#and i’m still somehow in a good mood 😂
deathdaydreamm · 4 months
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man I have had a fucking crazy week
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judeslove · 3 months
opposites attract
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pairing - jude bellingham x reader (reader wears a dress) genre - fluff, bit of smau warnings - none summary - this req
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everybody knows that jude is a very social person. however, you are the biggest opposite of him, always avoiding conversations with strangers, anxious in spaces with many people, etc.
the way you guys got together was, interesting.
you got a dm from the jude bellingham. your heart was racing, clicking to open the dm.
“interested in going on a date?”
no way, you thought. jude bellingham just asked you on a date? you were even more nervous while thinking about how to respond. you obviously wanted to say yes, but couldn’t stop thinking about the date. like, what would you say to him, what if it was too awkward. fighting your thoughts, you finally settled on a response.
“yes! when would that be?”
you cringed at the reply, shutting your phone. you took a deep breath and leaned onto your bed. head in your hands, you heard a “ping” from your phone.
you took a deep breath, picking up the phone and opening up instagram. seeing that he responded made you mentally jump in excitement.
“9pm, tonight, at the restaurant you posted about”
you panicked, you didn’t even know what to wear, and it was tonight aswell. quickly you ran to your closet and picked out a beautiful black dress. it was slightly loose around the chest part, and had a slit on the left side.
you checked the time. 8.46pm. shoot, you thought. you were now racing against time, knowing it takes you 30 minutes to the restaurant. somehow you had to arrive in 14 minutes.
“just letting you know that im most likely gonna be late since it takes me some time to get there xx”
you closed you phone and got in your car.
you stepped into the restaurant, scanning the people for him. the he was, sitting beside the window. when jude saw you, he smiled and waved at you. you smiled back, already feeling anxious by how many people there were.
“heyy how are you doin’?” jude asked, looking at your dress.
“uhh i’m doing fine, how about you?” you mentally cringed at how awkward you were.
“good, was the food here good?” jude said, trying to lighten up the awkward mood.
“huh? oh yeah, it was” you answered. you were thanking everything when the waiter came. it was horribly awkward, doubting that anything sparked between you and jude.
after your orders, you both went your phones. the food finally came. you ordered your usual, a chicken alfredo pasta, while jude ordered a hamburger along with fries.
“do you mind if i post about the food?” jude questioned, looking at you.
“not at all” you smiled.
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liked by vinijr, rodrygogoes and 6.562.547 others
judebellingham eating at their favourite
view all 345.628 comments
user1 excuse me? THEIR favourite 🤨
↪️ user2 maybe about his mum or something
vinijr 🫣
↪️ user3 is this a confirmation?
user4 everyone, we lost him 😔😔
user5 watch this be a soft launch
↪️ user6 it definitely is
↪️ user7 stop acting delusional and let him live his life
trentarnold66 😂😂
↪️ judebellingham what
↪️ trentarnold66 i thought you’d never pull
↪️ judebellingham shush
but now, you are happier than ever, your relationship blooming. you are still shy though, never too confident to go in public with or without him.
“babe can i post this picture of you?” jude asked you, pointing his phone at you.
“no” you said loud and clear.
“meh, i’ll do it anyways”
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💌 judeslove on tumblr.
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charlotteking23 · 5 months
Hi I’ve recently gotten back into divergent so my Eric obsession has surfaced yet again😂
I’m also new to tumblr so I’m not sure if I’m doing this request thing right, so my apologies if it’s too much
I really enjoyed your head canon on Eric and was wondering if you could do another one maybe more geared towards him as a husband and father maybe some years down the road. I could see him having learned some self control when it comes to his anger issues. Maybe becoming a girl dad becoming a big softy which would be adorable, but still maintaining his asshole reputation somehow.
If you get a chance to write this I’d really appreciate it!! Thank you
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Eric proposed to you after a year of dating. You told Eric beforehand you wanted to be proposed too, Why? There's no point in me proposing to you, you are already mine, Eric said rubbing his face annoyed. YOU WILL PROPOSE TO ME!! You screamed while hitting him.
You worked as a nurse so when the symptoms of throwing up, weird cravings, mood swings, and your period being late you knew you were pregnant. For precaution, you took a test confirming your suspicion, and you ran to tell Eric being overjoyed. What is it, honey? Eric said wrapping his arms around you. I'M PREGNANT! You Shouted waiting to see his reaction only to be met with silence, Babe are you okay? Eric looked at you and immediately spun you around in his arms with your legs wrapped around his torso.
Eric was extremely protective of you. He carried you down the flight of stairs because of the no railings, or you used the elevator. He made sure you ate a lot no matter how unhealthy it was, so a lot of chocolate cake. If anyone bumped into you or harmed you in any way whether emotionally or physically he kick their ass.
He was obsessed with the baby, and after the couple found out it was a baby girl, he was ecstatic wanting to spoil the little girl. She is so gonna be a daddy's girl, Eric said rubbing your stomach. How do you know? you said. Because She's my daughter, Eric said in an obvious tone.
Truth be told she was a daddy's girl, after she was born she only wanted her daddy. He was the only one that could make her go to sleep, so... Why do I have to go, it's your turn, Eric said still in bed rubbing his eyes tiredly with the baby crying in the background. Because She's a daddy girl, you said while putting the covers over your face feeling Eric get up.
At the age of 5, your daughter was handling knives and guns but was spoiled so much by her father that she favored him over you. You told Eric it wasn't a good idea to train her yet because she was so young but he did anyway, only the basics though. For her 6 birthday, she was given a pink knife and gun engraved was princess, ironic.
your daughter screamed and panicked whenever Eric was not there. She threw tantrums over the smallest things it was getting out of control, so you stepped your foot down. You told her that you were the mother and she had to obey your rules, She was not happy and yelled at you. Eric finally saw how his little princess was getting too spoiled... Princess Stop! Eric said with a firm voice, he realized how bad our daughter treated you and was not having it. [d/n] You can't disrespect your mother like that, Eric took away her guns and knives and had her apologize to you. You knew she was a daddy's girl but she was still your daughter and you weren't going to allow her to treat you like that. You forgave her but she was still grounded for 2 weeks.
By age 12 your daughter was maturing growing so beautiful with her long hair and beautiful blue eyes like Eric's. Eric was still an asshole to people but never to his family, he often compared his daughter to the initiates. Watch how my daughter throws the knives better than you pieces of shit, glancing at his daughter. She threw it perfectly right in the middle, the initiates looked at the little girl in surprise with a proud look from both her and her father. I want everyone to run and you won't stop till I say so...GO, Eric said firmly wanting to gouge his eyes out if he saw another initiate.
By the time your daughter was 16, Eric had moved up the ranks to head leader of Dauntless. Your daughter ended up staying in Dauntless excelling in training and becoming first overall in all her rankings only having 7 fears.
Eric was not happy, his princess had a boyfriend, and he had a reputation for scaring any boys who came close to his little girl. Oh, so you think you're good enough for my princess huh, Eric walked around the boy, giving him a fright. All-l do r-respect s-ir, the boy said shitting himself, Why are you stuttering, can't you speak right boy, Eric said leaning on his side while crossing his arms showing off his muscular arms. Daddy stop you are scaring him, His princess told him but he ignored her. Princess, why don't you give the boys some time to talk, his princess obliged leaving the men to talk. Can I get... before she could finish she saw her boyfriend leaving with tears streaming down his face. Look, we are breaking up bye, he left in such a hurry. She knew her father did this and ordered 3 shots of vodka, she was going to need it.
In the end, Your daughter was able to find someone who understood her and treated her like a princess. Eric approved of the boy for his daughter, 2 years after they dated he proposed to your daughter. you and your daughter went wedding dress shopping, planning the big invite list, etc. The wedding was extravagant and beautiful and you couldn't stop crying seeing Eric walk your daughter down the aisle and [d/n] saying I Do. You recall the memories that led up to this moment, you meeting Eric, the wedding, your daughter, the choosing ceremony, her wedding it was amazing with your family right by your side.
BTW yes Eric cried at the wedding. I am telling you, sweetie I am not gonna cry... 5 minutes later, Eric wiping his tears with a napkin. Not gonna cry right, you said with your arms crossed on your chest. SHHHH, the wedding starting, and my eyes are just leaking water.
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theflagscene · 4 months
Wait! How!? When!? Where!? How is White suddenly there!? How did Tee meet White!? You can’t just play upbeat music and have the boys running around to show the passage of time and not explain how the fucking villain of the story got the most adorably innocent lil princess boyfriend on the planet!
Phee, bringing Jin on a date to the same place you and Non liked to go is just weird. I hate people who use the same ‘date’ spots for their new partners that they used with their past partners and no, this isn’t me projecting, why do you ask!? Lmao 😂 shut up it’s still tacky af
‘Friend’ the dreaded word.
What is with the ass slapping and window sex!? I mean, I get that they’re supposed to 18 year old boys, who are by definition perverted, but that was some porn level shit. Also, again, no prep. Phee wasn’t even the one blown so it’s not like they were even using spit for lube, or an already lubed condom. What is this, another ABO show? Just having the dudes slick and sliding all over one another apparently.
Ta’s got a decent ass at least, good for him.
“Did you cheat on my brother?” Nah, pretty sure they broke up when Phee saw him being raw dogged by the teacher and then told him to go die, but whatever helps you sleep at night Tan.
“Don’t fall in love with him.” Yeah, I think it’s too late for that.
Oh, mom is not looking so great. Hmm, something tells me that video isn’t real. Mom knows what’s up, it’s finally hit her, her baby’s dead. The actress did a fantastic job of a mother realizing the truth of the death of her child, it’s a startling realization that does take your legs out from under you. Your mind blanks, you can’t think about anything but the last time you saw them, the last terrible thing you said, all you can do is try not to scream. - That got a little too dark and real, sorry.
news.boc.com Cute BoC, very cute.
How long were Phee and Jin supposed to have been fucking by now? Weeks? Months? Because Jin has gotten very emotionally invested very quickly, which is appropriate for teenagers I suppose.
Two years, so they’d be in their what, second year of uni? Tan has gone full mad scientist I see.
Wait, he called to tell Tan that his mom was dead and it was her funeral that day and he just showed tf up! When his dad thought he was still in England!? Lmao, that’s fricking hilarious. I know, I know, wrong reaction to this scene but I’m weird, what can I say.
Oops, bye bye daddy. No wonder Tan is so fucking nuts! That would drive anyone insane. He literally needs Non to be alive otherwise he’s lost everything for nothing.
Is Tan his own guinea pig for his drugs!? Jesus dude, get some help.
Question, were Phee and Jin fucking during their time at university too? Or are you telling me all this ‘I love him’ crap was from one night of decent dick and a few ‘best friend dates’? Like the math ain’t mathing, establish a better timeline here for me when it comes to their relationship because in the first episode it made it seem like they were screwing around for a really long time, months at the very least. But now it seems like they fucked around a couple times in one 12 hour period, Jin decided that was enough to wanna date, caught Phee in a mood because of the fake news report and then they just… what? Kept fucking? Stopped? Jin carried a torch for him for over two years after one night together? Acted like a scorned lover for years because of a single teenaged tryst? Not to be that guy, but girl, you’re coming off a little desperate. I need a more accurate timeline!!!
“This won’t kill them.” Tan, could you try and be a tad more convincing when saying that?
That was a fantastic look from Tan to end on, ngl. Although someone needs to save baby White!
Next episode, we’re back in the present for the most part it seems. Jin somehow still trusts Phee, Fluke somehow gets the gun back and oh look, he holds White hostage, poor bb did nothing, leave him alone! And Tee clearly does know what happened to both Non and Keng as he runs up onto the roof where his uncle is to see the pair… unconscious? Dead? One of each?
I want some backstory about how White fits into all of this next time as well, that would be great. Although considering how little the timeline of events during grade 12 are fully explained, I doubt knowing more about White would make very much sense at this point.
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a/n: happy playoffs season and happy recovery day for those that celebrated orthodox easter yesterday! i’m off work and napping after the gauntlet of this weekend 😂 this was an idea i had rolling around in my head and then i got an anon ask about doing an angsty fic of drei not dealing with missing the playoffs that well, so here we go! and while you’re all still getting more andrei fic, my loyalties for the series are with my moronic (affectionate) islanders 💙🧡
word count: 5.5k
tw: smut smut smut, angst involving andrei being a little bit of a jerk
summary: andrei can only put on a good face about missing the playoffs for so long
The end of the regular season rolls around quickly. The Canes win the Metro and earn home-ice advantage and Andrei cheers and celebrates with you on the couch, since he didn’t travel with the team for the last game. It wasn’t worth it, since it was just an overnight to Florida. After you turn the TV off though, his good mood fades a bit and he’s quiet, telling you his knee is a little stiff and sore from rehab and getting up and down during the game. You don’t press him and just curl up next to him, falling asleep long before he does.
He looks tired the next morning and you set a mug of coffee on the counter in front of him, doctored to perfection with his favorite white mocha creamer and two teaspoons of sugar. You’d usually tease him about his coffee-flavored sugar milk, but he doesn’t seem like he’s in the mood.
“Spasibo, solnyshka,” he murmurs, wrapping his hands around the mug and staring into it.
“Penny for your thoughts?” You ask lightly, scrambling half a dozen eggs for the two of you. Andrei will get the majority of the eggs and still somehow end up eating a few bites off your plate.
He shrugs. “Just tired,” he scrubs a hand over his face, dragging his skin down. His fingers scratch against his beard. He’s been growing it for a few days now and you’re enjoying the way it shades his jaw. Not to mention the way it feels on your skin when he goes down on you.
You’re curious what the beard means for Andrei’s mental state, since he’s never really gone this long without shaving. You can chalk it up to playoffs and that whole no-shaving superstition, but you’re not sure.
Plating up the eggs and toast, you ask, “still full of adrenaline from the game?”
Andrei’s lips twist in a wry smile. “Yeah,” he mutters. “Couldn’t stop thinking about it.”
He digs into his eggs and doesn’t say anything else for a bit. You poke at your food, worrying about him. Andrei’s been a total rockstar since his initial injury, putting on a smile through the doctors appointments and surgery. He’s jumped feet first into rehab, taking it seriously and committing himself fully. He’s done so well too - walking around with his crutches and barely a limp. He’s even back driving earlier than the doctors said he would be. But you know this is going to be a difficult few weeks for him.
You get up from the table and brush a kiss over his cheek, running your hand through his hair. “I’ll see you later, okay? I’m going to be late for class.”
“Okay,” he tilts his face to the side and kisses the corner of your mouth, “have fun. Love you.”
His smile seems genuine enough, so you push your worry to the back of your mind and focus on class. Just a few more weeks before graduation and your schedule isn’t dictated by professors. It’ll be nice to have the freedom to travel with the team for the playoffs. Although, now that you think about it, you’re not sure if Andrei’s even going along to Long Island for games three and four. He hasn’t mentioned anything about the travel or your joining him. He hasn’t been traveling with the team for the away games during the regular season, but he’s been pretty positive about it.
You make a decision to be a little more attentive to him during the playoff run, and especially during the away games.
When you get back home from class, Andrei’s back to his usual cheerful self, cooking dinner and humming along to the Russian music playing on the Alexa. He’s chopping away and doesn’t notice you until you lean against the counter and say, “my own personal chef? What did I do to deserve this?” You reach forward and snag a piece of cucumber off the cutting board, munching happily since it seems that Andrei’s worked through whatever was bothering him yesterday and this morning.
He smiles at you softly, the corners of his eyes crinkling a little. “I don’t have too much else to do after rehab.” He shrugs. “So I cook.”
“Well,” you swipe another piece of cucumber, “you’re getting very good at it. Maybe if the hockey thing doesn’t work out, you can be a chef.”
It’s a flippant comment, something you don’t really think about as you’re saying it, but Andrei’s smile flickers and his eyes shutter a bit. Before you even have a chance to kick yourself mentally, he’s shaking his head, joking, “I don’t have the attitude for it. I’m not like that one on TV, the Hell Kitchen guy?”
“Gordon Ramsey?” You clarify, totally unable to see Andrei shouting and screaming like that. You know he has a little bit of a temper - he’s Russian and a hockey player, after all - but in the year and a half you’ve been dating him, you’ve never seen him lose his cool off the ice.
“Him, yeah,” Andrei nods and starts fixing a dressing for the salad. “I would be too excited to try all the food to yell.”
You snort. “Understatement of the century, Drei. I’ve literally never met anyone with an appetite like yours.”
He smirks at you, picking up the easy layup and commenting, “especially for that delicious cunt of yours.”
Despite having heard nearly every possible combination of dirty talk out of Andrei’s mouth and with that stupidly hot accent, your face flushes with heat and your stomach flips. Still leaning against the counter, you shift subtly, pressing your thighs together against the flood of arousal between your legs. “Stop that,” you murmur, waving him off.
“Solnyshka,” Andrei purrs, his voice like velvet, “don’t you like it when I say filthy things to you?”
“Andrei…” you warn him, voice shaking a bit. He knows that voice of his turns you on to an unreasonable degree. Some little part in the back of your brain that’s not clouded over with lust is recognizing that he’s changing the subject, pivoting away from talk of hockey and his new cooking hobby, distracting you from asking about how he’s feeling. But you can’t seem to focus on that right now.
He grins and comes around the counter, his gait a little stiff from the brace, and pulls you into his arms. “You don’t want me to tell you what I want to do to you?” His hands trail up your arms, fingers brushing against the back of your neck when he pushes your hair off your shoulder so he can lean down and whisper into your ear, “you don’t want me to tell you that my cock has been rock hard and aching all day for you. How I’ve been waiting to fill your sweet cunt with every inch of my cock until you’re screaming my name.”
A strangled noise leaves your throat and your knees buckle a little, but Andrei wraps one thick arm around your waist and holds you against his chest. The hard ridge of his cock presses against your lower stomach and you shiver, leaning into him subconsciously. He grins and nips at your ear lobe. “Feel that? All for you, milaya. Every single inch is yours. Maybe you don’t want it in your pussy tonight, maybe you want it in your mouth?” His voice drops an octave. “Should I fuck your throat, make you swallow? Stretch your jaw wide until it hurts?”
“Andrei…” you mumble his name weakly, heart pounding in your chest, mouth watering at the images his words are putting in your mind. Your hand slides down his chest, pressing under his shirt so you can scrape your nails against his skin and slip your hands down the front of his pants. Before you can touch him, his other hand moves lightning fast and grabs your wrist, holding your fingers mere centimetres from where you want them.
“Tell me what you want,” he murmurs, brushing a soft kiss against the corner of your mouth.
You wiggle your fingers in his grip and lean up to kiss him harshly. “Andrei, I want you to fuck me,” you whisper against his lips. “But I want my hands on you first. I want you to come first.” When you’re in the mood, you can give as good as you get with the dirty talk. “I like seeing your face when I make you come, the way your eyes get dark and your pretty, talented mouth falls open. Let me make you come, Andrei.”
His pupils are blown out and you grin at him, knowing you’ve turned the tables effectively. His grip on your wrist falters and you take your opportunity to break free and wrap your fingers around him. He inhales sharply and his hand on your back tenses. Your hand moves slowly, almost lazily, over him and he grunts, dropping his head to bury his face in the crown of your head. You work him over patiently, the looseness of his basketball shorts giving you space to move. He mumbles in Russian, words muffled by your hair, and you whisper to him. “So good, such a good boy,” the coil of heat in your own stomach is tightening. You’re turning yourself on even more by getting him off. The tip of his cock is leaking, coating your hand and making it easier for your palm to slide over him.
Andrei’s hands fist in the fabric of your shirt and his hips thrust in your hand, even as he’s crushing you against his body. You tangle your free hand in the hair at the nape of his neck, the little hair wings that you love so much, and tug gently. The lack of space between your bodies forces your strokes to be even shorter and Andrei’s clearly trying to hold on and force himself to not come. You bite a little at the underside of his jaw and lick the spot to soothe it. “Drei, baby, let go. Come for me, please,” you whisper into his skin and tighten your grip on him, pumping him once, twice, three times more before he’s coming with a shout of your name, spilling all over your hand and his pants. Andrei holds onto you tightly while he comes, grunting when he’s finally spent.
“Dirty trick,” he mutters, dazed, when he finally has his breath back. You pull your hand from his dick and stick your index finger in your mouth, sucking his cum off of it, even as the rest drips down your wrist. Andrei groans again, a tortured sound.
“Learned from the best,” you smirk, leaning up on tiptoes to kiss him sweetly. You’re glad to see that a lot of the shadows that have been haunting his eyes the past few days are gone, for now at least. “Go clean yourself up and I’ll finish dinner.”
He shakes his head and starts off to the bathroom, but not before he swats your ass a bit. You wash your hands thoroughly and finish making dinner - not that it’s difficult since he’d been almost done with roasting the chicken and vegetables when you started mauling each other. Andrei’s back in a few minutes, wearing low slung grey sweats and an old t-shirt. His hair is damp from the shower and he looks tired, but relaxed. “Hi,” he murmurs, coming around behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. Andrei drops his chin to your shoulder and you hold up a piece of chicken on a fork for him to taste.
“Thank you,” he says after he chews and swallows.
“For what? The best hand job of your life?” You tease, trying to keep the mood light.
He huffs a laugh, breath ruffling your hair, and deadpans, “exactly. That.” He squeezes you in a hug and you don’t talk about it anymore, instead you fill him in on what’s been happening in your classes and run through the plans for the weekend.
Geno flies in on Friday and the brothers spend some quality time together, laughing and chatting in Russian. You don’t mind it at all, knowing that Andrei’s always at his happiest when his family is around. Geno joins Andrei in rehab too. They come back from the facility sweaty, but Andrei doesn’t have that look in his eye. The one that says even though he’s progressing faster than initially expected, it’s still not fast enough for his liking.
Elena and Igor join you for Easter church services on Saturday night and stay over at Andrei’s house so you can all have breakfast together in the morning. It’s a nice, relaxing day - you’re completely stuffed from all the food and no one mentions the puck shaped elephant in the room around Andrei.
But then of course Monday morning rolls around and Andrei sleeps through his alarm. Well, you’re pretty sure he’s awake but faking sleep so he doesn’t have to talk to you. It hurts a little, his ignoring you, but you know today is going to be hard. Instead of trying to wake him up or talk to him right away, you get yourself ready, trying to be quiet, and make breakfast for yourself and a protein smoothie for Andrei before going back upstairs.
He’s in the bathroom when you get there, brushing his teeth and staring blankly at his own reflection.
“I made you a smoothie,” you say, trying to keep your tone cheerful. “Chocolate almond cherry.”
“Sounds good,” Andrei mumbles around toothbrush and toothpaste froth. He spits and slides past you through the doorway. Your lips twist in an effort to not say anything. Andrei gets dressed quickly, in his new uniform of shorts and a plain t-shirt, dark baseball cap backwards over his hair.
“Are you…um…what’s the plan for today, Drei?” You ask carefully, following him down to the kitchen. The last you heard, Andrei was going to go to the first two home games and the rumour was that he was going to run the siren at the open of game one. But you’re honestly not sure what his mental state is like right now.
He shrugs one shoulder, “rehab.” His answer is short and you’re trying not to take it personally.
“I know that,” you sigh. “That’s not an all day event though.”
“I guess I’m going to the arena,” he gulps back half of his smoothie in one shot. “You don’t have to come.”
Okay, yeah, that one hurts.
“Why wouldn’t I want to come?” You lean a hip against the counter and tilt your head at him. If your tone is a little sharp, sue you.
Andrei shrugs again and you’re really starting to hate that gesture coupled with the flat look in his eyes. “I’m not playing and I wouldn’t sit with you. Why waste the time?”
You squint at him. “Do you think that I don’t support the whole team? Andrei, it’s not a waste of time for me to go, for you to know I’m there supporting you, even if I’m not sitting with you.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he grumbles under his breath.
“Jesus,” you mutter to yourself. Louder, “we’ll talk about this later, but I have to go to class. But remember that whether or not you’re playing or I’m sitting with you, I’m on your side.”
You lean up on tiptoes to kiss him good-bye, but Andrei turns his head at the last second and you get his cheek. It’s a goddamn gut punch and you manage to hold back your emotions as you rush from the house. But the second you’re in your car, tears stream down your cheeks. You swipe at them furiously, needing to get on the road but not wanting to drive while you’re emotional. It’s so damn hard to know how his mood is going to be affected by the playoffs and getting the cold shoulder and the apathetic version of Andrei is harder than you thought it would be. You know he’s not doing it on purpose, but that fact that he won’t talk about what’s going on is making everything harder.
With Geno having had the same injury and surgery, you were hoping that it might be easier for Andrei to cope, but as Geno himself had pointed out when you spoke with him privately the other day, the Red Wings weren’t in the playoffs the year of his injury. Andrei’s missing an entirely different opportunity.
A small, horrible little part of you wishes the Canes hadn’t even made the playoffs, so that way Andrei wouldn’t be sitting on the sidelines, watching his friends join the dance. But then he’d probably blame himself for the team falling short, so it doesn’t even matter in the end. Either outcome means Andrei will feel guilt or sadness.
You just wish you could take away his pain.
The rest of the day passes in a blur - you’re handing in final papers and wrapping up your final semester - and Andrei’s gone when you get home, later than you planned.
“What the fuck?” You mutter, standing in the spot in the driveway that usually has his car. Still in the driveway, you text him, asking if he went to the arena early. It takes him longer than usual to reply and when he does, it’s a short response. (“Yes, said you didn’t have to come if you don’t want to.”) Honest to God, you’re ready to throw your phone against the garage door, but you’re too mature for that. If Andrei doesn’t want you at the game, you won’t go.
You still send him the routine pre-game emoji text, even though you’re annoyed with him and this time he does send back a string of unintelligible emojis, so he’s not totally checked out.
Following along on Twitter and TV isn’t the same, but you do get to see video of Andrei smiling while he works the siren. He looks good in his suit, normal, like nothing’s wrong with him.
The game is hard-fought, an eventual win for the Canes, and Andrei’s acting like nothing’s wrong when he gets home. He kisses you and twists the end of your ponytail around his fingers. “You could’ve gone to bed, solnyshka,” he says and it hits you that he hasn’t used the term of endearment all day.
Swallowing back emotion, you smile faintly. “Somehow playoff hockey gets the adrenaline going even from the couch,” you joke and Andrei chuckles, shedding his suit jacket and sitting down heavily next to you. He loosens his tie with two fingers and pops the top button on his shirt. He had already kicked off his shoes at the front door, so now he props his feet up on the coffee table and bends his right knee a bit.
“Mhm,” he hums. “It was a good game.”
He doesn’t say anything else and focuses on the TV, where an old episode of CSI is playing. You know he doesn’t have any idea what’s happening because he never watches crime shows, but he’s watching the action like his life depends on it. He clearly doesn’t want to talk anymore, so you sigh and drop your hands to your knees. “I’m going to go to bed. Unless you want to hang out…” You look at him out of the corner of your eye.
Andrei shifts on the couch and sighs heavily. He shakes his head, but reaches his hand out over the couch cushion and grabs your hand, lacing your fingers together. You squeeze gently and he squeezes back. He drops his head against the back of the couch and closes his eyes. The TV keeps playing and you’re both quiet, sitting there in the dark den until the killer is caught and the credits roll. After the episode ends, you’re still quiet until Andrei gets to his feet, still holding your hand, and pulls you along to your bedroom. It’s so strange for the silence to echo around you - usually you and Andrei are constantly taking and laughing and joking with each other. But he climbs into bed next to you and wraps his body around yours, your favorite big spoon. He buries his face in your hair, his nose bumping against the back of your head, and mumbles, “spokoynoy nochi.”
“Night, baby,” you whisper back through a yawn. As you drift off to sleep, Andrei’s body is still tense behind yours.
The next two days are quiet and tense. Andrei doesn’t contribute more than he really has to in conversation and when the Islanders take Game Two, his mood plummets. The drive home from PNC on Tuesday night is horrible - Andrei slams the radio off and drives like a maniac, forcing you to hold the “oh shit” bar in a death grip. His jaw is clenched and the skin around his eyes is tight. You want to reach out and touch his hand, but he’s white-knuckling the steering wheel and you’re almost afraid to startle him.
“I should’ve been out there,” he snaps, finally speaking after you’ve gotten into the house and changed into pajamas. His eyes are stormy and his fingers tap restlessly against the side of his thigh.
“Drei…” you sigh, sitting cross legged on the bed. “There’s nothing you could’ve done.”
“I could’ve scored a goal,” he shoots back. “A game winner. Or a tie. Or I could’ve blocked a shot.”
You shake your head, “but you don’t know that.”
“Yeah,” he drawls, voice dripping with derision, “we’ll never know. Since I had to go and tear my fucking ACL.”
He starts pacing the floor in front of the bed, his gait getting jerkier and more uneven the longer he walks. On one pass, he kicks at a decorative pillow, sending it flying across the room. You pull your legs to your chest and wrap your arms around your knees - it’s not the moment to try and talk to him, he won’t listen to any platitudes you could say.
Andrei’s cursing in Russian now, working himself up, and since you can’t understand what he’s saying, you have no way of calming him down. He kicks another pillow and mutters a forceful “blyad,” which you actually do know and finally seems to run out of steam. His shoulders sag and he turns to look at you. You bite at your lip - he looks so tired and sad. Andrei’s carrying a heavy burden, one that he put on his own shoulders, and you just don’t know how to help him.
“I’m sorry,” he sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. You reach out a hand and grasp his other wrist, tugging gently.
“Just come to bed and sleep, okay?” You say softly. “Just sleep and if you can’t, wake me up and I’ll be here with you.”
Andrei nods and gets into bed, moving carefully and stiffly.
“You want me to rub your knee?” Your voice is quietly and tentative, as if you were trying to soothe a wild horse. You’re not sure what might set him off right now.
“Please,” he mutters. “It’s stiff.”
You hum sympathetically and drag his leg onto your lap, rubbing your hands over the muscle and digging your thumbs into the knots. He has a few scars on his shin and knee now and you’re careful around those spots, more gentle the closer you get to his knee. Andrei relaxes against the pillows as you work, closing his eyes and tucking one hand behind his head. You scrape your nails over his skin too, scratching lightly, and he sighs. You work your hands over his lower thigh too, the muscle relaxing as you work. His leg gets heavier in your lap the closer Andrei gets to sleep, when he’s not subconsciously holding some of his weight off of you. You can tell the moment he finally falls asleep - his leg is heavy on your lap and his breathing is even.
Andrei’s face is soft in sleep, the lines that were forming around his eyes and on his forehead smoothing out. He finally looks relaxed and peaceful and you hope he sleeps through the night. Carefully, you settle his leg back on the mattress and crawl up next to him, tucking yourself against his side and falling asleep quickly, emotionally exhausted.
The next morning, you wake up to an empty bed and your stomach sinks, until you smell coffee and pancakes. A small, hopeful smile fights to form on your lips and you cross your fingers that Andrei’s feeling better after last night. You tug a sweatshirt on your your head and pad downstairs.
“Morning, solnyshka,” Andrei greets you with a careful smile. It’s not quite his normal caliber, missing toothed smile, but it’s leagues better than what you’ve been getting out of him the past week or so.
“Morning,” you smile back, sitting at the counter and pulling the mug of coffee he had set out for you close. It’s doctored perfectly and you hum happily as the caffeine hits your brain. Andrei watches you with affection in his eyes.
He flips a pancake in the pan and nudges a plate towards you. “Felt like practicing my breakfast skills,” he comments idly. “Hope pancakes are okay.”
He’s always been pretty good with cooking breakfast and you know this is his way of apologizing for his outburst last night. You dig into a pancake, after drowning them in syrup, and tease, “well, they’re not your mom’s syrniki, but I suppose they’ll do.”
Andrei snorts a laugh and keeps working on his pancakes. “Next time,” he promises. He sips on his own coffee and flips another pancake onto the plate.
“I’ll hold you to that,” you mumble around a mouthful of pancake, holding your hand up in front of your mouth to block the view of your half chewed food.
He smiles at you and leans forward to swipe a drop of maple syrup off of your chin with the pad of his thumb. Holding eye contact with you, Andrei sticks his thumb in his mouth and licks it clean. Your stomach flutters with want and it’s nice to know that Andrei clearly still wants you. Your cheeks heat up and Andrei’s smile becomes a little shy when he turns back to the bowl of batter.
You eat quietly while he alternated between making pancakes and eating them. The silence is comfortable though, not as tense as it has been and you’re hoping this means Andrei is turning a corner.
“So,” he starts, once he’s finished with the pancakes. His back is to you while he washes the frying pan and batter bowl. The set of his broad shoulders is stiff and he’s holding himself like he’s trying to curl inward and protect himself. You wait. “I’m not going to Long Island. I made the decision not to travel.”
“Oh,” you reply, not really sure how he’s feeling about that choice. His tone is carefully neutral and you can’t see his face. “Did, um, what did Rod say?”
You hold your breath while you wait for Andrei to reply. He scrubs at the bowl and says, “he wants me to come. Team wants me to come, but I can’t go. I don’t want to go.”
“I think that it’s okay if you don’t go,” you say gently. “If…if that’s going to make you feel better -“
“Both options suck,” he cuts you off harshly. “I go, but I don’t play? Terrible. I watch from the couch? Terrible. I just want to play and win.”
His shoulders are practically up by his ears now and you hop off the stool, slipping around the island, and lightly press the palm of your hand between his shoulder blades. He leans subtly against your touch and you can feel his muscles shift and relax. Encouraged by his reaction, you scratch your nails gently against the fabric of his shirt and say, “it sucks, Drei. It really just sucks and I don’t know what to say.”
“I wish I could play,” he says softly, sounding so miserable your heart breaks into little pieces. He’s been so positive and strong since the initial injury, you should’ve expected that the playoffs would be hard.
Your hand slides from his back around his side and up over his chest, resting against his heart. You tap your fingers against his shirt and he looks down at your hand before looking over at you. “You will play again, you know that. Next year is going to be amazing for you,” you can feel emotion clogging your throat. “Andrei, I know it’s horrible now, but I think you should go to Long Island. You’re going to be even more upset if you’re not there supporting the boys.”
“It’s too hard to watch from the press box,” he mutters.
“I think it’s going to be harder for you to watch from the couch,” you reply. Your lips twist up in a sly smirk, “unless you would rather be on the couch with me to distract you from the game.”
Andrei scoffs, but there’s no real heat in it. It seems like he’s just drained. “Can’t just fuck away the pain of missing the playoffs,” he says, a little sharper than he probably meant to.
“I could give it the old college try,” you tease, fingers dancing over his chest, trailing down low on his stomach. You know he’s not in the mood and you would never take it that far when he’s being vulnerable with you, but your movements do get a genuine, if small, smile from your boyfriend and that’s really all you can ask for right now.
“Come with me,” he says abruptly. “To Long Island. You can’t sit with me in the press box, but please be there?”
“I can make that work,” you laugh a little. Growing serious, you continue, “even if I couldn’t, you know I’m always there for you, right?”
Andrei nods. “I know. I haven’t been doing a very good job of showing it.”
You press your cheek against his bicep, giving it a quick little kiss. “You’ve been going through so much, give yourself a break. The past month has been a lot,” you smile a little against his arm. “Besides, if you’d like to make it up to me, graduation is coming and presents are always appreciated.”
That gets a genuine laugh out of Andrei and he shifts, dropping the bowl into the sink and wrapping you up in a hug so your chest is pressed against his. He kisses the top of your head and holds you close. “I’m sorry, solnyshka. I know I haven’t been the easiest this past week. I’ve been a zasranets.”
“If that means jerk, then yeah,” you laugh against his chest. His heart beats rhythmically under your cheek and you feel safe and secure. After the rollercoaster of this past week, it’s so nice that he’s talking again.
“Asshole, actually.”
“That too.”
“I love you.”
“Ya tebya lyublyu.”
Andrei groans and you laugh. “Fuck, maybe you can distract me by riding my dick,” he teases, immediately aroused by your minimal grasp on the Russian language. He’s been trying to teach you, but only a few phrases here and there have stuck. You’re not above weaponizing them to get what you want out of Andrei. But this time you just wanted to distract him from the heaviness of the conversation.
“I can always try,” you grin, pulling back a little and reaching up to kiss him. “I wouldn’t mind listening to your thoughts either, you know, if you want to talk about things.”
“I know,” he rests his chin on the top of your head and you feel his jaw working a little. “I never thought this would happen to me, you know? Even after Geno, I think, don’t worry Andrei, that won’t happen to you. And then it did.”
“And then it did,” you agree softly, thrilled that he’s opening up. It’s always better when you and Andrei talk.
“What if I’m not as good as I was?” The question is practically a whisper.
You lean back and look up at him, Andrei’s arms wrapped loosely around your back. His face is serious. “That’s a possibility,” you reply honestly and his lips turn down into a deeper frown, but you rush continue. “But I know you, Andrei Svechnikov, and I know that you’re going to work that muscled ass of yours off until you’re even better than you were before the injury.”
His eyes look suspiciously damp and he smiles weakly. “I hope you’re right, solnyshka,” he says, sighing.
You quirk an eyebrow at him. “When will you learn, Mister Svechnikov? I’m always right,” you wink at him and he laughs. “Now,” you continue, “let me go so I can buy a plane ticket.”
Wiggling from his grip, you giggle, feeling lighter than you have all week. Andrei reaches for your hand as you dance away, catching the tips of your fingers and bringing them to his mouth to kiss.
You know it’s not going to be smooth sailing from here, even if and especially if the Canes continue to progress, but Andrei is definitely worth it.
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bakathief · 1 month
I'm a little shy! But I would like to express my amazement and admiration! A while ago I found your Shadow Chase art, I loved it and became a fan, you create very funny stories and your art is beautiful, but that's not the point, I started following you because of that, but then I realized that you have many others projects and You are also very busy with your personal life. My question is how is everything organized and planned to advance a project despite academic/work responsibilities? I've seen that you even have collaborations with others and I keep thinking "this person is great." As a final note, I just want to leave my good wishes and hope you have a nice week. <3
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Gosh, so many compliments in one ask, I‘m still a little loss for words. Thank you so much for reading my work and looking into my other projects, collabs and art! I hope you‘ve been enjoying them. ❤️ 
I think there is no denying that I need to organize myself a little bit to make everything work. I think I‘ve always used drawing, especially drawing comics, as a way to breathe and when I started uni I promised myself I would continue drawing somehow. The first semester was hell, but I finished all the way. 💪 And I had the same mindset for working, so when I started this year I was very motivated to draw. Lol I think it also helped that I had several different projects to work on so when I wasn’t in the mood for black and white I would move to something colorful. Comics also offer the possibility to work on different parts. Do I want to work on the story, on the storyboards, on the actual drawings or just editing…? A lot of options. And this is something which I heard on a video on AI but artist and creative people in general don‘t create in other to have more content but to get something out of their head and feel the satisfaction of creating a certain idea and I felt that very much. And then there is the joy of collabs and while there were unfortunately more failed attempts at collabs I’m very glad for those which eventually resulted in great projects. ❤️ I might have to take actual breaks from drawing when I get back to my thesis. I finished all the work but need to write the discussion part and wow, how much I don‘t wanna work on that. 
Currently I use my time on commutes for drawings digitally or making storyboards. In the evening I finish private stuff and when time is left I work on traditional art. Shadow Chase is the only project where I try to have an overview on how many pages I have done and want to finish before the next upload. Other works can usually go up once finished. When I create something for fan projects like zines, bigbangs, etc. I usually just try to finish said project right away. I don‘t like procrastinating (except my thesis I guess) and rather have stuff than can be finished done right away and focus on my other projects again.  Shades of Tourmaline was definitely my biggest collab project yet and with the amount of art planned it took like 3 years to finish because that was something I couldn‘t get done right away. 😂 fortunately clef was very patient with me (and kept me distracted with new collabs, oops). 
The short answer would be I try to draw as much as possible because it is just a lot of fun with the additional bonus of entertaining a few people. ❤️ 
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chenfordspiral · 6 months
AO3 Wrapped, 2,5,7,23😊
2. How many works did you publish this year?
I published a total of 21 works, which is actually wild because I didn’t expect to even get into double digits when I started.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Honestly? Most of them. I went in expecting nothing when I first posted in April ‘23, and the response to that fic kind of overwhelmed me, but in good way. And it’s pretty much been like that ever since. If I had to pick one aside from the very first one, I’d say it’s either my 4x18 AU or the MCD I wrote when I was not in a good mood (I’m still so very sorry for that one, but worry not, my partner in chaos still yells at me for it).
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
As much as I wanna say it’s Taylor Swift, I only really started listening to her songs in like June or July so I don’t have that many lyrics from her yet. There’s many different artists I pulled lyrics from in 2023, and, huh, even though there’s only two from Taylor, she’s the only one up there more than once so I guess my answer is Taylor after all 😂
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
Nope, although @escapismqueen and I have been trying - and obviously failing - to write something together since May. Yes, MAY. We even got tons of prompts because we asked the people of tumblr to send us some. But somehow we just can’t get our shit together lmfao. But I’d love to (actually) collaborate with someone and see what it’s like to work out a story together. Maybe bestie and I can try and put our heads together again. Or if anyone else is interested 👀
Thanks for sending some questions! 🤗
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theangryjikooker · 9 months
Hmmm the current situation has me in a weird mood. Not sure why I’m sending this! I really like your blog and I saw many people sharing their views.
Is that weird if even though I have always described myself as a jikooker/supporter/whatever, some part of me hope the rumor about Jk having someone is true while another part don’t? I don’t know if anyone can relate but what I mean is, I’ve always had some doubts, but I liked shipping them and somehow hoped they’re a thing because I’m a romantic at heart and they seem like a good match. Amazing chemistry, they’re so cute together and many questioning moments. They’re both my biases also. But at the same time I’m totally aware that I’m sometimes a bit too invested and wasting too much time online over this? Scrolling down social media, interacting with other Jikookers… it’s not like I spend days on end over it but lately I’ve been feeling guilty about it. I have so many different hobbies in life but I tend to hyper fixate. It’s sooo annoying because rather than spending time reading blogs on Tumblr I could go read more or invest way more time on learning Korean, among other things. I thought eventually learning about them being potentially involved with someone else would disturb me because of the bit of time I invested in the ship but surprisingly… not really. As long as they’re happy, I don’t really care. Which was not the reaction I was expecting from myself, to be honest. It seems like I’m making progress hahaha. It’s like right now I’d like a "confirmation" because I’m really intrigued and way too curious and at the same time I could close this chapter and move on (the shipping part I mean, I’ll still support Jikook’s bond whatever it is and BTS as a whole). But I know I’ll miss shipping for fun and coming here to scroll the tag! It probably means I should take some distance though. But I’m so curious I know this is going to itch me like crazy! What the heck should I do what is this mess xD
PS: I agree with last anon. This video should not have happened but from the pov of the person behind it, why not showing them kissing or something that leaves no doubt behind? That’d be pretty clear and shut deniers mouth (well, for the most part, we know some are delusional anyway). Weird.
All valid!
I joked earlier on—really early on—that I hoped some news would come out regarding their individual dating life just so there’s an end to the debate because regardless of what side of the camp you’re on, being inundated with discourse is mentally taxing.
I just didn’t take into account that I’d also be affected if “news” actually did come out. It’s not an intense feeling for me at all, but I like having a reason to dissect things with a critical eye for fun, and having a stake in those opinions. Maybe I should redirect my efforts into getting a PhD for shits and giggles to occupy my time. 😂
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aikatoru · 5 months
Looking back at my old posts from my old deactivated blogs is weird, it’s like I knew I posted them, I remembered posting them but at the same time it feels like a ghost of a time. I do miss those times, it was much simpler somehow, I do miss my old friends it was always fun talking with people and tagging each other in tag games and events. But I know now that moots does not automatically equal friends, although that was what I used to think and I still do want to be friends with all of my moots.
I hold no hatred for the people I’ve blocked, for the bridges burned, we had our reasons, we’ve both hurt and been hurt but I’ll always cherish the good times. I especially miss those that have deactivated and haven’t come back, shoutout to Jules, Stella and Kayuzu!! You’ll forever be remembered fondly by me!
Also I do want to thank all my friends/moots who have stuck by me! Especially those that have known me since my first blog!! I love y’all!! You can always talk to me and reach out to me, but fair warning I’m a pretty boring conversationalist, I tend to get dry on topics very fast 😂😂😂
But if you ever need a friend to listen, vent or hype you up you can always come to me!! I can give some pretty solid advice too if you want 🤭
Sorry didn’t mean for this to get this long, felt like I was in a loving mood. Also don’t hold onto hatred, just try to let things go. It’s much better and healthier! 🫶💕
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sun-lit-roses · 1 year
Brief Candle
I’m back! The holidays kinda took me out of the mood to watch new things rather than binge Star Trek for the eleven billionth time, but new year, new Stargate episodes! Booyah! Here we go, Season 1, Episode 9:
Okay I’m thinking Greek this time?
Yay, so is Daniel! I feel so smart.
Well, childbirth is something new for the series, sure.
Love everyone automatically looking at Sam. Just because she has the same parts doesn’t mean she knows what the hell to do 😂 Same, Sam.
I’ve missed the intro music 💗
Of course Daniel knows what to do! He’s our hero!
Well. Theoretically, he knows what to do. But they aren’t going to kill off a baby in the first ten minutes of the show, so I have high hopes.
Jack and Teal’c have noped out of that situation. Mood.
Aw, a baby! That is clearly not a newborn. But a baby!
Everyone is young and pretty - what is this, a teen drama?
Wow, this lady is not subtle at all.
And yet Jack is somehow startled by ‘the cake is only for you.’
Sam is definitely not surprised. Is laughing at your CO against regulations?
Also, all I can think of is ‘the cake is a lie.’ Wrong decade. But still.
Ma’am, you’re supposed to wait until your crush can’t see you before you trade high fives with your besties.
Oh good, the time honored tradition of tormenting your teammates is alive and well in Stargate. Always my favorite part 😁
Okay, judging by that last look Jack gave Sam for giggling, laughing at your CO might not be against regulations, but it is definitely not recommended if you want to stay out of the dog house. Or KP duty. Whatever.
Oh no, his vision’s going all fuzzy! WAS THE CAKE A LIE
She drugged him and is now... dancing for him? Oh and now dragging him away, that’s a little more what I expected.
Um, shouldn’t the team be fighting a little harder to intervene? This seems out of character? He just got dragged off by an alien stranger?
So the roofie wore off, Jack has no idea what happened, and he may have killed a woman with sex? This episode took a left.
Oh, everyone is just asleep. But then why does Jack look so freaked out? I mean, other than the roofie thing.
Ooooo awkward.
Bet there’s not training in ‘how to greet your team while wearing a sheet.’ I also bet that Jack wishes there was.
I can’t tell if Sam is accusatory or concerned.
Well, definitely concern all around now. Passing out will do that. What all is up with that cake?? Roofie *and* universe’s best sleeping medication?
 Poor Jack. He is not having a good time.
Wait, the other people aren’t hungover. So is it not the cake that makes them pass out?
T’ealc’s ‘You never before inquired’ when Daniel asks why he didn’t tell him he knew what the temple symbols meant. He’s not wrong. 😂
Teal’c just casually opening up the statue while Daniel rambles. King.
That is a *really* cool tablet.
Aha! That’s why they made a big deal out of the birth mark! So we could identify this kid who’s growing up WAY too fast.
Wait, the original dude. He said 100 days of celebration or something. What if it’s not a festival, but some kind of sped up time thing? Sped up lives? Or is the planet sped up, and our intrepid heros are going to return home and find a year passed or something?
Looks like the former! So does each day equal one year for these people?
I’d make a joke about cradle robbing, but since Jack was drugged and not consenting, I’ll refrain. Also, if it’s 1 day = 1 year, then 31 years seems respectable.
A virus?
Oh no, that means Jack only has 100 days to live?! Or less, maybe? Not sure how that translates if they start out older. He was growing on me!
Whoa that sunset came on fast.
Yay, it’s the Cool Doc again! I’m glad she came back. She better not die like Kowalsky did after two episodes. I’ve got trust issues with this show now.
Floppy disks. Now there’s a throwback.
OH great, starting out older sounds like it accelerates this? So how much time does he have??
Holy receding hairline, Batman.
I mean, he’s right to send them away, best to be on the safe side and they can make trips for info that they need. I’m glad their disease protocols are improving! Although considering they let Carter traipse back and forth... still not great.
Nanotech? Will that be easier to destroy than a normal virus? Just wave a big EMP in Jack’s direction, see what happens?
Pretty sure arguing with the statue isn’t a *great* use of your time, Jack, but I can’t really blame you.
I’m not sure yelling at the woman about the only culture she’s ever known is really going to help matters here.
How does their aging work anyway - everyone looks young. Where are the people who are 70 or 80 days old? Or do they not visibly age after a certain point? But they don’t seem surprised by Jack’s appearance, so that doesn’t make sense.
Also, is there just like a *massive* graveyard somewhere if people are dying off so quickly?
I really need to stop trying to figure out the internal logic of a planet that, based on how the show has gone so far, we’re never going to see again.
How does Jack know that there isn’t like a forcefield or laser grid to keep the Chosen from leaving? I guess they probably scanned the area for things like that.
This is... possibly very sweet? I know Kynthia is trying to be nice, but sex really can’t solve everything, honey.
Also, are they going to have sex right in front of the Stargate? What if someone comes through. All ‘We have a cure!... OH.’
Could we have a Jack episode that *doesn’t* make me want to cry? Please?
Well, that’s taking de-throning a god very seriously.
Okay, this has been bugging me the whole time, WHERE do I know the blonde female alien from? The actress, I mean. I’m going to have to look her up after the episode, aren’t I.
They’re going to run into some sort of forcefield by leaving the village aren’t they?
There is some sort of... something? They’re awake? Jack isn’t younger, though.
The statue! Has a blinky thing!
Our team to the rescue!
They fixed everyone and Jack gets to live. Love a happy ending.
Aw. Maybe Kynthia can fall for someone new with all the years she has now. Maybe without drugging them first this time.
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emisirrelevant · 11 months
Today’s prompt is: Pom poms up
Continuing with my contributions for the week, as this is a lyric from Shut Up and Cheer, I will give my song commentary and analysis of it.
The fact I have been in Eva’s place before actually (minus the people dying, but the drama, OH GOD. Yes, I can confirm even SWIM TEAM can have drama. And not the drama in the musical theater way)
•”In a room full of people who have clearly mad bad choices, I may be the stupidest one here”
•Now WOAH WOAH WOAH. There’s so much to say here.
•FIRST, I LOVE THIS LINE. What a BANGER opening line
•It says a LOT in one line
•effective ways to start a song: be Eva in WATT
•Also just Sydney Parra. That’s all.
•Finally, I just realized could this lyric still technically work if you swapped “people” and “choices”?
•“in a room full of choices who have clearly made bad people” idk 😂
•”Cause having heard the stories, and knowing all the drama” Eva my beloved come here I will give you all the hugs
•”I still said I’d join the murder squad this year” Omg an alternative title for WATT? “Murder Squad the Musical”
•and technically if we’re getting logical Riley is the main agent because Reese k wording Clark was an accident but yeah okay anyway
•”I swore that lightning won’t strike twice, and surely this is all under control” oh honey- YOU GOT A BIG STORM COMING
•”This school costs more than I can say, they straight up comped me 60k” HONEY THAT SHOULD’VE BEEN THE WARNING SIGN/FIRST RED FLAG
•”but also I’m afraid I sold my soul” Never would I have thought to comment here and make a connection to Faust but curse that one college course that made me read Faust- I have a feeling Eva would hate Goethe too
•”So I can say no this shit is insane” THE WAY SHE ADDS A BIT OF A GROWL ON “SHIT”
•”Or I can keep my cool and stay in my lane” ME when there was drama on my swim team and I was not living for it and just trying to live my own life
•“They won’t even know that I am here” In other situations I would say oof Eva deserves to shine for sure, I mean yeah she only gets like this song but yeah I understand she was the new girl so she only just got there but it makes sense to me and I’m glad Preston put in in the album because it gives us HER perspective like “do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head” also maybe it’s a good thing Eva was masking because imagine if Riley went after her next
•”I have worked so hard for so much less” OOOOOOOH TOO RELATABLE, RELATABLE LINE ONCE AGAIN
•”I think maybe every high school is a mess” Eva you couldn’t be more real in this song I swear
•”you want a little structure, you just want a smaller class size, and somehow you have ended up in hell” can also confirm
•”if everyone seems crazy maybe I’m the one who’s crazy” Eva is just so real
•also quick psa, on a musical side note, I LOVE THE PIANO MELODY/RYTHYM IN THIS SONG!!
•”and all of them are doing really well” girl you’re probably the most stable one here tbh
•”or see these goddamn girls won’t get in my way” I kind love how she sings this line, tbh part of me feels like she’s letting some inner Riley out
•“shut up and cheer and back awaaaaaAAAAAaaaAay” YES EVA SING
•”complicated god I know it, I’m afraid but I won’t show it” also a mood
•”I can pray that they’ll outgrow it” Well thank god most of them did (rip we’ll never know about Chess and Farrah if they lived tho)
•”take a chance and make it through the year” LOVE how the instrumental builds up through this section
•”get in the clear” I’m sensing the double meaning here
•”And say that life’s not fair, oh I’ve so been there” who hasn’t tbh
•“Shut up and cheer ready ok”
EVA MY BELOVED. My favorite real icon and to think it started from just delivering pizza. This whole song is just one giant mood. I love it.
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goldenfharry · 1 year
To be honest, 2022 wasn’t a good year for me. May I add, It was one of the worst. I had some great memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life, but overall, I’m glad it’s over. 2022 taught me a lot. And it certainly wasn’t fun stuff. Despite that, I want to thank you all. I want to thank you for being my company when you didn’t knew I needed it. If there’s one thing that made me happy this year, it was this blog. I felt like I had a place on earth and that I could do it, somehow. You were all my company when I had none. When I was broken and felt left out. So with this, I want to say, you are special. If you are reading this, and somehow you were here this year, you will be forever marked in my life. And I can’t thank you enough. I don’t know if it makes sense to keep this blog. I feel that when I needed a break and I stop discussing some topics here, a lot of people simply moved on and never came back. It’s fine, it served its purpose. I’m okay with it.
We won a battle and we have great memories to share. I think I will be stubborn and still keep it, because despite all, this was my therapy for so long. It will always be my happy place.
And you were all my friends! God, I hope 2023 will be a better year. I sure need it! 😂
Not everyone has happy rewinds today. Not everyone is happy today. I’m not in my best mood to be honest. And that’s okay. If you are feeling it like me, it will pass and you will come back stronger. But I really needed to stop by and thank you all.
I love you, thank you for being here, my little ones. May the Fine Line anthem be true in your 2023. We’ll be alright. 🫂 Mia 💛
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andreafmn · 2 years
Get to Know Me
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Well, somehow I’m nearing 1K followers and I have no idea how!! Thank you to everyone who has followed me and enjoys my writing. When I published my first story I never thought I could get here.
I thought it was long overdue to do a little get-to-know-me tag so you guys can learn about who I am. Also, I am always in the search for new friends since I suck at making them. So, if you want to be mutuals, let me know!
1. Name
2. Age
3. Big 3 Zodiac
Capricorn Sun, Leo Rising, Cancer Moon
4. What do most people not know about you?
I am audhd (autistic and ADHD), mixed with some generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, and severe depression. Oh, and I have IBD 😅
5. What do most people know you for?
Anything artsy and manual. From doing hair to makeup and nails, to painting and drawing, to singing or playing the clarinet, to party decor and cooking, to building stuff and carpentry.
6. Hobbies
Anything I can do with my hands.
7. What are your passions/special interests?
Makeup, reading, writing, music, human behavior
8. What do you search for in a significant other?
Stability, loyalty, faithfulness, understanding, provider, a best friend.
9. What are you most proud of?
Still being alive.
10. When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love?
11. What do you find attractive that others might find unusual?
Good eyebrows.
12. List 10 things off of your bucket list.
Finish and publish a book
See all of 1D in concert (even if as solo artists; 1 down 3 to go (we no longer claim Liam))
Go to Germany
Travel through Europe
Get married
Host an amazing Christmas party
Act in something
Get on the New York's Bestseller list
Buy a house
13. What was the last thing you learned?
You shouldn't carry the responsibility of a one-sided relationship, even if the other person makes the falling out your fault.
14. How many relationships have you been in?
0, but a fair share of situationships and talking stages 😅
15. Favorite food
16. Favorite drink
I always have three drinks on hand. So the top 3 are coffee, Coke, and either orange juice or water.
17. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?
I've not received very memorable birthday gifts but I do love a huge Funko Oogie Boogie my sister got me.
18. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
Many would say pessimistic, but I’ve always been a realist.
19. Do you sleep during class?
Tried not to.
20. What is the most expensive thing you own?
My laptop, I think.
21. What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own?
22. How many times a day on average do you check your phone?
Too many to count.
23. Text or call?
Text. I don’t even answer calls from my friends sometimes 😂
24. Opinion on long-distance?
It’s not for everyone. It requires a lot of work, communication, and trust, and certain people have love languages where long distance just doesn’t work.
25. In your group of friends, what role do you play?
Normally they call me the mom friend, but I like to think I'm more of like the grandma friend 😂
26. Favorite song?
At the moment, a tie between Matilda by Harry Styles and You Might Not Like Her by Maddie Zahm. But it changes with my mood and hyper fixations.
27. Favorite artist?
Too many to count. A few include: One Direction (together and as solo artists), Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Bad Bunny, Maneskin, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray, Maddie Zahm, Billie Eilish, and so many more.
28. Celebrity crush/crushes?
I could be here for hours and I’d never run out of names.
29. When was the last time you read for fun?
Last night.
30. Favorite flower?
31. What is the best gift you could receive right now?
Money 😭
32. Any guilty pleasures?
Reality tv
33. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?
The chemical imbalance in my brain.
34. What do you search for in a friend?
Understanding, sense of humor, open mindedness, extroverted enough to get me out of my comfort zone but can understand my limits as an introvert. Just an all-around good person.
35. How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month?
A few times.
36. Where did you last go other than your room/home?
The movies.
37. Why do bad things happen to good people?
Karmic balance.
38. In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out or being stabbed in the eye?
In terms of physical pain, obviously the eye. But emotionally, being left out hurts everywhere and for longer.
39. How many green shirts do you own?
Not many. Been trying to buy more clothes with color but somehow still gravitate toward black.
40. Do you like anime?
Kinda. I would like it a lot more if my sister hadn’t ruined anime for me 😂
41. What do you invest the most time in?
Writing, watching things I enjoy, (wallowing in self pity and drowning in existential dread), cooking.
42. What was the name of the last book you read?
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
43. What's one place you've traveled to that you never want to go back to?
New York City
44. Where are you most productive?
In a comfortable space with people that don’t drain my energy.
45. List 3 things you enjoy doing with friends.
Go to the beach, play board/card games, just talk.
46. List 3 things you enjoy doing alone.
Watch stuff, anything artistic, cook.
47. Do you believe world peace will ever exist?
Nope. Peace can’t exist without a little chaos.
48. Do you have any allergies?
I get some seasonal allergies and I am allergic to mites. An allergy test said I’m a little allergic to cats and dogs but I choose to ignore that.
49. When was the last time you cussed at someone?
Probably a few minutes ago, I cuss a lot.
50. What's the story behind one of your scars?
My biggest scar is on my forehead. Basically, it was the day of my parent's wedding anniversary, and my sister and I were being watched by my grandmother. We were on the couch watching Clifford the Big Red Dog when my 3-year-old self decided to go to our shared room and grab a purple comb a teacher had gifted my sister. I brought it out to the living room very excitedly and my sister got pissed, she was around six years old at the time. We lived in an apartment that was kind of open concept with a structure in the middle where the bathroom was that basically made the whole thing a circle. She got up from the couch and started chasing me through the circle. We went three rounds, and on the third one, I looked back for a second, and when I looked forward again I fell and hit my head on the edge of the wall on top of the baseboard. Basically, a lot of blood and panic, especially from my grandma. Apparently, at some point, I told her "Grandma, why are you crying if the blood is mine?" and "Why are you crying if I'm the one that got hit?" In the end, I got four stitches and it was the first time during the whole event that I felt pain because the topical anesthesia ran out with the blood that was pouring. Now I joke that my parents should have seen me breaking my head on their anniversary as a sign that their marriage was gonna end.
51. What was your last dream about?
An x-rated dream that featured one of my best friend’s sister 😬
52. If you won a trip to Hawaii and you could take 5 people with you, who would those 5 people be?
My friend group and then pay extra for my sister.
53. How many countries have you visited?
Just the US, unfortunately.
54. What is your favorite medium of art? (Music, dance, painting, etc.)
I think I’d have to choose music, though I love everything artsy.
56. When was the last time somebody complimented you?
56. What's your favorite book?
I've always said is the Hush Hush Saga, but recently I read Instructions for Dancing and I think that one is my favorite now.
57. Do you consider yourself mature?
At times.
58. How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr?
I’d cry if I actually knew 😂
59. What is your favorite quote?
"Life is short, but also like terribly and insufferably long."
-Jenna Marbles
60. What issue will you always speak your mind about?
Basic human rights.
61. What languages do you speak?
Spanish and English.
62. Do you believe in the death penalty?
63. What are your goals for life?
Never really had any. But I guess I’d like to possibly one day become an author.
64. What do you think your soulmate is doing right now?
Not being with me, that’s for sure.
65. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world.

66. What's one of your favorite comfort foods?
Fettuccine Alfredo
67. Do you have a job?
I had to leave my job due to mental health issues and haven’t had one since then. But gonna have to start looking even for a part time one to alleviate some money issues, but every job I’ve had has given me ptsd and with my disorders it’s very hard to find something that’s not triggering.
68. Tell us a story about your childhood best friend.
We met because her brother pointed out an anime girl’s big boobs on a series my sister was watching 😂
69. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be?
No more work!
70. How many all-nighters have you pulled before?
Used to pull a lot for school, but I now only pull some when I’m hanging with friends.
71. Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website?
I think it’s safe to say yes.
72. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?
Wouldn’t know until I was actually presented with the situation.
73. Does money equal happiness?
It does help.
74. How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime?
Not that many, honestly.
75. How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime?
My whole life.
76. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
I get asked a lot for relationship advice, even though I've never been in one.
77. When was the last time you looked at the news?
Last Friday.
78. What old-school skill set do you have?
79. What is your favorite color?
80. If you could earn a million dollars by pretending to be dead for 3 years, would you do it?
81. What is your opinion on tattoos?
Love them! I personally need more.
82. What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
Normally around 10-11 pm, sometimes I push it to 1-2 am, but most of the time I wake up every few hours so I don’t really get a full uninterrupted sleep.
83. Does age necessarily equal maturity?
84. What is your favorite clothing store?
I don't really shop in stores because it is too overstimulating, but Hot Topic.
85. In the winter- beanies or gloves?
86. Would you rather have wings or a fish tail?
Wings, the ocean scares me.
87. If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it?
88. What's something that really happened to you but nobody would believe unless they were there?
My best friends and I were chased around a hotel by some creepy guys during one of their quinceañeras because another one said hi to one of the guys getting out of the elevator.
89. How many digits of pi can you recite?
3.1416, need the brain space for other useless info
90. If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be?
91. Describe yourself in one word.
92. When you want to escape from everyone, where do you go?
Inside my own head.
93. What question do you have that nobody has been able to give you a good answer to?
How does forgiving someone actually help you?
94. Where was your secret hiding place as a child?
Funny enough, in the closet.
95. Would you rather forget all of the past or remember everything in vivid detail?
Forget my past.
96. Have you ever broken a bone before?
97. Is it harder to love or to hate somebody?
98. Coffee or tea?
99. What are some little things that you do that have changed your life in a positive way?
Rest when I feel tired.
100. How many hours have you spent on Tumblr today?
Around two hours for now.
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. EMT, this one is for you. Hope you enjoy. It is a quick one, but I tried to make it a little humourous…
(PS - as a total aside, I love Léo Ferré, so definitely consider this light persuasion to move him up your list, EMT. “Avec le temps” is one of the best songs ever written, in my humble opinion. Its lyrics are literal poetry. But I confess, I’m probably closer to Brigitte’s taste, based on what we know, than Emmanuel’s. I more of a pop/rock/electronic kinda gal. If people really care so they can judge my taste, I’ll share my favorite French artist with my next story.)
He had disappeared into the kitchen over two hours ago now, and it was the silence that was starting to worry her. Him, silent? That could never be good.
He had come home, carrying six or seven bags completely full of ingredients, struggling to make it through the door into the kitchen, protesting with a gentle - “No! This is supposed to be a treat for you! Go, sit on the couch, drink some wine, and relax.”
“Okay, but I’m right out here if you need me,” she offered, wary of how this would turn out, knowing his track record was full of well intentioned gestures that somehow ended up as messes such that she finds flour behind an upper cabinet’s door three days later.
“I always need you, but not for this. I want to treat you -“
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to! Now. Sit!”
“Yes, sir,” she teased, leaving him to his own devices.
And now, two hours and almost two full glasses of her favorite merlot later, he still was fiddling with something.
She was debating if she should go check on him. The rational part of her knew one, it was probably a disaster zone by now, and two, he would be mad that she would think so little of his skills she’d check up on him; but the irrational, panicky part of her, the one that knows when they leave for the Élysée in the morning if this place isn’t spotless they would be inviting every ant in Touquet into their kitchen, her control freak need to make sure everything was ok won out.
“Chéri,” she said gently, warning him she was encroaching on his space. “What the hell?” she asked when she finally was able to see the kitchen.
He turned around to face her, his sweet face covered in white powder like the rest of the countertop around him, hair sticking up from where he had hurriedly run his hands through it as he is wont to do when he is stressed, and what could only be charitably described as an industrial sized accident on the floor.
“I, uh, ran into some issues.”
“I can see that.”
“I bought the wrong kind of flour, so I substituted what we had for what I bought and that turned out weird, so I decided to scratch that, but then I dropped the first batch on the floor, and the cornstarch I was using as a thickener kinda exploded when I opened it -“
“Chéri, maybe it’s time to call it quits on this.”
“No! I wanted to treat you to a nice, homemade, romantic dinner. I wanted to make you feel special.”
“Mon cœur, every time you look at me, I feel special. You don’t need to cook for me.”
“Well, what are we going to do, then, because I refuse to have you cook.”
“How about take out? You pick the menu, even order the dishes. But if you really want to treat me -“
“You’re cleaning up the mess this time.”
Helloooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
Léo Férre is on my “to check next” list, don’t worry hahaha And I will check it, whenever the mood sends me to it 🤭
Thank you for writhing my piece 🥰❤️
Oh I’m so melting at the idea of an Emmanuel with his face covered in white powder and hair all over the place... and for now, this is my new fave mental image of him! 😻🤏🏻🥰🤤
Hahahaha having said that, I probably would have a little heart heart if I ever found my guy “destroying” the kitchen 😅🫣 hahahaha but making him clean it all up would also be the only possible way for me 😂
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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ifidiedinadream · 1 year
I have a request, since you specialise in threesomes 😂👌
Aleksi thinks both his friends robin and samy need to get laid again (because he can't walk in on either of them jacking off one more time) and they are JUST each other's type, so he invites both of them to a hangout at his place. He thinks they'll be the first to "discreetly" leave but they only very shortly disappear in the kitchen together.
After everyone else has left but them, they straight-up ask aleksi for a threesome, you know, as a thank you for introducing them, and what better way to thank your hot friend than to put on a show for him before sucking him off and eating him out at the same time?
(Or change anything you don't like)
hello! first time writing samy as more than just an extra, hope you enjoy 🥰🥰🥰
Aleksi doesn’t even think as he opens the front door to Robin’s apartment, fresh demos in the pen drive in his hand. He could’ve sent an email but any excuse to see his good bro, maybe they can even order take out for dinner if Robin is in the mood. 
“Hey dude, it’s me, sorry to break in like this but I have the -” 
Aleksi stops and stares. He’s petrified for a moment that never seems to end. 
“Huh, hello,” Robin says. He’s equally as astounded, doesn’t remove his hand from his hard cock where he’s sitting on his couch in the living room. “Maybe I should, uhm. Put this away.” 
Robin hastily tucks himself in, when the initial panic makes room for embarrassment. 
“Yeah, maybe you should.” 
“Having the keys to my apartment doesn’t mean you don’t have to ring the bell, you know,” Robin remarks, but he sounds playful. 
Okay, maybe Aleksi has the bad habit of not making his entrances known. Maybe this isn’t the first time he walks in on Robin. But maybe Robin is at fault too. 
“You jerk off too much. You need to get laid.” 
“There’s no such thing as jerking off too much,” Robin protests. “Also, if you find me someone to hook up with, be sure to let me know.” 
Aleksi rolls his eyes and Robin laughs as he stands up. Aleksi waves the pen drive in Robin’s face, changing the subject. 
“Wanna listen to these?” 
Robin’s face lights up. “Sure! Let’s go.” 
When Aleksi rolls up to the studio, he knows he’ll find Joel and Samy there. The Lost Society album is almost done and Joel has featured vocals in it, also he developed a habit of spending extra time at the studio with Samy to hang out and listen to Nine Inch Nails together. Just edgelord things, Aleksi guesses. 
So when he walks in (he needs something for work he doesn’t have in his home studio), he’s more than surprised to only find Samy there. Samy, seemingly having some quality time with himself on the couch. 
“I’m fucking cursed,” Aleksi says, mostly to himself, as he facepalms hard. Samy is looking up at him like a deer in the headlights. Aleksi gets deja-vu. 
“This is a public space,” Aleksi says when Samy doesn’t move. “Also, where’s Joel?” 
“He’s - uhm,” Samy takes the hint and puts himself back in. “He’s gone home ‘cause he has his brothers over tonight.” 
“And you aren’t home because…?” 
“Because I need to finish this song.” 
Aleksi sighs. How many times has he, and his bandmates as well, uttered this exact sentence? But still, it doesn’t look like Samy was exactly working. 
“...I was taking a break,” Samy explains, catching on to Aleksi’s perplexity. 
“It’s that I haven’t got laid in a while! Sorry!” 
Aleksi huffs a laugh. It’s not that big of a deal, he’s just incredulous that it keeps happening. He should really just learn to knock… 
“So, you’re currently looking for someone to shag?” 
Samy is looking at Aleksi with big brown eyes and a flush across his face. 
“I mean… if it were to happen, I wouldn’t be against it.” 
Aleksi smirks, suddenly a plan starts taking form in his brain. 
“Wait - what do you…” 
Before Samy can ask the question, Aleksi grabs the piece he needed and heads off. 
He’s somehow imagining Samy’s face even more dumbfounded than earlier. 
Aleksi’s plan involves a house party and just the right amount of alcohol. Robin and Samy don’t really know each other, even though they have quite a few mutual friends. 
Different music genres, Aleksi thinks, but many similarities. It could get interesting. 
(Robin once told him he was somewhat attracted to Joel’s edginess, his long hair. Aleksi knows for a fact he likes tattooed men. Samy once admitted to liking sunshine boys with a golden retriever personality. It’s a match made in heaven, if you ask him.) 
So when the party starts and he spots them chatting in a corner, he thinks everything is going according to plan. He keeps an eye on them the whole evening, reckoning they might leave together soon, and it’s what he thinks has happened after he gets distracted with Joel for a moment and can’t see them anymore. 
My job here is done. 
Aleksi feels at peace with himself. He did a good deed. What a great friend he is. 
When they reappear from the kitchen, he’s rather surprised. Oh. He doesn’t really wanna know what went down in his kitchen, but he’ll make sure to sanitize every surface before he cooks in there again nonetheless.  
He hopes they had fun, though. Maybe he’ll stop walking in on them beating their meat at the least convenient of times. 
He notices that while everyone is leaving, they don’t seem to be planning on getting up from his couch. And when they’re the very last guests in Aleksi’s house, Robin is eyeing him (he’s been trying to clean up, sweeping the floor) with a smirk and a glass of something in his hand. 
(Samy is staring at him and holding a glass too, but it’s most likely only soda, so it’s somehow less intimidating.) 
“What?” Aleksi asks when none of them utters a word. 
“We wanted to thank you for, y’know, introducing us,” Samy says. He grabs Robin’s free hand in his and Aleksi wants to snort. 
“No problem,” Aleksi says, resuming his sweeping. “Just make sure you won’t masturbate in my vicinity again.” 
“We really wanted to… thank you,” Robin says and Aleksi glances at them again, kinda creeped out. 
“You’re welcome?” 
“Let us show you how grateful we are,” Samy says. They both stand up, walk over to Aleksi slowly. Aleksi steps back reflexively. 
“Are you guys okay?” 
“Yeah, more than okay,” Robin turns to Samy to smile at him. 
God, what did Aleksi do? 
“Look Ale,” Samy says. “You’re hot. We both think so. Will you let us return the favor?” 
Aleksi looks between the two of them, only slightly panicking. He’s not one to turn down a fuck, actually he can’t really find a reason to decline. Just a bit of affection between bros, right? 
He can already feel his eyelids grow heavy. 
“What do you have in mind?” 
“Robbari, what about we put on a little show for him first? So he can get into the mood.” 
“Sounds good to me. Since you seem so obsessed with walking in on me jacking off all the time, I figure you might have a thing for watching.” 
Aleksi feels himself blush but his dick in his jeans is responding. So he just drops the broom, grabs a chair and puts it across from the couch. He sits down on it. 
“He’s game,” Samy tells Robin. “Let’s get back to the couch, shall we?” 
They start making out as soon as they sit down, moaning in their kiss like their life depends on it. It’s hot and Aleksi starts palming himself through his jeans gently, bulge hot under his own touch. 
Robin and Samy part and the latter spits on his hand. That same hand is suddenly shoved inside Robin’s pants, and Aleksi mimics the gesture. 
He takes himself out when he’s fully hard, his own pumps in sync with Robin’s moans. Robin pulls Samy’s cock out, jerking him off in turn. They start kissing again, sloppily enough for Aleksi to hear it. Aleksi’s pace quickens. 
Robin comes before Samy, with a loud groan and a stain of cum Aleksi will have to wash from the couch later on somehow. He doesn’t think about it at the moment; he only thinks of Robin’s glistening lips, his neck fully on display since his head is sent back, the arching of his spine and the inane, erratic rolling of his hips. 
Only when he’s done does Robin focus on Samy again, leaning over and hovering over his crotch before taking him into his mouth. Samy, already on edge, lets out a whimper and grabs Robin’s head. He comes shortly after, down Robin’s throat, a drop landing on the side of his mouth like he’s some sort of porn star. It stays there. Aleksi can’t stop looking at it. 
They sit up. Aleksi is still with a hand around his dick, but he stopped moving. He’s so hard it’s starting to be painful. 
“Come here?” Robin asks, a kind smile on that beautiful cum-stained face of his. 
“Sure,” Aleksi says before he even registers the words. He joins them on the couch, sits between the two of them. Robin grabs his face and kisses him and Aleksi takes the opportunity to lick the drop of cum away from his skin. Samy slides down from the couch to the floor. 
“We won’t need these,” Samy says, taking Aleksi’s jeans and underwear and pushing them down. He feels a finger running along the thigh where the tattoo is. “Pretty.” 
Robin breaks the kiss, making Aleksi wish for more. “Mind if we switch places?” he asks Samy. Samy nods, and suddenly Robin is sitting on the floor between Aleksi’s legs, while Samy is beside him on the couch, massaging his chest where he unbuttoned his shirt. 
Aleksi thinks Robin is about to blow him any minute now, so his next sentence throws him off. 
“Keep your legs up.” 
Aleksi obeys, puts his feet on the edge of the couch, knees close to his chest but parted. 
“No. More.” 
Aleksi is about to voice his confusion when Samy grabs his knee and forcefully pushes it back, causing Aleksi to slide backwards in his seat, exposing more of himself to Robin. Oh. 
“Thanks, Samy,” Robin says with a smirk. Soon, he starts mouthing at Aleksi’s hole, making the latter sigh. Oh, indeed. 
In the meantime, Samy, dodging Aleksi’s legs up in the air, bends over over him and starts sucking him off. The combo of sensations is a lot for Aleksi, who’s digging in the flesh of his legs with his nails, the feeling so intense he can feel himself go blind. 
Robin is spreading his cheeks open for better access, the tip of his nose brushing against Aleksi’s balls every once in a while. It makes Aleksi’s head spin, but it’s the feeling of his tongue inside his hole that makes his eyes roll back, and the wet warmth of Samy’s mouth around his dick that makes him groan breathlessly. It’s the only thing he can hear alongside Robin’s and Samy’s wet sounds on his skin. 
Aleksi doesn’t know how long he’s in this state; to him it feels like an eternity, the promise of release making him irresistibly impatient, his legs beginning to get tired. When the orgasm hits it’s like a wave, hitting all at once; Aleksi moans so loud he’d be embarrassed if he actually cared. 
Robin and Samy don’t let go of him until he’s done, his whole body throbbing, dick spilling. When Samy re-emerges, he opens his mouth and shows him all the cum contained inside. Aleksi, mouth already agape from the exertion, hears another moan get out of his own throat at the sight. Robin soon emerges too, and Samy kisses him, transferring the cum to his mouth. If Aleksi wasn’t still recovering from his orgasm, still catching his breath, he’d probably come again just by seeing this. 
“So, like, thank you for introducing us I guess,” Robin says, sitting up and pulling Samy up with him. “Let’s go, babe. The party is over.” 
And with that, off they go. 
Fuck cleaning, fuck putting clothes back on, fuck going to bed. Aleksi will spend the night here in his living room, on the couch Robin stained and where he got railed, contemplating life through a lust-filled mind until he falls asleep.    
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surrealsunday · 1 year
JAIMEEEE oh God life has been hectic lately and I’m still writing down my comment on Chapter 5 (-to be fair, I’m also still writing down a response to your message on my last comment ‘cause you saying things like “[…] essentially handing over a weapon capable of hurting them terribly and silently saying “please use this to protect me instead” made me feel all sort of things 🥺♥️; I do sometimes feel like the amount of things I wanna share, comment, ask, analyze or simply share with you is never ending, and it kinda reminds me of that passage from “The Catcher in the Rye”: “what really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish you could call up the author on the phone whenever you felt like it”, and it feels so good to be able to do that with you 🫀🧠.), but I wanted to wish you a holly jolly Christmas ♥️; I hope you had a great time today, and I do appreciate you took pity on us and cut out the angst part because it’s Christmas lol, that’s quite thoughtful 💓🎄
that’s been said, it was ineffective because I’ve just finished Chapter 6 (‘cause I have no control and who needs sleep and peace of mind when you can have ✨mental scenarios and suffer✨) aND I’M GONNA SEND YOU THERAPY BILLS FOR THAT PART 💔 (hint: it involves a certain jackass called Charles. It’s not that I want to kill him, it’s a need. Like, it’s not like I really have a choice here, right? It has to be done 🐥🔪.)
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#mood #is that called chapter five or chapter fire 🔥 #somehow was fundamental to find a brätwurstel with double sauce on top of it #if you know you know 👀 #i’m not gonna elaborate #maybe it’s just what a troll in daylight eats, what do you know #oh. so you know.
Omg this message... I love you 😂❤️❤️❤️
There really is no better compliment than someone feeling they have too much to talk about when it comes to my writing. I can't tell you how much I love that 🥹! I love hearing all your thoughts. It makes writing the actual best, most fun experience.
And yes, I had a nice xmas! A lot of holiday travel stress (truly... traveling during the holidays is just not something to do) but I eventually made it and I've had a good time with fam! Headed back home today and I'm looking forward to some proper chill time now. I hope you had a lovely holiday too!
Truly the amount of times people have told me I'm gonna have to pay for their therapy bills lolol. Gonna be in debt for life (... more in debt) and yet somehow it fills me with warmth every time I hear it 😊. Also your thirst for Charles' blood... relatable. I do understand that. I definitely didn't pull punches with that storyline 😬.
The text convo and the meme tho aldkjfalsdfkjasdlf. I love so much omg. Bratwurstel... I'm dying 😂💀. Please. I mentioned I love you right? I love you.
This message was just the best and most hilarious to read while I'm sitting in the airport btw so thank you so much, my friend. Hope you'll love where the story goes from here!
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