#and i was gonna make a whole gif of The Bookshelf Moment
piastrinorris · 9 months
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RJ'S SPOTIFY WRAPPED GIF MEME 2023 → 51 + leonard bast: consequences by lovejoy
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Heat of the Moment
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • In the heat of the moment, nobody truly stops to think about their actions. The archer doesn’t think twice about running into an active fire to save the love of his life • ANGST/SFW • TW: Fire / Burns / Injuries
Requested by: Anon
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It happened so sudden.
Nobody could have expected it.
“FIRE BROKE OUT—-WE NEED TO GET OUT PEOPLE OUT OF HERE” Rick yells off the top of his lungs taking the lead toward one of the exits shoving Carl in front of him.
The one time they take a large group on a run, could’ve gone a whole lot better. The prison had just gotten a big infusion of people, meant more mouths to feed. So Rick thought that a bigger group, including his son, can take on a run while Hershel held down the fort back home. But they never expected that the storm coming in would come with lightening that struck the place they were in. Run down places tend to catch on fire quicker.
Y/N was following Daryl who kept up the pace with Rick and Carl. But right as he crossed the door is when one of the structure beams came crashing down in the poor girl’s way.
“Y/N! Fuck!” Daryl yells coming back to find her way out was blocked.
“Just get out D! I’m gonna try the other exit!” She yells loud enough to him to hear through the chaos of the place before quickly turning around making a beeline for the exit she saw Glenn running through.
Glenn had waved her to hurry but she didn’t quite make it and her exits were closing left and right.
“Just go Glenn!” She yells stepping away from the debris that blocked her second option.
The Grimes were the first out of the building and Rick quickly checked his son to make sure he wasn’t burned or hurt in any way before running back directing Daryl out and then ran toward another exit to find Maggie helping Glenn out with one of his arm wrapped around her shoulders as Sasha had the other around hers. He took a hit in the side from fallen debris and struggled to get out the half fallen door. Rick’s frantic movements around the entire building finding his people flood out but the one person that he knew Daryl would kill him indirectly for.
“Where’s Y/N?!” Daryl yells running over to Glenn’s small group as Tyreese joined said group from the back exit with Carol who suffered a burn. She had gotten pinned by a fallen bookshelf and Tyreese tossed it off of her before helping her out. “Have y’all—-“
“She was behind me and then the exit got closed off” Glenn states wincing when Maggie lifted his shirt to see the damage. “I saw her heading toward where Tyreese ran”
“But we didn’t see her when we got out. Only fallen shit” Tyreese states when he heard his name mentioned.
His heart started pounding in his ears hearing two more failed attempts to escape, she wasn’t out. The place is falling apart. The rain wasn’t helping the flames.
She’s going to die
We haven’t even started
We haven’t even gotten that far
And she’s going to die
She’s going to die on me
The tears came on when his voice was being yelled for by Rick as his body moved but his mind didn’t. His mind was stuck focusing on the negative possibilities as he approaches the voice only for another to come into his ears.
“Y/N!” Daryl yells on the other side of the fallen structure hearing her coughing like crazy. “Hey you gotta find a way out!”
“I know! I’m t-trying” She coughs even harder than the time before making his heart race even faster. “I-I’m gonna try. I’m trying! Just need a window—-“ she yells as the only reason she came over to a blocked off exit was for Daryl to hear her voice one last—-
“TYREESE GIVE ME YOUR AXE” Daryl yells as his anger started to pour out of him.
The archer ran over catching the axe tossed in his direction as he used the fire inside of him to swing the axe right into the wall. The crashing and thuds startled the group as they watched the man make a hole into the wall.
“Dad what the fuck is happening?!”
“Y/N is stuck in there, Carl” Rick flinches to the sound of ongoing crashing that echoed the currently falling structure but the archer managed to give himself a big enough window. “He’s doing anything for the woman he loves”
The first night with new residents made a few anxious, especially Daryl. But he was more anxious about what he was about to do that night compared to having total strangers in his new home.
The archer made his way to the furthest watchtower that out looked the fence and outward. Not the one Glenn and Maggie hold up in that overlooked the yard. He was quiet on his way up not the startled the person currently taking watch, who happened to be Y/N.
“Hey, you’re not on watch after me”
“I know. I had to uh. Talk to yea about somethin’.”
“That’s ominous…are you okay?” Y/N frowns closing the book she always had on her watch shifts since the quarry setting it down beside her before rising from the chair and approaching the now silent archer.
The words got stuck in his throat all of a sudden as he thought back to when he first met her. She’s the reason the group got hunters infused to their party. She got them a place and Daryl lived up to it. Now he’s simply struggling just to say a few words.
“D, what is it?” Her concern pierced through him like it always does as he decided to act first and talk later.
His lips collided with hers and before he could even think of the negative outcome of her pulling back. She brought her arms around his neck pulling herself into him and returning the kiss happily before parting.
“Is…that what you wanted to tell me?”
“Yes…and that I love you. Have been since I laid my eyes on yea”
“Mm.” She hums with a smile on her face feeling his forehead rest against hers. “Took you long enough, Dixon”
Their lives are just getting started.
Daryl kicked a bit of the debris out of his way having a death grip on the axe as he enters the burning building in search for Y/N. Both Tyreese and Rick stayed by the newly made exit and kept it open until the archer found his partner.
Which he did…but not in the best condition. The smoke must have gotten to her, causing her to pass out against some of the burnt wood. Daryl quickly dropped the axe running toward her and checking her pulse.
The two at the exit quickly got out of the way of Daryl running out with an unconscious Y/N as the whole group watched him set her down gently on the ground. Pressing his head against her chest.
“Is she breathing?!” Rick frowns watching Daryl act in pure panic as he started to do CPR on Y/N. Something he learned from Hershel. He wished right then and there he never had to do it. But look where he’s at.
“Daryl—-“ Carol snaps at him for not answering but his mind was occupied and his body acted.
Don’t die.
“Let me take over” Maggie interrupted his thoughts by physically pushing him and taking over CPR since he wasn’t doing it hard enough.
Daryl wanted to rip her away and do it himself but both Tyreese and Sasha held him back. Let Maggie do the work that his body ached to do.
I can’t lose you too…
The tears were blinding him along with the rain that didn’t seem to be lighting up as the group surrounded the terrible display of Y/N…not breathing…suffering burns on different parts of her body…her light fading right in front of them
“Maggie please…”
No response
“PLEASE” Daryl cries and once he did, Y/N gasped and both Maggie and Carol covered her head just so she didn’t also choke on the rain water drenching them.
Y/N felt the pain instantly upon waking up but all she did was cry. Cry in silence because the pain was unbearable. Both physical and mentally…in that fire she thought she had lost…thankfully she’s there. She’s breathing. He’s there…and he’s breathing…
“Let’s get the fuck back and have Hershel and the new doc check everyone out.”
“Y/N first” Glenn spoke Daryl’s mind as he couldn’t speak in that moment. Watching Rick kneel down to pick Y/N up and carry her back to the car while he knelt there frozen.
His body ached
His head hurt
His heart broke…
He almost lost everything and with her breathing, returned to him…his anxiety left him paralyzed.
I could’ve lost her…
I can’t live without her…
I don’t ever want to
Tyreese and Sasha helped the archer to his feet as his body did the rest while his mind was still frozen in that state of mind. Rick had help from Carl and Carol with getting Y/N in the backseat and before they laid her head down, Daryl got into the car having them lay her on him.
Her body was shaking due to the trauma she just endured. The tears spilled as she looks up at Daryl whose own tears were hitting her and he tried to stop but he couldn’t. Neither of them could.
I need you more than you know
You complete me, I’d be lost without you
The Dixons were quick to ready their weapons toward the woman who didn’t seem to be carrying anything but an ice pick. Daryl lowered his crossbow and elbowed Merle to do the same with his hunting rifle.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to catch y’all off guard”
“What are you doing here in the woods alone pretty lady?” Merle, being Merle, just had to try and pick up the mystery woman while Daryl stood there fixated on her but more uncomfortable by his older brother’s existence.
“I’m not alone. I have a group”
“You’re quick to give us that info” Daryl chimes in watching her relax. “Yea trust us already?”
“Yes—-Well. I mean no but I doubt y’all would kill me at first glance given I’m not bitten and this one is eye fucking me” She calls Merle out on his shit as he quickly looks away. “But given your gear and instant reaction to my existence. My group could use some hunters with survival skills”
“What’s in it for us?” Merle draws close looking her up and down.
“Definitely not me, you creep” She hissed at Merle which made Daryl chuckle to himself. “We could use you to help us hunt for food. In return. We have a camp. Shelter. Supplies. We help each other out”
“Yea think your group will just. Let us…two strangers that tried to kill yea at first…in so easily?”
“If you wanted to kill me, you would’ve done so already”
She’s smart.
“Can we get a name before we join yea?”
“Y/N. You?”
“Merle. And this is my baby brother Daryl” Merle wraps his arm around Daryl’s shoulders as he groans shoving him off which made Y/N giggle.
“Just don’t do anything drastic and you’ll be great”
Don’t do anything drastic Daryl frowns letting Carol take care of the burn on his arm from carrying Y/N out and grazing himself on hot metal.
“She’ll wake up soon.” Carol spoke as she uses some of the tape to secure the bandage. “You can sit with her. I can get Carl out of there to give you time with your partner”
Daryl gave her a pleading look instead of using his words as she goes to do so, giving him a second to collect himself before rising from the tables to head toward their cellblock.
The archer waited at a distance for the Grimes to leave after checking in on their family and for Hershel’s hourly checks that he’s doing specifically on Y/N given she had died and came back. He gave him a smile on his way past him which ease some of his anxiety before going into her cell.
Y/N was still shaking but she was bandaged up entirely on the arms, a few scattered bandages on her face and neck, and some on her right leg. She had to be cut out of the jeans and shirt she was wearing given the fire burned her clothes on her. She was almost bear if it wasn’t for the shirt Daryl had given Maggie when she helped redress Y/N after her father and the new doc from Woodbury took care of her injuries the best that they could with their supplies. She heard the door to the cell closing and slowly opened her eyes seeing Daryl was the one to do such. His hands were shaking at his sides and he looks as if he hasn’t slept in days when the incident was only last night. He pulled the chair over to her bedside locking eyes with her as she couldn’t help her tears when Daryl broke down into a sobbing mess before her.
“Yea going before me for now on. I’ll have your back. I can’t lose yea like that. Watching yea not breath for what felt like hours” He sobs feeling her hand graze his knee as he carefully takes it in both of his. “I love you. I love you and last night killed me”
“Mm…M’not g-going anywhere” Y/N chokes out wiping away her tears with her other hand as Daryl pushes the chair back bringing himself to his knees and practically throwing himself over her. Being careful with how fragile she was.
But she didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around him bringing him as close as humanely possible in her state. Y/N kisses his temple running her fingers through his hair as she sobbed listening to him sob into her chest.
“I love you. I’m not going anywhere”
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ohallthecrushes · 1 year
"What about love?"
A/N: ok, this is what I've been working on lately. There may be part two, I have the whole story in my head, but I'm not sure yet how to write it down. Let me know if you want a continuation. I appreciate every comment and suggestion.
Summary: Both, Morpheus and Reader fear rejection and they worry that what they feel to each other could change the dynamic of their friendship. Morpheus is quite guarded when it comes to falling in love and Reader is afraid that by allowing her feelings to grow and acting on them may somehow destroy what she already has with Morpheus. They need help from someone like Matthew to realize how foolish they both are and how they should finally go for it and be together. In essence, idiots in love. xd
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"I will not elaborate on that." You shook your head refusing to talk about your feelings for Morpheus. "We're friends that's all."
"Friends?" Matthew ruffled up his feathers in disbelief. "What friends have eyes on each other like that?"
"Like what?" You raised your brow and looked up at Matthew. He was hopping on a lower tree branch on your right side like he was unable to stand still, due to how impatient he felt...
"Like you are looking at the most delicious cake you've been longing to eat after a long time of starvation, but for some unspecific reason you won't."
You chuckled. "So you're saying there's a sexual tension between us?"
"Yes! But not only that..." He raised his wings slightly annoyed by how foolish you and Morpheus acted, not willing to admit to your feelings towards each other. "There are feelings there. Deep ones." His voice softened a bit. "All those romantic dates you've had, all those soft gazing at each other, sweet whispers, nervous flirting..."
You sighed as you adjusted your position, leaning back against the tree. You pulled your knees closer to your chest, thinking about what Matthew had already said, thinking about your joyful times spent with Dream lord.
"... It's all there in everything you do when you're two together." He flew down and landed on grass next to you. "Love." He added as if it wasn't obvious already.
Love. You let that sink in.
A very strong, very overwhelming, very perilous feeling.
You closed your eyes for a moment, Morpheus face and his starry eyes gazing at you appeared in your mind like a picture framed.
But love is also a very beautiful, very pleasing and absolutely treasured thing worth feeling.
Matthew was right. There was a potential for love between you and Dream lord. And if you were being honest with yourself, if you could only let go of your fear of rejection and insecurities, maybe you were able to embrace what your heart was holding for Morpheus.
You opened your eyes and looked at the raven. Matthew was observing you, knowing that his pep talk finally managed to make you consider taking some action. There was still some work to do, especially on Morpheus behalf, but seed had been already planted.
"I have to admit..." You said. "Your gentle nudging seems to be working." Your lips curled up into a soft smile. "I have some feelings for Morpheus, but..."
"Oh, there's always a but." Matthew sighed to himself.
"... I don't know if this is a good idea to let him know, I'm not sure if Morpheus is... ready to take our relationship to a deeper level."
You pondered as you leaned your head back, not realising that Matthew had already spread his wings to fly away. When you looked at him he was at a far distance, and before you could stop him, he came off the ground.
"Matthew!" You called after him. "You're not going to-"
"Worry not, Y/N! Morpheus won't find out about our talk! I'm just gonna encourage him in a subtle way to acknowledge his feelings and to talk to you about them!" Matthew made an exciting rattle sound and flew away to the palace to play Cupid.
Oh no you thought. Matthew and his subtle way to make things happen.
Matthew perched on a nearby bookshelf, looking thoughtfully at Morpheus as he stood by the window, gazing into the night sky. The raven knew he had to tread carefully, for Morpheus was not one to easily share his emotions.
"Speak freely Matthew. What's on your mind?"
"Ah, you know..." Matthew began, pretending to be nonchalant, "I couldn't help but notice how Dreaming has been beaming lately with glee, warmth, fresh spring hair... Love..."
Morpheus raised an eyebrow, not giving away anything.
"And I think it has something to do with Y/N being here..." Matthew continued. "She seems to enjoy spending time with you, seeking your company more often. And I dare to say, you seek for her companion too."
Morpheus shifted slightly. "Her presence has a quite delightful impact on my realm, yes." He stated, trying to remain composed. He didn't know where Matthew was going with it, but definitely something mattered.
"And it's more than that, sir." Matthew paused, implying that you had a strong impact on Lord of dreams himself.
Matthew considered his next words. "But I also notice... Well, actually it's not only me who has noticed that, that you both, ah... are unaware of each other's feelings."
Morpheus turned his head to him and Matthew shifted slightly under the intense gaze of Dream lord.
"As much as I usually welcome your insights and wise counsel, it is not your position to interfere with what me and lady Y/N have." Morpheus said in a soft but firm voice, politely reprimanding his raven.
"I know, forgive me my boldness, sir." Matthew lowered his head in a respectful way.
There was a long pause between them as Morpheus turned his head back to the window pondering on something. He remembered that he and Matthew had already had a similar conversation like this a few weeks ago. It started all with Matthew sharing tales of past loves and the consequences of hesitating, of not considering what two lovers might regret if they continued to hold back.
It's then when Matthew had said:
"Lady Y/N is rather fond of you, and she has a heart of gold, she does."
Morpheus had glanced at Matthew, his expression softening ever so slightly. "She is a remarkable woman," he'd admitted.
"Indeed, she is," Matthew had agreed. "And I think she deserves to know how you truly feel about her."
The Dream Lord had averted his gaze, but Matthew could tell he was considering the raven's words. "I do not wish to burden her with my emotions," Morpheus said quietly.
"Ah, but emotions are not burdens, my lord," Matthew had said wisely. "They are the very essence of life. And Y/N is no stranger to the complexities of feelings. You may find that she's quite perceptive when it comes to matters of the heart."
And that was how the conversation had ended as Morpheus didn't respond and just took his leave saying something about important work to do in the Dreaming.
Having this memory in mind, Morpheus sighed, his defenses weakening. "Perhaps you are right, Matthew" he admitted with a soft distance voice. "But I..."
Matthew hopped closer, a comforting presence. He was listening closely, though he didn't like another but that he heard today. When his lord hesitated to finish his sentence, Matthew decided to respond because he already knew what this but was about.
"Y/N cares for you deeply, and I believe she would welcome your affections."
Morpheus was about to respond when Matthew's beak slipped, and he couldn't stop the next words that spilled out. "She cares for you more than you know, my lord. In fact, she's quite smitten with you."
Morpheus froze, a mixture of surprise and curiosity crossing his features. "Smitten, you say?" he inquired, unable to hide his interest.
"Oh, yes!" Matthew said, trying to recover from his little slip-up. "It's evident in the way she looks at you, the way she lights up when you're near. It's quite enchanting to see."
A small smile tugged at the corners of Morpheus's lips. "Enchanting, you say?"
Matthew nodded, now unable to conceal his excitement. "Absolutely, my lord! She adores you, and I dare say she wouldn't mind knowing how you feel about her."
Morpheus took a moment to process the revelation, his mind racing with possibilities. "Perhaps... I should tell her," he murmured.
Matthew couldn't contain his joy and relief. "I think that would be a marvelous idea, my lord!" he exclaimed. "Love is a rare and beautiful gift. Don't let it slip away."
The Dream Lord gave a slight nod, his heart warming to the idea. "Thank you, Matthew," he said sincerely. "Your counsel has been invaluable."
Matthew beamed with pride. "You're welcome, my lord."
And with newfound determination, Morpheus left the room, leaving Matthew to bask in his success. The raven knew he had played a small part in bringing the two souls together, and he couldn't be happier for them.
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jordanlahey · 2 years
“Blast from the Past” PT4
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Pairing: the lost boys x reader
Summary: The boys feast and chase downs local witch coven and it didn’t work out in their favour. Home was home but at the same time it wasn’t.
Warnings: none
Word count: 833
A/N: my dumbass deleted the original post cuz I’m so smart.
The pain in your head was unbearable it caused you to awaken, at first your surroundings didn't seem familiar until you focused a little more and it became clear you were in the cave. You groaned as you sat up, the light hurting your head a little more but you pushed through it, you heavily doubted that the boys would have kept any form of painkillers hidden around the cave but then again that wouldn’t do you any good they’d probably just recommend you drink vampire blood and never worry about a hang over ever again.
You headed back to your house and funnily enough your grandma was waiting for you. Your body tensed, there was an atmosphere definitely but you didn’t know why.
“Staying at your friends again?” She asked. It honestly didn’t come across as one but you said yes anyways. “A boy? Or girl perhaps?”
“Doesn’t matter anyways, I’m sorry for not being home more I swear I will try to work on it.” She smiled at you and walked towards you then she embraced you in a hug.
“Im just glad you’re socialising more but please be safe.” With that she left the house. You stood in the empty entrance of your grandmas shop wondering what to do next, you still needed to find that damn spell and you knew there had to be something here what kind of spiritual witchy shop doesn’t have spells or anything about them? You tried closing your eyes and concentrating really hard on the spell you were desperate to look for and the sound of sparks broke you from your concentration. A green glow met your gaze in front of you and then it grew into a line leading up the stairs, you pondered for a moment before following it and as you did so the glow behind you disappeared.
The green line lead you to the door it basically carried on through that door and you were very hesitant to open it. It was your grandmas bedroom. You were never allowed in there, there could be anything in that room but you needed that spell. You opened the door but still didn’t go inside, the room wasn’t all that exciting she had an alter by her window, her bed and the bookshelf. Bingo. You held out your hand and thought of the counter spell again and a book from the shelf started making its way into your hand. You smiled happily it was your grandmothers book of shadows, just then the book opened itself to the page you were looking for. ‘Spooky’ you thought.
Taking your phone out you took a picture of both pages one was the real spell and the other was the counter, you checked the before pages and the after pages to make sure you didn’t miss anything then doing the same you placed the book back on the self the same way you took it out then shut the door like you had never been near it. You sighed upon entering your own room and sank into your bed. You had the spell all this could be over by tonight you can send them home but. There’s always a but, you were starting to enjoy their company you didn’t want it to be over except if you kept them here it would be selfish of you and whoever sent them here wins.
You spent the whole day thinking of this that you hadn’t noticed that the boys came to visit you, they just chilled outside your window out of sight of anyone else but enough so you could notice them. They waiting and you were so deep in thought that they had to break you from your trance by tapping on the window.
“Sugar, you gonna let us in?” Paul flashed you his cutest smile and puppy dog eyes, you couldn’t say no to those, you headed towards the window and opened it.
“Come on in but keep quiet.” You pointed to the door meaning your grandma was home they all understood. Without a doubt at all Paul and Marko started having their little nosy around your room all your trinkets and stuff. They were both so easily entertained, you smiled at their interactions with all your modern day technology. Dwayne was looking at the things on your wall trying to avoid touching anything. You noticed Paul making his way to your drawers and you basically pounced in front of him blocking the drawers.
“Nope, those are strictly for my eyes only, no boys allowed.” You tried to stay as clam as possible, the two blondes exchanged looks and work matching smirks but backed away.
“Did you find anything?” David grabbed everyone’s attention with such one simple question that had one simple answer. You looked at their faces there was a sense of hope in their eyes, they wanted to go back home the boys were itching for it. And with your simple answer you said…
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daisysliv · 3 years
you chose her | steve rogers
word count: 2219
pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader
summary: in which steve has been distant since the final battle and you finally figure out why
warnings: swearing, angst— like a hurtful amount, slight fluff if you squint, mentions of death
notes: i dont why but this physically hurt me to write. i turned into a mess— also wrote this in three hours instead of going to bed bc ✨fuck sleep✨ but i hope you enjoy it!
marvel bookshelf
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Being with him was like a fairytale.
He treated you like you were the only girl in the world. Took you on the best dates you’ve ever been on. Bought you flowers and chocolate when you were feeling sad. He sometimes made you some of your favorite foods even though he didn’t necessarily like cooking. He held you tightly at night as if he was afraid you were gonna turn into dust like half the population. He would always kiss you gently on the lips before he left to go for a run, go run the support group he formed after the blip, or meet with Nat. But alas all fairytales must come to an end.
He’s been acting weird— acting distance since the final battle against Thanos and Tony’s funeral. You had tried to speak with him but he would give some excuse as to why he didn’t have the time. He would either say he needed to train, he had paperwork to finish, Bucky needed him, Banner needed to go over the plan to return the stones, or he just wouldn’t say anything and walk away. You felt your heart break a little every time he ignored or ditched you.
You just wanted to know what was going on but he didn’t give you the time of day anymore and you didn’t understand why. Everything had been fine— actually more than fine, it had been great so when he started acting this way it stunned you.
In the beginning, you chalked it up to him grieving over the loss of Tony and Natasha during the battle but as more time passed you knew that wasn’t the case. You began to think you had done something and you went through every memory in your head trying to figure it out but nothing stood out. The two of you haven’t fought and you certainly hadn’t mumbled something that would make him act like this.
“Hey, Buck.” You greeted, falling into step with the super-soldier.
“Hey, doll. What can I do for you?” He threw an arm over your shoulder whilst the two of you walked towards the kitchen at the compound.
“Well, Steve has been acting distant… and I figured that if anybody knew why it would be you.”
He eyed you for a moment, seeming to think about his answer carefully. “Sorry, doll, wouldn’t know.”
He was lying. His stance had changed, the tone of his voice changed, he withdrew his arm from around you.
“Sergeant Barnes, Captain Rogers requests your presence in the gym.” Friday’s voice echoed through the hall cutting you off from scolding the veteran.
“Tell him I’ll be a few minutes.”
The two of you came to a stop and he looked at you with a look behind his eyes that you couldn’t decipher. Was it sadness? Guilt? Or a look that was something completely unrelated?
“Bucky, please, if you know something tell me. I can’t talk to him because he won’t even look at me for longer than two seconds. He won’t talk to me. He moved back into his old room and I can’t… I can’t handle this. Please.” You begged, tears blurring your vision.
“Doll… I can’t tell you.”
“So you do know something?”
“I do but I can’t tell you.” He places his hands on his hips and looks down at the floor for a second. “Look, I- I will talk to him and tell him to speak with you, okay?”
You only nodded scared that if you opened your mouth you would break down right there. Bucky turned his whole body to face you and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into him. “I miss him.” You cried.
“I know… I know. It’ll be okay, doll.” He whispers and places a kiss on the top of your head, letting you cry in his arms for a few minutes before he slowly lets go of you and backs away. “I gotta go meet Steve now.”
Wiping your face, you nodded and pushed past him without another word.
It has been a few days since your talk with Bucky and Steve has only been avoiding you more. You caught a glimpse of him once in the last four days and you could feel the end coming. You cried yourself to sleep because it seemed to be the only thing you could do.
He wasn’t there to hold you. He wasn’t there to kiss your forehead and reassure you everything was okay. He wasn’t there to tell you that you were just being paranoid. He just wasn’t there and it killed you.
Your heart ached for him and your body ached to feel his touch. It ached to hear his voice, his laugh. It ached to see his piercing blue eyes and run your fingers through his soft blond hair. You ached to feel his lips on yours again.
He was slowly disappearing from your life and it hurt like hell.
“Yes, Ms. L/N?” Her voice came through as soft as it always is sending a wave of comfort through your body.
“Could you try him again?” You asked, your voice cracking towards the end of the sentence.
“Of course.”
You picked at your nails letting tears fall freely down your cheek.
“Ms. L/N, Captain Rogers appears to not be here.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach. “Where… where is he?”
“Captain Rogers is with Doctor Banner, Sergeant Barnes, and Mr. Wilson by the lake. He is returning the stones today.”
Upon hearing those words, you quickly left your room and ran towards the lake. It was a five-minute run to where Steve would leave to go back to all the years that they took the stones from. It was a mission you were eager to see and had volunteered for but they thought Steve would be better which you didn’t argue with but they had promised to tell you when it was. And they didn’t.
Getting closer to the location you slowed to a walk and arrived a second before Steve left.
“Wait!” You quickly covered the switches before Bruce could touch them. All four men looked at you with surprise in their eyes, the blue-eyed super soldier had more surprise written on his face than the others. “Nice try, boys. Steve, we are going to talk now.”
“Y/N, can this wait?” You nearly let out a sigh in relief at the sound of his voice but you held it in.
“Why? It’s not like anybody’s in a rush. Are they in a rush to get these stones back, Bruce?”
“W-well, no.” He answered nervously looking between you and America’s golden boy.
“Great! Can you boys leave us for a few?” Bucky nodded motioning Sam and Bruce to follow him. Once they were far enough out of earshot you walked up to Steve, tears already brimming in your eyes.
Some say he was hard to read but to you, he was an open book. You could look at him and just know what was going on in his head, which is why looking at him now you knew what was happening. Looking at him, you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth trapping it there as your mind swirled with the realization of what was happening.
To anyone else, he was looking at you the way he always has but to you it was different—it held so many unspoken words that he’s never said aloud and couldn’t find the right words to even say it. It held his plan and how he wasn’t going to tell you.
“You aren’t coming back.”
It wasn’t even a question, you could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t coming back. He was choosing to return the stones but stay in the 40s. He was choosing her. He was choosing a woman he knew years ago. He was going to leave you behind to be with her. Peggy fucking Carter.
You heard stories of her—growing up you looked up to her. She was the reason you went onto be a SHIELD agent and soon join the Avengers. But now she was the reason you were losing the love of your life. The one person who could bring you out of the dark place that you sometimes found yourself slipping into.
“I’m sorry,”
“You’re sorry? That’s… that’s all you have to say? You son of a bitch! You’ve been planning to leave and not even tell me! You were just gonna leave me with nothing, Steve. No… no goodbye, no explanation, nothing, and all you have to is your sorry?”
“I can’t stay here. I… Princess, please understand.”
“What’s there to understand, Steve? You are choosing a woman you haven’t truly known in years! You were going to leave and not tell me!”
“Because you would’ve talked me out of it!”
“Of course I would have! I love you and I’m your fucking fiancé! You proposed, Steven! You— God! You asked me to marry you and now… now you’re choosing another woman.” You couldn’t stop the crack in your voice or the tears from falling down your face. “You weren’t even gonna tell me goodbye.”
“Bucky would’ve… he would’ve told you and given you a letter.”
“A letter? A fucking letter?” Not only was your heart falling apart in your chest but your blood was boiling with so much anger towards the man in front of you. “You fucking bastard! I have been by your side for years. I was branded a criminal to help you and never left your side! I loved you and gave you every piece of me and you’re just… no, don’t touch me!” Unbeknownst to you in all your yelling, he had gotten closer to you so he could wrap his arms around your trembling body. You struggled against his grip, trying to push him off you but he was significantly stronger than you and wouldn’t budge. You continued to push at his chest until you finally gave in and melted into him. “I hate you… I fucking hate you!” You sobbed into his chest.
“I know.” He whispered in your ear, not releasing his grip in the slightest.
“You can’t… I need you.”
“Princess, I can’t stay here. I love you so much but I need to see if I can live a life where I was supposed to. I’m a man out of time, I’m not supposed to be here.” He tried to explain through his own tears.
“Then why did you let me love you? Why the hell did you let me get so close?”
“I didn’t know this would happen.” He ran his fingers through your hair sending shivers down your spine. “I’m so sorry, my love, I’m sorry.”
“Please, stay. Please, Stevie.” You whimpered, wrapping your own arms around his waist.
“I can’t, princess, I just can’t.”
“But you can! You can and you're choosing not to! You’re choosing to leave me! You asked me to marry you and to be with you forever because you were sure about us and here you are.”
“I know I did. Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“Stevie,” You whimpered his name, gripping the collar of his suit so tight your knuckles began to hurt. “I’m begging you not to stay there.”
“Okay… okay, I won’t. I won’t even do the mission, I’m sorry.” You buried your head in the crook of his neck, sobs escaping past your lips. “Come on, let’s go home.” He left the case full of the stones next to the machine and adjusted his hold on you so he could pick you up bridal style.
You kept your head buried in the crook of his neck, hands still gripping the collar of his suit scared that he would just disappear. He dipped his head down and placed a gentle kiss on your exposed collarbone.
“Banner, have somebody else do it.” He told the scientist as he walked past the three men— one of whom tried and failed to talk him out of his stupid plan.
“I love you.” You murmured when he sat you down in the truck he had taken from the garage at the compound earlier that morning when he had gone out for what he thought would be his last look at modern-day New York while he still looked young.
He hooked his pointer finger under your chin and lifted your head to look at him. Your eyes were swollen and red and tears still fell down your cheek. His heart swelled with love and so much guilt. He pulled his hand back from under your chin and cupped your cheeks, using his thumb to wipe the salty tears away. “I love you, my beautiful princess.”
His thumbs ran gentle lines across your cheek and he dipped his head down to slot his lips together with yours. You melted at the contact, closing your eyes, and brought a hand up to hold onto one of his wrists. Your lips moved against each other perfectly in sync.
You pulled away first when a wave of exhaustion ran through your body and you felt your eyes begin to grow heavy. “Try that again and I’ll kill you.” You tiredly threatened.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, my love.”
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“Love and War / Chapter II″ - Luca Changretta x reader
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Summary: Waking up to an empty bed and the words that Luca left for you, you soon realise that everything is going to go down today, and you’ll soon have to pick a side. 
A/N: I swear that this post took me at least three tries, tumblr kept deleting and/or messing up the formatting so I’m really hoping that this is worth it lol 💕
Words: 2.7k
Chapter I Chapter III
The next morning you shifted in bed, stretching your arms in search of your lover’s body, but all you felt was the crumpling sheets, still warm from where his body was not too long ago. You groaned, sitting up and scanning the room, eyebrows scrunched into a tired look. If you had to guess what had happened the night before just by looking at your room you wouldn’t have had any clues. Your clothes were neatly folded by the chair and there was no other evidence that anything had indeed happened. No clothes abandoned on the floor, no man lying next to you. 
You walked down the stairs almost second guessing yourself, thinking over the night's events while you prepared a cup of coffee that you so desperately craved. Taking a big sip your eyes landed on the small table by the door, only usually adorned by a small plate for your keys and some letters that you hadn’t gotten around to opening yet, now decorated by a beautiful bouquet. You never had flowers around, the item useless and expensive, not something that you could afford with your paycheque, but just with their presence they lit the room up, their delicate perfume filling your lungs. You smiled and walked up to them, lifting the small card up to read it. A simple phrase full of adoration and love, with a few words in Italian, made you blush at the love you felt, but the final sentence made your heart drop. 
If today is kind with my soul, I shall meet you in your dreams tonight, mio amore.
His handwriting was smooth and elegant with each word, but the last sentence was slightly messy, revealing his feelings maybe more than he was used to. His fear. He didn’t think he’d make it back.
So today was the day. 
You scurried over to the phone, picking it up and calling the Shelbys, hoping that someone, anyone, would answer, but no one did. There was no point in leaving the house, you wouldn’t know where to find them and you had no way of knowing where Luca was either. There were many places where this showdown could happen, and even if you found it, what were you going to do? You couldn’t just waltz in hoping not to get shot. Still, the mix of emotions in your chest made you dizzy. Why didn’t he say anything? You dreaded the images that flashed before your eyes, first that of Tommy’s lifeless body, still clutching his gun, then that of Luca, tumbling as a bullet hit him square in the chest.  Tears fell as you pictured those scenarios, but knew that that was all they were. They weren’t real. But even knowing that, you couldn’t stop pacing around the room, counting the minutes and going over the events of the past few weeks.  You didn’t know how to feel about this whole ordeal. You never forgot how Tommy and his family welcomed you when you had been left with nothing, giving you a job, food, inviting you over for drinks and celebrations, but as much as you dreamed of it, you’d never be part of them. You fit in, but not fully. You weren’t part of their circle, but you were part of their “clean” life. Tommy made sure to to leave you out of the dirty deeds, even if you gathered what happened behind closed doors, and by doing so he shut you out of the only part of their life that would make you fully fit in with them. Then Luca arrived, and the calls, on the phone that Thomas brought just for you, since you couldn’t afford one in any other way, started becoming less frequent, with less news. No more talking about the business, no more working by their side, no more gossiping with Ada or Polly on Saturday evenings. You still got your salary, somehow left by your door with nothing else attached to it, not even a note, but that didn’t change the stark difference in your routine. You barely felt like family, or whatever you had ended up being, anymore. You felt even more left out now. So when Luca came around and actually listened to you, and talked to you, and shared his interests while asking about yours, you felt appreciated, loved. You had found somewhere where you fitted.  And now here you stood, weary of whose death you’d have to cry at the end of the day.
It took hours for the phone to ring with news, which made you jump into alertness, rushing over to answer. “Where is he?” You stayed quiet for a moment, fully expecting to hear Polly’s or Ada’s voice, not Tommy’s. He was alive, and clearly Polly had told him about your meeting with the Italian. “Where is-” “Where is he?” he raised his voice in unison to the loud sound you heard not far from him, probably his fist banging against the table.  So they still were both alive. You let a breath out that you were unaware you had been holding, gripping your clothes tightly, adrenaline running in your veins from the news.  He didn’t usually raise his voice, so his anger was evident, yet you weren’t sure if it was directed at you or at Luca. He clearly had gotten away, and the thought of that was enough to lift that weight off your chest. “I don’t know, Thomas.”  “You knew last night, though, didn’t you? When he was in your bed? Bet it felt good, eh, fucking the enemy?” You didn’t answer, your face blushing in shame and anger. He had no right to spy into your personal life. You knew that in his books you were on the wrong side of the war they were fighting, but his words were harsh, cutting through you without any of the warmth they once held. “Don’t defend a fucking wop. Tell me.” “I don’t know where he is. But this has to end, Thomas, this war you’re-” “Why don’t you tell that to your friend?” He pronounced the last word with sarcasm and hatred, but what hurt him was the betrayal he felt when you made it clear that you cared about him.  “I already did. I told him I support neither of your ways. Just stop, someone’s gonna get hurt.“ “And it would be a shame if you got caught in the crossfire.” he spat out, the silence ringing in your ears as if his threat were a slap. “Goodnight, Thomas.” You replied, slamming the phone down, not even sure if he was still there to hear you but not willing to argue anymore. You didn’t stop walking around the halls, hoping that someone else would tell you more about what actually went down, still in the dark, but no one did. 
That night you laid in bed, thinking over everything that had happened, or at least what you knew. The fairytale routine you had fallen in with Luca, the fancy restaurants, chivalrous words and tender kisses were taken away from you so soon after they started, leaving you desperate for what you had started growing so used to. Had it not been for the vendetta, he’d probably be here next to you right now, drawing circles on your shoulders with his fingertips, kissing you softly. But he wasn’t here, and all you knew was that he must’ve been alive somehow, since Tommy had no idea as to where he could’ve been.  Standing up you took a few steps towards the small balcony, desperate for some fresh air. There was barely enough space to stand on it so you leaned on the window frame, spotting someone moving away just as you glanced down towards the back street. Had you been in a less emotional state you’d have never chased after them, but right now all you wanted were answers.  You turned the corner, losing your balance as you slammed into someone, but their hands held you up, pulling you against them.  “You shouldn’t have come out here, principessa. You never know who might linger in the dark.” With your mouth agape you stood still for a moment, realising who was standing in front of you and finally wrapping your arms around him, colliding with his chest once more. He let out a low chuckle, melting into your embrace and holding you, feeling your heartbeat calm him down, a natural remedy that only you could provide. Your tears fell freely, wetting his coat while you shivered against him. “Well, lucky me then.” you joked, breathing in his scent, the notes of sandalwood surrounding you. “What happened?”  “Nothing. The police got in the way.” he shrugged lightly, his hands still around your waist, pulling you against him. “Thomas was looking for you. He called me.” he nodded, looking around the street for any signs of someone spying on them, but no one was around at this time, but he didn’t care either way. “I’m leaving for Camden Town. I won’t be back for a few days, so you won’t see me for a bit.” “And what are you going to do in Camden Town?” You asked, although you already knew the answer. He wouldn’t stop, and there was only one man in London that had a strong connection to Tommy, and not always a good one. You had never met Alfie Solomons, but you knew enough about him to know where this was going. “Not important. I came to get a goodbye kiss.” his eyes crinkled as he smiled, lifting your chin with his fingers and finding his mouth, kissing you with an initial softness, growing into a hunger that he couldn’t afford right now. He groaned, breaking the kiss, resting his forehead to yours. “What are you planning, Luca?”  “Goodnight, dear.”  “It’s not gonna end well.” “Goodnight, dear.” He repeated, kissing your forehead and lingering for a moment more, before urging you to walk back home, waiting until you were out of sight to slip away, walking towards the car that would take him to London. 
You spent days waiting for something, but there was nothing. No calls, no letters, no news.  You picked a few books off your bookshelf, books you had never had the time to read, and scanned the pages, not managing to focus on more than a few pages. It was that dark feeling in your chest that you couldn’t ignore, and the lack of news only made it worse, feeding your mind with the most horrible scenarios.  It felt like a blessing, if only for a short moment, when a call arrived shortly after dinner. You were resting your head on the sofa, singing along to some old songs while you stared at your hands, the concept of time slowly slipping away, when you received the news, making you sit up in disbelief. Polly had been brief, delivering the news and nothing more, leaving you clutching your telephone and staring into thin air for what felt like hours. She hadn’t said anything more, leaving you with the feelings that surrounded you. Sadness, rage, hopelessness… everything was bubbling in your chest, a feeling of guilt coating everything, making you feel like you were somehow at fault here, like you hadn’t prevented this.  You paced around for most of the night, only pausing your wondering when the realisation hit you again, big tears slipping past your eyes as you recalled the memories of the times shared, stopping your incessant actions at the faint knock at the door early in the morning. “I saw your light on.” he looked behind you, his lips twitching up for a short moment, only to fall back into a stoic look when he met your gaze, clearly seeing the tears that you tried to wipe away before opening the door, your eyes red with sadness and rage. “Tell me you didn’t.”  It was a whisper, one that made his heart break. It wasn’t just your expression, nor the redness under your eyes, but your moving away from the door, as if you feared him.  “Alfie Solomons-” he started, willing to offer an explanation for his deeds. “I don’t care about Alfie! I asked you to stop this after the vendetta happened!” you shouted, getting closer just to throw punches at his chest, yet no matter your anger you were nothing but gentle, barely making him flinch.  “He didn’t stop either.”  “Because he’s stubborn. He’s-” “I am too. He killed my men. Just ‘cause you were closer to Arthur doesn’t mean that the death of my men means nothing.” “I don’t want to be part of this anymore.” you announced, slipping from his grasp and moving away, putting as much distance between the two of you as you could. “You never were a part of this.”  “Maybe not, but with how things are going I’m going to end up as collateral damage.” “You know I’d never let anything happen to you. Even if you stood by him, I wouldn’t-” You turned and walked up the stairs, ignoring his words and grabbing your traveling bag from the wardrobe as he made his way up, scoffing but following you into the bedroom nonetherless.  You picked your clothes and folded them quickly, placing them in the bag and throwing a couple other belongings in.  “What are you doing?” He asked, sitting on your bed and stopping your movements by holding your hips, his touch delicate, in harsh contrast with his look. He always felt so… different around you. Delicate, careful, loving. Little things, like the way he remembered what wine you liked, or some of your little quirks, or the softness of his touches when he was near you. After the night where you both fell into your bed, he’d become more open with showing his affection, but before that he never really shied away from it either. His hand gently cradling the small of your back when guiding you into a restaurant, or the brush of his fingers against your cheek when a stray hair got away from behind your ear. “I’m ending it tomorrow.” He announced, avoiding your gaze. “What?” You turned to face him, not fully understanding his plan of attack. “I called a meeting with Thomas.”  “To apologise?” “To make a deal.” He corrected you. “But it might not work. So…” He took one of his rings off, holding your hand and placing it in your palm, closing it around it. “To remember me by. Or not. Maybe it’s better to forget me, after all.” He brought your hand to your lips, as if to seal a deal, smiling. “I won’t have to remember you. You’re not going.” Your hand on his arm was supposed to stop him, or slow him down at least, but he just smiled at you as you would with a child that doesn’t fully understand the state the world is in.  “I have to finish what I started.” “Luca, don’t.” you tried to give it back, but he shook his head, moving away from you and down the stairs. “Arthur didn’t deserve it.”  “He’s the one that pulled the trigger.”  You didn’t speak, not knowing what to add. You knew he was referring to the death of his father, but what Arthur had done was almost out of mercy. Tommy wouldn’t have stopped, so he intervened. There were many mistakes he had made in his life, but dying because of an act of mercy wasn’t what he deserved.  “Ti amo, bedda mia.” And with a final look he left, not waiting for an answer, exhaling when the door closed behind him. He saw the way you looked at him, the tears that escaped your eyes, feeling betrayed by his actions, but he did what he had to do.  “Luca, we’re not finished talking.” Your words had no effect on the man, just like you knew they wouldn’t, but you couldn’t stop yourself from speaking them. It wasn’t only grief that was holding you back now, but fear. For a moment you saw the man just as he had been painted since the beginning: a gangster, a killer, nothing more but a heartless man. You fell back against the wall, clinging on to the ring he had gifted you, the only thing that felt certain right now. You watched as he stepped out, closing the door behind him ever so gently, to avoid making noise, and wondered what hid behind those eyes. How much could you risk for him?
He could feel you looking at him as he made his way out, knowing just how disappointed you were, but he wouldn’t back down. He knew what was going to go down tomorrow, what he’d say, how he'd move, and he’d do anything to have you by his side. 
After all, all is fair in love and war. 
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The Brightest Smile (Fred Weasley)
Summary: You never laugh that much at Fred's jokes and it certainly effects the prankster.
Disclaimer: The pick-up lines used in this story are created by @simps4snape on tik tok so credit goes to them!
HP Taglist: @alienoresimagines @95swifi @lunalovecroft
Requests are open ♡
"Always pity the thinkers, for they are cursed with their own imagination." - Atticus
Y/N Y/L/N infuriated but attracted Fred Weasley beyond words that he was slowly losing his mind - it seemed like she was everywhere. He always found her in the company of his younger brother laughing their asses off, both of them annoying the hell out of professors while Fred stared at them from afar with an upset expression on his face. What did Ron have that he didn't? Y/N's face was like a sunshine with the brightest grin when she was talking with the young red-head but every single time Fred tried to make her laugh or make a joke, it seemed to him that Y/N just smiled politely in order not to offend him. She never really laughed with Fred Weasley like she did with Ron Weasley and it was driving the twin insane. 
"Having fun, Y/N?" Fred winked at her sitting right beside her, his left arm wrapped around her shoulders. 
"Now that you're here I might reconsider my answer." she teased him. The young witch was perfectly aware of the red-head's mission to make her laugh and she wasn't going to give it to him that easily. 
"That hurt." Fred faked a cry but a mischievous smirk was set on his face while his hands were pressed on his chest holding an imaginary wound. 
Ron grinned next to her as he high-fived his best friend. "Now you're teaming up with my bloody brother? That ain't fair." Fred complained cheekily. In fact, it was like a stab in the chest and when Y/N giggled with Ronald, it felt like the knife was pushed even deeper. Fred had no idea where this sudden jealousy truly came from and watching her lips forming into the brightest smile he'd ever seen that he wasn't the reason behind, only added salt into the open wound.
It was at that moment when his eyes sparkled that Fred decided he's gonna make Y/N laugh, he's gonna get to her heart because he very much realized the girl's more than worth it.
"Stop laughing or someone's gonna find out!" Y/N shushed Fred probably for the hundreth time causing him to let out even more giggles. 
"You're the worst," she rolled her eyes, "now all of you get in here." 
The heavy door closed behind them leaving the four students in an absolute darkness. 
"Lumos!" Y/N whispered as her wand provided them enough light to search around the restricted section of the Hogwarts library. They slowly began to walk from shelf to shelf looking for a particular book with a particular piece of information when Fred broke the silence again, "Did you just say lumos? 'Cause I'm turned on."
"Fred! What the fuck!" Ron managed to whisper real loudly first while Y/N just started at the tall red-head in disbelief and George kept on smirking like an idiot. 
Fred on the other hand felt more than satisfied with himself and his statement because her bright red cheeks were telling him that he must had done something right. Yes, it was the worst pick-up line he'd ever heard someone say but he was certain it did the job. Fred left Y/N speechless winking at her walking over to another bookshelf.
"Let's just keep searching. No more flirting with my best friend, alright?" Ron commanded, his eyes narrowed as he glared at his brother.
"Yes, sir!" Fred grinned mischievously, "although just so you know, Y/L/N, I may not be wearing an invisibility cloak but do you think I could visit your restricted section tonight?" 
At this second attempt a book fell out of her hands landing with a loud bang on the ground. All of them froze - Fred still had a devilish smirk set on his face, George was slowly laughing in the background mumbling "you're on fire tonight, brother", Ron just rolled his eyes once again and Y/N was a mess of trembling hands and a pounding heart.
No one had ever flirted with her in this way, sounding so confident about it and even though they were terrible pick-up lines, Y/N found herself enjoying Fred's attention. 
"Why don't we just use accio to find the bloody book and get out of here so we don't have to listen to this crap?" Ron suggested after 3 long minutes of complete silence when they expected Mr. Filch to appear out of nowhere. But surprisingly no one came.
"Good idea, Ron." Y/N piped up, not daring to look at Fred and his mischievous grin. Her pouding heart was enough to handle.
"Don't want to brag," the tall red-head started slowly again, "but I don't need to cast accio to make you co-"
"Don't you dare finish that bloody sentence, Fred, don't you dare!" Ron finally burst out, his cheeks red and fists clenched. This whole situation was making him uneasy - his brother and his best friend? It simply felt weird to Ron, he didn't want to lose either of them, some of the most important people in his life.
Y/N glanced at Ron letting out a few soft giggles that were barely audible but Fred did hear them and his heart stopped a beat. It sounded like a music to his ears knowing that he just made the beautiful girl smile. Boy, did it feel good.
The search for the book was finished without any other Fred's encounters or Ron's outbursts, it only seemed like a miracle that no one heard them.
"Okay, let's get out of here." Y/N waved at the boys as they quietly ran out of the library aiming for the Gryffindor house.
"Could you at least stop smiling like a marigold on manure?" Ron frowned as he saw how his best friend was grinning from ear to ear the whole journey back to their dormitories. "You two make me sick."
"We better take it somewhere else. What do you say, Freddie?" Y/N suggested winking at the prankster who's mouth was wide open. He certainly did not expect anything like this, at all, but he immediately caught on.
"You're the boss here. See you guys in the morning." Fred sent one last smirk towards his brothers as he disappeared in one of the dark Hogwarts corridors hand in hand with Y/N, George showing him thumbs up.
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klvbxlove · 4 years
boldness (iida x gn! reader)
a/n: ok i’ll be honest. i have no idea how this idea came into mind; it just did. it was also pretty different than what i usually do, so it was interesting to go through the process of writing it. it’s probably just gonna be a onetime thing, ‘cause i mostly prefer to write fluffy stuff (-w-)
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(i’m sorry, but this gif of iida had me feeling certain things. LOOK AT HIM OH MY GOD *insert me literally crying over how beautiful but hot iida is*)
reader-type: gender neutral
genre: romance, lime (**ngl, i don’t know what would be considered lime, but i think this drabble is one**)
trigger warning(s): slightly suggestive content
summary: despite already dating you, iida hasn’t exactly gotten used to showing you affection. however, he decided he was going to change that. the only catch? you didn’t expect this kind of affection, nor did you expect him to be this bold.
word count: 1.2k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(y/n) = your name (f/b) = favorite book
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   Iida was making use of his time by reading (F/B), the one you recommended to him a few days back. At first glance, he wasn’t exactly sure why you liked this book. However, the more chapters he read, the more he understood why. 
   The house in which the blue-haired man shared with you was dead quiet, aside from the rain drizzling outside. Despite the weather, it didn’t stop the plans of you and your friends to hang out for the afternoon. Iida wasn’t a controlling person by all means, but he wished he could’ve stopped you from going out. If he had done that, you would’ve been by his side cuddling with him as he read.
   That’s when the realization hit Iida. He’s never shown you much affection before. It wasn’t because he was a cold-hearted person who loathed it. He didn’t know how to show it without being awkward. When you were the one showing affection, Iida would sometimes feel himself going stiff.
   He would think that after months of dating you, he would’ve gotten accustomed to affection. Nope. He was pretty much new to the whole thing. Luckily, you never pestered him for it. But even still, Iida felt like he wasn’t being a good boyfriend to you. Today, he wanted to change himself. 
   Hearing the front door open and then close from downstairs made Iida smile, as it signified that you were home now. “I’m home!” you called out. You removed your shoes and placed them near the front door, which was proceeded by you taking off your jacket. A tired sigh escaped your lips. You were pretty much exhausted today, although you still had fun with your friends.
   Putting down the book, Iida exited the bedroom and walked downstairs to see you. “Welcome back.” He greeted you. “Did you have fun?” he asked. 
   You nodded. “Yep! I’m pretty tired, though, so I’ll go change.” 
   Iida watched as you walked past him and towards the staircase. He ran a finger through his hair, slightly out of frustration. Iida should’ve started by at least giving you a hug or something! Instead, he just greeted you with words and nothing else. It’s okay, he thought to himself. This is not the end of the world. He had plenty of time to open himself up!
    Iida walked back upstairs and stopped at the front door of the bedroom to knock on it. “Did you finish changing, my love?” he asked. 
   “Almost!” you replied. “I just needa change my shirt!”
   You were able to change fairly quickly, so only a few seconds passed before you finished. “Okay, you can come in!” 
   At that, Iida opened the door and walked inside. He stopped in the middle of the doorway as he caught sight of you wearing one of his navy blue sweatshirts. A blush covered his cheeks. Since you were smaller than him, it was a little big on your body, not that you were bothered by it. You liked oversized clothes, anyway. 
   “Something wrong?” you tilted your head, concerned after your boyfriend hadn’t said anything. 
   “N-No, it’s nothing,” Iida shook his head and cleared his throat. 
   “Hmm, if you say so!” you smiled and walked over to the bookshelf to pull out a volume of your favorite manga series that you haven’t finished. You crawled into your side of the king-sized bed and pulled out the bookmark, starting to read. 
   Iida picked up (F/B) and proceeded to crawl into bed with you. He spent the next few minutes trying to read rather than steal glances at you. How was he supposed to help himself, though? You looked so adorable right now! (Well, you look adorable every day). With how small you looked in his sweater (which he knew you would get mad if he said that out loud) as you silently read, smiling every once in a while. If anything, all Iida wanted to do was kiss you.
   But how was he going to do that?
   After putting the book back on the nightstand standing next to your bed, Iida took a small glance at you before scooting closer. He hesitated at first, but he slowly wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You let out a sound of surprise but smiled nonetheless and continued to read. 
   Glancing over the pages, Iida had no idea what was going on in the volume you were reading. It didn’t matter right now, anyway. So far, he already got his arm around you. Now, what should he do next? 
  ‘Hmm, maybe this.’
  You turned your head towards Iida when he lightly patted your shoulder with his hand. As soon as you were facing him, he used his free hand to place his hand on your chin, slightly brushing your bottom lip with his thumb.
   Meanwhile, you felt yourself blush. You didn’t know how to explain it, but there was somewhat of a look of love and lust in his eyes. The moment Iida started to slowly inch his face towards you, you were internally freaking out. You had no time to think about what was happening before he placed his lips on yours, engulfing you in a kiss.
   Iida removed his arm from your shoulder to your waist, pulling you closer. Wrapping his other hand around your waist, he refused to let you go. Your eyes widened in surprise. On one hand, you didn’t expect Iida to kiss you without hesitation. On the other hand, however, you liked it. You couldn’t leave Iida hanging, so you closed your eyes and returned the kiss. 
   You moved from your spot in the bed and crawled into his lap, pretty much making out with him at this point. You ran your hand through his dark blue hair, your touch prompting him to let out a small groan of pleasure. Your tongues practically wrestled to ensure dominance, but in the end, Iida won. One of his hands found itself underneath the sweatshirt you were wearing, and he started to rub it against your bare skin; his touch sent shivers down your spine. 
   Iida, at this moment, felt bold for making the first move. Something simple as wrapping his arm around your shoulder led to him having you on his lap, your lips pretty much glued into a heated make-out session. With another bolt of courage going through him, Iida carefully turned himself over, and now you were lying underneath him. 
   A few minutes passed before Iida decided to break away from the kiss, a string of saliva already connecting your mouths. He looked down at you and watched as you were practically panting to catch your breath. “I-I apologize, darling.” he apologized, the lust, you noticed, almost fading. “Was that too much for you?”
  “No, it’s okay!” you reassured him with a smile. “I just didn’t expect you to be so bold to kiss me, let alone get us into this make-out session.” you wiggled your eyebrows teasingly. 
   “Me either,” Iida admitted, scratching his cheek nervously. “All I just wanted was to show you some affection because I felt as though as your boyfriend, I didn’t show enough. I hope you weren’t too uncomfortable with that. If you were, I’ll tone down my level of affection!”
   “I told you, it’s fine,” you said. “You know I’m not bothered by you being unaffectionate twenty-four-seven, but if you want to show me any, I’ll more than gladly allow it. I mean, I’m your (s/o), right?”
   Iida blushed but nodded. “Y-Yes, that’s right.” 
   “With that out of the way,” you smirked. “don’t you think we should finish what you started?”
   Iida had to admit he liked where this was going. After he smirked back at you, you took no hesitation to bring his face closer to you and connected your lips. 
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squooshy2k19 · 4 years
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Leather in the Sunshine.
Alive!Reggie Peters x Fem!reader
Where friends Reggie and Y/N are left alone the whole summer as the rest of the band are spending the summer with their partners.
Part 3 of?
WARNINGS: so much fluff 😫
All characters are 18/19
(gif isn't mine)
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"Y'know, Reggie, if the band doesn't work out you could become a chef! You make one hell of a lasagna sheet." Y/N's grandmother said as the group erupted in laughter.
"Why, thank you, ma'am. But, with where we're headed, back-up plans are a thing of the past." Reggie said with a chuckle once the laughter died down. 
"How is that band of yours? Ann and I hear your music from time to time when we're in the garden. It's some good stuff; you kids are very talented!" Y/N's grandfather praised, taking a swig of his water.
"Well, we're in the process of planning an album and a small tour around the U.S. with a record label." Reggie explained, a proud smile blossoming onto his face at the mention of his future plans with the band.
"You mean Flynn is planning it," was heard from across the table, where Y/N sat. Reggie was quick to shoot the girl a wink, who responded with a raised brow.
"Yeah, that's what I said." Reggie replied, his smile widening as the table erupted into laughter again.
"And what about you, sweetheart? What are you planning to do now?" Y/N's grandmother asked her, a warm smile on her face. 
"I was actually thinking of travelling for a little while. I've got some money saved up to be able to afford it myself." Y/N replied, fiddling with the hem of her cardigan.
Reggie watched the girl, his eyes glued to her face. He felt sort of sad that she'd be leaving as the summer was ending. The thought of not seeing her face everyday left a funny feeling in his stomach.
Y/N caught Reggie staring as she looked up, sending him a small smile as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. The bassist felt his own cheeks grow warm, but found himself grinning back nonetheless. 
"Well, it's gonna be hard to travel without a good car." Y/N's grandfather said, wiping his mouth with a napkin and watching the young woman with interest. 
"I can just go around by bus, probably? I haven't really figured that part out yet." Scratching the back of her neck as she turned to look at her grandpa, a nervous smile on her face.
"The bus? Well, that just won't do, darlin'." The gray haired man said, standing from his place at the table and gesturing for her to follow him before he walked out the room.
"Well, go on then, both of you!" Y/N's grandma exclaimed, a smile sneaking onto her wrinkled face as she watched the teens scramble to catch up to her husband.
The young couple caught up to Y/N's grandfather as he waltzed into his study, gravitating towards a large bookshelf made of dark wood. He reached for a small porcelain trinket box, carrying it over to the teens. "I was saving this for your 21st birthday, but, there’s no harm in giving it to you a bit early." 
As the older man lifted the lid and tilted the box towards his grandchild, a gasp of surprised awe escaped Y/N, lips tugging upwards in a large grin. 
"Is that what I think it is!?" She exclaimed, practically bouncing on the spot. Her hands shook with excitement as she took the familiar keys out of the box. She had seen these keys many times before, typically dangling from the ignition of her grandfather's powder blue 1964 convertible Chevrolet.
“Possibly,” Her grandpa answered vaguely, a teasing smile on his face.
"Oh my God! Grandpa! Thank you!" Y/N shrieked in happiness, throwing herself into his arms and giving him a tight hug. 
"You're very welcome, Sweetheart." He chuckled as he returned her hug. The moment was heart-warming, Reggie watching the two embrace fondly. Words weren’t enough to describe the intense relief he felt in response to knowing that Y/N has such supportive, loving grandparents. He broke from his internal reverie as the family members broke apart, a loud laughing booming from the mouth of Y/N’s grandfather. "Well, what are you waiting for!? Take her for a spin!"
The teens grinned at each other before racing towards the garage. Y/N reached the garage door first, laughing as Reggie tripped over the rug in the hallway. Together, the teens stopped, taking a deep breath before opening the door and slowly walking towards the car. They worked together in pulling off the dust cover, looking at the vehicle in awe once it was removed.
The car looked exactly the same as they remembered. Reggie stared at the car, he knew it well. The memory of himself knocking Alex's hand and causing him to drop his strawberry ice cream on the white leather was ingrained into his brain. 
"Holy shit." Reggie whispered in shock. 
“Holy shit indeed.” Y/N nodded her head in agreement. She unlocked the vehicle and sat inside, peering at her friend excitedly. “C’mon, get in.”
Reggie flipped the switch to open the garage door before slipping into the passenger seat, chuckling as the girl beside him ran her hands along the dashboard. He spoke up with a large smile, drumming the dashboard himself. "You gonna stop feeling up the dashboard so we can start this baby up or what?"
Y/N grinned as she slid the key into the ignition, bringing the car to life with a simple flick of her wrist. Her face practically glowed under the light of the setting sun as she backed out of the garage for a small ride around the block, Five minutes of laughter and excitement later, Reggie couldn’t stop himself from staring at her face in the warm shades of the sun. Awestruck, he thought to himself, “you’re so gorgeous.”
“You think I’m gorgeous?” She responded to the brunette with wide eyes. As she parked by the road outside her grandparents’ house, her attention solely focused on him, she took notice of how his typically pale skin was currently a deep shade of scarlett.
“I—I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” Reggie admitted bashfully, eyes locking with hers. All Y/N could do was silently stare, an expression of amazed disbelief on her face. She felt her cheeks grow warm when he leaned in closer to brush his hand along her cheek, tucking a small lock of hair behind her ear. “But, I do happen to find you unbelievably beautiful, Y/N.”
Watching the older boy intently as she felt her face grow hotter by the second, it wasn't until their noses were touching that Y/N realised how close they had gotten. Reggie glanced at Y/N's lips, asking for permission to kiss her, and a small nod was all it took before their lips connected. Their lips moved in sync with each other, Reggie's hand slipping to her neck as his thumb rubbed her cheek lightly before they released the kiss, foreheads resting together as they breathed heavily.
If you'd asked either of the teens just two days prior if they had feelings for one another, you would have received a laugh and a reply along the lines of 'we’re like siblings'. That soon began to change, however, as they spent more time alone together. When it was just the two of them, things were different. They were different, in a way neither had thought they would be.
"This feels strange, but in a good way." Y/N said quietly, a small smile slipping onto her face. 
"It really does." Reggie whispered in response, rubbing their noses together slightly, his own face beginning to smile. 
"I feel bad ruining this amazing moment, but we should probably go back inside. My grandma has a bad habit of peeking out her front window." Y/N laughed before pulling back slightly. 
"We really should." Reggie replied, not moving his loving gaze from the woman in front of him as he removed his hand from her face before leaning back into his seat. His next words were flirtatious, a cheeky wink accompanying them. "I guess I can wait until later to do that again."
Reggie let himself out of the vehicle and closed the door behind him, leaving a blushing Y/N behind. She stared at his retreating figure in an almost awestruck daze, excited to see more of this new side of Reggie. It was a well-known fact that the bassist was a natural flirt, but never with her. Perhaps it was time for a change.
"Well, come on, slowpoke!" He laughed at the state he had left her in, watching her get out of the car to catch up to him. Together, they headed inside, dazzling grins on their burning cheeks as their hands lightly brushed.
@cas-loves-pizza @miisacore @cxlpxrnia @bebudaful @slytherhoes @willex-owns-my-heart @well-hes-just-too-cute @whats-become-of-me @tuttigunner @marvelousmendess @weasleysweets
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carnalpleasure · 4 years
chapter 9!! richard’s powers come out more oooo ahhhh so spooky 👻💀👻
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It has been more than a week since Richard had one of his “bad dreams.” Michael’s magic was constantly working to keep all spiritual activity barred from entering their room. What Michael failed to realize was that the magic only kept their room safe, it didn’t protect Richard beyond those four walls. But how could he have known? They were all under the impression that these dark entities only visited Richard in his sleep. Nobody suspected that by strengthening Richard’s powers and drawing them out, they were opening a gateway within him to the spiritual realm and making him more vulnerable to these entities than ever before.
Richard and Michael were very rarely apart from the moment they got back to Hawthorne. Everywhere Michael went, Richard was two steps behind. Until Ariel unexpectedly summoned the new warlock to his office for a private lesson, even going so far as explicitly forbidding Michael from attending. The blonde’s overprotectiveness was making it increasingly difficult for the Grand Chancellor to explore (and exploit) Richard’s newfound gifts.
So Michael complied, waiting out in the hall as he was told, where a small, intricate antique mirror hung conveniently on the wall across from him surrounded by a collection of old portraits and dusty art. It was perfect for scrying. Something in his gut told him he needed to keep an eye on his beloved boy, without Ariel ever suspecting. He was curious to see what the grand master warlocks’s intentions were for this secretive meeting. He knew Ariel well enough to know he always has ulterior motives.
“I told you, it doesn’t work like that,” the young warlock repeated again, exasperated. Ariel had been pressuring him to try to conjure up one of the dark creatures for the past two hours, as if Richard could just call one up on speed dial and invite him over for a chat.
“Then tell me, Richard, since you’re the expert. Tell me. How does it work?” Ariel’s tone was spiteful and sarcastic, but his expression was even harsher.
The table in front of Richard was littered with grimoires dating back to the 14th century, lying open to pages with complex incantations for summoning spirits and conjuring demons. He slid another spell book in front of the boy, met by another menacing scowl as Richard silently refused to participate. He was tired of chanting in latin and getting reprimanded by Ariel every time he pronounced a word wrong. “Enunciation is the key to proper conjuration,” he’d remind him.
“Read the spell, Richard,” Ariel said impatiently, his whole demeanor now hard and cold. They both looked like they were seconds away from killing each other. Richard was exhausted and angry, a dangerous mixture for him.
His exhaustion made him vulnerable to these spirits that surrounded him constantly. And his emotions were very much tied to his powers, almost as if symbiotic. His magic was like a small spark barely flickering inside him, but when his emotions started getting worked up? It was like dousing that spark in gasoline and throwing in a molotov cocktail. Mix them together and Richard becomes a ticking time bomb.
As Richard’s frustrations quickly grew into a blind rage, his magic reacted instinctively, lashing out and sending all the books flying off the table at once. It was like a bomb had detonated and Richard was Ground Zero. Everything in his reach was blown away in the blink of an eye.
Picture frames were blown off the walls and shattered. Books were torn apart, their papers scattering the floor. And all the candles were blown out, instantly snuffing out all the warmth and light in the underground room. Even Ariel was knocked back by the impact, his back colliding with the bookcase behind him and his head bouncing off it as he dropped to the floor.
As if that wasn’t enough, as soon as the room went dark, Richard could sense it.. his nightly visitor. It was definitely in the room.. he could hear the creaking in the walls as the creature emerged, the slow dragging sound of claws screeching closer and closer. Richard’s only response was to freeze in fear, closing his eyes and bracing himself for the oncoming attack.
The windowless room was pitch black without the candles and Ariel was only semiconscious, still reeling from the sudden burst of Richard’s unrefined powers and the bookshelf blow to the head. But the small, black-hooded spirit paid him no attention at all, it only wanted Richard. It was barely a foot away from reaching him when suddenly Michael appeared in an instant next to him, using transmutation to transport himself there just in time to rescue Richard from the malicious little fiend.
Michael pulled the frightened boy to his chest and wrapped one arm securely around him, using his other hand he focused all his energy on burning up the evil spirit from the inside out, painfully and permanently removing it from existence.
Richard was hiding his face in Michael’s chest at first, until he heard a high pitched demonic shriek and turned to see the last of the little monster go up in flames. He took immense pleasure in watching.. seeing the pain in it’s dark, sunken black eyes as it burned violently. It’s pale white skin blazing and cracking as flames burst through.. until finally all that remained was smoke, and the room went dark again. He turned back to Michael in shock, his worries exchanged with wonder as he looked up at his new hero with so many questions. This was different than Jonah throwing the basketball and scaring it off for the night. This was way more violent than that.
To Richard, it felt like winning a fight against the ultimate bully. It was that feeling of pride you earn when you throw the last punch and knock him out cold. And your knuckles are sore and you’re bleeding all over, but it doesn’t matter because you finally took him down.
Before Richard could finish his thought, the chandelier hanging above them magically relit and the room once again returned to its usual soft orange glow. They turned to see Ariel picking himself up off the floor, rubbing the back of his sore skull and smiling at the boys with a chilling look of satisfaction in his eyes. It was the same look he gave Michael the day he made it snow and nearly wiped out the entire Warlock Council. While everyone else was afraid, Ariel was only proud. It was respect and admiration fueled by terror.
The Grand Chancellor opened his mouth to spew another one of his bullshit impromptu speeches, but Michael didn’t give him the chance. He brought his hand up slowly, his palm facing out. And as he curled his fingers into a fist, Ariel’s mouth quickly snapped shut and his whole body froze as Michael took control of his mind using Concilium. Ariel knew if he tried to resist, the increasing pressure in his brain would eventually be enough to literally blow his mind.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to do here, Ariel.” Michael was very collected. He spoke calmly, calculating every word carefully before it flowed off his tongue. “But if you ever try to make Richard do something he doesn’t want to again,” the vindictive demon boy stepped closer til he was face to face with Ariel, “I’ll kill you and everyone else in this godforsaken hole in the ground.” his soft voice sounded deeper than he usually spoke, rougher in a way.
Richard had never seen Michael get angry before and it was nothing like he expected. He spoke with authority, not aggression. He didn’t need to yell to be heard, something in his voice just demanded respect and instilled fear. His demeanor was eerily calm and cool as he nonchalantly threatened to end the man’s life. Richard found it extremely attractive to watch.
“He looks like he’s gonna piss himself,” Richard muttered. “Don’t worry,” Michael smirked, gazing into Ariel’s eyes with a devilish grin. Mocking him as he repeated his own words back to him. “He’ll be released unharmed when we’re gone.” Then the two boys left the warlock and the war torn room behind and returned upstairs to the room they shared. Their little Sanctuary, as Michael called it.
💕taglist: @sexwon131 @jimmason @whatcodysaid @theneverendinghunger @angelicmichael @thewarriorprincessxo
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 26
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Pairings: Damon x Oc, Tyler x Oc for a hot minute, Elijah x Oc for a hotter minute, Klaus x Oc endgame. Warning: Mental and physical abuse in some chapters.
“Hey.” Katie said getting Damon’s attention from where he was staring off into space. “Where did you go?” she asked as she turned onto her side, propping her head up with her hand and elbow and rested her hand on his chest.
“I was just thinking about the first time I saw you.” he told her as he turned onto his side and tucked his arm under his pillow.
“At the grill, after the bonfire?” Katie asked and Damon shook his head no. Katie tilted her head curiously.
“That was the first time you saw me.” He corrected her. “The first time I saw you, you were sitting outside the grill after hours, reading.” He told her with a content smirk. “It was during the summer. So I couldn’t help but wonder, what is a beautiful girl like her doing reading when she could be out partying with her friends?”
“You did not think that.” She laughed and he slid his hand absentmindedly over her bare side.
“I mean I thought you looked a little nerdy because of the glasses and the book, but you were and still are undeniably beautiful.” He told her then looked into her eyes.
“You are so full of it.” she laughed as he kissed her.
“I am not and you know it.” he told her as he started kissing her neck. “I found out after I read your journal that you were sitting out there after work because you were waiting for your grandfather to get too hammered to make it up the stairs.”
“Yep, and you saved me from him.” she told him as she pushed him to lay on his back then straddled his hips. “Something I will always be thankful for.” She leaned down and started kissing his chest. “Now, no more talk of the past.” He smiled as she pressed her lips to his.
A laugh left her lips as he rolled her over with vamp speed and started kissing her stomach, knowing it would tickle her. They both laughed when she grabbed his hair and pulled him up to her lips. Her legs, wrapped around his waist kept him in place as she slid one hand to grip his back and the other held the side of his neck.
They were stepping out of the shower when she saw Damon frown. “What’s the frown for?” she asked as she towel dried her hair.
“Elijah’s here.” He answered as he tied the snow white towel around his waist.
Katie listened to them downstairs. “Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse.” She heard Elijah saying.
She headed into his bedroom and grabbed a robe. “I know you don’t like this plan, but for right now it’s the best we’ve got.” She tied the robe closed.
“No, the best option would be for Bonnie to take him down now.” He argued.
“I don’t have any blood family, Damon. My friends are the closest thing I’ve got and I refuse to let any of them die.” Katie argued.
“Then one of us should give Elena our blood and let her come back as a vampire. At least then we would know for sure that she would come back.” he argued as he went inside his closet.
“Elena doesn’t want to be a vampire Damon.” Katie pointed out as she walked into the closet with him.
“Has she told you she doesn’t want to be a vampire?” he asked as he grabbed a long sleeved button up shirt and took it off the hanger.
“No, but she didn’t have to. I know her well enough to know it’s not something she would want.” She told him and he brushed past her. “So you’re back to being mad at me?” she asked as she watched him pull on the shirt.
“I’m not mad at you I’m just…mad in general.” He sighed and she walked over to where he was grabbing a pair of jeans out of his dresser.
She didn’t know what to say so instead of saying anything she grabbed his face in her hands and looked into his eyes for a moment then kissed him. “I’m gonna go get dressed. I’ll see you down stairs?” he hummed a positive answer then kissed her again.
She went to her room and threw her hair up into a messy bun and put on a pair of dark wash jean shorts and a flowy, black, floral print tank top. She finished it off with classic black and white converse then headed down stairs. “The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it…he’ll be a true hybrid.” Katie heard Elijah saying as she neared the study.
“Then why are we letting him break the curse?” Damon asked at the same time Katie walked into the room. “We can kill him today, with Bonnie.”
Katie walked into the room as Elena said, “No. Bonnie can’t use that much power without dying.”
“I’ll write her a great eulogy.” Damon argued back from where he stood behind Elijah who sat on the arm of the armchair across from Stefan.
“It’s not an option, Damon.” Elena argued, making him look at Katie for help.
“You already know I’m with Elena on this one.” She told him from where she stood behind the couch that Elena sat on.
“Alright, how do we break this curse?” Stefan asked from where he sat in an armchair.
“Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know.” Elijah stood up and walked past Damon as he spoke.
“The moonstone.” Stefan answered.
“A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that’s bound within the stone.” Elijah answered and it only reminded Katie how much she liked to listen to him talk. “After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire, will sacrifice one of each.”
“And where do I fit into it?” Elena asked as Elijah walked back over to the armchair he had been sitting in and rested his hand on the back of it.
“The final part of the ritual.” He told her as he walked over to the bookshelf behind him and picked up a wooden box. “Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelganger to the point of your death.” Damon glared at Elena while Stefan reached over and grabbed Elena’s arm and rested his head in his hand. Katie sighed and tapped the table that held the decanter set, nervous about if Elijah’s way of saving her would work or not.
“And that’s where you come in.” Elena said with a sigh up at Elijah.
“This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation.” He answered as he took an odd shaped glass container out of the box.
“So I’ll be dead?” Elena asked.
“And then you won’t.” Elijah answered.
“That’s your plan?” Damon asked with an attitude that was getting on Katie’s nerves. “A magical witch potion with no expiration date?” he asked Elijah then turned to Elena. “You want to come back to life, what about John’s ring?”
“Those rings only work on humans.” Elijah answered. “The doppelganger's a supernatural occurrence. Odds are, the ring won't work.”
“I’ll take those odds over your elixir.” Damon replied then looked at Elena. “What if it doesn’t work, Elena?”
“Then I’ll just be dead.” Elena answered.
Damon looked at Stefan for help, but Stefan just shrugged. So he looked at Katie. “I don’t know what to tell you, Damon. I wish I did, but I don’t.” Damon scoffed and walked out of the room. “You said Klaus needs a werewolf and a vampire.” Katie spoke up as she moved around the couch and sat down on the opposite end from Elena. “Do you know if he has a werewolf?”
“Klaus had been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years. If he doesn’t already have a werewolf, my guess is by tonight he will.” Elijah answered.
Katie and Elena looked at each other. “You’re worried about Tyler.” Elena said more than asked, but Katie still nodded.
“I’m gonna go talk to Damon.” Stefan sighed as he stood up and walked out.
“Who’s Tyler?” Elijah asked curiously.
Elena smiled at her, wondering if Katie was going to give Elijah the whole back story on her and Tyler. Katie rolled her eyes at her then looked at Elijah. “Tyler is my ex and happens to be the only werewolf from Mystic Falls.” She answered as she stood up. “He left to figure things out after he triggered his gene. No one has heard from him since, not even his mom.”
“If Klaus has him there’s nothing we can do.” He told her with a sympathetic look.
“I need a drink.” Katie sighed and headed out of the room.
“Where are you going? The alcohols right here.” Elena asked with a point to the decanters behind the table.
“A real drink.” Katie answered as she headed to the basement.
She had just poured the blood bag into a glass when she heard Aunt Jenna yelling. So she whooshed to the sound to see everyone gathered around while Jenna held a crossbow on Alaric. “It’s me, I swear, okay?” Alaric pleaded holding his hands in the air. “He let me go, okay? Klaus let me go.”
“Prove it.” Damon told him standing behind Alaric.
Alaric looked at Jenna. “Okay, uh, first night you and I spent together, Jeremy walk in right when I was about to-”
“Okay!” Jenna cut him off. “It’s him.”
“Ugh, TMI.” Katie whispered.
Elijah, who she was standing behind looked at her over his shoulder. “What’s TMI?”
“Too much information.” Katie answered then they turned their attention back to Alaric.
“He wanted me to deliver a message.” Alaric told them then looked at Elena. “The sacrifice happens tonight.”
Katie heaved a heavy sigh and headed to the parlor where she sat down in a high backed chair at the end of the couch, her glass of blood in her hands. Elijah followed behind her as did everyone else but Damon, who went to his room. “Are you okay?” Elijah asked as he stood behind Katie and rested his arm on the high back.
She tilted her head up, looking at him. “I’m fine. Just…nervous I guess.” She answered him quietly as Elena, Alaric and Jenna sat down around the room. Stefan remained standing. Katie gave Elijah a small smile before she turned her attention to Stefan.
“So you don’t remember anything that happened?” Stefan asked Alaric.
“No. It’s like I blacked out and woke up three days later.” He answered with a look at Jenna. “Katherine was there.”
“She’s under compulsion.” Stefan replied. “Damon snuck her some vervain, but she can’t leave until Klaus tells her she can.”
“Which is a good thing in my opinion. Keeps the conniving, backstabbing, bitch away from me.” Katie added as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Katie.” Stefan sighed with an aggravated look at her. “That’s not helping.”
“Where is Damon?” Elena asked getting the attention off of Katie and the look that Elijah was giving Katie even though she couldn’t see it.
“I saw him go upstairs.” Jenna answered so Katie left them.
“So what else did I do?” Alaric asked, getting a pointed look from Jenna.
“I think I’m going to sit this conversation out.” Katie sighed as she stood up, not wanting to be a witness to Jenna and Stefan telling Alaric what all he had done while Klaus had control of him.
Elijah found Katie in the kitchen munching on a bag of dill pickles potato chips. “May I ask you a question?” he asked as he stood on the other side of the bar.
“You just did.” Katie told him with a smirk then stuck another chip in her mouth. He smirked back at her and she waved her hand for him to ask.
“Why do you hate Katerina so much?” he asked and Katie’s eyes fell to the counter and she stopped chewing. “What did she do to you that was so bad?”
Katie finished the chips in her mouth and started rolling up the opening of the bag of chips. “Right before I turned I was in a car accident along with Tyler, Caroline and Matt. Caroline would have died and I would have either been paralyzed or stuck in a coma, but Damon gave us his blood and saved us.”
“And Katherine killed you.” he finished for her.
She turned away from him and opened the kitchen cabinet. “She killed me the night after it was confirmed that I was three weeks pregnant with Tyler’s child.” She stuck the bag of chips inside and turned back to him. “Damon could hear the second heartbeat, and that was before he healed me. So I know that she could hear it before she broke my neck.”
Elijah was about to say something when she heard a commotion upstairs in Damon’s room and whooshed away. She found Damon staring at Stefan and Elena, who was crying and wiping at blood on her mouth. Katie whooshed over to Damon and grabbed his wrist to see blood smeared on it. “What the hell, Damon!” she asked as she threw his arm to his side.
“I saved her life.” He said with rage in his eyes not looking at Katie, but at Elena who was still on the floor coughing and wiping at her mouth.
“I told you she didn’t want to be a vampire!” Katie yelled at him.
“She was so bent on dying, at least this way I know she’ll come back and you won’t lose anyone.” He told her.
“Don’t act like you did this for me or for her! You did this for you, because you don’t want to lose anyone!” Katie yelled at him then fell to the floor next to Elena.
“How could you of all people take that choice away from her?” Stefan asked leaving Elena since Katie was with her.
“Go ahead wish me an eternity of misery. Believe me you’ll get over it.” Damon told Stefan, making him shove him across the room, breaking the wooden lamp that sat in the corner. Damon grabbed it and pinned Stefan to the wall with the lamp post pressed lengthwise across his neck. “Admit it. You just wish you had the balls to do it yourself.”
Stefan shoved Damon and started wailing at his face, punching him over and over until he fell to the floor. Katie knew as soon as Damon’s hand landed on the broken lamp post that he was going to stab Stefan. Out of reflex she didn’t know she had, she shoved Stefan out of the way. The sharp end of the lamp post went through her side, and came out a few inches above her belly button.
Katie groaned in pain and stared at Damon’s wide shocked eyes as she sank to her knees. “Get out of here!” Elena yelled at Damon as she ran to Katie’s side.
“What happened?” she heard Elijah’s accented voice from the doorway and soon his face replaced Elena’s in her line of vision.
“What the hell’s goin’ on?” Alaric asked as he and Jenna came into the room.
“Just get him out of here!” Elena yelled looking at Damon, her hand resting on Katie’s back while Elijah wiped Katie’s tears.
“Oh my god.” Jenna said as she observed the stake sticking out of Katie.
Alaric tried to touch Damon, but he jerked his arm back and stared at Katie where she sat on her knees panting in pain until he was out of the room. “Okay, Jenna, downstairs in the basement are some blood bags. Go get them, now. Go.” Jenna ran off.
Elijah grabbed the lamp post in one hand and pulled it out in one smooth motion. Katie screamed out and doubled over. Just as smoothly as he pulled the stake out he picked her up and laid her on the bed. “First time getting stabbed.” Elijah asked as he sat down on the bed beside her.
She groaned, already healing slowly, as she pushed herself up to lean against the headboard. “I’ve been stabbed in the neck with a stake the size of a drum stick, but…” she winced and pressed her hand to her side, “That was child’s play compared to this.”
Jenna came in with three blood bags and handed them to Elijah. “Are you going to be okay?” she asked with a look at the blood on Katie’s ruined shirt.
“Yeah. This should fix me right up.” Katie told her as she took the blood bag from Elijah. “Thank you.” Jenna nodded and walked back over to Alaric.
“Is there anything else we can do?” Alaric asked from where he and Jenna stood at the foot of the bed.
“Maybe find Damon?” she asked as she wiped the blood from her lips. “Make sure he knows I’m not mad at him for stabbing me. It was my fault, I shouldn’t have intervened.”
“Okay.” Alaric told her with a nod then he and Jenna left her alone with Elijah.
“He stabs you and forces your friend to drink his blood and you’re not mad at him?” Elijah asked, watching her suck down the blood bag.
“You know I can’t even remember what this stuff tastes like when it’s fresh.” She said looking at the blood bag. When Elijah didn’t say anything back Katie finally looked at him.
“You are avoiding my question.” He pointed out and she sighed.
“I said I wasn’t mad at him for stabbing me. I’m pissed at him for what he did to Elena.” She said then finished off the blood bag.
He popped the stopper out of the second one and handed it to her. “How are you feeling?” he asked and Katie picked up her shirt to see the exit hole was healed.
“Better.” She answered and felt on her side to feel that it was healed too. “I hate being what I am sometimes, but I’ve gotta say…The quick healing part is kind of awesome.” She turned to him and winced a little. “Still a touch sore though.” She could tell by the look on his face as he opened his mouth that he was going to say something about Damon. “Don’t.” he closed his mouth and sighed. “Whatever you’re about to say about Damon, don’t say it.”
“Okay. I won’t say it.” He told her and she gave him a nod in thanks. “But I will say that if you insist on being with him would you do me a favor and stay out of his way. Just because you heal fast does not mean you should accept him hurting you.”
Katie sighed and slid off of the bed, picking up her empty blood bags from the bed as she did. “If you’ll excuse me I need to get cleaned up and change into something that doesn’t have a bloody hole in it.”
“Hello?” Katie heard Alaric call from downstairs. “Anybody home?”
Katie whooshed down and found him in the study. “Hey.”
He jumped not having heard her walk up. “God, don’t do that.”
“Sorry.” She laughed.
“Where is everybody?” he asked as Katie walked over to the decanter and poured herself a glass of bourbon.
“Elijah left when I started feeling better, and Jenna left when I was taking a shower. I don’t know where Stefan, Elena or Damon are at.” She answered then took a drink then headed to the parlor.
They had just walked past the front door when Stefan walked in. “Hey, there you are.” Alaric greeted him.
Stefan looked around. “Where’s Damon?”
“I don’t know.” Katie shrugged.
Stefan whipped out his phone and called Damon. “Bad time, Little Bro.”
“What the hell are you doing?” Stefan asked.
“Saving the day. I figured you’d understand.” Damon answered. “Just tell Elena to stay put.”
“She’s already gone, Damon.” Stefan told him.
“What?” Damon asked.
“Klaus came. He took her.” Stefan answered and Katie started biting her nails.
She heard Damon growl on the other end of the phone. “I’ll take care of it.”
“Well what the hell does that mean?” Katie asked, letting her arms fall to the sides.
“It means you need to call Elijah.” Stefan told her so she grabbed her phone and called him.
“The sacrifice is completed in stages as the full moon sets.” Elijah told them as they got out of the car at the witch massacre house. “First the werewolf is killed, then the vampire then finally the doppelganger. Once Elena dies, the curse will be broken and Klaus will become a hybrid.”
“So when do we attack?” Stefan asked from where he walked next to Elijah.
“Elena’s death will activate his dormant werewolf side. He’ll be vulnerable during the transformation.” Elijah answered as they came to a stop outside the house. “That’s where Bonnie comes in.”
“And you’re positive Bonnie will survive this?” Stefan asked and Katie looked at him, hoping he wasn’t lying the whole time to get to this point.
“If she can deliver him to the brink of death, I’ll finish the job myself.” He answered.
Stefan’s phone started ringing so he answered it. “Damon.”
“You’re not gonna like what I’m about to say.” She heard Damon tell him.
“Cut to the chase. Is the sacrifice happening or not?” Stefan asked in no mood to beat around the bush.
“It’s happening. I tried to stop it, but things got…complicated.” Damon answered.
“We’re sticking to the original plan. We’re meeting Bonnie right now.” Stefan told him.
“He’s got Jenna, Stefan.” Katie’s shoulders slumped and face dropped at his words.
“What?” Stefan asked as she turned and looked at Alaric.
“He got Katherine to lure her out of the house.” Damon told him. “He’s going to use her as the vampire in the ritual.”
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Alaric asked and Katie looked at him with wide, sad eyes.
“Klaus has Jenna.” She told him. “He’s planning on using her as the vampire in the ritual.” Alaric ran his hand through his hair with a sigh. “But I’m not going to let that happen.”
“What can you do to stop him?” Alaric asked.
“I’m going to offer him me.” She answered getting shocked looks from all three of them.
“No, Katie I can’t let you do that.” Stefan told her as he hung up the phone.
“Nor can I.” Elijah told her with a hard look.
“Look, I am the only one who can do this.” She told Stefan then looked at Elijah. “If I die as long as you are alive I will come back. Klaus killed me before and he was trying to figure out where he knew me from when he was in Alaric’s body. I’m sure he’ll accept me in Jenna’s place.”
“Katie I just found you. I will not lose you now.” Elijah stepped in front of her and placed his hand on the side of her neck.
“Elena has lost enough already. I will not let her lose the only guardian she has left. She may not be my family by blood but she’s still family.” She told him sternly. “I’ll come back, just don’t get yourself killed.”
Elijah wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into him, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Fine.”
“Then it’s settled. I’m stepping in for Jenna.” Katie confirmed with a look around to see that Alaric was gone and Bonnie walked out of the house.
“You’re what?” Bonnie asked only having heard the end of the conversation. “Why did he take Jenna?”
“As punishment for meddling.” Elijah answered.
“Klaus was going to use Tyler and Caroline.” Stefan spoke up. “Damon rescued them.”
“Then we need to go. Now. Before Jenna’s been sacrificed.” Bonnie told them. “I can kill Klaus myself.”
“Bonnie, we've been through this. We’re not letting you die.” Katie argued. “It’s not going to happen.” Katie shrugged at her.
“So you’re going to die instead?” Bonnie asked.
“I’ll be reincarnated again.” Katie argued.
“Yeah, in who knows how many years when Elena and I are dead.” Bonnie argued.
“Look we can argue about this all night, but I’m taking Jenna’s place and that is the end of it. Now can we please get a move on before we run out of time?” Katie asked, getting aggravated.
“Yeah. Fine. Whatever.” Bonnie told her with a glare then went inside with Elijah to do a locator spell leaving Katie and Stefan alone.
Stefan walked over to her. “You don’t have to do this you know.” He told her as he bumped her shoulder with his. “Losing you is going to hurt Elena just as much as losing Jenna.”
“Yeah, well, I’d rather her lose me than another parent figure.” She sighed. “And thanks to Damon she’ll probably still be around when I come back.” She sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“She’s not the only one who will miss you.” Stefan told her. “And I’m not just talking about Bonnie and Caroline.” She looked across her shoulder at him, wishing he would stop talking. “Or Damon for that matter.” She caught on that he was talking about him and he saw the light bulb above her head light up and gave her a sad smile. “I know we haven’t been super close since you turned, but…I still consider you a friend.”
Katie just gave him a smile and looked out at the moonlight lit trees in thought. “I uh…” she started as she turned toward him. “I never told you thank you for my birthday present.”
Stefan smiled and looked down at the ground. “Damon told you, didn’t he?” he asked and Katie nodded.
“I liked it, better than my gift from Tyler actually.” Katie said with a frown then a smile.
“Yeah, who gets their girlfriend soap for their birthday?” Stefan asked with a laugh. “Was he trying to tell you that you stink?”
They were laughing when Elijah walked out of the house and over to them. “Bonnie did a locator spell. They’re at Steven’s Quarry.” He informed them stopping just a few feet from them.
“Stefan and I will head there first?” Katie asked with a look at the two of them.
“Then you follow with Bonnie when it’s time.” Stefan confirmed with a nod.
“Just as the moon hits it’s final phase. She’s to stay hidden until then.” Elijah added. “He can not know that she’s alive.”
Katie took a deep breath and held it, trying to muster up some courage. “If Klaus doesn’t accept Katie, I’ll offer him me.” Stefan told them with a look at Katie then Elijah then started walking in the direction of the quarry.
“You’re very honorable.” Elijah told Stefan.
Stefan stopped and walked back over to stand in front of Elijah. “Are you? Because this whole plan is, um… It’s contingent upon your honor, Elijah.”
“I won’t fail you.” he told him.
“Klaus is your brother. I know I’ve wanted to kill my brother a thousand times. I’ve never been able to.” Stefan told him and Katie watched them talk.
“Well, Klaus was not my only brother. I had siblings; parents. I had a family. Over the centuries Klaus hunted them down one by one and he took them from me.” Elijah told Stefan then looked at Katie’s sympathetic eyes. “He scattered them across the seas where their bodies could not be found.” He looked back at Stefan.
“You want revenge.” Stefan stated.
Elijah looked at Katie and smirked then looked back at Stefan. “Sometimes there’s honor in revenge, Stefan. I won’t fail you.”
“Please end this.” Stefan told him then walked away.
“You should get going.” Elijah told her as she walked up to him.
“If I’m going to die tonight, there’s something I need to do first.” She told him quietly as she grabbed the sides of his neck and stood on her tiptoes, catching his lips with hers. He sighed into the kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her hand slid over his jaw line as the kiss broke and she pulled back to look into his brown eyes that looked black in the night lighting. “I’ll see you again, my love.” She whispered then whooshed away to catch up to Stefan.
Katie stood on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ritual that looked to already be underway given the fact that Jules laid dead in the center of a burned out circle. Elena and Jenna sat in the middle of their own flaming circles. “I don’t recall you being on the guest list, Love.” Klaus said then looked up at Katie.
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“I just want to talk.” She told him, keeping her voice strong despite the fact that she was shaking in her boots on the outside.
“Very well then.” He said then vamped up to her, grabbed her shoulders, then vamped them back down to the ritual site. “Hello Katie. Or should I call you Hannah?” he asked with a smirk.
“So you remember me?” she asked, keeping her face hard.
“Yes, if I remember correctly I ripped your head off with my bare hands.” He told her with a smile. “Now, what can I do for you?”
“I came to ask you not to kill Jenna. Let me take her place.” She said, not losing her strength or tall stature.
“I don’t know.” He drawled looking like he was thinking about it. “The last time I killed you my brother didn’t speak to me for at least a decade.”
“Is that really so long in the grand scheme of things?” Katie asked. “Besides I’m in love with Damon.”
“That’s besides the point.” He told her then smiled a devious smile. “Plus I have a feeling Damon won’t be with us much longer.”
“What did you do to him?” Katie asked, getting mad as Klaus walked around her. She didn’t bother turning to face him.
“I didn’t do anything to him,” she felt his chest against her back as he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “But I’m sure you’ll find out everything you need to know in the morning.”
“What?” Katie asked, but before she could turn around to face him he stabbed her in the back with a thick stake, then broke it off even with her skin.
“No!” Elena cried as Katie sank to her Knees in pain.
“Don’t worry Elena.” Klaus told her as he walked around Katie. “I need her alive, but for now…” Klaus turned and grabbed Katie’s head in one hand and with a simple flick of his wrist, broke her neck making Katie’s world go black.
Katie woke up to the sounds of Klaus screaming and Bonnie chanting. A searing pain shot through her aching back when the stake was removed and she looked up to see Damon walk over to Stefan who was lying next to her and pull a stake from his back as well. “Damon.” Katie sighed as she stood on her knees then he helped her stand up. He turned back to his brother.
“I need you to get Elena out of here.” Stefan told him.
“What about you?” Damon asked him then looked at Katie.
“I’m not leaving until he’s dead.” Stefan told him. “Go.”
“I’m not leaving either. I’ll be okay, just get Elena somewhere safe.” Katie told him agreeing with Stefan and he nodded then headed over to Elena.
Katie and Stefan walked over to Bonnie who had stopped torturing Klaus so that Elijah, who walked over to his brother lying on the ground, could finish him off. “Elijah?” Klaus asked.
“Hello, brother.” Elijah answered back then slammed his fist into Klaus’ chest. Klaus screamed out. “In the name of our family, Niklaus…”
“I didn’t bury them at sea!” Klaus pleaded.
Elijah paused, “What?”
“Their bodies are safe.” Elijah stared at him. “If you kill me you’ll never find them.”
“Elijah, don’t listen to him.” Stefan pleaded.
Elijah looked at Stefan, then Katie, then back at his brother. “I can take you to them.” Elijah stared at him still. “I give you my word, Brother.”
“Do it or I’ll take you both out.” Bonnie warned him.
“You’ll die.” Elijah warned her.
“I don’t care.” Bonnie answered back.
“Elijah, please.” Katie pleaded with her words and her eyes.
“I’m sorry.” Elijah grabbed Niklaus and whooshed away.
Katie walked into Damon’s bedroom and saw him standing in front of his mirror fixing the collar of his dress shirt. “I’m guessing Stefan has already told you that I offered to take Jenna’s place?” Damon hummed a positive answer to her. “Did he tell you what Klaus told me about you?”
“If you have a point would you do me a favor and get to it?” Damon asked as he turned from the mirror.
She expected him to be glaring at her, mad for offering to let Klaus kill her, but he just looked tired. “He said he had a feeling you wouldn’t be around much longer. I want to know what he was talking about.”
“Klaus was just being Klaus, threatening you to get under your skin.” Damon tried to brush by her but she grabbed his arm. He winced.
“Show me your arm.” She told him hiding her fear behind anger.
“It’s fine, Katie.” He told her with gritted teeth then started to walk away.
Katie whooshed in front of him and grabbed his wrist, then pushed his sleeve up. “Oh my god.” She sighed at the sight of his reddened, decaying arm. “No, no, no. Not you.” Katie cried and Damon pulled his sleeve back down and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “Jules or Tyler?” she asked, tears slipping down her cheeks to land on his jacket.
“Tyler. It was just a nip, but…it still counts as a bite I guess.” He sighed and she pulled back to look into his eyes. He could see the question she was about to ask. “No. You’re not going to go to Elijah about this.”
“Why not, Damon? He said there was a cure, maybe I’ll have time to get it this time.” She argued.
“No, Katie. No one else needs to know about this.” Damon argued back.
“So you’re just going to let yourself die when we know there is a cure out there?” Katie argued and Damon shushed her.
“Lower your voice.” He warned her. “If I promise to help you find the cure after the funeral will you calm down and keep this between you and me for right now?”
“Fine.” She told him then threw herself into his arms. “I refuse to lose you.” she told him as she pulled back and grabbed his face in her hands. “You hear me? It’s not going to happen.”
“I hear you Katie Cat.” He sighed then pressed his lips to hers and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Katie stood next to Damon as they walked with the rest of her friends to the Gilbert graves. As she watched Elena put a rose on each of her parents' graves and Alaric placed a second rose on Jenna’s fresh grave, Katie couldn’t help but feel like she should be putting a rose on Damon’s grave. Damon kissed her temple then walked off into the distance. Stefan followed him and Katie knew he was going to tell Stefan. “Hey,” Bonnie said, getting her attention, “we’re going to head back to Elena’s. You coming?”
“No. I uh, I have something I need to do first. I’ll be by later though.” She told her with a solemn look.
Not knowing where to start looking for Elijah, she simply got in her car and closed her eyes. She knew that if she called to him he would somehow know where she was. So she called to him hoping that she could somehow follow the link. After a few minutes she started to feel him too and eventually she could tell exactly how far away he was and that he was traveling towards mystic falls.
So she cranked her car and headed toward him, feeling the link like an invisible string tied between them. The closer she got to him the more she could tell exactly where he was heading, Alaric’s loft.
She ended up beating them there and when she opened the door she found Stefan and Katherine inside. “Katie, what are you doin’ here?” Stefan asked as she walked inside.
“I followed my link to Elijah. He should be here any second. What are you doing here?” she asked in confusion. “How’s Damon?”
“Bonnie did a séance. She heard the witches say Klaus’.” He told her and avoided her second question.
She was about to grill him, but Klaus walked into the open door with Elijah right behind him. “You two just keep popping up don’t you?” Klaus asked, seeing Katie and Stefan.
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“We need your help…for my brother.” Stefan told him while Katie was having trouble taking her eyes off of Elijah.
“Well, whatever it is, he’s gonna have to wait a tick.” Klaus told him. “You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention.” He walked around the three of them.
Elijah walked over to Katie and Stefan. “You understand how important family is or you wouldn’t be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own.”
None of them saw Klaus whoosh behind Elijah until he said, “and so I shall” then stabbed Elijah in the chest with a dagger.
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Both Elijah and Katie screamed out in pain. Katie fell to her knees, the pain so intense she couldn’t breathe. “No.” Katie gasped looking at Elijah lying on the floor, his skin grey and veiny. Her glaring eyes moved to Klaus who was looking down at her with a smirk. She whooshed at him with savage eyes, but Stefan caught her around her waist, stopping her. “Why spare me if you were just going to dagger him the first chance you got!?” Katie yelled at him, fighting Stefan’s grasp on her.
“Because, love, he won’t stay dead forever. Besides, you're in love with Damon. Remember?” he asked and the veins appeared under her eyes that were turning red.
Stefan whooshed her out of the apartment. “Go home.” He told her as he pinned her to the wall with his hands on her shoulders.
“No.” Katie practically growled.
“Damon tried to kill himself.” He told her and the veins disappeared from under her eyes.
“What?” she asked shocked.
“He’s locked in the basement to keep him from hurting himself. He needs you and you need to be with him.” Stefan told her as he looked into her eyes to get his words to sink in. “We both know you won’t forgive yourself if he dies and you’re not there. Go.” Katie nodded so Stefan let her go.
Katie was heading to the basement when she ran into Alaric. “Stefan put you on suicide watch too?” Katie asked as they headed down the stairs. She had a cool wet rag and a bottle of water while Alaric held a glass and a bottle of bourbon.
“Something like that.” Alaric sighed.
“Would you mind doing me a favor and locking me in there with him?” she asked as they came to the cell he was locked in.
“Why so he can stab you again?” he asked and Katie rolled her eyes.
“Can we let that go please?” she asked as she pulled the latch open and stepped inside. Alaric closed the door behind her.
“Katie.” Damon groaned. “You went to Elijah, didn’t you?”
“Yep, fat lot of good it did. Klaus daggered him.” she answered as she kneeled down beside him, lifted up his head and placed the rag on his hot neck.
“Well that looks bad.” Alaric commented from the small window in the metal door.
“It feels worse.” Damon answered as Katie moved to sit across from him, leaning back against the wall. “My subconscious is haunting me, Ric.” Damon looked at the door to see Alaric set down the glass and Damon’s daylight ring. “Please tell me you have something for that.”
“Double shot.” Alaric answered as he poured bourbon in the glass.
“That’s good.” Damon groaned and stumbled up and over to the door where he put his ring on then grabbed the glass. “So my brother sent you two for suicide watch?”
“He’s just trying to help.” Alaric answered.
“He’s doing what he always does, trying to right the wrongs of the past.” Damon said then doubled over in pain and started coughing. “You should want me dead. I’m the reason Jenna got killed.”
“Damon you should sit down. Conserve your energy.” Katie told him as she stood up and placed her hand on his back.
“I don’t blame you for Jenna.” Alaric told him then took a drink from the bottle in his hand.
Damon let Katie help him sit on the large rock in the room. “Oh, sure you do. Let’s not forget I turned your wife into a vampire. You must really hate me for that one.”
“Okay, give me your glass. Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation.” Rick told him and Katie reached for Damon’s glass, but he grabbed it first and walked over to the door.
Damon finished off his glass then grabbed Alaric’s neck. “Kill me. Please.”
“Damon, let him go!” Katie grabbed his arm and tried to make him let him go, but he wouldn’t.
“Screw you.” Alaric rasped then stabbed Damon in the arm with a vervain dart.
“No.” Damon groaned and let go of Alaric. “Katie.”
“I’m right here.” She told him as she eased him down to sit on the dirty floor. “He needs blood.” Katie told Rick who nodded and headed to the deep freezer.
Katie was brushing Damon’s hair back out of his face when she heard Sheriff Forbes voice outside the cell. A male deputy’s face appeared at the window of the door. “Sheriff Forbes, over here.”
The sheriff’s face replaced the deputy’s. “Please, don’t open that door.” Katie begged, but she slid that latch on the door and opened it anyway. “Damon’s not in his right mind.” She told her holding her hands up while the sheriff held a gun on her. “He-” she started as if to keep pleading with her then knocked the gun out of her hand and threw her to the floor. Damon whooshed out of the room as a deputy stabbed Katie in the arm with a vervain dart, but she had built up enough of a tolerance that it didn’t bring her down too much. She threw him to the floor and whooshed after Damon.
She managed to follow him to the town square, where she lost him. “Damn it Damon.” She sighed as she tucked her hair behind her ear and listened. “No, Damon, no.” she heard Elena’s voice and whooshed over to them to see him feeding on Elena.
“Damon, stop!” Katie snapped and Damon turned to look at her. Elena’s blood on his face as he sank to his knees. Elena fell to her knees next to him, pressing her hand to her neck. “We have to get him home.” Katie told her as she wrapped her arms around Damon and pulled him up, but he couldn’t stand. So Katie scooped him up bridal style. “Do you have your car?”
“Yeah, it’s this way.” Elena nodded and jerked her head for her to follow her.
“Did he hurt anyone else?” Katie asked as she laid Damon in the back seat then slid in after him, laying his head in her lap.
“Katie?” Damon asked weakly.
“Yeah, it’s me. I’m here. I’ve got you.” Katie told him, brushing her hand over his cheek.
“No, just me. I think he thought I was Katherine.” Elena told her as she started the car.
“Elena?” Damon asked, looking toward the driver’s seat.
“I’m here too, Damon. You’re safe.” she told him without looking away from the road.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“It’s okay. We’re going to get you home.” Elena replied with a look back at him.
Katie sat on Damon’s bed, her back resting on the headboard with Damon laying on her with his back against her chest and her arms wrapped around him. Elena brought over a cool wet rag and placed it on his sweaty forehead. “Thanks.” Katie told her with a smile as she placed her hand over the rag, holding it in place.
“No problem.” Elena answered back with a sad smile.
“Elena, get out of here. I could hurt you.” Damon told Elena who still stood beside the bed.
“No, you won’t.” Elena argued.
“Elena he’s right.” Katie spoke up. “You saw how bad it got with Rose.”
“I’m not leaving him.” Elena argued.
“I’ll give you a few minutes.” Katie told her as she slid out from under Damon as gently as she could then laid him back on the pillows. “But seriously, after that you need to get out of here.” She gave her a warning look that told her she would forcibly remove her if she had to as she walked out of the room and downstairs.
She heard him coughing and groaning in pain as Elena shushed him and told him it’s okay. “It’s not okay.” Damon argued. “All those years I blamed Stefan. No one forced me to love her.” Katie knew he was talking about Katherine and she started picking at her cuticles. “It was my own choice. I made the wrong choice. Tell Stefan I’m sorry, okay?”
She heard Elena take in a deep breath. “I will.”
Not being able to handle not being with him Katie headed back upstairs. She found Elena lying beside him, one of her arms behind him, holding the rag to his head while the other rested on his chest. “Katie.” Damon sighed and motioned her over weakly.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Elena told her as she slid from the bed and handed her the rag.
Katie moved around to the right side of the bed and slid over next to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. “I’m not gonna lie, I just had a flashback of walking in on Katherine trying to seduce you.”
“I know, I saw the jealousy in your eyes.” he told her quietly. “You don’t have to be jealous of her.”
Katie pushed herself up on her elbow to look at him. “All my life either Elena or Caroline ended up with what I wanted. As much as I love them, I’ll always be jealous of them and maybe even a little paranoid that they will unintentionally take what already is mine.” She placed her hand on his sweaty neck and rubbed it with her thumb. “And I love you more than anything else, so I can’t help but be jealous of her. Especially since I know you two are friends. Guys tend to not stay just friends with her for long.”
Damon lifted his hand weakly and brushed his thumb over her cheek. “I’ve made a lot of choices that have gotten me here. I deserve this.” Katie’s eyes watered and a knot grew in her throat. “I deserve to die.”
Katie placed her hand over his on her cheek and shook her head. “No, you don’t and you’re not going to.” Katie cried.
“I do, Katie Cat, and it’s okay.” He told her, wiping at a tear with his thumb. “’Cause if I would have chosen differently I never would have met you.” Katie’s eyes slipped shut and she took a deep breath, trying not to be a sobbing mess for Damon’s sake. “I’m sorry. I’ve done so many things to hurt you and the people we care about.”
“I forgive you. I always do.” He smiled sadly and he smiled back.
“I know you love Elijah, but I want to thank you for choosing me.” He told her, fighting to keep his eyes open. Not being able to speak she took his hand from her face to kiss the backs of his fingers. “You have no idea how much that means to me.” He told her, making tears slip down her cheek. “I love you, Katie Cat.”
“I love you too, so much.” She told him as she leaned down and pressed her lips to his. Tears slipping from her eyes to land on his cheeks.
“Don’t let me interrupt.” They thought it was Elena, but when Katie looked up from Damon she saw Elena and Katherine standing in the doorway. “It’s not like I brought the cure or anything.” She walked over to the bed and sat down on it as she took the cork out of the bottle of blood.
“You got free.” Damon said weakly.
“Yep. Finally.” She answered as she put the bottle to his lips and poured the blood into his mouth.
“And you still came here?” he asked as Katherine cupped his cheek in her hand making Katie see red.
“I owed you one.” Katherine answered then patted his cheek and stood up.
“Where’s Stefan?” Elena asked as Katherine turned to her.
“Are you sure you care?” Katherine asked.
“Where is he?” Elena asked harshly.
“He’s paying for this.” She answered holding up the bottle of blood. “He gave himself over to Klaus. I wouldn’t expect him anytime soon.”
“What do you mean he gave himself over?” Elena asked.
“He just sacrificed everything to save his brother, including you.” she told her with her usual snotty tone. “Goodbye Elena.” She started to walk away then said, “Oh,” and turned back. She looked at Katie then slowly slid her eyes to Elena. “It’s okay to love them both. I did.” She tossed Elena the bottle then whooshed away.
“What the hell did she mean by that?” Katie asked with a look at Elena.
“She’s just messing with your heads.” Damon groaned as he sat up, already feeling better. “Ignore her.”
“I’m gonna go see if I can get in touch with Stefan.” Elena said as she walked out of the room leaving Katie and Damon alone.
“I promise this is the last time I’m going to ask.” Katie said as Damon stepped out of the shower. “How do you feel?”
“I feel fine.” He told her as he walked over and rested his hands on her shoulders tiredly. “And like I could sleep for a week straight.” He added with a small laugh then headed over to the bed and flopped down on it quickly falling asleep. “Katie brushed his wet hair to the side and kissed his forehead then left him to sleep.
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helloalycia · 5 years
cheater [two] | kara danvers
summary: just when you thought you were getting over your ex, she manages to find a way to weasel her way back in and make you doubt what you thought you had
warning/s: none.
author's note: I'll be posting part 3 tomorrow (the final part) so stay tuned! I've also got a lena imagine coming up the day after! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! :) 
part one | part three | masterlist | wattpad
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Kara was becoming a frequent presence more and more in life as time went on. She was always there for me to count on, even when I didn't know I needed it, and I was extremely grateful. I wasn't even sure why she ever took a liking towards me, but I was lucky she did.
She'd come over to mine every other evening and invited me over to hers as well, and I welcomed the distraction whilst in the healing process of Anna and I's breakup.
I'd see the she-devil around work as little as I could manage, along with her new girlfriend – because of course they were dating now – but I tried not to let it affect me. Every time I found myself self-deprecating, I tried to remember it wasn't my fault. She was just a shitty person.
Eventually I stopped getting pitiful looks off people around the office. It wasn't helping with my self-esteem. Kara was a big help with that though, managing to glare people into looking the other way. It was funny after a while, how she stuck up for me like nobody had before.
I wanted to thank her somehow, for being there for me, but I wasn't sure what to do or how to even go about it. I wanted it to be meaningful, but I was never good at saying things outright. Maybe I could write it, I was always better with written words...
"...could do with a bagel right about now," Kara said, practically salivating at the thought.
I laughed, raising an eyebrow. "We literally just ate lunch. You're always hungry."
"Girl's gotta eat," she said simply, patting her stomach.
I rolled my eyes playfully, looking back to my computer for a moment. I was browsing Amazon for a new bookshelf and I asked Kara over to my desk for her opinion.
"This one," I said, turning my monitor around so she could see. "It doesn't look too hard to put together and it would fit well next to my TV, right?"
She leaned down to get a better look, nodding her head. "Yeah, that could work. Are you good at putting things together?"
I almost snorted. "No way."
"I can help if you want," she said with a laugh. "I'm pretty good at DIY if I do say so myself."
"Cheers." I smiled with amusement, watching how her eyes lit up at my dismay. Worth it.
My smile faded when I heard the irritating voice of Katy. I saw she was in our department, talking to one of the other reporters. Her whole being infuriated me and I could never control my annoyance when I saw her. She glanced at me, smirking, before continuing her chat with whoever.
"I can mix her coffee with laxatives if it makes you feel better," Kara spoke, gaining my attention. It took me a moment to realise what she said, and when I looked at her, I saw the seriousness in her eyes.
I cracked a smile, shaking my head. "You can't do that."
She mirrored my smile, shrugging. "Well, I could, but I shouldn't."
"There should be hearing aids invented that simply tune out her voice," I said, rolling my eyes a little. "She really bugs me."
"Yeah, it sucks, but at least it's a very rare occurrence that she's here," Kara said, trying to find the bright side of things.
"I guess, but– woah!"
I widened my eyes when I saw Kara suddenly reach in front of my face, catching a pencil sharpener in her hand. She looked down to me with concern and also surprise, before looking up to see where it came from.
"Oh my god, Y/N, that was totally my bad," Katy apologised, approaching my desk.
I stared up at her, surprised at the hint of mischief in her expression.
"That was supposed to go to Jack," she continued, pointing to the desk behind me. "I've got terrible aim."
Something told me only half of that was true.
"You should be more careful next time," Kara said, dropping the sharpener into Katy's hand. She was definitely not impressed as she added, "That could have hurt someone."
"Sorry," Katy repeated, flashing us an 'apologetic' smile before leaving to give Jack the sharpener.
I breathed out with relief, only just realising how close of a call that was. I looked to Kara appreciatively.
"Nice reflexes."
"Yeah," she said, half heartedly, still watching Katy with narrowed eyes, before looking to me. "You okay?"
"Thanks to you," I pointed out. "You really are my own personal hero."
Kara smiled, rolling her eyes as if to distract from the pink spreading across her cheeks. "Whatever."
I scrunched my nose, smiling at how cute she looked, before looking back to my computer. "I guess I'm buying a bookshelf. And you're gonna help me, right?"
Some more time passed before I realised how I wanted to thank Kara. It wasn't a big deal, nothing flashy or exciting. In fact, it wasn't the best thing ever, but it was all I could think of that didn't seem silly or fake.
I wrote her a letter. It thanked her for being there for me throughout everything, and how her being there brought us closer together as friends which I was grateful for. It said how I was lucky to have her in my life and so was anybody else who had her, too. She was gracious and kind one of those rare, beautiful souls that I couldn't let go by unnoticed without at least thanking properly.
I knew she didn't like big gifts and lavish presents, so I didn't bother. It wouldn't have felt right anyway – I wanted something more personal. So, I had the note ready to give with some flowers and a little Supergirl keyring that was soon to be explained.
I heard her knock on my door after work and that's when I readied the gifts on the kitchen counter.
"Hey," I greeted the blonde when opening the door.
She looked up and smiled brightly when she saw me. "Hey, I found those Jaffa Cakes you said you missed from home on the way here and thought I'd buy them for the movie." She held a packet of Jaffa Cakes in the air excitedly. "What d'you think?"
I stepped to the side to let her in, accepting the Jaffa Cakes, and grinned widely, unable to contain my appreciation.
"Kara, these aren't just something you 'find' on the way here," I told her, looking up to see her staring at me with anticipation. "You would have had to go to some sort of special store or something. Somewhere that specialises in British sweets and stuff."
Kara waved her hand dismissively. "It wasn't that hard."
I raised an eyebrow knowingly.
She suppressed a smile. "Okay, it was a little hard."
I laughed and moved forward, surprising her with a big hug. She chuckled, returning the embrace.
"If I knew Jaffa Cakes would make you this happy, I would've brought you a lot more," she joked as I pulled away.
"I've got something for you," I said, meeting her eyes with excitement.
"Not Jaffa Cakes I hope, otherwise this is embarrassing."
"I'm kidding, go on," she said, laughing contagiously. "What have you got, Y/N?"
I put the Jaffa Cakes on the kitchen counter before grabbing the three items I wanted to give her.
"Well, that's a lot," Kara joked again, but I saw the appreciation glimmer in her eyes.
"Come sit down," I said, leading her to the couch. She followed and joined me as I sat down, facing her. "This is a thank you gift. It's kind of dumb, a little embarrassing, but I want to give it to you."
Kara had a smile permanently stuck on her face as she watched me. It made me feel a little nervous under her gaze, but I kept going.
"So, I wrote you a letter because I'm really bad at saying things," I explained, holding out the envelope. "English. Saying– speaking English. God, why am I so nervous?"
She laughed and accepted the envelope.
"But yeah, that's everything. So, you can read that first," I finished, nodding.
I watched hesitantly, as she pulled the note from the envelope and opened it up. Her eyebrows scrunched together with concentration as she read, and I knew I'd written a lot but it didn't make me any less patient to see what she'd say afterwards.
After what felt like forever, she looked up with an expression I couldn't read.
"I made it weird, didn't I?" I said, chewing on my lower lip.
Kara pressed her lips together and shook her head. "Y/N... I... you have a wonderful way with words."
I breathed out with relief.
"Thank you for saying those things," she said, resting a hand on mine, sending shivers up my arm. "It was sweet. And you're welcome."
I smiled softly. "I'm glad you like it." I held out the flowers adding, "These are for you. Just a little something extra."
Kara chuckled, accepting the flowers. "They're beautiful."
"And finally, there's this," I said, holding out the little blue box. "It's kinda stupid, but yeah."
She accepted the box, too, opening it up to reveal a Supergirl keychain.
"So, Supergirl is National City's hero, right? Well, I thought it would be funny because you're, well, you're mine. I mean, you helped me through my shitty breakup, and even before then, you've always been a big help with work. I just thought it could be a little reminder that I'm grateful for all the good you do. Like Supergirl, y'know?"
Kara lifted the keychain from the box and laughed, nodding her head. "This is amazing, Y/N. I love it."
"You do?"
"Yes," she said, lowering the keychain and meeting my eyes with her excited blue ones.
"Good. I... good."
She grinned, leaning forward to give me a quick hug. I smiled to myself, glad she liked it. My hammering heartbeat relaxed when we pulled away.
"Now to find a place to put it," she said, making me chuckle. "Wait a minute..." She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her keys, attaching the keychain onto them, joining a fluffy cat and some other keys. "There. Perfect."
I watched as the barista put whipped cream on my hot chocolate and sprinkled chocolate powder on top, making me excited. It was a chillier day in National City today, so I was picking up a drink on my break at Noonan's when I felt a familiar presence beside me.
"Y/N, hey."
I glanced over my shoulder and swallowed hard when I saw Anna, smiling awkwardly at me.
"Here you go," the barista grabbed my attention, placing my drink in front of me. "Enjoy!"
"Cheers," I said, grabbing my cup, before turning around to see Anna still, watching me. "Er, hey."
"I see you're also on your break," she noted, nodding to the drink in my hand. "Tea?"
I shook my head, still wrapping my head around the fact that we were speaking. I'd been successfully avoiding her for a few months now, and eventually I got over her and what she did to me. I didn't understand why she was attempting to talk to me now though – surely she had gotten the hint?
"Hot chocolate," I corrected her, pursing my lips, unsure whether to leave.
Anna accepted her drink from the barista before glancing at me. "It's been a while since we've spoken. I've been meaning to have a chat with you. I know you didn't want to speak to me, but I thought that it's been a while since then, so maybe you're up for it now?"
I raised my eyebrows. "I don't really know what there is to say, Anna."
"Please," she added, her voice suggesting a hint of desperation. "I won't be long."
I felt the heat from my hot chocolate in my hand remind me that I was going to head back to CatCo, but Anna seemed like she had something important to say. And I felt like I was emotionally mature enough to finally hear her out, or at least be civil with her, for the sake of our work relationship.
"Yeah, sure, okay," I agreed reluctantly, before leading her to a table by the window.
We sat opposite each other, clutching our takeaway cups nervously, unable to meet each other's eyes. Until finally, she spoke.
"You seem well," she said softly, and I could feel her gaze on me, "since, y'know..."
"Since I broke up with you after you cheated on me," I reminded her, meeting her eyes.
She licked her lips, nodding. "Right."
"What was it exactly you wanted to talk to me about, Anna?"
"I broke up with Katy," she said abruptly.
"It wasn't exactly a relationship destined to work out considering the circumstances in which it formed, was it?"
She gave me a knowing look. "Y/N."
I shook my head. "What do you want me to say, Anna? How would you like me to react?"
She was staring into my eyes as if expecting me to know what she was thinking, but I didn't. Not anymore.
"I honestly couldn't care less if you broke up with her," I said, truthfully. "It doesn't affect me. Quite frankly, nothing you do affects me. I've moved on."
"I shouldn't have cheated on you."
I breathed out slowly, trying to contain any oncoming anger I was feeling. "I don't care anymore."
"It's nice that Kara is helping you through," she added, a hint of jealousy in her voice, making me roll my eyes.
"Sure is."
"Are you guys a thing or something?"
I stared at her dumbfounded. "You're kidding, right?"
"No," she said, shaking her head. She was deadly serious.
I chuckled with distaste. "You think I owe you an answer? After everything you did to me?"
"So you are together," she said, a little disappointedly.
I clenched my jaw. "No, Anna, we're not. We're just friends if you must know. Not that it's any of your business."
She nodded, glancing down at her coffee cup with a hint of a smile. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes once again.
"Did you wanna talk to me just to remind me of all the shit you put me through?"
"No, no... that's not it," she said, meeting my eyes again. "I broke up with Katy."
I sighed. "You said."
"I broke up with her because I'm still in love with you."
I raised my eyebrows with surprise. Definitely wasn't expecting that.
"You don't seem mad about that," she pointed out hopefully.
"I don't seem happy either," I bursted her bubble, zoning back into reality. "This ought to be good."
"I'm serious, Y/N," she began, what I think was, sincerely. "I'm in love with you still."
I stared at her, so fed up of feeling everything because of her. I didn't even know how to react – I knew I didn't love her, I stopped a long time ago. But I was so exhausted with dealing with what she put me through that my brain didn't know what to do as she was speaking.
"You remember the part where you cheated on me, right?" I asked, quirking a brow.
"You're not taking this seriously," she decided.
"You bet your arse I'm not taking this seriously," I agreed, narrowing my eyes. "You broke my heart, Anna. You went off and slept with another woman whilst we were together – you cheated. You made me feel like shit."
"I know that," she said regretfully. "I know. I was horrible! I didn't appreciate what I had, okay? You were always so nice and loving. You cared about me so much and it became suffocating, infuriating! I hated it, that we were so..."
"Perfect?" I filled in for her, feeling a lump forming in my throat.
"Exactly," she said, her eyes softening as they met mine. "You loved me too much and I hated it then, but I miss it now. I miss us. I'm here to ask you for another chance."
I pursed my lips, wondering how on earth she thought she could have me back after everything she'd done. And now knowing why she'd cheated in the first place, something I thought I never needed to know... I didn't want to admit it, but it fucking hurt.
"You just told me that my love, the way I treat the people I care about, is suffocating," I said, swallowing hard. "Why the hell would I want to be in a relationship with you? Aside from the fucking obvious?"
I pushed my stool out and stood up, grabbing my bag and hot chocolate.
"Y/N, no, wait–!"
"You know, I don't remember you being this much of an arsehole when we were together," I said, staring at her one last time before storming past her and out of Noonan's.
As I headed back to CatCo, I tried to understand what the hell just happened. I was over Anna – I'd worked so hard to get over her, and with Kara's help, I had. I was convinced that I didn't need to know why she cheated, I mean, why does anyone cheat? I didn't think there'd be a reason. But now, knowing that there was a reason, and it was because of me apparently, it hurt. That same pain I felt those few months ago after finding out she was cheating, returned, even if it was for a split second.
Was I really too much when with those I cared about? Did I care too much? Was I too kind? Too loving? I didn't think that was possible, but now... I shouldn't have believed anything Anna said, yet it was lingering in the back of my head and I couldn't get rid of it.
When I reached my desk, I sat down and tried to get on with some work, but my head was still elsewhere, processing what Anna had told me. She still loved me, okay, that didn't bother me as much. I didn't love her at all, not anymore, not after how she treated me. She cheated on me because I was too much for her, too 'perfect'... that one was still a horrible thought embedded in my mind now. I had ironically pushed her away because I cared too much about keeping her close.
I'd barely gotten any work done when I saw a message pop up on my computer screen. It was from Kara, who was probably sat at her desk on the other side of the room.
KARA: Hey, we still on for takeaway and a movie tonight at mine? I'll let you pick the food.. :D
I was about to respond with a 'yes', but then I thought about what Anna said. I hated that she was making me second guess my friendship with Kara, but if what she said was true, then the last thing I wanted to do was push Kara away because I was too clingy.
ME: I think I'm gonna be staying late tonight to finish some work off. Maybe next time?
Yeah, that would work. I just needed to hold off for a bit. Kara and I had been hanging out quite a bit lately, and after giving her that keyring we– god, that keyring! That was so stupid! That was clingy, for sure. If I kept this up, caring for her too much, she might end up like Anna – feeling suffocated and trapped. I needed to slow it down. Give Kara some space to have a life, too. She'd been there for me so much that I barely let her do her own thing. It surely must have been annoying for her. The last thing I wanted was her hanging out with me because of some obligation she felt she had.
KARA: oh, okay, that's fine! anything I can help with? I don't mind staying back with you
ME: I should be okay, thanks anyway
I saw she wrote something else, but I decided to leave it at that and get on with my work. I still felt my heart hurting a little, and I wasn't sure if it was because of what Anna said or because of my newfound fear of losing Kara at my own hand.
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The Littlest Winchester
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Part 1 - A Winchester is Born
Pairing: Dad!Dean x OC!Daughter!Reader (Sapphire)
Mobile Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2
Summary: In a series of quick flashforwards we see Dean going through fatherhood. The mother, who is unknown drops the baby off at Bobby Singer’s house of all places, leaves a note for Dean.
Takes place during Seasons 4 - 8.
[A/N: In this part, these are flash forwards from birth to about age 4, mentioned in the story would be hunts, diapers, a one night stand similar to Season 7 with the Amazonians [I don’t remember exactly what they’re called], only she’s human in this fic, and so’s Dean’s daughter.]
[a/n #2: This is my first (kind of) dad!dean x daughter!oc!reader fic, I first touched base in it in my Down the Rabbit Hole Series (in one of my many, many, many versions), read a doze of them, and now I’m hooked, so please, feedback would greatly be appreciated.]
It was the sound of a baby’s crying that caught his attention.
No one did even think to knock, she probably wouldn’t be fast enough to evade Bobby and his array of questions he’d have for her.
Bobby opens his front door to see a baby’s blanketed basket with a note pinned to it. Bobby looks around his yard, see’s no one, not even hearing a car racing off.
He picks up the basket and brings her inside. Takes a peak at the note.
Dean, is written in all caps on the top of the letter.
“Dean!” Bobby calls out from his study.
They had just gotten back from a case, after learning who actually yanked Dean out of Hell, where Sam had been for the past 4 months, Dean spent most of his days out in the yard. Either cleaning his Impala or fixing up a random car just to let off steam.
When he didn’t respond, Bobby searched for Dean. Finding him in the garage.
“Dean.” Bobby says, getting closer to Dean. He was laying on a creeper under a car changing oil. But Bobby wasn’t patient enough. So with a foot on the creeper he pulls Dean out from under the car.
“What the hell Bobby?” Dean scoffed.
“I’ve been calling for you, now, come with me.” Bobby says. Walking off before Dean could object.
Dean can hear the baby’s cries from Bobby’s study.
Bobby hands Dean the letter.
Not sure if you remember. You probably don’t, but if the name Kristi doesn’t ring any bells to you then you deserve to know this. You needed to let off steam at the roadhouse I was working at just outside of Dallas, you gave me a night to remember. But I guess I was another one night stand to you. I was a virgin you ass. And you knocked me up, I’m not ready for kids, hell I don’t want kids. Why do you think I work in a roadhouse to  begin with? 
I found out I was pregnant some time in May of last year. She was born September 18th, 2008. I did not name her, I did not want her. I told the hospital people that I was giving her to her father. You, Dean, are her father, you have full custody of her. I want no part of being a mother.
Have a nice life Dean Singer
              - Kristi
The name didn’t ring any bells, but Dallas did. The night Dean couldn’t remember was a night after a rough hunt, Sam was still hell bent on getting Dean off of his contract. She was born the day he came back from Hell.
Not sure how she found him, but the baby was no Dean’s responsibility.
“So, what are you gonna do?” Sam asked, having walked in at some point while Dean was reading his letter.
“I don’t know Sam.” Dean grumbles.
He didn’t want to raise her in this life. But knowing he’s a dad to his own child, a daughter no less. He didn’t want to give her up. Someone’s gonna know who she is just by looking at her.
“Dean, shut her up please!” Sam shouted.
“I’m trying, she’s been fed, I don’t know what else she could possibly want!” Dean shouted back.
The poor baby had been crying for what seemed like hours, but really it’s been about 15 minutes or so.
“Come on baby girl, don’t be like that.” Dean tried to soothe her.
“Maybe she needs a diaper change.” Bobby suggested.
“Oh god.” Sam goes.
Dean just looked up at Bobby and Sam in horror and with pleading eyes.
“Don’t worry son, it’s easy.” Bobby says.
“What’ll you name her?” Sam asked later that night.
“I don’t know, I like Mary but that was mom’s name.” Dean says.
Dean held her as he paced Bobby’s study, thinking of a good name.
Until she stirred, opening her eyes to him revealing such unique iris’s. He see’s his green color but also see’s blue. His green is outlining the rim of the iris while the deep ocean blue fills the center.
“Sapphire.” He says.
“What?” Sam goes.
“Her eyes, they’re blue…plus I see green…but the blue is like a sapphire blue.” He says.
“That’d be a pretty name, plus Sapphire is September’s birthstone.” Sam says.
“Sapphire then, her name is Sapphire.” Dean says.
“Next hard part, middle name.” Sam says. Dean rolls his eyes with a groan.
“Still with blue, how about sky.” Dean says.
“But spelled fancy. How about S-K-Y-E?” Sam says.
“Sapphire Skye Winchester.” Dean says out loud.
“Eh, not bad, her name has meaning though.” Sam says.
“Yeah it does.” Dean goes, looking down, admiring his daughter in his arms.
She smiles at him, reaches for his face. Choking Dean up.
She knows her daddy. He thought.
“Hey Blue, yea I’m your daddy.” He tells her.
First words. Took Dean by surprise.
He stayed home while Sam and Bobby worked a case out of Louisiana.
“Da!” she shouts. Dean whipped his head towards her with a deer in headlights look. Shocked.
“What was that?” he asks. Walking over to her high chair.
“Da! Dada!” she says. Pointing at him.
He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in, tears formed in his eyes.
This is what it feels like? He thought.
“Yeah that’s right, I’m your dad.” He says. With an ear to ear grin.
And she went back to making raspberry noises with her lips, spraying spit everywhere. Only making him smile more.
I thought I would miss this, thank god I didn’t. Dean thought.
“Dean!” Sam shouted. “Get down here!”
Dean hurried from bed, Sam had gotten his little niece up early to eat when he noticed something. He sat her in Bobby’s study, and she had walked, on her own, to him in the kitchen, which is not very far.
Dean entered the study to find Sam holding on to her little hands.
“Go on, walk to daddy.” Sam says to her.
She turns to face him with a smile, excited to see her dad. And she slowly walks over to him.
He kneels down to her level, hold out his hands. “Come here baby, you can do it.” he encourages her.
She’d fall to her hands and knees, stumble again after a few more steps. Then in arm’s length she lets herself fall into Dean’s hands. Picking her up, holding her up in the air in celebration.
“You did it baby girl!” Dean shouted.
“What is going on down here.” Bobby grumbled.
Entering the study with the boys.
“Walk to Uncle Bobby sweetheart, you can do it.” Dean says, gently placing her on her feet.
And she slowly walked to her uncle, who smiled at her growth and progress.
And just like what she did with Dean, she did with Bobby. She let herself fall into Bobby’s hands, and he picks her up.
“You did it princess!” Bobby goes, smiling.
It’s little moments, the firsts, that make everyone whole again.
Human again.
“Happy birthday to you!” the small family sang In the bunker’s kitchen.
“Happy birthday dear Sapphire! Happy birthday to you!” they sang.
She closes her eyes to make a wish.
And she blows out four lit candles.
“What’d you wish for?” Sam asked.
“Can’t tell or it won’t come true Uncle Sammy.” She giggles.
Sam playfully shrugs, the kind that reads ‘okay fine, if you say so’.
“Alright, lets have some cake!” Jody announces.
“Uncle Sammy.” She shakes Sam’s arm.
“What is it princess?” Sam asked, kneeling to her level.
“When’s Daddy coming home?” She asked.
“Well, he told me he was getting a very special present for a very special birthday girl.” Sam says.
She lights up. “Presents.” She goes.
“Yes, so, lets be patient and wait. I’m sure he’ll call to let me know when it’s done.” Sam says.
After cake and ice cream, Dean sent out the text to Sam. Her present is ready.
“Okay, time for presents.” Sam announces.
Jody gave her some new clothes, and a new doll from build a bear.
Garth got her some dolls from build a bear as well. One even being the exact same one Jody got her.
Kevin got her a children’s book, Stellaluna.
Sam got her another children’s book, The Teacher from the Black Lagoon and Where the Wild Things Are.
All books Dean can read to her.
He enters the library where they opened presents.
“Daddy!” she shouted, hopping out of the chair and into Dean’s arms.
“Hey there birthday girl, ready for my present?” he asked.
She gasped with a  smile. “Yeah!” she shouts.
“Okay, follow me.” He tells her.
She does, she follows him down the hallway. They stood outside a room, that was once used for storage.
“Whenever your ready sweetheart.” Dean says.
She opens to door eagerly, walking into to a princess’s dream bedroom.
She had beanbag chairs, too oversized for her, in a corner of the room where a small TV sat, along with a DVD player. Her small bookshelf her uncle Sammy installed when they first moved to the bunker and gave her some of their favorite children’s books when they were kids. A ‘big girl’ bed, no longer in the toddler bed in Dean’s room, she now has her own room, her own space. Pink and purple accents littered the room.
She squeals happily.
“I love it Daddy, I love it.” she screams, clapping and jumping up and down.
Then running to her dad, giving him a hug.
“Happy Birthday Blue.” He says.
“Thank you daddy.” She says.
Feedback please! Need to know if I should keep posting some of these up. ASK/REBLOG OR COMMENT.
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 01/05/20
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an-gaol-seo-ol · 5 years
I have Starz streaming, but I normally wait a day or two to watch the newest ep. A few reasons for that...I am mom of three with two teaching jobs, a messy house, and a tumblr addiction. (Read: easily distracted.) I also want to take my time watching the season, so two more days of one less time I’ve seen something new. Does that make sense? Silly, I know! 🤪
I actually watched 506 today, the day it was released, for several reasons...
First and foremost, the stable scene. Ask any OL book reader, and they will always reference the iconic stable sex scene as a favorite or one that is quite memorable. I, personally, am in the midst of reading through the big novels, but I am only up to DOA, so far (and, that’s going slowly!). But, that’s ok! I am in possession of all eight novels, care of my local FB marketplace! So, in anticipation of such a momentous occasion, I wanted to be prepared. I pulled TFC off my bookshelf earlier this week, and messaged my BTF, @ashmarie1687, to see what chapter it was in. Armed with all of the necessary items and info, time to see what all the fuss was about... “Whew!! 🔥🔥🔥 Looks promising! Hope the production team does it justice!” I wasn’t holding my breath, and I’m glad I didn’t. It was...eh. Inner thoughts: “I’ve never seen a man have sex with his pants on.”, “How the hell is she supposed to watch while he takes her (The whole reason we love this scene!) when she has 25 pounds of skirts on??”, “WTH, Starz?”, “Maril said the stable scene would not disappoint. Maril lied. 😒 Why am I not surprised???”
Reason number two, after all the SM shenanigans from our leads this week, I needed to touch base with the whole reason I fell in love with Outlander. I needed time with J&C. For the most part, they didn’t disappoint - there was scheming, jealousy, sexual tension, a little bit of fighting, and a little bit of postcoital tenderness. I will say it was nice to see them interacting during this ep. I give it a 6.5/10.
Reason number three, as of this morning, self-quarentein is killing me! I am doing the right thing by staying in my home with my family. My husband is going to work (socially distanced from others, of course!), I am working from home, and my three beautiful angels (Read: little monsters) are schooling from home. We’ve cleaned, organized, read books, played board games, cooked, baked, watched movies, played outside, yelled at each other... We’ve been home for 10 days. I’m not gonna lie, it’s getting to me. I needed something, of my own, to take my mind off all the familial closeness. Outlander was it!
I sat at my desk, in our basement, with a cup of tea. All looking forward to stable sex. Let’s do this! Y’all...
Jocasta blindsided me.
Not once, but twice.
This was supposed to be stable sex!!! Yet, this was me 👇, alone in my basement. Tears all over my shirt. Nose running. My daughter came down stairs and asked, “Mommy, why do your eyes look like they have tears?” 😭 I’m fine. Really. 😭
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MDK killed it. So so so so good. I love her so much, I can’t stand it. (I will say, though, I’ve loved her since The Tudors, so this is nothing new!) Seriously, if you are looking for a redeeming quality in this show... She. Is. It. 👏👏👏 (Well, aside from my other favorite, the ever-amazing, scene-stealing Lauren Lyle!)
If you’ve read this far, GOD BLESS YOU! 🙏🏼 Stay safe and healthy, everyone! May you find the happiness and wine. 🍷 Cheers to at least another month of this craziness! 😘🥂
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Chapter 7
Brooklyn, New York January 23 1992
Leaning into his hand a little, I bring my hand up over his as I close my eyes for a moment. I then feel his lips on mine, gently brushing and it startled me at first but then in no time I respond as he pulls me in a little closer. I immediately suck that bottom lip of his relishing in the feeling of his soft lips that I had missed all along.
He parts his lips from me for a moment, moving his hands to my hips, touching his forehead to mine for a second and pulls me into his lap and hungrily goes for my lips again. I thread my fingers through his curls, pressing my chest to his while his hands eagerly move their way around to my back and up my shirt and all I could think about was how long it had been since he touched me which increased my appetite to continue.
I parted my lips from him for just a second as he swiftly lifts my shirt over my head, tossing it somewhere across the room then eagerly presses his lips back to mine again while I press my chest to his once again. I let out a small moan against his lips as I could feel his hardness already through his pants. Without even hesitating, I let go of his hair and reach down, unzipping his pants carefully as his cock springs out into full view.
He parts his lips from me glancing down and watching me take him in my hand, giving him a couple of squeezes and he lets out a groan.
"It's been a while, baby," He breathes closing his eyes and biting his bottom lip.
"Well we're just going to have to fix that," I purr in his ear as I give him another squeeze. He moans once more and I move to position myself,  kneeling in front of him in between his legs. I eagerly pull his pants down with his boxers over his hips while he helps kicks them off. I giggle a little and fling them across the room, then push his legs apart to get myself into the perfect position. Without wasting any time, I take him in my hand and suck the tip of him gently hearing him sigh as I do so.
"Oh shit," He whimpers and I suck lightly, feeling his whole body tense up. I give him another squeeze as I suck harder and more determined, earning moans of encouragement with each stroke. His breathing intensifies as his hands find my hair, gently unclipping, letting my dark curls fall down, his fingers drowning as he runs them through my curls. I moan a little as his fingers play with my hair feeling so good as I do my work on him. He groaned even louder which only inflamed me more, my clit throbbing and alive just begging to be played with.
I stopped for a moment, running my tongue all the way down the shaft and slowly back up to give me a moment to catch my breath. Then I went back to sucking, flattening my tongue along his shaft stroking and squeezing whatever I couldn't get in my mouth, using my other hand to softly play with his balls. This went on for a while as he played with my hair, giving me a good tug every once and a while as he moaned and groaned even louder than before.
"Oh fuck... don't you dare fucking stop," He begged throwing his head back, feeling the urge to release. Smiling to myself, I got down to business, sucking greedily, harder and harder as he twitched and moaned and screwed up his face. Once his stomach became tense, I moved my hand from his balls up over his abs and prepared myself for the load that was about to explode in my mouth. I soothed him through it as he cried, his voice deep and husky at first before turning into a whimper and once it was over, I let go as his hands dropped from my hair and I sat back on the floor to catch my breath.
He sat there on the couch breathing heavily, his hands covering his eyes while I got up off the floor and headed over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I took a long drink and walked back over to him sitting down beside him facing him with my arm resting on the back of the couch and my head resting in my hand, taking another drink as he threaded his fingers through his hair, trying to make sense of what just happened.
"Good?" I asked with a smile.
"Fuck..." He sighs and I laugh taking another sip of my water and setting it down on the side end table.
He glances over at me and then moves himself snaking his arms around me and resting his head on my chest. I smile to myself as I begin to play with his hair, twirling his curls around my fingers. Then I  thread my fingers through his roots, brushing them away from his face, moving down to his right ear, playing with the silver hoop earing then moving further along his jawline and playing with his beard.
"You like touching, don't you?" He says lazily with his head still pressed against my chest.
"Yea..." I say quietly as I thread my fingers through his roots again, running through his soft locks as he grips me closer and snuggles into my chest again.
"That feels good..." He says dreamily.
"I missed touching you" I admit as his hand follows down my arm, taking my hand from his hair and placing soft sweet kisses on my palm.
"All I did was listen to your voice," I say quietly meaning it more to myself but not caring to admit it at all.
When I moved in here I immediately bought a record player with two bookshelf speakers that sat on the book shelf on the opposite wall we were sitting at. I didn't want to admit to him that I had to re-buy his albums over again... since I had been running for so long but when I hadn't heard from him in all those months, I needed something to keep me company when I went to sleep at night... sometimes even with my fingers between my legs.
"But I have to say... your voice is so much better in person," I add and he chuckles.
"Happy Birthday by the way..." He says after a few moments and moves his head to place a few gentle kisses on my chest.
"How did you know?"
"Your uh, friends told me last night when I went back in to ask them where you lived so I could take you home," He says and places another kiss on my chest.
"You're only just a few months younger than me,"
"Yea," I smile shyly.
"Ok, I think I've denied you long enough now. Lay back... consider this your birthday present," He smiles that devilish grin and I did as he instructed.
Clad in just my bra and shorts still, I laid down on the couch. His fingers hooked in the rim of my shorts and he slowly pulled them down over my hips as I raised my arms above my head gripping onto the arm of the couch and he flings them off somewhere in the room, leaving me in my thong panties. With him still sitting between my legs, he slowly moved his hand up my leg, starting at my foot, moving slowly up my shin while his blue eyes follow. I close my eyes and inhale, letting the heat of his hand engulf me when he softly started to sing to me.
"You motioned to me, that you wanted to leave... and go somewhere warm... where we'd be alone..."
His voice breaks every once and a while and my eyes flick to him for a moment, though he keeps his gaze down, softly moving his hand up my thigh.
"I do... not know... what's going on... but I'm guessing... it's an all night thing..." He continues and I feel my heart racing as he sings. His eyes flick to mine as his hands move up over my stomach and up to my breasts, then he stops and lifts my bra up and over my nipples.
"You can... just... take it off me," I breathe but he shakes his head 'no'.
"I like how your nipples stick out," He says and goes back to singing to me.
"I walk along... feeling at ease... and falling .... like rain... into your scheme..." He sings and I shuddered at the sound of his incredible voice. Once he stopped, he lowered his head to take my right nipple into his mouth, sliding his tongue across the hard nub of flesh there. He swirled and flicked until I thought I would cum right there and then. He sensed it and turned his attention to the other nipple repeating the whole process. Soon I was quivering from his gentle licking and sucking dying a tiny death inside me.
"I take it you like this?" He asks
"Uh huh," I whimper. My panties had to be soaked by now.
While I let out a few pleasurable sounds he sits up, and positions himself  in between my legs and slowly peels down my panties, removing them completely and tossing them aside.
"If it's an... all night thing... nobody's gonna... make it end... and if it don't begin... don't worry that I'll ... take offence..." He pauses for a moment and flicks his blue eyes to me.
"And if it's an all night thing... and we fall like a tear... falling to the ground..." He trails off for a moment his eyes still on mine and all I could do was bite my bottom lip as he opens my legs. He glances down, moving his hands up my inner thighs and continues.
"I'll never come around... and you'll never... hear a word from me... if... it's ... an all night... thing..."
"Chris please..." I whimpered.
"Please what?" He says his eyes flicking back up to mine piercing straight through me as his fingers moved closer to my center, gently teasing all around.
"Please... please just... fuck me," I moaned like an idiot and he laughed playfully.
"Don't worry, I will... but you'll have to indulge me first,"
His fingers immediately touch the throbbing pink nub of my clit making me gasp at how sensitive I actually was. He softly strokes slow and sensual, his eyes flicking up to me watching my reaction to him. I don't know if it was because I haven't been touched in so long or the fact that he serenaded me the way he did but I was sure not going to last long at all.
"Shit... that's... fucking perfect... don't stop..." I was finding it a little hard to speak as he began to stroke me a little faster. I was gripping the arm of the couch and slowly arching my back trying to catch my breath as he continued.
"No, baby... you're fucking perfect," He purrs and parts my lips with his thumbs, his tongue giving my clit one good long lick before placing his lips around and sucking  making me yelp in surprise and pleasure at the same time. He gave me a few really good sucks, inserting a couple of fingers inside me and by then, it was over. I was doing everything I could to make this last as long as I could but it was no use. I couldn't even warn him that I was about to cum when I felt myself explode all over, whimpering and crying out, saying wicked things as he pulled the very essence of myself from me.
"Well... I'd say it sounded like you needed that... you were even louder than the first time," Chris says when he lifts his head from me, giving a small laugh,  apparently pleased with himself that he made me cum so quick.
"You... you were even better... than the first time," I pant with my eyes still squeezed shut as he moves over me, wrapping my legs around his waist, taking my right nipple back into his mouth and flicking his tongue like he did with my clit and teasing me with the tip of his cock, making me rock my hips but not going inside me just yet.
"You want this baby?" He says, his voice low and husky as his lips trail up to my neck.
"Uh huh," I whimper.
"You want me to fuck you baby?" He purrs in my ear making my neck tingle with the warmth of his breath and all I could let out was a moan.
"Say it,"
"Yes... please... please fuck me Chris," I beg and he laughs playfully in my ear, hesitating and then moving to frame my face in his hands.
His incredible blue eyes bore into mine and he pushes himself inside me sending a wave of pleasure that felt like it started from my thighs all the way up through my body, making my nipples tingle as I arch my back. The length of him completely fills me up inside and not once did he take his eyes away from me. He thrusts over and over and as soon as I throw my head back to moan, he places his lips on my throat, gently brushing his lips up to my chin but then forces me to look into his eyes again.
Suddenly his expression changes, becoming determined, thrusting one more time before pulling out of me, then grabbing my hip to signal to me to flip over.
"Hard?" He asks.
"Yes please," I say excitedly as I position myself on all fours and removing my bra flinging it somewhere else in the room. He grips my hips and he quickly pushes himself back inside me, threading his fingers through my hair and gripping at my roots.
"Holy... fuck... yes... fuck yes..." I praise feeling every ridge of his cock inside me more so than before, hitting every single perfect spot.
"Go deep," I encourage and he responds, letting go of my hair, gripping my hips and thrusting hard making me squeal.
"Like that?"
"Just... like... that..." I moan. He continues for a while behind me feeling like the most incredible thing that I've ever experienced when his hand travels up my side and around to my front pulling me up into a seated position with him. He brushes my curls off my shoulder that had fallen down around me, placing soft sweet kisses all along the back of my neck, making my neck tingle and this time, I didn't try to stop him. I relished in the feeling of his gentleness.
"Mmmm... you want to cum?" He purrs in my ear and nibbles my earlobe. All I could do was moan as that question sent sensations all over my body like I never thought it would.
"You want to cum don't you baby?" He asks again thrusting with more determination and I nodded, whimpering still not able to put together words. He laughed playfully again and reached down with his one hand stroking my clit, his other threading his fingers through my curls and gripping at my roots again. That was all I needed as my orgasm built quickly and with  an intensity that scared me, ripping through my body. I raised my arms up, reaching for his hair as I threw my head back.
"Fuck Chris! Make me cum!" I scream, and I did, hearing his cries match my own as he spills his seed inside me. I came and came until It felt like I was about to black out from the pure intensity of the moment. I slumped forward, catching myself with the arm of the couch panting trying to catch my breath.
"You ok?" I hear Chris chuckle as he places his hand on my back softly soothing me.
"I think so, maybe... I don't know... " I say muffled as I rest my forehead on my forearm still trying to catch my breath.
"Good?" He asks.
"Good...? Are you serious...? Jeezus Christ that was incredible," I say, finally having the strength to look back at him, flipping my curls out of my face and he smiles sweetly at me. I then reach out threading my fingers through his curls again and hungrily press my lips to his. He moans against my lips as I suck that bottom lip of his while he takes me into his arms and we continue to make out like we were teenagers again.
Without even realizing it, we ended up spending the majority of the afternoon just laying on my couch, making out and talking which we actually hadn't really done before other than the occasional small talk. This time, I felt like I could let him in a little more, though I didn't obviously tell him everything in my life but I was able to start with the innocent stuff like when I was little, how I grew up and stuff like that. It almost seems backwards that I'm now just talking about stuff like that but really, when have I ever done anything the right way?
"Well I don't know about you but, I'm hungry," I say as I lift myself up from Chris's chest and make my way over to the kitchen in just my red thong panties as he takes a drag of his cigarette watching me walk away, his eyes wondering over my body.
"Yea I could eat a little somethin' " Chris says slyly and I give him a quick glance back smirking as he raises his eyebrow at me butting out his cigarette.
"I meant for food," I giggle, entering the kitchen, opening the fridge door and flipping my curls out of my face. I take out a bowl of leftover fruit and a can of whip cream, close the fridge door with my foot as Chris walks over to the counter island in his black boxers and slides himself onto the barstool. I set the bowl and the whip cream on the counter island, and take a bite of a strawberry.
"My god... that's so good," I say with a mouthful of strawberry and Chris chuckles at me.
"Want some...? I think I have some leftover chicken in there too," I say and turn to open the fridge door again, pulling out the plate of chicken that I cooked yesterday and setting it on the counter, then reaching in the drawer and pulling out a couple of forks.
"Chicken and fruit... alright..." Chris chuckles and I giggle taking another bite of a strawberry.
"What can I say...? I guess I'm craving something sweet and meaty?" I smirk and Chris laughs taking some chicken on his fork.
"Wow... this is really good... you made this?" Chris says with a mouthful and taking some more chicken off the plate.
"Uh huh," I say taking another strawberry. After a few moments of us eating in silence, I decide to pose a question that I was nervous to ask but I wanted to anyways.
"Do you... um, want to stay here again tonight?"
Chris glances at me and flips his curls out of his face looking like he's thinking it over for a moment. My heart fluttered at his hesitation so I turned to go back into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water for him.
"Yea, I'd love to," He softly smiles at me and takes a long swallow from the bottle of water.
"You um... you don't have to sleep on the couch again though," I say shyly not knowing why I feel nervous about inviting him into my bed. He finishes his sip and gives me a smile and I go back to pecking at some fruit in the bowl, spraying some whip cream on top.
"Andi... I gotta tell you something," Chris says as he sets the bottle of water on the counter and I suddenly felt like I had done something wrong. I look at him furrowing my brow as he looks down at the counter for a moment.
"I'm not playing at L'Amour tomorrow night. The band's actually on a little break until the end of February which after that we head to Europe for the rest of the GNR leg. I drove here from home to come and see you. I was on my way here when I suddenly got nervous for some reason so I stopped in at L'Amour just to have a drink so I wouldn't be as nervous when I showed up at your door step. The fact that you were already there was still a coincidence but I already knew where you were living,"
It felt like a punch in the chest as he confesses to me, but not in a bad feeling way. In a way that I actually couldn't believe he tried to find me, and did.
"But how did you find me though?" I ask and he glances back up at me.
"Well you're listed so it didn't really make it that hard," He laughs nervously.
"You drove all the way here from Seattle?"
"Yea... I don't like to fly," He confesses.
"How the hell do you tour?" I giggle.
"Sedatives," He says taking another long swallow of the bottle of water and I had no idea what to even say. I take another strawberry and spray some whip cream on it, placing the entire thing in my mouth. After a few moments I decided to speak.
"What were you going to say?"
"What do you mean?" Chris asks.
"I mean when you planned on just showing up at my door, what were you going to say... if I hadn't been at L'Amour," I ask looking into his eyes. He sets the bottle of water down and leans across the counter on his elbows reaching for my hand and taking it in his. His eyes quickly glance down at my bare chest again and I smirk knowing that I might be distracting him which makes it all the more fun. I lean a little on the counter as he places his lips to the back of my hand and flicks his eyes to mine.
"I was going to say that... I missed you like I've never missed anyone one before and that I made a stupid mistake leaving you back at the hotel the way I did. I would've said that I want you in my life and I'll do anything to make this work between us. That I know you've been burned before and that I'll do anything to prove to you that I'm not them,"
"You already have proved that you're not them," I say quietly.
***** In the early morning, I awoke to find that it was still dark in my bedroom. I glance over at the clock on the bedside table and see that it was only 4:45AM. Chris, who was softly snoring, was on his back, his arms raised above his head with his face turned away from me. His beautiful curls spilled across the pillow and his chest looking completely at peace. I could tell he was exhausted from all the fucking we've been doing as was I, but I wanted to savor every moment I have with him for just a while longer. He looked so perfect sleeping and I wondered when the next time I would get the chance to have him next to me once again. He was pretty vague on how long he planned on staying here even though he told me he wanted this to work. I have to be realistic though. I don't have any idea how this would work between us at all.
My mind began to work through some scenarios until I got impatient with myself and found that sleep proved to be a task that I would not conquer at this moment. Sighing, I slipped out of bed, pulling on my Motley Crue tank top as my curls fell down around my shoulders and made my way to the living room to have a cigarette. About an hour later I hear Chris emerge from the bedroom, finding me sitting cross-legged on the couch with the dimly lit lamp and writing in my journal as I exhale a cloud of smoke.
"Hey you," He says groggily his voice still full of sleep as he rubs his eyes.
"Hey," I say quietly still writing.
"What are you doin'?" He asks with a yawn.
"I uh... I'm just trying to... work this out, you know? I think if I save enough money from my next paycheck... I can have enough to get a ticket to fly out to see you," I say still writing and not even looking up at him.
"Andi... we can figure something out... don't worry," He says sweetly sitting down beside me placing his hand on my knee and softly stroking my thigh.
"See... if we time it right... we can work it out to every other weekend which will leave me with only enough for my rent... oh fuck my car insurance though..." I say a little frantically and scribble out a new budget plan.
"Andi... hey... don't worry about this right now... come back to bed with me?"
"Chris...?" I start but he pulls my journal from my lap and closes it, setting it on the table.
"Come back to bed with me," He says with his blue eyes pleading which actually calmed me down just a bit.
"Ok but... no funny stuff... I'm actually kinda sore," I say and he chuckles.
"I honestly don't think I have anything left," He admits and I giggle.
He takes my hand and leads me back to my bedroom. I take off my Motley Crue shirt while he climbs back into his same spot, holding his arms out for me to snuggle in beside him. He wraps his arms around me and I place my head on his chest, playing with his soft curls that spilled across, twirling them between my fingers.
"Why don't you come back to Seattle with me?" Chris says softly after a few moments of us laying with each other.
"What?" I ask in disbelief. I move my head to look up at him as the early dawn light makes my bedroom turn a blue tint.
"Instead of trying to work out weekends and schedules, why don't you just come back to Seattle with me?"
"You... you want me to just... move out there?" I asked incredulously. My thoughts ran through my head like a tyrant.
"Yea... you're not tied down here are you?"
"Well... no not exact - "
"Then say yes,"
We face each other in the dim light of the bedroom as he takes my hand placing soft sweet kisses on my palm. My heart was beating so fast and my mouth was dry. I couldn't believe what he was asking me.
"Is that why you came here? To take me back with you?" I ask in a small voice.
"Yea, pretty much,"
His words hung there for a moment and I didn't know what to say. It was so unexpected.
"I... don't know. I don't know if I would even fit in,"
"Andi trust me, you would definitely fit in. The guys are great. Kim is just as much a metal head as you are and I know he would just love you... besides... there isn't anything planned until the spring so it would just be you and me and my big old bed,"
"I need to think about it," I say quietly. I couldn't believe he was asking me to give everything up.  I had worked so hard to get a place where I wasn't this lost, broken shell of a person anymore. It's not something that I can just flippantly decide.
Later on that morning as we were getting ready for the day, Chris stood in my living room packing up his little overnight duffel bag.
"I'm sorry... I can't... not yet," I say sadly not wanting him to ever leave me.
"I know... I understand" He says sadly and zips up his bag.
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Let it Burn. 11/?
Catch Up Here.
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Bad idea, you repeated to yourself as you walked deeper into the fray, stationing yourself behind Billy, leaving another couple and an empty stool between you. He turned slightly, feeling the presence of someone pass behind him that he hadn’t noticed before and you hoped his hyper vigilance wouldn’t screw you over this time. When his attention was drawn back to the woman next to him, you let out a the shallowest breath of relief, experiencing only the shallowest sense of relief as you sunk into the stool closest to the wall, tugging your sleeves down to cover the mark under your arm. You’d never felt ashamed of it, especially not in this place, where you and Billy could simply be without the pressures he carried or the jealous looks he drew, but tonight that was all ruined.
“This is where you bring a girl to impress her?” Her slightly accented voice, smooth, caramel skin, curly brown hair that barely caressed her bare shoulders, she was fine, but you’d seen Billy do much better. This was no comfort to you and somehow made the whole scene worse. You hadn’t thought about him with another woman in some time, but anytime it occurred to you, the imaginary being was peak femininity, flawless, and excitable. Billy’s obsession with being and having the best seemed to keep you out of the running, but this woman...she toed the line between flirtation and disinterest surprisingly well, but you could see her want all over her face, she was plainer than you imagined someone with Billy could get away with, and if you were being completely honest, you thought you might be able to take her. In looks, in devotion, possibly in hand to hand combat with some of Billy’s well meaning instruction tucked away in the back of your mind. You saw it but you didn’t want to believe it.
“This is where I bring a girl when she’s gonna see through all that.”
His voice though, was unmistakable. The tone... there was a time when you wouldn’t have recognized it, but now, with the way things had been going you were very familiar with the way Billy’s voice smoothed our when his face was turned up into a smile. He was flirting. With...her. At your bar. Yours and Billy’s.
This wasn’t a new concept, but perhaps you were out of practice, having spent more time with Billy one on one than witnessing him walk out with someone else. Your past experiences did nothing to soothe the churning in your gut. That was still your bar. He’d never told you explicitly so, but over the course of a few months you’d convinced yourself that Billy didn’t bring everyone here. It, like his apartment, like whatever soul he possessed, was a place reserved for you. Apparently not.
You locked eyes briefly with Sam behind the bar. If it were a small town or a sitcom or Sam was actually Ted Danson, he might have done something after his eyes fell curiously on Billy and the new brunette. But it wasn’t. It was New York City and Sam’s only business was pouring drinks and minding his own which is exactly he did, sliding two more shots to Billy as he was flagged down. There was nothing sympathetic in Sam’s tone as he met you at the end of the bar and for the hundredth time since meeting your soulmate, you felt completely alone.
Sam wasn’t going to defend you or intervene on your behalf, so you shook your head, not daring to speak around the frustratingly observant Billy Russo, and stood to leave. They were throwing back a couple more shots, adding empty glasses to the ones already in front of them and more straight liquor than you’d seen Billy consume. At least with you. Maybe that’s how he was with the others, looser, freer, getting them talking before shutting them up with his smile. You turned back at the door, just in time to see Billy lean back, the tilt of his dark head making his appraisal obvious as he twirled the green bottle between his fingers with just the flick of his wrist. He was the embodiment of effortless and you decided in that moment that your efforts were better spent somewhere else.
The rest of the evening passed in a blur. You called a friend from work, finally accepting the offer she’d been badgering you about for weeks. Bea was struggling to sell her mother in law’s home as the old bat took over her husband’s den, turning it into the perfect cave where she could await death while expect Bea to cater to the old woman’s every need. It’s all you’d heard about this month and the kind but tired nurse asked you almost everyday if you’d be the one to just take it off her hands. With the money you were making at the hospital, thanks to Billy’s mysterious connection, and the money you were saving by living in his spare room, the only thing that had slowed your search for a new place was Billy himself.
Ridiculous, you muttered to yourself, stuffing the contents of your bookshelf into a large suitcase. The bulk of your belongings were in Billy’s storage locker, gathering dust in the basement of his building, so the physical packing of what you kept with you took less time than you’d expected. Bea’s excited shrieking was still ringing in your ears by the time you looked around the room. Aside from your work clothes and your sheets, you were done and the reality of your rushed departure hit you like a ton of bricks. Why? Why ruin a good thing? You asked of yourself.
Because it isn’t a good thing. You thought about the woman at the bar and you couldn’t blame her no matter how desperately you wanted to believe it. She wasn’t pulling Billy from you. She wasn’t using him or manipulating him. She was a woman in a bar and you had no right to be upset.
But you were. Would she have sat with Billy for hours, watching Frank Castle on trial as “the Punisher,” while the crimes of his best friend were splashed across every news station? Would she have stayed again when he escaped from prison or when his death was announced, holding his hand, arm, head, whatever he offered, long into the night while Billy insisted Frank was still alive? You paced around the apartment, looking at all the little reminders of a relationship that wasn’t real. Not outside of your head, at least.
You froze, catching the reflection of a woman in one of the large windows. She looked like you, same eyes and hair, same fucking mark in display with her elbows high while tugging on her own hair. She wore your clothes, stood in your shoes, but this woman looked weak, like the disappointment had finally broken her down. And you hated her. For falling for the divine ruse, the promise of love gifted to you in the form of a man who didn’t know what the word meant. Without you, he likely never would, but that ceased to be a concern of yours. You were tired and there was a woman across town with a key and a deed to a house that Billy Russo would never be caught dead in. It was perfect. Because of him, you could afford it and because of him, you intended to collect.
That night you fell asleep with headache, waking up once to annoying metallic clicking coming from the living room. You shut your eyes and willed yourself back to sleep, no intention to speak to Billy about his evening. The next days passed quickly, you worked and tried not to think about the fact that Billy wasn’t checking on you like he had before. You met with Bea and a loan officer at your future kitchen table, taking some of your things with you before the deal had even been signed. You went home...not home, you returned to Billy’s apartment to find his go bag had disappeared again, but when worry tried to worm its way into your mind, you pushed it out again. He might have been your soulmate, but he was someone else’s worry about and your concern wouldn’t bring him back safely. Whatever he was doing. Eventually his go bag returned, but you’d yet to see the man who carried it and as your possessions were moved in to the house across the river, you started to wonder if Billy would even show his face before you left your key and the counter and saw yourself out for the last time. Two nights in a row, you packed and slept and didn’t hear Billy’s nighttime ritual, didn’t hear him coming home until the morning for a shower before heading to Anvil’s corporate office again, during which time you did not speak, wanting him to knock on your door, peek his head in, apologize for being so busy for now going more than a week without speaking to or seeing you. He didn’t. Naturally. And with each passing day, your decision became easier to swallow. You were finally doing the right thing for yourself and Billy wouldn’t ruin that for you. Not anymore.
Your last night in Billy’s apartment, you were zipping up your last bag while nursing a strong beverage when the front door closed and your eyes flew to your bedroom door. After a few steps, you heard shoes being dropped on the floor and evidence of Billy’s presence disappeared into the night. Even when he thought he was alone, his movements were quiet and you waited for him to appear in your doorway like he had just over a week ago, vulnerable, wanting to talk to you or maybe using conversation as the cover to be close to you. It didn’t matter anymore. You took a deep breath, drained your glass, and hooked the straps over your shoulder, stepping out of your now empty room.
Billy was standing wordlessly at the kitchen counter, a thick black laptop propped open with a familiar face on the screen.
“Do you run background checks on all your dates?” You asked, stepping closer until you could see the header above the photo. Homeland Security, huh? Not your usual go to, Russo. Billy turned to face you, face already turned up as if he were going to say something, but you beat him to it. “Or just the ones with a higher security clearance than you?”
The excitement in Billy’s eyes when he saw you made your heart skip, but the grin on his lips and the light in his eyes died immediately when they fell from your face to your side, where a small bag hung. “Goin’ somewhere?” He asked casually, turning back to close his laptop before leaning back against the counter with his hands gripping the edge. Again the casual stance he forced himself to take fell apart when looked at you. He pulled away from the steel counter and his hands fell helplessly to his sides. He couldn’t hide the surprise on his face, eyes wide and lips parted, as he raised an accusatory finger and gestured to the set of keys in your hand. “What the hell is this?”
You took another breath and stepped up to Billy, silently begging him not to make this harder than it already was. I’m sorry. The keys clanged mercilessly against the counter next to Billy, where you dropped them on your way through the kitchen, setting your bag on the ground so you could rinse out your glass. “I found a place,” you said slowly, trying to keep your voice even. It was such a good idea before, but now, watching whatever small spark you used to see in those black eyes be snuffed out by your words, it seemed an impossible task. This is right. I can’t stay here anymore. Billy was silent behind you, but you caught his reflection, his glare directed at the back of your head, in the glass cupboard door.
“Were you going to tell me?” He finally asked.
“I’m telling you now,” you said calmly, drying the glass and then your hands on a towel. No longer able to stall with the chore, you turned to face him. Oh, Billy. “I wanted to tell you sooner, but you were God knows where,” good. Stay angry. It’s easier.
“I’ve been back from-“ Billy stopped himself and rolled his neck before looking at you again. “I’ve been back.”
“You haven’t been here...” you reminded him, leaning against the opposite counter, thankful for the island between you. It couldn’t have been more than a couple feet wide, but it was growing with every second. The divide between you growing and would continue to do so until he was no long in your sights. “Two nights in a row,” you scoffed and Billy’s scowl was so deep, you weren’t sure it was even for you. Thinking of her? Glad you were with her instead of with me? If you had been...maybe I could stay. The inaudible snarl tugged Billy’s upper lip until he sniffed and looked away, gathering his thoughts or maybe reminding himself that you were nothing to him.
“So that’s it?” He asked, unrecognizable cruelty dripping from his tongue. You’d heard it before, when Billy was on the phone or when he stepped out of his office so you couldn’t hear or when he talked about Arthur, he couldn’t hide the blood lust in his eyes, but admittedly you’d spent more than one night thinking about how much better the world would be without him. This was the first time it had been directed at you, however. “You’re just done?” He asked and you wanted to answer, but his laughter cut you off. “It’s fine. Playing house was getting pretty old anyways.” Bastard.
“You offered me a place...temporarily. I think I overstayed my welcome, don’t you?” Billy swallowed and mouthed a yeah, coughing to conceal another humorless chuckle, but he didn’t say anything out-loud. You closed the gap between you and the island, planting your hands on the steel counter to mimic Billy’s stance. “Thank you, Billy,” you said, suddenly finding it so much more painful to be looking up in his dark eyes. His look was strained and it seemed like he wanted to say something else, until his jaw clenched shut and his nostrils flared, same glare returning. You rolled your eyes and backed away, taking up your bag as you moved toward the door.
In a flash, Billy had you by the arm, pinned back against the door, looming over you with the fire in his eyes returning. You weren’t convinced you could take a breath without it shaking and giving away your nervousness, the uneasiness of having his face so close to yours. Your eyes flew back and forth between his, falling briefly to his lips. A kiss wouldn’t make this all worth it, but it might render you immobile. You couldn’t think like that, not now, not when you were so close to what you wanted, as if the man memorizing the lines of your face with an intensity that took your breath away wasn’t what you wanted more than anything. No. Not now. He can’t.
Billy licked his lips and leaned in, his breath warm against the skin of your face as he spoke directly into your ear. “I know you only stayed because of this...” he squeezed your arm for emphasis, thumb digging into your flesh, right at the eye of the black cyclone that was a perfect match for his own. “This dumb fucking mark.” Your breath hitched and you squeezed your eyes shut. Of course. Even after all this time. He didn’t believe you cared. He couldn’t and as badly as you wanted to hold him and tell him he was wrong, again, you simply couldn’t. He wouldn’t believe it even if you did. Billy exhaled quickly and his breath stung the side of your face as he leaned toward you again, twisting the door knob and pulling it open for you before stepping away.
“If I thought for a second you wanted me to stay, I would,” you assured him and he shook his head, looking everywhere but at you. “I-“ you started and suddenly his eyes were on yours, as if you knew what you were going to say. No. Not now. He wouldn’t... “I know you don’t care about your safety, Billy, but I do.” With a cleared throat and a tight nod, you spun toward the now open door.
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