#and i seriously have no idea what to do with myself
3dmanswhore · 18 hours
do you? | k. bakugou
3.2k words
content: nsfw, mdni, aged up characters, fem!reader, established (ex) relationship, friends w benefits, fluffy smut, unprotected sex, unedited & lowkey badly written
tbh didn’t even plan on writing this as smut but it just kind of turned into it as i kept writing it 💀, might have to go on another 2+ year hiatus over the embarrassment
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other than fucking with no strings attached, Katsuki and i hadn’t seen each other much since our last year at UA. especially at ungodly hours such as right now.
when he would sneak into my dorm after a big fight, silently cuddling up to my half-asleep figure. i would mindlessly stroke his hair and fall back asleep, sometimes waking up to him, or just after he had left.
but here he was now.
at 3am, in my apartment.
only having had the key to unlock the place because i gave it to him for the sake of convenience. for when he calls on me in the middle of a drunken night.
he’s standing at the foot of my bed and staring straight at me, the lit up screen of his phone which he used as a flashlight illuminating his tired features in the dark.
“the fuck are you starin’ at”, he says in his usual bitter tone.
i grimace at him, “the fuck are you doin’ here?”, i say in a slightly softer tone, only because i was too tired to try to outmatch him in a field he was far too experienced in: yelling.
“what do you think?”, he says matter-of-factly. and while i usually don’t mind the booty calls. in fact, sometimes i even seek them out, i’m definitely not up for it right now. not without warning, at least.
i groan as i prop myself up on my elbows, “the hell is wrong with you? i told you i’m not fucking you unannounced, especially not when you just let yourself into my apartment.”
he lets out an annoyed groan, pulling his phone up to his face as he starts to vigorously type on it.
a few seconds later, i hear a ping from my own phone. picking it up, i see the far too familiar text message pop up as a notification: i’m coming over.
“you’re already over, dumbass”, i groan as i scoot to the far end of the bed, making space for him.
he shuts his phone off, laying it down next to my own one.
he takes his shirt off, flinging it to some dark corner of my room.
he gets into bed, his hand brushing against my shoulder as he pulls the sheets over us both.
and he…
turns around?
his back facing me?
my eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “what the fuck are you doing?”, i ask in a slightly raised whisper.
without even turning around to face me, he answers, slightly muffled as he talks into the pillow. “what the fuck does it look like?”
“i have no idea”, i answer honestly, “did you seriously just come here for a sleepover?”
i hear him shuffle in the dark as he turns around to look at me, propped up on his elbow as he glares down at me. “you just said you didn’t wanna fuck. i’m tryna sleep”, he looks at me expectantly, as if waiting for a nod of approval before he can go back to sleeping.
“is this like reverse psychology? you think i’m gonna wanna fuck if you suddenly don’t?”, i’m still confused on why he even came over.
he tsks in response, flinging my forehead, “you think you’re all that”, he says harshly but i can sense a playful undertone in the words. “i can’t fall asleep in an empty bed, you should know that from our failed relationship.”
i stayed silent and he turned to lie on his back, facing the ceiling with his hands clasped over his bare chest. his eyes were open but he didn’t say a word, just steadily breathed as he waited for a response from me.
“i didn’t know that”, i said softly as i adjusted my position, scooting a bit closer to him as my face was now mere inches from his shoulder.
he hummed as he kept blinking at the ceiling. “why do you think i always came back to you”, he said just above a whisper, as if he didn’t even want me to hear it.
“well, i would like to think it’s due to how amazing of a girlfriend i was”, i said sarcastically as i copied his posture, studying the ceiling with him as if we were stargazing.
he snorted sarcastically, which admittedly, slightly hurt.
“what was that for!? i wasn’t that bad”, i said in disbelief, sitting up slightly as i stared at him with a shocked expression.
he side-eyed me, and i could almost notice a smirk playing on his features. “you were fuckin’ psycho, y/n”
i hit his chest, rolling my eyes as i laid back down, accidentally resting my head on his shoulder.
i thought he might shrug me off, but instead he extended his arm around me.
we were now cuddling.
i can’t remember us cuddling much even when we dated.
he said he hated the unnecessary heat coming from my body, though i would always wake up to him spooning me, or squeezing me to near death like i was his plushy.
“i was only psycho because you gave me reasons to be”, i retorted, knowing it was only partly true.
it’s true that, in my reckless and hormonal teenage-hood, i could be extremely jealous and possessive. but he could have worked out less, or gotten a bad haircut, or done something to get the girls to stop fawning over him.
the only thing that pushed away the flocks was his shitty attitude, but i’m sure some were even more turned on by it.
“despite your beliefs, i never cheated on you once”, i know he didn’t. “hell, i never even looked at another girl besides you”, he must have meant ‘while we were together’, but i guess it was common sense that didn’t need to be specified.
still, it made my heart churn: the possibility that i was the only one who managed to capture his attention, ever.
the idea gave me a disgusting sense of importance. one so suffocating it might throw me into old habits of trying to get his approval at all costs.
instead of saying something that would ruin the moment and push him away, i hummed in response as i turned to wrap around his warm, and slightly sweaty torso.
thankfully, because of his quirk, he never smelled bad. if anything, i think the sweet-scented sweat made him just that much more intoxicating.
the hand he had wrapped around me rubbed soothing circles into my shoulder, and i could tell by his quickening heartbeat and uneven breath, that even the great Katsuki was capable of feeling nervous.
“i miss this”, he says softly, and i’m sure it is a sentence he will regret muttering in the morning — when he’s not affected by the drowsiness and hypnagogia.
my heart skips a beat as i continue tracing the lines of his muscles, “you do?” is all i can say to not reveal my own feelings on the matter.
“do you?”, he asks instantly, so much so i’m not even sure he meant to say it aloud.
he grabs my tracing hand with his free one, bringing it up to his face as he kisses at my palm, and each section of each finger, the kisses becoming more hungry as he digs his face into my touch like an abandoned hound.
i can only utter his name, my voice shaky as i mindlessly inch my face closer to his.
his usually angry eyes almost look like they are pleading now.
his arm has now moved to my waist as he tries to pull me closer, our chests touching not being enough.
his other hand moves to the back of my neck as he pushes my face down on his. he hungrily nips at my lips, and if i wasn’t so used to his touch i would think he was trying to devour me whole.
we hadn’t kissed like this in such a long time. even during this weird arrangement of ours that had been going on for months, we’d only lock our lips for the sake of muffling the moans and gasps.
as he pulled me in even closer, my shirt now having ridden up almost completely — my chest the only thing stopping it in place, i was now straddling him as he moved his hand to somewhere more interesting than my bare waist.
he squeezed my ass and i let out a gasp to which he only deepened the kiss, stealing the air from my lungs.
i wasn’t sure whether i was feeling lightheaded because he was so inebriating or because of the lack of oxygen going to my brain.
but my judgment was clouded, that was for sure.
i didn’t even want to think of what would happen between us in the morning. perhaps he really was just using psychological tricks to get me to sleep with him tonight. i definitely wouldn’t put it past him.
but i couldn’t care enough right now. i just wanted his touch. i needed it. i had missed it for so long. not the lustful, mindless one i’d been feeling recently, but this — the hungry, desperate touch that leaves bruises in places no bruises should be.
he detaches himself from my lips and moves to nipping on my jaw, and my neck.
i hung my head in the space where his neck and shoulder connect, breathing heavily and whining right into his ear as he teeths at that sweet spot he knew so well of.
he bucks his hips up, searching for even the slightest friction as he continues working on my collar area.
i close my eyes, trying to stop the dizzying feeling in my head. but breathing him in while listening to his quickened heartbeat doesn’t do much to help.
he pulls away, forcing my hips down onto his own and causing me to sit up as i use his heaving chest as an anchor.
he squeezes my bare thighs, his fingers hooking themselves around the waistband of my underwear. he pulls on it softly as if testing the elasticity, his red eyes gleaming at me hungrily.
“did you know i was coming? is that why you only wore this?”, he gruffly said, still playing with the waistband of my panties as his other hand rubbed my back, riding up my tank-top even higher.
i think he knew this was just how i always slept, that it had nothing to do with him. but in this moment, he must have just needed to hear me say it: yes, katsuki, all of this is for you.
so i did, ignoring the fact that it wasn’t true.
he closed his eyes for a moment before sitting upright, holding me to his chest so i wouldn’t fall off as he readjusted us both.
“i’ll make it worth your while”, he said reassuringly, cupping my face with his calloused hand, giving my cheeks a squeeze as he planted a kiss on the tip of my nose.
melting at his touch as i always did, i rested my forehead against his as he looked down at his boxers, trying to pull them down with my legs still straddling him.
i lifted myself up to allow him space as he finally managed to kick them off.
i sat back down, his sprung up cock twitching between our torsos.
he stroked it once, the precum leaking onto my bare stomach as he slapped it against me.
i felt myself leaking on his lap, grinding on him, desperate to feel him inside me, but playing it off as just readjusting myself.
but he knew the truth.
he knew i needed him just as badly as he did me, maybe even more.
he slowly pulled my top off, admiring the way my tits bounced at the motion.
he squeezed my waist, muttering a curse under his breath as we locked eyes again.
“d’you have a condom?”, i asked as i ran a finger through his hair, watching as his eyebrows knitted at the pulling sensation.
“fuck”, he said more clearly now as his head fell, and i knew what the answer was. at least i was now sure he didn’t come here just to fuck.
i shook my head reassuringly, “i’ll get the morning-after pill tomorrow” i knew it was a dumb idea. even in that drunken passion haze, i knew it. i knew it was too risky, and that those things were only about 90% effective — and that is if i remembered to take it on time.
but i couldn’t pass on this opportunity. i couldn’t let him just go home after all of this.
Katsuki was smart, he knew it was a dumb idea, too. but he stayed quiet, nodding silently as he once again started playing with the band of my panties.
i planted soft kisses on his temple, nipping on his ear knowing it was one of his many weaknesses.
he let out a long sigh, mumbling something about ripping off my underwear.
they were an expensive pair, so i’m not sure why i agreed to it, nodding vigorously as i mumbled his name desperately.
like it was just a piece of string, he ripped them off swiftly, pulling them out from under me and throwing them somewhere to the side.
i once again rested on his forehead, watching as he slowly pumped his thick cock against my folds, squealing at the sensation.
we both knew there was no need for further foreplay. maybe when we were younger, we would take hours getting each other off with just our hands and mouths before finally sealing the deal.
but now, there was no need. not only because we were both as horny as one could be, but because we were also so exhausted. unsure whether it was due to the fact that it was nearly 4am and we were running on almost zero hours of sleep, or simply because we were getting older and didn’t have the same stamina we did when we were eighteen or nineteen.
he grabbed my thigh with one hand, lifting me off slightly as i grabbed his shoulder for support, squirming as he rubbed his tip all over my leaking pussy before finally sliding it in completely.
i let out a loud whine, hiding my face into his hair as he kept both hands on my ass.
i wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed my shoulder, “you good?” he asked as he moved one hand to rub my upper arm in comfort.
i nodded as i let out a sigh, mumbling his name and a pathetic command to fill me up.
he listened, of course, rocking his hips up into me as he simultaneously lifted me off himself, trying to create a rhythm between the two movements.
“c’mon baby, ride me. you know how well you do it”, he almost begged. praise wasn’t something Katsuki practiced in our bedroom life, ever. if anything, he did the opposite. but i think in this moment, he was too exhausted to carry both our loads and get himself off at the same time.
i obliged, lifting myself off him slowly and dropping back down. he desperately bucked into me, unsatisfied with the speed i was going at.
i swirled my hips on him, as if i was tracing patterns with the movement. he let out a broken whine, sinking his head into my chest as i finally picked up the speed.
the sound of skin slapping skin echoed around the room, and i was sure i would get noise complaints from the neighbors in the morning.
he left wet kisses on my chest, breathing heavily as i continued bouncing on him.
i was starting to get tired, my pace faltering as i whined nonsense into his ear. “you fill me up so good, ‘tsuki”, i knew the effect my dumb nicknames had on him.
he always pretended to hate it, and only wanted me to call him by his name. but i always noticed the way his eyes would glint when i’d throw a petname into our conversations.
he suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around my torso, stopping my ability to move as he started pounding into me. the bed was creaking, and i’m pretty sure we even managed to push it from its position as i tried to grab onto the wall behind it.
i let out a loud moan as i wrapped myself around him again, feeling his thick cock fill me up as it pulsated inside of me.
his length hit the deepest part of my insides, and the rhythmic pounding of that sweet spot overwhelmed me with pleasure as i heaved desperately into his ear.
“don’t stop, Katsuki”, i whimpered into his ear, letting out more moans as i dug my fingernails into his back to try and suppress the feeling, but to no avail.
he groaned, holding me tightly as he suddenly turned us around so i was lying underneath him.
he kept up the pace, resting his forehead against mine as he stared into my eyes.
i let out a cry of pleasure, my breath hitching as my heaving mixed with the mumbling of his name and pleads to keep going.
he didn’t stop, but over time his thrusts became sloppy. i watched his face distort in pleasure as he closed his eyes to focus on the thrusts, resting his head in the crook of my neck.
“don’t stop, baby, i’m so close”, the only words of encouragement i could think of in this moment. i ran my hand through his hair, pulling his head up so he could see how good he was making me feel.
he let out a desperate whine, coating my chest with peppered kisses as he kept thrusting into me.
now the sound of squelching and mixed liquids filled the room, along with our desperate wails of pleasure.
“fill m’up with your cum, baby. ‘want to feel you inside”, i whimpered incoherently, pulling him in closer as i wrapped my legs around his hips.
he let out a groan as his pace quickened once more. he held one arm besides my head, propping himself up — while he slithered the other one down to my heat, rubbing my clit until i couldn’t tell whether i was moaning out of pleasure or pain.
the combined sensation of his sex filling me up and his rough fingers overworking my clit proved to be too much as i unraveled all over him, crying out his name desperately as i clung onto him.
his breathing started getting heavier as he kept pumping into me, trying to bring himself to a finish as he rode out my own.
i moaned words of encouragement into his ear, peppering kisses on his jaw and neck until i finally felt his cock twitching inside of me.
he let out a prolonged moan as his semen squirted inside of me, Katsuki pumping himself inside a few more times to ride out the orgasm.
i felt the juices leak out of me as he tiredly pulled out, still lying on-top of me as he tried to pull the blanket over us.
he kept his head sunken in the crook of my neck, his breathing easing as he muttered something incomprehensible.
i brushed through his hair, listening to his calm breathing and feeling his heartbeat slow down to a normal speed.
“i missed you too, ‘tsuki”, i spoke softly, not even sure whether he was still awake to hear it.
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theotherbuckley · 1 day
This is payback for the 40 something sentences btw
I brought this upon myself.... i have many regrets.
👧🏼 - dad!buck teacher!tommy (bucktommy)
“Daddy’s coming?” Bella asks, looking up at Buck with the biggest puppy eyes.  “Not today, baby, you’re at big school now!” He replies, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Come on! I’ll show you where your class is,” Christopher says enthusiastically, offering up a simple wave to Carla before he starts walking towards the classrooms, looking back towards Bella when he realises she’s not following. “Daddy has to come,” she begs, grasping on to Buck’s leg and holding on for dear life.  Buck honestly didn’t expect Bella to cry when he went to leave — frankly, he thought he’d be the one crying, watching his girl all grown up. Bella was never really the shy kid, always happy to meet new people and do new things. She could talk to strangers for hours about the most outlandish things. The other week they were at the zoo with the Diaz’s and Bella had walked up to the zookeeper, asking 100 different questions about sea otters which had become Bella’s latest hyperfixation for about a week. Buck had watched her talking away, smiling fondly. He had turned to Eddie shaking his head saying he didn’t know where she got it from to wish Eddie gave him a very pointed look and said, “Seriously?” So apparently ADHD is hereditary.  Point is, he didn’t really plan on Bella clinging to him the way she was now, and he didn’t know what to do. He’d do anything for his daughter, and watching her look up at him as she clung to his pant leg, made his heart break. He was helpless to do anything but walk up to her classroom with her.  They followed Christopher into the school, taking twists and turns that had Buck worrying how he was going to get out of this maze when he left. Chris finally stopped at the door of a class that had a bright pink number 5 cut out stuck to the door.  “Are we absolutely sure this is room five?” Buck joked upon seeing the sign. Bella looked up at him, hand still gripped tightly to Buck’s and said, “Yeah, Daddy, see! Number five!” she said, pointing to the door. They’d been practising number’s recently, Bella already surpassing Buck’s mental arithmetic ability by being able to add 5 and 7 — Buck still had to use his fingers. She definitely inherited her mother’s ability for math.  A second bell rang loudly in the hall, causing Bella to jump slightly in his hold. He squeezes her hand gently a few times to comfort her before looking towards Chris who still needed to get to his room. “See you later, Bella!” Christopher says, turning to walk down the hall towards his own class. “Come on, Bellie,” Buck said, guiding Bella into the class. There were about 10 other children sat at desks in the class, a few still with their parents which made Buck feel better about coming into the room with his daughter — not that he would leave anyway, not until he knew his daughter was happy. Noticing some cubby holes at the back of the class, Buck ushered Bella towards them to put her bag down.  Distracted by getting Bella into the desk that had her name on it, and getting her settled, Buck never stopped to look at the front of the class towards the teacher. When Bella had finally let go of his had, now apparently forgetting his existence and chatting very enthusiastically to a boy sat beside her, Buck looked up to see Bella’s teacher drawing in big letters on the whiteboard.  Buck has no idea how he missed him walking in because the man was huge. Buck thought his arms were huge as a firefighter but holy shit… apparently being a teacher makes you built like a fucking tank. The man was writing in curly letters on the board, spelling out “Mr. Kinard”. Once he’d finished he turned to face the room. Buck instantly noticed his deep blue eyes and the cleft of his chin that painted a very lovely picture for him to look at. The man caught his eye for a moment and smiled, the corners of his eyes and nose scrunching with smile lines that Buck felt completely normal about.  Buck had to clamp his mouth shut when he realised that he’d been staring, slack jawed at the objectively very handsome teacher.
🚁 - helicopter crash s8 (bucktommy)
The siren blares loudly above his head, some suburban house fire or something. Buck only half registers it, still stuck staring at the screen in front of him. He’s distantly aware of Eddie calling for him but he just can’t right now. He can’t. Captain Gerrard moves in front of the TV, forcing Buck to snap out of his gaze. “Get a fucking move on, Buckley,” he practically spits. Buck moves mechanically, forcing himself out of his chair and following his captain down towards the fire engines.  “Can I— Can I be man behind this time?” Buck says, his voice sounding small to his own ears.  “No,” Gerrard replies simply, not even turning to look back at him.  Johnson had been the man behind all day, apparently in punishment for failing to adequately wash the fire engine. Buck knew that the real reason was because Gerrard caught his boyfriend dropping him off in the morning.  “Please,” Buck says again, hating the way his voice breaks in the middle. He can’t focus right now — he’d be useless as a firefighter at the scene. It would be safer for everyone if he stayed back. Please— “Get in the truck,” Gerrard shouts at him. 
😘 - pet names 10+1 (bucktommy)
Buck swallows. “What-whatever do you mean, sweetums?” Buck says, before wincing immediately. “Okay, okay,” Buck relents, “I’m trying out pet names. And they’re not going great, especially not sweetums.” Buck cringes again. “But, I will come up with a good one. Just you wait.” Tommy’s expression turns fond as he stares at Buck with the cutest look Buck thinks a man could possibly make. “Baby, you don’t have to give me a pet name. Tommy’s fine,” Tommy says sincerely. “Besides,” Tommy says, lips quirking up at the edges. “I kinda like hearing you moan my name.” Buck trips through the door.
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kellyvela · 2 days
I was looking at some Jonnel x Sansa posts on here , and I came across one individual (probably an anti) who posted a screenshot of a grrm interview. He was asked about possible historical parallels from fire and blood to asoiaf and whether that is intentional and he said he doesn’t consciously do it. The tags of their post was something like “grrm: Jonnel who??” While I’m a little worried that grrm said that, the interviewer was specifically asking about fire and blood, not a family tree. And no matter what, I’m still very convinced the Jonnel x sansa addition was intentional, it must have been - Jonnel having a stark mother called Lynara , known as ‘one eye,’ a half brother called Rickon, married to the only other sansa stark ever who just so happened to be the heir to Winterfell with a younger sister . Their marriage solving the northern succession crisis. Not having children from this union, meaning grrm added it in merely to convey a jon married a sansa in canon. The last minute addition; revising the draft JUST to add it in…. It can’t be a coincidence !!! I mean, there’s even a rhaegar frey with a son called jonos… that’s all intentional in my opinion - but now that I saw that anti opinion, this one interview is what they seem to cling to lol. I went on a massive blocking spree so I’m not sure if this is wholly the case but seriously, the similarities are tooooo intense it’s impossible to ignore
Oh I know that post, and I also know that GRRM interview.
That OP doesn't like jonsa, and call shippers "freaks."
That tag was: "[grrm voice] Who the fuck is jonnel stark" (🤡)
The interview in question is this one:
The GRRM answers in question are these ones:
Ashaya: So we were talking about how working on Fire and Blood is history and it’s very different to write. One thing that we like to highlight in our show is something called Parallel Lives, which is the idea that there are parallels in your histories to current characters. George: You stole that from Plutarch, didn’t you?  Ashaya: Yes. Yes, exactly.  Aziz: Absolutely. I read those all when I was a lot younger, fell in love with them, so good catch. I love to apply it to A Song of Ice and Fire.  Ashaya: So we’ve observed it in A Song of Ice and Fire. Have you found that in like writing Fire and Blood, that it allows you to maybe play with plotlines or arcs for the characters in the main series? Do you do that consciously?  George: No, I don’t.  Ashaya: You don’t!  George: It’s not consciously.
But the thing is that GRRM didn't end the matter here, he went on to say the following:
Ashaya: Interesting.  George: Certain similarities are inevitable.  Aziz: That’s for sure. George: If anything, I try to veer away from that, cuz I don’t wanna feel like I’m repeating myself.  Ashaya: But history just naturally repeats itself, so…  George: Yes, there are certain resonances in history, there are certain universals about humanity, people competing for power, people competing for love, lust. All of these things…  Aziz: Some of these things are a constant.  Ashaya: Sometimes people are like, that’s a stereotype or that’s cliche, and I’m like that’s because it’s true to the human experience, it’s just true.  Aziz: A person with a lot of power being paranoid? That happens a lot. That also applies a lot to real world history, or to homages. What about when you’re writing in an homage? For example, one of my favorites you’ve included in the Nightfort scene with Bran, there seems to be a lot of homages to Tolkien and the Mines of Moria in that scene, which I love a lot. Do you aim to do that or is that also accidental or maybe you have some thoughts on your process there?  George: I love Tolkien, and actually the Mines of Moria is one of my favorite sections of Fellowship of the Ring. And that’s my favorite of the trilogy, Fellowship. Not that I don’t love them all. I don’t think I was consciously trying to do that, but again, you don’t know. You read these things and they lodge sometimes in the front of your brain, but sometimes in weird corners of your brain where they pop up at some point. I did wanna make the Nightfort a sinister place, with its own legends. It was very old, it’s a very big castle crumbling. And I wanted to give it that sense that so many things have gone here. Now, which are true and which are not true? I always tend to look at not only other fantasy books and history, but like the real world here. Get me in trouble here for what I’m about to say, but we have these legends that some people believe are literally true in our religion. We talk about the Garden of Eden. Was there ever actually a Garden of Eden? Was there Adam and Eve or the flood? Noah and the flood. That’s a good one. That’s a great story. God was pissed off, he made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights. The entire world was flooded and everybody died, except for this guy Noah, who built a big boat and he got two of every animal on earth. I don’t know how the kangaroos got from down in Australia to the Middle East, but they did. 
See, anon? GRRM didn't say he doesn't do parallels, he said he does them unconsciously, that some things remain in his brain and some day just appear again and he unconsciously writes parallels, similarities, patterns, etc.
He also recognizes that certain similarities are inevitable.
Besides, from his answers, it is obvious that he has realized that he does parallels unconsciously, it is evident that he has reflected on it; but one thing he does consciously is to keep them 😉
All that said, I think the jonnel/sansa addition to the Stark Family Tree was consciously on purpose.
Q: It is my impression that there are parallels between Westeros history and current events in ASOIAF. so in your opinion to what degree is George martin's history cyclical? Because we have a lot of parallels. For example with the current history and the dance of the dragons.
Elio: You know George even uses that line from talking about the the arms of house Toland, the dragon eating its tail, but it was from the Archmaester Rigney which is a reference to Robert Jordan the writer of the wheel of time, that history is a wheel or time as a circle. I think George certainly deliberately sees, creates parallels. I mean this is a very obvious example, you know if you read The World of Ice and Fire, you saw the family tree of the Targaryens, and the family tree for Jaehaerys and his offspring changes quite a lot when fire and blood comes out. Because George realized that he wanted to create a kind of parallel by introducing another Daenerys. and he said like, i like the symmetry of it, I like the the sort of the way. You could perhaps read it as reflecting on Daenerys's story, maybe. I wish it was true. I mean I think fans of Daenerys need to be really worried about what's going to happen to her. Although I guess Game of Thrones maybe has revealed kind of where things may possibly end. Again the journey is going to be very different. I think you know circumstances, things are going to be very different. So there's a journey that matters. But in any case, so yes I think George uses cycles and things a bit. He likes setting up parallels of events, he likes paralleling characters, he likes paralleling events, and he likes paralleling the past and the present as well.
Linda: I think certainly that when he fleshed out the details of Fire and Blood, even when he first did the sidebars for The World of Ice and Fire, and they just grew. We could see that, okay here he's looking at foreshadowing or commenting on current events by doing a similar scenario in the past and he definitely likes to play around with those aspects.
Read more about it here:
Maybe it's not that unconsciously sometimes . . . .
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donnerpartyofone · 2 days
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Hello, Sqwincher Zero and I are here to tell you to take this heat wave seriously. I had never heard of Sqwincher Zero before I took this picture with the intention of making fun of its name, but I sure wished I had some later that night. I will not invite you to scrutinize the series of bad decisions that I made yesterday leading up to a serious and avoidable medical emergency, but suffice it to say that none of these decisions were extreme or unusual for a fun grownup weekend. If anything I dialed it back a little, consciously, and I believed I was drinking plenty of water. It wasn't enough. I was feeling fine until I suddenly wasn't. My awareness of being Severely Dehydrated came on very quickly and then the next few hours were a scary nightmare. I am OK this morning and reviewing certain life choices and also our state of emergency preparedness.
I'm an extremely fortunate person. I have access to clean water, good food, and an amazing person who I tricked into marrying me, so someone is there to help me when I can't help myself. I am also in reasonably good health--which perhaps helped lull me into a false sense of security, especially at an age when my health is inevitably, normally changing, but I just haven't been paying that much attention to it.
Last night when things suddenly became very dark, I was struck with the intense and undeniable awareness that I needed emergency intervention. Like I should have called 911. I knew it for a fact. I have never experienced such a thing before. I could not get past the mental block of admitting that I was having an unprecedented physical crisis. Telling my husband to call 911 just seemed too radical. But I thought about it for hours. I even had a whole fantasy like, OK if my husband called 911 what would they ask him? What would they tell him to do? Instead of acting on this I just gave him little instructions one at a time. Let's draw a cold bath, let's move the fan, let's get a bucket, let's get a couple bottles of water, refill them now please. I was thinking very clearly, I was thinking about my temperature, I was monitoring my water intake versus how often I got sick. The one respect in which I was being irrational (besides my series of careless decisions during the day) was that I could not admit that I needed a doctor.
It's really easy to say things like "Don't be a tough guy, take care of yourself," as if the problem is strictly attitudinal. But switching gears into (for lack of a better term) self-care can be extremely psychologically complex. Being macho or too proud is one thing. Being habitually, neurotically afraid to frighten or inconvenience other people, or ashamed of drawing attention to yourself, is another thing. Being self-destructive and passively suicidal is yet another thing, with deep and insidious roots that can affect more things about your behavior than you even know. And finally, acknowledging that you are experiencing the paradigm shift of a Real Emergency, which might require scary and expensive and unpredictable new activities to get you out of it, is a whole other thing entirely. This is going to sound like an exaggerated reference point but whenever a serial killer is caught and people start saying that the spouse "must have known", they're not factoring in how hard it is to accept that your whole reality is changing and everything is very serious now. Even if the evidence was glaring, it would be a lot to process. There's even a thing in the book Interview With the Vampire as I recall, where somebody says it has been no big deal for vampires to hide their existence through the ages because humans will do extreme mental gymnastics to convince themselves that everything is normal. This all is more or less what was happening with me while I was refusing to call 911. I mean I knew that I should, I just couldn't make the leap.
I should say that my poor husband had no idea how bad it was. To him it just seemed like I'd had a little too much fun, and he was being patient and attentive. None of this is on him, I didn't explain things until I was out of the woods. One thing I feel bad about, that I rarely think about even though it's majorly true, is that not taking care of yourself can frequently, inevitably become someone else's problem. It cannot always stay private and contained forever; if you are incapacitated somehow, you will become someone else's chore.
I want to repeat that I didn't do anything that a normal adult wouldn't do on a Friday night. None of my actions were that extreme in and of themselves; I didn't even have alcohol in my system anymore by the time this struck. But I was not factoring in the weather, or my age, or anything like that that would have been important. We don't have an air conditioner at the moment because we have been luxuriating in our new well-ventilated apartment and enjoying the fact that we can survive with just box fans. I radically underestimated the potential consequences of just toughing it out and going about my business. I need to think more carefully about such things, and mentally reorient myself on preparing for emergencies instead of just reacting "if anything comes up". And I should also supplement our first aid supplies with something that isn't just for cuts and colds. I'm lucky I had cold, clean water, but at some point I really needed electrolytes and vitamins, and there was just nothing to be done for it late at night. I have a lot more thinking to do on this general topic, but it's time for me to get up and drink more water. And maybe go buy some Sqwincher Zero.
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geotjwrs · 2 days
Hi can you do a Jenna x younger brother one where r is an up-and-coming actor and Jenna help them with anxiety when on a press tour
lights, camera, anxiety!
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Brother!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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The sunlight streamed through the windows of the hotel room, casting a golden glow over the plush furnishings. Jenna, adorned in chic yet comfortable attire, lounged on the bed with her phone in hand. Meanwhile, her younger brother, Y/N, paced back and forth like a caged tiger, his nerves evident in the way he kept adjusting his shirt collar.
Jenna glanced up, arching an eyebrow. "Nervous much?"
Y/N stopped mid-pace, his hands flailing in the air. "Jen, you have no idea! What if I forget my lines during the interviews? Or worse, what if I accidentally insult someone and it goes viral?"
Jenna chuckled, setting her phone aside. "Oh, come on. You've been rehearsing for this moment your whole life. Besides, you've got me as your secret weapon."
Y/N raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Your 'secret weapon'? Last time I checked, your idea of a pep talk was reminding me how I once cried during a school play."
Jenna smirked, pretending to be offended. "Hey, it was a moving performance! You made all the parents cry, remember?"
Y/N groaned, flopping down on the bed next to Jenna. "Great, so I'll just aim for tears today. That'll really impress the journalists."
Jenna nudged him playfully. "Seriously, though. You're going to crush it out there. Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place."
Y/N sighed, looking slightly reassured. "I hope you're right."
"Of course I am," Jenna replied confidently. "Now, let's practice some interview questions. You know, for science."
Y/N rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "Fine, but only because I don't want to embarrass myself more than necessary."
The press tour venue buzzed with energy as journalists and photographers bustled around, preparing for the day's interviews. Y/N stood nervously in the corner, adjusting his tie for the hundredth time.
Jenna sidled up beside him, dressed to impress in a stylish pantsuit that screamed "I'm in charge here." She clapped her hands together, grinning mischievously. "Alright, little bro. Time to dazzle them with your wit and charm."
Y/N gulped, his eyes scanning the room full of expectant faces. "I think I left my wit in the hotel room."
Jenna rolled her eyes. "Relax, you're going to knock 'em dead. And if all else fails, just remember what Mom used to say: fake it till you make it."
Y/N shot her a dubious look. "I don't know if that's exactly comforting."
Before Jenna could respond, a handler approached them, clipboard in hand. "Y/N, Jenna, we're ready for you."
Jenna gave Y/N a supportive pat on the back. "You got this."
The stage lights were blinding as Y/N and Jenna took their seats for the first interview. Y/N fidgeted nervously with the microphone, trying to ignore the intense scrutiny of the audience and cameras.
The interviewer, a seasoned journalist with a twinkle in her eye, began firing questions at Y/N. "So, Y/N, your debut film has been generating quite a buzz. How does it feel to finally see it come to life on screen?"
Y/N cleared his throat, summoning his rehearsed answer. "It's been an incredible journey, honestly. Working with such talented people and bringing this story to audiences—it's a dream come true."
Jenna discreetly kicked his foot under the table, prompting him to smile more naturally.
The interviewer nodded approvingly. "And what was the most challenging part of preparing for this role?"
Y/N glanced at Jenna, who mouthed "be honest." Taking a deep breath, he replied, "Honestly, the most challenging part was trying not to trip over my own feet during fight scenes. Turns out, being graceful under pressure isn't my strong suit."
The audience erupted in laughter, and Y/N visibly relaxed, feeding off their positive energy.
During a brief break between interviews, Jenna and Y/N found themselves backstage, surrounded by the controlled chaos of the press tour.
Jenna handed Y/N a bottle of water, grinning mischievously. "You didn't tell them about the time you accidentally set fire to the prop room, did you?"
Y/N spluttered, nearly choking on his water. "Why would you even bring that up?!"
Jenna shrugged innocently. "Hey, it's all part of your charm. Plus, now they'll think you're a method actor who really gets into character."
Y/N shook his head in mock disbelief. "You're unbelievable."
Jenna winked at him. "That's why you love me."
They shared a laugh, the tension of the day melting away in their easy camaraderie.
As the day's interviews wound down, Y/N and Jenna found themselves at the afterparty, surrounded by industry insiders and fellow actors.
Jenna raised her glass in a toast. "To my little brother, the newest sensation in Hollywood!"
Y/N blushed, but the warmth in his cheeks was from more than just the alcohol. "Thanks, Jen. I couldn't have done it without you."
Jenna bumped her shoulder against his affectionately. "Nah, you've got talent and determination. I just provided the occasional witty remark and emergency hair fix."
Y/N chuckled, scanning the room filled with familiar faces and newfound admirers. "It's been a wild ride."
Jenna nodded, her eyes sparkling with pride. "And it's only just beginning."
Back in the comfort of their hotel room, Y/N collapsed on the couch with a contented sigh. Jenna joined him, kicking off her heels and tossing them aside with abandon.
"You did amazing today," Jenna said sincerely, tucking a loose strand of hair behind Y/N's ear.
Y/N grinned, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Thanks for believing in me, Jen. Even when I doubted myself."
Jenna nudged him playfully. "Hey, that's what big sisters are for, right? To remind you of all the embarrassing stories you'll laugh about later."
Y/N chuckled, leaning into her side. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Jenna wrapped an arm around his shoulders, squeezing him tight. "Well, lucky for you, you'll never have to find out."
As they sat together, basking in the glow of their shared success, Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement for the future. With Jenna by his side, he knew he could conquer anything Hollywood threw his way.
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So many people say they're being plagarised and offer no proof except all this hearsay. The one time I saw two people actually offer proof @selfproclaimedunicorn dismissed it as their writing and the accused were basically writing the same generic boring mid smut and weren't being plagarised at all or plagiarising. She says they were causing drama over generic expressions. The funny thing was the complainants fic was being recycled in a new fandom by the accused and nobody really took it seriously except a handful of their mutuals. It's you lot who create cliques and fear mongering and this idolatry worshipping writers with huge followings, in time creating your own worst enemies. People with clout somehow in the fandoms always act like corrupt cops. But it's people in the fandom who create it. I've never seen you reblog anyone's work except your friends. I've seen Natasha reblog different people and offer nice comments. But you and your friends don't. And Ange is .... I don't know. Will she be a bullet you dodged? She has a big following end she was part of a group who were unbelievably toxic until she changed (?) People are just awful in this fandom and you know it getting a taste of it yourself here and elsewhere. I've no doubt people whose OCs are overlooked and ignored or whose x readers are not read, their voices are silent and people steal from them voraciously and nobody cares. People friends with the bigger writers close ranks and shut everyone out and everyone else is scrabbling to fit in and be noticed. I can name on one hand writers who write for the fun and not attention or notes. I don't know you and I'm sorry you have suffered this but welcome to our world
honestly, i wasn't going to answer this because so much of it is just fucking stupid.
I know exactly what you're talking about re misa, and you tagged the wrong blog. it wasn't her that said that, it was @julyzaa - and you know what...she wasn't wrong. she was talking about two fics that shared a similar premise. and we both agreed that it wasn't plagiarism. it was just two authors who wrote an aemond smutty one shot with similar vibes. of which there are a million and one fics like that right now. there is an importance in being able to discern the difference.
and i'll just say it, this obsession of constantly bringing up Ange is weird. it's creepy at this point. you're welcome to dislike someone, but it's becoming glaringly obvious that there's individuals in fandom that want to blame an outside person instead of looking at themselves and the company they keep. in my time being Ange's friend, not once have I been bullied/harrassed/intimidated - not even in a joking way. the chatting never turns toxic and the only time we're talking about other people is when shit gets weird on the dash (like it is right now). that's just normal social interaction, babes. we spend most of our time discussing fic and the show and our real lives.
and frankly, i don't know where this idea of 'clique' came from or why it seems this is an accusation that's being thrown around - not just at myself but others. there's no clique. there's no secret club or burn book or whatever you think there is lurking out there where we're concerned. im so confused as to why it's an issue that friend groups crop up and people get close. that's the nature of being mutuals! it's weird to be angry at people for making friendships and taking those friendships offline.
this is my blog and i'm allowed to reblog what I want - as is everyone else. you don't have a solution for whole 'clique' conundrum you seem so concerned with, so I can only assume your answer would be for me to just reblog everything I see, in hopes that your work reaches an audience. and i'm not going to do that. i will reblog the stories and edits that speak to me, that inspire me, that i actually enjoyed. and i've become friends with a lot of those authors, sure. because i put in the effort to get to know them. i stopped posting on tumblr because I got no response when posting my fic. My audience is clearly elsewhere. But it's always 'will you reblog my stuff' but it's never reciprocated, so what's the point in supporting mutuals if the mutual relationship is gone? have you ever reached out to me? have you ever struck up a conversation or attempted to chat about something other than fic? no? then why do you have any expectations of me at all where your fic is concerned? maybe look that the relationships you have formed and you'll have your answer.
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dragonsholygrail · 3 days
Dude, the Minotaur CEO or Wererabbit Gymtrainer would be so interesting! The demon priest would also be fun to see lol Monsters in real jobs are my jam! Thank you for reading my ask 😁
They’ve all seriously taken up my brain, I don’t know what to do with myself. Brain runs 10 miles a minute and yet my focus runs out just as fast lmao
I actually did just post a little scene between Demon Priest x Reader!! He’s become an obsession actually. I already have like 7 more things planned for him.
But I’d so so so love to write all of those ideas I listed down at some point. Monsters in real jobs is my jam too!!! Such a fun thing to think about that I can’t stop
And thank you for sending in an ask, darling 💓
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tranzfalgar · 1 year
vent in tags
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Good news! You aren't required to make your hobbies and passions "marketable." In fact, your crafts, hobbies, and passions don't even need to be public if you so choose. You don't have to spend all of your energy becoming perfect if you aren't enjoying the process. You are not a product, you are a person, a creative, and your work also does not need to be a product.
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fatuismooches · 4 months
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EVEN MORE CUTE DOTTORE MOMENTS TO MAKE YOU SMILE 🙏 (because I am too tired to post anything of quality)
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jicklet · 9 months
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Nick & Ace in 4.06 – “The Web of Yesterdays”
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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2009 Singapore Grand Prix - Lewis Hamilton & Fernando Alonso(ft. Timo Glock)
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politemagic · 2 months
eepy bois & their tamagotchis
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i was having fun perusing this site & decided that they needed a tamagotchi to care for on tour.
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suffersinfandom · 2 months
Sometimes I'll see a post that's like, "Ed stans have to make him a perfect innocent victim who never abuses anyone in order to justify liking him and that's such a disservice to his character and also racist because it implies everything he does is because of the white men in his life" and I'm like, "Gosh, I did write about how Ed isn't abusive and the first part of season two isn't that dark, and I thought I was respecting the complexity of the character and acknowledging that he did awful things, but maybe I am part of the problem."
But then I rewatch OFMD and... yeah, no, I'm fine.
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musical-chick-13 · 3 months
Regarding the previous post, I think the way I approach trying to evaluate a piece of art is asking "Do I think the positive things I get out of it outweigh the parts of it that I don't like?" And when I call something a "guilty pleasure" song/show/book/piece of media/etc. it's really more in the sense of, "Given who I am as a person, the flaws I've found in this should be complete dealbreakers for me, but somehow they aren't, and it makes me feel like I'm having an identity crisis."
#like. I think something like...idk shiki or cxgf excels on multiple levels. I understand why I like them. given the things I look for in art#it makes sense that these shows would speak to me because they make the effort to showcase those things I look for. because the people#in charge of those works clearly valued the same kinds of things and cared about seriously exploring them.#but with something like. uh. ctrlz. that is NOT the case and I frequently found myself going 'why would anyone make this writing#decision?' but I still sat through all 3 seasons of it! I still really enjoyed it! those flaws SHOULD have made me give up according to#personal history but they never did. and I very very much genuinely question why. I have NO IDEA why I still care about this#silly convoluted teen drama show so much. but I do. I wrote SO MANY FUCKING POSTS ABOUT IT.#I really love wicked the musical. I've heard many people call it 'hokey' or 'cheesy' or 'objectively bad' but here's the thing! I DON'T#think it's bad!!! like literally at all!!!!!! and it does do some genuinely cool things in regard to the music and the way the characters#develop and what the show says about the nature of prejudice and human connection. is it like. idk Serious™ the way that something like#Parade is? no. but it doesn't have to be. it does what it sets out to do and it does it well and this is why the whole '''objective#evaluation''' thing doesn't actually mean anything. I value thoughtfully-constructed music and dynamic female characters#(which this musical has). I value stories that deal with the complex and messy feelings that come with being a human (which this musical#has). I value stories about 'other'ness and romantic subplots that aren't just built on 'This Girl Is Pretty' (which this musical has).#and I value professional displays of technical vocal ability because I know how fucking DIFFICULT that is (which this musical...if you cast#it well...has).#if you value something else in a musical then yeah you will probably think THIS one is '''objectively bad'''#if you don't see the point of musicals as an art form you will probably think wicked is '''objectively bad'''#do you see where the problem with categorizing analysis like this is??
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sharkbath · 10 months
Nandermo brainrot so bad I’m writing my first fanfiction in years…and I am FORCING MYSELF TO STICK WITH IT even tho as of rn with the planning stage it seems it’s gonna be the longest fanfic I’ve ever tried writing anfbdbf
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