#there is no science here i’m just clowning like i always do
accio-victuuri · 2 days
May CPNs round-up! ❤️💛💚
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there is bonus content included here that i haven’t talked about separately in this blog so please enjoy!
• same apple headphones 🎧
• 5/6 zsww rumor
• genki forest ad silhouette similarities, and then it was replaced lol and sadly, they had to apologize.
• more examples of brands using the cp tactic ( allegedly lol )
• same city @ beijing 5/12/2024 but didn’t last long cause wyb had to fly to shanghai for the olympic qualifiers.
• jamy wee jeans
• fake story of wyb giving gifts to the ADLAD team and him visiting the crew which led to more people sharing some of their own szd stories that i didn’t add on the main post so i’m adding here instead. i think this started some conversation on what people heard irl about the two & how those who don’t really follow this pairing have encountered them. whether that means they are in a romantic relationship or not, we don’t know. these are all fake!!!! 💀💀💀
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Let me tell you a story. A friend of mine told me that one of her college classmates participated in a hip-hop dance competition (SDC). Although she didn’t get a particularly impressive ranking, she was one of the top 100. Then she saw Xiao Zhan, and everyone knew that they were in a relationship, so they didn’t hesitate to visit him on set. What I said is just a rough estimate. I don’t have a membership so I can’t send pictures. I can swear that what I said is true, not a single word is fake, unless my friend lied to me, but I believe in my friend’s character
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I'd also like to contribute a relatively old story, although many people should know it hahaha, that is, the two of them share resources. Someone around my friend is a staff member, and has read the confidentiality agreement of Zan Studio, which seems to say that there can be no conflict of interest with Bo, and to satisfy Bo to the greatest extent. Because Zan has a studio, resources are more free, and if there is something suitable for Bo, he will contact him directly. ( this was in 2020 )
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Then I will also share my own experience. I participated in a New Year's Eve party. The lady sitting next to me is from the industry. She is not familiar with Bo Xiao, but the artist she knows has a good relationship with Xiao Xiao. The artist told her that Xiao had a boyfriend in the CQL crew. The artist told Xiao not to date him. Xiao Zhan said firmly, "I will not break up with my boyfriend."
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I'll tell you one, my friend's sister is Jixiangkong's assistant, her sister doesn't like xx, um, she's a wyb fan, my friend knows I'm a fan and told me that her sister took a photo with wyb, I asked her indirectly to find out, she said her sister refused to tell, it was around 2019, she suddenly told me that her sister was a little bit abnormal, one day she said for no reason that wyb has turned gay.
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My friend is a director of a certain Spring Festival Gala, and his family also works in this field. He has some connections. He used to think I was a fan of him and told me not to be a fan because he likes men. (To prevent screenshots, I can't say whether he is older or younger)
I'll also contribute one. My friend's dance teacher has been with the CQL crew, and after knowing that my friend likes Xiao Xiao, she told my friend that they were dating in CQL. My friend was almost broken. (She wf) ( wf means weifen = solo fan )
• a more comprehensive post about the airpods max cpn 🎧
• 5/14/24 xz’s selfie candies and i forgot to add another bit here, particularly the view from the window— it’s the backdrop for yibo’s chanel magazine cover. i would imagine it’s a popular scenic view but i’m just putting it out there 📷
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then after the selfies, xzs released a short video of that day when it was taken. people did cpn of course but i’m just adding those here. so what we noticed is the two birds at the start, lovebirds? and then panning to xz who some say hid his phone or was looking at it then took it away because the camera was on him.
then a very galaxy brain one, and a total coincidence — outside the car, a police car passed by and people are like omg fpu ( formed police unit ) lol. but like if you watch that part, it was a perfect shot.
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then some fans noticed similarities with the shots from wyb’s b&w photography 📷
• this next one is not really a cpn but more of me being proud of them and the works they produced. their popularity/traffic is important & definitely has helped them get projects, but we know that they give it their all when it becomes to being actors. the photos below are of the chinese films booth in cannes with both their movies and then the May schedule of their dramas’ reruns in satellite tv networks.
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who would have known, they were once these two newbies who wanted to become actors and here we are — both of them have a solid body of work. 🤍
• clowning related to xz’s legend of zanghai poster
• 5/15 candies that revolves around wyb’s performance for the olympics opening. most especially his green + pink shoes 💕
• evisu x palace shirt that sneakily has their names on it
• 5/16 LRLG post and interpretations and then add-on speculation of relating this to the milan vlog and what some shots could mean
• their tissue endorsements matching so well. 💙♥️ and representing their cql character colors too!
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• 5/20/24 zsww fake rumor - new clothes for jianguo, bickering and eating spicy food
• numbers playing for 520. 9785 and 828
• palace x wedgwood collab 🍓
• cpfs having discussions and comparisons to yy’s scandal to prove that bjyxszd
• 5/23/2024 fake rumor house
• XZ’s look for an endorsement Ad ( Liushen ). the whole fit and even the brand used screams WYB! 😂
• rumor compilation from 给博肖加点小料bot. from the past dates 2/24, 3/3, 3/26, 4/3, 4/29, 5/21 and 5/29.
• xz buying mcdo toys 🍔
• in the li-ning video released 5/31 xz was asked if he plays badminton and what he does during off times and the first thing he said is talk to his friend(s). who is that friend? is this the friend from the crew? 😜 no seriously. then after that he mentioned playing badminton, running and keeping fit. but the fact that he said talking to his friend? wow.
• the pink wedding theme potential from xz’s evelom outfit 💕💕🌸🌸
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tmntxthings · 1 year
I’m back with another request. This time it’s a character you both expect me to request but also don’t expect me to request!!
Could you do a Rise!Donnie x reader where the reader is sad because they have some friends topside that treat them like they’re just the group-clown and dumb? Like sure they’re silly, but they can be serious too! But, they don’t get taken seriously, so they go to Donnie wanting comfort 🥺
Thank you, love you, mwah, kisses, uwu 💕 please have good and happy day and i’ll gnaw the legs off your enemies
A Perpetual Role
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author’s note: surprise surprise!!!! finally got around to writing this, mwah mwah, anything for you hehe <333333333
warnings: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, unedited
Some days, it really did feel like you were living in a movie. Casted as that one friend who was only there for comedic relief. Sure, you could admit to yourself that for the most part, you didn’t take much seriously. You liked to have fun. You liked to live in the moment. You liked being able to make others laugh, it brought you joy that your friends thought of you as a good time. You were the one to call if they wanted to party.
But none of that meant you couldn’t tone it down. It especially didn’t mean that you couldn’t flip a switch or read a room. “Look Y/n, nows not a good time.” You had barged in like you always do, carrying an armful of snacks and drinks. “What do you mean? I came—“
You were cut off, this happens a lot, you held your tongue. “I know, I know, you want to help, you want to cheer me up, but I don’t want to be cheered up.” You swallowed, “I understand but-“ a mutual friend walked in past where you stood by the door. “You called Y/n too?” Olivia asked, trying to hide her surprise.
You held the snacks tighter. “No, I saw the post,” you spoke again. Lena had posted about her breakup. You knew she was taking it hard, you had met her partner, saw how in love she had been. You continued, turning to Lena, “I just thought you wouldn’t want to be alone. I brought all your favorites!” You said motioning down to what you carried. “I appreciate it..” she sighed, “I can be a shoulder to cry on, or just listen if you feel like talking!” You tried to say as you watched Olivia take a spot on the couch across the room.
“Look Y/n, you’re sweet, but Lena called me! I’m here for her,” Olivia had spoken up. She had this look that said ‘know your place.’ Lena was biting her lip, not meeting your eyes or saying much. “Right, I’ll just go then! I’m real sorry about you and—“ Lena suddenly was marching forward, grabbing your arm and dragging you to the door. “Don’t say their name. I can’t stand it. See this is why I didn’t call you in the first place.” Lena took a deep breath, “Look I promise I’ll call when I’m ready to joke and make fun of them.”
With that you were in the hallway, arms still holding onto snacks you didn’t really like. You looked back at the door that was quickly shut after you. Were you the weird one? Sure you had been hoping to cheer Lena up.. but if she hadn’t wanted that you would’ve easily just listened to her rant, or been there for her while she cried. You guessed Olivia had it all covered. You felt like a fool just standing there so you forced yourself to move.
You didn’t really know what you were doing. Once you made it back to your apartment you dropped the snacks and walked right back out. You didn’t want to be alone. No sooner were you in an alleyway staring down at a certain manhole cover. You usually didn’t have two thoughts about barging in, but your earlier experience had you pausing. Maybe you should’ve called.
“Greetings Y/n,” Donatello answered on the third ring. “Hi, you busy Dee?” You shifted your weight, feeling weird to ask even though you were right outside..or topside? “Mmm I do have a packed schedule, but things can be rearranged, why?” You wondered what his schedule was jam packed with, probably science-y stuff if you had to guess. “I was just wondering.. if I could come over?” The line went quiet. “…yes you can but hold on,”
You started the descent into the sewers. “Just as I thought, this is your first time ever asking! And you’ve been over on approximately 628 occasions,” You snorted, “only in the hundreds? I’ve gotta step up my game!” Even though you were still upset you pushed it aside to try and joke. Maybe if you kept joking around like you always did the feeling would go away. “Shall I expect you in 20 minutes or so?” Donnie questioned and you could hear movement on his side of the line. “Actually I’m passing the common area in the lair right now!” You were surprised to see that no one was there. Usually Mikey was lounged eating chips or on his phone.
“Oh?! Wait, well why did you call if you were already here??” He sounded a bit confused and maybe a little amused. Even though you were about to walk into his lab, you ended the call. You didn’t really want to explain why, because that would mean explaining… the whole thing. Just the thought had your chest tightening. “Really?” Donatello was in front of you now, “Why’d you hang up??” He said eyes narrowing. He looked like he was analyzing you. As if you were acting strange, not as you usually do. “Well I’m here already so no point in staying on the phone!” You waved your hand dismissively, passing the purple turtle to enter his lab.
“Where’s everyone else?” You spoke up, wanting to stay away from the previous topic. “Last I heard some dum dum challenge in the ramp room.” Donnie followed after you once he had closed the lab door. “They tried to rope me in but as I explained earlier my schedule is already booked.” He watched as you landed in his swivel chair, “Should I go hang with them instead? Since you’re so busy?” You didn’t look up, you were wondering if you had messed up again. Were you bothering him? Just like you had bothered Lena?
Donnie was watching you, one had cupped under his chin. He was thinking. Something was definitely off here. “No, you can stay with me.. I moved my said schedule around just for you afterall!” This didn’t make you feel better. In fact you just felt like a burden. Your shoulders slumped. “Are you sure?”
Dee crossed the space between you two and crouched down until he could see your face. Even with him being so close it looked like you were still unaware of his presence. You looked to be overthinking. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” He asked gently and your eyes met his, they were teary. “Nothing just… I don’t wanna bother you.. annoy you.” You sniffed trying to keep the tears at bay. “Your presence doesn’t annoy me, in fact, I like your company!” Donnie reassured you, eyes softening because you looked so sad. He didn’t know why, and he hadn’t seen you so upset before.
“Do you want to talk about it or would you rather forget?” He gave you the choice. This would be his final time asking. You sighed, thinking about both options. “I went over to Lena’s… you know one of my friends?” Donnie nodded, his hands went out holding onto your knees. He was still in the crouched position, wanting to make sure he could see your face. “She posted about her breakup, and I knew she could probably use a friend..” you swallowed, eyes getting glassy again. “So I went to a convenience store, got a bunch of her favorite snacks and drinks, then headed that way!”
Donnie put his chin over his right hand that covered your knee. Still listening. “I barged in like I always do, but turns out Olivia already had it covered. Lena didn’t want me there.. so yeah.” It was the abridged version. You were leaving some things out, but you felt like if you said everything you would definitely cry. Donatello sighed, “I can relate.” He moved back and stood up. Donnie didn’t want to continue to drag the mood down. But he wasn’t exactly sought out when someone needed cheering, or for anything that dealt with emotions. “It’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He surmised, moving past his own thoughts to reassure yours.
“But maybe if I had called.. or even just knocked when I—“ You paused when you saw Donnie shake his head. “Maybe so, but your intentions were pure and that’s all that matters. If Lena couldn’t see that, then she may have some sort of cataract,”
Your eyebrows came together. “Donnie you can just say ‘she’s blind’” and you couldn’t help but laugh. He was always trying to use such brainiac words. He smirked, “Excuse me for having such an intellectual vocabulary!” You rolled your eyes, then stood yourself. “Anything I can help with? Don’t wanna keep you from that hectic schedule of yours!” Donnie tapped on his wrist tech, you peered over to see a purple coded calendar. “Not hectic, just full, I can definitely manage.” He corrected you and you huffed playfully. “But yes, an assistant would be useful!” He agreed after a final swipe on his wrist.
“If you’ll follow me this way,” Donnie said teasingly, putting on an elegant accent and sweeping his hand out to gesture towards his new projects. “Aye aye captain!” You put on your own accent, far less sophisticated and very much pirate. It was god awful and made the both of you burst into laughter. You felt better after talking to Donnie about it. You wondered if he knew. “Hey Dee?” You said after you caught your breath. “Hmm?”
“Thanks,” it was all you needed to say. Just a simple word with a soft smile. He nodded, smiling back, happy to have helped.
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e-dubbc11 · 9 months
400 Follower Celebration | Song Lyric Prompts
*You know I'm a sucker for a good song lyric game. XD
Muse: Donald Pierce Song Lyrics: "I turn my back and you're messin' around. I'm not bein' jealous. Don't like lookin' like a clown." -Joan Jett & the Blackhearts ;)
If not that one, then here's another encouraging nudge from yours truly… ;)
Muse: Quinn Mckenna Song Lyrics: Runnin' just as fast as we can, holdin' onto one another's hand. Tryin' to get away into the night and then you put your arms around me and we tumble to the ground and then you say, "I think we're alone now."
LMAO! I couldn't resist. I figure that whole scenario would make for a great getaway scene that could lead to something hot and heavy with Quinn endin' up on top of the other muse or somethin'. LOL! Either way, I have absolute faith in your abilities to tap into both muses, sweetheart! Just have fun with it and go for whatever gets those juices flowin'! Happy 400 Followers, darlin'! *hugs tight and smooches yer cheek* MUAH! <333
DAX!!! Thank you so so much for following me and I know we haven’t had any lately (I’m sorry) but I love our little chats, they always make me smile 😊 I send you all the hugs and smooches right back to ya! ♥️
And thank you for sending in this prompt and being a part of my celebration . I chose Pierce for this one (maybe I’ll do Quinn too at some point) but I wanted to get this one out for you. But please be gentle, this is my first time writing for him. I hope you like it ♥️
I Hate Myself for Loving You
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Donald Pierce x F! Reader
Warnings: A swear word or two, bit of angst, fluffy bunnies and unicorns
Word Count: 2k-ish
Summary: Your new job at Alkali-Transigen has you crushing on the head of security
A/N: This is my first time writing for Pierce, I hope I did an ok job. Thank you for reading!
You accepted the job at Alkali-Transigen because it was the only place willing to hire you with little laboratory experience but you also hoped it would be temporary. You were very familiar with what they did there.
Yes, they were mutants but they were children. They didn’t have families, they grew up inside the facility, treated like science experiments, and were designed to be used as weapons.
But they were just kids and they deserved to grow up in a place where they could just be…kids, not in a holding room or being watched by armed guards outside their rooms.
Even though you didn’t work directly with the kids, you did everything you could to make them feel like someone cared like by bringing them candy, little toys, coloring books, and crayons.
You just felt bad for them and always wished you could do more.
Donald Pierce was head of security and leader of a militant group called the Reavers and when you saw him on your first day at Transigen, you were smitten even though you knew you shouldn’t be. Everyone told you to stay away from him but you didn’t listen.
You had heard he dated a couple of the nurses at Transigen that didn’t end well. And he was also the one they sent out to bring back anyone that tried to run, so you did your best to keep your head down and do the job you were hired to do.
Temporary…it’s only temporary.
He found you working on a Saturday morning in the lab, finishing up some paperwork you didn’t get done the day before.
“Oh…I’m sorry, darlin’. I didn’t know anyone else was here.” He said.
God, his accent was sexy. You played it cool though.
“Oh it’s alright, Mr. Pierce. I’m just finishing up and I’ll be leaving soon, if you need me out faster I can just—“ You stated before he cut you off.
“Now, now I didn’t say you had to leave. You just took me by surprise, is all. That’s not easy to do either. And Mr. Pierce is too formal for someone like me, so please call me Donald or Donnie is fine too. It’s nice to meet you Miss…” He trailed off.
You were hypnotized by his sly smile and southern charm but you snapped out of your trance long enough to answer him.
“Oh! It’s y/l/n…y/f/n y/l/n. I just started a month or so ago.”
One side of his mouth curled up into a slight smile.
“Oh no, I remember. You had your hair pulled back in a low bun that day and I noticed you had a little skull and crossbones pin on your lab coat there.” He said. “As you can see, I’m a fan of the skull and crossbones also.” Chuckling a little, he pointed to the tattoo on his throat.
His memory was impressive. There were a lot of new hires that started that day and he remembered you.
“You have a good memory Mr. Pierce.” You said, completely forgetting that he said it was alright you call him by his first name.
“Well, I never forget a pretty face.” He said with a warm smile, flashing his gold tooth.
Heat rose to your cheeks and warmth spread across your chest as you felt yourself turn different shades of red which is when he asked you to go out for a drink with him. It was the first of many dates with Donald Pierce.
He definitely did not look like Prince Charming, however he could be VERY charming and sweet. That slight southern drawl when he’d call you “sweetheart” or “baby,” made you weak in the knees. The bad boy type always enticed you, gripped you tightly and never wanted to let go and Donnie was no exception.
It was difficult to explain why you were attracted to a guy who had a mechanical arm, a throat tattoo, and a gold tooth but he really was handsome and his bad boy persona made him irresistible to you. He couldn’t be all bad though, could he?
But you weren’t the only one who found his bad boy image irresistible.
It seemed like everywhere you went together, women found Donnie attractive and they never tried to hide it either but what really upset you was when he would flirt back. Who knows what he did when you weren’t around. Maybe you were starting to regret not taking the advice from your co-workers, they did warn you after all.
You wondered if any of them had developed deeper feelings for Donnie so they hated seeing him with you and you hated the fact that you might be in love with him. Was he husband material? Or were you just having fun?
He hasn’t said what his feelings are toward you either so maybe it was just a fling and that’s why he flirted with other women. There was never talk of being exclusive and Donnie did seem like the guy you used as a fling between boyfriends rather than being an actual boyfriend.
He seemed to really like you too though.
“You haven’t run screamin’ for the hills yet but I’m not exactly the kinda guy you bring home to meet mom, ya know? The things Transigen has asked me to do…you don’t know the half of it, sweetheart. But I have to be a strong leader and I relay the orders I get to the Reavers. I can’t appear weak. I’m just not a good guy. I promise you, I do my best not to hurt them when I bring them back after they run.” He told you.
“I know the kind of work you do. I tell myself that ‘it’s just his job, it’s not all that he is’. You’re not a bad guy, Donnie.” You told him.
It scared you to think of telling him how you actually felt about him. He said he was surprised that you didn’t even flinch a little when he touched his mechanical hand to your skin. It was something that he was always a little ashamed of and it surprised you that he actually shared that with you.
“I’m not whole, darlin’.” He had said.
You had touched his mechanical hand, held it in yours and told him that it was just a part of him. It didn’t make him any less of a person in your eyes but he worried. He worried about hurting you, if he gripped your skin too tightly there wasn’t any sensation in his hand so he didn’t know how much pressure he was applying.
“I know you’d never hurt me, Donnie. You never have.” You had said.
But that was a lie.
True, he had never hurt you physically but emotionally, it hurt to watch him flirt with other women though and more than you cared to admit to. It wasn’t necessarily jealousy, it was just humiliating.
And it all boiled over one night when you met him out for dinner and drinks at your favorite local bar. Earlier on the phone, he said he was having a rough day and that he just wanted to relax with dinner and drinks with “his girl.”
As you stepped into the crowded bar, you scanned the crowd for Donnie and found him sitting at a low table in the dimly lit bar area. A wide smile stretched across your lips as you got closer to him but that smile disappeared when you saw the beautiful blonde in a short tight dress sitting across from him.
“There she is. Hey baby.” He waved and turned to the blonde and said, “you’re in her seat, darlin’.”
Your cheeks flamed with anger and your tightly clenched fists rested at your sides with your knuckles showing white.
You couldn’t take it anymore.
“Ya know what? I’ll go. You can have dinner with “legs” here.” You said, turning on your heels and heading for the door.
You heard him call out after you.
“Baby wait! Y/N!”
Suddenly, you felt cold hard metal wrap around your wrist and then your body was being pulled into the coat closet.
“Let go of me, Donnie…NOW!” You yelled.
He shook his head and pressed his lips together in a straight line before saying, “No, I’m not letting go until you tell me what the hell that was all about, sweetheart.”
He gazed down at you with his sky blue eyes, standing close enough to you that you were sharing the same air and because he was holding onto you with his mechanical arm, he couldn’t feel how hot your skin was from the pent up anger you’ve been holding on to for awhile now.
“I don’t like lookin’ like a fool, Donald! How do you think that makes me feel when you flirt with other women like that? And that’s not the first time!” You said, sternly.
Still holding onto your wrist, he replied, “They flirt with me, baby. I don’t wanna be rude. Are ya jealous?” He asked calmly.
“I’m not jealous, I’m embarrassed and I am mad at you and I hate myself for it because it’s not like we’ve ever talked about being exclusive or anything, so I know I don’t really have any right to be angry or jealous but...” You said trailing off with tears burning the back of your eyes and turning away from him so he wouldn’t see the tears that were about to spill over and streak down your cheeks.
He let go of your wrist and with his other hand turned your head toward him and tilted your chin up so you were looking into his eyes.
“Baby, I don’t want you to feel that way. Why would you say that you hate yourself?” He asked.
You inhaled sharply before letting out a long exhale.
“Because…I’ve fallen for you, Donnie.” You whispered. “And I’m afraid you don’t feel the same way because of the way you are always flirting with other women in front of me.”
Your tears had spilled over.
“Well, number one that’s no reason to hate yourself, I am pretty easy to fall for. It’s the accent isn’t it.” He said with a smug smile on his face as you rolled your eyes. But his tone changed as he said, “I really don’t mean to flirt back, I am just tryin’ be polite, darlin’ but I’ll do better because…I’ve fallen for you too, Y/N.” He said, brushing the tear away from your cheek.
Shaking his head, he said. “I don’t hear the L-word very often. But that is what you meant, right?”
You snaked your arms around his neck and gave him a warm smile.
“Yes Donnie, that’s what I meant.” You said and gently pressed your lips to his. “I do love you, ya know when you’re not sitting with hot blondes in tight dresses.”
He let out a little laugh.
“Your ass is the only one I wanna look at in a short tight dress. I love you, sweetheart.” He said.
You pulled him into a tight embrace and Donald winced in pain.
“Easy darlin’, I got shot today.” He said with a slightly wicked smile.
Your mouth dropped as you lifted his shirt and saw the bloody bandage on his oblique but it didn’t look bad.
“Is this what you meant earlier when you said you had a ‘bad day!!?’” You asked with concern in your voice.
He captured your lips again, his were warm and firm as his tongue parted your lips to tangle with yours. The bristles of his beard lightly tickled your cheeks, causing you to giggle. His mechanical hand gripped your waist tightly, pulling you flush with him while his other hand tangled in your hair.
He winked and gave you a sly smile, showing off his gold tooth. “It’s just a flesh wound, baby. C’mon, I’ll tell ya all about it over dinner.”
Tagging: @munsonownsmyass @ilovewhiteroses (I know you ladies love Boyd also) feel free to ignore 🤣
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Tw: Addiction, SH Mention, Death, Drugs, Not good stuff, hurt, grief
Previous Chapter, Masterlist, Next Chapter
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The day room became lively with activity by noon, prompting them to reschedule group therapy to the evening due to the announcement of a special guest, even though no one knew who or what would be presented to the group. The thought of change to the routine everyone had developed was exciting to the group, and the chatter didn’t stop as everyone sat where group therapy normally was, waiting for the guests’ arrival.
“So are we all hoping it’s a clown or someone with proper food because this hospital food is ruining my gains.” Tengen looked sullenly at his biceps, flexing and relaxing like suddenly all his progress had wasted away in the 5 days everyone was in the unit.
“The change would be nice. “I would like time outside, even prisoners get to go outside,” Sanemi said while reclining in his chair, leaning so far back that the front legs of the chair were almost lifted off the ground.
“Everyone, if we could please welcome Sanya, she will be speaking with you all about drugs and drug abuse. This talk will be graphic, it will be raw and if it becomes too much, feel free to leave the room. I will be right outside the day room sitting on the other side of the glass for you guys. Please listen closely” Dr. Gotouge led a taller woman into the room. She was lean, her age showing in the sagging of her facial features, the permanent frown etched into her skin that surely used to smile. The doctor left with a smile, shutting the door behind her as Sanya sat herself in the chair the doctor usually sat in, setting down her large purse that looked full of books. The atmosphere was tense with uncertainty, Tengen was already shuffling in his seat, uncomfortable with the thought of drugs and a lecture while he was still dealing with withdrawal, the medications had made it easier, but it wasn’t perfect and his skin still itched with urge. Sanya sat quietly, observing everyone around her with a content smile.
“Good afternoon everyone, I’m Sanya. I’ve been here at Haven hill visiting and providing information, doing therapy and I am a part time nursing assistant in the adult rehab ward. I’ve dealt with many situations in my time as a nurse. When I was younger, I was a full-time nurse, but I wanted to cut back and take time for me and my family ten years ago this year.” She sat pin straight, stopping as everyone mumbled greetings. “I’m here to share my story of the effects of drugs and drug use. 32 years ago, November 16th, I gave birth to my only child, my son Trevor. He was a very smart boy who loved me and his father, he grew up in a normal home I think, his father and him often fished together, occasionally I would join but really to just sun bathe or work on reports while they sat on the waters edge.” She took in a breath. “Trevor went to community college when he graduated high school. He got an associate’s degree in forensic science and transferred to a four-year college to get his bachelor’s in forensic science as well. He moved to campus after his associates, leaving our home at 20 years old to pursue what he had wanted for a long time, he always had an interest in the macabre you see, he was his fathers son and didn’t shy away from the stories my husband told about his time as a crime scene investigator. That side of things always interested him. He wanted to know how things worked. He was a genius with science that I felt he would make a brilliant doctor, but that wasn’t what he wanted.” Tengen was growing increasingly anxious, visibly fidgeting as the story continued. “During his time in college he found substances. He had started going to parties often, falling in with the wrong people and learning the wrong things. He kept his grades up and he was doing well, we thought. But by the time he was 22, things changed. He came home for thanksgiving break, visiting us with a girlfriend in tow. She was a sweet thing, very caring and patient with him. She was helping me clean up after dinner and we were getting to know each other. I asked how she met Trevor and she went on a whole story of finding him at a party knocked out in the bathroom, bleeding from his head. She called the ambulance and no one would claim him as a friend or significant other, so she went with him, not wanting him to be alone. Trevor had been doing heroin quite heavily, this time strung him out. Grades had fallen and he was on the verge of getting kicked out. We knew none of this. He had always made it seem like he was doing great, no notices had come to the house, we couldn’t check his grade I mean he was an adult. He survived the fall obviously, just a few stiches, head injuries tend to bleed a lot and that’s how he found his girlfriend, Rachel. After his fall he got sober, he went to counseling to help with his stress and Rachel was a big help, she said she was very proud of how far hes come in six months.” Sanya was smiling as she spoke.
“Rachel stayed only two days before going home to her family who was closer to campus. Trevor stayed with us for another day before returning to campus. We didn’t see him until Christmas. Christmas Eve he came home to stay with us for a whole week, Christmas was always a big deal for our family, we didn’t pull any punches and tried our bedt to make it magical no matter how old anyone was. So with the house fully decorated and family visiting from different places we held Christmas eve dinner at our house and Christmas day everyone sepnt with their immediate family. Trevor was quiet, he had come without Rachel as she was with her family and he just seemed melancholy, not sad but just not offering much to the conversations. He spoke only when spoken too and just listened, he hadn’t drank or anything, he remained sober and it was a good dinner with family. He retreated to the basement after everyone left, that is where is old bedroom was, a more spacious room for a young adult male. My husband and I stayed up watching Christmas movies and setting up presents, we spent time reflecting on the year and chatting before we retired for the night.” She paused drawing in a deep breath, locking eyes with Tengen who looked like he was going to sprint through the wall if anyone sneezed.
“I will never forget the screams of my husband. He was running into our bedroom speaking so fast I thought it was in tongues as he dialed the phone. I was getting dressed for the day, brushing my teeth when he screamed. He had gone to check on our son, maybe pen presents if he was awake. I didn’t realize what was really happening. I was just trying to comfort my husband, rubbing his back, trying to get him to answer me when he was on the phone with first responders. I didn’t know that until he was describing it. I think a part of both of us died that day with him. I thought it was an error, a terrible nightmare. I left my husband on the phone with the responders while I went to check. I didn’t need to get far into the basement to know it was true. He had already turned discolored, indicating that he had been dead for at least 7 hours. Heroin overdose, he had managed to get some from a family friend at the party the night before and figured after 8 or so months of being sober he could immediately shoot the same level he had worked up too.” Tengen was out of the room by the time Sanya finished her story, seated with his back against the thick panes of glass that covered most of the wall leading out of the day room. Everyone sat in silence, waiting to see what Sanya would do. The woman appeared calm and tired, as if all emotion had been washed away from her. It was eerie to witness the transformation of a woman who was likely lively at one point. Your chest felt heavy. Is that what your mother would look like? She still had your siblings, but would she be affected like this? Sanya was right when she said a piece of her died that day, because she looked it, Lifeless. She was going through the motions of life but was she really living it?
“Addiction is not something to play with, it isn’t something that someone can handle by themselves. Addiction is a disease, and it kills just as quickly as many other diseases. Like many other illnesses, it takes a support system. Without that to lean on, it becomes easier to fall into old habits. That’s where we failed. That’s what I will always regret. I knew he was recovering, and I didn’t reach out. I expected him to continue to do right. I didn’t let him know I was there for him and I didn’t tell his father. I thought I failed as a parent by not knowing before Rachel told me, but I failed by not taking action while knowing. Speak up, reach out and get help. You can find help all around you. You just have to be open to receiving it.” The air in the room felt thick, uncertain as everyone hesitated for once to speak, no one interrupting eachother or fighting to get a word in, it was uncomfortable.
“You can also get into legal trouble. I was driving in the car with one of my old friends, she slept with someones boyfriend so I dropped her but we were driving to a party one time and she was in the passenger seat with Moly in her lap, we got pulled over and started panicking, he’s gonna ask what’s in the brown paper bag that isn’t suspicious and then he’s gonna search it and were gonna go to jail forever. So we’re sweating while this cop takes his sweet time walking up to my window. He asks for license and all that we go through the routine and I’m trying not to look at her, she’s trying not top look at the officer. I got a ticket for driving with an expired tag and he left. But we immediately dumped moly at the party and went back to my house. That was enough.” Mitsuri was nervously chuckling as she finished her story, looking at Sanya for any assistance to make this less awkward.
“Wait? Whose Molly?” You asked, confused as to why they seemed to have dropped a person or even an animal somewhere and abandoned them. The group burst into laughter, even Sanyas lips lifted into a smile.
“Molly is a drug. It is a psychedelic, used often at parties. You may have heard it called Ecstasy before.” Sanya explained while the laughter died down.
“You are too funny, you poor sheltered child” You shrugged off the comment, drugs just never seemed good, to alter your mind after everything you’d been through with mental illness? Seemed like a recipe for disaster, so you stayed away.
“Is there anything you are struggling with that you feel needs more attention? Substances? Food? People? Self harm?” Sanya looked around.
“We all are, that’s why we’re here, but I think we’re doing better. I know Theres people who may not even know me but somehow care about me and my well being. You don’t want to see others hurting unless you’re a psychopath.” Shinobu was looking at you as she spoke, a soft smile on her lips.
“Well then, I will let you guys continue on with your program. I wish you all good luck on your recovery and take care of yourselves.” Sanya stood, her bag in her hand before she excused herself, Dr. Gotouge sliding into the room as soon as she leaves.
“Wonderful woman, right? She’s strong, she’s seen a lot, as a nurse and as a human, a mother, a wife. You never know what someones been through until you truly look at them, the exhaustion on their face, the red around the eyes, the hollowed cheeks. But people persevere, its human nature.” The doctor sat herself at the desk near the doorway, relaxing in the chair as everyone sat in shock of the past hour. “Anyone want to talk about that?” She offered.
“Some people can care about their kids, others aren’t made to be parents and shouldn’t be,” Obanai’s voice cut sharply, as if he could slice you with just words, but you could tell that speaking made him uncomfortable. You didn’t know what hid behind the facemask and bandages that covered most of his face, but you can’t imagine it was painless.
“I agree. We should chemically castrate a lot of people,” Kyojuro yelled.
“I’ll do your dad if you do mine,” Sanemi joked, laughing alongside Kyojuro as their dark humor broke the uncomfortable air that was suffocating the room.
“Hey, guys, come on. I know you're joking, but if I was anyone else, I would have to report you for saying stuff like that. So just keep that to yourselves or say it quiet enough for no one else to hear. I know you well enough to know you won’t do it.” The doctor gave a pointed look to Sanemi, who shrunk in his chair, a halfhearted shrug thrown her way.
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everyonewooo · 1 year
Virtual reality AU
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_Player 107 Wonwoo
_Oneshot (Part 1)
Genre: Action/Science Fic
Warning: Shooting will be mentioned.
Enjoy :)
“You gotta be kidding me.” He laughs.
“It’s true Woo, you gotta believe me!”
“That sounds ridiculous, you know that right?” He side eyed me.
Oh come on.
“Me? Dying?” He coughs.
“It looked so real…” I pouted.
“I’m not going anywhere cupcake.” He pets my head, lips forming a smile.
“She’s just being dramatic.” Mingyu spoke from the kitchen.
“Oh come on Gyu, you’re worse.”
Wonwoo laughs.
“Shut up.” Mingyu answered.
I smiled like a kid.
“Come on guys, we need to go complete a mission.” Scoups called out.
I’ve been living with Seventeen ever since I woke up in this strange place.
They found me at my most vulnerable state, and they took me in. They’ve been my brothers and protectors ever since. Since I’ve been with them for almost a year, those nice mannered men had definitely changed. If you know what I mean.
We are currently living in 2032 where humanity has been taken over by the AI and we were a few of those humans left. Before we get on to the present, let me introduce to you to ‘The Boys’
SCoups: The fierce leader who has to take care of 13 + 1 (me) children, who can’t stay still when they are together on normal days. He may be strict and manly, but he has a soft heart in the inside and sometimes will just be a big cute softie. A great combat soldier. You can never win him in fights.
Jeonghan: The second oldest in the group. A huge prankster who also has great skills in a mission. He’s like a mom. I would go to him for emotional support.
Joshua: He’s the gentle sexy guy of the group who has good looks and is smart. He’s good in every language and also good in searching information for missions. I call him Shua hyung like the other guys. He gives me great hugs.
Jun: He’s the most naive guy in this group. But he is also very smart. Tend to find Plan B just in case Plan A doesn’t work out.
Hoshi: Horanghae of the group. Do I have to say more?
Wonwoo: A super cold guy at first. But at first sight I thought he looked like a black cat. He’s a gamer dude so killing robots are actually his speciality. He’s the ace in this. Tall, Black leather jacket, black hair, sharp eyes…you might want to stay away. (whisper) He’s actually a softie inside too, only to certain people.
Woozi: The mastermind behind all the missions. Also the smallest and fittest person in the group. Our group combat trainer.
DK: The clown. But don’t be fooled. He can kill you too.
Mingyu: The big tall athletic muscular guy. Don’t be afraid tho, he’s a huge softie that always gets bullied by his older brothers. He will protect you tho. A drama Queen too.
The8: The kungfu master. Can kill ten in one shot. No kidding. You do not want to piss him off. A advice giver too.
Seungkwan: Mr Boo. He’s my diva. He sings really well but he can be a diva at some times, no actually most of the time. He’s always talkative and I love to talk to him. He’s abit sassy tho.
Vernon: Swag. He and I share the same face expressions.
Dino: The maknae, sometimes I wonder why his hyungs treat him so badly. I mean look at him, he’s such a baby. Sometimes I have to stand up for him. He treats me the best and always gives me dance lessons.
Okay that was a long introduction. Oh and there me, Y/N a girl who just randomly ended up in this big family. Someone who also gets spoilt a lot for being the only girl to exist here. Somehow from what I heard, I have vision powers. And my vision tends to happen. That’s why I was concerned about Wonwoo in the first place.
“Wonwoo stay here, Gyu come with me.”
“Oh come on, you can’t expect me to stay here and wait for you guys to complete the mission right? I’m faster then all of you.”
I rolled my eyes. Him and his ego.
“She’s right hyung, we can do this.” Mingyu answered.
“Don’t worry guys, I’ll stay here and back up.” Joshua said.
“Thanks Shua Hyung.” I waved and ran off with Gyu.
The floor creaked as we entered the building. Mingyu cocked his rifle walking ahead of me, light shining into the dark dusty building. I held my rifle tightly to my body, fingers on the trigger pointing the gun straight ahead preparing to shoot anything that was going to jump infront of me. We walked quietly surveying the place, going to one of the rooms to find the piece Woozi asked us to look for. As we walked deeper in, I sensed something was off. I couldn’t quite tell. The air smelled different. Like there was humans, living here.
I shrugged it off and followed Mingyu. We looked into the room and found the piece that Woozi wanted in a cabinet.
“I got it.”
“Quick let’s go.” Mingyu whispered.
I nodded. We quietly exited the room.
I turned back towards Mingyu.
Someone is coming. He mouthed.
Panicked appeared on my face.
He placed a finger on his mouth asking me to stay right where I was.
Shit shit shit.
He slowly stepped towards me silently as I slowly retreated back into the room.
Bullets starting flying towards us.
“Take cover!” Mingyu shouted as we both hid behind this huge slab of cement.
“Shit, how did they know we were here?” I exclaimed.
“I have no idea.” Mingyu answered.
Now what?
“Joshua, we’ve been attacked. Are you guys okay out there?” Mingyu sent a message on the radio.
Bullets we’re still flying as we took turns to shoot back.
I raised my gun towards the enemy as I saw, they were humans. Just like us.
But why?
“Gyu, they’re not AI, they are humans.”
He peek up from the slab of cement. “But they’re still shooting!”
We raised our hands up hoping they would recognise us being the same kind and stopped.
Of course they didn’t.
“Gyu watch out!” I pulled him away as a bullet flew pass my arm, grazing it in the process.
Ah great.
“They’re not humans Y/N.” He said with a serious tone.
“I saw they had blue robotic eyes, with no life in them like they were just ordered to shoot.”
The radio buzzed. “ Gyu, it’s not looking good out here.” Joshua shouted gun firing sounds heard in the background.
What are we going to do? This was an ambush. They know we were coming.
Wait. Wonwoo.
Is this what I saw in the vision?
“Hey Y/N! Listen to me!”
I looked at Mingyu face covered in dirt. He looks bad. Probably I looked like that too.
“We need to get out of here now. You got the piece right?” He told me.
I nodded.
“We can do this. On the count of 3.”
We held our guns up and shot any many as we can. Mingyu was right, they all had blue biotic eyes, emotionless expressions. Just walking and shooting forward. Their target was us. They were programmed to kill us. We managed to destroy all of them, one by one falling to the floor. I bend down to check if they were dead and saw on their neck there was a mark, and a chip was installed. Biochips on humans. They were creating humanoids. The AI are getting smarter now. Turning the creators into their machines.
Once the building was cleared, we ran out of the building, only to see the car we came in on fire, a pile of humanoids, and Joshua and Wonwoo nowhere to be seen.
“Josh, where are you?” Mingyu said into the radio.
No response.
Did it happen? My vision? Is Wonwoo.. gone?
I was too late.
The sound of roaring was heard from afar.
I turned around my gun ready to shoot…
Two motorbikes were coming our way, with a trail of AI running after them.
“Y/N don’t shoot! It’s them.”
Two guys in black suits, motorbikes roaring.
As one zooms and stops infront of me.
He opens his visor and I immediately recognise those eyes.
“Quickly put this on and get on.”
I fumbled with the helmet as I got onto the bike and put it on.
He grabbed my hands and placed it around his waist.
“Hold on tight.”
A sudden screen appeared inside of the helmet.
[ Player 108 ]
You have received a message from Wonwoo
To be continued…
Part 2? :)
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innactives-blog · 11 months
“Stanley, I wasn't trying to send you away with the journal to get rid of you... You were just the only person I knew I could trust. I'm still... upset about the science fair project, but... I have missed you, Stan. And I'm... I'm sorry you've been through so much."
Stan's breath hitched. Sorry... When had anyone told him sorry before? Crampelter never apologized, and Pa most definitely didn't, and Ford never had to before, but he was now and wasn't even apologizing for something he'd done. He was just... sorry life had been so shitty to Stan. Tears prickled his eyes, but he swore he wasn't about to cry in front of his brother, too. Instead, he did what he always did; Deflect.
"Maybe, maybe not. Sure hope so, though, 'cause we're all gonna need to work together to make this work."
Fiddleford quirked a brow, eyes wide. "Well, cut off my legs an' call me shorty! You actually sound sane! Most people I've seen 'round here are a few clowns short of a circus, y'know? Even Ford's a lil... well... crazy."
Nolan chuckled. "I get it. Folks 'round here are certainly... eccentric, and they don't really recognize when something is 'weird' anymore. When you live with gnomes rootin' through your trashcans and manotaurs punching your car, nothin' will faze you."
Rico grabbed the man's throat, shaking him. "How," He growled. "Do you know that? Any of that?"
"Because," The man wheezed, still smiling wide. "I know you, and I know Stan, and I know where Stan is. You're looking for him but can't find him. Lemme tell ya, you'll never find him here. He's not in Utah."
"New Mexico?"
"Not there either."
"Then where is he?"
The man smiled, eyes glinting yellow in the light of the setting sun. "You ever heard of a place called Gravity Falls, Oregon?"
Some of my favorite moments from chapter 11 of “Meet Me On The Strange Trails”, Way Out There. This chapter was so much fun to write lol! I’m kind of excited to write more from Rico’s point of view, too 😈
Also, something I feel like pointing out because it’s a detail I really like: Toward the end of the chapter there’s a line that says ‘The man smiled, eyes glinting yellow in the light of the setting sun.’
This line is a reference to one of my favorite Lord Huron songs, “Setting Sun”.
“Now that the deed is done
I’m just waiting for night
And the fading light of the setting sun.”
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iciwelcome-home · 1 year
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Welcome Home OCs - Eric Hopper & Dr. Whiskers Furball (Might change the last name 🤔)
Welcome Home ARG is created by Clown (also known as partycoffin here, I think) Eric, Whiskers are my ocs/fancharacters. Also, I apologize for my bad grammar.
Eric Hopper - Eric is the newest neighbor of Welcome Home, however... he can’t remember how he’d got there nor remembers much about his life before entering Welcome Home. All he can remember are his name and the fact he was a human. Wanting to know his past and his strange connections to the Neighborhood, Eric slowly uncovers the dark truths while something or someone is watching him. His fear tells him to stop yet... deep down, he wants to save the residents and free them all, especially saving Wally Darling, but... is Wally a friend or... something worst?
Whiskers Furball - Also known as Dr. Whisker Furball was a scientist who teaches kids about a few subjects in science and always to take naps. Also dubbed ‘Mad’ Scientist, he tends to laugh ‘crazy’ and sometimes hangs out with Julie and Frank. Sadly, he was only on the show on the last 6 episodes before the cancellation of Welcome Home Show. There are no records of Whiskers, but there was a concept of him during the restoration project. During Eric being a ‘new’ neighbor, Whiskers is trying to warn Eric to not dig deep into the truth and just go with the flow... for Eric’s sake.
I do have a few ideas of AUs. But I’m trying to think up names for them.
So far of AUs
1. Toons & Puppets coexist with Humans - A group of toons and puppets are trying to solve a mystery of the incident of Welcome Home while Eric is send there to find out what really happen while having connections to the residents, sensing great evil. Similar to my ‘canon’ verse, but different with Toons in it. 2. Based on WandaVision (love the series) - In the makings, but possibly everyone is trapped in that one location, acting like it’s a TV show while the world don’t remember Welcome Home show at all. Still thinking 😅
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actuallyastingray · 1 year
So as a follow up from my last post regarding my Injustice 3 dream team, I felt like going a step further and post some story mode endings just cause I feel like it and it adds more flavor. This is going to include a long version (the dialogue) and a short version if necessary to explain the details. Enjoy!
Being in Clark’s shadow, I never really grasped just how hard some of his fights could be. Darkseid, Doomsday, Mongul, the kind of guys who took everything the Man of Steel had just to contain them. Well now I know. Trigon came to this world to destroy it, and he came pretty close too. Of course, these days you couldn’t tell. It sure took a while, me, Dick, Mera, and all the others put our sweat, blood, and tears into rebuilding a world without the New Order, and i’m proud to say it shows. These days, however, that it’s back to being incognito. I’ll miss the freedom that came with 24/7 capes, but this new gig I got does help with the whole ‘spreading truth’. Oh, if only Clark could see me now.
(Conner’s ending shows him years after the world has been rebuilt. He takes up a reporter position and identity similar to Clark)
Being honest here, Bruce was always the one with a jillion contingencies. I know it saved his ass more times than I could count, but I never assumed he would have something in mind for Trigon. I owe you big Bruce, it got me that win we needed. Of course, life in Gotham means you don’t have time to party over beating up a demon lord. Halfway through clean up Talia showed up for a house call. Turns out she and Bruce had a thing a while back, something they agreed to keep private. But now that she’s on the run, she had to come clean. His names Damian al Ghul Wayne. Man, I should have seen this coming. Being Batman means getting saddled with kids you never expect. I mean, I’m a big brother AND a father in one...somehow without that being weird. I never planned to be a parent, but it’s something Bruce went through with me. Maybe when he’s older I’ll tell Damian the truth, and when he’s way older maybe we can talk about Robin. Until then, I think I can get used to this whole ‘being a dad' thing.
(Talia shows up with baby Damian for Dick to take care of)
Red Hood
I don’t know who it was that said something about “conquering your demons”, but I guarantee you they never thought someone would take it literally. Like hell I was gonna let the world fall to Trigon. Now if only Waller could’ve taken the hint that it's time to back off and disband the New Order. Oh well, at least this s!@#show comes with kryptonian shaped benefits. And then there’s this new problem. Conner and I busted up one of Waller’s science center's looking for stashed weapons. We didn’t realize how deep this rabbit hole actually went till we got a peek inside. See, Waller didn’t just want to replace the Justice League, she wanted to control them. As in, crazy b!#%& straight up tried to clone them all. Only one was still alive, project Batman Beyond. Soooo, yeah, now I’ve got a mini-me Bruce defrosting on my couch and wondering what god I pissed off to earn this. I mean me, train the future Batman? Bruce is probably turning in his grave right now, but it's not like Dick is gonna have time for this. Oh well, might as well make a good first impression. 
Harley Quinn
Well, whatda know? Little old me was the one to bag the big, bad Trigon. What do ya say about THAT Bats? Well, in all honesty, he had a lot to say about it, but lots more to say about what we gonna do ‘bout this whole New Order something or other. Sure, we got a lot of guys out of those prisons, ones who didn’t deserve all that, but there’s a heck of a lot more who really do need the ol’ padded room special. I guess big Bats was working on a solution to Arkham before he went to that belfry in the sky. Ah well, these plans suck anyway. As Mistah J always said, “it takes a clown to know a clown”. So, goodbye Harley Quinn, and hello Harleen Quinzel; newly promoted warden and chief psychiatrist of Stryker’s Island. These guys are gonna need someone who understands the whole “voices in your head” problem from a firsthand perspective. Best thing I can do is get them the help and hugs they need to go home and get bettah. Of course, for those guys who are here for the laughs and all, maybe a little more PUNCH is required to get my point across.
You know, its times like these that I amaze myself. Let this be a lesson the next time someone tells you, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. ‘sigh’ If only getting my life back together was as simple as beating a demon lord. I guess this is how Bruce must have felt about taking off the suit at the end of the day. I don’t get much ‘me time’ anymore, especially with the New Order still out for my blood. Best thing I can do now is to help the boys clean up Gotham. Ugh, I never thought I’d miss Gotham the way it used to be. Bruce would hate seeing what Waller’s goon squads did to this place. But what we all need right now is a semblance of normalcy in Gotham. And speaking of new norms, the New Order better get used to living it rough. Cause they’ve got more than just me and the bats to worry about, It’s all of us. So come on boys, you’ve kept these lovely ladies waiting long enough, to get even.
(Catwoman forms the Gotham Sirens with Bluebird, Huntress, Manhunter, and Vixen)
I was trained to for one purpose: to kill the Batman. Father told me that anyone else in my way was beneath my skills. Yet somehow, I defeated this creature Trigon, a beast from Hell itself. Does that mean the Batman, the first Batman, was more dangerous than a demon? I suppose I will never know. Father is dead, and my home is now broken apart. The new Batman told me I was welcome to stay with his family even after I told them the truth. But how could I? If not for Trigon, I would have been the one to kill their father. They let me go, but promised I was welcome back if I needed. So many people in this city are without a home now. The New Order and Trigon have left almost nothing left. No shelter, no peace, and no trust. But hope, hope still remains. I found that hope does not die easily in Gotham. Others had begun to follow in the Batman's footsteps even before his death. They are brave, loyal, and kind, but they will need training if we are to survive together. Someday, I can go back to that house on the hill and call it home. But for now, Gotham needs us, it needs Bats.
(Cassandra finds Spoiler, Signal, and Robin (Tim Drake) and decides to train them)
Anyone else would have sat back for a beer and a sigh of relief after kicking Trigons ass, but I had to rush back home. Star City was out of the line of hellfire, but who knows what the New Order had been up to while I was gone. God, I have never been so glad to scoop Lian up and hug her all while she screamed about ‘dad, you’ve got demon all over you’. Me and Ollie never had the best relationship, but at the very least he taught me that at the end of the day, family is what matters in life. And that’s way more relevant than it has to be right now. Waller’s Suicide Squads took to rounding up meta kids while I was away. Most of these guys don’t have any families left to go home to. And well, who else is gonna look after a bunch of unstable, meta pre-teens? Yup, that’s right, yours truly, practiced dad and certified badass himself. This is a long way from training the next gen Teen Titans and all. Right now, we’re just gonna focus on family time. Cause hell, after beating Trigon and saving the world, I could use some downtime.
(Roy adopts Conner Hawke, Mia Dearden, and Grant Emerson and moves into Queen Manor)
Now this is a piece of bitter irony; I spent almost a decade trying to reach some semblance of peace with the surface, and in return they summoned a demon that almost destroyed the world. I’m certain Orm is laughing himself hoarse wherever he is right now, but I have better things to think about. With the New Order beginning to crumble, humanity tried turning to me as a leader. I suppose I am the only sovereign that remained independent from its tyranny, but I have no aspirations to lead both Atlantis and the surface world. For now, at least, the surface world and Atlantis must remain apart. That said, I do intend to honor my new alliance with the Justice League. While they focus on piecing their world back together, I intend to keep it safe from whatever lingering threats might still threaten these peacetimes. Loathe as I am to admit, the Amazons of Themyscira have become one of these problems. It is a shame Hippolyta cannot look past her grief to make peace, but if she intends to continue her war on humanity, she’ll have to go through Atlantis first.
I must admit, I did not believe myself capable of defeating Trigon. And yet, the lessons of determination and inner strength king Arthur taught me allowed me to prevail this day. The day is won, and now we may begin to rebuild. I am happy queen Mera has chosen to maintain her alliance with the new Justice League, not just out of honor to Arthur, but out of personal respect and trust. It means a new era for both land and sea as we recover. But the seat at the table belongs to Mera. As for me, Batman had something else in mind. While the league repairs the damage caused by Trigon, they need a team to continue the fight against the New Order. One that can go where the Justice League cannot and can operate independently when necessary. We will be that team. So, get on board or get out of our way.
(Aqualad founds the YJ team)
Green Lantern
Growing up in Coast City, every kid dreamed of being the next superhero. We all planned on being the cities hometown hero and saving the day just like Green Lantern. Well, this is not how I planned on becoming a superhero. Last I checked, you don’t jump right into fighting interdimensional demons until your second year at least. Even with Trigon being long gone, I still have no idea how I won. I mean, i’m still just a rookie lantern, so how did I win? Well, do you believe in guardian angels, even if he’s not exactly an angel? I wasn’t alone after all. Hal Jordan was with me the whole time. Turns out after he died, some holy ghost of vengeance offered him a second chance. He wanted to help me win, help me get the hang of being Green Lantern. Knowing your childhood hero had your back the whole time and gave you the boost you needed to save the day, man talk about a confidence boost. Too bad Hal can’t stick around with me 24/7 like I hoped, but that’s no problem. This ring chose me because I can overcome fear. Seeing as I just faced down Trigon without fear, I’ll say I’m ready for whatever comes next.
(Hal Jordan becomes the Spectre and helps Kyle)
Booster Gold
Wow! I did it. I really actually did it. The old history books talked alwasy made saving the world out to be this impossible task that only Superman could accomplish, but I just did the impossible. ‘sigh’ Well, it’s really more like I almost did the impossible. The Justice League is still dead, and worse the New Order is still a problem. Trigon may have been the big bad in this century, but the New Order is still to blame for what happens in Earths future. Ugh, being a superhero is not at all that amazing as people make it out to be. I mean, heroes don’t exactly make an income saving the world. I started thinking that this might already be a lost cause for me, but fortunately I got an answer to all my problems. This up-and-coming tech genius, Ted Kord, called me in to make a deal. He wants to pick up where Wayne Industries left off in sponsoring the Justice League, a new Justice League to finish off the New Order and take back the planet. He’s already got some possible recruits lined up, but he asked me personally to be the new face of the League. I mean sure buddy; the public won’t be getting bored of this handsome mug anytime soon. Ted’s a pretty awesome guy y’know. I couldn’t thank him enough for helping us get this ball rolling, and that if he ever felt like jumping into the action himself, he was welcome to join up.
(Booster forms the JL: International with Fire, Ice, and Guy Gardner making cameos)
Captain Marvel
Ever since I got these powers, ever since Billy gave up his magic to make me a superhero, I’ve been doubting how to live up to his reputation. All that changed when Trigon broke through into Earth. No more doubting myself, no more self-loathing, it was time to be that hero he knew I could be. Heh, bet your cheering me on right now Billy. Only took me forever to stop being a scared fanboy and start being a hero. But I know you would want me to keep going and keep shouldering the world like you always did. Speaking of shouldering the world, your pal Shazam called me to the Rock of Eternity for the first time. He said I finally lived up to the expectations required to handle the Champions power, and that he needed me for a mission. Part of the reason Trigon got through onto Earth was because of the Rock’s magic is weakening. A long time ago, there were other champions of magic who would work together across realms to safeguard the power of Magic. But the wizards responsible for overseeing those champions all went their separate ways. Now, if I’m gonna stop Trigon from getting back into our world, I’ve got to hunt down these other wizards and get them to work together again. If Trigon’s planning on making a comeback, we’ll be ready for him.
(Raiden, Doctor Strange, and the Sorceress of Greyskull all appear in silhouette, hinting at the crossover characters)
Mary Marvel
Okay, I’ll admit it, being a Champion of magic rules. I mean, how can you not think punching the lights out of a demon lord all while dressed in a cape and boots isn’t cool. Ugh, listen to me, now I sound like Freddy. Fanboying about being heroes and saving the world. Well, I guess that’s the plus side of being an older sister, because as cool as it is to fly around, save cats from trees and stop bank robbers, I know there is a lot more to helping people than just everyday acts of kindness. Sometimes it takes a really big act of kindness to make an even bigger difference. The new Justice League is going to need allies outside of the caped variety, and I have an idea of who to start with. Years ago, I wouldn’t have dared to set foot in Khandaq. Even if Black Adam wasn’t anything close to a symbol of peace, he meant a lot to his people. Billy never came back here out of respect, but with the New Order still out there it’s time to suck it up and burn some old bridges. Adam would never have agreed to peace, but Queen Isis isn’t her husband. She understands that it’s time for the past to be the past, and to forge new alliances for the future. I look forward to working with her. Just like I always told Billy; family always starts somewhere.
Captain Boomerang
When the world looks back on this, they’re gonna wonder exactly how some skinny little kid was the one to take down the legions of hell. Heh, would you believe I just got lucky? If only that luck held out just a bit longer. After the League broke open the New Order’s prisons, I slipped in to take a look at their records. I kept praying that maybe, just maybe, the Rogues were lucky enough to be alive. ‘sigh’ No such luck. Waller made damn sure that none of the big name meta’s were going to get a chance at opposing her. Dad, Lisa, Uncle Len, sorry I did get here in time. Whelp, no place left to go but back to Central. Not exactly the home I remember it being, what with the New Order still having its fingers in everything. I’m not even sure what to do anymore. The Flash was the guy who could clean up problems like it was nothing, not Captain Boomerang. Well, like always, the universe decided to keep my lucky streak going. Halfway back home another dimensional rift tore open, except this one wasn’t dropping off a load of demons. This one dropped off some spitfire of a speedster, claims the Flash was his uncle and he got launched here from his own world. Well, I know he’d love to get home, but I sorta got a citywide occupation force to boot out of Central, and now I’ve got a partner who's happy to join in on the fun. After all this, think my lucks starting to change for the better again.
(YJ-verse Wally ends up in Injustice Central City to help fight the NOG)
All those years of being afraid. All those years of whispers, dark emotions, and nightmares. You should have learned father; I never gave up then, and I wasn’t going to give up now. But I learned plenty from all those years I spent resisting you. That little dimension you created for your staging ground? Now, it will be your prison. You can spend the rest of your existence locked away from Earth or any other world to conquer. Because the only way out is through me, and now we both know that is never going to happen. Still, I should thank you for showing your hand. Ra’s al Ghul proved there are less direct ways into our world for you to use. Sure, they will leave you weaker a than using me, but I won’t let you get that chance. My fears and doubts have kept me from reforming the Titans, but defeating you showed me I have worse things to doubt. Just like we always have, we will stand against you wherever you may appear, in whatever form you may take. No matter what happens, we will always be ‘Titans Together’.
(Raven forms a new magical based TT with Zachary Zatara, Kid Devil, and Traci 13)
Lex Luthor
This was supposed to be my moment. My ultimate triumph that would prove that I was superior to the Justice League, to Waller, and to Superman. I had planned for every outcome, armed myself according, and when Trigon stepped through the portal, I was ready for him. I was supposed to emerge victorious, but in a final act of defiance, that wretched demon sealed us both within his infernal realm. Trigon may be slain, but now instead of just one devil to face, there are hundreds, thousands of them. My genius should have ensured my victory. Only now do I realize that genius will not avail me in this hell. It is only through savagery, strength, and pure tenacity that I will survive. I brought everything I need to survive here, and it will earn me my place, piece by piece. There’s no more reason to think about my predicament or mourn my lost glory, now all that matters is to kill. To rip and tear.
(Luthor ends up trapped in Trigons dimension and becomes a DC version of Doomguy)
Major Force
This. Felt. AMAZING. This was everything I could have hoped for. No more regulations and rules, no more civilian casualties, no more restraint. Just a fight to the end with someone I could finally let loose on. And here I spent all this time crying over not getting to fight Superman, Ha! Bet Waller was enjoying watching her “pet project” win the day for her or would have if she and the rest of those pigs weren’t hiding in bunkers the whole time. Beating Trigon made me realize something about our relationship. What’s the use of politicians and presidents anyway, when people are way more inclined to listen to power? That’s the lesson General Eiling beat into me at boot camp, and it all makes too much sense now. We deserve to be in charge. We deserve to make the rules. This is our New Order, or should I say, our new Regime. And once I crush what’s left of the Justice League, no one will question us again.
(Mirroring IJ verse Superman, Major Force forms the Regime government with members of the Suicide Squad)
Once, Gotham knew me as the man who broke the Bat. Now, the world will know me as the man who broke the Devil himself. In a way, I should be thanking Trigon. His destruction of so many of the New Order prisons meant Waller’s enemies were loose once again, ready to take revenge on those who had wronged them. But not me. My enemies are broken and buried or cower at my feet knowing what could happen to them. How amusing that it’s not just convicts who plead for Bane’s mercy. To spare their miserable lives, the New Order came to the only man who had kept their enemies locked up and secure. They wanted salvation at any cost, and I would give it to them. Stryker’s was not enough anymore, this called for bigger and better measures. Gotham once locked me away, now I will lock it away as its own prison. Let Waller and her swine think they are safe. Once I have dominated these men, and made them my own, I will teach her that she has more devil’s than just Trigon to fear.
(Bane turns Gotham into Arkham City)
Killer Croc
Nobody was ready for literal Hell to break loose at the capital, but that didn’t stop Waller from throwing the Squad at it. Huh, wonder if she was just buying time for herself, or if she actually thought we’d stop Trigon. Either way, guess I’ll never know. I’m the guy who finally landed the kill and took Trigon down, or at least that’s what they tell me. I don’t remember the fight at all, just remember waking up with a bunch of fish people standing around me trying to patch me up. These Atlantean guys said they found me sinking offshore and thought I was one of them. Y’know, that’s not a bad idea if I think about it. Down here, nobody runs from me, or screams, or cries, or tries to lock me up because I look a little funny. Hell, nobody looks the same down here, just all look like fish hybrids and what. Best of all, Waller thinks I’m dead from what they tell me, which means nobody is gonna come looking for me. So yeah, I’ll kick back down below and enjoy having a second chance at being normal. Don’t know what’s happening back on the surface, and quite frankly I don’t give a f%$#. Screw humanity, Atlantis is where it's at.
I have been fortunate to have faced the legions of Tartarus in years past. I have faced the spawns Hades’ countless times before in the name of Olympus, and this Trigon was no different. My victory over this demon should have glorified Themyscira and the Gods, until I discovered the fates of my Amazon sisters. It was only by Zeus’ blessing that I escaped Trigon’s corruption, but my sisters were twisted by his magics into wrathful monsters. Forgive me sisters, may you find peace in Elysium. Now, I stand alone on my shores, with Themyscira silent and empty. I now realize the truth behind Superman’s words; in trying to avenge Diana, I have lost far more than just my daughter. I have lost home and broken whatever trust Diana may have instilled in humanity. But it seems the Gods are not done with me yet. The Oracle of Apollo has peered across the multiverse and revealed a new task for me, a penance for my crimes. On this world Diana still lives, but instead of peace she fights to oppresses mankind as I once tried to. Like me, this version of my daughter has lost sight of what makes a true Amazon. With the blessings of all the Olympians, I shall cross to this world and deal with Diana. I pray that she will see the error of her ways and repent, less she loses everything as I did.
(Hippolyta travels to the Injustice verse)
Hahahaha! Oh, how it amused me to watch mortal kind scatter before Trigon’s onslaught. How they cried and begged for the gods to spare their lives, for any being above to save them. Well, the fools did not specify for which god to save them, and who am I to deny their prayers? Now, with Trigon’s power added to my own, I am far more than just a goddess. I have power to rival that of the great Titans. Earth belongs to me and me alone. All those who would oppose me have been crushed to dust or know to serve most faithfully so as to stay my wrath. That said, I am now realizing that I have once again set my standards far too low. Why rule just one Earth, when I can claim dominion over them all. With Trigon’s power, I can now cross to any dimension I choose, conquer what I wish, and destroy any impudent fools who would dare challenge me. All of mortal kind will cower before me and give their praise to me and me alone. So says the Titan Circe.
Ocean Master
Oh brother, how it must pain you so to see this day. The day Orm claims the throne of Atlantis, claims Poseidon’s trident, and casts your foolish ideas of peace aside. The day Orm becomes King. And yet, it seems I have claimed the throne too late. When I led Atlantis’ armies to the surface for conquest, I found nothing. Though I had driven Trigon back to his hell, he had already laid waste to the surface world, leaving nothing but ash and dust behind. ‘sigh’ All these years of anticipation, and now I am left with nothing. Are you laughing at me now brother, to see what I have been reduced to? A melancholy king surrounded by sycophants and flatterers? It must bring you to tears to hear me admit, but I will miss the surface world and all the vices it brought to my life. But that matters not. I am King of Atlantis, and I will outshine your legacy. Trigon may yet return, and I will see to it that Atlantis is ready to stands against him once again. It will take years of preparations, but I will see our people become the empire of our glory days. And maybe, one day, we will venture back to the surface world to recolonize it. Perhaps my age-old obsession will return in another generation when I am dead and gone. Until then brother, I bid you rest.
Coming to this world was almost more trouble than it was worth. So many of Jordan’s costumed crazy friends chasing me around, so many little men in suits trying to tie me up, and then this four-eyed freak shows up and tried to take my precious power battery. IT’S MINE I TELL YOU. Hmm, well, I still hope it’s still 100% still mine. While that red skinned freak was trying to steal my power battery, I had to let Ophidian loose in order to shake him off. I managed to get him back where he belongs, but he did...something to these Earthlings. They’ve gone all strange and orange and such. I thought they all took some of my power, but nope I checked, and I still have all of it. Then I realized that when I said anything to them, they would listen. I tell them to steal, and they bring me more than I thought possible. I tell them to kill, and then have to make sure they know when to stop. Haha, I came here just looking to browse this planets treasures, and instead I got something I didn’t even know that I wanted, my very own Corps. It’s shiny, it’s new, it’s obedient, and it’s ALLLLL MINE.
Granny Goodness
Did Trigon think Granny would tread lightly when it came to him? Did he think good little war dogs would not throw themselves at him for a promise of blood? He does not know Granny. On Apokolips, demons are everywhere. Granny has created a few of her own demons, and has broken many, many more. Poor, poor Trigon, now he is just another toy for Granny’s hounds. But while Trigon is no longer around, there are still many lovely demons to be captured and trained for Granny’s army. How amusing, to create our dear Parademons out of real demons, but better still was the bigger prize. Granny discovered that dear, old Trigon was a daddy to his sinful, little sons. Now they are but poor, lost orphans without purpose in their sad lives. Not to worry dears, Granny is here now, and Granny will show you why she makes everything better. You are Granny’s little boys now and will do whatever Granny says or else Granny will have to punish you like she did with Daddy. Go on now, my dear Furies. Go and make Granny proud.
(Granny turns the sons of Trigon into her new Furies)
Of all the Furies, Darkseid liked me best of all. I led us to victory on countless occasions, to glorify Apokolips and his name. If only he had done a better job showing it. I haven’t forgotten his attempts to replace me, all those new recruits; Kara Zor-el, Superman, Mary Marvel, they all rejected him, and yet despite my loyalty he never showed me the favor I deserved. Well, at the end of the day, he’s now dead and I am the one who killed Trigon. I’m no longer glorifying his reputation or Apokolips, I am establishing myself as the newest player in the cosmos. Oh Granny, you must be so disappointed in me, but a girl has to grow up someday. Now it’s just a matter of bringing the rest of Apokolips under my control. How ironic Darksied, that in your paranoia you taught me exactly how to kill your followers. Once all dissident is dead, I alone will stand to rule Apokoplis. As for what’s next, I can care less about the Anti-life equation. What good is a fight if your foe isn’t fighting back? I will make Apokolips the empire it should have been, and I’ll do it all by myself. Aren’t you proud of me yet, “master”?
Talia al Ghul
I am far more used to devil’s bargains then I should be. It’s how the League of Shadows has survived and spread all these years. But deals with an actual devil is too far even for me, father. I pray you are pleased with your master, father, because you and he are going to be spending an eternity together. Alas, your master vexes us one last time. You despoiled our Lazarus Pits raising your master, and left the Shadows broken. And my beloved Bruce too, how could you father? I will no longer continue this soiled legacy you have left behind, nor will I aid Waller’s grand designs. How ironically that between you both, it is my Beloved that has left the most impactful legacy. His I know will echo father and more powerfully into the future then either of yours, in more ways than one. I am still an enemy of Gotham, no matter what guise I take, but perhaps I can aid as one of my Beloved’s allies once did. They called her Oracle, a fitting name for my mission. Wherever secrets may hide, allies may live, or lives may be changed by your mission, I will be there. One day, I will finally embrace death as I once feared to do and we will make amends, my Beloved. Until then, know that I will aid your protégés as you once did.
(Talia abandons the League of Shadows and takes to spying for the Batclan and sending them children to train and adopt)
Ra’s al Ghul
This plan could not have gone more perfectly. The world believed I belonged to Trigon as a revenant under his control, right up until I tore out his spine. Of course, no such thing happened, my lord is ever cunning and inventive with his illusions. Sadly, due to the Leagues intervention and my dear Talia’s betrayal, I was denied my chance to raise Trigon into our realm. But it makes no difference, death is but a doorway and time is but a window. The time will come again when I may raise lord Trigon from his Hell and release him onto our world. Until then, I must finish our preparations. Waller served her part but has become quite the loose cannon. Luthor clearly has slipped back into his old ways, pity. And now the Justice League is preparing for a comeback. Let them, for the people know who the real hero is. With the New Order at my beck and call, I will finish all essential preparations necessary for Trigon’s revival. Next time there will be no Justice League or Suicide Squad to stop me, for I am as eternal as my master. Hail Trigon.
Hmm, hmm, oh my dear Raven, I always wondered how desperate your attempts to impede me would go, and you truly have outdone yourself my dear daughter. You succumbed to my will long enough to manifest a duplicate of myself thinking this would spare your world. Perhaps it is a mercy you did not survive the attempt dearest Raven; you would have despaired to see the fate that befell your precious Earth. Your allies and enemies are gone, and my power at last runs unchecked across this universe. Soon your brothers and their armies will bring low what is left of this pathetic realm and glorify it as a testament to my power. Hmm, even more amusing than I thought indeed. This world in particular has touched many other realities, and those traces left behind are all I need to begin my conquest anew. The only thing impeding me now, is to decide which of these realities do I conquer next?
(Trigon prepares to invade the Marvel, Mortal Kombat, and Eternia Universes next, hinting at the crossovers)
Well, this whole s#$%show turned out to be a legit payday. I got me hands on Sunstone crystals, got to knock a few costumed idiots around, and stole the kill off that big, blue boy scout. Never though me best heist would be claiming all the glory of demon slaying from a two-bit do-gooder. Must be why Liu Kang is all steamed ‘bout Raiden killing Shao Kahn. Alright, well enough about this place, its already gone to hell enough as is. And no doubt her ladyship Kronika is waiting for these damn crystals. These things were almost more trouble than they’re worth it, but fortunately, heh, I got me a real payday out of doing this, one that Kronika’ll never be able to top. But I’ll play along with her little scam n’ see where this whole “New Era” goes. Cause between you and me mate, I got a little trick waiting for Kronika, and when she goes and turns back the clock, she’s gonna have a hell of a surprise waiting for her, heh heh heh!
(Kano returns to the MK universe, but it is revealed he is possessed by Trigon who is waiting to make the MK universe his next target)
I am no stranger to kombating demons. Over the years I have faced many such monsters; Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, even my own father. But Trigon was a fiend worthy of Shinnok himself, one I daresay even the Elder Gods would have cowered before. It seems that his influence over this world was all that held me to this world. Upon the moment of his death, I found myself awakening back in Outworld. Yet, despite my return, I feel a powerful sense of longing for that strange world, in a way I cannot explain. Perhaps It was because I was not seen as a stranger to its denizen, but as a champion of truth and righteousness. Or perhaps it was that they did not hold me to higher standings as my allies on Outworld do or was I under scrutiny from my own Earthrealm. Perhaps that is why this ‘Wonder Woman’ chose to leave her idealistic world to better aid another. It seems the only way to know for sure is to return to that world and find out myself. Raiden and Sub-zero both recall visiting a world of costumed crusaders. I will need their guidance in my return. In fact, most of my allies are interested to visit this strange new realm. It is settled that we shall ally to return to this realm and discover why I feel such a pull. If nothing else, our aid will be needed to restore this realm, or deal with Trigon should he return
(The MK universe prepares to visit the Injustice verse)
I’ve been in a lot of sticky situations back in my world, but this one beats them all. Trigon brought me here just to test the waters and see if he could invade my universe. I didn’t that after his portals collapsed, so did the one leading back to my universe. Soooo yeah, here I am, stuck in an alternate universe, with no way home. Batman promised they would try everything to send me back, but even Trigon’s daughter doesn’t know how he pulled me out of my universe. I mean, as much as I don’t want to admit it, these Justice Leaguers are kind of a dead ringer for the Avengers. I mean, their dysfunctional, argumentative, overbearing, coffee addicted, and adoption crazy. Especially Batman, although he says the first guy was way worse than him and his brother. Regardless, he offered to let me stay in Gotham, help clean up this New Order and get the city back on its feet. Kinda reminds me of after the Chitauri invasion. Maybe one day, I’ll get back home and see everybody. They can see all the cool gadgets and training I got to do with Batman. Until then, Tony, Cap, Aunt May, MJ, I’ll always be thinking about you.
(Just a disclaimer, this is not solely MCU Spiderman, I just thought it would be fun to throw some references in)
When the skies above Eternia began to rain fire and demons, I believed this to be just another invasion attempt by the Horde. Instead, I ended up being swept away to world far unlike any other I have visited before. A world that teetered on the brink of destruction at the hands of Trigon. As I would learn, the attacks on Eternia were Trigon’s doing as well, he foolishly tried to invade both worlds at once and paid for his greed. Now I find myself among new allies in the Justice League. Despite the tragedies they have endured, it is good to see them in higher spirits than when I first arrived, especially now that my allies in the Masters have followed me. I must admit, I am used to being seen as a hero on Eternia, but these Earthlings take hero worship to a new level. Unfortunately, celebrations must wait. As it turns out, Trigon was Hordak’s brother, and now he has come to claim vengeance for my triumph. So very foolish of you Hordak, for you do not just face the might of the Masters of the Universe, but the Justice League as well. And with Earth and Eternia standing as allies, our strength will only grow.
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mdpikachu · 1 year
List of hc’s concerning a clown (mephi fgo) as requested
(Not ordered in any way, old hcs and new ones intermixed.)
-Do not put your clown in direct sunlight for extended periods, he will sunburn SO fast.
--Jeanne’s interlude? Where she thanks Mephi for helping her and his response is, open quotes, “Reeeally? I’m not used to this sort of thing, so I’m not quite sure how to respond to that. But as long as you enjoyed yourself, that’s all that matters. Even better if it made you smile!” Please praise your clown. Clowns require praise to function. Hell, just speak to him. Acknowledge him.
-In Chibichuki, Mephi is shown as a hairdresser, so make that Chaldea occupation #3 under Clown and Alchemist. Wait, no. And makeup artist. he’d 100% help james/moriRuler/what have you, with his goofy makeup. edit FORGOT ABOUT THE CASINO DEALER TOO. At this point mephi’s just talented way outside the expected perimeters that aren’t combat. he does a LOT. buttling/butlering if he HAS to. etc. etc. etc. etc. talent clown.
--His eye color is startlingly inconsistent- Sometimes they’re blue and pink, and sometimes just plain Purple. I think in life they were blue without the pink. here’s a visual complaint. i do like the purple but it’s not... correct?
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-There is a joke around here somewhere concerning what it means to have an “ego”. There is also a comment regarding clown gender around here somewhere. Spoilers: it’s a bomb down there. for emergencies. trans rigs. local baby homun goes to dad and says “im boy”. situation over. his ingame bio says ♂? you cannot fight me here. if he really needs to prove it, he’ll let euryale shoot him. for science.
--For the longest time I thought the make-up was permanent markings. In this house they’re permanent markings except when they’re not. 
-Santa Mephi could potentially lead to a Krampus situation, especially if he ends up in half again. I would accept this. I’d also accept getting a costume and being an elf for someone else. I just want him to get into a christmas event for more than 1 seconds. as cute as a lily mephi would be, his spirit origin wouldnt be strong enough to be on it’s own. these are less HCs and more commentary
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--I drew mephi in his lab coat once here, take it, and yes that Is an alchemy circle on his neck. Tattoo from Papa Faust. That’s kept covered up 100% of the time. no touchy. (DID DRAW HIM AGAIN RECENTLY BUT NOT DONE YET)
-bc of his panicked reaction to the large ghost in knk, secretly a bit scared of ghosts. a “bit”. only a “little” (BLATANT LIE)
--the tiny horns he can hide at will and are from innocent monster. two of his tails are from the same source. one tail he’s always had.
-this is the absolute hardest take on here, but i dont think he (mephi the homunculus) killed faust. the innocent monster mephi (the demon) would take CREDIT for it, but he’s just acting in accordance to the myth that he caused it, like how salieri’s totally fucked up. who actually killed faust? idk. the church probably. stop summoning demons and making shit. thats not very churchgoing of you. unless faust himself asks, in which case mephi is free to say “no, i didnt!”. cause he didnt and he liked dad outside of the whole “killing people” thing. (which i did NOT know about when that was decided. kept outta spite and it being too late to fix.)
--isn’t mephi gay in at least one version of Faust. I’d need to research that one. highest honor, slaps with both ace and bi labels and then leaves without explaining myself. 
-mephi cares. mephi cares so Fucking Much and probably genuinely struggles with it. the one i write figured it out, kinda, but he’s lucky. canon mephi and generally accurate mephis have Issues with this.
--the mephi i write for is Lucky. the guda that summoned him (her name is Minako, mink for short) is a horror fan and as soon as she saw his name she was like “oh fuck yes”. in hindsight this is hilarious knowing now that Most People in Chaldea or In General do not like him. no wonder her mephis doing so well. Immediate Acceptance. i wrote that in fucking 2017 with a base knowledge of him. im not fixing it. im not linking it either bc i do need to rewrite a small segment. the og rp that came before that is from even EARLIER. mephi betraying his betrayal nature SPEEDRUN ANY % bc mink yelled “YES I LIKE YOU” immediately. again not changing this.
-hates being Not Clowny, esp. in public. he can tolerate it for short bursts, if its to fuck with everybody, or if he’s allowed to be an Absolute Menace the entire time.
--need a read on his emotions? cant trust his face? look at his tails. his hearts on his tails [i am booed off stage for the pun, and i shout “BUT ITS TRUE!” on the way out].  they wag, they wave, they curl up or go still. sometimes they all do different stuff. i know they’re meant to be one splitting into three but consider;;;; no?
-im like 90% sure he called mash his sister once as a joke in the knk event... he’s not far off. shes a designer baby (that hadn’t been revealed yet), hes a homunculus with an ego. hes like... the prototype to most homunculi and to mash. hes absolutely her older “brother” and if u fuck with her, he gets to kill you for free. from this, he absolutely accepts jokes about Lancelot being his dad. He thinks its Very Funny.
--his SERVANT name is Mephistopheles. named after the contract demon (NAME EXPUNGED). as a Just a Little Guy his name was Philetus and No One is allowed to use that. One of the few things hes serious about. (i don’t remember where i go that from. i think bc it sounded good. I genuinely don’t remember. something between the Pheles part and Philos (which is a name for a type of love, and also the name of a completely unrelated oc that has 0% to do with fate or any of this but. i think it was just bc it sounded good next to Faust or Faustus.)
update on above:  Philetos means beloved so THATS also probably where it came from. faust cared him so goddamn much.
-since he’s very much not human, getting sick is a bit easier for him than the average servant. he also doesnt drink booze for the same reason. 0 to 100 speedrun of a clown eating SHIT.
--Something about being good at witchcraft so hes aware of the witching hour. local fake demon can just. abuse a magical extra hour.
-Always knows the time (HES ALWAYS COVERED IN CLOCKS, CMON). ... actually, even without the clocks. thats his Thing.
--Can and will loophole. Someone call a place Hell? Sure, that’s a hellscape now! He can now appear.
-I DID give a rough design for the contract demon and faust but not putting here.
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crypticcemetery · 2 years
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Hello! I’m CrypticCemetery aka Jack, but I also go by Kenneth sometimes as well
I’m pretty new here and apart of the “older” users who have returned with twitter being a not so nice place anymore. Although, I never had an account before now, and was just a lurker, so I do apologize if things look a bit wonky until I get used to Tumblr ^^’
If you wanna become tumbler moots or just talk, please do. Always up for a conversation
Here’s some interests of mine, ya know, just in case
- Horror / Halloween / Macabre things
- Clowns, like really love clowns
- Animals, especially bats, lions, jackals and corvids
- Historical things (especially historical fashion)
- Science (biology, paleontology and archeology)
- I cannot live without music
- Have I mentioned clowns?
- Comics are pretty cool
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accio-victuuri · 2 days
let’s call this part one of today’s cpns cause i’m waiting for xzs side to share stuff and knowing that LOZ just wrapped, we might get something on that too. but i can’t wait to scream about these! good turtles really got the sweets for today!
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let the two cute babies invite you in… ⬇️⬇️⬇️
to those who have no idea what this holiday is about, then this might help you.
starting off the day with yibo’s audi ad. he really remains unbothered despite all the chaos, it’s business as usual on his side. and that is the reality of his life: it goes on. no matter what happens or who try to bring him down. he will continue to shine ✨ the story for the ad was so interesting, it was so nice to see him “cooking” and it’s giving me flashbacks to his other efforts. this is more of me as a cpf thinking about how yibo could also be making an effort on his own to cook, even if it’s not elaborate dishes. the fandom loves to paint xz as the “wife” who does the cooking but maybe yibo does too? and that grocery scene? AAHHHHHHH! domestic yizhan is my weakness. so while they walk into a store all dressed up like that, the thought makes me somft. considering there is a possibility too that they will be in the same city soon 🙏🏼
then xzs reposted menghai’s anniversary post which some are saying is unusual for them but who knows. WHAT GETS ME THO IS THE CAPTION. the fuck.
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WHO FAMOUSLY SAID THIS? to the point that it became a tagline for the fandom. Yibo. Yibo during all the drama that happened during Hidden Blade’s showing:
WYB: like what the director & that audience said, a movie can create a lot of thoughts but u still need to continue with ur life. for Wuming, i hope we can exchange sincerity with sincerity. we made this movie with our heart, so we sincerely hope that people will like the movie.
I’m not sure if this is some usual line or saying in 🇨🇳 with some literary relevance but the fact that it is associated with WYB gets me! XZS is known to do really good captions but using this? after all that happened with magnolia noms? i think it is not a coincidence. this feels like an indirect message. i am positive that they really intend to wish menghai a happy anniversary but the hidden meaning is not lost on me.
not only that…. they seem to match yibo-official’s caption too.
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The wind blowing in the wilderness // The wind galloping in the wilderness 🍃
the wind. in the mainland, WOF title is called Wind Chaser. i can understand it from YBO’s perspective and why that was included. but XZS? another coincidence????
and the caption for YBO had a paper plane which is a symbol that we associate with them 🫶🏼 ( i have a post for this but i cannot find it lol. if someone here does, please comment. )
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and as for the drawing, it’s very common for cpf to think that xz made it. not saying that ybo has no team of his own that can do it for him, but more of this is xz’s love language. making art for the person he adores. the fact that the t-shirt chibi yibo was wearing is inspired by that video of him dancing in 2011 was a nice touch.
the cartoon was supposed to be based on the photo which was from the olympics performance rehearsal — but to make it fit the Children’s Day theme, that was added. it is made by someone who loves him!
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not to mention some other details that stood out to us. i bet you can analyze each in every composition of it and make a cpf analysis but these are the interesting bits:
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but i’m more partial to that pig nose on the shoes! hahahahaha! when fans tease yibo, he becomes a pig instead of a lion/panther and this cheeky addition i feel like can only be added by someone close to him. a person who can get away with it 😂😂😂
the photo used had him with the green/pink shoes! plus the video shared, THAT HAT! ( i linked part 3 of my cpn post in but parts 1&2 are there for those who are not familiar or want a refresher) ! he is showing off again! can’t blame him tho.
sources: one / two / three / four
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★   .     muse  questionnaire.     intended  for  superpowered  muses  like  superheroes,     mutants,     metahumans,     etc.       repost,     do  not  reblog,     and  remember  to  tag  your  partners!
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“Danvers, @paragonrising​ I can only figure you’ve mistaken me for one of those Avenging clowns, because I did not get into this racket to be filing paperwork. If this is because of the M-920 Cain incident, I’ve already explained that that crater was already there when I got there!”
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you’re given the chance to give up your abilities. do you?
As far as medical sciences have explained to me, without my augmentational crap I would be nothing but a very good-looking corpse. So, no.
you’re given the chance to change your power set, losing whatever you previously had. what or whose do you choose, if any?
I would trade out my augmentations for prettier augmentations, yes. Maybe a longer lifespan, a broader range of functionalities in my computer-brain; which isn’t me being cute with words, I literally have one of those.
are there any abilities you would like in addition to your own?
Crap, I’m answering ahead of myself. Do you see what you’ve done here, Danvers?! I would like the ability to fly, I guess. Aero-rigs are expensive.
how competent do you feel with your abilities?
I was overdesigned to be competent. I am more competent than you are or will ever know and I say that competently.
do you, or have you ever, wish you had never gotten the abilities you have?
This is a question I am choosing not to answer.
what is the best part of having the abilities that you do?
I don’t know, sheesh. I guess it feels nice to be smart; y’know, to make things and then do good things with those things. It’s a good enough feeling.
what is the worst part of having the abilities that you do?
There isn’t a person alive that I can relate to. Except maybe your mother. Next question.
have there been any unexpected side effects of your abilities, good or bad?
Well, they’ve managed to keep me alive, I’ll let you decide on which is which.
are there any mundane things your abilities have made easier (e.g. opening jars)?
Sure, a neat trick I discovered is I’m actually highly capable of calculating probability and formula on the spot. Whenever I get bored of listening to someone, I can just recount some stupid, infinite equation until the voices get drowned away. I’ve been doing it right now.
are there any mundane things your abilities have made more difficult?
Take a good look and let your stupid imagination do the work for me.
are there any aspects of your abilities that you would never use?
Next question.
when you got your abilities, did you know how to use them immediately, or did it take practice?
No, I have always been incredible.
have you had any accidents with your powers, minor or major?
What I’m realizing is given my personal situation, this starts reading more like a Doctor’s Appointment for my cybernetics. ( is it? ). Next question.
is there anything you would change about your abilities?
I think I answered this already by accident. But I now want to shoot lasers out from my [Expletives Removed.]
have you ever used your abilities to do something immoral or illegal?
Not even once.
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“Well, that was appropriately pointless and self deprecating. Thanks, Dan!“
tagging: “I would not give paperwork to my worst enemy. That being said, I am forwarding this crap to Moon Knight @thesilverandjetsystem​ for no reason other than the prospect sounds genuinely funny to me. I hope he has me under ‘Spam’.”
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writerben01 · 3 months
Anon hate, Part 2
This morning I woke up to a bad comment without substance. I obviously deleted it. It’s not useful to respond to anonymous comments and the writer of them will not even see the response. But the annoying thing about anon hate is that it does make me want to respond. So let me just respond to the parts that jumped out to me here, for catharsis and entertainment.
For context, this is about my guilty pleasure fanfic Konoha Celestial Forge (KCF), which is a writing challenge where the main character randomly gets additional powers after I’ve written an x amount of words.
    […] this fic would be much more interesting if it were a SI instead of an OC.
I’m flattered you think I’m so interesting.
But really, the hubris to come into the comment section and complain about the basic premise and genre of the story. Hey Stephen King, IT would have been so much more interesting if it was a comedy; you already have the clown and goofy characters.
A self-insert story is characterized by a meta view on the Naruto universe. It’s someone who knows about earth morality and sometimes Naruto canon, using both to fundamentally change the Naruto world. These stories can be fun, but they are not the story I wanted to tell.
I wanted an OC. I wanted someone who was born into Naruto, thinks the Naruto universe is mostly normal, slowly getting introduced to all the alien perspectives that the Celestial Forge powers bring with it. It’s been fun to discover spells and go ‘ah yes, a ninja technique that is slightly strange’. Runic enchantment: ‘Forbidden Seals’. Creating Imps from pure magic: ‘I must have signed a summoning contract’.
As always, if you think a more interesting story could be told by changing the premise, feel free to write it.
I’m always open to suggestions and creative ideas. But you need to start with a ‘yes and’ instead of a ‘no because’.
    Finally…Why is it that authors always have to cripple MCs? There is such a thing a being average. Rather than being the best in his ninja class or an academy dropout incapable of even using chakra, why can’t he just be an average student ?
Urgh, it’s so annoying that we have to follow Goku. Why can’t we watch an average person in Dragon Ball Z? Why do we have to concentrate so much on the Z-fighters?! Why must we follow Naruto, the weakest Academy student, become Hokage? Kiba is far more average. Why couldn’t the series have been about him?
Some people are average, you know?!
The main character of KCF is weak, because he was given a gift of unlimited potential. It’s more interesting (to me) to see the weakest person get stronger than it is to see an average person getting stronger. Writing is often about extremes. Don’t have a single misunderstanding that ruins a date, have a dozen of them. More isn’t always better, but drama does require that we lean into emotions and ideas.
Like, this take is idiotic and reveals a complete lack of media literacy. Are you a child? In that case I’m probably being too mean. But the recent Twitter discourse about Starship Troopers shows that adults are capable of incomprehension of the most basic aspects beyond the obvious.
We can have average people in stories, having average lives and doing average things. Sure. There are great stories that do this. But it’s a trope as old as time to have the stable boy become the hero. To have the peasant become prince. To have Cinderella become the queen. In a story about low to high, let’s start as low as possible.
    It becomes tiresome when so many fics make their MCs the worst ever.
Then avoid them.
Are you trapped somewhere being forced to read tiresome fanfics in the same vein as Mystery Science Theater 3000? Do you need help? Do we need to call the police for you?
    I mean, this MC was getting tired doing normal chores. He sounds like he has less physical capability than humans in our world much less humans in Naruto.
He is a twelve year old that is spending his days doing heavy physical labour. He is tired because he’s pushing his body to its limits without breaks, knowing that anything else will leave him broke and then dead. So yes, when he’s doing chores he is spending energy he doesn’t have.
Like, obviously.
How much clearer do I have to be that he is in a bad position? That this is a symptom of a broken society where there is no recourse for disinherited children but to sell themselves into minimum-wage servitude? That he is mostly treated like an adult even though he has the body of a 12 year old? When we meet his boss, we find out he’s a kind man that is using these jobs to keep kids from being in a worse position. That implies he wouldn’t mind if Ginyoku slowed down enough that his body could handle it. The boss is not the one forcing this on the main character, but the main character’s pride is making him feel like a failure because he isn’t as productive as any of the adults.
Have you met any 12 year olds in our universe working for 60 hours a week in construction? Because that’s the comparison you ought to make. Do you think they’re a bundle of energy when they get home?
Even if he’s unable to use chakra (like Lee), humans in that world are superhuman. They naturally recover and can do much more than baseline humans.
I consider myself an avid Naruto fan, but I have never seen this presented as fact. We see that ninja can survive things that others can’t, recover more quickly and are generally stronger than could normally be expected. But we never see normal civilians exhibit any of these traits. Lee can’t shape chakra, but he seems to harness the chakra anyway to become a great martial artist. That is part of why releasing the 8 gates (and the chakra that comes with it) make Lee stronger. And only that after someone shows him how to train like that.
My main character starts out much more like a civilian than a ninja like Lee. Not just incapable of shaping chakra, but also incapable of directing it to strengthen his punches or make his body more durable. I am comfortable with the interpretation of the Naruto universe that civilians aren’t any more sturdy than anyone else.
And if you’re not? Tough titties.
    It just felt like pointless nerfing to me. What’s next? He’s going to lose an arm and an eye? And forced to create bionic parts?
Gasp! Imagine a character in Naruto losing an eye.
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Imagine characters in Naruto losing their arms.
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This is the kind of moment where I wasn’t planning on making my main character lose a limb, but boy am I tempted now out of sheer spite.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the kind of story where a ninja called ‘Anon’ slices off his arm, after which we’ll spend a full arch trying to get revenge with many monologues about the evils of the Anon responsible for making the main character armless, until we finally find Anon kidnapped in a spaceship forced to read through horribly competent fiction that goes right over their head.
Kinda wish it was now, though. Maybe for an Omake.
This fanfic is based on Brockton’s Celestial Forge, which is a 2 million word slow-burn (still ongoing). I don’t know how far I’ll get in writing this. I have 85k words at the moment. But I do know that to keep this experience fun, and to achieve the maximum potential of a strengthening protagonist, we need to wallow in his current weakness.
There is a fight with a chuunin coming. The main character won’t stand a chance.
These scenes are needed, so that we can compare and contrast when later in the story he is making mince meat of jounin.
I feel like this makes a good story. And if you’re going to go into my comment section to lecture about what I should have done to make a good story, at the very least include some argumentation and proper analysis instead of just a rant about a current trend you don’t like. Maybe next time I won’t have to delete your comment and I can just respond to it in civil conversation.
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bourboncynic · 1 year
This Is Me (Then/Now)
I’ve spent many years hiding it.
I’ve spent a good decade of my adulthood ‘dealing with it.’
I’ve spent many a nights over-worrying, over-analyzing, and over-committing for the good of fellow humans.
I can honestly say…
I’ve never spent adequate opportunities on myself.
I chalked it up. I bottled it in. I buried it deep in my subconscious knowing it will make a comeback but reckoned I can just deal with it later.
Now here I am.
(10) years almost and the feelings have returned.
How much do I sacrifice myself for the good of others?
How much of a front or façade do I portray to show people I’m not emotionally fragile or slowly slipping in the depths of hardship?
I deal with every stressful situation like it’s common, a norm.
I put walls up because it’s easier to not be hurt or be made a villain.
But it’s never enough.
I’ve become a scapegoat for others as well as myself.
But here I am. Drained. Stretched thin. Overwhelmed. Tunnel-visioned in a box in which any signs of an exit are still left to be found.
I’ve found myself feeling more alone in a crowded room than being on my own.
And I’m exhausted.
I’ve been exhausted for years.
I’m not broken.
Nor am I needing fixing.
I’ve been open, but it’s never enough.
My openness has been used as ammunition for others’ selfish gains.
I’m a crutch for people’s ego.
Their situation, their feelings trump mine.
My voice echoes in a sea of non-compliant attitudes.
Why should I be open if it only gets me so far. So far meaning backwards. A pawn. A science experiment for others to experiment on and based hypotheses off of.
I’m a Libra. A people pleaser. Non-confrontational. Indecisive. Misdirected.
Nobody says easily manipulated, exploited, stepped-on…
I’ve obsessed over ‘fads’ which I felt would better help me.
I’ve grown and styled my hair in every way imaginable. I’ve updated my wardrobe when the season dictated it. I’ve fluctuated in weight. I’ve gained and lost and put on and slimmed again.
I became a definition of discipline which admired some, but never seemed to be a redeeming quality.
Yet, I fall into temptation after temptation.
Sure, skipping the gym to do happy hour is fine. Raging at night instead of cleaning my house will be worth it. Being alone was better than putting myself on the market.
This progress is for me.
There we are, you and me.
Why did you do that? Or… why did I do that?
(You) made it come true.
I asked for it.
I promised you something in return and I haven’t delivered yet.
You won. I lost.
Unless… the path you’ve set for me is full of hurdles where the answer comes before the question.
Yeah, I do that.
Now I know why.
It’s the cure, from what I’ve seen so far.
It all makes sense.
It makes sense to those who understand.
Ten years ago.
So, extroverted, full of life, easy to love and give love, reckless in emotions and seriousness.
It’s all I had. And it worked.
I wasn’t a catch. I wasn’t Mr. Popular.
I surrounded myself with the arts for (20+) years because it was a place to hide. It brought me out of a shell I never knew I had.
‘Cause before I wasn’t like that.
Naïve, dimwitted, almost sheltered.
Now, this is me today.
Full of regrets, but also full of dreams.
I used to be small and scrawny.
I used to be a mass of skin and blubber.
I believed in the honesty of people.
I was blessed and had a lot of friends. I always believed in love and friendship.
The sins of my grandfather. Have more friends than those who love you. Be popular instead of loved and desired. This guy now, it’s not the same thing.
If you have 5, 6, 7, or 10 close friends in a lifetime, they’ve all got something special. But nobody cares about you in the background.
What about booze? What about acceptance and cool points?
When you’ve been in so many social circles as I have (theatre, improv, parties, concerts), you want something more.
I tried something and I got hooked.
The crazy haired guy got hooked. The class clown got hooked. The nice guy and “brother” to many ladies I sought after got hooked.
I was wasted mentally and physically. To the point that I got out of it but got sucked back in. Temptation of a creative outlet and meeting like minded social butterflies like myself (maybe once upon a time).
But it’s all there. It’s all there.
It was really tough.
I saw people better off than me.
Still see people better off than me.
I went from a naïve nobody to a social maestro and still thought, why can’t I be like them, why can’t I have all the privileges? Why am I just a regular guy? It makes me sick to see people… who have what I’ve been chasing for so many years. Knowing I have the same qualities, too. Much more than them. It’s not my fault if I was cut out to be an ‘everyman.’ I asked for it. I asked for it, really believed in it. Because I felt an ‘everyman’ was safe. Someone remembered and admired, but never made a stain in the blanket of life.
When you’re 13, you believe in your dream. I didn’t want fame and fortune. I wanted infamy. And I was content if infamy meant in a social circle I’d have for life.
People have come and gone. Some needed to be cut. Some I put aside but never picked up again, like a puzzle or a childhood toy that doesn’t excite in the same way anymore.
Well, it came true for me. But it doesn’t feel like enough. Maybe I’m there now but will never see it as such. I feel I have miles to go before I reach my destination. And I still ask myself today what I’ve done on this Earth.
I’ve done nothing!
For myself.
If I faded away now, hoping to start all over here in Phoenix or in another city (Madison, Portland, or Dallas). Start over with my mind and get my health back and the physique I dreamed of, pick up again.
Alone or otherwise. Maybe future tales to come? Of new friends and new relationships. Heartbreak or sonnets of romance.
So, I really hope nobody pulls the trigger on me.
Today, I pray to God. I truly believe I’m not in a movie or a chapter of some great romanticized novel. It’s real life. Real life.
I’ve seen so many things.
I may have been born in the desert, but I'm a citizen of the world. I’ve traveled and accomplished a lot for someone like me, in my age bracket, in my educational and artistic capacity. It’s hard for me to judge people and it’s hard for them… not to judge me. Easier to blame me.
That’s the problem.
Yeah. Something like that.
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knuts-and-bolts · 1 year
the rules of life (as i’ve learned them over the course of my 18 years on this planet)
1. fuck around and find out (aka the scientific method) (aka touching the stove)
have you ever found out without fucking around? you probably have, because somebody before you already did the fucking around. how do we know how much force it takes to break a bone? how do we launch shit into space? how do small children learn not to touch the hot stove? fucking around and finding out. might not feel great in the moment, but knowledge isn’t always comfortable.
2. everyone is bad at stuff
we’re all super bad at stuff. i’ll probably never leave to juggle, and even if i do, i’ll still have a billion things i’ll just be bad at. practice doesn’t make perfect. you can be bad at things. it’s literally not even that big a deal. go ahead, ask your boss if they can juggle. yes? can your boss cook? can your boss write a novel? is your boss good at ping pong? even your boss sucks at stuff.
3. it’s gonna be okay
on a more serious note, things really do turn out okay one way or another. i find that people (myself included) often mistake this for things going back to way they used to be. that’s not how it works. things are good, then bad, then new good. that’s the cycle, and it’s always gonna be that way. look for the new good, and be okay with that changing.
4. love something
pick a thing (literally anything) and let yourself truly and deeply love it. it can be a tv show, a person, a teddy bear, a cat, a rock, anything. love that thing. keeping all that love locked up inside you is like a cow with gas (bad). being loved feels good, busy so does loving.
5. do not kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that cringes
what i mean by this is two things. first, get used to other people enjoying thing. oh, you don’t think that guys should like my little pony? we’ll get none of your goddamn business, kevin. second, let yourself enjoy things. it’s okay if you want to be watch the pony cartoon, kevin. if it makes you happy, go with it. cringe is not real, nothing is, just live your life.
6. use your brain
for whatever reason you choose to believe (god or science or whatever) you have free will. use it to think about things every now and then. here’s some of my favorite things to think about: Who tamed the first horse and why? is the thing i’m about to say harmful to somebody? how many people could i fit in my car if i went full clown? do the people in life understand that i love them? is the thing i’m about to going to harm me or others around me? isn’t it fucked up that literally anybody can access wattpad?
final remarks: rule 7 applies to anything you might do. you may want to try rule 1, but let’s take a minute to think first. there are no rules in life, these are just my opinion. i hope you like my silly little ideas and this fun peek into my brain.
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arpmemething2 · 2 years
Icarly starters
Send one for my muse’s response.   Feel free to change pronouns as needed.
"Who's the dude playing in our toilet?"
"If you're looking for my pork pot pie, a cop ate it!"
"I know you have a crush on me"
"No more panties on the stairs!"
"I'd rather have a shirt made of ham."
"Man, is there anything money can't do?"
"You know, most guys have to get married to suffer this kind of abuse."
"We're never coming back to Wisconsin!"
"I don't know how to respond to that."
"I need to get more gas for my mowing machine!"
"You know, there are more important things in life than free meat."
"I can't take being dead, being dead is so boring!!"
"Hey, if you find 20,000 bucks in there will you give them to my mom so she'll stop crying?"
"Why is the counter wet and sticky?"
"I don't think hobos enjoy swimming."
"This is worse than the time you dared me to lick the swing set."
"Being a grown up doesn't mean you've got to stop being silly and creative and fun"
"You duct-taped my mouth shut!"
"I need to make myself attractive!"
"I wanna MARRY this boy!"
"We're gonna go find 'em and kick 'em in their Dingos!"
"My hair feels like it was attacked by a vacuum cleaner."
"If a guy wants a date with Mama, he should ask me. And pay for it. Or he can just give me the money and stay out of my life."
"There's nothing wrong with being in a book club!"
"Don't you think we both deserve one nice dance tonight? With the person we don't wanna kill?"
"What's wrong with you? ...I mean, other that the usual stuff that's wrong with you!
"Boys are just so cute when they're asleep."
"I’m not doing this for likes. I’m doing this to connect with people."
"I like seeing you get all feisty."
"They're not wrestling."
"I'll go get my boobs!"
"You love spaghetti tacos and you sing a song while making them."
"Is Santa Clause here to tell me I'm ugly and have no friends."
"I would have been the worst lawyer."
"Why do they put a bone right in the middle of a ham?"
"People sure love pun food!"
"Aw, come on!"
"I don't know what's going on here... But, I think I like it!"
"It makes me want to puke up blood."
"Will someone please put a brassier on that clown!?!?"
"I'm getting curvier everyday."
"There's so much not right about you."
"You haven’t posted for a month. In internet years, that’s decades."
"I may be an idiot, but I'm not stupid."
"Wanna go out in the hall and kiss?"
"Why can't I marry this pie?"
"On what planet is there squirtable fruit?"
"I know I've changed and all, but just how bad would it be if for one second I ripped her head off her body?"
"I love making fudge for people!"
"They're always kicking me out of that place!"
"What do hobos have to do with science?"
"You promised you'd stop drinking milk in the shower!"
"You know, I'm not sure if it's fair to blame the bus 'cause you fell asleep."
"Why are you drinking ketchup?"
"Oh my god!  Oh my god!  Oh my god!"
"Why are all Americans such idiots!?"
"I'm not giving you a sponge bath while you watch TV! Not after last time..."
"Oh, well pardon me for thinking that all foods and beverages could get along!"
"We could just tell him he can't sing on our show because he sounds like a pile of poo."
"Hey, remember the time I got stuck to the sidewalk? And that panda bear started – wait, that was a dream."
"I love hobos!"
"When you're rich you can make up words, now pungulate your fruit bar"
"Lying is easy, just say something like it's true."
"Dresses are very comfortable"
"Help!! I'm being sprayed!!! IT'S NOT WATER!!!!"
"Uh... cool glasses."
"I don't have leg hair!!"
"He's a big sack of yoghurt with a face! Baggles!!!"
"Are we really gonna go shoplifting?"
"I've been tased before...it's not that bad...it's actually quite a rush!"
"Mama knows her fat cakes."
"I think people will see it’s a mutual thing. "
"That must be hard loving someone who doesn't love you back."
"I'm sorry I puked on your shoulder."
"We need a table as far away from them as possible!"
"Fine, I’ll wear it to bed and only that."
"I'm not selling a yam to somebody that doesn't know her yam from her sweet potato!"
"What happened!? I heard Jamaicans!"
"You wrote your laptop's serial number on a marshmallow?"
"Stupid cops... not cleaning up after themselves... interrupting our web show... making me grumble to myself.."
"Everyone's innocent 'til proven cheaty!"
"I'm not a man-girl anymore!!!"
"I hate flowers.  Bugs sit upon them and make poo."
"It's been four hours, I think you need to get off the kitchen table."
"Now if you'll excuse us, we have a contest to win."
"Okay, what have I told you about kidnapping?"
"Excuse me, is there a problem with these kids who may or may not be with me?"
"When temperatures get high, the elderly will start to die!"
"If they offer you Oystamato just say no!!"
"You feel the rue?  Ya FEEL IT?"
"I'm in love with you, you just wanna be friends, and I'm totally cool living with that constant pain!"
"Who has urine trouble?"
"I love you guys so much, so get."
"I give good foot massages. Just putting that out there"
"At least you’re pretty."
"What are you, a cop?"
"Bad thoughts lead to bad actions."
"Do you think this dress is a little too... saucy?"
"No need to be hurtful."
"What if we kidnap him and keep him tied up 'til after the show?"
"You're the queen of the jerks!"
"Just keep kissing those frogs, this prince can wait."
"This lamp doesn't even have a light bulb! Just a potato!!"
"You know what? You are so right. And I'm sitting here with an Australian Eskimo with ointment all over his bumbleberry!"
"Look at that boy... look at him. I want that for Christmas."
"Her husband is the president"
"My favorite part of the fish, cap'n!"
"She wants you to hurt me with butter?"
"No one can hear you scream in a purple robot costume."
"When my mom buys a new bikini, she usually wears it around for a couple of days to 'break it in.'"
"Wearing blue and khaki makes me feel like a nub!"
"The tux is the key!"
"Your grounded for...till college."
"Haha, look!  His arm came off!  Haha, yeah!  Why don't you stay for dinner and RIP MY HEART OUT!"
"I'm not good with pets that... eat on a regular basis..."
"You guys just stood there eating cake while I was tampered with!?"
"What person orders 200 pillows!?"
"The internet is really smart.""Look, I know it's scary for you to let your feelings out, because you never know if a person you care about will like you back. Everyone feels that way, but you'll never know what can happen if you don't... Try."
"You wanna make the toilet water turn blue?"
"Ok, I don't see any criminal activity but I do see a jogger who really should be wearing a bra. Poor guy."
"That dentist due's really going to pay you a thousand dollars for that?"
"My mom thinks I'm awesome!"
"Well my arm doesn't have spellcheck!"
"That's good BBQ Sauce."
"Well, when someone's in a new relationship, it's like they're blind to everything else but that other person. Like when I started dating that girl, Jennifer. I had a bad case of poison ivy for two whole weeks and I didn't even know."
"I'm not slipping by choice! Stupid gravity!"
"Where else am I going to open a restaurant? I can't do it on the roof! I'd be visible to helicopters!"
"Don't use words I can't understand."
"I really need that laptop fixed... especially since I have no boyfriend"
"I can't go back to Law School, it was the worst 72 hours of my life!!"
"That fish had hopes and dreams."
"Your work disgusts me."
"Put the cuffs on loose would ya? I don't like it when they dig into my wrist."
"Is that a sock full of butter?"
"Electrical wiring just isn't your thing"
"I just need to wash my hands.  They smell like clams."
"It's a beauty pageant, not a BOOBY pageant!"
"I promised my mom I wouldn't cause any more trouble with the US Government!!"
"You know anyone but me would punch ya right in the head."
"I'm a plant murderer. One day they'll make a movie about me called: 'The Plant Murderer.'"
"I feel like my face is physically incapable of smiling"
"Your guess was so far off that we're calling your parents and having you tested."
"Hey, guess what? ...I started using deodorant."
"Some people are just born with the weenie gene!"
"My mom voted for your husband!"
"Did she say butter sock?"
"Maybe you want to put your vest back on."
"My head's jacked! I'm bonkers!"
"They sell pants for men now."
"These pants are squeezing me in ways you can't understand."
"What if we talk like this forever? I'll never have a boyfriend!"
"Okay, we're in a serious situation here. This is no time for you to bust a move."
"Strike while the meatball is rancid."
"Good, embrace your inner daffodility."
"It doesn't even taste like chicken."
"You could fit a body in there...if you had to."
"Maybe I should wear a bunny suit on our next date."
"All you ever think about is ham."
"I swear! I'm going to the kitchen to get a drink, and I'm not even walking! No! I'm riding my assistant!"
"I don't want to move to Yakima! It sounds like someone throwing up!"
"What kind of fauxpology is that?"
"I'm not all about goofy antics and spontaneous fires"
"What happens to us in the future? Do we become hobknockers or something?"
"Don't you give me ultimatums."
"That's an insane amount of cheese. It embarrasses me."
"No, I mean we rub ourselves with seet mustard and sing song tunes."
"How did this happen? You guys have a relationship and I have a magnetic fish!"
"Show me what you can become. There's a dream in everyone and it's all real. I'm telling you how I feel..."
"Okay, I'll prank someone! Score one for peer pressure!"
"I'm too full to ever go anywhere ever again!"
"I'm sick! I feel like butt!"
"Hey guys, look! I'm buttering my face! What!?!? My face isn't toast!"
"The least we can do is nothing."
"It was first day of seventh grade and my dad told me 'You gotta learn how to tie your own shoes. It's important.' Now I can tie my own shoes without even thinking about it!"
"Mama don't like saying chiz twice."
"You're blurry. Pretty, blurry girl."
"What do you say we move this little party to the couch?"
"I don't like working! I don't know how people do it. It's horrible! Th-they don't let you sleep, or watch TV, or go online, and they expect you to be nice to all the customers! And I'm not even allowed to eat the chili. Do you know what it's like to be me, surrounded by giant pots of chili and not allowed to eat it?"
"You want me to use a turkey baster to suck water out of your ear?"
"And we're clear!"
"A cute boy is gonna be here any minute and I'm all wrinkled like an elderly raisin!!"
"Wow, that greeting was uncool in so many ways."
"Help!! I have a cute date in less than 30 minutes!!!!!"
"You just wanna flirt with models in swimsuits!"
"Wet and sticky is very icky. Sticky and wet makes mommy upset."
"Which is why I say, the potato is superior to the sports bra."
"That is the last time I'll ever lie."
"Awww... he wants to be our geek."
"I don't take my shirt off anymore. Not without a good reason, like to swim or take a shower."
"Yeah, I had to do a lot of things, but I don't."
"Oops, I forgot my lucky fishing hat"
"Do you guys think I should get my eyebrows thinned?"
"Oh, excuse me for not being skilled at removing hams from my pants!"
"Never underestimate the power of shirtless European men in swimsuits!"
"Ok, no fighting, no dog food, but I will wear the bikini top!"
"If I wasn't worried, would I be drinking water with this expression on my face?"
"Do you want to see an old man cry?  Because it's not as funnya s you think!"
"My bed is a place for me to sleep, not a place for your Mexican fiesta platters!"
"I once met a freaky rabbi in vegas."
"I wrote down all your phone messages in here, which I've organized into three piles; From your mother, Death threats, and Death threats from your mother."
"This is why we’ve stayed friends all these years. Creepy genius."
"I feel like a daffodil."
"You set me up!"
"Look, if you wanna keep staying here then no more eating ethnic food on my bed!!"
"Who knew getting in trouble would be so impossible?"
"Oh my God, he's so hot I wanna bake cookies on him!"
"Oh come on, having a miserable life isn't all that bad.  Sometimes my mother laughs."
"You'd rather do comedy with a sack of yogurt than me!?"
"I'll try not to take that the wrong way."
"It's one of a kind.  Just like you."
"You think that just because you're on a popular webshow that you deserve some kind of special treatment?"
"It's ok! They didn't get the bacon!"
"Does he make it to banana land?"
"Shall we test your skills with a tenacious flogger?"
"You keep making out with your stuffed animals!"
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