#and i was like no fuck NEDA
LMAOOOO NEDA is union busting and replacing the hotline workers with AI. hell world but this is so funny to me sorry i’ve been a NEDA hater for years
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 2 months
Hey umm could you do a story with al and Seth where sugarbo has an eating disorder and they try and help them through it. (And if you don’t feel comfortable doing that, that’s totally fine)
Eating disorder comfort.
TW: Eating disorder as asked.
If you have a eating disorder please try and talk to someone about it!
You can contact the National Eating Disorders Helpline at (800) 931-2237 or text “NEDA” to 741741 for immediate support.
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It was Seth who noticed first, how Boo started passing on snacks he would give them. Seeing how they also started eating a bit less at dinner. But, he brushed it off because what if their on a diet? They were talking about losing some weight....
Alphonse noticed when they passed on seconds for their favorite meal. Usually Boo eats two plates before saying their full. That's when he started thinking back, whens the last time they had a full plate for dinner? He hasn't seen them eating lunch in a while either.
Everyone in the trio had different schedules so they ate breakfast at different times. Boo and Seth usually woke up first, but Seth noticed Boo wouldn't eat. He assumed they did after he left for work, but then Alphonse asked him if he saw Boo eat anything in the morning.
It was a Saturday morning when the boys decided to talk to Boo about it. Maybe they were just paranoid, but communication is key in a relationship. Both were in the living room waiting for Boo to wake up.
They did around twelve in the afternoon, Boo slowly came out and saw the two sitting. Getting a gentle smile from the both of them, Alphonse spoke first.
"Boo, can you sit down real quick? I wanna ask something." Whispering gently, not wanting Boo to feel like they were calling them out. Boo on the other hand saw how Seth was playing with his hands.
"Um...okay..." Mumbling they sat across from their two boys. Wondering what the fuck this was about, then it struck them. 'Fuck did they...' before they could speak Alphonse spoke.
"Boo, me and Seth have saw that...you haven't been eating a lot recently. Babe, please...if there is something tell us what's going on..." Whispering Alphonse leaned his hands to theirs. Boo had wide eyes looking at them but tried to shrug it off.
"What? No I've be-" Stuttering a bit they were interrupted by their silent partner.
"Sugar. Please, don't lie to us. You rejected snacks we give you. You always ate snacks during the day, and you started having less on your plate at dinner." Seth felt bad interrupting them but they were trying to deflect. Alphonse put a hand on Seth's thigh for him to calm down. This was a sensitive topic, if everyone gets mad something will be said at the wrong time.
"As Seth is trying to say. We're worried, baby and we just wanna help. Can you tell us why you started slowly not eating?" Alphonse was racking through his head on WHY Boo could be doing this. Boo on the other hand was sitting there, feeling like their head was underwater.
Then the tears began falling down, trying to speak only caused them to cry. The boys say this and jumped up to them, both taking a side as Boo sobbed into their hands.
"One...one of the older ladies made a comment on my weight...I didn't think much at first. Then I started looking in the mirror too much." Sniffing, Boo hiccups as they tried to explain what made them start eating less. Anger slowly filled the boys listening to this.
"She...she even made a comment on how you both would leave me becau-" trying to continue the boys interrupted them.
"Yo what the fuck?-"
"We would never leave you sug!-"
Both turned to their third and hugged them tightly. Clutching their backs Boo sobbed more into them, the boys just stayed there. Hopping their presence would calm them down, both were too angry to say anything.
After a while Boo finally calmed down, letting go as they wiped their face. Alphonse was looking on the ground trying to figure out what to say. God he wanted to punch the old bitch now, but that wouldn't help them.
"Sugar, if something like this happens again. Please tell us, we'll deal with whoever made you feel like this. How fuckin' dare that lady tell you that!" Huffing Seth was trying to control his anger. Alphonse just nodded along as he held Boo to him, 'God what didn't he noticed sooner?'
"We love you the way you are. No need to listen to others on how we feel. If we feel some type of way we tell you. We're in this relationship, not that old bitch. Shouldn't even be butting into our relationship, fuckin' swear ima grab her-" Mumbling threats under his breath Alphonse leaned his head on Boo's shoulder. The third in the relationship smiled at their partner's.
Then thought a bit more, why did the comment affected them so much? But still there was a nagging feeling they had. They did deal with a eating disorder when younger, that comment probably triggered it.
"I...I wanna eat a cupcake." Whispering with determination. Boo decided they needed to start small, and slowly fix their bad eating habits.
"On it!" Seth jumped off the couch, paused then turned and kissed Boo. Rushing away he snatched his keys and went to the grocery store.
"Boo?" Softly speaking, Alphonse lifted his head. Showing his tears as he held their hand. "I'm so sorry we didn't noticed sooner. I swear we promise nothing like this will happen again. I love you. WE love you."
"I know...and thank you, both of you. You guys are always there for me when I need you." Whispering slight tears showed up in Boo's eyes as they leaned and hugged Alphonse. Getting a giggle from him as he entrapped them into a bar hug.
After a while, Seth came back with a cupcake box. Sitting down he opened them for Boo, who gently took one. Looking nervous they took the wrapper off and ate it. Swallowing it they smiled as they enjoyed the sweet treat.
"That was nice! Thank you, Seth for getting these." Feeling tears again they hushed their cowboy. After finishing the small tray of mini cupcakes the three began talking.
Deciding on slowly giving Boo food during the day. So they can get use to eating more than a few things. The baker smiled as they watched Seth and Alphonse look up snacks to get Boo use to eating more.
They were really lucky having then as partners.
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shinxeysartgallery · 6 months
Thinking about this screenshot set again...
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I noticed that my boy Roulette ends up sharing an ID number with one of the canon Drones. Whoops!
However, I've also just realized that Alice and Giam share a number too (017). This list seems to imply that all these Drones are dead except for Nori and Yeva, (especially considering ""Tessa"" found one of the dead Drones in a locker) so maybe they recycled the numbers of the dead Drones for new experimentees?
Like, in this example, maybe Giam was first, they fucking died, and then Alice showed up. Then the scientists were like "Huh, we need to assign Alice an ID number. Hey, Giam just died so #017 is open now!" and then gave her that number?
Same situation could be applied to my boy Roulette. Maybe Neda was first and died. Then when he arrived they just said "well, you get #004 'cause the last guy died. lmao" But Roulette is still the type of guy to steal his ID number or make Neda lose it in a bet.
It's possible that they were grabbing regular Drones to experiment on, considering the likes of the colony Drones existing and never being in the Cabin Fever Labs. So, when one of them died, they could've just gone out and grabbed a regular Worker Drone to replace them with. It's not out of the question, considering the mistreatment of the Drones we've seen JCJenson do. (And not to mention how they were chaining Drones up in lockers in the labs. They obviously don't care about ethics. lmao)
Another theory could be that there were two sets of ID numbers. One set for the Drones in the cathedral area, which all were infected with the Solver, and another set for the Drones up in the actual labs, which were not infected with the Solver. And if that theory is correct, then both Alice and Giam are #017 - Giam was #017 of Solver Drones, and Alice was #017 for non-Solver Drones. (Although if that theory ends up being true, RIP to my boye 'cause he's a Solver Drone, so it wouldn't work with him. lmao)
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eighthdoctor · 10 months
hello! so I've been following you probably since I got on here in 2013, but I've somehow managed to never really get into the EU (I mean, I did lose interest in dw in like 2015). now I'm finally going to be getting into it, but there's so much. any recs/any to absolutely avoid? I have looked through your blog but there's also a lot.
I'm pretty much interested in absolutely everything lol. and if you don't have the time or whatever, is there anyone else I could ask? thanks 💜 (I also have a decent list (hopefully) from someone on reddit for the VNAs, VMAs, & EDAs, and was looking at your propaganda for a lot of books in the poll. haven't gotten to the audios yet in my list)
-cracks knuckles-
Here is my #1 advice for the DW EU: Pick something that makes you nutty. Focus on that first.
As you have already noticed, there is so much and you will get so overwhelmed. The EU started right at the beginning and has grown exponentially without pause. So which doctor are you most interested in? What sort of story makes your brain vibrate? Do you want more fucked up time travel? More weird aliens? Romance? Porn??? DEEPLY fucked up torture?? Extensive worldbuilding? Canon welding?
For Eight: The audio onboarding points are either Storm Warning (Charley, Main Range) or Blood of the Daleks (Lucie, Eighth Doctor Adventures--which I tend to abbreviate NEDAs to avoid confusion with the books). In theory Dark Eyes was supposed to be another entry point but it hits so much harder if you come from Lucie/the NEDAs.
The best EDA to start with is Vampire Science. In theory this is #2, however #1 is The Eight Doctors which is just bad. All you miss is that Sam sneaks onto the TARDIS while running away from drug dealers who she was trying to snitch on to the police. Start with Vampire Science instead.
For non-Eight: Because everyone else has actual TV runs, their EU is much more fragmentary. All Eight by default takes place between the TV Movie and Rose, whereas, say, Seven's stuff could happen in between (or during) any given serial or after Survival.
The upshot to this is that you tend to be able to pick and choose more readily; there's some EDAs that make no goddamn sense (...end of sentence) without the books before them, but that (imho) doesn't tend to be true to the same extent for other Doctors.
That being said there is a Five/Six/Seven audio arc that I haven't listened to all of, but there's a list of those here.
Does that help?
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goddamnwebcomics · 1 year
Worst scene from Every Webcomic I've Riffed
Here it finally is. It's a sequel to a now outdated article thingy I did like 10 months ago. The only exceptions for this round are Peter and Company for being too new and Chugworth Academy due to the whole comic being the worst scene. Here we go
Alien Dice: Trasik is a Mimic
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This may legitimately be the shittiest plot twist in the entire history of this blog. Honestly Tiffany came up with this whole plot twist because she felt that Chel killing Trasik would have been bad. And like, did Tiffany even realize that until that point, she wrote Trasik as an extremely irredeemable monster? Like the fans were BEGGING for Chel to finally kill Trasik. Considering we don't even know where the real Trasik is, and apparently she was kidnapped, this whole twist was such an afterthought. There wasn't even a single speck of foreshadowing. How did Brown SIrius not know? Why did Riley know it but not tell about it to ANYONE? It was just a last minute attempt to make Chel not a murderer. Come on, Tiffany, like, come on.
Bloody Mary: Shootout
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Until this moment, Bloody Mary was just a lame crossover comic. Then Mary, a 13 year old girl, decides to start killing people after she witnesses two burglars about to rob a store. I get that the name of the comic is "Bloody Mary" but it didn't need to get so literal. Literally she could have saved her sister if she went back to the Test Family, but no, she somehow has to walk all the way to Mexico to save her herself, and commit several crimes on her way there. After this she continues to commit atrocities against humanity. How did she even know how to handle a gun? And what is that perspective?
Carnivores: Lothan's Gruesome End
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From children killing people to children being killed. I've made it clear Lothan Arc is my least favourite Carnivores arc because the whole thing is torture porn of this poor beaked child. After being tricked to feed shark what is implied to be shit, the shark eats Lothan and shares it with the crocodile, thrashing Lothan's body so hard the whole pool turns red from blood. This then kills all the wolves who tortured Lothan earlier aside from one. It's not as out there as some of the later overkill endings Austin would do, but I feel it's the most disgusting one.
Console Girl: The Simulation Revealed
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Before Alien Dice's worst moment, this was the worst plot twist in this blog's history. After the first few chapters full of ecchi hijinks, this comic pulled a SHOCK DARKNESS CEREBUS SYNDROME TWIST and revealed the whole comic until then had been simulation, and humans were under attack by the army of consoles. While the shittiness would only escalate from there with little girls and their giant boyfriends, as well as consoles going from obscure references to author's fetishes, this twist was the start of it all, and the biggest example of how to not do a comedy-to-serious transistion. It received no foreshadowing outside of numbers in names, and I am sure Neda pulled this out of his ass as soon as he realized he wanted to cash in on the whole Doki Doki Literature Club/Don't Hug Me I'm Scared-type "innocent thing turns DARK OOOOH" craze. Not to mention this comic fucking failed at being serious, there were still moments of shitty comedy in between, and the seriousness completely failed because of the ridiculous premise. "FUCKING CONSOLES, I'LL MAKE YOU PAY" remember?
Daisy Falls Apart: The Ending
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The ending of this comic was so rushed, I couldn't believe it at first. After getting her kingdom back from Wart, the epilogue only lasted two pages, and Daisy didn't learn anything from her struggles, and it's likely Sarasaland is now fucked because Daisy is a tyrant and a womanchild. Maybe she will end up back at the beginning of the comic soon.
Dominic Deegan: Orc Rape
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I was actually thinking if I wanted to rank the scene I disliked the most, or the scene I felt destroyed the comic's reputation. I decided that Orc Rape should be this comic's worst scene because it's so fucking stupid. Apparently it's an orc ritual that neither side wanted to take part in, but Stoneraper, our alleged hero, HAD TO DO IT because otherwise Melna would have DIED. Considering how Mookie would eventually turn orcs into the superminority to end all superminorities, this was such a horrible idea. Even worse than that, Melna did eventually fall in love with her rapist. If you want me to be mad at Siggy for hating the entire orc race, then forget about it.
Gene Catlow: Forzoi's Torment
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Gene Catlow has the largest amount of terrible moments in combination of it being the longest comic I've riffed thus far and also being full of moments of corrupt morality from Albert's weird mind. Probably the worst moment of them all has to be Forzoi's torment of Carson. Forzoi has somehow convinced himself that Matt is a tyrant and thus constantly torments Carson and demands him to "wake up". He is genuinely an evil manifestation and almost feels like a mask-off moment for this comic's heroes, as he prevents Carson from telling the truth by choking him, and also controls his emotions and constantly speaks to him even from a far. He is literally trying to force Carson to change his mind, even if he doesn't want to. Which quite frankly is what the heroes are also trying to do with the rest of the world, except they're able to hide their true intentions behind therapy speak.
Kit n Kay Boodle: Hammer of Love
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Yes. I didn't pick any of the real life arcs because they're all lies. Instead the awful repetitive dialogue of Angela is probably the cringiest part of this comic. She constantly keeps talking about T-shaped laywer's Hammer of Love. And this gets worse when the T-shaped lawyer later keeps talking about ISLANDIA PACIFICA as he plans to reform his lawyer group as yiff-defenders. Man, there was so much in common with Kit n Kay Boodle and Gene Catlow, why was I such an idiot and not make the connection while Albert was still alive???
Las Lindas: Alej’s Redemption
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Talk about losing all the conflict this comic had. Alejandra was such a good character until this moment, the only character who could stand off against Mora's dictatorship of douchebaggery. I should have quit reading after Alej knocked Mora out, really because nothing after that is worth reading. On top of that Alej's redemption comes out of nowhere. Just because there is a lot of text during these pages doesn't mean they're actually saying anything meaningful. Alejandra turned good because "Oh, how DARE I disagree with Mora??? She is the most PERFECT FUCKING BEING EVER!!!". Go fuck yourself, and being a lesbian doesn't make you any better.
Monster Girl Academy: The Emotional Moment
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Gee, what would be the worst moment in the worst webcomic I've ever riffed? It's easy, the moment when longtime friends Zack and Hua kiss for the longest time. It's not really bad if you see it out of context, but it becomes downright rotten when you think about everything surrounding it. In-universe Hua and Zack called eachother little sister and big brother until one day after seeing Zack get a harem Hua was like "I WANNA LOVE YOU TOO" and later when Hua got wet nipples Zack suddenly got super horny and realized just how INNOSEXY and MODEST Hua is. It's such unnatural development of romance, since this shit is written by Kraw, the turbovirgin whose proudest relationship is a lesbian relationship where the other side treats the other more like an object than a person. And then you get to out-of-universe stuff, the fact this whole webcomic exists as a porn comic behind a paywall that doesn't even feature porn that frequently. The fact this comic attempts an emotional moment with Zack and Hua kissing after overcoming their anxiety is so goddamn manipulative. It shows you that Kraw can't stop pretending he isn't writing for the lowest common denominator, and we'll get another moment like that from him later.
Roommates: Captain Peregrine
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There are no humans in your world of gay furries, so naturally you turn Captain Falcon into Captain Peregrine. This serves no purpose, why are these characters even playing Smash when two of them ARE in Smash? Is Kirby a furry? Is R.O.B a furry? Are polygon fighters all furries? Is Mr. Game and Watch a furry? Is Mario a furry? Doing this stupid joke because you have no creativity unironically destroys your terrible gay porn comic's universe more than any closeted homophobes would. Also, of course Spelunker and Dreamous are Melee players.
Spinnerette: Abortion Argument
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If I had to pick the worst moment among the sea of worst moments, this would be it. Kraw thought it was a good idea to include allegorical arguing about pro-life vs. pro-choice in an arc where Spinnerette turns fat after switching powers with Greta. This causes Spinny to turn her back on Tiger and Mecha Maid, once again being the idiot of the comic.
The inclusion of topical topics in your comic, especially if they're allegorical, will not only date your comic immensely but basically turn you from a writer into a soapbox. You might as well let your twitter feed write your comic. It's so forced and bad, it almost makes you want to support the opposite argument the creator is saying out of spite! It's like a goddamn psyop designed to make that side look bad! If you support abortion, you fap to fat Spinnerette. You can blame this page for Roe v. Wade getting repealed. Thanks Kraw!
Warmage: Spanking Scene
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Need I say more?
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solipseismic · 1 year
i hope you know that every day i wish i could read your book and really enjoyed reading the nanowrimo tidbits you sent, you should infodump about it 👀
CROW ... this is so so sweet i am kissing u gently on the mouth . also this is great timing bc i am just about to compile a vigilante's guide to knowing when to die into a goog file that i can send to my friend (part of our bargain in me convincing him to do nanowrimo w me this year)
snippet from book 2 for u:
The Rift gave a sudden convulsive shudder. Skysteel felt it all the way to her ankles as it threw her out—and away. She was freefalling before she even knew it, pinwheeling through the air like a shitty paper airplane. Sky-ground-sky-ground-BUILDING passed in a dizzy blur right up until she smacked into a billboard with a comedic sound. She would have laughed, except her lungs seemed to have gone on impromptu strike at the time of impact. It really was a hard-knock life, huh? Black spots swarmed her field of vision. An Avian shrieked at the sight of her and dove, the razor talons of its feet extended fully and bladed wings gleaming in the bright sun. Poltergeist and Eidolon were both yelling something over comms but she couldn’t parse anything—all she could see was the golden light of the Avians surrounding her, all she could feel was the agonizing feeling of the Rift splitting open wider far above her. The golden light of the Avians turned blinding. Skysteel’s secondary eyelids dropped down for a split second. But— That was no fucking Avian. A man shining like a blue sun reached down and gently plucked an Avian off Skysteel’s prone body laying in the ruin of the billboard. One moment his hand closed around its shoulder and the next—it was a still-glowing pile of fine, off-white ash on the ground. “That was stupid,” he said. Skysteel took the hand he offered and heaved herself up out of the pieces of billboard she’d fallen to the ground with. “That’s what I want on my headstone,” she told him, wincing and touching a hand to her ribs.
anyways i rarely talk abt a vigilante's guide (which some of u who have been following for a long time may know under the previous title of "demon city" and / or "demon eyes" and so all the stuff i've posted abt it r under those tags) bc it's like That One Big project for me. like u know how brandon sanderson has the stormlight archive that kind of is the hub / culmination of all his works across the brandonsandersonverse (official term is brandon sanderson's "cosmere")? for me that's vigilante's guide. also it's exceedingly self-indulgent is the other reason.
it's gone through like 50 different iterations bc it's existed in my brain for nearly as long as i can remember (i think over a decade at this point) and the Ira Neda i talk about (my supreme blorbo, if you will) is the protagonist! i have ambitions for it spanning five books with the second (formerly "demon eyes") titled a vigilante's guide to destroying the world but right now books 1 and 2 are existing in the same doc (DEMON MEGADRAFT) because i'm trying to see what gets shaken out of it while i play with a non-linear timeline between the two
as a result, there are a lot of ideas that are getting spun into it (and even more ideas that i've had trial runs of before editing or cutting them entirely) but it's got the run of the mill superhero genre setup: we have a recognizable earth set in the near-ish future / a time that's somewhat similar to our own, we have a bunch of vigilantes running around fighting ordinary crime and supervillains (tho these are mainly just called "terrorists" in-world bc, well.), and different people have different powers from different things (but mostly it's because they're alien / part alien lol)
book one (knowing when to die) follows ira neda's arrival in anehaven, a (fictional) city in new york, where she is trying to unravel the circumstances that led to her twin brother's death several years ago. she promises herself, her family, her friends, and a lot of strangers that she isn't in that vigilante business anymore, if she ever really was: she's retired now. she just wants to live a quiet life (lie) and she doesn't intend to instigate anything (lie) and she is never picking up the mantle again (lie). but anehaven, like ira neda herself, has secrets of its own. the city is alive--and it hungers. people have been disappearing from the streets without a trace for over a year now, more and more with each month that passes. she makes some friends (criminal empress and her two partners in crime as well as ... actual partners), she makes some enemies (her fellow vigilantes) there are three questions now that have no answers: what happens to these people? why does the sidewalk have teeth? and who the FUCK is this other guy calling himself a vigilante?
book two is a little more abstract on account of I Still Haven't Figured out Subplots for it, but it's your stock alien invasion with ensemble cast: here we introduce cori sanchez, the (also) (formerly) retired HUSH, a mirek'ar necromancer; alec iakabos, SOLSTICE, and noah harper, EQUINOX, whom you can think of as "gosh, i really was VERY inspired by wildstorm comics when i was fifteen, huh," if you're familiar with apollo and midnighter from them; along with some familiar faces from the first book--alan and blue wilson (POLTERGEIST and EIDOLON, respectively) and ira neda. names capitalized to make it easier for me to keep track of them lol.
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Guys! These are the tattoos I am getting 💞
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The neda symbol on my left thigh, the bandaid on my left wrist, Medusa on my upper arm, then the love/fuck you like it is in the pic on my hip, and the last one on the back of my neck.
What do y’all think 🙃💖
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Well since MyPlate is shutting down, I switched to MyFitnessPal for counting calories/meal logs.
I don't have a scale because I recently moved to another state and I don't have anything with me besides clothes and books and like a shit ton of DVDs that I can't even watch because there's no DVD player here. 🥺😤
Anyway, I'm just figuring out this new app. Oh, I'm also recently engaged and wedding dress shopping/wedding planning etc. Is really getting me into wanting to starve again, as well as just recently moving and not knowing anyone/anything besides my fiancè and his family/friends is very isolating, as well as living with his mother in a new environment and that's also fueling my control issues so I'm trying to starve as much as I can because... Well, food is the one thing I can control. (oof. It's cyclical.)
Anyways, just an update. I went to a NEDA walk with my best friend/maid of honor two months ago, because I wanted to get the free t shirt and it was pretty comforting and made me really want to work on myself but also I kept looking at the other people and how tiny they looked in their shirts and I wanted to fucking run that whole ass short walk around the park.
But yeah. That's all I wanted to document. Going back to the only comforting coping mechanism I know is refreshing. Because even though I'm lonely here, I have control over myself.
- Winter
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if one more fucking person talks to me about weight loss and/or how being fat is unhealthy im gonna lose my fucking mind
#shut up hanna#it is literally neda week. shut the FUCK up#some of us are recovering and one bad day away from a relapse#can we please denormalize talking abt weight loss and diets so casually like. please#i dont talk abt what i dont like abt my body anymore. i just simply ignore what i look like#and its very triggering and frustrating to constantly be around ppl who bring it up#which! lately! is! everyone!!!!!#and ive had enough#like and if u are rlly having a bad body image day. be selective abt who u talk abt it with....#for example (this is a fake example) say i didnt like my curly hair. (i do i love it but pretend)#if i was insecure abt my curly hair. i would not talk to my friend with curly hair abt it. bc i dont want to project those insecurities#and i used a fake example bc i dont want anyone reading to internalize my insecurities either. and bc really#at the end of the day its not the size or shape of my body that bothers me. its the fact that its mine. ill never be happy w how i look#so i simply ignore it and dont think abt it. and i wish other ppl would be more sensitive and aware of this shit#it is literally eating disorder awareness week. and no one who needs to be aware is aware. lmao#3 separate coworker conversations. and the theatre groupchat spending an afternoon exchanging ✨calorie deficit hacks✨#and ✨lets lose weight together ✨ and oh hey can u kick my ass if i dont go to the gym or if i eat *fear food*#like!!!! shut up!!!!!!!!!! shut up literally shut the fuck up ohhh my god shut UPPPP#ive been recovered/recovering for 3 years now and my stomach is still majorly fucked. im still always nauseous.#i still dont have fully normal hunger cues. i still get anxiety ordering food. i still hate being the only person eating in a room#and i just wish ppl would stop romanticizing and idealizing this fucking shit. its a nightmare i cant wake up from. ever#ed cw
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disengaged · 4 years
ok its like 9pm and im in a troubled state. someone talk me out of giving myself yet another shitty stick n poke
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firstmatedville · 4 years
still thinking about piercings,,, there are so many options I'm too indecisive for this shit
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nako-doodles · 4 years
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i was tagged by my darlings @kimtaehyunq @wabisaba @jhlovebot @ksj1 and @innrchld 💖💖 to unleash my chaos upon these sexy free and single im ready to bingo cards so here i am lmfao (and to the absolute surpise of utterly no one: im the most like namjin (unless my counting skills have failed me and my confimration bias has set in, which is entirely likely but alas) someone can correct me if im wrong)
the templates can be found here 🌸🌸
i tag my loves @cafejoon @stargazingjin @yunkisunbae @cultleaderyoongi @sevenmoons @jincentvangogh @suggable to have a go at these
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ksj1 · 5 years
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goddamnwebcomics · 2 years
My Brief Review of Console Girl
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When I started riffing this comic, I thought it was going to suck, but now that it’s over...this is a special case. A special case among special cases. This is not the worst webcomic I have ever riffed, but it is one of the laziest and one of the most disgusting ones for sure.
The comic starts off as an innocent ecchi style comic with the titular (for now) console girl with his boy owner living in the moon. Kevin is a hack who plays video games and skips on school, which isn’t approved by his only other friend, Sarah. Emulie ends up getting into wacky hijinks with Sarah and Kevin as they run from R.O.B. cops and then Emulie turns giant, but after that, once Kevin resets Emulie, we learn that the comic so far has been a simulation, and then the real comic begins as we focus on a resistance group fighting against a console takeover. Emulie returns to simulation a couple of times to see the past events for herself, which is a bit clever, but as a whole this twist of it being a siimulation comes out of nowhere and is fucking stupid. I don’t count everyone having numbers in their names as foreshadowing, because you would expect a stupid futuristic setting to have those.
This comic was made during the era of “supposed cutesy thing becomes fucked up” like Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared and Doki Doki Literature Club, so I guess in order to create interest in his comic, Neda went into that direction. The problem is, the comic continues being silly even in the “real world” for the most part. Characters spout out the most boomer-riffic video game references, and sometimes character may dress up as something obscure or fight by using a game that was released into their respective console but that’s about it. You can find more in-depth references in any Strong Bad Email.
Then we have the fact this comic hates to progress it’s main plot, every other chapter there’s a flashback, or a recap or even something that isn’t FUCKING CANON. Even when the plot progresses, either chapters focusing on it are too short, or characters are arguing about pointless shit, or we get introduced to a new character whose only purpose is to please creator’s fucked up fetishes. You know they’re fucked up when I have more respect towards Kraw after this.
This comic has a wide cast of characters only 20% of which are necessary to the plot. Our protagonist is Kevin, he’s a fucking perverted asshole who’s responsible for all the bad things in this comic. As a kid he abused his consoles because he couldn’t git gud. He is a horrible person in general, he’s constantly arguing with his girlfriend and his decisions lead to nothing but pain. Once he’s captured he turns into this edgy anti-video game crusader who then proceeds to rape Emulie with his arm. I say that version of Kevin is more faithful to who he really is than the “Resistance Crusader” of the past. I say he’s Neda’s selfinsert, and Neda is secretly angry at the video games making him a worthless evolutionary deadend.
Then you have the second protagonist I guess, Sarah. Sarah was the best character in this comic because she was always calling out Kevin’s shit, but after getting the main focus for the rest of this comic, she turned into an ANGRY resistance leader and a walking JoJo reference. Also because of the fact she fights consoles, she becomes the Console Girl. Did Neda intend this from the beginning what with Sarah being next to the title in the first chapter? Nah, he’s not that clever. At least Sarah has more personality to her than Emulie. When Emulie is not being a boring ass “oh dear oh my” girl, she’s a tantrum throwing manchild who wants everyone to live in harmony.
Then there’s the antagonists, N.O.S and S.N.O.S. N.O.S. continued to be a likable character in this comic until the end, not only does she have clever powers she also hates Kevin but is willing to help Resistance out of spite because she hates her sister. S.N.O.S. is a boring villain who hates humans because Kevin beat her up. She basically took all of N.O.S’s boring traits and revved them up to maximum. She hates humans and makes them play for their food which is probably a commentary on something but it’s also really boring and makes this setting seem lame.
Then we have the rest of the cast, the only notable thing about them is that many of them are little people. Petite started off as the Resistance’s other console, who is controlled by a big guy named Tank, then we start seeing more little Consoles like Virtual Boy girl who calls her owner, another big guy “daddy”, and then you have Game Gir who has eating disorder for no reason and then there’s a bunch of mini-consoles. I don’t like making accusations but considering how little Neda cared about making this comic I’m going to say he’s a lolicon. My proof is all the weird relationships and the fact there’s a Vibibi ass shot in the “Beach comic” special. That’s what this comic ultimately is, a fetish comic. Other characters in this comic include strawman sore loser who later joins the human alliance, perverted old man professor and bunch of people for the resistance. None of them are well-developed, let’s move on.
Neda originally drew this comic, his style was coarse and ugly but it was passable, then, Neda hired an artist named Raf for a few chapters. Her style is decent but not perfect, she overexaggerates in anime features and gives certain characters massive black bags of eyes that make them look like they haven’t slept for weeks. You’ll miss her art however once Neda begins drawing again. His style is bolder and every character gets weird Moomin snouts when they’re seen from a far. Sarah also looks much uglier in his style, not to mention after the comic starts going by more Webtoon-ish format, we start getting off-model closeups.
What is common for both artists however is that they like copypasting a lot. Often entire panel sections are copypasted with only one panel changed to indicate a sudden passage of time. The copypasting gets downright offensive at one point when a fighting sequence is copypasted two and a half times. This made comic seem extra lazy, and on top of all the short chapters, fetish bait, constant recaps and Jojo references, I knew that Neda was on the verge of giving up, and gave up he did.
Well, Console Girl ended on a fucking beach fanservice comic and we haven’t seen the comic since. Neda is likely either in a looney bin or arrested, or, realistically, hidden somewhere in the corners of the internet. This comic got worse as it went on. It felt like it did everything wrong, and successfully pissed off everyone who read it. Those who wanted to see the innocent ecchi comic, those who wanted to see a cyberpunk resistance story and those who wanted to see funny vidya references. One thing I can credit Neda for is the fact he knew when to give up.
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solipseismic · 3 years
accidentally george lucas’d myself. 
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Tw ⚠️ eating disorder
Y’all seeing this neda shit…
Like what the actual fuck
(I know I don’t really cuss on here but what!)
Bros last post was so stupid and the 2 posts before that proves everyone in the comments points
Like girly…
I didn’t leave a comment on the latest post but look at this shit, I had to say something 🤦
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