#and i think it’s true cause i’m out here doing the most to promote him 😂😂😂😂
accio-victuuri · 10 months
I was so curious about the red string bracelet ( clearly seen in airport photos shanghai > singapore ) and charm XZ is currently wearing. i’ve been using mine for more than 3 years now because of him among other “charms” here and there. i’m referencing this post by FlowerField_博肖拾光机.
The bracelet composition itself is a red rope, similar to his old one. This kind of red string has different meaning depending on the culture but for XZ i would think it’s more of having a personal instrument of luck and protection. tied to a belief in Buddhism that this bracelet can ward off evil spirits. These bracelets are handmade. While making knots, they ( buddhist monks ) repetitively recite mantras for the goodwill of the wearer.
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now for the charm, there are two meanings as both sides have 2 different designs. the first one being “fu” which means luck. traditionally it symbolizes goodwill & happiness— placing the character upside-down symbolizes it 'pouring out' or 'arriving. ' and upside-down fu character on your front door is a clever way to invite luck's arrival at your home.
the other side is a horse. i was wondering why, cause i’m 90 ( year of the horse ) and ZZ is 91 ( year of the goat/sheep. literally greatest of all time lol. it suits xiao laoshi ) so he should not be wearing it.
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the OP suggested to use the 十二生肖 3合6合生肖 查询表 table. as per the grids, the match for sheep for “6” is horse and this is possibly why the charm he uses is this.
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okay, let me try and explain it further…
Ancient Chinese sages believed that human life is destined, but destiny can be changed. One’s fortune is closely related to the mutual growth and restraint of each person's zodiac signs. Therefore, there is also a mutually reinforcing relationship between people. Finding the zodiac who is compatible with your own sign will be helpful to your life's fortune, interpersonal relationships, marriage and family.
The so-called Sanhe (3) and Liuhe (6) are the attraction and concentration of the power of certain elements among the Five Elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). It can be seen from this that unity is the attraction, affinity and cohesion of the five elements. It is mainly based on the three combinations and six combinations of the earthly branches (i.e. "zodiac signs") of the year of birth.
In the 3 part of the table, for example in XZ’s case, sheep/pig/rabbit zodiac signs form a good triad together. Think of it as a kind of "bright combination", one that is fair and upright. It is the auspicious match of the three zodiac signs.
The three-in-one combination not only has a good fit, but also has thoughts, values, habits, actions. These people are usually so in tune with each other. The three-in-one zodiac signs are four years apart. As the saying goes, getting married four years apart is a match made in heaven. This is based on the "three-in-one".
As for the 6, known as your zodiac’s Liu He ( the six directions hence marked as 6 in the table even if there is just one match ). This is more of a secret alliance to that particular zodiac.
They may give strong support to the zodiac sign at work, or give timely advice/help the sign of the zodiac sign in terms of wealth, interpersonal relationships, or provide spiritual comfort. They co-exist harmoniously.
It makes sense. That luck charm added with the the strongest sign that helps the sheep which is GG ❤️
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teapartyprincess4two · 3 months
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Okay, someone commented this on my last post & I’d love to continue the conversation.
Reminder: this is just an opinion and I don’t mean to offend anyone 💗 I am not offended or bothered by this comment, I just want to share my opinion. We can all have civilized discussions and it’s okay to disagree!
1. Very true! He HAS claimed to be the founder! They even refer to him as the founder of the brand on instagram posts, promotional videos, and on the update messages they send. But I also don’t understand how him not actually being the founder affects anyone. Literally at all. The world kept rotating, our hearts are still beating, literally no one is going to die over this. It’s fine.
2. Prices vary for multiple brands, not just his. It’s up to you whether you’d like to splurge on something nice or not. Personally, I couldn’t justify the purchase because it’s CHAPSTICK. But, I do spend more money on other items such as foundation (Rare Beauty) or even lipstick/lipgloss (Fenty Beauty). At the end of the day, when you add this item to your cart and type out your card information, it’s your choice whether you actually purchase it or not. Sure he’s advertising his product, but never is he forcing you to finalize your purchase. I’d like to add that you’re paying for the brand and the name associated with it, but if you would just like a chapstick. Just a regular ole chapstick. They sell some (like I said) at CVS and Walmart that do the job just fine.
3. Nowadays it’s very difficult and rare for ANYONE to have a completely original idea. I’m sure he never claimed to have INVENTED chapstick. Instead, he INNOVATED on a preexisting concept alongside a group of professionals (cause let’s be honest you need a team to guide you, especially when it’s your first project) to reimagine and conceptualize his idea. There are actually a variety of aspects that make his product unique. For one, it’s bigger than most chapsticks you find at the store. Secondly, it comes in extremely unique flavors. And lastly, it dispenses differently. So, no, he didn’t “create it all on his own,” but I’m sure he put in the necessary amount of brain power to MAKE it his own. Let’s take a look at other brand owners such as Selena Gomez and Rihanna. Selena and Rihanna didn’t INVENT makeup, they just made their products unique and that’s what people fell in love with. These celebrities have teams working alongside them to fulfill these dreams and ideas, but still work as the FACE of the brand. Nick did and is doing the same thing.
3. I think it was obvious that his brand and product is owned by a company. Unless Nick and his brothers had enough money to literally build a whole factory, gather materials, and then go through the process of hiring an entire staff of employees before ever actually creating and finalizing a marketable product, then yes it’s obvious the product is owned by an outside company. Everyone needs someone to help give them a kickstart, almost like a ‘sponsor.’ Surely none of us believed Nick was actually cutting pineapples and creating chapstick flavors in a secret lab.
4. I can’t speak on the ‘false claims’ this company has made, but even then: a lot of companies find loopholes. Either that, or they lie by omission. And a lot of companies OWN other companies. It’s just business.
5. If you feel personally exploited by Nicolas Sturniolo (he’s literally just a YOUTUBER) because you VOLUNTARILY purchased overpriced chapstick, then I’m sorry to break it to you but you have 1st world problems.
At the end of the day I’m just here to write and read fanfiction and these are just OPINIONS. Take them how you will, disagree if you want to, but cancel culture is gross. Let’s focus our efforts on positive things & if you truly feel the need to scratch your cancelling itch, cancel someone who actually did something wrong. Lol just love each other guys.
I’d like to close this off, and officially end this topic of conversation with this: It’s just chapstick guys. Just chapstick.
Meep moop
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darcytaylor · 3 months
At this point, I feel like academic papers need to be written regarding PR and fandom culture, because it truly is getting to be an incredibly toxic and taxing thing that social media is just making worse.
Yes, LN is a real person who should be able to live his life and have a girlfriend he has been very explicit at times to refer to as a “loved one” or part of the stuff he keeps private that he cherishes. But at the same time, he went 6 months on promo that pushed the girlfriend off to the side (either or partly by his own choice) while very much embracing and amplifying a very affectionate and close relationship with his costar/friend all in an attempt to gain attention for a show, playing up attention from a very vocal fan base that is extremely invested. It isn’t just a piece of media for those fans, and PR def knows that. Unfortunately, actors are in a really delicate position because as much as they are themselves, they are also the most visible and therefore real part of their character, and people can’t always separate that. This is all to say that if you’re going to benefit from mixing/playing into the relationship between the actors and the characters, it should also be recognized what costs/considerations that will have.
Is this all out of hand at this point? Yeah. Do I think we would have always seen people lose their shit post S3 simply because they went SO HARD on promo for so long that suddenly not having content was gonna be like a detox? Absolutely. But some of this could have been avoided if they hadn’t made the personal so much a part of the promo, and figuring out how to handle that better should have been something PR teams worked on, even if not for the fans sake, but the actors themselves.
I saw someone comment that basically do people expect him not to have a life and I think that is a valid point, but also ignores the fact that at least part of his real life was very much a part of the promo. For a lot of fans, they aren’t at a point where they can compartmentalize that actors are doing a job and what we see isn’t really always them. It isn’t really fair to him, but that’s basically/realistically part of the deal they made taking on a role like this and promoting it how they did. If having to maintain the illusion for a bit after in order not to cause issue wasn’t explained to them, then that’s a fairly shit job on the PR teams, because I even saw that coming. Ultimately, this whole situation feels rather shitty, uncomfy, and honestly really avoidable.
Wow, ok, I’m writing a novel here, I need to stop.
It is true that celebrities should be able to have private lives and be able to have relationships. But when your job is to profit off of fans (because it is the fans that give you a career in the end), you need to be willing to cater to them a little bit in a professional way. And with a proper PR team and them actually taking the advice, it can be a smooth transaction.
It would be like someone wanting to work in customer service/retail but then getting mad at the customers who come into the store for no reason. They are there to do a job, even if they don't love every aspect of it, and it's what they have to do to keep their jobs. Cater to the customers needs and wants. And then don't rebel and get mad at the customers for wanting to buy the product from you.
Celebrities customers are the fans. You need to be able to have that relationship with them in order for the fans to keep coming back and for them support you. Promotion is part of his job that shouldn't have been a surprise since it was planned months in advance. But if you continue to do questionable things, you don't deserve that career or maybe you aren't meant for that career. Even if one does have talent, it doesn't mean they will excel at anything else related to the job.
Luke could have had a relationship with Antonia out in the public if they took the time to cater to them. That's part of Luke's job, whether he likes it or not. If he continues down the path that he is on, he will be the one that loses.
This response may sound a bit angry, and I'm not angry at all! So try not to read this as if I am angry!
And when I say cater I don't mean they have to be at the fans beck and call. But to interact professionally every once in a while.
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darkfictionjude · 1 month
My third time trying to send it, Oh My God, I apologise if you receive like... three asks. Me being dum-dum with smartphone. Apologise for my poor English, too. Hello, Jude!
I want to thank you for your fantastic WWC-if. I deeply enjoyed it, because it has a very interesting plot, very well written atmosphere/vibe, but your characters? Oh man, your characters are the most delicious part of your work (-s even). I find them so different, so unique, so deep and really well-written, because I feel them; sometimes hate them too, but for a good reason, that they make me go “ah shit I strongly disagree with you, but FINE”. Love them all, eat them all, too.
Moreover, I’ll be patiently waiting for your new works to be continued, really excited about them. I must admit, so far I’m captivated by Dante, because he’s such a monster (affectionate). I know, that he’s morally bad, does terrible things that contradict with our very normal and modern views, but you know what? It’s good! I love psychos (scientifically)! As a fellow creator I can see the appeal of that kind of romance — destructive and wild. I’ll go for Dante-romance just to witness his love burn and cause damage. I want to have options for Luce to hurt Dante back, make him mad, but, you know, in a very passionate way or something like that. When I see characters barking at each other and then make out, I feel happy, because it's interesting, even if one of them can kill you (whatever, I swear, I don't care, have my green light to make Luce suffer). I don’t expect (and don’t want to, to be honest) Dante suddenly to change ‚for the better‘ or set aside his views, background and other things, that make him, well, him, because of a magical power of LOVE. In fact, I hope I'll see this exact love bringing the worst in him, showing what he can (and probably will) do for Luce or to them. You know, distorted views of love and affection are the best yet rarest among the ifs. Authors are mostly scared to create a deranged character and show their love in an ugly way. However, few people and I surely crave it. I don't want to cry on your shoulder, but I'm really tired of 'toxic romance' to turn suddenly very sweet and nice, showing only some scenes of jealousy and possessiveness, and that's it, sadly. So... thank you for not making him another 'good bad guy', I guess (so far?)? Seriously, you're doing God's (Devil's, maybe) work here.
Long Story Short, thank you so much for your works, I wish you the best, a lot of luck and Inspiration. I like you as a person and as a dark writer! I will watch you making your progress from the shadows of the deepest lake on Earth. You have my support, Jude.
So many times I’ve gotten apologizes from people saying they don’t speak English as a first language and yet they’re so eloquent in their messages 💀
Yeah I’ve never been a fan of fiction that has the love interest do a 180 because they’re in love. So does that mean they’ll become the same person the minute the love interest leaves them? Then that’s not true change and it’s not real character development. It’s one thing for a person to show you how to view things differently but it’s not genuine if you’re doing it to please them. I don’t think I’ll ever do a fix-it romance
I do get why some creators are hesitant to create romances like these because you’ll likely be subject to backlash from people saying you’re promoting abusive relationships or what-have-you but depiction is not endorsement nor romanticization or justification. That idea seems lost on people sometimes. I won’t justify my characters bad actions as right I will simply explain why from their point of view they believe things they do to be ok and not because they want to fuck the MCs over (although sometimes that’s exactly what they want to do)
I love how my characters frustrate you! And thank you lake underground nonnie ☺️
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super Manga ch. 27-29
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“Welp, this tournament of power’s not gonna instigate itself!”
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I’ve been impressed with Toyotaro’s leaner, meaner versions of the Universe 6 and Zamasu sagas, so I was hoping he would work the same magic on the build-up to the Tournament of Power.  Unfortunately, I’m a bit disappointed.  I think Episodes 68-96 anime took way too long to get there, but Chapters 27-32 of the manga seem to go too quickly.  I guess that shouldn’t surprise me, as there’s a lot of middle ground between 29 anime episodes and six manga chapters. 
So you know the drill.  I’m going to highlight stuff that the manga did differently, starting with this Beerus/Vegeta rematch that happens right before Goku goes to Beerus’ planet and reminds Zeno of the tournament he promised. 
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This always struck me as a plot dangler from the anime, because we see Goku and Vegeta get a lot stronger over the course of DBS, and yet we never find out if they‘ve improved enough to match Beerus.  Sure, Beerus clobbered them both in Battle of Gods, but now they know how to do Super Saiyan Blue.  Well, in this chapter, Beerus scoffs at the idea that the Saiyans will ever be his rivals, and the Oracle Fish insists that it’s true, so he challenges Vegeta to see what progress he’s made.
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And the answer is “not enough”, though Vegeta does a lot better than he did the last time he fought Beerus, so there’s no shame in it. 
Of course, this doesn’t take into account Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken level, but that doesn’t exist in the manga.  Instead we have this “Completed” Super Saiyan Blue form, where Goku learned how to perfect the transformation.  Vegeta reveals he can do the same thing in this chapter, but it’s still not enough. 
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We also get this scene in Grand Zenos’ Palace where they discuss the problem of too many universes before Goku arrives.  The Zenos are playing some sort of game involving the universes, and they each note how there’s too many of them, and since the mortals aren’t developing much in most of the universes, there’s little point in observing them all.  So they contemplate erasing eight universes, and that’s when Goku shows up to talk about the tournament.
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So we get a bunch of scenes where the gods are summoned to Zeno’s palace for the announcement.  In particular, I’m confused by this one of Sidra and Roh discussing the destruction of a planet.  Unlike Beerus, Sidrah seems to take the job very seriously, and he carefully calculates the pros and cons of his decision before acting. Also, Roh seems very interested in the process.   This would be weird enough, but in the anime, these two are shown to be a lot more craven and opportunistic.  So I’m not sure what to take from this.
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At the palace, the Grand Minister asks about the extra guy in the Universe 11 contingent, and Belmod introduces Toppo as his apprentice, as he plans to retire soon.  In the anime, Toppo is introduced as Khai’s bodyguard, and I’m pretty sure the “Candidate God of Destruction” thing will get brought up later, but it’s strange that they didn’t explain it in his debut. 
I guess I’ll talk about it here, since this seems to be the first time it gets brought up.  Beerus and Whis have hinted at the idea of Goku or Vegeta training to take Beerus’ place someday, but the Saiyans don’t seem interested in the job, so it never goes anywhere.  With Toppo, we have confirmation that mortals can be promoted to the rank of Hakaishin, which implies that Belmod and all the other Destroyers were once mortals themselves. 
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So the Grand Minister announces the Tournament, but the Zeno from the destroyed timeline doesn’t know what a martial arts match is like, so we get the Zeno Expo.  But in this version, it’s a battle royale of all the Destroyers. 
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It starts out as an 11-on-1 fight against Beerus, partly because they blame him for Goku getting them into this mess, and also they’re still sore at him for the trouble he caused long ago.  According to Whis, Zeno held a hide-and-seek tournament, and Beerus fell asleep during it and ruined the whole thing.  The others managed to calm Zeno down, but they’ve resented Beerus for it ever since.
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But Beerus does surprisingly well, and soon enough, the other Destroyers begin to turn on one another in an effort to win.
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Oh, and here’s this bonus comic where Trunks decides to return to his own timeline, or at least an altered version of it.  This doesn’t make a lot of sense, given how this was Whis’ idea, and Trunks wouldn’t have considered this on his own.
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Back to the rumble, a bunch of stuff happens, and it’s hard to keep track of any of it, which is probably by design, since not even the Zenos can follow any of this.
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So the Grand Minister calls off the match and disqualifies everyone.  Zeno nearly abandons the Tournament idea altogether, when Goku asks him to give it another chance, since mortal battles won’t be anything like that. 
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Fortunately, there’s a mortal in the house who can face off with Goku, and this gives the Zenos a chance to road test some new rules.  No weapons, no killing, and no flying.  Apparently these are all for the sake of making the action more fun for the Zenos to watch.  I don’t get the no-flying thing, but the Tournament of Power was a great time, so I guess the Zenos know what they’re doing.   I mean, you don’t become the Kings of Everything without knowing a thing or two.
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Goku transforms, which excites the Zenos, so they want to see all of Goku’s transformations.  He goes to Super Saiyan 2, which is always a treat to see, but the Zenos aren’t thrilled with this one, so Goku has to go to Super Saiyan 3 right away.  Look, Zenos, you may be all powerful, but Super Saiyan 2 Goku kicks ass.  Maybe you’ll understand when you’re older.
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Soon enough Goku ramps up to Super Saiyan God, and all the Destroyers are impressed to see him fighting at that level.  Wait, if they’re fighting at the same level, then how is this any easier for the Zenos to follow?
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Goku tries to polish Toppo off by turning Super Saiyan Blue, but Toppo takes him to Dick Kick City first, and wins the match by ring-out. 
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So yeah, Toppo wins clean.  How about that?
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
I don’t know if you’ve been asked this before, or if you’ve answered this, but has anyone ever asked Michael or Charlotte where the nickname Honeybee came from? I just thought of that and it tickled me cause how would they answer that with a straight face.
Ok I love this question and I hope you see this, anon! Sorry it took me sooo long but I wanted to write something out cause I thought this was so cute lol and to answer your question, they definitely didn't keep a straight face hahaha Michael's been on Graham Norton a couple times and his interviews were so cute and he is so funny so enjoyyyy!
“I’m very excited to have you both on the couch at the same time, Michael and Charlotte. Here to promote Creed III, which is in theaters next week. I’ve had you both here separately but this is a treat to have you both here,” Graham Norton offered, the studio crowd applauding the couple. 
“Thanks man, it’s always a good time here,” Michael responded, Charlotte nodding in agreement. 
“So Creed III out next week. Your directorial debut, which is awesome. Congrats to you, Michael. But I have to ask you, Charlotte, what’s it like being directed by your husband? Is that weird having him boss you around on set? Did you give him a hard time?” 
Charlotte laughed. “You know, actually it was pretty fun. Not sure how other people feel… working with their husbands but I loved it. You know we’ve been doing these movies and playing Bianca and Adonis for almost a decade. And as these characters have grown and evolved so have we and our relationship. So we have developed a short hand and ease on set with each other that made it easier. It also helps when your pillow talk is with the director,” she chuckled. “I kinda had an idea of the shots he wanted at times and could adjust to make sure I was doing my part to help him get it. Honestly, I just felt proud and so excited for my husband in real life getting to watch him achieve his dreams. I would just watch him sometimes on set and think 'damn, that's my man.' It was fun." 
“That’s really sweet. What’s the most annoying thing she did on set?” He asked Michael. 
Charlotte playfully raised her eyebrow as Michael rubbed his chin.
“You tryin’ to get me in trouble, huh??” He chuckled with a jokingly nervous energy. “Nah, she has always been like this but she is clumsy as hell - in character and in real life. So more than once, we'd get like a perfect take and then she'd just trip over like… air and we had to redo it."
Charlotte covered her face with her hand in embarrassment as Graham, the other guests, and the crowd laughed. 
“Is that true?” 
“1000%. I drop everything, I trip alllllllll the time. It’s pretty wild that it hasn’t happened more on red carpets and stuff honestly. And I break a lot of stuff too,” she added, her shoulders shrugging lightly. “I’m worse than our kids and we have twin boys so that’s saying a lot.” 
“Wow… so I imagine it’s gotta be weird giving feedback and getting it from your husband? How’d that go over?” 
“You know she’s pretty perfect so I never gave her anything other than glowing praise,” Michael interjected with his award-winning smile that had every woman in the crowd swooning. 
“Awww, that’s so sweet. And a complete lie,” Charlotte answered playfully, causing the entire crowd to laugh. “I will say, he was very good at giving constructive feedback but I could always tell what kinda feedback was coming just by how he addressed me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, he never uses my first name. And we try to keep it professional on set so he calls me Els 99% of the time on set and at home. But if he had constructive feedback, he always called me honey bee instead of Els. It was like his tell. But yea if he pulled out honey bee, I knew it was to butter me up,” she laughed. “But the feedback was mostly positive.”
“Honey bee, that’s so sweet,” Olivia Coleman, one of the other guests on the couch added. 
“To be young and in love. None of the rest of us know anything about that,” Graham joked as the other guests had been married far longer than Michael and Charlotte. “I know Els is short for your middle name. Is there a story behind that nickname?” 
Michael and Charlotte shared a glance, Michael trying to stifle his laughter. However, Charlotte could not hide her own, immediately doubling over at the thought of sharing that origin story. They did not mind sharing details of their personal lives and relationship but that was one area they strayed away from.  
“I take it that story is not appropriate to share?” 
They both shook their heads as they laughed. 
“Nah, definitely not, definitely not. It started off as joke but then I liked it and it stuck,” Michael laughed. “That’s her name in my phone too.” 
“Meanwhile, he’s name is just Bakari in mine with a heart and ring emoji. He’s the romantic in this marriage.” She scrunched up her face playfully as he leaned over and pecked her on the cheek, causing a loud awww to echo through the crowd.
This was fun! Ask me more stuff like this, friends lol
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lajikookbolala · 1 year
I hate to say it but I feel a lot of disappointment with Jk, so much so that I’ve mentally checked out of his release and want to hear nothing of it anymore. It’s just disappointing to see him sellout like this, his interviews aren’t making things better bc how can he say he just wants to be more famous/be a giant pop star, what happened to just loving to make music ? Feel like idek know him like I thought I do. I’m also stuck between if I should be mad at him or not bc at some level he did know this was going to happen, knew they were going to push him more than the other members(we literally see him planning to be big in suwitcha ep).
He seems so arrogant and full of himself nowadays. Not an ounce of gratitude??? No thankyou, nothing. Straight up asking for more, as he knows scooter is preparing him an English album. Don't know how long he's gonna go well with this bitchy attitude. Idk how he can change like this or maybe the older humble JK was all a facade. Didn't he also said that ? Anyway, it's just a matter of time till Jimin gets done with his bs and drops him. Idk how long Jimin can pretend to be happy and supportive of him even while being arrogant af.
Hi Anon, I'm sorry you feel that way. I honestly haven't been keeping up with these promotions, but I haven't seen anything about him being arrogant or bitchy?
Actually, I suggest you watch the Seven recording film that just came out. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3BvykUDOS4
Long story short, the producers said he was very open-minded and humble about the whole thing, and that over all he was just great to work with. He also actually seemed very nervous the entire time he was recording, and not arrogant at all.
Secondly, who are we to judge him if he wants to be a famous pop star? That's so many people's dreams. In fact, that's probably one of the reasons he joined BTS in the first place. Now he's just doing it individually.
As for you feeling like his love of music is fading, I actually don't think that's true at all. He actually loves modern American pop music, as he's talked about many times, and as you can see from his spotify playlist. Most of all, I think he's just trying to make himself stand out as his own person and not just another member of BTS. And as long as he's not hurting anyone or being forced to make music he doesn't want to, it's really not our place to judge.
And finally, I really don't think this is going to cause any long-term problems, if any, with Jikook's relationship. We know Jimin has forgiven JK for much more. Take the rainy day incident, for example. And yes, I know Jungkook was young then, but I think we all know that he's grown a lot, and so has Jimin. Their relationship is strong enough to outlast a few months or so of Jungkook acting this way, which, again, I don't think he is.
Listen, Anon, if you don't want to support Jungkook as a solo artist, fine. You do you. Just do us all a favor and stop infiltrating spaces where people are actually trying to love and support him.
Have a good day.
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hyenahunt · 10 months
Saga: Rivals - 16
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Tori, Hokuto, Chiaki
Proofreading: moricchiichan (JP) & Peace (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Hokuto: The look on Akehoshi’s face at that time… I’d sooner rip my heart out of my own chest than ever seeing him make that face again.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Soundproof Lesson Room
Tori: So Eichi-sama took a stand to make a change last year, right?
With fine under his lead, and probably Vice-Prez as his partner-in-crime…
Even using dirty methods he probably wished to hide from me, he wriggled out his hands to reach out for a revolution.
Hokuto: Yes. Trickstar wasn’t the first revolutionary; there was a story with the Student President as the main character before us.
There, I was a villain to be trampled on… Or rather, just one of the villain’s minions, a mook.
Tori: I’d say “Aren’t you still a mook?” …But I know that’s not right.
Anyway, maybe it’s because he was afraid he wouldn’t live long enough to see tomorrow, but Eichi-sama’s revolution was apparently super hasty, wasn’t it?
Like performing surgery with a chainsaw, as Yuzuru put it.
His goal was met, but it was so dangerous that of course there were victims from it.
Hokuto: Yes, and the prime victims were the Five Eccentrics.
Tori: Right… He framed them as villains responsible for everything.
Promoting his cause as just to unify people under him and gain support, he “subjugated” those villains afterwards.
That’s probably something that's happened in every country’s history… But it’s really atrocious, isn’t it. I'm shivering just imagining myself in their shoes.
Not that I’m one to talk, supporting fine and swallowing their pretty words whole.
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Chiaki: I’m the same. I almost believed it right until the end. That justice also existed in this world… That they represented it.
Until I got deeply involved with Kanata…
I believed that the screaming, bloody mess being eradicated in front of me was a fictional evil monster, looking away from the reality that they were human beings; crying, laughing, and living as I do.
If that’s something to be blamed for, then I’m just as sinful, Himemiya.
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Tori: Mm, that’s not it… I think it’s incredible of fine, of Prez and his group, to make me believe the whole time that their story was a story of good versus evil.
I can’t imitate that. I don’t want to, either.
Even so, fine kindled a new light inside the dark age. That isn’t a lie.
They resurrected the idol industry, when it had been fading fast since Sagami-sensei’s retirement.
No. Just to achieve that, they made sacrifices and fought.
But Eichi-sama was worn down and got hospitalized in the end, so things were put to a stop there, right?
Hokuto: …They’ve received proper punishment for their atrocities. No — They’re still atoning.
I can understand, as a sentiment, that there are certain things that can never be forgiven.
But the Five Eccentrics have all gotten back on their feet, while fine and the student council are looking towards the future, doing the best they can without giving in.
All so the idol industry wouldn’t wither away… So idols in general wouldn’t have to vanish from this world.
And most of all, so we could all shine even more than before.
Tori: Yeah. I think everything’s going in a good direction now. From here on out, the shining, brilliant era of idols is starting anew, isn’t it?
I want to believe that, at least. If not, it’s just too… tragic. It would mean the blood spilled from the people who got hurt, the sacrifices made, were all for nothing.
Hokuto: True. We’re both in the vortex of it all, as Trickstar and fine, so it can be hard to get a bird's eye view of the whole picture…
But as you said, Himemiya. The painful efforts and sacrifices made by our predecessors are opening up the path to a bright future.
What the top brass of CosPro did in SS was something foolish that could’ve destroyed it.
Something that could’ve tossed our world into hell. Reversing the hand of the clock back to the past would’ve rewarded no one.
It almost brought idols to an end… Even if that’s saying too much, it would’ve undeniably stagnated and sunk this era further into darkness.
Chiaki: Yeah. Even if they succeeded with their plot in SS…
All it could’ve brought them was temporary solace from getting back at the idols they loathed.
Hokuto: Father told us about their motive.
They must’ve really loathed idols. That’s just natural; they spent years being trampled, forced to serve us.
But that doesn’t right their wrongs.
The look on Akehoshi’s face at that time… I’d sooner rip my heart out of my own chest than ever seeing him make that face again.
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Chiaki: Yeah… I was holding live shows and doing promotions to support you guys back then, but…
I couldn’t stop thinking about throwing it all aside to rush to Akehoshi’s aid.
I kept asking myself, “Why aren’t I an all-powerful superhero?”... I felt so powerless. I don’t want to experience that again…
Maybe a world where we don’t have to hate and hurt each other, a world only filled with love, is just a pipe dream…
But it’s the goal I aim for. And I believe that you guys feel the same.
Tori: Yup. Having more kind people will brighten the world little by little…
Ehehe. We keep making it all grand and about the world, when really it’s just idol business.
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Hokuto: Fufu. That’s just the way it is; we’re all living in the same world. Essentially, these things concern every last one of us.
Chiaki: Yup. Also, a tokusatsu creator once said that although talking openly about the world or about love may be embarrassing…
Cushioning it with something else allows people to discuss it without shame.
That was about tokusatsu, but in our case, I think the cushion is the idol industry. So let’s exchange our views without constraint… All of us idols, together.
Tori: Yeah. Together. I think that’s the sort of era it’ll be from now on…
God died and the kings lost their authority, making our world a democracy. All of us are gonna have to poke around for a better future together now.
Chiaki: Yeah. Well, but even without us wearing our brains out, I bet Tenshouin has some grand scheme prepared already.
Hokuto: And my father, too. I get that impression from the way he spoke.
The idol industry, Yumenosaki Academy, CosPro, and Project-Saga… Just what sort of vision do they have in mind?
Chiaki: Hmm… Somehow, I feel like the groups that had been operating separately are finally uniting after arguing so much behind the scenes…
…And are trying to progress “the entire sphere” once they’ve gotten things in order.
Tori: Eh, what do you mean? Explain so I can understand!
Chiaki: Each one of us alone can’t become God, but we can make the same miracles happen if we unite… or more like…
Sorry, I didn’t exactly have anything concrete in mind.
Hokuto: Hmm. Well, it’s irritating to be moved around like pawns, so we should keep working our minds and speculate.
Tori: Yeah. The winners are always those who can steer the winds, so we should stay privy to the state of affairs. But without ignoring the work in front of us, obviously.
Chiaki: Fuhaha. That’s the most important thing, actually.
All we humble citizens can do is tackle our duties with everything we have. As for complex issues — Let’s just leave them to our politicians to think about.
But at the same time —
When their ruling takes an obviously wrong turn, we should all learn from Trickstar and incite a revolution.
Hokuto: Yeah. I have experience; leave it to me.
Tori: Talk about barbaric… As a member of Stuco, I’m leaning more on the politician side, so…
Maybe I should nip these seeds of rebellion before they bud? …Just kidding ♪
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msjr0119 · 1 year
This Life
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The majority of characters belong to Pixelberry from The Royal Romance/Heir.
Series warnings ⚠️: Adult language, sexual.
Based on the Netflix series- Sex/life. Some situations are based on canon.
Tags: Because I’ve been gone MIA in like forever I don’t know who’s here anymore 🙈… so I’m not tagging specific people.
School psychologists aren't supposed to write books or diaries about sex. Doing so would be considered 'unethical' and 'a fireable offense'. Lucky for you, ethics was never my strong suit.
January 3rd
New year. New start? No. Same shit, different year. It hasn’t always been ‘bad’ though.
There was a time in my life where I was; wild, fun, happy. I was living the time of my life. As if there was no tomorrow. No worries. Anxiety- what anxiety? No sleep. It didn’t matter to me. Caffeine was my best friend as well as Liv. Both getting me through each day. Thinking back to those days- I was vulnerable. The reason why… HIM.
The man who has not been named ‘out loud’ in nearly a decade. However, just recently the memories keep flooding in my mind. I’m not sure why? As much as I try to erase them, they return immediately. Today I spent the afternoon vacantly staring at my child as he caused chaos around me. Typical toddler, some may suggest. My boy- he was…is, a blessing. To begin with, I wasn’t sure if I could be a mother. Half of the time, I’m surprised that I’ve managed to look after myself all of these years. Motherhood- that was never a high priority in my future when I imagined my fairytale life in my adolescence. Honestly, my only goal in life was to achieve my PHD in Psychology. Oh, how that went ‘tits up’.
My husband- he was my saviour five years ago. Most of our close friends and family assumed that Nate was just a rebound. Deep down, I probably believed that too back then. However, he proved everyone wrong- including myself. For the last five years he’s provided for me but for also for Preston. Most people would think that I sound ungrateful for the life that I have. Maybe I am?
The majority would dream for what I have; the wonderful house outside the city. The opportunity to not have to work for now- the life of a typical housewife. The privilege to own nice yet expensive cars due to Nate’s promotion. And not forgetting the support from Preston’s nanny- Ioana. Why isn’t all of this enough for me? I often think…What if, I had never agreed to that coffee date with Nate on our first meeting? Would my life have been any different? Could I have rekindled with the man who made me feel invisible- electrified? The intimacy with him. God, I miss it. I miss him. Back then, I was caught up in the euphoria of the moment. ‘For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and cherish, until parted by death’ I keep reminding myself about the vows that we made- ‘I am happily married’. But, is that true?
“Shit!” Looking at her watch, Riley realised that the day had rapidly disappeared. Nate could be returning home at any point.
“Mommy, you….”
“I know, Preston. I’m sorry I said a naughty word.” Scrutinising the mess surrounding them- Riley deleted all of what she had noted down, before rushing around like a headless chicken in her night wear still. Hearing the door open, she panicked slightly before recognising the familiar face. Phew.
“Excuse me, Miss Riley- but your sister and Mr Liam have just got here. I can take Preston for his bath if you’d like?”
“Erm, Ioana- let them in, I’ll quickly run upstairs and make myself decent. Preston, honey- why don’t you show Ioana the train track that we made earlier on? It’s amazing isn’t it?”
“Okay, Mommy.”
“I don’t know why they are here?!” Ioana provided a soft smile towards Riley as she mouthed this and guested that she would be one minute.
Running back downstairs dodging the washing and stray toys, Riley realised that she had two missed calls and voicemails.
Hey, girl.
Sorry I didn’t return your call earlier on. It’s been a busy crazy day. I’m back in the city- you sounded a bit upset on the voicemail. Meet up, tomorrow? Let me know.
Hello beautiful,
Just to let you know, I’m running slightly behind tonight. Emergency meeting with Katrina and ‘the big boy bosses’. I hopefully won’t be too long. I will grab some food at work- just see to yourself and Preston. Love you.
“Nothing new there, then. Working late again wasn’t expecting that at all- oh silly, me. He’s probably so far up her arse…..”
“Riley.” Lindsey shouted interrupting her sisters negative thoughts regarding her husband and his new boss.
“Hey guys. Sorry about the mess. Erm… it was Nate’s first day back at work and myself and Preston are still in the holiday mood. We still need to get back into the normal routine… anyway…. What are you doing here?” Lindsey and Liam gave each other a look- they both didn’t know how to ‘sweet talk’ the discussion that they needed to have with Riley.
“Well… we haven’t seen you since Christmas. So we thought that we’d pay you a visit.”
“It was less than two weeks ago, we’ve gone months without seeing each other before.”
“Erm…” Lindsey stuttered which encouraged Liam to continue the conversation. “Well we know that Nate is working longer hours now- we know that you have Ioana for company but if you wanted a different change of scenery…. We are here. Always.” Focusing her attention towards her sister instead of Liam - Lindsey provided a sheepish smile towards Riley.
“Linz you’ve always been a rubbish liar. What’s the real reason as to why you’ve spontaneously shown up here?”
“Ioana, are you okay looking after Preston for a couple of extra hours whilst we take Riley to the city? Mommy’s night off. I believe she deserves it?”
“Of course, Mr Liam. That is no problem. I agree, Miss Riley should go and enjoy herself.”
New York is a city of diversity and dynamism. As well as a city of politics, economy and culture. Even though I don’t live within the city anymore- this is home. The natural feeling of ‘home’ occurs every time that I enter the city. Each corner has a different story to tell. Mixed emotions. Memories both bad and good that will last a lifetime.
To begin with- Riley kept looking over her shoulder in the bars that the trio had entered. Was there some hope that she could see him? If there was to be an unexpected meeting she wasn’t quite sure on how to react. Due to anxiety and nerves - Riley began to take advantage of the alcohol as well as the child free night. The last known location for the man in question was California. Because of this she began to let her hair loose - something which pleased Lindsey but also worried her at the same time.
“Liv’s flat is literally next door. I’ll just go and surprise her and see if she wants to join us, okay?”
“Okay, we’ll get you both a drink. Gin and tonic?” Liam asked.
“No, make it two JD and cokes. It’s what myself and Liv always had during our… fun… days. Nights. Mornings…. I’ll be two minutes.”
“Liam- JD and coke, minus the JD for Ri.” Lindsey whispered to her husband, as they watched Riley enter the flat safely.
“I think she will need a coffee rather than fizzy pop to attempt to conceal the alcohol consumption from Nate. When Riley returns with or without Liv we are telling her the truth, Linz. Olivia will be the extra support that she may require.”
“Ri… what are you doing here? I suggested to meet up tomorrow on the voicemail.”
“Yeah I know, but….” Stumbling against the wall, Olivia stepped out quickly shutting the door quietly.
“Are you drunk?”
“No! Maybe. Only, slightly.” Shrugging her shoulders, she knew that Nate would berate her for being in this position. However, she didn’t care for now.
“Anyway Linz and Liam sort of dragged me out to the city- because I can never get out, I thought you could join me- us. Like old times…. But obviously old times were just you and I. It’ll be fun though…. I need to talk to you anyway…. I’ve been having these weird dreams. Memories keep rushing back of me and him….” Before Riley could continue with her word vomit - Olivia prevented her from continuing.
“Now isn’t a good time….I’m still jet-lagged from Paris. Tomorrow would better, honey. For me. I can come to you… or you could come back to the city with Preston. Whichever is easier….”
“Who’s Preston?” Standing frozen as if she had seen a ghost, Riley’s brain began to shrivel and not function properly. “I’m assuming he’s the new lucky man in your life?” Not responding to the questions- Riley couldn’t distinguish reality from fantasy.
“It’s good to see you, Brooks.”
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clunelover · 1 year
Yay my talk with my boss went so well! I told him he was the best manager I’d ever had, which is true, and then we went through my list of Qs, and he said:
Re: my ask of whether he could take me with him, he said he’d do that in a heartbeat and that there is a role posted in his team that’s a level 5 of what I do now (currently at level 3) and he thinks I should apply, with the caveat that he got his offer and then the person who hired him went on vacation for two weeks, and her boss is also out for a while, so he doesn’t know exactly what area of the team that person will work on, or who they’d report to- but I’m applying for sure! (Titles here really are so dumb, like there’s the underlying title of analyst 5, but the title on the posting is “business intelligence delivery analyst” which…wtf is that)
Re: me applying for his job, he said I could definitely handle it (and that the pay grade for manager 1 is the same as analyst 5) and I should just think about whether that’s a path I’d want to go on, but that he definitely would support and encourage me to go for it if I want it. In the course of talking about it I decided that I definitely don’t want it and won’t apply
Re: me hoping I’m on track to get promoted this year and whether he agreed and how much he could do about it since he’s leaving, he said he’s been making a strong case for that to his boss, and his boss supports it but just wants to document the heck out of it, because it IS sooner than most people get promoted (and my first promotion was also that) but that he and his boss do feel the timing issue is BS, so they’ll make the strongest case possible but just know that it could still get denied cause it needs approval from a level or two above boss’s boss. He did say too that he talked to his counterpart/my previous manager about it to say he planned to push for promotion, and she said there were people on her team who literally said to her, “why isn’t Meredith a level 4?” Cause everyone just knows I operate at that level. So that was cool!
Anyway I’m all fired up, seems like something good will happen soon-ish.
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
cpn talk: of camping fans, the number 38 and future concerts.
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happy monday to everyone! ^^ what better way to start the week than some clowning. i hope this makes it easier for you to get through the day and rest of the week. nothing too ground breaking, just some good old minor cpns i picked up here and there. enjoy~ and yes i used that gif of gege as clickbait! hahahahaha!
i wanna start with a usual observation, the way they do not clash in terms of project promotions. in the past weeks, WoF was in full swing, and now it’s FPU which will most likely continue till it’s release and the week after that. in the meantime, XZ is on radio silence. you still have the usual ads and stock photos from XZS + some random hot searches but nothing else. i have a feeling that after Bobo’s promotions, XZ will come out for LOCH.
and speaking of XZS posting photos, let me direct you to this one. he is holding a fan again. not the 380 yuan but we’ve seen it before and he is using it during his drama filming right now.
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so as the clowns that we are, we had to search for it so we can get the same style. how it’s describe on online markets is: F30 handheld rechargeable small fan mini portable wind power household. carry-on fan for camping. camping? interesting. of course you can use outside of that, but with our cpn of them and camping— this is yet another clue. did the same guy who bought him the 380 yuan fan before, searched up something his beloved can use for camping and beyond? they are so cute! i swear! i’m here for this whole soft era of them loving camping and relaxing!
bonus clowning is that the photoset form XZS was posted 19:30 which was the broadcast time for WoF. and considering it was the finale, maybe this was also ZZ’s gift? we already speculate that he is fond of lai lai so it could be…. 🤷🏻‍♀️
moving on to the number 38, which was a recurring number we have noticed from posts made sunday 4/7. 38 zhan bo. 💕 it could mean nothing but somehow, it got me, especially since yibo used it.
video uploaded by ybo is 01:38 and yibo posted 10:38.
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now about the future concert of yibo which i screamed about here & here — whether that’s true or not— us cpfs will of course do what we do best. to clown. so here are some points:
1. some are connecting this concert thing to a previous hs related to xz. it was about him and his company adding services which includes concerts. the actual tag was: #xiaozhanstudio adds new commercial performance license#. of course whatever this is, if yibo does hold a concert, it will be under yuehua but i understand where the clowning is coming from.
this comment was so hilarious tho 😂😂😂😂
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2. what if yibo invites guests? that’s usual for solo concerts. so we’ve been day dreaming about him singing bu wang, and why not wuji too? and then invite xiao zhan? imagine that. lol. and solos couldn’t even be angry cause wyb invited him. wouldn’t that be amazing?
3. this part in one of xzs vlogs where gg was in an open area and he “jokingly” said something like “Come to my concert, thank you!”
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we may be thinking too much about it but what if. what if gege also plans to have a solo concert some time in the future? i know both of them are so focused on being actors but they also have so much passion for performing.
i’m imagining how they both have a bucket list and one entry there is to have a solo concert. i hope we get to witness that come true ✨
FINALLY, with yibo’s post earlier, we saw him playing tennis. so tennis boyfriends at it again! 🎾
video source
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zennagreenwitch · 4 months
About that college commencement speech…
Catholic football player Harrison Butker gave the commencement address for Benedictine College in Kansas in May 2024 and it caused a shitstorm. Conservatives love it, liberals hate it. I’ve seen a few memes praising him (for encouraging young people to get married and start families), as well as a bunch of articles shitting on him (for telling women that they belong in the kitchen), so I decided to find out what the guy actually said.
The speech: https://www.ncregister.com/news/harrison-butker-speech-at-benedictine
This is a verbatim transcript, and here is the video posted by the college:
Okay. Lots to unpack. Like, a lot. It’s under the cut.
First off, he’s speaking to a Catholic college. He’s going to get religious. I’m not going to get into his opinions on church politics and orthodoxy. I’m also not going to address his statements on abortion, IVF, or pride month. I’m going to focus on his bullshit opinions about women’s role in society.
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[Image Description: Screenshots from the speech transcript broken into three paragraphs.
“For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.”
“I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.” The phrase “her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother” has been underlined.
“I say all of this to you because I have seen it firsthand how much happier someone can be when they disregard the outside noise and move closer and closer to God's will in their life. Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud, without hesitation, and say, “Heck, No.”” The phrase “Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true” has been underlined. End image description]
First of all, I’m aware that this is the piss-poor reading comprehension site so: anyone should be able to stay home and raise children without worrying about money. Children are amazing and parenting is important and great. I myself have a child and I love him more than anything. There’s no shame in not working outside the home. I believe women (and everyone) should have the choice to do whatever they want with their time, whether that’s pursuing a career or not.
Alright! On to the sports man’s backwards and insensitive statements about women!
He starts off strong by congratulating the female graduates on their amazing accomplishment. Yes! College degrees at any level are hard work! But then he veers off and strongly implies that a desire to pursue a career and get “promotions and titles” are the result of “diabolical lies.” So he’s saying that women wanting to be successful outside the home is sinful. Not a great start, buddy!
Next up: the assumption that most of the women in the audience are most excited to start families. “Congrats on the hard work, now start popping out kids!”
Bruh. These folks just finished a four year degree program. I looked up the financial info for Benedictine College.
Fee schedule:
Semester tuition for academic year 2024-2025 is $17,675, so a four year degree (no fees, no room and board, no meal plan, no materials) would cost about $100,000 without any aid. It’s hardly the most expensive out there, but it’s not cheap. With aid but including the fees, materials, room and board, etc? Definitely a solid $100k.
So Harrison here has just congratulated women who are probably swimming in debt on getting their MRS degrees. Maybe some of them want that, but as a woman who went to a private Christian college, most of us were there for the career potential. Very few people these days are spending college money on meeting Mr Right. This is insensitive at best.
On to Mrs Lisa Butker. Harrison says that his wife’s “life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother” and that his own success relies on her support.
On the one hand, it really is important to have a supportive partner if you want a romantic relationship as well as career success. On the other hand, women don’t exist to make men’s lives easier. We have our own desires and ambitions, and telling a group of female college graduates that the most important woman in your life didn’t have a purpose before she got married and started making babies is, again, insensitive at best. At worst, it’s condescending, patronizing, and downright rude. To add insult to injury, he doubles down and says that the most important title (callback to graduates looking forward to “promotions and titles”) is homemaker.
I’m a scientist and educator. I’m a woman, a bisexual, a fat person, and a witch. I’m a partner to my husband. I recently became a mother, and as cliche as it is, the last title is the most important now. I would do anything for my child. He is my number one priority. But I’m not a homemaker. Never will be. And other women may not feel the same way about motherhood, and that’s their right. I can’t impose my personal values on anyone else. And neither should Harrison Butker.
Last thing on Lisa Butker: she might be perfectly happy with her life. Good for her! But her husband has no right to use her to discourage young women from pursuing their dreams of independence and success. He even says that she gave up her dreams to support his. Again. Insensitive at best, incredibly rude at worst.
So, in conclusion: fuck that guy. His opinions on women are garbage and he should keep them to himself.
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 years
Paschal Moon
Summary: Jensen finds crossing the tracks isn’t always a bad thing
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Astronomer!Reader
Word Count: 2200
Warnings: some angst, really bad punning(sorry) divorce, cheating, innuendos, cursing, reader says shit like I do in real life🤣
Square Filled: @winchesterandbeyondbingo -midnight @spnmixedbingo -secret dating @spnaubingo -wet dream @j3bingo -camping @howbadcanitbebingo -cliche galore
*no Beta-all mistakes are mine
*photos found online
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It was Saturday night and once again Jensen found himself the proverbial third wheel.
Jared and Genevieve meant well, dragging him everywhere with them since his filing for divorce, wanting to keep him from brooding at home with a bottle when not with his kids.
And it wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy socializing, that wasn’t the problem, it was knowing it would be an evening filled with repetitive I'm so sorry and the look that sent him straight to the open bar first for many a shot nowadays.
Feeling the slight buzz he needed to deal, Jensen put on his game face and with another tumbler of liquid courage in hand made the rounds; chatting amicably with various groups, catching up with old friends.
Things were going pretty well until some dumbfuck with more alcohol than brains turned to Genevieve loudly blurting they’d heard the reason for the divorce was Danneel had been making the rounds with guy’s with more sizable assets..
That’s when her moose sized husband bellowed in the jerks face to shut their unprepossessing cake hole.
Jensen takes the momentary distraction to escape out a side door before he gives into the impulse and punches the sonuvabitch with the double entendre slammed it shut crossed over to the riverside railing and gripping it in both hands wrung it like a chicken neck.
The unexpected swish of fabric made Jensen shift his focus spying a glass half full of liquid being held out in front of him, “looks like you could use this more than me.”
He turns, finding himself gazing into the eyes of the tall drink of water he’d noticed throughout the evening.
Glancing at the glass again she laughed, “I’m not slipping you a mickey,” lifting said glass to her lips he watched her throat ungulate, making Jensen Jr. rise to attention.
“See Peaches, I’m not some crazy charity stalker.”
He took the glass and felt a spark as his fingers brushed hers, “thanks, I wasn’t actually thinking..that,” threw back the rest of the liquid appreciating the smooth slide down his throat, “it’s been a pretty shitty evening.”
“Preaching to the choir honey child. I’m here ‘cause my second cousin on my mama’s side girl broke up with him and now I know why.”
She bends over giving Jensen a fantastic view of her breasts artfully showcased in her cocktail dress retrieves a bottle, “that motherfucker thought he could pimp me out for a promotion!”
She points the bottle at him, “what the hell is it with people? That having a ring on it,” she grabs his left wrist holding it up so the lights glint off the band he hasn’t been able to remove yet, “means absofuckinglutely nothing?”
“Now you're preaching to the choir,” Jensen can’t keep the bitter note out of his voice as she refilled the glass, “my soon to be ex’s been doing that while I was working,” his shoulders dropped, feeling deflated.
“Holy shit, you’re the guy everyone is gossiping about! Is it true your wife’s been running around ‘cause you couldn’t find her clit with a map, GPS and a fucking bullseye paint on it? Hell, most gals just use a vibrator if they wanna get off that bad.”
There was no disguising his blushing this time, even the tips of his elfin ears felt hot and he’d swear they were glowing in the dim lighting as she continues, “or that your package is really,” she wriggled her pinky finger, “don’t get me wrong, no shame if you know how to use it.”
Jensen’s eyes widened in shock and she slapped her hand over her mouth, “oh fuck, I’m so sorry, my mouth doesn’t know how to stop once I get started, blame it on my upbringing.”
Jensen took a drink figuring he’d need a stiffener since there’s no telling what she’d say to his one word question, “upbringing?”
She grinned at him, “you know what they say, you can take the girl outta the trailer park..” Jensen's expression became bewildered, “yep, I’m that relative they always warned you about.”
“Little late with the warning sweetheart.”
She burst out laughing and Jensen found himself doing the same.
They were sitting with their backs against the building working on another bottle she five finger discounted.
Here he was, a forty-three year old man normally in control ‘cause in his profession showing emotions that weren't scripted was a sign of weakness that could be exploited but this woman, whom he’s never met before, had upended his control, making him feel like he’s thirteen year old having his first crush, had him talking and laughing and before he knew it told her everything that’d actually happened.
“That sucks balls and not in the good way!”
“Kicker is she wants alimony.”
“But you caught her doing the beast with two backs..” Jensen hums in response taken another drink before handing her the glass.
“Peaches, I’m no lawyer but I’d say that ain’t fucking happening,” she refills the glass, “and no offense but your ex makes those whores back home look almost pious, they have the decency not to fuck in your bed..most of the time.”
Jensen rubbed his face, “I can’t believe I’ve told a complete stranger about my problems.”
“Sometimes it’s easier to unburden yourself to someone you don’t know.”
“I haven’t even told my family or Jared!”
“And Jared is?”
“The guy who has my back no matter what.”
“That’s probably why, you’re afraid that if he knows what really happened it'll diminish how he sees you.”
Jensen looked at her confused, “guys POV.. if I caught my wife fucking around in our marital bed saying it’s cause I couldn’t keep her satisfied in the sack, I’d not wanna discuss it either but I know it’s,” wiggles pinky again, “horseshit.”
“You dress left..and I’ve never had a phone stand up to say hello.”
Jensen found himself stumbling to come up with some kind of coherent response.
“Ahh, come on Peaches, you know you’ve given a lotta people wet dreams about you and your alter ego.”
“Why do you keep calling me that?”
“Cause you’ve got the juiciest peach of an ass I’ve ever seen and I wouldn’t kick you outta bed for eating crackers,” she says winking at him.
“Jensen!” They both look up at a fuming Jared coming out the side door. “Fuck man, I’ve been looking all over for you, we’re ready to go,” heads towards them as a church’s bells ring twelve times.
“Well pooh, I was having fun,” she says as they stood up, “guess it’s time to leave the ball and for me to head back to the pumpkin patch.” She gives Jared a nod walking towards the open door.
“WAIT!” Jensen hollars and runs to her, “you can’t just leave this way..I don’t even know your name.”
“Give me your phone,” he pulls it out of his jacket pocket making her smirk seeing its size, enters her digits, “give me a ring if you ever cross the tracks Peaches,” winking at him she then disappears into the crowded room.
“Who was that?” Jared asked as Jensen glanced at her contact info.
It took weeks of Jared’s continual nagging about getting back on the horse for Jensen to decide to call.
Yet he didn’t.
Another two weeks went by when Jared flat out told him to stop acting like a teenage girl made him whip out his phone and pull up her number before going to shut it off again when Jared snatched it and held it over his head out of Jensen’s reach making him squawk taps call.
Two rings and her voice came through the speaker.“Peaches, you’re slower than molasses in January crawling uphill giving a girl a holler.”
Jensen’s irritation with Jared mellowed hearing her voice, agreeing to meet Friday at a hole-in-the-wall for lunch where he wouldn’t be recognized.
Lunch became dinner, dinner became bar hopping which lead to sneaking into Blue Hole to go skinny dipping and doing things that would scare fish, detouring to Waffle House for chili around four in the morning, ends with him spending the weekend at her place.
Jensen was nervous. It didn’t happen often but tonight was extra special.
A few months back she’d bounded into his home excited about an upcoming celestial event and field trip her astronomy class was taking and she really, really, really wanted him to go even though they agreed on keeping their relationship secretive until his divorce was finalized.
It struck him that it'd be the perfect night to do something he’d literally been wanting to since their first date so he said yes while mentally making other arrangements for the night.
“Peaches, this isn’t the way to the observatory.”
“We’re not going there sweetheart.”
“I realize that Captain Obvious! What I want to know is wtf..are you trying to get me fired? I have a class..”
“That Dr. Carnegie is graciously covering.”
“Why is..what did you do Jensen?”
“I went to the head of your department,” she groaned, “and inquired if it was possible for someone else to supervise because I’d planned a special night with my girl.”
“What happened to us keeping on the DL? Carnegie is the biggest blabbermouth..everyone on the planet’s gonna know about us by morning!”
“We don’t have to anymore ‘cause my divorce was finalized this morning.”
“WHAT!” She indignantly squawked,”why the hell didn’t you tell me..”
Jensen bemusedly listens to her ongoing rant, picking up her hand kissing it’s back entwined their fingers as he drove on for another hour to Inks Lake State Park paying for an overnight camping permit.
“Since when do you camp out, ‘cause the one time I asked, you gave me stink face when I mentioned a tent.”
“Since the day you bounded in all excited, asking me to come with you and I wanted to make tonight special.”
She leaned over kissing his cheek, “thank you. I sincerely appreciate you compromising your creature comforts for me.”
Jensen scratched the back of his head, “well, we’re not technically camping out, I got an air mattress that fits in the truck bed.”
Jensen gaze’s up at the moon awash with a pink hue, “I know it's a yearly thing so what makes this one so special?” The question made her lift her head from the telescope’s eyepiece, an amused expression crossed her features taken in his reclining position on the air mattress in the moonlight.
“Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson? Or do you want me to paint you like one of those french girls?”
Jensen peers down at his unintentional position: one hand tucked behind his head, bowed legs splayed, one knee slightly bent, his other hand lying near the sliver of skin peaking out between his dark henley and low riding jeans.
She walks towards the truck, “what makes this years,” sets a foot on the back bumper, “so special,” grips the tailgate and hops over onto the mattress, “is the proximity of the moons orbit,” on her hands and knees crawls forward, “to the earth,” placing her hands on either side of his shoulders she straddles Jensen’s hips slowly sitting down, “is ultra close and..whatthehellisinyourpants!!”
Jensen quickly grabbed her waist, preventing her from hitting the sidewall when she jumped off him, “that’s the other surprise I planned for tonight.”
“That’d better be a sex toy and not Peyronie's disease,” Jensen gave her an bewildered look, “what, I like your cock as is, curves just right for my pleasure.”
“Your mouth is gonna be the death of me..”
“..but what a way to go?”
Jensen flopped on his back groaning, “this isn’t how I imagined tonight going.”
“So let’s pretend we’re on set, I’ve flubbed the scene and do another take.”
“That’s why I love you,” he says, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear, “the fact everything that pops into my head comes flying out of my mouth?” Jensen chuckles, “yeah well, I like you just as you are and would be the luckiest man alive if you’d marry me.” He reaches into his pocket pulling out the box she sat on and opens it revealing the ring he’d chosen takes her hand sliding it on her finger.
Her silence was almost deafening, having never known her to be without some kind of a response, “getting nervous here sweetheart,” Jensen says, “I know we’ve only been together for a short time and I don’t want you to feel pressured in any way to answer...”
“What’s the stone?”
“Umm..it’s a Moldivite,” she has this expression he wasn’t sure what to make of it. “I know it’s not conventional and if you want to pick something..else..” Jensen broke off watching her eyes fill with tears.
“You gave me this ring, not because you’re being cheap, but ‘cause you know what the significance of its origin would mean to me. You’ve never put on air’s with me, never been anything other than yourself, a genuine, caring, funny as hell, beautiful soul who couldn’t be any more perfect and I’m saying yes!”
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @b3autyfuldisast3r @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67
Dean/Jensen @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl @akshi8278 @beabutterfly987
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galaxy-of-hair · 3 years
wrt guillermo seemingly flip flopping on the issue of whether he wants to be a vampire or not.
ok so i do a lot of thinkin on guillermo because i think he might be the best character televison has ever had. i’m not being hyperbolic, i mean that. he makes me insane at least three times a day i can hardly believe we get to have him we are so blessed.
there’s a lot going on with that little guy. we talk a lot about characters being repressed, or in denial. and i think even to some extent we talk about how guillermo may have been in denial wrt his feelings for nandor until his convo with meg.
it’s hard though -- especially during this, the season of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss -- to see guillermo as anything but firmly in-the-know, and firmly in control. he’s always been the competent one, the sensible one, the solid one.
but it occurred to me during my third(???) re-watch of the s3 finale, that we are seeing guillermo very out of control, even as he’s desperately trying to maintain order. the chaos orchestrated by nandor is throwing a wrench into all of his carefully placed gears. his reaction to spiraling out is to try to control shit even harder, including the narrative. he tells us he’s trying to keep the vamp pod together because he’s dedicated twelve years of his life to becoming a vampire, and he’s worried that if he can’t wrangle the situation, his chances of becoming a vampire disappear. 
he insists that his main motive is still to become a vampire. that’s the reason he’s been here all along, right? that’s his thesis statement. it’s a thread that runs through almost everything he does and says. and yeah, it used to be true, definitely. the whole point is to become a vampire. why else would he be doing any of this? that’s totally why he’s freaking out so bad, cause everything he’s worked towards is going up in smoke.
and i don’t believe him. i think he’s lying.
i don’t know to what degree he’s aware that he’s lying. he’s lying to us, that’s certain, but does he know that? is he lying to himself also? hard to say. before that convo with meg, i would have pegged him for a pretty self aware guy who definitely knew about his feelings for nandor. after that scene, i’m not so sure.
guillermo is a guy who likes things clean, and neat, and orderly. there are few things less clean and neat and orderly than feelings. they are messy, confusing, painful, often illogical pains in the ass that most humans have to deal with whether we like it or not. i think this is part of the original reason guillermo wanted to be a vampire. (very cool post about vamps and emotion from @nandoor that i’m lowkey obsessed with rn) anne rice’s vampires definitely find it easier to be detached and cold and calculating. 
i don’t think we interrogate guillermo’s original reason(s) for wanting to be a vampire nearly enough. because he’s often more honest with us than with the other main characters it’s easier to feel like his confidant and take what he says at face value, but i don’t think that his stated reasons for things are always true, whether he knows it or not.
i am not of the opinion that he is vacillating between wanting to be a vampire, and not wanting to be a vampire, but rather, that his motivation for wanting to be turned has shifted. being a vampire is no longer his central goal, but being a vampire is still the most obvious way to achieve his goal.
he started out staying with nandor and the gang so he could be a vampire. now he wants to be a vampire so he can stay with nandor and the gang.    
but that’s a lot of messy scary emotions, so it’s easier, it’s better, (it’s safer) if he has some kind of, uh, “””professional””” reason why he doesn’t want the vampire party to end. i mean, on its surface, it sounds reasonable! i put in twelve years to get this promotion and i’ll be damned if this company files for bankruptcy before i get it! but it really doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
he’s been in the game TWELVE YEARS. he’s made in-roads, he knows people, he’s got friends (some of them) in high places. he could probably even force a vampire to turn him at stake point if he wanted to. the staten island house splintering would not be the end of his quest for vampirism. not by a long shot. i’d argue that he’d likely have more success exploring other avenues, if that was his actual goal.
his panic is about the ticking clock, his time with these people is ENDING, there’s been a death in the family and now he’s staring down the barrel of a death of the family. (this fic by mia-ugly is amazing and it pokes into guillermo’s relationship w death) but the only reason that the clock is ticking, or that there’s a clock at all is that he’s human, and humans are on borrowed time.
if these creatures leave him behind before turning him, that would mean they may never see him again...and they’re fine with that. it’s less about a physical abandonment and more about an emotional one.  
but as long as nandor turns him, even if he leaves guillermo behind, then nothing is really over. they can always see each other again. they can always try again. they’ll never run out of chances to figure it out. the pressure abates. he can take his time getting things right. as a vampire, he’ll always be a part of their future instead of a story from their past or a blurry figure in the background of one of their faded pictures.
that’s why he gets teary eyed when nandor says,
if you come with me i’ll make you a vampire.
because he hears,
come with me and we can stay together for eternity. come with me, i want you to stick around forever. come with me, i don’t want to run out of moments to share with you. come with me, we can take as much time as we need to figure this out between us. come with me, there’s no rush.
and i just think that’s neat
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writeroutoftime · 3 years
undercover feelings
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pairing: jack thompson x reader (requested by: @rubesque)
summary: you and jack don't like each other in the slightest. but when an undercover mission throws the two of you together, what will become of your relationship? (aka - undercover enemies to lovers)
warnings: minor violence
words: 3.4k (not even sorry)
a/n: let me just start by saying, I know my action sequences aren’t the best, but I'm trying to get better. that said, I absolutely adored writing this story, and I hope everyone enjoys it! a lot of thought went into it, so please please let me know what you think!
As you strode towards Chief Dooley’s office, you noticed Jack coming up behind you out of the corner of your eye. Rolling your shoulders back, you tried to ignore his presence even as he was merely steps behind you, almost purposefully trying to catch the back of your heel. Right as you raised your hand to wrap your knuckles against the Chief’s office door, you let out a frustrated sigh.
“Is there something I can help you with?” you spit out, spinning around to face Jack, wishing you could wipe that smug smirk off his face.
“Never in a thousand years, y/l/n. It seems you’re in my way.” he said, trying to step around you and knock on the door himself.
Rolling your eyes, you blocked the door with your body. “Look, I know you think your daily suck-up sessions with the Chief will get you a promotion, but I was personally asked by Chief Dooley to meet with him, so move along.” you told Jack proudly, ready to see his anger bubble over.
To your surprise, Jack’s grin simply widened as he leaned in. “Me too, sweetheart.” he whispered, leaving you speechless, and pushing past you to knock on the door.
Collecting yourself, you quickly entered the office first, standing in front of the Chief’s desk with your hands behind your back. Every so often, your eyes flitted over to Jack, wondering what the Chief could possibly want with the both of you. It was no secret to any agent in the SSR that you and Jack had a strained relationship to say the least. From your first day, Jack had mistaken you as a secretary, thus beginning a long hate-hate relationship. Even to this day, Jack was one of the most pig-headed men you had the displeasure of knowing.
“Alright, I’ll get straight to the point. I’m sending the two of you on an undercover mission to retrieve sensitive, government information.” Chief Dooley explained. “The most opportune time to retrieve it will be during the American Gala in Washington D.C. hosted by a Mr. Mark Williams. The two of you will pose as husband and wife –“
“That’s a real funny joke, Chief.” Jack interrupted, looking shocked at the prospect of going undercover with you.
“Oh, please, Thompson. You’d be lucky if you could ever convince me to marry you.” you shot back.
“I’d rather go undercover as husband and wife with Krzeminski.”
Before you could move to smack Jack’s arm or throw another insult his way, Chief Dooley stood up, slamming his hands on his desk. “Enough! It’s like dealing with a couple of damn toddlers.” he scolded, instantly causing a wave of shame to wash over you and Jack. “Now, can the two of you act like the federal agents you are, or do I need to find two other agents?” he asked, staring both of you down.
“No, sir.” you mumbled, hearing a similar sentiment leave Jack’s lips.
There was a moment of awkward silence before Chief Dooley sat back down. “Now, as I was saying. The two of you are scheduled to leave in two days, and here are files with all you need to know on the target and your responsibilities.” he continued.
The moment you were dismissed, you stormed out of the Chief’s office and made your way back to your desk. Picking up the nearest piece of paperwork, you stared at the words for a moment before shoving it to the side, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“Everything all right?” Peggy asked, coming up behind you and setting a mug of coffee down on your desk.
“Chief Dooley is sending me on an undercover mission – with Thompson.” you explained, running your hands down your face.
Peggy looked amused by your so-called bad news and shook her head at your oblivious nature. “Perhaps, it will give you the opportunity to recognize your feelings for Agent Thompson.” she suggested casually.
“Feelings?” you nearly shrieked. “The only feeling I have for Agent Thompson is the feeling of dread every time I see him.” you argued.
“If you say so, dear.” Peggy placated as she walked away.
The entire plane ride to D.C. was filled with tense silence as you poured over the case file the entire time. The only noise that came from Jack was the tapping of his foot against the floor and his pen against the table.
“Do you have to do that?” you finally snapped, reaching forward to snatch the pen out of his hand.
Holding his up in mock surrender, Jack chuckled. “Woah, sweetheart, you might want to be a bit nicer considering we are married and all.” he teased.
“Listen,” you started, voice low and serious. “I know that you joke around and don’t always take everything seriously, but this mission is important to me. You have no idea how hard it is working in that office as a woman, and this mission is my chance to prove myself. I will not have it be ruined by the likes of you.”
For once, Jack had no quick remark to offer, instead he was simply stunned by your speech. Silently admitting defeat, Jack conceded to your wishes. “Alright, I’m sorry, y/l/n.”
You were slightly taken aback by how easy that had been. Perhaps you didn’t give Jack enough credit. “Thank you.” you responded, turning back to your files.
The rest of the flight followed in relative silence, Jack or you only speaking when you had questions or needed clarification from the files. It didn’t pass your mind the subtle looks Jack threw your way, but you ignored them, focused on the task at hand. If he had something to say, he could say it. However, the moment the plane landed, you were whisked away to your separate hotel rooms to prepare for the gala, watching Jack walk away.
It was only when Jack heard the clack of your heels against the marble stairs that he turned around and froze, watching your descent. The y/f/c dress you had donned flattered your figure in every sense, and Jack swore you were an angel in that moment. He suddenly felt aware of the way his breath had quickened, and the way his hands shook the tiniest bit from the nerves. So lost in his own mind, Jack didn’t even notice he had yet to take his eyes off of you.
“Is there something on me?” you asked, suddenly feeling very bashful from Jack’s gaze.
“No, no it’s just – uh – I mean,” Jack stuttered, running a hand through his perfectly gelled hair. “you clean up nice, y/l/n.”
“Not too bad yourself there either, Thompson.” you teased, flashing Jack a dazzling smile.
It was true that Jack looked absolutely dashing in his suit, making your knees just a bit week as you had walked down to meet him. His compliment sent a flutter through your chest, and you were brought back to Peggy’s comment about feelings. Perhaps, deep down, all the back-and-forth bickering had simply been a disguise for something else. But you couldn’t let yourself think about that now, not when you had a mission to complete.
Right as you were about to walk into the ballroom, Jack grabbed your wrist gently, stopping you in your tracks. Before you could question his action, he held up his hand and wiggled his finger, a metal band gleaming in the low light. “Now what kind of husband would I be if didn’t give you a ring?” he asked before pulling a small box out of his jacket pocket and producing a beautiful, sparkling engagement ring.
Carefully, Jack lifted your left hand and slid the cool metal over your ring finger until the diamond rested perfectly against your skin. It was difficult to fight the spark of energy when Jack grabbed your hand and the way he gently rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand.
“There.” he whispered, staring into your y/e/c eyes, a soft smile replacing that smirk that typically resided on his lips.
The two of you stood in the foyer for a moment, lost in the other’s gaze until other couples around you laughed and chatted on their way into the ballroom, breaking the spell. Ever the gentleman, Jack offered his arm, which you accepted, leading you both into the belly of the beast. Walking into said ballroom was breathtaking, the entire room being decorated from floor to ceiling with gold accents; however, you forced yourself to stay focused on the mission at hand.
A quick scan of the room showed you multiple entry/exit points, as well as a good estimate of the security posted throughout the room. Beside you, Jack was doing the same before his eyes widened slightly. Following his line of sight, you noticed your target for the evening, Mark Williams, surrounded by a group of people. While your first instinct was to go straight to the source, you knew that would raise alarms and potentially jeopardize the mission.
“Care for a dance?” Jack asked, having the same idea as you when he noticed Williams leading his wife to the dance floor.
Wordlessly, you allowed Jack to lead you towards the dance floor where he rested a warm, gentle hand on the small of your back while his other hand intertwined with your fingers. A small gasp left your lips from the proximity between you and Jack, and it was difficult to not become intoxicated by his cologne. For a moment, you allowed yourself to admire Jack’s strong jaw, piercing eyes, and the few hairs that had fallen out of place under the golden light the room provided.
The music began to pick up, and you let out a surprised cry of delight as Jack spun you around the floor, selling every bit of the perfectly happy couple. After one such spin, Jack brought you closer and whispered that you had caught the attention of Williams. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw the man staring in your direction.
“Trust me.” you told Jack under your breath before you took the lead and danced the two of you straight into your target. “Oh golly, I am so sorry, sir.” you apologized, feigning innocence. “I’m such a clutz, I don’t know why you bring me to these events, dear.” you said, aiming the second half of your sentence to Jack.
“Lord knows why, sweetie.” Jack responded, quickly catching onto your act. “Sorry again, sir. My wife said it herself – she can be a real clutz.”
Mark Williams flashed a quick smirk, looking your body up and down, seemingly sizing the two of you up. “No harm done, pretty lady. I’m Mark Williams. Mind making it up to me with a dance? That is, if your husband doesn’t mind.” he asked, though both you and Jack knew it was more a command.
“It’s the least I can do.” you giggled, accepting Williams’ hand, and letting him pull you away from Jack just like you thought he would.
Immediately, the band in the corner struck up a slower tune, and Williams placed a hand on your waist and began to awkwardly sway off beat. Unlike Jack’s soft, warm hands, this felt cold and unforgiving, and you forced yourself to swallow back the nausea.
“So, you must be used to all the glamor of these events, huh? Being a powerful man and whatnot.” you flirted, batting your eyelashes to help sell your act.
“You could say that, though they get pretty boring after a while. But having someone like you here helps to pass the time.” Williams said, slipping his hand further down your back.
Humming in response, you used the distraction to subtly reach your hand into Williams’ jacket pocket where you silently cheered when your hand touched a key – which you assumed unlocked his office. Carefully, you slipped it into your own pocket before squeezing William’s bicep with a smile to keep his suspicions down. Before he could slip his hand down any further, you pushed back gently and flashed an apologetic smile.
“Excuse me for a moment.” you purred, slipping away to the nearest hallway, keeping an eye out for Jack. Suddenly, an arm shot out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you further down the hallway. You nearly let out a shout of surprise before you saw that it was Jack.
“Are you done flirting or what?” he hissed, eyes narrowed, and chest puffed out.
Rolling your eyes, you flashed him the key you had slipped into the pocket of your dress. “Didn’t take you for the jealous type, Thompson.” you teased, scanning the doors for Williams’ office.
Once you reached the door, you quickly unlocked his office and ushered Jack in, quietly closing the door behind you and locking it. The office itself was spotless, leaving you no clue as to where the files could be hidden. Wordlessly, you and Jack split up, searching through every nook and cranny in order to complete your mission.
It wasn’t long before a soft “found it” came from Jack’s side of the room. Rushing over, you peered at the document in front of him to confirm that it was the correct document. Joy filled your body when you saw that your mission was a success.
Placing a hand on Jack’s bicep, you beamed at him. “Jack this is amazing, we did it!” you celebrated.
Jack let out a small chuckle, enjoying the way you were so excited. He glanced down at your hand on his arm, then back towards you where he locked his eyes with yours. Some unknown force took over you, causing the two of you to lean in towards each other, lips inching closer. Just as you could feel his warm breath on your face and almost touch his lips, loud rattling and banging came from the two, pulling the two of you apart instantly.
“Williams.” you both whispered, looking for a way out.
An open window caught your eye, and you ripped the file out of Jack’s hand as you pushed him towards said window. “Go, or neither of us are going to make it out of here.” you said through clenched teeth.
Jack hesitated a moment before he ran to climb out of the window, instantly turning around to offer you a helping hand. Right as you jumped out, the office door burst open, and Williams appeared with a half dozen bodyguards. He caught a flash of your dress and noticed the torn apart file cabinet, quickly putting two and two together.
“Shit! Get those two, dead or alive, and bring me back that file!” he shouted, pointing in the direction of your escape
It wasn’t long before bullets whizzed past your head as you and Jack ran through the garden towards the getaway car. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, minimizing the dull ache on the side of your arm you eventually felt. All you could think about was getting yourself and Jack out of there in one piece.
The moment the car came into view, you pushed yourself further and faster, sliding into the passenger seat as Jack started the engine and drove off with a squeal. There were still bullets that banged against the car, but once Jack stepped on the gas and swerved off the beaten road, you finally allowed yourself a breath of relief.
“Please tell me after all that, you still have the damn file.” Jack said, glancing to his side at your crumpled figure.
Slamming a, albeit slightly bent, manilla file folder onto the dashboard, you let out a dry chuckle. “You’re welcome. Maybe, for once, Thompson, you can just admit that I actually know what I’m – shit!” you suddenly groaned, clutching the side of your arm, and pulling away to reveal red, sticky fingers.
Jack looked over once more at your groan of pain and slammed on the breaks the moment he saw blood. “You got shot?” he all but shouted, turning your body so he could see where a bullet had lodged itself into the side of your arm.
“Thank you, Sherlock.” you breathed out, squeezing your eyes shut as Jack poked and prodded the area. “You’re gonna need to dig it out.” you told him after he continued to sit in silence.
“I know!” Jack snapped, before sighing upon seeing your reaction and approaching the situation softer. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” he said before stepping out of the car and grabbing the first aid box from the trunk.
Jack quickly opened the passenger side of the door and knelt down so he could reach your wound. “This is gonna sting.” Jack whispered before he began to clean the wound with some of the alcohol from the kit, wincing along with you.
Jack felt his heart clench as you gripped his shoulder in pain, biting your lip. It became even worse when he started to remove the bullet from your arm, though there was nothing that he could do. There was silence between you and Jack, leaving Jack to his own devices. Seeing the blood on your hands and having to dig a bullet out of you made Jack feel as though he had been the one to be shot. In fact, he wished he had been to avoid you going through this pain.
“Got it.” Jack finally announced, throwing the bullet to the side and wrapping your arm in gauze.
“Thank you.” you said, letting out one more hiss of pain.
Instead of responding, Jack let his hand linger on your arm as he poured over every inch of your body, trying to determine if you had been injured anywhere else. There was such an intensity in his eyes that you couldn’t believe this was the same man you bickered with on an almost hourly basis. It had to be some kind of trick your eyes were playing on you from the pain.
“There you go, you’ll be alright.” Jack reassured you, tying the final strip of bandage around your arm, his hands lingered gently. “I gotta say, you really know how to give a fella a heart attack, y/n.”
“Oh please, I’m sure you would’ve forgotten all about me and reveled in all the attention you’d receive from the Chief.” you shot back, deflecting any emotions that could make you look weak and vulnerable.
Jack’s face morphed into one of hurt, and you felt guilty at the way his titled head and soft eyes made him look like a lost puppy. “Is that what you really think of me? That I wouldn’t care if you didn’t make it out of this mission?”
“You don’t like me, Jack. And I don’t like you. That’s how we’ve always operated, what else could I have possibly interpreted from that?” you argued, frustrated that he seemed to be dragging this conversation on.
“That’s not true, and you know it, y/n.” Jack countered, taking both of your hands in his grasp. “Both of us know deep down that this enemies act is self-defense, but I know that after tonight, I can’t pretend anymore. And I’m pretty sure you don’t want to either.”
For the second time that night, Jack cupped your cheeks in his hand, and leaned in. His lips hovered over yours for just a moment, giving you the chance to change your mind, but you launched yourself forward and finally kissed Jack Thompson. The kiss was sweet, but passionate, years of pent-up feelings bubbling over the surface. Jack pulled you close to his body while your fingers played with the hair and the nape of his neck. You had never allowed yourself to imagine this moment, but in that moment you knew you could get used to be kissed by Jack for the rest of your life.
Eventually, the two of you pulled away, foreheads leaning against each other, and your breath the only thing that could be heard in the night air. Jack’s thumb brushed against your cheek, and you leaned into his touch, now unable to reject his touch.
“Wow,” you breathed out. “maybe we should bottle our feelings like that again.” you teased.
“No, I don’t want to not be able to kiss you again.” Jack whispered, before he pulled you back in for another kiss, grateful you were safe in his arms, giving him the rest of his life to spend with you, and making Peggy five dollars richer.
tagging: @sarcasm-n-insomnia @bde-break-down-energy
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husbandohunter · 3 years
May I request a Childe X Reader fanfic where the reader has been pushing herself too hard lately and so Childe has to forcefully get her to rest? ty
By my side [Childe x Reader]//Genshin Impact
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Synopsis: You were an artist and he was an adventurer. Two people from vast backgrounds and Childe just wants to spend some time of his busy life with you. However, things didn't really go his way...at first.
(Childe x F!reader. Its all fluff)
(A/n): Perfect request anon. I too, would like to have a Childe in my life. Been getting 5-6 hours of sleep on average 😃😁. Yeah kind tossed some extra ideas with artist s/o, its a perfect reason for anyone to be busy.
Once recieving the permission to take a week off from his diplomatic duties, the first thing Childe thought of was none other than his lovely significant other.
The harbinger knew quite well what lays ahead of his ventures to Liyue. During his quest for the archon's gnosis, he encountered many interesting events, such as meeting the rumoured traveller hailing from afar and a broke yet courteous man who turned out to be the ultimate ruler of this very country he walks upon then there was the battle against a dead god until he revived it using the sigil of permission. All of them were great additions to his story as Ajax the hero, something he always wanted to pursue since childhood. In which, also gave him something nice to write about when preparing letters for his siblings living back home. But little did the harbinger know that he'll one day bump into the heroine. A little too soon. Through your little art shop, he met you, a sweet and audacious woman with plenty of humour. That was how it all began.
While he strides down the streets between Liyue's exquisite buildings, Childe suddenly stops in his tracks and looks up to the sky. There, was painted a scenery of an evening dusk, sun rays relfected across until red and orange hues cast a river stream that led to the ends of the world. He watched the birds follow that streak like it was a path made for them to fly towards. A new adventure. You would have loved to captured this in your pictures.
And then he wonders, what might you be painting right now?
"Hey babe, I'm home~"
In a sing-song voice he calls out to you by your nick-name. You knew that Childe was an active member of the Fatui and that his time was limited, hence he made sure to write to you as well. Of course long distant relationships only makes the waiting more anticipated. When he does pay a visit, you'd run straight into his open arms, leaping off your feet to engulf him in one enourmous embrace. Then his hands will hold against your waist as he spins your round and around in the air, stealing the laughter out of your lungs before planting you back on the floor. Sometimes Childe would consider that being far away wasn't be such a bad idea as long as he was able to experience this, the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. However...
"That's great."
He was met by a response similar to the wintry grace of Snezhnaya.
All the fantasies he had from earlier shatters in the background as he stands there frozen. You didn't even spare a glance to the entrance, eyes still glued to the large canvas displayed at your front, too busy to even care. Childe clicks his tongue between the awkward silence with an uncertain expression. When there was no signs of initiation on your part, he shuffled his way to where you were and observes from behind.
"Well you're particularly quiet today," he muses to himself, placing a hand over his hip, "I guess that painting of yours must be really important then."
It was obvious that he was trying to nudge you into his favour. Something that you've found endearing was how quickly your boyfriend can be when he's in a needy state. So you quickly twisted over to peck him on the cheek before going back to work.
"That's better," Childe satisfiedly grins, "So who is this project for?"
"It's a commission requested by a wealthy family serving the Qixing. They're really influential in terms of the market and can really give me a competitive edge. I have to get it done in five days."
His tone flactuates as he squints his eyes, "Five days you say," he disliked the news of your schedule taking over his own, Childe only managed to take a week off and after that, he'll be away for quite some time, "Why don't you take a break? From the looks of your progress, it seems to me that you've been working on it for hours. I've got plenty of interesting stories to tell and you know, nothing can compare to sharing a warm meal within your company," he leans down to your ear level, "How does that sound?"
Several seconds went by as he waits for some sort of reaction, "Oh. Right," you blurted out and the harbinger only smiles, "I made some food earlier this morning. You can go help yourself if you're hungry."
Today was not his day.
Childe pulls out the wooden chair and slumps into the seat, a defeated huff escaping his mouth as he stared at the crystal shrimp placed on the table. It was hastily wrapped by plastic, most likely cold for a while, just like the romantic evening he had planned in his head. Normally you'll be sitting on the otherside while listening to the many tales he went through along the way. Although painting was your passion, it was undeniable that you also enjoyed his kind of lifestyle if you ever had the choice. He was rather surprised on how someone ambitious like him would end up with such a simplistic person but quickly accepted it as life was meant to be unpredictable, just the way he likes it. As Childe entertains you with his stories, he'll listen to your giggles amidst eating the homecooked meals that you both prepared together.
"I wonder if she ate already," he mumbled to his lone self. You most likely did but Childe knows you well. Artists are obsessed and they can go as far as to neglecting their own health for the sake of their masterpieces. Hence, he made sure to remind you to eat properly through the letters he wrote to you.
The harbinger takes a quick glance around the kitchen. It was a mess. The cupboards were slightly opened, metal pots were still displayed on the stone stove and the stench coming from the sink....
Childe pushes himsel up to see what was the cause.
Not even the dishes were washed.
Running his fingers through his bangs, he sighs wearily, "Old habits die hard huh?" And above all else, when artists are obsessed they also forget how disorganized they can become. Childe begins to roll up his sleeves before taking off his gloves. At times like this he'll have to pitch in and take care of it for you, "Looks like I'll be here for a while."
Throughout three sunsets and three moonrises, Childe had no option but to observe you from afar, minus the few attempts he made to regain your attention again. How you would go to bed much later than him, waking up before he opens his eyes and the effort he put into making your food only left with too many leftovers. It wasn't that you were unappreciative, instead, your mind had become too focused that your body was considered a second priority. Like anyone else, Childe genuinely thought you possessed great talent and supports you wholeheartedly. He loved it when you painted pictures just for him as if they were scenes coming out of his hero story, reminded by his adventures, capturing every detail. However he also needed to learn how to deal with this stubborn side of yours.
"Hey babe, I just finished preparing our dinner. Don't you smell that? Such a rich aroma, you should go eat."
"I'm busy."
Your diet were just small bites, the rest being substituted by coffee. Childe could clearly tell that you weren't getting enough sleep either as there were dark circles forming underneath your eyes and slowly, he was starting to become a little irritated.
Three hours passed midnight but you were still awake in the same place doing the same thing. Childe leans against the doorframe with arms folded, already changed into his sleeping clothes. He clears his throat to break the silence, "Ahem."
Your wrist hangs in mid air by the sound of a strange visitor, it was your boyfriend. Gaze in a daze, you lazily turned your head, "What time is it?"
"Way passed the sleeping hours as you can see," he points with his thumb at the table clock in a half-hearted manner, "You should already be in bed by now and don't think you can coax yourself out of the situation this time," his eyes parted in slits as he added with a smile, "Otherwise I might just have to force you myself."
You shook your head, "Give me one more hour? There's some finishing touches I really want to add so," clasping your hands together, you beamed sweetly, "Pretty please? I'll finish up soon."
"Oh really?" Childe challenges, head tossed back like he was interrogating you instead, "I believe that was also what you told me yesterday. And the day before? Adding up all of those days that would be.....four in total?" He deliberately counts upon his fingers before facing you again, this time his expression was slightly more serious, "As much as I find your determination remarkable, there are moments when you need to consider a sufficient amount of rest and this just isn't going to cut it."
"Four days already?!" You exclaimed, "Jeez, I don't even know if I'm halfway done."
Pressing his lips together, Childe glares in an acutely deadpanned countenance, it was also his time too, "Can't you ask this commissioner to extend your due date to next week? In your case, mora shouldn't be the issue since, well...you're dating me anyways."
It's true. Childe was the main reason why you didn't have to live as a starving artist. He had all your expenses fully covered from the marketing aspect to your residence, you simply chose to work out of pure will.
"I don't want to always rely on you so much," you confessed, "This commissioner could turn my whole career around. If I'm able to gain his favour, maybe I'll get promoted to a court painter for the Qixing! Who knows when there will ever be a chance like this again," pumping your fists, you spoke purposefully, "I'll pull an all nighters if I have to!"
Childe brings his hand to his forehead, you looked as if you were nearly about to collapse and yet still considering the option of an all-nighters? The harbinger should've detained you days prior before.
"Hm? Childe, what's wrong?" He suddenly falls deadly quiet and you watched him walk closer towards you, "What are--"
Hooking an arm behind your knees and the other at your back, your boyfriend lifts you up in one full swoop as he tossed you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Guess we'll have to do things the hard way," he remarks cheerfully.
"W-Wait," you flailed your arms and kicked your legs but to no avail. Childe was an experienced combatant indeed, "Put me down! I have work to do."
Your protests fall upon deaf ears as the harbinger carries you to your room. You were oddly lighter than the last time he carried you, the strength less vigor than before, it was obvious that your body was in need of relaxation. He suddenly thinks there was a possibility that you would maintain this habit while he was absent.
I should probably visit more often.
Using his free leg to nudge the door open, he places you upon the shared bed in a gentle manner. You winced at the impact of the soft sheets, surprised by how much it affect you.
"There we go. All done. Man, you really are a stubborn one, aren't you. Makes me a little worried since I can't spoil you all the time."
He quickly invited himself to the empty space on your bedside and wrapped his arms around your figure, pulling you close and feeling you whole. Childe made sure there was no escape once putting his chin above your hairline so that you could feel his warmth as much as possible.
"This is--" you stuttered. His tactic was enough to make your limbs soften and you could almost hear him smirk into the distance, "This is cheating..."
"You think so?" He comments as if pledging innocence, "I don't know babe. Where I come from those who take the initiative are the ones who end up claiming the prize," pulling back, Childe takes the opportunity to observe your pouty face, "I don't make the rules. It's just how it goes."
You wanted to argue back but he suddenly took the bedsheets and covered both of your bodies with, completely trapping you with his presence. He snuggles into you further as if you were a bear made of linen and you felt the drowsiness taking over your mind. The way he gently pats down the back of your head was enough to instantly lull you into a deep sleep.
"Cheater," you mumbled.
He laughs softly, the rumbles emitting through his chest, "I love you too babe."
Even after you've let go of your resistance, Childe continues his actions until he was sure that you were resting. He had been longing to touch you like this since living a chaotic life only made peaceful moments much sweeter, "You're such a hard-worker you know that? I'm proud of you but you have to know when to call it a day," he whispers, "If not, how can I go on trips while knowing that you're still refusing to eat properly?"
You closed your eyes and said nothing in return. All your senses were too cloudy to come up with a reassuring response. Childe listens to the way your breath evens as you intake his scent during the process. It smelled like the soap you used in the showers, lotus leaves mixed with his own unique musk. You could only focus on him. His comforting embrace. His slightly accelerating heartbeat because you were together with him.
Letting out one final yawn, you succumbed to his spell and allowed your energy to drift away.
The corners of his lips tug upwards, "Sleep well princess."
Childe reaches over to your desk drawer and shuts off the alarm clock before turning over to face you again. He couldn't fall asleep immediately, not when he had to consider taking care of the commissioner who gave you an impossible deadline. But that will be saved for another day, for now, he observes in silent serenity.
If he were to quit his job for a year, what would his life be like?
Peaceful. Something opposite of what he was living right now. Something similar to the life he had back home. As you arrange the many paintings in your little home, he'll offer to help you among the places you couldn't reach. Without a doubt, Childe was far taller in comparison. Taking strolls into the streets and trying the new dishes the merchants came up with. Then in the evenings, you'll both go to dinner dates while listening to the storyteller revealing the rumours of the legendary Tianquan Qixing. Although Childe loved the adventurous life he led, he had to admit that your domesticity and family-bringing atmosphere was a tempting idea.
Maybe one day.
He lightly takes a strand that had fallen over your nose and tucked it smoothly behind your ear. The soft snores coming out of your parted lips caused his gaze to melt. And so he steals them with his own, placing a chaste goodnight kiss.
One day I'll be sure to bring my family here with us.
Closing his eyes, he joins you in your slumber, hoping to see all that he envisioned in his dreams.
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