#and i said to my mum thinking she'd be a responsible parent about it and be like 'no legally you HAVE to or they'll take it to court'
hella1975 · 1 year
the 'i totally wrecked my walls' saga gets funnier bc ive spent the past few days trying to figure out how tf to get out of the inevitable fine and one thing i joked about was that i have a lot of hard hitters on my side if shit really does get nasty. like my flatmate's mum is an actual soliciter, my dad is a finance guy who can write an email so scathing you'll cry, my local friend's family owns half the property in the city and knows all the tricks of the trade when it comes to housing, and then there's just my mum who was like 'oh yeah i regularly used to dodge rent in my twenties. you'll be fine' and somehow she's the one im finding the most reassuring rn
#my mum looking at these insanely qualified people knowing she can one up them with the sheer experience gained from being poor#and she's right too. that's the fuck of it all#like she was trying to reassure me bc i nervously said to her 'im gonna be honest im NOT paying that fine if it comes to it'#bc im not! i dont deserve to! this tenancy has been a shithouse start to finish they have NO RIGHT to fine me over a dirty wall#like it does NOT cost that much to just go over it with some paint and it's not like i have a deposit for them to withhold from me#and i said to my mum thinking she'd be a responsible parent about it and be like 'no legally you HAVE to or they'll take it to court'#but she was so fucking unbothered she was like 'yeah when i was your age i literally couldn't afford to lose my deposit#so to ensure i still got it at the end of the year id just pretend my rent was late for however many weeks the deposit covered#and then id just leave. like id just leave without saying anything'#and that was that 😭 girl ffs. like her advice was really just 'call their bluff bc 9 times out of 10 they wont take you to court'#LEAST of all over an £80 fine for a bit of dirt on a wall. like lets be real here. i'll threaten to leave a review of all the shit#we've put up with during this tenancy and that'll be that i KNOW they'll roll over bc they've done it before we literally got rent back#for the first week at the start of the year bc people complained. im standing my ground#so even if the worst case scenario comes about that i cant salvage the walls and i do get fined#i now have full parental consent to just fucking dodge it LMFAOOOO#hella goes to uni
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wileys-russo · 1 year
blurb request:: meeting alessia’s family for the first time, and surprising them all that you can speak italian. you get into a conversation with mario in italian about which teams better, ac milan or inter milan ultimately you both agree (which ever team you prefer out of those) are the best. Alessia gets hot and bothered at ur italian but you make her wait all night and throughout dinner and movies with her family until you both go to her bedroom to let her get her neeeedy kiss. and pls that girl will be needy for you all night, hands on your body somehow, always trying to kiss you even infront of her parents, always wanna be near you.
mambo italiano II a.russo
"what if they don't like me?" you drummed your fingers nervously against your bouncing knee, your heart rate accelerating the closer and closer you got to your final destination.
"what's there not to like?" your girlfriend grinned, reaching over and placing her hand on your knee as it stilled and you exhaled deeply. "alessia i'm serious!" you frowned at her jokes, your stomach in your throat at this point from the nerves.
"okay my love please try to breathe. i'm only joking around because really i'm more than confident they're going to love you." alessia assured calmly, squeezing your knee before retracting her hand and turning into the driveway.
"i think i'm gonna be sick." you mumbled to yourself, head thumping gently against the headrest as alessia quickly parked behind her brothers car and shut off the engine. "hey, baby look at me." the blonde grabbed your hands in hers as your head lulled to the side to meet her soft gaze.
"i adore you. they know that and they're very excited to meet you i promise. they've been pestering me about bringing you home from the very moment they found out i was seeing someone. i didn't even need to tell my mum she said she could just see a change in me, a positive change, genuine happiness. and they want to meet the girl whose responsible for it!" alessia smiled sincerely, poking teasingly at your cheeks as your own lips curled upwards and the blonde lent in, peppering a few sweet kisses across your face before you cracked a smile and lightly pushed her away.
"i'll be by your side the entire time principessa, i promise."
and true to her word alessia had stuck by that, right up until her mum had called for her help in the kitchen to finish the last of dinner, a stern look shutting down any sort of protest.
before she left your girlfriend wordlessly checked in with you, sending a look as you returned a small smile and a nod, assuring you were okay as you sat conversing with her dad and brothers.
who of course already adored you just as alessia knew they would, having watched on with amusement as her brothers battled one another for your attention, determined to get to know you.
they'd already gone out of their way to embarrass her as she feared they would, sharing all sorts of stories, nicknames and memories from her childhood with you, ignoring their sisters murderous warning glares and bright red cheeks as they did.
she'd breathed a sigh of relief seeing her dad sweep you away for a one on one, her mum ordering her brothers around to set the table for dinner.
though it was during your little one on one with the older man that alessia learned something that would change the course of your relationship for the entire foreseeable future.
at first she wasn't sure she heard correctly, pausing what she was doing as her focus zoned back toward you. ignoring her mum calling for her as she watched your lips intensely, shaking her head as all seemed normal again.
she must have been simply imagining it.
though as alessia heard her dads boomingly familiar laughter and he wrapped an arm over your shoulders and pulled you into a side hug, she heard it again.
and this time she definitely hadn't imagined it.
the strikers head shot up and her eyes narrowed, jaw slackening once the realization dawned on her that she had been correct the first time.
you were speaking italian, fluent and effortless in your diction with her dad who looked on in marvel as the two of you exchanged conversation back and forth. listening a little more carefully she realized the reason for the mans grin, you were discussing football.
or more specifically italian football, her dads childish grin due to the fact you'd professed your own love for his favorite thing beside his children, his beloved ac milan.
"you didn't tell us she spoke italian lessi." her mum had also noticed the exchange with a surprised smile of delight at the new information. "i wasn't aware that she did." alessia laughed in somewhat disbelief you'd not shared this with her before.
"can i help with anything carol?" you suddenly appeared, her dad breaking away to try and wrangle her brothers who'd started to bicker over who was sitting where making the blonde roll her eyes.
"no nothing darling, lessi's on top of it." her mum smiled with a wink making you grin at the way your girlfriend rolled her eyes and the older woman stepped out for a moment as her phone rang.
"you." alessia pointed to you accusingly with narrowed eyes. "me?" you echoed back with an innocent smile. "why didn't you ever tell me you spoke italian?" your girlfriend huffed crossing her arms over her chest with an annoyed frown. "non hai mai chiesto amore." (you never asked love) you quipped with a smile, retreating to the table as mario called you back over, patting the seat beside him with a grin.
feeling her cheeks heat up alessia cleared her throat, feeling an all too familiar feeling coil in her stomach as the foreign language dropped oh so casually from your lips.
lust, want, desire, need.
alessia had never associated her families home tongue with any of those feelings, though hearing you speak it drove the striker absolutely mad.
to the point where she couldn't help but let her thoughts drift to how pretty you'd sound begging and whining in italian in an entirely different situation.
it also went without saying that you didn't need her to tell you for you to have caught on quickly how much this had affected her. the blonde throughout the entire night making sure to show you exactly how she was feeling without needing to utter a single word.
like the way her hand slowly crept up your thigh at dinner meaning you continued to move it away and send her a subtle glare until eventually you'd had enough and stamped on her foot as a much more firm warning.
or the way she'd snatched possessively at your arm once you'd all finally moved away from the dinner table, tugging you around the corner and out of sight from her family before attempting to quite literally shove her tongue down your throat.
"lessi!" you'd laughed in shock, ducking out of the way and pushing her off. "your family is right there." you smacked at her chest playfully as the blonde groaned and her head thumped against your shoulder.
"you speaking italian is killing me baby. killing me!" alessia emphasized, again leaning in and trying to pull you into a kiss as you turned your head and her lips met your cheek instead. "keep it in your pants russo." you shook your head with a teasing smile.
"e poi forse potrai entrare nel mio più tardi." (and then maybe you can get in mine later)
that left alessias jaw almost on the floor as you pecked her lips and strode back away into the kitchen to help her mum clean up, chattering away to her dad and brothers in italian, sending her a knowing smile every time you'd catch her eye.
alessia's mood only worsened when her mum offered for the two of you to stay and watch a movie, right as the striker was mentally preparing her goodbyes, internally groaning as you eagerly agreed.
"you don't want to head off amore? you've got work tomorrow." alessia had sweetly smiled through gritted teeth as you waved her off.
"not until midday tesoro it's fine." you'd assured her, kissing her cheek in thanks as her brothers pulled you both away for their goodbyes, headed back to their own homes as alessia so desperately wished the two of you were as well.
her neediness only escalated during the movie, the two of you pressed side by side under a blanket on the lounge you once more found yourself wrestling to wrangle her hands which slipped and snuck beneath the material of your clothes.
"stop it." you warned quietly in her ear, shooting her a glare which she only returned with a charming smile, stretching her arm over the back of your shoulders and tangling a hand in your hair instead.
"oh have you shown y/n your old room lessi? it's still the exact same way you left it." carol smiled affectionately as the movie finished, alessia perking up at the opportunity as she shook her head, grabbing your hand and practically yanking you up with her.
"i'll go give her a proper tour and we'll be back down in a bit to say bye before we head home." the striker smiled sweetly though you saw right through it as she pulled you upstairs, recognizing the real intention clouded beneath her ocean blue eyes.
and sure enough the very moment the two of you passed the threshold of her childhood bedroom, the door clicking shut behind you, hardly giving you a chance to look around before her body crashed into yours.
"alessia!" you laughed as your girlfriend tackled you down onto her bed with a cheeky grin, balling your top in her hands and feverishly connecting your lips.
you withheld the urge to moan as her tongue traced your bottom lip, taking it between her teeth and nipping teasingly as your head spun and your hands came to rest on her shoulders, pushing her away as your chest heaved.
"baby your parents are literally right downstairs and we only just met and-" you were cut off as once more her lips smashed into yours silencing you, her hand resting on your cheek deepened it further before she was now the one to pull away.
"say that again in italian and maybe i'll listen."
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sirdolraan · 1 month
Last Call
(( DWC August 2024 Day 7, Enigma/Victory, CW: None; @daily-writing-challenge ))
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Lorellai flounced down on the bed of the room she was sharing with the other ladies, feeling still tired from all the work but relieved by the shower she'd just had. She idly watched as magical brushes and washboards tended to her and everyone's gear over in the corner, quite a bit different from the devices her dad had made back home. Handy though, it meant she could just lie there, ache a bit, and think about things. She'd really enjoyed her chat with Dagran, and wouldn't mind talking to him again, but the idea of crossing Moira sent a chill down her spine worse than when she'd come face to face with the villains out in the dragon isles.
"At least she's on our side, I guess." Lorellai said to no one in particular, as there was a knock at the door. She groaned, not wanting to move, but also not wanting word to get back to her mum that she'd been impolite. Begrudgingly, she slid off the bed and headed to the door, opening it up. "Can I help y-" she said, stopping short as she processed what she saw.
"Ah, miss Truthhammer, my mother and I were wondering if you'd care to join us for lunch?" Dagran said, his mother not far behind him, looking, well, as grumpy as she'd ever been when Lorellai saw her.
"I will say only this." Moira started, taking her seat at the head of the table as her attendants brought in their meal. "I apologize for my rudeness to you. My feud with your father is nae your responsibility, and I will not have it said that I am encouraging our people's tendencies towards long lasting grudges. By all reports you have shown yourself to be an upstanding citizen, which I choose to attribute to your mother's influence."
"Uh... I mean," Lorellai stammered, trying desperately to remember the etiquette lessons her parents had tried to get her to pay more than a moment's interest in while she was growing up. "Thank you for your kind words, yer Majesty, uh, let there be nae quarrel between us," she ventured, at least sixty percent sure that was the appropriate phrasing.
"I'm glad we could clear that up," Dagran said, taking up a fork and spearing some salad. "There's enough conflict in the world without opening old wounds, I think. Please, relax miss Truthhammer, this is a friendly lunch after all! Please, tell us how things have been going out in the field!"
Elsewhen, a portal illuminated Spiru as she went over her list. She'd already made emotionally satisfactorily farewells with the SI:7 team and the Shado-pan she'd befriended, without alerting them to the strange temporal nature of her situation, and now all that was left was to gather the belongings she'd been informed were safe to keep and prepare them for her journey. "Hi there Spiru!" Chromie said, hopping on a chair beside her. "All ready for the big day?"
"I believe I am, Chromie," Spiru replied, closing and buckling the bag, before gathering up her hair to restore her usual ponytail. "All my farewells have been said, and my keepsakes are ready for travel. Has all been settled on your end?"
"It sure has! Nozdormu was a little hesitant at first, but when Eternus and I showed him everything we saw, he agreed that this was a situation where the rules could be bent enough to tip the scales in Azeroth's favor. Now, you said you have everything, do you remember your introduction?"
Spiru gave Chromie a flat look. "You've had me rehearsing it for three days. I am ready."
"Great!" Chromie said, checking an ornate hourglass, "Because it's time! Good luck in the Prime-Time-Line!" Chromie yelled, shoving Spiru suddenly through a bronze portal that opened behind her. As it closed, Chromie dusted her hands. "Another job done by the amazing Chromie!... no, that's not gonna catch on. Back to the drawing board..."
Spiru spiralled through the sands of time, before emerging in a stone room next to a table with several surprised dwarves. Spying Lorellai Truthhammer (three centimeters taller than Chromie had mentioned, hope that's not a problem), she launched into her prepared words. "My name is Spiru Handycog. I have been sent by Chromie to join your fight to protect Azeroth and follow the Radiant Song. In five minutes this entire city will be under attack, you need to get your gear ready."
"What is going on-" Moira's demanding question was interrupted by a loud klaxon.
"Attention, Citizens of Dalaran!" Khadgar's voice rang out throughout the streets. "Prepare for Civic Teleportation. Return to your homes or emergency shelters immediately. I repeat, citizens of Dalaran, prepare for Civic Teleportation!"
As the message and klaxon continued, Lorellai quickly wiped her face with a napkin. "Timely, we'll discuss later. Excuse me your majesty, I must gather my gear."
"We shall return to Magni's side. Come Dagran." Moira declared, rising from her chair.
"Fight well, Champion Lorellai!" Dagran declared, before following his mother out the far door as Lorellai took the nearer exit to return to the dorm, new acquaintance and perhaps friend in tow.
Things were about to get exciting.
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super-predictable98 · 11 months
Glass and Gold Child (There She Goes AU)
Chapter 1: One Day in the Life of Alex Yates
Word Count: 2 k
Warning: Strong language, alcohol abuse
a/n: Hello everyone! In my mission to write as many Michael and David characters as I can, here's another effort: a wee rewrite of There She Goes with my OC.
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Simon had been trying to get Rosie to calm down all morning. Ben just watched that disaster unfold while their father tried to drag her back from the park to have dinner.
"Where's your sister when we need her?" Simon groaned, pulling Rosie away from a car that she ran to because the license plate had a big X on it, her absolute favorite.
"What's going on?" Alex asked when she came back from her judo practice. She still wore her white trousers with a black tank top and her brown belt wrapped around her waist.
"Fuck, Alexandra, there you are! Can you…?"
"Hey, Rosie!" She greeted with a big smile.
"X! X!" The little girl called.
"That's me, come on, are you gonna be good or will I have to give these wotsits to Dad?"
Rosie let out a happy screech when she saw the blue package and reached for it. It was never too quiet around her, she was always making noises to communicate, but those happy noises were always welcome.
She took the snack from Alex and gave her older sister a clumsy hug.
"Can you say thank you?" Alexandra asked.
In response, Rosie did the sign in BSL and her sister ruffled her hair.
"You're a miracle worker," Simon sighed as they walked from the park. "You can't be going around and leaving us alone. She needs you."
"You hear how insane that sounds, Dad?" Ben chuckled. "She's not her mum, besides, she was at practice not even hanging out."
"Not helping, Ben," he hissed.
"It went well then?" Emily, the matriarch of the family, asked while she prepared the food.
"As well as it can go," Simon murmured, watching the kids get around the table. "I was thinking, what if we never send Alex to college?"
"What? Are you insane?"
"You know what I mean! Sometimes she's the only one who can calm Rosie down and can you imagine the epic meltdown that Darwin's little exception is gonna have when her big sis moves out?"
"Simon, we can't just ask Alex not to live her life. We're their parents, it's our job to look after them, not hers."
"Now you just sound like Ben!"
"Because even an 11-year-old boy has more common sense than you! She's 17, she'll leave eventually, we're gonna have to make it work."
"Remember when it was just her?" Simon smiled.
"When you were not a total prick? Yeah, I remember."
"Where's Daddy?" Alexandra asked, crawling on the floor, even after she learned how to walk, she still loved to crawl.
"He's coming home, remember when I told you about Daddy working to buy your Christmas presents?" Emily picked up her little girl and kissed her forehead. "Why do you love Daddy so much? Can't it be Mummy?"
"No! Only Daddy," Alex laughed at her mother's expression when she said that.
"Where are my girls?" Simon opened the door and opened his arms to take his daughter. "There's my little princess! How you doing, sweet pea?"
"Good! I missed you!"
"I missed you too!" He bounced her and kissed all over her chubby little cheeks. "Oh, there's my queen."
"Good one," Emily laughed. "She's been talking about you all day, she's a little chatterbox."
"Aww but that's cute! Remember when she'd speak full sentences before she could even walk? It was a nice party trick."
"I know, and it's cute, but I do hope our next daughter is less chatty. For my sanity."
"I heard that!" Alex gasped.
"See, now you hurt my little princess!" Simon joked. "Can you get me a beer, Em?"
"Noooo I don't like beer Daddy," the little girl cried.
"Wow, that is not concerning at all…" Emily arched an eyebrow. "Did Daddy ever hurt you after drinking beer?"
"Only on the inside…"
"No! I'm not-! You meant your heart, right? I hurt your feelings?" Simon asked, panicked.
"Yeah, you were mean."
"See, Em? Never say that again, sweetie, people might get the wrong idea and then they'll take Daddy to jail. Is that what you want?"
"No! We need to watch Barbie and the Nutcracker!"
"Good girl, if Daddy's in jail he can't watch Barbie and the Nutcracker with you."
"HIYAAAAAA!" Alex jumped on her father's stomach after bringing him to the floor with a rather flawless valley drop.
"Jesus Christ! That's what we're paying for? For you to learn how to kill your father in karate?" Simon groaned, curling up into a ball.
"It's judo, Daddy!" She laughed.
"Oh pardon me, I wouldn't wanna be rude to the little girl who just broke my ribs. You're always complaining I'm not home enough and when I am, you just wanna punish me."
Alexandra frowned and wrapped her little arms around him, kissing his cheek. She did complain because ever since her mum got pregnant, she would barely see him at all.
He was always 'at work' or with his friends and whenever she saw him, it was beer Daddy, not the one she loved.
"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna hurt you."
"Hey, sweetheart, it's okay," Simon assured, kissing the top of her head. "Daddy's sorry, okay? I wish I could be home more, but- it's hard to explain, my baby. Sometimes grown-ups do silly things even when they know it's wrong and then when they try to undo it, they can't right away. But I promise I'll make it better."
"Are you and Mummy getting divorced?"
"Why did you have to be such a smart girl?" He sighed. "I don't know, darling, I don't want to, but sometimes it's what's best for mummies and daddies."
"And then we'll never see you again?"
"Of course you'll see me, Alex! Even if one day I'm no longer Mummy's husband, I'm still your and your siblings' daddy, that'll never change. You're stuck with me for life, kiddo. Is that okay? You being stuck with your old man?"
"That's okay," Alex smiled. "I wanna come live with you if you leave."
"Why is that, princess?" Simon sat up, a bit worried that she'd given that whole thing so much thought. She shouldn't be pondering on that sort of thing.
"Because Mummy loves Rosie more. She only ever holds Rosie and talks to Rosie and about Rosie."
"Awww Alex, that's not true," he took her in his arms, stroking her long dark waves. "Mummy is only busy with Rosie because she was just born. She's just a little baby and she was born really small, she needs attention."
"I know, but when Ben was born, it wasn't like that. Mummy still loved me when he was a baby."
"Mummy still loves you now, sweetie, don't worry. But if you ever wanna come live with me, that'll be okay and… I mean, not that we're actually getting divorced. That's not happening as far as I'm concerned. Okay?"
"Okay… is it time to go to judo yet?"
"Yeah, it's time, come on."
Simon grabbed her Barbie backpack with her uniform and a little snack.
"Are you gonna stay and watch me?" Alex asked hopefully.
"I can't, sweetie. Daddy's meeting Aunt Helen, but I'll be there when you're done," Simon picked her up and looked up the stairs. "Em! I'm taking the little monster to judo!"
Father and daughter took the train, as Simon wouldn't learn how to drive to save his life, and he dropped her off at her class.
Alex saw Daddy leave and wanted to cry, to scream about how he never sat to watch her practices anymore like the other parents did, but she didn't. She was brave and put on her uniform all by herself.
She diligently got through her class and changed back into her street clothes, excited to tell her father that she was getting a new belt soon.
"Hey, I'm getting the yellow-orange belt, Daddy. It means I'm halfway to getting my orange belt which is my favorite color! I can't wait!" She whispered to herself as she sat right outside the dojo with the other kids.
One by one, the kids were picked up by their parents, but Alexandra stayed there, swinging her little legs and rehearsing what to say to Dad when he finally arrived.
"Yeah, she's still here," the sensei said into the phone. "Don't worry, I know you have a new baby at home, Mrs. Yates, I can drive her. It's no problem."
Alex never got to say her perfectly rehearsed lines celebrating her new achievement. She sat in silence the entire car ride back to her house and when her mother opened the door, she burst into tears.
"Hey, hey sweetie, it's okay," Emily hugged her after putting Rosie down in the crib. "Don't cry, baby. I'm sorry you were scared."
"I wasn't scared! He didn't come and he told me he would! Why won't anyone love me anymore?" Alexandra hit her head on the wall a few times before her mother could catch her.
"Mum? Why is Al hurting herself? Don't hurt yourself, Al!" Ben whispered, bringing her a pillow.
"Hear that? Your brother is worried about you, he loves you and so do I, so does Rosie, so does Daddy. And your grandparents, Aunt Soph…"
"Daddy doesn't love me, he left me there. He's not my daddy anymore!"
"It's not true, Al, you're his precious little princess and he just made a mistake. He forgot he was supposed to be there or he missed the train- the point is, everyone makes mistakes," Emily said even though she was also furious with her husband and that was far from his first fuck up. "Tell me how was class, let me make you something to eat."
"I get a yellow-orange belt next week, I'm not hungry," Alex said while she stomped up the stairs to get to her bedroom.
She hid in there all afternoon and when it was almost time to sleep, the door slowly opened and Simon came in stumbling over himself.
"Mummy just told me what happened, I'm so sorry, my pumpkin pie. I lost track of time, when I realized it was already eight," he slurred.
"Get out of here! You stink, I hate beer Daddy! I hate all daddies! I hate you!"
"I understand, I get it. I love you though and I'm really sorry," he said, too embarrassed to look her in the eye. "Mum told me you're getting a new belt? That's exciting, you're one closer to orange, your favorite."
"Whatever, if you cared you would've watched me."
"I swear, I promise next week I'll be there to see it."
"No, you won't! I don't believe you anymore. Go away, I'm going to sleep."
"That is my monster, its ears are so fluffy!" Alex read and closed the book. "Now, my little monster Rosie, it's time for bed."
The noise her sister made was indication she wasn't happy about it.
"I know, I know you don't want to. But let me tell you something. I know you can't talk, but you understand me, right? You get what X is saying?"
Rosie didn't nod or give any proof that it was true, but she stared directly at Alex, she was listening.
"If you close your eyes and fall asleep, you can play with the nice monsters and Hippo in dreamland. Right here," she touched Rosie's head. "Don't you wanna play with Hippo and the monsters from the book? Yeah, I know. So please, close your eyes and sleep, alright? I love you, pretty girl."
When Alexandra put up the gate to stop her sister from leaving the room, she noticed her parents were watching from afar.
"Sorry, I'm gonna go wash the dishes now," she chuckled, knowing she was behind on her chores.
"No! Don't you dare, Alex," Emily hugged her tightly. "You help more than enough and honestly I feel bad about it sometimes. Daddy will do the dishes."
"What? Why me?" Simon yelped. "I mean, yeah, I agree she shouldn't have to after getting Rosie to sleep, but why me?"
"Because you're a lazy arse," Alexandra laughed.
"You know what? Let's just order some pizza and relax while we have a little time," Emily suggested.
"Ah come on! We order pizza every week, let's have something different," Simon wrapped his arms around each of them.
"I don't think lazy arses have the right to decide," Alex laughed. "Come on, let's play a game while we wait. Oh! And remember tomorrow everyone needs to come to the gym, I'm getting my black belt!"
"Don't worry, princess, we'll all be there for you," he smiled.
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So Then I Took My Turn
Fandom: Doctor Who
Ship: Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan
Summary: The Doctor and Yaz need to stop by her parent's flat to pick up some supplies, only someone unexpected is there - and she wants to speak to the Doctor. Thirteen finds herself reevaluating decisions she's made. Title from Yellow - Jodie Whittaker (Coldplay cover)
AN: A conversation between these two is something that's been floating about in my head for a while - enjoy :) and massive thanks to @logically-blue for reading this for me <333 Read on AO3
The Khan family flat was usually quiet this late on a Sunday evening; Sonya absent-mindedly watching the Real Housewives while scrolling through Instagram, occasionally interrupted by Najia and Hakim bickering over the cleaning. So when the doorbell rang seven times in a row, followed by rather anxious knocking, naturally they were all surprised, even more so when Najia opened the door.
"Yasmin Khan!! It is 10:45pm, is this really the best time you could come up with to visit??" she scolded, but fondly, as she pulled her daughter into a warm hug. She couldn't even remember how many weeks it had been, but based on the guilty look on Yaz's face, it must have been longer than she had liked.
"Sorry, sorry. Can we come in, mum? We needed to borrow some stuff. And all the shops are closed."
"Course, love, come on. Wait, we?"
"Hiya, Yaz's mum!" said a familiar voice from behind the door, although Najia noted a tinge of apprehension that she hadn't before - was the Doctor seriously scared of her after their last conversation? She couldn't help but smile to herself at the thought.
"Doctor, hello. Right, let's get you lot some tea - hang on, where are your other friends?"
"Oh, they're uh. Asleep?" Yaz quickly responded, sighing at herself for not being able to come up with a better alibi. Najia didn't appreciate knowing her daughter was lying to her, whilst also knowing there was no way she'd have it explained to her any time soon.
Setting her annoyance aside, she ushered the pair of them in, and waved them towards the living room as she put the kettle on.
The Doctor walked behind Yaz down the corridor, unusually silent.
"Come on Doctor, what's the big deal?" she thought to herself."It's just the Khans. You love the Khans! Okay, well, yeah. In fact, Doctor, maybe that's the issue. Why do they make you so nervous? Maybe you are just socially awkward. Or is it because-"
Her reasoning with herself came to an abrupt halt when she made contact with a pair of eyes she hadn't seen in a while. Well, it hadn't been so long for her. For Umbreen, it had been 75 years.
"Nani! I didn't know you were here" Yaz beamed at her grandmother, "this is my friend. You can call her the Doctor".
Suddenly, Yaz realised the weight of this meeting. Surely, Umbreen wouldn't recognise her? It had been so long, after all. She felt her heart pound as she looked anxiously between the two of them. She thought that her Nani had a certain glint in her eye, although that may have just been a response to the Doctor's bum bag, which she had insisted on wearing yet again.
"Doctor, lovely to meet you" she said, "how did you two meet?"
This question was monumentally less intimidating than when her own daughter had asked it years ago, and Yaz found herself able to answer this time.
"We met while I was on the job, and we've been travelling a little with our other friends.(Not even technically a lie, nice one Yaz)"
Umbreen didn't respond, but smiled softly. Knowingly? The Doctor looked at Yaz, both clearly thinking the same thing. The eye contact didn't end, and somehow didn't feel awkward, but they both felt the weight of their conversation only the other week weighing down on them a little more with every second they didn't look away. The Doctor gave Yaz a little smile, and she finally forced herself to turn her head.
That just wasn't fair, Yaz thought. For the Doctor to look at her like that, to smile at her like that, when she was the only thing stopping them from being together. And that isn't fair either, she thought, to be thinking that. It seemed as though the universe was doing its best to get in the way of them. It wasn't the Doctor's fault, she knew that, but in moments like this it felt better to have something to hold against her. It felt easier then to pretend she wasn't that bothered by it. That she could even be in the same room as the Doctor anymore without thinking of the beach, the stone, the jokes, the tears.
That damned beach.
Umbreen, meanwhile, had been watching this intense eye contact, followed by uncomfortable silence, intrigued by this side of her granddaughter she hadn't seen in, well, ever. But she knew Yaz well enough to tell that she was hurting, no matter how hard she tried to pretend she wasn't, and she imagined it had something to do with this woman decked in rainbows. She'd have to do something about that.
Everyone exited their respective trains of thought when Najia came rattling in with cups of tea.
"Your dad's on his way to pick up Son from some party." she explained, as she passed the drinks around. "What was it you needed to borrow, love?"
"Oh, the Doctor needed something for a... a project she's working on..." she looked towards the Doctor expectantly, who was again looking a little less assertive than usual. Yaz knew how much her mother would be enjoying this.
"Just some coffee beans! I've got pretty much everything else I need, but the TAR- um, my... landlord? Yeah, my landlord, she does NOT trust me with coffee. Neither does Yaz, actually. Or anyone." she continued a little sheepishly.
"Right... well, you can help yourself, there's plenty in the kitchen" Najia responded, barely surprised at this bizarre statement.
The Doctor got up, and Yaz was just about to follow her, when she felt a hand on her arm.
"You stay here and catch up with your mum, beti. I'll go and show the Doctor where everything is." Yaz opened her mouth to argue, but Umbreen made a face at her that she knew better than to talk back to, and moved towards the kitchen.
The Doctor was already busy foraging through cupboards when Umbreen came in. The rustling of packets was interrupted with a calm, yet attention-commanding statement.
"I haven't forgotten, you know."
"Crap. Crap. Shit! Oi, language, Doctor. But seriously, what now??" her mind raced as she tried desperately to avoid eye contact, without seeming any more suspicious than she already did.
Umbreen sensed her trying to wiggle her way out of this, and thought it best to keep going.
"I mean really, Doctor, a hyperactive blonde in a big bright coat with a magic wand is not something I saw every day in Lahore. Especially not one who spoke Punjabi! What did you expect?"
"Yeah, maybe should have thought that one through a little. Could have gone a tad more local. Or not come at all... I told them! I said to Yaz, very tricky business! Too many risks! But she kept asking, and you know I couldn't..." the Doctor stopped herself abruptly.
Umbreen smiled. "It is hard to say no to that sweet girl's face, I know."
The Doctor felt herself smile too. Relax a little, even. Najia and Yaz were well out of earshot; she heard them chatting faintly, and she smiled a little more upon hearing Yaz laugh - a proper, happy laugh. One that sounded like those first few months of travelling together. One she didn't hear so much anymore.
"And whose fault is that, Doctor?"
The smile fell. Silence, too, for a moment.
"Doctor, may I ask you something?"
"Yeah, course."
"You knew Prem and I would not have the life we dreamt of. And yet, you married us, bound us together. You told us about love and hope and faith. Why?"
"Just like I said. You were so certain in each other. Nothing - no forces, no hate, no demons - no-one could ever come above that."
"Would you not rather have saved us the pain of losing each other? Made it so that we had nothing to lose? Tell me Doctor, what was the point if we had no hope of forever?"
The Doctor paused. Umbreen saw pain - veiled, but there - flash across her face. "A wonderful person once told me this, and I might not like it, but I do stand by it. Happy ever after doesn't mean forever. It just means time."
The point of this conversation clicked.
"Umbreen." the Doctor sighed, "This is a more difficult situation than I can really convey. I understand, truly, I do, but I... I don't HAVE time. I have nothing to offer anyone that won't end in pain. Pain that will last lifetimes. Not just for me. For them too. ...For her."
"I never said you did. My question is, did you ever offer it in the first place?"
"You want to see her get hurt? Because that's where this goes, Umbreen. That's where this always goes. I know you see it between us, the whole bloodyuniverse,seems to see it, but it's too late. It was always too late. No matter when I start, no matter what I do, I will never,ever, have enough time left. Never enough time to keep them safe, to explain it all, to give them what they deserve. It's not worth the pain. It's not worth another ending."
"That does not seem like your choice alone to make."
The Doctor sat, a look on her face that said the conversation was over. That it was all fine. But beneath that, Umbreen could see pain. It reminded her of her own Yasmin, all those years ago. The face, the smile, that screamed she was fine, but the eyes that pleaded for help. She didn't know this mysterious figure enough to push much further. Only one card was left for her to play, the one she used without fail, time and time again, on her children and grandchildren alike.
"How would it feel if this were happening to you?"
"How would it feel if someone, who had lifted you out of loss and pain and darkness, told you no? Not letting you choose the difficult road that meant more time with them? Even if you knew that time was short?"
Frozen between one heartbeat and the next.
"If they told you that you weren't getting a say. That their mind was made up and it was too late to do anything about it."
Push that button, Doctor, it will go off in your own face.
"That they wanted you to move on with your life and find something better, to pretend they never meant anything to you!"
Tell me about her.
"I know you think you're being kind, Doctor. I don't doubt that for a second. But I know what truly hurts my granddaughter the most. And it's not rough days, because she knows how to get through those. It's not endings, or sadness, or loss. It's the feeling that she isn't worth those things." Umbreen silently left both the kitchen, and the loud thoughts that she could almost hear the Doctor thinking.
People like me and you, we should say things to one another. And I'm going to say them now.
The walk back to the TARDIS felt at least five times as long as usual."Maybe it is, maybe you've moved" thought the Doctor, "if you're trying to get me to talk to her first.""Maybe I should do it now. So if it all goes wrong and she never wants to see me again, at least she hasn't got as far to walk back." The Doctor was snapped out of her thoughts at the feeling of a cold hand brushing lightly past her own, gently bumping into her as they walked.
"Are you alright?"
Yaz wondered if she would ever get an actual answer to that question. Try rephrasing, maybe.
"...what did Nani say?"
The sound of footsteps stopped.
"Did I really make you think you weren't worth it?" she replied, her voice cracking a little.
Yaz looked up, and was shocked to see tears brimming in her shining eyes.
"Doctor, what do you mean? Worth what?" she took the Doctor's trembling hands into her own, looking to her for permission. The Doctor held on as if Yaz's touch could undo these months, years, decades of hurting.
"I didn't... I neverwantedto shut you out. I was only ever trying to protect you. I have never, for a single second of our time together, thought that you weren't worth the pain. Really, not once. Scout's honour. I just-"
The Doctor felt Yaz's thumb rub gently over her own, encouraging her but never rushing her. She felt her cold metal rings, the two carefully chosen heartbeats that Yaz thought she didn't notice, pressing against the palm of her shaky hand.
"I just thought thatIwasn't worth that. I didn't want to take your life away from you, Yaz."
Yaz sighed. She never would understand how one person could be so quick, so bright, but also so very stupid about these things.
"Doctor, that exact thing has happened to me three times before. Once when I was in school. You know the time I mean." the Doctor squeezed Yaz's hand even tighter. "But the other two times were probably even worse. My life was taken away from me for ten months, and then for almost four years!"
"See, that's what I mean, Yaz. I couldn't stop you getting stuck in the past, how can I risk you getting lost somewhere I can't get to you?"
"It's a good thing she's cute," Yaz thought,"or I so would have kicked her by now."
"Not that, bighead. That wasn't the problem, not really.
The only thing you could ever do to take my life away from me isleave."
The Doctor met Yaz's gaze. Years upon years of nothing but kindness, patience, loyalty,carebeamed back at her.
"Now or never, Yaz."
"I know you want to look after me. The thing is, I want to look after you too," Yaz grinned, "And technically, you are still a witness from a crime scene on a train,Madam. Which means I've got to make sure you're alright. You know. Duty of care."
The Doctor gave no response except a wide-open mouth. Yaz took that as a yes.
"So... what now?"
I guess we're both just gonna have to be brave.
...Let her be brave.
Yaz felt chapped lips gently, experimentally, press against hers, a hand tangled in her hair. It was brief, unpolished, maybe even desperate, but tender. She heard a huge sigh of contentment and almost immediately felt the Doctor's cold face jammed between her shoulder and her neck, arms coiled tightly around her waist. Fighting back tears that came flooding at this moment she'd waited so long for, Yaz held the Doctor close and buried her face in her hair. She lightly kissed the top of her head before they took a step back, smiling at each other warmly, but a little cautiously. This was new.
"Yasmin Khan.My Yasmin Khan.
You wanna try that whole 'date' thing again?" End Notes: The Doctor needed coffee for a science experiment, btw. Did the science experiment involve her trying the coffee with disastrous consequences, maybe. Still very new to this writing thing, so any comments/tips much appreciated :)
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thatstormygeek · 1 year
why the fuck does Jervis from "The Stock Dork" think they need to chime in on any trans topic anywhere?
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The fuck does a site that claims it "is on a mission to teach investors about the ins and outs of building real wealth by investing in stocks and other assets" have to say about being transgender?
Spoiler alert: nothing good.
This entire story is sus.
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First, who the fuck is South West News Service?
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Wait, what? That sounds an awful lot like a clickbait factory.
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They specifically tout that their content is aimed at triggering an emotional response. So yeah - clickbait factory. Fantastic.
Which explains a lot about how this story makes no fucking sense.
This kid had weird gender feelings at the age when most kids have weird gender feelings. News at fucking 11.
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Right here, she specifically admits she doesn't know what she's talking about, but that doesn't stop her from making sweeping, unsupported generalizations about a marginalized community. And it didn't stop these folks from printing them.
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The timeline makes zero sense. She first thought she might be trans at 13. Her parents were "initially skeptical." And yet, by 16, she has already legally changed her name, gone on T long enough to deepen her voice and grow facial hair, and then detransitioned. In her video, she claims to have started T at 15 (instead of the 16 in the article), but she also says she had one visit with one doctor who barely talked to her before handing over a hormone prescription. Which is not remotely how it works for minors in the US. And not how it works for most adults, either.
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Did she change schools? Move to another town? I mean, how did she manage to not have a single friend who knew she was trans? She'd been on T for six months and somehow fully passed as a cis guy? In high school? With bathrooms and locker rooms?
Zero mention of puberty blockers, either, so I'm guessing she started to get boobs and have periods in there somewhere.
This story is basically the Transing Your Kids urban legend note for note: There's the 'girly girl' with her 'rapid onset gender dysphoria' caused by social media 'contagion.' The 'doctors hand out hormones like candy.' The 'everyone loves trans people and hates detransitioners' theme. And the 'being trans is a trend' plus a bonus 'trans influencers are to blame.'
The only thing missing is her being a lesbian that her parents pressured to transition out of homophobia, but that point doesn't play as well with the straights.
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Hang on. Her 'mum' said? But this is published on a USian site.
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Wait...her parents gave a statement to The Post? Which "The Post" would this be? Ohhhh.....the New York Post. Note, the 'original' article on The Stock Dork didn't link to this one. Or the SWNS site above.
I feel for this kid. Something fucky is clearly going on here. And whatever you think about what age kids know their gender, I'm of the opinion that 16 is not old enough to consent to being part of your parents' grift. So I hope she gets free of whatever is going on here and gets therapy to work through her issues so she can grow up to have a good life. Preferably one that doesn't involve taking rights away from other folks.
The overarching point is that, again, transphobia is profitable. I didn't go looking for this article. It was highlighted on my MSN home page in Edge.
Some shitty stock tips site based in Florida published a clickbait factory piece that was plagiarized from at least one major tabloid because they believe it will bring eyes to their site. And they were right. Again, I saw this on my MSN friggin' homepage.
Fucking worst timeline.
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louisysl · 2 months
personal trauma dump under the cut pls ignore i just need to let this out but i don't want ppl reading it i just have nowhere else to pour this
i've always had a very weird relationship to my parents. it was pretty obvious throughout my childhood that my parents never wanted kids. mum even said it once straight to our faces; she wanted babies, not kids. i'm the middle child and the only girl, and she had postpartum depression after she had me, so i imagine i didn't get much love even as that "wanted" baby, and it certainly didn't increase growing up
i don't have a lot of memories from my childhood because it was so traumatic to me and my brain learned to dissociate because according to my therapist i wouldn't have survived if it didn't. my parents weren't the only issue, their abusive behavior was mirrored by my older brother and since my parents were so absent, it was my brother who took rather a major role as my abuser when we were kids, and for a long time i did put a lot, if not most of the blame on him. reflecting on it now as a grown up i feel it's unjust to place the blame so heavily upon him when he was suffering, too, and he was a kid, and he was literally just a carbon copy of their abuse
when i first moved out i didn't really stay in touch with my parents much and i was the happiest i'd ever been, finally free of the shackles that weighed so heavily on me. i unconsciously sought that abuse i had experienced at home though, in my new, free, young adult life and after numerous instances where i was sexually assaulted and even raped, i ended up in a relationship that had a lot of abusive traits - power imbalance, emotional abuse, manipulation... i can't really even think about it, even though it's been years now since it ended. in actuality i have no concept of time as far as my life goes, everything feels like it happened decades ago to someone else. not me, the memories i do hold do not feel my own, they feel as though they happened to a stranger and i was merely witness to it
anyway, long story short, i got back into the equestrian lifestyle after having lived on my own for some years and having somewhat made up with my parents, more specifically with my mum who always loved horses growing up and was the one to introduce me to the hobby. horses always played a huge role in my childhood, they were my escape, my only happy place, and i had to leave them behind for 8 years when i was a teen because my parents no longer wanted to financially support it and i obviously had no money for it on my own as a 14-15 year old full time student
slowly, with horses as our shared passion, my mum and i were able to form some sort of a relationship again and maybe i even felt like she cared sometimes. maybe she does, in her own way, but she's always also put herself first in everything she does. she never does anything for someone else that doesn't benefit her, she's just not that kind of a person. which is hard for me to relate to when i'm the complete opposite and i find it very hard to understand not having any desire to help out of sheer goodness of one's heart, out of empathy
in the present moment my mum has bought a horse for herself and so has my dad, who got into horses just 3 years ago. he's realistically not experienced enough to own or be responsible for a horse on his own, but with the right support team around him and the horse, it's possible. and i'm part of that support group due to being experienced
i'm in a way in a very lucky position that i could only ever have dreamed of. i always wanted my own pony, but i always knew it would never happen. mum always said she'd never, ever buy a horse. it wasn't until a couple years ago when she started to entertain the idea, but her actually going through with it is still rather a shock to me
i think she really tries, in her own way, to allow me in. but it's always on her terms. sometimes i get lulled into this comfortable state of mind where i think it's safe for me to not be on my toes at all times, that i can just be myself and every little thing i do won't lead me into trouble i couldn't have predicted
we've had mum's horse since last autumn, and mum has completely lost her cool with me in the stables, in front of others, quite a few times. and i'm someone who self-reflects a lot and i promise i try my best not to upset her, not to cause any trouble, but there i still stand, completely humiliated and unable to speak (my trauma response is to go mute, i genuinely, literally, cannot speak a word, no matter how hard i try) or defend myself, and mum will spit the vilest shit at me, accuse me of things that are horrible and untrue, even i know they aren't true, and you'd be hard pressed to find a person who dislikes me more than i do myself
and i find those same abusive dynamics still play out, even though i'm grown now, and i live in my own apartment and i'm somewhat independent (yet by large so very dependent on my parents due to circumstances i can't currently change no matter how hard i wish i could)
i still have to tiptoe. i'm still the one the fault falls on, like i always was at home - there are stupid examples, like when my dad hit his head on a mirror door that hung above the sink and he automatically, without thinking about it, blamed me for having left it open and i got in huge trouble. and it most definitely wasn't my fault, i hadn't left it open! but did that matter, did he ask? did he even think something shit could happen, an accident could be caused by someone other than myself? that i wasn't automatically at fault? no. no, he didn't, because it was always my fault, if something was shitty, if something was out of place, if anything at all was ever inconvenient. if someone could be blamed for something, it was always me, and i was always blamed. even my little brother still brings the fact up sometimes, because it was so unjust and based on nothing but their tendency to place blame on me
just yesterday i walked in to the stable to find mum speaking shit about me, because i have chronic back pain due to which there's one task at the stable i'm unable to do, and she doesn't take it seriously. she'd just scoffed at me saying "your back will hurt anyway", when i said i couldn't do it, because it makes the backache worse. and she really didn't care, because if my backs gonna hurt, who cares if it hurts more? she certainly doesn't, because it's inconvenient for her that there's something she'd rather i do that i really just can't. and do you think she told those people that i have chronic back pain? that i won't do the task because i'm physically unable to? no, of course not. she painted me out to be lazy, i'm sure, slagging off because i'm just so spoiled, that's what i'd guess based on history
and i swear i can't imagine other people had such mean shit said about them by their parents when they weren't around. i sometimes heard them speak shit about my siblings, and it's not regular complaining, it's vile, evil language, one i just can't understand you'd use to describe your own child. and if they said that about my brothers, imagine what they've said about me
it's very complicated, because they have this huge thing to hang above me; they allow me to be around horses, my literal lifeline, something i wouldn't have if it wasn't for them, something without which i literally wouldn't care to live, and i do mean that in the very fucking core of it, i really would not care to be alive
but because they allow me this one thing, they have something powerful over me. something to hang above my head. something to use when they want me to feel shit about myself, to feel guilty, to feel at fault, to feel spoiled, to feel whatever the fuck they want me to feel about myself
and this must all sound like such stupid rambling, like i'm complaining about nothing, like i'm so spoiled and ugh, i keep questioning the validity of my feelings. thing is i can't explain it. i can't explain lifelong abuse in a way that does it justice. nothing i say amounts to the gravity of it.
it's just. it's this cycle of abuse that i keep falling victim to. and i sometimes blame myself for not holding them accountable. i've forgiven my brother, even though he put me through hell, i was so terrified of him growing up you have no idea, i can't put it to words - once i ran into the bathroom terrified of him, because it was the only room with a lock, and i called my parents absolutely sobbing out of sheer horror and their response was so cold, they made me feel like i must've done something to deserve that kind of reaction out of him, that i was dramatic, that we needed to sort it out between ourselves because they were too busy (too uninterested)
like.. your child calls you, tells you they've locked themselves so they can't be literally beat up by their bigger, older sibling, and you couldn't give less of a fuck - nah, better yet, you blame that fucking child for having caused it. yeah, beating me up is certainly justified, that's just how shitty i am
it feels so weird, playing this one big happy family at the stables, as if my childhood wasn't hell, as if my parents aren't the very fucking reason i can't function normally and as you can imagine, they do make me feel proper shit about that, too. as if it wasn't their fucking fault, to be very frank, that i am the way i am. it's their god damn abuse that fucked my brain up. and they hold no responsibility for it... and i don't hold them accountable, because i make excuses for them. because i see the best in people. because i hang on to those moments of peace and ease, because i need those, and i can withstand so much shit for a moment of it. it was evident in my relationship, it's evident in all i do, it's all-consuming, it's in everything
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telltalebatman · 1 year
34 for pinnguin maybe?
34. "Tell me about your childhood?"
"Hey, Oswald?"
"Hmm?" he muttered, his eyes still glued to the device he was tinkering with. "I'm all ears."
"What was your childhood like?"
After a long pause, he sighed, put the device down and looked up at her.
"It was good," he said finally; Charlie nodded silently. "Dare I say... Perfect, even. Loving parents, endless fun, good friends... Doesn't make for a particularly good story, really. Happiness never does," he added with another sigh; Charlie nodded again. In a way, he was right; it wasn't as simple as happiness is boring - but he was right. "Misery, on the other hand... Oh, misery makes for the best bloody stories."
"Right, but all I really know about your childhood starts with when things started to go sour," she pressed gently. "Not every story has to be groundbreaking, you know. Sometimes people just want to hear about the good old times."
"I've put my good old times behind me," he said, shaking his head; and Charlie raised her eyebrows skeptically. That was a new one; clearly it was a lie - and not very convincing either. Had he shed less blood in the name of vengeance, she'd be more inclined to believe him - but Oswald killed a man who ruined his life. Directly contributed to the murder of another. Tried to kill Bruce too, all because his father destroyed Oswald's childhood. "What about you, hm?"
ah, whataboutism.
"It was good," she said with a shrug; but the words felt heavy on her tongue, heavy and sour. "Mostly."
"Mostly?" he asked, resting his cheek against his fist.
"Well, for starters, mom and dad both worked a lot," she said reluctantly. "You know what it's like. Spent a lot of time hanging out with babysitters while my mom was saving lives at the hospital and dad was yelling at Rudy Giuliani."
"I had my fair share of babysitters," he said with a chuckle. "Ended up driving all of them insane... Except for one."
"That person being..?"
"Wayne family's butler," Oswald said with a grimace; Charlie let out a giggle at the dismay in his voice. "Never quite got under his skin. Still hadn't figured him out, to be honest."
"I think it's too late for that now. Isn't he like... Seventy?"
"His exact age is a closely guarded secret. Even Wayne doesn't know how old his butler is."
"Did your family have a butler too?"
"No," he said with a shrug. "Mum insisted against it, and dad... Dad only wanted to keep her happy," he added with a sigh. "But sometimes I wonder, if maybe... If maybe this is what could've prevented all that shit from happening. Maybe if we also had an Alfred Pennyworth... My folks would still be there, and I'd be rolling around in money."
or maybe he'd backstab you. or die as well. sorry, "disappear".
"I doubt that," she said instead; he sighed and looked away. "Uhm... Sorry. Didn't mean to make you feel bad."
"No, no, it's fine," he said with a wave of his hand; but in his eyes she could see things were anything but fine. "You were curious. I get that."
In response, she silently reached out to him; and he got up, sat at the edge of the couch she was laying on and sank in her arms.
He did end up showing her some old photos; of his parents. His pudgy, younger self. His friends. His home. In return, she showed him her album; and perhaps, in a way, he was right. Maybe happiness truly doesn't make for a good story - but she didn't really care. What does it matter if a story is good or bad? For a short while, all that mattered was the happiness that was once there.
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helloalycia · 3 years
teenage dirtbag [one] // wanda maximoff
summary: when you're paired with the most popular girl in your grade for Chemistry class, you definitely don't expect to start liking her like that...
warning/s: none i don't think??
author's note: okay so i have a ton of requests to work through but i got sidetracked and before i knew it, five parts of this imagine were written.
It's based off the song 'Teenage Dirtbag' and idk, i thought it was cute to write! Who doesn't love the popular girl!wanda and loner!reader concept?
Here’s a cover of the song to listen to because i really liked it and a girl sings it so it immediately made the song 10x more gay, just how i like it 🥰
masterlist | wattpad | part two | part three | part four | part five
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"Are you all comfortable?"
The class stayed silent, watching our Chemistry teacher, Mr. Hale, as he looked to everyone with a raised brow.
"You all like who you're sat with?" he asked again, as if expecting an actual response from someone.
I exchanged questioning glances with my best friend, Y/BF/N, who was sat beside me. It was the first day back in Chemistry class of our final year of high school and we were just waiting to begin.
"Anyone?" he asked, looking around.
"Yeah," a few students mumbled in response so we could move on.
He clapped his hands together. "Great! Well, don't get too comfortable because I made a seating chart."
A chorus of groans erupted from the class, including from me and Y/BF/N. Every other class had successfully managed to not give us a seating chart. I'd heard that Mr. Hale was an awkward teacher who hated students (ironically), but I didn't think he'd stoop so low as to pair us with students who weren't our friends. These new seats were also our partners for the rest of the year and were non-negotiable, so any projects or work we did would have to be with our seat buddy. Fun.
Students began to shuffle to their newly-assigned seats reluctantly as Mr. Hale read out the chart. When Y/BF/N left my side, I frowned dramatically, waving goodbye to him.
"Wanda Maximoff, you're now partners with Y/N Y/L/N," said Mr. Hale, making me look up at the mention of my name.
I didn't get chance to register what he'd said as the aforementioned girl soon approached me, settling her bag on the table beside me. I looked up and saw Wanda Maximoff smiling my way before taking a seat on the stool.
Huh. Wanda Maximoff. She was one of the most popular girls in our grade. Everybody loved her, either wanting to be friends with her, be with her or be her. I'd personally never crossed paths with her apart from the few classes we shared. She seemed nice enough, but I guess I had preconceived notions of what she was like since she'd made the very poor decision to date the most obnoxious guy ever. Anyone making decisions that terrible definitely had a flaw.
She had a twin brother, Pietro, who was also in our grade and played on the football team alongside her boyfriend. Her parents were good friends with mine, through mutual friends, I think, as I recalled my mum mentioning 'Mrs. Maximoff's boy' or 'Mrs. Maximoff's girl'. And I remembered when her family moved into our town back in second grade.
Admittedly, Wanda was the star of the show back then, too. We were only kids, but child Y/N wasn't blind. She was the first girl I'd crushed on, an innocent child crush – the crush that made me realise I liked girls. Apart from that, and the fact that she had a locker behind me in the hallway, I never really thought about her.
I glanced behind me, catching Y/BF/N's gaze across the room as he sat beside some other kid. He frowned, implying he wished we were partners, and I knew just how he felt.
Once Mr. Hale finished assigning seats, he gave us five minutes to get to know our new partners as he struggled to find the powerpoint for today's class. If there was anything worse than getting assigned seats, it was ice breakers.
"Er, well, hi," Wanda greeted, turning to face me. Green eyes sparkled brightly behind a friendly smile. "I'm Wanda. But, I mean, we already know each other."
"That we do," I said with a nod, returning her smile. "How're you doing? Your summer go well?"
She ran a hand through her hair, adjusting herself so she was comfortable on her stool. And as she did, a waft of her perfume washed over me and I blinked, trying to ignore how nice it smelled. Floral. Subtle. It suited her.
"Good, yeah," she answered with a nod. "Could have gone on longer for all I care."
I chuckled. "I feel that. I'm definitely not ready to be back."
"Right?" she said with raised brows. "It's gonna take a while to get back into routine, that's for sure. But I guess I did miss seeing my friends everyday."
I hummed in agreement, eyes flickering to Mr. Hale as he attempted to tackle the oncoming stream of animations on his powerpoint. I tried not to laugh as I looked back to Wanda, who clearly noticed the same thing as me and stifled a smile.
"Have you had Mr. Hale before?" I asked, nodding his way.
She shook her head. "Nope. You?"
"Sucks that he makes seating charts," she said with a sigh, before realising what she said and looking to me with panicked eyes. "Not that I don't like you or anything–!"
"It's fine, I get it," I cut her off with an amused smile. "I wanted to sit with my friend, too."
She breathed out quietly, a hint of relief in her eyes, and scrunched her nose with an apologetic smile. Okay, yeah, maybe that was kind of cute. Older Y/N wasn't blind either. Wanda Maximoff was beautiful, with long brunette locks and matching hazel eyes that seemed to change from blue to green to brown in a kaleidoscope of colour. A winning smile and soothing voice was enough for anyone to fall for her unintentional charm, but it was purely admiration. Everyone pretty much had a mild crush on her, you'd be stupid not to.
"If we're gonna be working together, d'you wanna get the whole awkward number exchange out the way now?" she asked, half joking, half not.
"I– er– sure," I stumbled out rather carelessly, before cringing internally. Where did that come from?
Thankfully, she didn't seem to pick up on it (or just saved me the embarrassment of acknowledging it) and was already writing her number on a slip of paper. Sliding it my way, she capped her pen and gave me her signature smile.
"Thanks," I said with a nod, accepting the paper and pocketing it. "Can't wait to start those lovely science projects we've got coming up!"
She let out a quiet laugh at my sarcasm. "It'll be fine. You're not dumb, right? So, we'll be fine."
"Can't promise you that," I joked, making her roll her eyes playfully.
"Maybe if we–"
But she was cut off when Mr. Hale spoke up loudly, interrupting everyone's conversations.
"Five minutes are up, let's begin!"
I wondered if everyone was thinking the same thing as me – that was not five minutes.
"So it begins...," I mumbled to myself, facing forward.
Wanda breathed out, a stifled laugh, probably having heard my comment, and I couldn't help but crack a smile. Maybe I judged her too harshly. She wasn't actually that bad.
Since being paired with Wanda, I was surprised by how much she'd made an effort to befriend me outside of class. We'd always been back to back with our lockers though not quite speaking, but since becoming Chemistry partners, she'd wish me a good morning if she caught me, or greet me briefly as we collected our books.
She didn't have to, but I could see why everybody liked her now. She was just genuinely nice. Due to circumstance, we'd become partners, but rather than leaving it at that, she made a genuine effort to befriend me. And not even just me, but also Y/BF/N, who was at the locker next to mine. He was as surprised as I was, expecting Wanda to mind her own business as we weren't exactly in the same social circles.
This was, I guess you could say, the start of our friendship. And it was a good one at that. I grew to learn how funny she was, how much she loved her brother, the passion she had for art and painting... she was a wonderful person. Which is why I didn't understand why she was with her boyfriend, Nate. He was a grade-A dick and everything Wanda wasn't. How were they a thing?
It sounds like I'm being a bitch and judgemental, but he really is the worst. The few unfortunate times I shared a class with him or caught sight of him around school, he was causing some sort of trouble with the teachers or picking on students in a way that made it seem like a joke but everybody knew it wasn't.
For example, there was a time when Wanda and I were studying for an upcoming Chemistry test we had. We decided to just help each other study since we already worked together in class, so knew we could motivate each other to actually put in the work. It was, maybe, the fourth studying session we had, and I was going over some notes when I felt her eyes watching me.
"You need a hand?" I asked, unable to take the staring any longer. I looked up at her, quirking a brow.
She seemed to fall out of her daydream and straightened up, eyes flickering to mine. "Huh?"
I gave her an awkward smile, unable to maintain her gaze. "You're staring."
She didn't seem fazed as I called her out, instead leaning back in her seat and continuing to study me curiously.
"Did you do something different with your hair?"
Subconsciously reaching for my hair, I straightened up my ponytail and shook my head. "No...?"
She chewed on her lip, saying after a pause, "You tied it up. You usually leave it out."
Did I? I wasn't sure. I just knew that her noticing something like that made me feel self conscious all of a sudden.
"It looks good," she decided, before offering up a small smile. "You should do it like that more often."
Quickly, I felt warm. Was it stuffy in here or was it just me? God, compliments already made me feel stupid. And compliments from pretty girls made me feel ten times that. It didn't help that she was watching me with an endearing expression, making me focus on my book before me.
"Thanks," I got out quickly. "I– yeah."
Her smile widened before she looked back down to her own book. Suddenly, I became acutely aware of the way her leg brushed up against mine under the table.
Thankfully, the strange fuzzy feeling following her compliment faded and we were able to get back to work without her tuning out again. As we were going over each other's practice questions, an annoying voice shouted from across the library.
"Wanda, head's up!"
"Hey, no talking in the library!" a librarian hissed at the voice.
Wanda and I looked up just in time for a football to smack me in the side of the head. I didn't even see it coming until I felt the thing slap my head, giving me an instant urge to strangle whoever threw it.
"Fuck," I cursed, holding my head and closing my eyes to breathe through the pain.
"Oh my God, are you okay?" Wanda's voice made me open my eyes and I saw her leaning forward, hand resting on my shoulder and the other on top of mine that was clutching my head.
"Been better," I admitted, trying to make light of the situation because as angry as I was at the idiot who threw it, I was also embarrassed because it hit me.
Wanda seemed concerned as she gently pulled me hand away, not letting go as she got a better look at the side of my face which I was sure was burning red. At least that's what it felt like.
"Shit, I'm so sorry."
I looked up and saw none other than Nate Green, Wanda's boyfriend, hovering and stifling a laugh as he looked at me. He had his stupid varsity jacket on and I was tempted to strangle him with it.
"I thought Wanda would catch it," he explained stupidly, before moving around the desk to collect his football.
Breathing out through gritted teeth, I pulled away from Wanda and nodded reassuringly. "I'll be fine. Just need an ice pack."
"You're such an idiot, Nate!" Wanda snapped, looking to him with a glare. "You need to watch what you're doing!"
He smiled sheepishly, making me roll my eyes and clench my jaw at the heat on the right side of my face. Fuck, that really hurt.
"What did you want?" Wanda asked him with a quirked brow. She definitely wasn't impressed. I'd hate to ever be on the wrong side of that condescending glare.
"I thought we could go out," he said like it was that simple.
"I'm studying," she quipped with crossed arms.
"I'm happy to wait," he said, toying with the ball in his hands.
Knowing I definitely didn't want that, I closed my books and said, "It's cool. You guys go. I think we're done here anyway."
Nate grinned. "See? S'all good."
Wanda ignored him and looked to me with worried eyes. "Y/N, are you sure?"
"You know your stuff," I said, referring to the work. "You'll be fine in the test. I'm sure."
I offered her a small, forced smile, before standing up to pack my bag. She did the same, beginning to pack her own things, but her eyes kept flittering towards me.
"D'you want me to go to the nurse's office with you?" she asked, shame laced in her voice.
"It's fine, I'll be fine," I said, hurrying up with my actions so I could just get out of here whilst I still had (some of) my dignity left. "See you in class tomorrow."
She nodded, sending a guilty smile my way. "See you tomorrow, Y/N."
Without giving either of them a look, I shouldered my backpack and left the library. Just another reminder of why Nate Green was literally the worst person ever.
Liking Wanda as more than a friend wasn't something that happened for a while if I'm being honest. I guess I started to enjoy her presence more and more the longer we spent time together.
I'd come to appreciate it whenever she'd say something completely out of the blue that made no sense whatsoever, or whenever she'd laugh at something I'd said that was arguably not funny but she didn't want to make me feel bad, or even whenever I teased her about something stupid she did, resulting in her doing that cute little nose scrunch she did. But I didn't think of it as liking her, more just a randomly-formed friendship that I was glad to have.
Maybe it was this misinterpretation that didn't make me see how I was acting around her, such as the time I was in the dinner queue at lunch when I realised she was stood behind me.
"Oh, hey, Y/N," she said when she noticed it was me in front of her. Her usual bright, friendly smile was on her lips as she looked to me. "You good?"
I nodded, returning her smile. "Yeah. Just getting some doughnuts for Y/BF/N and I. You?"
"Same," she said, before nudging the guy next to her, who I recognised as her brother. "Pietro and I thought we'd treat ourselves."
At the mention of his name, Pietro looked down to his sister before his gaze fell on me. A mischievous smile appeared on his lips as he put out his hand.
"Pietro Maximoff," he introduced. "You must be the Chemistry partner, Y/N, right?"
I raised my eyebrows with surprise as I shook his hand. "You, er, know who I am?"
He glanced at his sister with a cheeky smile. Wanda was avoiding both of our gazes, her cheeks dusting pink.
Clearly saving face for Wanda, he said, "We've been in the same grade since kids, right? 'Course I do."
Despite the truth to his words, something told me that wasn't how he knew who I was. Especially since I was sure I'd never spoken to him in my life. But, to save Wanda the embarrassment of clearly having spoken of me at home, I nodded to Pietro.
"Right," I agreed with an amused smile. "Duh."
I moved down the queue and grabbed two doughnuts from the display, putting them in two separate paper bags.
"Dibs the last one!" Pietro exclaimed as soon as I returned the clippers to the display. He reached around his sister immaturely and bagged the last doughnut.
Wanda rolled her eyes. "You know I can ask for more, right?"
Pietro grinned, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Go on then."
The two were twins, but they couldn't have been more different. I simply revelled in their interaction, finding it adorable.
Wanda did as she said, asking the dinner lady if there were any more doughnuts in the back. Unfortunately for her, those were the last for the day, making Pietro laugh as Wanda pouted.
"Sucks to be you," he teased her, as I paid for mine and Y/BF/N's doughnuts.
"I hate you," she mumbled playfully, but I saw the disappointment in her eyes as he lovingly but annoyingly waved his bag before her eyes.
Without even thinking much of it, I held out one of the bags in my hand. "Here. You can have mine."
Wanda looked to me with surprise. "Are you sure? I can live without a doughnut, if that's what you're thinking."
I chuckled, grabbing her hand and making her take it. "It's okay. I wasn't in the mood anyway."
Plus, you look better when you're smiling and not pouting, I added in my head.
She accepted the bag reluctantly. "I– thanks. At least let me pay for it–"
"It's just a doughnut, Wanda," I teased, before nodding her way. "See you later."
Leaving her and Pietro to it, I headed back to the table Y/BF/N was sat at and took a seat opposite him before giving him his doughnut.
"Sweet," he said, quickly opening the bag before realising I didn't have one. "Where's yours?"
Over his shoulder, I saw Wanda and Pietro taking a seat at their lunch table, doughnuts in hand and a heartwarming smile on Wanda's lips.
"They ran out," I answered Y/BF/N. "Wasn't in the mood anyway. Enjoy."
He shrugged before digging in. I'd like to say I didn't spare glances in Wanda's direction every now and then for the rest of the lunch hour, but I'd be lying if I did.
I'm in the art department. You okay to bring it here?
I read over the text Wanda sent me before shooting her an 'okay' and heading to the Art department. I'd grabbed her notebook in class earlier on, only realising as I was studying with Y/BF/N in the library and pulled out an extra one, so I was going to give it her back.
I guess, when you realise you like someone, it comes randomly, suddenly, without warning. Liking someone isn't instant, it's constant and gradual and subconscious. I guess I'd been falling for Wanda for a while, without even realising, but today was the day I acknowledged that fact.
The Art department wasn't somewhere I frequented regularly – give me a paint and brushes and I'd probably present you with a finger painting – but it was definitely worth the visit. Art pieces from current and past students were hung on the walls, a mural of the school was spray painted on another, and sculptures stood around. The whole department brought a smile to anyone's face with its bright colours and open space – I could see why Art students always hung out here, Wanda included.
Speaking of Wanda, I found her in one of the classrooms sat at a stool in front of a series of canvasses. The room had a few other Art students littered around, working on their own pieces during their lunch period, otherwise it was empty.
"Hey," I called, getting her attention as I approached her.
She followed my voice and straightened up with a cheery smile. "Y/N, hey. Thanks for coming. I'm working on my Art project, so I couldn't pull myself away."
I waved my hand dismissively, joining her side. "It's all good, don't worry." My eyes wandered to the series of canvases on easels she was working on and widened. "Holy shit, these are so good."
Three unfinished hyperrealistic portraits of people were before us, one whom I recognised as Pietro. The paintings were so detailed, despite their medium-size, and I couldn't imagine how long they must have taken.
"You think?" she asked, glancing between them. "I think I messed up the nose here." She pointed with the back end of her paintbrush to the nose of Pietro. "It's a bit bent."
I almost laughed as I looked to her with disbelief. "Are you kidding? Wanda, these are amazing. How did you even do this?"
She looked down bashfully, a nervous smile on her lips. "I don't know. It's for a project. I chose to do family portraits." She pointed to each one as she said, "My mum, my dad and my brother."
I was in awe of her talent, jaw dropped with amazement still. I always knew she was an artist, but I'd never actually seen her work. I was starting to wish I'd come here a lot sooner.
"So, you got my notebook?" she asked, pulling me back into reality.
I looked away from the paintings reluctantly before getting her notebook from my bag and holding it out for her. As she accepted it, she must have forgotten she was holding her paintbrush as the tip brushed my wrist, leaving a swipe of red there.
"Oh, my bad," she said with a laugh, before setting her notebook and brush down and grabbing a paper towel from beside her.
Wetting it with water from her bottle, she pressed it to my wrist and swiped the paint away. It was such a mundane action, but the way her fingers gently held my wrist and emanated a warmth only she seemed to carry sent shivers down my spine.
I glanced up at her, letting her do it, and noticed the swipe of paint she had across her cheek, as if she'd touched her face without realising.
Now that I paid attention, I noticed how cute she looked in her Art getup. An old, oversized shirt covered in paint was being worn to cover her clothes, sleeves loosely rolled up to her elbows. Her long hair was tied back into a ponytail, but her baby hairs framed her forehead adorably.
When her hair wasn't in her face, her eyes only seemed more intense, glistening with excitement and happiness. I almost forgot to breathe when they met mine briefly, a hint of embarrassment there from when cleaning me up. She was in her element here and it made sense to me now.
I knew I'd fallen for her.
"You don't get it," I was saying to Y/BF/N as we hung about the school gym, waiting for the teacher to start the lesson. "It's bad. I like her. Like, like like her."
Y/BF/N laughed, clapping me on the back with pity. "You're screwed."
I frowned. "I know."
As he stretched for class, he continued, "I mean, I get it, I do. She's super nice. Pretty. And you guys seem to get on."
I chewed on my lower lip worriedly.
He gave me a knowing look. "There's one problem though."
I groaned, running a hand down my face. "I know, I know. She's got that dick of a boyfriend."
He chuckled. "That's one way to put it."
I sighed, crossing my arms with annoyance. Since realising I liked Wanda as a little more than a friend, things weren't going well for me. Whenever we worked together, I'd forget what I was thinking because I was too busy admiring her side profile or getting lost in her eyes. If she spoke about the work, told a joke or was simply speaking her thoughts aloud, I'd focus on every little thing she was saying, knowing I could listen to her speak all day. It was bad, but thankfully I hadn't stumbled over my words or made a total fool of myself in front of her. I was determined to not let it get that far.
My eyes wandered around the gym as Y/BF/N tried to give me advice, but admittedly, his words flew in one ear and out the other when I caught sight of Wanda.
She was standing with her friends, smiling and laughing to whatever they were saying. Like everyone else in here, she was wearing her gym kit – black athletic shorts and a blue and white tee shirt, the colour of our school. It wasn't anything special, yet she made it seem that way, outdoing anyone in here. Her brown hair was tied back, the ponytail falling down her back, showing her stunning profile and making my mouth go dry.
Another clap on the back from Y/BF/N pulled me from my reverie and I looked to see he was laughing at me.
"Majorly screwed," he corrected his previous comment.
He was definitely right.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
cos apparently my mum likes kun and doyoung, has this gotta do something with parenting? and when I ask her why, she's like they seem "reliable" and "responsible"....
she also said that she ain't trusting jaehyun lollll whyyy
They do just look reliable and responsible, like you can depend on them and trust them. Like they'll never let you down. The most gentlemanly gentlemen. And okay my friend said the same thing about Jaehyun even though he's her bias like at first glance before you see how doofy he is like, he looks like someone you shouldn't trust. It's his frat boy energy. Kun is also her bias and she also feels Kun is just like the best man ever. I have to ask her about Doyoung again but I know she had a Doyoung moment but like me feels like he would not like her. Like he just wouldn't like her she thinks she'd get on his nerves. And I understand what she means. Like I just know he would not like me. Like first glance, first word I say he'd hate me, just find my presence annoying and my voice grating. Like something about him just gives off that vibe.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hey Quil. It's June. I'm sorry for doing this again. I just really need to talk to somebody and I don't think I could tell any of my friends. My Mum's been getting worse. She takes a knife and tries to cut herself. She promised she wouldn't do anything stupid anymore. But it still continues to happen. My Dad asked her to see a therapist. She became even more upset. She says she's not the one with the problem. I'm feeling more helpless than ever. What should I do?
Hey June, there's no need to apologize. You're welcome to talk or vent to me whenever you need with no judgment. I can't promise to always have answers or know what the best choice is, but I can try to figure out what I would do or want to do in that situation and help the best I can.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, I don't know if I can express that enough. It absolutely sucks to see your parents going through things because you want to help, but you're also just a kid and you feel so powerless. It's like it makes you feel even younger, like walking in on them having a serious conversation and being reminded that they're adults with whole lives and experiences and you're not there yet. You still need to wait in your room while they have those conversations, because you're still a kid. Which isn't a bad thing, it's just a shock sometimes to remember how much time and experience separates you.
I think that being in this situation, if you want to do something, perhaps you can try talking to your mom and expressing how scary or upsetting it is, appealing to the impact she has on others. It can feel bad trying to make people seek help based on what they do to others, but sometimes that's what helps clarify the situation and motivates them to seek help. Sometimes it's more about the result than anything else, and if your mother is in this situation I think I'd consider it more important to encourage her to seek help.
I don't know what you've tried, if anything, but what stood out to me about your ask is that she said she's not the one with the problem. There doesn't have to be only one problem, there can be multiple. Agreeing with her that there are other problems may make her more willing to listen because you're showing a degree of understanding, so then you can express that while there all other issues, this is one too. Because behavior isn't okay; it's not healthy and it's not safe. It's concerning, and it's something to be addressed. Self-harm is dangerous and an issue, successful or attempted. It's also not as easy as just promising you won't do anything like that anymore, so if she brings that up you could give examples on how that hasn't worked so far, that you think she needs to try something different.
If she says to give her another chance that's up to you whether or not you think it's okay to make that deal. Perhaps you could make an agreement like "you get one more try, but if it happens again then you need to try something else (like therapy) because your method isn't working." Or if you don't want that, you can go back to her broken promises and say that you don't think it will work.
Perhaps you, as her kid and not as her husband she's been arguing with, would have a better chance of explaining that and approaching her in a way she'd be receptive to. I want to be clear though, that is not to say that it is your responsibility. You are not responsible for your parents. I'm saying this because it sounds like you do want to do something, but you aren't required to.
If you gave a counter-example, perhaps something like "how would you deal/feel with this if it were me/another person from your life," it may help, as it can be easy to push off your own problems. Looking at the same issue in the context of someone else could clarify the severity and proper course of action.
If you can explain to her that her actions are concerning and she should seek help for her own sake, that's great! But that's not always successful, so these are some of the ways I'd approach that conversation. Oh and also, these kinds of conversations don't have to be conversations in-person where you're talking face to face. You could write everything down and give it to her as a letter, perhaps saying you can talk about it in person later for clarity but are using the letter so you can explain it better. You can send a text, an email, use a phone call. Face to face isn't the only way to talk and it's okay to use other options. I do it all the time and it makes it easier to talk about serious things like this.
These are the next steps I would take in your situation, but please know that I'm not a professional. I can't say for certain the best ways to approach everything, I can only explain things I'd try to do and what might help based on the knowledge I have. So whether or not you trust my judgment is up to you. You can ignore everything I've said if you don't think it will work for you, and that's okay! I won't be upset about it at all.
I sincerely hope that things work out and improve for you and your family, and if you ever need to talk or want my advice (even though I'm not a professional, I can do my best!) I'm here <33
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ajokeformur-ray · 2 years
Exactly. Parents seem to think that if a movie is animated or involves superheroes in some way, that it's automatically supposed to be child-friendly. Hence so much parental outrage when the South Park movie (Bigger Longer and Uncut) came out because it was an animated film, even though (again) it was rated R.
I mean I can't speak for parents and it's not my place to because I'm not one, but I wouldn't have thought it being animated or live action should make any difference. A rating is a rating and the medium of choice within media seems widely irrelevant to me.
I mean, I'm lucky because growing up, my mum let me watch anything. Yes, anything. She would take me to Blockbuster (showing my age😩) and let me pick something. If it was an adult film, then she would watch it that night and the following morning, tell me if she thought it was appropriate or not and why. She didn't just say "because I said so" (some of the time she did) and if she had the energy, we would have a conversation about it.
Most times I accepted her judgements. Sometimes I threw a tantrum, got what I wanted, and decided mum was right as the fear set in (I watched Thirty Days of Night for the first time when I was 11. She warned me, I ignored her, the consequences were mine).
Media consumption is your own responsibility
Is a lesson she taught me from an early age and I'm forever grateful for it. I was watching South Park younger than 10 but always with mum. She'd explain if something scared or upset me how it was made, what it means, why. We'd turn it off if I couldn't handle it anymore and that wasn't just South Park.
It was anything.
Hell, I'm 25 in July and I still ask mum to veto things I haven't seen before. Because I trust her knowledge of me enough to know that she'll be right either way. If she says no, that's solid. If she says yes, that's solid. She taught me boundaries within media across animated and live action mediums and anything in between. I'm sensitive to a lot of things and anyone whose ever watched a film with me will be familiar with the oral questionnaire I send them before we watch it. But mum taught me that. How to find out and respect my own boundaries within media. I'm very grateful to her and I think she had a good approach to it all.
Even if I question why she let an eight year old me watch the Aliens franchise.🤣
So I can't really speak for parents but I think choices about media consumption should be individually based on the child. Many family friendly films scared me when I was a child - Coraline, The Monster House, to name a few - but many of my friends weren't scared. Just as there were films I wasn't scared by that they were. Some teenage rating films terrified me, but some adult rating films didn't. A rating isn't set in stone.
Choices should be made individually while also paying attention to the rating and warnings affixed to the medium. So, I think parents should know their kids well enough to say "my child can handle this on their own" or "my child can handle this with supervision" or "my child isn't old enough for this media of choice yet". If a child is scared or upset by something they see in media, that means they're old enough to understand it, and that's where conversation can be opened up for personal development and growth (here, I am talking explicitly about things like Mufasa dying in Lion King, I don't mean anything like previous mentions I've made in this answer).
But like I said, I can't speak for parents and even if I could, I wouldn't want to. So many nuances and not enough time.💖
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
The Friends to Lovers Cliché
George Weasley x Reader
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Prompts: 13 and 15
"I'm so happy and not at all Jealous."/"I'm sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you by taking you roughly in the barn."
Warnings: Light Swearing.
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Not many things in life had been clear for [Y/N]. She could never understand why her parents fought. Or why Snape despised Gryffindor so much. Above all she couldn't understand why the Weasley Twins had taken so much of a liking to her, not that she was complaining. The Weasleys were the type family she'd always dreamed of being apart of.
There was one thing however she knew for certain. That was, George and her were never meant to be 'just friends'.
The transition was simple. Hell, they practically melted together into the perfect couple. After 4 years of friendship they both just knew they were right for one another.
Today, however, there was one other thing she was sure of. The fact she was positively shitting herself at the prospect of spending this Summer at the Burrow. Yeah, she'd done it plenty of times in the past, but they were different. This time she was wasn't just 'the Twins best friend', she was 'the Girlfriend'. The thought terrified her for reasons she couldn't understand. Evidently, her nerves must have been playing painfully obvious as George noticed and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.
"Relax, love" he whispered, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. She'd been bouncing on the balls of her feet, biting her nails, while staring fixedly at the train tracks in front of her. George wasn't sure whether she were willing the Hogwarts Express to speed up...or to slow down.
"You realise you've been to our house before, right?" Fred joked as he watched her amusedly.
"Ah, but that was before", Ginny spoke stepping closer to her family and friends, "before she'd began smooching our precious, little, Georgie all over the school." She pursed her lips, making various kissing noises while she did.
"Oh shove off, you two." George swatted away his pestering siblings as the Train rolled into the station before them.
"They love you, my parents, you know that. I'll be with you the whole time, don't worry." He kissed her cheek and gave her waist a reassuring squeeze before they made their way toward the carriages. She nodded once in response, sighing deeply in uncomfortable anticipation. George, walked beside her, hands intertwined, trying to restrain the giggle that formed in his throat at the look that had appeared on her face.
The train ride went by in the blink of an eye. Much to [Y/N]s displeasure. Walking onto the platform she kept a firm grip on her luggage in one hand, and a firmer grasp on George's hand in her other.
"Love, I know you're nervous, but you're sort of breaking my hand." He chuckled. His words broke the girls intense focus that had set on the pounding of her own heart beat and the crowd of people bustling about the train-line, as she scanned the various faces for the familiar features of Mr and Mrs Weasley.
Quickly shifting her gaze to see the whites of her knuckles and the red tips of Georges fingers she gasped, dropping the hold immediately and apologising.
"It's okay" he laughed, shaking the pins and needles from his hand as he threw his arm over her shoulders. "There's Dad." He nodded, feeling [Y/N] tense under his hold at the words. She whipped her head around so fast she saw spots. Mr Weasleys attention was set directly on the couple, with an endearing smile on his lips. Ducking her head away in an attempt to hide her blushing face the other Weasleys laughed leading the way.
Arthur was greeting Ginny in a tight embrace when George and [Y/N] approached. George saw his chance for a laugh and took it. As Ginny stepped back from her father George nudged his girlfriend forward with his shoulder, watching her fumble forward slightly to stand infront of the man in question. She glared back at him, eyes like daggers.
"[Y/N] DEAR!" Mr Weasley exclaimed in excitement, greeting the pale faced teen, shaking her hand with both of his, "so glad you could join us for the Summer." He was grinning broadly. "Thank you for having me" "No problem at all! Molly and I were thrilled when we heard the news", he let go of her hand. "Hope you've been keeping our boy in line." he looked between her and Fred who promptly shook his head and pointed to his brother next to him - who stood with poorly contained laughter. Arthur turned his attention back to [Y/N] who was blushing a deep red as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear, bowing her head. What was she meant to say to that? Control George Weasley? Talk about the impossible.
"Right then." Arthur spoke to the group of redheads, and [Y/N] "if this is everyone we'd best be off. Your mother's got dinner on already, hate to be late."
"Excellent!" Added Ron eagerly as they departed for the Burrow.
Okay so, maybe [Y/N] was a little out of her mind to be so worried about visiting this Summer. Everything was exactly as it had been before. Molly had greeted her with a warm hug and smile which always made her feel at home. Although, this smile was considerably brighter in [Y/N]s opinion. Molly couldn't restrain herself from gushing over the happy new couple whenever she saw them together, even if they were just talking at the dining table. Her compliments prompting countless redcheeks from [Y/N] and more than a few snide comments from George about 'personal space'. But other than that, everything was exactly as it had been.
At the beginning of their second week home the restless teenagers currently occupying the Burrow found themselves bored beyond death. Not that Molly hadn't done all she could to keep them busy with a surplus of chores, of course. Now however they found themselves faced with an entire day free for whatever their desperate little hearts desired. If only they could think of something fun to do. There was always Quidditch...but without Harry due for another few days they were left as an odd number. Rather it was decided that a leisurely stroll into town would hold them over for now.
The day was spent simply browsing through the many stores which lined the small streets. Fred and George were sure to drag everyone to their favourite muggle joke store. Ginny and Ron didn't miss a beat in rushing to their favourite sweet shops. [Y/N] wouldn't have changed it for the world. Between the laughter and joking, and Georges ever present hold on her - he hadn't let go of her even once all day, much to the disgust of Fred, Ron and Ginny, it was perfect.
But as they say; all good things come to an end. At least they did for George.
"[Y/N]?" an unfamiliar voice rang through his ears.
"Oh my goodness...JEREMY?" [Y/N] had replied.
The Weasleys turned to see a, very handsome, boy striding quickly toward their friend with a wide smile.
They exchanged various pieces of small talk, [Y/N] being sure to introduce everyone as they caught up. Jeremy had attended Hogwarts briefly. He was a year older than Fred, George and [Y/N] and had transferred to Ilvermorny when his parents were needed in America for business reasons. Apparently the two were quite close before his final year.
George was torn.
He couldn't help but admire his girlfriend in this moment. How happy she looked. How passionately she spoke about school, and her friends. She was truly glowing.
That being said. George was not so fond of Jeremy.
Of the way he leant himself slightly toward [Y/N] as he spoke. Of the way his lips curled as she got lost on her own stories tangent. How his eyes traced her body whenever he thought she wouldn't notice. Of that look he held toward her. George knew that look. It was the same one he had everytime he saw her.
"They're just friends." He told himself. "She's with you." He repeated the words over and over in his mind seeking comfort in the fact she was his and his alone. That, after their little reunion, she was going home with him.
Still he couldn't help as he stood there, grinding his teeth slightly, but to size him up. No contest. He could take him easy.
A slight tug on his hand brought George from his thoughts. Everyone was saying goodbye. With the sun already set low in the sky the group were pressed to get home. Unwilling to tempt the wrath of Mrs Weasley lest they be late.
"So, [Y/N]" Fred began, making conversation on their walk home, "how'd you get to know Jeremy at school?"
"Oh, ya know through the grape vine. He was a-ah friend of a friend." She seemed nervous. Why did she seem nervous?
"He's not...that Jeremy, is he?" Ginny asked grinning with a knowing look on her face. "The one you-" [Y/N] smacked Ginny hard on the shoulder to stop her talking.
"Oooh, the one you what?" Fred asked wiggling his eyebrows..
"Nothing. It was nothing."
"Doesn't sound like nothing" George said with a forced smile, tickling her sides.
"We just-UGH! It was a dare. Stupid really. Seven minutes in Heaven or whatever you call it." She tried to play it off. "Can we please talk about anything else." She shrugged with a pleading look.
"Awe, our little [Y/N/N]. Such a sinner!" Fred teased pinching her cheek.
"Lay off." She swat his arm.
The mocking would have continued if it weren't for the call of Mrs Weasley as soon as they entered through the house doors, calling for them to head straight up stairs to clean up for dinner as Percy and Mr Weasley would be home soon. [Y/N] offered to help prepare dinner but Molly insisted she could handle everything. Shooing them upstairs while she did so.
Fred and George were changing in their room with their backs to one another. Abnormally silent. It was making Fred uncomfortable.
"So. [Y/N], huh? Was about time you two made it official." George hummed in response. Fred glanced over his shoulder to watch his brothers reaction as he continued. "I mean, Mum loves her. Wouldn't be surprised if she tries to get her living here before the holidays up." He joked turning to face his brother who hadn't moved, shaking fluff from his favourite green sweater. "No doubt that'd make you happy." Nothing. " unless you're not happy she's here? That or it's just the jealousy" "What?!" George turned his head over his shoulder to stare at his twin, looking insulted by his insinuation. "No. Of course I'm glad she's here!" He threw his jumper over his head. "I'm so happy, and not at all jealous." He grumbled, pulling the ends of his jumper to cover his waist with a little too much attitude for someone who was "so happy".
"Right, cause you always sulk like this when you hear something you don't like. Forgot sorry, that I was talking to Ron." He threw a sock at his brother.
"I'm not sulking." He sulked, rolling his eyes and turning his back to his twin.
"What's the big deal? You've snogged loads of girls before [Y/N], don't see her pouting."
"I know!" George snapped, turning to sit on the foot of his bed with his head bowed. "I don't know what's wrong with me. So they kissed. What's the big deal?" He looked up to Fred, arms wide in question.
"Jealousy, mate. Gets to the best of us" Fred laughed walking to the door past George, clapping him on the shoulder as he did so. "You'll get over it. Come on, let's eat."
George stared at the wall for a moment, before rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. "Get a grip." He told himself, following his brother. They stopped by Ginnys room where [Y/N] had agreed to meet them. They could hear the girls voices through the door. Fred was about to knock when...
"He's so cute though!" Came the giggle of their sister. His hand froze centimetres from the door, eyeing his brother curiously. "Like, ridiculously cute!" She squealed causing [Y/N] to laugh. "They're not still talking about that tosser, surely?" George wondered aloud.
"I know he is, Ginny. You forget I used to snog him." She replied. Unknowing to her, [Y/N]s comment had made her eavesdropping boyfriends heart drop. She said it was just one time.
"Why didn't you two date?" Ginny asked.
"What we had was way more fun." Smirk evident on her tone of voice.
"[Y/N]!" Their sister shouted.
George had heard enough. His blood boiling he stormed away. Fred watched as his Twin disappeared from sight followed shortly by the unmistakable open and close of the front door. Fred hesitated, unsure of what to do next.
"I'm kidding. To tell you the truth I was too hung up on your brother at the time."
"Of course." Fred thought, "the one bit he doesn't hear!" He shook his head. Knocking lightly on the door, pushing it open. "Hey" he spoke awkwardly "uh, [Y/N], mind if I have a word?" "But of course, Fredrick." She giggled. Following the boy from the room.
She stood patiently on the landing behind him while he closed the door, she couldn't help but notice the serious expression on his face. One that didn't look like it belonged on the face of Fred Weasley. "This is awkward, but..."
"Don't tell me you've come to confess your undying love for me now, Freddie. I only just got with your brother." She teased, pushing his shoulder playfully. "Ah, not exactly. But this is about him actually. You need to go talk to him." "Why...what's wrong?" Her cheeky smile suddenly fading.
"Well, um, Georgie may have gotten a bit jealous today, of that friend of yours. Aaannd he may have also just heard a snippet of your conversation with our darling sister." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling greatly uncomfortable. "You're joking." Fred grimaced. "But" she laughed exasperated, "George doesn't get jealous!..does he?" "Apparently so. Go see for yourself. He stormed off out the front, he'll be by the pond for sure." Fred gestured down the stairs. "Thanks, Freddie."
[Y/N] was at a loss. What could George possibly have to be jealous about? I mean, yes it was unfortunate timing that he had overheard her joke with Ginny but, other than that, Jeremy and her were just friends! And it's not like George hadn't had his fair share of flings before they got together.
Walking out toward the pond, [Y/N] could just make out the silhouette of her boyfriends body. Standing rigid by the waters edge, hands in his pants pockets. The sky was all but dark now, a mere sliver of orange and cream way on the horizon. Not a cloud in the sky as the stars shone brightly over head. She walked toward him wishing she were wearing warmer clothes as the nights air nipped at her exposed skin.
"Hey, Georgie." She spoke softly, standing just behind him. He turned his head to the side at the sound of her voice, able to see her only just by the corner of his eye. "Hey" he mumbled before looking back to the water.
Taking a deep breath she stepped toward him, shivering slightly. "A little birdie tells me..." her voice was soft and playful as she put her arms out wrapping them around his waist "that you're a little jealous" she nuzzled into him. Eyes gazing up to his profile. George opened his mouth to speak before closing it deciding against whatever retort formed on the tip of his tongue. She tilted her head walking in front of him to hug him once more, her tone now sincere. "I'm sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you by...taking you roughly in the barn." She chuckled against him.
He shook her off him turning away again. [Y/N]s face dropped slightly while the last of her giggles faded. She'd never seen him like this before. Even when they weren't dating.
"Oh, George..." "just don't." He snapped. "You don't have to say anything." "I'm sorry about what you heard. But it-it was just a joke-" "so you didn't sneak around with Jeremy while he was at school?" He interrupted. "Well...yes that happened but" he scoffed.
[Y/N]s temper began to rise at the reaction. "Hey! Wait a minute you can't hold that against me. We weren't together at the time and it's not as if you were an angel before us! Need I remind you of your time spent with Katie. And Alicia. And Felicity. And-" "ALRIGHT!" He turned to face her now, brows furrowed.
His expression softening as he looked at her. "Alright...I'm sorry, I know I don't have any right to get angry. Or any reason to be jealous I just...I don't like to think about you with anyone other than me." He stepped forward, "and after the way he was looking at you today. Looking at you the way I do, and hearing you with Ginny I just-" he cast his eyes over to the House. Not knowing the words to say. "I just need to know that you're mine." He moved into her, placing his hands against her sides and leaning their foreheads together.
They stood there for a moment, eyes closed just feeling each others warmth in the cold night air. [Y/N] was the first to open them again, searching his face which bore a painful expression. As if worried she were going to say she weren't his.
Placing a hand gently on the back of his neck she pulled their lips together. Kissing him tenderly at first before filling it with as much passion and love as she could. Wanting him to feel just how badly she needed him. [Y/N] pulled her lips from his, pushing her forehead against his again as she spoke softly, "I'll always be yours, George."
He leant into her, lips crashing with hers hungrily. Lifting her into his body while she giggled. He placed her back down layering quick, sweet, kisses to her cheek and neck.
"Feel better now?" She teased.
He smiled against her skin. "Absolutely."
Pulling back to whisper in her ear, his grip tightened on her hips, "Now, about that barn idea..." he grinned, biting his lip.
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Lily stopped abruptly almost tripping over a step at the sound of her own name.
Then she heard the unsettling sound of her grandmother crying.
'We have to warn her Ginevra- did you not warn her about associating with his kind?' Molly lamented.
Lily frowned, her heart beating fast.
'Warn me about what?' she asked, stepping down the last few steps and into the kitchen.
There was a loud noise of paper rustling as Ginny immediately thrust whatever she and Molly had been looking at behind her back.
'Lily' Ginny's face went pale as she addressed her daughter.
Lily looked from her mother's face to her grandmother's. Molly Weasley looked as though someone had died; her face was stained with tears and her nose was running a little. Upon seeing Lily she let out another long, sorrowful wail.
Ginny looked at her mother with an exasperated expression before turning back to her daughter.
'Lily, we don't want to upset you. This could be a little… surprising'
'What is it?' Lily's voice rose and her chest heaved in trepidation. She'd never seen her grandmother so upset- at least not since James had vandalized her signed copy of 'Magical Me' by Gilderoy Lockhart.
Ginny looked her gravely in the eye and slowly took the magazine out from behind her back.
'We need to ask you if this is real' she said swallowing hard.
Lily looked down at the magazine in front of her. Splashed across the top were the words 'Witch Weekly' in large pink letters. But it was what was underneath those letters that made Lily's stomach flip and her entire body start to sweat. Her eyes widened, her lips parted and she let out a small whimper of shock.
Underneath those awful pink letters was a moving photograph- a very close up photograph of Scorpius.
Scorpius with his lips on her lips.
Scorpius with his hands on her neck and his thumbs brushing her cheeks affectionately.
And there she was kissing him back just as passionately.
Their faces took up the whole cover, every movement of their lips and flutter of their eyelids as they moved against each other clearly visible.
The colour drained from Lily's face and her hands shook violently. She looked up at her mother and grandmother with an expression of utter horror before instinctively turning on her heal and running back up the stairs.
'Lily! Lily wait!' Ginny yelled up after her with concern. Her calls were drowned out by the sound of Molly's distressed wails at the realization that Lily's reaction could mean only one thing; that photo was no fabrication.
Lily throttled back into her room and slammed the door shut behind her. She let herself fall back into the door and slid down it into a heap on the floor, breathing heavily.
Her mind raced. Witch weekly. The cover of witch weekly. How many people would see it? All of magical England? Perhaps some of France and America too?
The thought made her feel suddenly nauseous.
Could she stop it? Get her mother to make a complaint to the editors; stop the sale of it?
But of course not- if her grandmother had it then it was already out there. Already printed. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of copies. Of that photo.
Lily gulped. That photo. Judging from the studs in Scorpius' ear and nose it had to have been taken when they kissed on Halloween. Her face burned, her entire body hot with embarrassment.
There was a loud thumping sound and Lily jumped, pulled out of her muddled thoughts. It was Ginny knocking on the door behind her.
'Lily- dear please come out. You- you're not in trouble. Of course you aren't- we just need to...need to figure this out' Ginny pleaded through the door.
Lily stayed silent. She didn't know what to say. What was there to say?
'You need to tell us what's going on with you and this Scorpius boy… just explain so that we can make sure there are no false rumors going around-'
Scorpius, Lily thought with a jolt. She had to warn him.
Lily hurriedly got up off the floor and ran forward to open the window and call for Weebles. He swooped up into her room and she immediately went about writing a short note to send Scorpius;
Our photograph is in Witch Weekly. My family's seen it. Be careful.
She didn't know how, or of what, he was supposed to be careful but in her current state of mind she couldn't think of anything else to say. She quickly attached the small piece of parchment to Weebles' leg and instructed him sternly to give it to Scorpius and Scorpius only.
As Lily watched Weebles fly off into the distance, she could still hear her mother pleading through the door.
She sighed deeply.
She would have to face this. There was no other way but to go back downstairs and explain. Lily gathered her wits about her, took a deep breath and opened the door.
Seeing the look of nervousness on her daughters face, Ginny silently pulled her into a tight hug.
'Come on' she said gently, giving Lily an encouraging smile. With an arm around her shoulders she led her downstairs to where Grandma Molly was still weeping in distress. Only now Grandpa Arthur was standing by her side looking incredibly uncomfortable as he tried to console her.
'Come now dear, don't cry, it's just a photograph… we'll figure this out' he mumbled, sounding stiff and terribly unconvincing.
Lily stopped in front of her grandparents and looked down at her hands, which she was twisting together nervously.
'It'll be alright dear' Ginny said, standing by her side and softly rubbing her shoulder.
Lily gingerly stepped forward and took her grandmothers hands in her own.
'Grandma- I know you might have heard some bad things about Scorpius's family- I know they weren't, well that they weren't on the right side in the war but-'
'Not on the right side? Not on the right side?!' Molly wailed incredulously. 'Lily, they were death eaters! Their lot are responsible for the rise of the dark lord! For the death of Teddy's dear parents- and of your grandparents! For the death of- of-'
Molly's lower lip trembled and she looked as though she might break at the seams from her grief. Arthur quickly put his hands on her shoulders and gently squeezed them as though hoping the physical act of holding her together would keep her together mentally too.
'-of my dear boy, your late uncle Fred' Molly finished with a heartbreaking sob.
Lily's gaze fell and she stared at the table, unable to face her grandmothers grief stricken eyes.
'I know that Grandma- I do' Lily whispered. She swallowed hard and forced herself to speak louder. 'But Scorpius- he has nothing to do with that. And he's a good person, if you had ever met him you would see that-'
'No my poor dear- you've been tricked!' Molly exclaimed, throwing her head back and looking at Lily with alarm. 'I know what their lot is like. I was at Hogwarts with his grandfather! Always seemed so charming, so handsome. A very popular boy that Lucius Malfoy. Fooled all the girls, he did- but he was rotten to the core-'
'Mum-' Ginny cut in quickly, putting a hand to Lily's shoulder again. 'Please, we can't jump to conclusions. None of us have ever even met the boy-'
But Ginny was interrupted by a loud knock at the front door. She let out a sigh and hurried off to open it. Moments later Ron's voice could be heard in the hallway getting louder and louder as he approached the kitchen.
'Ginny! There's something you need to see. Something terribly distressing I'm afraid. Quite shocking indeed. It concerns Lily-'
Ron stopped abruptly upon reaching the kitchen and finding himself face to face with a very annoyed looking Lily. He looked from her to Molly, who was still letting out loud, heaving sobs seated at the small breakfast table.
'Oh...' Ron exhaled awkwardly. 'Already seen this then?'
He held up a copy of Witch Weekly in one hand and Lily lunged forward to tear it out of his grasp so that she could get it out of everyone's line of vision. She threw it angrily in the sink and inexplicably caused a stream of water to burst out of the tap above drenching it.
'Lily! No magic outside of Hogwarts!' Ginny scolded her, hurrying forward with her wand out to stop the stream of water.
'Hey! That cost almost a whole Galleon you know-' Ron exclaimed but he swallowed the rest of his sentence upon seeing the death glare Ginny sent his way.
'A galleon you've just contributed to the magazine that is prying into my daughters private life!' she yelled at him.
'Well I didn't know you already had a copy...' Ron muttered sulkily.
Rose and Hugo peered awkwardly out from behind Ron who still stood frozen in the doorway. Upon seeing Lily, Rose pushed past her dad and ran over to throw an arm around her in comfort.
'I'm guessing you didn't get the 'talk' then' she whispered to Lily sympathetically as Ginny forced Ron down into one of the chairs next to Molly so that he could comfort her.
'What 'talk'?' Lily shot back in confusion.
'The 'no dating Scorpius Malfoy talk'' Rose hissed under her breath.
'I've heard it almost a million times. Dad gives it to me at the beginning of every semester'
Lily shook her head at the ridiculousness of it all. She'd never seen her uncle exchange even one word with Scorpius and yet he'd felt compelled to warn his daughter away from him. She looked over at her Uncle Ron with renewed annoyance. He sat with a comforting hand on Molly's back whispering to her.
'It's alright mum. Remember when Ginny went out with that twat Micheal Corner? That only lasted about three seconds…'
'But I LIKED Micheal Corner!' Molly exclaimed, missing Ron's point entirely.
'Who on earth is Micheal Corner?' James asked lazily from the doorway.
Lily shot around in alarm. She could see Albus standing behind him. The pair were in their good dress robes, ready for the dinner party. They both looked equally confused to see Grandma Molly in tears and everyone else standing around looking shell-shocked.
Lily ran over to the table to grab the other copy of Witch Weekly before her brothers could spy it, but just at that moment there was a tapping on the glass of the kitchen window. A large black raven was perched on the windowsill outside.
It took her a few moments to realize this was the raven that had delivered Scorpius's presents all those years ago when they had spent Christmas in the Room of Requirement.
Lily forgot about the magazine momentarily and ran instead to the window. She opened it up and held out a hand into which the bird dropped a small piece of folded parchment. Lily heard an outraged gargling noise come from behind her signaling that James had seen the magazine.
'LILY- WHAT? WHAT? WHAT- IS- THIS?' James spluttered loudly and stupidly in her direction.
Lily let out a sigh, closing her eyes. She still couldn't believe this was happening. She heard Albus muttering and tutting under his breath, seemingly unsurprised.
'Merlin Lily- I told you this would happen…'
Lily ignored them both and quickly opened up the folded parchment, hoping whatever Scorpius had to say about this sorry situation would somehow be comforting.
But she had no such luck.
Lily's eyes bulged and her heart thud upon reading the neat, cursive writing in front of her.
'No! No!' She exclaimed in despair.
Ginny rushed forward to see what was wrong as James continued to have a meltdown in the middle of their kitchen.
'What is it dear?' Ginny asked hurriedly, taking the piece of parchment out of Lily's stunned hands to look. She looked down and gasped under her breath.
'Oh Merlin…'
The small piece of parchment read;
Don't worry- I'll come over and explain.
Lily looked up at her mother with a pained expression.
'He's coming here! Mum he's coming here-!'
Lily felt panic flood her veins. She did not want Scorpius to see her family like this.
'Yes, not such a good idea right now' Ginny agreed hastily. 'Perhaps owl him back and let him know now is not a good time. He's welcome of course some other time- after, well, after I've explained all this to your father-'
Lily's stomach clenched with dread; her father. He was still at the Ministry but the moment he came home he would find out. He would see it. That photo. In fact, maybe he already had.
James was still yelling in the middle of the kitchen and his descriptions of Scorpius were causing Grandma Molly to gasp in despair that her suspicions about his character had been confirmed.
'SHUT UP JAMES!' Ginny roared, sending the entire room into a tense silence.
Lily ignored them all and rushed around looking for a quill and ink.
She tried to find the right words to put it politely but in her current panicked state all she could think of was; Don't come. She lent on the kitchen bench and began to write, but her shaking hands caused her to blotch up the paper and need to start again several times.
'Lily hurry dear, he might be on his way…' Ginny said quietly beside her.
Lily took a few deep breaths, steadied her hand and went about writing;
Scorpius, please don't come. Now is not a good time.
She folded it up and held it out to Scorpius's raven. The bird just blinked back at her.
'Please take this to Scorpius and please hurry' she begged, willing the menacing looking creature to listen to her. The raven cocked it's head to the side before opening it's large, sharp beak to take her parchment.
To Lily's surprise it flapped its wings and flew not outside but inside. It shot past her stunned looking relatives and down the hallway towards the front door.
Lily rushed after it, a feeling of dread tugging at her heart. Just as the bird reached the end of the long, slender entranceway, the doorbell rang.
Lily skidded to a halt in front of the door. She groaned internally. It couldn't be. It truly couldn't be.
But it was.
She gingerly opened the door to find a very nervous looking Scorpius standing on the doorstep, wearing a pair of ripped black jeans, an old grey t-shirt and the dusty brown apron that he wore when helping his father with the shop. He must have come directly from Knockturn Ally and thus arrived so quickly. The raven immediately flew out and deposited the parchment into his hand.
'Lily-' he gasped as he took the parchment from the bird. He looked more stricken than Lily had ever seen him.
'I don't know how this happened- but I think we ought to explain this to your parents and-
Scorpius stopped suddenly and looked her up and down in surprise.
'You- you're dressed nicely' he noted looking at her dress robes.
He absentmindedly opened up the parchment and began to read as more words tumbled out of his mouth.
'Anyway I thought- I thought I should really help you explain seeing as how this is sort of my family's fault for being so notorious and all and- oh'
Having let the words on the parchment sink in, Scorpius's face became even paler.
'S-sorry. I'll- I'll go-' he spluttered turning around quickly and making to disappear as fast as he had appeared.
'No, Scorpius-!'
Lily rushed out and grabbed his wrist.
'You're welcome to come in Mr Malfoy'
Lily and Scorpius both turned quickly around at the sound of Ginny's voice. She was standing in the doorway looking much more together and calm than either of them, beckoning for them to come in.
'Go on. You've come all this way' Ginny said gently giving him a kind smile.
Scorpius looked at Lily's face to see if it was okay. Lily looked back at him blankly, her mind racing. This did not seem like a good idea.
This did not seem like a good idea at all.
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pink-elefantz · 4 years
a thing my parents did was never give us controlled consequences for our actions and that was a way for them to look cool and progressive to the outside world, but all that actually meant was that we had no kind of scale for how they could punish us. like they screamed a lot. they'd smash things about a lot. they used fear to get us in line. I remember one time my mum called me screaming down the phone on my way to school cus i left without telling her, and she said she'd be waiting for me to come home after school to punish me. and i had no idea what she was planning to do cus she definitely wasn't gonna ground me, or take away my tv privileges cus that wasn't something they did. we werent even made do chores (their way of keeping us from learning any life skills n stay dependant on them). I spent the whole day terrified to go home I couldn't focus on class. couldnt even focus on my friends conversations. I kept trying to think of what they were gonna do and think of ways to protect myself. but I couldnt actually form any idea of what it could be cus it was overshadowed by them saying how amazing they are as parents and how they don't abuse me. they said that constantly but I was 10 red flags aren't red flags when theyre all u know. I walked back real slow. when i finally got back the house was empty and i my heart was beating so fast I felt like I was gonna throw up. like the house being dead quiet was part of some plan she had. I went upstairs and she was in her bedroom having a casual chat with my dad. and she acted like she'd never said anything like what she said. she basically said she didn't care anymore. I was so relieved but it kept happening and only now am i realising that was psychological abuse. cus i still have that response and she wanted that trained into me. the punishment was my fear. what a fucked up way to raise a kid
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ridiculousravenclaw · 5 years
The Life of Elara Ware
This is a Harry Potter fanfic. Main character Elara is an original character by moi and is George Weasleys gf they started dating in 5th year. she's half blood hens the mention of muggle technology before anyone asks. And it's set during the GOF. I've never written anything like this before either so be nice.
Chapter 1
Elara couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. She read the note again, unable to hide her relief at the sight of the familiar untidy scrawl. 'Elara its okay we're good. please dont worry. oh and Mom says you can still come. You'll have to share with Ginny and Hermione though. sorry we're a busy house at the moment. but seriously don't worry. None of us got hurt. A bit shaken up but we're fine. Dads been thrown into it at work though sorting it all. I've never seen him look so tired. and mums been really nice to us since we got back. Gotta say I dont know what's more annoying. The way she keeps fussing like we're about to drop dead any minute. I think I preferred her nagging. it wont last long. All it'd take is one glimpse of a joke wand or ton tongue toffee and she'll be back to her normal screaming self. Speaking of which, you wait till I show you what we've done. Think instant. projectile. vomit! genius huh? Anyway I'll see you really soon. Love your favourite red headed knight in shining armour.'
She rolled her eyes. George was many things but a knight in shining armour was pushing it.
Collapsing back onto her bed Elara felt the tension seeping off her shoulders. Ever since the news had broken the previous day about the attack at the quidditch world cup she'd been going out of her mind with worry. No matter how many times she tried she hadn't heard a thing let alone any news on the Weasleys. Until now. She closed her eyes and pushed away the dreadful images that'd been swirling in her mind. Each scenario more terrible than the last. Its okay. They're okay. You'll see them really soon. With that final reassuring thought she sat up and made her way downstairs.
The house was silent, which was to be expected. Her parents were working so she was home alone again. She didn't mind. After all these years she was used to it. Used to the last minute I've got to gos and sorry I'm going to be home lates. They weren't to blame, such was the nature of their jobs. Elara looked around the spacious hallway. The mid afternoon sun shone through the glass door at the end of the hall and lit up the stairwell. Its beams reflecting off the crystals of the chandelier. Her parents had worked hard to pay for all this and they did it all for her. She knew better than to be ungrateful for a few lonely evenings here and there. She glanced across at the clock. 4:30. She was unsure when to expect her mother but Elara knew her dad wouldn't be home anytime soon. She looked at the letter again still clutched tightly in her hands. It was no surprise Mr Weasley had been called in. From what her father had told her the ministry was trying to get every available person in to figure out who was responsible for the disaster at the world cup. As an experienced member of the department of international magical cooperation; Hamlin Ware had been one of the first called on the scene and he hadn't been home since. This told Elara one thing. The ministry of magic didn't have a clue who was behind it or why they attacked.
4:40. It hadn't occurred to her that she'd been stood on the second to last step for 10 whole minutes lost in thought. "get a grip" she muttered to herself under her breathe as she walked towards the kitchen. She was staring at the cupboards trying to decide if she was hungry enough to start cooking dinner when the phone rang.
"Hey honey. how are you doing?" Her mother sounded exhausted on the end of the line.
"yeah I'm good. I've finally heard from George. He's okay. they're all okay."
"well thank heavens for that!" she said. Elara heard her mothers exhale of relief. "yeah I know. He said I'm still okay to stay there for the last few days of the holidays"
"see? we said he'd be alright didn't we? oh and I really don't want to impose on their family, especially after this, but... oh thank the lord for Molly Weasley. Yes. If shes truly okay with that then great. It'd be a massive help. Look I'm sorry my lovely but Adrian's sons not well again. poor lad. hes had to take extended leave to look after him. I mean, why the mother can't look after her own boy now and again is beyond me but, hey, that's none of my business i suppose. And Veronica's being her usual, I'm too important to do any work, self. Oh you should have seen her earlier. 'oh look at me in my brand new Porsche'. its orange! and not a nice orange like a sunset or something. no, like fake tan gone wrong, that's what it looks like. Uh. Anyway. Breathe Mary-Anne. The point is I'm the only other translator in the office that speaks fluent enough Polish for the conference next week. I'm sorry darling that's 2 weeks in London"
Elara could feel her mothers guilt almost radiating through the speaker.
"it's okay mum. really I understand. i dont mind. I'll go to the Weasleys and they can take me to kings cross itll be fine."
"oh my girl what did I do to deserve you?"
"hmm, not sure. but it must've been good. maybe you saved a village from plague in a past life"
Her mother chuckled. Then she grew silent. After a moment she said
"I'm probably going to be late tonight too"
there was no hiding the hint of sadness in her voice.
"I know" Elara said "it's okay. theres some leftovers hiding in this kitchen somewhere and they've got my name on them."
"Mum. stop. it's fine. look I'm going to have some food. have a shower. then have an early night. honestly you're not missing out on much. I'll see you tomorrow. okay?"
"okay. oh Larie I love you. more than anything in this world.
"love you too mum"
"oh and remember to check the doors locked properly and..."
"and check the security systems running. I know mum I've got it"
"you checked your trunk? you're starting your newts this year. Can't be leaving anything important behind."
"yes I've checked it. I've got everything packed dont worry."
Her mother sighed. "okay. see you later."
Elara couldn't help but roll her eyes everytime. but still she compulsively checked the front and back door locks and the flashing screen of the home security system. Online. She knew it would be. But from a young age her mum instilled this pattern. "you must be safe Elara." she'd said. "always be safe" The overprotective persistence of her mother used to annoy her as a child. But now Elara found comfort in the metaphorical safety net her mother cast for her. It let her know that she was loved.
Making her way back to the kitchen she pushed the days worries from her mind. It looked like another evening of peaceful me time she thought. and she was going to see George soon. She smiled to herself. She had missed that cheeky grin.
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