#mortal kombat 11: civil war
inky-snowdrop · 1 year
Mortal Kombat 11: Civil War
A Mortal Kombat Multi-Chapter Fanfiction
Pairings: Mileena/Scorpion || Hanzo Hasashi, Kitana/SubZero || Kuai Liang (implied), Sonya Blade/Erron Black
Rating: M (18+)
(canon-typical violence, implied sexual content, strong language, cannibalism, graphic depictions of blood, gore, and death)
Originally Written In: 2015
<- Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 ~ FINAL
Notes: You may be wondering why this fic is ending here... Well, I wrote the rest of this story on a school computer and then lost all my progress when they shut down my old school account when I graduated 🙃 Yes I was that kid that wrote porn at school. Don't be like me fellas
Chapter 6 ~ Cassie Cage
"This is ridiculous!" Cassie whispered to her mother she walked down the hallways of Shao Kahn's palace. "We could totally over power them! We just need Mr. Sunshine over there to help this time." Scorpion shot her a dirty look and continued walking to the dining hall. "How much farther to the dining room!" Cassie yelled in frustration. "This girl needs to eat soon or someone's gonna die."
"Keep your mouth closed," Tanya snapped as they turned a corner and entered a long, narrow hallway. At the end, there were black painted doors, savagely marked from something that was very hungry.
Cassie gave Tanya the fuck off sign as she yelled, "I have free rights. I'M AMERICAN!" Kitana looked like she was going to rip Cassie's head off, spine and all, if she didn't shut up. 'Who cares what the bitch thinks,' Cassie thought as her stomach growled. 'So, SO hungry!' They reached the end of the tunnel and Cassie helped open the door because she was so hungry. But… "WHERE THE HELL IS THE FOOD!" Cassie screamed as Tanya shoved Sonya in, along with Kitana. Erron literally kicked Scorpion to get him inside, getting a second degree burn in the process.
Skarlet just watched from the doorway, her ruby eyes staring into Cassie's. "You will stay here until Mileena comes," Tanya hissed as she closed the doors, slamming them with a crack!
"Then where are you going?!" Sonya snarled as she began to pull at the handle that held the door, actually wrenching it backwards before it snapped forward again.
"We have to find your friends before they get back to Earth Realm and warn everybody of where you are," it was Erron's voice this time, his accent still apparent even through the giant doors. Cassie looked away from the door and observed her surroundings for food. There was a oaken carved table in the middle of the room with what seemed to be fifty chairs on both sides. The walls were painted a blood red color, which kinda scared Cassie. There was another door on the opposite side of the room, directly across from the one they came in. After searching for thirty seconds, Cassie went to examine the other door.
"Enough! Leave if you must!" Scorpion roared as he set the whole door on fire, flinging one of his spears into the door and heaved. The door would have come off its hinges if someone hadn't been pulling the door in the other direction.
"What the hell?" Sonya said as she peered through the charred door and saw there was no one on the other side. "Nobody there."
" The doors must be magik," Kitana said with her perfect edianian vocals (Oh yes, Cassie was still pissed at her) as she touched the door just to be repealed with a burst of green magik.
"It looks like the work of Ermac," Sonya said as she blast a pink beam into the force field and saw it come flying out in the other direction.
"Ermac worked for Kotal Kahn. Why is he with Mileena?" Scorpion asked as he placed two hands on the door, lit them on fire, testing it for magik.
"I'm starving!" Cassie called from the other door, knocking on it to see if it is was protected with magik too.
"Your voice is hurting my head. Please be quiet," KItana called back as Cassie turned and let out a sound that only girls can make. Everyone turned and gave her a nasty look.
Cassie shrugged her shoulders and said, "Maybe the witch did it?"
Kitana smiled and said with a flirty laugh, "Do you and I have a problem, Cassandra?"
Cassie was beginning to understand Scorpion's point of view as she seethed, "Of course we do! Your so PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL and it gets annoying after a while that whatever I do, you're so much better then me!" All that filled the room was silence, a deathly silence.
"And do have more to say?" Kitana asked as she smoothed her perfect teal tournament uniform, clearly not offended by any of the things Cassie just said.
Cassie was pretty much just shaking with rage as she found her voice and roared, "And you what else!? Jacquinn and Sub-Zero could be dead right now! BECAUSE OF YOU!"
Kitana's eyes widened and she yelled, "I was not the one who left her teammate behind, as you told me at the ridge!"
"And I didn't leave my BOYFRIEND!" KItana's eyes filled with hate as she threw one of her fans at Cassie, embedding itself deep into her shoulder. Cassie cried out in pain as Kitana jumped over a chair and threw herself at Cassie. She hit the floor hard, with Cassie on the bottom as she began to punch her face over and over again.
"You have NO IDEA how much I have seen, CASSANDRA! You know NOTHING of the pain in my heart!" Kitana screamed as she ripped out her other fan and embedded that into Cassie's other shoulder.
"My name is not Cassandra! It's CASSIE!" Cassie roared as she kneed Kitana in the crotch. Kitana fell backwards and hit a chair, with Cassie on top, punching her head again. Kitana flicked her arm and a blue mist escaped her hand. It made the fans open. They ripped through tissue and bone as Cassie screamed. It wasn't a quiet scream ether, it was a raw throated scream. Even in the depths of her chambers, Mileena heard the noise and smiled to herself.
Kitana was ripped off Cassie by Sonya as she threw her against the door. "Aright! You listen, bitch…" Sonya said as she held down Kitana. Scorpion looked at Cassie's wounds as she tried to shoot Kitana with her gun.
"Don't move," Scorpion hissed as he seared the wounds shut. A yelp escaped Cassie's throat as she breathed in more air, trying to make the pain stop.
"Th… thank you," she whispered as she stood up and leaned on the table.
Scorpion nodded his head slightly and said quietly, "Do not trust Kahn family. They are smart and cunning, as well as being powerful in words and actions."
"I could say the same thing to you, Scorpion," Cassie said as she sat in the nearest chair. Scorpion's eyes narrowed with suspicion as Cassie continued, "I saw the way Mileena looked at you. She likes you and not just in a passing type of thing. She likes you."
"I do not follow," Scorpion said as he sat next to her, his eyes glimmering with a faint fire.
Cassie gave him a are-you-that-stupid look as she said, "I had a girl in my class last year, her name was Jessica Portsworth, and she acted just like Mileena, except, of course, the teeth. Anyway, she really liked this guy, Thomas Linderly, and one time he had a party… and she went… and 8 months later she was pregnant. See what I'm getting at?"
Scorpion's eyes began to glow again as he asked, "You believe Mileena wishes to seduce me?"
"I think a little more then a little bit," Cassie said as she twisted the wrong way and cracked her neck by accident.
Scorpion snorted and stood up, away from the table, and snarled, "I do not indulge myself in fleshly pleasures."
"Hey. That's what every man and woman says and yet, we have a population problem," Cassie snapped as her stomach growled again. Scorpion eyes became encased with fire as she quickly added, "I just saying what I think might happen! Don't go all fire demon on me!" Scorpion gave Cassie a shut-the-fuck-up look as he went to help Sonya hold down Kitana. Once again, Cassie was alone and Kitana had all the friends, ether helping her discover what kind of magik was keeping us in or being held down for attacking a soldier. Cassie sighed unhappily and kinda missed the game day mess and her father, remembering his corny jokes and funny attitude… Tears stung Cassie's eyes as she wiped away any daring to run down her face.
Only she didn't move her hands at all and she didn't have claws ether. "Clever girl," a voice whispered in her ear, sounding strikingly like Kitana, but with a more girly tone. Cassie then heard a growl and thought it was her stomach, but it was instead a growl of a hungry tarkatan. She whipped around and saw Mileena standing behind her, with her hot pink mask and black teeth shapes on this time. She stood over her in her fishnet stockings and pink boots that went all the way up past her knee cap, which was covered with a diamond shaped crest, all in black. 'Scorpion better watch out,' Cassie thought in her head as she leaned as far away from Mileena and her deadly fangs. 'Damn! Even Kitana's CLONE is cute! No, not cute. Sexy is a better word.' Mileena stared at Cassie, making her feel like she wore no pants to Outworld today. "I know it feels to be in someone's shadow. To be overlooked," Mileena whispered into Cassie's ear, her teeth inches from her face.
"Okay, Mileena! Personal space bubble!" Cassie yelled, trying to get Sonya's attention. Fortunately, it worked.
"How in the hell did YOU get in here?!" Sonya yelled as she marched over to Cassie, leaving Scorpion to wrangle Kitana on his own. Cassie felt Mileena back away as she giggled hysterically, waiting for her mother's wrath to befall her. "What the fuck shit was that?!" Sonya seethed as she walked over to Mileena and pointed finger in her face, only Mileena's breasts in between them.
Before she could answer, the originally sealed doors flew open to reveal Ferra, who held a platter of food in her hands. She giggled and screamed at the EarthRealmers,"Ferra bring food for MEAN, BLOND, PRETTY GIRL!"
"Oh thank god!" Cassie exclaimed as she jumped up to help bring the food to the table, but forgot that she couldn't walk very good and fell to the floor.
"Honestly Cassie," Mileena said with a half smile as she teleported the food to the table, in a plume of pink magik as Ferra let out a shriek at the sign of magik. "All you needed to do was ask!" Everyone in the room stared at Mileena with curious eyes, even Cassie, who hadn't been called 'Cassie' since the last time she saw her dad.
"How'd you do that?" Sonya asked out loud as she stepped away from Mileena, her hand reaching up her back towards her guns.
Mileena stared at Sonya, her eyes shining like ambers as she purred, "My new body allows me to!" With a swish of her hand, Cassie was inside a pink tunnel, falling and falling. Then she landed in one of the chairs at the table, the soft cushion breaking her fall. She looked around and noticed all had been dropped in a similar fashion. And everyone looked pretty shaken, even Kitana and Scorpion. Mileena giggled from where she was standing and skipped over to the table, sitting in seat next to Scorpion.
Cassie heard a faint groan come from that direction as Scorpion turned away and looked at the paintings on the walls instead of Mileena. "Where's the drinks?" Cassie asked, trying to help the mood back to a calm environment. Mileena's eyes flicked up to Ferra in the door, who turned a ghost shade of white as she snapped in Outworlder and pointed at the table. Ferra shook from head to toe as she scampered over to the table and placed a red liquid right in front of Cassie, bowing her head in Mileena's direction.
She then screamed as she ran back out the door, "Ferra no-no like WINE!"
Cassie stared at the platter in front of her and turned to Sonya and whispered, "What do I do?"
Sonya smiled as she said through closed teeth, "You EAT it."
Cassie nodded and turned away to open the platter lid when she noticed Kitana staring at it with suspicion in her eyes. "Anything I can get you, Princess," Cassie sneered in Kitana's direction.
Kitana looked at Cassie with her brown, doe eyes and suddenly, Cassie actually listened to her. "Don't eat it," Kitana said as she adjusted one of the golden plates that lay before her.
Mileena gave Kitana a really dirty look. "Why not?" Cassie asked as she tried to push away the platter and only succeeded in almost tipping her chair backwards.
"Yes. Why NOT, Kitana," Mileena asked through clenched teeth as she stared into Kitana's eyes.
Two very angry eyes looked at each other until Kitana hissed, "Because it's poisoned."
Mileena laughed and asked, "Why would I harm anyone? I would barely harm a fly!" Cassie swallowed a giggle as she stared at this sister rivalry.
"Earth Realmers killed your father. And did you not sign a peace treaty with Earth Realm because of this? You do not like Earth Realmers so it would make sense that you would try to kill one," Scorpion interfered as his eyes grew steadily brighter.
"That's not true! I like you!" Mileena said as she walked over to Kitana. "If there was anyone in this room I would kill, it would be Kitana or Cassie." Scorpion's eyes widened because Cassie knew he had all the proof he needed to know now. Mileena turned back and winked at him. He narrowed his eyes.
Mileena giggled as Kitana hissed, "I've seen you kill so many people, it's hard to keep track. And the reason you wouldn't harm fly is because your part fly!"
Mileena slapped her hard, leaving red welts and bloody scratch marks behind. "You dare speak to the Empress of Outworld in such a fashion?!" Mileena yelled in Kitana's face as Kitana shoved her away.
"Whoa! Alright! Let's just calm down and breath in deep and slow…" Sonya didn't even finish her sentence before Mileena threw a chair at her, sending her tumbling to the floor.
"Mom!" Cassie screamed as she dove from her chair to make sure that Sonya was still breathing.
"I'm fine. STOP," Sonya ordered as she sat up and rubbed her body to make sure nothing was broken. "Let's kick some empress ass."
But before they even got up, they heard, "GET OVER HERE!" coming from above them. Cassie looked up at Scorpion as he pulled Mileena away from Kitana and onto his lap.
By his face color, Cassie inferred it was an accident.
"Oh, Hanzo! You naughty boy!" Mileena purred as she cuddled in closer to Scorpion, who looked like he might explode. He shoved Mileena off and looked like he was going to set her on fire when a knock was heard from the door.
"Mileena!" a voice called from the other side of the door. "We found the nubian girl you asked for!" Mileena's whole face lit up as she teleported to the door and opened it, showing a tired Tanya and Erron. In front of them was Jacquinn, her hands and feet bound together. "Jacquinn!" Cassie heard herself say as she made her way over to Jacquinn, who gave her the stink eye.
"Back up, Cassie," Erron said as he swiftly removed one of his guns and clicked it into position.
"What!? I'm helping her, cowboy!" Cassie retorted as she took a step closer.
"I said, 'Back Up'" Erron snarled as he placed a finger on the trigger. Cassie looked at Jacquinn then back to the gun then back to Jacquinn. She really liked Jacquinn, but she couldn't help her if she couldn't move. 
Finally, she gave him the fuck you sign and walked back to Sonya.
"Where did you find our little friend?" Mileena asked as she caressed Jacquinn's cheek, making her flinch backwards.
"She was trying to contact her Earth Realmer friends," Tanya said with a yawn. From where she was standing, Cassie could only hear snippets of the conversation that Mileena was having with Tanya and Erron Black.
After what seemed to be forever, Mileena turned around and said to all, "You may leave. Find your rooms and sleep well. Your Earth Realmer friends will be here in the morn."
Murmurs filled the room as Cassie called to Mileena, "And how do you think we'll find our rooms, exactly?"
Mileena turned back to Cassie and gave her a are-you-stupid look. "Like this," Mileena hissed as she lifted her hand up, pink smoke escaping her palm. Just like that, for the fifth time that day, Cassie was falling. Only this time, the tunnel was pink and glittering. Just like it had swept her up, the tunnel disappeared and Cassie fell onto a bed. She got up quickly and looked at her room for the night. It was painted a deep blue color with sky blue lotus's painted on. It had a white and gold beros lining the walls. There was also white and gold closet on the far side of the room, standing a pretty good height in the air.
Cassie got out of her queen sized bed, with ice blue silk sheets and a deep blue canopy, and walked over to the closet to see what the hell was inside. 'An elephant?' Cassie guessed in her head as she pulled on the doors to open the closet. 'Or maybe a velociraptor?' It was in fact filled with clothes. But not just any clothes. Blue tournament uniforms dating back to the first timeline, which for Cassie, was a long time ago. "Oh SHIT!" Cassie shouted she slammed the closet doors shut and looked out one of the two glass windows.
She was in Kitana's old room, when Shao Kahn was still alive. 'I gotta get out of here,' Cassie thought to herself as she walked over to the white painted doors, preparing to open them. But she couldn't even touch them because of the green magik that surrounded all the doors in the palace. 'Shit, shit, SHIT!' Cassie thought in her head as she paced the floor, trying to decide what to do next. She was trapped in her enemy's old room and couldn't get out. In other words, she was Caged. For the night at least. 'It could be worse,' Cassie thought as she sat on the soft bed, trying to calm her racing heart. 'I could be sharing a room with Kitana. Now, that would be…' A roar interrupted her thoughts, causing her to jump. 'Only one night, one night…. one night…' Cassie repeated to herself as she fell asleep. But one night was all Mileena needed to secure her man… and her heir.
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2309analysis · 5 months
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Want my profile where I share Kitana content? https://www.instagram.com/bladedroyality?igsh=YzVkODRmOTdmMw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
OUTFIT — Kitana wears a semi-full gear outfit with two shoulder-blades on the edges. The two primary colors consist of Blue & Black. Which collapses into irony between the two symbols of the colors — but they balance each other out. Blue seemingly seems to be more of the prominent part of her outfit, with large highlights of black.
Blue symbolizes “serenity, stability, inspiration, and wisdom.” All things that Kitana is deeply known for, if not the most iconic for. To me, in Mortal Kombat 11 she vastly represents strength, inspiration, stability, and wisdom. She does everything for outworlders, and if that isn’t enough, she even blinds her ‘father.’ To further represent her intentions, she calls off the civil war between outworld and the rebels. Symbolic to how she rather have peace and stability than conflict and chaos. The blue is the symbol of her undying spirit for her country, and it represents her intentions for the people. Realizing that conquest and war is not the answer, she chooses to be rational and open-minded. She’s wise for making the call for Baraka, understanding she wants peace rather than conflict. There is no point in fighting for Shao just to cause more and more division between Outworld.
Her blue bandana represents how calm and collected she is. She knows that acting out of reason and being impulsive isn’t going to get her anywhere, let alone convince anyone to fight with her. It is canon that Sheeva holds high regards to her opinions, and will listen to her out of anyone. Kinda symbolizing that she’s one of few people who can get through to most anyone. She’s reasonable, and compassionate, something a lot of leaders should have. Her compassion for the safety and well-being of her people inspires others around her to fight for her cause, if not to protect. Her wisdom and courage stabilizes people’s spirits, she is their upbringing; she is their hope. Notice how happy people are when she announces herself as Kahn? How celebrated the moment is? The sheer happiness on everyone’s face when she is called ‘Kahn.’ Like a fire relighting in the dark; hope has returned.
Black symbolizes elegance, wealth, restraint, and power. Again, things that Kitana are deeply if not most iconically related to. Her elegance is a strict sense from her royal life; her outfits contrast beauty and strength. Her skills with the fan and her flexibility represents her elegant style of Kombat. (It feels right in this statement) It expresses her abilities throughout Kombat more than her character in reason. The black is more prominent through fights, whilst blue is prominent through reason. Why she provided by a blue banana on top of her head rather than a black or patterned one. Both colors represent a different way that her character shines throughout in the game. She is a powerful character both status and skill. She isn’t to be underestimated, but doesn’t let her royalty and privilege define her too. She’s a person who holds much power, and can basically do anything within her imagination, but she acts out of reason and wisdom. Still contrasting between the power and elegance of her status.
I’m sure many people would love to be her or in her shoes. To make decisions, and command armies larger than the average army. She basically has almost everything at her feet, but she never acts out of her morality. She’s honorable, decret when needed. She doesn’t ever act out of line, nor try to tarnish her relationships with other power leaders. Regardless of her reputation among other races / classes. She doesn’t not act other than her own, through experience rather than say. Her open-mindedness keeps her from creating false scenarios or opinions on others. The restraint she holds through herself represents the flexibility of her thoughts and actions. Most of her emotions are similar to serenity, untroubled, peaceful, calm. It holds the balance of reason and rationality with her emotional state. Stressful, but noble. She understands her place, and won’t overstep her authority nor boundaries. She holds everyone she works with in high regard, and thanks them immensely for their help. Without her allies, her becoming ‘Kahn,’ would not be possible.
WEAPONS — Fans are her primary weapon, alongside a staff gifted to her by Jade. Through training she uses the staff, but through Mortal Kombat, she used fans and wind magic. Wind can mean a few things, freedom, and inner peace. Both things that are clearly seen and known through Kitana. Her upbringing in easily picking up fans resonates with her longing to be freed from Shao’s grasp. Using her metal fans to blind him is like taking a huge weight off of a bird, she can be free. She doesn’t have anything else weighing her down.
Fan’s symbolize “prosperity, gradually spreading and flourishing, wealth and royalty.” She does flourish through Kombat, and is an amazing fighter. So it would only make sense to associate self-healing or flourishing throughout a tough time. Something that Kitana has done over and over again, mind-control, conquest, death of both parents’, and unconsented experimentation. Everything that has made Kitana who she is in Mortal Kombat 11 came from those experiences, her undying passion for the greater good. How she portrays herself, the way she can and will cut off any kind of ‘unnecessary relationships.’ She is swift and courageous, like anyone, she is somebody who is proud and willing to help out anyone in need. Through her becoming Kahn, she no longer is shackled by the chains that held her back. Which was Shao Kahn, her ‘father.’ She is flourishing through the longed for and deserved freedom. She now protects her people, and can finally take matters into her own hands. Regardless of how stressful it will be.
Her prosperous life collides with her hardships. The way she portrayed herself throughout the games deeply contrasts with the reality of her life. Royalty, yes, but not heaven. Kitana realizes this, and doesn’t take it to her advantage, actually, she does the exact opposite. She doesn’t take anything for granted, and appreciates any and every help that she gets. She delivers the same efforts, while helping out her allies like that have helped her. Indicating that she would rather show her support & appreciation rather than thank it. Her skills exceed most others' expectations, causing others to usually underestimate her. Making things easier for her to impress rather than praise. It's not like she feeds off of praise, she doesn’t care if she gets it or not. It doesn’t affect her. She’s steadfast, and has nailed down her beliefs and values. She will not change that for anyone. Still giving people the freedom and power to choose, she only asks for them to follow her. She doesn’t ask much out of anything, making her a fair and honest ruler.
ACCESSORIES — Kitana is usually seen wearing a mask in Kombat and two fake pearl earrings, white, and small around her earlobes. Her mask is very prominent in blue with black outlines. Classifying her status as royal, but still associating herself through Kombat. Through her fierce determination and vows towards her people, she is truly their hope. As a Royal she still upholds a promise of mannerism, she will still know. Like going back to the old house of your childhood — her mannerisms is something she can rely on for certain occasions. Helping keep the circumstance professional and logical.
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officials1nx · 1 year
My Favorite Movies (in no particular order),but I might come back to add more:
1) Stand and Deliver
2) Blindspotting
3) Friday
4) Batman (1989)
5) The Dark Knight
6) The Lost Boys
7) 8 Mile
8) The Butterfly Effect
9) Trick ‘r Treat
10) Snow Piercer
11) Creed
12) Chef
13) Code 8
14) Fight Club
15) Ip Man
16) John Wick
17) The Godfather
18) Pinero
19) Selena
20) La Bamba
21) Mi Familia
22) Dead Poets Society
23) Remember the Titans
24) Coach Carter
25) Spider-man into the Spider-Verse
26) Bumblebee
27) Rudy
28) Good Will Hunting
29) Clerks
30) Forrest Gump
31) Terminator 2
32) The Matrix
33) Inception
34) Everything Everywhere All At Once
35) Tenet
36) District 9
37) Blade Runner
38) Push
39) Jumper
40) ATL
41) Drumline
42) Chappie
43) Kubo and the Two Strings
44) Kin
45) Sleight
46) Akira
47) Your Name
48) A Silent Voice
49) The Lego Movie
50) Beetlejuice
51) Batman Returns (1992)
52) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
53) Enter the Dragon
54) Street Dreams
55) Ready to Rumble
56) Get Rich or Die Tryin’
57) The Book of Life
58) Coco
59) The Mitchells vs. The Machines
60) The Iron Giant
61) How to Train Your Dragon
62) Wreck it Ralph
63) Rise of the Guardians
64) Deadpool
65) Deadpool 2
66) The Suicide Squad (2021)
67) Captain America: Civil War
68) V for Vendetta
69) Thor Ragnarok
70) Spider-Man 2
71) The Fast and the Furious
72) The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
73) Mortal Kombat (1995)
74) Logan
75) X-Men: First Class
76) Step Up
77) El Mariachi
78) Desperado
79) From Dusk till Dawn
80) The Crow
81) Sin City
82) John Carpenter’s Vampires
83) Underworld
84) Interview with the Vampie
85) Queen of the Damned
86) The Craft
87) Tombstone
88) Speed
89) The Bourne Identity
90) Red Notice
91) Prey
92) Donnie Darko
93) A Nightmare on Elm Street
94) Get Out
95) Train to Busan
96) The Cabin in the Woods
97) Shaun of the Dead
98) Hot Fuzz
99) Army of Darkness
100) IT (1990)
101) The Untouchables
102) Ghostbusters
103) Ghostbusters 2
104) Ghostbusters: Afterlife
105) Scream (1996)
106) Toy Story
107) Birdman
108) Spider-Man: Homecoming
109) Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse
110) The Mask
111) Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
112) Idiocracy
113) White Chicks
114) The Other Guys
115) This Is The End
116) Holes
117) Knives Out
118) Office Space
119) Mean Girls
120) Wayne’s World
121) 30 Minutes or Less
122) We’re The Millers
123) 22 Jump Street
124) Keanu
125) Hot Rod
126) The Night Before
127) How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
128) The Santa Claus
129) Love Actually
130) Serendipity
131) Just Friends
132) Violent Night
133) Die Hard
134) The Nightmare Before Christmas
135) Elf
136) Star Wars: A New Hope
137) Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
138) Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
139) Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
140) Star Wars: Rogue One
141) The Rocketeer
142) Lilo & Stitch
143) Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1
144) Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2
145) Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3
146) Avengers: Age of Ultron
147) Black Panther
148) Ant-Man
149) Avengers: Infinity War
150) Avengers: End Game
151) Inside Out
152) The Incredibles
153) The Incredibles 2
154) Cars
155) Onward
156) Monster Inc.
157) Ratatouille
158) Wall-E
159) Kung-Fu Hustle
160) Snake in the Monkey’s Shadow
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tisaolin · 1 year
Do you know what happens when you watch a documentary about American Civil War and play Mortal Kombat 11 in same day? No? Let me tell you then.
I saw Kano's clan Black Dragon starting the Second American Civil War in my dream.
I was watching the news from my TV.
The news were saying "Black Dragon occupied Alaska and demands independence".
Then Kano showed up and made a short and crappy independence speech.
The only thing I didn't forget about his speech is HE CHOSE ERRON AS HIS MINISTER FOR EDUCATION!!!
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rafomcm · 2 years
Este post es un ejercicio para documentar todo el material audiovisual que pude ver a lo largo del 2021. Sin fines de nada, agregué todas las series y películas que pude ver como un intento de aprendizaje. A continuación la lista:
Títulos vistos en el 2021.
1 de enero: Cobra Kai S3-E1-8, Euphoria S1-E5-8
2 de enero: Cobra Kai S1-E9-10
3 de enero: song exploder: How Music Gets Made: S2-E2-3
4 de enero: Clone Wars S3-1-2
5 de enero: Crimson’s Peak
6 de enero: Arrival
7 de Enero: Pieces of a Women
8 de Enero: Pretend it’s a City: S1-E1-4
The World End
The Third Day: S1-E3
9 de enero: ROOM, The Dark Knight
10 de enero: Pretend it’s a City: S1-E5-6, No necesitan presentación con David Letterman S3-E2, Tin Tin y El secreto del unicornio
11 de enero: 30 Monedas S1-E3
El mundo oculto de Sabrina: S3-E1-2, No Necesitan Presentación David Letterman: S3-E3
12 de enero: Star Wars III: Revenge
Of the Sith, Pretend it’s a City: S1-E7, Misterios sin Resolver: S2-E4
13 de enero: Yo, Christina F.
Night Stalker: S1-E1-2
14 de enero: Night Stalker S1-E3-4
15 de enero: WandaVision S1-E1-2
Star Wars VI: The Empire Strikes Back
Servant: S2-E1
19 de enero: Lupin S1-E1-2
20 de enero: Servant S2-E1
Lupin S1-E3-4
21 de enero: 30 Monedas: S1-E4-5
War Dogs
22 de enero: WandaVision S1-E3
30 Monedas: S1-E6
The Boys S2-E8
23 de enero: 30 Monedas: S1-E7
Snowpiecer: S1-E1-3
24 de enero:
Kong Skull Island
25 de enero: RocknRolla
King Kong
27 de enero: White Tiger
Lupin S1-E5
28 de enero: The Midnight Sky
29 de enero: Wandavision S1-E4
New Girl S1-E1
Bajo Cero
30 de enero: In Brudges
7 psicopatas
31 de enero: The Dig, 12 Monkeys, Quémese Después de Leerse, Hannibal
1 de febrero: The Little Things
Promising Young Woman
Mátalos Suavemente, ROMA
2 de febrero: The Way Back
3 de febrero: Marie Antoinette
4 de febrero: Biutiful
5 de febrero: The Man Who Wasn’t There, WandaVision S1-E5
6 de febrero: Doctor Strange
7 de Febrero: Malcolm y Marie
Monarca S1-E1-2
Rogué One
Ya no estoy aquí
10: Escena de un crimen: S1-E1-2
11: Escena de un crimen: S1-E3-4
12: WandaVision S1-E6
16: Your Honor S1-E1-2
18: Judas and the Black Messiah
Tropa Elite
19/ WandaVision S1-E7
I Care a Lot
21: mission imposible 6
El ciudadano ilustre
22: El Agente Topo
25: Gravedad
26: WandaVision
28: Free Fire
1 de marzo: Beginning
2: Captain America: Civil War.
3: The Knick S1-E1
4: The Knick S1-E2-5
5: WandaVision S1-E9
8: The King of Comedy
9: Fight Club, Amour, Carol
10: Doctor Sueño, La gran belleza
11: “Antes de que el diablo sepa que has muerto”. Luce
12: Dave Chapelle Show: S1-E1
Train to Busai
13: You Were Never Here.
14: Drácula
15: I May Destroy You: S1-E1-
Modern Family: S11-E1-3
16: The Wolf of Wall Street
20: Zack Snyder Justice League
21: The Town
22: Servant S2-E2
The Disaster Artist
25: The Knick S1-E6-8
26: The Knick S1-E9
27: Bad Lieuteinent, The Knick S1-E10, Cherry, Servant S2-E3
28: Ted Lasso S1-E2-5
29: Ted Lasso: S1-E6-10
30: Mythic Quest: S1-E1
31: Haunted: Latinoamerica S1-E1
1: Captain Falcon and the Winter Soldier S1-E1-2
7: Captain Falcon and the Winter Soldier: S1-E3
10: Silver Lining Playbook
11: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier/: S1-E4
Damn of the Dead, El Discípulo, arrástrame al infierno
12: Godzilla Vs Kong, Better Call Saul S1-E1-4, La forma del agua
13: Better Call Saul: S1-E5-10, S2-E1-2
First Man
14: Better Call Saul: S2-E3-7, Rudo y Cursi
15: Better Call Saul: S2-E8-10, S3-E1-2
16: Better Call Saul: S3-E3-5
17: Better Call Saul: S3-E6-10, The Revenant
18: Inherent Vice, Luis Miguel S2-E1-2, Blade Runner 2049, Mare and eastwood S1-E1
19: Mythic Quest: S1-E2-5, Invincible S1-E1-3, Better Call Saul: S4-E1-3
20: South Park: S24-E0, Invincible S1-E4, Nobody, Better Call Saul S4-E4-6
21: Better Call Saul: S4-E7
22: Better Call Saul: S4-E8-10
23: Better Call Saul: S5-E1-2
24: Better Call Saul: S5-E3, Mortal Kombat
25: Luis Miguel: S2-E3, Mythic Quest S1-E7-8
26: Invincible S1-E5, The Father, Parasite, Mythic Quest: S1-E9
27: Tropic Thunder, Mythic Quest S1-E10-11, Mare and the Eastwood S1-E2, Better Call Saul: S5-E4,
28: The Walking Dead S1-E1
29: La Costa de los Mosquitos: S1-E1-2
2: I See You
3: Invincible S1-E6-8, Luis Miguel S2-E4, Nuevo Orden
4: Overlord, The Mitchells vs the machines.
5: Better Call Saul S5-E5,
6: Better Call Saul: S5-E6-8
7: Jupiter Legacy, Mythic Quest S2-E1-2, La Costa de los Mosquitos S1-E3, Better Call Saul S5-9-10
11: Love + Death + Robots: S1-E8
15: La Costa de los Mosquitos: S1-E4
Mythic Quest S2-E3
18: Mare of Easttown: S1-E3-5
19; The Current War
20: Luis Miguel S2-E5-6, Halston S1-E1
21: Army of the Dead. Kick-Ass 2, Mythic Quest; S2-E3, Ls Costa de los Mosquitos S1-E5, Shrek 3
22: Halston s1-e2, Ex-Machina
23: Mare of Easttown S1-E6
24: Malcolm in the middle S7-E1-3, Quien te cantará
25: Malcolm in the middle: S7-E4-7, Sound of Metal
26: American Gods S1-E2-3, Master of None S3-E1
27: Friends The Reunión,
1: Mare of Easttown S1-E7
2: Wrath of Man
3: La Costa de los Mosquitos: S1-E6-7
9: Loki S1-E1
15: Mythic Quest S2-E4-5
16: Loki S1-E2, Mythic Quest S2-E6-7
20: Elite S4-E1
22: Rick and Morty S5-E1
23: Loki S1-E3
29: Rick and Morty S5-E2
30: The Flickr Attendant S1-E1-3, Loki S1-E4,
4: No Sudden Move, Harley Quinn S1-1, Rick and Morty S5-E3
5: Elite S4-E2, Harley Quinn S1-E2-3, Nightcrawler,
8: Loki S1-E5
9: The Tomorrow War
10: Black Widow
11: Resident Evil: S1-E1-2
12: Monsters At Work: S1-E1
13: Rick and Morty S5-E4
14: Veneno S1-E1, Loki S1-E6
19: Space Jam 2, The Hitmans Wifes Bodyguard, Calle del Terror: Parte 1, Rick and Morty S5-E5
20: Good Time,
21: The Village
25: Rick and Morty S5-E6
26: Ted Lasso: S2-E1
27: The movie that nade us: S2-E1-3
1 agosto: Jungle Cruise
3: The Sopranos S1-e1, Rick and Morty S5-E7, the movie that made us: S5-E4, Bo Burnham: Inside,
5: El Infierno.
7: Made for Love S1-E1
8: The Departed, The Suicide Squad
10: Sicario
15: The White Lotus S1-E1
16: The White Lotus S1-E2-5
17: The White Lotus S1-E6, Laberinto del Fauno
22: Todo va a estar bien S1-E1-2, The Irishman
30: 30 Monedas S1-E8, Spiderman 3, Jiro Dreams of Sushi
31: What if: S1-E3
5: La Casa de Papel S5-E1-2, Rick and Morty S5-E9-10
6: La Casa de Papel: S5-E4-5, Todo Va a Estar Bien: S1-E4-7
7: Another Round. Chernobyl S1-E2, What if S1-E2 y 4.
8: Chernobyl S1-E3, what if S1-E5
9: Matrix: Realoded
10: Matrix: Revolutions, Life itself
11: Billions S5-E3,
13: Brooklyn Nine-Nine: S7-E1-2
16: Brooklyn Nine-Nine: S7-E3-5
17: Brooklyn Nine-Nine: S7-E6-110
19: Sex Education S3-E1
20: Sex Education S3-E2-3
21: Ted Lasso: S2-E3-7
22:Ted Lasso S2-E8-9
23: The Morning Show S2-E2
25: Midnight Mass S1-E1-2
26: Midnight Mass S1-E3
27: El Juego del Calamar: S1-E1-4
28: Free Guy
2: Seinfeld: S2-E1-5, The Office S2-E1, The Guilt,
3: Seinfeld S2-E6-8, The Morning Show S2-E3, Scenes from a Marriage
4: Seinfeld S2-E9-10, What if S1-E8, Old, Star Wars Visions S1-E1-3
5: Dave Chapelle: The Closer
6: What if: S1-E9, Spiderman S5-E1
7: Seinfeld S2-E11-12
8: Seinfeld S3-E1-4
9: Seinfeld S3-E5-10
10: Seinfeld S3-E11
11: Seinfeld S3-E12-15, Venom 2
13: Sex Education S3-E4
14: Sex Education S3-E5-6, Seinfeld S3-E16-17
15: Seinfeld: S3-E18-22, Sex Education S3-E7-8, El Juego del Calamar S1-E5
16; The Morning Show S2-E4, El Juego del Calamar S1-E6-8,
17: El Juego del Calamar S1-E9, Succession S3-E1, Scenes from a Marriage S1-E2-3
18: Mr Robot S1-E1-2
19: Mr Robot S1-E3, Midnight Mass S1-E4
20: Mr Robot S1-E4-E5, Midnight Mass S1-E5,
21: Mr Robot: S1-E6, Midnight Mass S1-E6
22: Seinfeld S4-E1-3, Midnight Mass S1-E7
24: Dune
25: Seinfeld S4-E4
26: Succession S3-E2
27: Curb Your Enthusiasm S11-E1, Seinfeld S4-E5-7, Scenes from a Marriage S1-E3
28: Seinfeld S4-E8-10, Güeros
29: Seinfeld S4-E11-13
2: The Girl in the Spiderman Web, Mother!
3: Curb Your Enthusiasm S11-E2
7: Narcos S3-E1
8: Dexter S9-E1, Narcos S3-E2, Una Película de Policías, Curb Your Enthusiasm S11-E3,
11: Shang-Chi
12: Red Notice
14: Knives Out, Dexter S9-E2,
15: only the Lovers left Alive,
16: Love Hard
18: Goodfellas, The Suicide Squad
19: Tick Tick Boom
20: The Square
21: The Last Night in Soho
22: Finch, Annette, No Time to Die, Noche de Fuego
23: rocketman, Curb Your Enthusiasm S11-E5
24: Hawkeye S1-E1, Cronos
28: Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios, Match Point, Hawkeye S1-E2, South Park S24-E2
29: Dexter S9-E3, Cassandra’s Dream,
30: The Last Duel
1: The Power of the Dog,
2: Narcos S3-E3
4: Casa de Papel S5-E6-7
5: Casa de Papel S5-E8
6: Casa de Papel S5-E9-10, Dexter S10-E4-5,
7: Succession S3-E3-4
8: Succession S3-E5
9: Succession S3-E6-7
10: Hawkeye S1-E3-4, LOL S3-E1-2
11: Curb Your Enthusiasm S11-E6,
Sucession S3-E8, Daddy’s Home 2,
12: Succession S3-E9
13: Curb Your Enthusiasm S11-E7-8
14: El Ilusionista,
16: Fue la Mano de Dios
22: Hawkeye S1-E5-6, LOL S3-E3-4
23: Being the Ricardos, Don’t Look Up
25: Matrix Resurrections, Resident Evil : Welcome to Raccoon City,
26: Dexter S9-E6-8
27: LOL s3-E5-6, Crimen Ferpecto, Curb Your Enthusiasm S11-E9
28: Jimmy Carr His Dark Material, Curb Your Enthusiasm S11-E10
29: Modern Family: S11-E6-7, The Book of Boba Fett S1-E1, The Card Counter
30: Cobra Kai S4-E1
31: Cobra Kai S4-E2-10
9 notes · View notes
daleisgreat · 3 years
Inglourious Basterds
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I am jumping out of order with the third Quentin Tarantino film I am covering here is not QT’s third film, Jackie Brown, but instead for his 2009 alternate take on World War II, Inglourious Basterds (trailer). Click or press here for my article on Reservoir Dogs, and click or press here for my entry on Pulp Fiction. I have owned the BluRay since it first released well over a decade ago, and it is a shame yet another QT gem has sat in my backlog for so long. This takes place in occupied France with a riveting opening scene where German Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) conducts an interview with a local dairy farmer which eventually leads to questioning about missing Jews. This being a QT film, the dialog is intentionally drawn out, with Hans pausing the interview for a refreshing glass of milk, and digressing on other tangents before eventually getting to the burning question. Once again, QT absolutely nails the art of conversation like very few of his peers can. Every subtle body language flinch and pivot throughout their verbal exchange is not wasted, and it ultimately pays off with a unforgettable impact to close the scene. If it was almost any other filmmaker, my tolerance would have surely been tested, but there is something to QT’s scripts that without fail have me 100% invested in their surplus of verbiage as much as a climactic action scene in the latest summer blockbuster.
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Be prepared for some vintage-QT dialog-heavy scenes...I wouldn't want it any other way from him! This being a WWII film, one would think it would be safe to presume there is a fair amount of military combat scenes. While there is a significant body count by the end of the film, the firefights are not of the typical Hollywood WWII fare, so do not expect any all-out tanks, war planes, and massive artillery skirmishes. Most of the action that transpires here involves a team of Jewish American soldiers headed up by Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt). After the absurd fallout from their latest mission in a basement tavern, they receive intel from undercover operative Bridget von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger) that Nazi leadership including Hitler (Martin Wuttke) himself will be at the grand opening of the latest military propaganda film, Nation’s Pride.
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The theater owner where Nation’s Pride will be premiering, Shosanna (Mélanie Laurent), has an intriguing arc on how she is roped into debuting the film at her cinema which is caused by the relentless intimate pursuit of German soldier, Frederick Zoller (Daniel Brühl). Without giving too much away, Shosanna has her own agenda too, and everything builds up splendidly to the big premiere night of Nation’s Pride. I vividly remember going into the theater not clued into the ending which I will not spoil here, and I was instantly stunned at the direction QT went for the final act. There is nearly an hour and a half of bonus material on the BluRay. The standout bonus is a half hour interview with Brad Pitt and QT, conducted by Elvis Mitchell with some highlights of their conversation being how energetic the overall shoot was, and what it was like premiering the film in Germany. Other extra features worth checking out is the full six minute cut of Nation’s Pride, a quick look back with interviews of the cast and crew from the original 1978 Inglorious Bastards, and a pair of interviews with Rod Taylor who has some fun behind-the-scenes stories with QT on how the two have the utmost respect for each other.
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Inglourious Basterds did not disappoint with a highly entertaining second viewing where nearly the entire ensemble cast excelled in their performances! For a film that is two and a half hours long, it proved to be a swift viewing after being so engrossed with all the aforementioned dialog-dense scenes. I cannot fairly rank this among QT’s movies as I nearly love them all equally, but it goes without saying if you have made it this far then you know I am giving this the highest of recommendations! Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Endgame The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve The Clapper Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed I & II Deck the Halls Detroit Rock City Die Hard Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Grunt: The Wrestling Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hell Comes to Frogtown Hercules: Reborn Hitman I Like to Hurt People Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Justice League (2017 Whedon Cut) Last Action Hero Major League Man of Steel Man on the Moon Man vs Snake Marine 3-6 Merry Friggin Christmas Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpions Revenge National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets Nintendo Quest Not for Resale Payback (Director’s Cut) Pulp Fiction The Punisher (1989) The Ref The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VIII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Pilgrim vs the World The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Slacker Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Sully Take Me Home Tonight TMNT Trauma Center The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild The Wizard Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
30 notes · View notes
supernova1us · 3 years
Possibilities of Mortal Kombat reset timeline
The last MK game, MK 11, ended on quite a big finale; Liu Kang transformed into a new god and guardian of time and earthrealm, and basically rebooting the timeline of the series, which could see some major changes that future games could explore and take advantage of. Don’t know if they intended for the new timeline to be just like the original but here are my personal changes I’d love to see this new reality take.
- Shang Tsung would be the primary antagonist, who somehow escaped his supposed erasure from existence by liu kang, and in this reality is the lord of the Neatherealm, though maintains his past memories. Ermac is his ultimate creation meant to win in the tournaments.
-The primary feud would actually be between the worlds of Orderrealm and Chaosrealm, with Earthrealm caught in the middle; their involvement is meant to keep either of the two other realms from gaining an advantage over the other.
-The concept of realms being able to invade each other or merge is something unheard of, as lord liu kang attempted to stop it from being possible, but much later in the story its discovered it is still possible and becomes a major threat.
-Outworld would be a background trouble and building threat over the course of the story. It is in constant civil war between its queen, Mileena, and the hordes of the conqueror, Shao Khan. Mileena kidnaps fighters from other realms and seeks to win tournaments to recruit them to help her defeat khan, who is the pawn of shang tsung.
-Mileena is the younger, magically-made mutant clone of Kintana, who hides her deformity to hold the throne of outworld from her “sister”. Rain is her consort, Onaga is her MK champion, Shinnok is her deceptive advisor, while Reptile and renegade Shokan Sheeva are her bodyguards.
-Kitana is in her 40s, the older “sister” of queen mileena and is the current grandmaster of the MK tournament; jade is her bodyguard and lover. One of lord liu kangs objectives is to find a way to restore the personality and memories of the Kitana he loved in this new incarnation.
-The chosen one would be a younger, mortal reincarnation of raiden, a descendant of the great kung lao and mentored by lord liu kang; Fujin would be his long lost brother.
-Johnny cage and sonya blade’s roles are switched, where he is the distant military type and she’s the arrogant movie star. Cassie cage would also be a present character, having come from the future and masquerading her identity from her future parents but attempting to aid them.
-Jax would be johnny’s best friend in the military who follows him to the tournament and competes with him for Sonya’s attention. A ways down the line he would eventually be transformed into the warrior Tremor.
-Kano would be a former comrade of johnny and jax who became a terrorist and is working with shang tsung.
-Frost is the new sub-zero of this timeline and her and scorpions histories are switched; hanzo sold his soul to shang tsung to become the specter scorpion and destroy the Lin Kuei clan, leaving frost as the only survivor. As sub-zero, she becomes a cold assassin and joins MK to hunt down scorpion. The cyber lin kuei were a previous, misguided attempt by sub-zero to revive the souls of her clan in advanced robots, but have since become a chaotic rogue element.
-Bo' Rai Cho is younger and best friend to raiden who isn’t a good fighter but is dragged with him into MK and gradually improves as a fighter.
-Nightwolf is a much older version, who chooses seclusion and isolation, refusing to take part in MK. He also guards the destructive spirit warrior Blaze from ever awakening and ending earthrealm.
-One of lord liu kangs primary concerns is seeking out a worthy representative from each realm to join him as a pantheon of new gods.
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multiverseforger · 3 years
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In her Mortal Kombat bio, Skarlet is a warrior created by Shao Kahn using sorcery and the blood of countless warriors, only to be released by him as a last resort. Her sole purpose is to discover Quan Chi's true reason for attending the Mortal Kombat tournament. In Mortal Kombat 11 where it furthers her background story, Skarlet started out as a poor and orphan child who was adopted by Shao Kahn to learn blood magic upon her transformation and then, an imperial bodyguard and effective assassin. Skarlet uses kodachi swords and kunai knives as well as her power to turn into, and absorb, the blood of her victims in addition to be able to manipulate her victim's blood. Skarlet can also sense her enemies' blood beneath, allowing her not to be fooled by their disguises.
Similar to the Ermac rumors in the first Mortal Kombat but received with far less fanfare, Skarlet originated as a nonexistent character in Mortal Kombat II due to false reports of a glitch nicknamed "Scarlet" by players in which the palette swaps of either Kitana or Mileena would turn red.[1] Nearly two decades after the rumors originated, she was announced as one of the 2011 reboot Mortal Kombat game's first two downloadable content (DLC) characters,[2] released on June 21. Skarlet later returned as a playable character in the 2019 video game, Mortal Kombat 11, furthering her origin as a regular Outworld street urchin prior her transformation into a blood magic master after Shao Kahn adopted her.[3] Skarlet made a few very brief cameos in the 2011 reboot’s story mode.
Skarlet, while not actually appearing in Mortal Kombat X, does appear in the comics based on the game, where she was recruited by Reiko for the Outworld civil war. She was defeated by Mileena, and went missing prior to her past counterpart’s appearance in Mortal Kombat 11.
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
How I would fix Mortal Kombat 11
Mortal Kombat 11 is good, but the story was awful. NRS has made it clear they don’t care about the lore, continuity or the fans. So this is how I would’ve handled the story for MK11. Similar to how I would’ve fixed MK9 and MKX
Here’s how I would handle the story
Few things first
Kung Jin and Takeda would be in the game. It was such a baffling decision not to have Kung Jin and Takeda in the game. 
Kenshi would be alive and playable instead of killed off in a easter egg.
Smoke would be in the game and playable.  Source
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Sektor and Cyrax would be in the game and not just NPCs in the story mode. 
Reptile would be in the game Source
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Ermac would be in the game. They already have the look for Ermac in the game, so why not just have him be playable?
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The changes
Raiden is the villain of the story. You teased Dark Raiden and did nothing with him. His goal is to destroy threats to Earthrealm before they happen. His war with Liu Kang and Kitana is threatening to destroy the realms and speed up Armageddon
Jade is the hero of the story. Because of her MK9 ending and her disappearance from MKX, we were all to believe Jade’s return was meant to be crucial, in my version. She is brought back by Argus and Delia. They instruct her to stop Raiden’s madness and bring order back to the realms. This will also gives Jade the chance to bring her friends back
There is no Kronika. Kronika, was just a bland villain. We needed Raiden and The Revenants
There is no Jade/Kotal Kahn romance. It was pointless and unnecessary and just derailed Jade’s character. 
Mileena is alive. When Jade was restored by Argus, he also brings back Mileena. Mileena’s role is to help Jade bring her sister back. And this is something Mileena actually wants. 
On Jade’s journey she is joined by Mileena, Reptile, Tanya, Taven and Rain. They all join with Special Forces. Most are mistrustful towards Mileena, but they come around
There would be an invasion of Outworld by Raiden, this results in Raiden killing Kotal Kahn. Outworld is in sheer chaos. This makes the Special Forces start to distrust Raiden. An all out civil war for Outworld happens. Shang Tsung, Sheeva, Skarlet and Baraka fight for control. Ultimately, Shang Tsung would win. We would see Shao Kahn brought back since he was pre-order, however Shao Kahn is only brought back so we can witness Shang Tsung stealing his soul. We would also see Shang Tsung killing D’Vorah and burning down the Kytinn hive, because fuck D’Vorah, absolutely everyone hates her.
Jax is not butchered. Something will happen that brings Jax to return to Special Forces. Sonya has had enough of the lies and deception, challenges Raiden, but Raiden is too much for her and causes an accidental death. Johnny and Cassie are hearbroken over her death and vow to bring Raiden down. This is where Jax comes in. Jax takes charge of the Special Forces to honor and avenge his best friend. Jax being back in the Special Forces would show Jax slowly coming to respect Jacqui serving the Special Forces and together they become a kickass father and daughter team.
A mini arc of a war between the Lin Kuei vs the Tekunin. Scorpion succeeds in killing Sektor while Sub-Zero frees Cyrax from the Cyber Initiative’s control. Cyrax takes backs his life and rejoins the Lin Kuei
Instead of pointlessly wasting Frost, she joins the Kombat kids. She is not a cyborg, she is Lin Kuei. Sub-Zero successfully makes her his apprentice and she chooses to follow his teachings and makes friends with Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda and Kung Jin. Her character arc is basically overcoming the Lin Kuei’s past conditioning and seeing Scorpion and the Shirai Ryu as an ally
Noob Saibot. Noob Saibot becomes twisted and his goal is to corrupt the Lin Kuei, similar to how he did so in Armageddon’ Konquest mode, you could even throw in Smoke as Noob’s partner,  so it’s up to Kuai Liang and Hanzo to stop them. Bring Bi-Han to light or put him to rest for good. Noob Saibot’s return was meant to be something horrific. He was tossed into a soulnado and throughout MKX we were told that his return is something that needs to be avoided. We needed something that makes all the speculation worth it, not a generic evil for the sake of being evil. But it ends with Kuai Liang able to restoring his brother and Smoke. Bi-Han making peace with Hanzo and together Kuai Liang and Bi-Han become joint Grandmasters of the Lin Kuei.
Taven, Takeda and Kenshi face off against Daegon and the Red Dragon.  Takeda and Kenshi get their revenge for Suchin.
Sindel. Before Kitana and Mileena can even think of bringing Kitana back, they have to test it out on Sindel. Sindel is the key to bringing Kitana back. A mother and daughter are reunited, but Kitana extends a hand to Mileena. Kitana realizes Mileena had no say in her creation and just wanted love and validation, Kitana gives her this and offers a chance for them to become “sisters”
Kung Jin. Kung Jin is the key to bringing back Liu Kang and Kung Lao back to light
Kabal overcomes Kano’s manipulations and remembers who he was and puts an end to Kano. It bothered me that they just decided to retcon Kabal’s character in MK9. So having Kano manipulate Kabal and after Kabal’s humanity is restored, Kabal finally takes revenge by taking his head off.
Mileena and Kitana unite Sheeva, Baraka and Skarlet to bring an end to Shang Tsung’s rule. Ermac will be used to fight Shang Tsung. Ermac’s primary soul in control and we see Ermac, Sindel and Kitana facing Shang Tsung, his drained of his soul supply and Mileena delivers the killing blow.
Kitana, Mileena and Sindel bring peace to Outworld’s chaos.
The final battle is Liu Kang and Raiden. This fight ends Raiden’s corruption. Jade empowers Liu Kang with the gifts of Argus and Delia while Fujin blesses him with the Elder Gods powers. Thus Liu Kang becomes Fire God Liu Kang to equal that of Raiden. 
The game ends with Raiden joining the Elder Gods and brings back Sonya to write his wrongs and the Cage family reunited and Jax embracing his old friend, Liu Kang becoming Earthrealm’s protector and looking on Kung Lao and Kung Jin proudly, Mileena Kahnum of Outworld with Tanya, Reptile, Skarlet, Sheeva, Erron Black and Baraka ruling by her side. While Kitana becomes Queen Of Edenia with Jade, Sindel, and Taven ruling by her side. Both sisters bringing peace to their perspective realms. Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, Frost, Smoke, Hanzo and Takeda uniting their clans and providing the ultimate protection for Earthrealm. There is a tease for MK 12. The One Being is finally returning.
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p1zzapop · 5 years
Top 20 Skull Characters
Skulls have become a huge part of pop culture. It’s a symbol often used in designs for characters associated with death or evil. In this list, we’re looking at the top 20 fictional characters with Skulls - specifically the head or face.
20) Death [ Castlevania ]
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Death is Dracula’s loyal 2nd in command in the Castlevania series. He has a classic Grim Reaper appearance - complete with a big scythe - and wields dark magic. He tends to battle in clock towers and has resurrected Dracula countless times
19) Doctor Phosphorus [ DC ]
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A reactor core accident gave Doctor Phosphorus the powers of eternal burning skin and radiation manipulation. He sought revenge on those he blames for making the power plant unsafe. This led into run-ins with Batman and he would eventually become one of the Dark Knight’s recurring villains.
18) Mister Bones [ DC ]
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Mister Bones (aka Director Bones) was born a mutant after his mother was injected with an experimental drug during pregnancy. His skin and organs are invisible, and his sweat is toxic. He’s spent time as a member of a few superteams before eventually becoming a Director with the Department of Extranormal Operations
17) Holocaust [ Marvel ]
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Originally known as Nemesis, Holocaust featured in the Age of Apocalypse event from the 90’s as one of the Four Horsemen. After his body was almost destroyed by Magneto, Dark Beast transferred his essence into a powerful exo-skeleton.
16) Doctor Destiny [ DC ]
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Dr. Destiny used to be your typical evil scientist and criminal mastermind. But he would transcend that when he invented the Materioptikon, a device that could make dreams a reality. Eventually, he would be able to manipulate dreams directly and would become a major recurring foe of the Justice League
15) Deathstorm [ DC ]
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There have been two Deathstorm characters that are dark variants of Firestorm  (one from Blackest Night/Brightest Day and one from New 52’s Earth-3). The New 52 version was a combo of Martin Stein and a corpse he experimented on. He had the powers of the Firestorm matrix and was part of the Crime Syndicate during the Forever Evil storyline.
14) Simon “Ghost”  Riley  [ Call of Duty ]
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Simon “Ghost” Riley was a badass member of British Special Forces and Task Force 141 in the Call of Duty series. When they were kids, his brother Tommy would wear a Skull mask to scare him - which would inspire the design of Ghost’s balaclava.
13) Shadowman [ Valiant ]
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Jack Boniface is given with the “Darque power” by the mystical group known as the Coven. When the Darque power fills Jack, Shadowman takes over with enhanced strength + endurance, night vision, reduced fear, and other abilities. He battles demonic and mystical forces when the sun sets in New Orleans
12) Blazing Skull [ Marvel ]
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Blazing Skull was a Golden Age character from Timely comics and a member of the Invaders. He was seen as the chosen one by a tribe of “Skull Men” in a cave and gains special powers from training. These include immunity to fire and the ability to turn his flesh invisible.
11) Shao Kahn [ Mortal Kombat ]
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Shao Kahn is one of the main antagonists throughout the Mortal Kombat games. He has ruled Outworld on multiple occasions and has godlike strength and powers. He can consume souls and wields his mighty Wrath Hammer in his battles with the forces of Earthrealm
10) Atomic Skull [ DC ]
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The Joseph Martin version of Atomic Skull gained special abilities after an accident involving S.T.A.R. Labs. He has the strength, agility, endurance at the levels of a Superman analog. He’s also able to shoot his sweet looking purple flame in blasts at enemies. In some versions his skin is invisible- in another it’s melted off by radiation.
9) Crossbones [ Marvel ]
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Crossbones is a neo-nazi military tactician who is often at odds with Captain America. He learned and taught at Taskmaster’s school and is a master of firearms and explosives. He famously assassinated (apparently) Captain America after the Civil War event
8) Taskmaster [ Marvel ]
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Taskmaster is a master assassin with the ability to duplicate any ability he sees - without any training. Because of this he’s become an expert with all forms of weaponry, martial arts, and marksmanship. He is often used as a trainer for other super-powered individuals.
7) Black Mask [ DC ]
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Born into an upper class family in Gotham City, Roman Sionis was a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne. He had serious mommy and daddy issues, culminating with their murder at his hands. Taking on the persona of Black Mask, he’d go on to run one of the largest criminal organizations in Gotham.
6) Scorpion [ Mortal Kombat ]
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Scorpion was a trained ninja assassin who died at the hands of his bitter rival, Sub-Zero of the Lin Kuei clan. He returned from the dead as an skull-headed spectre with powers of hellfire. Though appearing as a force of evil, he has been more of an anti-hero as the games have progressed.
5) Reaper [ Overwatch ]
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Gabriel Reyes was a decorated officer in the US military who took part in a secret “soldier enhancement program” that gave him superhuman abilities. He’d eventually become the mercenary and terrorist Reaper that would hunt former members of the Overwatch team. He is able to take on a wraith form and wields two hellfire-spewing shotguns.
4) Terminator - T-800 [ Terminator ]
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The T-800s were a model of machines created by Skynet for infiltration and combat missions. They are androids that have a triple-armored hyper-alloy endoskeleton that makes them extremely hard to damage by conventional means. T-800s have powerful tracking systems, can replicate voices, and usually wield a Plasma rifle.
3) Skeletor [ Masters of the Universe ]
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The nemesis of He-Man, Skeletor wants to conquer and rule the world of Eternia. He commands dark mystical powers and a wide array of minions and henchmen. Much of his magic powers are channeled from his ram-headed staff known as the Havoc Staff.
2) Red Skull [ Marvel ]
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Red Skull is an evil enemy of the free world, mentored by Hitler himself. He dons a red skull mask and is the archenemy of Captain America. Red Skull is often seen wielding the powers of the Cosmic Cube to further his agenda. Red Skull is one of the most sinister villains in comics, both in appearance and actions. His masterful scheming makes him an enemy that can’t be underestimated.
Honorable Mentions
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Before unveiling #1, it’s worth mentioning a few others that didn’t quite crack the list. 
Blue Knight is a vigilante in Astro City. His guns shoot “ghost” bullets that disappear after hitting a target- leaving no trace.
Mister Fear is a mantle used by many villains in Marvel, all typically Daredevil or Spider-man enemies. He uses fear gas / pellets / spray to manipulate emotions.
The Punisher is one of the most iconic characters in Comics that has a Skull motif. After his family was killed by the mob, Frank Castle dedicates himself to brutally taking down criminals. This list was focused on Skull masks / heads which is why he didn’t quite make it.
Blight was a character from the Batman Beyond TV series and later made his way into comics. He is extremely high temperature and has radiation manipulation abilities.
1) Ghost Rider [ Marvel ]
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There have been many Ghost Riders and Spirits of Vengeance over Marvel’s History. My favorite is Danny Ketch, but they are all iconic. The flaming skull, the bike, the spikes, the chain. Ghost Rider is a gritty, virtually indestructible force of justice. He wields hellfire, a magical chain, and a can transform vehicles into more fiery and powerful versions. His most well-known and terrifying abilities is the Penance Stare which makes the victim feel all the pain they’ve caused others over their lifetime. Ghost Rider is the epitome of the dark, badass antihero archetype - and what’s not to love about that?
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inky-snowdrop · 1 year
Mortal Kombat 11: Civil War
A Mortal Kombat Multi-Chapter Fanfiction
Pairings: Mileena/Scorpion || Hanzo Hasashi, Kitana/SubZero || Kuai Liang (implied), Sonya Blade/Erron Black
Rating: M (18+)
(canon-typical violence, implied sexual content, strong language, cannibalism, graphic depictions of blood, gore and death)
Originally Written In: 2015
<- Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 ->
Chapter 2 ~ Cassie Cage
"I'll get it!" Johnny yelled as he jumped from the top of the landing to the front door. He wore a blue t-shirt with a black vest and hoodie. He had his tan pants on with his black belt and silver buckle. He also had biker gloves on, but his were black. He opened the door and there stood Sonya Blade. She was wearing her general's uniform and was wearing a squat hat. She looked very imposing, even though she was smaller then Cassie. Sonya crossed her arms and looked inside the door. "Hello? Earth to Sonya!" Johnny said as he waved a hand in front of Sonya's face.
Sonya looked at Johnny and asked, "Alright. Where's the food?"
Cassie could only hear snippets of her parent's conversation and it didn't sound good so before things got ugly, Cassie walked up behind Johnny and said, "Hey mom." Cassie peered around her father and saw Sonya staring at her. It made her feel like she did something wrong.
"Sergeant Cage," Sonya said as she stepped inside the mansion and towards Cassie. Cassie reached out to give her a hug, but Sonya held back. "Are you prepared to leave now?" Sonya asked with hands on her hips. Cassie stared at the ground and nodded yes. She HATED the feeling that her mother gave her. Like your not good enough to be here. Sonya nodded and turned on her heel back to the car that awaited them. Cassie sucked in a bunch of air to try and slow her heart rate.
Johnny must have noticed because he said, "Hey. Don't let your mother get you down. You'll always be one of the greats." Cassie looked at her father and smiled, the sinking feeling gone from her stomach. Cassie then marched out the front door, more confidence in her then any other time.
She choose to sit next to her mother in the front. Johnny sat in the back. "How are you doing in school?" Sonya asked as she started the car.
"I'm doing fine. I got A's in math and social studies and B's in science and E.L.A," Cassie replied cheerfully as she buckled her seat belt.
Sonya looked over at her daughter and asked with a smirk, "How was game day?"
"Well, other then the fact that the house smells like piss and was covered in a bunch of crappy food, it was all good," Cassie said sarcastically. Sonya chuckled.
"Hey! Way to throw me under the bus!" Johnny yelled from the backseat. He kicked Cassie's seat pretty hard.
"Hey! No roughhousing back there!" Sonya barked as they pulled out of the driveway onto the main road. Cassie laughed. 'Mom's back,' She thought with a smile.
The car stopped right in front of a warehouse. Cassie stared at it and got goosebumps on her arms.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Cassie asked as she popped her gum Johnny gave her. Sonya give her an are-you-serious look.
"I wasn't made a general for no reason," she grumbled as she stepped out of the car. The warehouse stung Cassie's nose with the bitter smell of oil and she nearly gagged. Sonya give her a look and walked over to the double wood doors and took out a key. The door opened with a lurge. Cassie cautious walked over to the door and peered inside.
"Okay mom. I've seen some pretty scary things in my 17 years of life, but this has got to be one of the worst," Cassie said as she took out one of her hand guns.
"Yeah Sonya. If you were going to kill me, why didn't you do it at the house?" Johnny said as he walked up behind Cassie, scaring the shit out of her.
"Raiden told me to meet him inside here for some sort of meeting. And believe me if I was going to kill you, you would already be dead," Sonya snapped as she stepped over the threshold. It took a couple of seconds for Cassie to fully understand what her mother just said.
"Raiden contacted you and you didn't tell us!" Johnny called as he followed Sonya into the gaping jaws of the old warehouse.
"Cassie, if you can't come into a old warehouse then you have no business being a sergeant," Sonya snarled when she saw Cassie was still outside. Anger inside Cassie boiled to the surface as she marched inside, with a haughty spring in her step. As soon as Cassie was next to her mother, a freak wind blew the giant doors shut. Cassie turned around quickly, clinking her guns into position. Sonya grabbed her arm and yanked her around.
"What the hell, mom!" Cassie shouted as she wrenched her arm away.
"It was only the wind," Sonya said coolly as she adjusted her arm bands.
Cassie nodded her head and shouted, "No. Why didn't you tell us that we were coming to see Raiden!?" Sonya breathed in deeply, rubbing her temples.
"Because, Raiden didn't want me to tell you. To make sure only the people who were supposed to come came."
Cassie rolled her eyes and snarled, "Wow. That excuse is a bunch of bullshit." Before Sonya could say anymore, the lightning struck. Cassie had to close her eyes to make sure she wasn't blinded. Then there was a feeling like she was falling. Out of pure confusion, she screamed. Then it stopped. She hit the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of her. Something cold and wet was running down her back and gave her goosebumps.
"Need a hand?" a voice asked right in front of Cassie. Cassie looked up and gasped when she saw Jacquinn standing in front of her. She reached her hand out and Jacquinn yanked her to her feet with a good amount of force.
"Hey, Jacquinn," Cassie said slowly as she clutched her side in pain.
"So, how was the trip?" Jacquinn asked with a tease in her voice.
Cassie didn't hear her though. "We're back at the Sky Temple," Cassie whispered as she looked at the Jinsi Chamber's entrance. And at the Earthrealm greats entering it.
"Yeah. My dad told me that there's some sort of meeting," Jacquinn said as she steadied Cassie from stumbling.
"I've gotta find mom," Cassie mumbled as she pushed Jacquinn out of the way.
"Okay. Good catch up," Jacquinn called as Cassie descended into the heart of the Sky Temple, gripping her gun all the way down.
The Jinsi Chamber was alive with blue energy as Cassie stepped into the chamber. It smelled of fresh dirt and metal, like magik. The room was filled to the brim with heros, some so famous you'd have to be stupid not to know them. Cassie cautious made her way through the crowd, her fingers never leaving her gun. 'Some of these guys have a rep,' Cassie thought as she came to a halt next to the Jinsi Chamber's life force. 'Better safe then sorry.'
"Cassandra Cage," a voice said behind her. Quickly, Cassie clinked her gun into place and turned around to meet her attacker head on, but instead she found herself pointing a gun in Sub-Zero's face. He wore a blue vest with chinese symbols running down both sides. He wore no mask and Cassie could see a scar that ran down one eye to the other. Cassie froze as Sub-Zero placed a hand on the gun, freezing it solid. She dropped it from shock, smashing it into a million pieces as Sub-Zero said smoothly, "I do not wish to fight you, Cassandra. I wish only to tell you that you and selected others are to join Raiden outside for a conference. Make haste, for we will be starting soon, with or without you." With that said, Sub-Zero turned on his heel and walked away, leaving only a very confused Cassie. 'Okay then,' Cassie thought as she made her way back to the world outside. 'What could be a more ridiculous way for mom to yell 'Cassandra Cage! Get your ass up here now!''
The first thing that greeted Cassie as she emerged from the belly of the Sky Temple was a burning smell. "Somethings on fire," Cassie mumbled to herself as she stood next to the entrance of the Jinsi Chamber. Then she saw what it was. Far off, she could see that something or someone was on fire. Then it just disappeared. Cassie frowned and examined her buffed nails as she waited for her mother, hoping that she wouldn't be mad that she went off by herself. 'I'm a grown woman now,' Cassie yelled silently. 'I can do whatever I want!'
The burning smell was back and it was stronger then ever, roasting the inside of Cassie's nose. She hacked a little and was going to find a new spot if it hadn't been for the flames that engulfed her. The pain she felt now was nothing compared to anything she had ever felt before. She let a small cry and felt the feeling of falling again. Everywhere she looked there was fire. She tried to reach her metal rod on her back, but she burnt her fingers trying to grab it. Just as quickly as it came, the fire subsided and left a coughing, burnt Cassie in it's wake. Cassie could hear talking but couldn't make out the words. Her vision blurred and Cassie almost passed out, but she then felt something freezing cold on her neck. She jumped up and almost gave herself whiplash. Behind stood Sub-Zero, applying frost to one of her burns. She hissed in pain as the frost found a tender spot. She turned around quickly and slapped Sub-Zero's hand away.
"I'm fine," Cassie snapped as she patted out a bit of fire still on her arm.
"Cassandra Cage!" a voice called from behind her. Cassie made a face and turned around to see her mother barreling towards her. "Where the hell were you!" Sonya barked as she threw her arms around Cassie, pulling her in for a hug.
Cassie wrenched her way out Sonya's grasp and said, "I was still at the flipping Sky Temple! Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"
Sonya gave her a puzzled look and said slowly, "I texted you that I was going to the forest. Why didn't you respond?"
Cassie smiled slyly. "You should ask dad that question." Sonya sighed loudly and rubbed her temples.
"Well. We shouldn't be anymore late then you already are. Let's go. MOVE IT!" Sonya started walking back towards the trees she came from when Cassie shouted, "I'll be right there, mom!" Sonya turned around and said as she walked backwards, "Follow the line of trees to a rock. Press the keyhole!" Sonya turned back around and ran into the trees.
As Cassie watched her go, she asked Sub-Zero, "How'd you know I'd be here?" Sub-Zero looked at her with his crystal like eyes.
"I knew Scorpion would teleport you to this place. So I came to make sure the wounds did not harm you too much. I wished that savior of Earthrealm would not succumb to the flames of hell fire," Sub-Zero said slowly as he walked over to her.
Cassie thought for a moment and then said with a thumbs up, "Good answer."
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alphagirl404 · 5 years
Jubei Lives AU Part 2/2: MKX
Remember this AU I made a awhile back? I finally manage to make part 2 of this. We’re diving into Mortal Kombat X territory. (Also, this AU will not extend to Mortal Kombat 11).
Here’s Part 1 for a refresher. This is a longer than the last one.
Several months passed since Jubei and Hanzo reunited. Shortly before the events Mortal Kombat X, Jubei returned to Special Forces, keeping contact with his father.
The first 7 chapters play out pretty much the same as it did in the game, with minor differences.
Jubei is assigned to help at the camp where refugees from Outworld’s civil war are staying. Cassie & her team return from their failed training exercise at the Lin Kuei grounds. Jubei greets them as Kenshi explains the situation. They all hear Li Mei’s story where she revealed that Shinnok’s amulet somehow is in Mileena’s possession.
Before Cassie’s team leave for Outworld, she and Jubei talk alone, since they were close by this point. Cassie expresses her doubts on leading her team but Jubei assures her that she more than capable and believes in her. They both gave a farewell, wishing each other luck.
Cassie’s team trip to OutWorld plays just the same as it did in-game. Jubei helps out with the OutWorld refugees. Sonya’s fight with Kano plays out the same.  
Cassie’s team later helps Kotal and his crew take down Mileena. After she's executed, Kotal imprisons the team but they escape.
Chapter 8 is where things start to play out differently.
Word gets out about Quan Chi and his revenants lurking in the NetherRealm. Sonya assembles a team to ambush him, including recruiting Jax. Jubei volunteers to go on the mission. Sonya-reluctantly-lets him go after some persistence.
The team heads to the NetherRealm to meet up with Sareena to prep the ambush. Jubei is alone with his thoughts. Stories that his father told was the only thing crossing his mind. This is the place where Hanzo was reborn as a wraith, and soon he may come face-to-face with the person responsible for Hanzo's pain.
Kenshi and Jax took notice of Jubei’s distress as they go over to check on him. Jax, knowing Jubei’s relation to Hanzo, offers him a chance to turn back. Jubei insists them that he’s fine, that he feels unsure what to do if he comes directly across Quan Chi. The two men assure him that whatever happens, they'll do everything to bring in Quan Chi.
Cassie’s team calls to reveals D'Vorah's betrayal and has the amulet. The ambush and Jax's fight with revenant Kung Lao, Sindel, and Kitana play out the same. The Revenants fled, but Liu Kang and Quan Chi slipped passed SF. Jax decides to go after the pair, despite Sareena & Kenshi's warnings. Jubei offers to go with Jax as his backup, which the man agrees.
Quan Chi and Liu Kang made it to the fortress where they await D’Vorah when Jax arrives. He and Liu Kang have their fight. As Jax emerges as the victor, Jubei sneaks behinds Quan Chi.  Just looking at the sorcerer was enough to send chills down his spine. Jubei didn’t show his fear, only giving Quan Chi an angry look until Jax knocks him out.
SF apprehend Quan Chi. While helping with the escort, Jubei hears that Hanzo is on the base. Throughout the events, Jubei had forgotten to keep contact with his father, leaving Hanzo worried. When he did manage to make contact with SF, they informed him that Jubei was in the NetherRealm. Of course, Hanzo was not happy to hear that, so he went to the base in hopes to intervene, but was too late. All he can do was wait.
A heated conversation follows between father & son. Hanzo reprimands Jubei for going on a revenge quest. Jubei rebuffs that saying that he didn’t do it for revenge, that he did it for Hanzo.
A silence follows before Johnny and Kenshi decided to take the two apart before things could get more heated. Johnny leads Jubei away while Kenshi does the same to Hanzo. Unbeknownst to them, Quan Chi manages to overhear the conversation.
Kenshi takes Hanzo away to a private space.  Hanzo reveals his reasons. Since reuniting with his son, Hanzo grew a small fear of Quan Chi killing him, or that Jubei takes revenge and gets killed in the process. Kenshi tries to ease Hanzo’s worries by explaining that Jubei handled himself well on the mission. Kenshi suggests that should apologize to Jubei, to which Hanzo agrees but not before paying a visit to Quan Chi.
After getting permission from Sonya, and apologizing to her for his behavior, Hanzo speaks to the sorcerer alone. Quan Chi believes Hanzo came to gloat. Hanzo states that the sorcerer no longers has any control over him anymore, and he'll soon answer for his crimes. Before he leaves, Quan Chi brings up the conversation that Hanzo had with Jubei. Hanzo claims that Jubei was only a mere soldier, not wanting to reveal the truth. But Quan Chi presses on saying that the conversation Hanzo had more weight to have with a ‘mere soldier’. He then brings up that back in the fortress Jubei gave an angry look, the type he had only seen on Hanzo. The only way that possible is that Jubei is Hanzo’s son, specifically the one he believed died in the Shirai Ryu massacre all those years ago.
Hanzo gave him no words, though the expression of panic he tried to suppress was enough confirmation for the sorcerer to give an evil chuckle. He comments that Jubei would probably be a better servant than Hanzo. That resulted in Hanzo punching his face. Were it been months ago, Hanzo would’ve killed him on the spot, not caring about the consequences. Having Jubei back in his life allowed him to think more clearly. Before leaving the cell, Hanzo tells Quan Chi that he's only still alive because Raiden needs him to free the revenants. But when the time comes, he will end the sorcerer’s life.
Hanzo soon found Jubei alone. Hanzo apologizes for he acted. Jubei also apologizes for leaving Hanzo out of the loop. The reason he joined on the mission was that he wanted to give Hanzo peace by help capturing Quan Chi him. Hanzo states that no one is safe as long the sorcerer is around. Jubei reaffirms what he told his father months ago that nothing will come in between them.
Alarms suddenly blare near Quan Chi's cell. They rush over to see Johnny, Sonya, Kenshi, and SF members fighting off D’Vorah, the Revenants, and Quan Chi who is now free. Hanzo goes to deal with him while Jubei goes to help the others. Quan Chi reveals that he allowed himself to be captured so he could free Shinnok within EarthRealm. They fight each other with Hanzo emerging as the victor and demands Quan Chi to call off his attack. However, in the midst of the battle, D’Vorah takes Jubei hostage and threatens to kill him unless Quan Chi is let go. Johnny tries to save him but is knocked out by one of the Revenants.
Reluctantly, despite Jubei’s protests, Quan Chi is released. He and his followers leave for Raiden’s Sky Temple, taking Jubei & Johnny as hostages, threating to kill them if they're pursued.
Cassie’s team return shortly to see the destruction left behind. They learned what happened and it's up to them to save EarthRealm. Hanzo tries to go with them, despite the injuries he received from the brawl, muttering that he couldn’t lose his son again. Cassie and Takeda convince him to stay put, promising that they'll save Jubei.
Quan Chi’s group ambushes Raiden at the temple. The sorcerer taunts the Thunder God before heading into the Jinsei chamber in tow of D’Vorah and Johnny, leaving Raiden with the revenants, and Jubei. The revenants taunt Raiden before he fights back before he is overwhelmed. Jubei manages to free himself from his binds and goes to help The Thunder God fight them before telling Raiden to deal with Quan Chi.
Although reluctant to leave him, Raiden goes into the Jinsei chamber but he arrives too late. Shinnok has been freed from the amulet and imprisons Raiden. Before he infects the Jinsei, Shinnok proclaims that 'such a beautiful moment can't be rushed.' He then proceeds to torture Johnny and Raiden.
Chapter 11 happens as normal, except Cassie’s team plane is grounded due to malfunctions (since Shinnok hasn’t infected the Jinsei at this point). They are ambushed by Kotal Kahn’s forces and fight them off until Kuai Liang and the Lin Kuei arrives, having been alert by SF.
The team arrives at the temple to see the revenants guarding the entrance, and Jubei once again in their custody. When notices them, he attempts to distract the revenants by mocking them. Liu Kang sends Kung Lao and Smoke away while he, Kitana, and Sindel start beat Jubei. Cassie’s team took that moment the strike and take out the 3 revenants. Cassie & Jin tied them up, whilst Takeda & Jacqui free Jubei.
They learn from him that Shinnok is freed and in the Jinsei chamber. Cassie, Kung Jin, and Jubei rush in there, while Takeda & Jacqui stays out to deal with Kung Lao and Smoke.
The trio arrives to see Shinnok torturing Johnny. This prompt Cassie’s powers to awaken. A standoff occurs between Cassie’s and Shinnok’s group before a fight occurs. Cassie vs Shinnok, Kung Jin vs D’Vorah, and Jubei vs Quan Chi.
Cassie manages to defeat the former elder god thanks to her magic. Jin had trouble with D’Vorah but manage to take her down and goes to free Raiden.
Jubei has difficulty fighting the sorcerer due to his injuries. After he knocked on the ground, Quan Chi tells him that he plans to make him a revenant and to show him to Hanzo. He'll even make them fight to the death. Resulting in either Hanzo killing Jubei and living with the guilt, or Jubei killing Hanzo and he becomes a revenant.
Unknown to him, Jubei had a kunai of his own, gifted by his father, hidden. That statement was enough for him to pull it out, strike Quan Chi in the shoulder.
“GET OVER HERE, BITCH!” Echoed the chamber before Jubei pulls Quan Chi over and proceeds to beat the everloving shit out of him, proclaiming that he'll never harm his family ever again. In his final punches, he had one for himself, the Shirai Ryu, his mother, and his father for the knockout punch.
Once all three villains are now defeated, Jubei collapses from the physical and mental exhaustion. Cassie and Jin manage to catch him before he struck the ground. Before passing out, he asks them if they save the realm which Cassie replied with yes and that the Jinsei is left unscathed. Sonya and SF arrive soon after.
Jubei wakes up in the SF recovery room to his father on his side. Hanzo explained that Shinnok, D’Vorah, and Quan Chi are apprehended and that the revenants are in SF’s custody as well. He then tells his son that he is proud of his efforts to save the realm and defeating Quan Chi. They both say they love each other.
Cassie's team soon visit Jubei's to check on him. They offer him a spot on their team. Jubei asks Hanzo's opinion to which he states that he'll support whatever decision he makes. Jubei accepts the offer.
A lot happens during the next few weeks. Raiden takes Shinnok to the Elder Gods where he’ll be imprisoned under their close watch. Kotal Kahn makes peace with EarthRealm. Once the remaining Revenants are rounded up and restored, Quan Chi is given a summary execution carried out by Hanzo himself.
And all is well from there. Raiden doesn’t go dark. Quan Chi is out of the picture. The Revenants are alive. Hanzo and Jubei’s bond is stronger than ever. And more importantly, there's no Kronika. Everyone pretty much gets a happy ending.
The End.
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geneticmisfit · 6 years
          Okay, so, everyone knows what Pete’s powers are, he was bitten by a spider, he has the proportionate powers of a spider, and his powers grow in age as he matures and hits his prime around late twenties to early thirties, yadda yadda yadda. Now, in the comics, we know he can lift up to 100 tons (he once landed a jet. and I mean physically land. those things aren’t light), if not more during moments of stress, and durability wise he is able to take a few punches from Hulk and survive a missile explosion point-blank, also survive an assault from a Phoenixed Up Colossus and Magik who are also preeetty dang strong
          However, we are talking about MCU Peter, who is much earlier in his career and powers. So, the question is, just how strong IS MCU Peter? 
          Let’s try to find out.
Things we see Peter do:
-Catch a moving car in that YouTube video, car that weights two tons and has momentum going for it. -Block Bucky’s arm with ease, same arm that can punch through walls and metal. Peter isn’t fazed by it. -Throw an airport sign that must weigh several hundred pounds, with ease. -Take a hit from Cap’s shield, while he was swinging in its direction, and shrug it off with only a punch-like bruise on his face. Keep in mind, we saw Steve knock someone out by hitting them with punch-strength through the shield. ( TWS, Lemurian Star fight scene ) 
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-Hold up a jet tunnel that must weigh around 10-11 tons. And he is carrying the entirety of it, but visibly struggling.
There are two scenes of note I want to talk about from Homecoming. First deals with his durability, the other with his strength. 
First one: He is durable enough to fall into water from EXTREME heights, which must have the impact force of a concrete floor, yet get out without any visible injuries or even bruising. Well, why is that important, you ask ? 
This is the height we see Peter fall from. He is well, well, well above the city, and his fall is accelerated by the upside-down parachute. 
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And here we see Rhodey fall from a similar, but somewhat lesser height ( like 50 percent the height Peter gets in Homecoming ? 75 percent ? Idk someone do the math ) and he too is accelerated by his metal suit
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And Rhodey shatters his spine during the landing. ( And honestly, at that height it is a miracle he only shattered his spine and not his entire skull )
And I’m not even getting to the G-force Peter must have been subjected to since he didn’t have a metal suit that cushioned the air pressure
As for his strength, his most Extreme Show of Strength comes towards the end of the movie, when he lifts the entire weight of the rooftop of the warehouse he was trapped in. 
Now, he doesn’t lift the entire rooftop, however he does lift THIS:
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That’s twelve fans of an AC unit. Now, it is impossible to know the exact make of that HAVC unit, obviously. However, units in the similar shape and size of that start at around 25 tons and can go upwards of 162 tons.
Now, Peter is leveraging it off him, he is using the concrete and other debris to push it off himself. However, to do so he must be exerting at least half the force, which means he is lifting somewhere around 50 tons, if we take the concrete and other debris he is carrying into account. 
Which means, between CW and Homecoming, his powers have grown STRONGER. 
So, what does all this mean for MCU Peter ? 
Well, the bullet point version:
-His base strength circa Homecoming / IW must be around ten to fifteen / twenty(?) tons. We see him lift and throw cabs and other cars with ease in IW and be able to punch Thanos hard enough to stagger him somewhat.  -His most EXTREME strength, when you add fear and adrenaline to the mix, is in the neighborhood of fifty tons.  -He is DURABLE enough to take the full impact of a vibranium shield, survive falls from extreme heights and be able to withstand the DAILY impact of constantly using whiplash motions to web-swing. ( Which also makes me think he is somewhat more resistant to bullets and knives. His skin can be pierced, he’s not Thor or Superman, but I believe the impact of those weapons would be halted by the sheer power and density of his muscles ? Like, it wouldn’t go in all the way ? Does that make sense ? )
So this means three things: 
1, if his powers scale up at this rate, by mid-twenties he will be around his comic counterpart from a power standpoint.
3. Peter is barely aware of the extent of his strength and durability because he is so mentally conditioned to being strong at a ‘regular human’ level, you feel ? That’s why you don’t see him kicking through guys like a Mortal Kombat fatality, he is subconsciously pulling his punches and kicks ( and later consciously does it as he becomes more aware of his strength )
-He is absolutely the strongest ‘mortal’ in the current Avengers roster after Hulk from a raw muscle power standpoint, but loses some points to Cap because he is untrained and unfocused as it currently stands.
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filegame · 3 years
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goingfullnerd · 3 years
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New Post has been published on http://goingfullnerd.com/justice-society-world-war-ii/
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BURBANK, CA (February 4, 2020) – The Flash speeds into the middle of an epic battle between Golden Age DC Super Heroes and Nazis in Justice Society: World War II, the next entry in the popular series of the DC Universe Movies. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, the feature-length animated film will be released on Digital starting April 27, 2021, and on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack and Blu-ray on May 11, 2021. The film is rated PG-13 for violence and some bloody images.
Justice Society: World War II will be available on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack (USA $39.99 SRP; Canada $44.98 SRP) and Blu-ray (USA $29.98 SRP; Canada $39.99 SRP) as well as on Digital. The 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack features an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc in 4K with HDR, a Blu-ray disc featuring the film in hi-definition, and a digital version of the movie. The Blu-ray features a Blu-ray disc with the film in hi-definition and a digital version of the movie.
Justice Society: World War II finds modern-day Barry Allen – prior to the formation of the Justice League – discovering he can run even faster than he imagined, and that milestone results in his first encounter with the Speed Force. The Flash is promptly launched into the midst of a raging battle – primarily between Nazis and a team of Golden Age DC Super Heroes known as The Justice Society of America. Led by Wonder Woman, the group includes Hourman, Black Canary, Hawkman, Steve Trevor and the Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick. The Flash quickly volunteers to assist his fellow heroes in tipping the scales of war in their favor, while the team tries to figure out how to send him home. But it won’t be easy as complications and emotions run deep in this time-skipping World War II thriller.
Stana Katic (Castle, Absentia, A Call To Spy) and Matt Bomer (Doom Patrol, White Collar, The Boys in the Band), who made their DC Universe Movies debuts as Lois Lane and Superman in the 2013 film Superman: Unbound, return to the popular animated film series in the lead roles of Wonder Woman and The Flash for Justice Society: World War II. The star-studded cast includes Geoffrey Arend (Madam Secretary, Batman: Hush) as Charles Halstead/Advisor, Armen Taylor (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind) as Jay Garrick, Elysia Rotaru (Arrow) as Black Canary, Liam McIntyre (The Flash, Spartacus, Justice League Dark: Apokolips War) as Aquaman, Omid Abtahi (American Gods, The Mandalorian) as Hawkman, Matthew Mercer (Critical Role, Overwatch) as Hourman, Keith Ferguson (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Overwatch) as Dr. Fate, Darin De Paul (Overwatch, Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge) as Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ashleigh LaThrop (The Handmaid’s Tale, Utopia, The Kominsky Method) as Iris West, and Chris Diamantopoulos (Episodes, Silicon Valley, voice of Mickey Mouse) as Steve Trevor.
Jeff Wamester (Guardians of the Galaxy TV series) directs Justice Society: World War II from a screenplay by Meghan Fitzmartin (Supernatural, DC Super Hero Girls) and Jeremy Adams (Supernatural, Batman: Soul Of The Dragon). Producers are Jim Krieg (Batman: Gotham by Gaslight) and Kimberly S. Moreau (Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). Butch Lukic (Superman: Man of Tomorrow, Constantine: City of Demons) is Supervising Producer.  Sam Register is Executive Producer.
Justice Society: World War II Special Features
4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack, Blu-ray and Digital
DC Showcase – Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! (New Animated Short) – Jack Kirby’s beloved DC comic creation features the last civilized teenage boy on a post-apocalyptic Earth ruled by talking animals. In this short, Kamandi and his friends Prince Tuftan of the Tiger Kingdom and humanoid mutant Ben Boxer are kidnapped by a gorilla cult dedicated to finding the reincarnation of their god, The Mighty One. Golgan, the cult’s leader, puts Kamandi’s team through a series of deadly tests to find if any of them know the secret of … The Mighty One.
Adventures in Storytelling: Justice Society: World War II (New Featurette) – The film’s creative minds chat about the methods used to produce the touchstone sequences in Justice Society: World War II.
A Sneak Peek at the next DC Universe Movie – An advance look at the next animated film in the popular DC Universe Movies collection, Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One.
Look Back – Justice League vs. Teen Titans (Featurette) – A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Justice League vs. Teen Titans, a 2016 thriller that follows Damian Wayne’s induction into the Teen Titans. Complicating his training is the growing presence of Raven’s satanic, world-conquering father Trigon, whose escape plan from his inter-dimensional prison includes spreading his demonic forces across the globe, infiltrating the minds and bodies of the Justice League to do his bidding. To save the universe and prevent a literal hell on Earth, the Teen Titans must rescue – or defeat – the Justice League, and intern Trigon for all eternity.
Look Back – Wonder Woman: Bloodlines (Featurette) – An intriguing glance into the production behind 2019’s Wonder Woman: Bloodlines, which finds Amazon Princess Diana helping a troubled young girl enlisted by a deadly organization known as Villainy, Inc., whose criminal members have their sights set on invading Themyscira. The expansive adventure is packed with brutal battles, mysterious mythology, and endless wonder!
From the DC Vault: Justice League: “Legends, Part One”
From the DC Vault: Justice League: “Legends, Part Two”
Justice Society: World War II will also be available on Movies Anywhere. Using the free Movies Anywhere app and website, consumers can access all their eligible movies by connecting their Movies Anywhere account with their participating digital retailer accounts.
On April 27, 2021, Justice Society: World War II will be available to own in high definition and standard definition from select digital retailers including Amazon, the Apple TV app, FandangoNOW, PlayStation, Vudu, Xbox and others. On May 11, 2021, Justice Society: World War II will be made available digitally on Video On Demand services from cable and satellite providers, and on select gaming consoles.
Movies Anywhere is a digital movie platform that enables movie fans to discover, access, and watch their favorite digital movies in one place. Movies Anywhere brings together a library of nearly 7,500 digital movies from Sony Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox Film, The Walt Disney Studios (including Disney, Pixar, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm), Universal Pictures (including DreamWorks and Illumination Entertainment) and Warner Bros., and will continue to expand the consumer experience as more content providers, digital retailers and platforms are added. By connecting participating digital retailers that include Amazon Prime Video,  the Apple TV app, FandangoNOW, Google Play, and Vudu, movie fans can now bring together their digital movie collections (whether purchased or redeemed) in one place and enjoy them from the comfort of their living rooms, and across multiple devices and platforms, including Amazon Fire devices; Android devices and Android TV; Apple TV, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch; Chromecast; Roku® devices and popular browsers. Movie fans can also redeem digital codes found in eligible Blu-ray and DVD disc packages from participating studios and enjoy them through Movies Anywhere. Movies Anywhere – your movies, together at last.
Digital movies or TV episodes allow fans to watch a digital version of their movie or TV show anywhere, on their favorite devices. Digital movies or TV episodes are included with the purchase of specially marked Blu-ray discs. With digital, consumers are able to instantly stream and download movies and TV shows to TVs, computers, tablets and smartphones through retail services. For more information on compatible devices and services go to wb.com/digitalmoviefaq. Consult a digital retailer for details and requirements and for a list of digital-compatible devices.
PRODUCT                                                                 SRP
4K UHD Blu-ray Combo Pack                                   $39.99 USA, $44.98 Canada
Blu-ray                                                                        $29.98 USA, $39.99 Canada
Blu-ray Languages: English, Spanish, French, German
Blu-ray Subtitles: English, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian
4K Blu-ray Languages: English, Spanish
4K Blu-ray Subtitles: English, French
Running Time: 84 minutes
Rated PG-13
About Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Inc.:
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) brings together Warner Bros. Entertainment’s physical and digital distribution businesses in order to maximize current and next-generation distribution scenarios. An industry leader since its inception, WBHE oversees the global distribution of content through packaged goods (Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD) and digital media in the form of electronic sell-through and video-on-demand via cable, satellite, online and mobile channels. WBHE distributes its product through third party retail partners and licensees. 
DC, a WarnerMedia Company, creates iconic characters, enduring stories, and immersive experiences that inspire and entertain audiences of every generation around the world and is one of the world’s largest publishers of comics and graphic novels. As a creative division, DC is charged with strategically integrating its stories and characters across film, television, consumer products, home entertainment, interactive games, DC UNIVERSE INFINITE digital subscription service and community engagement portal. For more information visit dccomics.com and dcuniverseinfinite.com.
JUSTICE SOCIETY: WORLD WAR II © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. JUSTICE SOCIETY and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.
About Warner Bros. Animation
Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) is one of the leading producers of animation in the entertainment industry, producing and developing projects for multiple platforms, both domestically and internationally. WBA’s current series include Animaniacs for Hulu, Green Eggs and Ham for Netflix, Aquaman: King of Atlantis, Batwheels, Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai, Harley Quinn, Jellystone!, Little Ellen, Looney Tunes Cartoons, Tiny Toons Looniversity and Young Justice for HBO Max, DC Super Hero Girls, Teen Titans Go!, ThunderCats Roar for Cartoon Network,  Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, Scooby-Doo! and Guess Who?, The Tom and Jerry Show and Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs! for Boomerang.  WBA’s full-length theatrical film, Teen Titans GO! to the Movies, was released in summer 2018. As home to the iconic animated characters from the DC, Hanna-Barbera, MGM and Looney Tunes libraries, WBA also produces highly successful animated films — including the DC Universe Movies — for DVD, Blu-ray® and digital media. One of the most-honored animation studios in history, WBA has won six Academy Awards®, 35 Emmy® Awards, the George Foster Peabody Award, a BAFTA Children’s Award, an Environmental Media Award, a Parents’ Choice Award, the HUMANITAS Prize, two Prism Awards and 20 Annie Awards (honoring excellence in animation).
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daleisgreat · 3 years
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Today’s entry will mark the first official 4K home video release I am writing about. I already own a few other 4K UHDs, and a couple of months ago, I watched my first 4K video at home with 2001’s The Fast and the Furious. However, I already covered that movie’s BluRay release here several years ago, so I will not be dedicating another entry for it, other than to say that the 4K upgrade pops and makes it look like a new release. Today’s entry is for 1994’s Speed (trailer). Before diving into this movie, I noticed one of the tracks from this film’s score repeatedly used throughout sounds awfully like one of the main themes I primarily associated with the Metal Gear Solid franchise. I have no idea if this was pointed out before, and I just overlooked it all these years, or maybe I am grasping at straws. Click or press here to take a listen and decide for yourself. 1994 was a hell of a year for Hollywood movies primarily transpiring from a highway with The Chase, Speed, and the OJ Simpson Bronco chase….oh wait (although I highly recommend the ESPN 30 for 30 on it, simply titled: June 17th 1994). The majority of Speed has a straightforward premise: serial bomber and local madman Howard Payne (Dennis Hopper) planted a bomb on a bus rigged to explode once the bus drops below 55 miles per hour. Police officer Jack Traven (Keanu Reeves) is alerted to this by the bomber himself to exact revenge on Traven after successfully rescuing hostages from an elevator Payne armed at the beginning of the film.
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From there, for the middle hour of this nearly two-hour film, the action almost entirely takes place on the bus. Traven makes a grand entrance onto the bus by commandeering a Jaguar and having its owner (Glenn Plummer) take the wheel so Traven could heroically leap onto the bus and save the day. It would not be that easy of a rescue mission as Payne has eyes on the bus, and Traven has to play by his rules and get him his $3 million ransom to disarm the bus. Without question, the middle hour on the bus is the best part of the film. The opening half-hour is an excellent appetizer with the elevator hostage crisis that Traven and his partner, Harry (Jeff Daniels), successfully foil. However, once the action shifts to the bus is when Speed takes off. Shortly after taking control of the bus, one of the passengers freaks and inadvertently shoots the bus driver, and a fellow passenger, Annie (Sandra Bullock), takes over the wheel. Throughout the film, Annie and Traven have wonderful chemistry, and I could not help but root for the duo throughout. Every couple of minutes, there is a new potential conflict to overcome to keep the bus going over 55mph. The film wisely peppers in brief dialog exchanges to let the movie breathe just enough before the next hurdle makes itself present.
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The film's standout moment is the major obstacle for the bus to overcome when it encounters a stretch of unavoidable highway under construction and missing a hearty chunk of the road. Traven’s solution is that since that stretch of a road is on an incline, they may clear that gap if they build up enough speed! That epic stunt hits all the right notes, and I got goosebumps all over again re-watching it, and odds are, I bet you did too if you have seen this movie. If you have not, then watch this scene and see for yourself by click or pressing here. A lot of the critical discussion in the aftermath of this movie was if that jump was realistically possible. The best thing I can do is to compare it to another film, Road Trip, which is likely a better indicator of what could happen when attempting such a feat. Once the middle bus portion of the film is over, there are still about 20 minutes left where Traven tracks and chases down Payne in a subway station. The movie felt over once the bus portion had such a satisfying conclusion that it almost feels wrong to keep sticking with the film by this point, but I recommend you do since there is a satisfying payoff in the form of Payne’s demise. I have to share a story now when I first saw this film at around 13 or 14 on VHS. My dad’s VCR had what seemed to me at the time was a revolutionary feature where if I kept pressing the pause button repeatedly, it would slowly, frame-by-frame, play the film in super slow-motion. At that age, I thought this was a fantastic way to get the most out of the biggest stunts in action scenes. My favorite moment exploiting this feature was seeing Traven and Payne wrestle around on the top of a subway train until Payne was not watching his field of vision, and a warning light lead to his sudden beheading. I slow-motion replayed that sequence countless times in my awkward, early teenage years. Suffice it to say, Hopper plays the out-of-his-mind bomber perfectly, going so far as to make sure he receives his appropriate cinematic comeuppance.
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The director ensures the many passengers on the bus maximized their minutes to the point I where it feels like you are right there with them!
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Two audio commentaries are the only extra features of the 4K disc in this 4K/BluRay combo pack. One is with the director, Jan de Bont, and the other is with producer Mark Gordon and writer Graham Yost. Props are to whoever decided to subtitle the commentary tracks. I very much appreciate it! I first started to bounce back and forth between the two commentary tracks, but Bont was way too relaxed and had too many pauses to hold my attention, and I finished up with his track within five minutes. However, Yost and Gordon are very much engaged from beginning to end and have fun cracking jokes and sharing memories throughout. Some quick takeaways I got from them were how they wanted to film a major scene outside of a sports arena, dealing with critics poking holes at how unrealistic their stunts were, and how watching the movie felt very different at the time of the commentary recording just two months after 9/11. The BluRay disc contains the remainder of the bonus features. Inside Speed is a four-part feature lasting just under an hour breaking down the visual effects, stunts, and location sequences, but half of it also contains an HBO First Look special hosted by Dennis Hopper that hits all the right kinds of cheesy mid-90s EPK nostalgia that it is worth checking out. Aside from 12 minutes of extended scenes and a Billy Idol music video that seems totally off base with the tempo of the film, there are a couple of Action Sequences mini-features breaking down some of the stunts. I highly recommend watching the one dissecting how they did the bus jump, as it shows raw footage of what really happened when they shot it, and showed footage of some of the specific safety measures they instilled to make that stunt as safe as possible and had some eye-opening interviews with the stunt driver before and after.
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After watching that old VHS copy nearly a dozen times, Speed wound up being one of my favorite action films I got burnt out early on and never bothered upgrading to a DVD or standalone BluRay. Watching it again in 4K all these years later breathed new life into it for me. I am not an expert at breaking down video quality by any means, but watching the 4K disc on my 4KTV gave the impression of this having far more current production values. The editors somehow managed to remove all the old film grain defects for a smooth 4K upgrade. If you have not seen Speed yet, then it has everything you could want out of a mid-90s action movie with explosions, gripping thrills and stunts, dramatic rescues, plenty of zinger one-liners…..and a Billy Idol theme song. Pardon me while I attempt my best Dennis Hopper impression here, “Pop quiz, hotshot, which 1994 blockbuster that takes place primarily on a bus is a perfect candidate for beer and popcorn movie night at home?” Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Endgame The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve The Clapper Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed I & II Deck the Halls Detroit Rock City Die Hard Dirty Work Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Grunt: The Wrestling Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hell Comes to Frogtown Hercules: Reborn Hitman I Like to Hurt People Indiana Jones 1-4 Inglourious Basterds Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Justice League (2017 Whedon Cut) Last Action Hero Major League Mallrats Man of Steel Man on the Moon Man vs Snake Marine 3-6 Merry Friggin Christmas Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpions Revenge National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets Nintendo Quest Not for Resale Old Joy Payback (Director’s Cut) Pulp Fiction The Punisher (1989) The Ref The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VIII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Pilgrim vs the World The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Slacker Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Sully Take Me Home Tonight TMNT Trauma Center The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild The Wizard Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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