#and i will do it while wearing my glasses
nottsangel · 1 day
definitely feel like art would be the kind of man to bring his hand to your mouth and cover it to keep you quiet whenever he’s fucking you somewhere in public… i need therapy gn
omg but imagine going lingerie shopping with art… he tries so hard to control himself, but how can he when you look so fucking good in all those pretty lingerie sets that hardly cover anything? he can feel his pants grow uncomfortably tight as he eagerly says yes to every set that you show him because yes, you do look very stunning in all of them, but at this point he’s just thinking with his dick, his rational thinking gradually fading away. with his head tilted slightly as he’s licking his lips, he’s nearly drooling at the sight of your tits sitting so perfectly in the red lace bra and the tiny underwear you’re wearing barely covering your ass.
“art? are you even listening?”
“oh, uh— sorry, baby, what were you saying?”
and not even five minutes later you’re facing yourself in the mirror with your hands pressed against the cold glass while art holds your hips in place as he steadily slams into you. it’s becoming harder and harder to be quiet as you bite your lip to stifle any noise but a loud moan that you desperately tried to suppress inevitably slips from your swollen lips. “baby, you really have to be quiet, okay?” art urges in a soft voice but he already brings his hand to your mouth, knowing that you won’t be able to keep silent anyway. you helplessly drool all over his hand, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the tip of his fat cock brushes perfectly against all the right spots deep inside of you. “that’s it baby, that’s my good girl. god, look how pretty you are.”
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dancingtotuyo · 3 days
14. in the cold light i live to love and adore you
Woman | Joel Miller X Female Reader
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Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: you adjust to life with a newborn. Joel finally gets to tell you something
Tags: Joel Miller X Female Reader. Age Gap (13/14 years). HBO Characters. Mostly cannon compliant for show & game. Timeline is changed. Spoilerish for TLOU 2
Chapter Warnings: fluff, angst, hurt and comfort, TLOU SPOILERS
Notes: To my beautiful beta readers @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin and @janaispunk, I adore you both with my whole, entire heart!
Words: 3931
Series Masterlist | Author Masterlist | Playlist
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The winter winds blow in with gusto, granting one of the coldest you’ve seen in Jackson yet. The ground freezes in October and it stays that way into the next year. Reports say you lose more patrolmen to cold than infected even with the uptick in sightings. The brutal winter is relentless, keeping its freezing claws in the world well into the new year. You think if Al Gore is still alive, he’d be happy to see this kind of freeze, but Jackson keeps turning despite it. 
Rachel Perkins organizes a play for the kids. Willa is assigned the part of a butterfly. She has all kinds of ideas for her costume, continuously searching for items to assemble it. Joel shapes some old wire into wings and you manage to wrap them with pink and purple scraps of fabric. 
Someone gifts Willa an old tutu that needs mending in about three different places, but it’s easy work. Except once her ensemble is put together, you have no success convincing her to wear anything but the wings and sparkly pink tutu requiring another two mending jobs. On the third straight day, her wings require readjusting after they got bent out of shape during a game of tag. 
A few people decide there should be a dance, so within a couple of days, the Tipsy Bison is packed with dancing bodies and music and life. Carter finds his friends in a quiet corner. Willa runs, weaving through the crowd in her butterfly costume despite numerous attempts to talk her out of it. 
“At least it makes her easy to spot.” Joel winks at your side, whiskey in his hand. 
“Finding Willa in a crowd has never been an issue.” You laugh, taking the glass from Joel. He smiles as you take a sip before handing it back to him. 
“No, I don’t suppose it has.” Joel laughs.
“There you two are. About time you showed up.” Tommy grins, walking toward you with Maria at his side.
Joel rolls his eyes but it’s all in good fun as he clasps hands with Tommy. 
“I see Willa is practicing for the recital,” Maria laughs, her eyes pinned to her niece. 
“Haven’t been able to get her to wear anything else,” you sigh, rubbing your forehead. “I’ve already mended the damn tutu three times, it’s hanging on for dear life at this point.”
Joel chuckles, arm threading around your waist. “Can’t beat the smile on her face though.”
“I’m handing you the needle and thread next time she comes in with a tear.” You roll your eyes in playfulness. 
“Hey, I’ve fixed those wings several times now too.”
“Sounds like I need to send Elias’s pants over to your place,” Maria says. “I think every single pair needs patching.”
“I remember when Carter was in that phase. I gave up there for a while. Let him run around with holes. He didn’t seem to care.” 
“I’m about to resort to that.”
“Get Tommy to do it. He had to sew me up a couple times. Did a damn good job,” Joel grins. “You know that one scar.” He looks at you. 
You know it. It runs across the side of his torso, the scar so thin and faded, you thought it was from a surgery before the outbreak. You nod. 
“Tommy stitched that one.”
“Damn,” your eyes flicker to him. “I can hardly stitch someone up that nicely.”
“Luck,” Tommy shrugs. 
“Skill,” you correct. 
“You’ve been holding out on me,” Maria jabs her husband with her index finger. 
“Ow! Have not-“ Tommy says, but Joel is tugging you away from them before you can gather the rest of their argument. His deep chuckle settles in your ear.
“What are you doing?”
“Takin my woman for a spin on the dance floor. What does it look like?” He grins, guiding you into the sea of dancers in the middle of the floor. 
You suppose you should hate it when he calls you his “woman.” There was always something about it in the world before that felt derogatory, like men were trying to claim women as property, reducing them to a single component. It sounds cliche you know, but it’s not like that when Joel says it. 
You don’t have a title on your relationship. For you, to be called his in any capacity is an honor, just as he’s yours. Your partner, your co parent, your lover, all of those and more encompassed into the title “your man” and “his woman”
My Girl plays over the record player bringing a smile to your lips. The first of many songs you and Joel danced to both in the public eye and the quiet of your home.
He smiles down at you, eyes shining in deep, dark pools under the flicker of the lights strung from the rafters. You're drawn back to that first dance, the one you almost skipped out of but your feet carried to anyway. The way he held you. Kissed you, claimed you in front of Jackson without fear of the future even when you couldn’t do the same for him. Yet he stuck with you, waited for you
Moisture gathers in your eyes as you lay your head on his chest as he rocks back and forth. 
“I know, Sweetheart.” 
Your chest tightens with love for him. It’s not scary anymore. It hasn’t been for a long time. 
Willa runs into your legs, demanding a turn with Joel before the song is halfway over. You oblige as Joel picks her up. She laughs, arms tightening around his shoulders. You watch them from the sidelines, wishing you had a camera to capture the identical smiles on their faces, the curls that fall on their foreheads, Willa’s fairy wings, Joel’s broad shoulders. It’s a perfect moment. A slice of heaven on earth you think. 
Willa insists on a second song since they didn’t get a full one the first time. Carter dances a two step with you, his smile beaming the whole time as he masters the steps. Tommy pulls you out at some point- spinning you until you’re so dizzy you need to sit down. He finds it funny. 
The air buzzes with electricity throughout the whole night as you let your kids run around on their own accord in games of tag, sardines, hide and seek, and whatever else their brains concoct. 
It takes some time before Joel tracks you down again, pulling you away mid conversation with Rachel and Lindsey. He’s not the least bit remorseful. 
“You're in high demand tonight. I didn’t have another choice.” He winks at you as the music slows to a soft instrumental. 
“Did I protest?” 
He laughs, placing his lips firmly on yours. “I love you.”
You can’t help the smile that appears every time he says it. You settle against him, letting the soft music settle over your bones. “I love you too.”
You don’t speak for another minute, too wrapped up in him, listening to the steady thrum of his heart beating in time with yours. 
You catch Ellie and Dina on the dance floor together. There’s an extra reach in your smile. They’re out of your sight when Dina kisses Ellie. Then, Joel’s muscles tighten around you. 
Your brow furrows as your head lifts. “What is it?” 
Joel doesn’t respond, eyes locked straight ahead. You know that look and follow it straight to Ellie and Dina and Seth. Your stomach drops
Dina says something, a smile on her face before it fades and she walks away, Ellie’s hand in hers. 
“Remember next time there’s kids around,” Seth calls after them.
Joel tugs you behind him. You catch the vein in his neck popping out. He's ready to pounce, to protect Ellie at the first sight of danger. 
“Yeah cause you’re setting such a great example,” Dina retorts as she heads for the door. 
“Just what this town needs, another loud mouth dyke!” 
It cuts through the room like a knife, drawing others’ attention. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” Ellie spins on her heels, heading straight for Seth. Dina fights to hold her back, but it’s useless. 
“Hey!” Joel surges forward, pushing Seth backward. “Get the hell outta here!”
“Get your hands off of me!” Seth shouts back.
Maria and Tommy rush toward the commotion as Maria steps between the two men.
There’s a soft thud and the firm pressure of two small hands against the back of your thighs. You twist around, finding a mop of dark hair and eyes to match staring wide eyed at the scene unfolding before you. You run your hand over Willa’s head, encouraging her to keep behind you as Maria and Tommy usher Seth out of the Tipsy Bison. 
Then your eyes follow Joel. He’s not coming back toward you, but toward Ellie. You barely manage to keep the cringe at bay. Not here, you plead internally. 
“You alright, Kiddo?”  
“What is wrong with you?”
Some people have the decency to turn their heads, to act as if they aren’t listening in. Others just gawk, trying to glean any answers they can from the cold shoulder Ellie has given Joel over the last few years. 
“He had no right-”
“And you do?” Ellie asks, anger shaking her words. “I don’t need your fucking help, Joel.”
Joel’s eyes cut from hers, finding yours in the small crowd. You see the way it stings in his eyes, and then he looks away from you both as he slowly eases backward.
 “Right…” He says, so quiet you barely make it out as Joel turns away, walking out of the building on display for everyone to see. The door slams shut behind him, ushering in a cool gust of wind. 
Pairs of eyes flash to Ellie. Some find you. There are a few mumbles exchanged between people, but they quickly die down as the music turns up and people return to their own lives. Your eyes find Ellie’s as people begin to fill in the dance floor once more. She seems more vulnerable now, more like the young teen you remember. The one who put on a big front, but wore her emotions so clearly on her face. 
“Mommy?” Willa tugs at your shirt. “Why were Ellie and Daddy yelling at each other?”
You snap around, picking her up, the fairy wings she wears making it more difficult. “People fight sometimes.”
She seems to contemplate the words, her forehead crinkling with consternation, like she’s trying to remember all the fights she’s ever witnessed. It tips your lips upward. She looks so much like Joel when she does that. Sarah used to make a similar face. 
“You fight with Carter and Elias sometimes.”
She sighs exasperatedly, pushing her hair out of her face. She’s so much sass and thought wrapped into a tiny package. “Yeah, but they ‘noy me.”
You laugh this time, kissing her head. Ellie and Dina are gone when you look toward where they were. Willa yawns, laying her head on your shoulder. You suppose it’s time to go home anyway. 
You pull Carter away from a game of marbles happening in the corner much to his dismay, but he's all too proud to show you the new green one he won tonight on the way home. 
Joel sits on the front porch, cup of coffee steaming in his owl mug. He still uses the one you got him for his birthday, but try as you might, you can’t make the damn owl disappear. Nonetheless, it’s reassuring to find him in such a natural position after tonight. To find him waiting for you, for his family, to come home. Carter rushes ahead, eager to show off his new possession. Joel listens to him with rapt attention. 
Willa wiggles in your arms, sliding down to the ground and rushing for the front porch, no doubt jealous of the attention her older brother is receiving. Joel pulls her into his lap, eyes never diverting from Carter. It amazes you how easily it comes to him, balancing both of their needs for attention, making them feel so seen and loved at the same time. 
You hang out at the edge of the front porch, back resting against the railing simply observing. Joel glances up at you, offering a brief wink before he’s pulled back in by Carter. He lets it go on for a few minutes before reminding both children that it’s time to get ready for bed. 
A chorus of groans fills your porch. You push back a smile. It’s endearing tonight. It isn’t always. 
“Get it done and we’ll have time for a bedtime story,” Joel says. 
“And a song?” Willa asks. 
“Only if you’re snappy.” 
It’s a bold face lie and you both know it. All Willa has to do is ask, and Joel is humming opening measures, but it works nonetheless. Both kids are racing inside. He eases up, staking over to you. An arm wraps around your waist, tugging you closer. His breath is warm across your face in the cold of the winter night. He kisses you, soft but possessive, like he needs to assure himself you’re still here. That you’re not going anywhere. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
He shakes his head. “Later. We got kids to put to bed.”
He presses another kiss to your lips and then you’re both inside, ensconced in the bedtime routine. The four of you settle on the couch, a kid tucked into both of his sides, story book in hand. Reading glasses rest on Joel’s nose. Something you had admittedly teased him about. Old Man, you had called him more than once, but you like them.
Willa falls asleep before the last page. It doesn’t keep Joel from singing her a song when he tucks her into bed. His stripped version of Monday Morning drifts down the hallway HIs voice accompanied by Willa’s. Then he goes to Carter’s room. You catch a few words spoken between them, but can’t make them out. He sings to Carter. It makes you smile as you top off Joel’s coffee mug, the owl one. You hold the routine, the peace near. You doubt Carter has many bedtime serenades left before he decides he’s too old for them.  
When he comes out, Joel tucks his head into your neck. “Sit outside with me?”
“It’s freezing.”
“Please?” He kisses your neck softly. “I’ll keep you warm. Wrap you tight in a blanket. The wind ain’t bad tonight.” He tugs you closer and you sigh, knowing you’ve lost the fight already. 
“Fine, I’ll grab my jacket.”
You sit next to Joel on the porch swing as he plucks at the strings of his guitar, gleaning whatever body heat you can from him. His cup of coffee warms your hands. You turn the owl so it faces outward. The porch light casts a bluish hue over you. He still hasn’t said anything about tonight, hasn’t opened his mouth, but he continues pulling a melody from the instrument on his lap. 
You enjoy the moment for what it is. You take a single sip of his coffee, the substance bitter in your mouth as your eyes drift shut, head resting on Joel’s shoulder. There’s no pressure to say anything. You can just exist with each other in the freezing winter. It’s more than enough.
The guitar rings, but Joel stops playing, body easing forward. “Hey…” He says.
Your eyes open as he sets the guitar aside. Ellie stands at the opposing end of your porch, eyes focused on Joel. You sense their silent exchange, a long pause before either looks away. Ellie gives it another second before moving forward, resting her hands on the bannister. You immediately feel like an intruder. You’re not meant to be here for this. 
You lean over to Joel, kissing his cheek, handing him his mug without another word. You reach out, squeezing Ellie’s shoulder lightly as you pass by. She gives you a tight lipped smile. The front door clicks softly behind you, giving them their privacy,
Joel stands, cautiously joining her as the railing. 
“What’re you drinking?”
He lets out a little huff. “Coffee.”
Ellie watches him as she tries to think of her next words, formulating what she wants to say to him, what’s been building inside of her over the last several years. She’d held on to it for so long, and it’s all led her here. “Where’d you get that?”
“Those people who came through last week.” Another awkward pause. “A little embarrassed as to what I had to trade to get it, but…” he pulls the mug to his lips. “It’s not bad.” 
Ellie looks out, studying her house across the street. Joel follows suit, allowing her to direct things. Let her take the lead, it rings in his head. Sounds like you even. 
Joel focuses on his coffee mug, The steam that rises and dances up toward the sky until it disappears in thin wisps never to be seen again. The fog of his breathing joins it from time to time, creating a new dance, intertwining with each other only to separate. 
“I had Seth under control.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“And you need to stop harassing Jesse about my patrols.” She stands up straighter, looking at Joel as she gains her confidence back.
He nods, keeping his focus on his mug. “Okay.”
Ellie shuffles a bit, trying to decide if she’s going to leave it there or push. She expects more from Joel. She wants more from Joel. 
“Dina… is she your girlfriend?”
Ellie’s mind races. She shifts more thinking through her response. “No.” She shakes her head. Finally, Joel looks her way. Ellie’s eyes are all squinted up. “No, she- that was just one kiss. It doesn’t mean anything. She just- I don’t know why she did that.”
“But you do like her.”
Ellie takes a deep breath, trying to work through it all in her mind. She feels silly over it all. Looking away, she almost buries her head in her shoulder as tears well in her eyes. “I’m so stupid.”
Joel feels the fatherly instincts kicking in right away, “Look, I have no idea what that girl’s intentions are, but I do know that she would be lucky to have you.”
Ellie can barely get through his words, choking back the tears that form in her eyes. “You’re such an asshole.” It comes out almost like a whisper. 
“I’m not trying-”
“I was supposed to die in that hospital,” Ellie says, hand hitting the railing. “My life would have fucking mattered, but you took that from me!” She looks down at her feet, trying to reign in her emotions.
Joel says nothing, racking his brain for the right words to say. All this time, and they still didn’t exist, but he knows he wants to stop her pain.
Joel eases up, straightening his back. The mug settles atop the banister as he inhales deeply. “If somehow the Lord gave me a second chance at that moment…” He thinks through his words, wonders if there's a better way to say it. “I would do it all over again.” He meets her eyes, determination set in his.
Ellie doesn’t move, just lets it sink in. Her face softs almost and then a flash of annoyance, acceptance maybe as he catches tears glistening in her brown eyes. She gives a slight nod, rocking back and forth, trying to figure out if she can actually do this. “Yeah…” The words are a tangle in her head, will and want at war with each other. “I just… I don’t think I can ever forgive you for that.”
Joel eases back against the banister, feeling as if she’s slipping through his grasp again, as if he hadn’t known those words would keep her at bay, floating around his orbit but never in it. 
Ellie contemplates her words. She reconciles her feelings. She misses him too. “But… I would like to try.” Her face twists up as she fights the tears.
Moisture instantly pools in Joel’s eyes, emotions over taking him. He doesn’t like to show this side, he rarely does, but the relief that washes over his body is all consuming. He thought he’d lost her for good, and now here she is telling him she wants to try. She wants to forgive him. That’s enough for him, more than enough, and more than he deserves. 
Ellie lets out a long breath, tension easing from her body, like a weight was lifted, extracted from her. She feels lighter.
“I’d like that,” Joel says, getting caught up on the words. 
They both nod slightly, almost in unison, like they actually share genetics. 
“Okay,” Ellie says, almost like she doesn’t know where to go from here. She rocks back on her heels, catches Joel’s profile in the light. “I’ll see you around.”
Joel clears his throat as Ellie turns to leave. 
She’s at the bottom of the steps before he manages to pull it out. It’s not overly affectionate or loud, but it’s warm, solid. “I love you, Kiddo.”
She turns, surprised. There’s a brief uptick in her tightly drawn lips, but it’s a smile nonetheless. “You too, Old Timer.” 
You’re half asleep when Joe crawls into bed next to you. You let out a soft sigh, hand falling to his chest. “How’d it go?” you ask, eyes opening to mere slivers. 
Joel kisses your head. “Said she wants to try to forgive me.”
A sleepy smile finds your face. “Good.”
Joel chuckles, kissing your head. “Goodnight, Sweetheart.”
You smile. “Love you.”
“I love you too.”
You let out a soft sigh, letting sleep take you under. 
Joel lays awake that night, staring up at the ceiling, hand tucked under his head. His body is weary from the night, the dance, is confrontation with Seth and Ellie. He feels the ache of his 63 years in his joints, his back, but nothing covers up the deep seeded contentness that settles over him. 
He turns his head to look at you, fast asleep on your side facing him. You’re not quite tucked into him, arms and legs pressing against him. The exchange of body heat beneath the sheets is enough to stave off the winter chill. His lips tip upward.
He’s happy, undeniably so. Here with you next to his side. With the knowledge that Ellie wants to forgive him. With His two other children sound asleep in their rooms, tucked into beds where they feel safe.  
He pulls his hand from under his head, tracing the soft lines of your face, the bow of your top lip with his fingertips. You bristle softly, like his touch tickles, but you don’t stir. Joel knows you’re out for the night. 
He kisses your cheek, takes your free hand in his and kisses your knuckles before placing it over his beating heart, your hand sandwiched between his chest and palm. He should go to sleep. He has an early patrol with Tommy in the morning, but his mind buzzes with a quiet joy, keeping his eyes wide open. So he lays there, intent on memorizing the sound of your soft breathing, the warmth of your hand on him, and all the other little moments that lead him to this place in time. 
It’s some time before sleep tugs him under, but his eyes flutter shut with you in his periphery, lulled to sleep with the assurance he’s where he’s supposed to be.  
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Tag List: @pedrotonin @amyispxnk @joeldjarin @ilovepedro @justagalwhowrites
@missladym1981 @jessthebaker @annieispunk @ashleyfilm @moel-jiller
@eloquentdreamer @lizzie-cakes @hiroikegawa
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Silver-tongued Lover
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A/N: Written for @fandom-free-bingo . I do miss writing for Loki. Leave a heart, comment or reblog if you enjoyed the story!
Pairing: Loki x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ strictly smut, bit of choking and hair pulling.
Word count: 1.9k +
Square filled: Dominant lover & Pulled onto their lap
Fandom Free Bingo Masterlist
Trays of exquisite champagne and hors d'oeuvres were being passed around, an air of general merriment floated in the huge ballroom that was filled with the who’s who of the society. The party was in honor of yet another successful mission carried out by the Avengers, it was also just an excuse to get together, wear fancy clothes and mingle.
You certainly weren’t complaining.
Not when you had a wicked plan brewing in your mind about teaching a certain silver-tongued lover of yours a lesson. Or get him to teach you one. Either way, you were winning. That little spat you had earlier would be forgotten the moment he would lay eyes on you.
The dress you chose for the event was particular, forest green satin that fell over your curves, accentuating them in all the right ways while exposing just the right amount of skin. Underneath you wore matching lace lingerie, one you hoped would end up on your bedroom floor by the end of the night. Your hair fell down your back in loose curls, curtaining what was mostly a backless gown.
Everybody gathered where Tony Stark was making his famous speech, entertaining the crowd and making them laugh at his anecdotes. Blending with the crowd, you felt his presence before his cool, slender hand slipped around your waist, his lips pressed against your ear.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, my lady.”
That voice. You were never getting immune to that, you had to accept it. The honey-dripping voice that could bring anybody down on their knees. A shiver went down your spine as he teased the shell of your ear ever so lightly with his tongue, smirking to himself.
“I mean, it’s the dress, isn’t it?” you teased, composing yourself enough to bring your hair over one shoulder, showing off the sexy, open back of the dress. It was your turn to smirk now that his sapphire eyes had darkened. Like a brooding storm on gray night. Instinctively, he covered you to avoid unwanted prying eyes. He wouldn’t want any other man besides himself to lay eyes on what was his and his alone.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he whispered, his grip on your waist tightening while you blinked up innocently.
“Enjoying the party, that’s all.” you murmured before walking away from the demi-God, adding an extra swing to your hips as you did, knowing he was watching you.
Weeks ago you had walked in on Loki working his charm over an intern to get information he needed, he had the nerve to brush it off simply by stating he had the gift of the gab and you were overreacting. Tonight you were prepared to show him what an overreaction truly was.
As the evening drew by you found yourself surrounded by men who weren’t subtle with their eyes, letting their gaze shamelessly drop to your cleavage as you chatted. From the corner of your eye, you found Loki glowering, ready to rip the men into shreds.
Around midnight, people found themselves sitting around the tables, conversations now turned into smaller groups.
“Ah there you are, Y/N! Do join us.” Thor’s baritone boomed over from one of the tables, offering you a kind smile as he sat opposite your favorite God of Mischief who looked over his shoulder, as if challenging you to join them.
Naturally, you had to.
Loki pulled you onto his lap just as you were about to pull a chair for yourself, securing you on one thigh with your legs on either side. You knew it was a deliberate move, he now had easy access to your heated core, one little brush and he’d know you were sans underwear.
“Might I say you look beautiful tonight, Lady Y/N.” Thor smiled at you, raising his glass in toast which you reciprocated.
“Loki, you’re awfully quiet today. Anything on your mind, brother?”
Clicking his tongue, Loki shifted underneath you, his slender fingers teasing the edge of the glass of mead he was having before picking it up.
“Not particularly. Lady Y/N might have an idea, although she spent half the evening conversing with other gentlemen.” His tone held light accusation, eyes holding a darkness that stirred something carnal within you.
“Ah! Green with jealousy.” Thor chuckled at his own joke drunkenly, going on about how trust is such an important factor in any relationship; meanwhile your little eye tennis match with Loki continued, each challenging the other to make the next move.
Shifting a little, you made sure to brush your core against his thigh, allowing a little gasp to leave your lips as it brushed against your clit ever so slightly. A smirk on your face grew wider as Loki’s fingers soon discovered your little secret, his eyes darkening further before he abruptly stood, taking you with him.
Without much as an excuse, he gripped your bicep and dragged you away from the party and towards the elevators. Once he had you caged between his arms, he didn’t mince his words as you’d awoken the monster that rested within him.
“What do you think you are playing at, pet?”
His breath was hot against your own, his face mere inches from yours, eyes boring into yours for answers.
“I don’t know what you mean..”
Wrong answer. That made him tug on your hair, gently but with enough force to elicit a gasp. With a knee wedged between your legs, Loki made sure to tease your core that was covered only by the thin fabric of your dress, all while the elevator traveled up to take you to your quarters.
“You are testing my patience, aren’t you love?”
Boldly, your hands found their way around his neck as you stood on your toes, lips reaching his ears to whisper the answer he was waiting for.
“I got what I wanted. You. Jealous.”
He released a breath against your cheek, chuckling upon hearing your words as the elevator promptly dinged to a halt. Straightening his robes, Loki stepped away from you and began taking long strides towards your shared room, leaving you no option but to follow.
His intentions were pretty clear when the doors were shut. To teach you a lesson.
Like a predator stalking its prey, he took deliberate steps towards you, eyes raking your form.
Even if you had planned to defy the demi-God earlier, you knew well enough to not do it after hearing that from him. Dropping to your knees with your hands on your thighs, you waited, pulse quickening as you heard him undo his pants, freeing his semi-hard length for you.
“You know what happens to pets who disobey?” Loki’s sultry voice sent tingles down your spine, a rush of excitement gathering between your legs as you looked up at him, shaking your head even though you knew the answer to that question.
His fingers traced the side of your face, ever so tenderly, admiring you at his mercy before he made you open your mouth and guided you towards his cock.
“Allow me to show you.”
Not that you assumed he’d be gentle, but as his length met with your warm mouth, Loki’s grip on your hair tightened and he bottomed out with a satisfied grunt.
With only a second to adjust, he began driving his hips back and forth, nudging the end of your throat with his sizeable length, until you gagged.
“You willingly chose to defy me. Allowed all those vile men to ogle at what’s mine.”
But you were being taught a lesson, so when your eyes met through your lashes, you saw a villainous glint that informed you that you were in for a long night.
Tears gathered in your eyes as he continued to drive his now hard cock in and out, the salty taste of precum evident on your tongue. It was torture but you endured, being rewarded with the most sinful grunts that reached your ears ever so often.
Abruptly, Loki pulled out, making you stand before pushing you against a wall.
“You played with fire today, pet.” He growled, invading your senses with all that was him once again.
“Only because I knew the fire liked to be played with.”
Your eyes flashed a hint of mischief, one you were certain he loved, but tonight wasn’t the night for it. This time your expensive dress bore the cost of your words. It was ripped until all of your legs were exposed to him.
“Another bad decision.” He clicked his tongue in disapproval.
Now semi-naked and vulnerable, Loki pushed your legs apart before snaking his hand between them to run his thumb along your slit. When he was met with your glistening arousal, he smirked.
“Look at you, soaked and yearning for me, my darling.”
That was his first term of endearment for you, you smiled to yourself before your mouth fell open; having Loki’s cool, slender fingers breach your entrance without warning came out in a soft gasp.
He pulled them out just as quickly as he had pushed in, feeding them to you where you could taste your eagerness.
Hiking your leg up around his hips, he entered you in one swift motion, forehead touching yours as you both sighed. The room was then filled with your needy moans as Loki’s cock dragged on your walls only to impale you until he was buried to the hilt. The continued assault made you cry out loud as your fingers dug in his shoulders, desperate for an anchor.
With your eyes shut in pleasure, you felt the fingers of his free hand wrap themselves around your throat, putting just enough pressure to add to the delectable passion unfurling between you.
“Tell me who you belong to.”
He grunted between his bruising thrusts, each one sending a wave of pleasure coursing through your body.
“You. I belong to you, my prince.” You breathed, sounding needier than usual. You didn’t want this to end, the lesson you were being taught felt like a reward.
Your walls began clamping around his length, making him twitch and groan as his lips descended towards your neck, claiming your body as his property.
Carrying you to bed, he laid you down, a little gently this time, cock slipping into your tight heat once again as he pinned your hands above your head, holding you captive. This time, his pace resumed the same brutality, your climax approaching hard and fast as he continued.
Reveling in the way your skin bloomed and flushed under his touch, Loki’s sense of dominance only grew. He’d never admit but he secretly loved the way you defied him in your ways and challenged him, it only always led to stimulating arguments and explosive sex.
The way you fell apart under him only drove him to chase his own release, his cock had been begging for it since he laid eyes on you that evening.
A few moments later while you basked in your high, his hips lost rhythm and he spilled his seed deep within your sopping cunt.
As breaths came slowed down to a normal pace, Loki found himself grinning against your warm skin, finally enveloping you in a kiss that conveyed all that words could never.
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lemon-lime-limbo · 2 days
𝖒𝖎𝖉𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 | 𝖆 𝖇𝖓𝖍𝖆 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙
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pairing: dabi x fem! reader
warnings: NSFW, reader has fem genitalia but no pronouns used, pretty used a compliment, established relationship, smoking, cigarettes, smoke, shotgunning smoke, dacryphilia, overstimulation, voyeurism if you squint, dabi is a condescending asshole...
genre: NSFW
word count: 3k
note: i was trying to write this on vacation but i made little progress tbh... anyway dabi is my MAN and i need to get freaky with him. also him as a smoker just... RAH. also i never proofread but this one is like REALLY not edited so... sorry! anyway enjoy
“What are you doing up?”
You had tried to keep quiet, but the sliding glass doors far beyond their prime gave you away. You sighed at being caught and padded barefoot onto the balcony. “I could ask you the same question, Dabi.” Leaning up against the creaky wooden railing, you placed your face into your hands, looking out over the desolate parking lot of the apartment building. It was almost laughable how the only signs of life were a single street light flickering in the lot, and the two of you, on the balcony alone. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” Dabi’s forearms were pressed to the railing, hands dangling over the edge as he rested his body weight against it. His black pajama pants blended in with the shadows of the balcony, and his faded band t-shirt bore a few holes that exposed scarred skin.
You sidled up to him, relishing in the way his warmth enveloped your body. Wearing only one of his shirts, the cool night brought chills across your skin. He slung his arm around you, bringing you closer as he reached towards the box sitting on the railing. With dextrous fingers, he pulled a cigarette out of the pack, bringing it to rest between his lips before he dug in his pocket for his lighter.
A sharp click echoed on the balcony once, then twice as he lit up his cigarette, inhaling deeply with a sense of satisfaction. You coughed when he blew the smoke at you, waving a hand in front of your face to waft it away. Smoke clung onto his skin and his clothes, filling your lungs with the dense clouds and filling your eyes with tears at the sting in the back of your throat. 
“That was mean,” you said with a pout, turning to face him. Your hands found the hem of his shirt, sliding underneath the thin fabric to press your cold palms against his stomach. Scars and surgical staples ran under your fingertips as you used his body to prevent yourself from freezing. 
“Yeah, maybe.” He took another drag of his cigarette. “But you look so pretty with tears in your eyes,” he said, taking your chin into his fingers. 
Your face went hot as you looked away from him. “Shut up…” you mumbled.
He laughed, letting go of your face and tapping ashes over the balcony. Your hands continued to wander under his shirt absentmindedly while he stared at you, a much better view than the unimpressive landscape before you. His broad arms trapped you between the ledge and his body, overpowering you. “I'm serious. It makes me want to do anything to keep you looking just like that.”
You shook your head with a soft laugh. His lips wrapped around the end of his cigarette and he held in the smoke, thinking for a moment before he roughly pressed his lips to yours. Smoke poured out of both of your mouths as he pushed it down your throat and into your lungs. His hand found the back of your head, pulling on your hair as you groaned. He used his strength against you, holding you in place as his tongue forced its way into your mouth.
Coughing up thick gray smoke, you managed to pull away from him, tears escaping your eyes as you tried to catch your breath. “You know… There are other ways of making me cry,” you wheezed, wiping your eyes with the hem of your shirt, avoiding the burned holes where ashes had been dropped. When you lifted it up, it revealed nothing more than a pair of lace underwear, hugging your hips tightly. 
“Oh yeah? Like what?” He tapped more ashes onto the ground, ignoring the ashtray that sat on the ledge beside him. It was hard for him to pretend he didn't know what you were going to say, or that he was thinking anything different. It was also hard to pretend that he didn't love the way his shirt clung to your body in the perfect places, hanging loosely from your shoulders, or that you weren’t wearing his favorite pair of your underwear.
You hummed softly, reaching under his shirt again, hands searching for every inch of his skin. You found your way to his pierced nipples, playing with each barbell in your fingertips as he stared at you, cigarette balanced between his two fingers over the ledge of the balcony. It seemed like every time he went out for a midnight smoke break, you always joined him. It wasn't on purpose, or that you had any devious intentions, but it was just something about the way the smoke poured from his lips and his nostrils and the way he looked so at peace when he had a cigarette in his hand. It showed you another side of him, one that he tried to keep from everyone else, and especially you.
“You didn't answer my question,” he said, leaning down so he was mere inches from your face. With the distance between you minimal, you could smell the smoke on his breath and caught in his clothes, mixed with the scent of his body, intoxicating and hypnotizing you into feeling like you couldn't get enough of him. 
You both had gone to bed several hours prior, but it took a long time for you to fall asleep. Clearly, Dabi had the same issue and you woke up to an empty bed. You knew where he'd be: out on the balcony, smoking a cigarette. Tonight was one of the rare nights he wasn't shirtless, something that irritated you beyond reason. You always preferred him to be only in sweatpants or pajama pants, hanging low on his hips and exposing his abs and the small trail of hair that ran on the undamaged skin of his stomach from his belly button below his pants. 
“Don't make me say it,” you said, placing your hands behind you on the ledge for balance, the worn wood beams groaning as you leaned against it.
“Use your words.”
That made you look at him, his eyes cold and boring into you like daggers, standing out atop deep eyebags and dark purple scars. He moved his hand to your hip and gripped it roughly. You shook your head. “You know what I'm talking about.” 
He looked irritated, taking another drag of his cigarette before the last of the ashes crumbled away. He pressed the remainder to the ashtray on the ledge. “Maybe I do,” he said with a shrug. “And maybe I don't.” He was addicted to toying with you, insistent on pushing you to your limit before relenting. He fed off of your inability to say what you wanted, and the more sexual your thoughts got, the harder it was for you to communicate them. And you knew he could play this game for as long as it took.
You also knew you wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
“I want you to fuck me until I cry.”
He laughed at your tenacity, making your face flush with embarrassment. “See, now was that so hard?” he said, his tone patronizing. 
Kissing you, he ran his hands along your body through your shirt. Every time he touched you it was like fire on your skin, trails of heat rising where his fingers made contact. In moments like these, it was as if the world had stopped, like the sun could explode out of the sky and you wouldn’t notice. The only thing you could focus on was his lips on yours. It was heavenly.
But you were getting desperate. Your hands made their way to his pants fervently, untying the drawstring before sliding into his waistband. You began to push him towards the door, attempting to leave the balcony.
“Nah, I don't think so,” he said, pulling away.
Your eyes widened. “You don't mean… Here? Anyone could hear us!”
Grabbing you by the shoulders, he pushed you to the railing again before whispering in your ear.  “I'll stay quiet. Can you?” 
You nodded. In fact, you couldn’t be positive, but you were convinced Dabi wouldn't care either way. He was all you needed, to hell with your neighbors.
With your ass against the railing, your fingers urged Dabi to remove his shirt, sliding the fabric up his abdomen until he yanked it over his head and tossed it to the side. Large hands grasped at your thighs and hips, kneading the soft flesh between his fingers as his lips found yours. You whimpered softly into him, nails catching on the metal in his skin as you ran your hands on his chest. 
He pulled on the hem of your shirt, helping you slide it off and revealing your bare breasts to the night air. Goosebumps formed on your skin as Dabi marveled at you, your tiny black lace thong the only thing still covering you. You panted, desperately trying to regain your breath while you turned your face away, avoiding eye contact. Somehow, you never got used to being mostly naked in front of him, just as embarrassed as the first time he saw you this way. 
Instinctively you reached to cover yourself, but he was quick to restrain your wrists in one hand. “Don’t do that,” he said. “I want to see you.”
Having gotten his fill, his lips met your neck, sucking on the sensitive skin while you writhed in his grip. He left love-bites along your neck and chest as his hard cock pressed against you through his pajama pants. Even from a small amount of contact, when his hands met your breasts you moaned, biting your lip to keep quiet.
“Already going back on your word? That didn't take long…” he goaded into your ear.
You scowled at him. “Shut up.”
Your words didn't have much bite when his fingers wrapped around the thin fabric covering you and yanked it down, exposing you entirely. He couldn’t even take the time to stare before his fingers found their way down your stomach. Your head whipped backward when his thumb brushed your clit, and it took every ounce of control in you to grab his wrist and pull it away. He tilted his head at you before leaning in, his face an inch from yours.
“It’s not fair,” you breathed. “I’m naked… And you’re still decent.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. But that can wait.”
While you wished you could argue with him, as soon as his thumb returned to your clit, every thought you had about protesting went out the window. His eyes never left yours, even when they squeezed shut when his other fingers teased at your opening. Lip caught between your teeth, you groped wildly at his back, fingernails dragging long scratches into the skin.
His fingers entered you, your head hitting his chest as you whimpered. His other hand grabbed your face, and in a low voice, he said, “Look at me.”
You nodded and did as you were told. Skilled fingers shot waves of pleasure through you. Your hips bucked into his hand, and as his pace quickened, your knees went weak. He stabilized you, arm wrapping around you and his chest meeting yours to hold you up. But he was relentless, and even at the awkward angle he was bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm. Thumb pressed harshly against your clit and rubbing circles at a rapid pace, it became almost overstimulating as he refused to let up.
“Don’t… oh, don’t stop…” you whimpered.
Never one to deny you, he continued, your orgasm ripping through you, turning waves into riptides. But still, he didn’t stop. You squirmed, somehow feeling too much and not enough as your vision went spotty. Shaky hands tried to grab at his wrists, but they fell uselessly to your sides, strength subsiding as his fingers found their way in and out of you.
A long whine escaped you as he finally removed his hands, letting your feet find their way underneath you again before he let go completely. “Dabi…” you groaned, placing your weight onto wobbly legs. The night was no longer cold, heat trapped under your skin and your body pulsing with need. No matter how much he gave you, you wanted more. You needed more.
His pants joined the pile of your clothes off to the side, and your foggy brain finally processed what he was doing. You could hardly bring yourself to notice his boxers were gone, focusing on holding yourself up on the rickety balustrade.
Chest heaving, you watched him run his hand on your hips, other hand retrieving the pack of cigarettes and the lighter next to you. Using his teeth, he pulled one out, pitching the box onto the wood paneled floor. The click of the lighter was like a cleaver through the silence, the light burning your eyes like the singed paper at the end of Dabi’s now lit cigarette. Gray flared orange as he inhaled, and with no warning, you found yourself sitting on the railing, mostly held up by Dabi as the wood creaked under your weight. You gripped onto his shoulders, trying to steady yourself.
The sound of the structure beneath you managed to clear the haze in your mind enough to say, “Dabi, I don’t think this thing can-”
“I won’t let you fall.”
His words reassured you enough to relinquish control again. He worked you closer to him until his cock pressed at your entrance. Your previous orgasm provided plenty for him to begin to push inside with no trouble. A moan escaped you, almost causing you to fall backwards. But he held you strong, his cigarette casually between his fingers.
Sharp eyes cut into yours, illuminated by the dim light of the street light below you. His nose piercings reflected in the light, along with bright silver staples. “Y’ready?” he said.
You nodded vehemently. With that he bottomed out, pressed flush against you as you groaned, and somehow you could still think enough to keep yourself from being too loud. He wasted no time before moving. Every nerve in your body could feel him and your brain couldn’t keep up with so many signals. His thrusts accelerated, your body rocking with his. Occasional grunts and groans were the only sounds he made, meanwhile you had to cover your mouth with your palm to keep yourself alerting your neighbors.
Another drag from his cigarette had him blowing smoke out before his fingers met your clit. The feather-light touch from his single index finger had you over the edge, your head slinging back in a silent moan. Your knuckles went white from how hard you gripped onto the railing, one hand trying to keep your balance as your toes curled.
Dabi snickered to himself watching you try to keep yourself from falling off the balcony and also from letting the entire apartment complex know you were outside doing nefarious deeds. That’s not to say, however, that it was easy for him to keep from making noise, but he had a goal to achieve and he would do anything to ensure his accomplishment.
“Dabi, holy fuck…” you slurred, your words barely enunciated enough to be discernible.
His pace quickened. “Oh, yeah?”
You whimpered, placing a hand on his chest to try to slow him down. “It’s… mmm, it’s too- much…”
“Nah,” he said, shaking his head. Sweat made his hair clump together and stick pieces to his forehead. He ran a shaky hand through his hair before placing them on your clit, the sudden contact making you gasp. The slow circles he rubbed shouldn’t have made much difference, but you were so sensitive right now you probably could cum just from talking to him. “You can handle it.”
It was like every time he fucked you, he got bigger. Obviously, it wasn’t possible. But, god, it felt like it. The way he stretched you out was like no other feeling, and you were sure the sheer size of him already had caused permanent damage. Not that you cared, of course, now or ever. It was so worth it. He filled every part of you like two halves of a whole. It would’ve been beautiful at this moment too if you didn’t cum for a third time when he took a mouthful of smoke and blew it straight at your pussy, watching the way the smoke clung to your skin before dissipating and disappearing forever. 
“No… no, I can’t…” you whined, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. His lips pulled into a smile revealed sharp pointed canines at the sight of you. If it were even possible, his pace quickened. Your muscles ached but he didn’t relent, determined to make the tears fall from your pretty eyes. Hard and fast was his specialty, and you swore you could feel your insides bruising. 
One particularly deep thrust forced him to hit your g-spot with such force your vision went white, your whole body tensing in Dabi’s hold as your fourth orgasm hit you. This was the final straw that caused your eyes to squeeze shut, forcing tears out onto your cheeks as you began to sob.
“Aw…” He reached to wipe a tear off your cheek. “So pretty,” he taunted. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care, your body limp and abused. He continued to buck into you, your hips no longer rising to meet his. The only energy you could expend was through your tears, and through the effort of choking down your sobs to stay quiet.
His lips met yours again and his hips stuttered, rutting up against you as he finally reached his peak. He rested inside you, neither of you having the energy to move. “You okay?” he said, brows raised.
You nodded, your neck barely able to hold up your head without collapsing. “Yes,” you murmured, wiping tears off your face. He hummed, placing his cigarette between his lips. “Dabi, you really should quit smoking…”
He laughed before helping you off the ledge. “Nah, not when I get to do things like this.”
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acourtofclutter · 2 days
Nightlight (Part 2 of ?)
"All the laughter... waiting for ever after..."
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Pairing: Rhysand / Night Court Emissary (Now Pixie!) Reader
Format(s) and Word Count: Headcanons and Drabbles, 885 words.
Summary: Amarantha was High Queen of Prythian now, and you had become her cronies' new pet while Rhysand was somewhere out of sight, out of reach. You endured her ongoing torment, but at least Rhysand was safe and had not been harmed - right?
Tags: Heavy Angst, Hurt / Little To No Comfort, Depictions of Violence, Torment, and SA, Set During Under The Mountain, Things Get Worse Before They Get Better
Notes: A continuation of my previous post, thank you for reading!
You were tossed into an old silver lantern when Amarantha finished using you as an example for what other spells she could cast on the high lords and their courts. You could hardly make out what she said from within the lantern, her voice muffled, but you heard the words ‘new pet’ before she passed you to the Attor.
And when the Attor had taken you away from Rhysand, from the party, you placed a hand on the lantern’s glass and tried to reach his mind, to tell him that he was not responsible for what was happening – but there was nothing but a few drops of magic left in your new body, and that was all that would remain.
The first thirty years of your imprisonment mostly consisted of the Attor and the other dark faeries drowning you in faerie wine and making you sing and dance for them when they were bored and had nothing else to do. You were nothing but a pretty songbird to them, and they would poke and prod at your body to hear the sounds of bells leave your mouth.
“Why’d you stop?” They hissed, their talons and claws gripping your head and shoulders to make you stand upright, but it was no use. They had emptied three bottles of faerie wine, the amount too much for you to handle as you collapsed on the table and threw everything up. But they wouldn’t stop, not now, not when the night was long.  Instead, they made you their little doll and forced your body into various poses and positions that would’ve had you screaming if you were sober. You could hear them laughing and sneering at you, but the room was spinning and you couldn’t do anything but close your eyes, waiting for it to end. By the time they were done, they had left you on the table in that puddle of wine, your hair and body stained red. You couldn’t wash off the stench, but you had crawled back into your lantern and made yourself small, your body trembling as you cried yourself to sleep.
You hadn’t seen or heard Rhysand during that time, and you had convinced yourself that Amarantha hadn’t done anything to him, that all she had done was kill half of his court and turn you into a pixie. But on the thirty-first year of your imprisonment, on the night of Starfall, she had your lantern moved to her bedroom.
“I thought you would like a change of scenery,” Amarantha purred. “It is Starfall, in case you had forgotten.” She placed your lantern on-top of her dresser and had it face her bed before the door opened and someone else entered the room. You couldn’t stop the broken chime that left your throat, the sound making those old violet eyes meet yours for a moment before she spoke again. “I thought I would give you a surprise, Rhysand,” she smiled. “For servicing me and my body all these years.” You didn’t recognise your High Lord, not when he was wearing those exposing sheer clothes and turned to Amarantha with a smile. You thought it was a trick, an illusion, that she had merely found some other high fae who resembled him well enough. Those thoughts faded when a familiar darkness surrounded you as she beckoned Rhysand to her bed, making it nearly impossible to see or hear what was happening, what he was doing. But you had known, and that was all it had taken for you to fall apart.
From that night onwards, you remained in Amarantha’s bedroom for ten more years, and Rhysand would continue to pull that darkness over your eyes and ears. It didn’t take long before you became unresponsive and stopped chiming, and eventually she asked Rhysand to move your lantern to another room.
You had thought he’d take you to a room with more dark faeries, but he placed your lantern on-top of a bed in a dark and unused room. You didn’t dare move, didn’t blink until he finally spoke your name, your eyes meeting his for a moment before they welled up with tears, the sound of cracked bells filling the room.
“I thought I’d never see you again,” he murmured. “When she shoved you into the lantern and ordered the Attor to take you, I thought that was it.” Rhysand leaned down, his arm outstretched and his hand upward. When you walked to his palm, he slowly lifted you up until you were close to his star-speckled violet eyes. “Through the hardships, and to the stars,” he said, the words evoking a distant memory. It was something the two of you had told each other before you attended a meeting with the Illyrian lords or a conference with Keir. They reminded you that regardless of the long hours or the late nights, that you had been doing this for something important, something that involved a distant night sky with faces that you couldn’t remember, but loved nonetheless. He placed you back down on the bed before turning to leave, most likely being summoned by Amarantha, but he turned back to look at you one more time. “We’ll get through this, I promise.” And with those words, you slowly put yourself back together.
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deadboy-edwin · 3 days
I have this idea for payneland:
Both of them get hit with some kind of spell of sorts that makes them "human" for 24 hours (basically like when they were alive: people can see them, hear them, touch them, they can taste and feel things again, the works)
What do you think they'd do in that time? Maybe taste their fav foods again?
So please bear with me as this will be more of brainrot than an actual fic because I just want to yap- but in my head, it would be kinda funny if the gang was able to get Tragic Mick to turn back into a walrus. The goddess Sedna would then "punish" the boys for daring to defy her- since she had said that Mick would never return to the sea if he chose to leave.
I feel like Sedna would lowkey have a soft spot for abused children, and would also see Mick's love for the sea, and on the inside not really be that mad tbh. Hence the "punishment". She'd "curse" Edwin and Charles to be alive once more.
They don't really know if it's permanent or whatever, but can you imagine the hilarity of Edwin being so used to phasing through walls and doors, then him just walking straight into a door and smacking into it because he's solid- Crystal would have a field day ribbing him for it.
I think, them being human would make them quite unable to take on cases, since admittedly them being regular humans (not everyone can be Crystal Palace Surname Von Hoverkraft okay) makes them vulnerable to beings like demons. So they'd have some downtime. That gives Charles time to think.
Being fully corporeal also allows Crystal to hang out with them like she would with living people. It also allows Crystal to notice things about them that would not have been possible when they were ghosts- like Charles blushing when Edwin adjusts his collar so it's up. Or how the two boys are so tactile. Sure, they'd always been tactile, but why does it seem Charles is extra touchy, now that both boys can feel physical touch?
I think Edwin, bitchy little nerd that he is (and we love him for it) would have a field day with Google. He'd struggle with whatever the fuck a laptop is, and how LED screens strain his poor eyes, and probs get those anti-blue light glasses, and Charles would have a bisexual awakening because Edwin in glasses???
Charles, on the other hand. I feel like boy would want to party. He strikes me as the kind of guy who would be fun at parties, and he'd probably drag the gang to a nightclub after spending the entire day eating different kinds of food (I think he'd enjoy cookie dough ice cream- but that's just me projecting my own cravings).
At the club, Charles might be a bit sulky because Edwin had spent a lot of the day on Crystal's laptop, despite them switching restaurants so that they could try everything- and he's thankful that the laptop is not present at the club.
Unfortunately, Edwin is Edwin, and his brand of anti-rizz also works on the living. You have living people coming up to him left and right, and Charles wonders why this hasn't happened much in death.
Crystal is fast to point out that it's because ghosts are invisible to regular humans. Edwin is not a ghost at the moment, so he's not invisible. She also makes it a point to tell Charles about exactly how many people had simped for Edwin in the afterlife (Monty, the Cat King, hello????)
I think Charles would then get drunk. One, because he's been a ghost for some thirty-odd years. Dude has no fucking clue what his alcohol tolerance levels are. Two, because he gets annoyed that Edwin is getting hit on so much.
There is a third reason that comes to mind once he's fully inebriated, and it's the fact that the following thoughts aren't exactly heterosexual
Getting pouty when your best mate isn't paying attention to you while you are having a meal together
Staring and practically drooling when your best mate is wearing glasses
Getting upset when guys and girls (despite Edwin's lack of interest in the latter) keep flirting with Edwin
Wanting to feel Edwin's touch while he has all his senses at full blast
The plot twist here is that since Edwin is also alive and fully corporeal, our repressed Edwardian boy has actually been icing Charles out because as a human, he does not have the luxury of willing erections away.
I think though, because it seems like immortal beings in the DBDA universe have a sense of humor (hi, Cat King and Esther- wicked as her sense of humor is), when Charles finally makes a move and pulls Edwin away from the admittedly gorgeous guy that had been chatting him up with a "He's in love with me, and vice versa, I'm afraid" and kissing Edwin in the middle of the dance floor, is when they turn back into ghosts.
Even though they're now invisible to most humans once more, Edwin is still quick to berate Charles on the PDA- though there's a softness to his berating.
They end up discovering that as ghosts, they can still feel physical sensations if there's enough emotion involved.
That is a fortunate discovery for all parties involved, especially for our girl Crystal Palace Surname Von Hoverkraft, who walks into the office a few days after the club debacle, and sees Edwin pressing Charles up against a bookcase, snogging him with a fervor, his thigh working its way in between Charles' legs---
"Hot," Crystal comments with a smirk, causing the two boys to jump apart with matching sheepish grins on their faces. "If I'd known Edwin kissed like that, I would've gotten it on with him instead."
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xxsugarbonesxx · 5 hours
retired!Miguel rambling
🩷 I love domestic Miguel he is my everything
i guess this is head canons??? idk i just wrote what i thought felt right lol
mostly fluff, some smut, no gender is specified for reader,
though it doesn't go into depth, pregnancy and pregnancy sex is mentioned so read at your own risk 🩷
Miguel is naturally warm, his skin is so soft and warm. He smells like firewood and citrus, trust. In the winter you’ll lounge over his body like a seal on a rock in the sun. In the summer, you drag the kiddie pool from the back and fill it up. Dipping your feet in the cold water while you two watch the kiddos and dogs play in the sprinklers. 
He makes chunky babies. If you have the ability to get pregnant, most people will assume you’re having twins ‘cause how big your tummy is once you’re with child. But you just got one chubby little babe in there, and then they’re born with a whole head of their papa’s coffee colored curls. 
Piggy backing off the previous: once he gets out of his office in the Spider Society, leaving the Spider Man role behind, he’ll gain some weight. He’ll get that daddy pooch/dad bod going down, his pubes thick and curly. A whole forest is growing under his pudgy tummy. He doesn’t think shaving is that important once he’s settled down and has his kids but is willing to shave if that’s what you prefer. 
He did do the thing where he shaved his face completely to show the baby when they were around five months old. Popping out from behind the corner to show the babe his clean shaven face with you filming it. It all ended with all three of you crying and snuggling with the baby once they started sobbing and screeching since all they’re tiny life they’ve seen their daddy with a neat, salt and peppery beard.
And if you CAN’T get pregnant, (whether you’re amab or infertile) bro will be going at it with you like an ANIMAL. He’s got fat breeder balls, full of hot, sticky cum to pump into your needy hole. Once he’s cum, he’ll give one last thrust, nice and deep into your gummy walls. Plugging his semen deep inside you, keeping it there. After care in this instance is nonexistent, since he falls asleep on top of you, still deep in your guts.
He just likes touching you, if you’re alone in the car, waiting at the red light. His palm travels up and down your thigh absentmindedly as his eyes bore into the stop light. (He wears those glasses that turn into sunglasses when he goes outside, argue with the wall) Maybe he’ll get brave enough or the light still hasn’t changed for awhile, his hand will dip under your shirt, his thumb pad playing with your soft nipple until it hardens.
As long as you’re alone, he’ll have his hands on you. Six times out of ten it leads to actual sex.
I don’t think of him as a god in bed really, he’s just a guy. He’s gonna do what he thinks you and him are gonna like (what you want will always be top priority for him I know it) Acting on lizard brain, he’s gonna do what he’s gonna do without much thought beforehand. He couldn’t edge you to save his life, if you’re whining or crying, he’s just gonna let you cum, he just can’t say no to you. :(
Foreplay is always important to him though, mainly just because I want him to rub my back, I think he’d go for the whole massage thing. Spending a good amount of time rubbing and massaging your shoulders, back and cunny/cock. His hand is so big, he’d be able to grip the space between your thighs with one hand no issue. Rubbing back and forth until you cum from his hands alone. He likes to have you cum at least once before he’s actually inside you. He’s a gentleman after all. :))) His favorite positions are full nelson, side fucking, doggy style (I will die on the hill he’s more of an ass then a titties man I don’t care!!!) and face sitting.
If you can get pregnant, pregnant sex is even more tender and loving. Usually taking brakes to pepper your body and face with little kisses. 
@cupcakeinat0r wrote a tasty yummy fic about growing old with Miguel, and I’ve had that stuck in my brain since then. Around his forties, Miguel’s really mellowed out. He’s not as a perfectionist or cold and irritable as he used to be. Having kids has helped him calm more, having a more relaxed approach to problems now. Then his quick to anger, slow to calm back down personality when he was acting as spider man. Getting married and having kids has helped him realize that he doesn’t have to be the tough guy in the room. Though his kids are just as stubborn as him now. 
I love the domestic potential of Retired!Miguel, you two having a song, that’s your song as a couple. Cooking dinner together for your little babies. Having a show you two watch an episode or two of after putting kids to bed. Sitting on the couch, your legs over his lap, drinking wine with a kids movie on as your makeshift date night. 🩷
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Prompt idea: Holiday celebration get horrendously fucked (birthday, Christmas, Halloween, Passover, doesn’t matter really, dealers choice) and one of them has to comfort the other and help them through a meltdown over their favorite day getting fucked up
Happy birthday and hopefully your day isn’t as bad as you would make Ed and Stede’s!
I wasn't able to get this one edited and posted on my birthday, but it's still a precious prompt and I loved writing for it!! Here's the story of The Time That Stede Fucked Up Passover.
"The eleventh plague," Stede said glumly as he watched Ed open a kitchen window to air out some of the smoke, "easily misread cooking directions."
"Well, babe," Ed said over his shoulder, "I'm not sure why you thought that the oven needed to be set to 450 for brisket -"
"I misread the package, Ed," Stede snapped, trying to hide the wobble in his voice.
"Aww, no, that came out wrong." Ed, who had been poking at the smoking, thoroughly blackened brisket sitting on the stovetop to salvage for any edible parts, held out a hand for Stede to take.
Stede pretended he didn't see, looking down at his lap.
It was Stede's first Passover with Ed, and he knew it was a big deal. Ed's mama was coming over for the seder, and Stede had been trying so fucking hard to get it all right. Passover was Ed's favorite holiday! He couldn't fuck it up!
So he did all his research. He practiced reading the haggadah, the text read at the seder - even though Ed would be doing most of the reading, he wanted to be able to pronounce the prayers without asking for help and mark spots where he could raise interesting discussion or questions and (hopefully) impress Ed's mom. He'd figured out voices to use for all of Ed's plague-themed finger puppets to add a bit of levity, triple-checked what they needed for the seder plate, and he'd stressed over making sure dinner was perfect.
When the local synagogue had released sign-ups for pre-made brisket packs, of course he'd signed them up. He wasn't the greatest cook, and neither was Ed, so he figured that having the main course squared away would take a load off his mind and allow him to focus on getting the table set and ready while Ed prepared the roasted sweet potatoes, matzo ball soup, and an extra-big helping of charoset.
And now he'd fucked up his one contribution to dinner, and he hadn't even gotten the table ready, and he'd forgotten to put the wine in the fridge to chill, all because he couldn't even read the package -
"Stede, babe, you need to breathe."
Stede jerked his eyes open. He didn't even remember closing them, but now Ed was kneeling in front of him at the table. He put a gentle, calming hand on Stede's thigh, looking up at him with a small smile.
"I'm so, so sorry, Ed," Stede sighed, scrubbing at his eyes before his tears could fall. "I've ruined everything - I'm the worst boyfriend ever."
"Hey, don't talk about my boyfriend that way," Ed pretended to grumble. "You just misread the instructions. Could've happened to anyone, and you've never made brisket before, have you?"
"No," Stede admitted.
"There ya go," Ed said easily. "You do need to wear your reading glasses more often, though. Not even just saying that because I think they're hot."
"Ed," Stede snorted. "Was any of it edible?"
"Stede," Ed said solemnly, "that thing is burnt to a sizzle. It's basically a rock. It's an ex-brisket."
"Great," Stede sighed. "Your mom's going to hate me."
"She's gonna love you," Ed promised. "Wanna know how I know?"
Stede just pursed his lips.
"Because you tried," Ed said. "You tried so fucking hard."
"That doesn't change the fact that our main course is burnt beyond recognition, Ed."
"C'mon, man, get it straight." Ed rubbed a soothing little circle over Stede's kneecap. "If you think my mama is showing up here without more food than any of us can eat, you're in for a surprise."
Well. That made it a bit better.
"I'm just sorry," Stede said, his shoulders hunching inward with his guilt. "I wanted this to be the best Passover you've ever had -"
"It will be," Ed said, immediately. "Because you're here. And I love you."
"I love you, too." Stede cupped Ed's cheek in his hand, his heart swelling at the way Ed tilted his face into the contact. "Promise you're not mad?"
"Not a bit," Ed said.
Stede leaned in to kiss him, but they pulled apart when they heard a car pull into the driveway.
"The eleventh plague," Ed said cheekily, giving Stede a quick kiss on his way up. "Meeting your boyfriend's mom."
Stede shivered.
"C'mon, babe, she'll love you!" One last kiss, and Ed darted out to meet his mama before she had a chance to start trying to carry things in herself.
Stede took a deep breath, made sure no one could see him for just long enough to flip off the stupid brisket on the stove, and then he ran out to join them.
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tf-boi · 3 days
Maybe a story of a guy transforming his boyfriend into an almost completely inanimate mannequin, renting out his body to store while he takes his boyfriend's head and junk home, the only parts of him that are animate.
(Finally after being in my inbox for a million years~)
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"Sign here . . . and here . . . aaaaaannndd here. There we go thats everything!" A medium build man wearing some square glasses (Tom), standing by a slightly taller man (Andy). "My boyfriend is yours for two weeks." the smaller man says with a smirk.
"Babe you gotta stop saying that when you rent my body out." Andy said sighing.
A girl passes the clipboard back to Tom and giggled "Oh don't worry we'll take great care of him~". The girl walks away and returns with a box of clothes. "Just get changed into these and you'll start right away!"
Tom and Andy walk into a changing room as Andy starts stripping. "grrrrowl. . . " Tom said admiring his boyfriend.
Andy blushed "You have to be in the room while I change?"
Tom chuckled "Well we don't have too much fun when we do our thing so why not take it all in while I have you?"
Andy sighed "That's true I guess, but renting our our bodies to these popup stores does making ends meet easy. Plus the after pick-up sex is amazing too."
The two college students embrace and kiss. As Andy and Tom walks out of the changing room, the popup store manager eyed Andy and gave a nod of approval. "Okay you'll be in the front of the store soooo lets get to posing!" The three make their way to the front of the store as Andy strikes a few pose, they eventually settled on a neutral pose.
"Alright, perfect! Lets go home~" Tom said as holds Andy's hand. Andy's body started to turn a shade of grey and blue his body started shining a nice glaze like a fine plastic, his joint's becoming like a doll's. This spread until it reaches Andy's head. Tom then reaches up and puts his hands on Andy's head, that has remained the same, and gives it a nice tug as it pops off his body. "Ahh, babe!" Andy exclaimed. "Ahhh sorry don't know my own strength~" Tom chuckled, "well we can't forget this!" He reaches down Andy's pants and gives another tug as he pulls off Andy's unchanged manhood.
"Thanks for renting, we'll be back in a few weeks!" Tom said walking off.
"Hey feel free to come back if you want to loan us your body too!" The manager waved at them.
Tom and Andy make their way home, Andy's head under Tom's arm, getting a few stares from people. Some thinking its a realistic head commenting on it, but the others who are in the community looking at it lustfully. Renting out their bodies for these stores was a convenient way for them to make some money and good way for them to make new friends. As they entered Tom's apartment, many other mannequins could be seen around the apartment. Some of them are their exes, most of them willingly gave their bodies to them.
Tom set Andy's head on the bed as they both lie there watching TV. It was an awkward silence for a bit before Andy spoke up "What's up babe?"
"W-what? Nothing!" Tom stuttered.
"Please, you were quiet on the way back and you are quiet now. That only happens when something's on your mind."
"Ughhh fine. . . you always know how to read me. Remember what I said at the store? About not having fun while one of our bodies is being rented out?"
"Mhm?" Andy said interested.
"Well what if . . . we changed that?" Tom said blushing.
Andy looked intrigued now "Ohhhh what did you have in mind?"
Tom said "Well . . . well . . ." "You know what? No need to ask, just do babe. My powerless head is under your control~" Andy winked.
Tom gulped but knew Andy was serious. Tom dropped his pants and picked up his blonde prince and put his mouth against his rock hard cock. Andy knew what to do and started out with a whiff of Tom's cock. Tom's dick was smaller than Andy's but his nerdy brunette boyfriend was still packing a decent size. "Ohhh . . ." Tom moaned as Andy started to suck Tom's dick. "mmmm . . . mmmmm . . ." Andy moaned as he savored Tom's cock in his mouth. Andy suddenly felt his head being moved forward and back as Tom started to fuck Andy's head. "Ahhh ahhh" Tom moaned as he let out his inner beast. For years he's been the bottom but now he finally found a boyfriend to let him be on top. He laid face down on the bed, Andy's head still sucking on his dick as he pound's Andy's head. He moves faster and faster but couldn't hold back as he lets out a load into Andy's mouth. Andy moaning as he slurps it up. The cum flows into his head but out of his neck soaking their bed. Tom's cock retracts out of Andy's mouth and he lies next to his boyfriend.
Andy gasped for air. "That was pretty good, but I wish it could have lasted a bit longer . . ." He said with a pout.
Tom looked a bit embarrassed "Sorry it was my first time topping . . ."
"But you were great with your cock, it felt so good and hard . . . when we get my body back, this time you're definitely topping!"
"really?" Tom grinned.
"Yup . . . but first round 2" Andy said lustfully.
"But I'm out of cum . . ." Tom said confused.
"Oh you are but, my cock is ready~ And by the way babe, its my turn."
Tom was shocked by the sudden request but walked into the living room to retrieve Andy's dick. He walked back into the bedroom and gulped. Tom lied next to Andy as he used his power on himself. His body having a nice plastic sheen as he detached his dick and replaced with Andy's massive cock. He winced a bit at how much more testosterone he had as it fills him up. He was tempted to fuck his boyfriend's head again but decided to follow through with his command. Tom put his hands on his body and popped his head off placing it next to Andy. The two share many kisses as Tom's hands reaches for Andy's head and places it onto his neck stump. Instantly Tom lost control of his body as he see's Andy feel his new body.
Andy felt up his new body admiring every inch.
Tom blushed "What are you doing??"
" Just admiring my new self. Having all my muscles is great but sometimes I want to try a slimmer body you know? Besides this is the first time I had your body while you are awake."
"Awake?? How many times have you done this?"
Andy ignored this question and picked up Tom's head and started making out. Their tongues wrapped together as they moaned into eachother's mouth. Tom suddenly felt his head get pulled away as it is placed in front of Andy's rocket. Tom started to suck Andy off wrapping his tongue around Andy's meat. "Ohhh babe you know all the good spots..." Andy moaned as Tom's head serviced him. Just like Tom, Andy started to use Tom's head as a fleshlight stroking his rock hard dick with him. Tom loved being used by his boyfriend and it even aroused him knowing it has his body being used. Tom gladly played the role of a toy and pleassured his boyfriend.
Once again Tom felt himself pulled away as a new sensation filled his head. Andy had slid his cock into the bottom of Tom's neck hold and started fucking him. Tom wanted to moan but Andy's cock filled his throat. His mind went blank as he eatches his boyfriend fuck him through the neck. Tom tightened his throat to squeeze Andy's cock. From the corner of his eye, Andy saw Tom's disconnected dick had gotten hard again and he picked it up and shoved it into Tom's mouth. "Mmmmmmm mmmmm mmmm" Tom moaned as he sucks his own dick. As Andy kept fucking Tom's head Tom came into his mouth, the streams of sperm lubing his throat for Andy's still hard member. Wanting this to continue, Tom got his cock hard again and kept sucking himself off. He came several more times until he felt it. Andy's cock releasing his love juices into his throat. The sensation made him cum once more as pools of cum pour out of both ends of his body. As they finished cumming Andy leaned back on the back of the bed a bit too hard and his head pops off Tom's body landing next to his boyfriend covered in their cum.
"That was amazing babe! We should definately do this more often." Andy said.
Tom didn't respond. His mind completely blanked out.
Andy still in control of Tom's body picks himself up and reattaches himself to Tom's body. "Well guess we went a little too hard..." Andy picks up Tom's head by the hair. "I guess its me and his body for the next couple of weeks."
Andy stared in their closet filled with their exes petrified bodies. "Well maybe I'll give our exes' body a spin too so it won't just our cocks being shoved in you~" Andy says picking out a body for round three.
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igetnosleep · 1 day
Finally Home
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So I wasn't expecting my first fic to be well received. Thank you so much I'd been thinking of another fluff fic since I like the idea of a reader insert but you go through raccoon city with Leon. I honestly prefer the whole "Didn't go into STRATCOM training with Leon" since I don't like that kind of ridged environment.
anyway no warnings pure fluff. Leon admires you and how you've aged with him, age gap is like 1 or 2 years and set after Death Island. Hope you enjoy!
Leon stared at the empty apartment, the front door closed behind him leaving him in the dark. He kept the lights off, not wanting to lose whatever exhaustion he felt with his internal clock. God he felt like shit.
That fucking psycho. He barely made it out of Alcatraz alive. His heartbeat quickened as he breathed in slowly to calm himself down. A part of him itched for the bottle but it’s late. He's just got off doing paperwork now he’s home. 
“Leon?” His ears perked at the sound of your voice's heartbeat calming significantly, shoulders slumping at the sight of your silhouette peering from the hallway and turning the light on.
You blinked your eyes adjusting to the light slower than he did. You’re wearing one of his shirts while leaning against the wall squinting your eyes. You forgot your glasses on the nightstand, a silent protest of your aging body's eyesight no longer the way it was when you were young.
Leon found himself smiling and taking eager steps towards you, “Squinting real hard sweetheart, you’re almost blinking.” He joked earning a half-assed jab to his side from you. His arms wrapping around your shoulders pulling you close and taking the chance to bury his face in your neck taking in the scent of the soap you use. 
“I’m home.” He announced quietly against your skin pressing small kisses and nipping your neck drawing out a relaxed sigh from you, your arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him closer, face buried in his shirt ignoring the smell of gunpowder and dead fish in his clothes. 
You’d been having trouble too? Thank god it was mutual. “Rough day?” You questioned never prying too much, earning you a hum and a small “it was a day.” he’d never give you the answers you wanted you’d already seen too much from Raccoon City. 
A part of Leon wants to take that away from you, maybe that would be his burden to carry for the both of you but he knew you thought the same too. You wanted peace for him. No more nightmares. You drew patterns on his back, your nails finding the itch on his back that he couldn’t reach and he groaned, squeezing you tighter “god I love you.” Drawing a laugh out of you it was small, muffled by his shirt.
“You think too much.” You murmured glancing up at him, your face showing laugh lines, acne scars and crow's feet; wrinkles in places he’d kiss everyday knowing he’d been there for every one. He’d do it again if it meant getting to see you age with him and live life over again and again. Thinking about what he did wrong, what he’d do right, what he’d do over again.
You squint your eyes at him suddenly suspicious of his starring, your lips fighting on deciding whether to smile or pout as you stared at him.
“Leon.” You gently called him away from his thoughts, his hands on your waist while you pulled your arms out of his hold.
Your hands were still soft, welcoming and warmer than he remembered them. Who cared if the apartment’s air conditioning unit was running on run blast and the place was freezing and your hands were actually simulating what snow felt like but it didn’t matter his cheeks would warm your hands.
Small sacrifices. He’d make them all for you.
“You’re smiling so much, what's got you looking so dopey, Lee?” He giggled kissing your palm as your other hand traced the bags under his eyes from sleepless nights, cheeks fuller now than before. 
You’d remember how he’d come home bruised battered covered in dirt looking like he’d gone through hell. The start of your relationship hitting unknown paths from the zombie infested streets. How he’d shut down on you and drop from the face of the earth. You’d try to move on but no one could comfort you like Leon can. Date left in a frenzy after hearing you scream in your sleep. Uncomfortable. Offended. Scared.
Casual arrangements stemmed from the need for comfort.
Only recently had you and Leon really been honest with your feelings. 
Leon hummed “Just looking at you.” he said in a small sing-song tone causing you to roll your eyes playfully. “Really?” “Really.” he peppered kisses on your face and you desperately tried to fight him off a giggle leaving you as he wrestled you close and forced his affection on you like a cat owner to their precious feline.
“You’re a sap, you know that?” you state the obvious as he guided you to bed. “You love me regardless.” Leon hummed, kissing the crown of your head. 
You’d sit waiting for Leon to get ready as he’d peek every so often telling you the same “You don’t have to wait you know?” 
“Hurry up and I won’t have to wait.” 
“It’s late.”
“You have work in the morning.”
Your eyebrow quirked up as you crossed your arms over your chest eyes narrowed and defiant. “Don’t you?”
“I won’t kiss you if you’re going to keep nagging me.” 
Leon huffed brushing his teeth quickly and getting into bed receiving a well deserved kiss as he cuddled to you pulling the blankets over both your bodies. He felt content warm despite how cold you kept the place. You drew patterns on his back nails tracing a scar gently as he dozed off finding that your hand had gone still long ago.
He should retire. Find a house for you to live in and finally break out the savings he had stored since he started working for the DOS since he had you and Sherry in his life. Sherry was out on her own living her own life. He couldn’t be prouder. He’d scream it from the hill tops if he could.
You deserve peace too. You’d always wanted to go somewhere quiet.
He wanted to give you the world.
That might happen sooner than expected.
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venturebeeloved · 11 hours
Lifeguard Venture HCs
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DON’T WORRY VENTURE NATION. I WILL HELP US COPE WITH THIS TRAGIC LOSS! This is definitely not me coping from not having venture content. Definitely not. Hope you enjoy!
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TW: none!! This is very fluffy <33 like this is genuine fluffy brainrot. Reader is implied to be GN but can be whatever!
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• For starters, they are definitely coworkers worth the rest of the baywatch squad (that’s what I call all the lifeguard skins now.) and they’re absolutely stationed near the ice cream stand.
• Probably looking around all the time! Can’t stay still and focus on one thing. They’re super attentive, though! They’d probably hone in on a kid getting too close to the water just to make sure everything is okay.
• Wears really funny sunglasses. Not like your average pair but those really funny tourist shop ones.
• They always have a smudge of sunscreen somewhere. Whether it be on their nose, chest, or back. They never manage to wipe it all away first try.
• Then along comes you!! And oh boy can they not keep their eyes off of you. Not like openly admiring, but they find their gaze drifting towards you when they have nothing to do.
• if you’re a coworker, they get ecstatic when you’re stationed next to them! They always want to spend their break near you, eating lunch or getting a drink.
• Do NOT flirt with them while they’re on the job, they will lose focus and flush brighter than any sunburn would be capable of.
• Needless to say, if you’re drowning, they’re saving you in an instant. Like leaning over you trying to make sure you’re okay. Nobody has ever seen them so distraught.
• Ice cream date? Ice cream date. They’ll talk all about how sand is formed and maybe take you beach combing for shells.
• Mauga is not a lifeguard, he probably runs the tiki bar. He and Sloan fight like siblings, constantly trying to one up each other. Very competitive volley ball!
• So imagine Sloan just walking by Mauga with you, a dumb yet smug grin on their face because they landed someone like YOU!
• If you find a piece of sea glass, you are keeping it, and now Rosetta has a partner!
• Maybe they’ll take the day off one day so you can have a proper beach date. You want to build a sandcastle? They’ll be the best architect ever. You just want to relax? Lay beside them or in their arms. You want to go into the water? Don’t expect them to play fair when the water guns come out.
• They make sure to educate you in proper beach safety, including very uncommon threats like washed up jellyfish or whales (VERY unlikely, but they just want you to be prepared!)
• Pet names would include “my pearl”, “my treasure”, and “my sunshine”
• If you have top surgery scars, that’s alright! Sloane has them too! They encourage you to not be ashamed about wearing a swimsuit that shows your scars. If you still don’t want to, that’s okay! They want your comfort.
• At the end of the day, they’ll wait for you at the beach and walk home with you, holding your hand and telling you stories of things that happened before or during the day!
• They’re glaring at anybody who is staring at you, or trying to flirt with you. That person is lucky they’re on the job so they can’t truly protect you, but that doesn’t mean they won’t blow your whistle or try to keep you near their chair.
• THEY DIG HOLES IN THE BEACH! Their favorite thing to do is dig, dig, and dig! If they find anything under the sand, they give it to you as a gift.
• They’re like those brown Labradors that come back golden after digging in the sand
• Call them a golden retriever they’ll melt
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my asks and requests are open!! Feel free to drop ideas. I have an idea for a marine biologist reader x lifeguard venture HC / Drabble, so lmk if you’re interested in that 🐝
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thatonelazyghost · 19 hours
Bungo Stray Dogs incorrect quotes
Featuring random shit my friends have said (they will be tagged if they are on this godless site)
Dazai: I'm a lesbian but a guy lesbian
Kunikida: I thought I'd die before seeing some common sense in this agency
(i changed a word but hey)
Kunikida: I opened my glasses case and started panicking because I couldn't find my glasses... I'm literally wearing them
Yosano: I'm not a people pleaser, I'm a woman pleaser
Fyodor: No amount of karate will save you from the heat death of the universe
Tanizaki (to Yosano): I feel like amputating our customers is a bad idea
(hehehhehehehee i said this)
Chuuya: God of wine and insanity... also known as me last weekend
Fyodor: How strange. They're pretending they don't respect me
Higuchi: It's ok I'm a big girl I cry into my pillow
Kunikida: It's not boring to want money and to not be even more mentally ill
Dazai: Sure bud
@indecisivenb + @darkwitchingflower
Ranpo: Dazai! Thoughts on be crime do gay?!
Nikolai: Ah ok ya know what I'm goin commando in the cinema
Sigma: Do not go commando in the cinema
Nikolai: I'm going commando in the cinema
@darkwitchingflower + someone else
Dazai: Hydrate or diedrate or as Yosano said Hydrate or die straight
Dark era dazai: Everyone needs a piece of Odasaku
Poe about ranpo: Thine eyes are blessed with the sight of him. him.
Who I wake to every morning and think of
Who I dream of at night
Aphrodite has forsaken me yet he is my light
The waves will roar and crash
And I know, he is always up for a smash
When I see hid thoughts are gone
And all I can do is simply long
He could never be mine
Yet still I pine
Days will pass and the sun shall set
All the while I'd place a bet
That I'm still there
Twirling my hair
Dreaming of something that was never fair
Atsushi: I wasnt thinking
Dazai: Neither was the other guy (Akutagawa) when you gave him a mind blowing sloppy toppy it seems
@duckbakery + someone else
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szqnxi · 12 hours
Shoto Todoroki x reader
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Tsuyu hosted a sleep over at her room and all of Class 3-A girls are invited.  Obviously, a sleep over won't be complete without fluffy cushions, games, gossips and a special mention of Yaoyorozu's tea.
You guys have been playing truth or dare for a while, it's just you and Uraraka that hasn't got their turns which makes you uneasy. You honestly don't know what Mina would ask you to do and you've already seen the things the girls did. One thing's for sure, this woman is scary.
"So...... Izuku right?" Mina asked as she turned to Uraraka who's face is now turning bright red.
"I don't like where this is going" Uraraka replied, trying to hide her flushed face in the palm of her hands, which activated her quirk, causing her to float around the room.
Mina giggled a little maniacally at Ochaco's words. In her head, she's thinking of all the things she would have her do, but you know she won't torment the poor girl that much. The pink haired removed "truth" as a choice because according to her, that's no fun at all. The girls agreed, including you, which you kind of regret now.
"So the dare is--" she paused, thinking for a second. "You need to send Midoriya a selfie. You can't tell him it's for a dare tho" this made Uraraka groan as she sat back beside Jirou. 
"Oh! You need to ask his opinion about your new necklace as well" Hagakure added and Yaoyorozu agreed. The girls gave each other a high five while Uraraka let out a defeated sigh.
She opened her front camera and positioned the phone above her head, tugging on the chain slightly. She showed us the picture before sending it to Izuku. The picture was rather suggestive in your opinion; the angle made her necklace pop up, but the top part of her bossom is visible in the background, it didn't help that her face is a little red in the photo as well.  
Uraraka:    *Sent a photo* 
                   Deku-kun, what do you think of new my necklace? 
                                                                   message delivered
"Now we wait" Mina cheerfully said and turned to you "You've been awfully quiet y/n" you can't help but to notice that grin plastered on her face and you know damn well she's up to no good.
"Let's get this over with" you told her with a sigh. You just wanted to quickly finish whatever suffering she's going to put you through.
Jirou pulled out her phone, searched for something before handing it to Mina. While they were busy discussing something, you nervously turned to Momo who's currently adjusting the eyeglasses he took from Iida "Can I back out?"  but she just gave you a cheeky smile and a pat on the shoulder. "Goodluck" 
Momo was the first one to be dared; her dare was to walk up to Iida, grab his glasses, wear it in front of him and walk away without saying anything. Tsuyu was dared to sit on Shoji's lap for 20 minutes. Hagakure had to confess on her long time crush, Ojiro, and lastly, Jirou was dared to shower Denki with praises for 10 minutes straight. Mina, on the other hand, was dared to kiss Bakugo on the cheeks, and you can already guess what happened next.                                                         
A phone was shoved into your line of sight. "You need to do this" Mina said while she pointed at the phone with a video playing. You look at her horrified but she just laughed at your face. 
"But with who?" Tsuyu asked.
"Todoroki" Uraraka grinned. 
"Yep. Definitely Todoroki." Jirou crossed her arms and nodded while her eyes are closed. 
You looked at them confused.  Although you do have a  crush on Shoto, you have never told anyone about it nor show even a slight interest at him. You can feel your face heat up at the sudden realization that your friends knows about your little crush on him all along. 
You sighed in defeat and just accepted the dare. What can possibly go wrong, right?
"We'll be watching" Mina winked at you as you guys marched towards the common area where the boys are hanging out. The girls stopped by the stairs, peeking a little. You made your way towards the couch where Kirishima and Shoto are sitting.  
"Yo, y/n" Kiri greeted you and you just replied with a nod.
You sat beside Shoto who was munching on a chocolate chip cookie. He offered you a piece which you happily took and ate beside him. 
"Oh this is good! Who made this?" you asked.
"I made it" Shoto turned to you. "I asked Kirishima and Bakugo to teach me" you nodded and quickly look away. You quietly scanned the whole room; Kiri and Shoto are minding their own business eating the cookies Shoto made, the Baku-squad are playing a video game while Izuku and the others are playing a monopoly game, though Izuku isn't really playing, he's just staring at the screen of his phone, looking very red. 
You can't help but to chuckle to yourself. You quickly glanced towards the girls and Mina mouthed "now". Unbeknownst to you, Kiri was also looking at the girls direction, when your eyes landed on him, he gave you a confused look and you just replied with an apologetic look. His mouth turned into a circle when realization hits him.
'A game huh' he mouthed and you answered with a nod.
"Shoto" you turned to him.
"Can we--" here goes nothing "make...love?" You can see Kirishima choke on his cookie in your peripheral vision.
"Make love?" he asked, confused. 
You nodded. You can feel your face heat up. You looked away, not wanting to see the look on Shoto's face, you mentally wished that the couch would swallow you up because of the embarassment you feel.
You don't know what Shoto's response will be, but knowing him, you're sure he'll be nice at least. You mentally braced yourself for a rejection you're about to face. Or so you thought.
"Sure, but do we even have the ingredients for that?" 
"What?" You and Kirishima said in unison. 
Shoto looked at you two, confusion visible on his face. 
"This is the first time I've heard about that dish" he stated. Kirishima snorted and finally let out the laugh he's been holding for so long, while you bit your inner cheek to hold back yours. Shoto on the other hand, ignored the red head and called Bakugo instead.
"Bakugo, can you send me the ingredients for love?" he asked as he pulled out his phone and started searching for the dish called love. 
"What the fuck, Icy-Hot?!" Bakugo yelled, his eyes landed on Shoto, his face looking like he just heard the stupidest thing in the world. This took the attention of your other classmates as well.
His gaze left his phone, he quickly looked at you then at Bakugo "Y/n said they wanted to make lov-" you hurriedly jumped from your seat to cover Shoto's mouth. 
"Ah! Oh my gosh don't mind him! It's a dare!" You half shouted.  Your classmates just laughed at you, you can feel your face heat up at due to embarrassment. 
'Screw you Mina' you thought to yourself.
"Didn't know you're freaky like that y/n" Denki teased you. The others gave you a teasing look as well.
"It's a dare!" You shouted in horror. 
"Sure, if you say so" he and the others laughed and get back to playing again. Kirishima, who's laughing with the others, stood up and bid farewell to the both of you. "I'll leave you guys to your own business" he said with a wink. 
You just sighed. You're pretty sure all of your classmates will be teasing you for the next few days. 
"Y/n" Shoto mumbled under your hand. 
You quickly removed your hand from his mouth and apologized. "Sorry" you said awkwardly as you sat back on your spot again.
He just hummed. Silence took over the both of you. You quietly glanced towards the stairs and the girls are nowhere to be seen. They must've gone back to Tsuyu's room. You contemplated whether to go back to her room or not. 
You let your eyes wander and it stopped at his phone, a search tab was open and it was an article about "make love". You turned to face Shoto, you opened your mouth to explain about the dare, but before you can say something, he pulled you by the collar of your shirt and gave you a peck on the lips. 
You stared at him, wide eyed.
"I can't exactly give you what you want right now but I'm pretty sure a kiss will suffice?" he said.
"Wha-" he kissed you again. This time it was longer, until it was interrupted when a throw pillow hit the back of his head. 
"Get a room you fucking dumbasses!!" it was Bakugo. 
You gave him a middle finger and was about to talk back when Shoto pulled you away from the scene and lead you towards the second floor. 
"Where are we going?" you asked.
"Getting a room" he opened the door to his room and shoved you inside.
"Looks like I'm gonna have to give you what you want after all" he smiled at you and locked the door.
Note: As usual this isn't proofread lol
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idyllic-ghost · 13 hours
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title: Stay in Character! pairing: vernon x gn!reader genre: established relationship, fluff, warnings: reader has a sister with a kid, mentions of childbirth, mentions of stress, anxiety over moving in with a partner synopsis: You're on the verge of panicking - you still have moving boxes to pack and move into your boyfriend's apartment, but you can't leave the fact that your sister is giving birth to her second child while you're babysitting her first. However, your stress slowly dissipates when you walk into your cluttered kitchen and see your boyfriend playing pretend with your niece. wordcount: 5.9k
rating: PG 15
a/n: i keep wanting to write soft fluffy vernon blurbs idk what's happening
tbh i really liked vernon’s outfit in this mv, but these pictures in particular just inspired me idk
join my taglist
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The bumbling sounds from your tiny kitchen caught your attention as soon as you got out of the phone call with your sister's husband. Once one anxious thought was gone, another one appeared out of the blue - what were they doing in there? They weren't messing with the boxes, were they? You took a deep breath, trying to calm down enough for you to have an interaction without yelling.
Rolling up your sleeves, you walked into your kitchen to deal with the next situation. The walls were covered with stacked boxes, so you almost couldn't see the old wallpaper. The noises were coming from your kitchen table, which still wasn't packed up. Vernon was sitting at the table with your niece, and the two of them had put out a paper plate with whatever snacks they could find, three glasses, and a bottle of water.
Your shoulders relaxed as you watched the two of them play pretend. They had clearly been trying to help you pack but had gotten distracted by your miscellaneous items. Vernon was wearing one of your scarves on his head and an old pair of sunglasses you had forgotten about - your niece wearing a matching pair. However, as soon as he saw you come in, he took off the glasses and sent you a gentle smile.
"Is everything okay?" he asked.
It was all so ridiculous. Your sister was in the middle of an unexpectedly early childbirth, in the middle of you getting ready to move into your boyfriend's apartment, and here he was: playing dress-up with your niece. In some weird way, it was just what you needed - how Vernon could know you had no idea.
"She's fine," you finally replied with a tired smile. "It was a little bit of a surprise, but everything seems to be okay... what are the two of you doing?"
"We're just-"
"Stay in character!" your niece complained.
Vernon mouthed "Sorry," before putting the sunglasses back on and turning back to your niece. With his usual, matter-of-fact voice, he asked her what she thought about the weather. Your niece picked up her glass and took a sip of the water, making an exaggerated "ahh" as she put it back down.
"Too much rain," she responded with a nonchalant wave of her hand.
You could see Vernon have to restrain himself from laughing, his hand flying up to cover his smile. After clearing his throat, he nodded in agreement. You should be packing up the last of your stuff, the moving truck will arrive soon, and you should probably text your sister's husband again to ask him to send you updates. But right now, you could feel how tired you were in your bones. So, you sat down on the third chair and let Vernon pour you a glass of water. Then, he picked up the paper plate and held it out to you.
"Gummy worm?" he asked.
"How old are those?" You chuckled as you inspected the candies on the plate.
"I have no idea," he admitted. "But the cookies are from last week, I think."
You took a cookie and silently thanked him. Vernon and your niece continued their conversation about rain, which took a sharp turn when Vernon mentioned thunder - which was apparently very controversial in your niece's eyes. Any anxious feelings you had over moving in with Vernon were slowly disappearing. For a moment, you could truly let go of everything as Vernon kept your niece busy - and if he acted like this in a moment of crisis, maybe the two of you would do well living together.
"Bathroom break!" your niece suddenly exclaimed, clapping her hands together once to signal that the scene was over.
She hopped off her chair and walked away to your small bathroom. You had already taken all of the boxes out of there, so you knew that she would be okay on her own.
"She's a little director," Vernon said.
"She is," you murmured.
He gave you a long look, a silent "Are you really okay?" to which you responded with a nod. Vernon moved his chair closer to yours, wrapping his arms around you and slowly patting your head.
"You're doing good, babe," he muttered against the top of your head.
"Thank you."
"I'll go back to packing up and you could sit with her for a bit," he suggested. "Or I could do anything else you need."
"Packing sounds good," you hummed. "I just need to make sure she's not feeling neglected or anything, you know? My sister was worried."
Vernon let go of you and grabbed your hand to give it a comforting squeeze. He was still wearing the scarf and the sunglasses, and you could no longer keep a straight face. You snort and turn away from him, trying to shield yourself from breaking out into even more laughter.
"What?" he asked and tried to make you look at him again. "Am I not pretty?"
After taking a deep breath, you look back at him with a contained grin. Vernon cocks his head at you, clearly aware of the way he looks now but also determined to keep you smiling. Your niece eventually came back from the bathroom and climbed back onto her chair. The two of you looked at her expectantly as she cleared her throat.
"Bathroom break's over!" she chimed.
"Honey," you said carefully. "Is it okay if Vernon goes away to pack some more stuff and I stay here with you?"
Your niece glanced back and forth between the two of you before extending her hand to Vernon. He carefully removed his scarf and glasses and placed them into her small, outstretched palm.
"You've been replaced!" your niece exclaimed dramatically as she handed you the items. "I'll give you the roll as long as you stay in character!"
As you and Vernon erupted into laughter, your niece continued to mimic the voice of a director before she eventually joined you in your mirth. Everything that could go wrong today, did go wrong - yet, it felt bearable with Vernon by your side. Observing his banter with your niece might have seemed like a man simply engaging in make-believe with his partner's niece others, but to you, it was a deeply serene and comforting scene. You knew with certainty that your future was in reliable hands.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
feedback is always appreciated!♡
taglist: svt taglist: @enhacolor, @shuabby1994, @junhui-recs, @dkakapizzaboy, @just-here-to-read-01, @loviehan, @userjunhuii, @novalpha, @bubblymoon, @aaniag, @d0nghyuck, @fantasy2wonderland, @seunghancore, @woozixo, @niktwazny303, @lllucere, @uniq-tastic, @wonwoospartyhat, @stariightjoyy, @hyneyedfiz, @cali-snow, @crazywittysassy, @yeosayang, @wonuvs, @dokyeomkyeom, @kyeomiis, @gyuguys, @notevenheretbh1
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cantstoplovingjude · 2 days
Underneath the Black Veil: Jude Jazza Premium
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This is from Ikemen Villains EN, Cybird owns everything.
(What a disgustin' place.)
I cursed inwardly in front of the church altar after I put all the followers to sleep.
(Why the hell would I bind myself in an eternal promise to someone else, as if that made anythin' better?)
(A vow of love's nothin' more than a curse.)
(What's so great 'bout cursing each other to stick together in sickness or in health?)
The sacred atmosphere, the solemn sound of the organ, the sweet fragrance of the flowers... It all seemed cursed to me.
No "vow" could ever be considered beautiful.
Not for me, anyway.
Just then, the door opened and Kate appeared, wearing a jet-black dress.
(Damn, she looks nervous.)
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I watched as she pressed her lips together and looked at me.
The moment our eyes met, a strange look came over her face.
(What's that all about?)
She got this dreamy look in her eyes, like she had a fever or something.
And she began to slowly walk down the aisle toward me.
(What an idiot. Don't tell me ya got caught up in the moment?)
(Sometimes she's so damned stupid I actually worry about her.)
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Jude: "What're ya doin', facial exercises?"
Kate: "Huh?"
It was like she didn't even realize she'd reached the altar until I said something.
She just blinked at me.
(She took on the daft job of being Fairytale Keeper 'n so far she's kept her promise.)
(What a hopeless princess.)
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She stood there in her wedding dress, looking utterly defenseless.
The thought crossed my mind that I could tear her to shreds in an instant if I wanted to.
Jude: "Lookin' like you're on another planet. Sure ya wanna get hitched?"
Just then, a gentle-looking man with long hair and glasses appeared.
(Must be the leader.)
Man with glasses: "We are gathered together today to celebrate the true love between our new followers."
Amore: "My name is Amore, the leader of Amour. I am a servant of love, who will grant your love eternal."
(This git's a total nutter.)
He made all these exaggerated gestures while he spoke like some kind of dimwit.
It was so creepy I was getting goosebumps.
(Could just shut him up right now by puttin' him to sleep.)
(But I've gone to way too much trouble. I won't be satisfied till tease her a bit.)
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I remembered the investigation report I read on the way here.
("The lovers are most likely poisoned somehow once they take their vows.")
In that case...
(An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. And poison for poison.)
Amore: "Now, there is no need for vows between two people who truly love each other."
Amore: "So if you pledge your eternal love, close your eyes and seal that pledge with a kiss."
Kate: "...O-oh."
Kate's breath caught in her throat.
(Why's she so flustered when she knows we're not gonna actually do it?)
I grabbed her chin and felt her tense up beneath my touch.
And when I pulled her closer, her eyes were so big you'd think they were gonna fall out of her head.
Kate: "Ah..."
Jude: "Hm."
(Look up at me, princess. I'll move my face close to make it seem like we're kissin'.)
Her cheeks slowly turned red as she tipped her face up toward me.
(Does she really think I'm gonna kiss her?)
I stared at her in disbelief, watching as her lips trembled.
I could tell she was a nervous wreck.
But even still, she squeezed her eyes shut tightly.
(I didn't think even she was this foolish.)
Kate: "I'm sure lots of people don't actually believe that their love will last forever just because they exchange vows and have a ceremony in a church."
Kate: "But what's important is that they tell each other they intend to keep those vows."
Kate: "And when they think they might break their vows, they'll remember that day when they swore to each other."
Kate: "And maybe that'll keep them going to try to find a solution."
-Flashback ends-
So naive it made me wanna throw up.
But it probably sounded like the truth to her.
(Stupidly honest, ridiculously obedient and to good for this world.)
(A princess who never knew hardship in her life, who truly believed in her ridiculous naivete.)
(To think a woman like her would swear to stay with me forever... What a joke.)
I envied her for believing in such ridiculous positivity...
But at the same time, the sadistic side of me wanted to ruin it for her just to make her understand.
Jude: "...Ya actually closed your eyes?"
Kate: "Yes?"
Her eyes, which had been closed to accept the kiss, fluttered open.
Jude: "Ya really are an idiot."
I stared into her wide eyes as I brushed my lips against hers.
Her body trembled as she stared at me in shock.
Kate: "A-ahh..."
Jude: "Pfft, look at that dumb face."
(Maybe this'll teach her a lesson for once.)
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Amore: "Well, then. I hereby recognize you as husband and wife. Now I shall make your love eternal."
Amore: "Pour this wine into each other's mouths."
Amore dramatically took out two wine glasses.
Jude: "So, this your secret remedy for makin' love eternal, huh?"
Amore: "Yes, that's right."
I was certain the wine was poisoned.
(Haha. What a nice smile.)
I started to feel excited when I pictured that smile distorting with pain.
Jude: "By the way, didja know your waiters spilled water on us today?"
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Amore: "...Huh?"
I poured the wine over his head, drenching him.
I aimed just so that I could be sure it would go into his eyes, nose, and mouth.
Amore: "Bwaaah?!"
He immediately became distraught and rushed to the cupboard by the altar.
Kate: "What in the world is he doing?"
Jude: "Lookin' for the antidote, I'd bet."
Kate: "Antidote...?"
The color drained out of her face.
She must've put two and two together about the wine.
Kate: "How did you know?"
Jude: "I read Victor's report on the way here."
She stared at me as if to say this was the first she'd heard of it.
(Course it is, 'cuz I didn't tell ya.)
(If I'd told her, she would've blurted out somethin' stupid anyway.)
I ignored her gaze as I walked over to Amore as he took out a vial from the cupboard.
And I grabbed his wrist before he could open it.
Jude: "Ya ever heard of gettin' a taste of your own medicine? That's what ya deserve for makin' other people suffer."
Jude: "Why'd ya get to live while others die? Selfish piece of shit."
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Amore: "Ugh... arghhh!"
(I can make ya scream even louder.)
(The poison must be taking effect.)
Amore: "Th-there's no time! Let me go! P-please, I'll do anything!"
Jude: "Anythin'? All right. How 'bout we sign a contract?"
Jude: "A contract to do whatever the hell I say till ya die. You'll make that vow, won't ya?"
After I saw him nod, I let go of his wrist.
He looked so frantic I almost laughed as he gulped down the antidote.
(Yeah, yeah. Nice job.)
I poked his forehead with my fingertips.
And, with my ability, he instantly dropped to the floor in a deep sleep.
Kate: "What do you plan on doing with him?"
Jude: "Haven't decided yet."
I looked down at the leader, who lay on the floor.
(Could use him for experiments, throw him onto a cargo ship...)
Kate: "Hey, where are all the followers, anyway?"
Jude: "Dreamin'. Even the guy playin' the organ went down in the middle."
(At any rate, the mission was a success.)
(That's what she's probably thinkin'.)
I let out an exasperated sigh when I heard her sigh with relief.
Jude: "Had no idea ya were 'bout to sign a dangerous contract, huh?"
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Kate: "What?"
She blinked at me and tipped her head cutely to the side.
(Did she already forget what happened?)
(She's more dangerous than I thought.)
(How in the world did she manage to survive this long?)
Jude: "The whole, if ya wanna pledge your eternal love, close your eyes deal."
Jude: "Ya closed your eyes. So ya wanna spend the rest of your life gettin' tortured by me, huh?"
She took about five seconds, and then it finally hit her.
Even her neck turned bright red this time.
Kate: "I thought we had to kiss so you could have a chance to catch him!"
Jude: "All ya had to do was just lean in close 'n we coulda pretended to kiss."
Kate: "B-but then why did you kiss me?!"
Kate: "You should've just pretended, then!"
Jude: "Wanted to see that ridiculous look on your face after."
(Even if it's fake, sealin' your vows with a kiss is a daft idea. That's your punishment for going along with it so easily.)
Jude: "Don't worry. I had no intention of closin' MY eyes."
Kate: "That's not why I closed my eyes!"
Jude: "Uh-huh. Sure."
Her face was still bright red, but now she was speechless and shaking.
(Damn. I love that face. It's the cutest thing.)
Jude: "That ain't the kinda face a blushin' bride makes."
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Kate: "I am NOT your bride!"
I wondered how much of this rubbish world I'd have to show her... in order to make that pretty face of hers distort with despair.
(For some reason, I can't even picture it.)
Instead, I pictured her standing proudly, glaring at the harsh reality even if she was covered in filth.
And something stupid tingled deep inside my stomach.
End Premium
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 days
My favorite underrated TMBS book character is Claire, but I sort of want to hear some of your headcanons for the best boy Tai!
What is he like as he grows up? Does he wear glasses? is he allergic to anything? I'm so curious!
*Twirls around evilly in a big black chair in my imaginary office overlooking the fair city of Tumblr.com while laughing villainously and stroking a black cat*
Oh, my friend, I can't even BEGIN to tell you how much I loved this ask. I'm so sorry it took so long to answer, but understand that it was one of the best I've ever received. I do love surprising you all with my angst filled plot twists, but the only thing more entertaining is when you come to my door unwittingly asking for them. I won't type them all out here, but let's just say...I have plans for the boy. Big plans. But this is a long chapter, and there's no reason to waste any more of your time on my evil speeches.
Enjoy :)
Summary: Nicholas has some awkward conversations with his nephews while Nathaniel tries to make things right with his son. SQ discovers just how dysfunctional his family truly is. Kate meets up with an old friend while Reynie and Sticky confront an old enemy.
DISCLAIMER: I did not have time to edit this chapter. Fell free to lmk if you see any typos.
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