwardly grinned. “I was too hungry to wait for him so I came here alone.”
“If I was in your place I would’ve ordered takeout or something,” he laughed, those teeth, that handsome smile. “Not come all this way and let it rob my wallet.”
He had a point. The things you do for Seokmin.
He had his ways of making the night go on as nice as it did for two people who barely knew each other. The little cloud of awkwardness floating above you seemed to have effaced as you conversed over dinner.
You zoned out staring at him once in a while, as if his face was this huge canvas of the dimly lit sky, and you were trying to count how many stars adorned it. Unlike the previous week, his hair was now let loose, the almond strands stopping just before his eyebrows. He still looked handsome. 
Now that you get to reap the benefits of sitting this close to him and revel in his angelic presence a little longer, you successfully discerned the vanilla scent he had on him. You admired the wrinkle that would show every time he smiled, the cute little mole on his cheek, and the corner of his lips that would reach for the skies every time he laughed. He was breathtaking from afar and ethereal up close.
“Did you curl your hair?” Were the words that pulled you back to your senses. You thought you heard wrongly.
“I’m sorry?” You leaned in closer. 
The hairs on your skin stood up at Seokmin’s breath tickling your ear. “Did you curl your hair?”
If Seokmin was aware that you did, that could only mean he remembered how you styled your hair or took in enough of your appearance to remember that you didn't do the same the first time you met. The thought made you a little dizzy, in a good way.
“I did actually!” You broke into a toothy smile. “How'd you notice?”
Now that it was his turn to confess, his ears painted themselves a lighter red. “I thought you were beautiful last week, you're even cuter like this.”
You tried to assure yourself that it was the great deal of food you consumed that made you slightly tipsy. It couldn't be his words, could it? No one could ever have such an effect on you.
After Seokmin had paid for the both of you, you reached for your purse and slung it over your shoulder. Seokmin had offered to walk you home, which you, almost too fast, accepted. Your place was not too far from the restaurant and you wanted more of this novel but exhilarating feeling. With one quick wave at his bandmates, Seokmin guided you outside with his hand on your back.
“Hey, you wanna step inside for a bit?” You find yourself asking Seokmin as both of you arrived at your door.
“Sure!” he answered with the same smile that hung on his lips a while ago, “I'm sure this is where Seungkwan’s been hanging out a lot right?”
“That's right,” you let a giggle slip past the narrow opening of your lips. You opened the door for him and fumbled for the light switch.
Having Seokmin in your apartment made you ten times more conscious of how its form would strike someone that wasn't a close friend. You realised that you never turned off the kitchen lights that were visibly broken (you could see it blinking). The cabinet over your sink was still open, and your bevy of footwear wasn't even in your shoe rack from all those days you didn't bother to put them back.
You were forced to jettison those thoughts after Seokmin assured you it was okay. You told him to make himself at home as you barrelled across the kitchen.
You were unconsciously singing a line from an indie track you had just added to your playlist of diverse genres as you prepared a glass of water for Seokmin. You were used to being alone, belting out quivery high notes when the place was too lonely to your taste. It had become a habit which you never intended on sloughing off.
The fragile tune that rippled from the kitchen only made him smile even more.
“You have a nice voice.” Your eyes enlarged at the sound of his voice. The jewel of a professional vocalist was sitting on your sofa and you just went all around the place hitting notes you weren't even sure you got right.
“Oh my gosh did I just sing out loud?” You shouted from the kitchen. A soft chuckle tiptoed to your ears.
“Let’s sing together!”
“I’d rather not, really.” You handed him the red mug with the scatty-looking pattern of uneven pink hearts.
Seokmin wasn't even giving you a choice. Your answer to his question really didn't matter because as soon as he brought up the idea, he started singing anyway. He looked at you, eyes adjuring you to join him while his voice coaxed yours to leave your lips, his smile that glows like the sun never fading. You didn't have a choice when his hand lifted to squeeze yours, another victorious way of persuading you.
Your voice was a cipher compared to his, like a tiny crumb beside a scrumptious blueberry pie. You struggled to even maintain the right tune as he harmonised with you. But Seokmin’s outstretched smile taped to his face like old gum that sticks to the underside of a chair. He looked at you as if you had the most beautiful voice, or as if your voice was even beautiful to start with. You wanted to be reserved but he didn’t comply. He made you feel easy. He kept on nodding at the words coming out of your mouth, smiling even wider when your voices blended just the way he wanted to.
“You have such a sweet voice.” He complimented you as your spontaneous singing came to an end. Your throat felt dry. 
“You think so?” You asked, not even bothering to hear his reply. No matter how many times he waxed lyrical about you, you knew your voice was never that good. Seokmin just made it seem so believable.
He tightened his grip on your hand that had already begun to sweat. “How come Seungkwan never tells me he has a friend like you?”
“What do you mean?” You said in a fit of giggles. “I’m nothing special! Seungkwan only told me about you last week and I wished I had known you since forever!”
Light-hearted laughters fused within the walls of your living room as you talked about each other. It was almost ten when you realised Seokmin had been staying in your apartment longer than you had planned. He seemed to have realised that too when he suddenly stood up and searched the sofa for his things, preparing to leave.
You opened the door for him, stepping aside to give him space. Seokmin’s oscillating stare between your eyes and the curve of your lips imploded when he finally placed a light kiss on your cheek. You blushed at the contact.
The night could not go on forever and Seokmin finally disappeared from the borders of your vision.
You could not wait to see him again.
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Seokmin was like a dream. Oh he was one. A dream that afflicts your mind with the best kind of inebriation and thick fog that unceasingly dances inside your head. A dream that leaves you in the lurch almost frustratingly, urging you to beg for more. An unrivalled dream that portrays all the emotions you've kept under wraps from Seokmin, unleashing all at once.
He was a dream you could never get enough of.
The moment his tongue slipped past your folds and pushed inside you, you felt as if the world began to erase everyone but the both of you, keeping you still in his built arms, rooting you in place as his tongue danced on your core.
Your fingers treated his hair like a pillar, finding support in the soft strands and pulling them every time he hit the right spot, making him hungrier.
This was only meant to be a game. A stupid 7 minutes in heaven that your friends had asked you to play, in an attempt to add colour to the scene at Seungkwan’s party that had started to degrade into boring leisure.
You had agreed to play only because Seokmin was in it. It would be a perfect disguise to be more intimate with him. Your heart almost leaped out of your chest when the bottle pointed at Seokmin when it was your turn.
He had started with a simple “I’ll kiss you for the sake of the game, alright?” without knowing that none of you would be able to resist the other as soon as his lips landed on yours. Neither of you wanted to pull away, and neither of you thought seven minutes would be enough. You had granted access for his tongue to traverse your mouth, his hands promptly raising to hold your neck when he felt the addictive tingle. He started planting kisses on your jaw, adding a little suck for every time he went farther down.
“S-seok,” you groaned as he sucked on your nipple. Seokmin paused and asked you if you wanted him to continue. You nodded eagerly, not wanting to be free from his touch. He continued placing kisses down your torso while his right hand massaged your breast. You leaned against the sink, letting out quiet whimpers here and there as he neared the place you wanted him the most.
He was quick to discard your shorts along with your underwear. You could no longer see Seokmin’s sugary smile and hear the ringing of his melodic voice. All you could see was the hunger growing in his eyes as he asked for permission to devour you. But beneath all that you could also see the faint twinkle of love.
Seokmin’s nimble tongue made you cum in no time, your legs wobbling like you had just run a marathon. Your fingers tugged harder at his hair, earning a groan from him. You were having a hard time holding yourself steady so you gripped his shoulders and leaned forward, gasping for air.
He tasted the sweet trail of juice that glossed your thighs, enjoying each part that relayed a distinctive tang but still bore its honeyed consistency. He was careful as he grabbed both of your hands that rested on his shoulder, stood up and kissed them lovingly.
You were breathless, but you were far from satisfied.
“F-fuck me, Seokmin.” You shakily whispered in his ear with the last of your voice.
“If you say so love,” Seokmin gave in to you by turning you around so that you would be facing the mirror while he fucked you. He placed a kiss on your shoulder before aligning his cock with your entrance, slowly pushing into you when your breathing has stabilised. You started your series of unrestrained moans as he stretched your walls, smirking behind you.
“I am so in love with your voice.” He cooed, starting at a steady pace. He pulled out and pushed inside you gently for a couple of times, with you latching onto the sink for support.
Your moans did not go unheard, and you knew that when your friends on the other side of the door started whistling and throwing a "you go Seokmin!" every once in a while, but also reminding that you had less than a minute left.
This had only fuelled the fire in Seokmin. He began fucking you faster and rougher, like he was desperate to release. You screamed at the amalgam of pain and pleasure. His hand ran to your clit, rubbing circles over it to make you cum for the second time. "Moan for me love, let me hear you again."
Alas, seven minutes was over before the both of you even managed to come undone.
“I’m opening the door!” Seungkwan shouted over the thick layers of your groans. Even then Seokmin wasn't pulling out of you yet. You could see the door slowly open from the corner of your eyes, your bottom half still naked and Seokmin was still inside you, fucking you like there was no tomorrow.
The both of you came as Seungkwan turned the lights on, the profuse mixture of cum instantly leaking out of you and staining the tiles.
“What the hell?” Seungkwan said in shock as he shut the door. You could hear the rest of the boys bewailing and gagging at the sight. They may be scarred for life.
Despite all the ruckus outside, Seokmin's sweet smile addressed you through the mirror as you looked at him with the obvious hint of drowsiness hanging off your eyes. He kissed your cheek and cleaned you up.
“I think we traumatised them.” There it was, his ravishing voice overflowing the place once more. He leaned down to kiss the crimson allure that is your lips. “How about we continue this at your place?”
You smiled, still intoxicated at the mere sight of him.
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Ever since your heated session with Seokmin, the two of you started seeing each other a lot more. He had asked you out on dates, which would almost always end up with your body being absolutely sore the next day, mulberry streaks scattered all over the expanse of your shoulders.
The third time you went to that restaurant with Seungkwan and more of your friends, you were practically avoiding Seokmin.
Hell, every time you set foot in that redolent setting, you’d often have to conceal the scarlet patch that graced your cheeks and act like nothing was going on between you and Seokmin, all the while withstanding the teasing that came from the guys. Every time they decided to approach him after dinner and shower him with accolades, you’d stay quiet. When they finally started to leave the place you’d always look back and find Seokmin smiling at you, sometimes even risking to smirk. But that was it, that would be the only interaction you had with him. 
However, when you came alone, Seokmin's public facade would dissipate into a sea of trifling dust. He would always make sure you’d leave the place limping and breathing for air. 
You would advance toward him with a little verve to your step, always intrigued for what’s to come. He would guide you toward the bathroom when everyone else was engrossed in the enticing ballad that flowed throughout the place. The second you were alone he would spare you no time to ease up, immediately pushing you against the wall, lifting both of your legs and locking them around him. He would clutch your hands above your head and let his tongue wander inside your mouth. It would still have the taste of whatever you were eating that night. You’d stay like that for a few minutes and then Seokmin would bring you down, casting aside his trousers and setting aside your underwear before pushing himself inside you with no warning. This would always end up with you incoherently moaning his name. He’d fuck you against the wall with your legs fixed around his hips. He needed to be quick so sex in the restaurant was always quicker and messier than the slow nights in your bedroom. 
This routine would drag out for quite some time until the night of a bleak and bitter Friday in your bedroom when the evening wind was especially foul.
You were hypnotised by Seokmin’s lustful gaze, his cock still buried deep inside you even as he finished his messy release. When he didn’t move you lifted your hand and grazed the golden expanse below his eye. “What are you doing Seok?” 
Seokmin didn’t answer. Words didn’t come out of his mouth. Rather a poem. A melody. A song. He started a lullaby that coursed along with the evening wind that had seeped through the open window. It was a love song. 
His voice was supposed to soothe you, to calm the nimble surge of blood flowing through your veins, to hold you like a mother’s warm embrace. And although it did, it forged the jitters more than alleviate them. 
“Seokmin,” you whispered, still looking into his eyes. He hummed in response.
“Why is it a love song you’re singing when you’re not even in love with me?” 
He paused.
“I never got to confess, love.” He stroked your swollen lips. “I love you. I know I do.”
Before you could speak again your lips were connected with his, this time moving slow and sensually in genuine intimacy, a contrast to the previously hungry and rushed kisses. You continued just like that, a heart-to-heart link between your lips shedding sheer exhaustion from sex. 
Until you had to break the kiss to answer him.
“I love you too Seokmin.” 
He smiled, the love song that halted beginning to pour out from his heart again. Your eyes were getting heavier and heavier and before you knew it, you were asleep. The last thing you saw was his eyes, setting forth a colossal amount of warmth.
“Sweet dreams, my love.” 
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No matter how much you told him you hated your voice, Seokmin just couldn’t get enough of it. He loved the sweetness to it. He said it gave him strength. He said it was always the first thing that came to his mind every morning and the last sound he'd imagine before closing his eyes. He was in love with the lamblike tune that came from your lips even when they came out breathy, croaky, or slightly going wide of the right notes. 
So you weren’t surprised when he brought you to Jihoon’s studio, claiming that he wanted to hear your voice every second of his day. Of course, you did everything you could to resist.
“Love, please?” He begged you again and again. “We’ll sing together, it’s gonna be alright.” 
The only reason you eventually agreed was because you couldn't risk living without his voice holding you together.
Jihoon’s studio was Jihoon’s home. You could tell by the recording tools tending to his need every time he pressed a button, the outcome seeming to be just what he wanted. The oyster pail and a pair of chopsticks sloppily abandoned on his coffee table. The tall stack of wrinkled pillows sitting on the edge of the couch. The subtle beat coming from his headphones. Just the way he seemed to blend in with everything there.
Seokmin gave your hand a reassuring squeeze when it was your turn to sing. He tapped on your hand, tallying with the rhythm so you would stay in beat. His smile stayed apparent for as long as you sang. When it came to the harmonising part, he manoeuvred in the poky room to sing behind you while still keeping your fingers locked together. Jihoon, the man with no tolerance for physical affection whatsoever, blushed at the sight.
The thing about Seokmin was that although he had a voice that sounded like it came from the heavens, he would make you forget that you were singing with someone as good as him. He would obliterate the invisible weight on your shoulders and make you feel that you had the voice of an angel too.
“That’s a wrap!” Jihoon said from the other side of the glass. He had a bottle of coke in his hand.
“Thanks hyung!” Seokmin shouted. He kissed your brow. “Told you it wasn’t that bad.”
That evening you had a thought:
Every relationship has its own clear-cut tribulations. So when yours didn’t have one, you were starting to wonder if something should’ve happened by now.
And then it did. 
Amidst the unbroken stridulating of crickets in the howling wind, there was a subtle knock on your door. It was Seokmin. A huge box of pizza wasn’t the only thing he brought. There was news. News that would eventually augment his world but demolish yours to rack and ruin. You felt nauseous, mostly.
“I’m leaving the country in a month.” He spoke while holding your hand. “An overseas agency saw a video someone uploaded of me and they wanted to cast me. It apparently went viral.”
“Seokmin..” you said in a hushed tone, restraining your tears. “I mean that’s great news! But that only means-”
“That we won’t see each other again for quite some time love.” He squeezed your hand, not wanting to look at you for his eyes were already brimming with crystal tears.
“How long?” You said quietly.
Seokmin paused for too long, you thought. “I don't know love, but we’ll work it out right?”
The tears that adorned your eyes finally went coursing down your cheeks. Seokmin witnessed this and everything in him broke.
He rubbed your back, calming you as he kissed your neck. He started to hum an all too familiar melody. Starting it slow and gentle while placing soft kisses on your cheek. He pulled away and continued singing even as the colour in his eyes grew feeble.
You couldn’t find it in you to join him. You were too weak. You couldn’t even look him in the eyes. But you wanted to listen to him, to the voice that used to battle waves in the ocean and void the air of gloom over the clouds. Especially because the song was yours and his. An all too familiar song with all too familiar memories, and with him leaving in a month, the song would be the only piece of him you’d have near.
So you let him sing to you. You let him sing for you. You let the lyrics imprint in your head. Let them stick to you like glue. Seokmin kissed the wet tail of tears that ran down your cheeks. You cherished the kiss.
He started kissing your jaw while his fingers played with the hem of your shirt, slowly making its way underneath it. You held him, still sobbing. His fingers started moving toward your chest, as if he was searching for something.
“S-seokmin, what are you doing?” You stuttered from the remnants of teardrops that still threatened to fall. 
“Shh,” he hushed you, still buried in your neck. “Just let me make love to you darling.”
You didn’t resist him. You weren’t in your right frame of mind, but even then you wanted him. Your thoughts were everywhere, but every time, he proved to be bigger than them. He had proven again and again that he was your world and you couldn’t escape a world as beautiful as him.
So you laid in bed that night with your hands holding onto his shoulder for support as he thrusted himself inside you. It wasn’t rough, wasn’t messy. He wasn’t selfish, chasing his own high, rather, he let you feel the stream of love gushing through every inch of your body. With every thrust he produced beautiful sounds, with every thrust he conveyed the immense ache in his chest from the thought of living without you by his side. That night, and like every other night he would say, Seokmin made love to you. 
And that night, like every other night, he sang for you.
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Departure is a bitter subject. It is wounding, even when someone or something of worth waits at the end of the road. It is painful, even when it’s for the best. Though you prepared yourself for this day, you knew you would never be ready enough. 
“Listen to our song when you miss me.” Seokmin said while holding your cheek in his hand. “I’ll be there. I’m just one song away.” 
“I’m gonna call you when I miss you Seok,” you laughed weakly, voice still hoarse from the long hours you’ve been crying. “but of course, I’ll listen to our song.”
“I will too love, I love you.” Were his final words before bidding farewell to the boys that had also joined in on the heartbreaking little moment. You watched as his figure gradually dissolved into the crowd. He turned to you for the last time and waved, the smile that caught your attention from day one still ever so present on his face. With one last gesture of farewell, he was gone.
Had you known he’d be gone for good, you’d use up more days to admire the surfacing colours of twilight as you leaned on his shoulder. You’d use up more days to share a fervid kiss in the graceful moonlight gleam that danced with your shadows. You wouldn’t have complained when he asked you to sing for him, wouldn’t have resisted when he asked you to sing with him. You’d make love to him every night, every time of the day he wanted to. You’d give him everything he wanted. You’d give him the world. Had you known he’d be gone for good, you never would’ve let him go. 
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You decided to treat the boys to dinner. You knew for a fact that they’ve known Seokmin longer than you have, they must’ve felt the same pang of sentiment. Although they didn’t love him the way you did, they were his brothers. 
Three hours have passed since Seokmin’s plane departed. 
You brought the boys to the restaurant he used to sing at. Their riotous nature and unrestrained laughs that’d appear in between conversations were enough to entirely pretermit the ongoing thoughts you had of Seokmin. Once the group fell silent though, you too fell into a deep yearning for his presence. Seungkwan seemed to notice the subdued change in your expression. He kneaded your back.
“It’s gonna be alright, it’s gonna be alright.” He repeated. You needed those words. You smiled at him, grateful that he knew when to exchange his perky nature for a comforting one.
You turned your phone on. You smiled at the screen. It was a picture of you and Seokmin taken by Jihoon at his studio. It was after you had completed recording your song. 
You remembered it was Seokmin that had come up with the outline of the lyrics. You had proposed a few romantic lines, which he instantly integrated to the song. You also thought he would be singing it alone. You laughed at how naive you’d been.
You already missed him. You took your earphones out of your purse and plugged it into your phone. You leaned against the chair, admiring the view you had of the boys, Seokmin’s honey voice immediately filling your ears. 
But something wasn’t right. Not all of them were conversing in their jovial manner. Jeonghan’s gaze was hooked to his phone, his forehead seemingly wrinkled a little too much. Just as you were about to call his name, he silenced the group first.
“Hey, I don’t mean to freak you guys out or anything, but,” he continued, bringing his phone to face you and the boys. It was a trending news, something about a plane. “Isn’t that Seokmin’s flight number?” 
“It is..” you struggled to breathe. “Why is it on the news?”
Jeonghan avoided eye contact as soon as he realised the horror.
“There was an accident. A plane crash. I think Seokmin’s in it.” 
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You had found yourself more often praying that all of this had been a dream, or wishing that you had been able to foretell the future that waited, more than you were trying to accept the work of fate. 
You had found yourself begging countless times for the heavens to bring him back, and you were sick of it. You were sick of yourself acting like this, knowing that it wouldn’t happen no matter how many times you cried and begged. Knowing that you couldn’t escape it. You just had to accept it. 
And it sure was hard.
But with all the things Seokmin had taught you while he lived, he had also taught you to be strong. He had taught you to erase whatever tears were beseeching to leave an ugly colour on your golden features, and get back up. He had promised you that no matter what happened, he’d always be there for you. And he wanted you to be strong, for him.
So there you were, standing tall at the podium before everyone else on the day of the wake. You dressed as Seokmin would’ve loved it. You swallowed all the humdrum tears before they could shape in your eyes and started your speech, which was really, just a proclamation of love.
“Lee Seokmin was like the sole streak of light that seeped through a hole in the clouds on a gloomy day. He was always there to lighten up the mood, to put a smile on everyone’s face.” 
“and his voice. His voice was heavenly. There aren’t even enough words to describe it, and you would know if you’ve heard him sing.” 
You looked up at the boys smiling at you, some nodding their head in agreement and some attempting to hide the tears forming in their eyes. You continued.
“He was like a dream. He was too perfect, I sometimes wonder if he’s even real.” The audience followed you as you smiled. 
“But he is,” you nodded, “he is real, and to receive such an immense amount of love from him, every single day of my life, the feeling is just surreal.”
At this point most of the boys weren’t even trying to deny their tears. 
You knew Seokmin was watching. Somewhere up there. You knew that although you couldn’t feel his love the same way anymore, it’s still there. And as long as you lived, it would still be there.
“Seokmin gifted me a song before he left,” you glanced at Jihoon, sweetly smiling back at you, “it’s our love story that I will treasure with all my heart.  At first, I thought this song would be the only piece of memory I’d have of him,”
“but he has also gifted me this love that’s growing inside me.”
You looked down toward your stomach, to the little bump that was quietly sticking out. You gave it a delicate and gentle caress, the kind that Seokmin would give you after he made love to you. You beamed at the breathtaking sight, your hand still resting on the loving curve as you faced the audience for the last time and finished off your speech. 
Seokmin was an angel. He didn’t deserve the evil within this world. But he was finally free, and although you could never deny the prick of grief that dwelled inside you ever since his passing, you were now relieved more than anything else. He was home. He was where angels should be.
You looked up into the sky with a flicker of hope in the eyes he used to adore so dearly.
“Until we meet again my love.”
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moongoddesslee · 4 years
What Once Was...
This is written for the SessKag Prompt Raffle, for StormieLikeWeather’s prompt.
"There is a murderer afoot, spoiler it's Kagome, and she has her reasons. What will happen when Sesshomaru discovers that he's been hunting his lover all this time?"
I am still working on this, I had some personal life stuff happen and even went to the hospital. I’m ok now but hopefully you’ll forgive me for this not being completely done just yet Stormie! I will also be posting the next chapters for this on A03. Here’s the link for it https://archiveofourown.org/works/28472691/chapters/69768393
My mind went a bit out of the way with this one, this fic is a bit on the darker side so please take that as a fair warning before you start to read this. It has a brief mention of a subject that most people don’t like to read or hear. So read at your own discretion. Anyways here we go. 
Even with all the noise, light pollution, smog, and everything else the humans had created. He thanked his few lucky stars that there were still places like this around.
He stood in the middle of a beautiful and enchanting valley.
Inhaling he sighs and stares up at the sky in silent contemplation.
Valleys like this were like a balm to his frayed nerves and senses.
They all seemed to have been frozen in a time long forgotten and he missed it dearly.
From afar if someone were to stumble upon him they would think he was an apparition.
His skin was a chalky white instead of the glowing alabaster it had been long ago.
Though tall he was mostly nothing but skin and bones now, gaunt, and dark black-purple circles under his eyes.
His once regal and authoritative air gone, his stance nothing more than a slumped body shuffling along.
He knew he used to be a downright merciless bastard to everyone who ever dared to cross his path.
He had begun to change slowly when his little Rin had come along.
Even after Naraku had been defeated and the odd priestess had disappeared, Rin had chosen to come back with him after living for some time in Edo.
How he wishes she had stayed in the village instead of following him. Closing his eyes he felt the tears starting to run down his cheeks.
Choking sobs broke through despite his efforts to not and he fell to his knees among the tall grasses and flowers.
His forever cheerful daughter gone in the blink of an eye, taken away, tortured, and killed by the people who he had thought were his allies.
She had been so strong, stubborn, kind, gentle, caring, and free-spirited. He had tried to track down and kill every single one of them.
Though he couldn't seem to find them all. Even after killing only a few he still had hungered for revenge.
He hung his head as more tears kept tracking down his sharp cheekbones, the bone sticking out just slightly from his sunken face.
Rin being killed had been the beginning of what he thought of as the start of his horrible existence. He didn't know which god had it out for him but after she had passed everything slowly went to complete hell.
Opening his eyes as his tears were still falling, traveling down his sharp cheeks to land among the grass and flowers. Closing his eyes again he thought back on his hellish past. _______________________________________________________________
His allies had thought his precious daughter had been brought back to his home to be his bride. What fucking idiots that they had been. He had killed the first five of them that had voiced that opinion without thought. After that, the comments went quiet and he didn't hear anything on the matter again. It however did not mean he was an idiot and anticipated some of his advisors to try something someday.
He had just returned from paying a visit to his half brother's village and had been slightly shocked to see the odd priestess had returned. It had been nearly five years since she had disappeared.
Rin had been elated to hear of her return and thus started the weekly visits to the odd woman. Over time though he came to see her as a friend as they would talk. After a year had gone by of these visits he had realized that he had fallen in love with the klutzy woman. He kept to himself at first but Kagome eventually caught on and surprised him greatly.
By "climbing him like a tree" and soundly kissing him on the lips. Things sped up after that and soon after they were lovers in secret. Though he could guess his brother knew otherwise. Seeming since he stayed away from the village when he came to visit.
Eventually, he started to leave Rin with her in the village more and more. It had become too dangerous for her to stay at the Shiro. His advisors and allies had begun to get more and more deceitful. The sickly sweet scent always rolling off of them in waves as they lied to his face.
Sesshomaru had voiced his concerns with Kagome on the matter and she had agreed to have Rin move in with her. Though he didn't want to have his daughter so far away from him, he knew it was for the best.
She returned with him to the Shiro one last time to say goodbye to Jaken and his mother. Sesshomaru ordered her things packed and sent them ahead to Edo with Jaken.
As Sesshomaru made his way to gather Rin up to take her back to Kagome one of his advisors said there was a report of an attack. A village close to the Shiro was being burned to the ground. Demon and human alike being killed mercilessly.
When he had returned he stood on the hill shocked as he watched his ancestral home burning to the ground. Hearing the screams of agony of his people he snapped out of it.
Landing amid his broken home he started to search for survivors all while trying to locate Rin. The screams of pain had gone quiet as he looked and he couldn't hear a single heartbeat.
As the smoke started to affect his sense of smell he finally caught a slight scent of oranges and sunshine on the wind. Immediately he took off running and came to a stop just outside of the once beautiful gardens. There on the ground was a piece of Rin's usual orange checkered kimono.
Bending down to pick it up more pieces of it caught his attention. Slowly he followed the trail and began to panic as pieces of hair and blood started appearing. As he got closer he started to recognize the scent of his lover, fresh ocean breeze, and calming lavender.
The further he went the more panicked and angry he became as he caught the different scents in the air. He stopped as he came to the end of the scent trail in a field and fell to his knees.
There among the wildflowers was a body torn into pieces scattered around the area. There were thousands of different scents overlapping but the most prominent was that of his daughters. He could make out strands of black hair amount the chunks of body and blood on the ground. His loving daughter was gone, her body strewn throughout the clearing of wildflowers that she loved so dearly. Sesshomaru couldn't comprehend all that he saw for a few moments.
Her now cold blood pooling around the chunks of her body, sticking to everything now. He could see an arm thrown off to the side and part of a tow underneath a thick bush. Sesshomaru could still smell Kagome's scent in the area but didn't see or hear anything nearby. His shock set in even more when he began to think that they had killed off his chosen as well.
He just stayed there motionless for hours upon hours never moving. Even as the smoke began to clear and no more agonizing screams could be heard. _______________________________________________________________
Kagome had had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach as Sesshomaru had left from this last visit. She knew he had gone back to get Rin and her things before bringing her back to Edo.
She couldn't shake the feeling all morning as she went about her chores. Sighing Kagome had packed a small pack and told Miroku and Sango she was leaving. They had offered to come with her but she politely declined and headed out.
Along the way she had thought the offer was nice but didn't want to be coddled anymore. In the five years, she had been gone Kagome had enrolled in multiple training classes. Training with multiple different weapons and martial arts just in case she ever did go back.
As she trained over the years the more she came to control her Miko powers as well. Shaking her head back to the present she made her way along for the better part of the day. Stopping as she needed to rest and eat.
It was the nearly early morning of the next day when she finally made it to Sesshomaru's ancestral home. Kagome had only been there twice so far and had wanted to come back but Sesshomaru had told her no. It was for her own safety, if it was getting dangerous for Rin then it would be worse for her.
She was shell-shocked as she looked upon his home and saw it all blazing in a fire. Everything seemed to be just starting to fall apart. Kagome came out of her shock as the screams and cries started to filter through her hearing.
Taking off at a run Kagome made her way to the Shiro as quickly as she could. Pouring some of her powers into her legs to speed herself up. She came to a stop as she registered the auras of some of Sesshomaru's people.
Quickly Kagome took off in hopes of being able to help and save anyone that she could. As she got closer to the burning Shiro she could hear the screams from inside getting quieter. A stray tear fell down her cheek as she knew that they could not be saved.
Shaking herself she moved on and started to help her lovers' subjects and employees as she came across them. Worried about them all she could only spare a few quick moments to check each of them over. Moving on to the next as she circled around the burning building. As she neared back to the front of the once beautiful home she stopped in shock.
Kagome could hear the screams of a child, but she had heard those screams before. Taking off in a panic she raced forward towards the screams. Muttering to herself hoping to be wrong about those screams.
Those said screams were getting quieter as she got closer. It only spurred her on to run faster. Even as her legs protested the extra exertion she carried on. Kagome came across a line of trees and followed the trampled path she could see through it.
Making her way quietly she couldn't help but gasp and cry as she saw two little girls' bodies lying on the ground surrounded by pools of blood. As she walked forward she swept her powers throughout the area checking for auras.
Noticing that the retreating ones she could sense still were that of Sesshomaru's advisors and other staff her powers flickered in anger. Going to her knees in front of the bodies tears started to fall from her eyes. There laid Rin and a little girl motionless. Rin's orange checkered kimono was ripped to pieces with scratches all over her body.
As Kagome looked over to the other little girl she cried even more. The other girl's body was in pieces all over the clearing. Blood and hair splattered over the flowers nearby and pieces of skin hiding among bushes.
Minutes went by before Kagome shook herself and got up and began to look around the area. Hoping to find at least some way to identify the other little girl besides part her head that was laying on the ground.
After a few minutes of searching and finding nothing, Kagome knelt down again. She picked the lost child's head up and wrapped it in an extra blanket from her bag. Going over to Rin's motionless body next Kagome began to cry harder as she brought out another blanket.
Lifting her small body as gently as she could she moved her and wrapped her small body into the blanket. She tied it together with some spare rope the best she could and brought her body to rest against her back and stood up.
Kagome began to walk out of the area as the sun was starting to set. ________________________________________________________________
Someone was slowly coming up from behind him, their footsteps light and unsteady. All of his senses were closed off from the world. Even as the visage of his mother came into view, he couldn't react.
He just watched as she looked around and saw her gasp softly as she clearly recognized the scents. Sesshomaru watched as she walked over to the pools of blood and fell to her knees. Even his own stoic mother sat there at her knees crying for the loss of her adopted granddaughter.
It seemed like hours before he finally came back to the world of the living enough to stand and walk back to the ashes of his home. Not turning back even as he heard his mother calling his name as she stood back up.
He was on autopilot as he walked among the smoke and ashes searching for something, anything. Some kind of clue to tell him that his daughter and lover were alive and not dead. He never turned back around stuck in his self made prison in his head.
He just walked for weeks stuck in his own limbo until he was confronted by his mother again. Being told that there had been reports coming in about the advisors, generals, and lords that had plotted against him. The ones responsible for the two lights of his life being extinguished.
They all seemed to slowly be found killed or dying in some manner or another. Curiosity sparked him from his shock and he set off to find these traitors and kill the rest himself. If he so happened to come across the person already doing it he'd thank them personally himself. That is if he could actually find the person responsible.
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strvngemagics · 4 years
{ cisgender woman, she/her } ❝ I'm a juvenile product of the working class / whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass ❞ huh, who’s FIVEL STEWART? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually MOLLY WEASLEY II. she is a 24 year old HALFBLOOD witch who is a CHASER FOR PUDDLEMERE UNITED. she is known for being FLIGHTY, IMPULSIVE, DISORGANIZED, FORGETFUL, and REBELLIOUS but also TRUSTING, DEDICATED, VIBRANT, ADAPTABLE, and INDEPENDENT, so that must be why she always reminds me of the song GLAZIN’ - JACUZZI BOYS and ROLLER SKATING DOWN A STEEP INCLINE, FOREHEAD KISSES, AN OUT-OF-TUNE ACOUSTIC GUITAR, AN UNMADE BED WITH LOTS OF PILLOWS, CHERRY LIMEADE SLUSHIES, PUTTING ON YOUR FAVORITE SWEATSHIRT. i hear she is aligned with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX so be sure to keep an eye on her. 
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Molly Adelaide Weasley was born into a (relatively) peaceful world but adopted into an ever-growing and infinitely chaotic family - and her father, having had a near-catastrophic falling out with this family in favor of furthering his career, made it CLEAR to her that her status as a Weasley was to be cherished, not derided, never forgone for more ambitious aims. Percy, sometimes rigid, though always loving, threw this lesson in familial love along with his more practical teachings.
Her first real sentence was “Molly do it!”, which was put to excessive use as a toddler. Doing the laundry? “Molly do it!” Her father’s bent over a stack of paperwork with a next-day deadline? Molly’s rushing over to help with a fat, color-changing crayon in hand: “Molly do it!” When Audrey was ill with a stomach bug, Lucy happened upon her sister, barely even three, mashing a ginger root with the handle of Mama’s wand in an attempt to make ginger biscuits. In short, Molly has always been headstrong and maternal. She takes a lot of pride in the traits that she shares with her namesake, her wonderful Gran, but regrettably never learned to knit.
Molly arrived at Hogwarts with a gaggle of cousins who’d already set the tone for who the Weasleys were and how they behaved. She found it difficult to find a life and identity outside of them - and still worries that she’s just another face in the family, unimportant compared to their accomplishments and accolades. Her time in Hufflepuff house passed without any prefect badges, school awards, or major academic achievements — even her five-year stint on the house Quidditch team was marred by the fact that she was always playing against some cousin or close family friend.
Life after Hogwarts has treated Molly well — she’s played professional Quidditch since age 18, something that she still can’t quite believe has happened. She was a reserve Chaser for the Kenmore Kestrels until 2027, when she was offered a contract by Puddlemere United. She took it, because wow that’s a lot of galleons, but Puddlemere’s always had a reputation for producing a lot of (painfully) straight-laced and by-the-book players………..which Molly definitely is not. She’s not allowed to speak at press conferences anymore due to PU’s management dubbing her “a PR nightmare” and “too foul-mouthed for a Dementor to want to Kiss”.
(TW DEATH MENTION) Memories of Uncle Harry pop up nearly every day - his voice, his rough hands positioning her arms and shoulders in a proper dueling stance, the smudges on his glasses, the way he looked at Aunt Ginny like she hung the moon in the sky. She misses him, dearly, but feels selfish and silly for doing so - she wasn’t his kid, and there are so many people who looked to Harry Potter as a symbol for the hope that carried them through wartime. She often worries that she isn’t doing enough - not enough to support her cousins, not enough for the muggleborns she knows and those she does not. There are days in which her inadequacy threatens to swallow her whole, when her hands tremble and breath rattles in her chest - but she’s able to bite it back for the moment. There’s bigger things ahead. (END TW).
okay so i always describe molly as a “disaster lesbian” or “chaotic dumbass” and i mean that with a lot of affection. she’s just very much motivated by pleasure and by fun, and much less motivated by duty or responsibility. she wants to stand out in both good and bad ways and more often achieves that in bad ways. she is also, like i mentioned, very headstrong. i consider her one of my funniest characters and that’s mostly unintentional because she just. says whatever pops into her head. i regularly giggle at what i make molly say. i am not ashamed of this.
uhhhh. what else? she’s a big old jock, one of those heinous people who for the most part actually enjoys exercising! will definitely ask you to join her on a sunrise run because she’s Ridiculous
loves her family so so so much, even though there’s at least 3 group chats where she’s currently trashing a cousin or two. is very down to take part in harmless pranks and shenanigans. someone outside the family tries to trash the cousins tho?!?!?! lmao kill bill sirens immediately go off. she and lucy probably call themselves twins bc they’re not blood-related but they are almost always on the same wavelength and in my eyes (jane u can confirm this for me) just get each other on a very fundamental level.
huge fuckin’ aries energy. you can find some personality assessments below:
aries (sun)
“aries is an active, energetic sign. people with sun in aries are direct, straightforward, and uncomplicated. they expect the same from others, and are baffled when they don’t always get it.”
gemini (moon)
“nervousness and worry are common traits with this lunar position. An underlying restlessness is common, and many lunar geminis need more stimulation than others. they usually read a lot, talk a lot, and think a lot.”
mbti.  esfj (the consul)
+ strong practical skills, strong sense of duty, sensitive and warm, connects well with others
- inflexible, vulnerable to criticism, reluctant to improvise, needy, worries about social status
name. molly adelaide weasley
nickname. molls
birthdate. 4 april 2005 (she’s supposed to be 24? idk math)
place of birth. st. mungo’s
family.  percy weasley (father), audrey weasley (mother), lucy weasley (sister), extended family in the form of various weasley-potter aunts, uncles and cousins.
residence. (tbd), but roommates: rose granger-weasley, natalia bardon, lucy weasley
occupation. chaser for puddlemere united
gender identity. cis woman
romantic orientation. homoromantic
sexuality. lesbian
blood status. half-blood
relationship status. single
pets. a bright pink pygmy puff named romeo
hogwarts house. hufflepuff
extracurriculars/leadership. hogwarts orchestra (clarinet), dueling club, charms club (president)
allegiance. order of the pheonix
n.e.w.t. grades. charms (o), transfiguration (a), herbology (e), d.a.d.a (a), potions (e), care of magical creatures (e), astronomy (e), history of magic (o), muggle studies (o).
wand. alder, ten inches, dragon heartstring core.
boggart. inferi
patronus. corporeal, brown bear
amortentia. vanilla bath fizz, lemon peels, sandalwood, mint
magical strengths. charms, nonverbal casting, transfiguration, flying
magical weaknesses. defensive magic, hexes and curses, potions.
16 notes · View notes
seriouslyhooked · 5 years
Lost Souls and Reveries (Part 22)
24 part AU written for @cssns​. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6,Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21. Story available on AO3 Here and FF Here. Banner created by the amazingly talented @shipsxahoy​!!
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Killian Jones is a wolf shifter without roots, without plans, and without a pack. He’s a rogue, someone humans should avoid and shifters should be wary of given his lineage. But one night years back set him on a path he didn’t realize he was taking, a path leading to a future he is destined for. That future is tied up in one woman – a human named Emma Nolan. Together Emma and Killian will find not only answers, but a love that’s truly fated. But will love be enough to set them free, or will past demons win out in the end? (Answer: love always wins – I am writing this so despite some tiny pockets of angst it’s basically a fluff-filled insta-love fest). Rated M.
A/N: Hey everyone! I know it has been such a long time since I updated this fic, which is crazy because the chapters are taking place one right after another still, but this fall has been filled with travel and very little free time for me. I didn’t get a chance to write, and though I wanted to get the story out there and share the ideas I’ve had all this time, I wanted to give myself the space to do this story justice. It’s been an ambitious AU for me, there’s a lot of moving parts and way more reveals than I ever do, making it a really big undertaking. But all of your support along the way and your continued interest has helped keep me motivated even in the time I couldn’t work on this. As such, I really hope you will all enjoy this chapter, and I thank you all for reading!
She is never leaving my sight again, Killian thought to himself as he held Emma to his side, keeping ever vigilant about their surroundings out here in the woods.
The two of them had stolen their temporary moment alone after the encounter with the bear, but both of them knew that quiet couldn’t really last forever. Nevertheless, the wish to run away with Emma and barricade her from anything that might harm her was strong in Killian. He resisted, knowing that leaving would not only put everyone else at risk, but that it would make his Emma deeply unhappy, but in the privacy of his own mind, he allowed those thoughts to wander. At the end of the day, his priority was Emma and the baby that she was carrying now, and there was just no changing that.
As if she could hear his mind’s rampant musings, Emma’s hand came to cover his arm, a silent show that she was here and that she was readily accepting his need to protect her. She looked up to him, and though he was certain he hadn’t pushed the worried internal dialogue her way through their mental link, he could see that she knew anyway. He couldn’t hide the hurt and the harried frenzy that nearly losing her had conjured up. It still lingered here with him, as it would until all of this was over and done.
We’ll get through this, she pushed to him quietly, and in response Killian quietly brought her hand to his lips, pressing a delicate kiss atop her smooth and creamy skin before leading it to rest above his heart. The smile she graced him with at the reassuring motion filled him with renewed hope, but yet again their quiet shows of intimacy were short lived.
“I still don’t get it,” a voice interjected, pulling Emma and Killian from their semi-private moment. “He comes to town, tries to kill us all, claims Anna, barrels into the magic force field, and now… nothing.”
Tink’s words, lobbed at the bear that had at first seemed like nothing more than a foe, prompted all of them to look in the beast’s direction. The grizzly was ferocious and imposing still, with eyes a tempered red color, but they lacked the vibrancy of before. Now, instead of glowing a sickening scarlet, they were more molten, a deep burgundy where they were once so bright. The mellowing out of the color signaled to Killian that the bear had calmed somehow, not breaking from its fever, but tamping it down. That didn’t mean he trusted this unknown shifter though, and until they were certain he posed no threat to Emma, that bear was getting nowhere near his woman again.
“Could we maybe keep our less helpful thoughts to ourselves for the time being?” Emma countered, and though the words were sharp, it was understandable why she said them. For as much as the bear was an enigma to them, he was just as much of a puzzle to Anna, if not more so. Emma’s friend was still somewhat dazed from it all, and currently Elsa and Liam were standing with her, the former trying to comfort her sister, and the latter keeping his reflexes sharp in case the lass made a break for the bear.
“Sorry, it’s just…” Tink trailed off, unsure of how to phrase this precarious situation.
“It’s just bat shit crazy is what it is,” Ruby exclaimed.
“And about to get crazier,” Emma’s Uncle Lance noted, commenting on the impending hubbub that was coming down the road right now.
The Nolan’s were all together in their car, not having had the chance to run as Liam, Killian, and Graham had. They’d also had to wait until they were given some sort of all clear. The situation was now somewhat contained, but before that there was too much risk in having Neal, Mary Margaret, or Ruth out here. Killian had never seen Emma’s father in action, but he knew the man had been trained his whole life to be a hunter. David Nolan would have all the necessary skills to have been a part of this fight, but as it turned out, the fight came down almost entirely to the instincts of Emma and her wolf.
The car was still in motion, braking on the loose, dirt path, but it did nothing to stop Mary Margaret from jumping out and running to her daughter. Killian moved back ever so slightly, knowing what would come next, but he stayed as close as possible to the massive hug Emma’s mother bestowed on her. Tears of relief streamed down the older woman’s face, but she didn’t break down, even in her moment of vulnerability. She may have been human, but Emma’s mother was strong, and fiercely protective of the children she loved so dearly.
“I told you I’d be okay,” Emma whispered, attempting to share a smile with her Mum, and the words felt like a punch to his gut. He closed his eyes briefly, seeing again the image of Emma trapped beneath the snarling bear, but he shook it away, willing himself to be strong for his mate. Reliving that terrible moment did nothing but make him weaker and more worried.
Emma’s father, brother, and grandmother all surrounded her as well, hugging Emma close before turning their attention to the others. Mary Margaret immediately moved to Gwen, trying to take strength from a woman who had answered in their hour of need, and David clearly felt the support of his lifelong friend and capable shifter Lance, but soon the greetings and reunions were tossed aside, and all attention turned to the problem at hand. It was interrogation en masse, and the questions tossed out were free game for all of them and in dire need of answer.
“Is everyone all right?”
“Everyone’s in one piece,” Graham said, having taken account of the whole group’s status as soon as the bear was contained. No one had withstood anything that amplified shifter healing wouldn’t clear up by the end of the day. All in all, they’d been incredibly lucky.  
“Any injuries?”
“Just to my pride. Damn bear got the better of me at one point, and I can’t say I’m too thrilled with that,” Granny quipped, prompting the ghost of a smile to tug at Killian’s lips. In another moment he’d laugh at the old wolf and her totally serious resentment at having been bested, but things being as they were, he couldn’t quite get to the level of comfort needed for a good dose of fun. “But other than that, we’re all fine.”
“Barely,” Emma’s aunt coughed out and Killian watched as Emma’s head snapped to her. A quiet contest of wills elapsed between them. Clearly her aunt wanted to disclose how close things had really come, but Emma wanted to spare her parents the pain of what could have been. It wasn’t clear who would prove victorious, but then Mary Margaret caught the exchange and there was no avoiding the conversation.
“What happened?” Her tone held the firm but alarmed kind of shrillness only a mother could produce.
“Uh, it might be totally out of the realm of normal, but it’s also kind of straight forward,” Tink hedged, shrugging a shoulder as she proceeded to give the barest of highlights, thus helping Emma keep things under wraps. “A giant, angry, magically roided up grizzly shifter came to town, we lured it out here, we got it in the magical crystal thing, and now here we are.”
“Is that all?” David asked, having caught on to his wife’s increased agitation. “Emma?”
Emma’s muscles tightened significantly as the conversation went on, her stance looking more and more like she might just shift and run away from all of this. But instead, she looked to Killian, asking him only with her expression if he’d have her back. Of course he would, and he sealed that silent oath with a kiss to her temple. She leaned into the action for only the briefest of moments before taking a deep breath and coming clean.
The look of anguish on her parents’ faces was likely punishment enough for Emma, who had already felt some guilt about the danger she’d put herself in. Neal, for his part, looked awed at her bravery, and at one point he even interrupted with a word of praise, before a look from his mother quickly cut that thinking off. When Emma was done, it was clear that her mother especially was both wracked with worry and terribly angry. Her emotions were big and jumbled and messy, but though she probably deserved to get them out, Killian felt it was time to step in.
“Obviously there’s a lot to unpack there, but the big thing is Emma is safe now and there will never be another similar instance again.” He looked to Emma, who nodded readily. “And right now we don’t have the luxury of examining this all again. Gold has essentially declared war on us with this attack, and we can’t assume that’ll be the end of it.”
“So we’re certain now that it’s him?” Ruth asked. She was struggling to keep up given how much had been happening and that was understandable. Between Gold and Emma’s great uncle George’s appearance, there were so many unknowns hanging about right now, certainly more than could ever be easily understood.
“There’s too much magic involved for it to be anyone else,” Ruby replied. “But we were hoping you might confirm. The enchantment on the collar is still pulsing even now. It should look similar to the charms you witnessed.”
Ruth followed Ruby towards the choker, which had still yet to be touched by anyone but Emma. Without any discussion about the chance of her being jinxed somehow by the object, Ruth reached out to examine it. She nodded as soon as her skin made contact with the magic itself.
“This is definitely Gold’s work. It looks and feels the same. It’s reptilian almost, if that makes sense.”
“It doesn’t, but not much does anymore,” Liam remarked, and again Killian wished he was in the place to laugh. God knew they all needed it, but with so much still unknown every bit of their energy needed to be tied up in solving this life threatening puzzle.
Ruth continued to examine the artifact, her eyes taking in the material that appeared to be leather bound together by some kind of silver or platinum. It was a strange combination, but there was something in Ruth’s eyes that spoke to familiarity. Killian didn’t know if it was just her identifying the magic or what, but the hairs on the back of his neck went up just before she turned the leather over, a shocked look rushing across her face as she dropped the object back to the ground.  
“Grandma?” Emma asked, having picked up on the same nervous energy that Killian did even before it truly managed to manifest. They both moved towards Ruth, searching for answers, but she appeared speechless as she looked back at them.
“Mom?” David asked, moving towards her quickly, trying to see if she was all right before sparing a glance at the cursed collar. Instantly his face portrayed the same shock, and then he let loose a very rare curse. “Son of a bitch.”
“Language,” Mary Margaret and Emma’s Aunt Gwen both said absently, but it was obviously instinct and driven by no sort of real intention. Within seconds Emma’s mother was at David’s side and held his hand in hers once more. “David, what is it?”
“That sigil.”
Killian turned his focus to the emblem on the leather collar. It was all hard lines and angles, and though it was a random association, Killian thought of how it looked so unlike most shifter symbols. It was clearly old, dating back far before the flags and figures of most great houses, but it sliced through the collar with an authority and a bluntness that looked like many knives hard at work.
“You know it?” Emma asked, prompting her father out of the angry and confused mood he was now grappling with,
“It’s the Nolan crest,” her Dad said. “And not only that, it’s my Uncle’s work. See here,” he motioned at the ridges and how the slices were jagged but perfectly symmetrical. “Nolans for centuries used branding techniques to establish our crest, but my Uncle said it left the smell of smoke. He wanted something cleaner and so he studied the old ways. All this was done with one knife in one stroke.”
“But with magic anything can be recreated, can’t it? It could be a set-up, something to throw us off the trail,” Anna said. Yet even as the words left her lips, she was still trying to figure it all out for herself. “Still, the magic is so obviously Gold’s. No one else can recreate that, why bother with any attempted distraction?”
“It’s not a diversion. It’s a claim. Gold made his with his magic and my brother made his with this,” Ruth said, her words finally reappearing though her eyes were still somewhat glazed over by ghosts from her past. “God, I wished I’d never see this symbol again, never mind the man who made it. To think he’s working with Gold. This is a nightmare.”
“I just don’t get it. Why are they both doing this? What’s the end game?” Graham asked.
“My Uncle’s will be as it always was – to eradicate shifters.”
“Even family?” Killian asked and David nodded.
“But what about Gold?” Elsa asked. “He’s got no ties to any of us but Ruth. Surely she can’t mean that much to him. She’s been awake five years, and he could have found her in any of that time.”
“Look, I don’t know the guy, but from everything you guys have found out, does it really seem like he needs a reason?” Tink asked. “The man is clearly more than a few marbles shy of a whole set.”
“He’ll have a reason,” Ruth responded. “But Elsa’s right, it can’t be me. Most likely it’s you all.” She gestured at Ruby, Elsa, Anna, and Emma.
“All of us?” Emma asked. “I mean I get them, they’re witches, but I’m -,”
“The Nolan heir and a hybrid shifter. Not to mention you’re mated to the true alpha of one of the strongest packs in America. Elsa, Anna, and Ruby have tremendous power, to be sure, and having joined together in one place, they’d be a natural threat to a power-hungry beast like Gold. But you’re truly unique, Emma, something that can’t be recreated, and to Gold that’s worth more than anything.”
“Clearly he’s willing to die over it,” Liam said shaking his head as his eyes met Killian’s. “And he will. Soon as we can find that fu-,” A shove from Elsa reminded Liam of the smaller ears in the group now and he cleared his throat before finding another word that didn’t fit nearly as well. “foe?”
“Not terrible. Not a great save, but not awful,” Neal joked, earning a smile from the adults who were still all in awe that this young boy was managing to swim in the deep end of all of this shifter drama.
“Where’s Lance?” Emma’s father asked, drawing attention to the fact that his old friend was missing from this conversation. Killian hadn’t even noticed, a testament to the extreme stealth of mountain lion shifters.
“He picked up a scent earlier but with the bear and all there was no time. We had to get to you all as fast as we could,” Gwen explained. “He’s circling back to track it now.”
“Another shifter?”
“No. I mean I don’t know. I didn’t even smell anything, but he said there was something…”
At that moment, the low rumble of a wild cat running came through the underbrush and then Lance appeared at the tree line in his shifter form. In the blink of an eye he transformed to human again. This was pretty normal for all of them, as even Emma and her friends had more exposure to shifting this summer, but for Neal it was a shock and that manifested when the boy gasped aloud. One look spared in the boy’s direction showed he was nothing but excited. No fear, no dismay. Just the giddy look of childlike wonder that a kid might have in the face of a perfect Christmas or a trip to Disney World.
“You didn’t recognize it because it’s a scent from before we ever met,” Lance said emerging from the woods. “It’s feint, but it’s citrus rinds and tea leaves.”
“George,” David and Ruth said at the same time, both resigned but obviously perplexed.
“Lance?” Gwen asked, putting her hand to his arm in question, echoing everyone else’s confusion.
“Hunters bathe in salted citrus waters with tea leaves before an attack. It largely suppresses human scent and keeps them nearly untraceable, blending in with forest smells better than any other combination. I only know about it at all because it’s what David always smelled like growing up.”
“He’s here?” Emma’s father asked, skipping over the tea bath tidbit.
“If he isn’t then he was. Trail leads to the clinic. It’s strong there but no sign of him. SUV tire tracks in the dirt. Recently left.”
“Was the SUV big enough to hold him?” Anna asked, motioning towards the bear, her face angrier than Killian had ever seen it.
“Would have been a cramped cage,” Lance admitted, making the air around Anna practically crackle with her resentment of David’s Uncle. A breeze floated in the glen around them, and in it there was a glinting of light that spoke to something more than wind. It was Anna’s palpable energy, and though she did her best to conceal it, the storm inside her mind and heart was starting to brew in the world around them. “But there’s more. The clinic has been marked, and the animals inside are feeling very on edge. You’re gonna want to get over there before some humans do.”
“Wait but hold on, how is this even possible?” Emma asked, stalling everyone in their tracks before they sped off to the clinic. “How would your Uncle have had time to get here after messing with Neal? The bear attacked maybe thirty minutes after you left. And I’m sorry, I don’t care how skilled a hunter he is. You’re telling me he brought a giant grizzly in a huge SUV into the city Boston? Doesn’t that seem like a really dumb idea?”
“Emma’s right, the timeline is all off,” Killian affirmed, and it seemed to dawn on the others how accurate that was.
“I showed Neal a picture once we got back to the house, and he confirmed it was definitely George who approached him.”
“But what if it wasn’t?” Ruby asked, turning her inquiry to Emma’s brother. “Neal, was there anything strange about the man who approached you?”
“You mean other than the fact that he cornered me and said all that cryptic stuff about my being a hunter and his family?” Ruby nodded. “Uh, I don’t know he spoke kind of fast. Like a little faster than was easy to follow. Made the already crazy stuff he said even more confusing. It also felt like he was kind of talking to himself, answering his own questions when I didn’t really feel like he’d asked anything. And he kept flicking his wrist as he talked and then balling it up. His face got mad when he did that but only for a second.”
“That doesn’t sound like George,” Ruth said critically. “He’s a methodical man. His whole life has been about control and perfection. He speaks so well, he’s a vocal coach’s dream. Same with his movements.”
“Hunters don’t fidget,” David said, sounding like he was repeating words he was oft told in his past life as opposed to making any sort of additional commentary.
“Could a human smell a hunter, even though shifters mostly can’t?” Neal asked and Emma’s father responded.
“Yes but it would be almost unnoticeable. Why do you ask?”
“Well I didn’t really think much of it but I smelled something awful in the air when he came up to me. I thought it was just one of those city pockets you know? Where the air is just dirty and you kinda have to walk through it.”
“Could be,” Ruby said, “But sulfuric smells can be a side effect of dark magic. Ruth, what was Gold like when you interacted with him all those years ago? Do you remember?”
“Well he was much more unbalanced than George, that’s for sure. Gold used to talk in riddles anytime I met with him and always so fast you barely knew what he was saying. Now that you mention it the wrist thing sounds like something too. He used to kind of flick his up like this,” Ruth said, displaying a gesture that was almost caricature of what a person with magic might do.
“So the body language and the other clues hint that Neal was actually dealing with Gold and not George, and if that’s the case he must have used a glamour spell,” Elsa acknowledged. “Unless there’s another way?”
“No, for him to look like George it would have to be a glamour, it would explain the smell, but it would also take a lot of magical energy. He should be really weak after expending himself like that. I mean between that and the magic that’s been spent on trapping this bear… he shouldn’t even be alive.”
“’Should’ doesn’t really seem like a word that fits in our world at the moment,” Granny sassed and they all agreed. There was no reason to assume Gold was anything but fully healthy right now, no doubt through some sinister means.
“I think realistically we need to split this up. George has apparently left this mess for me at the clinic. We should start there,” Emma’s father said, nodding to Lance and his mother who both silently accepted their new assigned posts.
“Usually I’d say I’m all we need over at team ‘scent tracker,’ but with everything that’s happened today and all the breaches…”
“You need help,” Graham said, filling in for Tink without hesitation. “I’d go, but we need to keep up the appearance of normalcy for the rest of the town, and after this bear warning people are going to have questions.”
“I’ll go with Tink,” Granny offered, surprising most of them before letting out a disgruntled huff and straightening her shoulders. “Oh please, I’m old, I’m not dead. Heck the kids would say I’ve got ‘mad skills’ when it comes to tracking.”
“Any kids who would have said that are probably in their mid-thirties by now,” Killian whispered, and despite everything Emma squawked out something close to a laugh. She then sent him a sharp but loving look, telling him that now was not the time but that she did find him funny.
“As much as we have to find George, we need to track Gold just as badly,” Elsa proclaimed. “I still don’t sense him as being the biggest threat, but he’s in this too and if we’re ever going to get an idea of what the end game is, we need to know everything we can.”
“So that leaves what?” Ruby asked. “Bear watch? Liam and Killian can handle that.”
“What about us?” Emma asked, motioning towards her brother and her mother.
“We need to put some of that natural organizing to good use,” Ruth said adamantly. “Mary Margaret, you more than anyone could try and map this out. Getting everything we know in one place could help make everything more clear.”
“Plus no one is better at wrangling multiple groups,” Gwen added, waving her walkie talkie in the air before nodding towards Graham. “You’ve got a direct line to all of us, and the patience and know-how to get everything you need.”
“Well when you put it like that,” Emma’s mother said, clearly pleased with her role. “So what are we waiting for? This war ain’t gonna win itself.”
And since that was true, they all moved off to their designated jobs, though Killian kept track of Emma constantly. Luckily her mother decided to set up their brainstorming outside here in the glen, so as much as Killian was on bear watch, he was also looking out for his mate. Killian would not let anything happen to Emma and their family, so right now it was his mission to use all of his years of experience as a shifter to aid in their protection. In the long span of his life where he sought to avenge his mother, and then in the years spent tracking and avoiding any signs of Liam and his pack, he had become a well-honed machine. His skills allowed him to feel ready for whatever may come, and he trusted that his love of Emma and his want to protect both her physical being and her heart would make anything possible. Whatever foe may present themselves, he would handle them, because there was no other option as far as he or his wolf were concerned.
That readiness and familiarity with trouble, however, did not apply to everyone, and there was one person amongst them who more than anyone must be flummoxed and uneasy given all the tumult. Killian looked even now at young Neal and he felt for the boy. He was putting on a brave face, but there was still concern that made its way to the surface now and then. Emma’s brother hid it well from his overbearing and constantly watchful mother, but when Mary Margaret moved away to talk with Gwen on the walkie talkie about everything going on at the clinic, Killian saw a chance to try and do some good.
“You holding up all right, lad?”
Killian posed the question like it could in any way be straight forward to this young boy. Emma’s brother had woken up this morning a gifted but largely ordinary child. He was brilliant to be sure, but he had no real notion of what any of this meant. Human science alone couldn’t prepare him for this, not when the books they taught in schools mentioned nothing of this whole different part of the world. It must be a great shock to him, yet here Neal stood, ready for action and above the fray of questions most people, no matter what age, would grapple with when a situation like this arose.
“It makes sense in a way,” Neal admitted, shrugging his shoulder. “Not the whole my great uncle is working with a warlock thing. That’s just crazy.”
“Aye it is. But the shifting, and your wolf, they’re not as surprising to you?”
“I had dreams, back when everyone thought I was going to die.” Neal shrugged at the memory of those times, because his childhood illness was just a part of his life. It was a painful chapter of the Nolan family story, but Neal looked to be all the stronger for it now. “They were pretty all over the place. I was sleeping all the time and I was in and out, but there was a woman towards the end, that I remember. She was nice, with a smile like my mom. I knew I could trust her, and the next thing I knew she turned into a wolf and I did too. It was weird, but it felt right, you know?”
Killian gulped, knowing that the woman Neal spoke of was his mother. He debated telling the boy the full truth, but given everything that he was saddled with now, it didn’t seem wise. There would be time, hopefully, when all of this had been resolved and he and Emma could have a full discussion with Neal about all they’d learned. They’d tell him of Emma’s own dreams, of the process Elsa’s magic had undertaken to save them both, and how Killian’s mother found a way even beyond the grave to watch over him and the family he would one day love. But for now, the best course of action was bolstering Neal’s faith and telling him this would all work out okay.
“It must be strange, to learn of what you are later like this. I know for Emma it was a unique process. It can be overwhelming. But it’s also…” he searched for the right words.
“Uh, totally cool?” Neal filled in, looking genuinely enthusiastic. “I mean I can turn into a wolf. That’s pretty bad ass.”
Killian and Neal’s heads both whipped towards the direction of Mary Margaret, but despite her motherly senses, she seemed to have missed her son’s bit of cursing. That was likely for the best.
“It’s an amazing gift to be sure. I know I’d never feel truly whole without my wolf. I’m glad you and Emma will have that now too.”
“Yeah. I just wish I didn’t have to wait. I mean five more years? That feels like forever.”
Killian smiled and he knew that for Neal it must seem like just that. As a kid, years felt like they’d never pass, and time would never move in the direction that you wanted it. It took the benefit of hindsight to see that everything comes exactly when it should, and as a new shifter, Neal would be in much better shape if he had a few years of understanding who he was before moving into that phase of his life.
“When things calm down, we should talk. You’ll have questions, and while your father is well versed in much of the shifter world, he might not have all the answers.”
“Did your Dad have them?” Neal asked, not out of any malice, but because he just genuinely didn’t know the history of Killian and his family.
“No, but I was lucky to have an elder brother.”
“And now I will too,” Neal said, like Killian’s new status in the family was a long time given. Killian smiled at that, nodding.
“Aye. That you will. Whatever you need, Neal, I’ll be here to help. So will Emma, and Liam, and all of us.”
“Like a real pack,” Neal said and Killian thought about it a moment before nodding. After all, what else could they be called at this point? There were so many of them, shifter, witch, and otherwise, tied together through love, through family ties and friendship. If that wasn’t a pack as it was intended to be then Killian didn’t know what it was.
Feeling secure in the fact that Neal was okay, Killian planned to switch his attention back to the others and their deliberations, but the bear suddenly let forth a harsh huff of air, propelling the front of his body up into the air, before stomping its thick paws into the earth below. Killian went on alert, preparing to get to Emma if the grizzly should break free, but then he gathered that the others were talking about the bear and the bear was somehow communicating, though perhaps not very effectively.
“It’s the weirdest thing,” Neal said, shaking his head as he watched the captive beast.
“Seeing a mammoth grizzly in a magic cage? Yeah, weird is one way of putting it.”
“It’s not that. It’s the smell around him. It’s sterile and sharp. I swear it smells like when I was in the hospital. Like an IV but not quite.”
Sniffing the air, Killian could at first only sense the overwhelming stench of a shifter sickness and Gold’s magic, but there, underneath those notes, there was something he belatedly recognized as medical. Now that Neal said it, he wondered how he, or any of the other shifters had missed it all this time.
“I’ve got news for you, lad: those supposed genius tendencies of yours are not purely human. You’re gonna be a hell of a shifter.”
Neal grinned at that, and after Killian urged him to tell the others, a whole new door of inquiry opened. Everyone came back from their separate corners of Storybrooke, seeking to put a new piece of the puzzle in place.
“Magic and medicine? But that’s crazy. Can it even be done?” Tink asked.
“I think we’re looking at the proof,” Elsa hedged, gesturing at the bear.
“Did anyone get a bite of his neck?” Emma asked and the others who had been there in the thick of the fight shook their head. “He’s got two puncture marks there, I saw a flash of them when I took the collar off, but I just assumed…”
“Let’s all just make a plan to stop doing that for the time being,” Graham said and they heartily agreed, for surely assuming anything was getting them nowhere. They had to start from scratch and do as Neal had done, study the problem just with the facts and clues before them.
“Are the marks identical, Emma?” Neal asked and after a moment of reflection Emma nodded.
“Yeah, they looked pretty similar. I only caught a quick glimpse though.”
“Can you get him closer to us?” Neal asked and Mary Margaret shook her head.
“Neal, no -,”
“He doesn’t need to leave the enclosure, Mom. I just need to see his neck. Emma said there’s two punctures. That’s rare in medical treatment of any kind, human or animal. There’s usually only one puncture site. Whenever I needed more than one medicine they stuck me in different places or they’re infused through one site, resulting in only one puncture. Two identical pierces is almost unheard of. In fact, the only researchers I know that have regularly and successfully used two study genetically based nervous system manipulation.”
“Uh, can you repeat that in English?” Liam replied and Killian related to his brother’s sentiment. This was elevated stuff well beyond the experience set of any of the adults here, save for maybe Emma and David who had a veterinary background, and Neal was a teenager. How did he know about this?
“Basically treatment to regrow and stabilize a broken nervous system. Yes, it’s super complicated and obscure, and before you ask, I just spent the summer rooming with a medical prodigy who is headed to Columbia pre-med at 14. You pick up stuff when all your friend talks about is cutting edge science stuff.”
“That’s brilliant, Neal, but what makes you think that this has anything to do with that?”
“Well the dual needle there wasn’t just used for fun, it was necessary to yield any positive results. The doctors were trying to infuse damaged nervous systems with a lining that would revamp nerves and allow for an artificial system reboot. They needed two different solutions to do that, and they needed to mix at the same rate through the body while not being combined outside of the system itself. They said that allowing the chemical interaction to happen inside the body actually improved the lasting effects of the treatment.”
“So that begs the question, how do we get closer to him?”
Granny’s query prompted all of them to look to Anna automatically, but that only prompted Elsa to get defensive.
“No! No way! Absolutely not! You are not going in there.”
“Elsa we need to know,” Anna replied, her tone even, not matching the loudness or the fear of her sister. “And it’s like I keep telling you. He won’t hurt me.”
“Maybe we can just ask him to come closer?” Emma added, clearly not wanting her friend anywhere near that bear without the barrier still between them.
“But what if one of the solutions Neal is talking about isn’t just science?” Ruby replied, her brow furrowed together. “If it’s magical then we need a witch to gauge that and that would be damn near impossible with Elsa and Anna’s enchantment as strong as it is.”
“We’re not doing this,” Elsa said, her anguish clear, but the fight in her starting to fail somewhat.
“What other choice do we have, Elsa? We’re in danger and more than that we’re blind. We need answers. We need them to stay safe, and we need them to heal him. He has to be okay, Elsa. He just has to be.”
The connection Anna felt to this bear was strong already though she’d never even seen his human form. Killian understood that, and though it must feel impossible to accept that Anna might be in any kind of danger, Elsa did too. All she needed to do was think about when it was Liam. When the two of them first met, Liam was still unstable and unwell, perhaps to a different degree, but Elsa stood by him. She was devoted right from the start, and she did everything she could to heal his brother and to stop his pain. Anna wanted to do the same thing, and now Elsa had to support her, fear and all.
You will not hurt her, do you hear me?
The mental push came from Emma and was aimed at the bear, but Killian still heard it. Her eyes were wary, set on the grizzly as her face gave nothing but seriousness away. The bear snorted but gave a sharp nod, unwilling or unable to reply with coherent thoughts, but showing with animal action that he was not in an aggressive place.
“Okay, Anna. You can go in there, but only for a minute. You find out what we need to know and then you get back out here. Are we clear?” Emma asked and Anna nodded. Without any more deliberation she moved to the edge of the crystal enclosure and then she stepped in.
Not knowing how things would go made the moment of Anna’s examination emotionally fraught, but beyond that this was a moment that both Emma’s friend and this unknown shifter must be craving on a cellular level. They were fated mates, destined to be together and yet unable to have more than a brief interaction. They couldn’t even speak to each other, and the fact that this was all happening while he was a bear must make things even more confusing. Yet none of that translated. Instead, Anna approached with cautious determination, stopping just before the bear and pausing only for a moment before she raised her hand to the bear’s face. Her hand made contact and everyone held their breath until the bear made a low, but welcoming growl.
“Hi,” Anna murmured after a moment, her voice raspier than usual. “This isn’t how I thought something like this would happen. I had all these ideas about who you’d be and how we’d meet and this is just… well, different.”
The bear closed its eyes for a moment exhaling what could only be called a grizzly form of a sigh, and then nuzzled more so into Anna’s touch. A sign of agreement and docility that was so alien a concept with a shifter this sick.
“Anna.” Elsa’s calling out to her sister reminded Anna of her mission and she straightened her stance and nodded.
“Right. I have to fix this. I have to help you. And I don’t know if you heard what we were saying but -,”
The bear didn’t even need to hear the rest of her request, instead shifting so Anna could be up close and personal with his neck and the site of the punctures Emma had seen. Anna let out a sound of sadness at seeing where the bear had been injured.
“What do you see?” Neal asked.
“Two puncture marks, just like Emma said. And they’re really big and thick. I can see why you thought someone bit him. He’s started to heal over it but there’s scarring and…” she raised her hand over the wound but trailed off from speaking to them.
“And what?” Ruby asked.
“You were right Ruby, I can feel the magic. Some sort of potion of something. But there’s something else here. Some residue of something else.”
“We need to see that!” Neal said, his desire to figure out this puzzling situation clear as day. “We can test his fur or maybe get some blood work, but it would be better if we had the actual solution itself.”
With just the barest flutter of her fingers Anna used her magic to extract the droplets of whatever liquid coated the bear’s fur. It was entrancing to see, and the little bits of whatever injection was used hung suspended in the air. It was a small amount, but small was better than nothing at all. “I need something to put this in.”
A vile was produced from Mary Margaret’s bag, and no one bothered to ask why she had it. No doubt some sort of ‘always be prepared mentality’ and Emma brought it to the edge of the barrier with Killian right behind her. But while they expected Anna to come right away, she was stalled, wanting, no doubt, to stay close to her mate.
“I know how hard this must be, Anna, but the sooner we figure out what this is the sooner you can heal him.”
“I’m going to fix this,” Anna said, for the bear’s benefit and not for any of theirs. “We’re gonna find out what this is and I swear I will fix it.”
At the mention of her leaving, the bear’s eyes went dark, looking more onyx than any shade of red. It reminded Killian of his father and of Liam and it all clicked. This was some sort of manufactured alpha sickness. It had to be. But just as soon as that darkness came, the bear shook its head and pushed it back again, its irises back to a deep burgundy color. The bear hoisted its body up and then stomped its two front feet to the ground but made no more sounds. It was a dismissal of Anna, and a nonverbal warning that she had to go now before he lost control. Anna seemed to understand and she moved quickly towards the barrier and back outside with all of them. With shaky hands she used her magic to put the droplets in the vial and then sealed it before handing it to Neal.
“You want me to look at it?” Neal asked, his eyes growing wide.
“Yes, Neal, I do. You were right about the injections, and if we didn’t have that we’d pretty much have nothing to go on,” Anna said. “You are brilliant, and you are my brother, in every way that matters. Right?”
“Right,” Neal agreed without hesitation.
“I know it’s asking a lot, and I know you might not be able to handle everything alone, but I just need you to try. Anything you learn is helpful. Anything. I can do the magical stuff, but I don’t know anything about medicine.”
“I’m gonna need help,” Neal said looking to Emma and Emma nodded.
“And you’ve got it. You’ve got me and Dad. I don’t know much about double injections or genome treatments, but I’ll do whatever I can. We’ve got equipment at the clinic. We can run some tests and see what compounds we’re working with and -,”
Killian was about to speak up and say that Emma needed to think about this before making any bold decisions. She’d been through the ringer today, and this testing would no doubt be an involved process. It worried Killian that Emma would continue exerting so much energy when she’d had such a close call earlier, but surprisingly it was Neal who vocalized that worry first.
“That’s exactly what we’re gonna do, Emma. But I think Dad and I have got this for now. You should rest up. You’ve had a way longer day than the rest of us.”
“But I can help too,” Emma reasoned.
“And you will. But maybe tomorrow, all right? This is gonna take a while. We won’t find any answers right away anyway. You know that.”
Killian waited eagerly, hoping that Emma would reach that conclusion on her own as well, and he felt himself relax when she agreed. It was such a relief to know that Emma wouldn’t be over extending herself into the wee hours of the morning. The day was already fading away, with the sun dipping low in the trees, and Killian knew that what his mate needed was food, rest, and time away from the insanity of their world right now.
The others all agreed with Neal’s take, and with a new plan in motion people started to split up, headed for their evenings in different ways. The Nolans headed to the clinic to grab start testing things both at the lab and then back home, while Ruby, Anna, and Elsa agreed that they should try and process the magical concoction that Anna had sensed in the bear and in the collar. Ruby would do so with her family’s archives back at Graham’s, but where Elsa tried to offer a similar scenario for her and Anna, Anna was uninterested.
“I’m not leaving him,” Anna said sternly, looking back to the bear with a fierceness of conviction that had no chance of being swayed. Knowing this instinctively, Elsa let out a small sigh but nodded.
“Okay, so we stay.”
“You two mind?” Liam asked, and Killian smirked at his brother’s question. Even if he did mind it wouldn’t matter much. Liam would just camp out here with his mate and her sister. But there was no need, not when he had somewhere else he and Emma could go.
“Knock yourselves out,” he quipped, gesturing to the doorway. “We’ll just pack a bag and be out of your hair.”
“We’re not staying?” Emma asked, looking surprised, but also a bit relieved if the flash in her eyes was anything to go off of.
“I have a better idea, love. That is, if you trust me.”
“Always,” Emma said, and though he stole a fleeting kiss from her lips, it was but a mere morsel to tide him over until real privacy could be procured.
True to their word, they took only a few minutes to pack what they needed, and then they were off. They could have walked to their destination, or shifted and run over, but with George still on the loose and Gold MIA Killian wanted the opportunity at a faster getaway if need be. The drive was rather short, even with a stop at the town diner to grab some dinner, and the most notable change was that they went from the deep woods where their cabin was further towards the coast just at the edge of town. Eventually the paved Storybrooke road turned to one of pebbles and dirt, and Emma looked both amused and confused at why they would be going this way. Her eyes soon shifted though to mere enjoyment, as she took in the picturesque surroundings of this coastal lane, surrounded by greenery and bushes that held large summer flowers in shades of pinks and blues and whites.
“They’ll be paving this soon,” Killian announced and Emma’s brow furrowed as she looked from their surroundings back towards him once more.
“How do you know that? No one even lives here.”
“Ah, perhaps not yet, but the house has been recently purchased and a move in is likely inevitable.”  
“Well the new owners have done a ton of work. This was all overgrown before. Has been since I was a kid. I always loved this house though.” Emma made the comments just before they pulled around the bend, and when she saw the house in question her jaw dropped and her shock was palpable in the car. “Oh my God! Look at that. It’s… well it’s…”
“Do you like it?” Killian asked and Emma nodded immediately though her brow furrowed with confusion.
“I do, it’s gorgeous, but I don’t understand. When you said there was somewhere else we could go I assumed you meant my place above the clinic.”
“We could have gone there, but tell me you wouldn’t have then been tempted to burn the candle all night searching for answers.” Emma couldn’t say that truthfully so she opted not to respond, giving Killian the space to pull her closer as he confessed his intentions. “When we were in the woods before I told you that someday would be here sooner than you think. This house was  meant to be your wedding present, but I think, all things considered, we should cherish every moment that we have.”
“I thought you were talking about the baby” Emma whispered, her eyes misting over with happy tears as he stole a kiss from her lips with soft but sure affection. His hand came over her stomach automatically at the mention of their pup and when his lips pulled away from hers, he couldn’t help his genuine smile.
“I was, my love. Our family is on the path to exactly what we’re wanting. But as much as I cherish our cabin in the woods, this,” he waved his arms at the house before them. “This is the home you and our little ones deserve.”
With Emma still stunned into near silence, Killian produced the keys to the house from his pocket, having grabbed them from the cabin discretely enough to escape Emma’s notice. On the keychain there was also a token charm that had caught his fancy while in town. It had a swirling design that looked like the fur of a wolf when examined up close, or the sea in the midst of great uncertainty. In the foreground of the metalwork, there was an anchor, and for whatever reason, he found he liked that symbolism and that it made him think of his mate and the life that they were building together. In every way, Emma was his anchor, an anchor to goodness and love and hope, all things he now could no longer live without and that he wished to carry with him always.
His name was all that Emma could seem to say in this moment, and her fingertips came to cover her mouth as she shook her head in awe. For a split second he wasn’t totally sure if he had made the right call. Buying one of her favorite houses in town might seem like a great idea, but perhaps Emma wanted to be more involved herself in the process of finding their forever home. There was so much that had to be selected and chosen to bring the house into this century and up to a livable code, while still maintaining the quintessential charm of the coastal Maine mansion. But when Emma’s green eyes welled with happy tears and her cheeks flushed that familiar shade of pink, he knew he’d made no wrong moves. Emma was happy with this, and that was all that he had ever wanted.
“Now I should warn you, love, not everything is finished. I gave them a timeline of the end of the summer, knowing that I wanted it done by our wedding night. But it’s structurally sound, and the upstairs is all furnished. Well at least it’s supposed to be and I -,”
Emma laughed at his sudden feeling of remorse, and then she pulled him in for a kiss so fast that he lost all sense of himself before his worry could actually begin to take hold. All there was in this moment was Emma and her happiness. Out here, away from everyone else, Killian allowed his overprotective need to kick in, and with a quick maneuver, he had Emma backed against the front door, knowing he had boxed her in, but never going so far as to hurt her. If anything, it just turned his mate on, and she arched even closer, taking as much from this kiss as he did, until they finally broke apart.
“You bought us a house,” Emma whispered.
“Aye, love,” he said, cupping her cheek after brushing some of her hair back from her beautiful face. “I bought us a house.”
“How do you always manage this?” She asked, and Killian didn’t know what exactly she meant by ‘this’ but he awaited her assessment whatever it may be. “Every time things go sideways, there you are, making things better. This is perfect, in every way. There’s only one thing I wish was different.”
“What is it love?”
“I wish I was already your wife. I wish we didn’t have to wait anymore.”
Hearing that amplified Killian’s own want for the same exact thing, but despite the fact that they had tonight ‘off’ so to speak, a wedding, a real wedding, worthy of his mate and all her hopes and dreams, just couldn’t be done. As such, he had to improvise.
“Do you, Emma Nolan, choose me, Killian Jones for this day and all your days? In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, in this life and any more we may be blessed enough to see?”
“I do,” Emma said, with tears glistening in her eyes as she smiled, looking at him with all the love in the world. “And do you, Killian Jones, choose me back? Will you promise to love me, to cherish me, and to honor me in every way I plan to do for you, for this day and for always, no matter what may come?”
“I do,” he replied and Emma let out a soft laugh, a tantalizing sound that caught on the wind before fading away as their lips came together to seal their vows to each other.
They were now, in their hearts, man and wife, mate and mate, and though it might not be ‘official,’ Killian knew in that moment that he and Emma had bound themselves together in a new and enduring way. And so, even though things might not be going exactly according to plan, Killian delighted in the moment when he swung his love up in his arms and whisked into the house of their future and showing her the place that would be the site of their hopefully impending happily ever after.
Post-Note: So there we have it! I know this chapter has taken so long to come about, but with so many elements that I had wanted to incorporate, I knew I needed time to not only write, but to read through what I’ve already written. This whole George and Gold fiasco will soon be coming to a head, BUT please be informed it might not all be in this particular story... For those of you who have been begging me for a story that includes CS but is mostly told from the POVs of others, you will be *eventually * getting your wish. Elaborating more would be spoiling what is yet to come, so I’ll leave it there, but suffice it to say I am really excited for this next cool idea when it does come to pass. aAs always I appreciate you guys reading this, and I hope you all enjoyed and have a wonderful rest of your week!!
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Commission receipt: Ember’s Story, another chapter
Ember’s Story Commission Receipt
@marydragneell Commission for The Flares That Come From Ashes (Another chapter to Ember’s story)
Time: about 2 months or so.
Review: @marydragneell :  OMG IM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH IT ❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤ The beginning is so cute 😍 how ember and manic are with each other. Her being in manic's band❤❤❤❤How cute and adorable they are together. Love the sinister appearance of mephilis perfect for him. Manic being a awesome badass for his girlfriend. Shadow acting jealous in such a cute sibling way. The perfect reaction to her trigger of seeing someone she love hurt 💔 ❤The recomforting ❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤ Just manic calling shadow big bro XD and pocking fun of shadow. All the " i wanna get your blessing ". Perfect representation of the duality of ember mental state, her nature and how she act. AMAZING BATTLE SCENE!!!!!!!!!!! The characters grow 👌 And the fact that you show that the fusion did left a permanent impact on her.
Me: Boy it was fun! Thanks again for the opportunity. ^//u//^
Paid Amount: 60$ for 50+ pages to add to the wonderful story of Ember the Immortal Wolf, prototype to Shadow The Hedgehog, and embedded with the rejected Cursed Emerald.
Product Preview: With permission from @marydragneell, here is the ROUGH DRAFT of the product.
The Flares that Come From Ashes
Another short story for the amazing Mary!
By: Cutegirlmayra
"La, la, la~" Ember tapped the mic, then garbled some gibberish to clear her throat. "Do, ray, me." She spoke, smiling nervously as she seemed a bit spooked by the stage lights. "Come on, Manic. You really think I'm ready for all this?" Ember twiddled her claws lightly against each other, ducking her head slightly as she tried to see through the blinding spotlights and turned to see the rest of the band practicing in their own respective places on stage. "It just seems... like maybe I'm not cut out to be in a band." She rubbed her arm, shyly admitting her fears of joining his group.
"Nah, girl. You really are ready." Manic, leaning against the side of the stage, finally walked out to reveal himself and stood beside her, drumming her shoulder, then her head, then her mic as she giggled and pulled her head slightly away from his reach. "You just need some confidence singing in front of others, is all."
Ember smiled sweetly, blushing at his cute charms. "This will be a lot different than helping Shadow at..." she gagged, not wanting to say G.U.N's name and still having a biased against them.
"Right. No more secret missions." He winked to her, then leaned with his arms crossed on the mic. "Babe, you really think you can't have a first debut with my band?"
"I'm just..! Psyching myself out!" she shook her head, her long coat swishing with the motion as her tail fluffed out in hopes of getting herself pumped. "Let's practice, just one more time!" she gripped the mic and he moved for her, but placed a hand right where hers was on the mic, then moved it up to show that he would stand there as emotional support. He gripped the mic to hold it steady for her, and for a second, their fingers intertwined, just the pinkie and ring finger, making Ember smile at his tender touch of compassion.
"Remember your diaphragm is your strongest tool, use it well. But it needs to breathe." He teased, leaning to her cheek to and letting their faces touch. His breath was warm, and the scent of their last home-cooked meal made her giggle and wiggle her nose a bit. Tingles came from her hands up to her cheeks, and she blushed at how close he was.
Nodding and swooning at his flirtations, she finally took a deep breath... honing all the knowledge about music, tempo, and breath-control he had been teaching her and began to sing lightly.
"Louder, Ems!" he bounded towards the edge of the stage, "Louder, girl!" then jumped off, moving back and spreading his arms out. "We gotta hear ya in the back!" he started drumming on the chairs, "I can't hear you, and I'm up in the front!"
She tried to sing a little louder, swishing her body back and forth but still nervous and more focused on what he was doing.
"Where's my girl's voice? I thought this was a rockin' concert!" He drummed louder, since she couldn't see through the lights, letting her know he was now towards the back of the venue they were playing at tonight.
She took both hands and pulled the mic's stand towards her, the wires whiplashed and she hoisted it up above herself, belting as loud as she could a powerful note that suddenly blasted through the speakers like an avalanche on a mountain's side.
The whole of the arena shook in the vibrations, making the band behind her almost lose balance and a few plug or stuck a finger in their ears from the deafening sound.
"Whoo! Now that's what I call a lion's roar Friday and no canary Saturday! Yeah!" He seemed to be hyped about her new found sound but his band mates all shook their heads and itched inside their ears again, hearing a ringing from that loudness.
They clearly weren't thrilled about her almost blowing out the mics, but she patted it lightly and whispered, "Sorry." with an embarrassed smile. She just wanted to get back at Manic, trying to prove a point that she didn't want to—literally—bring the house down.
However, Ember was only focused on pleasing Manic at the same time. She still wasn't the best at making friends, but with the ones she was able to gain, she treasured them dearly and without hesitation.
She trusted Sonic and his gang, Shadow—obviously—and lastly Manic... first and foremost.
She was still a little hesitant about Rouge... but that was just because she worked close with Shadow, and she didn't like how close they seemed to be in more ways than just work...
Either way, this was family. What she had wanted from the very beginning. To not feel alone or useless... Manic and the others accepted that she was dangerous, but also that she was loving, funny, and sweet.
Sure, she could be sassy, but only when provoked to and by appropriate means... sometimes.
She giggled, thinking of times she's purposefully ticked Sonic off just to make Shadow smile. Though he'd scold her, it would be a light whack on the head, and she knew by the light pat afterward where he hit her that he was glad she shut his annoying mouth for a change~
Most of the time, she acted a bit like the gang's grandmother. She would pick flowers with Cream, try and help Amy to learn to sing, and duke it out with Knuckles! She wasn't always keen on the technical stuff Tails liked to do, but even then, she let him research her powers every now and then. Showing off her strength was fun too, but Shadow always told her to hold back a bit... which was hard, since Ember could get super competitive!
"Hey, let's go over some songs real quick. We still got time." Manic hopped up to the stage and sat on the edge, pulling out some sheet music and pointing to some parts. "You struggled before with this one but I think you've nailed it since. Still, no harm in rehearsing and making sure it's picture perfect right?"
Ember lowered her mic's stand back down lightly to the stage. sorrowfully, she was pulled out of her funny, perfect memory and placed in another conflicting stance. There was no better word to dampen her spirits than that one... and it hadn't been so long since she felt so imperfect and dangerous. It was definitely something she struggled with, but worked hard to overcome within herself.
Those children... they were still screaming for food or hugs. Maria... and Dr. Gerald Robotnik... they were still marveling at Shadow before he had awakened.
Some things never changed, but her memories of not being able to save anyone... those were the hardest to lock away and turn her mentally gazing eye from.
"Huh? What's wrong, Ems?" Manic got up, noticing her change in demeanor. "Uh oh, did I cramp your style?" He moved his hand in an old 90's way and she shook her head, realizing he was trying to cheer her up again.
"Shadow's the ultimate life form... the perfect cure or whatever..." She swished her body to the side, ignoring his cuteness for a moment to try and explain herself. she nervously held her hands behind her back and rubbed them together too, trying to hide her fidgety nature. She sighed a long, breathy wind out onto the mic from her nose and then felt arms around her waist. "H-hey!" she blushed, getting lifted up into the air, her arms coming out by her sides.
"Well, it's true no one's perfect." Manic tickled her with his long, hedgehog nose by her exposed belly, making her fidget to get out of his grasp. "But your perfect for me, babe. I don't need you to do the world's sense of perfection, but only your very best self should be on this stage. Alright? Otherwise... I'm gonna have to have a private session with you in the back..." he turned her around and began to kiss her neck, making her laugh at his suggestion.
"Oh, no audience, eh? Taking the pressure off?" She teased, patting his chest lightly to pretend to get him off of her.
"Emm... something like that." He head-bumped her forehead affectionately, "Just us two. Playing... somewhat what we're supposed to do." He took her hands and pulled them out a little to her sides, just messing with her and helping her loosen up.
Her tail wagged slightly and she looked up with a red muzzle. He really was a charmer... "Are all hedgehogs born charming?"
"Naaaah," Manic let one of her hands he was holding onto go and waved her compliment off in a comical way, "Your brother was created with his natural, flaring smile." He gestured to his smirk and she fell to the ground laughing. "Engineered to be devilishly handsome, I suppose. Your family has good genes."
"Hand-selected." She teased back and the two fell in howling laughter on the ground, rolling to their backs and having their arms grasping around their waistlines, the tip of their heads right up by each other's.
"Yo, can you two stop acting so precious?" One of the band mates smiled to them, "We need to get back to practice, you know. And you two would be wise to do the same, as well!"
Manic just nodded, pretending to be serious again. "Right, mate. Of course, don't let us stop you guys from your hard work either." He held up a hand and as soon as the member turned around, he expertly threw a lightly spinned drum stick to hit his head.
"Ow! Why you-!" Then the whole of the band started laughing, jumping in to dog pile Manic.
Ember smiled at the ruckus, wagging her tail as she got up to avoid the squabble. Seeing how close he was to them, made her happy... but... She crawled away from the fight, hugging her legs to resist the urge to join them. Though she really, really wanted too jump in and roughhouse with them. She knew she was a bit too powerful to do that though... So her ears bent back and she placed her head on her legs, waiting patiently and enjoying the boys' playful wrestle match, all in good fun.
"We don't care if you bring your girlfriend in to sing, but do you have to be so cute with her, Man!?" one stated and she blushed. They never really officially told anyone... maybe just Shadow, but he denied it fiercely.
She wondered why... after all, Manic kept her away from Shadow most of the time. She stayed out of trouble too... so why was he so opposed to him?
He had stated he was fine with her having friends, so why not a boyfriend? Last time he saved her from Scourge, Shadow had admitted Manic wasn't so bad a guy... maybe he was prejudice against his hippie vibe persona? Though she knew in her heart he was raised in the rough streets where he had to steal most of the time... maybe that could be a player in Shadow's obvious disapproval of him?
"Lay off, dude, I can't help but want to hold her. Got a problem with that?!" Manic grinned from ear to ear, hitting the blokes off in their tussling sport before they all seemed to be done with messing with him. Panting and looking tired, they probably just needed to blow off some of the nerves they were feeling. It was their big night too... Ember couldn't screw it up.
"Whatever, just keep to a schedule. Kiss and coo after the performance, okay?" One went to get his fallen shades for his eyes and shook his head, just making fun of his friend.
"Yeah, at least we can avoid it then." Another stated, giving Manic a nudge in the shoulder as brothers would do.
"The love police, Ember. They're everywhere!" Manic got up with a quickened step, stumbling over as fast as he could back to her, scrambling to stay on his feet but really just crawling to her. She just couldn't help but fall for him over and over again... as he kept falling over and over trying to get to her.
He helped her up and she jumped to her feet, "Maybe we do need to just go solo then."
The band groaned and they laughed, "Don't take our best drummer, Ember." They teased in reply.
But as all seemed to go back to normal, the band rehearsing and Ember warming up her voice, a strange wind storm picked up... there was a rustling in the leaves as they flew up towards the stage lights... causing gentle shadows over the harsh beams of white. The wind blew a warning sound, bellowing as though trying to speak over Ember's singing voice. But in the darkness of the sky there twisted out a small, purple portal. It's mouth gaped wide, spinning with loops of different shades of darkness like blues and purples into a wavy effect in the black sky.
Finally, looking away from Ember a moment as he drummed, Manic sensed something off as his quills picked up in the wind's fierce direction. He stopped by reaching out and touching his drums, stopping the beat and vibrations to look around. "What is that?" Manic held up a hand for the others to also cease a moment... and listen. He then turned to his band, "Get on guard, dudes. There's only one thing that makes me this chilly." He began, getting off the drums and clutching his magical necklace a moment, "Dangerous schemes..." he narrowed his eyes towards the purple portal.
They all hurried to the back of the stage as something misty and liquid dropped like runny goop from the rift in the sky. It began to form from the shadows around it, rising from the ground in what looked like a misty, disfigured water fountain. A figure solidified... rolling its head into place and crooking its two arms out like a scarecrow in the isle of the arena...
The figure had distinct hedgehog quills... then a white tuff that looked almost grey a moment... bluish gleams from its silhouette.
It almost looked like... That obsidian color...
"...Shadow?" Ember stated in disbelief as the rift blasted away as though something fiery were on the other end. Flames that torched the sky and even blinded the band who tried to shield themselves with their arms. "Ahh..!" Ember felt like the flames were brighter than the stage lights... At last, the figure looked itself over, as though checking to make sure it survived whatever had brought it here.
The colors were slightly wrong, the grey instead of the red... what was this? An illusion? Some sort of trick?
His eyes were covered in what seemed like a green glaze, though it was clear it did resemble Shadow, in a striking way.
"Strange... this time was my only escape... I don't have long before Sonic and his friends blow out my other half..." He then sharply looked over to Ember, narrowing his eyes as he felt the pull of an odd chaos emerald. "Interesting... I sense a great sorrow in your chest... mind if I remove it?" he slowly, creepily moved in a zombie fashion with flimsy gestures with his hand to point at Ember. "It won't take long... but it will be painful... hahahaha." He laughed as though an axe hacking at stone.
"This doesn't look so good!" Manic grabbed the silver necklace that dangled loosely by his chest and a set of magical drums—different than his band's—sprung into existence through sparkles from the arena. "Get out of here, Ember. I don't think this guy is anywhere close to being your brother."
"B-but..." She covered her cursed emerald, and looked to Manic. "What about you? I'm not just gonna run while you take on this... this thing!" She was clearly spooked, but would never abandon Manic.
'It could be a clone,' was her first thought, remembering Shadow's stories and how Eggman had cruelly tormented him by making him think he—himself—was nothing more than a fake. Luckily, he was the original, and Ember could tell that right away... though she had never seen a clone.
"Shadow... I haven't heard that name in a long time." The figure slid his foot up to step forward, "Nor have I heard... Brother?" He seemed to twist his head as though stretching his neck back. "I wasn't aware there were more of his kind... but that explains why that dark essence hasn't eaten your life away just yet..." He was like a ragdoll, and quickly seemed to regain himself, rolling his spine as up to straighten himself, but instead his back lurched back and his arms dangled again to his sides. "I need a host soon, or my very being, the will and mind of Solaris, will be destroyed fully in my flame body, Iblis... Which Sonic currently is trying to defeat." His words made no since to them, but Ember gathered that he knew Shadow.
"You know Shadow The Hedgehog?" She stepped forward, but Manic just looked back at her, worried.
"I... drew my form off his shadow." His head lowered as his eyes seemed to pierce like spears through to her core. "And soon... I'll draw form from you as well..."
"Ember, don't listen to him! I can feel his vibes, he's no good!" Manic tried to warn her, getting antsy on his drum seat. However, she seemed entranced with the idea of someone that looked like Shadow... maybe another experiment?
Though she had a perfect memory, she knew for a fact that Gerald hadn't created any similar copies of Shadow...
'Flame body?' she wondered, her ears flicking as she pondered his words. 'Form?'
"Ah, I see you're of the sensible kind... excellent. Hahahaha..!" The figure laughed in his sadist way again, plotting something... "I was ripped apart from my other half by your... brother..." He gestured to his body, "I assume his form now only to survive, but since I have failed after merging with my glorious true form again... I have no choice but to rewrite time while I still have a silver of flame left in me... Reunite me with a new half, and I can tell you what will befall Shadow in the future... The persecution... the misery of his shamed life." He wildly swung a hand out to her, the side of his body faltering as he tilted with his outstretched hand, down and to the side.
Ember was immediately pulled into that promise, wondering what he meant and if he was somehow tied to another time. She stepped forward again, but this time Manic grabbed her arm back, "Ember, don't-!" he warned, but this figure only laughed at his attempt.
"Ember... what a befitting name... the last flares of my life... mixed with the ashes that shall soon be the remainder of your own... It's perfect poetry... hahahaha!" The figure stood like a scarecrow again, laughing as more dark flares formed around him, rolling his head back in dark humor.
At that last sentence Ember stepped back, and the lure he had over her lessened.
However... for Shadow's future's sake... she wanted so desperately to know more.
"I escaped a deadly fate, I only want to release you from your imprisonment... and allow it to be my salvation." He gestured his hand out to speak, seeing he had her strung on his previous words, "But not just my own... but to save your fellow immortal... as well..."
"He has answers. I knew G.U.N would betray us!" she began to grow angry, her fangs bared with her clamping bite as she gritted her teeth and growled.
"Yes... the world will never accept you... After all, we're both of the dark." He lowered his head, having her emerald embedded in her chest glowing the same purple mist with darkness lining its power in his crystallizing eyes with magma red glowing from the sockets... "Together... we can change the future." He flashed in a light and seemed to crystallize fully, "Now then... with the last of my power, I have altered time and come to this world... Ember... Give me of your power!"
"Ember, please." Manic didn't like holding her back, but he knew something was off. "You've accepted yourself, remember? The world doesn't matter, but those who love you do!" he gently tugged on her arm again, trying to get her to stand behind him on this one. "Please... this guy doesn't have your best interest at heart! Isn't that obvious?!"
"But he might have Shadow's..." Her eyes softened, but she didn't want to just shake Manic off. She knew in her heart that would be wrong, "If there's a way I can help Shadow..."
"Keeping you alive and happy will help Shadow!" Manic spun her around, turning her gaze from the figure, who lifted his head in a twitching jolt at losing sight of the cursed emerald... "If Sonic defeated him and he's running, don't you think that's a bad sign?" Manic tried to convince further, "I just can't have you go with him, Ember. Please, listen to me. Just this once, okay? You can ignore me the rest of the concert but hear my words now, at least now, Ember!" He was struggling to have her look at him, but she just kept ducking her head. She hadn't seen him this worked up before, but the idea that Shadow's future could be spared... But was he really a bad guy from another time and world? Would Sonic know of him?
She longed to have joined in that playful wrestle with Manic and his friends... If she was rid of the cursed emerald, could she live a normal life? Would her immortality fade and she could have a life with Manic? Finally end this suffering? Would her super powers fade and she could be a regular lady without a single care in the world?
Or would the world be better off without her... if she was so dangerous, maybe at least... she could leave Shadow with some hope for his future...
Impatient, the figure's being rose in the air. "I am Mephilis the Dark. I'm your only means for salvation." He began to form what looked like a crystal in his hand. It carried down to form a crystal around his body, and soon, he blasted into a hardened form with seemed to have a silver tuff that looked strangely like a bird... "Come to me, chaos emerald! Join your form to a more suitable host!" he formed a purple sphere in his hand and threw it towards her, a large dark beam flung behind her to block the other members of the band from interfering.
A huge ridge was created in the stage, and the others moved away to escape the glowing beam before Manic turned to see Mephilis charging through the air towards Ember, reaching for her emerald.
Ember's eyes looked ready to reflex... but relaxed... as though thinking it was time to accept whatever fate had in store... maybe for the greater good.
"No!" Manic slammed his drum sticks against his magical drum set that blasted out a sonic boom.
Mephilis pulled back to block the attack,... "Grr...ahhh!" In frustration, he was held back.
Manic looked to Ember, a sense of urgency and concern in his eyes, "Look, I've lived on the streets! Take my advice and get outta here or I'm gonna have to fight this guy!" he seemed really serious, "Go!" he was done saying please, and Ember could see it.
With regret at not trusting him right away, she looked back at Mephilis, then Manic. "You run too, then!" she cried out, but he was already locked in a battle with the strange figure now known as Mephilis... as dark orbs launched towards him but Manic played a sick beat that blasted them away.
"No! Go find Shadow! I'll stall him!" He seemed dedicated to the fight. "Trust me, I'll be okay! You guys go too!"
The bandmates all hesitated as well, but then took hold of Ember, trying to pull her back and let them flee with her.
"Noo..!" She shook them off, almost throwing one of them, "I won't leave you!"
However, the bandmates looked to each other and one put their hand on her shoulder, "Look, Ems. He's Sonic's brother, right? If he says he's got this, we gotta trust him." He nodded to her, "That weirdo's after you, right? He's only trying to protect you. Come on, we can fight another day. Especially when we learn more about this impostor!"
She took one final look back at Manic... "Promise?" she knew he would never go back on one...
Manic didn't say anything... but gave a light nod. "Take care of her for me, boys... her brother can keep her safe and I'll figure out more about this dude. Go now!"
"Manic..." She felt tears coming to her eyes but with an orb being sent her way, a bandmate stepped forward and whacked it back with his guitar. At least, he tried, but upon impact the guitar exploded and sent the bandmate flying back.
Ember outstretched her hand and grabbed him, moving with the others to retreat. "You better promise me... in your heart! I'll be waiting for you! Otherwise... I'm... I'm coming for you!" she was rushed with the bandmates out through the back...
"I don't take lightly to people trying to rip my girlfriend apart!" A side of Manic that Ember hadn't really seen in him came out, a protective and hardened side of Manic she didn't know was there.
She knew he lived on the streets, was a thief and all, but he always talked about having honor with it.
As she took off, she could hear him bantering with Mephilis, and knew he'd be somewhat okay. She could picture him winking to her, blowing her a kiss, and saying to find somewhere safe. But the only safe place right now would be... ughh...
She groaned in her thought process, "Shadow's going to be so mad..."
"I didn't bail on Manic! He's not into fighting, true, but he knew something was up and I just didn't listen to him. I wanted to know what future that look-a-like was talking about for you, can you blame me?" Ember tried to explain herself, but Shadow turned around abruptly to cut her off from any further justification she would have thrown at him.
"Yes, and I will." He moved to the other side of the room, "This is bad timing. I get a headache when you say his name, and I can't remember where I would have met him. You say he has my form?" he looked back at her as she nodded, once figuring out he wasn't talking about Manic.
"Truthfully! I thought it was you at first..." she held her head down, worried about Manic again, and then tried to give him her best 'pleading little sister wolfie eyes' to get him to help.
Shadow just sighed, taking a moment to accept that she wasn't making things up for his attention. "Fine. I'll look into it, see if Gerald-"
"No! I know his secrets, this isn't one of them!" She swiped her arm out, declaring it thus. "Let's not waste time with reading insignificant files! We have to go and get Manic!"
"Calm down, sweetie. Your boyfriend's defeated but he isn't dead... yet." The womanly voice flew down from the rafters, flexing her wings out and patting Ember's head. However, the action was taken as a insult, Ember thinking she was demeaning her by making her feel like a child being comforted, "There, there. What a whiny little sister you can be sometimes. Especially since you're a number one target for that escapee recently."
"Rouge." Shadow's eyes narrowed to her, as if telling her to remain silent on that.
"Escapee?" Ember thought a moment, moving her fingers as if trying to put two and two together, then her eyes widened in shock. "SCOURGE!?" Ember gripped her head, then looked wildly to her figurative brother, "Scourge is out now, too!?"
"Apparently, seeking revenge." Rouge walked around her and headed towards Shadow, folding her arms. "You were instructed by G.U.N to track him down, yet you didn't even warn your own sister yet?"
Shadow just verbally let out a groan at her spilling the information without going over it with him first. "I didn't want to worry you." He looked to Ember, "I would have handled it silently, no need to get you fired up over a rematch."
Ember would have liked the idea but now was not the time, "E-Everyone's after me cursed emerald!" she shouted out like an Irish leprechaun, but stuttered in trying to make the atmosphere lighter than what seemed like impending doom... "So he's broken out of prison, there's a time traveling—I guess—looney now. Anything else I missed?" The room remained silent, eyes turning away from her. "Great, this is too much for a young, single, totally attractive immortal wolf to handle." She dramatically leaned against one of Shadow's desks as he glared at her.
"Knock it off. Try and act seriously for a change." He scolded.
"Isn't that why G.U.N... 'let me go'?" she did the bunny ears, but clearly she was fired from working alongside Shadow.
"You were a menace to them. You couldn't see it the way I... no, the way Maria wanted us to see them." He turned back to her, and she was slightly triggered on her name, but just shook her head.
"I've handled way worse before... than just losing Maria." She turned her head away, but knew Shadow was probably throwing daggers into her back with his eyes as she said that. Those kids... it was more than just Maria at this point, so... much more.
"...Look," To break the tension, Rouge stepped in-between, holding her hands out to calm Shadow and try and reason with Ember. She seemed to be struggling finding a good way to accomplish that... however, "You can't stay at G.U.N if you don't work for them, and since your last boot, Shadow and I have lovingly referring to you as the new apprentice to that hippie." She seemed to lower her eyes as if annoyed by that.
"Boyfriend, and I'm not a hippie." Ember folded her arms in protest, then stuck her tongue out at Shadow, knowing he didn't want to refer to Manic as that.
"Is it official, though?" Rouge raised a shoulder up over her cheeky look, disguising her clear curiosity but also sinister ploy to get her to admit that nothing had really happened yet between her and Manic...
Ember flinched, holding back wanting to fight her.
"Either way, your brother doesn't like that crowd, apparently." She looked over to him, "Jealous, maybe?"
"Enough, Rouge. He protects Ember, that's all I need to know." Shadow turned back to the door of the facility, having it open as guards waited with shields and guns, ready in case Ember 'acted up' again.
"And he's not a hippie!" Ember was humored by their efforts but was too busy with other important problems to 'play on G.U.N's fear' though she wanted too... badly.
"I disagree." Shadow kept walking and she walked behind him.
To lessen G.U.N's concerns, Rouge also walked behind her. "Seems to be the underlining case... I think you disagree wholeheartedly." she shrugged her arms out.
"Thank you, Rouge." he didn't pause in his stride.
"-That maybe he doesn't like the fact that you're spending so much time with another hedgehog other than himself." She covered her mouth with the back of her hand as Ember gasped and Shadow tensed up, turning his head around.
"Rouge!" he scolded.
"Uh oh, did I touch a nerve?" Playing innocent, Rouge smiled and looked away from him, seeing as Ember also seemed touched and went to hug him. However, he outstretched his hand in an attempt to hold her back.
Upon exiting the steel facility of G.U.N, the team decide to drop in on Sonic, seeing if the team of adventuring friends had any luck with remembering this enemy... but to their surprise—"Huh?"
"I've never heard of someone with the ability to shape-shift like that..." Tails placed a book down, trying to look through his journals but nothing was popping up about this strange Shadow figure...
"Maybe you have an admirer, Shadow." Sonic tilted his head back and to the side, giving Shadow a cheeky grin sneakily, but Shadow was too observant for his teases. He just rolled his eyes at Sonic's antics, choosing not to entertain him with a response.
"According to Ember, you were in battle with him before." Shadow explained, giving his full attention to Tails as Sonic dipped his head down and smirked, seeing as Shadow was trying to take everything too seriously again for his tastes.
"Oh? Must have trounced him then!" Sonic gave himself a hearty fist swing, as though to celebrate his victory that he didn't even understand had happened or would happen yet. "Maybe he's from the future? We could ask Silver..."
"No good, there's nothing about him here. Technically, if what Ember says is true, he does sound like it's his 'past' to him..." Tails deciphered through Ember's perfect retelling, trying to pinpoint terms that could lead to an answer.
"You assume I'm not?" She played, looking to Sonic to show that his sense of humor wouldn't go unnoticed.
He gave her a quiet snicker with his eyes closed, enjoying the fact that at least one immortal had some charm.
"N-no, of course not!... heeeyyy..." Tails worried he had upset her, but seeing her and Sonic's shoulders bouncing and grins, he knew they were laughing together. "Don't pick on me..." He whined cutely.
"Oh, never Tails." She swished her tail behind her, "Never without the intent to sweetly embarrass you."
He sighed and continued, "Anyway,... we don't know if it's our future or past. Not for certain, but it does sound like something that was currently occurring for him, and he knew he wouldn't be around much longer in that time-frame of space..." Tails tried to think over what Ember said, it was still hard to identify where this villain would have originated from in their timeline.
"Another world? Dimension, maybe?" Sonic questioned, trying to help him out with half the thinking.
Tails scratched his chin, moving his torso around before gripping his head in frustration, "Oh, I just can't figure it out! I need more information..." He looked downhearted, unable to help. "I'm sorry..."
"Don't worry, Tails." Ember lightly patted his head, "Maybe he's just some jerk, that's all we need to know, right? A bad guy..?" She still wasn't sure about that... he seemed to know about Shadow's future...
She was still curious about his origin... but mostly about what he knew of whatever future he had seen or known for Shadow...
"A-Aren't you curious?" Ember turned to Shadow, who walked over beside the couch and folded his arms, facing away from her. "Whether he's an enemy or not? He tried to take your emerald, which I believe sustains your life since you are a prototype. He openly admitted that Sonic had fought him and was winning. Wouldn't that mean he is?" He turned to look at her over his shoulder. "I've always known my path would be full of human fear and deceit. But I don't do it for myself... you know who I promised. I can't withdraw from this life, even if I know it will be misfortune in the end. My form will only be useful for such things as pertain to this world... If this Mephilis uses my form and seeks to remain in this world by your power, then he is corrupting both our purposes." He tightened his fist.
Ember rubbed her arm, sensing she had struck a nerve. She didn't want to push the subject and trigger the tragedy, but she also knew he didn't understand what she was actually asking, "That's not quite what I-" but before she could finish, the door to Tails's workshop slammed open.
"Get this kid some place to lay down!" Rouge had shoved the door open with one hand and holding Manic by her other arm. He was slumped over, his head down and slowly looking up with a bruised eye, squinting it open slightly to look around. He was clearly hurt, his arm around Rouge to support himself as she tried to get him over the step and into the house.
"E..Em...Ember..." he spoke faintly with a weak strength that barely let him slide a foot under himself to help Rouge move him easier.
His black eye shut again as Rouge looked over to Shadow, "Let's get him on the couch. I went to check on him like you asked me to... but..." Sonic and Shadow moved swiftly, lifting him from Rouge's care and placing him on the couch as Ember's eyes trembled, seeing someone she loved so much in pain...
She covered her mouth, "No... no more... no more hurting..." she shut her eyes, unable to bear the sight any longer.
So many memories... of the ones she's grown to care about hurting so much... because of her.
Manic coughed, being laid on the couch as Sonic gave him a worried smile, "Like old times, eh? What happened to you, Manic? At least tell me you won... right?" He meant to say 'are you okay?' but that was just how him and his brother spoke to one another.
"Oh yeah, I did decently." He tried to open his eye more for his brother, giving him a playful wink. "Ouch..." He flinched, the action might have been too strenious. But that didn't stop Manic from trying to pull it off.
She had pictured that wink... but now it was so very, very different...
He was hurt.
It was all her fault...
Though that villain should be to blame, Ember couldn't help but direct the guilt to herself.
"They got the better of me... still, my Bandmates got Ember to Shadow, and they themselves found me pretty banged up... but those two... they made a deal." Manic's last words had caught the attention of everyone in the room.
He looked over to Ember, seeing as she was lost in her own thoughts, looking anxious. "Hey, don't be afraid, Ems. I'm okay... really..." He tried to grab her attention, but she was lost in her own self-grief and pity. "I just got beat up by some powerful, wicked bad dudes, no biggie. I'm still here, see?" He smiled kindly, though worse for wear, he outstretched a hand in compassion towards her.
He wanted her to come to him... even though he had gotten hurt for her sake?
She slowly approached, but her memories of the fallen were a lot for her to take.
She didn't want him to suffer the same fact as others who had known her.
"Shadow was right." She fell to her knees and cried, unable to grab his hand as the others watched her in shock. "Our only future is misfortune... especially for those around us..."
They all looked worriedly towards her, but remained silent in her sorrowful display, not knowing how to comfort her.
"I should have stayed!" she cried out, "You should have let me fight beside you..!" She wiped the tears from her eyes as he smiled at her gentle display of compassion towards him, but also knowing she didn't want anyone's sympathy, just like Shadow. He was too prideful to comfort her, so he just let her cry, closing his eyes to give her a moment of respectful distance.
"Look at my girl... so strong, like her brother." He looked to Shadow, almost like to mock him for not being emotional about his tragic fate either. "Heh, I didn't want to see you hurt either, Ems. I did what a man should do." He nodded his head back to her, dismissing Shadow, who opened his eyes to try and judge what he meant by that. "Protecting the people you love isn't easy, it isn't easy for anyone, but that doesn't mean you don't take risky chances to ensure their happiness."
"How does this make me happy!?" Ember gripped and shredded some of Tails's wooden flooring... "How does this make anyone happy!?"
"... I am happy, knowing you're not hurt, or worse." He tried to get up, but began to show the pain and couldn't quite do it. "Now come on, Ems. Come sit with... me." Ember worriedly raced to him, skimming his back and letting him rest his head on her lap as she gently eased him into letting her sit down and look after him.
"Dummy, I can heal faster than you!" she helped him relax again and he gave her a huge, dorky grin.
"Does this mean you'll take care of me? Man, so worth it!" he joked, settling into her loving care.
She gently massaged his shoulders, rubbing his chest, and trying to self-comfort herself that he was alive. "I am glad you're alive... but I refuse to just let you talk me into running off like that again... I don't care how mad you get."
"Heh... I guess saving your life is only good for a one-time thing, eh?" Manic closed his eyes, and even with everyone staring at him, he leaned his head towards her and began to try and take it easy. "You're so used to Shadow always partnering up along side you... I just wanted to be a daring, brave hero for you... at least once."
Shadow twitched an eyebrow, but moved swiftly over to Sonic and Manic, seeming to want to change the subject and ignore the two's intimate moment. "We need you to tell us exactly what happened." he spoke with a lot of authority, but also with a hint of annoyance... maybe he just wanted to get more details out as soon as possible?
Manic turned his head slightly to Shadow, then smiled weakly. "What's up, big bro?"
Shadow flinched again, "I asked you a question. It's urgency couldn't be more dire."
"...Isn't that the same thing?" He looked jokingly up to Shadow and then to his brother, "Did you see him march over here like I'm some kinda crook?"
"You do have your head in his sister's lap, bro." Sonic folded his arms, giving him a sly look.
"Ha, I'm not the dog here." He looked lovingly up to Ember, "I'm a gentlemen."
She leaned down to his head, lightly kissing it. "You're a gentlemen rogue." she teased, "Stealing my heart and all."
"But she gave you her lap freely." Sonic snickered under his gloved hand, giving a sideways glance to Shadow, seeing his reaction.
Shadow refrained from making a comment, but it was clear he was starting to get upset.
Ember tilted her head, "Shadow? Does this really bother you?" She couldn't understand why, but wondered if he really was protective of her or not.
Shadow turned his head away, and after a long, awkward silence, Manic spoke up again.
"Can't a man catch his breath first?" he turned his head to Rouge, "Can I get some water? My mouth's a little dry here..." But Ember bent down and kissed him again, instead. "Woah..! Did I die and go to heaven already?" he marveled at her, but she just giggled as Rouge covered her mouth and seemed to enjoy the young lovers having their 'catching up' moment before retreating to the kitchen. She slid her hand over Shadow's arm, whispering something for him to relax and then came back with some water, handing it to Ember to help Manic drink.
"Let him rest a moment, Shadow. There's no use in pushing him too far." Rouge stated, nodding towards Ember. "Besides, your sister can get more out of him than you ever could~" she teased. Ember smiled up to Rouge, realizing she wasn't as bad as she thought...
At least she was siding with her and Manic, for now, anyway.
After gulping down some sips of water, Manic gave out a long, happy sigh. "Ahhh... now that hit the spot. I feel much better, able to talk more now, too." He looked to Shadow. "That guy called himself Mephilis the Dark, right? While we fought, he was insanely strong! No matter how much I hit him, he never seemed to fade in strength all that much... however, I think I almost figured him out, at least his fighting style, but..." He trailed off and looked away, seeming disappointed in the turn of the events, "That's when that Scourge guy showed up with his gang." Manic narrowed his eyes a moment, remember the encounter. " I remember his name alright... They jumped me and my drums formed back into my necklace... they held me down and beat on me as Scourge demanded to know where Ember was, but Mephilis must have saw him as an opportunity to find her as well."
Ember bit on her lower lip, worried about them tag-teaming to find her...
"I don't know why Scourge agreed, but I have a feeling he's not gonna be honest in that arrangement... but then again, I don't think Mephilis was too keen on honesty or trust either... They all look like backstabbers to me, and they're all after your Cursed Emerald, Ember..." He looked up at her again, lifting his hand to cup her face a moment. "But don't sweat it, I'll make sure they never get you. Mark my words, babe." They touched foreheads a moment, as Sonic and Tails looked to each other, concerned.
"We'll try and figure out where Scourge is and what he's up to with this guy. If they are hunting Ember down, we should plan out if we're gonna bait them or hide her." Tails gestured a hand out, stating the necessity for a plan, but Shadow immediately stomped up to him.
"There won't be a need to use Ember." he stated, looming over Tails. Tails moved back a bit, but Sonic countered by moving up towards Shadow, stopping him from intimidating his friend.
"If they've teamed up, who knows how powerful they are now. He interrupted Manic's fight, and are probably after the other emeralds. Me and Tails will try and split up our gang, find out if they're heading to Angel Island or are abandoning everything to find the impure emerald." Sonic tried to bring reason and logic into his actions, which calmed Shadow down a bit. "If you and Manic take Ember, Rouge can go off on her own to try and spot them and stay as a spy. We'll cut them off before they can cause any further trouble. But let's hope they're only after Ember... that trouble we can ambush, sound good to you?"
"...Ember doesn't do well with plans." Shadow glared back at Ember, as though implying that she needs to agree to this too.
Ember nodded her head, looking determined to get back at Scourge for hurting Manic, and also hoping to find out what this Mephilis the Dark guy knew about Shadow... and if it was true or not.
"You've gotta let me come with you, Shadow." Manic winced in pain as he got up, which made Ember panic and grab his arm to help him. "I care about her just as much as you do... I may not be as strong or accomplished at saving things like Sonic is... but I'm just as good as my brother when it comes to protecting those I cherish..."
Sonic nodded, giving his brother a thumbs up for his bravery. "You won't find a better man, Shadow!"
"...Alright." Shadow conceded. "I don't need any further convincing. If Ember wants you along to help, I won't oppose." He began to walk out the door, "But listen... heed this warning... Scourge, we understand his ways, but Mephilis, we do not. We need to be cautious, for Embers sake." He looked to her as if saying she really needed to act mature during this, and Ember just embarrassingly looked away, still holding Manic's arm as he kissed her cheek to try and cheer her up.
"Ugh." Shadow turned away, disgusted by the display of comforting affection, and walked to open the door. "Come on, we should keep a constant movement..."
"Your brother once protected the president before, right?" Manic wanted to encourage Ember that he probably knew best, but she just laughed.
"And tried to destroy him."
The room grew silent.
Then Sonic let out a huge roar of laughter, gripping his stomach.
Scourge and Mephilis, on the hunt...
"We've scowered everywhere for this girl! Why is she so hard to find?!" Scourge kicked over a burning trashcan, watching it's tin tink against the dark street... there were people screaming to escape the fires, and Scourge just looked at his hand, gripping it tightly. "What good is causing mayhem and panic if I know I'm not the most terrifying thing out there!?"
Mephilis had his arms crossed, standing next to him, looking like stone... "I think we'd get along... if you weren't so deranged." He mused to himself, turning to him as Scourge got right up in his face.
"I only make friends with subordinates. We agreed you'd let me do this my way! Flush out the rat with flames!" he threw his hand back to the burning city. "Besides, you look as twisted as I am..." he muttered under his breath.
"I have no issue with you burning the world... but as for sniffing or snuffing her out, I doubt you'd find her." He moved with strange elegance, and placed his hand on the ground. Shadows of whispy, black vines began to mutate around him, "If what you say is true... then her emerald has negative chaos energy... compared to it's seven, pure siblings... it's power can't be controlled or harnessed... It's a mad stone. One who needs a host able to contain and manipulate its madness..."
The darkness began to grow, dodging the fires but being born from their flickering shadows cast to the walls as well, upon the walls they danced... and began to search for every living soul... Like a reign of purple and misty hound dogs, falling over each other as they searched for the same... strange... energy...
"What's that your doing?" Scourge growled, scowling at him doing something without an order from himself. "I don't like things done behind my back!"
"...Finding the diamond in the rough..." Mephilis laughed, his dark power moving under screaming feet, the fires burning everything they touched. He had missed this feeling... but soon, with the Cursed Emerald, he'll have it all over again... "The shadows I'm made of are linked with a strong connection to the ultimate life form... if she is at all with Shadow, I shall know of it... and take what I need to survive."
The shadows, almost like the fire from which they were spreading, continued forth out of Mephilis and searched with a lapping, slithering haste that seemed to crawl everywhere in a furious urgency.
Soon, they were outside the city, spreading themselves into the forest. Little Flickies hid in their tree truck holes and cowered from the impending doom they seemed to send.
One of the shadow tips lingered as though to spike through a piggy that was holding its bunny friend, shivering in fright. It came closer before it sensed something, and immediately slithered towards where Shadow was, diving into his shadow...
Mephilis tilted his head, as Scourge once again grew frustrated. "Did you find something..? Care to share with the rest of the class?" He bent down and gestured a hand up as Mephilis just creepily turned to him, but didn't look directly at him.
"I found him... I'm... listening and looking to see where they are..." He heard Shadow speak and was pulled back to the moment at hand.
Shadow, hiding behind a bush with Manic, were clearly alone for right now. "She's well hidden?"
"I told her to stay put." Manic grumbled, "But you know Ember... she's always excited about a new test of strength."
"This isn't a game, she'll listen to you." Shadow was once again so serious, and it was really bumming Manic out.
"I know, I know. But she'd do anything for you." He smiled to Shadow, "You know, she's really attached to you. It broke her heart when G.U.N said she couldn't work with you anymore. It felt like they were taking something else away from her too." He explained, wondering if Shadow knew.
Shadow remained silent,... a moment went by before he sighed quietly and spoke up again, gentler this time. "I tried to warn her. She wouldn't follow orders... G.U.N is different from the past, they're trying to live better than they were..."
"You forgave them, which I respect." Manic nodded his head to him, "But for Ember... it's kinda a betrayal."
He looked away, "G.U.N was run differently in the past. They've learned to accept my power as long as it's used for good means."
"Their means." Manic countered, fiddling with a twig as Shadow glared at him. Manic was momentarily distracted with the twig, playing with it and bending it but not to the point of snapping before looking up to Shadow and then throwing his hands up in apology, and hoping he may calm down and back off a bit from the intense glare of annoyance. "H-hey, now! I'm only saying what Ember's told me. You know, you two should really talk more... she misses you." He gently put the fallen twig back into the bush. "She feels like this twig here... broken off from every family she ever made. Too dangerous to stay with anyone for too long... and mostly hunted down for her power. You can understand how she feels, can't ya?" He gave him a half-forced smile, "You have to understand... how much she longs to be in a real family..."
Shadow 'hmph'd to the side, "She's always been sensitive." but there was a warmness in that tone... A bond that Manic was happy to see shine through.
"Hey... is that a smile?" He teased, gesturing to the gentle curl in Shadow's lips.
Shadow patted Manic's accusing finger away and flicked his nose, "So she's gathering berries and other wild provisions?"
"While we remain lookout, yeah... she didn't like that plan all to much." Manic made a face and Shadow only chuckled.
"That is Ember." He joked,"And you were pretty useless in that condition... I'm... glad you recovered well." the two shared a mutual moment of fondness for her, and then looked to one another. It was as though Shadow had accepted that fact, that Ember loved Manic, but also that Manic was a good man. For a moment, he gave a look of acceptance, before looking off again. "Ember... Heh." He seemed to be thinking back on their adventures together. "She's headstrong, like Sonic. Doesn't stand still for a moment... all this and more... is why she's who she is. Which is exactly why I worry she may never find a decent job in this world..."
"She's doing pretty good at singing." Manic volunteered the idea, trying to lighten the downplay on Ember's talents but Shadow only made a face. "What? Singing don't jell right with you, big bro?"
"Don't call me that." He looked annoyed again.
"All I'm saying is maybe Ember isn't cut out for army or military stuff. She's not like Rouge, a secret agent and spy. She can't always be stealthy," Manic started.
"She longs too much for the attention." Shadow mused to himself while Manic just lowered his eyes and looked back at him as though thinking he was purposefully being a downer now.
"She's powerful, yes. But she also has a powerful, beautiful soul to her as well." He started drumming the ground, "We each have our own rhythms, Shadow. Maybe her's is better suited to things outside of fighting?"
"Yet, she loves to tumble." Shadow joked again, which made Manic just throw his arms up and laugh.
"You're not gonna give my thoughts on Ember the time of day, are you?" He seemed to realize Shadow was blocking him out, but Shadow just pushed his head down, done talking about this for now.
"Just duck down low and do as you're told... Ember wants you here, that's why you are here." He warned him, but Manic just scooted on up to him, moving his hand and seeing a brotherly side of Shadow showing.
"Hey," he grinned widely. "I've been meaning to ask you... I never did get your blessing on asking Ember to date me."
Shadow seemed to lose the slight smile he had, turning to one of more worry and anxiety.
"I wanted to make it more official after I talked with you about it, but you were always caught up with work," Manic continued, but didn't notice Shadow's shifting eyes, and the fact that he adjusted his squat away from Manic. He seemed so unsure of the topic... but what was really bothering him? "And I didn't want to tip Ember off too early about it... Mind if I ask now?"
"No." Shadow abruptly stated, closing his eyes as though to tune Manic out.
Manic took a moment to wait and process that, before speaking up again, "No..? On the timing or..?" he finally turned to try and read Shadow's expression, but Shadow kept a low-profile when it came to his emotions.
"Ever." Shadow moved away from him, and as he did so, the shadows began to move and peer around him, as though fading and glitching out of reality.
"Now hang on a sec-" Manic got up with him, trying to stop him from retreating during an important—and vulnerable—conversation before seeing the abnormality start rising up and swarming the shade around Shadow's silhouette on the ground.
"W-woah!" Manic got up from his squat, "Shadow, what is that!?" He pointed, as shadows seemed to spray out like vines whipping the ground, like an octopus's tentacles lashing out from a spaced hole on the ground, in the shape of Shadow...
Suddenly, they faded into nothingness... Shadow's shadow... was immediately gone.
"Grk..! GAHH!" Mephilis pulled his hand up, the shadows quickly retreating as if being drained back to him forcefully as he gripped his wrist. Scourge had stomped on his hand, seeing him flicker, and thinking he was going to leave them.
"Where ya going, friend?" he sneered, grabbing him and pulling him up as he continued to glitch out and in of reality, causing Scourge to barely have a hand on him. "What are you thinking of doing? Running!? Getting out of the deal!? WHERE IS SHE?"
in his wildness, Mephilis was also held back by Scourge's team: The Destructix. However, in a flash of light, Mephilis completely broke free of them and sent a blast out to knock them back. Slowly moving towards Scourge in his strange movement way, he then fired out a huge beam of power to skim Scourge's ear, spooking him back...
"You're not king... yet." Mephilis landed a manipulative intimidation, faking that they were one in the same goal. He looked at his hand again, examining the strange rift of time and space... his time was running thin. "I could erase you all from ever being born... but I chose to use my power to aid you... if we don't move now... my existence in this timeline will fade... and my own world events... vanish." He glared, threatened by the limited moments he still had.
Scourge may be in a hurry, impatient without question, but he could tell that Mephilis was trying to deceive him just as much as he was trying to trick Mephilis... "You gonna back-stab me, Dark? Better do it while I'm in a good mood..." He smirked, getting up in his face again and not fearing the power he demonstrated earlier; or at least, shaking it off. "Ember's mine. I'll rip the gem out, then you take it as host, and I control you. We all in accord again?"
Mephilis just stared at him, and as though dismissing conflict, moved Scourge aside with a soft swing of his arm. "When I am host to the Cursed Emerald... you shall have a world that will burn in black flames..." He continued on, dipping as though sinking down into the shadows...
Scourge was getting ticked off, "He'll set me aside for the last time... do you have what I asked for?" the team showed him that the portal Mephilis created did in fact lead to a forested area, and seemed to have Manic with Shadow.
"Excellent..." Scourge put his sunglasses back into place, then adjusted his crown. "Let's stick to the plan for now... we'll deal with Darky later..." he then snapped his fingers for Fiona to speak up again. "What about Sonic and the other Chaos Emeralds?"
"They've fortified the island. It will be tricky... but with Mephilis's portals, we should be able to-" She stopped as he spun around, grabbing her waist, and gripped her to him.
"Shh... you're so fidgety lately..." He cooed, lowering his sunglasses, "Babe, all I'm asking is that we plan for that guy to be smoke and dust by the time I get the Cursed Emerald..."
"R-right." She sweat-dropped, knowing that he planned to ditch Mephilis as soon as possible. "In that case~" she flung the paper back behind her, letting it drift in gentle sways to the burning grounds behind them. It was clearly her report from her spy mission, and decided to loop her arms around his neck, "We'll need a long rope... or you'll have to chaos teleport our merry band of thieves..."
"And I, their king." He shoved his face into hers, kissing her as the others waited while they messed around...
Rouge watched as they all disappeared into the portal... behind them, thousands upon thousands of burnt ruins... and flying pieces of flaming fabrics blew in the wind...
"I have to warn them!" she worriedly began to fly into the alley but turned when someone cried out for help, and flaming beams from streets and houses began to topple over one right after the other, some in the distance and others sparking as lamppost exploded as they hit the ground. "...They need me too, though." In her moment of conflict, she flew towards the burning city...
"Please be alright... Shadow... Manic... Ember..." she pleaded under her breath, "I'm leaving them to you all now."
Ember was forging but finding it hard not to pluck a berry with her claw, and then lick the juices and call it 'not eating' her bundle.
She knew Shadow would disapprove but Manic? He'd probably think it was funny. She hummed as she tried to not think about all the evil people that were after her. After all, it wasn't new, it was just kinda exciting. She was immortal, never really aged, but seemed to have never truly lost her immaturity at finding humor in even the most outrageous and life-threatening circumstances.
Sure, you get hurt, but as long as its only her getting hurt she's okay with it.
She thought back to Maria and Gerald Robotnik, how no matter what went wrong, they were always together.
The kids she'd look after and who'd treat her with their skits and plays to entertain one another... they were always together.
Shadow, however... seemed to be more concerned about his 'duty' then spending much time with her.
She loved going on missions with him, trying to impress him. He always acted like she was a liability though... even though he knew how powerful and capable her abilities were.
She could control some chaos, she could do some amazing feats, why did he always scold her on her strength and acting first before asking questions later? She was very much the same with doing something and apologizing later, her simple mottoes, she supposed. It was just her nature, and it seemed to bother Shadow... Was it truly her downfall? Curiosity only killed cats though, not wolves.
Even so, Shadow was kinda always protective of her, now that she thought of it. Even before he accepted her as his experimental prototype for his creation, he seemed to have a distaste for leaving her be too long. Isn't that what brothers are supposed to do? She couldn't really know... but seeing how Manic and Sonic joked around, verses Sonic and Tails, or Manic with his bandmates... it seemed like Sonic and Manic could goof off, wrestle, and even tease without worrying too much about the other.
So then... what was Shadow's deal? Why didn't he trust her... why didn't he want her around..?
She felt her tail swish down to the ground at the thought... She had always taken care of others, maybe that was Shadow's way of showing affection too?
Wasn't she overprotective? Wasn't she always on-guard? Perhaps she just hoped her and Shadow would be different. A true sibling bond.
She would want to return the favor, but how? He didn't even like hugs... but they did trust each other, right?
She trusted him... he seemed to trust her... was Rouge right? Was that why G.U.N kicked her out? Simply because they did trust each other but maybe two experiments was too much for them.
She paused and looked at the food in her hand, growing sorrowful again. Was the world jealous, or just Shadow?
He was the perfect weapon... the cure to all humanity... and yet, she was meant to protect him.
Then why... does it seem like he's protecting her?
Were they really... ever gonna be like a real family?
Or were they already one? But an imperfect one?
She slowly... let her hands fall and the berries drop out of her arms. Sighing, she looked to where she knew Manic and Shadow should be, "I got the food... some of them aren't stabbed... hehe..." She tried to play off her pondering emotions and licked her claws again. "They're good, at least." she teased.
No one answered...
"Shadow?" she called, trying to look over the foliage and tree trucks. "Manic?"
But no one answered.
She narrowed her eyes... and began to sneak around to see what she could find.
As she twisted herself through the bush, she let out a quiet gasp and plugged her mouth, seeing Manic and Shadow each tied up by what looked like shadowy vines that clung and tightened with their struggling movement.
In her surprise, she comically looked for somewhere that could conceal herself. So while still covering her mouth, she dived into what looked like a mossy patch near some water, and let the moss cushion her hasty fall to hide.
"Chaos... Spear!" Shadow was able to shoot out some beams to hit back Mephilis and Scourge's team, but Scourge took out a knife with a refined blade and held it to Manic, then a gun with a black coating and held it to Shadow's head.
The others had successfully dodged the spears, and snickered at their futile attempts.
"You can't contain me, I'm-!" Shadow began but realized these shadows had a strange power to them... he didn't realize they were infused with his own shadow... thus making them successfully able to contain him and his own power.
"Quick the light spectacle and realize when you're beat." Scourge pressed the gun's barrel against Shadow to move his head back against the tree they were tied up too. Manic couldn't reach his necklace, but Mephilis saw his attempts.
Floating on some shadows with his arms out wide, he turned to instruct Scourge, "Rip that silly trinket by his neck... Let him know true despair, when one holds no power, and takes everything away from you..." sadistically, he held up his hand, as if a dark sense of torment was awakening once again in him. He crushed his fists together, "I want to see the look of helplessness... as I take that light of hope from his eyes..."
"Oui! What'd I say about you giving me orders?!" Scourge flicked the knife under the necklace, "Only I'm allowed to do that!" twisting the sharp side of the blade to his necklace's bond around his neck, he yanked it off of him, pulling back the band and making his neck snap a little back as he tried to resist having his precious, childhood power and gift removed from him.
"Nooo..!" Manic saw the magical necklace fly through the air, glistening in and flipping through the gaps of light through the trees... his most precious possession left to him, which reminded him of his beloved mother... like having his family torn from him when he was an infant. It fell to the dirty soil and barely made a noise, due to the soft ground beneath...
He hunched a little, already seeming defeated by not having any special abilities, and now... not even having his only means to fight back besides his natural struggling force. "Now... I'm really mad." Manic gritted his teeth, some tears forming on the sides of his eyes. "I won't let you get away with this... with hurting Ember... or with taking any of my family from me!" he looked up with eyes full of righteous vengeance.
Shadow had never seen this side of Manic before, and it surprised him somewhat, but now was not the time to be in awe. Instead, he noticed that Manic and Scourge had created a kind of opening. This distraction allowed him to sneakily reach back and get a firm touch on his communication device. Swiftly, and trying to be discreet about it, his G.U.N training kicked in and he began typing in coordinates for Rouge and Tails. Hoping the signal wouldn't get spotted by the others... Shadow hid the device under his gloved wrist as it sent the code, however, transferring it to the others remotely was going to take some time...
Mephilis, highly sensitive to Shadow's movements, rose his head in Manic's defiant spirit and tenacious attitude, but sensed something off with Shadow. He was delighting in Manic's sorrow and frustration, but that would have to wait for now...
"He's fidgeting too much..." Mephilis lifted his hand and in a whirlwind of speed, slashed Shadow in the head and knocked him out. "There... that's better... Hahahah!" his infamous laugh carried through the forest, as Ember's hands twitched in rage.
Her Cursed Emerald began to glow...
"Heh, I like your style." Scourge used the bunt side of the gun to knock out Manic from his neck, "Now what? Where's the girl!?" Scourge turned to Mephilis, pointing the gun to him... "I think you already figured this out but... I don't like to be kept waiting..."
Ember couldn't contain her rage anymore, the insanity from the Cursed Emerald drove her out of hiding, her emotions spiraling out of control. This wasn't the first time, but she wanted it to desperately be the last time anyone messed with her friends and life. 'I'm tired of people telling me not to fight!' she felt her body lose control as she ran on all fours to defend her beloved family...
"RRAHHH!" She jumped into the air, the curse in full swing as her entire body was filled with her insanity mode flaring to life. "Let them go!" Black flames burst from her purple emerald, and Mephilis's eyes reflected their glow.
"Yeeess... You'll do nicely." He seemed fixated on the dark power it contained, seeing it as the perfect host for this new timeline.
Her eyes burned white as she came down, but Mephilis moved quickly back, floating on his shadows as the earth shook and cracked under her power.
"Alright! An ultimate showdown! At last!" Scourge readied himself, but Mephilis drifted in front of him, his shadows like a catching up behind him. "What!? What are you..? Out of my way, freak!"
He shot the back of Mephilis's head, "I'm tired of this game!" But Mephilis's head just bent forward with every shot, and it was clear nothing was penetrating through his crystal hide... The bullets looked squished and condensed upon impact with his quills.
He slowly turned back... "I'll deal with you... after my form becomes permanent in this world..." He was fading, but reached out to Ember, "I can kill Shadow, and he has the power to destroy your beloved friend as well..." He then gestured to Scourge and Manic. "What will you choose? Immortal... a prototype? You were made to be a mistake, to learn from... But with me, I can give you your ultimate purpose..." He lifted his arms up into the air, showing the half-destroyed moon. "There must be revenge that you seek... much like your figurative brother..." He slowly turned his attention back to her. "I have the means to control your cursed emerald... join to me, child of error, and I shall make you the key to all destruction!" he clenched a fist up by her, showing his resolve to want to 'help' her.
However, Ember—still wild—had already broken through Scourge's goons that had come around from behind, and slowly hunched over at Mephilis's words.
The Destructix's lay panting on the ground, remembering last time... and knowing they're efforts were futile.
Even Scourge looked pathetically over to them, seeing that without Mephilis, taking Ember head-on again might be a bad idea...
Her eyes seemed vast and hollow, as though Mephilis's words meant nothing in this state. Instead, they were simply filled with the power of negative chaos energy...
"You have a choice..." Mephilis began, speaking plainly as he could tell that Ember was no longer present, but only the Cursed Emerald's protective recognition remained. "Surrender yourself to me... or let me take over your current host's form." he flicked his fingers out, before jamming his claws into Shadow's side again. "Otherwise... I make your host's life even worse... more alone than ever before... and you, the soul who reigns over her... forever. Hahahaha!" he had figured it out, her emotions got the better of her and let out it's full power. He truly was clever, and using Shadow as a trigger, hoped the Cursed Emerald would be fueled off of her emotions, and get even stronger. "Do you now see where my loyalty lies? Now... let us join together! We shall rule this world with a burning blaze!"
Ember's power skyrocketed as her body jerked forward and then back, seeing Shadow reel back in pain before going unconscious again. It was as though the amount of empathy felt in that moment gave Ember's body the same amount of pain as it saw Shadow endure.
"Mortal... immortal... nothing escapes fate." Mephilis pulled out his claws, his shadows released Shadow from his bonds around the tree truck and he fell forward. Mephilis never ceased in his dark pleasure of torment and pain, laughing and laughing in his sadistic delights, leaning his head back as though to gloat and strike envy. "It never gets old... seeing the fear and hatred on their faces... when I kill all they care about..." Was he speaking to himself? Or to Scourge?
Now it didn't matter what he knew about Shadow's future, it was clear he wanted a ill fate for him, and for Ember as well... Though trapped inside her own mind, Ember clawed for redemption. 'Manic... everyone... if I let this fiend live, he'll tear apart the whole of what I've found!' she pounded against the dark energies that kept her locked up tight. 'My emotions... they're not meant for evil! Cursed Emerald... you're not cursed anymore! You're my power! And I choose to use you to protect my family!"
Mephilis all at once... became her new G.U.N.
Getting a momentary grip on herself, Ember reached into her chest, scratching and digging to try and pull the Cursed Emerald out of her. 'I can't lose him!' she began to cry through the searing pain as her claws bore into her flesh. However, it was instantly healing itself, burning to seal the scars she was making. She couldn't pull it out, and it wouldn't be ripped from her either... soon, it back-lashed and forced her into a full state of control, meaning that it now had full power over her... and was completely consumed in her emotions once again.
"Join me, Cursed one!" Mephilis spread his shadows around her, but the Cursed Emerald controlling Ember's body tilted its head, only interested in destruction.
Bursting into raw chaos energy, Ember's body looked more like a giant, standing wolf than anything else... her power radiated into a beast in it's rising aura...
Mephilis was slightly taken aback, "This power... Iblis would be pleased." He laughed, "Very well, I shall take you on!"
Dark orbs were thrown towards Ember's body, but she shredded through them with her dark energy claws, her true form hidden within the massive dark aura-wolf. It blasted the shadows away that tried to consume the Cursed Emerald, showing that it wouldn't be taken without a fight.
Manic's head looked up, feeling the shadows loosen and weaken from around him as he fell down from the tree he was tied too. "What... what happened?" he looked to his necklace, and reached for it in a sudden moment of clarity.
"Ah-ah-ah." Scourge kicked it away, mimicking Sonic's infamous finger wiggle and grabbing him into a choke hold. "Who said you were allowed to wake up!?"
As Manic struggled, trying to reach for a punch, it was clear Scourge was stronger than him. "Hahaha! Pathetic! She chose you over me!?" He raised an eyebrow, "I'll let Mephilis weaken her down a bit first, after all, I tried to fight her and look where that got me?"
He threw Manic as he slammed against the tree, falling back down and struggling to get up.
"But you? That's the easy part. You don't have your precious little girlfriend to protect you." He pulled out his gun, firing off some bullets as Manic rolled on the ground to dodge them. "Darn that Dark... he took all my bullets like it was nothing..." Scourge rolled his shoulders back, arching his steps around Manic and tossing the gun after it seemed emptied of bullets. "Guess we'll do this the old fashion way..." He took his knife and and then stomped directly on Manic's necklace, making Manic look up and glare in his pain.
"You're gonna end up just like him..." Scourge flicked his head to Shadow's limp form, as Manic gasped, seeing it.
"Shadow! No!" he cried out. "Shadow! Get up! Ember needs-!"
"Nothing but death!" Scourge laughed, "Same's gonna come to you, and I'm not sorry. Let's consider it a mercy kill, eh? You don't have to see your doggy dame maimed before your eyes!"
But as soon as he said that, Manic jumped at him and began to push back, grabbing his arms. "I may not be as strong as you... but I'm ten times more clever than you!" he slid his foot between Scourge's feet, then pulled it back around his foot to have him trip and fall backwards.
Manic's drum necklace skidded from the action over the ground. Manic reached and grabbed it with a tumble, rolling before having it glow in his hands. "And she picked me because I'm handsomer shade of green than you! The ones that not representative of envy!" Manic summoned his drums, then took out his drumsticks and began warming up with a drum roll. "I don't think you can take this beat, Scourge!" he began to fire off sonic booms from his drums, pushing and shoving Scourge down, as the knife in his hand was pulsed back by its sonic power.
"Grr..! No!" Scourge used his super sonic speed to start moving to dodge each drum beat. "You think you're stronger than your own anti-brother!?" but right before reaching the drums and seeing the white in Manic's worried eyes as Scourge reached out for him...
"HRRAHH!" Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles jumped from the bushes, tackling into Scourge as Manic stopped playing in awe.
"Everyone!" Manic's eyes widened and then relaxed in relief. "Thank you." He breathed out, and then looked to see Shadow starting to get up on his feet, gripping his torn and pierced side.
He crawled towards Ember's insane, dark aura-wolf form as though desperate to reach her.
"Em...ber..." He stumbled to his feet, but looked a bit woozy from the loss of blood. "I'm... com-...ing..."
"Shadow!" Manic unsummoned his drums and kept a firm grip on his magical necklace, but grabbed Shadow to help him stand better. "What'd he do to you?"
"Urk... She... needs my... help." He tried to move forward, but Manic helped him not fall.
"I know, I know! But she'd never forgive me if I didn't help you first!" Manic looked to see Scourge's crew start coming too, and Ember's insane form fighting Mephilis. "This looks ugly... I know you guys recover fast, what do you need me to do?"
Shadow gave him one look, and he knew.
Save Ember...
for me, in my place.
Mephilis began compiling all his being into one, super mass of his collective consciousness. "Now... you're mine!" as though a miniature storm, flashes of lightning formed around the purple mass as the shadows circled all around it quickly, helping to move it towards Ember's insanity frame. Diving into Ember's form, other shadows leaped up from the shade of the trees to tie her down as she remained on her feet, growling and straining against their takeover.
"At last... though not Iblis... you and I shall be... Cursembaris!" Mephilis's ball of dark energy blasted the dark aura-wolf as it howled in defiance, but was absorbed into his purple and blue darkness, which then engulfed Ember's body.
No matter the power of the Cursed Emerald, Mephilis the Dark soon sealed himself in fire within it's core...
The shining emerald suddenly dulled with shadows, and soon...
"I can't waste another moment..! You're power must fuse with mine, or I will fade from existence of all worlds! I can't fight any longer without a host... You will do nicely! Hahahaha!" Mephilis got her down to her knees, as her form took on a crystallized state, and her eyes shifted to Mephilis's own...
Suddenly, her form was overwhelmed by flames, bursting up and spreading out to form her into light that mixed with his shadows.
The fire raged and burnt the ground beneath as she was lifted into the air, and then made into a black flame, crystallized, large wolf.
Cursembaris looked at it's new body... moving up to its full height, it laughed manically in a monstrous howl that blasted the wind back and forced the others to brace against the wind storm.
Suddenly, with the power of a cursed chaos emerald, it summoned many shadows. All resembled his previous form: Mephilis, and a deadly horde began to materialize to finish off Mephilis's original goal as Solaris.
"Now... to finish off this world... and burn it all, as I have promised you, Scourge... Hahaha!" Mephilis's voice was mixed with Ember's, and their laughter was more fine-tuned, making it sound even more sinister than before...
"Grk..!" Manic forced himself up, his drums ready for battle again. "I've fought you once and held my own! Release Ember, now!" he hit the drums hard, but the fused creation just flicked his wolf's paw, and thousands of the shadow-horde began to run towards Manic.
Cursembaris laughed through it's crystallized body as though cackling howls from rocks banging against an echoing cave... Ember's voice being drowned out by Mephilis. It stalked around the battlefield as though eyeing its prey, watching Manic desperately fight back against the horde. It kept it's head low, readying to pounce at any moment...
The shadows were destroyed by different drumbeat sonic booms, but Manic was already feeling the weariness setting in. Gritting his teeth, he tried to send the blasts where they needed to go.
"This world will be too easy..." Mephilis mused, holding a clawed, crystal paw out, as though ready to hunt. "I will destroy the ultimate life form... take out Sonic once and for all,... and then leave you as a toothpick for when I'm bored!" Cursembaris's snarl spewed fire through its bared teeth. This was driving Manic insane, he hated it with a deep passion and anger, hearing Ember's lovely voice mingled with such evil.
Shadow, still hunched over, brought out his hand to his side, 'I can't let this stand... I won't lose her. I won't lose anyone else!' He looked up at his sister, seeing a form which he didn't know or understand. His fist tightened, "I had to let you go once... I won't do it again!" He took off his limiters, preparing himself as he stored his power up. "Chaos... spears!" he was able to successfully target a few spears that pierced through the shadows, having them automatically disintegrate and then strike through Cursembaris's crystal hide. They were made of pure light and chaos energy, stabbing with an effect into a dark being like Mephilis and the Cursed Emerald meant it began to weaken the shadows around it, causing actual damage.
It's crystal wolf body was jammed back with each successful spear glowing an area of effect around it, spreading light through its being...
"Hopefully... you can... push through it..." Shadow fell back to his knees, then fell down as his body began to recover and forced him to yield.
It's head slowly looked up to Shadow after examining itself, and almost with concern, it stared... until Mephilis's voice, the dominant sound, rang through again in it's muffled cry. "You'd injure your own sister..? For the sake of the world..? Shadow... I never thought you so cruel..."
Shadow frowned openly, his fangs bared, gripping his injured side as he twitched helpless on the ground. "I'm not aiming for her..!"
Cursembaris tilted it's head, then turned to see Scourge had fought off Sonic, throwing him off of him but seeing his team still apprehended. He glared to it and charged, jumping and grabbing the Cursed Emerald in glowing purple as he was burned by its natural protection of itself. "My turn!" his eyes blazed with power... though the Cursed Emerald wanted to lash back and fight, it was being controlled by Mephilis... So it could only sear him for now...
"This power is meant to be mine!" Scourge used all his imbued Master Emerald strength to try and force the Cursed Emerald out. The natural repulsion was actually working in his favor... The gem began to move out from the spiraling flames and dark purple mist... Thanks to Shadow's Chaos Spears still giving the creature splotches of yellow glowing light to weaken Mephilis's control and power over it.
"N...Nooo!" Mephilis, weakened by the now exploding Chaos Spears Shadow had thrown, felt them pulse off with every hit from Manic's other light and sound based attack...
Soon, Scourge's tug-o-war was actually succeeding, as his gloves were consumed in flame, his insane smirk never left him.
Manic's feelings pounded the drums with a powerful beat that exploded his sonic booms to push Mephilis back and Scourge closer to pulling the Cursed Emerald out. Shadow watched as he flicked his fingers and wrists, letting the Chaos Spears go off one by one in rhythm with Manic's attacks.
Howling into whimpers, Cursembaris reeled its massive form skyward, leaning its head back in the pain and slowly defusing at Scourge's persistence.
"Nooo..! I refuse to lose! I must at least destroy Sonic The Hedgehog! The Iblis Trigger!" Mephilis began to fade... his time running out. He turned to Sonic and his gang, who were unsure of how to approach the creature without getting burned. Bringing out the pure Chaos Emeralds, Sonic turned Super, and stared into the magma stones that made the being's eyes... dead in their centers as his form glowed the same way the Chaos Spears had...
"You want some?" He gestured to his new, light-based form. "Come and get me!" he bolted off at incredible speeds, flying behind Cursembaris and charging into it's neck. Digging his way through, Sonic pushed and punched the Cursed Emerald towards Scourge, helping to remove it.
According to Tails, if the Cursed Emerald was removed from Mephilis, Ember would return. He noticed the shift of polarity around the two converging timelines that were still being affected by Mephilis's presence, and determined that if they stalled long enough, Mephilis the Dark would fade from this reality, his own being wiped out in the process...
"Why... can't I... fight back?!" Mephilis's voice rang through as Cursembaris swung it's head around, trying to resist the urge to create more destruction and hacok. With all these forcing whamming into it, causing great damage to the Dark forces controlling it, the light side began to shine through...
It leaned it's head up, it's eyes filling with the white fire that Ember's would have had if still in her insanity mode.
"I ... won't... hurt... my family."
Ember's voice... was finally in control.
Scourge—at last—had gripped a Chaos Spear that hadn't exploded yet, feeling his hands burn from the light of that as well as the whipping backlash from the Cursed Emerald, and ripped it out of place. He forced it deeper into the beast, jamming it behind the Cursed Emerald and desperately trying to excavate it out as he wiggled the Chaos Spear around to hopefully pull it lose. Finally, he ripped Ember's fusion out from Mephilis as he faded away in a blaze of glory.
"Ah... HAAA...ahhhhh..." Mephilis's form began to drift towards the ground, as Ember's landed in ashes... "Now... I shall truly be... forgotten..." Mephilis's consciousness, a purple mass of shadows, slowly dwindled out on the ground... a puddle becoming less and less... before all at once... getting blown gently out of reality and time...
Ember opened her eyes gently, seeing the ash below her clawed fingers drift as scourged sunglasses tank'ed against the ground near her. As Mephilis disappeared, Super Sonic slowly returned down to the ground, and looked around for Scourge. "Where is he..? What..?" He saw the sunglasses, as Ember seemed to refuse to reach for them.
Super Sonic remained silent, horrified but also dropping his jaw at the fact that the heat had been so intense that perhaps... Scourge was was burnt into oblivion too...
He turned his head down and closed his eyes, but in his moment for the dead, Scourge was glowing green behind him. "Aw, I'm touched." and then sucker-punched Sonic. "But if that emerald won't budge, I'll kill her and take it for myself!" Hearing that he may try and fuse with the Cursed Emerald, Ember slowly got up, clutching her now completely black and soot-covered chest... forcing herself upright.
Shadow gripped his side and stumbled over to Manic, giving him a nod. He knew now that Manic would do whatever it took to protect Ember and keep her safe. Giving him a thumbs up... he turned to Ember, mouthed words she only wished she could have heard... and then collapsed.
"Shadow!" Manic didn't leave his drums again, seeing Scourge crash Super Sonic against multiple trees and then grab Ember, still trying to control her power.
"You never learn..." Ember muttered, sending him back in a backlash as she moved her arm and let him grab the Cursed Emerald again, but was blown so far away in its fury... She then, seeing the damage done, knew what last thing she should try.
Surrendering fully to its cursed power, she leaned her body back. "Shadow... I love you too. I won't forget again... that you accept the good I see in Manic, and that you don't want to lose me just as much... as I'd hate to lose you too." She let out some tears, as the Cursed Emerald began its last stand at defending itself. "Manic... I've seen you struggle, and do everything within your power to protect me... I won't forget this... I won't forget your love and devotion. Even if you only have the power of a mortal... you fought an immortal cause. You have gained your victory... And I will love you forever." Then she spread her arms out, "I'll remember... but you won't need too... This awful fate... that threatened my friends and family... will never be again." She closed her eyes, as Manic tried to run to her, "Chaos... Unleashed." A huge white light engulfed the entire area...
Time was rewritten, as is what the power of the Chaos Emeralds can do... though this power was reversed in that it could completely rewrite fate only if severely threatened by removal and/or death.
Ember was sitting down with Manic after the concert, leaning on his shoulder. 'Finally... Peace.' she thought to herself, proud that she was able to muster the courage to perform after all the emotional and painful turmoil of the time that never was...
Only she alone remembered... Shadow's figurative blessing to Manic in a simple accepting thumbs-up, and that mysterious figure that she still didn't know who or what he was... She had already called Shadow to warn him about Scourge's escape and they found him right away. It was as though she saved her family without a single soul knowing about it.
'Good... who needs another gloat, anyway?' she joked within her mind, smiling as Manic kissed her forehead, still thinking she was just calming down from stage fright.
Shadow's Chaos Spears had weakened both Mephilis and the Cursed Emerald's power, allowing Scourge to pull her out. Then, when the spears disappeared, Ember had control over her insanity power for a split second, and used it to go back... knowing Mephilis wouldn't be there to screw up her future this time... But the unleashed Chaos came with a price...
She leaned up to look at Manic, "When I predicted Scourge's eventual escape, I also told Shadow how much you cared about me... I think he's willing to see that I want time with him... and with you, too." she gently put her hand into his, grasping it lightly. "Is that alright?" she looked down as though shyly to his hand.
He chuckled to himself, growing nervous. "W-what? What brought that up all of a sudden?" He rubbed behind his quills, but she fiddled with his long-hanging bangs as he smiled warmly to her. "Did you learn my secret?"
"What secret?" she looked away, pretending like she didn't know he wanted Shadow's blessing. She had heard a lot through Mephilis's fusion with her, and his shadows and knowledge of them were something she was able to discover. Though... she still didn't understand his reasoning when she searched his mind for 'Iblis Trigger' or 'Solaris'. It was all too confusing, anyway, and she didn't stay fused for too long either.
But his influence over her was still there... the longing for destruction, the cunning and manipulation... her Cursed Emerald's flame would never glow the same...
"Never you mind how I know things~" she teased, fanning them away and disregarding her own sinister thoughts that she would push away. She was strong enough to resist whatever power was still infused in her emerald... she didn't care. She only wanted to use her power to protect those she cared about. The power would be used for nothing else, "Just come here and tell me what a great singer I was tonight..." she cupped his face, knowing he really did try everything to protect her in that other, erased timeline now. They kissed very sweetly, but he soon pulled her into a deeper, more passionate moment.
"You sang like a dark angel." he slowly moved over her, as she spread her back slowly against the stage's floor, letting him make his way over her. "Like a siren through the sea of lights..." She was feeling her heart rate escalate with the moment when...
Suddenly, a voice came from the rafters.
"Now, now, you two." The alluring woman's voice slyly added, "Play nice! After all, I'd hate to tell Shadow that when he sent me to look after you, that you and your new boyfriend —who he so graciously allowed for you to be with —were being naughty..."
Rouge's voice rang a thousand times in Ember's ears and mind when she pulled away from Manic and shook her fist in frustration. "SHHHADDDOWW!" she whined in disapproval, not liking that he sent Rouge to spy on her, still thinking her a child.
"Hmph!" she folded her arms, turning from Manic and pouting. "He still can't trust me!?"
Manic just laughed, "Ohhh, now I see the family resemblance!" he pointed to her frown and then clutched his head and stomach, belting out a hardy, but joyous cascade of laughter.
She couldn't help it, she may be imperfect but so was the rest of the world. She had a family... and no matter what twists in time or space was brought their way, they would always love each other, and want to spend time with one another.
That brought her peace. Love and family, imperfect people being perfect for each other.
She hugged Manic and laughed too, enjoying the moment with him, as Rouge smiled sweetly down to them and then flew off, giving them their alone time and space... since this was the timeline within this universe's space that they could do so... without any distractions or restraints~!
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geminiamethyst · 4 years
The Phoenix. Chapter 11: Healing Warmth
Sorry this chapter took a while getting out. I’ve had a bit of a tough time with writing the Phoenix as well as other stories recently, especially since the lockdown had been announced in the UK. I’m slowly starting to get it back but it’s a painfully slow process.
I just want to quickly thank you all for your patience for the next chapter and I hope that the wait was worth it.
Enjoy and thanks again.
The observation room was a small room, but big enough to have the group inside it. There was a large window that allowed the occupants to see the room next door. The infirmary was completely different to how the corridor was. It was lit up well so examinations could be seen and done clearly without trouble. It was bright white that almost made Kyun’s eyes sore just by looking at it. Five single beds with white sheets were evenly spaced out with curtains to provide privacy should it be needed. There were cabinets full of medicine and medical equipment with a sink. Despite the rooms being separated, Kyun could smell the faint scent of the alcohol based cleaner from within the infirmary. The group watched carefully as the Hobgoblin gently placed Snuf on one of the beds and shook the ice that had spread onto his clothes. Shin stood next to the bed, keeping a couple of metres back when he saw the ice on the magician.
“So...what do you need me for?” Shin asked.
“I need you to use the Phoenix.” The Hobgoblin suddenly stated, not hesitating for a second. The group felt like the air has been sucked right out of them. Surely the Hobgoblin doesn’t mean that?
“I don’t know if you’re brave or stupid. I was told that I attacked my friends last time the Phoenix was released.” Shin said, looking equally shocked.
“That’s because you had no control over it. This time you do.” The Hobgoblin explained. Shin crossed his arms, looking more sceptical. The magician sighed, being as patient as ever. “One of the powers that you have now is the power to heal. That includes curses such as this.” The Hobgoblin gently took ahold of Shin’s wrists, guiding one hand to Snuf’s chest and the other to his forehead. Shin bit back a wince as he touched the youngest’s skin. He almost pulled back but the Hobgoblin held him still. Seeing the silent plea in the magician’s eyes, Shin sighed a little, deciding to give this a try. He closed his eyes, trying to focus hard, but there was nothing. He couldn’t feel anything coursing through him that resembled magic. The Hobgoblin could see the struggle as clear as day. “Try thinking about those you care about. Kyun, your friends, your parents. Those that you hold dearly.” Shin nodded a little. He put less force into what he wanted, relaxing a little. He could see the people he loved in his mind: Kyun, his friends, his parents. He could feel something inside of him stirring. ‘Please, if you can truly hear me in there, please help my friend. I don’t want anymore deaths riding on my shoulders. I’ve lost too much already. Please don’t let me lose a friend too.’ He pleaded silently, letting the being inside him hear and see everything around him. Something warm burned inside him. That feeling that he felt back when Damien threatened Kyun was back. It was less aggressive and more compassionate this time. The Phoenix knew that there was no reason to show its hate and anger here.
“This is crazy. I’m going in there.” Kyun sighed, deciding that enough was enough. Nothing was happening and he was starting to get impatient.
“Whoa there, man! Give Shin a chance. This is the first time he’s doing this. It might take a minute to kick in.” Ken said, grabbing Kyun’s arm before he could start to walk out. Kyun sighed heavily but nodded. Ken was right. Not everyone gets things right the first time but this was different. Snuf was dying and time was being wasted. If things get worse, that’s when he’ll go in there. Mumrik ignored the conversation, focusing only on the people in the infirmary. He wanted to help more, but there wasn’t much that he could do. He felt useless just standing here like this. He felt something touch his hand and when he looked down, he noticed that the Hobgoblin’s black panther was standing beside him. It must have slipped in the room with the group without them knowing. It was nuzzling his hand as if it was trying to reassure him that everything would be alright. The Snufkin smiled a little and patted the big cat’s head lightly. He felt a little calmer now. He looked back out to the other side of the window.
“Look.” Mumrik gasped suddenly, pointing at what he was seeing. The two Snufkins looked through the window and their eyes went so wide that they could’ve fallen out of their sockets. Shin still had his eyes closed, his face completely relaxed. It was his hands however that drew in the attention. His hands were glowing a golden glow, tiny sparks dancing off of them. The sparks danced between two areas. One being the injury on Snuf’s arm and around his head like a string of fireflies. It was quite beautiful to watch. Between the dancing lights and Shin’s glowing hands, Snuf immediately started to look better. The ice that covered his skin melted and his hair was turning back to its normal reddish brown colour. The glowing stopped and Shin opened his eyes. At first, he looked surprised, but a smile crept across his face at what he had seen.
“He did it!” Kyun cheered. Mumrik smiled before suddenly swaying a little unintentionally. Kyun helped to steady him. “You okay?”
“Just relieved.” Mumrik smiled, his eyes starting to tear up a little. Kyun chuckled and patted his back gently.
“Wait! Something’s wrong!” Ken suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the glass. The others looked and horror started to fill them. Snuf had his colour back but he was convulsing and he was making these horrible gagging sounds. “Is he gonna-“ before Ken could finish his suspicion out loud, Snuf suddenly (and impossibly considering how wrapped up he was) sat up. Out of reflex, he turned to the side where the Hobgoblin stood. The second he opened his mouth, snow and tiny chunks of ice flooded out of it like a waterfall. The magician leapt back immediately, narrowly avoiding the snow. As soon as Snuf had emptied his body of the cold, he immediately laid back down on the bed, shivering a little as he did so. He coughed a little, a couple of snowflakes drifted from his mouth. He took deep breathes, replenishing his lungs so he could breathe better. Shin gently rubbed his back to try to help.
“Does that answer your question?” Kyun said, trying to keep a straight face when he noticed that Ken looked quite mortified.
“More than necessary, yes.” Ken muttered, trying to hide his face with the brim of his hat. Kyun laughed quietly and patted his shoulder a little. His smile dropped a little when he saw how tired Shin suddenly looked. His worry was starting to increase again upon seeing this. Shin seemed to be wide awake just seconds ago and now he looks like he was coming down with something. It was quite scary just to see.
“Well done, Shin. I’ll clean all this up while you go rest for a bit. No doubt you’re probably feeling a little dizzy.” The Hobgoblin sighed, noticing Shin’s condition as well. Shin only nodded a little in response to that. He slowly made his way out of the infirmary, wobbling a little. The Hobgoblin made a simple hand gesture and the curtain around Snuf’s bed was drawn, obscuring the two from the others. Kyun dashed out of the observation room. He was able to catch Shin just as he exited the infirmary. Shin saw him and smiled a little, but Kyun could tell that, although it was from genuine relief, it was somewhat forced.
“You okay?” He asked grabbing Shin’s hand carefully.
“I’ll be fine. Just…feeling a little tired.” Shin said, trying to make his smile to be less forceful. “To be honest I’m not too surprised, given that it was my first time doing something like that.”
“Are you sure? I’m getting worried.” Kyun pressed, gripping Shin’s hand a little tighter. He wanted to believe that what Shin said was true, but there was doubt bubbling uncomfortably inside his stomach.
“I promise, I’m fine. After I’ve taken a nap, I’ll feel better.” Shin smiled weakly, trying his best to not make Kyun worry. Unfortunately it wasn’t working much, as Kyun’s face continued to look conflicted.
“Hate to sound insensitive here, but leave him be for a minute Kyun. I’m sure you and Shin will have plenty of time to catch up.” Ken sighs as he stood a little behind Kyun. He thought it would be good to step in, seeing as Shin looked like he was ready to collapse right then and there. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Kyun sighed in defeat. Ken was right. The last thing he needed was to force Shin to strain himself.
“Fine. I’ll find you later.” He sighs again, his voice straining not to sound too stern. Shin smiled tiredly before he slowly walked away, his stance abnormally having a slight wobble. Kyun kept his eyes trained on his boyfriend, watching him carefully as he disappeared into a room. The others had come out of the observation room at that point, including the panther. A wave of relief mixed with worry filled the air, making it seem almost uncomfortable. Having enough, Kyun walked away, seemingly to go get his things so he could try to settle down in the dim and enclosed environment.
“Pardon me, young man?” Fredriksson suddenly asked, putting a gentle hand on Ken’s shoulder. Ken turned to face him, his eyes questioning what the troll wanted. “I’d like to ask you something. It’s regarding to the Thunder Sword.”
“Okay, but I’m not sure what I can tell you really.” Ken sighed, looking uncomfortable from the attention he was suddenly getting. It almost felt like a repeat back at the cave with the Hemulen. He hated it, but forced himself to endure it. As he and Fredriksson walked away, their discussion so quiet that it could barely be heard, Mumrik glanced worriedly at the infirmary entrance. Despite everything turning okay, he couldn’t help but worry about his friend. He could still picture Snuf freezing to death in his arms. He could still feel the guilt digging itself deep inside him. He hoped that it will go away within time. Now, however, it lingered over him like a dark cloud. Joxter suddenly caught sight of Mumrik. He was glancing at the door for the infirmary, a look of worry never leaving his face.
“Hey. Your friend’s gonna be okay. You’re worrying too much.” Joxter said, gently putting a hand on the Snufkin’s shoulder. Mumrik looked up at him, quite surprised to see a confident smile on the man’s voice. He almost wished that he had that confidence too.
“Sorry. I’m not used to situations like this.” He muttered, looking down at the ground.
“Of course. Why don’t I show you around? Might help you take your mind off of things for now.” Joxter smiled as he started to lead Mumrik away. The Snufkin didn’t respond, nor did he pay much attention. He numbed himself a little. Maybe that was for the best until Snuf has fully recovered. He felt like that was the only way for the guilt to be lifted off of him finally. Until then, he can wait. As Joxter and Mumrik walked away, the panther glanced at the infirmary door. It waited patiently for the Hobgoblin to come out before letting out a long yawn, it’s wide mouth showing it’s sharp fangs. Slowly, it curled up by the door, dozing off as it waited for its master finally re-emerge from the room.
Chapter 1: Still Running (click HERE)
Chapter 2: The Burning Truth (click HERE)
Chapter 3: Secrets and Threats (click HERE)
Chapter 4: Still Fighting (click HERE)
Chapter 5: What Have You Done?! (click HERE)
Chapter 6: Not Again (click HERE)
Chapter 7: The Thunder Sword (click HERE)
Chapter 8: The Journal (click HERE)
Chapter 9: Creeping Frost (click HERE)
Chapter 10: Reunited (click HERE)
Chapter 12: coming soon...
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synkiller82 · 5 years
Collapse Into Me Chapter 22 - Endure
Adrien was surprised to hear a knock on his door the next morning. He was in the middle of his piano practice, which was normally the one time he wasn’t disturbed. Before he could answer, the door opened and Nathalie stepped inside.
“You have a visitor,” she stated coldly as she stepped out of the way.
Marinette timidly walked into the room, the door closing behind her as Nathalie exited.  Marinette kept her eyes focused on the floor. “I’m sorry about last night.”
Adrien’s eyes shot wide in surprise. “Sorry? For what?”
“Last night was supposed to be our night , but I spent more time with Luka than with you.  Not that I wanted to. He cornered me when Alya left and I didn’t say anything when Kim let him cut in.”  Marinette felt the tears welling up in her eyes. “I shouldn’t have done either, but I needed to talk to him, to explain that you and I are officially together.” She walked over and collapsed onto the couch.
Adrien walked over and sat beside her. He could see the dark circles and puffiness in her eyes, like she had been crying all night.  When he had left her the night before, he had asked if she wanted him to stay longer, but she declined. Now, he wished he had insisted.  Adrien knew something was bothering her, but he also knew she needed time to process things. He tentatively placed a hand on her knee, giving her comfort if she needed, but the option to push him away if uncomfortable.
“I don’t understand. I told him, but it’s like... he didn’t listen. He just said he would be waiting, that it wasn’t right.” She looked at Adrien, tears beginning to fall. “Why would he say that?  What does he mean, Adrien?”
Adrien pulled her to his chest and ran his hand through her hair, pulling out her signature pigtails as he did. “I don’t know, Marinette.  Do you feel that this is right for you?” He felt her nod vigorously against his chest. “So do I, and I think that’s all that really matters.”  He laid a soft kiss on the top of her head. “Maybe it would be best if we stayed away from him for a bit.”
She shook her head. “Kitty Section has another jam session during the holiday. I would hate for you to miss playing with them. It will be fine. Maybe if he sees us together, it will be better.”
“My schedule is pretty full over the break, but if I do get the chance to go, we will discuss it then. Okay?” He felt her nod again. “And don’t think you have to do this to prove anything. If you don’t want to go, we won’t. If we do go and you feel you need to leave, we’ll leave. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
“Thank you for being so understanding.” She sat up and kissed him. “Nathalie said you were practicing your piano. Do you mind continuing?”
“Anything for you, Mari.” He kissed the top of her head again and made sure she was comfortable before going back over to the piano. “Do you have any requests today?”
“Something relaxing, but not depressing.”
“I know just the thing.” He winked before he placed his hands on the keys. After taking a moment to compose himself, he started into a jazz arrangement of various Disney songs.
“Is that Tangled ?”
“It is. I found a whole site dedicated to jazz versions of Disney songs. I know jazz relaxes me better than classical any day of the week.”
“It sounds fantastic.” Marinette acknowledged as she made herself more comfortable on the couch.
Adrien played for about 10 minutes, lost in music from Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid . When he looked over again, he saw Marinette had fallen asleep. Chuckling to himself, he stood back up, and retrieved a blanket to cover her with. He laid a chaste kiss on her forehead before turning off his lights, allowing her to rest peacefully as he read on the other end of the couch.  He glanced back over at her sleeping form, and decided he would make sure he could go to the jam session. Luka was going to learn not to mess with Adrien’s princess.
“Hey, Nathalie.  I need to ask a favor.”  Adrien turned toward her after they dropped Marinette off at her house.  “I know it’s a long shot, but can you make sure my schedule is clear next Saturday afternoon?”
“What is the occasion?”
“There is another jam session, but more importantly I need to talk to someone who will be there before everyone else gets there.”
“Let me look into it.  With everything else added, I’m not sure I can grant your request.”
“Thanks, Nathalie.  It would mean a lot to both Marinette and I.”
Nathalie pulled every string she had to move all of his appointments from Saturday to Sunday.  The only thing she hadn’t been able to move was a charity event the company way hosting.  
Adrien thanked Nathalie for her support and called Alya to see if she could make sure Marinette arrived late to the jam session.  He didn’t want to upset her anymore with this whole situation than she already was. Saturday, this whole thing with Luka was going to end.
Saturday arrived with a light snow storm, so Adrien wasn’t surprised when he didn’t see anyone on the deck of the houseboat.  Not sure what to do, he announced himself as he had the last time he came and was rewarded with Anarka Couffaine’s permission to board.
“Excuse me, but is Luka downstairs?”  Adrien asked as he snaked his way through the debris toward the stairs that lead below deck.
“Aye.  In his cabin, last I saw,” Anarka answered.  “Ye know where it be?”
“I do.  Thank you.”  Adrien gave her his best model smile and headed down.  He found Luka sitting on his bed, tuning his guitar. “Hey Luka.  We need to talk.”
“Adrien.  I didn’t know you were coming.”  Luka set his guitar down. “What’s on your mind?”
“You need to stop toying with Marinette.” Adrien looked Luka in the eye as he spoke.  “You are hurting her with all your talk about things not being right between her and I.  Who are you to decide what is best for her anyway?”
“I just want her to be happy.”  Luka shrugged as he picked his guitar back up and began to play.  The song was almost in tune, but a note here or there threw it out of sync.  “There is something that is holding you back from being completely happy.”
“That is for us to figure out.”  Adrien ran a hand through his hair and slid to the floor, his back against the wall next to the door.  “Look, you are a great person to talk to, and I know we both see you as a friend. However, you really confused and hurt Marinette last week.  You know she overreacts easily.”
“I do, and I’m sorry.”  Luka stopped playing and sighed.  “I just don’t know how to talk to people sometimes.”
Adrien nodded.  “I’m just glad this was all a big misunderstanding.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everyone thought you were hitting on Mari.”  Adrien tilted his head back and closed his eyes.  “Myself included. It didn’t help my perception when she told me what you said.”
“I can’t deny that I have feelings for her, but that wasn’t my intent.”  It was Luka’s turn to sigh and run his hands through his hair. “As I said, I just want her to be truly happy.”
Adrien nodded, his eyes still closed.  “I want the same thing, Luka.” He opened his eyes and fixed Luka with a serious expression.  “So let me be perfectly clear. Marinette is my girlfriend and I love her dearly. I will not allow you, or anyone else, to hurt her.”
“Understood.”  Luka stood, but turned back to Adrien.  “However, if you truly loved her, you wouldn’t lie to her.”  
Adrien watched Luka walk out of a different door toward the interior stage.  Luka was right, Adrien was harboring a huge secret, which caused him to lie to Marinette quite a bit.  What was he supposed to do, though? He couldn’t tell Marinette that he was Chat Noir. Ladybug was adamant no onecould know their identities.  He would be putting her and her family in danger from Hawkmoth.  It was one of the main reasons he never visited her as Chat after the Glaciator incident.
It would be easier if she knew.  She would understand why he had to run toward the danger.  Plagg wouldn’t have to hide all the time, only having Adrien’s room to roam free in.  He would finally have someone in his life he didn’t have to wear a mask around.
Adrien shook his head.  This wasn’t the time to dwell on this.  He would talk to Plagg later. Right now, he needed to get to Mari and the rest of his friends.  He had a keyboard to play.
“Hey, Marinette,” Luka called as he walked toward her and Alya. “Can we talk?”
Alya took a step in front of Marinette, partially blocking the shorter girl from view.  Her stance told Luka everything he needed to know about how she felt about him at that moment.  Alya tilted her head slightly to hear what Marinette was whispering, before glaring at Luka and moving aside.
“Lead the way.” Marinette spoke quietly, not looking at the teen in front of her.  She followed Luka back to the main deck and into the bridge, where it was slightly warmer.  “What did you need to talk about?”
“I just wanted to apologize.  I didn’t mean to hurt you at the dance.”  Luka watched as Marinette curled up on herself a bit.  “I just want you to be happy and I thought maybe, you might want to try us--”
You can stop right there.”  Marinette’s postured stiffened and she glared at Luka.  “Adrien and I are together Luka. We have been dating for almost six months now.  I’m not going to leave him for you.” She sighed. “You are a great friend, and I thought I liked you as more, but I don’t.  I have only ever loved Adrien. Please respect that.”
Luka heart cracked at her words, but part of him knew it was coming.  He saw the way those two looked at each other, the way their songs were almost a perfect harmony.  He was tempted to tell her about Adrien keeping things from her. That it wasn’t as clear and beautiful as it appeared to be.  He didn’t, though. He had told Adrien and now that was Adrien’s problem.
“I understand.  I hope he continues to make you happy, Marinette.”  Luka turned and walked back downstairs to the stage to warm up.
Marinette leaned on the windowsill and stared out over Paris.  She heard the door open again and turned to see Adrien standing in the doorway.
“Here you are.  Alya said Luka wanted to talk to you, but he came back and you didn’t.”  He walked over and wrapped himself around her from behind, knowing how much she hated the cold.  “What do you need? You want to go or stay?”
Marinette wasn’t sure which option was the better one.  “Let’s stay, at least for a little while.” She turned in his arms and hugged him back.  “I told you I love to hear you play.”
“Okay.”  Adrien leaned down and kissed her.  “But promise me you will let me know if you want to leave.”
“Promise.”  She gave him a peck and pulled out of his embrace.  She took his hand and they went back downstairs. She happily sat next to Alya and watched as the band worked on a few new numbers, as well as some of their favorites.
Adrien and Marinette were whisked away in Adrien’s car a few hours later.  Marinette curled against Adrien’s side as he hugged her to him. He laid his head on top of hers and enjoyed the quiet drive to the bakery, happy that the situation with Luka had been resolved.  He pulled her a bit closer and placed a gentle kiss on top of her head, smiling into her hair when he heard her sigh contentedly. He was still a little surprised this was his reality now, but he wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.  She was everything he needed, everything he wanted, and he was determined to never let her go.
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Reach Across the Stars. Part 2
Part 1 (the masterlist) here.  One or two more chapters after this.
Tagging @dixiehellcat @jess-b-thot @tonystark5ever @elphierix
Part 2
“Boss?” FRIDAY’s voice chirps warningly in her ear, and she forces herself not to flinch at the moniker, at the harsh, soul-wrenching feeling of how wrong, wrong, wrong it is.  
 It’s been months since Tony disappeared, the crackled whisper of his apology fading in her phone’s speaker as the spaceship took him father and father away beyond her reach. Months since The Snap, when half of all living things turned to dust, plunging cities into chaos and hearts into despair.  Months since she donned the suit Tony had made for her – back when he was with her, back when they were happy, back when they … were – and began helping with the daunting and seemingly unending recovery effort.  
Search, rescue, assist.
 Rescue.  If only….
 She helps secure the wall of a building, while workers pull another body from the wreckage.  A young man, practically a kid, whole life ahead of him.  She flies away when they’re done, moves on to the next task.  She can’t cry.  Not anymore. She’s run out of tears.  
 She wants to go home.
 “Boss,” FRIDAY repeats, pulling her out of the misery of her thoughts.  “There’s an… intruder at the Compound workshop.”  
 The odd hesitation in the AI’s voice puts her on edge as much as the warning itself.  The Compound is empty, has been for years now save for the maintenance crew that Tony’s kept on staff there to keep the place in shape.  “Just in case,” he had told her once when she asked why he bothered.  And there was so much pain in his eyes when he said it, that she never brought it up again.  
And then Rogers called her out of the blue a few days ago to ask if they could return (apparently, the clean-up effort in whatever hellhole they had been hiding until now has finally been brought under control and they were ready to come offer their services in New York).  And she thought about that haunted look in Tony’s eyes that had never quite gone away after Siberia, about the fading crescent-shaped scar on his chest that had disappeared eventually under the imposing new reactor, about the defeated droop of his shoulders and the pronounced tremble of his hands when he sat outside fiddling with the flip phone as he waited for her to join him on their afternoon jog….  
 She told him to drop dead and hung up the phone.
 Two days later, tired, cried out and slightly drunk, she called him back and told him the Compound was there for them to return to.  It was what Tony had wanted, even hoped for, all along, after all.  The least she could do was honor his wish.
 Still, the workshop, Tony’s workshop, has always remained off limits and would remain so even after their return. Especially after their return.  She made it clear to them.  So whoever it is that had broken the rule, they were gonna pay dearly for their trespass.
 She takes off toward the Compound at full speed.  Makes her way down to the workshop, the repulsor aimed and ready.
 And freezes at the sight of a raccoon-like creature huddled in front of the holoscreen, a partially disassembled mess of wires and circuitry spread out over Tony’s table before him.  What the hell…?
 “Get out of here, whoever the hell you are,” she demands sharply, the whine of the repulsor punctuating her words.  Because, raccoon or not, no one has any business being here.  No one but Tony.
 The creature turns toward her, furry face scrunched up in an odd mix of curiosity and frustration. “No can do, lady,” it responds with a shrug, and, holy mother of god, that thing actually talks.  “I got a ship to find and I hear this place might just have what I need to find it.”
 She frowns inside the helmet, her gauntleted fingers twitching in indecision.   She had heard reports of alien sightings across the globe, of savage beasts descending from the sky like locust on unsuspecting towns. The reports were disturbing, the pictures – the stuff of nightmares.  The raccoon-like creature sitting at Tony’s desk, on Tony’s chair, fiddling with Tony’s computer looked nothing like them, didn’t look threatening at all, in fact.  But he is sitting at Tony’s desk….
 “Get out.”
 The raccoon sighs, dropping a tool he was fiddling with onto the desk.  Clenches his little paw into a fist.  
“Look, lady,” he begins, his voice strained and shaky in a way that only the voice of someone who feels raw, bottomless grief can be, “I had to watch someone I love like a son turn to dust right in front of me and I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.  I spent the last few months helping the morons that lost the battle with the purple asshole clean up the mess he left behind.  And now those same morons want me helping them here.  I don’t like helping humans. I don’t even like humans!” His voice rises, anger momentarily pushing out the grief.  
Then it drops once more, tired, frustrated.  “The only reason I agreed to come was because the rest of my crew is still up there in space and I heard that this Stark fellow was obsessed with monsters from space and been tracking the skies for years.  Guess he was one of the smarter ones on this backwards planet.”
 The raccoon huffs in disdain, unaware of the way she flinches at his words.  Because Tony knew, he knew.  He tried to tell them, all of them, and they wouldn’t listen!
 “Look,” the creature starts again, his dark beady eyes startlingly intense, sincere, “I’m sorry I broke in, but I figured Stark might just have the technology I need to find my ship.  And I really, really need to find them. I got my pod here.  As soon as I find them, I’ll be out of this room and off this planet, I swear.  So, please, just… just let me try.” The last part is a barely audible whisper, a cracked plea.
 She lowers her gauntleted arm, lets her helmet fold away – a small show of trust.  “How?”
 “I hacked into his tracking program,” the raccoon explains, already turning back toward the monitor, his clawed fingers clacking frantically on the smooth surface of the keyboard.  “All I need to do is modify the program to track for a specific signal and … voilà!”
 The holoscreen comes alive with images of stars and strings and strings of data, rushing past faster than she can register them. They mean nothing to her, but the raccoon stares at them intently, paws gripping the edges of the desk, his little body virtually vibrating with tension.  She wonders dimly if any of those stars are where Tony is now, where he was when The Snap happened, where he…
 “I’m picking up an SOS message at the targeted frequency,” FRIDAY pipes up suddenly, startling them both.
 The raccoon swivels back toward her, dark eyes pleading. “It might be them.  My team.”
 She nods, acquiescing. “Play it, FRIDAY.”
 The speakers crackle obediently, the room filling with static.  And then a voice breaks through, faint and distorted and so, so familiar that she has to suck in a panicked, convulsive breath because she suddenly finds herself without air.  
 “…’ship The Benatar…  we’re… ‘randed about… years from Earth….”
 “…’nd water … oxygen… ‘ning out…”
 “…we need… ‘stance… ‘ship The Benatar… we’re…”
 Her knees wobble and she is suddenly absurdly glad that she’s got the suit on, because without it she’d have already been on the floor.  As it is, she takes a heavy, mechanical step forward, closer to the monitor where a single blue dot is now flashing in the middle of the screen – the ship, Tony.  Grips the edge of the desk, feeling the metal bend under the impossible pressure.
 “You… you said you have a pod,” she manages, turning sharply to the raccoon who finishes writing down the coordinates and scrambles to hop off the chair.  
 The creature blinks up at her, eyes wide with grim understanding.  “That your man?”
 She nods, grips the desk harder.  “The pod?” she demands again.
 The raccoon considers her a beat longer, shrugs, imitating her earlier show of reluctant permission. “Fine, Suit Lady. Let’s go save us some castaways.”  
 “Pepper,” she corrects him as they rush toward the exit.
 “Rocket,” he grumbles back.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 6 years
You Ra's/Jay gives me life. So much food for my overactive imagination. Lately its the werewolf Ra's/ turned omega Jason. How Jason would if Ra's gets interested by Tim or is able to capture Bruce or Dick? Or the Bats find and break in the Pack base on a full moon and kidnap a wolf treathning one of his pups, cue later and just. The. Shock.
First of all, thank you so much anon! 
Second, here’s the second part of the alpha werewolf!Ra’s/ turned hunter omega!Jason AU. There will be at least two more parts based on asks that are already in my inbox.
Please, I’m begging you, don’t send me more asks on this one. At least until the final part, that clears out some more of these prompt/headcanon things… I’m so swamped. I love you guys and I would dearly love to give you everything but they take time and cut into my other commitments (if you’re one of the people waiting for the next chapter of Muddy Waters… all this extra Ra’sJay is affecting how long it’s taking me to work on that). I love these things too and I’m writing as fast as I can, I promise.
Anywho… here you go…
Words 1420
Rated Mature (I guess? No explicit sex in this part but they are wolves)
(EDIT: This looks like it formatted very weirdly on the tumblr app...)
Read both parts on AO3
There is one incident whilethey are in Hungary. The pack goes hunting on the full moon, as usual, and leavesnewly pregnant Jason alone with his five pups and two guards, as usual.
There’s a commotion outsidethe door to the nursery where Jason, the moonlight from the window making his blackcoat glisten and the white streak along his spine look like it’s glowing, iscurled up protectively around his little fluff balls, all snoring softly ormaking those little high pitched whining noises they do while they chasesomething in their dreams.
He stands slowly not wantingto frighten his babies. For all that he hates his situation and Ra’s and theShadows and the fact that he has babies at all, he loves the littlemutts themselves. He’ll rip the throats out of whatever threat might comethrough that door.
But they look up at himanyway, jostled awake by his movements, with worry in their big puppy eyes. Hisfive little Alphas can sense his concern. So he noses them into a corner wherethe older three station themselves in front of their younger siblings, eventhough they all huddle together. Jason nuzzles them and gives them a littlelick on their heads, before taking up and hunched, aggressive position betweenthem and the door, bares his teeth and starts to snarl, low, deep, anddefinitely threatening.
He can’t help how hestraightens and whimpers in surprise when Bruce and Dick barge through, coveredin blood.
Guess the guards are donefor.
“We don’t have much timebefore the pack—“ Dick is saying as he enters and freezes when he sees a loneadult wolf and a bunch of pups.
“Holy shit,” he breathes.
Unless something has changedin the last year, they’d never seen werewolf babies before.
Jason doesn’t know what todo. He just stands there looking between them and hopes they don’t make himkill them. Or get himself killed.
“They’re still werewolves, Dick.”
Jason lowers himself into afighting stance again and growls. They both take a small step back.
“They’re… babies, Bruce,” Dickalmost whispers, horrified by the idea of killing the pups.
Jason relaxes a little. Hecan’t talk like this, not any human language, and he’s doing his damnedest tocommunicate to them to please not harm him and his kids. He’s tempted to sit,to try to show them that he doesn’t mean them any harm, but if they lunge forhim he’ll be unprepared.
Bruce swallows hard like hedoesn’t like the idea of hurting the little ones any more than his oldest. But Dick’seyes narrow at Jason.
“The mother isn’t attackingand only growled when you threatened them…”
Bruce glances at Dick quicklybefore looking back to him. Jason lets his tail wag to show that Dick is on theright track.
“You… don’t want to hurt usdo you?” Dick asks kindly but keeping his distance.
Jason gives a vigorous shakeof his head, pleading with them to understand.
His oldest (by about a minute,not that she lets that stop her from acting like she owns the place) leaps outin front of him growling, trying to protect her pack.
It’d be adorable if Jason’sheart wasn’t suddenly in his throat. He tries to reach for her, to stop her, tohold her back, but as Dick blinks in surprise, Bruce raises his gun.
On reflex Jason lets out aloud, terrified howl, taking half a step forward, the instinct to protect thegreater number of his pups battling fiercely with the desire to save the one.And still another part of him believes that lunging forward is the best way toget them all killed, and that staying put, beggingone part of his family to spare the other by proving that they’re not a threat,is the only way out.
“Bruce don’t!” Dick cries,grabbing onto the older man’s arm. Jason isn’t sure Bruce meant to fire at allif the surprise on his face when the gun goes off is anything to go by. But thesurprise of the pup jumping out at them and Dick’s frantic grasp makes theweapon fire.
The shot goes wide and Jasonyelps at a sudden burning sensation in his shoulder. He can feel the warmth ofhis blood trickling from the wound.
But he doesn’t care, barelynotices after the initial impact. Because his pup is still moving toward them,single minded in her biological drive to protect, growling in her precious babyvoice.
Jason is trembling,whimpering, he’s never been so afraid in his life. He doesn’t take his eyes ofher as she gets closer and closer to them.
Dick and Bruce look so lost.They obviously have no idea what to do.
When she’s a foot away, shestops growling and sniffs the air. She looks up, glancing between the hunters acouple times.
Then she paws at Bruce’s bootand yips up at him expectantly.
“What the hell?” Bruce exclaims,shocked and uncertain.
Dick’s eyes are wide and hisbrows are practically at his hairline. Which is exactly the look that would beon Jason’s face, if it were human.
When she’s ignored, the pupturns to Dick and gets up on her hind legs, pressing her front ones into Dick’scalf, and whines at him.
Dick looks at Bruce thenfocuses on Jason.
“Does… does she want me to… pet her?”
Jason glances between allthree of them. She must… think they’re pack. They smell like family to her.Jason’s heart swells even as it breaks.
He looks into Dick’s eyes andgives a single nod.
Dick hesitantly leans down whileBruce stares at Jason, making sure he doesn’t use the distraction to attack.
“This is the weirdest thing,”Dick mutters as he scratches her ears and she nuzzles into his hand.
Jason agrees.
“Agreed,” Bruce says.
Another moment passes and theballsy little girl rolls over so Dick can rub her belly.
Suddenly the almost comfortablesilence is split by a howl in the distance. But too close for comfort.
Jason cringes while Bruceturns toward the window. They must have heard his cry.
He doesn’t realize Dick’seyes find him and watch his reactions, curious.
“I’m not killing them,Bruce,” Dick says softly, “Any of them.”
Jason holds his breath,
“We… shouldn’t leave them to beraised with this pack, to grow into our enemies…” Jason’s heart thuds and hetries desperately to think of a way to tell them to take the pups and go. Hetrusts that Dick, at least, would protect them. And even Bruce doesn’t soundall that ready to harm them.
“I’m not killing them,” Dick reiterates very firmly, giving Jason’s pupone last scratch before standing and looking back to him.
“We’re gonna go, okay?” Dick saysto him, “I hope you remember this in the future.”
Jason will never forget.
And just like that they’regone.
Jason is glad he’s a wolfright now. Wolves can’t cry.
When the pack returns, waytoo close on the heels of the hunters, Ra’s, huge and imposing and overwhelmingly…Alpha, barges into the room snarling,enraged by the scent of human.
He takes a moment to check onhis pups, makes sure that they’re unharmed, before turning his attention toJason.
Jason flinches as the muchlarger wolf approaches and immediately soothes into submission when his Alphabegins to lick at his wound, cleaning it.
Eventually the blood is gone.But Ra’s doesn’t stop licking him, nosing at his neck and ears affectionately,until he’s nudged Jason into position.
It’s easy to give in. WhenRa’s is all fired up his scent is irresistible, especially if Jason is injuredor anxious or stressed. And he’s all those. Or was. A small part of him hateshow much better he feels since Ra’s arrived.
He whines when Ra’s entershim. He feels a wet tongue lick his nose and opens his eyes to see their oldestcurl up in front of him, touching her nose to his and happily dozing off nowthat her mother is safe and content.
He feels drugged up on the dotingand protective pheromones that hang thick in the air. When Ra’s bites him,knots him, and lets his weight sag against him the world feels right.
But in the far reaches of hismind he sees Dick smiling as he scratches the pup’s ears.
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