#and i will find any way to talk about kuai liang he is my little soggy wet cat who is so sad
humanharvest · 10 months
Hey! Sorry to bother you but I saw you answer an ask where you talked about your headcanons for Johnny Cage and Kuai Liang's friendship and now I really wanna hear more headcanons of yours, if you want to share?
Sorry again if this is a bother, feel free to ignore it!
noo it's not a bother at all!! i love doing stuff like this, it lets me feel out more for characters! also, sorry if anything is jumbled. i do not have a clear thought process! lol
alright, starting with hanzo first because i have a few that're pretty tame and small. as a nervous habit, i think he traces over certain parts of his hands like his knuckles and will tap on them to help stifle his anger. or he puts one hand in the other and squeezes it so it's not as obvious.
aside that, given his pyromancy, the man is a walking heater. he probably doesn't like cold tea, when or if he drinks it, so he will warm it up in his hands! and with his hands, he'll heat them enough to massage anything sore to help with that. i also think that despite things with kenshi, hanzo had to really fight with himself about takeda, always having an underlying fear due to what happened with his son. he cares a lot about him though :) for the most part he was awkward or felt that way, but despite his strict nature, all things seem to go well.
he takes a lot of pride in being well groomed and clean, and with that information, i also wonder if he kind of hates mess? finds being sweaty for too long a discomfort, hates to let blood dry on him, something he most likely has gotten used to, sure, but he still dislikes it.
for emotions, when he lets his anger control him, he thinks way more irrationally and is inherently more self-sacrificing. he doesn't really care what might happen to him because he's just going to come back again, so why should it matter? but if he actually has a cool head, hanzo's less likely to do something irrational.
kuai liang, i have a few more headcanons for! that being that he's so used to isolation and lack of touching (that isn't someone hitting him with their fists) that he kind of locks up and blue screens when he receives things like a hug, or a pat on the back. he can handle handshakes and a shoulder grab, since those happen quite often.
he's very careful, tactile. not one to blow up, but this leads to him bottling up emotions. he really has a habit of that, mainly because he one: doesn't want to be seen as weak and two: doesn't want anyone else to be burdened with his negativity, so to speak. he doesn't think it's obvious when it eats away at him, but frost, hanzo, johnny, they know when it is. but still kuai liang self-sabotages and is very avoidant about his feelings. he turns how he's feeling into a calm optimism, offering small smiles that are just facades. he's used to this, but also finds the new support, even after years, to still be so overwhelming. he appreciates it all, but it's a very slow process for kuai liang to properly open up.
out of everyone, i think johnny — since again, i see them as best friends — knows a lot of little things about kuai liang that kuai liang doesn't even admit or reveal aloud. he's just observant, notices when kuai liang makes little animal sculptures out of ice when he's bored. this totally doesn't prompt johnny to ask kuai liang to make him one of those fancy ice sculptures so he can use it at a fancy party.
for a few random ones, i think, despite the fact kuai liang doesn't drink or drinks very little, he'd be a great bartender. i like domestic au's, so bartender kuai liang is something i think about time to time. he'd also just look good in a suit. i also think he loves hamsters. there's just something about them he loves, and if he were a normal child with a normal life, he would've loved to own one growing up. or even currently as an old man! he just reads as a hamster guy.
i think that's all i had to wrack my brain for these LOL i hope you like my hcs :3
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thisonehere · 2 months
The Lin Kuei boys find your diary and learn that you're in love with them
Mk Headkanons
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A/n: Here you are, the winner of my recent poll. Just a little fun headcanon while I work on another request. It should be ready by Wednesday or Thursday.
Tags: MK1, Polls winner, invasion of privacy (but their hot so it's okay)
C/w: None
This wasn't usually like Bi-Han, of all things the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei was, invading someone's privacy wasn't one of them. Until today of course.
Today was the 4th time in a row that you were missing from your training session with him. He would've thought that being allowed to train with the Lin Kuei's very own grandmother would be considered an honor. Yet here he was, standing alone looking like a fool waiting for you.
Bi-Han does not like being stood up, especially not by you. You whom he holds in such a high regard. He has so much respect for, he is generally fond of you, he feels things for you he can't even explain. So he goes to look for you, bringing him to your room.
He enters with even knocking, you don't deserve such a thing with how many times you stood him up. When he sees you aren't here he turns to leave, still eager to find, to let you know how hurt furious he is by your actions.
But before he can make it to the door, he sees something at the corner of his eye. A book. No, not just any book. Your diary.
Bi-Han thinks such things are stupid, and a waste of time. Nonsense made for children not adults. Surely anyone who partakes in this are ridiculous...But...this is your diary, and he doesn't think your ridiculous or a child at all.
He picks it up, showing care as he holds it carefully in his hands. He inspects from front cover to the back with a perplexed curiosity. Why would anyone have this? Why would you have this? He holds you in such a high regard that he views such trivial things as beneath you. What could be so important you would need have your very thoughts and deepest darkest secrets left on paper.
He knows his brothers wouldn't hesitate to open it and read. But not him though. Because unlike them he has restraint, he has strength, he has-
Bi-Han starts flipping through the pages. There has to be something in here that explains why you've so distant and absent lately. His eyes scan each and every word like they have a sacred meaning.
He especially looks for parts where you talk about him. Surely you will speak with utmost respect for your grandmaster. Maybe you explain why you've been avoiding him too.
Eventually he finds a part where you bring him up, he completely ignores the part where you talk about his brothers and goes straight t6o part where he is involved.
He takes notice with how you talk about him. You talk about how you felt butterflies in your stomach when you were near him, the way he made your heart race, the fear you had that he'd notice you blushing, how much you loved him, you wanted to be with him until the end of all time. You then go one to say the dirtiest, the most depraved things he has ever read in his life about him.
But Bi-Han reads on. He takes note of all the nasty things you'd like him to do to you. Part of him is slightly appalled. The other is very amused.
After staring at it for a while, Bi-Han clears his throat and sits the book back to where he found it and leaves.
From that point on, you can't help but notice that Bi-Han has been staring at you whenever you were in the same room. He is noticeably more patient with you than he was before. In fact, it's almost like he's being nice to you.
He has never really thought of you in such a manner before, but now, now you have his interest.
Kuai Liang
Like his brother, Kuai is a man very respectful of other people's privacy...sort of. Kuai will respect your privacy most of the time, he'll try to at least.
Kuai had been looking for you all day, he wanted to talk to you about a very private Lin Kuei business. He also wanted to see you again, just hearing your voice made his day better. But you were just friends so he never told you about it because then that would make things weird.
Kuai gets to your door and gently knocks before he enters. He happily calls your name as he enters. When he sees that you aren't present he disappointedly turns to leave. But he catches something in the corner of his eye.
He goes to pick it up, he doesn't really know what it is at first. He's not as familiar with concpt as Bi-Han and Tomas. So he opens it and starts reading. It doesn't take him long to figure out what it is after reading the first page.
After that something clicks and he goes to put it down and leave. Or that is at least what he wants to do. He is so tempted to continue that he has to remind himself how wrong thus is.
To continue reading is wrong. It's a violation of you, one of his closest friends. Besides, he is an honorable man, he believes in duty and respect and-
Anyway, now he is sitting on your bed reading through your diary like it's the Bible. He's basically halfway through the books so he convince himself that it's far too late to turn back now.
He is specifically interested in reading what you have to say about him. So he flips ahead to a writing log where you mention him. Kuai takes a deep breath before reading, he generally hopes you like him.
You talk about how nice you think Kuai is, how cool, also hot he is. Pun intended.
It took Kuai a few seconds to process what you just said. He reads on, finding more writing logs about him and they all say similar things about how attracted you are to him. He gets one specific one where you were talking about all the things you liked about him.
Kuai was overwhelmed with all this affection you had on paper for him. At the end, you confess that you have feelings for him, that you were in love with him.
Kuai couldn't believe what he was seeing, it was on paper in front of him yet he still couldn't believe it. He sets the book back where he found it and quickly leaves your room.
The next coming days were tough for him. Whenever he looked at you, all he could think about was your words. He was still in shock, this all felt so unreal. He stares into your eyes and wonders how long you felt this way, if you still feel this way.
He wants to come up to you, tell me that he feels the same way. But that would also mean he'd have to confess about reading your diary. Would you be forgiving if he tells you? Maybe, you'll just need time to forgive.
He will just fantasize about the potential future he could have with you if everything goes. Please, Elder gods of you're listening, let things go well.
Tomas is a sweetheart, that is known. But he is also a very nosey sweetheart. Unlike his brothers, Tomas is a very curious person. That often is much to his and others slcurgrine
He comes to your room with the hopes of being able to hang out with you. Kuai and Bi-Han were always so busy so it was often you two who hung out the most.
Tomas enjoys the time he spent with you. Bi-Han and Kuai can often be pretty intense for him to be around, so he finds comfort with being just with you.
After knocking a few times he enters, much to his disappointment you aren't here. He goes to leave hoping to find you, until he notices your diary. It caught his attention the single second he laid eyes on it. He immediately recognizes what it is, he has one himself.
The thoughts of opening and reading all your dark and dirty secrets pop into Tomas's head instantly. I can't, he thinks. How could I possibly do this to you? I would be violating your personal space. There could be something in there that is really embarrassing, or be about your deepest darkest desires, maybe even someone you might have a crush on.
Tomas tries to fight off the temptation to read it, but he fails. He carefully picks up the book and opens it. Already he feels filthy with guilt.
He begins to look through it, every page feels like a sin to read, but he couldn't stop reading. The thrill of it all kept him going to the point that he already got through almost half of the book. He laughed at your most embarrassing stories, he felt sad when you expressed any tragedy or hardship you faced, he felt overjoyed at your victories.
He felt pretty good...until you began to talk about him and his brothers. At this point he got nervous at what you could potentially think about him and his brothers, especially him. It was pretty standard things, you thought Kuai was nice, Bi-Han was a hothead, and you thought Tomas was cute...wait...
Tomas's eyes grew ten inches wide at this. What? N-No, that's all wrong he has to read it again. Cute? What do you mean cute? Cute as in nice, o-or as in attractive. Surely you meant as in kind.
He flips forward, finding another log where you talked about him. Here you go into much more detail about how you felt towards Tomas, how much you loved, the way he made useful so giddy, you just wanted to plant kisses him all over his cute little face.
Tomas, jaw on the floor and eyes wide opened to the point of almost popping out, couldn't believe what he was reading. He cheeks were turning red with blush and he was without words as he continued reading. Okay, now he really regrets reading this.
In a panicked state, Tomas throws your book somewhere and runs out of your room.
The next few days were hell for Tomas. He felt like such a horrible friend. He betrayed your trust and privacy, and now he knows that you're in love with him. He feels horrible whenever he sees and remembers what he's read, how he invaded your privacy.
As he continues, Tomas can't help but think of you differently now. He fears that he's falling in love with you now. He thinks. He doesn't know.
Gods, he just wishes he never opened that book. Now he has developed feeling for you in such a rapid pace, he doesn't know what to do. Maybe he'll just have to confess to reading your diary.
He plans too eventually, the guilt eats him up every day. He just needs to work up the courage to do so. Hopefully you won't hate him, please don't hate him.
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heavenlyvision · 10 months
ahh yay !! okay sooo… vamp!Tomas x fem!reader where tomas and the reader both like each other but never really said anything because they are both shyyy but after tomas gets turned by nitara tomas becomes a lot more cockier and confident causing him to cockily confess his feelings !! (smut? 🤍)
ty lovely and ofc have a good day/night <3
I love this request! I have written far more for it than I initially thought I was going to, I got carried away and couldn’t stop writing. I hope you like it anon! Thank you for gracing my inbox <333 sorry it took me so long to fulfil this request. I wish you a lovely day/night and I hope this lives up to your expectations :)
Wc: 6k
Pairing: Vamp!Tomas x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angsty for like a minute, thigh grinding, cunnilingus (over the panties 🤭), p in v sex, creampie, spanking (1), I think that is all :)
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Harbouring an unrequited crush for a man that you would describe as one of your closest friends is one of the most difficult things you’ve had to do in your adult life, and you have not had an easy life. So, it feels a little bit ridiculous how trying this has been for you.
Tomas is someone you hold in high regard, his skills, his generosity, his kindness in spite of his losses, you could ramble on about him and all the reasons you like him forever. Unlucky for his brother Kuai Liang, that means you torture him with your seemingly endless growing affections.
“He brought me back my favourite–”
“–Yes, I know, I was there with him.” Kuai Liang sighs, this is the third time you’ve brought up Tomas in the last ten minutes.
Tomas had brought you back your favourite baked goods on his last trip into town, it made your chest feel full with how kind the action was. He remembered your favourite treat, and he went out of his way to get it. He thinks about you, even when you aren’t with him.
“I’m sorry Kuai, I’m just really happy.” You feel embarrassed about how much you’re gushing, but you can’t help it. There is no one else you can talk to about this, and you need to talk about it with someone.
“It’s fine, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” he smiles apologetically at you, “but you know, you should just tell him how much you like him.”
“I can’t do that! What if he doesn’t like me back? And then I’ve ruined our friendship over my silly feelings.” There’s too much for you to lose if you confess to him.
Kuai Liang refrains from a deep eye roll, he’s about to say something but Tomas walks up to you both.
“Hey guys, what’s going on?” He’s just finished some training with Hanzo, he looks tired.
Kuai sits and says nothing, waiting for you to answer him, “We’re just hanging out, drinking tea.” You motion the teacup up at him to see.
He nods his head, smiling at you, “Got enough for me?”
Kuai pours him a cup before getting up, “I’ve got to go meet with Harumi, thanks for the tea.” He nods his head down at you and pats Tomas on the shoulder as he walks away.
“Thank you,” you tell him in reference to the gift he brought back.
He moves to sit down next to you on the bench, “No thanks necessary, I knew it was your favourite, and I was in the area.”
He lied just now, Kuai had told you that they would’ve been home an hour earlier, but he went out of his way to find your favourite bakery.
You take a sip of your tea, smiling into the cup and humming your reply to him.
You ask, “How did training go?”
“Well, Hanzo is improving fast, I am sure it won’t take him long to beat me in a fight,” he chuckles, his pride in Hanzo displayed in it.  
“I am sure he could, though I am sure I could beat you in a fight too.” You’re teasing, you are capable but not on par with Tomas.
He smiles at you, “You probably would win but I think that’s because you would play dirty.”
“Absolutely,” he knows you too well, any way to win.
You both sit and drink tea while talking, until you run out of tea, and then you’re both just talking. It gets late quickly but you both never seem to run out of things to say, and even when you do, you’ll say anything just to be able to talk to him for a little bit longer.  
“I should probably head to bed now, it’s getting late,” you tell Tomas, hours have passed since he sat down.
He looks into your eyes, like he has something pressing to tell you but eventually settles on saying, “Okay, thank you for tea.”
“Thank you for my treats,” you lean into his side, and he holds you there. Both engaged in a side hug.
“You are most welcome, dearest.”
The way he calls you dearest makes your heart rate spike; he makes you feel like you are genuinely dear to him, and it makes you giddy.
You move past it, “I will see you tomorrow?” you ask him, mouth muffled in his shirt.
He replies, “Yes but it might be late, Kuai and I both have to help Lui Kang with something.”
So vague with his missions, trying to shield you from the truth you suppose. You always end up asking Kuai about them anyways, and he tells you, so there isn’t really any point in keeping it from you. It’s sweet that he cares to try though.
“Be safe.” You tell him.
That was the last time you saw Tomas, he left for his mission and Kuai came back alone. It’s something that haunts you, you remember how distraught you were. You were told he was turned by Nitara, which means he’s out there somewhere, you just don’t know where. Don’t know what he’s doing. But your home feels empty and lifeless these days.
All you do is spend the days waiting for the next, an endless, mind-numbing cycle. Kuai and Harumi visit you often, checking in on you, making tea. They’re worried about you, you know that. But you’re worried about Tomas.
Lui Kang and Kuai Liang have been putting a copious amount of effort into finding Tomas, wanting to help him, but Tomas doesn’t want to be found. And he’s making it abundantly clear. Leaving a trail of half dead people, that have messages from him, telling them to stop looking.
This isn’t something you learnt from Kuai; you’ve heard the whispers in the village about it though. Kuai has now picked up Tomas’ old habit of not telling you the extent of things, but you can read between the lines. Tomas is moving closer to the Shirai Ryu’s village, for what reason you don’t know but you feel conflicted about it. You want to see him, but he is not Tomas anymore, not really. Not the man you…
…The bond between yourself and Tomas had always been unbreakable, at least you thought it had been. With the way things are now, you don’t know who will be standing in front of you, if you ever see him again.
Due to Tomas’ movements getting closer to the village people have been assigned to keep tabs on you. Kuai hasn’t said anything, but people roam outside your house now, frequently. All hours, they will stroll by, you think they aren’t meant to be noticed but when you live with ninja’s long enough, you start to notice them. You appreciate the consideration, but it’s not needed, even if he does show, you’ll handle it yourself.
There’s a knock on your door, three polite raps against the solid wood. Right on time, 3pm in the afternoon. Every day, you get visited by Kuai, sometimes with Harumi, sometimes with Hanzo, but more often than not, alone.
Sighing you move from your couch to the door and pull it open, “Afternoon, Kuai.”
You pull it open the whole way, allowing his large frame to move past you. He walks into the kitchen and starts boiling some water.
“Good afternoon,” he replies.
The afternoon with him carries out the same way it has for the past couple months, he talks to you, trying to get you to open up. You turn it on him and try to get him to talk, about how he’s feeling, about Tomas’ last sighting, his plans for if they find him. But just like yourself, he doesn’t disclose anything. So, you both end up drinking tea in silence, mention the weather and then part ways.
Some days he is more stubborn than others, he stays longer, pushing you harder, he’s feeling that way this afternoon.
“I know you must be upset and missing him; you can talk to me about him, it might help.” He presses you; he’d love to hear you talk about Tomas the way you used to.
It makes you sad to talk about him though, “I don’t have anything to say Kuai, you know that.”
“That is a little hard to believe,” there is humour in his voice, it pulls a small smile from you.
It is rather ironic, going from never being able to shut up about him, to never talking about him.
“I appreciate the concern, but I am fine,” you lie.
He knows and he looks at you, eyebrow raised, “You are not.”
“No… I’m not but neither are you.”
“I suppose not.” He sighs and takes a sip of his tea.
You think now is your time to mention, “Could you stop sending people to watch my house, it’s annoying and unnecessary.”
“I think it necessary,” he shoots back, but he caves a little, “I will send less and less frequently, but they will still watch out for you.”
You go to argue further, “I really don’t think it’s–”
“–I am not willing to compromise further on this matter.” He cuts you off.
“Fine.” You concede, too tired to argue with him. Always too tired.
He seems pleased with the progress he’s made with you though, finally getting you to budge the slightest bit. Admitting that you are not fine is enough for him today. He leaves with no argument, and you sit back on your couch, enjoying your solidarity.
You’re in the shower when you hear someone rummaging around your living room, annoying, you think to yourself. It’s probably someone checking on you, though it’s odd they’re inside your house.
Wrapping yourself in a towel, you move through the ensuite and into your bedroom. Locating the sword you keep hung on the wall, if it’s not someone checking up on you, you may need protection. You pull it down, keeping it sheathed. Slowly you move towards the living area where the noise is coming from.
You sneak through the house as quietly as possible and come up behind the intruder, hands on the sword, ready to unsheathe it and strike if necessary. But then you realise the silhouette of the intruder is very familiar.
He turns around and faces you, a faux shocked look on his face, pretending to be frightened by you holding a sword.
Your voice comes out far more timid than you would’ve liked, “Tomas?”
“Ah, you caught me.” He holds his arms up in surrender, sly grin plastered on his face.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, I came to visit you, dearest.” He says it like it’s the most obvious thing, as if he’s questioning you questioning his presence.
Your eyes squint at him, “Don’t call me that.”
“You never use to mind it,” his face twists into a fake sad expression.
You’re still in an attack stance, “That was then, I don’t know who you are now.”
“Please put the sword down, it really isn’t frightening, especially since you’re in nothing but a towel.” His eyes look you up and down, appreciating your scantily clad body in a fluffy towel.
Your lip pulls up into a grimace, “Don’t look at me, turn around.”
He waves a hand at you dismissively, “Chill out, I’m not here to hurt you.”
“Why are you here?” You’re quick to reply.
His presence is genuinely confusing, he didn’t want to be found by his own brother, but he came back here to break into your house and look at your living room furnishings?
“Like I said, I’m here to see you, I’ve missed you dearly… dearest.” He flashes you a cheeky smile.
He’s different, not right, not… himself. It’s uncanny and off putting to you. He is not the same kind man you called your best friend.
“I don’t believe you.”
His smile drops, “I know, but I’m not lying.”
He moves towards you, but you take a step back, hand pulling on the handle of the sword, ready to unsheathe it. He stops at your reaction; and rolls his eyes dramatically.
“I really am not going to hurt you, I wanted to give you that,” his head motions towards your side table, your favourite baked goods sitting atop it.
Your eyes round in shock, why would he go to the effort? You stop your thoughts before they get too hopeful, he could be trying to lure you into a false sense of security, and it might work. He looks mostly the same, not quite right but his likeness is there. He’s pale, bloody, an odd marking on his forehead, and fangs you can spot when he speaks, but the same.
It’s confusing you; you want to be happy to see him, but you don’t want to let yourself feel it if he isn’t quite right. If he’s going to hurt you or worse. You are happy he’s alive though, there might be a way to help him.
“Why did you bring me that?” You ask, also motioning towards the treats on the table.
“Because they’re you’re favourite,” he shrugs, “can you please put the sword down, this is getting a bit ridiculous.”
You have a baffled look on you face, “You’re the one breaking and entering??”
“Hey! I didn’t break anything.” He looks offended, hand on his chest. He sighs and rolls his eyes again, “I don’t know what to offer you here to make you feel better, dear.”
“I don’t really know either.” You consider what would make you feel better about him, other than him leaving. “Getting dressed… would make me feel better.”
“I don’t mind if you don’t.” He’s flirting with you, brazenly.
“Stay here… or leave… but don’t follow me.”
He has a bored look on his face, but he shrugs in agreeance.
At his reaction you begin backing away slowly, watching him as you leave the room. He tilts his head curiously at you as you do.  When you can no longer see him, you shuffle quickly to your room.
You rustle through drawers to find clothes, settling on pants and a t-shirt. Something you can move around in if you end up having to defend yourself. You pick up your sword and exit your bedroom.
As you come back into the living area you see him sitting on an armchair in the corner, the one facing your larger couch. You move around the furniture to sit on said couch facing him. Your posture a stark contrast to his, you’re sitting up straight and alert. While he is lounging, legs spread wide, spine reclined against the back of the armchair. He’s fully relaxed and you’re… not.
“Still have the sword I see,” he notes.
Your grip tightens on the hilt, “I am not ready to trust you.”
“No, I wouldn’t think you would be.” His head rolls to the side quickly, listening, “are you expecting guests?”
You know what he’s hearing, your friendly watchers must be coming by to check on you.
“Kuai Liang started assigning people to come by my house, I didn’t understand why previously, I do now.” You reply casually with a wave of your hand.
“Mmm, he is taking care of you?” His question seems loaded, like he might be simultaneously pleased and displeased at the same time, no matter your response.
“Yes, he comes by regularly to check on me, he is worried.” You answer honestly, based on his hearing he’d probably be able to tell if you lied to him.
His eyes squint slightly, his reaction telling you nothing about his thoughts or feelings, “You going to alert them of my presence?”
“I wasn’t planning to.”
He seems a little confused, “Why not?”
“I’m not getting any information from Kuai anymore, he tells me nothing. If I let them take you, I doubt I’ll be updated of anything.”
“Very serious like this, you used to be much kinder to me.”
Your eyebrows raise at him, “I could say the same to you.”
“Fair enough,” he smiles at you, still eyeing you even though you are nowhere near as undressed as earlier.
“Stop it,” you tell him.
His gaze climbs up your body and then back onto your eyes, “Stop what?”
“Stop that,” your hand waves in circles around his face, referencing the way he’s been looking at you.
His head leans to the side, “Why?”
Your eyebrows pinch together, “Because I don’t know what it means.”
“I like you, is what it means.” His smile is as sweet as he can muster, it’d be sweeter if he didn’t have fangs.
Huh? Huh? What the hell? He likes you, is that possible? You must have the most bewildered expression on your face because he begins chuckling at you.
“Don’t laugh!” You’re frowning at him now.
“Sorry, sorry…” He waves his hand at you, “I didn’t think you’d look so confused, you’ve just made a very cute face.”
You sigh deeply, he’s making your heart rate pick up, you need to control it, “I don’t believe you.” You say in reference to his declaration.
“Yeah, you keep saying that, but it’s the truth. I came back to see you because I miss you and I miss you because I like you. I always have.” His confession is making you feel flushed. He’s saying things you would’ve liked to have heard ages ago.
“Why? Why tell me this now?”
“Was too scared to tell you before, now it doesn’t matter as much, our friendship isn’t exactly in a great place, no?” He gestures to his whole being with his hands, as if to demonstrate the reason for that.
“I don’t see myself trusting you, I hope you know that.” Honestly, mutual trust isn’t something you can foresee in both your futures.
But that’s obviously the opposite for Tomas, “I am pretty confident that I can change your mind, I got your heart rate to rise earlier. My confession bring up some hidden feelings?”
You’re interested, “How do you plan on changing my mind?” You ignore the second part of his sentence.
“I will come by as often as I have to, for as long as I have to, until you trust me again.” He seems earnest at least, but you don’t know if you have rose tinted glasses on when it comes to him.
“Do as you please, I have a feeling you’re going to anyways.” You huff at him, spine becoming less rigid.
He smiles at you, eyes bright, “I appreciate the permission, anyhow.”
His visit ends quickly after that last conversation, having made headway with you made him pleased enough to leave. He did promise he would be back the next night, and the night after that, and so on, and so forth. The promise thrills you, much to your contention.
Tomas stayed true to his promise, he comes by, every night without fail and has been doing so for the last few months. He never stopped flirting with you the whole time, making his affection for you perfectly clear. There are only so many ways you can brush him off and change topics though.
He sniffs the air, “I hate how much Kuai comes around, always smells like him in here, ruins your scent.”
Your eyes roll at him, “Well, he’s about as stubborn as you are about visiting. Must run in the family.”
You stopped holding your sword every time he came round about a month into his visits, believing he probably wasn’t going to bodily harm you. It was never far from you though, now it stays in the lounge, not close but not far. He has succeeded in slowly building some trust between the two of you.
In the kitchen you’re waiting for the kettle to boil, Tomas comes up behind you. Leaning down he inhales your scent, not so close to touch but close enough to have your heart pounding in your chest.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“Smelling you.”
“Yeah, I can see that, why are you sniffing me?”
“You smell nice,” he’s still standing close to you, chest brushing your back.
You turn around and place a palm on his chest, aiming to push him back but he doesn’t budge. His hand comes up and he places it over top of your own. His eyes looking intently into yours, as you’re looking up at him, you’re struck with the realisation that your feelings for him haven’t left you. He’s changed and so have your feelings, but you still like him.
His eyes flit down to your lips, he begins moving in closer to you. Giving you ample time to pull away if you don’t want him to kiss you. You don’t know if kissing him is a good idea, but it doesn’t matter anyways, the kettle starts squealing, alerting you of its boiled status.
His hand lets go of yours, the moment ruined. You turn quickly, feeling like your face is on fire. Happy to be able to hide your face from him, though you know he can definitely hear your beating heart working overtime.
You take the kettle off the stove and make a cup of tea for both you and Tomas, he never drinks it, but he asks for it every time and holds it for the entirety of his visit.
Later, after tea, as you’re washing up Tomas stands beside you. Ever since your guard dropped enough to let him get this close to you, he stays as close as you’ll allow. Always right by you, flirting, joking, watching.
“Do you want me to wash up?” He offers.
“No, thank you.” You continue, scrubbing at your dishware.
When you’re done you go to wipe your hands off, drying them. Tomas grabs you and spins you abruptly, a shocked gasp pulling from you at his speed and strength.
“I like you.” Is all he says.
Your eyes are wide with shock, “You’ve already said so.”
“I just had to tell you again, so you know.”
“You tell me every day, and you relentlessly flirt with me,” you remind him.
“Just checking you haven’t forgotten.”
“You don’t make that possible,” you raise a brow at him.
“That’s the idea,” he smiles cheekily at you.
His eyes dip to your lips again, the moment from earlier being recreated. You turn your head to the side, feeling shy under his watchful gaze.
“Your heart is racing,” he comments, moving his hand to tuck a stray hair behind your ear.
“I know, it is my heart.” You feel flush in the face.
He leans a bit closer, “And how does your heart feel about me?”
Ah, he’s fishing today. He has been very patient, not asking you your feelings towards him but he is curious. Especially since he can tell you enjoy his advances, or at least react to them viscerally.
“I reserve the right to not answer that.” You feel as though you’re being interrogated.
He finds your answer entertaining, “I think… you like me too, but you’re still not convinced you can trust me.”
Yep, he’s pretty much hit the nail on the head, and he knows it. You go to answer him, try to cover for yourself but he’s quicker with his words.
Tone growing glib, he taunts, “Mmm, yeah, that was dead on, huh?”
His large hand come up and pulls your face back to his, holding you by your chin, between his thumb and forefinger. He tilts your face up, looking you directly in the eyes.
“Look at me and tell me, that you don’t like me.”
“I don’t like you,” you reply simply.
He scoffs, “Liar, I’ve grown on you.”
“Like a tumour, maybe,” you retort back.
He has a small smile on his face, “Now who is being stubborn?”
“Somehow, still you.” Your expression is one of defiance.
He rolls his eyes at you and groans, before grabbing your head on either side and pulling you into a kiss. It’s full and profound, and as he moves his head to the side, he licks into your mouth, deepening the kiss. A shocked mewl coming from you, one that he swallows down greedily.
Your heart feels like it might explode in your chest, and as he pulls away, he makes a note of it.
His forehead rests against yours, smiling cockily he asks, “Still don’t like me?”
“No,” you shake your head against him.
He captures your lips in another lustful kiss, devouring you whole, consuming the noises that escape you. Common sense eludes you, his kisses making you dizzy and unable to think properly. He walks you back into the corner of the kitchen bench, still cradling your face. Your hands coming up behind you, resting on the bench top. As a result, your chest presses further into him.
One of his knees slots between your legs, pinning you to the spot. His kisses take your breath away and you have to pull back to breathe. Huffing slightly at his insistent manner of kissing.
“Seems to me, that you like me.” He states.
“You’re mistaken.” You retort.
His head moves to your neck, inhaling the length of it, “it smells like you like me.”
Low blow on his behalf, his observation of your growing arousal for him makes your skin set alight. An embarrassing observation for him to make and he knows it. His thigh slots higher, resting up against your cunt. The contact makes you jump lightly, your teeth biting your lip to stifle your audible reaction.
His hands move to your hips as he leans down and kisses you again. His lips serving as a distraction so he can use the grip he has on your hips to encourage you to grind down on his thigh. You get lost in the feeling, the stimulation sending jolts of pleasure up your spine, the sounds you make spilling from you freely.
He rips his mouth away from you suddenly, before you can complain he pulls your pants down, you step out of them. Standing in front of him in nothing but your shirt and panties. He drops to his knees in front of you, pulling your thighs apart, just enough so his face can fit between your legs. His nose resting up against your pussy over your panties, he inhales deeply.
You gasp out at him, “Tomas!”
“Mmmsorry, you smell so fucken good.” He speaks against your cunt, muffling his words.
This display is mortifying to you and also serving to fuel your arousal. He hums pleasantly at your reaction. His mouth opens, sucking over your underwear, wetting them further. His thumbs pull your pussy lips apart, giving himself more access to your arousal. He’s lapping at your hole over your underwear, nose rubbing up against your clit as he licks at you.
You’re squirming above him, gasping for air at the pleasure he’s giving you. He grows more fervent against you, your cunt leaking from the pleasure. The smell and taste of you sending him into a frenzy. He doesn’t stop making out with your cunt over your underwear. Your legs are borderline shaking with your building orgasm.
“Tomas – ngh,” you’re trying to warn him of your impending orgasm.
One of your hands reaches for his hair, grabbing on, your hips beginning to faintly grind against his face. He doesn’t pull away to acknowledge your words, just continues slurping at your cunt, humming at you in confirmation.
The noises spilling from you reach a higher pitch, coming closer together. Your eyes are wet as they close tight against the intensity of your orgasm. When you cum it’s with a bite of his name followed by a large inhale of breath. Legs shaking, if he had not been gripping your thighs, you would’ve fallen to the floor in front of him.
He doesn’t stop as you cum, or even after, continuing to lick at you enthusiastically, aftershocks running through your veins. You twitch at the continued stimulation he provides. He growls against you, an inhuman sound that spikes your heart rate, and your excitement.
The sight of him between your legs, gripping your thighs open and feasting on your wet cunt could have you passing out. He huffs frustrated against you, and he rips your underwear off, actually tearing them off your body. You can’t even complain because he’s put his mouth back on your bare cunt. Drinking up all of the slick and cum from your cunt, he’s licking you clean, you might actually faint.
Tugging at his hair harsher, you push him back, “mm sensitive, stop.” You gasp out at him, words slurred together slightly.
Thankfully, he pulls away but stays on his knees, watching you quiver in front of him. His mouth finished eating you, but his eyes haven’t. He inhales one last time before standing up in front of you.
Cocky smile plastered on his face, “Divine, let me continue?”
You shake your head at him, “No, I will actually faint.”
He preens at that, delighted by your answer, “Are you ready to admit you like me?”
“No,” stubborn for no reason at this point. It’s clear to the both of you, you definitely like him.
He chuckles dryly at you, and then he’s spinning you around and pushing your upper half against the bench top. His hands run over your body, down your back and over your ass cheeks, he pulls them back to stare at your cunt, he whistles at the sight of it. And you struggle against him, humiliated by his actions.
“Will you let me fuck your tight pussy?”
You feel red and raw, his direct question mortifying you, mortifying you because, “yes.” You will let him.
He lets out an amused sound that turns into a growl at the sight of you bent over and waiting for him. Rustling can be heard from behind you as he pulls out his cock. He runs it through your folds, using your cunts prior orgasm to lube it. You rock back against him, rutting down on his dick. It sends shudders down your spine, the pleasure already plenty and he’s not inside you.
“Hold still,” he holds his hand on your back firmly, keeping you in place.
His other hand on his cock, running his tip through your folds before notching it at your hole. Slowly splitting you in two.
All he lets out is, “fffff–”
You clench at the stretch, clamping down on his cock.
“–UCK!” He lets out at your tightening pussy, “gotta relax, or I’ll never – nghf – make it inside.”
You’re mewling and barely the tip is inside you, his hand reaches down and around to rub at your clit, trying to get you to relax.
“Thasss it, dear, fucken perfect… jus. like. that,” he sighs as you relax a bit.
He’s able to have his whole tip enter you, and then he starts rocking back and forth slowly, trying to fuck you open on the tip of his dick. Your legs already shaking and he’s not even close to halfway inside you.
He begins fucking his cock into you more, incrementally, it has pleasure wracking your body. Taking his time, rocking in and then out, slightly more in and then out, rinse and repeat. Until he’s finally fully seated inside you. The full feeling overwhelming you, you grind back against him, wanting more of the feeling.
“Hold still, and if it’s – hah – too much, tap me, okay?” He asks.
You nod your head at him, but he slaps your ass and says, “Words, dearest.”
“I will tap you if it’s too much – jus please – mmmmove.” You’re wiggling back against him, trying to gain some friction.
Both his hands pull your ass cheeks apart again, gazing down at the way you’re wrapped around him. A deep growl coming from inside his chest at the sight. Pulling back almost all the way out, he slams back into you, jolting your body forward against the counter. You have a feeling you’re going to have all kinds of bruises tomorrow morning.
He’s fucking you in earnest, roughly, inhuman and pleased noises coming from him. A wet slapping filling your kitchen along with your mewls and whines. You brace yourself on the counter and begin fucking yourself back on his cock.
His hand moves up your body and grabs at the back of your neck, he pulls you up, holding you flush against his chest. Your head resting back against his shoulder. He’s fucking up into you, the change in position sliding you further down his dick.
The hand that pulled you up goes to the front of your neck, applying no pressure but holding you steady. His free arm moves from your hip to the front of your body, holding you against him, hand groping at your tit. His fingers pinch and play with your nipple, your cunt squeezing down on him at the sensation.
“Tell me, do you like mmme – ngh – now?” He whispers it against your ear, lips brushing the shell of it. It sends a shiver down your spine, goosebumps breaking out across your skin.
“Mmmmaybe – mmph – a little…” You confess.
He laughs and licks your ear, his thrusts never stopping or slowing. Your cunt starts to rhythmically pulse around his cock, you’re so close to cumming on just his cock, a sensation you’ve not felt before. Previously always cumming with the help of stimulation on your clit.
He taunts you, “Go on, cream all over – mmph – me, can feel you squeezing mmme.”
“Hah – Mm gonna–” You’re cumming, hard, on his dick. Your release creating a white ring around the base of his cock.
His hands move to push you back against the bench top again, he needs to see the way you came all over him. He spreads your cheeks again to watch himself fuck you, to see the way you creamed all over him. Mesmerised by your cunt and the way it takes him; he’s chasing his own high now.
He’s fucking you harshly, aiming to topple headfirst into his own pleasure. You clamp down on him, pulling his own orgasm from him suddenly. He cums with a shout of your name and a string of profanities. Filling your cunt to the brim with his release, he continues thrusting, stuffing all his cum back into your pussy. He groans at the sight, dick twitching inside you.
He pulls out of you slowly; he tugs his pants back on before spinning you around and placing you up on the bench. He wets some napkins from your kitchen with warm water and gently wipes your thighs clean.
His fingers push some of the cum leaking out of your cunt back inside, “Keep that there.” He tells you.
You hold your hand over your pussy, as he runs down the hall and comes back with a fresh pair of underwear. He slides them up your legs and uses them to help keep his cum inside you. Your legs are shaking from the come down, eyes wet and dazed. You’d let him do almost anything to you right now, with the way he’s given you the two best orgasms of your life, you think he might’ve earned it.
You watch him move around your kitchen, he finds your previous pair of underwear and stuffs them inside his pocket. He looks back at you and smiles deviously. Then he moves to get you a glass of water.
He presents it to you, “Drink.”
You accept it gratefully, feeling parched, you drink it all. It dribbles down your chin with how you gulp it down. He smiles at you and wipes your chin clean.
“I don’t think I can walk,” you tell him.
He’s smug, “Need me to carry you to bed, dearest?”
“If you’d be so kind.”
He obliges and carries you to bed, tucking you in. He won’t stay and he shouldn’t stay, though you find yourself hoping he would.
“I’ll stay until you fall asleep,” he says, practically reading your mind. He crawls into bed beside you, on top of the covers.
“Thank you, Tomas.”
He smiles kindly at you, “No thanks necessary.”
You fall asleep quickly that night. Fully trusting him and even feeling safe with him beside you. When you wake the next morning, he is gone but he’s left a note.
It reads, “I’ll be back tonight, dearest.”
A/N: This is not my best writing, but I find myself a bit fond of it, maybe because it’s a different character, a bit of a change up is nice. I did write almost an extra 3k than what I initially planned lmao. I find the need to add more plot in my stories. Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope you all enjoyed, my requests are open if you want a story like this one or if you want to share any thoughts, feelings, anything really, I am open for asks!! <333
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sundo-li · 11 months
Intro Dialogue ❥ Flirty | 1 [My Boys]
I'm new to the fandom so don't be too hard on me. Raiden, Liu Kang, the Lin Kuei and the Royal family has my heart. Anyway, I wanted to start writing for them and this is the start of that. Enjoy! xoxo [In the future, if people want male reader content I can do that as well].
❥ female reader x the lin kuei + liu kang & raiden. ❥ intro dialogue
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──── · · · ❥ BI-HAN
❥ | You will never become apart of the Lin Kuei. ❥ | Oh no, you wound me, Bi-Han.
❥ | You really think I would go for someone like you, Empress? ❥ | Where there's a will, there's a way.
❥ | I am the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster. ❥ | You could also be my King.
❥ | Let's hope you can fight as much as you... flirt... ❥ | You're always so mean to me, Bi-Han. It’s cute.
❥ | Do you fight as well as you talk? ❥ | Why don't you come over here and find out.
❥ | Oh, how you chill my heart. ❥ | Where did you learn that from? Johnny?
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──── · · · ❥ TOMAS VRBADA
❥ | You cannot hide, Queen. ❥ | For you, I am always available.
❥ | You would serve well as my Concubine. ❥ | I- I don't know what to say to that.
❥ | Would you serve me as your Queen, Tomas? ❥ | I- *blushes* I can't focus. Yes?
❥ | Would you train me, Empress? ❥ | I'll show you more things than one.
❥ | What are you, Empress? ❥ | I could be yours if you let me.
❥ | That mask covers your handsome face. ❥ | Wait... You think I'm handsome?
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──── · · · ❥ KUAI LIANG
❥ | Weren't you once Lin Kuei? ❥ | In another lifetime I was also yours.
❥ | Johnny outed you. ❥ | No he didn't! Wait, what did he say? *glances around worried*
❥ | I hope that fire burns for me. ❥ | Here, let me set you ablaze.
❥ | You’re a sorceress. ❥ | Let me enchant you with my spells.
❥ | I’ll let you be my king if you behave. ❥ | I belong to the Shirai Ryu. I have no need for your trickery.
❥ | You are a warrior of many talents. ❥ | I can show you some that no one has seen before.
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──── · · · ❥ LIU KANG
❥ | You're already the queen of Outworld. ❥ | Maybe in another lifetime I could be your queen.
❥ | Even in this forsaken lifetime, your beauty is unmatched. ❥ | You flatter me, Liu Kang.
❥ | You still much to learn about the realms, Empress. ❥ | Then teach me, Liu Kang.
❥ | Will I someday find my King? ❥ | I created one person fit for you this timeline. *smirks*
❥ | Do you still have eyes for Kitana, my lord? ❥ | I only have eyes for you, my Queen.
❥ | Am I to bow before my creator? ❥ | No. But I wouldn't mind you kneeling.
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──── · · · ❥ RAIDEN
❥ | How about a sparing match? ❥ | Oh and what will be my prize if I win?
❥ | So, you have a crush on little ol' me? ❥ | What?! Who told you that?!
❥ | I want to know your secrets. ❥ | Hm, maybe I'll tell them to you in my chambers.
❥ | You have been warned, Empress. ❥ | Is that a threat or a promise?
❥ | I would like to assist you, Empress. ❥ | Oh? In what way, Raiden?
❥ | Your sister is pretty. ❥ | I thought you like me, Empress?
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© 2023 › SunDo-Li || All Rights Reserved. 🐰 DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. Thank You!
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restinslices · 9 months
Earth realm boys dating a popstar???? 👀👀👀👀
“Send me ideas guys” *proceeds to hit brain block* I didn’t know if you wanted the Lin Kuei Bros or Syzoth involved but imma add this little rule/guideline(?) so I don’t throw myself down the stairs. So the Earthrealm Boys will be Johnny, Kenshi, Kung Lao, Raiden and Liu Kang. Lin Kuei Bros are Bi-Han, Kuai Liang and Tomas. You can also ask for specific characters but IMMA LET YALL KNOW RIGHT NOW y’all have a limit of FIVE people per post or I’m sleeping in traffic.
Johnny Cage 
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If you think Johnny Cage is anything other than excited, you're wrong. 
There's no way he doesn't enjoy dating a pop star. 
He'd tell you how great your names sound together. Johnny Cage the movie star and you the pop star. 
He's probably asked you if your songs can be in his movies. 
I think he'd be extremely supportive. Sometimes a little overbearing. Some people might enjoy him wanting to come to every show, while some people may say “dude, calm down”. 
Your ringtone on his phone is one of your songs for sure 
He also asks for some of your merch for free since ya know, debt 😀
If there's a dance that goes along with it, I can definitely see him learning it and showing you how good (bad) he is 
Please let him be in your music videos. He's on his knees begging 
He has such a huge ego, he'd probably say something like “you can't possibly turn down an A lister like me”
He's so President of your fanclub 
He also posts exclusives of you on his social media 
This may sound selfish but he's hoping your popularity will increase his. When we meet him, his fame is dying out so he's hoping being seen with you will remind people he exists 
Don't get it misconstrued though. He adores you. He just can't help but have these thoughts 
Probably makes you promise to dedicate a song to him too. Realistically he wants an album but he'll take whatever
He's so Ken coded to me and remember, Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him. You're his Barbie, regardless of gender 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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Considering the fact that he's on the run from the Yakuza, uhhhh he's not the happiest 
Is he proud? Yeah. But dating him puts a huge target on your back. Kenshi can hide. You, as a popstar, can't do that. You're always in the spotlight. And since the Yakuza got connections, they'd find out somehow. 
He'd encourage you to take a break until things cool over. Only problem is he doesn't know when that'd be, and the music industry is competitive. You don't have time to be on a break. People could forget about you. 
Under any other circumstance, he'd be happy for you. Not many people can make it in the music industry. There are tons of people who have big plans but settle for less. 
In any other circumstance he'd listen to your songs, spread the word about your concerts, buy your merch cause he's not in debt, even attend a few concerts. 
Now though, he's uptight and worried. Every concert you have he's worried will be your last. Any fan meet you have he's worried will end in death. 
I honestly think he'd try to actively avoid anything that has to do with your career. It's a constant reminder that you're doing the exact opposite of what he's asking you to and you're putting yourself in danger. This could possibly cause a lot of arguments since he could come off as controlling when in reality he's worried and trying to be cautious 
He's trying to avoid anything to do with your career but every playlist he has has your songs sprinkled throughout them 
Overall he's proud of you but life has him pretty uptight. He'll be his normal self once he restores his clan. 
Kung Lao
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This cocky little shit is so hype his partner is famous 
I can see him talking about your music with others like “my partner? They make music. You probably know them. I don't know yours though cause they're unknown. How are y'all paying the bills?”
You tell him not to do that but he continues anyway. Everyone had to know how awesome you were compared to them
Idk why I have this scene in my head of him buying your concert tickets to sell it again but make it more expensive. I legit don't know why but I couldn't ignore it. 
Kung Lao has such a huge ego and your success does not help that. In fact, it makes it worse 
How many people can say they're dating a popstar? Or anyone famous for that matter?
I can see him “helping” with lyrics but the shit he tries to add is dog shit so you do not add it, which he does not get. 
“I have an ear for music” “An ear. Not a talent”
Starts a fanclub and forces Raiden to be involved 
You'd think he's the popstar with how much pride he has when it comes to your career 
Like Kenshi, he has a whole playlist dedicated to you and your songs are sprinkled throughout his other playlists 
If you ask for his honest opinion on a song, he's gonna give you his honest opinion so be prepared. It's like asking a kid if a jacket makes you look fat. 
He doesn't mean to be malicious. He just can't have you releasing bad shit. His approach just isn't the best but it's all with love 
“What do you think about Bubblegum?” “The chorus isn't catchy at all if I'm being honest. You've definitely made better” 
He'd help though by saying what he liked from other songs and it'd steer you in the right direction 
Your career? No. Y'ALL career. UterUS type shit
In all seriousness, he's very happy that out of all the celebrities you could be with, you chose a non celebrity like him.
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Honestly I don't think anyone would even know you're dating. He's just too shy. 
With Johnny, he's famous and has no shame so that's how people know you're together. The Yakuza is out here so that's how they know about you and Kenshi. Kung Lao is Kung Lao, idk how else to explain it. With Raiden though, I don't think he'd want your fans to know you're dating. 
He's shy and also values privacy and you respect that. Your fans know you're dating someone just not who. 
He probably has a second account he uses to stay up to date with fan discourse 
Likes every edit of you and shows you them. 
“Were you looking these up?” “I… don't know what you could possibly mean”
I don't think he's a big concert person. I don't know why. At least not a huge, no personal space type of concert. So I think he'd do other things to support like using that second account to promote your activities, reposting edits, and buying your stuff. 
Knowing his luck, that second account for privacy and being sneaky would end up getting fans attention. He'd become the main update page everyone goes to. Guess he wasn't sneaky enough 
Probably asks you to sing to him when it's quiet 
Has bought a poster of you and forgot to take it down when you came over 
“Kung Lao put that up” “Mhm, sure”
He has two hats. His normal hat and a hat that has stickers of you on it. Kung Lao or Johnny probably did it to tease him but he kept it anyway 
Dedicate a song to him and watch how flustered he gets. He'd be so honored 
If you had an MV and there was a love interest in it, he wouldn't wanna be jealous but it'd happen. 
Everytime he sees you perform or hears you, he falls deeper in love. Like Kung Lao, he's very happy you picked him to be your love and muse 
Liu Kang
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He probably saw this coming based on your life in the past timeline
Knowing how the past timelines were though, your life was probably chaotic and your music career was probably disturbed by the constant threats 
Seeing you just having fun and making music in this timeline would make him extremely happy and proud of himself for creating such a peaceful timeline (at first)
Liu Kang has glowing eyes so there's a chance concerts aren't happening, but I think he'd still stream your music like everyone else 
Would probably try to keep you far away from any disturbances. When he takes his champions to Outworld, he makes up a lie. He doesn't want what you're passionate about disturbed at all 
Supportive in the sense that he's always going to say “yes” to whatever ideas you have. A breakup song? Great idea. A fun party song? Awesome. A fan meet? Sounds fun. 
He genuinely just wants you happy this time and music makes you happy. 
You could talk him into using his fire as some background effect as long as others won't see 
He talks you into doing smaller performances at Madam Bo's. You're spying on Raiden and Kung Lao without even knowing 
Whenever you find out about the shit storm going on, he does not want you involved and will say so. He wants you to focus on your passion and let him take care of it. Whether you do or not is up to you 
After all that though you'd probably end up making music for Johnny's movie about shit that happened. He doesn't disapprove but thinks you can do better than make a soundtrack for Johnny 'Big Mouth’ Cage 
Secret fanboy. Forced to act all serious all the time but he's mumbling your lyrics under his breath, even if it's super cutesy. 
He's just so happy for you. I know I keep repeating it but you probably DIED in the past timeline or some shit so seeing you happy and just living? It shows his efforts for peace paid off. 
I usually say smth after but idk what to say. I wanna start art commissions so bad but half bodies are kicking my ass. I’m finna start tweaking fr
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bunniekittiee · 10 months
Imagine Bi-Han’s S/O and Tomas sharing a strong sibling(in law) bond, they became their other half who enjoyed sharing their one braincell. I just thought it would be funny and that Tomas is fun to get along with.
I can definitely see that! I have written a few headcanons about Bi-Han's s/o and Tomas interacting (like finding the ocelot named Jia), as well as ones with Kuai Liang. I go into their relationship more here, but I am happy to go more in depth with Tomas and Bi-Han's s/o. I just wrote for fem. reader because it was a bit easier that way and I got less tongue-tied, but it can be read from any angle.
Bi-Han's S/O and Tomas' Relationship
Bi-Han's s/o usually keeps him in check when it comes to his brothers, especially Tomas.
She knows that Tomas is mostly targeted by Bi-Han's rage, especially for no reason. So, she does her best to keep Bi-Han's comments to a minimum.
Tomas always shrugs Bi-Han's rude comments off, but he is happy to know that someone else cares and wants to change it.
Kuai Liang steps in, but he definitely does not do it as often.
Only when Bi-Han is being extremely cruel.
Tomas is the brother that is absolutely down to go out and anywhere of her choice. He is just happy to be out and get a break from the Arctika.
He knows that it is their home, but it is never wrong to get a break every once in a while, right?
They tend to go out as often as possible, and sometimes Kuai Liang will join! It just depends, he is a bit of a homebody.
Tomas takes her out to Madame Bo's often and they definitely get special treatment.
Liu Kang's champions were not informed that Bi-Han had married, so they assumed she was Tomas' s/o.
Tomas did get a little embarrassed and had to tell them that she was Bi-Han's wife. And Johnny was in complete shock.
How could anyone marry the Ice King? (hehe)
Sometimes they will get mistaken for being a couple when they are out somewhere, but they learned to just ignore it.
They don't tell Bi-Han just in case he does get angry and puts a stop to their outings.
But Bi-Han trusts Tomas and his s/o, and he knows that his wife deserves a break from the Arctika. It can be endearing sometimes, and he understands this.
However, he knows how stupid they can be, and that's what can worry him a bit.
One time, Tomas had accidentally told a lady congratulations on being pregnant when she wasn't, and he was nearly skinned alive.
Y/N thought it was absolutely hilarious as Tomas was berated and they both had to run in the alley way in order to escape the angry woman.
They both still laugh about it to this day.
"I would have made the same mistake! I really thought she was." She had told Tomas, so he felt less bad.
Tomas does like the chisme, so if Bi-Han's s/o has any info about the champions or people they know, he wants to hear about it.
There have been many late-night tea times when Bi-Han was swamped with work, and they have both stayed up late talking about other people.
Kuai Liang is not a big chismoso like Tomas, but sometimes he will join.
Tomas is down for spa days, and they will both do face care and meditate together.
When dealing with Bi-Han, it is definitely needed.
Tomas has painted her toes before, and he slathered them with nail polish.
It was like a bad art project, and it made a horrific mess.
Her and Tomas both have a habit of finding random animals, more so after they found Jia. Some of them they take in, others they can't because Bi-Han won't allow it.
An ocelot you can tame, but a bear?! He thought they were absolutely out of their minds.
They came across a baby cow one time, and Tomas was run over by its mother.
Bi-Han's s/o was worried about him, but she did fall over laughing after he got up and looked like he had seen a ghost.
"Her udders were in my face!"
That did not help her laughter.
One time, a cockroach scurried near them, and they were both sent into a screaming mess.
Tomas was full on screaming like a girl. Bi-Han was pissed at first until he saw what it was.
Because they interrupted his work, he left them there to wail about the cockroach that was nearing them.
Kuai Liang had to set it free outside for them to calm down.
Bi-Han did not get laid that night.
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hi how was your day? Or night I just want to ask if you still take request 😅 if you don't then you can ignore me and if you still take then I have an idea for you 😆 after I read your hijab reader I immediately fall in love with your writing 😍 the way you write makes me feel like I'm the one in the story and I really really really really LOVE IT!!!!! and today I just came back from the hospital because of the breathing problems and stuff I had to stay for a week in hospital 🥲 I swear staying in hospital drive me crazy 😭 no privacy and syringe needles and medicines are scary! So... Maybe maybe... Can you write something makes me feel a little better?
(Please 🥺)
So the idea lin kuei bros and Earthrealm champions with the reader ... Can you make it female reader? Like the reader loves to dance in her room when she's alone and wearing the boys over sized clothes? And yeah like her boobies juggles bom bom yk yk 😇 Yeah like dancing like crazy or beautifully or anything you want with any song but I think international love from Pitbull will be better and it's okay if you want to change the song you know 😆 and the boys would be walking in her room while she was dancing alone crazy and enjoy herself to ask something or wanted something with her and they like ".......damn!" You know, you can do the reason anything you want you can make the reader not notice them or she did is really up to you ❤
And thank you if you did this for me 🥺 you might don't believe that but I love doing it enjoying myself alone in my room wearing big shirt and dancing like crazy to let out all stress and enjoying myself 😂 and sometimes my mother would caught me and I'm be really embarrassed 😂 even though I'm Muslim I still have a rocking star spirit you know I can't live my life without songs and music 😆 even though my life is s*itty but I'll always find a way to forget it and enjoy my life ❤
The same about you lovely I wish that you do just like me enjoying your life every day also make sure to take care of yourself drink water and sleep well don't be like me believe me staying in hospital isn't fun 🥲
And thank you again you can ignore it if you don't like it I won't be mad 😊 I understand that writing a stuff not easy Thank you ❤🌹
(Damn I talk like grandma 😂)
Swing Your Feet
Prior notes: I hope you are doing better! Hospitals really suck. I used to scream when they tried to use needles. Hopefully my writing can make you feel a little better.
Pairing: Lin Kuei Bros & Earthrealm Champions x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Can you handle the beat?
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There’s a sneaky weasel that has been stealing some clothes from some important people. Important people that are in the Lin Kuei and who are Earthrealm’s champions. Would you by any chance know where they could have gone?
Of course you do, you’re the weasel. A weasel who is blaring music in her room, spinning wildly like a tornado of rhythm. The boys on the other floor are forced to hear your music blaring while they play a game of Uno. You sure do have a mix of interesting music.
Johnny decided a nice way to get close with everyone was to play a nice game of Uno. Uno is never nice what was he thinking.
He invited the brothers to come to the Wu Shi academy to play as well. Tomas was the only one willing to play so Kuai Liang had to drag Bi-Han over. Oh hell, Kuai Liang decided to play as well. Not Bi-Han. Bi-Han and Uno don’t go together.
Round after round it was getting even more unhinged. Lots of yelling and accusations of cheating. You never heard it. You were too occupied with the blaring music and move your feet to match the beat.
“Ah dang it, Tomas! How do you keep beating us.” Johnny complained.
Tomas had this smug grin on his face. He was just lucky tonight. Or he was cheating. We’ll never know.
Johnny was done. Game over. He was about to pull down his sunglasses since he didn’t need to prevent anyone from cheating, only to feel that his sunglasses were gone. Not again. He looked around him and could not find his sunglasses.
“Come on! How did this happen again?” He yelled in annoyance.
“Another piece of our clothes has gone missing again.” Kung Lao said in defeat.
“Wait, your clothes have been stolen as well?” Kuai Liang asked.
Everyone looked at him in shock. So they too have been missing clothes at random. Not just accessories but full on outfits.
Kung Lao’s hoodie, Raiden’s shirts, button-ups from Johnny and Kenshi, and uniforms from Kuai Liang, Tomas, and Bi-Han. This is not a coincidence. This is suspicious. The only person who hasn’t gotten their clothes stolen is you.
“Alright,” Johnny slapped his hand against the table, “Start placing bets on what might be going on. Kenshi, go!”
“I think it’s you since you stole Sento and still won’t give it back.” He responded passive aggressively.
“Alright I’m not taking you seriously. Raiden, what do you think it is?”
“Uhh…a rat.”
“A rat is stealing our clothes?” Johnny questioned.
“A big rat. The kind that you told us about that challenge people in New York and Chicago.” A good guess Raiden, but no New York rat is gonna bother stealing clothes. They steal pizza and wallets.
“I think it’s someone with invisibility powers.” Kung Lao jumped in.
“That’s seems more reasonable. What else are we thinking?”
“Maybe it is the one who is blaring music in her room.” Bi-Han spoke up.
“What makes you think it’s her.” Kuai Liang asked.
“Because I watched her come out quickly and take his sunglasses before running back to her room.”
These fools were so focused on their game of Uno that they never noticed you coming out and sliding Johnny’s glasses right off his head. Bi-Han was the only one who caught you since he wasn’t playing. He didn’t care enough that you were taking them, he doesn’t even wanna be here.
Bi-Han and Johnny were left bickering about how he never said a thing while everyone else was contemplating about confronting you. You had no ill intent that’s for sure. It’s just nice wearing their clothes. It’s a girl thing.
“She’ll have to give our clothes back eventually. We don’t know what she is doing with them anyways.” Tomas chimed in.
That settles it. They decided to confront you on your actions. What you were doing with their clothes is a mystery to them. Maybe if they know what you are doing with them they will let you keep it.
They make their way to your room. The closer they get the louder the music is. Some of them could even feel the vibrations below their feet and in their hearts. The music you were playing all night was all over the place. Yet you still managed to move your hips and stomp your feet. You were groovin and movin. Some of them approved of the music, some were unsure of this was their type. Whatever floats your boat.
Johnny first tried knocking on your door, no answer. He knocked harder, no answer again. He sighed before trying the handle. You left your door unlocked by accident. He started opening to door.
“Hey, so quick question. Would you by any chance know where—OH!”
All their eyes fell upon you. There you were, jumping around on your bed with Johnny’s button-up shirt. The sleeves were long enough to cover your hands, making the excess material wave around as you moved. Your chest pressed against tightly against his chest. The buttons were putting up a fight as they tried to keep your chest from bursting out. They were jiggling as you pranced around. You had not a single clue that the boys were staring at you. The music was just too loud you never even heard Johnny speak.
It’s probably better that you don’t know. You know what they say: dance like no one’s watching.
The boys just stared in awe, even Bi-Han. If the shirt wasn’t a big clue or even that you are wearing Johnny’s glasses, all their clothes were scattered around your room. Every shirt, belt, and accessories that you scavenged was all over the place. You might have had a little fashion show before deciding to dance in Johnny’s clothes.
I won’t tell.
Your movements were enchanting them. Movements that were fluid and matched the rhythm well. Have you ever thought about being a background dancer? You would do well.
You must do this all the time considering you weren’t slipping up. You weren’t bumping into any furniture or tripping over your own feet. It’s natural to you. You’re having fun. And so are the boys I guarantee.
“Damn-“ Johnny was about to say more but all of them quickly covered his mouth.
They didn’t want you to know they were watching. You were in your natural state they must let you be. The music was about to end soon meaning you might finally realize they are there. No, no, they can’t have that. They slowly crept out of your room before closing the door quietly. It was as if they were never there.
There was a silence between them all. They have this information, what will they do with it? Nothing. They won’t change a thing. So what if you steal their clothes. You seemed to be putting it to good use.
“Tomas,” Bi-Han broke the silence, “do you wish to return for another round of that ridiculous card game? Perhaps next week.”
Tomas immediately nodded his head and so did Kuai Liang. They will be using Uno as their excuse for why they are coming around so often.
“I suggest we make it a weekly thing.“ Raiden knows you do this every week.
“I bet she will wear my hoodie next.” Kung Lao said with a goofy smile on his face.
“I see we are betting again. Fine, we’ll make this a weekly game night with some betting.” Kenshi was in for it.
“And then a show at the end.” Johnny was rubbing his hands like a malicious fly just thinking about it.
So it was settled. It’s like when men start digging holes at beaches it’s a mutual agreement no matter what. The brothers left peacefully while the champions got ready for bed.
And you had no idea that they had caught you red handed. And you won’t for a while.
I certainly won’t snitch for either side. You’ll know when you’ll know. But when you do, keep dancing. It’s the best thing to do in life.
After notes: I know you said one song but there were many options I could have used so I put them all in. Think of it as the music playing and changing as you continue to dance. They were also what I was listening to so don’t mind. I hope you can enjoy and yes I will try to take care of myself. I try my best to enjoy life and on days like this it can feel pretty easy. I hope you have a wonderful life. Adiós!
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spcewild · 10 months
Do you think you could make a childhood friends thing for Smoke, and have Smoke be a pining friend for Y/N, who's unaware and is crushing for another guy or gal? (Doesn't need to be someone in the roster specifically.)
This is going to hurt to write, but I'll do it anyway <33
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Undivided Attention ♡
Warnings: Angst, one-sided crush, etc.
Parings: Smoke mk1 x (gn!) Reader (x Raiden)
and Smoke have been friends ever since you two were little, both abandoned to the streets of your hometown, fighting and foraging for food and money in any way you could. It was never easy. But soon you had been told by Smoke himself how a family had taken him in, yet you never joined him in said family. You came by every now and then but kept a distance for a while.
When finally reunited with Smoke when you two had grown, it was bittersweet. He introduced you to his brothers, who had taken him in, along with new 'fighters' he had met. From his explanation, they were training for the Outworld Championship in Liu Kang's orders, a man who Smoke had also introduced you with.
Although, when introduced to a certain man named Raiden, your gaze suddenly changed. From everyone you looked at in a room, Raiden would be first. Even against Smoke.
But even against this, Smoke was inevitably inlove with you. Madly. You, however, were completely clueless about this, even when he would try and spend time with you every second you were awake. He would constantly invite you to Madaam Bo's, or going on small walks, and even a friendly sparring match.
You were still completely clueless. And Smoke hadn't seen your eyes towards Raiden, at least until now.
One day, when trying to talk to you, he noticed your lack of attention to him. He would usually shrug it off, but this was a constant thing. He finally looked towards where your gaze was so persistent on staying. At Raiden. He could almost feel his heart sink to a deep pit in his stomach. Everything finally clicked in his head. Why you never seemed to be focused when talking to him, how you would always seem to make excuses on why you couldn't hang out with him. It all made sense finally.
He tried playing it off from then how he didn't know, but it always stuck with him. He stopped asking if you two wanted to go out, making you now concerned on his lack of presence recently. To you, your childhood friend just seemed like he was suddenly distant — wondering if you did anything wrong you decide to head to his home one night.
You gently knocked on his door, waiting a minute before the door opened to reveal Kuai Liang.
"Hello Y/N, how can I help you?"
"Have you seen Tomas?"
Your voice laced with worry as the man in front of you seemed to put the pieces together in his mind.
"I believe I saw him go to his usual spot by the fountain, near where Liu Kang and the champions are."
You gave Kuai Liang a gentle nod and thank you as you retreated from the small house. Walking quickly to the fountain he said where Smoke was.
It didn't take long for you to find him there, sitting on a bench by the fountain, his head low as he looked to his feet.
You called out, his head snapping up towards you in surprise.
"Did Kuai Liang tell you I was here?"
You nodded at his question, his face turning to the fountain for a moment before back to you.
"Did you… um need something?"
He seemed to struggle the words out, yet stayed looking at you.
"Did I.. do something?"
"Then why are you avoiding me..?"
Everything came out in a rush when he tried to explain, how he saw you look at Raiden, how you became distant to him once you met Raiden. Once he was finished with his long rant, he was almost in tears, you couldn't see why he was crying but then, his words seemed to ring in your ear once spoken.
"I love you, y/n"
The words stayed hollow in your mind, like a lingering thought. You two that night had tried to work things out on a good note but Smoke could never shake the heartbroken feeling left in the hollow heart he once had.
You went on pursuing Raiden, even confessing to him and getting into a healthy and loving relationship, while Smoke was left as a supporting shadow in your life. Growing distant yet you would smile at him anytime you saw him, he tried his best to give you the brightest smile he could in return,
but it was only a weakened and broken smile from when he once had you.
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Authors note: it was hard to pick someone else to pair the reader with but I decided on Raiden :)
This was sad to write but I hope you guys enjoyed<3
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shangrila11 · 11 months
Aftermath // Toma Vrbada/ Smoke (Mortal Kombat 1) x Dragon! listener
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Spoiler warning! Mild spoilers for Tomas' ending!
"Enjoy the rest of your evening."
After thanking the four Earthrealm champions, you and Liu Kang left Madam Bo's teahouse, smiling at each other. Behind you, the champions batering about who would be paying the bill could be heard.
"It seems like Earthrealm is in capable hands," you remarked.
"Indeed, my friend," the fire god agreed. "Come, let's go lend Kuai Liang and Tomas our aid."
"Of course," you nodded. A fond smile made its way to your lips as you thought about Smoke. Among the brothers, you were the closest to him. He was friendly, kind and had a strong sense of justice.
"Your soft spot for Tomas is showing, (Y/N)," Liu Kang commented, a hint of mirth in his voice and eyes.
"Pardon me. I can't help it. As Johnny aptly put it, he's got the wholesome sidekick thing down cold, " you replied, doing your best impression of the movie star. But your expression soon became concerned. "Speaking of Tomas, I'm worried that he will not be welcoming towards you since, well..." Liu Kang quirked an eyebrow in amusement at your impression before gently patting your shoulder.
"There's no need to worry, (Y/N). I will try to speak to him later," he assured you. You nodded, deciding to trust his words. Together, the two of you headed to the portal en route to the location of the Shirai Ryu.
The two of you were welcomed by Kuai Liang, Harumi and Tomas when you stepped out of the portal. However, as expected, while still polite, Smoke's expression hardened a little as he greeted Liu Kang. You cast the fire god a concerned look but remembering his words, you turned your attention to the Shirai Ryu's grandmaster and his partner.
"Congratulations on your marriage, Kuai Liang and Harumi," you smiled warmly. The two of them were meant for each other and you couldn't be happier for your friend. Liu Kang, too, congratulated the two of them.
"Thank you, Lord Liu Kang, (Y/N)," Kuai Liang and Harumi smiled.
"So how is the new clan coming along?" you asked. The three clan members' face fell.
"Unfortunately, we weren't able to find any suitable initiates," Harumi sighed.
"A lot of people are uncertain about joining our clan since we're new. Besides, the skills and attitudes of some of them could use some work," Kuai Liang added.
"We have nothing against people without much skill but with the Lin Kuei being formidable, we need people who are skilled or learn fast," Tomas explained.
"Not to worry, Tomas. Now that we're here, we can help the Shirai Ryu find more members," you offered him an encouraging smile, patting his shoulder reassuringly. Smoke sent you a grateful look.
"(Y/N)'s right. Where have you search for initiates already?" Liu Kang asked. Scorpion answered his question, with Harumi and Smoke adding any other locations he had missed. Liu Kang nodded, thanking the three of them for the information.
"I suggest we split up and look in areas that haven't been covered," he proposed. Everyone voiced their agreement. After discussing where each of you would go, Kuai Liang and his wife left, leaving you, Liu Kang and Smoke. Earthrealm's protector turned towards the young ninja. "Tomas, may I have a word with you in private?" Said male frowned but nodded. You watched as the two of them walked to a quieter place. Silently hoping for the best, you departed as well.
Unfortunately, your search didn't bore fruit. Scorpion and Harumi didn't fare any better. After asking the Shirai Ryu's grandmaster if you could use one of the clan's rooms and obtaining his approval, you headed to the room to meditate. You closed your eyes and took slow, deep breaths, placing all your attention on your breathing.
Just then, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in."
"Hey, (Y/N). Brother told me you went to meditate and so I came to find you here. Sorry for interuptting," Tomas greeted as he entered the room. Because of his talk with Liu Kang, he had finished his search later and had only just returned.
"There is no need to apologise. You know I always welcome your presence," you smiled warmly.
"Right," the young man laughed, pink dusting his cheeks. You asked how did his seach go, to which he responded with a shake of his head, saying that he, too, didn't have much luck.
"It's alright. I'm sure we'll find suitable canditates," you comforted him. You hesitated for a moment before cautiously asking, "What about your talk with Liu Kang?"
"It was ok. Lord Liu Kang tried to explain his actions but I'm still not sure if I can forgive him," Smoke replied, clenching his fists. "All this time, I have viewed him as a close ally and friend. But then I learnt that he used to be the Time Keeper, making him the one who made me an orphan. I just... feel so betrayed."
"I understand," you patted his shoulder. "I care a great deal about the both of you so I sincerely hope you and Liu Kang can work this out."
"Alright. I... I will try," the young ninja promised. A smile lit up your features.
"Good," you nodded. "What say we have a spar?"
"Sounds good. After all that has happened, I could really blow off some steam," the Czech man agreed eagerly. "Besides, it would be an honour to fight a legendary being such as yourself."
"Flattery won't make me go any easier on you, Tomas," you teased, your eyes twinkling.
"I know," he grinned. The two of you assumed a fighting stance before Tomas made the first move. He unleashed a kick at you but you quickly moved back. You launched a jet of water at him, knocking him back. You took this opportunity to throw a few water-coated punches at him. You were about to punch him again when Tomas disappeared in a puff of smoke. You created rings of water around your body, anticipating his next move. The male reappeared, preparing to strike with his kunai. You reflexively reshaped your water rings into a shield. You were pushed back as Smoke became more aggressive with his strikes. You morphed your water shield into a jet of water again, pushing him back. You performed a sweeping kick, causing Tomas to fall down.
"Do you yield?" you grinned truiphantly, panting.
"Yes," he huffed. You extended a hand to him and he grabbed it without missing a beat. You carefully lifted him up.
"That was a fruitful spar," you commented. "Your skills have certainly improved."
"Thank you," Smoke replied, flushing. You smiled. However, your expression soon concerned when you noticed some bruises on his body.
"Apologies. Did I hurt you too badly?" you asked. Tomas assured you that it was alright. After all, one tended to get injured from sparring.
"Here. Allow me to heal you," you offered. Tomas thanked you to which you replied with a smile, saying that it was your pleasure. You gently placed a hand on his injuries and worked your magic. The young ninja stared at you.
"What is it?" you asked.
"Oh, nothing much. I just... think that your horns are pretty. Can touch your them?" he replied, embarassment evident on his features.
"Sure, once I'm done healing you," you smiled.
After healing the last of Smoke's injuries, the two of you found a place to sit down. Tomas cautiously touched your horns, making you shiver.
"Did I do something wrong?" he asked, concerned.
"Fret not. You did not do anything wrong. It feels nice, actually," you assured him. The young man nodded and continued, this time more confidently. You leaned into the touch, closing your eyes in contentment. The two of you stayed like that for a while until you backed away.
"I have to get going. Liu Kang and I have other things to attend to," you said.
"Alright. See you around. I -- I mean we -- will always welcome you," he replied. A smile adorned your features.
"See you."
(Picture does not belong to me. Taken from windowscentral website)
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saw a post on twitter about how in mkx kuai liang bowed to hanzo the japanese way and prepared tea in the japanese way as well as the utmost sign of respect what are your thoughts 🎤‼️
oooooooo my god do I have thoughts
Basically, that scene is my roman empire, and it lives in my brain Rent Free.
I think that Kuai Liang was just going out of his way to make Hanzo as comfortable as possible. Like he knows where they are, he knows how hard being here must be for Hanzo given what the Lin Kuei did so he's doing literally anything he can think of to say "I am not a threat, please hear me out"
I think he's also trying to soften the blow as much as possible, like there's no way to make telling Hanzo about the truth of what Quan Chi did not hurt, but Kuai Liang is trying so hard not to be cruel about it.
So he tries to show Hanzo by bowing the japanese way and preparing the tea in the japanese way that he wants this to be a chance to communicate, that he respects the pyromancer and his clan enough to learn at least part of their customs so that Hanzo feels a little bit less like he's just walked into a trap.
And the thing is, it works! You can see that even tho Hanzo is doubtful and suspicious of wtf is going on (and honestly that is a very fair reaction to the situation), he's listening to Kuai Liang. He's trying to hear the guy out!
It's also pretty clear that Kuai Liang is comfortable with the motions of preparing the tea, like there's no hesitation or fumbling (which might just be bc the game designers didn't want to deal with animating that but I choose to read into it anyways) so its obvious that he practiced this. He wanted to get it right!
And I just can't help but wonder what else Kuai Liang had in place to try and ease communication between them, to try and make Hanzo more comfortable. Like, did he find any Shirai Ryu items that had been taken as trophies and intend to return them (bc lbr, the Lin Kuei def took trophies)? Was he going to offer to let Hanzo stay the night? Like what was the rest of his plan had Frost not intervened?
Like Kuai Liang went so far out of his way to show Hanzo "I mean you no harm, I just want to talk" in the most polite and respectful way he could and Hanzo sees that! It's why he's so confused during the whole interaction bc to him it doesn't make sense. Kuai Liang should, rightfully, hate him.
And, just a side note, I don't think Hanzo ever blamed Kuai Liang for trying to kill him that one time. Like, Hanzo wasn't gonna let him, but he knows that he killed Kuai Liang's brother, so I think he understands why Kuai Liang hates him so much. It's why (as I read into it, this isn't confirmed) he doesn't kill the cryomancer in the mkx blood ties comics, and instead just leaves him there to bleed to death (dick move tho) bc he doesn't want to kill him. He just wants their feud to stop, bc he doesn't have any quarrel with Kuai Liang.
He might not like the Lin Kuei, but the ones responsible for what happened to him are dead, and by now I think he'd have figured out that Kuai Liang wasn't involved. So he's not trying to be the guy's best friend, but part of him doesn't want to be his enemy any more (I have so many thoughts about that whole interaction too, like that is my second Roman Empire)
But, back to the topic at hand:
The thing is, no one would have expected Kuai Liang to do all that. No one would have ever expected him to try so hard or be so kind about it. He now has proof that Hanzo did the very thing he's been accused of for years, he killed Bi-Han unjustly. Kuai Liang would have been well within his rights to simply send Hanzo that information some other way, without ever facing him.
Hell, he'd be pretty justified in just killing Hanzo over it bc all of these characters seem to agree that vengeance and justice are about the same thing (I mean, canon is slightly more nuanced than that, but that's the general gist of it).
And i think Hanzo knows that, and a part of him almost wants Kuai Liang to do it after he finds out.
but he doesn't
Instead, Kuai Liang offers him an alliance and an apology for what the Lin Kuei did (which, btw, I know we see real regret from Hanzo in that same scene but he does owe Kuai Liang an actual apology with actual words) and lets their feud end. Kuai Liang takes informatoon that would drive anyone else mad with rage and grief (*cough* Hanzo *cough*) and instead chooses to be kind.
I really wonder what that scene would have looked like if Frost hadn't interrupted, if she had trusted Kuai Liang to make the right choice and just let it happen.
How would that change their relationship and its development?
How would Kuai Liang have broken the news?
What else had he planned to say and would Hanzo have listened?
Roman empire guys, roman empire
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summerwritesfics · 1 month
🗺️Your Heart Pounding In My Head
Pairing: Gen Length: 1008 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Modern AU, Horror, Stalking, Found Footage, Mentioned Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang, Abduction, Seeking Answers, Suspicions, Missing Persons AU-Gust 2024 Day 13: Found Footage
AU-Gust 2024 Masterlist
Notes: I’m sure IRL police procedure would have taken all Kuai’s electronics to look for clues already, but, lets face it, that would be no where near as dramatic as Bi-Han going through the files :) Title is from Haunted by Evanescence
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Bi-Han let out a rough sigh, falling into the chair and placing his head in his hands at the same time. The day had been particularly draining. Granted, everyday had been draining since Kuai Liang’s disappearance, but today had proven to be particularly rough. They’d approached the media for the first time, looking to get the word out to the masses. He hoped someone out there would have seen his brother, and maybe they’d be a little closer to knowing where he was.
He had his own theory, but it had been mostly ignored. Just because Hanzo Hasashi, Kuai Liang’s ex-boyfriend, had an alibi for the last time Kuai Liang was seen, it didn’t mean he wasn’t responsible. Detective Blade didn’t seem convinced, stating that she couldn’t find any sort of connection or reason. As if a very bitter breakup wasn’t a powerful motive. Fuck’s sake.
He finally sat up straight, staring blankly around the apartment. There had to be some sort of clue. Some sort of evidence that they’d missed. His eyes landed on the table, and an item innocently sat upon it that he hadn’t previously considered. Kuai Liang’s video camera.
His little brother took that thing around with him practically everywhere. Bi-Han wasn’t sure why, it wasn’t like he was a vlogger on the internet or something. Kuai always said he just liked having videos as memories. He must have filmed hundreds of day trips, concerts, parties, and even just things as simple as going grocery shopping. Bi-Han always thought it was weird, but let his brother have his fun.
But, with Kuai Liang filming just about everything in his life, maybe there would be some clues to his current whereabouts.
He walked over to the camera, grabbing it as he made his way to Kuai Liang’s room. The SD card of the camera would only have the most recent videos, but he knew Kuai had everything else on his hard drive. Thankfully, he knew Kuai’s passwords, as he turned on his laptop, he removed the SD card from the camera. He’d start with the newest stuff first, and then maybe go back and see if there was anything relevant in the older stuff.
Eventually the laptop loaded, and Bi-Han was able to put the SD card in the reader and click on the last video Kuai filmed. His heart clenched when he saw his little brother’s face fill the screen. Quickly clicking play, he sat back and watched. There was nothing amiss about it, just Kuai documenting a walk he was taking. He was talking to the camera, explaining he’d seen some nice flowers and birds. He gave proper scientific names for them, because he was an absolute nerd who knew that sort of shit. Bi-Han smiled to himself, he used to lose his mind over Kuai’s overly detailed talks about stuff like this, but he’d give anything for Kuai to start telling him the scientific names of animals again.
As he was watching though, he noticed someone in the background. Of course, people would be in the background, and he wouldn’t have thought it weird usually, but the spot Kuai was in was quite secluded. Not to mention, the man had a very unique appearance. He was bald, with red tattoos over his head and arms, and dark rings around his eyes that Bi-Han assumed was makeup. Kuai Liang didn’t react, at least not at first, until he sat down on a bench.
“I seem to run into that guy everywhere,” Kuai whispered into the camera, before covertly trying to film over his shoulder. The man was standing a fair way back, but even Bi-Han could tell he was watching Kuai Liang. He felt a tingling down his spine. “It’s getting strange now. I’m sure he doesn’t mean harm though. I mean, if he wanted to kill me this is the perfect place to do so.”
Kuai Liang giggled to himself, which just made Bi-Han feel sad. This was only a couple of days before Kuai’s disappearance. He couldn’t have known what would happen barely a week later.
But the information that Kuai Liang had seen this man a lot, combined with the fact he seemed to be looking at Kuai, gave Bi-Han something more concrete to search for. He began to go back into the videos. Every so often he spotted the man in the background. In a crowd, sat on a bench or at a table not too far from him. He was more frequently seen in the newer videos, but even as Bi-Han went back a few months, he still spotted him in every other video. It wasn’t until he got about a year back that the man couldn’t be seen.
He tried to document every time the man was on screen, taking screenshots and making notes of which video it was from and the time stamp. As he did, Bi-Han’s mind was running a million miles an hour. Who was this guy? How was he in so many of Kuai Liang’s videos? Sure, if he lived in the city, he might show up every now and then. But the frequency with which he did, to the point Kuai Liang commented on it, and in very obscure and secluded areas? In Bi-Han’s mind, it all rather pointed to one thing.
Kuai Liang was being stalked.
Maybe I was wrong about Hanzo. Sure, whoever this guy was could have been hired by Hanzo, but that seemed somewhat unlikely. Kuai Liang and Hanzo only broke up about a month ago, while this had been going on for around a year.
Either way, it felt like something Detective Blade would be interested in.
He grabbed his phone, pulling up her number.
After a few rings, he heard the phone click and a very tired sounding voice saying “hello, Mr. Song.”
“Good evening, Detective Blade, I’m sorry to disturb you.” He took a deep breath, staring at the screenshots he’d gathered of the man. “I think I’ve found something you might want to see.”
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inky-snowdrop · 1 year
Mortal Kombat 11: Civil War
A Mortal Kombat Multi-Chapter Fanfiction
Pairings: Mileena/Scorpion || Hanzo Hasashi, Kitana/SubZero || Kuai Liang (implied), Sonya Blade/Erron Black
Rating: M (18+)
(canon-typical violence, implied sexual content, strong language, cannibalism, graphic depictions of blood, gore, and death)
Originally Written In: 2015
<- Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 ->
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"Where the hell is that fucking keyhole!" Cassie screamed for the fourth time, kicking the rock wall that lay before her. She had been searching for over two hours and still she found nothing, not a hole or a key. Nothing. For the sixth time that day, Cassie walked over to Sub-Zero to ask for help. He meditating quietly on a rock nearby when Cassie walked up to him and yelled, "I can't find the key! Or a hole for that matter! Do you have any idea where it could be?" Sub-Zero gave her the same answer he gave her the last six times she asked him.
Chapter 3 ~ Cassie Cage
"Unlock your mind and you shall find the key," was all he said before he returned to meditating.
"You said that the last 6 fucking times I asked you! I don't know what you mean! Just tell me!" Cassie yelled as she flung her rod into the rock wall… again. Sub-Zero didn't even move. Cassie was now shaking with rage and she said, "Fine! Whatever! I'll find a way in without a key!" Cassie turned on her heel and stomped away.
"Cassandra Cage. You are making this far harder then it has to be," Sub-Zero said as he got up and joined Cassie at the rock wall. He pressed his hands firmly on the wall and mumbled something under his breath. The wall then began to change, taking on a new form. It had turned into an icy doorway. Cassie watched all of this with disbelief in her eyes. It had taken Sub-Zero thirty seconds to do something she had been trying to do in two hours.
"How'd you do that?" Cassie asked quietly as she picked up her rod.
Sub-Zero smiled and said, "I unlocked my mind." He then stepped through the icy door and into the rock wall as Cassie thought of what he just said. 'Sure,' She thought as she passed through the door. 'Answer my question with a riddle.'
The inside of the rock wall was very dark and there wasn't a lot of room to move down the hallway. As soon as Cassie stepped through the doorway, the ice caved in on itself, destroying the door. Cassie could feel the cold energy seeping off of Sub-Zero and onto her behind him. 'Of course it was a spell,' Cassie yelled in her head. 'The only thing I can't fucking do.' Eventually, they reached the end of the hallway and they were overcome by light. And Cassie saw them. The Earthrealm greats, at a table with the leader of it all sitting at the head. They seemed to be discussing something, so Cassie decided to stay back and let them talk. But they must have noticed her because as soon as they walked in, they all stopped talking and stared at her. Sub-Zero walked right up to the table and took his seat next to Jax, but Cassie didn't know where to go so she just stood there like an idiot. There was no sound for seven whole seconds until finally Sonya snapped her fingers and pointed to the seat next to her. Cassie took her time walking up to the table, the haughty spring back in her step. She jutted her chin out to Jacquinn, who smiled in return. Cassie slid into the seat and popped her gum loudly, telling everyone that she was no pushover. She was an ass kicking bitch. Raiden cleared his throat and continued.
"Earthrealmers. There is a reason I have called you here on the twenty-second of December. But before we discuss, I must thank the people in this room who have protected Earthrealm tirelessly for all these years." Cassie noticed something different about him. He almost looked… darker? She sat up a little straighter. " The Cages, the Briggs family, Kuai Liang, Kung-Jin, Sonya, and Takeda. You have all done great deeds for your realm and we thank you for it." The whole room erupted in claps and cheers. Cassie could feel her face growing warm. Raiden held his hand up to silence them. "Now to more pressing issues…" The conference room was then filled with the familiar smell of something burning. The entrance to the room was then erupted with hell fire. When it subsided, there stood Scorpion, a pissed off expression on his face.
"Why did you summon me here?" Scorpion snapped as he walked across the room to Raiden, his arms crossed.
Raiden stood from his seat and said, "I am in need of your aid. Please, sit." Raiden gestured to a chair next to him. Scorpion didn't move. Cassie almost laughed at how serious he was, but then remembered her means of getting here and closed her mouth. Raiden sat back down and said, "As you all know, Earthrealm and Outworld have never been allies in any crisis and has always posed as the greatest threat to Earthrealm. We all have been defending Earthrealm for years and there has been a great deal of slaughter because of it. With no Kahns in line for the throne, Outworld is weakened and this is our chance to merge Earth Realm with Outworld and stop the slaughter once and for all!"
There were murmurs of approval in the audience when Cassie raised her hand and asked, "Wouldn't that kill everyone on Outworld? Including you?" Sonya kicked her from under the table.
Raiden waved a hand in her direction and said, "We would evacuate Outworld first. And we need documentation from Kotal Kahn so that we may do this. Which is where you come in." Raiden pointed at Cassie as she popped her gum again. "Cassandra Cage, Sonya Blade, Jacquinn Briggs, Kuai Liang, Kitana,and Hanzo Hasashi will go to Outworld and get that signature for me," Raiden said as thunder boomed throughout the conference room.
"I have other business to attend to," Scorpion snarled as he turned on his heel and began to walk away. Raiden teleported in front of him and pushed him backwards, back into the the conference room.
"You will do as I ask," Raiden commended as he put a hand up to block the way out. Scorpion began to flame up and he curled his hands into fists. But almost as soon as he looked at Raiden's face, he let a sigh and fire went out almost immediately. Cassie watched all of this in astonishment. 'He could have roasted him alive,' Cassie thought as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Raiden walked back to the table and said, "Be still." Then, he blew a powder all over everyone at the table, causing them all to sneeze. When Cassie opened her eyes, she felt better then she ever felt in her life. She reached to the back of her neck and was shocked to see that all the burns she got earlier were gone. She looked at her mother and did a double take. Her mother looked like she was twenty-five again, with no blemishes or anything. She looked at her father and saw the same thing happened to him. In fact, everyone at the table looked like they were in their late twenties, early thirties. Everyone started talking at once, including herself. Raiden held up his hand and silenced everyone once again. "If I did not read your name, you are dismissed."
Almost everyone left except Cassie, Sonya, Jaquinn, Sub-Zero, and Scorpion. "How did you do this?" Jaquinn asked as she walked over to Raiden.
"It is a powder that can turn people back to the age they find the most appealing," Raiden said as he stood from his chair.
"How did you even make that? With unicorn hair?" Sonya snapped as she twisted her hair into a bun and shoved her chair into the table, causing the whole thing to shake.
"Mom. You're 20 years younger then you were 5 minutes ago, and you're complaining about it?" Cassie gaped in disbelief. "Well. I would rather not be the same age as my daughter, if you don't mind!" Sonya hissed as she took her position next to Raiden, glaring at her daughter all the while.
"You said it would be us AND Kitana. Kitana is dead, right?" Cassie asked as she spit out her gum on to the floor, trying to change the subject to something that would not involve a major grounding.
"That would the incorrect term, but yes. Perhaps I am dead," a voice mused from the entrance of the conference room. Everyone turned and saw a figure clad in her blue tournament emerge from the tunnel.
"Kitana," Sub-Zero breathed as she walked over to the group.
"Whoa," Cassie said while staring at Kitana. Other then the fact that Kitana had red glowing eyes and grey skin, she looked stunning.
Kitana smiled and said, "Raiden has recruited me from my kingdom to help you with this quest. I know the halls of Shao Kahn's palace better then anyone still alive. I can guide you in and out." Scorpion laughed. Everyone turned and stared at him.
"You think they will let us in willingly?" Scorpion snapped. "There will be guards around every corner and I believe they would not take kindly of the sister of the rebel!"
Kitana's smile melted into frown as she spat, "I am not my clone of a sister! She was made from my blood, nothing more!" Scorpion snorted.
"Alrighty then," Cassie said as she stepped in between the two greats. "Raiden, when are we leaving?"
Raiden turned his head to look at Cassie and said, "This moment." The lightning struck again, enveloping the group and sending them to Outworld
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smokyvrbada · 2 years
Any head cannons for Cyrax
Of course! Cyrax has been one of my favorites for as long as I can remember, here ya go!😊
General HC's for Cyrax
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Summary: General Headcanons for Cyrax
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), canon-typical violence + death, angst, mentions of abuse and loss, Cyrax honestly needs to make a comeback
The only assassin out of the main five Lin Kuei to join the clan under his own decisions, in a way. After losing both his parents when he was in his early teen years, Lin Kuei scouts approached Cyrax in Botswana, having observed his skill in kombat for some time now; at this point, he did not know they were Lin Kuei, rather thinking they were offering their condolences. In a state of grief, he went with them willingly, seeking a newfound purpose and the rest is history; Cyrax was 14 when he officially joined the Lin Kuei.
Cyrax befriended Bi-Han before Sektor maybe a week or so after his arrival; they honestly have a stronger friendship. He would often get paired up with one of them on missions, both Bi-Han and Sektor had gained mutual respect for him. Cyrax acts as the voice of reason in the trio when they are on missions together; he tends to hang around Sektor a lot more though, brainstorming more ideas for weapons and such, they even have their own workshop.
It took well over a year after joining for Cyrax to be fully accustomed to Lin Kuei life; he was shocked upon hearing/seeing the brutality of it all. Within a couple months of being at the temple, Kuai Liang and Smoke would often flood him with questions, curious about the idea of life outside the Lin Kuei. It broke Cyrax's heart a little, but he finds comfort in recalling fond memories of his past, as it helps him cope and reflect.
Cyrax is mostly peaceful, a laid-back man, at least when he's not in kombat; like Smoke, he doesn't talk much, but he won't shy away from a conversation he finds interesting. Cyrax can be very sarcastic/straightforward when he wants to be, and has a great sense of humor. He quickly learned not to question the clan's morals, but they don't exactly stop him in doing what he believes to be right (i.e. refusing to kill Johnny Cage in MK9 + speaking out against the Cyber Initiative).
Surprisingly, Cyrax is the second youngest Lin Kuei in the group; all of them have relatively short age gaps, I'd like to think Smoke beats him by only a few months; Cyrax's facial hair makes a big difference though. Also is one of the few members in the entire clan to join at such a late age. Cyrax likes being paired up with Smoke and Kuai Liang since they're closer in age and get along better; not that he doesn't mind being on joint missions with Bi-Han or Sektor, but he feels slightly more at ease with the others.
Tends to get migraines a lot due to stress. It doesn't help that on top of that he's constantly building/around technology, after a while Cyrax can get overwhelmed by it. He was requested by the Grandmaster to make armor prototypes to help warriors thrive in more extreme conditions; unbeknownst to him, Cyrax would create the framework for the Cyber Lin Kuei's bodies.
Overall, Cyrax has a kind soul, hidden under the aloof exterior that all Lin Kuei are acclimated into; he often regrets letting his guard down in such a vulnerable state, but has grown to adapt and survive in the Lin Kuei. Unfortunately, it caused him to get mixed up with the wrong people, and ultimately, he lost his humanity in the end.
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scorpion125 · 1 month
Kuai Liang figures how to distract his wife while alone.
Its a peaceful ordinary day at the Shirai Ryu base, Harumi was helping her husband who are in the office room going over new helpful strategies to help defend against Bihan.
See if we use this we method we might have a better chance at success don't you agree. Harumi offered speaking to her husband who was gazing lovingly at her listening.
Um dearest are you even listening to me? Harumi asked.
Huh yeah I'm listening your going over what we should do in case of another attack against us.
Uh right... anyway like I was saying I think we should use this one but then again we could no that one won't work unless the enemy would probably suspect that. Harumi looks at all other strategies not liking a single one looks over one after another after another none of them seem the perfect one.
Oh why are none these ideas working I can't figure out one that works?
Harumi... Kuai leans over brushes his lips against hers cutting her off by surprise reciprocated the kiss tenfold.
After a while the need to come for air he pulls his lips away from hers.
Harumi pants trying to catch her breath.
W-what was that for?
To make you less worry we will find a way. Her husband reassures her.
Your right let's keep looking because there got to be away to stop him and soon.
And we will.
I know we will let's keep looking theirs got to be one good strategie the sooner we put it in place the better we can use it to put an end to your brother madness.Harumi determine.
Kuai Liang nods agreeing with his wife. Let's hope it will hopefully bring peace between the realms.
I hope so we could use some peace right now we could sure use it even though I know peace doesn't last long even if it for a little while I wouldn't mind. But that thoughtless thinking.
What do you mean by that? Kuai Liang asks his wife
I'm saying between our battles to protect Earth realm and champions we swore to protect that's great and all but just once I would like wake up to no threats peace and tranquility without having to worry about the next madman or woman who tries to conquer Earthrealm or the realms are in danger once again. Harumi signs knowing it's bound to happen over again when is it ever going to end.
Hey that won't happen we won't let it and let them try to conquer Earth realm or any realm for that matter they will have to go through me and the Shirai Ryu and champions first.
Your right let them try they won't know what hit them and maybe when this crisis is over we can begin having a our own little warrior or warriors. Kuai Liang catches on her last comment blushes does a fake cough.
What do you think?
Y-you want kids?
Yes I love kids I always wanted to have kids infact as a little girl I- harumi cuts the story short covers her mouth blushes makes her husband raise eyebrow.
Why did you stop i like to hear the end of that story.
No way it's too embarrassing.
Not to me it will please me to hear.
Um well please don't laugh. I use to pretend my stuff animals were my own babies I would talk to them feed them I would also cuddle them as I sleep.
Kuai chuckles at the end of her story aww I wish I had a picture of that I bet you were adorable.
Harumi hides her face in embarrassment.
Kuai removes her hand off her face.
Don't hide from me I like seeing you blush makes you even prettier.
Oh Kuai.
Harumi wraps her arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around her waist. They both look at each other lovingly as she leans down pecks him on the lips he returns the peck before he dominates the kiss.
Hmmm... dearest. She closes her eyes in bliss as he pulls them both down on the floor still lip lock strategies can wait for another time it all about being lost in each other.
the end.
0 notes
cienie-isengardu · 2 years
I am fascinated by Bi-Han, his intelligence, discipline, sarcasm and how he always seems to have everything under control. Do you think that the Grand Master ever had him in mind as his successor? I like the idea that he and Sektor were allies instead of rivals. How do you think he has that self-esteem? Because maybe if for Sektor the Lin kuei was secret hell, Bi-Han maybe he didn't have such a bad time being the star fighter.
The Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero pretty much established that Bi-Han was recognized by the Grandmaster as one of the best Lin Kuei assassins but personally I have never got the feeling Bi-Han was in the line of succession or to be aware of the Grandmaster’s eventual interest in him in that regard. This hunch of mine is based mainly on:
❆ how little Sub-Zero had in say when dealing with Quan Chi
❆ how easily Grandmaster ignored Bi-Han’s legitimate accusation of the client
❆ how Bi-Han would face punishment if he failed a mission (“I had no choice. If I had not stolen that map I would be the dead one.”)
Of course, our knowledge about succession laws in Lin Kuei is limited. Modern Old & Current Timelines at this point are more about killing the previous leader than upholding any potential traditions however Mortal Kombat Conquest TV series has a resemble of someone that could pass as Grandmaster’s right-hand man and/or protege - we saw these two men talking about clan politics, cryomancer’s training and how said man took over the clan once Grandmaster was slayed by rebellious Sub-Zero. This may not be much but the example shows that the title of Grandmaster could be passed in a more controlled way than devastating internal struggles between few warriors.
Bi-Han did not feel for me remotely on equal ground with his superior even if the man openly praised him or tolerated his lack of social skills or the cryomancer’s nature.
At the same time, we know from various sources that Sub-Zero’s title was passed down for the last 4 or 5 generations between Bi-Han’s family and yet, the blood ties weren't a good enough claim for the mantle and each Sub-Zero needed to prove their  worth to such honor. So there is a chance that Bi-Han wasn’t yet aware how truly interested in his skills and cunning was Grandmaster and simply never had a chance to learn how high in the rank he could raise over the years. 
(Though I do have a personal theory that cryomancers weren’t seen as the best candidates to inherit Grandmaster’s title, especially not after one Sub-Zero killed a clan leader and ran away. Generally speaking, cryomancers so far don’t strike me as very social creatures and leading a clan requires some understanding and effort in maintaining working relationships with clients and keeping under control the whole clan. Kuai Liang’s determination to success in my opinion is more rooted in his trauma than his natural need to form bonds with other heroes but that's beside the point.)
I’m all for Bi-Han and Sektor being allies, which lately seems to be strongly implied by sources more and more often. Though to be honest, I’m not sure where the idea came from that they were rivals? Anyway, yes I can see them finding a common ground despite the extremely different approach to technology. 
I’m also sure that the better a fighter person is, the better their social standing in the clan. At the same time, looking at Bi-Han alone, being the best is no less hazardous and maybe ironically even worse since Sub-Zero went from one dangerous mission to another with little breaks in between. He may have had Grandmaster’s favor but it could have turned quickly against him  so I don’t think maintaining perfection all the time was an easy job. Generally speaking, being a Lin Kuei warrior wasn’t an easy task, regardless of the person's level of skills.
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kuai-liangst · 2 years
Lost Snow Child Chapter Two
@michael-young-history since you said you wanna be @ for these.
Allison meets Kuai Liang and some things are just not adding up.
Cole wakes up to the door closing with a warm weight in his arms. A soft hum comes from Tundra, who clung to him for dear life.
“Cole, I’m….home,” Allison calls out as she walks in and sees Tundra in his arms. “...What?” She asks as Tundra rubs his eyes.
Tundra blearily looks over at Allison, “Mister Cole? Is this your wife?”
“Yes, this is Allison,” Cole tells him as he starts to sit up. “I found him in the blizzard, do you mind...” Cole doesn’t even get a chance to finish speaking as Allison marches over and crouches in front of Cole and Tundra.
“How are you feeling? Are you hurting or feeling weird anywhere?” Allison asks Tundra, who shakes his head.
“The cold doesn’t bother me,” Tundra tells her as he squirms out of the blankets. “I...shouldn’t stay. Big Brother is going to be worried about me.”
Allison crouches down, “Where do you live? We can take you there after the storm ends.”
Tundra flinches and looks at her, terrified, “I can’t tell anyone that. I’ll get in big trouble.”
Well, that answers that. Even if the kid isn’t in a fucking cult, he’s not going back. 
“Why would you get in trouble?” Allison asks softly.
Tundra shakes his head, “I’m not allowed to talk about that stuff. I shouldn’t be outside at all. The Grandmaster is going to kill me.”
“...Will he kill you?” Allison asks again softly as she looks over Tundra.
Tundra is silent for a second before shaking his head, “No, Big Brother would tear him apart if he did. But, he probably will whip me.”
“...Whip you?” Allison asks as Cole grips his leg. He swears he can hear an inhuman growl in the back of his head.  “Have you been wiped before?”
Tundra nods, “When I was bad. It hasn’t happened since the bad man….” Tundra trails off as he wraps his arms around himself. “Big Brother won’t let anyone hurt me anymore.”
“I’m sure he won’t, but...it’s not good that you’ve whipped. Have you been whipped recently?” Allison gently tells him, carefully wording her sentences.
Tundra is silent again, his face furrowed in concentration. “No...but my scars from the bad man hurt sometimes.”
“Scars from the bad man?” Allison gently repeats, and Tundra strips off his tunic.
Cole almost pukes at how deep the scars were, they were covering the child’s torso, and Cole isn’t sure how Tundra is still in one piece.
“These look like they hurt to get,” Allison says, “Cole, can you please get the ointment? It won’t completely remove the scars, but we can only hope that it helps them.”
Tundra hums, “...Miss Allison, where are we?”
“We’re on the Southside of Chicago.” Allison gently says as she looks over at Tundra.
Tundra looks at her, confused, “What’s a Chicago?”
“It’s...a city in the United States,” More blank staring, “Tundra, sweetie? Where are you from?”
Tundra blinks, “I’m from China, I think?”
“That’s...across the globe. How did you get here?” She asks.
Tundra frowns and then shrugs, “I don’t know. I’ve never gone this far before.”
“Would you like to stay here since you can’t tell us where you live and you’re from halfway across the globe? Your brother is probably looking for you. Is there any way to contact him?”
Tundra shakes his head, “No, but Bi...Big Brother will find me. He’ll always find me.”
Allison smiles gently, “He sounds amazing. I can’t wait to meet him.”
Something was going on.
Bi-Han wasn’t sure what, but there was something suspicious going on with Kuai Liang.
And it wasn’t just that he’s been almost constantly sent on missions.
He hasn’t seen Kuai Liang for over six months, and Bi-Han doubts that every time he’s returned, it’s because both Kuai Liang and Tomas were playing in the nearby village.
Something was going on.
Tomas and Kuai Liang were missing, and Bi-Han was going to figure out what happened to his little brother.
But first, he was going to kill the descendants of the man who brutally cut apart his little brother and the other children of their clan.
It was his mistake to let there be a survivor of the Shirai Ryu. He will fix this.
The Shirai Ryu will not hurt his little brother again. He won’t let anyone hurt Kuai Liang or Tomas again.
He’ll kill anyone who tries.
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