#and i think thats all the tags i can put on this shitpost to walk out with my dignity
irequirealobotomy · 24 days
Trans person with a boner in a bath. Thats what I like to call a hard boiled egg
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meruz · 4 years
been getting a lot of asks lately so im gonna take em out all in one
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thank you!!! actually, I’ve been getting a lot of comments lately about how my style is messy lol (ie “I love messy styles like this!”) which feels a little bit like a backhanded compliment even if its not intended as such but yknow... I’ve decided I don’t care! I draw really cleanly for my day job and so for personal work and fanart I’m just going to be as messy and sketchy as I want lol. and hopefully it’s legible.
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I don’t mind! Thankfully, if someone makes an addition to a post, only the first like half a sentence will show up in my notifications! So it’s not like the length really makes a difference. And if it’s meta about the characters or about the art, I’d like to see it! I mean obviously content is going to matter... like if I draw art of my favorite character, caption it “my favorite character :)!” and someone writes an essay underneath thats like “actually I hate this character, I think its annoying how many people like them etc etc” then ofc I’m gonna be a little off put. But generally?? doesn’t bother me at all.
What does bother me though is when people RP on a post I make lol..... Or have a conversation with a friend? Like you guys know I get all the notifications for that, right...? And I’m a single person, not a brand who u can just use to shitpost...
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Yeah! Ofc! I should probably put up an FAQ or something but if you want to use my art as an icon/header/etc I’m fine with it so long as you give credit somewhere visible!! Same with phone bgs... not that you can credit those bc its personal use but like. if someone asks about it, maybe mention me? haha
oh also I think tumblr inbox maybe ate the message but I also got an ask about whether it’s ok to re-post my art on instagram??? And not every artist is going to share my opinion but I know instagram has minimal options to re-share art in a permanent way and re-posting is definitely part of the culture of that site... So, again, I’ll give the go ahead as long as you credit me! if reposting, please tag my insta which is @ automeruz
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NOT AT THE MOMENT NOPE... It’s been really difficult for me to fulfill orders in the past year so I closed my shop. The last couple orders that came in...I took like 3 months to mail them because I moved to a new city and had to figure out so much mailing nonsense and only had time on the weekends...
However, it’s one of my new years resolutions 2020 to set up a store again! so hopefully before the end of the year haha. I’ll advertise it here and on all the other social media when it goes up, probably.
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YAYYY I LOVE DIGIMON. Tbh, between pokemon and digimon fanart I feel like im regressing back to being 11 years old again. But I’m glad that digimon adventure appreciators are still around 20 years after the series haha! I recently rewatched all of adventure, 02, and tri (+ movies! obviously!) and had the time of my life. Emotionally priming myself to be obliterated by Last Evolution when it comes out lol...
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Impidimp and Dreadnaw!!!! (and Grimmsnarl + Chewtle by extension!!!! I think moregrem is just okay lol....) I am also a fan of dragapult but I think everyone is a fan of dragapult lol. It’s just the first dragon pokemon I’ve really liked in a long time, possibly maybe ever. Oh and I like Grookey and Scorbunny SO much - and their evolutions! I don’t really care much for sobble but I kind of like inteleon. OH and clobblopus is rly good too. and the new fossil kids, and I like that toxel walks like a Land Before Time dinosaur.
I love pokemon, I’m a staunch believer that there are no bad pokemon designs. Regardless of my personal preferences, all pokemon are good.
theyre hard to draw though... by far the hardest part of drawing pkmn fanart for me is drawing the pokemon..... digimon are easier somehow.
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Chips the Cat
2 fics in 2 days?? whoa
warnings: cursing, hairballs, al panics a bit at the end but its not too bad
ship: ralbert
word count: 1378
“You’re not allergic to cats, right?”
Albert allows his head to drop, absentmindedly fumbling for the remote and muting the TV as Queso perks his head up from his lap.
“Race, did you get a fucking cat?”
There was a pause and Albert groaned, shifting Queso off his thighs and pushing himself up from the couch.  Race was standing in the doorway, a sheepish look on his face and arms held protectively around a blue and grey pet carrier.  Behind him, several bags of cat food, a litter box, and a small cat bed were lined up unceremoniously on the ground.
Albert doesn’t hold back the exasperated groan that’s been on standby since Race opened the door.
“You got a fucking cat,” he concludes, wincing as Queso bounds over from the couch and begins barking loudly at the carrier, “Race, what were you thinking!? Do we even make enough money to care for another living creature?”
Race shrugs, setting down the carrier and unlatching the cage door, “I’m getting a raise this weekend,” he says, sounding a bit like he’s trying to diffuse a bomb, “plus, I couldn’t just let this little guy go.”
Albert watches as he pulls a young orange tabby from the cage, “Meet Chips!” Race exclaims brightly, “I named him on the way home.”
Albert raises an eyebrow, “Chips?” he asks slowly, “As in Chips...and Queso.”
Race beams stroking a hand down Chips’ head, “That’s the idea!”
“Unbelievable,” Albert mumbles, “you know, you could have called me to discuss before you adopted him, like- I don’t know- adults.”
The smile seeps off Race’s face and his shoulders sag a little, “Are you seriously mad?”
“A little,” Albert admits, “You can’t just go making big decisions like this without talking to me first.”
Race pouts a little, stroking a hand down Chips’ head and scratching his back a little, “I’m sorry,” he says, “So, we can’t keep him?”
Albert sighs as Chips begins to purr, cuddling closer to Race’s chest, “Does he make you happy?”
Race nods, a little hesitant and very hopeful, and suddenly, all the fight drains out of Albert.
“Well, I’ll look like a fucking monster if I say no,” He mumbles, more to himself than anything else, “yes, we can keep him.”
The smile replaces itself on Race’s face, lighting up his blue eyes behind his glasses.
“Fuck yeah!” He pumps his fist, crossing further into the room and narrowly dodging Queso as he tries to jump for the cat in his arms.
“But you have to be the one to make sure that Queso doesn’t murder him,” Albert demands, pointing a finger in Race’s direction, “and don’t expect me to clean his litter box.”
Race nods, wide eyed, “No, yeah, of course.  I’ll take care of him 100 percent.”
“Race, get your fuckin’ cat, Jesus Christ!”
Albert resists the urge to throw the goddamn thing as Chips bats his head with his paw for the millionth time since the movie started.  Queso was growling up at him, drowning out the sounds of Indiana Jones in the background.  
“If you wanna murder him already, I’m not gonna stop you,” Albert grumbles to Queso, ducking his head as Chips takes another swing at his ear.
“No, no one is murdering anyone,” Race snaps, padding into the room and plucking Chips up from his purchase on the back of the couch, “you coulda just moved him if he was bothering you so much.”
“I tried!” Albert cries, sitting up indignantly, “He just hissed at me and started doing it again!”
Queso was whining now, turning in circles by Albert’s feet and casting furtive glances towards where Chips was grooming himself on Race’s lap.
“That fucking gremlin seems to only like you,” Albert says, not bothering to keep the distaste from his tone.
“He can sense that you’re bothered with him,” Race says, staring lovingly down at Chips, who now lay asleep against his stomach.
“I don’t think cats work like that,” Albert scrunches his nose, “I just think he hates me.”
Race shrugs, “He’ll warm up to ya.”
“Hip hip fucking hooray.”
“Queso, no! No, Queso, leave him- no- fuck, RAAACE!”
Race barrels into the room freezing momentarily to take in the scene of Albert holding Queso back while Chips shoves soil at them from his perch on one of the windowsills.  
He stifles a laugh and Albert shoots him a glare, “Shut the hell up and get your fucking demon out of the succulents.”
Swallowing his laughter and putting on a solemn face, Race crosses to Chips and sets him on the ground.
“He’s just restless,” Race insists, “I just need to get him a cat tree or something.”
“Then fucking do it and don’t let him mess with my plants!” Albert just barely stops himself from stomping his foot.
“Okay, okay,” Race raises his hands in mock surrender, “I’ll go do that now.  Go walk Queso or something.”
Albert huffs, grumbling to himself as he grabs Queso’s leash off its hook.  On his way out, he tosses a middle finger in Chips’ direction.
“Albert Dasilva!”
“He deserves it!”
It’s the middle of the goddamn night and Chips is scratching.  Race had kept to his word and gotten Chips a cat tree, but since then, the fucking terror has done nothing but scratch the fucking thing.  Albert wouldn’t mind if Race hadn’t insisted that they keep the tree in their bedroom so, ‘Chips can sleep near us, c’mon, you let Queso sleep in our bed.’
Albert had lost that argument as soon as the Queso card was pulled.  You can’t really argue with hypocritical logic.
“Will you fucking stop already!?” Albert hisses into the dark quiet of the room, careful not to wake Race or Queso up.
He sees Chips’ yellow eyes turn in his direction and they hold eye contact for a tense moment before he hops up onto the bed next to Albert.
“Oh no you don’t,” Albert says through clenched teeth as Chips’ begins to knead his paws into his stomach.
Albert groans, letting his head drop back onto the pillow, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
He’s home alone, fist clenched tightly in his hair as he tried to regain control over his breathing.  Queso’s hovering uncertainly nearby, providing company and comfort, but not coming closer for fear of overwhelming Albert.  
He hadn’t expected the movie he’d been watching to trigger him, but one loud fight and a door slam later, he was 15 years old again, cowering in the kitchen while his father yells at him relentlessly.  
The shaking is getting worse and Albert has half a thought to call Race, but he’s in a meeting right now and that would be unfair to ask of him.  No, he could handle this by himself.  Everything was going to be okay.
Another shout sounds from the TV and Albert gasps, reaching for the remote and forcefully shutting it off.  He braces his forearms on his knees and leans forward, opening his eyes and attempting to tap back into his surroundings.  Queso comes a little closer, nudging his hand with his nose until Albert begins to run a shaking hand down his head.
It does a little to calm his nerves, but his heartbeat is still too erratic and his senses are still foggy and anxious.  Across the room, Chips meows loudly and Albert looks up in time to see him knock his plastic food bowl off the counter.  It’s empty and bounces when it hits the ground and Chips fixes Albert with a look as if to say, ‘feed me’.
Albert huffs out a surprised laugh, panic forgotten as he stands from the couch, crossing to pick up the bowl before filling it with cat food.  He sets it back on the counter and watches in surprise as Chips nestles his head against his arm before digging into the food.
“Ya know, you’re not actually that bad,” Chips purrs in response and Albert smiles, “I think I might not hate you.”
Chips cuts himself off from eating and begins to convulse violently, spitting up a hairball a few moments later.
Albert blinks, “What the fuck.”
Chips just looks at him again, meowing.
angst later
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @getchapapes @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable 
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @localfakeitalian @have-we-got-news-for-you
@musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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starlitnaripetal · 6 years
3 Fandoms Meme
I have too many fandoms...Uhhh I’ll just do one from pinnacle moments in my life I guess.
Tagged by: @chibi-sunrise
Three Fandoms:
2. SMT (Yes, this includes non-purseowner games as well. #playarealshinmegamitenseigame 😂 )
3. Fire Emblem
The first character you loved:
1. (CLAMP) Sakura: I mean, what’s not to love about her? She’s sweet, kind, kind of an airhead but when it gets down to business she handles her shit. On top of that, she always looks great doing it. From CCS to Tsubasa, she’s always been the one to think of others and puts them first, often forgetting about her well being. She’s just a really good kid.
2. (SMT- Persona 3) Ken Amada: This kid is fucking metal. His mom was accidentally murdered before his eyes and he still gets up to do his business like its no big deal. Obviously, his revenge plan isn't the best thought out thing (nor is it the morally correct thing to do) but he’s 8, cut the fetus some slack. Now, his P3P s.link is prolly the cutest thing cause he’s trying to be all grown up but he also has that internal struggle of wanting to be a kid for a bit longer and having to grow up because he is an orphan and he has to work really hard if he wants to get anywhere. On top of that, he’s actually alone in the world and it takes a lot for him to let his walls down. Now, fast forward to P4:UA- He’s a grown up kid whose on student council, in the soccer team and is top tier in grades. He’s a good kid who has struggled and overcome apocalyptic obstacles.  
3. (Fire Emblem- Awakening) Henry: He’s a dark humored ass nerd who hangs with a murder of crows and fucks with the dark arts for shits and giggles. If he was an actual person, it’s very likely that I’d be his friend and afraid of playing truth or dare with him.
The character you never expected to love so much
1. (CLAMP- Tsubasa RC) Fai D. Flowright: He is one of the newer characters in the CLAMP series, along with Kurogane and I was kinda sketchy about him at first but he later grew on to me. He’s also an actual mom. He’s always faking a smile in order to make sure that no one worries about him, and it’s really hard to get a read on him unless you really know him. Then you find out he’s actually horribly depressed and blames himself for everything that’s happened to him and those he cares about.
2.  (SMT- Digital Devil Saga) Argilla: The second I saw her character design, I went ugh she’s the forced romance character for the Serph. Turns out, she’s not. She’s basically the mom of the group and puts everyone in their fucking place. After that whole thing with Jinana, I was just like: YES! THATS MY GIRL!
3. (Fire Emblem- Birthright) Azama: I’m serious. He kills a bear with his own hands and he’s a walking sassy shitpost. I mean, what’s not to love?
The character you relate to the most
1. (CLAMP) Fai. I tend to beat myself up for just about anything that goes wrong in my life. However, I tend to hide that from those around me with a laugh in order to not bring them down. I tend to be protective of the few I have around me and make sure I can do whatever I can to make them happy.
2. (SMT- Persona 3) Ken Amada: My dad died when I was around his age and I felt like I had to grow up so my mom wouldn’t worry about me so much. I ended up spending a lot of time around my older cousins in order to make myself seem a lot more mature than I was for my age. However, those childlike tendencies of mine also came out here and there and it embarrassed me. Then, when I got to high school I became this super over achiever that fucked my shit up...and yeah.
The character you’d slap
1. (CLAMP- Chobits)  Hideki. He just needs a slap to get a reality check. Man, this guy.
2. (SMT- Devil Survivor 2) Airi. Her tsundere attitude gets on my nerves.
3. (Fire Emblem) Prolly Niles. He’d know why.
Three favorite characters
1. (CLAMP) Fai, Kobato & Sakura
2. (SMT) Ken Amada, Akechi Goro & Alcor
3. (Fire Emblem) Henry, Rinkah & Mitama
A character you didn’t like at first but do now:
1. (CLAMP- Kobato) Ioryogi: He was an angry dog at first and there never was a reason for it?? Then plot happened and it made sense. He’s also a giant softie.
2. (SMT- Persona 5) Ann: I didn’t care too much about her since they kept pushing her as the main love interest for the protagonist at the beginning. However, once I played the game and did her social link, I saw that she’s an amazing friend and she’s just trying her best to move forward even if she has no idea how to do it.
3. (Fire Emblem) Tharja: The instant I looked at her I knew she was the fan service character. What I didnt expect was for her to have a possessiveness over Robin that’s kinda borderline yandere. I’m not a fan of either of those things but I, a sucker for mages, ended up doing her social links and what not and I ended up liking her.
A character you thought you’d like but don’t:
1. (CLAMP- CCS) Eriol. Well I do like him, I just don’t like his way of doing things. WHY DO YOU KEEP THINGS THAT SAKURA SHOULD KNOW A SECRET FROM HER?!
2. (SMT- Persona 4) Rise:  I thought I would like her just based on her character design and the description of her. As it turns out, I hate her guts.
3. (Fire Emblem) Sumia: I saw Pegasus knight and went HELL YEAH. Then I found out that she’s too tame as a character to pique my interest.
Three OTPs: (most of these things are canon so eh)
1. (CLAMP) Kobato x Fujimoto, Touya x Yukito, Sakura x Syaoran
2. (SMT) Alcor x Hibiki, Jun x Tatsuya, Minato x Fuuka
3. (Fire Emblem) takumi x leo, olivia x henry, kiragi x mitama
I tag: @annoyinsamurai (GET REKT)
You don’t have to do this. I just wanted to tag someone lol
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roslin · 7 years
I was tagged by @missolitude (thank you!)  ❤
·        name: vanessa || nickname:  nessa, nessie, pumps (from pumpkin, not from anything weird)  || zodiac sign: virgo
·        height:  1,70cm / 5′7" || orientation: bisexual || ethnicity: white
·        favourite fruit: cherries || favourite season: winter
·        favourite book: ugh this question is so unfair... ok The Picture of Dorian Gray is my favorite, even though i might have enjoyed other books more or dont read it as often as others, but u know... this one fuks with me  || favourite flower: sunflowers bc they serve as metaphors
·        favourite scent:  oh ok, so u know how men’s perfume/cologne is really strong and u can always smell them as soon as they walk into a room but women’s are much more subtle and u can only smell it once u get really close to them? but then, but Then there’s a few women who are not like that and maybe bc they douse themselves in perfume or something but they have this very strong, very characteristic almost sickeningly sweet smell about them? u know the ones? i find that i rather like that || favourite animal: whales
·        coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? all of them, but i drink more coffee
·        average hours of sleep: 5-6
·        cats or dogs? both, but i favor cats more
·        favourite fictional character: laura roslin, minerva mcgonagall, kathryn janeway, briony tallis, chrisjen avasarala, etc
·        dream trip: dont have one anymore, but i like old places if it helps
·        when was your blog created? i just checked and apparently this blog turned 2 years old last week. cool
·        what do you post about? tv shows, space, ladies, ladies in space, a bit of literature, mythology, some political discourse, and a lot of shitposting 
·        do you get asks on a regular basis? not really
·        aesthetic: ????, books and women looking over their glasses and coffee and rosy cheeks
·        favourite band/artist? leonard cohen, david bowie, cat stevens/yusuf islam
·        fictional character I’d date: all my faves except briony bc she’s me (unless she’s vanessa redgrave, in that case i’d date her too)
·        hogwarts house: ravenclaw
·        Countries I’ve lived in: portugal, scotland
·        Favourite fandom: bsg, star trek, harry potter
·        Languages you speak: portuguese, english, spanish and a little bit of french
·        Favourite film of 2016: i dont remember a single thing abt 2016 and thats how i want it 
·        Last article you read: http://pets.webmd.com/dogs/ss/slideshow-foods-your-dog-should-never-eat bc my friend gave her dog a grape and i slapped her
·        Shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here: only if for a night, florence + the machine // nunca me esqueci de ti, rui veloso // motion picture soundtrack, westworld ost
·        Last thing you bought online: a game of thores ceramic coffee set saying ‘coffee is coming’, as a gift for a friend
·        How would your friends describe you? introverted af, aloof, control freak, thrust-worthy, sarcastic, a big nerd, looks like they could kill u but its really a cinnamon roll that could also kill you
·        How would your enemies describe you? arrogant, manipulative, snobbish, cold, conceited 
·        Who would you take a bullet for? my nephews, my mom, and my closest friends. and also every dog i see on the street
Getting increasingly personal meme
Tagged by @missparker (thank you! this has been in my drafts for 7 years bc i suck)
One insecurity: • just one? thats nice. im constantly worried that people will find out im not as smart as they think
Two fears:
• clowns • feeling lonely
Three turn-ons: • raised eyebrows • little smirks • when people are iNtEnsE
Four life goals: • buy my own apartment • own a bookshop • feeling at ease with my life • have one of those big ass bookshelves with a little ladder on it
Five things I like: • staying home (leaving this is as it is) • watching movies on rainy days • comfy pajamas • fuzzy socks • good hair days
Six weaknesses: • socializing • laziness • lack of motivation • talking about feelings • tall men • pretty women
Seven things I love (things not people): • books • hoarding makeup • long winter coats • dark lipstick • cheese • bailey’s (heyy) • rings
Tag eight people: @keekmenta, @michellefairleylove, @merylstreeeps, @catsbeforelads, @lesbiansofinterest, @aliensvu, @michellehair, @juleswhatever u can do both of these, or just one, or maybe none i dunno im not ur mom
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systemmalfucktion · 7 years
oc asks stuff i stole and didnt proof read
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
ollie petrov, i chose the name ollie bc i liked it and pretrov is just one of the most common surnames in russia. the meaning isn’t important to his character at all 
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
he had a decent childhood and grew up in a high income family but suffered the Neglect from daddy. his fondest memories are w childhood friends, bad memory would be Neglect from daddy and mommy and living in fear 
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
he loved his mama lots until she walked out on him, he didn’t understand why and he resented her A Lot, when he came to understand why she did it he thought she was a coward and resented her A Lot More. he never forgives her for it over the course of the entire story 
he cared for his dad maybe when he was younger but after his mom left he was basically sent off elsewhere. he made no efforts to talk to his dad over the phone or ask for visits bc he was completely content with not seeing him. after a bit he literally just hates his dad bc of Plot Related Issues, when they have their own fucked up version of Dad to Son talk later he word vomits every thing he hates about him and the dads like “ya i figured this would happen the moment u came outta mamas pussy. dammit”
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
no sibs
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
he was really good in school and used it as an outlet to pour all his attention into bc he liked the satisfaction it gave him when he got good grades, he planned on going to college until Plot Related Issues derailed his life. he liked the English Language and didn’t care for like science n shit
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
when he was growing up he was just a friendly nice only kid so he liked to treat friends like his family so he was well liked, when he moved away he lost all contact with anyone there. friends he makes in russia when he first moves there are mostly also left behind, hes Big on leaving places thats 4 sure
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? 
no pets as a child, he likes animals and is a cat person but didnt see a reason to get a pet
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
animals are probably chill with him, i imagine any instance with animals is probably just a chill one
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
same w animals, hes just chill. kids probably would like him bc hes relaxed and not strict. he likes the idea of being traditional and starting a family but he truly doesn't see it happening for him given Plot 
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
nope he eats whats put in front of him almost always
12. What is their favourite food? 
probs like a soup or something warm and filling
13. What is their least favourite food?
Get Those Damn Avocados Away  
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
when he went out to restaurants with his ma and pops as a child, or when way later his roommate Matt cooks for him when he was goin thru sum shit
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
he doesnt cook anything complicated at all, when shopping for himself its a lot of instant food bc hes cheap and doesnt care to put a lot of effort into his food. others either dont care or thinks its unhealthy
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
ive thought of this a lot and its mostly momentos, not that it matters bc every item he gets from someone is eventually left behind when he leaves russia as Symbolism. the collection serves almost no purpose bc of how often he Jumps Ship when it comes to relationships w other human beings but thats kinda the point
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
hes fine with pictures like selfies w ppl or scenery until hes in america, where he is convinced any pictures he takes or pictures hes in will end up being the reason hes found out. but in russia he liked taking silly pictures of just stuff around him. its like on instagram u dont know what someone looks like until u looked at what they were tagged in kinda, crappy over filtered pics of stuff around him like trees or windows. 1 of those instagrams....
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
he likes those shitty kind of john green novel types with the manic pixie dream with the wallflower type, indie music, documentaries or crime related, video games that are story driven rather than multiplayer. just ur average Introverted Bro
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
sci fi or anything BORING like that
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
doesnt care for musicals but likes music, he gets really focused when his favorite song comes on bc he wants to appreciate it if its on and hes not focused on it he will play it over again to Appreciate it.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
he has a temper but hides it well but if u manage to get him to actually lose him temper he will glare at u until its his turn to speak and argue u 1 response  before he Fucks Right Off meaning if it doesnt end right there Boy’s Got A Grudge. it doesnt happen often bc hes not huge on confrontation, the reason why goes from social anxiety when he was 14 to PSTD when he was 16
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
i dont know about favorite insults but he manages to stay polite in the face of people, and bitches about them to sergei when he can 
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
good memory and with faces for sure 
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
he doesnt stay up very late all that often until he has a reason to (heists n whatnot) he sleeps on an old mattress twin sized, p soft 
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
hed probably have normie humor b4 he met the shitpost that is (i had 2 rename her bc i forgot her fuckin russian name kms but this is a name on doulingo a lot so i wont forget hopefully) vera, her humor is like my mains shitposts so hed find that stuff funny after a bit. he doesnt make many jokes 
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
hes good at hiding emotions but when hes happy abt something (thankful for ex) he’ll make it known to them, good times w friends he’ll basically mirror what they’re doing, happy when he’s by himself would be a jittery smiling Fool 
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
lots make him sad, his daddy issues, roommate issues, mental health n shit. he cries a few times and tries to be secretive about it, over time he’s not that ashamed to cry in front of sergei given that he’s seen him cry a couple times. when he’s sad he’s even more quiet and sulky. if u made him sad and said u were sorry he’d say he accepted the apology but like the mood wouldn’t lighten up at all. 
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
1. big fear is probably getting hurt/attacked and being helpless (after the Great Stab), after that era he’s basically all up in self defense knowledge to prevent that turn out again. he’s scared of the ppl he deals to and eventually is scared of anyone he doesnt know well (in america, thats everyone outside of matty, joe, and austin) bc of the threat of getting caught by work peers who are looking 4 him. 
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
if he were to find out someones fear he wouldnt put it against them, if a situation came out where he could protect them from it he would try to do so casually. Nice Guy
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
he doesn’t exercise but if there were a case of him doing so pre would be a motivated Bro ready to get pumped and post would be tired dead man
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
he drank a bit in russia, hes the Underage Ollie. Underage Ollie is really clingy to sergei, the only guy he knows in the group of Bros around him, he tries to have a good time and laugh w everyone. hungover he’s sick and pitiful, boo hoo woe is me i feel like shit kinda way. when ollies around drunk sergei imagine this season of morty dealing with rick, like fed the fuck up but caring uknow? 
Not Underage Ollie is a lil more fun, he went 2 sum clubs w austin only a few times  ;) ;), hungover he was a less whiny version of Underage Ollie. he’s less caring when others are drunk around him bc its austin and austin drinks irresponsibly and is also is ex so SHRUG 
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
he dresses comfort over fashion and owns like 3 shirts basically. clothes shopping is not really a priority for him at all, but he does appreciate some aesthetics just not on himself.  he sleeps in his panties (undies) with a shirt, doesnt wear makeup. his hair is a mousy brown i guess? its not tamed at all hes got that anime boy protag gohan/luffy/ash hair  
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
boxer briefs 
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
hes a slight young twink man, and in his youth hes like 5′5 and it caps at like 5′10 maybe when he’s an adult. he’s ok w his body but everyones got insecurities 
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? 
guilty pleasure are the john green type shitty novels and the ungulity pleasure is idk! slime vids or something
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
he’s good at writing i guess (4 school, in english n russian), he likes 2 read, and he can sing but its like generic male voice singing. its just ok
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
he likes 2 read and he’s fast i guess, n like i said the genre he likes is that shitty poetic adorkable fictional stuff 
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
he likes when ppl are assertive, not really when assertive @ him, but when they can be assertive in general. he would love to be able to hold any power in any conversation he’s in between ages 0-18
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
emails and messages 
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
he can stay awake without any energy boosters for a while
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
he’s gay, he likes Boys. he likes nice friendly boys who basically carry out social interactions and are good at not letting things get awkward (this goes for austin and matt and even vera). he needs a lot of space, like an unhealthy amount of space, Like Mayhaps There’s Something Wrong amount of space. 
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
goals: get outta the bis! 
sacrifice: friend’s safety/livelihood!
secret ambition/guilty subconscious: get in bis and succeed 2 make papa proud! its a job handed to him that makes BANK and is basically a fallback if his goal doesnt work except he wont admit it to himself
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
no religion basically, he would probably not be an asshole about it but be kinda an asshole abt religion in private
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
he loves the winter bc he likes being bundled up, overcast sky, he’s good in the cold and he complains abt wet weather (rain and snow) 
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
like he’s a troubled navie kid, and he’ll come around when it comes time for him to work. ollie doesnt know about the work he has to do when he’s older for a while, all he knows is that everyone is Preparing him for something. he knows he’s troubled but he doesnt think of himself as stubborn like other ppl do. 
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
no, most of the time he’s kinda awkward. it reflects him p good :(. he basically just goes “hey im ollie” and depending on who it is he’ll explain what he’s doing like “i have your coke” or “im austins friend. thanks for taking me in” 
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
he’ll act mannerly and polite like he usually does, he likes getting dressed up fancy and being in a fancy space. not one for chit chat but he’s not Hating it
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
he doesnt care for parties i guess, he turns up at them to supply the good stuff and he tries to act like it’s a job, except usually the person he deals with is like ??? y so serious bitch? he’s dragged along by sergei p often, he doesnt complain in front of others but throws fits with him before or after
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Daddys Jacket. its just a winter coat that he wears a lot
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? 
accurate to what happsn in canon. his clothes, phone, chargers, wallet, and i think that would be it. hes pretty minimalist and doesnt want to be held down by stuff cus when he went to america he did so Swiftly. 
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