#and i was one of the ogs who watched season one when it was premiering (mostly. i got caught up on it around the time episode six aired)
all-that-jazz-93 · 8 months
Season two is better
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midnightechoes · 1 year
So this week is going to go down as maybe the most sapphic week in animation history. It’s going to have a great case, there are so many sapphic shows or shows with prominent sapphic couples airing this week.
Don’t know what I’m talking about? Here’s a quick rundown:
Yuri Is My Job!
Premiering on Crunchyroll on April 6th.
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Yuri is My Job! is based on a yuri manga of the same name. It follows high schooler Hime, who cares deeply about her image as sweet and helpful, even though she’s actually selfish. She accidentally injures the manager of a cafe, and agrees to work there to make up for it. But this is no ordinary cafe, it’s like a cafe dinner theater where all the waitresses play characters from a fictional high school and act out skits for the patrons. Hime’s character is supposed to be in love with one of the other waitresses’ character, but she starts actually falling for the girl. Only problem is, behind the scenes the other waitress seems to hate her.
Yeah, that sounds kind of bonkers! I can already see the story now, Hime starting out playing a role, and eventually having to legitimately earn the love of Mitsuki.
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Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story
Season 2 premiering on Crunchyroll on Friday, April 7th
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Ah Birdie Wing. If you saw season one, you know just how delightful wacky this show is. It follows the stories of Eve, a golfer that plays in illegal underground golf matches for the mob, and Aoi, a golf prodigy and the new sensation of the golf world. Their lives crash into each other and the chemistry is overwhelming and immediate.
Technically Eve and Aoi aren’t canon as of the end of s1, but it’s hard to imagine that the show isn’t heading in that direction. It makes no effort to hide the fact that these two are into each other.
I’m so excited to see what season 2 has in store for these two. Birdie Wing is just a delightfully weird little show.
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Princess Principal: Crown Handler Chapter 3
Premieres in theaters in Japan on Friday, April 7th
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Alright, so this won’t be useful to a lot of people reading this, as this is only premiering in Japan this weekend. But I wanted to mention it because (a) it’ll come over to the US sometime this year, and (b) Princess Principal is awesome and I want to promote it when I can.
Princess Principal was a 12 episode series that aired in 2017, and Crown Handler is a six-part sequel OVA series.
In a nutshell, Princess Principal is a steampunk spy thriller set in an alternate universe European kingdom that has been divided by a wall, Berlin-style. It follows a team of spies, masquerading as high school girls, as they try to prevent the two sides from going to war.
I know, “why is this on a list of gay shit?” Well, because it is. Two of the main characters, Ange and Princess Charlotte, are big-time into each other and while the original series does the anime thing of “we’re only allowed to go so far with this”, the OG series has a lot of intimate scenes between the two and does end *SPOILERS* with the two of them sitting on the beach together while holding hands.
And perhaps Crown Handler, being made years later, can finally take their relationship farther.
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RWBY Volume 9
Volume 9 episode 8 airing on Crunchyroll on Saturday, April 8th
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RWBY has been ongoing, and the current volume has been airing since February, but there’ll be another episode this Saturday. Right now RWBY is in the middle of dealing with a lot of trauma, BUT, the bees are canon and dating so every episode of RWBY is now officially gay. So says me.
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The Owl House: Watching and Dreaming
 Series finale airing on the Disney Channel on Saturday, April 8th
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*ahem* The third and final season 3 special airs on Saturday, and promises to be mega emotional and super gay.
I’m grateful that this show had a chance to finish its story, something a lot of sapphic media doesn’t get to do. But I am still pissed about it getting cancelled in the first place simply because it didn’t fit their “brand” (read: this show is too gay for Disney).
But I just know that Dana and her team put together a sensational finale.
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Mobile Suit Gundam: the Witch From Mercury
Season 2 premiering on Crunchyroll on Sunday, April 9th.
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Affectionately called G-Witch, season 1 of this show was a revelation in the fall. It follows the story of Suletta Mercury, precious cinnamon roll and the most talented mobile suit pilot around, and Miorine Rembran, daughter of the president of the Benerit Group, a mega-corporation that has massive political power.
The show revolves around a school that’s mostly full of the children of powerful people. And then there’s Suletta, a nobody that just wants to be a normal girl and have a normal school life but through a series of events ends up in a mobile suit duel that she easily wins, earning her the title of Holder, which makes her Miroine’s groom.
At first, the two treat the arrangement as a business arrangement, both seeing practical value in this arranged engagement. But it’s obvious that Miorine is actually pretty into Suletta from the start, and we see Suletta slowly falling for Miorine too.
G-Witch is incredible. Part awesome mecha fights, part political intrigue, part romance between two useless girls who’d rather die that admit their actual feelings.
I am SO EXCITED for season 2!
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LGBTQ media hasn’t had it great as of late, with a ton of frustrating cancellations and it almost feeling like Hollywood is going backwards in terms of its commitment to giving us space to tell our stories.
But animation, both in the US and in Japan, seems to be making great strides, being our light in the dark.
All five of these shows are airing episodes this week, and Crown Handler will be in theaters this week and on streaming/blu-ray later this year. RWBY has been airing for weeks and its been the gayest volume yet. the Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady just finished airing and was wonderfully sapphic. I’m In Love With the Villainess is scheduled to air sometimes this year. And just maybe we might get Arcane season 2 before the end of the year.
I’m excited for how sapphic and yuri animation is progressing, I hope it keeps going forward.
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returquoise · 4 months
ATLALA, aka Avatar the Last Airbender Live Action
Sooooo, I finished the first season and had thoughts (just like everyone else lol). First context, non-spoilery thoughts, and then spoilers under the cut, yadda-yadda.
Why context? Because for a lot of people OG ATLA was their childhood, and they have super strong feelings about it and about any adaptation that exists. I'm not one of those people.
The first time I watched OG ATLA I was over 20 years old, which means I was an adult and had adult viewpoints about the story – worldbuilding, character writing, etc. It was never the hallowed most perfect show ever for me. It was and still is a fucking good show with some amazing writing and worldbuilding but I did have some gripes.
So when ATLALA was announced I remained neutral – I've seen the movie that shall not be named and din't really like it but shitty adaptations have always existed. When we started getting photos and trailers and news pieces, I was feeling pretty positive about the visuals, but neither news pieces or trailers actually tell you shit about what the writing or worldbuilding is like. However, I was about 70% optimistic.
Because what indications I did get about visuals, writing etc, were very reminiscent of another adaptation that had come out recently, about a series that was actually a bit more important to me on an emotional than ATLA. I'm talking about One Piece, and OPLA which came out last August. I've been a fan of that for 10 years longer than ATLA, and while they did a lot of changes, the spirit of the story was there.
So I copied my optimism and good feelings from that, going into ATLALA.
Now, the thoughts.
Visuals are pretty good. There are moments when I can tell they left some visuals out due to trickiness/budget (the "is Zuko's ship real?" review after the premiere). Some things look fake or plasticy, some stuff is too clean. Bending looks a lot better than in the movie that shall not be named.
Writing has issues. Some of it is very expositiony which makes it wooden and the shots uninteresting (there were so many badly framed shots with characters just awkwardly standing and talking). There are some lovely bits of dialogue that gave me feelings, but those moments were in the minority. And some writing choices were also quite childish, even for an adaptation of a kids' cartoon, so I'm a bit confused about the intended age demographic – except there are some really violent bits in there, which leave me even more confused.
Pacing was either frantic or okay-ish. The writers clearly had trouble paring down the OG series, and then ended up cramming stuff together. I could keep up with it (knowing what certain characters roughly meant for the plot, even if they were at a different place and time), but I'm not quite sure if someone uninitiated in the OG series could. The last 2 episodes had probably the best pacing and even then there were some things that made me go "hmmm."
Some actors have issues emoting – main and extras. I agree that the Gaang has lost some of their flaws compared to the OG series. Maybe some of them will make more of an appearance in season two when everyone's more experienced at acting? Especially considering that they'll likely have stuff more spaced out there – there are some episodes I'm pretty sure they'll outright skip, just based on the choices in this season. But we'll see. There were some fun and interesting bonding moments between different characters.
Sokka, Zuko, and Suki were the standouts from the younger cast. Suki is considerably different from the OG but it was acted and written well, and is an interesting choice. Sokka's quips, while not as numerous as in the OG, were fun. Physical comedy is obviously more toned down because real bodies can't do the same shit as cartoons. More about his arc choices later. Zuko was a bit toned down from the OG but IMO also the closest to it. And as someone who's almost finished with a Zuko AU fanfic, I was positively cackling due to the fact that some of the choices made for the character are similar to something I've done in my fic.
As for the rest of the main kids, there'll be more in the spoiler bits, BUT, they're different, and feel less experienced in acting. They're not bad but some choices were definitely different than in the show and they offer interesting opportunities. We'll see how they pan out, but be prepared for some speculation from me.
Fight scenes sometimes had IMO slow moments in the choreo, and they could have been better. Some were excellent, some a bit ehhh.
On the whole, I think this is about 7 out of 10. Some moments were 8 out of 10. It's a passable adaptation
Spoilery thoughts waaaay down.
Whoo boy. Where to start here?
Let's start with the cramming. As far as I can tell from my notes, the episodes are roughly divided like so:
EP1: 3,5 and bits (Boy in the Iceberg, Avatar Returns, Southern Air Temple, half of the Storm, bits of Avatar and the Fire Lord)
EP2: 1 and bits (Warriors of Kyoshi, part of Waterbending Scroll)
EP3: 3 halves (King of Omashu, Jet, Northern Air Temple)
EP4: 1, 4 halves and bits (King of Omashu, Jet, Northern Air Temple, Cave of Two Lovers, half of Winter Solstice P1, bits of the Avatar Day,)
EP5: 2 halves and pieces of 3 (half of Winter Solstice P1, half of Bato of the Water Tribe, part of Southern Raiders, part of the Library, part of Siege of the North) AND timeskip mention of the Great Divide and the pirates from Waterbending Scroll
EP6: 2, two halves and bits (Winter Solstice P2, Blue Spirit, half of Bato of the Water Tribe half of the Storm, part of Siege of the North)
EP7: 2 (Waterbending Master, Siege of the North)
EP8: 2 and pieces (Siege of the North, Return to Omashu, bits of Northern Air Temple, part of the Library)
Waterbending Scroll is a bit of throughline because you see moments of training in pretty much all of the episodes.
Episode 1 was very full, and felt rushed at times. There were a few places where they could have shortened some parts (like the earthbender spy scene at the start) to give more time for other stuff. Biggest gripes are the convenience of timing – Aang going off to clear his head only for everyone to die that very night. HOWEVER, me and my friends talked about it being likely Spirit shenanigans going "fuck, Air Nomads are gonna die now, we need to deepfreeze the Avatar for storage." We also concluded that the sudden current of Sokka and Katara finding Aang was either physics we don't understand, or Spirit shenanigans. Also the thing about all the Air Nomads coming over for the Great Comet festival? And then having so few of them on screen? Sorry, but I ain't buying it. Having such a sparse population in one temple I could have bought (with caveats) but adding in the gathering, nah.
Episode 2, Sokka-Suki was beautiful. I think it works even with the removed downplaying of girls capabilities (this change also brought some other stuff to Sokka I absolutely adored in later episodes but I'll talk about that when I start ranting about the characters). This was pretty close to the OG episode in many ways and I really don't have other problems with it, besides the somewhat childish end discussion about hope and shit with Aang and Suki's mom (Suki having a badass mom is fun). Manifesting Avatars and being able to talk to them only at their shrines will be an interesting take on stuff. Because that will affect some stuff on later seasons and I'm not sure how.
(And considering how scared Aang is of the Avatar State this early on, we might end up skipping the Avatar State in the next season. At least partially. Because we did get a lot of info now.)
That's a very full itinerary and it was hardest to follow at eps 3-4 because there were so many things going on. Jet's and the Mechanist's conflicting storylines made for an interesting drama (though, again, hard to follow) and gave Sokka and Katara something to do – which they didn't really have in the OG Omashu episode, which was what Aang was mostly dealing with here. In my opinion these two episodes didn't get a proper handling, because they're one of the few instances were we get people from the Earth Kingdom doing questionable shit, but we don't really discuss it. And while everyone know marketing is a mistake (it makes no one happy), considering that this series was trying to sell itself as a more mature take, that feeling is left kinda lacking in regards to Jet and the Mechanist. I do appreciate Bumi being fucking bitter, like Yass, you go king, as well as the bit with the Earth Kingdom soldiers speaking of grief and mistreating Iroh. That complexity is what was left lacking with Jet and the Mechanist, and how Katara and Sokka dealt with that emotionally. Also loved Zuko getting hit by a broom and Iroh taking the fall for him. The Zuko-Zhao alliance was an interesting angle to take (after messing it up pfft) and establishing early that Azula is a master infiltrator? I liked that move, also the fact that there are Fire Nation rebels. Although I fucking loved the quick fake marriage.
5 and 6, despite being about as full if not fuller, were weaven together really well in my opinion. My biggest gripe with that two episode storyline was how the Fire Sage Shyu-Aang team-up was done – not that it was any better in the OG to be fair but it is more jarring in live action. I just about died at the 41st twist because holy shit that's an amazing angst take and I appreciate it so much. And while we do get Aang planting an acorn, it feels like a really small moment and I think the Hei Bai issue should have got a bit more attention as the episode was resolved. Koh was fucking terrifying and the appearance of Wan Shi Tong – and in the last two episodes the appearance of the celestial objects calendar machine, as well as the fact that Zhao got his dirt on Tui and La from a Fire Sage – leads me to believe we won't be getting the Library episode next season.
(The only way I can see Return to Omashu happening is if it's remixed with Imprisoned which was totally left out of this season, or we get the important info aka neutral Jing info all from the Swamp, or from a letter Bumi sent. I personally think Return to Omashu-Imprisoned remix is more likely, just so we can prep Teo and the Mechanist for the Day of the Black Sun which we saw flashing by on the celestial objects machine just before we finally got the confirmation that Sozin's Comet is still a thing. Although The Avatar State could also be remixed into this in a sort of "yes, Earth Kingdom needs to free Bumi etc but I can't do it in Avatar State, we need to be smart.")
Episodes 7 and 8 were pretty chill in pacing issues. I thought Yue was a bit too quick in warming up to Sokka but considering how it was explained I can accept it. Also, the fact that Tui and La are intelligent enough to not be fish 24/7/365 is a change that makes sense although the whole Ice Moon (is it the local Halloween?) thing was very out of left field. Women joining the fight was a wild update and definitely more of a modern take than an early 2000s take. Do I have other thoughts? Sure, but I don't want to write bajillion essays and I just want a general overview in one post.
Zuko is, like I said, a standout. Absolutely love his conspiracy board, and as someone who writes a fic with a more scholarly inclined Zuko, I loved him being able to draw, being the foremost Avatar expert in the world (you can't tell me there can be more than one or two people out there who know more than Zuko at this point, look at his research), and having opinions about calligraphy brushes. Ugh, my heart. There's some absolutely wonderful acting happening and he does action really well. Is he a bit less explosive than in the OG? Sure, but one must remember, that adaptations are just licensed fanfics. His abuse background is in the performance, and my biggest question is the Agni Kai. There was a certain desperation in his face, so he must have wanted to make an impression on Ozai, and maybe felt a bit more like he had the right to it – as this show made it clear he had been invited in the War Council and did not needle his way in. Also the 41st twist oh holy smokes I just about screamed. His flaw is still anger and trouble thinking plans through.
Azula (her bangs in the flashback crack me up, was that her emo phase?) is more obviously affected by Ozai's games in this. I know OG Azula has loads of fans and there are loads of deep dives into her character and abuse and etc, but this is actually the first time her writing has made it obvious to me. She's still cold and calculating, but she's affected by more things and that makes her into a more approachable character for me. I know many fans got this from the OG portrayal so I know this is a me thing.
Sokka is another standout. I saw an interview where the actor was like "I tried to interject and ad lib humour where I could" and I appreciate it, because a lot of them made me cackle. There was some really good humour there. As for his arc and conflict; I think it's really interesting that he tries to live up to his dad's image of a warrior, and doing it very much out of duty. It isn't so much that he wants to be a warrior, but he wants to be good enough and I think that came through wonderfully. He can be a warrior, but it ain't his passion. It also offers very interesting bonding possibilities and parallels with Zuko. My heart broke at that ice-dodging scene in episode 5, as well as his heart-to-heart with Katara in episode 4 (fucking SIBLING LOVE TRIUMPHS). Also absolutely loved the fact that he supported Katara being a warrior in the North. His flaws in the OG are self-esteem issues (nailed here), and a certain level of arrogance, that affected his attitude towards girls at times. The latter has been removed but considering it only lasted until episode 4 in the OG series anyway, I don't see it as a terribly big deal. We can still get his "it'll totally work out this way" arrogant moment at pretty much any point in the story in the future.
Katara has trouble emoting. I don't know how much experience her actor has with acting, but I hope she gets better with practice. There are some very nice bonding moments she has with Sokka and Aang that bring emotion out, but she's very stone faced a lot of the time. One could read it as a symptom of seeing her mother being literally burned alive but that depends on how her arc is written in future seasons, and how it's acted. I really like the parallel with Sokka, of him trying to be a warrior out of duty, while Katara wants to be that and has trouble getting the opportunity to do so. This came out really well in episode 4. The fact that she was made a fucking commander of sorts at North was amazing moment of proving to her that she can be, that she is, a warrior. I'm kinda sad her temper has been left out of the writing, because with her being a self-taught water bender (which I'm okay with because we see her practising every fucking episode) there's a threat of her sliding into so-called Mary Sue territory. Hopefully Toph's inclusion brings her temper out next season. She's also missing some of her naiveté, although having a crush on the first good looking outsider (with fucking mirrored shots) just like her brother is hilarious.
Aang is... to mature. He gets a lot of really good and morally and ethically right speeches, and while he expresses that he's scared and doesn't know what he's doing, it still feels too mature. He also doesn't have that many dumbass child moments (what was that episode he just went "oops" in, that was funny and felt childlike, and then there was the water fight he had with Katara). It could be because we're going through stuff so fast but it'll be hard to fix later. I kinda like how his connection with Katara is being the last of their kind and loss – and then the small really good acting in ep7 when Katara says stewed sea prunes taste like home, and you can just see him go "oh, there's still someplace she can belong to, unlike me." I loved his calligraphy brush discussion with Zuko, because there was the beginnings of a bond there. As a friend said, it's nice they removed the Disney princess like love at first sight thing from the OG. If this turns into a romance (I have thoughts on that... later) I feel like it has a better chance to grow organically. No, I never shipped Kataang, please refer to the context part of this post.
Suki had a fun isolated, but curious, and socially awkward vibe to her. She's obviously different from the OG, but it's a fun and interesting difference, as the most characterisation we ever got for her was badass. Yue was interesting, more assertive and playful, which I liked. I also liked the fact that she had obvious duties and was expected to be the next chief. Even if the Northern Water Tribe sexism was kept, this felt like it added some dimension to it. June flirting with Iroh was hilarious, enough said. Mai and Ty Lee are blanks of wood. Their writing, and the direction they were given was horrible, and they're a prime example of that awkward standing and bad framing issue I mentioned way earlier. Ty Lee could have at least been bending herself into a pretzel, and Mai could have been using a knife to dig stuff from under her nails or something. I hope they get better writing and direction in the future.
Iroh was honestly pretty enjoyable. There were some moments of skilled evasive answering, but I was left missing him saying that Zuko was like a son to him. They do have really good chemistry though and you can see the care between the characters. I hated the long monologue at the end of episode 6, that felt very much beneath whatever target audience they were aiming for, and failed show not tell. Not perfect but can improve. Also, that one part where they played Leaves on the Vine, I almost died.
Ozai being a manipulative, abusive game addict is different but offers him some agency and motivation besides megalomania, which I appreciate. He had a peculiar expression when he burned Zuko, and that smells like hidden lore to me.
That's probably every character I feel like addressing at this point. However, I did mention romance in Aang's section, and I have to agree with the other whispers on the net. The fucking scarf scene. At this point, it's more likely for this show to be Zutara than Kataang IMO. BUT before people go and blow up about it, some points; cartoons offer more leeway in visual age differences, I feel like they would need to extend ATLALA plot line to last several years (instead of like, 9 months it's in the OG) to make it visually make sense. The Fortuneteller (as well as Katara's obsession with love?), and Aang's love at first sight have all been written out. Cave of Two Lovers was used for sibling love on the first season, and we ain't visiting that location again, not with how efficiently we did pretty much all of the Omashu stuff this season. Most of the Kataang iconic moments have been left out deliberately. Does this mean we'll get Zutara? Of course not, but due to the scarf scene, as well as that rivals thing they have going (we literally have two fights between Zuko and Katara this season, and the water sprout she used to thwart his fireball in episode one, and if that isn't a traditional beginning of a rivalry, nothing is), it's certainly more likely at this point than Kataang.
But we'll see, just like with everything else. It's an okay start, it's far from perfect, but it does offer new viewpoints that I find fascinating.
What's in the future.
I already explained my Return to Omashu-Imprisoned-Avatar State mash-up idea above, and that we'll likely miss the Library. I also think Avatar Day will be left out. I do however think, that we'll get the Deserter next season. We also need a way for Aang to learn about the Comet coming again and if Library is out (and probably also the Desert), best chances are IMO the Swamp or the Fortuneteller (remixing those two together is also possible). Or maybe Yeong Yeong has spies and they tell him about the Comet and he tells the Gaang. I also think they'll be foreshadowing/setting up White Lotus a bit more than we got in the OG.
I don't quite have my thought together enough to make any other guesses, but we will get Toph, Ba Sing Se, and Azula's Mean Girls Squad, but no clue yet how they'll be remixed. Season 2 has a much clearer timeline structure, whereas season 1 had a lot of episodic stuff that doesn't timeline wise offer too many roadblocks for remixes, as we saw with what they did with Omashu.
I think that's about everything I can think off. If you have comments, please be nice. This was mostly rambling, and tin foil hat baiting.
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howtosingit · 19 days
Tag Game: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Tagged by @rmd-writes and this is probably the first tag game I've done in... *checks calendar* I can't count that high 🤷🏻‍♂��
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I've been watching since the pilot premiered on Sunday, January 19, 2020 🙃 I actually was still watching OG 911 at that time with @emisfritish and we were trying to decide if we wanted to watch the upcoming spinoff or not, so we checked out the trailer. Saw that first little clip of Carlos Reyes and that moment of Tarlos getting down to business in 1x02 and I was suddenly way more interested in LS than I had ever been in OG (sorry not sorry). And though she never really joined the LS fandom, I do still get to experience @emisfritish watching LS episodes for the first time (even if it's sometimes months after they air) and it's one of my favorite things.
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, for sure. Best viewing experience of any season, really strong storylines, so much more Carlos than the previous 2 seasons (combined), the full tarlos arc from exes to fiancés and all the really good growth for them in-between those two moments... I don't know that the show will ever reach those heights again, but I'm so glad I got to experience every moment of it in real time.
[Seasons best-to-worst, imho, are: 3, 4, 2, 1]
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
LOL such a mystery, my favorite character is obviously Caleb. Love that dumbass. (Real answer: my top 3 characters are Carlos, Grace, and Judd.)
Top five episodes. Go!
Oh goodness, okay...
Push Bad Call Saving Grace Riddle of the Sphynx Donors In Sickness and In Health (sorry I know that's six but rafa is just so fucking good)
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
First I will say that I'm really happy that we don't do "Begins" episodes with LS because I remember wanting to skip so many of those when watching OG (never grew attached to any of the characters, maybe I'd like them better in LS but let's not risk it) and I think there are more organic ways to incorporate backstory into the narrative than to say "here's 45 minutes of backstory!"
ANYWAY For a very long time my answer was uncontestedly Carlos Reyes, and I would still love to get every single moment of his life from his birth until now, but also... I don't know, I think at this point in the show we've gotten so much of Carlos's history (through what is sometimes messy writing, sure, but we still got it) that it feels selfish to keep asking for more when a character like Paul still feels really undervalued on the show. So, maybe Paul? But, also Carlos because... I'm me 🤷🏻‍♂️
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
Honestly, I would like to see Carlos have to face the consequences of his actions in the s4 finale. I love him, I would die on every damn hill for him, and I fully tracked his rationale for why he did what he did, but it was still really messed up, and I would love to see him battling with those decisions and what they mean for him at the top of the season. I'm not against Carlos struggling and messing up sometimes (two of my favorite episodes are "Cry Wolf" and "In Sickness and In Health"), but it's a way more interesting narrative if we actually see him confronting his mistakes rather than them disappearing into the unknown like most of the consequences on LS... Also, Rafa would destroy scenes like that and I always want to see Rafa at the top of his game.
Would also love to see him get a different job but that seems unlikely and we'd lose that glorious utility belt strut
What do you think is going on in this still?
I do think it's most likely related to Gabriel's murder. It could be an update on where the Rangers are at in the case, it could be them calling Carlos in to assist with something (undercover Carlos mayhaps?), or maybe Carlos got suspended after what he did last season and this is him receiving a call from his boss with an update on his job status... honestly, no idea, but it's making me want to know things so fuck you tim minear
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
See, I thought elements of the 2x12 sex scene were better than the 1x02 sex scene because there was all of this added intimacy and emotion between them, which just makes every touch and kiss and look and breath that much deeper and richer and sexier. Like, that look Carlos gives TK after taking his shirt off while straddling TK's thighs? That's sex right there. So, honestly, I don't know what they're going to go through between 5x01 and 5x04, but as long as the 5x05 scene contains all of that context that makes the moment about them and how they feel to be with each other, it's already topped 1x02 in my opinion. Rushed, casual, fun sex is great and hot and obviously I didn't hate it, but the combination of lust AND love? You can't ever beat that.
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
You know, I honestly don't know... I haven't really thought about it. Their honeymoon has kind of been a non-thing for me, so I hope wherever it was it was peaceful and exactly what they both needed.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
I know this says one, but there are so many different types of creations and I won't be able to mention all of them (it's been FOUR YEARS OKAY) but I want to try to share a range...
I absolutely have to start out with all the incredible work that @reyeslonestar gave this fandom: I have this one printed and framed, but I also love this one and this one and this one and THIS ONE. Also love this one by @whatsintheboxmh so much. I also love these two NSFW pieces by @a-kinkajou (but the AO3 links seem to be broken so you'll have to look at the SFW versions here on tumblr and just trust me).
ALSO I really love fanvids and in particular this one and this one (SOBBING) and this one and THIS ONE. While I wish I could list every gifset that has sparked an emotional response for me, it would be impossible, so I'll share this one (@maxbegone) because it makes me smile, these two because the vows are ev-er-y-thing (@danieljradcliffe), and this one because the Carlos Reyes Strut is also everything (@evanzbuck).
I mean, the Teacher AU. It's the teacher au. You don't understand, it's THE TEACHER AU (@three-drink-amy). I'm already so in love with Call Me, but that's no surprise since it's from the writers of iconic works like these (@welcometololaland @rmd-writes) The Knave verse is beyond iconic at this point (@liminalmemories21). This Carlos begins fic is really beautiful (@freneticfloetry) and this early fic has one of my favorite Carlos characterizations ever (@singerofsimplesongs). I'm always down for a firefighter!Carlos AU (@reyesstrand) because the man should be wearing turnouts.
Tagging: I'm not going to tag anyone because I think this game was going around a few days ago and I missed the train, but if anyone likes the questions and wants to answer, they should!
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outrunningthedark · 3 months
Read another article and you're also right about Tim wanting Eddie and Buck's friendship, he said he wants it every episode ❤️
Tim doesn't get enough credit, honestly. When it was confirmed that he had stepped away from OG 9-1-1 in season five there was this growing sentiment that it was going to be GOOD for the show because (all of the sudden) his storytelling wasn't up to par. Enter his replacement and not only were there emergencies that went on about five minutes too long with no real action and scenes happening off screen that could have more smoothly advanced/finished something from a previous week, Buck and Eddie's friendship was treated like 'bonus content' you'd find on a DVD instead of a necessary piece of the main plot. And you know what? In KR's "defense"? I get it. Regardless of however she feels about Buck and Eddie as a romantic pairing, creating a "division", especially in moments where you would think Buck or Eddie would be prominently featured (Chris's school stuff, Buck in the coma, sperm donor arc) is not a bad idea when your goal is to prevent a certain section of fandom from assuming all roads lead to Buddie. We saw what happened when Buck went to Eddie's house during his time off. We saw what happened when Buck confided in Eddie at the graveyard. We're seeing what's happening right now with confirmed Buckley-Diaz domesticity in the premiere and Ryan and Oliver being allowed to breathe near each other for official promos. Kristen did her best to minimize the inevitable damage that would have been done had she approved scripts that gave journalists (people who speak for the fandom, people who ask questions the fandom wants answers to) an opportunity to keep pressing her on the state of Buddie's relationship and whether fans should "read into" what they're watching. But here's the thing. If my options are "little to no Buddie because people don't know how to be fucking normal" and "Buddie every week even if people are setting themselves up for disappointment"? I'm taking the second choice. Every single time. Tim is giving us, GIFTING us, Buddie nearly every single week (his words as of yesterday) knowing that he can't make everybody happy, knowing that he won't. Don't take that for granted just because canon is no guarantee. (He could always hand the show back over to the one who wasn't afraid to use the plot to make her point loud and clear.)
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carladuquette · 3 months
Lynn Fainchtein, the og Elite’s music supervisor, passed away this month at only 61. She was great at what she did, so let’s remember some of Elite’s best music moments.
List your favorite or top three, top five, whatever, Elite music moments and if you know anyone who still remembers this show fondly (anyone…?), tag them so they can do it too. Thank you for the music, Lynn ❤️
3. I hear the day has come – Matt Maltese. It first plays over Marina‘s death scene in the season one finale when Nano comes to find her in the pool, and she collapses in his arms. As if that wasn’t sad enough, it’s repeated in season two, when Nano feels he has lost everything and is crumbling the picture of him and his family before he leaves town in the pouring rain. The parallels!
2. Hey Moon - John Maus. Lu and Val and their 🔥🔥🔥 chemistry coming back from the party in the season two premiere, ending the night on the pool table. Need I say more (I need not). Both Danna and Jorge said that this was their favorite scene filmed before season three. 
1. Los dias raros - Vetusta Morla. The montage at the end of 2x07. My favorite Elite musical moment, no contest, and potentially my favorite moment in the show period. Yes, it has Lu finally giving in to Val after she has basically burned everything to the ground with her speech at the fake charity gala. But there is so much more in this scene, too, so many emotions. If nothing in this montage touched you, are you even alive? 
I tag @carlotocotta @dhyanshiva @snappy-bambi @narcobarbies @sizzy-ling @myladyofmercy @ivanpellicer Anyone who’s watched Elite! Doesn’t have to be songs from the first 3 seasons.
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s10127470 · 8 months
The Wasted Potential of Tyler
"Alright campers! It's time to talk about Total....Drama...."
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I've been hooked on Total Drama ever since it first premiered here in the United States on Cartoon Network, and it ended up becoming one of my favorite shows growing up.
I'd remember always looking out for the new seasons and I watched pretty much every season during its original broadcast here in America.
Even the seasons I would come to hate!
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But out of the three generations of contestants, the most iconic is (of course) the first generation that stuck with us for the first three seasons and All-Star.
Part of that was because they were the most developed of the three generations (in addition to the aforementioned being the one that was the most seen).
Not to mention they possess some of the franchise's most popular and beloved characters.
The second generation (with the exception of Staci), while good, didn't quite reach the heights of the first one.
And with the exception of Shawn and Jasmine, literally no one gives a shit about the third generation.
But the character I want to focus on today is the clumsy jock himself, Tyler!
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Although he was introduced in Total Drama Island, he was among the portion of the OG cast who didn't leave much of an impression on the audience (at first).
This was because he was only around for 7 episodes, and only spoke in about 4 of them.
After Island, he didn't return for the second season Total Drama Action.
He only appeared as a guest on the aftermath specials, where he didn't talk at all.
However, he would eventually make his grand return to the Total Drama game for the third season, Total Drama World Tour.
This was where Tyler started to come into his own as a character.
He was very funny and had a decent chunk of comedic lines, mainly stemming for his somewhat dimwitted nature.
But his best comedy came from the physical pain he often found himself in.
Funnily enough, this constant stream of pain was actually an expansion of his character.
Although he didn't have a whole lot going for him in the first season, one of the few defining characteristics Tyler had was his clumsy nature.
Although not shown to often due to his minor role, there were a few moments in Island that highlighted his clumsy nature.
In Dodgebrawl, he constantly kept missing the Screaming Gophers when throwing the balls.
In Not Quite Famous, he accidentally tied himself up with his yo-yo trick.
Hell, this is even shown when he first appears in the very first episode!
When we're first introduced to Tyler, we see him water skiing from the back of a yacht, somehow trips on the water, starts barreling across the water, hits the dock and is sent flying right into a pile of luggage
In World Tour, he's a full-on pain magnet.
From falling down a pyramid, to jumping out of piranha-infested waters, to getting shocked by electric eel.
Tyler pretty much got hurt in nearly every episode he was around in World Tour.
But it wasn't just his comedy that made him enduring.
Tyler was also depicted as good-hearted, patient and surprisingly loyal.
This was especially shown with his relationship with Lindsay, which holds the title of being one of the most wholesome romances in the entire series.
That fact that Tyler stayed loyal to Lindsay despite her forgetting who he was for about a year is nothing short of impressive.
Plus, he was the only one to call out Duncan's infidelity rather than blaming Gwen like damn near everyone else, which automatically makes him Best Boy.
However, there is one thing to note about Tyler in World Tour. He made it a bit further than he initially did in Island, making at least TWO episodes before the merge.
Because of this, Tyler has not only gone down as a fan-favorite, but also one of the most wasted characters in the show's history.
He's one of five of the original contestants that never made it to the teams merging, along with Noah, Katie and Sadie, and of course, Ezekiel. 
Not to mention he never made it far into the game despite other underdog-like characters such as Beth, Harold and Cody making it to at least the final five.
And despite the potential he had for the last season he would compete in, it ended up getting thrown away in order to obviously make room for a fan-favorite (aka Duncan)
So today I wanted to take the time to discuss how I think Tyler could've been better implement in the Total Drama series overall.
Total Drama Island:
Season 1 is pretty interesting, since it's blankest canvas on what to do with Tyler.
Since they're 22 contestants and lot of them fade into the background due to their limited screentime, the doors are wide open for what Tyler could do. 
While he wouldn't play a super big role in this season, he would have a little more to do. 
Tyler would be sticking around a little longer than he did originally, but he would still get eliminated before the merge.
Since he would be around a little longer, some things I want to see from him would be more interactions with Lindsay and even standing-up for Harold, the latter serving as build-up to something that would be explored a little later.
In terms of elimination order, Tyler is a pretty easy fix. Just have his original elimination order taken by Sadie. 
Sadie was just a filler character who faded into the background due to her limited amount of dialogue. 
The same applies for Katie as well.  
Not to mention that both of them would only be reduced to minor characters after this season and never compete again. 
But in a Uno-Reverse fashion, Tyler would be taking Sadie's original elimination order, which would make sense give that the challenge is focused on trust, and his clumsy and overconfident nature would put him at a major disadvantage.
So yeah....that's about it for Tyler for Total Drama Island. 
I don't really have anything on how he could be implemented into Total Drama Action, but luckily, I do have notes for he could implemented in.....
Total Drama World Tour:
This was the season where Tyler's potential started to be tapped.
One thing to note for this rewrite is that the teams will be a little different....
Team Victory: Ezekiel, DJ, Katie and Sadie, Leshawna, Lindsay, Bridgette and Trent.
Team Amazon: Heather, Gwen, Courtney, Sierra and Cody.
Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot: Owen, Alejandro, Duncan, Noah, Izzy, Tyler and Harold.
Yep! Harold is on Team Chris now! That's because he and Tyler will actually be forming a pretty close friendship this season, similar to what Owen and Noah did.
I've always felt like these two really had the potential for a genuinely engaging friendship.
Hell, this was even shown in the original World Tour, when they were geeking out over Japanese game shows.
This would also led to Alejandro forming an alliance with Tyler and Harold, as he would see them as useful allies in some way.
Tyler for his loyalty and athleticism, and Harold for his loyalty, mad skills and vast knowledge of various topics.
(Plus the fact that he made it to the final five last season doesn't hurt either).
The alliance itself would actually be quite reminiscent of the one between Heather, Lindsay and Beth from Season 1.
Even Heather herself would point this out and be undoubtedly pissed about it.
As for why I decided to put Katie and Sadie and Trent in this season.
For the first two, just to fill out that team a bit more.
As for Trent, why wasn't he?
He's the most musically-gifted of the main cast, and despite this season being heavily focused on musical numbers, he didn't compete at all.
Hell, he only sings once in the entire season.....
And that was only for backup vocals!
As for the elimination order for this season.
Ezekiel and Duncan (until he returns) would still be the ones to be eliminated first in Walk Like an Egyptian.
DJ would be the one to go home instead of Harold in Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan.
His reason for elimination would the Animal Curse....well sort of.
Throughout the episode, DJ would find himself either getting attack by or accidentally hurting animals.
And aftering hearing about him accidentally destroying the mummified dog back in Egypt, Alejandro decides to make up the tale of the Animal Curse, knowing that it would throw DJ off his game.
In the end, Team Victory decided to send DJ home, feeling like it was the best for him.
And despite how short his stay on my World Tour was, at least it was a more dignified way to go when compared to the original World Tour.
Sadie would be the one to go in Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better, having suffered the exact same faith Bridgette did.
The next eliminations are pretty much the same as they were in the original World Tour (that being Leshawna and Lindsay).
In Jamaica Me Sweat, Katie would the one to go home.
Her reason for going home: Sadie.
Essentially, after Sadie was eliminated, as you expect, Katie didn't take it particularly well....
But thanks to the encouragement of her teammates, she was able to get over it and even became a bit of a team leader in her own right.
I thought it would be a little interesting to see one of the duo function without the other.
Since remember, in this version of Total Drama, they pretty much get eliminated back-to-back!
But since Alejandro saw her as a possible opponent, he threw Katie off her game by constantly reminding her of Sadie.
And eventually, she breaks down.
So yeah, in this version, Team Victory is still around after the Jamaica episode, with Bridgette and Trent being the last two standing.
I've always thought that the three team element was really interesting, but was heavily wasted in the original World Tour.
I mean for God's sake, one of the teams didn't even make it at least halfway through the season!
(Also by the way, Izzy doesn't go home in this episode).
The next two episodes are pretty much the same in terms of elimination, with Noah getting booted off in I See London....., and no one’s going home in Greece's Pieces.
Finally we come to The EX-Files, the episode that Tyler was eliminated in.
Taking his place instead would be Izzy since, let's be real, it would make sense for her to be eliminated in this episode.
In Picnic at Hanging Dork, there would be a double elimination.
And the ones going home would be Gwen and Trent.
Team Amazon still lose the same way they did the original season.
But as for why Trent got booted as well.....
Through this season, there would be awkward tension between Gwen and Trent, given everything that happened between them during Action.
And it unfortunately didn't get much better after Tyler spills the beans on Duncan and Gwen kissing.
Trent practically shut down after hearing that his worst fear pretty much came true.
And because of this, Bridgette had to do most of the heavy lifting to ensure they didn't lose.
But in the end, Chris decides to boot Trent off....
Not because he shut down. Oh no! Chris couldn't care less about that and would've gladly kept him in the game just to see Bridgette struggle.
Because he's a sadist.
He decided to boot Trent off because he knew about the awkward tension between him and Gwen, and just wanted him to go with Gwen just to rub salt in the wound that was her elimination and eucalyptus allergies.
Once again, because he's a sadist.
Next is Sweden Sour, and unlike the original, someone actually does go home.
And that person is unfortunately Harold.
The reason why....
Ever since Greece's Pieces, Duncan has been bullying Tyler because of him knowing about the kiss.
And it only got even worse when he eventually spilled the beans.
Harold, being Tyler's close friend, is not particularly keen on seeing this.
He already had to endure a season and a half of Duncan’s bullying, the last thing he wants is Duncan bullying someone else close to him.
This would eventually lead to Harold unleashing a can of whoop-ass on Duncan after taking the bullying too far, similar to what Leshawna did to Heather back in Germany.
As a result of this, Harold is booted off. But luckily, he does get the last laugh in the end.
Finally, we come to Niagara Brawls….
Our boy Tyler has made it to the merge! Along with Bridgette!
As for the pairings for the challenge, they’re more or less the same with two exceptions though.
Since Tyler and Bridgette are still around, they would be paired up for the challenge.
I could honestly see there being a running gag of them being somewhat uncomfortable with this, mainly because they fear their respective significant others would get jealous about this.
And other exception would be Owen and Noah.
Yep! The sassy king himself would be the one to return to game rather than Blainley!
Yeah I'm pretty much going off Schaffrillas' World Tour headcanon from his Noah video since let's be real, Noah coming back to the game would make much more sense than having a character who wasn't all that engaging to begin with and only made four appearances prior coming on, only to get booted off just the episode after her seasonal debut.
But just like in the original World Tour, Owen's the one to go home.
For the next two episodes, there'll be a double elimination.
For Chinese Fake-Out, Courtney and Bridgette are the ones to get the boot.
Bridgette because she was the first one out for the eating challenge, due to her vegetarian ways.
As for African Lying Safari, it'll be Duncan and Noah.
Noah because he's not the most physically capable around, which put him at a major disadvantage for the challenge.
Finally we come Rapa Phooey, and sadly, this would be the episode where Tyler gets eliminated.
The reason: He would be badly injured by the giant condor mom. Not to mention he tried and failed the most times out of the other contestants to return the eggs.
So yeah, that was Tyler's tenure on Total Drama. Although he didn't really do too much in Island, he really came into his own during World Tour, and made it pretty far at 5th place!
I think this would be the perfect usage of Tyler for this series. He wouldn't over-stay his welcome like some characters, but would still be utilized when he was around.
Let me know what you guys think about this post I made.
Also, I know someone's gonna bring this up, but yes, I can see Tyler and Leshawna competing together for the Ridonculous Race.
However, I'm not quite sure how far they would make it.
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nancys-braids · 19 days
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tag game tuesday thursday: 911 lone star edition
im sorry im a mess I have no excuses
thanks to @tellmegoodbye @rmd-writes and @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad for tagging me! <3
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
Okay im getting outed on main here, i didn’t watch LS until summer 2023. OKAY OKAY PUT THE PITCHFORKS DOWN. i watched OG 911 from the time it premiered until like season 5 where i fell out of it, and then picked it back up during season 6. And i really didn’t know much about lone star, but i finally broke down when i got sick and couldn’t leave my house for a week and i binged the show in a week. and now look at me. 
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3 my beloved, i fear nothing can top that season 
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
This is no surprise to anyone that my favorites are nancy and carlos, so my girl nancy of course 
Top five episodes. Go!
This is in no particular order: 
Push, 3x13, 4x09, 3x08, 2x09
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
NANCY. I have so many of my own thoughts for stories about her life, some published, some in the drafts, some just in my head. But she really deserves some screen time in general that isn’t servicing a man. 
I would like to maybe meet her sister and learn more about her family and past life that way? 
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
We all know im begging for lesbian marjan. But im also really excited for captain gillian!! my beloveds @pelorsdyke and @captain-gillian we all stayed here while others moved on 😔 (but please. if you're like us. and want to read Marjan hot for captain nancy. you must read k's fic here)
What do you think is going on in this still?
My answer is boring, but it's certainly around gabriel’s death. Maybe the call where he finds out gabriel isn’t dead and has been in witness protection??? (im delusional let me be) 
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
Somewhere away but not too far, maybe on the gulf coast. A nice resort, with a beach and a pool, but definitely not super far, as carlos gets homesick away from texas and he is grieving. 
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
Just one is criminal. So have multiple. 
this, this, and this art of my favorite ladies by the talented @iinryer
@captain-gillian's nancymarjan new years series I am so obsessed with and can't believe it took me so long to find them
living at the centre of a wound still fresh by @welcometololaland is just. god. so beautiful. so painful. so raw. but so gorgeous.
open tag as i am so so late
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911bts · 2 years
Do you think Fox and Disney are canceling 9-1-1 because of the falling demo and viewership?
They aren't canceling 911. It's their number one show.
It's pulling decent numbers with the exception of 6x04 which had a shockingly low demo (which they've bounced back from)
But also they're not just looking at 911's live numbers, they're going to look at how they compare to other shows (they lead the night EVERY week in demo). They're going to look at the live + 7 and DVR numbers which factor in people who record episodes and people who watch on streaming after the episode airs. (Which those numbers are 2+ million additional viewers - totaling over 6 million).
Other shows at Fox are doing worse than 911. Like The Resident which was considered their number two show, but if I remember right LS has passed it. LS isn't touching OGs numbers either though.
And "falling demo and viewership" implies that we're just decreasing. We're not. The season 6 premiere had 4.82 million viewers and 6x05 had 4.97. The demo has been lower than the premiere, but from 6x04 to 6x05 it went up 0.07 which is great!
If 9-1-1 is getting these numbers and still are the top show of the night, the issue isn't just the show, its also the viewers. Changes are normal, we're gonna lose viewers but we're also seeing the lack of viewers when the episode airs live reflected in the number of people walking next day on Hulu.
And like I said recently, Fox wouldn't be begging for a 3rd 911 show if they were going to cancel the show.
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: ncis: hawai’i s2 from ncis 19x21
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since the first ep back is a crossover with ncis i just decided to watch those eps first. if this is their way of getting more ppl to watch the og…it’s working lmao
— ncis 19x21 + ncis hawaii 2x01
roman’s hilarious
“salted or unsalted?” “i…did not taste them” lmao
i don’t like this deputy director at all
parker’s ex wife is definitely lying and probably setting him up
“if i’m the sucker, consider me licked” 😭
*pretends to be shocked*
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lmaooo they got the commander good in that diner
at least parker is suspicious
hm. i wonder if the commander is the raven
damn this storyline is insane
jane and nick would be such a hot couple why lie
oh wow it’s the prisoner
kate and lucy are so cute
“don’t worry, you’re gonna get to know the inmates, believe me” pls
oh they got played
bombside manner 😭😭
i love bam-bam she’s hilarious
“screw you, torres!” “you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” skjfhghcjjs
i’ll never get tired of ocean shots
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this crossover was SO MUCH better than the first one omg
— ncis: hawai’i 2x02
kate wants to tell her boss about lucy so she can meet her team 🥹
he was shot in the face?? how horrific
ernie gossiping 😭
“first off, it’s a movie about family” dkfjgjfjdn
mai tai o’clock 😭😭
that’s a lot of blood
i love that kate’s venting to jesse
that chase was cool as hell
“i don’t have friends, i got ohana” lmaoo i love them
“it’s like a trilogy, right?” lmfaooo
“i’ll be right here, with ya” aww
“welcome to the fbi family” 🫶🏻🥹
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— 2x03
why is this woman so nervous…
oh shit they cut her brakes
“i’m like half your size!” 😭😭
oop not lucy coming at her with her full government name
“well now you’re just trying to turn me on 😏” LUCY CLAPPING TO GET HER TO FOCUS PLS 😭
wait, what??
this audrey looks like she’s wearing a really bad wig
bam-bam doesn’t remember jesse lmao
“but mostly, we spoke the language of love” 😭
“ohhhh i see it now!” hours later lmao
oh redhead looked like she saw a ghost when she saw kate for the first time
“open yourself up to more mopping” plsss
oh shit this is intense
“my love” 🥹
“being with you has changed everything” i love them y’all i really do
— 2x04
a backup shoe 😭
hell no i would never think to cook in someone’s house when i’ve never even met them before
i do not like cassandra at all
they were all scared to death…what a terrible way to die
“their fear is his high” how evil
no fucking way it’s the ranger who was helping them earlier
jane lying and saying she likes cassandra pls
besides the season premiere, this was my favorite episode of the season so far
— 2x05
oh my God
lmao that kacy scene was so awkward
i can’t wait to find out who this aj person is
all of these construction men are hot…assholes but. hot.
kate really put her foot in her mouth with that financially responsible comment
not him blaming ben + the team for what’s happening as if he didn’t get into bed with them in the first place
this ep was frustrating but really good
i don’t trust aj at all. he’s probably the one who had the brothers attacked.
that was such a beautiful ending
— 2x06
i’m on daniel’s side with this one sorry
God this is making me never want to leave my house again…fentanyl scattered all over the beach are you fr
“if the devil got into the drug business, fentanyl would be his product of choice” so true
“it’s not every day i get to spend time with my little buddy” the smile on kai’s face when he thought ernie was talking about him is making me lose it
i’d like to thank the writers for gracing us with shirtless kai scenes
bam-bam and ernie beefing is hilarious
oh my God i really thought jesse was gone
kai really threw down that bag so he could hug jesse jdjgjvjdhsvc
alex getting a job at kai’s dads restaurant oh wow 😭
“your dad doesn’t know what he missed out on” i love their friendship so so much
stella knows there’s something wrong
well that was unexpected
i want more annoyed kate
jesse’s insane
lucy “my love” tara and kate “my sweet” whistler you are so adorable
the tear ☹️
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i get the writers needed an excuse for yasmine being gone but lucy deciding to spend four months on a boat in the middle of the ocean is so out of character
— 2x08
kai is such a SWEETHEART
not jesse being a theater kid omg?
“the pirate queen” “no, just stop. you’re embarrassing yourself” the way kai just nods 😭
mcu mention oh this is hell
alan’s an idiot
ernie 😭😭😭
okay a movie shoot was not expected
lucy needs to come home NOW
“walk away” he is very much not going to do that
not at all important to the plot but charlie’s neck is so freaking thick lmfao
cassandra needs to pack her shit and go already
jane is such a badass i don’t care if what she did was a stupid move
they did alan so foul
oh shit kai’s dad took money from those men???
oh jane’s gonna kill alex
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Well… that was… *something*
Law & order premier event thoughts…
Okay, here we go!
(Fuck i just realized i never did a “what i hope/wish to see this season! I’ll do it after)
oh. Okay. We’re diving *right* into things with Ukraine? 😳 jfc
Cosgrove(?)’s daughter & all this talk about gunshots is terribly foreboding
I just do not like Cosgrove….
Oh GOD & NOW he’s fighting with Stabler?! We couldnt have gotten through this ep without a “whos dick is bigger” contest, could we? 🙄🙄 like i was *just* gonna say how frank’s acting like stabler & then stabler shows up… ugh. Bring daddy benson back pls
Ayannaaaaaaa lookin like a SNACK as per usual!😍
This “crossover” really is more like a 3hr movie. First 30mins moved pretty slow like the OG l&o vibes… now we’re into the OC feels. Where are my svu babies? Bring them in pls.
I cant decide whether this CI is a complete idiot or a genius.
Why are we being forced to deal with so many low neck, chest exposed outfits for stabler 🥴
Oh so we’re putting Amanda in oversized blazers this year?
Watching them do raids on l&o after watching so much Chicago pd is just pathetic. Like, they’d lose so many cops with how bad it is.
I’m sorry. But if i was going to raid a house of a very dangerous criminal… i’d put my hair up to make sure i could SEE what i was doing…
Loving this style update for Jet😍
Did ANYONE think the CI was gonna make it through the ep?? Like cmon that was obvious
There was 3:44min left on the timer & that was WAY less than that….
Are velasco & fin just like, kickin it back at the precinct watching tv or something rn?!
Yessssssss Sam is here now! 😍😍
But also hate the other ada
Wait… this perp (in pt3) has DEFINITELY been on svu before… he sold liv & elliot a baby… right?!
Sir… you are sitting like a lesbian…
WOW we just jumped two months!!
Where TF is carisi??
AMANDA ROLLINS IS ANTI TAYLOR SWIFT??!! I *NEVER* WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! Like she would be the number 1 swiftie…
Okay like i KNEW something like this was probable because dw wanted her killed off BUT COULD WE GET THROUGH A SEASON OPENER WITH**OUT** SOMEONE IMPORTANT GETTING SHOT??!!
Carisi’s gonna show up now, right??
Wtf is this jacket olivia has on? I cant tell whether its leather or denim or leather posing as denim??!
Liv did what was right. Putting nicole out of harms way was way better than making her testify when she’s already almost been killed multiple times.
Oh fuck you mccoy
How is NO ONE from the da’s office even TALKING about/worried about rollins?!
THANK YOU SAM!!! I KNEW I LIKED YOU BETTER THAN ANYONE ON THIS DAMN SHOW (also she’s looked *bomb* in every outfit so far..)
I feel like we might be starting to learn more about Sam’s history/childhood thanks to this ep? Or like, this might be hinting at some future character arc?
UCK. I literally just said “at least elliot’s gone” and WOW he feels the need to come back…
There are TEN mins left & we still havent gotten an update on amanda??!! Come ON
Yo, dick wolf, tell me you hate amanda rollins without telling me you hate amanda rollins 😒😒😒
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! The crap scenes we GOT instead of:
a panicked emotional carisi at the hospital, a sympathetic & just as worried liv who’s trying to hide it to be the bigger supporter, a worried fin who’s watched her take a bullet already!! The REUNION & relief when they’re told she’s out of surgery & going to be totally fine. The CONVERSATION between amanda & sonny, the heartfelt confessions of how scared they were to lose each other, how carisi was internally freaking out about the girls and legally who would take care of them if amanda died, and how it should be him over anyone from her family. How the only thing aside from the girls amanda could think of was that she wished she had told sonny she wanted to be with him forever, be the dad to her girls, how life is short & they’d wasted enough time already. Followed by an untraditional proposal, one that neither of them expected & sonny doesnt even have the ring, but they agree to marriage anyways. FOLLOWED by liv, fin, velasco, jessie & billie coming into the room in a big happy found family wrap up…
Brb… just wrote a one shot that was better than the wrap of this damn episode.
Ugh 🙄🙄🙄
@bookpillows here ya go
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 10 months
Funny how everyone agrees with this and there’s no pushback but if this tweet were made about Evan there would be a bunch of people saying get over it and disagreeing.
Because Evan (Tate specifically) is the reason the shows got so popular in the first place. He was dominating social media (and Tumblr especially). They know their favs (not counting the OGs which Emma is not since she joined in just 3rd season) wouldn't even have a chance to be on the show if Evan's character didn't made it so popular and therefore successful (because there wouldn't be more seasons) and they are MAD MAD about it (obv I'm not saying Evan's the whole reason for the shows success, because theres other amazing actors that contributed to that, but he made it popular in the first place and it's one of the reasons it was successful. There's no character that brought as much attention to the show as Tate did and still does)
i agree. a lot of these people who get all mad are like, teenagers.. they were nowhere to be found when AHS premiered. they do not understand the impact of tate and they never will 😭 yes, AHS was a genuinely good show back then and people watched it because it was fun, but there was a shit ton of girls (and guys) who specifically NEEDED evan back for season two and would have busted down ryan murphy’s mansion if he didn’t have him back. he was a big part of why people watched and kept watching. he was a major crush and his talent made him an up and coming actor.
specifically, you cannot overstate the obsession some folks had with tate and violet. they were like thee couple for angsty kids on this app lmfao even now..
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fangirling-paradise · 2 years
New 911: Lone Star stills just dropped! These all look to be from the serial bomber/terrorist storyline. Or at least it's after the big season premiere emergency. I am excited for potential hurt!Carlos. We've seen Carlos when Tk is hurt, now it's time to see how Tk is when Carlos is hurt.
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Carlos & Owen have worked together, now it looks to be Tk & Gabriel's turn to be the son-in-law & father-in-law investigation team. They're both in their civilian clothes, so they had to have made the decision to come to this house after some time. I feel like this does further proves hurt!Carlos is coming. Why else would the two of them work together? Unless Carlos has been hurt & both want to find out who is responsible for hurting one of the most important people in each of their lives. Whatever is the reason, I'm just excited to see Tk interact with Gabriel & Andrea more. Especially Andrea since he lost Gwyn.
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Owen & Carlos do get to interact. Looks like he's discussing something with both of the captains of the 126. Maybe filling them in on the emergency they all have been dispatched to. All 3 could he watching the younger 126 members tending to the emergency like a well-olied machine.
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Based on Carlos' hand movement, it looks like Carlos is radioing Dispatch while rolling up the emergency. It looks like the neighborhood he's in could be the same one as the house Tk & Gabriel are seen walking up to. Maybe this is the emergency where Carlos gets hurt.
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Owen is the Captain of the 126 as a whole. This looks to be like he is making an announcement of sorts. Tk looks to be kinda upset or at least unsettled. Paul looks to trying to be stotic but something about his facial expression says he's close to crying. Tommy looks to be bowing her head in almost slight sadness. Could the serial bomber be targeting first responders, similar to the sniper in the season 4 finale of 911 og? This shot could be after Carlos has been shown that he'll survive & Tk feels okay going back to work. Maybe leaving Andrea to tend to him.
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thedetectivessay · 2 years
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Controversial Take: Busted + OG Running Man Equivalents
Jaesuk → Jaesuk. There's really no need to explain this other than Jaesuk was Jaesuk whether he was in Busted or Running Man. He was the leader of both crews and constantly made sure things are kosher while still having fun with the kiddos.
The only difference, I guess, is that in season three of Busted, he became the oldest out of all of them, so he had that added responsibility.
Still, he made sure that he, the team, and the audience would have plenty of fun.
Minyoung → Sukjin. This is probably quite a controversial take, and maybe a stretch, but hear me out: both Minyoung and Sukjin are similar in that they're both comfortable working by themselves. They have their own approaches to things, their own styles that they prefer not to be cramped by others. They're gonna be who they are - come what may.
The only difference is that Sukjin's individuality comes out comedic (as intended), and Minyoung's is more sophisticated.
Kwangsoo → Jongkook. Okay. I know. Kwangsoo was Kwangsoo whether in RM or Busted, just like Jaesuk. And I agree! BUT, if you consider what they do for the group and the cases rather than just their personalities, maybe you can agree that Kwangsoo was, more times than not, Busted's Mr. Capable.
Consider it: whenever the team needed anything that involves heavy lifting (like the planets in Tartarus), Kwangsoo was assigned to it. If they needed to chase a bad guy, keep something safe, dive into deep waters, Kwangsoo was their guy. Also, like Jongkook, he has a good eye for people aka he knows when someone isn't acting right.
Despite being quite goofy, Kwangsoo's pretty strong and pretty observant - just like Jongkook.
That's why I thought the two of them equal each other as far as what they do for the group.
Seunggi → Haha. This is probably one of my favorite equivalents. Charming, funny, is committed to the bit. Can play so innocent and confused that people start believing he's the victim, the good guy rather than who he is, which is actually the bad guy.
Can't tell who I'm actually describing? That's because it's both of them. Seunggi fooled the team twice because he's just way too good at his game. At the same time, in Running Man, Haha has succeeded as a spy so many times because he's good at redirecting the attention and suspicion of the members.
Seunggi and Haha are the illusionists of their respective groups, with only a few ever catching the trick of their hands.
Sehun → Gary. Sehun and Gary can be so introverted that sometimes they blend into the background. However, their skills definitely don't. You can often catch both men thinking quietly of a solution in the background while the team discuss the problem out loud. Their physical skills are impressive, too! Just like how Gary's pretty much able to do what Jongkook could do, Sehun can also do a lot of the physical heavy lifting for the detective team just like Kwangsoo.
And: Sehun and Gary are just funny without trying. It's insane how brilliant they are in a variety show without having to try hard.
Jongmin → Jihyo. This could be another interesting take? But this idea came to me after watching the season two premiere for what must have been the billionth time.
These two cuties have one big thing in common: instinct, not so much with people, but with things. They will both pick the right number, right box, right door, right whatever without really knowing why they picked it, and actually win.
I guess the only difference is that whereas Jongmin finds and picks the right things because of curiosity, Jihyo's instinct is so fine tuned that she can just pull up to things without much thought and end up with the correct object that causes her to win.
They're still very different in their styles and stuff in other things, of course, but their similarity in this is pretty hard to ignore.
Sejeong → Kwangsoo. Barring Kwangsoo's penchant for mischief and betrayal, Sejeong's...pretty much like him to her team. Think about it: they're both the youngest of their respective groups, both cheeky at times, easily warms up and befriends the guests, and does their best to contribute to the task.
Sejeong was undeniably stellar as they dealt with the cases. She was so intelligent and fearless that the team was able to ace the season three casefiles without a hitch. Also, she was so cute! I absolutely loved her.
Like her, RM Kwangsoo, without question, had his own star quality in Running Man. It's hard to think of Running Man without thinking of Kwangsoo.
Their game attitude and superstar quality that added such a large value to their teams despite being the babies is why I think the two of them are equals.
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eveningspirit · 2 years
Haaai September!!
All my shows are coming back, yay!
(technically, not all, but... nvrmnd) I want to rate them from those I most want to see again, to those I will see, but will I care... 
First goes: The Cleaning Lady
Oh, boy, that first season knocked my socks off. It was clever, it was different, there was so much unexpected in it, in terms of storyline itself, but also on a meta level, in the thought behind the show.
It didn’t give me any hyperfixation, so there’s no nervous energy waiting for it. Just pure joy. 
Characters I love? Well, Arman Morales and Thony De La Rosa of course. But I love Thony’s friend Fiona so much as well, and her teenage son Chris, who I hope will have a bigger role this season, because the actor who plays him seems to be absolutely brilliant young rising star. Remember this name: Sean Lew. :)
Overall, it’s a 10/10
The rest goes under, because it got long-ish. ;p
The Rookie -- awaiting with excitement. :) I adore Lucy Chen. Tim Bradford has mild hyperfixation potential, but even without it, he’s a character I want to watch every week. And, after five years of slow burn, I’m ready to ship them. That’s my pace, lol. Also, I love all the friendships between various characters here. 9/10
The Resident -- I still like Matt Czuchry, and I hope to see some angst. It’s not a very angsty show, but it has its moments... Not sure what to expect. Not shipping anything romantically or friend-shippy, but if I were to choose, I’d rather he got closer with Billy, than with Cade. Oh. And I appreciate how they write Bell’s struggle with MS. Overall -- 9/10
NCIS Hawaii -- this is the show that has the biggest potential to disappoint me this season. It’s the show’s second season, so it’s almost a given. I have some thoughts which might be hyperfixation-inducing, but I’m not able to draw them out of very vague on-screen hints anymore. So. Not likely to happen (me ten years ago would have written ten fics already, though...). Between 2/10 and 8/10, ha...
Seal Team -- I will drop it. I’m only planning to watch the first couple of episodes. It’s not that I’m upset that Clay is leaving (dying?), but I cared about him the most, and the show as a whole won’t really keep my interest. 5/10 for those first couple of epis. ETA: apparently the first episode is already up, huh? 
Manifest -- I don’t even know why I started to watch it this summer, and I think this season is the show’s last? But I’ll see it through, lol. Out of the blue. 5/10
SWAT -- I’ll watch it probably out of habit, rather than anything else. I may drop it some time this season. 2/10
FBI -- out of habit. No emotional attachment. 0/10
I’m also watching Outlander and I freakin’ LOVE IT, but I’m on season 4, and I don’t even know when the new season starts. 10/10
And the new shows I will be giving chances...
The Ark -- who knows when? Do they even have a premiere date set? This looks like my kind of show, sci-fi, interesting characters. Can be exciting. May also flop...
Quantum Leap -- I watched the OG and I liked it back in the day, so I kind of have to give it a 4-episodes trial run.
East New York -- the premise got me curious, but if they don’t have any good-looking troubled male character, I’ll probably only give it a 4-episodes trial run. Unless it turns out really good.
So Help Me Todd -- this one I’m really curious about, mostly because of Marcia Gay Harden who I loved on Code Black. And the premise sounds like my cup of tea. We’ll see where it goes.
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
Do you think Lone Star will ROAR when it premiers? My friend who recently saw the trailer laughed and asked me what kind of nonsense he just had watched 😬😬😬
Personally, no, I am not expecting some eye-popping number. I think it might do "better" than OG (above 5 mil/decent demo) just like the previous premiere, but if people weren't tuning in past season one for these characters, they've got no real reason to do so now. Tarlos getting married (within the first month or so?) is great for the fan base, but this isn't The Rookie, they've always been together. A wedding won't (realistically) change all that much from a viewer's perspective.
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